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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….jpg)

b9058c  No.2640901

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Wednesday 08.15.18

>>2618718 rt >>2618489 ——————- The Charm

>>2618033 rt >>2617982 ——————- This one?

>>2617872 rt >>2617755 ——————- Charms are very important

>>2617755 rt >>2617744 ——————- What do you notice?

>>2617750 rt >>2617739 ——————- 1 of 2

>>2617727 rt >>2617682 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617727 rt >>2617709 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617682 rt >>2617647 ——————- Painting of kids in pool (red shoes)

>>2617606 rt >>2617554 ——————- They never thought they'd be hunted.

>>2617554 rt >>2617535 ——————- below hand

>>2617484 rt >>2617413 ——————- Focus on her necklace.

>>2617271 rt >>2617206 ——————- Normal?

>>2617206 rt >>2616942 ——————- Jeff Zucker. Heart Surgery? In the Line of FIRE.

>>>/patriotsfight/162 ------------------------- TRAITORS ALL (Cap: >>2616883)

>>>/patriotsfight/161 ------------------------- Texts, emails, drafts, HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs (Cap: >>2615728)

>>>/patriotsfight/160 rt #159 --------------- Logical thinking (Cap: >>2616954)

>>>/patriotsfight/159 ------------------------- Firewall ( Cap : >>2615481 )

>>2614164 rt >>2613853 ——————- You ALL get to go to JAIL.

>>2613737 rt >>2613023 ——————- Has intel been shared with our enemies?

>>>/patriotsfight/158 ——————-—— Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18 (Cap: >>2613031 )

>>>/patriotsfight/157 ——————-—— Security clearances revoked. (Cap: >>2612773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/156 ——————-—— SA [ACCESS] CLOSED. (Cap: >>2612757 )

>>>/patriotsfight/155 ——————-—— WE STAND TOGETHER ( Caps: >>2607476 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b9058c  No.2640902


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2640198 Hujrah Wahhaj, seen in pic related on CNN, has been charged in the New Mexican School Shooting Terror Cell!

>>2640215 Origin of 'red carpet'

>>2640233 VIDEO: Papadopoulos Urged to Withdraw Guilty Plea – Was Set Up By Deep State Spies and Clinton Operatives

>>2640241 State Department: US Keeps 'Door Open' to Dialogue With Russia

>>2640259 EXCLUSIVE TO GATEWAY PUNDIT: Trump Delivered a Letter to Vladimir Putin – Here Is What It Says

>>2640305 Far-Left Anarchist Extremists Take Credit For Bombing Italian Populist Party Office

>>2640296 Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”

>>2640381 Video: Satanism VS Catholicism

>>2640355 >>2640420 Rep Jim Banks to FBI Dir. Wray regarding Feinstein's Chinese Spy

>>2640558 Catholic League tweet denying sexual abuse crisis met with scorn on social media

>>2640679 >>2640701 HRC emails show HRC was the 'Alice' in 'Alice and Wonderland'

>>2640713 The "Global Anti-Corruption Consortium" is Soros-backed

>>2640752 NYT: Omarosa believed to have as many as 200 tapes

>>2640895 #3333

#3332 Baker Change

>>2639018 (lb) Anon postulates Map is CIA Operations Q Team is Dismantling

>>2639763 9 Planes Make Emergency Landings in South America Over Bomb Threats

>>2639534 Former intelligence chiefs who signed protest statement re Brennan

>>2639491 , >>2639500, >>2639514, >>2639551 Various 'charms'

>>2639427 Watch the Budget, and it's relation to the Space Force

>>2639758 >>2639770 Kauders digs (HK pic)

>>2639863 Fresh batch of HRC emails via Judicial Watch

>>2639681 Acxiom had a class action lawsuit years ago involving Lexis Nexis (from 2009)

>>2639999 FLASHBACK: That Time Omarosa Was Fired from the Clinton White House

>>2640016 Here’s the Bill & Hillary connection to Charles Morgan and Acxiom

>>2639409 Macaulay Culkin on shoes from dead children (reminder)

>>2640109 #3332


>>2639232 Charles Morgan, Suzy, the Clintons And Arkansas. Dig

>>2639262 USAToday/Gannet can't count

>>2638956 Diving into the Vanderbilt pool. Dig

>>2638860 What if I told you… Trump will personally pay for the Military Parade

>>2638738 Update on POTUS quoting the Senate Intel Chairman's statement on Brennan

>>2638743 QPosts mentioning 'budget'

>>2638736 Q says "timelines change". That could mean 1 of 3 things

>>2638723 , >>2638737 Russian-Jewish drug trade and cartel ops in the US

>>2638715 Michael Avenatti's dubious business dealings

>>2638705 Arkansas connections to the Clintons and the FBI

>>2639379 #3331


>>2638434 Social Media Violates First Amendment With Impunity. Paul Craig Roberts

>>2638236 Adm. McRaven Oversaw UBL Raid & Extortion 17 With Greatest Loss Of Special Forces Lives

>>2638286 Michael Avenatti's bankrupcy problems

>>2638063 Flashback: Trump Saved NY 1995 Vet's Day Parade, 50th Anniversary WWII end

>>2637904 POTUS is quoting the Senate Intel Chairman's statement on Brennan

>>2637904 , >>2638328 , >>2638356 , >>2638328 , >>2638532 Looking at the math of 12m and 666%

>>2637903 'Q The Basics' Update. Take a read and suggest any edits

>>2637901 New POTUS tweet trolls Brennan moar

>>2637512 TRUST & The Parade

>>2638567 #3331


>>2637664 ISIS Militant Quietly Released after FBI Intervention

>>2637552 Best image anon found of the Vanderbilt charm

>>2637354 , >>2637365 , >>2637090 Only USA Today / Gannet and affiliates cited 666%

>>2637285 Margo Geerlinks' ‘ART’ hangs in Tony Podetsa’s Bedroom & office

>>2637204 Parade Budget Irregularities: 12m x 666% = 79.92m not 92 million, or is it? >>2637396

>>2637161 Imperial Pacific International assets frozen?

>>2637123 Military Parade Postponement: Comms are clear

>>2637090 Gannet: Pentagon says Trump's military parade postponed amid reports costs jumped 666%

>>2637783 #3329

Previously Collected Notables

>>2635446 #3326, >>2636218 #3327, >>2636981 #3328

>>2633173 #3323, >>2633953 #3324, >>2634656 #3325

>>2630808 #3320, >>2631645 #3321, >>2632411 #3322

>>2628507 #3317, >>2629272 #3318, >>2630036 #3319

>>2626288 #3314, >>2626910 #3315, >>2632441 #3316

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b9058c  No.2640907

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2556574

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36 >>2594483

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

b9058c  No.2640909

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

'''* PAVUK keyword-searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

b9058c  No.2640918

File: ecd047e62e7f2d9⋯.png (990.21 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, ClipboardImage.png)




b9058c  No.2640929

File: 1e5a9058ca4130d⋯.png (13.73 MB, 6086x5314, 3043:2657, missilesidebyside1.png)

(for the discussion from last bread)

sums up a lot of the digs on the June 10th sub missile launch

(want to make one on the hawaii event too, this Q400 plane event is still not well defined enough to make a graphic)

0dc2a3  No.2640945

Should we dig on this guy?


>Retired Admiral William McRaven

>From CIApedia, so take it with a grain of salt.

>On April 6, 2011, McRaven was nominated by President Barack Obama for promotion from the rank of vice admiral to admiral and appointed as the ninth commander of USSOCOM,[12] of which JSOC is a component.

April 6, 2011

>McRaven is credited for organizing and overseeing the execution of Operation Neptune Spear,[15] the special ops raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. CIA Director Leon Panetta delegated the raid to McRaven, who had worked almost exclusively on counter-terrorism operations and strategy since 2001.

OBL raid and kill May 2, 2011

So this guy gets promoted to Admiral and becomes commander of USSOCOM. Month later OBL is killed in a Navy SEAL group raid on his compound in Pakistan. Hmmm….

Put "trusted guy" in charge of USSOCOM and then have him deliver the OBL body a month later.

b2bb9c  No.2640951

File: 33ccefe967c878f⋯.png (230.57 KB, 571x490, 571:490, suspicious_Sankarea.png)

>9 Planes Make Emergency Landings in South America Over Bomb Threats

>"Chile authorities raid Episcopal Conference in abuse probe"

>SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chilean authorities raided the headquarters of the Catholic Church's Episcopal Conference on Tuesday as part of a widespread investigation into sex abuse committed by members of the Marist Brothers order in the South American country, prosecutors said.

>The raids by investigating prosecutors and Chile's equivalent of the FBI took place at one of the most important buildings of the Chilean church in the capital of Santiago. Investigating prosecutor Raul Guzman, who confirmed the raid, is probing more than 35 accusations of abuse committed against former students at schools run by the Marists, who are religious brothers, not priests.

>Guzman told local news media that investigators were collecting information to help identify victims.

>After leaving the Episcopal Office headquarters, the investigators went to the offices of the Marist order and also collected information there, according to Alejandro Pena, an attorney for the order. He said he hoped the action would help resolve the case.

>In a statement sent to The Associated Press, seven of the complainants said, "We feel profound satisfaction at seeing the advance of investigations needed to do justice."

>They noted that there had been suspicions of attempts to destroy or hide documents — an allusion to a previous raid on a diocese where investigators found church workers trying to destroy documents.

>An activist group that documents clerical abuse praised Tuesday's raids.

>"The impunity of the Chilean hierarchy has ended. In Chile, we're seeing what happens when the Catholic church is treated as an ordinary corporate citizen," said Anne Barrett Doyle of the online abuse database BishopAccountability.org.

>"Prosecutors in Chile have raised the bar for civil authorities in other countries. The children of Chile will be safer, survivors more likely to find justice, and the church ultimately stronger."

>The Marists operate in dozens of countries around the world. The scandal in Chile came to light in August 2017, when the order revealed that at least 14 minors were abused from the 1970s until 2008 by Abel Perez, a brother who worked at two of the order's schools, and it reported him to prosecutors. Then it acknowledged that another Marist sexually abused five students.

>But many Chileans were outraged when the order admitted that Perez had confessed in 2010 — seven years earlier. Victims have also filed a criminal complaint against three Catholic priests, a Capuchin brother and six Marists. In that complaint and in interviews with The Associated Press, they have recounted numerous abusive encounters.

>Pope Francis sent the Vatican's leading expert on clerical sex abuse, Archbishop Charles Scicluna, to investigate allegations against Bishop Juan Barros, who was accused by victims of witnessing their abuse and ignoring it, as well as allegations of abuse involving the Marist Brothers, Salesian and Franciscan orders.

>After receiving the report, the pope denounced a "culture of abuse and cover-up" in Chile's Catholic Church and said he was ashamed that neither he +nor Chilean church leaders truly ever listened to victims as the abuse scandal spread.

>Last week, however, victims were disappointed when Francis said in letter to the Chilean church's Episcopal Conference that he was "impressed by the reflection, discernment and decisions" taken by bishops after they recently met to discuss the avalanche of scandals.

>Chilean prosecutors also recently summoned the archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, to appear in court and testify about the alleged cover-up of years of abuse.

>In May, 31 bishops offered their resignation to the pope. So far Francis has accepted the resignations of five.


101714  No.2640957


Obama butt boy

32a26f  No.2640965

Good morning Anons!

Timelines change.

Watch the budget.


I understand that right? The Parade is canceled at 11/10?

Cause I booked a flight to honor the brave Heros at this day…


But… Take the Deep State down!

It is a little disapointing for me with the Parade, cause I take the Money from my rips…

But I know also, the Mission is more important as every other thing and everybody!

But I feel a little sad exactly now… I have to go to drink today…


Take them down!

30f681  No.2640966

File: 101b2197add9ff1⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 440x391, 440:391, IMG_2179.JPG)

Wish me luck, anons.

I'm about to brave 50+ hours on the road with normies, and will pass through Iowa, which has the stoopidest drivers in the nation.

977b3e  No.2640974

no joke guys, i'm thinking something big is coming tomorrow

it's ungodly slow tonight

fba6c0  No.2640975


Don't Watch the water no more or the water and the budget


d7306c  No.2640977


The Carm Befole the Stolm

69ca94  No.2640979

File: 36b109beaf5f200⋯.png (169.05 KB, 812x772, 203:193, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….png)


Do you think there's a chance the market knows?

It's chinese shitcoins.. but still?

b672b1  No.2640980

File: 3ac9c3b26b98f42⋯.png (83.1 KB, 755x468, 755:468, Capture.PNG)

More from Marty Torrey, the guy emailing HRC using Alice In Wonderland code.


7a53fd  No.2640981


They don't call them Idiots Out Wandering Around for nothing.

69ca94  No.2640982

File: 48eaad160b492a9⋯.jpg (5.65 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 1528091223276s.jpg)



bb54bf  No.2640983


I can take it, but as I said, I have an appointment in about 70 minutes (now). I can do a pre-bake at that time if necessary.

Not the best of deals, but the best I can offer.

1e9f0f  No.2640985

File: 68b79f405814a2a⋯.png (8.54 MB, 9880x3368, 1235:421, ClipboardImage.png)

522424  No.2640986

>>2640102 (PB)

I'm not a mathemagician, but I'll take a guess at 99:1 (not very high odds).

There are only 100 numbers between 00 and 99 (inclusive). The number you are trying to match is static, so the math doesn't actually get all woo-woo.

If for instance one of the numbers ended in 43, then its match would be 43. This leaves 99 other numbers (00-42 and 44-99) that don't match.

28002e  No.2640987

File: 599f3920e300b37⋯.png (589.63 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 6C7A958C-7311-4A66-B32F-04….png)

File: 09d294621ffc376⋯.png (744.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 392879E8-BB95-4FC0-B46C-64….png)

CASA & red shoe parties with Ronald McDonald House & several other children’s charities. Needs lots more digging. Also “red shoes dj” does music for high end events inc Disney and Hollywood

b9058c  No.2640988


I understand baker, falling asleep a bit, but I think it can work, breads moving really slow tonight

handoff confirmed?

anons, help the baker

b03f7b  No.2640989

File: eec4328e2175b4a⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 660x371, 660:371, trumq.jpg)

Friday THE 17th! Q's Friday!

Let us celebrate Friday the 17th in honor of Q, Trump, Veterans, Military, and all the good guys!

Thank you for everything you do anons!

This is so big. Imagine a plan to take back control over the whole world. Easy? No.

They put their life's at risk for the truth to prevail and for us to live in a great world. And we are here to help and we are willing to do the same!

fa5bb6  No.2640990

>>2640746 (pb) CHARMS

Going from memory- did Q say above the hand?

Cuz above the hand isn't the elk. What is that? Looks like the angel wings in her Diorama thing over her bed.

7579a1  No.2640991

File: 00312a3c759961a⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 408x200, 51:25, LCSW PODESTA.jpg)

File: d9a4a5fa27e1896⋯.png (3.94 KB, 297x170, 297:170, LCSW.png)

Candelaria, referring to the Catholic feast of the Purification of the Virgin.


987c04  No.2640993

>>2640940 (lb)

Fuck you and your virtue signaling you poser. Not a violent person. Also not a blind follower of confirmation bias. Enjoy you sheepness. Loser.

30f681  No.2640994


Thats experience talking…

Politicians love to campaign there because Iowa is the most average state, and if the average American is is smart as a bag of rocks…

bb54bf  No.2640995


Handoff Confirmed

Anons, I won't be the best of bakers this time around, but I'm better than an eBake. I am a very experienced baker, but I have an appointment I cannot miss.

Baker Notable

The above needs to be on any notables you suggest. Please give a suggested label, as well.

5e4867  No.2640996

Songs with "red shoes" in the lyrics, if anyone is interested:

"We've found 1,381 lyrics, 116 artists, and 100 albums matching red shoes." https://www.lyrics.com/lyrics/red%20shoes

I'm going to bed. Good night/morning all.

32613a  No.2640997

Would you say today/this week has been the most plane activity we’ve seen yet? Lotta weird shit going on with airplanes and airports lately.

3d7a5d  No.2640998


id save my tickets if i were you

i see morer money in the budget or a drastic cut …think g.i. jane horse trade comment

shall we play a game

522424  No.2640999

Early morning diggin'? Hmmm … it seems I have, once again, overrun my bedtime by about 5 hours. Oh well, close enough.

OTOH, it's a good thing Q doesn't usually post this time of night.;-)

090cea  No.2641000

File: 894fd66a7c6d926⋯.jpeg (425.7 KB, 900x1375, 36:55, 7DF0C993-4D00-42BB-AC8F-6….jpeg)


They’ll figure it out…

b9058c  No.2641001


thank you baker, confirmed (assuming you're being chekked)

when you have to go (if its before the bake) post the notables you have and an anon can likely ebake if necessary

night anons


kek, nice trips

5ed47b  No.2641002

File: 760a560264f01c2⋯.png (392.38 KB, 592x500, 148:125, strzok-is-a-dirtbag.png)

File: c70f35a5fdb971a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 275x183, 275:183, cdg70f35a5fdb971a114aa40b2….jpg)

File: 908e4e439d3f7f3⋯.png (302.53 KB, 470x467, 470:467, khlkhlkhklh.png)

Without Jeff Sessions there would be no Russian Hoax…..

Sessions is deep state.

69ca94  No.2641003


Super high quality infograph/dig on Kauders here anons.

Definitely check this out with me.


e9e319  No.2641004



I've been at Baker School today and am about to do my first test bakes over in /comms/.

With the breads moving slowly, I should be able to get a couple of practice bakes in before the end of this bread. If the on deck baker that has the appointment can hold my hand, I can try baking the next bread, or the one after that if you have to head out.

I would only be able to bake two Breads if they keep moving at this rate. Have roughly 90 minutes before I have to head out.

Don't know if this is at all helpful… also don't know if BO or any BV's around to run me through the vetting process since I'm a first time Baker.

3d7a5d  No.2641005

saw this posted last bread

seems marl maple was into the cult

prolly why donald left her and possibly when he got a view of true evil

possibly no table

>>2640664 lb


b03f7b  No.2641006

File: 1f941a86a921fb1⋯.jpg (205.29 KB, 671x537, 671:537, 1f941a86a921fb157bc5d79566….jpg)


Thanks for all the good work.

458998  No.2641007

File: 2fa38cd37fe1d00⋯.png (270.32 KB, 450x431, 450:431, 2018-08-17_02-50-54.png)


Tatiana popping up again?

Is there a reason?



106d93  No.2641008

File: 2d72e76ea61a6c9⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1e03e4b5d5faa5ba85635e7518….jpg)

bb54bf  No.2641009


I don't think BO/BV is around. I'm TZBaker. I can avatar fag, but I'd have to get on my main baking machine to do so.

Most anons who are on at this time should recognize the name. You can rest well. I am not a shillBaker.

Sorry to namefag, but without a czecher, it's necessary.

63e2ec  No.2641010


I have some Q.

Who balanced the budget to the day on the Trump Campaign?

I KNOW it wasn't Mnuchin.


Smart minds from AZ. Can you confirm.


bc59cd  No.2641011

File: c3725a402803e4a⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 500x218, 250:109, GoBack.jpg)

3d7a5d  No.2641012

ok whats up did the shills overload

somethings wierd

7579a1  No.2641014

File: dd9616ee5b6debf⋯.jpeg (86.29 KB, 768x685, 768:685, James Comey Gives Award T….jpeg)

File: e4177f1f294d638⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 128x85, 128:85, alice day.jpg)

File: e4177f1f294d638⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 128x85, 128:85, alice day.jpg)


2bf17d  No.2641015

File: ab1c56a0c8fd61a⋯.gif (17.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ComfPep.gif)

fffb7c  No.2641016


No reason too

Q has said many times that Marines

And Navy (incl SEALS) are completely loyal

Their oath is to the Constitution and not to the President.

Hussein was almost always careful not to give them reason to rebel against him

Other than when he needed to get his own people into higher posts

So he provoked some very senior officers.

Not sure that an Iron Eagle was in his sights

Two years before Hussein's term was up, he requested retirement.

So he is not in the service any more

Unless Trump specifically called him up

And since he is a SEAL

Nobody will ever know

Unless Trump tells us

It is pointless for us to dig on military people.

