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File: bd971873a80955b⋯.png (79.12 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

029caa No.20953002 [Last50 Posts]

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029caa No.20953003

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new

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029caa No.20953004


#25698 >>20952224

>>20952243, >>20952304 Alex Jones: Feds Attempting To Shut Down InfoWars Tonight

>>20952266 Tigerballs Qproof (Here we go / Buckle up)

>>20952286 Live: Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron

>>20952353 Grassley: #cornwatch

>>20952383 Blinken remarks on NATO

>>20952393, >>20952417 How did a former prosecutor (Juan Merchan) who is not a formal judge get assigned this case?

>>20952403 Federal government to introduce ban on sharing of non-consensual deepfake pornography

>>20952413 DJT: Going to UFC tonight!!!

>>20952570 Donald Trump Jr., Kari Lake, And Caroline Wren Were Served In Defamation Lawsuit by the election administrator in Arizona

>>20952577 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 757 President Milei left San Salvador after attending Bukele’s inauguration

>>20952607 Orange juice makers consider using alternative fruit as prices skyrocket

>>20952644 El Salvador's Bukele sworn-in for second term with Team MAGA showing its support at the inauguration

>>20952713 Campaigner has posted a picture from his hospital bed after he was stabbed by a knifeman at an anti-Islam rally in Germany

>>20952731 PF: AF2 C-32A Kneepads departed Los Angeles Intl heading for Seattle

>>20952732 PF: N770AG USAF E-11A BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node)

>>20952741 Housing Inflation 1992 vs 2021

>>20952760, >>20952770 Boris Johnson slams Trump's historic verdict as a liberal hit job

Possible USS Liberty 2.0?

>>20952337, >>20952343, >>20952358, >>20952860 Reports of USS Dwight Eisenhower being hit in Red Sea

>>20952374, >>20952379 Conflicting reports about what happened

>>20952359, >>20952376, >>20952453, >>20952425, >>20952439 Video of apparent attack w/ vessel number somewhat visible

>>20952408, >>20952479, >>20952494 This is the captain of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE)

>>20952665 Here's the captain of the Eisenhower showing a jet landing on deck 8 hours ago

>>20952998 #25698

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029caa No.20953006

#25697 >>20951465

>>20951498 Banana republics are bad for business: Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary reveals the shocking impact Trump's verdict will have on your family's finances

>>20951514, >>20951589, >>20951668, >>20951742, >>20951914, >>20952061 Degenerate Awareness Month

>>20951525, >>20951976, >>20951995 HR 8081: Disgraced Former Protectees Act

>>20951547 Donald Trump is now banned from 37 countries, including Canada and the UK, due to his criminal conviction

>>20951577 Macron: EDF is taking over General Electric's nuclear activities as of today, in particular the manufacture of Arabelle turbines

>>20951610 Don Jr, Tucker, Based Mike Lee, Matt Gaetz and more are in attendance at the Inauguration of President Bukele of El Salvador

>>20951643 Exhibit A: Google

>>20951656, >>20951783 Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate

>>20951659 PF: USAFSOC C146s went to Cartegena, Colombia from Homestead ARB

>>20951672, >>20952016 Today in London: Boos for Ilhan Omar, Obama and Biden, Cheers for the Legend Trump

>>20951686 University of Nevada Held Segregated Graduation for Asian and Pacific American, “LatinX”, Native American, African American, and LGBTQ+ students

>>20951694 Donald Trump is a licensed gun owner - here’s what will happen to his firearms after his felony conviction

>>20951697, >>20951766, >>20951724 Double-standards: Hillary settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the Steele Dossier funding as ‘legal services’

>>20951704 Canada: MP Laurel Collins says climate is sexist

>>20951716, >>20951772 Mexican supermodel, Gabriela Rico Jiménez, went missing shortly after screaming from glitzy hotel claiming the elite were 'eating humans'

>>20951736 PF: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20951747 Tim Pool Abruptly Ends Live Stream as Lara Loomer Calls for Treason Charges and Death Penalty for Democrats Accused of Coup Against Donald Trump

>>20951751 Companies scale back Pride Month after last year’s public response cost them millions

>>20951765 PF: CONUS activity

>>20951808 General Dynamics' New 155-Millimeter Shell Factory Opens As War Cycle Kicks Into Higher Gear

>>20951812, >>20951890 Top NIH adviser Dr. David Morens: 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin'

>>20951833 Alvin Bragg’s Office Accused of Leaking Trump’s Potential Sentence to ‘The View’

>>20951855 Rep. MTG On Congress Having The Power Now To Put An End To The Lawfare

>>20951897, >>20951916, >>20951926 Massive kids YouTuber, Ms. Rachel, invites Dylan Mulvaney to appear on 'Songs for Littles' show

>>20951951 Egyptian MP Mustafa Bakri: We are all prepared to become Martyrs for the sake of Palestine and Egypt

>>20952029 Trump is convicted: what comes next?

>>20952046 Ezra Levant: I’m in Geneva, Switzerland, outside the UN building where the World Health Organization is negotiating a global pandemic treaty

>>20952048 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III: I met today with the PRC’s Minister of National Defense for the first time since November 2022

>>20952055 Political assassinations hit grim record ahead of Mexico election

>>20952069 Foreign nationals are attempting to breach U.S. Navy bases 2 or 3 times per week - that’s just the Navy alone

>>20952123 Ron DeSantis hopes to raise at least $10M to boost Trump

>>20952130 Landmark court ruling orders Victorian Government to reveal secret documents on COVID-19 lockdown decision

>>20952135 PF: Ecuador AF FAE001 Falcon 7x President Daniel Noboa left San Salvador after attending inauguration of Nayib Bukele

>>20952136 America’s richest self-made woman grew up on a dairy farm - now she has a net worth of $20.9 billion

>>20952143, >>20952176 Alex Jones said today the government is attempting to seize the InfoWars studios, and force liquidate all broadcast assets

>>20952155 Jim Wakins: You will find that the trolls behind all of the #ActBlue spam are headquartered in jolly old England

>>20952201 #25697

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029caa No.20953008

#25696 >>20950594

>>20950643 Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu

>>20950644, >>20950692 Argentina files the world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for concealing known injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccines

>>20950702, >>20951099, >>20951139, >>20951117, >>20950803, >>20950848, >>20950873, >>20950925 PF

>>20950770 Mind Games: How China’s shadowy ‘Brain Warfare’ unit is preparing for war with new mind-melting weapons to ‘paralyse’ enemies

>>20950782 Bearing Witness To The Downfall Of Our Constitutional Republic

>>20950794 Doocy Ambushes Biden, Asks if He’s Afraid of Being Charged After He Leaves White House

>>20950813 Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, dies at 86

>>20950821 Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, has slammed his own party for “destroying the rule of law and our Constitution"

>>20950829, >>20950891, >>20950933, >>20950989 Happy Pride Month!!

>>20950836 Chief Justice Rejects Call for Alito’s Recusal in Jan. 6 Cases After Flag Incidents

>>20950845 The military is planning 12 days of air and ground drills at Trenton-Mercer Airport in June

>>20950861 Gays Against Groomers: Yesterday our Director of Communications Judith Rose on OAN with @AlisonOAN

>>20950872 The Dilley Meme Team is unstoppable, like Trump

>>20950887 Emboldened by Hamas and Iran’s Ayatollah, Students for Justice in Palestine Announce Plans to ‘Beseige’ White House

>>20950929 Harnwell: Cracks Widen In NATO As Italy Definitively Rules Out Letting Ukraine Strike Inside Russia

>>20950943 HUGE TRUMP WIN! Biden, Hillary, Obama ALL IN BIG TROUBLE NOW!! Stephen Gardner

>>20950950 White House Admits in Federal Court They ‘Doctored’ Joe Biden’s Special Counsel Testimony Transcript to Make Him Appear Less Incompetent

>>20950952 Voters who skipped COVID shots overwhelmingly back Trump, prefer Biden to RFK, shows poll

>>20950956 Real Estate Investor Says Nobody Wants to do Business in New York City Following Trump Verdict

>>20950909 International Children's Day!

>>20950969 Massive volunteer effort needed to launch state campaigns and boost MAGA movement

>>20951010 Leahy: Mass Migration Triggered Patient Irish To Start Fighting For Sovereignty

>>20951014 Harris Calls on Air Force Academy Graduates to Extend U.S. Air, Space Power

>>20951104 President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging support

>>20951100 @RepThomasMassie - Today’s conviction was a weaponization of the judicial system but there is more to come

baker change >>20950790, >>20951176, >>20951247

>>20950871 Texas Bolsters Border Defenses, Unveils New Military Base as part of Operation Lone Star

>>20951291, >>20951387 Double trouble: Sun unleashes 2 powerful X-class solar flares in 12 hours

>>20951303 Chinese Ministry of Defense: The Chinese army is ready, together with the Russian army, to defend justice in the world

>>20951308 The moar they indict, the moar we unite

>>20951414 Donald Trump Jr.: We need more conservatives who have the courage to fight fire with fire

>>20951428 NASA bun

>>20951442 #25696

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029caa No.20953009

#25695 >>20949746

>>20949859 Questioning Trump’s guilt is ‘dangerous’ – Biden

>>20949864 Philippines House of Representatives hears how excess deaths have skyrocketed and births have declined since covid “vaccines” were rolled out

>>20949981 apan's Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Apologizes During Today's Massive Protest Against the WHO

>>20949983 DJT Truth - After sitting for five weeks through that Rigged Trial…

>>20950017 DanScavino Truth - NYC

>>20950091 Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr. Respond to the Trump Verdict

>>20950181 Feds settle privacy claims by FBI agent and lawyer with early roles in Trump-Russia probe

>>20950215 CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job- Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law By CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig

>>20950222 Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination

>>20950279 Norm Eisen, former Obama official & architect behind the lawfare cases against Trump - vid

>>20950313 1961 Benjamin Freedman speech at Willard Hotel in Washington (yt + transcript link)

>>20950314 NEW: Trump’s potential AG pick Mike Davis told Axios he wants state attorneys general in Georgia and Florida to open criminal probes into Democrats for conspiring to interfere in the election by indicting Trump.

>>20950329, >>20950385 We are not bluffing about nuclear war, Putin ally warns as US raises WW3 threat by granting Ukraine permission to fire its missiles INTO Russia

>>20950333 World leaders express horror at the Trump verdict in Manhattan

>>20950378 Adam Schiff — Client of Judge Merchan’s Daughter — Begins Raising Money off Trump Verdict

>>20950421 Biden on Millstones

>>20950431 Zelensky arrives at Singapore security forum

>>20950482, >>20950529 Biden 'not at all worried' that he could be prosecuted after leaving office

>>20950488 George Clooney’s foundation ‘hounding’ Russian journalists – Moscow

>>20950578 #25695

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029caa No.20953010


>>20949050, >>20949086, dough

>>20949055 HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons - gwp

>>20949068, >>20949096, Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection - chuck calesto (covid bun)

>>20949074 Trump says "Buckle up" - Q Delta today says "Buckle Up." - wyatt ( Q comms bun)

>>20949114 First French troops en route to Ukraine - rt.com and (ukraine v russia) bun

>>20949128 planefag posts

>>20949162 Trump supporters call for riots - reuter (fake news fear porn bun)

>>20949257 In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’ - poso flashback post

>>20949263, >>20949430, former U.S. Navy vice chief of naval operations was arrested Friday - the hill (sounds like hit job justice department)

>>20949268 Japan’s push to make all research open access is taking shape = nature.com

>>20949299 #25693 lb rescrape by corp supplement notes.

>>20949305 Madonna sued for ‘pornography without warning’ at LA concert performance - the guardian

>>20949311 Courts Leak Social Security Numbers, Then Call Cops On US For Exposing Them - youtube

>>20949338 TRUMP HOLDS PRESS CONFERENCE AT TRUMP TOWER 3PM- 31ST MAY 2024 - youtube with aggregate djt statements and digs

>>20949345 past bread #25688 deleted bun supplement notes by corp

>>20949368, >>20949411, fake news headlines during djt speech at trump tower (12 in total) - source needed

>>20949373 Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada , maid using modazolam - expose

>>20949375 Netanyahu Casts Doubt on Biden Ceasefire Proposal; Deal Would Keep Hamas in Power - breitbart (israel v the world) bun

>>20949380, >>20949413, TEN YEARS TO SAVE THE WEST PDF and interview with lotus eaters- youtube and archive.org.

>>20949358, >>20949409 Fire Breaks at One of The Nation's Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities Killing Over 1.2 Million Chickens - twat

>>20949440 BIDEN’S POLITICAL PROSECUTION - djt t.s post

>>20949456 is this bitcoin NFT that was minted before Q started dropping a proof? - twat (dig called)

>>20949444, >>20949462 No beauty bungling: It happened with the nose of Princess Kalina from Bulgaria - source linked

>>20949471 West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin leaves Democratic party, registers as independent - twat (djt and rfk rejected picked a pedo enabler)

>>20949494 'Australian public should be asking questions' about the 1,200 Chinese spies in Australia - msn.com

>>20949533 the trump organization - twat and screenshot

>>20949545 2nd major water man break in midtown atlanta - twat

>>20949559 "$52.8M" - djt t.s post and Qdrop 528 comms.

>>20949668 Greg Kelly reveals the main reason the establishment hates Trump - greg kelly youtube.

>>20949690 biden retard vid - djt t.s post.

>>20949701 #25694

Previously Collected

>>20949025 #25693,

>>20946700 #25690, >>20947478 #25691, >>20948243 #25692

>>20944068 #25687, >>20944817 #25688, >>20945923 #25689

>>20941708 #25684, >>20942510 #25685, >>20943382 #25686

>>20939387 #25681, >>20940213 #25682, >>20940947 #25683

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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029caa No.20953014

File: c4a8c354af41433⋯.png (334.94 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



can bake for another 45 min

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ab5c9c No.20953028

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,boobyjigglyboobiesmuted.mp4)

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2873a3 No.20953032

Evenin’ Nightshift

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50bb04 No.20953037

File: a929cc52ca6c54f⋯.png (2.66 MB,1642x1058,821:529,flag_upadie_down_2_2053604….png)

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b35952 No.20953041

File: e4d26fdb0e7217e⋯.png (841.39 KB,731x640,731:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd3f4b No.20953042

File: b10facf7eaadfd5⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,452x506,226:253,b10facf7eaadfd5d7441c09d76….jpg)

File: 249a21619221f2b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,593x607,593:607,65cfedee92dd74a415fded4384….jpg)

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faa5b2 No.20953043

File: c4546954a42c989⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,ILikeFrogs.mp4)

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74d004 No.20953044

Wonder bread still the one?

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92e17b No.20953046

File: ccfe62245326b81⋯.png (738.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,ccfe62245326b81edbe5b65390….png)

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85213a No.20953047

WAR Never Changes

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15cfd9 No.20953048

File: 0cf7bd3e8a66aa9⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,673x371,673:371,xcvxfrbyfg.jpg)

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bb84a4 No.20953049


Hold On

I'm Coming

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faf79f No.20953051

File: 52fa790d3f666a1⋯.jpg (71.8 KB,500x500,1:1,8sgkei.jpg)

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77bc78 No.20953052

File: 2a4253c0b6b601d⋯.png (17.62 KB,790x189,790:189,ClipboardImage.png)


Mutilated ppl was triggered last bread.

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b35952 No.20953053

File: 8995248aaaca4df⋯.jpg (77.7 KB,951x567,317:189,canadian_lunatic.jpg)

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1ec010 No.20953054

File: c0801843232f1d4⋯.png (361.81 KB,384x683,384:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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f58e3b No.20953056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b125b6 No.20953057

File: 7f2af5e88f1c3a9⋯.png (1.35 MB,632x743,632:743,Screenshot_5673_.png)

File: 16d4a8ea166863f⋯.png (568.24 KB,590x328,295:164,Screenshot_5639_.png)

File: 5dfe247f7ee59e1⋯.png (770.85 KB,555x473,555:473,Screenshot_5612_.png)

File: 18a34c22145d301⋯.png (814.27 KB,506x548,253:274,Screenshot_5613_.png)

File: 58af9d5629b596b⋯.png (1.25 MB,712x612,178:153,Screenshot_5609_.png)


such fun

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5d79f2 No.20953058

…imagine the smell…

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00f898 No.20953059

File: aae5fdf62945d50⋯.png (390.68 KB,612x868,153:217,Sexy_P.png)

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74d004 No.20953060

You crazy

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f58e3b No.20953062

File: 32a544a1acd89cd⋯.png (1.8 MB,1092x856,273:214,ClipboardImage.png)

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b35952 No.20953063

File: 313c95c499d6847⋯.jpg (168.14 KB,1600x900,16:9,mayork_1.jpg)

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74d004 No.20953064

Portrait in a playlist and a vocal sample cost how many years?

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0f4804 No.20953065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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74d004 No.20953066


>Speaking of shows.

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5ca200 No.20953067

File: c9f1f23018bf9af⋯.png (1.01 MB,795x1634,795:1634,ClipboardImage.png)

Popping in and out between irl, on different devices.

Found this interesting, and figured I'd rather ask that it be ignored if already here, than not to post it.

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4dc6a9 No.20953068

File: e0cccbcc857c211⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,2560x2560,1:1,TGA_Alt_.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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192cd9 No.20953069

File: 54ee9c9e30ff229⋯.jpeg (252.59 KB,770x431,770:431,E577E2C9_D032_4193_B979_4….jpeg)


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00f898 No.20953070

File: 81235ba60adf45d⋯.png (483.04 KB,860x745,172:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d9dac No.20953071

File: 3d7ab181fd64159⋯.png (26.86 KB,596x200,149:50,ClipboardImage.png)



>Q Research General #25699: Come At Me Bro Edition

Your fag comms are disgusting, Fagbaker.

Tidy your ship.

Demolition Man (1993) - Virtual Sex Scene with two men, ewwweeeh


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/22/2020 13:58:18 ID: 3a8bce

8kun/qresearch: 11214309



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b125b6 No.20953072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5,148,180 views Jan 25, 2013

Amazing set recorded live in Leon Russell's Paradise Studios in Los Angeles.


1.T-Bone Shuffle

2.Nowhere To Run


4.Ten Easy Lessons

5.Sensitive Kind

6.Hands Off Her


8.Going Down

9.Corine Corina

10.Roll On

11.No Sweat

12.Crazy Mama

13.Fate Of A Fool

14.BoilinΓÇÖ Pot

15.After Midnight

16.T-Bone Shuffle

17.T-Bone Backwards

18.Same Ole Blues

19.Don't Cry Sister

20.Set Your Soul Free (Tell Me Who You Are)

21.24 Hours A Day

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5ca200 No.20953073

File: e0b0cb5f9f09b81⋯.png (18.91 KB,1020x652,255:163,ClipboardImage.png)





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77bc78 No.20953074

File: aa0a8eb9ea008ea⋯.png (408.2 KB,618x503,618:503,ClipboardImage.png)


Bibi is a white hat.


