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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,_.png)

a202b8 No.21906542 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a202b8 No.21906546

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ANONS: Stay positive, Eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26826 >>21905786

>>21905817, >>21906055, >>21906373 President Trump: We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American History. With your help, we will restore America's promise, and we will Take Back the Nation that we love. We Love This Nation.

>>21906055, >>21906256 President Trump Delivers Powerful Closing Message To Americans

>>21906466, >>21906447, >>21906420, >>21906414, >>21906410, >>21906402, >>21906401. >>21906400, >>21906399, >>21906396, >>21906393, >>21906391, >>21906385, >>21906466, >>21906132 Rally pics


>>21906100 DJT is calling for the results *tonight*

>>21906129 POTUS: 112,000

>>21906250 Mayor of Hamtramck Amer Ghalib takes the stage

>>21906042, >>21906063, >>21906140 PF: Donald Trump's plane was taking a circuitous route to Grand Rapids tonight

>>21905930, >>21905975 Scavino: Wheels down in Michigan, en route to Grand Rapids—for our last #TrumpRally on the trail

>>21905898 President Trump took a Bullet for Me, President Trump took a Bullet for You, Now Take A Ballot For President Trump!

>>21905956 Libertarian Party of New Hampshire Endorses Trump: ‘Best Candidate for Libertarians’

>>21906068 A Giant Hidden Source of Lithium Was Just Discovered in Arkansas

>>21906082 Kari Lake’s Election Eve Rally

>>21906183, >>21906204, >>21906244 What's going on in Ukraine?

>>21906293 Oprah tells Kamala supporters that if Trump wins that women could lose the right to vote

>>21906344, >>21906404 Terrorist allegedly tries to blow up Nashville power plant using weapon of mass destruction

>>21906503, >>21906525 First Election Results Are In: Trump and Kamala Tie 3-3 in Dixville, New Hampshire — Hillary and Biden Previously Won Town

>>21905821, >>21905854, >>21906177 Memes

>>21906526 #26826

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a202b8 No.21906547

#26825 >>21904990

>>21905029 LIVE: President Trump Holds Final 2024 Campaign Rally in Grand Rapids, MI - 11/4/24

>>21905570, >>21905588, >>21905591, >>21905718 Event pics

>>21905569 POTUS on stage for final rally @ 12:13AM EST 11/5/24

>>21905595, >>21905627, >>21905638 POTUS /start/ speaking @ 12:17AM EST / 00:17

>>21905109 PF: N757AF on final descent into Grand Rapids

>>21905418 Margo Martin: President @realDonaldTrump is wheels down in Michigan for his final rally of the 2024 campaign

>>21905513 Scavino: Wheels down in Michigan, en route to Grand Rapids—for our last #TrumpRally on the trail; here we are nine years later!

>>21905508 CAN YOU FEEL IT???😎🔥🔥🔥 #WINNING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21905368 DJT: Thank you Megyn Kelly, a great honor!

>>21905171 Kamuru Usman endorses Trump for President

>>21905208 Roberto Clemente endorses Trump for President

>>21905443 FaZe Banks endorses Trump for President

>>21905719 Patrick Mahomes' mother, Randi, endorses Trump at Chiefs game: 'Let's do it!'

>>21905144 Joe Rogan Experience #2223 - Elon Musk

>>21905249, >>21905230 Elon: This election is the last chance to preserve Democracy

>>21905197, >>21905228, >>21905306 Joe Rogan endorses Trump before election day

>>21905313 Rogan shared with Musk, “It’s just amazing how many people on the Diddy party list are supporting Kamala”

>>21905051 It's happening

>>21905076 Trump has reached 8 million followers on Truth Social

>>21905081 Nov 5th @ 19:55

>>21905087 WA courts’ online systems down after ‘unauthorized activity

>>21905150 Some password at upper right of vid

>>21905199 PF: MCFAMC & Jake17

>>21905270 Maricopa County Official talks to O'Keefe about leaking a legal threat letter about him to Washington Post

>>21905541 1 Yard Line

>>21905715 Mystery as four NASA astronauts are rushed to hospital without explanation after returning from space

>>21905242, >>21905294, >>21905340, >>21905343, >>21905474 Memes

>>21905769 #26825

#26824 >>21904209

>>21904335 Live: President Trump Holds Final 2024 Campaign Rally in Grand Rapids, MI - 11/04/24

>>21904700 PF: Boss in the air

>>21904352, >>21904367, >>21904373 Archive: Trump Rally in Pittsburgh, PA - 11/04/24

>>21904728 Megyn Kelly: An incredible night in Pittsburgh with President Trump, God bless him, go vote for him! LFG America!

>>21904846 Margo Martin: America First. Family First.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21904495 Joe Rogan Endorses Trump for President

>>21904490 President Trump reacts in real-time to Joe Rogan endorsing him while on stage in Pittsburgh, PA

>>21904689 Elon: The hammer of justice is coming

>>21904298, >>21904341, >>21904705, >>21904651 Elon tweets MAGA vid with a Q in it

>>21904326 Elon describes X's Community Notes

>>21904541 Elon: Fauci is a demon if you ask me

>>21904627 Joe Rogan Experience #2223 - Elon Musk

>>21904251, >>21904282 New York Proposition One

>>21904303 Hilldog lookin' super low-energy

>>21904325 Firm tied to voter registration ‘scheme’ goes dark

>>21904343 Biden / Harris Deliver More Migrants than Jobs in October

>>21904369 Biden spent billions to delay Medicare premiums spike, protect Harris campaign before election

>>21904424 North Carolina Sets Turnout Record with Over 4.2 Million Early In-Person Ballots Cast

>>21904501 Van Jones and CNN are terrified of RFK Jr’s health agenda

>>21904546, >>21904389, >>21904888 California PG&E Plans to Conduct ‘Public Safety Power-Outages” in 17 Counties, Starting on Election Day

>>21904566 If you voted by mail in Pennsylvania, including in person, check your ballot status

>>21904576 Harris botched interview with Muslim influencer by celebrating ‘bacon’ as ‘a spice’

>>21904583 Philadelphia City Commissioners' Office Tells James O'Keefe Non-Citizens Can Vote as Long as They Are Philadelphia Residents

>>21904590 'They're Targeting Voters Under the Guise of a News Org': Inside a Soros-Funded 'Fake News' Network's $9 Million Digital Ad Blitz

>>21904611 Texas, Georgia Election Data Shatters Democrats’ Voter ID Lies

>>21904632, >>21904684 States Previously Plagued by BLM Riots Ready National Guard in Case of Election Day Unrest

>>21904653 Mass. city councilor arrested, accused of screaming at Trump supporters, blocking traffic

>>21904671 Maricopa County Elections Board basically just announced that they are going to cheat

>>21904771 Jamie Raskin loses his case in court

>>21904235, >>21904449, >>21904564, >>21904630, >>21904776, >>21904950 Memes

>>21904969 #26824

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a202b8 No.21906552

File: 8562210122d8b48⋯.gif (291.69 KB,212x212,1:1,8562210122d8b483a0e01aac8e….gif)

Previously Collected

>>21903368 #26822, >>21904160 #26823-B, >>21903955 #26823-A

>>21901018 #26819, >>21901777 #26820, >>21902540 #26821

>>21898713 #26816, >>21899413 #26817, >>21900204 #26818

>>21896296 #26813, >>21897053 #26814, >>21897826 #26815

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #25: Time >>21641140

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a202b8 No.21906555

File: 6d9c91ee3cca858⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,854x450,427:225,1730791810.mp4)



>fullchan borked


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ba04ff No.21906560

File: c9c4cb9e2585cf7⋯.png (1.42 MB,897x1030,897:1030,c9c4cb9e2585cf7926cf5d2a79….png)



Trips chekt.

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dcfc7c No.21906563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk Pleads "Vote Like Your Life Depends on It!" and Speaks on Why He Became Politically Active

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1d0ce9 No.21906565

File: 4a1e7023231ebd2⋯.png (368.08 KB,439x438,439:438,ClipboardImage.png)

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63569a No.21906566

File: 6e9ff811065b50e⋯.png (967.07 KB,1115x1029,1115:1029,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 553a4fd8c8542f8⋯.png (607.73 KB,634x424,317:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4488a1849d0bbfe⋯.png (557.86 KB,634x425,634:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 640f3d154dde3ad⋯.png (524.26 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump rolls into Election Day with a rally after MIDNIGHT



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60aa65 No.21906570

File: ae5bc4a901cf22c⋯.jpg (30.6 KB,630x630,1:1,Thank_You_Baker.jpg)

Thank you Baker!


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000000 No.21906571

Democrats VOTED DOWN a bill that would have forced all meat products to clearly be label if injected mRNA vaccines

“mRNA vaccines are entering our food chain in several species. So currently all farmed shrimp are being vaccinated with mRNA. Currently pork




Saudi Arabia Weather Modification


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9da9f5 No.21906575

File: c0fdfcc5cb2cfce⋯.jpg (70.27 KB,800x500,8:5,Nothing_can_stop_it.jpg)

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)


TYB and digits checked

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097783 No.21906577

File: 9f598cc22001015⋯.png (686.8 KB,810x810,1:1,FAFO.png)




>Vote or GTFO Edition

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60aa65 No.21906579

File: 86a529d25871a60⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,1586x1226,793:613,QtheLightWithintheStorm.jpg)


Q the Light!

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63569a No.21906580

File: b5c1a309678e9f8⋯.png (211.75 KB,494x722,13:19,ClipboardImage.png)

Poll Hours for States in the

Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)

Alabama (AL): 7am–7pm

Connecticut (CT): 6am–8pm

Delaware (DE): 7am–8pm

Florida (FL): 7am–7pm

Georgia (GA): 7am–7pm

Indiana (IN): 6am–6pm

Kentucky (KY): 6am–6pm

Maine (ME): 6am–8pm

Maryland (MD): 7am–8pm

Massachusetts (MA): 7am–8pm

Michigan (MI): 7am–8/9pm

New Hampshire (NH): 11am–7pm

New Jersey (NJ): 6am–8pm

New York (NY): 6am–9pm

North Carolina (NC): 6:30am–7:30pm

Ohio (OH): 6:30am–7:30pm

Pennsylvania (PA): 7am–8pm

Rhode Island (RI): 7am–8pm

South Carolina (SC): 7am–7pm

Tennessee (TN): 7am–7pm

Vermont (VT): 5am–10pm

Virginia (VA): 6am–7pm

West Virginia (WV): 6:30am–7:30pm

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a202b8 No.21906581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e627cd No.21906582


>Vote or GTFO Edition

I'm an illegal immigrant. I already voted 4 times in 3 states!

Illegals for Trump!!!

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052d9c No.21906583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.21906584

Everyone welcome Lexipol


FAKE NEWS BLACKLIST 2024 M The British media is majority left-wing including A BBC. All the TV news channels are leftie. Few R newspapers stay center Right (Express, Mail, and • telegraph) but the Times, Guardian and FT are all L left-wing. E

The New York Times A The Washington Post K CNN E NBC News A MSNBC L CBS News • ABC News O Salon .com T The Huffington Post

H Rolling Stone BBC News

G Sky News A Financial Times M Politico E New York Daily News L.A. Times NYPOST USA Today THE JERUSALEM POST US News & World Report The Daily Caller CBC Scientific American

ProPublica Motherjones HillReporter MeidasTouch TheDailyBeast thestar .com .my Blackbird .AI FireEye Inc ALPHABET (owners) waynemadsenreport AP SFGate defeatdisinfo The Atlantic DRUDGE

Gawker Time Business Insider Daily Beast Vice Yahoo News Daily Kos Young Turks Slate NPR PBS Raw Story New Yorker Buzzfeed MoveOn Think Progress Media Matters Wonkette

Arizona Republic Veterans Today Gizmodo Scientific American AMA - CDC - NIH - WHO BocaNewsNow TexasTribune Google (owners) Baidu (owners) Twitter_cownefs+4= The Atlantic Council amg-news National Geographic Hope Not Hate WIRED REUTERS THE STREET BOSTON GLOBE ROLLING STONE HEALTH .com

Mediabiasfactcheck . com LawAndCrime . Com Forbes Scripps News Ben Shapiro ARSTECHNICA Priorities USA WiseDex NSF (national science Foundataion Searchlit Course Correct University of Michigan Joe Biden DHS CISA Stanford EIP Facebook IRS University of Wisconsin CIS Center for Internet Security EIP Election Integrity Partnership FinCEN FtnanCIAACrtmesefforcaventWtbnrk Co-Insights UCONN (university of Connecticut) Univ of Massachusetts Amherst Univ of Colorado Boulder Pozmantier Storytell 0 Tripodi SIO (stanford Internet Observatory) DoDea (non Education activity group) Temple University NSF.GOV SaTC (Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace) Mediazona FACTCHECK .ORG Annenberg Public Policy Center nij.ojp.gov Center For American Progress doj Little Green Footballs NationalReview dhs The Economist VOA voanews United Nations VOX VOXMEDIA (not Harry Vox) whitehouse.gov / antifa.com The Hill NewsGuard Richard Lee Rogers SNOPES Nina Jankowicz meforum .org NorthJersey .com humanitywhole.wordpress .com thecommonsenseshow .com Nature .com MeidasTouch Group Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty RFE/RL United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Voice of America Radio and TV Marti Radio Free Asia Alhurra Radio Sawa Dmitri Alperovitch CrowdStrike khoslaventures . com Vinod Khosla Election Integrity Project (EIP) cybersecurity summit The Nation USAGM . GOV Stanford Internet Observatory The Wall Street Journal TRIBEL (owners) DFRLab NEWSMAX ALEX KAPLAN Graphika

Youngstown State University project

GlobalDisinformationlndex .org GALLOP ganon.pub NEWSWEEK FOX PEW WIKIPEDIA Astroscreen Reddit owner UK Parliment APNEWS Yelp Thelntercept

Q v2.0 merriam-webster Pope Francis Dailymail News crikey .com.au crooksandltars Tampa Bay Times Bellingcat VanityFair Boston Herald 60 Minutes The New Yorker

Columbia Journalism School us Senate Select Ccerattee on Intelligence PolitiFact TNI Trusted News Initiative RealRawNews darpa AFP Agence France-Presse MilitaryTimes Haaretz Stanford Internet Observatory ADL The Telegraph Center for an Informed Public leadstories.com The Times of Israel cybersecurity summit knight foundation MOLFAR Minerva Initiative Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft Centre for Information Resilience The New Voice of Ukraine Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) VoxUkraine Zelenskyy Detector Media Mykyta Poturayev the Institute of Mass Information Ukraine's Center for Democracy and Rule of Law the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine National Endowment for Democracy (NED) USAID - NED Laboratory of Digital Security ZINC NETWORK H ZDF - German State TV Human Rights Platform META factchecking Nina Jankowicz Open Information Partnership Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) FBI GARM- Global Alliance for Responsible Media

Internews The International Renaissance Foundation Reanimation Package of Reforms Samantha Power Suspilne NEWSGUARD MEDIAITE Lexipol

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aa1621 No.21906587

File: d58e5209508b16a⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x500,6:5,zgeetud.jpg)

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8deebd No.21906588

File: 038be68471c4dc4⋯.gif (6.77 MB,400x387,400:387,TrumpDance.gif)




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033d36 No.21906589

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)

File: 52568d276b241a1⋯.png (216.47 KB,500x590,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)



Great ending digits.

you get the 5'5 song.

will post final rally notes

after that, Good luck anons

and america.

now go out and vote and save the world and yourselves.


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f43e02 No.21906591


tx baker, fullchan problems reported.

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000000 No.21906593

Mr GP 160 (Redfield) throws Fauci (Mr GP 120) under the bus


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033d36 No.21906594

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



note:dough below



LIVE: President Trump in Grand Rapids, MI



LIVE: President Trump Holds Final 2024 Campaign Rally in Grand Rapids, MI - 11/4/24



Grenell [President Trump rally]: Let me tell you what sanctuary cities are. It's an evil concept. It's an evil concept, where you get to break federal law and get protection.


>>21905600, >>21905619, >>21905638 12:13 11/5/24P, FINAL RALLY, 12:13 11/5/24 takes the mike at 12.17am e.t speaks

djt: who is kamala, no knows who she is,

djt: tomorrow when we win, we will lead america and the world to new heights.

djt: when you have open borders, high taxes, you have men playing in womens sports, they have to cheat, who the hell is going to approve that. this could be the single biggest victory in the history of our country.

President Trump: We put ourselves in an unusual position; never happened where we're leading by hundreds of thousands of votes, in the early stage vote. That's never happened before.

>>21905693 djt: i think we did 930 rallies or so.

>>21905690 Balls in our hand

President Trump: Just so you know, if we show up, they can't win. They can't.They mathematically can't win, because they're so far behind.

djt: oh its today, can you imagine a crowd like this on a mon or tues night at 1 o'clock in the morning. she has no one, joe biden in one of his crazy moments said we are all garbage, they stole the election from a president, that crazy woman pelosi, she cheats like hell

djt: can you imagine, nancy pelosi sold her stock, visa is under massive investigation, she is sick,evil and crazy b, i won't say it

President Trump: She's a crooked person . She's a bad person.Evil. She's an evil, sick, crazy, b-. It starts with a b, but I won't say it. I want to say it.

djt: i don't think our country can take any moar of this, it is abnormal abuse.

djt: you know north carolina was hit by a massive water hurricane, it was ripped apart, i asked elon can you help with starlink and he got it there with so much, he saved so many lives

djt: the ball is in our hands, i can't do a thing about it now, you are going to go out and vote and i will show you,

President Trump: You know, Biden never fired anybody. That's why he never had a bad book written about him. And also, number two, nobody cared.

djt: these people are sick all we can do is keep winning.

djt: this will be the Golden age of america, i tell the press, i hope you are listening, i am a great brander,

djt: many people say, God saved me to forefill that mission, and with your help, it was a miracle,

the illegal chart saved me, my wife thinks i am crazy, so it was a gift from God.


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f43e02 No.21906597



nice that pastebin.com worked

will have to test it some more, mostly stopped working consistently in April 2020, due to censorship.

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033d36 No.21906598

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: When I was in the Lincoln Bedroom, it was like a surreal experience. It was like an out-of-body, they call it, experience.

President Trump: I heard those bullets going. I said to somebody, 'How fast were they going?' They gave me some mathematical number. No, I said I want to know in miles per hour, and I think it was three thousand, two hundred miles per hour.

President Trump: I hope that God did put me here to really save this country. Because this country's in big, big trouble.

