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File: 3a5122e62a7cde8⋯.png (79.09 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

528229 No.20854263 [Last50 Posts]

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528229 No.20854264

International Q Research Threads

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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528229 No.20854268


#25577 >>20853496

>>20853674 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24

>>20854252 Rally Transcript

>>20854008 Wildwood, New Jersey

>>20853712, >>20853713, >>20853714, >>20853717, >>20853719, >>20853724, >>20853730, >>20853802 Photo Album

>>20853528, >>20853538, >>20853535, >>20853543, >>20853579 @DanScavino: Approaching Wildwood, New Jersey #TrumpRally

>>20853665 Trump Force One Incoming to Wildwood, NJ

>>20853689, >>20853788, >>20854238, >>20853784, >>20853935, >>20853947 Qproof / Delta: He fights for you

>>20854015 Venezuela 72%

>>20854017 5,10,15

>>20854093, >>20854148, >>20854179 High exposure inc circling wildwood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20853633 Barron Trump Declines to Serve as Florida Delegate at GOP Convention

>>20853660 Kim Jong-un commanded another artillery exercise

>>20853669 Boatfag

>>20853691 Salvors with the Unified Command are preparing charges for upcoming precision cuts to the large #FSKBridge span resting on the bow of the M/V DALI

>>20853986 Biden: There is no safe level of lead exposure

>>20854258 #25577

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528229 No.20854270

#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227, >>20853333, >>20853337 Photo Album

>>20853356 It is reported that 80,000+ patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283, >>20853362, >>20853429 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852948, >>20853397, >>20853415, >>20853450 Boatfag

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853306 Biden admin is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intel in targeting Hamas leaders and their tunnel networks

>>20853310 How the Federal Reserve works

>>20853319, >>20853379 Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

>>20853331 Mike Rothschild REEEs re: Sky Event delta

>>20853407 The Top 10% Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Globalization, Says Study

>>20853480 #25576

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528229 No.20854271

#25575 >>20851878

>>20852419, >>20852210, >>20852390, >>20852394 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20851961 Ex-MLB infielder Sean Burroughs dead at 43 after collapsing during son’s Little League game

>>20852012 Nancy Pelosi waltzes into Oxford Union Debate and gets a populist spanking from Winston Marshall

>>20852021, >>20852190, >>20852265, >>20852352, >>20852374, >>20852396, >>20852430, >>20852594 Planefag

>>20852035 (May 11, 2024) NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: AR 3664 Giant Sunspot Group

>>20852074 Cassini Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Titan

>>20852082 Bill Maher blows up the Manhattan case against Trump

>>20852205 DJT: We think we can win New Jersey

>>20852208 Head of NASA, Bill Nelson, on Vatican Observatory's work to explore the heavens

>>20852275 Serbia becomes latest country to join China’s ILRS moon base project

>>20852321 FAA to conduct new environmental review for SpaceX's Starship operations in Florida

>>20852366 SAVE Act

>>20852368 DJT: Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot

>>20852380 Near Bowling Green, KY last night shift

>>20852387 Jesse Watters: CNN is already 'planting the seeds' to blame Russia if Trump wins

>>20852404 U.S. Representative Introduces Bill To End Federal Taxation On Gold And Silver

>>20852405 'World's purest silicon' could lead to 1st million-qubit quantum computing chips

>>20852449, >>20852472 Demand testimony from official who blocked Congress from speaking to Peter Navarro

>>20852502 Department of the Air Force discuss future of all-volunteer force

>>20852512 Truman Scholarships overwhelmingly awarded to progressive students for tenth year in row

>>20852551 Employers more skeptical of hiring Ivy League grads (grade inflation, plagiarism, racism, and more)

>>20852603 Maria Bartiromo Goes Off on Spineless and Silent GOP Lawmakers: Let Me be Clear Viewers are Sick and Tired of Hearings…

>>20852607 Planet Fitness membership drop ‘significant’ over transgender customer shaving in women’s locker room - hikes prices

>>20852613 How retailers like Best Buy, T.J. Maxx and Home Depot quietly target ‘problem’ returners

>>20852712 #25575

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528229 No.20854272

#25574 >>20851075

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851426, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Sky Event: 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383, >>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851551 Inside the world's last cannibal tribes

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851593 Another solar storm on the way

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies who do their assembly in Taiwan, Dell used to ship contraband into the USA

>>20852953 #25574 full notes posted in #25576

Previously Collected

>>20849388 #25571, >>20850281 #25572, >>20851065 #25573

>>20847013 #25568, >>20847851 #25569, >>20848622 #25570

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

>>20837143 #25556, >>20838319 #25557, >>20838647 #25558

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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528229 No.20854281

File: 601f2fb5f28ade6⋯.png (83.93 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ec64a2944d07d2⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



>Baker is ghosted

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3c5037 No.20854291

File: 6652e439f1ff2b8⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,1024x1002,512:501,magamarine2.jpg)

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950fd2 No.20854292

File: d36a106d0adccd6⋯.png (815.04 KB,659x680,659:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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737cb6 No.20854293

File: 21137f8ce1e0da0⋯.png (209.43 KB,387x380,387:380,till.PNG)


I just want to say I grew up a Democrat and I’ve always been a Democrat until I met this man right here

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d42ad2 No.20854294

File: 1a4e953af760b39⋯.png (705.97 KB,773x1080,773:1080,jigsaw_joe.png)

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f1edd5 No.20854295

File: 73a71dc92e2c65f⋯.jpg (92.98 KB,593x801,593:801,64a85099204af79021d882b76c….jpg)


Thank you Baker!

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105b07 No.20854297

File: 0dc5baf6eed6046⋯.jpeg (93.31 KB,828x498,138:83,0dc5baf6eed60465c95aa9097….jpeg)

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5868dc No.20854298

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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bc5528 No.20854299

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)


…Uhhhhhhggggg.claiming the dough

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2b7026 No.20854302


Are you the Real Rally Baker?

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07151e No.20854307



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737cb6 No.20854308

File: 7dee7f84cdac669⋯.png (436.98 KB,602x509,602:509,dea.PNG)




The media will never show you the crowd at Trump rallies.

This is from Wildwood, NJ.

12:17 PM · May 11, 2024




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f1edd5 No.20854312

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB,657x527,657:527,_trashed_1717335092_359a8a….png)


Thank you for picking up the bake!!! o7

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07151e No.20854317

Death for Antisemitism. s aid Trump


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eac7e6 No.20854320

File: e9f2fcc78d90167⋯.png (517.43 KB,680x680,1:1,trumpwonmeme.png)


tanx bakx

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950fd2 No.20854321

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)


At Ease - corp on duty

claiming bread

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871047 No.20854322




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a807b8 No.20854323

File: fc1ef4e58fc6932⋯.png (250.92 KB,598x674,299:337,baker_potus.png)



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21f3a7 No.20854325

File: 692b2ad5cd1bd97⋯.webm (2.78 MB,640x360,16:9,thewall.webm)

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737cb6 No.20854326

File: ba53b4fff396afe⋯.png (688.69 KB,676x661,676:661,this.PNG)

File: b7ff8f2e13205c9⋯.png (1.62 MB,903x906,301:302,dj.PNG)

File: 48d74799404f326⋯.png (845.22 KB,674x677,674:677,won.PNG)

File: 1bee4fa11d4f7be⋯.png (1.12 MB,1378x769,1378:769,pepe_board.PNG)

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21f3a7 No.20854329

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB,308x305,308:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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6725ef No.20854331

File: fa0364a1a22aafd⋯.png (552.43 KB,761x910,761:910,Screenshot_2024_05_10_10_0….png)

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e27b18 No.20854333

File: ff51a52930e50cd⋯.png (221.44 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Iron Dome = Digital Gulag

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e4ff81 No.20854334

File: 959c8de39de1c95⋯.png (1.51 MB,1074x1512,179:252,thinice.png)


>>20854202 lb

>The snake is all the migrants from all over the world coming into our country. The land of milk and honey describes our great country that all the migrants want.

why do illegal immigrants strengthen our country but not their own? why were 9 of the top 10 new baby boy names in UK Mohammed? did the UK ever have a King Mohammed? why would illegal immigrants be given an official USA ID, if not to vote for the party that doesn't deport them? if it was about everyone having a voice, wouldn't they give a free ID to everyone including native US citizens? why the fearmongering on migrant crime and why speaking up about it causes backlash? why let convicted criminals go on cashless bail and detain those who see and speak out on the truth? why does the D.C. swamp think it can fix the country in the next four years, when it hasn't been able to do it in more than four decades?

clown world.real memes are humorous because they speak the truth and it's just such a fucking relief to feel it. then there's Trump…

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3c5037 No.20854335

File: 156b54b1d119461⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,500x651,500:651,trump_won4.jpg)

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a807b8 No.20854336


already claimed, baker -


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97a511 No.20854337

File: ed4abc7082d5d76⋯.png (771.35 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Dog Comms = Someone's Ded

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e0735a No.20854338

> “because if we don't, our country is going to be doomed.” -President Trump

This is why I have an exit plan. A Trump loss = doom. Deep State/Cabal whatever you want to call it, they are by no means close to giving up. They will stop at nothing to win the election and it is illogical to assume that the election is a certain win for Trump. That’s why you HAVE to have an exit strategy or you and your descendants will be living in a Marxist hellscape transgender supremacy child predator dictatorship masquerading as a democracy.

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a1cb82 No.20854339

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,624x491,624:491,trumpamericafirst.jpg)

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9080b3 No.20854340

File: 886c41f73879c17⋯.jpg (61.14 KB,486x569,486:569,0ab03c5741ba88cca6f4b31725….jpg)

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bc5528 No.20854341


…Time stamp says otherwise.

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d42ad2 No.20854342

File: d459c6b0aa7a637⋯.png (551.27 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a274 No.20854343

File: 097141ab0a4d617⋯.jpg (173.24 KB,1252x1064,313:266,media_FjysJHFXkAEBwt_.jpg)

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8fc42f No.20854344

File: df4de72489de6f3⋯.png (628.82 KB,1521x1754,1521:1754,n65b2345v23d523.png)

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a1cb82 No.20854345

President Trump: We will rescue our healthcare system from Joe Biden's migrant invasion. It was recently announced that Crooked Joe is now giving Obamacare, and all free government healthcare, to illegal aliens. You know what? They get treated better than our military, They get treated better than our own citizens…according to a new study, illegal immigration is already costing New Jersey residents 7.3 billion dollars every single year, that's two thousand, one hundred dollars per household, more than any state, anywhere in the country…Day One of the Trump administration, we will cut off all of Biden's taxpayer giveaways to illegal aliens. If the Biden invasion is not stopped, it will also demolish Medicare and Social Security. It cannot survive twenty million people coming into the country.

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202eb4 No.20854346

File: c5303d51a905923⋯.jpg (83.39 KB,500x500,1:1,HonorEarned.JPG)

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79c226 No.20854347

File: ddccc2701d6467e⋯.jpg (96.73 KB,500x488,125:122,pgude.jpg)

Flying bred is bestest bred

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737cb6 No.20854348

File: 5e993897562b11e⋯.png (802.21 KB,544x813,544:813,lt.PNG)

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b375a5 No.20854349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20854303 [[PB]]

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ea49ef No.20854350

File: 6fcb7a64506d441⋯.png (882.41 KB,1030x1418,515:709,Fat_ALvin.png)

Hey Hey Hey! It's FAT ALVIN!

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065808 No.20854351

If the tribe has been around 5000 years, why can't they cook?

On a culinary scale, jewish food is zero.

You would think they would at least have ripped off the Italians, or the French.

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377bc5 No.20854352

File: 7bda22e4e44b82a⋯.png (419.3 KB,542x818,271:409,ClipboardImage.png)




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950fd2 No.20854353

File: f854c05bfd959ac⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)


standing down.

all yours


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a807b8 No.20854354


bakers can work it out.

Corp will have Trump quotes to post,


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21f3a7 No.20854355


o7 anon

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bc5528 No.20854356


…All good.

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8fc42f No.20854357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24


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5868dc No.20854358

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)

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c5dea7 No.20854359

File: 05859665732e1f2⋯.png (58.54 KB,1100x579,1100:579,img_6869_1_copy.png)

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97a511 No.20854360

File: e2472932261c00a⋯.png (66 KB,255x141,85:47,ClipboardImage.png)

He said Soros

MSM gonna go on an Anti-Semitism Rant

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a807b8 No.20854361


I did not claim it, just passing along the claim

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9c3075 No.20854362

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,shillsaresomad.png)

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1dd771 No.20854363


Trump Announcing Doug Burgum, says “get ready for something, get ready!” Burgum is gonna be VP

I was right!


>>20854301 (You)

jumping the gun?


Nope not at all, he said it, “get ready for something, get ready, Doug Burgum”

He said the words, everyone has been trying to guess the VP over the last week+

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9c3075 No.20854364


just wait and see.

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f1edd5 No.20854365

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)

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3c5037 No.20854366

File: bb335175060f714⋯.gif (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,wall.gif)

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a5a42e No.20854367

File: 04c037ba7b8b192⋯.jpg (31.47 KB,255x247,255:247,VoteMath.JPG)

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e2bd36 No.20854368

File: 75ba676de518972⋯.jpg (141.68 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_19_4….jpg)

File: 03bd468e9a9ded2⋯.png (145.29 KB,640x1762,320:881,719_1_.png)

File: e42b30925bfb084⋯.png (181.84 KB,640x1966,320:983,1962.png)

File: 338378f37b0c8d1⋯.png (167.79 KB,640x1772,160:443,1963_3_.png)

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19165e No.20854369

File: 6888bbbd0fea882⋯.png (53.12 KB,226x216,113:108,ClipboardImage.png)

Bro has a serious hat tan.

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60fac8 No.20854370


chill yo

we haz yo six


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97a511 No.20854371

File: 31d26c64d5ecd04⋯.png (1.01 MB,806x805,806:805,ClipboardImage.png)

How could anyone not vote for this man?

-Drill Baby Drill

-Indemnify the Police Nation Wide

-End Russia Ukraine war

-stop Marxist prosecutors

-overhaul DOJ

-Investigate DA's

-Terminate Open Borders

-Domestic Deportation operation

-invoke Alien Enemies Act

-End Automatic Citizenship for Illegal Aliens

-Tax Cuts, Energy Cuts

-Cut Federal funding for CRT, ABC Schools

-Kick Men out of Women's Sports

-Prohibit Child Sexual Mutilation in all 50 States

-End Funding for Vax or Mask Mandated Schools

-Special Presidential Commission Investigation in all the Medical Problems

-Uphold & Protect the 2nd amendment

-Defend Innocent Life

-Bring Back Free Speech

-Death Sentence for Drug Dealers

-Death Sentence for Pedophiles

-Death Sentence for Cop Killers

-Task force to Fight Anti-Christian Bias

-cut off funding for the United Nations organizations that are funneling billions of tax payer dollars to Hamas

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b375a5 No.20854372


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21f3a7 No.20854373

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065808 No.20854374


Where were they when I needed them? Vietnam. East Timor.

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202eb4 No.20854375

File: d8a0caa7e5b4ded⋯.jpg (649.17 KB,2048x1208,256:151,God_Wins.jpg)

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79c226 No.20854376

File: 4d59d168cc55beb⋯.jpg (75.72 KB,500x636,125:159,download_jpeg_111.jpg)

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60fac8 No.20854377


tyvm shades


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5663df No.20854378

File: fbcaa2e95099528⋯.png (127.82 KB,296x330,148:165,Bildschirm_foto_2024_05_12….png)

File: e2f9fe817d7ca22⋯.png (253.21 KB,382x528,191:264,Bildschirm_foto_2024_05_12….png)

>>20853844 me lb

>isn't this the same guy who flashed the 'Q' with his mobile recently?

same dude, isnt he?

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737cb6 No.20854379

File: b2e79322f13ca51⋯.png (160.25 KB,307x264,307:264,do_it_faggot.PNG)

File: 4480b145c402877⋯.png (698.37 KB,759x382,759:382,rate.PNG)


American News May 9, 2024

Trans runner obliterates female competition in Portland Interscholastic semi-finals

In the 400m race, Gallagher came in first with a 56.14 second time, with Roosevelt High School junior Ellie Heslam finishing second with a time of 56.37 seconds.

