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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

89d877 No.22078138 [View All]

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700 posts and 423 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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39714c No.22078993

File: 35f4cc636d543e9⋯.png (219.55 KB,423x313,423:313,nowomanthatgood.png)

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9aaf17 No.22078995

File: d520dc3fe674044⋯.jpeg (48.77 KB,534x482,267:241,e9a41a26d8956a2340fdea938….jpeg)

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2618b1 No.22078997


that's why all must come to him, try not to have hurts most innocent, those amongst flailing weak or strong big or little the nerve bending yelp never quits just as much as we feel the desperation of the world call hold

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7b8d19 No.22078999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e43461 No.22079001


Like an invasion from all the pajeets Trudeau invited in?

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db6298 No.22079002


Дерево лещины только что проросло

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5a894e No.22079004


>My current Mary Magdalene loves Morrison.

>I still love her, and you.

I am blessed, rabboni.

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15b80c No.22079006

File: 508145768f3390c⋯.jpeg (126.7 KB,1280x640,2:1,IMG_0117.jpeg)


She and Hochul forget NYC is a deep water Port and considered part of the border. They may find themselves jailed by Border Patrol for aiding and abetting invaders.

Fuck around and find out

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39714c No.22079007

File: aeb64002b1100c7⋯.jpeg (134.47 KB,1129x1417,1129:1417,sacrifice.jpeg)


>GITMO express warmed up and ready for passengers.


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9aaf17 No.22079008

File: dae0da1f2ad0009⋯.jpeg (21.33 KB,431x427,431:427,1ee2c8bc3420534c4a390fc37….jpeg)

Whats the latest on the Game graphic ?

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c09fec No.22079009


Spread your wings and Be Free. Sing your songs for the whole world.

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9aaf17 No.22079011

File: 2afe98110e30f53⋯.gif (85.54 KB,356x480,89:120,a63476631c.gif)

What's up my Q babes

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cbad84 No.22079012

File: 43ecc451994b10f⋯.jpg (126.02 KB,1061x1050,1061:1050,690.jpg)


Bend The Knee- 🚨 #BREAKING: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in West Palm Beach and will meet with President-elect Trump tonight at Mar-a-Lago - Bloomberg https://x.com/ericldaugh/status/1862636092911943941?s=46

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14608a No.22079013

File: ffb3cf6b824a790⋯.png (1.41 MB,1364x768,341:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1f5a3 No.22079017

File: 855c17031e1c71b⋯.png (36.56 KB,460x399,460:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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9aaf17 No.22079020

File: 8e8dd73095e0639⋯.jpg (107.7 KB,453x564,151:188,8e8dd73095e0639cc2d386488d….jpg)

File: 8f8a1ffb6a89936⋯.gif (4.92 MB,600x338,300:169,8f8a1ffb6a899369fb87bdda0f….gif)

File: 8fe03e08d7e992d⋯.jpg (37.59 KB,640x651,640:651,8fe03e08d7e992d45bd0892b40….jpg)

File: 18ec61cdd0347de⋯.jpg (50.57 KB,680x860,34:43,18ec61cdd0347de05830214c9f….jpg)

File: dace66226433c13⋯.jpg (117.21 KB,1184x620,296:155,37_year_old_man_with_down_….jpg)


WOW 43 post faggot unleashed ! Troll harder !

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db6298 No.22079021

File: b1491c2a3f5f888⋯.jpg (83.34 KB,750x1000,3:4,bg_f8f8f8_flat_750x_075_f_….jpg)

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14608a No.22079022

File: d8d6788aeed5cd8⋯.png (201.4 KB,299x598,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a894e No.22079023


Sagan was popular, but 'most respected'? In the shadow of Edwin Hubble. Even Halton Arp.

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d47928 No.22079025



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15b80c No.22079026

File: 6c1334ec9231d2c⋯.jpeg (65.15 KB,423x625,423:625,IMG_0084.jpeg)


Liar from the beginning is the evil one.

