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File: b5a23c58a13ef01⋯.png (65.24 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

61b6f4 No.21658055 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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631 posts and 398 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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116b36 No.21658959

File: c5167f0de2d5bc0⋯.jpg (14.7 KB,474x266,237:133,th_647910452.jpg)

File: b4672ec22f4fa09⋯.jpg (17.83 KB,474x355,474:355,th_707668110.jpg)

File: 8477ce963b07108⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,407x475,407:475,e866b16b2e678c676e1dfc08b2….jpg)

File: a674117c300ac36⋯.jpg (58.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,eb98be0c85215ac3ff139b5596….jpg)

File: ea33cc1f4c2de3c⋯.jpg (384.46 KB,912x1200,19:25,kali_face_MI86_l_142883681.jpg)


If you vote Harris, you ain't democrat

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b2e5ea No.21658960

File: f520c144156e2a3⋯.jpeg (577.25 KB,960x723,320:241,IMG_6747.jpeg)

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c969a9 No.21658961

File: 237c3a11fe19f4f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1000x874,500:437,1631386192548.png)


You need to calm down, I feel you are experiencing butt hurt and anger.

Don't be angry, relax.

It's okay, I'm here.

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b23920 No.21658962

File: efcb4e8a819fe83⋯.png (813.82 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c14b7d No.21658963




Bubble Bandits Defy Dishwashing Soap Ban

June 22, 20096:00 AM ET

Heard on Morning Edition

Vanessa Romo

Spokane County, Washington, became the first place in the country to ban the sale of high-phosphate dishwasher soap — which includes most popular brands. And that's meant a boom in trafficking of "illegal" diswasher soap from nearby Idaho.


Let's go now to Spokane, Washington, where there's been a boom in the trafficking of an unlikely substance over the last year. It's an organized trade with highly coordinated schedules and a whole network of dealers, and much of it is family-related.

Vanessa Romo has our story.

VANESSA ROMO: Pat Dalton is on the precipice of becoming an interstate bootlegger. She's got a full tank of gas in her 2004 Chevy Minivan, and she's draped in black from head to toe, just like a cat burglar or a ninja.

(Soundbite of banging sound)

ROMO: The mission is simple: drive 29 miles from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, pick up the stash and head straight home. She's not nervous or remorseful. In fact, she seems gleeful.

Ms. PAT DALTON: I'm a smuggler.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Ms. DALTON: I'm a bubble bandit.

(Soundbite of laughter)

ROMO: That's right. Pat, a 54-year-old churchgoing mother of three, is a soap smuggler. Almost a year ago, Spokane County became the first place in the country to enforce the strictest ban on high-phosphate dishwasher soap, which pretty much means all of the most popular brands in America. It's supposed to reduce phosphorus pollution in local streams and rivers. So that means no more Electrasol PowerBall Tabs and out with new Cascade liquid gels. Now, only eco-friendly products with less than a half percent phosphates are sold within county lines. Pat Dalton said at first, she was totally on board.

Ms. DALTON: You know, because I wanted to take care of our water. But then as soon as I had to use the soap, I went, this is no good.

ROMO: Actually, Consumer Reports did rate some of these eco-products well. Still, Pat's not impressed, and she's not alone. Just ask the good people at Rosauers, a local grocery store.

Ms. SANDY FRANKS(ph): It just doesn't clean as well. It doesn't take out the stains.

Mr. FRED SPRINGER(ph): The new soap stains the dishes.

Ms. JESSIE CRAMER(ph): Nothing got clean.

Mr. SPRINGER: Well, there's spots on there after it goes through the heat cycle.ROMO: Okay. So these humans - Sandy Franks, Fred Springer and Jessie Cramer, may not be fans of the new soap, but the fish living in Spokane County presumably are.

Mr. TOM BRADAVILLE(ph) (Activist): If you want the fish to survive, you need to have a certain amount of oxygen.

ROMO: Tom Bradaville led the crusade for the legislation. He's a grey-haired, serious man who doesn't find anything cute or funny about the so-called soap smugglers. Hands stuffed deep into his pockets just a few feet away from Spokane Falls, he explains how low-phosphorus soap helps fish life.

Mr. BRADAVILLE: Phosphorus has caused tremendous algae growths in some of the lakes which, when the allergy dies, it decomposes, consuming the oxygen.

ROMO: And killing the fish. It's still early, but Bradaville claims that eco-friendly soap has reduced phosphorus levels in the nearby water plant by 14 percent. He looks out onto the thunderous and gushing river and shakes his head. He'd rather believe that there are more people like him concerned about the fish than Pat Dalton, who has finally found her way to a Safeway in Idaho.

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6c0f95 No.21658964


>Seems that humor is beyond you.

