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File: 2d9330c5da0e2c1⋯.jpg (27.93 KB,800x445,160:89,2024_08_02_3_46_56n.jpg)

91f389 No.22244929 [View All]

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4a7fde No.22245665

File: 95017286b062e08⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,720x960,3:4,h1b.mp4)


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6350ce No.22245666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>and unintentional meaning


>cheap fakes


>deep fakes



What is Schema? Speed Reading & Comprehension with Howard Berg

Schema is the missing piece to being able to read faster, and it plays a critical role in both speed re

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34d778 No.22245667


"Elon responsible for Trump's win"

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b82136 No.22245668


gizzlane's dad?

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97ba71 No.22245669

File: 4e1494a433f9e86⋯.png (206.78 KB,994x1102,497:551,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_3….png)

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.


POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

(the Party of COMMON SENSE)

Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players

(not just Democrats).

Operation Mockingbird

Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.


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2c586e No.22245670

My oh My

Who invited the Riff Raff to the party?

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779186 No.22245671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cuz alec baldwin वास्तवमेव कस्यचित् पुरातनस्य गुण्डस्य गदस्य स्वादनं कर्तुम् इच्छति

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d0e5ad No.22245672


correct, tyvm

was lookin at that key, like UBS


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56600b No.22245673

File: 4925e4e0770fd19⋯.jpg (120.48 KB,900x600,3:2,grim_reaper_with_his_scyth….jpg)

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c01003 No.22245674


oh look!!!

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83cefc No.22245675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2c4aa9 No.22245676

File: 17b75155b0eae7f⋯.png (1.28 MB,838x668,419:334,shiptoast.png)

Last call

…Baking ~@720 or so


27215 >>22244932

>>22245337 Dough claim

>>22244942, >>22244987 Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’

>>22244962 Costco board decries effort to end its DEI programs

>>22244995 Paul Bamba, who broke a Mike Tyson record that stood for 38 years, dies six days after 14th fight of 2024

>>22245027 Spy equipment found on Russian “shadow fleet” tanker detained in Finland after undersea cable damage

>>22245046 The Minnesota DFL is out of control.

>>22245064 PDS Tornado Warning including Nederland TX, Central Gardens TX

>>22245091 Former Freedom Caucus chair on Johnson: ‘I'm going to keep my options open’

>>22245117 Destruction of the 17th US MQ-9 drone in Yemen

>>22245141 Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has been accused of misusing campaign funds.

>>22245150 Bill Maher Confronts Jay Leno With Gambling Debt Rumors

>>22245190 Climate Scam Unraveling: World Bank Really Doesn't Know Where $41 Billion in Funding Goes.


>>22245339 Targeting a Falcon 9 launch from all three launch pads in Florida and California over the next three days

>>22245402 Joe Biden’s Legacy: Homelessness Hits Record with 18 Percent Increase in 2024 Alone

>>22245495, >>22245501 @realDonaldTrump Photos

>>22245515 Marc Andreessen reveals how Trump's DOJ appointee, Harmeet Dhillon, is poised to demolish corporate DEI policies

>>22245564 @MdBreathe is an ENT who saw thousands of patients during the pandemic. Hear her explain some of the debilitating effects that people of all ages are experiencing from the vaccines

>>22245574 Davvn of a Nevv Hope (VIDEO)

>>22245576 HUGE TORNADO ON THE GROUND - Violent Tornadoes Possible - With Live Storm Chasers




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8e8bcc No.22245677


I've seen that phrase alll over x and it's simply not true.

American voters are responsible for Trumps win.

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66c4c4 No.22245678

File: 1aba85a1e51c4d2⋯.jpg (196.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_diogenes.jpg)

Well, back to "Without Remorse." Finally got around to its spot in the reading queue. Really started relating to the character when he was watching that pimp and the drug dealers in the bar, noticing their patterns and assigning nicknames to them. Finished the part earlier with the pressure chamber that literally made me stop and say, "Holy fuck!" I've sure been denying myself some good brain food by avoiding Clancy books since high school.