Doom to You, the endless lake of fire awaits

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65648c No.22079027


It's the prototype version of the blow up doll.

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c54483 No.22079028

File: 0f384b6ee9d1d0c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1082x526,541:263,Screenshot_2024_11_29_at_1….png)

File: 2b140086526ed3a⋯.png (1.94 MB,1338x666,223:111,Screenshot_2024_11_29_at_1….png)

File: b512346e6cc9a9b⋯.png (1.67 MB,1342x566,671:283,Screenshot_2024_11_29_at_1….png)

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9aaf17 No.22079031

File: 0d9167390d6e2bd⋯.gif (823.57 KB,260x173,260:173,0d9167390d6e2bda60055968ac….gif)


No fren . Q is in control and we are watching a movie .It's really that simple. The signs have all been shown in the heavens Are you new ?

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cbad84 No.22079032

File: 0b9e0251d7fc994⋯.png (1.05 MB,875x972,875:972,858.png)

File: 629ed4f9321858b⋯.png (355.75 KB,568x642,284:321,860.png)

File: a03b875d87c8b01⋯.jpg (97.83 KB,500x833,500:833,655.jpg)

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1c7660 No.22079033


>Where is the image of Leticia James looking not so great?

this question intimates there is an opposite

of which, i've never seen

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14608a No.22079034

File: 227a3b029c8a040⋯.png (73.9 KB,397x713,397:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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89d877 No.22079036

Guess who is GHOSTING at top?


next bread needs a baker



#27030 >>22078148

>>22078187, >>22078268 @AlexanderSoros gone homo and Joy Reid officially BROKEN because JD Vance

>>22078190 Alina Habba On the Failed Lawfare Attempts Against Trump

>>22078201 Bill Clinton ‘couldn’t sleep for two years,’ prone to ‘outbursts of rage’ after Hillary lost to Trump

>>22078206 X22 - Zelensky Agrees for First Time to Cede Territory to Russia in Order to End War

>>22078230 Four year ethics ban on 3 and 4 star General Officers and Flag Officers going to defense contractors after retirement

>>22078240 Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal before inauguration

>>22078244 @MarcoPolo501c3 - HERE is the embodiment of neocons you pledged to root out. @MorganOrtagus

>>22078252 James O'Keefe Discusses the Significance of Trump's Victory on Charlie Kirk show

>>22078256 Biden-Harris Regime Weaponizes Dept. of Education Against Christian Colleges and Universities

>>22078270 Fauci Still Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Private Chauffeur & a fully staffed U.S. Marshals security detail

>>22078284 Gun manufacturer thanks Elon Musk for 'X' after being suspended by Facebook

>>22078285 Mark Zuckerberg visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago, reportedly 'wants to support the national renewal'

>>22078299 Google’s Anti-Trump Bias Is Alive And Well

>>22078308 Scott Presler says he will help Ken Paxton primary John Cornyn in 2026

>>22078335 Why Barron Trump is 'smarter' than Kamala Harris' 'entire' campaign



>>22078472 Elon Musk: “Inflation, throughout history, has been used as a pernicious tax.

>>22078500 RonPaul & RandPaul Took some time for a conversation under the Liberty Tree this Thanksgiving weekend

>>22078570 Meathead spent years calling Trump supporters white nat'lists - apologizes by disappearing

>>22078590, >>22078670 Hakeem Jeffries Claims Democrats Received Bomb Threats on TG

>>22078653 D.O.G.E DAYS - The Purge Of The US Government

>>22078681, >>22078826 #BREAKING: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been told to arrive at Mar-a-Lago

>>22078755 @DanScavino Out and about in my hometown. There’s a renewed American Spirit out here!

>>22078853 "You Operate Off Of Stolen Valor": Winters Hammers Alexander Vindman For Putting America Last

>>22078904 @WarRoom - Phillip Patrick On President Trump's Economic Cabinet

>>22078991 Pete Hegseth Plan To Rid Military Of Transgender And Forced Vaccinations

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c09fec No.22079037


What are the odds that I am Jesus in the flesh? How many numerical coincidences have there been? How many members of your family have you lost swept up in this current? We are all family.


