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dde566 No.21692020 [Last50 Posts]

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dde566 No.21692030

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dde566 No.21692031


#26562-A >>21690565


>>21691388 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21691443 President Trump: You know, you have to do the school choice thing, because right now, we are just about at the bottom of every list, and yet we're number one on every list of cost per pupil. Cost per student, we're number one, and if you look at a list of the top forty nations, we are at the bottom of the list…one of the things we'll be doing is moving education back into the states.

>>21691457 President Trump: Only sixteen percent of Milwaukee school students are reading at grade level, and only ten percent can do math at grade level…school choice gives Milwaukee children a lifeline to a better education.

>>21691471 President Trump: If you want a better education for your child, Kamala Harris stands in your way. Kamala and the radical-left democrat party want to keep black and Hispanic children trapped in family government.

>>21691486 President Trump: Even as they fail to educate our youth, our opponents are using government schools to indoctrinate children, pushing radical transgender ideology on children, and changing the child's gender without even parental consent. All of that's changing. It's changing immediately.

>>21691549 President Trump: I think it's the most dangerous time we've had, certainly since the end of the second World War. I think it could end up being a World War. You have two hot spots, and you'll probably have a third, maybe, with Taiwan.

>>21691586 Reporter: If you were president right now, after Iran launched more than two hundred missiles towards Israel…how would you handle Iran right now? President Trump: Let's assume I'm not around, the president of the United States should blow that country to smithereens, because you can't do that, and the president should make a statement to that effect.

>>21691647 President Trump: I think that he [Zelenskyy] will make a deal. I think; look, it would have been a lot better before, because the cities now are all blown up. I mean, they're all blown up except for Kiev.. You have the cities are; those beautiful Golden Towers, they're ancient gold, they're all laying on their sides, smashed to smithereens.

>>21691670 President Trump: They did a lot of bad things [2020 election], including not getting legislative approval for some of the things they did. But I think that people are watching this time, we have lots of lawyers watching.

>>21691725 President Trump: Biden shouldn't have let that happen [port strike]. Not that he should have ended it, he should have worked out a deal between them and the others. He could have worked out a deal. That's an easy deal to work out, because you have a certain power being the United States. A lot of these are foreign ship owners…it's a devastating event for the economy.

>>21691799, >>21691800 Reporter; What advice do you give J.D. Vance ahead of his debate tonight? President Trump: Have fun!D have fun.. hes a smart guy, hes been a little warrior… hes not afraid of the media.. JD is very much a warrior '

>>21691987 #26562-A

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dde566 No.21692032

#26562-B >>21690565


>>21691900 POTUS dropped a 17 to end it…

>>21691912 POTUS DID AN AIR Q: RSBN 3:21:25

>>21691468 Trump: Education - take it ALL out of Washington; back to the States

>>21691431 POTUS: ' We are number 30, 49 '

>>21691436 POTUS: ' I think that 39 states could be the equivalent of Norway and Denmark '

>>21691459 POTUS: ' Not teaching Woke.. thats a big factor.

>>21691464 POTUS: ' Start teaching a language that we dont want them to teach …we are going to take it all out of Washington and send it all back to the states '

>>21691474 POTUS: ' They graduate from public school and they cant read, they cant write '

>>21691480 POTUS: ' Even changing the childs gender without parental consent.. i dont want to get into the details.. but its not even believable.. '

>>21691458 POTUS: ' Every building you pass in Washington says Department of Education ' !! brainwashing is big business

>>21691504, >>21691514 POTUS: ' We are going to have two big ones, two big ones, maybe a third '

>>21691526, >>21691539, >>21691550 POTUS: ' Thank you very much, i will wear this tonite (gift of a shirt from daughter of Carabelle '

>>21691540 POTUS: ' I think its the most dangerous time.. certainly from the time of the second world war.. you have two hot spots… i would like to get it solved as President-Elect '

>>21691545 POTUS: ' I dont think people recognize how many people are being killed… its not being reported '

>>21691557 POTUS: ' Every country in the middle east woulve signed on with Abraham Accords, maybe not Iran but probably they wouldve… its like two kids fighting in the schoolyard, you kindve have to let it go on for a little bit '

>>21691466, >>21691570 POTUS: ' Norway, Norway,.. Sweden is strong… Kamala stands in your way '

>>21691572 POTUS: ' (answering answers from press about Iran firing over 200 missiles at israel and that he wouldve blown that country to smithereens). A President should not say that,… Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.. i dont want to say what id use because i want to use it for negotiating '

>>21691577 POTUS: ' Iran was not in the position to sponsor terrorism.. now they have over 300 billion dollars, Biden took off all the sanctions '

>>21691582 POTUS: ' Biggest problem today… the biggest risk.. is nuclear power… i know because i rebuilt the us military… '

>>21691592 POTUS: ' Remember we didnt have one soldier killed in 18 months in afghanistan.. i explained to abdul.. you cant do that.. you cant do that abdul… i left and we had these clowns take over '

>>21691601 POTUS: ' China, forget about afghanistan '

>>21691606 POTUS: ' I had no confidence in their army, thats why you had so many blue on brown and brown on blue '

>>21691610 POTUS: ' We trained them, and we give them a gun and they shoot everybody, what the hell was going on over there.. i call them turn-arounds, they turn around and shoot you '

>>21691619 POTUS: ' he left with bags of money in a helicopter and there were bags of money at the end of the runway.. he was no good and for years i was saying he was no good… they werent loyal to us.. they were loyal to themselves.. theyre great fighters, like rambos.. you give them a knife and they go down and slit throats… '

>>21691624 POTUS: ' We shouldntve of left from Baghram and you wouldnt have anyone killed.. '

>>21691625 VIDEO: Former President Jimmy Carter honored with flyover on 100th birthday

>>21691628 POTUS: ' I got to know the families of the 13 soldiers killed… biden never called them, kamala never called them '

>>21691640 POTUS: ' Thats what i do, I make deals.. there were two ancient golden towers, laying there smashed to smithereens (fieldiing question from press about ukraine… putin wouldve never done it, it was the apple of his eye.. ukraine used to be part of russia… honestly he never did do it… '

>>21691658 POTUS: ' (press question of voter fraud). It was a terrible thing that happened last time.. last time we had covid and to be honest, take a look at security.. no security wanted to go out, they didnt want to catch covid.. they did a lot of bad things, including not getting legislative approval for what they did.. this time, we are going to have lots of lawyers watching '

>>21691992 #26562-B

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dde566 No.21692036

#26562-C >>21690565

>>21691665 POTUS: ' Typically I poll very low,… people dont want to tell you who they are voting for.. and then they go and they vote for trump… at the end of the day I won '

>>21691685 POTUS: ' And if you were a truthful reporter, and youre not… you would report that there were many missiles fired at the fort but they werent going to hit the fort.. i essentially bankrupted iran.. i think i wouldve ultimately … they were dying, they had nothing.. i was the toughest '

>>21691691 POTUS: ' But with iran its a very sad situation, we couldve made a deal with iran.. they called us.. we have to retaliate but only in a sense.. keep your people inside the military base.. but we arent going to hit the base '

>>21691704 POTUS: ' (press question on inflation ' Its a massive thing to the workers of our country… those workers were bery badly hit by inflation.. theyre not happy and they do a good job.. they also dont want to see new technology that they dont like… many complaints about these modernized ports.. those are very hard workers, i know a lot of them.. biden shouldve never let that happen.. thats an easy deal to work out.. you have. a lot of ppower as (doesnt say president, pauses) of the united states'

>>21691710 POTUS: ' Dead head spending.. cuz stupid people do as they did '

>>21691729 POTUS: ' They came to me and want to do an interview but first i want to get an apology… but the laptop from hell was from hunter.. leslie stall, we got into a little argument on camera.. how about david muir… he said that crime went down.. theyve been wrong about everything.. ive done 60 minutes with the great mike wallace '

>>21691744 POTUS: ' We just went to Dane and had a good time.. we had 50,000 people… we had a small venue because the united states government wouldnt less us do an outside rally…. when we drove in i said wow thats a big crowd.. that happened again today.. you saw the people outside… but last week the crowd was massive… washington said we cant guard you.. we have to guard the united nations.. its like a form of election interference.. when they tell you you cant have people to guard you '

>>21691752 POTUS: ' Go the most votes of sitting president… you people report.. we are doing much better than we did last time… '

>>21691768 POTUS: ' (press question about supreme court pick). we want honesty, integrity and we want genius.. we want smart.. we want brilliant people and great integrity '

>>21691776 POTUS: ' They have to be respected.. you have to respect our supreme court, you have people going around trying to play ref with them.. theyre scum.. theyll go after regular judges.. they try to be bobby knight.. screaming, screaming '

>>21691787 POTUS: ' I think the supreme court has really made some brave decisions over the last year.. they have approval numbers go up and up and up '

>>21691813 POTUS: ' (press question abour oil disruptions around the world due to attack on israel). You never know about presdient xi… i dont want to read his mind.. hes very smart,… he has a way of doing things that are very good for china… hes at the top of this game.. its some place, hes a very fierce warrior a fierce challenger.. but i had a very good relationship with him '

>>21691836 POTUS: ' (press questions about using supreme court). Oh the documents case, the documents case… they said hes guilty but hes incompetant… i was exonerated.. fully exonerated… when i stand here looking at all the different talents in this room.. all i want to see is fairness… you guys are very important.. you keep politicians from doinig very bad… i want to see the media improve, we really need the media to buck up… if we can get the media to bring everything back to a level playing field… this is a failing nation.. we have a deficit of 2 trillion dollars… one of the reasons im going to briing elon musk into it… he really loves the country… its not easy for him to to an endorsement, but he wants to save the country.. did i tell you the airplane story? '

>>21691850 POTUS: ' When you allow 13000 murderers into our country and theyre free to kill… its not going to be a positive thing.. when you allow terrorists into our country.. we dont even know who they are.. drug dealers are in our country at levels weve never seen before.. we are very sick country.. but we are going to get it fixed '

>>21691861 POTUS: ' (press predicting hes going to have the biggest rally in butler ever and can he give us a preview of that). Butler.. great doctors up there.. first thing i said, how many people are dead because we had a massive crowd.. and these are AR15 bullets, they 4 thousand mph or something.. i was amazed that they said probably 3 dead.. '

>>21691994 #26562-C

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dde566 No.21692038

#26562-D >>21690565

>>21691867 POTUS: ' There was a national guardsmen seating 9 seats away, this nG gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation, and then cory died.. and for that man to do that is amazing '

>>21691872 POTUS: ' We did a go fund me for coreys family.. she will end up with about 5 million dollars.. she said shed rather have her husband '

>>21691878 POTUS: ' We are going to be there saturday.. we are going to celebrate the life of corey.. and the two guys who got hit really bad.. and celebrate the doctors who saved their lives.. very talented people '

>>21691889 POTUS: ' The chart is on my right and had i not made that turn i would not be speaking to you all today and i think a lot of you would be happy about that.. i want to thank you alll for being here… i am on my way to texas.. ive been working 17 days in a row…thank you all very much '

>>21691998 #26562-D

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dde566 No.21692041

#26562-E >>21690565

>>21691440, >>21691450 JA Testified in France yesterday

>>21691437, >>21691578 X7.1 flare just erupted on the sun from an earth facing sunspot group

>>21691739 U.S. Department of Energy unleashing over $1.5B to help finance the restoration and restart of service of a nuclear power plant in Michigan — a first-of-a-kind effort by DOE and the first in American history

>>21691767 How Kamala got to the top… KEK (Cap 0:07)


>>21691571 Rey Rivera. Got involved in something which ended up with him killed so bad, Ruled as a suicide. Belvedere hotel Baltimore. Jumped off roof apparently.

>>21691885 LINK 6:00 PM EDT Vance vs. Walz: CBS News Vice Presidential Debate

>>21691896 9:00 PM EDT CBS News will host the only planned vice presidential debate between Vance and Walz on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. CST on CBS and CBS News 24/7.

>>21691928, >>21691945 FUN FACT: If Biden resigns, and Kamala assumes the presidency, Harris "shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress." This means that the Republican-controlled House can insist on a Republican vice president.

>>21692002 #26562-E

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dde566 No.21692042

#26561 >>21690565


>>21690584, >>21690605 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21690638, >>21690637 WATCH: President Trump’s New Ad ‘Open Invitation’ included transcript mp4 0:30

>>21690640, >>21690642, >>21690652, >>21690690, >>21690729, >>21690843, >>21690796, >>21690914 Donald J. Trump and Fred Trump watch the water

>>21691225 President Trump: Amazingly, this is one of the biggest hurricanes anyone's ever seen. Late in the season; very unusual…very late in the season, you almost don't even think of it as hurricane season.

>>21691247 President Trump: 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs, the highest in more than thirty-eight years, and you now have to make one hundred and eleven thousand dollars a year to afford an average home. A forty-six percent increase since when I was president…and that's not even including the cost of interest, because interest went from two percent to eleven percent. And you can't get the money at eleven percent, so it's not eleven, it's much higher than that.

>>21691261 President Trump: 1/16 of an inch = 17

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21690966, >>21691011 Julian Assange says Two Wolves in MAGA hats under President Trump Tried to have him Assassinated and Targeted his 6 Month Olds DNA (Cap 3:20)

>>21691040 Mike Pompeo exercises free speech while trying to kill Julian Assange for doing the same thing

>>21691146, >>21691142, >>21691276 Longshore Union President Who Pledged to “CRIPPLE” the United States, Owns 76-Ft Yacht, Bentley, Is Paid Almost 1 MILLION Per Year, Body of His Co-Defendent In RICO Case Was Found Decomposing In Trunk

>>21690633, >>21690586 Transcripts Show President Trump's Directives to Pentagon Leadership to "Keep January 6 Safe" Were Deliberately Ignored

>>21690579, >>21690610, >>21690802 FAKE and GAY Iranian ballistic missile plopping straight down? Squishing man to death in Jericho

>>21690588 Starlink announces over 500 kits have been delivered for Hurricane Helene recovery efforts

>>21690598 Speaker Johnson Delivers Remarks at New York Stock Exchange

>>21690612, >>21690658, >>21690672, >>21690691 Diddy accused of abusing nine-year-old boy and spiking drinks with horse tranquilizer as120 victims come forward with shocking claims

>>21691072, >>21691260 Attorney Describes Horrendous Diddy Victim Stories - Including a Minor Forced to Give Fellatio on Diddy (Cap 3:48)

>>21690656, >>21690831 Antony Blinken pushes FAKE narrative America’s Strategy of Renewal for a New World

>>21690709, >>21690715 Israeli PM Netanyahu: Iran made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for it

>>21690947, >>21691024, >>21691054, >>21691094 Joe Biden told the people of North Carolina they had no more supplies for Franklin County: Interesting deets on the plane N478XP

>>21691059 Excess mortality numbers continue rising year on year since the death jabs

>>21691086 James O'Keefe: wives are telling their border patrol agent husbands to stand down from whistleblowing?

>>21691091, >>21691105 Multiple IRGC-affiliated Iranian outlets & Telegram channels report, "Iran has warned the US: if you target our refineries, we will set fire to the refineries and oil fields across the entire region, including those in Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, the UAE, and Bahrain."

>>21690670, >>21690618, >>21690867, >>21690956 Illicit Iranian Oil Sales Hit $90 Billion Under Biden, Fueling Tehran’s Terror Proxies

>>21691283 The 82nd should just take off from Bragg right now and go save the people of Asheville

>>21691293 Collin Rugg: Kentucky sheriff Shawn Stines k*lling Judge Kevin Mullins is shown

>>21691333 #26561

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dde566 No.21692043

#26560 >>21689615


>>21689684, >>21689862, >>21689888, >>21689944 President Trump Gives Remarks in Waunakee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21689817 President Trump Gives Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21689912, >>21689939, >>21689958, >>21689982, >>21690015, >>21690033, >>21690036, >>21690058, >>21690079, >>21690119, >>21690169, >>21690172, >>21690195, >>21690215, >>21690336, >>21690345, >>21690355, >>21690398, >>21690411, >>21690433 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21690256 Live: JD Vance, Tim Walz face off at CBS News Vice Presidential Debate 9pm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21689639, >>21689653 US Port Strike - First Shutdown In 50 Years Sparks Fears Of Supply Chain Crisis

>>21689661 remember when - Biden-Harris' FCC Nuked 20,000 Starlink Terminals For North Carolina

>>21689673, >>21689787, >>21689801, >>21689869, >>21689926, >>21689931, >>21689941, >>21690067, >>21690182, >>21690460 here we go World War III

>>21689687, >>21689698 Joe Biden Tells Americans They Need to Donate to NC Relief After giving 175 BILLION to Ukraine.