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c01003 No.22245679


fuck you

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460189 No.22245680

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d3ead5 No.22245681

File: b76c7e89b8cbca1⋯.jpeg (464.11 KB,918x646,27:19,b76c7e89b8cbca16fafd6bd47….jpeg)

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fd7e6a No.22245682

File: 3203576c0e85e88⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,480x270,16:9,Eric_Weinstein_on_Ghislain….mp4)


>gizzlane's dad?

he also weaponized science peer review

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779186 No.22245683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

duh gayest creampie faykwhorpiggie duba donut a nigggay could eva volcano poleland

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afe35d No.22245684


>Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’

and just like that h1-b wasnt a big issue anymore

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1ec43a No.22245685

File: 49e1cf4f1eba54f⋯.jpeg (196.28 KB,1284x680,321:170,IMG_8012.jpeg)

Burn it all down: Jill consumed by vengeance as she prepares her White House exit…. 1/2

December 26, 2024 (2 days ago)

By now, most of us understand that the real “force” behind the day-to-day operations inside the White House was Jill Biden. Let’s be honest—Joe wasn’t capable of much, whether it was finding his way off a four-foot stage or leading the so-called free world. Jill was the one making key decisions that impacted not only our lives but also the very existence of the United States on the world stage—all without any political, business, or negotiating experience.

This was an article written back in July 2024, revealing that Jill Biden was the “real” (fake) president.

Boston Herald:

Jill Biden is becoming the Edith Wilson of America.

Edith Wilson was President Woodrow Wilson’s second wife. She ran the country for a year and a half after Wilson was incapacitated following a massive stroke in 1919.

The public never knew.

This is not to say that First Lady Jill Biden, 73, is running the country today. It is to point out that she is running Joe Biden, 81, which may amount to the same thing.

Edith Wilson’s first move after Wilson’s debilitating stroke was to mislead the nation regarding the bedridden Wilson’s ability to function, let alone continue to serve as president.

The stroke was of such an intensity that it incapacitated Wilson, leaving him permanently paralyzed on the left side of his body and blind in one eye.

While Wilson was confined to his White House bed and barely conscious or rational, Edith Wilson, in effect, took over the presidency—and the country.

Even after Wilson went from a sick bed to a wheelchair, his health continued to deteriorate. His mind wandered and his memory diminished.

There was no 25th Amendment to allow for the replacement of an incapacitated president as there is now. That amendment was only passed in 1967.

And back then, thanks to his loyal wife, nobody outside of the White House knew what a basket case Wilson was, including the press and the public. He died at age 67 in 1924 after leaving the White House.

Before that, Edith Wilson became sort of acting president. She allowed only a few trusted friends to see the bedridden Wilson.

Those prohibited from seeking and conferring with President Wilson included genial Vice President Thomas P. Marshall, Cabinet members and members of Congress.

If they had policy issues or other business with the president, they would present the matters to Edith Wilson, and she would then allegedly confer with the stricken president and return with a decision.

Whether the decisions were President Wilson’s or hers remained an open question.

Edith Wilson, who died in 1961 at age 89, later denied making any decisions regarding public affairs. “The only decision that was mine,” she said, “was what was important and what was not, and the very important decision of when to present the matters to my husband.”

Translatedthat means that to get to the president on important matters of state you had to get to the unelected president’s wife first, not the vice president, the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate.

Edith Wilson became the “first” woman president, the unelected decider in chief.

It also means that an unelected individual cannot get much more powerful than that in this representative democracy.

Joe Biden is nowhere as bad off as Wilson was, despite his obvious decline both physically and mentally. He will continue to get worse, not better. He will not do any better at a second presidential debate. Time does not work that way.

And as demands that he not seek re-election continue to persist, the role ofJill Biden as the president’s hovering caretaker and advisor have become Edith Wilson-like. Biden can barely walk or talk without her at his side.

One way out of his dilemma, and the dilemma of the troubled Democrat Party—as well as for the good of the country — is for Joe Biden to step aside and nominate Jill Biden for president.

A Jill Biden for president – a woman! — would give Donald Trump something to worry about.

Biden could do it at the Democrat Party convention in Chicago in August by turning all his delegates over to Jill Biden…


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34d778 No.22245686




Bannon admits it if you listen to the clip.

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a00031 No.22245687


die mf, die

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2c4aa9 No.22245688

File: 894858db4d5cc6a⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,434x592,217:296,JupiterAlgardi.jpg)


…Baking now


27215 >>22244932

>>22245337 Dough claim

>>22244942, >>22244987 Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’

>>22244962 Costco board decries effort to end its DEI programs

>>22244995 Paul Bamba, who broke a Mike Tyson record that stood for 38 years, dies six days after 14th fight of 2024

>>22245027 Spy equipment found on Russian “shadow fleet” tanker detained in Finland after undersea cable damage

>>22245046 The Minnesota DFL is out of control.