LOL… first yer an intellectual

now yer a humorist

HINT: yer a boil on the ass of humanity and yer humor is almost as funny as painful rectal itch

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9782a6 No.21658965


Oh, so I now have your attention…

Do yourself a favor. Don't be a shill…

It is a meaningless gesture that is an entire waste of time and bread.

While you may be a great baker, your breads are tasteless and have been for a long time.

It is all about (You)

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c14b7d No.21658966


>>21658963 cont

Ms. DALTON: Bubble bandits come through here.

(Soundbite of laughter)

ROMO: She's got the goods in hand: a box of lemon-scent Cascade with extra shine.

Unidentified Woman: Hi, there.

Ms. DALTON: Hi. How are you doing today?

ROMO: The transaction is quick and totally uneventful. So other than the drive and maybe a guilty conscience, what is there to stop people like Pat? It turns out, not much. Here's Officer Suzanne Mann of the Spokane PD.

Officer SUZANNE MANN (Spokane Police Department): I don't have the ability to enforce it. It's not a criminal act. It's a civil act.

ROMO: But even if she could, would she enforce it? Probably not, based on how her dishes have been turning out.

Ms. MANN: Personally, they look like crap.

ROMO: And while as an officer of the law, she won't admit to buying contraband for herself, she does admit to trafficking the stuff.

Ms. MANN: I pick it up from my daughter and my mom.

ROMO: Ultimately though, all of the driving back and forth and the surreptitious trading of high-phosphate detergents will likely come to an end by July of 2010. That's when a number of other states will enact similar legislation. There's even a bill on Capitol Hill that would impose a nationwide ban, which is why the pressure is on for soap manufacturers. The Soap and Detergent Association, which initially fought bans, have now embraced the greener guidelines.

The Washington ban just came too soon, it says. But the industry will be ready for 2010. In the meantime, the river of contraband soap will continue to flow into Spokane County, one minivan load at a time.

For NPR News, I'm Vanessa Romo.

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c969a9 No.21658967

File: c6ceb69c3edf23c⋯.jpg (61.58 KB,500x500,1:1,1676706921995318.jpg)

Well, frens.. it seems this bread is coming to a close.

I appreciate the talk we have had and posts we have shared.

It is coming to close, an ending…

But with it's death, comes a new beginning.

The bread shall flow, the comments shall be, and the autism will create.

Godspeed Patriots, know your worth and your value.

You are the Heroes of This Story.

The last bastion of Freedom.

Enjoy the show.


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c969a9 No.21658968

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB,585x633,195:211,0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


So I'm super funny?



No idea what any of that means.

You'll need to write it down in crayons for me to understand.

But okay, good job!

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9782a6 No.21658969


I wasn't offering Mr. shit for brains.

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c14b7d No.21658970

it is weird, then they said it killed fish, (TSP) but your clothes and dishes were much cleaner and less hot water.


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0e0ea6 No.21658971


You should do Anime Mr. Pig. Shills would die.

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afa8d9 No.21658972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Much more Revelant today than ever…

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c969a9 No.21658973

File: 092ab82a6ad0e2c⋯.png (1.23 MB,1444x1317,1444:1317,1628375694315.png)


I don't mind the pig, he's just a literal cat who makes memes about being a cat.

Not sure what the issue is here?

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802d00 No.21658974

File: 960becef287e738⋯.png (74.36 KB,255x205,51:41,IMG_1447.png)

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6c0f95 No.21658975


>You need to calm down, I feel you are experiencing butt hurt and anger.

and now yer a psychic and an empath…. LOL


pls continue

can't wait to hear what you "identify as" next

will it be a faggot glownigger?

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24876d No.21658976


Terrible aint it?

The breads go on longer because the crap got tossed. Yep, shame the bread just won't fly so the stuff the shill masters want buried sticks around longer.

Yep, gotta shove everything into Previously Collected then the archives because absolutely can't have new eyes coming by and seeing

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ce87ae No.21658977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b23920 No.21658978



The Social Media Network for not sures


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c969a9 No.21658979

File: 371dbd289f0f909⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,292x342,146:171,1635538488876.jpg)


Well, now you are nervously telling jokes.

Not sure what to tell you famalam.

But it's kind of cringe, but you do you; ya know?

Anyways, stop talking to me; you're cringe and super boring.

It's hurting my ears just listening to your typing.

Crazy, really..

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0e0ea6 No.21658980


No issue. Read it again.

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c14b7d No.21658981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21658898 they took away all the phospates



Not to be confused with Calgon (water softener).


Product type Bath and beauty

Owner PDC Brands

Country United States

Introduced 1930; 94 years ago

Previous owners Calgon, Inc.

Merck & Co.

Website www.takemeaway.com

Calgon is an American brand of bath and beauty products, owned by PDC Brands.

