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File: bbb1be395d380ae⋯.png (100.02 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

6fb291 No.21732541 [View All]

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668 posts and 360 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6a3525 No.21733571


happiness doesn't do that, it's up to our internal clocks and task processing queue. the more queues we have, the more the brain is distracted from watching time and it flies by. when we our brains have nothing to process, time is what our brains focus on.

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d8ffba No.21733572

Luke 10:19-20 (KJV)

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

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b58dd3 No.21733573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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41b966 No.21733574


I’m not arguing with the fact there is some strange shit posted here.

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a3a5fe No.21733575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn How To Control Your Mind

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04f792 No.21733576

The mafia known as Hezbollah is over.

Washington Post 

Sept 19

While it is considered a terrorist group by the United States and its European allies, Hezbollah is able to draw on a deep well of support in Shiite parts of Lebanon by delivering jobs and services the country’s decrepit government is unable to provide…In the suburbs of Beirut and across the south, the group runs hospitals, social welfare institutions, unions and construction companies…Hezbollah and its allies control 40 of the country’s 128 seats in parliament.


Hezbollah may be out of business. Not likely able to make payroll for thousands.

According to sources in Lebanon, the one-ton penetrating bombs thrown at Hezbollah's underground headquarters caused heavy damage to the organization's vaults full of US currency.


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9ae59a No.21733577

watched the vid and this stood out to me

The DASH 45-47 by Derek Johnson / RattleTrap1776 - October 6, 2024



In the Supreme Court of the United States






MARCH 19, 2024



“Could a President order SEAL Team Six to

assassinate a political rival?” That question was posed

by a member of the panel at oral argument in the court

below. Amici curiae, who have served as military

combat generals and senior officials at the Pentagon

and have held other senior Executive Branch

positions, submit that the answer to the panel

member’s question is a resounding no. A President of

the United States enjoys broad authority to direct the

military with very few limitations. But one such

limitation is that the President’s orders may not

contravene the Constitution or the laws of the United

States. Accordingly, the President has no authority to

order the military to assassinate a political rival.

Furthermore, the military is required not to carry out

such an unlawful, non-military order, if given. Indeed,

any military officer who carried out or issued such an

order would be committing the gravest of crimes—



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f65a4e No.21733578

File: 44cb4bdffe2eaf4⋯.png (441.35 KB,568x613,568:613,ClipboardImage.png)

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0131c0 No.21733579

File: e94e6ec008188bb⋯.jpeg (210.36 KB,646x576,323:288,HAARP.JPEG)

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71991a No.21733580


Buspirone safe?

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8713c6 No.21733581

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a3525 No.21733582

File: 4458c6a1a381699⋯.gif (1.15 MB,270x270,1:1,4458c6a1a381699be752835ba4….gif)


>there is some strange shit posted here.

still more reliable than Wikipedia.

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41b966 No.21733583

File: d7377aeb8184fd5⋯.jpeg (65.87 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_6413.jpeg)

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f65a4e No.21733584

File: 8468089e7489125⋯.png (368.05 KB,568x577,568:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b966 No.21733585



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6a3525 No.21733586


dude that shits a life saver if you have any sort of trauma or anxiety. it doesn't work for everyone but if it does, gratz!

also look in to doing EMDR. that might fix the reason you need buspar.

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f65a4e No.21733587

File: f646ffd0587336e⋯.png (725.57 KB,568x1232,71:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2e261 No.21733588


same stale routine.

The Jew is living in their heads.

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f65a4e No.21733589

File: b4f83e6df89f136⋯.png (69.14 KB,568x383,568:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b966 No.21733590

File: eda6f0eb55d1851⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1688747191.mp4)

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f65a4e No.21733591

File: b769cda7d145184⋯.png (318.82 KB,568x587,568:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f1da9 No.21733592

File: f6b23107b2441f4⋯.png (592.18 KB,800x1035,160:207,2024_10_08_wwcb.png)

Total Precipitation in Inches

seems odd


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04f792 No.21733593

File: 0e9418ba3cdb58e⋯.jpg (164.12 KB,642x927,214:309,Screenshot_20241007_232826….jpg)

The first to normalize it.

He did it off stage as well.