Stealth bomber.


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faf79f No.20953075

File: d81c5c1276f23a5⋯.jpg (79.82 KB,500x500,1:1,8sgict.jpg)

File: a0aa4ef9bfe7d21⋯.png (69.54 KB,640x660,32:33,857_1_.png)

File: 1db63230be9e9ec⋯.gif (1.21 MB,320x180,16:9,fV35iv.gif)

File: bf36ba1334635eb⋯.png (2.74 MB,1403x1871,1403:1871,bf36ba1334635eb88230f5339d….png)

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b5f86f No.20953076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For cancer anon from last bred

>>20953015 pb

Go search on nih.gov or pubmed or some such and you can find tons of (racist) white papers on fenben and ivermectin for treating cancer.

I alternate the two on the regular as a preventative which I also read in a white paper.

Been drinking the Switchel for two decades and have had a cold or flu in that time.

Oh yeah, gotta quit eating the poison processed foods of all kinds too.

Vidya on fenben related. Note that dude was end stage and sent home to die.

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959b94 No.20953077

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Convicted Felon? Movie time! Boomerang, Pandora’s Box, Huge support for Trump, Pray!


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ac50ad No.20953078

File: 7e2d674307d17b8⋯.mp4 (13.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Col_Douglas_Macgregor_Zele….mp4)

(pb) >>20952383 Blinken remarks on NATO

Make those comments while you still have time Howdy Doody. NATO has become just another DS weaponized tool. DJT wanted to pull out in his first term and Mattis talked him out of it. "Mr. President if NATO didn't exist you'd want to invent it".

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30c67a No.20953079

Grassley using plausible deniability to explain The web, The Matrix we live in

This must be cut out from the roots, starting with the financial system… Those drips must be on the edge…

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0fb8d6 No.20953080

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,3d6eeaadf2ff36f47f966560e1….png)

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00f898 No.20953081

File: a7ab85a3e6a2ca8⋯.png (659.83 KB,720x832,45:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d79f2 No.20953082

…hurry quick get out the Ouija board i need to talk to beau asap hunter this is big business better grab a chicken also…

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0fb8d6 No.20953084


Try to be less of an obvious fedboi.

You have been glowing for the last 7 years.

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f58e3b No.20953085

File: 2e1104a226ad223⋯.webm (3.96 MB,576x1024,9:16,cleanitup.webm)





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b5f86f No.20953086


Raiklin is a deep state rat.

Careful who you follow.

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24476a No.20953087

File: 46e2dfd1b7b5cca⋯.jpg (107.57 KB,654x419,654:419,SHARK_JUMP_HATE.jpg)




$100M+ by JULY 11TH

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ce851c No.20953088

File: 7253a4d3e670362⋯.png (131.96 KB,325x217,325:217,Untitled.png)

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41a7ca No.20953090

File: 09786e0fb4cbbfc⋯.png (344.87 KB,785x847,785:847,1600110890185.png)

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77bc78 No.20953091

File: c35ef0494fa0d6e⋯.png (220.02 KB,458x260,229:130,ClipboardImage.png)



>>Bibi is a white hat.

>Bwahahaha, yeah sure!


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474f7e No.20953092

File: f640b3aea29ce8c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1519,1080:1519,Screenshot_20240601_182200….png)

File: 866290ea56bfcf5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1314,60:73,Screevcd.png)

File: 741bc72b2d58890⋯.png (744.04 KB,1080x1329,360:443,Screcxg.png)

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ac50ad No.20953093

File: b0f35a3ca4328e7⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,336x640,21:40,Gitmo.mp4)

(pb) >>20952760, >>20952770 Boris Johnson slams Trump's historic verdict as a liberal hit job

Probable trying to wrack up imaginary bonus points.


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9d9dac No.20953094

File: 3dc4895a80aedc8⋯.jpg (98.56 KB,1024x910,512:455,BORING_fbe9d9e207541d8f_1_.jpg)


Confirm Handoff

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0fb8d6 No.20953095



I believe you may be looking for Reddit.

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8497dd No.20953096

File: b042ee1581356f9⋯.png (27.32 KB,179x194,179:194,ClipboardImage.png)


Anime pussies?

From Japan?

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192cd9 No.20953097

File: f90d44b6d43bbaf⋯.jpeg (454.56 KB,828x1153,828:1153,5FF6906F_683B_456A_AFF2_7….jpeg)

>>20952968 Lb

Sisi (Isis) departed Beijing yesterday in EGY01 A340

>watch a lot of his (MacGrehor’s) stuff


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b5f86f No.20953098

have "not" had

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7cf896 No.20953099


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ab5c9c No.20953100

Is X down?

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029caa No.20953101


Someone make a post about Switchel for cancer so I can notable it in the next 20 min.

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92e17b No.20953102

File: 1f90ed02bb3e9b8⋯.webm (80.89 KB,427x240,427:240,lil_slow.webm)

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bb84a4 No.20953103

File: c3f8a7d17406d24⋯.png (420.93 KB,1146x480,191:80,ClipboardImage.png)


Mossad Crabs?



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474f7e No.20953104

File: 9b64cab2223f8e4⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,500x695,100:139,But_cxjo.jpg)

File: e34305a67e5613d⋯.png (899.61 KB,1080x714,180:119,Screenshot_nbb.png)

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)

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2f21f7 No.20953105

File: 5fca48ca82708d9⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,504x512,63:64,5fca48ca82708d930e3a860e04….jpg)


Six years and have yet to see any of this "truth"

Only delusional accusations from media matters and other low life


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192cd9 No.20953106

File: 89010a4dfd0ef53⋯.jpeg (22.47 KB,480x360,4:3,3D3B2D13_9759_412B_B726_1….jpeg)


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8497dd No.20953107



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7cf896 No.20953108


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ac50ad No.20953109

File: 82a0de6f32f2c6d⋯.jpg (5.67 KB,300x168,25:14,images.jpg)


Climate Change brainwashed disillusion is the new Heavens Gate.

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40432e No.20953112


gosh it's so important that the United States defend Israel and India's right to have a shorter trade route . . .

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cd8e77 No.20953113

File: b5cb378a536a4a3⋯.mp4 (455.69 KB,320x320,1:1,VID_20240520_211135_798.mp4)

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e8a587 No.20953114

Let's see

Deal with a Bank in NY $450Million dollar fine

Deal with a Business in NY, you could goto Jail

Well NY just became a fly over state

Ain't No ONE gonna do business in NY anymore

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d3a130 No.20953115

File: 29c99a97e3536e0⋯.png (32.95 KB,580x454,290:227,528.png)

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92e17b No.20953116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ca200 No.20953117


I grabbed the whole thing for the date time stamp. It was as what the guy had to say about sheriffs that caught my attention.

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cef741 No.20953118

File: d40ef24712cf0a1⋯.png (2.39 MB,1176x1069,1176:1069,Screen_Shot_2018_10_27_at_….png)


Thank You, Bakerman!

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00f898 No.20953119

File: 8ec50d0f1fbea18⋯.jpg (91.91 KB,611x389,611:389,8ec50d0f1fbea18e0b43f578f6….jpg)


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09c3b2 No.20953120

What the fuck is this?


USS America LHA 6

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0fb8d6 No.20953121

File: 5c3a773251e4083⋯.png (69.03 KB,255x255,1:1,Innuendo.png)



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faa5b2 No.20953122

File: f2fcc82174668f2⋯.mp4 (155.63 KB,480x360,4:3,sumItUpInASound.mp4)

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77bc78 No.20953124

File: 4f49241c50cff8e⋯.png (20.56 KB,621x153,69:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Sprinter infofactory



Chilean President announces he is joining South Africa in its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice

Jun 1, 2024 · 8:12 PM UTC




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8497dd No.20953125

File: b1b447e9bb0cab7⋯.png (1.83 MB,1598x1854,799:927,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98e10cff6f11654⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,980x551,980:551,Kim_Jong_Un_Binoculars_Con….jpg)

File: 81afa0de724a53c⋯.png (73.7 KB,255x253,255:253,Kim_Jong_Un_Smoking_Alpha.png)

North Korea launches more ‘filth’ balloons – Seoul

>In a statement published by North Korea’s KCNA news agency on Wednesday, Kim described the balloons as “sincere gifts,” and said that more would follow.

“When you experience how unpleasant and tiring it is to be sent sticky filth, you will realize that you can’t talk about freedom of expression so easily when it comes to [leafleting] in border areas,” she said. “We make it clear that in the future, we will respond to each case with dozens of times the amount of waste that [the South] Koreans spray on us.”


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0fb8d6 No.20953126

File: fb4434893451d4f⋯.png (9.26 KB,800x600,4:3,KnobEnd.png)


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0486ae No.20953127

File: e091100c4869dd1⋯.png (520.76 KB,600x639,200:213,stfu.png)

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192cd9 No.20953128

File: d3b988be9161525⋯.gif (902.64 KB,498x471,166:157,A2A347D7_D5EA_42B8_BE73_4D….gif)


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00f898 No.20953129

File: 75c97df2415d8a9⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,1085x1062,1085:1062,75c97df2415d8a9fd7c22c1cce….jpg)


WTF if New York was the right way it'd be a good meme.

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cd8e77 No.20953130

File: 5b3be99aee8ba40⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2000x1339,2000:1339,Picsart_24_05_30_17_12_17_….jpg)

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7cf896 No.20953131

Fire dept close enough to redefine providence.

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9951ac No.20953132

where be the rally

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ac50ad No.20953133

File: 062003c72c5c7e4⋯.mp4 (7.5 MB,480x852,40:71,Abby_Martin_on_how_society….mp4)


The world is watching. Israel has crossed their Rubicon. Good for them.

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474f7e No.20953134

File: 9ac7ac3b4b87a91⋯.png (257.86 KB,410x609,410:609,Screenshot_20240601_181620….png)

File: 3349d36b1f73173⋯.png (355.53 KB,442x600,221:300,3349d36b1f73173a38c813daf9….png)

File: 39361d02a1842de⋯.png (191.07 KB,422x591,422:591,Screcxhjh_removebg_preview.png)

File: 5476526bc4bf108⋯.png (155.05 KB,360x448,45:56,Screenshot_20240427_1057.png)

File: 0c582d92dec5ca6⋯.png (242.25 KB,545x458,545:458,Screenvh_removebg_preview.png)

Any ideas…

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bf99af No.20953135


How does Switchel alkalize when it is made from Apple Cider Vinegar? ACV is quite acidic. ACV is a nice supplement though. Helps clear out my sinuses within a few minutes.

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84e6cf No.20953136

File: ee31b6f74e8805f⋯.jpeg (197.89 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_9263.jpeg)

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8497dd No.20953137


2 ovens will be slow going.

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192cd9 No.20953138

File: bb70c22774c0a9a⋯.gif (3.55 MB,480x360,4:3,62146FAA_8F25_4414_AB48_A5….gif)

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bb84a4 No.20953139


Mixed between

fruit or tater salad

but whatever…please don't toss salad

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5052ba No.20953140

File: f0c1039c67c7a1a⋯.jpg (33.23 KB,657x527,657:527,f0c1039c67c7a1ab4bd1768781….jpg)






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b125b6 No.20953141

File: 5a5a6c6f87f67e9⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,BakingManIsBakingBread.mp4)

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474f7e No.20953142

File: 5d5f9485c525a22⋯.png (802.52 KB,1080x1012,270:253,Shit.png)

File: 7834855a2f0f1f0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1284x1350,214:225,1717188709228177.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953143

File: a49cced4d295101⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,270x480,9:16,Anon_rap.mp4)

Guys check this out, not too shabby.

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0fb8d6 No.20953144

File: 37a4b359b530f4f⋯.png (13.79 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

When you see this banner it represents a group of individuals who are advertising that they own the bread.

I call them team Loretta, since they run personas to interfere with communication.

Tranime, Loretta, Anime Baker.

Smoking Pepe.



When this banner is used, the shilling is thick and follows sequences and patterns that will be familiar to any Anon who has been here for more than a year.

As long as they come here, you can be assured this board is still relevant.

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c62f06 No.20953145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20952601 lb

sounds like a southern accent.

I think it's parody

>>20952643 LB

1970 was switch from monochrome to color.

NO. Who told you that?

Cross them off your list for historical reference.

Try early 60's for color TV, And for movies think "Wizard of Oz" which was decades earlier.

vidrel 1939 Wizard of OZ

black and white to Color dramatically represented.



No, its not.

it could be someone working for the Deep State who is Jewish, but it's not "Da Jews"

"International Jewish conspiracy" is a BIG LIE.

IT'S nwo TRANSHUMANISTS + unknown, likely Satanist / ancient "Roman" cult

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8497dd No.20953146



Good stuff.

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9d9dac No.20953147

File: 18435ec60b35d50⋯.png (250.1 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7d949779edd6f5⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,240x240,1:1,pepe.jpg)

File: 18435ec60b35d50⋯.png (250.1 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Confirm Handoff

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b5c251 No.20953148

File: b919ea0eaf982f5⋯.gif (13.39 MB,600x338,300:169,Neo_Alley.gif)


>Israel has crossed their Rubicon

Time to kill these filthy fuckwits off.

Of course the other hooknosed fuckwits ww too!4-6% of worldpopulation are Kikes/Yids!

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cd8e77 No.20953149


>2 ovens will be slow going.

Pretty sure they was all slow going Anon. Kek

Muh six gorillion

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bf4ddd No.20953150

File: 7cdb56d5e8482ec⋯.png (73.86 KB,255x197,255:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Said the anon that posts the knob end meme relentlessly.

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be1cb0 No.20953151

File: 26fa65c3c3c12fc⋯.png (413.36 KB,1200x525,16:7,ClipboardImage.png)

China moon probe landing successful according to state media


China's lunar probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon, where it should bring back soil and rocks in a first of its kind attempt, state news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday.

The Chang'e-6 touched down in the immense South Pole-Aitken Basin, among the largest known impact craters in the solar system, Xinhua said, citing the China National Space Administration.

Chang'e-6's complex mission began on May 3 and is due to last 53-days.

What are the probe's next steps?

After landing, the probe will attempt to scoop up lunar soil and rocks from the hardly-explored far side of the moon, which is invisible from Earth and has received relatively little scientific attention.

The lander will use a mechanical arm and a drill to gather up to 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of surface and underground material to send back in a capsule that is currently orbiting the moon.

Scientists hope that material collected might shed light on how the moon was formed.

Afterward, the Chinese probe will attempt an unprecedented launch from that side of the moon.

China's space ambitions

Chinese President Xi Jinping's tenure has witnessed many leaps in China's space project, with a large amount of resources poured into the program over the last decade.

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cef741 No.20953152

File: c7a26ed60d8410d⋯.png (2.39 MB,1176x1069,1176:1069,Screen_Shot_2018_10_27_at_….png)

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92e17b No.20953153

File: 4af94ec518911db⋯.webm (467.09 KB,427x240,427:240,incendiary.webm)


>Smoking Pepe.

Going up against those clowns doesn't mean the person that's associated with that name is one himself.

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9d9dac No.20953154

File: 84730a97d7306d0⋯.png (492.82 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf4ddd No.20953155


This is a shill baker.


Anyone else around to save the Galaxy from this moran?

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b5f86f No.20953156


Your own body makes the change. Mixed with honey or maple syrup and water makes it taste great.

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474f7e No.20953157

File: c031471a05a2364⋯.webm (1.65 MB,720x720,1:1,1712486027757315.webm)

The illegal aliens get their ass's handed to them.

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75f57d No.20953158

File: 6bcd5ff880fb3d9⋯.mp4 (6.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,outage.mp4)

Maggie Haberman on how Trump is likely taking his guilty verdict

clip taken from 1:35 - 2:23

"I should note that there was a massive techinical difficulty in the room as well which added to some of the drama in there,when the internet kicked out for many of us reporters."


May 31, 2024

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7cf896 No.20953159

Code tires the brain. Firmware update not necessarily procrastinated, must be thorough and sweet. I know how sloppy and sticky it got.

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5a6cae No.20953160

File: e287aca5aae8ce1⋯.jpeg (239.56 KB,1367x769,1367:769,EE8D1D65_09E8_415E_A653_D….jpeg)

File: f15cd86338e2c2b⋯.jpeg (267.54 KB,1366x1094,683:547,FEDCFB37_AFA3_4397_9C44_8….jpeg)

File: 1657b26b312a390⋯.png (364.12 KB,356x874,178:437,44A2FDA8_93DD_4623_ADCF_FE….png)

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00f898 No.20953161

File: 4fa406cf05a00fe⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,828x611,828:611,001c8436a96ae806.jpg)


Well God bless you anon, imma save that one.

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192cd9 No.20953162

File: 2da6fd04090f28e⋯.jpeg (50.37 KB,600x417,200:139,029708FB_9270_4376_AED8_B….jpeg)

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84e6cf No.20953163


Are you Greek by chance?

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9ecf3c No.20953164



This looks to me like a cropped video of the one that burned up in San Diego a few years back. that don't explain the 6 on the side though.

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f58e3b No.20953165

File: 1414eac55ce086c⋯.png (1.85 MB,1015x1024,1015:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


They are everywhere

Deleted two /ptg/ threads on /pol/ just today!

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5a6cae No.20953166

File: c78350b2e0304d5⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,480x360,4:3,Y6ISqyOYQTlNis1L.mp4)

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77bc78 No.20953167

File: 0f7ff07cd30b406⋯.png (533.65 KB,617x581,617:581,ClipboardImage.png)

Karoline Leavitt




President Trump's first sit down interview since the Biden Trial verdict will air on @ffweekend at 6AM ET. Tune in!

Jun 1, 2024 · 11:18 PM UTC



Good Morning!

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5a6cae No.20953168

File: 812c31ef2ab462b⋯.mp4 (511.64 KB,640x360,16:9,DaeVJdzQtbEn_Bl8.mp4)

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495615 No.20953169



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c62f06 No.20953170


no, clown

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92e17b No.20953171

File: db113119b797f9c⋯.jpeg (8.3 KB,246x205,6:5,oG3pvUPzpyRf.jpeg)

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be1cb0 No.20953172

File: 125d6cc50751ecd⋯.png (261.41 KB,825x317,825:317,ClipboardImage.png)

Drag queen story time reading in Philadelphia sets Guinness World Record for attendance

The event, hosted by the Philadelphia Gay News and sponsored by Visit Philadelphia, saw Philadelphia drag performers reading children’s stories to 263 people, which organizers said was a first-ever Guinness World Record for such an event.

