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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

6f8c2c No.20937030 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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6f8c2c No.20937044

International Q Research Threads

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25678 >>20936298

>>20936317 Google Whistleblower Exposes Alleged Election Interference and Bias in Explosive Texas Senate Testimony

>>20936374 Diddy 'has been abusing women for 30 YEARS' as bombshell report details

>>20936410 The Dan Bongino Show - EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Slams Sham Trial

>>20936419 UNSEEN FOOTAGE: New Yorkers CONFRONT Robert De Niro After RAILING on Trump in Press Conference

>>20936420, >>20936492, >>20936715 PF Report

>>20936437 The House Ethics Committee launched an investigation on Wednesday into Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, who has been indicted on federal bribery charges that stem from alleged payments from foreign officials.

>>20936443 Exclusive Interview with British Special Forces Hero Christian Craighead, the Man Who Saved Lives During Al-Shabaab Terror Attack

>>20936470, >>20936502 "History Books" - Q 3728 POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).

>>20936477 Don Jr and President Trump behind the scenes working on "mean tweets" at the courthouse in New York.

>>20936517 Hong Kong court convicts 14 pro-democracy activists for subversion in the city’s biggest national security case

>>20936543 Donald J. Trump - DonaldJTrump.com/join

>>20936632 EXCLUSIVE: President Trump calls in to Dan bongo show

>>20936636, >>20936642 @SecDef (re-tweet) - Wheels up to the Indo-Pacific for my tenth trip there as Secretary of Defense. - Q drop 3414 [Wheels up]

>>20936659 Mayor Candidate, Alfredo Cabrera in Mexico's Coyuca de Benitez Shot Dead at Point Blank Range

>>20936753 Notice of Maladministration of Elections and Demand for Elections Prescribed by the People and Immediate Corrective Measures

>>20936796 'I'm Done' | California lawmakers cite KCRA 3 documentary in urging action against sex trafficking

>>20936919 David Weiss, a spokesman for the Anti-Zionist Jewish Union, told IRNA: “Mr. Amir Abdollahian was a sensitive and kind-hearted foreign minister."

>>20936944 Malta's ex-PM Muscat faces corruption charges in court / Former Maltese officials barred from US due to corruption allegations

>>20937004 U.S. Navy - #ICYMI - @NASCAR hosting the Navy and other services over Memorial Day weekend at the Coca Cola 600. / President Trump present.

>>20937024 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations

>>20937043 #25678

#25677 >>20935510 shout out to dotz for notes tyvm

>>20935569 Mike Lindell: What’s up with the recall of Robin Voss in WI? The petitions are in for his recall and we overshot by a couple of 1,000. Voss has 10 days to dispute the recall and then we have 5 days. We believe we are well over what is needed for his recall


>>20935643 POTUS Truth - Monica Crowley: “They're so deeply invested in this lawfare because they believed it was going to neutralize Donald Trump…and it's only strengthened him…this pile on is completely unjustified…”

>>20935659 POTUS Truth - Stephen Miller: “Even though it is Donald Trump on trial, it is Joe Biden & the Democrat Communist prosecutors who are facing the judgment of history---and who will incur the wrath of the American voter.”

>>20935669, >>20935691, >>20935732 We had a long duration X1 flare earlier

>>20935695 Vertiv Holdings Co. sold by Philip O’Doherty-Managing Director:$252.97m-May 23-4 reported May 28

>>20935697 Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated on Wednesday that the United States could allow Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to attack Russia, signaling a break in precedent

>>20935745 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Senator @LindseyGrahamSC, thanked him for his fifth visit to Israel since the outbreak of the war and said that he was a true friend of Israel and the Jewish People: "We have no better friend, and I mean it."

>>20935764 Azov Sea recedes from shore by 100 meters: Footage of anomaly revealed

>>20936186 so the government officials don't have to declare where they are dual citizens of?

>>20936214 PF: TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch left Elmendorf after a ground stop and heading to Singapore to meet w/ Chyyyna

>>20936287 #25677

#25676 >>20934751

>>20934780 Here is Trump outside of the courtroom a few minutes ago

>>20934805 @USMC - READY! SCREAM! Future #Marines from RS New York participated in Recruit Training preparation with Drill Instructors at Eisenhower Park.

>>20934807 James Rickards Breaks Down Judge Merchan’s Latest Culpable Actions. “Jury Instruction Is In Violation Of The 5th & 14th Amendment”

>>20934854 3 Liberal Supreme Court Justices Recuse Themselves in Lawsuit Over 2020 Election Case

>>20934882 PF Report: TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch Sec. Def. Austin on ground at Elmendorf

>>20934896 ARCHIVING - LIVE NOW, R. GOUVEIA GOES THROUGH THE JURY INSTRUCTIONS AND THEY HAVE THE CASE AND ARE DELIBERATING THE VERDICT 29TH MAY 2024 !! Note: R. Gouveia goes through the transcripts and court reporter plus other items of the trump cases.

>>20934905 COVID Select Subcommittee has requested access to Fauci's personal email account and cellphone records after new evidence suggests that Fauci used a "secret back channel" to communicate about official COVID-19 information.

>>20934908 British long-range missiles already being used to strike Russia – Ukrainian official (RT)

>>20934950, >>20935007 A United Airlines flight aborted takeoff after the plane engine caught fire while on the taxiway at Chicago's O'Hare airport.

>>20934991 “The Real Virginia Is Red”: Patti Lyman On Empowering The MAGA Grassroots To Secure 2024

>>20935010 Sen. John Fetterman gets standing ovation for his act of defiance of alma mater Harvard over antisemitism at Yeshiva commencement

>>20935013 Billionaire Nelson Peltz rakes in $1B after selling entire Disney stake following board fight

>>20935042 Weinstein facing more charges as women who 'weren't ready to speak' in 2020 come forward

>>20935050 @Cernovich - By labeling the J6 protests an insurrection, Tom Cotton asset Trump up for a criminal indictment.

>>20935063 Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has learned nothing from the chaos in San Francisco and wants to stop prosecuting criminals for theft.

>>20935067 POTUS Truth - Neil Cavuto and Shannon Bream should team up and do a Show together. The Ratings wouldn’t be good, because they’re anti-MAGA, but it’s not all about the Ratings!

>>20935077 @SenSchumer - The Finger Lakes has dealt with blight and health risks from contaminated brownfield sites for too long. Following my push, I'm happy Seneca & Livingston Counties will receive $3M to clean up and reuse these sites.

>>20935118 PF Report: AE6844 Navy P8 Poseidon had a hard look at low altitude along the outside of Intl waters boundary and now N back to Whidbey Island

>>20935217 911 S5 Botnet Dismantled and Its Administrator Arrested in Coordinated International Operation - Botnet Infected Over 19M IP Addresses to Enable Billions of Dollars in Pandemic and Unemployment Fraud, and Access to Child Exploitation Materials

>>20935252 PF Report: SAM041 G5 departed Mexico City NE on the last day of campaigning for elections-prolly last minute instructions to make it close but gibs it to “Shinebaum”

>>20935265, >>20935318 Paoletta: The Left Wants To Control SCOTUS, Not Allow For An Independent Cour

>>20935270, >>20935314 EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Slams Sham Trial (Ep. 2260) - 05/29/2024

>>20935288 Crooked Judge Merchan Dismisses Courtroom For the Day – NO VERDICT

>>20935291 @JoeBiden - Folks, if anyone is wondering whether your vote matters, remember this. Because Black Americans voted, I am president, Kamala Harris is a historic vice president, and Donald Trump is a loser.

>>20935343 Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation / A purported leak of 2,500 pages of internal documentation from Google sheds light on how Search, the most powerful arbiter of the internet, operates

>>20935402 Hacker Recovers $3M In Bitcoin After Cracking 11-Year-Old Password

>>20935430 Justice: Moms For Liberty Targeted By FBI And DOJ "Hate" Unit Responsible For Tracking KKK

>>20935444 Report: 14,000+ Google Search Ranking Features Leaked

>>20935495 #25676

Previously Collected

>>20933120 #25673-B, >>20933959 #25674, >>20934733 #25675

>>20931253 #25671, >>20932830 #25672, >>20933121 #25673-A

>>20928919 #25668, >>20929716 #25669, >>20930446 #25670

>>20926533 #25665, >>20927319 #25666, >>20928078 #25667

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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6f8c2c No.20937046

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)




Next Baker Please Self Confirm

Godspeed Patriots


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00c11e No.20937050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a32792 No.20937053


Thank you, Clown Baker!

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6f8c2c No.20937056

File: 27d12f611b85d7e⋯.jpg (83.85 KB,730x1094,365:547,27d12f611b85d7e243376b65bf….jpg)




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9e2bbf No.20937062

File: 8a588e02c3ed31a⋯.jpg (46.83 KB,601x550,601:550,6e096e19fb2633ce91f0bab634….jpg)

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6f8c2c No.20937065

File: f1f8986e8538d2a⋯.png (292.71 KB,450x500,9:10,9ea2388998f964b2b82fb4b9d1….png)


The correct term is CIA Nigger..

But you're welcome, been monitoring you Anons for a long time.

Since the beginning in fact.

So carry on, you are very low on the threat matrix during these times.

Been working on these Por-Palestinian protesters, Sheldon really wants us working double time.

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65cdd7 No.20937066


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e30702 No.20937067

File: 6e4b76efb9e40f8⋯.png (459.85 KB,516x483,172:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e9e1d8eaf4014a⋯.png (812.58 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 515f70562d66bc1⋯.png (890.65 KB,500x677,500:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db8a9ce2731c6ad⋯.png (684.76 KB,645x500,129:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7e7653aad01614⋯.png (440.25 KB,549x500,549:500,ClipboardImage.png)



keep firing the memes.

all out dog piling on trump trial.

some ammo for the lurkers.


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00c11e No.20937068

File: b02081f89999d59⋯.png (1.74 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1711431332960973.png)


they… never learn

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27970b No.20937069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Double hi5 for disclosure right?

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589c3b No.20937070


Don't come back.

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c746c4 No.20937071

File: 60de67cfc2f39d9⋯.png (1.09 MB,960x540,16:9,60de67cfc2f39d96234f866259….png)

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589c3b No.20937072

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abb686 No.20937073

File: b71f0088ce21924⋯.png (80.17 KB,180x317,180:317,night_ship1.png)


TY Baker.

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6f8c2c No.20937074

File: 69eca6a2afad748⋯.png (182.21 KB,899x630,899:630,1677696695358691.png)


I'll be with you for a long time, Steve..

So get comfy


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589c3b No.20937075

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589c3b No.20937076

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9b0982 No.20937077

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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589c3b No.20937078


I'll be with you for longer.

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589c3b No.20937079

Losers never win, Edie.

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27970b No.20937080

>Pick one thing off your insta that I need to be fake or removable.

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6f8c2c No.20937081

File: 42e02f1ecf3e72b⋯.png (218.88 KB,617x526,617:526,1677900927044662.png)

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a32792 No.20937082


Couldn't care less. Filtered. Maybe I'll drop something for you to mimic.

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4ccacd No.20937083

File: 81d459936f16081⋯.jpg (509.9 KB,936x837,104:93,Screenshot_20240529_163442….jpg)


As I said…


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abb686 No.20937084



does that mean you're picking up the bake?

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6f8c2c No.20937085

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB,585x633,195:211,0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


I come to a free speech board to filter and announce my filtering.

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27970b No.20937086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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72e17c No.20937087

File: a765bde88ecfb7c⋯.jpeg (128.39 KB,331x741,331:741,IMG_0890.jpeg)

File: dc7fe012a889aea⋯.jpeg (75.77 KB,888x499,888:499,IMG_3580.jpeg)

File: 7e07b897973d970⋯.jpeg (75.15 KB,533x500,533:500,download_2024_05_26T08495….jpeg)

File: 347d18d767886aa⋯.webp (63.93 KB,780x1040,3:4,IMG_0891.webp)

Lincoln Lawgs

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ea3591 No.20937088

File: eabf681918b6aaf⋯.gif (37.15 KB,600x502,300:251,eabf681918b6aaf19fa483f905….gif)

>>20937049 lb


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a5a264 No.20937089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a32792 No.20937090

Of course the clown still replied.

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00c11e No.20937091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm just here for the weird ambient rave music enjoyers

>until we get a Q post again

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6f8c2c No.20937092

File: 0062eb39c340abf⋯.jpg (13.22 KB,326x326,1:1,0062eb39c340abf66732aafbf7….jpg)


I still have a beer to finish.

I'll give her a listen.

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27970b No.20937093

Athletic clubs, ducking spooky.

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e30702 No.20937094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

repost, btw, all involved in this interview will get attacked. this is how they have captured the western nations including in europe and beyond. it starts with the central banks.


Note: Think anon will have to buy her book, what she is stating is exactly what anon has already researched. The top of the deep state is the Bank of England, followed by the Treasury and the OBR (Office of budget responsibility), The supreme court in the u.k and all the other quango's all under the dark lord Tony Blair and his minions like George Osborne and others. The u.k has been captured by the globalists and has now been hollowed out with unelected and undemocratic organisations. The monetary policy is now Supply Side Reform instead of economic measures such as interest rates. anon did a whole dig on that with the research on the B.I.S and their model for the governors and board members of central banks, in the u.k case Andrew Bailey who has a seat on B.I.S board of directors. !!!


Liz Truss' Warning to the West



810 views 29 May 2024

Watch the full podcast: https://lotuseaters.com/tomlinson-tal…

In this week’s episode of Tomlinson Talks, Connor is joined by former Prime Minister Liz Truss MP, to discuss her memoir, Ten Years to Save the West: Lessons from the only conservative in the room; and to pose questions concerning what she has learned since being deposed as Prime Minister, and what she expects of the Conservative Party after the immanent General Election.

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589c3b No.20937095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whatever it takes.

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3db148 No.20937096


Is for the LIKE-what?

Is for the (you)-crying?

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6f8c2c No.20937098

File: defacfeef557389⋯.jpg (28.89 KB,540x540,1:1,aff9b0274eacbe6ecd01fd5500….jpg)


So are you picking up the bake or not?

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4ccacd No.20937100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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589c3b No.20937101


What's it to you, fraud?

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6f8c2c No.20937102

File: cf15f4db124028e⋯.png (170.05 KB,640x693,640:693,1631397770901.png)


I mean you said "whatever it takes" in response, so are you picking it up or not?

I should really stop talking and taking schizos seriously.. but what can I say, literally a Saint.

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589c3b No.20937103


Bake is ghost. Now you.

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a5a264 No.20937104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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27970b No.20937105

Lecrae and Co took care of it, and you got me a copy of Thor. Tell me about fear, but with your milkers out.

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6f8c2c No.20937106

File: 8dcd40f69014b54⋯.jpg (47.41 KB,497x497,1:1,d84ab899b786aae391e5985304….jpg)


Don't you worry, valued customer.

I will depart surely, but for now you have a fren.

I'm here for you, to listen, to care, to call you a faggot.

You can rely on me.


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589c3b No.20937107


Enjoy that mutating virus 2.0

You've earned it.

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ea3591 No.20937108


Well I could be wrong but it seems you're always upset about something and trying to use Contract-Writing in communication with me on this board. Have you noticed : Chief doesn't use Quantum-Grammar when communicating with the Public… other than perhaps Casual-Quantum?

Why do you think that is?

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1c3efd No.20937109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations. May 29, 2024

Mark Levin: President Trump calls in with his first comments after the first day of jury deliberation in NY. He explains that there has never been a judge who has been so conflicted. The prosecution has no case, there is no crime. He talks about Israel, Iran, and Biden’s failed economy.


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6f8c2c No.20937110

File: 6b7d2380f410978⋯.png (289.38 KB,900x810,10:9,1635180392397.png)


I'm on that 5.6 bruv.

Get with the times.

You on that weak bullshit.

Stay classy, you'll need it.


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27970b No.20937111

That worldly young woman is turning around and coming home.

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87f3b8 No.20937112


They don't want you to solve it

Thats why they call them chicken heads

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27970b No.20937113

By any means necessary.

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589c3b No.20937114


Aren't you leaving now, pedophile?

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4184c9 No.20937115

File: 0d9d2ce26f80af7⋯.gif (181.08 KB,360x258,60:43,67nghl.gif)

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6f8c2c No.20937116

File: b490b66d5473095⋯.jpg (65.56 KB,359x347,359:347,1652747994889.jpg)


Why you need me to leave so badly?

Stop being such a pedophile, it's gross.

No one likes you when you touch children, pervert.

Stay EZ

Get on my level


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00c11e No.20937117

File: d96f1d4ad5af848⋯.png (2.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The shadxwbxrn shit I was sodcasting last bread was better than that track, but it's a vibe

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589c3b No.20937118


No one cares what you do. You said you were leaving. More lies.

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27970b No.20937119

File: 948568b3ec0f27d⋯.gif (374.86 KB,500x266,250:133,IMG_0455.gif)

I’ll stop smoking cigarettes. Pray this chosen sleep schedule doesn’t finally kill me. Schmoopy.

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6f8c2c No.20937120

File: 2c0c80c7d2b4850⋯.png (205.9 KB,500x500,1:1,1677947681795160.png)


Like I care about who thinks what is a lie.

You're just too EZ retarded that it's giving me something to type while drinking my final round.

I ghosted the bread, anyone can pick it up.

Were you lying about baking?

I suppose we are two hens in a handpurse as we Americans like to say.


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27970b No.20937121

If baby still got back, make a private channel. We deserve it.

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3db148 No.20937122


[High bit rate, low accuracy]


"Paperwork is more important than feelings"

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1c3efd No.20937123

File: 2fc7020ce1b3840⋯.jpeg (128.2 KB,1260x840,3:2,IMG_2617.jpeg)

Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request. 1/2

In a court order, the judge again faulted the special counsel for failing to provide ‘courtesy’ to Trump lawyers.

05/28/2024 12:52 PM EDT

The judge overseeing the criminal case against Donald Trump for hoarding classified documents at his Florida home has again chided special counsel Jack Smith’s team for its tactics — this time over a request for an order preventing Trump from repeating baseless claims that FBI agents carrying out a search at Mar-a-Lago last year were authorized to kill him.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon turned down the gag order request Tuesday as she delivered another sharp warning to prosecutors that they need to make more concerted efforts at dialogue with Trump’s counsel before bringing disputes to the court.

