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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

b97eaf No.22263860 [View All]

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701 posts and 568 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c9e0bb No.22264800


kek. Anon grew up without the interwebs and a 25 ft cord so I could take the phone with me around the room. Anon thoughts cell phones were retarded af when they came out.

I meant oldfag as in beginning of Q op

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8fb5a5 No.22264801


Simple math does not equal Genius. America has 8 year old with Masters Degrees in Physics what's your point?

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67b029 No.22264802


You're making yourself sound like a stupid racist who didn't have the smarts to get an engineering degree.

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20a140 No.22264803


>He is very obviously trying to pump and dump a shitcoin

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276b83 No.22264804

File: cda3142480bd182⋯.png (414.88 KB,640x437,640:437,ClipboardImage.png)


>the Drones Are Invading Wichita Falls

as falls witchita

so falls wichita falls

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8fb5a5 No.22264806


You never meet any of the super smart ones because you go to sleep when they wake up.

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276b83 No.22264807


he didn't kill his self

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c9e0bb No.22264808

File: 7c95653dcb10ace⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,858x830,429:415,pepe_loser.jpg)


brain chip guy the faggot is using tor

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f56fdb No.22264809

File: d66b83f0f94719d⋯.png (170.48 KB,568x269,568:269,d66b83f0f94719d652718ef3d0….png)

File: 5c6ced8adb2cbf8⋯.webp (32.32 KB,568x555,568:555,5c6ced8adb2cbf8d20e4d05f1….webp)

File: 4e79cf19c43a72a⋯.jpg (94.94 KB,856x568,107:71,nobody.jpg)


>You're making yourself sound like a stupid racist who didn't have the smarts to get an engineering degree.

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0e2628 No.22264812

File: 352113704ef79d3⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,no_vaccine_autisms_studies….mp4)

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276b83 No.22264813

File: 6996e9cd3f3500c⋯.png (402.19 KB,721x468,721:468,psalm_73.png)

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225def No.22264814


December 31, 2024

8:15 PM EST

President-Elect Trump NYE Remarks at Mar-a-Lago

President-elect Donald Trump delivers remarks at his Mar-a-Lago New Year's Eve gala.


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67b029 No.22264815

File: 4a913c0e45b5cfe⋯.png (3.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9e0bb No.22264816


DC is necs

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473a74 No.22264817

File: 1ed732dc0170a55⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,272x480,17:30,00.mp4)

File: 4ba550007022a7f⋯.png (780.66 KB,750x975,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb585d43106b936⋯.png (1.03 MB,750x1173,250:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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3839f5 No.22264819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b59577 No.22264821


mexican guy is showing airport runway lights

the octopus is a balloon with streamers

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b2358e No.22264822

File: 3a0de8d13ebd76e⋯.jpg (511.31 KB,1431x920,1431:920,3a0de8d13ebd76ebe5ceb97d4e….jpg)

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64a1ce No.22264823


But dude they've over played their hands.

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c9e0bb No.22264824

File: 57d859ebee8f9b6⋯.jpg (47.67 KB,750x321,250:107,Pepe_aliens.JPG)

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865f71 No.22264825

File: c8e62af2e8086c9⋯.png (759.19 KB,788x594,394:297,2024_12_31_16_03_28.png)


>Anybody seen a picrel of Nancy since she broke her hip? Are we sure sh'es alive? Maybe she went to GITMO.

Better yet, will Nancy go the way of the rest of them?

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b2358e No.22264826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b1ec80 No.22264827

File: 1384257da3ce8e1⋯.png (118.35 KB,400x348,100:87,pepe_mic_drop3.png)

"But but but, we made the lie big enough and kept repeating it! Why won't these asshole believe our lies? It always worked before this place, why doesn't it work now?"

Because you're chucklefuck chumps doing the same thing that people here are prepared for and can see through, retards. Your personas are irrelevant, the amount of them are irrelevant, if you're posting lies and slander it's seen through. You're not failures because of your ability, shills, you're failures because of your content.

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225def No.22264828

File: 4ad50a99c5c078a⋯.jpg (37.22 KB,474x631,474:631,new_york_e_jean_carroll_20….jpg)

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0e2628 No.22264829

File: 1f5585c828990ce⋯.png (164.76 KB,747x762,249:254,silver_iodide_toxicity.png)

File: 8745273864e0be8⋯.png (309.42 KB,989x870,989:870,silver_iodide_cloud_seedin….png)

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b2358e No.22264830

File: 758204437ff0110⋯.jpg (913.35 KB,1982x1116,991:558,758204437ff0110c4a2ca0081a….jpg)

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64a1ce No.22264831


So true

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b97eaf No.22264832


Baker needs a handoff at top


#27236 >>22263870

>>22263972, >>22263987, >>22264349, >>22264633, >>22264672, >>22264692, >>22263897 Anons reflect on The Ride into a new year

>>22263990 A Georgia state judge, Stephen Yekel, has taken his own life inside his courtroom

>>22264007, >>22264084 Ungar-Sargon: “Of Course Mass Immigration Raises The GDP, It Makes Oligarchs Unbelievably Wealthy.”