Published 4:15 PM EDT, June 1, 2024

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16461c No.20953173


> follows sequences and patterns

Well duh.

It's called SSDD and thus most anons are pretty much in lurk moar mode these days.

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bb84a4 No.20953174


atsa matta atsa matta Hey

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c62f06 No.20953175

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6e108b No.20953177

Sodomite Awareness Month

Protect Your Children From The Perversion

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474f7e No.20953178



Maggie Haberman is a LOUSY PIECE OF SHIT.

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c62f06 No.20953179


wow. OG image.


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50bb04 No.20953180


who's the fag in the ukraine suit

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2f21f7 No.20953181

File: 1b30ff240910535⋯.png (128.43 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_1….png)


>Someone make a post about Switchel for cancer

See that top entry for verywellfit?

Clicked it and stuff about "kombucha" came up and "may prevent some cancers"

Screenshots of the site are not successful but the link that replaces the one in that top entry is:


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00f898 No.20953182

File: 34a2b3bc8c56d60⋯.jpg (67.31 KB,500x500,1:1,you_are_here.jpg)


I see what you where going for now fren with the point to the poast. Thanks again for switching it, very cool meme!

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8497dd No.20953184

File: 50bd57356541d38⋯.png (160.17 KB,251x206,251:206,ClipboardImage.png)

What's with the clown, is he MSM?


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cef741 No.20953185

File: 42bc56884bca6e1⋯.png (486.29 KB,790x443,790:443,Screen_Shot_2018_08_03_at_….png)

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92e17b No.20953186


Look at the resolution. Nope. Wish I had the meme from early 2018 where that pic was just a zoom in of a big pyramid and the caption along the lines of "There's a special place for her too." Pretty sure that was early to mid 2018.

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9d9dac No.20953187

File: e0629ee675ef7c1⋯.png (233.37 KB,1169x896,167:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa3843217ed8dc⋯.png (79.85 KB,405x263,405:263,woke_turns_to_shit.png)


I offered, you only get one offer a week.

You've blown it.

That fag baker, with its fag banner and fag edition title deserves criticism and ridicule for fagging the dough and the bread. Stinks of FAGGOT and faggots stench is shit.

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192cd9 No.20953188

File: 22591f75396cb83⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,950x577,950:577,23E0DA6E_966B_484A_9892_6….jpeg)



It’s the three ring circus

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16461c No.20953189


>PTG so it must be serious


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8497dd No.20953190


Haberman is CIA

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6eb01b No.20953191

File: 3d0d2d772871283⋯.png (17.24 KB,337x231,337:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf4ddd No.20953192

File: 59eb761f1b0338c⋯.png (30.12 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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ac50ad No.20953193

File: 19a561cb82acbf3⋯.mp4 (622.74 KB,1080x1920,9:16,can_you_think_of_a_reason_….mp4)


>Time to kill these filthy fuckwits off.

No need. They're fantastic with falling on their own sword. And then bitching about it and playing the victim.

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50bb04 No.20953194



er nah

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b769cc No.20953195

File: fdcb2fb50c77938⋯.jpg (77.11 KB,676x678,338:339,cia_kills_every_faggot_the….jpg)


1) obvious chromakey screen

2) is this the first time we've heard this cretibn's voice?

3) voice changer weird to fit some kind of archetypal template

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f58e3b No.20953196

File: cc992590c371e5e⋯.jpg (161.85 KB,1024x1024,1:1,document_14_.jpg)


Enough talking.

Get back to work.

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bf4ddd No.20953197


notables @ 165

#25699 >>20953014

>>20953097 PF: Sisi (Isis) departed Beijing yesterday in EGY01 A340

>>20953101 Look up Switchel

>>20953124 Chilean President announces he is joining South Africa in its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice

>>20953125 North Korea continues its in real life shitposting

>>20953167 President Trump's first sit down interview since the Biden Trial verdict will air on @ffweekend at 6AM ET

>>20953172 Drag queen story time reading in Philadelphia sets Guinness World Record for attendance


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b125b6 No.20953198

File: 165e7616158f443⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)


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5a6cae No.20953200

File: 9e5f07d3a508bec⋯.png (872.03 KB,615x1563,205:521,IMG_1347.PNG)

File: 9de5ad042896093⋯.png (525.74 KB,403x1156,403:1156,A5F1F396_E7E9_4EC5_811F_23….PNG)

File: 3a366a397a5cffe⋯.png (810.77 KB,672x1590,112:265,Hunter_Biden_Pants.PNG)

File: d5cec681b01916d⋯.png (1.03 MB,899x1519,29:49,IMG_3860.PNG)

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b5f86f No.20953201


It seems then that (you) are the common denominator over the last 2000 years.

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8497dd No.20953202


> North Korea continues its in real life shitposting

Kexcellent title naker.

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be1cb0 No.20953203



my apologies - sauce: https://apnews.com/video/philadelphia-national-national-regional-us-5322956cc2cc4c49a62a6740db818c19

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9d9dac No.20953204

File: f40126477ad0846⋯.png (341.34 KB,1067x792,97:72,shit_.png)


stupid shit

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a439ef No.20953205

File: 767960aafe9af86⋯.png (343.99 KB,657x610,657:610,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bc305407af7db2⋯.png (24.47 KB,654x234,109:39,ClipboardImage.png)


Our theme this Pride Month, “Pride in Progress,” recognizes that true progress is a journey. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where members of the LGBTQIA+ community can thrive authentically and feel empowered to bring their whole selves to work.


Inderesting enough,@GenFlynnresponded 17 minutes later:

There is only one flag this taxpayer funded organization should be flying and that is the American Flag 🇺🇸 PERIOD! Do your jobs and stop being so GD Politically correct. It is killing our soldiers and allies along with our country.


There is comms to be had frens.

Where's my autists at?

P.S. Shills, [whine] about the LGBT(whatever else they decide to add) message. NEVER go deeper than surface level. DO AS YOUR MASTERS INSTRUCTED!


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09c3b2 No.20953206


USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6)

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474f7e No.20953207

File: e107f2dc59a9426⋯.jpg (59.52 KB,500x502,250:251,Brandon.jpg)

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6d8dd7 No.20953208

File: f1bf3176f335fa6⋯.jpg (136.86 KB,785x847,785:847,pwprc.jpg)


fixed it

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8497dd No.20953209

File: e2f11366ee8d1e6⋯.png (9.91 KB,735x88,735:88,Not_This_Shit_Again_Cap.png)

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474f7e No.20953210

File: 2ffd60ff7ce4075⋯.png (621.79 KB,1080x921,360:307,Scgxd.png)


CNN analyst Paul Begala said Friday on “News Central” that Donald Trump is an “obese flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair” when asked for his reaction to the former president’s conviction at the business record trial in New York.

Begala said, “Donald Trump needs to pay himself hush money because every time he speaks, he’s losing. He did better during that trial than I thought he would do because he was gagged. And the gag order was perfectly constitutional. Happens in a lot of cases. He hurts himself when he goes on these hysterical rants. Yes, he helps himself with his base, but his base is not the majority of the country.”

He continued, “There will be some MAGA people who feel some pity. Look, in a way, I do. Look, he’s an obese, flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair who had to sit in a courtroom and listen to a porn star testify about how bad he is in bed. Now, if you can’t feel sorry for that guy. Now, I don’t want to make my president.”

Begala added, “The problem is, he is exclusively focused on himself. And this is where I think the Biden campaign needs to take it. He’s. Mr. Trump is in it for himself. I’m in it for you. Right. Mr. Trump cares desperately about staying out of prison. That’s his most important job right now is keep himself out of prison. But he seems to be fixated only on his own grievances and grudges and vengeance and his business deals and his complaining about the last election in the last jury trial.”


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ac50ad No.20953211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You come around here and talk like that we'll cook you. 😎

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192cd9 No.20953212

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,111471EC_D9D2_42DA_9244_C2….png)

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9d9dac No.20953213

File: 32de2443df8dcec⋯.png (125.24 KB,594x480,99:80,filter_a557bef5bd446adf387….png)


Filtered for posting irrelevant fag news

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16461c No.20953214

File: 39761bff29d37b7⋯.jpg (49.81 KB,1024x208,64:13,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1855….jpg)



Everybody knows and nobody's doing that.

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273d6c No.20953215

File: df5b2b708f92307⋯.png (1.5 MB,860x1183,860:1183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)



well that was weird.

anon spoke english in london with a local accent and everyone thought anon was a a foreigner.

mind you, made anon throw around a bit of local slang which confused them moar.

we are now in the levels of the movie.

in time

Think anon will have into zone one or two and see what the people are like there.

the outer zones are all asians and europeons.

they have no idea what is is to be a cool dude happy with their local area.

they thing money and touch cards makes them functioning human beings.

did not have to council anyone and turned out cos anon was using cash, anon was the only one who managed to get a round without delay.

to be honest, there was a strange sense of soulless people around ..

maybe anon is just picking up vibes.





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92e17b No.20953216

File: 46239da930346b3⋯.png (1.13 MB,789x1280,789:1280,2b8c9e187ee388662f45d77e82….png)

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3f5e9b No.20953217

File: cc2bc30adc05d26⋯.png (846.27 KB,699x903,233:301,Screenshot_2024_05_25_7_23….png)

File: 6c59fb1be64e1c8⋯.png (1.23 MB,927x903,309:301,Screenshot_2024_05_22_12_1….png)

File: 40aa2b325fd253b⋯.png (402.09 KB,810x816,135:136,Screenshot_2024_04_17_1_28….png)

File: a521d9339afd425⋯.png (503.15 KB,669x911,669:911,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1_20….png)

Reposting for Night Shift:

They say "oh she's just bloated" in these pics hidden until 2017.

They say "oh that watch is fake" even though it sold at an auction house for $120k in 2005.

They say "oh that article is bullshit" even though you can find it on the cia's website under her declass files. Read it carefully.

They say "oh there's nothing in there" about the box 39 of Greensons at UCLA sealed until 2039.

Plus much much more.


Will someone go down the rabbit hole with me?



Happy Birthday Wonderful!

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5ca200 No.20953219

File: 5a39ff091374e05⋯.png (810.48 KB,1536x1067,1536:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

Just seemed appropriate for today.

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00f898 No.20953220

File: 073e0547c954e5f⋯.png (1.75 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


I used to love RC cola, used to get em in the little glass bottles.

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9ecf3c No.20953221


Ahh, TYA i couldn't member the name of it

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5a6cae No.20953222

File: 05316a191aed327⋯.jpg (342.55 KB,1512x1617,72:77,IMG_1403.jpg)

File: 697f54b679318a7⋯.jpeg (325.26 KB,1366x1366,1:1,20137EE6_056C_43B5_B86C_B….JPEG)

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.MOV)

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b769cc No.20953223

File: dda41c0aea62847⋯.png (276.76 KB,1258x760,629:380,civil_war.png)



> illegal aliens

he's good

we've reached a point though where their immigration status is not the point any more.

so what if a corrupt leftist admin let them in "legally"

they're illegitimate aliens, for sure.

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f4893d No.20953224

Oh fuck yeah, you guys really delivered the chemtrails today as requested. If only you'd stop when I request that. Probably an unauthorizable request due to broken planet.

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a439ef No.20953225

File: 7d19917685133aa⋯.png (1.26 MB,1070x917,1070:917,And_Frogs_To_Destroy_Them.png)


Shill farming is fun!

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b125b6 No.20953226

File: 3ddc73be72f9ce7⋯.gif (9.2 MB,600x600,1:1,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_a….gif)

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9d9dac No.20953227

File: 4af7eee93e4bd0c⋯.jpeg (24.51 KB,353x566,353:566,cherry.jpeg)


did not have to council anyone and turned out cos anon was using cash, anon was the only one who managed to get a round without delay.


wise anon

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81bc80 No.20953228

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5a6cae No.20953229

File: b2dbbc43d6df914⋯.png (615.93 KB,458x713,458:713,E1AB5F7D_7F66_426C_8ED5_BF….PNG)

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5a6cae No.20953230

File: a5427960b6f6a86⋯.png (911.48 KB,607x800,607:800,8BC012D0_92B7_4923_B988_4B….PNG)

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16461c No.20953231

File: f7f5352db61df41⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,1259x141,1259:141,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1858….jpg)


There's nowhere else to go.

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b125b6 No.20953232

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)

Go to bed aei.

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0329ea No.20953233

It's really strange that they did not get a better candidate than Biden to run for the Dems. That's really strange.

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b769cc No.20953234

File: a2c87948e8faa63⋯.png (94.98 KB,471x342,157:114,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126495b6b003f38⋯.png (221.73 KB,392x408,49:51,what_does_the_plus_stand_f….png)

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df03f4 No.20953235


You old fuck.

I liked em’ too

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959b94 No.20953236

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LAWFARE run AMOK against Trump, prevented NūK# WAR, DeNIRO masked man, Elites will be exposed, Pray!


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192cd9 No.20953237

File: 2b3dee45dd3cd8b⋯.jpeg (455.26 KB,674x879,674:879,AF38F49C_F410_47D2_BC46_C….jpeg)


He’s going to be replaced

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273d6c No.20953238

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)


no it does not.

anon has that one saved

and it is actually a good banner.

you do not state a image states that anyone who uses it is a bread gobling faggot.

see how the person posts and continues the bread.


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e8a587 No.20953239


It's "Man-Made Horrors beyond our Imagination" Month Again

Do they Know that German Pedophiles Joined the Club and Fly that Flag?

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0f4804 No.20953240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b125b6 No.20953241

File: 1933235970ff860⋯.gif (994.44 KB,317x207,317:207,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_d….gif)

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ac50ad No.20953242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Bwahaha, hmm I wonder why.

Apparently they refuse to ask themselves that question. They may want to start. Now they have no where to run and nowhere to hide.

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b97652 No.20953243

File: aca718f2afb5a02⋯.png (56.08 KB,720x545,144:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a59d869441abedf⋯.png (50.34 KB,743x532,743:532,ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch: Biden Justice Department Admits Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that the White House admitted in a federal court that the transcript of President Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur is not accurate and is missing “filler words (such as ‘um’ or ‘uh’)” and words that “may have been repeated when spoken (such as ‘I, I’ or ‘and, and’)” which were sometimes “only listed a single time in the transcripts.” In its new filing the Biden Justice Department makes the extraordinary assertions of executive privilege and privacy to hide the Biden audio. The agency makes the unprecedented assertion that because “AI” could be used to alter Biden’s words the material should be kept secret.

The Justice Department filing, filed around 11:00 p.m. last night (Friday), reads in part:

13. After the interview, SCO [Special Counsel Office] created written transcripts of the audio recording with the assistance of a trained professional court reporter – one transcript for each day of the interview. I have read the entirety of the written transcripts of the interview. As I listened to the audio recording, I compared it to the transcripts of the audio recording and specifically listened for differences between the transcripts and audio recording. In a few instances, the transcripts indicate that some words from the audio recording are indiscernible. In listening to the audio recording and reviewing the transcripts, I agree that in those instances the words are indiscernible.

14. The interview transcripts are accurate transcriptions of the words of the interview contained in the audio recording, except for minor instances such as the use of filler words (such as “um” or “uh”) when speaking that are not always reflected on the transcripts, or when words may have been repeated when spoken (such as “I, I” or “and, and”) but sometimes was only listed a single time in the transcripts. Besides these exceedingly minor differences, based on my simul­taneous review of the transcripts while listening to the audio recording, the transcripts accurately capture the words spoken during the interview on the audio recording with no material differences between the audio recording and transcripts. None of the minor differences include any audible substantive exchanges – that is, based on my review, there is no material omission of words be­ tween the audio recording and transcripts. Special Counsel Hur and FBI personnel who attended the interview and compared the audio recording to the transcripts also informed me of their determination that the transcripts accurately reflect the words spoken on the audio recording aside from the minor instances I described above. Special Counsel Hur emphasized to me that it was important for purposes of his investigation that the interview transcripts be accurate.

“Wow. Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit forced the Biden team to admit what everyone suspected – that the transcript is not accurate and was changed in a way to help Biden,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “There is nothing ordinary about this, and the transcript inaccuracy issues seem to help Biden’s political campaign needs. We today initiated a new FOIA request on this Biden’s Nixonian tape scandal.”


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b125b6 No.20953244

File: 692fc6ad3e459ed⋯.gif (19.1 KB,310x760,31:76,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_f….gif)

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b769cc No.20953245

File: ddfe19b54892991⋯.jpeg (360.15 KB,2000x1413,2000:1413,rhyming_democrats.jpeg)


>so what if a corrupt leftist admin let them in "legally"

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c62f06 No.20953246

File: 0dd035702d0009c⋯.jpg (285.76 KB,962x959,962:959,hillaryindia.jpg)

File: 2b14ee5a91b04dd⋯.png (458.08 KB,835x627,835:627,hillarygfvibrator.png)

File: 739fbaf1bfe57dc⋯.png (292.02 KB,600x399,200:133,thatsithillarykilled.png)


likely buried somewhere.

Will turn up.

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bd6ac3 No.20953247

File: 8937d55208314b6⋯.gif (4.54 MB,340x687,340:687,8937d55208314b6cf865c693c3….gif)

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b7ae66 No.20953248

File: 87108415e356193⋯.png (801.33 KB,3000x2250,4:3,latest_2947003005.png)

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b125b6 No.20953250

File: b2308285c5864d2⋯.gif (1.96 MB,640x493,640:493,_Anonymous_9_minutes_ago_5….gif)

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5a6cae No.20953251

File: ccf4f399b2ac70a⋯.mp4 (626.93 KB,packandelempackatlackact_B….MOV)

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9d9dac No.20953252


I hate rap, that sucked.

He sounded low iq.

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b125b6 No.20953253

File: 0b749495c1583fb⋯.gif (1.78 MB,158x211,158:211,_Anonymous_10_minutes_ago_….gif)

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ac50ad No.20953254


Definitely an actor. Real Joe is 3D.

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16461c No.20953256

File: 6a2ccf2e0022c11⋯.jpg (51.05 KB,1286x187,1286:187,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1902….jpg)

Frogs everywhere are slowly being boiled by the Jannie Monsters.

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b125b6 No.20953257

File: df845b780c3d671⋯.gif (2.2 MB,640x480,4:3,_Anonymous_13_minutes_ago_….gif)

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77bc78 No.20953258

File: 94b2d8ce96f4fc8⋯.png (27.65 KB,609x204,203:68,ClipboardImage.png)

Edward Snowden



Julian Assange is locked in a dungeon as a political prisoner for the "crime" of publishing award-winning stories nearly fifteen years ago, and yet there are people on here claiming that we have a justice system.