“The Court finds the Special Counsel’s pro forma ‘conferral’ [with the defense] to be wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy,” wrote Cannon, a Trump appointee. “It should go without saying that meaningful conferral is not a perfunctory exercise.”

Cannon didn’t rule out granting the request in the future, but she said prosecutors would need to to further engage with Trump’s side over the issue before she will take it up again. She also questioned Smith’s claim of urgency to file the gag order request, noting that prosecutors filed it on a “non-emergency” basis. It was submitted on the Friday evening before the Memorial Day weekend, leading Trump lawyers to complain that they were being rushed into responding.

In addition, Cannon appeared to fault Smith’s attorneys for skewing how they described the stance that Trump’s lawyers had taken on the proposed gag order. The judge suggested prosecutors had relegated Trump’s response to “editorialized footnotes,” rather than just reciting it neutrally to the court. She directed both sides to provide her with more details in the future on their attempts to work out such disputes and to do so “in objective terms.”

While the judge seemed piqued by the prosecutors’ actions, she turned down a request from Trump’s defense to impose sanctions on the prosecution for allegedly defying court rules and her previous orders. However, Cannon said that was possible if her rulings aren’t obeyed.

“Failure to comply with these requirements may result in sanctions,” the judge wrote in the brief order posted to the south Florida federal court’s online docket Tuesday morning.

A spokesperson for Smith declined to comment on the judge’s order.

Prosecutors have indicated they needed to move quickly with the gag request because of a series of inflammatory public statements by Trump claiming that FBI officials had given the OK to kill him during the court-ordered raid at Mar-a-Lago in August 2022. The claim stems from the inclusion of a policy on use of deadly force included in the operations plan given to agents prior to the search.

Current and former FBI officials have said the policy is standard, included in virtually all such operations plans, and intended to limit the use of force — not broaden it. In addition, they’ve noted that the operation was coordinated with the Secret Service, which is responsible for guarding Trump and his residences, and that it was intentionally scheduled at a time when Trump was out of town.

Prosecutors argued that Trump’s assertions were endangering the lives of FBI agents who took part in the search. (They are reporting what Julie Kelly reported more than a week ago)


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ea3591 No.20937124

File: 884b87455eff69d⋯.jpg (32.93 KB,277x235,277:235,0382f21853c856e136bf1bb489….jpg)

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3dd5a3 No.20937125

>>20937051 All pbs

Consider this: There were 61 million people who died in 2023. Combined with the fact that 134 million babies were born in 2023, the world population increased by 73 million people in 2023 (134 million births - 61 million deaths = 73 million more people; a net increase of 0.91%).

Now consider what said about here >>20937035. I assert that at least half of them are being killed by 1, 2, and 3; which equals about 30 million people.

Now consider this channel https://www.youtube.com/@GeographyByGeoff which shows how much of the world is actually unpopulated for various reasons. Is there really a problem with population or is it fabricated for control?

Now consider this coming from a targeted individual, that I have at least 9 people out of 22 in my local neighbor coming from 7 different houses, that are actually participating in our demise using methods 1 and 2, and are being paid and supplied by the DS because I am a high priority threat to them. There is no one who has saved more lives than me in the history of this world including many of their lives and most of them know it. After all they know I was arrested and almost murdered for warning about the toxic vaccines, riots, and fake pandemic. It is not about population control it is about control and money. If they really wanted to control the population they would kill themselves not the person who saved theirs. Trust me, I was the neighbor that always lent a hand. Amazing.

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1c3efd No.20937126

File: 2fc7020ce1b3840⋯.jpeg (128.2 KB,1260x840,3:2,IMG_2617.jpeg)



Cannon, the judge who delivered the brush back to Smith’s prosecutors Tuesday, has a prickly relationship with those attorneys. They often seem to bristle at her willingness to entertain some of Trump’s arguments and have signaled some impatience at the slow pace of the case, which was brought against Trump last June and presently has no scheduled trial date.

Last week, at a hearing in Cannon’s Fort Pierce, Florida, courtroom, the judge urged prosecutor David Harbach to “just calm down” as he argued against claims of prosecutorial misconduct leveled in the case.

It’s unclear whether prosecutors expected the filing of the gag request on Friday would immediately deter Trump from making similar statements. If so, it was unsuccessful: Trump’s campaign issued several fundraising emails over the weekend, including one that said President Joe Biden “authorized deadly force on my home.”

There is no indication Biden was involved in authorizing the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid or determining its parameters. (This last line is a fucking lie, and they know it!)


They had to report it, the took a week plus, to do so

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589c3b No.20937127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




[Fish]ing is fun.

These people are stupid.

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00c11e No.20937128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Like I care about who thinks what is a lie.


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27970b No.20937129

The fear inoculated tracks might be affective but worshipful hip hop is what I would prescribe.

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6f8c2c No.20937130

File: a6f533c3588e8fa⋯.png (271.37 KB,410x583,410:583,1628932390853.png)


That shit reminds me of music zoomers be blasting in VRC..

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4184c9 No.20937131

File: 69a12bf32206df3⋯.jpg (30.03 KB,600x338,300:169,las_vegas_alien_a_600x338.jpg)

BACKYARD ALIENS: Crime Scene Analyst Says ‘Two Beings with Cloaking Devices’ Are Visible in Las Vegas Video

May the 1st was NOT an ordinary night in Las Vegas.

At a family house, people noticed an unexplainable streak of light that raced across the sky, a phenomenon that was also captured on Las Vegas police bodycams.

After that, the family saw strange creatures in their backyard, and even recorded video of the encounter.

Hallucination? Fantasy? A hoax? According to a veteran crime scene reconstruction analyst, a true story.

Scott Roder, who has testified as an expert in some of the most highly publicized criminal cases in the world, analyzed the video, and says that the images show at least two ‘beings’ using some sort of “cloaking device”.

The exért came to this conclusion after breaking down the video of the reported alien sighting in Las Vegas frame by frame.

New York Post reported:

“In one second of real time, there are 30 frames that show a ‘head with smoke around it’, which Roder called ‘some sort of cloaking device’, moving into the top right corner of the video and peering over the fence. 


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27970b No.20937132


Like a gateway drug for the unchurched.

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1f7fd5 No.20937133

File: e876621c3487365⋯.gif (1.06 MB,480x270,16:9,duckbin.gif)



one wait seben on the mother robing capes.

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589c3b No.20937134


Trust in God. Know that He will answer your prayer. God answers prayers. God keeps His promises. God wins. Trust in Him. Do you plan on winning?

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343e4f No.20937135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Of course that fucking DEMON comes out to take it off the ballot.

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3643a5 No.20937136

File: 1a8dcc1e4f11c28⋯.png (329.57 KB,796x448,199:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b956e783daae473⋯.png (183.57 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cd8e633ab11b87⋯.png (243.51 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbf1078b7bb8206⋯.png (311.26 KB,898x500,449:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5731c0d1e66b86⋯.png (239.27 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

Good Morning Faggots


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4184c9 No.20937137


The image over the fence, looks blue beam?

Anon's like idk?

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00c11e No.20937138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Zoomers don't even know what a sidechain compressor is.

But yes, I'm back on my bullshit.

Thanks for noticing.

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1c3efd No.20937139

Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

Six of eight GOP incumbents lost their races. Gov. Greg Abbott declared he “now has enough votes to pass school choice.”


MAY 28, 2024


A wave of Republican incumbents were swept out of the Texas House in Tuesday's primary runoffs, including a handful who opposed school vouchers last fall, handing Gov. Greg Abbott a tentative majority in the lower chamber on his signature issue.

With most ballots counted across the state, six of the eight GOP House members who were forced into overtime appeared to lose their runoffs, continuing a surge of anti-establishment energy that had already led to the ouster of nine House Republicans in the March primary.

The runoffs brought mixed results for Texas' hard right: the House gained a pro-voucher majority — for now — and the 15 GOP incumbents ousted by insurgent challengers across both rounds of the primary amounted to a record. But House Speaker Dade Phelan, the top target of the party's rightmost faction, survived his runoff, setting the stage for a period of major turbulence and uncertainty for the lower chamber as it shifts even further right.

As the runoff results took shape, Abbott declared that the House "now has enough votes to pass school choice," the term used by voucher supporters to describe measures that provide taxpayer funds for private school tuition.

"While we did not win every race we fought in, the overall message from this year's primaries is clear: Texans want school choice," said Abbott, who channeled all his energy and resources toward securing a pro-voucher majority in the House.

According to complete but unofficial results, anti-voucher GOP state Reps. DeWayne Burns of Cleburne, Justin Holland of Rockwall and John Kuempel of Seguin lost their reelection bids on Tuesday. The Associated Press called Burns' and Holland's contests for their respective primary challengers, former Glen Rose Mayor Helen Kerwin and former Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson. Kuempel trailed his runoff foe, former state lawmaker Alan Schoolcraft, by a wide margin with all precincts reporting.

A fourth GOP voucher holdout, state Rep. Gary VanDeaver, R-New Boston, defeated runoff opponent Chris Spencer, according to the AP….


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5df26b No.20937140

File: 4c687396df3b167⋯.jpg (241.81 KB,720x1011,240:337,20240530_010113.jpg)

File: f5ea4682cbe1709⋯.jpg (650.19 KB,458x583,458:583,20240530_010005.jpg)

File: 63f0a87679019b8⋯.jpg (715.93 KB,435x607,435:607,20240530_010008.jpg)

Shaun Gladwell's entry for the #ArchibaldPrize2024 features detained Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange. The prep piece was done in chocolate on a banknote during a visit to Belmarsh Prison. The final piece is amazing too. You can check it out at @ArtGalleryofNSW #FreeAssangeNow


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6f8c2c No.20937141

File: 77b745db5cec94b⋯.jpg (10.65 KB,236x236,1:1,1677908955706101.jpg)


Alright nigger, this is my last post of the night.

17 is the name of the game.

Goodspeed, I'm heading into the other realm for a style.


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1c3efd No.20937142

Good night/morning anons!

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e30702 No.20937143

File: 7701d68d30c0d45⋯.png (460.08 KB,500x756,125:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 783eb804da44184⋯.png (2.19 MB,1621x1080,1621:1080,ClipboardImage.png)



finally a judge who is standing up to the dob/fbi corrupt arseholes.

trump appointee

they only have one case left this year before the elections and that is the one in nyc under merchen the faggot

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1f7fd5 No.20937144

File: c3387625b4394ae⋯.jpg (46.29 KB,728x624,7:6,5kuju0lqkkb71.jpg)


>They don't want you to solve it

But nothing can stop anons from organically using their own brain and memory.

>Thats why they call them chicken heads

The chicken legs are really painful to walk on as it seems.

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00c11e No.20937145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Adios, my nig

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27970b No.20937146

Teacher planning month is over. Enjoy the break before next in person semester.

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4184c9 No.20937148

California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

Before California Attorney General Rob Bonta titled the measure “Restricts Rights of Transgender Youth Initiative,” the measure polled well, but after the wording, voters indicated strong opposition.

Activists failed to gather enough signatures for a ballot measure that would have required parental notification for children requesting gender changes at school, prevented transgender students who were born as males from competing in girls’ sports, and banned the use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and genital change surgeries for minors.

Parent activist group Protect Kids California launched their initiative last summer and collected more than 400,000 signatures, approximately 150,000 short of the 546,651 minimum required to make it on the state ballot. Organizers tend to collect well in excess of the minimum confirmed signatures to account for invalid, duplicate, or incomplete petitions, suggesting the measure may have fallen 200,000-plus signatures short of verification.


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ea3591 No.20937150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4184c9 No.20937151

File: 4a4622dbe69e553⋯.jpg (60.43 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_3943_1_1200x630.jpg)

BREAKING: Stalinist Judge Merchan Directs Jury to Choose Among These Three Crimes to Convict Trump – Jurors Don’t Have to Unanimously Agree!

President Trump was back in court on Wednesday morning in Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush money’ show trial in New York City.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump in April 2023 on 34 felony counts related to ‘hush payments’ he made to Stormy Daniels.

Trump was accused of paying porn star Stormy Daniels, AKA, Stephanie Clifford, ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.

The jury deliberations began on Wednesday after Judge Merchan instructed them to choose among the three predicate crimes Trump supposedly committed.


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27970b No.20937152

No doi

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1f7fd5 No.20937153

File: a85c3197d0083e2⋯.png (1.38 MB,1282x888,641:444,duo.png)


>17 is the name of the game.

Sven & Tin

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00c11e No.20937154

File: 613ba095508dda4⋯.png (2.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



That you?

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a5a264 No.20937155


Speak english mother fucker

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589c3b No.20937156


You should leave.

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3db148 No.20937157


[These or those?]

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d28acb No.20937158

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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5df26b No.20937159

File: 8f88688d95cee11⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,720x688,45:43,20240530_010831.jpg)

File: 7faa75bfe41b0c7⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Censored_TV_20240530_1_new.mp4)


If you watch anime you are a PEDOPHILE

Been saying this for years…

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00c11e No.20937160


Great show.

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00c11e No.20937161

File: 3d6f6f0ee718f4b⋯.png (1.82 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

So 17 posts is the quota?

I can do that.

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ea3591 No.20937162


[You]s seems fairly obvious.

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1f7fd5 No.20937163

File: 73a7eafc4bf2486⋯.jpg (72.15 KB,960x782,480:391,86978533.jpg)


>Zoomers don't even know what a sidechain compressor is.

Poor bastard son of a bitch, winter is coming and you will need air to breath and make combustion great again.

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ea3591 No.20937164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What about the… ?

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00c11e No.20937165

File: 7467ab0ef29daa8⋯.png (2.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

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d28acb No.20937166

File: 730d77352a20325⋯.png (67.2 KB,255x143,255:143,Comfy_bake.png)

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3db148 No.20937167


[The cryptic..

Let's start over.

Hi my names anon.

What's your oh anon too.

Great something in common.]

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589c3b No.20937169


New amalgam.

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5df26b No.20937170

File: e3b49e735f6de7c⋯.jpg (121.24 KB,956x705,956:705,20240529_234732.jpg)

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00c11e No.20937171

File: 864b8dbc16493ce⋯.png (311.42 KB,521x500,521:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Hoes mad

feel free to repost

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4184c9 No.20937172


Make sidechain compressor great again.

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1f7fd5 No.20937173


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

I was asking if you wanted to supersize your meal?

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00c11e No.20937174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e3817a No.20937175



>Do you plan on winning?

Without a doubt, but maybe I should just cut to the chase, because you may not realize, my only concern is to save lives and is the only reason that I mention these things; to put things into perspective to make others aware of these tactics that I know are cutting their lives short. Bottom line, after deep introspection I came to the conclusion that it was 1 of them my whole life that was targeting my family, but after the pandemic, recruitment bought 8 others in. This is a bigger problem then most realize because most have not considered 1 least 2. Until we remove their funding and supplies, this will not stop at the local level which is exactly how people were targeted with covid.

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4184c9 No.20937176

File: cb495e7c629ae6e⋯.png (143.16 KB,600x338,300:169,screenshot_2024_05_29_at_7….png)

Man Attending Court for Suspended License Case Attends Hearing on Zoom While Driving (VIDEO)

A judge in Michigan was baffled when a man appearing in court via Zoom for a suspended driver’s license case attended the hearing while driving his car.

Court footage that has gone viral on X shows District Judge Cedric Simpson in complete disbelief as defendant Corey Harris attends court via Zoom while driving on a suspended license.

In the video, Simpson asks Harris, “Mr Harris, are you driving?”

Harris responded, “Actually, I’m pulling into my doctor’s office.”


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11a5f4 No.20937177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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e30702 No.20937178

File: 87f7671feaa13a2⋯.png (534.14 KB,1701x874,1701:874,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5100138b9587b4⋯.png (410.16 KB,575x500,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting reading. their last stunt failed badly, so they will resort to violience and false flags.

Stay alert and be aware of your immediate surroundings. Situational awareness and risk assessment advised.



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589c3b No.20937179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ea3591 No.20937180

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag_copy.png)


How about (you) do (you) & I'll be me?

I'm not here for the teaching of the Quantum-Grammar. Cause void of the Authorization. ''Though casual-quantum is ok."

I'm here sharing and pointing to what I believe the Q-Posts and comms from certain peeps in the wild reveal… that's it.

Also… I'm not paid to do as I do.

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3643a5 No.20937181

File: c85a1e57f78e651⋯.png (1.9 MB,500x249,500:249,ClipboardImage.png)

you don't say what the 3 predicate crimes are!


oh, you want me to copy and past the faggot owned punditpaper url! lol screenshot gets clicks anon, its called bait for a reason

think i'll go pray

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1f7fd5 No.20937182

File: ac0705579a335bf⋯.jpg (69.3 KB,600x600,1:1,86392804.jpg)


>Speak english mother fucker

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00c11e No.20937183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Smoked too many blunts today

try to look like JFK in shades

nevermind that's every day

I'm puffing on the concentrate

I guess we need to wait

until the jury can deliberate

the case and state the claim

they been tryin to make…

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4c4f6f No.20937184


for all the good that will do. Maybe you could just not be a lazy fuck and read the article instead of bitching about it like a lazy nigger.

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1cfcfd No.20937185

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)

Praying for you President Trump and your family, hope tomorrow brings you and us closure. Remember, these are cowardly murderers we are dealing with. Thank Q to all the real patriots who fight for the sake of humanity, God Bless you all. See you a few hours for day shift.

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400f66 No.20937186

File: 936d11e11ee69c0⋯.png (28.26 KB,535x319,535:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d286822dd0b6b58⋯.png (678.54 KB,748x976,187:244,ClipboardImage.png)

Check this shit out

She's talking about Muslim Brotherhood ZERO HOUR, the moment the Islamists plan to conquer the west. That's what immigration is.


VID: https://x.com/i/status/1796041920445022473

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00c11e No.20937187

File: 5e3b5aca6a14864⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Guys I need more (You)s

How am I gonna feed my shill family?

