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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

3eae29 No.21288660 [View All]

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871ecd No.21289646

Republican Refuses to Attend Netanyahu Speech After Mike Johnson's Warning

GOP Representative Thomas Massie said this week he will not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

"Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int'l opposition to his war," the Kentucky congressman wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter). "I don't feel like being a prop so I won't be attending."

Earlier this week, House Speaker Mike Johnson sent a letter warning of consequences for any guests or lawmakers who seek to disturb Netanyahu's address.

"Due to the attention garnered by the prime minister's address, there will be an increased police presence around the Capitol complex and in the House Chamber. In the interests of all involved, we will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for disturbances in the building," Johnson wrote in the letter,


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d7d4f9 No.21289647

where are the bullets flying? afaf

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995d88 No.21289648

final bun o' fun for #26091

you got to know when to hold em

c u at the top

#26091 >>21288671


>>21288701, >>21288818, >>21288844, >>21288850 California Hot Spots (7/24)

>>21288710, >>21288728, >>21288779, >>21288799 Biden's watch didn't match the time of his "live" address. Tick Tock

>>21288722 Anon steps up. QResearch is a national treasure

>>21288754, >>21288761 Moar "oval office" photo fun - Diet Coke Can

>>21288814, >>21288823, >>21288828, >>21288835 Archiving Trump Rally at Charlotte with notes

>>21288829 DC Draino - DNC blocking delegates from nominating new candidates

>>21288837 Tommy Robinson - They are playing the lottery with the safety of our kids

>>21288843 Retired Chicago cop who exposed Jussie Smollett hoax warns voters about Kamala Harris

>>21288851 Gateway Pundit - FBI expressed disappointment re: assassination attempt failure at least two times


>>21288896, >>21288921 Major class action thrown out - insufficient evidence to prove Roundup causes cancer

>>21288975 Canadian Fires - Journalists being kept 40km away

>>21289093 European Union bureaucrats want to build a comprehensive database of the assets owned by all citizens

Ghost grab

>>21289185 Not so live: It wasn’t live. They recorded him and then streamed it live at 8 PM Eastern time for everyone.

>>21289208 This is how they launder money through ActBlue. 100 million in 36 hours from small dollar donors lol.

>>21289279 Local cops refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires, damning whistleblower report reveals

>>21289358, >>21289393, >>21289451 Commie pedo linkedin fag Hoffman becoming dem megadonor. Wished 45 was 'actual martyr'


>>21289374 Several House Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson, have just replaced the American flags that were ripped down by pro-Palestine protestors

>>21289391 Yep. 🐸🐸🐸 Vincent Fusca just got shouted out by the boss.

>>21289454 Marine veteran David Dutch, who was shot at Trump rally, released from hospital

>>21289520 FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris is a Descendant of a ‘Notorious’ Irish Slave Owner on Sugar Plantations in Jamaica

>>21289562, >>21289563, >>21289609, >>21289612, >>21289613 Habbenings for 7/25/2024

>>21289599 Russia Loads Fourth Sanctioned Sovcomflot Tanker in Snub to West

>>21289633 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/25/2024

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8a4a47 No.21289649


If it's in your script it must be true, right?

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173402 No.21289650


>>>21289576 (You)


>>fun fact:


>Could be true however;


>Obama had a cooperative government, Trump had to fight for every millimeter

numberwise, Obama deported one and half million illegals in 8 years, Trump much less than half of that in 4 years

why? it could be because the Deep State operatives and handlers surrounding Trump sabotaged his plans or it could be that his economic advisers like Larry Fink explained to him how the Big Business needs cheap labor and how increased demand is good for the real estate developers etc and Trump agreed … Build the Wall could have been just another campaign slogan like "lock her up" and "drain the swamp"

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f195fb No.21289651

File: 7681d910afa07f1⋯.jpeg (762.01 KB,1125x1511,1125:1511,IMG_2036.jpeg)


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d7d4f9 No.21289652


bib shows up the week after [THEY] try to kill 45…

TOMORROW, bebeast!

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af69af No.21289653

File: 835023d53d331b3⋯.png (792.1 KB,952x1249,952:1249,Screenshot_20240725_074423….png)

No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No DealsNo DealsNo Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals No Deals

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173402 No.21289654


>frog in slowly heated water


>is that a true scenario? afaf

it's not true in that sense that no frog would stay in the water when the temperature is high enough, it's just a myth

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2863e0 No.21289655

File: cce8cd6cd63ac0b⋯.png (58.31 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>describing the vessel as an “American ship.”

Liberian Flag. Possibly offended by the similarities? More likely too dumb to know the difference.

