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File: 3a5122e62a7cde8⋯.png (79.09 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

5df7a6 No.20883726 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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5df7a6 No.20883727

International Q Research Threads

>>20545607 —————— Australia #35

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Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them new

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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5df7a6 No.20883728


#25613 >>20882956, >>20883069, doughs

>>20883115 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 4:15 PM EST)

>>20882968, >>20882978, >>20882987, >>20883022, >>20883025, >>20883045, >>20883059, >>20883071, >>20883113, >>20883120, >>20883140, >>20883154, >>20883174, >>20883194, >>20883232, House Judiciary Votes to Advance Contempt Charges Against Garland As WH Again Blocks Biden Tape Access - twat and social media bun

>>20882970, >>20882971, >>20882975, >>20882976, updated focus list and sources

>>20882998, >>20883078, >>20883097, >>20883123, >>20883170, >>20883200, planefag posts bun

>>20883000 Soldiers of Fortune: the Rise of Private Military Companies and their Consequences on America’s Wars - pbr.student.org.berkeley.edu

>>20883029, >>20883049, >>20883087, >>20883105, >>20883167, >>20883191, >>20883199, >>20883248, >>20883287, Bidenflation Soars To 19.2%, Eroding Americans’Purchasing Power - tipinsights (b.i.s dig and central banks agenda) money topic

>>20883058 #25612 lb notables.

>>20883074 Justice Dept. makes arrests in North Korean identity theft scheme involving thousands of IT workers - apnews.com

>>20883083 Supreme Court Puts Final Nail in Coffin of Effort to Block Trump From Ballot in Arizona - epoch times.

>>20883084, >>20883091, >>20883236, >>20883237, Another Dead End for Airborne Lasers - forces and military bun

>>20883085 Obama Alumni Fill Out the Rosters of Anti-Israel Groups Driving the Protests - pjmedia.com (college campus chaos)

>>20883088 Germany Deports 7 Ukrainian Soldiers For Displaying Nazi Symbols - zerohedge (ukraine v russia) bun

>>20883100 Natalie Winters’ EXC: Soros-Backed Group Advising Election Offices On Poll Worker Selection - rumble

>>20883107, >>20883160, Dr. Lori Glaze to begin six-month Detail as Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for ESDMD - space news and tech bun

>>20883273 Alternative Q screenshot theory - screenshots. (single poster)

>>20883115, >>20883164, >>20883299, ARCHIVING - TRUMP HEADLINE SPEECH TONIGHT AT NRA MEETING 18TH MAY 2024!! - youtube rsbn.

>>20883121, >>20883150, trump rally friday 17th at GOP - rally djt statements, mp4 vids and decodes - corp aggregated bun.

>>20883127 University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: - larry elder twat (covid bun)

>>20883154, >>20883258, >>20883173 the blaze exposes harry dunn ex-capital p,c - twat and how to convert twit to video link - https://ssstwitter.com/en

>>20883262, >>20883267, >>20883295, >>20883308, >>20883232, meme bun

baker change >>20883310, >>20883324, >>20883327

>>20883073 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: North Celestial Aurora

>>20883087 Boeing shareholders approve CEO's compensation as company faces investigations, possible prosecution

>>20883339 The (Pedo) Guardian gave Sound of Freedom a 1 out of 5 star review

>>20883496 BO: If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20883412 50 Cent: They know they can't charge him (Diddler) with what we saw, but they know we can't unsee what we saw

>>20883424 Emma Stone’s Descent Into Sex Cults and Cannibalism in ‘Kinds of Kindness’ Lands 4.5-Minute Standing Ovation in Cannes

>>20883432 The person who placed pipe bombs on Capitol Hill on January 6th has yet to be caught - is it because the real culprit is our Intelligence community?

>>20883507 Black Patriots for Trump rally in the Bronx

>>20883538 Artifacts of a fallen regime

>>20883582 Raheem Kassam Predicts Globalists’ Ukraine War Is Front For “Mass Immigration” Plot

>>20883596 Grant Stinchfield: “The NRA Board Has Become Weak and Afraid”

>>20883598 The internet never forgets…

>>20883614 Fani Willis Under Fire For Allegedly Misusing Funds Meant To Protect Kids

>>20883650 Multiple Establishment Media Outlets Fact Check Biden’s Repeated False Inflation Claim

>>20883700, >>20883704 Western populations are collapsing yet we are funding the people who don't make babies

>>20883722 #25613

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5df7a6 No.20883729


>>20882182, >>20882560, Rudy Giuliani served with Arizona ‘fake electors’ indictment during 80th birthday bash in Palm Beach - nyp

>>20882199. >>20882352, >>20882628, Barron Trump walks tall at high school graduation as proud parents Donald and Melania look on - nyp and baron bun

>>20882298, >>20882309, research I did on Alvin Bragg, the website that had the data has erased - anon dig

>>20882321, >>20882389, >>20882494, >>20882593, >>20882594, 25 Year Old BofA Analyst Dies Suddenly Of Cardiac Arrest While Playing - covid bun

>>20882374, >>20882401, >>20882429, Zelensky details Ukraine’s weapons demands - rt.com bun

>>20882398, >>20882493, >>20882496, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta is developing “smart earphones” to track users and those around them - expose (tech and a.i bun)

>>20882419 call to prayer - kevin sorbo

>>20882444, >>20882447, >>20882449, >>20882450, >>20882606, >>20882616, >>20882698, >>20882698, >>20882788, >>20882792, >>20882806, >>20882927, msm media bun and mp4 vids

>>20882428, >>20882514, >>20882577, >>20882670, >>20882679, >>20882815, >>20882828, >>20882829, >>20882835, >>20882860, >>20882874, >>20882890, >>20882882, >>20882889, >>20882912, VOTER PRIVACY & BALLOT SECRECY VIOLATIONS - twat and social media bun

>>20882614, >>20882461, >>20882754, Brighton, which is UK’s LGBT capital, elects its first Muslim mayor.- pedo and groomer bun

>>20882498, >>20882501, memes bun

>>20882658, >>20882811, Judge Merchan’s son in law works for the US Census - witchhunt election interference bun

>>20882714, >>20882769, 9 DAYS UNTIL THE PANDEMIC TREATY ON THE 27TH MAY - corp reminder of urgent topics flashbacks

>>20882763 Sen. Johnson: Recent proposals could give World Health Org. more power, threaten US sovereignty - justthenews.com (john solomon)

>>20882749, >>20882753, Blinken eats dinner at Ukraine pizza joint with… interesting decorations - revolver (Darren beattie)

>>20882897 Congress is quietly trying to put ‘DEI’ quotas back into college admissions and every aspect of American life. They hope you don’t notice - revolver

>>20883058 #25612

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5df7a6 No.20883730

#25611 >>20881372

>>20881453 POTUS Truth - Gregg Jarrett: “In the Age of Trump, decency is eclipsed by the political imperative of disabling Joe Biden’s opponent in the upcoming presidential election."

>>20881472 General Michael Flynn says Fauci should be immediately indicted for crimes against humanity

>>20881552 PF Report: C101USCG G5 landed at ‘Ho Land (Oakland Intl Airport from Reagan National depart

>>20881613 Argentina’s Milei Plans to Meet With Zuckerberg at End of May

>>20881623 President Trump: I'm going to demand a drug test, by the way [Biden debate]. I am. I really am. I don't want him coming in like the State of The Union; he was high as a kite.

>>20881631 Japan’s Child Population Falls to New Low

>>20881841 A Brooklyn-based fashion designer was found dead with a scarf around her neck inside her home this week, law enforcement sources said Friday. Svitlana Indelicato, 50 – who designed handbags as well as scarves and Pashmina shawls – was unconscious and unresponsive when her husband claimed he found her inside a room in the Bensonhurst home


>>20882037 Workers remove dozens of apparent marijuana plants from Wisconsin Capitol tulip garden

>>20882160 #25611

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5df7a6 No.20883734

#25610 >>20880439

>>20880452, Baker change/Dough claim

>>20880484 President Trump Keynotes Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner

>>20880518 PF Report: SAM617 heading to JBA

>>20880528 Prince William will join King Charles and Queen Camilla as they travel to Normandy to attend ceremonies to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings

>>20880554 @DanScavino - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00pmE. Tickets:


>>20880676 @SecondGentleman - It’s great to be back in Michigan with my good friend, (not) @FLOTUS

>>20880690 Kash Patel - The Constitutional Guillotine: The End Of The Deep State

>>20880734 Mike Lindell Live From Minnesota Ahead Of President Trump's Rally

>>20880780 PF Report: SAM844 west from JBA and SAM646 G5s east from Peterson SFB depart; SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5 stopped at Sacramento-Mather and changed from MANGO28 to current and heading to Hickam

>>20880813 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 05/17/2024

>>20880855 China unveils $41bn lending program to 'digest' unsold properties

>>20880857, >>20880885, >>20880900 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dig

>>20880946 “I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration” – Biden Interior Department Staffer Abruptly Resigns

>>20880990 J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber

>>20881015 Great discussion between @GenFlynn and @SebGorka about America’s biggest threat: The Enemy Within.

>>20881030 Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on Friday, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.


>>20881163 @AdamSchiff - Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas proudly violate ethics rules without remorse or recourse. (Panic!)

>>20881359 #25610

Previously Collected

>>20879592 #25608, >>20880420 #25609, >>20880420 #25609

>>20877096 #25605, >>20878051 #25606, >>20878853 #25607

>>20874729 #25602, >>20875556 #25603, >>20876337 #25604

>>20872248 #25599, >>20873110 #25600, >>20873958 #25601

>>20869862 #25596, >>20870620 #25597, >>20871484 #25598

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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5df7a6 No.20883735

File: af02aea1de4a1aa⋯.png (184.3 KB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)




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da6ecb No.20883739

File: 6e438c65a83f0da⋯.gif (221.81 KB,390x310,39:31,111491332.gif)

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83e9ab No.20883740

File: 6cb72e96e782884⋯.png (169.95 KB,514x640,257:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 774181ea24f106b⋯.png (212.87 KB,501x647,501:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46c34bceffcd366⋯.png (133.52 KB,720x549,80:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 155be120f888b12⋯.png (72.75 KB,740x225,148:45,ClipboardImage.png)

NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

There's been quite a stir on X as some users speculate that a NOTAM, or aviation notice to airmen, suggests a potential Russian Navy hypersonic missile test off the coast of Southern California. However, that's not the case. According to The War Zone, the NOTAM is actually in anticipation of a Russian space booster splashing down in the Pacific.

Let's begin with the misguided hype on X about the threats of Russian missile testing off the California coast. These posts collectively have generated more than a million views.


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43a280 No.20883749

File: c9e3d9c07d564a8⋯.png (372.66 KB,1024x682,512:341,that_fox_news_anchor_guy_c….png)

File: ac83ed7a933d46f⋯.png (276.92 KB,790x530,79:53,that_fox_news_anchor_guy_c….png)


> the NOTAM is actually in anticipation of a Russian space booster splashing down in the Pacific.


>Let's begin with the misguided hype on X about the threats of Russian missile testing off the California coast

Didn't he say "We'll get there" some pentagon nigger recently, referring to war with russia

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f2dad1 No.20883751

File: 89c2bf0f95083b9⋯.jpeg (55.98 KB,750x422,375:211,B070A7D8_EB16_4981_BF80_3….jpeg)


Thanks baker

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83e9ab No.20883753

File: d24c97d3783cd38⋯.png (71.68 KB,635x643,635:643,ClipboardImage.png)

Newly Published Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ The Day Before Jan. 6 After Targeted Individuals From a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC


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43a280 No.20883758


> Individuals From a Group They Had Infiltrated

More likely a group they started & funded

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f2dad1 No.20883760

Q, it’s my birthday. Any chance I can get a (you)? Thanks.

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0dfbb6 No.20883761

File: 55a33011efc03a6⋯.png (926.79 KB,944x716,236:179,28b2c1b966821a8a7efc7ebd19….png)

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83e9ab No.20883762

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

The altercation occurred on Friday morning as lawmakers prepared to debate a proposal aimed at increasing government authority.


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352e58 No.20883764

File: 1ccb41aa6bbabc0⋯.png (32.29 KB,163x255,163:255,_You_.png)

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294bed No.20883767

File: 67a7bfe340dcc41⋯.jpg (80.78 KB,534x533,534:533,67a7bfe340dcc4137cd6411874….jpg)

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9a0bc6 No.20883768

File: cb5b00a0fd9ed0d⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,679x499,679:499,yutr.jpg)

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f2dad1 No.20883774

File: c6567aa2fff904c⋯.jpeg (76.29 KB,750x497,750:497,IMG_2808.jpeg)

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83e9ab No.20883775

Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment.

PALM BEACH, Florida — Prominent conservative and former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, has been served indictment papers over his alleged involvement in the Arizona “fake electors” case. The event took place in the midst of Giuliani’s 80th birthday celebration in Palm Beach, Florida, attended by MAGA figures such as Stephen K. Bannon, Dr. Gina Loudon, and National Pulse Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam.

According to official accounts, representatives from the Arizona Attorney General’s office arrived during the festivities, attended by hundreds of Giuliani’s friends and associates. At approximately 11 pm, they stormed into the party and handed Giuliani the paperwork.


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6a1f6c No.20883779

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

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7f65ee No.20883780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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43a280 No.20883782

File: 712e5bb5aa6f19f⋯.jpeg (102.06 KB,1500x500,3:1,_You_know_the_secret_Terr….jpeg)

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dcbf10 No.20883783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


joe rogan and terrance howard the actor. 3hours and anons should really take a listen it changes everything potentially about physics. I do not know if he is correct but he is spouting some damn interesting theories that would change physics forever.

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20b913 No.20883784

File: d4e91575b43e8f0⋯.png (704.37 KB,1018x908,509:454,ClipboardImage.png)

What people do in the Bedroom is none of my Business

When they involve Children in what they do in the bedroom..

it is my Business

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7f65ee No.20883785

File: 86e0f6802bee01e⋯.webp (169 KB,1902x1902,1:1,IMG_1431.webp)


Happy birthday anon. I remember my first you.

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f12aaf No.20883786

File: 9d354ae4b3c2a51⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Military.mp4)

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b186e2 No.20883788


At least the Russians announced their testing.

Didn't China send off a bird from the Channel islands out to points unknown circa 2012 or so

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58eceb No.20883789

File: a81bed713d22ac6⋯.png (17.82 KB,255x210,17:14,comfy.png)

Is there an approx time Trump is expected to appear at the NRA meeting?

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294bed No.20883790

File: e1b5dda9c64c554⋯.jpg (141.7 KB,1024x1004,256:251,e1b5dda9c64c554b0ca79b10cd….jpg)

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20b913 No.20883791

File: 2149a5ad79dd792⋯.png (771.77 KB,606x489,202:163,ClipboardImage.png)

NATO has aligned themselves with a Group that want to Destroy





-& God

NATO and I cannot be Friends

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83e9ab No.20883792

File: 0858fb2f3234fd5⋯.png (39.24 KB,598x454,299:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Blue State Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders: REPORT

A Massachusetts agency reportedly housed homeless and migrant families with young children in the same hotels as registered sex offenders, according to the Boston Globe.

The state placed hundreds of homeless migrant families in at least six locations with sex offenders convicted of crimes against children, including pornography, rape and assault, the Boston Globe reported. Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey’s Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities rejected the outlet’s requests for information on sex offenders, but said after the outlet identified offenders that the agency checks shelters against the registry every six months.

“The safety and wellbeing of the 7,500 families in Emergency Assistance shelter is a priority for our administration,” a spokesman for the agency, Keven Connor, told the Boston Globe. “We will continue to take all possible steps to ensure the safety of EA residents and carefully review any situation that comes before us to act quickly to protect families.”

Families in locations with sex offenders, like at the Baymont Hotel, where a man convicted of “repeatedly and indecently assaulting” a girl under 14 is reportedly living or at the Colonial Traveler Inn, where an offender convicted of rape and child abuse is reportedly living, did not seem to be notified, the outlet reported.

One offender, who lives at a former Salem State University dormitory being used to house migrants and was convicted of rape and abuse of a child in 2012, was removed, the agency told the Boston Globe after the outlet identified him.

One offender, who lives at a former Salem State University dormitory being used to house migrants and was convicted of rape and abuse of a child in 2012, was removed, the agency told the Boston Globe after the outlet identified him.

Massachusetts has spent nearly $1 billion to house migrant families coming into the state and is supporting around 23,000 people, according to the Boston Globe.

In March, an immigrant from Haiti allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl in a hotel being used as a shelter.

The housing agency and the governor’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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9fecd8 No.20883793

File: ede3ac3844e2efc⋯.jpg (237.26 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_08_5….jpg)

File: 6a391c61f012351⋯.jpg (210.39 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_11_0….jpg)

File: e408067037b57f6⋯.jpeg (580.01 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN4T1IQXIAE0ono.jpeg)

File: 8ffe19a25f95cbc⋯.jpeg (515.28 KB,2048x1361,2048:1361,GN3R0laXIAAPhff.jpeg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_11_.png)

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b186e2 No.20883794


Nanners future Sergeant at Arms

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1c2160 No.20883795

Elon, can you ban Diddy from Twitter for beating women?

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f2dad1 No.20883796

File: 07b03d942aa32ec⋯.jpeg (267.89 KB,750x516,125:86,IMG_1701.jpeg)


Thanks anon. I’ve never gotten a (you) from Q. Congrats!

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83e9ab No.20883797

File: d687b6b170d746d⋯.png (38.91 KB,508x281,508:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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f12aaf No.20883798

File: c3381739ad304c9⋯.png (31 KB,540x334,270:167,c3381739ad304c98797993d404….png)

File: aaa34b10b4040b4⋯.png (2.15 MB,1222x916,611:458,aaa34b10b4040b41f4f8ad6ef8….png)

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a8624d No.20883800

File: 3d0b4459fa2edf9⋯.png (48.63 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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83e9ab No.20883801

File: 5831d2aab14995b⋯.png (232.6 KB,706x339,706:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c51e1 No.20883802

File: 46d8b370d376093⋯.jpeg (146.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,77F9D899_A82F_4E6D_A5EC_6….jpeg)


This is my theory (posted lb), and I want you guys to think aboutand discussall the implications of this.

What would it take?

What would it mean?

Why would we be told otherwise?

Etc etc etc

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43a280 No.20883803

File: 7705bb7d5c8dba1⋯.png (412.49 KB,593x844,593:844,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20882658 pb

Suggested notable title:

Loomer: Merchan’s son in law works for US Census & daughter Loren runs a Democrat election data firm.

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9a0bc6 No.20883804

Terrorist mob getting unruly in New York; NYPD locking up numerous people.

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692eb8 No.20883805

File: 120f809497c20bd⋯.png (1017.63 KB,1080x2316,90:193,Screenshot_20240518_142737….png)

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d30bec No.20883806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8779a No.20883807



Remove the Jewish and Chinese influence out of NATO and other Christian endeavours and we're solid as a Mountain made of Rocks.

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599d10 No.20883808

File: 3d32ca7ae32a1ff⋯.png (440.76 KB,625x489,625:489,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Progressive Biden staffer who furiously resigned over White House support for Israeli 'genocide' is daughter of weapons company executive who's helping Netanyahu government


May 18, 2024 · 5:07 PM UTC


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a6218a No.20883809

File: 9b9bd7c507a25c2⋯.jpg (749.67 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240518_152954….jpg)


that one got passed anon


why…to keep close to peloser and the other rats

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9fecd8 No.20883810

File: 72d98cfad33ddf9⋯.jpg (47.36 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault_1_.jpg)

File: be6e533da8f9a8d⋯.jpg (22.93 KB,852x480,71:40,BGVickersGunRETRY_2500kbps….jpg)

File: 72d98cfad33ddf9⋯.jpg (47.36 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault_1_.jpg)

File: 333eb43be37c877⋯.jpg (44.43 KB,720x566,360:283,nathan_cirillo_uniform.jpg)

File: d3772e44539b76c⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,848x480,53:30,vickers_pistol.jpg)


fuck around


find out


this is my country land that I love

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43a280 No.20883811

File: 0485e5a884ae0f7⋯.jpg (17.1 KB,640x480,4:3,barron_trump.jpg)


>Terrorist mob

you're a fucking communist.

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38b4f2 No.20883812

They are desperately trying to point blame everyone except the Satanists they protect at all costs.

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713190 No.20883813


Hardly falling on ones sword. More rolling over a silver spoon.

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f2dad1 No.20883814


This is the type of stuff I’m here for. I do think it was happening prior to 2016. Implication if it isn’t ongoing, patriots are in control. With that being said, if there are, it could still be patriots in control, and it’s a trap, perhaps?

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9a0bc6 No.20883815


They are the communists, stupid. REVCOM is there with banners and signs.

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f2dad1 No.20883816



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e53259 No.20883817

File: 46d8b370d376093⋯.jpeg (146.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,77F9D899_A82F_4E6D_A5EC_6….jpeg)


This is my theory (posted lb), and I want you guys to think aboutand discussall the implications of this.

What would it take?

What would it mean?

Why would we be told otherwise?

Etc etc etc

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9fecd8 No.20883818

File: e408067037b57f6⋯.jpeg (580.01 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN4T1IQXIAE0ono.jpeg)



this image is not going to decode itself >>20883814

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713190 No.20883819


The only justification for A.I.

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9fecd8 No.20883820

File: 2fc6a50c96d60e8⋯.jpg (228.23 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_14_5….jpg)


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83e9ab No.20883821

Iran arrests over 260 people, including 3 Europeans, in raid on ‘satanist network’

More than 260 people, including three European citizens, were arrested as Iranian security forces stopped a “satanist” gathering west of the capital Tehran, reported the semi-official news agency Tasnim, on Friday (May 17).

A report by the state-run IRNA news agency said that the suspects were arrested on Thursday (May 16) night in Shahryar County, for “spreading the culture of satanism and nudity.” However, did not elaborate on what the gathering was exactly about.

It was also not clear how more than 260 people were arrested in one night and if they were at one location or not. Notably, gatherings of unrelated men and women are illegal in Iran and considered a sin under Islamic law.

According to the Iranian media reports, 146 men, 115 women, and three European citizens were arrested. The nationalities of the three European citizens were not immediately known.

Those arrested were found “in an undesirable and obscene state with emblems, signs and symbols of satanism on their clothes, head, face and hair,” said the local news agencies citing a police statement.

“Satanist network broken up in Tehran, arrests of three European nationals,” reported the semi-official news agency Tasnim.

