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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

6191da No.20994423 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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6191da No.20994424

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20842620 Canada #58

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

>>20837582 Japan #23

>>20584358 Korea #1

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

>>20584333 Russia #1

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>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked new

Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new


#25747 >>20993607

>>20993692, >>20993697, >>20994142, >>20994144 3PM EST - POTUS Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24

>>20993817, >>20993835, >>20994307 Ben Garrison has stage 4 cancer; needs help; selling signed artwork

>>20993769 R.Conway tried to discourage SF event attendance; hundreds of pro-Trump demonstrators attend

>>20994072, >>20994095, >>20994101 40,000+ at Carolina Country Music Fest last night cheered for POTUS

>>20994366 House Rs Demand Comm Records b/t J6 ‘Star Witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ Office

>>20994059 Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare

>>20993934, >>20993939, >>20993975, >>20994000 A.Cuomo to Appear for Transcribed Interview on Tuesday [covid]

>>20993548 Argentine Catholic Archbishop Gabriel Mestre of La Plata resigned unexpectedly

>>20994233, >>20994239, >>20994278, >>20994319 Michael Mosley found dead on Greek island of Symi

>>20993511 CoV Bioweapon Injections were not Vaccines; 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred

>>20993735 Bar Owner Who Declared June 'Heterosexual Awesomeness Month' Details Incredible Response

>>20994100 Florida city uncovers mysterious network of secret tunnels

>>20993516 2024 Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024


>>20994071, >>20994179, >>20994211, >>20994252 PFs: Potato in 92-9000_Not AF1 747 departed Paris-Orly to Phila

>>20993911, >>20993915, >>20994248, >>20994258, >>20994257 Q+ Newport Beach TRUTH > Q653 Hotel GM. What happened.. ?

>>20994057, >>20994137, >>20994234 Digging the Satanic Cabal FAMILY


>>20993582 CENTCOM 7:20 PM (6/8) 1573 tones Humanitarian assistance > Q1573 Re-read drops re: 302 mod

>>20993530, >>20993534, >>20993534, >>20993547, >>20993917 US Naval Inst. 10:55 PM (6/8) Q1055 "Who is she?"

>>20993572 7th Fleet 3:02 AM "Valiant Sheild" > Q302 For Green.

>>20993603 1SBCT_Ghost 4:34AM "Ghost Dojo Open" > Q434 Patriot, your country needs you.

>>20993544, >>20993926 7th Fleet 7AM "Sailors participate in an engineering training" > Q700 Suicide weekend?

>>20993562 US Army 8:08 AM "training" "readiness" > Q808 Did you count.. cross ref spaces.. match meaning?

>>20993837, >>20993887 DoD 9:03 AM (CLOUDS) GBU38 "Live munitions training" > Q903 The calm before the storm

#25746 >>20994384

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6191da No.20994425

#25746 >>20992741

>>20992791 Q 6-Year Delta "START THE CLOCK"

>>20992794 Space Force Anthem

>>20992815 Anons' Based POTUS Rally Vid.

>>20992884 Britain's Iron Dome system underway

>>20992903 Prince of Greece with no Greek blood: Prince Philip

>>20993047 Refresher on the Greatest Man after Jesus Christ:

>>20993095 3,000 Patriots in Long Island came out to support Trump, Just Because

>>20993104 Fmr. Asst. city attorney Atlanta jailed 7 years, $15 million in COVID fraud.

>>20993165 Polls open, 20 EU countries, as voting for Parliament enters final day

>>20993177, >>20993205 Doctor suspicious; 'Unusual' cancers after pandemic; Kashyap Patel

>>20993198, >>20993379 Haiti - new prime minister hospitalized days after being selected

>>20993239 Billionaire Frank Stronach, 91 arrested, charged, for sexually assaulting multiple women

>>20993248 Josh Maravich, suddenly dead at 42: Son of Hall of Fame player and NBA legend

>>20993257, >>20993277 @USNavy repost of @CVN69 "ALL GAS, NO BRAKES!" Dig.

>>20993308 integrity concerns about Illinois legalizing permanent nursing home mail-in voting

>>20993314 Mark Levin 'appalled' at Biden's 'politicization' during Normandy speech

>>20993370 Protesters Surround White House With 'Red Line' Banner

#25745 >>20993601 (posted in #25746)

#25745 >>20991831

>>20992430, >>20992433 Judge Merchan flow chart

>>20992062 Nice turnout for impromptu Trump rally in San Francisco. Will NYC turn MAGA on the 25th of June?

>>20992095, >>20992071, >>20992111 Hunter Biden’s Daughter's Testimony Epically Backfires on Defense

>>20992148, >>20992130 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy by Eric Karlstrom

>>20992219, >>20992232, >>20992234, >>20992242 New York Justice Jeffrey K. Oing

>>20991869, >>20991973 Trump Greeted by Large Crowds of Supporters, Boaters During Visit to Newport Beach

>>20991943 Former judge goes to jail for 15 years if she tells what is happening illegally in the Netherlands

>>20991967 Doctors Protecting Children Declaration Press Conference - Full press conference

>>20991983 If you’re a Doctor that received payment for promoting the ‘Covid Vaccine’…you were aiding and abetting in State-sanctioned Murder.

>>20992008 Judge Noreika/Judge Scarsi will have to review Congress' criminal referral for Hunter perjury as potential violations of his supervised release b/c false statements "material;" he knew they were false & he made under oath

>>20992010 TD sues wealth adviser who left during money-laundering review

>>20992023 @GenFlynn thank you for your faith in me. On August 6th, We Take America Back with President Trump.

>>20992042 Gold Overtakes Euro in Global International Reserves

>>20992193 Ocean-born fish seen swimming in Kansas River for first time in a decade

>>20992197 When Congress Waved the Ukrainian Flag - Story

>>20992262 T-Mobile sold by Claure Group, Inc/BoD director of T-Mobile: $546.82m - June 5,6,7

>>20992327 PF: Call sign DONG53. USN E-6B Mercury 164386. East over Arkansas and Tennessee from Tinker AFB. Squawk 2343

>>20992006 pedo bun

>>20992734 #25745

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6191da No.20994427

Previously Collected

>>20990121 #25742-B, >>20990906 #25743, >>20991592 #25744

>>20988382 #25740, >>20989337 #25741, >>20990115 #25742-A

>>20985902 #25737, >>20986742 #25738, >>20987505 #25739

>>20984725 #25735, >>20985126 #25736A, >>20985136 #25736B

>>20981786 #25732, >>20983045 #25733, >>20983532 #25734

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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6191da No.20994429

File: f8ef4c036f85edb⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024.png)



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4c232d No.20994430

File: 70937e4f2acda5a⋯.mp4 (829.73 KB,422x270,211:135,BidenMocksSupporter.mp4)

>>20985952 pb

0 Empathy

0 Compassion

0 Regard for the cameras, everywhere

0 Sense about the viral marketing value of a signed baseball, online

-1 Wasted more time & taxpayer money berating the dude thn it would have cost to sign it

-∞ The FSA still believes this rat got their gibs

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bbc011 No.20994431

File: bbb7a0e3b4da5c8⋯.jpg (34.34 KB,401x683,401:683,fight_meme.JPG)

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3c6fb6 No.20994432

File: c1e0d99bf098100⋯.jpeg (76.84 KB,828x554,414:277,41AF17D0_82EF_46EF_B351_8….jpeg)

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,ED08CC86_E52F_4A54_947B_5….jpeg)


Thank you.

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409b1e No.20994433

File: 760a0e80036164a⋯.png (1.27 MB,3528x3284,882:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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f313f0 No.20994434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20994395 (pb)

>why are almost all old notables deleted?

they weren't deleted, but archived.

Archived means hotlinks don't work.

Archiving happens when threads fall off the catalog.

Images+videos are deleted at that time too.

They weren't re-posted anywhere, but that's currently done on >>>/qnotables23/ and >>>/qnotables22/ board (going deeper into the past as time passes, most images weren't saved before mid 2020 though)

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80614d No.20994435

File: 4887952660595ca⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,2160x1440,3:2,Picsart_24_05_31_09_13_29_….jpg)


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26b0c6 No.20994437

File: 564459ac6aa6657⋯.png (722.28 KB,1275x720,85:48,Screenshot_2024_06_09_09_2….png)

Wanna Fix it?

Remove from the US Government Fed, State, City all commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity frauds and protect agains them so help you god.


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3c6fb6 No.20994438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f41e3a No.20994439

File: 07a6c6a00163b68⋯.png (44.48 KB,720x386,360:193,human_intelligence.png)

File: dd749a24de6af0c⋯.png (235.46 KB,599x1051,599:1051,bionic_reading.png)

File: 1116301bd961969⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x264,20:11,tap.gif)

File: 07423e5a690e021⋯.jpg (590.83 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Accelerate.jpg)



Bionic reading


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6191da No.20994440


Because this board is managed by Clowns. EVIL.

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024256 No.20994442


*Vive El Trump


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024256 No.20994444

>>20994395 lb me

why are notables from 2018 gone?

or is there somewhere else to find them?

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b07f0d No.20994445

File: d7bbbbd93b3e173⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,582x800,291:400,Butlerdidit.jpg)

The Butler did it, he is the murderer.

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a00402 No.20994447


>Bionic reading

WAS called speed reading for decades

same technique

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6191da No.20994448


Would you.. be the BO of QR… and EVER lose a CRUMB of INTEL? No.

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f60ca7 No.20994449

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)

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ffef50 No.20994451

File: 6f8e30d32a9fafd⋯.png (2.08 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

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b07f0d No.20994453


fuck you with your psycho baker bull shit, you stole all the digits, are you a butler by any chance?

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f60ca7 No.20994455

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!!"



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ffef50 No.20994458

File: 2d88365921f1784⋯.png (2.87 MB,704x11502,352:5751,MindControl1.png)

File: 425565a81021c04⋯.png (2.85 MB,688x12429,688:12429,MindControl2.png)

File: 5155e728d42ff73⋯.png (2.12 MB,696x9300,58:775,MindControl3.png)

File: 47c51aa1cfb25f2⋯.png (2.28 MB,772x10040,193:2510,MindControl4.png)

>>20992180 PB

>A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy by Eric Karlstrom

Add it up, dear reader. I’m afraid it does add up…. And

the picture that emerges here is of a world-wide hierarchical network that employs diabolical methods (Satanic Ritual Abuse/mind control) to control its own “soldiers.”

Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, book, “Trance Formation of America” as well as other books by survivors of government mind-control programs describes the dimensions of this shadowy, hidden world that is based on torture, terror and deception.

Falling back on the Christian worldview, which seems increasingly appropriate to describe the world system now in power, it seems that Satan, “the God of this world” and his legions are “black magicians.” The only possible way they can defeat God and bring the souls of men and women to hell with him, again, is by employing magic, via deception, torture, and terror, to concoct a “false reality matrix.” If we shine the light of truth upon the matrix and the diabolical inventors of these evil things and the Satanic superstructure will crumble.

Meanwhile, this diabolical system is capturing millions of souls for perdition. Hence, we truth tellers must continue to try to expose and oppose these legions of the duped and the damned.

>>20992026 PB

>>20992148 PB

>>20992130 PB


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e875ab No.20994460

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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6191da No.20994461


"Archive EVERYTHING"? Q knew.

Nothing is ever truly deleted.

Short version of current board news.

Q+ and Dan TRUTH time stamps, markers > Q#

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:21:06 (EST) > (02:28)

Q > Nov 25 2017, 13:20:08 (EST) > (8, 7, 6, 5……).

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:21:30 (EST) > ("letter")

Q > Jan 27 2018, 03:23:35 (EST) > Holy crap!!! Q

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:22:11 (EST) > Poll

Q > Jan 27 2018, 11:23:54 (EST) > Time to play, Dopey.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:23:25 (EST) > PEACE, Fight

Q > Jan 27 2018, 11:48:33 (EST) > NEW puppet master.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:24:26 (EST) > “The Chosen One”

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:09:31 (EST) > Have you learned how to read the message?

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:25:00 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:13:53 (EST) > SEC_TEST

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:25:26 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:13:53 (EST) > SEC_TEST

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:25:34 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:13:53 (EST) > SEC_TEST

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:26:04 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:34:38 (EST) > Chatter exploding.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:26:24 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:34:38 (EST) > Chatter exploding.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:26:44 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:34:38 (EST) > Chatter exploding.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 06:26:56 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Jan 27 2018, 12:34:38 (EST) > Chatter exploding.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 09:30:27 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Mar 10 2018, 16:47:32 (EST) > POTUS’ recent Tweet relevant here.

Q+ > Jun 07 2024, 09:30:33 (EST) > (quote)

Q > Mar 10 2018, 16:47:32 (EST) > POTUS’ recent Tweet relevant here.

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a15575 No.20994462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jun 6, 2024

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is under fire from her political opponent, Don Samuels, after accusations of fraud against a business Omar's husband partly owns.

Subscribe to FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul / @fox9 Watch FOX 9 Live: https://www.fox9.com/live FOX 9 is your source for breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from Minneapolis-St. Paul, the greater Twin Cities metro, Greater Minnesota, western Wisconsin and across the nation. FOX 9 is the Official Home of the Minnesota Vikings and proud partner of University of Minnesota Golden Gophers Athletics.


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024256 No.20994463


What's your problem?

I want to read sth from 2018 but it's not possible. And I would like to know if those old notables are archived somewhere else.

So if you can't help me with this, then just mind your own business and GFY with your "fuck you"

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8a2076 No.20994464

File: e0d3a0b2f04c685⋯.png (309.77 KB,640x547,640:547,4184807A_3DE5_4B89_96C7_1A….png)

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60b7ce No.20994465


I'm more interested in the serial # portion of the SSN, not so much the we're traded as chattel part of it.

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ebd0fe No.20994466

File: 14dfd299fa594f8⋯.png (159.17 KB,720x636,60:53,nyrwetbetrewbtew.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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4c232d No.20994467

File: 2d7cc287498bce7⋯.gif (442.37 KB,400x225,16:9,rico_fags.gif)

File: 4b9ee797b5be9f4⋯.gif (1 MB,400x225,16:9,rico_ds.gif)

File: 7b528c6c93f8edd⋯.gif (701.46 KB,400x225,16:9,rico_merchan.gif)

The Merchan juror scam was prearranged to quash this kangaroo RICO crime ever being reviewed by a higher court. But it is not moot because it is a continuance of an ongoing coup d'etat.

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024256 No.20994468


and digits mean sth

so i didnt steal them

it was meant to be


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87356c No.20994469

File: ab0f2f3d0966600⋯.png (2.88 MB,2430x1504,1215:752,Q_hat_on_RSBN_.png)

Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas!


It's spreading.

We, the PEOPLE.

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bc3c9d No.20994470

Behold a Pale Horse - William *Bill* Cooper - Audiobook




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e875ab No.20994471

File: 4c2f0b41126a6dd⋯.png (204.77 KB,585x490,117:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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f313f0 No.20994472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They are archived on here, BUT you need to look up posts all by yourself, manually.

All hotlinks do not work.

You can't click.

You have to go to a specific thread, and search for the post #.

Well until all of that is re-posted, but it will take a while to reach 2018.

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c0cbd7 No.20994473


>the picture that emerges here is of a world-wide hierarchical network that employs diabolical methods (Satanic Ritual Abuse/mind control) to control its own “soldiers.”


You can search here https://qresear.ch/

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bbc011 No.20994474

Nobody is asking the right question.

Why would a group of pro-Palestinian protesters funded by George Soros attack the White House, which is occupied by Joe Biden, an ally of George Soros?

Clash of civilizations is the bigger goal here.

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f313f0 No.20994475


>You can search here https://qresear.ch/

What sucks is that you can't select "notables only".

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109f86 No.20994476



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6191da No.20994477

>>20994404 (lb)

Saw that, thank you. Just didn't have time to work it all in. We can add a bun this bread, please.

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b68a28 No.20994478

File: 5f3ee9227eb3263⋯.png (621.23 KB,804x900,67:75,F5wYGzO.png)

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409b1e No.20994479

File: f92dee6e49da601⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,255x245,51:49,popcorn_pepe2.jpg)


>Nobody is asking the right question.

Oh, but you are, right? KEK

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c0cbd7 No.20994480

File: ace525a892872dd⋯.png (1.76 MB,1304x865,1304:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3c9d6c56ae1ba2⋯.png (1.49 MB,1340x920,67:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aefa8ba1e9b978⋯.png (721.12 KB,706x852,353:426,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 725d459db1bd8ca⋯.png (993.64 KB,1768x954,884:477,IDIOCRACY_PRISON_PARTICULA….png)


I see you watched it too.

I'm terrified.

This is exactly what our world is becoming.

It's already there 2005

clownworld was not a thing

Now it is

One of the best movies I've ever seen

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26b0c6 No.20994481

File: fc0fa9a5a37c59a⋯.png (868.74 KB,1275x720,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f8e8202bceeb47⋯.png (379.85 KB,742x591,742:591,ClipboardImage.png)


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6191da No.20994482


Let's use this one next bread?

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024256 No.20994483



i know, that's what i did

but most posts are gone there too!




that's what I'm doing now


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57bcbd No.20994484

File: 5ab2f7549a595c6⋯.jpg (64.44 KB,610x396,305:198,8tb4n2.jpg)

>>20993047 pb

Sounds good

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24df14 No.20994485

File: 890bb55ee3b5101⋯.png (461.35 KB,598x833,598:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04b1be62f0c049c⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,576x1024,9:16,do_the_biden.mp4)

Everybody, do the Biden

Joe Biden has started a trend 🤣🤣🤣

It’s called, “Do the Biden!”


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8a2076 No.20994486

File: 03944ac29ee52e0⋯.gif (115.65 KB,220x192,55:48,49F32F99_5C4A_494E_802E_99….gif)


Because it’s not going to go away overnight and will still be an on-going issue as both sides controlled by same

Even if this douche is somehow removed the next stooge steps up

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ecdf32 No.20994487

File: 65e7c191919c713⋯.png (555.81 KB,832x807,832:807,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43e7b0ea6003a98⋯.mp4 (964.99 KB,480x270,16:9,Lindsey_Graham_Calls_for_S….mp4)

Lindsey Graham Calls for Seizing Russian Assets Around the World & Making Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism

“When I suggested that to President Zelenskyy, he lit up like a Christmas tree”


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96a770 No.20994488

File: 3ab62ef6630e5d7⋯.jpg (16.96 KB,446x677,446:677,TYB30.jpg)


Thanks Bakes

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b8b6fe No.20994489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ah, you tiny fucking pedophiles, you parasites destroying another host:

Remember the 90's?

Hell, we could laugh then.

All US bitches should lighten up. Might see you pedos for what you are.

Anyway, laugh today, People. Have the BEST DAY POSSIBLE.

God's will in all things. And yes, the Sun.

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c0cbd7 No.20994490

File: 0485e5a884ae0f7⋯.jpg (17.1 KB,640x480,4:3,barron_trump.jpg)

File: f8db99e9ca87cbb⋯.png (371.17 KB,996x500,249:125,independance_day_they_re_k….png)


>Clash of civilizations is the bigger goal here.

No, it isn't.

Israel's terrorism could actually unite us all.

Only murrico boomers idiocracy israel's terrorism

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024256 No.20994491



my bad:

¡Viva Trump!

(with "a" and without article)


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80614d No.20994492

already up to 10 posts

thats a quick filter

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c0cbd7 No.20994493

File: 86b77f04ecf1a7d⋯.png (164.2 KB,417x408,139:136,ClipboardImage.png)


as long as this is the face of the R party, the R party will rightfully remain nothing but fags

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024256 No.20994494

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ffef50 No.20994495

File: b04a9f3455a1cea⋯.png (597.64 KB,817x832,817:832,ClipboardImage.png)



>a world-wide hierarchical network that employs diabolical methods (Satanic Ritual Abuse/mind control)

moar employs diabolical methods "evidence":

Horrifying sexual abuse of Native American children exposed as survivors share new accounts

For over 100 years, Native American children were subjected to ruthless sexual abuse at the hands of priests and teachers after being forced to live in culture-destroying boarding schools. Through a systematic effort to eviscerate Native American society, the federal government sent tens of thousands of children to over 500 boarding schools across America between 1819 and 1969. While the measures were intended to seize indigenous land and rid generations of Native Americans of their identity, an investigation by the Washington Post revealed how they opened the door to sickening sexual abuse. Deborah Parker, a citizen of the Tulalip Tribes and the chief executive of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, told the outlet the church-run Indian boarding schools now stand as 'a national crime scene.'


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bc3c9d No.20994496

File: e9dde57675ca158⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,735x499,735:499,yup.jpg)

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6191da No.20994497

File: b73f2b56aa6f984⋯.png (1.03 MB,1028x1050,514:525,335_221.png)

File: 6baa0dac86a8369⋯.png (871.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,10_31.png)


This one is the most gone of them all: This is Q.

▶ Anonymous 02/21/24 (Wed) 10:31:33 d65279 (8) No.20451452

The world was just reminded - America is protected.

And our retaliation will be "success".

[You] lose, we win.


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6f96be No.20994498


The old guard - blames everything on russia




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ecdf32 No.20994499

File: 9fe5fc151db806a⋯.png (340.19 KB,502x608,251:304,9fe5fc151db806a3c5ba595c68….png)

File: a5298fb3223f64e⋯.jpg (132.18 KB,705x1024,705:1024,F0JVl0dacAA_DJh.jpg)

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57bcbd No.20994500


Some people did something bruh

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a15575 No.20994501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick GarlandShe's Great



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8a2076 No.20994502

File: bd3e80939171222⋯.jpeg (692.08 KB,1105x614,1105:614,CECCB172_40AB_4E17_BCB4_E….jpeg)

File: 204ff29cdf2017e⋯.png (918.12 KB,737x861,737:861,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20994252 lb

PF: Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

If this is the Def. Min. (wasn’t there but same call as last week) then it’s about the F16s (which will be a metal recycling program because they will be launched at backward-from muh Ukraine at least -bases imo so VP gets a green light to bomb those bases and NATO knows this and one of the reasons why it’s taken so long) as the Dutch gave approval for operation about 9 days ago.