After being saved, anger comes first. It's ok. It's natural feel it all out. But allow it to become love once again.

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cbad84 No.22079043

File: 7035d1f2c76b948⋯.png (923.86 KB,1047x586,1047:586,658.png)

File: e12cc325ef028e3⋯.jpg (102.24 KB,828x856,207:214,601.jpg)

File: 248d2be311886e5⋯.png (720.94 KB,700x350,2:1,9998.png)

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6c42ce No.22079044

File: ddab1c57a045047⋯.png (167.67 KB,369x434,369:434,putinnn.png)


>Assad, Iran and Russia have lost!

lost what?

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9aaf17 No.22079045

File: e5e4bb2de8da859⋯.png (304.09 KB,480x360,4:3,9032227af72ee376bdce3c3f09….png)

File: d6d258935c2fde2⋯.jpg (91.18 KB,432x656,27:41,d6d258935c2fde25f41468490a….jpg)


44 posts ….MEHHH

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5a894e No.22079047

File: 44df4c13fa8921e⋯.png (85.99 KB,840x988,210:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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badd54 No.22079049

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WE MADE THANKSGIVING GREAT AGAIN!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳 Patriots still dancing



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fe4b74 No.22079050

File: ee744e0c8478ea1⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,255x204,5:4,IMG_7769.jpeg)


> Elect Me!

> And You'll Get These!

Don’t let her beguile you with those big old titties!

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9aaf17 No.22079051

File: 1cb8ac413e39301⋯.png (447.2 KB,493x583,493:583,1cb8ac413e39301b2f7df7026c….png)

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c09fec No.22079052

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242c4a No.22079054

File: 7cb16ca56fd746f⋯.png (336.8 KB,452x561,452:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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e43461 No.22079055

File: 1d92c5e23225a52⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,1280x592,80:37,1d92c5e23225a52ca6bd94a598….mp4)

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89d877 No.22079056

File: 04b32264d958b1a⋯.jpeg (205.52 KB,999x1465,999:1465,buok_2020_07_22_02_12_08_….jpeg)

File: 6b30c4eab0bb912⋯.png (1.79 MB,1151x796,1151:796,_By_the_Dawn_s_Early_Light….png)

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,c031f7fa9e48744d18fb60b3e3….png)

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db6298 No.22079057


cuz regardless the level of devotion

calling every damn night on the telephone

she'll knee you in the nutz and

call you faggot

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89d877 No.22079061

File: 0d0798d83f34233⋯.png (1001.95 KB,707x901,707:901,0d0798d83f342332d2f6349b77….png)

File: 0d2263963c16f47⋯.png (367.01 KB,514x632,257:316,0d2263963c16f47bece2278301….png)

File: 0f719507f43dfca⋯.png (349.41 KB,453x404,453:404,0f719507f43dfcaca8dcaabf13….png)

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c54483 No.22079062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>watching a movie

of course you are

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b127a3 No.22079063

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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89d877 No.22079066

File: 35dea673a7d528e⋯.png (177.75 KB,255x255,1:1,35dea673a7d528eab948c47e2d….png)

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d47928 No.22079069

File: dd0473ea8decc40⋯.png (195.87 KB,477x369,53:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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691190 No.22079078

File: ed73fd77ac6bef9⋯.jpg (241.39 KB,1160x629,1160:629,ed73fd77ac6bef942d40d509cf….jpg)

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9aaf17 No.22079079

File: 9c1a7871ac0c48a⋯.jpg (87.9 KB,700x350,2:1,9c1a7871ac0c48a7e6580be717….jpg)


I have been teleported like that . Believe it or not

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691190 No.22079082

File: fcb74c22c84f003⋯.png (68.11 KB,736x581,736:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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691190 No.22079091

File: 51abc9da1cecd71⋯.jpg (175.68 KB,1428x1725,476:575,ea4d17d81efff677c5401294a9….jpg)

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