Jun 1, 2024 · 11:48 PM UTC


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b125b6 No.20953259

File: f35e3a6bd53caab⋯.gif (5.56 MB,480x324,40:27,_Anonymous_27_minutes_ago_….gif)

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b125b6 No.20953260

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,_Anonymous_34_minutes_ago_….gif)

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f58e3b No.20953261

File: cfb107182eee32f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Are you ready to serve your country again?


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16461c No.20953262

File: 6b5052ed2416d28⋯.jpg (58.3 KB,1285x222,1285:222,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1905….jpg)


They're gunning for the shitpoasters now.

Cap this post.

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77bc78 No.20953263

File: 693e28b752d7c3a⋯.png (738.29 KB,844x1239,844:1239,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_2….png)


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9d9dac No.20953264

File: 7e86aeb76af169c⋯.png (36.39 KB,895x205,179:41,ClipboardImage.png)

truth is freedom


Replying to @ab84ctespn

The 17 % that said not likely to vote for Trump cause of conviction need to understand that you would be voting for the corrupt people that did this to him will do it to you as well!





Jun 01, 2024, 2:38 PM

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b125b6 No.20953265

File: fc768cf7ba5738b⋯.gif (2.34 MB,500x282,250:141,_Anonymous_Just_now_6b7b16….gif)

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9dd312 No.20953266

File: d76fb0cdea46686⋯.webp (175.74 KB,983x729,983:729,d76fb0cdea46686f2747472af….webp)



Kek! He's always in a dick measuring contest with the dude on the other side of lady.

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c0b989 No.20953267


Why did Assange not flee to Russia like Snowden?

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0486ae No.20953268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d9dac No.20953269

File: feae483e8b9dc58⋯.png (38.98 KB,910x257,910:257,ClipboardImage.png)

grill master


Replying to @ab84ctespn

MLK Jr was jailed 29 times. All on trumped up charges. Sound familiar?





Jun 01, 2024, 2:24 PM

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b97652 No.20953270

Biden Vetoes Pro-Bitcoin Bill, Stocks & Rates Chop Around

Biden vetoed the bill that would allow highly regulated financial institutions to custody bitcoin on behalf of their clients. This was a huge layup for Biden and the Democrats: with no effort at all, they could have wiped away years of bad press and become a pro-bitcoin, pro-innovation party. Instead, the President decided to veto the very first pro-crypto bill that came across his desk. American voters are voicing their support for pro-crypto policy given the 60 million or more who own and custody it. It is a losing battle to push restrictive bitcoin policy in 2024.

The Republicans locked up a series of wins by getting several pro-BTC measures created and passed through the House and the Senate, with many Democrats crossing the aisle to support these measures too. The Biden administration, however, which has been floundering in the polls as the weeks and months go by, decided to dig its heels even further in the sand on a decidedly losing issue. He is avowedly anti-bitcoin, and he may be sealing his own fate in doing so.


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b125b6 No.20953271

File: 04195e39bdecf10⋯.gif (3.51 MB,360x200,9:5,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_2d….gif)

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6ca216 No.20953272

File: 38f094d47bdcb75⋯.mp4 (14.37 MB,640x360,16:9,CONFIRMATIONS_LA_DURANGO_3….mp4)

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ac50ad No.20953273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>CNN analyst Paul Begala said Friday on “News Central” that Donald Trump is an “obese flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair” when asked for his reaction to the former president’s conviction at the business record trial in New York.

That forehead. Mongo.

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b96e1e No.20953274

File: fecb93d390cc494⋯.png (893.57 KB,590x1086,295:543,ClipboardImage.png)




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b125b6 No.20953275

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_Just_now878….gif)

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ff1eb0 No.20953276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Intelligence Briefing / Lawfare and the Media War Machine

Scheduled for Jun 1, 2024


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b125b6 No.20953277

File: 979de4613e9acdd⋯.gif (689.1 KB,500x500,1:1,anxiety_dot_org.gif)

u mad mayor

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5ca200 No.20953278

File: d8aeebae5d09c2b⋯.png (305.65 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


You're both old.

And rich, no name brands for us.

We got Chek cola from Winn Dixie, when lucky enough to get a soda.

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1ec010 No.20953279

File: 9e84ebd5306cd63⋯.png (102.75 KB,444x590,222:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ad886 No.20953280

File: d241e67d7439c83⋯.jpeg (257 KB,1179x1081,1179:1081,06016F73_F93C_41CD_926A_3….jpeg)

File: 06e6137dd98cb25⋯.jpeg (129.16 KB,762x316,381:158,4FEFC3B2_8D8C_4172_B928_1….jpeg)


..: … … … … ..


It ain't morse code.

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0486ae No.20953281

File: 1eb5faa460ffdc9⋯.gif (789.35 KB,500x244,125:61,decentfellow.gif)

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0f4804 No.20953282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b125b6 No.20953283

File: e266e22639fa48b⋯.gif (6.97 MB,600x600,1:1,e266e22639fa48b63d46b17d4d….gif)

good times…

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9d9dac No.20953284

File: 68fa5c214a3c44e⋯.png (1.14 MB,843x754,843:754,ClipboardImage.png)


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f58e3b No.20953285

File: 568af6d8629804b⋯.jpg (156.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1709613035143690.jpg)

Feds are also currently at the Infowars studio.




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24476a No.20953286

File: 43f87697e80b47e⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,449x598,449:598,WELL_FED.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953287

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,Popcorn_19_Jesus.GIF)

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b35952 No.20953288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b125b6 No.20953289

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes….jpeg)

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84fa44 No.20953290

File: 831f75b832813ee⋯.webp (84.54 KB,1200x900,4:3,an_image_of_a_silicon_waf….webp)

In 1978, Carver Mead, a professor at the California Institute of Technology, and Lynn Conway at Xerox PARC invented a computer-aided design method for integrated circuits. They used a set of design rules to describe chip scaling so that engineers could easily design very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits without much knowledge of process technology.

That same sort of capability is needed for 3D chip design. Today, designers need to know chip design, system-architecture design, and hardware and software optimization. Manufacturers need to know chip technology, 3D IC technology, and advanced packaging technology. As we did in 1978, we again need a common language to describe these technologies in a way that electronic design tools understand. Such a hardware description language gives designers a free hand to work on a 3D IC system design, regardless of the underlying technology. It’s on the way: An open-source standard, called 3Dblox, has already been embraced by most of today’s technology companies and electronic design automation (EDA) companies.


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4617b7 No.20953291


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85213a No.20953292


Time for the treadmill, Sir

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b125b6 No.20953293

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,4608x3456,4:3,_4_4_.jpg)

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cd8e77 No.20953294


>You are watching a jewish movie retard!

>Trump is also a main actor.

A convicted felon hasn't assumed the highest office in a major world power since Germany 1933.

Best movie ever!

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c62f06 No.20953295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20952643 lb

"Consider the extreme difference 1955 to 1985. Consider that is like 1994 to today. 1994 music can pass as contemporary, etc etc"

That's because of "Groundhog Day" effect. The creeps who run everything have no invention ability, so they just recycle.

It's a poverty of creative energy

They blocked or killed all the great acts.

Represents to much power which they can't control; jealousy

So they have to kill it.

They try to appropriate others talent, but it dies in their hands, turns to dust in their mouths. They are cursed.

Money and Power fails to buy creativity and artistic ability.

(They work for Satan so how do you think their "art" is going to turn out?)

Music industry has been controlled, since before the 50's -

Rockefellers and the Radio:

Massive power to create stars, trends, money, buying habits - all that.

Radio is what Adolf used for his power over the masses within his reach.

Movies same. The owners of the studios had to own the stars, "lock stock and barrel" starting seriously back in the 1920's

We have zero notion what it would be like without all this nefarious control.

"Phantom of the Paradise"

The big-time owners, Hiltons believe it or not, and others (maybe a secret society?) create the trends, create the stars… but they stalled out. Karma.

The phantom of the Paradise is the guy they stole the music from; they killed him later anyway.


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24476a No.20953296

File: 54db460de4f9e68⋯.jpg (109.53 KB,576x445,576:445,BEATS_COKE.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953297

File: 2c4aa7e26bf04f9⋯.mp4 (10.64 MB,640x360,16:9,THE_DEVIL_WENT_DOWN_TO_GEO….mp4)


>I hate rap, that sucked.

Easy anon, there's something for everyone

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9d9dac No.20953298

File: c47f25085e22860⋯.png (980.14 KB,803x1279,803:1279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5222c529925ded9⋯.jpg (146.19 KB,766x768,383:384,5222c529925ded9dc0548e622d….jpg)

Dan Scavino


Jun 01, 2024, 12:25PM


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77bc78 No.20953299

File: ef0e0e977132513⋯.png (86.37 KB,643x375,643:375,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Pompeo retweeted

Katie Pavlich



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b125b6 No.20953300

File: b52c3b5854534d2⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,794x1028,397:514,_Anonymous_11_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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ac50ad No.20953301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f58e3b No.20953302


Feds just shut down Alex Jones live on air

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b125b6 No.20953303

File: 2827b60eda41fd4⋯.jpg (149.48 KB,567x644,81:92,_Anonymous_Just_now_72a945.jpg)

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6d8dd7 No.20953304

File: 29a6b20442fbee2⋯.jpg (9.48 KB,228x221,228:221,gsc.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953305

File: c7b492cb3635e01⋯.jpeg (7.9 KB,255x255,1:1,drink.jpeg)


Well we did get a deposit back on the glass bottles, so that helped back then.

I've had those no-names too fren.

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b125b6 No.20953306

File: 22944c5d8102afc⋯.jpg (268.12 KB,1043x1158,1043:1158,_Anonymous_1_minute_ago_8a….jpg)

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24476a No.20953307

File: 6643362d6d3190f⋯.jpg (74.41 KB,550x546,275:273,WON_BIGLY.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953308

File: acd52345380ba9b⋯.jpg (140.2 KB,961x899,31:29,_Anonymous_2_hours_ago_a06….jpg)

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f310a4 No.20953309

File: f9045c6263818cc⋯.jpg (43.74 KB,411x467,411:467,f9045c6263818cc2341f7543d5….jpg)

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24476a No.20953310

File: 43fb47ff8c0aa7d⋯.jpg (108.15 KB,558x629,558:629,LET_IT_PIG.jpg)

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273d6c No.20953311

File: b941b03ba11b4d8⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB,360x360,1:1,pepe_journey.mp4)


it was a strange experience.

but anon has not changed.

something about being grounded and unvaxxed anon thinks.

Walking zombies lead by ugly women who anon would not give the time of day.

but anon was frenly…

the last 4 years has fucked with the minds of the foreigners and the locals are suspicous and bitter.

anon just sees them as confused.

they are in for a shock.

mind you many be not in the capital cities.

done many years of drinking in the capitals of europe and beyone.

it was anons thing instead of wasting time in local pubs and clubs and taxi's and ungradeful females.

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cd8e77 No.20953312


He was also a commie that had all his speeches written by Jews while he was out getting drunk cheating on his wife.

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b125b6 No.20953314

File: a615c8cb48eb635⋯.jpg (92.01 KB,828x947,828:947,_Anonymous_2_hours_ago_c91….jpg)

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d60e77 No.20953315

File: ed32005a7e6c60f⋯.jpg (47.83 KB,540x446,270:223,Distress_Signal.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953316


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a498e5 No.20953317

File: 780f3c29196ded6⋯.png (160.39 KB,678x525,226:175,8l7l4j5h654.png)

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b125b6 No.20953318

File: ce02e2e36d1ab41⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,593x745,593:745,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_b….jpg)

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ac50ad No.20953319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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16461c No.20953320

File: a19141378076181⋯.jpg (13.29 KB,237x250,237:250,It_sSeriouslyReallyFucking….jpg)


My fellow Shitpoasters, the Great Shut It Down is upon us…….

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b125b6 No.20953321

File: 31956450dd3f188⋯.jpg (8.54 MB,4928x3280,308:205,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_f….jpg)

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faf79f No.20953322


upstate ny

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be1cb0 No.20953323

File: 357e102c1bcb82a⋯.png (117.22 KB,349x478,349:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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b125b6 No.20953324

File: 2a41b1ae7f00a56⋯.jpg (44.24 KB,500x581,500:581,_Anonymous_3_hours_ago_de2….jpg)

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bd6ac3 No.20953325

File: fc39ce3769c22e3⋯.jpg (21.85 KB,500x500,1:1,JC_Trump_won.jpg)

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f0b10f No.20953326

anybody got the fresh endchanlink handy?

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b125b6 No.20953327

File: 9dddbaa5fbed6ac⋯.jpg (113.14 KB,1169x1041,1169:1041,_Anonymous_5_hours_ago_9e8….jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953329

File: 0190c6bb416e3ba⋯.jpg (147.16 KB,766x500,383:250,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_3….jpg)

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24476a No.20953330



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50bb04 No.20953331

File: 6c8c2d627a54e25⋯.jpeg (781.22 KB,3000x3000,1:1,84000397_e119_45b1_b465_3….jpeg)


this post inspired me to down load Mein Kampf in pdf.

anon has been on here daily for years no


always wanted to read it

that time is now

off for a busman's short holiday

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0f4804 No.20953333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b125b6 No.20953334

File: 04eee32953f7885⋯.jpg (391.47 KB,1411x941,1411:941,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_b….jpg)

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c6aeb4 No.20953335

File: 0b0b8bff34d13d9⋯.png (68.42 KB,461x434,461:434,nm457b6476457b4576545n.png)

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6eb01b No.20953336


I member

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b125b6 No.20953337

File: 263a5c8c7bbe208⋯.jpg (32.3 KB,640x480,4:3,_Anonymous_7_hours_ago_dbe….jpg)

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b97652 No.20953338

WA Police administrative worker jailed after sending sexually explicit messages to children

Former police admin Daniel Schultz, 39, groomed children

He was arrested after messaging an undercover cop

A police administrative worker has been jailed after he was caught sending explicit messages to young children including telling a nine-year-old girl they'd have sex on her tenth birthday.

Daniel Schultz, 39, from Kalamunda, east of Perth, was a member of the force for 17 years before his arrest in June, 2023.

He will now spend the next five-and-a-half-years behind bars after being convicted of several child exploitation offences.


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0486ae No.20953339

File: cf20ac88fa4010d⋯.gif (1.3 MB,450x253,450:253,cf20ac88fa4010d1c34eef99c0….gif)

File: ab63531160443d8⋯.gif (1.21 MB,500x200,5:2,ezgif_4_99dd212e7f.gif)

File: 7ed4d924994a9e7⋯.gif (6.28 MB,396x396,1:1,8fc98891788b9c6f75d370f826….gif)


gimme a moment to add "NightShift" to daloreancruize.gif

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192cd9 No.20953340

File: b3a446ba9b49dc7⋯.jpeg (514.74 KB,1180x621,1180:621,308A1840_13D6_4364_A832_1….jpeg)

File: 176596a1954d5e4⋯.jpeg (299.26 KB,759x515,759:515,166B5500_D5F4_4075_A623_E….jpeg)

SAM021 G5 left San SalvadorAlejandro Mayorkasand entourage returning to JBA

Fix the fuckin’ border you human piece of garbage

India AF KH3449 C17 departed Dover AFB after arriving from Eielson AFB -Fairbanks (shout out to muh nigga J)

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ac50ad No.20953341


Sad day. 1966 was exit stage left for Paul and John.

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c9168e No.20953342


What's with the Wilma Flintstone pic though?

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b125b6 No.20953343

File: 842c37bfa9842b1⋯.jpg (83.16 KB,720x528,15:11,_Anonymous_10_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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24476a No.20953344

File: 669fcd42192f8be⋯.jpg (91.55 KB,576x580,144:145,NO_NEED_TO_B_BLOND.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953345

File: 6ddb5536cd8c875⋯.jpg (59.34 KB,314x510,157:255,_Anonymous_11_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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d60e77 No.20953347

>>20953323 Sgt Pepper is hot. Sgt Pepper is satin (misspelled and not capitalized on purpose because I give that loser no respect).

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b125b6 No.20953348

File: 88489c6b77c0147⋯.jpg (82.79 KB,1095x828,365:276,_Anonymous_12_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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faf79f No.20953350

File: e2a42aa8e692ee0⋯.jpg (266.06 KB,1800x1798,900:899,31dc_biden_ptvw_mobileMast….jpg)

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3bcdc5 No.20953351

File: 5d76fb62e8449a5⋯.png (1.98 MB,1049x1059,1049:1059,5d76fb62e8449a533094e3d164….png)

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e8a587 No.20953353



God Bless the Police

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0bbd53 No.20953354

File: bafc4caf1c06b06⋯.jpg (76.38 KB,500x621,500:621,Cry_Baby.jpg)

I will never watch a movie with Robert De Niro in it ever again….. F-Off De Niro.

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c62f06 No.20953355


who's on the far right?


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b7ae66 No.20953356

File: 8f8578d37df9d55⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,587x778,587:778,150817105619_08_vdposters_….jpg)

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24476a No.20953357

File: cdf690fb699faaa⋯.jpg (204.24 KB,929x543,929:543,YABBA_DABBA_WIN.jpg)

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92e17b No.20953358

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)

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134fec No.20953359


Did Tater really put that on? I was all day irl that day.

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1198b3 No.20953361

File: d14be10e00f1c35⋯.png (564.01 KB,991x790,991:790,m874n5b64v56.png)

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959b94 No.20953362

File: 4bbd38d333c96ab⋯.jpg (134.97 KB,867x314,867:314,tgdjxtgxjtgxxgg.jpg)


You forgot to read the new globals?

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b125b6 No.20953363

File: 36832354eabdc7b⋯.jpg (195.62 KB,1149x1193,1149:1193,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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be1cb0 No.20953364

File: 619fa48e1625ebb⋯.png (559.82 KB,1024x700,256:175,ClipboardImage.png)


Boeing executives unlikely to be charged in 737 MAX crashes that killed 346 people

New York – Boeing executives are unlikely to be criminally charged over fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people as the statute of limitations has likely passed, U.S. Justice Department officials told victims’ family members in a meeting.

Details were corroborated by a person familiar with the gathering on Friday and correspondence reviewed by Reuters.

The deadline for prosecuting most federal crimes is five years.

The Justice Department found in mid-May that Boeing violated a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) that had shielded the company from a criminal charge arising from the fatal crashes.

Officials agreed to ask a judge to dismiss the charge of conspiring to defraud the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as long as Boeing abided by the terms of the agreement over a three-year period ending Jan. 7, 2024.

