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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

2644aa  No.4288983

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2644aa  No.4288987


are not endorsements


>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4288238 Cap of article on PG&E finding bullets in and damage to power polls

>>4288286 Pompeo praises Mexico's cooperation on border security

>>4288555 Incoming New York AG Vows to Go After Trump and His Family on State Crimes

>>4288563, >>4288838 Coast Guard is soliciting feedback on their six new polar icebreakers

>>4288713, >>4288720, >>4288725 Resignations in the news today

>>4288796 Reminder: 3 Whisle-blowers on the menu for tomorrow

>>4288868 Moar on the man who fell while at Trump Hotel in LV

>>4288902 7 dead and 46 injured in high speed train crash in Turkey

>>4288904 Reminder: Huber won’t testify before House panel on Clinton probe

>>4288943 HRC and Huma at a wedding in India

>>4288973 #5464


>>4287527 Anon's analysis of "Wizards & Warlocks"

>>4287577 Are Wildfires Making California Uninsurable?

>>4287649 China Is Now Data-Mining Directly From The Brains Of Workers

>>4287650 Pompeo Warns That Iran's Missile Program Is 'Out Of Control'

>>4287740 Clinton Foundation raises objections to reporting of the Hill’s John Solomon

>>4287752 Executive Order on Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

>>4287780 Journo Who Uncovered Organ Harvesting Gets His Day in Court

>>4287795 US not leaving Syria until Iranian forces completely withdraw: envoy

>>4287871 Pilot Survives After Crashing Plane Into the Ocean Near Hawaii, the Military Says

>>4287884 Clinton’s ‘Resistance’ Nonprofit Raised Only $3M in Donations During First Year

>>4287885 Large police presence near Hartford airport; witnesses saw plane go down

>>4287980 U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide, New Judicial Watch Special Report Shows

>>4288041, >>4288120 Bullet holes and other damages found by PG&E in a Butte County power poll

>>4288124, >>4288140 Moar on the Judge requesting FBI docs in Flynn's case

>>4288197 #5463


>>4286752 Notables from Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>4286764 Man who owns Raleigh mansion raided by FBI indicted in murder-for-hire plot

>>4286770 The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

>>4286790 Ex-Tallahassee mayor Maddox indicted in FBI investigation that hurt Gillum’s campaign

>>4286800 Massive Heroin and Fentanyl Drug Ring Bust in Bucks County, Pennsylvania

>>4286863 Climate Change Science is not Settled

>>4286870 BackyardChickenFarmerAnon on 'pecking order'

>>4286920, >>4287293 36 convicted in largest international sex trafficking ring brought down by feds

>>4286963 Theresa May’s Husband’s Investment Firm Made a “Financial Killing” from the Bombing of Syria

>>4286964, >>4287351 Moar on the pope cuting 2 cardinals from cabinet named in abuse scandal

>>4286989 Judge in the Flynn case now demanding McCabe memo, FBI 302, and other docs related to the Jan 24, 2017 interview w/Flynn

>>4287042 Anon on Black Eye Grid Outage Protection

>>4287060, >>4287179 Reminder: OBAMA CAMPAIGN PAID MASSIVE Sum To FEC For Shocking Campaign Contribution Violations

>>4287175 Statement of Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim At House Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law

>>4287214 The "Turkish" Space Agency" was established

>>4287215 New Zealand Government seeking further advice before signing UN Compact

>>4287231, >>4287264 Missing Canadian man being investigated for "harming China's National Security"

>>4287284 Article from 2016 describes the Pentagon vs CIA in Syria

>>4287346 Christopher Steele Provided Information To Longtime Clinton Crony

>>4287430 #5462

Previously Collected Notables

>>4286668 #5461

>>4284369 #5458, >>4285154 #5459, >>4285921 #5460

>>4285631 #5455, >>4283318 #5456, >>4283574 #5457

>>4279722 #5452, >>4282618 #5453, >>4282726 #5454

>>4277392 #5449, >>4277806 #5450, >>4278989 #5451

>>4275124 #5446, >>4275781 #5447, >>4276632 #5448

>>4276640 #5443, >>4273634 #5444, >>4274384 #5445

>>4270574 #5440, >>4271132 #5441, >>4272106 #5442

>>4268216 #5437, >>4268979 #5438, >>4269803 #5439

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

2644aa  No.4288990

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

2644aa  No.4288992

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

2644aa  No.4288994



2644aa  No.4288997

File: 0d35273a59ef529⋯.png (629.3 KB, 830x449, 830:449, 0d35273a59ef529d1b645a0e71….png)

Requesting Handoff

71640b  No.4289033

File: bac14d582973229⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 815x980, 163:196, Woman Baking Bread.jpg)


Hand Off Confirmed Friend

2644aa  No.4289039

File: 8e2a68446ab7ae2⋯.png (551.64 KB, 1113x3132, 371:1044, ClipboardImage.png)

Reread some of the Q&A anons, it's not just FEtards and the Rtards getting btfo'd

There IS a plan for after POTUS, that's great to hear, among other things

aef34b  No.4289040

What if we are all dead?

think matrix?

2644aa  No.4289041


thanks again baker, will only be around for a bit longer

have things to do in the morning so leaving early

f843af  No.4289043


We should hit them with D wave rays and send in the commandos. Anal probe and tag them all.

aa7b66  No.4289044

File: bf916240a22330f⋯.png (1.56 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, bda472c7ab3d33c46ae0811794….png)



TY Bakers!!!

ec4ff4  No.4289045

File: fb6f899b46a6fc8⋯.gif (203.38 KB, 800x676, 200:169, fb6f899b46a6fc898855a4349b….gif)

5befd2  No.4289046

File: 0b9d6e3e0a423a2⋯.jpeg (803.78 KB, 1396x1050, 698:525, 915C2BF6-B237-4CA2-9B39-9….jpeg)

ff13dc  No.4289047


Newfag telling anons what happened with Snowden, now? What a revelation. You're about a year late with YOUR LATEST info! STFU, lurk moar and learn, before wasting space and our time telling us what we already know. This isn't a Voat remedial program, FFS!

394935  No.4289048

File: 2a53786b998559b⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 306x335, 306:335, ADD22CF0-484D-4982-B036-EF….gif)

Going to bed, frens. Keep up the fight.

f7ff8f  No.4289049

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

f3d6cb  No.4289050

File: a6862a487c1bdfa⋯.gif (24.95 KB, 650x806, 25:31, F233597B-6DB9-4C4D-8A94-1D….gif)









Huber testifies tomorrow. Hillary and Huma are currently not in the USA right now. India.

Which got me thinking…this seems like the current conditions required to begin Q.

-In the wisdom of Q-

Define: Theater of War (purpose?)

If Theater, what are “stages?”

Does the US MIL factor in future events into their warplans? Of course, it’s how a Theater of War is established.

I’ll explain:

Everything that Q has said will happen has both happened (currently) and hasn’t happened. HRC isn’t in Prison, yet Q said she was detained 11.3, right? Wrong. That was simply a military theater opening. The ‘first’ act.

It’s also Q’s first post.

Meaning, Q is the open battle plans of what is to occur as what Q’s words are is the pure construction of the theater itself. We are witnessing a movie because we are seeing Q write the script, not because we are seeing the film live.

Time Changed due to unforeseen circumstances. “Wind the Clock with All the Markers” = 11.3 date moved forward, winding the clock so the marker realign with the current theater script.

The pressure of the DS seeing the theater becoming reality has allowed for some of Q’s posts (theater scripts that were set to occur but happened early due to DS panic because they too are reading with us and realizing they’re fucked i.e. ‘world is watching’).

If Q is the Theater, and HRC/Huma are in India during Huber’s testimony, then it’s starting to look like the movie is about to begin, and we have the script already.

Re-read from Q post #0001. Start of the movie.

Does this seem like it’s Go time?

6ce563  No.4289051

>>4288943 lb

Different dress in photo 1 with necklace. Different event or Hillary?

5befd2  No.4289052

File: b19f1f83835e3c2⋯.jpeg (76.31 KB, 623x465, 623:465, 734EC603-14F0-4C63-959E-D….jpeg)

f7ff8f  No.4289053


Great job Baker. Many thanks :)

c56637  No.4289054


Agreed, anon

There’s a lot to love in that Q&A session

71640b  No.4289055

File: 6ec2b86dbfa7749⋯.jpg (18.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, download (51).jpg)


All Good

Gona Be A Long One

d44d52  No.4289056

File: cf5148f82f55960⋯.png (772.79 KB, 981x857, 981:857, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF is this horseshit? Misinfo? Disinfo? Will Wray, Whittaker & Horowitz be there?

77e099  No.4289057


what did you expect Q to say, yes the earth is flat, yes jfk jr is alive, no we have no plan?

This was a systems stress test, and possibly a push back on story lines that are advancing too quickly. THINK. Hold the line.

2a8c70  No.4289058

File: 5d629e5435041c4⋯.jpg (122.24 KB, 497x679, 71:97, new dollas.jpg)

File: bce26da540ba0c4⋯.png (73.33 KB, 1172x692, 293:173, hr5404.png)

File: 87fa4ca11bc47b5⋯.png (94.77 KB, 1182x671, 1182:671, hr5404..png)

Have not seen other Anons posting the new dollars.

Putting it together here.

3a0162  No.4289059

c56637  No.4289060


You have less than you know.

11052e  No.4289061

Do you even intel bro?

f24cd1  No.4289062

File: e7bc9689e7d7a5a⋯.jpg (582.11 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, fictionagain.jpg)

File: 7eccb54cac6d1a4⋯.jpg (833.26 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, redpillfail.jpg)

File: f85e2943558f2b6⋯.jpg (795.83 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, redpillfailclean.jpg)

Anyone else frustrated when we visit our friends and family and they have an amazon/google spy machine in their home. We think we are red pilling them and we can't even save them from the basics? Wasn't '1984' required reading for the Boomers and X'ers?

8b3aea  No.4289063


Yet you said absolutely nothing

f7ff8f  No.4289064



Gets it :)

f5dc23  No.4289065

File: d21c706c639e8c4⋯.png (417.99 KB, 745x703, 745:703, Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at ….png)

This is probably all over the MSM news and on all front pages, right?

44740c  No.4289066

File: 3ed21e60a33138e⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 422x957, 422:957, 5d6f7523dbc48aa805a27392fa….jpg)

Slow night so here are some bewbs

9a667f  No.4289068

File: 183bc5694b7514d⋯.jpeg (231.26 KB, 1242x830, 621:415, EF6A9C7C-4557-456D-9FA3-1….jpeg)

File: d67cfafb19da818⋯.jpeg (605.05 KB, 1242x1419, 414:473, DB7A840A-BB28-42C3-B042-B….jpeg)

File: aa786b2caab454f⋯.jpeg (396.47 KB, 1242x838, 621:419, 2D5BDA22-0073-4C32-80B0-8….jpeg)

File: 559e3dd31be85bb⋯.jpeg (727.85 KB, 1242x1614, 207:269, 0BADACC2-2379-42B5-90AF-5….jpeg)

File: 85362c8a5887642⋯.jpeg (779.22 KB, 1242x1769, 1242:1769, C4010881-6610-4798-B019-4….jpeg)


9a667f  No.4289069

File: 88d5cde16cd3cc2⋯.jpeg (371.46 KB, 1242x950, 621:475, 595B7D7F-6B8F-4B1E-AFC3-8….jpeg)

11052e  No.4289070


If we are dead now, then it’s just the same as being alive. No difference.

6ce563  No.4289071


Question is the plan for 2020 or 2024? I'd they begin arrests, he might be able to bail on 2020.

e86a29  No.4289072


It was also a means for an Obama connected rogue asset to smuggle out the entire blueprint on how to beat sophisticated American intel gathering to a foreign power without raising any red flags that it was done to weaken the country by a sitting POTUS.

1) ES is made to look like some hero by the connected/controlled media as if doing a service FOR Americans

2) Intel services embarrassed globally.

3) The issue allows Obama to order a DOJ investigation which further embarrasses them, unmasks undercover assets, makes public national security related operations, etc.

4) Allows for enemy states to, immediately, duplicate and implement counter measures while, at the same time, to implement such tech into their own countries with zero oversight to harm their own populations (see China for example).

.. and the list goes on. ES was not/is not a hero. He is a traitor and I would guarantee many undercover Americans in play around the world attempting to assure the countries safety died because of what he did.

From there (right afterwards), the "migrant" rush into Europe began. European intel agencies were crippled due to what ES did as his reports undoubtedly maintained lists of their assets as well. They had no means to vet, keep eyes on and eliminate hostile actors abroad looking to infiltrate the nations of the west and they likely were made public and massacred by crazed animals in foreign countries and tortured mercilessly.

8b3aea  No.4289073


But now everyone knows about him and that he's got some things to share

432e5c  No.4289074

File: 2e98d1d1b13f243⋯.png (139.86 KB, 666x1368, 37:76, jsEFowScB7.png)



Yay the Earth isn't flat…kek <whole fam kek'd at that


Watch California (Vote Fraud)

So much win.

6bf4bb  No.4289075

thank you baker(s)


thought anons might like this

interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows the massive size and scope. Trump has got this !!

44740c  No.4289076

File: 5121bd35ceaab91⋯.jpg (23.58 KB, 450x300, 3:2, 2llpae.jpg)

5befd2  No.4289077

File: 8e8719d9d15d32c⋯.jpeg (382.24 KB, 1716x997, 1716:997, F2151D33-B6C8-4920-9B66-5….jpeg)

f47100  No.4289078


We are as dead as we will ever be. Immortality is sure something to behold.

c56637  No.4289079



I expected him to answer truthfully that questions that he could. And he did.

07e4e7  No.4289080

File: b7a860a57a0aa84⋯.jpg (207.3 KB, 953x861, 953:861, Newfriend.jpg)


<responding to a post from 5 hours ago.

<not even a LB/PB

lurky lurky..

5b1d90  No.4289081

File: a1b751bced66174⋯.png (437.14 KB, 745x440, 149:88, ClipboardImage.png)


Urban conservatives will be the only ones profiting from the Opportunity Zones.

497b0b  No.4289082

3bcb56  No.4289083


Soo happy Q answered the flat earth question.. ah, helped make my night.

Of course, the failed stress test is very troubling.

2cff63  No.4289084

File: e04b24f54854d2e⋯.png (247.94 KB, 561x218, 561:218, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4288943 (lb)

Different but similar dress, hair parted different. Looks all around different. Different day/event? Or another double?

11052e  No.4289085



f24cd1  No.4289086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks Baker!

664a6c  No.4289087

>>4288876 lb

I disagree. Too much silver pumpage out there. Rich people don't buy tons of silver.

f5dc23  No.4289088


FFS it is just a congress meeting, not a courtroom or Grand Jury.

What exactly did you think could or would get accomplished there?

8b3aea  No.4289089


By the editorial board too, not just some wankers opinion

77374f  No.4289090


In these turbulent times, the nightly blessings are appreciated anon.

3a0162  No.4289091



is your heart and mind

9a667f  No.4289092

File: f16afc8de74b328⋯.jpeg (520.74 KB, 1242x995, 1242:995, 31992A4E-5DEB-4F3E-962F-C….jpeg)


394935  No.4289093


Read the bill and ponder why it doesn’t mention coinage. Then realize that 8B in coins is nothing compared to 4T in bills.

My guess is coins will convert directly to silver.

3bcb56  No.4289094


My thoughts exactly, even though still super excited

77e099  No.4289095


Yes, that's what YOU wanted. Q wanted to know if the system will hold when inundated. Get it?

aa7b66  No.4289096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Signing off. Keep up the good fight:

25bd52  No.4289097

>>4289014 (pb)

Yes, the shoe fits, being the categorization of the C_A as an intel cult–fascinating!

7ea03f  No.4289098

File: f9dae36c2e2afc8⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 8164a7a47ba267fb7cd264c585….jpg)

File: 1d7e27139e261bb⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 415x336, 415:336, 74147255.e59ryrVt.Thanatro….jpg)

File: edc2ec1039fe6a3⋯.jpg (144.76 KB, 637x812, 91:116, article-0-1CE3ABAE00000578….jpg)

File: d4e9b6a38f11111⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 625x507, 625:507, cg4dec842fac41b.jpg)

File: edc2ec1039fe6a3⋯.jpg (144.76 KB, 637x812, 91:116, jack-kevorkian-art-prints-….jpg)

*Somebody* is going broke fast. Soon they'll be droning each other's weddings…


38bb02  No.4289099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roll with the changes

2644aa  No.4289100



not what I meant

the stupid getting btfo'd was nice, but the other info in it is some good shit

each Q&A is a stress test, look back at the last one, Q asked for "more resources/bandwidth into board" and for the CM to "pls confirm ASAP resource upgrade. Tracking 330,000 IPs which is causing extreme lag."

just saying there's some other good shit



exactly my point


my guess is 2024


you're a trooper baker

an anon gifted me pastebin pro, some cool shit

night mode is great, it's used to be the brightest fucking thing on my screen

9b73ee  No.4289102

File: d02cf8d7b27bac1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1775, 288:355, Capture _2018-12-13-02-44-….png)

File: dea689f30e1311b⋯.png (314.38 KB, 1440x1801, 1440:1801, Capture _2018-12-13-02-45-….png)


84ce98  No.4289103



25bd52  No.4289104

File: 6609f5fec6e0d04⋯.png (11.63 MB, 2400x2449, 2400:2449, CIA_HWOOD_WALK_of_Fame.png)

3bcb56  No.4289105


Very true and good point to consider.

63228a  No.4289106

Is this Qchan? How do I open an account?

407261  No.4289107


Tanky McTankface will probably get a mention.

2644aa  No.4289108

File: dfd7b8ebde8c089⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 215x251, 215:251, 8changold.jpg)

11052e  No.4289109


I for one, cannot wait for that day of grand inundation. What a sight it shall be to behold

f7ff8f  No.4289110


What would you expect when CodeMonkey is spending his time inventing stupid ways of gathering up crypto currency in the guise of free-speech.

Hey Fred, take back what is rightfully yours. We will back you up!

b655f2  No.4289111

>>4289014 (lb)

Federal Bank and CIA – both above constitutional scrutiny and the law

11052e  No.4289112


We accept all major currencies

7ea03f  No.4289113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>4288124 (lb)

Miss Trial? I'm looking for a Miss Trial? With Malicious Prosecution?

c4bc94  No.4289114


Excellent point.

edb823  No.4289115

I dont understand why there are so many posts that are unrelated to this subreddit.

c56637  No.4289116


Tesla C note is slick. Can’t make out the others

cd9f95  No.4289117

File: df42f0427d63123⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 720x643, 720:643, Di_mQn6U0AA_xDy.jpg)

07e4e7  No.4289118

File: f3e8fdc3195f104⋯.png (645.3 KB, 1004x4999, 1004:4999, Q AND A 12-12-18 FULL.png)


Here, have the chinz version of the Q&A

f47100  No.4289119


We are as dead as we will ever be. Immortality is sure something to behold.

8b3aea  No.4289120


I think the stress test was a success. How quickly can we swamp this place with a simple "Q&A"? Shit spreads out fast from here, far and wide.

11052e  No.4289121


However, it still does not answer what comes next

a4a619  No.4289122

File: 85ac170ab7ff2a2⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 356x385, 356:385, 5258aa92e6822135da33ae5009….jpg)

f47100  No.4289123

6a297d  No.4289124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is more proof of Trumps outlandish "racist' attitude in work.

f7ff8f  No.4289125


And they are heartfelt fren :)

f24cd1  No.4289126

File: 4cca1b8966ea138⋯.jpg (129.59 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, a-10-thunderbolt-ii_011.jpg)


"Hors d'oeuvres"

2a8c70  No.4289127

File: fd54ee872860ba4⋯.png (416.41 KB, 660x660, 1:1, Qwatch.png)


Agree. After Q's posting, think I'm gonna be up for about a week straight- got my 'high' in that over a decade ago, cashed out of a portfolio very heavy in bonds, let all that income go on a gut feeling.