>>21689711 Tim Walz BRAGS about overwhelming small-town America with migrants:

>>21689730 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Iranian Terror Regime’s Imminent Attack on Israel

>>21689731 Facebook Gave CDC ‘Backdoor’ Access to Help Remove Millions of Social Media Posts

>>21689739 British Government Creates Mandatory Chicken Register

>>21689774, >>21689837, >>21689870 Pentagon Press Secretary / KJP Hold A Press Briefing As Iran Attacks Israel

>>21689799 Carvana insiders offloaded $280M in shares, while Michael Dell filed to sell over $1B

>>21689825, >>21690308, >>21690368 Helene Efforts

>>21689836 Trump’s go fund me for Hurricane Helene victims has now raised over $2.1 MILLION DOLLARS in less than 24 hours

>>21689842, >>21690221, >>21690401, >>21690494, >>21690497, >>21690502 PlaneFaggin'

>>21689864 Detransitioners Booted From American Academy of Pediatrics Conference

>>21689922 Assange - I am not free because the system worked. I pleaded guilty to 'journalism'

>>21689989 @CodeMonkeyZ Iran attacks Israel. Israel rolls into Iran with USA & allies. Iran calls China, Russia and Pakistan to help. WW3.

>>21690031 RFK calls out the bankers, wall street and the FED

>>21690040 Here’s what the establishment has in store for us - RAND’s Grand Plan

>>21690063, >>21690160, >>21690192, >>21690244, >>21690321 Blake Marnell aka. Brick Suit

>>21690098 upcoming TRUMP Rallies and Events

>>21690157, >>21690161, >>21690164 MEME FODDER she bad HARRIS COUNTER POINTS

>>21690184 Malik Obama says half-brother Barack is ‘still running the country’

>>21690440 [they] just do not understand that MAGA believes in freedom. Let that sink in anon.

>>21690545 #26560

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dde566 No.21692044

#26559 >>21688799


>>21689055, >>21689087, >>21689092, >>21689544 President Trump Gives Remarks in Waunakee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21688815 Only 34 Days To Winning

>>21688816, >>21689149, >>21689187, >>21689269, >>21689325, >>21689326, >>21689361, >>21689500, >>21689519 Missiles Flying in Middle East - Cue World War Three! WH says

>>21688822 Dr. Jack Kruse explains the origins of the polio vaccine w/ #SV40 Cancer Causing addy

>>21688860, >>21688864, >>21688875 Trump: My Plan to Make America Affordable Again—and Bring Back the American Dream

>>21688871, >>21689023, >>21689163, >>21689193, >>21689310, >>21689314, >>21689548 Swamp Happenins

>>21688877 A growing number of retired Flag Officers call for top military resignations

>>21688897, >>21688970, >>21689293, >>21689418 NASA & Space Related

>>21688925 About 300 Donors leave 'Ludicrous' call with Kamala Harris frustrated and annoyed

>>21689022 Solar eclipse livestream: Watch the annular eclipse online on Oct. 2

>>21689048 @12:15 PM EDT Florida Governor Briefing on Hurricane Helene


>>21689090 HUGE Trump Authorized GO FUND ME Support Hurricane Helene victims DONATE

>>21689119, >>21689246 @realDonaldTrump alerted @elonmusk of the need for additional Starlink Internet Terminals.


>>21689142 On this day in space! Oct. 1, 1958: Happy Birthday, NASA!

>>21689199 Looking at the links between the Port Strike & "port strikes" as in cyber warfare & a more false flags

>>21689202 Dominion voting systems connecting to the internet, being accessed by Dominion voting in Belgrade SERBIA!

>>21689216, >>21689240, >>21689358, >>21689417, >>21689442, >>21689547 Efforts and News After Hurricane Helene

>>21689228 The 50th birthday of retired 20-year Special Forces Green Beret Jeremy Brown J6 Hostage -Learn His Story

>>21689319, >>21689323 Assange says he, his wife & his child were all targeted by Mike Pompeo's C_A

>>21689349 Today in Q Post History we have 20 Deltas

>>21689383 Dems privately worry how Walz will fare against Vance in VP debate


>>21689390 Lindsey Graham 'some terrorists are moar equal than other terrorists'

>>21689423 Taylor Lorenz Out at Washington Post After Calling Biden a ‘War Criminal.’

>>21689482 God, the Creator, the Father, Jesus is going to use Israel to show the world just how amazing He is and that none of us, not a one, can do or have anything without Him.

>>21689501, >>21689518 Haitian Bridge Alliance, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Haiti Caucus

>>21689512 Mass shooting in Tel Aviv leaves at least 10 wounded

>>21689550 Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at FEMA Headquarters

>>21689597 #26559

Previously Collected

>>21688785 #26558,

>>21686222 #26555, >>21687086 #26556, >>21687548 #26557

>>21684629 #26553, >>21685435 #26554, >>21686222 #26555

>>21682164 #26550, >>21682948 #26551, >>21683728 #26552

>>21679733 #26547, >>21680556 #26548, >>21681392 #26549

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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dde566 No.21692045



Q Research General #26263: The Chart Is On My Right and had i not made that turn, GODSPEED Edition

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dde566 No.21692052

File: c26a5cb9ba67d60⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,576x1024,9:16,c26a5cb9ba67d60dc4023e5d42….mp4)

File: 87518ffe634a8cd⋯.png (1.51 MB,1080x1080,1:1,0_2_.png)

File: 9714da2f5146f6d⋯.png (509.6 KB,794x842,397:421,you_fucking_missed_4a971db….png)

File: 6d7375f73425d48⋯.png (1.06 MB,632x828,158:207,6d7375f73425d481401ae5ff7e….png)



Q Research General #26263: The Chart Is On My Right and had i not made that turn, GODSPEED Edition

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e19ab5 No.21692062

Vance should ask Walz what he was doing in China as governor, using taxpayer money.

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292be2 No.21692063

Anyone anticipating hearing millions of trumpets blaring from the skies above really soon? Asking for a friend.

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f93cea No.21692065

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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e19ab5 No.21692066

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14df57 No.21692068


Everything the bible speaks about happened

it happened before, it'll happen again

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f89458 No.21692069

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(((They))) Were Seen Spraying The Crops - Then The Plague Broke Out

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5efb6e No.21692070

File: d56cc9755ef9bb1⋯.png (353.8 KB,970x296,485:148,d56cc9755ef9bb15f4eb261e2b….png)

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9ca872 No.21692071


What does the bible say about UFOs?

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626da4 No.21692072

File: 4267ec6af20646e⋯.png (21.4 KB,439x468,439:468,ClipboardImage.png)




>90 degree, QDrop #90





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86b55b No.21692073

File: 7cff1d953ae9d08⋯.png (184.16 KB,270x270,1:1,Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

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7c8114 No.21692074


Bread title should be 'Badass Vance mops the floor with Tampon Tim'.

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0c3601 No.21692075

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB,640x512,5:4,539c6965b9f85aaaaceace2b99….png)

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d8065a No.21692076

File: 0f6cb6b0059a8eb⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,750x488,375:244,gregegeget.jpg)

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0f7fa7 No.21692077

File: fe23304bcde83bc⋯.png (497.52 KB,470x626,235:313,fe23304bcde83bc2e1ae268325….png)

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deca5a No.21692078

File: c853ac253f650f2⋯.jpg (99.2 KB,1592x1137,1592:1137,IMG_20241001_202054.jpg)

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e5ef4d No.21692080



The attorney who announced the civil case against diddy today is the same attorney who defended AG Paxton in TX.

Let's goooooo!!!

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3d2f49 No.21692081

File: 43584119086c3f5⋯.png (183.42 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_2243.png)

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132685 No.21692082

File: 9ef21f1ecdfc476⋯.png (42.98 KB,468x186,78:31,kek35.png)

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5dbe99 No.21692083

File: 310c9e2edbe4520⋯.webp (4.56 KB,300x210,10:7,A48E1C75_B822_4309_B888_D….webp)

File: 32ffab68ad02f87⋯.webp (143 KB,1200x600,2:1,AA6E6828_5DBC_43F4_B0DD_E….webp)


waltzing vance dough

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5efb6e No.21692085

File: c6300944e78b15d⋯.png (56.14 KB,142x253,142:253,ClipboardImage.png)



can think of one who already might have

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292be2 No.21692086



Badass Vance mops floor with Tampon Tim

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9ca872 No.21692087


KEK - Raygun should get Comedian of the year award.

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9f18e1 No.21692088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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6e3486 No.21692089

File: 69c3b5b4846c160⋯.webp (23.48 KB,750x750,1:1,en_barqs_prod_root_beer_7….webp)


There is an old Japanese myth about People from hollow boats. Utsuro Bune.

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dde566 No.21692091



notable with sauce

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238549 No.21692092

File: 44845094dd1389e⋯.mp4 (304.17 KB,474x270,79:45,Qvr71vwgbJ1pnBJG.mp4)


The Yorkshire Lass


==The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled.

Ronen Bergman, New York Times correspondent: I felt a series of massive explosions near my home in northern Tel Aviv, close to the Mossad headquarters, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and Unit 8200, the electronic intelligence agency. The whole house was shaking.==


>>21692007 lb (me)

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1514d9 No.21692094

File: edd6a1eb8238406⋯.png (263.34 KB,499x826,499:826,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ac637d21dd9626⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,270x480,9:16,0.mp4)

Rep. Cory Mills Day 2 Update From Hurricane Helene Damaged Areas


JUST IN — From @MillsforFlorida

"Quick Update: Day 2 Wrap-up

Today we dropped supplies into Bernardsville, Poplar, Burnsville, and surrounding areas. Conducted a medevac for an 83 y/o man showing signs of hypertension from Bailey. Delivered Starlink systems, oxygen bottlers, insulin, and water to those in need around Asheville.

Additionally, worked to evac/ relocate USAR (search & rescue) from around Broad River which had 64 inches of flooding."

Oct 01, 2024, 6:50 PM


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00da3f No.21692095

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)


TYB for the nigger-locked migrated bread.

Love you fam.

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292be2 No.21692096

If Tampon Tim dares try to put Vance on the defensive with Dimocrap lies, he'll have his bloody ass handed to him rather quickly.

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dde566 No.21692097

File: 6a5bdcdb30aa7ae⋯.png (1.62 MB,1013x1013,1:1,thumbs_up_black_and_white.png)

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efcb60 No.21692099

File: cdba33902beed01⋯.jpeg (29.21 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_1874.jpeg)

File: 01a0b530434113a⋯.jpeg (30.01 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_1875.jpeg)


Proof of retro-causality:

Going full retard has retro-causality effects!

Looks more retarded now than when originally aired:

Full F’ing Fast Times Retard

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e59980 No.21692100


What got lb locked? I must not be paying attention. Seemed like the usual handful of Anons gathering crumbs and a bunch of mostly AI shillery.

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e98e31 No.21692101

File: 61171106a375082⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,export_1727828714996.mp4)

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ccd2fd No.21692102

File: df10c2fbdc914c7⋯.jpg (8.77 KB,255x144,85:48,potusmnspeechquote.jpg)


TY, baker.

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c86a54 No.21692104

File: 66ddd669d2e8b43⋯.png (512.18 KB,1163x1017,1163:1017,66ddd669d2e8b4380e4418640a….png)

File: 473b2015f37a650⋯.png (284.57 KB,600x403,600:403,473b2015f37a650308f6a30c35….png)

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,1f4036da8070e5509e47211e5….jpeg)

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6cfce6 No.21692106

File: c47139f22aa7f92⋯.png (508.97 KB,640x480,4:3,tim_walz_china_ap_unsplash….png)

File: c26c33b987ffd0f⋯.jpg (105.75 KB,474x710,237:355,th_2206324130.jpg)

File: 0e80e3ab5c3edc9⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,3264x2448,4:3,2202833_3914532421.jpg)

File: e1fd4693c0624e7⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,474x595,474:595,th_1588765572.jpg)

File: 8fc206d60d8bd87⋯.jpg (39.77 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3082315962.jpg)


China Timan is ultra gehy home.

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dde566 No.21692107


anons were busy

too much to do

did you see the bun?


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f33dbf No.21692108

File: f3dc1b5c40d2b81⋯.jpg (276.44 KB,2209x1893,2209:1893,121319_piedmont_lithium_ma….jpg)

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132685 No.21692109

File: 2fd3547a92ec912⋯.png (382.19 KB,633x489,211:163,smokingpepe9.png)


Imposter. Fraud. Failure. Simple Legion. Angry Inch. Harmless clown. Broken shill.

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ec07b1 No.21692110

File: dc68c0ca9d5caf0⋯.png (229.64 KB,1010x771,1010:771,ClipboardImage.png)

Evansville Man Sentenced to Eight Years in Federal Prison for Receiving and Possessing Explicit Images of Children Via Snapchat


Where is the snapchat indictment for having CP on it's platform?

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7c8114 No.21692112

anyone have the 'jooz in media' and 'jooz in hollywood' memes?

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0c3601 No.21692113

File: adff00676ebf38a⋯.png (391.19 KB,693x582,231:194,adff00676ebf38a74b70d18ee9….png)

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5dbe99 No.21692114

File: 84d16b98b21a631⋯.jpeg (224.52 KB,2048x1398,1024:699,2F01DECF_5077_47E4_9377_F….jpeg)

File: 6f3427451701a43⋯.png (1.26 MB,2048x1024,2:1,95FDE440_62BD_4C3C_A711_4A….png)

File: 53acb10c70dbd0e⋯.jpeg (337.44 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,D8E43418_9727_4742_89AA_F….jpeg)

File: ef50d6af2310562⋯.jpeg (154.92 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,03D6A471_42D4_4FC9_AD17_3….jpeg)

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9ca872 No.21692116

File: dc97f1477d93543⋯.png (1.04 MB,1180x842,590:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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c86a54 No.21692117


full bun of notes

baker early

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e59980 No.21692119


This would be all over the news. Anybody else saucing this?

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dde566 No.21692120

File: ffd1bd3faad3441⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,255x255,1:1,confimed_handoff.jpg)


Baker requires Handoff

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81ac2e No.21692121

What if the first few Q drops (Oct 28th to end of November 2017) mentioning arrest, dems losing the black vote, etc all take place 7 years later???

What if the damn is about to break, so [They] are trying to start WWIII to patch the damn?

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292be2 No.21692123


So would Bibi being fatally wounded.

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7c8114 No.21692124


…or something to that effect. maybe add more punch…more wit.

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132685 No.21692125

File: dcd130c92b2b68f⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,750x405,50:27,in_time.jpg)

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f33dbf No.21692126


They are not going to broadcast this.

That would be stupid

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1b5375 No.21692127

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,GA26.jpg)



NightShift Activated

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6e3486 No.21692129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Best I can do is American Jews protest against the formation of Israel news story.

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5efb6e No.21692131

File: f0e6caf3f39d909⋯.jpg (182.32 KB,1396x2047,1396:2047,f0e6caf3f39d909f4dff5498a0….jpg)


>This would be all over the news

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238549 No.21692132

File: 6ae7e507178bf88⋯.png (682.23 KB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew Tate



The Bucharest Tribunal Court has just ruled to return my 40,000,000 dollars of assets due to a lack of evidence.

All my super cars.

Gold bars.

$3,000,000 in cash.


9:35 AM · Oct 1, 2024


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75f81b No.21692133

File: 42dbc0d50541eb3⋯.png (72.04 KB,457x1157,457:1157,jericholocation.png)





>>21692021 lb

probably the real Jericho isn't there. The "Israel" of Palestine is like Disneyland.


No actual evidence of Biblical locations in Mesopotamia.



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228beb No.21692134


I realize hurricanes are devastating. As a Canadian, I will never experience one, unless of course, if I travel. However, Canadians experience snow storms from the depths of hell, at times. Where people cannot excape their own driveways for days sometimes. Road travel is more than perilous. I myself have experienced being snowed in, with temperatures so below zero the outside doors froze, for days…

Yet Canada has NOTHING to provide relief for snowbirds….count yourselves lucky to have relief.