Still gotta have pilots for them and it’s a suicide mission-that’s the another reason

Zelensky AC is still at Rzeszow and not moved so assume that shitbag still there and meeting with the Dutch

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b07f0d No.20994503


>What's your problem?

I can hardly read the current thread at any time, haven't you got a memory? it does not seem that long ago.

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bbc011 No.20994504

File: 058b5f5d22eb77e⋯.png (193.64 KB,594x461,594:461,fol.PNG)

File: f55e81eae74e806⋯.png (435.88 KB,324x543,108:181,up.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Folgers’ Management Announces Imminent Price Increase

From thegatewaypundit.com

4:05 AM · Jun 9, 2024





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b503e4 No.20994505

File: 5f8928fb0add1a5⋯.mp4 (441.65 KB,640x360,16:9,laughing.mp4)


"Do the Biden"

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0502a0 No.20994506

File: 5598e8b21444ff4⋯.png (1.07 MB,1326x2644,663:1322,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 07d0d361e364eaf⋯.png (1.7 MB,1329x4328,1329:4328,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 1ff1557489418dc⋯.png (528.74 KB,1331x1306,1331:1306,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 9ae0b23469f4d92⋯.jpeg (13.71 KB,170x255,2:3,9ae0b23469f4d9216cc0fe8b0….jpeg)

File: 317ca2a94c0e9eb⋯.jpg (39.07 KB,256x315,256:315,317ca2a94c0e9ebb72a435ca0b….jpg)

All PB


Anon was digging on this a week and a half ago…


>Super dig, anon. Bookmarked

>>20941829, >>20941842, >>20941867, >>20941876, >>20941888, >>20941911 Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador

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6f9983 No.20994507

LB >>20993248




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f93e58 No.20994508


You know hes not a mask because ladybug has always been talking about war with russia.

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26b0c6 No.20994509

File: 51413d0b965e6fc⋯.png (899.5 KB,736x710,368:355,ClipboardImage.png)


shutup. QUICK filtered.

Can you hear me now.

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0502a0 No.20994510

File: 35e10f054714e7f⋯.jpg (28.31 KB,343x343,1:1,35e10f054714e7f4c5aa24d428….jpg)


>All PB


>Anon was digging on this a week and a half ago…

Meant to add

LB notable

>>20993911, >>20993915, >>20994248, >>20994258, >>20994257 Q+ Newport Beach TRUTH > Q653 Hotel GM. What happened.. ?

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8a2076 No.20994511

File: 058da177e1f308a⋯.jpeg (217.95 KB,798x426,133:71,F4C29EFE_D2F4_411D_850C_F….jpeg)

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2b3108 No.20994512

File: 1c2cfa50d705fe9⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,1270x186,635:93,1_3.jpg)

The Former Assistant Atlanta City Attorney convicted of PPP fraud gave money toFani Willisand that's not notable?

All PB


>>20993104 Fmr. Asst. city attorney Atlanta jailed 7 years, $15 million in COVID fraud.

The above notable in Bread #25746 says nothing about Fani Willis getting money from Shelitha Robertson.

>>20994312 (You)

Trump prosecutorFani Willisgot donation from ex city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994384, >>20994404

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bbc011 No.20994513

File: 04e7d947a9d390a⋯.png (372.66 KB,438x714,73:119,eyes.PNG)




SNUFF CUP · 2023-3-5


Contractors be like #concrete #construction #bluecollar #forman

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40db38 No.20994514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



moar bad news



modi get 3rd term as pm of india.

moar indian working for Microsoft.

the world will end up indians, chinks and mad mullahs. there you have the tech, the workers and the terrorist as a block.

perfeck. ffs.


India's Modi sworn in as prime minister for third term | AFP


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375027 No.20994515

File: 94ed81f91964e73⋯.png (56.4 KB,230x395,46:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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26b0c6 No.20994516



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57bcbd No.20994517


Because hamas whining and backfire bidan can't catch a break.

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57d8cc No.20994518

File: 0abbaa569f07088⋯.png (610.91 KB,800x593,800:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4d834e9a63e868⋯.png (232.2 KB,484x323,484:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato Recall Update as FDA Sets Risk Level

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830ea4 No.20994519


Good question, Quads

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0502a0 No.20994520

File: 550a9894721421f⋯.png (452.32 KB,594x636,99:106,melTwoPatriots.png)




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a15575 No.20994521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid4 days ago



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cca5e6 No.20994522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Death of the Petrodollar

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26b0c6 No.20994523


Microsoft is doing a great job of opening it's own wrists and Modi will embrace BRICS and their New Blockchain – while India MIGHT trade with USA, it won't be the BULK of it BRICS will.

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b07f0d No.20994524

who said Business in here? anon does not like this

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3a68d7 No.20994525

File: 5de48450a91d0f3⋯.jpg (117.07 KB,500x500,1:1,8tb5z2.jpg)

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57bcbd No.20994526


Dear Q how about a potato shout out from President Trump at today's rally?

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5d5e74 No.20994527

File: 89efd347ef9000e⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,508x500,127:125,nselvis.jpg)

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b503e4 No.20994529

File: d5207fb444015ad⋯.png (451.26 KB,594x384,99:64,2024_06_09_13_14_25.png)


>as long as this is the face of the R party, the R party will rightfully remain nothing but fags

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4c232d No.20994530

File: 32a96428c93fdc8⋯.png (1.38 MB,2325x1080,155:72,ClipboardImage.png)


Behold A Pale Horse





See also Andrew Carrington Hitchcock research about the Criminal Rothschild Cult.




The French Connection


The Synagogue of Satan



The Synagogue of Satan

English https://archive.org/details/synagogue-of-satan-with-andrew-carrington-hitchcock

German https://archive.org/details/AndrewCarringtonHitchcockDieRothschildFamilienaffaire.SatansBanker.

Spanish https://archive.org/details/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-la-sinagoga-de-satanas

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b07f0d No.20994532

the meme language is not tiring as much as looking for that specific meme is.

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a15575 No.20994533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid4 days ago



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b07f0d No.20994534


>Behold A Pale Horse

B holds a snow white captive.

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6ea0ab No.20994535


They just keep doing it, and pretend that They have no idea why We the People are seeking Redress.

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a15575 No.20994536


I love watching Congress asking questions of Squirrely little Garland

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57bcbd No.20994537

File: 09883e7a9a75fd9⋯.jpg (339.37 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240606_135008….jpg)


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5e279d No.20994538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7aeb40 No.20994539

The music is about to stop

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f24f6d No.20994540

File: 27a013848533cf0⋯.mp4 (315.6 KB,1468x1068,367:267,parakletos_in_the_ass_vide….mp4)

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2b3108 No.20994541


The notable in Bread # 25746 says nothing at all about Fani Willis receiving money from Shelitha Robertson.



NYPost says Robertson gave money to Fani.

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26b0c6 No.20994542

File: f110f11791215dc⋯.png (477.88 KB,732x659,732:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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b98d46 No.20994543


Mandela Effect preparations.

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b07f0d No.20994544



Rescue RS, what is this a clown pair?

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409b1e No.20994545

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)

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bcbdb8 No.20994546


i feel it too…

today is the last day of OPEC married to USD.. i see that as being HUGELY important clue. but thats me…



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4945a3 No.20994547


>>You can search here https://qresear.ch/

>What sucks is that you can't select "notables only".

It is just text, so you can use the browsers text to jump to the next notable. You could also type notable as part of your search. So if you were looking for covid try different combos of "covid notable", "covid + notable", or "covid & notable" and analyze the results. Hope that helps.

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40b275 No.20994548

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB,516x415,516:415,CHLukeComfy.PNG)


rent free

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5d5e74 No.20994549

File: 4f604c1cfcdcf0e⋯.jpg (132.72 KB,640x811,640:811,vlv.jpg)

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b07f0d No.20994550


Fake Murder Mystery, Next: Surprise…

<*kate jump out of a big carton box*

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57bcbd No.20994551

File: 83600d1c62bea26⋯.jpg (98.54 KB,720x943,720:943,Screenshot_20240607_071516….jpg)

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bbc011 No.20994552

File: 694c5883733a0d8⋯.png (455.18 KB,600x495,40:33,pass.PNG)


New York Post


Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses https://trib.al/J7jL1Lf


6:12 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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6ea0ab No.20994553


They then falsely accuse 'terrorism/insurrection' if We the People point out what comes immediately after the last part of the 1stA, if Redress fails.

They have this situation hemmed up tight, but i ask… Who is really the TERRORIST in this situation?

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bbc011 No.20994554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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26b0c6 No.20994555


They just keep doing it, and pretend that They have no idea why We the People are seeking Redress.

it's multinational totalitarian communist fascism

He is an ENEMY COMBATANT who exploits his office to be UNTOUCHABLE, UNACCOUNTABLE while GARLAND himslef is the one creating torture, theft, genocide, terrorism and voilence using FORCE and COLOR OF LAW

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42e127 No.20994556

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)


<▶ Parakletos Just now 40b275 No.20994548

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409b1e No.20994557


Later, pissflap. Go peddle your MuhJoo routine in the filter where you belong, clown.

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c897b3 No.20994558


linclon won with only 40%(37%) of the vote and after an intense organized national media event to shame ulesse s grant over a carriage speeding ticket.

Grant didnt want war and had enough of it.

It would of been a beautiful country with ulesse s grant at the helm.

The banks/rothchids/satanists killed there little re-tard after they were done with him.

FYI - Dont be a compd faggot

There is a certain evil always trying to sabotage the united states at every important turn of the country's precipice.

It always involves war of some kind.

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606068 No.20994559

Fuck you and tell em how to do it bitch>>20994453

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743eac No.20994560

File: 66d25075883deb2⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,320x568,40:71,Hmmm.mp4)

What you all making out of this?

The guy says, he found himself on a ventilator after a car crash (was injected with something). Was days in coma and they told him he had the rona. Needs more sauce, but if true!?

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024256 No.20994561


it will get worse

retarded engineers everywhere

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12bdbf No.20994562

File: 0c628ec429b0003⋯.jpg (174.8 KB,1280x990,128:99,photo_2024_06_09_05_12_19.jpg)

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409b1e No.20994563

File: 7fd2a90278de595⋯.gif (560.49 KB,220x220,1:1,shaolin_strut.gif)

Just a shill spottin', shitpostin', son of a gun! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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12bdbf No.20994564

File: a914d5d3f91bfab⋯.jpg (29.53 KB,600x523,600:523,photo_2024_06_09_08_00_54.jpg)

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f313f0 No.20994565


that doesn't help.

a simple checkbox limiting search to notable posts is all one needs.

adding "notable" to the search won't work like that.

also notable buns are in the search results too, tons of these, not just final buns, but all buns.

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928ca7 No.20994566


Except cool hand Luke didn't take it in the ASS like



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2b3108 No.20994567

Is this the same Baker that said Hillary sending comms, about the 2024 election, to the Indivisibles is not notable?

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b07f0d No.20994568


Missing something that stars with a 'b' and end with 'itch', no benis.

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bbc011 No.20994569

File: 5e33976b152099d⋯.png (182.71 KB,591x514,591:514,resp.PNG)




This was GameStop's, $GME, RoaringKitty's, aka DeepFuckingValue, response on stream to reports that E*Trade may remove him from their platform:

5:01 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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e318b6 No.20994570


We have by far the stupidest villians. When Russia shuts off gas and oil to Europe, then seizes all western assets not already taken over, the Reeing will be monumental. They have already moved to a gold backed currency and liquidated the central bank. Vlad is just another megalomaniac, but he is not stupid. He knew the double cross was started in 2012, Has been mining gold, precious metals, gas and oil for over a decade.

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12bdbf No.20994571

File: c154a9e952a9790⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB,560x304,35:19,IMG_2669.MP4)


🍿 When CNN tells their viewers that Biden lied about bribes from China & Ukraine and Jake Tapper literally says “Trump was right,” you can rest assured the White Hats are in full control of the media.


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5e279d No.20994572


(how to get the most out of your workouts)

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6ea0ab No.20994573

File: 77a7f93d5dfeeb9⋯.jpg (106.43 KB,1203x1155,401:385,77a7f93d5dfeeb9588904df9e7….jpg)

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6191da No.20994574

File: d9d1ab9489715d8⋯.png (41.23 KB,836x674,418:337,699.png)



Can you re-post the pic (if there is/was one?)

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a15575 No.20994575


Garland always does, he's such a coward, non truthful and only reports what they are supposed to do, but never do. He is not in charge, they should be getting LIsa Monaco in there and grill her for 10 hours. They put Garland up to cover for Monaco crimes

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40db38 No.20994576

File: db0fae0fc512f55⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,540x540,1:1,day_shift_change.mp4)

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


fuck it.

anon is not being diverse enough

the jews at the top.

the blacks in the middle

and the white well there is always moaning about shit or fuck them to it.

start a alternative community.

btw colour is just pigments.

there are all types of niggas

the many colours of Benetton etc.

be moar maga and christ.

all are welcome but there will have to be a vetting period.

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b7c80d No.20994577


The Biden administration has done everything possible to make the next administration crippled, think about how much more debt they are going to leave, the worst border ever with over 20 million Illegals, foreign wars, Trump cannot go after all the corruption and destroy the deep sate if he's busy fixing the mess, which is what their plan has been, to keep him distracted for 4 years

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26b0c6 No.20994578


The people doing it aren't in the Constitution.


Lots of these fucks SAY they are FBI, but they are REALLY SES

ultimately the people wearing the badge have TOPPLED AMERICA and protect these unconstitutional agencies under COLOR OF LAW

I hope DC gets fucking NUKED

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f0a145 No.20994579


Is this your second baked bread? If so thenfirm it

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b07f0d No.20994580

File: 509cbc87ab8fa62⋯.jpg (41.88 KB,491x389,491:389,aliens.jpg)


but they be like

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4c232d No.20994581

File: 83087cf3b72afb5⋯.png (447.21 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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26b0c6 No.20994582


America has a national security background check problem for 80 years.

They have let commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud


ZIONISM comes thru ISRAEL who should be registered as FOREIGN AGENT but isn't.

when the NUKES GO OFF it' ZIONISM'S FAULT 2024

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6191da No.20994583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 PM EST - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24


>Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! (?)

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8a2076 No.20994584

File: 25a63763288a553⋯.jpeg (575.34 KB,1158x611,1158:611,83925509_ED3D_4C76_8532_6….jpeg)

File: e211b6444a41c70⋯.jpeg (557.92 KB,766x994,383:497,D9EA25CC_CB14_4E50_9705_2….jpeg)

>>20994071 lb

PlaneFaggin’: Yerp update-PAT78 to Munich,Czechs:Tel Aviv to Prague, PM Meloni Palermo-Rome on last day of ‘selections’ for EU

PAT78 G5 landed at Muenchen (Munich) from it’s Tallinn, Estonia depart

This is a FORGExx AC when stateside but it high level when Intl (like the Coast Guard G5s-those also in high level places occasionally over CONUS)

Estonia ratified a law allowing those ‘bad’ Russian assets to be used for muh Ukraine about 10-11 days ago iirc

Czech AF CEF533 A319 departed Tel Aviv back to Prague and wasn’t there but for about 40m

Italian AF IAM9001 A320PM Meloniback to Rome from Palermo, Sicily as it’s still ‘selection’ day

Europeans go to the polls on the final day of voting for EU elections


RCH4153 C17 Globey departing at Ramstein AFB for moar Potato equipment p/u

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57bcbd No.20994585


Potato and son are stinking rich off of the funeral business his war has created.


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26b0c6 No.20994586

Anon proposes the commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

be REMOVED FROM ALL OFFICES and the shit agencies they created that aren't in the Constitution get DE-ACTIVATED and shut down.

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e318b6 No.20994587


Must be those genius civil engineers paving a goat trace. And Mother Nature Shrugged !!

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409b1e No.20994588

File: 25014e241586065⋯.gif (3.14 MB,475x289,475:289,OhDFisIM7hPg.gif)


Dribble your dumbfuck in the filter, fool.

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f24f6d No.20994589

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723a9486e644daa⋯.png (213.55 KB,295x551,295:551,ClipboardImage.png)


>(You) mad bro?


I PWN never been a renter


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bbc011 No.20994590

File: 2073845190c54d6⋯.png (529.62 KB,607x604,607:604,lt.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster reposted

Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette


Last night’s @CCMFLive

crowd showed up and showed out for President Trump! These 40,000+ patriots want Trump back in office this November. Without a doubt - SC is Trump country!

#BringHimBack #Trump2024 @TrumpWarRoom




3:27 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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4945a3 No.20994591


Try it by manually putting into the URL:


This works

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26b0c6 No.20994592


Or keep pretending it's a FREEDOM machine/ constitutional republic.

Stick your chest out with the CON/CONS and yell TRUMP . IT won't fix this broken system.

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bbc011 No.20994593

File: 58f1941a51dbfc5⋯.png (309.54 KB,594x409,594:409,an.PNG)


Brandon Taylor Moore


Russian news is going after the Hunter Biden pedo angle real hard on primetime.

3:11 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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26b0c6 No.20994594

Every time you encounter a Government Employee, you should FORCE THEM TO SHOW YOU THEIR OFFICE IN THE CONSTITUTION.

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6191da No.20994595

File: da7ab80c29a9aa8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x906,200:151,5ee.png)


¡Viva Trump!

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70a597 No.20994596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24

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2b3108 No.20994597




According to the NYPost, the Convicted Asst. Atlanta City Attorney gave money to Fani Willis.

NYPost - Trump prosecutor Fani Willis got donation from ex city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

June 9, 2024


VoteSmart - Shelitha Robertson

Delta Sigma Theta (Divine Nine)


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26b0c6 No.20994598


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f313f0 No.20994599


No, that looks for posts that have "covid" as well as "notable" inside of them.

That's why I only get 17 hits, which is ridiculous.

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b07f0d No.20994600

File: 3f3a8cb54266790⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,770x685,154:137,Vampire_Hunter_Dicaprio_16….jpg)

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a15575 No.20994601

File: d7682c6233bbec0⋯.png (253.07 KB,355x355,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40cd8c4fafba205⋯.png (205.86 KB,365x456,365:456,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0307a019769c14⋯.png (111.55 KB,288x192,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump prosecutor Fani Willis got donation from ex city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

Isabel Keane Updated June 9, 2024, 11:52

A former Atlanta city attorney who was sentenced to seven years in prison over a massive $15 million pandemic loan fraud donated to Trump prosecutor Fani Willis’s campaign after applying for the government handouts, records show.

Shelitha Robertson, 62, used some of her ill-gotten windfall for lavish purchases — including a massive 10-carat diamond ring and a Rolls Royce, according to federal prosecutors.

But, she also donated $1,000 to Willis’s Democratic primary election campaign around the time she got the massive payouts from the Paycheck Protection Program, Georgia campaign filings show.

Last year, Willis charged former President Donald Trump with racketeering following a 13-count indictment accusing him of trying to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 election results in Georgia. Trump is one of 19 people indicted in the sprawling case.

He has pleaded not guilty and denies all wrongdoing.

This is not the first scandal to hit Willis since she launched the high-profile prosecution against Trump. The case is currently in legal limbo after Trump and other defendants sought to have Willis removed over her affair with Nathan Wade — another prosecutor.

A judge ruled that the relationship did not present a sufficient conflict of interest to kick Willis off the case, but last week the Georgia Court of Appeals delayed the trial for months after it said it would review the judges decision in October.

Robertson, a Democrat who ran unsuccessfully to be a Circuit Court judge in Fulton County in 2010 and 2014, donated to Willis in May 2020.

Willis went on to defeat her scandal-hit boss — longtime district attorney Paul Howard in the Democratic primary after a runoff in August 2020.

A spokesman for Willis did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday.

In April and May 2020, Robertson — a former Atlanta assistant city attorney and an ex-cop in Georgia’s largest city — fraudulently applied for millions of dollars in government loans for four businesses she owned, prosecutors said.

“The loan applications falsely inflated the number of employees and average monthly payroll for each of the four businesses, resulting in larger PPP loans than Robertson would be legitimately entitled to obtain,” the Department of Justice said.

She also filed fake tax documents to support the loan applications, prosecutors said. broke down in court when her sentencing was read. Instagram / @bristhename

Robertson used the fraudulent money to buy a 10-carat diamond ring and a Rolls Royce, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

She also transferred some of the money to other relatives and her co-conspirator Chandra Norton, also a disbarred attorney.

A jury convicted Robertson of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering on Dec. 19, 2023.

She was sentenced Friday to seven years and three months in prison, followed by three years of supervised release.

Robertson broke down in tears upon hearing her sentencing Friday, hours after telling the court she was “dead broke,” according to the AJC.

My Business is gone. My (law) license is gone. My assets are gone. The only thing I have left is my family and my faith in God,” she said.(I knew she'd bring God into her crimes)

Robertson will get credit for the six months she’s spent in custody since December.

(I bet Fani is pissed that Robertson only donated $1,000, when she stole $15 million. They always seem to charge others on what they should be charged with. I bet Fani taught her how to steal the money, as she also stole money.)


