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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

16affb No.20933963 [Last50 Posts]

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16affb No.20933964

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16affb No.20933966


#25674 >>20933146


>>20933720 LIVE​: Jury Deliberations Underway​ in President Trump's Trial - RSBN

>>20933299 @DonaldJTrumpJr Mother Theresa couldn’t beat those charges from this judge in this rigged trial. It’s a disgrace!!!

>>20933383 TRUMP WON meme reeeeeeelated

>>20933411 President Trump Speaks As Jury Begins Deliberations in Hush Money Trial MP4

>>20933419 Anon's Sixth Amendment Reminder #BillofRights

>>20933422 donaldjtrumpjr ELECTION INTERFERENCE! MP4


>>20933395 Praying for all those in harms way



>>20933571 Trump just trolled Robert De Niro while giving his remarks outside the courtroom





>>20933146 The Biden Border Crisis: North Dakota Perspectives

>>20933521 Court order forcing Biden to finish President Trump’s border wall is FINAL

>>20933148 OP: Focus24 24/05/25: Border, Inflation, Trump Persecution, Democrats, Abortion, J6, 2A

>>20933211 We estimate that only 23 members of Congress have made money in the stock market today. #NancyPelosi

>>20933227 China/US Land Grab Caps

>>20933265 Are Texas election machines secured?

>>20933271 >>>/abcu/9064 back on board #SGTb

>>20933313, >>20933317, >>20933402 Swamp Schedule

>>20933318 #OTD in 1940, the Vought F4U Corsair flew for the first time. In 1943 >>20933332 Q1134 >>20933356 Q1940, 1943

>>20933319 China’s Chang’e-6 is set to make its lunar landing attempt this weekend

>>20933328 1967 @VincentCrypt46 Recording Rothchild Dynasty MP4 >>20933343 Q 634, 1967 >>20933613 FULL RECORD

>>20933399 United States Air Force Weapons School celebrates 75 years of advanced training

>>20933408 U.S. government is ‘looking closely’ at the possibility of vaccinating farm workers

>>20933456 California Policies Are Now So Extreme Their Own Party Is Self Destructing?

>>20933535 Louisiana bill allowing judges to sentence convicted child rapists to surgical castration is heading to the governor's desk for signature

>>20933583 Judge Who Put Transgender Child Rapist in Women’s Prison Nominated to U.S. District Court by Joe Biden

>>20933666 BUN The Supreme Court and Brunson case 'Shadow Docket' Overview

>>20933693 PlaneFaggin’: Europe update-Zelensky went to Rzeszow, Germans joined Blinken

>>20933805 Trump Persecution >>20933851 Border: MEMES

>>20933860 Bill Walton absolutely unleashes on San Diego city democrats.

>>20933866, >>20933867, >>20933873 Swamp Schedule

>>20933910 Conus activity

>>20933959 #25674

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16affb No.20933970

#25673 >>20932285 B


>>20932483 Trump hush money trial LIVE: YT





>>20932883 PDJT - Pete Hegseth: The Prosecutions case is a disaster!

>>20932886 PDJT Gregg Jarrett: "This Case against Donald Trump is Election Interference and Brazen Lawfare."

>>20932888 PDJT Gregg Jarrett: "The element of the alleged crimes were never proven in this Case - Business Records were not false

>>20932895 PDJT - Pam Bondi: "He committed no crime...There is nothing there."

>>20932397 @EricTrump I sit here today as a son. Forget about politics for a second

>>20932420 Meet the Team Prosecuting Donald J. Trump

>>20932418 It is a political persecution.” - @DonaldJTrumpJr

>>20932639 President Trump can petition the Supremes and ask them to immediately review and overturn any guilty verdict from Manhattan.

>>20932868 Only one reason he (PDJT) is being protected this way

>>20933113 Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction. He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices


>>20932318, >>20932326, >>20932400, >>20932343 “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK) Q703 #HappyBirthday

>>20932437 Comey says "there's an overwhelming chance of a conviction"

>>20932458 Attention Trump supporters! We have a critical situation at the RNC

>>20932474 The World Health Organization is still trying to sneakily pass the Pandemic Treaty before June 1st.

>>20932475 Naval Forces CC and the Royal Saudi Navy Q 603, 812

>>20932477 Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons - YT

>>20932480 The ICC is threatening to issue arrest warrants against 12 members of Congress.

>>20932481 Morning Brief: U.S. Consumer Confidence Beat Expectations

>>20932493 Chinese Boston Democratic mayor says criminals should not be prosecuted for theft, gang registry should be abolished

>>20932508 Mexico City — they’re burning down the Israeli embassy.


>>20932526 Email Discussion Marked "CONFIDENTIAL" Shows Discussion About MI Electors With Trump Impeachment Lawyers

>>20932529 Illinois citizens group files formal complaint with state Board of Elections after unearthing what could possibly be an elaborate election fraud scheme.

>>20932554 German journalists have recently unveiled a corruption scandal involving the president of the European Commission

>>20932560 Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg #Engineeredfoodshortages

>>20932565 Ryan Salame, a former executive at FTX, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison

>>20932571 New lawsuit argues that America's ‘first operational reparations program,’ offering $25,000 payouts to black Illinois residents, is unconstitutional

>>20932579 A sitting member of Congress @RashidaTlaib joined pro-Palestine occupiers at Wayne State in preventing Jewish students and police from entering the public university’s campus.

>>20933120 #25673-B

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16affb No.20933971

#25673 >>20932285 A

>>20932582 Morning Joe Guest Says 'We Must Live With' Donald Trump Being Sent to Prison If He is Found Guilty

>>20932587 HEARING The Biden Border Crisis: North Dakota Perspectives

>>20932627 A mysterious light emanating from the seabed.

>>20932648 Is Justin Trudeau's Regime Coming to an End?

>>20932687 Wisconsin patriots have ONCE AGAIN successfully gathered enough signatures to trigger the recall of RINO State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos #RecallRinos

>>20932711 Explosion Shakes Chase Bank, 2 Missing And At Least 7 Injured

>>20932830 #25672 Posted in #25673

>>20932727 Transitional council in Haiti selects new prime minister for a country under siege by gangs

>>20932742 @MdBreathe If I had vaccinated the 6000 patients I treated for C0VID, I would have made $1,500,000.

>>20932748 A member of congress just filed a misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System against Judge Juan Merchan, asking the commission to investigate how Merchan keeps getting assigned to Trump cases

>>20932754 Kash Patel says Trump will have some type of Public DECLASS Office that will allow the Public to Request Whatever Information they want

>>20932778 Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died from SIDS after their mothers received covid Vaccinations

>>20932788 Wyoming’s “Republican” Governor Mark Gordon @GovernorGordon just removed a doctor from the state Board of Medicine.

>>20932803 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Stairway to the Milky Way

>>20932821, >>20932942 ROBERT DE NIRO & HIS PEDOPHILE SEX TRAFFICKER PAL PETER NYGARD! Case 1:20-cv-01288 Document 1 Filed

>>20932826 This email from Todd Blanche (Trump) to David Harbach (special counsel) confirms the purpose of the rush job to post the gag order motion.

>>20932855 HEARING The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

>>20932863 GEORGE MAG - Q and the Plan to Save America

>>20932864 Dank Deniro Meme

>>20932866 Anon has a list and aint afraid to share it

>>20932885 HEARING 10:30 AM EDT Former Trump Admin. Officials on Global Migration & Border Security

>>20932887 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med-Blinken arrived at Chișinău, Moldova


>>20932909 OTD - Q 4348

>>20932938 Albert Ruddy, Oscar-winning producer of ‘The Godfather’ dies at 94

>>20932939 $PEPE is now worth more than every single major NFT project, across blockchains, combined.

>>20932972 PF Gitmo express on route

>>20932981 YT - Judiciary Dems vs Judiciary GOP Closed Captions

>>20932999 Memes Needed

>>20933037 Dig Officer Michael Fanone Wife

>>20933069 Wheels up to the Indo-Pacific for my tenth trip there as Secretary of Defense.

>>20933077, >>20933079, >>20933081, >>20933084, >>20933087, >>20933090 Border Memes

>>20933091 Map shows just how much farm land China owns in the U.S.

>>20933109 Venezuelan migrant criminals, who entered illegally through our southern border, have set up shop with a nationwide human trafficking operation.

>>20933121 #25673-A

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16affb No.20933972

#25672 >>20931284



>>20931563 @realDonaldTrump I DIDN’T HAVE A FIXER, I HAD A LAWYER

>>20931597 @realDonaldTrump BIDEN WITCH HUNT!

>>20931678 @realDonaldTrump I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, Wacko Former Actor Robert De Niro was.

>>20931421, >>20931448, >>20931453, >>20931458, >>20931487 The Supreme Court and Brunson case 'Shadow Docket' Overview

>>20931300, >>20931581, >>20931584, >>20931587 Full - Dan Carr Interview With Governor Phil Bryant

>>20931292 Starlink is down

>>20931313 Chinese spaceplace ejected a literal UFO into space

>>20931530, >>20931294, >>20931565, >>20931802 Chinese WZ-10 UAV Intercepted For The First Time Over The East China Sea recently

>>20931297 Schuman Resonance spike

>>20931389 China’s silver imports set to jump as solar demand lifts prices

>>20931341 UK police could get Ghostbusters-style EMP backpack devices to halt ebike getaways

>>20931361, >>20931772 Hunter Biden's Baby Mama (RFK Jr. super PAC chair) is scheduled to release a "tell-all" memoir during the Democratic National Convention in August

>>20931514 Former Marfa Substitute Teacher Gets 30 Years in Prison for Producing Child Sexual Abuse Material

>>20931525 Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan was projected to win his primary on Tuesday night

>>20931527 Israeli Man Admits Conspiring with Convicted Ponzi Schemer and Others to Defraud Investors

>>20931534 @DiamondandSilk Proud to be part of the Weekly lineup on @BlessedNewsUSA

>>20931550 "Ukrainian parliament & its Speaker remain the only legitimate authorities." - Putin

>>20931609 PF: INTEL24 on the hunt near San Luis Obispo County

>>20931639 Biden’s Catch and Release: Criminal Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Charged with Murdering West Virginia Woman

>>20931666 They are intentionally rubbing their cheating in TX faces

>>20931681 BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME: A Venezuelan criminal gang has been operating a sex trafficking operation across multiple states

>>20931684 Trump Is Going To Win In A Landslide: Must Watch Alex Jones / Steve Bannon Interview

>>20931737 Tankers Sit Offshore UK in Sign of Weak Demand

>>20931763 Protest in front of the Israeli embassy in the Mexican capital leaves six police officers injured

>>20931766 Judge Aileen Cannon chastises Jack Smith's team and denies a ‘gag order’ request in Donald Trump's classified documents case.


note collector after @500

>>20931860 Bill Maher shuts down Roseanne star Sandra Bernhard

>>20931864 Anti- Israel Protesters Burn Down the Israeli Embassy in Mexico

>>20931869 China’s Oil Demand Outlook Darkens as OPEC+ Prepares to Meet

>>20931891 World War III Cauldron Begins to Boil In the Wake of Memorial Day

>>20931930 Mexico files declaration of intervention in South Africa ICJ case against Israel

>>20931939 'Netanyahu doesn't want a peaceful solution'

>>20931994 BRICS receives new membership bid

>>20932830 #25672 Posted in #25673

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16affb No.20933974

Previously Collected

>>20931253 #25671

>>20928919 #25668, >>20929716 #25669, >>20930446 #25670

>>20926533 #25665, >>20927319 #25666, >>20928078 #25667

>>20924277 #25662, >>20925043 #25663, >>20925778 #25664

>>20921666 #25659, >>20922616 #25660, >>20923435 #25661

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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16affb No.20933979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#25675 https://fullchan.net/?c86e3740f0651b05#6CYNRL5epZufZnamq35bdLHP1efaP3eNsbErXJEY5FyY

LIVE​: Jury Deliberations Underway​ in President Trump's Trial - 5/29/24


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19f575 No.20933982

File: 6ded1821af9a12a⋯.jpg (577.12 KB,1080x1637,1080:1637,Screenshot_20240529_112750….jpg)

That didn't take long.

Diaz’s departure comes amid a police department staffing crisis and several lawsuits alleging sexism and racial discrimination.


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16affb No.20933996

File: b810344c9ce711c⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,b810344c9ce711cf65b9303b29….jpg)






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01f5d4 No.20934000

File: b7d9121de9eced7⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240529_142524.png)

All I need is a name and a face…

I'll show you what the ghost can and does do.

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b02e91 No.20934001

File: 87934a67f81fefb⋯.jpg (269.46 KB,1640x1179,1640:1179,1411770.jpg)

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c7adc5 No.20934002

File: 4046f98abe96ac6⋯.jpg (38.65 KB,500x498,250:249,gfhjbkjsdcaadcc.jpg)

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c7adc5 No.20934004

Mrs. Harris: When he was president, Donald Trump tried over and over to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, and to take healthcare then from millions of black Americans.

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3e14dc No.20934005

File: af08bcc6b4f0b67⋯.png (674.24 KB,500x733,500:733,TYB_.png)

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b56bbf No.20934007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mooks and Lolcows

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c9a619 No.20934008



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edbe06 No.20934010

File: 0fbec60bcc25fb9⋯.png (283.85 KB,628x500,157:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 806e4fe0649188b⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,i_m_a_mook.mp4)

for the keks


"I'm a mook."

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e1d020 No.20934011

Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

Analysis: Beware of Politicians’ Phony ‘Reforms’

Brandon Waltens • Texas Scorecard • May 28th, 2024

"Regardless of whether House Speaker Dade Phelan wins or loses his runoff election tonight (but especially if he loses), things are about to move very quickly in the Texas House.

Since the March primary wipeout of incumbent members who were placed in electoral danger by Phelan’s actions—placing Democrats in leadership positions, ignoring the legislative priorities of the Republican Party of Texas, and the failed impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton—discussions have quickly begun in the Capitol about what a post-Phelan House should look like.

The most visible of these efforts has been the Contract With Texas. The series of 12 proposed reforms has been signed by more than two dozen incumbent Republicans and candidates.

Far from just tinkering around the edges, the Contract With Texas calls for serious structural changes that its creators and signatories say would fundamentally change the role of the Speaker to deliver the conservative victories that Republican voters have demanded.

This, naturally, includes ending Democrat chairmanships—which has been a legislative priority of the Republican Party of Texas. But it also includes items such as term limits for the Speaker of the House, audio/visual recordings of parliamentary debates, a prohibition on the Speaker funneling campaign cash to loyal members, and a promise by the next Speaker not to seek support from Democrats in building their coalition of support.

These changes threaten the Austin swamp. Whether Phelan wins or loses tonight, the Austin establishment is scrambling to hold on to what’s left of their coalition.

Sources have told Texas Scorecard that lawmakers in the Phelan-allied Texas Freedom Caucus (unaffiliated with and disavowed by the well-known national Freedom Caucus network) are working on “reforms.” These sources say the watered-down version will forgo many of the Contract With Texas’ most important reforms, including the power-sharing agreement with Democrats so important to the lobby."


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c7adc5 No.20934012

Mr Biden: I promised to put racial equality at the center of everything I do, because I vowed I would have an administration that looked like America.

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4d5cb8 No.20934013

File: 2b6c37cb176c303⋯.png (55.66 KB,473x497,473:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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64d02e No.20934015

Anonymous 05/29/24 (Wed) 10:29:33d4dc99 (3) No.20933730>>20933736 >>20933993


Plot Twist: the judge gets arrested once verdict is read

THIS 100%

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b61308 No.20934016

File: db8a9ce2731c6ad⋯.png (684.76 KB,645x500,129:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)



mook memes away.


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040a85 No.20934017

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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d5d26f No.20934018

File: 41e525449d09259⋯.gif (4.75 MB,498x498,1:1,popcorn4.gif)

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edbe06 No.20934019

expert anons/autists know of a way to amplify the phone RINGER on a consumer cellular Iris Flip phone for elderly mom with weak hearing?

so far, have only seen ones that work with iphones.

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a5fe38 No.20934020

File: 2a7c51bebc09d0a⋯.png (173.38 KB,736x795,736:795,Lotta_KC135_s.PNG)

Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation.

Some fast movers came thru a little while ago with a (probably contract) DC 10 tanker, no squawk.

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c7adc5 No.20934021

Mr. Biden: I'm going to go back and once again ban assault weapons in America. I did it once, we'll do it again.

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d54364 No.20934022

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)


Claiming the dough


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cc37bd No.20934023

Serious question dumfucks. When the shooting starts in about 2 more weeks will you cucks throw memes or just keep choking on commie cock?

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c9a619 No.20934024

File: f08446eed84bbb4⋯.png (673.25 KB,860x383,860:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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773901 No.20934025

File: 0d614a548b2423d⋯.jpg (282.07 KB,1276x1284,319:321,0d614a548b2423d6fba32a6676….jpg)

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0e65d7 No.20934027

File: f18c69e009aee29⋯.png (260.73 KB,1213x809,1213:809,AOC_BOOM_KID2.png)

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d54364 No.20934028


…Care to glow on and elaborate, Agent?

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c9a619 No.20934029


>When the shooting sta

who are you going to start shooting?

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c7adc5 No.20934030

Mr. Biden: Supreme Court blocked me from relieving student debt, but they didn't stop me. So far, I relieved student debt for nearly five million Americans, a significant number of black borrowers.

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d5d26f No.20934031

File: bfcad4e77b73ebb⋯.png (535.47 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0acd714f09fe43⋯.png (110.83 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Slight increase in weight coefficient and wind drag with this method.

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8bfc07 No.20934032

File: 508341d304cec03⋯.mp4 (595.32 KB,290x480,29:48,508341d304cec03bb35989f1f2….mp4)

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773901 No.20934033


put or keep it in a metal pot (without lid)

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8bfc07 No.20934034


The squirrel in front of the crime scene.

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c7adc5 No.20934035

Mr. Biden: Trump justices are already gutting voting rights, overturning Roe, decimating affirmative action, and so much more. Are we gonna let that happen? We can't.

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cfc7b6 No.20934036

File: e738b2139b7cf7f⋯.webp (80.2 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_0531.webp)


Fuck off.

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f699d5 No.20934037

File: 2557df0d1c00c71⋯.jpg (268.06 KB,1200x800,3:2,2557df0d1c00c719501678449d….jpg)

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b02e91 No.20934038

File: d76952d05f2cab9⋯.png (284.89 KB,655x472,655:472,ClipboardImage.png)


All for a LARP?


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8bfc07 No.20934039

File: aaaef2adbe8aef2⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB,640x360,16:9,aaaef2adbe8aef2310c5085af5….mp4)

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040a85 No.20934040

File: 284fbbc23930b0e⋯.jpg (64.62 KB,512x680,64:85,284fbbc23930b0e381b9813be8….jpg)

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5320d9 No.20934041


this just gave anon a great idea for an invention…afraid to google it to see if it exists cuz ai will tell anon it does and Einstein will run with it

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b61308 No.20934042



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8bfc07 No.20934043

File: 5fbbfa7d02d9f33⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,320x240,4:3,5fbbfa7d02d9f339ffe17188a1….mp4)

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cfc7b6 No.20934044

File: 840566b7fd4093f⋯.jpeg (53.81 KB,500x375,4:3,IMG_1055.jpeg)

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773901 No.20934045



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8bfc07 No.20934046

File: faf5607c4b032e7⋯.mp4 (534.26 KB,464x848,29:53,LetsGoBrandon.mp4)

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c7adc5 No.20934047

Mr. Biden: Trump continues to lie by saying black unemployment was at a record low on his watch. The fact is, record low unemployment happened on my watch, and we're going to keep it going.

[it was at a record low under President Trump; Biden attempting to steal credit once again]

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c7adc5 No.20934048

Mr. Biden: We're taking on corporate greed, to bring down the price of gas, food, and rent.