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81ac2e No.21692135


Dam*** Ooops!

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8125e1 No.21692136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live from studio 6b

share the debate time with the boys


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4d67da No.21692137


Anyone else think Trump is the second coming of Jesus?

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ec07b1 No.21692138

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The entire Tim Walz charade destroyed in 25 seconds as the CNN panel sits in total silence.


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7cb799 No.21692139

File: 57842a455c4245a⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,255x143,255:143,0b330375971ae0c0ce47ae152e….jpg)

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86b55b No.21692141

File: d1ac6618fc2afe8⋯.png (94.26 KB,443x329,443:329,1a225133_3661_4b48_937c_0f….png)


firm it baker fam

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238549 No.21692142

File: 58650168b210968⋯.png (59.35 KB,741x271,741:271,ClipboardImage.png)


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e59980 No.21692143

File: 7458c2115e3dc3e⋯.png (695.29 KB,735x506,735:506,Hmmm.png)


I'm in the circus, but mostly I just watch the other monkeys and scratch.

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9ca872 No.21692144


If true, there would be more celebrations across the globe…

This is coming from someone who does not give a shit about Palestine or Israel govts.

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23c5f5 No.21692145



if shills drop off

its true

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8125e1 No.21692146



They are live right now

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00da3f No.21692147

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


Totally seent it. Anon seents all yo. Fully understandable. Keep up the guud werk.


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292be2 No.21692148


It's been a consideration, yes.

A golden lion with a flaming sword, acting swiftly.

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b1ea22 No.21692149

File: a95c05364fee93e⋯.png (1.12 MB,1490x974,745:487,kairos1.png)

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e5ef4d No.21692150




>President Trump: Biden shouldn't have let that happen [port strike]. Not that he should have ended it, he should have worked out a deal between them and the others. He could have worked out a deal. That's an easy deal to work out, because you have a certain power being the United States. A lot of these areforeign ship owners…it's a devastating event for the economy.

This is key

ports are also owned by china. long beach was purchased recently.

American jobs vs foreign companies and countries.

the union leader needs to fade away for a bit.

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14df57 No.21692151


Wait… wut???

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1daba8 No.21692152


If this is true thats good news.

They do so much damage over in America.

Blackmailing everybody and rotting everything thats good.

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dde566 No.21692153



The Mossad headquarters, Tel Aviv, was leveled

Yesterday, 23:19

The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled

The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled.

Ronen Bergman, New York Times correspondent: I felt a series of massive explosions near my home in northern Tel Aviv, close to the Mossad headquarters, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and Unit 8200, the electronic intelligence agency. The whole house was shaking.


Hezbollah 'Bombs' Mossad HQ In Tel Aviv, IDF's 8200 Unit With Fadi-4 Missiles | Watch


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9ca872 No.21692154


Neither excite me at all - so I'll wait for updates here an there.

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0ac91f No.21692155


Yet here you are

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9d488d No.21692156

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dce0b7 No.21692157



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23c5f5 No.21692158


you are one stupid fucker

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0bdb51 No.21692159

File: dc35d71bf195741⋯.png (285.24 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank Q Baker!

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5dbe99 No.21692160

File: ff47295e5ad2480⋯.jpeg (29.45 KB,220x197,220:197,4D0A8436_8D93_46AC_B5CE_5….jpeg)

File: c4933ab00c218bf⋯.jpeg (14.72 KB,255x194,255:194,2E26689C_DB1B_45EA_8650_3….jpeg)

File: 99eb803b2eb422a⋯.jpeg (23.32 KB,255x255,1:1,15D6142D_1C87_4E89_9324_7….jpeg)

File: 328daf753e617cb⋯.jpeg (17.59 KB,143x255,143:255,708796B9_BB20_4959_9532_9….jpeg)

File: fe8c0f20f80c142⋯.gif (4.39 MB,444x250,222:125,FEDF184A_7F6A_49EA_AB99_7F….gif)

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9d488d No.21692162



Waltz the buffoon on a free ride.

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dde566 No.21692163

File: 346b1a7661d9836⋯.png (957.15 KB,736x1104,2:3,olga_346b1a7661d98368a33f7….png)


Handoff Confirmed

thank you for the relief

hab a great bakes


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132685 No.21692164

File: f92dee6e49da601⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,255x245,51:49,popcorn_pepe2.jpg)

Now he's putting on his fraudulent piety routine again, using his identifying spelling for the word "good." Back searches can find a baker using that exact spelling. Could be imitating that person though too. KEK! Poor l'il guy. Imagine that, a baker so jealous of a shitposter that he started imitating everything he possibly can about the shitposter in an attempt to destroy him. And then failing.

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f33dbf No.21692165


Haha, trump is putting the zionist union port leader out of business and the stoop thinks he's striking. Lmao. What a dunce.

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187ae5 No.21692166

File: 5638688257e9c6b⋯.png (89.62 KB,444x582,74:97,JCS_MILDEC.png)


>What if

What if Q was orchestrating feints to make [them] reveal [their] networks and primary escape plans?

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292be2 No.21692167

America First.

Americans First.

FIRST, before all others

God bless the people of the Appalachians impacted by the hurricane.

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9ca872 No.21692169


I heard a theory that the floods hit future lithium and quartz mining areas where residents were resisting the companies mining plans… surely not?

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9d488d No.21692170


notable winning

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c86a54 No.21692171

File: 7cd34dd74040634⋯.png (473.1 KB,774x469,774:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Hezbollah Targets Mossad Headquarters, Military Base Near Tel Aviv

The Iran-backed group "launched salvoes of Fadi 4 rockets at the Glilot base of the military intelligence's unit 8200 and the Mossad headquarters located on the outskirts of Tel Aviv," it said in a statement.

Beirut, Lebanon:

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah on Tuesday said it had targeted the Israeli military intelligence base of Glilot near Tel Aviv.

The Iran-backed group "launched salvoes of Fadi 4 rockets at the Glilot base of the military intelligence's unit 8200 and the Mossad headquarters located on the outskirts of Tel Aviv," it said in a statement.

After an Israeli strike killed its leader Hassan Nasrallah in the Beirut suburbs on Friday, the group said it had dubbed the operation "at your service Nasrallah".

Nasrallah in late August said his group had launched a large-scale attack on Israel, targeting "the Glilot base – the main Israeli military intelligence base".

The Israeli army said Hezbollah had failed to strike the installation at the time.


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9f18e1 No.21692172


you are far beyond your wildest imagination


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e5ef4d No.21692173

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86b55b No.21692174

File: ba20f3061fd37ab⋯.png (584.62 KB,406x593,406:593,Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_1….png)



tyvm for bakin

habs guud evenin


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557a7c No.21692175

File: 439654a504fcfb6⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,1276x720,319:180,The_entire_Tim_Walz_charad….mp4)



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e59980 No.21692176

File: 1b4597b546761d6⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,427x549,7:9,1b4597b546761d67ae5ca8c9c0….jpg)

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292be2 No.21692177


Highly likely

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6a0ff2 No.21692178


What if you read the drops backwards in order.

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3ee45b No.21692180


You know what Anon?

I was going to post in an earlier bread something along those lines.

Q was amongst other things a time traveler.

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1514d9 No.21692182

File: a0671547b86e319⋯.png (1.29 MB,790x1299,790:1299,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c418c956d92e3ec⋯.png (2.95 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



On the way to the debate with my man @jdvance.Let’s go 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

7:14 PM · Oct 1, 2024


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c1c3c0 No.21692183

Anon opine jyst thinki g out loud regarding extreme weather events.

I know hurricanes are named as they happened alphabetically, so next one will start with an I. I comes after H. Helene just did her devestation. What I am wondering is surrounding the biggest, deadliest, the names. I wonder if when they happen, is the timing and name significant as COMMS?

Is there a cabal family member Katrina and Helene?

Some messaging with deadly events, the name, time related to where in alphabet, who the name relates to, family role currently or in past, power struggle or power weilding messaging?

I also think, but not sure why, yet, Alphabet is Google parent company and I think Google Earth, then the why and where with deadly events, Maui, Paradise, Katrina, Helene.

Everything is NOT RIGHT.

Katrina, now Helene?

Follow the wives stuff perhaps?

I think weather weapons are in play. I believe the ABC name order, where it falls in the alphabet, the time of year, then given name is COMMS in some way, right in our faces, we just have not figured it out.

Trump is aware.

Q team lnows.

STORM is way moar than we realize.



>>21691225 President Trump: Amazingly, this is one of the biggest hurricanes anyone's ever seen. Late in the season;

very unusual…very late in the season,

you almost don't even think of it as hurricane season.

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5efb6e No.21692184

File: 39eed5b8b2d7c7c⋯.jpg (151.63 KB,657x527,657:527,39eed5b8b2d7c7c7cc6671ffdb….jpg)


If true, they'll knock Brandon's door tomorrow and ask for some more billions to rebuild it quick.

To save democracy in the middle east, you know

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c17dbc No.21692185


No, but why does everyone forget Jesus was born to a virgin. Wouldn’t that be the 1st coming or was that not remarkable enough?

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dde566 No.21692186

File: 191bf85a392140f⋯.png (702.94 KB,873x732,291:244,191bf85a392140f88572c67a71….png)



Go Git Em'


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9ca872 No.21692187


Kings Mountain, North Carolina - worlds largest lithium mine and one of the worst flooded areas.

Just a coincidence.

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132685 No.21692188

File: df2ce25c4664431⋯.png (208.68 KB,500x704,125:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bfa29 No.21692189


one of my altime favorite albums

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f33dbf No.21692190

File: f3dc1b5c40d2b81⋯.jpg (276.44 KB,2209x1893,2209:1893,121319_piedmont_lithium_ma….jpg)

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ec07b1 No.21692191

21 States threaten top medical group with legal action for pushing genital mutilations for children

A coalition of 20 state attorneys general and one state legislature has warned the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that it could face legal action if it continues to advocate for medical and surgical treatments for minors experiencing gender dysphoria.

AAP, the largest pediatric organization in the United States, published an article in December last year claiming that laws prohibiting transgender procedures for children with gender dysphoria constitute "state-sanctioned medical neglect and emotional abuse."

The article, written by Emily George, Emily C.B. Brown and Rachel Silliman Cohen, claimed that withholding so-called gender-affirming care, including surgeries and hormone treatments, is tantamount to child maltreatment. (

However, the coalition of attorneys general argued that the guidelines put forward by the AAP are only based on "evidence-free standards," particularly about the safety and reversibility of puberty blockers.

The attorneys general of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia, as well as the Arizona Legislature, addressed outgoing AAP President Benjamin Hoffman and incoming president Susan Kressley. They warned the AAP of the potential risks of puberty blockerswhen followed by cross-sex hormone treatments.

"When used to suppress hormones below normal ranges during or before puberty, puberty blockers: (1) may interfere with neurocognitive development; (2) compromise bone density and may negatively affect metabolic health and weight; and (3) block normal pubertal experience and experimentation," the coalition wrote. "And when puberty blocker use is followed directly by cross-sex hormone use, which is often the case, infertility and sterility is a known consequence, at least for those who began puberty blockers in early puberty."

"Telling parents and children that puberty blockers are 'reversible' at the very least conveys assurance that no permanent harm or change will occur," continued the letter. "But that claim cannot be made in the face of the unstudied and 'novel' use of puberty blockers."

The AAP has been given until Oct. 18 to respond to the information requests regarding its decision-making process on gender-affirming treatments.


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228beb No.21692192


>Jesus was born to a virgin

Common…that's not how biology works.

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f55da1 No.21692193


Prayer for swift justice.

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8de500 No.21692194

File: 9b97926cdc46aa6⋯.png (140.5 KB,500x276,125:69,9b97926cdc46aa688a5cc278c2….png)



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292be2 No.21692195


>Common…that's not how biology works.

C'mon, that's not how spelling works.

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9d488d No.21692196


notable at

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ec07b1 No.21692197

U.S. approves more FRAKENFOOD: Controversial genetically modified wheat grown using dangerous neurotoxin

In more bad news for the rapidly declining quality of the American diet, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has given its stamp of approval to genetically modified wheat.

That’s right: there is going to be yet another Frankenfood you’ll have to go out of your way to avoid, and when it’s something as ubiquitous as wheat, you’re going to need some excellent label reading and interpreting skills given how hard food companies try to obscure the true nature of the ingredients they use.

The Argentinean firm Bioceres and the French multinational Florimond Deprez are behind the planet’s first GM wheat. They grow it using an agrotoxin known as glufosinate ammonium that is so dangerous that the European Union has banned it.

However, the media – likely at the behest of their BigAg sponsors – has characterized the approval as a “milestone” for national agriculture.

On X, Bioceres boasted: “The HB4 wheat crop has reached the US. HB4 technology is the only drought-tolerant technology in the world, and this new approval shows that Argentine science continues to lead the way in finding solutions to major global challenges.”

While some insiders have suggested that the wheat will still need to undergo field trials before it makes its way to our tables, the fact that the USDA is so willing to place the interests of agribusinesses over those of human health does not bode well for any of us.


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228beb No.21692198


Further, if you think about it. If Mary was DEVINLY impregnated. It would have been against her will, and therefore RAPE!

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e88dbc No.21692199


It's a marathon anon, not a sprint.. think more along the lines of this coming to fruition in the year 2717.

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5dbe99 No.21692200


Jesus had 12 brothers born during the missing years. fuckin Mary

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14df57 No.21692201


Finally, Mutilating Children might end

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e93d07 No.21692202


TY Anon

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ec07b1 No.21692203

File: e25e7079e97e75d⋯.pdf (814.84 KB,List_of_American_state_and….pdf)

List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes 2010 - 2020

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9ca872 No.21692206


Don JR screwed Trump - Vivek would have done the best job in VP role. Vance is just Silicon Valley seat purchase.

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c75ead No.21692207

Who started this war?

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1514d9 No.21692208

File: 75867597a6883d5⋯.png (478.48 KB,571x540,571:540,ClipboardImage.png)


>God bless the people of the Appalachians impacted by the hurricane.

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e88dbc No.21692209


God isn't bound by our laws of nature newfag.. God wills it it is.. Care to refute the infinite power of God?

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5dbe99 No.21692211


when she asks for 1 moar load.

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c86a54 No.21692212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hezbollah 'Bombs' Mossad HQ In Tel Aviv, IDF's 8200 Unit With Fadi-4 Missiles

3:36 minutes Watch


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14df57 No.21692213


We'll know if they kick people off their land and not let them back in

like Hawaii

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c75ead No.21692214


It doesn't matter. votes do not count. Enjoy the show.

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0f7fa7 No.21692215

File: 60ec9d2d956c8ab⋯.png (388.85 KB,631x518,631:518,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 1h

Chief of Staff of Iran:

We hit three major air bases and a Mossad headquarters in the attack

Oct 1, 2024 · 11:03 PM UTC



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00da3f No.21692216

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)

The winning is off the charts tonight. Love you fam.

- the original SP Aka Anime Baker

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5dbe99 No.21692217


fucking amish

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3d2f49 No.21692218

File: 6dbbcaacd6d9a9a⋯.png (82.15 KB,254x158,127:79,IMG_1308.png)

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ec07b1 No.21692219

File: 25fc8074338aa15⋯.png (100 KB,606x836,303:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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12c427 No.21692220


This is something anon has been thinking about since the drops stopped

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7c8114 No.21692221

File: cac1d50a139d188⋯.png (49.14 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

i like these kind of memes.

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8eff51 No.21692222

File: 32a34f2be85f592⋯.mp4 (509.64 KB,478x850,239:425,iSAuaXGgUiN_h4m8.mp4)

File: d696e106c6039fc⋯.mp4 (273.27 KB,364x640,91:160,SZzR_9hU9lyD3jq_.mp4)

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f93cea No.21692223

File: 2c096b31c58f0a1⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,500x825,20:33,Night_shift5.jpg)

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292be2 No.21692224


BIG Deuces dropped

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9ca872 No.21692225


Pennies on the dollar for the surrounding properties now.

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dce0b7 No.21692226

On a lighter note… I'm getting slammed by stupid 'give me money or all is lost' texts so spouse anon, listening to me bitching sent me a text asking for $5… Made me smile.

