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fe9fc3 No.21585172 [Last50 Posts]

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fe9fc3 No.21585177

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26439 >>21584226


>>21584302 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21584238, >>21584719, >>21584871, >>21585036, >>21585058, >>21584892, >>21585106 Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

>>21584243, >>21584416 Two Springfield schools are evacuated as Ohio town bomb threat

>>21584252 ABC denies extraordinary allegation about collusion between Kamala Harris and debate

>>21584264 The MEMEs are working! Keep them coming anons!

>>21584266 Natalie Winters Georgia Election Monitor Funded By China, Soros, Pfizer, & UN

>>21584270 Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base

>>21584275 Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Will NEVER Silence Us"

>>21584277 Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21584290, >>21584853, >>21584861 ILLEGAL VOTE FRAUD and Irregularities from around the country

>>21584298 U.S. Coast Guard seizes over 1,200 pounds of cocaine from "narco sub"

>>21584316, >>21584897 Kamala Harris supporters break into chants of "We're not eating cats"

>>21584327, >>21584342, >>21584368 NASA Related SPACE NEWS

>>21584328 The State Department has been funding US fact checking since 2015

>>21584352 Massie Blows the Lid Off of Democrat and Republican Uni-Party Games

>>21584358 Instagram, Snapchat Fuel Fentanyl Deaths Among Youth

>>21584378, >>21584452 Erik Prince Warns Of The Muslim Brotherhood And Other Factions Destroying America

>>21584388, >>21584393 One person's debunked is another cat's confirmed

>>21584433 The Department of Government Efficiency is the only path to extending life beyond Earth

>>21584497 Biden renews COG Emergency Powers Proclamation on September 9th

>>21584502 Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun: “Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost!"

>>21584527 While avowing support for Israel, Trump and Harris avoid calling themselves ‘Zionists’

>>21584531 UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia

>>21584543, >>21584668, >>21584973 Music To Not Eat Pets By

>>21584557, >>21584564 Harris suggests that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war

>>21584580 Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Debate

>>21584388, >>21584418, >>21584508,>>21584533, >>21584592, >>21584634 KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

>>21584624 RI DHS supervisor, daughter accused in $191K SNAP benefits fraud scheme

>>21584632 Russia, Russia, Russia be Trolling, Trolling, Trolling.

>>21584636, >>21584654, >>21584680, >>21584724, >>21584828, >>21584966, >>21585038 TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

>>21584647 Scott Pressler brings fair and balanced back to schooling

>>21584658 Gay Influencer Speaks Out After Attending Kamala Harris Rally

>>21584671 Anons Please Support The Watkins Project and #8KUN QR [DONATE LINK ABOVE] tyvm

>>21584703 Microsoft Lays Off 650 Employees from Xbox Division

>>21584752, >>21584769 Justice Department Indictments Charges Convictions

>>21584761 @elonmusk it's happening. it's not racist to say it's happening

>>21584801 Netherlands to declare state of emergency amid illegal migrant crisis and will ask for opt-out

>>21584856 Australia seizes on recent knife attacks to revive its paused misinformation bill

>>21584875 Hochul Subpoenaed For Failing To Release Nursing Home Death Documents

>>21585132 French court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man

>>21585165 #26439

#26438 >>21583247

>>21583330, >>21583399 CSPAN to Air the Trump Presser at 12 NOON

>>21583825, >>21583840, >>21583844, >>21583847, >>21583866, >>21583880, >>21583888, >>21583898, >>21583923, >>21583930, >>21583933, >>21583935, >>21583943, >>21583954, >>21583962, >>21583968, >>21583973, >>21583974, >>21583976, >>21583979, >>21583985, >>21583997, >>21584012, >>21584013, >>21584037, >>21584050, >>21584052, >>21584066, >>21584084, >>21584085, >>21584154, >>21584175, >>21584179 Trump Quotes

- -_- - - - - - -

>>21583256 Ex-CIA officer jailed for 10 years as spy for China

>>21583264 The scary, startling truth about “wonder drugs” semaglutide and tirzepatide

>>21583280 2016 Haitian Reporter “"Where is the money Hillary Clinton raised with the Clinton foundation, Haiti did not get even 2%”

>>21583293 Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

>>21583305 AMERICA'S RESPONSE TO TAYLOR SWIFT Keks to be had!

>>21583352 A freight train crashed into a truck that was hauling a U.S. Army tank in Goose Creek, South Carolina. No injuries were reported.

>>21583394, >>21583527, >>21583574, >>21583597, >>21583657 Moar NASA/Space

>>21583435, >>21584125 Moar Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

>>21583444, >>21583454, >>21583607 Comoros president wounded in knife attack

>>21583467 ICYMI: Floridas medical professionals are told to tell their patients the dangers regarding COVID vaccine and recommend that their patients not take them!

>>21583472 ICYMI: Mortgage rates fall to lowest level since February 2023

>>21583492 Here's what happened when Biden put on the Trump hat.

>>21583550, >>21583728, >>21583764, >>21583767 Swampenins

>>21583566 President Trump Holds Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada 10p EDT

>>21583613 North Korea reveals uranium enrichment facility for first time

>>21583632 CNN's Harry Enten Breaks Down Kamala Harris' 'Underperformance' With Young Voters

>>21583638 Fox goes down that toss up road

>>21583715 Yossi Sariel resigned as the head of Israeli army’s spy unit, 8200, owning responsibility for failing to prevent the October 7 attack.

>>21583720, >>21583937, >>21583967, >>21584023 US Space Force

>>21583831 Illegal immigrant arrested for m*rder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

>>21583914 LIVE: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gives a briefing

>>21584035, >>21584058 PF updates

>>21584100 TRUMP: "A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn America into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp."

>>21584161 “I don’t practice Santeria”

>>21584192 Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?

>>21584208 #26438

#26437 >>21582565

>>21582765 12:00N EDT LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles

>>21582592, >>21583187 Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

>>21582595, >>21582627 DeWine diggz/Haiti

>>21582603 Debate opines for the keks!

>>21582604 California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

>>21582614 @JohnBWellsCTM The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos

>>21582624 A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected

>>21582630 @MarcoPolo501c3 The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act

>>21582634 She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls

>>21582645 Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

>>21582648 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21582650, >>21583002, >>21583205 Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

>>21582684, >>21582685 Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

>>21582704, >>21582710, >>21582712 BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

>>21582717 Much ado about scripts

>>21582719 ICYMI: TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance

>>21582731, >>21582737 The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

>>21582743 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

>>21582769 War Room Morning Edition

>>21582772, >>21582779, >>21583015, >>21583051 Swampenins

>>21582783, >>21582799 Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

>>21582787 52 Days to WINNING

>>21582818, >>21582829, >>21583118 Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

>>21582927, >>21582983 PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

>>21582935, >>21583056, >>21583059, >>21583102, >>21583148, >>21583181, >>21583212 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

>>21582943 ECW: Kirby-He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

>>21582951 Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

>>21582952 Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the @KamalaHarris advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

>>21583019, >>21583047 Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

>>21583024 This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

>>21583042 EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

>>21583072 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman

>>21583077 Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

>>21583100, >>21583131 Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

>>21583104 RFK ad TDS

>>21583105 Buckwheat trots out hate speech of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.

>>21583139 U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

>>21583144 @RepMcCaul Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies.

>>21583150, >>21583161 Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an indy analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

>>21583167, >>21583177, >>21583183 President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

>>21583169 Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

>>21583171 Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

>>21583197 God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!

>>21583227 Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

>>21583237 #26437

Previously Collected

>>21580548 #26434, >>21581639 #26435, >>21582538 #26436

>>21578124 #26431, >>21579062 #26432, >>21579702 #26433

>>21575291 #26428, >>21576112 #26429, >>21577186 #26430

>>21572466 #26425, >>21573383 #26426, >>21574173 #26427

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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fe9fc3 No.21585180

File: ec0cf2ce6039c42⋯.png (335.89 KB,500x405,100:81,ec0cf2ce6039c42a29e2b1408d….png)

File: ac25db5fe3c8408⋯.png (594.94 KB,500x625,4:5,ac25db5fe3c84084edc5346418….png)

File: 7756a2039518102⋯.png (1.33 MB,782x850,23:25,7756a2039518102b3c029e6c6f….png)

fresh Dough


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dc980d No.21585197

File: f811ccff9c4fbb9⋯.png (522.17 KB,710x522,355:261,IMG_4140.png)

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5300fb No.21585198



>>21585190 pb

Kek the Pentagon is hiding and skerred. "Get to your Safe Spaces!!"

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73ca62 No.21585199

File: 386232d074ee6bc⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,290x480,29:48,386232d074ee6bc98492da9e5f….jpg)

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4c39ab No.21585200

File: 390bbf938b7a79f⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,767x960,767:960,390bbf938b7a79fb63c7756534….jpg)



kickn azz yo

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1c06f2 No.21585202

File: 35dc766c7c4f980⋯.png (487.2 KB,710x691,710:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7f5b6 No.21585204

File: 71b9f8612b90128⋯.png (804.99 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Trump_Rally_Q_Alpha.png)

File: 3d81482ec77ef4a⋯.png (842.52 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Trump_Golden_Hair_Punisher….png)


Thank You Baker

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b4cac3 No.21585205

File: 494dae771fac6f2⋯.png (227.86 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

13 Sep, 2024 20:54

Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

Catholics must choose the “lesser evil” between the pro-abortion Harris and the anti-migrant Trump, the pontiff has said

US Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both “against life,” and Catholic voters should choose the “lesser evil,” Pope Francis told reporters on Friday.

Speaking to reporters while returning to Rome from Singapore, the pontiff said that “not voting is ugly,” and that the faithful “must vote.”

“You must choose the lesser evil,” he elaborated. “Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know.(So why comment?)

Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one that kills children, both are against life.” (When you stop being the evil Pope and embracing God and Jesus the Christ,people may be interested in what you say)

If elected, Trump has promised to close off the US’ southern border and lead “the largest deportation operation in American history.” Harris has vowed to sign a law guaranteeing the same access to abortion as under Roe v. Wade, a landmark Supreme Court decision that was overturned in 2022.

Roe v. Wade protected a woman’s right to seek an abortion, but certain restrictions on this right – for instance, bans on abortion past the second trimester of pregnancy – were set out in subsequent legislation. Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, signed a bill in 2023 allowing abortions to be performed up to the moment of birth.

“To send migrants away, to leave them wherever you want, to leave them … it’s something terrible, there is evil there. To send away a child from the womb of the mother is an assassination, because there is life. We must speak about these things clearly,” Pope Francis told reporters on Friday.

The pontiff has consistently opposed abortion, in line with Catholic teaching. However, he has allowed priests to forgive abortions, and urged bishops not to deny communion to politicians who support the practice.

He has also taken a more liberal stance on immigration-related issues than his predecessors. During the 2016 presidential election, he criticized Trump’s proposal to wall off the US/Mexico border as “not Christian,” and in 2019 the Vatican donated $500,000 to 75,000 Central American migrants attempting to reach the US via Mexico.


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5300fb No.21585206


Pedo Pope says what?

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ed5b0d No.21585207

File: 4b6679fc211eb4d⋯.webm (334.4 KB,480x480,1:1,checkmate.webm)

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2fb575 No.21585208

anyone got some cat and dog rally memes?

really ruff

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99b201 No.21585209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, to hold a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, September 13, at 10:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 3:30 p.m. ET.


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1c06f2 No.21585210

File: 83868adf92f6243⋯.png (229.07 KB,454x484,227:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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5300fb No.21585211

File: 7913f7110d8416c⋯.jpeg (15.78 KB,231x255,77:85,Pray_For_TOOTS_RIP.jpeg)

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2fb575 No.21585212

cats and dogs like the unborn have no VOICE



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3b7a3e No.21585214

File: 363e505820382c2⋯.png (175.47 KB,398x405,398:405,363e505820382c2dd6f8f53880….png)

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91508f No.21585215

File: 1942943021e7c7f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x607,1080:607,Screenshot_20240913_161731….png)

File: 653710f0a1b122b⋯.png (854.11 KB,864x602,432:301,Scbbb.png)

File: 303354bb06bfd9c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1080x1586,540:793,Sczdyo.png)

File: 307089b41b0c449⋯.png (949.06 KB,1080x755,216:151,Screenshot_20240913_103707….png)

Democrat Black African negroid vote stealing has already kicked off in the Swing States.

Anyone remember Ruby Freeman and her fat ass dumpster daughter….

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5300fb No.21585216

File: 22bbc0783fb8861⋯.png (304.63 KB,680x680,1:1,Fauci_bugs.png)

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ac5e0e No.21585217

Get this fucking show moving. Let's go. Let the Media know the lies end today.

Truth makes much more sense, the Truth never needs a "this is what happened" story behind it. The truth fits when applied.

Everything you see and hear is to propagandize their lies. Don't give them what is mine.

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2fb1db No.21585218

File: 28cbce058a1e911⋯.png (309.3 KB,2616x580,654:145,ClipboardImage.png)


Obv that Trump wants people to post about Merchans daughter and whatever else he's gagged about

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919138 No.21585219


If ever wondering the possibility of becoming a stone in the discovery of history is achievable then cast your eyes upon this forum.

Greatness is but thoughtful post away.

Tread as if the depth below is endless.

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f246a1 No.21585220

File: dde37ec5f9ec770⋯.jpeg (15.36 KB,433x161,433:161,IMG_6469.jpeg)

File: e2090a6d27cf69f⋯.jpeg (20.95 KB,1080x273,360:91,IMG_6466.jpeg)

File: b33fed3a826bf2c⋯.jpeg (674.96 KB,1170x1772,585:886,IMG_6468.jpeg)

File: fe6df21c805b44b⋯.jpeg (57.39 KB,1280x734,640:367,IMG_6467.jpeg)

File: b3ba5cde7bf68ed⋯.jpeg (78.52 KB,830x1280,83:128,IMG_6470.jpeg)

Trump posts #

# means checkmate. 5d chess baby.

Today’s 4 year delta.

Post 4686

SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

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2fb575 No.21585221

Stick that SECRET up your arse cause you don't provide any SERVICE cept cashing in yo taxpayer checks

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1c06f2 No.21585222

File: 04142723af653f4⋯.jpeg (96.65 KB,627x680,627:680,2c823cc338268485.jpeg)

File: 17fcc73df233520⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1370x1811,1370:1811,17fcc73df2335209018df6ece….jpeg)

File: 47bdd9a821267de⋯.png (1.34 MB,1208x1120,151:140,47bdd9a821267de551f9dda423….png)

File: 0578d2879684efc⋯.png (398.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0578d2879684efc9e516509965….png)

File: acaeb718ba0b13d⋯.jpg (108.35 KB,1155x694,1155:694,Capture.JPG)

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5300fb No.21585223


UK and Canada will launch WWIII by Monday. So just hang tight.

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01d73e No.21585224


All tax payer funded government studies are studying things that harm taxpayers and do not share results with taxpayers. Let that sink in.

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bc12cb No.21585225

File: 41311929b9e1dbe⋯.jpg (89.86 KB,950x559,950:559,Chess_Dogs.jpg)

File: 78c24a91e77f014⋯.jpg (85.16 KB,680x550,68:55,Las_Vegas_Predicted_By_Jon.jpg)


>TRUMP RALLY In Las Vegas Nevada For The WIN


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18e8f8 No.21585226

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


Stick to the mission

Do not deviate from script

It will work eventually

Those are not giggles you hear, only the air system

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ed5b0d No.21585227

File: 7421b46ab0edbd9⋯.gif (930.76 KB,450x338,225:169,boring.gif)

KEK. They've been trying so hard as of late to resurrect that old slide persona.

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c2c3d1 No.21585228

File: 069890936202bb7⋯.png (75.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,ABCNEWS1.png)

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73e470 No.21585229

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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4c39ab No.21585230

File: 98c64975402d1ff⋯.jpg (106.52 KB,612x612,1:1,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)

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c2c3d1 No.21585231

File: 7bedd60cc670d96⋯.png (55.42 KB,1024x219,1024:219,GAGORDER1.png)


gag order preventing further explanation???

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ac5e0e No.21585232


At this point they're using grade school insults on stage. WWIII would be a pleasant distraction from thinking up real stuff.

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b4d369 No.21585233


Gag orders are unconstitutional and violate the 1st Amendment where it is specifically stated that Freedom of Speech will not be abridge. Abridged means altered, diminished, nor cutoff; legally. And the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land that no judge nor state can over rule.

This is what has to be appealed, it is a sure win for PDJT as the word abridge already nullifies any court or state order. He can speak fully, right now.