With Q's drop, I'm on cloud nine and dancing like a fuking fool! Thinking about which state I'm gonna buy!


11052e  No.4289128


Hope you faggots are working on some A grade questions for next time

1519fc  No.4289129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some diggin' & chill music.

f47100  No.4289130

File: c751ac2ec268ab3⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 480x289, 480:289, 1l87yo.jpg)


Good Night Anon!!

Godspeed & TY!!


c56637  No.4289131


They should have left that thing buried in the ice.

I know how this ends.

ec4ff4  No.4289132


you got any platinum images?

aef937  No.4289133


288 is a direct reference to LIGHT itself.

1 Royal Cubit = π./6

** 17 Royal Cubits = 8.8969998821m …or 288 (LIGHT)

There's a reason top-secret satelites are in area of 13m in diameter for their dishes. A multiple of 0.25 Royal Cubits (0.1308382336m)


edb823  No.4289134

Hello Q, which group of ideological leftists have you found to the most supportive and/or most helpful to your mission? Anarchists? Socialists? Communists? Greenies? And I mean pure Anarchists and such, not some comibination. I already know the DEMS hate you so its obviously not them.

On another NOTE, what currency is Trump planning to replace the dollar with? And how much money does the Deep State spend on their numerous operations?

f5dc23  No.4289135

File: 974c0c78061e7ba⋯.jpg (175.96 KB, 672x504, 4:3, IMG_1244.JPG)

File: cbab48df75c62fc⋯.jpg (196.49 KB, 672x504, 4:3, IMG_1247.JPG)


My favorite is the second image. The bar is made like a Hersey bar so you can break off smaller squares.

9a667f  No.4289137

File: feefa31cbef4964⋯.jpeg (880.91 KB, 1242x1812, 207:302, DC508499-89A3-4CDD-A304-D….jpeg)

Poor kid but God willing he’ll be able to wear his name with pride when justice arrives

0d813d  No.4289138

File: f1fff61f86f6a59⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 190x265, 38:53, punisher.jpg)



3bcb56  No.4289139

664a6c  No.4289140


Very nice. Those combi bars are kinda expensive though.

138e6b  No.4289141

Analysis on Theresa May 'winning' confidence vote last night.

There are 317 MPs in Theresa May's Conservative party in the UK Parliament, all of whom voted.

163 of these MPs are either government ministers, junior ministers or parliamentary private secretaries i.e. they are on the government 'payroll'. Theoretically you can only be on this 'payroll' (constitutionally) if you support the prime minister. (If an MP doesn't support the prime minister then convention has it that they resign from their position).

It could therefore be assumed that Theresa May was expecting at least 163 votes - she actually got 200.

That leaves 154 MPs that are not on the 'payroll' and they are called back bench MPs.

Assuming ALL of those MPs that were expected to vote for the prime minister did actually vote for her (big assumption imho), she also picked up 37 'extra' votes of support from these 154 back bench MPs. This equates to approx 24% support from MPs not in her government (i.e. 76% of her back bench MPs did not support her.)

So while on paper 200 voted for May and 117 voted against May, giving a majority of 83 MPs, it is actually a lot more damaging for her that she failed to secure significantly more support from her back bench MPs.

In her final appeal to MPs, before the vote, it was widely reported she would not be standing in the next General Election. Her authority has been seriously wounded by this confidence vote.

(In similar no confidence votes in Conservative party history, Margaret Thatcher was in a slightly stronger position but resigned within a few days after initially saying she would fight on. John Major did fight on, but his party was so seriously weakened by his lack of a resounding win in his confidence vote that it was widely considered a lame duck premiership.)

May's government party does not command a majority in parliament. They rely on the votes of 10 MPs from the Northern Ireland DUP party, who are fundamentally against her Brexit withdrawal plan. Her government lost 3 major votes in parliament last week, including (for the first time ever for any government) being found in contempt of parliament. Opposition parties smell blood and may well call a vote of no confidence in the government in the coming days. It doesn't take too many of May's MPs to back this for her government to fall.

I think Theresa May is far from being out of the woods yet.

9a667f  No.4289142

File: f96c1c08a98c717⋯.jpeg (695.04 KB, 1242x1216, 621:608, 5A488563-A255-4DA8-9EF5-F….jpeg)

de3248  No.4289143

File: 94de5b1c5810201⋯.jpeg (31.44 KB, 378x396, 21:22, FA7E6A70-C8BA-465B-BAA8-9….jpeg)


let the bakers who don’t have pastebin accounts know that i would love to do the same for them..a few of them had pro already, only you and rgb didn’t..this baker doesn’t have an account but he should get one ;)


77e099  No.4289144


My 'BOOM' stick.

b655f2  No.4289145


the brainwashing by MSM is intense and effective

d870c9  No.4289146

The Key


Focus on the mirror. The eye is key.

What does a mirror do?

A black eye reflects.

But night turns to day.

5befd2  No.4289147

File: cc2ab1b0df3c63a⋯.jpeg (130.1 KB, 1242x640, 621:320, B83AA59A-6380-4A98-B00F-A….jpeg)

c56637  No.4289148


What’s the current record on UIDs?

6172b4  No.4289149

a8fdfc  No.4289150


Why didn't we ask Q this question?

Peace Pipe.

38bb02  No.4289151

File: 5888edb319384b6⋯.mp4 (263.18 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 5888edb319384b68b1ef2e0af2….mp4)

ff13dc  No.4289152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Saw an interesting video on how they did a research study on blacks' IQ in South Africa, because it was considered common wisdom that the average black African has an IQ of 75, which is borderline retarded (high functioning).

They tested a group of black and white University students, and the black University students were determined to have an IQ of 80-85. 7th graders in the US did as well as their University students. The study supported that the average black African has an IQ of 75.

The whites were determined to have an average IQ of 100. Asians were determined to have the highest IQ's as a group.

Bet douchebag's IQ isn't that high, based upon her plans!


ea1477  No.4289153


Great analysis anon. I think your summary is pretty accurate as to what's going on. If this is all a movie. Q is definitely the scriptwriter and the characters are scrambling.

f47100  No.4289154

File: b81547e3fe36c35⋯.png (559.27 KB, 620x572, 155:143, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


These are pretty nifty. Got a few.

0d813d  No.4289155


Zimbabwe currency incoming

6ce563  No.4289156


Nationalist vs Globalists'

664a6c  No.4289157


That can't be real.

5befd2  No.4289158

File: 2f5ec4d0a81112f⋯.jpeg (188.51 KB, 640x645, 128:129, 2D93D81D-4987-40CB-B44F-7….jpeg)

d44d52  No.4289159


I expected Huber to be there to answer questions from CONgress. Was that fucking unrealistic?

1519fc  No.4289160


Any Sauce on this yet?

f24cd1  No.4289161


so ti only took 411 Unique ID's to fail the test?

Not a webfag, but did we feed the mice today?

d7657a  No.4289162

c4bc94  No.4289163



I'm am a Bible fag purest so most here won't want to hear my opinion. However, try to look at your body like a weight. It holds you down at ground level. It can only move about 20 mph. It can't see very far. It can't hear that well. It needs to "rest" for 35% of the time. It breaks down over about 80 years. It is easily damaged. It is prone to addiction. And it really isn't all that intelligent relative to its potential. And of course God will NOT intervene with your free will in deciding how to use this "weight".

Now imagine once you die that the "weight" is lifted. And all the limitations are gone. Only difference you lose the free will to know if God is real or not, but you gain perfection.

f47100  No.4289164


That's ALL there is.

fb417c  No.4289165

File: 348bd0c13ba7de5⋯.jpeg (15.74 KB, 232x255, 232:255, cd73d1b5861dc60809d602aaa….jpeg)



Henry "boom boom"


dfb4e8  No.4289166


Eleanor Roosevelt on the $5? That's a joke, right?

74fd64  No.4289167

File: 37ece9e23e4ac1a⋯.png (407.81 KB, 654x732, 109:122, Army TankyMcTankface 6-25-….PNG)


>Tanky McTankface will probably get a mention.

Army posted the same tweet back in June

TankyMcTankface was the most popular


d870c9  No.4289168


Where does the gold come from?

2a8c70  No.4289169


Your riddles are not helpful.

Was an easier task bailing on the stock market and bond income compared to this refection.

7ea03f  No.4289171


The more worthless the paper is the more colorful it is.

The coins have intrinsic value. Fractional reserve fuckery makes fiat worthless. It's flame retardant, you can't start a fire with it. You can't even write on it, ther is no room. It's been through so many hands you'd be taking a serious risk if you wipe your ass with it. Only thing you can do is decoupage your car with it, wallpaper or line the bird cage.

73b77c  No.4289172

File: 1d0fe4b6adb9572⋯.jpg (64.51 KB, 600x368, 75:46, niccolo-machiavelli-quotes….jpg)

File: 206a7acf28d01d8⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 360x270, 4:3, OaMVDhk.gif)

File: 15bb5b29fc0b59f⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 507x369, 169:123, tumblr_ogn3m3IdJf1sib7nzo3….gif)

File: 71ff0207ee31acf⋯.png (204.33 KB, 500x345, 100:69, tumblr_ocznrzWL7X1rrqi2zo1….png)

File: b27609c83304ab3⋯.jpg (99.25 KB, 700x700, 1:1, lovely-plato-republic-quot….jpg)

>>4288924 (lb)

moo moo

38bb02  No.4289173


Nah i seen it yesterday and had to have it. Awesome gif

cad9cb  No.4289174

File: c9cb84d1666a59a⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 529x264, 529:264, 13_21-04-31.jpg)


f47100  No.4289175


You know what's interesting, both in real life and online, I have a lot of female "white witches" around me who are SUPER Pro Trump and MAGA and are really down ass. It's wild. Some real out there ladies. Would have never guessed.


b655f2  No.4289176


When IQ tests were first devised women outscored men almost exclusively. So the tests were reworked to add questions that favoured male brain activity and voila men became high IQ scorers.

2644aa  No.4289177

File: 0dbdc0101a30e58⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 1063x813, 1063:813, pepecryingmaga2.jpg)

File: 3e851fc30bd5720⋯.png (6.38 KB, 333x78, 111:26, ClipboardImage.png)


I thank you again anon (pic1)



nice, saved

check again though, I saw 464 UIDs (which I think is the record, beating last Q&A): >>4282926 (pb, last post of the bread)


fb8f32  No.4289178

>>4288480 (lb)

Damn it! Should have asked Q this question!

44740c  No.4289179



edb823  No.4289180


You also lose the free will to know which god is real and where youll spend your afterlife.

9b73ee  No.4289181


The plan is called Jesus Returns. Happy Tribulation!

fda882  No.4289182




8b3aea  No.4289183


And about 45 posts per minute; even the associated qmap/qanon type sites suffered

5befd2  No.4289184

File: a11d305366d5281⋯.jpeg (285.58 KB, 961x640, 961:640, 9E3A4C76-4665-4983-843B-E….jpeg)

1519fc  No.4289185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucking incredible. Want it to be real, just to be impressed by the engineers. The flex in those wings looks amazing.


07e4e7  No.4289186



more importantly, read the bill and note the date it was introduced- 3/22.- good old skully-bones digits.

Regardless, congress is almost out for the season so it's quite likely that bill will just go on and die in the house.. hopefully something meatier will be introduced at some point.

fb417c  No.4289187

File: 18693a77917da3e⋯.png (139.81 KB, 500x539, 500:539, trump-is-so-racist-that-al….png)

2a8c70  No.4289188


And in a capitalist society based on money, people cannot be expected to carry 10 pounds of silver coinage in their pockets, can they now?

If dollars are backed by commodities, that dynamic changes.

2644aa  No.4289189



2644aa  No.4289190



cf3f83  No.4289191


Watch the movie.

The instructions are all there.

b7e773  No.4289192


she dead

f5dc23  No.4289193


Yeah. I only got a few because I thought they were different. You pay for the extra minting on them tho.

6ce563  No.4289194


I got a (you) in this session.

fc40be  No.4289195

Ever think they’re using hilldog doubles cause she’s either incapacitated due to kuru or gitmo?

f843af  No.4289196


I have been watching this off and on for a week since someone posted it here. It is weird and if you read the comment section they seem to think this is legend.

Anyone know what the dude is getting at?

c56637  No.4289197


If real I think that edged out our Washington state barrel roll fren

9a667f  No.4289198

Such good news


c4bc94  No.4289199


I think it will be fairly obvious which God is real once you meet Him. Mercy is not getting judged for something you deserve. Grace is getting a gift you don't deserve. God grants both. Satan grants neither. Enough Bible talk for me.

b655f2  No.4289200


Sadly, the white witches don't realize they are being duped by the dark lord. This according to a former white witch. For example, beautiful side of evil youtube

d870c9  No.4289201


The riddle must be solved.

Pay atttention to posts relating the mirror.

You will know us when you see us.

One cannot be told what the matrix is.

They must discover it for themselves… or they wont believe it.

The eye is the mirror anon.


06ddc6  No.4289202

3a0162  No.4289203


“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

edb823  No.4289204


Proof that Anarchists are Globalists?

2a8c70  No.4289205

File: 18802cad03ef9c7⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 421x384, 421:384, $100.jpg)


Dunno- is it? Sauce the dollars! Grabbed this some time back.

2644aa  No.4289206


and 8chan did upgrade, the upgrades are amazing, barely even get any lag at all


it comes from supernovae, FEspammer

5befd2  No.4289207


Turned over to the C_A for disposal

6ce563  No.4289208


Everyday. But her roaming the planet, having speaking engagements keeps the crazies - crazy.

d870c9  No.4289209


A hug for (you).

e86a29  No.4289210



07e4e7  No.4289211


Yeah I think the last bread, which only had the /END post had the 464 uid.. didn't add that one into the graphic.

f24cd1  No.4289212


This needs to be shared big time, only 28K views

9a667f  No.4289213

File: 70c13be0fe7ccee⋯.jpeg (511.71 KB, 1242x1584, 69:88, 7A3099D2-36BC-4D4B-928F-0….jpeg)

File: 524f86b44b122b9⋯.jpeg (153.87 KB, 1242x438, 207:73, D720B907-744F-462E-8E2C-D….jpeg)

File: 0a10025c68e142f⋯.jpeg (353.96 KB, 1242x1059, 414:353, 91D5BE4E-BB95-47DB-A49D-8….jpeg)


d870c9  No.4289214


Don't drink blood. It will kill you.

8b3aea  No.4289215


Trump is going to complete the system

44740c  No.4289216


Cool…. My ice ice baby…..

f5dc23  No.4289217


CGI airplane footage.

fc40be  No.4289218


Same here, I was thinking those pics of her at wedding ain’t her, either was the funeral ones…

ff13dc  No.4289219


Sooo, your point is? That black Africans are really high IQ, but the deck is stacked against them? I sure hope not, if you are on THIS board! I'd have to wonder about your IQ. Before you talk shit I qualified to join MENSA, but had no interest. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, until I see your answer.

538e1f  No.4289220

File: 8804516cbd04db8⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1188x881, 1188:881, flatearthBIGGER.png)

Q's brilliant plan!!

2a8c70  No.4289221


I believe the bill was introduced at POTUS' direction.

If you imply 322 is the underlying stimuli for 5404's directive, what does that say about POTUS?

I'd really like to hear the response.

2644aa  No.4289222

File: 44d1df972ee1069⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 213x250, 213:250, 4chanGold.jpg)

File: 621feebb4287cca⋯.png (52.78 KB, 300x353, 300:353, 4chanPlatinum.png)


not for 8chan, I have it for 4chan though

9a667f  No.4289223

File: 1d7dde5f5abe1e1⋯.jpeg (268.14 KB, 1242x637, 1242:637, FEFCAC54-993D-470D-9261-5….jpeg)

File: a2c8b925dd67151⋯.jpeg (231.55 KB, 1242x539, 1242:539, 7052DD4F-F3C4-4060-80E5-6….jpeg)


63b385  No.4289224

File: ecae0ba8d8e0691⋯.png (105.94 KB, 501x914, 501:914, Q GMOs DANGERS KNOWN SIKNC….PNG)

File: c849d1b4209a445⋯.png (115.21 KB, 518x918, 259:459, Q GMOs AGENT ORANGE.PNG)


By William Engdahl

Iraq Gets American Seeds of Democracy

"The reason we are in Iraq is to plant the seeds of democracy so they flourish there and spread to the entire region of authoritarianism."

George W. Bush US-style Economic

Shock Therapy

When George W. Bush spoke of planting the "seeds of democracy" few realized that he had Monsanto genetically engineered seeds in mind.

Following the US occupation of Iraq in March 2003, the economic and political realities of that country changed radically. Not only was Iraq occupied by some 130,000 US troops and a small army of private mercenary soldiers of fortune closely tied to the Pentagon, it was also under the comprehensive economic control of its occupier, the United States.

Control over the Iraqi economy was run out of the Pentagon. In May 2003, Paul Bremer III was put in charge as Administrator of the newly created Coalition Provisional Authority, or CPA, a thinly veiled occupation authority. Bremer, a former US State Department terrorism official, had gone on to become Managing Director of the powerful consulting firm of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Kissinger Associates.

In many respects, US-occupied Iraq was a far better opportunity than Argentina. The US occupation was instrumental in bringing the agricultural system of an entire country under the domain of GMO agribusiness. The US occupation administration simply made Iraqi farmers an offer they could not refuse: "Take our GM seeds or die."

Bremer held de facto life-and-death control over every area of civilian activity in occupied Iraq. Notably, he did not report to the State Department, which is typically the department responsible for reconstruction, but directly to the office of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, in the Pentagon.

As head of the CPA, Bremer moved swiftly to draft a series of laws to govern Iraq, which at the time had neither a constitution nor a legally-constituted government. The new laws of the US occupation authority numbered 100 in all, and were put into effect in April 2004.1 As a whole, the hundred new US-mandated laws-or orders, as they were called-would insure that the economy of Iraq would be remade along the lines of a US-mandated free-market economic model; much as the International Monetary Fund and Washington had imposed on the economies of Russia and the former Soviet Union after 1990.

The mandate given to Bremer by Rumsfeld's Pentagon planners, was to impose a "shock therapy" that would turn the entire state centered economy of Iraq into a radical free-market private region. He executed more drastic economic changes in one month than were forced on the debtor countries of Latin America in three decades.

Bremer's first act was to fire 500,000 state workers, most of them soldiers, but also doctors, nurses, teachers, publishers, and printers. Next, he opened the country's borders to unrestricted imports: no tariffs, no duties, no inspections, no taxes. Two weeks after Bremer came to Baghdad in May 2003, he declared Iraq to be "open for business." He did not say whose business, but that was becoming increasingly clear.


38bb02  No.4289225


Why would the C_A dispose of their own product? More like they will just hand it off to another mule

3a0162  No.4289226


I hope that it is disposed of and not distributed

2644aa  No.4289227


I don't drink blood FEspammer, that's as stupid as flat earth


*one moar time tonight*





















dfb4e8  No.4289228


Not doubting the sauce. Just don't get why it's Eleanor. She's as evil as they come.

07e4e7  No.4289229


Do you have a sauce for that claim? the bill has no cosponsors and only one original sponsor.

f843af  No.4289230


But how? Kant couldnt do it? Schelling couldnt do it!

It terrifies me.

But really I wish I had learned more.

f5dc23  No.4289231


I would have like it too, but realistically if the investigation isn't over he can't say anything.

And if it is over, then we need an official Press Meeting with all the press there like Comey did.

