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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99161d854161c86edffc2cc….jpg)

f6f05b No.22301375 [View All]

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fa0070 No.22302133

File: c25d3d096ae01af⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x1321,1000:1321,adams_reggae.png)

File: bf675275dbd8123⋯.png (2.1 MB,1864x1196,466:299,Screenshot_2024_12_12_at_1….png)




investigatingly back to you, fake news

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e357df No.22302134


I want to see these two traitors hanged from two very sturdy ropes.

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c638b1 No.22302135


Only 2.5 years? WTF, Treason IMHO.

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e29183 No.22302136

File: dc8f81860acc18f⋯.png (158.14 KB,363x360,121:120,Pepe_Apu_Points_12.png)


Jan6 - No Escaping for [them].

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f566e3 No.22302137


Amen, make God's will be done. Affirm PDJT

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aa9f14 No.22302138

File: 2820605aa5352b4⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x1024,1:1,7537.png)

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4d7b0c No.22302139

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0a273b No.22302140


ah…thank you

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9b2f76 No.22302142

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)


>Metallurgist gets 2.5 years for faking steel-test results for Navy subs

2.5 years for putting our country in Harm’s Way?


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e29183 No.22302143

File: 9ffc4f5c0a34165⋯.png (387.13 KB,750x750,1:1,Pepe_frozen.png)


Colder than…

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bc14c6 No.22302144


that witch's tit does not look cols at all.

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c638b1 No.22302145

File: 695230eb219fa53⋯.jpeg (842.7 KB,1284x1103,1284:1103,real_frog_peace_sign.jpeg)

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fa0070 No.22302146

File: 5252c83f72609a4⋯.png (1.07 MB,1208x932,302:233,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 14390439253c1f2⋯.png (1.25 MB,1080x1426,540:713,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 95c11a4f29d382d⋯.png (2.89 MB,1660x1364,415:341,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 8bcd8f1d51f9202⋯.png (2.86 MB,2156x1292,539:323,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

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9674d1 No.22302147

File: 36e5a70492417eb⋯.png (13.47 KB,255x194,255:194,9a398e0aff599d1ae4802840a1….png)

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fa0070 No.22302149

File: b5842adfe170e68⋯.png (300.7 KB,2430x1184,1215:592,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)





Role Player Military Exercise Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com

Foreign Language Role Player Plays various positions, and/or groups of people representing possible situations in the execution of training scenarios for units …

Visit in Anonymous View


FAMILY RESOURCE GUIDE - U.S. Army Recruiting Command

2012, and USAREC was reorganized under the. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. In October 2012, the SORB was realigned as a separate battalion, and the …


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bc14c6 No.22302150


too stupid to see the blasphemy.

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f566e3 No.22302151


The thing that bothers me is TPUSA had secured most of PA votes and Musk joined them.Then Musk takes all the credit of winning PA without listing TPUSA or Pressler that worked their asses off. That is who Musk is

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f3028a No.22302153

File: f6d760f0e1db4f1⋯.png (286.42 KB,598x593,598:593,ClipboardImage.png)


January 6 Pardon Press Conference 10 AM to 2 PM


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abd231 No.22302155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Colder than…

Frogsicles: Frozen But Still Alive

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195e73 No.22302156

File: b1f0e8075054a58⋯.png (29.95 KB,600x206,300:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4435e31e6a5a13⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,468x486,26:27,a4435e31e6a5a134d8dcf005af….jpg)

Carol Rosenberg

@carolrosenberg 1h

Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay.

We expect some preliminary hearings, possibly tomorrow, ahead of Friday's plea-taking proceedings in the 9/11 case. Five reporters are on the base and have been working on establishing comms with their news organizations.

Jan 6, 2025 · 1:40 PM UTC



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e04802 No.22302158

File: 6b4e5b5af8c4b8f⋯.png (220.84 KB,696x623,696:623,1732241780524503.png)


We live in a country where the president is too retarded to stand trial. Sounds about right.

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171505 No.22302160


look at mini-flynn

little bald fuck

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e357df No.22302161


Jews created the Catholic Church to try to Control Christianity.

Then Jews created the Muslim religion to try to Combat Christianity.

Then when Martin Luther called out the Catholic Church and Protestant churches popped up, the Jews infiltrated those churches and corrupted the leaders.

Jews continue to attack Christianity, by any means necessary.

They hate Jesus and are trying to pave the way for their Anti-Christ, whom they will declare is the Messiah.

Then Jesus will return and the Jews will realize that all of their dirty tricks and schemes have failed.