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50bb04 No.20953365

File: 2db0013518b08cf⋯.jpg (37.93 KB,391x253,17:11,th_2005961129_3.jpg)


that was shortly after she walked in on Fred goin balls deep in Betty

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faf79f No.20953367

File: 3356c077b3f1ba4⋯.jpg (176.46 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_01_10_3….jpg)

File: ba6136f53163d76⋯.jpg (124.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_01_10_3….jpg)


underated post

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99cdf4 No.20953368


Their main purpose is control. Now, if you live only to control things. Would you not make controlling the bake a necessity?

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2f21f7 No.20953369

File: 9d2eb5cf233105f⋯.png (14.38 MB,4736x3383,4736:3383,Richard.png)



USS Bonhomme Richard was LHD 6

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ac50ad No.20953370


DMG doesn't lie.

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ef7a6e No.20953371

File: 9646a161d710bbd⋯.mp4 (391.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,9646a161d710bbd5cf100932fe….mp4)

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f5bf20 No.20953372

Let the games begin.

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b7ae66 No.20953373


…Fuck that goddamn memory hole banner.

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3bcdc5 No.20953374

File: 2e4bbb888cf8437⋯.jpg (383.53 KB,1200x1600,3:4,r4q1tg0dp1ga1.jpg)


Release the poop balloons!

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b97652 No.20953375

File: ad84ce87db44aea⋯.png (62.57 KB,321x203,321:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Zionist TR trying to kick off race wars in the UK


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bd6ac3 No.20953376

File: 35ca6e22300bd88⋯.jpg (72.45 KB,500x747,500:747,FJB_Trump_won.jpg)

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92e17b No.20953378


>Let the games begin.

You have no game, just a retarded NPC routine. Filtered. Now IP hop like the bitch you are, clown.

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d8de5b No.20953379


Just ruin a childhood cartoon by drawing it gangster.

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d60e77 No.20953380

File: 64e27ed7c2a3f1f⋯.jpg (238.24 KB,1018x678,509:339,TheLightOfTruth.jpg)


Can anon 'splain to anon how this is done? Is it done with doppelgangers? Or Pineal Gland transplant? Cloning? Are these fallen angels killing them, then taking on their likeness? After 6 years as an anon, anon still doesn't understand. I'd appreciate any help on this.

Thank you and may GOD bless you and JESUS be with you anon.


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8f791e No.20953381

File: b1e5181fed3b969⋯.jpg (94.8 KB,1049x589,1049:589,1_1.jpg)

Is it a Greek Thing? Continued.

All PB

>>20951525, >>20951976, >>20951995 HR 8081: Disgraced Former Protectees Act

>>20952250 You forgot Coleman. >try and incite racial animosity

It's Watson Coleman, but your point is probably correct.

All of the congress people in the above posts are members of Greek fraternities and sororities. Eight of them are members of Divine Nine fraternities and sororities. Anon believes the Anon above is correct about the effort to stir up racial animosity. We must continue our efforts to prevent that from happening. How do we do that, while pointing out that all of these congress people are members of Greek fraternities/sororities? See the previous posts below for more about this.

All PB

>>20770905, >>20770917, >>20770923, >>20770932, >>20770938, >>20770945, >>20770952 Is it a Greek Thing? Colleges, Fraternities, Sororities and congress

North American Interfraternity Conference


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9d9dac No.20953382

File: 41d5d517c0197d7⋯.png (1.62 MB,950x938,475:469,devil_went_down_to_georgia.png)


excluding rap, i agree

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f5bf20 No.20953383



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9d9dac No.20953384


Top right hand corner of Dan's image

Wilma eating watermelon

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b83642 No.20953385

File: b9dfa81238bfd51⋯.png (311.19 KB,423x435,141:145,b9dfa81238bfd51b68b9ccd1b1….png)

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77bc78 No.20953386

File: e32516f16cbe45e⋯.png (399.9 KB,619x528,619:528,ClipboardImage.png)


Ego wars are better.


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b125b6 No.20953387

File: 0a9d70f1b2c7678⋯.jpg (80.61 KB,960x956,240:239,_Anonymous_21_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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77048b No.20953388


Strange things afoot at the HEB

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00f898 No.20953389

File: 96df1c71cc1299a⋯.png (600.63 KB,545x458,545:458,96df1c71cc1299ae44aa6b6b80….png)


Can't share that, too large but great pic.

Anyway to reduce?

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b125b6 No.20953390

File: 012e2281e19c78f⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,944x567,944:567,_Anonymous_42_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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50bb04 No.20953391


that was one of anons fave cartoons

didnt ruin it for him one bit

seth macfarlane (family guy/ murican dad) was gonna redo the flintstones but got denied at the end. that wouldve been epic

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eb363a No.20953392

File: 564e77c4c60cf87⋯.jpg (285.1 KB,908x1132,227:283,564e77c4c60cf879bdf9da1cbc….jpg)

I was listening to some podcast where the guest or host was saying they don't believe in precious metals as viable money. What gives it its value?

I started thinking and came up with the answer.

Women. Happy wife, happy life. They all like 'shiny things.'

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b125b6 No.20953393

File: e1c4beb3f8f24fb⋯.jpg (87.31 KB,634x634,1:1,_Anonymous_44_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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b96e1e No.20953394

File: 802be1d84f5ece1⋯.png (211.78 KB,678x943,678:943,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f21f7 No.20953395


Anybody got stills of the feds' faces?

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96ef74 No.20953396


A flood is coming?

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b125b6 No.20953397

File: 5f3017befd3b705⋯.jpg (253.31 KB,1089x1359,121:151,_Anonymous_44_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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f0b10f No.20953398

File: 42d5cf0559997fb⋯.gif (224.98 KB,310x232,155:116,20240601_183303.gif)


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00f898 No.20953399

File: 5846975787e1bb3⋯.png (1.12 MB,859x573,859:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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b125b6 No.20953400

File: 20fe1025847f217⋯.jpg (207.74 KB,1391x1340,1391:1340,_Anonymous_Just_now_35d328….jpg)

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24476a No.20953401

File: f532a77f1cf1a2d⋯.jpg (214.16 KB,892x614,446:307,SURF_N_TURF.jpg)

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99cdf4 No.20953402

The Invisible Enemy

What does that mean to youu?

What are all the options of what that could be?

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b125b6 No.20953403

File: ad269e3be13ac52⋯.jpg (257.37 KB,1300x1234,650:617,_Anonymous_Just_now_94dfd8….jpg)

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b83642 No.20953404


You forgot to mention that he is a Jew loving fuckwit!

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1ec010 No.20953405

File: 59d978388adbd03⋯.png (950.51 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0b10f No.20953406





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b125b6 No.20953407

File: 69cfaf642e7f2b7⋯.jpg (22.64 KB,474x461,474:461,_Anonymous_Just_now_94dfd8….jpg)

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24476a No.20953408

File: 11b764cdf69b2ce⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,263x452,263:452,BEST_IN_SHOW.jpg)

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92e17b No.20953409

File: 957fe4cd9a3c232⋯.jpeg (93.89 KB,994x994,1:1,bI7mSaNLtYis.jpeg)


Has a couple meanings to me. Here's one.

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b125b6 No.20953410

File: 39a595b40220464⋯.jpg (71.04 KB,800x530,80:53,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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9d9dac No.20953411

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07dc32 No.20953412

… … … … … ..

Wats that ^

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495615 No.20953413



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b125b6 No.20953414

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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70df1b No.20953415

File: ccb4b3565684fd7⋯.png (469.64 KB,1080x1214,540:607,Screenshot_20240601_193606….png)



Biden's knee is that shit for real?

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d60e77 No.20953416

File: 1ea67ed858cee52⋯.jpeg (293 KB,1024x688,64:43,01a75a055ad7037a.jpeg)


They never expected us! Stay humble!

Think, pray, help others see, do good deeds, and live from the soul!

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07dc32 No.20953417



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192cd9 No.20953418

File: 0d78cfa505854a0⋯.jpeg (30.98 KB,480x360,4:3,B9900F64_1F46_422A_BBA7_8….jpeg)

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77048b No.20953419


Anon thought about taking a trip today but held back….

Looks like missed out on a good time

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b125b6 No.20953420

File: 6591fbd84796e4a⋯.jpg (175.71 KB,1127x1200,1127:1200,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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690ee5 No.20953421

File: 62df4479170d684⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB,1500x10194,250:1699,IMG_4124.jpeg)


Welcome to The Endgame.

International law enforcement and partners have joined forces. We have been investigating you and your criminal undertakings for a long time and we will not stop here.

This is Season 1 of operation Endgame. Stay tuned. It sure will be exciting. Maybe not for everyone though. Some results can be found here, others will come to you in different and unexpected ways.

Feel free to get in touch, you might need us. Surely, we could both benefit from an openhearted dialogue. You would not be the first one, nor will you be the last. Think about (y)our next move.


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0f4804 No.20953423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b34eb No.20953424

File: 55288f9819f43b3⋯.png (144.53 KB,779x571,779:571,curlersummonQ.PNG)


I feel I somehow caused this.

Sorry for the slide.

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00f898 No.20953425

File: 278b7b4f822e447⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,400x498,200:249,17.mp4)

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b125b6 No.20953426

File: 284590fcfce9d8b⋯.jpg (119.56 KB,754x795,754:795,_Anonymous_You_60_minutes_….jpg)

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e8a587 No.20953427

File: c28baf53197cdcf⋯.png (574.66 KB,628x617,628:617,ClipboardImage.png)


Invisible Enemy Definition

A Threat to you or your family that

Only The[y] can Detect or "see"

Only The[y] can tell you what it's doing

Only The[y] can tell you how Threatening it is

Only The[y] have the solution to defeating it

& Only The[y] can tel lyou when it's defeated

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f58e3b No.20953428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



nevermind, I tuned in right before a break and the lights dimmed and they started playing sad music.

he's currently dropping truth bombs, and F bombs



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b7ae66 No.20953429


…Because it's full of shit, duh.

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77048b No.20953430


Running into bumper hitches does that

What he did? Who knows

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b125b6 No.20953431

File: 336fe046c2d6fd5⋯.jpg (25.77 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_84….jpg)

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cc6e4c No.20953432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Diversion from all the KAOS!

Amazing Workers And Tools, Creative Machines that are interesting to watch #2

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b125b6 No.20953433

File: e95c2dbf5051d69⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_84….jpg)

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85213a No.20953434

File: ca1a789d21a059e⋯.png (46.45 KB,754x234,29:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Can't we have great looking Trump Faces and Wigs?

This is now TrumpNation

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24476a No.20953435

File: 5926d6e00315b8b⋯.jpg (300.46 KB,749x589,749:589,FOR_A_REASON.jpg)

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9d9dac No.20953436

File: aff5d4848f9e730⋯.png (826.3 KB,1020x733,1020:733,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1ec035034c970f⋯.png (810.66 KB,880x780,44:39,ClipboardImage.png)

Marjorie Taylor Greene


I stand with Alex Jones!

Jun 01, 2024, 8:31 PM


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53c79c No.20953437

File: d9c63b0ba794568⋯.jpg (17.95 KB,255x255,1:1,123b435040a938dc3edc2ded36….jpg)


No they were driving a power company truck and did something to the meter they were wearing yellow

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b125b6 No.20953438

File: 1be5d2a8b4aae6f⋯.jpg (17.29 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_84….jpg)

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84fa44 No.20953439

File: a7dabe90a31496f⋯.png (648.32 KB,700x450,14:9,a7dabe90a31496f7253242d44a….png)

The total IQ of all the shills in this thread is 87.

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ac50ad No.20953440


> doppelgangers

Doppelgangers in this case. Et Cum Spiritu Tuo.

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70df1b No.20953441

File: 90f0435c815efdd⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Cdk4HHi1RIyQlYNU2WkPKw.png)

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00f898 No.20953442

File: 8658f4e9317343a⋯.png (513.23 KB,749x500,749:500,8658f4e9317343a15c79a830e8….png)

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f0b10f No.20953443




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b125b6 No.20953444

File: 8118458fdf3811e⋯.jpg (51.26 KB,500x340,25:17,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_89….jpg)

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e8a587 No.20953446


30 minutes later Jones is still talking

Sooooo… you're a liar? or just confused?

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07dc32 No.20953447


When I put the tinfoil on do I put it shiny side out?

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9d9dac No.20953448

File: ce7a2807dfe1050⋯.png (551.23 KB,906x768,151:128,ClipboardImage.png)

New Dallas Mavericks Owner and Casino Billionaire Miriam Adelson to Donate into Trump Super PAC

New Dallas Mavericks owner and casino tycoon Miriam Adelson has confirmed her backing for Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign by pledging to be a primary financier for the Preserve America super PAC.

This continues the legacy she and her late husband, Sheldon Adelson, established as prominent donors in Republican political circles. During the 2020 election cycle, the couple generously donated $90 million to the super PAC that supported Trump.

Adelson, whose net worth hovers around a staggering $29.5 billion, has decisively ended her neutrality from the Republican primaries, choosing instead to throw her considerable financial weight behind Trump’s campaign. Her involvement is poised to inject an unprecedented level of funding and confidence into the Trump camp.

Dave Carney, a seasoned Republican strategist and head of the Preserve America super PAC told Reuters, “Our goal is to raise more than we did last time, which was about $100 million.” Although specific figures from Adelson remain undisclosed.

Politico reported:

Adelson, who is the principal shareholder of Las Vegas Sands and who also has a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks with her son-in-law, has an estimated net worth of $33.3 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Adelson’s expected investment represents a major boost for Trump, who has been cultivating her as part of a broader effort to bring major GOP donors into the fold. The former president has met with Adelson a handful of times in recent months and has also spoken with her on the phone, according to another person familiar with the talks. Adelson decided to sit out the Republican primary despite being wooed by a number of candidates.

Trump has been looking to make up a substantial fundraising gap with Biden and is leaning on big donors for help. Through the end of April, Biden’s campaign account had $84 million cash on hand, compared to $49 million for Trump.

Adelson’s relationship with Trump stretches back years. Miriam and Sheldon had a seat on the dais at Trump’s 2017 inauguration, and in 2018 Trump awarded Miriam, a physician who specializes in drug addiction rehabilitation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In a 2021 POLITICO story about Miriam Adelson’s political activity, Trump praised her as a “wonderful woman who her husband loved greatly and, at the same time, respected for her great intelligence.”


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273d6c No.20953449

File: 812fc48fe680409⋯.png (1.04 MB,1468x764,367:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah what ever.

no one like indians

they are fucking retarded and godless idol worshiping useful idoits.

comes to something when the fbi can only employ the worst people on the planet.

see you in nov faggot.

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b125b6 No.20953450

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….jpg)

File: cfa1e48c3e1794d⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,600x622,300:311,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….jpg)

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50bb04 No.20953451


claims he was shot down in the korean war

mamasan needed a saucer for her teacup

so he removed his kneecap in good gesture

said he wasnt kiddin

who knows

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85213a No.20953452

File: 824cf2b04db783e⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,576x764,144:191,TurtlePower.mp4)

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5ca200 No.20953453


Not irl

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b125b6 No.20953454

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB,1000x1616,125:202,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_c4….jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953455

File: 51f51614e1fe90b⋯.jpg (10.58 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now2d2….jpg)

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53c79c No.20953456

File: 9332e424851d128⋯.png (17.29 KB,255x249,85:83,77a7e617a91e254d27358e280c….png)


You know how he is, its Saturday he wants attention buy some of Dr Jones boner cream before they pull the plug

That nigger is bored but he got himself trending kek

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70df1b No.20953457

File: 0190164c5c9f7eb⋯.png (790.77 KB,1080x1009,1080:1009,Scrgcu.png)



Diddy did tens more shit than Trump and nothing happens to him.

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b125b6 No.20953458

File: e847918065bc5d6⋯.jpg (18.87 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now2d2….jpg)

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48e75f No.20953459

File: c88bc38046179c8⋯.png (1.58 MB,607x910,607:910,qresearch_1.png)

Define 'indoctrinate'.

to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it

Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].

System of control.

Many choose the path of least resistance.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


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00f898 No.20953460

File: 068a1fa1fe7295e⋯.webm (2.87 MB,270x480,9:16,frog_rides_turtle.webm)


That made me kek audible

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b125b6 No.20953461

File: 2d35cc46223f648⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,480x418,240:209,_Anonymous_You_Just_now9b0….jpg)

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9d9dac No.20953462

File: 03ee227d0f2dc22⋯.png (533.77 KB,883x849,883:849,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Judge Juan Merchan turned the courtroom into a crime scene: Deroy Murdock

'Kudlow' panelists Deroy Murdock and Hogan Gidley call out the alleged bias in the NY v. Trump verdict.Subscribe to Fox Business!

Jun 01, 2024, 8:13 PM




look at the time and https name, maskx per yrc

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07dc32 No.20953463


Ya but Diddy has to be Diddy, Trump gets to be Trump. Trump rocks man.

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c62f06 No.20953464

File: ff4dda74e7aedf9⋯.jpg (926.33 KB,2136x1020,178:85,beatlesgivenknighthood1965.jpg)

File: 919eee89352fb1b⋯.png (168.37 KB,600x801,200:267,beetleepstein.png)

File: 70a06f1ad2e7a99⋯.png (385.48 KB,1184x787,1184:787,epsteinbrianjeffrey.png)


Here's 1965

Overseen by Epstein and other of their handlers after receiving "Knights of the Realm" (?) recognition from Brit Royals

Epstein is at the left, standing.

I wonder if Jeff and Brian are cousins or something?

Order of the Brit. Empire like what Savile received?

Brian was reputed a pedo.

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9d9dac No.20953465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




look at the time and https name, maskx per yrc

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b125b6 No.20953466

File: 6d3a65d80291522⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,598x602,299:301,_Anonymous_You_Just_now402….jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953467

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB,624x576,13:12,_Anonymous_You_Just_now374….jpg)

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d60e77 No.20953468

File: f84f99d9df493f5⋯.jpg (246.16 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Gotcha_Little_Pedo.jpg)

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b769cc No.20953469

File: 7644dd1296e2d7d⋯.png (963.26 KB,1093x1026,1093:1026,911_predictions_in_media_d….png)


>The creeps who run everything have no invention ability, so they just recycle.

I see that as an unfortunate feature, where people "try to explain" something instead of letting being open to a solution that doesn't fit their existing worldview.

There are many, many things that fit this pattern.

You have to allow for the unknown.