38bb02  No.4289232


That is how the C_A gets there money

71640b  No.4289233

A Case of Ritual Abuse and its Meaning for Society

“The most extraordinary thing about today’s allegations of murders during satanic rituals involving a Melbourne priest is not that they’ve been made, but that the Catholic Church admitted in writing that it accepted they were substantially true.”


dfb4e8  No.4289234


>Not doubting the sauce. Just don't get why it's Eleanor. She's as evil as they come.


aa986b  No.4289235


So that's how it all works.

8b3aea  No.4289236


Space Force!

07e4e7  No.4289238


as a followup, usually if POTUS insists a bill be sent through the house, then moar than just the original sponsor would be on board don'tcha think?

f47100  No.4289239

File: f0109b59b722904⋯.png (150.37 KB, 600x390, 20:13, MAGA.png)


So racist that the WHOLE RAP GAME back in the golden era of rap, was to BE Donald Trump. I listened to ALL of it from 1983-1996 and I mean all of it (So many fly by nighters that nobody's ever heard of, utter garbage in a garbage genre) and the WHOLE goal was to get paid like Trump, to get the ladies like Trump, and to LIVE like Trump. He was like James Bond to all these rappers. He was IT!! And black inner city guys who wanna keep their credibility amongst their crew, don't usually go slurping up to white guys. But there they were. Wonder why??

"Let me in now, let me in now, Bill Gates, Donald TRUMP let me in now." - Nelly

"My Game's TRUMP Tight, so there aint no need for you to boo me." -Warren G (Who later called out a REAL Crip hit on Kanye for merely supporting Trump)

Yet….I have had people that care about me tell me that they can't see me the same way since I support "An OBVIOUS racist." And THAT is the shit that hurts me Anons. That people think that after all I have done, how I have lived, in real fucking life for 40+ years, that I'm now somehow a closest racist. Or always was.



Thanks for listening Frens. Shadilay.

a4a619  No.4289240

File: 17a146d29260862⋯.png (244.55 KB, 565x560, 113:112, evencooler.png)


Thomas the Tank

f18a49  No.4289241

File: 4aabd0f33f253ce⋯.png (53.9 KB, 926x657, 926:657, ClipboardImage.png)


>Huber testifies tomorrow

I have my doubts that Huber will appear tomorrow, much less testify.


cad9cb  No.4289242

File: 5e3acc25c76303d⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 645x362, 645:362, 13_21-13-58.jpg)


On another occasion, a teenage girl whom I knew, was drugged sufficiently well to show no awareness of her position or fate. She was naked and lying face up on an altar. O’Donnell had his hand over mine and in my hand was a knife. The knife was pressed against the young girl’s throat and O’Donnell pressed down on my hand and quickly drew it backwards to slash her throat, killing her in the process. Her breasts were cut off and O’Donnell and O’Keefe proceeded to eat one each. Their faces were pictures of delight.

An infant girl was also killed and I was blamed for her death. I was told by O’Donnell to choose between a young boy, maybe 6 to 8 years old, and the infant girl as to who would die. If I didn’t choose, both would be killed. I had already seen O’Donnell kill and had no doubt he would kill both if I did not choose. The boy was looking at me with terror in his eyes and so I chose the infant. Instantly, it seemed, O’Donnell cut the baby’s throat. He placed his fingers into the wound and then pushed his blood soaked fingers into my mouth saying, “You killed her”.

The baby’s body was then cut up as you would joint a chicken. A leg was pushed into my face and I was told to eat it. I refused. The world was spinning around. O’Donnell, wild with rage, brandished his knife in my face and threatened to kill me if I didn’t eat but I was happy to die. I didn’t move or say anything. I had let go of any desire to live.

Then, O’Keefe intervened and somehow persuaded O’Donnell to not kill me. I presume it was because others knew I was with O’Keefe and my disappearance would lead directly to him. I have often thought that my ambivalence towards living goes back to that experience and that decision of mine. I was later told that the infant girl was mine and her mother was a woman in the cult named Marama. I believed both assertions at the time but have doubts about them both now.

600985  No.4289243

>>4280231 (old old bread)

The envelopes were promises to counter. Counter what exactly, the manufactured timeliness of 41 demise? Or whatever nefarious shit they had going on. (Yeb, what was it?)

ec4ff4  No.4289244

File: da5b6b7ac1d280b⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 400x298, 200:149, FB_IMG_1511120027407.jpg)

fb8f32  No.4289245


Discussed a little earlier today. I believe the tech is there to run our bread faster. I'm no Bangaloretechfag, but some of the sites with live chats are extemely fast compared to 8chan.

2a8c70  No.4289246

File: 48f0b44f1267cf7⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 450x338, 225:169, Qeye.jpg)


Read most of these mirrored posts and besides belief that the eye in the sky is an equvalent to black hole sun, I got nothin.

(cept the tried and true eyes are the window to the soul)

db93cb  No.4289247


what the fuck. this was supposed to happen last week.

2146ed  No.4289248

File: a0d0f4984ab9350⋯.jpeg (386.05 KB, 750x498, 125:83, 87A284B0-5CAB-43FF-BCD6-B….jpeg)

0d813d  No.4289249


Would have easier just to say "Dinsinfo is necessary" - Q

9a667f  No.4289250

File: e05105bcc618260⋯.jpeg (359.59 KB, 1242x751, 1242:751, 854B6A1B-46E2-4386-A28E-9….jpeg)

File: 97b960b983215a4⋯.jpeg (635.29 KB, 1242x1522, 621:761, 0E5ED1F6-D2F2-4787-9543-9….jpeg)


c4bc94  No.4289251


Hillary's middle two teeth are an excellent identifier because her upper front left crown is larger than her upper front right crown. And the left one is usually more discolored in non photoshopped images. You can also zero in on the angle and shape of the wrinkles next to her eyes.

aa986b  No.4289252


Now a really gross one, for a complimentary gift.

Not home or I would do it.

fb417c  No.4289253

File: 26e357415d37f66⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2ov0ew.jpg)

63b385  No.4289254


The Mirror is in our eye

0d813d  No.4289255


They whipped out Bush's body held on ice to delay

44740c  No.4289256

File: c1fb1186b70fe7f⋯.jpg (54.9 KB, 500x725, 20:29, yfv.jpg)

f47100  No.4289257

File: f83e5c79ff2fa69⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 800x632, 100:79, 12ae49531dd02dc34107a1b6ab….jpg)


Now you tell me. Where was this guidance in '84??

2a8c70  No.4289258


I don't disagree- always thought that she was a Kennedy too.

Was she the one pulling the strings- the actual 'pres' of that time?

Maybe it's just a nod to the fems to have a woman on a bill? Is odd, give ya that.

8b3aea  No.4289259


The larger problem is managing the fast moving breads, what do?

6ce563  No.4289260


Counter to the DS move - State funeral which stalled impending investigations, Fisa release and arrests

c4bc94  No.4289261

File: a47064c58a5c37c⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, t1largclinton.jpg)

File: 35e9984435f028c⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 1100x575, 44:23, this-dentist-analyzed-the-….jpg)

File: 14d1ec453657512⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 1005x465, 67:31, Hillary-Clinton-Reuters-Ji….jpg)


Look at her middle teeth variables.

73b77c  No.4289262

File: 3b3ee2f83baeb1b⋯.jpeg (142.61 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, 71e6deaf377461bdfd90db5e8….jpeg)


so much I got wrong. this is why

I am in therapy again. anxiety and panic

attacks. again. nothing resolved in my life.

no control over anything.

whats important though is THE "control"

post and after DJT post. i feel lighter.

really good to hear for sure.

sorry to hear JFK Jr. really is dead. I

was hoping for a miracle..

9b73ee  No.4289263


She lies though too. I wouldn't believe everything she says.

0d813d  No.4289264


Different sets of dentures

2a8c70  No.4289265


No sauce at fingertips but distinctly recall POTUS' directive- news and reporting on it. Should be able to sauce it with a search.

(been here from beginning, don't miss much)

44740c  No.4289266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mmmmmmmmm I wanna late night snack

f47100  No.4289267


Possibly, and possibly not. Intentions and the actions that flow from those intentions that decides the "color" of the "magic". And it's ALL magic. I Read what you wrote and it became part of my neural structure. I had a response to it, and I am writing back, and the same will happen to you.

Intentions & Actions and the Quality of those are all that matter. As far as I have gathered. But I'm always open to new ideas if they ring true and fit.

f5dc23  No.4289268


Moynihan specializes in Money Laundering and Financial Crimes.

It has already. been reported Huber won't be there.

6ce563  No.4289269


Looks the same to me anon. Even the laugh lines look similar.

38bb02  No.4289270

File: 4e1d9b8061460e6⋯.png (68.8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4e1d9b8061460e6e6a8b0e715b….png)

ff13dc  No.4289271


Yes fren, the stupid runs deep in those with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

63b385  No.4289272


won't let me embed


No really watch and "see"

07e4e7  No.4289273


Well, just peeking into the congressman, Mooney, who introduced it, lists him as a memeber of the Freedom Caucus, as well as an unsauced mention that he'd apart of the Knights of Colombus (Catholic frat)..

Just figure i'd point out the date in the no coincidences fashion.. wouldn't want to swap over to a new financial system only to have it undermined from the get-go by some yale fucks.

and again, the point is mostly irrelevant as it's highly unlikely to make it's way through the house/senate before the new congress is seated..

9a667f  No.4289274

File: eca0fb213dbe114⋯.jpeg (148.53 KB, 1242x402, 207:67, 9AB40237-1DBC-4623-A87F-A….jpeg)

File: c629072c4f3dc87⋯.jpeg (763.7 KB, 1242x1849, 1242:1849, DA59C72D-B636-4A11-B0C0-5….jpeg)

The problem is Khan has allowed this to happen in London


fb8f32  No.4289275


This is where we need a serious platform autist to chime in. If we can figure out how to live stream porn 24/7, we can figure out how to speed up breads/expand existing capacity.

c56637  No.4289276


You’ve got a way with words.

Well said.

38bb02  No.4289277

File: fbec08239794658⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 463x485, 463:485, 947778b514054f607aedfc7ba7….jpg)

3a0162  No.4289278


Could something like this be planned for USA soon???

8b3aea  No.4289279


It's really amazing, all he did was run and they murdered him (and his supporters) in the press

b201c0  No.4289280


Co Pilot To Pilot…. Now your just showing off…

f5dc23  No.4289281


Next up hammer or axe crimes.

cf3f83  No.4289282

File: edf939cdfbdffe1⋯.jpeg (526.01 KB, 1242x1376, 621:688, E937C690-7A63-4FC3-96B1-E….jpeg)

Trial Confinement Facilities

Pre-Trial Confinement Facility, Naval Station Great Lakes, North Chicago, Illinois

Pre-Trial Confinement Facility, Submarine Base New London, Connecticut

Pre-Trial Confinement Facility/Consolidated Confinement Unit, Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan

Pre-Trial Confinement Facility, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba



182105  No.4289283

Will we see an end to chemtrails soon?

d44d52  No.4289284


Q's answers could have been misinfo/disinfo too.

8ab9d3  No.4289285


Read the article early yesterday and think it was abc. All the current ones are a condensed version of the story. The article I read also followed on with a separate story of a progressive biology teacher's outspoken hatred for President Trump referring to students who support the President as "Trumpies", but that part appears to have disappeared. But found a copy on fox from September (separate bullying incident)


ec4ff4  No.4289286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

62cb83  No.4289287

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The world will know the truth

google ceo grilled over Hillary satanic child sacrifice ritual video

8b3aea  No.4289288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35b791  No.4289289


Buster Hymen

ec4ff4  No.4289290

File: 2ecdad82ddcd506⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 720x600, 6:5, You Better Click Thats Shi….jpg)

c4bc94  No.4289291


I am suggesting they ALL are similar through 2016-2017. They never thought she would lose, so they never cared. Post 2017 and in 2018 you begin to see some potential differences in the teeth. Images are hard to find and tend to disappear quickly.

c56637  No.4289292


“Missile Bait”

What it lacks in clever it gains in truth.

Whatever they call it, you don’t wanna be in it.

3a0162  No.4289293


looks like the planes that hit WTO on 9/11

f5dc23  No.4289294

File: c0b62a1cfac7bd9⋯.png (148.54 KB, 816x649, 816:649, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: a641bc7e199d431⋯.png (165.85 KB, 892x626, 446:313, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

182105  No.4289295

What about the Zion Khazar cabal? Are you saving them for last?

00fdb5  No.4289296

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, Ce54ffg.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

574f1a  No.4289297


acid crimes

d870c9  No.4289298


No. The reflection is in your eye.

ff13dc  No.4289299


A tip fren, if you call it "geoengineering," more likely to get a response. I did, but after "the end."

1519fc  No.4289300


Clickbait and misleading.

4be0f4  No.4289301


>so ti only took 411 Unique ID's to fail the test?

And how many lurking?

Last time Q said it was close to half a million unique IPs.

I, for one, gave up on the Q&A as the board was unworkable for me; my screen kept freezing each auto update and it was way worse than wading through molasses..

44740c  No.4289302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Going to bed anons….. Some good wholesome entertainment for the rest of you night shifters….

Yeah man… Click that shit…..

74fd64  No.4289303



I had cancer when POTUS announced he was running

I was in the hospital and mostly out of it during the summer of 2015

I say that only to explain why I was unaware for a bit

In the fall, late October, when I was out of the hospital, I began to pay much more attention and I was hearing how horrible Trump was and how he was racist

I told someone [after the MSM had gone after DJT as being racist towards Mexicans], that just does NOT sound at all like the Donald Trump I have known about, liked and respected for three decades.

It did not take me long to figure out the MSM was lying

I would click through the news stations and all of them were saying the same thing and I knew they were full of it / I also knew that DJT was my choice for POTUS

9b73ee  No.4289304

File: 6d6baa75b501f95⋯.png (133.97 KB, 1440x1303, 1440:1303, Capture _2018-12-13-03-22-….png)

File: 5a974865e233b21⋯.png (916.27 KB, 1440x1279, 1440:1279, Capture _2018-12-13-03-23-….png)

Yep! Eat Shit Pro-Vaxxers!!!

Not only did Republican Mark Green, a Congressman-elect from Clarksville who is also a medical doctor, express hesitation about the CDC's stance on vaccines, he also said he believed the federal health agency has "fraudulently managed" the data.

His remarks came in response to an audience question at a town hall meeting in Franklin from a woman identifying herself as the parent of a young adult with autism. The woman was concerned about possible cuts to Medicaid funding.

"Let me say this about autism," Green said. "I have committed to people in my community, up in Montgomery County, to stand on the CDC’s desk and get the real data on vaccines. Because there is some concern that the rise in autism is the result of the preservatives that are in our vaccines.

7ae94b  No.4289305

File: bcc32a1ee872096⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB, 498x428, 249:214, 3A54BD2D-4014-4E4A-A794-C….jpeg)

What did Q say to FEtards?

73b77c  No.4289306

File: 30b5f109bed0039⋯.jpg (161.11 KB, 900x628, 225:157, cemex-arizona-child-traffi….jpg)

File: 737a10a684995b6⋯.png (42.26 KB, 1283x244, 1283:244, Screenshot_2018-07-11 Q Re….png)

File: 7b08fca8004b4c1⋯.jpg (227.97 KB, 993x662, 3:2, 98b4d723df52009c040a8bee5f….jpg)


That would be something - the unveiling of all

HRCs at one time in one place.

aa986b  No.4289307

ec4ff4  No.4289308

File: d7433fef46cecda⋯.png (23.48 KB, 1787x193, 1787:193, Untitledyou.png)

07e4e7  No.4289310


as for the list of Continental Dollars

I remember seeing those years ago as well, if I'm not mistaken, on some soverign citizen type site.. fuck me if I can't find it's source.. as much as I'd absofuckinglutely love to see Tesla on the current-sea, some strange version of the Amero was part of the globalist plan.

2644aa  No.4289311

File: 42a2dca3f308e58⋯.png (52.86 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 8chanPremium.png)


true, you're right about that

wasn't sure which one was in your graphic



tried looking for a platinum meme, couldn't find one

has to be shooped, but there's a bunch of halfchan memes like that

I did find this one in my searches, didn't have it (pic)

8b3aea  No.4289312


Yeah need a panic mode button that increases the auto-refresh and bread limit

d870c9  No.4289313


Sky, eye. They ryme.

But where would the pupil be?

How could live in an eye?

What is a mirror image?

What is a black eye?

Where is the true eye?

Where is the fake eye?

9a667f  No.4289314

What the heck is this site?


fb417c  No.4289315

File: 04e92942682e019⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1440x4508, 360:1127, Screenshot_2018-12-13 U S ….png)



U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify before House panel on Clinton probe

What in the literal fuck


336d9a  No.4289316

File: 17c25c43daaad4a⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 960x824, 120:103, flatearthyo.jpg)

2a8c70  No.4289317



ThanQ Anon. Cued up for dinner entertainment. Soon.

8c04e4  No.4289318


to change the world.

db93cb  No.4289319


I know I can live with that. But another delay?

8b3aea  No.4289320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This did it for me, starting thinking all the tropes and came out thinking wtf

07e4e7  No.4289321


die also rhymes with sky and eye, so kindly go kill yaself and be the first ever person to be suicided for believing in a flat earth.

71640b  No.4289322

File: 1cb3740d6b09cc7⋯.png (14.57 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1cb3740d6b09cc71d235d04364….png)



f24cd1  No.4289323


Just knowing the elites preach population control and with their gene editing technology, God only knows what is in vaccines besides the heavy metals and shit that is on the label. But don't worry the only side effects are a little redness at the injection site! ha ha

Bayer knowingly sold HIV tainted medicine to haemophiliacs


e44758  No.4289324

File: bed197bd6a7f226⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 610x913, 610:913, 63etssg.jpg)

Thanks, Baker !

4e73e1  No.4289325

1523ef  No.4289326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Give this a view..what if we are in a repeat…as a game creator guy…fits my paradigm Ive been having for a while now..

b201c0  No.4289327


The Supreme court has ruled that law enforcement has no duty to defend the public… Warren v. District of Columbia:

bef71c  No.4289328


And you as well SwordAnon.

d870c9  No.4289329


You cannot die in the reflection. You can only be sent to the eye.

170119  No.4289330

File: da039af2975fd1e⋯.jpg (856.59 KB, 1950x1639, 1950:1639, uso.jpg)


that's where I get Fulford stories, and theey repost every Faal. Run by a dude named Bellringer or something. Lightworkers and Galactic Federation stuff (high woo-woo),…old website… homeopathic natural medicine stuff on there sometimes…

f47100  No.4289331

File: f7235199ee87b78⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 900x636, 75:53, excalibur_by_epar3d-d4zf7e….jpg)

File: 1b0ceca9d741ec5⋯.png (164.83 KB, 731x146, 731:146, dream_it1mrcn3gmn_.png)


TY Anon!! Perfect!!

2644aa  No.4289332


“Consistent with conversations between the department and the committee, Mr. Huber will not appear at the hearing,” she said.

timing isn't right, the investigation is still ongoing

the whistleblowers WILL be testifiying and they've given their info to Huber, so we WILL be hearing some of what Huber has

5f3d0e  No.4289333

File: a7871899059de64⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 534x674, 267:337, ad3a965e90e7ae3ace7a142bf9….jpg)

Government shuts down on the 21st, right?

10 days of Darkness later and the Light of the New Year shines upon us.

But what does it mean for the government to be "shut down" going into the Christmas Break?

They just… get to go home early?

Can't pull any of the last second shenanigans they hoped to try?

4be0f4  No.4289334


It was so shit that I couldn't even uncheck the auto update box as, by the time my screen unfroze and I started to navigate, it would freeze again and start updating again.