>>22264015 Today SpaceX Starlink Mission launched 21 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities

>>22264050, >>22264110, >>22264380 Woman lit of fire in Subway has Pharma connects

>>22264054, >>22264063 #OTD On This Date in Military History

>>22264058 Anti-scale riot fences go up around the US Capitol one week away from January 6 vote certification

>>22264164 Bill Gates will deliver your vaccine using genetically modified mosquitoes as “flying vaccinators"


>>22264178 Puerto Rico Plunges Into Nationwide Blackout, Internet Connectivity Disrupted (video)

>>22264181 Steve Bannon Calls For A Moratorium On All Immigration.

>>22264198 Get ready for the 'New Year Comet': What to expect from Comet ATLAS

>>22264225 In under 48 hours 62 Amish have built 12 tiny homes for just over $300,000 in Boone NC

>>22264227 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said she had a “great meeting” on Monday with President-elect Donald Trump

>>22264252, >>22264253 Coolest space missions coming in 2025

>>22264285, >>22264292 Pentagon Appeals Court Upholds Plea Deals in Sept. 11 Case guilty plea hearing next week

>>22264357 The Pentagon has repatriated a Tunisian prisoner held from the day Gitmo opened, but never charged with a crime

>>22264384 Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan is now praising Trump’s incoming admin

>>22264414 BREAKING - China's Xi says 'no one can stop… reunification' with Taiwan

>>22264457 Ukraine Claims Its Drone Boat Shot Down A Russian Mi-8 Helicopter With A Surface-To-Air Missile

>>22264594 Ben Bergquam Calls For Immigration Moratorium Live From Sanctuary City San Diego

>>22264664 Man Claims the Drones Are Invading Wichita Falls, Texas

>>22264746 U.S. Soldier Indicted for Selling Stolen Phone Records, Including Those of Trump and Harris

>>22264748 FACT CHECK: The polio vaccine did NOT save 20 million children from paralysis over the past 36 years

>>22264770 Vladimir Putin cancels key event amid Ukraine conflict and UFO 'sighting' fears

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8fb5a5 No.22264833

File: c7703483e43c880⋯.png (106.33 KB,435x448,435:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2358e No.22264834

File: b76b4cd7826026c⋯.gif (961.71 KB,500x281,500:281,01l.gif)

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225def No.22264835

File: 787b1e1088aba71⋯.png (249.08 KB,500x313,500:313,what_is_love.png)

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c9e0bb No.22264836

File: 226e135aea149e4⋯.jpg (57.21 KB,1280x720,16:9,white.jpg)

File: 724e89347dfe679⋯.gif (856.63 KB,520x279,520:279,white_power_honk_honk.gif)


he seent it

the leader is white

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c3a8f3 No.22264838

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)

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c3a8f3 No.22264840

File: 0fdb40b9c7f9a5d⋯.jpg (196.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,01s4.jpg)

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8f6166 No.22264841

File: eadf67f1906aff7⋯.png (2.23 MB,1335x960,89:64,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon collects classic rotary phones. Including some old payphones. Anon is a GenX'er and misses the times when life was much simpler.

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225def No.22264842

File: 55eadea5ffd9c77⋯.jpg (36.52 KB,612x412,153:103,thatcher_kissinger.jpg)

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f56fdb No.22264843

File: 7671792997d8d82⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,300x294,50:49,7671792997d8d82c626bf44cd0….jpg)



>7th grade Indians can do math better than 9th grade Americans

If only we had calculators. How are we ever going to compete?

Also, my dick can do math better than a 7th grade Indian and he hasn't even practiced. nobody believes this shit.


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c3a8f3 No.22264844

File: d47f36f3be61a7a⋯.png (127.67 KB,528x570,88:95,tc1.png)

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c9e0bb No.22264845


kek. That's like drinking the poison yourself hoping it kills the other person.

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c3a8f3 No.22264846

File: c8d901eb24ed116⋯.png (88.55 KB,667x960,667:960,28ab688943b227b8c9593f4543….png)

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225def No.22264848

File: 9ff40cd6e8970b1⋯.png (464.77 KB,680x576,85:72,commie_that_one.png)

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ba9767 No.22264849

File: 24f1b68b6023122⋯.jpeg (21.66 KB,862x575,862:575,IMG_7361.jpeg)

File: bc73256813f10c8⋯.jpeg (517.94 KB,1600x898,800:449,IMG_7360.jpeg)

File: 77cc8d083d39c60⋯.jpeg (223.63 KB,1024x724,256:181,IMG_7359.jpeg)


The Mist

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1d4d51 No.22264850

File: d9375606a37a5c1⋯.jpg (77.29 KB,739x796,739:796,Q_sig.jpg)

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c3a8f3 No.22264851

File: d68745ae40c206b⋯.png (284.65 KB,564x674,282:337,1000.png)

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b97eaf No.22264852

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB,684x700,171:175,0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,3b4e1c00535b57b21132992f36….png)

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c3a8f3 No.22264853

File: 89503489d13c451⋯.png (244.2 KB,426x753,142:251,4095.png)

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276b83 No.22264854

File: 6a6a01e5bb4ae47⋯.png (146.15 KB,655x328,655:328,he_s_lying_newsome_.png)

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b97eaf No.22264856

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c3a8f3 No.22264857

File: fa71adc52d6ee8e⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,620x363,620:363,fa71adc52d6ee8eb2e0fc97a15….jpg)

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225def No.22264858

File: 2ae5b01e9a4d5f2⋯.png (379.55 KB,588x400,147:100,don_t_eat_that_monster.png)

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