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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,trump_never_surrender_text.png)

2f98c0 No.21523341 [View All]

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701 posts and 456 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c1319a No.21524098


the look like MS13 gang members

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f41a09 No.21524099

File: a4c87a4ebbdabc3⋯.jpeg (20.32 KB,241x331,241:331,strngs.jpeg)

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553d77 No.21524100

that boisterous crowd of Harris supporters are union msm workers doing double time – proven hysterics worked for lenin

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dd9514 No.21524101

File: 527f49e56c7cb86⋯.png (270.29 KB,800x600,4:3,posomicrochip.png)


agree here and also about Cohen

Why second -guess what they tell you with their actions and speech.

Fooled me once…..

won't get fooled again (i hope)

POSO is another "new Star" I fail to trust.

New Clear Star?

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d0c6bf No.21524102

File: 20fa6c254e45eb9⋯.jpeg (267.35 KB,828x848,207:212,3659F46D_B29B_49C6_BF28_4….jpeg)

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3560f8 No.21524103


if she is not the president how does she get to use that seal?

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6d5aa7 No.21524104

File: aafb83ca49c7a3e⋯.png (376.07 KB,492x481,492:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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18718d No.21524105


Genocidal maniacs, can anyone guess the CEO's nationality? It's Dual.

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bcf38b No.21524106

File: 2cc1f2a1f8a79db⋯.mp4 (3 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_calm_before_the_stor….mp4)

File: e9e60c9664fa531⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,624x390,8:5,trump_2_thumbs_up_calm_bef….jpg)

File: 8209de507f21802⋯.png (410.82 KB,500x500,1:1,july_13_usace_the_storm_is….png)

File: c534d79497b8d63⋯.png (133.07 KB,188x267,188:267,stormy_daniels_porn_tits_b….png)

File: 1af61929c8126b1⋯.png (444.67 KB,598x701,598:701,trump_shooting_7_13_24_cor….png)

>>21524077 >>21524091

>Ezra hates on "Q-anon"

>foreign intel


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37e5b2 No.21524107

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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76cc93 No.21524108

File: cae686fb9de0a62⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,1024x576,16:9,_118069281_gettyimages_535….jpg)

File: bce73f4a57781d7⋯.jpg (93.43 KB,1200x800,3:2,Eric_20Swalwell_0_30394623….jpg)

File: d8bca35e73a7ac1⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,474x372,79:62,th_4045869670.jpg)

File: a5fb556bc113822⋯.jpg (97.12 KB,1566x880,783:440,160411_yamato_steve_o_teas….jpg)

File: 6d7f06565d6514f⋯.png (738.56 KB,1200x675,16:9,Black_Saturday_book_360385….png)

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37e5b2 No.21524109

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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3560f8 No.21524110


can't she get in a lot of trouble having that emblem on the podium?

she IS NOT the President!!!!

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375760 No.21524111

notables FINAL

#26369 >>21523362

>>21523383 Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

>>21523394 Can't remember my false flag to take away your guns crisis actor lines

>>21523435 Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

>>21523466 Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

>>21523477, >>21523584, >>21523876 Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

>>21523478 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him

>>21523480 Finland plans ban on property acquisitions by foreign nationals as concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia

>>21523568 Americans Own 46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns, Says U.N. Report

>>21523572 Hear me out

>>21523577 ¡Que Mala!

>>21523579, >>21523722 New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

>>21523592 Kamala counterfeit ads

>>21523604 Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor

>>21523609, >>21523613, >>21523992 Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

>>21523616 City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

>>21523627 Some delays at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

>>21523655 New Shawn Ryan x Kash Patel

>>21523567 Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb

>>21523784, >>21523964 Marathon not a sprint

>>21523659, >>21523720 Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

>>21523665 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil

>>21523679 Aurora, CO police department whistleblower reveals that Venezuelan gangs are wreaking havoc on the entire city in general

>>21523686 NPCs relaying their programmed message

>>21523710 There appears to be a pattern

>>21523711 Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

>>21523719, >>21523726, >>21523759 Starlink Market in Brazil

>>21523728 Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

>>21523739 Why does no one complain about this?

>>21523751 Blue Origin

>>21523769, >>21523809, >>21523815 Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

>>21523772 Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: BAC was more than double the legal limit

>>21523828 The Democrats are trying to counter with their own version of MAGA Hulk Hogan

>>21523944, >>21523972, >>21524017 PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

>>21524063 June 17 Presser By Kansas AG On Lawsuit Against Pfizer

>>21523401, >>21523411, >>21523413, >>21523419, >>21523422, >>21523423, >>21523468, >>21523501, >>21523529, >>21523611, >>21523855, >>21523856, >>21523905, >>21523994 Memes


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fdea8f No.21524112

Harris: History will show what we here know, Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative presidents in the United States that we have ever witnessed.

