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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

92fc03 No.22272015 [View All]

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23e621 No.22272825


>Smart Dust

Learn the comms. Q told you it's biblical.

"For dust you are, and to dust you shall return"


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6297fa No.22272826

They will FIGHT

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c9f3ef No.22272827


>Trump Hotel Vegas Explosion bun

Should be called Elon's dumpster fire.

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686f23 No.22272828


Bangladeshi NY subway "bomber"

Was a cover story for something else

"BOMB" was just a large fire cracker (probably stuffed in his pocket)

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56e56f No.22272829


khaki shorts and diapers were found back at the orgy (lair) scene

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41441e No.22272830

File: 33ba5c19e50cbfc⋯.png (749.57 KB,768x768,1:1,33ba5c19e50cbfc4c2c108bdd4….png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>go go juw boat volcano

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5a1f85 No.22272831


>stainless steel

Makes deadly shrapnel.

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2f57e4 No.22272832


over heard on the loud speaker at Trump Tower…..Ok, who ordered the smoked ISIS member on a half truck…

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dd28d7 No.22272833


Deepstate Elon is saying "Trump, do what I want or everyone who drives one of these will burn."

Just how many Tesla cars have burned people to death? Didn't the tech guy who worked at reddit die because one accelerated him into a tree?


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4df67d No.22272834

File: d7b57d7c1927b7b⋯.mp4 (758.4 KB,540x960,9:16,7lgeoSaLLtiTN4Ur.mp4)



Here's vid

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6c972d No.22272835

File: 6a6c8941d2c625e⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1284x2359,1284:2359,IMG_2480.jpeg)

File: 66988183075fd06⋯.png (4.95 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2466.png)

File: 31c100e40840580⋯.jpeg (290.6 KB,1861x1284,1861:1284,IMG_2286.jpeg)

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f9ef72 No.22272836

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74736f No.22272837

File: 70bf83149bd2600⋯.jpeg (170.6 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,GgJO6xGWAAAhLnO.jpeg)

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0e172b No.22272838

File: 5be9d6ec400406a⋯.png (205.42 KB,784x574,56:41,jon_voight_clone_of_christ….png)

File: 67a82b9f16095f2⋯.png (233.8 KB,1202x776,601:388,jon_voight_chris_walken_dr….png)

File: 5d4c41482dcf709⋯.png (82.03 KB,290x219,290:219,jon_voight_christopher_wal….png)

File: 4dd9f80dad6b438⋯.jpeg (687.58 KB,1170x622,585:311,nicole_kidman_s_dad_Dr_An….jpeg)


>I personally think everyone better shut up and not complain

James is a dick when the rubber hits the road.

Many such cases

"Our hollywood guys"

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342f3e No.22272839

File: 8b91f431cfbb4fc⋯.png (72.07 KB,1189x262,1189:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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e66417 No.22272840

File: 9dfbff37a3d5f09⋯.jpeg (146.87 KB,788x683,788:683,IMG_1972.jpeg)



Elon is a massive faggot

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aee82a No.22272841

File: abbc9e7276aadfa⋯.jpg (444.61 KB,918x714,9:7,2025_01_01_17_04_28_179.jpg)

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d6ecdf No.22272842


I'm country. You blow it.

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6c8ee4 No.22272843

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_ISIS_01.PNG)

File: ac5abe9d4f9a641⋯.png (853.14 KB,600x800,3:4,Netanyahu_ISIS_02.PNG)

File: 3d76e62920b794a⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB,Obama_Training_ISIL_Forces.mp4)

File: 847925cf3a20545⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,TRUMP_Obama_Founder_of_ISI….mp4)

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6297fa No.22272844

File: 2393b4303a60b6b⋯.jpg (76.06 KB,798x500,399:250,Kitten_Meme.jpg)

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7c0808 No.22272845


11:01 pm on Jan 1 in Houston?

Houston in the Twilight Zone?