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5dbe99 No.21692227

File: b9da7ec922f2fa2⋯.jpeg (379.24 KB,1020x574,510:287,1E4F506D_505E_49FF_B31B_B….jpeg)

File: 55da5996f58d057⋯.png (498.06 KB,750x1334,375:667,482545E2_630B_4B9D_BDF8_D3….png)


let them eat roots & cornhole

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9ca872 No.21692228


Fair point anon.

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b32cec No.21692229

File: ee744e0c8478ea1⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,255x204,5:4,IMG_7769.jpeg)


> The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled.

Mossad/CIA headquarters?

Is there a difference?

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1bfa29 No.21692230


well that didn't happen frens.

I just watched a report on Worldview Tube. com and the building is still standing in the background.

the missles fell short and made a big hole.

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f93cea No.21692232

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)


Digits checked.

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c1c3c0 No.21692233



Retard here.

By flooding, could it maybe prevented something far worse?

Could the lication, the lithium, have been a target for some weird event that could only happen with a lot if lithium?

As bad as it is in those areas, could it have been allowed to flood all the litium to avoid some even moar major event that would use the under ground lithium as the catalyst?

Like some really bad event that needed a massive " battery" to set off?

Sciece and electrical anons, feel free to call me a fhag. I get it. Maybe not clear on what my mind us thinking, but hopefully you guise can tell why it is or is not plausible.

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c17dbc No.21692234



>>>that's not how biology works.

Which is it?

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869eb9 No.21692235


The laws of nature are God's laws.

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c5cf2b No.21692236

File: 87c903b80e48ebd⋯.jpeg (87.66 KB,642x576,107:96,87c903b80e48ebd009a1d6731….jpeg)

File: 0b80703e61d39ab⋯.png (855.57 KB,332x360,83:90,0b80703e61d39abdcf471dda02….png)

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b20aed No.21692238


Canadians have historically come from good stock, and therefore tend to be good people. They know to prepare NOW rather than later.

People from temperate climates have been bred and conditioned for Mañana as a way of life.

As a result, they don't feel the need to prepare today when it can always be done tomorrow.

Anon would love to see all those Haitians in Ohio dumped to fend for themselves in butthole, North Dakota. Give them a mule and 40 acres, and make them prove a claim on the land. If they survive and prove the claim, maybe they could become citizens.

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ec07b1 No.21692239

File: c101e4e1d4198d9⋯.pdf (636.32 KB,Lockheed_Martin_.pdf)

Lockheed Martin

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132685 No.21692240

File: 724ea108bc9a407⋯.png (715.76 KB,798x590,399:295,724ea108bc9a4073100f99d2de….png)

Now he's doing his little delusional display. Like how he claimed that MuhGuhGaytriot makes good memes, VaticanClown has good digs, referred to Tranimae as the Archangel Michael and now me. Totally fucked in the head and he imitates me for his downward spiral in front of the world. Amazing display of degenerate stupidity.

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00da3f No.21692241

File: 569289d55d8f98a⋯.png (9.3 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


Noice Quads on your first post

- The original OG very very first SP

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292be2 No.21692242


Checking your dubble dubbz.

It's something to consider, yes.

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9ca872 No.21692243

File: 0e6398d9a3d0b44⋯.png (939.45 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dbe99 No.21692244


birds trike

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0bdb51 No.21692245


>Q was amongst other things a time traveler.

was this before retirement? broken time machine? no longer necessary?

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9d488d No.21692246



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8eff51 No.21692248

File: 7ee1485763b3253⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,255x382,255:382,IMG_9827.JPG)

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1bfa29 No.21692250

the rainians didn't hit schitt

they are just blowing smoke for their peeps to keep them from revolution in the rainians state

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dce0b7 No.21692251


Okay, got me, that does look fake as hell and I struggle to believe all the marble mouthed hyperbolic gibberish is really a language. What is the point of rushing over to cover the body like that? At this point, I hope Iran losses it's shit and launches it's only working warhead on Israel turning that entire areas to glass. Sound mean? I have family over there, still an acceptable loss.

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00da3f No.21692252

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


You know what, fren? It does feel good.


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8eff51 No.21692253

File: e6474ad6855e5d1⋯.jpeg (52.12 KB,498x298,249:149,Sean_Penn_MB_03.JPEG)

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836f7c No.21692254

File: 90abed5a4dfb6f6⋯.png (370.22 KB,706x448,353:224,media_GUZO_1QXEAAw1_7.png)

File: bb66f1c77e1f536⋯.jpg (33.58 KB,500x436,125:109,da316kc_78a5aafd_6870_41f8….jpg)


A thousand pieces.

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132685 No.21692255

File: 4f095fd96e1be35⋯.jpg (375.26 KB,960x1280,3:4,pepe_house.jpg)


Only one Anon was given that nickname by OSS in 2021. There are many memes, but there's only one SmokingPepe. I understand though. You consider me better than you so you want to emulate that to make yourself feel better for the failure that you are. That's why I forgive you.

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7cb799 No.21692256


dumb fuck juice

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5efb6e No.21692257

File: 11b05653c4fd653⋯.png (79.81 KB,982x316,491:158,ClipboardImage.png)


RT has a guy standing next to the hole

we'll know better once the sun is up & more people around



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8eff51 No.21692258

File: 10b963e35a6ccb2⋯.jpeg (205.67 KB,800x665,160:133,17_03_SeanPenn.JPEG)

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f33dbf No.21692259

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92193e No.21692260

File: 48f9a67b4aa7efb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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238549 No.21692261

File: e47386747b5906c⋯.png (430.95 KB,556x680,139:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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03dcae No.21692262

DEBATE NIGHT! J.D. Vance vs. Tim Walz LIVE + Trump Filings

Robert Gouveia Esq.

410K subscribers



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8eff51 No.21692263

File: dfa75211677e15e⋯.jpeg (246.28 KB,896x518,64:37,Surf_03_Sean_Penn.JPEG)

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e93d07 No.21692264

File: e7592f089193e1e⋯.png (886.85 KB,647x862,647:862,1.PNG)

File: 291549ce59426e8⋯.png (758.45 KB,578x859,578:859,2.PNG)

File: 019e2600392358b⋯.png (904.99 KB,605x861,605:861,3.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)

File: e72acb4e2a5d992⋯.png (121.14 KB,1174x876,587:438,look.PNG)


Dan Caldwell 🇺🇸


We do not have this equipment readily available because we have shipped large quantities of transformers and other electrical equipment to Ukraine. Both our military and non-military support for Ukraine has left us less prepared for domestic disasters like Hurricane Helene:





Jesse D. Jenkins



Sep 30

This is devastating. We do NOT have 360 substations worth of transformers and other electrical equipment sitting in stockpiles waiting to be deployed. It could take a very long time to restore power to everyone. Are we facing a Hurricane Maria-type impact on grid infrastructure? x.com/NW_Horadam/sta…

Rate proposed Community Notes

Last edited

11:50 PM · Sep 30, 2024




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ec07b1 No.21692265

File: 842d668d5fb8bdf⋯.pdf (437.13 KB,MAINSTREAM_MEDIA_MSM_.pdf)


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228beb No.21692266


>laws of nature

Was dictated by God…how can you refute his divine decision to couple two people to create something divine|

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6c64a8 No.21692267


Christ Jesuswas born Once. He does for our sins, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of the father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

He does not need to be re-concieved and birthed. He will arrive on the clouds as the Judge with sword in his hand.

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deca5a No.21692268

File: 8950efcd5fa1d20⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,1732x1376,433:344,_20241001_205147.JPG)


he's not even flat

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557a7c No.21692269

File: e57959ead77d58c⋯.png (195.09 KB,460x440,23:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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132685 No.21692270

File: 1d67de50915ff10⋯.jpg (422.02 KB,900x506,450:253,afcb8b4fbc431dd0cdeadfce49….jpg)

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e93d07 No.21692271

File: 63a7cad99c9e25f⋯.png (15.23 KB,591x180,197:60,wh.PNG)




Is this why Biden's admin was withholding USArmy support in N Carolina?

Are they preparing for a land invasion of Iran?

6:19 AM · Oct 1, 2024




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14df57 No.21692272


Canadians, not Trudeau, will come and help

I know this to be true

It's what they do

The people

Will Come

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b20aed No.21692273

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5dbe99 No.21692275

File: 97cec179e5b7fb7⋯.jpeg (79.91 KB,528x360,22:15,A8FD53A3_DCA1_43E8_A21F_2….jpeg)

File: 82f4cce1613a883⋯.png (1.86 MB,750x1334,375:667,8A633FF8_AFC8_4922_96D6_BE….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,57919CE4_B112_41DA_A1F1_D4….png)


getting tired Qtards. goodnight

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00da3f No.21692276

File: 41358af18dbc42a⋯.png (37.51 KB,425x408,25:24,41358af18dbc42a3683bb81a23….png)

What is a narcissist?

Who is a narcissist,

Why are you a narcissist?

Why did it have to be this way?

- The original OG very first very real SP

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75f81b No.21692277

File: 2b0fa1049322d4f⋯.jpg (290.04 KB,800x466,400:233,mccursed.jpg)


I think, actually its recorded genealogy, that he's a descendant of King David of Scotia.

but no, idea of "Second Coming" is a myth made up by Churchmen.

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4d67da No.21692278


> threaten


Just fucking do it.

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6c64a8 No.21692279


No. But perhaps aninstrument



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9ca872 No.21692281

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Missed by 1500ft… apparently.

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e59980 No.21692282


decommissioning floods…look back to Omaha (Stratcom HQ) floods and Houston (space bunkers).

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5c02bd No.21692283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0ac91f No.21692284


Everyone with a Ukraine flag or bumper sticker should be rounded up and dropped off to clean up the mess

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238549 No.21692285

File: a2f61af891a7fb1⋯.png (431.74 KB,590x535,118:107,ClipboardImage.png)


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88eaf1 No.21692286

Guess what…

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132685 No.21692287

File: 01df87a7b9fe129⋯.png (212.07 KB,1254x322,627:161,MIMIC_EVIDENCE_2.png)


Who is the one trying to provoke vanity while displaying the very personality flaw that he's been accusing the anon he imitates of for coming close to two years now.

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557a7c No.21692288

File: 434d896dcfbbc8c⋯.png (776.45 KB,908x571,908:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f7fa7 No.21692289

File: 27dbee31f9c7203⋯.png (258.65 KB,450x248,225:124,ClipboardImage.png)


Don´t joke, this shit is sirius.

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c1c3c0 No.21692290

That is what I do.


I also read these breds, including this one, bottom to top in real time.

I prefer seeing reactions first, the to what.

Try it for a few days, you won't go back to top to bittom.

I do always read notables top to bottom, heads up to what is hoing on.

But, bottom to top reading of breds works really good. I also open two of sma bred, so two open tabs, do not refresh either, so when deltei g of poadts habben, i can still see them, save them if need be, copypaste, poast again current bred or next, especially if end of bred and can repoast it next bred and others if deleted again.

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5dbe99 No.21692291


fully quadruple vaxxxed & boosters. orange man bad tv said so.

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c86a54 No.21692292

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.jpg (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,c1f4b61c23a220bfca7c1cf673….jpg)


CMZ Is this why Biden's admin was withholding USArmy support in N Carolina?

Are they preparing for a land invasion of Iran?

the party of war


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8eff51 No.21692293

File: 5a8ec745729e665⋯.jpeg (164.13 KB,641x801,641:801,8ECF9353_2BEF_448B_872A_2….jpeg)

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c1c3c0 No.21692295

Umm explain further, dumb it down for me fren


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5dbe99 No.21692296


the Vice President potential has a lot of hoses in the race

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ada6d4 No.21692297

File: 031d8c5f2d3f0e4⋯.png (96.94 KB,300x188,75:47,church_of_shadilay_saints.png)


Amen, anon.

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03dcae No.21692298

File: e774f8d5663a483⋯.png (801.06 KB,1622x1226,811:613,crop_1.png)

File: e71ff65d6f22c6a⋯.png (161.76 KB,610x339,610:339,308a9e4af9f6d052.png)

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75f81b No.21692299

File: 099b6547af5bb5e⋯.jpg (418.67 KB,900x678,150:113,Trumpet_2.jpg)

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05d98b No.21692301

(pb) >>21691504, >>21691514 POTUS: ' We are going to have two big ones, two big ones, maybe a third '

Details, man. Come on.

Re: Election wins?

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b69b47 No.21692302

File: d65c0de5f4937e4⋯.png (262.36 KB,720x552,30:23,Jim_Morrison_s_dad_was_a_U….png)

File: f4550b6bd5d985a⋯.png (67.22 KB,179x180,179:180,ClipboardImage.png)


>The "Israel" of Palestine is like Disneyland.

Disney is a virtual reality company

They make a matrix

I think you're right. It's like a religious theme park. Where you can live out your fantasy of being the golden ticket winner, gods chosen most specialist special one

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238549 No.21692303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


🚨 Vice President Debate LIVE Right NOW! Watch JD Vance Destroy Tim Walz | Special Guest Laura Trump

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5dbe99 No.21692304

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2423c0 No.21692305

File: f3dc1b5c40d2b81⋯.jpg (276.44 KB,2209x1893,2209:1893,f3dc1b5c40d2b8107e7c5d3c3c….jpg)

File: 4b59d6cd461ffca⋯.jpg (2.1 MB,2236x1082,1118:541,Screenshot_20241001_205807….jpg)

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44d37a No.21692306


seasoned veteran anon.

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c1c3c0 No.21692307



If you believe that you are in a lot of trouble later.

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8eff51 No.21692308

File: 44609f61b5a52e6⋯.png (467.01 KB,800x400,2:1,67E85EE6_47FB_4E87_96F8_EF….PNG)

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cf8305 No.21692309

File: be004bc9e79eaa3⋯.jpg (65.97 KB,890x466,445:233,43g253243h254.JPG)

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006713 No.21692310

File: 2ab3c9d81c664ea⋯.png (248.89 KB,608x422,304:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379ae2df8e464f2⋯.mp4 (10.3 MB,854x480,427:240,DA5Ut_caa.mp4)


Ty Baker

>POTUS Play by Play


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132685 No.21692311

File: e3224e8394dc2e1⋯.jpg (196.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,justonemoarthing3.jpg)

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8eff51 No.21692313

File: b415d88b3cd76d6⋯.png (395.16 KB,516x374,258:187,C505896C_98D8_484B_A2DE_17….PNG)

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ec07b1 No.21692314

File: 97bc5e63c83ca62⋯.png (453.65 KB,654x598,327:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ca872 No.21692315

File: 822eb1ae27f656f⋯.png (795.49 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e93d07 No.21692316

File: 2ac7183192532a6⋯.png (533.38 KB,518x877,518:877,n1.PNG)

File: c78689f229ef5e1⋯.png (443.58 KB,592x841,592:841,nat2.PNG)

File: c6d76c94824d4bf⋯.png (1.07 MB,704x577,704:577,pr.PNG)





Natalie Winters




North Carolina power outages are due to shortages of transformers/electrical equipment.


recently signed a $422 million energy assistance deal with Ukraine, giving them materials needed by North Carolina right now including:

➡️1,093 generators

➡️11 auto transformers

Show more


You reposted

Natalie Winters



1:59 AM · Oct 1, 2024




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1514d9 No.21692317

File: 20e5fd8df23556d⋯.png (259.94 KB,626x512,313:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75b918da66ca2d5⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,854x480,427:240,00.mp4)


SpaceX Crew Arrives at International Space Station to Retrieve Stranded Astronauts

12:37 PM · Oct 1, 2024


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84059e No.21692320

File: 2e27ce85dbf2e9b⋯.jpg (107.13 KB,1280x951,1280:951,photo_2024_10_01_13_58_07.jpg)

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c86a54 No.21692321


Truth Social anons get on this


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7c8114 No.21692322


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88eaf1 No.21692323

File: 5e11422f7d43248⋯.jpeg (102.98 KB,700x467,700:467,IMG_0432.jpeg)

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e59980 No.21692324


Enemy or traitor weather weapons deployed against major strategic assets of the United States. Look back at the past major hurricane flooding events and see if a military base was nearby. Or a critical underground facility.