7ae94b  No.4289335

File: 55d77f242cc947f⋯.jpeg (250.42 KB, 750x555, 50:37, C7DDD46A-AAD9-40D4-AE9B-F….jpeg)



Possible Reactions

1. They’ll say Q is bs.

2. They’ll say disinfo is necessary.

3. Stop believing in that shit.

Jes like “Are we Alone”


B-b-but uh huh.

Q yer jus playin right.

Im outta here…..

Still tho I get it…

If Q told me There is no God wouldn’t change anything for me.

Give Q credit for answering that one.

2a8c70  No.4289336


>Tesla on the current-sea

As long as currency is a part of the deep-dream of the current sea (I see you know), then what is real and what can we expect? Difficult at best to conceptualize but this is the timeline we're in and if what Q said is true about gold- I'm gonna be fine with it, no matter how we 'count' it.

Best day of the year for me, if true! (it was a long-ass year! kek)

00508a  No.4289337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey night shit. Just popping in to see if this had been shared or not. Don’t see it in notables. The video is military, even says

their sky is falling

Might be worth a look.

336d9a  No.4289338


which god wins? the tribal god of the old testament?

fb417c  No.4289339

File: b3861693e5f9884⋯.png (9.39 KB, 255x195, 17:13, fa16cfe0e98e1bb21e571a05b7….png)

f47100  No.4289340


Are Anons in agreement that it's going to be shut down?? I know POTUS will, but if Chuck gets POTUS the votes…

I hope it get shut down. Personally. I like that storyline. KEK!!

d870c9  No.4289341


You don't drink blood? Are you sure? Where does gold come from?

4be0f4  No.4289342

File: 4851286d94201ea⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 640x400, 8:5, serve-and-protect-640.jpg)


Here's one I made earlier.

7ae94b  No.4289343


Was there any reeeeing afterwards?

5befd2  No.4289344


The executive branch enforces the laws…

“[T]he power to investigate must not be confused with any of the powers of law enforcement; those powers are assigned under our Constitution to the Executive and the Judiciary.” Quinn v. United States (1955). “Since Congress may only investigate into those areas in which it may potentially legislate or appropriate, it cannot inquire into matters which are within the exclusive province of one of the other branches of the Government. Lacking the judicial power given to the Judiciary, it cannot inquire into matters that are exclusively the concern of the Judiciary.” Barenblatt v. United States (1959).


8c04e4  No.4289345


i hope they go with better artwork than those bills (no offense to the artist)

and the +1 note looks like it has de niro on it.

38bb02  No.4289346

File: 6a2929664ec4e84⋯.mp4 (256.92 KB, 528x228, 44:19, 212.mp4)

2a8c70  No.4289348


There's this gnawing intuition in me that says this is not just about Chicken Little. Is there a firmament that's kept us away from our true world? A physical structure built by the cabal? Is this what's falling?

2644aa  No.4289349

File: b22f0bf648a97c0⋯.png (340.89 KB, 821x1282, 821:1282, ClipboardImage.png)




To discuss the management of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and how the designation impacts the programs and activities a nonprofit is allowed to conduct.


d32134  No.4289350

File: 956488a2bd17526⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 425x296, 425:296, Golden Ticket.jpg)

>>4289106 On opening a Qchan account

Write your name and address on a piece of paper.

Put the paper in a wooden box no bigger than 3'x5'x3'.

Bury the box 2m to the front and 3m to the left of your back door, 50cm deep.

Be patient. We will contact you shortly with further instructions re your personal account.

7ae94b  No.4289351

File: b435630375621ef⋯.jpeg (57.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 6EABC437-CF17-42C7-9C13-C….jpeg)

File: fb5c4e2973392d9⋯.jpeg (375.12 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, D3B9B577-9F37-4967-9908-7….jpeg)


Up late or awake early?

God Bless SwordAnon!

b201c0  No.4289352


The city, county, or state that pays their salary is whom they serve…

8c04e4  No.4289353

File: f5c0c45070a7f96⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, reimagined.jpg)

f47100  No.4289354

File: 022fde6878afba5⋯.png (384.78 KB, 750x674, 375:337, 022fde6878afba582d0f80ae1c….png)


The only one there really is. Haven't seen Him/Her/Them described the way I've experienced the whole deal (NDE's as a child and OOBE's, Lucid Dreams) quite right yet. There really are no words of course. Then again, there are no words for ANY of it. All of it it perfect.

Life is GOOD Anons.


9b73ee  No.4289355

File: 4a8ef219b821cd1⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1248x1357, 1248:1357, Capture _2018-12-13-03-39-….png)

File: 9e57e0f9d1a1cee⋯.png (750.99 KB, 1327x875, 1327:875, Capture _2018-12-13-03-37-….png)


He said it's not flat and its not a globe either. It's not what you think

ff13dc  No.4289356


Huma and Hildebeast, must have been a real rug munching extravaganza!

2a8c70  No.4289358


Kek! Does kinda resemble the screamer! Think that's Newton or somebody like that. Certainly these are not final notes- for future consideration, a starting place, I'd imagine.

00508a  No.4289359

File: 3f7b7ac4aca802c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 89463000-178C-4AF3-BEB2-60….png)

File: dcbc922c44b5c92⋯.jpeg (125.55 KB, 750x968, 375:484, AFB665C0-1B3D-4ADD-86B9-0….jpeg)

File: a4f1c2c73d92302⋯.jpeg (67.55 KB, 702x806, 27:31, 6266AEBC-3530-4ABB-B69F-1….jpeg)

File: 164bd1096bf6494⋯.jpeg (154.1 KB, 750x886, 375:443, 751A421B-5EB4-4250-9C95-8….jpeg)

File: 9076c2d10d67b67⋯.jpeg (54.22 KB, 709x761, 709:761, 8BF1C525-B551-4841-9FF9-2….jpeg)


I was thinking more along the lines of this…

2644aa  No.4289360



>biblefag can't comprehend

e44758  No.4289361


Interesting viewpoit, anon.

I sometimes wonder if this existence is a simulation.

How would we know ?

In our mortal bodies with our extremely limited physical senses, we are blindfolded, just like the runners in the forest of your video.

The Great Awakening should take Humanity to a higher plane of existence, I hope and pray.

Cheers, anon, thank you for ther interesting video.

fb417c  No.4289362

File: 0846a75165f6352⋯.png (681.8 KB, 900x563, 900:563, 1511614057055.png)

8b3aea  No.4289363


This but can we do it without technology? We've got it built-in just waiting for the numbers:


5831c7  No.4289364

File: 58ff7de68cb573a⋯.png (278.34 KB, 630x473, 630:473, 1544386769407.png)

5befd2  No.4289365


Poor Huma…

That’s one dedicated warrior for Allah…

2644aa  No.4289366

File: 4c47d61c3040ce0⋯.png (693.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, awoosleep.png)

should stop shitposting now

see you later anons

7ae94b  No.4289367

File: 076578375480dab⋯.jpeg (335.26 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 58B40DA0-955C-453E-9708-1….jpeg)

File: 5e59efc262df308⋯.jpeg (117.29 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 53402BDC-A69A-4A58-BF28-D….jpeg)


Actually its more like this.

f47100  No.4289368


Oh shit…KEK!!

ec4ff4  No.4289369


Didn't have time to reeeee

was to busy KEKing over FEtards losing their shit

1523ef  No.4289370

File: 445300136e05778⋯.png (70.5 KB, 223x260, 223:260, differece.png)

File: 65d6bbdd0323897⋯.png (431.14 KB, 640x421, 640:421, ClipboardImage.png)



5831c7  No.4289371

File: e085e4ddd2bce86⋯.png (369.28 KB, 819x470, 819:470, 1544386760399.png)

2a8c70  No.4289372

File: 6424430be3a6540⋯.gif (316.13 KB, 576x437, 576:437, Agartha_.gif)


Antarctic is the way out?! Interdasting.

bef71c  No.4289373

File: 140420a10037fe0⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 1200x541, 1200:541, simulation.jpg)


it absolutely feels like it is sometimes.

9a667f  No.4289374

File: d1a9624a2512535⋯.jpeg (757.02 KB, 1242x1216, 621:608, D490301E-E4B1-4075-944F-1….jpeg)

File: e627bf555666cd5⋯.jpeg (343.19 KB, 1242x767, 1242:767, 8802A6FB-0320-48F5-8CBB-2….jpeg)

Shot gun cartridge fired into TGV train Paris - Nice yesterday lodging into a headrest No injuries


e1daed  No.4289375

File: 25b14a0aae94d70⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 301x276, 301:276, Ohm1.JPG)

File: 2962e588253f2f5⋯.jpg (12.83 KB, 152x147, 152:147, Ohm2.JPG)

File: 1dee74f4a7b926c⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 144x148, 36:37, Ohm3.JPG)

File: 6444abbb55c9242⋯.png (7.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Ohm4.png)

File: af4827370f60d20⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 659x284, 659:284, Ohm470.jpg)

Today I asked Q about when we can expect Omega.

The next thing I know I am guided to research Resistor colour values and their associated numbers.

I come across Colour wheels that not only have an Omega Sign at the centre, but also look like a Q on the Purple 7

Then I noticed the Ohms Law wheels and see [P] [I] [V] [R]

V is always a Keystone and I saw the red flipped [V] Q, then the upside down [P] Q(Think Mirror)

470 Ohm resistor 470 investigators

Resistor - V - Hashtag Resist

We have also seen the colour mix wheel associated with 'Free Trade' (TPP)

I am unsure if I am onto something here.


479c07  No.4289376



Ummmmm banknotes are merely a claim to the gold/silver that is sitting in the bank. Its just a reciept to the goods in the warehouse. Thats what banknotes were originally before 1913 when they then because fiat money.

62cb83  No.4289377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




You're clickbait and misleading

4be0f4  No.4289378



It has never been about we, the people,except insofar as protecting them from us!

f24cd1  No.4289379

File: 75cf443e68d3037⋯.png (118.53 KB, 500x480, 25:24, 9088efbfcbf538947faede470a….png)


That would be frickin awesome! …and the sky was rolled back like a scroll….If I was the enemy of God I would teach that His children were flying through billions of light years of nothingness. All while we sit in an enclosure on His desk! Truly the Apple of His eye! Not alone in the void!

07e4e7  No.4289380


Well yeah, much of the collective dream is subjective.. I'd figure we need a big awakening moment in that collective consciousness to shake off a lot of the junk-commonalities that we've been programmed/accustomed to.. Best timeline is assured (no plan Z needed). The collective dream will work toward it as such.

Makes one wonder just how much of the collective consciousness the Q-mainframe or nsa tech or whatever is running this show is able to gleam from the whole… surely stuff of wonder that lies beyond that green door.

784b7e  No.4289381

File: 00d2823c9b9ea78⋯.jpeg (165.15 KB, 962x709, 962:709, EAF3A8C7-E77D-4FC8-B3F1-4….jpeg)

File: 62183cefa91acee⋯.jpeg (203.35 KB, 962x656, 481:328, 4884E47F-F256-4C50-AA49-D….jpeg)

8b3aea  No.4289382


I hope he gets the votes AND shuts it down, no pay!

e1daed  No.4289383

File: 3db96de9d1c3bb0⋯.png (27.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, OhmOmega.png)

File: 859c2281b8929cd⋯.jpg (39.11 KB, 500x422, 250:211, OhmResistor.jpg)

File: 44c8d3f076dc4be⋯.jpg (829.22 KB, 2041x1419, 2041:1419, OhmWheel.jpg)

479c07  No.4289385



When they then *became* fiat money

71640b  No.4289386

so far


>>4289075 interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows, size and scope of boarder

>>4289174, >>4289233 Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

>>4289315, >>4289349 U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify, House panel on Clinton probe

need sauce

>>4289304 Republican Mark Green, a Congressman-elect from Clarksville comments on vaccines

7c0946  No.4289387


Hubert isn't testifying manaña… Literally last notable.

I stopped reading after that.

62aa6f  No.4289388


circa 29-33 AD? "Let dead bury the dead"?

38bb02  No.4289389


Since Huma's mother is the queen of genital mutilation, i would really like to know what Huma has

e44758  No.4289390


forwinds is a funky website……tinfoil hat is on

b201c0  No.4289391


Drink more alcohol….

e1daed  No.4289393



Missed these pics

07e4e7  No.4289394

File: 0525505407c7b5b⋯.png (394.15 KB, 766x974, 383:487, 1513501742549.png)

9a667f  No.4289395

7ae94b  No.4289396

File: d5dcd7085276562⋯.jpeg (54.39 KB, 952x714, 4:3, 76824B62-2459-4FFE-9AB1-D….jpeg)

9a667f  No.4289397

5831c7  No.4289398

File: fc464e9c4e656b5⋯.png (358.63 KB, 788x422, 394:211, 1544506253330.png)

3a0162  No.4289399


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

2a8c70  No.4289400


So many damn black holes. Multi-meaning, like everything else.

Wish I could put my brain on it- (funny how we can forget moar than we've ever known at times, packing in the info) but recent intel re: galaxy that will produce a light- the wave that will bring us the enlightenment. So the black hole that's supposed to exist in that galaxy doesn't swallow stuff up, but emits.

Black hole budgets of the black hole sun.

7ea03f  No.4289401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4286770 (pb)

The Fed isn;'t controlled by 8 families. They are all intermarried WW. It's one extended family. The names conceal the extent of the dominion. They run everything. It's a big family and you ain't in it.



7587ae  No.4289402

File: 51901af21a1190d⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 500x388, 125:97, geoid.gif)

97ba5e  No.4289403


We shall see if the words you speak are true.. Keep me safe

b201c0  No.4289404


As Dubya so elegantly put it during his fathers funeral…. yup.

170119  No.4289405

File: e90c8d77268087b⋯.jpg (57.64 KB, 558x557, 558:557, 7c9ce215f1dc2ba339a4edb854….jpg)

8b3aea  No.4289406


That's why the 2A option is always framed as personal, not collective

f47100  No.4289407

File: 2a8c85517cab90f⋯.jpg (5.7 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 12743691_995659520489610_6….jpg)

File: d2a45de623cb072⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 403x511, 403:511, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at ….jpg)


My understanding is that the physical dimension that we live in, is merely impinged upon by our (these are rough terms but the most known) souls or oversouls, into this space time continuum that we share, sorta like how you can lay a blanket out and push up one "avatar" with one hand and another with your other. The sheet, the dimension, are the same, and the place where the impingment originates is the same for all of us (The Ether or The Spirit Real or Framework 2, etc.) and just like the blanket has a "beginning" and an "end", that is our linear time, so while we "insert" here (about 16 hours a day before we bounce back to the home realm to work on things and chill since this school is such a back breaker) it SEEMS like there is a beginning and end to "us", since we are made out of it, seemingly, but the truth is that we are the endless energy impinging upon this physical dimension, for a few hours a day anyway, playing around and becoming Gods and all of that.

Life…It's something to do.

Eternity…That's a LONG time if you ponder it right.


6232a2  No.4289408

File: d2e0b846469ff40⋯.jpg (85.57 KB, 598x468, 23:18, c637be2d32ed6b8ece9b2e3e47….jpg)

604942  No.4289409


Friend any chance you have some sauce for that?

433e12  No.4289410


sauce pls

7ae94b  No.4289411


Now Hollow Earth would have been a better question. Still Fringe but harder to disprove.

538e1f  No.4289412

File: 41ea4e826a57771⋯.jpg (165.65 KB, 448x722, 224:361, larp2.jpg)

b201c0  No.4289413

File: 43dedec16d13dc4⋯.jpg (175.67 KB, 1440x1353, 480:451, 43dedec16d13dc45abd63dc0ee….jpg)

664a6c  No.4289414


Nah he only saying that. He gonna have the military build it next year.

97ba5e  No.4289415

I dont have any "fields" filled in… and i kinda care that i have been doxxed… but fuck off… only time i get to laugh really hard is watching these posts and memes… so piss off

e44758  No.4289416

File: e221017488ba0bb⋯.jpg (218.13 KB, 1094x615, 1094:615, 62242.jpg)


they are both roasting in Hell now

Barbara Bush was more evil than Poppy

3a0162  No.4289417


in the past yes

hope the days of CIA drug running are over

00508a  No.4289418



ec4ff4  No.4289419

File: 39af24a12d0f33b⋯.png (227.71 KB, 477x359, 477:359, Screenshot2.png)

7587ae  No.4289420



9b73ee  No.4289421



c2a176  No.4289422

>>4289389 She probably has a strap on to fill the great void in Killary's life.

3a0162  No.4289423

2a8c70  No.4289424

File: dcf7c9574c9c4e0⋯.jpg (160.45 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Qsent.jpg)


>able to gleam from the whole

Makes me shudder that the perception of all humanity is a product of us all. So NOT the case! Created equal or not, we do not evolve in equality either! Like no child left behind, worries me that the minds and Anons of our time can be mixed in as representative of mankind as a whole. Some parts are stronger than others! Hope higher ups can see that.

a9ff8c  No.4289425

Regarding the Hawker Hunter that crashed into the ocean off Hawaii. This would be a Hawker Hunter Mk.58 and is used by ATAC, a company that assists in wargames and stuff like Top Gun, so that pilots gain experience of combat with different types of jets.


This Planefag already knew this, but the article confirms it.

ATAC - could this be code for 'Attack' by the white hats?

170119  No.4289426

7ae94b  No.4289427

File: 422f425d8b157ca⋯.jpeg (93 KB, 526x499, 526:499, F599D08F-01C2-427B-B320-3….jpeg)

336d9a  No.4289428

File: 65bef754e7e3576⋯.jpg (112.22 KB, 423x761, 423:761, awoomoon.jpg)

af6e6f  No.4289429

File: bfed6f75f51de94⋯.jpeg (463.98 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, FAB622A3-4A43-4905-B7D6-C….jpeg)

Has this group been dug on:

Caritas International

Perfect cover


e1daed  No.4289430



I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last.

Omega is the symbol for resistance.

Resistance is the LAST stand.

b91660  No.4289431

File: 29e58780fcb73ca⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 535x652, 535:652, Merry_Christmas_War_Pepe.jpg)


Sorry you had to deal with the haters yesterday…

Peace, Love and Blessings, Sword Fren!

ec4ff4  No.4289432


How many Journey To The Center Of The Earth movies have been made over time?

Think they trying to tell ya something?

1523ef  No.4289433

File: 87e48ca493277db⋯.png (396.32 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)

2a8c70  No.4289434

File: 9d54d475ee70dd7⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 498x382, 249:191, GudAns.gif)


Oh man! LIKE THAT! Retired at 30, asked what I do for a living ALL the time! Good answer!

b201c0  No.4289435


Yup… And i have a feeling the entire Bush family are gonna be some broke dick motherfuckers very soon. If they aren't already. Assets gonna get frozen !!!

71640b  No.4289436

84ce98  No.4289437


rules, follow them

58dc02  No.4289438


Are you the Highest Ranking Omega Alpha Anon ?

a9ff8c  No.4289439


"Hi, I'm Doug McClure and you may remember me from such shit films as this.".

Troy McClure from The Simpsons was totally on point.

479c07  No.4289440


Baker notable

Is there some way we can pin this on the board or top of each each bread? This is gold!

b201c0  No.4289441


Not sure. But they have made a shitload of Godzilla movies. Should we be worried ???

58dc02  No.4289442


Best one was with James Mason

e1daed  No.4289443


470 Ohms (Think investigators)

Purple (think religion)

Brown (Think shirts, Fascists)

surrounded by

Yellow (Think shirts, France) and

Gold (Real money, Think END FED)

7974b8  No.4289444

File: e4262a622014ed8⋯.png (309.61 KB, 408x288, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)

If the whole world suddenly corrects itself, we better find something else to do with our time. Like raising a garden.

