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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

8770ca No.22307375 [View All]

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452c6e No.22308122



fine with me

In Cook (Crook) County Illinois the Crook County Sheriffs are more corrupt than the Chicago Police.

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8b8a99 No.22308123

File: 7748d78f4e5b5a2⋯.jpg (40.13 KB,564x495,188:165,f90e1d98233aa37f3f92325454….jpg)


If they haven't made their NATO payments, couldn't we just repossess their territories?

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3cdd4e No.22308124


The people do not have problems they are targeted for removal by the cabal + cronies. They use big tech providers to listen and track you, share with their team, and send out one of their trolls on assignment for a small fee. They will set you up, follow you around, talk to relationships with falsehoods, cause situations, poison you, sabotage your stuff, basically anything that brings you to your destruction asap.

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afb88f No.22308125

File: f6b06714c6a91dc⋯.jpg (173.96 KB,960x625,192:125,willow2.jpg)

KEK. He comes to brag how he slept. What a fuckin' idiot. That clown slept like the bitch he is.

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48cb82 No.22308126

File: d48309212cc10d2⋯.png (242.96 KB,355x376,355:376,d48309212cc10d21950e159dd4….png)


>Anime baker will be here tonight thank god

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62d228 No.22308127



mabbe put on a lien on them huh

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12c6c7 No.22308128

File: 855a99b2b9e68b9⋯.png (407.31 KB,620x465,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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76bc74 No.22308129


Ever heard of free gym wifi and autoconnect? Project harder shilly Boi. Same Anon, no hiding.

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1d9b82 No.22308130

"History Repeats Itself" is not some strange phenomenon. It happens because they are using the same playbook on us. They let time (a generation die off) rewrite history and memory hole facts, dust off the playbook and start over. Tricking the next several generations. Exposing the playbook for it's evil use is the only way to stop this from repeating

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9d8f6c No.22308131

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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8f1330 No.22308132



Kek, commies gonna commie

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1759fc No.22308133

File: eef60b8f4794a0c⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,720x1280,9:16,eef60b8f4794a0c9fb04543685….mp4)

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afb88f No.22308134

Wait, so it's been that fucktard namefag "anjel" that's been mimicking? That's funny as fuck. No wonder he imitates.

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000000 No.22308135



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12c6c7 No.22308136


At one point in time, Chicago was the wealthiest city in the world.

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000000 No.22308137


in the truth… their own thoughts are manifesting in the now-space… changing their thoughts changes their world.

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2ce7a5 No.22308138


Executive Order on, Executive Order off

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000000 No.22308139


Not a LIE.

SF was most beautiful once.

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afb88f No.22308140

Yeah, the free wifi at the gym forces continual IP hopping. So believable.

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3df688 No.22308141

FINAL Notables @ 720

#27285 >>22307378

>>22307582, >>2307587 Baker change

>>22307509 Trump Truth @ 1:09am EST – “Why Has Mar-a-Lago Become The 'Capitol of The World'"

>>22307542 VIDEO: Did The FBI Blur The J6 Pipe Bomber's Eyes?

>>22307551 Jan. 7, satanic holiday?

>>22307567, >>22307568 Elizabeth May suggests CA, WA, OR, VT, NH, ME might want to join Canada

>>22307629 @RT: McDonalds SCRAPS woke DEI policies - but insists it’ll continue to 'embed inclusion practices'

>>22307633, >>22307638, >>22308038, >>22308045 Greenland

>>22307657 @McDonalds: "invaluable life lessons loading 1.7"

>>22307682 VIDEO: 'Sufficient To Undo The Conviction' - Trump Not Done With Manhattan Case

>>22307757, >>22307806 Two federal death row inmates refuse to sign Biden’s clemency paperwork: 'Does not want commutation' | NYPOST

>>22307809 Elon X @ 1:16am EST: re Soros – "Magneto, a mutant of great power, who hated humanity"

>>22307836 VIDEO: Ron Paul: D.O.G.E.: End The Global Engagement Center!