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1f7fd5 No.20937188

File: 88f2e1b795047d9⋯.jpg (46.69 KB,512x500,128:125,fool_repeater.jpg)




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3643a5 No.20937189

File: c0abb593e89411b⋯.png (183.53 KB,367x569,367:569,ClipboardImage.png)

4291 image 4 year delta

partial image screenshot below

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3db148 No.20937190


[Forests and cities

Survival surity

Life is rough]

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00c11e No.20937191

File: ee9882f4c12eb9d⋯.png (1.82 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Came here for 18cents per reply and all I got was a lousy glowing textbox

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1f7fd5 No.20937192

File: e5f3f363be6b2f4⋯.jpeg (98.57 KB,921x756,307:252,603e580958db2.jpeg)

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00c11e No.20937193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Quota met

GN faggots

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a5a264 No.20937194


I like it kek

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85687f No.20937195

File: b281f1f988bf2df⋯.jpeg (295.35 KB,972x972,1:1,IMG_1315.jpeg)

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21f4be No.20937196


Criminal seditious and treasonous gubment can shove “driver’s License” up its ass. I’m going to visit my doctor, friends, work or just to watch the clouds from up a hill side.

Shitbag Government can go for a roast in Hell.

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1f7fd5 No.20937197

File: aef5550c2dc5d58⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,735x688,735:688,c76a183b8620da961acabe6e7a….jpg)


>Came here for 18cents per reply and all I got was a lousy glowing textbox

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a5a264 No.20937198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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85687f No.20937199

File: 4cff1cc865e2790⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB,474x296,237:148,IMG_1322.jpeg)

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85687f No.20937200

File: 86cbf72cd5ac9f8⋯.jpeg (95.06 KB,634x840,317:420,IMG_1314.jpeg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937201

File: 87f1d60786196ee⋯.jpg (13.98 KB,256x197,256:197,34098300349348.jpg)


>Quota met

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b16e66 No.20937202

File: 9240088244c808d⋯.png (385.86 KB,716x894,358:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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343e4f No.20937203

File: 6bd8fd896c8abd2⋯.png (635.5 KB,1078x495,98:45,ClipboardImage.png)


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48bcc3 No.20937204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Neville Goddard.

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1f7fd5 No.20937205

File: dffb8387eb9867b⋯.webp (28.37 KB,591x511,591:511,9_memes_1575400406779.webp)


>I like it kek

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85687f No.20937206

File: 1a1eda91b3b61bb⋯.gif (755.55 KB,498x268,249:134,IMG_1323.gif)

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ea3591 No.20937207


>Neville Goddard.

: Whistle-Blower.

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1f7fd5 No.20937208

File: d50d415b51f177d⋯.jpg (424.49 KB,2517x2502,839:834,6b37d60520200595c2c4518084….jpg)

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b5b3d5 No.20937209

File: 2626cfd1f124b95⋯.jpg (64.24 KB,486x488,243:244,2626cfd1f124b95f18eb3416f0….jpg)


>yes, a rainbow is pedo now

MD here, you may have brain cancer.

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3db148 No.20937210



Nice bumping into you-anon.

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3643a5 No.20937211

File: 9eacc036d228ccd⋯.png (54.95 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eea550922941a5⋯.png (37.46 KB,478x222,239:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b258871e39719fc⋯.png (36.02 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9280eee7217ea7⋯.png (34.59 KB,478x222,239:111,ClipboardImage.png)

rotflmao for (You)

here (You) go

if only joe would lead by example, one more step…

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b16e66 No.20937212

File: beeeca4cf5e13ed⋯.png (373.51 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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589c3b No.20937213


4352 - May 30, 2020

4353 - May 30, 2020

4354 - May 30, 2020

4360 - May 30, 2020

4362 - May 31, 2020


[cities] [D] [safe haven] [& funded] [D] [pre_knowledge to group(s)]?

The WHY.

[e][D][F] → FED

[Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest]

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ea3591 No.20937215

File: aa55cd1398ec339⋯.png (241.01 KB,1242x701,1242:701,aa55cd1398ec339155aafcd868….png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937216

File: 826bed1d9b8be13⋯.jpg (62.79 KB,956x960,239:240,84723981_124552122410309_7….jpg)

have a (joe)

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589c3b No.20937217

File: d98fa21e1377b9e⋯.png (98.47 KB,613x364,613:364,_D_funded.png)


>false flags


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1f7fd5 No.20937218

File: 9382e5b9817aea7⋯.jpg (103.56 KB,888x499,888:499,3d7q8j_1852700685.jpg)

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3643a5 No.20937219


it's the famed pedo baker again! lol i blocked your standard pedo bait again! be a good fedboi baker and stop that faggotry.

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589c3b No.20937220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DYNAMIC (Ultra Slowed + Reverb)

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3db148 No.20937221


: many-thanks.

Fren-hug. Frogs hugging. Sweet picture. Of the frogs.

For the practice of the casualcontract IS with the good-sample by the board-messages.

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343e4f No.20937222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1f7fd5 No.20937223

File: efb6acface05eef⋯.png (270.6 KB,531x409,531:409,FUNNY_TWEETS20.png)

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343e4f No.20937224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cf8ddf No.20937225

File: 2071c8218ee2b87⋯.png (3.07 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_2060.png)


Interdasting, didn’t notice at 1st

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1f7fd5 No.20937226

File: 2c21f8924cae4cc⋯.png (335.27 KB,598x508,299:254,a7c74f3396734d8071427d2529….png)

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d20bb1 No.20937227


He should kill himself

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1f7fd5 No.20937228

File: 893588d1ecd8ce1⋯.jpg (169.76 KB,736x718,368:359,erliens.jpg)


>Interdasting, didn’t notice at 1st

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5df26b No.20937229

File: 3afd2a19fa09f49⋯.jpg (161.68 KB,720x1002,120:167,20240530_012937.jpg)


Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization dedicated to protecting and promoting drag as entertainers face increased threats.

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ca3878 No.20937230

What did the Russians call their version of operation paperclip?

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1f7fd5 No.20937231

File: b3c8a4ca870b9cf⋯.jpg (45.29 KB,500x437,500:437,22ksv8_4222058976.jpg)


>What did the Russians call their version of operation paperclip?

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b5b3d5 No.20937232


Операция Осоавиахим (Operazija Ossoawiachim)

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b5b3d5 No.20937233



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6e4fb7 No.20937234

File: 2c19924e8d4a1d5⋯.png (56.21 KB,654x419,654:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b449f9850b4a8c⋯.png (60.72 KB,678x476,339:238,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e927e68876a725b⋯.png (59.59 KB,656x404,164:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32c6ddb94635285⋯.png (89.46 KB,654x590,327:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d68c76fb46789f⋯.png (203.16 KB,676x649,676:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937235

File: 020b9eb9795a2cb⋯.jpg (88.17 KB,855x1200,57:80,3a35a0b8217584b862b0813e2c….jpg)


>Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization dedicated to protecting and promoting drag as entertainers face increased threats.

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ca3878 No.20937236



Excellent thank you

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343e4f No.20937237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1f7fd5 No.20937239

File: fb974a5c58eae0d⋯.jpg (125.13 KB,1089x1280,1089:1280,2e514b03af0cef6583f61b7e69….jpg)


>Excellent thank you

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42c1a7 No.20937243

File: afe26064ff0dd2b⋯.png (757.67 KB,1241x797,1241:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d0ff02afec1661⋯.png (20.09 KB,506x230,11:5,ClipboardImage.png)

cross party lines?

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589c3b No.20937244

They're upset because no one is taking the bait.

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1f7fd5 No.20937246

File: 79e414cca51f813⋯.jpg (33.92 KB,591x591,1:1,alienmemes_03_2080372387.jpg)

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3643a5 No.20937247

File: ec184a7c3af7bc7⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: dbcfe5363a50242⋯.png (161.55 KB,891x379,891:379,ClipboardImage.png)

awwww the mighty faggot lover is triggered!


Good Morning Faggot

i leave you with something useful. this is what you and your kind fear… retribution is coming

…and if you ain't one of them, you have nothing to fear


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6e4fb7 No.20937250

CP reported

Fuckery continues non stop atm


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d28acb No.20937251

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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d20bb1 No.20937253



What they send after only allowing you 2 hours of sleep.

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ab0506 No.20937259

File: e5290566f46ebaf⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,802x720,401:360,_2Ra9Sy8VzxsD4jq.mp4)

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b16e66 No.20937262

File: 0f881d61c38289c⋯.png (290.48 KB,640x526,320:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937266

File: 746b77f75662cf3⋯.jpg (55.27 KB,736x395,736:395,1gmjzy_426907698.jpg)


two more

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232323 No.20937267



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232323 No.20937268

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - North Korea launched an unspecified ballistic missile toward the Sea of Japan early on Thursday, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported, citing the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.

https://sputnikglobe.com/20240530/north-korea-fires-ballistic-missile-toward-sea-of-japan- - -reports-1118693282.html

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3643a5 No.20937269

File: 684e0598278ba72⋯.png (85.86 KB,552x472,69:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01c91272a3a277b⋯.png (59.96 KB,530x362,265:181,ClipboardImage.png)

lol and now for at least three more red txt bombs… your pattern is always the same breadshitter. maybe some fine pink or purple or green

or learn asci color codes and surprise us all

carry on shill team 213

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1f7fd5 No.20937271

File: 74a45fddbbc377c⋯.png (1.4 MB,1068x806,534:403,funportraits17.png)


Do not mistake the engine for the door btw.

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232323 No.20937273

File: d5f387a1c319e50⋯.png (1.07 MB,1394x938,697:469,Charles.png)


Exclusive: Charles received honorary degree from Ukrainian Nazi veteran when he was Prince of Wales in 1983.

A photograph has been discovered of the then Prince Charles receiving an award from a former member of the Waffen-SS.


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d06d5a No.20937274


Do you have an actual link for this?

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3643a5 No.20937277

File: 46bf4fdab8240e7⋯.png (68.64 KB,613x414,613:414,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33f238e50e67ac8⋯.png (111.82 KB,720x795,48:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91dfd87d564a0dc⋯.png (210.5 KB,624x471,208:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 120084490ca3ef7⋯.png (264.41 KB,768x960,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7e825dbeb478f8⋯.png (148.39 KB,340x171,340:171,ClipboardImage.png)

carry on eh!

2 of four

and then the ip hop… and we start again!

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589c3b No.20937278

File: 36268a1fc219aa1⋯.png (285.58 KB,640x360,16:9,GBJP.png)

Fuck off, Skippy. Nothing you can do to stop us. Except expect us. But we know you don't.

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589c3b No.20937279

Skippy and kim(fat)com. What a couple of desperate losers.

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232323 No.20937280

global reported

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ab0506 No.20937281

File: 2082bef5edfd6c0⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,344x480,43:60,NWH2r_caa.mp4)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…

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6e4fb7 No.20937282


A Democrat in the California State Senate just STUNNED the entire floor with her fiery speech against her own party

“I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children.”

“I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. And I’m tired of saying it’s okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.”


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ab0506 No.20937283


stops right in front of [U]

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232323 No.20937284


If you watch anime you are a PEDOPHILE

this is notable!

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d06d5a No.20937285


and this guy thinks he's normal?


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1f7fd5 No.20937286

File: 40aa75fe44e391e⋯.jpg (55.93 KB,1200x1808,75:113,87539913.jpg)


>2 of four


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3643a5 No.20937287

File: 8f3dae168e0ce2c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Доброе утро

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d06d5a No.20937288


thank you

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232323 No.20937289

File: 1ff6793c8313e1e⋯.mp4 (783.79 KB,400x480,5:6,_.mp4)

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232323 No.20937290

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab0506 No.20937291


litter bug

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48bcc3 No.20937292

File: d6595a63c78167b⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,603x601,603:601,d6595a63c78167ba32e5957e3f….jpg)

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343e4f No.20937293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Les contributions extrabudgétaires soutiennent le travail du Bureau du Procureur de la CPI


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4cd85c No.20937294


Liz Truss is totally dumb. She rose to PM status without knowing that the Central Bank cartel runs the UK and most of the world. She may have woken up recently but she is still dumb and has been all her life so be cautious in trusting anything she says. Her analysis of anything is strictly limited.

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18988c No.20937295


Kids (you) sexualize

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3643a5 No.20937296



well played anon

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48bcc3 No.20937297

File: 62592cfd2488776⋯.jpg (86.44 KB,598x596,299:298,Screen_Shot_2023_03_28_at_….jpg)


If this meme gibs you a chubby… get some help faggot.

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6e4fb7 No.20937298

File: b9fc6f64736ce36⋯.png (59.48 KB,765x583,765:583,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f7fd5 No.20937299

File: 485e781506fee74⋯.jpg (89.97 KB,720x404,180:101,hq720_5_.jpg)



>Skippy and kim(fat)com. What a couple of desperate losers.

horse farts

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1f7fd5 No.20937300


Do it again.

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d06d5a No.20937301




=very NOTABLE=

too bad she didn't include little boys. That seems to me to be the focus of the Ca. san fran pedos who push this legislation.

Thanks to all for bringing this to our eyes.

already shared.

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343e4f No.20937302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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85687f No.20937303

File: 2111c833d3518e1⋯.jpg (169.04 KB,960x737,960:737,IMG_1285.jpg)

File: 223aa3321efcd92⋯.jpg (212.86 KB,1130x1088,565:544,IMG_1250.JPG)

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1f7fd5 No.20937304

File: 43c5b07832e6737⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,1125x1121,1125:1121,034c34d54d75c8e906be1f3e3f….jpg)



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85687f No.20937305

File: f95b8ecdab52530⋯.jpg (564.74 KB,968x730,484:365,IMG_1166.jpg)

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85687f No.20937306

File: 7cbcdb7dfc46331⋯.png (565.46 KB,800x599,800:599,38B17FC8_BBB6_40F7_9332_D4….PNG)

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1f7fd5 No.20937307

File: dc0cbbadb8867bd⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,800x699,800:699,fe4f4e77b5a86eb300329edca8….jpg)

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85687f No.20937308

File: 41503f40b5bb89f⋯.jpg (49.93 KB,320x279,320:279,IMG_1167.JPG)


Ack, ack ack ACK.

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85687f No.20937309

File: a73b2a1162aa18e⋯.png (1.22 MB,800x800,1:1,They_Live_Vs_FBI.PNG)

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1f7fd5 No.20937310

File: 4c94813ecbddc52⋯.png (179.96 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b751d863355edd8⋯.png (283.18 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office

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f65543 No.20937311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Show your support for President Trump.

Show the signs.

Thank you.

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61ab33 No.20937312

Mike Lindell on Timcast IRL last night, He keeps mentioning I met Trump on August 15th over and over, But on one occasion he says April 5th D5.

It starts at 128.45


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589c3b No.20937313

File: 2249436b20d03b7⋯.png (90.4 KB,832x1346,416:673,740.png)

File: 92f5eb6f03e8aa7⋯.png (654.36 KB,832x3804,208:951,1940.png)

File: 3097e210ff40307⋯.png (104.97 KB,363x139,363:139,Unknown.png)

May 29, 2024, 7:40 PM


>>20937281, >>20937283


Max cap.

[1] other prison being prepped.



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6e4fb7 No.20937314

House Committee Demands Fauci Cough Up Info From Personal Devices After Adviser Admitted To Dodging FOIAs

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic will send a letter Wednesday to Dr. Anthony Fauci requesting access to his email and cell phone for any information that relates to COVID-19 origins, EcoHealth alliance and their investigation.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent by Republican Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup, the chairman of the select subcommittee. In it, he mentions the testimony of Fauci’s senior advisor at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. David Morens and how the doctor recently testified before the subcommittee after they uncovered evidence that suggests he intentionally obstructed their investigations into the origins of COVID-19 to protect Fauci.

In June 2023, Morens appeared to attempt to avoid potential Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by using his personal email instead of his work email, a letter from Wenstrup reads. Lawmakers have also questioned if he destroyed federal records, according to the letter.

Newly uncovered emails suggest Morens also contacted Dr. Fauci by his email, according to Wenstrup’s new letter. When the select subcommittee asked Dr. Morens about this at his hearing last week, specifically if he sent any Covid info to Fauci’s email, he responded by saying: “I don’t remember.”

“As you know, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) is investigating the origins of COVID-19. This investigation includes EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.’s (EcoHealth) activities at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), failures to monitor and enforce conditions required in EcoHealth’s grant, facilitation of gain-of-function research, and efforts by government and non-government officials to obstruct and delay our oversight efforts,” Wenstrup writes in the letter.

“As a part of the probe, we are reviewing thousands of communications from your former Senior Scientific Advisor, Dr. David Morens. The Select Subcommittee possesses communications from Dr. Morens in which he suggests he sent you official congressional correspondence related to COVID-19 to your personal e-mail account and that he had a ‘secret back channel’ to you,” the letter continues.



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48bcc3 No.20937315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1f7fd5 No.20937316

File: bb579db6e482df9⋯.jpg (93.39 KB,720x404,180:101,hq720_6_.jpg)


>Ack, ack ack ACK.


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3643a5 No.20937317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f65543 No.20937318

File: b6b51fa49c1ca70⋯.jpg (11.25 KB,255x169,255:169,dd2bc19f3ccaee7f20125b3904….jpg)

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12312b No.20937319

File: f1a0e5890bfa856⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,500x500,1:1,8rpemz.jpg)

Is it time to say Good Morning Frens?

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6e4fb7 No.20937320

51 persons arrested in crackdown on labour exploitation

334 potential victims and 160 perpetrators identified during EMPACT Joint Action Days conducted by 31 countries across Europe

From 20 to 27 April 2024, law enforcement, border guards and labour and tax authorities across Europe joined forces to identify and tackle labour exploitation. The EMPACT Joint Action Days (JADs) once again targeted human trafficking for labour exploitation purposes, in particular the exploitation of non-EU nationals and refugees. Led by the Netherlands, and carried out by authorities from 31 countries with support from Europol and the European Labour Authority (ELA), the action days led to the arrest of 51 persons and identification of 334 potential victims of human trafficking.

