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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

98fa0d No.21506619 [View All]

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701 posts and 691 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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966821 No.21507409

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119675 No.21507411


Which director is running the show?

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8c4ba1 No.21507412

What's the weather 4cast?

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8c4ba1 No.21507413

Shoulda never told me you thought you were cool

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bd059a No.21507414

when to migrate?

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abc57e No.21507415


fun fact:

Brennan converted to Islam while station chief in iran

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966821 No.21507417


when BV say so


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787f69 No.21507418

File: a978c38884dd07d⋯.png (1.53 MB,750x1334,375:667,C7E5DFDC_AE6F_4A79_8611_5F….png)

File: 348b4961715b400⋯.png (101.71 KB,690x1434,115:239,035F6C23_34CB_4786_BD5B_36….png)

File: 46350222c6195da⋯.jpeg (34.03 KB,396x262,198:131,A99A0F0C_02FF_4269_8FC8_0….jpeg)

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e2425f No.21507419

File: d2eec7f2ac60351⋯.jpeg (42.42 KB,320x405,64:81,IMG_4668.jpeg)



The Natural Economic Order (German: Die natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung durch Freiland und Freigeld, in short NWO; published in Bern in 1916) is considered Silvio Gesell's most important book.[1] It is a work on monetary reform and land reform. It attempts to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism in contrast to the 20th-century trend of collectivism and planned economy.[2]

The work was translated into English by Philip Pye in 1929.


Johann Silvio Gesell (German: [ɡəˈzɛl]; 17 March 1862 – 11 March 1930) was a German-Argentine economist, merchant, and the founder of Freiwirtschaft, an economic model for market socialism.[1] In 1900 he founded the magazine Geld-und Bodenreform (Monetary and Land Reform), but it soon closed for financial reasons. During one of his stays in Argentina, where he lived in a vegetarian commune, Gesell started the magazine Der Physiokrat together with Georg Blumenthal. In 1914, it closed due to censorship….


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28dede No.21507420

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)



That's the best you can do? Didn't like that assessment, did you? The only thing you could think of to call me is a communist?

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da86ab No.21507421


Absolutely if they want male soldiers to survive

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5c5011 No.21507422

File: 84536ae174b5fbb⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Buzz_Aldrin_Punches_Moron_….mp4)


become an astronaut, they said it would be fun!

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f6affe No.21507423

File: 9ac833afbcad665⋯.png (1.02 MB,799x762,799:762,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh you know.

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f6523b No.21507424

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,77764107564e61eed69b2d0f92….jpg)

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966821 No.21507425


#26350 >>21506627

>>21507120, >>21507267 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24 4:30 PM EDT

ICYMI Kinda Mornin

>>21506658, >>21506739, >>21506934, >>21506943, >>21507151 Ballz to the Walz lies about service record, signed legislation allowing abortion up to the time of the delivery

>>21506673 ICYMI: DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela — weeks after halting program over ‘fraud’ concerns

>>21506686 The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by hand without the use of electronic voting machines

>>21506704 CMZ: File an FEC complaint

>>21506773 Steve Bannon's lawyers have filed a request for Steve to be released on bond pending resolution of his D.C. Circuit en banc petition

>>21506778, >>21507012, >>21507095, >>21507199, >>21507252, >>21507322, >>21507323 Brazil has fallen under the dictatorship of Alexandre de Moraes. 🇧🇷/election fraud Emhoff/Smartmatic/Dominion/CCP

>>21506811, >>21506849 BREAKING: A source at McDonalds corporate confirms that they have no record of a Kamala Harris ever working for them.

>>21506814 Today in Q Post History we have 30 deltas.

>>21506820 @Meta to South Carolina as they announced their plans for an $800 million investment that will create 100 new jobs in Aiken! TheY wanna turn SC blue

>>21506839 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21506847 “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” , which is part of a series exposing The Truth about Cancer.

>>21506860 Call to Meme Corrupt Democrat Judges and Prosecutors

>>21506870 Vaxed? sperm is behaving in ways doctors have never seen before.

>>21506885 Harris, what have you done for us lately? or at all for that matter

>>21506892 @C__Herridge Lawsuit alleges DOJ violated separation of powers to “surveil” congress.

>>21506951, >>21506963, >>21507070 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US

>>21506982 SEC settles with BKCoin Capital co-founder

>>21506988 If anything proves Kamabla can't debate, last night laid it bare.

>>21506993 @GenFlynn WEF

>>21507003 U.S. Defense Department, NASA and other govt agencies funded research that led to more than 1,000 U.S. patents for China-based inventors since 2010, including in sensitive fields such as biotechnology and semiconductors, data from the US patent agency showed

>>21507030, >>21507114, >>21507145, >>21507146, >>21507184, >>21507186, >>21507269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21507034 Kelly: Jack Smith's Injecting J6 Headlines Back Into News To Interfere With Presidential Election

>>21507046 The SAVE Act Will Work As "Shaping Operation" For Republicans In November

>>21507056 Roy Hammers The Importance Of Attaching The SAVE Act To Appropriation Bills. It blocks non citizens from voting

>>21507059 EMERGENCY DOCKET Supreme Court temporarily bars latest Biden student debt relief plan

>>21507075 War Room Morning Edition

>>21507076 Burchett: [Tim Walz] Connections To The Chinese Scares The Daylights Out Of . Burchett is brilliant and freaking funny

>>21507078, >>21507235 Swamp Talk

>>21507094 Johnson had to intervene to ensure that former President Donald Trump could attend a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

>>21507175, >>21507241 For The First Time In 23 Years, The US Does Not Have A Carrier Strike Group In Indo-PacificBidan/drugs?