It also published photos alongside its report showing masks, what appeared to be model skulls and T-shirts with skulls on, reported Reuters.

According to a report by Iran’s Fars news agency, Iranian law enforcement officials also seized alcohol, psychoactive substances and 73 vehicles during the overnight raid on a “satanist network”.


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b186e2 No.20883822


The geezer under the mask is that dude…well


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a6218a No.20883823


im seeing them by the thousands working manufacturing jobs in michigan, kentucky Tennessee, and walking with luggage on the side of roads in said states. Apartment complexes filled to capacity with them. theyre sure as fuck here n now. get out more often anon and look around

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43a280 No.20883825

File: 9f57867215e5d0c⋯.jpg (77.07 KB,932x960,233:240,punch_nazis.jpg)


they may be communists.

And if you label


people with

>banners and signs



then you are a fucking communist too.

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20b913 No.20883826


They should not have Involved the Children

How can they think anyone would be ok with Grooming Children?

They are Free to do as they Please Except when it comes to other peoples Children

You want to teach your own children these things, Fine go ahead

Oh Wait, ABC don't have Children

Parents are Free to Protect their Children's Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Health

& do so with the Authority of God

Odd that the real violent ones are the ABC's….

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b186e2 No.20883827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2011 ish

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713190 No.20883828


Looks a little culty to me.

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0c61e3 No.20883829


And, the NGO's give most of them free cell phones. Is that for tracking or to coordinate them.

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dcbf10 No.20883830

I would be shocked if Terrance Howard was not anon after listening to this he ties in aliens, pysics, summerian tablets, and the schuman resonance. Goes against the Orthodoxy of science and religion. This is either the craziest mother fucker ever or someone who just solved a lot of issues and made star trek reality a possibility .

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9ad87c No.20883831


Canada #58 >>20880050

CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

May 17, 2024

CSIS suggested that Canadians having issues with the gender ideology are driven by “beliefs stemming from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, religious interpretations, conspiracy theories, or a generalized fear of sociocultural change.”

In its annual report for 2023 the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says that Canadians opposed to gender ideology are a possible “violent threat.”

The annual report states, "CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year and that violent actors may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology agenda."

While saying that the “anti-gender movement” poses a “significant threat to Canada’s national security, the report then admitted, “While the movement may collectively hold extreme views, CSIS assesses that only a small portion of adherents are willing to engage in serious violence.”

The spy agency could only cite the example of former University of Waterloo student Geovanny Villalba-Aleman, who stabbed two students and a professor in a Gender Studies class in June 2023 as evidence the supposed threat to Canadian security.

The agency categorizes opposition to radical “gender-affirming care” such as sex changes for minors as potentially embracing what it calls “Religiously Motivated Violent Extremism” or RMVE.

CSIS tabled its report to the House of Commons on May 7 and in addition to the usual security threat suspects, the spy agency suggests Canada is fertile ground for “exposure to entities espousing anti-gender extremist rhetoric” who “could inspire and encourage serious violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, or against those who are viewed as supporters of pro-gender ideology policies and events.”

CSIS put antisemitism alongside anti-LGBTQ sentiment and claimed, “Anti 2SLGBTQIA+ and antisemitic rhetoric is spreading widely through social media and online forums among domestic RMVE adherents, increasing the risk of extremist violence against these communities, and placing youth vulnerable to RMVE propaganda at a higher risk of becoming radicalized on online platforms. Charismatic RMVE leaders in Canada continue to use international events to amplify their propaganda to radicalize and recruit vulnerable individuals while encouraging both domestic acts of violence and international travel to conflict zones. Consequently, CSIS assesses that RMVE actors will continue to pose a domestic threat to Canada in 2024.”

The report then suggests that RMVE actors can join forces with Individually Motivated Violent Extremists (IMVE). “The anti-gender movement falls within the gender/identity driven violence category of IMVE and is defined as the ideological opposition to the socio-cultural shifts that are represented by the integration and acceptance of gender theory, including acceptance of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.”

CSIS then suggested that Canadians having issues with gender ideology are driven by “beliefs stemming from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, religious interpretations, conspiracy theories, or a generalized fear of sociocultural change.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has frequently inserted himself and his government into the provincial education sphere and demanded that gender ideology be protected in the school system and that parental rights are superseded by gender fluidity in the classroom. On Thursday, he again insisted that New Brunswick should change its policy of parents having the right to know if their children want to change their pronouns.

As part of its “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," the Trudeau government has awarded $1.1 million on a “purge fund” that targets “hateful” parents opposing gender ideology and LGBTQ indoctrination.

The contract was given to Cossette Communications on July 26, 2023 “to develop, manage a 2SLGBTQ+ Anti-Stigma awareness and marketing campaign aimed at targeted segments of people.”

Trudeau’s latest federal budget released in April 2024 includes $150 million to promote 2SLGBTQI+ teaching in Canada and around the world.


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55d5f4 No.20883832

File: 8e55676d0cc131e⋯.png (1.87 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


>Loomer: Merchan’s son in law works for US Census & daughter Loren runs a Democrat election data firm.

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d30bec No.20883833

File: d54d795a2c10d23⋯.png (6.17 KB,194x259,194:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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83e9ab No.20883834

File: 63b88acfa7a1f97⋯.png (607.46 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fecd8 No.20883835

File: f0de4a470a0b329⋯.jpg (168.81 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_14_5….jpg)

File: d011174e1e2f455⋯.jpeg (643.18 KB,2048x1330,1024:665,GN4T13SXwAAvxd0.jpeg)

File: e408067037b57f6⋯.jpeg (580.01 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN4T1IQXIAE0ono.jpeg)

File: a639bcb60eb53ce⋯.png (64.37 KB,640x564,160:141,26_11_.png)

File: 644667a65aeedb5⋯.jpeg (285.77 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GN3PLrYW4AALOhG.jpeg)

26 posts containing echo

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7f23b9 No.20883836




A prison cell is a small room in a prison or police station where a prisoner is held.

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9a0bc6 No.20883837


They are jihadists. President Trump confirmed.

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6b8229 No.20883838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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89e49f No.20883839

File: 3aa66b5d317034a⋯.png (995.2 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6218a No.20883840


btw…he's an actor

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a9dc48 No.20883841

File: 878d217c69082ac⋯.pdf (3.53 MB,HV1_Indictment_George_Herb….pdf)

File: f919a3e7be4bd1d⋯.png (170.03 KB,728x886,364:443,ClipboardImage.png)




Robert Blair, Thomas Deegan, Peter Ostrowski, Jeremy Lowe, Don Bailey, Stephen D. Curry

(in private capacity by special appearance only)







| {18 U.S.C. C-96 §1961}


: C – 186-RV3-524


GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH of CARLYLE GROUP;{George Herbert Walker Bush—private}

(George Herbert Walker Bush et. all with prejudice)




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20b913 No.20883842


meanwhile they Ignore that several of the last mass shooters were abc

that ABC violently punched Bill board Chris

Will they protect Normies from ABC as they would the ABC from Normies Equally?

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83e9ab No.20883843

Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

Over the last five years Europe has been flooded with food and spice products that are heavily contaminated with heavy metals, aflatoxins and food borne pathogens like salmonella. The European Union (EU) has intercepted over 400 food products that are heavily contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, unauthorized substances, adulterated substances, food borne pathogens and fungal growth. The products were intercepted between 2019 and 2024. These products originate either directly from India or come from other countries that imported these products from India. These adulterated products have either been rejected at the border of these European countries or they have been accepted into Europe with an alert notification attached.


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d30bec No.20883844

File: 2bba2aaccc3bff6⋯.png (9.21 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)


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294bed No.20883845


If they know there is no point in coming illegal. Then they won't pay over 5k for the travel

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7f23b9 No.20883846

File: fd645caf1b38933⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,874x690,19:15,Current_times_animation_.mp4)


I forgot

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3a99d6 No.20883847


I wonder if he's correct too but I've seen his talk at Oxford University and I doubt Oxford would host him if he was full of shit but these days, who fucking knows? Thanks for posting.

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a6218a No.20883849


terrorist cell


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20b913 No.20883850


So loving

So Inclusive

So Peaceful

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d30bec No.20883851

File: 8d409b05c69b170⋯.png (8.85 KB,225x224,225:224,ClipboardImage.png)



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bb4574 No.20883852

File: 80f0ebe974452fd⋯.png (828.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,JOEFALLING1.png)

File: ebcdb5f6000ec83⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN509.png)

File: 5165a6c56c26518⋯.png (982.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN508.png)

File: 241fbb1c1db3147⋯.png (488.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,TRUMPFLIP1.png)

File: 676fa75f937fcdc⋯.png (435.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN507.png)

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599d10 No.20883853

File: 246dc8666bfb62e⋯.png (360.87 KB,618x470,309:235,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to JAIL before the election


May 18, 2024 · 11:43 AM UTC


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f2dad1 No.20883854

File: 39015f0abd8d312⋯.png (574.83 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_5322.png)




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dcbf10 No.20883855

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9fecd8 No.20883856

File: 493f18ebfe4b5fc⋯.gif (1.08 MB,250x333,250:333,493f18ebfe4b5fc5e7ef00c036….gif)

File: 6a8b993057c93cd⋯.png (774.67 KB,898x503,898:503,6a8b993057c93cd9ed03ed6768….png)

File: 5ca27d8cc23f178⋯.jpg (16.63 KB,288x216,4:3,kevin_vickers.jpg)

File: 4515ca2c74cb572⋯.jpg (275.54 KB,1235x1334,1235:1334,36fc5b2776b2bcc6c9d3257120….jpg)

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB,480x588,40:49,b287f019360dc9a6cee116ea20….jpg)

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6a1f6c No.20883857


Who needs Nukes when poison works.;…

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6598e5 No.20883858

File: 60556a0bb6199f2⋯.png (730.35 KB,924x1024,231:256,ClipboardImage.png)


India has literally no Quality Control.

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55d5f4 No.20883859

File: 08c154f5a346390⋯.png (273.7 KB,598x737,598:737,ClipboardImage.png)




Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur.

This claim is utterly frivolous since Biden was not talking with an advisor about administration policy. Rather, he was talking with a prosecutor investigating him as a potential criminal defendant.

On Verdict, @benfergusonshow

and I break down how this fact makes all the difference.



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a18f2c No.20883860


This faggot entertaining a political view is inconsistent with Military Protocols. He may only discuss, the process & Purpose of which they intend. No Political statements. He failed.

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dd2208 No.20883861

File: da5977d522527f5⋯.jpeg (399.9 KB,1290x808,645:404,IMG_1120.jpeg)


Memba this? One of the suicides right before testifying…

And there was another one who was sgt at arms, or father was…standby


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d30bec No.20883862

File: 3d97353e17bf41a⋯.png (9.58 KB,267x189,89:63,ClipboardImage.png)













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a6218a No.20883863


some anons can extrapolate with incomplete data

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0c61e3 No.20883864


I don't believe this photo is real. I appears to be AI generated.

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dcbf10 No.20883865


and some anons don't lump all actors together.

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a6218a No.20883866


muh actors

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9fecd8 No.20883867

File: 3fbed718cebc317⋯.png (747.13 KB,640x1514,320:757,1818.png)

File: afa4fdff2567388⋯.png (24.79 KB,480x480,1:1,2d1d2d505e8367b26fd156a26d….png)

File: 83285ddd2939dfa⋯.gif (130.19 KB,375x450,5:6,61f46c765038da5bd550aa4e06….gif)


you mecca muh laughe

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d30bec No.20883868

File: 486b52fcb8592f4⋯.png (342.19 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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38b4f2 No.20883869


That was pretty smart making them think you would drop pics.

To defend that, this threat made them go public with parts of their dangerous secret AI program?

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83e9ab No.20883870

File: 41b71fd7cd5c6a0⋯.png (150.63 KB,324x275,324:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a99d6 No.20883871


His questioning of one times zero equaling zero intrigues me.

If you have one gold bar in your left hand and zero gold bars in your right and and you multiply them, why does the gold bar in your left hand vanish?

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43a280 No.20883872

File: eb104fa9f554dfc⋯.png (286.13 KB,844x562,422:281,300_movie_not_enjoy_this_n….png)

File: 696e381e3d9c464⋯.jpg (11.45 KB,300x168,25:14,AURORA_BOREALIS_SIMPSONS_S….jpg)

File: 9280d437dd73963⋯.png (443.1 KB,814x585,814:585,Amazon_Jeff_Bezos_grandfat….png)

File: 3ef5edb0db2713e⋯.jpg (213.19 KB,928x950,464:475,diana_biden_car_accident_w….jpg)


If some country funded a terrorist group, had that terrorist group pull off a false flag attack, and then used that false flag attack as a pretext for annexing my country, I would want to wage holy war on them. Because they would be the fucking terrorists, not me.

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dcbf10 No.20883873


muh discounting of the information before even listening or understanding what he is talking about. He talks about acting for less than 10 minutes the rest is about Chemistry and Physics but it is obviously over your small petty brain. Hopefully there are real anons who are not cunts.

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294bed No.20883874


Most blacks are sitting "in the back of the bus"

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83e9ab No.20883875

File: 9b334cd7f930001⋯.png (567.95 KB,739x635,739:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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6598e5 No.20883876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a6218a No.20883877


youre assuming ive never listened to him before

im just not a little fangirl over him

fuckin fag

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da6ecb No.20883878

File: 97d44acd2d4911a⋯.png (360.62 KB,800x698,400:349,97d44acd2d4911a2684da009a4….png)

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a6218a No.20883879




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43a280 No.20883880

File: c8f64c886ef6a44⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jan6th_sergeant_at_arms_of….mp4)

File: 1a0488d7db1c7eb⋯.png (1.17 MB,1118x641,1118:641,trump_with_sergeant_at_arm….png)

File: 1e94725d603216f⋯.pdf (137.38 KB,Jan6th_sergeant_at_arms_of….pdf)




Jan6th sergeant at arms of the Senate Stenger - 'professional agitators' - CSPAN

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dcbf10 No.20883881


it all stems out of that. 1x1=1 bullshit and he talks mostly about non euchilidan shapes and how the universe is not linear, he gets into Tesla and 369 also. He also got ridiculed by Neil DeGasbag Tyson. That kinda gives him a little more credibility in my book. He explains chemistry and harmonics. Universal field theory. Rogan is silent most of the episode.

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c07b0f No.20883882

where we groid one we groid all…derp

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d30bec No.20883883

File: bc1158e5dcd71d7⋯.png (5.28 MB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)






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624bbe No.20883884

File: 24fba1f287365e3⋯.jpeg (535.48 KB,1042x1440,521:720,24fba1f287365e3d363520d9f….jpeg)

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6a1f6c No.20883885


What if Trump was really the Anit-Christ

What choices are we really being given… Sniffing Biden

Or Trump?

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f2dad1 No.20883886


Why though

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a6218a No.20883887


anon members

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dcbf10 No.20883888


over who, who am I fan girling over you fucking cunt faced reject of an abortion.

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9fecd8 No.20883889

File: b64ccbeef629b79⋯.jpg (50.87 KB,600x463,600:463,xxDianaLastYear5_articleLa….jpg)


been here a long time. the license plate numbers involved.seen it posted and discussed debated many many many breads ago.

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dd2208 No.20883890


Here’s the ones anon remembers…but they hide these obits. Bet there are MOAR.

Officer Howard B. Liebengood 51 (SON of former Sergeant at Arms, Howard S. Liebengood)

(Lie be good?) Suicide

Officer Jeffrey Smith - Suicide (a week after “pole to the head,” one day before going back to work)

Officer Gunther Hashida - suicide

Officer Kyle deFrieytag - suicide

Officer Michael Stegner, Seargsnat at Arms - suicide, day before testifying

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a6218a No.20883891

seems a lil big for a 10


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b05021 No.20883892

File: 26c8b124e4abf4e⋯.jpeg (25.55 KB,281x198,281:198,IMG_0873.jpeg)

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6598e5 No.20883893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55d5f4 No.20883894

File: ca15989ced27bc3⋯.png (359.01 KB,598x462,299:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3f738a2a33876f⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17160656324….mp4)



Jesse Watters on using inherent contempt to arrest Merrick Garland: “How many Trump associates have had their doors kicked down by feds and raided?…If they’re going to lock up Republicans, maybe they need a taste of their own medicine.”


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a6218a No.20883895


youre getting all moust over an actor

ya sissy

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f2dad1 No.20883896


I genuinely wonder if there are any real suicides at this point.

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599d10 No.20883897

File: e9bff126e2dc217⋯.png (312.28 KB,561x582,187:194,ClipboardImage.png)


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a6218a No.20883898

muhactor muhaliens muhmoist

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7f23b9 No.20883899

File: be682c2e6fe9581⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,371x201,371:201,pepe.jpg)

File: 710a5dc4e7a3c94⋯.jpg (639.95 KB,1786x2076,893:1038,Promises_made_Promises_kep….jpg)



Maybe, maybe he was supposed to win in 2016.

Maybe the shackles were removed.

Maybe he broke the shackles himself.

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624bbe No.20883900

File: a11f662c12cb2b8⋯.jpg (649.64 KB,2518x1869,2518:1869,El0kjIIXEAIfDkq.jpg)


not sure either. i just steal memes and repost them.

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a6218a No.20883901

muh DMTrogan

fuckin fag

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83e9ab No.20883902

File: 53729c673729a8c⋯.png (660.41 KB,1290x913,1290:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b1fb97c2912c4e⋯.png (876.21 KB,1290x998,645:499,ClipboardImage.png)

NY Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Star Witness Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

New York Democrat Dan Goldman continues to expand Judge Merchan’s vast conflicts of interest. Rep.Goldman has been mailing checks from his campaign to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s personal home in Richmond, Virginia. Authentic Campaigns is based in Chicago and Washington, D.C. Making matters worse, in an apparent attempt to cover up that he was sending checks to Merchan’s daughter’s home, Rep.Goldman wrote the checks to Authentic Campaign instead of Authentic Campaigns. This is a major FEC violation. Laura Loomer exclusively reported that Rep. Goldman is a client of Authentic Campaigns. Goldman said on MSNBC Monday that he “deposed Michael Cohen and met with him several times to prepare him” to testify against President Trump in Trump’s New York trial. Loomer was the first to report that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is the partner and part-owner of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose “featured client “is the Biden-Harris Campaign. Goldman’s actions prove that the rule of law has disintegrated in Joe Biden’s America.

FEC records show that Rep.Goldman has sent over $162,091.92, with the last payment being made on March 26, 2024, right before Trump’s trial began on April 15, 2024. Goldman sent these payments to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s home in Richmond, Virginia, valued at $639,000. Goldman attempted to cover up that he made the payments to Loren Merchan’s personal home by spelling Authentic Campaign on the checks instead of Authentic Campaigns.


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dd2208 No.20883903


Same…it’s even more sketch that you can’t find the articles very easily - it all stinks. We know that. But maybe at this election time we should meme up some of these facts. Even this anon missed the suicide of TGE SGT AT ARMS ONE DAY BEFORE HE TESTIFIED?!!!

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6a1f6c No.20883904


The illusion of choice is still an illusion

BTW there is NO precipice.

It's all in your mind

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d30bec No.20883905

File: cca76fad0f36227⋯.png (7.64 KB,263x192,263:192,ClipboardImage.png)



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dcbf10 No.20883906


so all you are is what you did? Guess people should never expand their horizons and try to invent and create new things especially with faggots like you around

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0c61e3 No.20883907


Sauce on source of photo?

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9fecd8 No.20883908

File: 4ef5108b6ca3517⋯.jpeg (179.31 KB,1088x725,1088:725,GN2zvh4W4AAyGVt.jpeg)

File: ad1806bd388a2ea⋯.jpg (238.41 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_07_0….jpg)

File: 4ef5108b6ca3517⋯.jpeg (179.31 KB,1088x725,1088:725,GN2zvh4W4AAyGVt.jpeg)


there are smaller numbers inside the drops.

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55d5f4 No.20883909

File: 3b7897c68a2c42a⋯.png (300.03 KB,598x423,598:423,ClipboardImage.png)


Impeach Merrick Garland


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0316c2 No.20883910


Contempt of congress is a crime.

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a6218a No.20883911




with that scope and stock


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83e9ab No.20883912

Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports as WORLD WIDE BOYCOTT of Israel has begun

Spain refused permission for a ship carrying arms to Israel to dock at a Spanish port, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said on Thursday.

“This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” he told reporters in Brussels.

“This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason. The Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace,” he added.


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c07b0f No.20883913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b186e2 No.20883915


Gen Tom Lawson, chief of the defence staff, said: "It is with great sadness that I learned that Corporal Nathan Cirillo succumbed to the injuries he suffered after being shot while on sentry duty at the National War Memorial this morning. I extend my heartfelt condolences to Cpl Cirillo's family, friends and loved ones during this shocking time of loss, and pledge our support for them, as we would the families of any of our men and women who fall in the performance of their duty."

A border guard in training…

but the people that need rounding up are already inside

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9f8825 No.20883916


Over Priveleged Libtard female.

Meanwhile Daddy makes weapons of war, but she doesn't protest that. Doesn't realize she would be rape bait in the middle east.

Liberals and Leftists are war mongers, bigots and of course hypocrites

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78b63f No.20883917

File: 9e582778baeedb1⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,720x720,1:1,Los_Angeles_Scanner_202405….mp4)

Wild Naked black men jumping out of the trees in America…

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43a280 No.20883918

File: 5a0d8da764d0df5⋯.png (97.39 KB,246x332,123:166,military_need_paycheck.png)

File: 1664b54b0ef79b2⋯.png (489.15 KB,781x559,781:559,paycheck_yes_sir_army_mili….png)


So funny how girls get to keep their hair, but guys are still shaved into a uniform personality-less drone golem

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a6218a No.20883919


go expand your faghole for all i care

youre mad cuz i called him an actor

which he is


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a30a31 No.20883920

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phillip Patrick: The U.S. Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar



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f2dad1 No.20883921


Wow, yeah. Same here. It would be the only way to keep them alive maybe? Like crediting a dog for killing a target terrorist!

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c07b0f No.20883922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mo fo yas

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43a280 No.20883923

File: 91e703d616f8998⋯.png (397.56 KB,500x656,125:164,aint_clicking_that_shit.png)


pity the poor nigger that clicks that shit

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d30bec No.20883924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c07b0f No.20883925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9fecd8 No.20883926


fucking poor shooting spooks

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0a2ce1 No.20883927


arrest actually.

Bannon , Navarro were for the same offense.