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bbc011 No.20994603

File: 490ae2342195471⋯.png (358.22 KB,454x349,454:349,day.PNG)

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6ea0ab No.20994604



it is exhausting after so many years witnessing such a POWERFUL government unable/unwilling to STOP the suicidal criminals in its own Halls and Offices. It's the suicidal aspect that stuns me the most. Im unable to comprehend how so many, or EVEN JUST A FEW 'inside The System' are unable or unwilling to derail their own death train.

As the one anon writes (often), that all those extra-constitutional offices and agencies [must] be holding the rest of government and We the People hostage.

lived in DC for a long time, tried all the time to goad people into noticing and joining Voice to stop this shit. but no, they just put their fingers in their ears and call me silly names.

im cool with SMOD for DC.

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409b1e No.20994605

File: 1a50087d84b112f⋯.gif (1.51 MB,656x368,41:23,_.gif)


I asked that question when that pic was first posted in late 2019/early 2020: Who the fuck makes lingerie for children?!

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4c232d No.20994606


Our [replacements] don't do the maintenance they are being paid to do. They just wait for shit to break, then contractors have to be brought in to repair it. To the lowest bidder…

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b07f0d No.20994607


>No, that looks for posts that have "covid" as well as "notable" inside of them.

>That's why I only get 17 hits, which is ridiculous.

Was notable 17 with covid.

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8a2076 No.20994608

File: bd24e2c82b704cf⋯.jpeg (461.89 KB,719x905,719:905,9182C3F8_E24D_42CD_82CE_5….jpeg)


>>20976963 lb

Saudi AF SVA7134 737Ministry of Financewas at Paris telling them and that’s just a trigger to not price many things in $s but it takes time as 85% of WW trade in muh dollars.

Everyone saying BRICS about to replace are economically retarded as that has a LONG way to go before it has a meaningful impact.

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f1baaf No.20994609


such cringe…..

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3d5bd8 No.20994610


using a slur word for America and failing to recognize that HAMAS holds Gaza hostage:

filtered for being an enemy propagandist.

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26b0c6 No.20994611

File: a2012958a33e379⋯.jpg (184.53 KB,1358x632,679:316,LGBTQ_means_the_country_is….jpg)



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8a2076 No.20994612

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,C67DEA33_73CB_446E_A051_51….gif)

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409b1e No.20994613

File: dea2130bc766b4d⋯.png (475.85 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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6ea0ab No.20994615


i agree with you anon, that The System has crafted innumerable Extra(outside the)Constitutional powers and thus lay waste in every direction. it is a convolution of intractable labrynthian skullfucking.

I have no idea how you effectively remove and replace (with WHAT?), the NSBackground Check 'system'. I suspect collapse is unstoppable, without something approaching Supernatural Aid from the Heavens above.

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26b0c6 No.20994616


Hey have you seen this Anon?

== Chanting ‘burn Shu’afat’ and ‘flatten Gaza,’ masses attend Jerusalem Flag March

Israeli ministers joined the annual celebration of East Jerusalem’s conquest, where racist - Racism - is a word created by multinationals to undermine truth shut down dialog and paralyze you into silence as they conduct systemic treason - It is a spell and isn’t a reflection of reality slogans and attacks on journalists have become mainstream. ==


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f55737 No.20994617

File: f8b1fdf48d3d9f1⋯.jpg (187.54 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_13_4….jpg)

File: 38d84b2484abcc1⋯.jpg (93.07 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_13_4….jpg)

File: 7eda8dac0aefb0e⋯.jpeg (94.67 KB,709x519,709:519,GPevwNcXEAAtMj5.jpeg)

File: 0f8dc91a5c67411⋯.jpeg (45.62 KB,709x432,709:432,GPevwNfXAAAa2Aj.jpeg)

File: 69d39c97b8d7b10⋯.jpg (5.97 KB,300x168,25:14,69d39c97b8d7b10d505e7fcbb8….jpg)

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b07f0d No.20994618


>such cringe…..

just circling around a dance pole

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26b0c6 No.20994619


>i agree with you anon, that The System has crafted innumerable Extra(outside the)Constitutional powers and thus lay waste in every direction. it is a convolution of intractable labrynthian skullfucking.


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de92f6 No.20994620



Children, are reason enough to call it work.

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b4a438 No.20994621

File: f1f9f59beef1a56⋯.png (278.78 KB,478x734,239:367,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)


Never forget that just days ago Democrats arrested 3 teenagers with felonies for making scooter marks on a street painted with a rainbow. These people, on the other hand, are given a free pass.

7:19 AM · Jun 9, 2024





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2b3108 No.20994622

Notable Bun

>>20994462 Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is under fire from her political opponent, Don Samuels, after accusations of fraud against a business Omar's husband partly owns.

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994601 Trump prosecutor Fani Willis got donation from ex city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

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6191da No.20994623




What are you talking about?

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a15575 No.20994624


what's smod? And I don't think they will ever change, but Trump and Team are freaking out the criminals by saying they are going to fire a lot of levels

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eaaba9 No.20994625

File: 2d1c0581dad8569⋯.gif (1.62 MB,500x266,250:133,IMG_1753.gif)

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23136b No.20994626

File: 2129a91a72df63f⋯.jpg (178.36 KB,993x907,993:907,Screenshot_20240609_174312….jpg)

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de92f6 No.20994627


Elvis movies, Godzilla movies and king-fu movies were my childhood Sunday afternoons.

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f0a145 No.20994628


Are you ebaker or did you claim the dough?

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b07f0d No.20994629

File: f43f21c5078fba2⋯.jpeg (107.61 KB,750x753,250:251,unbrokable.jpeg)

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4c232d No.20994630

Civilians died on 1-06 because military Officers did not do their job.

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b77628 No.20994631


Can't say thanks enough baker!

Good looking out; this shop would've been sank without you!!!

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f55737 No.20994632

File: 788b9fe00fbc444⋯.jpg (174.64 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_13_4….jpg)

File: d6f655afed3669e⋯.png (214.14 KB,640x2208,20:69,1222_6_.png)

File: 57b8478e423000e⋯.png (245.67 KB,640x1364,160:341,1931_1_.png)

File: cfca5e07f5f0602⋯.png (109.28 KB,640x898,320:449,1972_3_.png)

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f1baaf No.20994633


Start the clock……………

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3d5bd8 No.20994634

according to the Wikipedia article on Michael Mosley, who I had never heard of before seeing his death in Notables today:

"taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

File that under 'curious cause of death'.


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eaaba9 No.20994635

File: b1d14d82b9670cd⋯.jpeg (732.94 KB,1331x1276,121:116,IMG_1749.jpeg)

File: d62d5dcaaf86331⋯.jpeg (102.51 KB,801x401,801:401,IMG_1750.jpeg)

File: 66c0c0edd183492⋯.mp4 (64 KB,480x480,1:1,GPlVa0EbMAAV_Vc.mp4)

File: 1c7fff923e5baab⋯.jpeg (106.09 KB,1130x1267,1130:1267,IMG_1748.jpeg)

File: 30b1932a0f260e0⋯.mp4 (546.44 KB,640x360,16:9,ujp1epOq8EKXKAQ9.mp4)

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51fb63 No.20994636


You can keep appending + x where x is a new term. So covid+notable+17. It is all text, can you tell me by an example?

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26b0c6 No.20994637


My Proposal

Replace with a NEW LAW and OATH

the Law has TEETH and the OATH protects the law.

So OLD OATH (wasn't bad_) + I swear also to protect and defend against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity frauds + So help me God (I want it back after Pelosi Removed it!)


Thus that's what I want, and the LAWS will bind, so all these fucking non tenth amendment agencies are getting de-activated, SECURED by military, sheriff, and de-funded.

I see a future where if a Senator brings up a GUN BAN Bill they themself are tossed in fuckin prison

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bbc011 No.20994638

File: 59ef32c3def2d7d⋯.png (195.44 KB,602x851,602:851,joy.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Jordan Sather


Re: the Facebook comment from the supposed "juror's cousin" in Trump's case that made Judge Merchan put out a letter about potential juror misconduct.

This FB comment, from one "Michael Anderson", looks like it's from someone faking or joking - you can even see the account reply saying they married their cousin.

But here's the coincidental part… remember Microchip from the early Q days? The dude, who many have been an FBI informant, trying to take responsibility for the Q drops that Jack Posobiec was promoting heavily? (circia 2018)

One of his online aliases was "Michael Anderson".

Awfully odd coincidence. Was "Microchip" behind this "Michael Anderson" Facebook post? Is there something deeper going on here with this comment in the Trump/Judge Merchan case?




Last edited

2:24 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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b4a438 No.20994639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Senator Lindsey Graham in Ukraine (Kiev 2016)

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0766f8 No.20994640



Both of u

It's not weakness, I love u.

2 years ago, energy was dropping me.

10 years ago I had awake blackouts.

Awake driving or awake sitting and memory hole.

I used to be an athlete, and mentally there is desire, just something happens mentally ..I'm caught in a loop.

Knowing thi gs to do, and doubtful of many others.

There is a recurring code everywhere.

1/1 +0

Not that 00110 bs. But maybe.

Like the first number on the phone or spectacles. Like Waiting for the sun to shine my way.

Pendulum? Bugs or Puff?

I'm resentful from being inside the Whitehouse two years ago, and close to the middle kingdom, to being in darkness….

And please, don't speak of my ancestors….I desire to keep their memories of love and joy.

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6ea0ab No.20994641


i suspect they have some NDA that says they must never admit, and they say among themselves that 'the Constitution is defunct' (because They decided such behind closed doors).

They feel perfectly fine (and "Authorized") to lie all day long to the general public.

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40db38 No.20994642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Will add djt statements and comms later via pastebin link. !!!

djt rumble channel - just the speech. djt to take the stage at 3pm et or 8pm gmt.


rsbn full build up and rally



President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


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2b3108 No.20994643


Video that started out with Hillary talking about 2022 election and almost immediately switched to talking about the 2024 election. That doesn't sound familiar?

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3d5bd8 No.20994644




On 5 June 2024, while on holiday with his wife on the Greek island of Symi, Mosley went missing after setting out to walk alone from St Nikolas beach, where he had been with his wife and two friends, to Symi Town, where they were staying in a house around 2 miles (3.2 km) away. After an extensive search, his body was found on 9 June. Temperatures had reached 40 °C (104 °F), and it was reported that he had died some days before his body was found on the rocky slope above Agia Marina. It appeared that he had taken the wrong path sometime after leaving the town of Pedi.[55][56] "

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26b0c6 No.20994645


Sheriff needs CARTEL/GANG purge

State Dept needs National security background check REPAIR

US Military needs National security background check REPAIR

OPM (shouldn't exist)_needs National security background check REPAIR

so my language itself is fucked until stuff starts getting fixed. OPM shouldn't exist. HOW LONG TILL IT'S DE-ACTIVATED.

hope you get the LARGER BIT of what I am saying in my * * proposal * *

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57bcbd No.20994646

File: 188d147f4e519a6⋯.jpg (669.46 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20240609_134909….jpg)

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eaaba9 No.20994647

File: fea013d2018ce13⋯.png (547.08 KB,575x475,23:19,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_02.PNG)

File: 1a80ab45a31c132⋯.gif (1.28 MB,300x300,1:1,IMG_1744.GIF)

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6191da No.20994648


I'm baking.

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f55737 No.20994649

File: 156bce20ce7ca21⋯.jpg (178.17 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_13_5….jpg)

File: c92995a37ca0fce⋯.jpeg (48.45 KB,680x302,340:151,DPhIXg47.jpeg)


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47061f No.20994650



Its time for the masses of people to see it.

Put it on fox, jessy walters, or CIAman hannity

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23136b No.20994651

File: 4017eb2a074f7a1⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB,960x720,4:3,y2mate_so_Kanye_West_Day_N….mp4)

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6ea0ab No.20994652



people who do not 'believe' in ANY God, or even just a Higher Power of Cosmic Justice…. have absolutely no trouble taking an 'Oath' to the Constitution and immediately braking such an Oath. Here we are today.

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51fb63 No.20994653


>NYPost - Trump prosecutor Fani Willis got donation from ex city attorney convicted of $15M fraud


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26b0c6 No.20994654

File: 858a64df0e36ebf⋯.png (13.26 KB,229x213,229:213,ClipboardImage.png)

with my PROPOSAL. such multinational totalitarian communist fascism tools such as

pre emptory strikes jurors

prosecutorial discretion

color of law

sovereign immunity

qualified immunity

common adversary

collective resilience

allow process to "slow play" out as a punishment

juror purgery trap

slap seal delay delay delay delay dismiss

motion to fast-track

would be gone

it would HAVE TO BE GONE.

Also in order for TRUTH to be TRUTH again..


18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



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c0cbd7 No.20994655

File: 725d459db1bd8ca⋯.png (993.64 KB,1768x954,884:477,IDIOCRACY_PRISON_PARTICULA….png)

We are experiencing nosebleeds in our house.

Nosebleeds are a sympton of EMF poisonong, such as 5G

Thers's an Aus Parliament white paper on it.

The small 5G waves are cell-level.

It's likely killing brain cells.

We will probably all be even dumber next year, than we are this year.

We are being attacked in a war.

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cca5e6 No.20994656



the petrodollar is dead

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b07f0d No.20994657

File: 56cc9f74e56a166⋯.jpg (93.14 KB,728x728,1:1,His_brother_is_Tom_Ato.jpg)

I am banking, said the taller one.

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a15575 No.20994658


>>20994611 I think the weird thing is that they didn't even get caught or charged for their horrendous crimes of putting innocent people in jail

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2b3108 No.20994659


Still notable. TYB

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6191da No.20994660


I baked last and this.. Last was end of bread claim.

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b4a438 No.20994661

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Memo Went Out to Mockingbird Media to Call Hunter Biden a 'Child'

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2ac101 No.20994662


6/11 sentencing date def has Q significance


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6191da No.20994663

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c0cbd7 No.20994664

File: f4d39741a582f50⋯.png (818.61 KB,1149x1164,383:388,nakasone_face.png)

File: b68a875c011999b⋯.png (771.94 KB,1050x1076,525:538,wray_face.png)

File: ed33aceab9cdcd0⋯.png (23.11 KB,586x746,293:373,titor_C_before_D_worldline….png)


>Nosebleeds are a sympton of EMF poisonong, such as 5G

The tinitus has been extra loud since the 5G cells went up last year

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4c232d No.20994665

File: efc1359b7afaaa2⋯.png (592.44 KB,778x500,389:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92ffcd10bef8250⋯.png (1002.1 KB,966x500,483:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86c126ff5ad4ae2⋯.png (611.87 KB,778x500,389:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d8abbc464b352e⋯.png (440.64 KB,505x500,101:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb9c9b No.20994666


Trip test.

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40db38 No.20994667

File: d441ab426e7c38d⋯.png (972.89 KB,881x511,881:511,ClipboardImage.png)

mgt up on stage now.

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f24f6d No.20994668

File: 1e88c4754d5db87⋯.png (7.1 KB,462x217,66:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e305caae4c03425⋯.png (417.77 KB,981x1253,981:1253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f8cdfaaa060a60⋯.png (449.22 KB,615x409,615:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaaba9 No.20994669

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

File: 444b045acaf02c6⋯.jpg (215.95 KB,833x911,833:911,DJT_Flashed.JPG)

File: d5b2155c5bbab4f⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1089x1123,1089:1123,MAGA_Shadow_vs_Shadow_DS.JPG)

File: 1c914b112ff1110⋯.png (402 KB,526x480,263:240,5DEE8D33_290F_407E_BDB3_56….PNG)

File: 9f311401e29255f⋯.png (1.93 MB,1238x1199,1238:1199,Trump_They_Live_01.PNG)

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26b0c6 No.20994670


not sure which THEY


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57bcbd No.20994671

File: 678b8fc187d52ca⋯.jpg (143.24 KB,887x720,887:720,Screenshot_20240608_214359….jpg)

File: 04af792d8211a51⋯.jpg (148.11 KB,1313x720,1313:720,Screenshot_20240608_214430….jpg)


Other wiki news

Royal who killed himself is deleted from wiki

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3d5bd8 No.20994672


and the local country club is called 'Club Sandwich'?

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b4a438 No.20994673


there a lot of innocent people in dc, although misguided as most of them are

i'd much prefer military tribunals which are televised, showing the executions of the guilty ones and not just a wipe out of everyone, whether guilty or innocent

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6191da No.20994674


Here to serve o7

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6ea0ab No.20994675


i really do hope (and pray with all my might) that you are correct about Trump and Team.

otherwise im cool with Sweet Meteor Of Death.

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f0a145 No.20994676

File: 91713c1b07bd7b6⋯.gif (3.9 MB,638x470,319:235,91713c1b07bd7b6edad87f8373….gif)


I'm the professional as fuck 1337 rally baker. Trump is coming on in an hour or so. I would like to bake for rally to be frank.

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cb9c9b No.20994677

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b80095 No.20994678

MTG doing her best Ric Flair with them glasses.

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0115b0 No.20994679


well you chose evil trips but the test was successful.

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23136b No.20994680

File: 145f29b97500def⋯.png (58.76 KB,708x584,177:146,be8fa020_d8de_4e5a_9bbe_68….png)



Sep 07, 2018 11:02:29 AM EDT



These people are stupid.

Their attempts will FAIL.


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cca5e6 No.20994681


Yes that place is across the street from Ruben's

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0766f8 No.20994682


Pietro tiene dos la bamdera y la oz.

La bamdera es la respuesta ya lo vi.

Pero me harte como chancho.


Y creo que SE donde SE USA, solo no SE como, Tengo que sacar El humito de Los ojos….

Y tambien

Lei El higacxzo SE mezcal tequila Bien xico con las mentiras de Pancho villa, que SE luego atraganta today la Gente,

De axel rose, where?

In California. Creo que capichando que lagunas mentales, son a causa de infiltration de drogasen El Sistema.

De petroleo, de humo, de plastico, y de Rosas las mentiras de productos wue nos venden. Pero Al no saber SI comex la spinruras tambien haven dano…..o SI TE,lazampo en El igacho mindisgamdas……porque a lo hereoina blue magic xico, Nelson Mandela Ave maria..Happybirday tuyuc him, no…… Ing,eniero Arquirecto same shit in this bullshit

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eaaba9 No.20994683

File: 18870697b35a51d⋯.jpeg (927.26 KB,1276x1581,1276:1581,Trump_Won_05_Greta_Thunbe….JPEG)

File: 9350d0022e81794⋯.mp4 (794.2 KB,480x540,8:9,Trump_Won.mp4)

File: 00afcb836533c1c⋯.jpg (124.94 KB,800x734,400:367,DJT_Placard_06_Trump_Won.jpg)

File: a8f9481782d164b⋯.jpeg (126.09 KB,800x606,400:303,Trump_Won_01_Zalensky_Sti….JPEG)

File: d0f6935dd49b2cf⋯.png (659.78 KB,720x663,240:221,78FEC183_A825_4372_B232_CB….PNG)

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b7c80d No.20994684

MTG will not say the Jews

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26b0c6 No.20994685


yeah cooler heads like MacGreggor agree with you.

I don't have such leadership, the people I trusted were fucking idiots.

And I don't know shit about TANK battles.

I actuall worry our country can't defend against SHIT at this point.

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3d5bd8 No.20994686


and when you get pulled over the police office says something like 'you can't put relish on that hamberger'

and the driver says 'who are you, the sandwich police'

"Yes, mame, I am from the Sandwich Police"

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f55737 No.20994687

File: 65f7b985c8c1ff3⋯.jpg (189.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_13_5….jpg)

File: 597fff6d76afdf2⋯.jpeg (250.38 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GPfTO4ZXYAAuKnc.jpeg)

File: 019da9ef4421c5b⋯.jpeg (232.21 KB,1463x2048,1463:2048,GPfTO5TWgAAB9DC.jpeg)

File: af2ac74a5a0a834⋯.jpeg (229.28 KB,1463x2048,1463:2048,GPfTO4XXoAAFnZF.jpeg)

File: 453802c88c7fee4⋯.png (252.7 KB,640x1802,320:901,52_5_.png)

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b07f0d No.20994688

File: 444b045acaf02c6⋯.jpg (215.95 KB,833x911,833:911,wallstreet_building_inspec….jpg)

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a15575 No.20994689


ok, that would be good if it doesn't work, where'd you come up with that?

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b2f941 No.20994690

File: 7dc7679b947a0de⋯.png (18.71 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Frank, Bill, Bob, you can be whomever you want

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26b0c6 No.20994691





If the person can't answer this, then this needs to BECOME THE MAIN ISSUE not whatever they wanted.

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f313f0 No.20994692


What you are saying does not work.

It finds posts with all the words you included in the search.

Adding "notable" as a word does not limit the found posts to notabled posts only. It will instead look for posts that also include "notable" as a word.

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eaaba9 No.20994693

File: f20a7ef277d6abc⋯.png (781.82 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_06_Poopy_Pant….PNG)

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bcbdb8 No.20994694



i was interested in their FIREFIGHTER position available… i would wear a SANDWICH FIRE DEPT. shirt all day long? and get paid!


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f55737 No.20994695

File: aae36e0e45ee8f9⋯.jpg (194.43 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_0….jpg)

File: 216f9478c8f7097⋯.jpeg (366.43 KB,1000x667,1000:667,GPpLV1SWkAI9tiG.jpeg)

File: a3fa447545a08ac⋯.jpeg (308.62 KB,1000x667,1000:667,GPpLWCBW4AEd4C_.jpeg)

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450ff6 No.20994696

File: 397c501e8012974⋯.jpg (36.74 KB,512x512,1:1,20240609174822_na_1667_lit.jpg)


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b07f0d No.20994697


>and the local country club is called 'Club Sandwich'?