Overall, the results of the action include:

15 313 officers from law enforcement and labour and tax authorities participated in the action

165 896 entities checked (including 63 649 persons, 9 564 locations, 20 556 vehicles and 76 670 documents)

160 persons suspected of trafficking human beings identified (of which 93 for labour exploitation)

51 persons arrested for various crimes (of which 30 for labour exploitation)

334 potential victims of human trafficking identified (of which 279 potential victims of labour exploitation)

476 new investigations in various crimes launched (of which 80 in labour exploitation)

The aim of the week-long activity was for authorities to target the forms of labour exploitation most relevant or prevalent in their respective countries. Countries performed inspections in a broad range of sectors such as catering, gastronomy, food delivery, food and meat processing, beauty services, domestic health services, logistics and distribution, agriculture, construction and mining.

Following its previous iterations, the action featured a prominent multidisciplinary approach. The work of national and regional police bodies, border guards, tax authorities, labour authorities and labour inspectorates was coordinated and supported by Europol and the European Labour Authority. Several inspections with enforcement authorities from different countries jointly inspecting companies were facilitated. As a result, the operation benefitted from better flow of information and raised awareness of human trafficking indicators. This close collaboration between various authorities and law enforcement significantly contributed to the success of the action week fighting labour exploitation.

Europol supported the Joint Action Days around the clock, with analysts processing data shared by participating authorities. Apart from coordinating operational activities and facilitating information exchange, Europol provided analytical and operational support 24/7. It facilitated real-time exchange of communication between participating authorities and deployed experts to help investigators on the ground.

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/51-persons-arrested-in-crackdown-labour-exploitation

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5df26b No.20937321

File: d955fbeb369410d⋯.jpg (107 KB,720x828,20:23,20240530_031624.jpg)

File: b75ff99a4952441⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,_amuse_20240530_2_new.mp4)

TERROR: Palestinian terrorists in Belgium are confronted by police with water cannons.


Make water cannons great again, they all stink and need a shower anyway

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5df26b No.20937322

File: db9dda7c3264fac⋯.jpg (115.52 KB,1289x1147,1289:1147,20240528_171608.jpg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937324

File: ea59e34e05d0f8f⋯.jpg (209.49 KB,540x250,54:25,ea59e34e05d0f8fb07823e6f0e….jpg)

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12312b No.20937329

File: 0a7c76f2a4cfbda⋯.jpg (66.67 KB,528x500,132:125,381b8216130fab6c83a0f5ae1e….jpg)


You just cannot stand the Anons having a good morning, can you shill?

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ea3591 No.20937330

File: 719650f71d239cd⋯.mp4 (714.99 KB,848x848,1:1,video.mp4)

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1f7fd5 No.20937332

File: 3addf503bcc53b9⋯.png (770.99 KB,1398x626,699:313,ClipboardImage.png)


This is not a drill.

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abb706 No.20937333

GM Frogs!

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12312b No.20937337

File: 08e8d5b52b798e7⋯.png (656.47 KB,716x998,358:499,08e8d5b52b798e732242a7f2b2….png)


Anon triggered the GM spammer cuz feds always have a BM and don't want Anons having a GM.

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12312b No.20937339

They are extra salty this morning. Goes well with spam. Lots of salt.

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6e4fb7 No.20937342

File: b78f296b42e3fc4⋯.png (320.77 KB,543x290,543:290,ClipboardImage.png)

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589c3b No.20937343



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d06d5a No.20937348


DANG~! Another


Sign Language spells out what we all think of blinken

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12312b No.20937350

Thank you spam nigger. Anon WILL habbs a guud morn'n.

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05ac37 No.20937353


A GM usually follows after a BIG GREASY BM.

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f65543 No.20937354

Chuck a tantie for all to see lol

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d06d5a No.20937355


"when someone has no legitimate argument"


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589c3b No.20937356




Where is the original sauce for this.

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ad0591 No.20937357

Jury deliberations resume at 9:30 am. How do you think this movie is going to go?

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12312b No.20937358

File: e9f9d92548b04d0⋯.png (458.67 KB,776x676,194:169,e9f9d92548b04d093c65ad44e6….png)


Ironically I'm dropping one RN. Been a marathon trying to get all the last bits out though.

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ab0506 No.20937359


thank (U)

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8c41fe No.20937364


if anon 'members correctly, the same artifact was visible on schumann before turkey eq

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5df26b No.20937366

File: bdf7b829e67c761⋯.jpg (125.65 KB,720x1097,720:1097,20240530_032935.jpg)

File: c0fbb8b4e3d7808⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,720x1280,9:16,_amuse_20240530_3_new.mp4)


These idiot wannabe terrorists broadcasting their little Jihad takeover plan on TikTok

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232323 No.20937367




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6e4fb7 No.20937371

File: 3f7a2127c1cb708⋯.png (426.58 KB,588x520,147:130,ClipboardImage.png)


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48bcc3 No.20937373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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589c3b No.20937376


Not the tweet, the actual sauce?

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1f7fd5 No.20937377


>thank (U)

thank the memes, to meme or not to meme.

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12312b No.20937378

File: 65a9011143545df⋯.jpg (193.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tcwfsyzyyl2d1_jpeg.jpg)

What a pathetic spam nigger shill

They are desperate to prevent Anons guud morn'n

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d06d5a No.20937379


I wish we would use them here.

I am all for civil disobedience. BUT

When it gets out of control, times for a good washing.

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d06d5a No.20937380


it was already posted

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589c3b No.20937381

GM is still a clown show, Christopher.

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2e07d9 No.20937382


Democrat California Senator Susan Eggman erupts 'I am done with us' at rebels in her own party claiming they are protecting pedophiles because they don't want 'more black and brown men going to prison'

By Nic White For Dailymail.Com Published: 03:03 EDT, 30 May 2024 | Updated: 05:19 EDT, 30 May 2024

A Democratic lawmaker has delivered an impassioned plea to push through a bill to send pedophiles who buy sex with children to prison.

California State Senator Susan Eggman declared 'we have a moral responsibility to say, enough, enough' as she rallied the chamber to unanimous approval.

Antiquated state laws mean people who solicit underage prostitutes can only be charged with misdemeanors and only get two days in jail.

The bill SB 1414 would make it a felony punishable by two to four years in prison, a $25,000, and registration as a sex offender.

However, a group of rogue Democrats led by State Senator Scott Wiener watered down the bill in the Senate Public Safety Committee.

Eggman lashed out at the rebel lawmakers in her own party in her fiery speech on May 23 after they went against a bipartisan majority and Governor Gavin Newsom, who want the bill kept as tough as intended.

'I'd like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I'm done,' she said.

'I'm done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I'm done.'

Wiener's rebels were concerned that the law would send too many more people to prison after warnings from legal groups about unintended consequences.

But Eggman disagreed, after many other attempts to update California's laws were stymied over the past decade.

'I don't want to send more Black and Brown men to prison. I don't want more people in prison,' she said.

'But I don't want people buying girls. I don't want people buying little girls anymore. And I'm tired of saying it's okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.'



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6e4fb7 No.20937384

File: d687ab38480b074⋯.png (44.84 KB,664x295,664:295,ClipboardImage.png)

Australian Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty to progress

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler addressed the 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA”) and called for an urgent road map to finalise WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.

These efforts follow the failure of the International Negotiating Body to reach an agreement on the proposed text.

To show his determination and commitment to the cause, Butler called for the “binding” Treaty to be resurrected and progressed as fast as possible not in just one speech at the WHA, but in two.


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400f66 No.20937385

File: 50ea21b25a62a22⋯.png (65.99 KB,532x505,532:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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232323 No.20937387

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2e07d9 No.20937392

>>20937382 (me)

Same article but further down:

Eggman will leave the state senate at the next election due to term limits, and urged her colleagues to continue the work after she was gone.

'I'm leaving. But the rest of you who are going to be here for a while, let's get our stuff together and really start focusing on some of the important things,' she said.

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ab0506 No.20937395


good morning to (U) !

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eb5dac No.20937396


Danka bakersan

Tried logging on, denied access on other mids… strange

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589c3b No.20937400


This link doesn't open.

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6e4fb7 No.20937401

File: a6d1309b145d4ec⋯.png (91.12 KB,678x370,339:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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589c3b No.20937402



>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313 DanS 7:40 pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER… Q740, Q1940

>>20937312 Mike Lindell on Timcast IRL last night

>>20937384 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty to progress

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e1ca1a No.20937403


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d06d5a No.20937404


poke at the bear one too many times…

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778167 No.20937405

File: 068a983416872d5⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,270x480,9:16,I_would_have_untold_hours_….mp4)

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1f7fd5 No.20937406

File: 7f21bdb64643737⋯.jpg (95.53 KB,907x499,907:499,1isxqu_2901773587.jpg)


>GM is still a clown show, Christopher.


>Chuck a tantie for all to see lol


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12312b No.20937407



30 posts in a GY bake?

Glow moar

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2e07d9 No.20937408

File: f9e2aba6cb73f10⋯.png (575.68 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)


Opened back up for me

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eb5dac No.20937409


Low iq's amuse me. This fuckin idiot can't see that the majority of the world knows that it's all FAKE.

Total loser.

Stupid Aussies embarrassing themselves, again.

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12312b No.20937410

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,c103decb3f1b6806b234e073ee….png)



GM frens

Sad little display of the clowns in their final death blossom, makes the GM even better.

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1f7fd5 No.20937411

File: f21e9ea0e4a477d⋯.png (303.25 KB,480x473,480:473,f21e9ea0e4a477d3ed0054b4be….png)


>poke at the bear one too many times…

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589c3b No.20937412

File: aaa1e46fd94af5f⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x900,4:3,Liberty_Or_Death.png)

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5df26b No.20937413

File: f40350f7f39a3b1⋯.jpg (102.52 KB,720x795,48:53,20240530_035747.jpg)


Bush appointee hit and killed in car accident outside Nevada federal courthouse: police

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1f7fd5 No.20937414

File: c4c5cab836a7c14⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,1088x780,272:195,c4c5cab836a7c148b3a8c2eb7….jpeg)

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12312b No.20937415

File: 24b20b547061138⋯.jpg (65.52 KB,729x500,729:500,8rpfr7.jpg)

This place would be a ghost town in the morning without the GM Anons. In the small chance Q ever posts again they will probably thank the GM Anons specifically along with the BVs and bakers for keeping this place alive.

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fbc0ff No.20937416


>Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

making a list?

good idea

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917d46 No.20937417

File: 2e4890333775d6b⋯.jpg (213.36 KB,1080x772,270:193,Screenshot_20240530_220023….jpg)

File: ef6f585b7d75e69⋯.jpg (323.73 KB,1069x1684,1069:1684,Screenshot_20240530_220009….jpg)


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1f7fd5 No.20937418

File: af054afc845efab⋯.jpg (82.31 KB,729x500,729:500,wgwg.jpg)


A simple good morning can turn this place up side down in no time.

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e0c2c7 No.20937419


This site is ADL compromised. Q will never post again on anti-free speech /qresearch/, thanks to you gatekeeper douche bags.

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6e4fb7 No.20937420


loose end

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c6302a No.20937421

File: daed44e3f6ed174⋯.jpeg (54.15 KB,615x361,615:361,IMG_0423.jpeg)

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5df26b No.20937422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uhhh ok

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c6302a No.20937423

File: 75173647f29fb7c⋯.png (112.16 KB,320x306,160:153,IMG_0421.png)

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12312b No.20937424

File: c2b5143aeb08b4b⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_8.jpg)



According to Mr pig (ADL agent), according to his ADL links he shared, saying GM is supposed to mean Great Messiah for Hitler which Aka means Heil Hitler. How fucking pathetic is that? Never have any of the GM insinuated anything remotely close to that and 100% of the time mean "Good Morning". They are panicking trying to shut down your good mornings.

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ba4ff6 No.20937425

So does this trial come down to whether the Trump whore payment was a campaign violation or not?

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589c3b No.20937426


Judge Hicks was hit and killed by a car outside the federal courthouse in downtown Reno, Nevada at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon.

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f78761 No.20937427

File: 801ddf0cc758832⋯.png (1.36 MB,2122x1994,1061:997,IMG_9852.png)

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12312b No.20937428


Fuck off Tranninazi

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f78761 No.20937429

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,IMG_0282.gif)

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1f7fd5 No.20937430

File: 739e37b4b604d9b⋯.jpg (86.68 KB,625x625,1:1,boring_be_like.jpg)



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1f7fd5 No.20937431

File: cd469c6048c770f⋯.png (211.46 KB,474x461,474:461,ClipboardImage.png)


>loose end

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1f7fd5 No.20937433


I woke up before the GM.

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37c67c No.20937434

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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33ac4a No.20937435


My feelz indicate a disturbance in this sector. The Jury has one or two people of conscience and introspection. The few, standing against the many, trying to warn them that they hold the keys to upholding the corruption and treason… vs. to stand bold and strong and honestly brave against the rotten Judge.

So i pray

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eb5dac No.20937436



Trump is talking about smart dust from whuhan


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1ce278 No.20937437

File: ad9a8fc81374d1e⋯.png (35.78 KB,637x252,91:36,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd0482f30a5b693⋯.png (695.53 KB,768x844,192:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff19d08151364eb⋯.png (246.69 KB,756x850,378:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5337d84db9d5d21⋯.png (155.09 KB,816x788,204:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8c75f7386509d7⋯.png (102.95 KB,775x560,155:112,ClipboardImage.png)


Former Centerville Mayor charged in triple homicide

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12312b No.20937438

File: 2ccf8721d4c37a2⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x500,1:1,8rqb6w.jpg)



Tippy Top of a GM to (You)

Same to Ralph when he shows up

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ce21ef No.20937439

I have a confession to make…

Ive spent the past 6 years coming to this board every day. But the past 2 years, Ive exclusively shilled, casted doubt, and red text’d for you’s and I’m sorry. I guess I’m just frustrated. Frustrated how they put Joe Biden in the white house. Frustrated by Q abandoning us. And honestly, a little frustrated with the quality of dialog here. I don’t know if I’m going to stop shilling, but I just wanted to tell the truth. I think up ridiculous ways to get you’s and piss everyone off. Sorry.

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1f7fd5 No.20937440

File: 88e1623e0eca565⋯.jpg (56.36 KB,474x661,474:661,each_card_shuffle.jpg)


>So does this trial come down to whether the Trump whore payment was a campaign violation or not?

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7b0c03 No.20937441

File: 57944dbcc9f45f0⋯.jpg (134.54 KB,946x1116,473:558,Untitledsffsfstccccc.jpg)

File: 3c69d7952eebdfc⋯.jpg (88.8 KB,670x874,335:437,sdthshttst.jpg)

Holy meaning behind saying Good Morning and GN frens

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1f7fd5 No.20937442

File: 73a1f34dab19041⋯.jpg (189.13 KB,1440x1193,1440:1193,but_nooooooooo.jpg)


>I have a confession to make…

Your bank teller also has a confession to make…

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232323 No.20937443


You can do a flip!


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589c3b No.20937444



He didn't use the word "smart". He just called it Dust.

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736dcd No.20937445

File: 677deb9a5198ac7⋯.jpg (89.68 KB,402x561,134:187,677deb9a5198ac74a9ae6a5ad3….jpg)

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43547e No.20937446

File: 9ea18d1136d4e45⋯.png (1.63 MB,964x822,482:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa5080c494d4fc6⋯.png (2.86 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce21ef No.20937448


I said i’m sorry you fucking ding dong.

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589c3b No.20937449


The post was a lie.

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12312b No.20937451

File: 012c8176b0c5dd6⋯.jpg (55.8 KB,852x842,426:421,91c6a1e24653ea9da0c0137d54….jpg)


It's time for positive vibes

It's time for GM

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33ac4a No.20937452


These FJB years have been terrible and watching The System continue to drag trump through bullshit and lies and the schools and the banks and the foods and the businesses and the crap in Ukraine and Israel….

Your shilling doesn’t bother this anon.

I’m glad this place is still up online.

I’m relieved that We are not in hot ‘Civil’ War in the streets.

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1f7fd5 No.20937453

File: 7f7e9d9f8ca3606⋯.jpg (92.9 KB,807x500,807:500,1hs7qt_2406328274.jpg)


>Holy meaning behind saying Good Morning and GN frens

Holy shit someone farted.

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80d687 No.20937454

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)


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ce21ef No.20937455


thanks bud you a real one

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b5b3d5 No.20937456


>let's use some obscure gematria cipher

>don't use the regular Gematria cipher, which matches with the word Ba-El (the demon)

What a coincidence

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3bb5ab No.20937457


A Fanone by the pool?

Hanging with Hunter perhaps?

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ad655c No.20937458


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b5b3d5 No.20937459

File: 6f26eccc7b32666⋯.jpg (111.06 KB,1012x866,506:433,gematria_gm.jpg)


>regular Gematria cipher

which even Q pushed (A=1, B=2, Z=26)

weird, ey


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1f7fd5 No.20937460

File: cf1ea9b17033703⋯.jpg (59.82 KB,728x574,52:41,xe0moinl4jb71.jpg)

Great Mourning

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3bb5ab No.20937461


Two more words

Looking to see if there's enough for two more words

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589c3b No.20937462


It's gay.

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589c3b No.20937463

Learn the difference between worthless mysteries and relevant intel.

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62c781 No.20937464

Golf Mike

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1f7fd5 No.20937465

File: bec92375d03bf90⋯.jpg (50.63 KB,728x582,364:291,wikidonor.jpg)


>Learn the difference between worthless mysteries and relevant intel.

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589c3b No.20937466


Pic illustrates what the GM Bronies aspire to be.

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ba9031 No.20937467

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

Mornin frenz

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3bb5ab No.20937468

File: efe32b9cde639ca⋯.png (186.69 KB,680x390,68:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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80d687 No.20937469

File: d57b6444893a0cd⋯.jpg (26.9 KB,556x393,556:393,714446_ralph_wolf.jpg)

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e34156 No.20937470

File: 0533c584393e8d2⋯.jpeg (81.88 KB,648x864,3:4,IMG_0425.jpeg)

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35c11a No.20937471

File: f9d2d484a65696d⋯.jpg (93.47 KB,486x593,486:593,GM_Tranimette.jpg)

Ooooh, I see it's a Tranny Bake GM.