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b125b6 No.20953470

File: e66994ffbc64016⋯.jpg (33.23 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_nowfce….jpg)

File: 85d724419c97b35⋯.jpg (109.75 KB,759x475,759:475,_Anonymous_You_Just_nowfa7….jpg)

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07dc32 No.20953471


Hyper Novelty Incoming

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7b34eb No.20953472

File: c2257a1d480b287⋯.png (1.86 MB,2083x1510,2083:1510,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61ba9a91c84ab7a⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,497x431,497:431,55originaltwitterprofile.JPG)



Suspended twitter/X account @55true4u had some of the best MM crumbs.

Find them on GAB at 555true4u

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b125b6 No.20953473

File: 3e54a7f3be2917e⋯.jpg (178.28 KB,601x599,601:599,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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9d9dac No.20953474

File: 93303d8181d0b8e⋯.png (91.87 KB,1882x460,941:230,IF_YOU_GO_AFTER_ME_I_M_COM….png)

File: 0c9717a8bfb278d⋯.png (333.25 KB,542x398,271:199,i_know_it_you_know_it_ever….png)

File: ea6e47008838c10⋯.jpg (52.41 KB,640x480,4:3,i_live_rent_free_in_your_h….jpg)

File: 16ec71e0297a951⋯.png (381.1 KB,708x1123,708:1123,illegal_in_america_trump_c….png)

File: 5ce8217b5c655ce⋯.jpeg (8.63 KB,255x186,85:62,i_stand_with_trump.jpeg)

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9be3eb No.20953475

File: c79a062fefbf926⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Prince_William_carries_out….mp4)

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b125b6 No.20953476

File: 38a92d0fac41688⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,751x498,751:498,02_September_2018.jpg)

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f58e3b No.20953477


Aluminum foil leaches into skin and food, maybe try something else.

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70df1b No.20953478

File: 6bbaa638e41c578⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,500x704,125:176,8pxq3n.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953479

File: 2dbeb8275963d72⋯.jpg (142.35 KB,600x600,1:1,2kek.jpg)

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495615 No.20953480

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85213a No.20953481

File: 72f4b8b1586e38d⋯.jpg (94.44 KB,784x816,49:51,KEK.jpg)



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b125b6 No.20953482

File: 5df92a552928ec9⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,253x255,253:255,8kun_site_the_most_DD0S_si….jpg)

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77048b No.20953483


They gotta clean the place up first

To make sure their evidence is collected proper

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cf548e No.20953484



this could lead to serious shit for shat.

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b125b6 No.20953485

File: d65ca33111ae257⋯.jpg (60.97 KB,604x340,151:85,8kun.jpg)

fun place jim

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d60e77 No.20953486

File: 78fd6033ddaaf08⋯.jpg (418.86 KB,2048x2048,1:1,OBAMAOSAMA.jpg)

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77048b No.20953487


Gunny Foley wants his DOR

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a5c290 No.20953488


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f58e3b No.20953489

File: eda56dcbd0888af⋯.png (1.85 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



I'm a gay nigger, just like you

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a5c290 No.20953490

does endchanvid not embed hier jim?

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b125b6 No.20953491

File: c08b92c04911241⋯.png (1.69 MB,677x870,677:870,_CryinShill_.png)


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ac50ad No.20953492

File: 441c2016cc667fc⋯.mp4 (13.95 MB,464x848,29:53,Trump_is_a_Kind_Generous_S….mp4)


He is unique.

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301e2a No.20953493


Shapeshifting reptilians.

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d60e77 No.20953494

File: 7c0cccd9b8f5372⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,478x638,239:319,3Clones.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953495

File: ebd44f159261503⋯.mp4 (9 MB,626x480,313:240,_I_m_a_Girl_Watcher_1960_.mp4)

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2f21f7 No.20953496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this one

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d60e77 No.20953497

File: cdbbc2e69596862⋯.jpg (191.14 KB,582x777,194:259,Resonance.jpg)

Theta waves

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b769cc No.20953498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One popular theory a few years ago was time traveler paul came to replace original paul

It's all just theories at this point.

We know more "whats" than "hows" or "whys"

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b125b6 No.20953499

File: e26d872cfd80107⋯.png (257.41 KB,1080x681,360:227,_Anonymous_Just_now_077de7….png)

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85213a No.20953500

File: 4e47d1b5dbd6048⋯.png (44.3 KB,1920x768,5:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember November 5th

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3bcdc5 No.20953501

File: bee23d7480a56ce⋯.mp3 (47.63 KB,2024_06_02T00_54_16.mp3)


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b769cc No.20953502

File: 940bce69a184da3⋯.png (507.63 KB,456x846,76:141,_post_invisible_enemy_vs_c….png)

File: 258971ee3ac903e⋯.png (107.81 KB,471x377,471:377,_post_invisible_enemy_vs_c….png)

File: 582369c475779eb⋯.png (36.73 KB,475x527,475:527,invisible_enemy_trump_twee….png)


>The Invisible Enemy

Trump called it "communism"

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07dc32 No.20953503

File: 155e1880cb66cd7⋯.png (3.65 MB,1334x750,667:375,19EC2F66_7ABB_4F6D_9AFD_2A….png)

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70df1b No.20953504

File: 7834855a2f0f1f0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1284x1350,214:225,1717188709228177.jpg)

File: cdab9b7b954f495⋯.jpg (92.93 KB,1024x705,1024:705,1717188792424697m.jpg)

File: 86e72f80bdb49de⋯.jpg (45.83 KB,567x430,567:430,8s1rm6_1.jpg)

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c62f06 No.20953505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Maxwell Silver Hammer"

A Beatle song about a serial killer. (vidrel)

Tavistock … is said to have created the Beatles, the phenomenon. The music.

Weren't Tavistock recently connected with promoting trans-surgery for children?


Maxwell, Ghislaine's Dad, didn't he reputedly work for the British Zionist, a very powerful Media man? Daughter, Ghislaine, took over for him after he left the scene. – Info from Dr. Piezenik among other sources.

Surely there's no connection

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b769cc No.20953506

File: 7fec29f1f39650c⋯.png (32.34 KB,116x105,116:105,ClipboardImage.png)

muh pluses

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12bae5 No.20953507

Biden's big weakness vs Trump:

Voters without college degrees

The brainwashing has failed


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c6aa6b No.20953508


Now if only a few million climate tards would off themselves…

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330968 No.20953509


Anons and the world can say "anyone convicted as a 'felon' by a body without legal jurisdiction, is an attack on that person by actual criminals behaving without jurisdiction"

designed to inject mind virus negation patterns

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07dc32 No.20953510


I’m doing Shiny out.

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9d9dac No.20953511

File: 02b3828be230468⋯.jpeg (434.08 KB,1500x949,1500:949,02b3828be2304686523421269….jpeg)


he is in sync with all of his facilities

seenit over and over again

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b125b6 No.20953512

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)


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330968 No.20953513

NY State court cannot find anyone guilty of a federal offense.

No state court can.

It was a desperate movie attempt, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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b125b6 No.20953514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac50ad No.20953515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time for a new speech Michael. The Human Molotov Cocktail is now 20,000 tons of TNT. 😎

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c6aa6b No.20953516


I'd pay to watch you suck a shotgun.

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0486ae No.20953517


so does this mean those with college degrees are voting for biden or trump? cause it could be bad/good either way.

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9951ac No.20953518

File: 5e1da42c1119621⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,720x789,240:263,Screenshot_20240601_205451….jpg)

Shall we play a game?

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c62f06 No.20953519

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,piezchenic.mp4)


here's Piezenik on Jeff Epstein and Maxwell.

Ghislaine was Jeff's handler according to Piezenik

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77bc78 No.20953520

File: 25ca41fc35428b9⋯.png (306.36 KB,616x565,616:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 191ca558eeecbc6⋯.png (74 KB,655x229,655:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,292e6ff7a8c6a9cf2c15e14ec….jpeg)

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



🇮🇷 161 members of the Iranian parliament have invited the speaker of the Iranian parliament, Bagher Ghalibaf, to run in the presidential election.

Jun 2, 2024 · 12:38 AM UTC


Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf or Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf is an Iranian conservative politician, former military officer, and current Speaker of the Parliament of Iran since 2020.

Baqer Qalibaf

Top Kek

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16461c No.20953521


>100+ posts - only 50% bots

#Winning in 2024

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40432e No.20953522


clearly the Beatles were heavily backed and promoted as a psyop.

it was a wildly successful effort.

you're trying to make more connections that probably aren't really there.

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92e17b No.20953523

File: 15ceb8666a038b4⋯.png (276.53 KB,612x408,3:2,15ceb8666a038b4c6d19957964….png)

Generic malicious NPC personas that Anons have seen the clowns use here for years.

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4caf0e No.20953524

File: 6cfc0c1330b52db⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB,480x360,4:3,Been_Caught_Stealing.mp4)

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9cdff3 No.20953525

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ac50ad No.20953526


“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

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e8a587 No.20953527


bout 41

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9d9dac No.20953528

File: f9f5604ba8a662d⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,1080x1080,1:1,go_fuck_yourself_elon_musk….mp4)



>Q Research General #25699: Come At Me Bro Edition

You asked for it.

I gave it too you.

And your still not happy.

Dont ask if you dont want it.

Go fuck your self.

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12bae5 No.20953529


The point I took away from the article is they’re still insinuating blue collar workers are dumb

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1ec010 No.20953530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Finally’: See Mary Trump react to Uncle Donald’s historic guilty verdict



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9d9dac No.20953531



Filtered for spreading low IQ shit.

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b125b6 No.20953532

File: d6b73863e52c948⋯.jpg (278.4 KB,1300x1390,130:139,InQTel_Scrubbed_from_Gener….jpg)

File: 14dc22790305f93⋯.png (3.35 MB,1246x938,89:67,capture_017_01112022_02024….png)

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959b94 No.20953533


17, including the big square holding all squares

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33ef1f No.20953534

File: c452304c5852ebd⋯.mp4 (972.14 KB,854x472,427:236,_20240601_1_new.mp4)


Why did you shower with your daughter Mr President?

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b769cc No.20953535

File: 8ddd6c8ceb63c2f⋯.png (255.9 KB,478x587,478:587,uss_liberty_naval_institut….png)


I think it's the same as the number of US sailors who were killed by Israel on the USS Liberty

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0486ae No.20953536

i only count 36

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01ccfa No.20953537


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192cd9 No.20953538

File: 50cbee3fb8c48af⋯.jpeg (411.98 KB,768x814,384:407,B30C6C99_9F9C_40CC_92C4_5….jpeg)

File: febefc70b85f514⋯.jpeg (190.18 KB,1260x712,315:178,A6C86D31_8DD2_4C35_8BB4_0….jpeg)

>>20916673 pb

Bets on Risky CLOs Are Paying Off With 20% Gains

Loan Frenzy Masks Rising Losses on Defaults

Companies sold a record volume of leveraged loans last month, taking advantage of the cash chasing credit. A glance at recovery rates for defaults, however, highlights a growing risk in this debt. For newly issued first-lien debt in the US and Canada in the first quarter, investors could expect to get back less than 35% of their investment when loans sour, compared with 72% from 2018 through 2022, according to a presentation this month by S&P Global Ratings.

Borrowers that run into trouble are doing a good job of pitting creditors against one another, pushing some debt holders further back in line to be repaid, in order to get rescue funding from others. Lending agreements have grown increasingly lenient for years, making these emergency financings easier to put together. Such liability management transactions have reduced recovery rates when companies default.

“Aggressive liability management transactions involving loans trading at discounts are a constant threat,” said Scott Macklin, head of US leveraged finance at Obra Capital. “If lenders are wrong once, they probably are going to find themselves punished at least twice with respect to recoveries.”

That’s while the riskiest credits are increasingly coming under more stress andthe loan default rate has ticked up to roughly 2.9% on a par-weighted basis, from around 2% a year ago, according to data from JPMorgan Chase & Co. Money managers say they remain discerning so far despite the frenzy when loans are offered for sale.

Demand from collateralized loan obligation managers and other loan buyers have sent spreads to their tightest level since May 2022, while a lack of new issuance has also sent secondary-market prices to a two-year high. Investors have been rewarded so far, with the debt providing a total return of about 4% so far this year through Thursday, compared with 1.42% for US high-yield bonds. Still, there was $87 billion of leveraged loans worldwide actively trading at distressed levels. That makes up almost 15% of the total distressed debt universe as of May 31, according to Bloomberg News’ distressed debt tracker.

* The highest interest rates in years are taking a toll from the US to Australia, creating cracks in economies despite low unemployment and booming stock markets.

* Major bond investors are back in the market for some of the riskiest bank securities, with a view that they will rally if the Federal Reserve starts cutting interest rates later this year.

* A surge in issuance of a type of bond that can convert into stock on maturity is helping revive a hedge fund strategy that was crushed during the financial crisis.

* Ninepoint Partners LP is temporarily suspending cash distributions in three of its private credit funds, making it the latest lender to put a squeeze on investors to cope with a liquidity crunch.

* Banking giants that once had the most ground to lose to the burgeoning world of private credit keep finding more ways — and much more money — to pump into the sector.

* Subway sold $3.35 billion of asset-backed bonds to help fund its buyout by Roark Capital Group, in what is the largest securitization of its kind on record.

* In private credit, Pluralsight moved intellectual property into a new subsidiary and used those assets to obtain financing from Vista Equity Partners, according to people with knowledge of the matter. It’s a move more common in the world of broadly syndicated leveraged loans.

* Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has put together $21 billion for private credit wagers, its biggest war chest yet for Wall Street’s buzziest asset class.

* A controversial lending structure that lets companies pay interest with more debt is getting a new spin from private credit.

* A Chinese market watchdog asked some financial firms this week to review any bond underwriting that may have gone against government plans to defuse local debt risks.

* A lender to Thames Water Ltd has shelved a planned sale of £500 million of the troubled utilities’ loans.

* For bankers in Hong Kong, where big mergers and acquisitions and initial public offerings have largely stalled, convertible bond issues are very much in vogue.

* Private credit funds are trying to scoop up more of Japan’s ¥4.5 quadrillion ($28.7 trillion) of financial assets to lend globally.

* SoftBank Group Corp. and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. have joined Japanese peers rushing for bond sales before interest rates go up, suggesting investor appetite for riskier assets remains strong in the nation.


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301e2a No.20953539


>Why did you shower with your daughter Mr President?

Gotta make sure she is clean.

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33ef1f No.20953540

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b769cc No.20953541


Fuck I missed 4. 38

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1ec010 No.20953542

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8f791e No.20953543

File: dc70e8c80f28264⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,748x618,374:309,2_1.jpg)

>>20953381 (me)

Sauce for Troy Carter and Kappa Alpha Psi. Didn't somebody say that the hand signal in this picture is a white supremacist hand signal? Anon is so confused. The mind f— is constant and old.

nola - New House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is fraternity brother of U.S. Rep. Troy Carter

Nov 30, 2022


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330968 No.20953544


"This is an attack on the constitution, that is the goal of all the critical theory people"

Good comment by interviewer

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6d8dd7 No.20953545

File: 0e074f454ee9893⋯.jpg (15.3 KB,255x197,255:197,0e074f454ee9893afa9e1644a9….jpg)

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0486ae No.20953546


i only count 36

26 1 squares

5 2 squares

4 3 squares

1 1 square

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c62f06 No.20953547


Whenever they are losing, they always do gore.

Cry moar, FBi

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b125b6 No.20953548

File: 06e25ad141b07c7⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,848x464,53:29,Woof_Woof.mp4)

File: 880c6e1c8be5958⋯.png (3.05 MB,720x1478,360:739,BLITZER_LEAKS_OF_HIGHLY_CL….png)

File: c1d03de1ad141a1⋯.jpg (65.46 KB,640x360,16:9,RichardsonBlitzerNK.jpg)

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01ccfa No.20953549

Link to POTUS at UFC right now?

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2f21f7 No.20953550


So fedbois have chosen to have their bank accounts drained, their utilities shut off because the computers issue the work order to shut them off, their personal vehicles (family too) pop up on the local cops as stolen

The other stuff I'm thinking I'll just leave out, let it all be nasty dark web surprises

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9d9dac No.20953551


filtered for posting irrelevant and time wasting shit

up your intellect and usefulness level

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d60e77 No.20953552

File: 76793904c8ff05d⋯.jpg (260.79 KB,1008x756,4:3,wakeup777.jpg)

File: fbc56887bf602cb⋯.jpg (295.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,serve3.jpg)


It beatdowns the competition (msm clowns above) with TRUTH!

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50239c No.20953553

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)

Good evening, nightshift

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192cd9 No.20953554

File: 90efc3f09983775⋯.png (562.39 KB,593x596,593:596,5F536DD7_C7D9_45D3_8EF0_56….png)

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b769cc No.20953555


Fuck I missed 2 more. 40

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1bf608 No.20953556

File: fb4434893451d4f⋯.png (9.26 KB,800x600,4:3,KnobEnd.png)

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81bc80 No.20953557


CIA op.

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12bae5 No.20953558


Do we really think his family is against him or are we watching a movie. The projection is too good

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0486ae No.20953559

File: 3954e1754de7ea9⋯.png (266.89 KB,657x527,657:527,3954e1754de7ea9782a109ade5….png)


but this might be a good thing.

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bcb24c No.20953560

File: 32378d6754f2ba8⋯.mp4 (365.06 KB,426x240,71:40,videoplayback.mp4)

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b125b6 No.20953561

File: d6aea25ba735a38⋯.png (1.6 MB,701x797,701:797,CODEL_BIDEN_1977.png)

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9d9dac No.20953562


i agree

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b125b6 No.20953563

File: 5e41f615cfa41ae⋯.jpg (139.21 KB,1024x597,1024:597,Brock_desperate.jpg)

File: 3dcd67df5a2380b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,45.34 KB,792x565,792:565,Brock.png)

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d60e77 No.20953564

File: e06f94ecc631e45⋯.jpg (195.72 KB,664x1010,332:505,911.jpg)


It beatdowns the competition (msm clowns above) with TRUTH!

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40432e No.20953565


I only see 40. What is the forty first?

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ac50ad No.20953566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Now if only a few million climate tards would off themselves…

They'll all die before they see the changes they fear. The climate moves very SLOOOWLY. Even the climate retards agree magnetic north is moving. Magnetic north moves and takes the climate with it.

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9d9dac No.20953567



nah dont agree

its 40

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2f21f7 No.20953568


Clown ship fucked around

Clown ship found out

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f211e3 No.20953569

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b769cc No.20953570




main blocks:

16 groups of 1

9 groups of 4

4 groups of 9

1 group of 16

mini blocks:

2*4 groups of 1=8

2* 1 group of 4=2

= 40

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53c79c No.20953571


If it is held up its OK

If its down at the waste it means something else Anon gives the Ok about 50 times a day at work

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c695cb No.20953572

UFC is violent gay porn.