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73999f No.21289656

File: b6b3f7418ad666c⋯.jpeg (352.9 KB,1125x1001,1125:1001,IMG_2037.jpeg)

File: 6e52f996b764a9d⋯.jpeg (555.84 KB,1125x1396,1125:1396,IMG_2039.jpeg)


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eac3b0 No.21289657

File: 734cb6e5450556c⋯.webp (46.73 KB,700x855,140:171,azxAZZq_700bwp.webp)

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d7d4f9 No.21289658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what an insensitive jerk. rude motherfucker walks in front of 45's bedside well wishers to beg for money.

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5498ea No.21289659

File: 748bb65e3b88b2b⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,720x1280,9:16,outrage.mp4)

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f40763 No.21289660


And she is 57 YEARS OLD!!!

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995d88 No.21289661


smell that panic?

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2dd46a No.21289662

File: 39d8d4895b3e984⋯.png (467.59 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


not Fusca

Trump said black shirt, green hat:

This guy

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9fe764 No.21289663

File: 5fdce4e1fc5253b⋯.jpg (224.38 KB,1264x829,1264:829,Screenshot_20240725_090950….jpg)





Nah, you were looking at a weird reflection. It's clearly 8:06

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dd30df No.21289664


i like little tattoos

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5498ea No.21289665

File: 2b9b5de88f91e0b⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,474x854,237:427,tantura.mp4)

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2dd46a No.21289666

File: 39d8d4895b3e984⋯.png (467.59 KB,668x587,668:587,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21289662 (me)

pic didn't show up


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29ac3f No.21289667

File: 4dff371ae869b9f⋯.jpeg (16.77 KB,228x254,114:127,17b3e13801a3a25b10eeaf8e0….jpeg)

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eac3b0 No.21289668

File: 1184b7c1e6e21e2⋯.webp (36.55 KB,700x828,175:207,aXPw746_700bwp.webp)

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173402 No.21289669



Dec 06, 2017 8:44:36 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6f5bab No. 45424

HRC tried to cut a deal today.



truth or a necessary disinfo larp?

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0534ce No.21289672


damned Iranians

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9fe764 No.21289674


14:54 into ABL stream


Cannot embed from this isp

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d7d4f9 No.21289675

File: 21c58ea687e1c4d⋯.png (1.16 MB,1058x1032,529:516,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

File: b54b7db59f340b0⋯.png (233.93 KB,556x346,278:173,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)



did NOT click that shit!

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7ffe46 No.21289676



They breathe through their eyelids

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5b4d5b No.21289677

File: 14af21b86bfcadb⋯.jpg (156.57 KB,824x550,412:275,ACCIDENTS_HAPPEN.jpg)

File: 6905e3ed43a5eac⋯.jpg (127.04 KB,699x673,699:673,THE_CIRCUS_ONLY_HAS_CLOWNS.jpg)

File: ec304838c4735bc⋯.jpg (254.01 KB,900x630,10:7,DOOMED_DEMS.jpg)

File: 7162936bc526e69⋯.jpg (184.06 KB,932x524,233:131,THE_FEAR_IS_REAL.jpg)

File: f0c2c784d13b3bc⋯.jpg (226.19 KB,1266x722,633:361,UNEXPECTED_SHITSHOW.jpg)

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343037 No.21289678

So Biden stepped down?

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7ffe46 No.21289680


Click it

That's a double dare

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173402 No.21289681










>Nah, you were looking at a weird reflection. It's clearly 8:06

has the highest ranking anon already posted a pic of the drop 806?

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cf05ba No.21289682

File: 0b8e2d8eccee490⋯.png (931.11 KB,624x832,3:4,0b8e2d8eccee49055fbab91c4f….png)


Another literally who talking shit.

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d7d4f9 No.21289683

File: b806b24f4edff3e⋯.png (2.49 MB,1902x1008,317:168,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

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0534ce No.21289684


Is he going to unnecessarily start down the same road of MAGA platform destruction? Now start talking about abortion 100% illegal, Vance.

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576330 No.21289685

File: d27038240e053ea⋯.png (389.85 KB,681x383,681:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato will be going around attempting to scrape up "wins" for his legacy.

Gaza Peace Agreement

NATO expansion in Ukraine

Free College Loans

EO's out the wazoo

Pardon's of clearly dangerous POC's

More Open Borders

Amnesty for 3rd world parasites

The MSM chorus is already off the charts.

Remember they are running a Shock & Awe campaign to launch Harris.

Remember it's really a "Cock and Maw" disaster.