[gas, food, and rent has never been higher in the history of the United States]

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8bfc07 No.20934049

File: 86e715eaa62608a⋯.mp4 (387.23 KB,480x270,16:9,86e715eaa62608a308af7beabe….mp4)

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3e14dc No.20934050


Get an XLink BT (Bluetooth Gateway), then you can connect an analog phone to the cell phone and it will ring too. You can use an old traditional bell phone (Western Electric 500 series etc), or you can get a loud ringer w/flasher to plug into the gateway as well.

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c9a619 No.20934051

File: b04c11476ecf504⋯.png (774.23 KB,855x471,285:157,ClipboardImage.png)

poison crews are out.

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2971fe No.20934052

File: 04f87da2576d4db⋯.jpg (544.52 KB,680x527,40:31,04f87da2576d4dba3a8df99a81….jpg)


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d54364 No.20934053


…How is it notable? Anon frankly doesn't give a fucking rat's ass about that washed up asshole.

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830469 No.20934054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Decoding the Syntax: Russell - Jay: Gould's Journey to Uncover the Truth!

LSB Film Productions


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773901 No.20934055


they will not be able to walk down the streets

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c9a619 No.20934056

How many Journalists are there only because of

18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



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64d02e No.20934057

File: 409289fbedba7f6⋯.png (12.12 KB,374x257,374:257,Screenshot_180_.png)

File: a8a144c0e86602c⋯.png (435.56 KB,591x1280,591:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


marker [1] posted on march 27, 2019, time on watch says 4:49

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cfc7b6 No.20934058



I count 7.

The guy with the flag ain’t with them.

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773901 No.20934059


oh nooooo

i was serious about the phone in the pot, but it only works when your at home of course

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1a6b7a No.20934060

File: 66ea431127d535f⋯.jpeg (607.33 KB,1196x617,1196:617,96ADAB67_014B_4D25_83A5_8….jpeg)

File: 9330ab5d2803370⋯.jpeg (617.38 KB,828x1201,828:1201,B4C0D008_70D1_4615_B00A_6….jpeg)

File: eea1b4fea2bac17⋯.jpeg (520.88 KB,1324x619,1324:619,35AD21E4_0AEA_40AF_805F_4….jpeg)

>>20932887, >>20933693

PF:Blinken left Chișinău (After moar money given) to Prague,Germans bailed same and Spanish left Baghdad

SAM677 C32ABlinkendeparted Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

US pledges $135 million in aid to Western-leaning Moldova to counter Russian influence


Ongoing meetings in Prague about gibing Z moar weapons and munee.

In Chișinău and told you several times this one is next on NATO inclusion

President @sandumaiamd's leadership has been admirable at an incredibly challenging time. When we met in Chisinau today, I reaffirmed our unwavering support for Moldova’s European Union accession.


Germans weren’t there for long

GAF604 Global Explorer departed Chișinău in front of Blinken

Spanish AF AME4538 A330 left Baghdad Intl after about 3.5h on ground

Algeria AF 7TVPS G4 continues back to Algiers from original Beijing depart and Baku fuel stop

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c9a619 No.20934061


How many are there because of

18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



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1a6b7a No.20934062

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c7adc5 No.20934063

Mr. Biden: [President Trump] openly encourages voter suppression and election subversion…the threat that Trump poses is greater in the second term than his first. It's clear that when he lost in 2020, something literally snapped in this guy…that's why January 6th happened. When he unleashed an insurrection.

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fe0e5c No.20934064


One big underground satanic secret society raping and harvesting children

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5320d9 No.20934065


look again

he sure is

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b61308 No.20934066

File: b12325d72a463a7⋯.gif (1.03 MB,245x166,245:166,doc.gif)

File: d905ed95a8fe48a⋯.png (942.93 KB,1730x786,865:393,ClipboardImage.png)


hypothetical question

Would like a gun fight with those who own guns or those who want guns banned.

serious question?

who would win?


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8bfc07 No.20934067

File: 8cee06b64c7eac1⋯.gif (745.59 KB,259x259,1:1,FreeJulian.gif)

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057e2d No.20934068


I'd say he was having a difficult time walking in public.

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5b5c72 No.20934069

File: 7904f9edfe6008b⋯.jpg (53.53 KB,1075x779,1075:779,444759599_754518016837887_….jpg)

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fe0e5c No.20934070


Splurge on a new phone for your mom

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c7adc5 No.20934071

Mr. Biden: What do you think he would have done on January 6th if black Americans had stormed the Capital? I don't think he would talk about pardons. This is the same guy that wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder.

[as they burned down a church, a police station, and attacked a federal courthouse every day for months]

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cfc7b6 No.20934072


You’re correct.

The lady with the camera behind the flag ain’t with them.

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ab5c28 No.20934073


There is a "time travelling" aspect to things, sometimes.

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8bfc07 No.20934074

File: fd77d453ece0a35⋯.gif (592.4 KB,500x209,500:209,trstPlan.gif)

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38eb49 No.20934075

Just wait for those that just wanted to be Obedient

Become Disobedient

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3e14dc No.20934076

File: 9af80b41ee9edb7⋯.png (370.44 KB,540x700,27:35,pepe_maga.png)


Kekking at Schiff (and Pelosi) drawings…

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6f0de4 No.20934077



Any self respecting decent son would.

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b61308 No.20934078

File: 7994c921dd92dd6⋯.png (791.35 KB,747x558,83:62,ClipboardImage.png)


you do not understand meme warfare.

lurk moar.

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c7adc5 No.20934079

Mr. Biden: [President Trump] is that landlord who denies housing application because of the color of your skin. He's that guy who won't say black lives matter, and invokes neo-nazi, third-reich terms. He is the same guy who unleashed 'birthism', the birthism lie against Barack.

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dcf0be No.20934080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does it also come with a burger element?

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0a0a71 No.20934081


>Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone lb





is Biden's Nakasone better than Obama's Rogers?

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64d02e No.20934082

File: 093feaa2c448029⋯.png (833.7 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a144c0e86602c⋯.png (435.56 KB,591x1280,591:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

wind the clock …

this date is the start of when POTUS took emergency powers, there is no prez biden

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d9a244 No.20934083

File: c41a055ca8b0af2⋯.jpg (127.42 KB,720x816,15:17,20240529_121241.jpg)

File: 01ed5bbdfc4feb8⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240529_4_ne….mp4)

Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia


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5320d9 No.20934084



yeah a new samsung

and put 8kun link on homepage

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fe0e5c No.20934085

File: fba60cdd46ec8d2⋯.jpg (56.25 KB,441x492,147:164,61ece62544b6d656.jpg)

Where the Trump version?

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d54364 No.20934086


…Fuckin' whatever. Anon can't (insert your typical bullshit here) statements got old, really quick.

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5b5c72 No.20934087


"I used to believe in reincarnation, but that was ages ago, in another life."

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6f0de4 No.20934088


Quit being so nosey. You're making me blush.

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64d02e No.20934089


there was no 2020 election

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edbe06 No.20934090



is an analog phone the same as a landline?

or will it still ring even though it's not "live"?

she unfortunately killed the landline without checking-in with me and have been having a hard time finding phone company that re-activates landlines.

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b02e91 No.20934091

File: ad852f0a471bdb4⋯.png (77.87 KB,446x358,223:179,ClipboardImage.png)


>is Biden's Nakasone better than Obama's Rogers?

What is Operation Paperclip called, but for japanese nazis?

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d9a244 No.20934092

File: 4b00e735ced7719⋯.jpg (180.23 KB,720x823,720:823,20240529_124805.jpg)

File: 39d76e067e7728f⋯.jpg (703.32 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240529_124538.jpg)

Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!


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68af7f No.20934093


Every word out of his mouth is a lie, completely unchecked by anyone.

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e616b4 No.20934094

File: a46f0608542548f⋯.mp4 (9.9 MB,1080x1920,9:16,grinandbarrett.mp4)

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0a0a71 No.20934095


>He is the same guy who unleashed 'birthism', the birthism lie against Barack.

wasn't it covertly unleashed by Hillary's team in 2018?

Should Trump unleash "Michelle Obama is a tranny"?

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acb731 No.20934096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac648d No.20934097

File: 4bb8da3fe7b0639⋯.png (553.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,lies1.png)

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ea2636 No.20934098

File: ed21c36c2c21e7a⋯.jpg (130.51 KB,650x596,325:298,biden_kids.jpg)

File: 3ac5eda203c0526⋯.png (201.5 KB,480x360,4:3,Let_s_go_Brandon.png)


>there was no 2020 election

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b61308 No.20934099

File: fd66636884dccbe⋯.png (114.9 KB,250x180,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)


mental midgets are so hot right now.

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0a942f No.20934100

File: d3e72286443b281⋯.png (42.47 KB,498x437,498:437,ClipboardImage.png)

"This Is Insanity": Judge In Trump Case Issues Unbelievable Jury Instructions

Update (1345ET): Legal minds are beside themselves at how the judge in the Trump 'hush money' case has instructed jurors to rule - first in what constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley called "the coup de grace instruction," Judge Juan Merchan said that there is no need to agree on what occurred - and can disagree on what the crime was among the charges.

"Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction," Turley wrote on X. "He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous…"


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3e14dc No.20934101


>is an analog phone the same as a landline?

Yes, you connect the landline (analog) phone to the BT gateway, which allows you to place and receive calls on the landline phone via the cell phone.

>will it still ring even though it's not "live"?

Yes, it will become an extension of the cell phone.

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773901 No.20934102


i bought my gran an older alcatel

good antenna good sound

simple and loud

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38eb49 No.20934103


Community Note

SAD is an Acronym for Sudden Adult Death, it has been associated with the mRNA vaxcine as all that seem to die of SAD's have also been Vaxxed

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8bfc07 No.20934104

File: 11288d8dce61797⋯.gif (60.35 KB,220x165,4:3,melon.gif)

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4d5cb8 No.20934105


Not an expert but have you tried turning the volume up?

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38eb49 No.20934106



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3e14dc No.20934107

File: c6f58e4798c152d⋯.jpg (255.75 KB,695x500,139:100,hahahaha_.jpg)

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0a942f No.20934108

File: 7036208d9a8c80d⋯.png (64.88 KB,557x158,557:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0e5c No.20934109


There is some gadget that you hook up to a lamp and the lamp flickers when the phone is ringing

Check with a deaf association

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dcf0be No.20934110


SAD is also the special activities division

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9cc4a5 No.20934111


Every jury I've been on had instructions that had to be signed by the jury foreman when a verdict was reached.

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8bfc07 No.20934112

File: 594a555574be25f⋯.png (139.71 KB,1080x1100,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac648d No.20934114

File: 8ebdbce206a979c⋯.png (207.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN241.png)

File: 81d6c3d6bdf08bd⋯.png (228.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN243.png)

File: 7adec9b2b0f0c24⋯.png (1.36 MB,1123x994,1123:994,BIDEN485.png)

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65dec9 No.20934115

File: bbcbf5d01a2661e⋯.png (58.14 KB,720x720,1:1,IMG_20231209_194105.png)

File: 2f813a1b0e2d6cc⋯.png (849.7 KB,1000x1000,1:1,IMG_20231209_194049.png)

File: f626150d0de1663⋯.png (64.88 KB,310x290,31:29,IMG_20231209_194016.png)

File: ed0c59c1bb75321⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,1100x1280,55:64,IMG_20231209_194021.jpg)


5th generation warfare is a larp

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64ee61 No.20934116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

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fe0e5c No.20934117

Prayers for another Trump miracle.

And a giant new york rally to celebrate

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38eb49 No.20934118


Chair Force don't do "Do"

We're busy LARPing as Journalists ATM

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0a942f No.20934119

Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media

Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown

Thai prosecutors said on Wednesday that former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is to be indicted for defaming the monarchy, three months after he was freed on parole for a conviction on other charges.

Thaksin, who denies the charge, was ousted in 2006 in a military coup. His opponents would later accuse him of disrespecting King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in 2016.

The complaint lodged against the former PM reportedly stemmed from an interview he gave to foreign media in 2015. Prosecutors allege that, while in exile, Thaksin had told South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo that privy councilors, who serve Thailand’s king, had in 2014 ordered the country’s armed forces to oust the government of Thaksin’s sister, then-Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

A former two-time prime minister, Thaksin returned to Thailand from a 15-year self-imposed exile after a general election last year that ultimately saw the Shinawatra-backed Pheu Thai Party rise to power after nearly a decade of military-backed rule.

According to media reports, Thailand’s attorney general announced the charges on Wednesday, reportedly after months of consideration. However, the reading of the charges has been postponed until June 18, as the 74-year-old told the court that he is ill with Covid-19.

Since returning from exile to Thailand last August, Thaksin began serving an eight-year sentence on charges related to corruption and abuse of power. He was released on parole in February from the hospital in Bangkok where he’d spent six months. The parole was granted because of his age and ill health, leaving him free for the remainder of his sentence.

Thai laws against royal defamation, or lese-majesté, are extremely strict: Article 112 of the criminal code could see anyone found guilty of insulting the royalty face 15 years behind bars for each count.

Thaksin denies the charges and has repeatedly pledged loyalty to the crown. He had also submitted a statement defending himself.

Other charges against Thaksin include violating a computer-crime law.

The former premier’s lawyer told Associated Press that the video of Thaksin’s interview that investigators used as evidence might have been manipulated.

According to Bloomberg, the charges against the former PM could be viewed as “attempts by Thailand’s conservative establishment to reassert its hold over the nation’s politics,” which have become dominated by Thaksin’s Pheu Thai Party.

The Shinawatra family’s political parties have won all but one election since 2001, with three Shinawatra governments toppled by coups or court rulings. Pheu Thai leads the current government, with Thaksin’s business ally Srettha Thavisin serving as prime minister and his daughter Paetongtarn Shinawatra as party chief.


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6a1e92 No.20934120


Much bigger than his 2020 rallies. 100 million votes incoming!

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e3f1e9 No.20934121


[Jury nullification]

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b61308 No.20934122


madison square garden rally coming soon if trump escapes jail.

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64d02e No.20934123



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3e14dc No.20934124


As long as he gets 12 X's, even if they're only from 3 or 4 jurors, he will call that a conviction.

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cfc7b6 No.20934125


And Suck A Dick.

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edbe06 No.20934126


sadly, she's not savvy with the big iphone/samsungs. she's gone

through a couple with no luck.

prefers the simple flip.

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7aa916 No.20934127

File: dde273ec4cdc171⋯.png (902.38 KB,877x664,877:664,GDFlWnrXYAA4DmU_1_.png)

> Louisiana bill allowing judges to sentence convicted child rapists to surgical castration is heading to the governor's desk for signature

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64d02e No.20934128


this is glorious!! barry was setup by even his vp

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1f9261 No.20934129

File: cf6627b5be00eca⋯.jpg (17.04 KB,664x236,166:59,mook.JPG)




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1a6b7a No.20934130

File: 0bd15ae70793a0c⋯.jpeg (499.15 KB,1263x619,1263:619,49C62460_CC3B_4DED_BE4A_3….jpeg)

File: 8b21aa1fba57a20⋯.png (671.39 KB,537x751,537:751,E9398249_B789_44E2_8B58_82….png)

>>20925996, >>20927448 pb

PF:Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia

TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

It stopped at Mountain Home AFB

> the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), which has a detachment of F-15SG combat aircraft on long term assignment there.

Or in Boise at Gowen Field ANGB…kinda hard to tell but did stop at one of those two-likely Boise as Mountain Home us further south

In Asia, Pentagon chief Austin seeks to reassure allies and cool China tensions

Austin, who will be in Singapore for the annual Shangri-La Dialogue security meeting this week, and then briefly in Cambodia, will also seek to cool tensions with China when he meets his counterpart on the sidelines of the meeting


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0a942f No.20934131

File: 6bcdc1660db8c73⋯.png (60.15 KB,750x491,750:491,ClipboardImage.png)

COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

A lawsuit against the Mayo Clinic must move forward, a federal court has ruled, reviving the suit after it was thrown out in 2023.

The five fired workers who sued the Minnesota-based health nonprofit have all plausibly pleaded that their religious beliefs conflict with the clinic’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruled on May 24.

The workers in multiple suits, which have since been consolidated, argued that the Mayo Clinic illegally failed to accommodate their religious beliefs, violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Three of the workers applied for religious exemptions to the nonprofit’s mandate and were denied; the two others saw their applications accepted but protested against the requirement that they had to test for COVID-19 weekly.

U.S. District Judge John Tunheim in 2023 tossed the suit, finding that some of the plaintiffs did not prove that they hold religious beliefs in opposition to the mandate or show how the testing requirement conflicts with their beliefs.

The Eighth Circuit’s new ruling is that the judge’s findings were erroneous.

Federal employment law makes it illegal for employers to fire or otherwise take action against employees over their religion. The three workers whose religious exemption requests were denied, Shelly Kiel, Kenneth Ringhofer, and Anita Miller, all said that their Christian beliefs prevented them from accepting COVID-19 vaccination, in part because they oppose abortion and aborted fetus cells were used in the production or testing of the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The district court erred in finding that the plaintiffs failed to adequately connect their refusal of the vaccine with their religious beliefs,” U.S. Circuit Judge Duane Benton said. “At this early stage, when the complaints are read as a whole and the nonmoving party receives the benefit of reasonable inferences, Kiel, Miller, and Ringhofer adequately identify religious views they believe to conflict with taking the COVID-19 vaccine.”

The two other plaintiffs received religious exemptions but refused to undergo weekly testing. One said it “violates her conscience to take the vaccine or to engage in weekly testing or sign a release of information that gives out her medical information.” Both also plausibly pleaded religious beliefs that conflicted with the testing, the panel found.


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edbe06 No.20934132


maxed-out at 15 but sometimes

still not loud enough especially

if in the middle of a nap

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dcf0be No.20934133

File: e59d7639fc7d0ae⋯.jpg (145.81 KB,645x519,215:173,Screenshot_20240324_173138.jpg)

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65dec9 No.20934134

File: a68d5c9a83e270a⋯.jpg (189.85 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_0….jpg)

File: df670c4a3f667d0⋯.png (109.44 KB,640x946,320:473,234_6_.png)

File: 011a239474d67ca⋯.jpeg (464.75 KB,1101x1047,367:349,GOxFJ8WW8AArSuw.jpeg)

File: 78f5c9caddd8ba5⋯.png (136.42 KB,640x1136,40:71,1434_2_.png)

File: 011a239474d67ca⋯.jpeg (464.75 KB,1101x1047,367:349,GOxFJ8WW8AArSuw.jpeg)

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38eb49 No.20934135

File: 859319f10e331c0⋯.gif (808.22 KB,225x249,75:83,1604461272_Copy.gif)

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bf3413 No.20934136


CNN's legal analyst said that the judge legally amended the law due to special circumstances for this one case. Perfectly legal according to what they claimed.

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7aa916 No.20934137

File: 70a800d49f16dc8⋯.png (471.6 KB,660x440,3:2,53c.png)

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b61308 No.20934138

File: 87e7a3903b9ea21⋯.png (2.12 MB,1370x1574,685:787,ClipboardImage.png)

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64d02e No.20934139

i find it profound that there is no vp listed yet after TRUMP2024

he must be a KIng :)

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d9a244 No.20934140

File: f69b3e42d072380⋯.jpg (103.89 KB,720x710,72:71,20240529_130514.jpg)

File: 539c3204f3f3f09⋯.mp4 (593.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240529_5_ne….mp4)

Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech


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0cb771 No.20934141


Wire the speaker into an 80's era boom box, and tell her to carry it around on her shoulder.

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38eb49 No.20934142


Right or Write?

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773901 No.20934143


>not loud enough especially if in the middle of a nap


leave the elder people nap in peace, ffs!

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64ee61 No.20934144

File: c1daee900e87cdc⋯.png (1.37 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are stepping up their reelection pitch to Black voters, a key part of their 2020 winning coalition that has shown signs of fraying.

They’ll launch a new Black voter outreach effort during a visit to the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Wednesday. The two will stop at Girard College, an independent boarding school in Philadelphia with a predominantly Black student body, and visit a small business to speak to members of the Black Chamber of Commerce.

The Philadelphia stops are the start of what the campaign is describing as an eight-figure, summerlong effort to engage Black student organizations, community groups and faith centers.