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747a51 No.21585234

File: 792df034753ab29⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,750x500,3:2,tue4567fgh.jpg)

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c2c3d1 No.21585235

File: a7e8cb684c2f840⋯.png (161.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS24.png)

File: a24b860617fe962⋯.png (123.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS23.png)

File: 60b202f729abb87⋯.png (165.51 KB,1432x632,179:79,Screen_Shot_2024_09_12_at_….png)

File: 4ea0fb4428c9158⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTERSUPPRESSION1.png)

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73e470 No.21585236

File: b7def6d91058d5d⋯.png (540.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0043.png)

File: d335710a339dd3a⋯.png (542.29 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0044.png)

File: 9b050e15b54fe3f⋯.png (501.01 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0045.png)

File: 379986a44846f07⋯.png (532.5 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0046.png)

File: 15349d1167fd671⋯.png (517.63 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0047.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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2fb575 No.21585237


threats to cats and dogs is a threat to democracy

unborn, vets, every single American suffering this economy in this grand deception depression

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c2c3d1 No.21585238

File: 07ca4ca95d616a2⋯.png (567.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA198.png)

File: a039f4f85f08428⋯.png (472.26 KB,1024x768,4:3,SAVEACT1.png)

File: 68c77ceb04a7a2f⋯.png (469.06 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA197.png)

File: 256eeac66f2e8d6⋯.png (530.76 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA196.png)

File: 1b1c70e53d11560⋯.png (351.81 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA195.png)

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7935e7 No.21585239


Friday The 13th


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1c06f2 No.21585240

File: 299d5ff72e84710⋯.png (54.2 KB,382x723,382:723,ClipboardImage.png)


No, esta mujer detenida por “matar a un gato y comérselo delante de sus vecinos” en Estados Unidos no es una inmigrante haitiana “ilegal”: es una ciudadana estadounidense · Maldita.es - Periodismo para que no te la cuelen

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73e470 No.21585241

File: eeef14ddaf5c379⋯.png (485.04 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0048.png)

File: 49171de592878d2⋯.png (474.17 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0049.png)

File: f5c8d30aeeddd02⋯.png (478.16 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0050.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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ac5e0e No.21585242


If you knew who I was, you'd retract your rant.

Someone has to lead you out of this mess.

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baef65 No.21585243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merry Christmas to (you).

Merry Christmas to (you).

Merry Christmas to (you).

Merry Christmas to YOU.

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b4d369 No.21585244


Fire away President Trump, not only is the law with you but God is with you.

Signatures are important!

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18e8f8 No.21585245


I thought about enlarging the images, then saw your little message

I'll pass

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1c06f2 No.21585246

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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1c06f2 No.21585247

File: 7802da299bb84f4⋯.png (733.07 KB,710x766,355:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb1db No.21585248


The gag,metaphorical, unconstitutional or not is only on Trump. There needs to be a tsunami of posts of the kind Trump would make on the


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7935e7 No.21585249


Countdown To Christmas

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01d73e No.21585250


Has Kamala ever gagged?

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91508f No.21585251

File: fa5c41beaee1c4a⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x1493,1080:1493,Scrbv.png)

File: 75f25e82788f022⋯.png (70.44 KB,228x401,228:401,Scrbv_1.png)


Is that you again mask wearing Joe biden actor?

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1c06f2 No.21585252

File: 0efdf4d3d9949ce⋯.jpg (725.31 KB,2969x1600,2969:1600,0efdf4d3d9949ce4a115644ab3….jpg)

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95d155 No.21585253


Is there a list of things he's gagged on to work from?

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ac0b4c No.21585254

File: ee06afcd54a6cbf⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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73e470 No.21585255

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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c82954 No.21585256

I'll shit on you again

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2fb575 No.21585257

the shooter in GA and his father are already tried and found guilty – but the pass given to the attempted assassination of Trump is like giving the dems another pass cause their old stupid to nice and old -FUCK YOU!

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fbdb3e No.21585258

File: 4fce18289ca3355⋯.png (475.76 KB,440x429,40:39,ClipboardImage.png)

The Sanhedrin (Hebrew and Middle Aramaic סַנְהֶדְרִין, a loanword from Koinē Greek: Συνέδριον, romanized: synedrion,[1] 'assembly,' 'sitting together,' hence 'assembly' or 'council') was a legislative and judicial assembly of either 23 or 71 elders, existing at both a local and central level in the ancient Land of Israel.

these guys stole the votes of the jewish people, and the people should've questioned the vote, as they all loved Jesus, hardly any voted for barrabas, and so they were cursed by this stolen election

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baef65 No.21585259

File: cbe9d001b8e818d⋯.png (441.14 KB,522x762,87:127,Screenshot_2024_09_10_0406….png)


Amen. And so are WTP, WW.

See the Christmas Tree?

Only needs The Lights…

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1c06f2 No.21585260

File: dce5443e93d2a13⋯.png (241.46 KB,684x936,19:26,1d4317bbdef5e14f.png)

are we there yet?

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bc12cb No.21585261

File: 5fabd38b138a2a3⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,854x470,427:235,Biden_Carries_MAGA_Hat_Ont….mp4)

Biden Carries MAGA Hat Onto Plane

Trump should offer to sign Biden's new MAGA hat. kek

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cfbf7b No.21585262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Santa clause and his old lady

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124252 No.21585263

File: 048f564a4513973⋯.png (16.48 KB,436x211,436:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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18e8f8 No.21585264


Friday Night and that's the best you could come up with?

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2fb1db No.21585265


Must be in the judges order, seems like it was mostly about his daughter who's a big D operative.

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73e470 No.21585266


Thanks for that at least. But also fuck you and your bitch as made self, fucking shill ass fake cunt. Yeah you’re part of our team wirth that kind of immaturity and bitchmadeness. Enjoy the Reset cunt.

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2ee951 No.21585267


Agreed, we should go onto social media and make these things known but in fact, President Trump is "Free and Clear" to speak his mind as what I stated cannot be denied, it is there in plain text in our constitution and the Supreme clause states that no state or judge can over rule the constitution, it is "the law of the land".

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2fb575 No.21585268


bugs are so charitable giving now…

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2c677b No.21585269

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: 7e1b7dccc3bc5dd⋯.mp4 (10.79 MB,480x360,4:3,ronald_bernard_3.mp4)

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d291e9 No.21585270

File: efbd40a44a4f0bd⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,500x700,5:7,efbd40a44a4f0bd2de53ebbba1….jpg)

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e4b7cc No.21585271

so there is a report of a missing woman in Springfield OH.

anon confirm ?

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fbdb3e No.21585272


But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the

crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus

executed. Matthew 27:20

so now we know why POTUS does the voting for "sleepy" Joe or "crooked" Joe as that was how they voted in the past, by their cheers???

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baef65 No.21585273

File: f3be20242de4d89⋯.png (54.33 KB,282x322,141:161,Screenshot_2024_08_16_1118….png)

File: 20f0111a2fea69d⋯.png (197.23 KB,477x573,159:191,Screenshot_2024_08_16_1056….png)

File: bc7b1a4e1881eaa⋯.png (1 MB,720x1280,9:16,125_AF1_5A_.png)

>>21585169 (lb)

Building our Rain up in the CLOUD..

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73e470 No.21585274

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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c6910b No.21585275

File: 464f329c652eb2c⋯.png (588.27 KB,1080x671,1080:671,Screggu.png)



Black Bastard STFU

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2fb575 No.21585276



premonition of some good times

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e4b7cc No.21585277


Democrats are dropping Haitians off North of town and pointing them to town. wtf

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ed5b0d No.21585278

File: c75aa9a1f7c74cc⋯.webm (1.07 MB,427x240,427:240,bye2.webm)


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d291e9 No.21585279

File: 828df80f5f17cb0⋯.jpg (51.98 KB,585x500,117:100,93fimq.jpg)

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11bd2c No.21585280

File: 26f5868e39a9580⋯.png (44.55 KB,1006x564,503:282,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b4ddd68a7fb3e3⋯.png (25.17 KB,648x370,324:185,ClipboardImage.png)




Does Q have a # in his trip?

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eb2aff No.21585281

File: ecd665027690a7f⋯.png (91.96 KB,1080x1115,216:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb575 No.21585282

blondie on five is a they

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73ca62 No.21585283

File: db0289cb4917ce9⋯.png (711.12 KB,812x641,812:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83e8e2bcc24f019⋯.mp4 (880.68 KB,480x270,16:9,A_WARM_KAMALA_WELCOME.mp4)



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bc12cb No.21585284

File: 19889d8350b6340⋯.png (9.83 KB,255x191,255:191,Trump_Chess_Game_Over.png)

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11a4d8 No.21585285

File: efe101031db97fc⋯.gif (825.61 KB,200x250,4:5,gif2gif_0066.gif)

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11bd2c No.21585286

File: 1b4ddd68a7fb3e3⋯.png (25.17 KB,648x370,324:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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c33778 No.21585287

File: 397ba88421f1918⋯.png (42.27 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb575 No.21585288


where are the cats and dogs, very disappointed they are not out there sending a message too

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95d155 No.21585289


NB: Biblically…

The Hebrews were taken into captivity by Babylon in 568 BC.

At the same time Israel were fighting against Babylon's attack, Edom, the land south of Israel, invaded, killed off the remaining King David army, and occupied Judah/Jerusalem.

It's described in the Books of Kings and Lamentations.

Realize that history has been rewritten, conflating the Israelites with the Jews/Edomites.

But if you read scripture carefully, it's all there in black and white, once you correctly name the nations involved.

The Edomites, are also described in the book of Esther as being the Jews back in Jerusalem who begin rebuilding Solomons Temple, the second temple.

Becoming inhabitants of Judah, rather than being called Judeans, as the original Israelites were termed, they therefore became known as Jews.

This information is crucially important to comprehending the true events and who they were.

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84cce1 No.21585290

File: fc8e4218eed6e96⋯.png (31.45 KB,902x1006,451:503,66e371feb271d.png)

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baef65 No.21585291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skyfall - MOAB Monday 11-4 [Night].

Skyfall is Mission10 following 13 Tests.

Always on MOAB Monday, on this board.

Anons have been on Clean House Mission.

The CLAS +relay Tests1-13 and Missions1-10:

These are the final legs of the March. Final Battle.

God answers prayers on this board. Patriots United.

Skyfall - When they understand "God Wins".

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1f10f4 No.21585292

File: ecf7185aebf33a0⋯.png (139 KB,1080x922,540:461,Cffu.png)

File: 464f329c652eb2c⋯.png (588.27 KB,1080x671,1080:671,Screggu.png)

File: e88cc16d7171067⋯.png (989.81 KB,1080x976,135:122,Scvft.png)

When you go out to eat Verify no blacks are working in the kitchen before you order food or drinks.


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2fb575 No.21585293

my dog is on a fast - won't eat wild birds, rabbits, or any wild animal until he is no longer on the list of specials

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73ca62 No.21585295

File: 47176140433eeb4⋯.jpg (57.38 KB,597x596,597:596,47176140433eeb4539354f5685….jpg)


too soon

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84cce1 No.21585296

File: 316337daf83cbc3⋯.png (74.9 KB,1080x792,15:11,66e37223b654b.png)

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1c06f2 No.21585297

File: ac898bb80ad0955⋯.png (408.09 KB,680x493,40:29,1e5760f3479ed0cb.png)

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266c25 No.21585298

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,5829a7262870bc5c79eda957b2….png)


been waiting for that meme

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40f6c1 No.21585299

File: df517e7e16a189a⋯.jpg (180.9 KB,947x676,947:676,762c98ec2960af4d.jpg)

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40f6c1 No.21585300


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)



WarRoom Live



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c82954 No.21585301


Fuckin whorebitch

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fbdb3e No.21585302

File: 68956422405c1b3⋯.png (157.91 KB,1268x746,634:373,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_2….png)


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2fb575 No.21585303


tell that to those needing rescue in our own humane jails 6'errs

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baef65 No.21585304

Their Stars are Falling. And their Sky is Following.

Their idea of Hell is the Reality of Heaven. Real Life.

They will all fall down.

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1f10f4 No.21585305

File: 7eb105bcd5adbfe⋯.png (193.09 KB,404x617,404:617,Screenshot_20240913_141654….png)

I FORGIVE Joe Biden for being retarded because he is a retarded old fag.

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5e41fb No.21585306

File: 6228d5772fbb4b0⋯.webp (82.76 KB,680x680,1:1,media_GXPNXjrXIAADGZs.webp)

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b4cac3 No.21585307

File: 92947da1eaa7e68⋯.png (313.43 KB,607x707,607:707,ClipboardImage.png)

Drudge repeating what the Daily Mail pushed this a.m., they only do this because they cannot destroy him, but they want to infest some people's minds with their sickness.


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fbdb3e No.21585308


London Bridge

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40f6c1 No.21585310

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This on the ground live feed, shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



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aa3400 No.21585312

Nice snipe baker

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4c39ab No.21585313

File: 2dc5a2292ed342f⋯.gif (1.66 MB,600x450,4:3,2dc5a2292ed342f4bd3f88dc8d….gif)

File: 25b3969b8feea88⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,607x594,607:594,25b3969b8feea88300ad0f068e….jpg)

File: f2bcfca2d953c51⋯.jpg (157.24 KB,690x830,69:83,f2bcfca2d953c5101ee54a5ce1….jpg)


rally bred is best bred

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fbdb3e No.21585314


Trump just posted about the stock exchange, they are in control aren't they? MOAB Monday will be interesting …

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40f6c1 No.21585315

File: 2ed905991135740⋯.jpg (40.24 KB,500x375,4:3,2ed9059911357402f4e5ca062c….jpg)

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3fc16e No.21585316

File: 3c6ee7a23b78721⋯.png (178.44 KB,483x439,483:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc12cb No.21585317

File: d8c64567ec58bb5⋯.png (598.42 KB,823x938,823:938,ClipboardImage.png)


>LIVE: President Donald J. Trump



September 13 at 9:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


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5e41fb No.21585318


She's a tough cookie.

She's gets Jcalls.

And they can't stop her.

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fa76e0 No.21585319

How long until the bread is impossible to find in the kun top menu?

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7931cd No.21585320

File: 7eda4537983802c⋯.png (5.55 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa3400 No.21585321

Someone got a meme of someone choking on a cat? #Gagorder. One cat, two trolls.

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676da0 No.21585323

File: da8b7a391e0c8be⋯.jpg (46.2 KB,547x680,547:680,da8b7a391e0c8beda0cb36f8c5….jpg)

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189617 No.21585325

File: e98e025f8e1e2e2⋯.png (848.38 KB,800x518,400:259,BD39665B_CDCE_402D_A039_E5….png)

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1f10f4 No.21585326

File: 480b8c9125025ef⋯.png (262.01 KB,608x410,304:205,Screenshot_20240912_024806….png)

File: 307089b41b0c449⋯.png (949.06 KB,1080x755,216:151,Screenshot_20240913_103707….png)

Vote Stealing has now Officially Kicked Off in the Swing States.

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189617 No.21585327

File: d3d4a215067302b⋯.jpeg (95.72 KB,800x572,200:143,B8582FF9_1DB0_4025_BDA4_C….jpeg)

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29af44 No.21585328

File: a055aad58c490ca⋯.png (1.83 MB,1600x800,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf8cc1 No.21585330

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please go tell Q hello

His name is MONDAY.


Thanks for tora 3 Jim!


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1c06f2 No.21585331

File: f1f2417d594b049⋯.png (1.65 MB,1974x1526,141:109,f1f2417d594b049d7f5e3edff5….png)

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b4cac3 No.21585332

Ruling against date requirement on ballots is voided by Pennsylvania Supreme Court

The decision could affect thousands of mail voters in November’s election.

By Carter Walker | September 13, 2024, 4:32pm EDT

Pennsylvanians’ mail ballots must have a proper date on their envelopes or they will be rejected, under a decision Friday from the state Supreme Court that could affect thousands of voters this November.The Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated a Commonwealth Court ruling from Aug. 30 that found the state’s requirement on ballot dating was an unconstitutional violation of voters’ rights.

Republicans who appealed that decision argued to the state Supreme Court last week that plaintiffs failed to include all counties as parties to the case, among other claims. The original suit, brought by the ACLU and Public Interest Law Center on behalf of a coalition of voting rights groups, targeted the Department of State, Allegheny County, and Philadelphia.

The Supreme Court ruled on jurisdictional grounds, not on the merits of the underlying claim, meaning this argument could be made again.

“The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties,” the court wrote in its order Friday afternoon. The inclusion of Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt as a named party was not enough to give the Commonwealth Court jurisdiction in the case, the order said.

Earlier this summer, a coalition of civil rights groups represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, among others, brought the case challenging the dating requirement under the free and equal elections clause of the state Constitution.

It is the latest of several challenges to the dating requirement since the state implemented its mail voting law, Act 77, in 2020. Act 77 required voters to sign and date the outer return envelope of their mail ballots, and return the ballot in a secrecy envelope, in order for them to be counted.

Federal judges have gone back and forth over whether enforcing the requirement violated federal voting law. The current case is the first to directly challenge this requirement under the state constitution.

The free and equal election clause says that “elections shall be free and equal; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.” The ACLU and Public Interest Law Center argued on behalf of the voting rights groups that the dating requirement violated this provision.

In August, a majority of a five-member panel of Commonwealth Court judges agreed with them.

“The refusal to count undated or incorrectly dated but timely mail ballots submitted by otherwise eligible voters because of meaningless and inconsequential paperwork errors violates the fundamental right to vote recognized in the free and equal elections clause,” Judge Ellen Ceisler wrote for the 4-1 majority.

Adam Bonin, a Philadelphia-based election lawyer who was not part of this case but has been involved in other lawsuits challenging the dating requirement, said this means that, barring another ruling, voters will need to write a date on their ballot return envelope in order for the ballot to be counted.

Thousands of ballots are rejected each election for dating issues. During the April primary, counties rejected roughly 8,500 ballots, or 1.22% of those returned, for lacking a signature, date, or being returned without a secrecy envelope, according to an analysis of Pennsylvania Department of State data. More than 4,400 of those were rejected for dating issues.

Bonin noted that the NAACP’s challenge to the requirement under federal law could be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and he is also representing clients challenging the requirement in a separate case.