1523ef  No.4289445

File: 606ed9ce32f7096⋯.jpg (262.82 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, FlatEarthEclipse.jpg)

f24cd1  No.4289446

File: c3a75099e0dd8ab⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 1041x1042, 1041:1042, Original.jpg)

File: 1d9a83ca3425f2b⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 245x206, 245:206, images.jpg)

File: aada8853164ea3f⋯.jpg (513.72 KB, 946x710, 473:355, GenuinePhotoshopHoax.jpg)

"To Infin…er…Photoshop and Beyond!"

73b77c  No.4289447

File: 55ceea9e42815dc⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 55ceea9e42815dcb6651db74eb….jpg)


332 btfo

8ab9d3  No.4289448


White House Briefing Statement Dec 12, 2018


linked from the conservativetreehouse article


Executive Order on Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council


5831c7  No.4289449

File: 98bc688f0c0709c⋯.png (572.65 KB, 846x475, 846:475, 1544691625683.png)

8b3aea  No.4289450


Trips for the pastoral life

07e4e7  No.4289451

File: dd1884297f97a01⋯.jpg (302.06 KB, 825x988, 825:988, HE Q.jpg)


Kek.. maybe next round. (picrelated)


Maybe, maybe not? Maybe it depends on genetic potential or DNA or some shiz, but the Hundredth Monkey effect has been observed in passing along knowledge/ideas through a collective conscience, at least in the animal level as far as I understand.. Could anon's mental perception just be those that observe certain ideas before other groups 'catch on'?

00508a  No.4289452

POTUS, if this gets back to you.. will your next tweet say something alone these lines?

“It is real strange to me how America can fund George Soros's Open Society Foundation yet Congress has a hard time Funding the Wall …. I don't get that… Adds a lot of credibility issues to the Congressional Equation?”

538e1f  No.4289453

File: 99d7f697d0f111f⋯.jpg (239.17 KB, 847x760, 847:760, larp2.jpg)

b91660  No.4289454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5831c7  No.4289455

File: 1371f222f18c73f⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 590x443, 590:443, juanturd.jpg)

3a0162  No.4289456


I collapse waves

f843af  No.4289457

Is one of the reasons the pace of this revolution is slow is because we are all fractals of God and even the Cabal shit heads are one with us on a certain level and we are giving them a chance to realize their mistake before we have to cull the ones that wont play nice?

Is this whole thing God stuff? Our guys have figured this out and thus the smallest amount of damage is the only possible right way to go about it?

Fucking weird place Q research….I have entered a rabbit hole. HELP!

f24cd1  No.4289458

File: d11077b998fda1c⋯.jpg (350.45 KB, 1439x721, 1439:721, gotawaymoloch.jpg)


and 1.5 Billion to Planned Parenthood

6232a2  No.4289459


Likely was the price she had to pay to keep from being roof tossed for being gay.

5831c7  No.4289460

File: 86129c518ffba89⋯.png (251.4 KB, 846x179, 846:179, 1544576778169.png)

1519fc  No.4289461

File: b53ffb7c5b2d98b⋯.jpg (107.27 KB, 1600x1032, 200:129, ToKillMockngbrd_099Pyxurz.jpg)




What's your game with the variations of this pic?

Days and days of them.

62cb83  No.4289462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CEO of google is asked about the video of Hillary and a —-

at @ 3:43:23 of the video Democrat Jamie Raskin asked google CEO Sundar Pichai several questions about videos that discuss Hillary Clinton “sexually abusing and consuming the remains of children, often in satanic rituals,” on YouTube.

f24cd1  No.4289463


over 3 years


668be7  No.4289464

File: 3dab9279e2a81d0⋯.jpg (94.34 KB, 658x492, 329:246, IMG_0153.JPG)


Hope these weren’t the Q photo Anons.

Any confirmation or eyes on?

e1daed  No.4289465


Eye or I ?

8b3aea  No.4289467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Curious myself

3a0162  No.4289468


Enjoy the Movie

We are here to Learn

2a8c70  No.4289469



Live streamed? Anyone know?

07e4e7  No.4289470

File: 5843d9f2fd1702e⋯.jpg (161.67 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, Chucksrael.jpg)

73b77c  No.4289471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I miss my grandparents…and great-grandparents anon.

cbb8cf  No.4289472

File: fd034b7600eac2e⋯.png (107.27 KB, 1132x512, 283:128, Warning UK.png)



[UK] - Stay Alert.

7ea03f  No.4289473

File: 00c60bd7c0290ae⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 00c60bd7c0290ae5e93c355c22….jpg)

>>4288555 (pb)

I advise NYanons to audit this lawyer's inappropriate, wasteful and likely criminal misallocation of their money to her lawyer frens. They could easilly match witch hunter Mueller's appropriations orgy.

Gotta love how these idiots burn all their bridges. Couldn't do more for President Trump.and for us. I'm certain that they would do much less if we were paying them.

ec4ff4  No.4289474


Not sure.

6232a2  No.4289476


So is the pussy in North America or Africa?

7ae94b  No.4289477

File: 490a05e91483c8e⋯.gif (574.9 KB, 404x493, 404:493, 9BD66B75-B027-4EE1-8F46-49….gif)


If Byrds diary is legit….

This is by far my favorite crazy theory.

Mainly as there are legitimate scientific gaps in our knowledge about the center of the Earth. Experiments that measure gravity down 10 mile or so deep mineshafts do not all fall on the expected linear line from the implied mass/density of the Earth, a lot of variation. Also we have dug down and experimentally tested less than 0.5% of the way to the Earths core (something like 20km deep out of 6,371km). Also it's still largely a mystery about how the Earths magnetic pole and general magnetic field is created (some have postulated a unipolar generator, which is very different from heat convection in molten rock).

And also there are alternative ways you can interpret the seismological data. Another way to put it is that the solution seismologists use for collected data are more a standard interpretaions than unique direct proofs of the internal structure of the Earth.

Also this: Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn … rths-core/

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from.

The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.

f843af  No.4289478


Is this why the military loved Enders Game? Is it a allegory of Humans and the ones that prey on us? The evil fucks dont actually realize we are conscious beings and can not be treated this way? FUCK!

5f3d0e  No.4289479


Pretty much, but most of them have made their decisions by now.

The big names, the small fry have yet to be confronted with the real choice yet.

a88be6  No.4289480

who have we been in an air battle with? shits crazy like 50 plane crashes in exercises, you think its deep state assets we are taking out? those 5 marines died

73b77c  No.4289481

File: cb315b2b171dfd4⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 500x625, 4:5, cb315b2b171dfd42d20823382b….jpg)

7ae94b  No.4289482

File: e62676867f7b009⋯.jpeg (729.26 KB, 750x994, 375:497, 9B26BC73-4089-445F-835B-D….jpeg)

File: be820577eebd753⋯.jpeg (295.82 KB, 750x996, 125:166, 192E4564-5BA9-46F9-90A1-7….jpeg)

1519fc  No.4289483


"Mr. Trumps proceeds from the game will be donated to charity."

Gotta love this guy.

4be0f4  No.4289484


Unlikely as McMurdo is 800 miles from where the Q pic was taken.

a88be6  No.4289485


pipe dream there is no way they will let it air

b201c0  No.4289486


Good thing I only make ripples…

2a8c70  No.4289487


>before other groups 'catch on'?

Don't believe that. YA CAN'T FIX STOOPID

7ea03f  No.4289488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The problem is fractional reserve banking and the criminal bankster family that monopolizes control over it. If you put 1 oz of gold in their hands they'll pledge 2000 notes.good for 1 ounce of gold, then pocket the gold. It's what they do. It's all they do. They've been doing it for centuries. This and their homicidal tendencies and perversions has got them thrown out of every country they've been allowed into, many more than once.


8b3aea  No.4289489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Noticed that too, he's so much better than the media has portrayed him these last few years, I hope people get a chance to unfuck their minds

dc2675  No.4289490

File: 276f43460fa54ae⋯.png (49.35 KB, 640x630, 64:63, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone earlier noticed Hannity wasn't wearing his CIA pin.

2a8c70  No.4289491

File: f86edf756b9b026⋯.jpg (447.26 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, mikey Tran.jpg)



26ee67  No.4289492

File: 34b045fa2525e07⋯.jpg (93.38 KB, 539x960, 539:960, silver dogecoin.jpg)

File: fafc72788c7d58d⋯.jpg (93.31 KB, 539x960, 539:960, silver dogecoin 2.jpg)

File: 67d63df96268d1d⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 960x539, 960:539, silver dogecoin flap.jpg)




58dc02  No.4289493


The CEO dude Pichai just waffles on like Zuckercuck did: "oh yes we are looking into that " and " my team is grappling that"

just spouts BS


38bb02  No.4289494


Dilleys intel guy claims white hats took out Rothchilds secret bunker

b201c0  No.4289495


Thankfully it is often a self limiting problem…

2a8c70  No.4289496


Fractional reserve lending is YUGE but it's not the only problem with banking and the FED. The very first dollar they 'lent' the Treasury could NOT be paid back.

That's a fundamental flaw- from the beginning.

73b77c  No.4289497

File: f9ceb02f0596415⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 750x889, 750:889, 7XaxPcD.jpg)


All the fountains of the great abyss* burst forth,

and the floodgates of the sky were opened.

fountains of the great abyss

e9fb56  No.4289498

File: da5e2d14873af1e⋯.jpeg (40.89 KB, 680x665, 136:133, DtstiyjWsAAmrkw.jpeg)

File: 9e81561bb128e17⋯.jpeg (76.88 KB, 680x662, 340:331, DrX-kCvWwAEPS62.jpeg)


Ah just like kindergarten hah?


d32134  No.4289499

File: 5439fd10c417c73⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 830x467, 830:467, money gold ingots coins u ….jpg)


$1 loan, bank has $1 ACTUAL REAL reserves (Au/Ag ?) in hand.

1:1 ratio.

07e4e7  No.4289500

File: 39c4b34e553bcda⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 578x490, 289:245, 1513895064662.jpg)


Yeah, between that and the electric universe bits (a core of some sort of electro-plasma which blasted the poles off, causing an interior crater-like structure) is fascinating to me.. if that is, of course, the case- and not a case where the 'inner' earth is actually more of some more-than-3d- realm which happens to reside within the earth.. but not flat earth, jeebus, read that flatland shit in kindey-garden and moved well beyond. not a scientist, so the intricate details don't pervade.. just work on different levels

(also, your link was truncated, making it completely useless, kek)


meh. stupid is as stupid does.

f843af  No.4289501


Yes Sir O7

336d9a  No.4289502


this is retarded. probably a twitter account run by Hannity's people to cash in on the Q movement. Cringy larp

e258e1  No.4289503

File: ae05b977c96783c⋯.png (179.76 KB, 895x520, 179:104, Sprint Cell Phone 24 OCT 2….png)


WASHINGTON, DC – As we reported yesterday, the leaked indictments by the DOJ seem to lead us straight to Pizzagate and the bad actors responsible. However, our forensic reporters have uncovered something which seems unrelated, but which very well may be related.

Indictments Expose Pizzagate Cabal About to be Rounded up Not a Drill


The leaked indictments, domestic and international, seem to coincide with the Las Vegas shootings.

Attachemnts PDF


Standing Order Attachment 101718 PDF


For one, the date of the period begins 01 OCT 2017, however the first indictment comes from 03 OCT 2017. The Fed had no indictments for two days…? Or did the government of Saudi Arabia begin investigating right after the shooting, and request assistance from the US Fed on the 3rd? Reminder that the Las Vegas Shooting occurred on 01 OCT 2017.

The DOJ separating the indictments into “domestic” and “international” requests most certainly seems to be a message to us, and that message seems to clearly be, extrapolating from dates:


Another odd one to notice are the final domestic wiretaps requested are for 18 USC 1001 and 18 USC 1512, both together, first is fraud, second is witness tampering. Makes one wonder if they are related to the missing witnesses?

The two indictments next to these, 50 USC 1705 (which can ONLY be investigated by POTUS or his attorneys, as it is a National Emergency crime) and 21 USC 846 (conspiracy) most certainly lends credence to this theory: These indictments are related to pizzagate, pizzagate is related to the Las Vegas Shooting, and Saudi Arabia requested assistance from our government (and perhaps vice versa as well).

What will come of these indictments? Will the cabal be rounded up? Will Saudi Arabia emerge stronger and un-ZOGged, and help us purge Israel? Only time will tell, but we at Daily Crusader believe the answer is an emphatic “YES”.

*UPDATE: To add to the theory, let’s go back in time to the shooting. There was an entire tower rented out by a Middle Eastern Airforce, W Las Vegas, a 289-room tower at the SLS Las Vegas. Which specific nation the air force belongs to was never confirmed, however many details lend credence to the idea that it was the Saudi airforce: The most damning piece being that the Saudi Royal Air Force was engaging in exercises with the US Military.

Middle East Air Force Books Entire Hotel Tower On Las Vegas Strip


Now, renting an entire tower to exercise with the US Military, and using that as cover to conduct wetworks espionage operations in the United States, would most certainly count as a National Security Emergency, fraud, and conspiracy. It would also explain the hundreds of requests for consumer information from the foreign intelligence agency; they were trying to ascertain the identities of who rented the tower as well as who was in each individual room.

*UPDATE: Funny, a Sprint cell phone wiretap, redacted? From 24 OCT 2018 (23 days after shooting) for 18 USC 373 (Solicitation to commit a crime of violence):

And what’s this? A phone charger that did not match Stephen Paddock’s phone was found in his hotel room? This one most certainly looks like it was for one of the hitmen who were killing off the witnesses following the shooting.

Las Vegas Stephen Paddock Phone Charger Accomplicemotive Hotel Room


8 Las Vegas Witnesses Dead Within 30 Days of Attack




4be0f4  No.4289504

File: 186208b938baa94⋯.jpg (423.53 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, jew-gold.jpg)


But (((we))) love fractional reserve banking. Go back to sleep.

479c07  No.4289505


Who says you need to keep your money in the bank in a money system based on gold/silver?

You can literally keep your money at home in a safe if you prefer.

Ever heard of whole life insurance? You can keep your money there if you want as well.

We need to seperate banking into 2 catagories 1. Demand deposit 2. Term deposit

The first is where your money is purely transactional money in/out ..on demand.

The second is if you want to lend your money away for a certain time and accrue interest for the time you decide to go with out it.

All that other shit like credit swaps and derivatives and stocks etc is the business of the financial sector..NOT the banking sector.

We need to understand banking and finance are two seperate things and not one in the same as we have been so wrongly (deliberately) taught.

1519fc  No.4289506

File: 4bd94d259c28179⋯.png (504.13 KB, 1427x1001, 1427:1001, Selection_732.png)



If he really eats pizza like this, no wonder people are confused…

d32134  No.4289507


>>4289505 You are talking of a new Glass-Stegall, or a variant thereof.

7ae94b  No.4289508

File: 9a99731cc717393⋯.jpeg (551.17 KB, 750x981, 250:327, D4F4E88A-1B18-4CA7-BFC2-1….jpeg)



58dc02  No.4289509

File: d3de3be6e4f3255⋯.png (98.19 KB, 630x473, 630:473, w54637.png)

3a8549  No.4289510

did Trump sign an EO today?

54973b  No.4289511

File: a12777a5a55cd3c⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 590x350, 59:35, a12777a5a55cd3cd0cf6eb08b3….jpg)



8c5e74  No.4289512


> i have a feeling the entire Bush family are gonna be some broke dick motherfuckers very soon. If they aren't already.

As I was checking the photos on the wedding of Babs Jr., it occurred to me that the family suddenly looks ordinary, warty with criminal connections. The wealth and power that infused their auras is gone.

07e4e7  No.4289513


>Jacobsen’s team used 2000 seismometers to study the seismic waves generated by more than 500 earthquakes. These waves move throughout Earth’s interior, including the core, and can be detected at the surface. “They make the Earth ring like a bell for days afterwards,” says Jacobsen.

neat.. sounds almost like it could/may be related to that 11/11 wave that anons keep posting about.

8b3aea  No.4289514



7974b8  No.4289515

File: e498c4e4f6f51b1⋯.png (1.33 MB, 810x635, 162:127, ClipboardImage.png)

If anyone makes french toast for you - it means they love you.

2a8c70  No.4289516


Fractional reserve lending is YUGE but it's not the only problem with banking and the FED. The very first dollar they 'lent' the Treasury could NOT be paid back.

That's a fundamental flaw- from the beginning.

3a8549  No.4289517


Bad News-

the Earth is ROUND

Good New-

Its balanced on JFK Jrs shoulders

b80811  No.4289518

Incredible, even my local news is creaming over Cohen going to jail and these NDAs (which aren't even crimes).

11052e  No.4289519


She single?

7ae94b  No.4289520

File: 420664ab1688cb2⋯.jpeg (18.62 KB, 239x255, 239:255, 977C318D-C5A0-4043-A111-F….jpeg)


Hope they dont listen when Im fappin.

8b3aea  No.4289521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f7ff8f  No.4289522


Majestic 12 = Spastic AFLB

9756ab  No.4289523


Wishful thinking that "won't appear at the hearing" means he could still be patched in via newly laid cable from Gitmo? I know the testimony was lined out on a pb night shift…sigh…

5befd2  No.4289524

File: dd48ac570da0b97⋯.jpeg (214.43 KB, 640x466, 320:233, F1EBDF77-FF47-461D-AB69-3….jpeg)

f589cb  No.4289525

File: 5b08d8a5ed892b6⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 333x299, 333:299, Cvbbt5.gif)


d44d52  No.4289526

File: fd484888d066b91⋯.png (28.67 KB, 756x526, 378:263, ClipboardImage.png)

Any ideas on what Q meant by [Avoided Z]?

Pic related.

07e4e7  No.4289527


kek.. I dunno. AFLB repeats itself too much.

8b3aea  No.4289529


Not Hannity but otherwise your statement is 100% on point

fd8b3f  No.4289530

Vincent Fusca 2024 on Twitter (@TheRealRaNon) no longer exists as of tonight. Does anybody know anything about this?

54973b  No.4289531

File: d796d58c0ad8351⋯.png (180.84 KB, 441x392, 9:8, OwHHU.png)

6bf4bb  No.4289532

any Frenchanons know what this weekend will bring in your country ?

336d9a  No.4289533

File: 4a95afc2984e7b0⋯.png (5 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A8FFF8C6-6F82-4875-9C9B-0C….png)


I'm jelly about the doge coins. I do have some of those 45 cal silver bullets though

3a8549  No.4289534



seems like after 50yrs of welfare we would have multiple agencies doing these things tho

must be wadda ya have to lose optics

8938a0  No.4289535


>Retired at 30


13f89c  No.4289536


That quit being the case on December 23, 1913.

3a8549  No.4289537


it means they were too lazy to make an omelet for you

73b77c  No.4289538

File: 86cb255d63d47c7⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 7f34a7ee0f2a2d4cd22258c12f….png)

File: ca5db7dac320776⋯.jpg (485.76 KB, 1060x845, 212:169, 503rd-airborne-afghanistan….jpg)



great post btw.

f24cd1  No.4289539

File: 9c6030bd0a18e94⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Darulio-the-orville-spurt-….gif)

14645b  No.4289540

File: 479570ba1387ec9⋯.jpg (47.85 KB, 500x373, 500:373, and-thats-how-computers-ar….jpg)


Sorry, don't normally shit the bread but just can't resist.

b201c0  No.4289541


The entire internet at your finger tips and that's the mug ya go with..

e9fb56  No.4289542

File: 15b07e959bfab7f⋯.jpeg (39.56 KB, 680x425, 8:5, Dt4ealQXQAATsh-.jpeg)

File: 5565427208bd9a6⋯.jpeg (25.25 KB, 360x205, 72:41, DsfK6ZIWoAAxYLj.jpeg)


The problem with your assumption is Q failed to elaborate and did not say the earth was a "globe" though asked and did not say the earth was hallow, and no one asked him if the earth was fixed and immovable.

