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File: b672561f39b2c7b⋯.png (73.37 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

f4d482 No.22092629 [View All]

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701 posts and 537 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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abfa8d No.22093616

File: 37649fb0c449d7f⋯.jpeg (17.46 KB,360x270,4:3,IMG_8531.jpeg)

Gm Anons, feds, and shills

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6249de No.22093617

File: a1fe02957a14ed0⋯.png (566.32 KB,1000x555,200:111,ClipboardImage.png)

Is Obama a gay muslim raised by a tranny?

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ec87e2 No.22093618

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordy and God bless

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6249de No.22093619


>Kiev too weak to retake territory

breaking fucking news

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6b3f64 No.22093620


>Is Obama a gay muslim raised by a tranny?

or is he the antichrist?

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077904 No.22093621


Yes, they do. There are many such families in America. Just like mine.

If good families didn't exist, then Trump wouldn't have gotten elected.

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d71f7a No.22093622


Another day, another meme stolen.

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38f9d1 No.22093623


how many times did hunter fuck natalie?

her love name for him was "unca"

a crack addicted uncle fucking his underage niece, a true blue american love story

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34d209 No.22093624


you baking?

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6b3f64 No.22093625


>If good families didn't exist,…

then the whole world would look like 125th Street.

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eeda91 No.22093626

File: de40feefdd6269e⋯.jpg (551.36 KB,1440x2560,9:16,f3365c7d51ab8ad8a608a93d25….jpg)

File: 1edbe744c14eaaa⋯.png (620.68 KB,1133x1871,1133:1871,Screenshot_2024_12_02_at_0….png)







Ask yourself a very simple Q -

How did someone die from this type of accident?

Severity of impact?


Do you believe in coincidences?


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572d26 No.22093627


You are spot on anon. This fight is eternal. They will never give in until they are made irrelevant in charting the future course of this nation. Even if that ever happens, they will continue on the "Long March Forward".

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abfa8d No.22093628

File: d64738fcab96e9a⋯.jpeg (94.6 KB,941x1344,941:1344,IMG_1258.jpeg)


Ur welcome

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38f9d1 No.22093629


>Just like mine.

hahaha you fucking cocksucking loser

me me me me

mine mine mine

die in a car wreck tmoro

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454ae5 No.22093630

File: 3e02cd7053cccd1⋯.png (21.78 KB,710x364,355:182,156_3.png)

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6b3f64 No.22093631


>the "Long March Forward"


Like termites. A fact of life.

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6249de No.22093632

File: a3aae4117a6f0d8⋯.mp4 (130.62 KB,540x540,1:1,ofgoats.mp4)


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38f9d1 No.22093633


you sound vaccinated

how is your DNA?


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5654eb No.22093634


you wanna take it at the top and I ride 6?

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0758ce No.22093635

File: 91069229ee8cee4⋯.png (156.22 KB,442x547,442:547,liberalism.png)

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64768b No.22093636

File: aa7a5a9806b267a⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,612x536,153:134,0hm3mcv31o4b1.jpg)


this meme is literally you, look at all your comments. All hate and condescension.

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629ff2 No.22093637

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629ff2 No.22093638

notables bun @670

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#27046 >>22092639


>>22092662, >>22093082, >>22093284, >>22093420, >>22093454, >>22093569 Hunter Biden's pardon shows rulebook being rewritten

>>22092692 KEK Biden should resign so Harris can have presidential moment: Bardella

>>22093147 UK Government Scrap Winter Fuel Payments for 10 Million Pensioners

>>22093089, >>22093099, >>22093106, >>22093112, >>22093176 INSIDE NO 10 Keir Starmer lines up Labour relaunch … but is it mission impossible? - the times and anons summary opine.

Ghost grab

>>22093273 elon w/CAP: Community Notes slays

>>22093279 CEO of fourth-largest automaker Stellantis resigns

>>22093379 "Patriot Front" proves they were FBI all along. They just announced they're shutting down, right after Kash was named Director of the FBI

>>22093388 Canadian encrypted Sky ECC phones were connected to the criminal underworld. European police managed to intercept their messages and crack the code

>>22093441 Judge enforces subpoena against ActBlue, opening new front in Democrat fund-raising probe

>>22093507 9:15 AM EST Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

>>22093576 Ahoy! The Ship Show - 12/02/2024

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6b3f64 No.22093639



how anons do it.