“We will continue to be aggressive, innovative, and thorough in our work to earn the support of the very voters who sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in 2020 and will do so again in 2024,” said Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager.

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edbe06 No.20934145


much obliged.


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64d02e No.20934146



the godfather, not the son, Q is the son then

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ac648d No.20934147


Get her to keep the phone in a pocket or on a chain around her neck and turn on vibrate with ringer.

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3e14dc No.20934148

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)


Did he say 'rape black history' ?

He's hard to understand with all of his mumbling and slurring.

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662ab7 No.20934149

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ff7931 No.20934150

File: 25b5a0727b6141b⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,750x500,3:2,8gvbxl.jpg)


TY, baker.

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64d02e No.20934151

trump is jupiter, Q is thor

jupiter translates to our father

there is a temple to jupiter under the temple mount and under the vati-cant

we all been lied to

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b2637f No.20934152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Charlamagne tha God: Trump is a threat to democracy

Why does this retard call himself a God?

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773901 No.20934153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Live - Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments


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3e14dc No.20934155



Anon installs, and maintains business phone systems for a living…

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fe0e5c No.20934156


We are going to rape black history


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fe8fe6 No.20934157

>>20934152 your question answers itself

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38eb49 No.20934158


He has the Right to call himself what he wishes

you have the Right to Ignore him

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64d02e No.20934159


he is pointing to charlemagne who was king of the holy roman empire the true church of christ which was usurped by the vati-cant

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8bfc07 No.20934160


Traitor needs more body parts

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ff7931 No.20934161

File: 5b6e7acd44b3b48⋯.jpg (16.46 KB,577x432,577:432,TrumpWON.jpg)



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5b5c72 No.20934162


Change the ringer-tone to some blasting music. According to my newly made up theory that could sound louder than original ringer

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65dec9 No.20934163

File: bae2863d1dbae7a⋯.gif (118.37 KB,200x245,40:49,31bd451de3f5958f1d503e91a6….gif)


verbal history reich black

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64d02e No.20934164

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662ab7 No.20934165

File: 80d32ddc34cea0a⋯.png (477.38 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express going back to base….


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64d02e No.20934166



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8bfc07 No.20934167

File: 5bb7fb3669d7091⋯.png (379.4 KB,560x549,560:549,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c1609 No.20934168


Quantumly, yes.

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39076c No.20934172

File: 244ea6a959ec331⋯.png (3.54 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Mookchia.png)


>"I'm a mook."

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ac648d No.20934173


Have one of those, and they do work well, except when you get to the edge of the Bluetooth range. If mom lives in a small house or apartment, there will likely be no issue, but if the house allows you to get to the edge of the Bluetooth range, funny things can happen.

In our case, the XLink would hijack the microphone and speaker during a call (you were taking on the cell phone, itself, and everything would go silent. Only dropping the call, getting back in BT range, and placing the call again would solve the issue.

Reported this strange behavior to both XLink and my phone vendor, and neither even responded, let alone fixed the problem.

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8bfc07 No.20934174

File: 53463cfafa6263f⋯.png (34.12 KB,450x391,450:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e14dc No.20934175

File: d7f8b07a3bc3909⋯.png (343.78 KB,788x685,788:685,pepe_toast.png)



Have a feeling, that [their] means to the steal will be made very public for all to see sooner than not. POTUS even said "we caught them all", so a reckoning is coming…

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1fa00a No.20934176

BREAKING! The jury just sent a note to the judge. They want the testimony of the Pecker/Trump meeting and the Pecker/Cohen metings/phone calls, text, etc.

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d9a244 No.20934177

File: c346f1d530b80fd⋯.jpg (82.41 KB,720x677,720:677,20240529_131629.jpg)

File: 6e6d66d1018ff90⋯.jpg (53.41 KB,1149x485,1149:485,20240529_131601.jpg)



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65dec9 No.20934178

File: 36b4d01f532df4a⋯.jpg (217.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_1….jpg)

File: 498fad6aed523a7⋯.png (128.12 KB,640x1544,80:193,313.png)

File: c0ee853c35a6f9d⋯.jpeg (604.66 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOxNn_iW8AAQoMY.jpeg)

File: 77e9f8b21385fae⋯.jpg (77.45 KB,1200x630,40:21,DkW1SvYUYAATvHQ.jpg)

File: 312a9b40e7c84a4⋯.jpeg (220.72 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOsc8ARXcAA3e6P.jpeg)

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b2637f No.20934179



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c67831 No.20934180

File: 7687b1b95757f30⋯.jpg (209.71 KB,1080x1138,540:569,Screenshot_20240529_151421….jpg)

Reminder that this entire witch hunt was scheduled perfectly to overlap with and prevent the Brunson (2020 election dispute) trial from getting covered or advancing in any way.


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8bfc07 No.20934181

File: 10a294859cac698⋯.png (146.02 KB,1080x1039,1080:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934182

File: adf582bf99a7918⋯.png (45.39 KB,733x527,733:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e42fbb098f54bac⋯.png (20.65 KB,709x227,709:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 439810bf6875a13⋯.png (54.81 KB,736x554,368:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdcaff6c846f438⋯.png (62.94 KB,712x586,356:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Biometric Data Collection Continues To Be On The Rise In 2024

From the Western Hemisphere to the East, biometric technology continues to be implemented laying the foundation for panopticon of global digital mass surveillance.

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?

Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not working at all?

Why do you think that might be?

We’ll come back to that.

Did you know we’re in a “breakthrough year” for biometric payment systems?

According to this story from CNBC, JPMorgan and Mastercard are on board with the technology and intend a wide rollout in the near future, following successful trials.


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773901 No.20934183


it sounds like a death threat

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d9a244 No.20934184

File: a3f713dc4ac0482⋯.jpg (42.45 KB,1120x1479,1120:1479,20240529_131919.jpg)

File: d11071154bde3af⋯.jpg (148.7 KB,1084x1444,271:361,20240529_131923.jpg)

File: b13908dc5463982⋯.jpg (184.58 KB,1139x1457,1139:1457,20240529_131925.jpg)


The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants, who they call newcomers to be more “inclusive”.

Shockingly, the city appears to admit to assisting illegal aliens who “entered without inspection”.

That terminology means typically they are gotaways. Entering without inspection means they were not encountered or processed between ports of entry by Border Patrol, nor were they processed by CBP at a port of entry. It means they snuck in without any encounter with a DHS entity.

As such, that would mean these migrants have no parole status, no I-862 Notice To Appear documents etc, and no other DHS paperwork that would allow them to be in the U.S. while their immigration proceedings play out.

If Denver is admitting to assisting & sheltering illegal aliens who entered without inspection, it could be a violation of federal law having to do with harboring aliens, specifically, 8 USC 1324 of the INA.

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64ee61 No.20934185

File: 40397f029646e48⋯.png (522.86 KB,1024x573,1024:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ac73f48de12560⋯.png (499.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week

Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

Scores of ambulances and fire crews surrounded the tarmac at Edinburgh Airport as Flight VS226 touched down around 11 am local time after the pilots warned they’d need landing assistance, Edinburgh Live reported.

The aircraft had suffered a burst front nose gear shortly after taking off from Orlando Tuesday night.

Virgin Atlantic has since confirmed the issue was tied to tire pressure.


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3e14dc No.20934186


I leave the XLink close to the cell phone, and have wired it into my house wiring. Disconnect the line from the DMARC to the street, then plug the XLink into an existing phone jack, and the remaining jacks will become active (unless wired weird).

Another option is to use a cordless landline phone again leaving the XLink near the cell phone.

In both cases the cell phone should be left near a window or a place where it gets good reception.

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b02e91 No.20934187

File: 0438a1be140d0fb⋯.png (419.27 KB,630x576,35:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Carol Rosenberg



Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.

We expect an FBI agent to testify today about a failed effort to turn a Pakistani prisoner into a government informant for the case. nytimes.com/article/uss-cole…

Trial Guide: The Cole Bombing Case at Guantánamo Bay

What to know about the death-penalty prosecution of a Saudi prisoner accused of plotting the attack on a Navy destroyer off Yemen in 2000 that killed 17 sailors.


May 29, 2024 · 12:28 PM UTC





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fe0e5c No.20934188

File: 34856b5dd482013⋯.jpg (75.05 KB,620x487,620:487,8s557j.jpg)

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9511c4 No.20934189


Shell game of sorts?

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6a1e92 No.20934190


DeSantis was in on this with the Biden DOJ, FL is not a safe haven.

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773901 No.20934191

>>20934153 me

they are back

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64d02e No.20934192

File: 66a395f48d039ff⋯.mp4 (15.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,6K4mX0GSl6wabogB.mp4)

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7aa916 No.20934193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75e9c7 No.20934194


The jury comes back the judge asks on Count 1, how does the jury find? On Count 2, how does the jury find? The jury finds non-guility or guilty count by count - not "hey…. as a whole on all the charges how did yous guys find"?

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eb9b20 No.20934195

File: 360189046846f9e⋯.png (753.32 KB,680x681,680:681,ynebtrewtrew.PNG)

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bf3413 No.20934196


Lemme guess…. 2 weeks right?

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5320d9 No.20934197



he went they're

to we're

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65dec9 No.20934198

File: 5b2994c6dd44c09⋯.jpg (146.06 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_2….jpg)

File: 9f18da4fdce543b⋯.jpg (176.65 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_2….jpg)

File: bda37b159e8c511⋯.jpeg (9.39 KB,229x220,229:220,download_26_.jpeg)

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bf3413 No.20934199


Was already done. Arrest is before trial.

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fed1be No.20934200

File: 5e78dd0558490e0⋯.jpeg (108.79 KB,800x450,16:9,CB7567E6_B252_440D_B9E2_0….jpeg)

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0a942f No.20934201

File: 0b86e63b309e5fe⋯.png (442.67 KB,572x648,143:162,ClipboardImage.png)

Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich

Elites have found a way to make sex trafficking upscale with a new app, FlyMeOut.

While the app’s terms of service claim the company “stand[s] firmly against any form of exploitation, especially those involving minors or human trafficking,” this is essentially what it will be accomplishing. In what world will a wealthy man with access to a private jet and a sprawling suite with pool and dome views in Greece spend the time or money on an 18+ woman and not expect more than a smile when the sun goes down?

In the age of OnlyFans, our culture has become so disconnected from morality and desensitized by degeneracy that FlyMeOut will seem like a low-risk way for women without the means to travel themselves to find their way to beaches they otherwise wouldn’t. But at what cost?

Because we glorify instant gratification and trade sex for likes, it won’t even register to these women that their future husbands will be horrified to learn of their willingness to give themselves to a stranger for the chance to take Instagram pics on a beach. In ten years, Reddit will be filled with posts of 30-something men who found out that the mother of their children used to be a frequent flyer on beachthot.com and find themselves asking AITA (Am I The A**hole) for looking at my wife differently, knowing she sold her self for a trip to Dubi.

It’s hard to judge who is more in the wrong here. Is it the rich men who know their wealth can buy bodies or the women who know their bodies are up for sale? Either way, this can only end badly for the women used by FlyMeOut.

How are we supposed to market a traditional life with more meaning when our culture sells trips to Paris for the “small” price of women’s souls?


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b61308 No.20934202

File: c2342d6846bf1aa⋯.png (49.65 KB,930x295,186:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c82d4b0ffd052bc⋯.png (118.27 KB,616x405,616:405,ClipboardImage.png)


clone account

Crooked Joe Biden just announced that he will speak, for a change, at the end of his trial against me. Yesterday he sent his mentally challenged servant, former actor Robert De Niro, to create a little chaos in front of the Courthouse, and to influence the trial. Election Interference!!!


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d54364 No.20934203

File: 0f2b6b37d75e782⋯.jpg (163.03 KB,500x332,125:83,Bread_Burning_4157911219.jpg)



#25675 >>20933979, >>20933996

>>20934022 Dough claim

>>20934008 Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments

>>20934011 Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

>>20934020 PF Report: Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation

>>20934060 PF Report: SAM677 C32A Blinken departed Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

>>20934083 Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia

>>20934092 Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!

>>20934116 LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

>>20934119 Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media - Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown (RT)

>>20934130 PF Report: Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia; TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

>>20934131 COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

>>20934140 Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech

>>20934144 Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

>>20934165 PF Report: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20934184 The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants

>>20934185 Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week. Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

>>20934187 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.


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d0af2f No.20934204


Nobody elected this commie rat


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ac648d No.20934205


There are some phones out there designed especially for seniors with bigger number buttons and I think they also have loud ringer options.

Search for the best option, but here is one:


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4c1609 No.20934206




Either really good acting and rehearsed, or quantum file plays "rape" first for each listener.

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64d02e No.20934207

military is the savior of mankind,

all this going on behind the scenes, the true anons

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0a942f No.20934208

France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

The war in Ukraine may be on the precipice of expanding into uncharted territory as NATO members France and Poland stated publicly that Kyiv was allowed to use their missiles to strike targets within Russia, prompting warnings from the Kremlin of a full-on war with the West.

Following controversial comments from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who said over the weekend that Ukraine should be free to use Western-supplied weapons to attack sites inside Russia, both Paris and Warsaw have come out in support of the apparent escalation in the war.

During an interview on Radio ZET, Polish Defence Minister Cezary Tomczyk said that Ukraine “can fight as they want”, saying that Warsaw will not apply any restrictions to Kyiv on the use of Polish-supplied weapons against Russian targets.

“We decided to help Ukraine in the conflict, Ukraine was brutally attacked, so it has the right to defend itself as it deems appropriate,” Tomczyk said.

Meanwhile, speaking on the final day of his state visit to Germany on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron also argued that Ukraine should be given dispensation to use Western-supplied weapons against certain targets within Russia, namely areas from which Moscow uses to launch attacks on Ukraine.

“We think that we should allow them to neutralise military sites where missiles are fired, from where… Ukraine is attacked,” Macron said according to France24, but added: “We should not allow them to touch other targets in Russia, and obviously civilian capacities”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was slightly more circumspect. Still, he said he had no legal objections to Macron’s view: “Ukraine has every possibility under international law for what it is doing. That has to be said explicitly… I find it strange when some people argue that it should not be allowed to defend itself and take measures that are suitable for this.”


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fed1be No.20934209

File: 2111c833d3518e1⋯.jpg (169.04 KB,960x737,960:737,IMG_1285.jpg)

File: 223aa3321efcd92⋯.jpg (212.86 KB,1130x1088,565:544,IMG_1250.JPG)

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75e9c7 No.20934210

File: 0065fddd04b252a⋯.png (379.63 KB,710x1338,355:669,jury_finds.png)

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bf3413 No.20934211


Biden: "Come on man, I got more votes than any other blubbubububub in hstr blububy….. you know the thing"

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fe0e5c No.20934212


Even the cops are taking pics

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b02e91 No.20934213

File: 854a0c2ad439744⋯.png (148.58 KB,557x536,557:536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c107222ebd3ab0e⋯.png (84.69 KB,165x254,165:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



Starlink provides Internet connectivity in the air that is often better than being on the ground!

Qatar Airways



Qatar Airways raises in-flight experience to new heights!

We are proud to be the largest global airline and the first in the MENA region to collaborate with @SpaceX @Starlink

This complimentary, ground-breaking service will enhance our passengers' onboard experience with boundless entertainment and information options.

May 29, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC


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fed1be No.20934214

File: 8f5d6fe041beff1⋯.png (1.08 MB,800x772,200:193,735B60AD_626D_4B91_A1B2_79….PNG)

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0a942f No.20934215

550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

A coalition of over 550 UK parliamentarians is urging the next government to officially label Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization as part of a broader effort to address the threat posed by the radical Islamic military body’s activities globally.

Despite persistent resistance from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), the MPs and peers, part of the British Committee for Iran Freedom, are pushing to label Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group in a cross-party initiative, marking a significant policy shift.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration designated the IRGC a terrorist organization in 2019, setting a precedent that these UK lawmakers are keen to follow.


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213dcc No.20934216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



confirmations time

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808804 No.20934217

File: 90839f62cd14eb9⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,400x224,25:14,Fake_News.mp4)

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a5fe38 No.20934218


Secret Service be Freaking! That's Down Town baby!

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65dec9 No.20934219

File: 7adc16bc9a8e482⋯.png (375.81 KB,640x1988,160:497,654.png)

File: 568271697f924ad⋯.jpg (168.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_19_3….jpg)


how fucking cool is that.229

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0b8253 No.20934220

File: 30073f46a0f1e56⋯.png (154.44 KB,737x368,737:368,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c96d71e641cb989⋯.png (57.03 KB,745x180,149:36,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bfc07 No.20934221

File: 0ec3e4cffb7b27c⋯.png (725.18 KB,521x710,521:710,ClipboardImage.png)


Lloyd Austin dying slower than Steve Jobs…

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8bfc07 No.20934222

File: ed249b68a21e769⋯.png (245.83 KB,493x257,493:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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39076c No.20934223

File: 00056cc4311fd52⋯.jpg (273.15 KB,1213x701,1213:701,HunterHigh.jpg)


More people here

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fed1be No.20934224

File: f0a59139538d052⋯.jpeg (754.59 KB,875x1095,175:219,IMG_1311.jpeg)


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ac648d No.20934225


Yup, that's what I did, and it worked well for me most of the time.

I did have to recycle power on the XLink box once in a while, or it would stop working. A reboot usually fixed any issue, EXCEPT for the weird behavior at the edge of BT range.

I also connected my XLink to the existing house wiring, and it was powerful enough to ring all the analog phones I had in the garage, basement, etc.

Like I said before, worked well except for the edge of BT issue, but since my wife had that problem several times and I had a very important call cut off that it took days to get back, my XLink is now disconnected.

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c7ad70 No.20934226




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8bfc07 No.20934227

File: 46c5d93ea2b8c72⋯.png (156.58 KB,586x393,586:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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64d02e No.20934228

File: 60e132cfc763378⋯.png (1.69 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8b13e No.20934229

File: 813480f9b831662⋯.jpeg (18.56 KB,248x255,248:255,002e8d2ce349e79d1c9d99e6a….jpeg)

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a65188 No.20934230

File: 5defe2458a0bb03⋯.png (1.29 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Liberal women will be pimping their babies, toddlers and themselves in no time, because they are "progressive".

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0b8253 No.20934231

File: f0bc908e3eeffd0⋯.png (320.54 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)


>Qatar To Launch National Health Strategy

>Free WiFi

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c7adc5 No.20934232

File: efe46c784c4d407⋯.jpg (118.77 KB,1280x854,640:427,hdgtvfddfg.jpg)

WASHINGTON: "President Joe Biden will be formally nominated as the Democratic presidential nominee through a virtual roll call ahead of the party’s official convention in Chicago in August, a maneuver that will allow Biden to appear on the November ballot in Ohio. The Democratic National Convention, where the president would otherwise be formally nominated, comes after Ohio’s ballot deadline of Aug. 7. The party’s convention is scheduled for Aug. 19-22. Ohio lawmakers have moved the deadline in the past for candidates of both parties, although they had not done so yet for Biden this year and were called to a rare special session by Gov. Mike DeWine to address the issue. The virtual proceedings will allow Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to get the party’s formal nod and will be very similar to the process used in 2020, when the convention went virtual because of the COVID-19 pandemic."


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808804 No.20934233

File: 2614f474828e8e4⋯.jpg (10.23 KB,400x400,1:1,Psywar_Stage.jpg)

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3561ac No.20934234

Q Research Question of the Day:

Is all this media coverage of Trump causing fatigue among his casual supporters?

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8a4b6a No.20934235

File: 96daba1e2c926aa⋯.jpg (672.15 KB,1080x1624,135:203,Picsart_24_05_21_10_14_03_….jpg)

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65dec9 No.20934236

File: d15578052f4be9f⋯.jpg (191.81 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_3….jpg)

File: 0f9d5c16a31abc3⋯.png (254.58 KB,640x2294,320:1147,1219.png)

File: 6aaca77ffdc61b6⋯.jpeg (326.08 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GOwmQObW4AAvCp5.jpeg)

File: 04b9067fb703b10⋯.jpeg (358.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOwmPGNW0AAYeL_.jpeg)

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3e14dc No.20934237


I'm not understanding how you're getting to the edge of the range if the cell phone and XLink are stationary and remain next to each other.