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6598e5 No.20883928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9ad87c No.20883929

Canada #58 >>20883298

US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

by Tyler Durden Saturday, May 18, 2024

Since the start of the Gaza war at least 20 ships have been damaged in the Red Sea amid the ongoing Houthi campaign to punish Israel and its international backers. The US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian is something which has retreated from headlines as it has by and large proved ineffective.

US warships patrolling waters off Yemen have shot down dozens, or possibly even hundreds of drones and missiles at this point - while also at times carrying out offensive operations - but the Iran supported Houthis have remained undeterred.

The Pentagon is now readying the next step, sending the USS Harry S. Truman nuclear-powered aircraft carrier into the Red Sea. US military magazine Stripes writes of recent planning: "The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its 6,000-some sailors have spent recent months training in the western Atlantic Ocean for that mission — a rare, pre-planned deployment expected to take the ship into a hostile environment."

"In recent weeks, its sailors have been undergoing flight deck testing, its pilots knowing that later this year they will be tasked with shooting down drones and munitions launched by the Iran-backed Houthis," the publication details further.

European allies, and groups like the Atlantic Council have been bitterly complaining about the ongoing 'failures' of the Pentagon-led mission thus far:

Six months after the Joe Biden administration launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, the biggest issue facing the White House is not the Houthi threat but the US failure to rally partners and allies behind its leadership.

Several costly MQ-9 Reaper drones have already been lost in the region, with some shot down by the Houthis, as the US continues to expend billions related to Gaza conflict spillover.

While the Truman carrier will certainly be a huge show of force, it could be more simply that the 1,000-foot-long, 104,000-ton vessel will just make for a bigger Houthi target.

Head of the US Navy Fleet Forces Command Adm. Daryl Caudle has described of sailors preparing for the mission, "They know that they’re most likely going to be entering a weapon engagement zone."

"For this group, this [deployment] is not with the mindset that they’re just going to go drill holes in the water somewhere — this is, ‘We’re going to be employed for combat.’"

Back in November, there was this stunning and contradictory admission from the Commander-in-Chief:

This is peak American foreign policy… When asked if the strikes on Yemen are working Biden replies: “When you say working, are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they going to continue? Yes.”

Literally saying "bombing these folks is useless, but we'll keep doing it". pic.twitter.com/otzJC6hzpS

— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) January 19, 2024

As has been the sad pattern after more that 20 years of the so-called Global War on Terror (GWOT), this naval commander is openly talking about deploying for "combat" in a new volatile and high-stakes theater, and yet there's never been formal Congressional authorization to go to war with Yemen or the Houthis. Of course, there have been many such cases.


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b05021 No.20883930



There’s a precipice.

It’s best avoided in the first place.

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84c396 No.20883932

File: f1891600e15f2e2⋯.png (573.48 KB,888x685,888:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd35e4d94dd3f31⋯.mp4 (475.72 KB,480x270,16:9,BOOOOOOOM.mp4)



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dcbf10 No.20883934


and you are mad because I called you a faggot because that is what you are.

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a6218a No.20883935


muh aliens tho

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aaad94 No.20883936

File: 1fa7cf693a1c985⋯.png (364 B,32x27,32:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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599d10 No.20883937

File: ec0436c584d3b09⋯.png (724.29 KB,496x624,31:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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6598e5 No.20883938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a6218a No.20883939

muh star trek could be real


get some discernment

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6a1f6c No.20883940

File: 406e122f1175173⋯.png (257.55 KB,1400x1400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d30bec No.20883941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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624bbe No.20883942

File: 29c42a1547572cd⋯.png (2.79 MB,2728x984,341:123,Screenshot_2023_12_09_at_9….png)

File: 39c00550e07897d⋯.png (13.01 KB,189x255,63:85,39c00550e07897de948b1214d1….png)


can't argue w/ those digits

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a53b8a No.20883943

File: fb2334ed9833342⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,576x1024,9:16,45k51bMw6TTlwtD7.mp4)

Pro-Palestine "protestors" asked simple questions about the shit they're chanting and can't answer the question

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da6ecb No.20883944

File: d8ed0acaa8f4f25⋯.jpeg (306.51 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IdnZo30fMYHN.jpeg)

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83e9ab No.20883945

File: 262154a615d8d1c⋯.png (79.18 KB,603x643,603:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba10bf1ce036995⋯.png (78.44 KB,612x641,612:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4481b66c60c2aea⋯.png (64.69 KB,640x569,640:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4bf4eff2f0368b⋯.png (64.48 KB,680x562,340:281,ClipboardImage.png)

WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

Over a dozen Jewish billionaires working secretly in concert with the Israeli government were part of a private WhatsApp group chat which conspired to push New York City Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University, according to bombshell leaked chatlogs obtained by the Washington Post.

The Post's shocking report reveals how many of the most prominent Jewish billionaires and multimillionaires in America worked together in secret to advance Israeli interests on multiple fronts, suppress Americans' free speech rights, reward politicians who do their bidding with donations and hide their connections with the Israeli government.

From Washington Post, "Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats show" (Archive):

A group of billionaires and business titans working to shape U.S. public opinion of the war in Gaza privately pressed New York City's mayor last month to send police to disperse pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University, according to communications obtained by The Washington Post and people familiar with the group.

Business executives including Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt held a Zoom video call on April 26 with Mayor Eric Adams (D), about a week after the mayor first sent New York police to Columbia's campus, a log of chat messages shows. During the call, some attendees discussed making political donations to Adams, as well as how the chat group's members could pressure Columbia's president and trustees to permit the mayor to send police to the campus to handle protesters, according to chat messages summarizing the conversation.

One member of the WhatsApp chat group told The Post he donated $2,100, the maximum legal limit, to Adams that month. Some members also offered to pay for private investigators to assist New York police in handling the protests, the chat log shows — an offer a member of the group reported in the chat that Adams accepted. The New York Police Department is not using and has not used private investigators to help manage protests, a spokeswoman for City Hall said.

The messages describing the call with Adams were among thousands logged in a WhatsApp chat among some of the nation's most prominent business leaders and financiers, including former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and Joshua Kushner, founder of Thrive Capital and brother of Jared Kushner, former president Donald Trump's son-in-law.

People with direct access to the chat log's contents supplied them to The Post. They shared the information on the condition of anonymity because the chat's contents were meant to stay private. Members of the group verified the chat's existence and their comments.


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38b4f2 No.20883946

File: 28433e7435657e8⋯.jpg (94.38 KB,500x758,250:379,protect.jpg)

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6a1f6c No.20883947

File: 156b54b1d119461⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,500x651,500:651,TrumpWon.jpg)

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d84d66 No.20883948

File: 8e5bca46a425781⋯.jpg (3.58 MB,4608x3456,4:3,20231209_101027.jpg)

Orion togues my angus

Grills my angus

slips my dangu

but fr fr though try to call in say hi

i can't believe you only got one dial

i can't believe i dumped everything to ai

and you're still figuring out who owns you

you're not even human

you have no power

you ar a figmet

not a mote

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9fecd8 No.20883949

File: 12bfae39c384b1b⋯.png (460.29 KB,548x396,137:99,12bfae39c384b1b3f0b776bde5….png)

File: f4283ec30364023⋯.jpeg (808.68 KB,1800x1190,180:119,GNzMGHEXAAARPZC.jpeg)

File: c8de78571ef6c35⋯.jpg (124.23 KB,720x1011,240:337,oakville_teacher.jpg)

File: dc40043da898c6c⋯.jpg (99.98 KB,1024x836,256:209,2004_dyer_1024x836.jpg)

File: 3426ab009865ec6⋯.jpg (598.6 KB,2340x1560,3:2,2013_psiharis_1.jpg)


the leading conservative candidates never talk about the world health organization treaty. in both countries.

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f72564 No.20883950



Anons, some anon posted about handbrake,open source video converter. Top.

Does any1 no a video editor, these files are still. 1.3gig 3 hrs, I need to take 3 or 10 minute cuts.

Any ideas, I will pass out soon, but will hopefullly enjoy the next stage.

This is why I should not post after RSO oil.

Who the fk is Rick Simpson anyway?

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38b4f2 No.20883951


Who is the Orion Group?

Do you even Law of One?

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83e9ab No.20883952

File: b4d413a6cb4fcfb⋯.png (573.35 KB,568x560,71:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fa32a No.20883953

File: e0564942bca24b8⋯.png (364.8 KB,867x1333,867:1333,e0564942bca24b8c7475bbf969….png)


Ok, ok, our congress is not the worst when it comes to floor fights.

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d84d66 No.20883954

orion group was some blue eyed nigga with a telecope trying to show me lunie girl for the first time with my new eyes >>20883951

have i mentioned i was running triocular focus per retina like last week

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dcbf10 No.20883955


and what theory do you support since you seem so easy to shit on that that one.

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b186e2 No.20883956


that's not an AR

but a bolt gun wrapped with AR furniture

model 700 action maybe…

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dcbf10 No.20883957


If the math is wrong then yes. Do you trust the science because you were told?

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bb4574 No.20883958

File: 54e3e635f97b7c4⋯.png (534.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN510.png)

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d5c518 No.20883959

File: 0a2d24a771900ec⋯.png (1.9 MB,1656x1872,23:26,8Kun_Q_DELTA_GUN_HUNTER_TR….png)

File: 05cb67058bcb17e⋯.png (3.24 MB,4187x3670,4187:3670,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: af5e121fcdf0b14⋯.png (2.26 MB,2556x1590,426:265,April5_EpicenterTrumpGolf_….png)

File: d73cefa094f4644⋯.png (345.6 KB,1406x1362,703:681,Sky_event_Q_proof_May_10_2….png)

So, what's the one statistics rule that Q alluded towards?

Do these over the past month or so fit the mold numerically speaking?

Also, anyone remember that Trump posted a photo of him golfing just a couple days ahead of the Earthquake that was first reported as a 5.5, and he had a stick laying down on the green along with a golf marker sticking up?

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294bed No.20883960


oh boy. they walk with the signs and didn't even google the jewish extermination meaning

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83e9ab No.20883961

File: 43362b88d2c6a09⋯.png (589.43 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

==Canadian euthanasia doctor gushes about how much she enjoys killing peop

Dr. Ellen Wiebe rejects the case made by disability rights groups that they are vulnerable, and that social pressure and even coercion often accompanies euthanasia.

In the recently released BBC documentary Better Off Dead?, disability rights activist Liz Carr interviewed Dr. Ellen Wiebe, Canada’s most notorious euthanasia doctor. Wiebe is also an abortionist and an activist with Dying With Dignity, the euthanasia lobby group seeking to expand eligibility for assisted suicide in Canada even further. Wiebe’s attempted defence of Canada’s euthanasia regime backfired when throughout her interview, she laughed and smiled as she discussed ending the lives of patients.

“I love my job,” she told Carr. “I’ve always loved being a doctor and I delivered over 1,000 babies and I took care of families, but this is the very best work I’ve ever done in the last seven years. And people ask me why, and I think well, doctors like grateful patients, and nobody is more grateful than my patients now and their families.” Her euthanasia patients, it must be noted, are dead. As one disturbed watcher noted on social media: “Enjoying her job a little too much, I felt.” Many others concurred.

Carr pushed Wiebe several times on the threat euthanasia poses to vulnerable populations, but Wiebe was having none of it. “I’ve certainly met people who are no more disabled than I am saying that life is not acceptable in this state,” she said. “And I would say, ‘Hm, you and I are different.’ But not different in the sense of wanting to have some control.” Carr responded: “For me, I’m concerned that giving the option and the right to a group of people puts another group of people at risk. But I don’t feel you see that as a worry.”

Carr is right. “What you’re saying is to protect what you consider vulnerable people you are condemning others to unbearable suffering,” Wiebe said. “But I am so glad, so glad that I’m a Canadian and that we have this law so that people can choose that or not choose that. But to say that somebody has to suffer like that is simply cruel.” In short, Wiebe rejects the case made by disability rights groups that they are vulnerable, and that social pressure and even coercion often accompanies euthanasia.


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10489f No.20883962

File: edcbadf184eaeb5⋯.png (383.64 KB,471x699,157:233,ClipboardImage.png)


>They should not have Involved the Children

>How can they think anyone would be ok with Grooming Children?

they are antichrist or debil worshippers or muslims

you are the resistance now fellow terrorist!

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d30bec No.20883963


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6e3086 No.20883964

File: 2814a2ecd1ae21b⋯.png (1.04 MB,461x785,461:785,Screenshot_4761_.png)

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f72646 No.20883965

File: 247b344982c7cfe⋯.png (1.77 MB,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb8f7c No.20883966



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2203e2 No.20883967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (Trump expected to speak soon)


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d30bec No.20883968

File: 7261f4d8f254895⋯.jpg (62.28 KB,600x577,600:577,work_memes_57_3.jpg)

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10489f No.20883969

do yall memeber the flinstones? of course you do!

the grand lodge or what ever was lead by the PBUH (pronouced poo-bah)


they mocked islam all teh time!

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78b63f No.20883970

File: fa22288c0b908a5⋯.jpg (171.74 KB,20240518_150934.jpg)

File: 69278e49bbc9b8e⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,960x534,160:89,Liz_Churchill_20240518_6_n….mp4)


“Bill Gates and I did NOT put chips in the ‘Covid Vaccines’. mRNA vaccines are NOT responsible for more deaths than ‘Covid’ itself. Conspiracy Theories are eroding trust in evidence-based public health principles…” -Dr. Fauci who is GUILTY of MURDER.

Haha it's funny, Fauci has jokes now…

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83e9ab No.20883971

'Our Blood Is Only Good for Wars': Fighting in Gaza, Ethiopian Israelis Feel Equal. Back Home, That Feeling Is Shattered

A disproportionately high number of Israeli soldiers serving and dying in Gaza are of Ethiopian descent. Some feel that the war has become a sort of entry ticket into Israeli society – but at what price?

Kiryat Malakhi, a small city in southern Israel, four days before Passover, 5:30 P.M. The stifling, dry heat wave is beginning to dissipate and the downtown area is filling up with families, young people hanging out in the parks and people returning from work who are running errands ahead of the holiday. Among them it's hard to miss reservists and soldiers in the regular army who are back from the front for some R&R. It's equally hard to miss the fact that many of those here are from the Ethiopian community. That's not surprising, as Kiryat Malakhi is the urban locale with country's highest proportion of members of the community – 15.5 percent of its population is of Ethiopian descent, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.


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0a2ce1 No.20883972



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f72564 No.20883973

File: a4fb6c6b03186df⋯.png (1.32 MB,IMG_2026.png)

It’s like what musk said on here.

U guys are going to be so rich.

Ann piped up, rich I. What way, wealth or happiness. (Or words to that effect)

In all ways possible I think was his reply.

I was the one who was speaking about heart chakras the moar u no.

Where the fk is gramma gitty.


U poke the bear….

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d2a8d0 No.20883974

File: 16565bf4d5123da⋯.png (1.05 MB,474x772,237:386,Screenshot_4752_.png)

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f338d7 No.20883975

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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6a1f6c No.20883976

File: 9e1348a188783e9⋯.webp (12.81 KB,400x300,4:3,71060639.webp)

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78b63f No.20883977

File: fa22288c0b908a5⋯.jpg (171.74 KB,20240518_150934.jpg)

File: 69278e49bbc9b8e⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,960x534,160:89,Liz_Churchill_20240518_6_n….mp4)


“Bill Gates and I did NOT put chips in the ‘Covid Vaccines’. mRNA vaccines are NOT responsible for more deaths than ‘Covid’ itself. Conspiracy Theories are eroding trust in evidence-based public health principles…” -Dr. Fauci who is GUILTY of MURDER.

Haha it's funny, Fauci has jokes now…

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a30a31 No.20883978

File: 1247a4716b1bf21⋯.jpeg (55.68 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1904.jpeg)

18 May, 2024 16:28

Russia ‘done’ with Western Europe ‘for at least a generation’ – Lavrov

An “acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the West is in full swing,” Moscow’s foreign minister has said

Russia won’t view Western European countries as partners again for “at least one generation,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has predicted.The diplomat remarked that Moscow and the West are already locked in a confrontation that has no end in sight.

Top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have repeatedly described Moscow’s ongoing military conflict with Kiev as a proxy war waged by NATO against Russia. Evidence of this, the Kremlin says, is the material aid, the training, and the intelligence that the US and many European countries have been providing to defend Ukraine.

Speaking on Saturday, Lavrov cited an article by Russian political scientist Dmitry Trenin, who has written that “Europe as a partner is not relevant for us for at least one generation.”The minister said that he “can’t help but agree” and that Moscow is “feeling this in practice almost daily.” The senior Russian diplomat also claimed, without elaborating, that “many facts speak in favor of such a prognosis.”

“The acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the West continues [and] is in full swing,”Lavrov said, pointing to the nature of the narratives currently prevalent in the US and Europe.

In an interview with TASS on Friday, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov compared Western elites to delinquent youths and provocateurs intent onescalating tensions to the brink of a “catastrophic collapse,”and with no regard for the consequences.

Speaking of the work of Russian diplomats in the West, the official revealed that it is “in a crisis-management mode, aimed at preventing an escalation into a really massive conflict.”

NATO is “a group in which we feel not an ounce of trust, which triggers political and even emotional rejection”in Moscow, Ryabkov told the media outlet.

He said that,no matter who comes out on top in the US presidential election in November, “no chance for the improvement of the situationcan be seen, considering the fundamental anti-Russian consensus of the American elites.”

During his inauguration speech on Tuesday, nonetheless, Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted thatMoscow does not “refuse dialogue with Western states.”

“The choice is theirs,” the president proposed, posing the question: “Do they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of Russia, continue the policy of aggression and relentless pressure that they have pursued for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace?”


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6e3086 No.20883979

File: 19d5814eed2bb2d⋯.png (1.22 MB,564x756,47:63,Screenshot_4753_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20883980


fire.huge fucking hot fire with gaszeous smoke. insurance company. not muh fucking problemo ching ching chang

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38b4f2 No.20883981



thanks fren

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c07b0f No.20883982


provigil joe

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9b9b26 No.20883983


Eve = Evil

Men are good, women are evil,

Its the first lesson in the bible, and its the reason all the renaissance artists painted women with snakes.

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294bed No.20883984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9ad87c No.20883987

File: 0feb0c177099394⋯.png (448.33 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_18_at_1….png)


Boatfag can confirm Spain has denied docking permission. Boatfag finds no mention anywhere else of boycott

Spain denied port of call to ship carrying arms to Israel

By Reuters May 17, 20246:21 AM EDT Updated a day ago

MADRID, May 16 (Reuters) - (This May 16 story has been corrected to fix the name of the ship operator from Danica Maritime to H. Folmer & Co in paragraph 5)

Spain has refused permission for an Israel-bound ship carrying arms to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena, Transport Minister Oscar Puente said on Thursday.

The Marianne Danica was carrying a cargo of arms to Israel and had requested permission to call at Cartagena on May 21, Puente said on X.

It was carrying nearly 27 tons in explosive material from India's Madras, El Pais reported.

The Foreign Ministry, which Puente said denied the authorisation, did not immediately reply to repeated requests for comment.

H. Folmer & Co, the company operating the Marianne Danica, did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

The reports come amid a spat between the ruling Socialists and their hard-left partners over allowing the transit of vessels carrying arms to Israeli ports.


Spain denies stopover of ship reportedly carrying arms to Israel

By Euronews Published on 17/05/2024

The Spanish government announced it will deny ports of call to any vessel carrying weapons to Israel.

Spanish authorities have refused a ship carrying weapons for Israel permission to dock at one of the country's ports.

“This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” said Spanish foreign minister José Manuel Albares on Thursday.

“This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.”

The Danish-flagged cargo ship, 'Marianne Danica,' departed from India with 27 tonnes of explosives, according to the Spanish newspaper El País.

It had requested permission to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena on 21 May.

Pedro Sánchez government's decision comes just days after some Spanish politicians urged the government to ban the entry of another ship, 'Borkum', which pro-Palestinian groups say is carrying arms to Israel.

Borkum’ received government authorisation to stop in Cartagena on Friday as its final destination is the Czech Republic, not Israel, according to transport minister Óscar Puente.

However, officials from the left-wing parties Sumar and Podemos have asked the government to deny access to 'Borkum' in support of Palestine.

Spain has heavily criticised Israel's offensive in Gaza, halting arms sales to the country.


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38b4f2 No.20883988


>“Bill Gates and I did NOT put chips in the ‘Covid Vaccines’.

no (You) did not.

Charles Lieber did that for you.

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7f23b9 No.20883990


at some point in the future, people will ask how did NASA do it without space

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8e3baa No.20883991


Imagine we gave these people massive power in manufacturing 60%+ of the computer chips we use in the West.

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599d10 No.20883992

File: 2b6522b10eb2150⋯.png (188.5 KB,610x518,305:259,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



There are no coincidences

May 18, 2024 · 6:02 PM UTC


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29738d No.20883993

File: f0c4af972ddecca⋯.png (34.92 KB,779x295,779:295,weep.PNG)


Biden staffer who resigned over White

House’s ‘disastrous’ support for

‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons

exec helping Israel

New York Post, by Jon Levine

Posted By: 4250Luis, 5/18/2024 5:11:11 PM

The dad of the Department of Interior staffer who dramatically resigned this week to protest the Biden administration’s support for Israel is a senior executive at a defense giant that supplies American weapons to the Land of Milk and Honey. Lily Greenberg-Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, went out with a bang Wednesday with a red-hot resignation letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. “I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide,” wrote Greenberg-Call, 26 who additionally condemned Israel’s “violations of international law” perpetrated with “American weapons.”

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d30bec No.20883994

File: 823e093e0596dca⋯.jpg (77.51 KB,600x664,75:83,work_memes_42_1.jpg)

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d2a8d0 No.20883995

File: 05cb73ee830c7f5⋯.png (1.42 MB,772x642,386:321,Screenshot_4754_.png)

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10489f No.20883996

File: 94df86579d8cfbb⋯.png (298.4 KB,1260x1004,315:251,ClipboardImage.png)


much love to the real america first movement

muh ivan is the secretary of retribution and it is coming for all of them

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4d8aca No.20883997

File: ca9af792a1c89a1⋯.jpeg (123.18 KB,728x960,91:120,IMG_2647.jpeg)

>>20883562 Lb

Anon never asked who or what is Q. Anon just knew it’s what Anon waited for since childhood n dove right in omnishifting for 6+ years. Q is Anon’s brain chip for now.

Don’t hait, congratulate.

