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File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000jjj.jpg)

8d424b No.21725330 [View All]

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619 posts and 416 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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905538 No.21726083


anon called notable on this before lunch. try to keep up.

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a4c548 No.21726085

File: e3547555e386a7c⋯.png (83.73 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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f45682 No.21726086

File: 950556034b7829e⋯.png (65.94 KB,600x620,30:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Why can I only post one image per post? More than one, I get a timed out message.

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e9e364 No.21726088


imagine the smell

degassing silicone

and dead fish

nigger bait

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5e1a03 No.21726089

The worst hit devastation was where the poorest live. And always have. Generations of Appalachian people. The poorest hollers.

The affluent liberals from up North are almost entirely safe. The ones who moved here and built big giant fancy houses in fancy neighborhoods. Keep that important fact in mind.

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cea3a7 No.21726094


not allowed to go against their narratives they believe

too much like common sense

alt-media faggots are just as bad as the mainstream ones

the problem with giving the low iq a little sense of importance is they think any obscure thing they find that goes against the grain makes them one of the cool kids with the "akshually correct" info because it inflates their ego

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905538 No.21726095


the first one is notable.

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92f743 No.21726097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f33578 No.21726098

File: 8093fd12e0f6732⋯.jpg (9.75 KB,255x160,51:32,Pepe_BBQ.jpg)

File: c7e9a05d17eeee1⋯.jpg (134.79 KB,1124x1000,281:250,soyjack_glowie.jpg)

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c0d8b9 No.21726099

File: 29e8f655cd2a5a6⋯.png (60.66 KB,253x204,253:204,29e8f655cd2a5a612bad40e7f6….png)


Maybe cuz Anon posted too many smoking pepes

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fb773f No.21726102

more Chinooks at ashville regional

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9a70cd No.21726103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



WATCH LIVE: Trump Attends October 7th Commemoration Event In Queens, New York


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6fae86 No.21726105


Good, let's hope next round you are assigned to he a helper that's unappreciated for 75 long ass years

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7f6bd9 No.21726106


Hurt your feelz

>I cast 👠👠


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5285cf No.21726108

File: 32719fd90e1aa29⋯.jpg (53.08 KB,680x487,680:487,macarthur_pepe.jpg)


Depends on the OS that I've seen. Sounds like you're on Windows and trying to copypaste moar than one image. Can't speak for Mac but on Linux you can. One plus Windows image copypaste has over the Linux copypaste is that it'll copypaste gifs.

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1a2f0c No.21726110


If that were to happen that would kill me anon.

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5e1a03 No.21726114

Today I've been home. Trying to breathe. Clean my house, routine, laundry, think, plan…

Tomorrow I buy more supplies and prepare. Get some rest.

So, it's Wednesday that I hit the road and go where I need to go.

I had to look at the calendar because I wawasn'sure what day was the day after tomorrow. We all really don't even know what day it is anymore.

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b198ef No.21726115

File: 1581c8b90848208⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,1200x675,16:9,X5AQFOC3PFA3PBN7DEGO7AIZ6Y.jpg)

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7f6bd9 No.21726116


Shut up N¡GGE®


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f45682 No.21726117


i've always used windows and in past years i could paste multiple images into a post. i;m befuddled.

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5e1a03 No.21726118

Back with more later.

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008756 No.21726120

e-baking this bread

mus leave, please retrieve rest of notes.

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e0ecbd No.21726122

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kash Patel Reveals What's At Stake On Nov. 5th, Democrats' Lies Versus The Truth



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9a70cd No.21726124

File: 9f44c37c12e61ad⋯.png (608.98 KB,1036x527,1036:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: add7b1e95c12807⋯.png (571.28 KB,946x526,473:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e56777e78d3aedd⋯.png (592.37 KB,937x525,937:525,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c63c0796d5bf815⋯.png (499.03 KB,963x520,963:520,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a2f0c No.21726125


Is it a CPU problem, you running too many programs at once thus slowing down the computer…. or is it a bandwidth problem slowing down your web browser and freezing it????

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158b35 No.21726126

File: 66b4bf322d6d536⋯.jpg (143.54 KB,700x718,350:359,World_Of_Shit.jpg)


Take em down. If they survive the crash, ask! But in order to do that, people have to unite! Unite! UNITE!!!

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d33f0e No.21726129

File: 53534c05729c1a5⋯.jpeg (323.49 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,E62E5779_34C2_428C_A6E4_A….jpeg)

File: cd20e96862ff6de⋯.png (2.96 MB,750x1334,375:667,BEE15A1C_8EAF_4BF7_8857_52….png)

File: e1b68aa094216e8⋯.jpeg (319.66 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,AA608CAF_59DA_43D9_AE56_C….jpeg)

File: 3a70bd4ccb49994⋯.jpeg (344.56 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,4323B9A2_7191_448E_B785_3….jpeg)

File: 8878c5ef78dad1a⋯.png (1.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,B5F0A2CD_E96F_4477_9781_6E….png)


take me to your leader the dude knows the situation is completely fucked

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905538 No.21726130



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a49f72 No.21726132

File: ba6cc310f26f17d⋯.jpg (178.15 KB,615x410,3:2,PETE.jpg)

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a4c548 No.21726133

kjp getting pissed at doucy

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905538 No.21726136


wtf is nov 5? go back to india, kaash

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2659be No.21726137

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f45682 No.21726138


shouldn't be either one. only running my browser with a couple tabs open. have strong signal.

