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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

f35c84 No.22282478 [View All]

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1a83c6 No.22283277

File: e257874784003d4⋯.png (214.6 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61d8ce9937757fc⋯.png (1.22 MB,1500x500,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Ghostride the Whip Bitches, Justice is Coming for the Faggot Deepstate Integrated MAGA SCUMRAGS, REAL MAGA CLEANSE

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7bfcf9 No.22283278

Argh, the History…truth hurts my brain…

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334a06 No.22283279


best friends ayyy. no one but a retarded leftest would think that.

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de8824 No.22283280



yes, you state he remote control assassinated the reporter, and imply the same with these new incidents.

yes your articles paint that picture but…

just smells off, will look more into it next bread

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a09b3f No.22283281

File: 329ff1dd930b538⋯.png (650.8 KB,2060x1008,515:252,beta.png)

"Generation Beta"

need pushback on this. Rename them Generation Theta in honor of Trump

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1a83c6 No.22283282


Intel Operation


How do you destroy criminals, by documenting them. Was Trump wearing a wire both times?

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334a06 No.22283283


glad to see the pysop fags who orchestrated the truck attacks are here to announce their gayness

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de8824 No.22283284

FINAL Notables @ 730

#27257 >>22282486

>>22282565 Ukrainians hold torchlit march to honor WWII Nazi collaborator

>>22282573, >>22282641 Dan Truth @ 10:56pm / X @ 10:58pm EST – KARMA

>>22282603 Matt Gaetz X @ 11:08pm EST – "Bring in the MACHINE!"

>>22282630 SEP 2024: Cybertruck Finally Gets Full Self-Driving (Supervised) | WIRED

>>22282640 Dan X @ 11:23pm EST – "The only people I owe my loyalty to are the ones who never made me question theirs."

>>22282664, >>22282833 @MaryanneDemasi: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines

>>22282580, >>22282677 CALL TO DIG: Turo's Parent Company board of directors

>>22282685, >>22282692 Republicans look to defang motion to oust House speaker in new rules package | NYPOST

>>22282764, >>22283196 US Army Soldier Arrested for Allegedly Hacking Trump and Kamala’s Phones, Selling Confidential Phone Records Online

>>22282770, >>22282787 Marc Andreessen shares chart on US revenue from tariffs, Trump quotes @ 12:21am EST

>>22282773, >>22282779 Biden to Block More Offshore Oil Drilling Before Trump Arrives | BLOOMBERG, FOXNEWS

>>22282777 Trump X @ 12:22am EST – "TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!"


>>22282783 Trump X @ 12:22am EST on Open Borders

>>22282786 @JenGriffinFNC: U.S. Army (official) career timeline for Din Jabbar

>>22282791 New Orleans suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar dart board comms?

>>22282794 Elon X @ 12:20am EST shares Milton Friedman quote

>>22282878 The 'godfather' of AI is backing Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI

>>22282895 PF Report: C130 with X callsign out of Quantico looks to be landing at Dyess AFB (Abilene)

>>22282910 Trump Truth @ 12:18am EST – "The U.K. is making a very big mistake. Open up the North Sea. Get rid of Windmills!"

>>22282950 Trump Truth @ 12:34am EST announces his Treasury team, lead by Scott Bessent

>>22282965 Payette, Idaho man has been arrested after planting IED on parked railroad car

>>22282967, >>22282970 White House Job For Schwab Heiress Raises New Ethics Questions For Trump | HUFFINGTONPOST

>>22283065 Russia fines 7 nightclub attendees for 'looking too gay' in their choice of outfits.

>>22283119 VIDEO: Millions leaving Shangai due to economic/govt pressures. Fleeing to US?

>>22283140, >>22283177 HMPV Outbreak In China

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1a83c6 No.22283285


If a Tesla has self-driving features enabled, then why can't other older cars be hacked (as I showed you on the 2014 Cherokee, even cars as old as a 2005 Honda Accord can be remote driven by hackers).

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59cf91 No.22283286

File: d05d90c683abbb9⋯.png (405.22 KB,699x367,699:367,000d.png)


read the drops and you would never would have had to ask that question…

you know?

the drops?

you know?

Q research?

you know???

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000000 No.22283287


are you saying Catholics are munching on Soylent Green and drinking human blood?

Quite certain that's not what Jesus wanted when they had the last super.

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59cf91 No.22283288

File: 2b9e88d33deafbc⋯.png (1.4 MB,1595x963,1595:963,0000000000000000e.png)


oh i understand the need to believe that POTUS was undercover since like 1987

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58f9d4 No.22283289

questions are good when you don't get blindsided by them by supposed allies in an unfamiliuar territory with strange obligations

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1a83c6 No.22283290

Lol, you think I did it? HAHAHAHAH

OMG, ok. I'm exposing how they did it.


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59cf91 No.22283291


how about POTUS is the most expenive bait ever?

how about that?