69ca94  No.2641018



Indeed they willl

5c139f  No.2641019

File: 334dbc2e53573ae⋯.png (839.46 KB, 960x487, 960:487, red shoe gang.png)

what i learned today

end of day

Q posted a graphic it has podesta red shoes with kauders top right

it also has red shoes bill maher on the left who (maher) has other red shoes photos dropped by anons the night before

it also has a photo of anthony weiner and bill maher (no shoes)

unfortunately it also has a photo of kidnapped girl mccann whom podestas are renound circumstantial guilty due to police sketch artist photo

well, anons went apeshit, apeshit over mccann, saw past the circumstantial nature of their popcorn stats, and rn to the nearest hilltop to scream "podestas are done, it habbening, reeeeee"

Q had to retract


(occams razor)

Q liked the graphic, it had bill maher and res shoes, we already had the top right photo, it was in a prior post as part of the hong kong reveal

the graphic was an anon graphic, not vetted by q team, and the anon went one stretch too far on the graphic, turning a proof into a liability (due to the circumstantial nature of the mcann)


tried to find the or an original of the proof. google reverse image search did yield a secondary source


the Q source is


the other source

e5dc415fb505d242ed7d47161baffc57d70e0c12c0f6872c5925ebc71097c047.png i cannot find the post i went from the q post back to bread 3301

attached is new graph, with mcann removed, box left there because anons were still confused with subsequent edits of the graf, so now its poor quality on purp

bb54bf  No.2641020


It's a deal, newBaker. I'll help you if you have questions. My UID is going to change, as I'll take my main baking computer with me when I go.

c9e79f  No.2641021

>>2640733 (l/b)

UK Anon here. The following is something I wrote in 2015 ( I never got round to finishing it) but it seems to be applicable here, even in its incomplete state.

What’s Wrong with Righteousness?

There was a time in this country when the pursuit and maintenance of personal virtue, integrity and honour – all constituents of righteousness - preoccupied a large proportion of society, whether a person be servant or king, male or female, poet or priest. Only criminals rejected outright the value of noble character and even then there was a certain honour among thieves. There was truth in the saying: an Englishman’s word is his bond. To break one’s word, even at a trivial level, was considered such a slur on one’s character that it was something to be avoided at all cost.

What has happened so that now, in 2015 England, it would be difficult to find anyone who would admit, without apology, to the pursuit of virtue above all other considerations? How many people do you know who pursue righteousness before riches, principle before pragmatism and truth before personal ambition, and don’t mind admitting it? It’s almost as though there is some sort of shame in being a seeker after righteousness, as though such an endeavour must necessarily result in a Pharisaic, holier-than-thou boasting: I’m so glad I’m good and not like that dreadful person over there!

Take the Ten Commandments: when did you last hear anyone claim to actively try to follow the commandments? Many self-assigned, evangelical Christians would claim such an effort to be unnecessary and “legalistic” and contrary to grace, while secularists would be more likely to aver priggishness than piety.

The Ten Commandments are largely dismissed as being an outdated form of legalism, inapplicable to modern society except, of course, when applied to the behaviour of others: I can steal from you, or take your wife in adultery, but don’t you dare steal from me or take my wife!

And therein lies the paradox concerning the pursuit of righteousness. To which of the Ten Commandments do people object when applied to the behaviour of others? Don’t steal? Don’t be envious of your neighbour’s property? Don’t commit adultery? I don’t know of anyone who would be pleased to invite another to steal from them, or envy their goods, or take their wife in adultery. It’s only when I want to steal from you, or take your wife, or covet your property that the Commandments become legalistic or priggish or generally undesirable and outmoded. Everyone else must practise righteousness towards me, but God forbid that anyone should expect the same of me! They must pursue righteousness, I am free to pursue my selfish interests. And since “everyone else” is also an “I”, in the end, no-one practises righteousness.

Why do people hate righteousness? Why do they hate what is good? Why do they hate to pursue for themselves that which they require from others?

In the absence of a personal pursuit of righteousness, governments attempt to enforce righteousness through the blunt hammer of the law. But who decides on what does or does not constitute righteousness? God's righteousness, summarised in The Ten Commandments, is the polar opposite of Satanic evil; but Satanists would call that evil, "righteousness." Thus, when governments are infiltrated by the secular and, worse still, the satanic, they have the power to impose the practice of evil on the people, by law, under the guise of righteousness, (or tolerance to use the buzz word of the day) leading to a good/evil divide and rank hypocrisy, because one can be certain that those who desire to enforce evil laws on the people, insist that they, themselves, be treated with Ten Commandments' righteousness and justice, not satanic selfishness and perverted justice.

090cea  No.2641022

File: f732036c64dbc4d⋯.gif (787.89 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 87EDF31A-B5AE-4731-AF5F-3C….gif)


Shills lost control of their bots…

987c04  No.2641023


Fuck you poser.

f680fe  No.2641024


Agreed, I see it all day locally. Had a thought last bread the 9 down south showed firetrucks hosing off plans for bomb threats… Made me think counter measure washdown for chem attacks but it was at the end of the board and ignored. Would explain the quarantine and symptoms

63e2ec  No.2641025


JK or jDW can confirm this ultimately and yet the VP.

a9b31a  No.2641026


think he said below it

5ed47b  No.2641027

File: be91481af8f0bb2⋯.png (384.33 KB, 485x450, 97:90, jhlkjah;h;lh.png)

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, f2259e79154c29fe6b9ece3ad3….jpg)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, nigga-fuck-sessions.png)

DOJ and FBI 100% compromised.

5069e2  No.2641028

The 4am talking point is probably already hijacked by the good people (at least partially) to insert obviously false stories to make the media look absolutely ridiculous so that they would destroy their own credibility among the public.

fa5bb6  No.2641029

>>2639534 (pb Notable)

12 former intelligence chiefs release a statement on Trump revoking Brennan clearance

Seems obvious that this list contains the names that are laying the ground-work and adding to the claims that our STABLE GENIUS is unhinged. j/s

2f7a54  No.2641031


-flaps tongue around a bit-

Sounds about right.

fe4f1b  No.2641032


Its happening in Little Rock

At the satanic statue at the capital there that showed up today.

8ac983  No.2641033

bakers are the rockstars of qresearch.

i never thank them enough.

ty bakers

34932a  No.2641034

File: 67aec3eff356ee0⋯.png (433.31 KB, 553x729, 553:729, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like she had a granddaughter?

101714  No.2641035


Your post: …"we should just start fucking killing all of them - starting at the top and working down to the lowlifes"

That is why we don't let angry kids run military ops.

Just let them post macho stuff on boards

fffb7c  No.2641037

File: 3c0f7b84ead0d35⋯.png (1.47 MB, 846x1295, 846:1295, ClipboardImage.png)


I like this one better.

Now remember to bow before them

And say

Sharman Vashe Velichestvo

d0c6ab  No.2641038


cross is inverted

0dc2a3  No.2641040

File: 4bb5c4399aea29c⋯.png (546.72 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 091af24702a9318acda7fc4c7a….png)

Will the CNN have anything to say when this breaks open?

938703  No.2641042

My guess is Qteam/POTUS HAVE FOUND A LEAK. One who was given bad intel for a reason.

Parade is on till Q says its not.

b672b1  No.2641043

File: 1e221eb8d16835e⋯.png (115.11 KB, 687x556, 687:556, Capture.PNG)


Same guy, Marty Torrey. WTF is 'the Hatter'? Some pedo code? Was this guy helping HRC to blackmail Royal Navy officers? Note that 'Chris' is his wife, who was taking pictures.

900+ emails between this guy and Hillary that we know of:


987c04  No.2641044


Yeah right. I'd start the Revolution myself but I have to go for chemo in another 5 hours. Sorry. You must be projecting.

e9e319  No.2641045

File: fae3397454631a0⋯.png (75.13 KB, 449x549, 449:549, fae3397454631a00db0fe09bc9….png)


Sounds good, TZBaker. Thank you. Going to practice a few now.

And thank you for your service, previous Baker. Rest well. o7

a9b31a  No.2641046

File: 9c422dbb9eb6534⋯.png (246.08 KB, 1070x454, 535:227, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….png)

458998  No.2641047

File: 7d478e31cd9e9e7⋯.png (628.94 KB, 523x708, 523:708, 2018-08-17_03-05-55.png)


Hope she isin't wearing the whole outfit.


5c139f  No.2641048

File: 5060e4823082c41⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 840x544, 105:68, 1474749486997.jpg)



hey anon

newBaker here as well

thats me mostly in comms practice baking

night shift anons very helpful with notable buns


this is the 3am EST to 3am PST graveyard bread

when i had this bread i kinda had to shitpost and encourage chatter and other anons shitpost to keep the bread moving to bake at 3am PST instead of a possible 4am PST bake

have fun to you and all night shift anons

3am EST bread to 3am PST bread

cheers m8s

gnight all

090cea  No.2641049


I think so as well, Boston globe went public with plan outside of previous coms, then Q trolls them by shutting down their Warcraft or whatever…lol

7b4dda  No.2641050

File: 8eac169e872c156⋯.jpeg (398.3 KB, 1242x1535, 1242:1535, 8FF3A065-D027-4169-A764-E….jpeg)



3d7a5d  No.2641051


breaking from cnn studio TOURS

as in a prop set

aka BAIT

1e9f0f  No.2641053

File: f712a5bc5e5cbbc⋯.png (1 MB, 4520x1968, 565:246, ClipboardImage.png)



Started dig on Michael E. Burns, Washington Lawyer, witness on 5926-Exhibit-AB.

Gotta leave for the day.

Allspeed Anons.

38b513  No.2641054


I think something is coming too. I think Q was waiting for the movement to truly go mainstream. Once that happened, it triggered a new phase. I would call this phase the "look weak"/disinfo phase. A phase for the sole purpose of appearing weak when the hammer is preparing to fall. It's a typical Art of the Deal tactic.

With the numerous post by Q in the last few days, the anons are spread thin and EXHAUSTED. The MSM/DS must think we are all nuts chasing necklaces and swimming pools and tall kanky blurry dudes. I mean seriously, I'm a dedicated Qfag since December and even I felt crazy…

When the parade cancellation news dropped, I knew that was a signal. POTUS and the Q team HAD to know that news would devastate us. But what better way to APPEAR weak and defeated than to have the millions of Q followers exhibit a global sigh of disappointment. The emotion is REAL, but so is the FIGHT. Remember that PSYOP tactics are involved here. If the anons feel defeated over the parade cancellation, imagine what the DS is feeling…. JUST THE OPPOSITE. The disinfo is WORKING. Let it run the course.


(fistbump) from a milfag

c4316e  No.2641055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bc59cd  No.2641056

File: 399d382f492f3d7⋯.png (362.57 KB, 560x806, 280:403, CheapenMovement.png)

5069e2  No.2641057

55d5a0  No.2641058

File: 1d1ac09a01f7662⋯.jpg (183.26 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, comfy.jpg)



3.4 posts/min… It's been slower.

But I see thunderheads on the horizon, something's brewing.

Friday Night document dump?

b672b1  No.2641059

File: 00f332668c53301⋯.png (77.95 KB, 795x489, 265:163, Capture.PNG)


Here he is again, talking about something I haven't see mentioned–the US Water Partnership:


Digging on Marty Torrey is bringing up a lot of Q's key phrases. Was this guy a sort of handler for HRC? Some sort of liason?

b9058c  No.2641060



I'm pretty sure I'm the newest baker here (been here for a while though, lurked up until /qresearch/, have contributed what I can since, never baked until recently)

we always are in need of new bakers

its a great time of day to try baking

encourage all new bakers to try in the night shift, day shift is crazed, much harder baking then

night anons

fffb7c  No.2641061


I doubt that they had a permit to park their truck their overnight. Generally a permit for a protest is no longer than a day and they have to all leave well before the cops guarding the place want to go home.

326a61  No.2641062

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: ddadcb086fa736d⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 85866544ddadcb086fa736d4a1….jpg)

File: 4fcca174c2142da⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 666x490, 333:245, 1dge3412b96f76b7b2faebe0e8….jpg)

Sessions ultimately betrayed Trump by recusing himself and leaving the door wide open for Mueller and Rosenstein to play their dirty little tricks.

Sessions just resign already.

5069e2  No.2641063



b58899  No.2641064

File: 28cc46d0d993fe2⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 232x360, 29:45, 0SUN TZU-RLL2.jpg)

fa5bb6  No.2641065



ThanQ for setting me straight!

Link is to Book of Talisman's and Amulets - going thru it now.

The charm you're honing in on- an elk? Not a goat of some kind?


0faaf1  No.2641066


that was the plan, don't be so obtuse

82fbab  No.2641067

File: 8c13cc549ee044a⋯.jpeg (151.15 KB, 750x946, 375:473, A7951A76-263F-4953-800E-C….jpeg)

Stewart Weldon was indicted on 52 charges after 3 women’s bodies found inside home on Thursday by a Hampden County Grand Jury on charges including three counts of murder, eight counts of strangulation, nine counts of aggravated rape, two counts of rape, five counts of aggravated kidnapping, four counts of kidnapping and two counts of assault to rape.


5069e2  No.2641068


Tlust the Pran

5f5341  No.2641069

Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President

By William H. McRaven

August 16 at 2:44 PM

Dear Mr. President:

Former CIA director John Brennan, whose security clearance you revoked on Wednesday, is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.

Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.

Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs.

A good leader tries to embody the best qualities of his or her organization. A good leader sets the example for others to follow. A good leader always puts the welfare of others before himself or herself.

b03f7b  No.2641071


When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit. If at ease, exhaust them. If united, separate them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

5f5341  No.2641072


Fucking deep state slave

7579a1  No.2641073


Watch the water…same county.

Q warned One month prior, and then again during…correct me if I am wrong


5c139f  No.2641074





hong kong on the left

2012 evidence

2012-2014 evidence


this is legit

good shit anon!!

090cea  No.2641075


Trump can afford the parade, he’s paid for them before, besides, I wonder how much money the military industrial complex owes him for his secret Tesla patents?

b58899  No.2641076

File: 7238381810c81dc⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 640x519, 640:519, pepepondering.jpg)


One wonders if he got caught up with Fat Leonard and was forced to make this statement…

769d5b  No.2641077


bc59cd  No.2641078

File: cf8aaa6dd232351⋯.png (630.89 KB, 736x531, 736:531, Watch the Water.png)

cebcea  No.2641079

File: 86067174f647bf7⋯.png (278.4 KB, 1228x998, 614:499, Pentagon.png)


Strategic move to investigate the pentagon.

7bd42b  No.2641080

File: 9a59acefd80235f⋯.jpg (325.12 KB, 938x1024, 469:512, treehouse.jpg)

comfey up here!

326a61  No.2641081

File: 154e8469757a114⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 480x533, 480:533, 154ee8469757a1149f8fc63a0b….jpg)

File: c70f35a5fdb971a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 275x183, 275:183, cdg70f35a5fdb971a114aa40b2….jpg)

File: 03cfd03c0766246⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 369x260, 369:260, 03cffd03c0766246b9657cd799….jpg)



Trump don't trust Sessions or Rosenstein for shit and if you think so you are a deluded fool.

Only a idiot would test Sessions.

106d93  No.2641082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e69482  No.2641083





re: Trust Sessions?

Do we trust the Mercers?


Renaissance Technologies


Cambridge Analytica

Jeff Sessions

Michael Flynn

e9e319  No.2641084




Cheers all. Appreciate the support.

Maybe you can help with my first issue…. it won't let me start a new thread in /comms/ for a practice bake. When I click on the "Start New Thread" button, it just reloads the /comms/ catalog. When I right click on "Start New Thread" and click open in a new tab, it just loads the /comms/ catalog.

b58899  No.2641085

File: 4d8ed2b508cd119⋯.png (253.39 KB, 507x678, 169:226, MUHSESSIONS.png)

0faaf1  No.2641086


remember, 45,000 sealed indictments

fffb7c  No.2641087

File: 1275d993cf3c040⋯.png (998.24 KB, 778x1500, 389:750, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….png)


Pay attention

And learn to use qmap.pub or qanon.pub

bb54bf  No.2641088


Marty Torrey, former congressional staffer


In another note, longtime friend Marty Torrey messaged Clinton to alert her about the arrival of a newborn. At the end of the note, the one-time chief of staff to former Rep. John Sweeney added a note of encouragement: “Still think we need you as Pres.” Clinton forwarded the note to her assistants: “Pls do a congrats letter.”


32613a  No.2641089

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, CE5688A2-F8F1-453D-BE88-9E….gif)

a9b31a  No.2641090


Makes sense. Just spitballing here but when Q said timelines change, watch the budget I thought of the news industry. Timelines are timelines, but budget in the news industry refers to what stories will run and get placed where. Big publications have one or two or three "budget" meetings a day and the arguments can get heated. Let's say I'm a local editor covering a series on the city planning board and a proposed housing project. It's been running front page. Then BOOM comes along on a national or international scale and BAM there's no "budget" space for my piece, not even tucked in local section because feature stories about crackheads or whatever…

79d3ef  No.2641091

File: 3185c6e65933feb⋯.png (71.72 KB, 1170x327, 390:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab16f86c5dcbe58⋯.png (35.86 KB, 761x722, 761:722, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Clinton Charity Work, Events and Causes

The William J. Clinton Foundation was set up to promote and provide for a number of humanitarian causes. Within the foundation, the Clinton Foundation HIV and AIDS Initiative works to make treatment for HIV/AIDS more affordable and to implement large-scale integrated care, treatment, and prevention programs.

The Clinton Global Initiative, funded by the Clinton Foundation, was established in New York City to coincide with the 2005 World Summit. The focus areas of the initiative include attempts to address world problems such as global public health, poverty alleviation, and religious and ethnic conflict.

The Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative, provides resources to allow participating cities to enter into an energy-saving product purchasing consortium and to provide technical and communications support.

Clinton donated the saxophone he played at his inauguration to the American Jazz Museum.

Clinton spoke at the Ontario Economic Summit held on November 13, 2007 in which he addressed people on various subjects including Canada’s role in Afghanistan, environmentalism and access to healthcare.

Causes supported 32

Abuse, Adoption, Fostering, Orphans, AIDS & HIV, Animals, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children, Conservation, Creative Arts, Depression and Suicide, Disaster Relief, Economic/Business Support, Education, Environment, Family/Parent Support, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Hunger, Literacy, Mental Challenges, Miscellaneous, Oceans, Peace, Physical Challenges, Poverty, Rape/Sexual Abuse, Sports, Unemployment/Career Support, Veteran/Service Member Support, Water, Women

Other supporters of the same charities & foundations

Annie Lennox  Beyoncé  Bono  Chelsea Clinton  Elton John  Hillary Clinton  John Legend  Justin Bieber  Lady Gaga  Mariah Carey  Morgan Freeman  Nelson Mandela  Paul McCartney  Salma Hayek  Sting



fa5bb6  No.2641092

File: 8a704fcefb23465⋯.jpg (113.22 KB, 400x684, 100:171, fish.jpg)



Found the fish

Egyptian and Gnostic Talisman

fb151e  No.2641093


you broke the first rule!

imagine if this knowledge gets into the hands of the MUH JOOS you idiot! Kek

5f5341  No.2641094

File: 72b2e9279180f43⋯.jpg (166.56 KB, 576x846, 32:47, plane.jpg)

Another one (dont think it was already mentionned here)

A German passenger jet was forced to land in Greece on Thursday after reporting a bomb threat.

Condor Airways confirmed to DW that flight DE69 from Egypt's Hurghada to Dusseldorf made an unscheduled landing at Chania, on the island of Greece, for safety reasons.

"The reason why the aircraft had to divert was a safety measure that had to be executed at Chania airport. On board were 273 passengers. The aircraft has landed safely and deboarded normally," a Condor spokesperson told DW.

Condor would not confirm a bomb threat triggered the manoeuver, but DW has confirmation this was the case.

Aircraft tracking websites showed Condor Flight DE69 was diverted to Chania airport after two hours in the air.