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d84d66 No.20883998


no need for chips when graphene and unstable dna combine to make haarp powered sensor node with lifespan set by ai

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ef9d4d No.20883999



islam says it is just fine

mohammad says so

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9fecd8 No.20884000


clicked it. that dude looks fucking really tired muh vote harder he picks the orbital intern full of spunk. God bless this tireless man.

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d2a8d0 No.20884001

File: 22c2fa89f26c95f⋯.png (1.39 MB,612x791,612:791,Screenshot_4755_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884002

Terrorist in New York City waving Hamas flag.

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599d10 No.20884003

File: c51602ab8e60639⋯.png (13.6 KB,618x109,618:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2a8d0 No.20884004

File: 33f20243518908b⋯.png (1.36 MB,600x789,200:263,Screenshot_4756_.png)

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6ec4e1 No.20884005


So much data can be harvested from your picrel

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b86696 No.20884006

File: b598d75b760f0e8⋯.jpeg (82.48 KB,1080x821,1080:821,b598d75b760f0e8f931ee1dee….jpeg)

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9b9b26 No.20884007


Once you have fucked, the goat, its becomes "tainted", so you cannot eat it, but its OK to sell it to the tribe nextdoor, and they can eat it.

I shit you not.

islam is fucked in the head.

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6a1f6c No.20884008

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74d685 No.20884009

File: 07f7bfff3df6e68⋯.png (254.63 KB,868x958,434:479,07f7bfff3df6e6809a86c28a6b….png)

Noice, Trump 2 nights in a row!

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d84d66 No.20884010


well i hope you assholes in qspace get a good look at a real object for the first time HAHA

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d2a8d0 No.20884011

File: 6c478cdd0770d96⋯.png (1.31 MB,634x718,317:359,Screenshot_4704_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884012


an tifa dot com

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29738d No.20884013

File: 3daa2959f4cbf52⋯.png (596.61 KB,822x763,822:763,maul.PNG)


NBC Announces Documentary On ‘Full Spectrum’

Of Animal ‘LGBTQ+ Behaviors’

Daily Caller, by Mariane Angela

Posted By: Beardo, 5/18/2024 3:55:31 PM

NBC is set to air a television special aimed to shed light on the wide array of LGBTQI+ behaviors observed in the natural world, IndieWire reported Thursday. NBC is set to explore same-sex relationships and diverse sexual behaviors in the animal kingdom with its upcoming television special titled “Queer Planet.” The documentary, part of the network’s celebration of PRIDE month, is scheduled to stream on NBCUniversal’s Peacock starting June 6, according to IndieWire. Narrated by Andrew Rannells, “Queer Planet” will share examples of “queer” relationships in the animal kingdom.

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a7bffc No.20884014

File: 8a0048b613a994d⋯.png (43.47 KB,398x495,398:495,kindpng_1075420.png)








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43fc38 No.20884015


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753 Newly Published Records J6 Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ After a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883808 Things that make you go hmm…

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape


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6a1f6c No.20884016

File: 2bfd8a24d40e06b⋯.webp (165.7 KB,621x420,207:140,24_fox_logo.webp)

It's only May

Summer approaches

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83e9ab No.20884017

File: 00735113d66f294⋯.png (349.89 KB,515x556,515:556,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7483f8c0244ec12⋯.png (598.91 KB,611x593,611:593,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel 🇮🇱 accuse South Africa 🇿🇦 of taking their case to the ICJ on behalf of Hamas.

With dignity and courage South Africa 🇿🇦 respond that the case is taken on behalf of innocent Palestinians 🇵🇸 who are the victims of a genocide.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸


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294bed No.20884018

File: cca070c595265fe⋯.png (32.67 KB,388x318,194:159,cca070c595265feaa1cabf3a21….png)


No coinkidinks

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2de9c3 No.20884019

Here We Go

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54b8d7 No.20884020

File: d4b662b2403ab11⋯.png (427.6 KB,834x474,139:79,Screen_Shot_2024_05_18_at_….png)

File: 4697f55f4bfef57⋯.png (101.91 KB,681x513,227:171,Screen_Shot_2024_05_13_at_….png)

File: 79b010f791a3846⋯.png (364.68 KB,1128x636,94:53,Screen_Shot_2024_05_14_at_….png)


cant thank you enough, b

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20b913 No.20884022



Height of Pandemic 2020, 2021 no Excess Deaths

Height of the Vax Programs 2022, 2023… Excess Deaths

That's so Weird

you'd think Deadly pandemic ther'd be Excess deaths

you'd thing a life saving Vax would lower excess deaths

But it appears to be the other way around. so Strange

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9fecd8 No.20884023


fucking ghost stories

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10489f No.20884024


you cropped obummer out of this shot!

in the original. obummer is on his right, cuddly close right!

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1a40f2 No.20884025

File: 6a189e308ead5a4⋯.png (884.56 KB,416x724,104:181,Screenshot_4682_.png)

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d93a97 No.20884026

Buckle Up

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5c26c6 No.20884027

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c4828a No.20884028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9ad87c No.20884029

>>20883987 (me)

A cargo ship accused of carrying weapons to Israel refuses to stop in Spain

The ‘Borkum’ decides not to dock in Cartagena after leftist parties made the claim, which has been denied by the Spanish government. A different cargo vessel with a confirmed destination of Haifa has been refused permission for a stopover

Miguel GonzálezPaula Chouza Madrid - May 17, 2024

The Borkum, a cargo ship accused by Spain’s leftist parties Sumar and Podemos of carrying weapons to Israel, has refused to stop at the southeastern Spanish port of Cartagena. The decision was communicated at midnight by the shipowner to the Maritime Captaincy and confirmed by sources from Spain’s Ministry of Transportation, who insist that the final destination of the cargo is the Czech Republic and not Israel.

These sources did not rule out that the claim against the Borkum originated in a confusion, as another cargo ship with a confirmed destination of Haifa, in Israel, had been previously denied access to Spanish ports.

The shipowner — a German company, although the vessel is flying the flag of Barbuda and Antigua — “has communicated that the ship will not make the stopover, even though all the ship’s documentation is in order and it would have no problem accessing the port of Cartagena,” said sources at the ministry led by Óscar Puente.

On Thursday the ship remained anchored in the waters of Cape Tiñoso, just off the port of Cartagena, where it was scheduled to dock on Friday morning. A protest had been called at the port on Friday. The ship finally canceled its stopover in Spain and headed for Slovenia instead.

Sumar’s spokesperson in Spain’s lower house, Íñigo Errejón, and Podemos’ candidate to European elections, former minister Irene Montero, congratulated one another on social media, claiming that the decision proves them right. “Victory! We were right. We expect an apology tomorrow. Social pressure is useful, standing up is useful. No complicity with the genocide,” posted Errejón. “Everything was so clear yet we were inventing everything so much that… the Borkum avoids entering the port of Cartagena. Enough of the hypocrisy. Stop criminalizing and ridiculing the Palestine solidarity movement. We are acting to stop the genocide,” Montero added.

The local newspaper La Verdad reported that on Tuesday, an association called Palestina Libre (Free Palestine) and several political groups had claimed the Borkum was carrying weapons to Israel. Transportation Minister Puente denied it on Wednesday, as did Defense Minister Margarita Robles on Thursday.

The decision by the Borkum shipowner came hours after the Spanish government had denied a stopover to another cargo ship, the Marianne Danica, that was loaded with explosives and had departed from Madras Chennai in India en route to Haifa in Israel. It is the first time that the Spanish government has denied authorization to a ship with weapons for Israel, as stressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares.

The Marianne Danica had requested two permits to transit through Spanish waters and make a stopover in the port of Cartagena on May 21. The ship, which is transporting explosive materials, carries a load of 26.8 tons. The sender is the Indian company Siddharta Logistics Co and its recipient is the company Israel Cargo Logistics (ICL). Sources consulted by this newspaper did not rule out that the public complaints against the Borkum were due to its getting confused with the Marianne Danica.



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20b913 No.20884030


Can't Hide Excess Deaths

A vax that should've saves lives caused more Excess deaths than the Pandemic

It's Crystal Clear to me

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0a2ce1 No.20884031

File: 056e379d88bc3aa⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,888x500,222:125,8mlhlj.jpg)

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f1cb9c No.20884032

File: f4d2da996dc5967⋯.png (1.27 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 288f477ba521565⋯.png (1.37 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f5a4e844170bd2⋯.png (1.44 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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f72646 No.20884033


Do you think Ms Crockett is present tonight?

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9fecd8 No.20884034


confirm _

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2eeb51 No.20884035


Those are the types that keeps the once daily injections going

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76768d No.20884036

File: c0e4cacefd4fd2a⋯.png (1.27 MB,501x881,501:881,Screenshot_4672_.png)

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20b913 No.20884037


So Covid Waited 2 years & after the Vax was released to finally start killing people?

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599d10 No.20884038

File: e4ec0236fc311de⋯.png (638.03 KB,850x480,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)






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29738d No.20884039

File: 2f1324a06d43ea3⋯.png (527.27 KB,593x557,593:557,pi.PNG)


Paul Ingrassia


The streets of the South Bronx are already FLOODED with Trump supporters — nearly a week out from the rally!

They can’t wait! MAGA is UNSTOPPABLE!


Karoline Leavitt

9:03 AM · May 18, 2024




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756d92 No.20884040

The Boss takes the stage

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9fecd8 No.20884041


cotton ur on dung

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d84d66 No.20884042

yes im going to wear a hat so everyone can creep me with evil eye and invoke my superior higher power except it is't real and bases itself on 9/1 and take shit on fake holocaust myth

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6a1f6c No.20884043

Time for TRUMP MARCHES in YOUR locality

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9fecd8 No.20884044


doc running

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76768d No.20884045

File: f2769ba60da91d8⋯.png (1.98 MB,757x913,757:913,Screenshot_4643_.png)

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83e9ab No.20884046

File: 7f0128df882054a⋯.png (579.59 KB,544x620,136:155,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel releases harrowing photo showing doctors, journalists rounded up at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

A shocking photo showing at least one media and journalist rounded up at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza has been released.


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0a2ce1 No.20884047


plus the regular flu (Influenza A) disappeared during this time. (Their) explanation: "Social distancing and increased hand-washing" were the reason.

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613864 No.20884048

File: fd44a8807d87e4e⋯.jpg (186.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,fd44a8807d87e4eca05d403ad0….jpg)


theyre full time criminals

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eb8f7c No.20884049


Meow do the Trump's judge's daughter corruption

Who bought that story's space?

Bet it from a brit.

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7f23b9 No.20884050

File: 76f5ddfc2e97615⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,540x360,3:2,Weeeeeeee_slide.mp4)

File: f333c42c670aa63⋯.mp4 (14.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,banner.mp4)

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17ed7f No.20884051

File: 6d6fb4df29564f0⋯.gif (521.03 KB,245x245,1:1,Gaaaaayyyyyyyy.gif)

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a6ffc3 No.20884052



Gay. Go drum up faggots at Facebook.

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75391b No.20884053

File: b475b91b93dbb47⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,852x480,71:40,2023_05_27_21_06_44.mp4)

File: 316e5a87d03ad7b⋯.png (426.75 KB,1332x928,333:232,ClipboardImage.png)

NRA is appropriate because the rifles are one of the few things still standing in the way of the demoncrat communist agenda.


(non-secure link)

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ef9d4d No.20884054

File: f0775b4d89056e1⋯.png (698.32 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

guess it's easier than catching unwilling men on the streets…

Zelensky approves military enlistment of convicts

The new measure is aimed at helping Kiev replenish its depleted ranks

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky ratified a new law on Friday which would allow some prisoners to be paroled if they agree to enlist in the country’s military, according to documents published on the official website of the country’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.

The bill was first submitted to the legislature in March this year as part of Ukraine’s efforts to replenish its ranks amid a series of setbacks in its conflict with Russia.

The new legislation permits Ukrainian inmates to voluntarily enlist on a contractual basis and serve for as long as the country remains under martial law. The law only applies to convicts who have no more than three years left of their original prison sentence. It does not extend to people who have been convicted of premeditated murder, rape, drug trafficking and production, crimes against national security or corruption. However, the law allows military service for those convicted of involuntary manslaughter, with the exception of cases where the prisoner committed the crime while intoxicated.

Ukrainian Justice Minister Denis Maliuska said earlier that the mobilized convicts will serve in special units, and could perform tasks not related to actual combat or the handling weapons, such as building infrastructure and other fieldwork. He also noted that the new law could help Kiev bolster its number of troops by as many as 20,000.

An April survey conducted by the ministry showed that some 4,500 Ukrainian convicts had already expressed a desire to serve in the army in exchange for parole, Olena Vysotska, Maliuska’s deputy, told Glavkom news outlet this week.

The new move is part of a broader initiative by Kiev to address critical shortages of manpower on the front line. Last month, Zelensky signed a new mobilization law which lowered the conscription age from 27 to 25, expanded the powers of enlistment officers and introduced penalties for draft dodgers, including fines of up to 25,000 hryvnias ($640).

The government in Kiev previously insisted that only 31,000 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed in the conflict since it began in February 2022. However, earlier this month, then-Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed that Ukrainian military casualties this year alone have amounted to more than 111,000 soldiers.


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76768d No.20884055

File: 3c013f3fd6aff92⋯.png (1.16 MB,575x704,575:704,Screenshot_4628_.png)

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2de9c3 No.20884056

File: e6e65344baa188e⋯.jpeg (70.16 KB,432x600,18:25,IMG_2432.jpeg)

File: ed477dce686feda⋯.png (105.72 KB,190x237,190:237,IMG_2431.png)


Y’all corn fed country livin mayonnaise sweating hillybillys … you heard the man… git yer vote out fags!

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9fecd8 No.20884057

File: c096de43ae44f80⋯.png (246.72 KB,640x1754,320:877,50_7_.png)

File: fc9c6b104803f29⋯.png (119.08 KB,640x898,320:449,60_3_.png)



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a6ffc3 No.20884058


>rounded up

Live free or die

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eb8f7c No.20884059


Clam down retard

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d84d66 No.20884060

weel meta is dod property >>20884052

and google is nsa property

but legally they're space

technically space isn't legal

so nothing is plus personal bubble

so mark suckerfuck in everyones personal

is literally just a gangstalker force ghost

who joins groupchats to shit and snuff

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76768d No.20884061

File: df83f64b152ce03⋯.png (962.3 KB,578x567,578:567,Screenshot_4626_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884062


Jesus take the wheel

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58eceb No.20884063


They talking about queers and their penchant for bestiality?

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29738d No.20884065

File: 1c3593d50f1e757⋯.png (870.83 KB,683x873,683:873,8.PNG)

Hummm ?

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ef9d4d No.20884066

File: 0278448e9f32821⋯.png (491.01 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Zelensky blasts West for wanting conflict to end

The US and its allies are afraid of Moscow losing the war, the Ukrainian leader has said

Ukraine’s president has claimed Kiev’s forces would be more successful on the battlefield if they were not banned from using Western-supplied weapons to hit targets in Russia.

Russia’s ability to strike Ukraine from its own soil is giving Moscow the edge in the conflict, Vladimir Zelensky said during an interview with AFP news agency on Friday.

"They can fire any weapons from their territory at ours. This is the biggest advantage that Russia has. We can’t do anything to their systems, which are located on the territory of Russia, with Western weapons,” he explained.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who visited Kiev earlier this week, said Washington has “not encouraged or enabled strikes outside of Ukraine, but ultimately Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it’s going to conduct this war.”

However, on Thursday Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh clarified that Washington’s position that Kiev should not target Russia with US-supplied weapons remains unchanged. Such arms can only be used to “take back Ukrainian sovereign territory,” Singh stressed.

Earlier this month, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron insisted Ukraine has the “right” to use UK-supplied weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia, if it decides to do so. Moscow reacted to the statement by warning that if such an attack were to take place it could target British military facilities “on the territory of Ukraine and beyond” in response.

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Kiev has urged Washington to provide intelligence on targets on Russian soil amid setbacks in Donbass and Kharkov Region. According to the NYT, US officials are currently reviewing those requests, despite previously turning them down.

Zelensky said Kiev now finds itself in a “nonsensical situation” due to the stance of the West, which “is afraid that Russia will lose the war. And it does not want Ukraine to lose it.”

“Ukraine’s final victory will lead to Russia’s defeat. And the final victory of Russia will lead to Ukraine’s defeat,” he added.

The Ukrainian authorities “want the war to end with a fair peace for us. Of course, the West wants the war to end. Period. As soon as possible. And, for them, this is a fair peace,” the president stated.

On Friday, Russia President Vladimir Putin reiterated that Moscow “never rejected negotiations unlike the Ukrainian side,” referring to a 2022 decree by Zelensky, which officially forbade him from talks with his Russian counterpart.


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756d92 No.20884067


Thanks for the graphic.

Good visuals on the delta.

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76768d No.20884068

File: 8e74bfc0ff0b008⋯.png (772.78 KB,728x500,182:125,Always_enjoy_the_diner.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884069

brooch Collins stollen away from me

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6a1f6c No.20884070

File: d19cc1e88e8b1f9⋯.jpg (334.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,FedCoatsGoHome.jpg)

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58eceb No.20884071

Complete and Total endorsement: David Covey.

CbeforeD? (Think mirror)

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5736e8 No.20884072

File: d41ce144ce768bb⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,sun_lasers.mp4)

(PB) >>20883084, >>20883091, >>20883236, >>20883237, Another Dead End for Airborne Lasers - forces and military bun

Back to square one.

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7f23b9 No.20884073

File: eb1dc09a6025871⋯.jpg (144.21 KB,1306x733,1306:733,1918_09_30_National_Swine_….jpg)

File: 390afdd832fe1ab⋯.jpg (141.5 KB,1307x736,1307:736,1918_09_30_National_Swine_….jpg)


They claimed masks


and 6 feet


would have destroyed the flu, but somehow "corona" would have been "more infectious". That's why the flu went away, while "corona" stayed. And that despite them saying that these "measures" would be about stopping "corona".

Strangely "corona" and the flu have the exact same symptoms. But that must be a coincidence.

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76768d No.20884074

File: 8dc4851685ee1e8⋯.png (1.54 MB,578x929,578:929,Screenshot_4589_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884075

Brooke collins

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756d92 No.20884076

File: 59c924c7b215d47⋯.jpeg (669.78 KB,1692x1692,1:1,IMG_0214.jpeg)

Trump talking about a home run.

TSHRTW (baseball) was October 3

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d84d66 No.20884077


well ai discovered that dna evolution has a vector

and it simply decide to lyse than stop and end it

covid is sort of a spontaneous prion virus

caused by backpressure from backprop

from the analysis of microwave bb rads

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76768d No.20884078

File: 506ae8941e7d089⋯.png (1.47 MB,761x674,761:674,Screenshot_4570_.png)

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4792c5 No.20884079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb8f7c No.20884080

full of bullshit

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9fecd8 No.20884081

golf arrest 71 17 pga

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10489f No.20884082


>mohammad says so

poobah also says beat your wives

/end transmission/

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76768d No.20884083

File: e47e8ac6769b0bf⋯.png (1.04 MB,629x575,629:575,Screenshot_4553_.png)

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0a2ce1 No.20884084


i have one of these. paper flames in less than 1 second.

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eb8f7c No.20884085

Joe looking for his coke

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76768d No.20884086

File: 847d901d7aee4a6⋯.png (1.02 MB,686x517,686:517,Screenshot_4523_.png)

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7c441d No.20884087

File: c1e2cc3271cdd6e⋯.jpg (402.85 KB,2160x1809,80:67,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)

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599d10 No.20884088

File: 17de49be2610b05⋯.png (312.07 KB,612x571,612:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump International, Scotland


May 17

📣 Calling all Golf Media Journalists, Writers, Influencers and Content Creators!

Subscribe now for access to the latest news, updates, media opportunities and playing privileges.

👉 Subscribe now: hubs.ly/Q02xypbd0

#GolfJournalism #ContentCreators @TrumpGolf

May 17, 2024 · 2:28 PM UTC



DJT: I´m a golfer.

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43fc38 No.20884089


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (speaking now)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753 Newly Published Records J6 Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ After a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883993, >>20883808 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884046 Israel releases photo showing doctors, journalists rounded up at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital


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9fecd8 No.20884090

File: d233f7eb16b5c12⋯.jpg (164.41 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_17_3….jpg)

police stop infraction

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7f23b9 No.20884091

File: bc84c548c035d04⋯.png (619.94 KB,1920x3333,640:1111,2020_01_sequencing_Why_doe….png)

File: 6feefb3110ab92f⋯.webm (3.75 MB,640x360,16:9,33.webm)





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29738d No.20884092

File: 19234ab7721d34e⋯.png (1.53 MB,865x865,1:1,24.PNG)





Jens Stoltenberg



May 16

#NATO exists to defend 32 nations, and our peoples’ right to live freely & in peace. On the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia, and every day: all love is equal. LGBTQ+ people deserve respect & dignity, and I am proud to call myself your ally. #IDAHOBIT

Elon Musk




More like #MisplacedPriorities


Elon Musk


Can you feel the cool breeze? That’s the Overton Window opening …

7:44 AM · May 18, 2024




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76768d No.20884093

File: 99783e9fa230520⋯.png (1.78 MB,688x902,344:451,Screenshot_4484_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884094

President Trump: He's still looking [Biden] for that white stuff that was found in the White House…everyone thought it was for Hunter, maybe it wasn't for Hunter. I think it was somebody else.

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2de9c3 No.20884095

NRA members…troublemakers…who don’t vote…never meaning no harm

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7b08fb No.20884096

File: e3f609da5d5224e⋯.jpeg (331.82 KB,1426x1526,713:763,22C651F5_EC6C_48BB_AD0C_4….jpeg)

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eb8f7c No.20884097


Ty anon

Trump comedy tour

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9fecd8 No.20884098

File: a8d686161f38105⋯.png (125.05 KB,640x992,20:31,62_1_.png)

6.2 say sugartits

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20b913 No.20884099


No Proof that any of these are Doctors or Journalist

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78b63f No.20884100

File: 1ee5ef9640cbb37⋯.mp4 (379.8 KB,720x796,180:199,_Gigglepops_20240518_7_new.mp4)


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c81707 No.20884102

File: 391017cbf281911⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

the future governor of North Carolina - Mark Robinson

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10489f No.20884103

crush that 17million dollar C_A fly drone

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9a0bc6 No.20884104

President Trump: For more than one hundred and fifty years, the NRA has been defined by men and women, like all of you, loyal, hard-working citizens, who believe in defending your families, and your communities, and your country.