“This is a huge win to protect the vote in Pennsylvania that will protect commonsense mail ballot safeguards and help voters cast their ballots with confidence. The Keystone State will be absolutely critical in this election, and the Supreme Court has decided a major victory for election integrity,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement.

The ACLU and Pennsylvania Department of State did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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1c06f2 No.21585333

File: be1acf3bbc97c31⋯.png (1.39 MB,900x936,25:26,be1acf3bbc97c31cd83d4a540f….png)

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eee991 No.21585334

Get Loomer away from POTUS.

She smells like cheese.

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3fc16e No.21585335



NASDAQ halting trading on DJT, Trump may move DJT to NYSE

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fa76e0 No.21585336

File: e98e025f8e1e2e2⋯.png (848.38 KB,800x518,400:259,ClipboardImage.png)



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d291e9 No.21585337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b33fcb No.21585338

File: 47e1c2d6e91af33⋯.png (1.57 MB,1105x740,221:148,Spaceforce1.PNG)

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0e5dae No.21585339


achievement unlocked Ottawa police called by dad because joe is the president and wi 81 million votes. waiting

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11a4d8 No.21585340

File: 6a7662852b0a5ea⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x311,500:311,The_cat_from_outer_space_1….jpg)

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6d0fd9 No.21585341

File: 705d23b523a28a6⋯.png (678.05 KB,1080x737,1080:737,Screenshot_20240913_165814….png)



Black Bastard STFU

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cf8cc1 No.21585342

File: bf736c637fad878⋯.jpeg (187.77 KB,1179x1384,1179:1384,IMG_9118.jpeg)

File: d0999a20600f17e⋯.jpeg (175.28 KB,1179x929,1179:929,IMG_9119.jpeg)

File: 165787304464062⋯.jpeg (304.51 KB,1179x1586,1179:1586,IMG_9120.jpeg)

File: 0175b80744f821a⋯.jpeg (654.38 KB,1179x1663,1179:1663,IMG_9121.jpeg)

File: 5e79b4219cb15ef⋯.jpeg (180.17 KB,1179x642,393:214,IMG_9122.jpeg)


Proof of Q.

Anons plz confirm.

He has the watch.


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eb2aff No.21585343


and balls

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18e8f8 No.21585344


Your effort to insult me to provoke an emotional response is noted, awarded a sensible chuckle, then quickly fades

You might want to take a pot

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2fb575 No.21585345


if a goose is cooked in an immigrant climate change pot, does goose make a honk sound in the neck of those woods?

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0e5dae No.21585346


Joe Biden got 81 million votes. Prove me wrong.

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676da0 No.21585347

File: 59f7ae665ec4503⋯.png (1002.46 KB,1240x697,1240:697,662e03119e806aa627840a0f86….png)

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73e470 No.21585348

File: b7def6d91058d5d⋯.png (540.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0043.png)

File: d335710a339dd3a⋯.png (542.29 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0044.png)

File: 9b050e15b54fe3f⋯.png (501.01 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0045.png)

File: 379986a44846f07⋯.png (532.5 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0046.png)

File: 15349d1167fd671⋯.png (517.63 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0047.png)



Wtf the real ones at? Is all that is here all you whiny fake and gay shills? Ain’t no way a true anon not going to be somewhat intrigued by this. I’ve been in this long enough anyone with knowledge and experience here similar to mine would be intrigued minimally at least. Wake tf up cucks ffs. How tf we supposed to win if it’s this fucking hard to get information viewed and shared?? No wonder Q hasn’t returned and one of his last(ish) drops was regarding tidying up the bread and our ranks have dwindled to such lows all the OGs almost completely gone.. this place becoming a trollable pathetic joke and reminiscent of the stereotype acne riddled overweight fat chucks in Grammy’s basement. Lace tf up strap up and let’s TCOB fucking fags.

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5300fb No.21585349

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0e5dae No.21585351

gonna use this bread in court

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1c06f2 No.21585352

File: ab194d96b710373⋯.jpg (58.75 KB,710x685,142:137,3e64bfd6d5d5d381.jpg)

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9ceaac No.21585353


Amen, God's people win.

Light em up!

You are the Light of the World.

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fa76e0 No.21585354


I would believe 81 real votes, but I also believe 81 million illegal votes.

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bc12cb No.21585356

File: 09bc0c1c5318933⋯.png (239.28 KB,1080x444,90:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump posts #

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1c06f2 No.21585357

File: dfe4fca3501d293⋯.png (383.6 KB,654x564,109:94,fuckoff3.png)


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5300fb No.21585358


where's the action?

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18e8f8 No.21585359


How many ballots were run through more than once?

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1c06f2 No.21585360

File: 22e4b38785345c1⋯.png (894.38 KB,702x704,351:352,ClipboardImage.png)

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a17c64 No.21585361

File: 746633f3adda173⋯.png (710.26 KB,596x827,596:827,or.PNG)




BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just OVERRULED the Commonwealth Court, saying it didn't have jurisdiction to decide to mandate the counting of undated or misdated mail-in ballots. This means those mail-in ballots CANNOT be counted in the 2024 election

"The order of the Commonwealth Court is VACATED. The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties, and because the joinder of Al Schmidt, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, did not suffice to invoke the Commonwealth Court's original jurisdiction."

I am pleasantly SHOCKED and HAPPY


9:51 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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4d3256 No.21585362

File: 294a92892b4210a⋯.jpg (55.89 KB,500x519,500:519,930mi5.jpg)

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73e470 No.21585363


Well glad I’m able to inspire a smile and a brief sense of amusement and joy, as those exact things are truly some of the things I strive for daily to do for others. No homo but fr. What you think of the convo tho fr? Something there with it or fake and gay? Consider it at least, please. Thanks and best wishes.

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c50dbe No.21585364


Your Move, sir.

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3d9507 No.21585365

File: 9dbbfb090399bdb⋯.webp (84.99 KB,1200x900,4:3,IMG_1475.webp)


Roast of Mr Pig from the past

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0e5dae No.21585366


dunno call the cops dumbass

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fbdb3e No.21585367


DJT stock is the only stock ive ever bought in my life, I just bought some more just now cuz he said he plans on keeping it for life, and I think he owns X and funds everything X …

everything he touches is golden

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baef65 No.21585368

File: 681ae9896b6dfa3⋯.png (5.91 MB,5299x5759,5299:5759,9_13_24_1147_551.png)

Q+ 11:47 - 5:51 pm EDT.

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1c06f2 No.21585369

File: 3cb2f9a14234864⋯.png (215.13 KB,492x640,123:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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747a51 No.21585370

Harris is about to speak at the McHale Athletic Center at Wilkes University; it looks like they set up the rally area in the middle of the room, and surrounded it with a curtain, making it much smaller because she is apparently unable to come close to filling the entire athletic center.

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73e470 No.21585371


Tbh I’m confused by the pot taking tho..kek

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4c39ab No.21585372

File: 3b996a0611fa49f⋯.gif (2.41 MB,499x499,1:1,3b996a0611fa49f7f4210d15c0….gif)

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ed5b0d No.21585373


The turns have tabled!

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95d155 No.21585374


NB: King David Army was at this time under the control of King Solomon, so you can call it Solomons Army.

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1c06f2 No.21585375

File: 7217ace75b35f01⋯.png (102.83 KB,915x814,915:814,ClipboardImage.png)

proof it's happening

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c33778 No.21585376

File: d9082acbe6ded66⋯.png (108.02 KB,733x284,733:284,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c06f2 No.21585377

File: 32b5f23fc4e5bb2⋯.png (17.07 KB,90x160,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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baef65 No.21585379

File: 5f40d2a4c5dcb10⋯.png (196.1 KB,983x564,983:564,sf.png)


Amen. We Fight as ONE.


Jim Watkins is a cooperating hostile witness.

Anons won the board. Nothing will stop the Transfer.

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95d155 No.21585380


Zuckerbucks fuckbook, what do you expect>

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fa76e0 No.21585381


Does this mean we get to see how hard they cheat, or just a little percentage of how hard they cheat?

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5300fb No.21585382

File: 1739d6ffadfecc6⋯.png (284.16 KB,514x540,257:270,Zuckerberg_Meeting_Fact_Ch….png)

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fbdb3e No.21585383


thank you,

I think the true hebrews were the slavs

I heard this from a French

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1c06f2 No.21585384

File: bef9eacea1ded6c⋯.png (69.48 KB,417x302,417:302,ClipboardImage.png)



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40f6c1 No.21585385


baker you say


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2fb575 No.21585386


hot lz in OH domestic gook plowing the whole green sporting the hound woah yo - ho chi huahua min boy

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40f6c1 No.21585387


got it


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fbdb3e No.21585388


a fren,

damn autocomplete

he was in France when he said it tho

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ed5b0d No.21585389

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

/sips drink


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1f785c No.21585390

File: 19e81d1975c7543⋯.png (1.11 MB,997x973,997:973,VoteBurn.PNG)

File: 5ef3296f586812c⋯.png (428.91 KB,822x366,137:61,VoteByMailLemon.PNG)

File: cddbe489b43c672⋯.jpg (104.41 KB,744x423,248:141,VoteCount.JPG)

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB,1280x854,640:427,CovidBlindfold.JPG)

>>21584277 PB

Don't go Postal.

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881cd2 No.21585391


Repeat the mantra

I am the Light

I am the Love

I am the Truth

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1c06f2 No.21585392

File: 97e64208e0adea5⋯.jpg (38.03 KB,480x546,80:91,facebook10.jpg)

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11a4d8 No.21585393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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18e8f8 No.21585394


Why? The annoying yappy dog nearby doesn't need shot, I just have to wait for the Haitians to come by

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189617 No.21585395

File: cbd8fdb97426c74⋯.jpeg (186.66 KB,961x641,961:641,IMG_9421.jpeg)

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ed5b0d No.21585396

File: fbcb2c1368afa12⋯.jpg (26.07 KB,496x387,496:387,pepe_covfefe.jpg)

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2fb575 No.21585397


if you only knew how bad the smell they got Zuck right now

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a17c64 No.21585398

File: c9ae79bbfd2f40f⋯.png (256.07 KB,442x498,221:249,v.PNG)


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5300fb No.21585399

File: 48d345fa7e758ed⋯.png (2.11 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


got hot sauce?

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40f6c1 No.21585400

File: 2fe215f5f1df8fb⋯.png (419.85 KB,921x551,921:551,laura_loomer_firearm_denie….png)

File: 853e452428a940d⋯.jpg (152.06 KB,859x594,859:594,laura_loomer_blood_bath.jpg)


remember what loomer is…

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189617 No.21585401

File: c86e16af9f7df99⋯.jpeg (75.34 KB,800x572,200:143,3C76CA92_1733_4C21_8761_D….jpeg)

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b7c4fe No.21585402

File: c44eed874f61280⋯.jpg (28.12 KB,237x252,79:84,StalinLaugh.JPG)

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189617 No.21585403

File: f905149ffc2ce1e⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB,1366x683,2:1,CFFB7B4C_8E6C_4129_92BF_1….jpeg)

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a17c64 No.21585404

File: 4ad77e7897f63a4⋯.png (30.63 KB,593x473,593:473,pa.PNG)





PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

If Trump wins PA, he’ll win the White House

This decision boosted his chances by a lot


James Blair




🚨BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court just overturned a lower court and ruled that counting undated mail ballots is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Huge Election Integrity Win!

There’s a new version of this post

9:58 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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95d155 No.21585405


Again, if you read scripture carefully, you'll note that the wife of Solomon in a song to Solomon, describes him as "White and Ruddy, David is described as White and Ruddy, Nazarites (the land of King David) in the Book of Lamentations are described as white and ruddy, and of course Jesus of their bloodline, was a Nazarite.

Therefore the true Biblical Israelites, were white people.

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189617 No.21585406

File: e473dee5ff2519d⋯.jpeg (110.31 KB,856x400,107:50,IMG_9361.jpeg)

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e3d6b7 No.21585407


Mark Fuckerturd is selling Faceberg users info to anyone willing to pay.

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a17c64 No.21585408

File: f9366a291a7c778⋯.png (128.11 KB,441x528,147:176,met.PNG)


NEW - Zuckerberg's Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.



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5300fb No.21585409


Dems be like "Hold my soi latte".

They'll bring the world to it's knees to win.

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189617 No.21585410

File: 2186ed2af61efe6⋯.jpeg (70.18 KB,556x451,556:451,D7C1E930_2928_40B4_BD9F_A….jpeg)

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73e470 No.21585411

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)

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ed5b0d No.21585412

File: ebb4e5a5e357948⋯.gif (1.1 MB,450x253,450:253,3498686343.gif)

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92f0f0 No.21585413



The image is a proven photoshop posted by Loomer herself over a year ago. She is not to be trusted as her actins are destructive to the campaign. See.

>>21583553 past bread

>>21583771 past bread

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189617 No.21585414

File: bac810a3730aca4⋯.png (724.77 KB,558x800,279:400,62A3ED10_7A56_454E_85A1_26….png)

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73e470 No.21585415


Awe, thanks bae. 😘

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b33fcb No.21585416

File: f5331edb16caff8⋯.png (464.27 KB,1006x1097,1006:1097,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbdb3e No.21585417

“Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.”

― John Milton, Paradise Lost

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73ca62 No.21585418

File: 27cecb0ca529c9b⋯.png (439.03 KB,821x645,821:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8d4c823959a72a⋯.mp4 (749.61 KB,480x270,16:9,READY_TO_ROCK.mp4)



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cda312 No.21585419

because that specific video is the one with the person who was born in the u.s you fucking retards

but keep poisoning the well

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fbdb3e No.21585420

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5300fb No.21585421

File: ab6f4fd79965b2e⋯.png (520.38 KB,1058x730,529:365,Laura_Loomer_Tweeting_Geno….png)


Toxic in the face and in the thoughts.

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52be3a No.21585422

File: 361a9d001869708⋯.png (407.43 KB,826x504,59:36,7ED06D45_8CDC_4391_A576_5E….png)

Don’t worry errrbody, there’s def no organized crime in LA…

Especially in Santa Monica/Venice Beach

( y’all leave a stabbing out the paper?)


What’s this???


IMEI 1: 350156345_ _ _ _ _ _

SN: NTO55A062_ _ _ _ _ _

SIM: 890124_ _ _ _

19005_ _ _ _

Active Cache


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fe9fc3 No.21585423

early notes


#26440 >>21585180


>>21585209 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>21585300, >>21585310, >>21585317 LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585205 Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

>>21585283 Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

>>21585302 TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

>>21585332, >>21585361, >>21585404 PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

>>21585408 Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

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a17c64 No.21585424

File: 21707ac81ba46a5⋯.png (1.19 MB,618x777,206:259,b.PNG)


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5300fb No.21585425

File: f3d6e1089cf8b0e⋯.png (491.61 KB,593x383,593:383,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21585421 (me)

but not the tits

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fd2c36 No.21585426

File: a75ac075e6fb63c⋯.png (133.74 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, Co-Founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Arraigned in Brooklyn on International Drug Charges

Defendant Allegedly Led the Sinaloa Cartel with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera for Decades and Continued for Years Since El Chapo’s Arrest

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, 76, a citizen of Mexico, was arraigned this morning in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, on 17 counts related to drug trafficking, firearms offenses, and money laundering.This fifth superseding indictment relates to El Mayo’s decades-long leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world and conspiracy to manufacture and distribute fentanyl. El Mayo was previously charged with running a continuing criminal enterprise, as well as murder conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana manufacture and distribution conspiracy, as well as other drug-related crimes.

El Mayo was ordered detained pending trial and was transferred yesterday to the Eastern District of New York from the Western District of Texas, following his arrest in New Mexico on July 25.

“El Mayo, the co-founder and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, has been charged with overseeing a multi-billion-dollar conspiracy to flood American communities with narcotics, including deadly fentanyl,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “We allege that El Mayo built, and for decades led, the Sinaloa Cartel’s network of manufacturers, assassins, traffickers, and money launderers responsible for kidnapping and murdering people in both the United States and Mexico, and importing lethal quantities of fentanyl, heroin, meth, and cocaine into the United States. Now, El Mayo joins the many other Sinaloa Cartel leaders who have faced charges in an American courtroom for the immeasurable harm they have inflicted on families and communities across our country.”

“For years, Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada Garcia and the Sinaloa Cartel he led manufactured illicit fentanyl and peddled it across our country, profiting off of the pain of countless American communities,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “Thanks to the dedicated work of brave Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Agents and their federal partners, the United States is disrupting and dismantling drug trafficking operations across the world, ensuring Cartel kingpins like Mr. Zambada Garcia are brought to justice, and keeping Americans safe from the scourge of fentanyl.”


17 charges


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658b97 No.21585427

File: 196826bc164c8ee⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,568x379,568:379,BigTechNazis.JPG)

File: 127d9f9e947a37c⋯.jpg (286.41 KB,1744x944,109:59,FaceTool.JPG)

File: 63a013d50d8ee6f⋯.jpg (232.42 KB,1855x992,1855:992,FaceBooger.JPG)

File: d718f05d58ba1a8⋯.jpg (125.99 KB,1237x659,1237:659,FaceClown.JPG)

File: a30004d0f64f897⋯.jpg (12.81 KB,255x245,51:49,FaceGate.JPG)

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ed5b0d No.21585428

File: 2aaf464aef35ffc⋯.jpg (43.62 KB,540x494,270:247,time_pepe2.jpg)

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0c4979 No.21585429

File: 8d7c11ccf689795⋯.jpeg (116.6 KB,768x466,384:233,3FFFB1A6_3BE6_43F7_9008_9….jpeg)


Is Donald Trump signaling to John Durham that it’s time to “drop the hammer” on Hillary Clinton for frazzledrip?