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97a511 No.20854380

File: b24144946df5b4f⋯.png (629.47 KB,579x595,579:595,ClipboardImage.png)

God Given Rights

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871047 No.20854381





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1dd771 No.20854382

File: cfd144a927dcad3⋯.jpeg (143.43 KB,1241x667,1241:667,IMG_1560.jpeg)


Business career


Great Plains Software


In March 1983 Burgum mortgaged $250,000 of farmland to provide the seed capital for the accounting software company Great Plains Software in Fargo, North Dakota.[9][15] He became the company's president in 1984 after leading a small group of family members in buying out the rest of the company. During the 1980s, Fortune magazine often ranked Great Plains Software among the nation's top 100 companies to work for. Burgum grew the company to about 250 employees by 1989 and led it to about $300 million in annual sales and a 1997 IPO, after using the Internet to help it expand beyond North Dakota.[16] In 1999 the company acquired Match Data Systems, a development team in the Philippines.[17] In 2001 Burgum sold Great Plains Software to Microsoft for $1.1 billion.[18] He has said he built the company in Fargo because of its proximity to North Dakota State University, which acted as a feeder school, in order to employ its stream of engineering students.[19]



After the sale, Burgum was named Senior Vice President of Microsoft Business Solutions Group,[13][20] the offshoot created from merging Great Plains into the corporation.[12] At Microsoft, he was responsible for making enterprise apps a priority.[21] In 2005, Burgum expressed interest in stepping down as senior vice president to become Microsoft Business Solutions chairman.[22] But in September 2006, he told journalists that he planned to leave Microsoft entirely by 2007.[23] He was replaced by Satya Nadella; Nadella has said Burgum inspired him "to find the soul of Microsoft".[24]

Investment firms


In 2008 Burgum co-founded Arthur Ventures, a venture capital company that invests in businesses involved in technology, life sciences, and clean technologies.[25][26] The group began operation with a $20 million fund and primarily invested in companies in North Dakota and Minnesota.[27] By 2013 it had expanded its operations into Nebraska, Missouri, Arizona, and Iowa.[27]

Burgum is also the founder of the Kilbourne Group, a real-estate development firm focused on Downtown Fargo.[28][29] In 2013 Burgum created plans to build the tallest building in Fargo—a 23-story mixed-use building—to be named either Block 9 or Dakota Place.[30] The building was completed in 2020 as the RDO tower. [31] The company has also advocated for a convention center to be built in Downtown Fargo.[32] It has acquired and renovated many Fargo properties, including the former St. Mark's Lutheran Church and the former Woodrow Wilson alternative high school.[33] Several of the companies he has invested in are in Fargo.[18][34]

Board work


Burgum has served on the advisory board for Stanford Graduate School of Business[13] and was on the board of SuccessFactors during the 2000s, becoming its chairman from 2007 till the 2011 sale of the company to SAP. In 2012 he became the first chairman of the board for Atlassian, after it expanded from its initial board of three members (none of whom served as the official chair).[35] During 2011 and 2014, he twice spent several months as the interim CEO of Intelligent InSites,[13] a company for which he has served as the executive chairman of the board since 2008.[26] That year he also became a member of Avalara's board of directors.[36]



Burgum is a philanthropist and has supported philanthropic causes such as the Plains Art Museum.[37] In 2001[38] he donated a refurbished school building he had acquired in 2000 to North Dakota State University. It was named Renaissance Hall and became home to the university's visual arts department, major components of the architecture and landscape architecture department and the Tri-College University office.[39] In 2008 Burgum started the Doug Burgum Family Fund, which focuses its charitable giving on youth, education and health.[13]

Political career


Early involvement


Burgum endorsed Republican Steve Sydness for one of North Dakota's U.S. Senate seats in 1988.[40] He also supported the gubernatorial campaigns of Republicans John Hoeven and Jack Dalrymple in 2008 and 2012.[41][42]

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60fac8 No.20854383


wtf is the BO when ya need him


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a1cb82 No.20854384

President Trump: I will also stop Joe Biden's sinister plan to abolish the suburbs. He's trying to abolish the suburbs in your state, and we're not going to let him do it. Crooked Joe is trying to obliterate single families owning in New Jersey and every other state, and force you to pay for the construction of ultra-dense housing projects in beautiful residential neighborhoods where your house is. He will destroy your property value, he will destroy your wealth. He will let it happen. He wants it to happen. He's already getting ready to sign legislation to let that happen. We're not going to let him destroy New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and all of these other places that people are very happy, and they've worked hard to live there, and we will end it on Day One.

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d180db No.20854385

File: 496343cf8321c8a⋯.jpg (57.1 KB,963x923,963:923,DarkToLight.JPG)

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1dd771 No.20854386


Ok but I think its pretty obvious

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e5511b No.20854387


They weren't born, you got stuck with draftees not volunteers.

Nam will not be forgotten by those of us who lost brothers to the proxy war with china.

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2b7026 No.20854388



If you are then it's good to have you back! And if you are not that baker who always wanted to bake the rallies then you baked the bread like the "Real Rally Baker"!

Thank you baker!

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bc5528 No.20854389


…Anon is fine. Would have stood down all the same if anon posted late.

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09b9bd No.20854390

File: 2cbc05b90334039⋯.jpg (130.52 KB,1191x771,397:257,BoomWeek.JPG)

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15853a No.20854391

File: 825b512022d7eaf⋯.png (786.08 KB,735x745,147:149,825b512022d7eafc8a503d08c6….png)



back up baker, reporting

let me noe?

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108ff2 No.20854392

File: d4d0d309609202e⋯.png (47.53 KB,172x185,172:185,fronttowardenemytshirt.png)

File: c7c51f65e7293ab⋯.png (12.37 KB,250x247,250:247,FRONTTOWARDSENEMY.png)


front toward enemy t shirt

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97a511 No.20854393

File: 08b281ef940de81⋯.png (211.29 KB,590x419,590:419,ClipboardImage.png)

It says

"Pretty Girls Vote Republican"

Took a while, but there is the answer to your LB Question

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ee3685 No.20854394

File: 14111f8a6928220⋯.jpg (287.51 KB,1853x1218,1853:1218,Infiltration.jpg)

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3c5037 No.20854395

File: ff51a6cdd459cf8⋯.jpeg (33.72 KB,620x350,62:35,gnGWSAtteFXy.jpeg)

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9080b3 No.20854396

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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79c226 No.20854397

File: 09ab6b37b8c72c1⋯.jpg (93.18 KB,720x700,36:35,20210803_102839.jpg)

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f77bd7 No.20854398

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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1c1ead No.20854399

File: e7f20f25448cebc⋯.png (1.34 MB,1172x946,586:473,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Rally Night Shift

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e2bd36 No.20854400

File: 2bbd596dcc58a97⋯.png (116.46 KB,640x946,320:473,61_3_.png)

think heard 61 days election count

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15853a No.20854401

File: 3ddf6416bdaa960⋯.png (327.53 KB,564x564,1:1,confim_handoff.png)

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737cb6 No.20854402

File: 2ce87dafe6fc8fc⋯.png (906.6 KB,908x688,227:172,re.PNG)


Raheem J. Kassam


EXC: Trump Demands Biden Refund Donations from ‘Campus Chaos Financiers, America-Haters, Anti-Semites’ At Monster New Jersey Rally.

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8fcf03 No.20854403

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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5663df No.20854404


hey faggots, i asked you sth!

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cfa32c No.20854405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f0139 No.20854406

File: ad6ae014682febe⋯.jpeg (130.83 KB,800x525,32:21,IMG_4985.jpeg)


Democrats and Rinos do not want any of that!

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0dadf3 No.20854407

File: 9309d936bced2ff⋯.mp4 (12.2 MB,854x480,427:240,WE_WANT_FREEDOM.mp4)

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3c5037 No.20854408

File: 34f20716cc2c0c8⋯.jpg (115.08 KB,753x500,753:500,3cbb72704de27b180f2b2af90f….jpg)

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e83ee4 No.20854409

No Trump said Burgum is knowlegable about energy. Get ready for free energy!


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f51346 No.20854410

File: 681820164e5857d⋯.mp4 (736.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,o7.mp4)

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79c226 No.20854411

Boo hoo

Rally is already over

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0b48e0 No.20854412

File: 62d577f54f02234⋯.png (655.4 KB,1100x619,1100:619,FlagSky.PNG)

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9080b3 No.20854413

File: 87cd884b0eb1fc6⋯.gif (846.05 KB,220x365,44:73,87cd884b0eb1fc619e58d77982….gif)

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7a6400 No.20854414

File: 8dc7d0a70ee3c64⋯.jpg (279.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,MAGATRUMP.jpg)

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a807b8 No.20854415

File: 287a853b633de2d⋯.png (145.01 KB,254x353,254:353,sleepy_baker_with_cat.png)


did not claim


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3c5037 No.20854416

File: bac6f186416d456⋯.gif (59.98 KB,753x184,753:184,party_time_.gif)

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8fc42f No.20854417

File: 7037ddec2e1521f⋯.png (157.43 KB,580x579,580:579,6m754b76654765.png)

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3e325a No.20854418

File: 86423df52f02946⋯.jpg (440.96 KB,1536x2048,3:4,NSEagles.jpg)

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15853a No.20854419

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d42ad2 No.20854420

File: c99a4c379e4860f⋯.png (441.28 KB,500x793,500:793,ClipboardImage.png)

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79c226 No.20854421

File: 74f236841bf5d16⋯.jpg (57.67 KB,500x495,100:99,8i87v.jpg)

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950fd2 No.20854422

File: 5c10b3b071039c8⋯.png (329.03 KB,568x832,71:104,ClipboardImage.png)

jimmy carter and 5 worst presidents

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e9a9e3 No.20854423

File: 26484fe13961dce⋯.jpg (94.86 KB,697x435,697:435,4D_CHESS.jpg)

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a807b8 No.20854424


Let's all go out for a BEER

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f44537 No.20854425

File: ec80a530557aa7f⋯.jpg (66.35 KB,500x353,500:353,b13431d0a184aca670181d6482….jpg)

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94fb07 No.20854426

>>20853905 pb

>damned DUST coming in from China


No, I complain about dust in front of my house almost daily. This stuff is toxic and they have to spray it wet but when it dries it leaves dust that causes covid like symptoms, it's a protein that binds to tissue.

So the hot dogs refers to me just telling the same thing to my wife about having the best hot dog I ever had and how affordable they are, but that is not important, in reality the pieces are coming together and being confirmed that hot dogs are signifying Obama in Wuhan that did the R&D on this China dust, and the 187 is referring to Chemicals and radiation, will prove to be the number on cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths worldwide.

It tells you how they have been attacking us and that SCIF is now proof that what I said is 100% correct. We caught them all, reread Havannah Syndrome on this page. lb pb


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5868dc No.20854427

File: 11b3c2a3c78a708⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x498,1:1,11b3c2a3c78a708464f6486a94….gif)

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ea49ef No.20854428

File: 990b11d3dd5d5c0⋯.png (1.15 MB,2814x1556,1407:778,President_Donald_J_Trump_w….png)


>Born for this

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5feb60 No.20854429

Do Anons have the side effects from Pfizer? I have family members with eye problems, such as macular degeneration, and double vision.

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69012f No.20854430

i know most of you probably don't give a shit but it's interesting either way and somewhat surprising to me at least:

Israel got like the 3rd most votes from the people in the Eurovision Song Contest (the jury placed them like 15-20) and the song that won, the tranny (sorry "non-binary") song got like a hundred points less and wouldn't have won if the jury wasn't the same kind of people that decide who gets an oscar (it got the most votes from the jury, by far, no surprise there)

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21f3a7 No.20854431

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.png (2.88 MB,422x234,211:117,ClipboardImage.png)

winning biggly

much love

Doug for VP


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97a511 No.20854432


It's 9 Pages long

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7a6400 No.20854433

File: 300c97bea383fb6⋯.png (63.63 KB,666x499,666:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5dea7 No.20854434

File: 33b1bfa1cf95c49⋯.gif (6.25 MB,510x287,510:287,33b1bfa1cf95c49f2f7d8fcc9f….gif)

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3c5037 No.20854435

File: cd41b785ed7db9c⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingcity2.png)


You're going to love my nuts.

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e9a9e3 No.20854436

File: 66db5127a920370⋯.jpg (118.29 KB,806x536,403:268,BANANA_REPUBLIC_NY.jpg)

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79c226 No.20854437


Momanon's worse side effect was ded in her sleep.

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fd12ab No.20854438

Felt like I was in a microwave today as I was preparing the homestead.

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70f18c No.20854439

File: b8c2b8e7cfe7a2e⋯.jpeg (159.16 KB,2048x350,1024:175,IMG_4430.jpeg)

File: bb3bce116e4956c⋯.jpeg (436.29 KB,2048x503,2048:503,IMG_4428.jpeg)

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866b0d No.20854440


Pete Schweddy?

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9080b3 No.20854441

File: db436401236edc5⋯.jpg (114.64 KB,932x1118,466:559,r.jpg)

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59c2c2 No.20854442


side effects from Pfizer?

our country severely damaged by bioterrorism

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b94ea7 No.20854443

File: 46c839a53c371bf⋯.png (314.24 KB,1024x574,512:287,IMG_2448.png)

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737cb6 No.20854444

File: 1dcd7aaade1a37c⋯.png (237.82 KB,387x521,387:521,ntd.PNG)


LIVE : 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 Holds Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey


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7f01c1 No.20854445

File: 3afb33a565561d0⋯.png (176.54 KB,478x470,239:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f01c1 No.20854446


BORDER https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=top

INFLATION https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=top

TAXES https://twitter.com/search?q=taxes&src=typed_query&f=top

DEMOCRATS https://twitter.com/search?q=democrats&src=typed_query&f=top

RUSSIA.UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=top

CHINA.TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=top

ISRAEL.PALESTINE https://twitter.com/search?q=israel&src=typed_query&f=top

ENVIRONMENT https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=top

TRUMP PERSECUTION https://twitter.com/search?q=donald%20j.%20trump&src=typed_query&f=top

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2b7026 No.20854447

File: a8849b385864af0⋯.png (2.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd0fe9a7bdf88cb⋯.png (1.67 MB,1918x535,1918:535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 743727b0fdaeb92⋯.png (1.56 MB,1918x533,1918:533,ClipboardImage.png)

751 like a bread…

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105b07 No.20854448

File: b3cce7f81993f93⋯.jpg (561.75 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,b3cce7f81993f93d7cb5b79a22….jpg)

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737cb6 No.20854449

File: 8294c10dcb263b1⋯.png (795.82 KB,790x420,79:42,mc.PNG)

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20a0c6 No.20854450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c5037 No.20854451


No Schweddy balls here, son.

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5868dc No.20854452

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,d2c8c395b8ea59965f2f623942….png)


Digits checked.

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e9a9e3 No.20854453

File: 8d4200e82139d77⋯.jpg (97.19 KB,734x445,734:445,AURORA_2NIGHT.jpg)

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21f3a7 No.20854454

File: 04033fb4ce5ffbf⋯.png (30.35 KB,384x384,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

signing off frens and shilltards



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7a6400 No.20854455

File: cc291246032db16⋯.png (888.57 KB,1400x700,2:1,Trump_Won.png)

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fc73ef No.20854456


If a white man did this to a black woman there would be riots and Al Sharpton would be leading the charge with microphone in hand. White people don’t stand for their own.

This needs to change.

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a807b8 No.20854457

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5868dc No.20854458

File: 82d3c8db13ae526⋯.png (1.19 MB,899x736,899:736,82d3c8db13ae526a68d570765e….png)

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3c5037 No.20854459

50 43

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5663df No.20854460


speak for yourself

i just want to know if it's the same man who showed the "Q" with his mobile

because it is and was important

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9c3075 No.20854461



people are using Nattokinase and K2 which is over the counter to rid / protect the body from the spike protein

Try investigating on Frontline Doctors

And / or Dr. Said Haider.

they specialize in helping vax injured.

Since it's been revealed the injections were bio-weapon and the Spike is contagious;Everyone really needs to take precautions, even if not injected!

They are remedies but you have to know what they are and take them.

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871047 No.20854462

Shadow_ C



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54502a No.20854463


Sounds like something an Italian, or French MuhJoo shill would say.

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737cb6 No.20854464

File: 8b41daca0e2a5f3⋯.png (1.07 MB,649x871,649:871,as.PNG)


Diana Glebova


Aerial shot of Trump’s rally in Wildwood, NJ.

Trump campaign says 80k in attendance, with Trump expected to take stage at 5:30-5:45.



10:05 AM · May 11, 2024




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105b07 No.20854465


>This needs to change.

start by using lb/pb nigger

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d2ef92 No.20854466

Anyone around me, involved in my situation, etc., may be compromised either partially or satisfiably.

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fc73ef No.20854467



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a19ff5 No.20854468


what about Jimmy Conner?

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fcab20 No.20854469

File: dc9c2072a7c597b⋯.jpeg (76.37 KB,640x390,64:39,IMG_5488.jpeg)

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5663df No.20854470


looks less than 80k

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fd12ab No.20854471


I wonder how many times he will say the elections are rigged and then say they need to vote?

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5868dc No.20854472


People going in before the rally started.

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a19ff5 No.20854473


pretty sure that 99.99999% of Black people are just as appalled as you are over this brutish person, if what they say is true.

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41fcf7 No.20854474


Chemtrails? they've been chemtrailing for months until today and yesterday

We're not conditioned for normal weather.