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6a3525 No.21733594


they must've run out of funding for busses and attendees

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f65a4e No.21733595

File: 0ccdce667b3e43a⋯.png (348.48 KB,568x797,568:797,ClipboardImage.png)

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5756a4 No.21733596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘’’A Message from President Donald J. Trump’’’

January 7, 2021

SRT text file contents from online tool:


YouTube Video:



00:00:00,240 → 00:00:02,000

i would like to begin by addressing the


00:00:02,000 → 00:00:03,360

heinous attack


00:00:03,360 → 00:00:06,000

on the united states capital like all


00:00:06,000 → 00:00:09,200

americans i am outraged by the violence


00:00:09,200 → 00:00:12,559

lawlessness and mayhem i immediately


00:00:12,559 → 00:00:14,799

deployed the national guard


00:00:14,799 → 00:00:17,119

and federal law enforcement to secure


00:00:17,119 → 00:00:18,080

the building


00:00:18,080 → 00:00:21,119

and expel the intruders america


00:00:21,119 → 00:00:24,240

is and must always be a nation of law


00:00:24,240 → 00:00:26,800

and order the demonstrators who


00:00:26,800 → 00:00:28,560

infiltrated the capital


00:00:28,560 → 00:00:30,880

have defiled the seat of american


00:00:30,880 → 00:00:32,159



00:00:32,159 → 00:00:34,320

to those who engage in the acts of


00:00:34,320 → 00:00:36,239

violence and destruction


00:00:36,239 → 00:00:39,120

you do not represent our country and to


00:00:39,120 → 00:00:40,960

those who broke the law


00:00:40,960 → 00:00:43,360

you will pay we have just been through


00:00:43,360 → 00:00:44,960

an intense election


00:00:44,960 → 00:00:47,920

and emotions are high but now tempers


00:00:47,920 → 00:00:49,440

must be cooled


00:00:49,440 → 00:00:53,039

and calm restored we must get on


00:00:53,039 → 00:00:56,239

with the business of america my campaign


00:00:56,239 → 00:00:59,280

vigorously pursued every legal avenue to


00:00:59,280 → 00:01:00,239



00:01:00,239 → 00:01:03,680

the election results my only goal was to


00:01:03,680 → 00:01:06,159

ensure the integrity of the vote


00:01:06,159 → 00:01:09,040

in so doing i was fighting to defend


00:01:09,040 → 00:01:10,960

american democracy


00:01:10,960 → 00:01:13,200

i continue to strongly believe that we


00:01:13,200 → 00:01:14,400

must reform our


00:01:14,400 → 00:01:17,840

election laws to verify the identity and


00:01:17,840 → 00:01:18,880



00:01:18,880 → 00:01:21,759

of all voters and to ensure faith and


00:01:21,759 → 00:01:23,360

confidence in all


00:01:23,360 → 00:01:26,320

future elections now congress has


00:01:26,320 → 00:01:27,840

certified the results


00:01:27,840 → 00:01:30,000

a new administration will be inaugurated


00:01:30,000 → 00:01:31,600

on january 20th


00:01:31,600 → 00:01:34,400

my focus now turns to ensuring a smooth


00:01:34,400 → 00:01:37,920

orderly and seamless transition of power


00:01:37,920 → 00:01:40,439

this moment calls for healing and


00:01:40,439 → 00:01:41,920



00:01:41,920 → 00:01:44,560

2020 has been a challenging time for our


00:01:44,560 → 00:01:45,040



00:01:45,040 → 00:01:47,280

a menacing pandemic has upended the


00:01:47,280 → 00:01:49,119

lives of our citizens


00:01:49,119 → 00:01:52,079

isolated millions in their homes damaged


00:01:52,079 → 00:01:53,119

our economy


00:01:53,119 → 00:01:56,399

and claim countless lives defeating this


00:01:56,399 → 00:01:58,479

pandemic and rebuilding the greatest


00:01:58,479 → 00:01:59,840

economy on earth


00:01:59,840 → 00:02:03,439

will require all of us working together


00:02:03,439 → 00:02:06,079

it will require a renewed emphasis on


00:02:06,079 → 00:02:08,800

the civic values of patriotism


00:02:08,800 → 00:02:11,920

faith charity community and family we


00:02:11,920 → 00:02:14,640

must revitalize the sacred bonds of love


00:02:14,640 → 00:02:15,680

and loyalty


00:02:15,680 → 00:02:18,879

that bind us together as one national


00:02:18,879 → 00:02:19,920



00:02:19,920 → 00:02:22,160

to the citizens of our country serving


00:02:22,160 → 00:02:24,160

as your president has been


00:02:24,160 → 00:02:27,040

the honor of my lifetime and to all of


00:02:27,040 → 00:02:28,879

my wonderful supporters


00:02:28,879 → 00:02:31,599

i know you are disappointed but i also


00:02:31,599 → 00:02:32,800

want you to know


00:02:32,800 → 00:02:36,319

that our incredible journey is only just


00:02:36,319 → 00:02:39,519

beginning thank you god bless you and


00:02:39,519 → 00:02:43,040

god bless america

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f65a4e No.21733597

File: 9f7e19f7869244f⋯.png (534.58 KB,568x735,568:735,ClipboardImage.png)