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e93d07 No.21692325

File: 2ac7183192532a6⋯.png (533.38 KB,518x877,518:877,n1.PNG)

File: c78689f229ef5e1⋯.png (443.58 KB,592x841,592:841,nat2.PNG)


Natalie Winters


North Carolina power outages are due to shortages of transformers/electrical equipment.


recently signed a $422 million energy assistance deal with Ukraine, giving them materials needed by North Carolina right now including:

➡️1,093 generators

➡️11 auto transformers

➡️460 tons transformer oil

➡️495 instrumental transformers

➡️203 power transformers

And BILLIONS more in aid.


1:55 AM · Oct 1, 2024




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5efb6e No.21692326

File: 207dd522490a3fb⋯.png (139 KB,480x278,240:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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b69b47 No.21692327


I want Trump's version: >>21692310

where is the youtube replay of that

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238549 No.21692328

File: fcd493ae9f7f94c⋯.mp4 (739.26 KB,480x270,16:9,Jwg6teNbsMhDPO4_.mp4)

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈


Just in: A large crowd has gathered outside the CBS studios in New York City ahead of the VP debate to express support for Donald Trump.


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c1c3c0 No.21692329


I would purchase a literal flame thrower. Once snowed in and storm over, from my door i would flame melt out my door, make a tunnel opening, like igloo and do it to my sidewalk, then start shoveling. No moar flame as it will make ice, but i would use flame to tunnel out, p,us it would make a cool tunnel ice walls.

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8eff51 No.21692330

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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836f7c No.21692332

File: 845fe8c3f5fffa9⋯.jpg (100.2 KB,720x542,360:271,32sa03.jpg)

File: 1857e00012819e3⋯.png (202.23 KB,363x259,363:259,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Abraham Accords!

Don´t look back Sarah!

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7cb799 No.21692333

"the stage is set" she says

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9d488d No.21692335

CBS moderator: The stage is set.

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ebe7f5 No.21692336

File: 51f666fc10bb86c⋯.jpg (210.85 KB,1024x1024,1:1,51f666fc10bb86cbd7934fb7bc….jpg)


>"the stage is set" she says

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90fcca No.21692337

two hall monitor harpies will ne far from civil and impartial

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c75ead No.21692338


They could have fortified their building a little more and not used lumber but actually rock and concrete.

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7224de No.21692339

File: e7bda53ebd750c9⋯.jpg (129.02 KB,1000x750,4:3,Tony_Romo_Faggot.jpg)


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c86a54 No.21692340

File: 6326551fbee7aed⋯.png (536.02 KB,786x541,786:541,6326551fbee7aed81079b473af….png)

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9ca872 No.21692342


Can't be bothered with it - summary will do later on.

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ec07b1 No.21692343

File: 33c8b04c196c8e3⋯.png (691 KB,788x933,788:933,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a565b48f774618⋯.png (200.41 KB,713x871,713:871,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89adc041a83cae9⋯.png (146.07 KB,642x888,107:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fc3215256e19b5⋯.png (138.76 KB,606x869,606:869,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 216329935f6b495⋯.png (146.93 KB,613x886,613:886,ClipboardImage.png)

Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Trump for President: ‘Our National Security and Personal Safety Are at Stake’

Over 200 retired military generals and admirals endorsed former President Donald Trump in an open letter released on Monday, saying that he has demonstrated the leadership ability needed to provide for the safety and security of the United States.


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1bfa29 No.21692344


the show is live on Rumble

World View Tube Live

the report from isreal was a few minutes into the show.

it will post tommorrow to download

but the building is still standing

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e19ab5 No.21692345

Walz sounds REALLY nervous.

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238549 No.21692346

notable rescue


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ec07b1 No.21692347

File: 290d333df11bca8⋯.png (147.4 KB,658x883,658:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f374cdf3615266⋯.png (60.9 KB,631x842,631:842,ClipboardImage.png)

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c86a54 No.21692348

File: ed55242f94dc8cc⋯.png (468.37 KB,640x480,4:3,5b89cf9067b8328d924d29b5ed….png)


trips of truth

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9ca872 No.21692350


I think that means a bunch of Truths on Truthsocial.

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400fd4 No.21692351

File: 44bb2fa608a0213⋯.gif (1.47 MB,320x180,16:9,1622499277979.gif)


>2 women

What a bad decision. Very lesbian. Terrible for our country.

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dde566 No.21692352

File: 162949fd461434f⋯.png (195.63 KB,1109x421,1109:421,ClipboardImage.png)


so this IS a thing?


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132685 No.21692353

File: 1ce55d353515d07⋯.jpg (66.52 KB,680x457,680:457,venison2.jpg)

He looks like a deer caught in headlights. KEK!

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8eff51 No.21692354

File: d683042cc447a58⋯.jpg (368.79 KB,1094x1366,547:683,Joe_Biden_is_Joeymal_01.jpg)

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557a7c No.21692355

File: 3c127c9d6041ae0⋯.png (1.04 MB,1270x712,635:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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e93d07 No.21692356

File: 2423b949d648f9d⋯.png (1.25 MB,1321x893,1321:893,36.PNG)

Governor's Media Availability - October 1, 2024


Gov. Henry McMaster


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e19ab5 No.21692357

Please, tell me more about Donald Trump, but not about what YOU are going to do.

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696c5e No.21692358

Walz literally attacking President Trump out of the gate…. Good grief.

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b20aed No.21692359

Walz going off on Trump rather than answering question

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982b72 No.21692360


No kidding! What a douche.

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84059e No.21692361

File: 8ca13e9ab6087f7⋯.jpg (125.05 KB,957x1280,957:1280,photo_2024_10_01_15_52_17.jpg)

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d8065a No.21692362

Walz only attacked President Trump, didn't answer question about preemptively attacking Iran.

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dbead5 No.21692363

File: 677e8e122beb36d⋯.png (2.83 MB,1826x2019,1826:2019,20230715_201239.png)

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557a7c No.21692365

File: 23a102561948678⋯.png (21.46 KB,932x158,466:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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931a57 No.21692366

FUCKING WOW! What a shitshow this cum guzzling slut is at the debate.

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5efb6e No.21692367

File: 9b5b4b3bb7b0e43⋯.webm (2.77 MB,640x360,16:9,9b5b4b3bb7b0e436c970f2afa….webm)


same thought.

clearly looks nervous too.

Might have not had enough "horse milk" before it started

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ec07b1 No.21692368

File: 6acd02b8b9f3531⋯.pdf (1.14 MB,MEGA_GROUP.pdf)


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6b9c8e No.21692369

File: 685cb840bab402c⋯.png (50.42 KB,241x334,241:334,Screenshot_from_2024_10_01….png)

File: df9d4fd61af1c9b⋯.png (54.44 KB,241x331,241:331,Screenshot_from_2024_10_01….png)



Somehow the middle digit got rotated…

This bread should be the palindrome bread +1

i.e., #26563 (not 26263)

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fcfed5 No.21692370

Tampon Tim is sounding and acting a lot like Biden did during his debate with Trump.

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e93d07 No.21692371

File: b7f275f954f1bb2⋯.png (1.11 MB,621x856,621:856,g.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster reposted

Square profile picture

SC National Guard


Soldiers assigned to the 1221st Engineer Clearance Company, 122nd Engineer Battalion, 117th Engineer Brigade, South Carolina Army National Guard from Graniteville conducted route clearance support of local agencies, North Augusta, South Carolina, Sept. 29, 2024.


9:43 AM · Sep 30, 2024




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e5ef4d No.21692372

File: 9e484721ddd9b83⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,576x816,12:17,Xnip2024_10_01_21_06_49.jpg)




Distubing New Accusations Against Sean ‘Diddy’Combs From More Than 100 People, Including Minors as Young as 9-years-old

On Tuesday, Texas-based attorneyTony Buzbee, who is representing 120 individuals, held a press conference where he shared that the accusers are roughly split evenly by gender, span over 30 years, and include 25 minors. One of those minors was only nine years old at the time of the alleged abuse.


Tony Buzbee


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b20aed No.21692373

I grew up in a lower class household…

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e19ab5 No.21692374


Now we have Word-Salad-Walz.

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dde566 No.21692375

File: f61a0bc1abe0ac2⋯.png (140.29 KB,829x827,829:827,ClipboardImage.png)



Donald J. Trump




He’s been indoctrinated with LIES, thinking he can override his own INCOMPETENCE. He’s as nervous as you can get!




Donald J. Trump




Both young ladies have been extremely biased Anchors!




Donald J. Trump




OK, let’s go - We’re getting ready to go!


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4f469d No.21692376

Trump is King of Chaos.


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c86a54 No.21692377


ty anon

will fix

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5efb6e No.21692378

Did the retard just say nukular?

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f33dbf No.21692379


Cocaine is one hell of a drug

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e19ab5 No.21692380

He said "Nuk-e-lar"

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ec07b1 No.21692381

File: 6cea1f7201cf684⋯.pdf (263.46 KB,MEROVINGIAN_Royal_Families….pdf)

MEROVINGIAN (Royal Families)

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132685 No.21692382

File: 224a0a1e5a7d31f⋯.png (201.65 KB,513x486,19:18,224a0a1e5a7d31f6aa6eb7905b….png)

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d8065a No.21692383

Vance: Donald Trump actually delivered stability in the world, and he did it by establishing effective deterrence…Iran, which launched this attack, has received over a hundred billion dollars in unfrozen assets, thanks to the Kamala Harris administration.

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30d60f No.21692384

JD is already beating TFO of squirrel bait

Tampon Tim.

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e19ab5 No.21692385

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92193e No.21692386

File: 33cfec646f107c5⋯.png (1.55 MB,1030x1271,1030:1271,ClipboardImage.png)

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f109ba No.21692387

new Q lure

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ecc084 No.21692389


First he's on the side walk, then in the gutter, hummmm

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5dbe99 No.21692390


Mr Vance butcher this cunt live in front of the whole world.

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400fd4 No.21692391


What is "middle class?" What was middle class 20, 30 years ago? Both my parents worked regular people work jobs, we had a house and two cars, was that middle class? Or was "middle class" doctors and dentists and shit like that?

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5c02bd No.21692392


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b20aed No.21692393

File: 2760490d13dbdd1⋯.png (481.41 KB,679x485,7:5,2760490d13dbdd1fad46be4bd5….png)

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c86a54 No.21692394

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f109ba No.21692395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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571a6b No.21692396

>>21691928, >>21691945 (both lb) FUN FACT: If Biden resigns, and Kamala assumes the presidency, Harris "shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress." This means that the Republican-controlled House can insist on a Republican vice president.

Also Johnson is next in line so they are caved in for the next few months. If Joe Biden does as we say he doesn't get fucked. No deals, but full control.

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5dbe99 No.21692398

40 the storm

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d8065a No.21692399

Vance: When did Iran and Hamas, and their proxies attack Israel? It was during the administration of Kamala Harris.

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557a7c No.21692400

File: 6d305fe691ba8cc⋯.png (1.01 MB,1272x712,159:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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006713 No.21692401


better stream


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ec07b1 No.21692402

File: 15d9c7aa4e41427⋯.pdf (640.8 KB,Military_Industrial_Comple….pdf)

Military-Industrial Complex

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e19ab5 No.21692404

kek VP debate, only talk about PDJT.

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90fcca No.21692405

this story of walz being a likable dad type

he shows like you gotta really like getting bullied like his son

shit habbening under your watch caused by your running mate not mine

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132685 No.21692406

File: e9fa7429b236c2a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,498x247,498:247,kekface.gif)

Ooooh, I bet that one stung. KEK!

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3670cd No.21692407

File: 6f688574cb25f8d⋯.png (377.3 KB,514x500,257:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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deca5a No.21692408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

srael admit it if true?


6 hours ago … … F35 fighter jets. Videographer says "Nevatim airbase is gone." Iranian accounts now claim that "dozens of F35s were destroyed."

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b64053 No.21692409

JD makes a great point, how can you blame Donald Trump for what's happening now with iran, when knee pad's has been in office for the last 3 1/2 years?

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7cb799 No.21692410

File: f4970cce4bbbac5⋯.jpeg (307.29 KB,1920x814,960:407,f4970cce4bbbac57adff119b6….jpeg)

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d8065a No.21692411


Great comparison shot…Walz looks like he knows he can't win the debate or the election.

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5c02bd No.21692412

File: 7f6b968f92aa598⋯.png (158.25 KB,346x267,346:267,bushup.png)

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c1c3c0 No.21692413

Vance is handling things very nicely.

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292be2 No.21692414


This stream has been solid all night. Well, there goes that. LOL

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0ac91f No.21692415


So what if there is a Republican VP. They can’t do shit

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5dbe99 No.21692416

File: 215c034d77b7d1f⋯.webp (45.71 KB,780x439,780:439,170CFBC0_FD96_4F3B_B860_8….webp)

File: 310c9e2edbe4520⋯.webp (4.56 KB,300x210,10:7,614DD3E2_9306_47D8_AAF4_C….webp)

save communities

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e19ab5 No.21692417

Anon likes Vance nao.

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083c3a No.21692418

He's saying Kamala admin, using her name, keeping that on peoples mind,

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696c5e No.21692419


Kek! Well done Anon!

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c75ead No.21692420


Better wake up America. God's wrath is upon us.

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ec07b1 No.21692421

File: c45de2842592253⋯.png (424.63 KB,474x522,79:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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90fcca No.21692422

walz looks like a defendant in court all nervous and agitated, totally jumpy. taking notes like he's scared to look at the jury.

Vance is cool, calm and. collected

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dde566 No.21692423


why are you embarrassing me?

im tired and the dyslexic shines when im tired

pooh pooh too you

in other words

fuck off

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d8065a No.21692424

Vance looks calm and collected. Walz looks nervous and desperate.

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c1c3c0 No.21692425

Do one when he was looking down, walz face looked terrible.


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e19ab5 No.21692426

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c86a54 No.21692427


Vance sounding gud tonite

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571a6b No.21692428


Impeach Kamala and remove her from office, Republican VP takes Presidency.

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5dbe99 No.21692429

File: 32ffab68ad02f87⋯.webp (143 KB,1200x600,2:1,B9A3B907_2043_4D03_9B33_F….webp)

File: 98fc5df32323df3⋯.jpeg (74.91 KB,680x383,680:383,8C191360_5780_44D5_B0B5_0….jpeg)

File: e2a745ae2a68e98⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,2F415C1F_0757_4863_860E_21….png)

hurricane tim

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292be2 No.21692430

Mastery versus Buffoonery tonight.

Frens know who's who.

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696c5e No.21692431

File: c93c22fdfcb1af1⋯.png (287.39 KB,1080x895,216:179,Screenshot_20241001_201324.png)



Great minds think alike.

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dde566 No.21692432

>>21692372 Attorney Tony Buzbee who announced the civil case against diddy today, is the same attorney who defended AG Paxton in TX.


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dbead5 No.21692433

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB,1440x818,720:409,1546028880.jpeg)

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16e0b8 No.21692434



Done. He knows it and is scared deeply.

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557a7c No.21692435

File: efb55b2fd3e76a6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1271x712,1271:712,ClipboardImage.png)

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90fcca No.21692436

love those deer in the headlights look just know

deer wondering what they're doing around horses

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30d60f No.21692437


KEK! No kidding. Tampon Tim is gonna crash and burn in a flaming TDS disaster

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b69b47 No.21692438

File: 6b2b86c1fffeb32⋯.png (466.71 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


"america's enemies are on the march"

said Ezra

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400fd4 No.21692439


Walz looks like a doofy pedophile.

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0ac91f No.21692441


Senate would have to vote for impeachment. Never happen

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0c3601 No.21692442

File: 82f53d26be79592⋯.jpg (56.72 KB,500x699,500:699,82f53d26be7959222d18641121….jpg)

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a3f4fd No.21692443

Incompetent and retarded Intel brass fucktard

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8764ab No.21692444

Walz is a pussy

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006713 No.21692445

File: 6b45698835691db⋯.png (39.37 KB,739x196,739:196,ClipboardImage.png)

A great defense of me and the Administration of fake charges made by an obviously not very bright Governor.


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132685 No.21692446

File: 33de9e85e5d0953⋯.jpeg (91.45 KB,512x512,1:1,pepe_mashed_potatoes.jpeg)

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4d67da No.21692447



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b20aed No.21692448

Vance nailed it on that climate change answer.

It was beautiful.