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e2bd36 No.20854475

File: 9800f8aec2877b4⋯.jpg (110.41 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_20_0….jpg)

File: 2c6d3118520e417⋯.png (67.73 KB,640x708,160:177,948_3_.png)

File: 9949426cc1834a1⋯.jpg (184.84 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_20_0….jpg)

File: 391d8898d48c6ac⋯.png (106.56 KB,640x992,20:31,1203_3_.png)

File: 2e0c4f5ec42d8f0⋯.png (242.29 KB,640x734,320:367,552_1_.png)

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737cb6 No.20854476

File: 5b59a76eaf5864c⋯.png (108.33 KB,587x525,587:525,c.PNG)



Kash Patel


Friday Freedom Push: big tech has been caught colluding with FBI to censor speech and rig elections- why would you use any of the platforms that help them do it… especially with your money. Welcome to @reverepayments, join America’s best merchant payment processor now. Your money for you, your data for you, your customers for you. No one else can compete



Kash Patel | Revere Payments

I understand that financial freedom is at the heart of the American dream. That's why I have partnered with Revere Payments – they are dedicated to providing

May 10, 2024, 5:17 AM

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4e4844 No.20854477


This is correct.

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950fd2 No.20854478

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Dough below to rally notes.



LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (build up and rally)



LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24



Estimate 80,000 crowd in attendence in new jersey.

>>20853337, >>20853350 djt plane God bless d trump

dt: takes stage at 7.21pm (5.00pm eta0

President Trump: All across America, millions of people in so-called blue states are joining our movement, based on love, intelligence, and a thing called common sense.

President Trump: We don't have to agree on everything, but we can agree that we want strong borders, not open borders, we want the American Dream, not the Biden inflation nightmare, we want safe communities, not defund the police and abolish cash bail…and instead of Joe Biden's weakness and chaos, we want peace through strength, like we had it just four years ago.

President Trump: In the past three years, the Average New Jersey family has lost twenty-three thousand, three hundred and eighty one dollars to the inflation tax…and frankly, they're using fake numbers, because they don't include the worst numbers. And the Biden price hikes are continuing to drain over one thousand dollars from the typical New Jersey family budget, every single month; that's twelve thousand dollars for a family.

President Trump: If you're young and looking to buy a home, the thirty-year mortgage rate is almost at eight percent. When I left office, it was 2.6 percent.

President Trump: Instead of a Biden tax hike, I'll give you a Trump middle class, upper class, lower class, business class, big tax cut. You're going to have the biggest tax cut.

djt: china, smart dust from china, 52 trillion and millions of lives lost.

djt: We did the best considering.

President Trump: Unfortunately, the democrats in New Jersey have embraced Joe Biden's radical pro-China plan to eliminate gas-powered cars and trucks…and force everyone into ultra expensive electric vehicles that don't go far

djt: these fools the msm.

President Trump: The prison populations all over the world are down…the mental institution population is down, because they're taking people from insane asylums and from mental institutions…we have people that are being released into our country, that we don't want in our country, and they're coming in totally unchecked, totally unvetted, and we can't let this happen. They're destroying our country, and we're sitting back, and we better damn well win this election, because if we don't, our country is going to be doomed.

President Trump: What's happening is the really big ones [automobile plants] are being built by China, in Mexico, to make cars, in Mexico, by China, to sell into the United States, to come across the border with no tax.

President Trump: Europe is being flooded with Chinese cars, and they don't know what to do. China wants to take over the cars all over the world…I'm not going to allow it to happen in our car and truck industry. We're going to make sure that our industry grows. It's going to grow like a weed. By the end of my fourth year, our car and truck industry will be triple the size of what it is now, and jobs will be flourishing. We will be setting records in auto jobs, and truck jobs, Under Biden, it will all be gone.


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eed965 No.20854479

File: 03d61ee6a2c6ab3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1546x911,1546:911,455.PNG)


LOL he probably has a few very new 10,000 ready to go prefect excuse to launch and very good tax deduction reason

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79c226 No.20854480


So pic was taken at 8am

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fd12ab No.20854481


Look into the side effects of saline solution. There might be your answer.

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a807b8 No.20854482



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44a274 No.20854483

File: 74ed597e487fbdf⋯.jpg (213.94 KB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GLvsVRPbUAA8Gii.jpg)

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a19ff5 No.20854484


ah, it's Jimmy Connors,

a tennis player, who President Trump mistakenly mentioned instead of Jimmy Carter.


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79c226 No.20854485

Excuse 10am

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950fd2 No.20854486

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: I support Israel's right to win it's war on terror.

President Trump: Crooked Joe surrendered to the terrorists, just like he surrendered to the Taliban, and now he's surrendering our college campuses to anarchists, jihadists, freaks, and anti-American extremists, who are trying to tear down our American Flag., They want to tear it down. Every single place they go, they want to rip down our flag.

President Trump: When I'm president, we will not allow our colleges to be taken over by violent radicals. If you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism, or anti-Americanism, or anti-semitism to our campuses, we will immediately deport you. You'll be out of that school.

President Trump: When I return to the White House, we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, and destruction, of the American suburbs, cities and towns…we will shut down deadly sanctuary cities, such as Newark and Philadelphia; we will not let criminals come into those cities, and we will not let them release illegal alien criminals into your streets.

Senator Van Drew: Welcome to the largest political rally that the state of New Jersey has ever seen in all it's history!

President Trump: We will rescue our healthcare system from Joe Biden's migrant invasion. It was recently announced that Crooked Joe is now giving Obamacare, and all free government healthcare, to illegal aliens. You know what? They get treated better than our military, They get treated better than our own citizens…according to a new study, illegal immigration is already costing New Jersey residents 7.3 billion dollars every single year, that's two thousand, one hundred dollars per household, more than any state, anywhere in the country…Day One of the Trump administration, we will cut off all of Biden's taxpayer giveaways to illegal aliens. If the Biden invasion is not stopped, it will also demolish Medicare and Social Security. It cannot survive twenty million people coming into the country.

President Trump: I will also stop Joe Biden's sinister plan to abolish the suburbs. He's trying to abolish the suburbs in your state, and we're not going to let him do it. Crooked Joe is trying to obliterate single families owning in New Jersey and every other state, and force you to pay for the construction of ultra-dense housing projects in beautiful residential neighborhoods where your house is. He will destroy your property value, he will destroy your wealth. He will let it happen. He wants it to happen. He's already getting ready to sign legislation to let that happen. We're not going to let him destroy New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and all of these other places that people are very happy, and they've worked hard to live there, and we will end it on Day One.

rally ends

>>20854422 djt: jimmy carter and 5 worst presidents - decode #Drop 4467


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a807b8 No.20854487


tx much.

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737cb6 No.20854488

File: 35134ca2b7e1a9c⋯.png (671.87 KB,668x717,668:717,ess.PNG)


‘Where’s the Recovery in All This?’:

SF Buying Beer, Vodka for Homeless Alcoholics

with Taxpayer Money

Breitbart, by Amy Furr

Posted By: Beardo, 5/11/2024 8:05:44 PM

Homeless alcoholics are getting free beer and vodka under a taxpayer-funded pilot program in San Francisco as city leadership grapples with the homelessness crisis plaguing its streets. The city’s Department of Public Health runs the Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) to give doses of alcohol to the addicted, Fox News reported on Saturday. Officials hope the program will “keep the homeless off the streets” and decrease incidents in which emergency services have to step in.

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7f01c1 No.20854489



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13886b No.20854490

WOW! America, and the World, have never seen anything like this. 80,000+ at the rally with world wide figures in the millions. Where? Ietweenn Wildwood N.J. where oldanon spent two summers during College break. First year I was a pot washer in a restaurant, the second summer as a cook, the only white in the kitchen, I handled the steaks and the lobster tails. It was a high class small hotel/restaurant. Talked my way into it. And where did Mr. Trump set the all time record for a Trump Rally? Close to a 100,000? In Wildwood, N.J. Back then we had to got a few mile inland to Summer's Point to drink alcohol. Great times. A 20 year old white boy from dirt street coal mining towns without a black person ever seen, there I was, The only white. One of the best experiences old has ever had.

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fc73ef No.20854491


Nah. Pretty sure most black folks just sorta shrug their shoulders and go about their day when they hear of stories like this. They don’t care - to them white people deserve it. It’s payback time in their view.

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737cb6 No.20854492

File: 053c123778974d5⋯.png (31.49 KB,1254x283,1254:283,seem.PNG)


Why Stormy Daniels Isn’t Getting the

Monica Lewinsky Treatment

Politico, by Joanna Weiss

Posted By: rememberwhen, 5/11/2024 4:42:37 PM

Stormy Daniels makes no apologies. Not on social media, where she’s quick to clap back at ugly memes and derogatory jabs. And not in a courtroom, where, on a witness stand in Donald Trump’s hush money trial this week, she proudly described her pornography career, defended herself from charges of money-grubbing and deflected criticism of a strip club tour called “Make America Horny Again.” Sex scandals have come a long way since the Bill Clinton days.

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ea49ef No.20854493

File: 1d6de3f4ba2cb9b⋯.png (4.47 MB,2880x1576,360:197,God_bless_Eric_Trump_God_b….png)

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b375a5 No.20854494


final estimate was 100k strong

fuck the dnccp

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7f01c1 No.20854495







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fd12ab No.20854496


Never met a black working man I didn't like. Sounds like a great adventure.

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9c3075 No.20854497

File: 082cf4fbcb5de92⋯.jpeg (99.39 KB,1017x1024,1017:1024,moreobvousnotworsedf.jpeg)




should've written

"They're are remedies but you have to know what they are, and take them."

in the plural.

good wishes.

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faec94 No.20854498

File: 6f9d4a4ac4b7a61⋯.png (4.07 MB,5766x3323,5766:3323,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: 05cb67058bcb17e⋯.png (3.24 MB,4187x3670,4187:3670,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: af5e121fcdf0b14⋯.png (2.26 MB,2556x1590,426:265,April5_EpicenterTrumpGolf_….png)

>>20853031 pb

>They are all here.


What or Who is "all" there?

And are always there?

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9080b3 No.20854499

File: a38a6bd975ba6f4⋯.jpg (52.32 KB,630x396,35:22,s.jpg)


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866b0d No.20854500

File: ba22f873670be7e⋯.png (110.21 KB,400x390,40:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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737cb6 No.20854501

File: 8143ad245da6731⋯.png (1.36 MB,1057x850,1057:850,mb.PNG)


Maria Bartiromo GOES OFF on Spineless

and Silent GOP Lawmakers: ‘Let Me be

Clear Viewers are Sick and Tired of Hearings,

Letters… They Want Action’ While Trump

Sits in Trial All Day Long (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 5/11/2024 4:29:49 PM

FOX News anchor Maria Bartiromo held nothing back as she confronted Congressman Russell Fry (R-SC) during an interview, expressing her frustration—and that of the public—at the inaction of the GOP lawmakers and lack of accountability amid the ongoing witch hunts against former President Donald Trump. As Trump faces these politically motivated witch hunts—with nearly 100 felony counts across four jurisdictions—Bartiromo voiced the exasperation of a public weary of what they see as political theater without substantial outcomes. The counts against Trump carry a potential for roughly 700 years of combined incarceration.

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7a6400 No.20854502

File: 9e1348a188783e9⋯.webp (12.81 KB,400x300,4:3,71060639.webp)

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950fd2 No.20854503

File: 5c10b3b071039c8⋯.png (329.03 KB,568x832,71:104,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbd63bfe31dd209⋯.png (3.43 MB,2001x1125,667:375,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20854478, >>20854486

>>20854422; djt: jimmy carter and 5 worst presidents - decode #Drop 4467

Anon wants to explain why this drop is important. look who is behind these 5

lady Gaga

the hunger games biden inauguration




Jun 13, 2020 4:45:56 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7e5786 No. 9601117


Symbolism will be their downfall.

They are fighting to regain control.

You stand in their way.

You awake is their greatest fear.


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ea49ef No.20854504

File: 4b30d73e5e3eedf⋯.png (1.53 MB,800x1474,400:737,joker_in_nb_Newport_Beach.png)

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0dadf3 No.20854505



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7f01c1 No.20854506




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79c226 No.20854507


Ghwb porked her with his thumb

She knows better than to get close to any of them

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e9a9e3 No.20854508

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

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737cb6 No.20854509

File: f0786721f649dc6⋯.png (13.87 KB,593x257,593:257,dance.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Israel ישראל






Rate proposed Community Notes

8:45 AM · May 11, 2024




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7f01c1 No.20854511


ohhh pretty and saved

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fa9c0b No.20854512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b4709b No.20854513





All love Israel!

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79c226 No.20854514


The sooner the better

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e82fdd No.20854515

File: eedbbb4635f4ce6⋯.png (1019.65 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2737269aed671b0⋯.png (3.22 MB,1600x1219,1600:1219,ClipboardImage.png)

US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.


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e5511b No.20854516


Knowingly voted with democrats

Knowingly let Political prisoners sit in jail

Knowingly financed war

Knowingly let the borders be breached

What is coming is a reckoning, none will be spared

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8a4674 No.20854517

File: 618938cfaacfa47⋯.jpg (3.84 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154732295441893051157331….jpg)

File: 89e7fd3f49f992a⋯.jpg (404.2 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_172010….jpg)

Turkish tv git a big on

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79c226 No.20854518


#me too


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7a6400 No.20854519

File: b6009abc79d56d8⋯.webp (1.02 MB,498x225,166:75,mulitple_bomb_gif.webp)

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866b0d No.20854520

File: 72e926aba228835⋯.png (2.73 MB,958x1362,479:681,ClipboardImage.png)


any one seen Nancy in the streets?

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e82fdd No.20854521


Oh that's clever reply. Bomb the rally eh?

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e2bd36 No.20854522

File: db43f421c23b101⋯.jpg (181.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_20_2….jpg)

File: 0698868817abd3e⋯.png (113.31 KB,640x1386,320:693,2015.png)

File: bd2ca67ca471987⋯.png (509.4 KB,640x1094,320:547,815.png)

File: 3e2f0e786986e38⋯.png (592.55 KB,640x3992,80:499,138_4_.png)

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950fd2 No.20854523

File: 58495d863a852b7⋯.png (73.08 KB,988x467,988:467,ClipboardImage.png)


Reagan being the exception

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40fbff No.20854524

File: bf4f50a938d58cf⋯.gif (3.68 MB,182x182,1:1,20240511_202133.gif)

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e27b18 No.20854525

File: 18c42bf9a30f86e⋯.png (105.94 KB,208x323,208:323,ClipboardImage.png)


> America’s best merchant payment processor now

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3c76f9 No.20854526

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Guud evening, frens.

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44a274 No.20854527

File: 12dc94244153ccd⋯.png (317.67 KB,606x586,303:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1089a71bf6db38c⋯.png (311.6 KB,612x580,153:145,ClipboardImage.png)


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046620 No.20854528


>Reagan being the exception


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a19ff5 No.20854529


no, sure.

you're trying to start trouble.

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3c5037 No.20854530

File: 8e036fb39c8a526⋯.webm (40.79 KB,320x240,4:3,filtered5.webm)



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98781a No.20854531

File: 3310c7dbb94a724⋯.jpeg (776.55 KB,1330x605,266:121,6206EFFA_BB2F_439D_B001_9….jpeg)

>>20853283 lb


82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….

Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA

DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) pb went to Quantico

SPAR24 C40C inbound from Hickam AFB depart

Left JBA on 0501 stopped at Elmendorf then an 0503 arrival and depart from Yokota AB, Japan to Okinawa-Kadena.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 0504 stayed there until 0507 depart to Bangkok.

Left Bangkok 0509 and arrived at Hickam yesterday

>never did figure out who was on this

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e2bd36 No.20854532

File: 11a730fe0ef374a⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_14_0….jpg)

File: ec236657ead3ae6⋯.png (68.42 KB,640x660,32:33,127_2_.png)


let's pause and say hello to the rogue agencies

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7a5780 No.20854533

File: f08238b911b9c89⋯.jpg (272.2 KB,1020x718,510:359,20200425_104352.jpg)

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e9a9bb No.20854534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Guud evening, frens.

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e82fdd No.20854535


She's standing between the only two of them who are relatives.

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caa810 No.20854536

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b9ecc2 No.20854537

War in Gaza and Ukraine under “white hat patriot” control. Find your true warmongers, just take a look behind the curtain.

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b4709b No.20854538

File: 96dd3c7e5ca2c36⋯.png (415.74 KB,502x614,251:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b5ab43236b842d⋯.png (551.93 KB,956x447,956:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c514ac8b12db248⋯.png (280.79 KB,511x429,511:429,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

Starting Friday night into Saturday a series of surreal images and videos have circulated widely showing that whole swathes of northern Israel are literally on fire.

The fires were largely in open field areas, but were very extensive given they were the result of about 35 rockets being fired from Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, targeting the northern city of Kiryat Shmona, which suffered damage.

Brushfires erupted, but there were some direct hits on homes and buildings as well. "The city reported significant damage to property and infrastructure, with dozens of homes and vehicles affected," Ynet news reports.

At least ten fire crews from the area of Galilee and Golan responded, and worked to extinguish at least two expansive fires which were in open fields.

Since conflict erupted along the Israel-Lebanese border in the wake of the Hamas Oct.7 terror attack, rocket salvos from Hezbollah have been almost daily, but these appear to be the most extensive wildfires which have resulted to date.

Israeli authorities have confirmed and filmed the fires which were at their height in the Friday overnight and Saturday early morning hours.