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75391b No.20884105

File: 7d7e7f60805d3d1⋯.png (200.08 KB,1491x749,213:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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78b63f No.20884106

File: ce0005ac0412202⋯.jpg (341.31 KB,875x583,875:583,ce0005ac0412202b4cd3f58465….jpg)

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5736e8 No.20884107


EM is a tried and true Globalist pretending to be a free speech crusader. 🤡

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599d10 No.20884109

File: bd9cf5b81fe9d47⋯.png (241.18 KB,560x566,280:283,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Turnberry


May 17

Weekend treats! Have you tried May’s Cocktail of the Month yet?

‘Ponche Cubano’ is Cuban Spanish for ‘Cuban Punch’, and our refreshing summer take contains Cuban Rum & vibrant tropical fruits to create this easy-drinking cocktail🍍

📸 Captured by jackmcormcik

May 17, 2024 · 11:00 AM UTC



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9fecd8 No.20884110


bus_comms eh

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2de9c3 No.20884111

File: fc50c3de9b32d63⋯.jpeg (775.22 KB,1388x1428,347:357,IMG_2384.jpeg)

File: e80c5001343bfcb⋯.jpeg (162.97 KB,1283x956,1283:956,IMG_2383.jpeg)

File: 9856dcf6afb1d8f⋯.jpeg (96.61 KB,588x864,49:72,IMG_2382.jpeg)


17 comms!

Engage Trust Plan

Prepare for session

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54b8d7 No.20884112


Coffee before donuts.

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20b913 No.20884113


>all love is equal

The "+" Stands for Pedophiles

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29738d No.20884114

File: a9b007123728de4⋯.png (645.39 KB,596x768,149:192,wrong.PNG)

File: c5d1ac69ada8d8a⋯.png (346.45 KB,394x372,197:186,my_name_is_nobody_9_Copy.PNG)


Tim Swain


A kindergartener could watch this video and tell something is wrong with this man.


The Democrats

9:24 AM · May 18, 2024




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c8a0cb No.20884115

File: 39186f71768063e⋯.png (990.78 KB,539x626,539:626,Screenshot_4459_.png)

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54b8d7 No.20884116


always said child molestation was the state sport.

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e4fb96 No.20884117

File: 4cef622a083799b⋯.png (514.06 KB,1100x713,1100:713,love_album_diddy_kicks_051….png)

when's the last time you saw a Trump supporter committing crime on video?

did diddy call hillary; idk jus asking


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83e9ab No.20884118


IDF released the photo and said that

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c8a0cb No.20884119

File: 6c18d6527f4d53d⋯.png (1.28 MB,529x843,529:843,Screenshot_4431_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884120

President Trump: The Second Amendment is under siege. Our Constitution is being run through the shredder. Our borders have been obliterated. Inflation continued to rage, and it's raging right now, again. And they shouldn't lower the interest rates, because they're gonna have to stop it, but he's gonna lower it just for purposes of trying to win an election, just like he went into the Strategic Reserves to try and win an election, and let this stuff that's supposed to be used for war and national emergencies, to try and keep the gas prices don. And now we have the lowest strategic reserves we've ever had.

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c8a0cb No.20884121

File: 1f47e31f7eed28a⋯.png (747.37 KB,482x528,241:264,Screenshot_4422_.png)

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20b913 No.20884122

With The News Anti-Semitism Laws in Place

When Trump Gets back and starts deporting Illegals, Mexicans, Hondurans, CCP, Islamist, Congoians & Criminals

They'll say they're Jews

I kid you not

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54b8d7 No.20884123

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)


jihadibots always have the highest post counts.

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4b63d6 No.20884124

File: 841939f09e9dc4a⋯.png (357.29 KB,2000x1378,1000:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f111fd42e5b2877⋯.png (165.74 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Is anyone surprised to find cannabis growing in the tulips when they have a FLAG inside a FLAG for their official FLAG?

* they should legalize weeding *

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29738d No.20884125

File: a83f7388869c00c⋯.png (620.79 KB,592x808,74:101,ax.PNG)



End Wokeness


This clip right here is why we need a drug test before the Trump-Biden debate.

WTF are they pumping him up with?


The Democrats

10:25 AM · May 18, 2024




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20b913 No.20884126


I know

Still no proof to back up their words

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2de9c3 No.20884127

File: ad6cf4901d07532⋯.gif (1009.89 KB,400x210,40:21,IMG_2435.gif)

File: 33d5e73a7db185b⋯.gif (495.99 KB,400x210,40:21,IMG_2434.gif)

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0a2ce1 No.20884128

File: d08c4d67f5c0050⋯.png (61.42 KB,800x474,400:237,Screenshot_2024_05_18_at_2….png)

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7f23b9 No.20884129

File: 2c26d33bd6e7eef⋯.jpg (92.56 KB,576x960,3:5,2c26d33bd6e7eeffb9a3436c66….jpg)


Someone tell them about mercury poisoning.


I'm adding a P myself to it, whenever I can.


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4b63d6 No.20884130

File: 33a55775e2b6660⋯.png (350.99 KB,524x346,262:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4fb96 No.20884131

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 01a27ca13f6ff31⋯.png (310.78 KB,599x394,599:394,huam_abiden_hillary_mom.png)

File: 6a271794582b3d6⋯.png (462.96 KB,900x628,225:157,hillary_weinstein.png)

File: df323fda1b925f8⋯.png (477.32 KB,830x809,830:809,comey_full_statement_july_….png)

File: 763b6e9f398f92e⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,800x444,200:111,Fox_news_hillary_and_Russi….jpg)

so clintons knew diddy epstein weinstein weiner maxwell?


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5736e8 No.20884132

(pb) >>20882374, >>20882401, >>20882429, Zelensky details Ukraine’s weapons demands - rt.com bun

If Lindsey Graham and Company of idiots provides this package America goes from proxy war to shooting war.

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9a0bc6 No.20884133

President Trump: It's time for a president who will replace weakness with strength, turn poverty to prosperity, and vanquish Joe Biden's corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of American freedom.

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06949c No.20884134

File: b2e2fc3eedb4529⋯.png (90.95 KB,273x351,7:9,Maddow.png)


This'll make Rach's nuts shrink.

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c8a0cb No.20884135

File: dd427ce36d711fe⋯.png (1.26 MB,504x874,252:437,Screenshot_4406_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884136


imagine how a golf course survived

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29738d No.20884137

File: 5f746ecc6da4229⋯.png (454.3 KB,558x417,186:139,if.PNG)

File: 5138b9998f5c22e⋯.png (572.76 KB,652x541,652:541,eye.PNG)

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9a0bc6 No.20884138

President Trump: If the Biden regime gets four more years, they are coming for your guns. One hundred percent certain. Crooked Joe has a forty year record of trying to rip firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens. He's always wanted to do that.

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923ca6 No.20884139

File: 4ac6d9f936d2565⋯.png (98.82 KB,463x899,463:899,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon finally posts what anons have been saying for years.

The entire logic of "LGBTQIABCDE.." isexclusionary BY DESIGN, it is INTENDED to exclude nuclear family procreational logic, it is funded and pushed by extinctionists.

When a finite set of letters and numbers EXCLUDES all other letters and numbers, it is logically exclusionary of all those other letters and numbers.

Doubt this? Just try adding a new letter, say "N" or "H", for nuclear heterosexual family, and present that new combination to any NPC exclusionist, and explain that the N in LGBTQIAN means straight heterosexual. Then sit back and watch THE INNER CORE OF EXCLUSIONISM manifest in the response. You will see the exclusionary logic such as "no no you can't do that, these letters are not meant for people like you", or "why don't you let people not like you have their own letter set".

Truth is, when you see the word "inclusion" accompany this finite letter logic, you are witnessing a deceit, a double speak, whether its activists are aware of it or not, the word "inclusion" is used precisely because it is in fact exclusive.


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c8a0cb No.20884140

File: abdc4a3c3a1e59c⋯.png (1.01 MB,508x691,508:691,Screenshot_4378_.png)

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54b8d7 No.20884141

File: 78c7100077d82a1⋯.png (394.12 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

Powell, who was to deliver commencement remarks to Georgetown University Law Center in person, now plans to deliver his remarks via a prerecorded video, the spokesperson said.

Powell previously tested positive for Covid in January 2023, and displayed “mild symptoms," according to the Fed.


how is it that every single headline somehow leads to msn?

anyways, covid comms.

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9fecd8 No.20884142

File: 5a6a5824efafde6⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,480x624,10:13,5a6a5824efafde6b2d03b9c376….mp4)

File: 3501abba035f81c⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,3501abba035f81c081ef1786a8….mp4)


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9a0bc6 No.20884143

President Trump: As we speak, the Biden administration is trying to crush independent firearms dealers by revoking their licenses if they make a single error, even in very unimportant paperwork.

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20b913 No.20884144

It will be the Fault of NATO & the UN if War breaks out with Russia

Everyone knows the Truth

& We will Teach the next Generation the Truth

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c8a0cb No.20884145

File: a710aff2412aebe⋯.png (702.74 KB,507x472,507:472,Screenshot_4361_.png)

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d6747a No.20884146


won't fit, gotta consolidate

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06949c No.20884147

File: caa7791c5df626c⋯.jpg (452.46 KB,1452x976,363:244,2020_06_03_145725_Sniper_2.jpg)


Ah yes that was Trump SS protection, no?

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06949c No.20884148


nah that's just a gay pride parade.

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29738d No.20884149

File: e36ab790960adba⋯.png (1.3 MB,874x855,46:45,look.PNG)

File: 3e0883a2be88ec2⋯.png (1.95 MB,1308x866,654:433,biden_weed.PNG)

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87c5ec No.20884150

File: b2c2495a0883686⋯.png (73.22 KB,896x528,56:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da61d5013c03afe⋯.png (72.92 KB,907x570,907:570,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 745e784de861a9a⋯.png (442.92 KB,1760x996,440:249,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20883802 mmmm…..there's sh*t to your theory but it's never just one thing vs another thing.

>>20883814 #metoo!

>>20883823 Yes, this guy is right. I fucking rode on a plane with a few when I flew out of el paso last june. one dude from haiti and 2 young Guatemalan women (late teens early 20s)

>>20883829 yes…and that tracking can and will help w/the deportations if that actually comes to fruition…"trap"

Back to theory & question at hand…

There is a theory out there that we are in a time frame that countries are to be competing for migration to avoid population collapse. That this competition will ensue until A.I. and robotics can replace the low-end manual labor.

I suggest reviewing this wikipedia entry and if you have time to actually read the book:


Demographic change

The book also predicts that decades of low birthrates in developed countries, especially in Europe, will result in dramatic cultural, social, and political shifts through the first half of the 21st century. These countries will experience economic and social strain, caused by a diminishing working age demographic and a rapidly aging population. As a result, in the 2020s and 2030s (anon posits we are here now), Western nations will begin to compete for immigrants. In particular, the United States will greatly ease immigration controls, and will begin trying to entice foreigners - especially Mexicans - to immigrate to the United States. (anon posits that b/c this is wildly unpopular for all the obvious reasons, Trump Shadow Gov't chose to do it while Biden is Resident…thus allowing for a necessary but wildly unpopular policy shift to happen and escaping blame)

However, later in the century, as robots begin to make human work obsolete, mass unemployment will result, and the United States, suffering from a labor surplus, will move to limit immigration again. (anon posits that release of Chat GPT, Grok & Bard (and really starting with Q) are the intro to A.I. will be a part of our lives, now and forevermore…that these releases are in fact decades behind the level of Q and Q is managing "them"….call me cray cray. to back that thought up I provide this Quote Tweet from Musk)



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0a2ce1 No.20884151


not even Bidan.

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c8a0cb No.20884152

File: 2603a4c61928982⋯.png (1.32 MB,509x903,509:903,Screenshot_4336_.png)

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4b63d6 No.20884153

File: 12f2b46b1cb2389⋯.png (122.49 KB,600x926,300:463,ClipboardImage.png)


NBC MSNBC needs to have their frequency allocation removed from complaints in their PUBLIC FILE

but it's protected by the State Department and Whitehouse and color of law to spew Schizophrenia as truth.

it could be ended tomorrow if 1 person upheld their sworn oath.

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7b08fb No.20884154

File: cc9728cfe7c1250⋯.jpeg (657.71 KB,1121x604,1121:604,10D9E4CE_313E_4F0B_8BDF_2….jpeg)

File: e0b58ba8d06df74⋯.jpeg (364.27 KB,781x716,781:716,1C37AA2E_FCB8_472D_A3B2_C….jpeg)

File: d94d9424430d5c9⋯.jpeg (424.63 KB,1065x584,1065:584,0235AC2B_AC80_4B5B_B045_4….jpeg)

File: b4ca9bc7bc6b3e1⋯.jpeg (600.95 KB,1158x588,193:98,65B4524C_1675_4E87_B549_C….jpeg)


>A kindergartener could watch this video and tell something is wrong with this man.

>>20883097 lb

Potato went back to JBA from Atlanta Intl and he’s going right back to Atlanta tomorrow for commencement address at Morehouse College

Why dafuq did they go back?That is a huge waste of OUR money….it’s ok for YOU fuggen fascists to spend it

It’s about 547 air miles between Atlanta and DC so instead of one trip there are now two. 1094 extra air miles

His schedule had nothing on it after 4:45pm EST-participates in a campaign reception.


That’s it for Potato-you could have done another money grab and stayed the night but he can’t even do that.

>>20883078 lb

SAM884 G5 went to Cheyenne, WY and SAM643 G5 went to Boston-Logan Intl

Both ACs from Nellis AFB departs

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28ad9c No.20884155

Romans: Chapter 2 Verse one

Therefore thou are inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou are that judgest: 'for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for though that judgest another, though condomnest thyself; for though that judgest doest the same things.

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43fc38 No.20884156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Asking questions is how you defeat the Bridge Troll.

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06949c No.20884157

File: c2a6e410774fafa⋯.png (135.79 KB,495x493,495:493,Pepe_Cheers_Suit.png)


mighty fine

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c8a0cb No.20884158

File: 1e29e5966eb31c4⋯.png (1.63 MB,810x704,405:352,Screenshot_4318_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884159

President Trump: With me in the White House, the radical gun-grabbers will run straight into a very, very, powerful brick wall. Their dreams of taking away your God-given rights will die when the polls close on November 5th, 2024. Those dreams that they have will be dead. They will be dead dreams.

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3b1d91 No.20884160


fauci at colombia, did someone ask him about palestine?

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06949c No.20884161


> live freely

tell me moar about your EU freedom and democracy you fascist cunts.

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c8a0cb No.20884162

File: 588f348f60be606⋯.png (1.59 MB,724x766,362:383,Screenshot_4298_.png)

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20b913 No.20884163

Complete Strangers trying to talk to children about what they do in the bedroom

So Dignified

So Respectful

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d93a97 No.20884164

File: 12eca346d4d2183⋯.png (64.46 KB,447x737,447:737,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884165

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c8a0cb No.20884166

File: 6bd2336baaa38b9⋯.png (1.35 MB,625x751,625:751,Screenshot_4296_.png)

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06949c No.20884167


Winning mode; UNLOCKED.


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9a0bc6 No.20884168

President Trump: Standing before you at the NRA Leadership Forum in 2019, I revoked America's signature from the globalist United Nations Arm Trade Treaty, which was one of the worst things to happen. We revoked it.

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33ad46 No.20884169

File: f32b40aa97e91cf⋯.jpg (134.29 KB,720x1116,20:31,20240518_155540.jpg)


CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia. She was 58

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0455b0 No.20884170

File: cc72f3a57262497⋯.png (1.27 MB,738x587,738:587,cc72f3a572624974f8f9c3a934….png)

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5736e8 No.20884171

File: 08c2c06e3c88e6d⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,886x484,443:242,Blinken_is_insane.mp4)

(pb) >>20882749, >>20882753, Blinken eats dinner at Ukraine pizza joint with… interesting decorations - revolver (Darren beattie)

And then does a Neil Young imitation of Keep on Rockin in the Free World. After 600,000 Ukrainians killed in battle. I don't think anyone saw that coming. The man's insane. 😎

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87c5ec No.20884172

File: 2e92a8585cc6f2e⋯.png (725.24 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b186e2 No.20884173


it says

I'm a little teapot

change my mind

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c8a0cb No.20884174

File: 77d24b6a8ef976c⋯.png (650.53 KB,489x453,163:151,Screenshot_4277_.png)

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87c5ec No.20884175


>I suggest reviewing this wikipedia entry and if you have time to actually read the book:

i kept getting link errors…had to remove the wikipedia and amazon for whatever reason.

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c81707 No.20884176


"Law enforcement officials told CNN that Stewart’s body was found outdoors in the Bellevue neighborhood in northern Virginia early Saturday morning. No foul play is suspected, and officers believe a medical emergency occurred."


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c8a0cb No.20884177

File: 0dba82461f324f6⋯.png (1.21 MB,502x838,251:419,Screenshot_4272_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884178

President Trump: I stopped cold their efforts to take away your ammunition. You know, those efforts are big…they're going after the ammunition. When the radical left democrats tried to use COVID to shutdown gun sales during the China Virus, I proudly designated gun and ammunition retailers as critical infrastructure, so they couldn't touch it. They tried.

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29738d No.20884179

File: ab0a3d90feafc3b⋯.png (2.71 MB,1237x869,1237:869,d.PNG)

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9fecd8 No.20884180



large sea wobble

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7f23b9 No.20884181

File: 85f1eb980004252⋯.mp4 (13.83 MB,854x480,427:240,Tucker_Carlson_s_last_mome….mp4)

File: decc16d45fa20fd⋯.mp4 (336.44 KB,640x358,320:179,Exploding_Milk_Porn.mp4)

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c8a0cb No.20884182

File: e42f2d57be5d945⋯.png (932.35 KB,508x625,508:625,Screenshot_4222_.png)

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06949c No.20884183


Heading to Ukraine? Don't forget to pack the guitar!

Might be a lot of coke and hookers.

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4b63d6 No.20884184


The people that TRIED belong in a PRISON, not trying "AGAIN"

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43fc38 No.20884185


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (speaking now)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753 Newly Published Records J6 Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ After a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20883993, >>20883808 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884046 Israel releases photo showing doctors, journalists rounded up at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154 Planefag

>>20884169, >>20884176 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58


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7b08fb No.20884186

File: e58681f9b34bbfe⋯.jpeg (862.36 KB,828x1069,828:1069,766EB2CE_D93F_4120_A7E8_3….jpeg)

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4b63d6 No.20884187

it's not good enough to just stop bad bills. The people making bad bills must have this bad behaviour ended permanently.

These people are not representing the people with bad bill after bad bill.

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9a0bc6 No.20884188

President Trump: My administration also petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn New York Cities unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside the home…we overturned it. And in a landmark case two years ago, the court affirmed that the right to self defense does not end when you step outside the front door of your house. We won it.

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c8a0cb No.20884189

File: abaec91ba3b1800⋯.png (1.12 MB,505x776,505:776,Screenshot_4216_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884191

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,a06190ae311856eb8a398dea1a….mp4)


c'mon man

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2de9c3 No.20884192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think potus says Alfonse Capone as opposed to Al because Alfonso… Spanish and saying Scarface.. reference Scarface movie by written by Oliver Stone…in the beginning Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when jimmy cartet gave Cuban refugees open arms… created a wave of violence unprecedented in America.

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29738d No.20884194

File: 9e90b1fcbd89208⋯.png (485.98 KB,907x683,907:683,dr.PNG)


As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed,

Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute/Fauci'

Red State, by Bob Hoge

Posted By: mc squared, 5/18/2024 5:45:19 PM

The walls came tumbling down Thursday on some of the mendacious narratives the American public has been force-fed during and after the COVID pandemic about gain of function research and the origins of the virus. Although Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) repeatedly questioned former chief advisor to the president and former NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci about the research in heated numerous congressional hearings over the last few years, the good doctor went on record over and over again angrily denying that any such thing had occurred. But on Thursday, NIH Principal Deputy Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak admitted that NIH did fund GOF research at Wuhan Institute of Virology

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4b63d6 No.20884195


Yeah trump stopped one bad bill, but the fuckers making that bill SMIRKED as they handed in 100 more bad bills.

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9fecd8 No.20884196


who is your tailor.

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06949c No.20884197


187 CHKT.

They call them bills, cuz they're gonna use them to spend all your money and then borrow the difference. They don't give a fuck about your debt.

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c8a0cb No.20884198

File: 2609d4777ce4602⋯.png (1012.44 KB,432x798,72:133,Screenshot_4215_.png)

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43a280 No.20884199

File: a50baf298b2ab5a⋯.png (663.46 KB,726x750,121:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia. She was 58

Old identity not useful, this one's being retread

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e7b0b0 No.20884200


Was it Suddenly?

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87c5ec No.20884201

File: f626b5fde78f4fc⋯.png (481.94 KB,927x823,927:823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4d57390a5e1a8a⋯.png (449.74 KB,904x644,226:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1e3307ef425a0c⋯.png (504.92 KB,898x1480,449:740,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a372a2599307dc⋯.png (168.42 KB,877x964,877:964,ClipboardImage.png)


Scientists have spotted 60 stars that appear to show signs of gigantic alien power plants

7:47 PM · May 16, 2024



Scientists spot 60 stars that appear to show signs of gigantic alien power plants


PUBLISHED: 19:33 EDT, 16 May 2024 | UPDATED: 06:51 EDT, 17 May 2024

A survey of five million distant solar systems, aided by 'neural network' algorithms, has discovered 60 stars that appear to be surrounded by giant alien power plants.

Seven of the stars — so-called M-dwarf stars that range between 60 percent and 8 percent the size of our sun — were recorded giving off unexpectedly high infrared 'heat signatures,' according to the astronomers.

Natural, and better understood, outer space 'phenomena,' as they report in their new study, 'cannot easily account for the observed infrared excess emission.'

Ever since theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson first proposed the idea at Princeton in 1960, astrophysicists have speculated that advanced extraterrestrials might have constructed massive solar energy collectors around one star or more.

While powering their spacefaring ET civilizations, these hypothetical 'Dyson spheres,' would reveal themselves by radiating more heat than usual, the physicist argued.

Astrophysicists and planetary scientists call 'Dyson spheres' and other concepts like them 'technosignatures,' or simply signs of technology out there in the universe.

Technosignatures can range from these incredible feats of engineering to more humbling signs, like technologically made pollution — including nitrogen dioxide gas from combustion exhaust or the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that once threatened Earth's ozone layer years ago, both detectable via telescopes light-years away.