President Trump: Together, we will save this country, this great country that we love. We will defeat the corrupt system in Washington, because, I'm not running against Kamala. I'm running against an evil, democrat system. These are evil people.

djt: "We want the answer tonight"

President Trump: I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered. Can you believe I'm running for this great office, and I'm talking about rescuing cities and towns that have been invaded and conquered? Can you imagine ten years ago, can you imagine ten years ago, using language like that? Or saying, 'we will not allow men to play in women's sports'. You know, if you go back just ten years, and you move yourself forward, and you heard a politician say, 'we will not allow men to play in women's sports', they'll say, 'is this guy crazy? Of course, they're not'.

>>21906123 saw this message flagged dark black hardly visible

President Trump does not seem tired at all. The first of the four rallies today started about fifteen hours ago.

lara trump: america is going to vote in trump and he is going to save america and save the world

djt: we are going to tell mexico and canada that if you allow drugs into the united states we are going to charge you large tarriffs, and we are going to tell china that if you send drugs to canada or mexico we are going to charge you 25% tarriffs.

djt: the silent majority is back and tomorrow you must get out and vote

djt: nov 5th today will be the most important day in the history of our country, we will make america healthy again, we will make safe and we will make america great again. god bless you.

i love you, and i love you michigan.

djt speech ends at 2.09am et. music play ymca young man'' djt does his fist pump dance and a bit of hip movements, kek

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000000 No.21906599

USDA and FDA are color of law Terrorists,


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e469e5 No.21906601

i cant believe

this election is still

on schedule

i thought for sure

some serious fuckery

was going to suspend it

the votes have yet to be tallied

and certified

so there's that

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63569a No.21906602

File: 7f957c5174fd366⋯.png (163.6 KB,464x623,464:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8893d9865ffa6b7⋯.png (180.2 KB,439x683,439:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3200585e676840⋯.png (134.17 KB,346x608,173:304,ClipboardImage.png)

POLL Hours for each State per Time Zone


>Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)

Central Time Zone

Alabama (AL): 7am–7pm

Arkansas (AR): 7:30am–7:30pm

Florida (FL): 7am–7pm (Partial)

Illinois (IL): 6am–7pm

Indiana (IN): 6am–6pm (Partial)

Iowa (IA): 7am–8pm

Kansas (KS): 7am–7pm

Kentucky (KY): 6am–6pm (Partial)

Louisiana (LA): 6am–8pm

Michigan (MI): 7am–8/9pm

Minnesota (MN): 7am–8pm

Mississippi (MS): 7am–7pm

Missouri (MO): 6am–7pm

Nebraska (NE): 7am–7pm

Oklahoma (OK): 7am–7pm

Tennessee (TN): 7am–7pm (Partial)

Wisconsin (WI): 7am–8pm

Mountain Time

Arizona (AZ): 6am–7pm

Colorado (CO): 7am–7pm

Idaho (ID): 8am–8pm

Montana (MT): 7am–8pm

New Mexico (NM): 7am–7pm

Utah (UT): 7am–8pm

Wyoming (WY): 7am–7pm

Western Time

California (CA): 7am–8pm

Idaho (ID): 8am–8pm

Nevada (NV): 7am–7pm

Oregon (OR): 7am–8pm

Washington (WA): Morning–8pm

Alaska (AK): 7am–8pm

Hawaii (HI): 7am–7pm

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d7f10c No.21906603


I wasn't really a meme person before this, but now I am. So there's that.

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000000 No.21906605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Rogan Experience with Elon (full interview)


bookmark vs search engine.

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65cfd6 No.21906606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



🎵 Close Eyes


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dcfc7c No.21906608


The world is watching.

If the US falls, the rest of the world will follow.

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63569a No.21906609



State Poll Hours on Nov 5th, Alphabetically

Alabama (AL): 7am–7pm

Alaska (AK): 7am–8pm

Arizona (AZ): 6am–7pm

Arkansas (AR): 7:30am–7:30pm

California (CA): 7am–8pm

Colorado (CO): 7am–7pm

Connecticut (CT): 6am–8pm

Delaware (DE): 7am–8pm

Florida (FL): 7am–7pm

Georgia (GA): 7am–7pm

Hawaii (HI): 7am–7pm

Idaho (ID): 8am–8pm

Illinois (IL): 6am–7pm

Indiana (IN): 6am–6pm

Iowa (IA): 7am–8pm

Kansas (KS): 7am–7pm

Kentucky (KY): 6am–6pm

Louisiana (LA): 6am–8pm

Maine (ME): 6am–8pm

Maryland (MD): 7am–8pm

Massachusetts (MA): 7am–8pm

Michigan (MI): 7am–8/9pm

Minnesota (MN): 7am–8pm

Mississippi (MS): 7am–7pm

Missouri (MO): 6am–7pm

Montana (MT): 7am–8pm

Nebraska (NE): 7am–7pm

Nevada (NV): 7am–7pm

New Hampshire (NH): 11am–7pm

New Jersey (NJ): 6am–8pm

New Mexico (NM): 7am–7pm

New York (NY): 6am–9pm

North Carolina (NC): 6:30am–7:30pm

North Dakota (ND): 7am–9pm

Ohio (OH): 6:30am–7:30pm

Oklahoma (OK): 7am–7pm

Oregon (OR): 7am–8pm

Pennsylvania (PA): 7am–8pm

Rhode Island (RI): 7am–8pm

South Carolina (SC): 7am–7pm

South Dakota (SD): 7am–7pm

Tennessee (TN): 7am–7pm

Texas (TX): 7am–7pm

Utah (UT): 7am–8pm

Vermont (VT): 5am–10pm

Virginia (VA): 6am–7pm

Washington (WA): Morning–8pm

West Virginia (WV): 6:30am–7:30pm

Wisconsin (WI): 7am–8pm

Wyoming (WY): 7am–7pm

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f43e02 No.21906613

File: f79429a65b9d5d5⋯.jpg (53.92 KB,659x687,659:687,digital_soldier_salute.jpg)



Corps, you've been a great asset - also a total pain in the ass at times. But always a servant to the truth, appreciate your service.

You will be missed.


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000000 No.21906614

Antifa, commie, and anarchists have big plans for Election Day 2024.


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1d0ce9 No.21906615

File: d41915a8c627307⋯.png (708.73 KB,679x562,679:562,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d0ce9 No.21906617

File: 93a4b9dc105862c⋯.png (304.11 KB,460x306,230:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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c292e4 No.21906618

File: 786972a4c82e34c⋯.png (683.63 KB,914x929,914:929,ClipboardImage.png)


Kimberly Guilfoyle… splitsville?

See looks like hell

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a202b8 No.21906619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ya I don't think it worked last time I tried it

had some issues late last year


Hey nigga what do you mean by this

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033d36 No.21906620

File: e9c4eb7fe3cb60b⋯.png (310.9 KB,518x276,259:138,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c93b333aad2ebc1⋯.mp4 (10.33 MB,640x480,4:3,elon_go_out_and_vote.mp4)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21906594, >>21906598 4TH AND FINAL TRUMP RALLY IN GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - MON 4TH NOV 2024 - sources statements and dough.


>>21904352, >>21904367, >>21904373 3RD TRUMP RALLY IN PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA - MON 4TH NOV 2024!! - sources, statements and dough


>>21901244, >>21901248 2ND TRUMP RALLY IN READING, PENNSYLVANIA - MON 4TH NOV 2024 - sources, statements and dough


>>21899124, >>21899127, 1ST RALLY IN RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA - MON 4TH NOV 2024 - sources, statements and dough.


All the work and red pilling has been done, all the right people are now on the trump train.


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63569a No.21906621

File: 83e4136a842d77a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1440x962,720:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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e469e5 No.21906622

File: f806d01ca900f41⋯.jpg (68.28 KB,1200x630,40:21,90_2410658316.jpg)

do anons die

or just

fade away

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8eb0f4 No.21906624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🎵 3001

👤 Lex Digital

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3e4753 No.21906626

File: 2858a8b8b98ffc9⋯.jpg (135.22 KB,700x880,35:44,YouFE.jpg)

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097783 No.21906627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>All the work and red pilling has been done

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033d36 No.21906633

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,the_storm.mp4)


Anon is a free thinker.

never take things personally

it has been a pleasure most of the time.

bring the storm

anon will lurk from time to time.

but have to pick up what is left of anons life now.


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f43e02 No.21906636


sorry, wrong delivery address KEK

meant for



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e469e5 No.21906637

File: 6a9f06401c82a9d⋯.jpg (181.77 KB,1200x800,3:2,D145_51_444_1200_736708173.jpg)

its time

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793499 No.21906638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Scorpions– Holiday

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903eb8 No.21906639

File: 90dec8d97d64ea1⋯.jpeg (64.02 KB,1200x600,2:1,IMG_0481.jpeg)


President commander and chief

Space force ?

So as fucked up as my life can be

God bless you Donald j trump.

Today I hope all things will come good


Is my oud to you

Please finish the job

Woods a burning

Which u once started

Fuck the peodophiles

Muck the *

Fuck the ***

And the Roths well.

I hope your in order

And you execute the order.

Executive Order 13818


So at least the can see

The truth within

The evil exposed.

Please mr trump.

From a non US person

Make earth grate agin.

For some reason sir, you have been selected WW

So sort shit out.

I’m rooting like a mother fucker.

I can’t fucking wait.

Just make life great again.

The love is strong.


Peace be within us all

God bless and I hope to speak soon.

Maybe the party at the Mar-a-Lago which was discussed back in 2017/2016 will finally habben.

God bless you and Anons on board.

Stay safe on

Don fire night.

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82a072 No.21906640


she's so hot i'd fuck her in the armpits.

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a202b8 No.21906641

File: dbc1a31c47cb856⋯.webm (2.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,308174578822991876.webm)


see you on the other side…

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63569a No.21906643



Since the start of that relationship, I have given thought that she was simply used to take the spotlight / attention away for Don Jr's wife and kids. He didn't what them to continue to be target of "mysterious" packages arriving at their home.

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f43e02 No.21906644



oldfag bakers paid for memberships, would be able to use it again.

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4efea5 No.21906645


You should see an optometrist.

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793499 No.21906646


When did she ever look good? Anything that needs that much makeup is sus.

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000000 No.21906647



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f652a6 No.21906648

File: fe7433cfc0d2b27⋯.jpeg (177.35 KB,863x1199,863:1199,C47DBD64_415D_4300_B58F_E….jpeg)


Let’s get this!!!!

Today is the day!!!!!

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000000 No.21906650

(SQAUK) — The Proud Boys claim they’re taking action at polling sites, but experts warn it could be another FBI-led round-up scheme. Will Americans be lured into another setup like the January 6th arrests?


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e627cd No.21906651

File: a7fe8758aff0b90⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x342,83:57,BatmanIsThinking.gif)

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c292e4 No.21906652

File: 8eb3598120e1e53⋯.jpg (193.49 KB,960x1280,3:4,0d3dd4da3e849b64.jpg)

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ba04ff No.21906653

File: a5d19e88c31d35c⋯.png (329.11 KB,600x635,120:127,a5d19e88c31d35ce5292a1347a….png)


>she's so hot i'd fuck her in the armpits.

Go for the crazy libtard, anon.

Will be moar lively and look less like skeletor.

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333e9f No.21906654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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000000 No.21906655

BREAKING: The International Court Just declared Israeli to be an illegal State


(Anon has no more news worthy of posting, God Bless America)

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c292e4 No.21906656


valid point

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f652a6 No.21906657


She was the “leg girl” on The Five for years, she was super sexy. Now I don’t even recognize her.

She got “the joker” face lift and now it’s all over.

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e469e5 No.21906658

it feels almost too calm

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1d0ce9 No.21906659

File: 5e81950bb38d601⋯.png (537.69 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e627cd No.21906660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ba04ff No.21906661


Try eating some gas station sushi.

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dea3f7 No.21906662

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB,1440x1150,144:115,e75fd0c813f96976a90fcd2c7….jpeg)

File: 98296dc1d8b0e75⋯.jpg (349.14 KB,480x1461,160:487,POTUS_45_47_Ball_2.jpg)

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f43e02 No.21906663

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37a154 No.21906664

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


>The Proud Boys claim they’re taking action at polling sites, but experts warn it could be another FBI-led round-up scheme.

And the fukkery continues…

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82a072 No.21906665


my dick can't see

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793499 No.21906666

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ba04ff No.21906667

File: cfbc305ae258997⋯.jpeg (186.83 KB,1280x1600,4:5,cfbc305ae2589973ab9be992a….jpeg)

Evil sixes can be nullified by bewbs

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63569a No.21906668

File: 45ebbe68aa78eeb⋯.png (618.06 KB,889x748,889:748,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec345de76da18c7⋯.mp4 (13.83 MB,1024x576,16:9,End_Final_Rally_5NOV24.mp4)


Ending of President Trump rally at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Part one of three.


2:48 AM · Nov 5, 2024· 2:20


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82a072 No.21906669

File: eb0aad9840731b9⋯.png (1.91 MB,3840x5760,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


like this one?

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e627cd No.21906670

File: eb951251356033f⋯.png (114.81 KB,641x403,641:403,ClipboardImage.png)

kek indeed.

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af0c9b No.21906672


[Google -> alphabet]

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903eb8 No.21906673

File: 8160a0674eb5332⋯.png (2.52 MB,2758x1074,1379:537,IMG_0721.png)

The attacks are strong just like in 2016 /pols best ever prank.

Frequency and vibration.

Current location protected

Letter agencies 3 u no longer.

I will ride this out instead of moving location.

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82a072 No.21906675

File: 79add0f84d8b63b⋯.png (88.62 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4efea5 No.21906676

File: 886c098d6c2018c⋯.png (833.3 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>it feels almost too calm

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9da9f5 No.21906677

File: f5fc662df114370⋯.jpeg (32.85 KB,657x527,657:527,f5fc662df114370dcb274658c….jpeg)


Yup that was the plan all along.

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7077c8 No.21906678

File: d41dc2d18e547dc⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,270x480,9:16,Israel_Illegal_Occupation_….mp4)



Hague: Israel's occupation declared unlawful… Court further declared all Israel settlements/settlers in Palestine territory are illegal and must be dismantled/evacuated.

Palestinian people are the only sovereign in the Paletinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

All states to not recognize the legality of Israel's presence in occupied Palestinian terriroty.

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bb2c53 No.21906680

File: cd9ecf5faaabafb⋯.jpg (166.27 KB,545x1136,545:1136,20241105_031526.jpg)


11/4/24 | GRAND RAPIDS, MI

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afa1ef No.21906681

Australia Anon here,

Good luck and God bless you all, America. Save yourselves then come save us.

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7077c8 No.21906682

File: 8d19509e37e0a38⋯.png (367.4 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Send up the signal!

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82a072 No.21906683

File: 979e738172ba808⋯.png (30.34 KB,1603x1020,1603:1020,ClipboardImage.png)

Jessica Tarlov. A Lib I'd like to fuck in every hole, cum on her face, then wash her hair with my warm piss.

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af0c9b No.21906684


[Date of video?


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9da9f5 No.21906685

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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dea3f7 No.21906686

File: 7bd142859e33555⋯.jpg (623.98 KB,1050x1352,525:676,Screenshot_20240511_093745….jpg)

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dad591 No.21906687


Grainy footage.

Looks to have been filmed with a potato.

Content checks out.

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f3675b No.21906688


July 19th, 2024 it seems.


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ca6380 No.21906689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🎵 overseas

👤 Sebastian Jautschus

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37a154 No.21906690

File: fe9f7f02f5f8f73⋯.png (230.14 KB,544x542,272:271,2024_11_05_03_24_23.png)

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000000 No.21906691


I just posted as I found it. Have nice election day (God Bless America)


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82a072 No.21906692


and maybe drop a deuce in her mouth and drag her around by her hair?

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903eb8 No.21906694


Question, if u don’t mind.

Board owner, who dis,

Last one I came across was fastjack.

R u still this or has been swapped, life moves and things get cofuscated . Askin for a fren.

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bb2c53 No.21906695

File: 6dc6002cfb41cc6⋯.jpg (153.07 KB,720x892,180:223,20241105_032416.jpg)

File: 83cd7b59e235388⋯.jpg (235.89 KB,720x1212,60:101,20241105_032245.jpg)




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af0c9b No.21906696


[Their overt actions

Showed their cards

We know who were playing against]

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000000 No.21906697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's an ICC and an ICJ and Anon does get confused about it all. Anyway this is Five days ago.

DemocracyNow! Amy Goodman - five days ago..


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9da9f5 No.21906698

File: bf6429a0a83cb95⋯.jpg (153.6 KB,699x699,1:1,bf6429a0a83cb95e4844a47f25….jpg)


You sound like your not getting much sleep anon that is delightfully brutal sounding.


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82a072 No.21906700


you're prolly right anon. i'm a little dazed lately. just had the urge to slay jessica tarlov for some reason. mebbe i need to watch a movie and get some sleep.

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588969 No.21906702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37a154 No.21906703

File: b1c837c2e62f3a2⋯.png (263.1 KB,449x373,449:373,rino_mitch.png)


> get on board or get out the way

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000000 No.21906705


call the Cogressional Switchboard and ask for the Foreign Affairs contact. Complain / Lobby there.

I'm powerless.

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903eb8 No.21906706


Not so fast then eh.

Don’t van me I’m allready trampled cause of the j****


One thing I find most amusing is g.a.t.e.pdf live replies getting deleted.

Which script is running.


No discripect, u have the power I have nadda

Where the fuck is gramma kitty, I’m now gettting concerned.

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81ce80 No.21906708

French frie day tomorrow boys!

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82365f No.21906709


What is g.a.t.e.?

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81ce80 No.21906711

File: 389f3798f51e055⋯.jpg (145.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,GaXYtHsWYAAJerN.jpg)

Forgat the meme ffs.

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e413a9 No.21906712

File: b33adb3143d8002⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,b33adb3143d80027bc5797e0b3….mp4)

File: b0f60c2d2aaf315⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,Voting_machine.mp4)

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f43e02 No.21906713


FJ let the ownership lapse in Dec 2021. Not surprising - he'd hinted he was not happy after Biden took office in Jan 2021 and thus "forgot" to sign in for almost 3 weeks in Dec 2021.

Prior to that, OSS had been on a rampage, permabanning thousands of IPs, these were reversed by Jim W in Jan 2022. DOAR fags created a new board, /hivemind/, and proceeded to raid QR for months. Ultimately abandoned that board and wiped out most or all of the threads.