So basically a worthless question was asked and he answered truthfully. It's npt flat, we live under a dome and it's supported on columns.

So quit saying he cleared anything up.

Research Operation Fishbowl Antartica.

65e893  No.4289543

"you step into this ginger bread house

and it's filled with 'candy'

and you can tell that it's real

because you can 'touch the walls'

and you can 'see' that there is 'real cookies' on the walls

and for the whole thing to be there

and to have the music on

and snow falling in the background

and the doors close

you just have like kind of a moment

of being transported into 'somewhere' else"

54973b  No.4289544


My father retired at 30. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

f843af  No.4289545

Is Francis Bacon good, bad or neither?

f589cb  No.4289546


mate, Sulu is gay, he aint gonna hit that

he wants Capt. Kirks ass

f7ff8f  No.4289547


Oh the pun!

8b3aea  No.4289548


Deleted all the tweets shortly after Q shut it down, then deleted completely out of shame

479c07  No.4289549


Well we really do need to seperate these things because the moment you appraich ut as all the same thing then you get systemic problems - and thats how the FED manipulates the monetary and finace sector.

Banking and finance is not the be all and end all of the economy. If we actually seperated the two then people will know one fron the other and hence make a choice of what they want to do with their money. But we dont have that now - how is it that if you want to "save" for your retirement, you have to "invest" it?

Makes no sense when these two things are different activities altogether like apples and oranges.

If you want to save you put your money in the bank. If you want to invest then you go to a finance firm to do that. We got everything back the front upside down and not really meaning what it means in this system. Gotta change.

8c5e74  No.4289550





Could a convo be started on how a government can be funded? I remember reading something about bonds originally being the method. Can educate me more?

e1daed  No.4289551

9756ab  No.4289552


Z=Last Resort if we the people failed to elect a senate majority after all of the maga rally and q research pushing.

54973b  No.4289553

File: 3e8e312318781ea⋯.jpg (135.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, omg-thats-embarrassing.jpg)



You idiots! THAT IS THE JOKE!!!!

That is Ocazio Cortez my dudes!

2a8c70  No.4289554


>We need to understand banking and finance

^^That's the problem, isn't it? Majority of people do NOT understand even basic economics! That needs to change or we continue to suffer the monetary equality rhetoric and the up-lifting of those that don't understand how to manage their finances.

Less than 3% of universities offer economics. By design, of course.

[and Anon feel privileged to have gone to one of these skools and received a real degree before they began handing out trophys]

07e4e7  No.4289555


the problem with your assumption is you're moving the goalposts from "it's flat" to "it's flat, but it's got a magic dome over it, but Q didn't mention the dome part"

38bb02  No.4289556

File: 1f7fada667e0b78⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 300x225, 4:3, wDu1cr3.gif)

36ca86  No.4289557

>>4287793 (lb)

So that's where the term "Venus-Fly-Trap" comes from.

f589cb  No.4289559


YOU must be the Highest Ranking Anon

7ae94b  No.4289560

File: 14bcb3d950e54df⋯.jpeg (348.5 KB, 690x570, 23:19, 4FD4EC40-88A8-4775-B575-8….jpeg)


Blacklisted Actor Maybe???

Retired at 30.

Hell retired at 40 would be nice.

See the world. Be a surf bum…


fd8b3f  No.4289561


Very trite. Thank you.

2aa961  No.4289562

File: a566e05829b5cc2⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, boatload-of-pogs.jpg)


What is the point of minting a coin out of silver? The process of making it pretty and artistic adds cost that is destroyed when the silver gets melted down someday. And if it's not going to get melted down and used for something then what's the point of bullion? It's a pretty trinket.

770db1  No.4289564

What is the madella effect Q?

38bb02  No.4289565

File: a97745cd627db6c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 973x604, 973:604, spacebeer.png)

3a8549  No.4289566

File: fec063f09e2ea96⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, B73EF287602CC2B269EC8B3C48….jpg)


way reaching

71640b  No.4289567


>>4289075 interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows, size and scope of boarder

>>4289174, >>4289233 Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

>>4289304, >>4289421 Republican Mark Green, a Con-elect from Clarksville comments on vaccines

>>4289315, >>4289349 U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify, House panel on Clinton probe

>>4289462 @ 3:43:23 Democrat Jamie Raskin asked google CEO Sundar Pichai Clinton satanic rituals

Need More

8b3aea  No.4289568


Holy shit I am dying here. Love you anons!

3a0162  No.4289570


the transition to the new matrix

bd167d  No.4289571





We are mortals

We were de-livered

54973b  No.4289572

File: 50b1b92298d8e61⋯.gif (117.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, tenor.gif)


And by the way, the character Sulu is not gay, the actor who plays him is.


3a8549  No.4289573


Q? I remember him being called R

Whats going on here?

7974b8  No.4289574

File: 803e26c895d6617⋯.png (978.21 KB, 792x594, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

cbb8cf  No.4289575

File: ebd2db59e0ead81⋯.png (125.37 KB, 1712x520, 214:65, May17.png)

2a8c70  No.4289576


Dayum, Anon- EXCELLENT post!

BAKER Notable

b230d1  No.4289577


Where's our collective memory? This was known yesterday.As per Q.

ccfcd8  No.4289578


looks pretty round to me, bud. Get out more

f843af  No.4289579


Okay this shit is wild. And I am honestly going to tell you it is not a dead end. There is some real nuggets here.

German Idealism: Kant, Fichte, and Schelling

71640b  No.4289580

>>4289576 don't like sauce and old

change my mind?

ee8c56  No.4289581

File: 058021744651670⋯.png (166.99 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-12-13-03-2….png)

File: d477506f37c5faa⋯.png (56.25 KB, 720x713, 720:713, Screenshot_2018-12-13-03-2….png)

File: 2721d69ef8c51d2⋯.png (80.62 KB, 720x780, 12:13, Screenshot_2018-12-13-03-4….png)

Q Black Eye [I] ?


54973b  No.4289582

File: b80f618bac77f48⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 454x550, 227:275, pp,550x550.u1.jpg)



New shill tactic since flat earth womp womp?

f589cb  No.4289583


The Mandela Effect refers to a phenomenon in which Winnie Mandela shares false memories of past sexual interludes with Nelson Mandela in his prison cell.

It's referred to as confabulation in intercourse.

Some have speculated that the bonking memories of Winnie Mandela are caused by parallel humping universes spilling into our own, while others explain the phenomenon as a failure of collective memory of all the Zulu Niggers in South Africa.

3ba14a  No.4289585


Thanks for posting this. I found it yesterday and posted the link, but it got no traction. It's quite an extensive site with videos of the border and many stories. The map is pretty cool.

8ab9d3  No.4289586


Baker Notable

>>4289065 >>4289448 E.O. White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

2a8c70  No.4289587


FFS It's a money-making opportunity. Some folks dig it.

Numismatic value is the value in excess of the monetary value conferred by law, which is known as the collector value.

b201c0  No.4289588


He had to shut it down… Did not want to spoil the surprise when he is unveiled as our Christmas surprise…

3a0162  No.4289589

Time moving Slow Now

e9fb56  No.4289590



Not reaching. It's the truth. Q would not mislead. The question sucked.

Antartica is key. All the shit started over it, the focus of the evil 777 Masonic temple, 5 eyes, everything.

d32134  No.4289591



>>4289536 Exactly. Exactly our point.

b4eb1f  No.4289592



'Dark day': migrant rescue ship Aquarius ends operations

Médecins Sans Frontières says ‘smear campaign’ by European governments hampered work in Mediterranean


Fri 7 Dec 2018 01.04 GMT Last modified on Fri 7 Dec 2018 23.25 GMT





The Aquarius saved tens of thousands of migrants from drowning in the Mediterranean.

The Aquarius saved tens of thousands of migrants from drowning in the Mediterranean. Photograph: Patrick Bar/AP

Search and rescue ship Aquarius, which has saved tens of thousands of migrants from drowning in the Mediterranean, has ended its operations, said Médecins Sans Frontières, the charity that runs the ship.

MSF and its partner SOS Mediterranee said they were forced to terminate its operations due to a “smear campaign” by European governments.

'Race against time': flag revoked for Aquarius migrant rescue ship

Read more

The ship has been blocked at the French port of Marseilles since it lost its Panamanian registration at the end of September.

The Aquarius was the last charity rescue ship operating off of Libya. Last year there were five groups running rescue ships.

“This is a dark day. Not only has Europe failed to provide dedicated search and rescue capacity, it has also actively sabotaged others’ attempts to save lives,” Vickie Hawkins, head of MSF UK, said in a statement.

“The end of Aquarius means more lives lost at sea; more avoidable deaths that will go unwitnessed and unrecorded. It really is a case of ’out of sight out of mind’ for UK and European leaders as men, women and children perish,” she said.

Nearly 5,000 migrants died in 2016 while trying to cross the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East, fleeing war and poverty, according to the UN agency International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The number of migrants reaching Italy has fallen sharply since last year as smuggling networks inside Libya, a key departure point for mainly sub-Saharan Africans, have been disrupted and the European Union has stepped up efforts to increase Libyan coastguard patrols.

Data by IOM showed that more than 2,000 people have drowned so far this year.

Aquarius: onboard the migrant rescue ship – photographic diary

Read more

Italian magistrates in November accused MSF of illegally dumping toxic waste at ports in southern Italy and ordered Aquarius to be impounded.

The charity denied any wrongdoing and accused Italy of seeking to criminalise humanitarian search-and-rescue missions.

The public prosecutor’s office in Catania, Sicily, said it believed crew on the Aquarius, and its sister ship VOS Prudence, had illegally dumped potentially dangerous medical waste among ordinary rubbish between January 2017 and May 2018.

8b3aea  No.4289593


You hit us we hit you back 10x harder

f24cd1  No.4289594

File: 70b980f3089866d⋯.gif (7.85 MB, 500x277, 500:277, ouch.gif)


Good Nite Anons, Time for my big Finale! Much love patriots!

71640b  No.4289595


Already in Notables Anon

0f65dd  No.4289596


Not a Biblefag. Not even very religiousfag. However, that hits me in all the right spots, Anon. I've found lately (last few years, though was always prone to it among many other things as I have a curious mind as far as 'historical' value) that the Bible reads differently to me than it ever had, and I'm finding odd messages that click with a memory I'd been trying to understand, and it winds up having been a moment I'd learned a lesson that helped me in some way.

Powerful stuff, even for just spiritual/InTheEndGodWinsfags.

a818ca  No.4289597


Withholding bait and making them squirm only makes sense,

Think logically. They have 3 whistle blowers to use to continue the 'bring normies up to speed' effort, and expose the past reality.

Why show your full hand before it is necessary?


7d89d4  No.4289598

File: 1c986c30529cce5⋯.png (939.26 KB, 1906x909, 1906:909, 1 buy here.png)

File: 02bb20f6e0f5357⋯.png (606.68 KB, 1912x909, 1912:909, 1 peddling tshirts.png)

File: 27ae14519ace2e0⋯.png (624.37 KB, 1920x902, 960:451, 1 Pig face Corsi.png)


MOS limited hangout uncovered across multiple social media platforms.

Read my dig on them here (I am not Anon66 btw): https://web.stagram.com/p/Bq043PfghxX

Read their response to my dig here: https://web.stagram.com/p/Bq1IEWDAgX6

Rebuttal 8/8

You are not a peaceful team of patriots that just want to MAGA. You, MOSSAD (CENTIPEDENATION) have tried to infiltrate and turn a profit from our movement. Just look at your own posts peddling crap for sale.

Q Post#1343 “They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own. Profit-vehicle. Destroy through [misinformation]. Absorb the 'confused'. Re-route traffic to other platforms.”

Q Post#1339 “Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity. … We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs. … Control the information (THEY).

Harness followers / profiteering (THEY). Define Media. Primary goal of the Media? To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets). Selling makes money. Be careful who you follow.”

Q Post#1328 “Use LOGIC. Stay on point. This is NOT about a single person. This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.”

Q Post#1295 “Patriots are SELFLESS. Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? Think logically. To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.”

f47100  No.4289599


Travel Well Anon!!

b201c0  No.4289600


We are in the middle of a great big orgy and didn't even know it !!!

2a8c70  No.4289601


The cell phone doc.

That kinda sealed it for me.

The rest of the supporting evidence does support the theory. We know about POTUS in LV and SA. Let the reader decide. IMO, that's what notables are about. This is how moar eyes get on it and theory is proven or thrown out.

Let it see the light!

7d89d4  No.4289602

File: 9cf8a55aa55bda9⋯.png (712.35 KB, 1919x902, 1919:902, 2 911.png)

File: c0c9b8241a1dbbc⋯.png (395.61 KB, 1920x909, 640:303, 2 Awan.png)

File: a77da0d00554a71⋯.png (488.55 KB, 1920x911, 1920:911, 2 JFK.png)

Rebuttal 2/8

You deflect from me calling you out on erroneous information you have repeatedly posted. 47 Weeks ago You posted info from Corsi who Q in Q Post#2104 pointed out is Mossad. Corsi “decoded” the drop as Julian Assange being freed in an attempt to get our hopes up only to wear us out emotionally when it turns out Julian is still stuck in that fucking prison. You parroted the narrative being pushed by MOS and never issued a retraction.

Recently on 11/26 you once again plastered that pig-faced MOS clown Corsi all over your page painting him as a victim of Mueller’s corrupt witchhunt. You know full well both of these men are bad actors and the only thing that will come out of the legal proceedings is a shitshow meant to distract and stall the declassification of the FISA as each of them tries to save their own skin.


Rebuttal 3/8

Around the time of the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, there was a lot of fuckery going on. From the red dots on POTUS during his speech, to the abrupt way in which POTUS left the press pool behind, to the journalist posting the photo “in bad judgement” of the crosshairs over POTUS, something was definitely going on. Very few Anons were even saying it was MOS at the time, but you instantly jumped in to exculpate MOS. We know that the cabal loves to signal their killings because they believe it is a way to free themselves from the karmic ramifications of their actions, just like in Q Post#1760 when Michael Avenatti posted the photo of plane in crosshairs the same week as the missile was launched at AF1 in Alaska or when George Bush was at the elementary school on the morning of 9/11 and had the children read out these words repeatedly “KITE, HIT, STEEL, PLANE, MUST!” So don’t even begin to tell me no attempts were made when that piece of shit posted a photo of the crosshairs on POTUS.

In your post you also change my words to “MOS hangout” and then say [whatever that means] when what I had called you out on is being a “limited hangout”. Why lie about what I said if you weren’t afraid of Anons looking up the meaning of “limited hangout”: A limited hangout or partial hangout is, according to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti, "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."

You claim that my charges of sidestepping obvious MOS connections are unsubstantiated, but they are very well founded. 21 weeks ago you made a post about Awan, and said literally zero about his connections to MOS even though in Q Post#916 (roughly 36 weeks ago) Q fingered them as being the real force behind Awan. Approximately 31 weeks ago, you did a piece on MYSTERY PAKISTANIS related to Awan and once again were completely mute about the MOS connection. 39 weeks ago you did a post about false flags and mentioned the assassination of JFK, may his soul shine for eternity, but once again said nothing about JFK rejecting the plan to give Israel a nuclear reactor prior to his assassination. In that same post you mentioned conflicting accounts being a dead giveaway of a false flag and mentioned 9/11, but said nothing of the witnesses who saw “the dancing Israelis” after the towers fell, or how they were apprehended and set loose on orders from the highest levels of the traitors in US government at the time. 52 weeks ago you did a post on 9/11 and fingered the Saudis for their part in that most heinous of crimes against humanity, but once again brought no attention to the “Israeli art students” who were instrumental in setting the charges that brought the towers down, or the “dancing Israelis”. Because you reveal part of the truth but repeatedly omit MOS connections, your page is the very definition of limited hangout

d32134  No.4289603



How do you 'save' for 'retirement' etc when there is inflation (cpi and monetary) by design, and when there is negligible interest paid on money that is saved?

All by design.

7d89d4  No.4289604

File: c4f61694311363f⋯.jpg (378.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 3 Cabal.jpg)

File: 40dd0c6a01cfcaa⋯.png (526.69 KB, 1913x965, 1913:965, 3 Project Honey Pot.png)


Rebuttal 4/8

Not even sure what to say when you lie through your teeth about the ability to access the backend of any and all Google analytics. But to the non tech-savy Anons, do you really think the same data that is used to locate you and give you directions on Google maps isn’t also collected when you connect to a host site with the same IP you use to get directions?

Rebuttal 5/8

Once again you through out a ton of technical terms and avoid the fact that Cloudflare fundamentally changes the encryption process. Whereas prior to Cloudflare client and host traded their public and private keys directly, Cloudflare now as an intermediary in the name of “preventing DDOS”, gets copies of both party’s public and private keys, giving them access to ALL encrypted data. In very simple terms Cloudflare has been pushed down the public’s throat as a legitimized man-in-the-middle attack.

Rebuttal 6/8

Umm…actually we DEFINITELY know Cloudflare is a honeypot as per the mountain of evidence I provide in my original post. Cloudflare’s founders are literally the Deep State’s big tech arm. Once again you deflect from the connections I made about the people running the company that hosts your website. Your argument of “millions of people use it” is a poor rhetorical appeal to consensus. Millions of people in the Islamic world also hate America. Are we supposed to just lie down and die? I don’t think so. Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter how many people do it.

3a0162  No.4289605


That is not the way I remember the Mandela Effect

7d89d4  No.4289606

File: aea4ebe2f99fabd⋯.jpg (28.45 KB, 421x453, 421:453, 4 Jesus Temple.jpg)


Rebuttal 7/8

Bringing it full circle. Actually no. You are not here to just offer an opinion and a different way of looking at things. You are here to infiltrate and profit as per your multiple appeals for donations and peddling cheap made in China trinkets. There is nothing more (THEM) than shilling for sheckles in a movement that strives for truth and the uplifting of humanity. You are cut of the same cloth as the merchants that defiled God’s temple in the New Testament, and you will be driven out the same.

If it takes until my last breath on my last day, I won’t stop until I free every one of my brothers and sisters whose eyes you have pulled the wool over, you MOS clown pieces of shit. Q has lit the fire in /us/ and it spreads. Sheep no more. Soon (you) will know no quarter and the only mercy will be that which God sees fit to give you.

Any Anons on IG that want to spread the word about this MOS psyop please feel free to.


https://web.stagram.com/p/Bq043PfghxX <-Synopsis of my original dig on centipede’s deep state connections

https://web.stagram.com/p/Bq1IEWDAgX6 <- Centipede Nation’s Response to my Original Accusation

https://www.newsweek.com/trump-crosshairs-red-dots-laser-christmas-tree-tom-roussey-gun-sight-1237305 <- POTUS in crosshairs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg5NvKpJfKE <- George Bush 9/11 School Occult Chant

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack <- Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Explained

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html <- the dancing Israelis

https://rense.com/general87/14_1.htm <- the Israeli “art” students

e258e1  No.4289607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

By The Book - Gematria

Q Anon = Alice! Mystery Solved. Crumbs We Missed.

3a8549  No.4289608


you know he did this to draw attention to Pizzagate right?

ccfcd8  No.4289609

File: 3a8a5e340abfcbf⋯.png (48.25 KB, 792x468, 22:13, Opera Snapshot_2018-12-13_….png)

Never seen qmap.pub numbers this high.


8b3aea  No.4289610


Thank you!

e1daed  No.4289611

Define Pecking Order

Financial Model


5f3d0e  No.4289612



9756ab  No.4289613


Def wishful thinking as the cable is only commissioned in this month and slated for use early 2019. Still great news for imminent use for tribunals however.