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3c76f9 No.20854539

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)

Anyone else feeling bigly comfy tonight?

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950fd2 No.20854540

File: 7c3c47c19b21b6d⋯.png (345.31 KB,620x258,310:129,ClipboardImage.png)


oh yeah

he dead.

still a good decode.

and a easy one,

did not know there was a qpost thou


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fc73ef No.20854541



Once again; case-in-point.

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e9a9e3 No.20854542

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,488x519,488:519,SMILES.jpg)

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a19ff5 No.20854543


says the racist.

you saying that is ironic because you hate people and want squabbling and misunderstanding and then claim it's the one who points it out. I'm filtering you now.

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e82fdd No.20854544


You put your name in that meme twice. America winning once. That speaks volumes.

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e9a9bb No.20854545


still wondering why the f#(% that is standing in a pic with 5 former presidents

seems to stick out and not fit in any way

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e2bd36 No.20854546


got the bubble gum gif one

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3c76f9 No.20854547

Shills always work in pairs.

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0fe8a8 No.20854548

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ec56e7 No.20854549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b4709b No.20854550

File: e22ce9d14d51a26⋯.png (102.76 KB,691x514,691:514,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1684a266da7164⋯.png (110.6 KB,695x506,695:506,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6044228fd30d4fa⋯.png (125.3 KB,712x574,356:287,ClipboardImage.png)

When it comes to Israel, this 'dissent channel' is broken

Washington's civil servants have been doing everything from raising formal grievances to resigning. Nothing is working and here's why.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced that he would stop sending offensive weapons to Israel “‘if they go into Rafah.” It is the most notable sign of his administration’s shift in its support for Israel’s war to date, but questions remain over how and when the president will follow through on his words.

Meanwhile, the administration paused a recent shipment of bombs to Israel, but it is not a permanent decision, and the president's claim that “they haven’t gone in Rafah yet” — despite the fact that Israel is continually striking the southern Gazan city, have tanks positioned on the periphery, and took control of the the Rafah crossing — suggests that U.S. support may otherwise continue so long as the campaign remains relatively limited.

Behind the scenes in the U.S. government, there has been a bit of turmoil.

At least four federal employees, including three from the State Department, have publicly resigned, explicitly in protest of the administration’s response to the war. This comes amid a number of stories about internal tension in the Biden administration concerning its largely unwavering rhetorical and material support for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government as it prosecutes a war that has now killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians.

In addition, hundreds of civil servants from various government agencies have signed a series of open letters calling on Biden to push for a ceasefire in Gaza and de-escalation in the wider region.

Unfortunately, one federal employee with more than 15 years of service in two government agencies told RS, “the internal messaging to staff mirrors the external messages. And that has been a source of both disappointment and deep frustration.” (Sources asked for anonymity in order to discuss internal dynamics.)

In other words, the informal 'dissent channel' doesn’t seem to be moving the needle, seven months into the war.

Critics within the administration are not motivated by their moral qualms alone. There is a growing sense among staff, according to another source, that the long-term alliance with Israel does not serve U.S. interests. Specifically, they are worried that Washington is itself being drawn into a regional war, that its actions are increasing instability in the region, and that “ironclad” support for Israel’s conduct in Gaza is undermining any claim that the U.S. is a champion for global human rights and democracy.

The dissent also extends beyond the departments that are typically considered responsible for implementing Gaza policy, such as the State Department or USAID. It includes officials in other agencies whose work is tangentially related to the war and still others who are simply outraged by American complicity in the rising death toll and humanitarian crisis.

“Having worked in the administration during the Afghan withdrawal and also the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so many efforts were spearheaded and led, and normal procedures were bypassed given the urgent humanitarian situation. Here, however, it has been a totally different ballgame. There are systemic issues with how we issue Palestinian cases,” says a homeland security official. “Any kind of initiative to expedite help for Palestinians has been blocked or quelled or slowed down dramatically in a way that I’ve never seen before.”

The signs were there in the early days of the war, sources say. “The decision was made from the top very early on,” says an official with 25 years of national security experience. “Experts have been shut out from the decision-making process, making it very hard to change that policy.”

Annelle Sheline, a former staffer in the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, who resigned in protest of the administration’s Gaza policy in March, says her experience was similar.

“There are so many people who know the region really well working at State, who were raising concerns from all kinds of angles: the U.S. national interest angle, the legalistic angle or the human rights angle,” Sheline tells RS. “People who spent their whole careers working on these things, and nobody was being listened to. Even relatively senior officials inside State who are very concerned and very opposed were not being listened to.” (Sheline was previously a research fellow at the Quincy Institute, which publishes RS.)

Federal employees who are disillusioned with the approach to Gaza say they have explored multiple avenues to make their position clear.

One federal employee told RS that when staffers raised concerns about unconditionally supporting Israel in the early stages of the war, they realized that doing so through formal channels was ineffective.


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7a6400 No.20854551

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)


Now that you speak of it……Yes

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e9a9bb No.20854552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc73ef No.20854553

I point out the obvious and for doing that I’m a racist?

Welcome to the valley of tears.

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737cb6 No.20854554

File: f37048bef20516e⋯.png (162.09 KB,593x502,593:502,dedf.PNG)



Julie Kelly


No trial date for Donald Trump in Florida but Judge Cannon just set an aggressive court hearing schedule over the next several weeks that makes Jack Smith a defendant of sorts.

I explain here



Judge Cannon Puts Jack Smith on Trial

While vacating Donald Trump's trial date, Cannon set an aggressive hearing schedule over the next several weeks that will turn the tables on Smith and the Department of Justice.

May 11, 2024, 2:06 AM

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e9a9e3 No.20854555

File: 7b56ca3ab8f86d4⋯.gif (722.87 KB,284x314,142:157,BIG_WIN_CHEW.gif)

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bc5528 No.20854556

File: 6b0a7c8a4ff5049⋯.png (503.67 KB,582x389,582:389,bnbfrgs.png)



#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico


…There has to be something more than stale clickbait, old news and shit decodes, this bread.

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42fcc5 No.20854557

File: 89e7fd3f49f992a⋯.jpg (404.2 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_172010….jpg)

File: 2bb90db904d0bc6⋯.jpg (8.85 MB,4608x3456,4:3,20240511_173336.jpg)

Ding dong

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e2bd36 No.20854558


was praying that was gonna habben

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816d01 No.20854559

File: d8d1b0319745fae⋯.png (550.56 KB,798x802,399:401,ClipboardImage.png)

murder hornets are back on the menu, boys

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7ba45c No.20854560


God’s wrath.

Not so fucking chosen now, bitches.

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e9a9bb No.20854561

>>20854534 (me)



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faec94 No.20854562

File: f6125baaae3a207⋯.png (455.57 KB,694x430,347:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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816d01 No.20854563


good read

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7a5780 No.20854564

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ea8b39 No.20854565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An inside look into Texas politics.

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b4709b No.20854566

File: 14a72e11b9f1742⋯.png (75.1 KB,634x283,634:283,ClipboardImage.png)



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950fd2 No.20854567

File: c6e512a3ba431fd⋯.png (2.38 MB,1536x958,768:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b7026 No.20854568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight



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7ba45c No.20854569

File: c0b65823cc8dbf2⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB,850x400,17:8,IMG_1716.jpeg)

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13886b No.20854570


It was. One of the kitchen workers was a professional boxer. Not big time but he did get in the ring. All of the waitresses were white. There was one, Mary. We both got her to go on a date, For me, the date consisted of her and I sitting on the porch swing talking. Her and I had great 2 hour talk. Then I found out she also dated the boxer. I thought he got somewhere with her and he though the same about me. Neither of us got to first base.

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105b07 No.20854571

File: 562f02a6bfe0a4e⋯.png (1.39 MB,2048x1536,4:3,562f02a6bfe0a4e163c7bd6495….png)

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79c226 No.20854572

File: 545f337dba94f06⋯.jpg (129.08 KB,720x844,180:211,Screenshot_20240511_204624….jpg)

But but but trudy was kneeling with a teddy bear and everything

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9c3075 No.20854573

File: 552d268f48da745⋯.png (662.29 KB,790x869,10:11,wuhanlabcriminals4.png)


"There are"

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aecb0f No.20854574

File: a29441d79606ba9⋯.jpg (4.29 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154749284465054665676338….jpg)

Ncis is nvitt

Check timelog

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475406 No.20854575

File: 56558bde3b293c6⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,888x499,888:499,8poyce.jpg)

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5868dc No.20854576

File: 4a2d51318fcc993⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,303x328,303:328,4a2d51318fcc993272cce2b37c….jpg)

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9c3075 No.20854577

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aecb0f No.20854578

File: c34dccdee8637c6⋯.jpg (384.13 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_175005….jpg)

Check step

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90ecf8 No.20854579


It's amazing that what was revealed, which is killing millions of innocent and good people around the world has zero comments. It all started with the black out in the South China sea and God woke you up for a reason. The key was triangulation, now consider what I wrote about Havannah Syndrome and how data and information is decoupled from the actual attackers and understand why this newer method of attacks has been amplified with the use of technology while still being covert.



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950fd2 No.20854581



ok anon is a bit stoned.

so has anyone else made that decode before.

or is anon being retarded?

which of course is sometimes.

especially on the pots.


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aecb0f No.20854582

File: 8a2fd535bafc6f0⋯.jpg (7.54 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154750868553824619675222….jpg)

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9c3075 No.20854583


"jack smith" = central casting evil guy.

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816d01 No.20854584

File: 28c07abbff51b25⋯.png (647.51 KB,959x664,959:664,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 351f7b9a1a2fb06⋯.png (970.29 KB,690x928,345:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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e82fdd No.20854585

File: fccf65c63f2e569⋯.png (205.96 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like you've got a couple clicks pedaling uphill in front of (you). How's your endurance? Feeling confident?

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737cb6 No.20854586

File: 874f958fe161305⋯.png (489.54 KB,594x683,594:683,jb.PNG)


John B Wells 11:11 reposted

Patriot Mama Bear


Solar Secrets & Global Games

With what's going on in the sky's, this should be lit 🔥


John B Wells 11:11



11:46 AM · May 11, 2024




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e2bd36 No.20854587


FF vibes

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3e1e75 No.20854588

'With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our Country from these tyrants and villains once and for all.

Like those PATRIOTS before us, we will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never, ever back down.

With your support, we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen, and we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th, 2024!

The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer!'

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475406 No.20854589


bigly comf here

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6d253a No.20854590


>Do Anons have the side effects from Pfizer? I have family members with eye problems, such as macular degeneration, and double vision.

You people are not listening to what I wrote. While this may have come from the the vax, as they did taint them with spike proteins, it was just revealed by SCIFs that US citizens are being attacked by energy weapons: radiation, microwaves, and DEW weapons. There is also another component, local chemical sabotage, Chyna dust. Here is a test for you to try out immediately, tell your family member to run that eye under the hottest water that they can tolerate and see if anything loosens up and sight becomes clearer. That would indicate, local sabotage.

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3c76f9 No.20854593

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)






All it takes is one comfy post and the shills lose their minds.

Anons did that.

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7ba45c No.20854594


Real evil is wrapped in a flag and portrayed as one who cares.

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2b7026 No.20854595

File: 1f84dea12e139b6⋯.mp4 (752.51 KB,464x848,29:53,_Hezb_Allah_missiles_burni….mp4)

File: 24124398dfce3a3⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB,848x480,53:30,_Hezbollah_has_brought_hel….mp4)

File: 0821ea774c27fac⋯.mp4 (423.53 KB,478x850,239:425,large_fire_burning_in_Kiry….mp4)






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e2bd36 No.20854596




sketchy as fuck. reported to authorities seems like it should

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7a5780 No.20854597

File: 41d2c15e563e207⋯.png (2.73 MB,2048x1276,512:319,434821624.png)

File: 0bb03be154f3f51⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,498x212,249:106,EtDfht3XAAIH6B3.jpg)

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79c226 No.20854598

File: 4c7805eaf03c17b⋯.jpg (129.58 KB,500x847,500:847,8fvhkve.jpg)

Soros funding muslim brotherhood thru his son to huma for her mom who works for MB

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f0e3da No.20854599


yes,go on,sit back and do nothing whilst the world around you burns, you stupid indolent fool

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f0e3da No.20854600


>Real evil is wrapped in a flag

the american flag

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e82fdd No.20854601


this place is like flypaper for freaks

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3e3c1c No.20854602

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f0e3da No.20854603


drug addicted scum

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aecb0f No.20854604

2 persians white car

shitty dab rig

Insane how kany jumps that took

Anyway im back anthill saved

Theyre all stoned as fu k rn

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f0e3da No.20854605


keep the slide going

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3e3c1c No.20854606


all i saw was titty girl

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a19ff5 No.20854607


so you want him to come out after you and take the torch away from you?

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aecb0f No.20854608

Who wants to call me


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ac2a51 No.20854609

What are some good questions to ask Q on the next Q&A?

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ae69bd No.20854610

File: da7b28dd6f83ff5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1004x531,1004:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db7b03d97c7656c⋯.png (676.52 KB,874x727,874:727,ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Poso 


I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

May 11, 2024, 9:00 PM


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41fcf7 No.20854611


How retarded are we

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afbc0b No.20854612


swallowing your boyfriends load?

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afbc0b No.20854613


pretty retarded

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aecb0f No.20854614

Well originally it was isopods inside a steel s zinc pot with a lot of nitrates and some honey plus o2 o3 etc and a dash of grool

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9c3075 No.20854615

File: d1fc8a81b8223af⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,899x889,899:889,yheadgaga.jpg)

File: 022f90fabcbdcd6⋯.jpg (101.1 KB,1000x877,1000:877,Gaga_Crowley_satanists1.jpg)

File: 8767045fd1b2c7a⋯.jpg (99.09 KB,680x500,34:25,gaga.jpg)

File: 3d18e131a1c98a1⋯.jpg (154.02 KB,976x854,8:7,gagaoksign.jpg)

File: 315d6cd7db71ab0⋯.jpg (358.83 KB,2722x1048,1361:524,gagaspiritcooking8.jpg)


what is the decode?

for some reason all these POTUS are (~like?) sponsored by a Witch?

"Standing behind the Bushes" I never picked-up on earlier.

But just how bizarre to take a group portrait with GAGA the witch?

She's a "Y" with gold horns.

weren't we supposed to catalog those?

and investigate?

She's also seen at a party with a black man tied up, Claimed the man disappeared afterward.

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2b7026 No.20854616


I thought about you when it finally reached the notables.

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afbc0b No.20854617



you are one of the losers responsible for the declining state of the world

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737cb6 No.20854618

File: 193574d5493787f⋯.png (1.46 MB,795x780,53:52,gr.PNG)

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98781a No.20854619

File: 83f140cb2555379⋯.gif (418.82 KB,480x270,16:9,3D327A86_3A3C_4508_9DA4_74….gif)

Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

(How about ZIRP interest rates from the BoJ and a currency at just about 34 year lows…no it couldn’t be ANY of that…they will keep buying yen because they have to. I’ve seen an article or two that blamed “speculators” for muh yen crash-also someone else’s fault not poor and loose monetary policy for far too long)

Japan's top three banking groups are expected to report a record combined net profit of around 3 trillion yen ($19.3 billion) for the year ended in March 2024, as higher interest rates overseas improved margins on lending operations.

The number would mark a 20% jump from the previous year and would be the highest since Japan's banking industry was consolidated into the three top players in fiscal 2005.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, and Mizuho Financial Group will announce full-year earnings on Wednesday. Previously announced profit estimates totaled 2.86 trillion yen. The highest profit to date for the three was about 2.5 trillion yen for the fiscal year ended March 2014.

With low interest rates weighing on earnings, the three banking groups have been consolidating branch networks and working to lift earnings from corporate lending operations. This would mark the fourth straight year of profit increases since the year ended March 2021.

Rising U.S. interest rates have improved interest margins on overseas operations. As the U.S. Federal Reserve raised interest rates, the gap between lending rates and procurement costs widened, boosting interest income.

The weaker-than-expected yen helped boost yen-denominated overseas revenues earned on foreign currencies. "Profits look stronger than real earnings power," as one bank executive put it. Backed by solid earnings, borrowing demand remains strong among domestic companies. Capital spending was brisk for improving business efficiency and decarbonization. Funding demand also came from mergers and acquisitions.

M&A in Japan in 2023 was at a five-year high of about 23 trillion yen, up 47% from the previous year, according to LSEG. The Bank of Japan ended its negative interest rate policy in March (BARELY and its at 0.01% so big fuggen deal) The impact of higher domestic lending rates on bank earnings will not be reflected at least until results for the fiscal year ending in March 2025. With more interest rates hikes seen as a possibility this year, banks could get an added tailwind to businesses.