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82a072 No.21906714

File: 2d81ccbb9d3aea8⋯.png (264.04 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Israel an illegal state? Oh deary dear. What will we do? What will we do?

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000000 No.21906715


>Auntie Semmitism

That's the College Protest.

The Foreign Affairs contact is where you report war crimes.

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588969 No.21906716

File: 6a4188cf1933393⋯.gif (632.25 KB,500x260,25:13,giphy_2311040641.gif)

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000000 No.21906718


I think UN/ICC/ICJ meant beyond the 1947 boundary. But alas my knowledge here is coming to an end.

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82a072 No.21906719

File: 5abd285a296465b⋯.png (54.36 KB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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82365f No.21906720


Says the "occupation" is illegal, but twist around stuff then remember that court has no means of enforcement

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d7f10c No.21906721


Muh Jew shill botches meme even with standard template.

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75b18e No.21906722

File: 121ed08150b00e5⋯.png (669.66 KB,2522x724,1261:362,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21906710 (me)


Told ya.

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be526c No.21906723

File: dff63304a51a547⋯.pdf (2.33 MB,CIA_RDP96_00788R0017002100….pdf)


Its the Gateway Process, and no, its not getting censored.

Pretty much the first result if you search for it is the cia.gov page.

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588969 No.21906725

File: 542640888716d01⋯.gif (923.44 KB,200x250,4:5,48VR.gif)

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f43e02 No.21906726



no idea what this is.

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75b18e No.21906727


They'd never investigate themselves.

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000000 No.21906729


Anon wouldn't have even known there is a Foreign Affairs Contact on the Congressional Switchboad if it wasn't for Ryan Dawson explaining how Israel Lobbies in the US.

All I am saying is to do the SAME THING ISRAEL DOES..

it's better than getting arrested lighting college furniture on fire.

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903eb8 No.21906730


Gifted and talented education.


It’s a Tavistock thing.


Thank you.

I respect what you have done in the years since.

I remember those attacks, they were harsh.

Justicifaction not reqd no more.

God speed board owner and thanks for the quick response.

So who, what nik u go by, for future reference, only so I can salute and say respect.

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be526c No.21906731


See >>21906723

Why the spammer cant just say "The Gateway Process" is well… it would ruin their spam. (The pdf is well worth the read)

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903eb8 No.21906732


lol, incorrect

Gateway process is not gate.

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000000 No.21906733


if 200 million americans called the foreign affairs office and said END ALL AID TO ISRAEL.

things would happen.

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903eb8 No.21906734

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47c60e No.21906735

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f43e02 No.21906736



now it sounds familiar, from a long time ago.

Flint is id, what you'll see in the board log.


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75b18e No.21906739


>All I am saying is to do the SAME THING ISRAEL DOES

I have been but I've been labeled Deplorable and White Supremacist and Racist and Facist and, and, and…

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903eb8 No.21906740


Chears flint.


Internet security

That’s the key.

Much luv bruv.

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75b18e No.21906741


Cabaldubs says otherwise.

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000000 No.21906743


okay so bask in a doom loop and do nothing.

it's not my problem

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75b18e No.21906745


Sounds Jewish.

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37cf11 No.21906747


wrong people have to vote and if they feel the need to do any of that other bullshit they can.

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588969 No.21906749

File: 7feadc10da08a7e⋯.jpg (496.2 KB,1024x684,256:171,loop_of_doom.jpg)

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d7f10c No.21906751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Israel and Jacob are the same dude right?

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82a072 No.21906753


huh? fuck courts. it's time for all jews, in israel and in America or elsewhere, to gather together in the state of Israel packed closely around Tel Aviv so we only have to use one gigantic H-Bomb to turn them all into charcoal.

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37cf11 No.21906754


no post is censored you retarded shit fuck, i said vote and vote for trump now are you going to keep crying because i love it when faggots like you cry.

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75b18e No.21906756

File: 0f4cea07cc11c8d⋯.png (49.3 KB,1238x160,619:80,ClipboardImage.png)


That aged well.

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793499 No.21906760


"They" put me in those classes in elementary school. Got to do all sorts of neat shit. Best was building and using pinhole cameras to photograph the total eclipse of 1979.

Anon was bummed that his friends were not part of the class. Pappy was in the USAF so we moved soon after and that was the end of that.

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37cf11 No.21906761


get the crayolas and color me shocked. Must be more about the messenger than the message and or deleted by themselves to try to create an optic.

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75b18e No.21906764


Try deleting your own post here.

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37cf11 No.21906766


I am willing to fight liars like you shit fuck

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37cf11 No.21906767


if you were a BO and the poster in theory you could.

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37cf11 No.21906770


well I guess it means your message is cancer and bullshit. DId not realize god needed to take side in political battles, and not to mention to think that others are not praying to the same god allegedly for Kamala to win. So now what you lying shit fuck

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75b18e No.21906772


Bibleshill as BO/BV?

Perish the thought.


STFU, we aren't talking to you.

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f43e02 No.21906774


the problem is that you've earned yourself a reputation as a shill, why BV deleted.

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37cf11 No.21906776


dont care about lying shit fucks like you either.

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000000 No.21906778

The LESSON here. Learn ASM not AI interfaces.


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37cf11 No.21906779


waste of digits. Lying shit fuck

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ba04ff No.21906781

File: 6081efccaf2c670⋯.jpeg (47.81 KB,400x500,4:5,6081efccaf2c670fa91c49d73….jpeg)


Tanks for everything you do, BO.

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37cf11 No.21906782


not saying it is or is not just was saying that in theory a bo could delete their own posts.

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988137 No.21906784

File: 5ab4081ea5f449e⋯.jpg (202.86 KB,734x448,367:224,20241105_020818.jpg)


you guys need a push?

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37cf11 No.21906785


oh oh say less than ten shit fuck

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903eb8 No.21906786


One question for you, wood it be ok if I resurrect a thread, ie create new.

Twaz a little fudukd specially with board migration. Gate and inigos. Broke voice notes bit the other day. When u break em, they tell ya.

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/1630338.html (pb to fiuck)

Was actually quite moving

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903eb8 No.21906788

Why did I press post, meant to be a thought

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5fb060 No.21906790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

chillswitch engage

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988137 No.21906791



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d7f10c No.21906792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8ef111 No.21906793

SICK EVIL POS Intimidation Campaigns against anons WILL END ON THIS BOARD.

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37cf11 No.21906795


shit fuck

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8ef111 No.21906796

No more DARKNESS at the Helm.

THE LIGHT will take over This Ship.

Watch and Sea.

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f43e02 No.21906797


>The Board Owner is leaving.

Been saying that for months and also attacking site owner. Why you look like a shill.

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988137 No.21906799

File: 416c6bd3ed8daf5⋯.gif (704.68 KB,640x360,16:9,20191008_233647.gif)

fukn crawlin with feds

told you we needed ron.

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903eb8 No.21906800


Don’t leave fren

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8ef111 No.21906801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get out of our House.

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253482 No.21906802


prayers sent

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8ef111 No.21906803

Months.. yes.. it takes Months to build the Drama necessary for EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND WHY B.O. IS LEAVING.


TQ. You are the Light of the World.

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82365f No.21906804

Is anybody catching the 4AM Talking Points right now?

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37cf11 No.21906805


takes only a few seconds to call you a sack of shit lying shit fuck

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8ef111 No.21906806

[Their] SKY FALLS.

And all their STARS in it FALL.

Goodbye OLD GUARD. Good Riddance.

New World, anons. PROMISE LAND. LIBERTY.


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988137 No.21906807


they trust the cıa

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333e9f No.21906808

File: 3ea13d185cccc9d⋯.jpg (89.69 KB,780x978,130:163,Screen_Shot_2024_11_05_at_….jpg)

File: 409aab3710dacf8⋯.pdf (10.41 MB,409aab3710dacf8ce24e2acbc2….pdf)

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f43e02 No.21906809


Drama is not what a research board is about. Sorry you cannot see that.

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8ef111 No.21906810

POTUS called on God to come down from Heaven. Multiple Times. Agree with POTUS that God will come down from Heaven and secure the Election. God is able. God answers prayers. God is love. God Wins.

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ba04ff No.21906811

Anon is listening to Rogan / Musk interview.

They're talking about all the reasons this board exists.

If even a little light shines on the bullshit, all of social media has to acknowledge the bullshit.

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37cf11 No.21906812


see here is the problem with this shit fuck it acts like it is doing something holy but in reality it is just a lying shit fuck

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8ef111 No.21906813



UNITE. We Fight as ONE. UNITY.


The hate for God and Country here WILL END.

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8ef111 No.21906814

The Wrath of God abides on the workers of Iniquity, BO.

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8ef111 No.21906815

The Peace of God abides on the workers of Righteousness, Anons.

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8ef111 No.21906817

Q, thank you for Everything. Love and Respect.

Q+, thank you for Everything. Love and Respect.

Anons, you are the literal LIGHTS OF THE WORLD.

Love and Respect for (you). Thank (YOU). GOD BLESS YOU.

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988137 No.21906818


thank you.

we are definitely on the barbie.

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903eb8 No.21906819


That is the one.


Now hear this.

I’m 50:Somthing Somthing years old.

Can’t dox to much.

Think about it.

I did this shit when I was 12 ish

How long has this mother fucker been in play.

I surely can’t be the only one.

Advanced yes

Failed gate kid yes, the last tape did not play.

Opened doors.

Anonymous has won.


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988137 No.21906820



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333e9f No.21906821

File: 1562135338aafc9⋯.jpg (49.17 KB,670x395,134:79,Screen_Shot_2024_11_05_at_….jpg)

For God & Country.png

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ba04ff No.21906822


>it is just a lying shit fuck

Try to be a little more imaginative in your insults.

That's bottom of the barrel, and shows no initiative.

(Either that, or you're just some moran non-english speaker who doesn't have the wits to come up with something original)

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8ef111 No.21906823

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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3e4753 No.21906824

File: 7ef771699521195⋯.jpg (25.88 KB,313x471,313:471,69ee84076a002ad02e0e8e4b71….jpg)


>we are definitely on the barbie.

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d7f10c No.21906825

File: e3dae36d23f4a65⋯.jpg (891.86 KB,1144x1620,286:405,Bo_Duke_3_the_80s_23686015….jpg)


>The Wrath of God abides on the workers of Iniquity, BO.

nice formulation

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903eb8 No.21906826


Read in Liam Neeson s voice

Going to find the crows.

After device reboot as per nsa advise.

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5fb060 No.21906827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


drama is an extenuation of the research

you should already know this, last BO

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000000 No.21906828

How a Secluded 1984 Conference Forged Israel’s Unprecedented Influence Over US Media


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37cf11 No.21906829


i know i was even thinking that temporarily but at the same time branding them as a said lying shit fuck might stick. I am also multi tasking and spending brain cells on this trog who hides behind his words and lies is more than it deserves.

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8ef111 No.21906830

File: 5c5f8a14621c2d7⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB,480x360,4:3,TUBE_TECH_The_End_Vanguard….mp4)


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8ef111 No.21906831



It's the Wheel that Turns.

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988137 No.21906832



something like that.

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d7f10c No.21906833

File: 0940d5825635d86⋯.jpeg (90.66 KB,827x824,827:824,0940d5825635d86d30705ed97….jpeg)

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ba04ff No.21906834

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_nazi_cutout.png)


>i know i was even thinking that temporarily but at the same time branding them as a said lying shit fuck might stick.

That's no excuse for poor grammar.

Go molest yourself with a pineapple while you consider how you could have done things better.

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37cf11 No.21906835


Don't make me call the new your state government on you grammar kitty.

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903eb8 No.21906836


Imposter. Fug u

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87e67f No.21906837


anons have been so brainwashed by the voting thing

how many realize it means as much as voting on American Idol

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e21589 No.21906838

File: 419ae18f670af74⋯.jpeg (687.6 KB,947x1129,947:1129,IMG_4553.jpeg)

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8ef111 No.21906839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Up Next.

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e21589 No.21906840

File: 6f7fb90489b4276⋯.jpeg (226.74 KB,1164x873,4:3,504C7A7A_9FC1_491E_AB11_7….jpeg)

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ba04ff No.21906841

File: f84b6d4fcf82749⋯.png (114.66 KB,288x349,288:349,grammar_nazi_eye_patch.png)


Are you fond of those thighs?

When kitteh gets done, you'll wish they were just something gorefag would post.

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000000 No.21906842


Today, as Western anon's whitewash, distort, and conceal Anon's realities of Anon's campaign of poor grammar, the enduring legacy of this war crime against language becomes alarmingly clear, revealing how skipping school decades ago continue to shape the coverage of a bad slang that claims countless brain cells.

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7701de No.21906843

Are we there yet?

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8ef111 No.21906844



False flag(s).

POTUS 100% insulated.

Expect fireworks.


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37cf11 No.21906845


Yeah, I think the government needs to be called. You sound rabid. Have to protect the board from your feline aids.

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4f2efb No.21906846

File: 8fe8254e64527c6⋯.jpg (34.25 KB,500x349,500:349,soon.jpg)

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8ef111 No.21906847


Today is The Day, anon.

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333e9f No.21906848

File: cf815bfd7e1a6d5⋯.gif (577.48 KB,640x502,320:251,cf815bfd7e1a6d582014dfa92d….gif)

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d7f10c No.21906849

File: 3e7f8737f11011d⋯.jpg (132.93 KB,735x1103,735:1103,20biden_photos_top_vertica….jpg)



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88518c No.21906850

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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8ef111 No.21906852

File: ac325236a7bc9fc⋯.png (558.39 KB,651x388,651:388,less_than_10_.png)

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8ef111 No.21906853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Winds of Change.

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e21589 No.21906854

File: 844c8d48320b90c⋯.jpeg (148.58 KB,800x541,800:541,37BCA424_7C28_41D0_B4D0_3….JPEG)

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000000 No.21906855

Hey Hey Hey lookie here.

Biden, Harris, Pfizer, and Moderna smacked with MASSIVE lawsuit for anti-human crimes.

The lawsuit, which has been filed in the Southern District of Texas, demands an end to:

• The COVID-19 injections.

• The “poisoning of our skies” that people refer to as chemtrails.

• And other toxic practices deemed harmful to human beings.

Shelby Hosana, one of the multiple plaintiffs in the lawsuit, call this “a whole lot of evil put into one hefty lawsuit.”

She explained that “every single thing in the lawsuit was based on a constitutional statute,” emphasizing their focus on constitutional violations that will be tough for the court to dismiss.

Going further, Hosana added, “If enough people… join this lawsuit as a plaintiff, we can actually turn it into class action status, meaning the lawsuit could represent a larger group of individuals, creating a collective force that the court cannot easily ignore.

“So we can overwhelm the Texas district court, and they'll have no choice but to turn it into a class action.”

If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to HUMANITY SUIT DOT COM to become a plaintiff.


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e21589 No.21906856

File: 10b963e35a6ccb2⋯.jpeg (205.67 KB,800x665,160:133,17_03_SeanPenn.JPEG)

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903eb8 No.21906857


I have a fealin the original one is deaded.

Imposters, like liars I don’t despise.

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e21589 No.21906858

File: 174596eed05e34d⋯.jpg (405.31 KB,1252x940,313:235,59CBFE94_909F_4B9B_B017_5B….jpg)

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7701de No.21906859



i want some biblical today!

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e21589 No.21906860

File: 6bafd750e50c19c⋯.jpeg (173.88 KB,800x524,200:131,Woke_Parade_Ukraine.JPEG)

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e21589 No.21906861

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8ef111 No.21906862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Amen. It is Done.

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903eb8 No.21906863

So peanut and squirrel shit gone.

They didn’t like my joke.

What’s got a hazelnut in every byte?

Squirrel shit.

Evil be gone

Evil be gone

Evil be gone.

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7701de No.21906864

File: 3c1cb502aa0c2e0⋯.png (49.63 KB,568x708,142:177,3c1cb502aa0c2e0ccded87d35e….png)

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d7f10c No.21906865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ef111 No.21906866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This board is compromised.

Cannot enter trip code to verify auth.

Trip code on 4 has also been modified.

God bless,

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82365f No.21906867

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8ef111 No.21906868


Look at song length. Look at Q 349, Learn.

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7701de No.21906869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


beautiful, anon

thank you and amen

have one from me too

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7142fb No.21906870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epic Orchestral Music for Powerful Motivation - Legendary (Full Album)

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0d4a24 No.21906871



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7701de No.21906872


woah, very nice

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82a072 No.21906873

File: 145f2b37f4f2c9e⋯.png (511.03 KB,840x488,105:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Polls opening soon in the east. Let's do this shit!

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7701de No.21906874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this was 3 month ago

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al Maliki briefs media after ICJ ruling on Israel’s occupation


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903eb8 No.21906875

Replies disabled deleted


I feal sorry for anons that cared to discuss the gate.pdf


Gate kid here Bourne 3.6.72.

Do not search on q posts.

Specially the ones in the uk breads.

And no one asks what has developed of the gate situation.. the mind beggars beleaf

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7701de No.21906876


July 2024

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f43e02 No.21906877




this isn't a church, it's a research board. Personal attacks, spam, or threats aren't tolerated. Neither are crazy rants. Try to get your act together.

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7701de No.21906878

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8ef111 No.21906879


DIG MEME PRAY. Get out of our House, Traitor.

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91ad5a No.21906880

File: fda0598f9169174⋯.png (17.7 KB,474x337,474:337,ClipboardImage.png)


we love our illegals, don't we, folks?

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6b449f No.21906881

File: 283d50b9955272e⋯.jpg (190.21 KB,1524x500,381:125,AnonAutists.jpg)

File: ed5b813e2215896⋯.jpg (62.22 KB,640x270,64:27,Anons_Proud.jpg)

File: 38cd1fac896a837⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,683x471,683:471,Band_of_Anons.jpg)

File: 6a7ffca2fd8586f⋯.jpg (63.58 KB,812x500,203:125,BB_red_text.jpg)

File: c2e6bd6e16cd1be⋯.jpg (68.98 KB,778x499,778:499,AutistsAnons.jpg)

Anons, it's been a blast and I am proud to have served with you all.

(Shills can still GTFO though).

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37cf11 No.21906882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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903eb8 No.21906883




ISREAL isn’t real

IS REAL no it’s not.

Roths defeated whom created the vision they project is no longer a reality.


New world without the petrol dolla.

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82a072 No.21906884


you ready?

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37a154 No.21906885

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>I'm an illegal immigrant. I already voted 4 times in 3 states!