"The new system will be fully commissioned as scheduled in December and placed into service in early 2019 after being fully integrated into the global DISN network. "

https ://subtelforum.com/xtera-final-splice-disa-cable/

07e4e7  No.4289614


That explains why New Zealand keeps moving from northeast to southeast coast of australia.. Fucking timelines can't figure out if the kiwis are supposed to be the top or bottom in that homosex relationship.

54973b  No.4289615

File: 7faf587dec66da9⋯.gif (8.26 MB, 458x468, 229:234, giphy.gif)

2a8c70  No.4289616


Also should add that the freshness factor doesn't hold water for me. Although KV is old news, if it was the event that caused the floodgates to open it's an important event, no matter how far back it goes. Hell- the formation of the FED is old too but has everything to do with everything today.

71640b  No.4289617


A case well put but article is a month old

8ab9d3  No.4289618


kek, ThanQ I missed seeing that earlier on (pb)

0f65dd  No.4289619


Either I'm very high (I am….) or that was freaking brilliant. It's almost sad how pulled into reading that I was. Sativa, yeah at this hour.

7ea03f  No.4289620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not really. The fiat was a contract. The property in the contract had intrinsic value to the fully informed parties. Then they hypothecated the property multiple times, replaced the contracts with koopons and corrupted the laws. The law is the key. The law is whatever you are ready to fight for. All fights are to the death. We are the law. Honor and Integrity and Reason is coming back around again.

When does a bird sing? When dark turns to Light. Sunrise.

f589cb  No.4289621

File: a616030f496003c⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x246, 85:82, egreery.jpg)


Have you heard of Method acting ?

Arkhtruallee ….Sulu acts pretty gay on set…have you seen the way he eyes that Vulcan Spock ass, in the ST episode "The City on the Edge of Tomorrow" ?

e9fb56  No.4289622

File: cc097b17d28d06e⋯.jpeg (101.03 KB, 642x900, 107:150, DuQBJ6DVAAA2Kef.jpeg)

File: dfc9edb3933ba59⋯.jpeg (224.37 KB, 908x1200, 227:300, DrhvAsRWoAIh2oY.jpeg)

File: 6630032bbcb771b⋯.jpeg (22.15 KB, 266x360, 133:180, DtOg1GrX4AAznXb.jpeg)


All of them are 33°degree masons

Fukin lying through their teeth.

2a8c70  No.4289623


First time Anon's seen it. I live here. Can't believe I missed it and if I did, many others missed it as well.

(KV=LV ooops)

73b77c  No.4289625

File: c79853d2fbb851f⋯.jpg (205.77 KB, 660x851, 660:851, polish-proverb-the-jew-cri….jpg)


>The charity denied any wrongdoing and accused Italy of seeking to criminalise humanitarian search-and-rescue missions.

what an odd response.

>seeking to criminalise humanitarian search-and-rescue missions.

1519fc  No.4289626


Definitely crossed my mind.

So abby-normal, it could pretty much only be intentional.

7d89d4  No.4289627


^ This is MOS looks like anons. I did a good dig on a disinfo site, documented everything and this POS tries to break me by attacking me emotionally in the vein that my efforts are for naught.

News flash Israeli cuck. If I saved even 1 person, and I know I have saved a lot more, from your limited hangout, it is all worth it.

You can't break me.

0f65dd  No.4289628

>>4289619 (to me, still high)

All but Huber. Tomorrow will be bonkers though for sure, I think.

6bf4bb  No.4289629

File: e0901392823bda4⋯.png (27.37 KB, 1041x366, 347:122, 2k.PNG)


just jumped to 222k

77374f  No.4289630


e258e1  No.4289631

File: a864c186373188a⋯.png (208.53 KB, 644x418, 322:209, 01 Gematria.png)

File: 15677c0aa39e9fd⋯.png (182.8 KB, 852x428, 213:107, 03 Jesus Said.png)

File: 864b386b77490e6⋯.png (85.43 KB, 640x407, 640:407, 04 Think for Yourself.png)

File: dec751d4259cb84⋯.png (206.88 KB, 850x379, 850:379, 05 Coincidence.png)

54973b  No.4289632


George Takei Reacts to Gay Sulu News: I Think It's Really Unfortunate

Speaking exclusively to THR, the actor and LGBT activist says the 'Star Trek Beyond' development for his character is out of step with what creator Gene Roddenberry would have wanted.


Straight from the horse's mouth! SUCK IT!

2a8c70  No.4289633


No it FAILED- not disinfo.

This Anon locked out of it all- could not get in.

00508a  No.4289635


… da fek is this?

479c07  No.4289636


Now you are talking about the value of money.

Gold and silver have alway helds its value over the long run and when it was money, you had gradual 'deflation' meaning that the value of the commodity rose in value in respect to the goods and services being produced - they got cheaper. This is why ppl 'saved' their money back in the day because you couldnt inflate the money supply and if an ounce of gold bought you a dozen eggs a loaf of bread and ciggerettes today, then you could get tge same goods 10 years later for the same or even less.

f47100  No.4289637

File: 19aec820cedde73⋯.jpg (791.04 KB, 1836x3061, 1836:3061, 20180907_191445.jpg)


KEK!! I just had to dab up some Green Dot. ALWAYS Sativa. ALWAYS.

8b3aea  No.4289638


It's a pyramid scheme. I'll issue you a dollar, yeah, but for the convenience you need to pay 5 cents. I'll take the 5 cents now, and you still owe me that dollar..

7c0039  No.4289639

>>4288238 (pb)

Whats the source of pic 3? PG&E was sentenced and is now a convicted felon? how does that even make sense?

d32134  No.4289640



f589cb  No.4289641


We are probably in differing Timelines, anon.

73b77c  No.4289642

File: d9a24b064771679⋯.png (770.3 KB, 1136x663, 1136:663, 9e67f23893a9f0def7e06c2cb7….png)


yeah he did rabbi and I am reading it.

54973b  No.4289643

File: ba244f5579e2cca⋯.jpg (14.34 KB, 480x319, 480:319, 2W4Q2Jh.jpg)



(take a deep breath*)


13f89c  No.4289644


So where does the money to pay the interest on the first dollar borrowed come from? No where is the answer.

Why do you think ALL Central Banks have a targeted goal of inflation? Because the system has to keep creating new money by issuing loans in order to fund the interest payments due on past loans. Why do you think the system freaks out of deflation?

824429  No.4289645

File: d239563e5a5a4a4⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 937x605, 937:605, comey.JPG)

File: 51b11421d306789⋯.jpg (76.22 KB, 913x609, 913:609, comey1.JPG)

Hey Anons,

Last bread an Anon posted "Comey, I know you're asleep…don't do it." - Or something like that.

I can't help but wonder if Comey does have something planned for today. His Insta pic turned is the crescent moon (which is today), The day before he posted a mafia dude on a glass. Remember all the signs we got for 9/11 of people falling? Ya, well that happened in LV today at Trump tower.

Just curious and wonder what others thoughts are.

e9fb56  No.4289646

File: b64b9cf1750190c⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 360x280, 9:7, DsToAm_W0AAMQAx.jpeg)

File: 63da83f40f7ec56⋯.jpeg (108.12 KB, 680x504, 85:63, Ds4nXwfWwAANSo6.jpeg)


52 million a day

8bb957  No.4289647


Dragon Air B-737 hit by typhoon in China ShenZhen.


Video of ‘plane spinning 360 degrees’ in Typhoon Mangkhut fools MILLIONS


(Requires you to accept cookies to read the whole article).

824429  No.4289648


*awake - not asleep

e258e1  No.4289649

File: af780ed86819819⋯.png (131.19 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 02 Q EQUALS ALICE.png)

File: 498166d7fdc29b2⋯.png (80.19 KB, 643x341, 643:341, 06 Larp.png)

File: e59a21458d94b27⋯.png (227.2 KB, 730x381, 730:381, 07 The Choice.png)

71640b  No.4289650

Getting late in bread


>>4289075 interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows, size and scope of boarder

>>4289174, >>4289233 Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

>>4289304, >>4289421 Republican Mark Green, a Con-elect from Clarksville comments on vaccines

>>4289315, >>4289349 U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify, House panel on Clinton probe

>>4289462 @ 3:43:23 Democrat Jamie Raskin asked google CEO Sundar Pichai Clinton satanic rituals

>>4289503 Daily crusader articles needs nomination to be included Posted On : 18-November-2018


d32134  No.4289651


>>4289638 Exactly

>>4289644 Short answer- Harvested from your future energy output, slave. (I'm a 'slave' too, btw).

65e893  No.4289652

folks, lots of people wonder about the simulation and matrix stuff, there is lots of connections between simulation theory, Buddhism, and Christianity… this lead many people into many wild places without real guidance from someone who's both good AND truthful… i personally went ridiculously deep into this whole simulation/Christianity/matrix/Buddhism/Gnosticism rabbit hole… and you know who I found to be the best source of guidance for all this mess?

Rudolf Steiner…

this guy is the real shit… forget the half educated part time researcher who confuse the hell out of us on YouTube (flat earthers, etc) - this guy is a real scientist, real esotericist, real christian. if you really want to understand who jesus christ is, in scientific terms, read his shit… he's literally a goldmine of wisdom…

the best thing about him is that he appeals both to intellectual and intuitive people…

for intellectuals he has intelligent, scientific, logical, religion free books and articles… like his book The Philosophy of Freedom… but he also has as shit ton of religious writings, he wrote extensively about Christianity and Jesus.

Honestly, he is the best source out there to unify between religion and science. The fucking best. No one comes even close to this behemoth of a person. Oh and did I mention he's extremely anti socialism and pro individualism? His book The Philosophy of Freedom is actually THE guide for ethical individualism as opposed to the lawless individualism atheists promote today.

check some of his shit:







Check this one one:


ignore part 1 and just jump in to part 2… he masterfully links all history together and unifies all theories, scientific, spiritual, historical, philosophical, you name it, and i just love how and where he places Christ in the midst of it all despite not being Christian himself (at least not on the traditional sense):


479c07  No.4289653



This is the problem..people think in terms of more money when the problem is really the value of the money.

I dont want more money per se, i want the money i have right now to hold its value in 10 yrs time.

Quality over quantity.

f589cb  No.4289654

File: c7bfe28068b80aa⋯.jpeg (13.6 KB, 255x239, 255:239, dgg.jpeg)



hey dude, if you wanna suck dick, like Sulu, that's your affair, but count me out, I aint no homo faggot

54973b  No.4289655

File: 66414823a08827f⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 400x373, 400:373, Nelson_Ha-Ha.jpg)


Nice try!

f47100  No.4289657


Bad News…All the males on the Original Enterprise were packing each others fudge. Except Spock. Because he thought logically. The rest were 100% butt pirates. Not just Sulu.

2a8c70  No.4289658



This is interdasting.

Speculation, but solid thought, imo

ccfcd8  No.4289659


IF, Daily Crusader >>4289503 IS notable, drop this part of the title

"> CABAL ABOUT TO BE ROUNDED UP – NOT A DRILL" - too tabloid and won't age well.

de3248  No.4289660


f7ff8f  No.4289662

File: 52188e8cc83da2f⋯.jpg (102.74 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, chunk.jpg)

File: 134de78a63ddfb2⋯.jpg (97.3 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, chumpAndchunk.jpg)

File: 5148549c0ed6cc3⋯.jpg (62.07 KB, 744x498, 124:83, chump2.jpg)

b4eb1f  No.4289663

Mind Blown.

Learn Russian.


7c0039  No.4289664

nvm about the source, I'm an id 10 t. pic 3 still doesn't make sense tho.

54973b  No.4289665

File: b0884bcd68170d0⋯.gif (903.63 KB, 240x228, 20:19, b0884bcd68170d0a26143c41f1….gif)

408653  No.4289666

File: 96199142486eaed⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 510x371, 510:371, 2maolx.jpg)

de3248  No.4289667



d32134  No.4289668


This is what is about to change imo. You are on the right track.

Gotta leave for short time.

07e4e7  No.4289669


be sure to find one of them globular hopsicals… those flat-walled ones is fake and gay, unless they've got magic domes on 'em

2a8c70  No.4289670


Agree about the title- didn't even notice it, just read the info, Title sucks.

e9fb56  No.4289671


They print the shit up, as much as they want to "loan" or it's all on paper deposited into an account run through federal reserve routing numbers everyday. Credit cards only process through wells fargo. Bank mergers and buyouts. Always rolling our deposits.

54ba26  No.4289672


Just you wait until Q starts answering about extraterrestrials, spirits and the multidimensional nature of our reality

54973b  No.4289673

71640b  No.4289674

>>4289659 thats not an endorsement

feb15b  No.4289676


Never heard of Grazzledrip?

Nice to have this on the record though.

54973b  No.4289678


Extraterrestrials, spirits and the multidimensional nature of our reality is all real, so I don't think Q is gonna say much about this stuff.

408653  No.4289679

File: 5f04e902d278e30⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 550x403, 550:403, 2oupxi.jpg)

5f3d0e  No.4289681


Because Cylinders exist.

And Lunar Eclipses.

Plus, what's on the other side of your Coin Earth?

384d82  No.4289682



de3248  No.4289683


Q already answered about the ETs.. spirits sort of as he calls this a spiritual war, quoting directly from the bible.

71640b  No.4289684

>>4289670 If An Anon had speculated it It would be notable and maybe if it was fresh it would be

don't dispute article has merit

feb15b  No.4289685

File: 7e57a918a34bd5a⋯.png (295.68 KB, 493x605, 493:605, Screenshot_154 - Copy.png)

8b3aea  No.4289686

File: 096ace9eb3f817c⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 600x263, 600:263, 1371163754.jpg)


Every dollar, whether printed or imaginary numbers on a balance sheet, only furthers the debt we owe. They don't hide it, it's in our faces.

54973b  No.4289687

File: cfc058e71d6ee59⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 645x729, 215:243, DlOiR4SVAAAfl94.jpg)



170119  No.4289688

File: e2b0894a52b499c⋯.jpg (55.98 KB, 843x941, 843:941, frazzledrip hilldog.jpg)

f589cb  No.4289689


evil trippz

Hillary must die and go to Hell…digits confirm

b4eb1f  No.4289690

File: 22c66e8c7b651ec⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 480x270, 16:9, hwndu.gif)

146116  No.4289691


looks like freddy's shift started

7ea03f  No.4289692



It's easier to make an omelette. If you got french toast it means you lucked out and got one that can and will cook for you.

13f89c  No.4289693


Not quit, if you want to understand how "money" is created you should read this booklet published by the FRB of Chicago.


62e7b9  No.4289694

The Peacemaker

5befd2  No.4289695

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.png (279.28 KB, 640x639, 640:639, ClipboardImage.png)


The moon tho? We know it’s flat, right?

d98c3c  No.4289696

Damn. Everyone is turning on Potus. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-‘loud-gong’-national-enquirer’s-surprise-deal-could-imperil-trump/ar-BBQSatS?ocid=spartandhp

07e4e7  No.4289697


well somebody's gotta provide the 4 am talking points.

54973b  No.4289698


Red text doesn't mean Freddy is back.

Freddy ONLY uses red text.

I only use red text when I mocking the retarded flattards.

e258e1  No.4289699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Satanic statue appears at Illinois statehouse

2 min video

de3248  No.4289700


the other side of the earth would be a propeller of some sort, thereby accelerating the earth / plane to create gravity.

e258e1  No.4289701

File: 6dba15e557e1874⋯.png (841.38 KB, 843x431, 843:431, Satanic Temple Statue.png)

3a8549  No.4289702




7ea03f  No.4289703

File: 1d8bb8f4705f044⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 609x343, 87:49, 1d8bb8f4705f0440cc06a346f4….jpg)

File: 3c1389a0ed2671c⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 3c1389a0ed2671cb9d58b8fc88….jpg)

File: 7304b0c55545ccb⋯.jpg (99.61 KB, 841x896, 841:896, 7304b0c55545ccb4cacb2ddfa1….jpg)

5f3d0e  No.4289704


Weeee aaaaall liiiiive iiiin a Yelloow Submariiiine….

408653  No.4289705

I swear, the FE anons after Q confirming the Earth isnt flat, is like your favorite sports team losing the Super Bowl or World Series

7ea03f  No.4289706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

146116  No.4289707


yeah i didn't read your other posts kek ff bro

feb15b  No.4289708

File: 5a76f418cbea764⋯.png (218.82 KB, 268x295, 268:295, Screenshot_337.png)


R-faggots will say:

Q said "no" that JFK Jr. was alive, because JFK Jr. is no longer John John, but is now VF and has to remain "dead" so as not to jeopardize his life, others' lives, and the operation as a whole.

cb4b84  No.4289709


Maybe all the wine glasses at the Waldorf Astoria, or other hotel, are etched with that image.

0f65dd  No.4289710


The flowers just tops that off with such an unnecessary yet sweet touch to such a kind thing. And to him it's probably nothing yet everything at the same time.

54ba26  No.4289711


Normies can't even read leaked govt documents about that :(


71640b  No.4289712

warming oven


>>4289075 interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows, size and scope of boarder

>>4289174, >>4289233 Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

>>4289304, >>4289421 Republican Mark Green, a Con-elect from Clarksville comments on vaccines

>>4289315, >>4289349 U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify, House panel on Clinton probe

>>4289462 @ 3:43:23 Democrat Jamie Raskin asked google CEO Sundar Pichai Clinton satanic rituals

>>4289645 Anon Speculates on Comey and "I know you're asleep…don't do it." post

824429  No.4289714


Is that where he is at? How would we know?

d44d52  No.4289715


Thx anon.

5f3d0e  No.4289716


8c5e74  No.4289717


Somehow reminds me of that Monty Python skit, well, I worked 25 hours a day, lived in a shoebox on the bottom of a lake, and so on.

146116  No.4289718


military coup

62cb83  No.4289719

File: f37278ec0cbc05c⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 590x350, 59:35, no confidence.jpg)

Macron Faces Thursday No Confidence Vote As Protesters Reject Economic Crumbs

The majority of French people are not satisfied with a series of new economic policies unveiled by President Emmanuel Macron this week, and say that the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protests should continue, according to a new poll.

According to a poll by Odoxa, 59% of French say that they are not convinced by Macron, despite finding his proposal "satisfactory," according to Le Figaro. Just 21% found Macron's new policies convincing despite viewership for his speech jumping 40% over a speech last month.

That said, while Macron may have failed to win his people over - most of those polled agreed with his specific proposals; 61% favored the minimum wage boost, 55% liked the tax-free year-end bonuses and 85% of those surveyed backed no tax on overtime pay.

54% of those surveyed said the Yellow Vest protests should continue.

Many of the Yellow Vests have flat-out rejected Macron's proposals, according to European-Views.

He is trying to do a pirouette to land back on his feet but we can see that he isn’t sincere, that it’s all smoke and mirrors,” said Jean-Marc, a car mechanic as a gathering of some 150 Yellow Vests in the southern town of Le Boulou.

“It’s just window dressing, for the media, some trivial measures, it almost seems like a provocation,” said Thierry, 55, a bicycle mechanic.

“All this is cinema, it doesn’t tackle the problems of substance. “We’re really wound up, we’re going back to battle,” he told AFP before taking part in blocking the Boulou turnpike on the French-Spanish border.

“Maybe if Macron had made this speech three weeks ago, it would have calmed the movement, but now it’s too late. For us, this speech is nonsense,” said Gaetan, 34, one of the “Rennes Lapins Jaunes” (Yellow Rabbits of Rennes).

One 35-year-old French official said that Macron "is being held hostage so he drops some crumbs."

Meanwhile, Macron faces a no confidence vote in parliament on Thursday, after left-of-center lawmakers moved against the President.