The passengers will spend the night in hotels before resuming their journey on Friday.

bb54bf  No.2641095


You don't start a new thread in comms… You post your bakes there. To do a real bake, you need to start a new thread from the catalog or index.

You reply in comms to practice, not start a new thread.

fffb7c  No.2641096


That is a Guatemalan style chachal charm which usually is used to cast a magic spell

Q wants us to find someone in Rome or the Vatican wearing one of these, or at least, a similar charm.

Likely it will be a Catholic who is not supposed to believe in pagan satanic charms and magic.

524824  No.2641097

Delays, delays, and more delays. Where is the video? June eta on Seth Rich? Text messages showing threats to Potus? Flynn done in 30? FISA documents unredacted? No Name Out? MZ out at Facebook? Flood? Now a delay for a very specific marker, the parade?

I'm starting to think the plan has gone through so many versions and changes that it really isn't a plan anymore. Not one major pedo arrest, nothing but links to Reddit, Fox news, and Twitter.

I think I need to take a step back and stop obsessing over Q. I can't take these constant disappointments and endless unfulfilled predictions of something big. This is like waiting on the JFK files to be released. Even Potus delayed that again. It is never ending.

d5708a  No.2641098

File: 8f13b7e6afea36c⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 469x568, 469:568, 2esdxv~2.jpg)

File: 699843124c61fd8⋯.png (40.91 KB, 438x294, 73:49, Screenshot_2018-08-12-21-5….png)

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2egkb1.jpg)

430968  No.2641100

>>2641078 (prev.)

I recall someone in the spiritual warfare area reporting that for each abortion performed 50 demons are released from hell to the Earth. The satanic sacrament nature of abortion is one of the main reasons so many women went crazy when they learned that POTUS had won the election and nominated two prolife judges for the US Supreme Court. Many of them are part of witches' covens and use the abortions for power and longevity. Pedovore is an apt name for many of them involved in the abortion rituals.

9b1306  No.2641101


Hes letting them dig their own grave

e9e319  No.2641102




Check out my post from last bread. Don't know if it's related. >>2640764

69ca94  No.2641103


They should just renamed it to the Hexagon and get it over with.

326a61  No.2641104

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, bagbaac9161600dd8d6110eed6….jpg)

File: 5b48ac3cb7cf432⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 382x333, 382:333, 5b48ac3cb7cf432b30d720752c….jpg)

File: 6cbd32b157d5a07⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 424x467, 424:467, 6cbd32b157d5a070d7f3d16008….jpg)



Sessions is compromised as is Rosenstein.

You are to stupid to know that.

fb151e  No.2641105


tantric sex and you are weak and jizz all over every place!!! kek

fa5bb6  No.2641106

File: c14b19f266cd9b8⋯.jpg (135.98 KB, 400x692, 100:173, turtle .jpg)



The turtle and the fish: Chinese and Japanese Talisman

c68d84  No.2641107

File: cd35d42c9f14fc3⋯.png (144.12 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (131).png)

File: e570962dfc31dfc⋯.png (201.22 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (132).png)

File: 2bc854381e6cd9c⋯.png (155.16 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (133).png)

File: 1ad2a075dc124e5⋯.png (170.44 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (134).png)

>>2640241 lb

>State Department: US Keeps 'Door Open' to Dialogue With Russia

I find that extremely funny considering there has been a good covert relationship between the 2 for the past 7-8 decades with full knowledge and approval by the State Department.

US-Soviet Dartmouth Conferences - founded 1961

US-USSR Trade and Economic Council – founded in 1973

But how much did the US really help USSR/Russia? See pictures to get an idea, check out the book to get more

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - Antony C. Sutton 2014

https://ia802302.us.archive.org/0/items/pdfy-Iqz3ytYcb3wWYJ0c/Antony%20Sutton%20-%20The%20Best%20Enemy%20Money%20Can%20Buy.pdf … …

"We've built for, sold or traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, computers...."

Then there is U1, of course

How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

By DEROY MURDOCK April 7, 2017 8:00 AM

https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/04/clinton-russia-ties-bill-hillary-sold-out-us-interests-putin-regime/ …

And so........The anti-Russia screaming is just a propaganda campaign and fear tactic to distract the people of all nations from the continuous big business deals that were/are profitable for both the USA and the USSR/Russia

ee6878  No.2641108

File: cd9954e4ac4fca0⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 320x240, 4:3, occult-washingtondc_owl.jpg)

File: 22194000173c3ec⋯.gif (99.87 KB, 288x400, 18:25, Owl 3.gif)

File: 0d95c5ec96d6c98⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 337x278, 337:278, CabinetCardOwls2.jpg)

File: b54b5665cad315e⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 200x200, 1:1, y.jpg)

File: fdf8edc37015713⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1274x956, 637:478, onstellar_b82d5d1ca6e63db3….png)

69250b  No.2641109


…also note that it is NOT a police sketch. It is a paid for set of drawings. Much more to the back story than meets the eye.

f680fe  No.2641110


Executed at China…

4b7a17  No.2641111

File: be9b2741492dc44⋯.png (16.76 KB, 300x95, 60:19, ABC_iview_2014_logo.png)

File: 3996ef4716eae55⋯.png (4.08 KB, 500x125, 4:1, 500px-Canal .svg.png)

Quick question.

do the XBOX councils act as a independent server.?

and do Tele-communications like the ones I posted,

have direct communications with XBOX users.

where is data being stored.?

not a techFag. anyone follow?

0cb12f  No.2641113

Just as a mysterious fire broke out at HRC's home, and in the confusion of the firefighters/etc., to obtain those servers.. I'm guessing that the plane hitting Ketron Island was a similar distraction for a search/capture operation to access that Island or something else.

69ca94  No.2641114


Godspeed, thx for the high quality digs.


Yeah this sounds very interesting anon.

It could be right.

Hopefully you didn't just jinx it.

430968  No.2641115

>>2640296 (prev.) [correction]

I recall someone in the spiritual warfare area reporting that for each abortion performed 50 demons are released from hell to the Earth. The satanic sacrament nature of abortion is one of the main reasons so many women went crazy when they learned that POTUS had won the election and nominated two prolife judges for the US Supreme Court. Many of them are part of witches' covens and use the abortions for power and longevity. Pedovore is an apt name for many of them involved in the abortion rituals.

d5708a  No.2641116

File: 3f8caaaf97779f7⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3f8caaaf97779f78dba50485b1….jpg)

File: 0a50d8a8b400a04⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 2fzblf~2.jpg)

fb151e  No.2641117

File: c45728bc288b967⋯.jpg (157.09 KB, 999x576, 111:64, ANTIGAMES.jpg)

fb151e  No.2641120

File: 9565bae28a648a9⋯.jpg (290.38 KB, 961x540, 961:540, QPPPP.jpg)

b58899  No.2641121


>I'm guessing that the plane hitting Ketron Island was a similar distraction

nah, novice "pilots" do barrel rolls all the time in commercial planes, right? :P

9b1306  No.2641122


If he stopped the russia investigation they could just say he is trying to take them out and stop them from finding evidence of collusion once he drops the hammer. They want these people to have NOTHING when it happens. All to see

084ab0  No.2641123


>Junko Furuta's captivity


The more you know! Evil people are everywhere not just in the Illuminati. Beware, be prepared as best you can be. Unless you have been born again you are in Satan's Synagogue whether it be knowingly or unknowingly doesn't matter your end is nearly the same.


e9e319  No.2641124

File: 96d05cd7913ab5b⋯.png (141.09 KB, 496x372, 4:3, 96d05cd7913ab5b864a6072da3….png)


Hmmm ok. I was going according to this in Bakers School:


Practising Baking Before Going Live

- Go to 8ch.net/comms/ and post a trial bread over there following the instructions above.

- Please delete your thread afterwards by clicking on the triangle next to your thread header and 'delete post'.


So go into /qresearch/ Catalog to start the thread for the test bake?

6e7262  No.2641125


It's much worse then just hundreds of millions.


But for the first time ever the entire DOD is being audited, even though it's supposed to have been done yearly since the 90's.


fffb7c  No.2641127


And that Q bastard

Somebody needs to take him out too

Look what he said!!!



18 Feb 2018 - 2:49:07 PM





But we know better, don't we Anons

We all have certified Moran IQs and Nobody but nobody can beat that

Not even an autist

That is why we waste all our days

Beating our meat

And beating our meat

And making our memes

And shitting the board

While the meat gets beat.

Oh how CLEVER we are

Say it anons

We likes to hear we are clevers

fb151e  No.2641128

File: 954be37224c5bf3⋯.jpg (288.18 KB, 1115x721, 1115:721, VATICAN ABUSE PAj.jpg)

79d3ef  No.2641129

File: a645ec5a9ec93e4⋯.png (32.96 KB, 767x858, 59:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcb573585dc4d23⋯.png (36.08 KB, 714x865, 714:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0742a4c94f86bc7⋯.png (33.88 KB, 619x851, 619:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e148e76816f90a6⋯.png (40.29 KB, 790x874, 395:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02f0758f7bc82d0⋯.png (6.6 KB, 777x207, 259:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrity Causes

These are the top causes that celebrities donate to.

d5708a  No.2641130

File: eb75faf5c7ac693⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 378x378, 1:1, 2fcc3w~2.jpg)




Jeff Sessions is the Russian investigation.

9b1306  No.2641131


There is a big DC in Quincy, Washington where the west coast xlive servers are. If I recall the map was mostly east coast outages though

fb151e  No.2641132


go away ebil jezute

fa5bb6  No.2641133

File: 9d44fd3820250b9⋯.jpg (114.7 KB, 400x647, 400:647, elk.jpg)



Only one I found with an elk/deer/Y head is a coin in Early Christian and Mediæval Talismans.

Whatever any of it might mean. Still reading it.

5069e2  No.2641134



7bd42b  No.2641135


VERY good point on both of those… I believe.

3b902e  No.2641136


After Labor Day when summer vacays are over and people start paying attention to upcoming elections.

769d5b  No.2641137

In 2016 the gate of the temple of ba’al was erected in NY City, USA.

It was created and placed there in a joint venture by the Institute for Digital Archaeology and UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.




458998  No.2641138

File: 49dc92c9468a519⋯.png (520.85 KB, 701x723, 701:723, 2018-08-17_03-27-44.png)


That is an awesome photo.

Don't get the Sharman part though.

The girls were reportedly very religious.

They were also reportedly very sheltered as to the outside world.

Would they have learned faith healing from the mad monk Rasputin?



ee6878  No.2641139

File: 48b7cdbc55304e9⋯.png (956.74 KB, 1280x916, 320:229, Screenshot-2018-6-9 Q Rese….png)

File: 310abf23043bf34⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 600x512, 75:64, rome-silver-key-nsa.jpg)

fb151e  No.2641140

File: 19956881e04d043⋯.jpeg (48.3 KB, 590x318, 295:159, IDIO1.jpeg)

Q told us to make memes and repost stuff for the new eyes and we like Q…

81d65b  No.2641141

File: ca5c608d5e69558⋯.png (52.72 KB, 1150x141, 1150:141, ClipboardImage.png)


>>2640966 …Wish me luck, anons. >>2640981

responds to >>2640966

>They don't call them Idiots Out Wandering Around for nothing.

No this doesn't seem strange atall!!!








>They’ll figure it out…


an OP is underway in IOWA today

69ca94  No.2641142


I've been born again. Twice.

cc178c  No.2641143

File: bb1cc4a7ae708cf⋯.png (102.87 KB, 560x788, 140:197, ClipboardImage.png)

b672b1  No.2641144


I saw that–lots of good stuff there.

There's someone one facebook named Marty Torrey–he lives in Zephyrhills, FL. That kid in the story is supposed to be his grandkid, and the story was a bout a bookstore in FL, so I think he's the guy.

How it all relates, I don't know. But given his interest in 'fighting' human trafficking, I'd say he's a human trafficker. It seems to me that pretending to care about something gives you an excuse to speak about it openly; if you look at his emails, he goes into great detail about all the things they can do to 'combat' human trafficking; it's also stuff they can use to abet it as well.

I also came across this link:


d5708a  No.2641145

File: ce50498e1b9881d⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 819x376, 819:376, 1406476193282.jpg)

File: 01330e93f99f28a⋯.png (40.52 KB, 392x361, 392:361, Screenshot_2018-08-15-07-3….png)

File: bdca1df0615d167⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x817, 500:817, 2fgv8j~2.jpg)

Reality post and not racial.

Anthropology is undisputable.

fb151e  No.2641146


Come on man! you play video games! kek

6fad05  No.2641147

File: 7299258dbb2103f⋯.png (59.3 KB, 480x766, 240:383, b09685c93c220772723efe2772….png)

File: c4fd3deb3ec668e⋯.png (600.19 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 09823017jhkahdfahl;hd.png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh-Dick.jpg)

Rumor has it Trump renovated the white house because of all the anal sex the obama's had

cc178c  No.2641148


Merovingian = Payseur

69250b  No.2641149



more info on the e-fit Podesta McCann pics, and where it came from - and the dead PI.


a9b31a  No.2641150


Interdasting, will bookmark.

I wasn't honing tho anon I'm kinda past the honing phase barely awake. Just took a screen shot of Q post b/c too lazy to download. But I just thought of something…ya know that Allen anon who posts here and says he was abused/humiliated in a cult family and has a Twitter account? I remember him talking about talismans but he didn't call them that. Frogs and turtles and whatnot. Said something about what each meant and signified…some kind of challenge, I think.

fa5bb6  No.2641151




It's an open dialog in the middle of research.

With 40 freakin tabs open, this was the best way to get that answer, but thanQ for Paying Attention and adding your 2cents to the topic.

edec56  No.2641153


Thele does not appeal to be any agleement on which names should be included in the top 13 broodrines. We arr know about the Lockeferrels and the Lothschird. The lest ones ale ress celtain and ale actuarry the mole impoltant ones.

d5708a  No.2641154

File: b6713edfcad8110⋯.jpg (228.37 KB, 940x558, 470:279, c3dbc6879a43b2833c23258393….jpg)

File: 585a925a4871a30⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 2fj7vi~2.jpg)

File: ad62e629964626b⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 360x328, 45:41, 2eqt05~2.jpg)

ebc607  No.2641155



7f1bbf  No.2641156


John Scofield has been involved in most of the major lobbying battles in the last decade. He relishes a fight, and is rarely on the losing side.

John Scofield has nearly twenty years of experience working for and with Congress at the highest levels. He spent almost a decade in senior positions with the House Appropriations Committee, coordinating political strategy and messaging for the Committee and Subcommittee leaderships. Prior to forming Shockey Scofield Solutions (S-3 Group), he was a Principal at the Podesta Group, managing a number of corporate and non-profit clients, working across multiple committees and issue areas, including national security, financial services, and energy and environmental policy.

More recently, Scofield led campaigns aimed at using the annual budget process to combat onerous regulatory proposals in several different agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Scofield also has extensive experience in political communications, serving as a speechwriter for former Senator Mark Hatfield (R-OR) and as press secretary for Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ). Scofield also has deep campaign credentials, including managing Congressman LoBiondo’s re-election campaign in 1998 and volunteering in the campaigns of Senator John Thune (R-SD) and former Congressmen, Jim Walsh (R-NY) and Virgil Goode (R-VA). More recently, Scofield worked on the successful campaign of Congressman Robert Hurt (R-VA).



38b513  No.2641157

>>2641064 I'm sure that is where Art of the Deal came from! Sun Tzu is a mandaory military read.

>>2641071 Exactly.

>>2641075 He has the money for the parade. No doubt. The key is, planning the victory celebration before the ass kicking gives away your position. POTUS said that he won't openly discuss military operations like Obummer did. So far, he has been true to his word.

>>2641090 Timeline change is just words and the MSM eats it up. Simple as that.

79d3ef  No.2641158


Kek, what am I missing?

d09fe4  No.2641159


Thank you, inspirationanon.

I don't give a fuck what you said.

But that pic has inspired to me to touch my inner artfag.

c966fc  No.2641161


Exactly. And to get warmed up for that boycott, we need to start with boycotting the jews, who are a million times worse than the Catholic church, which is quite an accomplishment when you consider all of the pedo fags in the church.

79d3ef  No.2641162

File: e44e310e7fa359c⋯.png (117.24 KB, 752x656, 47:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Water Celebrity campaigners & charities


084ab0  No.2641163


Thats impossible

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever."

79d3ef  No.2641165


Sauce: https://www.looktothestars.org/cause

edec56  No.2641166



fffb7c  No.2641167


You can always join one of the three dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

Eastern USA


Chicago and Mid USA


Western USA


Or you could join the Antiochian Orthodox Church

Whose Patriarch John X is based in Damascus Syria

Antioch is a historic town in Syria


430968  No.2641168


True righteousness = loving kindness.

edec56  No.2641169



34cdf7  No.2641170

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB, 480x588, 40:49, b22287f019360dc9a6cee116ea….jpg)

File: 00d0e348dfafcaf⋯.png (471.49 KB, 581x500, 581:500, 789606876a;lahhhhhahahah.png)

File: 5fc86049d07595a⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 480x574, 240:287, kjhkkdh.jpg)



Obama's are butt fucking jungle bunnies.

fa5bb6  No.2641171


Yes! I've been thinking that one earns talismans as they go higher in rank. As an example, maybe they earn a fish for a sacrifice of a Christian child, or a turtle for achieving knowledge. Kinda like Boy Scouts earn badges and display them on a sash.

That there are numerous High Priestesses and that, depending on their level, they have more Talismans than others and thus a higher rank in the coven.

If that's the case, there should be numerous necklaces with adornments and we're looking for one in particular… prolly the High Priestess.

I'm looking, just not finding much.

The book doesn't have anything on Guatemalan 'lore'.

edb2e6  No.2641172

"there are no coincidences" -Q


69ca94  No.2641173


The first time only got me halfway there.

How many times must I die before I am truly alive?

A part of me died on these boards.

An immature part of me.

Seek to die often. Phoenix.

c966fc  No.2641175


And when I say "pedo fags" I really mean jews pretending to be priests. They do that you know?

Want proof. Here it is:

“A Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians.” Iore Dea 157,2 Hagah

Now you all know where all the pedo faggotry in the church comes from. JEWS!

bb54bf  No.2641176


So go into /qresearch/ Catalog to start the thread for the test bake?

No. That is for a

real bake.

80b857  No.2641177

File: ef570e4bd976fc5⋯.jpeg (182.72 KB, 607x792, 607:792, 9F0BB1B0-5583-4218-92B1-4….jpeg)

File: 46712db1b9590ad⋯.png (378.74 KB, 584x451, 584:451, 0514B554-F441-44B5-A6B9-38….png)

File: 8cd609ca133d027⋯.jpeg (43.46 KB, 306x408, 3:4, FD2FF097-ED62-460D-A542-1….jpeg)

File: 57ee98898a77305⋯.jpeg (69.65 KB, 525x300, 7:4, 4643320D-7534-4A8E-A086-B….jpeg)

Photos from Hujrah Wahhaj twatter.

430968  No.2641179


Variations within ethnic groups are greater than variations between ethnic groups. [scientific fact]

d09fe4  No.2641181

File: 025aeb722a1d2a0⋯.jpg (192.55 KB, 746x483, 746:483, 78c0739ced24672e260d60c476….jpg)

File: 58e6f7ba3cd9c0f⋯.jpg (214.52 KB, 746x483, 746:483, e90c73b3cc3c06321647e56f05….jpg)

File: b8f7d1cf712fd6c⋯.jpg (162.82 KB, 746x483, 746:483, 73995c8b20ba166ff5bad98645….jpg)

File: aeff056f93b868d⋯.jpg (172.28 KB, 746x483, 746:483, f0ac745f980b771e8980c4d72d….jpg)

32613a  No.2641182

Quietest I’ve seen this place in a looooong time..

bc59cd  No.2641183

File: 0a1a62cdfd5731e⋯.jpeg (67.25 KB, 479x450, 479:450, RussiansPooped.jpeg)

b672b1  No.2641184


Correction: that story about the kid was set in New York. I don't think the Marty Torrey on FB is the right one. Still digging.

32a26f  No.2641185




Tickets are here and I trust the Plan!

Now, After a walk, the world looking better!