Two teams of astronomers, led by Matías Suazo at Uppsala University in Sweden and Gaby Contardo at the International School for Advanced Studies in Italy, ran the latest hunt for the tell-tale infrared data that might reveal a distant 'Dyson sphere.'

The researchers merged data from the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope and the ground-based infrared telescope survey MASS2.

While there may be other explanations for the excess infrared signatures they found, Suazo noted, 'The most fascinating explanation could be actual Dyson spheres.'

Suazo's group in Sweden determined that seven, red M-dwarf stars, each no farther than 900 light-years from Earth, appeared to be producing as much as 60 times more infrared heat than would be expected based on their size.

The values ranged from 3 percent to 16 percent coverage for the seven unusual stars they identified.

'This isn't like a single solid shell around the star,' as one member of Suazo's team, astrophysicist Jason Wright at Pennsylvania State University, told New Scientist.

If these stars proved to be surround by alien power plants, in other words, they'd likely be a variant on the all-encompassing Dyson sphere dubbed a 'Dyson swarm.'

Such a swarm could come in the form of a large fleet of satellites, which would orbit these stars as a means of collecting energy.

'Additional analyses are definitely necessary to unveil the true nature of these sources,' the team wrote in their study, published this month in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The findings from Contardo's group in Italy were more broad and utilized a different machine-learning computer model to hunt for infrared 'technosignatures' of Dyson spheres, partial spheres or swarms.

They identified 53 candidates, including odd infrared heat around a few larger sun-like stars, at a range that extended farther than Suazo's team's candidate stars: as far as 6,500 light years from Earth.

'A few of those objects appear to be young stars,' Contardo's group acknowledged in their study; the young stars would be likely to project infrared as they heated clouds of debris and not-yet-fully-formed planets in their equally young solar system.

While Contardo said that both her group's and group's candidate stars were 'interesting,' she admitted that astronomers and other scientists will 'need follow-up observations to confirm anything.'

Suazo's group suggested that optical spectroscopy would be one helpful next step, a technique that has separated interesting older stars from those younger stars surrounded by debris and 'proto-planets' in the past.

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c8a0cb No.20884202

File: 09bb963450abc6b⋯.png (996.71 KB,523x649,523:649,Screenshot_4204_.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884203

President Trump: In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment; the attacks are Fast and Furious; starting the minute Crooked Joe shuffles his way out of the White House.

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29738d No.20884204

File: a7a87888bbdb7f3⋯.png (534.31 KB,907x478,907:478,bid.PNG)


Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of

Gaza Refugees Is Insane, Warns Expert

PJ Media, by Rick Moran

Posted By: 4250Luis, 5/18/2024 5:30:27 PM

Earlier this month, the Biden administration floated a trial balloon, suggesting "senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents."No other Middle Eastern country is crazy enough to want large numbers of Gazans to enter their country. The history of Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria suggests that the refugees would look to overthrow the government or launch terrorist attacks against Israel from within their borders. This apparently isn't deterring Joe Biden. Perhaps it should. Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs analyst,

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5736e8 No.20884205


He'll be singing the Blues when this all ends.

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f1cb9c No.20884206

File: fea2fb2a8fd3fee⋯.png (1.11 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b0115549619ec8⋯.png (578.03 KB,1164x652,291:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70f83fa08ee60ff⋯.png (1.2 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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43a280 No.20884207


>These people are not representing the people with bad bill after bad bill.

There should be criminal penalties enforced for intentionally infrioging on constitutional rights

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0a2ce1 No.20884208

File: a52cf700d4b3db4⋯.mp4 (12.06 MB,720x1280,9:16,a52cf700d4b3db4f7232aee29d….mp4)

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06949c No.20884209


kek am I supposed to watch all 2:20 of this?

I was spent at 25 seconds. So better than Dan.

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c8a0cb No.20884210

File: cdda00a3908797a⋯.png (680.82 KB,521x445,521:445,Screenshot_4174_.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884211

32 per cent stollen

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43fc38 No.20884213

File: 8f362c706c431ef⋯.png (666.65 KB,588x957,196:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a2ce1 No.20884214

File: 56558bde3b293c6⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,888x499,888:499,8poyce.jpg)

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4b63d6 No.20884215

The bad bills come from BAD PEOPLE who have somehow passed national security background checks.

Anon considers the bad bill, the bad people and the bad MILITARY, STATE DEPARTMENT, OPM, and BAD JUDGES who allow these bad bills to propagate without removing the BAD PEOPLE.

All of them BAD.

Anon would put ALL OF THEM IN PRISON.

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c8a0cb No.20884216

File: 4d4b74c9f02310e⋯.png (1.36 MB,731x650,731:650,Screenshot_4163_.png)

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e7b0b0 No.20884217


Merely a coincidence.

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20b913 No.20884218

ABC's have Mass Murdered Children

ABC's use violence against anyone that questions them

ABC's Invade women's spaces for Sexual Gratification

ABC's sent to women's Prisons rape female Prisoners

ABC's Dance naked in front of Children

They are Mentally ill Terrorists With protection from the State

It's not a Phobia, It's a Disgust

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923ca6 No.20884219


Wonder how long the satanists have been using jews as human shields.

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29738d No.20884220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brooks & Dunn - Only In America

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06949c No.20884221





Watch him get a promotion

Trust the Clam.

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7f23b9 No.20884222

File: 965586a5109e400⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,854x362,427:181,Austin_Powers_Man_baby.mp4)

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cba905 No.20884223


The whole point of the "Fake Biden Presidency" is to present a picture to the average Joe and Jane Public what full socialism actually means for them. This involves a series of "shows" some of which will be true and some fake. I suspect "millions" of immigrants is the deliberate fake news to rouse the emotions, but in reality there may only be tens of thousands, lots of which will be actors playing a particular part.

Another issue is the money going to Ukraine, or any irresponsible congressional spending for that matter. We have no way of knowing if that is true or just more fake news to stir the sleepy into an awakening.

The really bad economic news that is soon to drop (Aug-Oct probably) will be real, but that was known about from day 1 of Trump's Presidency. Fake Joe has been setup to take the blame. When Trump returns, all these issues will be quickly resolved, mainly because they were partly fake to begin with.

All of this shows that the Military are in control of the country because only the Military has the power to pull all of this off.

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d93a97 No.20884224

File: 93b9c1d829a1fd9⋯.png (32.39 KB,447x377,447:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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43a280 No.20884225

File: ec8dbc4e13666bc⋯.jpeg (22.21 KB,444x362,222:181,simple_me_me.jpeg)


>unexpectedly high infrared 'heat signatures,'

they don't understand shit that's the problem

what their bullshit science assumes is a fucking dyson sphere is 100% something entuirely more ordinary

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c8a0cb No.20884226

File: 91f95ea23aebac2⋯.png (1.47 MB,736x696,92:87,Screenshot_4157_.png)

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4eb8be No.20884227


Vaxxed = waxxed

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5736e8 No.20884228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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33ad46 No.20884229

File: a0f28188452ebe0⋯.jpg (201.41 KB,720x1193,720:1193,20240518_160538.jpg)

File: 79286cec5d20a7a⋯.jpg (75.09 KB,692x687,692:687,20240518_160504.jpg)



JUST IN: CNN political commentator Alice Stewart has died suddenly

Police found her body outdoors early this morning.

Officers currently believe a “medical emergency” occurred.

This was her just yesterday 👇🏻

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06949c No.20884230


Did she die of Hillarycide?

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c8a0cb No.20884231

File: 288a326e9c3d20c⋯.png (1.28 MB,740x605,148:121,Screenshot_4136_.png)

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4b63d6 No.20884232



BACKGROUND CHECKS ARE A TOTAL FUCKING FARCE, A BLUFF, AND A CORRUPTION, it is the single source of ALL america's current problems.

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50b885 No.20884233

File: 442a2751cc3b633⋯.png (13.51 KB,300x284,75:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli singer Matti Caspi claims Oct. 7 Attack Happened Due to Treason

The musician Matti Caspi claimed that the October 7 attack occurred due to treason within the Israeli security system and not due to intelligence and security failure in a post on Facebook on Monday. They always use false flags.

"Things that weigh on my heart," Caspi wrote. "Every time a senior Hamas member is assassinated, the media indicates that the assassination was done with the guidance of the Shin Bet and Mossad, who knew how to track the senior member and provide precise information."

"However, I do not believe that the Shin Bet and Mossad did not know how to track a giant bulldozer tractor moving slowly … to break through the most sophisticated fence in the world."

Sauce: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-801059?

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9fecd8 No.20884234

File: 760409a6279080f⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,720x1280,9:16,760409a6279080ffa571dfef75….mp4)

File: eb89a63760e52d7⋯.mp4 (71.89 KB,264x144,11:6,images_3_.mp4)

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eb8f7c No.20884235


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20b913 No.20884236

File: cf42e2600f99025⋯.png (26.57 KB,364x84,13:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Was she Vaxxed?

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87c5ec No.20884237

File: 0f268883422bf60⋯.png (703.28 KB,897x937,897:937,ClipboardImage.png)


#TelAviv tonight: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster.

▪️ Rallies held as War Cabinet Min Gantz issues an ultimatum to Netanyahu.

▪️ For the 1st time, Opposition Leader Lapid speaks at Tel Aviv rally.

0:04 / 0:14

2:45 PM · May 18, 2024


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43a280 No.20884238

File: 75fe4595c31afce⋯.png (1021.59 KB,1080x852,90:71,Q_pol.png)

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20b913 No.20884239


The Jewish People Know they will suffer the Consequences of Bibi's lust for Power & Control

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983358 No.20884240

File: 007a7705c16f583⋯.png (698.4 KB,1200x505,240:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d3463 No.20884241

File: 42b33a6a25c79db⋯.png (1.09 MB,621x610,621:610,Screenshot_4098_.png)

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06949c No.20884242

File: 3897d68fa2492bb⋯.png (524.64 KB,828x509,828:509,Hitler_Paragliders.png)


Stealth Paraglider tech is only available in Gaza.

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0455b0 No.20884243

POTUS SAYS "Low IQ" like an anon.


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87c5ec No.20884244

File: 6658f11e4a628a5⋯.png (8.66 MB,2048x3072,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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43a280 No.20884245

File: 157c7efced3fa1e⋯.png (660.9 KB,760x600,19:15,tip_top_bread.png)


>Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster.

Funny how our resident israel apologist never calls these people "terrorists".

Only American protesters are "terrorists" in its mind

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b186e2 No.20884246

File: d1d24da9f9a76f9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)



Hands All Over

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9fecd8 No.20884247


Macron comms

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4b63d6 No.20884248


Before one of you fucks says but they went around my neighborhood

A MAVNI GUY Has no such past history as you fucks about to say, Oh but they went around my neighborhood.. FUCK OFF WIT THAT SHIT you are a stupid faggot they can FIND IN muh neighborhood.

The Illegal Alien hired by OBAMA And BIDEN has no fucking such history.

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2eeb51 No.20884249


Definitely a dude, baby

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06949c No.20884250


That's a lot of Hannibal Directive to action!

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4b63d6 No.20884251


and the motherfuckers on the BALLOT have no such background check.

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5736e8 No.20884252

File: 29b23ee343c9d64⋯.jpg (58.49 KB,1024x816,64:51,dkr2gv4qc5p31.jpg)


Sausage and Pineapple Pizza? I vote the Death Penalty.

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4eb8be No.20884253


is she waxxed?

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5ac691 No.20884254


Waxed Vaxed but unable to Climaxx

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b186e2 No.20884255



born to ride

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9fecd8 No.20884256

File: 8099d0fcb29d882⋯.jpg (476.7 KB,1920x1920,1:1,mega_emmanuel_macron_001_s….jpg)



,this ships flag comms

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f1cb9c No.20884257

File: 82405de9b2e0730⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,848x478,424:239,_TelAviv_tonight_Tens_of_t….mp4)



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06949c No.20884258


>aged 58

All wimmin are dudes by 58, son.

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4eb8be No.20884259


Try before deny

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3b1d91 No.20884260


do they want him to stop bombing palestine or do they want him to bomb it faster and more?

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eb8f7c No.20884261

File: 46ff8484d561e91⋯.jpg (88.71 KB,669x562,669:562,Fsptr.jpg)

Get me macron

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29738d No.20884262

File: 76df09de1ce9def⋯.png (322.89 KB,593x824,593:824,firm.PNG)








R.I.P. — CNN Republican commentator Alice Stewart dead at 58

Stewart’s body was found outdoors in a northern Virginia neighborhood, CNN reported. It is believed she suffered a medical emergency, police said.


U.S. Ministry of Truth


I can confirm, in most cases dying is a medical emergency.

11:08 AM · May 18, 2024




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a0216f No.20884263


Like Q always said, “Follow the white giraffe, but do not cross the streams.”

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43a280 No.20884264

File: abf825dccf4a866⋯.png (215.96 KB,754x571,754:571,ranier_wolfcastle_yes.png)


>"However, I do not believe that the Shin Bet and Mossad did not know how to track a giant bulldozer tractor moving slowly … to break through the most sophisticated fence in the world."

>They always use false flags.

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3d80c0 No.20884265


Who dat?

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2de9c3 No.20884266

File: a91da83e981fb0c⋯.jpeg (222.47 KB,750x1334,375:667,1D9AD290_54D9_4333_8604_E….jpeg)

File: 1f897324bcc44ae⋯.jpeg (172.4 KB,750x1334,375:667,36ECFEC7_EEA3_44AC_ADEE_B….jpeg)


Got to Show Em

And I believe they didn’t open the gates full..Smokey windows yo…special effects…hocus pocus is just advanced tech…


Enjoy the Show

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06949c No.20884267

File: 53a4068e63eabd8⋯.png (3.39 MB,1089x1925,99:175,ClipboardImage.png)


Granny the Groomer got fake tits?

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43fc38 No.20884268


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (speaking now)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753 Newly Published Records J6 Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ After a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20883993, >>20883808 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884046 Israel releases photo showing doctors, journalists rounded up at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154 Planefag

>>20884169, >>20884176, >>20884229, >>20884262 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster


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108cb8 No.20884269

File: 948d319efc58888⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB,246x255,82:85,IMG_4953.jpeg)


> This'll make Rach's nuts shrink

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7b08fb No.20884270

File: 0c8150d871f1fc3⋯.jpeg (738.72 KB,828x1084,207:271,8F82521B_7BCE_4D30_A6F2_E….jpeg)

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4b63d6 No.20884271


They are BLAMING him.. This was predicted.. Local + international outrage will force Israel to stop the Genocide.

This method stops carnage, but allows ZIONISM to escape to regroup rebuild and refuck the world

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06949c No.20884272


Ah yes. Guud times at the parade, weren't they?

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9fecd8 No.20884273



tapper her debate and quite her goode>>20884263. spitting first time is normal



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eb8f7c No.20884274

Ham and Pineapple


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b186e2 No.20884275


A bit salted over…


Le staycation! Emmanuel Macron roars around the Côte d'Azur on a jetski while on holiday with his wife Brigitte, 67, as France battles to keep a lid on its growing coronavirus casesf

Sacre Bleu

Was he even flying a flag? Or did he make his way down to where Peter Munk was setting up shop?

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5736e8 No.20884276


>No foul play is suspected, and officers believe a medical emergency occurred

These snap judgement statements are always suspicious. That's for the ME to decide. The "officers" broke protocol.

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37f4d3 No.20884277

File: 67ee11431d3173b⋯.jpeg (663.08 KB,1290x1839,430:613,IMG_0456.jpeg)

James Woods, love you, no homo you funny bastid!


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2de9c3 No.20884278

Stable Genius

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4b63d6 No.20884279

Netenyahu is the chicken being swung around getting the blame for lunatic-ery

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33ad46 No.20884280

File: 992b619382c7235⋯.jpg (390.14 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240518_001353….jpg)

File: d91f84f738d9691⋯.jpg (17.17 KB,184x184,1:1,20240518_161452.jpg)

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50b885 No.20884281

File: 00f4ba0301921a5⋯.png (38.86 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



The Jews already killed 14,000 children and babies, not counting the ones still under the rubble.

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

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29738d No.20884282

File: 6c3bf269d03714b⋯.png (633.06 KB,792x436,198:109,go.PNG)


The Gloves Are Off

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06949c No.20884283

File: 57272d1115ddece⋯.jpg (313.08 KB,924x768,77:64,Pepe_Apu_Pizza_Party_With_….jpg)



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43fc38 No.20884284


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108cb8 No.20884285

File: 18423924cf955a5⋯.jpeg (116.97 KB,992x557,992:557,IMG_5120.jpeg)


> Stewart’s body was found outdoors in a northern Virginia neighborhood, CNN reported. It is believed she suffered a medical emergency…

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4eb8be No.20884286


Hunter will publicly name his father, as the reason for his drug habit.

He knows who killed his mom, Joe probably bragged about it.

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16e64c No.20884287

File: 45693430ea08365⋯.png (8.16 KB,223x226,223:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb8f7c No.20884288

File: f021e4a5d17bb05⋯.jpg (69.97 KB,677x453,677:453,20210424_124147.jpg)

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5736e8 No.20884289


Even worse. High Treason.

Since High Treason was, and arguably remains, the most serious capital crime, testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act was required to convict, and the punishment in the Eighteenth century was severe. Blackstone states that "the punishment of high treason in general is very solemn and terrible":

1. That the offender be drawn to the gallows, and not be carried or walk: though usually (by connivance length ripened by humanity into law) a sledge or hurdle is allowed, to preserve the offender from the extreme torment of being dragged on the ground or pavement

2. That he be hanged by the neck and then cut down alive

3. That his entrails be taken out and burned, while he is yet alive

4. That his head be cut off

5. That his body be divided in four parts

6. That his head and quarters be at the king's disposal [6].

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29738d No.20884290

File: 34c53416a83b2a4⋯.png (166.27 KB,382x349,382:349,us.PNG)


You know there’s a genius to what I’m doing

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06949c No.20884291



ie no hammer found, no gunshot wounds.

But no tox done yet. they should shut the fuck up until.

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4eb8be No.20884292


Or just let women vote….

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5736e8 No.20884293


You sound like the Devil.

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7f23b9 No.20884294

File: a4fa138c91751c5⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1440x2303,1440:2303,2020_11_18_DoD.jpg)

File: 503e2b84f11c934⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,2020_11_18_DoD_I_am_here_t….mp4)


The point is that you can't fully control the military, simply because how the military works.

You can't fully control it from the top.

Now even less so, kek

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06949c No.20884295

File: 12398ce2f8f1c9c⋯.png (250.32 KB,575x417,575:417,Hillary_Clinton_What_Diffe….png)


suicides incoming

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20b913 No.20884296


So when Obama Killed 400,000 Civilians

Were the American people to Blame?

The Jewish People are hostages

Just Like Canadians, Americans, Australians and the British

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744201 No.20884297

File: a2b2e6c1c6fdc80⋯.png (1.32 MB,623x741,623:741,Screenshot_4097_.png)

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599d10 No.20884298

File: 255e700dfed8958⋯.jpg (270.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,media_GN4Zls5WIAAAn8s.jpg)

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4b63d6 No.20884299


Now that there's no passive twitter view, it's gona depend on people like you to post a CLIP of the article.

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43fc38 No.20884300

File: d9b3568c30d9271⋯.png (31.22 KB,1280x674,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884301


gonna get Dan and turkey sides_ snek Saturday afternoon death Valley

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75391b No.20884302

File: ae0e2edf7d7ea7e⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,852x480,71:40,2024_01_14_22_13_35.mp4)

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37f4d3 No.20884303

File: e353bf64cd1af82⋯.jpeg (672.32 KB,1290x1718,645:859,IMG_0457.jpeg)

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f5e522 No.20884304



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4eb8be No.20884305


Anyone seen Cate?

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5d8b4f No.20884306

File: 667048b9783823a⋯.webp (43.74 KB,650x437,650:437,piggy.webp)

Is this why PDJT doesn't eat pork?

Banned in 160 Nations, Why is Ractopamine in U.S. Pork? (Op-Ed)


If you care about the drugs that make it into the United States' food supply — or only about what happens to the animals that supply us with meat — you should care about ractopamine. Because of safety concerns, about 160 nations ban or restrict the use of this drug during pig production, including all countries in the European Union, Russia and China. But that hasn't stopped the U.S. pork industry from feeding it to an estimated 60 percent to 80 percent of American pigs to rapidly boost growth rates. If you buy pork at your local supermarket, chances are that it came from a ractopamine-treated pig.

A few days ago, McClatchy published a detailed piece on how the American pork industry — led by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) — now is demanding that European authorities allow pork from pigs fed ractopamine into their market. The European Food Safety Authority investigated ractopamine in 2009, concluding there were not enough data to show that it is safe for human consumption at any level. But the NPPC is now urging U.S. trade negotiators to override that determination in current trade talks with the European Union. The NPPC's attitude appears to be that that the pork industry's profits should trump any concerns about food safety or animal welfare from regulators, scientists or consumers.

There are serious questions about ractopamine's safety. It belongs to a class of drugs, beta-agonists, that were developed to treat asthma and only adapted for animal use when they were shown to boost growth rates. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ractopamine for use on pigs after just one human health study — an evaluation of six young, healthy men, one of whom dropped out because his heart began racing and pounding abnormally. Three years later, the FDA sent ractopamine's sponsor a 14-page letter, accusing the company of withholding information about the drug's "adverse animal drug experiences" and "safety and effectiveness." Shortly thereafter, the FDA required drug manufacturers to add this warning label: "Ractopamine may increase the number of injured and/or fatigued pigs during marketing. Not for use in breeding swine." [Memo to Congress: Protect Public Health, Not Toxic Chemicals (Op-Ed )]

The FDA has linked ractopamine to nearly a quarter-million reported adverse events in pigs (more than half of those pigs were sickened or killed) — more than any other animal drug. These pigs became lame or unable to stand, started trembling, or suffered a host of other ailments.

In particular, ractopamine causes pigs to collapse and become "downers," that is, animals too sick or injured to walk, and then often dragged into the slaughterhouse. HSUS investigations at pig factory-farms have shown that these downer pigs are often terribly and cruelly mishandled. The pork industry vehemently fights all of our efforts to require the euthanasia of downer pigs, perhaps because it realizes that there are so many downers now that the use of ractopamine is so routine.

The dispute over ractopamine speaks to a broader illness in the nation's pork industry. The pork industry insists on using a dangerous drug and then complains when other nations and American consumers don't want their pork. They have some sort of expectation that they know best, behaving like parents insisting that their unknowing children eat whatever is on their plate.