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e88dbc No.21692449

These people are forgetting we have hurricanes every year.. most of the time they don't hit such a wide area of the US mainland.. only now is climate change a factor..

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836f7c No.21692450

File: 744d98fbbcac183⋯.png (20.05 KB,617x172,617:172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e27add213fe0a0e⋯.jpg (31.55 KB,600x450,4:3,dfa_2979489609.jpg)

Russians With Attitude

@RWApodcast 5h

Kremlin press secretary Peskov has told TASS that no conversation between Putin and Netanyahu is planned at the moment.

Oct 1, 2024 · 7:17 PM UTC


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dde566 No.21692451

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5dbe99 No.21692452

A horse farmers diagrees

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006713 No.21692453

File: 1e92fe807f4cc4d⋯.png (30.3 KB,780x197,780:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Walz is taking so many notes - Never seen a Candidate take more! He needs the notes to keep his brain intact.


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7cb799 No.21692454

File: 3440c9120878164⋯.jpg (89.14 KB,759x500,759:500,5deyk8.jpg)

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b64053 No.21692455


i getting groomer vibes fr walz

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a3f4fd No.21692456

Stupid and suicidal CEO Satanist Sadist

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e19ab5 No.21692457

>"We harvest wind."

so like, farts?

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b20aed No.21692458

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB,360x361,360:361,4656fe176fa2ff79ff36b70d1e….png)

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b47fcd No.21692459

File: 172879a20dada1d⋯.jpg (21.55 KB,254x366,127:183,Devils_tower_indian_legend.jpg)

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42ef5e No.21692460


cease thinking

just stop

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7c8114 No.21692461

File: 186e3b9ea03c239⋯.png (72.67 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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006713 No.21692462


trip 4's of truth

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6fa965 No.21692463

File: 3d7caf430b9a698⋯.jpg (53.28 KB,500x644,125:161,sieheh3u.jpg)

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571a6b No.21692465


Do as we say, and you don't get fucked. No deals, full control.

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5efb6e No.21692466

File: d72b1eb69123fec⋯.gif (3.49 MB,640x640,1:1,d72b1eb69123fec6e0133e9d63….gif)



$10 says he likes it up his ass too

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228beb No.21692467

New Footage of The FBI Confiscating GHB Drug at P Diddy's Home Goes Viral


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a3f4fd No.21692468

Inbred Druid roYal cannibal pedophile

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292be2 No.21692469

Walz is shook. It's showing. He's desperate.

Watch for the so-called moderators to throw him a few soft-balls.

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5c02bd No.21692470

File: 9834136ba10b99c⋯.jpg (30.99 KB,600x300,2:1,jodo.jpg)

climate change is real.

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e88dbc No.21692471

Anon wants to see Trump tag in JD so he can debate Kamala..

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92193e No.21692472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a3f4fd No.21692473

Compromised Brass Shit for brain cocksucking traitor

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5dbe99 No.21692474

File: 574c6afc29a61dc⋯.jpeg (201.19 KB,1016x921,1016:921,045B3F60_DBA8_45B9_9698_0….jpeg)


90 minutes long

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0ac91f No.21692475


That’s LITERALLY making a deal tho 🤷‍♂️

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b64053 No.21692476


people who take a lot of notes are usually anxiety filled

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b47fcd No.21692477

File: d7d991b9c7c112c⋯.png (220.53 KB,396x204,33:17,close_encounters_devils_to….png)

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6a8b04 No.21692480

Vance is doing very well. Seems natural and comfortable. Excellent verbal skills and logic.

Walz seems nervous. But, actually better than I anticipated.

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557a7c No.21692481

File: 1d5e4109b65a63d⋯.png (1.03 MB,1271x710,1271:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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571a6b No.21692482


No that's control by definition, read the first sentence.

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5dbe99 No.21692483

Tim admitted shipping topsoil

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d8065a No.21692484

Priceless look by Vance to the camera while Walz was talking. kek

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a3f4fd No.21692485

Retarded CIA Langley pedophile piece of shit girls for decades of vicious gang rape in prison or commits suicide

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4d67da No.21692486

File: 3564ee9ef9e3f80⋯.png (67.98 KB,753x397,753:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b9c8e No.21692487


>why are you embarrassing me?

question for yourself

anon is just noticing


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557a7c No.21692489

File: f3ba278173bbfe3⋯.png (28.71 KB,927x176,927:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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92193e No.21692490


He's probably getting instructions from his implant

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f109ba No.21692491

climate manipulation = climate change

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56a430 No.21692492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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7cb799 No.21692493

File: 3fb43a4ca7b0dff⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB,550x346,275:173,3fb43a4ca7b0dff93b69b4a16….jpeg)

File: b0bf45de1304fd8⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x640,1:1,b0bf45de1304fd80b9d1f6d4ee….mp4)

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ec07b1 No.21692494

File: 7457e70a59ef626⋯.pdf (1.3 MB,MOSSAD.pdf)

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c86a54 No.21692495

File: 68f837290f9a31e⋯.png (967.4 KB,1014x754,39:29,68f837290f9a31ee7f5a3ab454….png)


you gots baker

done it few times myself


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f33dbf No.21692496

Everyone knows that Mossad is the one behind targeting Russia using Ukraine and us as a proxy. Netanyahu is an idiot. Of course Russia is going to pass missles and targeting data to Iran. Eye for an eye. Who does isreal think their kidding.

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5dbe99 No.21692497


fuck around and find our

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31af43 No.21692498

Tim’s intense note taking is cracking me up

Anyone have any ideas about what Tim might be writing? Doodling? Sketching?

Keeps his hands from flailing

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e88dbc No.21692499

How it will work? You came in illegally your ass gets on a plane with or without a parachute..

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0ac91f No.21692500


Do this OR else. They still have a choice. They could choose to take the DEAL and impeach her or face the consequences.

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e19ab5 No.21692501

This guy is good:

Robert Gouveia Esq.

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132685 No.21692502

File: 7a8d502218331ba⋯.webm (345.91 KB,565x240,113:48,melody.webm)

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dde566 No.21692503

File: 064a45912009a5c⋯.png (27.06 KB,793x148,793:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bf9806536fdccb⋯.jpg (70.96 KB,872x872,1:1,brain_scratcher.jpg)

Donald J. Trump


Walz is taking so many notes - Never seen a Candidate take more! He needs the notes to keep his brain intact.

Oct 01, 2024, 9:14 PM



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e5ef4d No.21692504

these bitches are pissing me off

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90fcca No.21692505

pearl clutching and all offended over the climate change topic

mother fuckers people are dying in the ravaged hurricane and from the effects of immigrants - they only care about stupid shit

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dde566 No.21692506

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f109ba No.21692507

editorial on high temps

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92193e No.21692508

File: c776aadb24c02b8⋯.png (973.99 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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16e0b8 No.21692509


Climate change is real because robot news ladies said so.

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56a430 No.21692510


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e88dbc No.21692511


He's good enough to rise above them

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7cb799 No.21692512

File: c764ba07dc68375⋯.png (690.46 KB,779x469,779:469,c764ba07dc68375cf58158fc40….png)

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dde566 No.21692513


Waltz looks like he is high, eyes are wired

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92193e No.21692514

File: c7f686685c65324⋯.png (408.98 KB,454x444,227:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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31af43 No.21692515



Many many


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571a6b No.21692516


>Do this OR else

That is called control.

>They could choose to take the DEAL

No deals. Do as we say, or you fucked.

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5dbe99 No.21692517

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16e0b8 No.21692518


Margaret lost weight in attempt to look good. Gaunt not good look.

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d8065a No.21692519

Vance: We have an historic immigration crisis, because Kamala Harris started, and said that she wanted to undo all of Donald Trump's border policies. Ninety-four executive orders suspending deportations, decriminalizing illegal aliens, massively increasing the asylum fraud that exists in our system; that has opened the floodgates.

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5c02bd No.21692520

File: 30571c8eb912b16⋯.jpg (155.2 KB,600x937,600:937,marina.jpg)

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92193e No.21692521

File: b160d4ead7b1a3d⋯.png (905.59 KB,1079x883,1079:883,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19ab5 No.21692522

Walz is such a moron

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0ac91f No.21692523


Control would be them having no choice

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e88dbc No.21692524

Well there's the first assist

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8eff51 No.21692525

File: c8faff840b8015d⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,982x600,491:300,IMG_1206.jpeg)

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1cf942 No.21692526

The debator hosts just diggin in to help Waltz.

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86b55b No.21692527

Notables So Far

#26563 >>21692045

>>21692310, >>21692375, >>21692453 @realDonaldTrump POTUS Play by Play

>>21692136, >>21692262, >>21692303, >>21692435 Live from studio 6b share the debate time with the boys/Vance vs Walz

>>21692182 On the way to the debate with my man @jdvance.Let’s go 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

>>21692309, >>21692358, >>21692362, >>21692383, >>21692399, >>21692422, >>21692427,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21692094 Rep. Cory Mills Day 2 Update From Hurricane Helene Damaged Areas

>>21692110 Evansville Man Sentenced to Eight Years in Federal Prison for Receiving and Possessing Explicit Images of Children Via Snapchat

>>21692132 The Bucharest Tribunal Court has just ruled to return my 40,000,000 dollars of assets due to a lack of evidence

>>21692153, >>21692171, >>21692212, >>21692215, >>21692092, >>21692257 ICYMI: The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled/building still standing FAIL

>>21692191 21 States threaten top medical group with legal action for pushing genital mutilations for children

>>21692197 U.S. approves more FRAKENFOOD: Controversial genetically modified wheat grown using dangerous neurotoxin

>>21692203, >>21692239, >>21692265, >>21692381, >>21692402, >>21692494 List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes 2010 - 2020/moar research info pdf's

>>21692271 CMZ: Is this why Biden's admin was withholding USArmy support in N Carolina?Are they preparing for a land invasion of Iran?

>>21692317 SpaceX Crew Arrives at International Space Station to Retrieve Stranded Astronauts

>>21692328 A large crowd has gathered outside the CBS studios in New York City ahead of the VP debate to express support for Donald Trump.

>>21692343, >>21692347 Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Trump for President: ‘Our National Security and Personal Safety Are at Stake’

>>21692450 Kremlin press secretary Peskov has told TASS that no conversation between Putin and Netanyahu is planned at the moment.

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292be2 No.21692528


Dubble deuces say you're correct.

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b32cec No.21692529

File: b1e2faec0d68f15⋯.png (1.41 MB,1314x894,219:149,walz.png)


How it's going

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571a6b No.21692530



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e98e31 No.21692531

JD just killed that

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b64053 No.21692532

moderators are framing the questions negatively against Trump

the hurricane helene question was all about climate change and Trump calling it a hoax, nothing about disaster relief, or lack thereof

the immigration question is framed by Trump separating parents fr their children, not about the massive influx of illegals crossing the open border, and absolutely no mention of knee pads being the border czar

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5dbe99 No.21692533

File: 2b059003c2fc92f⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,76E7F2A4_336E_419B_AFD1_71….png)

mule bingo card chekked

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dde566 No.21692534

File: 346cd8c98b9e9ae⋯.png (302.62 KB,829x869,829:869,ClipboardImage.png)

Team Trump



@JDVance1: "I stand here, asking to be your Vice President with extraordinary gratitude for this country — for the American Dream that made it possible to live my dreams. And most importantly, I know a lot of you are worried about the chaos in the world and the feeling that there American Dream is unattainable. I want to try to convince you tonight… that if we get Donald Trump back in the White House, the American Dream is going to be attainable once again."



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982b72 No.21692535



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a9eb14 No.21692536

The witch is factchecking for Walz.

What’s up

Reading back quotes for Walz?

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f109ba No.21692537

"not true" , well there it is

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c1c3c0 No.21692538

Fucker walz why that long near ear rub?….right ear.

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400fd4 No.21692540

>that obvious ear signal


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d8065a No.21692541

Walz praising Lankford as, "a man of principal".

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dde566 No.21692542


>question for yourself


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deca5a No.21692543

>>Vance looking at Walz

that body language makes Vance look interested in what Walz is saying>

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18b32e No.21692544

just tuned into - barely

"the consensus among scientists is that earth is warming at unprecedented rate"


wasn't that from a reporter???


the reporters aren't supposed to do that this time

said they wouldn't

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92193e No.21692545

File: 7f8e51bd031b832⋯.png (154.81 KB,347x335,347:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec07b1 No.21692546

File: bee1e3e13c3c560⋯.pdf (582.37 KB,nesta_webster_secret_socie….pdf)


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31af43 No.21692547


We need meme makers to show us what Tim is writing

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a9eb14 No.21692548


I notice that.

Let’s count how man times he does that

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132685 No.21692549

Calm, cool, confident. Loaded up with facts. Seems to be speaking off the cuff rather than rehearsed. The lion and the antelope.

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92193e No.21692550

File: b3f796fcfe341bf⋯.png (1.7 MB,828x984,69:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1c3c0 No.21692551

>>21692540 yep

>>21692538 getting uncomfortable feedback perhaps?

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5dbe99 No.21692552

big beautiful wall fuckers

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92193e No.21692553

File: 67a710b012c402e⋯.png (931.02 KB,747x599,747:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b32e No.21692554




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238549 No.21692555

File: bb335175060f714⋯.png (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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16e0b8 No.21692556

I swear walz mouth is ai.

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982b72 No.21692557


Could you say it’s not fact checking, since climate change is not really happening?

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557a7c No.21692558

File: cf81ff21331867e⋯.png (22.38 KB,460x233,460:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8486e21bbba7ef1⋯.png (1.02 MB,1270x711,1270:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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b20aed No.21692559

Getting live commentary on immigration from wifeanon


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6a8b04 No.21692560


Yep - 3 (Walz and “moderators”) vs 1 (Vance).

Just like Trump vs Harris

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006713 No.21692561

File: a69646e2e6d885c⋯.png (46.51 KB,611x345,611:345,ClipboardImage.png)

JD is steady and strong, Tampon Tim is sweating bullets, he is nervous and “weird.”


JD is doing GREAT - A different level of Intelligence from Tampon Tim!


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a9eb14 No.21692562

Vance is winning with his body language and facial expressions

He’s got the best facial expressions I have ever seen in a debate!

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400fd4 No.21692563


What he's saying now sounds like someone else saying it through an earpiece, similar vibe from Kamala debate.

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92193e No.21692565

File: 651709eef0499b6⋯.png (706.22 KB,560x560,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19ab5 No.21692566


he's listening to the voice in his ear.

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d32405 No.21692567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e98e31 No.21692568

I have to admit the horse ween lover is a hell of a lot more tolerable to listen to than the wanna be black Indian

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92193e No.21692569

File: c3652f9b3f2ffa3⋯.png (417.91 KB,751x915,751:915,ClipboardImage.png)

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dde566 No.21692570

File: d55f807f53bf8bd⋯.png (108.5 KB,813x683,813:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



JD is steady and strong, Tampon Tim is sweating bullets, he is nervous and “weird.”=

Donald J. Trump



JD is doing GREAT - A different level of Intelligence from Tampon Tim!

Donald J. Trump



The Administration admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act that Walz just brought up was a HOAX with a phony name that had nothing to do with Inflation Reduction. It’s been totally debunked by the Administration itself. It actually helped increase Inflation to the Highest in the History of our Country, devastating our Citizens!

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c1c3c0 No.21692571

That is what i said outloud and i am watching alone.

That was a fact check.


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18b32e No.21692572



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e19ab5 No.21692573

enforce the existing laws, you dumbfuck

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4d67da No.21692574

File: ce3f84c543706b6⋯.png (56.72 KB,762x452,381:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cf942 No.21692575

File: 8c9f639fe949029⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,870x565,174:113,6h43254325423h423.JPG)

Donald J. Trump


JD is steady and strong, Tampon Tim is sweating bullets, he is nervous and “weird.”


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5dbe99 No.21692576

File: 5e2df9d6203fbd0⋯.jpeg (38.11 KB,255x217,255:217,10FCEF43_4B2B_4A3F_8126_9….jpeg)

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92193e No.21692577

File: 0725aafacfa9c10⋯.png (1.3 MB,953x672,953:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8065a No.21692578

Vance: I didn't accuse Kamala Harris of inviting drug mules, I said that she enabled the Mexican drug cartels to operate freely in this country.