I meet last Weekend three Men from the Air Force in Germany!

Spend them a beer, thanked for there Service and promised them to be there at 10.11.2018!

It was a good feeling!

Great People in service!

fb942d  No.2641186

File: bcdf79dd428bde5⋯.jpg (487.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cnn composit new.jpg)

Top notable in #3333 has a problem. The photo with circled woman is not Hujrah Wahaj, doesn't even look like her, and was mislabeled in the photo. The woman is actually Jany Leveille.

79d3ef  No.2641187

File: b35343b589c437f⋯.png (119.84 KB, 749x661, 749:661, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Children Celebrity campaigners & charities


fffb7c  No.2641188

File: 97efe16349a6e0c⋯.png (169.33 KB, 529x529, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



They work together with NSA

Together they are the KEY

JSOC and Marines are the STONE

a9b31a  No.2641189

File: 06ce7e7093e5328⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 1245x768, 415:256, diamond-and-silk-with-pen.jpg)


>So go into /qresearch/ Catalog to start the thread for the test bake?

'Das right. Mmmmhhhhmmm

c9e79f  No.2641190


>True righteousness = loving kindness.


As stated in Jesus summation of the commandments:

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

f3693f  No.2641191


cc178c  No.2641192


Maybe it's the calm before the…

well, you know.

bb54bf  No.2641193

OnDutyBaker has to leave for his appointment. Can you newBakers handle the next bake? Please take the handoff if you are going to bake. Otherwise, I will need to bake now as a standby bread.


69250b  No.2641194


don't feed the trolls/shills

6cebc9  No.2641195


Bump, good image my friend, just saw the thread on four chan.

18203f  No.2641196

File: d62046de00fabc8⋯.png (133.52 KB, 957x500, 957:500, Screenshot_2018-07-12 2017….png)


When do we Catholics get our little yellow crosses? Do we get a special tax put on our heads as well?

d09fe4  No.2641197

File: a6ca4beb5382415⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 501x373, 501:373, 107ec4a81cbcdd5fd6bec7a5fd….jpg)

File: 1241edea688d42f⋯.jpg (139.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ae03ec30a1a0885cba66b06b99….jpg)

File: 9fe0d0f2a9bac4c⋯.jpg (147.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 28068a99d74019515bdf70912a….jpg)

File: 9ba38ebb3bc863f⋯.jpg (224.3 KB, 548x657, 548:657, f7fbcefad9b0294ca28f2d6cad….jpg)

4b7a17  No.2641198


I see. since The Q drop with with the pedo stuff.

the bad actors are communicating through these devices. just trying to find if its a foriegn entity causing outage. or its just us.

fffb7c  No.2641200


Sharman is a Russian greeting used by the nobility

It comes from the french word


Which is pronounced SHARMAN

And which means CHARMING

Was Rasputin really preparing them to die

Helping them see beyond the physical world?

edec56  No.2641201


nothing to see hele

79d3ef  No.2641202

File: d14e5425fc254e3⋯.png (104.29 KB, 752x657, 752:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6874ad7f135acd0⋯.png (237.65 KB, 779x1107, 19:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Top At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths Celebrity campaigners & charities


458998  No.2641203

File: 081a33213f54fef⋯.png (262.31 KB, 488x709, 488:709, 2018-08-17_03-45-17.png)


Wow, that's some scary crap right there!

Trust your daughters and their futures to her?


bc59cd  No.2641204

File: d4f29cfea58916c⋯.gif (823.49 KB, 360x152, 45:19, FN_CNN3.gif)

2bf17d  No.2641205



srow & crumfree

edec56  No.2641206



430968  No.2641207


One of the more recent figures I have heard is approx. 4000 priests have been accused of pedo abuse/crimes. This is approx. one per cent (1%) of all priests worldwide (out of approx. 400,000 priests total worldwide). Thus 99% of priests are not child abusers.

e9e319  No.2641208




Correct, that's what I was originally trying to do.

I figured out the problem…. it's browser specific. This browser won't let me start a new thread in the /comms/ catalog or the /qresearch/ catalog.

Switched to other browser and could start a new thread in both.

Sorry for the confusion. Heading to do a couple test bakes now.

Thanks for the help and patience, Anons.

bc59cd  No.2641209

File: ea58ef5b17d2511⋯.png (266.29 KB, 491x666, 491:666, tumblr_n7qrdhMCoy1rotmgko1….png)

5f5341  No.2641210


Not yet…Church hidding them

084ab0  No.2641211


Seek with your whole heart and…. he will reveal himself too you and guide you! You will not be disappointed he is a real person… ALMIGHTY GOD in the flesh

he died but rose again in order to save your soul…its a free gift accept it and you shall live

bc59cd  No.2641212

File: 24205be3eb11a48⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 526x440, 263:220, LurkMoar.jpg)

bb54bf  No.2641213


Handoff confirmed?

You'll do fine, newBaker.

29816b  No.2641214


Schild in this context is German forr shield. Like an escutcheon.

69ca94  No.2641215


God is a connection we share.

bc59cd  No.2641216

File: b2ac52611518e99⋯.gif (6.83 MB, 400x310, 40:31, You'reDoomed.gif)

edec56  No.2641217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A song for the patient. We are all in this together.

79d3ef  No.2641218

File: 7d0d6a97cc53457⋯.png (227.33 KB, 784x1336, 98:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Related charity news and events


d09fe4  No.2641219


And his name is not the name given to him by the pedophile fish hat priests…

Nor was it the kike name of Josh, The Magic Jew, from Nazareth.


It was Dhor Kyristyl.

He was an alien.

A shapeshifter.

If he really is your God Made Flesh…

He could shapeshift…


e9e319  No.2641220


Handoff confirmed

Will report back after a couple of test bakes for you to check my work.

084ab0  No.2641221


Its the only connection that counts.

6cebc9  No.2641222


"Sind sie das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger!" Translation: "You are the prey, and we are the hunters!"

c68d84  No.2641223

>>2641069 >>2641072 >>2641076

Has anyone been hitting these idiots with "ex-employees do not need security passes"?

bc59cd  No.2641224

File: ff5574c1485c1b3⋯.jpg (20.24 KB, 278x181, 278:181, ConcernFaggot.jpg)

5f5341  No.2641225


newbaker !!!!! Open the flood gate !!!!

Good luck anon ;)

69ca94  No.2641226


The internet connection is pretty cool too though.

6cebc9  No.2641227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

38b513  No.2641228

Anyone here tonight see the graphic posted yesterday about how the Catholic church resembles mushrooms???? I should have saved that graphic. Fucking hysterical. Whoever did it had some autist level observation skills.

d09fe4  No.2641229

If Jesus was God and God is All Powerful, then God/Jesus could Shapeshift.

*Change My Mind.*

fffb7c  No.2641231

File: e1fd0aa9b67ecd1⋯.png (207.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc60a85d1f4ff2e⋯.png (204.64 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdec964b3fe27f7⋯.png (232.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Left to Right

3 women

Jany Leveille, Hujhrah Wahhaj, Subhannah Wahhaj

THRE different women, two of whom appear to be sisters, were arrested along with TWO different men.

b3aec7  No.2641232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice one! heres a classic from around my way

69ca94  No.2641233

File: 30e11b2287e7a4c⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


u guys realize that this show was soft disclosure yeah?

especially season 2 ending… lemme dig up the photos.

79d3ef  No.2641234

File: aeaea60b1f9ae13⋯.png (198.52 KB, 828x1263, 276:421, ClipboardImage.png)


Related charity news and events


c966fc  No.2641235


The real problem is how they hide it so the priests can do it again. That makes the church complicit in the acts.

Furthermore, how can anyone tell the difference between a pedo priest and an non pedo priest? They cannot.

Therefore, everyone should never allow their children to be left alone with a priest for any reason.

The church did it to themselves by protecting them.

bdec66  No.2641236

i just want to be on record saying, i think the "Hujrah Wahhaj was on CNN!!!" looks like legit CNN shills on the boards trying to get screengrabs with fake and gay photoshop so that CNN can run a hit piece about the shit over the weekend.

screencapping my post too bitches, so i swear to god CNN if that's you, you're getting fucked.

holla atcha boy


Vincit Omnia Veritas

Cras Es Noster

Deus Vult

fb942d  No.2641237


Thanks, Anon. I had a good friend who was previously with one of the milintel groups. He taught me something very important. The main way disinformation is created is to take what is true and load into it untruths so that the whole thing can be discredited spun through the information world in the future. It is how so many conspiracy stories are started. We really need to be doing due dilligence in all things that are going into notables.

430968  No.2641238


UK Anon, I found your written piece on righteousness very interesting and insightful.

69ca94  No.2641239

File: ae433a8bdbf27a8⋯.jpg (407.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.jpg)

File: 527ecc097d0998e⋯.jpg (436.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.jpg)

File: f9f92a46b38cd96⋯.jpg (279.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3.jpg)

f464ca  No.2641240

File: 4cf0771b9ae346b⋯.jpg (549.51 KB, 1416x708, 2:1, FlyBillaryFly.jpg)

b03f7b  No.2641241


Sorry no but you could start digging into this if you feel like it.

esus, Santa, Mithra and the Magic Mushroom

"Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them?

So, why do people bring Pine trees into their houses at the Winter Solstice, placing brightly colored (Red and White) packages under their boughs, as gifts to show their love for each other and as representations of the love of God and the gift of his Sons life?

It is because, underneath the Pine bough is the exact location where one would find this 'Most Sacred' Substance, the Amanita muscaria, in the wild."

James Arthur

"Mushrooms and Mankind" (8)

bc59cd  No.2641242

File: a8aa3373436acf5⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 454x330, 227:165, Vatican.jpg)

084ab0  No.2641243

Ya… So… whats your point

c68d84  No.2641245




There was a time priests were able to be married. But the Church was responsible for the family if the priests passed away. Became too much $$$ for the Vatican and they put an end to the marriage thing.

Wonder how much of the pedo thing wouldn't have happened if they had been still able to get married……..

c966fc  No.2641246


Actually, you will.

Jews are far worse.

edec56  No.2641247


halcyon before the storm

084ab0  No.2641248


>Ya… So… whats your point?

6cebc9  No.2641249

File: 84447e64642e4f8⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 600x337, 600:337, The-Kandahar-Giant.jpg)


Truth, I have read the book of Enoch.

Same thing is gonna happen again, been having dreams about it since I was 7.

a08ac8  No.2641250


You raised an interesting question, anon – in general, in any given situation (schools, boy / girl scouts, etc) –

> how can anyone tell the difference between a pedo and a non pedo

b35ca6  No.2641251

>>2641235 The devil is in the details. The overwhelming majority of these cases in Philadelphia occured after 2012. That is the year the church cracked down and has stricter rules for adults alone with children than any other institution. Of course, it is a terrible thing. But, what other institution has apologized, humbled themselves, atoned, made resitution and changed?

b1dbcd  No.2641252

File: b2ae3832ae9ca03⋯.png (457.39 KB, 904x848, 113:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5b91c5ad9d2b1e⋯.png (4.35 KB, 929x65, 929:65, ClipboardImage.png)

Switzerland Refuses To Sign Nuclear-Bomb-Ban Treaty

The Swiss Federal Council has decided against signing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) adopted at the United Nations last year. A working group had advised that the arguments against outweighed potential opportunities of joining.

A total of 122 states, including Switzerland, adopted the treaty at the UN in July 2017 (although the nine nuclear powers were not part of that group). The TPNW will enter into force when at least 50 countries ratify it. Signatories have obligations not to develop, test, produce, acquire, possess, stockpile, use or threaten to use nuclear weapons. The agreement also prohibits the deployment of nuclear weapons on national territory and assistance to any country involved in prohibited activities.


084ab0  No.2641253


Right on!

1e9f0f  No.2641254

File: d2b1c863bcbbd5c⋯.png (890.22 KB, 881x1249, 881:1249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cd5361861ff9a6⋯.png (993.85 KB, 1068x2092, 267:523, ClipboardImage.png)



>>2640043 older bread (#3332) Got Birthday Party pic -- red shoes -- v. good lead.

Question: AK white hat or black hat? Plant?

d09fe4  No.2641255


Thought that was for me.

Juuuuuuust throwin' that out there.

Jesus was a shapeshifter.

Just like Lucifer was.

bc59cd  No.2641256

File: 1a5712b4c22e9fe⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 600x440, 15:11, DYdfppDW4AE8MTp.jpg)

430968  No.2641257


Crimson Lane = HRC/BC residence walkway.

7bd42b  No.2641258


Yeah you are right. Ok I'm done as well.. Im outta here. Not posting any more… Just like you OP. Since you are done right? No more posts? Surely that is what you mean?? I stand convinced. Q is Fake See you later buddy… goodbye Hasta la pasta. sionara, boner noches.

d09fe4  No.2641260



Taking that further…

The gods of old were also shapeshifters.

Zeus… for example.

fb942d  No.2641261


… that you know of. It doesn't matter. Those in the upper echelons shield and protect the pedophiles. And the seminaries promote homosexuality. Dig on that for a while, stories came out about it in the 1990's.

b1dbcd  No.2641262

File: 812ad9e76a53826⋯.png (319.41 KB, 898x820, 449:410, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc7c1337ba4773e⋯.png (51.86 KB, 919x417, 919:417, ClipboardImage.png)

NATO Repeats The Great Mistake Of The Warsaw Pact

Through the 1990s, during the terms of US President Bill Clinton, NATO relentlessly and inexorably expanded through Central Europe. Today, the expansion of that alliance eastward – encircling Russia with fiercely Russo-phobic regimes in one tiny country after another and in Ukraine, which is not tiny at all – continues.


bc59cd  No.2641263


Oh. I thought this was all about squeezable toilet paper. kek.

38b513  No.2641264


Interdasting. I may laugh at so-called outrageous concepts but without an open mind, I wouldn't be here!


I had no idea. Funny how so much of the Catholic doctrine was derived from monetary gain or loss. Same goes with the "no fish on Friday" bullshit.

fffb7c  No.2641265


Finally we are getting through to you

Now you have knocked some sense into your head


So go away, and don't come back

If all you want is a little news on happenings

It will be on Fox or Breitbart or Twitter

No point damaging your health by worrying

This board in particular, has a specific task,

And it's not very pretty.

This is where Q dumps the mud

That splashes in the eyes of the Clowns watching

When this heard of cats (Anons) gets a crumb

The spit and the fur fly, and the Clowns tear their hair out trying to make sense of it.


69ca94  No.2641266


>book of Enoch

Not familiar with the contents of that book.

But I got the idea based on context. I'll check it out.

5f5341  No.2641267


Unpopular opinion : christianity is a desert death cult perverted by jew where fertile men and women are removed from the gene pool (nun and monk).

fbfbcd  No.2641268

File: e69c4f4a25fc459⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g1c6g~2.jpg)

Today everyone lives in a false reality.

a9b31a  No.2641269

File: 3438d8cb1c95ab4⋯.png (364.79 KB, 650x638, 325:319, dog shock.png)


Yea, that makes sense in a very spoopy way.

430968  No.2641270


The Swiss probably already have nuclear weapons.

7bd42b  No.2641271


Sauce and what does the real one look like???

bc59cd  No.2641272


Hard to change that which doesn't exist.

b1dbcd  No.2641273


Rothschild home country, you think?

bdec66  No.2641274



replying to my previous post, i see anons have seen the same thing i did, and rectified it.





6714d3  No.2641275

File: 2a8382841fdf602⋯.jpg (413 KB, 2375x2945, 25:31, Hillary_Clinton_at_the_199….jpg)

File: b2ae6df92ffb903⋯.jpg (416.53 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, Gloria-Vanderbilt-Anderson….jpg)

i'll just leave these right here…

i guess fashonisturds should have at least one reversible gold gown in their wardrobe

d09fe4  No.2641276

fbfbcd  No.2641277

File: dee3a8251e3b82b⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 2fg6ct~2.jpg)

6714d3  No.2641278


btw g. vanderscum shows a lot of freemasonic (female order?) accessories in many photos

fffb7c  No.2641279


Doesn't 131 look just like an anal sphincter?

And that P there looks like the knob on an erect penis

Getting ready to slideright in

Those Roman Catholics were ass-fuckers from the very beginning

430968  No.2641280


There is no celebration of death in Christianity. Large families are promoted (until Vatican 2) and thus celibate priests and nuns have siblings etc. to pass on genes.

e9e319  No.2641281


LOL NOOOOO NOT YET!!! I sucked a couple hemorrhoids back in just when the browser would let me post a TEST bake.

You Vet Bakers who keep up when the Breads are flying as Q is posting are effin awesome! I'll get there someday.

In the meantime, would someone be able to check this over in /comms/:




bfd009  No.2641282



084ab0  No.2641283


To Be Very Clear…For The Record…..

He saved me from falling into the pit of Hell, grabbed my hand and yanked me from it…

His Name is JESUS Christ "The Anointed One", I've seen his face and the holes are still in his hands with very bright light shining thru them. When he spoke it was as many waters kinda like Niagra falls but way more scary.

7bd42b  No.2641284


This is one of many reasons I look into Hollow earth stuff. There is so much flat earth shit pushed… Its not to dissuade people from believing solid magma earth right? What the fuck is the point of that. It is a cover-up for something. ;) plus its fun.

b1dbcd  No.2641285

File: e57dd52b2c20736⋯.png (283.21 KB, 417x253, 417:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7827bfd4c014a70⋯.png (222.76 KB, 767x851, 767:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 034fdc9fd47dbeb⋯.png (299.07 KB, 748x862, 374:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c35c2337c66420⋯.png (13.83 KB, 772x233, 772:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Germany – Merkel Booed in Dresden (Video) As Crowds Shout ‘Volksverräter’ (Traitor)

Germany faces regional elections in October, most importantly in its Bavaria region where Interior Minister Mr Ernst Seehofer is campaigning. Thus, it was left up to Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel to visit the regions in Eastern Germany that also go to the polls and face her fiercest critics in Dresden, where the AfD and Pegida movements took most of the votes in last year’s election.

Just as in Europe as a whole, anti-immigration views are more widespread in Germany’s formerly communist east than in the west. In countries like Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland there is even a growing movement not to let immigrants enter at all anymore.

Merkel, arriving in a convoy of black limousines, was met by jeering crowds holding up slogans against her personally whilst shouting "Volksverräter" (“traitor” or "enemy of the people") accompanied by a brass band.


430968  No.2641286


Only a perv mind would go there. Catholics teach celibacy not depravity. Satanist/communist/free mason infiltrators do not live as Catholics/Christians.

a9b31a  No.2641287


Also maybe look for "Guatemalan Catholic Lore". The central and south Americans have their own spin on Roman Catholicism – i.e., the Lady of Guadelupe, etc.

bc59cd  No.2641288


ErMuhGird - that book is amazing.

c2012b  No.2641289

I think I get it. Military parade costs jumped, so Trump says it's off in his classic negotiating fashion so that the cost will come down and we may still have the parade as scheduled. "Timelines (can) change (back). Watch (what happens to) the budget"

Also the 666% is code that the increase was caused by bad actor corruption.

fbfbcd  No.2641290

File: 84bd5970728fd94⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 445x400, 89:80, 2fzi8g~2.jpg)

6714d3  No.2641291


as far as i can tell, g. vanderscum has the same shitty pastiche approach to 'fashion' as s/he does to secret societies - ugly mash-ups of different patterns/societies worn openly.

a9b31a  No.2641292

File: 70886ce529e9e0e⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Kek du jour.jpeg)


Well if you're so smucking fart, why don't you tell us?

c966fc  No.2641293


I hope to see her drug through the streets, and hung upside down from a lamppost.

Setting her on fire would be a nice touch.

I would buy a tv and watch it on CNN, to see that.

084ab0  No.2641294


Flat earth and Hollow Earth are of the same belief system.

6cebc9  No.2641295

File: 66bfb0e07602d7c⋯.jpg (195.58 KB, 1140x642, 190:107, This-Stone-Giant-In-Italy-….jpg)


Basics is Fallen Angels help man make GMOs, GMOs get so big that they have to eat everything to stay alive, and they don't stop growing.

They start a war that kills a lot of them, and at the end the flood wipes out the rest.