If the cell phone is with a person moving around, then that makes sense, but if the cell phone is left next to the gateway, it shouldn't ever go out of range.

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0a942f No.20934238

File: f6db7d335d5ee35⋯.png (422.62 KB,467x629,467:629,ClipboardImage.png)

Australian State Creates Parliamentary Position For ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

Labor Premier Jacinta Allan of Victoria, the second most populous state in Australia, announced on Monday that a new position had been created in her government: “Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change.”

Allan selected Tim Richardson, the State Labor MP for Mordialloc, to fill the position.

“Tim Richardson will become Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men,” Allan stated. “This is the first position of its kind in Australia – and will focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships.”


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d9a244 No.20934239

File: 50b0f0c6fce1d07⋯.jpg (145.62 KB,720x827,720:827,20240529_133653.jpg)

Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea


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773901 No.20934240

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05941d No.20934241

File: 54b67d1891a843b⋯.png (92.3 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e14dc No.20934242

File: 4503f898df9a9e8⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,300x290,30:29,pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)


>Men’s Behaviour Change

something something something…..toxic masculinity

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ac648d No.20934243

File: d907fb0de6a8f1c⋯.png (805.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,HALEY6.png)

File: f68e0252417acdb⋯.png (481.64 KB,800x600,4:3,HALEY22.png)

File: a25ac4d1699ed21⋯.png (255.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,HALEY29.png)

File: c2570e9e124244d⋯.png (273.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,HALEY35.png)

File: 44917bcf34a9c5b⋯.png (69.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,HALEY40.png)

Still wondering if the jury does come back with at least once guilty verdict:

RINOs will push to drop Trump at the convention and push IKKI NIKKI (who recently said she would actually vote for Trump) instead.

Don't think we have seen the end of the fuckery they have up their collective asses.

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a65188 No.20934244


No - it's just going to make it all the more rewarding… Patience is a virtue.

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65dec9 No.20934245

File: 977431ba93dbf47⋯.jpg (201.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_3….jpg)

File: 99717878ceb8dc0⋯.png (25.08 KB,640x364,160:91,248_2_.png)

File: 0c22cdc0766c7f0⋯.png (38.81 KB,640x496,40:31,1448.png)

File: f300f5aff844475⋯.png (419.25 KB,640x768,5:6,549.png)


ramen clam

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773901 No.20934246


that's what those from the South do as well

sending balloons full with USB sticks with Kpop music to the north

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edbe06 No.20934247



any insight regarding landlines

and which companies, if any,

still re-activate them?

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fed1be No.20934248

File: 37390a5455a5016⋯.jpeg (88.71 KB,682x500,341:250,IMG_1312.jpeg)


Bunch of faggot Sheilas

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0a942f No.20934249

Rafah residents face further danger as Israel hits city’s two hospitals

Israeli air raids put Kuwaiti Hospital out of service and trap medical staff and patients inside Indonesian Field Hospital.

The Gaza Strip’s collapsing health system is under further strain after the Israeli army intensified bombing in Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area and other parts of the enclave, a day after an attack on a camp in Rafah killed 45 Palestinians.

The Indonesian Field Hospital is the latest medical facility in Rafah to be hit with the attack on Monday causing damage to the hospital’s upper floors.

Medical staff and patients are reportedly trapped inside the facility, where many Palestinian families are also taking shelter.

Earlier on Monday, Rafah’s Kuwait Speciality Hospital was forced to shut down after an Israeli attack just outside the gates of the hospital killed two of its medical staff.

Witnesses said the victims were hit by fire from an Israeli aircraft. The hospital was treating most of the 249 wounded in Israel’s attack on Sunday night on a camp for displaced people.


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8bfc07 No.20934250

File: 5a83927756ed9ee⋯.png (596.43 KB,720x665,144:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac648d No.20934251


That's the point. Answer on the cell phone and starting walking around the house, or outside during a call, and suddenly the microphone and speaker just cut out.

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6749ff No.20934252

File: 285d5a45a1fbcfa⋯.png (326.1 KB,576x433,576:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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a65188 No.20934253


BIG PHARMA need to be investigated first - they are poisoning vaccines and food… there is too much difference in the sharpness of kids from here to where Big Pharma have not yet got their tentacles in… This bitch is just a side show… that needs an Argentina style DELETE.

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3e14dc No.20934255

File: e12aeedc7c9c596⋯.png (793.56 KB,497x588,71:84,winning_music.png)


It has the complete opposite effect. Casual supporters can now see that this is politically motivated, and will support him even more. Even centrists who maybe weren't quite supporting him will see this for what it is, and end up supporting him.

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0a942f No.20934256

File: 698ef1187dc8d25⋯.png (494.06 KB,1072x482,536:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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fed1be No.20934257

File: c2155c91ab390f5⋯.gif (1.17 MB,589x250,589:250,IMG_1313.gif)

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d54364 No.20934258


…Fuck that, she needs a 'behaviour change', by getting her ass back into the kitchen and making anon a sandwich.

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dcf0be No.20934259

File: 897c343cf3a906c⋯.jpg (145.7 KB,1080x757,1080:757,Screenshot_20240529_075416….jpg)

While you where looking at a trial something else was happening

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a65188 No.20934260


So voting for women and letting them out of the kitchen was supposed to be a good thing, eh?

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6e3dbb No.20934261


Another successful Hamas PR placement.

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16affb No.20934262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DONE IN [30]


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3e14dc No.20934263


Massive govt grants are being were handed out to take down copper, and replace it with fiber. Landlines will still be available, but not in the traditional sense. Fiber to copper adapter will be installed in the home, making it work like a landline. The only difference being that it requires power, so it won't survive a power outage unless it's on a battery backup.

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65dec9 No.20934264

File: 9717f4fc9cbcf2d⋯.jpg (183.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_4….jpg)

File: c67b86b78843be6⋯.png (420.85 KB,640x1474,320:737,334_5_.png)

File: 4d718799669366d⋯.jpeg (688.86 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOxS6PkWkAALB84.jpeg)

File: 422784432e115b5⋯.jpeg (263.31 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GOxS7MsWAAAlt_B.jpeg)

File: 693ac6c92288ed1⋯.jpeg (639.24 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOxS7yeWUAA577d.jpeg)

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7b3e76 No.20934265

File: e61d0244962ab08⋯.jpg (128.22 KB,900x675,4:3,photo_2024_05_29_11_39_05.jpg)

Standing room only at Biden's rally in Philly. 🤣


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6e3dbb No.20934266


Ummm, if Da Boss is safe in Jail, can't some real Stormy Chit 'appen? For Realz?

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f25655 No.20934267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Robert DeNiro Has Trump Deranged Meltdown Live on TV as Hecklers Yell "F— Joe Biden"


1M subscribers


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b88a20 No.20934268

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

look'ls like they reached a verdict?


action at the door?


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fe0e5c No.20934269



Tell your bosses airing his rallies on all networks will be Trump's doom

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b15b0c No.20934270


That's a 180 mirror on the clock. Seems like Freedom Day could be the opposite for POTUS.

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a2cd36 No.20934271

File: 2103908ee1971fa⋯.png (402.94 KB,459x574,459:574,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3dbb No.20934272


Most landlines flip to VOIP before the old main switching centers, now sold off.,

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a65188 No.20934273


The beauty is that people are now waking themselves up - it's quite relaxing to watch.

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a2cd36 No.20934274

File: f3f43a6bdb4105a⋯.png (619.77 KB,785x815,157:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934275

File: e21fcf067d3f0f5⋯.png (84.62 KB,570x465,38:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2daf7376bc0cb1a⋯.png (101.56 KB,574x551,574:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Microsoft and Walmart Insider Trading Alert




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68af7f No.20934276


Sounds pretty gay.

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65dec9 No.20934277

File: fed3dc7a1d9a20f⋯.jpg (191.87 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_4….jpg)

File: 9abaf8346696e51⋯.png (69.78 KB,640x754,320:377,327_2_.png)

File: 11ec0838347f53c⋯.jpeg (255.09 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GOxRXHkWwAAQ8wx.jpeg)

File: fa35c994c102332⋯.jpeg (200.68 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GOxRXpAXEAAwcHJ.jpeg)

File: 9f19652d7badc59⋯.jpeg (339.89 KB,2048x1727,2048:1727,GOxRXHkWMAAJcUo.jpeg)

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64d02e No.20934278

File: 11b3731c5325920⋯.png (6.3 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)

1 red light

2 green

3 blue

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a2cd36 No.20934279

File: 9d8c98e6c935d87⋯.png (411.26 KB,583x646,583:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfc7b6 No.20934280

File: 2fba161ca89a7ba⋯.png (1.36 MB,1140x641,1140:641,IMG_1060.png)

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fe0e5c No.20934281

Will Trump get inked while in prison?

Will it be on his face?

A tear perhaps?

Big tat across his neck?


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a2cd36 No.20934282

File: bbd90f0aaed28bc⋯.png (190.33 KB,720x517,720:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a24e1 No.20934283

File: b1646ca045ed613⋯.mp4 (14.33 MB,604x344,151:86,Trump_This_trial_is_rigged.mp4)


This one works

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0b8253 No.20934284

File: cf15b22a13644ae⋯.png (918.13 KB,940x640,47:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d4a8b6df8e3174⋯.png (215.75 KB,400x313,400:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 872f20702a3ac1a⋯.png (62.74 KB,300x161,300:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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b88a20 No.20934285

File: 7bfdf94d932b867⋯.jpg (202.41 KB,641x807,641:807,2paths.jpg)

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d9a244 No.20934286

File: d710d135a66eaec⋯.jpg (102.86 KB,720x720,1:1,20240529_134215.jpg)

File: c10d87948152ba0⋯.mp4 (336.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240529_6_ne….mp4)


BIDEN (pandering): "On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man!"

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16affb No.20934287


>Ummm, if Da Boss is safe in Jail, can't some real Stormy Chit 'appen? For Realz?

*cough protected by SS in a fortified cell surrounded by guards inmates who love trump, sherffs and the people of the US

so maybe…

rell chat happenens?

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0a942f No.20934289

Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization

The same bill, which comes in light of evidence suggesting UNRWA employees' links to Hamas, will abolish the immunities and privileges gifted to UNRWA employees.


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3e14dc No.20934290


True. Finding an independent VoIP provider will generally save you a lot of money over using the local telco's flavor of VoIP. An ATA can be gotten on Amazon for a little over $30 which will allow you to connect to the provider of your choice.

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8bfc07 No.20934291

File: 52e13ad5bc29b55⋯.png (352.89 KB,468x480,39:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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5320d9 No.20934292

look at top of head

green screen


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a2cd36 No.20934293

File: 22f80307be6e666⋯.png (574.55 KB,650x983,650:983,ClipboardImage.png)

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a56c5d No.20934294

File: 6837593fe1d7f12⋯.jpg (681.27 KB,2560x2560,1:1,If_You_Bake_It.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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8bfc07 No.20934295

File: c25c687248e5351⋯.png (729 KB,659x500,659:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2637f No.20934296


They are going to need bodyguards when this sham trial is all over.

I'm guessing the plan is still in motion, Q?

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d9a244 No.20934297

File: 2b332dd5f70aee6⋯.jpg (81.13 KB,500x556,125:139,20240529_054953.jpg)

File: fe5028c688019e4⋯.jpg (30.92 KB,346x210,173:105,20240529_055145.jpg)

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a2cd36 No.20934298

File: 0f881d61c38289c⋯.png (290.48 KB,640x526,320:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3dbb No.20934299


Looks like Mr. Althoff's a quarterly seller:


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dfb2f0 No.20934300

File: 36b0118592dcb90⋯.png (87.27 KB,374x482,187:241,BORING.png)

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d9a244 No.20934301

File: c8ce556b5b25927⋯.jpg (121.87 KB,1537x767,1537:767,20240528_201321.jpg)

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c67831 No.20934302


Not when you factor in the timing that this overlaps with the Brunson case they've been memory holing for the last 4 years

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83f89d No.20934303

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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9dcc1c No.20934304




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773901 No.20934305

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d615f3 No.20934306

File: 20c64dca78c5e74⋯.png (191.1 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't stand it, I know you planned it,

All of your corrupt friends had a hand in it,

You winning the vote was just a mirage,

That's why they called it sabotage…

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d9a244 No.20934307

File: fabf2e124ccac07⋯.jpg (287.59 KB,1289x1303,1289:1303,20240529_013050.jpg)

File: 37d11b22ec23151⋯.jpg (141.81 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20240529_013040.jpg)

File: e1bd1f32fabd543⋯.jpg (160.26 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20240529_013046.jpg)

File: 4cc94933f70b5a9⋯.jpg (281 KB,356x482,178:241,20240529_015115.jpg)

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a086d8 No.20934309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No Crime, No Time

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8bfc07 No.20934310

File: 4d684d00d0ad3c7⋯.png (177.88 KB,379x289,379:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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65dec9 No.20934311


fucking slide at this point. redundant

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0a942f No.20934312

File: 9669118e25bf303⋯.png (279.1 KB,959x649,959:649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7a7f9db27e600⋯.png (77.75 KB,532x587,532:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7072fba3a2270a2⋯.png (32.94 KB,541x271,541:271,ClipboardImage.png)

NPR’s new CEO is a CIA woman involved in building a “global censorship prison”

In recent months, women involved with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have worked behind the scenes to achieve one sinister goal: a "global censorship prison."

New NPR (National Public Radio) CEO Katherine Maher, 41, has an odd resume, having worked at a CIA cutout, the National Democratic Institute, the World Bank and the United Nations Children's Fund. Maher also worked at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Center for Technology and Democracy, the Digital Public Library of America and Wikipedia.

Within the same week of the announcement of Maher becoming NPR's new CEO, the government of Tunisia accused her of working for the CIA during the Arab Spring.

Christopher F. Rufo's investigation of her career revealed that Maher was involved in color revolutions.

The alleged purpose of color revolutions, so-called after the Rose Revolution, Orange Revolution and Tulip Revolution in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, respectively, is to replace authoritarian regimes with Western liberal democracies.

Both American and European intelligence services are usually heavily involved in these revolutions, with the organizations aiming to spread modern ideologies and undermine geopolitical opponents. Maher is a minor figure in these movements and she has recently come to greater prominence.

Maher was involved in the wave of color revolutions that took place in North Africa and the Middle East in the 2010s, also known as the Arab Spring. She then supported the post-George Floyd upheavals in the United States.


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64ee61 No.20934313

File: 096abc4c1a450c8⋯.png (63.62 KB,388x315,388:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4904a6cbaf10bfc⋯.png (127.95 KB,388x588,97:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ed706495405cc6⋯.png (162.7 KB,388x612,97:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0f22506f21739b⋯.png (430.33 KB,388x1599,388:1599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fe6dcd43abe241⋯.png (56.74 KB,388x261,388:261,ClipboardImage.png)


07/24/2018 14:28:41

8chan/qresearch: 2265275

You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



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6e3dbb No.20934314

File: f6e9c42295b302e⋯.jpg (216.63 KB,1913x906,1913:906,Althoff_EDGAR.JPG)


Althoff mebbe not entirely quarterly, but definitely a serial seller, so NOT necessarily any indicator of unusual knowledge, other than a severe need of cash and deeply wishes to pay all his taxes.

Sauce: https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/own-disp?CIK=0001868758&action=getowner

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9dcc1c No.20934315

File: c0e8391b4af1aff⋯.png (211.11 KB,350x988,175:494,ClipboardImage.png)


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50043c No.20934316

File: ee7cbd532536920⋯.png (84.74 KB,526x789,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d615f3 No.20934317

File: e3d2715359bbb25⋯.jpg (58.45 KB,600x338,300:169,Airplane2.jpg)

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0a942f No.20934318

File: 15a3b887146bcd1⋯.png (597.4 KB,700x498,350:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0e5c No.20934319

File: 5f7285427822116⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,639x651,213:217,Screenshot_20240528_233115….jpg)

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a2cd36 No.20934320

File: 34634e0edc5c1ab⋯.png (706.92 KB,900x450,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934321


[Chief figured it all out

We're all just trying to catch up]

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fe0e5c No.20934323

File: 9336b76aca93de0⋯.jpg (58.89 KB,500x686,250:343,tnthwc.jpg)

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738244 No.20934324

File: f7b55d8e960f157⋯.png (197.25 KB,637x680,637:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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75e9c7 No.20934325

File: 79612624ef83dd9⋯.png (974.57 KB,1372x680,343:170,DENIRO_HONK_HONK_HONK.png)

File: cc669b2961f2b4c⋯.png (975.46 KB,1372x680,343:170,deniro_pesci_taller.png)

File: b8cfb796faa3f1e⋯.png (996.62 KB,1372x680,343:170,deniro_pesci.png)

File: 24f76413b5343bf⋯.png (983.38 KB,1372x680,343:170,deniro_tattooed_faggot.png)

File: d435367d979450a⋯.png (993.86 KB,1372x680,343:170,deniro_traitor_italians.png)

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895a35 No.20934326

File: d6ae85521b8815d⋯.png (287.05 KB,640x526,320:263,0f881d61c38289c25999d794be….png)

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65dec9 No.20934327

File: bb44a66b3417983⋯.jpg (199.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_15_5….jpg)

File: 0149788f15d2bfd⋯.png (34.9 KB,640x452,160:113,324_1_.png)

File: 8d48ecf1ff1f8b0⋯.jpeg (312.56 KB,2048x1542,1024:771,GOxQorFWMAAhKeN.jpeg)

File: 8d48ecf1ff1f8b0⋯.jpeg (312.56 KB,2048x1542,1024:771,GOxQorFWMAAhKeN.jpeg)

File: 9df82af88eaad95⋯.jpeg (128.38 KB,1020x752,255:188,GOxQorHWUAASCoW.jpeg)

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e3f1e9 No.20934328


[Fiction precipice

Factual conundrum]

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a65188 No.20934329

File: 74d8b7e530e7790⋯.png (119.46 KB,401x500,401:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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08a47e No.20934330

File: c3f70188fc500e2⋯.jpg (18.86 KB,208x255,208:255,0ca23bc9f5fca4f1edb53ae76a….jpg)

the jury note


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cfc7b6 No.20934331



Last week was walking my son’s pit and he murder-dogged a trash panda. Killed it before I even saw the damn thing.

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a2cd36 No.20934332

File: 40dff5bf319ed30⋯.png (498.85 KB,453x640,453:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934333


The Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced on May 29 that they had launched attacks against six ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Mediterranean Sea from Yemen in response to the war on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza Strip.

“The naval forces, the drone force and the missile force of the Yemeni armed forces, with the help of God Almighty, carried out six military operations, as follows:

Three military operations in the Red Sea, the first targeted the ship Laax and it was directly hit and severely damaged, thanks to God.

The second operation targeted the ship Morea and the third operation targeted the ship Sealady.

The three operations were carried out with a number of naval and ballistic missiles and drones, and led to direct casualties, thanks to God.

The armed forces carried out two military operations targeting the American ships Alba and Maersk Hartford in the Arabian Sea, and the operations were carried out with a number of missiles and drones.

The sixth military operation targeted the ship Minerva Antonia in the Mediterranean Sea with a number of winged missiles,” the group’s military spokesman Brigade General Yahya Sarea said in a statement.

The spokesman noted that the six ships were targeted for “violating the decision to ban access to the ports of occupied Palestine.”

“The Yemeni armed forces, in the face of the continued Israeli crimes against our brothers in the Gaza Strip, will not hesitate, with the help of God Almighty, to target all ships that deal with the Israeli entity in the declared area of ​​operations, regardless of their destination, as stated in their previous statements,” he warned.

The Marshall Island-flagged, Greek-owned and operated bulk carrier Laax was hit by three out of five anti-ship ballistic missiles the Houthis launched from Yemen on May 28, according to a statement released by the United States Central Command (CENTCOM).

The ship continued its voyage, the command said, noting that there were no injuries reported by U.S., coalition, or merchant vessels.

In the same statement, CENTCOM announced that its forces had successfully intercepted five Houthi drones over the Red Sea.