>>22245064 PDS Tornado Warning including Nederland TX, Central Gardens TX

>>22245091 Former Freedom Caucus chair on Johnson: ‘I'm going to keep my options open’

>>22245117 Destruction of the 17th US MQ-9 drone in Yemen

>>22245141 Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has been accused of misusing campaign funds.

>>22245150 Bill Maher Confronts Jay Leno With Gambling Debt Rumors

>>22245190 Climate Scam Unraveling: World Bank Really Doesn't Know Where $41 Billion in Funding Goes.


>>22245339 Targeting a Falcon 9 launch from all three launch pads in Florida and California over the next three days

>>22245402 Joe Biden’s Legacy: Homelessness Hits Record with 18 Percent Increase in 2024 Alone

>>22245495, >>22245501 @realDonaldTrump Photos

>>22245515 Marc Andreessen reveals how Trump's DOJ appointee, Harmeet Dhillon, is poised to demolish corporate DEI policies

>>22245564 @MdBreathe is an ENT who saw thousands of patients during the pandemic. Hear her explain some of the debilitating effects that people of all ages are experiencing from the vaccines

>>22245574 Davvn of a Nevv Hope (VIDEO)

>>22245576 HUGE TORNADO ON THE GROUND - Violent Tornadoes Possible - With Live Storm Chasers




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c7fdf7 No.22245689


the satan shill does his whole

"Oh, I'm reasonable, people don't need to ever do labor, let's just have slaves from over seas" and then the tell, spelling America as a pejoratie that means "one who performs oral sex"

this is what they do: they openly defecate in the breads pretending it's fertilizer.

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6350ce No.22245692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The evil demon, also known as Deus deceptor, malicious demon, and evil genius, is an epistemological concept that features prominently in Cartesian philosophy. In the first of his 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes imagines that a malevolent God or an evil demon, of "utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to deceive me." This malevolent God or evil demon is imagined to present a complete illusion of an external world, so that Descartes can say, "I shall think that the sky, the air, the earth, colours, shapes, sounds and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which he has devised to ensnare my judgement. I shall consider myself as not having hands or eyes, or flesh, or blood or senses, but as falsely believing that I have all these things."

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779186 No.22245693

File: fa7295f9157a3fb⋯.png (4.76 KB,286x176,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

unpaid iranian goathomo blames rabbi joshua

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d0e5ad No.22245694


bullshit diagnosis

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5c1bc3 No.22245696



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c7fdf7 No.22245697



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afe35d No.22245698


man get some help, seriously

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c01003 No.22245699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2 times 3 make 4


1 and three makes nine

I see the world

Widdewidde the way I want to

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9fec09 No.22245701


Dominion stole the leadership from her. In Canada.

Trudeau couldn't beat her so they gave it to weak men trudeau could plausible beat.


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1ec43a No.22245702



She could then keep Kamala Harris on as a running mate or replace her with California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Pretty scary when you think about it.

With all that in mind, it’s no surprise that the “fakest” president of all time is fuming over being so crudely stripped of her power. So, asJill plans her exit from the White House, she’s absolutely seething with vengeance and embracing a full-on “burn it all down” mentality.(I'd be surprised if she leaves)


A source said: “Jill views Democrats on Capitol Hill, the [wider] party, the Obamas, staff inside and outside the White House, the media, and all of Washington DC with such misguided resentment that I can’t imagine she [isn’t] encouraging [Joe] to burn the whole thing down, despite his better judgment.”

Former house speaker NancyPelosi may be first in line to be impactedby Jill’s wrath after she is said to have led the effort to push Joe out of the 2024 election – sources claim she personally called him and demanded he quit.

Earlier this month, at the annual Kennedy Center Honors, Pelosi was seated far away and out of Joe and Jill’s eye-line. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris – who lost her bid to become the 47th president to Donald Trump – and her husband, Doug Emhoff, were in the presidential box next to the Bidens, but those in attendance noted the president and the First Lady did not look at them.

Rumors swirling around DC suggest that Jill (and Joe) derailed Pelosi and Obama’s plans by quicklyendorsing the biggest political dud on the planet: Kamala Harris—and those rumors are likely 100 percent true. Let’s be real—there’s never been any love lost between the Harris and Biden camps. Long before the coup, and even after, it’s been clear that the Bidens can’t stand Kamala.


That quick, out-of-nowhere endorsement of Kamala wasn’t a “nod” of support for the flailing veep. It was actuallyJill’s first calculated act of vengeance against the power players in the Dem Party.The Knewz piece goes on:

Democratic mega-donor, attorney John Morgan, believes Biden may have forced Harris to run against Trump to spite Pelosi and Barack Obama who weren’t sure the Vice President could win the race.