>>21507211 Formica: Counties In Pennsylvania Are Flipping Red And They Are Flipping Fast

>>21507345 Firefly names space industry veteran Jason Kim as new CEO

>>21507359 Yesterday I posted about the Presidential Transition Act that was amended Dec 29 2022. Here is the link again for anons to read 18 pages


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1e18b8 No.21507428


Simply providing you a look in the mirror of how baseless claims work.

Though you are acting like a commie, accusing others…

Alinsky would be proud

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abc57e No.21507429


Saudi Arabia, not Iran.


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44d908 No.21507430


Aug 28, 2018 7:14:35 PM EDT Q Drop #1966

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71ada No. 2773258

Aug 28, 2018 7:12:21 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: d8fac5 No. 2773199


Will be glorious?

In my humble opinion sir, it ALREADY is.


In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it shall remain 'will be'.


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2b3aff No.21507431

File: 010b9745ddac8ee⋯.png (33.13 KB,860x151,860:151,ClipboardImage.png)


here is a link about the UHAUL that includes video https://wltreport.com/2024/08/20/why-were-u-haul-trucks-spotted-outside-white/

here is link for DC meeting today


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ab1749 No.21507433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Give it away

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f6523b No.21507434

File: 27fc38cdd8ff491⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,704x848,44:53,game27fc38cdd8ff4913bf6dfc….mp4)

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28dede No.21507436


A one post fires up to come to the defense of AEI using "baseless accusations" or communism and Alinsky tactics. Smells like projection.

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8c4ba1 No.21507437


Good to know, um, I ordered my drink I years ago, seen the waitress? afaf

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2ddc9d No.21507438


The spicy nugg type tendies?

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966821 No.21507439

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44d908 No.21507441

File: 640f8aa3ea47156⋯.png (60.23 KB,582x444,97:74,Q_1295.png)


and don't charge $17?

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f6affe No.21507442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's fake.

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44d908 No.21507443

File: f7f3c29ad0da685⋯.jpg (28.77 KB,352x355,352:355,karl2.jpg)


omfg tyb!

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718c0f No.21507447


Thank God for Jordan Sather the Arbiter of Truth!!!

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44d908 No.21507448

File: 88385bc3aaf336e⋯.png (8.03 MB,9704x2744,1213:343,000matrixxx11a.png)


tyb frens!

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487ee0 No.21507449

File: 6760edc701a32a5⋯.png (10.5 KB,225x225,1:1,Aug_30_Kaboom.png)


I like how you think, anon.

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9314ee No.21507450

File: 87a6860aa250897⋯.png (133.57 KB,349x453,349:453,baker_babe_mil2.png)

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Post last edited at

44d908 No.21507451

File: 6c0f6f010f02ea9⋯.png (116.31 KB,574x822,287:411,Q_1328.png)

omg gm frens!

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1e18b8 No.21507452


> one post

You're really fixated on that, should probably see to your mental deficiency and stop spouting bullshit opines

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533825 No.21507453

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



no like illegal migration

you got a loicence for dat

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a7c168 No.21507454


I'm not neat freak anon, I just want to be able to have some room in the future, or at least some organization of things, not just piles and piles of crap that are very slowly, but will surely in the future start to consume up more and more space. It's not all junk but it's still too much stuff and it should at least be organized. We have had this talk before but it does not seem to be going anywhere. Sometimes drinking and not having to think about it seems to keep me sane honestly.


What if she still has a job and money to spend?

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e2425f No.21507456

File: ab2c044ff1d780e⋯.jpeg (187.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_4573.jpeg)


Just realized, "A new way forward", that's Kamala's slogan? Kek. Trump BTFO'd their original way "forward" so they needed a new one. How's that going for them?

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487ee0 No.21507457

File: e51e48a6941e8b9⋯.png (824.29 KB,1102x981,1102:981,Aug_30_Kamala_did_that.png)

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44d908 No.21507459

File: d3b4a17c600483c⋯.png (128.25 KB,580x990,58:99,Q_1339.png)

8kun muh frens

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ab2a74 No.21507460


repressed homosexual.

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44d908 No.21507461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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44d908 No.21507463

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

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dd4f4d No.21507464

File: 3aedd0c1b2ce58b⋯.jpg (530.14 KB,2559x1919,2559:1919,Ignatiev.jpg)


completely normal..

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787f69 No.21507466

fresh bullshit in the next timeline

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44d908 No.21507469

File: a4cf26c5a74b9c4⋯.jpg (54.34 KB,474x474,1:1,OIP_2_.jpg)

getting a little [crowded]

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44d908 No.21507470

File: d60c62cfdec63d8⋯.png (1.16 MB,759x692,759:692,nel1.png)

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1e18b8 No.21507471


>8kun muh frens

It was still 8chan at that post

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787f69 No.21507472

File: 222703c611627ab⋯.jpeg (513.09 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,81C67B01_05B9_465A_9C3F_9….jpeg)

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643d88 No.21507473

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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da86ab No.21507474


When they are out, rent a warehouse, get a uhaul, put it in the warehouse a say, either you want the junk or me, your choice

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