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afbc0b No.20854620


flypaper for idiots too

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737cb6 No.20854621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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816d01 No.20854622

File: c010033c8e99154⋯.png (333.38 KB,763x838,763:838,ClipboardImage.png)

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aecb0f No.20854623


Sirius x7

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15f3a3 No.20854624

>>20851433 pb

>The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

see how EASY it is to replace the word migrants with ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS?

words have POWER

every time an anon is TOO LAZY to alter their copypasta headline, they VALIDATE the deepstate narrative



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94f810 No.20854625

File: 0fad2972c75d925⋯.jpg (98.39 KB,680x675,136:135,FirstJab.jpg)


>pretty retarded

Speak for yourself Ma'am.

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70f18c No.20854626

File: 28baf335e5e37c5⋯.jpeg (226.87 KB,1245x1777,1245:1777,IMG_0830.jpeg)

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2b7026 No.20854627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!



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32381c No.20854628

File: 1f243296622fc6c⋯.png (687.12 KB,1170x861,390:287,murdering_insane_tranny_cu….png)

File: c90e7392a670f82⋯.png (244.46 KB,613x463,613:463,STOP_LETTING_FAGGOTS_ERASE….png)

File: cfa6c10b1b10dd7⋯.png (102.97 KB,402x310,201:155,seattle_simpsons.png)

File: d4c2f068fabf024⋯.gif (453.4 KB,500x215,100:43,friends_girl_thinking_nodd….gif)


>drug addicted scum


1st arrest

Doesn't Ghislaine count. Also haven't there been arrests not-public? You really think Cuomo just "found the light" on ivermectin?



>Real evil is wrapped in a flag and portrayed as one who cares.

nodding friends girl

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6a028a No.20854629

File: 1c8830978a8ae7b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1c8830978a8ae7b434b818453a….png)


Who ordered them to do it?

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c5dea7 No.20854630

File: 33b1bfa1cf95c49⋯.gif (6.25 MB,510x287,510:287,33b1bfa1cf95c49f2f7d8fcc9f….gif)

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7ba45c No.20854631


G5 goes all the way to G3!!!!!

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ea49ef No.20854632

File: b84bc208ecbdd1f⋯.png (2.25 MB,1844x1564,461:391,Jack_s_never_seen_anything….png)


I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

May 11, 2024, 9:00 PM



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3e3c1c No.20854633

File: 83b001eb3e8f0f6⋯.png (687.73 KB,1089x1179,121:131,IMG_0281.png)

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3e3838 No.20854634

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737cb6 No.20854635

File: 44b393190135b16⋯.png (445.64 KB,596x578,298:289,so.PNG)


Kyle Becker



“F*cking outrageous abuse of power.”

Dirty Judge Tied to Jeffrey Epstein Signed Off on 'Outrageous' DOJ Plot to Get Witness to ‘Flip’ on Trump

From thepoliticsbrief.com

1:10 PM · May 11, 2024




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440ab8 No.20854636


>I have family members with eye problems


>You people are not listening to what I wrote.

>That would indicate, local sabotage.

You do not think they do this then read this from pbs last night:

05/11/24 (Sat) 00:45:10d9a698



BTW, if you "come out" now, you will be completed blinded by the way you get treated.

When I went outside after reading this, my front steps had been sprayed with chemicals. The last couple of days I noticed that when I walk out from underneath the overhang on my front steps that I felt tiny drops of moisture and thought it was slightly raining. I washed everything this morning with a 5 gallon bucket of water and saw later that everything dried evenly. I felt drops again earlier today and now when I went out, the same area looks like it had been sprayed. They are spraying from their house to my doorsteps. Many people are being attacked this way, unwittingly.

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ae69bd No.20854637

File: 788e50a61349cec⋯.png (237.8 KB,874x559,874:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 455b073db1591af⋯.png (871.29 KB,899x801,899:801,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81e44381e014d86⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x572,256:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68e19fd196ad325⋯.png (573.71 KB,778x715,778:715,ClipboardImage.png)


Gateway Pundit


BREAKING: “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

BREAKING: "Over 100,000" Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! – VIDEO | The Gateway…

President Trump is set to deliver remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 80,000 supporters at 5 pm tonight in Wildwood, New Jersey.


May 11, 2024, 8:58 PM


“Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

President Trump is set to deliver remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 80,000 supporters at 5 pm tonight in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Many, including Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), are calling this the largest political rally in the history of New Jersey.

Doors to the event opened at noon Eastern. At approximately 2 pm, there were thousands still lined up awaiting entry:

MASSIVE crowds inside and out for Trump in #Wildwood, NJ

Definitely more than 40k pic.twitter.com/kYTS8nf43r

— Jordan Conradson (@ConradsonJordan) May 11, 2024

President Trump did a flyover of the MEGA MAGA crowd before he landed today.

This was incredible!

NOW: Trump Force One does a flyover of the 80,000+ patriot crowd in Wildwood, NJ

This rally is going to be INCREDIBLE! pic.twitter.com/npZkY5rLy8

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 11, 2024

President Trump told the MASSIVE gathering on Saturday that 100,000 were in attendance!


Around 100,000 Patriots showed up for President Trump Rally in NJ.


— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) May 11, 2024

Here’s another video of the MASSIVE crowd tonight in New Jersey.

Joe Biden sent his goons to indict Donald Trump on 91 criminal counts

MAGA responded by sending 100,000 people to the Jersey Shore to support him

They’ve attacked Trump at their own peril pic.twitter.com/qF9rQTbbNq

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) May 11, 2024

Daniel Baldwin has another video of the crowd 90 minutes before the rally started.

According to a source on the ground, there are an estimated 80,000 people in Wildwood today. pic.twitter.com/BPEX1rO9Gn

— Daniel Baldwin (@baldwin_daniel_) May 11, 2024




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32381c No.20854638

File: 606947cbe776fbf⋯.png (318.14 KB,548x480,137:120,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf38c41910e543c⋯.png (904.45 KB,1060x1026,530:513,hillary_neck_seam.png)

File: 5fce1ad4823ec3b⋯.png (250.92 KB,700x393,700:393,ford_neck_kavanaugh.PNG)

File: 1751ea748f28c1b⋯.png (184.72 KB,329x256,329:256,ruth_bader_ginsburg_scotus….png)


the neck lines weird me out. Like head transplant vibes

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6a028a No.20854639

File: 3b36f6a7f90a47c⋯.jpg (185.6 KB,1746x1281,582:427,3b36f6a7f90a47ccb44dbed5e2….jpg)

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3e3c1c No.20854640

File: 5c332163de377c0⋯.png (1.05 MB,535x706,535:706,IMG_0145.png)

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44a274 No.20854641

File: 27017a7e17a22d2⋯.png (301.26 KB,622x387,622:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



May 12, 2024 · 12:38 AM UTC



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94f810 No.20854642

File: 2461dce2b56afc7⋯.jpg (192.24 KB,1228x1600,307:400,Comfy_But_Watching.jpg)

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98781a No.20854643

File: 0af6565d495464f⋯.png (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,FF3BB609_C157_4D43_8655_E7….png)

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aecb0f No.20854644

File: 9c190a70020ebea⋯.jpg (6.68 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154765594411517583588623….jpg)

Dont worry about the ants sirius xm is online hardcore af

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7a5780 No.20854645

File: 89b6d9801f548d6⋯.jpg (5.76 KB,273x154,39:22,d7287ebd_acb5_4829_bd06_a0….jpg)


>Doesn't Ghislaine count.

Small Potatoes

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40fbff No.20854646


Hybrid Lizard Neck

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54502a No.20854647

Trump is going to turn New England Red!

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b4709b No.20854648


That's Antisemitic

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32381c No.20854649


>>Doesn't Ghislaine count.

>Small Potatoes

She's really not

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3c5037 No.20854650

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,7a889f8b07a801df5e6d559882….gif)

KEK. All they have is seethe and hate over personality that isn't within their control, nor can they defeat. Poor bastards.

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065808 No.20854651


I will totally obliterate the SES IP thieives Dig.

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e9a9e3 No.20854652

File: e51adcdb1009d55⋯.jpg (174.46 KB,826x533,826:533,MP_2024_CORRECTLY.jpg)

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94f810 No.20854653

File: 90d3be78d980589⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,356x360,89:90,KekIntensifies.JPG)

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9c3075 No.20854654

File: b4582aa8356a51a⋯.jpg (148.94 KB,1200x799,1200:799,EltonJohnLadyGaga1.jpg)

File: 617360d565f05a3⋯.gif (5.35 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_2016_ILLUMINATI_….gif)

File: f276ca804f7f892⋯.png (380.86 KB,533x501,533:501,doppelgangerroyalcousins.png)


Gaga's a disciple of Marina Abramovitch, the crazy performance artist who's Great-uncle was a leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church and friends with Rasputin (who was himself close friends of the Russian Royal Fam)

So that's a few degrees of separation only

How are these freaks so close to centers of power and supposed close elite (snobbish) society? - sorta like Saville (unsavory guy) in with the Brit royals? Rasputin (friend of Abramovitch fam - Great uncle) in with Royals of Russia (however not Russian, right?)

One degree of separation / to the doppelganger Royal Cousins George and Nicholas.

What are the chances Nicholas' death and that of his fam were faked? To lend sympathy on one side and stage the Communist division factor between classes, on the other?

How did a Jewish girl like Abramavitch end up with an uncle in a high position in the Eastern Orthodox Church?

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b4709b No.20854655

File: bd1fdad2b1bdde0⋯.png (153.28 KB,569x306,569:306,ClipboardImage.png)


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6f18a7 No.20854656

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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4df51a No.20854657

File: 2fabd7c25d46464⋯.jpg (48.37 KB,300x388,75:97,purplight.jpg)

moar purple

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816d01 No.20854658

File: 99653683c76451d⋯.png (472.87 KB,679x490,97:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae69bd No.20854659


why do they still call it twitter if it is now x?

dumbmother fuckers

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4f0725 No.20854660


Trump answered this for people like you last week who always mock me like I have a delusional problem. He said in a TS post: "evidence" NOTHING NEVER


For people like you who say I never have evidence or nothing, we got it a long time ago and they must have analyzed the dust that we get often and traced it back to Mr Hot Dog and Faucci in Wuhan. The 187 proves that this dust and the SCIF of energy weapons it is the number cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths and Americans are being targeted.

Reread my reveals here and pay attention: https://qresear.ch/?q=Pop+up+towers

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737cb6 No.20854661

File: 2c6884e72b9bde5⋯.png (606.31 KB,1038x596,519:298,ob.PNG)


Barack Obama’s Brother Says Former President Is Addicted To ‘Adrenochrome’

May 9, 2024 Baxter Dmitry

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7a6400 No.20854662

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,Victory.png)

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40fbff No.20854663



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94f810 No.20854664

File: 0b2cc53e016f41a⋯.jpg (97.31 KB,445x350,89:70,0b2cc53e016f41a71e06ba0ab8….jpg)


>Like head transplant vibes

Horror abounds everywhere…

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e6ab3e No.20854665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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065808 No.20854666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They didn't get the principle.

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ae69bd No.20854667

File: ad20eb07314c6a2⋯.png (395.55 KB,903x699,301:233,ClipboardImage.png)

SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

The following is from a press release by Kelly Walker at Lindell Offense Fund

Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers [Racine, Wisconsin]—May 6, 2024 As the second effort to recall embattled Speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives Robin Vos continues, so do unsubstantiated claims by the Vos camp.

Residents have shared a bright yellow-and-black mailer they received in the mail from “The Republican Party of Wisconsin, Authorized by Friends and Neighbors of Robin Vos.

The mailer warns people to “BEWARE” if you “get a knock on the door from someone wanting you to sign a petition. The mailer claims, without any apparent proof, that “this recall effort is under investigation.”

Caption: The mailer includes photos of recall workers taken without their knowledge

“I’m here to help recall a corrupt politician who’s been called out for accepting money from the Chinese Communist Party,” said one petition worker, “and now Vos is operating with their Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.orgmethods, using surveillance and intimidation. Our tax dollars are being used to endanger people participating in a legal recall effort. It just highlights the need to get people like this out of office.” “

Robin Vos is using communist China tactics to intimidate the citizens of his district,” allege Racine Recall organizers. “He posted all of the signers’ names online in a searchable database for neighbors in order to police those who wanted the recall. We have heard from residents that Vos himself is coming to doors begging them not to sign the new petition. Vos and his cronies are lying in mailers and advertisements. It’s despicable.”

One petition worker, Josias Andujar, is a Puerto Rican American. He shared a threat and racial slur he experienced: “I met the guy today that told us to go away at his house. He said that if he sees ‘that Mexican guy’ again he will ‘fuck him up.’ I’ve had residents threaten to ‘kick my ass’ and my image was used (without permission) in flyers accusing our campaign of illegal activity. We’re just collecting signatures to get the recall on the ballot. Nothing Illegal about that.”

“I’ve worked over 20 campaigns in the last 10 years as a petition circulator,” added Andujar. “This is the toughest campaign I have ever worked.”

Caption: Petition workers submitted this photo of people allegedly surveilling and photographing without permission Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

The first recall effort received over 10,000 signatures from Vos’s district, but narrowly failed after the congressman hired teams to scour signatures and remove as many as possible. Voss then used his position to change the boundaries of his district in the middle of the recall effort.

“Can you imagine the audacity to change boundaries and use your influence in the legislature to keep your position?” asked Vos Recall advocate, Mike Lindell. “That’s exactly what Robin Vos did.”

Caption: Mike Lindell in Real America’s Voice interview as recall petitioner looks on In spite of the fact that claims of non-citizen recall workers or recruitment of underage signers were thoroughly refuted by Burlington Police Chief, Brian Zmudzinski, the Vos counter-campaign continues to disseminate false claims.

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7ba45c No.20854668



Now not isolated to prokaryotes.

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816d01 No.20854669

File: 6095cf513751f7d⋯.png (451.64 KB,700x884,175:221,ClipboardImage.png)



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ae69bd No.20854670


“We have had some complaints regarding individuals collecting signatures for the recall Vos efforts,” wrote Zmudzinski during the first recall. “We have no reason to believe any of them involved employed migrants.” The Chief went on to refute a false claim that, “Several circulators were also found to be circulating petitions among students at Burlington High School without verifying whether the signers were 18 years old.” Citing the absence of complaints from the school’s faculty or students, he added, “I’m not sure where this information came from.”

A college-age petitioner submitted a statement via text in the zeitgeist of Gen-Z young people stepping up at universities around the country: Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

Caption: Among petition workers are college-age volunteers

As an American citizen and an 18-year-old voter, I recently traveled to Wisconsin to participate as a petitioner in efforts to recall Robin Vos. My experience was disheartening and concerning, as I encountered hostility and aggression from individuals opposed to our cause. Throughout my time in Wisconsin, I witnessed acts of aggression towards myself and my fellow volunteers. These included instances of physical harm, such as a dog bite, and verbal abuse, including being subjected to profanity and having doors slammed in our faces. Robin Vos’s response to our petitioning efforts has been equally disappointing. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, he chose to spread misinformation and propaganda, including claims of exorbitant costs associated with the recall process and labeling us as “con men” from out of state. Such tactics not only undermine the democratic process but also demonstrate a lack of respect for the rights of citizens to express their grievances and participate in political activities. It is imperative that we uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that elected officials are held accountable for their actions. I call on Robin Vos to engage in meaningful dialogue with his constituents and address the legitimate concerns raised by those seeking his recall. Furthermore, I urge my fellow citizens to remain vigilant and actively participate in the democratic process, despite the obstacles and challenges we may face. Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

“The Lindell Offense Fund will be there every step of the way giving support and needed media attention to this critical recall effort,” says Lindell, “making sure this effort is successful, providing volunteers, resources, media and even speaking on the ground to the people of Wisconsin.”

“Some of the people I talked to wanted to sign the petition but expressed fear of reprisals from Vos,” according to another worker, a 54-year-old father. “People are afraid of losing their jobs or being harassed by the Vos administration,” he said. “That is why they had to bring in some people from out of state, outside of this administration’s reach. I drove up from another state to help and I know the issue and the problems with Vos, but I’m not intimidated.” “

Over a week’s time helping with the recall, I had a few ask me where I’m from,” he added. “I told them I’m from the United States of America, and that should be enough. What’s happening in Wisconsin affects all of us. It isn’t about where I’m from, it’s about the people of Racine County having a voice. I took off work and spent time away from my family to help ensure they have one.”

About The Lindell Offense Fund, a 501(c)4 founded by Mike Lindell, is dedicated to securing U.S. elections on behalf of all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. The Lindell Plan for Secure Elections includes strategies, materials and staffing to promote transparency, fairness, and accountability to restore confidence in our elections. https://LindellPlan.com Media Contact: Kelly John


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b4709b No.20854671

File: 0925cea322fad3e⋯.png (119.83 KB,276x315,92:105,ClipboardImage.png)

of course

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816d01 No.20854672

File: 1942cec2683db14⋯.png (367.19 KB,699x797,699:797,ClipboardImage.png)

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92acb6 No.20854673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stormy Daniels Admits She's Into Demons

19K views · 4 hours ago.