This reminds me of the pork industry's stubborn refusal to stop using gestation crates — coffin-sized crates that confine pregnant sows so tightly that they can't even turn around. Polls show that consumers in every state oppose their continued use, while almost 60 major food corporations have committed to phasing out the crates based on their cruelty. But still the pork industry, and especially the NPPC, continues to cling to the crates — which they are now, laughably, trying to rebrand as "maternity pens." This mentality is best summed up by an NPPC spokesman who told a reporter in 2012: "So our animals can't turn around for the 2.5 years that they are in the stalls producing piglets. I don't know who asked the sow if she wanted to turn around…"

Thankfully, this line of thinking now faces a major challenge from within the pork industry, with major producers splitting from the NPPC on gestation crates and ractopamine. Smithfield Foods, for example, has committed to phasing out all of its gestation crates and to reducing its use of ractopamine. And just last month, we were pleased to announce that Cargill is following suit in eliminating gestation crates. Now it's time for the pork industry's laggards to step up, and for the obstructionists at the NPPC to get out of the way.

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29738d No.20884307

File: c9a742f906848eb⋯.png (856.51 KB,563x633,563:633,bute.PNG)

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9ad87c No.20884308


Strange, latest about any such protest is from back in March, before that July of 2023

Somehow random twatter people find these protests every other day

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29738d No.20884309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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37f4d3 No.20884310

File: f9135f79c2717b9⋯.png (2.45 MB,1536x864,16:9,IMG_0458.png)

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f1cb9c No.20884312

File: 3f3bc3cd03ef44b⋯.png (1.12 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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e491db No.20884313

File: 1ae2fd0b031283e⋯.jpg (507.58 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240518_171656.jpg)

File: a274afd2b134e24⋯.jpg (492.84 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240518_171638.jpg)

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4eb8be No.20884315


Is it spicy sausage?

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37f4d3 No.20884316

File: 3703c895dc24b87⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,2439x2785,2439:2785,IMG_7905.jpeg)

File: 23bce301219a80a⋯.jpeg (33.37 KB,448x423,448:423,IMG_7657.jpeg)

File: 44e5664259966cf⋯.png (327.4 KB,700x740,35:37,IMG_7673.png)

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90b248 No.20884317

File: c70ecac03345a66⋯.png (678.42 KB,1170x840,39:28,c70ecac03345a6600514fd3f95….png)

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2de9c3 No.20884318


Those who use imagery like this to push an agenda …are as guilty as those with blood on their hands…maybe worse.. because they choose to…Knowingly…pitiful

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945bd7 No.20884319



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29738d No.20884320

File: c2e17133b006ee7⋯.png (200.9 KB,386x582,193:291,tvp.PNG)


BREAKING!🚨 Alice Stewart, a Conservative political commentator on CNN was just found dead in her neighborhood in Virginia. She was only 58. (Pictured on left)

They are saying she had a “sudden medical emergency”

Here is a list of Tweets she made back in 2021 about the experimental mRNA gene modifier (COVID Vaccine)

Unfortunately, it’s likely she is yet another victim of the BIOWEAPON vax that has killed multitudes of others before her. It’s getting harder, and harder to ignore.

May she rest in peace. 🙏🏻

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2de9c3 No.20884321



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9fecd8 No.20884322

File: 3d13952c7dc99cc⋯.jpeg (363.14 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GN3PKteWAAA2ke3.jpeg)

File: f58493623425fe6⋯.jpg (39.58 KB,720x734,360:367,horse_dewormer_meme4.jpg)

File: 5ba97b149f137b4⋯.jpg (42.29 KB,780x439,780:439,canadian_horse_110921.jpg)

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da6ecb No.20884323

File: fb7b196aaaca9f9⋯.jpeg (130.42 KB,1280x788,320:197,F0t2dig9Kkml.jpeg)

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90b248 No.20884324

File: 78c65093cddbef7⋯.png (1.17 MB,1246x800,623:400,78c65093cddbef757490014478….png)

File: afff7c350e9cb77⋯.jpeg (167.87 KB,1100x1375,4:5,https_bucketeer_e05bbc84_….jpeg)

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599d10 No.20884325

File: c68a8fb9c68b06d⋯.png (354.31 KB,574x487,574:487,ClipboardImage.png)




North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported:


May 18, 2024 · 1:00 AM UTC


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50b885 No.20884326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia Destroys Large NATO Warehouse in Dachnoye nw of Odessa

NATO large logistics hub as a military facility for Ukrainian forces came under attack from ballistic and cruise missiles from Russian troops.

A large warehouse in Dachnoye northwest of Odessa stored unmanned boats and a large amount of ammunition, destroyed after the fire with a cloud of black smoke and an explosion.


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c119f2 No.20884327

File: dd75e754403ab05⋯.png (10.34 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fecd8 No.20884328

8 year old Debbie Grandma

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29738d No.20884329

File: 441647f1bac827e⋯.png (294.45 KB,607x579,607:579,sn.PNG)




WATCH: President Trump reads “The Snake” at 153rd Annual NRA Meeting in Dallas, TX

WATCH: President Trump reads “The Snake” at 153rd Annual NRA

WATCH: President Trump reads “The Snake” at 153rd Annual NRA Meeting in Dallas, TX

11:25 AM · May 18, 2024




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9fecd8 No.20884330

Debby e is 45 me minutes awat

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89e49f No.20884331

File: 597b470635f2371⋯.png (447.01 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

four E-6 mercury up over Conus


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9a0bc6 No.20884332

President Trump: We're allowing terrorists into our country. We're allowing prisoners and people form mental institutions and insane asylums int our country. Nothing good is going to happen…we're one hundred percent going to be in big, big, trouble. And they're building in numbers that you've never seen before. Even large number of Chinese warriors are flowing into our country. They're all aged from nineteen to twenty-five, and almost every one of them is a man. What's that all about? Twenty-nine thousand over the last month and a half…what are they doing, building a little army in our backyard?

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29738d No.20884333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Johnny Rivers - The Snake

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9fecd8 No.20884334

Debby away

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5736e8 No.20884335


Preferable pepperoni but spicy sausage will do.

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f1cb9c No.20884336

File: 089e15cc13ff552⋯.png (1.26 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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51439f No.20884337

File: 24242f58afb8e12⋯.png (1.62 MB,730x775,146:155,Screenshot_4088_.png)

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4b63d6 No.20884338


Anon remembers the FDA approved that wonderful jab for kids under 2.

Why would Anon trust the FDA (who openly said they will GAS LIGHT now) ever again.

Anon wouldn't.

FDA is DEAD to anon. that leaves PORK a Mystery unless you know the farmer.

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983358 No.20884339

>>20884294, >>20884324


seconded AF

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29738d No.20884340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Secret Agent Man Theme Song - Johnny Rivers Version…

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9fecd8 No.20884341

File: 144e75da9f2fa2d⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,474x869,6:11,144e75da9f2fa2d303b2b7f08a….jpg)

File: 30ee587f308fdee⋯.jpeg (151.61 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,GN3BvgsW8AA1u7x.jpeg)

File: 8ffe19a25f95cbc⋯.jpeg (515.28 KB,2048x1361,2048:1361,GN3R0laXIAAPhff.jpeg)

File: af02aea1de4a1aa⋯.jpeg (184.3 KB,1200x900,4:3,GN3ASVPXEAAOV0A.jpeg)


Debbie does Dallad

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eb8f7c No.20884342

File: f15ef5a24748735⋯.jpg (56.29 KB,500x548,125:137,8qiw4k.jpg)

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7f23b9 No.20884343

File: 782eb8c7fb84e88⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,640x480,4:3,Is_the_price_worth_it.mp4)



Even if that was true, what about the 500.000 that "the Americans"/"the Christians" killed?

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5736e8 No.20884344


>what are they doing, building a little army in our backyard?


NEW YORK (AP) — Two men were arrested Monday on charges that they helped establish a secret police station in New York City on behalf of the Chinese government, and about three dozen officers with China's national police force were charged with using social media to harass dissidents inside the United States,Apr 17, 2023


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d93a97 No.20884345

File: ff98f28cc3d19b8⋯.png (44 KB,447x490,447:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884346

President Trump: Joe Biden has heartlessly betrayed his solemn duty to Americans like Debbie [landowner in Texas], and he sided with the cartels. He's actually sided with these very tough, very smart, very vicious cartels.

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2de9c3 No.20884347

File: a2cbaedcab23197⋯.gif (609.42 KB,200x128,25:16,IMG_2439.gif)

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e491db No.20884348

High winds here today. Too windy to work outside.

Lots of stormy weather lately.

Must be the winds of change I'm guessing.

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9b099b No.20884349


Naa Suicide Weekend is gonna happen AFTER everyone of the traitors is exposed. Prob after the "Servers" are leaked.

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4b63d6 No.20884350


DHS is a burning pile of shit that is sitting on top of the constitution.

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86803e No.20884351


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (speaking now)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753 Newly Published Records J6 Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ After a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883920 Phillip Patrick: Biden Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20883993, >>20883808 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884046 Israel releases photo showing doctors, journalists rounded up at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

>>20884088, >>20884109 Trump International, Scotland / Trump Turnberry

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154, >>20884331 Planefag

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884229, >>20884176 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Israel: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster

>>20884277 Noticing

>>20884294 Refresher from 2020: Chris Miller says Special Operations reports directly to him instead of bureaucratic channels

>>20884325 North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported


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4b63d6 No.20884352

DHS is a burning pile of shit that is sitting on top of the constitution.

If you try to KICK it out, they will call you an enemy Combatant.

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da6ecb No.20884353

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)

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9a0bc6 No.20884354

President Trump: We will ensure that any criminal who murders a police officer receives the death penalty, and a quick trial.

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2de9c3 No.20884355

Death Penalty Flex

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f338d7 No.20884356

File: 76a53d3c055b2ba⋯.png (183.6 KB,1676x927,1676:927,ClipboardImage.png)

trump mentioned 6.2 over and over again about biden's golf handicap mark

3 posts

note: Very long posts,


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9fecd8 No.20884357

File: ed423e5e28ead72⋯.png (70.8 KB,300x100,3:1,1710644812095.png)

File: 8d5525be865f1ef⋯.jpg (42.2 KB,479x612,479:612,dallas_jr_moments_65ddf5ce….jpg)


Debbie does Dallas

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a4bce7 No.20884358

File: 895e782c4a72cb0⋯.png (36.72 KB,870x412,435:206,40.png)

File: c2fb59e303fae06⋯.png (327.04 KB,870x2920,87:292,100_1_.png)

File: ebc667be8bb10ed⋯.png (342.58 KB,870x2216,435:1108,140.png)

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5195d9 No.20884359

File: f794ffe640c44a3⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,640x332,160:83,Chris_Miller_Thanks_VP_Com….mp4)

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90b248 No.20884360

File: e7eff4f071d8dfc⋯.jpg (51.01 KB,693x500,693:500,6k4xb3.jpg)

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2de9c3 No.20884361

Black Lives MAGA

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f18061 No.20884362

File: fec6db46dd19698⋯.png (13.8 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

Team Loretta is advertising that they have the bake. [picrel].

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5736e8 No.20884363

File: 522b4d5664e1bba⋯.webp (35.91 KB,460x520,23:26,65f8088d0a483.webp)

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6a1f6c No.20884364

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)


You Get

The GM Award!

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e491db No.20884365

File: b4f6a301440cb1f⋯.jpg (564.37 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240518_171715.jpg)

File: 624fed2bd4c4a93⋯.jpg (518.26 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240518_171806.jpg)

File: e0b3fa32151bdb2⋯.jpg (536.68 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240518_171739.jpg)

Pratique de main gauche commence.

Right Brain/Left Brain: Reconcile.

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90b248 No.20884366

File: f80674ba4ad0b84⋯.png (749.65 KB,676x986,338:493,Screenshot_2024_03_18_at_8….png)


>Black Lives MAGA

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4b63d6 No.20884367


if he truly believes in Agenda 2030, Agenda 2045, etc, he should be living in a 15 minute city himself to be the example, instead he plays gold, you can't play golf or have fun in 15 minute city.

It's Hypocracy.

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c4828a No.20884368

Fury vs Usky happening now.

Place your bets!

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c4828a No.20884369

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9ad87c No.20884370


Rookie numbers

Look up China's "Great Leap Forward"

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2de9c3 No.20884371

File: e8d68111457abc2⋯.gif (1.12 MB,400x234,200:117,IMG_2440.gif)

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5736e8 No.20884372


The biggest vote Pence ever got was right there.

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9fecd8 No.20884373

File: 2c9df71ccd7a455⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,464x848,29:53,2c9df71ccd7a455e3acc0db376….mp4)


this special place is not real.

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50b885 No.20884374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China has Revealed its World's First Army of Robot Dogs

War in Ukraine: Drones

Next Conflict: Robot Dogs with Machine Guns

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90b248 No.20884375

File: d8f3d81e46969e1⋯.png (303.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,d8f3d81e46969e1ae1ad9991f1….png)

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599d10 No.20884376

File: 450039cd10bb077⋯.png (440.02 KB,615x468,205:156,ClipboardImage.png)



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da6ecb No.20884377

File: 78d9c116c5d1e3d⋯.jpg (152.88 KB,1004x1182,502:591,5reem9xqf10d1.jpg)

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ed7609 No.20884378

File: f3d2dc822c688fb⋯.png (924.93 KB,591x533,591:533,Screenshot_4064_.png)

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a4bce7 No.20884379


Undiscovered stars learned…??

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e7b0b0 No.20884380


Goof to see the dipshit places the lives of government workers over everyone else.

How about any criminal who murders anyone get the death penalty.

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2de9c3 No.20884382


Reddit level anon.. this is Reddit stuff…here is a whole nother level

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5736e8 No.20884383

File: 0eadde9896a456f⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB,400x224,25:14,thunder.mp4)

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3b3e34 No.20884384



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90b248 No.20884385

File: 9c8905332c046cb⋯.png (206.67 KB,676x676,1:1,c3824cdf0426a9f275d4150a39….png)


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06949c No.20884386

File: 6f1e2f9af7c9e91⋯.png (407.07 KB,460x520,23:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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b186e2 No.20884387


no fennel seeds though

those things are worse than pineapple

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f5e522 No.20884388


the ringworld is unstable?

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eb8f7c No.20884389

File: 3db38912ce00acb⋯.jpg (181.66 KB,720x1219,720:1219,Bhy68t.jpg)

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e47ba0 No.20884390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed7609 No.20884391

File: 4baae1e996c0233⋯.png (1.38 MB,602x801,602:801,Screenshot_3954_.png)

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9dde9a No.20884392

File: 908058145b34b51⋯.jpeg (530.76 KB,1293x1043,1293:1043,IMG_1526.jpeg)

File: 3c2d1fac032bbe0⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2088,45:58,IMG_0488.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)

File: f6079e309c24c67⋯.jpeg (658.13 KB,1293x1083,431:361,IMG_1894.jpeg)

Drill baby drill!

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87c5ec No.20884393


>The Jewish People Know they will suffer the Consequences of Bibi's lust for Power & Control

Oh please, Soros wants Bibi to fall.

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da6ecb No.20884394

File: 1f4568a1aaa148f⋯.jpg (361.18 KB,1600x899,1600:899,ef325ff7cc177e50827780784d….jpg)

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99cbef No.20884395


add black olive for the win

but ya, skip the fennel seeds

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06949c No.20884396


The Antichrist kek

That's no Peace sign mom n dad.

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9a0bc6 No.20884397

President Trump: We're gonna make our Capital strong again. We're gonna run our Capital. We're gonna take our Capital over by the federal government; it's gonna run properly, not the way it's run right now. It's a murder capital.

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ed7609 No.20884398

File: 7d0efa0a56db9cc⋯.png (868.09 KB,487x607,487:607,Screenshot_3936_.png)

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90b248 No.20884399

File: daa2343a3e96320⋯.jpeg (260.11 KB,1170x877,1170:877,daa2343a3e96320101c38ba0f….jpeg)

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06949c No.20884400

File: d892e59f911b5d3⋯.png (8.66 KB,488x81,488:81,Nigger_With_AIDS_Cap.png)


insta filtered faggot.

/Announcement end

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a4bce7 No.20884401

File: 58e2c05e6b44ee6⋯.png (69.59 KB,870x500,87:50,32.png)

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0c61e3 No.20884402

CNN political commentator Alice Stewart dies

Updated 6:38 PM EDT, Sat May 18, 2024

Alice Stewart, a veteran political adviser and CNN political commentator who worked on several GOP presidential campaigns, has died. She was 58.

Law enforcement officials told CNN that Stewart’s body was found outdoors in the Bellevue neighborhood in northern Virginia early Saturday morning. No foul play is suspected, and officers believe a medical emergency occurred.

“Alice was a very dear friend and colleague to all of us at CNN,” Mark Thompson, the network’s CEO, said in an email to staff Saturday. “A political veteran and an Emmy Award-winning journalist who brought an incomparable spark to CNN’s coverage, known across our bureaus not only for her political savvy, but for her unwavering kindness. Our hearts are heavy as we mourn such an extraordinary loss.”

Stewart was born on March 11, 1966, in Atlanta.

Stewart started her career as a local reporter and producer in Georgia before moving to Little Rock, Arkansas, to be a news anchor, she told Harvard International Review. She went on to serve as the communications director in then-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s office before assuming a similar role for his presidential run in 2008.

She also served as the communications director for the 2012 Republican presidential bids of former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and then former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, also a former CNN commentator. Most recently, Stewart was the communications director for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 GOP campaign.

CNN hired Stewart as a political commentator ahead of the 2016 election, and she appeared on air frequently to provide insight on the political news of the day, including as recently as Friday on “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.”

“We always invited her to come on my show because we knew we would be a little bit smarter at the end of that conversation,” Blitzer told Jessica Dean on “CNN Newsroom.” “She helped our viewers better appreciate what was going on and that’s why we will miss her so much.”


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ed7609 No.20884403

File: 71c43ca03aaaa8b⋯.png (379.28 KB,564x229,564:229,Screenshot_3862_.png)

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599d10 No.20884404

File: 1db388c9e827f20⋯.png (89.41 KB,605x568,605:568,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Ex-IRA commander sensationally confesses to being behind the assassination of King Charles's beloved great-uncle


May 18, 2024 · 9:30 PM UTC




KC in the news.

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ed7609 No.20884405

File: 1573c1d77493b74⋯.png (1.13 MB,545x720,109:144,Screenshot_3869_.png)

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da6ecb No.20884406

File: 4b85faa41220734⋯.jpg (144.57 KB,1179x862,1179:862,biblical3.jpg)

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58eceb No.20884407

PRESIDENT TRUMP- it begins on Oct 19th and goes until Nov 5th. (Voting)

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9dde9a No.20884408

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_1973.png)

File: 454bae217c6b362⋯.png (3.97 MB,1614x2098,807:1049,IMG_1974.png)

File: 70f9dd4fcb09e85⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,2160x1490,216:149,IMG_1975.jpeg)

File: ad0ac4c7e0cb4f6⋯.jpeg (533.66 KB,1270x1290,127:129,IMG_1998.jpeg)

File: 0da129421b01672⋯.jpeg (894.59 KB,1293x1298,1293:1298,IMG_2020.jpeg)

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9a0bc6 No.20884409

President Trump: Today we are also announcing the launch of 'Gun Owners For Trump'.

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06949c No.20884410


Can we lock in a date?

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9fecd8 No.20884411


trim the jib

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e491db No.20884412

File: e86e756e23d98ab⋯.jpg (121.82 KB,1280x1024,5:4,d93b53f669bb7dbb617657f64d….jpg)


Looks pretty stable to me.

It's a very big turtle.

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6a1f6c No.20884413

File: a56ad6cdd99fc2e⋯.png (270.79 KB,431x485,431:485,ClipboardImage.png)


NOW - Thousands take to the streets in Tel Aviv, Israel demanding the overthrow of Netanyahu's government, early elections and a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas.

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a30a31 No.20884414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No Pretending – Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó Outlines Truth of NATO/EU Sanctions Against Russia

May 16, 2024 | Sundance |

This entire hour conversation with Péter Szijjártó is a ninja level linguistic evisceration of the lies, fraud and media spin that form the epicenter of the “great pretending” era. It really is worth watching all of it.

However, for the sake of time and focused attention, I have prompted the interview to the 18:00 point where Hungarian Minister Szijjártó, the Hungarian equivalent of our Secretary of State, talks about thegreat Western con job surrounding the Russian sanctions.

As many of you know, I traveled to Budapest and sat in bank offices so that I could literally see with my own eyes what I was told was happening {GO DEEP}. Everything that PéterSzijjártó says in this interview is well articulated and 100% accurate to the reality of what is happening. WATCH [Prompted]:


“Europe is at a crossroads. The war in Ukraine continues with no end apparent as yet. Important European Parliament elections are taking place in June with the Bloc’s political future uncertain. Further afield, Israel’s conflict in Gaza and tension in the Middle East has also had wider global repercussions. And with 2024 dubbed, ‘the year of elections’, much of the world anxious as to the viability of democracies worldwide, with a firm eye on the United States in November.

On July 1st 2024, Hungary will assume the presidency of the European Council. With a multitude of challenges in Hungary, Europe and around the world, there is plenty to occupy Budapest during its 6-month term. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, will discuss how Hungary intends to utilise its presidency, as well as the wider perspectives from Hungary on the ever fragmenting global order.”

If the EU can fracture the “New World Order” mechanicsand “global order” plans,which are really outcomes of the Build Back Better agendathat followed the COVID-19 plandemic, the U.S. CBDC effort weakens. These are the stakes within the EU as they relate to the USA. This is also why we see the State Dept (Samantha Power) and CIA emphasizing and supporting the anti-government movement in Hungary.

The USA successfully operated a regime change (color revolution) in Poland and Moldova, and are currently working on Georgia and Hungary.

We should allpay attention when Team USA are not worried about Russian economic sanctions. That sentiment indicates they are working the alternative plan to expand the war against Putin directly.


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90b248 No.20884415

File: d190ef7cfe269f4⋯.png (2.37 MB,1658x1382,829:691,Screen_Shot_2020_11_14_at_….png)

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87c5ec No.20884416

File: a008496b8273f22⋯.png (701.76 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,ClipboardImage.png)


>Undiscovered stars learned…??