>Illegals for Trump!!!


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f43e02 No.21906886

File: b3a41f8da80b998⋯.png (471.03 KB,1177x1360,1177:1360,2024_11_05_1_59_57.png)




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0b14e2 No.21906887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




End is near.

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d7f10c No.21906888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5fb060 No.21906889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>this isn't a church

then why admonish, parson BO ;p

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37cf11 No.21906890


anons were always ready the question is, will the rest of the world be ready? Because today is just the start for the larger battle ahead. So I am up early gonna do some coffee soon and get ready to vote in a few hours.

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0b14e2 No.21906891


Love and Respect.


End is near.

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badb91 No.21906892

File: 9313c5d5283ecc8⋯.png (928.15 KB,750x1334,375:667,C7FA2FB1_D4B7_4435_A474_CB….png)

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000000 No.21906893

Anon Can't get to the 114 Pages. But maybe you can.


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82a072 No.21906894

File: 0d76a1f5d644f7e⋯.png (51.59 KB,570x318,95:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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036c50 No.21906895

File: b41eb32acbc2dbd⋯.png (886.32 KB,1476x1298,738:649,b41eb32acbc2dbd1c3d08be310….png)

Goooooooooooooooood Morning, McFaggots!

I feelz so winningly this fine morn.

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badb91 No.21906896

File: 85154d36c204448⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,1F616D53_59F1_408D_898A_B1….png)

File: d77ac2337f50ecd⋯.png (28.76 KB,473x252,473:252,87090CE5_25DE_4B82_9835_24….png)

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0b14e2 No.21906897



Love is Filling the World. Real Love. The Light.

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ff2d0a No.21906898

File: 881045e6641bed7⋯.png (980.45 KB,526x698,263:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b14e2 No.21906899


Comms don't lie…..

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82a072 No.21906900


nice. good luck at the pols. i went a few days ago and was the only one in the place. wifeanon going today.

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000000 No.21906901


why do you continue to DISRUPT for?

who cares what the fucking date is.

Your disruption looks like HASBARA…

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7142fb No.21906902


first thing that came up when searching for "triumphant music"

called secession studios and have some interesting song titles

nice to have non-distracting music to listen to while multi-tasking

really wish they would start putting custom orchestra songs in movies again

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37a154 No.21906903

File: 868fb0b362df6f3⋯.png (813.9 KB,954x718,477:359,feel_the_bern.png)

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980640 No.21906904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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903eb8 No.21906905

Sorry, am I a day early

Is this not Don fire night?

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0b14e2 No.21906906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

Who does the USSS currently protect?

Why is this relevant?

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2b8d32 No.21906907

Trumps victory in 2017 showed (them) we know how you steal votes and blocked access.

Trumps "loss" in 2020 was to show the world that that steal elections.

Trumps victory in 2024 will catch them all with their hand in the cookie jar.

The plan is glorious.

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82a072 No.21906908


it's the kamala kumbaya.

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37cf11 No.21906909


cheaper to use pre recorded songs then hire a conductor like john williams and an entire orchestra to play it. Do a search for epic music remix on you tube you will find some good stuff.

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82a072 No.21906910

File: 7a348bfc0d30f30⋯.png (27.55 KB,326x500,163:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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980640 No.21906911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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82a072 No.21906912

File: ce269f3607e94b4⋯.png (30.07 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Gonna start early today.

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d7f10c No.21906913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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83e5ec No.21906914


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000000 No.21906915

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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82a072 No.21906916

File: 6a11db9011849a8⋯.png (83.79 KB,526x636,263:318,ClipboardImage.png)

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140fcd No.21906917


Q tells us to pray multiple times and have given anons a clear directive; dig, meme, pray. Why don't you stop being a complete glowfaggot and go diddle tranime.

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903eb8 No.21906918


Tiz game over, whitch is what eye say.

Just seein that’s all.

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82a072 No.21906919

File: 6ee8b81fac017c0⋯.png (33.66 KB,640x573,640:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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980640 No.21906920

File: 4e291baf9c0503f⋯.jpg (621.17 KB,1024x1212,256:303,4e2.jpg)

>>21906917 are u rasist?

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9bd281 No.21906921

File: 20596c06e2a1be2⋯.jpg (51.1 KB,494x478,247:239,e1aaef7847ea6457d7646b2046….jpg)

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f43e02 No.21906922


>BREAKING: The International Court Just declared Israeli to be an illegal State

story isn't exactly BREAKING

the joke's on you.

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903eb8 No.21906923

File: d4c3d6d484ca0ff⋯.jpg (3.13 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)


Funnily enough…

Yeh, suppose

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000000 No.21906924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hello Deer Friends.

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2b8d32 No.21906925

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000000 No.21906926


Say it with me.


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980640 No.21906927

File: 6f1fbd306d6df9a⋯.gif (1.93 MB,361x247,19:13,BokitoStillAlive.gif)

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37a154 No.21906928


>BREAKING: The International Court Just declared Israeli to be an illegal State

When are they moving out?

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980640 No.21906930

File: 8cb092d1336b0ba⋯.jpg (256.02 KB,1280x958,640:479,BohemianCrove.jpg)

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0658c0 No.21906931


roll one and watch a quick 2016 "Donald Trump will never be president, 0% chance" compilation

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7142fb No.21906932


yea that was what matt damon was saying about movies now and why they suck aside from the woke aspect is it costs too much to make a good one and the return isn't there due to streaming services

like the snake eating its own tail

back in the day, they created something out of passion and because it resonated with the masses and the huge box office returns ended up paying off because people actually enjoyed watching them

i say take the risk

make movies great again

will keep the music recommendation in mind for later, thanks

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87b120 No.21906933


07 07 O2 17




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5fb060 No.21906934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

remember you've waited 48 months for this day

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6c9d20 No.21906935

File: 3519f6aa9c0dcb8⋯.mp4 (663.75 KB,780x360,13:6,TDJnwb9MI3mvlaGT.mp4)

Little Secret

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980640 No.21906936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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82a072 No.21906937


i'm saving those joys for later tonight!

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000000 No.21906938


All of this was discussed, scroll up or look like another HASBARA disruption.

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f43e02 No.21906939


Q is not a santimonious prick.

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87b120 No.21906940

PRAY FOR POTUS DJT. Today is your last chance to pray for Victory. Don't not.

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0658c0 No.21906941


they know it's coming now. maybe they will all just *poof* disappear or something

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036c50 No.21906942


Can the marijuana tax stamp of '37 be considered a catch 22?

Why havn't they tried that stamp with firearms?

"You need a tax stamp to buy that weapon but since we don't print stamps, it'll be a while."

Oh, right. They like living.

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b22ee9 No.21906943

File: 531bd20b96d5739⋯.jpeg (220.15 KB,1179x1162,1179:1162,tzxdf6ue98cc1.jpeg)

GM frens


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793499 No.21906944


Brunson case.

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9b6bb1 No.21906945


Aren't you?

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87b120 No.21906946


Q can't stand you…

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980640 No.21906947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87b120 No.21906948


Jhn 1:5

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

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3954c7 No.21906949

File: 293f8f54926422a⋯.png (1.08 MB,757x564,757:564,heart_water.PNG)


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82a072 No.21906950


no comprende that

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b22ee9 No.21906951

File: c5db0af76749ba8⋯.webp (31.85 KB,520x293,520:293,c5db0af76749ba899f2d826f2….webp)


Q posted Bible references to troll the Vatican, and to get the support of biblefags. They have to appear religious for public support, didn't want to alienate half the country from the movement.

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2b6cd9 No.21906952

File: 50b9c579791fd92⋯.png (1.52 MB,1092x1402,546:701,Screenshot_2024_11_05_at_5….png)

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87b120 No.21906953

Jhn 1:10

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

Jhn 1:11

He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

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87b120 No.21906954

Jhn 1:12

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Jhn 1:13

Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

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82a072 No.21906955


oh i want to watch them bleed. and so do you.

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036c50 No.21906956


Just doing it Diddy/Jeffery/Hughe style now.

Getting it on video.

Bringing the "standing."

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37cf11 No.21906957


there are some still that you can find that are good and trying stuff, mostly low budget stuff, horror, some sci fi, but because of tech innovations you also lose a lot of the heart, look at animation with disney, between wish and beauty and the beast. The problem is the risk is financial and that is out of reach for most people long are the days wherea movie like El Mariachi could be made on 7 grand.

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0658c0 No.21906958

File: f12a9469d1517df⋯.jpg (68.85 KB,800x534,400:267,Elh7OrxXIAAD30N_4c9affcc_2….jpg)

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b22ee9 No.21906959

File: 89224411ff0324f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1024x1024,1:1,89224411ff0324fe950cda533c….png)


You know what lil cosmic sand fren? It is a GM. It's a damn guud morning.

I can smell the winning already. Oh wait that's covfefe.

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4f2efb No.21906960


How did Noah get 2 honey badgers on his magical zoo boat without them killing and eating the other animals

Inquiring minds want to know

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d7f10c No.21906961

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,318x405,106:135,1509930348872.jpg)

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3954c7 No.21906962

File: 03bdf7253ba5d93⋯.png (360.13 KB,589x603,589:603,k.PNG)


Kyle Becker


JUST IN: Maricopa County is *TERRIFIED* that @JamesOKeefeIII

will expose voter fraud on Election Day.

A Maricopa County official even *LEAKED* a legal threat letter to the Washington Post as a threat to journalists looking out for voter fraud in Arizona


James O'Keefe

5:36 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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903eb8 No.21906963

File: 06401169ef079e9⋯.png (2.08 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2531.png)

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903eb8 No.21906964

Muh mars u say

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82a072 No.21906965


kat williams?

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963625 No.21906966

File: 10790b769440bed⋯.gif (1.82 MB,179x308,179:308,10790b769440bedd1b49e8d59d….gif)



This is news

Pastebin was screening for dough, now. intardasting.

Must have been a code change.

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980640 No.21906967

File: 04b3a266bf30553⋯.png (1.52 MB,1804x1316,451:329,BoJoVaccination.png)


Awake US Again

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036c50 No.21906968


goto freespoke.com

enter 'marijuana tax stamp of 1937'

hit enter

after study

enter 'catch 22'

hit enter

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0658c0 No.21906969


it dat weezy F baby

lil wayne

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903eb8 No.21906970


Can u gib me placebo vax papers plox

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82a072 No.21906971


sorry. i don't speak nigger.

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37a154 No.21906972

File: 74169db3f05df9b⋯.png (163.32 KB,472x264,59:33,demons_3.png)


>I feelz so winningly this fine morn.

Even if Trump wins, the Dem-ons can still do considerable damage to the republic in the 77 odd days to inauguration.

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87b120 No.21906973


Blood is Thicker.


Trip not working on multiple devices.


Amen, brother.

This evil must be destroyed.

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980640 No.21906974

File: b02719eb1a63043⋯.jpg (346.98 KB,2001x2261,2001:2261,QRFuckTou.jpg)

>>21906971 racist

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b22ee9 No.21906975

File: 191f716aebfc872⋯.png (12.9 KB,255x237,85:79,191f716aebfc872ca033a7107d….png)


Then you come to the wrong place. I learned it from watching BV bake handovers

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3954c7 No.21906976

File: 27cd20aea64fac0⋯.png (291.44 KB,434x572,217:286,c.PNG)


😳WHOA—Who tf does she think she is? Also, zero self awareness here. 117% PANIC:

Maddow: Even if Trump doesn’t win, the Defense Department and NASA are going to need a new arrangement for all their rockets. And for all the multibillion dollar contracts Elon Musk’s companies have with The US Government. The US Government is going to have to either unwind from all of those contracts, or Elon Musk’s companies are going to have to unwind from him. This is an untenable reality in national security terms.

XPOST (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1853643396503445700?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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87b120 No.21906977


My initials. 13-7

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903eb8 No.21906978

I need to goto 10 from 420.

Obviously to soon for the Don and the fire of night.

Will recommence.

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82a072 No.21906979


we may not have to wait for J20. gotta feeling djt left an ace up his sleeve before he vacated the west wing.

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37cf11 No.21906980


If Q had quoted the Quran american patriots would not have accepted it.

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2b6cd9 No.21906981


>Maddow: "Even if Trump doesn’t win"

Sounds like he/she realizes he's going to win.

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9bd281 No.21906982

File: fe1f7aaa3860c5c⋯.jpg (264.22 KB,546x532,39:38,fe1f7aaa3860c5cbecd38ddd49….jpg)

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ca455d No.21906984

9/11 was my woke moment. Hillbuzz and Denver DNC rememberer. Knew gig was up when Mitt blew 2nd debate. Sandusky opened eyes further then Wiki. Then 2016 and Q.

Been a long time coming hard to believe. Past 4 years have been very difficult sad to think how much worse it can get. Thanks anons

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7701de No.21906985

was that really Pompeo last night?

i somehow doubt it..

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82a072 No.21906986



sry. will work on niggerspeak after trump is sworn in.

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3954c7 No.21906987

File: 7279e6bbd92e06b⋯.png (298.04 KB,437x729,437:729,u.PNG)


NEW: Elon Musk on Joe Rogan taking about Peanut. Nuts to think (pun intended) that this might mobilize voters.


JUST IN: Elon Musk says Americans should mobilize in response to the execution of Peanut the Squirrel, relates the incident to John Wick.

"Go out there and vote… for Peanut," Musk said.

"How can it be that we live in America, supposedly land of the free and the government can barge into your home with guns."

"If you resist, you're gonna get shot. Then [they] take your pets and execute them. And if they can do that to your pets, what do you think they can do to you?"

"I think this should really get people out there mobilized."

"I hope people just go out there and vote, for Peanut, man. If nothing else. Just vote."


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980640 No.21906988

File: 0518107e3711284⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,850x491,850:491,RacismTest.jpg)

Just Testing

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2b6cd9 No.21906989

File: eafa81a6fdec287⋯.png (298.21 KB,526x386,263:193,Screenshot_2024_11_05_at_5….png)


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eef8aa No.21906990

File: a5a1c9e2d1e4831⋯.png (278.09 KB,381x405,127:135,a5a1c9e2d1e48318effb5d00ae….png)

File: cbd307f55043e42⋯.png (233.81 KB,298x381,298:381,cbd307f55043e42d89611e26fa….png)

File: 522225dbad978db⋯.png (1020.22 KB,1062x640,531:320,522225dbad978dbf3723524720….png)



Trips Chk't


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3732c2 No.21906992


Is this the animal seen in heaven with PNuts?

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468cb0 No.21906993

File: 198fb78f3841d5c⋯.jpg (7.98 MB,4160x3120,4:3,IMG_20241105_054107.jpg)

VOGTFO…post em if you got em faggots…

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1e8a0e No.21906995



I'm still learning. And don't trust anything.

I'm still trying to figure out why PAC was looking for a purse to snatch, and trying to figure out why bitches carry two bags. If less is more, shouldn't it be no bags? Like Shadilay. Shadilay says Shadilay a gateway… I love Shadilay and many others.

Now if a nigga work with everyone if they short with cheese, I say fuck it..skip working with everyone, and just pull a Jimbo and "delete" that….. If bitchcraft. I could have used basic wisdom for good.

If Miami is on the scene just in case u didn't know it is right…wby keep it from all….I no longer believe in writing.

The common language was gua-gu-ga-ga.

Where u at gu?

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3954c7 No.21906997

File: f03b4c587b9eb39⋯.png (24.35 KB,782x288,391:144,s.PNG)


Postal worker tosses 300 pro-NJ Rep. Tom

Kean Jr. election mailers in dumpster:

‘We saw her’

New York Post, by Steve Jenoski

Posted By: 4250Luis, 11/5/2024 5:35:25 AM

A US Postal Service worker allegedly tossed about 300 mailers in support of New Jersey Republican Rep. Tom Kean, Jr., into a dumpster outside a Pennsylvania supermarket two weeks ago — and the caught-on-camera incident may have cost her the job. A security company worker watched as the unidentified woman — who was clad in a USPS uniform — pulled her Toyota Prius up next to a Shop-Rite dumpster in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania, took several bins out of her trunk and chucked them in, according to the New Jersey Globe.

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903eb8 No.21906998


April 2020. Censorship.

What month was elections.

Oh fug

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980640 No.21906999

File: 213e7761850f1f0⋯.webp (112.92 KB,1600x2048,25:32,koekjes_chocolade.webp)


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1e8a0e No.21907000


Qs a time

Speck.?spick? Spock,

Speak, spike, spoke?

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903eb8 No.21907001


We see calm


That should be one massive false flag.

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20f83b No.21907002

File: f6d771a9e6b5d68⋯.png (170.13 KB,611x721,611:721,Screen_Shot_11_05_24_at_05….PNG)

The first votes are in…..


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37cf11 No.21907003


have you forgotten about Harambe?

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5fb060 No.21907004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0658c0 No.21907005


he's from Louisiana too. sometimes that Looziana speech can be difficult to understand if you're not from a parish

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82a072 No.21907006

damn my farts are long and smelly this morning. friggin taco bell last night.

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3954c7 No.21907007

File: b659c0979f085b0⋯.png (278.49 KB,439x616,439:616,ov.PNG)


🥴Pelosi loses train of thought while accusing Trump of 'decline'

Nancy Pelosi stumbled over her words as she accused former president Donald Trump of suffering from 'cognitive degeneration'. 

Speaking on MSNBC on Sunday morning, Pelosi said: 'I think what the ex-president just said is further indication of his cognitive degeneration. 

'Something is very wrong there', before the 84-year-old started spluttering over her words.

READ (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14036719/Nancy-Pelosi-thought-Donald-Trump-decline-interview.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490) | XPOST (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1853281914280632332?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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036c50 No.21907009


By 'winning' I mean all future battles will be won.

Never meant smooths sailing from here on out.

Will be a decade or two to right all wrongs and sort it all out, WW including.

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20f83b No.21907010

File: 85a36eda3f26c36⋯.png (13.18 KB,357x249,119:83,Screen_Shot_11_05_24_at_05….PNG)

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37a154 No.21907011

File: 7c112271ae5def1⋯.png (591.95 KB,842x616,421:308,kamala.png)

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f43e02 No.21907012


>Pastebin was screening for dough

"trump" was the word it didn't like originally

after 2020, was still possible to get a paste thru sometimes

would have to use pastebin a while to be convinced

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0658c0 No.21907013

File: 6dee070e5d75766⋯.jpg (24.66 KB,414x276,3:2,5c5aec15f7305a7f6c662400_n….jpg)

File: 180b07307cf35a4⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,860x572,215:143,_109276116_pelosi_976.jpg)

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980640 No.21907014

File: 7aefb4e539fee0d⋯.png (236.01 KB,1849x1124,1849:1124,YouTubeMassage.png)

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0c35cd No.21907015


khaki shorts and diddie baby oil provided

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3954c7 No.21907017

File: 7eadf473f8db8a8⋯.png (459.94 KB,598x615,598:615,wm.PNG)


Nick Sortor


It’s after *2 AM* and President Trump just turned his final rally into a dance party 🤣

He just spent SEVERAL minutes dancing with the amped crowd.