1c6976  No.2641297

File: 9b5acd4a0239d0e⋯.png (476.41 KB, 612x903, 204:301, sessions schweizer.png)


No you are compromised….

69ca94  No.2641298


Strange necklace on that woman next to cooper.


but also


Is 88 a masonic thing?

What does that mean about the 1488 larpers?

And CC is cannibal club of course.

bc59cd  No.2641299

File: 1161a3dd504fd94⋯.png (138.73 KB, 494x360, 247:180, LurkMoar2.png)

e9e319  No.2641300


Ahhhh shite…. that didn't work.

How about this.



d09fe4  No.2641301


I'm very familiar with that hand pulling me out of The Darkness.

Asked me if I wanted to try again.

I was told I'd have half my ability, no solid memory of the past attempts, and I could never win.

I didn't care.

I have to see this through.

Turns out… the was the right answer.

And we're already in the Best Timeline Forever.

I can't win.

We can.

It's not about me.

I am but a messenger.

Pay Attention To The Message.

And Trust The Plan.

This should read familiar.


72c88d  No.2641302


>Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

How do we love murderous pedophiles like ourselves? That's going to be difficult for most people. Love the dinner, hate the sun, right? Do you expect anon and America (and the world) to do that?

fbfbcd  No.2641303

File: 0a50d8a8b400a04⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 2fzblf~2.jpg)



Total retardation.

69ca94  No.2641304


*clears throat*

heh, nice try lad

let me show you how it's done

*cracks knuckles*


d09fe4  No.2641305


I've seen that.

He has a Compass (made of light) in the painting.

bc59cd  No.2641306


>As Crowds Shout ‘Volksverräter’ (Traitor)

Woah. That ain't gonna look good on her resume.

c966fc  No.2641307

Globe earth.

Hollow earth.

Flat earth.

It is all the same belief system.

Everyone in the know know that the earth does not exist.

bfd009  No.2641308








a08ac8  No.2641309



Dig into Mayan religion and Catholic-Mayan syncronicity

987c04  No.2641310




ignore bc59cd

Self-appointed Quality Control "Hero". aka Board Bully. He comes here a lot. Most likely a clown. Tries to pass judgement on everyone.

16 critical shit posts and counting.

d09fe4  No.2641311

File: 3121a1ea1b3e228⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 459x700, 459:700, blake God as an architect.jpg)



You know the one.

9e4844  No.2641312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons may see this as a message of hope that the work we do to cleanse our nation will succeed. I have had my own confirmation that this war between good and evil goes beyond this 3D world. We are helped from the other side. And sometimes those helping on the other side are us.

38b513  No.2641313


Yep. You nailed it.

c2012b  No.2641314

This is definitely a Q proof, right? How else would Q know Hillary is Alice? This was just released.

>Anons, in the new emails just put out by Judicial Watch, I came across this (pic related)–someone named Marty Torrey, referring to Hillary as 'A'; also note the other Alice in Wonderland references.

458998  No.2641315

File: c6125590fe44a23⋯.png (425.24 KB, 589x332, 589:332, 2018-07-07_11-43-44 copy 2.png)


Morning shift, go away.

bc59cd  No.2641316

File: 2a2d5376126fd5c⋯.png (393.61 KB, 600x400, 3:2, WhatsMissing.png)

e9e319  No.2641317

File: 3468d4572a7b9e4⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 500x234, 250:117, peppals.jpg)



Thank you, Anon. Forgot /comms/ needs the extra >

One more time….






11b872  No.2641318


The notables link should have three single quotes on each side of it to make it bold.



Should be 3334

55d5a0  No.2641319


It came out years ago that piles of human excrement like Roger Mahony, and Joe Ratzinger made it their life's work to hide pedos within the Church, they are only two of the, probably hundreds, of worthless scum dedicated to helping child rapists get away with there crimes.

72c88d  No.2641320


>Amanita muscaria

A most unpleasant hallucinogen. Legal to buy in the US because few are willing to eat them more than once. Seems unlikely to be so influential.

69ca94  No.2641321


u drop this fren: /

5b9f8b  No.2641322

File: 8fff72b32915667⋯.png (148.92 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_0273.PNG)

Plane crashes in South America. Mattis in South America. Coinkidink?

11b872  No.2641323



Actually…. should be:

3334 New Baker

bc59cd  No.2641325

File: 0a3a00b2b57036b⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 599x383, 599:383, AGame!.jpg)

fffb7c  No.2641326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've taken a liking

To Mongolian throat singing

Here is Batzorig Vaanchig

Singing Morin Khuur

Someday I'm gonna learn that language

And go on a holiday

Herding horses out on the wild steppe

Of Mongolia

And live in a yurt

And learn how to make ayrag (kumis)

Out of mare's milk

e9e319  No.2641327



GAHHHH!! Sorry lads.






987c04  No.2641328


No. I think you're a jerk-off.

79d3ef  No.2641329


I hope you don't mind if I interject a thought to your question. "How do we love murderous pedophiles like ourselves?" Through forgiveness, but that doesn't mean you forget, you forgive and let God take care of the rest as the final decider.

38b513  No.2641330


Nope. no clicky.

72c88d  No.2641331


Sinner* sin*

55d5a0  No.2641332


can't do red and link.

7b4485  No.2641334

File: 5a03081d851b16a⋯.jpg (218.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, irianas pizza.jpg)

File: 234e72af98ce15c⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, irianas pizza (1).jpg)

c966fc  No.2641335


In these parts, we call them apostrophes.

e4d4c3  No.2641336

File: 89a5f06b37955ff⋯.jpeg (312.2 KB, 1242x1608, 207:268, D6889749-5A77-40AC-A724-F….jpeg)

084ab0  No.2641337


For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

(speaking of Jeremiah)

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

11b872  No.2641338

File: 02a9f92c2a29903⋯.png (381.95 KB, 565x560, 113:112, TZBaker.png)

This is TZ on my "main machine." I've handed off to newBaker, but I'll lurk as much as I can.

AvatarFagging for verification. I'm also on a non-standard IP, so probably won't be czeched, anyway.

69ca94  No.2641339

File: 5bfc06e69244557⋯.jpg (106.14 KB, 1052x1052, 1:1, 85q3s42v6c6z.jpg)



good thing this is a 4am bread

72c88d  No.2641340


Do you expect anyone here to forgive? Do you think POTUS will forgive? I ask because it seems like, if we are going to be good Christians, there's going to be a limit on revenge. Like, no bloodshed.

11b872  No.2641341


Yeah… that works, too.

c68fc4  No.2641342

File: 22a5280b3396587⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 640x400, 8:5, shirleyjacksonring.jpg)



Uh, bro, that's not how genetics work. There's no way to "quantify" how much those variations mean anything.

Lol what cringey bluepilled cuck/ high school dropout do we have up this early?

Or is JIDF just up really late?

Oh and here's another one for the other poster.

Ya. Have no idea why ANYONE would possibly think blacks are closer to apes. None at all.

a9c9fc  No.2641343


In The Beginning there was Nothing…

which exploded.

e9e319  No.2641344



I'm a dumbass... final try here... if I fuck this one up I'll go over to the /comms/ Baker hangout so I don't shit up this Bread any more.






72c88d  No.2641346


And it's been all downhill since…

d09fe4  No.2641347

File: fd796e32f7189a5⋯.gif (4.52 MB, 718x404, 359:202, 5sLdPwB.gif)


Yea… and it hath come to pass that the Apostle Kermit was touched by The Holy Covfefe:

"Hiho, everybody! I come bearing a message from the Lord!"

And he spake thusly:

Our Frogger,

Who art in Kekistan,

Hallowed be thy memes.

Thy Pepe come, Thy Will be dubs,

In Real Life as on the Internet.

Give us this dank our daily spice,

And forgive us our autism, as we forgive those who join us.

And lead us not into cuckolding,

But deliver us from normies.

For Thine is the Pepe, Harambe, and the Holy Covfefe.

For the Best Timeline Forever


"This is the prayer of the day!", sayeth The Apostle.

"The way is paved in green for ye who seek Truth!"

And with that, he ventured off.

430968  No.2641348


1500 communists were placed into US seminaries in the 1930s (see Bella Dodd, former communist, testimony to Congress 1950s). Freemasons and later communists in Europe infiltrated the Church as well in the late 1800s and early 1900s. As servants of lucifer the aim of the infiltrators was to destroy the Church from within. Over time as they rose up the ranks, they recruited new seminarians from the gay bath houses and bars in order to promote and revel in their depravity. This led to the homosexual abuses and outrages in the seminaries. They are slowly being cleared out with exposure and eventually the Church will return to her original purity.

69ca94  No.2641349

File: ebd431fcb4facb9⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, vwpvyli7fwpz.jpg)



and clicked

c68fc4  No.2641350


But nothings not a "thing" tho.

There's nothing to explode.

Cept your head, cuz MIND BLOWN@!

a08ac8  No.2641351



Forgiveness doesn't mean not imposing justice and punishment. Forgivness and justice go together.

084ab0  No.2641352


It exists…but matter can be easily manipulated…k.i.s.s.

The only real reality is GOD's most high dimension or the highest heaven the third heaven.

fffb7c  No.2641353

File: a6fcff60e234db1⋯.png (998.22 KB, 1200x768, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Plato's cave

What you see in the real world

Is just reflections in a mirror

Nothing that you see exists

You have to learn to go inside your mind

And perceive what is behind you

Because that is what makes the reflections

The real earth, may just be a potato

That God is waving around

To soothe your mind

Like a mother waves a rattle

In front of a cranky baby

b58899  No.2641354


looks good newbaker…night shift is best shift to learn. kek

55d5a0  No.2641355

File: 02229c670b960ea⋯.jpg (961.19 KB, 2000x1585, 400:317, Woods-Kek.jpg)


There ya go! Dassa Werken!!!!

e9e319  No.2641356

File: 9b547877338204c⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 864x864, 1:1, 9b547877338204cf44e85ac997….jpg)


You and me both.



Thanks for the help, Anons. Gonna go do another test bake with those fixes.

11b872  No.2641357


You cannot "red" the links with the equals signs.

bfd009  No.2641358



67a0b2  No.2641359

37ad43  No.2641360


KEK Mate!

d09fe4  No.2641361


In the beginning, there was Everything, and it was unstable AF so it burst forth.

0ef29e  No.2641362

>>2640198 (lb)

she's not a CNN "affiliate" and she's not on CNN, she probably just took a tour of the place like the Parkland kids did (which is admittedly weird, they're prob Clown assets) but please for the love of god don't spread that she's an "affiliate" or literally on CNN – she's not. you'll just make us look bad

59ddd1  No.2641363


the woman next to Cooper is his mother Gloria Vanderbilt. Yes, of those Vanderbilts.

4b7a17  No.2641364

File: 8282c9c644bbdfc⋯.jpg (90.22 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, corey-16.jpg)


72c88d  No.2641365


I can't love someone like I love myself while sending them to GITMO, bro.

972967  No.2641366

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #3315 to #3333 to the folder and updated the checksums.



3315-3333.zip MD5: 64c17f4e646288c6d52a3094e8149386


3315-3333.html.zip MD5: 4dfaa87b25994a091ae5c6db413cb8d9

The archive now contains 3339 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

38b513  No.2641367


Good job newbaker!

084ab0  No.2641368


Lol hey?

I wasn't playing, I spoke real and truth, this will be your only witness for the Kingdom Of God take it or leave it the choice is yours.

you and are done conversing….

d09fe4  No.2641369


Only you can prevent not getting a reach around.

1fbef8  No.2641370

File: baaba324776ad7b⋯.png (653.81 KB, 946x744, 473:372, ClipboardImage.png)

"James Clapper Fears For Future Of Intelligence Community After Brennan Has Clearance Revoked https://trib.al/lFjJ3Bv "

You are next Clapper.

79d3ef  No.2641371


I am not saying that they shouldn't have the punishment they deserve, just saying, that no matter what God wants us to forgive, and if the decision is death, then God had a hand in that as well, after all none of these people would have brought to day light without divine intervention, imo. I think its important to remind people of this: Hate is the real killer, Hatred in a persons heart caused them to do what they did and is where we are today. It is important not to perpetuate the hate further just for give, you don't even have to like the person, just forgive, not to is to hang on to hate, which is what I believe we are being told.

d09fe4  No.2641373



Nigga, is that you?

We've talked about how fucking conceited and full of hubris this "Thou doth not lub Jeebus correctly" schtick is.

fa5bb6  No.2641374


Good to know Payseur=Merovingian.

Started to dig in and the first return was about a game; Matrix Online. Talks about redpills, Zionites, Exiles… anyone know more about this game? WTF?

[The Merovingian is a prominent character in The Matrix Online , being the leader of the Merovingians alongside the Machinists and the Zionites . Not only does he have redpills in his employ, he also makes use of Exile programs, such as The Effectuator. He uses the Exile known as Flood as the mission controller for the redpills who have joined his cause.]

69ca94  No.2641375

File: 9e9312c2117fb1f⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 336x448, 3:4, P1000945_0.JPG)



I'm pretty sure all these noteworthy bloodlines got crept into and corrupted by these khazars over time just like they do to everything else that's good

or maybe that name was always corrupt who knows.

looks like 88 is a mason thing

wonder what that means for the 88 dogwhistle

6cebc9  No.2641376


I like seeing them afraid.

fb942d  No.2641377


Earth can't be hollow - dig electromagnetic shield, i.e., requires molten metal core to produce. It is why Mars surface colony will never happen, nor terraforming of that planet - no molten core, no shield, radiation through the roof and no surface life.

a9b31a  No.2641378


Meh, believable, in parts of the world, I guess. But in my part of the world mushrooms don't grow on pine trees. They grow on cow shit. And certainly not in the winter.

a08ac8  No.2641379


I'd love them while pulling the level on the guillotine. ;-)

430968  No.2641380


There is only one race, human. Black people have more melanin in their skin; there is no other variation from white people. There is no variation among humans which brings anyone closer to apes, that is crap. We are not evolved from apes. That is a luciferian lie to degrade humans to the level of animals and thus excuse all the unspeakable cruelty and abuse heaped on people because "we alone are superior and worthy of respect".

26c028  No.2641381


Tabasco sauce!

2f7a54  No.2641382


Attack on Titan is my jam.

Got all of it and the live movie (dunno if that's going to be worth shit tho) downloaded and stored offline for a rainy day should it come.

Good….research material.

72c88d  No.2641383


Right. So we will be judged by God by how we treat these people. I don't want to go to hell over punishing these people. Of course, they must not be allowed to abuse again. Obviously they have destroyed their right to the freedoms of a normal person. They question is how far we take the punishment. Since I trust the plan, I'm curious but confident in how Q and POTUS handle this.

166b99  No.2641384


They look so empty. Those eyes, just empty.

26c028  No.2641385


Thanks Almond

c68fc4  No.2641386

" there is no other variation from white people."

That's so dumb it's almost a notable.

I was being a dick earlier, but wow, we really do have a high school drop out on 8Chan tonite.

084ab0  No.2641387


No" its not me"…my witness was 100…not joking around.

954302  No.2641388


lodges get assigned a number when they are chartered. could have been 87 or 89.

11b872  No.2641389

>>2641366 GermanArchiveAnon Update

Baker Notable

3703b6  No.2641390

File: c1f9b31710d5573⋯.jpg (420.86 KB, 1345x792, 1345:792, Screenshot_20180817-021731….jpg)

File: 9fafe0c6ca4fb0e⋯.jpg (442.5 KB, 809x2140, 809:2140, Screenshot_20180817-020042….jpg)

d09fe4  No.2641391


Your witness of what?

The guy who told you about Josh, the Magic Jew, from a long line of Magic Jews???

430968  No.2641392


Thank you for your ongoing work GermanArchiveAnon.

72c88d  No.2641394


You'd probably be condemned in the afterlife for doing so, too ;-)

26c028  No.2641395


World Wide Gold Star Researchers, Not 04:00 here fren

11b872  No.2641396


Good find, but does not meet the context of Q's post.

c68d84  No.2641397




Unconditional Love = you just love. It doesn't mean you want everyone in your life nor does it mean you will always like the behavior.


Forgiving doesn't mean condoning bad behavior. It means moving past the incidence and letting go of negative emotional attachments to the incident/person.

166b99  No.2641398


It's pretty delicious

The best part of all of this is enjoying the schadenfreude. It's better than chocolate.

69ca94  No.2641399

File: e90de5f4f653f58⋯.png (81.99 KB, 648x356, 162:89, 448-Beast.PNG)




Yeah you could be right.

I'll keep it in the back of my mind.

ede0c4  No.2641400


Anon, did you see the stats on priesthood in Pennsylvania? I'm not sure what the turnover rate among priests is, but 300 over a few decades would seem to represent a much higher percentage than just 1%.


Number of Retired Cardinals: 1

Number of Archbishops: 1

Number of Residential Bishops: 6

Number of Auxiliary Bishops: 5

Number of Retired Bishops: 10

Number of Abbots: 2

Priests Active Within Their Diocese: 1,091

Priests Active Outside of Their Diocese: 52

Retired, Sick or Absent priests: 590

Number of Diocesan Priests: 1,733

Religious Priests in Diocese: 776

Total Priests in Diocese: 2,509

Extern Priests in Diocese: 97

Ordinations of Diocesan Priests: 19

Ordinations of Religious Priests: 5

Ordinations of Transitional Deacons: 17

Ordinations of Permanent Deacons: 1

Permanent Deacons: 800

Brothers: 167

Sisters: 4,744

https:// www.pacatholic.org/resources/pa-catholic-statistics/

084ab0  No.2641401


No……..if your interested look through my 15 or so posts in the last 2 or 3 breads..

I'm out …….

430968  No.2641402


Mossad. Politicians are not synced into media servers. Podesta gives the dems their daily talking points (or his buddies).

69ca94  No.2641403


Kek, I thought we were all running on Qlock time

d09fe4  No.2641404


Or don't be a Holier Than Thou faggot and explain what you mean.

You could do that, y'know…

26c028  No.2641406


We global now

Just like herpes!

a08ac8  No.2641407


Well said, anon.

4b7a17  No.2641408

File: 458d3f996ffd1c2⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 960x720, 4:3, hillary.jpg)

7e351e  No.2641409

D’s create a fog of Russian Collusion against the US but Hussein continued to put American Astronauts on Soyuz Rockets to go to Top Secret ISS.

Logically. Which part is fake.

It can’t ALL be true.

Quite a spat in the


bdc3bb  No.2641410


Looks good baker.

d09fe4  No.2641411

Did I just put bibeconcernthumperfag into a corner and he bitched out like a leftist?

a9b31a  No.2641412

File: 87cca8e119087f5⋯.gif (182.9 KB, 336x468, 28:39, digital pepe.gif)


New Baker is Top Ranking Anon.

55d5a0  No.2641413

File: b0dd65a1bb28e8a⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1672x817, 88:43, 4am.jpg)


It's gotta be 4am somewhere!

a08ac8  No.2641414


No. Love the sinner, hate the sin. The death penalty is part of God's justice.

6a21da  No.2641415

File: d08089920a90c81⋯.png (216.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1049.png)

File: 9cf496834cda890⋯.png (213.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1045.png)

File: f9fd710493cd9f5⋯.png (215.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1046.png)

File: 7e2420737e40255⋯.png (213.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1047.png)

File: 4a49e5b364774b3⋯.png (221.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1050.png)

Is this missile or F15?

I'll re-post video with new time stamp for this new image next

3703b6  No.2641417

File: b658bce523cef9e⋯.jpg (521.55 KB, 808x2151, 808:2151, Screenshot_20180817-020539….jpg)


Looks like it could be the medium by which the 4am memo is distributed…I may be wrong

7579a1  No.2641418

The healthcare industry…..the budget is going to shoot waaaay up. Q's on to them….

edec56  No.2641419


BO is awake.

c68fc4  No.2641420


Are we going to be able to get an answer or no?

e9e319  No.2641421

Test Bread #2 with Notables titles bolded and Baker Change added. Realized after posting I'm missing the # in front of 3333 and 3334 for the Notables. I also added a space before that link in 3333. Will fix that for the real bake.