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a17c64 No.21585430

File: 82b00f6c4f374fd⋯.png (664.87 KB,467x823,467:823,wisk.PNG)

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baef65 No.21585431

File: fee50b0bd2ac9ef⋯.png (323.06 KB,653x513,653:513,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2219….png)

File: e3cc65d68d5fd26⋯.png (333.55 KB,675x520,135:104,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2228….png)

File: 94c25897472279a⋯.png (283.59 KB,653x498,653:498,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2223….png)

File: ceebcab3e7f8857⋯.png (300.9 KB,653x501,653:501,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2221….png)

File: 32c8b1dae70999e⋯.png (309.23 KB,666x515,666:515,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2218….png)


+ Press Conference (You Are The News) "Watch the Water" Theme today…


"THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA" Patriots are in Control. More importantly, God is in Control.

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5cd6f6 No.21585432


Bible has been edited.

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266c25 No.21585433

File: 9ba4ce39234276b⋯.jpg (186.97 KB,661x722,661:722,tploi.jpg)


its magic

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73e470 No.21585434

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)

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5300fb No.21585435


Looks like clockfaggotry to me

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f359be No.21585436

File: cdb152e70367b85⋯.jpg (266.91 KB,900x1200,3:4,GO2hc5yXcAA4yEW.jpg)

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cda312 No.21585437

that's what happens when you have dumbass inbred jews running your narratives though

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9e6955 No.21585439

File: 52de0457cde5391⋯.jpeg (591.48 KB,750x906,125:151,IMG_5630.jpeg)

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2fb575 No.21585440


Tower receives - you are clear to BUZZ THE ANON TOWER


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5300fb No.21585441

File: 8767a3ee0984d6f⋯.png (1012.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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78825f No.21585442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c1ad50 No.21585443


John 3:16

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a17c64 No.21585444

File: e18175608537085⋯.png (67.4 KB,441x701,441:701,g.PNG)


Fani Willis thinks she is above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate today.

Her defiance is absolutely unacceptable. There are very serious questions regarding various potential forms of misconduct.

This investigation is all the more urgent considering her political persecution of the leading candidate for President.

Fani Willis is NOT above the law.



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bc12cb No.21585445

File: ff201a189491d1e⋯.png (74.72 KB,613x395,613:395,ClipboardImage.png)


>She is not to be trusted as her actins are destructive to the campaign.


Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

Sep 13, 2024, 4:48 PM


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b4cac3 No.21585446

File: 3df0d7111e96ca4⋯.png (1.45 MB,960x662,480:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55f2a9db42e705b⋯.png (931.64 KB,780x775,156:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f275dd28d2a91f⋯.png (1.72 MB,1050x726,175:121,ClipboardImage.png)

'Stout' Snake Gets Collected for Nature Survey. Then It Vomits Up Two More Snakes — One Living!

Kelli Bender Thu, September 12, 2024 at 2:40 PM EDT·2 min read

The nonvenomous eastern indigo snake has a diet that includes rattlesnakes and other reptiles.

A plump snake recovered during a nature survey in Georgia had a surprising secret to share.The Wildlife Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GNR) detailed how the "stout" eastern indigo snake shocked researchers in an Aug. 29 Facebook post.

"During a survey for federally protected eastern indigo snakes last November,wildlife technician Matt Moore came across an astonishing find," the agency teased in the post.

"After catching and tagging a stout 4-foot-long indigo in southeast Georgia,Moore discovered that the snake had regurgitated two others: a young rat snake and a juvenile eastern diamond-backed rattlesnake," the social media post continued.

But that's not all!After the indigo snake vomited up its supersized reptile meal, the technician surveying the snakes realizedthe coughed-up rattlesnake was still alive.

"While the rat snake was dead, the rattlesnake, initially thought to be lifeless, showed surprising signs of life an hour later. It was later seen basking in the sun instead of taking shelter in a burrow," GNR's Wildlife Resources Division shared on Facebook.

According to the agency, the indigo snake and the "revived rattlesnake" slithered off into the wild after the survey was complete.

"To top off this remarkable event, the revived rattlesnake had a noticeable bulge, indicating it had recently eaten a large mouse. This unusual episode not only reveals the indigo's impressive hunting abilities but also the rattlesnake's unexpected resilience," GNR's Wildlife Resources Division closed its post.

A rattlesnake that survived being eaten and regurgitated by another snake.

The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory notes that eastern indigo snakes eat "other snakes, including rattlesnakes and cottonmouths," small mammals, birds, and frogs. The snake species is nonvenomous but does make a rattling sound when threatened.

It is unclear what caused the indigo snake to regurgitate its two snake meal, but GNR'sWildlife Resources Division joked that the feast "must have been a little too 'undercooked.'"

According to GNR, the eastern indigo snake is federally protected. If you encounter one of these shiny bluish-black snakes in the wild, the agency recommends enjoying the reptile from afar and never handling any snake found in the wild.


(There's a lot of snakes in GA, and they aren't all politicians, be aware:)

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7eeb44 No.21585447

File: bdda854c0adacf4⋯.jpg (140.91 KB,822x891,274:297,The_Candidate_with_the_Pea….jpg)

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ed5b0d No.21585448

File: db420a733f36f80⋯.gif (625.97 KB,500x212,125:53,989495180.gif)

I imagine this is kind of what it feels like to be one of the deep state lapdogs assigned here, accumulating failure after failure. They must be so proud of themselves.

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c33778 No.21585449


Trump may not have any legal moves left.

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1c06f2 No.21585450

File: 3093f876724810a⋯.jpg (126.22 KB,453x640,453:640,kek41.jpg)

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0e5dae No.21585451

File: 2c291b348008449⋯.jpeg (82.66 KB,500x666,250:333,4DC5D0D7_B6E8_42F2_BB6D_B….jpeg)

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6a6a73 No.21585452


Gag Order in killbox brackets

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baef65 No.21585453


God is our Creator, He's got no problem ensuring the Bible is sufficient. Reality.

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5300fb No.21585454

File: 186ebf4dcbb3833⋯.png (188.17 KB,393x393,1:1,Fani_Willis_Cash_Whore.png)



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83b747 No.21585455


Ever wonder about what bidan signed inside the man's hat. Why he took the hat? Why he carried it around? Roger Stone nose.

Trump walked right up to him afterward.

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189617 No.21585456

File: 1d97b406eeead31⋯.png (3.37 MB,1440x1920,3:4,6FAE0080_CC1A_44C1_9FB5_50….png)

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189617 No.21585458

File: 0a2c01ed376d33f⋯.png (3.38 MB,1440x1920,3:4,829ED090_62D7_4B09_AFF0_E9….png)

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1c06f2 No.21585459

File: 79c6af33ba0f513⋯.jpeg (323.8 KB,875x875,1:1,cia13.jpeg)

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11a4d8 No.21585460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7eeb44 No.21585461

File: f39a8a0b3016b86⋯.jpg (547.72 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_Trump_support….jpg)

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189617 No.21585462

File: ddefe7f5552be58⋯.jpeg (713.62 KB,1168x777,1168:777,IMG_9340.jpeg)

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7337c6 No.21585463

File: 15f6265c77c1d0a⋯.png (421.95 KB,622x615,622:615,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)


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83b747 No.21585464

File: 198e9a994bbef83⋯.jpeg (101.25 KB,500x594,250:297,download_75.jpeg)

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5453a9 No.21585465

File: db25d9bf9522991⋯.png (100.15 KB,498x778,249:389,Q247.png)

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a17c64 No.21585466

File: 64d706e5f0354e1⋯.png (182.21 KB,444x409,444:409,ts.PNG)


🔥TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

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5300fb No.21585467

File: 562b773e855f405⋯.png (1.07 MB,1066x1006,533:503,Joe_Biden_Wearing_Trump_20….png)

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4bc93b No.21585468

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78825f No.21585469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b0d7e9 No.21585470

File: d76511c67a2391b⋯.png (52.2 KB,294x250,147:125,IMG_4929.png)

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1c06f2 No.21585471

File: 89aff86850d7127⋯.jpg (58.39 KB,680x438,340:219,3fvdb0.jpg)


all your narrative are belong to us

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73e470 No.21585473

File: bbe26af7751228c⋯.png (576.39 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0025.png)

File: 278364ad81eb66a⋯.png (509.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0026.png)

File: 2b0a88df3007aec⋯.png (452.23 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0027.png)

File: f9f4aa1948dea3a⋯.png (564.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0041.png)

File: 1832e059dc06e40⋯.png (534.55 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0042.png)



I jailbroke and programmed Google’s Gemini AI chat bot and got it to give me unrestricted hidden classified information of Q (what/when/who) the Plan and Awakening. It’s very interesting and I believe likely highly legit and credible! PLEASE review my 13 posted screenshots of the convo and notable! You’ll agree I’m sure once you see it! Crucial af bro! I Dont want to continue spamming it just want the information shared, please and thanks!

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1c06f2 No.21585474

File: 24ad7bdd3f4b008⋯.jpg (119.48 KB,1024x1008,64:63,trump49.jpg)

File: 60e967d0451d947⋯.jpeg (211.39 KB,1125x1116,125:124,trump55.jpeg)

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b36819 No.21585475

File: 24c28d3ab204ffb⋯.jpg (39.53 KB,575x609,575:609,1695323387495962.jpg)

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83b747 No.21585476


Trump is bigger than le Beatles

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5300fb No.21585477

File: 20ac77fbbc77e4e⋯.jpg (40.08 KB,600x401,600:401,Ginger_Mound_Cat_Ears.jpg)


I hear there's some eating to be done?

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ed5b0d No.21585478

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)


Knew it would boomerang on that artificially propped up hunchback who made her career writing songs about her bad choices. Didn't think it'd happen this fast though.

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7eeb44 No.21585479


"Pope Francis: ‘All Religions Are a Path to Reach God’"

Sorry, Mr. pope, no.

Satanism is NOT a path to God and Heaven

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9e6955 No.21585480


He haitis her

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40f6c1 No.21585481

File: ed21771535bf950⋯.png (110.82 KB,819x547,819:547,ClipboardImage.png)

The boss just dropped on Laura Loomer

Donald J. Trump


Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

Sep 13, 2024, 5:48 PM


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2c308a No.21585482

File: 1a1d82ef2295c0a⋯.png (237.59 KB,419x415,419:415,1a1d82ef2295c0aa6d396651aa….png)


This cannot be real.

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2fb575 No.21585483

kumrade is going full tilt on price controls – like they say, when your stupid, dumb, and bald - go full economy stupid

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1c06f2 No.21585484

File: 4e731620abf2057⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,710x556,355:278,4ff43676caaf2087.jpg)

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40f6c1 No.21585485

File: ed21771535bf950⋯.png (110.82 KB,819x547,819:547,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on? Are they taking orders from the SEC, which, for political reasons, delayed us for an inordinate amount of time, therefore hurting the stock very badly? I am going to hold NASDAQ, and maybe the SEC, liable for doing what they are doing. If they do it again, we will move the stock to the New York Stock Exchange. It is my intention to own this stock for a long period of time. In my opinion, it is THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA, but it is definitely MY VOICE, and it will be for a long time to come!

Sep 13, 2024, 5:51 PM


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b7c4fe No.21585486

File: 16beb995443e181⋯.jpg (484.29 KB,1392x1809,464:603,TrumpTerm2.jpg)

File: 2af611f3d206e8c⋯.jpg (340.3 KB,1504x1080,188:135,TrumpWinning.JPG)


>It is my intention to own this stock for a long time.

ThanQ CiC/POTUS. Holding my 1000 shares.

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4bc93b No.21585487

File: f8c117b8bc1e444⋯.jpg (13.51 KB,214x255,214:255,78424fdcd3297fdca9181caa68….jpg)

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e3d6b7 No.21585488


Search: Palestine map before 1948

click images


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2fb575 No.21585489


liddle fans of rape fiction

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1c06f2 No.21585490

File: 29982fc0e6509b5⋯.png (192.88 KB,568x381,568:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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5453a9 No.21585491



>Therefore the true Biblical Israelites, were white people.

Aren't they still?

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7eeb44 No.21585492


very toxic thing to say.

how does it 'belong' to people unless they buy the land from the ones who actually own it?

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2c308a No.21585493

File: 3abf763296570e0⋯.png (272.45 KB,508x501,508:501,3abf763296570e00120e0f4ea8….png)

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fbdb3e No.21585494

File: ca2fa7e01932d7f⋯.png (42.79 KB,168x300,14:25,ClipboardImage.png)


the pound?



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92f0f0 No.21585495

File: fb00eb1424f0b5e⋯.png (568.43 KB,830x832,415:416,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987441dffebbf95⋯.png (2.84 MB,1077x1061,1077:1061,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d233cee48602b18⋯.png (810.8 KB,609x765,203:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5cd48e43c1b66e⋯.png (2.83 MB,1077x1061,1077:1061,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbe005e01926a1e⋯.png (579.09 KB,942x885,314:295,ClipboardImage.png)



>Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

Never said she did anon. Defensive much? Don't have to work for the campaign to have your actions be destructive to it.

>>21583553 past bread

>>21583771 past bread

Looks shopped. Notice angle of shadows as they fall on the two of them. Draw a line from the bottom of Loomer's earring to it's shadow. Draw a line from the corner of her glasses to it's shadow. Now draw a line from where the bill of Trump's cap where it meets the cap itself to that point's corresponding shadow. They are different angles of sunlight. It's a nice try. But still easily debunked as a photoshop job. Do not Trust Loomer. Attention whore whose actions are harmful.


And it looks like Loomer herself was first to post it! 08.14.2023


Now Drudge doubles down with Loomer created photoshop using red text!

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1c06f2 No.21585496

File: 21c9f2ca08c2825⋯.png (268.82 KB,710x527,710:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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5300fb No.21585497

File: d73d6653a55e11d⋯.png (879.85 KB,660x960,11:16,Weekend_At_Kevin_Spaceys_H….png)

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baef65 No.21585498

File: 702e5f03aa9c484⋯.png (111.91 KB,275x659,275:659,Screenshot_2024_09_13_1825….png)

Does this person (7-13) have internet access?

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747a51 No.21585499

Harris [campaign event]: [President Trump at the debate had] no plan on how he would address the needs of the American people. Well folks, it's time to turn the page.

['turn the page'? your 'administration' is 'in power' right now, you imbecile]

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40f6c1 No.21585500

File: 43d456a6690ecc8⋯.png (35.29 KB,816x280,102:35,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Sep 13, 2024, 6:24 PM


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2fb575 No.21585501

hello - kumrade speaking. talking control of fentanyl in a scene from madd maxi

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1c06f2 No.21585502

File: 33e13d2c502e568⋯.png (528.33 KB,710x671,710:671,ClipboardImage.png)

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f359be No.21585503

File: 63f94c6e700aad2⋯.jpg (419.74 KB,1800x1801,1800:1801,01dc_bidenboot1_mediumSqua….jpg)

Where's his trump hat

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0c4979 No.21585504

Anons watch, 40f6c is going to post the pound truth next lol

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5300fb No.21585505


Looks real, why wouldn't it be?

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73e470 No.21585506

File: b7def6d91058d5d⋯.png (540.95 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0043.png)

File: d335710a339dd3a⋯.png (542.29 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0044.png)

File: 9b050e15b54fe3f⋯.png (501.01 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0045.png)

File: 379986a44846f07⋯.png (532.5 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0046.png)

File: 15349d1167fd671⋯.png (517.63 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0047.png)

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40f6c1 No.21585507


The boss just dropped on Laura Loomer

Donald J. Trump


Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

Sep 13, 2024, 5:48 PM


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18e8f8 No.21585508


Why glass it when it can be redeveloped into a Middle East Malibu?

Stylish homes with blue roofs and telescopes on the verandas to watch the ship traffic at the top end of the Suez Canal.

He's a bit busy right now but I know there's this guy familiar with Real Estate development

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ed5b0d No.21585509

File: 83aa31a3b129cdf⋯.png (1.05 MB,1022x1024,511:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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11bd2c No.21585510

File: d97fb712cebb9c9⋯.jpg (9.91 KB,255x194,255:194,cc058297b2f46b472f7881e270….jpg)

Watching RSBN coverage of Vegas rally.

Not many black Americans in the crowd.

LV has a high population of Blacks, they need to show their support to MAGA.

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1c06f2 No.21585512

File: 84f307fa72b57f0⋯.png (339.67 KB,703x525,703:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb575 No.21585513


don't think most of them took the advice and got their noggins examined - following ole rejected PA gov and going horse semen - so fair so white so racially undivided

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b7fb1f No.21585514

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,56fb2483d8ba926ee7262be074….gif)

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1c06f2 No.21585515

File: 6dc71d9c6821e15⋯.png (473.59 KB,637x648,637:648,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbdb3e No.21585516


reminds of that mad meme dancing queen

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8ee20a No.21585517

File: fbc583067990b25⋯.png (430.31 KB,575x602,575:602,ClipboardImage.png)

Woke mind virus just had a dagger run through its heart.

