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File: 0c06eb4698ef042⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x800,3:2,storm_shift.png)

260184 No.22303990 [View All]

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e21176 No.22304791

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541292 No.22304792

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929539 No.22304793

File: 0630f1ec315b9b0⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,480x602,240:301,ssstwitter_com_17361999522….mp4)

File: 21313767308f719⋯.jpeg (228.61 KB,1284x913,1284:913,IMG_8286.jpeg)

File: 0630f1ec315b9b0⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,480x602,240:301,ssstwitter_com_17361999522….mp4)

Tesla Trump Tower bomb story is shaping up as the biggest and craziest psyop yet…. 1/2

January 6, 2025 (4 hours ago)

The Trump Tower Bomber story just keeps getting stranger, folks. Some parts of this saga are downright terrifying and fascinating, while others feel like pure fantasy—reeking with that all-too-familiar CIA stench. As we all try to wade through this convoluted mess,we stumbled on a video that might help clear things up– or at least give us more to think about.

The nine-minute clip lays out the entire story—from where it all started to where we are now—with new details still unfolding as we speak. You be the judge of how deep this psyop runs, but one thing’s clear: this story is strange, and a lot of things just don’t add up.

Let’s start with the passport. It’s nothing short of miraculous how an entire truck turns into a massive fireball, yet Mr. Livelsberger’s passport survives, nearly unscathed.

Maybe they should make cars and airplanes out of the paper they use to make passports?

So, we’re told Mr. Livelsberger is an active-duty Green Beret, so you can imagine how the special ops community is dissecting this story. Word on the street is,plenty of people in those circles are saying this whole thing just doesn’t add up.

One of the wildest twists in this saga came via the Shawn Ryan Show. Ryan, a former Navy SEAL, dove straight into the chaos when he had Sam Showmate on his podcast. Showmate claimed he received an email from the Trump Tower bomber the day before the bombing happened. If true, this email is an absolute powder keg.But beyond the jaw-dropping claims, there’s something deeply suspicious about it, too.

We encourage you to check out the podcast for yourself—just keep in mind that both of these gentlemen are part of the military intelligence apparatus, so what you’re hearing could be part of a major military psyop.


Shawn Ryan dropped this episode then posted on X that he was taking his family offline for a few days.

The Shawn Ryan Show – Episode 155

Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger – who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegationsthat cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event– and many others – if true.

The issue with the email is that something about it feels… a bit off. There arehints that it might not be legitimate, particularly when you look at the formatting of the text. Either way, the gist of the email is this: World War III is on the horizon, and it’s set to be a showdown between the US and China, with all those drones we’ve been spotting playing a starring role. Now, imagine if the email is real—what better vehicle for the military-industrial complex to rev up and kick off a world war than this thing? It’s “weapons of mass destruction” on steroids and would be a surefire ticket to kick off another war.

And let’s be honest—even former special ops veterans are starting to question everything.The very warrior who took down Osama Bin Laden now sees the US military and the wars it’s waged in a completely new—and deeply terrifying—light.

Laura Aboli Official:

“I’m at the point now where I don’t think I fought for the country. I fought for some politician’s view on something.”

~ Former United States Navy Seal Robert O’Neil

The day we the people realise that we have been killing one another because a small group of evil psychopathsdecided to purposefully ‘shake the jar’, will be the day this world stands a chance to wake up from the mind-control hypnosis that keeps us captive. Only then, will we know freedom and can start to heal.

We have been manipulated and deceived into hating and fearing one another because war is profitable, because it helps them consolidate power andbecause they feed energetically from our pain, our misery and our despair.

We have been led to believe that violence and conflict is part of human nature, but it isn’t really. Most of us have to reach a very high level of desperation, threat or fear to resort to violence, because it is not, our default setting.



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402882 No.22304794

File: 399652ad4dc7f6a⋯.png (274.45 KB,480x435,32:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c6af1 No.22304795

File: 5479576a3740aea⋯.png (28.42 KB,600x231,200:77,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden

@POTUS 26m

I am taking action to protect the East and West coasts, the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and the Northern Bering Sea in Alaska from oil and natural gas drilling and the harm it can cause.

Now is the time to protect these coasts for our children and grandchildren.