69ca94  No.2641423


Oh interdaszting.

That reminds me of a post I saw on 4chan where some shill said 'not even the flood could wipe us out'.

Sounds like we are still battling against the same forces.

fb942d  No.2641424


Gotta just love anyone who cried, "Don't judge…"

Even Christ threw the fucking money lenders out of the temple. Like he didn't turn the other cheek on that group and just hand over his money and meekly walk away. He threw them out on their asses because they were violating the law. You think even Christ would be non-judgmental to those who abuse children? No, not really.

Me, I'll bring the popcorn when they are burning in the streets.

e9e319  No.2641425


o7 BO

Thanks for having eyes on.

fbfbcd  No.2641426

File: e69c4f4a25fc459⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g1c6g~2.jpg)

File: 0a50d8a8b400a04⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 2fzblf~2.jpg)

Why did Q say McCann instead of no name?..

Motherfucker imposter.

bfd009  No.2641427





430968  No.2641428


The 301 priests is over the last 80 years, since the 1940s. The total number of Catholics in the diocese is approx. 3.2 million. Perhaps Penn. is one of the hotbeds of pedo priests, just like the Sandusky scandal. Some of the 300 are dead.

084ab0  No.2641429


LOL….I'm the least or one of them…heres quick summary…..

GOD saved my soul from falling into the pit of Hell….He grabbed my hand, pulled me out. I saw his face. I saw the holes still in his hands very bright light shining thru them. He spoke as if his voice were Niagra Falls only infinitely scarier…

For the record…

his name is, was JESUS Christ "The Anointed One"

ad2770  No.2641430


white rabbit?

18203f  No.2641431


total number of priests over "a few decades?"

3703b6  No.2641433


Could b>>2641417

e how they are putting out the 4am memo

d09fe4  No.2641434


That assumes the parade was ever really going to happen on that day in the first place…

55d5a0  No.2641436

File: bdcb87c68f4b811⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 804x564, 67:47, sessions-Gobstopper.jpg)


Whoooww…. Oh wow….

Please just KYS now.

b9c05e  No.2641437


mcraven is a whiny lttle bitch from what I've heard from people that have met him

Remember how many officers have been fired from the navy recently?

3703b6  No.2641438


Fucking mobile

69ca94  No.2641439


Oh that actually reminds me of the story of Halo, the Forerunners and the Flood as well.

Must be based on it.

Actually wonder if Halo has any references to Q

c68fc4  No.2641441


I don't understand why they have to "hide" this 4AM talking points thing to the extent they do.

What is the significance of it?

2e2844  No.2641444

File: df7200f613c9c4f⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2fb6md.jpg)

6a21da  No.2641445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start video at 4:06 play to 4:08.on slow play

Other questionable missle was at :13

bc59cd  No.2641446


Let me guess: you got caught newfagging or concernfagging and you are feeling it is best to tell anons what they should read and not read.

I think anons are capable of eir own judgement. You must go back.

a9b31a  No.2641448


Danke, Anon.

d09fe4  No.2641449



I've met what you would call "His Father", though you'd deny The Mother.

IT is the most terrifying and wonderful thing I could never explain to you, nor could you ever imagine, if you've never been there.

There's a very distinct sensation of "do not fuck with Us"… but you wouldn't anyway… but now you know… for certain.

IT's real…

And IT's Glorious.

0dc2a3  No.2641450

File: d649dc8017f1ebb⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Quotefancy-1716990-3840x21….jpg)


>anons are being tested tonight

>in the military they push recruits beyond their break-point and then push them some moar. For each anon, finding their break-point will be different. Think logically.

So we are being tested and taught here by a bunch of jarheads, crewcuts and spooks?

72c88d  No.2641451


Jesus threw them out of the temple. He didn't light them on fire. If you go around like the Punisher, dispensing death and judgement, you might end up tasting eternal fire yourself. Keep in mind that in Matthew 5:22 it is stated that even just recklessly calling people fools risks hellfire. God is not fucking around with this. If you fuck up and judge too harshly, you may not find His mercy. Just an fyi. Good luck!

3703b6  No.2641452


Proof that media is mockingbird IMO

69ca94  No.2641453

File: 85ab757f150f0dc⋯.png (26.67 KB, 628x181, 628:181, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….png)


Oh kek, it does.

>watching a movie


a08ac8  No.2641454




Yeah, the PA report contains info going back as far as the 1950s or 60s.

This guy ran some stats on it in his twatter yesterday:


The majority of the abuse relates to priests ordained in the 1970s and 80's – which ties in with the period of time the Bella Dodd Commie infiltrators would have been up for ordination.

6a21da  No.2641456



Let's see, how would Q put it "we may have to force it" lol!

fbfbcd  No.2641457

File: d65f1a3ec81d581⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 487x363, 487:363, 8483a60951524584d88d66d84c….jpg)

Nigger Q broke protocol….

No name is not McCann.current Q is a cum guzzling faggot.

59ddd1  No.2641458


They're all in an instance in Ice Crown logged into 'guild chat' getting their talking points.


d09fe4  No.2641459


(Catholic cadence…)

And may the force be with yooooou.

72c88d  No.2641460


What a wonderful dream!

79d3ef  No.2641462


This is why I say forgiveness is what is important, I think we all can relate to this: Have you ever done something that you regretted? I think we can all answer yes to that. We love ourselves enough to recognize what we did was wrong, but to take it a step further we also love ourselves enough to make it right, but if there is nothing we can personally do to right the wrong we eventually have to forgive ourselves for the indiscretion…right…because who wants to live with the idea of hating yourself, to do that is dying a slow painful death, isn't it. Once people realize it that's where the healing begins..in our hearts and souls.

6a21da  No.2641463



In the meantime I am going to keep going over all the footage for more angles.

Q may be waiting for someone to put a narrative together on it.

26c028  No.2641465



It's not hidden because the message is the spread through the media networks every day (about 4:00am NY Time).

What is hidden is who is writing the "Directive"

Who is making the "Talking Point" Decision

Who Decides the "Message"

Thats who we need to discover, the controller.

fa5bb6  No.2641466


Since I'm assisting (or trying) to help these Anons with their Guatemalan charms, it seems like this Philippine (Alefantis momma) may be from the 'Guatemalan' lineage? Any sauce on her- how does she get in the Roths tree? Anybody know?

084ab0  No.2641467


Nah….I speak of my first hand non drug induced knowledge….

Agree to Disagree and peace out!

fb942d  No.2641468


Here is a truth for you re: genetics. There is less than 20% difference between the genes of a human and the genes of a banana. Between races, almost zero. So talk of blacks being closer to apes than whites is totally nonsensical.

08d6d9  No.2641469

File: 859951bd758bbcf⋯.jpg (328.53 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, -1x-1.jpg)

File: fcb207892dbe789⋯.jpg (731.31 KB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, -1x-1-2.jpg)


Cabal is ready to sacrifice Kissinger to try to support Russia collusion narrative.

79d3ef  No.2641472


forgot this:

Hence loving your neighbor as thy self

72c88d  No.2641473


Yeah, you get it. But notice that we may be in the minority here: a lot of anons are feeling murderous over this. Do we have a responsibility to attempt to prevent them from condemning themselves?

fbfbcd  No.2641474

File: 74199c9b68ba37d⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2fdhq8~2.jpg)

Current Q is an imposter piece of shit.

McCann….. Fucking hilarious.

c68d84  No.2641475


You should also check out Uriel's Machine by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

7579a1  No.2641476

You want answers about JFK?

John Melvin Liggett


6a21da  No.2641478


Second one looks like one of the jets possibly

503a07  No.2641479


With you on this….who is the puppet master?

987c04  No.2641480


You are sooo identifiable.

Go abuse someone you actually know - someone who is STUPID enough (or frightened enough) to care about what you think. Get it out of your system.

Abusive loser.

084ab0  No.2641481

Maybe your mistaken…do you know… he could be speaking of McCann not asswipe you know who.

503a07  No.2641485


Forgiveness does not preclude justice

430968  No.2641487


The figure of 1000 victims is likely very low. A typical child sex abuser can abuse 80 to 250 children in their lifetime. So 300 abusers would likely have harmed 10s of thousands of children.

fbfbcd  No.2641488

File: 645e7ffe106c3ed⋯.gif (116.53 KB, 240x179, 240:179, 645e7ffe106c3edea3736c9827….gif)

Current Q fraud….

I find you I kick your teeth out.

McCann……. Hilarious.

a08ac8  No.2641490



A lot of us are venting, extreme emotional reactions to all that's happening. But I'm betting (and praying) that anons hold the line, and trust in Q, Trump, and our legal system to function appropriately when the right time arrives.

9e4844  No.2641491


>Where is the video?

Could he have meant "Death of a Nation"? It's out, and it's been quite the hit with those who have seen it.

733d91  No.2641492

File: 0a59c77e45b8b6c⋯.jpg (647.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180817-034144….jpg)

File: 96473a74ebedf4f⋯.jpg (525.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180817-034154….jpg)

File: ddcbfac5336fdf2⋯.jpg (462.23 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180817-034204….jpg)

File: 34b234d7d58cd33⋯.jpg (463.72 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180817-034216….jpg)

File: 06e03cfb4a5f0b0⋯.jpg (495.44 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180817-034228….jpg)

Found Badge of Honor


55d5a0  No.2641495


Fucking idiot shill can't even tell the difference between McCain and McCann….


69ca94  No.2641496


Looks very interesting. I'll add it to the list.

101714  No.2641497


The Reinvention of John Liggett

Dave Perry 11/17/2005

Get in line.

This has been debated for 55 yrs

bc59cd  No.2641500


Dude. I call em as I see em. Someone concernfags, I say so. Someone does muh muh, I call em out. Someone is telling anons what to read and not read, I nail em. FUCKIN you and your self-righteousness.

Go back to your fag friends on Reddit.

18203f  No.2641502


Novus Ordo masonic-jew shit show.

AA125, Alta Vendita. The encyclicals of Leo XIII and Pope St. Pius X….

a08ac8  No.2641503


Different stats / dynamics in a closed system like the Church. (Speaking from experience here, former lawyer anon who handled child abuse and dom violence cases.)

7b4485  No.2641504


6a21da  No.2641505

File: 8c3b059adf4caa5⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 3840x2400, 8:5, clown feeding.jpg)

c68fc4  No.2641506


THAT makes sense. Did Q say that or are we just assuming?

Because it could just be a group of top guys like Brennan, Obama, McCain, etc. who have a group call or e-mail every day and one person just finally enters the points into the SecureDrop app or whatever.


d09fe4  No.2641507


With a particular breathing pattern in a Beta-state (moving), you don't need the drugs, boy-o.


You're blinded by your book and can't see past it.

Even though you don't trust the ones who gave it to you, let alone The Jew who gave it to them, let alone the Babylonians/Akkadians/Sumerians they continued the ELohim from…


Ride off on your high horse.

72c88d  No.2641509


>Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him. Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right "by any means necessary." But which is the party of the slave plantation? Which is the party that invented white supremacy? Which is the party that praised fascist dictators and shaped their genocidal policies and was in turn praised by them? Moreover, which is the party of racism today? Is fascism now institutionally embodied on the right or on the left? Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, Death of a Nation cuts through progressive big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths. Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump-and we-come together and save America for the second time?


It got a 1.9 out if 10 but 90% of the viewers liked it. Must be a good flick.

2f7a54  No.2641510


You hit that shit on my number.

KEK approves, bitch.

a9b31a  No.2641511


Ive seen it speculated that Alefantis' non is a Rothschild, but where are you getting she's Phillippine?

9e4844  No.2641512


Especially when they tell us what not to read. We need to be free to discern for ourselves.

79d3ef  No.2641514



We will hold the line, that's why we are here, that said, I don't have any problem with putting all of these evil scum, on a deserted island in the middle of no where with nothing but the resources on that said island where they have to put up with each other and fend for themselves. I am willing to gamble it won't be long before they take care of each other in the same manner they have done to the rest of the world.

edec56  No.2641515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

72c88d  No.2641516


Well that's one of the less barbaric suggestions at least.

d09fe4  No.2641517

File: e01808d0f0894ad⋯.png (51.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at ….png)



If yes…

Howdy, Brother.

9e4844  No.2641519


I liked it. Interesting that I saw it the day before I came to where I am. I used a bit of the info to red-pill people here.

a08ac8  No.2641520


Yeah, that's already being discussed on "Catholic twatter." Vatican II as a whole may well be called into question. Personal bet from this anon, for starters, we're going to see Pope Frank step down long before before this time next year.

bc59cd  No.2641521


Zactly. That's why I called you out. You were telling people to ignore an anon because of your opinion. Busted.

7b4485  No.2641523



9e4844  No.2641524


I think you meant that for someone else. I said no such thing.

430968  No.2641525


Yes that is possibly why the sickos identified their victims with a gold cross for their fellow evil doing priests. Fewer victims with more abusers.

c68fc4  No.2641527


Lolz, Christianity's not about a book silly, that was something not even Luther invented. That's like, Billy Graham tier shit.

More important question, if there is no God and no right or wrong, why are you here? If this is just a hobby to you because life is meaningless and everything else that follows straight-forwardly from Atheism, then why are you on this board?

79d3ef  No.2641528


Picture it, nothing, they have to learn how to do everything, bet they never had to do that before, kek

2f7a54  No.2641529


Nah, to love oneself you'd want yourself held to an appropriate standard of action.

Thus, if you broke that shit, I think you'd just confess like a big boy.

Then again, probably not likely to do anything to go to GITMO, because you like yourself and others at the very least.

-high five-

Here's to not being traitorous sacks of crap. Worth celebrating.

I know a bit about this. Loving someone you want punished properly for their deeds. It's a tough spot to be in and just a preview of what the world has coming.

It'll be BRUTAL.

But we'll get through it, because we have to.

fb942d  No.2641530


Not at all relevant at this stage of the game. You don't drill love your enemies into your soldiers' heads. Mission essential information and training is all they need. After the judgement is time enough to forgive.

Always forgive your enemies, but not before they are hanged.

55d5a0  No.2641531


David ain't sending his best.

He knows it's over, he knows he has lost.

084ab0  No.2641533


I know you can and many other ways as well……………I'm telling you they are all very real and very much a big fat lie….dont be deceived….your better than that Anon……..

I actually died that night and came back to life, I went to hell and back… I was not dreaming or having vision etc.

18203f  No.2641534


you are a narcissist. adrift in your own mind.

d09fe4  No.2641535


Who said there is no God or Right nor Wrong?


fffb7c  No.2641536


Well, since it comes from a Clowns In America operation

Known as Gannett

All you have to do is find who controls them

And I suspect it may not be the CEO

But may, in fact, be someone like John Brennan

But in the end, the Ministry of Propaganda is controlled

By someone in the Bilderberg Committee of 3 00

And this Ministry may be considered so important

That a member of the Council of 13 is in charge

And that would be one of the Cardinals

I am guessing that this is the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples in the Papacy

Which would make it Cardinal Fernando Filoni's responsibility

But ultimately

It is not a Cardinal that runs the organization

It is a demon who the Cardinal summons and invokes to possess him

Which gives instruction to the members of the Congregation

Which in this case are

35 Cardinals, 5 Archbishops, 2 Bishops, 4 National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies, and 3 Superiors General

Your NWO government is a rather labyrinthine beast.

But you have no choice in the matter

Because this is after all, the

Nihilistic World Order

26c028  No.2641538


The puppet master/s are the ultimate owners/shareholders of the corrupt media.

Q told us, need to figure it out.



101714  No.2641539


Links to them because they are more interesting to Q than we are.

Timelines change.

Watch the budget.


How many pages are there in your plan?

Why don't you start a new movement that can work to your expectations?

In case you didn't notice he is just telling us things that the the rest of the movement is doing since we are out-to-lunch with miscellaneous topics.

We don't even get covered by MSM, who thinks it is 4chan, youtube and twitter driving Q.

Because it is true LOL

bc59cd  No.2641540


Oops. You're right. Sorry.

a08ac8  No.2641541



That's pay-for-view I'd gladly pony up for!

44986e  No.2641542

File: 50d9aff96cd51f9⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2149, 1242:2149, 7B62A26F-5BCA-4403-9A95-C….jpeg)

Angry birds- Angry Dems? Comms ?

c68d84  No.2641543


Heaven, hell and Satan will get you. Biggest cult control mechanism.

430968  No.2641545


Rule of law is important to help sort out these issues – justice, mercy, vengeance, penalty in keeping with the crime.

d09fe4  No.2641548


Ah yes… the old trope:

"You may enter the battlefield an atheist, but you leave a Christian."

Even if I had the same experience without any reference of your Fish Hat Christ…

It doesn't matter to you… now does it?

You KNOW because you were told by people who fuck kids.

Goose Step is better than Gas Chamber… amirite?!

79d3ef  No.2641550


you are a narcissist. adrift in your own mind.

What in my statement makes you believe that?

9e4844  No.2641552


Speaking of which, hooligans torched Sweden, and the legal system just wants to talk with the parents of the perpetrators? What happened to Sweden? This isn't kindergarten.

fffb7c  No.2641553


Right and wrong

Are the wrong questions to be asking

Look within yourself

To that still, silent voice of God within you

God created all of us

With free will

But God is always WITH us

And can advise and guide you

Whenever you WILL.

If you meet the Buddha on the road,kill him

Burn your Bible, your Talmud and Torah, your Quran

Because those are not God

Those are on the road

Meanwhile God waits patiently inside you

Until you are ready to make the decision

To communicate.

440c05  No.2641554

Lots of JIDF cunts in here today. It must be just after lunch in Tel Aviv .

c68fc4  No.2641556


You can ABSOLUTELY love one as you love yourself as you send them to Gitmo.

Heck, I would broadly support a Pogrom that makes lists of Leftists and gasses them.

In war, as a cop, in any situation that you have to kill someone, you can still love them.

What would you have to do then?

When you kill them, you would do it with a heavy heart.

You would make it as painless as possible.

You would give them as good a burial as is possible given the 1st goal of efficiency.

At the very least you would not desocrate their grave and sincerely pray for their soul.

This is a message that needs to be spread through the Christian world. It can make a huge difference in moving the public to use the most efficient means to solve this problem.

202274  No.2641557


Sweden is a bunch of left wing faggot cucks, that's what happened.

79d3ef  No.2641559


Kek, so would I and I have never ponied for pay-for- view!

458998  No.2641561

File: 28834004826db97⋯.png (60.81 KB, 251x316, 251:316, 2018-08-17_04-53-30.png)



Was Rasputin really preparing them to die

Helping them see beyond the physical world?

Haven't ruled that one out yet.



79d3ef  No.2641562


I think its important to read the rest of what I said in the bread Anon.

987c04  No.2641563


No dude. YOU are the one telling people what to think/do/post. Review your own posts just in this bread. I'm pretty sure I've told you before to shut up and only bother people you actually know. You've been acting like Boss of the Board for months. Often with just a tag and a meme. Not even full thoughts. You seem like every abuser I've ever seen or heard of. "It isn't me. It's you. I wouldn't be this way if you would only change and stop doing… whatever." Yeah. You'll always be this way. It doesn't really matter who you are interacting with or what they are doing. Others are just your current victim/hostage. No thanks. Not interested.

Blah blah blah. Just shut up and keep you worthless opinions to yourself. No one gives a fuck.

Never been to Reddit.

fffb7c  No.2641564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of Sweden

I like this short little movie

8 minutes long

Based around a song about

A warrior who meets a female mountain troll

Who proposes to him

After she offers the world

The warrior says

I would marry you

If you were a Christian woman

And she dumps him

And he returns to his comrades

c68fc4  No.2641565


All Female leadership.

They deserve what they've got.

There's being taken advantage of by the Cabal, and then there is willfully LETTING yourself be taken advantage of.

What Sweden has done is CRAVEN. These are a people that don't deserve to be saved. At least not in the physical sense, their society does not deserve to be saved.

202274  No.2641567


I think rasputin is marina abramovics grand daddy.