You don't see that every day.

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9c6329 No.20937472

File: 2c203eca35c6aca⋯.jpg (116.67 KB,915x708,305:236,NOTAM.jpg)



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044c4a No.20937473

File: 87f032fc5ff2cfa⋯.jpeg (159.93 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_0427.jpeg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937474

File: f10fc109300c41d⋯.jpg (512.67 KB,1000x1200,5:6,86978530.jpg)



>Pic illustrates what the GM Bronies aspire to be.

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736dcd No.20937475


No table

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044c4a No.20937476

File: 5f894ec78d20049⋯.jpeg (127.46 KB,969x1024,969:1024,IMG_0303.jpeg)

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80d687 No.20937477

File: f092841ab023d88⋯.jpg (107.43 KB,1125x830,225:166,GM_Thurday.jpg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937478

File: 4d58ede4ea7c936⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,500x719,500:719,5wn2q1_550662890.jpg)


>You don't see that every day.

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4b860f No.20937479

File: d980e609510d264⋯.mp4 (491.32 KB,622x350,311:175,Killing_Dust_.mp4)

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12312b No.20937480

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35c11a No.20937482

File: c1b1921ea74098b⋯.jpg (130.6 KB,730x634,365:317,Screenshot_2024_05_30_0553….jpg)


GM, prolific poster.

I know what you're saying (er meming), that's why it's important to choose your bands wisely.

Getting to be frens with the record store guy and just having him put the record on while you browse used to help with that problem.

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9a6552 No.20937484

###### ## ##

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## #### ####

## #### ## ### ##

## ## ## ##

## ## ## ##

###### ## ##

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ff1d1d No.20937485

Good evening GE for frens in the world where it's evening.

Haters gonna hate GE

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35c11a No.20937486



Last I seen't the G44 Crew was across the street in the Blackd threads.

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589c3b No.20937487

GM stands for Gay Male. Check any personal ad.

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ff1d1d No.20937488

File: 66cac35a2e48006⋯.png (151.89 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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175f84 No.20937489


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1f7fd5 No.20937490

File: 3cf457f78f40eb2⋯.png (766.49 KB,1200x630,40:21,banker_jokes_fb_4096062522.png)


>I know what you're saying (er meming).

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80d687 No.20937491

File: 3fa9f7b85eb4744⋯.png (162.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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48bcc3 No.20937492

File: ca94bc21fb0ad2a⋯.jpg (38.57 KB,1080x974,540:487,ca94bc21fb0ad2ad02e8cd4852….jpg)

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35c11a No.20937494



Of course you will catch flak for defacing a beloved QR symbolic phrase.

Just don't let it ruin your GM.

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589c3b No.20937496


Low IQ Clowns think so.

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589c3b No.20937497


No one has lauded GM except clowns.

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778167 No.20937498


that's also all they eat

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1f7fd5 No.20937499

File: b6b80c5a0795928⋯.png (503.01 KB,908x514,454:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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35c11a No.20937500

File: e7dd53d4266346c⋯.jpg (55.57 KB,472x608,59:76,GM_MissPig.jpg)



Your too dum to be hear, but the GM Crew don't mind enjoy your stay.

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48bcc3 No.20937502

File: a6630e5d722610a⋯.png (250.98 KB,626x713,626:713,a6630e5d722610a55260ed46c2….png)


oh… I thought you said "check my ad"

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778167 No.20937503


you cannot even spell dumb

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80d687 No.20937504

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

There can only be GM!

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35c11a No.20937505


Grammy Cat endorsed GM early on and said don't worry about that speling shit you guys is cool with me.

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1f7fd5 No.20937506

File: 1a856f7cab94417⋯.jpg (73.49 KB,728x786,364:393,olympic_gymnast.jpg)


>you cannot even spell dumb

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3f499f No.20937507


saw morrisey live last year. he n marr so legaled up that he couldnt play any smitties songs. was just all his morrisey stuffs

not bad but aint the smiths

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1f7fd5 No.20937508

File: c5d02e6cbf6763b⋯.jpg (93.43 KB,728x728,1:1,dihf8fmbr4d71.jpg)


>There can only be GM!

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bc85c7 No.20937509

File: c70c686388d98aa⋯.png (353.07 KB,863x594,863:594,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta [an Obama appointee] denied a request from lawyers for Thomas Webster, who was later convicted on multiple counts, to strike a potential juror known as 1156 who had expressed support for President Joe Biden and said that support would put Mr. Webster at a disadvantage.

The potential juror also said he did not see the trial as “a 0-0 game to start” and, when asked by the judge if he could honor the presumption of innocence, said, “I honestly don’t think so.”

“The district court should have struck at least potential juror 1156 for cause,” U.S. Circuit Judge Patricia Millett, writing for a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, said in the May 28 ruling.

“A district court should never allow a juror to sit after he admits he cannot presume the defendant innocent. Full stop,” Judge Millett added later.

Lawyers for Mr. Webster said in a brief to the circuit court that while the potential juror did not end up being part of the jury, the man should have been struck by Judge Mehta. They also highlighted how the judge did not strike another prospective juror, who said that she was “more aligned” with government attorneys than Mr. Webster’s lawyers. They also raised concerns about how the judge then instructed counsel not to question subsequent jurors as to whether their views gave the defendant a disadvantage.

“The court’s further instruction to counsel put a chilling effect on the afternoon session of voir dire,” the lawyers said. “Counsel was limited from using words that jurors may understand better than the legal jargon of presumption of innocence to get at real concerns of bias.”

The appeal said Judge Mehta also should have granted a motion to change venue given results from a survey of Washington residents, that the judge committed an error when providing instructions to the jury, and that his approval of a sentencing enhancement for wearing body armor should be overturned.

After explaining how Judge Mehta wrongly did not strike potential juror 1156, the circuit court panel denied the entire appeal.

“That single error in a lengthy voir dire process does not indict the process itself given the absence of any prejudice tied to the jurors who actually decided Webster’s case,” Judge Millett wrote.

The panel said that Mr. Webster did not provide enough news articles to show the jury pool was prejudiced against him. even after noting that one quoted a person on social media as calling him an “eye gouger.”

“Without more, such routine and objective press coverage of a criminal prosecution does not trench upon the defendant’s right to a fair trial,” Judge Millett said.

A survey of 400 Washington voters found that some respondents were prepared to find people involved in the Jan. 6 breach guilty, without hearing evidence. But nearly half of respondents said they did not know how they would vote if named to a jury, that their vote depended on other factors, or refused to speculate how they would vote in such an instance, the circuit court noted in ruling against the change of venue arguments.

As for the instructions to the jury, Mr. Webster said the judge erred in telling jurors that one can violate federal law prohibiting assaulting, resisting, opposing, impeding, intimidating, or interfering with federal officers only if the person made physical contact with the victim.

The judge may have made a mistake, but “any such mistake would have helped, rather than hurt, Webster by making it harder for the jury to convict him,” the panel said. “Webster, after all, does not dispute that the jury was properly instructed on and found each of the necessary elements for his offense. So removing any surplus elements from the jury instructions would only have made it easier for the jury to convict. The jury still found Webster committed every true element of the crime.”

The sentencing enhancement for wearing body armor was correct, Judge Willett said, because Mr. Webster was wearing body armor when he pushed a Metropolitan Police Department officer on Capitol grounds.

“Webster used body armor while committing his assault. He put it on that morning, in part, for protection. He wore it throughout the day, including as he attacked [the officer]. Given those facts, the district court correctly applied the enhancement,” she said, citing guidelines that say harsher sentences can be imposed if a person is convicted of a crime of violence and “used the body armor with respect to that offense.”

The court also said Mr. Webster’s sentence, 10 years, was appropriate given his actions.

Judges Mehta and Millett were appointed by former President Barack Obama. Judge Millett was joined by Circuit Judges Gregory Katsas and Neomi Rao, both appointed by former President Donald Trump.


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3f499f No.20937510

File: 9b158cfaf2246a2⋯.gif (512.8 KB,220x176,5:4,0daaea0d1bcacab7c4971143.gif)

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9a34d5 No.20937511


Nirvana fucking sucked, but Violet sucks moar

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3f499f No.20937512

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175f84 No.20937513


it's a good thing i don't really give a shit what anyone thinks or says and has no impact on what kind of day i choose to have one way or another

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80d687 No.20937514





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35c11a No.20937515


Sweet! and GM.

I haven't seen't him live since the 90's.

I think you have to be in Vegas or over in Bongistan to catch him in his old age now.

He prolly won't ever be coming back to my flyover city.

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1f7fd5 No.20937516

File: 5e39793d9b82f47⋯.jpg (99.59 KB,750x828,125:138,05e3c97dbc588a178bb877d677….jpg)


>Nirvana fucking sucked, but Violet sucks moar

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c0d93b No.20937518


just making sure I understand this correctly

if one is found not guilty on each of three counts by the jury, then the judge can add up all of the guilty votes from the three separate charges to claim guilt overall???


Ever play a game with someone who changed the rules as the game was played?

not guilty for spitting on the sidewalk: jury 8 to 4

not guilty for jaywalking: jury 9 to 3

not guilty for loud stereo: jury 10 to 2

judge: 4+3+2=9 "guilty of guilt"

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1f7fd5 No.20937520


Someone switched the filenames, but you have to know your meme.

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35c11a No.20937521


Fuck yeah o7

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ff1d1d No.20937522

File: 2b34ecf34d4e4ce⋯.png (320.8 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

It's not organicno matter how many sockpuppet accounts they use to manufacture consensus

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28307c No.20937523

File: 2b0b35bda0b70bd⋯.png (456.31 KB,681x366,227:122,2b0b35bda0b70bdeaecddc8365….png)

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3f499f No.20937524

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB,213x163,213:163,gk3.png)

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3ab349 No.20937525

Verdict Watch

Day 2

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80d687 No.20937526

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,Victory.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937527

File: f1d012a2f30e9ec⋯.jpg (91.84 KB,828x1157,828:1157,4kzpqxz3xb151_2045314485.jpg)


>Ever play a game with someone who changed the rules as the game was played?

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3ab349 No.20937528


Grand muffin

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ec1dd8 No.20937529


go to work! gibs me shekels you stupid goyim cattle

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9c50a9 No.20937531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REFORM UK Make major immigration policy announcement

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35c11a No.20937532

File: 56171ae4bd047e5⋯.jpg (84.97 KB,1006x536,503:268,GM_FromGod.jpg)


Oh my.

There are some strange bedfellows in the GM Haterz Club here.

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e30702 No.20937533


hunter biden was honey trapped by the actress who played mulan while she was under age.

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37c67c No.20937534


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

Need an extra blast of energy this morning.

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3f499f No.20937535

File: ed8dba1c45b5fbc⋯.jpg (36.2 KB,255x255,1:1,ed8dba1c45b5fbcb0d738349c2….jpg)


morn'n notey

you gonna keep jott'n em down along the way?

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bc85c7 No.20937537

File: 941995257b02a12⋯.png (301.4 KB,679x522,679:522,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: 17c71df83e252c1⋯.png (442.85 KB,618x665,618:665,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: 5a56137dcb33c58⋯.png (604.89 KB,974x563,974:563,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: e8cb83d350bdfa1⋯.png (403.87 KB,634x634,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

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589c3b No.20937538



>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

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80d687 No.20937539

File: 6243858a27c2e72⋯.png (947.5 KB,1280x705,256:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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351f17 No.20937542

File: 73b89cb44bd632b⋯.jpeg (165.71 KB,1071x470,1071:470,IMG_0328.jpeg)

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bc85c7 No.20937543

File: d8bcc69f65f3e28⋯.png (938.42 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: 463e17071c1ff57⋯.png (158.35 KB,445x267,5:3,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: e144610c8e49648⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: 0b4cd5d7888eaa5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1600x900,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

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736dcd No.20937544

File: 038fd310e60f212⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,562x257,562:257,038fd310e60f2122a030da14e6….jpg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937545

File: 59a65df2b88a775⋯.jpg (47.05 KB,564x846,2:3,6eff746ee46ef1bfe5ef7a114a….jpg)


>hunter biden was honey trapped by the actress who played mulan while she was under age.

over aged carrots can make a nice orange juice.

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bc85c7 No.20937546

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: a998afd5ae49c77⋯.png (20.1 KB,335x55,67:11,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

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80d687 No.20937547

File: 23c4325fcc7dc91⋯.jpg (203.51 KB,822x745,822:745,PSX_20210213_200426.jpg)

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e30702 No.20937549

File: 6175533a1757e0c⋯.png (164.2 KB,472x472,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


she is dumb but very few people know that.

especially those chosen as p.ms put before the public.

think she was naive..

a perfect puppet

anon does not like her cos she is awkward and out of her depth but very few people who have got that high in the u.k have spoken about it.

of course, she is either been allowed to spill the beans or she is doing it on her own accord which is very dangerous.

the u.k will vote in a globalist government in july under kier starmer who is tony blairs puppet who himself is training the young leader for klaus and controls all sides in the u.k and around the world.

liz truss did not kill herself

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369abc No.20937550

Morning Brief: Fed’s Beige Book Points to Modest Growth in U.S. Prices; Latest BOJ Rhetoric Posing Little Resistance to Rising JGB Yields; Spanish CPI Beat Expectations


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ba9031 No.20937551

File: fa79c492bd72029⋯.png (26.2 KB,359x365,359:365,Screenshot_2023_02_01_at_0….png)

File: bc240ea533604bf⋯.png (27.48 KB,359x426,359:426,Screenshot_2023_02_01_at_0….png)

File: 229e01ec76a4903⋯.png (19.01 KB,450x364,225:182,q3818_freedomDay.png)

File: 55f357ee185efe4⋯.png (2.14 MB,1333x1371,1333:1371,qPlusFreedom.png)


>good morning Ralph.

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dad08d No.20937552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower as jury deliberations resume

Associated Press


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589c3b No.20937553


Either way, up to you.

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1f7fd5 No.20937554

File: 8cae08994c53832⋯.jpg (57.52 KB,520x500,26:25,8gakzg.jpg)


virgin robbers

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369abc No.20937556


It's that damn cup size to IQ ratio again. The larger the one the smaller the other. Always gets 'em in the end.

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deef04 No.20937558

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,ef215767f4ec21eb951734c2cd….jpg)

File: 35318825fccc146⋯.jpg (167.66 KB,1236x820,309:205,debra_messing_256521378.jpg)


jewess to the max

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3f499f No.20937559


wurkfag mtgs and a broken shoulder keepn me out of the stream

why i havent been around for morn'n baker duties

keep going if you would

appreciate you -wnb

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736dcd No.20937560

File: 04e6554ac01f075⋯.png (142.07 KB,709x777,709:777,ClipboardImage.png)


hard to hit a moving target, anon

She was put in for the hit n run on the pipeline, did her thing and left.

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1f7fd5 No.20937564

File: c45644e3407a827⋯.png (337.44 KB,474x511,474:511,ClipboardImage.png)


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369abc No.20937565

This is looking awfully familiar.

Pakistan election was 'biggest robbery', says ex-PM Imran Khan

May 30th, 06:32:16

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) -Pakistan's jailed former prime minister Imran Khan said on Thursday February's national election was stolen from his party, describing it as the "biggest robbery of a public mandate".

Khan, speaking in the Supreme Court via video link from Adyala jail in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, said he was being held in solitary confinement.

His remarks were the first to be heard in open court since he was jailed in August.

"My party is being victimised. There have been gross human rights violations," Khan said. "The February 8 election was the biggest robbery of a public mandate."


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589c3b No.20937566

File: bb8e1976b245b15⋯.png (260.41 KB,260x509,260:509,R5_4_Lion.png)

File: b860ad3b2b0ecb1⋯.png (52.34 KB,444x652,111:163,6.png)

File: 3d6f2d09766d322⋯.png (74.61 KB,939x435,313:145,4_5.png)


6, 5, 4… Lion

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cf3f4a No.20937567

File: a3ac1d1cf75771e⋯.png (832.57 KB,806x548,403:274,GM.png)

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28307c No.20937568

File: b3ca9f12d10ebd0⋯.jpg (254.59 KB,1640x1093,1640:1093,defence_walls_holding.jpg)

File: c66275706010bc0⋯.jpg (101.08 KB,713x475,713:475,Valur_wins.jpg)

File: d13d51c04d15b53⋯.jpg (135.64 KB,1640x1093,1640:1093,silence_of_the_lambs_in_Gr….jpg)


Icelandanon reports.

The volcano eruption is somewhat slowing down but still going. This is the eight eruption over there in three years, and it is attacking the town of Grindavík again. Defence walls are holding, see pic, but it has managed to cut off the last remaining road into town. Grindavík is now completely cut off.


However, the people of Grindavík didn´t care much because they were in Reykjavík, where the Grindavík basketball team was playing the last game in the finals for championship agains Valur. They lost the game 80-73.


Meanwhile in Grindavík growing worries have risen over some sheeps and lambs trapped inside the town. Rescue operations are being formed.


The greatest worry are "lava pools" that collect lots of lava and the a damn could break with a great flood of lava, destroying Grindavík, killing all sheep and lambs.


The locals are planning to make a new road into Grindavík, over hot lava. There are speculations how soon that could happen. Technically, the lava wouldn´t have to cool down that much. They´re talking days, not weeks.


With changing wind direction, the gas from the eruption will head towards Reykjavík this evening. The public is recommended to close windows and not let babies sleep outside.


Such is life in the land of fire and ice.

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0f6d82 No.20937569

File: 71c144e508b0a48⋯.png (63.35 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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589c3b No.20937570


o7. Been wonderin'. TY.