I think that is the name of the local baseball club, next to the skate park.

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eaaba9 No.20994698

File: e7b091d5df22a50⋯.jpeg (182.79 KB,1130x692,565:346,IMG_1752.jpeg)

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bc3c9d No.20994699


Who is the current U.S. President at Mount Weather?

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40db38 No.20994700

bullshit bullshit.


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6ea0ab No.20994701


dude… ya can't get such a New Law by way of a corrupt, criminal, seditious and treasonous Government. If Trump/TeamWhiteHat are unsuccessful…. THEN the whole shitbag Gov goes down, gets flushed, half the country burns in a Hell on Earth of Civil War Fire… and when the smoke clears THEN you can have a chance writing some New Laws.

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80614d No.20994702


sure do faggot

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eaaba9 No.20994703

File: ed4d240fc7e1f30⋯.mp4 (288.25 KB,640x360,16:9,VHLiJ5_V5zf4GE2j.mp4)

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f24f6d No.20994704

File: 5fe1048a59e5d9e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1060x1054,530:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fde43d3347bcd⋯.png (687.39 KB,615x703,615:703,ClipboardImage.png)



U got quiet parakeet…

But MUH Jews tho

No moe incessant Jew bashing?

Are your lil feels hurt?

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0502a0 No.20994705

File: 01f2b5030424d74⋯.png (480 KB,1244x864,311:216,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)



The Standard Hotel Property Sold, New Name Venue Will Be Resurrected In Its Sunset Strip Location

UPDATE: One of the Sunset Strip’s landmark hotel locations has been sold and plans to reopen under a new name.

The Standard Hollywood property — once one of the most iconic hotels on the Sunset Strip — has been purchased by developers Ian Schrager (the Studio 54 cofounder and hotelier) and Chelsea hotel founder Ed Scheetz, reports the Real Deal.

The website reports they intend to purchase signage rights and the operating lease. They will rebrand the hotel under a different name.

The Standard was beloved by the celebrity and nightlife set, but closed in 2021 after the pandemic decimated its business. It also had a downtown location, which remains closed and is not part of the Sunset Strip deal.

No time frame has been set for the reopened Sunset Strip location.

EARLIER: Sunset Boulevard celebrity hangout The Standard hotel in West Hollywood is scheduled to close Friday, ending a 22-year run as a site for numerous Hollywood parties.

The venue, formerly owned by hotelier Andre Balazs, who also owns the nearby Chateau Marmont,opened in 1999 with the financial support of Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, and Benicio del Toro, among others. The site’s showbiz roots were reflected in its interiors, originally created by film set designer Shawn Hausman.

“It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the closure of The Standard, Hollywood, which will shut its doors indefinitely on Friday, January 22nd,” said a post on the company website. “Despite 22 years of unconditional love for our hotel, our guests, our team and our community, the hotel was unable to prevent a significant increase to its lease, which makes operating the property impossible.”

The post continued, “Alive with personality & personalities, and the backdrop of countless legendary tales, Hollywood was the birthplace of The Standard’s culture. It came to life through its timeless design, live music performances at Desert Nights, blue Astroturf pool scene, living art in ‘The Box,’ and the many late, hazy nights at our nightclub incarnations: Purple Lounge, Mmhmmm and Giorgio’s. While there are and will be more Standard hotels, there will never be another Standard, Hollywood. And though it is painful to say goodbye, we know that the community we inspired will live on. Thank you for everything. We are eternally grateful.”

Balazs sold his interest in the property and its management company in 2017. There were five hotels called The Standard in the U.S., including locations in Hollywood, downtown Los Angeles, Miami, and two in New York. It is unclear whether the other sites are affected by the Sunset Strip closure.

The hotel was known for its upside down logo and its celebrity cache, thanks to the numerous parties thrown at the venue.

The Covid-19 pandemic has severely hurt the hotel industry. The hotel’s landlord, a Spain-based real estate investment firm, could not immediately be reached for comment on plans for the site.


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409b1e No.20994706

File: 62df8de9b4b4dcd⋯.webm (895.56 KB,853x480,853:480,shai_hulud.webm)

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a15575 No.20994707


Fani and Robertson, both with about the same amount of networth, Fani is about $12-$15 million Robertson stole $15 million, I'm sure they know each other

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6191da No.20994708


Added, TY.


Your last Rally bake was under the Big Top.

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cb78a8 No.20994709

ABC is a Cult

if you don't Celebrate that Cult & Let them do what they want with your Children

you're a Hateful Bigot

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bcbdb8 No.20994710

File: 9c54022fb5fc6f4⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,1000x250,4:1,sandwichfd_banner.jpg)




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eaaba9 No.20994711

File: 304b661a608f5aa⋯.mp4 (15.93 MB,agaijyE6c_aVWm1e.mp4)

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f55737 No.20994712

File: d51014c1ffca589⋯.jpg (222.41 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_0….jpg)

File: 2ad360e2577deef⋯.jpeg (690.62 KB,1545x2048,1545:2048,GPpm2cWXoAEdVUT.jpeg)

File: 97521d691af298a⋯.jpeg (723.61 KB,1548x2048,387:512,GPpm3VuXIAA4TwF.jpeg)

File: d2e584b3464e4e6⋯.jpeg (569.47 KB,1548x2048,387:512,GPpm4PFWQAAw2iU.jpeg)

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f1baaf No.20994713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24


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409b1e No.20994714

File: 534bb8c9bcfc97b⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,568x736,71:92,ea8bf27e8e4ee6c00483902350….jpg)

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b503e4 No.20994715

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,bidan_smell.png)

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70e7eb No.20994716

Hey, "Q" and team:

If the plan was to make people miserable I must say that it is working. If you would kindly offer some words of encouragement for those in blue states where morale is absolutely abysmal and talents and treasures are wasting away.

Thanks and God bless.

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26b0c6 No.20994717


not saying you can't deal with people outside of this, but if you CHOOSE TO, then don't come back saying My Constitution bla bla

Cause the Constitution is already being TRAMPLED by FBI, SES, NSA, CIA, FDA on and on.

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0cf045 No.20994718

File: 54c2324541e0073⋯.png (2.89 MB,2062x2062,1:1,deathtollcoincidences.png)

File: f8cde8a1fbb402c⋯.png (3.45 MB,3000x3000,1:1,lasvegasaf1.png)


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0502a0 No.20994719

File: f5c04385f0646ab⋯.png (577.69 KB,744x760,93:95,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: a74f8f31295e6ac⋯.png (311.96 KB,514x645,514:645,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)


>The venue, formerly owned by hotelier Andre Balazs,who also owns the nearby Chateau Marmont,opened in 1999 with the financial support of Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, and Benicio del Toro, among others. The site’s showbiz roots were reflected in its interiors, originally created by film set designer Shawn Hausman.

Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night with a prostitute?

By Social Links for Miranda Devine

Published June 22, 2021

Updated June 25, 2021, 2:50 p.m. ET

A photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop during his time at the Chateau Marmont in May 2018

A photo from Hunter Biden's laptop during his time at the Chateau Marmont in May 2018.


It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every email and text conversation, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son’s debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up at his door one night asking curious questions.

On May 19, 2018, Hunter moves from his cottage at the Chateau Marmont to a cheaper hotel in West Hollywood, The Jeremy, where rooms are $469 per night. He orders an escort from Emerald Fantasy Girls. She stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet , pulls out a card and attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Hunter Biden takes a nude selfie at the Chateau Marmont. 4

Hunter Biden takes a nude selfie at the Chateau Marmont.

But over the next few hours, his bank accounts are being emptied.

In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cellphone starts pinging. It’s Gulnora: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”

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c0cbd7 No.20994720

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB,536x454,268:227,an_frank.png)


> to be frank

It's good to be frank.

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c0ad69 No.20994721

File: 9852ac5b5008242⋯.png (49.67 KB,157x200,157:200,IMG_2699.png)


Evelyn Wood’s speed reading.

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26b0c6 No.20994722

This system is broken and can not be fixed.

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eaaba9 No.20994723

File: 079b763b3f5acc3⋯.gif (3.69 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_1743.GIF)

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b07f0d No.20994724


>i was interested in their FIREFIGHTER position available… i would wear a SANDWICH FIRE DEPT. shirt all day long? and get paid!

is that not simply cosplay, what a faggot game.

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f0a145 No.20994725


claiming dough


You didn't follow protocol by claiming the dough. Just said you would ebake.

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a15575 No.20994726


true that, look at Bushes, Obama and Bidan and many other presidents taking the oath. They probably laugh their asses off when the Chief Justice leaves

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0502a0 No.20994727

File: 36f851c3461bfdf⋯.png (297.3 KB,868x590,434:295,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)


> Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night with a prostitute?

What happens between Hunter and Gulnora next is not recorded. Her private cellphone number no longer works, and Emerald Fantasy Girls is defunct. Hunter Biden’s attorney did not return a message.

What we do know from the laptop is that a few hours after Hunter’s debit-card woes began, text messages start arriving that are labeled as being from Robert Savage III. Savage was once the Secret Service’s special agent in charge of the Los Angeles field office and a contact card for him appears on the laptop, with a photographic avatar, phone number and Secret Service email address.

Hunter Biden reportedly had issues sending money from his debit cards to Yanna. 4

Hunter Biden reportedly had issues sending money from his debit cards to Yanna.

The Secret Service told The Post that Savage retired from the agency on April 30, 2018 — weeks before the Biden debauchery — and that the agency “did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018.”

Savage’s lawyer says, “My client has never met or communicated with Hunter Biden.”

The activity recorded on Hunter’s devices shows Savage sending Hunter an urgent missive on May 24 at 6:37 p.m.: “H – I’m in the lobby come down. Thanks, Rob.”

Hunter replies: “5 minutes.”

Five minutes later, Savage texts again: “Come on H, this is linked to Celtic’s account. DC is calling me every 10. Let me up or come down. I can’t help if you don’t let me H.”

“Celtic” was Joe Biden’s Secret Service code name when he was vice president.

Did one of the credit cards used to pay Gulnora belong to Joe Biden? Was it a shared account?

Hunter replies: “I promise be right down. Sorry.”

Hunter Biden’s text messages with Secret Service agent Robert Savage III on May 24, 2018. 4

Hunter Biden’s text messages with Secret Service agent Robert Savage III on May 24, 2018.

Five minutes later, Savage texts Hunter again to say that Dale Pupillo, a retired deputy assistant director of the Secret Service, who used to guard his father, has arrived. Invoices indicate that Pupillo did background checks for Hunter on potential business partners. Pupillo did not return requests for comment.

“He’s going to front desk, call and tell them to give us a key now H.

“As your friend, we need to resolve this in the immediate.

“Call the front desk now H or I will have to assume you are in danger and we will have to make them give us the keys.”

For nine minutes, Hunter does not reply.

“Really, Rob I am coming down right now,” Hunter texts at 6:54 p.m. “I really promise. Was in the bathroom buddy. Coming right this second.”

Thirty seconds later, Savage replies: “We’re at your door. Open it.”

What these apparent minders told Hunter next isn’t recorded on his devices. We know Hunter stays up the rest of that night, logging into an encrypted government site, “secure.login.gov,” a number of times until 4:04 a.m.

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8a2076 No.20994728

File: a9810a5c839710f⋯.jpeg (479.04 KB,828x1007,828:1007,B99DD4B6_B949_48D2_B7F4_2….jpeg)

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b503e4 No.20994729

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden.gif)

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b4a438 No.20994730


they will just laugh in your face and keep walking

they think you (and the rest of us) are dirt on the soles of their feet

state of current American government

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4c232d No.20994731

File: d4a7b9e7362587a⋯.png (865.73 KB,770x513,770:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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f55737 No.20994732

File: 700fd1e6d07ff59⋯.jpg (217.47 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_0….jpg)

File: 8ba9d91b31a94da⋯.jpg (116.9 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_0….jpg)

File: 37a967c83a8a4fc⋯.jpg (83.44 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_0….jpg)

File: 601f2fb5f28ade6⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,768x432,16:9,601f2fb5f28ade64b32803c6d4….jpg)

File: a8248ed9ea3dca9⋯.png (1.74 MB,640x8688,40:543,2761.png)


Delta 7

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d41d49 No.20994733


found this a long time ago

Yes, I believe it.

Fits into the context of what was going on.

The injections were meant to kill, Nurses Knew. Hospitals made money

That's where we are.

Somehow NWO was able to program people to do this.

What happened with the NAZI was labeled after the fact and after some study as "Mass Formation PSYCHOSIS"

i think the name should be more like "psychopathology" than psychosis.

Very few people spoke up.

Quite a vision of where we are as a society.

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0502a0 No.20994734

File: 0675ef172d14b96⋯.png (538.67 KB,732x628,183:157,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)



In his memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter admits the crack cocaine bender consumes most of his 2018. It even gets him blacklisted from the Chateau Marmont. Late at night, on Thursday, July 19, 2018, Hunter is checking in at the front desk of the iconic Sunset Boulevard hotel, where John Belushi famously overdosed and Led Zeppelin threw ragers.

The night manager is about to hand over the familiar green silk-tassled set of room keys when he notices a warning note on Hunter’s file in the computer system. It stipulates the need to get pre-approval from the general manager before checking in.

A photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop showing 2.9 ounces of crack cocaine. 4

A photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop showing 2.9 grams of crack cocaine.

“WTF man. Seriously WTF,” Hunter rages in a series of indignant texts with a Chateau bellhop the next night. “Seriously … a note in the system that says under no circumstances am I allowed in the building without her pre-approval. WTF man.”

Mike replies: “That’s f–ked, let me text someone.” Mike texts back a few minutes later: “Apparently you were banned for ‘drug use’ is what I was just told, which is bulls–t.”

Hunter: “Drug use???? You have to be f–king kidding me. I was banned for drug use at the Chateau Marmont. You have to be f–king me … Well that’s a f–king first in the Hotel’s history I guess. Should I take it as a badge of honor? I really mean it, that literally must be a first at the Chateau.”

A previous version of this story had all these events occurring at the Chateau Marmont. It’s been corrected to note Hunter Biden moved to another hotel, the Jeremy, in May 2018.

Miranda Devine’s book, “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide,” comes out in September.

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eaaba9 No.20994735

File: 07073577a4a21e0⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x798,200:133,6E9EE80E_DCFC_4A33_B594_ED….PNG)

File: 7c3fe1bc0d51fc0⋯.jpg (111.62 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_1642.JPG)

File: 0a03277a1c373e6⋯.png (4.65 MB,1890x1890,1:1,2FAC8707_FF57_4A5C_8EBC_B9….PNG)

File: 6b0265ebc4b7be4⋯.png (456.82 KB,589x536,589:536,C3B954AF_4ACD_4A44_9051_66….PNG)

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6191da No.20994736



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6ea0ab No.20994737

File: 2851bad6507ceec⋯.jpg (18.2 KB,300x300,1:1,SMOD_300x300.jpg)


"SMOD", i didn't make that up. it's been around.

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6191da No.20994738


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8a2076 No.20994739

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x500,1:1,AF208D07_BC6D_4631_B01D_C1….gif)

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b7c80d No.20994740


They left in December 2020. So don't expect a reply back anytime soon, 3 years of silence…

Trust the plan.

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4c232d No.20994741


All Foriegn affairs are diversions and crimes.

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6191da No.20994742

File: d9d1ab9489715d8⋯.png (41.23 KB,836x674,418:337,699.png)

You aren't getting it so FO, Clowns.

I claimed the last DOUGH

Baked it FULL

Baked THIS


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f313f0 No.20994743

File: 084fba1b8a67673⋯.jpg (256.37 KB,1299x877,1299:877,7321218a14914cdedfc9ad4e26….jpg)


>Somehow NWO was able to program people to do this.

The medical system is designed to be like that. Military-style.

It's nothing new.

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51fb63 No.20994744


Everything in that search is text. So you have to find the right text combo to limit the results. If you want to search a page from notables are not endorsement section, then you will have to write quite a bit of JavaScript. The easiest way would be to have Jim put a class on all notables going forward with "body-line ltr" and add something like body-line ltr noted" then we can search the just for that css tag "noted".

Text search is limited because it is not strongly typed. I would be a small project but I think what you are looking for is a custom search engine that iterates through the entire site collection, grabs the pertinent section, and parses out just the links and the text, right?

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cca5e6 No.20994745

No one wants to bring up the Russian airbase that was targeted, which is fine.

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6191da No.20994746

>>20994429 #25748

Notables ~300

>>20994596, >>20994713 3 PM EST - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas

>>20994469 Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! We are EVERYWHERE. It's spreading. We, the PEOPLE.

>>20994512, >>20994597, >>20994601 Fani got donation from ex-city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994495 Catholic school sexual abuse of Native American children, survivors share new accounts

>>20994634, >>20994644 Michael Mosley "taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

>>20994507 (links) 3 more Suddenly dead: Ireland, Chicago, NFL NY Chiefs

>>20994552, >>20994554 Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses

>>20994458, >>20994495 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy (Karlstrom)


>>20994502, >>20994584 PFs: Re:Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

>>20994718 Q-Clock "REMEMBER LAS VEGAS"

>>20994506, >>20994510, >>20994705 (links) Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador


>>20994695 USMC 12PM

>>20994649 US Naval Inst. 12PM "eight"

>>20994687 SURFLANT 12PM "eaa 5-2"

>>20994632 US Naval Inst. 12:22PM

>>20994617 NG 1PM

>>20994712 US Naval Inst 2PM

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b07f0d No.20994747

File: 83bcad0889ae5be⋯.png (51 KB,325x230,65:46,83bcad0889ae5beba2d6bf4133….png)

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3d5bd8 No.20994748

" Cyclist dies in Cambridge crash involving box truck, advocates call for safety improvements"

once it occured to me that all the bike lanes were designed to get

fresh organs from donors.

how cynical am I?

"But I had my arm out, could the big box truck see me"

you had the right of way but now . . .

sad news.


in my mind all roads that are stolen so that idiotic people can ride their bikes in dangerous traffic should be removed from the equation for the monies doled out from highway funds from the taxes on gasoline.

suddenly you'd see all the bike lanes converted back into for-use by motor vehicles only.

if they want bike lanes they should pay for them through their own taxes.

automobiles and trucks shouldn't have to pay for the stupid placement of bike lanes along busy city streets.

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f55737 No.20994749

File: 2472bb4045647db⋯.jpg (15.41 KB,400x400,1:1,zLI_Spvr_400x400.jpg)

File: 11fcc94027d8a90⋯.png (547.09 KB,640x3562,320:1781,151_4_.png)

File: 601f2fb5f28ade6⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,768x432,16:9,601f2fb5f28ade64b32803c6d4….jpg)

File: e9d156e70af11e4⋯.png (1.06 MB,640x3338,320:1669,1351_1_.png)

File: 7ebb996a35560fd⋯.jpeg (123.65 KB,461x1165,461:1165,f8293dbf6c62f9973b0f249e9….jpeg)

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bbc011 No.20994750

File: 88207304e4a4f58⋯.png (409.75 KB,600x572,150:143,bn.PNG)




BREAKING: The Las Vegas Police Protective Association @LVPPA

officially ENDORSES President Trump during Las Vegas rally

BREAKING: The Las Vegas Police Protective Association @LVPPA

BREAKING: The Las Vegas Police Protective Association @LVPPA officially ENDORSES President Trump during Las Vegas rally

6:50 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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6ea0ab No.20994751


that's why i kek at the "Atheist Vampire" meme.

it is very apt to describing those with no moral character who 'take an Oath before God".

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b94556 No.20994752

File: d67a43dc4171b06⋯.jpg (66.42 KB,460x697,460:697,d67a43dc4171b06b67fc980893….jpg)

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eaaba9 No.20994753

File: f67223b5e677b3a⋯.jpg (139.63 KB,1032x991,1032:991,IMG_1553.jpg)

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f0a145 No.20994754


I'm satisfied with your notes. Standing down. You need to claim dough better though I coulda taken this one from you.

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b4a438 No.20994755

File: c743ce9d629882d⋯.png (739.08 KB,932x524,233:131,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

viva las vegas trump rally

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eaaba9 No.20994756

File: a6073dce18503ab⋯.jpeg (117.19 KB,800x440,20:11,673828C4_AC9D_4F55_ACD6_D….JPEG)

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26b0c6 No.20994757


>hey will just laugh in your face and keep walking

So then, there's no point remaining present if they continued walking, ENCOUNTER OVER.

What if they DON'T WALK AWAY.

OODA has to play a roll you got to use DISCERNMENT.

Not every battle is won.

But right now nobody is on the same page.

"please step back sir you are intimidating me" 0 said the man with the machine gun.

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6191da No.20994758


WHY would i "claim" a bread i fucking baked? DUMB!

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b4a438 No.20994759

File: 8fb68ef53d0ec52⋯.png (572.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6191da No.20994760

NEW BO .. Cautious to a fault.

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148c15 No.20994761


You have also been threatening the board, claiming you have 'worked with Q', pushed asinine 'silent comms' for your narrative that Q's trip is blocked, and posted about 250 posts of stupidity over two breads this morning.

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0502a0 No.20994762

File: 93240da68c2a4c2⋯.png (86.67 KB,694x567,694:567,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 317ca2a94c0e9eb⋯.jpg (39.07 KB,256x315,256:315,317ca2a94c0e9ebb72a435ca0b….jpg)


He continued:

I call him watermelon head. He’s got the thinnest neck I’ve ever seen, how it holds up that head. He’s got a neck that’s about a size 6. Very unattractive guy, both inside and outside, and people say, “Oh, that’s such a terrible thing to say.” That’s okay. Very unattractive guy. Here’s the thing, these are bad people, and it’s not easy to deal with, you know, when you have your kids involved, or your family, your wife, and you read stuff and most of it is untrue, it’s just totally untrue.