“It was determined the systems presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels in the region. These actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and merchant vessels,” the command said.

Separately, photos posted to social networks on May 29 showed what appears to be the wreckage of an MQ-9 Reaper combat drone of the United States military in the central Yemeni province of Ma’rib where the Houthis maintain a strong presence.

CENTCOM acknowledged seeing “reports” of the aircraft being downed in a desert region of Ma’rib. However, the Houthis have not yet claimed downing the drone.


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64d02e No.20934334

File: 093feaa2c448029⋯.png (833.7 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3401b65a872d3e⋯.png (936.84 KB,650x596,325:298,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump is the PResident

there was no 2020 election

its all a sting

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8bfc07 No.20934335

File: 6c05680e2b7563b⋯.png (521.8 KB,1191x670,1191:670,ClipboardImage.png)

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b02e91 No.20934336

File: 6694ceb2c30ffbf⋯.png (222.52 KB,509x558,509:558,ClipboardImage.png)


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0b8253 No.20934337

File: 244826ac130db0e⋯.png (238.53 KB,576x351,64:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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65dec9 No.20934338

File: 52c5878c4b0fe0c⋯.jpeg (447.09 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GOxQorOXAAEF9uh.jpeg)

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7b3e76 No.20934339

File: 93b9cdd171b8411⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,IMG_6514.MOV)


The parents of Ashley Biden‘s diary, and the laptop from hell


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4d1e79 No.20934340


we can probably find the background audience at another event. find the lady in the green dress at another event.

clearly greenscreened

they probably dont have enough peeps to fill the background and have an audience in front to speak too.

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c7adc5 No.20934341

Mr. Biden: I'm listed as the most pro-union president in American history. I'm proud of that. But guess what, I also was very clear to the union presidents, 'you better hire more blacks, you better hire more women'. Not a joke.

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9dcc1c No.20934342

File: 49ca9d4bfb9ae9c⋯.jpg (64.15 KB,490x325,98:65,ltf3n_2676372457.jpg)


Great Job.

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773901 No.20934343

File: e4738c15bdd08a3⋯.png (142.33 KB,506x204,253:102,Bildschirm_foto_2024_05_29….png)


doesnt look healthy either

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a65188 No.20934344

File: dc23acf713ea852⋯.png (408.75 KB,500x498,250:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3dbb No.20934345

File: d8652039a539e99⋯.jpg (238.21 KB,1889x805,1889:805,S_Robson_Walton.JPG)


Now as far as Waltons are concerned, this looks like all the relatives' Trusts are exiting a portion of ownership. Several listed for sales on 5/23-24::


Here's the detail on S Robson Walton:


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0a942f No.20934346

File: 5573ce90daa297d⋯.png (80.83 KB,686x314,343:157,ClipboardImage.png)


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a65188 No.20934347


That would raise the black vote to more then 90% for some reason.

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cfc7b6 No.20934348


What of John-Boy?

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e616b4 No.20934349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61dac4 No.20934350

Gay is a sexual orientation.

Catholic priests can thus NEVER be gay.


because they are celebate!

and if they aren't they they get defrocked, is what is supposed to happen.

so any Jesuit who says stuff like the guy in this article is ignorant.

same sex attraction: it's a thing

having sex: it's a different thing.

gay is both.

a Catholic priest might have been same-sex attracted before he became a priest, but if he's a sincere Catholic he is celebite.


"Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests"

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6e3dbb No.20934351


Can't rulez it out, can one?

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65dec9 No.20934352

File: d884c859bace6d9⋯.jpeg (168.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,GOwn3PPXkAAtlyW.jpeg)

File: d20a4847d0430fb⋯.jpeg (132.48 KB,1200x800,3:2,GOwn3PAW8AAWHnq.jpeg)

File: 176a877c86e3591⋯.jpeg (149.59 KB,1200x800,3:2,GOwn3O3WMAEYUs4.jpeg)

File: f204089fef57994⋯.jpeg (180.54 KB,1200x800,3:2,GOwn3OxXsAA9SPU.jpeg)


shut up Jim. gooks in the wire. payroll sucks.

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bf3413 No.20934354

So team Biden is going to try to use Trump's conviction as leverage yet again, to have him removed from the ballots in every state.

we've got him this timeversion 6.954,493

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6749ff No.20934355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You gonna eat your cornbread

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65dec9 No.20934356

File: d565829d31658da⋯.jpg (197.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_16_0….jpg)

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8bfc07 No.20934357

File: c0ec9affa7f7d08⋯.png (314.93 KB,640x526,320:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2cd36 No.20934358

File: d1b2ccd1a991dc0⋯.png (547.2 KB,828x1060,207:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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b02e91 No.20934359

File: 86a2d3e1ce060f3⋯.png (532.52 KB,336x620,84:155,ClipboardImage.png)




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27ad34 No.20934360

File: 6e33255dc5e6513⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,528x830,264:415,Meanwhile_This_Saturday_Ma….mp4)

>>20932627 pb

>This Saturday May 25,2024 workers on an oil platform witnessed a curious phenomenon: a mysterious light emanating from the seabed.


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0cb771 No.20934361


That would just add a bail jumping charge.

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bf3413 No.20934362


Yup, it's a setup….

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6e3dbb No.20934363


John-Boy quite obviously was Sam's illegitimate son, otherwise they wouldn't have serialized that documentary about him. All the lovin' but no cash.

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0b8253 No.20934364

File: 0734231b8088288⋯.png (147.8 KB,474x285,158:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dcc1c No.20934365

File: 29fda592de78878⋯.png (493.35 KB,828x828,1:1,64ccdbef054a2f6c5901d5b0_M….png)

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cccb6d No.20934366

File: d47d14015bb46ab⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,360x504,5:7,tawi.jpg)

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c72e16 No.20934367


yet more proof that it isn't the jews

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0b8253 No.20934368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a086d8 No.20934369


I just dont understand how they look St Peter straight in the eye, say they abused alter boys, and still get in to heaven…

I think its because the believe none of what the preach…

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75e9c7 No.20934370


In NYS Bail Jumping is not a bail eligible offense - makes no sense, but it's the truth. You jump bail, they still need to release you.

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c7adc5 No.20934371

Mr. Biden: Delaware was the only city in the state, the nation, Wilmington, the only city in America, occupied by the military for nine months after Dr. King was assassinated. I was working for a fancy law firm, I just gotten a job, and I quit and became a public defender, because there was National Guard persons standing on every single corner in Wilmington with a drawn bayonet. Not a joke.

[more ridiculous lies]

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ab5c28 No.20934372


Actors gonna act.

Gutfeld! is the next Carson/Leno/Maher, and the balance from Kat/Tyrus with all the guests, shows how sensible people can disagree and still make/keep peace. Half the jokes do get some interesting responses from the audience, though. Greg seems to have a lot of fun with that.

>A lot of fun with it.

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5a866a No.20934373


Old Limp Dick Joe

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8ad4f0 No.20934374


Eisenhower Park is on LI in Garden City.

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b02e91 No.20934375

File: da2f3e02f47cdb4⋯.png (236.91 KB,610x524,305:262,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden


May 28

Thoughts and prayers are not enough.

It's time for an assault weapons ban.

May 28, 2024 · 7:45 PM UTC



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0a942f No.20934376

Call for ICC To Charge European Commission President With Complicity in Israeli Genocide

On May 22, 2024, the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI), the Collectif de Juristes pour le Respect des Engagements Internationaux de la France (CJRF) and a group of international concerned citizens, submitted a legal brief to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan requesting the opening of an investigation against Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including the Gaza Strip.

This legal brief, endorsed by various human rights groups and prominent academics and experts in international criminal law, calls the Prosecutor to initiate investigations on the basis of the information provided against Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. The latter has been repeatedly informed of violations of international humanitarian law committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip, through reports from international organizations and foreign governments. This is evidenced by a letter sent to her on February 14, 2024, by the President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, and the then Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar.[1]

Mrs Ursula von der Leyen is responsible for aiding and abetting the commission of crimes and violations of international humanitarian law, within the meaning of Article 25(3)(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Mrs von der Leyen enjoys no functional immunity before the International Criminal Court by virtue of Article 27 of the Rome Statute.

The President of the European Commission is complicit in violations of Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute by her positive actions (military, political, diplomatic support to Israel) and by her failure to take timely action on behalf of the European Commission to help prevent genocide as required by the 1948 Genocide Convention. Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen cannot deny awareness of the plausibility of these crimes, especially following the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures order of 26 January 2024 in the pending ICJ case South Africa v. Israel. More importantly, Mrs. Von der Leyen has failed to take appropriate action to prevent such crimes, whereas the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the Statute of the International Criminal Court make prevention an erga omnes obligation.

[1] Leo Varadkar and Pedro Sánchez, Letter to the President of the Commission of the European Union Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, Oifig an Taoisigh (Office of the Taoiseach) and Gobierno de España – Presidencia del Gobierno, 14/02/2024.


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df0bd0 No.20934377

File: 554400f74b788f6⋯.png (68.35 KB,600x494,300:247,ClipboardImage.png)


Truman was a shoo-in, so I would be surprised if he wasn't a crook himself.

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a2cd36 No.20934378

File: 78bbb5b47985668⋯.png (122.08 KB,1062x436,531:218,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934379

[Why do Christians need to have their fiction-leader martyred in the courts

While the fiat wheels keep turning

Pharma keeps bluepilling

Legacy media keeps smith-mundting

Southern border stays open

We're all just doing our jobs]

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a65188 No.20934380


Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

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e616b4 No.20934381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61dac4 No.20934382


do they?

I have no idea what Jesus does with them.

I know what doctrine says:

if you aren't celibate you get defrocked.

gay means 'active homosexual'.

You thus can't be a priest and be gay.

end of story.

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6e3dbb No.20934383


Pendergast Machine Product.


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9cc4a5 No.20934384


I'm not gay. I only like little girls.

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bf3413 No.20934385

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,Dafuq.jpg)


I guess the MSM can no longer make the excuse for Biden's rallies being teeny tiny, that people are just being safe from COVID, and not coming into crowds.

They loved that excuse back in 2020.

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cfc7b6 No.20934386

File: c4c5cab836a7c14⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,1088x780,272:195,IMG_1066.jpeg)


How Anons start,…

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e3f1e9 No.20934387



[Close but no winning]

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0a942f No.20934388

File: 35cb97d8db81c0f⋯.png (647.02 KB,1080x1180,54:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0e5c No.20934389

File: 7237e61874f8c7e⋯.jpg (62.1 KB,600x398,300:199,8b0io.jpg)

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d56229 No.20934390

File: 1aaa94555f8af12⋯.png (221.58 KB,784x350,56:25,Biden_racism2.png)

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b02e91 No.20934391

File: 9278bae442366e9⋯.png (43.62 KB,640x370,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)

James Esses




The UK government has banned the private prescription of puberty blockers for children.

This, coupled with the recent NHS ban, means that no new children in the UK should be able to access the drugs.

This is seismic. Child safeguarding is being restored.

Elon Musk



Replying to @JamesEsses

Thank goodness

May 29, 2024 · 5:56 PM UTC




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5320d9 No.20934392


did he actually win

were the papers wrong

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65dec9 No.20934393

File: 5e9f03bc6057a08⋯.gif (469.09 KB,220x165,4:3,dented_head_head.gif)

File: 8d99e509bbb7ec6⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,399x519,133:173,muuugshot2b_thumb_400x519.jpg)


been here far too long directly to exit

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38eb49 No.20934394


The Question is Why is it still permitted in North America?

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0e65d7 No.20934395

Was he found guilty?

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8c3b32 No.20934396

french suit germy wiggur juuuuu$ an butts

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f25655 No.20934397

File: df389d0f6266ab9⋯.png (176.24 KB,655x753,655:753,weinstein_deniro_03092024.png)

File: 6a271794582b3d6⋯.png (462.96 KB,900x628,225:157,hillary_weinstein.png)

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68af7f No.20934398



The Democrats haven't figured it out.

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5320d9 No.20934399



was dewey capable or willing to char hiroshima and nagasaki

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d54364 No.20934400


…Good. Now, other countries need to follow suit.

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8c3b32 No.20934401


abominations wishing for abominations

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9dcc1c No.20934402


>How Anons start,…

Welcome, please be our guest.

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75e9c7 No.20934403

File: d471abee9e2683d⋯.png (708.28 KB,1190x754,595:377,deliberations_end_today.png)

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710d4c No.20934404

File: c10fcf6b95f07b1⋯.jpg (102.67 KB,1057x576,1057:576,kathy_killed_kathy.jpg)


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8c3b32 No.20934405

File: 28a0788bdabe537⋯.png (52.25 KB,511x640,511:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6b7a No.20934406

File: 4ac217c8178b38d⋯.gif (1.84 MB,320x180,16:9,A55F3E56_1775_48A6_B049_58….gif)

Biggest IPOs on US Exchanges This Year Come From Non-US Firms

(They know the goose is about cooked here too so that’s why you saw GameStop and AMC dilute it’s shareholders with secondaries on any strength in its share price. Technicals and fundamentalists checked out of all markets long ago but you can still get clues with Technical trading as AMC certainly proved that. The douches talking about valuations below is laughable-especially the NYSE Exec as what else are they going to say?….that we continue to build on the largest asset bubble(s) ever witnessed by mankind?..of course not…tread lightly)

Waystar Holding Corp.’s initial public offering, launched Tuesday, would be the largest by a US company this year if it prices at the top of its range to raise $1.04 billion. When it comes to all IPOs on US exchanges this year, it wouldn’t even make the top three. The largest such offerings to date are by companies domiciled outside the US: Viking Holdings Ltd. in Bermuda, Amer Sports Inc. in Finland, and Kazakhstan’s Kaspi.KZ JSC. Non-US issuers accounted for 39% of the $17.2 billion raised among IPOs on US exchanges so far this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s the largest share of the volume in more than a decade.

Global companies choosing to list in the US instead of their native countries has prompted plenty of hand-wringing at home, such as when UK-based Arm Holdings Plc chose New York last year over London for its $5.2 billion first-time share sale. US exchanges say the decision over where to list often simply boils down to companies getting higher prices for their stock. 

US stocks have the highest valuations in the worldaccording to an article in April by Nasdaq Inc. Chief Economist Phil Mackintosh on the company’s website. The US’s market valuation at the time stood at an average of 20.6 times forward price-to-earnings, higher than Europe’s 12.8 times and the 12.6 times for Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, Mackintosh’s article showed. If that wasn’t enough, the US market attracts issuers looking for more specialized knowledge of their companies. “European portfolio managers tend to be more generalist, whereas in the US you tend to have a large number of sector-specific investors,” Michael Harris, global head of capital markets at the New York Stock Exchange. “This level of in-depth analysis within a key industry can often result in a willingness to pay a higher valuation multiple.” The valuation gap for issuers in the sector is particularly pronounced in certain sectors like energy and materials, which may result from different regions’ approach to ESG, according to Karen Snow, Nasdaq’s global head of listings.

Companies “feel that that European investors are just more restricted in the type of businesses that they’re willing to invest in at this point,” she said. Snow expects the bulk of international issuers will continue to come from Europe and Asia, which account for 61% of the money raised by global issuers listing in the US so far this year. 

One such potential issuer is Swedish fintech Klarna Bank AB, whose chief executive officer Sebastian Siemiatkowski said earlier this month that the startup is preparing for an IPO that may value the company at as much as $20 billion, and is leaning towards a New York debut. Other international firms set to list in the US include Mexican airline Grupo Aeromexico SAB and Indian-owned aluminum producer Novelis Inc., which traces its roots to a spinoff from a Canadian company and is domiciled in the country. “It’s a really good mix across all different sectors, which I think is probably one of the most exciting parts of it,” Snow said.


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f25655 No.20934407

File: e564ec5ab58daed⋯.png (748.06 KB,1226x865,1226:865,ron_boots.png)

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65dec9 No.20934408

File: c2fef9edf4f2a26⋯.jpg (131.22 KB,529x500,529:500,2k0cal.jpg)


special fertilizer

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c67831 No.20934409


two more days

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d54364 No.20934410

File: 07667a9c84eb6ba⋯.png (724.89 KB,1200x358,600:179,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)



#25675 >>20933979, >>20933996

>>20934022 Dough claim

>>20934008 Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments

>>20934011 Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

>>20934020 PF Report: Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation

>>20934060 PF Report: SAM677 C32A Blinken departed Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

>>20934083 Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia

>>20934092 Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!

>>20934116 LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

>>20934119 Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media - Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown (RT)

>>20934130 PF Report: Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia; TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

>>20934131 COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

>>20934140 Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech

>>20934144 Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

>>20934165 PF Report: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20934184 The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants

>>20934185 Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week. Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

>>20934187 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.

>>20934201 Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich

>>20934208 France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

>>20934213 @elonmusk - Starlink provides Internet connectivity in the air that is often better than being on the ground!

>>20934215 550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

>>20934232 Democrats plan to nominate Biden by virtual roll call to meet Ohio ballot deadline

>>20934238 Australian State Creates Parliamentary Position For ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

>>20934249 Rafah residents face further danger as Israel hits city’s two hospitals (aljazeera)

>>20934275, >>20934299, >>20934314, >>20934345 Microsoft and Walmart Insider Trading Alert

>>20934286 BIDEN (pandering): "On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man!"

>>20934289 Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization

>>20934375 resident Biden - Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It's time for an assault weapons ban.

>>20934391 The UK government has banned the private prescription of puberty blockers for children.


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e616b4 No.20934411



are you allowed to say gay?

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c67831 No.20934412


we support the current dumgay thing

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f25655 No.20934413

File: 002dc0b7a1e7e10⋯.png (250.05 KB,658x1071,94:153,george_clooney_julia_rober….png)

File: 1277e716297b77a⋯.png (247.02 KB,1008x1201,1008:1201,international_criminal_cou….png)

File: 5493a187f13c4e7⋯.png (376.42 KB,987x1109,987:1109,amal_clooney_sunni_muslim_….png)

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773901 No.20934414


kek, true

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df0bd0 No.20934415



I believe there may have some of that "wee hours of the morning" shenanigans going on back then as well.

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65dec9 No.20934416


read the FBI & CSIS guidelines. the management is fucking retarded NSA manual

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0e65d7 No.20934417

File: 25653b341bfafb9⋯.png (677.85 KB,639x603,71:67,Trump_DylnMlvny_tub.png)

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8c3b32 No.20934418

john Gutierrez puupur gets sentenced to twenty years of droppin the soap

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ea2636 No.20934419


>how they look St Peter straight in the eye, say they abused alter boys, and still get in to heaven

False tradition. Woe to those who shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces.

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d56229 No.20934420

File: a3c65637116f86d⋯.jpg (369.6 KB,1172x686,586:343,SOCIALISM1.jpg)

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1a6b7a No.20934421


The better question is was Dewey a 33rd d mason?

Or was he going to continue to keep Operation Golden Lilly a secret.

Or would he gave gone along with giving the Soviet’s the nuclear bomb.

Answer to all: no chance in hell

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b2637f No.20934422

They gonna wait unttil Friday to arrest Trump.

Get ready for the Tweet…

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5320d9 No.20934423

File: c4a1f3abf8a47aa⋯.jpg (41.16 KB,440x585,88:117,Thomas_Dewey_in_1944.jpg)

dewey needed a zoot suit and a chicago typewriter for the win

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e616b4 No.20934424



which one are you

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75e9c7 No.20934425

JUST IN: NBC reports that Trump's defense team is "newly animated" and have "cracked" a smile while the District Attorney's team looks "tense and apprehensive" in New York.

The moment came as the jury submitted a second note to Judge Merchan, asking him to give the instructions again.

"The District Attorney’s team looks tense and apprehensive. Todd Blanche, on Trump’s defense team, just cracked a tight smile. Trump, Blanche and Emil Bove, another one of Trump's attorneys, are whispering amongst themselves and look newly animated," NBC reported.

Jurors were then dismissed for the day after a few hours of deliberations.

"You must not google or otherwise search for information about the case," Merchan said.

Deliberations will continue tomorrow at 9:30.

