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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

d8c35f No.21564853 [View All]


8kun @jimwatkins

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701 posts and 559 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0edfb0 No.21565617

File: 03c7562a49f28ba⋯.jpg (897.46 KB,1548x1020,129:85,1724167862871898.jpg)

File: 4003f804f63dc36⋯.jpg (32.31 KB,640x640,1:1,1724228552881710.jpg)

File: 9f6877e772f2b6d⋯.jpg (118.91 KB,800x1422,400:711,1724256934791185.jpg)

File: baa1f49aa8a2345⋯.jpg (462.04 KB,999x999,1:1,1724260767129922.jpg)

File: a7552e32b7e3086⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x1200,1:1,1724267677919745.png)




First pic.

Have a nice day

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042b66 No.21565618


your cookie is old and moldy

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1a0c96 No.21565619

File: 65317e96ceeeee1⋯.png (599.04 KB,612x691,612:691,mo.PNG)


Rep. Dan Bishop


In Judiciary Committee, we’re hearing from moms of girls and women beaten, raped, strangled, discarded and a boy poisoned to death by fentanyl.



4:32 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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214e10 No.21565620

File: 502ac2f9640f182⋯.jpeg (117.73 KB,863x647,863:647,IMG_2626.jpeg)




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730f9c No.21565621


Thanks, that was needed!

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a1de8c No.21565622

File: 062a1305e882015⋯.jpg (28.51 KB,255x418,255:418,TheyGlowmirror.jpg)


nothing wrong with being an anon "famefag" stop your gaslighting asshole.

You're so jealous I can smell the stink from here.

You're like a little bratty kid who copies everything Mommy says to be annoying.

Fuck off Clown.

and your little tag team too.

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4d1b52 No.21565623


Dealt with a doppelganger before. Looking back, I wonder if his family were satanist twits like Simple Legion. When I was in high school a new kid moved in halfway through the year. Kinda kid that was somewhat popular but there was just something off about him. Then he bought the exact same jacket and wore it everytime I wore mine, when no one at the school at jackets that were exactly the same. Then he bought a ballcap, the exact same one and started wearing that all the time, both the hat and the cap even moar than I did. Then he started hitting on my girlfriend at the time. I won't say how I stopped it, I don't want to spoil the sequel.

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6a1c95 No.21565624


is that pepe's gay vapin' cuzzin

cloud master J

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a83906 No.21565625

File: 0f7ec785a6d80d0⋯.jpg (369.3 KB,1081x1082,1081:1082,0f7ec785a6d80d00ca2ff92080….jpg)

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67ee35 No.21565626

File: 9732b580ca7b965⋯.jpg (62 KB,846x758,423:379,king1.JPG)

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bebf2c No.21565627

notables FINAL

#26417 >>21564861

>>21564970, >>21564977, >>21564983 Trump vs. Harris ABC News Presidential Debate

>>21565526 Scavino: President Trump is wheels down in Philadelphia, PA

>>21564884 Burn the Boats

>>21564903 Cats in Ohio right now…

>>21564921 Swamp schedule

>>21564938 Over target: Swalwell bigtime triggered over the cat memes

>>21564942, >>21564955 Julie Su brought Calif. corruption to the White House, and Harris will keep her there

>>21564951 Happy debate night from Trump HQ

>>21564990 Amazon pharmacy has a policy not to fill Ivermection prescriptions for COVID

>>21564991 Norfolk Southern CEO expected to exit amid board probe into alleged misconduct

>>21564996, >>21565000, >>21565256 DJT: Cats for MAGA

>>21565004 Eric Trump: Cats for Trump

>>21565010 One day before the world changed: captured from the lens of a Canadian tourist

>>21565033 Cats under Communism

>>21565058 Janet Yellen tests positive for covid

>>21565068 Fox: RNC chair 'very comfortable' Trump will win this key battleground state

>>21565074 Radio Host Mark Levin Announces Major Injury Will Take Him Off the Airwaves

>>21565214, >>21565228, >>21565240, >>21565329 Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565229 Biden appointee to host Trump / Harris debate