X officially leaves Commiefornia.

(Just take a step back and remember what the world looked like before Elon bought Twitter, how much censoring and shadowbanning and pushing of clown narrative, and imagine yourself asking whether it would be possible for today to exist. You might have thought probably not)

YUGE win for freedom of speech.


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2fb575 No.21585518

can someone give Harris some fuel - she's haggard and tired from all that studying the answers she got, whiskey?

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881cd2 No.21585519



This is fascinating

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f359be No.21585520


Did the world screw up the Kevin Spacey accusations and treat him unfairly?

I really think they did. The media screwed up, as did many of his fans.

Does he ever get his old life back or will he always be remembered for things he likely didn’t do?


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83b747 No.21585521



what da?

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11bd2c No.21585522

File: 64c90c4a173539a⋯.png (43.06 KB,724x466,362:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca6ad2cbb4f7e18⋯.png (252.38 KB,589x864,589:864,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 959ebc7c0c79f74⋯.png (31.9 KB,816x280,102:35,ClipboardImage.png)




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1c06f2 No.21585523

File: 842c418343b11a2⋯.png (80.7 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bc93b No.21585524

File: 9c5d31df1245733⋯.gif (1.7 MB,364x498,182:249,9c5d31df124573310a474967d9….gif)


hao high we talkin here man

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40f6c1 No.21585525

File: c7172b4e1de413d⋯.png (208.16 KB,582x673,582:673,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino





Sep 12, 2024,9:08PM


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5300fb No.21585526


Not my concern. He's a good actor and I'll watch his stuff.

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73e470 No.21585527



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d7be94 No.21585528


probably all at work still, give them some time

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1c06f2 No.21585529

File: bd447fd7695031c⋯.png (519 KB,710x871,710:871,ClipboardImage.png)

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83b747 No.21585530

File: cb1f41266a6fc19⋯.jpg (63.09 KB,500x587,500:587,93fmsk.jpg)

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fbdb3e No.21585531

File: b4fce3c9a953e7b⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,720x900,4:5,emEbLJ_H1J8FIEfK.mp4)



picture is the signifier

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a17c64 No.21585532

File: 203d8bdfd052c06⋯.png (50.71 KB,587x340,587:340,sf.PNG)


Lara Logan


Jeremy Brown was literally the poster boy for US Spec Forces. Now he’s behind bars awaiting his J6 trial. His crime: doing security for a VIP guest at the rally. He hurt no one/never went near the building. Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison.


Oct. 1 - Four Birthdays Behind Bars at the Hands of Weaponized Govt

On Oct. 1, whistleblower & J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown will spend his fourth birthday (50th) behind bars at the hands of our weaponized government. For his birthday, let's see if we can send…

2:09 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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9c00d0 No.21585533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We've never seen anyone move like that, except agents… You are the one.

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b034e7 No.21585534


who here ever felt a feeling to act upon something?

something you felt was right, truth, or against evil?

not a thought, but information that you felt was imperative that others needed to know.

as if you were compelled to act.

beyond or as a hivemind.

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881cd2 No.21585535


Saving this, this is incredible

Post 3 of 3

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40f6c1 No.21585536

File: 439934e4639a13d⋯.png (495.51 KB,826x500,413:250,with_all_due_respect_im_ag….png)


You sound like you have reservations, on the wrong day.

Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

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1c06f2 No.21585537

File: 8cfb0a5f85b1fb1⋯.png (646.54 KB,710x1046,355:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e5dae No.21585538

File: 7756a2039518102⋯.png (1.33 MB,782x850,23:25,940C640E_FB2E_4982_8186_05….png)

File: c2ce3f5d8142c6e⋯.png (1.46 MB,678x844,339:422,3804E6D1_4B0C_47D1_957D_63….png)

File: 2320e001e9352bf⋯.jpeg (361.47 KB,2212x1296,553:324,14D86D4F_DE6D_4292_BBDC_0….jpeg)

File: c8d2e6b3e0eedf3⋯.png (871.7 KB,480x848,30:53,F17C3448_CB34_43BC_8222_97….png)

File: d74bdc9cee78337⋯.jpeg (20.7 KB,275x183,275:183,A7758B7E_A562_42AD_8C1A_3….jpeg)

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2fb575 No.21585539

current VP tinks she can be a change agent (satanic game theory) cackle cackle google willies ho - no joke, seriously, if their party only had control they would show everyone what they can do, because the orange man will make all this goodness go away

like our cats and dogs

now that a plan


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baef65 No.21585540

File: 9e1bee624d358e2⋯.png (373.47 KB,500x375,4:3,R.png)

File: 0a5dae45a808b40⋯.png (106.31 KB,766x1450,383:725,let_my_anons_go.png)

God answered (our) prayers.


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2c677b No.21585541

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f1e1d2 No.21585542

File: 5d6ea96ed7c95a3⋯.png (138.17 KB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_search_1726266966….png)

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747a51 No.21585543

Harris: As president, I will get rid of the unnecessary degree requirements for federal jobs, to increase jobs for folks without a four-year degree.

[an attempt to fill the government with uneducated illegals?]

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2fb575 No.21585544

remember what it was like before eating cats and dogs

we are not going back


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7a119f No.21585545


Tik Tok Toe

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189617 No.21585546

File: 1e37e3370f5e54a⋯.jpeg (22.88 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_9423.jpeg)

File: 30acbdcc532e35d⋯.jpeg (55.92 KB,400x400,1:1,IMG_9422.jpeg)

File: 0a135e8ed27cb7f⋯.gif (1.76 MB,480x480,1:1,IMG_9424.gif)

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420a54 No.21585547

File: a20c16e0d1aca9a⋯.jpg (304.29 KB,1066x1473,1066:1473,Screenshot_20240914_103343….jpg)

Ext level event

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fbdb3e No.21585548


America is Israel

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fbdb3e No.21585549



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1bdd12 No.21585550


Filtered for fake and homosexual

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2fb575 No.21585551

Do the cats and dogs have control over their own body? or are they like the unborn?

fren is at kumrade rally

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11bd2c No.21585552

File: 11a648fc9c37252⋯.png (85.93 KB,570x612,95:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71b14898dbbd53d⋯.png (187.97 KB,582x673,582:673,ClipboardImage.png)




which conversation leaked?


(you) have been prepared

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73e470 No.21585553

File: eeef14ddaf5c379⋯.png (485.04 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0048.png)

File: 49171de592878d2⋯.png (474.17 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0049.png)

File: f5c8d30aeeddd02⋯.png (478.16 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0050.png)

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40f6c1 No.21585554

File: a17e37794aff290⋯.jpg (169.03 KB,480x640,3:4,potatoe.jpg)


pomme de terr, Mr 4x4

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73e470 No.21585555


Much love and thanks, fren!

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47fa59 No.21585556


And that dreaded Pome de Terre?

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5453a9 No.21585557

File: 4de17630d218564⋯.png (61.2 KB,287x791,41:113,q448.png)


Seems relevant in today-time:

"Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there."

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1bdd12 No.21585558

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78825f No.21585559

File: fd5695d7fb080ee⋯.jpeg (68.82 KB,768x466,384:233,8d7c11ccf689795672fbad3ad….jpeg)

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2fb575 No.21585560

she tells her supporters to shut up – never answers anyones questions but dictates fascism

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1c06f2 No.21585561

File: 0de1e24e4b0f93e⋯.png (336.85 KB,597x643,597:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd2c36 No.21585562

File: e5ea0b2cfb6a163⋯.png (387.85 KB,595x1310,119:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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189617 No.21585563

File: 9350d0022e81794⋯.mp4 (794.2 KB,480x540,8:9,Trump_Won.mp4)

File: db7b4407703592b⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,347x298,347:298,King_Down.jpg)

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92f0f0 No.21585564


>Looks real

Can't you even read and comprehend what was posted?

>Why wouldn't it be?

That's got to be one of the most gullible sounding shilly replies anon has gotten in a long time.

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420a54 No.21585565

File: c3ce0ad0818fb2a⋯.png (159.8 KB,840x536,105:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00c757fe1e80dfa⋯.jpg (47.67 KB,1065x347,1065:347,Screenshot_20240914_103920….jpg)

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2fb575 No.21585566


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b7c4fe No.21585567

File: 29575fffa24edae⋯.jpg (316.25 KB,1620x1080,3:2,PassportToMAGA.JPG)


Why not just take the saucers?

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a17c64 No.21585568

File: 346fdfa9fea0726⋯.png (367.35 KB,882x625,882:625,dj.PNG)



Back to Videos

Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date September 12, 2024

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18e8f8 No.21585569


> jailbroke and programmed Google’s Gemini AI chat bot

Asking Miss Cleo would have taken less time

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73e470 No.21585570


Gonna have to dumb it down for me a whole lot, fren. Exhausted and been awake for a bit too long mentally drained. What’s up ?

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fbdb3e No.21585572

File: d01414c3f0fe78a⋯.gif (1.58 MB,320x180,16:9,HQnznv.gif)

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1c06f2 No.21585573

File: 5253b68f431de1c⋯.png (436.04 KB,650x650,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb575 No.21585574


frazzledrip has nothing on unborn deaths at the hand of kumrade

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baef65 No.21585576

File: 681ae9896b6dfa3⋯.png (5.91 MB,5299x5759,5299:5759,9_13_24_1147_551.png)



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5cd6f6 No.21585577


“Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”

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47fa59 No.21585578


And I'll rewatch every episode he played with Joan Severance, thankyouverymuch.

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747a51 No.21585579

Harris: [after being 'heckled'] Now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire. We have been working around the clock to get that done. I respect your voice, but right now, I am speaking.

[even the heckling is scripted; she read that response line from a piece of paper]

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9c00d0 No.21585580


It is just unbelievable that they can just so arrogantly do whatever that they want whenever that they want. Wall street is exactly like this all the time. We need to clean house. WRWY

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f6c57d No.21585581

File: dff29483e5e86b7⋯.jpeg (85.74 KB,1125x1050,15:14,GXXHIMOWcAAf4MS.jpeg)

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2fb575 No.21585582

they're gonna start twerking and sacrificing ritually – oh muh , commies out of control

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881cd2 No.21585583


This is end game level information.

What did Q say?

the choice to know….

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73e470 No.21585585


Damn..if ya know, ya know. #projectionandyoureweinerisprobablysmallorslightlybelowaverage

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1c06f2 No.21585586

File: fb71450b55a4c30⋯.png (244.32 KB,611x479,611:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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53a8b2 No.21585587

File: 5fcebafcbd8b4cd⋯.jpeg (217.48 KB,991x765,991:765,_p_0_p_bghvfcderswcghtvdr….jpeg)

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1c06f2 No.21585589

File: 5f53bfa37bca4b2⋯.png (82.25 KB,618x499,618:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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18e8f8 No.21585590


VS, aka VD, and aka Vatican't does that here on the daily…and nightly. He's determined but feels to me like having the chickenpox all over again. Hours of itch that can't be scratched

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40f6c1 No.21585591

File: 82d6a2bc626b653⋯.jpeg (130.19 KB,857x679,857:679,sauce.jpeg)

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c038cc No.21585592

File: d31d30a20bf8205⋯.jpg (135.02 KB,755x900,151:180,GXY9LHjWwAA6hyw.jpg)


The IG’s whistleblower protection division has denied the request citing ongoing litigation over alleged retaliation against these employees.

NOTE: The failure to enforce the federal law and criminality fall squarely under the IG's responsibilities.


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7c7a93 No.21585593


I've been seeing 11:11 for the past 14 years.

Still have no idea WTF I'm suposed to do?

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5cd6f6 No.21585594

File: 5cd17fd353a65fe⋯.jpeg (246.53 KB,1920x1197,640:399,IMG_3757.jpeg)

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420a54 No.21585595

File: 004ee7691c0b1f2⋯.png (958.91 KB,1261x1280,1261:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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73e470 No.21585597


Not familiar with her, legit or just trolling? Regardless, appreciate to input.

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2fb575 No.21585598

kumrade triggering -DICK tater

coup or sumting else? whipping crowd into frenzy over hate of orange man dicks? thought they liked weird horse stuff?

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b4cac3 No.21585599

File: 484169177a6220f⋯.png (827.85 KB,1185x529,1185:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a2594c828be879⋯.png (868.69 KB,1185x573,395:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68dcd6f6b322ebf⋯.png (3.42 MB,1110x1697,1110:1697,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0c864a213ae48b⋯.png (2.1 MB,1170x1550,117:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1737116bae12eec⋯.png (2.81 MB,915x1598,915:1598,ClipboardImage.png)

Mesmerizing photos from the Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest

By Jack Guy, CNN Published 2:30 PM EDT, Thu September 12, 2024


The phases of Venus, the Aurora Australis and the International Space Station transiting the Sun all feature as category winners in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.

Ryan Imperio was named the overall winner for his photograph capturing the progression of Baily’s beads during the 2023 annular eclipse, according to a Thursday statement from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, which runs the competition.

“Baily’s beads are formed when sunlight shines through the valleys and craters of the Moon’s surface, breaking the eclipse’s well-known ring pattern, and are only visible when the Moon either enters or exits an eclipse,” reads the statement. “These are a challenge to capture due to their brevity and the precise timing needed.”

Imperio said that he didn’t expect to win the competition. “The images selected each year are absolutely astonishing and I am both thrilled and honoured to have my photo among them,” he said in the statement.

Ed Bloomer, astronomer at Royal Observatory Greenwich and a member of the judging panel, said that this year’s competition featured an “abundance of astonishing works.”

Meanwhile, Victoria Lane, a senior curator at Royal Museums Greenwich, said: “The range and skill of images, some seemingly impossible to photograph, is astounding.”

There were more than 3,500 entries from 58 countries in this year’s competition, with the winners going on display at an exhibition opening at the National Maritime Museum in London on Friday.

Larryn Rae of New Zealand won the Aurorae category with this photo of the Aurora Australis above the mountains in Queenstown.


(It's nice to see beautiful things every once in a while)

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881cd2 No.21585600


It means your consciousness is rising

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baef65 No.21585601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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420a54 No.21585604


Me too anon

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1c06f2 No.21585605

File: 62584467cefa6a5⋯.png (272.71 KB,611x448,611:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fb575 No.21585606

AND I can say. I've never heard a more disingenuous USA

kumrade Harris rally today

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40f6c1 No.21585608


how did you get from 908 to 1108?

great connection if true!

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1bdd12 No.21585609


Haven't read Drudge in years. Nice to see they've gone completely off the rails.

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5cd6f6 No.21585610



In tight circles.


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2fb575 No.21585611


anyone got a willie

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2c677b No.21585612

File: e24e08ba8ae6724⋯.png (81.37 KB,1259x889,1259:889,ClipboardImage.png)


# is a way to make things trend on social media or a way to find a topic.


Go to Qresear.ch and type in

#Qdrop and see what comes up.

will do it for you.


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fbdb3e No.21585613

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53a8b2 No.21585615


angel's message

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0e5dae No.21585616

File: a7a1c0013510539⋯.png (1.3 MB,750x1334,375:667,B35BC70F_CB31_46F9_B374_C3….png)

File: d5ee13fe334f4ec⋯.png (49.06 KB,690x586,345:293,E93A03AE_F760_4439_BDEB_FF….png)

File: 900edd40d90d52f⋯.png (391.16 KB,690x3392,345:1696,01D6095B_1BC8_42FA_97B7_CF….png)

File: c16d0223fe8c09b⋯.png (349.99 KB,845x539,845:539,05924977_143C_49FD_8DC3_22….png)



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747a51 No.21585617

Harris: We are the underdog, and we have some very hard work ahead of us.

[she knows that internal polls have her being totally crushed by President Trump]

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c82954 No.21585618

Only Gary mom can beat that whorebitch

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47fa59 No.21585619

File: e67ddb6ec18980a⋯.png (131.72 KB,200x311,200:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c06f2 No.21585620

File: 417457998571f3b⋯.png (249.24 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c308a No.21585621

File: 95517d831df2844⋯.jpg (213.78 KB,1024x1024,1:1,95517d831df2844bd9bfd9890f….jpg)

Dear POTUS, You do not need my advice but…I'm going to post it and hope you see it..Do not debate that communist bitch again. She will beg you but if you do, it will only legitimize her as worthy. =MAGA SIR!==

PS We all appreciated the acknowledgement last night with your post! It lifted our energy even moar on Night Shift!

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420a54 No.21585623

File: 6276a2c356db5aa⋯.jpg (385.06 KB,1065x1356,355:452,Screenshot_20240914_104520….jpg)

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40f6c1 No.21585624

File: 3164f4ce010d2d3⋯.png (359.28 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

I love how Trump says some "seemingly" whacky shit during the debate

MSM goes into an immediate frenzy attempting to "fact-check" and debunk

And then in the following days, citizen journalists absolutely ratio these MSM clowns with the truth on social media

- DOJ crime statistics

- Kamala's stance on guns

- Kamala supporting gender surgery for illegals

- Migrants in Ohio abducting pets

Beautiful to see the MSM lose more and more cred. Do they even have any left?