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f0a145 No.20994763


Because then it is considered an ebake. Seriously it's just common sense don't even need a rule on that one. No one claimed the dough lb as you said you did.

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6191da No.20994764

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cb9c9b No.20994765


hope so.

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f24f6d No.20994766

File: e8c12c0a698727e⋯.png (186.71 KB,461x403,461:403,ClipboardImage.png)


Did Anons notice when parakeet SHILL disapeared

so did vatican SHILL and CP SHILL

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b4a438 No.20994767


trust me, those government employees in dc think you are complete garbage and they will not see the need to address any of your questions

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b07f0d No.20994768


Not such a firm foundation, (that post on the right)

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eaaba9 No.20994769

File: 85843e0eaa49a65⋯.jpeg (227.75 KB,800x727,800:727,Trump_Red_Wave.JPEG)

File: 9e4a242077cabd3⋯.jpeg (113.7 KB,658x500,329:250,DJT_Nothing_Can_Stop_What….JPEG)

File: 81abfd2d069e6ce⋯.jpg (220.64 KB,682x950,341:475,DJT_Saturday_Night_Fever.jpg)

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6191da No.20994770

Don't confuse making promises to Clowns, with threatening "This Board".

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7ca79f No.20994771


Who is about to die?

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26b0c6 No.20994772

File: 5ae4aa06320656e⋯.jpg (1007.62 KB,1280x800,8:5,kamehameha_day_2024_.jpg)

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f0a145 No.20994773


On the bright side, that anon makes me look tame and classy.

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b4a438 No.20994774

File: d8d1570798f32c8⋯.png (2.08 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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57ba79 No.20994775

File: 56349a76209a1d5⋯.jpg (70.36 KB,474x786,79:131,th_47207820.jpg)

File: 478bcdda4a538ae⋯.jpg (94.76 KB,760x507,760:507,221129_nyc_chuck_schumer_p….jpg)

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8a2076 No.20994776

File: a82f2e16802e0de⋯.jpeg (638.94 KB,1286x621,1286:621,19BBB49C_6C97_4914_A191_E….jpeg)

File: dc4a5698a82a249⋯.jpeg (557.22 KB,773x726,773:726,285342D1_5F63_422C_9B86_5….jpeg)

PF: CONUS activity -BOXERs inbound from Paris, SAM950 NE from JBA

BOXER40 and 42 C40Cs arriving at JBA from Paris-Le Bourget depart-they arrived on 0606 and stayed there the whole time

SAM950 G5 departed JBA NE -this was SAM750 and returned to JBA yesterday from Cherbourg, France stop and Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

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148c15 No.20994777


Anyone can look at the breads from this morning to see who you are.

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bbc011 No.20994778

File: b1091d280fff912⋯.png (681.67 KB,945x656,945:656,gb.PNG)


Think She'll Give It Back? Fani Willis

Received Donation From Ex-City Attorney

Convicted of Fraud

Red State, by Susie Moore

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/9/2024 2:12:49 PM

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) may be secure in her job at present, but she might need to reconsider the sourcing of some of her campaign donations. According to an exclusive report from the New York Post, at least one donation she received during her 2020 campaign came from a former city attorney who was convicted of fraud. A former Atlanta city attorney who was sentenced to seven years in prison over a massive $15 million pandemic loan fraud donated to Trump prosecutor Fani Willis’s campaign after applying for the government handouts, records show. Shelitha Robertson, 62, used some of her ill-gotten windfall for lavish purchases —

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51fb63 No.20994779

Q Team:

I posted yesterday about Letia James going after me to incur more fines for one f their lying attorneys. Are you going to help me out? Or am I on my own yet again?

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26b0c6 No.20994780


so, the violent mercenary they send to my face then is what you are saying.

VIOLENCE Is all government employees have left.

I don't buy that. Like ISRAEL there are some Jews that don't what shit to do with th bloodlust.

There are also people that are in agencies that shouldn't exist, that could be in the MILITARY instead. that way they stop telling us what to do.

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a15575 No.20994781

Where to watch


RT News App

Question more

France lying about troops in Ukraine – Lavrov: Russia-Ukraine conflict


Russia & Former Soviet Union

World News




RT Features




9 Jun, 2024 18:03

Key minister quits Netanyahu’s war government

Benny Gantz has resigned from the cabinet, accusing the Israeli PM of failing to achieve a “true victory” over Hamas



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b4a438 No.20994783

File: 50525ebe416f36b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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e318b6 No.20994784


Rumor is she swallows, so I doubt she can give it back after digestion.


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57ba79 No.20994785

File: 6a802cfcc79c752⋯.jpg (77.92 KB,645x1024,645:1024,Musicant.jpg)

File: ae70c62208a9133⋯.jpg (116.35 KB,748x927,748:927,_.jpg)

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6191da No.20994786


I never threatened the board. I did not lie.

Problem? Picture gets a little too clear-

"Send in the Clowns".

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bbc011 No.20994787

File: 03c503e8cc192ac⋯.png (889.38 KB,852x466,426:233,jobs.PNG)


New Report Finds Biden’s Economy Has

Employed More Illegal Aliens to U.S. Jobs

Than Americans

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 6/9/2024 2:00:54 PM

Despite President Joe Biden touting his economic “accomplishments,” a new report reveals that there are more foreign born workers in the United States than American workers. New Bureau of Labor Statistics data released this week found that there are 637,000 non-American citizen workers in the country. On the contrary, nearly 300,000 native-born Americans lost their jobs. Economist E.J. Antoni told The Federalist that the government has added a significant amount of jobs that are primarily only held by foreign born workers, leaving Americans struggling to look for jobs.

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6191da No.20994788


This bread was NOT an EBAKE.

What planet are you on?

Do you claim your OWN Dough? JOKE.

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0766f8 No.20994789

Cavemen is where it's at in history.

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b4a438 No.20994790


you just don't get it

if you are not donating huge wads of cash to them they don't give a fuck about you or what you think

that's the bottom line, i'm afraid

Donald Trump is quite the opposite of this, which has them very rattled

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b7c80d No.20994791


That faggot is still here posting? Wtf.

I have been at work all day and was here this morning when that shill was spamming the morning bread, now I'm back 10 hours later and they are still here… SAD!

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51fb63 No.20994792

Can someone please give me the link to search Q posts, on a different computer.

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6191da No.20994793

They want to steal the bread because of the Rally COMMS.

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b07f0d No.20994794

File: 43d28a3ea51fbfb⋯.jpg (33 KB,500x500,1:1,awiens.jpg)


>Rumor is she swallows, so I doubt she can give it back after digestion.

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40db38 No.20994795


that is the best picture of her.

she looks trouble in a good way.


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f313f0 No.20994796


You can't figure out if something got notable'd, because that is not part of the post.

Notable'd = put into notable list by a baker, that's outside of the post itself.

That's the problem.

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b4a438 No.20994797

File: d3a75017c9c62db⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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bbc011 No.20994798

File: 6e105529c0c9c8d⋯.png (345.61 KB,598x543,598:543,joe.PNG)


drefanzor memes


This episode of Quantum Leap was wild.






BREAKING : @drefanzor & I Figured Out Why Joe Biden Looks So Confused

7:19 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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26b0c6 No.20994799

File: 502fae32c77386c⋯.png (862.11 KB,1109x691,1109:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06625395f3a5fb8⋯.png (972.64 KB,1118x785,1118:785,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4e8ae6bc0defaa⋯.png (977.87 KB,1100x792,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49a442c7c15cdab⋯.png (835.21 KB,1121x616,1121:616,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden aka Robert Peters's economic “accomplishments"


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5d5e74 No.20994800

File: 6a91e2e0dead9e9⋯.jpg (8.15 KB,291x219,97:73,deliverance.jpg)

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f41106 No.20994801

File: 4311ed2c6f369f0⋯.png (2.32 MB,852x1478,426:739,Rally_Time.png)

File: e2eb9980fe7359d⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Trump_Rally_Q_guy.jpg)

File: 58cc82341c5757a⋯.png (142.47 KB,396x327,132:109,Rally_Day.png)

File: 295837e37b16c29⋯.gif (2.08 MB,290x360,29:36,Trump_rally.gif)


TY Baker!

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148c15 No.20994802


It's full time job is subverting the board in an attempt to take it over again.

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b4a438 No.20994803

File: 7424555c64b7308⋯.png (1.68 MB,1377x917,1377:917,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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40db38 No.20994804

images 404 again.


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f1baaf No.20994805


refresh/ip hop.

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26b0c6 No.20994806

Why does Biden have a FAKE SECOND NAME and he's still not in a fucking PRISON?

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a15575 No.20994807

File: fce076ba94575a2⋯.png (65.27 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

9 Jun, 2024 16:24

Western war hawks want to ‘defeat Russia’ for money – Orban

Victory for Ukraine in the conflict would allow its foreign backers to exploit and take over its economy, the Hungarian PM says

Western countries want Kiev to achieve victory in the conflict with Russia, because it would give them the opportunity to “acquire and divide” Ukraine’s wealth, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

In an interview with Hir TV on Saturday, Orban contemplated the reasons behind NATO’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict, which has grown more pronounced in recent months with numerous aid packages, weapons deliveries, and talk of Western troops on the ground in the battle zone. According to him, the bloc’s members see Ukraine as a potentially huge source of revenue, which they will be able to control once Russian forces are driven out.

“The fact is that the Western warmongering leaders want to defeat Russia in this war, and the reason is rather simple – it is money. Consider Ukraine’s capabilities: It is a rich country that is hugely indebted… Ukraine’s wealth can be acquired and divided, the agricultural land, the economic opportunities, and who knows what else,” Orban stated, noting that the process of gaining influence over Kiev has already begun, with talk of Western loans for its military effort and reconstruction.

Orban noted that the West viewed Russia in a similar light after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, when then-President Boris Yeltsin came to power.

“They wish to go back to the 90s, when not only Ukraine, but also Russia was available, those resources, wealth, money… Many Americans and Europeans remember the 90s as a period of great economic opportunities, when they were welcomed without any obstacles into the Russian economy, and started to transform and exploit it,” he said, adding, however, that eventually the Russians “decided it was not such a brilliant idea” and took their economy back.

According to Orban, the Ukraine conflict itself has become a major source of revenue, which is why it is difficult to stop at this point.

“When such a war starts, they see the opportunity, they ask – what can we get out of this? Then come the arms suppliers, the creditors, the speculators, and they look for a chance to enrich themselves and they push the war machine forward,

Orban stressed that Hungary has been opposed to Western involvement in the conflict from the start, calling Brussels and Washington “the sources” of the “war madness.” He also claimed that the conflict could be ended within 24 hours if pro-peace forces come to power in the US and EU, which he hopes will happen in the upcoming EU Parliament elections and the US presidential election later this year.


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b4a438 No.20994808

File: 873549590f69036⋯.png (1.71 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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e318b6 No.20994809


Anon tried sounding the warning to fortune 100 firm that when WWIII goes active and foreigners are expelled or cutoff from working here, Corporate IT goes boom. Forced retirees will be demanding a lot of compensation.

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eaaba9 No.20994810

File: eea8455f318864d⋯.mp4 (903.02 KB,480x852,40:71,1bXxcRzZl70hTX5g.mp4)

KEK - The kid’s reaction to having a Biden Mask cover his head.

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3b612d No.20994811


They need every person divide, race, religion, sex, politics

they've been running that program for some time now.

The outcome and force is always directed towards the American who love their country, they are trying to provoke a response from people so they can assume more power grabs and further detestable the country.

They know the nation is +70% conservative, pro american, pro guns, pro freedom, pro nationalist.

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f1baaf No.20994812

File: 48fa617d8a00c75⋯.gif (1.73 MB,128x128,1:1,SoulEaterFairyTail.gif)

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0dcfae No.20994813


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b21672 No.20994814

File: 718533d36c2cafc⋯.jpg (14.59 KB,225x180,5:4,OIP_23_.jpg)

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b4a438 No.20994815

File: a0c060e81f22a64⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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0502a0 No.20994816

File: b35d5b706b605ce⋯.jpeg (107.36 KB,805x1005,161:201,b35d5b706b605ce2aea8005eb….jpeg)

File: 1774085c554c13a⋯.png (128.54 KB,1000x499,1000:499,harborisland.png)

File: 5c49f2ca6f4e38d⋯.png (244.56 KB,912x532,12:7,harborislandNewportBeachBa….png)

File: e8f18770bc49d21⋯.png (151.34 KB,443x502,443:502,Screenshot_from_2024_06_09….png)

some PBs below


>Balboa Island

>>20993911 (You), >>20993915 (You), >>20994248 (You), >>20994258 (You), >>20994257 Q+ Newport Beach TRUTH > Q653 Hotel GM. What happened.. ?


>PF: CONUS activity -BOXERsinbound from Paris, SAM950 NE from JBA

>BOXER40and 42 C40Cs arriving at JBA from Paris-Le Bourget depart-they arrived on 0606 and stayed there the whole time

>SAM950 G5 departed JBA NE -this was SAM750 and returned to JBA yesterday from Cherbourg, France stop and Stuttgart (AFRICOM) depart

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f313f0 No.20994817

File: 22db806e6fd360c⋯.jpg (230.35 KB,2026x950,1013:475,22db806e6fd360c02c1daf28c2….jpg)


and even if that was the case (which it isn't, no board owner has the ability to block Q's trip), Q has various methods to auth.

Q has his own fucking board.

Q doesn't even require /qresearch/.

Q also doesn't require a tripcode.

So none of that even makes some basic sense.

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26b0c6 No.20994818

File: 7bcd12396ca4022⋯.png (291.48 KB,1331x853,1331:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610555bde5ae855⋯.png (180.63 KB,1259x890,1259:890,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Gates and Biden….

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6191da No.20994819

File: 1717b46b1f909b5⋯.png (665.84 KB,745x649,745:649,140_Q_.png)

Donald J. Trump


Jun 09, 2024, 1:40 PM


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b4a438 No.20994820

File: 2378e657d1d4a84⋯.png (533.1 KB,736x488,92:61,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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f55737 No.20994821

File: de87bdeeff1ed98⋯.png (224.89 KB,640x1480,16:37,4527.png)


the blonde chick in a lawn chair with beer can between clam. no time to find the meme

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40db38 No.20994822


that is true,

Q has posted on the u.k board if anon remembers

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d5fb8d No.20994823

File: e4842520c8c93b7⋯.png (585.38 KB,734x524,367:262,16320f3cd99d4c9efe18495bc7….png)

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bc3c9d No.20994824

I wonder if COVID is part of the MKNaomi project

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bbc011 No.20994825

File: 264798d81ee9e92⋯.png (328.61 KB,781x564,781:564,rag.PNG)



Alvin Bragg agrees to testify before Congress about Trump’s conviction

By Social Links for Ryan King

Published June 9, 2024, 2:02 p.m. ET

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b4a438 No.20994826

File: ffffbaf13440e7f⋯.png (378.14 KB,770x513,770:513,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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b94556 No.20994827

File: f75d84ae300e45a⋯.jpg (66.55 KB,500x541,500:541,f75d84ae300e45a3b27b04ff78….jpg)

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0502a0 No.20994828

File: 5ca3dcad3b77aa6⋯.png (223.18 KB,348x360,29:30,5ca3dcad3b77aa6294e1afbe8f….png)

File: 51d1906d407cbfc⋯.png (16.23 KB,621x111,207:37,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)




>Balboa Island




Trump supporter and boxer, Ryan Garcia, was arrested at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills.

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bbc011 No.20994829

File: bbf63ab9d81452e⋯.png (599.2 KB,457x598,457:598,game.PNG)

File: 6fcb4520a095c4b⋯.png (28.64 KB,420x423,140:141,tok.PNG)

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0dcfae No.20994830

So which is if you fucking cunt

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40db38 No.20994831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


djt ymca, dance party

Trump Dancing Compilation


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b4a438 No.20994832

File: f8dc4d0946d7109⋯.png (499.5 KB,634x423,634:423,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6191da No.20994833

File: 18259dac119c950⋯.png (663.1 KB,715x626,715:626,140_Q_2.png)

File: 4e7b4fabee74da4⋯.png (222.12 KB,836x2214,418:1107,140_Q.png)


1:40 - 140

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024256 No.20994834

is Trump in Vegas already or will he fly in?

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0dcfae No.20994835

Fuck your bullshit

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f55737 No.20994836

File: f39035cfa91b0de⋯.png (27.59 KB,640x408,80:51,625_2_.png)

File: cc29f40aa75346b⋯.jpeg (585.14 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPoGzt5W8AAUxjZ.jpeg)

File: 081c63e243d7ec4⋯.jpeg (317.12 KB,2048x1219,2048:1219,GPnlX71bgAAeq9d.jpeg)

File: aadbdfcb4d48b94⋯.png (1.29 MB,919x1117,919:1117,aadbdfcb4d48b94d1701eedfe8….png)

File: 6d2f6d2b80a2409⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x1024,1:1,6d2f6d2b80a24097e110b3a0c2….png)


H F6 Y25

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80614d No.20994837

stay away from Chrystal Springs eggs, anon

they are plastic

i have proof

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bb2f50 No.20994838

DJT Rally playing Titanic shit is funny af savagery.

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0cf045 No.20994839

File: 054b999067ff761⋯.png (1.75 MB,1692x1692,1:1,music12foxcond12moves.png)


The Music Is About To Stop


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51fb63 No.20994840


The css I told you about is part of the mark up for all notables and candidates. By putting an extra tag on something when it actually becomes a true notable could also be a tag as in "noted". Then we can search a page by loading the page and searching for that tag and it will give us back 100% correct answer.

This will not solve the past as the problem with unstructured data is that when you want to structure it, it is a ton of work. I solved this problem in my own application, but I can't finish my work as I get no support and am under siege for about 23 years now. I could write the exact parser that you are looking for, but I have much bigger problems of basic survival.

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bbc011 No.20994841

File: 556d8c1ae1dbacd⋯.png (194.07 KB,591x506,591:506,nix.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


NIXON: The CIA had a motive to take me out

And 2 of the 4 burglars at the Watergate were on the CIA payroll

3:09 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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40db38 No.20994842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TRUMP PUMP DANCE - Best-of Compilation Montage - "Hold On, I'm Comin'" - Vol. 2 (Jan-Sept. 4, 2022)


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0dcfae No.20994843


Engrish mother fucker

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b4a438 No.20994844

File: 457c9a98581c52f⋯.png (399.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 457c9a98581c52f⋯.png (399.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 457c9a98581c52f⋯.png (399.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 457c9a98581c52f⋯.png (399.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6e01fc No.20994845

File: 11f7cdcdf8a77e4⋯.png (378.04 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b07f0d No.20994846


>Fuck your bullshit

Fuck your business

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b4a438 No.20994847

File: d1087c2b7e91c4b⋯.png (1.32 MB,1662x831,2:1,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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40db38 No.20994848

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)



anons rally bread video

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721210 No.20994849

File: cbe11c0a9cedc33⋯.png (406.34 KB,589x457,589:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8928d9c6e9d0df⋯.png (328.18 KB,562x532,281:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ccfc01882bba71⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB,854x480,427:240,pmhfs_caa.mp4)

File: 3645705ad862363⋯.png (13.5 KB,670x142,335:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

See you soon—Join me live at 12:00pmPDT/3:00pmEST:


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f313f0 No.20994850


That won't happen though, because it would require Jim to monitor notables and modify posts accordingly.

We already got a working parser, current notables are even re-posted, and have been re-posted for over a year, but that's not taken in by qresear.ch. That would be the easiest approach.

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4b992f No.20994851

File: 139f8be42281ec8⋯.jpeg (28.79 KB,418x478,209:239,image0.jpeg)

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2aa58d No.20994852


AI is retarded.

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b07f0d No.20994853


>they are plastic

ancient plastic

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6191da No.20994854

>>20994429 #25748

~400 Notables

>>20994596, >>20994713, >>20994838 3PM EST - LIVE: POTUS Holds a Rally in Las Vegas

>>20994819, >>20994833 Q+ 1:40 Join me today in Las Vegas, Nevada at 12:00pmPDT/3:00pmEST.

>>20994469 Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! We are EVERYWHERE. It's spreading. We, the PEOPLE.

>>20994750 The Las Vegas Police Protective Association officially Endorses TRUMP

>>20994512, >>20994597, >>20994601 Fani got donation from ex-city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994495 Catholic school sexual abuse of Native American children, survivors share new accounts

>>20994787 Biden’s Economy Has Employed More Illegal Aliens to U.S. Jobs Than Americans

>>20994634, >>20994644 Michael Mosley "taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

>>20994507 (links) 3 more Suddenly dead: Ireland, Chicago, NFL NY Chiefs

>>20994552, >>20994554 Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses

>>20994458, >>20994495 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy (Karlstrom)


>>20994502, >>20994584 PFs: Re:Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

>>20994718 Q-Clock "REMEMBER LAS VEGAS"

>>20994539, >>20994839 Q-Clock "The Music Is About To Stop. D12"

>>20994506, >>20994510, >>20994705 (links) Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador


>>20994695 USMC 12PM

>>20994649 US Naval Inst. 12PM "eight"

>>20994687 SURFLANT 12PM "eaa 5-2"

>>20994632 US Naval Inst. 12:22PM

>>20994617 NG 1PM

>>20994712 US Naval Inst 2PM

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bbc011 No.20994855

File: 6c513573fad8d9d⋯.png (302.14 KB,594x535,594:535,cali.PNG)


Kevin Dalton


Every major city in California descends into anarchic chaos every night.