>>22307839 VIDEO: Ron Paul: Even After The Truth About January 6th Has Prevailed… The PsyOp Continues

>>22307858 Elon X @ 3:17am EST – "I've now watched this at least 20 times 🤣🤣"

>>22307907 Bannon Goes Off On Musk Over "Social Credit Score" Changes On X | ZEROHEDGE

>>22307913 @BBCScotlandNews: Scottish medic killed while serving on frontline in Ukraine

>>22307922 Indonesia is admitted to the BRICS bloc of developing nations | AP

>>22308019 Trump quips Trudeau resigned because Canadians want to join U.S. | JUSTTHENEWS

>>22308021 Mollie Hemingway on the 'Gift' That Liz Cheney and the J6 Committee Gave to Republicans (VIDEO) | GATEWAYPUNDIT

>>22308042 Taylor Lorenz lobbied Instagram to provide more LGBTQ propaganda to teenager

>>22308048 Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton, says Fani Willis finally confessed yesterday to having records of her communications with the partisan Pelosi J6 Committee - the "Get Trump Operation"

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2ce7a5 No.22308142


Then Rothschild progrommed the Ukrainians and shipped them to Chicago.

And they are still there…

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76bc74 No.22308143

File: 5895217157b9b29⋯.jpg (17.45 KB,255x166,255:166,willow2.jpg)

Wow, the choleric famefag shills really were up all night seething all over the breads while Anon hab the best sleep ever. Now those are tangible results right there, God damn they couldnt get any moar destroyed.

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452c6e No.22308144


A half truth. The best kind of lie.

4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

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76bc74 No.22308147

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

At least Anjel goes to the gym

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afb88f No.22308148

File: 4b586a7164fe90c⋯.png (191.13 KB,424x466,212:233,4b586a7164fe90cfea3266adcb….png)

Yep, looks like he's back to copying down to the filename again and prancing around like a delusional fool. Poor little guy. Must hurt his brain to be so desperately stupid.

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2ce7a5 No.22308150

File: 399e257d1f8169c⋯.png (212.26 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


2 weeks

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3df688 No.22308151

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76bc74 No.22308155

File: 4b586a7164fe90c⋯.png (191.13 KB,424x466,212:233,4b586a7164fe90cfea3266adcb….png)

What is a narcissist?

What is an egomaniac?

What is a megalomaniac?

You hab moar than you know

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1759fc No.22308156

File: cda54eea8aeed7d⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,576x848,36:53,cda54eea8aeed7de8eb197050d….mp4)

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51b8e2 No.22308161

File: 729c72b86c3e759⋯.jpg (272.02 KB,1027x1280,1027:1280,20241209_142016.jpg)

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afb88f No.22308162

Hey, you're the one IP hopping and behaving like a child. Maybe if you have a bigger tantrum you'll get your way. Get madder, bitch.

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000000 No.22308164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5b8cbb No.22308166


If everything was so simple.

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000000 No.22308169


simple as

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000000 No.22308173


try loving your gang-stalkers?

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51b8e2 No.22308174





[Hence all the poisons]

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000000 No.22308175

>737 replies

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000000 No.22308177

fear's a killer

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51b8e2 No.22308178


They have a network

And we are

Mostly alone

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3df688 No.22308180

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000000 No.22308182


your words originate from your own thinking.

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3df688 No.22308183

File: 592d748d2e05f57⋯.png (48.91 KB,387x312,129:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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51b8e2 No.22308184


Attacks from every angle

What first?

The name..

The road..

The coin..

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3df688 No.22308186

File: 8cd86407a09850c⋯.png (155.53 KB,749x727,749:727,ClipboardImage.png)

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3df688 No.22308187

File: 044c23b5f1281ff⋯.png (287.88 KB,420x594,70:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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3df688 No.22308188

File: 42fe5322b192f8f⋯.png (1.37 MB,1016x765,1016:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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3df688 No.22308189

File: bff00484bcbc179⋯.png (548.56 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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51b8e2 No.22308190





<biofield surveillance

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3df688 No.22308191

File: 2841b579afc5304⋯.png (357.81 KB,508x577,508:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.22308192



is it ever going to be enough?

The kingdom is within you.

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