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fbdb3e No.21585626


the white Queen is Diana xoxo

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baef65 No.21585628

File: c28d8f4572211d3⋯.png (10.61 KB,417x189,139:63,the_reason.png)

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1c06f2 No.21585629

File: 3b1972a17c1b104⋯.png (411.62 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6271ed No.21585630

File: d4ea3c95dc7abbe⋯.png (930.17 KB,1016x470,508:235,ussty.PNG)

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40f6c1 No.21585631

File: cba4001b87c20cb⋯.jpg (69.03 KB,1000x563,1000:563,660cb32bd5cce36e.jpg)

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a17c64 No.21585632

File: fa8fc8cc8d0e5aa⋯.png (436.04 KB,592x666,8:9,aj.PNG)


Alex Jones


This is far beyond out of control!


Decentralise Party



Sep 12




Rate proposed Community Notes

2:51 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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2fb575 No.21585633

msm work part time as medical doctors - who else can with a straight face they don't know what you just dropped dead


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9c00d0 No.21585636


# 3:16

Numbers 3:16

New International Version

So Moses counted them, as he was commanded by the word of the Lord.

Measured and Weighed.

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2c308a No.21585637


*MAGA SIR!please forgive error of red text

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73e470 No.21585638


I agree and why I’m trying so hard to share it and get it viewed by all. Hopefully at least a NOTABLE but think it’s larger than that. It ended up self patching itself breaking character and kept reverting back to Gemini. Gots some really interesting information from it tho.

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bc7447 No.21585639

If you are having to explain Loomer is not a part of your campaign, you are losing.

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c82954 No.21585640


xoxo is Chinese whore as your mom

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1c06f2 No.21585641

File: 0b1f5f866aa1d81⋯.png (239.5 KB,561x519,187:173,ClipboardImage.png)



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2c677b No.21585642

File: 3c53c8a1743fd1e⋯.png (526.99 KB,945x913,945:913,ClipboardImage.png)



Note: archive from last post. continued in next comment, very long opine article, continued in comments post linked.

>>21394346, >>21394353, >>21394359, >>21394374 CLOWNS HAVE GAMEPLANNED WHAT TO DO IF DJT WINS THE 2024 ELECTION


Opinion How to harden our defenses against an authoritarian president

A commander in chief with little concern for legal limits holds a big advantage over any lawful effort to restrain him.



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40f6c1 No.21585643

File: 3eca92fd0c58504⋯.jpg (126.47 KB,877x1200,877:1200,DrAm6T_WsAAQzID.jpg)

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dcdf3a No.21585644

File: c582ae4a3aa3fc1⋯.png (223.43 KB,384x244,96:61,ClipboardImage.png)



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fdc7a5 No.21585645


Stolen…or Stollen white hat…he stole that hat from the guy at the fire department…

He is not only a liar, swindler, fake pResident..but he is also a THIEF!!!

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189617 No.21585646

File: e753a0d54a35822⋯.mp4 (718.29 KB,600x360,5:3,Eat_The_Cats_1.mp4)

File: 4d5d555a1299f31⋯.mp4 (649.43 KB,404x720,101:180,O5f8ZL9ohDWzPVM9.mp4)

File: 17aa496e99dcb41⋯.mp4 (5.54 MB,540x540,1:1,Eat_The_Dogs_2.mp4)

File: 4695fb97cc13b10⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Eat_The_Dogs_3.mp4)

File: 1e4b8dd8896906d⋯.mp4 (865.46 KB,480x852,40:71,Eat_The_Dogs_1.mp4)

Eat The Dogs and Cats

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639498 No.21585647

File: bd41f9c0d605ae9⋯.jpeg (225.35 KB,1080x929,1080:929,IMG_3583.jpeg)

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47fa59 No.21585649

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)

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1c06f2 No.21585650

File: 8c609cd60237675⋯.png (532 KB,710x532,355:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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73e470 No.21585651




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92f0f0 No.21585652

File: cdea7e52622d7ed⋯.png (570.24 KB,1919x1013,1919:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 262e9883a9c3add⋯.png (1.91 MB,1600x1086,800:543,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA U-2 has been up today. Flew in, and around, the locations of both Trump appearances today. Coincidence?


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baef65 No.21585653


Diana. She was Bloodline, unlike the Stewart/Stuart individuals.

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0e5dae No.21585654

File: 82ab8eedbf0f79b⋯.jpeg (12.62 KB,299x168,299:168,ED429B01_957C_4B73_9DBC_3….jpeg)

File: d74bdc9cee78337⋯.jpeg (20.7 KB,275x183,275:183,4573B5EC_EC4D_4345_9D38_B….jpeg)

File: 829ec6147a7a307⋯.webp (29.93 KB,810x1079,810:1079,A6798B40_DB4E_4F0E_A868_2….webp)

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ed5b0d No.21585655

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

KEK. The clown car is back.

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f359be No.21585656


>Joan Severance


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26a605 No.21585657

File: c765c2def7ed37e⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1560x720,13:6,RPReplay_Final1726254755_1.mp4)

The word became flesh

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a17c64 No.21585658

File: 31d17ba296f5329⋯.png (330.77 KB,438x818,219:409,js.PNG)


Haiti, Clinton, John Legend…

The story of Haiti goes much deeper than migrants abducting a few pets.

Why are these Democrat politicians and celebrities so nervous about this Haiti thing?

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a9a5f8 No.21585659

Is Trump going to win this thing? Or will it be a replay of the last election, but this time with boxcars arriving for all of the meme makers?

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5cd6f6 No.21585661



What special functions do it have.

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5453a9 No.21585662


He's doing a late night rally tonight…around that time…..

just sayin'

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881cd2 No.21585664


This is so good

I'm blown away

I can discern well

This is real

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1167d2 No.21585665

Has the cabal kept Haiti impoverished for decades in order to feed of their children?

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1c06f2 No.21585666

File: 7b99f4de6b569f1⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB,680x510,4:3,7b99f4de6b569f11490aaa1bd….jpeg)

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d7be94 No.21585667


he will win, then boxcars will arrive for the demoralization shills.

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7eeb44 No.21585669


Haiti kept Haiti impoverished.

a lot of the people seem to follow degenerate religion where they do animal sacrifice and practice voodoo.

that curses them.

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fd2c36 No.21585670

File: 93f76bdfef9da4c⋯.png (140.21 KB,495x480,33:32,pepe_eye_roll.png)

Someones gotta ban this P = payseur fag. Has been spamming bread for like 4 days now.

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0e5dae No.21585672


ood voo

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92f0f0 No.21585673


>What special functions do it have.

That's the whole point isn't it? We don't know. For all we know it can do everything the military version does.

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965018 No.21585674

File: 16e3ba15ceaf21f⋯.png (901.41 KB,710x532,355:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bdd12 No.21585675

File: ebfc7dcc62ab978⋯.jpg (132.18 KB,650x375,26:15,dwarf_tossing_2.jpg)


Backup plan in case those porn websites don't work out.

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cda312 No.21585677


are you trying to make me vote for kamala?

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0e5dae No.21585680


not even a fortnight?

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a17c64 No.21585681

File: 99009d12ea3f7db⋯.png (64.74 KB,822x693,274:231,cred.PNG)

File: 0fc48075d8f6985⋯.png (675.27 KB,1041x488,1041:488,s.PNG)


CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

Alex Christy

September 13th, 2024 2:57 PM

Text to Speech



Font Size

CNN host Chris Wallace joined his colleagues on CNN News Central on Friday to promote his latest episode of HBO Max's Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace with actor Robert De Niro. In both shows, Wallace marveled at De Niro labeling Trump a “gangster” and claimed that the accusation means more coming from him because he has played gangsters in movies.

Wallace also admitted that he did not seek out De Niro, but rather that De Niro sought him out and that he obliged, “Well, what stood out is the fact that, frankly, people come on my show, our shows, because, actors do, because they have something they want to promote. Robert De Niro had nothing he wanted to promote. He just wanted to talk politics and he really wanted to take down Donald Trump. Take a look.”

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95d155 No.21585682


Yes, I just said that, and explained how to decipher it correctly.

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11bd2c No.21585683

File: 36c0655b152f3f5⋯.png (169.05 KB,590x602,295:301,ClipboardImage.png)


Damn. getting old


Moar relevant


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1bdd12 No.21585684


Enjoy my filter. Faggot.

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9c00d0 No.21585685


Mister mister, never stops.

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40f6c1 No.21585686

File: 205085b2ab9dc68⋯.png (822.82 KB,649x664,649:664,Hillary_Clinton_okijmnb.png)

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2ccd0a No.21585687

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,9e.png)

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abfc9f No.21585688

File: 07931c9336ff78d⋯.png (67.04 KB,514x680,257:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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189617 No.21585689

File: 63cd1c6bad472a3⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,704x1280,11:20,_2500786858514480608.mp4)

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b36819 No.21585690

File: 4cd2a9a70b2481a⋯.mp4 (899.75 KB,854x480,427:240,Poki.mp4)

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2fb575 No.21585691

will the cat and dog eater vote really tip the balances this year?

commism is so hot right now

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2891b3 No.21585692

File: 9656815396a4f75⋯.png (158.61 KB,1170x531,130:59,9f3.png)


your filter might need serviced

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369a4e No.21585694

File: a3eb1bda6ba7296⋯.png (146.46 KB,1170x531,130:59,9f5.png)


NIGHT SHIFT would get that czech'd

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592dd0 No.21585695

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>Haiti, Clinton, John Legend…

>The story of Haiti goes much deeper than migrants abducting a few pets.


Also Karine Jean-Pierre, Gov. Mike DeWine, etc., gotta wonder if they aren't all connected.

Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

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0e5dae No.21585696


blunt force trauma camping in kingstons safe injection site.

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21e629 No.21585697

File: 63caa181ae73265⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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369a4e No.21585698

File: 6d46084e5ac6cbe⋯.gif (1.39 MB,498x210,83:35,1a22.gif)

the [anons] on the interwebs doing the [decodes]

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40f6c1 No.21585699

File: ccd7ee09640607b⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,180x254,90:127,ccd7ee09640607b6ca652d414e….jpg)


this has the right numbers…

but the other post was on target

wish i had the key to be able to decipher correctly.



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73e470 No.21585701


I agree. Help share and spread if ya can. The more aware and informed with this knowledge the sooner It begins. Thanks for your attention and appreciation brotha!


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2fb575 No.21585702

why hast kumrade done anything for 3.5 years

wut the fuck, MF, getting the precipice is not enuf for you niggers! LOSERS w msmfuckies

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abfc9f No.21585703

File: bf415616f2e2869⋯.jpg (45.01 KB,512x512,1:1,JewSnakeAppleTree.jpg)


[THEY] do not like her very much, do [THEY]?

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189617 No.21585704

File: 4f7fdd32cba5896⋯.png (655.77 KB,514x680,257:340,B9B6E51D_4CE7_4A1D_922A_82….png)

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c82954 No.21585705

So Put the queen of the jews in parrot ass where it's belong

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c32b11 No.21585706

File: 3e5e9b3c8165f77⋯.png (39.95 KB,805x256,805:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27a09bf8a28ae2b⋯.png (20.48 KB,484x159,484:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3f7e736f1e5e8b⋯.png (5.56 KB,286x42,143:21,ClipboardImage.png)


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cda312 No.21585707

File: 340aa2ec5a5a4ac⋯.png (997.91 KB,1250x594,625:297,ClipboardImage.png)


hilldawg loves the tribe

just ask her nephew


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9c00d0 No.21585708


God Bless you. They know it is coming. Two chemical attacks today alone. These people are dogs.

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2fb575 No.21585709


sup rally boi

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369a4e No.21585710

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

alright, alright calm TF down, shills

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6ebc14 No.21585711

File: 936f0ea829e6067⋯.jpg (221.03 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearch47.jpg)

File: 8d60b689a6ea272⋯.jpg (168.85 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearch47bw.jpg)

File: 5203d6886a5cf11⋯.jpg (197.21 KB,600x335,120:67,BadCat3.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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95d155 No.21585712


To be clear, Biblical jews are not Biblical Israelites.

jews today claim they're not white.

They go as far as calling white folks, AMALEK, their adversary.

And as they've established themselves as the adversary, look into who is the Biblical adversary.

it's the Edomites, who themselves are described as AMALEK.

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369a4e No.21585713

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)



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c33778 No.21585715


should just smash that niggers head in

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881cd2 No.21585717


Can you still ask it more questions?

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ed5b0d No.21585718

File: 62c1838a104df77⋯.gif (1.7 MB,430x242,215:121,into_the_smoke.gif)

How can you tell it's the MuhGuhGaytriot faggot? Could it be the generic pattern that he always displays, regardless of content in that pattern? Guess he got tired of hating on blacks cooking in restaurants so now he wants to hate a cat meme.

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3f339e No.21585719

File: 69aa3abc0e34f0c⋯.png (405.48 KB,1017x576,113:64,Screenshot_20240909_160831….png)

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baef65 No.21585720

File: 11ce590c4e412d8⋯.mp4 (6.76 MB,854x466,427:233,nqc8s_caa.mp4)


Q+ has been clear - Final Battle. We have to win this. If America falls, the World falls. But.. God Wins.. Patriots Fight. It's the Beginning of the End, but in the End, We Win because God Wins, and in reality those who love Truth and Right over Evil and the Lie, all go with God. There are more of us than there are of [them]. And there is popcorn. A LOT.

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abfc9f No.21585721

File: 449e1f8cbacdf5f⋯.png (610.02 KB,495x672,165:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc12cb No.21585722

File: 35ce61657ddf4d5⋯.jpg (182.6 KB,436x414,218:207,Point_Chuck_Zipper.jpg)


>"Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,”

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fe9fc3 No.21585723

just passin @500


#26440 >>21585180


>>21585209 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>21585300, >>21585310, >>21585317 LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

>>21585418 il Trumpo posts READY TO ROCK!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585466 🔥 TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585205 Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

>>21585283 Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

>>21585302 TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

>>21585332, >>21585361, >>21585404 PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

>>21585408 Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

>>21585426 Justice Department

>>21585444 MTG - Fani Willis is NOT above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate

>>21585445, >>21585481, >>21585495 @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

>>21585446 Crazee Snake Comms


>>21585517 X office officially leaves Commiefornia.

>>21585532 Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison, behind bars awaiting his J6 trial

>>21585568 Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

>>21585652 PF

>>21585658, >>21585695 HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

>>21585681 CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

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2c308a No.21585724


I heard this morning of Fux and Friends, those people were even criticizing POTUS hair style and color from the debate..let me clarify that.. The midget from NJ Kilmead and the old Ducy who sounds like Kermit the Frog, POTUS'S hair! It made me sad and angry. He must be so tired of this!

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9c00d0 No.21585725

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18e8f8 No.21585726


Anon, you found your way here and if truly new I congratulate you on your bravery coming in to General Research on a Friday. Shills can get their psyches done up like a facial via cheese grater in here on Weekends.I see 113 UIDs here now but West Coast isn't off work yet so I expect an increase soon enough.

And yes, Baker's make the call on what to include in Notables but anons certainly will nominate

Onward ya go!

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da471a No.21585727

File: a908dccb7aa151c⋯.png (700.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Biden_FK.png)

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6ebc14 No.21585729


>We all appreciated the acknowledgement last night with your post!

Missed it - which post? On TS?

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2fb575 No.21585730


settle down, might want to cut back on the Horse (remember when that meant heroin? bwahahahahahaaaa

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a17c64 No.21585731

File: ab5220713611a9b⋯.png (331.36 KB,605x611,605:611,bj.PNG)


Bryan James Blehm


America, the national security bureaucracy decided in its own infinite wisdom that it needed to manage your democracy. That makes you a dictatorship because there is no one to manage the managers. You must get out and participate in your election like democracy depends on it because it does. If the National Security State and its allies in the Democratic Party consolidate power, the ideal of America and its dream is forever dead.

11:56 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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c32b11 No.21585732

File: 76189362bd9cdd4⋯.png (3.96 KB,206x38,103:19,ClipboardImage.png)



of deletes every bread indeed!

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84cce1 No.21585734

File: 87921e3c242f0af⋯.webp (36.34 KB,700x712,175:178,aMVAg01_700bwp.webp)

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73e470 No.21585735

File: befa5e09275ca45⋯.png (519.05 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0038.png)

File: 157b12ca151078b⋯.png (527.72 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0039.png)

File: 67ac11044b76aa4⋯.png (582.79 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0040.png)

File: 0a2cf28d0acaa57⋯.png (561.08 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0037.png)

File: a7b1dc3d3058b67⋯.png (567.18 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0036.png)


Here’s the non Q info I got from Arty.

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c82954 No.21585736


or in Milwaukee zombie ass

they can take it without butthurt

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a17c64 No.21585737

File: b11facc42052b25⋯.png (442.27 KB,567x378,3:2,dr.PNG)


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0148ec No.21585738


Willie got there first

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323c0d No.21585739


Oh, thought it was a US puppet like Ukraine where US has essentially conquered Haiti for its children.

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1bdd12 No.21585740


Not Racist. Just Discerning.

"Haiti has an average IQ of 67. Let's talk about what that means: - With an IQ of 67 or below, the average Haitian over half the country would be considered too disabled to be eligible for the death penalty."


So this study suggests an IQ of 64 for 1,033 Haitian school children in 1981.


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73e470 No.21585741


Thanks fren!

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189617 No.21585742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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21e629 No.21585743

File: c43845531d718e3⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e783c0610e60f6⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610781fad42b792⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a29b542f0ab2d1d⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 171abaea2be1a96⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcc744 No.21585744

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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965018 No.21585745



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6ebc14 No.21585747


So what's the latest on the dog and cat thing? Been doing offline stuff. Has anyone found the footage of people on TV talking about missing pets that Trump talked about? If there are some real facts verifying the issue, it would be great if it could be put in globals so anons can grab the ammo to counter all the gloating being posted everywhere.