4d0a7b  No.2641568

File: 7b30dcf49350615⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 220x325, 44:65, 220px-Fountain_poster_1.jpg)

File: a0abc8140136557⋯.jpg (195.19 KB, 720x384, 15:8, 001.jpg)

File: 97e5f912e6e7be2⋯.jpg (31.29 KB, 635x357, 635:357, da1c8ddfa0.jpg)

File: 7601080d4b3eab3⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 300x300, 1:1, the_fountain_photo_18-2741….jpg)

Has anyone here seen "The Fountain" by Aronofsky?

The symbolism is very similar to what we've been looking into with the Vanderbilts.

Mayan/Catholic lore; sacrifice, shambhala, the tree of life etc.

Told in 3 timelines (dimensions)

Might give anons some insight into the nature of the Guatemalan pendant.

a9b31a  No.2641569


Right. On a human to human level, forgiveness benefits the forgiver moreso than the foregiven.

d09fe4  No.2641570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy fuck this guy is autistic and I love him.

This is either "even vaguely legit" or the best Super AD&D + Character book I've ever seen.

fb942d  No.2641571


New slide, "Don't hurt the pedophiles so you don't go to hell." kek

55d5a0  No.2641572

File: 4e25ea48852368e⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 246x205, 6:5, download.jpg)


Sadly, you speak the truth.

503a07  No.2641573


To most of us the WORD OF GOD is something we read in a sacred text

Rarely do we realize that the WORD OF GOD is a living thing within us…A vital force….if we LET the WORD abide in us and abide ourselves in our own living truth within

9e4844  No.2641574


I sometimes wonder if CA can be saved. Or have we come to the time where, like Lot, we must flee it?

bc59cd  No.2641575


You need to cool it. Judging me as playing boss is a sign of paranoia. I have many notables from hard work. The work is eSier for us all when whiners like you accept driticism for doing something wrong and move on.

Do that. Accept you fucked up and move on. We'll all be better for it.

72c88d  No.2641576


Extremely well said. I'm saving that.

7b4485  No.2641577


202274  No.2641578


Flee it if you can, its getting worse. I have a couple homes to fix up and sell first.

c966fc  No.2641579

The concept of forgiveness has been completely destroyed by Christianity.

According to Christian doctrine, God forgives those that have repented. Repentance is not begging God for forgiveness. Repentance is changing your ways by not committing the wrongs you had once committed.

Therefore, you cannot forgive anyone who continues to commit evil acts, because forgiveness is not an option until repentance has taken place.

As for the evil jews and their goy minion, there is no forgiveness for them because they continue to commit their acts of evil.

Christianity has become nothing more than a spiritual excuse factory for evil. I am really starting to understand why so many people are walking away.

It has become the religion of apologists for evil people, under the guise that if you don't forgive you will go to hell for all eternity.

I would rather fight evil and be sent to hell as a punishment than stand by and let evil win so I can get a "free pass" into heaven.

Religion of cowards.

a08ac8  No.2641580


Bullshit. Punishment is essential. Death penalty would be justified. Forgive the sinner, punish the sin. It's possible to hold both those things in one's heart and mind.

7b4485  No.2641581


>04 7b4485

interesting, they said they built houses and the numbers don't match up. Would be interested if the houses actually exsist.

987c04  No.2641582


Read the jerks posts. Guilty of what he is accusing.

26c028  No.2641583


Want a fun ride?

Research the BBC. Who "owns" the BBC, who controls its "narrative". MI6, SIS, The Circus?

Why does the British public pay a "tax" for an international organization that is extremely profitable.


I always get a kick out of explaining to Americans how influential the BBC and its network is globally.

We know the Circus was involved with the fake dossier, we know they wanted Hillary to win. Who is in control of the circus?

Watch BBC when you can, the bias is so deep it is confrontational.

When Stephen Sackur invites someone from Q team to an interview on "Hard Talk", Q has won!

79d3ef  No.2641584


Thank you for that Anon, perfect!

4d0a7b  No.2641585

File: 1d0ff6b867460c5⋯.jpeg (19.45 KB, 231x346, 231:346, download (21).jpeg)


*tips fedora*

a08ac8  No.2641586


And those who refuse to repent, and insist on continuing to commit vile acts, forfeit the right to live.

9e4844  No.2641587


Seismic activity is increasing. It is thought by some that current fires were started by such. They're going to shake, rattle, and roll. Interesting that this was mentioned in that video I posted on this thread.

084ab0  No.2641588


lol fish hat is for the anti-christ Pope…

which actually is rooted in the reptilian Nacash, i.e. Seraphim fallen angel also classified as Cherubim first created angel. Whom you call Satan

Don't go there bro…you cant win….If you have an honest question ask it…………….otherwise I'm done here…

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!”

72c88d  No.2641589


>I would rather … be sent to hell

I would really rather you weren't.

d09fe4  No.2641590

"After a few refreshments and telling him about the benefits of wearing tight underwear in places where the sand is cheap…"

Fuckin' love this guy.

ca5f20  No.2641591

File: 4bfeeabd012648b⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1635x974, 1635:974, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2639758 (notable 3332) HK

reminder about HK timeline - picture taken between Feb 2015 - Dec 2016

503a07  No.2641592



Paraphrased from the teachings of THE INFINITE WAY


202274  No.2641593


129 million dead trees that weren't removed also didn't help. These left wing faggots don't want lumber mills, but have no problem with all of it going up in flames.

084ab0  No.2641594


yes it matters there is but one way to get there…only one..

c966fc  No.2641595


That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on the Chans. Thank you!

e98635  No.2641596


Fuck you

a9b31a  No.2641597

Alefantis' family tree.


9e4844  No.2641598


Not sure if the dead trees were the result of drought or poisoned chemtrailing. Could be both.

72c88d  No.2641599

File: 68bbd10a650b99c⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 484x443, 484:443, 68bbd10a650b99c6befcc8e6ec….jpg)

a08ac8  No.2641600


Night shift crew is a whole diff ball of wax, ain't it?

f6f86a  No.2641601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very Interesting video on the Temple of Diana and how Hollywood fits in. Explains the stag and the sacrificial element. Going to do some more researching.

987c04  No.2641602


"It's not my fault. I'm forced to abuse you becasue you're so stupid."


101714  No.2641603


They are Masters of Chaos and Nihilism, and you are delusional if you think you can find them.

Think they left post-it notes for you?

So which group is in charge:













Ascended Masters





Shape-shifting reptilians


MSM execs


I have seen all mentioned here

Can you draw is an org chart and chain of command?

Lets dig some more level nobodies and hope they will tell us all their secrets in a youtube video?

Buy my book/Donate to my website/Paypal me with Bitcoin/GoFundMe and I will tell you all the secrets.

I have it all - like Q told you

d09fe4  No.2641604


You speak of anti-christs and reptilians in the same breath…

Alien Jesus seems like a fit for you.

As for LARPing as the concept of Lucifer, the Ethereal Dog'n'Pony show…

I understand that you have even attempted Solipsism, let alone the Quantum form, let along what happens when you apply that to The Divine.

How lost you are.


c966fc  No.2641605

File: 343b4555bedbb31⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 282x257, 282:257, 24b-1-.gif)


Mr. Rogers has an important message for you.

4d0a7b  No.2641606


Canada is also to blame.

The forestry department used to get funding from US lumber. Once Canada began subsidizing their lumber it killed the US industry, so, the forestry department no longer had the funding to do things like brush and tree removal.

9e4844  No.2641607


Yes. I miss doing night shift at night. But I'm needed here right now. Meanwhile, I don't have the means to update my own site from here. I want to go home!

0aba77  No.2641608

File: e964393651b7953⋯.png (106.91 KB, 2816x2648, 352:331, Pagan-Symbols-Odins-Knot-V….png)

>Still fighting?

Yes, of course, until we die!

>But for what?

For justice, freedome and humanity!

>Worth it?

Everything is worth it as long it serve future generation of our kind!

>And what is the best for your kind?

Justice, freedome and humanity!

eed943  No.2641609


Sincerely, what would Christ do?

People murdered him and he didn't even curse them.

d09fe4  No.2641610


Get where? ;)

What dimension you talkin' 'bout, Willisanon?

440c05  No.2641611

File: 3a35e93cfb1bd5b⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 7d1a6a635984b5dccdefcbbdf7….jpg)

I slept pretty good last night , don't know bout u ..

79d3ef  No.2641612


He forgave them.

6a21da  No.2641613

File: f3e2428ac700511⋯.png (218.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1055.png)

File: 3a8a9a92fe92052⋯.png (220.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1057.png)

File: c781e7f2b4ccc65⋯.png (225.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1056.png)

I'm thinking this image must be an F15.

Could be cruise missile, doubt it though!


eed943  No.2641614


The answer is yes.

bc59cd  No.2641615


My apologies to everyone for letting this anon pull me into his slide. I know better and fucked up. In the future, if I see someone telling everyone what to ignore or not ignore, I'll just speak my king and move on. Fuck, can't believe I let him slide me. Fuck.

Anyway, sorry, again.

084ab0  No.2641616


dude your so… not knowledgeabble, misled and unable to grasp any simple concepts…agree to disagree and good night..sux2bu

9e4844  No.2641617


Only if you're seeing it from the side. I don't see wings.

d09fe4  No.2641618


I'm not saying it's aliens… buuuuuut….

e98635  No.2641619


Fuck you and your pronouncements on Christianity. Fuck you and your contrived bullshit. Fuck you and your pompous proclamations. Yeah, fuck you.

d09fe4  No.2641620


I know, I know.

Anyone who doesn't fall in line with your infallible narrative is a … whatever you called me.

9e4844  No.2641621


I don't rule out ETs.

440c05  No.2641623

File: 1fed8a000f0434d⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 700x688, 175:172, 1fed8a000f0434d9efad8772b0….jpg)

4d0a7b  No.2641624

The only people who quote "turn the other cheek" are non-christians I've noticed.

bc59cd  No.2641625

6a21da  No.2641626


Yeah, it's hard to tell. You can almost see more playing the video.

a6f394  No.2641627

>>2641457 "These people are stupid"

503a07  No.2641628



Because he uunderstood that the BREAD WE CAST OUT…..

It’s ALWAYS about choosing the highest vibration regardless of the external pictures.

Easier said than done IMHO

d09fe4  No.2641629

File: 17edcea38e820ac⋯.jpg (63.44 KB, 461x403, 461:403, 17e.jpg)

eed943  No.2641630


I'm not beyond imagining someone like this individual is actively trying to make Christians look bad and is not sincerely defending Christ. Who knows.

c966fc  No.2641631


Christianity is not the problem.

Christians are the problem.

They have turned their once great religion into a religion of cowards and jew-enablers.

Face it, Christianity is 3rd class judaism where jews are your masters.

e9e319  No.2641632


let me know if anything should be added or removed, suggestions welcomed

>>2640929 Graphic summary of digs from June 10th missile launch

>>2640985 Graphic Dig on Andrew Kauders

>>2641050 Resignation: Football Federation Australian Chairman Steven Lowy

>>2641091 WJC List of Charities & Foundations He Has Supported

>>2641094 German Jet lands in Greece after bomb threat

>>2641162 Top Water Celebrity Campaigners & Charities

>>2641177 Photos From Hujrah Wahhaj (NM Compound) Twatter

>>2641187 Top Children Celebrity Campaigners & Charities

>>2641252 Switzerland Refuses To Sign Nuclear-Bomb-Ban Treaty

>>2641285 Merkel Booed in Dresden As Crowd Shouts "Traitor"

>>2641366 GermanArchiveAnon Update

First time Baker here

Going to bake ~675 just in case

Help collecting the remaining Notables would be greatly appreciated

0aba77  No.2641633



Is what MSM use to coordinate all their reporters and articels, only an easy to use tool for communication, colluding and shit.

If you see a MediaBlitz, you can bet your ass it was with the help of such tool.

Anons already digged into it but nothing so far came up to help the fight. We wait until we get more crumps to help with this research.

fffb7c  No.2641634


Ras- is a Russian prefix that is used like dis- in Latin. Dismantle. Destroy. Discombobulate. Disorder. Discord.

The prefix is a cognate of the English word RAZOR.

Think of a sharp blade that you SLASH with. Let me draw you a picture of one:


See that?

Now that you have the idea of what RAS- does to a root word, let's analyze PUTIN.

PUT is a Russian root cognate with the English word PATH. And it means the same. Both a literal path, and figuratively as in a path through life.

The suffix -IN has been borrowed from Finnic and Turkic languages. It roughly means OF but in Russian it is mostly used with names, and words intended to describe a person who is associated with a place.

LITVA is the Russian name of Lithuania, and LITVIN means a Lithuanian man.

GRUZIYA is the Russian name of Georgia in the Caucasus and GRUZIN is a Georgian man.

So PUTIN simply means a MAN OF THE PATH.

Now you can see how that could be used literally for some guy whose house it not in the village, but beside the path to the river or to the forest or wherever. And it could also be used figuratively to describe a man whose behavior and character are ON THE PATH, or ON TRACK. Think of Jesus saying I am The WAY.

So Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN is THE WAY for Russia. God's way.

And Rasputin?

Well remember what RAS- means.

Rasputin was the guy who steered Russia off the path and into satanic trials and tribulations. Eventually the people WOKE UP in Russia's Great Awakening, they swept aside the Communists just like BOOM on a sailboat SWEEPS THE DECKS when it swings wildly.

So Russia is now back on path. And they are no more of an enemy than the sports team from across town, or across the state, or across the country. Because without the other team to compete with, your team would get fat and lazy and eventually wither and die. So be thankful for Russia because they have played a very big role in saving the US Republic, just by being there, and by being patient with all the shenanigans in DC. You can be friends with your competitors. You may even learn something that helps you to compete even better.

59ddd1  No.2641635


Both. Many have tried replanting the trees in No. Cali to regrow the forests. For the first time in history, the trees wont grow. They just wither and die.

6a21da  No.2641636

Well going to bed.

Night anons!

Dig them diggs!

ebc607  No.2641637


Kek, Anon!

Just in case you're serious, tho: Her name is "Phillippine"

f6f450  No.2641638


It's been the B team all night. Maybe they're already being rounded up.

d09fe4  No.2641639



Jesus was a shapeshifter whether he was GOD, a HYBRID (100%God/100%Man or 50/50 on the manalien schtick), or an ALIEN.

Eeeeeeeeeeither way.

e98635  No.2641640

File: 8692ad4422c86cc⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 1000x689, 1000:689, Conscious_Reminder.jpg)


These assholes know better than to try this bs during the day.

fb942d  No.2641641


You people really like to read into stuff and judge while saying, don't judge. I said I would bring the popcorn to the burning. I did not say I would judge and burn. I will, however, celebrate every single pedophile getting what they deserve, and pity is not what they deserve.

72c88d  No.2641642


What do you think that means?

430968  No.2641643


The Swedes (overall) have lost touch with morality and live with relativism where anything goes. The law is not effective without God at the center of the legal paradigm. That is one reason the US Constitution is so special and important, it enshrines/recognizes the rights of humans given by God and thus inalienable (by government or others).

503a07  No.2641644



4d0a7b  No.2641645



d09fe4  No.2641646


Seriously, who goes into hyperspace during the day?

It's too fuckin' bright outside.

59ddd1  No.2641647



9e4844  No.2641648


Look up Eddie Page. You may find his case interesting.

440c05  No.2641649

File: 64467d468696b08⋯.jpeg (8.88 KB, 263x191, 263:191, 64467d468696b08b410a26c3c….jpeg)


Rerry nice GI

e4d4c3  No.2641650

Catching up the last hour, I see the shills have had their coffee break and have returned.

e98635  No.2641651

File: 30d59a72e60e514⋯.png (1 MB, 886x1002, 443:501, 1533580791-1.png)


Fuck you.

503a07  No.2641652

It’s not anyone’s prerogative to try and stand in the way of the BREAD returning to another soul

72c88d  No.2641653


That Christians have been subverted into non-forgiveness?

d09fe4  No.2641654

File: 9db354d105a2354⋯.jpg (16 KB, 400x349, 400:349, 3500478.jpg)


Interdast: Engaged.

Will do.


Pic related.

72c88d  No.2641655

0126cc  No.2641656


>Pg. 99/184 in the pdf


eed943  No.2641657


Everyone has been pointing fingers screaming "SHILL" at virtually any discourse they don't like. It's like when people call everything terrorism. Eventually…like by now…shill doesn't really mean anything anymore. It's like being called Nazi.

9e4844  No.2641658


I sometimes think they are floating on a morality left over from a time when church attendance was mandatory.

c966fc  No.2641659

File: 77038be21212029⋯.gif (819.21 KB, 300x226, 150:113, originalcat.gif)

c68d84  No.2641660


I am not sold on the "Angels" breeding with humans. Quite possible the "Angels" were remnants of an ancient highly evolved civilization that got destroyed in the great catastrophe of 12,500 BC .

0aba77  No.2641661

There will be always shills, bots don't sleep and their A.I has to keep up learning.

Stealing momentum, derailing converstation and sliding the focus of anons.

This is war, as long we encounter the enemy, we know it is the right direction.

79d3ef  No.2641662

File: 00b1dc35b94ae50⋯.png (803.97 KB, 561x867, 11:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d7d42b855eecfc⋯.png (662.89 KB, 649x623, 649:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70b2c960591f372⋯.png (1.1 MB, 854x544, 427:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38e5c38b11a4676⋯.png (628.84 KB, 666x477, 74:53, ClipboardImage.png)


US Air Force’s 1950s supersonic flying saucer declassified


Avro Canada VZ-9AV Avrocar


4d0a7b  No.2641663


That those who oppose christianity like to quote reasons why chrisitans shouldn't defend themselves.

e98635  No.2641664

File: 6886d0605c49104⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 621x289, 621:289, 1534350918.jpg)

503a07  No.2641665

987c04  No.2641666


Bet it kills you that you can't actually hit people on the internet. Shut up abuser. Everyone knows what you are.

bc59cd  No.2641667


I did. Sorry. Truly.

e4d4c3  No.2641668


I was referring to the divisionfags and back and forth. But you’re not wrong.

c966fc  No.2641669

File: 3e04c578aaaee0c⋯.gif (823.45 KB, 750x250, 3:1, AthleticHoarseAegeancat-sm….gif)

6b6a3b  No.2641670

File: 35d7001c601aed5⋯.png (229.03 KB, 584x268, 146:67, Screen Shot .png)

Anons…. The digits Thursday on my car's Odo:

What do they confirm????

101714  No.2641671


I love cut & paste crap posing as original thought.

The poseurs can't answer any points they didn't paste into the narrative.

Life is a one liner in appropriate current jargon.

Say "quantum" and people with think you are smart.

Say energy and frequency and you know all about Tesla's secret inventions he never built

Say spacetime and people will believe you understand black holes and entropy.

Most of the people that found Shia Lebeouf 's flag must have all moved on, since very few here show the kind of expertise & analysis that accomplished that.

They probably got bored with childish theories that defy common sense and logic.

It looks more like a workshop for wannbee science fiction writers

79d3ef  No.2641672


Honestly, unless you have found yourself in a position to have to forgive someone you really wanted to hate, you will never understand, nuf said.

cc3774  No.2641673



I always figured hollow was a misnomer, earth is more of a honey comb network of very large "caves".

Molten core, Geo-thermal provides heats, luminescents to provide light.

Volcanoes are very real, so yea it has to come from somewhere.

My point is, "hollow" earth doesn't have to exclude molten core. I'm not saying it does exist either, but I don't think it's really all that far fetched either.

bc59cd  No.2641674



f6f450  No.2641675


Shills argue with each other and call each other shills. It's one of their tactics to slide the board. Scroll past or filter.

d09fe4  No.2641676


If you want this to go faster…

Feed me, See More.

That's all I can say.

fb942d  No.2641677


You must be a pedophile. You are shilling so hard to forgive the unforgivable. "Peodphiles are people too, just like you!" Fuck off already!

a08ac8  No.2641678


Same tactic they were using against us 2,000 years ago. We're still here, we're still Christian. They're still shills. Kek

9e4844  No.2641679


I'd kind of like to know. I've seen a lot of 777 and 7777 since I got here.

0dc2a3  No.2641680


>You need to cool it. Judging me as playing boss is a sign of paranoia. I have many notables from hard work. The work is eSier for us all when whiners like you accept driticism for doing something wrong and move on.