Early history

The original product consisted of powdered sodium hexametaphosphate (amorphous sodium polyphosphate), which, in water, would complex with ambient calcium ions and certain other cations—preventing formation of unwanted salts and interference by those cations with the actions of soap or other detergents. Its name, a portmanteau derived from the phrase "calcium gone",[1] was originally promoted for general use in bathing and cleaning. It gave rise to derivative products which have diverged from the original composition. Today, Calgon water softener contains the active ingredient sodium citrate,[2] and the now discontinued powder used zeolite and polycarboxylate, all of which are less problematic in wastewater treatment than phosphates.

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24876d No.21658982

Almost time for a new cycle

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails←You Are Here

Back to top

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c969a9 No.21658984

File: 4896d99c88d0912⋯.png (376.89 KB,704x480,22:15,65eaaff8181dac88a22e2eea10….png)


I'll look into it.


Oh shit, didn't see the period.

Sorry, English major here.


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9782a6 No.21658985


An F-150 is a pickup truck.

I would likely load it with food and drinks and possibly a cooler for an extended stay somewhere. I might also put a camp stove in there if I'd want some hot food during my stay. An, oh, some TP just in case…

You brainiacs always assume the worst thoughts of humanity when a generic statement is made. My banning proves it.

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6d2d51 No.21658986

File: d5a08737c3c8fc2⋯.png (1.08 MB,887x1192,887:1192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79a834b14a8ac44⋯.jpg (216.96 KB,1080x1080,1:1,25.jpg)

One can perhaps quibble with a few of these points, but overall it is accurate



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c14b7d No.21658987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



they took them out of everything that worked excellent



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24876d No.21658988


Yeah, the part about paying a visit to government overlords sure sounded like a nice family camping trip

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9782a6 No.21658989


Never left.

Won't leave

You'll have to drag me out of here…

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f03575 No.21658990


No way it was 1000 bottles of baby oil.

1000 bottles of liquid cocaine (as the bodyguard said) or…adrenochrome?

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ce87ae No.21658991


Ancient Chinese Secret

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c969a9 No.21658992

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,480x480,1:1,1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


Then why did you make it all sound so cryptic?

Sounded like you wanted to load up your truck with guns and shit from what I read.

So why don't you be more specific with your language as to not dilute the insinuation of malpractice?

Stupid faggot, you're so gay all the time.

And fat too.

You're fat.

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24876d No.21658993


I miss the chances to laugh at your reddit spacing?

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df0cc4 No.21658994


i saw someone say ghb but who knows for sure

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3c1196 No.21658995

notables @ 670

#26524 >>21658069

>>21658165, >>21658178, >>21658747 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted Following Federal Corruption Investigation

>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City

>>21658923 @RealSKeshel: NYC Mayor can go down a hero if he spills the beans on the Dem machine

>>21658571 Overview of 'Star Island', where Diddy and other celebrities lived

>>21658902 In Diddy and Britney Spears’ Legal Sagas, One Management Firm Appears

>>21658109 Trevor Moore telling us what you have to do to make it in Hollywood?

>>21658172 Project Agora

>>21658173 https://50voices.org: Ritual abuse and MKUltra survivor stories

>>21658180 Events tomorrow

>>21658211 Google is Celebrating Popcorn on its home page but National Popcorn Day is not until January 19 (119)

>>21658302, >>21658473 PF: B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type

>>21658403 A federal judge ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children

>>21658512 @ScottPresler: This team does not stop

>>21658671 Justin Bieber activated?

>>21658684, >>21658722 In 2007, Oprah's school in Africa suffered a major sexual abuse scandal

>>21658687 Election cookie poll

>>21658688 Speaker designated the period from Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through Monday, November 11, 2024 as a "district work period"

>>21658731 Chabad Rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13

>>21658838 London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned Americans against re-electing former President Trump

>>21658862 Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate

>>21658863 DJT: I'm coming back to Butler!

>>21658875 @JG_CSTT: I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination

>>21658877 QClock September 25, 2024 - FBI & Trump Assassination

>>21658878, >>21658897 DJT: Day one for Kamala was 3.5 years ago

>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California

>>21658986 Kamala's Project 2025

>>21658420, >>21658527, >>21658640, >>21658653, >>21658752, >>21658851 Memes


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c14b7d No.21658996

>>21658991 etched in brain >Ancient Chinese Secret




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c969a9 No.21658997

File: 9a10ae3a78d3980⋯.gif (412.22 KB,507x762,169:254,9a10ae3a78d3980de93113edaa….gif)


Dude, it's crazy how much he does that.

Kek, maybe it's just a problem with his fatness.

He is fat after all, like very fat and obnoxiously fat.