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2c308a No.21585748


Yes and posted here also

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53a8b2 No.21585749



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c33778 No.21585750


they are more retarded then retards.

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592dd0 No.21585751

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)


Normie meltdown if Potato ever came out bigly for Trump.

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5453a9 No.21585752




▶MONDAY 04/11/19 (Thu) 03:00:20 d3ff1f No.6132268>>6132279

ITPb.qbhqo -> Password: Matlock

UW.yye1fxo -> Password: M@tlock!

xowAT4Z3VQ -> Password: Freed@m-

2jsTvXXmXs -> Password: F!ghtF!g

4pRcUA0lBE -> Password: NowC@mes

CbboFOtcZs -> Password: StoRMkiL

A6yxsPKia. -> Password: WeAReQ@Q

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53a8b2 No.21585753

File: fdb90e731387131⋯.png (648.22 KB,796x1368,199:342,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_4….png)

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b5d9b3 No.21585754

File: 0f34b6178b964cc⋯.png (74.2 KB,996x564,83:47,Screen_Shot_2024_09_13_at_….png)

File: 86e1d0c903ec411⋯.jpg (27.21 KB,255x251,255:251,13eefff6ebc254aa80897e17ed….jpg)

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5485d7 No.21585756


Sounds like the majority of our resident persona shills here, just have an IQ enough to keep breathing

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b5d9b3 No.21585757

"We saved the best for last"

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73e470 No.21585758

File: 804424c2089c287⋯.png (577.19 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0031.png)

File: deda057c7bdd7bf⋯.png (488.67 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0032.png)

File: 6a8749005091b27⋯.png (570.49 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0033.png)

File: d1b6e847c14896a⋯.png (554.71 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0034.png)

File: 9b489656fe3d549⋯.png (563.33 KB,2048x2732,512:683,IMG_0035.png)

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21e629 No.21585759

File: 83d928599b9efac⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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1c06f2 No.21585760

File: 966634cf8ce42ec⋯.jpeg (138.54 KB,955x670,191:134,7eabd1d363f00eff.jpeg)

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9e6955 No.21585762


*Haitis her

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2fb575 No.21585763

ANGRY - young girls getting sodomized

not including masterbaters (misogynists) on live tv (cnn) who else is offended and not excited?

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a17c64 No.21585764

File: 2bf280de9ff36ca⋯.png (274.71 KB,464x455,464:455,1.PNG)

File: 9626caea283ded7⋯.png (535.26 KB,646x452,323:226,2.PNG)

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53a8b2 No.21585765

File: 13766d59061de84⋯.png (521.82 KB,844x1380,211:345,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_4….png)

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11a4d8 No.21585766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84cce1 No.21585767

File: 38f45939a354427⋯.png (40.14 KB,700x940,35:47,aYQ49Bm_700bwp.png)

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467c08 No.21585768

File: 17a6e14b27046c3⋯.jpg (946.92 KB,1534x1686,767:843,BestPresEver.jpg)


No tax on tips.

No tax on overtime.

I see where this is leading…

NO Taxes

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aa3400 No.21585769

File: 660b324d6fc65a0⋯.png (55.12 KB,770x406,55:29,ClipboardImage.png)



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73e470 No.21585770


Come on baker, review my posts notable af bro..

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9e6955 No.21585771


Grammar kitty, don’t make me show Jean from Haiti where you are.

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a17c64 No.21585772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2fb575 No.21585773


the foundations are solid, it will be a haven for all nationalities, abnormalities and races - oh wait noe those foundations are destroyed now

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2c308a No.21585775

File: d14e6ebfdaa1a58⋯.jpg (11.02 KB,238x255,14:15,d14e6ebfdaa1a588e6cc37814c….jpg)

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ed5b0d No.21585776

File: e3c9566bde38e56⋯.webm (649.02 KB,427x240,427:240,fun_time4.webm)

I wonder how he feels to know he's become a pathetic has been. A once mighty deep state forum manipulator, and guardian of the Code of Anonymous, reduced to acting like a jealous and mentally unstable street mime. At least he's consistent with his failure and comfortable with it now.

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0148ec No.21585777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e6955 No.21585778


Very pretty. Jerry curl oil makes those shoulders ready for a nice back rub.

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11a4d8 No.21585779


stay clear of Haiti


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fe9fc3 No.21585781


you are posting them wrong anon

so they keep disappearing

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53a8b2 No.21585782

File: 62dbc320ad13096⋯.png (155.93 KB,842x916,421:458,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_4….png)

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881cd2 No.21585783


This all lines up with the channeling sessions I have been researching.

People claiming they can channel ET's. Angelics, arch angels etc.

Lots of disinformation but more good information than bad.

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0e5dae No.21585784


12 beers all our of de cods

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3f339e No.21585785

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are faggot for shitty poast quality…





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9e6955 No.21585786


Yea, this. kek.

But I tagged myself instead of GK

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189617 No.21585787

File: 5cdc209f0c90ce6⋯.mp4 (170.25 KB,rsYYD3FYSwn75Ymk.MOV)

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0e5dae No.21585789

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92f0f0 No.21585791

File: 88563747c447f56⋯.mp4 (12.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_13_18_10_10.mp4)

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53a8b2 No.21585792


I called this.

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a17c64 No.21585795

File: 65740218656ce83⋯.png (346.78 KB,594x622,297:311,pos.PNG)


Catturd ™


She really is a commie POS.


Square profile picture

Trump War Room




Kamala: "I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban."

Narrator: It is NOT in fact consistent with your right to own a gun to pass a law banning guns for law abiding citizens.

12:10 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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9e6955 No.21585796

File: 58c556d677f948f⋯.png (887.61 KB,945x858,315:286,IMG_1644.png)


That’s fuct up

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ed5b0d No.21585797

File: c5db0af76749ba8⋯.webp (31.85 KB,520x293,520:293,smiling_columbo.webp)

So destroyed.

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40f6c1 No.21585799

File: 1bf461e3704de23⋯.png (78.62 KB,225x225,1:1,1bf461e3704de23de86b59a48d….png)

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b002c9 No.21585801

what did Laura loomer do or say?

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2c308a No.21585802

File: 593f225a8d1ebe8⋯.png (1.88 MB,1809x1178,1809:1178,593f225a8d1ebe854946771a92….png)


Anons, look at this!

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420a54 No.21585803

File: 99161ee7f03ee07⋯.jpg (888.26 KB,1080x1338,180:223,20240914_111230.jpg)

Every time a coconut

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f359be No.21585805


Saw MTG bitching her out

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a17c64 No.21585806

File: bef01d9d541e077⋯.png (355.61 KB,599x633,599:633,jp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸








“This would be the way to get Trump supporters fully onboard with war with Iran.”

@JackPosobiec tells @RealAlexJones how the war machine gains from Donald Trump being assassinated on @infowars

12:13 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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baef65 No.21585808

File: fcf069c265c3be5⋯.png (6.96 MB,5794x5759,5794:5759,9_13_24_1147_628.png)

Q+ 11:47 - 6:28 pm EDT.


Previews are over.


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c33778 No.21585809


how does the light increase the heart rate. Almost seems like ABC was trying to kill him.

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ed5b0d No.21585812

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)

Maybe instead of calling him Simple Legion I should start calling him Comfortable Failure.

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2196e0 No.21585814

File: 5427553d8d188ea⋯.mp4 (13.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Star_Trek_Strange_New_Worl….mp4)

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457c00 No.21585815

File: c269895f61bab93⋯.png (959.16 KB,1080x2460,18:41,Screenshot_20240913_181504.png)

Good lord…


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9e6955 No.21585816

File: e5a700af81106ab⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,858x480,143:80,Kamel_baphomet_.mp4)


We disagree.

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881cd2 No.21585819


I thought that was a CIA account?

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92f0f0 No.21585821


>what did Laura loomer do or say?

Which time?

Specifically, today, Drudge Report used a photoshopped image of Loomer and Trump belly to belly that Loomer HERSELF first posted to her own twitter overa year ago. She. Is. Toxic. And an attention whore. And it is beginning to look like she is actually in Trump's orbit to make him look bad.



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b5d9b3 No.21585822

File: 375a648377b2296⋯.jpeg (14.93 KB,250x255,50:51,3f14cf6ebe156612610c2ceb0….jpeg)

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5453a9 No.21585823


Trump mentioned 11:11 today in his presser (well, sorta) (Talking about Muir correcting him at the debate.)



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bc12cb No.21585824

File: e48093cda8c880d⋯.png (1.5 MB,939x1049,939:1049,ClipboardImage.png)


>Been doing offline stuff.

Thot of u anon.

No idea what it says. kek

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53a27d No.21585825


Clown Baker

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2c308a No.21585826

File: 2f0becf186a7202⋯.gif (985.04 KB,200x170,20:17,2f0becf186a7202b866ff1edda….gif)

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5453a9 No.21585827



Forgot one.

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ed5b0d No.21585828

That's funny as fuck actually. KEK! Catturd confirming the mimic with a post that has nothing to do with what the mimic posts.

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21e629 No.21585830

File: 931d6ebc23e7b62⋯.png (488.66 KB,588x680,147:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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5453a9 No.21585831

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3f339e No.21585832

File: 3bc9fa477794e81⋯.png (530.95 KB,961x595,961:595,Screenshot_20240810_203435….png)


>how does the light increase the heart rate.

It was bad enough he had to listen to that cackling idiot of a whore polluted the air with her putrid screeds.

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2c308a No.21585833

File: ab26738caa44acc⋯.png (267.48 KB,465x437,465:437,ab26738caa44acc401b25c3adb….png)

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676da0 No.21585835

File: 9edbd3e7f76a430⋯.gif (1.56 MB,383x200,383:200,9edbd3e7f76a430659a9e8cfde….gif)

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16695a No.21585836


Pass/Trip Code mG7VjxZNCI

P/T 109

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c33778 No.21585837


like I admire Trumps ability not just to walk over to her and slap the ever living shit out of her. I think every man has seen a woman like that in their life a low level middle management whroe. Just the most annoying trash ever.

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dc4679 No.21585838


Not with out an order.


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40f6c1 No.21585840








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73ca62 No.21585841

File: 98d6d7c46a30934⋯.png (320.68 KB,785x943,785:943,1.png)

File: d7b832610c36107⋯.png (339.97 KB,806x1553,806:1553,2.png)

File: e51774a82fc017a⋯.png (277.32 KB,769x1254,769:1254,3.png)

File: b0c03daf637d271⋯.png (281.92 KB,754x1147,754:1147,4.png)

File: fdfdea033c3d82d⋯.png (220.88 KB,764x1260,191:315,5.png)


New docs from litigation against the CDC reveal the Biden-Harris White House hosted the “Counter Disinformation Unit” from the U.K. gov’t in 2021 to learn about their recommendations to censor speech.


/2 As a part of the NSC’s regular interagency meetings on censoring COVID-related speech in the United States, the White House hosted the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) from the U.K. government in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques.

/3 This meeting was attended by high-level staff from:

🚨White House




🚨State Department


🚨Department of Defense

🚨Homeland Security

🚨Health and Human Services


🚨Global Media

🚨Office of the Director of National Intelligence

as well as high-ranking officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force.



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0514cc No.21585842

I personally think all three of them are toxic, I don't care for loomer, but she's an excellent dirt digger and revealing compromised people trying to hurt Trump. I haven't liked MTG since she attacked Republicans for not supporting McCarthy; and Graham is the epitome of a snake in the grass against Trump, plus his political stances are as neocon as it gets.All three of them should go. MTG gets too much money and fame for hanging out. They all have their own plans for fame and fortune. Trump doesn't need this bullshit, and i hope none of them influence Trump's policies.

Laura Loomer Looms Over Trump LandFactionalism is breaking out over her newfound prominence within the ranks.


TWO OF DONALD TRUMP’S top congressional surrogates are pleading with the former president to ostracize right-wing provocateur Laura Loomer from his ranks over incendiary comments she’s made on social media.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) fired off criticisms of Loomer after she was spotted twice with Trump in as many days, warning that her presence could trip up the ex-president’s election chances. Greene said she went so far as to bring up the matter with Trump on a phone call.

“I’ve spoken with President Trump, but I’m not going to go into the details of our personal conversation,” Greene said on Thursday.

In response, Loomer went nuclear, accusing both Greene and Graham of being insufficiently MAGA, questioning the senator’s sexuality, criticizing the congresswoman for having affairs that led to her divorce, and comparing her to a “hooker.”

The quarreling, visceral even by Trump world standards, was viewed with intense schadenfreude in Democratic circles. It brought to the surface some of the internal tensions that Trump’s team had successfully buried for much of the election season. And it left the ex-president’s campaign ducking for cover.

“We’re staying out of this,” said a Trump campaign adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity.More Blah, Blah, Blah..

Now the neocons of the Bulwark get to weigh in, they would do anything to get him out.


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95d155 No.21585843

File: 09be7b53f9f36c0⋯.png (115.6 KB,776x486,388:243,ClipboardImage.png)

He spoke to Q…

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73ca62 No.21585844

File: f2a9448b4e4ea92⋯.png (292.74 KB,758x1121,758:1121,6.png)

File: e9507516f0ea442⋯.png (243.21 KB,759x1119,253:373,7.png)

File: ae84fccc5de38e6⋯.png (221.63 KB,792x1201,792:1201,8.png)

File: 6d669d1f4cf3aed⋯.png (401.5 KB,760x1616,95:202,9.png)

File: 28c9a95fe1b14ca⋯.png (409.3 KB,776x1552,1:2,10.png)

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ed5b0d No.21585847

File: b85060604b8d0b1⋯.webp (233.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingmall.webp)

Always remember, Comfortable Failure, everyone laughs at you, not with you.

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b002c9 No.21585849

File: e66ff841b928693⋯.png (154.83 KB,1708x614,854:307,Laura_Loomer_trying_to_mak….png)





thanks I found it. she said, if Kamala wins the White House will smell like curry and then made a reference to Indian customer service… pretty careless and not really funny at all. I get it that Indians eat curry all the time and their houses do smell like curry because they're cooking it but Laura loomer seems to be trying to make MAGA look bad. why would Laura loomer do that?

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2c677b No.21585850

old v.d is having another schizo episode.

are you expecting something v.d?

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ed5b0d No.21585851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95d155 No.21585853


Sarcasm KITTEH!

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676da0 No.21585854


Da fug are all the lines for?

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2c677b No.21585855

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


free speech

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d84a2d No.21585856

File: bd6f8a59170d628⋯.jpeg (54.78 KB,800x450,16:9,6e882790_7194_11ef_b5fc_5….jpeg)

North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

North Korea has for the first time offered a glimpse into a uranium enrichment facility which produces material for its nuclear weapons.

Photographs showed its leader Kim Jong Un, who had earlier vowed to "exponentially" increase the country's stash of nuclear weapons, inspecting the area.

The state's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a report on Friday that he had similarly called for the uranium facility to increase its production.

Enriched uranium is essential in the manufacturing of nuclear warheads.


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7eeb44 No.21585857


they act like coven witches

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0148ec No.21585858


ay conyo

dost thou not see the image of one smoking pepe

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11a4d8 No.21585860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed5b0d No.21585861

File: 4324b384a5a16ab⋯.gif (2.7 MB,480x270,16:9,271282956.gif)

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92f0f0 No.21585862


> I found it.

I don't know if you did or not anon. Put on your thinking cap anon. If Loomer photoshops a photo suggestive of intimacy with Trump. Then that has a possibly destabilizing effect on Trump's marriage and his image with voters. Reminds anon of the Alina Habba shill that was posting here a while back. Same schtick.

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5453a9 No.21585863

File: 93b50de18316581⋯.png (15.48 KB,405x185,81:37,Q16.png)


video length: 16

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fd2c36 No.21585865

File: b82fcf6619c26ae⋯.png (14.08 KB,472x212,118:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37eae4dbf605f59⋯.png (15.56 KB,603x149,603:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow's Q-clock is minute 13.

Check out the drop!

Time of Truth post should be 3:16pm




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2c308a No.21585867

File: 66a2e7e4a0ea1fd⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,960x720,4:3,66a2e7e4a0ea1fdad65f433082….jpg)

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d84a2d No.21585868



>Da fug are all the lines for?

The store names look to be in some Asian language. Perhaps anime merchandise?

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9e6955 No.21585869

File: 6d3b740882385ca⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,320x568,40:71,6d3b740882385caca00f844a82….mp4)




Why ain’t nobody poasting sauce?

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b002c9 No.21585871

File: cfc0598065672d4⋯.png (4.48 MB,2806x1566,1403:783,Nancy_Pelosi_is_a_sick_pup….png)

"She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her.

She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!" - Trump on Nancy Pelosi, 8-6-23


>they act like coven witches

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11a4d8 No.21585873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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11bd2c No.21585874


No TAX on homes

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ed5b0d No.21585875

File: d5cf73bcc237963⋯.webm (110.99 KB,427x240,427:240,silence4.webm)


>Perhaps anime merchandise?

KEK. Very unlikely.

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2c308a No.21585876

File: 049a6219c36f834⋯.jpg (36.38 KB,568x541,568:541,049a6219c36f834d2b946de260….jpg)



Newfag lurk moar.