Morgan claimed:“[Biden] basically had the palace coup from all directions, from George Clooney to Pelosi. I think he got pissed off [and] said, ‘F*** you’, and gave us Harris.

“Pelosi had told her delegation that there would be a convention and a nominating process. And Barack Obama did not endorse [Harris] for five days.”

So, the question remains:will Jill burn it all down, or will she and Joe quietly crawl away, fading into obscurity as they slither off into the sunset? At this point, it’s anyone’s guess.

But if you ask us, Jill will likely cave and leave quietly. Sure, her senile husband might not have much time left, but Jill likely does. Will she want to spend her golden years shunned by her party’s power players and mocked (or worse, ignored) by the left-wing propaganda media? Probably not.

Jill is an opportunistic, power-crazed woman with an ego way too big to be relegated to a shameful footnotein Dem history.

She’ll toe the line, play the part of the loyal little puppet, and wait it out. And when Joe is long gone, the Dems and their media vipers will carve out a fake hero narrative for her, complete with the phony accolades she craves so much.


All of this destruction of America and American Politics, is completelyBarak Insane Obama's faultbecause he was so concerned about hisfucking evil fake "Legacy"(that mainstream programmed into American's head for 20 years).These stupid acts of his, destroyed his own Legacy, and especially with the 25% black people that voted Trump. He had the audacity to chastise black men were saying they were "racist and sexist" if they didn't vote for the firstFake Black Womanfor President. He totally ignored the economic, family and life destruction foisted upon them and all Americans, for the evil that Bidan, and Obama did, because these were his policies, and what they wanted to do America.

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91f389 No.22245703


>"Elon responsible for Trump's win"

yeah, let's pretend Elon's running Trump.


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8e8bcc No.22245705

I don't want to be mean, but with firefox I have serious problems with posting on this forum while indian made epic browser works perfectly fine here.

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a00031 No.22245706


I am amazed you can read, and write.

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2c4aa9 No.22245707

File: c3119fc7d1aa2ec⋯.jpg (166.9 KB,1500x923,1500:923,1188402_1834863241.jpg)

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779186 No.22245708

File: 10b44667a4d230c⋯.png (4.1 KB,286x176,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)


>unpaid iranian goathomo blames rabbi joshua


is a


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75a402 No.22245711


Elon and Theil bought the Presidency for Trump. Do you think he really won all 7 swing states? No! Its only an illusion of democracy, anon. America was bought by the billionaires and we have to see what all they have in store for us.

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3fa5a2 No.22245712

File: 89ccb8f1781f9a1⋯.png (755.01 KB,583x1011,583:1011,6_sus_terrorist_isis_ties_….png)

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c01003 No.22245713


they can spy faster

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460189 No.22245716


Thanks for posting this Anon

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775657 No.22245717


>Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’

>Vivek Ramaswamy, who is slated to run the Department of Government Efficiency with Musk, backed Musk and offered a critique of American society.

>“American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence,” Ramaswamy wrote on X.

>Trump’s Saturday comments come a day after Musk vowed to go to “war” on the issue, telling one mocking opponent to go “f–k yourself.”

None of this qualifies as "Americans First". Fuck You Rocket Man.

Elon Musk worked in US illegally in 1995 after quitting school – report

Elon Musk worked in US illegally in 1995 after quitting school – report

Elon Musk briefly worked illegally in the US after abandoning a graduate studies program in California, according to a Washington Post report that contrasted the episode with the South African multibillionaire’s anti-immigration views.


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3fa5a2 No.22245719

File: 5cf911f6b3a5774⋯.png (420.17 KB,1100x800,11:8,buzzfeed_Russia_dossier_cl….png)

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3fa5a2 No.22245722

File: cc3b1d46d770963⋯.png (17.07 KB,588x210,14:5,elon_musk_kek_02292024.png)

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397f23 No.22245723

File: 58e9a600a21d67a⋯.png (217.98 KB,384x384,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>22244899 pb

>Redacted: Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion (one year later)

"Conspiracy theories are just 6 month spoiler alerts"

When they tell you who they are, listen.

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8e8bcc No.22245724


Ahhh, maybe that is a good thing, I never use this browser but from now on maybe only on here.

It would be good for them to see what I have to say.

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9fec09 No.22245725


where has anons heard that before.

Chuckie cheese


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3fa5a2 No.22245726

File: 419ea9209bb348a⋯.png (473.5 KB,900x501,300:167,bloodbath_hoax_03192024_Ca….png)

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