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2971fe No.20934426

File: f3999318cd7dea3⋯.jpg (429.26 KB,720x885,48:59,f3999318cd7dea369d4fdec1f0….jpg)


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d56229 No.20934427

File: f77d8f8c46b3a87⋯.jpg (617.36 KB,1035x870,69:58,PREDATORS.jpg)

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daf5d5 No.20934428

File: e62b00c8a8f1f44⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB,466x354,233:177,e62b00c8a8f1f44fcb71accd2d….mp4)

Baker man

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edbe06 No.20934429

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abc254 No.20934430

File: ffa485d12887745⋯.jpg (240.78 KB,1200x675,16:9,234_biden_cone_v4.jpg)

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bf3413 No.20934431

The longer a jury takes to deliberate, the better it is for the defendant. Any criminal defense lawyer will tell you this.

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60a34c No.20934432

File: b61f2789836a610⋯.jpeg (157.1 KB,904x500,226:125,IMG_0173.jpeg)

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38eb49 No.20934433


Why hasn't the Rainbow Club Denounced members that target Children?

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d56229 No.20934434

File: e007ff600def121⋯.jpg (154.35 KB,602x548,301:274,illstab.jpg)

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65dec9 No.20934436


a conglomerate of em' all

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d90d88 No.20934437


>Pain tolerance exceedingly low

>Scanning reserves with experience in applying pressure to one eyed shitzus

>Civilian profiles light on details

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61dac4 No.20934438


so do the shills now go back to post GM to each other till 9:30 tomorrow morning?

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b02e91 No.20934439

File: 2c6c081606ee42c⋯.png (94.05 KB,605x555,121:111,ClipboardImage.png)

Jill Biden



We are excited for children near and far to once again enjoy the giant pandas’ adorable and joyful adventures at our @NationalZoo. 💕

National Zoo



It’s official: the pandas are coming to D.C.!

Alongside @FLOTUS, we’re thrilled to announce that by the end of this year, the Zoo will once again be home to two giant pandas. #DCPandas

May 29, 2024 · 12:06 PM UTC


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c67831 No.20934440

File: 540ac6dd3efbd37⋯.png (247.14 KB,589x887,589:887,1717013977181039.png)

the trial failed.

the judge knows it

the da knows it

the lead prosecutor knows it

the defense team knows it

the press knows it

the doj knows it

joe knows it

the poll takers know it

…americans on the street know it

the only people clinging to hope are shills.

it doesn't matter what the judges says the verdict is, either

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9dcc1c No.20934441

File: 0af0cc4c51890f9⋯.jpg (62.79 KB,500x542,250:271,2gpnyd_3375435484.jpg)

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e616b4 No.20934442


history will remember your treachery

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abeacd No.20934443

File: 3c9364deed3a590⋯.webp (26.61 KB,640x697,640:697,heart_eyes_v0_hc8odrnrmbz….webp)

>>20933984 lb

will you go to the planet parade with me

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65dec9 No.20934444



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553fd3 No.20934445

God bless the board

That means (You)

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bf3413 No.20934446


>NBC reports that Trump's defense team is "newly animated" and have "cracked" a smile while the District Attorney's team looks "tense and apprehensive" in New York.

See → >>20934431

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1b41a0 No.20934447

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147ce3 No.20934448

File: ed8b0037f868dac⋯.jpg (5.96 KB,273x184,273:184,images_jpeg_155.jpg)


Only pedos hate Trump, silly.

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abb19b No.20934449

File: 62471d25ef8e5c2⋯.png (609.16 KB,928x463,928:463,77A7273B_F59E_4E26_A11E_E1….png)

>sorry guys, i just don’t think he did it.

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65dec9 No.20934450

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cfc7b6 No.20934451

File: d7098f6f811785d⋯.jpeg (123 KB,580x360,29:18,IMG_1068.jpeg)

I love this circus.

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0e65d7 No.20934452

File: b72677e6f47af2e⋯.png (119.39 KB,426x586,213:293,GuyInFishTankBassPros_remo….png)


lb/pb faggot

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abb19b No.20934453


filtered for spewing numerology nonsense

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674a06 No.20934454


I take giant pandas as code for high ranking chinese communists.

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61dac4 No.20934455



use your words . . .

do you have something to say because I don't know how to decipher your code.

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edbe06 No.20934456

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830469 No.20934457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b88a20 No.20934458

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


camera from court house just changed to outside.


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38eb49 No.20934459


Hung Jury

Judge sends them back

Hung Jury

Judge sends them back

Hung Jury

6 Months later….

Hung jury….

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518653 No.20934460

File: 57ee319efd205e4⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB,2160x1798,1080:899,violent_tranny_alert.jpeg)

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8e869a No.20934461


denn die Todten reiten schnell

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773901 No.20934462


Jurors sent home after day 1 of deliberations

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9dcc1c No.20934463

File: 7da504db28b5abc⋯.jpg (68.8 KB,324x440,81:110,z2548_4084065333.jpg)


>I love this circus.

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0e65d7 No.20934464

File: 59dfda2c9f7608e⋯.png (30.32 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e869a No.20934465


is too stupid to chan.

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65dec9 No.20934466


only an orbed clam says that out loud. TOGTFO

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b88a20 No.20934467


It's taking a while.

Cat fight in the jury chambers?

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bf3413 No.20934468


>Jurors sent home after day 1 of deliberations

Has Hillary contacted them and threatened them and their families yet?

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b61308 No.20934469

File: a5b685a660c18d8⋯.png (420.72 KB,466x612,233:306,ClipboardImage.png)


speak english you fucking goose stepping krout.

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8bfc07 No.20934470

File: 0615840468b209c⋯.png (333.84 KB,675x714,225:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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e616b4 No.20934471

File: a46e5846d3b6dde⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,640x360,16:9,Lion_s_Gate.mp4)

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0a942f No.20934472

File: 4ade07f03a8576c⋯.png (323.1 KB,450x420,15:14,ClipboardImage.png)

RFK Jr celebrates an infamous Dem gay rights leader Harvey Milk who was accused of grooming minors

On Wednesday, independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. posted an homage to Harvey Milk, an infamous Democrat politician accused of grooming minors, on the day established in 2009 to celebrate his life. Kennedy posted on X, "I want to take a moment to celebrate Harvey Milk Day and honor a man whose bravery transformed our society. Harvey Milk was a trailblazer for LGBTQ+ rights and the first openly gay individual elected to public office in California."

Harvey Milk. Why are so many Jews gay? Overbearing mothers and browbeaten fathers.


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808804 No.20934473

File: b75eccd9b0758e4⋯.jpg (47.25 KB,645x485,129:97,wwf_en_pandas_4138607913.jpg)

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fe0e5c No.20934474


Hope nobody dissappears overnight.

Families, pets, neighborhood, secret frens.

Who is protecting this cutouts?

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61dac4 No.20934475

File: 180edbe015e5474⋯.jpg (65.05 KB,411x412,411:412,1503578966350.jpg)

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a40ee8 No.20934476

File: 3bade6aec00c705⋯.gif (918.55 KB,1060x863,1060:863,DeNiro_Phantom_Zone.gif)

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8e869a No.20934477


is it raining yet randy?

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72e815 No.20934478


i was on a jury about 20 years ago

it was 2 of us against the rest

it took us all day to change everyone's minds

tears wear shed by some, i just couldn't wait to get out of that courthouse

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3e14dc No.20934479

File: ee061d22dda40a2⋯.jpg (108.83 KB,651x651,1:1,HRC_8.jpg)

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daf5d5 No.20934480



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2e59f2 No.20934481


What you want, a fkn ice cream cone?

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60a34c No.20934482

File: bb56bfab4471a9a⋯.jpeg (186.27 KB,853x1023,853:1023,IMG_0324.jpeg)

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b02e91 No.20934483



Nice algorythm.

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a2cd36 No.20934484

File: 32fb3570d5f1604⋯.png (481.58 KB,671x952,671:952,ClipboardImage.png)

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b88a20 No.20934485


alright, so Jury are dismissed.

Chances are: If the jury disobeys judge and looks for more info - they will resist being culpable dupes?


Judge had to send them home so they could be threatened?

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9dcc1c No.20934486


>What you want, a fkn ice cream cone?

I wanna empty one.

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9cc4a5 No.20934487


It means they didn't get a unanimous vote on the first round.

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d9a244 No.20934488

File: 51639379f4bf2d5⋯.jpg (110.95 KB,709x709,1:1,20240529_143537.jpg)

File: 7919a1b6ecedb82⋯.mp4 (563.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240529_7_ne….mp4)

BIDEN: "We're rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!"


What a stooge , fuckin mashed potato brain

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8e869a No.20934489



an unread cretin.

haow quaint.

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8bfc07 No.20934490

File: f23af59da5f03e0⋯.png (686.28 KB,741x552,247:184,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6b7a No.20934491

File: 7b499bae2790909⋯.jpeg (773.03 KB,1132x611,1132:611,6A604A9B_3545_43B8_A9EC_7….jpeg)

File: ab6adfe52af6bdd⋯.png (112.5 KB,390x275,78:55,635A3772_8011_46FB_A6AC_00….png)

PF: Flauxtus dropped off at Wilmington from NYC, high level G5 on ground at JBA from Barksdale and Offutt overnights (STRATCOM)

SAM040 G5 back to JBA after Wilmington,SMDL depart

Dropped off Flauxtus as EXEC1F from NYC after taping that stoopid show and arrived yesterday

Jill Biden Talks 2024 Election on 'The View': 'Choose good over evil'


SAM632 G5 inbound to JBA from Barksdale AFB (backup STRATCOM) Shreveport,LA depart and overnight

Had a short holding period as some bad weather over JBA

Arrived from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM) yesterday and had onight there as well

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f600f3 No.20934492


Is that the new Sniff'l me Elmo? What the fuck. Didn't the puppeteer of Elmo molest some kids? I met someone in Rehab that said he was molested by the guy. He was a tiny black kid and would do the Elmo voice all the time, he could have been lying or he was touching kids IDK

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a2cd36 No.20934493

File: 05a562c11deaed9⋯.png (479.71 KB,788x812,197:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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b88a20 No.20934494


if the judge is serious, he makes them stay til late?

this judge is foolish

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1c2b87 No.20934495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab5c28 No.20934496

File: 5dc327b1d54bc1a⋯.png (422.83 KB,485x344,485:344,ClipboardImage.png)

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e616b4 No.20934497

File: 761156871fe0c92⋯.png (1.43 MB,960x774,160:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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72e815 No.20934498


he hoping they go home and watch joy reid and jen psaki on msdnc

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d9a244 No.20934499

File: 2b413d5f83b79ff⋯.mp4 (234.92 KB,442x360,221:180,76LYiUTYD_0WMuvo.mp4)

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9dcc1c No.20934500

Yes I am pay, a real pay packet and you pay just about the correct price for what you did, karma bitch ass.

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e3f1e9 No.20934501

[If the Arab Nations can do chemtrails to make rain..

Why not help Palestine?

If the Arab Nations can send food aid..

Why not help Palestine?

If the Arab Nations can sanction Israel..

Why not help Palestine?]

Europe has been flooded with Refugees/migrants, but the Arab Nations do nothing to help each other.

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1a6b7a No.20934502

File: c345d385fb48e97⋯.jpeg (424.76 KB,767x956,767:956,43B95738_82EA_479E_B544_9….jpeg)

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b2637f No.20934503


I was literally thinking the other day I had seen that guy somewhere before, just couldn't think and there it is! It really is a movie…

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e616b4 No.20934504

File: ec13e4f7f398455⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,christianpanda.mp4)


but are they christian pandas

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65dec9 No.20934505



there will be burger shitz

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8bfc07 No.20934506

File: 2b314e6fd9100d6⋯.png (150.16 KB,279x279,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2cd36 No.20934507

File: e5663d509291e2f⋯.png (307.18 KB,821x779,821:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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492a55 No.20934508

File: 255b57bddd919b3⋯.jpg (89.35 KB,675x767,675:767,CowSoon.jpg)

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e616b4 No.20934509

File: 0e563384aa6b193⋯.mp4 (810.21 KB,480x360,4:3,pingpong.mp4)

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38eb49 No.20934510


What do they know about Palestinians

That they rest of us don't?

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d9a244 No.20934511

File: 89ceb8c71395e73⋯.gif (3.11 MB,600x411,200:137,89ceb8c71395e73608c0546b36….gif)

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a2cd36 No.20934512

File: 99dad3c785b938f⋯.png (697.37 KB,1080x1048,135:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934513

MARCH 3, 2019

Open Letter From Sanhedrin to Donald Trump Concerning Dividing the Land of Israel and Jerusalem

The nascent Sanhedrin issued an open letter to the president of the United States in advance of the announcement concerning his peace plan for the Middle East. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser, is currently touring the region to garner support for the much-anticipated plan. Though details of the plan have yet to be revealed, it is believed that the plan will include establishing a contiguous Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria as well as a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. The Trump Administration is expected to release its peace plan following Israel’s elections on April 9.

“To the honorable President Donald Trump,

The Beit Din of the Sanhedrin, the High Court of 71, would like to express its appreciation for all you have done for the People of Israel, for the State of Israel, and in particular your formative action in moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

At the same time, we are very concerned about the implications of the so-called “deal of the century ” that has not yet been presented to the public but has already been announced. The plan received considerable attention from Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu. We assume that not everyone is wrong and we are convinced that you have truly good intentions to make peace. However, peace can only be achieved if it is not contrary to the will of the Creator. And it follows that peace can only be implemented by whosoever decides to ensure that all of land mentioned in many places in the Bible are granted as an eternal inheritance to the people of Israel, the seed Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

We ask you and your government not to present any plan that violates the Divine rights of the people of Israel to all of its land, the Land of Israel.

The Creator of the World did not grant any rights of settlement in the borders of the Holy Land to other nations, and certainly not to the enemies of the People of Israel. If you act according to these principles you will be guaranteed the blessing of the Beit Din and the Blessing of Heaven. Accordingly, your terms of office will be filled with success, both for you and for the United States of America.”

With great respect and blessings,

Rav Yoel Shwartz (Chief Justice) Rav Yishai Babad Rav Yonatan Ben Eliezer Rav Arel Segal Halevy Rav Boaz Melet

Rav Dov Stein (Secretary of Court and Associate Justice)

Rav Prof. Hillel Weiss (Speaker of the Court and Associate Justice)

Rabbi Weiss noted that Donald Trump entered the White House as the result of an upset victory and has remained in office despite concerted efforts by the media and left-wing politicians to remove him.

“I am not a prophet but Trump is clearly being blessed with success,” Rabbi Weiss said. “This blessing is the result of his attachment to Jerusalem. If he wants to complete his term in office, he must continue this.”


Quote: "The Creator of the World did not grant any rights of settlement in the borders of the Holy Land to other nations, and certainly not to the enemies of the People of Israel. "


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72e815 No.20934514


so, in other words, they could all vote not guilty, but according to merchan, they would have to find him guilty anyway

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df0bd0 No.20934515

File: 06915e442eb5346⋯.png (36 KB,279x346,279:346,ClipboardImage.png)



33rd POTUS

33rd Degree Mason

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0e65d7 No.20934516


this video shows this person sexually molesting a little girl

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c67831 No.20934517


>deprive a demographic of human rights and dignity for ages

>punish them for becoming inbred terrorists

Yeah IDK

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65dec9 No.20934518

File: 5cb53eb00f05fc3⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB,1599x1062,533:354,GOsZfQ8XwAAwEOq.jpeg)


fucking gaffer

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0a942f No.20934519

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Jewish donors earlier this month that if elected in November he would deport anti-Israel protesters and defeat the "radical revolution" he said the campus demonstrations were part of.

Karoline Leavitt, the campaign's national press secretary, wrote to the Post in email that "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end."


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7e5020 No.20934520

The Ca Baal

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ed9eaf No.20934521

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME”



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e616b4 No.20934522

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB,640x360,16:9,war.mp4)

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bf3413 No.20934523



Wait, you mean he was claiming to be someone other than the J6 Capitol Police Chief ????

I thought that's who they said he was.

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a2cd36 No.20934524



It means the jury can find Trump guilty even if they can't agree on what the facts are

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b7b045 No.20934525

Our Father

Please protect President Trump and give him strength and courage, wisdom and protection.

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9dcc1c No.20934526


If a branch does not grow, it hangs loose.

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38eb49 No.20934527



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8bfc07 No.20934528

File: d0d492a99c16722⋯.png (371.97 KB,624x487,624:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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c67831 No.20934529

File: 3a85ff448438bc1⋯.gif (547.63 KB,200x229,200:229,1717014155521073.gif)


>Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME”

This is basically a carbon copy of arguments against the Brunsun case:

Traitors claiming diplomatic immunity

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5fa207 No.20934530


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b02e91 No.20934531

File: 3a7e2b68719a384⋯.png (29.75 KB,175x259,25:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME”

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d0c3f0 No.20934532

File: a24decd1e89209b⋯.png (9.18 KB,211x319,211:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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df0bd0 No.20934533


Because the Left are either criminals or ignorant.

Sometimes both.

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0a942f No.20934534

File: 03968c0e9b6f2bf⋯.png (723.45 KB,865x597,865:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf3413 No.20934535

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)


Ca Baal TV

Ca Baal Modem

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b7b045 No.20934536


It gives the jury members all protection too.

They can blame the judge for a bad verdict

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72e815 No.20934537


we find Trump guilty

what are the facts you based this decision on?

we don't know

guilty, your honor

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b61308 No.20934538

File: c33a82208ecfcd7⋯.png (300.01 KB,507x493,507:493,ClipboardImage.png)


And those around him and the maga supporter.


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e616b4 No.20934539

america heart israel always

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65dec9 No.20934540


Jesus Christ

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72e815 No.20934541


ignorant criminals?

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0a942f No.20934542

Restricting Whites From Employment Becomes "Systemic" In Canada

"The federal government also suggested discriminatory race-and gender-based hiring practices could continue regardless of targets."


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1b41a0 No.20934543

File: 456ebb3e9399edd⋯.jpeg (25.92 KB,300x300,1:1,E3DA18DB_75BC_413C_BFB6_6….jpeg)

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fe0e5c No.20934544

File: eb7f6f1896d08b7⋯.jpg (77.86 KB,604x500,151:125,8s25pl.jpg)

Best pope since St Peter


End time pope is best pope

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b2637f No.20934545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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38eb49 No.20934546

Israel Genocide: 17,000,000 Dead

Oh wait, my Bad, that was the Vax

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9cc4a5 No.20934547


When the jury reaches a verdict the jury foreman signs the instructions. Is the judge holding on to the instructions so he can make the ultimate decision if the jury doesn't convict?

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65dec9 No.20934548


grant you that

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0a942f No.20934549

File: be9d82c4d06e551⋯.png (216.97 KB,568x410,284:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934550

Salvini: 'The bill to reintroduce the draft in the Chamber'

'Six months of civil or military service for 18-26 year olds'


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8bfc07 No.20934551



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830469 No.20934552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e65d7 No.20934553

File: f18c69e009aee29⋯.png (260.73 KB,1213x809,1213:809,AOC_BOOM_KID2.png)

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5c9fc8 No.20934554

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>Israel Genocide

>my Bad, that was the Vax

Same difference

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5fc046 No.20934555

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b88a20 No.20934556


yep, dude is 100% crisis actor.


he was in some other role some other day.

and anyway is a crisis actor no matter what they they tell you

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b02e91 No.20934557

File: c5a1f6c03df51ed⋯.png (205.67 KB,619x417,619:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0c3f0 No.20934558


It's not working on this thread. The others worked fine and even atm I can take screenshots on former breads. Has something changed?

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b2637f No.20934559



Not working for me on the web browser…

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a40ee8 No.20934560

File: 7126430f966fa69⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Judge Merchan has ruled against him again and again.

Finally Donald Trump lost his temper and said, “What a moron!”

The judge, flushed with anger, shouted, “$1,000 fine!”

“$1,000 dollars?!” Trump said. “I said three words.”

“Those three words were contempt of court,” the judge said, “and that’s a $1,000 fine.”

Mr. Trump got out his wallet and started looking through it.