Their outright dishonesty will be on hyper drive so get past the BS and focus, channel anger and overcome. MAGA

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9fe764 No.21289688

File: 2338693a7aa5e25⋯.jpg (206.6 KB,1022x1479,1022:1479,Screenshot_20240725_091800….jpg)




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73999f No.21289689

File: 1fd9f1dddf29e0d⋯.jpeg (220.46 KB,1125x841,1125:841,IMG_2041.jpeg)

File: 10926d2b20d634a⋯.jpeg (574.91 KB,1125x1516,1125:1516,IMG_2040.jpeg)


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871ecd No.21289690

File: 2e31691fd8d1850⋯.png (432.72 KB,754x463,754:463,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fb4ac98e540f3⋯.png (365.96 KB,355x355,1:1,22.PNG)

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7ecf5d No.21289691


Fake news.

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173402 No.21289692






>>No such thing,


>Know your P's and Q's





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8b27cd No.21289693

Pretty weak trope, Squeaky. Even for you.

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173402 No.21289694

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871ecd No.21289695



My guess is Bibi was scheduled to meet the Secret Service Director in Aspen as she was scheduled to go there before the "event" and give her a Rabbi Schmuley medal.

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679eeb No.21289696

File: c8bace293b6abba⋯.jpg (69.11 KB,960x626,480:313,c8bace293b6abba8432cfd93fd….jpg)


this is a strange overnight bread all the way to the top

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6160da No.21289697

File: 3dc4e2446239827⋯.jpeg (397.59 KB,1000x2819,1000:2819,IMG_3083.jpeg)

Wray lied

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5498ea No.21289698


Kimberly Guilfoyle and James Hammer

He's a gay former Jesuit with a hearty laugh, a by-the-book prosecutor who is fascinated by the Kennedy family.

She's a bespectacled former underwear model who loves animals and prides herself on hard work and her track record in the courtroom.

Together, James Thomas O'Donnell Hammer and Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle will be back in court Wednesday, teaming up to prosecute two San Francisco attorneys in the dog mauling death of Diane Whipple.

The Jan. 26 attack on the 33-year-old lacrosse coach drew nationwide attention, and the case against Marjorie Knoller and Robert Noel continues to take bizarre plot twists.

Although just who will defend the couple is up in the air, the task of prosecuting them falls to the unlikely duo of Guilfoyle and Hammer.

Guilfoyle, 32, who favors librarian glasses, wants people to know that she is not some "cupcake."

True, she has been a fashion and lingerie model and hobnobs with the city's elite, being seen with Bill Getty and now Supervisor Gavin Newsom. She even has her own smoothie at Juice It! called the Krazy Kimba, a concoction of strawberries, blueberries, apples and frozen yogurt.

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995d88 No.21289700

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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d7d4f9 No.21289702

File: 231703670197171⋯.png (760.21 KB,530x754,265:377,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

File: 7b19cea4175c825⋯.png (2.17 MB,1364x992,11:8,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

File: 0e72c032a0e8688⋯.png (329.75 KB,520x394,260:197,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

File: b2c798a1dc6f3b1⋯.png (223.02 KB,766x392,383:196,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)

File: 0cb911f75f913aa⋯.png (1.82 MB,1876x728,67:26,Screenshot_2024_07_25_at_0….png)


The Bohemian Club

Bohemian Grove is named for the Northern California Bohemian Club. It was formed by newspapermen, artists, actors and musicians in San Francisco in 1872. They were a group of guys with a different perspective than most, who liked flaunting it in each other's company. In September 1892, the club held their annual midsummer encampment in this part of the woods, perhaps a spiritual, forest frolic precursor to Burning Man.


''A wicker man was purportedly a large wicker statue in which the druids (priests of Celtic paganism) sacrificed humans and animals by burning. The main evidence for this practice is a sentence by Roman general Julius Caesar in his Commentary on the Gallic War (1st century BC),[1] which modern scholarship has linked to an earlier Greek writer, Posidonius.[2][3]

There is some archaeological evidence of human sacrifice among Celtic peoples, although it is rare.[4] The ancient Greco-Roman sources are now regarded somewhat sceptically, considering it is likely they "were eager to transmit any bizarre and negative information" about the Celts, as it benefited them to do so.[5][6]

The British horror film The Wicker Man (1973) brought the wicker man into popular culture. In modern culture, a wicker man (without human or animal sacrifices) has been burned at some neopagan ceremonies, and festivals such as Burning Man.[7] It has also been referenced in music and art. ''

Middle English: of Scandinavian origin; compare with Swedish viker ‘willow’; related to vika ‘to bend’.

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fa816d No.21289704


>This is hysterical

Maybe it's because I'm not an Americanon, but this didn't even raise a smile.

Where was the laugh track to tell me when to laugh?

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