I hope Q don't base their opinions of us or our surprise gifts based on our post counts. I'll be gettin coal then

4d0a7b  No.2641681


That you've got about 33,333 miles before a major tuneup.

eed943  No.2641682


There totally are some real shills, don't get me wrong. But sometimes there are also stupid, aggressive people here. I guess, technically, we can call them idiot assholes?

430968  No.2641683


Looks like a roomba vacuum cleaner.

72c88d  No.2641684


If Christians don't abide by the teachings of the Bible, other religions are going to consider them hypocrites. If you have a problem with following Christ's orders to you, are you even a Christian? I will pray for you. God bless!

2f7a54  No.2641685


Well that's new for me LOL I'll probably chuckle inappropriately now thinking of my best friend's jokes the million times a day I see that number.

Ooooh not even gonna hate cause wtf history anyway shit.

3:20 is the new 4:20 now it's official.

eed943  No.2641686


this is an excellent example of an "idiot asshole" for instance, probably not a shill

c68d84  No.2641687


mine >>2641107 US-USSR/Russian collusion for 7-8 decades

bc59cd  No.2641688


Like I said, I let my emotions pull me into his slide. I fucked up.

79d3ef  No.2641689


I most certainly am not, I have lived a life time of painful events perpetrated by others!!! I will not say who what where when or why. So take your judgement and shove it right up your ASS.

ebc607  No.2641690

4d0a7b  No.2641691


I've met a lot of people who go to church in my life, but I've only met a handful of christians.

I'm not, and I can tell neither are you.

d09fe4  No.2641693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


47 is the Universal Random Number.

Of which I am, like, so totally.

9de35a  No.2641694

Anonymous message to the group called Q


Found this video where anonymous is threatening Q

This is in the description-


there is this link: https://hastebin.com/rabutoliku.sql

It is computer code here are the first 3 lines-

1. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()) do

2. if v:IsA("Model") then

3. if v.owner.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then

I'm not a codefag just a lurker-newfag but this pissed me off and I thought you patriot anons would like to be aware of this.

084ab0  No.2641695


No problem just type …

I Am Sorry….

751 times in one single post, or I can write you a simple Fortran computer program for just $9.95

6b6a3b  No.2641696


Ha-Ha, good one! but that would be about 23,000!

6cebc9  No.2641697

File: 340dce1d366f640⋯.png (59.01 KB, 1787x559, 1787:559, summoned.png)

File: a74491dd1ba334b⋯.png (55.32 KB, 1821x579, 607:193, answer_to_summon.png)

File: 7fe16b92e476f56⋯.png (233.7 KB, 1762x559, 1762:559, chaos_magic_with_cats.png)


Happening, Chaos is unfolding into the flower.

fffb7c  No.2641698

File: 8906cf4f4322be3⋯.png (587.01 KB, 1024x740, 256:185, ClipboardImage.png)


No intention of sending you any money

We do have org charts though.

Here is an overall one

And the Vatican publishes a lot more details here:


The main barrier is you have to figure out the flowery and rather deceptive language.

Bilderberg also publishes their participants


Funny thing is that even though the Illuminati invented the pyramidal organization thousands of years ago, they seem to have shifted to more of a network web, even though they still talk hierarchy.

e98635  No.2641699

File: 08e7ff4a930bea7⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 1522210188.jpg)


Enjoy the $

503a07  No.2641700


Jesus ‘ teaching was so simple, it was complicated.

LOVE GOD, NEIGHBOR AND SELF….because it’s all the same

Jesus wasn’t a Christian, but he was absolutely AWAKE.

bc59cd  No.2641701

72c88d  No.2641702


Right on!

1c6976  No.2641703


Little is talked about with respect to the Avro Arrow. Here is a pdf for those interested.


c966fc  No.2641705


Enjoy the butthurt.

You know I am right.

c68d84  No.2641706



It is an old Aramaic saying that means "do not get into an argument"

79d3ef  No.2641707


I am sorry anon, upset right now, can't stop shaking gotta walk away for a few.

08d6d9  No.2641708

File: 6b1cbd7b689a9f4⋯.png (157.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, out3.png)



ffmpeg -ss 00:04:07.63 -i Extended\ audio\ Horizon\ employee\ talks\ with\ air\ traffic\ control\ in\ cockpit.mp4 -frames:v 1 out3.bmp

9ae738  No.2641709


It sure seems that the Cabal are taking longer to go down than was hoped.

Please get them before your 4 years are up Donnie, a LOT of work still to do!

72c88d  No.2641711


Hebrews 12 : 7-13

7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13 “Make level paths for your feet,”[b] so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

c68d84  No.2641712



Lot's wife "turned into a pillar of salt" ……again Aramaic saying that means she became petrified and died of fright

ebc607  No.2641713


Well this has been the most interesting thing I've read today!


ebb415  No.2641715

File: 03cb0c749004360⋯.png (62.21 KB, 1114x725, 1114:725, EO 12-21.png)


I guess lots of money will be available soon for the most excellent and expensive parade ever…

Wanna know who's gonna pay for it?

"These people will lose everything."


72c88d  No.2641716


"Turn the other cheek" is about getting hit in the face, verbally or with fists. When Jesus was arrested and the soldier's ear was cut off, Jesus healed the ear. He forgave those who arrested him.

9e4844  No.2641718


Thank you for that. This makes more sense than what is in the KJV, definitely.

03c6e5  No.2641719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cris Carter talking about 4 am meetings. Other dude explains how audience does not know what a 4am meeting is. Skip to 3:55

ebc607  No.2641721


are there aliens in my roomba?



3ded37  No.2641722


I was digging on the same last night anon.

Also a Rothschild popped up as lobbying with him.

08d6d9  No.2641723

File: 113967f5b092464⋯.png (161.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, out6.png)

File: 6b1cbd7b689a9f4⋯.png (157.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, out3.png)

Yes that's the most we can get out of that footage

c68d84  No.2641724


Isn't that the plane the USA considered an "Act Of War" by Canada if continued on the path to making that plane?

1c6976  No.2641725


Take a break anon. I did not mean to upset with posting the pdf on the Avro Arrow.

It is one thing that I don't recall we have done much if any digging on.

fb942d  No.2641727


caves - not in the core, gravitational pressure is too high and why the core is molten. Upper crust is the only place you could find anything like that. Pressure at the very core is about 3.3 to 3.6 million atmospheres. There is no way a honeycomb structure could exist.

c966fc  No.2641728

"Turn the other cheek" was not about being a fucking slave to the jews.

As the story goes, Jesus was telling his disciples how man had two sides. One was the good and spiritual side, the other more primal and animal like. Jesus insisted that his disciples always lead with their good side, their spiritual side when in public. Jesus was asked, what if I am slapped and Jesus replied, "Turn the other cheek." In other words, show the bastard your other side.

It is almost unbelievable how completely CUCKED Christianity is. Be a slave. Suck up to your jew masters, etc.


d09fe4  No.2641729

File: 648f94c1c1680cc⋯.png (788.55 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Significant Alignments.png)


When I went All In…

I chose to know that, as well.

I can't take it back.

And sweet merciful Goddess…

I don't want to.

61a2b7  No.2641730

So watching social media a bit, the next big thing to discredit Q is that someone is going to come out as Q just to prove that trump tards are tarded for believeing a larp, ridiculing trump supporters and devestating republicans in the next elections.

9e4844  No.2641731


A molten "core" between inner and outer surface? I don't know. I go more with the honeycomb theory,

1c6976  No.2641732


I honestly don't know.

I came across the Avro Arrow when I was digging on another topic and did some limited reading on.

There was a lot of controversy surrounding this, which resulted in the demise of the company from what I recall.

430968  No.2641733


You are mistaken Anon. Christian forgiveness brings healing especially to the one harmed.

Forgiveness does not preclude earthly justice – arrest, jail or execution as appropriate.

Forgiveness helps stop the cycle of ever expanding violence and barbarity – If you attack me or mine, I kill two of your family or all of your family - as the gang members do.

And forgiving others is the fastest way to achieve peace and healing for oneself. You become free from the bitterness/anger and pain that keeps you in the past with the evils done against you or your loved ones.

c68d84  No.2641735


Go ask someone who speaks and understands the old language instead of spouting "the bible is literal".

Instead of calling BS, do some research. God hates stupidity.

18c641  No.2641736

File: 58689ec230fb1e4⋯.jpg (34.79 KB, 281x468, 281:468, 4ce2a33cb9ad1e705ab668622b….jpg)


Why do they get to wear all this extra shit on their heads? Arent all prisoners supposed to wear standard clothing?

Can i wear a hat and a clown outfit next time im arrested?

4fa275  No.2641737


If Missile fired, then Definitely not @ Plane.

Plane would have been SMOKE by then.

72c88d  No.2641739





c966fc  No.2641740


And we are disagreeing how?

430968  No.2641741


My limited recollection is that the US basically took the Canadian technology for its military use and forbade Canada from using it again.

9e4844  No.2641742


But now that Dutchsinse is telling us his methods of predicting earthquakes around the world, perhaps there is something in his theories that can help answer what REALLY is in the center of the earth. He believes the center of the earth is plasma. He says science thinks that there's a molten core due to the way magnetics behave, but he says plasma can behave similarly.

2f7a54  No.2641743


Find yourself talking to yourself a lot, well thinking?

Psst…secret, guess who?

c966fc  No.2641744


Jesus didn't order people to be cucked slaves, either.

bc59cd  No.2641745

File: 176f8cca80ef8ac⋯.mp4 (301.93 KB, 422x360, 211:180, Q.mp4)

e9e319  No.2641747

Baker is warming up the oven


Anything I missed?

>>2640929 Graphic summary of digs from June 10th missile launch

>>2640985 Graphic Dig on Andrew Kauders

>>2641050 Resignation: Football Federation Australian Chairman Steven Lowy

>>2641091 WJC List of Charities & Foundations He Has Supported

>>2641094 German Jet lands in Greece after bomb threat

>>2641162 Top Water Celebrity Campaigners & Charities

>>2641177 Photos From Hujrah Wahhaj (NM Compound) Twatter

>>2641187 Top Children Celebrity Campaigners & Charities

>>2641252 Switzerland Refuses To Sign Nuclear-Bomb-Ban Treaty

>>2641285 Merkel Booed in Dresden As Crowd Shouts "Traitor"

>>2641366 GermanArchiveAnon Update

fb942d  No.2641748


No, I am not a shill, nor usually an asshole. I just really hate pedophiles and anyone that tries to convince anyone to have pity or mercy on them. Pedophiles are EVIL. Anyone that says differently is either an enabler or evil themselves. That is my truth and you can't take it from me.

e9e319  No.2641749


Thanks, Anon. I added "Wrong woman circled" to the description in the Notables. It will show up next Bread.

430968  No.2641750


Christianity has not destroyed forgiveness, nor does it make Christians cowards.

72c88d  No.2641751


Matthew 5:22 says that calling me a fool places you in danger of hellfire, and I'd rather you not taste that, friend.

9e4844  No.2641752


I agree. Forgiveness is more for the victim. And it does not preclude proper justice.

d09fe4  No.2641753




Oh wait… that was The Jew…

Did… did Jesus ever say marriage was a necessary part of the New Covenant?

I mean… he was a Rabbi so he did the thing but like… diiiiid he ever give any straight up thoughts on the matter?

Asking for a Jew.

c966fc  No.2641754


That is your opinion, and I respect it, even though it is wrong.

c68d84  No.2641755


If that is the plane, all the plans had to be destroyed as well. I think only a couple pictures and drawings still exist.

59ddd1  No.2641756


Was it the Netherlands yesterday that passed a law outlawing burkas? The Mussies went mental.

1c6976  No.2641757


That was my general understanding as well.

I suspect then that there was alot more to the story and probably worth digging on.

I believe one plane was retrieved in the 2000's? from around Greenland that had gone into the water there. That was fishy as well.

0aba77  No.2641758


MSM pretends to be Anonymous

not the first time this happens.

Back in gamergate times, they tried the same until the real anonymous showed up and made a video about all the dirt those fake anonymouse people had.

this is what happened


101714  No.2641759


Need a refill on the meds?

2f7a54  No.2641761


I will say this.

Forgiveness with no justice is horrible.

Kinda time to wrap up some old loose ends on these matters too.

Lots of bastards running around who had favors coming their way for being who they are. Affects a lot more ppl than you'd think.

Not sure how many are able to reach a level of forgiveness, but when no justice is rendered, it makes that forgiveness like death to live with. So you don't…live much.

That's what these kids could have to look forward to but that's one of the better options. The other options are pretty dark. And sad.

1c6976  No.2641762


Here is an article. I would think that the tech used would of been looked at when they retrieved the plane ?


c68d84  No.2641763


I'm not scared. Stop putting words in my mouth and go do some research. Unless you are afraid of what you might find out.

3727e3  No.2641764

File: 3c65d0d521ff524⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 480x640, 3:4, what the bible said.jpg)


Why not a compromise?

For our own good we can forgive them after they had biblical punishment.

18c641  No.2641765


I know Denmark passed a law that requires kids older than 1 to go to daycare and learn about Danish values etc from a young age.

101714  No.2641766


If you read the PDF it explains why it was a failure.

Shortcuts proved disastrous

55d5a0  No.2641767


Ohhh, such a strong argument.

Get a clue.

0aba77  No.2641768




at 1:50 in the video, the fake group gets called out and dirt is shown

>FBI snitch

>sex predetor

know your enemy

9e4844  No.2641769


Over the years, when I saw what was happening, I often thought that if we didn't clean things up, others would come over and do it. I'm glad we're doing it now.

a48f73  No.2641770

File: 2dad874f99441fe⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1376x1077, 1376:1077, eaduib2s1gg11.png)

Sorry if posted but went through breads and didnt see it.

b3aec7  No.2641772


I've suspected for quite some time that all t he UFO shit that came about (which just so happen to start after WW2 ended) were the result of government expermentation with tech stolen from the Nazis after their lose…. which pretty much means Tesla tech

4b9a4c  No.2641773


HMMMMM nope didn't see anything like that!

There is an article in the papers that say's a muslimwoman got paid 3800 euro's compensation for NOT shaking hands !!!

Dutch are on the edge of the wrong side.

4c3278  No.2641774


You seem to be suggesting that Lot's wife didn't really turn into a pillar of salt, but that she died of fright. It seems just as likely to me that the saying was derived from the 'actual' event. A person who becomes figuratively 'petrified', as opposed to the physical reality of Lots wife becoming petrified into a pillar.

c560f2  No.2641775

https: //mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2017/12/30/omarosa-cia-mk-ultra-gutters-crew-pizzagate-the-black-womans-war/

Some of this seems solid , detect psych issues in author, but it inverts Trump as one of Them, and I'm wondering if this is a clownwerk or is it occult reveal of intentions. Omarosa dig not seen this stuff before whaddya think

Anons? >1234567

c966fc  No.2641776

File: 851baafe096358c⋯.gif (109.11 KB, 240x320, 3:4, 1466767354_1481.gif)

You are all pathetic, except for the ones that are not, but I love you all anyway.

Good night.

9e4844  No.2641777


My understanding is that it's both. Yes, the government has craft that they weren't talking about. But ETs are up there, too. So we need to discern whose craft we're dealing with.

bc59cd  No.2641779


>we should just start fucking killing all of them

That's your post that is wrongest. Took me a bit to find it.

c9e79f  No.2641780


>How do we love murderous pedophiles like ourselves? That's going to be difficult for most people. Love the dinner, hate the sun, right? Do you expect anon and America (and the world) to do that?

I think what is often missed when applying the above injunction is the word "neighbour." We are to love our NEIGHBOUR as ourselves. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells us who are our neighbours. They are those with whom we have actual, physical contact either by word or presence. So I would exclude people the other side of the world about whom we have only heard, secondhand, from the category of "neighbour." We cannot love in any meaningful sense of the word, those whom we do not know. Not even God. We love God because He has revealed Himself to us through His written Word and the Word made flesh - Jesus and through His Spirit. As Christians, we are able to love God because we know Him through His Spirit in us.

I think the same is true of our neighbours. They are those whom we come into contact with who are in need of our compassion or kindness or patience - all of which are aspects of love. So that's where I start - knowing that "while I was yet a sinner Christ showed His love for me by dying in my place." So if Jesus did that for me, and if I am in Him and He is in me, I should be able to show that Christ love to others whom I have contact with. And if everyone looked out for/loved their neighbour, ALL would be looked out for/loved without any need to attempt to love those whom we don't know. In short, I think that a correct understanding of the word "neighbour" is key to understanding Jesus' injunction.

2f7a54  No.2641782


God, I wish they coulda done this a lot sooner.

Used to be unusual.

Guess the test phases passed and now it's just rampant to a whole new degree. It's always existed. Now the public push is happening.

My era was just a peg stuck in the middle.

But hopefully we get to see this ended.

And maybe for those who harmed us to never be able to harm another again. That'd be enough. The fear of them doing it again is vastly unfair for a survivor, but guess what….it's there.

We feel it for each of these kids, too.

Some of us are here.

No, as someone's said before I'm not this person or that person and I rarely speak of anything regarding this. I just want you to know we're out there, and some of us have been marching beside you to finish this.

Also cause the Cabal has the ass whooping coming.

Fuck them.

I like the Old Testament, what can I say. I'm all about love, but defending others as well.

1c6976  No.2641783

A different article on the Avro Arrow and another plane I believe recovered.

Popular jet scrapped in 1959

The Arrow, a sleek jet interceptor developed in Malton, Ont., in the 1950s, had the potential to propel Canada to the forefront in military aviation. The program was abruptly cancelled in 1959 by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, resulting in 30,000 employees losing their jobs. As well, the planes were ordered to be destroyed


503a07  No.2641784



When I first saw this post, ( necklace ) I immediately thought of the Roth’s Austrian hunting cabin that sold recently

101714  No.2641786


Tesla worked for the Nazis?

c68d84  No.2641787


Thanks! I had forgotten about that. I will definitely re-read and re-fresh myself on the whole saga to make sure I got my facts straight on the planes.

Also, 2nd Avro Arrow found in Lake Ontario


1c6976  No.2641793


This is worth digging on that is for sure.

Sounds like the technology was cutting edge.

9e4844  No.2641794


It is love to defend another.

b3aec7  No.2641795


I dont think he worked for him but their spies got a hold of a lot of his work

bc59cd  No.2641796


Prolly 'cause it was "paperclipped".

0aba77  No.2641797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it just me or do we enter a /comfy/ weekend right now?

I hope so, could use a breake from all the happening couster.

Here, have some epic momentum music to keep the fire up and high.

4c3278  No.2641799


When I listen to Dutchsinse, I can't deny his observational accuracy. But I also find his theories on what is happening beneath the crust speculative. That said, there is a lot of speculation in the accepted scientific account also.

My conclusion is to take his science with a grain of salt, but pay close attention to his results. One doesn't need to understand the core of the earth to observe how pressure and movements transfer across the plates.

503a07  No.2641800


She turned back into an old mindset….she quit expanding ….she became petrified energetically….wasted a lifetime asleep

79d3ef  No.2641801



Sorry Anon, it had nothing to do with that, it was another conversation, that really aggravated me, it very difficult to get me upset like that, but an another anon pushed an unjustified button.

c68d84  No.2641802


I guess 7-8 decades of US-Russian collusion is not notable. Ok.

9e4844  No.2641803


Agreed. I don't think we truly have a way of knowing what is that deep in our earth. It's all theory.

2f7a54  No.2641804


Yes. Indeed.

e33594  No.2641805

The government moves slowly and inefficiently, so plans are nice but they are always changing

bc59cd  No.2641806


Better question is "who" is the hatter–not what.

503a07  No.2641810


Might be crystalline

c68d84  No.2641811


Shortcuts usually do

79d3ef  No.2641812


That was exactly my thinking, I was looking at the blue project, but it's mostly redacted, (figures right), I have a feeling this is a black ops, It appears to have started during the Eisenhower years. Military Industrial complex, hmmm

cdc81a  No.2641813

File: d76324360374905⋯.jpg (298.41 KB, 2850x1900, 3:2, enddisneer.jpg)

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