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File: 315fc925c932bec⋯.png (556.48 KB,1057x608,1057:608,ClipboardImage.png)

80f711 No.22318723 [View All]

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3fca59 No.22319482

File: 4a20a60b270965d⋯.png (122.6 KB,384x582,64:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Wall Street Apes




Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California “Those are not drones in the air, those are all helicopters”

This is happening RIGHT NOW. LIVE broadcast from an American’s phone filming the fire

You can see just how close this is to downtown and the Capitol Records Building


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c2a769 No.22319483

File: 175865c49bafdb0⋯.png (434.94 KB,769x628,769:628,ClipboardImage.png)


>rent free

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a3bf10 No.22319484


Literally AI KEK

Dead Internet "theory"

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5670f8 No.22319485


AI can't spell either?

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54cb33 No.22319486

File: 64eacc009e69267⋯.png (45.95 KB,615x208,615:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae21bc No.22319487


You’re a nobody. Fake fags kill and rape kids to be famous. I earned my name without doing that and I rub it in the deep states face you stupid ass low Iq faggot.

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e2175a No.22319488

File: 9682d2e739e1d59⋯.png (420.46 KB,501x500,501:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the right hand to draw attention from the left?

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d9d1ee No.22319489

File: 2c9985d018a804d⋯.png (285.06 KB,568x492,142:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.22319490


>your God is SATAN.

World Economic Forum Conglomerate Group is sending ANTIFA TERRORISTS

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d9d1ee No.22319491

File: 8291dd3b7032cc6⋯.png (424.89 KB,568x1083,568:1083,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4f1f1 No.22319492


Look at





They love those numbers


March 25, 2022

3 7 6



Then the 6

Kristin M. Crowley is the 19th Fire Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). With her wife and children by her side, Chief Crowley took the oath of office on March 25, 2022 – becoming the first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD.

https://lafd.org › organization › fir…

Fire Chief | Los Angeles Fire Department


Chief Crowley, a 22-year veteran of the department, became the first female and L.G.B.T.Q. chief of the city's fire department when she took the oath of office in March 2022. Chief Marrone has worked with the county fire department for almost 40 years and has worked as a chief officer there for more than two decades.15 mins ago

https://www.nytimes.com › whos-in…

Who's in charge of the firefighting effort? - The New York Times


Who is making the evil voice on other end of firefighter radio, regarding prioritizing THE GETTY Museum, they don’t like the no, so they spout evil voice?

Can we trace the transmissions to the chief?…

>>22319077 listen

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314e52 No.22319493

is the fire going backwards? doesn't the wind go from inland to the sea? not sure how a fire starts further inland

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4d6cfe No.22319494


AI doesn't know how to piss on a fire either.

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5cac11 No.22319495

File: 0f3f7e9320f8695⋯.png (3.47 MB,2234x1230,1117:615,newsom_trudeau_fingers.png)

File: afd80399ad8b9ef⋯.png (1.96 MB,2046x1240,33:20,merman_zoolander.png)

> no water pressure at the Palisades fires




Governor Newsom announces up to $3.3 billion of Prop 1 funding …

Jul 17, 2024 … Governor Newsom announces up to $3.3 billion of Prop 1 funding for treatment of seriously ill & homeless. What you need to know:

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a4f1f1 No.22319496


Who is making the evil voice on other end of firefighter radio, regarding prioritizing THE GETTY Museum, they don’t like the no, so they spout evil voice?

Can we trace the transmissions to the lgtbq chief?…

>>22319077 listen

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d9ba47 No.22319497


See how they have bots attached to my Qp name?

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000000 No.22319498

I hope you Q fucks, and Narcisists who keep saying it's Karma or Pedos or whatever getting burned, Find your own friends / family burned.