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b125b6 No.20953573

File: 2cb78bb68dd3dc7⋯.jpeg (119.92 KB,976x494,488:247,IMG_8587.jpeg)

File: 55a95f883b9a7b0⋯.webp (50.01 KB,480x319,480:319,i_13_.webp)

File: 849b62ab30ff4f9⋯.webp (55.26 KB,480x320,3:2,i_14_.webp)

File: 41144911db872ba⋯.webp (40.4 KB,480x299,480:299,i_15_.webp)

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4caf0e No.20953574


They must be weak, scrawny shills, or you get a lot of exercise.

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268648 No.20953575



do a digg on the ambulance attendant who claims to be at the scene when she died.

he had no dog in the fight and appeared honest

her shrink was her doctor. her doctor smoked her with a shot to the heart according to shotgun-riding ambulance guy

also, coroner noguchi saw and briefly looked through her diary prior to autopsy. the diary disappeared. may be in documents?

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9d9dac No.20953576

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bfc615 No.20953577

File: 6590bfda3414a52⋯.png (496.05 KB,500x660,25:33,1wg7.png)

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f4893d No.20953578


Now do professional wrestling

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b769cc No.20953579


>Clown ship fucked around

>Clown ship found out

wow you zionist piece of shit.

Congratulations you're the first to try that.

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b125b6 No.20953580

File: 92cf7b020e3015e⋯.jpg (786.73 KB,992x1200,62:75,Clara_Bow_third_from_left_….jpg)

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1ec010 No.20953581

File: 8603b4df8fb1794⋯.png (898.15 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a40b2 No.20953582

File: 021aa76d6589ad5⋯.png (378.66 KB,1080x919,1080:919,Screenshot_20240601_200559….png)

They see the MAGA PATRIOTS rising.

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1bf608 No.20953583

File: 782dca7c122f889⋯.png (280.47 KB,750x1000,3:4,This.png)


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85213a No.20953584

File: 5c5f2f7f3d87555⋯.png (21.34 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0486ae No.20953585


oh fuck i missed the top, right, bottom, and left groups of 4. thank you!!

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2f21f7 No.20953586


Have some modified Al Jolsen:

Oh Hajji Boy, the bombs, the bombs are falling

From street to street, and all across the beach

Your Gaza's gone, and now there's just the crying

Where's the aid?, the pier sank out of reach

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f4893d No.20953587


He's making fun of me.

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b7ae66 No.20953588

File: f0963d770571ae4⋯.png (492.07 KB,712x536,89:67,scbbyclwn.png)


…You've got that special glow, still.

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40432e No.20953589


1 4 by 4

4 3 by 3

9 2 by 2

8 1/2 by 1/2

16 + 2 1 by 1

where do you see another 3?

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81bc80 No.20953590


We all know it was a clown op.

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d60e77 No.20953591

File: a32dc42550ba102⋯.jpeg (153.3 KB,800x800,1:1,Messenger_creation_e8bb27….jpeg)


Thank you anon! May GOD continue to bless you!

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05c308 No.20953592


Don’t tell me what to do.

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6a40b2 No.20953593

File: 948b1df393fe795⋯.jpg (39.22 KB,506x471,506:471,Chu.jpg)


F-Off Taylor.

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b125b6 No.20953594

File: 0428930bbd5e758⋯.png (4.9 MB,1461x1171,1461:1171,1933_Clara_Bow_is_in_the_f….png)

File: 3f55ea74b740e3a⋯.jpg (6.79 MB,3000x2208,125:92,Birth_announcement_for_Rex….jpg)

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07dc32 No.20953595


Don’t tell me what not to do.

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2a3b73 No.20953596


8 half x half

18 1x1

9 2x2

4 3x3

1 4x4

= 40

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9951ac No.20953597

File: 9b434b79ab7a97b⋯.jpg (110.94 KB,720x901,720:901,Screenshot_20240601_205320….jpg)


Digits confirm 40 is correct


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f4893d No.20953598

Spent so much time trying to learn Q that I have no idea how to live my life.

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0486ae No.20953599

File: 8ba43098d653983⋯.jpeg (32.78 KB,480x375,32:25,8ba43098d653983908bb49bb5….jpeg)


please keep pics of your mom's dildo to yourself….

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b7ae66 No.20953600

File: 6973f0abb05a465⋯.png (206.27 KB,490x326,245:163,B_Bdudeareward.png)


…Glow on.

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bfc615 No.20953601

File: 916b54e43611e9b⋯.png (652.65 KB,647x500,647:500,34r6.png)

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959b94 No.20953602

File: 3ea2b7dbdf66e47⋯.png (137.16 KB,231x261,77:87,3ea2b7dbdf66e47345b17eb253….png)


Are you sure about that?

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71276e No.20953603


now try to blend in IRL

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b125b6 No.20953604

File: 13aa53049ea987b⋯.jpg (6.44 MB,4216x5400,527:675,Daisy_Beldam_Rex_Bell_s_mo….jpg)

File: bf92d9ab50b689b⋯.jpg (170.9 KB,800x1023,800:1023,800px_It_1927_film_poster_.jpg)

File: f72db892b25dcc8⋯.jpeg (401.04 KB,1280x1002,640:501,1280px_Kid_Boots_FilmPost….jpeg)

File: d293c5b9eebff54⋯.jpg (430.28 KB,1920x1173,640:391,1920px_Clara_Bow_Grave_cro….jpg)

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77bc78 No.20953605


Queen to f6

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0486ae No.20953606

File: c487045e5220103⋯.jpg (34.97 KB,550x413,550:413,c487045e5220103e6114d7870c….jpg)


kek great way to weed out the chess players.

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96ef74 No.20953607


size 1 8 8

size 2 +18 26; 16 + 2 from size 1 blocks

size 3 +9 35; 2x2 from size 2 blocks

size 4 +4 39; 3x3 from size 2 blocks

size 5 +1 40; 4x4 from size 2 blocks

41 if counting the word 'squares' beneath the initial question.

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b125b6 No.20953608

File: 4a234dc4fff5e63⋯.png (1.41 MB,745x662,745:662,WBR_44.png)

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855c1b No.20953609




So busy shoving dildoes up each others ass, they barely have time to take a knee at the pride parade whilst spying on people with an actual job

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d60e77 No.20953610

File: e4edade678f8301⋯.jpg (117.99 KB,900x674,450:337,Keister_corker_.jpg)

File: 83380c35f924bd9⋯.jpg (270.17 KB,1024x684,256:171,Saint_Clair_.jpg)

>>20953445 <-- this is a Keister Corker!

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b96e1e No.20953611

File: 0cca3af597c8a05⋯.jpg (153.65 KB,552x514,276:257,Racist_Rashida_Taleib_That….jpg)


<white player/ black king

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f211e3 No.20953612

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3f5e9b No.20953613

File: eb2cc6acdb3d2de⋯.png (1.68 MB,1064x867,1064:867,Screenshot_2024_03_06_8_26….png)


The Ken Hunter guy? What a coincidence that the tiles on her front porch are the coat of arms for the Hunter family. Must be a popular name in Cali.

As for the diary…I wish Trump would have it and when he gets elected again have all the truth come out. But probably wishful thinking. He wouldn't release all the jfk stuff and compared to that, MM is small fries.

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f5901d No.20953614


>who's on the far right?

Rob Reiner

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53c79c No.20953615


Knight 7f

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12bae5 No.20953616


Absolutely a good thing. In the long run.

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1bf608 No.20953617


Knight to F5

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b125b6 No.20953618

File: 9bc8a3316674830⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,2090x2989,2090:2989,IMG_20230521_164058_027.jpg)

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b96e1e No.20953619

File: 9c0e8dfbad34ffd⋯.png (1.06 MB,680x642,340:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba4c5e No.20953620

File: b0e74cd2440fdfa⋯.png (856.13 KB,1080x1107,40:41,Evolution.png)

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77bc78 No.20953621



>Knight 7f


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268648 No.20953622

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53c79c No.20953623


Castle I mean

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f4893d No.20953624

File: 758b65e14ecbf1d⋯.png (1.53 MB,1918x1062,959:531,Blend.png)


I'm the only thing to beat this pedo's test.

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0486ae No.20953625




knight f7 queen g8

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959b94 No.20953626

File: b0540c5499cfe8d⋯.jpg (150.16 KB,1183x837,1183:837,tyybbyyio.jpg)

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268648 No.20953627


this guy is still alive?

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b125b6 No.20953628

File: 4885d0e7ee35642⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,533x491,533:491,Tunnel_boring_machine_elit….jpg)

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d60e77 No.20953629

File: 1df854b1f01e11e⋯.jpg (83.55 KB,565x416,565:416,Chroming.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953630

File: cbc572fc7b92e1a⋯.png (76.7 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0486ae No.20953631


queen g8

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ba4c5e No.20953632

File: e8e460a3fddd751⋯.jpg (76.46 KB,500x772,125:193,IMG_20231116_101246_1.jpg)

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192cd9 No.20953633

File: 702b553dca0eca7⋯.gif (178.87 KB,500x210,50:21,F6EC7818_AD38_4969_B987_71….gif)



The answer is always 42

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0486ae No.20953634

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9be3eb No.20953635


CIA conversations

Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office, took his patient records as well as Hunter Biden’s laptop, and never charged him with a crime. Dr. Ablow talks about it for the first time.

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12bae5 No.20953636


Pinocchio and Gippeto?

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9dc13a No.20953637

was thinking,

in regards to missing texts & books,

historical and otherwise,

there may be hints of a common thread,

like the type(s) of information within them.

maybe its just no one talks about low value missing texts.

then again,

a missing puzzle piece can be re-created from the surrounding pieces.

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77048b No.20953638


With a super suit

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b125b6 No.20953639

File: 0b73f3c3afb7ff3⋯.jpg (605.06 KB,1123x962,1123:962,IMG_20230708_082726_883.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953640

File: bb770cecf46c6ae⋯.png (1.11 MB,924x692,231:173,ClipboardImage.png)


At the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Somebody is about to bring the roof down—in 20 minutes.#UFC302


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1ec010 No.20953641

File: 15a2372f42db55b⋯.png (33.43 KB,444x330,74:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfc615 No.20953642

File: 0ab1b21a0c100c0⋯.png (256.99 KB,500x504,125:126,bvcxz4.png)

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c94d88 No.20953643

File: 61cf7f8bca79060⋯.png (1.37 MB,1170x876,195:146,GREEN.png)

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b7ae66 No.20953644


…Welcome to symbolism 101.

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f4893d No.20953645


I couldn't blend in before Q, and you tell me this horse shit.

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c62f06 No.20953646


stale comeback with something of which you are ignorant

Jew-haters are always lying to try to "win" the argument.

Who does that remind you of?

That's right they are leftist Obama suckers , haters.

thats why they get erased here.

Thank you B.O. Thank you B.V.

>>20953507 lb

Ironic. the alleged smarter people are voting for Biden.



Thanks really interesting.


There's moar background on how the music industry was corrupted.

At the latter part of the 60's there was "experimental" free radio. Was shut down in 70's. Long docu on that by an L.A. DJ who witnessed it first hand, was scrubbed.

The best music was censored. They did playlists and had mob type people enforce what could get played - for money

Payola scheme never ended.

Hope I find again someday, was not able to download it, that I can remember, at the time.

link is to series on Music and psychoBiology


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77048b No.20953647


Don't forget the towel

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b125b6 No.20953648

File: 51d8ec3e8db0482⋯.mp4 (9.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,PBS_Funders_WOODRUFF_Nov_1….mp4)

File: e6aa6c56884bfe3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1370x769,1370:769,gates_fauci_soros_walters_….png)

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9d9dac No.20953649




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e95af7 No.20953650


Strange key for the national anthem.

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77048b No.20953651



You were chosen for a reason


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92e17b No.20953652

File: fb7b196aaaca9f9⋯.jpeg (130.42 KB,1280x788,320:197,F0t2dig9Kkml.jpeg)

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f211e3 No.20953653


b7-Rook to e7

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71276e No.20953654

File: 533696e932ec1a9⋯.jpg (144.61 KB,400x400,1:1,MrBones2.jpg)

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00f898 No.20953655

File: 51460b4ce0ac91f⋯.png (1.29 MB,925x692,925:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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b125b6 No.20953656

File: 2976cc4e0f28c25⋯.png (1.52 MB,1100x1500,11:15,pilgrim_society_fauci.png)

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f58e3b No.20953657

File: 5aa42693afc6bf4⋯.png (4.31 MB,3109x1080,3109:1080,ClipboardImage.png)



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f211e3 No.20953658



>b7-Rook to F7*

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9be3eb No.20953659

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,assange.mp4)


>Why did Assange not flee to Russia like Snowden?

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9d9dac No.20953660



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268648 No.20953661


Yes anon, Ken Hunter. Laid low out of fear, came forward over a decade later? No famefag, not out for any money. Most believable if he was only what he was.

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bc8055 No.20953662


Rook at F1 takes Pawn at F7

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77048b No.20953663

File: 079c584f60eaf5d⋯.gif (499.1 KB,500x281,500:281,c9a48a68ab155ff9ee9743e913….gif)

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b125b6 No.20953664

File: 994d668b20188de⋯.png (1.78 MB,1038x597,346:199,Is_Ruddy_Comped.png)

File: 802bb04d956ab4e⋯.png (2.33 MB,821x990,821:990,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: a8bb82333040aa3⋯.png (2.34 MB,829x986,829:986,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 88de994607ef682⋯.png (1.77 MB,869x710,869:710,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: b78a877188c16fe⋯.png (2.05 MB,819x872,819:872,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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0439bb No.20953665

File: 51b4bee0aea5e6b⋯.png (414.97 KB,872x872,1:1,pepe_scratch_brain.png)


Trying to understand how you got to this drop.

Can anon explain?

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71276e No.20953666

File: 79f82df4916c3dd⋯.png (44.82 KB,793x231,793:231,anons_are_the_true_heros.png)

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192cd9 No.20953667

File: 58bf594f741bfa8⋯.gif (2.61 MB,496x280,62:35,641EE843_B735_4010_992B_6D….gif)


Don’t go nowhere without it nigga

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4caf0e No.20953668

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dozens of United Airlines Passengers Headed to Houston Fall Ill After International Cruise


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c62f06 No.20953669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




seven part series. this is part 6

"Dr. Hans Utter Interview – “Music, Mind Control, and Psychobiology, Pt. 6”

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9be3eb No.20953670

File: 21f5c188cf9586a⋯.png (1.82 MB,1259x839,1259:839,ClipboardImage.png)


Inside life of Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother,’ Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris

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7b34eb No.20953671

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,TIGER58.png)

Today is :28

Mirror of :58

Seen any TIGERS on your social media?

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432dca No.20953672

Is this where the Qanon posts?

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b125b6 No.20953673

File: 799a6800af23b14⋯.jpeg (270.7 KB,1200x603,400:201,eb408f3e2c68ef363021f1c26….jpeg)

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b769cc No.20953674


>Why did Assange not flee to Russia like Snowden?

putin offered to send back snowden to trump as a gift

seemed like trump didn't respond to the offer

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b125b6 No.20953675

File: 0e63fec58e2a6c4⋯.jpeg (196.69 KB,850x563,850:563,AC.jpeg)

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12dc04 No.20953676

I Had to price em 12 cents being 16 oz versus 10 cents on 10 oz drinks bottle deposit wuz still 3 cents on both >>20953220

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71276e No.20953677

File: 84d1a176fe4cf5d⋯.png (30.33 KB,1297x185,1297:185,chosen_for_a_reason_full.png)

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71276e No.20953678


what is Qanon?

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3bcdc5 No.20953679

File: 7a620926ec4a376⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,640x639,640:639,2mna6qx6lr781.jpg)


Wrong place. Try reddit.

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b125b6 No.20953680

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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7b34eb No.20953681

File: a86693005d12830⋯.png (10.89 MB,3500x4500,7:9,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)


3 Second Dan had a Tiger

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e8a587 No.20953682


no one know where QAnan posts

this is QResearch

Try Reddit

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07dc32 No.20953683


It’s like BAnon

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77048b No.20953684


Hot diggity

And a great googly moogly

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24476a No.20953685

File: 7d6796abea35a80⋯.jpg (115.17 KB,551x689,551:689,ALL_KNOW.jpg)

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b769cc No.20953686

File: a3e40d47eb3bb6c⋯.png (151.98 KB,411x555,137:185,thumbsup_trump_rally.png)

File: 42125095379a1e5⋯.png (277.81 KB,469x279,469:279,tom_hanks_caught.png)

File: 57eb678aae6057e⋯.png (200.8 KB,507x445,507:445,TRADING_PLACES_SHIT_HAPPEN….png)


It's only been a couple of years since the last one. Next one could be any minute

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0439bb No.20953687

File: cf22a699b4b9d90⋯.png (536.87 KB,659x793,659:793,pepe_alex_jones_van_halen_….PNG)


Who TF is that?

Sum kinda ultra-right-wing faggotry?

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268648 No.20953688


38 squares


sec test



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b125b6 No.20953689

File: 21376a524699799⋯.png (584.03 KB,885x1415,177:283,Brand_Of_Sacrifice.png)

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18b048 No.20953690

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🇺🇸longest video il Trumpo has posted.

Black Liberals have seen the light and the truth, they see how the are used. This is getting good



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96ef74 No.20953691


Qanon doesn't exist. It was made up to conflate Q and Anons as one being. They are not.

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1ec010 No.20953692

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1198b3 No.20953693


its an msn psyop

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12bae5 No.20953694


What made it even worse was that Epstein was a latter-day eugenicist whose interests were tied to a delusional notion of seeding the human race with his own DNA. Given this stance, it is particularly disturbing that he focused his largesse on research on the genetic basis of human behavior. Human genetics is an ethically sensitive and intellectually contested domain where it behooves us to ensure that the highest standards of scientific rigor are in place and that nongenetic explanations for behavior are given a fair chance to compete.

Raise your hand if y’all niggas got Epstein’s DNA lol

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77bc78 No.20953695

File: bd0a3b203cc5821⋯.jpg (182.83 KB,1140x641,1140:641,trump_wrestler_cnn_3092526….jpg)

Ready to rumble!

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273d6c No.20953696

File: da167df3b0bcb04⋯.png (59.39 KB,818x544,409:272,ClipboardImage.png)



use line below.