Walz actually nodded in agreement/concession when Vance said that.

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a9eb14 No.21692579

File: 9b86140a247ba0c⋯.jpeg (946.69 KB,2013x1234,2013:1234,IMG_1607.jpeg)



Great minds think alike

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92193e No.21692580

File: b363659e6258e59⋯.png (2.44 MB,1179x1165,1179:1165,ClipboardImage.png)

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400fd4 No.21692581


Yeah, this and the 100 media interviews shows why he was chosen. He's the mirror image of these media cunts and can do what they do better than they can.

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a9eb14 No.21692582

Finally somebody mentioned the 350,000 missing kids

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c1c3c0 No.21692583

He is better choice than kamala

>>21692568 still dont trust him though

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ec07b1 No.21692584

File: 0f6cd4d2db43048⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,480x360,4:3,NETANYAHUTESTIFIESTOTHEUSC….mp4)

All the proof in the world!

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c86a54 No.21692585

when you stand with Donald Trump it becomes a talking point


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92193e No.21692586

File: 42095f918539303⋯.png (1.07 MB,1098x1007,1098:1007,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5812f No.21692587

File: 00ce02247d0f330⋯.png (210.59 KB,989x982,989:982,Tampon_Tim_cartridge.png)


>Tampon Tim is sweating bullets

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b20aed No.21692588


Walz crying that haitians got villified in Springfield

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5c02bd No.21692589



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18b32e No.21692591

RE MAJORITY of Americans favor mass deportation:

We're villanizing illegals bc we want to legally deport them?

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411f3d No.21692592

File: 3e9ce0743ab8ab2⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,884x589,884:589,54j32j5324325u23.JPG)

Donald J. Trump


Margaret Brennan just “fact checked” JD, incorrectly, on “Climate Change.” When is she going to fact check Tampon Tim on all of his false statements? Another repeat with the Fake News being unfair to the Republican Candidate, and trying to get the pathetic Democrat across the finish line. But it doesn’t matter, the Public sees it for what it is - FAKE NEWS!


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16e0b8 No.21692593



Use their language against them.

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92193e No.21692594

File: 7e29c9d14105c40⋯.png (282.73 KB,526x518,263:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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e98e31 No.21692595


No doubt but still a lying donkey sucker

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c1c3c0 No.21692596

>>21692582 twice he got it in

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836f7c No.21692597

File: 3b2b375620afb29⋯.png (531.48 KB,851x575,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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dde566 No.21692598

File: d55f807f53bf8bd⋯.png (108.5 KB,813x683,813:683,ClipboardImage.png)



Lol is this moderator glitching?

How many times is she gonna nod? 



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1bfa29 No.21692599

File: 2bc928621417d22⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,776x511,776:511,mossadbuklding.JPG)

screengrab from reporter

white building in background is mossad HQ

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30d60f No.21692601

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92193e No.21692602

File: f825bdd466a4461⋯.png (2.17 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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5efb6e No.21692603

File: 4c3dfb3e99088ec⋯.png (391.65 KB,600x680,15:17,4c3dfb3e99088ec5d9dab6086f….png)

Walz blathering on about vilifying immigrants


Vance should remind him of all that

"Trump is Hitler"

"Trump is threat to our democracy"

"a bug that has to be smashed"

"Deplorables" etc

oh well ….

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4d67da No.21692604

File: 7920cd351638bc3⋯.png (40.05 KB,765x333,85:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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b64053 No.21692605

walz just conceded that vance is winning by saying he knows vance wants to do the right thing, but being hindered by Donald Trump (paraphrased)

very bad debating by walz

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e8543c No.21692606

File: 8b160fcb2d6d7e1⋯.jpg (37.89 KB,879x577,879:577,6j542655334.JPG)

Donald J. Trump


More notes! Why can’t Walz just remember what he has to say? Low IQ!


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5dbe99 No.21692607


Tim is skating on thin ice

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6a0ff2 No.21692608

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92193e No.21692609

File: 404990277fc4715⋯.png (297.13 KB,598x404,299:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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51151c No.21692610

walz is wrecking vance, from a normie perspective

all the hype about walz being nervous and ending kamala's campaign

walz is a commie-loving bullshit factory and keeps spewing the msm talking points

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c86a54 No.21692611


>Walz actually nodded in agreement/concession when Vance said that

saw it

top kek

Walz agreeeeeed nodding in agreement with Vance that Kamala has enabled drug mules avec children

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f109ba No.21692612

word salad

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dde566 No.21692613


looks like too much coffee and hes scared shitless

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e98e31 No.21692614

File: 723493114795b2b⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB,509x519,509:519,IMG_4465.jpeg)

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5dbe99 No.21692615


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92193e No.21692616

File: 2d4862a7ef7d2cb⋯.png (528.23 KB,558x482,279:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19ab5 No.21692617


Walz looks desperate

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5dbe99 No.21692618

Haiti bitches

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eee91d No.21692619


He did some weird mirror flip flop on the question.

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e5ef4d No.21692620

oh my god he is quoting the bible now

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982b72 No.21692622


Word salad? More like a blender drink….wordarita

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a9eb14 No.21692623



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31af43 No.21692624

What scripture did he quote? Check it

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e88dbc No.21692625

Man he shut her down like last nights ho

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75f81b No.21692626


Talks too fast

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400fd4 No.21692627


Walz is nervous, just competent and a professional politician. This debate will, very predictably, change 0 minds.

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31af43 No.21692628


And now angry


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8eff51 No.21692629

File: 6527477d2a40cde⋯.jpeg (182.15 KB,1199x1200,1199:1200,IMG_1207.jpeg)

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557a7c No.21692630

File: 95f389640058bb8⋯.png (840.17 KB,1272x710,636:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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f109ba No.21692631

shut those bitches down …maybe the one will get rid of that dry mouth

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16e0b8 No.21692632


I want to see that clip again. Kekek

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dde566 No.21692633

File: d741b894f80fa1d⋯.png (867.48 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e88dbc No.21692634

Ho just cut his mic..

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a9eb14 No.21692635


You gonna fact check me?

I am going to fact check you, witches

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5c02bd No.21692636

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB,190x190,1:1,savanachops.gif)

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4f469d No.21692637

Fact check me bitch, I will fact check you!

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5dbe99 No.21692638

File: 8456502281561d0⋯.png (52.79 KB,690x586,345:293,59F25FD7_A78C_4FF8_87A7_E0….png)

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75f81b No.21692639

Not a legal process, that's the point.

Moderator became part of the debate.

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e5ef4d No.21692640

god almighty. cut the mics when we want to hear from them

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b64053 No.21692641

tell 'em, JD

they are trying to say they are not fact checking, but they conclude each question with giving a summary of their opinion on the issue they asked questions about and always against JD and Trump, never against knee pads and tampon tim

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696c5e No.21692642



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90fcca No.21692643

really sick of those cunts

they need to be so fired , so rejected , like used tampons

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006713 No.21692644

File: 7a6507a83c33fe7⋯.png (754.79 KB,1903x4066,1903:4066,ClipboardImage.png)



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18b32e No.21692645

Vance is a very good debater. Walz is glib - and a slippery customer. Figured he would be. He can actually put sentences together, which gives him an advantage of Kamala. KEK.



making them FUCK OFF and look bad by doing a MIC CUT

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92193e No.21692646

File: 1fd89150a8b6ed2⋯.png (710.11 KB,680x584,85:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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400fd4 No.21692647


Only loser in that move was whoever at CBS just made the decision to do that.

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75f81b No.21692648

gone death.

all of a sudden, dead air. when Walz was called upon.

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d8065a No.21692649

They cut the microphones right when Vance told Walz that the CBP One app has not been on the books since 1990.

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e98e31 No.21692650

File: 8e970ebb7131417⋯.jpeg (54.37 KB,400x400,1:1,IMG_4409.jpeg)



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92193e No.21692651

File: 30fa31117ed1d4b⋯.png (491.21 KB,620x402,310:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b32e No.21692652


*over Kamala

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e19ab5 No.21692653

Good that Walz talks first, JD smacks him down with the last word.

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238549 No.21692654

File: a83f45ed29aef75⋯.png (359.79 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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92193e No.21692655

File: 426937bf20e8007⋯.png (660.92 KB,720x716,180:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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90fcca No.21692657


definteetly the kunts who harass this board

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18b32e No.21692658

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75f81b No.21692659


walz is a liar.

boo hoo. The immigrants need homes.


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c5cf2b No.21692660

File: 2771f8b39a1681f⋯.jpg (57.24 KB,1078x500,539:250,95bxnp.jpg)

Anyone see anything in his ears?

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92193e No.21692661

File: 6e69a076bbc8445⋯.png (1.7 MB,560x1554,40:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9eb14 No.21692662


JD wins with his facial expessions

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72bd6e No.21692663

Women should not be hosting this debate. There is NOTHING worse than a leftist, passive aggressive woman. No more women Secret Service agents, firemen, policemen, or debate hosts. Get OUTTA HERE!!! You're FIRED!!!

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1bfa29 No.21692664



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92193e No.21692665

File: 8fb1cea294937e9⋯.png (171.32 KB,271x266,271:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dbe99 No.21692666

File: 86cc8c979e04cae⋯.jpeg (61.13 KB,751x562,751:562,B9DC8611_FB8A_4F19_80F0_5….jpeg)

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8eff51 No.21692667

File: ac5abe9d4f9a641⋯.png (853.14 KB,600x800,3:4,Netanyahu_ISIS_02.PNG)

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_MOSSAD_ISIL_ISIS….PNG)

File: a95b74135157ad3⋯.jpg (289.68 KB,1635x1165,327:233,Netanyahu_ISIS.jpg)

File: 7c3b917c7d41bd8⋯.jpg (699.16 KB,1280x960,4:3,Wizard_of_OZ_03_MSM_BS.JPG)

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76fff0 No.21692668

File: 94aa8ad729ee16b⋯.jpg (692.33 KB,1080x1729,1080:1729,Screenshot_20241001_183002….jpg)


Tim Walz, JD Vance face off in first vice presidential debate Tuesday night | Live Updates from Fox News Digital


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92193e No.21692669

File: 57c5b0ecee9cd5c⋯.png (546.41 KB,599x444,599:444,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec07b1 No.21692670

File: 3d1dc12ab634ccb⋯.pdf (13.75 MB,Obama_file_with_exhibits_w….pdf)


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e19ab5 No.21692671


omg yes

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400fd4 No.21692672

File: 2bf647b928b8cf5⋯.jpg (208.34 KB,1209x1774,1209:1774,2bf647b928b8cf57ff57d9a832….jpg)


Are you having fun at band camp, eBot?

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75f81b No.21692673


dudes a motot mouth

"rich should pay for everything"

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92193e No.21692674

File: 10e527c2f5a4c2f⋯.png (228.19 KB,620x280,31:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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dde566 No.21692675


Excellent screen shot!

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5c02bd No.21692676

File: c7e48ffdd7d8c23⋯.jpg (230.02 KB,2000x1000,2:1,DIANNE_FEINSTEINthumbup.jpg)

walz is a pro..politician.

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c47778 No.21692677

Is it happening fuckers?

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0c3601 No.21692678

File: 9aa6439a5be6257⋯.png (456.38 KB,782x841,782:841,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60de3491f3f4ab5⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,480x270,16:9,Texas_Attorney_Tony_Buzbee….mp4)



NEW – Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Says List of 'Diddy' Case PerpetratorsIncludes Banks & Pharma Companies: 'The Names Will Shock You'

"The names that we're going to name…are names that will shock you…These defendants will not only include individuals but will also include corporate entities who ultimately profited off of this culture…I'm looking at banks, pharmaceutical companies, and hotels."


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5dbe99 No.21692679


Tim is the sidekick

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b32cec No.21692681

File: 5b97691924c8abf⋯.png (593.91 KB,960x546,160:91,kamala.png)


>Anyone see anything in his ears?

Not as obvious as Kamalala

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18b32e No.21692682

>"we'll just ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share"

90% tax rates? oh great….what able the trickle down?

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238549 No.21692683

File: 21acb723c39e689⋯.png (356.96 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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92193e No.21692684

File: ab3d1a4a4f14929⋯.png (540.66 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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75f81b No.21692685

Walz looks like his head is about to explode.

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e008e0 No.21692686

File: 1eb17564159da32⋯.png (1.77 MB,2560x2560,1:1,KAG_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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e19ab5 No.21692687

what is Walz writing? questions to the camera above him?

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14383a No.21692688


They are doing the same exact thing they’ve done to President Trump

They are biased as fuck

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006713 No.21692689

File: 2320874ad3c9bff⋯.png (50.86 KB,906x542,453:271,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21692638 Unsure of his exact quote or version used

Matthew 25:40-45

King James Version

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

NIV 25:40-45

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

The Sheep and the Goats

picrel - reading for discernment now

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5c02bd No.21692690

File: 27b63feb4bc851b⋯.jpg (14.05 KB,480x360,4:3,waltoe.jpg)


dude, it's happening.

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92193e No.21692691

File: 64da688435e35cc⋯.png (299.96 KB,460x296,115:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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c86a54 No.21692692



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90fcca No.21692693


they have a lot riding on their horse tonight

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5dbe99 No.21692694


Tim is like bob newman

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dde566 No.21692695

File: 2abfa5b11e0ea1c⋯.png (67.13 KB,804x567,268:189,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




Margaret Brennan just lied again about the ILLEGAL MIGRANTS let into our Country by Lyin’ Kamala Harris, and then she cut off JD’s mic to stop him from correcting her!




Jack Poso 




Margaret Brennan lied

TPS isn't for legal immigrants, they don't need a special status

TPS is for illegal immigrants

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18b32e No.21692696

American Economic boom

bring back common sense

great job

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238549 No.21692697

File: 7d34d85635bb9b4⋯.png (37.98 KB,581x174,581:174,ClipboardImage.png)


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982b72 No.21692698


Not notable

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92193e No.21692699

File: d12a38227b85190⋯.png (666.49 KB,658x680,329:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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e98e31 No.21692700

File: 30bb61d5d331136⋯.png (263.06 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_4298.png)

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a044fd No.21692701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e88dbc No.21692702

Here comes the lying and projection stage..

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2e1e51 No.21692703


Probably needs a shot of horse cum

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006713 No.21692704

>>21692689 meant for

>>21692624 >(you)

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b32cec No.21692705

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


> kamala

#1 DEI employee

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2cae52 No.21692706

File: 35b7f7ff787a05d⋯.png (1.41 MB,789x958,789:958,ClipboardImage.png)

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f109ba No.21692707

What has Kamala done? can't and won't answer the question

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5c02bd No.21692708

File: 6f47ac6a8b931b9⋯.jpg (45.16 KB,799x524,799:524,nonameweaver.jpg)

mayo yo

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92193e No.21692709

File: ea84c8e900a6d3c⋯.png (1.35 MB,1134x930,189:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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089a4c No.21692710

File: bb973d0de89b107⋯.jpeg (825.84 KB,1620x912,135:76,IMG_7449.jpeg)


meme dis

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5efb6e No.21692711


Guy has a "pro-Tip" now too


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dde566 No.21692712

File: c151d27848a729d⋯.png (37.54 KB,827x241,827:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Devin Nunes


Nice smack down by @JDVance1 on the fake fact checking CBS is engaging in tonight…





Oct 01, 2024, 9:30 PM


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18b32e No.21692713

listen to the people at the Mayo clinic

ever look up their advice on covid and the jab??

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e19ab5 No.21692714


tbh Vance is bretty hot.

(no homo)

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b20aed No.21692715


>Walz looks like his head is about to explode.

Still waiting for Vance to say his voice is hoarse.

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92193e No.21692716

File: 72daa97c02f2397⋯.png (2.59 MB,1377x918,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1ed8d2072f5a3⋯.png (1.43 MB,763x918,763:918,ClipboardImage.png)

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557a7c No.21692717

File: 302ef1552b82fba⋯.png (1.16 MB,1270x711,1270:711,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca9cfb110b070c3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1272x712,159:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8065a No.21692718

Walz: Kamala Harris' day one was Donald Trump's failure on COVID that led to the collapse of our economy.

[the economy collapsed because democrats and federal civil servants shut everything down, not President Trump]

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90fcca No.21692719

just figured it out - it's like listening to biden speaking while butt plugging horse sement

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f33dbf No.21692720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's game over

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70f3a2 No.21692721


He’s drawing.