Jan 6, 2025 · 9:25 PM UTC


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148206 No.22304796


Facia, a facist stat.

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adc46f No.22304797


>Freedom for everything and everyone, except for evil and evildoers.

It's a good motto

To which the communists now say "buT wHo caN teLL wHATs evIL??"

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d52ebc No.22304798

File: 0652d1afb8534c4⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x3752,240:469,2015_12_23_Parents_of_SEAL….png)


>a traitor

worse than you can imagine.

"Karen Vaughn said her son warned after Vice President Biden publicly identified the SEALs on May 3, 2011 - two days after the raid."

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2345e5 No.22304799

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53d477 No.22304800

File: 3b70dda94e23315⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,204x192,17:16,3b70dda94e2331572ebdeec7a2….jpg)


Free speech (and guns) will save us all.

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adc46f No.22304801



saved for later.

You made the tab collection

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cf3861 No.22304802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>The sweaty nonce called Andrew.

>Prince Andrew is a "Sweaty Nonge."

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2345e5 No.22304803


dig dem 'jits

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0a4728 No.22304804


Grok = chinee social credit score

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982134 No.22304805

File: aaa65a77bfa0054⋯.png (110.62 KB,728x916,182:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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402882 No.22304806

File: 00c29fc63ad68c8⋯.png (412.75 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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982134 No.22304807

notables FINAL

#27281 >>22304018

>>22304048 Mike Davis: Article III Project Commits To Plan To End All Unjust Jan. 6 Prosecutions

>>22304069, >>22304292, >>22304666 Congress Certifies Trump's Presidential Victory Without Objection

>>22304245 Kamala speaks after certifying Trump's election victory

>>22304093 President Trump meets with and signs hats for his hardworking Correspondence volunteers

>>22304104 Akshual footage from Hillary's Medal of Freedom thingy

>>22304126 Four Years Later: Examining the State of the Investigation into the RNC and DNC Pipe Bombs

>>22304147 Feast of Epiphany

>>22304162 QClock January 06, 2025 : v2 Scavino Update Mass Extinction, Civilization, God Wins

>>22304195, >>22304321 SpaceX is now fueling its Falcon 9 rocket ahead of the planned launch of the Starlink 6-71 mission

>>22304196 Half of depraved Rotherham grooming gang locked up for abusing girls has already been released

>>22304277, >>22304305, >>22304379 The Biden Admin paid Reuters over $300 million in government contracts

>>22304288 PF: Rc 135 x2, E 6 x. 2, P 8 with what looks like escorts

>>22304324 Louisiana reports first U.S. (Bird flu) H5N1-related human death

>>22304385 Intel on the Brink of Death Due to Poor Leadership

>>22304387 ‘Deeply Concerned’ Californians Want CHP to Help Fight Crime in Their Bay Area City

>>22304402 FCC calls for quick disposal of insecure Chinese-made Huawei and ZTE equipment and services from U.S. networks

>>22304441 Illinois Senate Democrats just passed HB 5164 which allows illegal aliens and trans people to legally hide their name change

>>22304445 Byzantine monastery with Bible-quoting mosaic floor unearthed in southern Israel

>>22304468 Donald Trump Jr. is expected to land in Greenland tomorrow, per government officials

>>22304471 California judge repeatedly released this 10 year career criminal every time the cops caught him

>>22304508 Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary says he spoke with President Trump about creating a 'North American Union' for greater strength

>>22304550 PJW: The Truth Finally Revealed (foreigners 3.5x more likely to be arrested for sexual offences over British citizens)

>>22304619 N.O. Terrorist's Imam invited to pray at this week's Harris County (Houston) Commissioners Court meeting, presided over by Lina Hidalgo

>>22304688 Dan Scavino Jr.: WHAT A JOURNEY—LFG!!!!!!!