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98781a No.20854674

File: 6c2cb9ce6b299b8⋯.jpeg (559.52 KB,1417x594,1417:594,E26574BD_F52B_4B60_98FF_9….jpeg)

File: 125ca324405208b⋯.jpeg (515.49 KB,828x982,414:491,B7CE5400_C2E6_4C86_9BDF_3….jpeg)

>>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069 pb

N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ

“As we ascend through the weather please leave your stowed belongings in the overhead bin or secured to that table in front of you…DAN PUT THAT LAPTOP DOWN, you have 3 seconds to comply!!!!…thank you”

>Some weather over the area from the west

Parked at the US Coast Guard Station..

Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

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ac2a51 No.20854675

Are negative blood people the cabal bloodlines?

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9c3075 No.20854676

File: 9e28fb98b2adf85⋯.gif (5.72 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_2016_ILLUMINATI_….gif)


wrong .gif

Gaga did the tribute to "Davey Jones" Bowie.

(another 'cut-out') at the Grammies '15

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6a028a No.20854677

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737cb6 No.20854678

File: 72914a91d420505⋯.png (1.76 MB,1480x918,740:459,pp.PNG)


"Ukrainians are GOD's chosen people" Zelensky says Putin is EVIL | Redacted w Natali & Clayton

Redacted News

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816d01 No.20854679

File: ffbd423c3bac6e8⋯.png (753.82 KB,701x832,701:832,ClipboardImage.png)

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92acb6 No.20854680

File: 08ce89557050892⋯.jpg (140.79 KB,720x1010,72:101,Screenshot_20240508_141811….jpg)

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ea49ef No.20854681

File: 1bfa3ffda5300d1⋯.png (714.34 KB,589x622,589:622,Kek_Pepe_fries.png)

File: f16e7946d6bdaf7⋯.png (204.19 KB,373x261,373:261,PEPE_KEK.png)

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9c3075 No.20854682


did Ruth also have a tumor on her back.


a woman might get a turkey neck when she gets old. But the color should match. There shouldn't be a line with different colors on each side.

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40fbff No.20854683

File: bf6648875d2b52b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,203.94 KB,444x350,222:175,20240511_212625.gif)

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737cb6 No.20854684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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435ca0 No.20854685


We're gonna need bigger stadiums

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065808 No.20854686


Admit it. Jew food is shit.

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ac2a51 No.20854687

We are in a simulation and are not supposed to know it.

How to escape?

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816d01 No.20854688

File: 6bec6e1df8d3ca2⋯.png (375.47 KB,640x405,128:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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89a078 No.20854689

File: d6416001162934b⋯.png (540.92 KB,1116x920,279:230,n65746b547654.png)

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6b06b2 No.20854690


Sounds like you are protecting them, you are not so anonymous.

President Trump and Q Team:

Fly a drone right now and take a look at my front steps, these chemicals are already turning black just like what was under our bedroom window just yesterday morning. You can see they even threatened us on this very board yesterday too.

>>>>20850736 pb

Arrest these people tonight.

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e9a9e3 No.20854691

File: a3a75c67890bed7⋯.jpg (146.19 KB,792x423,88:47,PLETHORA.jpg)

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816d01 No.20854692

File: 4dda6b44ec46911⋯.png (817.69 KB,693x924,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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98781a No.20854693

File: 97d88a205d62f29⋯.jpeg (560.96 KB,1371x615,457:205,E06756DF_415B_4116_B2E0_5….jpeg)


N757AF 757 heading SW to Palm Beach Intl and will be passing right over Rehoboth Beach (yellow in cap) in a few minutes as Potato makes his way there…Flauxtus already arrived

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6b06b2 No.20854694


>>20850736 pb Threat from yesterday that they made good on.

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816d01 No.20854695

File: 811fd8e6c2c5128⋯.png (276.91 KB,680x566,340:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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737cb6 No.20854696

File: 80a4c47c6c98753⋯.png (1.07 MB,612x823,612:823,convoy_by_air.PNG)

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94f810 No.20854697

File: 63b321472557e32⋯.jpg (81.07 KB,826x630,59:45,63b321472557e324b12793df03….jpg)


>Now not isolated to prokaryotes.

Nor to Pluto's brief return to the darkness of Capricornus. kekkle. However, we shall overcome. MAGA!

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0e3fd8 No.20854698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Positively brilliant.

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6a028a No.20854699


I figured it out! You're a shill AND mentally disabled.

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ae69bd No.20854700


fuckin sauce your posts, dipshit!

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9c3075 No.20854701


Dems want them to be colonists.

I call them that, since that's what they are supposed to be.

Maybe the truth will wake-up the numb-skulls.

"Illegals" also works

Libs also like to call them 'undocumented' - as though they are our Countrymen/woman with just as much right to be here as we have, but just don't have papers yet.

They think the new comers deserve it here moar than we did.

You might be skeptical, but i swear it's real.

You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it yourself and talked to these Marxists.

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9c3075 No.20854702


They think the new comers deserve it here moar than we do.

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92acb6 No.20854703

NBC News


Trump's sit-downs with foreign officials are 'annoying' some in Biden's camp

It’s not unusual for a presidential nominee to meet with foreign officials, but Trump's meetings have, at times, had the trappings of a state visit.

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92acb6 No.20854704



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0e3fd8 No.20854705

File: b75a5ad6751bc5f⋯.jpeg (326.42 KB,828x1119,276:373,6CF56C52_1D19_4FC9_AAC8_3….jpeg)

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69012f No.20854706


we can't, we have to finish watching the show

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32776e No.20854707

Who took away our freedoms during Covid and had businesses mandate a vaccine? Another need to look behind the curtain situation.

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967e5c No.20854708

It’s all lies, don’t fall for them.

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bc5528 No.20854709

File: 26e2d2580ed1fa1⋯.png (61.83 KB,1200x552,50:23,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)



#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA


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6b06b2 No.20854710


Nope your the shill and protecting them. You will hang with them as a co-conspirator.

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13886b No.20854711


Can't get to it. Paid subscription. Can you bring the article to the board please?

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41aea5 No.20854712

“I will never take away your freedom”

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44a274 No.20854713

File: a31fb8f90c06170⋯.jpg (216.99 KB,1300x936,25:18,une_tres_vieille_illustrat….jpg)

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21ea46 No.20854714


Leaving before the simulation is over is considered against the rules, but you can talk to the sysadmin at any time by praying.

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94f810 No.20854715

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,magapooh.jpg)


Noice. 07

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64f0ff No.20854716




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ea49ef No.20854717

File: fedac803c52dd4c⋯.png (1.94 MB,752x1194,376:597,A_bigger_stadium.png)

>We're gonna need bigger stadiums

>final estimate was 100k strong



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eeb397 No.20854718

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6a028a No.20854719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You will hang with them as a co-conspirator

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94f810 No.20854720

File: 5f7de04e3725d1d⋯.jpg (9.86 KB,210x161,30:23,fukkensaved.jpg)

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e2bd36 No.20854721

File: 09b561ca764561a⋯.png (27.97 KB,640x408,80:51,838_2_.png)

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92acb6 No.20854722


Guess MSG will be filled easily

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e2bd36 No.20854723

File: bfaa4a5d26453ab⋯.png (63.88 KB,640x660,32:33,219_1_.png)

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737cb6 No.20854724

File: db985b241cfd4fd⋯.png (1007.53 KB,840x858,140:143,gret.PNG)

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32381c No.20854725

File: acce6819b144682⋯.png (44.45 KB,629x804,629:804,ClipboardImage.png)



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0fe8a8 No.20854726


Absolutely amazing.

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3c5037 No.20854727

File: 7991187005f6a42⋯.jpg (38.72 KB,512x512,1:1,6C9B262EAC375651CB6068987E….jpg)

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8b27ea No.20854728

File: 12a4caecbe9f677⋯.png (207.2 KB,1940x364,485:91,sicut1.png)

File: 584a5005e757cdd⋯.png (812.94 KB,1954x1044,977:522,sicut2.png)

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ae69bd No.20854729

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e9a9e3 No.20854730

File: 4b3f4f65750ad7f⋯.jpg (147.08 KB,642x477,214:159,WIN_MEME_ENGINEER.jpg)

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065808 No.20854731

Carrie Grant ate a whole lot of top shelf Sandoz that Joe Rogan would sell his * for.

Look it up.

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94f810 No.20854732

File: 0d4130b746ccda8⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,500x536,125:134,0d4130b746ccda8269af11fb83….jpg)


>had the trappings of a state visit.

l'etat c'est Trump.

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8b27ea No.20854733

File: d1812ced243832c⋯.png (36 KB,340x326,170:163,series.png)

what series?

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ae69bd No.20854734

File: a5c4210bc49c3a5⋯.png (506 KB,622x945,622:945,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 001deae96d29205⋯.png (526.04 KB,598x680,299:340,ClipboardImage.png)


tyvm, holy shit that's real!

Malik Obama


Hitting that Adrenochrome


2:19 PM · May 5, 2024




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c5dea7 No.20854735


is anons Cassette/AM/FM Walkman gonna be ok?

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816d01 No.20854736

File: eda3c65d21cd7bf⋯.png (571.63 KB,905x608,905:608,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c5037 No.20854737

File: 762c20977e681f1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1098x1268,549:634,762c20977e681f1f5ed259d386….png)

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44a274 No.20854738

File: a8bc0a3458a4faa⋯.png (134.43 KB,632x425,632:425,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



.@realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

May 12, 2024 · 1:42 AM UTC



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065808 No.20854739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c5dea7 No.20854740


Kenneth Copeland?

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40fbff No.20854741

File: 25991deb628684c⋯.png (684.52 KB,840x858,140:143,db985b241cfd4fd125579d3779….png)

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98781a No.20854742

File: 6d13de481edf114⋯.png (228.22 KB,435x573,145:191,B89F0DD5_92EF_419F_B34C_32….png)

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aecb0f No.20854743

File: 376083d1a42f80b⋯.jpg (5.98 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154786716074327587780820….jpg)

Whoooooooops got the craic

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065808 No.20854744


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8b27ea No.20854745



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c5dea7 No.20854746



ooops was thinking Bing Crosby

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ae69bd No.20854747

File: 4c3f13d5bc76a12⋯.png (738.77 KB,1254x900,209:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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737cb6 No.20854748

File: 72e37d0f2505e7c⋯.png (80.19 KB,587x345,587:345,rn.PNG)



Revolver News


Pfizer very quietly agrees to settle 10,000 cancer lawsuits…



Pfizer very quietly agrees to settle 10,000 cancer lawsuits… - Revolver News

They lied again, what a shock.

May 10, 2024, 10:07 AM

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6e7479 No.20854749


I said it here a few times over the last months: Bidan will be replaced at the Demonrats Convention, He'll step aside and endorse Hillbeast. My main rational is that Mrs. Cabbage, Piss and Sulphur has been ded since 9/11/16 so the candidate will be fully controlled, like Bidan.

Big Mike can't do it, he's a pussy and bigly scared of being exposed. No, we're getting a re-match and DJT will trounce her again. Also, Big Mike is a sideshow to the criminal powers that are being exposed and so's his wife in a lot of ways. They're totally puppets, but the Clintons are the stinky cheese.

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aecb0f No.20854750

Ave maria plus gloric victoria

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737cb6 No.20854751

File: 83c7ad99fcfafe9⋯.png (690.94 KB,903x801,301:267,may_11.PNG)


Geomagnetic Storm (Solar Flare) Update

– May 11th

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/11/2024 9:48:48 PM

There was much said about the potential of “space weather” disruption prior to a series of solar flare outbursts or “Coronal Mass Ejection” (CME) events this weekend. However, despite some of the more alarming predictions, the geomagnetic issues appear to be minimal. The aurora, essentially widespread ‘Northern Lights’ was visible last night over northern part of the Northern Hemisphere. Canadians, Americans and Europeans were able to see a rare event. Typically, the Northern Lights are centered closer to the geomagnetic poles; however, with the sun storm interacting with the atmosphere the light display is visible further south Friday and Saturday night.

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0e3fd8 No.20854752

During the 1859 the telegraph operators were able to use their rigs with no power there was so much juice in the air?

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e9a9e3 No.20854753

File: 49fe1ac388ef45f⋯.jpg (74.69 KB,635x561,635:561,SUNNY.jpg)

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98781a No.20854754

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280ff1 No.20854755


That REALLY should be a gif

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92acb6 No.20854756

File: 5e48ca6f2a947e9⋯.jpg (80.24 KB,483x675,161:225,Screenshot_20240511_214758….jpg)

File: 6c8362b1f706c2c⋯.jpg (34.92 KB,346x386,173:193,Screenshot_20240511_214743….jpg)

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3f5085 No.20854757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What if The Storm Ends?

- Snow Patrol

Sky Event



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ae69bd No.20854758

File: 8bb187b49a6e1f3⋯.png (858.6 KB,888x719,888:719,ClipboardImage.png)



Hey Democrats - how is that lawfare working for you? 

May 11, 2024, 5:59 PM


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3c5037 No.20854759

File: e4c5c31dc20f75b⋯.png (860.28 KB,1148x647,1148:647,e4c5c31dc20f75b4ec97e97126….png)

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3f7a87 No.20854760


>We are in a simulation

Do we often talk to our self?

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aecb0f No.20854761

File: 3e7c752a66b3255⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154789106077724765708918….jpg)

6 avigigilon runs rch

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0e3fd8 No.20854762

File: 64d0c92df0c5f0e⋯.jpeg (239.89 KB,703x631,703:631,1D8AF5DF_6FEE_4A93_AF51_9….jpeg)

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065808 No.20854763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ae69bd No.20854764

>>20854745 his brother saying that, not about the pic

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b4709b No.20854765

File: f2fe58c0404dd3a⋯.png (964.99 KB,779x821,779:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f536a No.20854766

File: 49595226d6a429e⋯.png (259.8 KB,518x276,259:138,7d6bdd425d0058832ee31bb0ca….png)

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ea49ef No.20854767

File: c377ade09eab19c⋯.png (57.75 KB,1151x304,1151:304,Boom_Eric_Trump_Tweet.png)

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98781a No.20854768

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,9BD1DA7A_D14A_4DE7_8F57_F….jpeg)



The double can’t handle it or they would have put it in back in 2016


They will not miss an opportunity to place a Getty in the WH by hook or crook. Remember we were two incidents (attempted assassinations and the second one the chick didn’t load it properly) away from a Rockefeller as POTUS. The Ford attempts and he was only around for 18 months

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0e3fd8 No.20854769

File: 555757dbc7a2429⋯.jpeg (120.44 KB,828x710,414:355,7C15FE5C_69D1_4AC5_A859_F….jpeg)

File: 5355c381157f81c⋯.jpeg (160.68 KB,828x1022,414:511,AA13C57E_C1BD_4B3E_9012_9….jpeg)

File: adfd71550e9ee32⋯.jpeg (67.56 KB,828x477,92:53,CFDA32C6_0DFE_4B2D_A3D1_B….jpeg)

File: 606266d5edce1a8⋯.jpeg (94.94 KB,828x537,276:179,E1E674E5_88AD_40E5_9146_4….jpeg)

File: c762f89235cde35⋯.jpeg (136.92 KB,828x1335,276:445,D5A030C1_BC42_4B98_9142_3….jpeg)

What's with the deep purple?

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6a028a No.20854770


Your meme reminds me of the Sons of God who fell being cursed to watch their offspring die, over and over and over.

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21ea46 No.20854771


It's too late to change the candidate. Whoever is running will have to wear a biden mask, be a clone, or be a computer-generated-only-on-tv sock puppet.

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0e3fd8 No.20854772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8b27ea No.20854773

File: 74c632f64c67946⋯.png (1.14 MB,980x1182,490:591,just1mo.png)

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d641af No.20854774

File: 6e210bb9d7cff18⋯.jpg (265.66 KB,720x1190,72:119,Locke_.jpg)

DJT'''Trump Media & Technology

Group Corp.'''

$51.20 per share

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4df51a No.20854776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d641af No.20854777


DJTTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.

$51.20 per share

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737cb6 No.20854778

File: 40e86428ec8209a⋯.png (407.85 KB,594x507,198:169,sp.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


HAARP or Solar Storm? Public Speculates Northern Lights Were Man-Made Following Experiment on Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Last May 8-10 via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

3:04 PM · May 11, 2024




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816d01 No.20854779

File: 9217f18307ea675⋯.png (517.62 KB,537x1193,537:1193,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea49ef No.20854780

File: ad58ef5ce6957ce⋯.png (736.21 KB,1306x1494,653:747,The_best_is_yet_to_come_Fr….png)

"THE BEST IS YET TO COME!" - Frank Sinatra


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15f3a3 No.20854781


>the neck lines weird me out. Like head transplant vibes

more like the fringe of the latex mask over the head of the stand-in du jour

hrc been ded for yrs

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32381c No.20854782

File: d310443053aaefb⋯.png (1.16 MB,999x871,999:871,biden_bidan.png)


>we're getting a re-match and DJT will trounce her again

sounds scary and fun



>He'll step aside

I don't think so.

Too much AI programming invested in that fucka. May as well play it through. Why switch it up for a few months. That's a lot of expense and retooling

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a19ff5 No.20854783


it talks about itself projecting it upon others.