[his attempt to transform the United States into a communist nightmare will fail, and never be forgotten]

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37e5b2 No.21524113

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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fc0e96 No.21524114


By definition, Globalists have no nationality.

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37e5b2 No.21524115

File: bcf5745b7cae7f7⋯.jpg (73.65 KB,627x515,627:515,1530018416997.jpg)

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18718d No.21524116


Cause 2 out of 2 ain't bad.

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37e5b2 No.21524117

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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c0f37a No.21524118


they want the tattoo potus crowd to act

makes better pictures

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d0c6bf No.21524119

File: 5aa5d705f6e3dc0⋯.jpeg (203.82 KB,828x599,828:599,1FCB3315_13FC_439D_BF1D_C….jpeg)

File: c887379a2eb3757⋯.jpeg (110.09 KB,828x655,828:655,F1F3AB14_6DED_4070_9845_2….jpeg)

File: 60702e54769db4f⋯.jpeg (481.14 KB,828x1161,92:129,1FA4A073_E41F_47A8_8639_0….jpeg)

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53be18 No.21524121


the black cloud and a black prince

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37e5b2 No.21524122

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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012960 No.21524123


It may get bloody.

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37e5b2 No.21524125

File: ad2531d58a693d5⋯.jpg (679.53 KB,960x720,4:3,Andromeda_Galaxy_Night_Shi….jpg)

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37e5b2 No.21524127

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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4e7138 No.21524129

File: 1e571f26379ad60⋯.jpeg (33.76 KB,427x231,61:33,crying3.jpeg)

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16ff67 No.21524130

File: ece69500c6a1d5d⋯.png (314.79 KB,382x380,191:190,ece69500c6a1d5d51170eeaec4….png)

I literally don't even have to lift a finger to send the shills into a frothing seething frenzy. I guess that's what you call rent free.

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37e5b2 No.21524132

File: c5c9188c62de4eb⋯.png (541.82 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Christmas_Q_WWG1WGA_Sleigh….png)

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6d5aa7 No.21524134

File: 5c75dc4b9172f6e⋯.png (278.34 KB,368x466,184:233,ClipboardImage.png)


>that boisterous crowd of Harris supporters are union msm workers doing double time – proven hysterics worked for lenin

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37e5b2 No.21524135

File: c36cd275ce28ef9⋯.png (531.62 KB,600x600,1:1,colddead.png)

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d948f6 No.21524136

File: d202b5a7f989034⋯.png (343.21 KB,350x372,175:186,ClipboardImage.png)


Get the facts. Your 1960s indoctrination is bullshit.

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37e5b2 No.21524137

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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d670ea No.21524139

File: ed7a3a3ba21e514⋯.jpg (373.29 KB,945x756,5:4,ed7a3a3ba21e514dbdb30b9f55….jpg)


>but to boost their ego

That's one way to put it.

From what I saw, most of 'em morans do it to "belong" and be "in trend" and "badass"

there's some tendency, it would seem, the most retarded, most bullied and most disappreciated/ignored have the most.

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37e5b2 No.21524140

File: f398b56fa8fd550⋯.jpg (131.39 KB,508x365,508:365,cropcirclerabbithole.jpg)

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bcf38b No.21524142

>>21524103 >>21524093

>if she is not the president how does she get to use that seal?

anon was posting about this

like 2 days ago

>>21512577 pb The Presidential Transition Act

Sounded weird at the time but,

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37e5b2 No.21524143

File: ab0222b136b6eb0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,600x1000,3:5,Dig_Meme_Pray.jpg)

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375760 No.21524144

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37e5b2 No.21524145

File: 51dd0023ff1f660⋯.jpg (381.29 KB,1035x944,1035:944,dome.jpg)

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37e5b2 No.21524146

File: cb5d8a924abbd0d⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB,452x496,113:124,download_Copy.jpeg)

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37e5b2 No.21524147

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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553d77 No.21524149




it is illegal, but Trump made her go MAGA so it's his fault

shit eating cum guzzling grin brings fear and strength

we're not going back is such a powerful message, she's going KaMAGAmunist

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37e5b2 No.21524150

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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d948f6 No.21524151


Because everybody wants the plumbing to work?

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37e5b2 No.21524152

File: e5358a83832f9b6⋯.jpeg (131.29 KB,500x784,125:196,e5358a83832f9b61a7ca6c1c3….jpeg)

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37e5b2 No.21524153

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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37e5b2 No.21524154

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB,790x548,395:274,Elegant_Flotus.png)

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3560f8 No.21524155


I looked for a rally of her and the podium emblem says 'Vice President' which is fine except she's a candidate so that seems to violate the hatch act, as if she's there in official capacity even though she's just campaigning.

I think the other image must be doctored.

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37e5b2 No.21524156

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,800x708,200:177,enjoyshow.jpg)

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