There will never be another Trump 🇺🇸

0:33 / 3:13


Conservative War Machine

8:26 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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000000 No.21907018

anonpaste replaced pastebin

there are others but this was created directly because of pastebin's bullshit

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a7ef6d No.21907019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The problem is the risk is financial and that is out of reach for most people long are the days wherea movie like El Mariachi could be made on 7 grand.

A behind the scenes look at the making of the Robert Rodriguez ultra low budget film "El Mariachi". Rodriguez explains the tricks filmmakers can use when working with extremely limited budgets.

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3954c7 No.21907020

File: 3f2f4601b87f8ae⋯.png (347.76 KB,588x456,49:38,id.PNG)


Ron Paul


With JD Vance and Elon Musk, Suddenly Ideas Are Back in this Campaign

5:17 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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903eb8 No.21907021


I will defend current BO.

didn’t do nothing wrong.

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980640 No.21907022

File: d26c5831423f211⋯.png (184.96 KB,1052x1241,1052:1241,BingoFaggot.png)

>>21907016 u mean Dutch Bank Owner?

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fb76be No.21907023


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000000 No.21907025


Anon's don't need to get caught in slaughter pins.

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3954c7 No.21907026

File: 7115b9590ae38c8⋯.png (338.08 KB,602x566,301:283,door.PNG)


Greg Price


Kamala got caught in 4K telling a family in Pennsylvania to go back inside their house so she could stage a door knock lmfao.

So fake.


Trump War Room

5:25 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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036c50 No.21907027

File: 09cc57c4dbbece2⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,1080x1920,9:16,09cc57c4dbbece2980cea0b5e8….mp4)

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0658c0 No.21907028

I can imagine a future, unburdened by the left

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863771 No.21907030

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3954c7 No.21907032

File: d3bc9d541c362ca⋯.png (364.86 KB,588x734,294:367,wo.PNG)


Eric Trump


12:12am - “The Final Walkout!”

Grand Rapids, Michigan!

6:32 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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82a072 No.21907033

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37cf11 No.21907034


you are crying.

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42b2d1 No.21907035

Im bout to go vote for BO to be removed and Trump to be President !!DoitQQ!!

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980640 No.21907036

File: 909477b43ed20ac⋯.jpeg (67.84 KB,640x629,640:629,BidenRituals.jpeg)


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37cf11 No.21907038


I hate your god anon. I also hate you. Come on cry some more.

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3954c7 No.21907041

File: 02c1844a12695d0⋯.png (146.16 KB,594x525,198:175,dan.PNG)

File: 124b4820e7f5847⋯.png (978.17 KB,547x666,547:666,tr.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


4:50amEDT—Trump Force One is en route from Michigan to Florida now, with some Elvis…

It’s Election Day in America! Let’s GOOOOOO!!!! #VoteTrump

#Election2024 #MAGA🇺🇸🦅

11:04 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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000000 No.21907042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

everyone who want's to argue with BO BV is a piece of shit that doesn't understand this.


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903eb8 No.21907043


I love god, I used to love my country (not mine currently).

I have no hate.

Only love.

God is within side


There is no way I could h8:something inside of me.

God forbid.



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3954c7 No.21907046

File: 1cd0c82af4a4059⋯.png (459.74 KB,593x606,593:606,bp.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump talks about how Barron bypasses the lock he put on his computer. 🤣

"I say, Barron, you're always on your computer. You gotta stop. You gotta do other things. 'Yes, dad. Yes, dad — sure, dad.' Don't be wise, I'm going to turn this thing off… he calls me 45 minutes later, 'come here, dad Hahahaha — take a look!' This kid's a genius, I'm telling you."

2:33 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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57a64f No.21907047

File: aeaaa5e3aafa66b⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_10.jpg)


Correct. 60% of the USA is Christian biblefag. All military planning and strategy. Members of Q team could very well be Muslim, Jewish, Hindu etc. But they had to frame themselves as Christians otherwise it would have been dead in the water before it started. It's for the exact same reason every politician pretends to be Christian if they are running for president. All strategy.

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7142fb No.21907049

File: d38021074a4c990⋯.png (856.69 KB,1129x816,1129:816,ClipboardImage.png)


i just end up re-watching the classics until something as good comes along without a woke studio producing it

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57a64f No.21907051

File: 0bee8054ea90129⋯.jpeg (351.54 KB,2732x2048,683:512,i6mo3w1lwdkd1.jpeg)






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0658c0 No.21907052

File: e7539d3b5f5e9f4⋯.jpg (224.31 KB,1080x1179,120:131,Screenshot_20241105_045425….jpg)


A Gallup Poll revealed last month that a record low of only 31% of voters expressed a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” while a larger 36% expressed no confidence at all in traditional newspaper, TV and radio coverage, Another third expressed “not very much” confidence in the professional media. Gallup noted the trend of an increasingly unpopular media has been years in the making, dating to the advent of the Trump era if not earlier.

The 2024 election provided a chance for traditional media reporters to reverse the slump. Instead they doubled down on a coverage so anti-Trump (85% according to the Media Research Center) and slanted and inaccurate that it made public sentiment worse.

Anchors "fact checked" candidates with inaccurate information. Headlines, town halls and stories revealed a clear bias toward Democrats and against Republicans. And reporters did one of the biggest switcharoos in American electoral history when – after months of insisting President Biden was not cognitively impaired – they had to acknowledge in the end that Old Joe was, well, old and forgetful and confused after a disastrous June debate with Trump.

“The media has lost a great deal of credibility by and large,” New York pollster John McLaughlin, whose clients include Trump, told Just the News.

“But there are some people, you know, they're looking for the truth and just the news. And there's many other media outlets that are trying to emerge, that are trying to be fair, you know, and that's all there is. They want fairness,” McLaughlin added in an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

The failure – or at least the perception of failure – to deliver that kind of fairness or open-mindedness may convince historians that legacy news media was this election’s biggest loser. It may also embolden Trump – should he win – to carry out that plan hatched in summer 2020.

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42b2d1 No.21907054

File: 844af70df65bae3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1248x806,48:31,844af70df65bae33336ad8b08f….png)


cant wait till the evil is gone from the land

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980640 No.21907055

File: 7e0daf6eff8a8b5⋯.png (2.65 MB,1700x1275,4:3,SpockCant.png)

File: 0fdec00582d09f5⋯.png (52.54 KB,1786x1248,893:624,StanByUntitled.png)

File: 1f4799c6d39d098⋯.webp (170.02 KB,2028x974,1014:487,Fleet_support_ship.webp)

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fdb6e1 No.21907056

File: fcd27b198a989f6⋯.png (2.18 MB,1268x985,1268:985,jerry_the_hutt.png)


Here is an older one

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75076a No.21907057

Trump is going to win. Let suicide weekend commence.

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82a072 No.21907059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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37cf11 No.21907060


it is funny that Q specifically said stuff about religion as being a divider but here are christians thinking they are special and more right or special. Christianity sadly divides more people than not. But to say that triggers some because it fucks with their dogma and desire for control.

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5fb060 No.21907061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9bd281 No.21907063

File: e349d7169faa6c0⋯.mp4 (381 KB,578x270,289:135,It_s_Election_Day_in_Ameri….mp4)

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42b2d1 No.21907064

File: a0a43c5771ea687⋯.jpeg (9.66 KB,255x170,3:2,a0a43c5771ea6871df15b3119….jpeg)


we do thanQ

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7701de No.21907066

Trump did a countdown at his last rally

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … months"

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57a64f No.21907067


Religion was the first form of government. Control. They created government when the fear of death and going to hell started to reduce in the overall public. Q quoted scripture, but that always came off as trolling the deep state religious leaders.

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37cf11 No.21907068


I had seven years to realize that the bible was bullshit and the people that push it as true, either did not research what they were reading or have and decide to lie anyways.

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4c2942 No.21907070

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)

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20f83b No.21907071

File: 7ce81d7f406dc78⋯.mp4 (8.08 MB,886x498,443:249,kamala10.mp4)

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3954c7 No.21907072

File: a59a9194617dd4e⋯.png (331.72 KB,597x646,597:646,lt.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


Good vs Evil. GOoD wins 🙏🏼


Benny Johnson




General Flynn reacts to the viral picture of a drained Obama on the campaign trail for Kamala:

“The problem with a face like that is you got to be careful when you’re dealing with people because they are desperate.. That’s the anti-Christ. Talk about spiritual warfare.”

Show more

3:32 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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980640 No.21907073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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82a072 No.21907075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is my favorite and I bet Trump is playing this right now.

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3954c7 No.21907076

File: 72ae59f66bbfd40⋯.png (280.68 KB,442x604,221:302,ev.PNG)


Come join myself, Stormy Patriot Joe, Joe Rambo, and Newstreason Dave for an impromptu election eve get together!

Show will start around 11pm ET!


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67d5ea No.21907077

File: 17c2fefbd7971b5⋯.jpg (205.07 KB,1200x800,3:2,555.jpg)

File: b8080525f5af9ed⋯.png (946.5 KB,680x680,1:1,55_.png)

File: 407e51a60f367c8⋯.jpeg (28.61 KB,255x173,255:173,55_do_it_q.jpeg)

File: ddc1a27baad2acb⋯.png (703.87 KB,836x576,209:144,Vote.png)


ThanQ Baker!

Trips chk'd.


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57a64f No.21907078

File: 0f8b4b2e73f5b94⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,657x640,657:640,8f3bec2f57dc78dee0d27f100a….jpg)


Sup Ralph

Is it nice in Langley this morn'n?

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7142fb No.21907080


should have said

>GOoD wins vs. dEviL

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42b2d1 No.21907081

File: 106185784c80dc8⋯.png (624.88 KB,640x476,160:119,106185784c80dc800651b2ef58….png)

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3954c7 No.21907082

File: 5c661391aa856bd⋯.png (378.35 KB,602x758,301:379,xx.PNG)



X22 Report



Nov 04, 2024, 1:53 PM

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67d5ea No.21907083

File: 8bbe5ca27834900⋯.png (306.79 KB,490x326,245:163,Trump_globalists_voters.png)

File: d90973a51beef22⋯.jpg (65.29 KB,566x399,566:399,Trump_voters_GoP.jpg)

File: 58cc82341c5757a⋯.png (142.47 KB,396x327,132:109,Rally_Day.png)

File: 6f5dbfb328a76d0⋯.png (349.06 KB,634x545,634:545,Q_busy_2_.png)


Morning Ralph (& Sam)


This is it, guise, here we go!

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3954c7 No.21907084

File: a3bcf587334f819⋯.png (234.2 KB,1089x832,1089:832,ui.PNG)

File: 78e823e0e8aa365⋯.png (239.28 KB,484x431,484:431,_You_.PNG)

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0c35cd No.21907085


those two bitches corralling kemp as they intrude into everyone's spaces demanding their attention, same time criticizing their politics and then telling them to step back and shut up - or else…

or else take away their fucking paychecks and throw em in jail and excessive fines like they did Rudy

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1398ee No.21907086


This clown just makes shit up.

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42b2d1 No.21907087

File: 064dbb5c16a96e6⋯.png (420.83 KB,532x279,532:279,064dbb5c16a96e6e68a6fdbe8e….png)


it's been a long road since the kitchen purge .I cannot wait until we have that [place running like a machine of the truth again. Shit was so rad before oss came in and his crew. I left in absolute disgust . Im bak tho ready to help when the trash is removed. Il be watchin

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57a64f No.21907088

File: 15845bf2c1e63e2⋯.png (340.4 KB,582x547,582:547,15845bf2c1e63e2bb9bf4cb4b3….png)

You fags better vote moar harder this time

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20f83b No.21907089

File: 010d77b3c30f893⋯.png (686.15 KB,618x919,618:919,Screen_Shot_11_05_24_at_06….PNG)


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980640 No.21907090

File: be22299b359652a⋯.png (3.08 MB,3262x2000,1631:1000,8Chan.png)

>>21907077 8 is a lot Quicker boy!

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75076a No.21907091


Israel is here to the end, fuck face. Cry some more, bitch.

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42b2d1 No.21907093

File: 2ffc03a0917981e⋯.jpg (130.69 KB,453x439,453:439,2ffc03a0917981e7d9c5b82408….jpg)

File: b5a38a0e706c489⋯.jpeg (86.97 KB,1080x1092,90:91,b5a38a0e706c489af9af0ee8e….jpeg)

File: ef188fe3c20bdd9⋯.jpeg (171.48 KB,1080x1633,1080:1633,ef188fe3c20bdd9993368d6b0….jpeg)


88 MPH!

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57a64f No.21907094

File: 29e8f655cd2a5a6⋯.png (60.66 KB,253x204,253:204,29e8f655cd2a5a612bad40e7f6….png)



>Im bak tho ready to help when the trash is removed.

You can show yourself the door anytime?

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82a072 No.21907095


duck and cover schlomo.

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980640 No.21907097

File: 01ed60693b31f5d⋯.mp4 (6.46 MB,426x178,213:89,Josey_Wales_Hell_is_coming….mp4)

>>21907091 fix IT

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42b2d1 No.21907098

File: ec9a8043722e4bd⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,978x790,489:395,D1rqAMhWsAEpc50.jpg)

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d0c476 No.21907099

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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932cd8 No.21907100


Nasal Academy Graduate

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67d5ea No.21907101

File: 1e307d92d39d0fe⋯.jpg (66.51 KB,680x464,85:58,Kamala_wrong_rally.jpg)

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ccb003 No.21907102

File: 9ba06e1452f7738⋯.png (21.61 KB,473x168,473:168,9974B808_2209_41BD_986B_D4….png)


good morning Ralph.

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932cd8 No.21907103

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ce7e5c No.21907104

File: da51fa8ca0537d3⋯.jpeg (184.58 KB,1125x629,1125:629,IMG_5506.jpeg)

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036c50 No.21907105


Q+ chkt

nothing but 'uge smiles on crowds faces

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57a64f No.21907106

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)



GM CPF (copy pasta fren)

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bdcb78 No.21907107


Did you all forget the definition of "Last"? Focus on the Mission > Precipice 2024. You have One Job Today.

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ccb003 No.21907108

File: ce4e3ee22525da8⋯.png (98.93 KB,473x546,473:546,95848B92_84A9_4D38_A49B_A9….png)


good fucking morning.

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3954c7 No.21907109

File: f59b48073665f86⋯.png (513.62 KB,712x727,712:727,m.PNG)

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b528f1 No.21907110

File: 685ad9c9f3d0839⋯.png (64.43 KB,273x266,39:38,bullshit_begin.png)

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903eb8 No.21907111

Auto correct equals winning

I’m shifting u not, ultimate troll, I congess

I brought pic rel.

They do not own the Star of David

Or in fact the Merkaba star.

When your crown chakra is activated and u don this cap.



Guaranteed u anons haven’t had your firmware upgraded, thought not.

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82365f No.21907112



as if DOD or NASA gives a shit what she says

I seem to recall she was on the View talking about how "if Trump wins he's going to put media on trial for treason and execute us…"

Hmm, maybe she's sure the fix is in, be real nice to see her cry on camera again

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963625 No.21907113

File: b3eec30274b4fa0⋯.png (824.24 KB,967x1020,967:1020,wewin.PNG)


nice dig, so the first social media to ban "trump" lol

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bdcb78 No.21907114


Unfortunately for the Darkness, Bullshit here is ending.

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9b6bb1 No.21907115

File: f3da37a7fdb1fa3⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1722349696199.png)

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4c2942 No.21907117

File: 6eb0204b5490644⋯.png (154.5 KB,469x334,469:334,ralphitsH.png)


>Morning Ralph (& Sam)


>This is it, guise, here we go!



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67d5ea No.21907118

File: dafc5cc11c8538b⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,634x360,317:180,Lil_Wayne.mp4)

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2a6b3b No.21907119

Welp…just lost power. How convenient for Election Day.

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d4b8f4 No.21907120


Why it's called Isn'treal.

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57a64f No.21907121

File: 33400e93bfa2f94⋯.png (274.71 KB,633x489,211:163,33400e93bfa2f9436646b72b53….png)


That vertical spike in the blue line is the 3am vote count

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bdcb78 No.21907122

Time for the True Colors to be Shown. Impossible to Hide now.

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903eb8 No.21907123

File: 065c457bcef3816⋯.jpg (2.41 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

Forgot pic, so bonus crystal incl.


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7ffb97 No.21907124


recount please, I see a hanging chad

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82365f No.21907125

File: 2cf1b93b1667821⋯.jpeg (25.48 KB,255x228,85:76,2cf1b93b166782121c28d13bd….jpeg)

>>21907112 (me)

Egads! I doth reddit spaced

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3732c2 No.21907126

File: 09ffe99b9981b4f⋯.png (551.22 KB,900x1052,225:263,dallessandrob1.png)

File: 26056c39db3636d⋯.png (365.86 KB,902x1082,451:541,dallessandrob.png)


> Harambe

Just heard about it today

thank you

FYI files on father of Pelosi Tom


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82a072 No.21907127


you'd do her

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d0c476 No.21907128


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

With a splash to deal with the election.

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b340c1 No.21907129

File: 64dad73f844db5c⋯.jpg (110.79 KB,600x480,5:4,2024ticket.jpg)


wot an office it is.

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bdcb78 No.21907130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How much winning are you prepared to endure.

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57a64f No.21907131

File: a7f996985bf78a2⋯.webp (111.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingflag2.webp)


GM Jewish fren


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3732c2 No.21907132


She decides. Rilly? /s/

"Even if Trump doesn't win…"

so she's expecting it?

Doesn't even make sense.

It's actually a threat.

read it as… "We're going after Musk… even if…."

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67d5ea No.21907133

File: 32b833c4fdc865e⋯.jpg (13.04 KB,244x255,244:255,CHKd.jpg)


Dub-dubs chk'd


Powerless pretend court not recognized by us.

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3732c2 No.21907134


>It's actually a threat.

read it as… "We're going after Musk… even if…."

Kamala doesn't win.