Anime porn most likely.

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92193e No.21692722

File: be0885e42d39c5b⋯.png (713.65 KB,634x600,317:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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7cb799 No.21692723

File: fae445e42fe56c6⋯.png (441.95 KB,410x375,82:75,fae445e42fe56c6d01dab3f9ae….png)

i've never heard walz speak before tonight. i will say this he can sort of hold his own unlike kamala. i just wish vance would bring up tampons in boys bathrooms sooner than later.

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18b32e No.21692724

drugs we use mfr'd by nations that hate us

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238549 No.21692725

File: bc2f17eeef04966⋯.png (389.89 KB,449x656,449:656,ClipboardImage.png)




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92193e No.21692726

File: 0d884fb3df7b4f7⋯.png (490.01 KB,756x500,189:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9eb14 No.21692727

JD took the ‘common sense’ coach nice guy issue away from Walz, who the media says is supposed to be the one with common values

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b47fcd No.21692728


Bob Newhart

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400fd4 No.21692729



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e19ab5 No.21692730

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1514d9 No.21692731


Walz seems to be hyperactive … like for realz.

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2cae52 No.21692732

File: 9efebd754b903d6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1284x1338,214:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8065a No.21692733

Walz's eyes just about bugged out of his head.

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dde566 No.21692734

File: a949af7e878804e⋯.png (95.71 KB,824x713,824:713,ClipboardImage.png)




Tim Walz now bringing up 2016 talking points about Trump taxes. He's lost the plot. He can't even respond on why Kamala hasn't done any of these things yet





The Kamala-Walz agenda means higher taxes and higher costs for working Americans. Her actions as vice president prove it.

Jack Poso 




JD just brilliantly pivoted everything back to Kamala Harris. "Why hasn't she done any of these things?" Tim Walz now getting defensive

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e19ab5 No.21692735




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f109ba No.21692736

Walz is sloppy

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14df57 No.21692737

File: 6bcdbd22dba82e5⋯.png (4.1 MB,2168x2160,271:270,ClipboardImage.png)


The Names will be named, but not until Epstein's Client list is revealed

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a9eb14 No.21692738


Damn is right!

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5dbe99 No.21692739


coif coif in background. bingo card groundhog

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b64053 No.21692740

there he goes again, walz just said he's going to agree with senator (vance) then goes on to try to say that Trump hindering vance

very bad debate strategy to say you agree with your opponent

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31af43 No.21692741


Like a liberal woman wearing a mask

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0f7fa7 No.21692742

File: d94ea3bbff2976f⋯.jpeg (18.85 KB,202x255,202:255,d94ea3bbff2976f6265b9bf54….jpeg)

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8de500 No.21692743

File: ecd9162d60073a9⋯.png (235.42 KB,474x711,2:3,ecd9162d60073a964b01546e3a….png)

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18b32e No.21692744

tech problems WTF?

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5f3ccf No.21692745

Walz is in Panic mode!

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92193e No.21692746

File: ca5dc6f5881576a⋯.png (632.14 KB,680x486,340:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cae52 No.21692747

When Walz looks at Vance, he only blinks when Vance blinks. Vance dominating.

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e19ab5 No.21692748


2-sec delay?

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51151c No.21692749

File: dff1ac01e973b80⋯.jpg (72.21 KB,680x680,1:1,GUd42HKXsAA_tYP.jpg)

File: 739e176db330ffd⋯.jpg (57.62 KB,457x680,457:680,GUevnihbMAAZdMv.jpg)

File: 4b3ed8d6b3e2592⋯.jpg (172.16 KB,1112x1045,1112:1045,GWMmgDebYAA3haI.jpg)

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5dbe99 No.21692750


he’s very funny

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92193e No.21692751

File: d801ebcfbcf1ede⋯.png (581.08 KB,546x630,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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089a4c No.21692752

File: b62cbec64c789d5⋯.png (3.2 MB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_6002.png)

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6e944d No.21692753


Vance is doing a superb job.

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a044fd No.21692754

File: 701dc2ccd2b8530⋯.png (9.8 KB,227x222,227:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b32e No.21692755


maybe so, hope not

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c86a54 No.21692756

I was a middle class kid

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b32cec No.21692757

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,biden.png)

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e19ab5 No.21692758

talk faster jackass

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a9eb14 No.21692759

Walz has more word salad than Kamala

Where is his lettuce head meme?

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7cb799 No.21692760


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94c10c No.21692761

File: d65c6b5d92e4a87⋯.jpg (72.92 KB,882x770,63:55,56436j65k3465j4354.JPG)

File: 4409b6d09b5295e⋯.jpg (190.31 KB,1351x760,1351:760,ejwtrjwetrjwet.jpg)

Donald J. Trump



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238549 No.21692762

File: f4eafa54670123f⋯.png (338.02 KB,573x680,573:680,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21692725 (me)

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5dbe99 No.21692763


17 dancing

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f109ba No.21692764

Walz has a lying problem

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90fcca No.21692765

"right now I want to talk"

bitch nigger – sick of these kummies

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92193e No.21692766

File: 7ab107a4467e88a⋯.png (172.19 KB,353x225,353:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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bef236 No.21692767

File: 05e707eabd93689⋯.png (118.53 KB,237x336,79:112,ClipboardImage.png)



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a9eb14 No.21692768


My community


My community

Look ….i make mistakes

My community

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e19ab5 No.21692769


gimme a few

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6caba8 No.21692770



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7c8114 No.21692771

File: af04a86f012c6cc⋯.png (39.82 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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5efb6e No.21692772

File: 3e576bb7e8ac3ef⋯.jpg (5.25 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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400fd4 No.21692773

>I'm proud of riding my bike

The fuck nigga

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e5ef4d No.21692774

tim is sidestepping the lying

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ad4b16 No.21692775

File: 07f0cd984cd7818⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,537x356,537:356,pirate_flag_of_emanuel_wyn….jpg)


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a9eb14 No.21692776


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31af43 No.21692777



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75f81b No.21692778


can't bear Watz's voice

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747fd1 No.21692779

Walz’s version of i come from the middle class side step.

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b64053 No.21692780

vance just now admits "i've not been perfect"

basically saying he is a fuck up, then he pivots back to attacking Trump

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ec07b1 No.21692781

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Diddy List Just Dropped (view on full-screen & press pause to read all the names…)


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92193e No.21692782

File: 9dbf516ae732a93⋯.png (500.35 KB,505x500,101:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9eb14 No.21692783


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d8065a No.21692784

Host called out Walz as a liar for falsely claiming he was in China during Tienanmen Square. He declined to explain, except saying that he, "sometimes gets caught up in the rhetoric."

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18b32e No.21692785

getting caught up in the rhetoric



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f109ba No.21692786

Being there even though he wasn't there

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90fcca No.21692787

knuckleheads on the ballot

vote em in again and again

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6fa965 No.21692788


Very nice

Very nice

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7c8114 No.21692789

File: 2bf0207156a1be1⋯.png (620.93 KB,860x638,430:319,ClipboardImage.png)



Awesome grab!!

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557a7c No.21692790

File: 7242a82b5d78139⋯.png (943.25 KB,1271x711,1271:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dbe99 No.21692791


Kek it’s what I said

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a9eb14 No.21692792

What was that?

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8de500 No.21692793

File: 769f3db13f1048b⋯.png (1.03 MB,880x878,440:439,769f3db13f1048b8d140b4f675….png)

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c86a54 No.21692794

didn't he just lie again?

I was in hong kong during the protests?

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31af43 No.21692795



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e19ab5 No.21692796

File: dda2e934f98699e⋯.png (384.11 KB,680x510,4:3,Walz_lettucehead.png)

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18b32e No.21692797

I got there this summer and MISSPOKE


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b47fcd No.21692798

JD should neigh and paw the ground

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16e0b8 No.21692799




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a3702b No.21692800


its great that its two women though, because they also clearly look like mid-wit drones that don't know where they are or how they got there but aren't curious about it either.

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e98e31 No.21692801

File: 5410ba38db9945b⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB,255x245,51:49,IMG_4296.jpeg)

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238549 No.21692802

File: 23066da49b48771⋯.png (515.15 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


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75f81b No.21692803


Host called him out?

How did that happen?

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b20aed No.21692804

We got a hitler

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f109ba No.21692805

Please drink some water lady.

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5ba52c No.21692806

File: d9128a72ad70e84⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,450x522,25:29,Keep_on_Happening.jpg)

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a9eb14 No.21692807

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8de500 No.21692808

File: 37e9bdac75cf5fa⋯.png (226.87 KB,494x514,247:257,37e9bdac75cf5fa2cd19a4817c….png)

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90fcca No.21692809

from actionable treason to flinging disparities to Vance

these Jimmie kunts relentless

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5ba52c No.21692810

File: 92ce019b3a03a91⋯.jpg (40.9 KB,500x375,4:3,Good_work.jpg)

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5dbe99 No.21692811


Vance wants attention

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5c02bd No.21692812

File: 1d5bf7e186ea6bb⋯.jpg (350.52 KB,1996x1499,1996:1499,gwyneth_paltrow_because_sh….jpg)


Inside an orgy: Champagne, swingers and the smell 'that will haunt you forever'

A Daily Mirror journalist who went undercover at an exclusive group sex party explains how an orgy is an assault on the senses

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5ba52c No.21692813

File: 32121780108d537⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,540x311,540:311,Serpent_Never_Speaks_Truth.jpg)

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5ba52c No.21692814

File: 146a42e065df20c⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,457x653,457:653,Make_America_Great_Again.jpg)

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e5ef4d No.21692815

Tim is dun


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238549 No.21692816

File: 02735fd96230233⋯.png (233.12 KB,493x680,29:40,ClipboardImage.png)




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2f81f3 No.21692817

File: bc5028616f99ad0⋯.jpeg (740.38 KB,1356x1457,1356:1457,IMG_6879.jpeg)


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18b32e No.21692818


said he was wrong about Trump because he believed the MSM!

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92193e No.21692819

File: a6e9930aa46bb22⋯.png (195.26 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e1b3502045152b⋯.png (132.34 KB,328x363,328:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96541e468d1fcf3⋯.png (220.44 KB,295x324,295:324,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ba52c No.21692820

File: 4885d0e7ee35642⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,533x491,533:491,Tunnel_boring_machine_elit….jpg)

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c40570 No.21692821

A New World awastes…

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a9eb14 No.21692822


You nailed Walz

He is the perfect image of a drag queen

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5ba52c No.21692823

File: 6af30a23115b3b5⋯.png (62.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Calm_Before_the_Storm_.png)

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e19ab5 No.21692824

File: c9ab74a92c83c95⋯.jpg (7.4 KB,200x199,200:199,pepe_point.jpg)

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c47778 No.21692825

Hello Q.

Finish them BOSS!


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5ba52c No.21692827

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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dde566 No.21692828

File: ea3ec9a80254da4⋯.png (1013.4 KB,1067x600,1067:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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006713 No.21692830

File: 34b389e4003adb6⋯.png (68.49 KB,679x943,679:943,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ba52c No.21692831

File: cddd5ef3b50beb2⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,720x760,18:19,MSM_Manipulation_WSJ.jpg)

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9a86e8 No.21692832

File: edf520c41f716d7⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,1375x627,125:57,52gf53254353h5h423.JPG)

This has been Walz Demeanor the whole time.

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5ba52c No.21692833

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,750x500,3:2,KAVANAUGH_1.jpg)

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72bd6e No.21692834

A.W.A.L.L. = Absent While Leaning Left

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571aac No.21692835

Waltz called himself a knucklehead.


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400fd4 No.21692836


It's funny how companies invest billions into these things and then no one ever bothers to ask what they do with them.

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512ba3 No.21692837

J.D. Vance is debating Don Rickles!

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86b55b No.21692838



#26563 >>21692045

>>21692310, >>21692375, >>21692453, >>21692561, >>21692570, >>21692592, >>21692604, >>21692695, >>21692761 @realDonaldTrump POTUS Play by Play

>>21692136, >>21692262, >>21692303, >>21692435 Live from studio 6b share the debate time with the boys/Vance vs Walz

>>21692182 On the way to the debate with my man @jdvance.Let’s go 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

>>21692309, >>21692358, >>21692362, >>21692383, >>21692399, >>21692422, >>21692427, >>21692519, >>21692534, >>21692578, >>21692635, >>21692645, >>21692727 Vance Truths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21692094 Rep. Cory Mills Day 2 Update From Hurricane Helene Damaged Areas

>>21692110 Evansville Man Sentenced to Eight Years in Federal Prison for Receiving and Possessing Explicit Images of Children Via Snapchat

>>21692132 The Bucharest Tribunal Court has just ruled to return my 40,000,000 dollars of assets due to a lack of evidence

>>21692153, >>21692171, >>21692212, >>21692215, >>21692092, >>21692257 ICYMI: The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled/building still standing FAIL

>>21692191 21 States threaten top medical group with legal action for pushing genital mutilations for children

>>21692197 U.S. approves more FRAKENFOOD: Controversial genetically modified wheat grown using dangerous neurotoxin

>>21692203, >>21692239, >>21692265, >>21692381, >>21692402, >>21692494, >>21692546, >>21692670 List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes 2010 - 2020/moar research info pdf's

>>21692271 CMZ: Is this why Biden's admin was withholding USArmy support in N Carolina?Are they preparing for a land invasion of Iran?

>>21692317 SpaceX Crew Arrives at International Space Station to Retrieve Stranded Astronauts

>>21692328 A large crowd has gathered outside the CBS studios in New York City ahead of the VP debate to express support for Donald Trump.

>>21692343, >>21692347 Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Trump for President: ‘Our National Security and Personal Safety Are at Stake’

>>21692450 Kremlin press secretary Peskov has told TASS that no conversation between Putin and Netanyahu is planned at the moment.

>>21692544 IT'S FACT CHECKING the reporters aren't supposed to do that this time

>>21692678 Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Says List of 'Diddy' Case PerpetratorsIncludes Banks & Pharma Companies: 'The Names Will Shock You'

>>21692712 @DevinNunes Nice smack down by @JDVance1 on the fake fact checking CBS is engaging in tonight…

>>21692718, >>21692734, >>21692783 Walz said

>>21692784 Host called out Walz as a liar for falsely claiming he was in China during Tienanmen Square. He declined to explain, except saying that he, "sometimes gets caught up in the rhetoric."


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f109ba No.21692839

File: 73ef934cd79a8b7⋯.png (56.43 KB,166x256,83:128,wwalzz.PNG)

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5ba52c No.21692840

File: 6d96128ec96af15⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,888x587,888:587,Seth_Rich_what_if_MS13.jpg)

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92193e No.21692841

File: 704baa468bdd10e⋯.png (300.2 KB,458x284,229:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e2606967548e0f⋯.png (545.2 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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70f3a2 No.21692842

These MSM Commies should ask Walz about the burnination of Minnesota.


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b64053 No.21692843


yes, walz's face started turning beet red, then he quickly stopped talking and lowered his head

walz is shook

ought to be quite entertaining the rest of the debate

vance steady and confident

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5ba52c No.21692845

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson_den_of_thieves.jpg)

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400fd4 No.21692846


More like Ron Dickles.

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5ba52c No.21692848

File: 55e2af4a280e0f3⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,700x422,350:211,Q_matrix_1.jpg)

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92193e No.21692849

File: 7a6992f44740fef⋯.png (1.17 MB,630x798,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b32e No.21692850



slave wages for those in China

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5c02bd No.21692851

File: 1d1bce4942b044b⋯.png (139.19 KB,390x234,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a044fd No.21692852

File: 701dc2ccd2b8530⋯.png (9.8 KB,227x222,227:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ba52c No.21692853

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,601x601,1:1,Comfy.jpg)

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4d67da No.21692854

The moderator says Your time is up, every time JD stop speaking at the end of his time limit.

It's like a dig she has to get in, even tho she knows he's done within the time limit.

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92193e No.21692855

File: 5ae76030976bb93⋯.png (1.39 MB,792x898,396:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ba52c No.21692856

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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5ba52c No.21692857

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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31af43 No.21692858


Good TV!

Praying for complete implosion

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92193e No.21692860

File: c61f7530c624af4⋯.png (1.24 MB,663x900,221:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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