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adca51 No.22272846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a1f85 No.22272847


The Trump / Musk bromance is on the rocks.

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1f5481 No.22272848

File: 2f54c75125ec285⋯.png (857.9 KB,926x600,463:300,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_1….png)

File: e55331ba0dddf19⋯.png (1.35 MB,1130x766,565:383,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_1….png)

File: 69424e79c5bf1f7⋯.png (2.71 MB,1586x1206,793:603,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_1….png)

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a3fa8d No.22272849

File: 617c08caa9ef5a2⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_8kun_top_17357691….png)

File: 0fea0caba14c3db⋯.png (1.44 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_3_bp_blogspot_com….png)



Is that house looking at me.

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da80b7 No.22272850

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eaf5f9 No.22272851

File: ee8092e6d37b7e5⋯.png (1.31 MB,1674x1191,558:397,6EF843F5_CBF6_4D1E_AC75_5A….png)


>Over 150 explosives seized from Virginia home by FBI, largest supply ever taken by agency

Anon didn’t have any desire to hoard explosives, but now anon wants 201.

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aee82a No.22272852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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05a43f No.22272853


Obama created ISIS, first called rebels, then ISIL, morphing into ISIS.

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b21a01 No.22272854

File: 2dc148e0e24ad9a⋯.jpeg (133.95 KB,640x470,64:47,IMG_9887.jpeg)


> Barry Soetoro commands ISIS. He trained them.

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da80b7 No.22272855

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92fc03 No.22272856


HandOff At Top


#27245 >>22272024

>>22272070 On The Way Out The Door, Biden Is Emptying The Coffers

>>22272074 Former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced his resignation from the Knesset

>>22272075, >>22272082, >>22272095, >>22272113, >>22272813, >>22272834 Trump Hotel Vegas Explosion bun

>>22272078, >>22272096, >>22272164, >>22272198, >>22272808 New Orleans New Year's Terror Attack Bun

>>22272092 @JamesOKeefeIII - The hunter has become the hunted.

>>22272140 Scanner feed from the Tesla explosion near the Trump Hotel is operating at tactical channel 6 @OpenMHz

>>22272146 Investigators have video of people placing an explosive device at New Orleans attack site

>>22272257 SHOTS FIRED video after New Orleans Terror Attack

>>22272289 Tesla Cybertruck explosion at Trump hotel in Las Vegas being investigated as potential act of terror

>>22272306 @elonmusk - The whole Tesla senior team is investigating this matter right now

>>22272347, >>22272393 @AdamSchiff Every year, when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, I say “rabbit, rabbit”

>>22272351, >>22272358 CDAN Crazy Days And Nights - Reveal Day has begun. Every fifteen minutes until I get tired.

>>22272388 Just 6 Percent of New S&P Jobs Went to White Applicants in The Wake of George Floyd

>>22272469 @libsoftiktok - Kathy Hochul told us just last week that the subway is safe. Since then…

>>22272505, >>22272568 Pelosi & Schumer statements on New Orleans attack

>>22272659 Special Counsel Jack Smith Withdraws From Classified Documents Case Against Trump Co-Defendants

>>22272663 Catherine Herridge on NOLA Attack - Based on two decades covering terrorism and intelligence…

>>22272686, >>22272564, >>22272815 FBI Houston and the Harris County Sheriff’s Office are currently conducting law enforcement activity

>>22272694 Over 150 explosives seized from Virginia home by FBI, largest supply ever taken by agency

>>22272714 @elonmusk - Cybertruck is the worst possible choice for a car bomb

>>22272716, >>22272779 Fire Erupts at New Orleans Airbnb Rented by Terrorist Who Plowed Over New Year’s Eve Crowd

>>22272724 #OTD in 1962, the U.S. Navy SEALs were established.

>>22272732, >>22272756 NOLA BOOMING

>>22272786 Is there an Isis flag because FB1 brought one along? Or was it really in/on truck?