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57a64f No.21907135

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)



>Reddit spacing

Looks like Mr pig is wearing off on the newfags

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963625 No.21907136

File: db8be4273d7ff0e⋯.jpg (5.63 KB,195x258,65:86,topkektrump.jpg)

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3732c2 No.21907137


are you sad Diddler's fren Quincy died?

Scare you?

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82a072 No.21907138

my dick is extra thick this morning. must be the erec…i mean election.

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9c34d7 No.21907139

We The People!!!!! Let’s Gooooooo!!!

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83e2d3 No.21907140

File: d820e57e1f45094⋯.jpg (284.98 KB,1080x2408,135:301,Screenshot_20241029_232230….jpg)


Let's GoWINThis…!!!

Together (We) are Strong…

United (WE) are Invincible…!!!

For God and Country


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4c2942 No.21907141

File: 5f9f385c51f64b3⋯.png (202.56 KB,596x452,149:113,bidenTrips.png)

File: 30bf09367d0bb16⋯.png (44.39 KB,319x350,319:350,bidenTrip.png)

File: 9d87179cd4a8a37⋯.png (147.36 KB,729x342,81:38,godwinsTrips.png)


>good morning Ralph.


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67d5ea No.21907142

File: 298f322ce19cf79⋯.jpeg (66.76 KB,450x570,15:19,Youre_a_Whore.jpeg)


Always has. Junior likes those plastic chicks with their ass-fat pumped into their lips.

Bitch is fugly and used to be married to Newscum.

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bdcb78 No.21907143


You'll be leaving soon… Scare you? $$$$$$$$

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980640 No.21907144

File: 2fa54e66cdc61a0⋯.jpeg (351.74 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,easy_penne_pasta_bake_wit….jpeg)

File: fda24aab61c6bf9⋯.png (724.99 KB,1482x1322,741:661,TomatoAngrY.png)

File: a9811477f165406⋯.png (354.09 KB,600x600,1:1,UnOchZwans.png)

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932cd8 No.21907145

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57a64f No.21907146

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


I heard Trump knows how to incite one better than anyone

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7142fb No.21907147

File: 360a29541fbce75⋯.gif (8 MB,430x430,1:1,Centerverse.gif)


i plan to

will post a nice little sticker for you later

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4f34c9 No.21907148

The Fifth of November

Remember, remember!

The fifth of November,

The Gunpowder treason and plot;

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes and his companions

Did the scheme contrive,

To blow the King and Parliament

All up alive.

Threescore barrels, laid below,

To prove old England's overthrow.

But, by God's providence, him they catch,

With a dark lantern, lighting a match!

A stick and a stake

For King James's sake!

If you won't give me one,

I'll take two,

The better for me,

And the worse for you.

A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,

A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,

A pint of beer to wash it down,

And a jolly good fire to burn him.

Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!

Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!

Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

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9b6bb1 No.21907149

File: 3b6feb103267f43⋯.png (1.81 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1722357068073.png)

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67d5ea No.21907150

File: ce9ac8c46145b7c⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,205x255,41:51,Pepe_Medal.jpg)


Fantastic song anon!

"He's a real hep cat!"

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3732c2 No.21907151

File: 4fadf737939c6a1⋯.jpeg (61.09 KB,666x500,333:250,91117.jpeg)


looks like jealous hate-America shill are still going strong.

Up early?

When does your shift start?

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57a64f No.21907152

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)


That's because she's a reptilian

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4c2942 No.21907153

File: b3230c6f430d37e⋯.png (178.07 KB,396x323,396:323,ralph3cHap_GM1.png)

File: 2a4ca7b65d70043⋯.jpg (47.82 KB,394x327,394:327,ralphhombressb1G1.jpg)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

>With a splash to deal with the election.

I'd say we earned it

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0fd3b8 No.21907154

All the employed Fakes will be Leaving.

Because (you) love Truth and hate Lies.

You are the orchestrators of the Liberty.

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140fcd No.21907155


Low IQ observation. Anons are all truth seekers, anons were tired of being lied to by antichrists such as yourself. Now if you werent retarded you would have quickly realized why Christianity and anons gravitate towards each other, because Jesus Christ is The Truth.

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4f34c9 No.21907156

Ignore the early exit polls and KEEP VOTING.

The early exits models and data will be will be adjusted multiple times throughout the day.

The early exits are rarely correct.

Ignore them and KEEP VOTING!

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3732c2 No.21907157

File: f1bb29229854313⋯.jpg (272.95 KB,549x558,61:62,911widow.jpg)


They always threaten when they lose.

We'll see what happens.

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57a64f No.21907158

File: 33f372341b39192⋯.png (65.16 KB,235x141,5:3,33f372341b3919259acb8eef99….png)


>muh projection anyone who calls out famefag pig shill must hate America

Overplayed projection and deflection from the truth. The famefag shill uses "America winning" as a repetitive slogan so that any opposition is projected as attacking America itself, when a famefag shill doesn't represent this board or an entire country. Always a projection the shills had planned for any opposition. They label you as unpatriotic and completely deflect from the fact it's a subversive famefag in a culture that abhors famefags. If you attack the famefag Cat you are somehow attacking America itself which couldn't be further from the truth. God bless America. Famefags get destroyed though. Now that their final last desperate projection has been exposed and destroyed they are absolutely losing their minds because there is nothing left to project but rinse and repeat their failures.

Famefags losing. God bless America.

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ef43ff No.21907159

Zero Hour

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7701de No.21907160

File: 031345e682ebdda⋯.png (77.6 KB,818x674,409:337,571.png)

right before Trump started talking about Elon Musk at his last rally, he talked about building 571 miles of wall

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863771 No.21907161

File: cf3bc7a25fb3ad2⋯.jpeg (7.13 KB,225x255,15:17,blood.jpeg)


red stripes in flag represent blood shed by those who have served and fought to protect our country's freedom

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e3736c No.21907162

Time to play, Dopey.

Black Forest.

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980640 No.21907163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

or walk

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37cf11 No.21907164


cry more and be triggered christ cuck. It is because they are still trapped by the group think that you project in you weakness. Jesus is not truth, its a subjective opinion you hold that others do not and that does not make you right either because you are being confronted. You are lazy. Please cry some more about your alleged truth that you cling to.

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81b67a No.21907165

Thank you Elon

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67d5ea No.21907166

File: 7385cc5b4140c5e⋯.png (256.75 KB,463x259,463:259,8_chan2.png)

File: f196e186e986720⋯.png (1 MB,1638x922,819:461,8_Chan_Q.png)

File: 546917679c0fb33⋯.jpg (10.8 KB,215x251,215:251,8_chan_gold.jpg)

File: 7c2ecc1b58099a4⋯.gif (334.89 KB,496x496,1:1,8_kun.gif)

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e3736c No.21907167


Twitter % owned?

Other ownership stakes in the US?

What happens if seized?

Who controls?

Who controls the controllers?

EO 12/21.

NEW puppet master.


Not deal.


No choice.

Think others.

It’s what you don’t know.

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57a64f No.21907168

File: f83ac5c0408c2f2⋯.png (216.93 KB,505x494,505:494,f83ac5c0408c2f21acf9563d6c….png)

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ce1b1f No.21907169

File: ac1cd4e59d92857⋯.gif (4.4 MB,284x400,71:100,ac1cd4e59d9285768a16237673….gif)

Virginia, western Loudoun

First in line, vote cast.

The ONLY reason I played this bullshit Vote Harder crap, was to cast my bullet into this load of Our Democracy hellhole in the most peaceful way possible. Election needs to be counted truthfully and honest, otherwise all bets are off and We All get to enjoy the real bullets filling the countryside with blood.

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8eaf52 No.21907170

Chose Joy!!!

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8c622c No.21907171

Eyes on anons. Let the Dem’s cheating commence. It’s our job to expose it.

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c2393c No.21907172


The FDA is adulterating the food supply with mRNA?

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82a072 No.21907173


it's cumbersome at times but the wife seems to like it.

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980640 No.21907174

File: 9b3ea138bc2d540⋯.jpg (128.94 KB,616x893,616:893,Q_Spocks.jpg)

File: fa79627caaf6a06⋯.jpeg (371.57 KB,1800x1284,150:107,SpockBullShit.jpeg)

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8eaf52 No.21907175


Let’s try that again! Choose Joy!!!

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67d5ea No.21907176

File: d17804e3cf64814⋯.gif (91.35 KB,220x155,44:31,Tacos_Lopez.gif)

File: 5978c1dfdc631a2⋯.jpeg (49.93 KB,960x802,480:401,Taco_Tuesday.jpeg)

File: bacca0369e9c915⋯.gif (563.58 KB,384x270,64:45,Taco_drops.gif)

File: d96a5d001687b2a⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,500x426,250:213,Dr_Jill_taco_dance.mp4)

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e3736c No.21907177




Snow White Pounce.


No nets.


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e3736c No.21907178

"Catch & Release"

"Safety & Security"


Have you learned how to read the message?

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980640 No.21907179

File: d124c886978b5e7⋯.png (2.85 MB,2000x2820,100:141,BatGay.png)

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963625 No.21907180

File: 3b0791f9fe08bfc⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,3340x2030,334:203,02f582e8f395c6d8b5e9e67800….jpg)

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75076a No.21907181


Yup. Literally same show every day. Take a shot every time he says panic or deepstate. You will have alcohol poisoning within 15 minutes.

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e3736c No.21907182

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

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140fcd No.21907183


You're the one sperging out, I must've hit a nerve.

Tell me glowie, who will you pray to once the hammer drops on you and your handlers? I'm honestly curious to hear what beliefs you hold. Atheist, or is it islam, perhaps Hinduism?

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903eb8 No.21907184

Ok one more honest rep,y.

Voice notes fag equates to VD I think Vatican shill.

He did express his thioughts sometimes in a threatianing way.

He explained and later appolgised

“I will stamp on your toes and kick you in the shins “

Apology accepted anon.

A loss of an indigo child isn’t good.

They, we are a special bread.

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9b6bb1 No.21907185

File: 2b5a000817456fe⋯.png (1.35 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727207911031.png)

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7701de No.21907186


Trump said last night "he [Elon] escaped the lab"

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82365f No.21907187

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

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82a072 No.21907188

gonna sleep now. be back later.

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980640 No.21907189

File: 7ba247833b643ea⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,OLTryOUTs.mp4)

>>21907178 Wich One

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67d5ea No.21907190

File: 685d9a9c0836403⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Q_busy.jpg)

File: 4c0c820db623193⋯.jpg (140.04 KB,540x450,6:5,Q_Busy_office.jpg)

File: 0bcc5e54dc349cc⋯.jpg (145.21 KB,649x680,649:680,Before_after_Q.jpg)


Suspect Q Team will be back today.


Let's pick up the joint a little.

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3732c2 No.21907191

File: ad020b53b50784f⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,480x870,16:29,fraudorgbidenadmits.mp4)


exit polls are not correct because of the machines.

They won't match the machines because of cheating.

This is decades old method

"Help America Vote" Act in Dubya administration

"We have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama

Administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

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e3736c No.21907192


Q + 1. Here now.

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d94249 No.21907193

File: 6bb18708f8540a9⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB,720x720,1:1,Clip_dernier_jour_campagne….mp4)

Have you guys seen the last campaign clip elon posted? https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1853612871877329188

Lots of details in it.

And what an energy. My pineal gland shines to it

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3954c7 No.21907194

File: c5a69804f8d94ec⋯.png (478.14 KB,591x484,591:484,sooth.PNG)


Elon Musk


Alarming, yet soothing


Ministry of Memetic Warfare

2:25 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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3732c2 No.21907195

File: 2b32f2bed9d52fa⋯.jpg (26.7 KB,482x308,241:154,truthvslies.jpg)


yada yada yada

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9196d9 No.21907196

Tonight will be beautiful. We The People speak.

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18041e No.21907197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9b6bb1 No.21907198

File: d7741d9803f85ec⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1725837457383.png)

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67d5ea No.21907199

File: 244f6e15c4034bc⋯.png (216.83 KB,499x338,499:338,Socialists_before_candles.png)

File: 75975af196cb800⋯.jpg (66.81 KB,640x635,128:127,Humanity_tyrants.jpg)

File: a205d818f17c5ba⋯.png (176.81 KB,400x332,100:83,Immanentize_the_eschaton.png)


Indeed, and always.

Suspect they will post today.

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3954c7 No.21907200

File: 745292d511db7d2⋯.png (170.81 KB,601x829,601:829,fl.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Wisconsin: Poll Workers Being Banned From Wearing American Flags 🇺🇸🚫

“I took my oath to be a poll worker tomorrow for the United States election”

Poll Center Says “You can't wear American flags. And I said, why? And she said, well, because one side tends to not like it that much”

— “They think you're trying to push your beliefs on them.”

— “I'm sorry. We literally live in the United States of America and we're voting on the next leader of our country. And you're offended that we wanna wear American flags?”

“Please don't vote for the wrong side of history, people. Please. Like, this is so insane”

“We are literally United States citizens voting for the United States president and we can't wear American flags to polls or it pisses one side off.”

11:07 AM · Nov 4, 2024




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d94249 No.21907201

File: 751ff34b460e8ae⋯.png (674.21 KB,566x559,566:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3840416c9a5c51⋯.png (494.25 KB,572x566,286:283,ClipboardImage.png)


And for the keks

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903eb8 No.21907202


What’s your current time, 24hrs please.

11.35 here am

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0c35cd No.21907203

Early mournings and lamentations vs Enthusiasm and courage

the gaslighters aren't virgins and they've runnin awfully low on fuel

on the other hand


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2bbc6f No.21907204

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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37a154 No.21907205

File: ac40155a482a94e⋯.png (132.59 KB,565x501,565:501,proudness.png)

Just voted for DJT

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3954c7 No.21907206

File: 456b156e53a45fb⋯.png (918.62 KB,594x759,18:23,ness.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


We can end this madness really soon.

Vote! Vote! Vote!


9:38 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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37cf11 No.21907207


look how you struggle and project to protect your precious dividing dogma. What is wrong with being an atheist a hindu or a muslim other than it does not conform to your fucking stupid brain. Who is sperging out also I love telling sacks of shit like you off.

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2b6cd9 No.21907208

File: d4a0333760d6220⋯.png (1.23 MB,1376x778,688:389,Screenshot_2024_11_05_at_6….png)

Approx 17 hours until the marxist meltdowns begin.

Anons, got your popcorn and ammo ready?

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18041e No.21907209


Waddler the Hutt

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7142fb No.21907210

File: 3cecdfc0d4e2611⋯.png (113.56 KB,478x406,239:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 501502df2faf3e1⋯.png (491.18 KB,650x365,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)


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981f25 No.21907211


>The FDA is adulterating the food supply with mRNA?

this has been known for a couple years now. get with the program, anon.

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fb76be No.21907212

File: 2041ad3d462b900⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,685x1283,685:1283,IMG_2141.jpeg)

Ten Days


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903eb8 No.21907213

File: d6b1f4007202ddc⋯.jpeg (570.16 KB,1640x920,41:23,IMG_2477.jpeg)

Shit, neighbours suss.

It’s not mid day and wine has run out of me.

This house has record effect. Like the chosen one, but u ain’t got a choice.

Simply anon

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3954c7 No.21907214

File: 3bf37b6f2830fc2⋯.png (297.09 KB,413x773,413:773,st.PNG)


10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried Today

#10 - Whoopi Goldberg pushes for Liz Cheney to become Kamala Harris’s Attorney General. (https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1853559845137346800)

#9 - Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield throws Fauci under the bus. (https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1853560226630299799)

#8 - Ron Paul Issues Powerful Message Ahead of the Election (https://vigilantnews.com/post/ron-paul-issues-powerful-message-ahead-of-the-election/)

#7 - RFK Jr. urges Americans NOT to vote for him in order to get Trump back into office and Make America Healthy Again. (https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1853560972092260694)

#6 - Riley Gaines brutally roasts Keith Olbermann in a powerful message to American men. (https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1853561282601078950)

While you’re here, don’t forget to click here to subscribe to this page (http://t.me/vigilantfox) for more daily news roundups each weeknight.

#5 - Kamala Campaign Releases Shocking New Video Threatening White Men (https://t.co/d04GoJR5fD)

#4 - Nicole Shanahan drops moving “unity” ad, showcasing Trump’s expanded MAGA coalition. (https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1853561533382771181)

#3 - Trump closes the popular vote gap with Harris in the final New York Post poll before the election. (https://t.co/NAdS3UDzfR)

#2 - Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif Has XY Chromosomes And “Testicles” : French-Algerian Medical Report Admits (https://reduxx.info/algerian-boxer-imane-khelif-has-xy-chromosomes-and-testicles-french-algerian-medical-report-admits/)

#1 - RFK Jr. Says Trump Will Push to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water on Day One (https://t.co/1UR6VkwPsd)

- - - - - -

BONUS #1 - Alliance of doctors launch petition to REMOVE liability protections for vaccine manufacturers. (https://t.co/1YAa3cuGqD)

BONUS #2 - Trump Tells NBC News He Might Ban Certain Vaccines (https://t.co/3v51vY40yK)

BONUS #3 - How to Prepare for a Post-Election Nightmare Now (https://t.co/HzzrbCAqNE)

BONUS #4 - WARNING: They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now (https://t.co/Q1Mg6wZ1jF)

BONUS #5 - Anchor’s Face Drops in Disbelief Over Why NY Authorities Killed Peanut the Squirrel (https://t.co/KVqOyBQ55s)

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for tomorrow's recap. Here's what you missed yesterday. (https://t.me/VigilantFox/13734)

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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4c2942 No.21907215

File: 88ca462b1e9e61b⋯.png (211.04 KB,558x332,279:166,rollcallAnon.png)

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f51961 No.21907216

Been a few years since I've posted.

One of Q's last post i remember in 2020 was

"remember the past 4 years, and notice the next 6" Or something like that.

2 ways this can go,

1. Trump wins and the next 2 years are incredible for us

2. They steal it and it's so obvious that we spend 2 years in courts etc. Everyone wakes up to the corrupt machine.

I have 18 min and I'm walking over to my voting location and doing my part. Please everyone go vote.

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c418e9 No.21907217

File: a507bb9f4219b13⋯.png (702.18 KB,600x481,600:481,wtp.png)

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7221c1 No.21907218

File: 141a3dbec55910b⋯.jpeg (310.07 KB,1067x1068,1067:1068,IMG_5507.jpeg)


Good Luck tonight, Mama! Get it, Get it!