Law enforcement is unable to do anything, that is, of course, unless you’re trying to practice yoga with your friends on the beach.



6:17 AM · Jun 9, 2024




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b4a438 No.20994856

File: ddccc015f13a1ff⋯.png (611.98 KB,634x877,634:877,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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f55737 No.20994857

File: ac5e7b6eb080891⋯.jpg (204.75 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_14_3….jpg)

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6e01fc No.20994858


call'n it

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0dcfae No.20994859


Come at me pussy fuck Yuu

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40db38 No.20994860

File: 1ea3dfe865bfa98⋯.gif (1.4 MB,260x258,130:129,PEPERMAN_2.gif)

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)

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b4a438 No.20994861

File: a5e12672b8b6309⋯.png (687.38 KB,760x506,380:253,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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f55737 No.20994862

File: 938722ea6707476⋯.png (294.77 KB,640x2356,160:589,222_4_.png)

File: 2ebef5199ef4261⋯.jpeg (279.69 KB,1268x1043,1268:1043,GPpr8mHXAAASQwi.jpeg)

File: dbb7895c6090cda⋯.jpeg (217.4 KB,1600x1200,4:3,GPpr8mKXUAIJWQZ.jpeg)

File: e809cc9a648ff96⋯.jpeg (238.08 KB,1600x1200,4:3,GPpr8lRWkAAszNJ.jpeg)

File: 1a4731d53cecd3a⋯.jpeg (492.65 KB,1515x1600,303:320,GPpr8mrWcAAlpAX.jpeg)

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0dcfae No.20994863


That’s funny cause you know damn well that’s not what the fuck I’m wondering. But go ahead and pretend your useful to your country

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b4a438 No.20994864

File: 56b5455f6e1a7d5⋯.png (2.3 MB,1631x917,233:131,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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d5fb8d No.20994865

File: 6d05ef25cf6433e⋯.gif (5 MB,600x336,25:14,Qpoint.gif)

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6e01fc No.20994866

File: acdef1b18c0d6db⋯.png (211.41 KB,898x540,449:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4727bf20653b7b7⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,556x672,139:168,4727bf20653b7b7e54168cf9a….jpeg)




GODS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9f37e0 No.20994867

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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0dcfae No.20994868


Fuck you Trump

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6191da No.20994869

File: 72347b954ce38fe⋯.png (8.76 KB,785x101,785:101,311_Anon.png)

File: 1a989de0fe5b44e⋯.png (6.68 KB,444x169,444:169,311_Q.png)

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40db38 No.20994870

File: 89f09d92edf883b⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB,640x360,16:9,rage.mp4)

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,dance_gif.gif)


even moar

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a15575 No.20994871

File: 700e86c9e795d63⋯.png (82.56 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

9 Jun, 2024 08:14

German leader is a ‘rotten liverwurst’ – Medvedev(He's Not Wrong)

Olaf Scholz should “repent before the Ukrainians” for “dooming them to the slaughter,” the former ex-Russian president has insisted

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz must ask for forgiveness from Ukrainians for playing a role in plunging their country into misery and helping to revive Nazi ideology, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

Writing on Telegram on Saturday, Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, lashed out at Scholz, who argued thatPresident Vladimir Putin “must finally realize” that “Ukraine is strong and will not be forced to its knees or forced to surrender.”

He went on to say that “there can only be a just peace for Ukraine,” adding that “working for peace does not mean simply raising the white flag,” while reiterating Berlin’s commitment to supporting Kiev.

In response, Medvedev called Scholz “a rotten liverwurst,” who he said “unexpectedly became chatty and talked outright drivel.”

The former president claimed that Ukraine has become “a kind of dominion directly controlled by the United States and NATO countries,” adding that Kiev is fully on the Western payroll and “is receiving all kinds of the most lethal weapons, despite the protests of its own people.”

“So where does this strength come from, sausage maker? From exuberant corruption which is completely out of control? From the wholesale theft of this aid by the Zelensky clique? Or from a dying people, half of whom live in Russia and Europe?”Medvedev asked.

Scholz should “get down on his knees and repent before the Ukrainians” for lying to them that they could achieve victory against Russia, and for “dooming them to the slaughter while sacrificing the well-being of the Germans,” according to the former president.

The German chancellor should also take responsibility “for the revival of Nazism” in Ukraine, his own “indescribable mediocrity of management,” and the loss of public confidence in his Social Democratic Party, which makes his predecessors Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt “turn over in their graves many times over,” Medvedev said.

The former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andrey Melnik, once called Scholz ‘offended liverwurst’. In 2022, the envoy said the chancellor was behaving “not very statesmanlike” after he refused to visit Kiev following Ukraine’s criticism of President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Melnik was sacked following the remarks.


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57ba79 No.20994872

File: f8997e9dddce890⋯.jpg (111.34 KB,700x1024,175:256,JewSA.jpg)

File: 531d51bbe648853⋯.png (78.12 KB,768x392,96:49,TrumpflickrTheocracy.png)

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51fb63 No.20994873


Are coming to help me or not President Trump, only about 23 years of constant assaults by these DS scumbags since I served on 911.

With Love, Dave.

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6191da No.20994874


No.1 Baker afaik will be back soon also.

Here just for (you) Anons.

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b07f0d No.20994875


>AI is retarded.

it makes a poor attempt to make visible words inside of words.

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26b0c6 No.20994876

File: 4a5991e66c54ac2⋯.jpg (257.5 KB,1259x890,1259:890,rp1.jpg)

File: 8d8da1d7ed53ed0⋯.jpg (185.9 KB,816x855,272:285,rp2.jpg)

File: cb667d596df8395⋯.jpg (37.25 KB,800x114,400:57,rp3.jpg)

File: d7bbccad7ede67b⋯.jpg (44.02 KB,1175x116,1175:116,rp4.jpg)


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40db38 No.20994877

File: 1c0a3ebb48d5acf⋯.mp4 (15.68 MB,480x480,1:1,liar_fauci.mp4)


oh there is no stopping us this dance vibe

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b07f0d No.20994878


>Come at me pussy fuck Yuu

Business owner, who could have guessed, mind you own fucking business.

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305585 No.20994879

File: 548d81b660e148e⋯.png (590.88 KB,685x441,685:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e01fc No.20994880


secondgentleman met with Jewish White HAT…

how im reading it.

reminder Kamala is one of our actors.

so is joe and hillary

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2aa58d No.20994881


How long does it take to figure out basic punctuation and how many fingers a human has?

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b4a438 No.20994882

File: 0beabbc50e4fd51⋯.png (543.48 KB,770x514,385:257,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 0beabbc50e4fd51⋯.png (543.48 KB,770x514,385:257,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 0beabbc50e4fd51⋯.png (543.48 KB,770x514,385:257,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 0beabbc50e4fd51⋯.png (543.48 KB,770x514,385:257,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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0dcfae No.20994883




You are the one that replied to me dumbfuck. So maybe you should mine your own business and shut your cock sucker

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6191da No.20994884

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

Stop Fucking With IMAGES.

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305585 No.20994885

File: 008c5fe0367b001⋯.jpg (112.8 KB,723x500,723:500,FAIL.jpg)

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6e01fc No.20994886

File: ccfe62245326b81⋯.png (738.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,ccfe62245326b81edbe5b65390….png)

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6f0a4b No.20994887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b07f0d No.20994888


>How long does it take to figure out basic punctuation and how many fingers a human has?

20 years, easily.

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57ba79 No.20994889

File: bf20d8876113787⋯.mp4 (890.5 KB,320x378,160:189,Last.mp4)

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d93dfc No.20994890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Van has come a long way not only in his political views but his presentation is fantastic

anyway…this is fun to watch

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6e01fc No.20994891


>Business owner, who could have guessed, mind you own fucking business.

Another business owner here, I see what you did there


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b4a438 No.20994892

File: 20b51f533729712⋯.png (1.36 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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8a2076 No.20994893

File: edfcbba80ef77a7⋯.jpeg (340.46 KB,828x1198,414:599,BF0BD2C4_3A0C_41F0_BE79_1….jpeg)

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40db38 No.20994894

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,julians_rum.mp4)


you tube is retarded.

anons do the best stuff.

this from julians rum is excellent.

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b94556 No.20994895

File: 5f31fb1e5f088b0⋯.jpg (23.72 KB,490x265,98:53,75173647f29fb7c5a5da52fe33….jpg)

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f55737 No.20994896

File: a7c80332bc1c5ae⋯.png (533.09 KB,780x588,65:49,f61c2b94cccc5528cbe9e80498….png)

File: 1338169e2db913c⋯.jpeg (15.45 KB,500x313,500:313,a2e3d1f2974ffd753ede1a4ee….jpeg)

File: 4a29b96aff54c85⋯.jpg (720.74 KB,1800x1200,3:2,02092021etb0414d006_1_.jpg)

File: 05bf0db15bd9900⋯.jpeg (35.64 KB,680x486,340:243,sTRe1HYh.jpeg)

File: c8733cab6ad3074⋯.png (109.57 KB,365x272,365:272,Tales_of_the_Riverbank.png)

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57ba79 No.20994897

File: 5459d6b3db10e3c⋯.jpg (42.54 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_we_recognize_no_sove….jpg)

File: 3c91caa25460c27⋯.jpg (93.06 KB,748x1024,187:256,ChristIsKing.jpg)

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3ad339 No.20994898

File: cebc0bb2fc5ab06⋯.jpg (115 KB,1000x667,1000:667,bb.jpg)

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efa825 No.20994899

File: f695622a5ee11d5⋯.png (750.51 KB,847x477,847:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4a438 No.20994900

File: 70365917838e099⋯.png (1.36 MB,917x918,917:918,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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b4a438 No.20994901

File: 30a6bc7872de5e3⋯.png (884.82 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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57ba79 No.20994902

File: 94a998c2be9d92d⋯.jpg (95.41 KB,981x1024,981:1024,Epstein.jpg)

File: 2b603c59b2e9ae5⋯.jpeg (67.58 KB,592x792,74:99,DE0CNRbXcAE4gU0.jpeg)

File: 094034c1cf61fe0⋯.jpg (74.57 KB,449x1024,449:1024,AIPAC.jpg)

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6e01fc No.20994903

File: dceb4f6c2d79f84⋯.png (23.62 KB,598x138,13:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 380e81f0faf5f7e⋯.png (24.65 KB,598x118,299:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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40db38 No.20994904

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)


this too is excellent.

no idea who did this but great job..

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f1baaf No.20994905

File: c5d403f1f89ceaf⋯.png (389.53 KB,473x397,473:397,c5d403f1f89ceaf8cf11f009c6….png)

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8a2076 No.20994906

File: 450cf1a3c2a6a24⋯.jpeg (248.26 KB,704x861,704:861,E96F78C9_D23F_448F_AE29_4….jpeg)

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b4a438 No.20994907

File: eca63ed09f5aa66⋯.png (2.45 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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57ba79 No.20994908

File: be7253a9c0f31e7⋯.jpg (93.6 KB,788x787,788:787,63dff904c7f5e3db68d381d7b4….jpg)

File: c515acf8435eea1⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,474x478,237:239,th_3183974870.jpg)

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6e01fc No.20994909


somebody please make this make sense

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b07f0d No.20994910


>So maybe you should mine your own business and shut your cock sucker

I do not really have a business to call mine, but I need to start a business to compete with a fucking business owner who stole my pen.

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0e8a8f No.20994911

File: 6e1fdebe782d311⋯.jpg (912.06 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Patriots_United_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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b4a438 No.20994912

File: 70b10412287d0fc⋯.png (1.77 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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51fb63 No.20994913


Jim doesn't have to monitor anything, it is a simple tag in css. Right now all candidates and notables have

class="body-line ltr"

in the html. If the notable had the tag

class="body-line ltr noted"

that would differentiate a real notable from a candidate.

Now as far as notables being recorded multiple times in different pages, that is easily handled by putting the results into a "set" data type which will not put in exact duplicates. We don't have a real parser but a string parser search engine. This is exactly why I wrote my own program because not everything is a string or word. For example, this search engine does not parse out dates correctly because the dates and everything else is a string to the parser. My program can be filtered by a date as a date data type, and I can do all the functions on it that can be done with a date, most importantly, sort by date ascending or descending by clicking the column header, search date ranges between two dates, or search a handful of specific dates such as 11/1/2022 , 11/2/2023, 9/11/2001.

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57ba79 No.20994914

File: d593893c3f74436⋯.jpg (156.51 KB,822x537,274:179,431558.jpg)

File: 320572302d37142⋯.jpg (108.47 KB,781x900,781:900,goldman_destruction.jpg)

File: c07545f4c37f998⋯.jpg (250.55 KB,960x960,1:1,26330_2743300523.jpg)

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a15575 No.20994915

File: b3c506b779b4cdd⋯.png (61.41 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

9 Jun, 2024 00:37

NATO ‘crossed red line’ – Austria

Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner has criticized Western states for allowing Kiev to use their weapons to strike Russia

Ukraine’s Western sponsors crossed a red line when they allowed Kiev to use their weapons to strike at targets in Russia, Austrian Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner said in an interview to Die Presse published on Saturday.

Several NATO members have openly supported the use of Western-produced armaments for cross-border strikes against Russia in recent weeks, ostensibly in a limited manner. The West insists that it is still not a party to the conflict, and only supports Kiev’s efforts to stall Russia’s push into Kharkov Region, which Moscow launched to move the line of contact away from the border to prevent further Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilians.

“A red line has been crossed,” Tanner said when asked about the US, France, and Germany granting permission to use their weapons in cross-border strikes. When the interviewer asked how else Kiev could stall the Kharkov operation, the Austrian Defense Minister replied that “as a militarily neutral state, it is not our place to judge.”

Tanner added that she is at least “pleased that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has clarified that NATO will not be sending troops to Ukraine.”

In a press conference on Thursday, Stoltenberg said the US-led military bloc has no plans to deploy ground forces to Ukraine. Despite this, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday that he is almost ready to finalize an international coalition to officially send Western military “instructors” to train troops in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stressed thatMoscow has long been aware that Western military personnel are already fighting in Ukraine under the guise of “mercenaries” and “volunteers.”

Western-produced long-ranged armaments used by Kiev in cross-border strikes are also often controlled and serviced by these foreign troops, the Russian president said last month. And even if Ukrainians are pulling the trigger, the US and its allies are the ones providing Kiev intelligence on Russian targets, he added.

Moscow has warned that Western-backed long-range attacks on Russian territory will amount to direct Western participation in the conflict, and that Russia reserves the right to respond in kind. “We can respond asymmetrically,” Putin said on Wednesday, suggesting that Moscow could supply similar weapons around the world, where they could be used against Western targets.

(There might be one sane mind left there)


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f55737 No.20994916

File: 53b2f4fded900e1⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB,720x720,1:1,53b2f4fded900e108e61fe2b77….mp4)

Oliver Anthony playing at the rally

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a8f327 No.20994917


Only you can.

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26b0c6 No.20994918

File: c909efda955c63e⋯.png (103.45 KB,826x573,826:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2030c2257c4b5e⋯.png (116.4 KB,708x644,177:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b616f4f4a2e4181⋯.png (16.07 KB,331x212,331:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7bbccad7ede67b⋯.jpg (44.02 KB,1175x116,1175:116,rp4.jpg)

File: 0100296e79602ab⋯.jpg (146.32 KB,751x904,751:904,rp5_1977_From_Jordan_Amman….jpg)

Wikileaks Metadata on Robert Peters/joe biden and Bill/William Gates.

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6e01fc No.20994919

File: 488441485ba0344⋯.png (54.41 KB,598x274,299:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Malik you dint whoop his ass enough as an older brother and it shows

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b4a438 No.20994920

File: 9e3f4440362da5f⋯.png (1.78 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6e01fc No.20994921


anon has tried, and it just dont add up

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6e01fc No.20994922


disregard cap, speaking of internal things here

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024256 No.20994923

is this beach boys playing?

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f1baaf No.20994924

File: 868333f584978e2⋯.png (771.37 KB,720x1280,9:16,videoframe_8702.png)

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3ad339 No.20994925

File: 63a17f3ce7bce91⋯.jpg (149.58 KB,1200x857,1200:857,vvlv.jpg)

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26b0c6 No.20994926

File: 4a5991e66c54ac2⋯.jpg (257.5 KB,1259x890,1259:890,rp1.jpg)

File: 8d8da1d7ed53ed0⋯.jpg (185.9 KB,816x855,272:285,rp2.jpg)

File: cb667d596df8395⋯.jpg (37.25 KB,800x114,400:57,rp3.jpg)

File: d7bbccad7ede67b⋯.jpg (44.02 KB,1175x116,1175:116,rp4.jpg)

File: 0100296e79602ab⋯.jpg (146.32 KB,751x904,751:904,rp5_1977_From_Jordan_Amman….jpg)

what happened in 1977 anons….

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f1baaf No.20994927


shit does anybody have the original video?

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3d5bd8 No.20994928


one doesn't forgive the other.

one evil doesn't excuse a second evil

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b07f0d No.20994929


>Another business owner here, I see what you did there

He be just 'building; his business being a big tall business owner and shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

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f313f0 No.20994930


To tag the posts, Jim would have to know which is notable, and which isn't.

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305585 No.20994931


dat's real nice.

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024256 No.20994932

join or 404

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40db38 No.20994933

File: ec31afbde88deae⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,what_conspiracy.mp4)


another great video

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57ba79 No.20994934

File: d5cb569d25f9ea8⋯.png (176.96 KB,660x1830,22:61,1966.png)

File: 336710572d8d009⋯.jpg (45.82 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_let_us_raise_a_stand….jpg)

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8a2076 No.20994935

File: b001f767ec444e3⋯.webp (101.19 KB,250x105,50:21,AC4D2C3D_203E_4468_8B96_9….webp)



That’s why ALL of them need to go.

Every last one of them-ZERO exceptions.

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b4a438 No.20994936


your image was 404'd

i stop posting my Trump dancers because my images won't post currently

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f55737 No.20994937

File: 3ab0d150beeddcc⋯.png (106.41 KB,640x1040,8:13,1455.png)

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6e01fc No.20994938

File: 172834c5ab522d8⋯.png (321.34 KB,598x649,598:649,ClipboardImage.png)


sorry was minding my business.


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26b0c6 No.20994939

File: 83d5dc6f4355c02⋯.png (688.17 KB,1275x720,85:48,_Screenshot_2024_06_09_09_….png)



If you don't have shit to say about ROBERT PETERS or 1977 then I'm filtering you out.

Because you just want to fight with me, and not get any fucking work done

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6191da No.20994940

File: e941b94b7891c33⋯.png (3.73 MB,2560x1487,2560:1487,RED.png)

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6e01fc No.20994941

File: 3d111c5b21700d1⋯.mp4 (989.4 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17178980899….mp4)



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40db38 No.20994942

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)


they fear djt and the anons.

but Q coming back would be off the charts to send them into meltdown panic.

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80614d No.20994943

File: d85c6caa9eb573b⋯.jpeg (411.4 KB,1280x1042,640:521,Resized_20240609_134827.jpeg)

File: 4dd975f8f18890e⋯.jpeg (644.51 KB,960x1280,3:4,Resized_20240609_134829.jpeg)


if you cook them low n slow

they will become plastic

im tellin you in jesus' name

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6191da No.20994944


Keep posting them, they are failing at blocking them completely. Your post of failed image? Creates a record.

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57bcbd No.20994945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e01fc No.20994946

File: cb613b343df6c1a⋯.png (27.64 KB,598x238,299:119,ClipboardImage.png)



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3d5bd8 No.20994947


filter me anon.

Who is Robert?

(I know who it is).

why do I need to talk about Biden?

No, anon, I don't want to fight.

I object to jerks using slur words to refer to my country.

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3ad339 No.20994948

10 mins until potus

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1141d1 No.20994949

File: 11edaa41781c505⋯.png (185.47 KB,566x328,283:164,ClipboardImage.png)

netanyahoooooo to hang alone! benny gantz pulls out of coalition! israel to the polls if bibi can't come up with a new replacement..


run benny run!

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b07f0d No.20994950


>disregard cap, speaking of internal things here

no relatives among anons.

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024256 No.20994951


everyone knows Trump won

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51fb63 No.20994952


Can't load videos or else this page does not update for me, but if that is the linux guy, yes nice work, I can do the same automation from plain linux too, but it is a job.

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e53c8f No.20994953

File: 56ac19bcbb90eef⋯.png (2.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Drump_vs_Bidet.png)





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6191da No.20994954


Plastic rice was invented in ChYna.

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80614d No.20994955


all it takes is a shard to rip your arteries

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57bcbd No.20994956

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f55737 No.20994957

rsbn fit ramen clam. clam soup. into the screen pt

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8a2076 No.20994958

File: df7f1af249d271b⋯.gif (616.19 KB,480x204,40:17,05ED86F3_8754_4B0F_BED4_E7….gif)

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6191da No.20994959


Elon is getting desperate. You know what happens when someone gets desperate.

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b4a438 No.20994960

File: 2aa8fb714653d56⋯.png (294.52 KB,710x400,71:40,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)


okay, will do

i suspected the images of Trump dancing at rallies is quite triggering to them knowing how miserable and hateful they are

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12bdbf No.20994961

File: 916b54e43611e9b⋯.png (652.65 KB,647x500,647:500,34r6.png)

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024256 No.20994963


you mean like 3:11 ?

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cfe18c No.20994964


Is he an ally, or was he an ally and is now a squealed bird?