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e2d1ca No.22319499

File: 33c4d47ad81375c⋯.jpg (500.31 KB,1800x904,225:113,fossil_fish_11502.jpg)


…Bakering the next one


#27298 >>22318750

>>22318785, >>22318792 Baker change

>>22318769, >>22318777, >>22318807, >>22318835, >>22318840, >>22318875, >>22319130, >>22319136, >>22319160, >>22319174 Janisse Quiñones is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), the nation’s largest publicly-owned water and power utility -Bun-

>>22318836 BO:Heads up Bakers!several prollems with getting fresh dough today from pastebin and fullchan. alternative is privatebin.io, copy pasta bros save the dough o7

>>22318895 ABC news anchor David Muir busted making wardrobe fix to appear svelte

>>22318903 Swamp Activity January 8, 2025

>>22318939 @RudyGiuliani - America's Mayor Live (578): Shocking Footage of Historic Wildfires in Los Angeles & Surrounding Area

>>22319062, >>22319278 @FOXLA - chopper is over what appears to be a new brushfire burning in the hills west of the Hollywood sign. Looks like it broke out moments ago.

>>22319120, >>22319123 LIVE UPDATES: California fires torch Los Angeles, Palisades, Malibu, Pasadena, Sylmar

>>22319124 @elonmusk - You are the media now. Post what’s happening. It will help people.

>>22319148 Night Owl News Archives - 01/08/2025

>>22319182 @simonwiesenthal - We are devastated by the damage to Jewish places of worship in California's wildfires.

>>22319195 A new fire has just EXPLODED in the Hollywood Hills.

>>22319207 Pacific Palisades fire burns into the history books as most destructive blaze in the history of LA with 16K acres reduced to rubble

>>22319222 Live drone feed of new fire… (Hollywood Hills)

>>22319363, >>22319455 @elonmusk 🤡 (@Breaking911 - CAN'T MAKE THIS UP! Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is going all Joe Biden, not knowing what she's saying!)


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4d6cfe No.22319500


Forget white, is she a real women first?

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a3bf10 No.22319501



You mad BrUH?


AI larping as somebody "famous"

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5209b7 No.22319502

File: 3f0f60b217594ed⋯.png (319.59 KB,823x599,823:599,Hollywood_fire.png)


getting closer…someone get over there with a camera….just kidding…

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f80c0c No.22319503


To all he democrats about to get fired, get fake Indian IDs from MOS and say you can code.

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a28823 No.22319506

File: ff553a90aa2be70⋯.jpg (106.98 KB,848x1200,53:75,baptismbyfiretwyman3.jpg)





these are good; look at that!

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3fca59 No.22319507

File: ce6a8c9eab7f2f9⋯.png (728.53 KB,1349x762,1349:762,ClipboardImage.png)







Hollywood Hills on Fire Threatening the Hollywood Sign. #sunsetfire

Fire blowing directly towards Hollywood Blvd


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000000 No.22319508


The wind is going backwards, from INLAND TO THE SEA.

Usually it goes from the SEA INLAND.

Santa Anna Winds etc.


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47749a No.22319509

File: 5ccacc1231747d7⋯.png (1.23 MB,1365x1510,273:302,Papi_Trumpo_WE_WILL_REBUIL….png)

File: 7dbef4eb4362e13⋯.png (157.39 KB,680x680,1:1,Trump_Won_Hollywood_sign.png)










PAPI TRUMPO - 9:30 PM · Jan 8, 2025·- 12.4K Views


LINK - https://x.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1877181160737927526

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/N948C


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a4f1f1 No.22319511

And the wiener cloth on mszzz. Purple


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0c9084 No.22319512


Honestly I can already taste your tears and I laugh at your gaslighting attempts.. every time. Just like in John wick you were trained to “appear” smart but in fact you’re as dumb as they come.

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4d6cfe No.22319513

File: 74d84f8c0315e4b⋯.png (524.24 KB,747x535,747:535,ClipboardImage.png)


Lets throw Trudeau in too!