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9c50a9 No.20937571

How to start WW3 101:

U.S. considers allowing Ukraine to strike targets inside Russian territory with American weapons in major shift in the war


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cf3f4a No.20937572

File: 3bb3fef47cc71a0⋯.png (479.53 KB,510x510,1:1,gm.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937573

File: 4782743d37bd8dc⋯.png (249.82 KB,471x614,471:614,ClipboardImage.png)



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ed3b41 No.20937574

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e77483 No.20937575



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ba9031 No.20937576

File: 9c6c01bfbc3ed97⋯.png (146.26 KB,801x1121,801:1121,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)


>the whole world is watching


I agree 100%


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump09/21/202017:14:39

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1308152685707710466

Senator Ted Cruz / @SenTedCruz 09/21/2020 11:32:46

ID:Twitter Media Studio

Twitter: 1308066647094239238

% buffered





Image Name: pJTwIwGaO695t6-s.mp4

Filename: ages/pJTwIwGaO695t6-s.mp4

The right thing for the Senate to do regarding the #SCOTUS vacancy is to take up @realDonaldTrump’s nomination and confirm the nominee before Election Day.

I agree 100%.

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e30702 No.20937577

File: 7eb2a20fb0980ed⋯.png (514.52 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15a82799a7c30fe⋯.png (2.29 MB,1000x4681,1000:4681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bc308e162573ee⋯.png (607.86 KB,615x797,615:797,ClipboardImage.png)



>Khan, speaking in the Supreme Court via video link

Still missing and reported, show the video of imarn khan

surprised to hear them mention his name.

found out recently that Gary Lineker is dating Jemima Khan, Ex wife of Imran khan.

wondering if this another distraction.

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d9a47c No.20937578

The jury will be done by 5 today.

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83d536 No.20937579

tyvm Icelandanon o7


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ba9031 No.20937580

File: ba6b763e136210a⋯.png (151.86 KB,394x327,394:327,ralph3d.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

>Need an extra blast of energy this morning.

Short week feelin like a long week

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e77483 No.20937581



But better than being in Langley with the PhD jabronis

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9d58f3 No.20937582

Hey dumfucks

Trump is going to jail

Biden is your president



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1f7fd5 No.20937583

File: af5bc0b1dd63706⋯.png (186.72 KB,416x283,416:283,ClipboardImage.png)



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d9a47c No.20937584


And they will all say not guilty.

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589c3b No.20937585


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736dcd No.20937586


>they will all say not guilty.

The judge will then declare him guilty.

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369abc No.20937587


Nahhh, need a late Friday news dump to try and keep the Sunday Shows relevant vs the church goers.

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589c3b No.20937588

Gonna rock your world, BO.

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da0493 No.20937589

Lurker here asking for help. Been busy for the last few days debating on a leftist platform the Great Replacement. Do any anons know if there has been any official document has ever been released stating the removal of whites.

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589c3b No.20937590

Deep, heartfelt promise BO. Stop deleting US MIL posts.

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1f7fd5 No.20937591

File: f76ae9e4e048e28⋯.jpg (140.97 KB,1080x1229,1080:1229,291884467e8f6660e3f261dbdd….jpg)


Crump Tard

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cf3f4a No.20937592

File: 62bca86e139be7a⋯.png (710.86 KB,768x574,384:287,gm.png)

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736dcd No.20937593


Don't waste your time, tell the person that they are blind and retarded.

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a4b6a8 No.20937594


look into the john birch society documents from the late 1950's through mid sixties

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47007d No.20937595


No they want Friday off.

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9c50a9 No.20937596


What part of the plan do you not fucking understand?

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336b1a No.20937597

So Trump is a “good morning” person. GM!

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589c3b No.20937598



>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

>>20937548, >>20937566 SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke.

>>20937557, >>20937576 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

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a4b6a8 No.20937599


Stay in the public eye for safety. As soon as you are out of the news cycle they attack with impunity.

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57a608 No.20937600


must suck to be youNIGGER

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589c3b No.20937601


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369abc No.20937602

File: 61445bbed4242c2⋯.png (799.14 KB,907x1360,907:1360,ClipboardImage.png)


The Marxists' efforts have long been described, by Bat Y'eor: Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis

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1f7fd5 No.20937603

File: 13e49e35f831602⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,800x800,1:1,pruning_posts.jpg)


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da0493 No.20937604

Thanks for the help. >>20937594

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5c0681 No.20937605

File: b1a76043837fd6d⋯.png (30.27 KB,496x215,496:215,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)


>The jury will be done by 5 today.

I would guess closer to 18:11

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369abc No.20937606


Jurors? Yes. MFM's Media Whores? Nahhhh, they're theREAL"Night Shift".

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9c50a9 No.20937607

File: 46544afb91aaa44⋯.png (347.15 KB,590x492,295:246,Truth_Social.png)



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24b73c No.20937608

File: 48689ef096c3fcf⋯.jpg (260.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_30_07_3….jpg)

File: 0281aadc6afdea9⋯.png (38.1 KB,640x496,40:31,804_3_.png)

File: 77147e69ed3fb04⋯.jpeg (292.44 KB,1024x1005,1024:1005,GOyQviHWAAEp2UV.jpeg)

File: b580a9fb1f33353⋯.png (99.84 KB,640x850,64:85,534_4_.png)


last one. gonna sit back and watch the shills infighting. delete delete delete

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736dcd No.20937609

File: 5c455dd16641a0a⋯.png (26.51 KB,447x332,447:332,ClipboardImage.png)


2 days afterwards

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589c3b No.20937610

File: 986af21b164a478⋯.png (283.95 KB,974x599,974:599,20937557.png)



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b3b78b No.20937611


They stop at 6

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24b73c No.20937612

File: ae599b9d1492a70⋯.jpeg (258.57 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GOziHFrWsAAsRuq.jpeg)

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175f84 No.20937613


doesn't necessarily need to be a document stating that specifically

all you have to do is look at the demographic shift since 1950-2024 particularly in the united states

then if you add all the collective narratives being pushed that white people are not allowed to have in-group preference without facing attacks and smears such as "racist, nazi, literally hitler" etc., it all comes together to form a specific end game = less white people

when you bring in a non-white demographic by the millions like has happened just with the biden admin, who get your tax dollars given to them while they don't have to worry about mundane day to day life like regular citizens then they have more time to breed

if millions are breeding 3, 4, 5, 6 kids per to let's say the average white person will only have 2 or 3 kids then the inevitable outcome is replacement

there's simply no other way to not see that unless being purposely disingenuous or worse, purposely insidious

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f6762e No.20937614


Digits confirm 6:11 tho get it

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589c3b No.20937615

File: 268682a011ae094⋯.png (537.92 KB,982x652,491:326,20937548.png)



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0f6d82 No.20937616

File: 217308acd60845b⋯.mp4 (12.51 MB,854x480,427:240,montana.mp4)



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dad08d No.20937617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 28, 2024

Vice President Harris swears in Courtney O’Donnell as U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with the rank of Ambassador.

The White House


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186a14 No.20937618


I’m voting for Joe, but it’s rigged for Trump to win.

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1f7fd5 No.20937619

File: b6f32209b50e098⋯.jpeg (46.08 KB,750x769,750:769,slowlybutsurely.jpeg)

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72a1c8 No.20937620

File: 7d92419eac59800⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,736x733,736:733,1129dbf1740b3bc2a94afaa397….jpg)


Is President Trump in the room with us right now, anon?

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ca2345 No.20937621

Joe was just a 4 year placeholder.

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736dcd No.20937622



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e30702 No.20937623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cos you are shenqua….

Woman Brags about Being on Welfare: Says the Government is her Baby Daddy


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dad08d No.20937624

SK Group chief ordered to pay $1 bln in divorce case; shares in SK Inc soar

May 30, 20245:37 AM EDT

, opens new tab

SEOUL, May 30 (Reuters) - A South Korean court ruled SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won must pay more than $1 billion to his estranged wife as part of their planned divorce, sending shares in the group's holding firm surging on speculation that he will have to purchase more stock to cement his control.

The Seoul High Court found Chey's shares in holding company SK Inc (034730.KS), opens new tab should be counted as part of the couple's joint property, overturning a 2022 ruling by a lower court for a much smaller amount.


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0f6d82 No.20937625

File: 761f0d92b5a96af⋯.jpg (51.4 KB,640x426,320:213,fuckoff.jpg)

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1f7fd5 No.20937626

File: f4f04bb32783d75⋯.jpg (95.83 KB,616x405,616:405,2x4cn.jpg)


>Joe was just a 4 year placeholder.

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12e5df No.20937627

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB,362x294,181:147,235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


I know. I thought better of that right after I typed it. Sarcasm stands.

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9c50a9 No.20937628


GM Anons must be so hard right now, kek

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a01b31 No.20937629


His stomach tattoo is a guy sitting on the back of another with a gun to his skull and says AMERICAN SICARIO (HIRED KILLER)

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e77483 No.20937630



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61ab33 No.20937631


Caps and Red text woahhh those are some serious words ha ha

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589c3b No.20937632


May 30, 2024, 7:42 AM (01:44 vid)


Find the link.

Look around.

What does it signify?


Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


SIS is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

How does POTUS shift narrative?

(New) Age of Enlightenment.

80% covert.

20% public.

What has occurred over [th]e last several months?

C-info leaks?

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


Who does [i]t hurt?

Who control[s] the MSM?

Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

[W]hy is this relevant?

How is information transmitted?

How are people inform[e]d?

Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

Think social media platforms.

Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).




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1ce278 No.20937633

File: 38166b62740ec22⋯.mp4 (303.73 KB,374x270,187:135,ODr_S_RUGknKawt5.mp4)

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35c11a No.20937634

File: 20a16715bbd9528⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,750x428,375:214,GM_Ladies.jpg)


Wut now anti-GM anons???

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57a608 No.20937635


it was always suspected he was a criminal and a gang member seeing that helps solidify that theory even more.

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1f7fd5 No.20937636

File: 378f11d7a84d2bb⋯.jpg (89.6 KB,640x713,640:713,0lhu2v69xxa71.jpg)

File: bf04c422efefa6e⋯.jpg (51.62 KB,728x728,1:1,lqecqj7nv4d71.jpg)


>Is President Trump in the room with us right now, anon?

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35c11a No.20937637

File: e95e8f6b9e09cac⋯.jpg (124.22 KB,812x600,203:150,GM_covfefe.jpg)



Changing my name to Woodrow as we speak.

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d6295c No.20937638

File: c285aa49efc7203⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1126x2466,563:1233,IMG_0893.jpeg)

File: 849d7eab9526feb⋯.jpeg (756.13 KB,1290x1343,1290:1343,IMG_0894.jpeg)

Today might be the day.

33 drops

“The day”


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f481f0 No.20937639

Morning anons…

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1f7fd5 No.20937640

File: a272a10a2e62bc9⋯.jpg (96.47 KB,720x404,180:101,hq720_4_.jpg)


>His stomach tattoo

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589c3b No.20937643


We found the link. We looked around. We saw what it signifies. WRAYS of LIGHT.

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12e5df No.20937644

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,6360b087bed2f2ba87b00342ac….jpg)


I believe it.

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9c50a9 No.20937645


So we have had Elon, Trump, now Imagine Q's first drop since 2022 will be 'GM' and that's it. To be honest I would not be mad, just grateful to see that shiny TC once more…

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b9c6ef No.20937646

File: 41d2c15e563e207⋯.png (2.73 MB,2048x1276,512:319,434821624.png)

File: 0bb03be154f3f51⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,498x212,249:106,EtDfht3XAAIH6B3.jpg)

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589c3b No.20937647



>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

>>20937548, >>20937566, >>20937615 SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke.

>>20937557, >>20937576, >>20937610 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

>>20937608 US Naval Inst. 8:04pm SS-415 DE534, Q804 DELTA [6] CONF. COMMS GOOD. OPERATIONAL Q534

>>20937607, >>20937616, >>20937632 Q+7:42am GOOD MORNING, MONTANA… Q742 Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

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9c50a9 No.20937648

C_A clowns in full panic.

CP back on the boards, GLOBAL REPORT!

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12e5df No.20937649

File: 19996c316403175⋯.png (302.51 KB,1080x1119,360:373,Screenshot_20240530_081455.png)


Trump is building 'most diverse, broad political movement' the US has ever seen: Karoline Leavitt



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d20bb1 No.20937650


Thank you

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589c3b No.20937651


Yes, POTUS called out the GM Clowns for deleting US MIL posts as well.

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35c11a No.20937652

File: c8589f6b42408b8⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,351x197,351:197,GM_Q_Endorsed.jpg)


Q already endorsed GM via his usual method.

Coded messages.

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589c3b No.20937653


>>20937566, >>20937615 (You) SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke.

>>20937576, >>20937610 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

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369abc No.20937654

Well THAT's gonna piss of Durbin.



Little to no ethanol will qualify for US sustainable aviation fuel subsidies under a new pilot program by President Joe Biden's administration, which toughened climate requirements at the last minute, according to a Reuters review of government data



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ad7c3d No.20937655


WTF kind of a Movie is this anyways?

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1f7fd5 No.20937656

File: c78b5c44fa94212⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,400x267,400:267,1482cj_3642294126.jpg)


>Morning anons…

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369abc No.20937657


"piss OFF Durbin" Grrr.

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3f499f No.20937658

cp rm'd

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5c0681 No.20937659

File: 7b99d9af73286e6⋯.png (481.95 KB,957x565,957:565,photographBurisma.png)



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3f499f No.20937660

File: dd53852c7d4e71f⋯.png (364.8 KB,634x524,317:262,ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government


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589c3b No.20937661

File: 544d4b77d78a71a⋯.png (3.23 KB,444x75,148:25,758.png)


It's a revolution.

May 30, 2024, 7:58 AM


SEPT 7, 1776.

*On September 7, 1776, during the Revolutionary War, the American submersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe’s flagship Eagle in New York Harbor. It was the first use of a submarine in warfare.*

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12e5df No.20937662

File: fc6d7e224731e82⋯.gif (3.63 MB,694x392,347:196,download_1_.gif)

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b5b3d5 No.20937663


nice one, liar.

The only drops with that are actually:

1054: GM.jpg - Ghislaine Maxwell

653/655: Hotel GM. What happened @ those hotels?

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62c781 No.20937664

File: d3c81469fa32a9e⋯.png (531.78 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d20bb1 No.20937665


H.Res.1152 - Condemning the atrocity that occurred in Buffalo, New York, on May 14, 2022, in which 10 Americans were killed and 3 were injured, and in which 11 of the 13 victims were Black Americans, condemning the Great Replacement Theory as a White supremacist conspiracy theory, and reaffirming the House of Representatives commitment to combating White supremacy, hatred, and racial injustice.


Voices in his head

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62c781 No.20937666

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1f7fd5 No.20937667

File: ce61794a7f0f6b0⋯.jpg (66.51 KB,501x500,501:500,324849t8.jpg)


>Today might be the day.

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35c11a No.20937668

File: 08dcafc130a2282⋯.jpg (44.62 KB,487x286,487:286,GM_Endorsed.jpg)


You're not even trying, anti-GM fag.

Everyone knows Q would never be that blunt and direct (BDT) about it.

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589c3b No.20937669


Not a single one is Good Morning. There is however GM.jpg (pedophile) & Hotel GM (pedophile). GM Clowns. WRAYS of LIGHT.

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12e5df No.20937670

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB,456x591,152:197,4023c96ce393ca84dfcd88ed0f….png)


>*On September 7, 1776, during the Revolutionary War, the American submersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe’s flagship Eagle in New York Harbor. It was the first use of a submarine in warfare.*

I did not know that fun fact.

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1f7fd5 No.20937671

File: 57be1bf129ea6a8⋯.jpg (137.79 KB,888x499,888:499,6yzxak_1551515739.jpg)

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c487a0 No.20937672

File: f85b9acedc6a74a⋯.mp4 (614.54 KB,640x360,16:9,mancrush.mp4)

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35c11a No.20937673

File: 4d12202f993701a⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,482x331,482:331,GM_NextLevel.jpg)



I thought you were busy trying to find your deleted posts.

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589c3b No.20937674


Nobody cares what you thought.

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f481f0 No.20937675


I arrive exactly when I am suppose to arrive…

sounds like you are leaving…

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c487a0 No.20937676

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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35c11a No.20937677

File: c55f37d725c0067⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,486x323,486:323,QR_ASS.jpg)


That's it, I'm outta here.

Because workfag heh.

Enjoy the rest of your GM until the shift change habbens soon.

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781cb7 No.20937678





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12e5df No.20937679

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


Havana Syndrome Funky Chicken. When does this get exposed? I'm thinking this is just the tip of the iceberg too.

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5c0681 No.20937680

File: 2ba034fab3106be⋯.png (75.63 KB,986x304,493:152,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)


>last one. gonna sit back and watch the shills infighting. delete delete delete

the coincidences


:04 > :34

Red October

Is Russian a common language to learn?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/28/2018 17:34:10 ID: ba13e3

8chan/qresearch: 2771239

There is a reason why we continue to highlight this speech.


Listen carefully.


Part (2) - Rally [RED October]

Mouthpieces do not think or speak for themselves.


Yesterdays morning bread

>>20932436 pb

> Anonymous 05/29/24 (Wed) 07:53:02 7b8dd4


>Ursula von der Leyen helped the Russian company “Krasniy Oktyabr (Red October)” to circumvent the sanctions



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83d536 No.20937681


Of note, Sen. Eggman is a hispanic lesbian, married to Renee Hall (white woman)


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ad7c3d No.20937682

File: bc1ffd622d629eb⋯.png (7.74 KB,670x147,670:147,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f7fd5 No.20937683

File: 301d2f06525d2ff⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB,720x745,144:149,5ff9053966498_439129309.jpeg)



it is a romantic comedy

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62c781 No.20937684

File: d317410a344014c⋯.png (2.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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12312b No.20937685

File: 1d486e455f16b51⋯.jpg (60.09 KB,500x501,500:501,8rpgjj.jpg)

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369abc No.20937686


Cartel Stooge.

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d20bb1 No.20937687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Smith Mundt Act

Real death and carnage

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0ad9f1 No.20937688


Shouldn’t it read “ breached” instead of “broached” ?

E instead of O

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c6139f No.20937689

File: b3338d65d1791c9⋯.jpg (202.37 KB,768x718,384:359,Greta4.jpg)


Saying Joe's doing a bad job is just misinformation.

People saying these things should be convicted of a crime.

How dare they!