>>21565245 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early to make room for shitposters

>>21565263 Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault

>>21565332 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about Linda Sun, charged with being a CCP agent

>>21565344 RFK Jr.: They didn't pass the First Amendment to protect speech that everybody likes

>>21565350 A suspect is in custody after a teen is critically hurt in a shooting at a Nebraska high school

>>21565352 (2019) President Trump Signs H.R. 724, The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act

>>21565407, >>21565423 Endless lines of Haitians gorging on taxpayer funded benefits in Springfield, Ohio

>>21565409 The Reserve Bank of Australia really does want Aussies poorer

>>21565413 Eric Trump says “something is being hidden” about the attempt on President Trump’s life in Pennsylvania

>>21565435 Protest and Small Riots are forming as numerous people Break into high end Store, Set Fires, and Commit Multiple Assaults

>>21565502, >>21565514 Springfield, Ohio residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars

>>21565508 Trump crashes a Kamala BBQ in Ohio

>>21565527 LIVE: City Commission Meeting, Springfield, Ohio

>>21565559 Cookies don't lie

>>21565571 JD Vance: My office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield re: pets being abducted by Haitian migrants

>>21565580 That moment when Trump brought along Bill Clintons accusers to the debate

>>21565590 Democrats are getting their asses handed to them today!

>>21565619 Nadler reacting to serious problems

>>21564981, >>21564982, >>21565000, >>21565063, >>21565088, >>21565128, >>21565144, >>21565221, >>21565224, >>21565277, >>21565408, >>21565430, >>21565572 Memes


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1a0c96 No.21565628

File: 9a13e9cce40738d⋯.png (482.59 KB,779x845,779:845,pe.PNG)


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859648 No.21565629



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2a92be No.21565630

File: f1e8c5ae032954e⋯.jpeg (13.58 KB,211x255,211:255,dog.jpeg)

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c7a7eb No.21565631

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042b66 No.21565632


Pence in a brown suit?

pants shittin' time

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e1ebd9 No.21565634

File: e2bb4652c9619b2⋯.mp4 (187.13 KB,618x360,103:60,nastysurprises.mp4)

File: 27ff432c2cef237⋯.mp4 (343.79 KB,640x360,16:9,putinbettingonsurprise.mp4)

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4a031c No.21565636

File: b9e23b89f6f670d⋯.png (458.45 KB,620x473,620:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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0edfb0 No.21565639

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d8c35f No.21565641


secret secret secret secret secret service

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bebf2c No.21565644

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1a0c96 No.21565645

File: 9e12dc589266566⋯.png (358.5 KB,595x720,119:144,to.PNG)


Tyler Oliveira




Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety. No one knows how they are getting driver's licenses and cars so quickly despite them seemingly having no understanding of traffic laws.

With rumors of a "cheat sheet" being given to the Haitians to help them pass their driving test without being qualified, AND an underground black market selling cars to the Haitians, I went down to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to see what I could find…

3:38 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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9d5049 No.21565646

File: 491343a74240e1a⋯.jpg (144.27 KB,677x473,677:473,WITH_A_JINGLE_BELL_AROUND_….jpg)

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3c28c7 No.21565647


They look old

Out of retirement Boomer SS?

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4a031c No.21565648

File: 8de55a03f11cbc8⋯.png (762.78 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Dumber than the ho

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67ee35 No.21565649

File: 55e2c8384b2620d⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,667x662,667:662,ardern.jpg)


tfw you've too much globalism

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111747 No.21565650


Anons cant be jealous of famefag shills. Famefag shills get the rope. God bless you, and sorry your reverse gaslighting trying to manufacture acceptance for the famefag shill failed. I'm guessing you must be new or a paid circle jerk clown trying to normalize something real Anons abhor.

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366ad0 No.21565653

File: b04c688fb73f132⋯.png (518.65 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_192406.png)

File: 1363d369e267ea7⋯.jpeg (282.09 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXFLgmkX0AACUNw.jpeg)

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563a30 No.21565654

>>21565634 Gitmo is too good for this Witch….