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334a06 No.22283293

a big shout out to army intelligence. you fucking retards. there is no intelligence in the army.

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1a83c6 No.22283295

File: 2eeda15f23d0279⋯.png (317.88 KB,474x385,474:385,ClipboardImage.png)


Longer than that.

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59cf91 No.22283296

How about you don't walk into a culture that you do not understand and have not read the DROPS in order to prepare yourself?

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59cf91 No.22283298

How about a buncha pussies who hate reality and cannot deal with stress?

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1a83c6 No.22283299

File: ee7244e04c2b6f1⋯.png (134.07 KB,222x418,111:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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de8824 No.22283300

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59cf91 No.22283301

how about 99% in the fucking insane asylum but there you are!!!

chest all puffed out!!

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334a06 No.22283302


hahahhahaha, yeah, you are gay enough to pull that shit. it was sloppy and ghey. your DS handler thinks they're smart.

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a09b3f No.22283303


mccraven needs hanged

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59cf91 No.22283304

How about a buncha butthurt pussies who cannot do much but ad hom?

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1a83c6 No.22283305

CIA Catholics in Action

MOSSAD Jews in Action

Work together.

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59cf91 No.22283307


its not MY METHODS


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c733d4 No.22283308

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59cf91 No.22283310

Its apathetic slaves and those who lead them around by their noses


ya dig?

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1a83c6 No.22283311


Las Vegas NM is not Las Vegas NV

But ok.

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59cf91 No.22283312

and you come here trying to normalize your slave mentality

like a fucking slime trail

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00743f No.22283313

File: 286fc89c4f865ac⋯.png (442.22 KB,1476x1340,369:335,IMG_2902.png)

Dig quality down and arguing with faggots, lock in tards the day of reckoning is upon us. Let the faggots faggot in silence.

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59cf91 No.22283314

File: b32f08aece610ba⋯.png (909.4 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a234.png)

but but but my fucking opinion matters!!!!

ad hom!

ad hom!

unable to fight the data and/or do much of anything but whine about it all…

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1a83c6 No.22283315

File: 7cdc05110461bff⋯.png (446.26 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Watched that Apprentice Movie hit job…

Had a little of The Omen in it…

Full of shit like saying Trump took a drink with Roy Cohn to make a deal and threw up or that he raped Ivana.

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59cf91 No.22283316

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)

File: fdc139f70e502b0⋯.png (310.55 KB,1292x1140,17:15,11b.png)

File: c27766ad8d01f5e⋯.png (533.38 KB,6688x4848,418:303,001f.png)

File: 81c9d1e5cd4ebb4⋯.png (624.08 KB,800x698,400:349,8b.png)

File: e31b551b7102897⋯.png (1.58 MB,1208x2060,302:515,SEEYOU3a.png)

and you want to bump chests with a motherfucker that has paid the dues to be here?

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334a06 No.22283317


let me tell you a secret, they are not in control. CI works both ways.

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1a83c6 No.22283319

File: 09c48dddcff789b⋯.png (212.33 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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59cf91 No.22283320

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,9e.png)

no nigger even comes close!!!

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bcae00 No.22283321

File: 6de7cbd9e0cda11⋯.png (268.8 KB,705x440,141:88,6de7cbd9e0cda111f246be6839….png)

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1a83c6 No.22283322

Guam is the Naval Tip of the Spear

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295dc1 No.22283323



things beyond the dowry

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334a06 No.22283325


you are unaware that Catholics don't like Jews in account they disbelieve in Jesus, correct? seems like you aren't. Catholics and Muslims have more in common.

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295dc1 No.22283326

File: f2107803532ec23⋯.png (762.01 KB,723x939,241:313,ClipboardImage.png)


Herbert Joseph McChrystal Jr. was born in 1924 in the Panama Canal Zone

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59cf91 No.22283327

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,10b.png)


wow yeah hard core!!!

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334a06 No.22283328


what culture?

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55e99c No.22283330

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334a06 No.22283332


you're just saying nothing at this point. you're basically joe biden.

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59cf91 No.22283333

File: 7b192567a8745f5⋯.png (346.79 KB,691x455,691:455,NSNFNF6.png)


not exactly a keeper but effort appreciated!

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bcae00 No.22283334

File: b6fc1f410edfcda⋯.gif (5.32 MB,640x634,320:317,b6fc1f410edfcdac34bcc56f8d….gif)



stole it

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ef9e04 No.22283336

File: 2034a48616764da⋯.jpg (58.92 KB,995x1280,199:256,a0312ae02502ca5c42e730b362….jpg)

File: db5102ef1770ee0⋯.mp4 (56.67 KB,368x464,23:29,e3d4377f3e2a6cdbfda38c9da0….mp4)


Postmaster control their contracts so that the Catholics can't eat their pineal-glands and steel their wealth when they pass on.

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