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589c3b No.20937690

File: 735bf6b2a775835⋯.png (143.79 KB,474x266,237:133,MAGAGUARD.png)

File: 099447e2842cdf0⋯.png (5.25 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,R5_4.png)




Reverse 54 → 45 Lion

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deef04 No.20937691


Seth Rich's killer

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c487a0 No.20937692

File: 677265499ccf8ad⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,640x544,20:17,holydrag.mp4)

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9c50a9 No.20937693


She looks constipated

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5f08a8 No.20937694



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d20bb1 No.20937695


Ms-13? That would be Soros, Killary, and Obama yet again. It was a botched endorsement

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589c3b No.20937696


A broach is an abrupt, involuntary change in a vessel's course

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ad7c3d No.20937697

File: c274d5fb3261c85⋯.png (809 B,73x39,73:39,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice ID

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1f7fd5 No.20937698

File: df10e2600da4594⋯.jpg (170.85 KB,610x489,610:489,when_i_saw_my_bank_charged….jpg)


>I arrive exactly when I am suppose to arrive…

>sounds like you are leaving…

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c487a0 No.20937699

File: 2ff1e99e6621861⋯.mp4 (10 MB,720x720,1:1,I_m_thrilled_to_give_you_a….mp4)

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57a608 No.20937700

File: 79fd9d484afc52e⋯.png (83.5 KB,417x620,417:620,ClipboardImage.png)

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c487a0 No.20937701

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,shut_it_down.jpg)


>delete delete delete

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21f4be No.20937702



Drag is all about the Holes

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5c0681 No.20937703

File: bd44b05f70ea3b5⋯.png (263.07 KB,1004x590,502:295,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)

File: c923b52f11ef3d8⋯.png (39.67 KB,495x358,495:358,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_0….png)


>Red October


>Shouldn’t it read “ breached” instead of “broached” ?

>E instead of O

good questin. It would seem it's Submarine Jargon

Even More Wacky Submarine Terms You Never Knew You Wanted To Know


Tyler Rogoway

PublishedJune 19, 2015

Comments (259)

Broach:If the hull of the submarine breaks the surface of the water when it’s supposed to be submerged the ship is said to be “broached.” This is a big deal because now you’re visible at a time you’re trying to be sneaky. This happens most frequentlywhile trying to stay at periscope depth. When it does, someone has to announce it. If the diving officer/pilot calls the broach, he’s calling out himself. It’s the submarine equivalent of “my bad.” When the periscope operator notices it first, it becomes a code term meaning, “ship’s control party, get your shit together!” As such it also get’s used as a general term for fucking up.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/24/2020 14:38:57 ID: 4cf122

8kun/qresearch: 10770946

Anonymous 09/24/2020 14:37:40 ID:1d10b5

8kun/qresearch: 10770927


Red Octoberupcoming?


Make your depth 50ft.

Zero bubble.



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369abc No.20937704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gonna need some theme music for dis bred, obviously….

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12e5df No.20937705

File: 73e5a9dbd10340a⋯.png (668.96 KB,1080x990,12:11,Screenshot_20240530_083630.png)

File: 377bddbd2bd9493⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB,854x480,427:240,T1m3r_caa_1_.mp4)



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e30702 No.20937706


souce moran.

at least than a bun can be formed of forces twats.


the navy is now just a gay cruise.

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377007 No.20937707

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


He is literally flaming. My grandma has those ropey cord tassels hanging on her drapes.

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c6139f No.20937708

File: 1dbf992d3a6fb0f⋯.png (967.15 KB,1643x1540,1643:1540,Pepe_Apu_02a.png)


Sounds like brooch, which is an ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch.

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ad7c3d No.20937709


Were Lesbians raped as children and that is why they hate/fear men?

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c487a0 No.20937710


hillary's robe with soros and huma

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962f20 No.20937711

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558787 No.20937712

MT got choppas in CA

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dad08d No.20937713


the master wouldn't approve

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1f7fd5 No.20937714

File: 28734e8f3f565d8⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ef781ad23364d1⋯.png (131.52 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c514d15a095aa2⋯.png (7.56 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Greta Thunderbird adventure is GO.

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369abc No.20937715

File: f50f4ec7d743d44⋯.jpg (137.44 KB,1198x948,599:474,1Q24_1st_GDP_Revision.JPG)


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589c3b No.20937716

File: 10eeba9a9d6a706⋯.png (130.33 KB,282x271,282:271,NIBOR_blank_.png)

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57a608 No.20937717

File: ac1b4eae3f704ab⋯.png (66.34 KB,740x503,740:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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558787 No.20937718


>the master

Like you know any, lpiker

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c487a0 No.20937719

File: dd11be109df73af⋯.png (483.95 KB,874x524,437:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c0681 No.20937720

File: d1a4e11d2ec4b87⋯.png (2.57 MB,1363x2047,1363:2047,d1a4e11d2ec4b8703a7b53dc1f….png)

File: e2039a11dc354e5⋯.png (285.87 KB,588x740,147:185,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)



>So we have had Elon, Trump, now Imagine Q's first drop since 2022 will be 'GM' and that's it

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1f7fd5 No.20937721

File: 246ca8be7a67455⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,590x500,59:50,2x4happyface.jpg)


>the master wouldn't approve

the approved couldn't master

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4ef585 No.20937722


Anon doesn't read Spanish, but I am guessing that he wants to hit that shit.

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dad08d No.20937723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:30 AM EDT

LIVE: Day Two of Jury Deliberations Underway​in President Trump's Trial - 5/30/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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ebd634 No.20937724

" Kate Middleton seen out and about amid cancer treatment, report says "

good news!


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7d9007 No.20937725

File: da7a3c939d83957⋯.jpeg (283.44 KB,1899x2439,211:271,da7a3c939d839570416d86c82….jpeg)


Thanks tattfag! I knew we surely had someone who could read [their] tattoos.

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9c50a9 No.20937726

Trump has left the building

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ad7c3d No.20937727


The Royals wear ridiculous clothing.

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4afec3 No.20937728

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,29a77edd7.png)

GDP of 1.3%…

If normies knew that govt spending was part of GDP calculations… they'd know we were in deep shit.

GDP can be positive solely on govt spending…

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9e1b63 No.20937730

File: 356a86b081e5a07⋯.png (576.36 KB,720x819,80:91,356a86b081e5a07af5258f32ad….png)


Sup Killery?

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c487a0 No.20937731

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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ebd634 No.20937732

If you ignore it, they will leave

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c487a0 No.20937733


>they all stink and need a shower

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cfa6d6 No.20937734


Prolly was..just like when he flies, he comes in the room and posts. Good Times!

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232323 No.20937735


it's Italian

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232323 No.20937736




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589c3b No.20937737

File: 13cef2eded04b05⋯.png (10.06 KB,444x254,222:127,4965_Q.png)


Highly illogical.

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1f7fd5 No.20937738

File: 1979772b9fccf2e⋯.png (2.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anon doesn't read Spanish, but I am guessing that he wants to hit that shit.

Some of these hide plenty of surprise weapons, but that might not be real bullets.

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57a608 No.20937739


oh look the stupid cry baby faggot shift showed up.

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c487a0 No.20937740

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB,823x680,823:680,wellhesdeadso.png)


what the heck

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589c3b No.20937741


<with a Gm of course.

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ebd634 No.20937742

>>20936919 (pb)

This seems a very important notable.

a man presents his experience with great courage, going against the narrative that is pushed by the control culture of the cabal.

it's a brave thing to do.

I didn't expect to read such a eulogy about

Mr. Amir Abdollahian

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ad7c3d No.20937743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c487a0 No.20937744

File: 4ce6ef5407af598⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x1155,160:231,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f7fd5 No.20937747

File: 0542f18c3bbaf05⋯.jpg (62.64 KB,612x408,3:2,4tlarr_2407776839.jpg)


>it's Italian

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c6139f No.20937748

File: 961f73071966504⋯.png (65.46 KB,875x1198,875:1198,pun.png)


Pain Pain Pain


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c487a0 No.20937749



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5c0681 No.20937750

File: f5a13d3cc557ed4⋯.png (782.54 KB,564x787,564:787,gmsayit.png)

File: c273c70ca2b6930⋯.png (194.74 KB,494x514,247:257,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


> 05/30/24 (Thu) 07:42:27


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/30/202407:42:54

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112529858532339021

% buffered





Image Name: 3e3e8bab842f0d9e.mp4

Filename: 3e3e8bab842f0d9e.mp4


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57a608 No.20937751


rather have them than you. you personally I would like to see tossed in a wood chipper.

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369abc No.20937752

File: 1e4a526f1a2e038⋯.jpg (86.34 KB,1064x248,133:31,1Q24_GDP_Govt_Spend_Portio….JPG)


Data's right there. Published every time.


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4ef585 No.20937753


TY, but I still don't know what it says.

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a01b31 No.20937754


They want to brake our corn farmers

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589c3b No.20937755



>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

>>20937548, >>20937566, >>20937615, >>20937690 SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke. R5-4 Lion

>>20937557, >>20937576, >>20937610 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

>>20937608, >>20937680, >>20937703 US Naval Inst. 8:04pm SS-415 DE534, Q804 DELTA [6] CONF. COMMS GOOD. OPERATIONAL Q534

>>20937607, >>20937616, >>20937632 Q+7:42am GOOD MORNING, MONTANA… Q742 Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

>>20937649 Q+ 7:58am "Trump is building 'most diverse, broad political movement' the US has ever seen" Q758 SEPT 7, 1776.

>>20937723 9:30 AM EDT - RSBN LIVE: Day Two of Jury Deliberations Underway​in President Trump's Trial - 5/30/24

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afe1d2 No.20937756


>They want to brake our corn farmers

They are Jews, call these mongrels out!

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e30702 No.20937757

File: 497622bb8bdb6cd⋯.png (58.69 KB,531x589,531:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7877fef0e944048⋯.png (55.28 KB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


it is - pain digits repeated thrice


Nov 01, 2017 1:11:52 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147446992

Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.

Why is this relevant?

Who can be held hostage and controlled?

CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).

Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?

They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.

Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.

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369abc No.20937758

File: 4ad8debfd0763a5⋯.gif (1.56 MB,498x379,498:379,Jordan.gif)

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fdf355 No.20937759

Is David Icke one of the ten Q people?

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ebd634 No.20937760



he said he saw that and it was said that was what it meant but that the information was later removed.

odd thing is that the site still has blank pages with no information that use that two letter acronym.

he's explained it.

you don't mention that.

Good Morning to you but I don't say it with an acronym.

you realize that GM could mean a lot of different things, of course, including 'GM-AI' a control plane for an AI system.

it could also mean G . . . . . . M . . . . . ., but that's just too crude to spell out so enjoy your clever little rolecall.

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589c3b No.20937761

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1f7fd5 No.20937762

File: 6f74099ab936a90⋯.jpg (41.35 KB,728x765,728:765,homework.jpg)


>rather have them than you. you personally I would like to see tossed in a wood chipper.


>rather have them than you. you personally I would like to see tossed in a wood chipper.

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5c0681 No.20937763

File: 2f46975e2aa21fd⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,400x560,5:7,2f46975e2aa21fd7d196c5e24e….jpg)


>> 05/30/24 (Thu) 07:42:27

> 05/30/202407:42:54






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fdf355 No.20937764

The Nashville bomber

Anthony Q Warner

1 17 23

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589c3b No.20937765


No. Never was and never will be.

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c487a0 No.20937766


CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive

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232323 No.20937767


complains about global warming

puts on the wool hair

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369abc No.20937768


Has moar to do with the heavily subsidized ethanol producers, and one of Durbin's largest donors (Grassley's too, just to be fair, but Durbin runs the subsidy dealing desk for foods, SNAP, all of it)

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dad08d No.20937769

File: fce053680d35cfd⋯.png (395.43 KB,1125x2436,375:812,punisherskull.png)

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deef04 No.20937770

File: ad222c9b370fa03⋯.jpg (211.75 KB,1429x2291,1429:2291,Screenshot_20240530_080401….jpg)

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ebd634 No.20937771


going into next year . . .

they must think that President Donald John Trump is going to do well in the election.

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962f20 No.20937772

If Military JAG were to take down just one, corrupt, treasonous, seditious, subversive, unConstitutional judge like this Juan Merchen faggot, the message would be heard loud and unmistakenly clear across this entire nation. You fuck around like this? This is what happens to you.

Take him down, put him on trial under the military version of 18 USC Chapter 115 Treason, Sedtion and Subversive Activites, convict him then hang him by his neck until death. Every judge in this land would not have to give a seconds worth of thought to their plight. Just one Q.

Do it out of the public eye. Announce that Mr. Merchen has a health matter he has to deal with and replace him with another judge. Take Mr. Merchen to Guantanamo Bay and try him. Convict him. Hang him. Covertly make it known to every motherfucker sitting on a bench across the fruited plains, coast to coast, what has happened. Tell them they are next if they don't stop fucking around.

With this one act we could recover the entire justice system, rhe rule of law and our Constitution. In one fell swoop.

Do it Q. Just one.

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589c3b No.20937773


Like how Q warned the Country.

Nashville - Country

Anthony - Gr. "man"

Q - Q

Warner - Messenger

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4ef585 No.20937775

File: addff0b12f599c7⋯.jpg (353.58 KB,1474x2048,737:1024,Greta_flat_mars.jpg)


>complains about global warming


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1f7fd5 No.20937776


>Is David Icke one of the ten Q people?

His name is.D. ICKe?

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a53688 No.20937777

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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c6139f No.20937778

File: 526e93088da427a⋯.png (1.04 MB,654x613,654:613,GodWins_pepe.png)

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c487a0 No.20937779

File: 41c155bf94c5058⋯.png (233.21 KB,437x507,437:507,ClipboardImage.png)

Rand Paul?

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fdf355 No.20937780


>Anthony - Gr. "man"

What do you mean here? Gr?

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962f20 No.20937781


Top of the restricted area is only a 1000 feet? Odd.

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a01b31 No.20937782

File: efcb0a461a1f896⋯.png (271.42 KB,1023x643,1023:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad7c3d No.20937783


Satan is mocking Christians. And this person is a tool of Satan.

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19f862 No.20937784

File: ccf82e03b05b308⋯.jpeg (131.7 KB,1076x1062,538:531,ccf82e03b05b308cd07a19543….jpeg)


checked Swordy

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ebd634 No.20937785


the effect of your writing decreases due to your need to present long strings of adjectives that add nothing to the content but that you probably think are clever.

I'm sure most pepole stop reading your copy as soon as they reach that part.

So that's in the first sentence.

All that work you put in, and most likely no one reads your narrative.

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589c3b No.20937786


Our side knows how The Plan ends.

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e30702 No.20937787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



noice truth quad digits caught and chek'ed

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a01b31 No.20937788

Donald J. Trump


Even the losers at MBDNC admit that this is a bad case, a case that should not have been brought.





May 30, 2024, 9:05 AM

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d20bb1 No.20937789


Where’s Larry when you need him

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0f6d82 No.20937790

File: 6c57f68abcb3746⋯.jpg (86.83 KB,500x581,500:581,GOD_WINS.jpg)


Back at ya, Swordy.

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ebd634 No.20937791


God willing things will work out.

I don't believe that 'your side' is psychic, anon.

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fdf355 No.20937792


>His name is.D. ICKe?

Nice. I hadn't put that together yet. Thanks Anon.

Why the alien lizard people narrative then? Seemingly the lizard people narrative is factual. Too many 'coincidences' for it not to be real.

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62c781 No.20937793

File: 1e56aefb657b8fb⋯.png (112.12 KB,323x293,323:293,swordshit.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937794

File: 3fda744a71e1c4e⋯.jpg (55.71 KB,728x680,91:85,6ga74muncyd71.jpg)


>Warner - Messenger

Post with a message on it.

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12e5df No.20937795

File: 8dcb6b931ba24be⋯.jpg (92.64 KB,1231x1242,1231:1242,8dc.jpg)


>Do it Q. Just one.

I think they want to collect the whole set. Military + Autism. Do you think just one will satisfy?

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589c3b No.20937796

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d20bb1 No.20937797

File: 2bb8aa9ba886ae7⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB,381x410,381:410,IMG_1439.jpeg)



Back at ya swordy

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ed3b41 No.20937798

File: 2f2aff85a3d2a08⋯.png (79.78 KB,165x226,165:226,ClipboardImage.png)




This proves nothing other than the best part of waking up is MAGA in your cup.

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c487a0 No.20937799

File: bfec34d411e8571⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,480x270,16:9,dragsezkeepyurkidsathome.mp4)

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dad08d No.20937800

File: 804a2c930925c05⋯.jpg (40.96 KB,640x572,160:143,sword_doggo.jpg)

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fe46e8 No.20937801

File: 8d756cc76363e8e⋯.png (230.61 KB,467x570,467:570,pepe_armor_of_god.png)



o7 swordy

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962f20 No.20937802

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


Okay. You want brevity. Here.

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fdf355 No.20937805


What does Greek have anything to do with it?>>20937794

>Post with a message on it.

What's the message? Reptilian overlords?

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78ee5d No.20937806

File: 26b02dd37261e59⋯.png (1.21 MB,904x603,904:603,GarrisonCartoon.png)

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1f7fd5 No.20937807

File: 48cea883942a529⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,500x437,500:437,2ax266_1147389635.jpg)


>Why the alien lizard people narrative then?


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12e5df No.20937808

File: 4f9ac629b908c25⋯.png (633.25 KB,1080x997,1080:997,Screenshot_20240530_091022.png)

File: 171b1c7c92245cb⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,854x480,427:240,tZo3r_caa_1_.mp4)


One right before this too:



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c487a0 No.20937809

File: 35bbfb1c675f952⋯.png (181.03 KB,437x218,437:218,ClipboardImage.png)

Zelensky will visit Saudi Arabia the day after tomorrow

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962f20 No.20937810


Enlighten anons then genius.

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efbc3b No.20937811

File: 3ebbb690b05b0a5⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,504x270,28:15,ssstwitter_com_17170632367….mp4)



A Democrat in the California State Senate just STUNNED the entire floor with her fiery speech against her own party


The world is waking up

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40415a No.20937812


Who's really entertained by a bunch of dudes pretending to be women, dancing around like strippers, and lip syncing? Real art is worth protecting, but not that shit.