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6e01fc No.20994965

File: e10e3ac4f344967⋯.png (5.36 KB,207x51,69:17,ClipboardImage.png)




really got to unfollow that guy, kek

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d5fb8d No.20994966

File: 5777783c4ab6ece⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,255x245,51:49,icecream.jpg)

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b4a438 No.20994967

File: dfd4790a2c3dd99⋯.png (280.32 KB,634x423,634:423,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6191da No.20994968

File: 5bd97b3a26f2942⋯.png (102.79 KB,797x213,797:213,passed.png)


3:03 "WE WANT TRUMP" Chant

3:03 "Imagine" - John Lennon

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0fea7f No.20994969


kekkitty kek

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6e01fc No.20994970

File: c421ea9c9ce6075⋯.png (33.4 KB,598x218,299:109,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump’s probation interview is set for tomorrow.

He’s scheduled to sit for the interview with a NYC probation officer via zoom from his home at Mar-a-Lago with his attorney Todd Blanche at his side.

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024256 No.20994971


one and the same


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6191da No.20994972


It's still him.. Faux account to float ideas.. test the waters.. Elon is possessive.

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3ad339 No.20994973


correct anon

10 min warning to rsbn from potus team at 3:01 et

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a15575 No.20994974

Isaiah 1:2

“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.”

King James Version (KJV)

Isaiah 1:2 Context

1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

Similar Verses Save

Share This Verse: Facebook Twitter Gab ✉

Translation Details for Isaiah 1:2

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

Other Translations for Isaiah 1:2

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5ce324 No.20994975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

zombie drug….

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f41106 No.20994976

File: 02fa2bd0e3a3fca⋯.png (425.3 KB,803x744,803:744,Satan_says.png)

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6191da No.20994977


You think one of the openly wealthiest people on Earth, who owns the platform, will let someone else have his Parody account? Seems highly unlikely. Elon is autistic - control is key for him.

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b4a438 No.20994978

File: 2dbad017c8100e5⋯.png (779.69 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 2dbad017c8100e5⋯.png (779.69 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 2dbad017c8100e5⋯.png (779.69 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

File: 2dbad017c8100e5⋯.png (779.69 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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9cb25d No.20994979

File: c890f5890d8ba6e⋯.png (239.98 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Key minister quits Netanyahu’s war government

Benny Gantz has resigned from the cabinet, accusing the Israeli PM of failing to achieve a “true victory” over Hamas

“Netanyahu is preventing us from progressing towards a true victory,” he said in a statement . “For this reason we are leaving the emergency government today, with a heavy heart, yet wholeheartedly.”

Gantz also called upon Netanyahu to set a date for new elections, urging him to “not let our nation be torn apart.”


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f55737 No.20994980

attention 5 minutes before the convicted criminal takes the stage. TOP KEK

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8a2076 No.20994981

File: 47cdd60d872da0b⋯.gif (495.64 KB,500x295,100:59,35C4F58B_E9AD_4C50_98CB_24….gif)

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40db38 No.20994982

File: d878b3c2449fd26⋯.mp4 (14.37 MB,426x240,71:40,a_vid_for_clips.mp4)


anon has a whole music video folder which anon made plus some of the best ones posted by video editing anons.

need moar for the election

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6e01fc No.20994983

File: 1461d4ee47e9068⋯.png (146.58 KB,564x317,564:317,ClipboardImage.png)


The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

They ask for these groups to "IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex."


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b07f0d No.20994984


>Plastic rice was invented in ChYna.

someone married a rice cooker, divorced after 4 days

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d93dfc No.20994985



Elon has zero fux dollas

come on man he would just say it

he doesn't need a parody account

come at me bro

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faf44b No.20994986

File: 8ae533bcd11aa40⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,800x600,4:3,MAGAhoeDown.jpeg)

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f75132 No.20994987

3 minute warning at 3:08

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51fb63 No.20994988


So, only Jim makes notables for each bread?

Still won't matter what ever script it is or isn't it can still be programmed. My program that I wrote does exactly that as one of it's functions on html that is dynamically created. So I can tag and html element and add to a class or remove it, delete the node, move the node to a different parent html element. 100% programmable. You can even write a Javascript function and make up documents in real time. I am an expert on all this, but everything requires time and understanding.

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409b1e No.20994989

File: 03eb8a019164adb⋯.gif (322.41 KB,498x498,1:1,letsgo_.gif)

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1141d1 No.20994990

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: a76a48bf6615342⋯.png (180.41 KB,500x400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)




ty baker (s)

And Good Afternoon / Good Ebbening to you all

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024256 No.20994991

it's hot as fuck in Las Vegas!!!

how can Trump stand there in this heat in a suit at 3 pm, FFS!

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b4a438 No.20994992

File: 970b3709878f588⋯.png (294.02 KB,715x443,715:443,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6191da No.20994993


3:06 "Don't Stop Believing" - Journey


Autistic people run tests first.

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f41106 No.20994994

File: e24c25e7ab6e2ca⋯.jpg (487.15 KB,1017x684,113:76,Day_shift_10.jpg)

File: ca717f66527fcec⋯.gif (4.68 MB,600x401,600:401,Vacation_Day_Shift.gif)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,Day_Shift.mp4)

File: 1cf1b2dd6db21c4⋯.gif (415.55 KB,360x235,72:47,Late_for_dayshift.gif)

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b7c80d No.20994995

File: f50cfe9b9b0dc16⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,720x1280,9:16,MAGA.mp4)


It's mine. kek

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6e01fc No.20994996

File: 650045ccd762895⋯.png (2.11 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Maga

Krav Maga


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9cb25d No.20994997

Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit

(Update: FL Supreme Court transferred the case to the trial court)

(Update/Update: The Circuit Court Dismissed This Case)

Case # SC2024-0327 was filed in the Supreme Court of Florida. As a pro se litigant I filed a Writ of Mandamus with the Supreme Court of Florida. This Mandamus seeks to compel Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’ AKA ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ in the State of Florida.

Approximately 10 Florida County Republican parties have declared Covid 19 injections to be biological and technological weapons, have called on the Governor to halt these injections, and for the Attorney General to conduct a forensic analysis of their contents. The Florida Department of Health has also called for a halt to these injections.

The most important thing that can be done is to get exposure to this action. The Governor can deploy his attorneys to fight against this action, or he can simply prohibit these weapons of mass destruction in the State of Florida, making this case moot. I sincerely hope he will comply. The more eyes on this the more likely the Governor and Attorney General do the right thing. Hint, help them by calling…

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis @ (850) 717-9337

Attorney General Ashley Moody @ 850-414-3300

I want to give a shout out to Karen Kingston for her countless hours of research and writing the scientific material that constitutes the Statement of Facts section of this legal brief. I also want to thank the friends that put eyes on this document before I submitted it.

I am taking this action because no one else has done so. We can’t allow our people to be targeted like this. This must stop now. I am praying that the Supreme Court of Florida ends this horror show.


(1) This petition for a writ of mandamus is brought under Article V, § 3(b)(8) Florida Constitution, and under Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.03O(a)(3), 9.100 and other relevant authorities to enforce state and federal laws including, and not limited to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023); Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC § 2381; Treason § 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023); Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331, Terrorism § 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023); Murder § 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023); and Genocide 18 USC §1091. Petitioner seeks an order of mandamus, requiring the Respondents to immediately prohibit the distribution, promotion, access and administration of COVID-19 injections, mRNA nanoparticle injections, and all mRNA products in the State of Florida.



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024256 No.20994998



i mean noon

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6e01fc No.20994999


>Autistic people run tests first.

because fawkery is a certain in the field

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b4a438 No.20995000

File: 60c8fa2c7a7e3c8⋯.png (949.58 KB,1000x666,500:333,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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6d91f2 No.20995001

File: ed91024d9adeb72⋯.png (1.58 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9257.png)

File: a58cc892a0c3c8c⋯.png (104.68 KB,1500x541,1500:541,IMG_9254.png)

File: 5aafd4c59b42b4d⋯.jpeg (118.42 KB,600x800,3:4,IMG_9252.jpeg)

File: 386ea43b7e23549⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Breaking_the_generational_….png)

File: b694a2674f78e57⋯.jpeg (200.34 KB,1170x886,585:443,IMG_9250.jpeg)


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f55737 No.20995002

File: c1d3af25f33d047⋯.png (142.94 KB,640x1422,320:711,803_17_.png)


fuckin' mirror bring the heat

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b07f0d No.20995003

File: c78b5c44fa94212⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,400x267,400:267,nearly_closet.jpg)


>attention 5 minutes before the convicted criminal takes the stage. TOP KEK

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b7c80d No.20995004

Bricksuit is at the front again, dude must of been to every Trump rally so far, he must get around…

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b4a438 No.20995005

File: e15897d64eda9c3⋯.png (352.67 KB,640x480,4:3,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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26b0c6 No.20995006

Biden is so fucking SLOPPY his family of drug addicts and cocaine in the whitehouse

There has to be something he fucked up while using the name ROBERT PETERS

what the fuck would biden be doing in 1977 besides partying with bill gates the DUI an getting Married

A trip to JORDAN AMMAN TO UK to Visit the London Secretary of State

What was happening JORDAN WAR ENDING, what was happeing in UK 1977 with BILL GATES OR JOE BIDEN?

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40db38 No.20995007

File: b941b03ba11b4d8⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB,360x360,1:1,pepe_journey.mp4)


few minutes before djt takes the stage in las vegas nevada.

focus, wait for comms and ascension

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57bcbd No.20995008

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b07f0d No.20995009


>zombie drug….

gurt ei moz

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f313f0 No.20995010


You have to track what bakers are doing, and Jim would have to do that to be able to mark posts accordingly.

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9cb25d No.20995011

US Admits Role In Israeli Rescue Operation That Killed Over 200 Palestinians

The United States has denied ongoing allegations that it was militarily involved in Israel's Saturday raid on a central Gaza Hamas stronghold which returned alive four hostages who had been kidnapped on Oct.7.

"Well, the one thing I can say is that there were no U.S. forces, no U.S. boots on the ground involved in this operation. We did not participate militarily in this operation," US National Security advisor Jake Sullivan said in a CNN interview on Sunday. There have been widespread claims that US special forces advisers were on the ground in some capacity, but this hasn't been met with confirmation.

However, it has been reported that "A U.S. official told Axios the U.S. hostage cell in Israel supported the effort to rescue the four hostages." The precise level of 'support' and details of this involvement hasn't been revealed, but The New York Times has so far described that US officials in Israel had been "providing intelligence and other logistical support."

Despite the freeing of the four hostages being a clearly big 'win' and victory for Israel, which the White House also congratulated, it quickly emerged that the refugee camp at Nuseirat suffered a massacre during the operation.

The Palestinian side is saying that at least 274 people were killed, mostly civilians, in the large-scale attacks which reportedly paved the way for the elite counterterror team to go in and rescue the captives while under heavy fire. Israel launched significant strikes on the surrounding area to protect the Israeli elite hostage rescue team.

Sullivan confirmed during the same CNN interview that "innocent people were killed" in the Israeli military operation to free the group of hostages. He didn't say how many civilian casualties there were, however. "We, the United States, are not in a position today to make a definitive statement about that. The Israeli defense forces have put out one number. The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry has put out another number," Sullivan said.


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6e01fc No.20995012

File: 8f11907f533e112⋯.png (263.42 KB,598x422,299:211,ClipboardImage.png)


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6191da No.20995013


3:10 "What a Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong

3:13 " ? " anyone know this song?

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f1baaf No.20995014

File: 7fc6f17b8826251⋯.png (649.21 KB,776x825,776:825,7fc6f17b8826251ed76ea08839….png)


Mine now!!!!

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3ad339 No.20995015

File: 870ab1372ff0a60⋯.jpg (134.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,vp.jpg)

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b4a438 No.20995016

File: fbd2d4c9a54d248⋯.png (1.46 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_09_at_1….png)

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1609fc No.20995017

File: 8aa35d681e8862a⋯.jpg (78.25 KB,924x473,84:43,rallydaysbestdays.jpg)

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f55737 No.20995018


copy right musak


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a028cf No.20995019


Boss on stage now

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8a2076 No.20995020

File: a55294fffaa7ff8⋯.jpeg (528.6 KB,1177x611,1177:611,709D3BC4_3904_4614_8088_4….jpeg)


PF: SPAR15 C40c inbound from Cherbourg, France depart-SAM950 G5 went to Teterboro Airport-secondary NYC access

Seen this in Sundays for a few weeks nao-SAMs in/out of there

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d5fb8d No.20995021

File: 77689f2fba29856⋯.jpeg (180.48 KB,577x516,577:516,rally.jpeg)

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024256 No.20995022

File: 788bb13589d7e6e⋯.png (48.86 KB,818x498,409:249,314_1_.png)


This is for anons!



"Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


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f1baaf No.20995023

File: 09bba32ff9618d4⋯.png (43.54 KB,698x498,349:249,314.png)


he's only 14 minutes late. what was that about post 314?

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b7c80d No.20995024

File: 713e3c7c4178857⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x480,1:1,o7.GIF)

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9cb25d No.20995025

File: ff8d37c7d1ead2f⋯.png (375.88 KB,541x557,541:557,ClipboardImage.png)

Teens Arrested After Scooters Leave Marks on ‘Pride’ Crosswalk


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409b1e No.20995026

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,a3afb6573a883a512022f22beb….jpg)

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d5fb8d No.20995027

File: 5839105fbf5d030⋯.png (38.99 KB,958x237,958:237,ClipboardImage.png)


>the BREAK.

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faf44b No.20995028

such fun

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6191da No.20995029




15:15:05 POTUS entrance

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024256 No.20995030

File: 5c97500c8f539a1⋯.png (541.26 KB,1938x1172,969:586,Bildschirm_foto_2024_06_09….png)

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f55737 No.20995031

not to _Hot

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e53c8f No.20995032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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eba29e No.20995033

File: b1a8e59f74281c4⋯.jpeg (194.71 KB,896x1152,7:9,IMG_4092.jpeg)


Staaaand UP!


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6191da No.20995034


AND! He started speaking at 3:17!

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024256 No.20995035

nope, it was 3:14 on the screen on RSBN


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7ca79f No.20995036


And yer guy is fucking napping!

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3ad339 No.20995037

is he going to endorse brown or gunter for senate today?

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a00402 No.20995038

File: 79a9b6f52ed364a⋯.png (1.22 MB,1184x617,1184:617,ClipboardImage.png)


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409b1e No.20995039

File: 163df1e9602cb17⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,720x720,1:1,vxD1rgiqc5Ha.jpeg)

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40db38 No.20995040

bullshit bullshit


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51fb63 No.20995041


Who puts the notables under the section that says notables are not endorsements? Whoever that is, they should be able to tag the html with an extra tag going forward. But here is an even better idea:

Write a function that runs on the parent html node of the notable are not endorsements and have it automatically tag it's children for you. It really could be encapsulated in a div without any interference. When that div has a child appended and onchange event handler would automatically tag it's child with "noted". Many ways to skin the cat.

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1d3187 No.20995042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b4a438 No.20995043


"it's bullshit what he signed!"

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efa825 No.20995044

File: 9aeb6a36e4466e3⋯.png (683.89 KB,842x474,421:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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1609fc No.20995045

President Trump: We're gonna knock off the Biden Crime Family. It's a Biden family of crime, including the fact that they've weaponized the Department of Justice like it's never happened in this country.We're going to end the weak and failed regime of Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, and we're gonna Make America Great Again.

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409b1e No.20995046

File: fc2bf469d32d243⋯.jpg (80.56 KB,471x481,471:481,mostannoyingsound.jpg)

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f55737 No.20995047


deem able

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1d3187 No.20995048


drumpf on second


WHO$ on 3rd


bono is #2

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b4a438 No.20995049

"november 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country"

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6191da No.20995050


You are 100% right. He began speaking at 3:17 !!!

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175fab No.20995051

A film about the citizens fight to save old growth forests on land that belongs to the citizens. An outstanding film.


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efa825 No.20995052

File: b8ea57e7f9517e0⋯.png (906.83 KB,933x522,311:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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6191da No.20995053


Wait - maybe I'm behind - are you saying he started speaking aloud at 3:14?

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409b1e No.20995054

File: 5e498494f965105⋯.png (880.12 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Dueling cackles.

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024256 No.20995055


no he took the stage at 3:14

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d5fb8d No.20995056

File: d804f465ebe32b9⋯.png (171.12 KB,637x850,637:850,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa636de05c06c3a⋯.png (210.46 KB,289x850,17:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdd5699f2d3fe2e⋯.png (194.3 KB,354x850,177:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7c80d No.20995057

Quck Rally stats for RSBN alone:

Youtube - 42,000 +

Rumble - 50,600 +

Well over 100K watching right now as more would of joined as I post this, WE ARE Q!!!

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d5fb8d No.20995058


88, 89, 92

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175fab No.20995059


One of my favorite music vids. I leave this on for my dogs when I leave them.

It relaxes my soul as well.

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efa825 No.20995060

File: eebd38a74611bdd⋯.png (850.31 KB,935x525,187:105,ClipboardImage.png)


Came out @ 15:14hrs


Started speaking @ 15:16hrs

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80614d No.20995061

boss is live

your families are safe

ending wont be for everyone

disinformation is necessary

you're watching a movie

not all comms are for anons

expand your thinking

you have all you need


military is the only answer

israel saved for last

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b4a438 No.20995062

"i think the afghan thing was the most embarassing day in the history of our country"

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409b1e No.20995063

File: a2e51a98637bccf⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,1366x768,683:384,teacup3.jpg)

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a00402 No.20995064

File: 83b639031c95518⋯.png (106.15 KB,921x549,307:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48812b848cb7401⋯.png (24.08 KB,963x107,9:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a15575 No.20995065

on the chat of PDJT rally

I'd rather vote for a felon then a jackass!

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024256 No.20995066





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f55737 No.20995067

File: 534163045b10803⋯.png (32.68 KB,640x496,40:31,110_4_.png)


1 1 0 degrees

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40db38 No.20995068

File: 7df8167e3f3c0fb⋯.png (16.29 KB,547x311,547:311,ClipboardImage.png)

djt: 110 degrees

did anon hear that right?

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6d91f2 No.20995069

File: b47d7b95dc53ddf⋯.png (342.92 KB,1376x2478,688:1239,92_2.png)

88, 89, 90, 92


Nov 05, 2017 1:55:46 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No. 148031295

Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.

Las Vegas.

What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from?

What floors specifically?

Who owns the top floors?

Top floors only.

Why is that relevant?

What was the shooter's name?

What was his net worth?

How do you identify a spook?

What can historical data collection reveal?

Was there any eye witnesses?


Was he registered as a security guard?

Why is MS13 important?

What doesn't add up?

Was there only one shooter?

Why was JFK released?

What do the JFK files infer?

Was there only one shooter?

Who was in LV during this time?

What was the real mission?


Why are survivors dying randomly?

What do each of these survivors have in common?

Did they talk on social media?

What did they say?

Were they going to form a group?

Why is this relevant?

How did they die?

What CIA report was released by WK?

What can control a car?

How did the (2) of the survivors die?

Car crash?

How does this connect to SA?

What just happened in SA?

Who owns the top floors of the hotel?

What happened today in SA?

To who specifically?

Was POTUS in LV that night?


Why was he there?

Who did he have a classified meeting with?

Did AF1 land at McCarran?

What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?

Trace AF1 that entire day.

What do you notice?



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9cb25d No.20995070

File: 708f4f242d43e2d⋯.png (81.57 KB,723x564,241:188,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5e8133c5a3e6d2⋯.png (87.15 KB,738x570,123:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1216b34345e4e7⋯.png (112.62 KB,725x584,725:584,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92f5c2fff172834⋯.png (133.96 KB,709x578,709:578,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52abe263f228b23⋯.png (85.04 KB,726x551,726:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Meet Cyabra: The Intelligence Cutout Waging Israel's Online Propaganda War

With multiple connections to the Israeli military as well as the CIA, and propped up by corporate media outlets, the cyber security company Cyabra is one of the leading proponents of Israeli disinformation and online censorship.

Lowkey, one of the United Kingdom’s most prominent and outspoken opponents of the Israeli onslaught against Gaza, has been under attack. In May, The Daily Telegraph, one of Britain’s largest newspapers, published a report claiming that Russia, China and Iran were boosting the rapper’s messaging on social media “in an effort to stoke division” and manipulate public opinion across the country.

Central to the Telegraph’s claims is a report by tech firm Cyabra, which asserted that 11% of profiles engaging with him on Twitter were fake, implying that an organized bot network was artificially amplifying his messages.

Yet what the Telegraph failed to inform readers was that Cyabra was not just “a tech firm specializing in countering disinformation online,” as it claimed, but an Israeli company founded by military intelligence officers, half of whose employees have left to rejoin the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to fight in Gaza – and one that continues to openly work with Israeli military intelligence to this day.

Instead, the Telegraph allowed Israeli government officials to assert unchallenged that the United Kingdom was under “threat” from pro-Hamas organisations that are operating all across Britain with a clear purpose to impose Sharia law and to make Britain a Muslim island” and to advise that authorities must be “far more aggressive” against these “enemies” that threaten British values and the British way of life.

Unfortunately, Cyabra’s methodology was as shoddy as the Telegraph’s reporting. First, the study they published does not even mention Lowkey. Second, there is essentially zero evidence supplied in their reporting. Finally, there are no spreadsheets where readers can access the names of the supposedly fake accounts so that researchers can judge for themselves.

The study failed to show whether these bot networks truly amplified messages from Lowkey or other pro-Palestine influencers in any meaningful way. In fact, beyond pointing to some extremely generic profiles with barely any followers and leaving boilerplate replies such as “Amazing! This is fantastic! How cool! Congratulations!” they show little to no evidence of any interference—foreign or otherwise.