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415cf0 No.21658998

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11750a No.21658999

notables FINAL

#26524 >>21658069

>>21658165, >>21658178, >>21658747 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted Following Federal Corruption Investigation

>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City

>>21658923 @RealSKeshel: NYC Mayor can go down a hero if he spills the beans on the Dem machine

>>21658571 Overview of 'Star Island', where Diddy and other celebrities lived

>>21658902 In Diddy and Britney Spears’ Legal Sagas, One Management Firm Appears

>>21658109 Trevor Moore telling us what you have to do to make it in Hollywood?

>>21658172 Project Agora

>>21658173 https://50voices.org: Ritual abuse and MKUltra survivor stories

>>21658180 Events tomorrow

>>21658211 Google is Celebrating Popcorn on its home page but National Popcorn Day is not until January 19 (119)

>>21658302, >>21658473 PF: B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type

>>21658403 A federal judge ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children

>>21658512 @ScottPresler: This team does not stop

>>21658671 Justin Bieber activated?

>>21658684, >>21658722 In 2007, Oprah's school in Africa suffered a major sexual abuse scandal

>>21658687 Election cookie poll

>>21658688 Speaker designated the period from Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through Monday, November 11, 2024 as a "district work period"

>>21658731 Chabad Rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13

>>21658838 London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned Americans against re-electing former President Trump

>>21658862 Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate

>>21658863 DJT: I'm coming back to Butler!

>>21658875 @JG_CSTT: I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination

>>21658877 QClock September 25, 2024 - FBI & Trump Assassination

>>21658878, >>21658897 DJT: Day one for Kamala was 3.5 years ago

>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California

>>21658986 Kamala's Project 2025

>>21658420, >>21658527, >>21658640, >>21658653, >>21658752, >>21658851 Memes


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6c0f95 No.21659000


at this point, what possible difference does it make?

notables are still collected

the argument could just as easily be made that slow breads with tediously long notables turn people off

in the end, ALL notables are archived, and all are retrievable by thru qresear.ch

it really just comes down to a pretentious ASS who deletes willy nilly to justify the power to delete


and let the rest slide

instead of being a power drunk megalomanic

a baby with a hammer

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c969a9 No.21659003

File: fd6d99f3f93bcc8⋯.png (190.07 KB,340x409,340:409,1636613427803.png)

Hey, get your jabs in now guys.

I'm only here for a short while.

HQ doesn't want us to overuse the anime persona as much anymore.

Relying on Pig memes and SP banter.


Each (you) gives me a 0.005% increase to my daily allowance.

Every two weeks, direct deposit straight into my bank account.

Matter of national security.

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9782a6 No.21659005


Sorry, I graduated crayons 5 decades ago.

I guess your 60- IQ is incapable of anything beyond crayons so I'll have to bid you a good day as the communication methods I typically use are well beyond your comprehension.

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c969a9 No.21659009

File: 61ae8a0583826af⋯.jpg (205.66 KB,784x776,98:97,61ae8a0583826af4070800bea2….jpg)


You aren't making any sense..

Like, please learn to type?

Holy shit, you are retarded and it shows.

Like it shows a lot.

And you're fat, did I mention that you're fat?

Because you're fat.

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11750a No.21659011

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1ae4a7 No.21659012

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24876d No.21659054

File: a1087a0fa1a42e1⋯.png (372.97 KB,500x500,1:1,Pigchan.png)

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f4bd0c No.21659064

File: 6d2dee2e2039a3b⋯.jpg (15.82 KB,251x201,251:201,905geslk09jtlskevjv0t89239….jpg)


>Each (you) gives me a 0.005% increase to my daily allowance


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053d6d No.21662218

bread locked plz migrate

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12633a No.21662271

File: 2f9c14858a258b0⋯.jpg (107.3 KB,800x533,800:533,pr641_23.jpg)



I was divinely guided to share real prophetic messages here, and there is ALWAYS a reason for it. This is another example of it and it's glorious.

This soul replied to the divine message with an insult ('filter' means an incorrect assumption):

"Anonymous 09/25/24 (Wed) 17:10:51 fd685f (28) No.21657652


you get a filter buddy, How you like it?"

A recap of the message.

"September 12th - Divinely urged to buy & drop off food/drinks at the library food bank. After, spiritual guidance communicates "Senate is mine" using my name twice.

September 13th - Official US Senate Twitter/X account publishes records for September 12th & includes opening prayer where 'Your Name' is said twice.

September 16th - The very next tweet/post by the US Senate account's URL ends in 410 which is a magic number and my birthday (April 10th).



Proof of US Senate account URL ending in 410:



Gloriously, a news website 'Filter' publishes an article the same day as the Anon mentioned earlier here, September 25th, featuring a cover photo with a cop car with a license plate that starts with 410 (included as the photo for this post):


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