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c0d8b9 No.21726140

File: 39eec14f88e85da⋯.png (168.22 KB,425x411,425:411,39eec14f88e85da154e9bdf704….png)


Guud stuff fam

I eagerly await burying my face in your warm buttered Buns NB

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716c76 No.21726141

File: 9afeb190631576d⋯.png (2.42 MB,2818x2464,1409:1232,meetjoebiden.png)

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008756 No.21726145

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f33578 No.21726146


Is PF around?

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b198ef No.21726147

File: a6797f59008236a⋯.jpg (201.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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008756 No.21726150

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905538 No.21726152


>i;m befuddled.


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549ebf No.21726156

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905538 No.21726158


kewl this loaf is kinda meh anyway

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a4c548 No.21726160

she just left in a huff because Doucy nailed her on the lies about funding for relief victims fema and the new hurricane. that gonna get clipped and shared.

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46204a No.21726161


That is horse shit.

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5a490f No.21726163

turdy tits

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c80512 No.21726164


I'm having issues too

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2c0871 No.21726165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d33f0e No.21726166


that is correct.

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f4c937 No.21726167


screen cap as opposed to copy image, or it's too big and won't go thru, for now, been doing it like that for ages, but now it's fussy. Screen cap, makes it smaller.

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f9c6dd No.21727323


#26604 >>21725338

>>21726103 WATCH LIVE: Trump Attends October 7th Commemoration Event In Queens, New York

>>21726056 maritime traffic in Gulf

>>21725423 Moar Carolina Lithium - Piedmont Lithium

>>21725468, >>21725646 Swampenins

>>21725476 Russian court sentences a 72-year-old Michigan man to nearly 7 years in prison for fighting in Ukraine

>>21725482, >>21725505 Utah hoping Supreme Court will break precedent and transfer vast tracts of federal land to states

>>21725488, >>21725491, >>21725492, >>21725758, >>21725768 Hurricane Milton Live Tracker, >>21725857, >>21725957 | CAT 5 CONFIRMED/DeSantis presser

>>21725527 @fema's Disaster Relief Fund monthly report reveals that nearly $4 BILLION was spent on "COVID-19 aid" in September of 2024, the most of any month since October 2023.

>>21725530, >>21725536, >>21725549 For every person you refer who is a swing state voter, you get $47! Easy money.

>>21725583 Today is last day to register in AZ, FL, GA, IN, AR, KY, LA, MS, OH, TN and Texas.


>>21725586 Habby 72 Putin

>>21725593 Trump on rooting out the Deep State, important words. “We Have An Enemy From Within”

>>21725598 ALICE 2024 UPGRADE WEEK

>>21725625 Microsoft pushing Voter Registration as default on Edge browser/ Fuk MS

>>21725628 MacDill Air Force Base orders partial evacuation ahead of Milton storm

>>21725629, >>21725655, >>21725714, >>21725805 "War Game" documentary filmmakers on "The Takeout"/Strzok

>>21725636 Democrat Billionaire Admits Media Has Been Lying About Trump Since 2016

>>21725654 Amazon Prime releases a 90 min documentary called Bad Faith exposes how Christian Nationalism has become the most powerful anti-democratic force in America, with an unparalleled ability to destroy democracy from within.

>>21725678 Mexican mayor Alejandro Arcos murdered days after taking office

>>21725680 What is 'mewing?' The jawline trend explained

>>21725685 RNC Does Not Have a Single Election Attorney to Prevent Voter Fraud in Arizona as 218,000 Voters Are Registered Without Verifying Citizenship, What Gives?

>>21725772 Stamford Registrar Postcard "Printing Mistake" Confuses Voters Over Polling Location, New Postcards Going Out This Week

>>21725813 With all the reports of misuse of funds by FEMA, Johnson’s Solution is Give them More Money

>>21725838, >>21725862, >>21725969 Buckwheat

>>21725873 Psychopathic communists are celebrating the October 7 massacre in the streets of NYC

>>21725922 New Film 'Atrocity Inc' Exposes How Israel Lied About October 7th to Justify Genocide

>>21725936 Polish mercenaries executed Russian civilians

>>21725965 Edgar Cayce Flood Map

>>21725990 Russian media giant hit by ‘unprecedented’ hack

>>21726057 How One Polling Decision Is Leading to Two Distinct Stories of the Election

>>21726061, >>21726068 US Military's Vietnam War-era Weather Modification Weapons Deployed Against Americans

>>21726122 Kash Patel Reveals What's At Stake On Nov. 5th, Democrats' Lies Versus The Truth


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