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fa0070 No.22302163

File: a64c119c77b9089⋯.png (4 MB,1994x1414,997:707,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 7a93ab8aeb3c0bf⋯.png (2.58 MB,1744x1164,436:291,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 1ebbc8ef99e7361⋯.png (599.94 KB,912x790,456:395,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 0a8443dabfadc75⋯.png (4.08 MB,2704x1284,676:321,Screenshot_2024_12_13_at_0….png)

File: 05a5c97777aca04⋯.png (355.78 KB,568x744,71:93,Screenshot_2024_12_13_at_0….png)


buy association

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34c564 No.22302166

File: 66a6bceedd5351d⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


seems too light.

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d8435d No.22302168

File: 481af1105ac770b⋯.png (790.42 KB,720x862,360:431,sf0j3YE3XKrG.png)

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3c3235 No.22302169

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

No one cares about 2 moar weeks

I'll care 2 weeks from now

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fa0070 No.22302170

File: effad616c34c9e9⋯.png (586.58 KB,788x1448,197:362,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_0….png)

File: a87160ef458fb0f⋯.gif (1.93 MB,500x220,25:11,constantine_finger.gif)


buy association



Sep 05, 2018 12:39:27 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d87d5f No. 2887813

Sep 05, 2018 11:52:39 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 527673 No. 2887228



…you're telling me Q just posted again.

Bu-bu-but Micro told me he was ending the LARP.

I feel so used….so ass-fucked (wipes tears)


Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…

Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?

Why are we a threat to them?

Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?

Why was this done in the past?

We knew this type of "attack" was coming.





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5014dc No.22302173


#27278 >>22301379

>>22301738 LIVE: Here We Go! Joint Session of Congress to Count Electoral College Votes

>>22301907, >>22301966 Live 10:45 am ET / 7:45am PT: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make announcement in Ottawa/ Resigns??

>>22301986, >>22302153 Live Stream for Official J6 Pardon Press Conference Starts at 10AM ET on X and Rumble

>>22302096 NEW DAVOS "Collaboration for the Intelligent Age" 20–24 January 2025

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>22301403 New Orleans Collapsing Under the Weight of Wokeness

>>22301414 We are pleased to announce the Inaugural Crypto Ball, presented by BTC Inc. and Stand With Crypto.

>>22301464 Top Justice Department Official in Trump Classified Documents Case Resigns, Jay Bratt

>>22301466, >>22301467 House Report Discloses New Information On Unsolved J6 Pipe Bomber

>>22301507, >>22301640, >>22302106, >>22302107 UK: E-petition debate relating to a general election - Monday 6 January

>>22301536 Fmr. President Carter Lies in Repose in Atlanta

>>22301537 The American Sunrise Show Real America's Voice

>>22301539, >>22301991 insufficient evidence' to charge Saville, 'Sir' Keir Starmer.

>>22301547 Melania to appear in 'unprecedented' documentary exploring her 'unique' life

>>22301560 Marine Corps Base Quantico will be closed on Monday, January 6 CODE RED


>>22301642 @MichaelaFachar I'm blowing the whistle. I'm done listening to this.

>>22301648 The Lawfare Against Rudy Giuliani Continues Apace

>>22301659 Children with autism have elevated levels of steroid hormones in the womb

>>22301667 Russia Has Gained 1,600 Miles of Territory But Suffered High Casualties in 2024

>>22301697 Are There Any Non-Woke Operating Systems?

>>22301751, >>22301965, >>22301972 Reminder:'There Was No THERE, There’ With Biden After 2nd Year in Office.

>>22301756 Philadelphia Inquirer indicates LGBTQ groups and others in liberal voting blocs are buying guns for self-defense

>>22301769 The left still thinks Kamala Harris will be the 47th president on Jan. 20: "Trump's DONE"

>>22301772 ICYMI: Tommy Robinson reveals Senior Police Officers had their photos taken with r*pe g*ng leaders and ch*Id traffıckers



>>22301813 VP Certification is now only ceremonial, Biden Signs Electoral Count Reform Act Into Law/FU DNC kek

>>22301828 James Comer: Republicans have to be ‘100% united’

>>22301844, >>22301988 Biden scolds reporters at White House: 'This is who Joe Biden is', with Joe Concha

>>22301847, >>22301848, >>22301849, >>22301852, >>22301853, >>22301855, >>22301858, >>22301862, >>22301863, >>22301866, >>22301867, >>22301871, >>22301872 The Swamp Today Monday January 6, 2025

>>22301870 ‘ACTION-PACKED’: Incoming official on Trump’s first 100 days

>>22301921 Bookmark and Lurk the irc ANONNEWS feed

>>22301936 War Room Wth Steve Bannon AM Edition

>>22301937 Ahoy The Ship Show

>>22301940 Canadian doctor describes what he believes was the attempted murder of another doctor who was on the covid data task force in Alberta

>>22301942 @realDonaldTrump The story in the Washington Post, quoting so-called anonymous sources, which don't exist, incorrectly states that my tariff policy will be pared back. That is wrong.