Thinking there’s been a misunderstanding, Judge Merchan calmed down a bit and said, “you don’t have to pay now.”

Mr. Trump, “No, I’m just checking to see if I have enough cash on me for two more words…. just two more!”


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50043c No.20934561


>yep, dude is 100% crisis actor.

him's iranian

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b88a20 No.20934562

File: ea612aef23e478c⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,769x577,769:577,DAYabW8VoAESBNZ.jpg)


fy "jones"

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b7b045 No.20934563

File: 2e940a0d05d6c7a⋯.jpeg (928.8 KB,1170x2325,78:155,IMG_9502.jpeg)

File: 764b00eac7c0921⋯.png (375.98 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9503.png)

File: 675a179b75ebb0f⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9505.jpeg)


Thoughts from GWP. Last screenshot interesting

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e616b4 No.20934564

File: 46c7ed8a1deb1df⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,480x848,30:53,turtlepower.mp4)

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b02e91 No.20934565

File: b9a24c1ae2b49c1⋯.png (58.92 KB,541x320,541:320,ClipboardImage.png)



restart browser.

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33f1ff No.20934566


It would be consistent with everything that has happened so far under the "Q Plan" if Trump is found Guilty and jailed but then the verdict is overturned on Appeal. So I expect a guilty verdict

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72e815 No.20934567

File: 77775d5602dfb65⋯.png (259.27 KB,715x480,143:96,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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a2cd36 No.20934568

File: dc62b5dd5e51cd8⋯.png (549.24 KB,640x644,160:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bfc07 No.20934569

File: 8d611ffb7c56728⋯.png (122.77 KB,340x230,34:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0c3f0 No.20934570


I did…even ip-hopped and clear cookies. It's the same.

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b4b933 No.20934571


>We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME”



quote taken out of context

Paxton told his employees to start investigating the fedbois and those faggots flipped the script and went all peach mint

>>20932961 pb

>Ken PaxtonDroppin Booms on Warroom right now.

>said KP peachmint stemmed from a referral to his office to investigate DOJ and FBI for corruption

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5fc046 No.20934572


Tippy top kek

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0a942f No.20934573

File: 9a1fdd527342c92⋯.png (729.02 KB,554x614,277:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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b02e91 No.20934574


Opera´s working.

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8bfc07 No.20934575

File: f2fbbad9f6d1018⋯.png (348.08 KB,604x310,302:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6b7a No.20934576

File: e8cbd049f2bde9d⋯.gif (418.7 KB,400x217,400:217,3B349993_B800_4D09_AA8F_96….gif)

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a2cd36 No.20934577

File: 0878b48007baf5d⋯.png (203.12 KB,396x399,132:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>two more words

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df0bd0 No.20934578


Whites will survive no matter what.

Being only ~10% of the World's population, if they weren't tenacious, they would have been wiped out long ago.

They are made out of the recessive genes of DNA and there is something different about them.

That is why "they" are trying so hard to attack Caucasian DNA, but "they" are having a hard time, because "they" are White as well. So they must give themselves Exclusive Victimhood & privileges to try to escape.

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c72e16 No.20934579


one of my kids is a real wiz at math. ..didn't get one math question wrong in PSAT's, SAT's, GRE's, never studied or took a course for any standardized test……didn't get into 2nd tier colleges, …had to go to a state college.. got a 4.0 in engineering…… could only get a job at a small company after rejection from corporate America…….. all along he saw minority and female favoritism.

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3e14dc No.20934580

File: 81b9b1208ee5580⋯.png (336.48 KB,426x481,426:481,popcorn_cat_pepecorn.png)

Like pieces on a chess board, everything is lining up.

Checkmate isn't that many moves away anons.

I can feel it. Popcorn at the ready.

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674a06 No.20934581


six months isn't enough. It should be 1 year plus basic.

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e3f1e9 No.20934582



Boomers should do it.]

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a65188 No.20934583


The black version of the The Feminist VIew

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72e815 No.20934584

File: 37bd394ab31f648⋯.png (599 KB,537x670,537:670,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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b608a9 No.20934585

I remember people making fun of Alaskan Bush People.

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b02e91 No.20934586

File: c2d69f89e8045ca⋯.png (207.81 KB,629x505,629:505,ClipboardImage.png)



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9cc4a5 No.20934587


If they were truly about equality then they wouldn't ask for age, race or gender on an application.

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e3f1e9 No.20934588



Tel Aviv]

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d54364 No.20934589


…Seent and added (for clarification).

>>20934521, >>20934571 Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME” (quote out of context)

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1a6b7a No.20934590

File: 999f0c178b1dd0c⋯.gif (1017.84 KB,400x222,200:111,943043B4_FAF9_4A72_B732_B5….gif)

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0a942f No.20934591

File: 3c1f87c64e038b9⋯.png (325.81 KB,586x517,586:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 639127e71c4ca02⋯.png (322.14 KB,543x523,543:523,ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuelan sex trafficking operation discovered in Louisiana and 7 other states.

Reports like these highlight the human cost of policy decisions. They paint a grim picture of organized crime taking advantage of lax border security, with victims of sex trafficking paying the ultimate price. The implication that such operations are facilitated or tolerated under current policies raises profound concerns about national security and human rights.


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773901 No.20934592

File: bda5ccd6ec95fc0⋯.jpg (21.35 KB,474x474,1:1,kekky.jpg)

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df0bd0 No.20934593


Why does LeBron James call himself King James?

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f600f3 No.20934594


He (Joe Biden) Will claim Kenyan Citizenship

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588c5c No.20934595


You’re looking at it wrong. He’s a lucky guy in my opinion

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599404 No.20934596

File: 37badc197a7d955⋯.png (80.39 KB,599x412,599:412,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


I never knew Shannon Bream was so “naïve.”In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID! Not only is he involved, he is virtually leading it, and all of the other Trials as well - Meaning, his people, because he’s not mentally sharp enough to lead anything! Just take a look at the DOJ/White House Thugs involved, and everything else. Biden is incompetent, and feels that Weaponization is the only way he can win. He’s counting on the Shannon Breams of the World to get him there. Bad day for Shannon!

May 29, 2024, 3:53 PM


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8bfc07 No.20934597

File: d8eb18bdc31207f⋯.png (861.12 KB,900x661,900:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e14dc No.20934598

File: 600c0e6bcbf810f⋯.png (407.06 KB,596x500,149:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934599

File: 5b17e8bff2960f7⋯.jpg (58.67 KB,960x928,30:29,20240501_083423.jpg)

File: 1863ac6a07ef8d1⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,828x499,828:499,20240429_201445.jpg)

File: e8ff7e0e7b4086f⋯.jpg (356.14 KB,680x604,170:151,20240526_115805.jpg)

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674a06 No.20934600


if the problem is persistent and browser seems to have been been comped you might have to nuke and pave the browser.

export any bookmarks as a text file and then find and delete every folder related to the browser, and any auto update programs that came with it. then install a new browser, preferably of a different type.

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e3f1e9 No.20934601


[Zoo panda count?]

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65dec9 No.20934602


top KEK or tippy top you bunch of fucking communists

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46779a No.20934603


Shannon bream is lukewarm fencesitter who stands for nothing.

She is pathetically weak

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5757a4 No.20934604

Why is everybody shouting about Lexington and Concord, as well as Fort Sumpter today? Is something big happening?

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f600f3 No.20934605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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df0bd0 No.20934606


Because SA is run by the Jews.

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5fa207 No.20934607


>two more words

Fuck. You.

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72e815 No.20934608

File: 4efc578a5f57bb2⋯.png (524.1 KB,660x660,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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b02e91 No.20934609

File: b7ac31875883ff0⋯.png (17.47 KB,178x159,178:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f33db39c9ab9b95⋯.png (41.47 KB,251x198,251:198,ClipboardImage.png)

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d54364 No.20934610

File: 989515d48090fb7⋯.jpg (119.77 KB,1199x798,1199:798,freedom_rock_youtube.jpg)



#25675 >>20933979, >>20933996

>>20934022 Dough claim

>>20934008 Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments

>>20934011 Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

>>20934020 PF Report: Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation

>>20934060 PF Report: SAM677 C32A Blinken departed Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

>>20934083 Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia

>>20934092 Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!

>>20934116 LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

>>20934119 Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media - Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown (RT)

>>20934130 PF Report: Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia; TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

>>20934131 COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

>>20934140 Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech

>>20934144 Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

>>20934165 PF Report: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20934184 The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants

>>20934185 Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week. Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

>>20934187 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.

>>20934201 Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich

>>20934208 France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

>>20934213 @elonmusk - Starlink provides Internet connectivity in the air that is often better than being on the ground!

>>20934215 550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

>>20934232 Democrats plan to nominate Biden by virtual roll call to meet Ohio ballot deadline

>>20934238 Australian State Creates Parliamentary Position For ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

>>20934249 Rafah residents face further danger as Israel hits city’s two hospitals (aljazeera)

>>20934275, >>20934299, >>20934314, >>20934345 Microsoft and Walmart Insider Trading Alert

>>20934286 BIDEN (pandering): "On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man!"

>>20934289 Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization

>>20934375 resident Biden - Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It's time for an assault weapons ban.

>>20934391 The UK government has banned the private prescription of puberty blockers for children.

>>20934406 Biggest IPOs on US Exchanges This Year Come From Non-US Firms

>>20934439 Last Lady Jill Biden - We are excited for children near and far to once again enjoy the giant pandas’ adorable and joyful adventures at our @NationalZoo. 💕

>>20934488 BIDEN: "We're rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!"

>>20934491 PF Report: Flauxtus dropped off at Wilmington from NYC, high level G5 on ground at JBA from Barksdale and Offutt overnights (STRATCOM)

>>20934521, >>20934571 Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME” (quote out of context)

>>20934596 POTUS Truth - I never knew Shannon Bream was so “naïve.” In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID!


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c72e16 No.20934611


I do tell him that but he is a little sour about it anyway. He wanted to go to grad school but he just could not take the liberal woke politics and curriculum. Says if he ever makes some good money he's going to fund a white boy scholarship

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72e815 No.20934612

File: 7934811c8dd6e7a⋯.png (535.65 KB,660x660,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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b608a9 No.20934613


Kek. Nothing big happens.

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8bfc07 No.20934614

File: 9ef60493304d635⋯.png (587.11 KB,686x670,343:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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72e815 No.20934615

File: efaf415b0aff39a⋯.png (1.28 MB,918x918,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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65dec9 No.20934616



pronunciation mo'ran

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fce81b No.20934617





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72e815 No.20934618

File: 684f1f83787d357⋯.png (683.93 KB,660x660,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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b608a9 No.20934619

File: 9e8f3b98ecec622⋯.jpeg (90.31 KB,480x480,1:1,IMG_5638.jpeg)

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d0c3f0 No.20934620





It's strange and annoying. I hope next bread is ok again. Let's see what happens…

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1a6b7a No.20934621

File: 4c137064990e9dc⋯.jpeg (740.5 KB,1292x617,1292:617,D0E2E929_3AC4_410E_A450_0….jpeg)


RAF RRR6603 C17 departed Deblin AB, Lublin Poland Wthis is where Zelensky landed yesterday after leaving Lisbon, Portugal

SAM676 C32ABlinkenon ground at Prague from Chișinău depart

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6b6973 No.20934622

File: 7438a611efd4049⋯.png (270.61 KB,579x335,579:335,ClipboardImage.png)


"Robert DeNiro yesterday, he's a fool, a broken down fool, standing out there and he got… he got MAGA'd, he got MAGA's yesterday he got a big dose of it"

Habba grins bigly… kek

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6b6973 No.20934623




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a2cd36 No.20934624

File: c30b4ec667c32db⋯.png (746.42 KB,551x710,551:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934625





They're more indigenous than israelis]

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fe0e5c No.20934626

File: f15ef5a24748735⋯.jpg (56.29 KB,500x548,125:137,8qiw4k.jpg)

File: f81edd05dc71dc6⋯.jpg (90.14 KB,500x707,500:707,8rmo7n.jpg)

81 million

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5320d9 No.20934627

File: 3d724aad1116232⋯.jpg (107.44 KB,760x1125,152:225,1_Cavalryman_760x1125_2200….jpg)

File: 72c7901b67d79a3⋯.jpg (131.08 KB,664x1280,83:160,bsj04a_1280x_465941182.jpg)

⚡️⚡️ did have some badass uniforms tho

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8bfc07 No.20934628

File: bc39010c6e96d63⋯.mp4 (230.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,bc39010c6e96d63e372fd00b93….mp4)

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df0bd0 No.20934629


Non-Jewish White people make their own way thru this world. That is why the Jews hate them so much.

Whites are tenacious and innovative.

They don't rely on Dirty Tricks to succeed the way that the Jews do.

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a2cd36 No.20934630

File: 9bafda341860c40⋯.png (366.39 KB,680x647,680:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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fce81b No.20934631


my hero

still rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

thank you mr president

you made my day

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8bfc07 No.20934632

File: 116d185939415b6⋯.png (134.26 KB,227x300,227:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6b7a No.20934633


Noted last week on Walton Family Trust

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df0bd0 No.20934634


kek if true

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ea2636 No.20934635

File: 125ad8413ed8767⋯.png (32.08 KB,767x261,767:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fa207 No.20934636


>did have some badass uniforms tho

for a death cult

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61dac4 No.20934637


these people are such fools.

imagine thinking that they speak for

The Creator.

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a2cd36 No.20934638

File: f649c6a5863ec89⋯.png (680.35 KB,866x739,866:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934639

File: df25dd1c05ce11b⋯.png (548.9 KB,659x370,659:370,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85968ae6a3df889⋯.png (60.03 KB,727x607,727:607,ClipboardImage.png)

The RELIGIOUS WAR behind GAZA MARINE GAS. Netanyahu & Hamas vs Christian Tycoon Ally of Palestinian Muslims

One of the important reasons for the genocide in Palestine cannot be understood without analyzing the background of the agreement for the exploitation of the gas fields called Gaza Marine as they are a few hundred nautical miles in front of the Strip tormented by Israel’s bombings.

But we cannot fully grasp the importance of this strategic project without analyzing the story of one of the main protagonists: the tycoon Samer Khoury who grew up in the Palestinian Christian family of his father Said who became famous throughout the Holy Land for having dedicated his soul, intelligence and donations to The Bethlehem Development Foundation project to revive the birthplace of Jesus Christ around the Church of the Nativity.

In 2000, the British Gas (BG) group discovered the Marine 1 and Marine 2 gas fields about 35 kilometers off the coast of Gaza after being granted an exploration license by the Palestinian National Authority. After Shell acquired BG in 2016, CC Oil & Gas and the Palestinian Investment Fund (PIF) acquired Shell’s working interest in the fields, with each party owning 50%.

According to CC Oil & Gas, the fields are estimated to contain over 1 trillion cubic feet of gas, similar to the size of the Karish gas field.

Khoury, tycoon of CC, was born to a Palestinian Christian family in Safed, Palestine in 1923. After attending St. Luke’s School in Haifa, he followed his cousin Hasib Sabbagh to Lebanon to study at the American University of Beirut, where they both graduated from the faculty of engineering. Upon returning home, they each founded a small construction company in Palestine.


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8bfc07 No.20934640

File: 07c1a3158fa88ff⋯.png (214.98 KB,437x348,437:348,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bfc07 No.20934641

File: 3f80ad1f969183f⋯.png (1.71 MB,878x1170,439:585,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6b7a No.20934642

File: 8b3905281f6262e⋯.jpeg (637.03 KB,1228x629,1228:629,4223331B_2E4F_43B9_B36A_3….jpeg)


PF: RAF C17 departed Deblin AB where Zelensky landed yesterday in UNKN1120

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5fa207 No.20934643


Find trump guilty=find the dems moar time

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0a942f No.20934644

File: 93b7643f015c904⋯.png (235.54 KB,536x541,536:541,ClipboardImage.png)


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8bfc07 No.20934645

File: c55b3471ebbfa2d⋯.png (321.49 KB,479x600,479:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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5320d9 No.20934646


they were AGAINST a death cult

same death cult we're battling with shovels memes, n prayer


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a5fe38 No.20934647

File: d2352606a701043⋯.jpg (11.31 KB,255x255,1:1,Bullseye.jpg)



>It's taking a while.

Panic! The facts that they didn't come to an immediate conviction and are making demands of the judge means trouble for the prosecution.

The longer they're locked in together, the chance for a conviction dwindles by the hour. They've been sent home to be threatened is probably the best guess.

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ea2636 No.20934648


The Creator

Imagine thinking you were created.

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8bfc07 No.20934649

File: 955153d4930266a⋯.png (245.13 KB,331x382,331:382,ClipboardImage.png)

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a40ee8 No.20934650

File: 97b22364f0ff7f3⋯.png (335.79 KB,592x664,74:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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65dec9 No.20934651


the media's kids know it the goyim at skool

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61dac4 No.20934652


why do I need to imagine that?

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f600f3 No.20934653

File: f21032f6931edbc⋯.png (236.87 KB,720x563,720:563,pandapuzzle.png)

File: c26a546a4b2787e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,238.42 KB,720x563,720:563,pandaanswer.png)


Find thethree Pandaswithout sunglasses

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b02e91 No.20934654

File: 5008cffe4d63b77⋯.jpg (385.15 KB,1000x563,1000:563,turn_tables.jpg)


A clean house is very important.

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1a6b7a No.20934655



Walton Family Trust sold $137.82m-May 23-24

Alice, Jim, Robson Walton again to with the $228,539,069 on May 21 reported on Weds




Walton Family just sold 3,540,250 shares of Walmart equity for: $228,539,069m on May 17th, 2024

Alice, Jim and Robson.

The trust haz 648,504,011 shares reported so this is a parking ticket for them.

Reported price is weighted avg.




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b61308 No.20934656

File: b4af25f3024aae5⋯.png (828.5 KB,500x910,50:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a942f No.20934657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biggest Blow! Russia Seizes 100,000 Ukrainian Weapons; Tanks, Shells, Missiles 'Lost' In Luhansk


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5fa207 No.20934658



>Finally Donald Trump lost his temper and said, “What a moron!”

How do you catch a fish?

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a2cd36 No.20934659

File: d0728ceae97d313⋯.png (180.43 KB,400x306,200:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea2636 No.20934660


Because it's nonsense. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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a5fe38 No.20934661



>Has Hillary contacted them and threatened them and their families yet?

They only have to kill one of them to get the message across. They were safe in the courtroom, no one or their family are safe at home. It's going to be a long night.

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72e815 No.20934662

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)

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6e3dbb No.20934663


You can thank Hugo Boss for those designs.

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773901 No.20934664

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5320d9 No.20934665

white hats know every juror and their addresses. treason is a MF'er

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f600f3 No.20934666


It sounds like they edited in the Jesus Mary and Joseph, cause she really said, What the fucking fuck

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b02e91 No.20934667

File: 5c244d7af56dee0⋯.jpg (115.08 KB,1280x789,1280:789,media_GOskAg6WgAAvuqo.jpg)

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5320d9 No.20934668


according to goggle n wiki

womp womp

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65dec9 No.20934669


election season fuck the bbQ circuits

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97c5dd No.20934670

File: 7118b37046e5a05⋯.jpg (241.58 KB,867x578,3:2,pepe_heavy_shillin.jpg)


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60a34c No.20934671

File: 3b928fbb9e3c867⋯.jpeg (109.03 KB,750x752,375:376,IMG_1184.jpeg)

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f600f3 No.20934672


Did any of the US forces have anything like that?