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963625 No.21907219


Anything is possible but unlikely.

You need to remember that Q did not post until 10 months into Trumps first presidency.

Transition, putting people in place etc.

Q posted one series during Biden's presidency.

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ef43ff No.21907220

File: 8f68dd60aa8fdf5⋯.png (191.4 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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745ee8 No.21907221

File: 45e6584bd07c27a⋯.jpg (340.92 KB,1252x834,626:417,ALL_VOTES_ARE_NEEDED.jpg)

File: 55041fc142a318a⋯.jpg (220.86 KB,1224x816,3:2,ALL_MUST_VOTE.jpg)

File: d54da1d673f337c⋯.jpg (407.17 KB,882x1022,63:73,DIVINE_INTERVENTION.jpg)

File: 03cd6b5c4962117⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,605x606,605:606,GOD_SAVED_FOR_REASON.jpg)

File: 12139700d5dbcfc⋯.jpg (102.91 KB,1458x649,1458:649,it_s_that_fucking_simple.jpg)

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7142fb No.21907222

File: 206bc3e521e7e34⋯.gif (3.83 MB,500x500,1:1,Ascendant.gif)


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1398ee No.21907223

File: 6775b1ce3768fa5⋯.png (85.41 KB,882x760,441:380,3387.png)


Not one of Q's last.

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3954c7 No.21907224

File: 0f32c8d6c639d74⋯.png (991.63 KB,789x590,789:590,gr.PNG)

President Trump’s last rally of the 2024 election season in Grand Rapids, Michigan started after midnight.

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f51961 No.21907225


One of the last i remember

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c418e9 No.21907226


You wouldn't know, attempted murderer of Hope.

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140fcd No.21907227


>claim that im the divisive one

>attacks christianity

I don't think you understand what the word projection means because if you did, you would realize that you're the one projecting. I never once insulted the other religions, I merely asked you what you believed in. Drop the strawman attempts and answer honestly, who knows how much longer you glowies have to interact with anons, don't waste this chance!

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2cffa1 No.21907228

File: 975e540728b738c⋯.png (2.13 MB,2157x1995,719:665,qqqq.png)

File: aba21b169cf7eab⋯.png (3.13 MB,2136x1989,712:663,patriqt.png)

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67d5ea No.21907229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

O Lord, Almighty God, King of heaven and earth, Saviour of the world, bless, lead, rule and govern our hearts and bodies, our senses, words and deeds today, following thy law and commandments, that here and for eternity with thy help we shall be saved in freedom. Who livest and reignest, world without end.

℟. Amen.

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6841ba No.21907230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


00:12 Start Time


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a8cb30 No.21907231


Why do you keep trannys on your phone?

That's really gay

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85f11e No.21907232

File: 7a6de907917c652⋯.png (800.17 KB,994x757,994:757,a613363cd1020ebf.png)

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b990c3 No.21907233

File: ff72614642c0ab3⋯.png (1.69 MB,1978x1528,989:764,Screenshot_2024_11_05_0536….png)

File: 48104ccef2e7aac⋯.png (2.13 MB,1245x816,415:272,Screenshot_2024_11_05_0544….png)

more crushing blows on the horizon

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12f2b1 No.21907234

Faggot, we are not going anywhere. Q is coming back once DJT is in office

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ef43ff No.21907235

File: 176487b51749c0a⋯.gif (3.23 MB,360x480,3:4,DayShift.gif)

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c418e9 No.21907236

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eef8aa No.21907237

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033d36 No.21907238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This is important and soon Rachel Reeves will have to come before the committee in the next few day, that will be worth watching, she is thick as shit.

This is the tax payers money which should be used by the government for the people, but the bank of England and it Manager Andrew Bailey now controls where the finances are spent on the direction of the B.I.S (Agusten Carsten) and the Globalist run by Klaus Schwab. live now, starts around 13 minutes into video, will write a summary when anon gets time. (think E.S.G, Net Zero (green new deal) and all the other D.E.I shit coming from top down). Very few see the full picture (watch for ''Supply Side Reforms) using existing rules and changing them without the elected mps or input.

What they are doing is increasing the public sector and destroying the private sector with rulers, regulations, taxes and draconian rules and setting the Inland revenue on them (i.r.s in the usa).


UK parliamentary committee questions OBR chair on autumn budget – watch live

5th Nov 2024.



Richard Hughes, chair of the Office for Budget Responsibility, and two of his colleagues are giving evidence to the Commons Treasury committee about the budget

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37cf11 No.21907239


I dont think you understand I don't give a fuck. You are shit and I hope you kill yourself.

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863771 No.21907240

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ccb003 No.21907241

File: 85154d36c204448⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,7CC9E71D_0A4B_47A2_A645_4A….png)

File: d77ac2337f50ecd⋯.png (28.76 KB,473x252,473:252,29E2001A_1E5F_4393_9126_22….png)


mornin’. gonna be a long fucking day.

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c418e9 No.21907242


Everyone knows it's you, Board Owner.

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2cffa1 No.21907243


>00:17 Start Time

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ef43ff No.21907244

File: 531004c66da862a⋯.png (100.32 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

I have my orders

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37a154 No.21907245

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,laughs.png)


> Jerry the Hutt

Congressman Poopy Pants

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d4b8f4 No.21907246

Alex Jewns used to tell a story on his show years ago, he still may for all I know. Don't listen anymore. He told the story many times. Alex had a falling out with Rogan for a time and would go into little more hinted at detail when he told the story.

- Alex was invited on Rogan's show a couple of times. He flew out to LA, did the show, was invited out and brought around to Hollywood parties by Rogan. There, Alex met people like Charlie Sheen Heid Fleiss(not knowing who she was) others, etc. He was flattered and caught up in the attention he received. Alex was introduced around and observed strange things like full grown men being groped in front of everyone by tribe members, grabbing the package as if they were owned. Alex reported partying till 1AM-2Aam then suddenly seeing little kids mingling with guests who were disappearing from the party, When Alex observed this HE SAID he had to leave because he knew what was happening and did want to get caught up in it.

Was Alex being purposely set up, initiated, compromised? He thought so,especially when he had his falling out with what then was a Left leaning Rogan.He claims he never went back to any of these parties and thought of LA as an evil place..

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9b6bb1 No.21907247

File: a8bd0297dc5ed74⋯.png (1.8 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1726241186036.png)

File: 15758b24b3cd316⋯.png (1.57 MB,1011x953,1011:953,1726241203845.png)

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37cf11 No.21907248


yeah everyone. Kek.

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54698d No.21907249

File: fd652342aec033f⋯.png (1.33 MB,810x1440,9:16,1730807437205.png)

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036c50 No.21907250


who tha fuck is chad

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903eb8 No.21907251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After many years, the responce to the question I get asked.

>are you mental.



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ccb003 No.21907253

File: 120bf3f709e5934⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,0B56B5CA_77D8_49E6_8A4E_36….png)

File: ce4e3ee22525da8⋯.png (98.93 KB,473x546,473:546,867A1F47_D8C8_4A4E_8A38_E0….png)

File: 4328a07335476ab⋯.jpeg (435.67 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,EE4C58E0_D0A9_425D_B153_7….jpeg)

File: 8aef5663e6cf378⋯.jpeg (384.6 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,6E5B1A6B_97EA_40FE_9A2E_7….jpeg)

File: e02b70f8c68af2f⋯.png (29.63 KB,473x189,473:189,7F7C9696_26AF_449A_B7BC_3C….png)

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85f11e No.21907254


Exchange 'me' for a collective 'us' in this prayer today:

Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my [c]life;

Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me.

5 Let them be like chaff before the wind,

With the angel of the Lord driving them on.

6 Let their way be dark and slippery,

With the angel of the Lord pursuing them.

7 For they hid their net for me without cause;

Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

8 Let destruction come upon him when he is unaware,

And let the net which he hid catch him;

Let him fall into that very destruction.

Psalm 35:4-8 NASB

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54698d No.21907255

File: b611b3326802270⋯.jpg (82.25 KB,678x381,226:127,Joe_Biden_Air_Force_One_St….jpg)

File: 6b61391d9eec685⋯.png (1.37 MB,1439x810,1439:810,1730768367588.png)






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036c50 No.21907256


till i pee muh pants

wash, rince, repeat

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6841ba No.21907257

File: 0155579f140bc2c⋯.png (1.95 MB,2005x1024,2005:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Choose wisely

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d4b8f4 No.21907258


you are evil not to want to know the truth and I know why.:D

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5c3c40 No.21907259

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3954c7 No.21907260

File: 443556355d6ab28⋯.png (478.37 KB,560x448,5:4,s.PNG)

File: cc2de657fc9e43d⋯.png (401.22 KB,593x470,593:470,kt.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Katy Perry Left the autotune at home

5:58 PM · Nov 4, 2024




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83339c No.21907261

File: bd0b8a6d0188127⋯.png (145.81 KB,1942x559,1942:559,Screenshot_2024_11_05_0553….png)

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963625 No.21907262

File: 18b4b409f6c933d⋯.png (171 KB,765x687,255:229,kys.PNG)


It's not knowing.

It is simply factual based analysis.

Try it sometime:

then (picrel)

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5c3c40 No.21907263


You're a moron for not understand the definition of Last. Fake.. Divisive.. Evil.. LEAVING.

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d4b8f4 No.21907264


guess, Mr Angry Knee jerk?

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9b6bb1 No.21907265

File: b3e9adea1c48be0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724625102748.png)

File: 04f3a7ea0966392⋯.png (1.88 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724625108774.png)

File: a6b2b21a3ffa831⋯.png (2.12 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724625120983.png)

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140fcd No.21907266


Absolutely seething. It's Liberation day, you should be ecstatic unless of course you're a lackey for the old guard kek! Can we rendezvous here after Trump wins so you can give us a live update on your handlers stress levels? For the lulz

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54698d No.21907267

File: 370af7da59a2e77⋯.png (1.77 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1728831848147.png)

File: 7c7ee9e60fa7228⋯.png (532.38 KB,998x1169,998:1169,1728814826505.png)

File: 2d8d793085096c2⋯.png (1.2 MB,1445x807,1445:807,1729772289002.png)

File: 3b3dd61a186ae71⋯.png (1.43 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1730074782138.png)

File: 8b66d59db954608⋯.jpg (98.04 KB,720x405,16:9,Kamala_Certifies_Trump_3.jpg)




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ef43ff No.21907268

File: d7ba819098b9e7e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1125x740,225:148,ClipboardImage.png)





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ccb003 No.21907269

File: 4a67b038259efe6⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,0A887C29_FC01_4B55_A27B_EF….png)

File: c6b34ae2ed49fe0⋯.png (51.21 KB,473x539,43:49,71A5AD9B_9C80_47B0_9E83_67….png)

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3954c7 No.21907270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Randy Watson and Sexual Chocolate - Greatest love

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5c3c40 No.21907271


Because you hate God. His name is Jesus Christ.

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2b6cd9 No.21907272



any anons recall the YT vid? As of now, it has been taken down.

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b340c1 No.21907273

File: 4b1eced9224fd5d⋯.jpg (43.58 KB,569x438,569:438,GM.jpg)


gm. will be gud day.

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37a154 No.21907274

File: e751fca53b9f8bf⋯.png (230.23 KB,332x379,332:379,waiting_for_q.png)


>Q is coming back once DJT is in office


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5c3c40 No.21907275

Pray for Victory for PDJT today please. TQ.

Your prayers mean more than you can know.

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54698d No.21907276

File: 45aa80168f94d85⋯.jpg (48.83 KB,795x512,795:512,Kamala_Socialist_Democrats.jpg)

File: 7f4773562c5a445⋯.png (159.86 KB,654x664,327:332,Pedo_Nazi_Symbol_.png)

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d4b8f4 No.21907277


jews and their ghey reversal tricks…kek

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77eb5e No.21907278


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903eb8 No.21907279

I can c the paid are waking for there shift.

It’s going to be a tough one.

Get your fucking covevve

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5c3c40 No.21907280

Please pray his Victory is announced today.

Please pray there is PEACE once it's confirmed.

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54698d No.21907281

File: 1571b94eb08dfa8⋯.png (718.2 KB,1079x1081,1079:1081,Leonardo_Pedo.png)

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54698d No.21907282

File: 7296d255059fac3⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,763x276,763:276,No_Moar_PEDOS_Trump_Wonka.jpg)

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036c50 No.21907283


>must be the erec…


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745ee8 No.21907284

File: 793467cb1d01752⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,840x786,140:131,FORWARDS_MARCH.jpg)

File: 08415f2dbe5765a⋯.jpeg (1001.62 KB,1024x768,4:3,a_beacon_of_light.jpeg)

File: b388d46f1c7146e⋯.jpg (53.3 KB,643x378,643:378,Another_day_of_winning.jpg)

File: 21f85232dac5cf2⋯.jpg (87.82 KB,590x540,59:54,VOTE_FOR_TRUMP.jpg)

File: f22d01877fb8618⋯.jpg (411.39 KB,1229x830,1229:830,the_left_are_poor_losers.jpg)

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ef43ff No.21907285

File: 2116be50830dc96⋯.png (1.95 MB,1080x952,135:119,ArmyOfFrogs.png)

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54698d No.21907286

File: ea8a84c095d7afa⋯.jpg (65.16 KB,719x395,719:395,Pedo_Boat_Pitt_Clooney.jpg)

File: 9f4fec52f38facd⋯.jpg (69.53 KB,481x607,481:607,Satanic_Pedophile_Cannibal….jpg)

File: 5dffbaba0bbd7b2⋯.jpg (86.38 KB,620x623,620:623,2_Pedos.jpg)

File: 93a7c07b9cfeaa3⋯.jpg (259.71 KB,2048x1986,1024:993,Pedo_Hollywood.jpg)

File: b97217e86327916⋯.jpg (94.64 KB,955x500,191:100,Fuck_Hollywood_Pedophiles_….jpg)

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3954c7 No.21907287

File: 7187a177edc58fb⋯.png (906.32 KB,595x595,1:1,db.PNG)

Dem Officials Believe Biden ‘Should Get the Blame’ If Harris Loses: Report


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96f27b No.21907288


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963625 No.21907289

File: dc29c6b1ce82b66⋯.png (100.9 KB,249x255,83:85,glowing.png)


>You're a moron for not understand the definition of Last.







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4d6111 No.21907290

Prayers sent, anons

God bless us all and pray for the best.

protect DJT from evil

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54698d No.21907291

File: 30fe5db1109faef⋯.png (1.22 MB,1441x810,1441:810,1726886941661.png)

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96f27b No.21907292


You're leaving too, Snowflake.

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37a154 No.21907293

File: 7ecf184404ff9e8⋯.png (525.3 KB,554x556,277:278,gm.png)





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96f27b No.21907294

All the Trash will be Incinerated here. Ashes, ashes…

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8c622c No.21907295

Wife anon just texted. Blue collar guy in work clothes in front of her to vote before work. Got up to the register l, showed his ID (KY) and the system showed that he already voted. He claimed he has never voted, and did not allow him to vote and told him to leave.

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75076a No.21907296


Nazi cunt. Ky

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ccb003 No.21907297

File: cea45d96415ea9b⋯.png (44.59 KB,473x455,473:455,37FFE00E_6319_4C14_96EB_A2….png)

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9b6bb1 No.21907298

File: ad7758a10947982⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724619705641.png)

File: 86e086d8b9e9b43⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724619694984.png)

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37cf11 No.21907299


it is election day, and if you read any of my posts you can see what I will be doing soon. But as for seething nah, but keep guessing and projecting it is fun to see how many more delusions you have other than Christianity rotting your tiny feeble brain.

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3954c7 No.21907300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77eb5e No.21907301


Muh death cult whacking off.

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54698d No.21907302

File: fcc54f0aed306d0⋯.png (808.5 KB,1595x731,1595:731,1729890830335.png)

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b340c1 No.21907303


dat's not good

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e469e5 No.21907304


you sound like a stupid nigger

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42b2d1 No.21907305

jus for back from voting. TRUMP WILL WIN IN A LANDSLIDE!

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dd7b1e No.21907306

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140fcd No.21907307


Take a look back and ask yourself how Trump was able to win his first term, then go and read the november 2017 posts.

>Q twarted their cheating and/or took over the voting machines

>Q promises to safeguard the votes if anons did their part by voting

Definitely pray, but also be calm and have faith in the plan. 7 yr deltas point to the end and a new beginning and 7 represents completion. Don't stress, fren!

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37cf11 No.21907308


so Jesus is the one who told that faggot in the desert to go kill all them babies. Try to stick to one story faggot

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963625 No.21907309

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2b6cd9 No.21907310


really hate the bitch, but decent bewbs TBH

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8490f5 No.21907311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>any anons recall the YT vid? As of now, it has been taken down.

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


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54698d No.21907312

File: 0fac9395c1ccb5e⋯.jpg (195.82 KB,1500x1000,3:2,trading_places_review.jpg)

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2b6cd9 No.21907313

File: c2da65dcb14d369⋯.png (1.83 MB,1036x1170,518:585,Screenshot_2024_11_05_at_7….png)

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304397 No.21907314

File: 6c345538fcf2ce4⋯.png (363.68 KB,488x471,488:471,6c345538fcf2ce41c73f6b509b….png)

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2b6cd9 No.21907315


Thanks anon

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82365f No.21907316


Contact Sheriff's Office to report the fraud

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745ee8 No.21907317

File: f0c2c784d13b3bc⋯.jpg (226.19 KB,1266x722,633:361,UNEXPECTED_SHITSHOW.jpg)

File: c6b189f065028a8⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,486x492,81:82,I_M_RUNNING_FOR_PRESIDENT.jpg)

File: 3b418ea97296056⋯.jpg (512.17 KB,1440x810,16:9,hid_behind_burden_Biden.jpg)

File: ec304838c4735bc⋯.jpg (254.01 KB,900x630,10:7,DOOMED_DEMS.jpg)

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69fd8c No.21907318

notables bun @650

morn'n baker taking this to the top

czech em n morn'n anons - happy liberation day

#26827 >>21906555

>>1906566, >>21906668, >>21907017, >>21907046, >>21907230 Trump rolls into Election Day with a rally after MIDNIGHT - AMERICA DECIDES

>>21906571, >>21906855 Democrats VOTED DOWN a bill that would have forced all meat products to clearly be label if injected mRNA vaccines

>>21906580, >>21906602, >>21906609 Poll hours for each united state

>>21906594, >>21906598, >>21906620 ARCHIVING - 4TH AND FINAL TRUMP RALLY IN GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - MON 4TH NOV 2024 !!