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9d5049 No.21565660

File: 8ef6e3c9a23d685⋯.jpg (122 KB,671x480,671:480,AINT_BUYING_IT.jpg)

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46ed53 No.21565663

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8a19f5 No.21565665


I’m just not seeing it.

The multivaxxed seem fine to me.

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042b66 No.21565670

File: f9b61b53045f305⋯.png (248.01 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Right there


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592a4a No.21565671


for all the blindly 'Back the Blue' out there, think of how this shit can NOT be accomplished without the assistance of corrupt LEOs!

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4a031c No.21565677

File: 690de152c5feded⋯.png (479.29 KB,500x495,100:99,ClipboardImage.png)


Free DL with your voter registration!

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46ed53 No.21565682


That was Bannon's idea on his first debate with HRC. Brilliant

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df238e No.21565684

While we’re on the subject of eating cats and dogs, let’s look at PETA and their role in animal sacrifice.

PETAs ideology is extreme, espousing that animals are better off dead rather than being ‘enslaved’ by humans.

PERA euthanizes 80% of I animals that enter it —- compared to 10% of all other shelters!

Just as planned parenthood says it provides prenatal care and contraception…and we know know that it never did… PETA says it helps with neutering and spaying, something no one has reported being to take advantage of. And getting food to animals in need during disasters.. which may be just a ‘Haiti’ front for rounding up lost animals to sell them off.

Ritual animal sacrifice is logically more prevalent than ritual human sacrifice, as official inventories show 15 million pets are euthanized in the US every year.

Faucus beagles: Wes their terror also ritual sacrifice in the guise of science? Because we know damn well the bastard doesn’t do science, just pretends to in order to commit crimes against humanity. And crimes against life?

It stands to reason from this metaphysical maze we are in, ithat Gods creation as a whole is being made war upon to validate their own ends.

Why did the arksnciders attend a voodoo ceremony in Haiti— let’s make a safe bet that it was to see how it was done. Of course the worst crime is murdering babies for hatred of life and abuse of the most innocent, and we know they do children and adults as well. but let’s keep in mind the kittens. And how is it that we all intrinsically understand that the pathological killers start by stepping on kittens.

Life is sacred.

And they hate it.

Don’t take your eyes off the children, but understand our best friends are also being terrorized. With the same rationales— sound familiar? —-

Nobody wants them

They wouldn’t have a good life anyway

There are too many in the world

Nobody wants them

People can’t afford to keep them

I think back to the sweetest cat I ever met, a stray. I took it to the humane league so the owner could be found. With firm instructions that if the owner was not located I would take the cat.

I called a week later. They had killed the cat because “they had too many cats”.

I was horrified and said I had TOLD THEM I would take the cat!

They responded with

“ we don’t do that”

Many such stories.

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46ed53 No.21565689


Leave catturd 2 alone, he serves a purpose

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df238e No.21565706


“Be careful who you follow” == “don’t follow anybody”

After all, the biggest famefag namefag is Donald John Trump himself.

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181fae No.21565708

File: bd503a013c28153⋯.png (397.09 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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366ad0 No.21565710

File: 7c7e7cca1083d36⋯.jpeg (116.45 KB,1600x900,16:9,GXJYsMuXgAAslaB.jpeg)

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4a031c No.21565711

File: f2f13fe79aa1992⋯.png (923.81 KB,640x562,320:281,ClipboardImage.png)


As Putin pointed out "the entire west" needs 10:1 just to break even. So, kick [them] out and dose their homeland with some shit that's 10x worse than fentanyl. Normies are toast anyway.

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181fae No.21565712


Yeah we are

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378e8a No.21565714


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378e8a No.21565716


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366ad0 No.21565718

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109_2_.png)

File: a881604d24b33c9⋯.jpeg (267.02 KB,1200x900,4:3,e33564bd40075182d9ed1b3a9….jpeg)

File: d34048486a1bac6⋯.png (765.08 KB,766x996,383:498,1622_1_.png)

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378e8a No.21565720


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378e8a No.21565721

such fun

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378e8a No.21565725

fun place jim

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378e8a No.21565728


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