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cfc7b6 No.20934673

File: fa8817b1671aac5⋯.jpeg (86.89 KB,600x701,600:701,IMG_1069.jpeg)

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773901 No.20934674

File: b1bf5947d7d5be6⋯.png (189.47 KB,348x320,87:80,Bildschirm_foto_2024_05_30….png)


a Q peace dove

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a2cd36 No.20934675

File: 8b55245a98b7a9c⋯.png (212.67 KB,437x346,437:346,ClipboardImage.png)

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65dec9 No.20934676

go back to work elected officials public opinion poll soon not November you work for us

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b02e91 No.20934677

File: d42432ef111e3c1⋯.png (616.37 KB,556x580,139:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11cdda9d6588f3a⋯.jpg (573.19 KB,1920x1190,192:119,11cdda9d6588f3acc15d04daf0….jpg)

Trump Bedminster


May 27

Remembering our heroes while making memories. Thank you to all who attended our Memorial Day BBQ! 🇺🇸🎆

May 27, 2024 · 12:15 AM UTC



>election season fuck the bbQ circuits

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5320d9 No.20934678



doubt it

hard to camo

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97c5dd No.20934679

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: c49e27037ee5a0e⋯.png (1.95 MB,692x982,346:491,capture_361_08062019_21221….png)

File: cc8508d7e6970bc⋯.png (1.98 MB,735x941,735:941,capture_362_08062019_21225….png)


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5320d9 No.20934680

the ss were his body guards

not out on the field

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5ac9b9 No.20934681

File: 1af157d89e8b7ed⋯.jpg (20.4 KB,400x267,400:267,1af157d89e8b7edade41e753cf….jpg)

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97c5dd No.20934682

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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f699d5 No.20934683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin's Missiles Pierce Into Sumy, Donetsk & Kherson; Russian FAB-1500 Demolition Bombs Wreak Havoc


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61dac4 No.20934684

File: b6784821566742d⋯.jpg (239.15 KB,807x468,269:156,night_shift_moon_trump_017.jpg)


Jesus Christ is Lord

all other disagreements about doctrine are meaningless in this context.

have a blessed evening!

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e3f1e9 No.20934685



[Banks.. Flippin flip those flops



To buy at low cost

Re constitute and re sell]

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97c5dd No.20934686

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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58dd67 No.20934687




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b02e91 No.20934688

File: 33e8d92c572d232⋯.png (50.32 KB,133x153,133:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4da51a83d9ce1d8⋯.png (401.8 KB,580x476,145:119,ClipboardImage.png)


I like the millennium falcon in the center.

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b88a20 No.20934689

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97c5dd No.20934690

File: 40ce6997cbbfbcc⋯.png (347.13 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights1.png)

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65dec9 No.20934691


a sharp special knife to penetrate a thick double wool coat.

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97c5dd No.20934692

File: ae3a9eb33da67f1⋯.png (338.03 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights2.png)

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97c5dd No.20934693

File: c5a590c05e367ae⋯.png (333.63 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights3.png)

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d54364 No.20934694


…A crane or a phoenix? Fuck if anon knows.

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f600f3 No.20934695


Even Officers? Coasties and Seamen don't wear camo, that leather getup is kinda over the top

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f31c3b No.20934696


When I saw the news clip, I heard "lied under oath" and the exchange. I was like, that's Oreo's voice! Good job, Josh. Kek.

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97c5dd No.20934697

File: 4a1eedfb80c17c5⋯.png (350.79 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights4.png)

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ed9eaf No.20934698

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUST-SEE Todd Bensman: America Just Suffered the First Terror Attack by a Border-Crossing Illegal Alien



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b88a20 No.20934699


there was a bunch who couldn't get in

Also, this may have been before DJT arrived.

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6e3dbb No.20934700


Long known. Well before eben intertubes. Wait'll the lefties figure out the Birkestocks.

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97c5dd No.20934701

File: 46ad9f1db3974cb⋯.png (341.62 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights5.png)

File: 46ad9f1db3974cb⋯.png (341.62 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights5.png)

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97c5dd No.20934702

File: 447eb56193f7afb⋯.png (325.55 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights6.png)

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773901 No.20934703


i should get some new glasses

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97c5dd No.20934704

File: 3c0e363351d81f8⋯.png (341.08 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights7.png)

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97c5dd No.20934705

File: e2d12086ed68e56⋯.png (346.32 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights8.png)

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97c5dd No.20934706

File: d3a17684fae1f1b⋯.png (227.84 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights9.png)

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5320d9 No.20934707


i held one

3 sided knife

were they banned by geneva

>all is fair in love and war

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d54364 No.20934708

File: 04ae6d57f3c1da2⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,2048x1536,4:3,fish_fossil_3957908952.jpg)

~@700Last call

…Bakering around 720


#25675 >>20933979, >>20933996

>>20934022 Dough claim

>>20934008 Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments

>>20934011 Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

>>20934020 PF Report: Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation

>>20934060, >>20934621, >>20934642 PF Report: SAM677 C32A Blinken departed Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

>>20934083 Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia

>>20934092 Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!

>>20934116 LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

>>20934119 Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media - Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown (RT)

>>20934130 PF Report: Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia; TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

>>20934131 COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

>>20934140 Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech

>>20934144 Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

>>20934165 PF Report: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20934184 The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants

>>20934185 Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week. Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

>>20934187 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.

>>20934201 Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich

>>20934208 France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

>>20934213 @elonmusk - Starlink provides Internet connectivity in the air that is often better than being on the ground!

>>20934215 550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

>>20934232 Democrats plan to nominate Biden by virtual roll call to meet Ohio ballot deadline

>>20934238 Australian State Creates Parliamentary Position For ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

>>20934249 Rafah residents face further danger as Israel hits city’s two hospitals (aljazeera)

>>20934275, >>20934299, >>20934314, >>20934345, >>20934655 Microsoft and Walmart Insider Trading Alert

>>20934286 BIDEN (pandering): "On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man!"

>>20934289 Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization

>>20934375 resident Biden - Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It's time for an assault weapons ban.

>>20934391 The UK government has banned the private prescription of puberty blockers for children.

>>20934406 Biggest IPOs on US Exchanges This Year Come From Non-US Firms

>>20934439 Last Lady Jill Biden - We are excited for children near and far to once again enjoy the giant pandas’ adorable and joyful adventures at our @NationalZoo. 💕

>>20934488 BIDEN: "We're rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!"

>>20934491 PF Report: Flauxtus dropped off at Wilmington from NYC, high level G5 on ground at JBA from Barksdale and Offutt overnights (STRATCOM)

>>20934521, >>20934571 Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME” (quote out of context)

>>20934596 POTUS Truth - I never knew Shannon Bream was so “naïve.” In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID!

>>20934683 Putin's Missiles Pierce Into Sumy, Donetsk & Kherson; Russian FAB-1500 Demolition Bombs Wreak Havoc


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97c5dd No.20934709

File: 60e6888a198d7dd⋯.png (320.37 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights10.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934710







[Idealistically and fundamentally yes.

Fictional plain-English.

Factually …]


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97c5dd No.20934711

File: 09b3f9df95def35⋯.png (311.17 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRightsCollectAll.png)

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72e815 No.20934712


thank you for posting them

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ea2636 No.20934713



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04c5dc No.20934714


This low life intimidated those children and dressed them up as he bragged about his blood letting rituals. This is the revered rabbi in all of Israel, the US's number one allie. What do you think he teaches his congregation?

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

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8bfc07 No.20934715

File: c95fbaa62b8cb9f⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,848x624,53:39,c95fbaa62b8cb9f22dbc784d7c….mp4)

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773901 No.20934716

Trump speaking

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5320d9 No.20934717


probably on his way to the blue oyster

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97c5dd No.20934718

File: 11a772e8cd6f396⋯.png (728.87 KB,728x341,728:341,capture_2148_22012024_1539….png)

stupid aei mayor baker

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1a6b7a No.20934719

File: f1d4637dd987721⋯.jpeg (448.7 KB,890x602,445:301,F0337497_3A08_467B_BCB8_9….jpeg)

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8bfc07 No.20934720

File: ab73656780cb1a9⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,454x360,227:180,ab73656780cb1a912398e08d65….mp4)

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61dac4 No.20934721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dennis Quaid as Reagan!

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340995 No.20934722


Shills N Grifters WONT DO SHIT EVER.

You will keep Larpimg about onyour safe spaces untill we boot your fucking doors in and bag n tag your faggot ass.


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fbb290 No.20934723

File: f196b9c073594ee⋯.png (22.88 KB,349x600,349:600,_removal_ai_52925791_4dc1_….png)

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eb9b20 No.20934724

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ea2636 No.20934725


Right. Now go exercise your right to peacefully assemble in front of a Supreme Court Justice's house.

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c7adc5 No.20934726

Reporter: Mr. Trump, how do you feel about today?

President Trump [courthouse]: Very good. Very good, thank you.

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97c5dd No.20934727

File: ff83eb2069cb13f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,640x480,4:3,747_Hard_Crosswind_Landing….mp4)

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65dec9 No.20934728

File: 91ad30fc15cc122⋯.jpg (201.42 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_29_17_2….jpg)

File: bfaa4a5d26453ab⋯.png (63.88 KB,640x660,32:33,219_3_.png)



damn those Americans like alot of two moar weeks

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c460b5 No.20934729

File: 3ecbe3a7fe148b6⋯.png (961.61 KB,820x976,205:244,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)


>MUST-SEE Todd Bensman: America Just Suffered the First Terror Attack by a Border-Crossing Illegal Alien

<the firstmeh


Jordanian Nationals Involved in Quantico Security Breach Were Known to U.S. Authorities

Uriah Kiser

May 24, 2024 at 9:11am

Two Jordanian nationals were known to federal authorities before they attempted to breach security at Quantico Marine Corps Base.

The first unidentified man was admitted into the U.S. on a student visa on September 11, 2022, which expired 18 weeks later, on January 14, 2023. The second man crossed the U.S. from Mexico to California six weeks ago, on April 8, 2024. The next day, the U.S. Border Patrol issued a notice to appear before an immigration judge and, later that day, released the man into the U.S.

Just 24 days later, on May 3, 2024, ICE agents detained both men after military police at Quantico’s main gate on Fuller Road said the driver of a box truck ignored commands to wait patiently on the side of the road while they worked to identify the two men inside the truck, who did not have ID. Instead, the driver hit the gas and collided with a hydraulic barricade, known on base as a vehicle denier. This metal contraption rises from the street to prevent unauthorized entry into the critical military installation 37 miles south of the nation’s capital. No one was injured.

The two men have not been identified, and both remain in ICE custody awaiting the outcome of their removal proceedings, according to a May 24 statement from ICE, which adds, “ICE has no information that would suggest either noncitizen is associated with any organization that would pose a public safety or national security threat.”

Multiple sources told Potomac Local News at least one of the men is on a terror watch list, which is maintained by the FBI, an agency that has not made a statement about the security breach. Its prestigious training academy sits on Quantico Marine Corps Base.

ICE’s statement comes one day after Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin appeared on Fox News demanding the Biden Administration provide him with a full briefing on the events that occurred on May 3. In a letter to the president, Youngkin expressed his frustration with federal authorities, who he said kept him and the public in the dark following the attempted security breach.

“The White House, ICE, nor the military police have yet to disclose any public information on the names of those involved in the breach, if they were in the country illegally, or if they are on the terrorism watch list. While revealing the names of those involved could interfere with deportation proceedings, Virginia’s Public Safety and Homeland Security leadership and I deserve to know the nature of the threats occurring in our backyard,” he wrote.

Youngkin also demanded the contents of the box truck driven by the two men who used to ram the gate. The federal government has yet to say what was inside the car, though multiple sources tell Potomac Local News the truck contained boxes with no weapons. The would-be intruders posed as Amazon employees and told the gate sentry they were headed to the Quantico town post office to make a delivery. It’s not known if the two men worked for Amazon.

In September 2023, The U.S. House Subcommittee on Immigration, Integrity, Security and Enforcement held a hearing on terrorist entry through the U.S. Southwest border. During the proceeding, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-California) said of the nearly 6 million immigrants who have illegally crossed the border since Biden has been president, 146 were found to have been on the terror watch list, while 1.7 million evaded Border Patrol and are considered “got-aways.”

“Why would 1.7 million illegal aliens want to invade the Border Patrol? The only two reasons I can think of are that they are either hiding criminal records or they are conducting criminal acts,” McClintock said during the hearing.

The May 3, 2024, incident at Quantico follows several other similar incidents at military bases across the U.S. and the White House, where foreign nationals have used vehicles to ram the front gates.Just two days beforethe run on the Quantico gate, a driver was killed after he attempted to breach security gate at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story near Virginia Beach and collided with a hydraulic barricade.

Two days after Quantico, a driver slammed into a security gate at The White House and was killed after his car exploded.

On March 27, a Chinese national was killed after he rammed the gate at Twentynine Palms, near San Bernardino, California. On April 5, three people inside a car were injured after the vehicle rammed the gate at San Diego Naval Base. One sailor manning the entrance also suffered injuries that did not appear to be life-threatening.

Federal authorities have not released the names of anyone involved in these incidents.


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1a6b7a No.20934730

File: f91e2a3a3899c31⋯.jpeg (92.79 KB,626x417,626:417,900124D9_920A_49E1_9985_0….jpeg)

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e3f1e9 No.20934731



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b02e91 No.20934732

File: 90139eb55041aaf⋯.png (319.03 KB,451x258,451:258,ClipboardImage.png)



When does a bird sing?

Golden pheasant

The golden pheasant, also known as the Chinese pheasant, and rainbow pheasant, is a gamebird of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. The genus name is from Ancient Greek khrusolophos, "with golden crest", and pictus is Latin for "painted" from pingere, "to paint". Wikipedia

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d54364 No.20934733

File: ea579bd5c82798f⋯.png (65.48 KB,1200x564,100:47,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….png)


…Now baking


#25675 >>20933979, >>20933996

>>20934022 Dough claim

>>20934008 Outside Manhattan Court House - Trump Trial - Closing Arguments

>>20934011 Phelan's allies in the Texas House seek to undermine conservative reforms

>>20934020 PF Report: Gaggle of at least three KC135's and a B762 (mil) over central Oregon. The one plane orbiting over the JD Wilderness has been there a while. The trio showed up a little later and are kind of hanging out in close formation

>>20934060, >>20934621, >>20934642 PF Report: SAM677 C32A Blinken departed Chișinău, Moldova for Prague, Czech Republic

>>20934083 Top Biden campaign surrogate Elmo warms up the "crowd" at Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia

>>20934092 Biden's "rally" in Philadelphia — SAD!

>>20934116 LIVE: Iceland volcano erupts again on Reykjanes Peninsula

>>20934119 Former Thai PM to be indicted over royal insult – media - Thaksin Shinawatra denies any wrongdoing and has repeatedly pledged his loyalty to the crown (RT)

>>20934130 PF Report: Sec. Def. Austin on TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch heads to Singapore and then Cambodia; TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA heading for Singapore (eventually) then Phnom Penh, Cambodia

>>20934131 COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

>>20934140 Biden starts randomly SCREAMING (and lying) in the middle of his speech

>>20934144 Biden and Harris will launch a Black voter outreach effort as they see signs of diminished support

>>20934165 PF Report: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>20934184 The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants

>>20934185 Virgin Atlantic flight makes emergency landing in latest plane mishap this week. Emergency crews scrambled to meet a Virgin Atlantic flight en route from Florida to Scotland Wednesday after the plane reported issues mid-flight.

>>20934187 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this, Day 2 of this four-day pretrial hearing in the USS Cole case.

>>20934201 Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich

>>20934208 France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

>>20934213 @elonmusk - Starlink provides Internet connectivity in the air that is often better than being on the ground!

>>20934215 550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

>>20934232 Democrats plan to nominate Biden by virtual roll call to meet Ohio ballot deadline

>>20934238 Australian State Creates Parliamentary Position For ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’

>>20934249 Rafah residents face further danger as Israel hits city’s two hospitals (aljazeera)

>>20934275, >>20934299, >>20934314, >>20934345, >>20934655 Microsoft and Walmart Insider Trading Alert

>>20934286 BIDEN (pandering): "On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man!"

>>20934289 Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization

>>20934375 resident Biden - Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It's time for an assault weapons ban.

>>20934391 The UK government has banned the private prescription of puberty blockers for children.

>>20934406 Biggest IPOs on US Exchanges This Year Come From Non-US Firms

>>20934439 Last Lady Jill Biden - We are excited for children near and far to once again enjoy the giant pandas’ adorable and joyful adventures at our @NationalZoo. 💕

>>20934488 BIDEN: "We're rebuilding a $60 ZILLION bridge in Baltmur!"

>>20934491 PF Report: Flauxtus dropped off at Wilmington from NYC, high level G5 on ground at JBA from Barksdale and Offutt overnights (STRATCOM)

>>20934521, >>20934571 Ken Paxton: We’re not investigating [FBI] because LAW ENFORCEMENT CANNOT COMMIT A CRIME” (quote out of context)

>>20934596 POTUS Truth - I never knew Shannon Bream was so “naïve.” In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID!

>>20934683 Putin's Missiles Pierce Into Sumy, Donetsk & Kherson; Russian FAB-1500 Demolition Bombs Wreak Havoc

>>20934724 Meme Freedom Bun


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8bfc07 No.20934734

File: 52e027bdc6adb78⋯.png (68.11 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Stop sending them our money and this shit stops.

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fce81b No.20934735


ya know i think he doesn't like being shorter than Trump! the lil pip squeak!

pippi long shoes!

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97c5dd No.20934736

File: b10e371bdb36ea4⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,A_10_Promo.mp4)

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6e3dbb No.20934738

File: dbc73300de2e5b1⋯.jpg (164.98 KB,1874x923,1874:923,WMT_Insiders_EDGAR.JPG)

File: e817671404966f2⋯.jpg (169.56 KB,1370x832,685:416,WMT_EDGAR_2.JPG)

File: fd50be2c72f7624⋯.jpg (131.84 KB,1349x725,1349:725,WMT_EDGAR_3.JPG)


Actions go waaayyy back


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5320d9 No.20934740


boy did they found

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68af7f No.20934741


Like a boss.

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a2cd36 No.20934742

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97c5dd No.20934743

File: 5ef99a8c125fbed⋯.mp4 (13.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,AC_130_Live_Fire_Exercise.mp4)

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f600f3 No.20934744


MAGA on his knuckles on one hand IDK about the other

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97c5dd No.20934745

File: d08b7ee920db8e5⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,640x360,16:9,Antifa_rioter_they_tried_t….mp4)

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97c5dd No.20934747

File: aa7fe61f1cef4ec⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,CBTS_10_6_c_eM3ezlJzaSPcHG.mp4)

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61dac4 No.20934748


why don't you hold a demonstration 5000 feet below the surface of the ocean?

oh, ya, you'd drown and die.

right to assemble is awesome.

logistics are also important.

you know this.

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8bfc07 No.20934749

File: 6f88f20b0668351⋯.mp4 (968.26 KB,446x360,223:180,6f88f20b066835174589342fb2….mp4)

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97c5dd No.20934750

File: cbd841e54278468⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,720x720,1:1,Gen_Wesley_Clark_on_US_goi….mp4)

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8bfc07 No.20934752

File: d11490fa1263ec4⋯.mp4 (359.61 KB,480x270,16:9,d11490fa1263ec4154ddf14379….mp4)

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5320d9 No.20934753



pacino got fucked up feet

or did he decide to stand like a fuckin faggot at the particular point in time

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b02e91 No.20934754

File: 7267804beb39372⋯.png (477.06 KB,385x476,55:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f1e9 No.20934756

File: fdbd205efbce31f⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,588x768,49:64,20240509_152316.jpg)


[Stop sending Israel fiat money.

Stop sending Ukraine fiat money.

Bring all troops stateside.

Protect southern border.]

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808804 No.20934758

File: 0ac88e097275bf6⋯.mp4 (191.01 KB,400x224,25:14,The_Storm.mp4)

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97c5dd No.20934759

File: 480eadfa1c00d70⋯.mp4 (15.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Ghost_First_Flight.mp4)

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d54364 No.20934761

File: c3119fc7d1aa2ec⋯.jpg (166.9 KB,1500x923,1500:923,1188402_1834863241.jpg)

Fresh bread




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8bfc07 No.20934762

File: 2d691518ac65b3c⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,720x1280,9:16,2d691518ac65b3cde6c1a28d02….mp4)

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97c5dd No.20934763

File: b29a2407abd7823⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB,360x640,9:16,Oregon_and_Wash_lib_women_….mp4)

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61dac4 No.20934764


giving free stuff to the marxists in the middle east so they can steal it and sell it is called 'aide to Gaza'

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