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959b94 No.20953697

File: 50ec697518b39a7⋯.jpg (160.47 KB,1161x780,387:260,ybbbyybi.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953698

File: 4a9c72c88608ce7⋯.png (267.26 KB,429x606,143:202,WINNNNNNN.PNG)

File: 7110d1c9a01aac8⋯.png (491.6 KB,622x590,311:295,EDDDDDD.PNG)

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07dc32 No.20953699

File: 36ed39a1d9d1ff6⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,698x698,1:1,817E1EA9_0732_4225_BACB_7….jpeg)

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77048b No.20953700


Very likely a clown asset tambien

Si si

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85a9b1 No.20953701

File: 145c3ea2d17fd26⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,800x360,20:9,PutProtectCHILDRN_1_.mp4)

File: 2a22513f6d2026e⋯.png (443.04 KB,958x987,958:987,PutinPganda.png)

File: a8c835d39a3a70c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1016x985,1016:985,month24.png)

>>20951547 Donald Trump is now banned from 37 countries, including Canada and the UK, due to his criminal conviction (PB)

So stupid me, who should know better, but because it was nota'd, followed the link to that twat account where there’s not even a fucking link to an article LISTING THE COUNTRIES – which are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba Dominican Republic, Egypt Ethiopia Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Macau, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-conviction-countries-banned-canada-uk-b2554757.html

Fucking ISRAEL, really? Kiddie-diddling (and WORSE) sack of shithole countries? Where’s RUSSIA? kek. (PUTIN VID 2:08 - just one of MANY of him calling out the sick, Communist “West”). Meanwhile THIS Communist Country just keeps on Communizing as the rest of the world is nauseated just observing from a distance.

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b125b6 No.20953702

File: 3e54a7f3be2917e⋯.jpg (178.28 KB,601x599,601:599,patterns.jpg)

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ac50ad No.20953703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's lots of them. Start from the outside in.

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432dca No.20953704

You niggers got Freddy'd by a clock fag

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b125b6 No.20953705

File: 444a4c1ef1348ee⋯.png (1.19 MB,662x629,662:629,capture_222_01062018_18220….png)

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c62f06 No.20953706

File: d5664796cb21d77⋯.png (695.62 KB,655x752,655:752,scavinoflickingtigerballs.png)


I saw one on Truth Social

Scavino, showing a hand flicking the balls of a Tiger


It was yesterday.


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9be3eb No.20953707


>Why did you shower with your daughter Mr President?

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a4cb3b No.20953708


C'mon tard.. . You're the key peeps, but prove yourself

o my gudnez

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77bc78 No.20953709


But if you remove the queen from her position, the black king can eat your knight and escape checkmate.

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b125b6 No.20953710

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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1198b3 No.20953711

File: 8ef2b7bde83f0fc⋯.png (1.3 MB,924x516,77:43,ybretveyeyer.PNG)

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5ca200 No.20953712

File: d2d413ad97c9fbf⋯.png (239.79 KB,1100x729,1100:729,ClipboardImage.png)

I stepped away to do one chore and…!

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b125b6 No.20953713

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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f4893d No.20953714



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12bae5 No.20953715


Perhaps we should look into these vaccines and shit…they’re seeding they’re DNA into people

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b125b6 No.20953716

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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77048b No.20953717


Now that's a name anon hasn't heard/read in ages…..

Ftr qanon is a raging homo

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62efdd No.20953718

File: 70d574bdcff4c5c⋯.png (1.38 MB,1368x903,456:301,70d574bdcff4c5ca2b88901ee9….png)

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cf548e No.20953719



>The Invisible Enemy

>Trump called it "communism"

I'd say more specifically it's the Communists and other traitorous weasels (Masons, etc) that are embedded in our schools and the Government. The Deep State.

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40432e No.20953720


I see no move for a checkmate without more moves after it.

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273d6c No.20953721



that is not Q

Q posts here

qanon is what the fed faggots do to pretend to distract from the q drops.

mind you Q has been silents since

It's been 1y, 11m, 2d, 18h, 9m since Q has posted.

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24476a No.20953722

File: 8489b7b1eaa427e⋯.jpg (127.78 KB,753x423,251:141,TORA_TORA_TORA.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953723

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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ac50ad No.20953724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's the pre 1966 Paul.

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b125b6 No.20953725

File: 7800aebff9b41ca⋯.jpg (69.37 KB,1024x614,512:307,1511351785211.jpg)

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217c67 No.20953726


Corrupt people in our government are using ms13, a satanic gang, groomed satanic and funded by someone to murder people.

It insulates the leader who ordered the hit using these gangsters, then they are disposable like the Seth Rich murderers allegedly who were found dead the same day or next.. right?

Q is tell you the truth,

People in our government are owned, blackmailed, threatened by cartels

Who traffick the humans, traffick the flesh, traffick the drugs, and weapons

Because they want us disarmed and trusting of local governance who may or stopped people from going to church during covid with a mask on

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9be3eb No.20953727

File: 0749ea3277a3b2b⋯.png (242.83 KB,300x420,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm down for whatever

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b125b6 No.20953728

File: 446c5a0c1c49332⋯.jpeg (37.33 KB,236x386,118:193,ADE96079_87C5_43D9_8A03_B….jpeg)

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b125b6 No.20953729

File: f2f0c9cb1b096f6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,640x489,640:489,AdmiralRogers.jpg)

File: 4fb8fd04339409d⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1031x737,1031:737,Admiral_Rogers_our_side.jpg)

File: bc793c04391e7dd⋯.jpg (62.11 KB,888x499,888:499,Admiral_Rogers_this_big.jpg)

File: 7466ba8c3b7aabf⋯.jpeg (353.94 KB,1940x1090,194:109,Admiral_Rogers.jpeg)

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f58e3b No.20953730

File: 1ffd843972bfd74⋯.jpg (43.23 KB,600x600,1:1,Mootdoitfaggot_1.jpg)



Freddy is locked in Moot's basement.

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12dc04 No.20953731

3 cents >>20953305

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b125b6 No.20953732

File: 32cd63b58a556d4⋯.png (749.95 KB,988x768,247:192,After_Trump.png)

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b125b6 No.20953733

File: 804d9a4e1d3654d⋯.png (642.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,AgencyInformation.png)

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b769cc No.20953734


There is no possible move that will immediately checkmate the black king

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b125b6 No.20953735

File: e3c876bf9aaa891⋯.png (65.75 KB,610x531,610:531,AirGuan2.png)

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12bae5 No.20953736

File: cb44cf8913dbd46⋯.jpeg (101.7 KB,1400x700,2:1,IMG_1512.jpeg)

There were lavish dinner parties with the likes of Steven Pinker and Stephen Jay Gould during which Epstein would ask provocatively elementary questions like “What is gravity?” If the conversation drifted beyond his interests, Epstein was known to interrupt, “What does that got to do with pussy?!”

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b125b6 No.20953737

File: 2d529c8219ed187⋯.png (397.9 KB,490x490,1:1,AlexSorosChickTable.png)

File: 7c9df767fe1fb7e⋯.jpeg (237.97 KB,612x1044,17:29,AlexSorosSatanist.jpeg)

File: 6f7115d37e578a6⋯.jpg (30.16 KB,500x300,5:3,Alexandria_library.jpg)

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77bc78 No.20953738


Castle take black pawn at f7.


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855c1b No.20953739


The crack babies kept drowning

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9c16d2 No.20953740

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)

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b125b6 No.20953741

File: 2a17cb1ab798e80⋯.png (2.04 MB,1804x1198,902:599,Alinsky_rules_for_radicals….png)

File: fc056cbe1d5c368⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,554x508,277:254,Alinsky_rules_for_radicals.jpg)

File: 5d4c526cb0039fe⋯.jpg (192.12 KB,1180x830,118:83,AlinskyInfo.jpg)

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330968 No.20953742

File: 65b03aade2a19dd⋯.jpg (55.45 KB,1179x422,1179:422,GPALF0FaAAAi4GH.jpg)



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b125b6 No.20953743

File: 640b00f9ee3febb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,320x237,320:237,All_Wings_Report_In.jpg)

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273d6c No.20953744

File: 8e611ccc636636e⋯.png (60.36 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


she is now a mean gurl.

but anon like lara logan.

fearless female

and been through some sheeit.

prayers to keep here protected from evil.

ltits and all

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18b048 No.20953745


That was magnificent!How many more in the black money making trap will speak out.

We got ourselves a revolution for freedom except for the lost 4-6%.

Bidan can smile like the Devil all he wants, it only reinforces what anons have known from day one

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b125b6 No.20953746

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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7b34eb No.20953747

File: bc823f09befd3c5⋯.png (15.11 MB,5500x5000,11:10,z17qclockblank55qDTLwElon2….png)


Elon posts lots of intradesting things

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b769cc No.20953748


king moves to h8

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4caf0e No.20953749


TOO BIG TO RIG! Better put their shitting pants on!

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9c16d2 No.20953750


notice he doesn't say whose career

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9951ac No.20953751

>>20953597 me solution

ANSWER: d5 x e6 (the white pawn on d5 captures the black e5 pawn on square e6 "en passant").

EXPLANATION: Mate in one is possible only if black's previous move was e7 to e5. White can then capture the black pawn "en passant" on e6. The discovered check by the white bishop on b2 will checkmate the black king. 

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b125b6 No.20953752

File: 14d5502b5d195ad⋯.png (732.85 KB,566x800,283:400,Alwaleed_Blankfein.png)

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

File: bfea9667546e66b⋯.png (557.7 KB,856x626,428:313,Alwaleed_Obama.png)

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0486ae No.20953753


there's another white rook at f1 that was cropped out

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2667b7 No.20953754



Oct 17, 2020 12:36:26 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f457dc No. 11118631


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'QANON'. 3

Media labeling as 'QANON' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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192cd9 No.20953755



Considering the book they dint do too bad a job on that movie

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b125b6 No.20953756

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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c6aeb4 No.20953757

File: e07a77240a099ff⋯.png (1.01 MB,816x808,102:101,utryeytmyrt_ymtrnytr.PNG)

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1a2af4 No.20953758

File: e87bda1111bb96b⋯.png (230.86 KB,808x1140,202:285,Trump_vs_judge_merchan_lor….png)

File: b3d2e513a64d6cd⋯.png (403.11 KB,1253x1235,1253:1235,soros_bragg_fox_05312024.png)

File: 247e41917d40847⋯.png (168.71 KB,854x1119,854:1119,soros_bragg_msnbc_05312024.png)

File: 7d5ef65dbf911d0⋯.png (514.62 KB,1100x800,11:8,bragg_pathetic_time_line_a….png)

game theory

the court case was/is coRRupt?

how is the case coRRupt?

if Normies don't know the particulars then swamp paints the picture

if Normies are informed Quickly fake news can't push the lies without disruption

4example: when biden lied about when inflation started it was pushed back quickly and biden doesn't tell that lie often anymoar

now that judge merchan and his daughter played their part fake news will push the narrative; if Normies are informed swamp lies will be obvious

if the only information that is pushed is from the fake news then that will become History

what is the counter?

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b125b6 No.20953759

File: f4e5f5057342415⋯.png (159.29 KB,301x373,301:373,Alwaleed_Dubya4.png)

File: ea7290b23e71905⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,543x359,543:359,Alwaleed_Dubya.jpg)

File: 65afbbfbf4068d7⋯.jpg (31.24 KB,512x361,512:361,Alwaleed_Dubya2.jpg)

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330968 No.20953760

File: 5c40a18ca456550⋯.png (231.92 KB,1170x895,234:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c799be969676b5⋯.png (399.06 KB,1170x1029,390:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 918a4af610be380⋯.png (396.56 KB,1170x768,195:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b80c48b3119a982⋯.png (34.38 KB,481x267,481:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Going Forward in Order to Look Back.


In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was fined $8,000 for violating federal campaign finance laws. Why? Her team falsely reported the funding of the Steele Dossier as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting.”

Actually this “opposition research” was an attempt to smear her opponent with false and salacious allegations. Obviously, it was also intended to influence the 2016 election.

Moreover, Hillary’s campaign was headquartered in New York State (out of Brooklyn, NY), which would make it fall under the jurisdiction of New York Penal Law §175.10, the state law which makes it a felony to falsify business records with the intent to conceal the commission of a crime.

What is the key distinction between Hillary’s campaign violation versus recent news?

With Hillary’s violation, there wasn’t a Manhattan prosecutor politically motivated to bring an unprecedented case to trial.

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959b94 No.20953761


Yea 2 or 3 moves needed

black is fucked anyway after tower to pawn tho

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b125b6 No.20953762

File: e3e661a470b5a0b⋯.jpeg (80.11 KB,534x800,267:400,Alwaleed_Gates_Buffet.jpeg)

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b125b6 No.20953763

File: fcff28ae4a7d2c4⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,800x560,10:7,AlwaleedMGMVegas.jpg)

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9c16d2 No.20953764



don't come back

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71276e No.20953765

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b125b6 No.20953766

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

File: 17f9abe0634ad08⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,460x287,460:287,Alwaleed_Murdoch.jpg)

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24476a No.20953767

File: c7d136b295807be⋯.jpg (109.37 KB,494x558,247:279,YES_WILLIS_SUMTING_TO_SAY.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953768

File: 38bf4e9312c4da0⋯.jpg (131.86 KB,669x500,669:500,AlwaleedSwinger.jpg)

File: ce2a22149197ae8⋯.png (298.57 KB,490x275,98:55,AlwaleedOwn.png)

File: 815412efa210861⋯.png (385.08 KB,634x431,634:431,Alwaleed_Prince_Charles_pr….png)

File: f945ee4513eee7d⋯.jpg (390.82 KB,1440x960,3:2,Alwaleed_RahmEmmanuel_.jpg)

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18b048 No.20953769

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Another display of power and dominance tonight!PS indicting him only hurts your plan Mafia Joe


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12bae5 No.20953770

"I would say 25% of the kids there are autistic, on the spectrum," Epstein opined. "They don't really work in groups. They're not taking classes. They're not giving teaching assignments. They don't have lots to do, they're there to think."

Those traits appealed to Epstein on two levels. "It's my natural bent to move toward the maverick and rebels who don't fit in," he noted. "They were probably overlooked [in school]. They were definitely never class president." Such outsiders, in Epstein's opinion, are also less likely to kowtow to the scientific establishment, which he regarded as inherently conservative.

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9c16d2 No.20953771


she looks a little young there Hop Sing

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b125b6 No.20953772

File: 577e1c813dc858c⋯.jpg (497.54 KB,900x625,36:25,America_2.jpg)

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9be3eb No.20953773

File: 58daa96d66297df⋯.png (65.32 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


cows in trees

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192cd9 No.20953774

File: 59fbe8ce49d768f⋯.jpeg (462.78 KB,764x558,382:279,CFB8462D_ABBE_43DF_BBE6_1….jpeg)

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b125b6 No.20953775

File: dc2a96a0bc77665⋯.png (311.44 KB,640x486,320:243,America_3.png)

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ac50ad No.20953776


That wasn't the question he was asked. 'What difference at this point does it make?

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b125b6 No.20953777

File: e81273df1210c04⋯.jpg (106.66 KB,800x462,400:231,America_4.jpg)

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9c16d2 No.20953778

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7b34eb No.20953779

File: f8cde8a1fbb402c⋯.png (3.45 MB,3000x3000,1:1,lasvegasaf1.png)

File: 54c2324541e0073⋯.png (2.89 MB,2062x2062,1:1,deathtollcoincidences.png)




Las Vegas

Today's mirror


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b125b6 No.20953780

File: cdee01cff6ddb05⋯.jpg (194.24 KB,1000x563,1000:563,America_7.jpg)

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9d9dac No.20953781




you should have waited longer

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b125b6 No.20953782

File: c94f45f61d2695c⋯.png (253.96 KB,620x403,20:13,America_8.png)

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b769cc No.20953783

File: 5be23ad45e8affa⋯.png (72 KB,351x283,351:283,fauci_hanging_from_a_noose.png)


>Mate in one is possible only if black's previous move was e7 to e5


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a498e5 No.20953784

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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b125b6 No.20953785

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,American_Flag.png)

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9be3eb No.20953786


>they're there to think

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b125b6 No.20953787

File: d8ed440fa3dfd2a⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,576x288,2:1,AnonArmy.jpg)

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12bae5 No.20953788


Think about it

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192cd9 No.20953789

File: 4d64f0b69e0b582⋯.jpeg (490.66 KB,1200x877,1200:877,2FAF7608_4EDB_4BA5_80A1_7….jpeg)

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9c16d2 No.20953790


>describes something akin to civilian casualties

Mr. Pig and his fan club less than smart.

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d60e77 No.20953791

File: c4202571dd11f02⋯.jpg (84.88 KB,366x546,61:91,honeycombs.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953792

File: b419256a6a9150c⋯.png (7.78 MB,2126x3000,1063:1500,Appreciate_America.png)

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5ca200 No.20953793



That's why it's important to know the history of how you got here/there.

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b125b6 No.20953794

File: 587491e1e45659d⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,354x249,118:83,Are_you.jpg)

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9c16d2 No.20953795



is also a chinese word

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7b34eb No.20953796

File: 57b84a0ee40a242⋯.png (4.23 MB,2466x4122,137:229,stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)

File: 54e330d6c5c16aa⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB,2200x2200,1:1,DDay_png.jpeg)

D Day






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00f898 No.20953797

File: 44aa77c9e916cc2⋯.png (1.01 MB,628x1020,157:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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b125b6 No.20953798

File: fea03a82f10ce97⋯.jpg (4.78 KB,250x183,250:183,Assange_2.jpg)

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ac50ad No.20953799


$$$ I can fake space and I can fake death when called upon. All for the greater glory $$$. Have a nice life motherfucker.

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b125b6 No.20953800

File: e3b01ff2e726e40⋯.jpg (47.66 KB,640x334,320:167,AssangeThumbUp.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953801

File: d6fca1a5a2185a9⋯.jpg (65.7 KB,634x409,634:409,AssangeTickTock.jpg)

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9c16d2 No.20953802


I didn't make the meme asshole

stop deflecting and projecting newfag

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00f898 No.20953803

File: 0ab7a3da809eaa8⋯.jpg (23.86 KB,610x457,610:457,FB_IMG_1548906217277.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953804

File: aea959311058a92⋯.jpg (361.29 KB,1080x974,540:487,AssangeTwitterBackUp.jpg)

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b125b6 No.20953805

File: ebb58aa1f87a45c⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,960x568,120:71,AssangeWikileaks.jpg)

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6d8dd7 No.20953806

File: 46f09748ee20eda⋯.jpg (404.5 KB,630x720,7:8,witness.jpg)



please start w post 1

when your done come back

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b125b6 No.20953807

File: 76600e8e4016576⋯.jpeg (478.37 KB,1480x986,740:493,Atlanta_airport_criminals.jpeg)

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