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5f08a8 No.20937813

File: 5781fa9e61e4c48⋯.png (34.59 KB,450x358,225:179,Omas_Golden_Pretzel.png)

is there a baker on duty? Otherwise will bake this one.

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d20bb1 No.20937814

File: 5caebaeac5025ca⋯.jpeg (5.2 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1465.jpeg)


Zombie otters inbound

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5c0681 No.20937815

File: 67c58c8496b86a3⋯.png (21.93 KB,875x123,875:123,quadsoftruth7777Remeberwho….png)


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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ebd634 No.20937816

" The US-built pier in Gaza broke apart. Here’s how we got here and what might be next "


millions for graft,

not one cent for competent relief of the needy

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57a608 No.20937817


christians are a tool of satan, and before you tell me no, tell me how do you know about Jesus? Is it through the corrupted writings of the church? Or are you going to try and sell that you have a personal relationship and conversation which is just a nice way of saying you can not question my imaginary friends.

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fdf355 No.20937818

File: 012b01f6e654fb3⋯.png (68.03 KB,648x538,324:269,ClipboardImage.png)


Another good one Anon. Thanks.

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fdf355 No.20937819


Anthony Quinn Warner of Antioch, Tenn., the suspected Nashville suicide bomber, was apparently a fervent believer in bizarre conspiracy theories culled from the pages of science fiction and the British conspiracy theorist David Icke. To wit: Warner was a Janissary of the popular conspiratorial belief that shapeshifting reptilians and so-called “lizard people” control the levers of power and are tirelessly working against humanity.

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ebd634 No.20937820


not all 'drag queens' act like whores, anon.

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589c3b No.20937821

File: 86ce23febb313ab⋯.png (617.6 KB,688x543,688:543,824_DJT.png)

File: 175b5f4b02fafe6⋯.png (4.32 KB,444x121,444:121,824_Q.png)

File: 49b5d9af5617cf5⋯.png (17.53 KB,444x378,74:63,438.png)

May 30, 2024, 8:24 AM







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0da339 No.20937822

File: 879985db6fbd272⋯.png (276.57 KB,589x511,589:511,uzwrtfac.png)

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5f08a8 No.20937823

self confirming

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962f20 No.20937824


Satisfy? No. Compel? Yes.

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589c3b No.20937825


I got it.

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ad7c3d No.20937826


Please tell me more about Satan and how you seem to know so much about him.

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5f08a8 No.20937827


#25679 >>20937046

>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937382 Democrat California Senator Susan Eggman erupts 'I am done with us' at rebels…'

>>20937413 Bush appointee hit and killed in car accident outside Nevada federal courthouse: police

>>20937437 Former Centerville Mayor charged in triple homicide

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

>>20937509 Court Finds Error in Jan. 6 case, Obama Judge Rules Against Convict

>>20937550 Fed’s Beige Book Points to Modest Growth in U.S. Prices

>>20937552 Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower as jury deliberations resume (vid)

>>20937565 Pakistan election was 'biggest robbery', says ex-PM Imran Khan


>>20937571 How to start WW3 101:

>>20937566, >>20937615 (You) SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke.

>>20937576, >>20937610 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

>>20937607, >>20937616, >>20937632 Q+7:42am GOOD MORNING, MONTANA… Q742 Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

>>20937608 US Naval Inst. 8:04pm SS-415 DE534, Q804 DELTA [6] CONF. COMMS GOOD. OPERATIONAL Q534

>>20937624 SK Group chief ordered to pay $1 bln in divorce case; shares in SK Inc soar

>>20937723 9:30 AM EDT - RSBN LIVE: Day Two of Jury Deliberations Underway​in President Trump's Trial - 5/30/24

>>20937808 POTUS! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112530145830919427

>>20937811 A Democrat in the California State Senate just STUNNED the entire floor with her fiery speech against her own party


pls check 'em

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e30702 No.20937828

File: 29e625b86a7ed7b⋯.png (479.44 KB,696x376,87:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b06f3e7db35639f⋯.png (275.81 KB,402x500,201:250,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - the eggman speakth

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c6139f No.20937829

File: 77c9500725d1719⋯.gif (933.41 KB,500x351,500:351,sleestacks.gif)

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3f499f No.20937830


u bakin it?


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57a608 No.20937831


Real art is worth protecting, the question is as always is who determines what is art and who is an artist.

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ebd634 No.20937832


gosh, why don't you ask for information about The Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ or God the Father?

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0f6d82 No.20937833


loved dat show.

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efbc3b No.20937834

File: db455e7296b6d08⋯.png (23.58 KB,138x80,69:40,ClipboardImage.png)


Uniform Commercial Code [U.C.C.]

Copyright 1978, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2010, 2011, 2012 by The American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; reproduced, published and distributed with the permission of the Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code for the limited purposes of study, teaching, and academic research.

Our collection aims to show each section of the U.C.C. in the version which is most widely adopted by states. That means we will not always display the most current revision if that revision has not achieved widespread adoption among American legislatures.


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c487a0 No.20937835

File: d4c4e3f7222398d⋯.mp4 (5.93 MB,720x1280,9:16,nikinet.mp4)

500 thousand Ukrainians died for nothing

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5f08a8 No.20937836


yes. rare. all gud?

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dad08d No.20937837


DJT at mic

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c6139f No.20937838

File: 504455f07bd4d38⋯.png (535.82 KB,702x525,234:175,Chakka_bong_rips.png)

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a01b31 No.20937839

Anyone else notice that X's Default is now Dark Mode

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57a608 No.20937840


please tell me more about how massive your brainwashing is. The bible. KEK. Go ahead tell me about your bible, besides satan is an invention of you retards anyway.

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589c3b No.20937841


You should learn to read.

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ad7c3d No.20937842


Because people who criticize Christians are Satan worshipers. They should know what they are worshiping.

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fdf355 No.20937843


The lizard people always seemed like the shittiest villains in comics. I could never get behind the idea of lizard people being strong or powerful. They always seemed like lazy writing to me. Yet here we are.

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589c3b No.20937844

No surprise COMMS OFF…

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5c0681 No.20937845


>This proves nothing other than the best part of waking up is MAGA in your cup.


upon further review

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d20bb1 No.20937846


I was in church listening to a sermon by the preacher and an image of strong fierce fearless God like man popped in my head with lightning strikes in the background. Then we did hymms and they sang of lightning and thunder. I gave my life to Christ that day.

My God is a loving God, perhaps loves you too much. I don’t know what happened to you, fren.

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4ef585 No.20937847

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,Pepe_pots1.png)


Chaka's got some good shit man.

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3f499f No.20937848


u r awesome ty

rare indeed

i'm ok - heal'n

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1f7fd5 No.20937849

File: 1218f3e69be497b⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,235x229,235:229,d08343f07c530c726a702b474c….jpg)


>Another good one Anon. Thanks.

Don't be a dick, unless you in the process of becoming a president.

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57a608 No.20937850


the trinity is made up also. The creator is an interesting concept, however I am not convinced that any current religion has the creator as their god and if they claim that they are using edits to justify it and the triinty itself is a way to help mask the ancient eloheim narrative. Jesus is more complicated because believing in Jesus requires you to toss all the other garbage out but at the same time you need that garbage to help justify the prophecy that was given about the messiah.

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fbe3af No.20937851


Dead Nazis is a good thing. 500K is not enough.

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70b185 No.20937852


Good info. Ty

( Who says you can’t teach an old dog a new trick?)

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ebd634 No.20937854


oh, anon, no.

just because people don't understand Christianity they aren't Satan worshipers.

yes, there are those who are.

but most people who don't know about Christianity have a very hard time with some of the very basic principles. So they tend to rag on it, and belittle it.

And later, when educated, they understand and convert.

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c487a0 No.20937855


>fiery speech

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fdf355 No.20937856


>becoming a president.

I would need to be a millionaire to do that. Cause clearly only they get to be presidents.

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12e5df No.20937857

File: bad8b68c7067195⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,170701_trump_american_flag….jpg)


I'm sorry, Mr. Trump. This is complete bullshit. Your dad, your family, you guys are heroes and we love you.

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57a608 No.20937858


You should also retard.

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d5ed1f No.20937859



>Anthony Quinn Warner of Antioch

Is that his real name?

Anthony Quinn - famous Hollywood actor

Warner - famous Hollywood studio

Antioch - place in Turkey

Janissary - Muslim Ottoman soldier from Turkey.

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c6139f No.20937860

File: c899260ee5d8c02⋯.jpg (113.31 KB,600x465,40:31,heavy.jpg)


He smoked so much, he saw lizard people. KEK!

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1c3efd No.20937862


The only way the jurors can be fair and not compromised, and to not get condemnation from the lefties, if all of them vote for an acquittal. The instructions he gave are not legal at all. He is directing them to break the law.They objectively cannot convict him. Send prayers to the jurors and I hope God is in the jury room every moment of deliberations. The problem is there are two attorneys on the jury and may convince them against their own choice to acquit.

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ad7c3d No.20937863


How do you know about Satan?

Is Satan mentioned in the Bible that you hate so much?

Or have your heard of Satan somewhere other than the Bible?

Please enlighten me.

Does Evil exist?

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57a608 No.20937865


I did convert and then realized what a load of shit it was because when you read the book as I have not memorized like some tard mind you to only use lines to justify the problem. The basic principles are that Christians have no more hold of the truth than any other group. All people have been lied to and it has just been so long people have accepted the lie like they have accepted the science.

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dad08d No.20937867

File: e4ad5aaa50463f6⋯.png (533.53 KB,1280x931,1280:931,pepe_the_moar_you_know.png)

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c6139f No.20937868

File: 0aedfdb8d6105c3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,854x480,427:240,Hillary_Clinton_is_Evil_RE….mp4)


>Does Evil exist?

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c487a0 No.20937869

File: 23a763c7c332339⋯.png (1.26 MB,1117x839,1117:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebd634 No.20937871


Antioch is an ancient city that predates the Turkish invasion of that region by thousands of years.

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589c3b No.20937872


Rev 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

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5f08a8 No.20937873



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57a608 No.20937874


I do not, that is your claim not mine.

I think the name was inserted and translates to something as adversary which is really convenient when christians find people that disagree with them they can call them satan and fell like they did good for the day. What a sad belief system you have. Evil does exist and it seems that the God of the Hebrews is evil Yah weh is evil, but that is gods will and you should fear that level of anger and power. kEK you are out of your depth anon

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5c0681 No.20937875


>Good info. Ty

>( Who says you can’t teach an old dog a new trick?)


article is interdasting

Balls To Four Watch: Midnight to four AM watch. When at shore, watches are 4 hours as opposed to 6 while at sea. Balls to four is the worst watch because you work all day, maybe get to hit the rack at 10pm, racked out at 11pm so you’re ready to start turning over the balls to four watch at 11:30. Turnover is supposed to be an intensive debrief from the off going to the oncoming watch on the previous watch’s activities, but most of the time it’s “look! Air in the banks, shit in the tanks, water all around. I had it, now you got it.” You get off four hours later and hit the rack but have to be back for muster at 6am. It makes for a tough night

Rig for ultra-quiet: Most of the cruise is spent on severe sleep deprivation (I was up for almost 3 days on during a tactical readiness exam) but every once and a while the captain calls for ultra-quiet. All non-personnel not on watch must be in your racks. They even shut off the water heater and reactor cooling pumps (didn’t know you could do that and keep the reactor running!).

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12e5df No.20937876

File: fef8975bc8f1924⋯.png (733.86 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,Screenshot_20240530_092328.png)

File: bde7e68d79aa798⋯.mp4 (3.67 MB,854x480,427:240,Heq3r_caa_1_.mp4)



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c487a0 No.20937877


>there are two attorneys on the jury

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1c3efd No.20937878


I agree

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589c3b No.20937879



Antioch = 'driven against"


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ad7c3d No.20937880


You didn't convert.

There is no backsliding. That is a lie that some churches preach.

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fbe3af No.20937881



Right! Some of them act like child molesters, some act like depraved fetishists and exhibitionists. And some just act like mentally ill perverts who should be chained to dungeon walls. They are the most convincing actors.

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5f08a8 No.20937882

fresh bread



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aca300 No.20937883

Many thank anon>>20937665

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589c3b No.20937884


>Rig for ultra-quiet


Rig for silent running.

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62c781 No.20937885

File: 4ed7fd1717d45a1⋯.png (212.23 KB,420x500,21:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c3efd No.20937886

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4ef585 No.20937888


Digits confirm!!!!!!

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57a608 No.20937889


who are you to say what I did or did not do. You are right though the brainwashing did not work. So the full conversion to absolute fucking retard was not possible.

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4ef585 No.20937890

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ad7c3d No.20937891

File: e4a5af473c8458b⋯.png (180.83 KB,1136x1136,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus says otherwise.

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62c781 No.20937892

File: 183550789270f28⋯.png (95.08 KB,266x266,1:1,scaredpepe.png)

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78ee5d No.20937893

File: 38c840f569fc345⋯.jpg (14.19 KB,275x183,275:183,RothsPig.jpg)

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fbe3af No.20937894


Or Senators or Representatives or 60-IQ DEI niggers.

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57a608 No.20937895


your jesus is a faggot.

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ebd634 No.20937896


because it's such an historically important place it's a good idea to read about it and not relie on those who give a concise gloss to suit their (propaganda) purposes.

"Antioch on the Orontes (/ˈænti.ɒk/; Ancient Greek: Ἀντιόχεια ἡ ἐπὶ Ὀρόντου, romanized: Antiókheia hē epì Oróntou, pronounced [anti.ó.kʰeː.a])[note 1] was a Hellenistic Greek city[1][2] founded by Seleucus I Nicator in 300 BC.[3] It was one of the greatest and most important Greek cities of the Hellenistic period.[2] The city served as the capital of the Greek Seleucid Empire and later as regional capital to both the Roman and Byzantine Empire. During the Crusades, Antioch served as the capital of the Principality of Antioch, one of four Crusader states that were founded in the Levant. The modern city of Antakya, in Hatay Province of Turkey, was named after the ancient city, which lies in ruins on the Orontes River and did not overlap in habitation with the modern city.

Antioch was founded near the end of the fourth century BC by Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander the Great's generals, as one of the tetrapoleis of Seleucis of Syria. Seleucus encouraged Greeks from all over the Mediterranean to settle in the city.[2] The city's location offered geographical, military, and economic benefits to its occupants; Antioch was heavily involved in the spice trade and lay within close reach of the Silk Road and the Royal Road. The city was the capital of the Seleucid Empire from 240 BC until 63 BC, when the Romans took control, making it the capital of the province of Syria and later of Coele Syria. During the late Hellenistic and Roman Principate periods, Antioch's population may have reached a peak of over 500,000 inhabitants (most generally estimate between 200,000 and 250,000),[4] making the city the third largest in the Roman Empire after Rome and Alexandria and one of the most important cities in the eastern Mediterranean. From the early fourth century, Antioch was the seat of the Count of the Orient, head of the Diocese of the East. The Romans provided the city with walls that encompassed almost 450 hectares (1,100 acres), of which one quarter was mountainous, leaving 300 ha (750 acres) – about one-fifth the area of Rome within the Aurelian Walls.

The city was also the main center of Hellenistic Judaism at the end of the Second Temple period. As one of the cities of the pentarchy, Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of early Christianity.[5] The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch.[6] The city declined to relative insignificance during the Middle Ages due to warfare, repeated earthquakes, and a change in trade routes. The city still lends its name to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, one of the most important modern churches of the Levant and the eastern Mediterranean. The city also attracts Muslim pilgrims who visit the Habib-i Najjar Mosque, which they believe to contain the tomb of Habib the Carpenter, mentioned in the Surah Yā-Sīn of the Quran. "

this quotation is from the Wikidpedia article here:


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cc7f94 No.20937897

File: db22a3f924d05a0⋯.jpeg (293.9 KB,1500x1500,1:1,db22a3f924d05a0cc80e0eb8e….jpeg)

POTUS needs our prayers world wide. Please pray for a hedge of protection around him.

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d20bb1 No.20937898



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1f7fd5 No.20937899


>I would need to be a millionaire to do that. Cause clearly only they get to be presidents.

Just be anon, because those people on the stage think way to big of themselves and that is going to entertain all anons.

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ad7c3d No.20937901


Because if you had truly converted, you would still be a Christian. Satan cannot take away what God has claimed.

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589c3b No.20937902

File: b4a1330d9987e7c⋯.png (33.47 KB,444x512,111:128,915.png)

File: 83e6592354e44dc⋯.png (14.55 KB,444x286,222:143,254.png)


May 30, 2024, 9:15 AM (02:54)


Interesting, isn’t it?


Do you believe in coincidences?

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c487a0 No.20937904

File: 4445f45f57765c8⋯.png (574.66 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Clarissa Ward identifies the smell of sarin in Syria

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8d218f No.20937905

File: 0846a9a847b18ca⋯.jpg (86.8 KB,505x494,505:494,0846a9a847b18ca2c6c8f2a890….jpg)

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57a608 No.20937906


dont want to be a part of your loser made up beliefs group anyway bunch of cowardly faggots.

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589c3b No.20937907



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ad7c3d No.20937908


He's your Jesus too.

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d20bb1 No.20937910

File: de0c75a1673827b⋯.jpeg (83.34 KB,948x498,158:83,IMG_1435.jpeg)


I rebuke you in the name of the lord Jesus Christ

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589c3b No.20937911

Q, these Clowns are stupid.

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ebd634 No.20937913


sorry, anon, not taking the bait.

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ad7c3d No.20937916


So you are on the side of Evil.

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62c781 No.20937917

File: 9e58c5568e626dc⋯.png (321.73 KB,664x376,83:47,jesuskek.png)

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589c3b No.20937918


Capital of Syria, situated on the river Orontes, founded by Seleucus Nicanor in 300 B.C. and named in honour of his father, Antiochus. Many Greek-Jews lived there and it was here that the followers of Christ were first called Christians.

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