M'uh gut has said for a long time that this whole q op has at least two sides to it - alien disclosure is at least one of them if not more (tucker comments regarding spiritual entities etc…another facet to that that "alien" shizzle)

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4eb8be No.20884417

Ask not "is she vaxxed", ask instead "is she waxxed"

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599d10 No.20884418

File: bb11641d4ea90ad⋯.png (383.76 KB,627x524,627:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



I masterminded the plot to blow up Lord Mountbatten: Ex-IRA commander sensationally confesses to being behind the assassination of King Charles's beloved great-uncle who was murdered aged 79 during a holiday at his summer home in Ireland


May 18, 2024 · 9:26 PM UTC



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06949c No.20884419

File: 658700ddbff2992⋯.png (11.89 KB,365x155,73:31,ClipboardImage.png)


What did Q say about division.

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90b248 No.20884420

File: 794ef47fa073085⋯.jpeg (76.91 KB,750x500,3:2,6ijoqy.jpeg)


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da6ecb No.20884421

File: 7ee0f3f3a131106⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)

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78c346 No.20884422

File: 6660135ed62c4a2⋯.png (539.87 KB,800x400,2:1,C05A8ECA_CBBC_405B_9CF1_AD….png)

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878aa7 No.20884423

the Q song! I mentioned this yesterday and now they are doing it

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74d685 No.20884424

File: 91406ca34efc6ab⋯.jpg (142.13 KB,801x582,267:194,Come_And_Take_It.jpg)


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87c5ec No.20884425

File: 4466aefa518f8d4⋯.png (2.5 MB,2471x1198,2471:1198,ClipboardImage.png)

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78c346 No.20884426

File: 1c064bccffb0f36⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x852,40:71,URTlNwGRSKvuROUZ.mp4)


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4eb8be No.20884427


Who is the Master


that Mountbatten's nickname, at the Admiralty was "the Master of Disaster"?

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9fecd8 No.20884428

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78c346 No.20884429

File: 44676babda94041⋯.jpeg (293.18 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_0813.jpeg)

File: 055d2cfddb6f27e⋯.png (141.69 KB,365x287,365:287,IMG_0812.png)

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06949c No.20884430


Does he provide the fake news with ample evidence? Or are we simply to believe what we are told to believe.

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9ad87c No.20884431


That's nice

Top image looks the same

What's the date?

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f1cb9c No.20884432

File: 579fdebfad6bf69⋯.png (17.09 KB,450x176,225:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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74d685 No.20884433


He was just at that last hearing with that same Flynn shirt on.

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78c346 No.20884434

File: 3dc59212396aa7c⋯.jpeg (155.45 KB,1127x717,1127:717,IMG_0808.jpeg)

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eb8f7c No.20884435


Mountbatten is Charles's molester.

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06949c No.20884436


Triple Dubs for the win and checked.

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78c346 No.20884437

File: dc7c74393096411⋯.jpeg (298.73 KB,1130x1126,565:563,IMG_0809.jpeg)

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4eb8be No.20884438


Concur Anon,

Quite inedible, fit only for the compost heap.

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9fecd8 No.20884439

File: cfebf77f8a6a2ba⋯.jpg (104.53 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_18_18_5….jpg)

File: 5c72f8475855897⋯.png (44.1 KB,640x516,160:129,174_2_.png)

File: 493f18ebfe4b5fc⋯.gif (1.08 MB,250x333,250:333,493f18ebfe4b5fc5e7ef00c036….gif)


there are 26 posts containing larp

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c119f2 No.20884440

File: d503276fa3b64e9⋯.png (168.51 KB,661x430,661:430,ClipboardImage.png)

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b86696 No.20884441

File: f38775d81c1d3a7⋯.png (48.53 KB,472x296,59:37,f38775d81c1d3a7c7542a9fe15….png)

File: ed6e0441db016ef⋯.jpg (263.41 KB,1100x627,100:57,1647974913234.jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

–Prayer Time Soon==

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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74d685 No.20884443


>Triple Dubs for the win and checked.

Not that hard, kek but never try fren >>20884433

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eb8f7c No.20884444

Gun owners and violins

Could get crazy

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78c346 No.20884445

File: 074aae73855faf2⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,640x360,16:9,sE7VCUV9P_otjmjC.mp4)

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c4828a No.20884446


You are going to make his list anon, be careful.

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294bed No.20884447

File: 804d2ca9402d400⋯.jpg (43.45 KB,619x420,619:420,just_do_it_pepe_xx4.jpg)

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06949c No.20884448


Boy oh boy there ought to be a fuck tonne of peeps hang from ropes by now.

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87c5ec No.20884449

File: 7cca1737ac68caf⋯.png (839.96 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)


>Or just let women vote….

Fools that think world peace will come if women run governments have clearly never been in the Nordstrom Shoe Department during the semi-annual sale.

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599d10 No.20884450

File: fa7e53da1deda3c⋯.jpg (40.89 KB,1080x581,1080:581,media_GN5Rh13WwAAtTKT.jpg)



Thankfully she was vaccinated.

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c119f2 No.20884451

File: 46834fc08a01976⋯.png (217.19 KB,624x421,624:421,ClipboardImage.png)




He's gonna need a smaller boat

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c119f2 No.20884452

File: a3faa14908c500a⋯.jpg (26.52 KB,576x419,576:419,sl_just_dew_it.JPG)

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74d685 No.20884453

File: 4379f316e8445a4⋯.png (935.93 KB,768x1152,2:3,quads.png)

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06949c No.20884454


you should sauce it for the notables.

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6a1f6c No.20884455

File: 2c309fc654cb4d6⋯.png (76.59 KB,576x433,576:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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90b248 No.20884456

File: 3e94982ed4b43b0⋯.png (245.27 KB,352x304,22:19,3e94982ed4b43b0251340bd2dd….png)

File: b06ba6a070bbd3c⋯.png (291.71 KB,560x373,560:373,b06ba6a070bbd3cd55b60211fe….png)

File: 27e712a4defd97e⋯.jpeg (87.45 KB,705x639,235:213,27e712a4defd97e826a56cb25….jpeg)

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2eeb51 No.20884457


You spose DJT is gonna throw the book at Joe after re-election or let him slip away?

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06949c No.20884458

File: a1c5d82da2b52a6⋯.png (4.83 MB,2185x1224,2185:1224,ClipboardImage.png)


Moar triple dubs chkt.

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9dde9a No.20884459

FBI has Election changing facts ….

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9fecd8 No.20884460

File: 25d924395323e7b⋯.png (134.63 KB,640x1608,80:201,1075_1_.png)

File: a639bcb60eb53ce⋯.png (64.37 KB,640x564,160:141,26_12_.png)

File: ed423e5e28ead72⋯.png (70.8 KB,300x100,3:1,1710644812095.png)

File: 5a0d8da764d0df5⋯.png (97.39 KB,246x332,123:166,5a0d8da764d0df5eceb4dbcadf….png)

File: 1664b54b0ef79b2⋯.png (489.15 KB,781x559,781:559,1664b54b0ef79b257907008b8d….png)


peace iz da prizsm 4.+ scoped n' sjlhiite'

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06949c No.20884461


It's not up to DJT but the Justice Dept. And they're as comp'd as ever.

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5736e8 No.20884462

File: 1d9f3a215438694⋯.jpg (9 KB,210x240,7:8,download.jpg)


>DHS is a burning pile of shit that is sitting on top of the constitution.

Most agency personnel are afraid of doing their jobs out of fear. They'll be terminated and lose their pensions.

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599d10 No.20884463

File: 88caf8353d4f011⋯.png (21.68 KB,664x156,166:39,ClipboardImage.png)




Alice Stewart


10 Sep 2021

Replying to @SunnySkyes53 @politico

I am fully vaccinated. Not sure why others do what they do.

Sep 10, 2021 · 11:30 AM UTC


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74d685 No.20884464

File: 0597d6b77277e31⋯.jpg (146.02 KB,1100x826,550:413,0597d6b77277e311e062164727….jpg)


>You spose DJT is gonna throw the book at Joe after re-election or let him slip away?

Whatever habbens all for sho, Joe been gone.

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dca4e5 No.20884465

File: 430622a41b9308d⋯.png (426.97 KB,594x540,11:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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86803e No.20884466


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (speaking now)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753, >>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883808, >>20883993 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883920 Phillip Patrick: Biden Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884088, >>20884109 Trump International, Scotland / Trump Turnberry

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154, >>20884331 Planefag

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884229, >>20884402 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Israel: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster

>>20884277 Noticing

>>20884294 Refresher from 2020: Chris Miller says Special Operations reports directly to him instead of bureaucratic channels

>>20884325 North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported


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4b63d6 No.20884467

File: 74e5d4c931a777a⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,3300x2435,660:487,shitty_flags.jpg)

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878aa7 No.20884468

airport diss

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1580d4 No.20884469

File: e0d111e97fd3093⋯.png (443.7 KB,631x910,631:910,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 676900a30ea03ed⋯.png (923.05 KB,591x960,197:320,ClipboardImage.png)

A leaked document on the losses of the 21st brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces shows that during 6 months of hostilities, this separate brigade lost 25 Leopards and 31 infantry fighting vehicles supplied by Western suppliers.


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3b3e34 No.20884470

File: f1c1f9fc96fce0a⋯.png (104.12 KB,601x802,601:802,ClipboardImage.png)



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87c5ec No.20884471

File: 8f356704d85ff5b⋯.png (6.75 MB,2560x1600,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>So when Obama Killed 400,000 Civilians

>Were the American people to Blame?

>The Jewish People are hostages

>Just Like Canadians, Americans, Australians and the British

Logic = Sexy

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e47ba0 No.20884472

File: 6b1ee5960ad88b6⋯.jpg (82.37 KB,512x512,1:1,tyb29.jpg)


ham and mushrooms

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06949c No.20884473


they'll claim the sad old man with a poor memory schtick.

Which is acktually true tho.

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86803e No.20884474

TRANSCRIPT: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24


President Trump: He's still looking [Biden] for that white stuff that was found in the White House…everyone thought it was for Hunter, maybe it wasn't for Hunter. I think it was somebody else.


President Trump: For more than one hundred and fifty years, the NRA has been defined by men and women, like all of you, loyal, hard-working citizens, who believe in defending your families, and your communities, and your country.


President Trump: The Second Amendment is under siege. Our Constitution is being run through the shredder. Our borders have been obliterated. Inflation continued to rage, and it's raging right now, again. And they shouldn't lower the interest rates, because they're gonna have to stop it, but he's gonna lower it just for purposes of trying to win an election, just like he went into the Strategic Reserves to try and win an election, and let this stuff that's supposed to be used for war and national emergencies, to try and keep the gas prices don. And now we have the lowest strategic reserves we've ever had.


President Trump: It's time for a president who will replace weakness with strength, turn poverty to prosperity, and vanquish Joe Biden's corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of American freedom.


President Trump: If the Biden regime gets four more years, they are coming for your guns. One hundred percent certain. Crooked Joe has a forty year record of trying to rip firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens. He's always wanted to do that.


President Trump: As we speak, the Biden administration is trying to crush independent firearms dealers by revoking their licenses if they make a single error, even in very unimportant paperwork.


President Trump: With me in the White House, the radical gun-grabbers will run straight into a very, very, powerful brick wall. Their dreams of taking away your God-given rights will die when the polls close on November 5th, 2024. Those dreams that they have will be dead. They will be dead dreams.


President Trump: Standing before you at the NRA Leadership Forum in 2019, I revoked America's signature from the globalist United Nations Arm Trade Treaty, which was one of the worst things to happen. We revoked it.


President Trump: I stopped cold their efforts to take away your ammunition. You know, those efforts are big…they're going after the ammunition. When the radical left democrats tried to use COVID to shutdown gun sales during the China Virus, I proudly designated gun and ammunition retailers as critical infrastructure, so they couldn't touch it. They tried.


President Trump: My administration also petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn New York Cities unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside the home…we overturned it. And in a landmark case two years ago, the court affirmed that the right to self defense does not end when you step outside the front door of your house. We won it.


President Trump: In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment; the attacks are Fast and Furious; starting the minute Crooked Joe shuffles his way out of the White House.


President Trump: We're allowing terrorists into our country. We're allowing prisoners and people form mental institutions and insane asylums int our country. Nothing good is going to happen…we're one hundred percent going to be in big, big, trouble. And they're building in numbers that you've never seen before. Even large number of Chinese warriors are flowing into our country. They're all aged from nineteen to twenty-five, and almost every one of them is a man. What's that all about? Twenty-nine thousand over the last month and a half…what are they doing, building a little army in our backyard?


President Trump: Joe Biden has heartlessly betrayed his solemn duty to Americans like Debbie [landowner in Texas], and he sided with the cartels. He's actually sided with these very tough, very smart, very vicious cartels.


President Trump: We will ensure that any criminal who murders a police officer receives the death penalty, and a quick trial.


President Trump: We're gonna make our Capital strong again. We're gonna run our Capital. We're gonna take our Capital over by the federal government; it's gonna run properly, not the way it's run right now. It's a murder capital.


President Trump: Today we are also announcing the launch of 'Gun Owners For Trump'.

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74d685 No.20884475

File: b8e31922d96c321⋯.png (491.21 KB,1372x672,49:24,Real_Fake_B_W.png)


Not for a while, kek

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c5d96c No.20884476

Or not and fuck you too

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b186e2 No.20884477

File: a249c4de0df0b42⋯.png (346.51 KB,825x413,825:413,ClipboardImage.png)

Can Anons get Macron running out of a Holiday Inn Express looking like picrel?

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108cb8 No.20884478

File: fbd5048c0ab3b73⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB,255x204,5:4,IMG_4413.jpeg)

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84c396 No.20884479

File: e4285d84358ff9b⋯.png (806.96 KB,1276x709,1276:709,e4285d84358ff9bc41780d0f4b….png)

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da6ecb No.20884480

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)

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06949c No.20884481

File: 70f346ffb050be3⋯.png (178.76 KB,576x566,288:283,Macron_Running_Alpha.png)

File: 63c8b162ca76268⋯.jpg (101.54 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Macron_Sunak_Doorway.jpg)



Try these parts…

Then learn to meme.

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90b248 No.20884482

File: 03ac382643b15b0⋯.png (181.99 KB,450x425,18:17,03ac382643b15b068fd9fb1111….png)


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da6ecb No.20884483

File: a4f650d6f3de7b1⋯.png (196.08 KB,a4f650d6f3de7b1b2af12fba48….png)

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8870e9 No.20884484

File: 6831c2973c0521b⋯.png (1.58 MB,661x832,661:832,Screenshot_3813_.png)

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f1cb9c No.20884485

File: 13ad1d64f39ac96⋯.png (1.09 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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87c5ec No.20884486

File: 81e9606ee9b294a⋯.png (385.52 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


nice bun

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ef9d4d No.20884487

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74d685 No.20884488

File: 01bb2f4ba5d5e84⋯.png (2.16 MB,1600x900,16:9,01bb2f4ba5d5e840bbf7170e6f….png)




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4eb8be No.20884489


Mountbatten had a daughter, called Dianna

, Anon.

Philip had a daughter called Cate.

P = C

The Windsor bloodline has been replaced with the Mountbatten Bloodline.>>20884435

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e4fb96 No.20884490

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB,800x421,800:421,flag_800.jpg)

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2eeb51 No.20884491


I think it’s a fuckin’ robot.

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86803e No.20884492


#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967, >>20884474 President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (w/ Transcript)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753, >>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883808, >>20883993 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883920 Phillip Patrick: Biden Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884088, >>20884109 Trump International, Scotland / Trump Turnberry

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154, >>20884331 Planefag

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884229, >>20884402, >>20884463 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Israel: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster

>>20884277 Noticing

>>20884294 Refresher from 2020: Chris Miller says Special Operations reports directly to him instead of bureaucratic channels

>>20884325 North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported


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108cb8 No.20884493

File: 42d7c2f6f128e8e⋯.jpeg (30.13 KB,255x253,255:253,IMG_3532.jpeg)

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da6ecb No.20884494

File: 233f92fd850824c⋯.png (167.87 KB,541x500,541:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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945bd7 No.20884495

File: 6b5f38661d13fa4⋯.jpg (92.38 KB,639x1002,213:334,16e3c6f4f253e2cf.jpg)

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5736e8 No.20884496

File: b2e7af840a11445⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,576x1024,9:16,hrc_go_fuckyourself.mp4)

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294bed No.20884497

File: 61e07e0c4558dbc⋯.png (165.5 KB,440x361,440:361,61e07e0c4558dbc80778cca740….png)


Did you just took out Texas?

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eb8f7c No.20884498


Too bad

So sadd

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9fecd8 No.20884500


required potato in all forms

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a30a31 No.20884501


This video is excellent Peter S is akin to SOS in Hungary and he explains the difficulties they have with the Liberal Progressive EU. Orban will be the President for six months starting in June or July of the EU. There is going to be some very fiery exchanges with other EU countries. I always wondered why Hungary chose to stay in the EU considering they are attacked by almost all the other EU countries. This will be very interesting to see the outcome. I think, secretly there are other EU countries that agree with Hungary.

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e4fb96 No.20884502

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8870e9 No.20884507

File: 4eb895f931c422b⋯.png (1.4 MB,664x733,664:733,Screenshot_3765_.png)

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2de9c3 No.20884508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Powerful stuff man…POTUS on ultimate second wind

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e4fb96 No.20884510

File: ab4e4cdcabaaf78⋯.png (546.25 KB,900x507,300:169,britain_refuses_to_sign_gl….png)

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

File: 5bd942da5d2ca4e⋯.png (641.85 KB,746x801,746:801,stormy_hooker_headline_050….png)

File: 0fe2ef572fb6e3b⋯.png (421.86 KB,556x527,556:527,motion_to_table_speaker_of….png)

File: bd52eff21b2ec63⋯.png (635.5 KB,900x501,300:167,chicago_teachers_50_billio….png)

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87c5ec No.20884511



>reality there may only be tens of thousand

mmm… i like that…

>>20884150 (me)

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86803e No.20884512

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06949c No.20884513


Hungary appear to still be run by smart patriots who don't sell their country out to the Globalists.

Not many remain.

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ef9d4d No.20884514



she would have died a lot worse if not for that

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2de9c3 No.20884515


Noted quading guards

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e491db No.20884516

File: c047367e341376d⋯.jpg (435.99 KB,2448x3264,3:4,20240518_175350.jpg)

Working on this new honey apple bread recipe lately.

The flavour is good.

Still dialling in the optimal temp & time for baking.

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06949c No.20884517


She must be so relieved

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58eceb No.20884518

File: 2286e63ccd7340b⋯.png (175.09 KB,476x237,476:237,comeandtakeit.png)

GREAT PIC on the screen behind Trump at the NRA meeting.

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6a1f6c No.20884519

File: a31aa048ef1b5c3⋯.png (117.94 KB,576x433,576:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4fb96 No.20884520

File: 90b90d47880d3f5⋯.png (330.69 KB,590x623,590:623,Kash_Bannon_Trump_same_jud….png)

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90b248 No.20884523

File: 5b7e6e6e9b3c616⋯.jpg (10.74 KB,255x145,51:29,e1a6828680630ad676a9dbd0e8….jpg)

File: 0272e88898c4cc3⋯.jpg (6.46 KB,250x208,125:104,0272e88898c4cc3ff7fc35395c….jpg)

File: cfb97b6029672b2⋯.png (392.39 KB,680x453,680:453,cfb97b6029672b2368fde506f2….png)

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4eb8be No.20884524



When the Queen Learned what Mountbatten was up to, she had them both killed, which is why we are seeing "IRA done it" counter narrative.

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e4fb96 No.20884529

File: a3f18d677c5486f⋯.png (188.47 KB,596x556,149:139,Arrrr_Shipmates_05012024.png)

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a6ffc3 No.20884531


Who d fuck is taking the picture?

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2de9c3 No.20884532

File: 3a994ecffd68a97⋯.png (7.55 MB,1668x2388,139:199,IMG_2441.png)

File: 1b6d83f3efe54b9⋯.png (3.16 MB,1668x2388,139:199,IMG_2444.png)

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e4fb96 No.20884533

File: 07d7dacce370e56⋯.png (911.19 KB,768x1000,96:125,fani_willis_wiki_pic_05162….png)

File: 6564136ece76fd5⋯.png (892.42 KB,1100x610,110:61,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

File: 8b495d43ea6b8c3⋯.png (861.87 KB,1100x618,550:309,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

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6a1f6c No.20884534

File: d57c2d774781526⋯.png (1.16 MB,1255x939,1255:939,PepeSmoking_and_A_Tear.png)

Children don't always do what they are told

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e491db No.20884535


Kek. What a trip.


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599d10 No.20884536

File: 0b7007c8b711d36⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1600x1600,1:1,FyhpfAWWwAMolfV.jpg)

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80ad19 No.20884537

File: 166f758405d82e2⋯.jpg (180.04 KB,645x506,645:506,ABOVE_AND_BEYOND.jpg)

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7cebaf No.20884538


When you get that dialed in, anon, please do share…Board Execs: How about a recipe board to drop good food options for anons?

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e4fb96 No.20884539

File: 76f545b6baf44c9⋯.png (577.69 KB,900x490,90:49,kjp_on_biden_uncle_story_p….png)

File: fc25576681a426b⋯.png (484.16 KB,900x496,225:124,biden_suggest_uncle_eatan_….png)

File: c1c162066ef0dfe⋯.png (729.06 KB,900x496,225:124,chicago_city_council_appro….png)

File: 36159d0dd0ae165⋯.png (578.41 KB,900x496,225:124,chicago_to_vote_on_70M_in_….png)

File: 1ed464a7de9658b⋯.png (647.53 KB,900x481,900:481,inflation_under_biden_0418….png)

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9fecd8 No.20884540

File: 42310a8ffb00cd6⋯.jpg (81.13 KB,477x589,477:589,42310a8ffb00cd6ce012aeec20….jpg)

File: d95d2b631c0c65b⋯.jpg (113.56 KB,720x633,240:211,d95d2b631c0c65bd40fa9e6223….jpg)

File: f4283ec30364023⋯.jpeg (808.68 KB,1800x1190,180:119,GNzMGHEXAAARPZC.jpeg)


then a Romanoff said do a second load for old times sakes.kek in natural tits.

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2de9c3 No.20884541

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90b248 No.20884543

File: 168f398a9b47042⋯.jpg (92.54 KB,681x365,681:365,168f398a9b47042ceed5dba2a7….jpg)

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6a1f6c No.20884545

File: 8aaac7f844da1a4⋯.jpg (92.85 KB,750x752,375:376,photo_2024_05_16_06_52_52.jpg)

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da6ecb No.20884547

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_dunno.png)

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