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ec87e2 No.22093640

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


At the end of the day, Joe is just a scumbag that never did an honest days work in his life.

Where would Joe be if not for politicking?

Just sayin'…

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572d26 No.22093641


I tracked AF1 one day on ATC live. Even though the callsign is empty the crew still checked in with the ARTCC's with the AF1 callsign. ATC also acknowledged, Roger AF1, Flt level 370".

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85dd87 No.22093643

File: b158938bc043f93⋯.png (76.57 KB,474x347,474:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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629ff2 No.22093644



final bun for #27046

#27046 >>22092639


>>22092662, >>22093082, >>22093284, >>22093420, >>22093454, >>22093569 Hunter Biden's pardon shows rulebook being rewritten

>>22092692 KEK Biden should resign so Harris can have presidential moment: Bardella

>>22093147 UK Government Scrap Winter Fuel Payments for 10 Million Pensioners

>>22093089, >>22093099, >>22093106, >>22093112, >>22093176 INSIDE NO 10 Keir Starmer lines up Labour relaunch … but is it mission impossible? - the times and anons summary opine.

Ghost grab

>>22093273 elon w/CAP: Community Notes slays

>>22093279 CEO of fourth-largest automaker Stellantis resigns

>>22093379 "Patriot Front" proves they were FBI all along. They just announced they're shutting down, right after Kash was named Director of the FBI

>>22093388 Canadian encrypted Sky ECC phones were connected to the criminal underworld. European police managed to intercept their messages and crack the code

>>22093441 Judge enforces subpoena against ActBlue, opening new front in Democrat fund-raising probe

>>22093507 9:15 AM EST Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

>>22093576 Ahoy! The Ship Show - 12/02/2024

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6b3f64 No.22093645


>Where would Joe be if not for politicking?


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0264cf No.22093646


well, i don't know about the rest of that crazy shit you are talking about

i was just agreeing with you that BOTH online dating AND IRL is a minefield for heterosexual conservative constitutionalist. That was all.

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0758ce No.22093647


classic blunder

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d540f1 No.22093648

ack niggah

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6249de No.22093649

File: 9a87095564eef2e⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,576x1024,9:16,Plezi_Fizz.mp4)


>Is Obama a gay muslim raised by a tranny?

Is Michelle actually a man?

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38f9d1 No.22093651


yet you have that meme on your computer!

kek, pure projection on your part

sigmund freud would have a ball with you on his couch

daddy issues?

mommy issues?

maybe you want to fuck your sister or brother perhaps?

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572d26 No.22093652


>Like termites. A fact of life.

Great analogy anon. Termites.

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077904 No.22093654

File: 18d1e61e669fc26⋯.jpeg (152.23 KB,434x408,217:204,IMG_1320.jpeg)

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64768b No.22093655



Hey condescension shill, see meme lol

Your divide anons approach is weak, and you've literally only said negative comments to random anons here.

Not a single positive comment, and so we have to thinking critically and ask, why are you even here? We all know why lol, maybe you're a bot, but I suspect you're a genuine liberal based on the "appeal to authority" condescension approach.

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618204 No.22093657


He´s a black zionist.

bad circumcisions are bad.

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d540f1 No.22093661



nuland's own

brought to you my m.i.c.

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cb89e4 No.22093662



But, whatever. You're the Internet expert and I doubt I'll change your mind on the matter.

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077904 No.22093663

File: c8c74c57c826c38⋯.gif (1011.46 KB,200x322,100:161,200w.gif)

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34d209 No.22093665



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64768b No.22093667


Israel is the organ harvesting center of the world lol, I suspect this comment will trigger you harder than any of my others.

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572d26 No.22093668


And the key word here is "Ongoing". Although there is no SoL's for Treason the conspiracy continues to this day.

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6249de No.22093669


but is he a gay muslim raised by a tranny though

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629ff2 No.22093670

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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af1ae0 No.22093671

File: 36fa9071cd4d182⋯.png (948.9 KB,1013x919,1013:919,36fa9071cd4d182fb253a99e15….png)


yeah good questions

if only Kash would be able to proove election fraud (20 mil votes) in court then all that biden did goes to shit

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38f9d1 No.22093672


You are a weakling, a cucked manlet loser

I will chew you up and spit you out and smear you on the sidewalk without blinking

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6249de No.22093673


u r a fagot

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64768b No.22093674


denounce the talmud lol

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