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5cac11 No.22319514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






US and Canada fire map and data. NASA | USFS | Fire Information for Resource Management System US/Canada provides near real-time active fire data from MODIS …

Visit in Anonymous View


Current Situation Report | CIFFC

The National Fire Situation Report provides a snapshot of fire activity from the previous calendar day along with cumulative totals for the season.


Wildfires are spreading fast in Canada — we must strengthen forests …

Sep 9, 2024 … As wildfires become more frequent and severe, efforts to improve the resilience of forests must be grounded in data and led by Indigenous Peoples.

Visit in Anonymous View


Canada wildfires, 2023 - Forensic analysis - UNDRR

Sep 12, 2024 … The 2023 wildland fires across Canada were unprecedented. In Alberta, the fires became out of control in late spring,


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21e91b No.22319515


Correction Jack Reacher

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e3e79d No.22319517


Papi trumpo is a shill account

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11d292 No.22319519



It's the shaded side you absolute retard.

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8257bd No.22319520


>An explosion has just occurred at a substation in Forth Worth, Texas


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e2d1ca No.22319521

File: 7d369065c4ecbf5⋯.jpg (98.05 KB,600x400,3:2,5805416_orig.jpg)

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7b4c06 No.22319522

File: 7ec6d6c1a3f7194⋯.jpeg (29.74 KB,122x122,1:1,IMG_6838.jpeg)


> Canadian Doctors Suggest Harvesting Organs From Euthanasia Patients Before They’re Dead

How many ways ‘Socialized Medicine’ is working for the Canaduan people?

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9e4ad4 No.22319523

File: 6e12a46c41df2f8⋯.png (83.21 KB,453x412,453:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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818a23 No.22319524


he bashed EM so did dc draino

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4132ea No.22319525

File: 32474d747a62b86⋯.png (33.15 KB,606x532,303:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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846bd3 No.22319526

File: b5bd2b89ee82b61⋯.png (625.31 KB,720x576,5:4,grmblgrmbl_bleh.png)

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,pepe_portal_sm_f.gif)

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314e52 No.22319527


i heard you can ONLY get organs from a living body

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a4f1f1 No.22319529

Streets burning are ave, street etc., names CURSON. Creepy.


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31f8be No.22319531

File: 338510c8e780b47⋯.png (377.62 KB,453x636,151:212,Screenshot_2025_01_08_1955….png)


>“Those are not drones in the air, those are all helicopters”

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901b61 No.22319847

File: 6e27c2101c6590c⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17363584649….mp4)

File: 842546871ab99dd⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17362892630….mp4)

>>22317193 4 months ago James Woods homeowners insurance was cancelled. >>22318116 Professor at University of Missouri Posts Vile Message to Actor James Woods in Midst of Devastating Wildfires: “It’s Karma Calling”PN

Aaron Rupar


James Woods breaks down in tears on CNN

12:02 PM · Jan 8, 2025


(it's almost like Rupar is enjoying this)


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901b61 No.22319870


I'm not at saying he is faking but our favorite James Woods is a great actor.Love and respect for James Woods

I hope he's found all of his friends

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79366f No.22325009

File: 00c5a4d71087cc9⋯.png (1.43 MB,1290x860,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00c5a4d71087cc9⋯.png (1.43 MB,1290x860,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6ef84 No.22325015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79366f No.22325018

[“Tulsi Gabbard has served in the military for over two decades and possesses an active TS/SCI security clearance,” Henning said. “As someone who served for eight years in the U.S. House of Representatives and attended many classified briefings, there is zero evidence that confidentiality has ever been violated, this is another smear by anonymous officials with no proof.]

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2adffb No.22325019

(PB) >>22324788

>Top Venezuelan opposition figure asks Jewish expats to return

>Maria Corina Machado thanks Netanyahu for recognizing Juan Guaido as interim president; says she hopes many who were forced to leave will now come back to rebuild nation

Whatever. Just get ready to welcome your Venezuelan garbage deported right back to your country.

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4d68bd No.22325022


wrong link

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