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0131c0 No.21733598

File: 4649386c4454a28⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB,1211x1111,1211:1111,IMG_2090.jpeg)

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d688e1 No.21733599

File: 7dc902778113611⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,460x393,460:393,7dc9027781136119fb5216f4dd….jpg)


yeah, I woodna go that far.

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6a3525 No.21733600

File: 12b672bf3d294fd⋯.png (472.73 KB,507x640,507:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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f65a4e No.21733601

File: bfe7509c04189df⋯.png (362.19 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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01c7b9 No.21733602

File: 0fdbb2501d51ad0⋯.png (309.13 KB,586x426,293:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b966 No.21733603


Why? When you think you’re right you’re right. When you think you’re wrong, you are deciding that.

God damn boy. That’s day one stuff.

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60751a No.21733604

File: fa4f94938c2700d⋯.png (144.12 KB,661x598,661:598,2024_10_09_00_18_33.png)


> Milton Berle

>The first to normalize it.

>He did it off stage as well.

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0131c0 No.21733605

File: c813264429b0f09⋯.jpg (676.69 KB,946x994,473:497,Chyna_12.jpg)

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65022b No.21733606

File: c9ccae58e10655b⋯.png (934.74 KB,960x2079,320:693,IMG_1690.png)

Just in:

I95 Is on fire.

People fleeing Tampa, by extension, hurricane Milton must now find an alternative way out.


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f65a4e No.21733607

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6a3525 No.21733608

File: c55f4de82bd1cbe⋯.gif (562.53 KB,300x200,3:2,giphy.gif)

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0131c0 No.21733609

File: 2154c6b7c7fa333⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,480x852,40:71,Black_Man_invents_Power_So….mp4)

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01c7b9 No.21733610

File: a63d9df04a63d1f⋯.png (10.96 KB,545x194,545:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Whoa… Seems they're a little colicky tonight.

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58c435 No.21733611

notables @ 710

#26613 >>21732556

>>21732611 Full report on fluoride from the NIH

>>21732618 Democrats created the FEMA illegal migrant business, Republicans voted to give them hundreds of millions of dollars

>>21732624 Hindenburg Research says Roblox inflated key metrics for Wall Street and is a "pedophile hellscape"

>>21732678 NCNG is aware of helicopter rotor wash incident that damaged relief aid

>>21732751 More fires over lithium deposits - this time in Wyoming

>>21732777 Halfchan dig on Biden-Kamala's $700 million North Carolina refugee resettlement

>>21732860 Large police response reported outside the Trump Tower in downtown Chicago

>>21732920 How to make pure, synthetic quartz

>>21732972, >>21732998 Krappenstein is still at it

>>21732973, >>21732990, >>21733176 Hurricane tracking

>>21733116 X1.8 Flare Underway from Directly Earth Facing Sunspot

>>21733159 Hurricane Milton is about to hit 9th October on anniversary of "Milton the Monster" show from 1965

>>21733242 Senator Hawley is demanding answers after an internal Secret Service whistleblower comes forward

>>21733263 Blue Owl adds $10.5B to its data center portfolio

>>21733304 Ethel Kennedy, widow of the late Robert F. Kennedy, hospitalized after suffering stroke

>>21733308 DeSantis warns looters will meet shooters

>>21733321 President Donald Trump on the First Anniversary of the 10/7 massacre in Israel

>>21733329 Full Kamala Harris 60 Minutes Interview

>>21733339, >>21733356 Republicans posted INSANE registration numbers in crucial states of North Carolina and Pennsylvania

>>21733351 39,000 Nevada voters receive incorrect mail-in ballots

>>21733361 Charlie Kirk: 73 million Christians are not planning to vote

>>21733366 45% of Kamala’s Call Her Daddy interview was abortion

>>21733376 Howard Stern repeatedly says the N-word while wearing blackface in shocking resurfaced video ahead of Kamala Harris interview

>>21733400 In 1995, Robert Fletcher testified before the US Senate stating the military has the ability to manipulate the weather