>>22301950, >>22301981, >>22302086 NASA/Space/Science/Bewbs or eyes? you decide

>>22301959 40 Percent of Murders in USA Take Place In Soros-Backed Districts

>>22301960, >>22302093, >>22302127 Biggest D.C. Snowstorm in Years Threatens to Derail 2024 Election Certification as Congress Flees Capital Despite Advisory to Stay

>>22301963 "I see it just came over that Biden has banned all oil and gas drilling across 625 million acres of U.S. coastal territory. It's ridiculous. I'll unban it immediately."

>>22301978 Pete Hegseth Has the Votes to be Confirmed as Secretary of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Thune


>>22302061 US Steel, Nippon sue Biden over move to block $14B deal: ‘Shameful and corrupt’

>>22302104 Buckwheat aflight with a mic

>>22302156 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay


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9674d1 No.22302175

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,854x640,427:320,11fa21e8006e16db8ae7de880a….mp4)

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343c3f No.22302177

File: 22f79c4c628fdeb⋯.png (235.97 KB,369x296,369:296,Trump_shooter_pawn.PNG)

File: b8787310f2d9746⋯.png (168.53 KB,357x317,357:317,Trump_shooter_pawn_2.PNG)

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e04802 No.22302182

File: 8c4cc6bdf0bfd44⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,640x480,4:3,8c4cc6bdf0bfd44e186316093f….mp4)

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9b2f76 No.22302186

File: 5fcdd6827c0ef2d⋯.png (1.54 MB,828x1024,207:256,happy_monday.png)


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e29183 No.22302189

File: 337e033ec9f956a⋯.png (226.35 KB,580x480,29:24,Pepe_Sennheiser.png)


Much better song…

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fa0070 No.22302191

File: fae09630dcd8f53⋯.gif (1.46 MB,374x172,187:86,zatoichi_blind_justice.gif)

File: 21329085a4d2885⋯.gif (998.6 KB,500x222,250:111,zatoichi_snow.gif)

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8dfa40 No.22302194

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB,252x263,252:263,Text.gif)


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34c564 No.22302195

File: 21cad042d243e65⋯.png (2.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


gotta do something about these schizo posts.

fast trial, death penalty

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9674d1 No.22302196

File: 271b0a6001a62cd⋯.gif (1.09 MB,280x498,140:249,1734769719.gif)

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abd231 No.22302198


>seems too light.


For 30 years, the Tacoma foundry … produced castings, many of which had failed lab tests and did not meet the Navy’s standards. Elaine Thomas, as Director of Metallurgy, falsified test results to hide the fact that the steel had failed the tests. Thomas falsified results for over 240 productions of steel, which represents about half the castings Bradken produced for the Navy.

“For 32 years, Elaine Thomas betrayed the trust of the United States Navy, knowingly placing its sailors and military operations at risk,” said U.S. Attorney Nick Brown.


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d8435d No.22302201

File: 8a416b778b6cd57⋯.jpg (33.21 KB,257x364,257:364,gzg56zc02u8e1.jpg)


Must suck that your only goal is to "cause a seething choleric temper," your words not mine, in your target and continually fail at it. You're not going to piss me off by imitating everything you can about me here and off-site, chuckles, because you're focusing on what you care about that I do not care about at all: Identity. Two years and all you've done is just expose yourself and your desperation even more.

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5014dc No.22302202

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0556e9 No.22302208

No one left here but 3 letter shills arguing amongst each other?

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e357df No.22302211


A trap for whom?

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9b2f76 No.22302219

File: 0f6495cbe61c523⋯.png (263.94 KB,504x508,126:127,whoa.png)


>seems too light.

Federal prison?

Shortened sentence for good behavior?

It’s a joke!

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34c564 No.22302220

File: 32af45ca076bba4⋯.png (676.06 KB,879x650,879:650,genkil_glasses_flair.png)


gotta be more to this than "pride and ego"… seems like CCP sabotage or similar

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1b6c09 No.22302224


>CBC News


>Role Player Military Exercise Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com

Baker Notable

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abd231 No.22302230


>… seems like CCP sabotage or similar

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?

What if Hussein knew and authorized?


Mar 06, 2018

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9ec140 No.22302238


What a good and brave man.

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17a041 No.22302250

Joe Biden: Demented. Insane with Power.

When a man gets power over anything, a man usually fuks it up. It's fun being a man.

So, be men with me, let us fuk things up. Change only occurs after you insert a bill no larger than $20 into the machine. When I'm in Vegas, it's the only machine I play is the 'Change' machines. I'm breaking even at least.

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5014dc No.22302258

migrate, lockin it up

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