Approximately 4,100 of the 4,523 Yellow Vest protesters arrested since the Nov 17 start of the massive demonstrations across France were thrown in jail according to French television broadcaster BFM, citing police sources. Nearly 2,000 of those arrested were arrested last Saturday during the movement's "Act IV" protest, according to the Interior Ministry - over half of which, 1,082, occurred in Paris.

The 48-hour detentions have been criticized for denying citizens their right to demonstrate.

"By locking them up for 48 hours, they were denied the opportunity to go to a demonstration and that in a democratic country is shocking" Paris Bar attorney attorney Raphael Kempf told BFM (translated).


de3248  No.4289720


i still found it amusing that Q actually answered this question because its one of the most retarded psyops out there.. but its good Q finally brought an end to it

3a8549  No.4289721


surprised not too much screaming about no plane hit the pentagon last Q&A, that still has me wondering about Q

54973b  No.4289722

File: 9dc93bd39774f2f⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 288x200, 36:25, 9dc93bd39774f2f3e2c7fb1707….jpg)

This bit was taken from the comment section in one of our favorite blue chicken, Jordan! Enjoy!

"Q would never tell you right now if JFK were alive- it is naiive to think so. He didnt say it was a spinning ball either! Anyway if Q said the earth were flat he would lose half his digital army. I will do as Q always says, think for myself. We dont have the gold unless Q stole it all back. Which is possible. Clintons stole a bunch and replaced it with titanium gold plated. Btw Q often cannot answer truthfully. For obvious reasons."

a9ff8c  No.4289723

File: 450d3bd89433128⋯.png (561.73 KB, 1868x708, 467:177, ClipboardImage.png)

C-17 call sign DECOY58 out of LA headed towards Washington, possibly to Dover AFB.

146116  No.4289724


yeah such stupidity hurts on a visceral level

07e4e7  No.4289725


well, weren't some fakestream media articles starting to throw that correlation on?

feb15b  No.4289726

File: 3b7e4bab56f5cda⋯.png (776.06 KB, 1162x1005, 1162:1005, Screenshot_9 - Copy (3).png)

e9fb56  No.4289727

File: ec8c533b1903339⋯.jpeg (406.94 KB, 1093x2048, 1093:2048, DsYfl3BWoAANwf3.jpeg)

File: c88f55432899fcf⋯.jpeg (33.26 KB, 343x360, 343:360, DtgjloMVsAAD0z-.jpeg)


It is an issue of mischaracterzation and a sloppy worthless question.

Therefore, he answered correctly.

He's big on organic realizations.

And he loves God.

And here's what God says.

We live under a dome.

Operation Fishbowl tested and verified that fact.

824429  No.4289728

File: ffa19f56a52c981⋯.jpg (100.38 KB, 845x954, 845:954, 340-341.JPG)

File: 70c2be438104f9d⋯.jpg (105.66 KB, 1331x624, 1331:624, 342-344.JPG)

File: a909998b6a24f35⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 1240x834, 620:417, 345-347.JPG)

Interdasting Q posts from 1 year ago today

99b8aa  No.4289729


I didn’t think anyone was stupid enough to buy these until I went over to my mother-in-laws house for thanksgiving. I had an hour long talk with my brother-in-law about the JQ in front of it so whatever.

feb15b  No.4289730




Satanic statue appears at Illinois statehouse


a654fc  No.4289731


$100,000,000 spent on that month long wedding. No doubt the host included clothing for Hilldawg. So, different event, different dress, same Hillary.

b74324  No.4289732



Zionist JP Morgan & Cuck are suppressing the price of silver. Fuck all of those financial advisers who "predict" a strong dollar.



The Night Shift is a special kind of anon. The best kind. High af myself fam. Not sure why I'm packing another bowl but here we are. WWG1WGHigh.

a9ff8c  No.4289733


So, how did the Oceans get their name, if God only referred to them as 'Seas'? I'm asking for a fren.

408653  No.4289734

Tom Fitton needs to drop some bombs

1a1ca5  No.4289736

File: 336cb2fda4c5dbd⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 35ECE2D2-486C-40C5-A349-E….jpeg)

File: ebcbf5544c6d97b⋯.jpeg (61.14 KB, 450x450, 1:1, B8CA3A8A-3400-4F0A-94EC-E….jpeg)


00f312  No.4289737


Be careful to buy from reputable dealers though .. theres a lot of counterfeit bars coming in from the chinese!

.. and they getting harder to tell apart if you dont have xrf or other detector unit.

b74324  No.4289738


They're just trying to get dark energy or some gay shit like that. Don't even worry about these distracting Satanist faggots. (((They))) know how close we are to victory so all cards are being played. Love your neighbor, thank the creator God, and stomp these sjw faggots. Nuff said.

6bf4bb  No.4289739


>High af myself fam

when they go low, we go high !

f47100  No.4289740


You know where I land with all of this?? I don't give a shit what shape the Earth is. I really don't. Not right now. Most of the planet is enslaved or has nothing, at best, and we could have Utopia. So I figure, once we figure out a way to feed and clothe everyone (Which I knew we'd have to knock the Cabal out in order for that to happen, and I NEVER thought it could/would happen) THEN….THEN I will start putting energy into it. Until then….First things first.

feb15b  No.4289741


Google that shit.

408653  No.4289742

File: ec5b64077921e59⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 2oulyk.jpg)

479c07  No.4289743


What has gov done to our money by murray rothbard

Economics in one lesson by henry hazlit

Also look up joe salerno on youtube for monetary theory

49caa3  No.4289744


>> If JFK Jr were alive…

He's not

>>If the earth was flat…

It's not

>> Titanium gold plated

Titanium is light., Gold is heavy. Easy to test.

f589cb  No.4289746

Listen….JFK Jr. is alive, because JFK Jr. is no longer John John, but is now VF and has to remain "dead" so as not to jeopardize his life, others' lives, and the freedom operation as a whole.

This is brilliant in a Psy Op way…dudes.

Part of The Plan….brilliant disinfo !

a9ff8c  No.4289747

File: 14cc2b02c4791cb⋯.png (413.85 KB, 1865x700, 373:140, ClipboardImage.png)

USAF E-8C Joint STARS, call sign DRACO06 returning from the Caribbean. This may be related to the AZAZ09O9 activity out there from two days ago.

1a1ca5  No.4289748

File: aaeb6829c3a22ab⋯.jpeg (63.37 KB, 815x649, 815:649, 13641C00-D3D8-4939-A316-9….jpeg)

0f65dd  No.4289749


It's like it has hover boards AND Mario's FLUDD under the wings and something went haywire.

a9ff8c  No.4289750


Tungsten is just about the same density and weight as gold. If you had gold-plated tungsten it would be very difficult to spot as a fake.

6bf4bb  No.4289751

File: 8bac4ee71e30130⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 2d25371a048f4b5e064e63222e….jpg)


thank you…planefags are special anons

e258e1  No.4289752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big Bad Don - The Ballad of Donald Trump

Some Humor

63228a  No.4289753


Tungsten, not titanium

feb15b  No.4289754

File: 57fe9d59a6b9078⋯.png (531.71 KB, 623x869, 623:869, Screenshot_53.png)


James, don't defend these fucks.

f47100  No.4289755


Listen…It doesn't matter. I HOPE Jr is alive, I always have, but I don't BELIEVE it. Q's post changes nothing about how I feel. All I can say is that IF Jr IS alive, I hope he stays hiding. He's good. The man has been through enough since he was knee high.

If he managed to evade his murder and find a peaceful life, protected by Patriots, then, by God, stay there. If something isn't broke, don't go trying to fix it. His life would be a circus that would make the Beatles look like nobodies. Fuck that.

71640b  No.4289756

File: 4245ca7a2254800⋯.jpg (206.47 KB, 1024x813, 1024:813, download (35).jpg)


71640b  No.4289757


>>4289075 interactive site for "THE WALL"…shows, size and scope of boarder

>>4289174, >>4289233 Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

>>4289304, >>4289421 Republican Mark Green, a Con-elect from Clarksville comments on vaccines

>>4289315, >>4289349 U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify, House panel on Clinton probe

>>4289462 @ 3:43:23 Democrat Jamie Raskin asked google CEO about Clinton satanic rituals video's

>>4289645 Anon Speculates on Comey and "I know you're asleep…don't do it." post

>>4289699, >>4289701 Satanic statue appears at Illinois statehouse

>>4289719 Macron Faces No Confidence Vote As Protesters Reject Economic Crumbs

8b3aea  No.4289758


>shrewd little cookie


824429  No.4289759


Did she even run against anyone?

3a0162  No.4289760

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

49caa3  No.4289761


Anyone buying large quantities of gold,takes core samples and easily would spot tungsten or any other non gold materials.

8c5e74  No.4289762


>A veritable litany of negative remarks.

Hey, I read about you! You're one of those assholes whose assignment is to Debbie Downer the board, constantly spewing misery. Oh, wait, I remember, it's called poisoning the well!


>lurky lurky..

More like lurky, Turkey.

f47100  No.4289763

Anons…Any talk about it being a, can't believe I'm saying this, a DEW hitting GOOG over in China??

a9ff8c  No.4289765

Ask yourself why a Chinese company would be selling gold-plated tungsten bars..


Earlier, we reported on how gold-plated tungsten bars found their way to New York City's Diamond District.

While the production of such bars seems sophisticated, the bars are evidently not difficult to acquire.

A reader forwarded us a link to the website for ChinaTungsten Online Manu. & Sales Corp., where can you purchase them directly.

The site advertises:

People have discovered that tungsten is environmental-friendly, durable and hardness, the most important is that its density of 19.25g/cm3 is just about the same density as gold (19.3g/cm3), which bears the similar specific gravity. These advantages make tungsten alloy golden bar and gold-plated tungsten bar enjoys the superiority to be the best golden substitution for the costly metal of gold or platinum.

Among the uses listed for such an object:

"If you are a broker in stock, manager in a big bank or insurance company, you can use Chinatungsten gold-plated tungsten alloy bar engraved with your company's name as souvenirs to your VIP customers. It is a very decent present without costing too much, and also could attract more customers for your business.

Gold-plated tungsten alloy bar is the best choice if you are a gold dealer and attend some trade fair or put your gold products in the showcase. In case your real gold being stolen, you can choose gold substitution, gold-plated tungsten alloy bar to reduce any possible loss.

Now that's not spoopy at all, no sirree Bob..Might be worth a dig on the Chinese company and who is behind it.

Nominated as a possible notable

a654fc  No.4289766


It has to be a double!!!! NOT.

This wedding is a month long event. Do you expect her to wear the same dress to every part of it every day?

de27f1  No.4289767



The specific gravity of gold and titanium are radically different. Archimedes principle


e9fb56  No.4289769


Some of the sea names are ancient even named in Book of Jubilees and Book of Enoch has 2 chapters on astronomy that is mind blowing. Those are available free downloads as pdf. Short reads. Enoch explains the evil shit, and 3 abysess I believe are in Antartica. There are areas of land beyond the edge of the ice inland with warm waters the Cabal forbids us to go. The Antartica Treaty. It's all secret. They worship satan there… And they know God is real.

Good v Evil


Read Enoch.

God doesn't lie

God wins

408653  No.4289770

Can we extradite from India?

3a8549  No.4289771


africa- thousands of years, earthen abodes

America- 300 years, Trump Towers

a9ff8c  No.4289773


Chinese website selling gold-plated tungsten bars.


3600bd  No.4289774


>3:10 he says, "What happened to Pepe?"!!!

201a5b  No.4289776

I think the pepe frog baker shot was a 'smocking gun', has everyone said that already? Am I late to the party?

8c597e  No.4289777



Trump Tower LV window washer death. There should be no way he is using a single chair on a building over 30 stories, usually they use a platform on outer rails. There should be no way he should be up and in those winds. They will catch you and whip you around the building. Double rope is correct, still he should of been hooked to safety rope while wearing a harness. Every window washer I knew was a stoner when I worked building maintenance.

f47100  No.4289778

File: 4e814909f1c6d1f⋯.png (53.05 KB, 364x218, 182:109, Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at ….png)

0f65dd  No.4289779


Got a 150 female relative. That chick can solve almost any damn problem you need solved, humble as shit. Sucked in some school subjects I recall, go figure she got me into researching things for myself back in the old AOL disc in the mail for the internet on dial up with a machine that might explode.

Though she'd probably look at it logically and not emotionally and say that the rise in female autism on the awesome spectrum is on the rise in big league ways, so perhaps even if they were edged more the male direction, things will even out. Or not. This is temporary.

f7ff8f  No.4289780


Yes, slick Willy signed the EO :)

479c07  No.4289781


POTUS knows its rigged since he has been in business. He lived through both periods when gold and silver was money and then the break from it by Nixon.

I dont even bother looking at prices unless im going to invest or speculate which i dont and have never done. I am not wealthy but even a working class fag like me can do what the elites are doing and buy silver or gold and save.

The name of the game from now until elections 2020 when POTUS blows the system to high water is to SAVE IN CASH MONEY (KEEP IT OUT OF THE BANK) AND IF POSSIBLE SAVE PART OF YOUR MONEY IN PYSHICAL GOLD/ SILVER.

f24cd1  No.4289782

File: 3a744259640d781⋯.jpg (331.14 KB, 960x540, 16:9, fishsandwhich.jpg)

File: 1a0d5d665b68919⋯.jpg (408.98 KB, 825x580, 165:116, plztakemeseriously.jpg)

feb15b  No.4289784

File: 2315b6fed1c8722⋯.png (84.01 KB, 634x410, 317:205, Screenshot_54.png)


Is there a provision on Yemen hidden within the Farm Bill that was just passed?

3a8549  No.4289785


we can extradite from anywhere, anytime

408653  No.4289786


Oh the irony :)

e258e1  No.4289787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead [Hillary Parody]

f7ff8f  No.4289788


What a timeline to be in :)

8b3aea  No.4289789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3a8549  No.4289790

File: df72dd718324e84⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 415x311, 415:311, resolution.jpg)


> provision on Yemen hidden within the Farm Bill


e9fb56  No.4289791

Something went down w that recent earthquake in Antartica. Does anyone have any info on that?

a9ff8c  No.4289792


Why am I thinking of Enoch Powell and his "Rivers of Blood" speech when I read that?

7c0039  No.4289793


maybe you guys are too young to remember, or maybe just never knew, but it was once "cool" to eat pizza backwards, back in the mid 90's I think. is that when this pic is from?

e9fb56  No.4289794


It was a Moab?

773e10  No.4289795

File: e5b9f1d2661900b⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 663x620, 663:620, 4eyes.jpg)

"Disinformation is necessary"


So please tell us Anons why we should take any sort of Q&A seriously? Most above avg IQ Anons aren't full on board the flat earth thing but we still question the Globe model and ponder on what the fuck realm of existence we are apart of. Its not flat? Then what the fuck is it m8? Q is my guidance but fucked if I trust your ass fully; that being said Q team gotta do what they gotta do for the Light. I'll be a martyr but before I leave this place fucking tell me where I live plz kthx. D:

479c07  No.4289796


Cant see you but i know you smiled as you read that post you quoted……cos i did too kek

2aa961  No.4289797

>>4289638'>I'll issue you a dollar, yeah, but for the convenience you need to pay 5 cents. I'll take the 5 cents now, and you still owe me that dollar..

So if they make this deal with 20 people and one goes bankrupt without paying the dollar back them they will have broken even.

Banking will always involve interest regardless of the currency. It make no difference whether it's fiat or metal.

feb15b  No.4289798

File: 589a63c4fed69a4⋯.png (56.64 KB, 903x283, 903:283, Screenshot_55.png)




5f3702  No.4289799


I read the same study, but it went even deeper. The study also took into account languages and their effect on behavior. The primary languages of the dark continent do not include gradation. The languages of Africa are only able to account for one, or many as far as grouping of like items. There is no way to measure or relate that the fruit is halfway up the tree, only that it is up. Because their native languages do not include the necessary words for gradation, the population cannot embrace or fully utilize abstract thought patterns necessary for mathematics. Because the same word exists for love and sex, rape equates with love. This creates a moral disconnect as well.

It's a very interesting read, if it can be sauced. I read the article several years ago on Tavistock run GLP clown breeding ground before waking up enough to make the switch.

2aa961  No.4289800

f7ff8f  No.4289801


I did fren :)

824429  No.4289804

File: eaceb3b39d07a41⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 457x253, 457:253, 115.JPG)


Hmmm….the 115th congress is now until the 3rd

8b3aea  No.4289805


Yeah when the cheese-in-crust craze started

feb15b  No.4289807




Was this already in NOTABLES, Baker?

If not, it should be.

Provision on Yemen hidden within Farm Bill.


a9ff8c  No.4289808

Possible link to "Rods from God"..?


I wonder where toe tungsten for the "Rods from God" came from..

07e4e7  No.4289809

File: 3b0937a17386dab⋯.jpg (48.24 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1513476540363.jpg)




>ctrl+F Yemen

<No results found


374994  No.4289810

Maybe I’m late to this, just got up. Cohen said at his sentencing that he Chose dark over light. Odd

71640b  No.4289811

File: 7e7e4ced5e08e93⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, download (11).jpg)

f7ff8f  No.4289812


Can anon explain the implications of this to a lowly memefag please?

479c07  No.4289813




Interest is the price you pay for borrowing someones money, because they went a cetain time without it and at riskof losing it through default. Dont think in terms of the system we got now cos it doesnt mean that at all today. But that how interest works in a real free market economy.

8b3aea  No.4289814


>one goes bankrupt without paying the dollar back

It's still owed on the fed balance sheet, it's rigged

8c5e74  No.4289815


O-o-o! I don't know what it is, but it's catchy as hell! Where my T-shirt?

49caa3  No.4289816


Although YOU may think FE is important to what Q is trying to accomplish, he/they do not. It's why he answered no, regardless if it is or not.

Everyone knows FE people will not stop their slide.

They have too much emotional investment into the story.

Start a FE board. #Stoptheflatearthslide

eabe07  No.4289818


And why haven't their languages developed gradation over time - too stupid?

d5ac36  No.4289819

Didn't we just see a Q pic from Antarctica, with one guy holding the Q sign and obviously another taking the picture? Possible paranoia?

Two technicians die at U.S. research station in Antarctica

(Reuters) - Two technicians performing maintenance at a U.S. research station in Antarctica died on Wednesday while working on a building that houses a generator for a nearby radio transmitter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) said.

The pair, both employed as subcontractors at the NSF-managed McMurdo Station in Antarctica, were found unconscious on the floor of the building after a helicopter pilot flying over the area saw what appeared to be smoke coming from the structure and landed to investigate.

One of the technicians was pronounced dead by medical personnel called to the scene. The other was pronounced dead a short time after being flown to the McMurdo medical clinic, the NSF said in a statement.

The two workers, described as fire technicians, were performing preventive maintenance on the building's fire-suppression system before they were found, the agency said.

No further details were immediately provided, and the incident was under investigation, the foundation said.

The NSF said it was not releasing any personal information about the two workers, except to say they were employed by a Virginia-based company, PAE, which in turn was hired by the U.S. Antarctica Program's logistics contractor Leidos, headquartered in Colorado.

The research station, established by the United States in 1955, is situated near Antarctica's McMurdo Sound, named for a British naval officer who was part of the expedition that first charted the area in 1841.

The largest outpost in Antarctica, it lies at the tip of Ross Island in the New Zealand-claimed territory known as the Ross Dependency. The incident in question occurred on Dec. 12 local time, which goes by New Zealand time.

Daytime highs in December, in the middle of the Antarctic summer, average 31.5 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 3 degrees Celsius. More than 1,000 people, including scientists and support personnel, work at the station this time of year.


e9fb56  No.4289820


Thought it was messed up Cohen blamed blind loyalty when it's tax fraud on his own shit.

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