>>21733402 Charlie Kirk: Democrats are not happy with the state of the race

>>21733464 One month before Helene, Blackrock acquired 2.2 million shares of stock in Kings Mountain Lithium Mine Albemarle Global

>>21733408, >>21733416 Teamsters President Sean O'Brien & Theo Von Roast the Democratic Party

>>21733522 Interesting research from Chris Rufo on the groups behind the Haitian resettlement in Pennsylvania

>>21733528 Kamala Harris Doesn’t Rule Out Leaving the Country When She Loses Election in Dumpster Fire Interview with Howard Stern (AUDIO)

>>21733606 I95 Is on fire


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0c5f50 No.21733612

File: fdf6c05ae1d4262⋯.png (367.22 KB,1159x439,1159:439,ClipboardImage.png)



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1c2ca5 No.21733613

File: 01b0635f587ef10⋯.png (1.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b62fd No.21733614


what habbens wit no breastfeeding


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0131c0 No.21733615

File: 9d05319aaed776f⋯.jpg (220.21 KB,1180x838,590:419,UK_Police_Fag_Thugs_02.jpg)

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4bea89 No.21733616


As the Bible says and all Christians know, it’s impossible for us to conceive of anything close to the vastness of God.

That’s why He sent a user-friendly interface.

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58c435 No.21733617

notables FINAL

#26613 >>21732556

>>21732611 Full report on fluoride from the NIH

>>21732618 Democrats created the FEMA illegal migrant business, Republicans voted to give them hundreds of millions of dollars

>>21732624, >>21733612 Hindenburg Research says Roblox inflated key metrics for Wall Street and is a "pedophile hellscape"

>>21732678 NCNG is aware of helicopter rotor wash incident that damaged relief aid

>>21732751 More fires over lithium deposits - this time in Wyoming

>>21732777 Halfchan dig on Biden-Kamala's $700 million North Carolina refugee resettlement

>>21732860 Large police response reported outside the Trump Tower in downtown Chicago

>>21732920 How to make pure, synthetic quartz

>>21732972, >>21732998 Krappenstein is still at it

>>21732973, >>21732990, >>21733176 Hurricane tracking

>>21733116 X1.8 Flare Underway from Directly Earth Facing Sunspot

>>21733159 Hurricane Milton is about to hit 9th October on anniversary of "Milton the Monster" show from 1965

>>21733242 Senator Hawley is demanding answers after an internal Secret Service whistleblower comes forward

>>21733263 Blue Owl adds $10.5B to its data center portfolio

>>21733304 Ethel Kennedy, widow of the late Robert F. Kennedy, hospitalized after suffering stroke

>>21733308 DeSantis warns looters will meet shooters

>>21733321 President Donald Trump on the First Anniversary of the 10/7 massacre in Israel

>>21733329 Full Kamala Harris 60 Minutes Interview

>>21733339, >>21733356 Republicans posted INSANE registration numbers in crucial states of North Carolina and Pennsylvania

>>21733351 39,000 Nevada voters receive incorrect mail-in ballots

>>21733361 Charlie Kirk: 73 million Christians are not planning to vote

>>21733366 45% of Kamala’s Call Her Daddy interview was abortion

>>21733376 Howard Stern repeatedly says the N-word while wearing blackface in shocking resurfaced video ahead of Kamala Harris interview

>>21733400 In 1995, Robert Fletcher testified before the US Senate stating the military has the ability to manipulate the weather

>>21733402 Charlie Kirk: Democrats are not happy with the state of the race

>>21733464 One month before Helene, Blackrock acquired 2.2 million shares of stock in Kings Mountain Lithium Mine Albemarle Global

>>21733408, >>21733416 Teamsters President Sean O'Brien & Theo Von Roast the Democratic Party

>>21733522 Interesting research from Chris Rufo on the groups behind the Haitian resettlement in Pennsylvania

>>21733528 Kamala Harris Doesn’t Rule Out Leaving the Country When She Loses Election in Dumpster Fire Interview with Howard Stern (AUDIO)

>>21733598 Clockwork

>>21733606 I95 is on fire


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6a3525 No.21733621

File: 4a8c07bfb1ca602⋯.png (614.57 KB,640x528,40:33,4a8c07bfb1ca602a7d7918e00f….png)


holy fucking slow-as-balls bread, Batman!

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58c435 No.21733625

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ae356c No.21733627


Or he's phishing and giving your info to BLM, Antifa, MS 13, et al.

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