>>21906655, >>21906678 The International declared Israeli to be an illegal State

>>21906962 SKEERD - A Maricopa County official even *LEAKED* a legal threat letter to the Washington Post as a threat to journalists looking out for voter fraud in Arizona

>>21906997 Postal worker tosses 300 pro-NJ Rep. Tom Kean Jr. election mailers in dumpster: ‘We saw her’

>>21907041 Dan Scavino Jr. w/CAP: It’s Election Day in America! Let’s GOOOOOO!!!! #VoteTrump

>>21907072 Gen Flynn w/CAP: (on Obama) “The problem with a face like that is you got to be careful when you’re dealing with people because they are desperate…"

>>21907206 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: We can end this madness really soon.

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a749bc No.21907319

File: 252b6b18b16f3bd⋯.jpeg (434.13 KB,2295x1289,2295:1289,IMG_4024.jpeg)

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54698d No.21907320

File: 32e80c912c43e78⋯.webp (70.3 KB,1200x800,3:2,trump_impeachment_defense….webp)

File: 79d7f3919cad9a1⋯.png (141.74 KB,1024x160,32:5,PANTS_SHITTING_PANIC_10_29….png)

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42b2d1 No.21907321

File: 3408cf2470a9c3b⋯.png (484.78 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Toady.png)


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963625 No.21907322

File: c090394d9234378⋯.png (1 MB,722x699,722:699,nodeals1.PNG)

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9b6bb1 No.21907323

File: b35d1ec47e2734d⋯.png (1.09 MB,954x968,477:484,b35d1ec47e2734d8f5ab496543….png)

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ccb003 No.21907324

File: 2a04f7c9f6afaa0⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,8F7D4B8B_6662_4FFB_BFFC_BF….png)

File: 4c3e911a7e0374d⋯.png (83.55 KB,473x840,473:840,A0A37014_CB9E_4D19_8496_D2….png)

File: 11458bc95081500⋯.jpeg (142.84 KB,1200x800,3:2,7F263AE0_8FC7_4478_96CB_0….jpeg)

File: 1e9622a94a0ca21⋯.png (24.04 KB,473x147,473:147,BE92686F_E35E_4465_B108_44….png)

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6841ba No.21907325

File: fb0fd90a7fdfa8c⋯.png (69.41 KB,782x578,23:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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54698d No.21907326

File: f8a5540261a0251⋯.png (1.57 MB,1419x822,473:274,1728926055419.png)

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54698d No.21907327

File: fd0b881324d6d62⋯.png (1.44 MB,1435x813,1435:813,1730764830102.png)

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8490f5 No.21907328

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2cffa1 No.21907329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The chains of this PSYOP are slowly melting away.

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1398ee No.21907330

File: 445be2448b6ff06⋯.png (269.13 KB,882x1552,441:776,34_2_.png)

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67d5ea No.21907331

File: 6f64ca364454810⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,480x360,4:3,Holder_gun_control.mp4)


He told Commie-La to choose the Jewish guy from PA. The Obama's (Holder) chose Tampon Tim.

It wasn't PapaJoe, but Barry and Big Mike who screwed her.

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42b2d1 No.21907332

File: d4b21e693534696⋯.jpg (393.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,snapshot.jpg)

They B Workin !

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1398ee No.21907333

File: c2aa590c49f2dd2⋯.png (36.62 KB,882x408,147:68,3434.png)

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3954c7 No.21907334

File: 84a100a6ff6b1a1⋯.png (596.62 KB,474x618,79:103,cm.PNG)

File: 1e54697745b76e2⋯.png (539.73 KB,516x535,516:535,sm.PNG)

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54698d No.21907335

File: 278a648c77cc4cc⋯.png (934.4 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1730633640912.png)

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67d5ea No.21907336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Snowmen dubs!

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3705df No.21907337

File: 5609e90d0618934⋯.jpg (227.01 KB,620x583,620:583,Barry_worship.jpg)

File: 5a82a59610929f8⋯.png (798.34 KB,1024x768,4:3,BHO_mom.png)

So…Does Q post tonight after polls close?

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54698d No.21907338

File: 1098b861e303c82⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1730633856109.png)

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c65516 No.21907339


Colorado has already nullified their election by publishing the backdoor passwords to all of their Dominion voting machines. California has announced they plan to shut off power all day as people turn out to vote. Evil is as evil does.

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54698d No.21907340

File: 278a648c77cc4cc⋯.png (934.4 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1730633640912.png)

Answer Your Phone Kamala…

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67d5ea No.21907341

File: b82180ebfe9798c⋯.jpg (12.79 KB,255x199,255:199,Do_it_Q.jpg)

File: b5d658267c1e262⋯.jpg (77.64 KB,749x500,749:500,Do_it_Q_f15.jpg)

File: a4a1c799c6d48b5⋯.png (394.13 KB,527x305,527:305,Do_It_Q_plane.png)

File: 9a9ddd4ca9d5848⋯.jpg (113.83 KB,883x554,883:554,Kraken_do_it_Q.jpg)

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77eb5e No.21907342


>because one side tends to not like it much

>they think you're trying to push their beliefs on them.

But that's exactly what thae anti-flag side is doing when they want to force their anti-flag beliefs onto others by CENSORSHIP.

Unbelievable how the poll center is jot only indulging in the "one side"'s beliefs, but inverting and blaming the flag wearers of doing what the censorship side is in fact doing.

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54698d No.21907343

File: 53f06cac13eefc2⋯.png (1.49 MB,1440x810,16:9,1730633911460.png)

Ring Ring…. Ring Ring….

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140fcd No.21907344


The rage in your replies are palpable, we both know you aren't voting for Trump, lets be real here. You've clearly demonstrated that your values and beliefs are more in line of those who wish to destroy America, it's why the Truth makes you seethe. Entertain me more, I'll pay in (yous)

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3954c7 No.21907345

File: dbb3639d8436966⋯.png (2.37 MB,1177x897,1177:897,ha.PNG)

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2cffa1 No.21907346


No, they're going to fund his library and try and land the plane.

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304397 No.21907347

File: 770694b67c1a53b⋯.png (899.43 KB,442x3019,442:3019,ClipboardImage.png)

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54698d No.21907349

File: 893d48733172875⋯.png (927.48 KB,1465x796,1465:796,1730074471107.png)

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37cf11 No.21907350


so much projection. Use the you money for your funeral costs. Your family should not be punished for your stupidity anon.

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ef43ff No.21907351

File: 2393b4303a60b6b⋯.jpg (76.06 KB,798x500,399:250,Kitten_Meme.jpg)

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37a154 No.21907352

File: 2b4154765719a81⋯.png (608.53 KB,872x906,436:453,potus.png)


> panic

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dd7b1e No.21907353


you don't look at the mantelpiece when your poking the fire

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67d5ea No.21907355

File: f4fe48c0e32b85d⋯.png (480.69 KB,500x669,500:669,5th_of_November.png)

File: 79b6c3f3e419d63⋯.jpg (155.98 KB,1000x500,2:1,5th_november.jpg)

File: 7890eea930c62e5⋯.jpg (6.57 KB,310x163,310:163,Fawkes.jpg)

File: f30bc4f1e24647c⋯.jpeg (226.55 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Pepe_anonymous.jpeg)


Drop your cocks and grab your socks, guise.

Q Team will be dropping the clutch today, it's all about to move.

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96f27b No.21907356

File: ef44db3c03ff685⋯.png (227.74 KB,474x632,3:4,F3.png)

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54698d No.21907357

File: a9ab7f86209f99a⋯.jpg (72.68 KB,632x378,316:189,Top_Kek_McDonald_Trump.jpg)

File: 4cfba8de65f3fae⋯.jpg (134.86 KB,698x1050,349:525,Trump_Beaveheart_Kek.jpg)

File: 0517bcd7e7b9845⋯.png (47.57 KB,300x100,3:1,We_Are_Everywhere_Kek_Trum….png)

File: da9c128755350ea⋯.png (1.4 MB,1064x617,1064:617,U_S_S_Comfy_AF_Ship_Kek.png)

File: b3a7dd5d650aff5⋯.png (4.61 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,The_Captian_of_the_USS_Com….png)





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903eb8 No.21907358


Hot line set up, yeh.

Check out Esther Rantzen

See what she did.

Child line.

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7701de No.21907359

File: bbec271d9121386⋯.png (48.36 KB,818x542,409:271,700.png)


at 3:19:17

"at 7 o'clock"

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f09901 No.21907360

File: 066d2c43008ea13⋯.jpeg (81.06 KB,800x537,800:537,604F431A_94C6_4FC9_B294_7….jpeg)

File: 378df525aefcd19⋯.jpeg (180.68 KB,828x1080,23:30,5C204D72_FBFC_42CD_AB94_3….jpeg)

File: 5e33a70d203f3bf⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB,3000x4000,3:4,64BA177D_A111_46F0_94CF_0….jpeg)

Mornin’ Anons

It’s A Great Day To Be Alive!

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96f27b No.21907361

File: b69ff8acc9bfae9⋯.png (922.54 KB,900x643,900:643,OLD_GLORY.png)

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69fd8c No.21907362

final bun for #26827

been a long ride frens - little bit left to go

czech em

#26827 >>21906555

>>21906668, >>21907017, >>21907046, >>21907230, >>21907325 Trump rolls into Election Day with a rally after MIDNIGHT - AMERICA DECIDES

>>21906571, >>21906855 Democrats VOTED DOWN a bill that would have forced all meat products to clearly be label if injected mRNA vaccines

>>21906580, >>21906602, >>21906609 Poll hours for each united state

>>21906594, >>21906598, >>21906620 ARCHIVING - 4TH AND FINAL TRUMP RALLY IN GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - MON 4TH NOV 2024 !!

>>21906655, >>21906678 The International declared Israeli to be an illegal State

>>21906962 SKEERD - A Maricopa County official even *LEAKED* a legal threat letter to the Washington Post as a threat to journalists looking out for voter fraud in Arizona

>>21906997 Postal worker tosses 300 pro-NJ Rep. Tom Kean Jr. election mailers in dumpster: ‘We saw her’

>>21907041 Dan Scavino Jr. w/CAP: It’s Election Day in America! Let’s GOOOOOO!!!! #VoteTrump

>>21907072 Gen Flynn w/CAP: (on Obama) “The problem with a face like that is you got to be careful when you’re dealing with people because they are desperate…"

>>21907206 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: We can end this madness really soon.

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ec86e4 No.21907363



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7701de No.21907364



>at 3:19:17

in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j41NvXcls9c

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37cf11 No.21907365

east coast polls should be fully open now

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54698d No.21907366

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB,426x240,71:40,777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE.mp4)






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78183d No.21907367

The Good Jews became known as Christians.

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42b2d1 No.21907368

File: 2dc02599600ac0e⋯.png (192.32 KB,376x669,376:669,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_0….png)


KEK love the 2 Suns !

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3954c7 No.21907369

File: 96872a7b16ee23b⋯.png (239.94 KB,1317x501,439:167,br.PNG)


BlackRock buys blood bank and pharmaceutical lab for new platform

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ae836f No.21907370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54698d No.21907371

File: 09900a84d804261⋯.png (1.1 MB,1440x810,16:9,1730074596095.png)



∆∆∆ TOP KEK!™ ∆∆∆

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903eb8 No.21907372

File: 27e6e4e76809e50⋯.png (1.92 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2535.png)


For reference, she’s now promoting death.

I think she knows what’s about to come.

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3954c7 No.21907373

File: 80d859969569c2a⋯.png (228.12 KB,776x604,194:151,tx.PNG)


If you missed it👇

🚨HUGE Lawsuit filed against Biden-Harris, Pfizer, Moderna, and many more for COVID and depopulation crimes through injections, 5G and more!

Watch here👉 https://zeeemedia.com/interview/biden-harris-pfizer-moderna-sued-for-depopulation-crimes-media-blackout/

Follow @zeeemedia | Follow @VigilantFox

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/ZeeeMedia)

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42b2d1 No.21907374

File: b8d247f5d212f79⋯.gif (483.82 KB,498x498,1:1,b8d247f5d212f79f6aade15b8e….gif)


THE line is a mile lomg I got there exactly on time before the crowd showed up. All worker guys and their wives many in us Army gear or Safety outfits like road workers . Amazing sight . Hopefully they don't steal it again ! I do not see how they can at this point. RED WAVE INCOMING !

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033d36 No.21907375

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1768a4b2975c3ef⋯.png (423.79 KB,553x369,553:369,ClipboardImage.png)


baker below is notable.

the banks and the real signal of changes.

especially a major bank like the bank of england. if you do not under, make it notable for those anons who do and will give a summary for anons in laymans terms.

usa signals come from this as well.

>>21907238 UK parliamentary committee questions OBR chair on autumn budget – watch live 5th Nov 2024.

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140fcd No.21907376


Why do you wish death upon me though? I'm staying healthy and comfy so I could witness the birth of a new Country and the downfall of your ilk.

Are you just as excited as me to watch traitors being tried for treason/sedition? Are you going to be around to help collect the deepstates salt?

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96f27b No.21907377

File: e941b94b7891c33⋯.png (3.73 MB,2560x1487,2560:1487,RED.png)

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42b2d1 No.21907378


Arrest Wars !!

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37cf11 No.21907379


early mornings make sense for blue collar type workers to show up early. I still think they should make it a national holiday but what do i know, hopefully my line is not too long.

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37cf11 No.21907380


Because at this point nigger fuck you. that is enough.

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67d5ea No.21907381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pink Floyd

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2c8d10 No.21907382

Voting TRUMP today!

No matter who wins, I will never get myself or family involved in any neo-con forever-wars, nor will I abandon my faith in Jesus Christ Lord and Savior!!!

Pray for the best but be prepared for the worst, and STAND YOUR GROUND.

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96f27b No.21907383


Well considering Q+ already said openly at rallies he was going to do that. de

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9ac123 No.21907384

Should Trump pull this victory off (hopeful), will he allow some of the wrong people to surround him once again?. Already seeing it, as he is distracted. It could just be that there are few decent qualified high level individuals left in the country and he has to make due. Then again, why is Trump considering everyday individuals who display knowledge in the round tables for employment in his admin.? You can see the tentacles starting to envelop him again. e'd have to be on guard one would think.

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4f34c9 No.21907385

File: 7dfa37ca77676c4⋯.png (552.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,obutma_painting_1.png)

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24ce70 No.21907386


There was a big thing about this about a week back - People should call the Sheriff and tell them they need to reportIdentity TheftDo not mention polls or election, only identity theft

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442096 No.21907388

File: 2f1f165ff5613a0⋯.png (150.89 KB,640x480,4:3,2f1f165ff5613a0d4872dc53fc….png)

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96f27b No.21907390



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37cf11 No.21907391


when did he say the holiday thing must have missed that. Good idea though. Same day voting paper ballots I heard but not the holiday part, nice.

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036c50 No.21907392

File: d5ffba15a0f3225⋯.png (480.77 KB,786x609,262:203,d5ffba15a0f3225a49ae70d54a….png)

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,800x708,200:177,7d2c00f073bba2bde7e7410e90….jpg)

How many swing states has Fox News called for Kamala already?

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745ee8 No.21907394

File: 1ba2901d111027e⋯.jpg (160 KB,784x549,784:549,WHO_S_HANDS_BIG_GOV_HANDS.jpg)

File: ab3579ffaef0a14⋯.jpg (112.11 KB,451x746,451:746,LADY_LIBERTY_PISSED.jpg)

File: b73fa5de1e134dc⋯.jpg (122.32 KB,693x593,693:593,CONSEQUENCES_FOR_BREAKING.jpg)

File: 470b9ce0f0b86ba⋯.jpg (81.23 KB,800x443,800:443,NOT_SO_FUNNY_NOW.jpg)

File: 6da1e038477ca21⋯.jpg (221.03 KB,1139x770,1139:770,after_the_convictions.jpg)

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54698d No.21907395

File: 5cc2e05d1f60d8e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1242x939,414:313,1730115814329.png)

File: 1cad62153e076ac⋯.png (1.37 MB,1440x810,16:9,1730074449671.png)

File: bc2dfea38bd5463⋯.png (2.4 MB,1323x882,3:2,1730055060022.png)

File: aa1429c87fd35b7⋯.png (1.73 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1730055086716.png)

File: 2f742e80171c78b⋯.png (595.18 KB,1780x655,356:131,1729639768912.png)

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73e0ad No.21907396

File: 880dc87b59502a0⋯.jpg (27.26 KB,275x255,55:51,vote_for_good_people_Presi….jpg)

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8261f8 No.21907397


they did just call arizona for knee pads

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96f27b No.21907398


Couple days after Elon's remark about paper ballots

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2c8d10 No.21907401


Trump alone will not save this nation, but he will give We The People a chance to.

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54698d No.21907402

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)

File: a8100887b27aff8⋯.jpg (111.09 KB,944x832,59:52,Don_John_John_Treason_Infe….jpg)

File: 89a6fc3ace711a2⋯.jpg (76.68 KB,736x736,1:1,Treason_Inferno_You_Smell_….jpg)

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dd7b1e No.21907403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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42b2d1 No.21907404


Traitors everywhere can't even trust the live streamers not to ruin his audio mix during the most important speeches in modern American history, All traitors to America need to leave America.

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54698d No.21907406

File: 0955b88f06ddf93⋯.png (932.07 KB,1369x852,1369:852,1730764375944.png)

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37cf11 No.21907407


that is the purpose of the red wave to give him the mandate also.

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140fcd No.21907409


Being racist is a little divisive dont you think? Don't be a hypocrite now. Also, thoughts on nazis and Hitler?

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304397 No.21907411


this nigger lecturing anons

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2c8d10 No.21907412

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3954c7 No.21907413

File: b3d360978337352⋯.png (1.39 MB,771x765,257:255,ge.PNG)

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73e0ad No.21907414

File: f39a8a0b3016b86⋯.jpg (547.72 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_Trump_support….jpg)

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863771 No.21907415

File: e34a266971af55c⋯.png (143.56 KB,451x885,451:885,ClipboardImage.png)

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37cf11 No.21907416


no, you are a faggot. Your family is faggot. Hitler was a faggot, evidence by his snappy fashion sense.

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69fd8c No.21907417

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Election Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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9bd281 No.21907419

File: f0c1039c67c7a1a⋯.jpg (33.23 KB,657x527,657:527,f0c1039c67c7a1ab4bd1768781….jpg)

>I voted

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96f27b No.21907420

God Wins.

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37cf11 No.21907421


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