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7343b0 No.22272857

File: 2e358cbd51f7d88⋯.png (235.12 KB,473x355,473:355,ClipboardImage.png)

Fear & Chaos are the only weapons against Trump

Punish the Public for putting him in Charge

"you wouldn't be punished if you had done what you were told"

This only Verifies that we have made the right decision in putting Trump back in office

It's not Over

It's only Begun

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d6ecdf No.22272858


I'm getting scared!

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43aad6 No.22272860

File: 21e85316cb254df⋯.png (98.22 KB,255x144,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04bb51412c67ca6⋯.png (617.02 KB,1160x653,1160:653,ClipboardImage.png)


>who dis?

Akayed Ullah could be seen on footage in an underground tunnel walkway detonating a bomb on his person during morning rush hour December 11, 2017. Six people were injured in the blast. Ullah injured his hands and stomach.

The 31-year-old Bangladeshi man was convicted on six counts after a one-week trial in the Southern District of New York in 2018. Two of the charges, including using a weapon of mass destruction, carried a maximum sentence of life in prison.



Think currency.


The Bangladeshi taka (code: BDT) is the currency of Bangladesh.


Think fireworks.




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23e621 No.22272861

File: 42ffacfdf11ea0d⋯.png (120.78 KB,307x164,307:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3aa4c No.22272862


the Cybertruck already holds that title

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342f3e No.22272863


It's his yard

He can tell whomever he want to get the fuck off it.

You would do same if someone came to bitch you out in your yard.

just say'n

She can move to another platform.

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33b6ef No.22272865

File: 568fcd16077fece⋯.jpeg (249.61 KB,1023x747,341:249,IMG_2513.jpeg)

File: 31c100e40840580⋯.jpeg (290.6 KB,1861x1284,1861:1284,IMG_2286.jpeg)

File: 61c6afaa7c047b2⋯.jpeg (73.67 KB,565x180,113:36,IMG_2263.jpeg)


You know it is funny someone called up the company I worked for asking if I “remembered buying adds from them in the paper?”

I assume this is the same person…

They seemed to try to talk about a lot of things as if they been watching someone I new. Then they insinuated that you had to buy the ads during a slow time of year. Only thing was they did not know I was not my boss.

Sounds like the same person playing phone games. Quick give money to the media the people placed their by these people need money.

Anyone notice it says not with the P…

How does it sound now when you read it.

Is this mob intimidation of some sort… sounds like you been eating something.

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6c8ee4 No.22272866


Not fireworks they are the individual battery cells flying and exploding.

Fireworks would have a mixture of colours in the explosion

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5a1f85 No.22272867


>harmful false conspiracy theories to take hold.

Also know as unveiling of the truth. Have you learned nothing from the last 8 years.

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000000 No.22272868



>Think currency.

>Think fireworks.





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aee82a No.22272869


Windows fresh install, still have the fuckin stickers on them, ham and eggers

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ca3f22 No.22272870


GP is gay and it's always 17.

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3b5d93 No.22272871

Does Elon working with Trump pose a threat to the Cartels?NO

Does Elon working with Trump pose a threat to terrorists?NO

Does Elon working with Trump pose a threat to the Deep State?YES

WHo set the cybertruck ablaze?

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4df67d No.22272872

File: 96be482747a5c50⋯.jpg (51.93 KB,313x213,313:213,0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)


gj baker

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1561ca No.22272874

File: 7a4af2b008b5cdc⋯.jpeg (501.97 KB,696x1250,348:625,IMG_2411.jpeg)

File: 48d2d70831ad459⋯.png (7.62 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2456.png)

File: 66988183075fd06⋯.png (4.95 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2466.png)

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92fc03 No.22272875

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052a67 No.22272876

File: e82d81b112eb03a⋯.png (259.63 KB,680x525,136:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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542f35 No.22272877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe anon is thinking of this one?

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