>>22304774 Dana White will join the board of directors of Meta Platforms Inc, the tech giant that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

>>22304795 Biden goes full Great Thunberg

>>22304108, >>22304109, >>22304111, >>22304136, >>22304333, >>22304493, >>22304510, >>22304513, >>22304517, >>22304520, >>22304529, >>22304536, >>22304543, >>22304565, >>22304596, >>22304698 Memes


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adc46f No.22304808

File: 43537a7b7df4e17⋯.jpg (264.04 KB,1058x1058,1:1,moo_deng_the_hippo_that_pr….jpg)


moo deng

can be meme now

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0a4728 No.22304809

File: cf09ce60367d88c⋯.jpeg (507.42 KB,750x783,250:261,IMG_6797.jpeg)

File: 2193e5ecd78861d⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB,768x768,1:1,Bridging_the_Divide.mp4)

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2345e5 No.22304810

Castreau did his job with great gusto. Imagine the book deal that awaits him.

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0a6895 No.22304811

File: f8e902ed6a4f928⋯.png (897.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,STORM8.png)

File: 5cf48dc0209b3db⋯.png (800.15 KB,1024x768,4:3,STORM10.png)

File: b51147a9df6f158⋯.png (677.34 KB,1024x768,4:3,STORM11.png)

File: 948c131037d34ee⋯.png (132.17 KB,1200x574,600:287,STUCK1.png)

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33ae00 No.22304812

File: 07f93709c749903⋯.png (70.28 KB,886x886,1:1,full.png)


that's only going to last 2 weeks

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2345e5 No.22304814


imagine how much money they can siphon of from the US Taxpayer in 2 weeks.

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adc46f No.22304816


> UFC chief Dana White will join the board of directors of Meta Platforms Inc

Yeah but who cares.

Fuckbook is stupid now

Board of OpenAI matters

and they're all the shit people

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41b0ad No.22304818

File: 7cf3ea9194f6138⋯.jpg (385.94 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250106_165501….jpg)

File: ea98cca2f1b3d80⋯.png (113.94 KB,710x1156,355:578,438_1.png)

File: 75bf394e6c218ec⋯.jpeg (194.16 KB,1200x900,4:3,Ggn7DIHWYAEW3q6.jpeg)

File: 8b242a8a992968b⋯.jpeg (132.72 KB,1200x900,4:3,Ggn7DIHXsAAEiq_.jpeg)

File: eb7f5aac09c24f1⋯.png (48.59 KB,710x540,71:54,3301.png)

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2345e5 No.22304820

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76b27e No.22304821

File: b8ee356e68315a4⋯.jpeg (11.03 KB,255x189,85:63,IMG_0004.jpeg)

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372340 No.22304823


alright in all practicality we could do a controlled demo

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e4d55c No.22304826


>conscript capital and industry

never knew ol' smedley said this….

i've been saying it ever since they tried to draft me for vietnam

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0a4728 No.22304827

File: 0bdfc2adc1310f5⋯.mp4 (848.93 KB,978x512,489:256,0bdfc2adc1310f5d8deebcb0ea….mp4)

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e21176 No.22304828


Semper Fidelis

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d52ebc No.22304829

File: 9f5cda7b3e48b02⋯.jpg (131.59 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1715380173089655.jpg)

File: bb49f31e25a1a2e⋯.png (590.12 KB,651x734,651:734,bb49f31e25a1a2e1e4345f7e56….png)

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982134 No.22304830

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b3f981 No.22304831

File: 06061245422e192⋯.png (1.57 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6415351bdd3eddf⋯.png (1.99 MB,1908x1146,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, it must have been raining indoors…

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79de4b No.22304832

File: be7cc7a4cdaf737⋯.png (13.03 KB,474x274,237:137,ClipboardImage.png)


>exterminated an entire generation in Ukraine, using it to attack Russia

Russian troops have taken over the Kharkiv area where Ukraines $Trillions Dollar LITHIUM deposits are …. which Blackrock had bought!

Ooops No Lithium for You BLACKROCK!

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b386ec No.22304834

File: ecc6ca37f4137bb⋯.png (738.57 KB,800x800,1:1,ecc6ca37f4137bb6c08d0e51fa….png)


No matter how stupid you look, stick to the playbook

Your impotence makes me chortle

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2345e5 No.22304835

File: cf069936b465f0b⋯.png (226.87 KB,400x489,400:489,ClipboardImage.png)


Shemper Fi.

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541292 No.22304836



>Grok = chinee social credit score

That's actually incorrect, according to Elon that

score system is embedded in the Algorithm

since @jack twitter 1.0

Musk confirmed that the algo hasn't been changed yet

but the announcement was to say it will be soon.