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97a511 No.20854784


Pretty sure Russia Saved your Asses

& Canada was there too

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ed834f No.20854785

File: 8488be254b1b0e2⋯.png (9.02 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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54726b No.20854786

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aa07df No.20854787

File: 91b21cca733800a⋯.jpeg (311.4 KB,1080x720,3:2,id5628424_corn_GMO2_Recov….jpeg)

The US–Mexico Dispute Over GM Corn Safety Could Transform American Agriculture


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5868dc No.20854788

File: f3cd923ac4eb390⋯.gif (976.8 KB,500x381,500:381,f3cd923ac4eb39066e0029e642….gif)


That's just where the rope goes.

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e9a9e3 No.20854789

File: 166f758405d82e2⋯.jpg (180.04 KB,645x506,645:506,ABOVE_AND_BEYOND.jpg)

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15f3a3 No.20854790


if this were a simulation, i'd have more superpowers

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3c5037 No.20854791

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)

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737cb6 No.20854792


Guy just said Take a picture with your phone

you might see something in the image later <<

? Is this thing broadcasting at 1080i or something ?

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4df51a No.20854793


You have more than you know.

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44a274 No.20854794

File: e36587f3c0b5cf8⋯.png (493.43 KB,818x961,818:961,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_2….png)

File: 5b6a4130e871558⋯.jpg (85.1 KB,646x992,323:496,melania_donald_trump_1999_….jpg)

Leading Report



BREAKING: Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York.

Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points.

She said Trump was a “really good boss,” was “hardworking,” and was very concerned about what his wife Melania thought about pretty much everything.

May 11, 2024 · 7:03 PM UTC


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97a511 No.20854795

A. Qteam can see the Future

B. Qteam is Talking to the Past

C. Qteam can create Sky Events

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4b7184 No.20854796

File: 937c09e153aebff⋯.jpeg (127.79 KB,714x489,238:163,4129A47B_9E57_49C5_A6C0_1….jpeg)


Fucking KEK

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ea49ef No.20854797

File: e3f1d19e6c93e38⋯.png (238.85 KB,513x515,513:515,autism_is_my_superpower_pe….png)


>if this were a simulation, i'd have more superpowers

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2e1fb7 No.20854798

File: 946ae1f02f4d10a⋯.mp4 (494.17 KB,720x370,72:37,backflip.mp4)


>How to escape?


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97a511 No.20854799


(you) are more than you know

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9c3075 No.20854800

File: 6f54b9c05576233⋯.jpg (75.12 KB,398x600,199:300,bushchenyoil.jpg)

File: 9caba0d97f4b420⋯.png (173.16 KB,714x508,357:254,fbiburiesabone8.png)

File: 6bf75f304a9e5bf⋯.jpg (108.67 KB,897x741,23:19,fbiplantngP.jpg)

File: fa12c8c8717556f⋯.jpg (16.84 KB,87x84,29:28,mueller.jpg)

File: 89b16dfa234dcec⋯.jpg (36.11 KB,322x322,1:1,news_graphics_2006_611160a.jpg)


staged crime scene

Bet it wasn't the first time they did that.

Wait a second.

Isn't that second nature to them?

that's all the do?

from "weapons of mass destruction"



Guns in New Zeeland?

Papers of D.J. Trump

to wrap around smear of "Russia Russia" fame with the faked "memo" of Comey, Fbi director.

To the passports of the alleged suicide bombers.

I could keep going but you get the idea.

What have they ever done that was honest.


Still waiting.

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ed834f No.20854801

File: 3f4f068b74c101d⋯.png (63.13 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)
















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816d01 No.20854802

File: c67b8c3501bf00e⋯.png (427.85 KB,890x603,890:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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92acb6 No.20854803

File: 46ff8484d561e91⋯.jpg (88.71 KB,669x562,669:562,Fsptr.jpg)

What color is the sky this night?

Asking for the colorblind

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32381c No.20854804


that's a very intriguing possibility

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8b3f4b No.20854805

File: 77ad9b62e12a78d⋯.png (323.26 KB,1085x888,1085:888,May122024.png)

Is tomorrow the day?

How the sun could wipe us out

A burst of plasma would set in motion a devastating cascade of failures

Bret Weinstein

JULY 19, 2021

The world began to end on 12th May 2024,though another 309 years would pass before our species finally went extinct. The apocalypse was not the result of one thing, unless that one thing was that we repeatedly ignored signs that industrial civilisation had become increasingly fragile, even as it grew ever more powerful. But our end very definitely had a trigger.A burst of charged plasma from the sun caused the sudden, simultaneous collapse of numerous electrical grids across the world,setting in motion a cascade of devastating failures from which humanity would never recover.

In one regard, this was perfectly predictable. In any given decade since the grid’s invention, there was a one in eight chance that such an electrical collapse could occur. In 2013, a report had warned that an extreme geomagnetic storm was almost inevitable, and would induce huge currents in Earth’s transmission lines. This vulnerability could, with a little effort, have been completely addressed for a tiny sum of money — less than a tenth of what the world invested annually in text messaging prior to the great collapse of 2024.

And it wasn’t as if the profits of some powerful industry depended on leaving the vulnerability open; the fossil fuel industry had a reason to oppose sustainable power, but the grid’s vulnerability enriched no one. In fact, every person on Earth stood to benefit from fixing the flaw. And yet it remained, never a priority, perhaps because nobody could predict when the fuse would be lit.

The burst of plasma leapt from the Sun’s surface on 9 May, 2024.It was detected by Earthbound space-weather observers, who track these dangerous Coronal Mass Ejections. They made the usual calculations and issued the standard warnings. Had the grid been promptly disconnected, the crisis might have been lessened. But as was invariably the case with geomagnetic storms, they could not say how seriously — or even if — this burst would disrupt power, so the scientists’ warnings were largely ignored by grid managers, who don’t like blacking out vast areas on the remote chance of a severe problem. Crossing fingers had worked pretty well in the past. This time it did not.

Continued at site…


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3f7a87 No.20854806

File: c9794540f30fdd9⋯.png (757.6 KB,493x810,493:810,highPriestess.png)


>lady Gaga

The High Priestess

Donned in White Cloth

Stands between the pillars (Ie: Twin Towers)

Controls the flow of the waters (collective consciousness)

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44a274 No.20854807

File: c3e80335dd0925c⋯.png (334.81 KB,615x448,615:448,ClipboardImage.png)


>We are in




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bc5528 No.20854808


…No, you're peddling fear pron.

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065808 No.20854809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9a9e3 No.20854810

File: 5926d6e00315b8b⋯.jpg (300.46 KB,749x589,749:589,FOR_A_REASON.jpg)

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97a511 No.20854811


I see no evidence of this occurring

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fd12ab No.20854812


I am addicted to fear porn. How do I stop?

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aa07df No.20854813


US health advocacy groups support Mexico in GMO trade dispute


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32381c No.20854814

File: d4813301bbb35bc⋯.png (38.99 KB,316x180,79:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a695d220cce37f⋯.png (41.11 KB,225x180,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>Leaving before the simulation is over

THX1138 ending

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5868dc No.20854815

File: 24725192b274766⋯.png (99.87 KB,300x200,3:2,0qVP2_1469827818_5172_list….png)


Horse faced pony solder.

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3c5037 No.20854816

File: 505abb1573683d3⋯.png (263.95 KB,564x378,94:63,505abb1573683d3eb3512d4be0….png)

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92acb6 No.20854817


Follow the wives

He said first Lady at least three times

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90970e No.20854818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Puppy dog tails..

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4b7184 No.20854819



The dems can swap out their candidate if they: die, become ill or just plain quit.

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e27b18 No.20854820

File: 50c46f685e3bfd3⋯.png (144.25 KB,269x323,269:323,ClipboardImage.png)


>Bret Weinstein

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7ba45c No.20854821


She is seated in illustration.

Seated is not standing.

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15f3a3 No.20854822


>How the sun could wipe us out (carrington event)

it would wipe out the technologically advanced (addicted) societies almost overnight

it would NOT affect aboriginal peoples still living on the edges

they might not even notice, except they wouldn't see any more high altitude airplanes

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3f7a87 No.20854823

File: 19914c66ac35b43⋯.png (1.57 MB,1627x810,1627:810,3bodyProblem.png)


>Qteam can create Sky Events

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ea49ef No.20854824

File: f9b86cf4bf7ef75⋯.png (712.14 KB,767x573,767:573,President_Trump_and_Macron….png)

File: 2577dda79edcc31⋯.png (908.46 KB,1200x1060,60:53,POTUS_and_macron_POTUS_fig….png)

File: 375db9e35169abe⋯.png (751.06 KB,1352x776,169:97,MAGA_MACRON_TRUMP_1255.png)

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44a274 No.20854826

File: 8e844b89e430157⋯.png (25.3 KB,613x191,613:191,ClipboardImage.png)



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90970e No.20854827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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32381c No.20854828



Hell of a ride down & back up last month

Seems like the naked shorts (Citadel et al) got cold feet When Devin tried taking it to congress to remove the loophole for 'market makers'

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7ba45c No.20854829


Them Mennonites would perish in the void.

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6e7479 No.20854830


>Too much AI programming invested in that fucka. May as well play it through. Why switch it up for a few months. That's a lot of expense and retooling


They could tone down the dementia level in the script. Seems like they're just ramping it up though. Since Biden's ded too, can he be prosecuted? Seems like Bidan's usefulness for exposing the corruption of OGBiden is about played. Q said the script would be good, About time for another leading actor steps back in for full character development and exposure.


Yeah, makes sense but Newscum ain't ded so not as controlled.


Not too late, D's can choose anyone at they're convention.

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97a511 No.20854831


haarp, I just died in your arms tonight

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737cb6 No.20854833

File: 0ea4d27299817e2⋯.png (371 KB,606x487,606:487,date.PNG)


Dr David Cartland


Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries

Russell Sumner LinkedIn

From westernstandard.news

12:18 AM · May 11, 2024




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e9a9e3 No.20854834

File: f766332a75103cc⋯.jpg (110.54 KB,498x578,249:289,PAPER_IS_BEST.jpg)

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3f7a87 No.20854835


>Seated is not standing.

standing above the 'presidents' is a symbol in itself. Hierarchy.

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15f3a3 No.20854836


>…No, you're peddling fear pron.

no… you have your head up your TV's ass and you're sucking hopium out of technologies rancid teat

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e82fdd No.20854837

File: 5945220febf2807⋯.png (1021.94 KB,1920x968,240:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54bba7faac71e07⋯.png (1020.9 KB,1660x805,332:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Thinking that one of the helos used as Marine One is aboard this C-17.


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b4709b No.20854838

Rothschild Zionist state of Israel is Satanic.


Has murdered people every day of its existence!

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ed834f No.20854839

File: faa460a5ac448f5⋯.png (21.25 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)
















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a19ff5 No.20854840


how do you stop?

by meditation to the Holy Spirit to show you the truth and to give you the insight to see through manipulation and propaganda.

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bc5528 No.20854841


…You can blindly assume, as the ass that you are.

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a0d743 No.20854842

File: 3d7d5161e04d5cd⋯.jpg (4.6 MB,4608x3456,4:3,17154805038936468682791510….jpg)


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816d01 No.20854843

File: a86fe374434a709⋯.png (579.41 KB,547x680,547:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f3a3 No.20854844


truedope is coming for you….

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9f1e62 No.20854845

File: 4ff70f11531c8dd⋯.jpg (255.34 KB,860x1280,43:64,lybarger_castlefaggot_cove….jpg)

File: d5b448706966285⋯.webp (37.36 KB,700x706,350:353,y0d5uch95qo31.webp)

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e82fdd No.20854846


>Paper Ballots

Sure, if you are declawed.

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0a8573 No.20854847

File: 8718cf05cf955ab⋯.jpg (54.69 KB,557x622,557:622,8718cf05cf955ab59ea5467be0….jpg)

File: 3d0efdb27d444c0⋯.png (818.33 KB,1080x584,135:73,3d0efdb27d444c07a417924892….png)

File: 1ec77beaf67c6bc⋯.png (717.23 KB,988x966,494:483,1ec77beaf67c6bc610935ae821….png)

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7ba45c No.20854849


Your postulate implies a violation of keeping the sabbath.

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97a511 No.20854850

File: de386d82cd889b6⋯.png (668.82 KB,733x584,733:584,ClipboardImage.png)

Impact Imminent

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a0d743 No.20854851

Phimosis code 1 a 010100101010101010101 r is here e online all networks engaged fire when ready amen

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0fe8a8 No.20854852

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32381c No.20854853

File: 9632470af58b919⋯.png (20.88 KB,470x48,235:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b7e69d20a49128⋯.jpeg (357.18 KB,2252x1283,2252:1283,Grateful.jpeg)

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a0d743 No.20854854

Circuit tripped breaker f

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90970e No.20854855

File: a1e2610f4843549⋯.jpg (1.87 KB,72x99,8:11,Z_15_.jpg)

File: 5b7e55589ffa377⋯.jpg (14.04 KB,311x162,311:162,2Q_27_.jpg)

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816d01 No.20854856

File: 674afdcbc909681⋯.png (661.93 KB,639x633,213:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f3a3 No.20854857


hope you live in a large metropolitan area

you'll be one of the first to be murdered

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9c3075 No.20854858

File: 0a6515d22f25d2a⋯.jpg (50.89 KB,429x322,429:322,shanksville.jpg)

File: d4eb18a448f957a⋯.jpeg (38.18 KB,430x336,215:168,planeparts.jpeg)

File: 16afa50cd255114⋯.jpg (71.89 KB,559x443,559:443,plantedparts7_69_landing_g….jpg)

File: 8c369b166415eff⋯.jpg (13.38 KB,367x243,367:243,10.jpg)

File: cf06713ba7e0ae8⋯.jpg (33.98 KB,605x322,605:322,pentagonattack.jpg)


that's all they do?

Shanksville - planted the flight recorder.

Plane parts in NYC

and at the Pentagon.

etc. etc.

"Magic Bullet" was a planted evidence

Perhaps they feel they 've done so much crime and are so deep in the deal of betraying the American people that they are therefore "Too Big to Fail"



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b4709b No.20854859


>Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries

In a groundbreaking ruling, an Australian court has declared that employers who mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees will be legally liable for any injuries caused by the jab. This decision has far-reaching implications for businesses around the world, as it sets a precedent for the responsibility that employers hold when requiring their staff to get vaccinated.

The Employment Tribunal in South Australia issued this ruling, which has sparked a debate among legal experts, healthcare professionals, and business owners. The court’s decision highlights the importance of considering the potential risks associated with mandatory vaccination policies and the need for employers to protect their employees’ well-being.

This ruling comes at a time when vaccination mandates are becoming increasingly common in workplaces, as companies strive to create a safe and healthy environment for their employees. However, the court’s decision serves as a stark reminder that employers must carefully consider the consequences of such mandates and take appropriate measures to mitigate any potential risks.

The ruling also raises questions about the legal implications of vaccine mandates and the extent of employers’ liability in cases of vaccine-related injuries. It underscores the need for businesses to seek legal advice and implement comprehensive policies to address these issues effectively.

Employers must now navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding vaccine mandates and ensure that they are fully aware of their legal obligations. This ruling serves as a wake-up call for businesses to review their vaccination policies and take steps to protect themselves from potential liability.

The court’s decision has also sparked discussions about the broader implications of vaccine mandates on individual rights and freedoms. While vaccination is crucial in the fight against COVID-19, some argue that mandating vaccines infringes on personal autonomy and raises ethical concerns.


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fd12ab No.20854860


Holy Spirit reveals that I am lost and really messed up and if I don't straighten up I will burn in hell. It's the best fear porn out there.

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c5dea7 No.20854862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9a9e3 No.20854863

File: 168fec2c9eb8455⋯.jpg (116.52 KB,539x582,539:582,NO_DEALS.jpg)

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e82fdd No.20854864


the reflection in the sunglasses seems a bit out of context for the setting of the image

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737cb6 No.20854865

File: e1e57ccaabb7a45⋯.png (344.79 KB,797x427,797:427,en.PNG)



US says Israel may have breached international law with American weapons in Gaza

H.A.A.R.P ends 2 day test

Northern lights seen around the world, and as far south as Florida

Appeals court upholds Steve Bannon's conviction for contempt of Congress

At least 50 people dead after flash floods in Afghanistan

Barron Trump declines invitation to be delegate at Republican convention

Popular maker of sriracha sauce is temporarily halting production

Woman found living in Michigan grocery store sign

Target says it's cutting back on Pride merchandise at some stores

Matthew 4:19

Can you throw a spiral?


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7a5780 No.20854866

File: 85480c338b1a47d⋯.jpg (322.66 KB,2290x1252,1145:626,Mrpigsucksballs1.jpg)

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97a511 No.20854867

File: c465f3187907f68⋯.png (2.8 MB,974x1067,974:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


should have listened to Anons and you wouldn't be in this boat

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a19ff5 No.20854868



you are not interacting with the Holy Spirit if you think that.