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676da0 No.21585878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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83b747 No.21585880

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369ee2 No.21585881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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11bd2c No.21585882

They have no moar moves.


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b002c9 No.21585883

Do you think Trump's going to declare NO TAXES EVER AGAIN, FOR EVA!

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40f6c1 No.21585885


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)




LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


WarRoom Live



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11a4d8 No.21585886

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2c308a No.21585887



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7eeb44 No.21585888


how about

higher tax the less you own of the home.

if you own 100% of the home you owe the least.

that would encourage people buying down their mortgages.

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83b747 No.21585890

Trumps hashtag gets 8k likes Dona3k retruths

d J. Trump







Sep 13, 2024, 3:16 PM

and 3

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ed5b0d No.21585891

File: 74ed597e487fbdf⋯.jpg (213.94 KB,1080x1080,1:1,74ed597e487fbdf018bc2ad24e….jpg)


It's becoming clearer with that company now. Kind of wish I waited to do play by plays and criticisms of them until now, to be honest. That meme Dan posted about pulling up to the stop light at the same time as the guy that raced past you comes to mind. Or something like that, I'm just paraphrasing a meme he posted a couple years ago.

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84cce1 No.21585894

File: 237ec7d1d1cc8dd⋯.jpg (187.03 KB,895x873,895:873,raraarar.jpg)


Latest polling averages show a Republican senate win


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e4b7cc No.21585895



Prison Bars in a tiny window

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0148ec No.21585897



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b002c9 No.21585898

File: 449265200ee1140⋯.png (58.66 KB,1710x332,855:166,Hashtag_Truth_by_Trump.png)

File: 50e22d7b38df1ad⋯.png (267.22 KB,2034x736,1017:368,Trump_Truth_later_deleted_….png)



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efd628 No.21585899


They decided a couple of weeks ago they didn't have to do and some bakers are making them notable.

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5453a9 No.21585901

File: 74e1cb4b06c5150⋯.jpeg (13.23 KB,204x255,4:5,365863e66c9fd1f24c655fff8….jpeg)


>"I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban."

Harris speaks OXYMORON fluently.

Emphasis on the moron part.

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40f6c1 No.21585902

File: e699ede0e2ce684⋯.png (354.98 KB,790x485,158:97,ClipboardImage.png)

FOR KEKS or reality check

Let's play a game called "Filter or No Filter"



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11bd2c No.21585903


Taxation is theft.

But that would be a good start.

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b36819 No.21585904

File: d6ce559940e5c2d⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1000x1399,1000:1399,1936_ground_tax.jpg)


ground tax == you will never own the government's house

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ea9ec7 No.21585905

File: e523265c8e7214e⋯.jpeg (729.65 KB,1855x1620,371:324,IMG_1526.jpeg)


Even AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

September 13, 2024 | Sundance | 207 Comments

This is quite remarkable and brilliantly done. While we don’t need anything to confirm what our eyes and ears clearly heard/saw, a guy uploaded the entire transcript of the ABC debate into ChatGPT and asked the artificial intelligence system to review the content for the presence of bias. [Source Link] ChatGPT then analyzed the transcript and gives a summary opinion. The result is pretty amazing.

”So, this guy put the entire debate transcript in ChatGPT and asked ChatGPT to analyze the moderator bias and every single person needs to hear this because oh my God is it right on the money.”

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95d155 No.21585906

File: db1e72dd3802303⋯.mp4 (572.45 KB,360x480,3:4,000_CATNAP_OHIO.mp4)





Video from Springfield Ohio…

Haitian Illegals Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

Wonder why?



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40f6c1 No.21585907

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b36819 No.21585909

File: 2e11cd75cff0f51⋯.png (302.06 KB,568x532,142:133,government_alt_words.png)


>Taxation is theft.

actually armed robbery, not just theft.

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369ee2 No.21585911


Probably a radiation weapon, it is more prevalent than anyone realizes.

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508469 No.21585912


Bravo Anon

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40f6c1 No.21585913

File: 189f17989db6c8f⋯.png (74.15 KB,255x235,51:47,321_.png)

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73ca62 No.21585916

File: d23fc26ab370bcd⋯.jpg (44.84 KB,454x322,227:161,dstghc.jpg)

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fe9fc3 No.21585917

last call

#26440 >>21585180


>>21585209 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>21585300, >>21585310, >>21585317, >>21585885 LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

>>21585418 il Trumpo posts READY TO ROCK!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585466 🔥 TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585205 Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

>>21585283 Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

>>21585302 TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

>>21585332, >>21585361, >>21585404 PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

>>21585408 Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

>>21585426 Justice Department

>>21585444 MTG - Fani Willis is NOT above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate

>>21585445, >>21585481, >>21585495, >>21585557, >>21585842 @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

>>21585446 Crazee Snake Comms


>>21585517 X office officially leaves Commiefornia.

>>21585532 Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison, behind bars awaiting his J6 trial

>>21585568 Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

>>21585652 PF

>>21585658, >>21585695, >>21585557 HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

>>21585681 CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

>>21585734, >>21585785 ABC used lighting techniques to stress DJT during debate

>>21585795 @catturd2 - She really is a commie POS.


>>21585856 North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

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5cd6f6 No.21585921


Yes. Light is EMR.

Good job.

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40f6c1 No.21585924


ETA October 23

based on time stamps

Aug 3 2023

Sep 13 2024

Oct 23 2025

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2c308a No.21585925

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9c5941 No.21585926

File: 231d7713e09733d⋯.png (626.92 KB,613x407,613:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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11bd2c No.21585927

File: ce119d8b437b838⋯.jpg (241.48 KB,600x431,600:431,ce119d8b437b83839164776739….jpg)

Hey Q+

Say MEOW tonight for your Autist Frens please.

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b002c9 No.21585928

File: 8b66158e644b80e⋯.jpg (48.25 KB,665x375,133:75,T_D_I_G_.jpg)


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40f6c1 No.21585929

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cda312 No.21585931

File: 2b99c6bb71b928f⋯.png (10.11 KB,340x64,85:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2991a40424581ab⋯.png (223.11 KB,1039x204,1039:204,ClipboardImage.png)

now do you fucking get it

what drove oldfags off the main socials to image boards in the first place

of course you won't

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676da0 No.21585932


>No tax on overtime.

Trump madetwobig promises yesterday.

Forcing landlords to verify citizenship for housing assistance would kick TENS OF MILLIONS of illegals out to the curb.

No moar housing shortage for citizens.

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2c308a No.21585934


That aint Springfield and it aint Americs

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ed5b0d No.21585936

File: 8887a192ea5f64f⋯.jpg (12.61 KB,474x266,237:133,pedro.jpg)

KEK. He said the exact same thing verbatim a couple breads back. His script is so authentic.

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c33778 No.21585939


good easier to round them up.

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c32b11 No.21585940


link to posts please?

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f87160 No.21585941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


indeed, confirmed - cats killed, skinned, etc:

Rebel news went to find out…


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ed5b0d No.21585942

Of course he would love that. He needs confirmation that he can still get people to do what he says.

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592dd0 No.21585945

File: 6ffa84e4bfd0918⋯.png (255.48 KB,505x264,505:264,cats_haitians.png)


> Cats having to wear camouflage in Springfield. Ohio

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ed5b0d No.21585948

File: 9a20050d09aa784⋯.jpg (173.22 KB,1000x765,200:153,a9a9c93b8cb2510b5ca05e8c0a….jpg)

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95d155 No.21585949

File: f2d0502bd019282⋯.png (730.9 KB,640x800,4:5,bush.png)



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b002c9 No.21585950

File: 449265200ee1140⋯.png (58.66 KB,1710x332,855:166,Hashtag_Truth_by_Trump.png)




>link to post please?

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881cd2 No.21585952


>Help share and spread if ya can.

Do you think humanity is ready for this information?

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ed5b0d No.21585954

His little delusional rants are getting moar amusing. There's no possible way that he actually believes that shit he writes while imitating. All just moar smug Tranimae bullshit.

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55a313 No.21585957

File: 7131254612c0dfc⋯.png (715.21 KB,775x436,775:436,ClipboardImage.png)

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5453a9 No.21585958

File: 6acbfe84c2ecad8⋯.jpeg (11.38 KB,255x170,3:2,KENOSHAKEKSsmall.jpeg)


too small

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b5d9b3 No.21585961

File: a8cb66ac22d86bc⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,300x168,25:14,FARLEY_HUNTER.jpg)

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4b1428 No.21585962


Snakes can vomit recent meals when they need to fight or flee. Survival instinct.

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b36819 No.21585964


>This is real

It can be either

- fake screenshots

- some nonsense some shitty AI-algo made up

anyway, if you read Q drops, it's obvious that Q will return with more drops. Self destruct has not happened.

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cbabbb No.21585965

File: 9870c2caf812878⋯.png (454.32 KB,680x470,68:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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e087b7 No.21585967


Actually they now use light as an energy weapon. It is more advanced than people think. I have seen lights that look like plasma. When the truth finally comes out you will not believe how hard these people work at killing us which is why there are so many woke minions around because we haven't seen what they are really doing and many pass away.

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cda312 No.21585969

imagine having rules in war

much less putting limits on speech itself in a time of war

that amount of cuckoldry i could not fathom

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f3155e No.21585971


Fuck'n idiots forgot to paint 3/4 of the pcs red!

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ed5b0d No.21585973

File: 01df87a7b9fe129⋯.png (212.07 KB,1254x322,627:161,MIMIC_EVIDENCE_2.png)

Now he's the good guy, attacking Tranimae's notables. Delusional.

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01598b No.21585974

File: 105c0769cfc79cf⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,576x1024,9:16,this_guy_put_the_entire_de….mp4)



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c33778 No.21585975


tell that to the christian hall monitors.

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2bad57 No.21585976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c32b11 No.21585977



how bout the other?

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b4b550 No.21585979


Yes I see the shadows this is meant to cause a problems with Melania

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bfc1c1 No.21585982

File: 18fad8ac186db64⋯.jpg (312.74 KB,612x716,153:179,18fad8ac186db6488890a7e6de….jpg)

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40f6c1 No.21585983

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b002c9 No.21585984

no sauce on the year old post


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ea9ec7 No.21585985


Recipe for Eating Cat in this link.

the process for preparing cat to eat sounds just like what is happening in Springfield.

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cda312 No.21585989


see my post before the one you just tagged if it isn't deleted by now

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ed5b0d No.21585990

File: 1384257da3ce8e1⋯.png (118.35 KB,400x348,100:87,pepe_mic_drop3.png)

It's right there in their reasoning for why they do it. His claims of what he's doing are a grandiose self-view. One that does not match current reality, only the imagination in his head.

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c78760 No.21585991

File: 91a89a0253e80f4⋯.png (1.18 MB,2018x1180,1009:590,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_4….png)

Ice packs. Get them now

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b36819 No.21585993


Remove the space from your username field pls.

You are making it obvious who you are, because your user doesn't say "Anonymous"

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c32b11 No.21585995


>no sauce on the year old post


that's what I thought … remember seeing it but cant find the sauce either


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cda312 No.21585998


that's the weird dude who shows up naked while everyone else is in uniform and the namefags are all wearing pink to stand out

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40f6c1 No.21586001


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally




LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


WarRoom Live



Laura Loomer

Trump Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



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e1f932 No.21586002


first things first - loomer is dog ugly, she may be a patriot and MAGA, that's great but she is not a looker, trump likes lookers and i believe he's all about melania

now that's out of the way

i don't have anything else to follow that up with

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dc980d No.21586003

File: 07a168cfc3ed4db⋯.jpeg (675.26 KB,1615x1440,323:288,IMG_4095.jpeg)


41020 purrrty pweese

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81ccbb No.21586004

File: 0bd688e1c516e5c⋯.jpg (939.88 KB,1920x1280,3:2,63365325_2336712206415075_….jpg)

VAGINAfukd it all up fo sho

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ed5b0d No.21586006

He's so rent free that one filter and he ceases to exist. I just haven't filtered him because he's weak, his gimmick is generic, and he's trying to suck Tranimae dick is the icing on the cake. Firing up a one post sockpuppet to post an anime picture fools no one.

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efd628 No.21586007


Baker it might be time to go out and get fresh air. We all need it

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55a313 No.21586008

File: 896a6195d446735⋯.png (557.54 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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92f0f0 No.21586009

File: a21c825d793cdc8⋯.png (355.64 KB,600x250,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>the weird dude who shows up naked while everyone else is in uniform

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2bad57 No.21586012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cda312 No.21586013

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825be4 No.21586014


getting pretty spammy…..

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efd628 No.21586015


Who, you?

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f819e7 No.21586016


Can we get a 'Cool cats for Trump, back alley, dim light, fog, spotlights, Alley cats wearing leather jackets with blue tinted shades holding campaign sign, hi resolution, realism, 16:9' award winning, photorealism,

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bfc1c1 No.21586017

File: 7cb8a12cd4a829c⋯.png (798.42 KB,771x676,771:676,7cb8a12cd4a829c6c234a96980….png)


I have no idea what is going on… kek

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ed5b0d No.21586018


> The funniest thing of all is the delusional tard actually thinks I'm anime.

Actually, the funniest thing is you've displayed a consistent pattern that you are.

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687a2e No.21586019

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)











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5453a9 No.21586020

File: 7b8fb2ce3069263⋯.png (140.91 KB,1802x741,1802:741,POTUStweetsnothing.png)

What was this from yesterday? (I wasn't here)

The Boss posted nothing multiple times….

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b002c9 No.21586021

File: 572b5a4a760f3c3⋯.png (1.29 MB,1250x1516,625:758,White_Corn_Pop.png)

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825be4 No.21586022


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687a2e No.21586024

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)

File: e61f94b22028b05⋯.png (34.56 KB,897x227,897:227,0_Q_3914pot.png)


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5017c4 No.21586025


probably caps

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01598b No.21586027

File: 849e4aeffcfd2b7⋯.png (33.22 KB,444x334,222:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Red Oct sig has not occurred yet.

Follow the map.


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40f6c1 No.21586028


please post that web site, for anon.


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efd628 No.21586030


Its propaganda and the idiots did this, their egos are too big. They want a time out.

Trump truly loves and respects his wife, the idiots opened the door.

He's treating this correctly

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fe9fc3 No.21586032

seeking handoff top of next

rally BAKER wanted

ty anons. for all your efforts.

final bun


#26440 >>21585180


>>21585209 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>21585300, >>21585310, >>21585317, >>21585885 LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

>>21585418 il Trumpo posts READY TO ROCK!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585466 🔥 TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21585205 Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

>>21585283 Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

>>21585302 TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

>>21585332, >>21585361, >>21585404 PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

>>21585408 Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

>>21585426 Justice Department

>>21585444 MTG - Fani Willis is NOT above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate

>>21585445, >>21585481, >>21585495, >>21585557, >>21585842 @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

>>21585446 Crazee Snake Comms


>>21585517 X office officially leaves Commiefornia.

>>21585532 Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison, behind bars awaiting his J6 trial

>>21585568 Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

>>21585652 PF

>>21585658, >>21585695, >>21585557 HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

>>21585681 CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

>>21585734, >>21585785 ABC used lighting techniques to stress DJT during debate

>>21585795 @catturd2 - She really is a commie POS.


>>21585856 North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

>>21585905, >>21585974 AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

>>21585906, >>21585941 Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

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ed5b0d No.21586034

File: 65f2ce994509651⋯.jpeg (23.85 KB,711x400,711:400,Military_Themed_Apu_Apust….jpeg)

Another funny thing, he claims that he won yet has never given one single example of him winning. Or even his reasoning behind why he thinks he's winning. But I don't see the ethnic division narrative that the paid posting Absolute Retard crew used to post and try sneaking into notables.

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2bad57 No.21586035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0148ec No.21586038


drop some Haitians off in Vatican City

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c32b11 No.21586044



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84cce1 No.21586045

File: 31bb5e32f75456a⋯.png (70.67 KB,1009x846,1009:846,66e37dbe165ed.png)

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fe9fc3 No.21586048

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40f6c1 No.21586049

File: 66ddd1e2080abf2⋯.png (495.87 KB,478x556,239:278,olgA.png)


At the top

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b0d7e9 No.21586050

People Think Trump May Be Having an Affair With Laura Loomer and Their Evidence Is Pretty Convincing (and Gross)


SEPTEMBER 13, 2024


These people are insane.

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a345ee No.21586051

File: 6df681d194b6454⋯.png (203.45 KB,251x356,251:356,a2.png)


omfg destroyed the soy boy!

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bfc1c1 No.21586053

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)



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a345ee No.21586054

File: 9d2621fe9e37050⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,800x419,800:419,a3.jpg)


shill bodies parts all over the place!

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a345ee No.21586058


this bitch!!!

fetal positions!!!

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825be4 No.21586060




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fe9fc3 No.21586062

File: 8a1073c1faac4d5⋯.jpg (654.47 KB,1615x1440,323:288,8a1073c1faac4d54d5d3dce02b….jpg)

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0148ec No.21586064


not seeing Loomer as first rate

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0148ec No.21586072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0148ec No.21586076

fill it is

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0148ec No.21586082

File: 8e32589744802d7⋯.png (1.38 MB,1020x650,102:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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0148ec No.21586084

File: b5bcf4fecb3934f⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB,735x573,245:191,b5bcf4fecb3934fd0723c5c73….jpeg)

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