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3160f6 No.22304837

File: a748be8005f523f⋯.jpg (7.54 KB,226x223,226:223,pepepe_2020_07_21_19_13_26….jpg)

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0a4728 No.22304838


American way is gallows or firing squad.

CIA way is guillotines.

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929539 No.22304839

File: e7b480da6f0db35⋯.jpeg (192.45 KB,1284x936,107:78,IMG_8287.jpeg)

File: 50851b3d16a3020⋯.jpeg (482.7 KB,1284x2075,1284:2075,IMG_8283.jpeg)

File: 0630f1ec315b9b0⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,480x602,240:301,ssstwitter_com_17361999522….mp4)



In the same way, hate is not in our DNA, hate is taught, it’s a learned behaviour. What is natural and normal and organic and intrinsic to humanity and every living creature, is LOVE.

It’s only when we are shaken and mistreated and abused and conditioned and poisoned and addicted and misled and lost and confused that we turn on one another. It’s only then, that we start fighting and hurting and hating.

The world is vast and abundant, there is no scarcity, no limit, no need for competition. There will be plenty for everyone the minute we eliminate those that have built an invisible prison to keep our minds captive into thinking the opposite of what is true. Then we will see that they made sure to keep us in confrontation with one another because as long as we are killing each other, we will not turn on them.

The time has come to realise that we are fighting THEIR wars not ours, that we are living within THEIR imposed parameters instead of the universe’s limitless possibilities and that we are obeying THEIR laws instead of God’s.

The time has come for we the people to look at one another and recognise it was never between us, it was always between US and THEM."

Scary, right? But wait—it gets even stranger…

The so-called “suicide” of the Trump Tower bomber has plenty of people scratching their heads. The details, including the placement of the gun, just don’t add up.

And speaking more about that email, Mr. Livelsbergerclaimed he was trying to be a “whistleblower,” like some modern-day Edward Snowden.

So why would he suddenly scrap the whole plan and kill himself?That doesn’t track. Add to that the long list of strange contradictions and suspicious “facts” in the email itself, and it’s no wonder manypeople are starting to believe this might be the biggest psyop since COVID.

But don’t just take our word for it.Watch Ian Carroll’s comprehensive breakdown, where he lays it all out in a way that’ll make you go, “Hmmm.”

Whatever you believe—or don’t believe—about this story is your call, and we respect that.All we ask is that as you look at the facts laid out, you do so with a critical eye.

Question the motives behind the narrative, always. In a world where nothing is as it seems,skepticism is your best friend.

We’ll leave you with this meme; it pretty much sums up how we feel.


X Video too large to post, go to link

Ian Carroll




The Trump cybertruck bombing is turning out to be a craaaazy psyop.

So many layers to this thing. What did I miss?


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48f836 No.22304840

File: 391c246d7d50073⋯.png (227.7 KB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)


>achtung schwulles

proto taint hostility prol

>BO bist fehgel mit shiessekampfs

>und tranny failuur last weaks >>22304768 (You)

>>>>>mental illness drumpf larp slidur fail

>>>>revolving fart larpin feces of deaf queerbait

>>>caffinated colonics doxxin portfolio

>>>cuz ernesto poorass needs rentdisturbed hermaphrodite violatin civil rights

>>prol gittin deleted by faggo BO

crack smockin tranny failuur doxxin civil rights prol canOHduh too #babel #drumpflarp #peterpancreamy

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1cba13 No.22304841


>publicly identified

Put a hit

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0a4728 No.22304843


Let’s see.

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3160f6 No.22304845

File: 1a0a71f25627be3⋯.jpg (369.04 KB,625x725,25:29,1a0a71f25627be3cf53bee4898….jpg)

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0a4728 No.22304846


Anon doesn’t trust a transhumanist loser.

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402882 No.22304847

File: 6426c2fbf0c7948⋯.png (314.22 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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3160f6 No.22304848

File: 70dba01f343165b⋯.jpg (45.71 KB,480x470,48:47,70dba01f343165b38f93629d6a….jpg)

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06972b No.22304849

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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06972b No.22304853

File: e4d5a840acb5407⋯.jpg (105.84 KB,900x601,900:601,e4d5a840acb54077e5f49ab3a0….jpg)

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