The clear implication is that 11% of profiles interacting with Lowkey being fake would be proof that the massive upsurge in pro-Palestine sentiment across the world is artificially manufactured from abroad. Yet what Cyabra leaves out of the report is the crucial context that a considerable proportion of social media accounts are fake and always have been.

Estimates of the true number of fake accounts on Twitter run from anywhere between 5% to more than 80%, and Twitter owner Elon Musk suggested that one in five personas on his platform were false. Cyabra itself claims that 11% are fake and that celebrities and other public figures draw more bot accounts than average.



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d5fb8d No.20995071

2 moar weeks

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024256 No.20995072

"I aced them"

Trump card?

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4b992f No.20995073

File: 3de1a0337344034⋯.jpeg (38.65 KB,512x383,512:383,image0.jpeg)

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f55737 No.20995074


Dumb crumbs 12

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40db38 No.20995075

File: 41491d6da772d9b⋯.png (155.12 KB,842x714,421:357,ClipboardImage.png)



.02 seconds.

correct 110

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f55737 No.20995076


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6191da No.20995077


Thank you! - Even better.


What has been said about the US Military?

The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

Expand your thinking.

Re-read crumbs.

Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

Connect the 'markers.'

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

Expand your thinking.

The Great Awakening.


"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"


How many clues must we provide?

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bb2f50 No.20995078


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f55737 No.20995079

dumped some crumbs

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b7c80d No.20995080


Quantum comms are on fire this bread

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024256 No.20995081

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26b0c6 No.20995082

File: c59b3977a832689⋯.png (301.04 KB,1759x760,1759:760,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421670c2486ff0f⋯.png (111.33 KB,745x573,745:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421670c2486ff0f⋯.png (111.33 KB,745x573,745:573,Gavyn_Davies.png)


Owen had a dis-

tinguished career

behind him in the

Labour Party; be-

tween 1977–79, he

was Foreign Secretary in James

Callaghan’s Labour government,

dealing with constitutional

problems over Southern Rho-


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80614d No.20995083

File: 842be24ded70bde⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,600x400,3:2,b0711187f87d004ed7c33aea83….jpg)


my nigga

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f55737 No.20995084

File: 65cc0d92c2d07fc⋯.png (216.78 KB,640x2128,40:133,72_3_.png)

seventy two

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b98d46 No.20995085



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f55737 No.20995086

File: 59cd90c690e73ba⋯.png (152.65 KB,640x1136,40:71,11_16_.png)

11 year old

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26b0c6 No.20995087

File: bf84eff4f05cdd8⋯.png (112.65 KB,774x531,86:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc3fb8 No.20995088

File: 31c1c25b6b5abd6⋯.png (303.33 KB,601x500,601:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27a013848533cf0⋯.mp4 (315.6 KB,1468x1068,367:267,parakletos_in_the_ass_vide….mp4)

Selective 404

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a15575 No.20995089

"That's Bullshit" is the new chant! KEK

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eaf509 No.20995090

File: a68aa9cc4719ffa⋯.gif (606.37 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy_1_.gif)

File: c736d61a7727fc8⋯.gif (412.51 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy.gif)

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c0cbd7 No.20995091



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f313f0 No.20995092


the baker

the baker can't edit html.

the baker also can't edit other posts, unless BV and it would be a horrible idea if someone edited all notable posts (pretending that would even be do-able)

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c033be No.20995093

File: a71be9bb6c10cec⋯.jpg (96.87 KB,380x455,76:91,zombie_drug.jpg)


>such fun

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a15575 No.20995094

PDJT: " If you go down from the heat, we have people to pick you up, they'll throw water" Kek he's funny today, somewhat

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f1baaf No.20995095

hispanican americans…..


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c0cbd7 No.20995096


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26b0c6 No.20995097

File: cc1bdffcbd32551⋯.png (150.29 KB,573x679,573:679,ClipboardImage.png)

A Green New Dealer before the Green New Dealerships opened.

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024256 No.20995098


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721210 No.20995099

File: 3fc141aaa4ebc70⋯.png (1.65 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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51fb63 No.20995100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a look at what I programmed, with a little support it can be finished. I am under siege and have been for a long time. The Rothschild PSEG sent electrical surges into my home and burnt out my large screen monitor, so I bought a new laptop with oled that I could see, then I was chemically attacked leaving me unable to see or drive. I have been struggling since then.

What you will see is a web page builder than can actually create datagrids that are query-able, filter-able, and sort-able on the fly. A real, database on the front and back end without programming one line of code. We could have this if I can get a little help or a basic fn job.

All html, css, and even assigning buttons to functions are in real time.

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28198e No.20995101

Macron calls Election


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917848 No.20995102

File: 3447e3cb8e3756d⋯.png (37.63 KB,385x443,385:443,John_316.png)

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1609fc No.20995103

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will not be apologizing for all of these people that are coming in illegally, because there won't be many people that come in illegally anymore. They'll come in, but they'll come in legally, you'll be able to hire them, and you'll be able to work with them. We want people to come into our country; they have to come in legally.

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6e01fc No.20995104


call for comms chq

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6191da No.20995105

>>20994429 #25748

~660 Notables

>>20994596, >>20994713, >>20994838, >>20994916, >>20995049, 3PM EST - LIVE: POTUS Rally in Las Vegas

>>20995022, >>20995023 Q+ Takes Stage at 3:14PM EST > Q314 Be the autists we know you are.

>>20995060 Q+ started speaking at 3:16 > Q316 Timestamp. How many clues must we provide?

>>20995067 Q+ "110 degrees" > Q110 CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.

>>20995086 Q+ "11 year old" > Q11 Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

>>20995043 "It's bullshit what he signed!" Crowd erupts in BULLSHIT! chant

>>20994819, >>20994833, >>20994849 Q+ 1:40 Join me today in Las Vegas "See you soon"

>>20994469 Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! We are EVERYWHERE. It's spreading. We, the PEOPLE.

>>20994750 The Las Vegas Police Protective Association officially Endorses TRUMP

>>20994512, >>20994597, >>20994601 Fani got donation from ex-city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994495 Catholic school sexual abuse of Native American children, survivors share new accounts

>>20994787 Biden’s Economy Has Employed More Illegal Aliens to U.S. Jobs Than Americans

>>20994634, >>20994644 Michael Mosley "taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

>>20994507 (links) 3 more Suddenly dead: Ireland, Chicago, NFL NY Chiefs

>>20994552, >>20994554 Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses

>>20994458, >>20994495 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy (Karlstrom)


>>20994502, >>20994584 PFs: Re:Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

>>20994718 Q-Clock "REMEMBER LAS VEGAS"

>>20994539, >>20994839 Q-Clock "The Music Is About To Stop. D12"

>>20994506, >>20994510, >>20994705 (links) Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador


>>20994695 USMC 12PM

>>20994649 US Naval Inst. 12PM "eight"

>>20994687 SURFLANT 12PM "eaa 5-2"

>>20994632 US Naval Inst. 12:22PM

>>20994617 NG 1PM

>>20994712 US Naval Inst 2PM

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c0cbd7 No.20995106

File: e24ab33c3211df4⋯.jpg (86.29 KB,295x343,295:343,ruissia_hack_2016.jpg)





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f55737 No.20995107

File: 6fbe206550f3e7b⋯.png (54.21 KB,640x564,160:141,250_1_.png)

File: c096de43ae44f80⋯.png (246.72 KB,640x1754,320:877,50_9_.png)

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438f6d No.20995108

File: 67322236a01e688⋯.png (1.2 MB,1491x849,497:283,Teleprompter.png)


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d9e5c2 No.20995109

File: 9a1576d80f5d4f0⋯.png (303.11 KB,713x1419,713:1419,Screenshot_20240609_143324….png)



Esp. since it's only 93 deg (+17 off)

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024256 No.20995110

File: 08fb6c2330a71da⋯.png (4.1 MB,2880x10362,480:1727,screencapture_qalerts_app_….png)

>>20995098 me




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917848 No.20995111

File: bc6efb09bee4859⋯.png (93.74 KB,377x602,377:602,Q35.png)

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c0cbd7 No.20995112

File: 8ebad8122bc7a9b⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,602x500,301:250,GD.jpg)


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8a2076 No.20995113

File: b500ff4ffa27db1⋯.jpeg (425.33 KB,828x863,828:863,5235D31B_1DB2_4F0A_9D7F_8….jpeg)


He got his political mileage over the last few days being on stage so trying capitalize on that

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2aebb0 No.20995114

the world's real menace: teleprompters

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9cb25d No.20995115

File: ea35117345befb9⋯.png (60.27 KB,691x498,691:498,ClipboardImage.png)

==Gazans claim IDF special forces posed as civilians, Hamas fighters to near hostages

Locals report Israeli forces entered Nuseirat camp in disguise ahead of rescue op, some claiming to be displaced Gazans renting an apartment in building where Noa Argamani was held


Some of the Israeli special forces that entered the Nuseirat camp in Gaza on Saturday to conduct a large-scale operation to free four hostages posed as displaced Gazans or as Hamas fighters, according to eyewitnesses quoted in Arab media outlets.

The Saudi-owned Asharq news channel quoted local residents saying that a special forces unit, including women, entered the camp in disguise, driving in a white car loaded with mattresses. They said the women were dressed in clothes “that women are wearing here in the war.”

According to the report, the special forces introduced themselves to local residents as Palestinians escaping the Israel Defense Forces operation in Rafah, and said they had rented a place in the area around the market in Nuseirat, while pointing at the building where hostage Noa Argamani was being held. The three male hostages who were also rescued in the operation — Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv and Almog Meir Jan — were being detained in another building 200 meters away.

Israel’s Ynet news site said the unit was composed of mista‘aravim, special forces that operate in Palestinian areas by blending in with local Arabs and speaking the language fluently. The term translates as “those who become like Arabs.”

The unit reportedly entered the Nuseirat camp from an area close to the newly built American maritime aid pier and to the Netzarim corridor, an east-west passage bisecting Gaza north of the camp which has been held by the IDF and is used as a jumping-off point for raids in northern and central Gaza.


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1d3187 No.20995116

File: 418c68ab69c6ad7⋯.png (58.92 KB,900x506,450:253,418c68ab69c6ad7c28f6c04f28….png)


greatest drumpf larpin symphony soundtrack ever

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ffef50 No.20995117

File: f850a30ddf2fa20⋯.png (3.08 MB,2000x1040,25:13,ClipboardImage.png)




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f55737 No.20995118


fucking wilting hot_do the snek

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2ee7eb No.20995119

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d5fb8d No.20995120

File: 5da0a924e086253⋯.jpg (29.43 KB,500x500,1:1,snek.jpg)

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1609fc No.20995121

President Trump: Virtually one hundred percent of the new jobs under Biden have also gone to illegal aliens…meanwhile, real wages of African-Americans, and the workers from all over the world that came here legally, they're down six percent under Crooked Joe.

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31e0b0 No.20995122

File: 30cf49d5bef5e3c⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,255x240,17:16,kekistan.jpg)

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efa825 No.20995123

File: 0c41a61e4143d1c⋯.png (200.49 KB,337x524,337:524,ClipboardImage.png)

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e53c8f No.20995124

File: b9c017d4371ea81⋯.png (4.03 MB,2016x954,112:53,ClipboardImage.png)


HQ just received intel.

Anon is in position to make America great (again)

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721210 No.20995125

File: ddf3d071a1ed572⋯.png (1.2 MB,1166x652,583:326,ClipboardImage.png)

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31e0b0 No.20995126

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,lel.jpg)

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1d3187 No.20995127

File: 1078828c24b824c⋯.png (3.99 MB,1920x1200,8:5,1078828c24b824c932c5e30806….png)

daft punk is playin at the trash fence

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31e0b0 No.20995128

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,508x596,127:149,lightsongirl.jpg)

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7aeb40 No.20995129


Something big is about to drop.

Hussein AK 47.

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eaf509 No.20995130

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB,634x634,1:1,brainwashed.jpg)


We Already Won

Gotta Show Em

Keep the Hooks in Em…see how far the trail goes..money goes

One Big Ass RICO

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024256 No.20995131




(pardon me, but it has to be)

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d6810a No.20995132

i bet there's a lot of dilly dally sons a bitches in here today

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305585 No.20995133


quite a script.

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1d3187 No.20995134

File: 9beb14ae521c2df⋯.jpg (37.5 KB,750x600,5:4,9be.jpg)

trotsky cheese schticks outside movie theatre

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51fb63 No.20995135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This voting program that can do replayable elections and do incumbent recalls was created using my program, Transparent system of records. Because I can assign Javascript functions to buttons, all I had to do to create this voting app was create a function that takes your ballot and return a 512 encrypted hash of your ballot. Return me that 512 character and I return your ballot which you can change to do a recall of a government official without waiting for them to leave or be thrown out of office. Does anyone understand what I am proving here?

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31e0b0 No.20995136

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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6d91f2 No.20995137

Spouse anon just said, we only listen to PDJT for Clues 😱

Then he said…what really pisses me off!


Nov 21, 2017 9:10:09 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: AJWt5SQs No. 150405959

Nov 21, 2017 8:46:17 PM EST

anonymous ID: uMuGxlli No. 150403252


Dear Q:

Jesus Christ was fucking PISSed at his apostles most of the time because they were stupid fucks (at the time) that couldn't piece together even the most basic of clues. We are no different and are even more clueless. We are trying, but you really do have to spell it out for us. Sorry. We believe you are speaking the truth. To whom else can we turn? So put up with our shit and help us, and we'll do what you ask.


Sniffer progs would kill the site.

Everything has to be carefully crafted and tooled prior to release.

Godspeed, Patriot.


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31e0b0 No.20995138

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,night_shift.gif)

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0cf045 No.20995139


For a reason

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305585 No.20995140

File: b3909b80e495d50⋯.jpg (88.32 KB,750x500,3:2,Correct.jpg)

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31e0b0 No.20995141

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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5ce324 No.20995142


This was many years ago but i was cooking rice and it literally turned to plastic in my pan. i threw it out. Now i have to check and make sure.

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40db38 No.20995143

oh no anon forgot about his birthday.

but it is on the 14th

According to the search results, Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, making him 78 years old as of June 9, 2024.

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f55737 No.20995144

File: 8d6554bd9b8d371⋯.png (128.79 KB,640x1412,160:353,2016_1_.png)


stop you mecca me laugh >>20995126




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31e0b0 No.20995145

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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6d91f2 No.20995146

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB,280x280,1:1,IMG_2215.png)


Keep on Celebrating 🥳

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eaf509 No.20995147

File: d9d49eb1bea98b0⋯.png (6.94 KB,314x68,157:34,ClipboardImage.png)


Friken A Yo!

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1d3187 No.20995148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

salad tossin juw volcano gahy pride frenchy germs long drumpf larpin journey with violin muzak

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f75132 No.20995149

We’ll bring it back 4 years

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6191da No.20995150

>>20994429 #25748

FINAL Notables

>>20994596, >>20994713, >>20994838, >>20994916, >>20995049, 3PM EST - LIVE: POTUS Rally in Las Vegas

>>20995022, >>20995023 Q+ Takes Stage at 3:14PM EST > Q314 Be the autists we know you are.

>>20995060 Q+ started speaking at 3:16 > Q316 Timestamp. How many clues must we provide?

>>20995067, >>20995109 Q+ "110 degrees" > Q110 CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.

>>20995086 Q+ "11 year old" > Q11 Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

>>20995098, >>20995110 Q+ WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER > Q (graphic compilation)

>>20995043 "It's bullshit what he signed!" Crowd erupts in BULLSHIT! chant

>>20994819, >>20994833, >>20994849 Q+ 1:40 Join me today in Las Vegas "See you soon"

>>20994469 Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! We are EVERYWHERE. It's spreading. We, the PEOPLE.

>>20994750 The Las Vegas Police Protective Association officially Endorses TRUMP

>>20994512, >>20994597, >>20994601 Fani got donation from ex-city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994495 Catholic school sexual abuse of Native American children, survivors share new accounts

>>20994787 Biden’s Economy Has Employed More Illegal Aliens to U.S. Jobs Than Americans

>>20994634, >>20994644 Michael Mosley "taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

>>20994507 (links) 3 more Suddenly dead: Ireland, Chicago, NFL NY Chiefs

>>20994552, >>20994554 Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses

>>20994458, >>20994495 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy (Karlstrom)


>>20994502, >>20994584 PFs: Re:Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

>>20994718 Q-Clock "REMEMBER LAS VEGAS"

>>20994539, >>20994839 Q-Clock "The Music Is About To Stop. D12"

>>20994506, >>20994510, >>20994705 (links) Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador


>>20994695 USMC 12PM

>>20994649 US Naval Inst. 12PM "eight"

>>20994687 SURFLANT 12PM "eaa 5-2"

>>20994632 US Naval Inst. 12:22PM

>>20994617 NG 1PM

>>20994712 US Naval Inst 2PM

Please bring deliciousness to NB. Wait for Dough, thank you.

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8a2076 No.20995151


>>20994776, >>20995020 PF: CONUS activity -BOXERs inbound from Paris, SAM950 NE from JBA

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31e0b0 No.20995152

File: a47a22bde1c3626⋯.png (1.67 MB,1260x840,3:2,NightFlight.png)

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31e0b0 No.20995153

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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1d3187 No.20995154

File: 05008feedb2e640⋯.png (14.36 KB,225x225,1:1,05008feedb2e640e30d760ebc4….png)

biltmoar is invadin wrong poleland jelly donut city wall again all weak end

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b94556 No.20995155

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e39eee823c0db072d8f2dc560….png)

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f55737 No.20995156

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_11_.png)

say 229 somehow

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31e0b0 No.20995157

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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721210 No.20995158

File: 2b9252b5b35ebc0⋯.png (18.39 KB,444x236,111:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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6aa723 No.20995159


no table

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31e0b0 No.20995161

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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605e49 No.20995162

File: fcb0b27989428cb⋯.png (219.03 KB,483x470,483:470,ed4b4426b675f7b31683116e44….png)


"…and if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people that will ppick you up right away, they'll throw water…"


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7aeb40 No.20995163

Something big is about to drop…

No one has more public beef

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1d3187 No.20995166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31e0b0 No.20995167

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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48fe22 No.20995168


showing amazing ignorance of how things work here

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0cf045 No.20995170

File: c98dd87ad9f880d⋯.png (2.21 MB,1700x2300,17:23,111thdaywp111wclocksoros2h….png)


Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.

Enjoy the show.

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31e0b0 No.20995171

File: d5091eaacf7c8ae⋯.jpg (90.68 KB,1024x1024,1:1,nigthShift_1_1024x1024_cro….jpg)

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cfe18c No.20995172

File: 3fd07c03a36a791⋯.gif (344.54 KB,891x501,297:167,4f421b6ac165d50ed90f3ade93….gif)

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ffef50 No.20995173

File: e711be5a31df7be⋯.png (2.65 MB,3419x3287,3419:3287,ClipboardImage.png)

"Let's see what happens." ~ DJT

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51fb63 No.20995174


>the baker also can't edit other posts, unless BV and it would be a horrible idea if someone edited all notable posts

I didn't say edit in it's true sense, I said mark up, that does not give them the right to delete. Watch my program that I just posted, it builds a site ten times more powerful than this site without programming one line of code to the user because the user has no rights to alter the program just work with it.

Mind you: I am one of the smartest people on earth.

Truth in advertising: One of denotes a fraction, and therefor I am 1 of the 8.1 billion people n earth, so technically this is a true statement

See how this works? All things are possible.

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eaf509 No.20995175

File: 49dde90a8e67939⋯.png (276.85 KB,675x596,675:596,ClipboardImage.png)


Back to the Future

back to the start

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31e0b0 No.20995177

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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31e0b0 No.20995178

File: 160c24818c447db⋯.png (305.99 KB,740x738,370:369,ns_pepe_skyline.png)

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6191da No.20995179

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b4a438 No.20995180

the snake has correlation to eve and the serpent

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b7c80d No.20995181

So the Jews are the snake?

double meanings

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1609fc No.20995182

President Trump: [Biden] said I stood over graves of soldiers, and I said, "these people are suckers and losers", dead soldiers from World War I. I said this was a made-up deal from a magazine that's failing, finanicial disaster, by a guy that's a horrible radical-left lunatic named Goldberg. They made up a story that I said this, and they put it out, and it's been going around for three years. It's just like Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukrinae,m Ukraine, Ukraine, fifty-one intelligence agents; that phony story, remember? The laptop is from Russia, they said. And they should be prosecuted for what they did. Let's see what happens.

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31e0b0 No.20995183

File: 1a3232e6019558a⋯.png (376.03 KB,432x539,432:539,ns_in_the_house.png)

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024256 No.20995184



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6191da No.20995185

File: 37c0e37d70b1626⋯.png (215.02 KB,550x309,550:309,serpentcrushed.png)


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964fac No.20995186

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31e0b0 No.20995187

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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48fe22 No.20995188


gm smart dust voting machine shill

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7aeb40 No.20995190


The amount of snakes Trump deliberately allowed around him and his circle with the intention of exposing them for who they are.

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31e0b0 No.20995191

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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f55737 No.20995192

Vicious Bite

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b4a438 No.20995193


he clearly said the southern border, you dolt

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0cf045 No.20995194

File: bff73466941778e⋯.png (734.63 KB,595x676,595:676,snakeboots.png)


111 was not the final vote count.

For the anal retentive types.

The snek.

Notice he always reads it (versus just tell the story)

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40db38 No.20995196

djt changed the words and added different ones during the snake.

wonder if that was adlib or something anon missed.

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fc3fb8 No.20995197

File: da39018373c1cb5⋯.gif (5.86 MB,647x635,647:635,heather_orourke_disney_the….gif)

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31e0b0 No.20995198

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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f75132 No.20995199

No taxes on tips.

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