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ed834f No.20854869

File: a0d61f1eaf61918⋯.png (52.7 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)
















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e82fdd No.20854870


>No Deals

<No Meals

Mr. Ping

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90970e No.20854871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aa07df No.20854872


South American country seeks ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu


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1fe037 No.20854873

File: 82292d77c1d021e⋯.png (198.87 KB,418x528,19:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a06d514b70ef2c7⋯.png (902.13 KB,1496x731,88:43,ClipboardImage.png)


How's this for a coinkindink!

The heads of settler communities in northern Israel plan to announce a secession from the State of Israel in the coming days, in protest against the Israeli government's inaction in returning the tens of thousands of settlers who have been displaced from the Galilee by Hezbollah.

The decision came at a recent meeting of the Conflict Zone Forum and is expected to be formally announced on 15 May, Independence Day for Israelis and Nakba Day for Palestinians. 

“It was decided to announce on Independence Day the establishment of the State of Galilee and unilateral disengagement from the State of Israel. This extreme step will be accompanied by additional actions,” according to a 9 May report by Hebrew news outlet Walla. 

Walla reports that the “straw that broke [the camel’s back]” was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to war cabinet member Benny Gantz’s statement at a recent meeting. According to Channel 12, Gantz urged that settlers displaced from the north be returned to their homes by 1 September, with Netanyahu saying, “What will happen if they return a few months after 1 September,” signaling that he is in no rush to deal with the situation.

The premier’s comment triggered a wave of anger among displaced residents of the north and the heads of settler communities. Upper Galilee Regional Council head Giora Zaltz told Channel 12 that he is working to return the settlers even without government approval. 

“We can’t wait for a decision from someone who never decides,” he said, referring to Netanyahu.

In early April, the representatives of settler communities in the Conflict Zone Forum had posted advertisements inviting proposals “to be submitted for an alternative government in Israel.” 

“The full details of the tender can be found in the hotels and the accommodation apartments of the displaced throughout the country, with the business owners who collapsed in the north, in the dead tourism areas in the north, and in the offices of the authorities in the north.”

Displaced settlers of the north currently residing in Haifa and Jerusalem have organized protests for 16 May. 

The organizers plan to protest under the banner: “No to a political agreement with Hezbollah” and call for the “restoration of security through military action … This is a battle that we must fight together … a fight for our freedom, our honor and the future of our children. We the people of the north will not be silent.”

Thousands are expected to participate in the protests. 

On 8 May, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned troops during a meeting that a “hot summer” awaits them, hinting at what Gallant and other officials have been warning about for months – an escalation of military operations against Lebanon. 

The warning came the same day that an Israeli soldier was killed by a Hezbollah attack on Israel’s Al-Malikiya military site. The soldier was the third to be killed by Hezbollah since Monday. 

On Sunday, dozens of Hezbollah rockets struck the Kiryat Shmona settlement. The attack was carried out in response to an Israeli airstrike that killed an entire Lebanese family the day before. 

“If there is no clear [government] decision [to deal with the threat], the Kaplan Street (Tel Aviv) protests will be child's play compared to what we are planning soon,” said Avichai Stern, mayor of Kiryat Shmona, after the rocket attack. 

Hezbollah began daily operations against Israeli military sites near the Lebanese border on 8 October in solidarity with Gaza and in support of the Palestinian resistance. These operations have recently intensified, including a surge in precise drone attacks on military sites, command headquarters, and troop gatherings. 

Tens of thousands of settlers from the north are dispersed across Israel as a result. They have repeatedly complained since the start of the war that Netanyahu’s government has done little to accommodate them and have shown significant frustration over the Israeli army’s failure to push Hezbollah away from the border.

The US and France have proposed de-escalation initiatives aimed at ending the fighting and pressuring the resistance group to withdraw from the border region. Yet the initiatives have failed, and Hezbollah has repeatedly vowed to continue attacking Israel until the war in Gaza is brought to an end. 


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b4709b No.20854874


indeed it does kek

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44a274 No.20854875

File: 3c8aeefd7ccec7a⋯.png (367.22 KB,622x553,622:553,ClipboardImage.png)



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74a321 No.20854876

What is love?

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fd12ab No.20854877


I get excited when pastor talks about fire and brimstone. Everyone else is scared but I really get off on that fear porn. It's addicting. Why do you think I am here on this board tonight?

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9c3075 No.20854878


Barry's bigger than you think.

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ea49ef No.20854879

File: a63d97157a23bfc⋯.png (2.27 MB,1296x1488,27:31,Ya_I_know.png)

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e9a9e3 No.20854880

File: e1fee55e6c80a9c⋯.jpg (143.28 KB,563x598,563:598,PARAKEET_OPS.jpg)

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a19ff5 No.20854881


because you want conflict?

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e9a9e3 No.20854882

File: 75c30aecf09eaf5⋯.jpg (72.48 KB,589x406,589:406,1_AND_ONLY_REDUX.jpg)

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0fe8a8 No.20854883


Beautiful. Thank you!

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b4709b No.20854884

File: d9450790ceae59c⋯.png (80.07 KB,186x215,186:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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816d01 No.20854885


lakeside command centre

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9c3075 No.20854886

File: 2bbb65aa2506b26⋯.jpg (247.56 KB,800x600,4:3,ObamaMerkel10.jpg)

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90970e No.20854887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c5037 No.20854888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3f7a87 No.20854889


>Holy Spirit reveals that I am lost and really messed up and if I don't straighten up I will burn in hell.

At least Satan tells me to be careful because he's always plotting against me.

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c5dea7 No.20854890

File: 945d7013c21d126⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,175x255,35:51,945d7013c21d12681c833479b6….jpg)

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046620 No.20854891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c5dea7 No.20854892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed834f No.20854893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf9061 No.20854894


Try midget porn as a substitute.

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ed834f No.20854895

File: 4f9264f6524bec5⋯.png (29.71 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)
















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737cb6 No.20854896

File: d914baf43deec16⋯.png (233.68 KB,385x412,385:412,vi.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr. On Visit To Dr. Peter Navarro In Prison: “This Guy Is Just A Patriot. He's In Prison For Nonsense.” @ RealPNavarro


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92acb6 No.20854897


Very nice

Bet Trump breaks records going forward.

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714a46 No.20854898

File: 07b7c85028f5b1f⋯.png (217.92 KB,384x384,1:1,Smug24.png)

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ea49ef No.20854899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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90970e No.20854900

File: cf085eff58915ab⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_20_.jpg)

File: 734889108bfb607⋯.jpg (8.09 KB,194x259,194:259,images_107_.jpg)

File: 78ec8c36246069d⋯.jpg (5.97 KB,181x278,181:278,2Q_21_.jpg)

File: b11026b79bcfe66⋯.jpg (7.66 KB,275x183,275:183,images_123_.jpg)

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e27b18 No.20854901

File: 7277606bef4c193⋯.png (326.95 KB,632x621,632:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f0139 No.20854902

File: 5561d2e2d746436⋯.jpeg (44.99 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_4881.jpeg)


> We are in a simulation and are not supposed to know it.

> How to escape?

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b4709b No.20854903

File: 5e99e8a867b5d48⋯.png (15.53 KB,586x99,586:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f3a3 No.20854904

File: 397928699d5c083⋯.jpg (10.66 KB,259x194,259:194,images_7.jpg)

File: ae1fb174041f290⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,424x619,424:619,usair_427_2.jpg)

File: 0a6515d22f25d2a⋯.jpg (50.89 KB,429x322,429:322,0a6515d22f25d2a72fab271569….jpg)


THESE photos are the debris field from a piddly little 737 that crashed near greater pitt a few yrs back….

now compare those to the photo of the ALLEGED crash site of a 757 near shanksville

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e9a9e3 No.20854905

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,513x379,513:379,THE_PLAN.jpg)

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4df51a No.20854906



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fd12ab No.20854907


Best plans are the ones you don't know.

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44a274 No.20854908

File: 77fc36c54c6700c⋯.png (494.52 KB,622x461,622:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a77dd52f54a8e02⋯.png (453.12 KB,353x537,353:537,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



May 11, 2024 · 5:33 PM UTC


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3c5037 No.20854909

File: a1628406086ecd5⋯.png (589.01 KB,600x673,600:673,a1628406086ecd58c78ed11655….png)


Love has no cost or condition.

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9c3075 No.20854910

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,piezchenic.mp4)


Piezenik , who is also Jewish, mentioned it recently

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3f7a87 No.20854911


>What is love?

Complete lack of fear.

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e9a9e3 No.20854912

File: 1775138c837f66e⋯.jpg (6.9 KB,189x185,189:185,LUV_WINNING.jpg)

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816d01 No.20854913

File: 899995d63c54d35⋯.png (914.87 KB,884x723,884:723,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc5528 No.20854914

File: 9b902432f65bddd⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,600x900,2:3,GLf_mJzaoAELA3s.jpg)



#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637, >>20854692 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

>>20854738 @DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

>>20854794 Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York. Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points


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90970e No.20854915

File: cc973eb7bc034e8⋯.jpg (429.71 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_193927….jpg)

File: 12b2b0c1807ca0f⋯.jpg (486.55 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_194016….jpg)

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1b9e07 No.20854916

File: 5ea17d1551ab922⋯.png (631.39 KB,1200x1793,1200:1793,1200px_Magnetic_North_Pole….png)


Not only did the Carrington Event take place in 1859 but also a shift in the magnetic pole.

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816d01 No.20854917

File: 522ec115b5f468c⋯.png (332.14 KB,795x463,795:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e7479 No.20854918


No. You're on your own. Well, you and your brain worm.

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3f7a87 No.20854919


>Piezenik , who is also Jewish

Benjamin Friedman

Bobby Fisher

Jesus Christ

and many, many others have 'named the jew' as the enemy of humanity. Truth is a mighty God.

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bb02c0 No.20854920

File: b1eff0947fcf5d5⋯.png (612.45 KB,947x856,947:856,DQ.png)


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21ea46 No.20854921

File: c797a299fd1dc06⋯.png (202.6 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a8573 No.20854922

File: 3dadc71a94c0034⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,544x459,32:27,3dadc71a94c00343c3e59d97ae….jpg)

File: da89887f57a0062⋯.png (948.73 KB,550x761,550:761,Stollen.png)

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816d01 No.20854923

File: 619c6fce9bc2c95⋯.png (612.71 KB,667x960,667:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ac08b No.20854924

File: d945eb80b6e7719⋯.png (440.13 KB,500x511,500:511,3glq.png)

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6e7479 No.20854925


If that's accurate then the pole is closer to…the pole.

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b4709b No.20854926

File: c2bb29b9c511c45⋯.png (810.9 KB,836x765,836:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9a9e3 No.20854927

File: 9efb19a6c0c54c1⋯.jpg (111.33 KB,491x567,491:567,FRENS.jpg)



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6e7479 No.20854928


That doesn't even look like Kissinger and your post is sauceless

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ea49ef No.20854929

File: 88de1565cc143e0⋯.png (571.26 KB,2162x1028,1081:514,Merkel_loses_her_mind_arou….png)

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3c5037 No.20854930

File: 792edc8d2dda6da⋯.gif (1.87 MB,320x180,16:9,ayw.gif)


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e82fdd No.20854931


you and your friends are board parasites

nothing more

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687013 No.20854932


He's making the hand sign.

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aa07df No.20854933

Urinary biomonitoring of glyphosate exposure among male farmers and nonfarmers in the Biomarkers of Exposure and Effect in Agriculture (BEEA) study


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abf8e3 No.20854934

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9c3075 No.20854936


Why mis-characterize what Piezenik said?


"enemy of humanity" ?

That's your line.

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6e7479 No.20854937


At least she had the courtesy not to just stick her hand out.

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15f3a3 No.20854938



WAITING FOR THE NEXT CME: A geomagnetic storm is underway, but it is minor (G1). Conditions won't intensify again until the next CME arrives. NOAA forecasters are currently predicting a return to extreme (G5) storming on May 12th. We think May 13th is more likely when a CME from yesterday's X5.8-class flare is expected to arrive. Either way, stay tuned! CME impact alerts: SMS Text

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e9a9e3 No.20854939

File: 31ecea0f24cfde3⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,666x519,222:173,DONT_CARE_MEME_2_0.jpg)



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97a511 No.20854940

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Imagine my Surprise

$8,000,000 to excavate bodies at Kamloops "Burial" Ground

Not a Tooth

Not a Single Bone

Not a Scrape of Cloth

Absolutely Nothing was found


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90970e No.20854942

File: bf5cf112523aece⋯.jpg (5.87 KB,212x238,106:119,images_125_.jpg)

File: f0554ffcb619f17⋯.jpg (8.19 KB,272x185,272:185,images_124_.jpg)





Train connecting LA, Las Vegas expected to open …

spectrumnews1.com › 2023/03/07 › high…

Mar 7, 2023 · The all-electric train will connect a station in Apple Valley, east of the city of LA, to Las Vegas along Interstate 15. The 218-mile trip will …

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4df51a No.20854943

File: 87136be4c5651c6⋯.jpg (48.97 KB,540x802,270:401,bv.jpg)

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6b2911 No.20854944

File: 1eedeef3c85a007⋯.jpg (59.99 KB,429x322,429:322,0a6515d22f25d2a72fab271569….jpg)

File: 0a6515d22f25d2a⋯.jpg (50.89 KB,429x322,429:322,0a6515d22f25d2a72fab271569….jpg)



they put more thought into this than the pentagon tho

red body

blue wings

yellow tail

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bb02c0 No.20854945

File: da69c2c9ef08458⋯.png (276.26 KB,574x724,287:362,We_are_Q.png)



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2e1fb7 No.20854946

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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97a511 No.20854947


They that are with us are more than they that are with them

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15f3a3 No.20854948


>do you all love each other

ya mean in an abstract way?

'cuz i'm not feelin' warm and cuddly about any of the deepstate megalomanics ATM….

would "tough love" count?

aksing for a fren….

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ea49ef No.20854949

File: e97fac17deae44e⋯.png (535.76 KB,1172x1014,586:507,Magna_Carta_smashers.png)

NEW - Elderly climate radicals try to smash the glass protecting the Magna Carta at the British Library.


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b4709b No.20854950

Defending Kissinger on 8kun makes you a ?

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3f7a87 No.20854951


what I put in quotes was 'named the jew'

enemy of humanity is a subjective term, but one that I personally see as fitting. They (the Y - Joined together in descent) are.

Jews know who the Erev Rav are.

The-Y call themselves Jews, so until something changes about that particular fact, they will be lumped in with the rest.

Yes, many, many Jews have brought light to the topic. That's how I learned, after all.

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816d01 No.20854952

File: 10a634c89ec4939⋯.png (432.89 KB,749x653,749:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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18c545 No.20854953

Was at dinner with family during the Trump rally

Did I miss anything good?

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74a321 No.20854954


How does it feel

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97a511 No.20854955


Oh the Irony

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98781a No.20854956

File: a27a1f987df65f6⋯.gif (1.27 MB,480x270,16:9,BD06CDC4_7D96_4EB4_9B29_A1….gif)

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6e7479 No.20854957


He's big now but still just a babe. He prolly doesn't even have his own demon attachment, especially since he has no children of his own to sacrifice to one

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d73df9 No.20854958


Sometimes you have to SHOW THEM

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bb02c0 No.20854959

File: 57ee380a3acdbf8⋯.png (252.6 KB,837x724,837:724,We_are_Q.png)

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ea49ef No.20854960

File: 6ed83915a1683a3⋯.png (607.43 KB,880x1096,110:137,American_flag_replaced_by_….png)

American flag replaced by Palestine flag in Chicago


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ff601e No.20854961


>how to escape

there's 3 options:



claimthelife.com or whatever its called

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16594c No.20854962

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b4709b No.20854963


Piezenik said during the Patrick Bergy interview on AJ

"The constitution is a relic that won't survive"


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2b7026 No.20854964

File: 38202ae239b1697⋯.png (165.93 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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15f3a3 No.20854965


>they put more thought into this than the pentagon tho

that's a pretty LOW bar….

google "commercial airliner crash site images"

pretty easy to figure out the farce in shanksville wasn't gonna stand up to scrutiny

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6e7479 No.20854966


There's no defense for HK. None for sauceless posts either.

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97a511 No.20854967


They're getting closer to what they really want to say

"Death to America"

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e9a9e3 No.20854968

File: 202963887777418⋯.jpg (49.57 KB,338x462,169:231,SIGNALS_WINNING.jpg)

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e27b18 No.20854969

File: 627d3f4646d4662⋯.png (807.6 KB,1054x706,527:353,ClipboardImage.png)

You'll be bowing down to your new master soon.


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f0205d No.20854970


it's the I I I me me my shill, and he thinks he has traction because he shills about the smart dust.

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4e4982 No.20854971


November or white hats

Hurry up

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16594c No.20854972


Fly Roths Fly

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2b7026 No.20854973

File: 9e2aea62bd3b896⋯.mp4 (380.72 KB,720x960,3:4,WE_DONT_EVEN_LIVE_IN_ALASK….mp4)

File: f6b8d625203d947⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,720x1280,9:16,Northern_Lights_aurora_bor….mp4)

File: 1f0ff580b6930fc⋯.mp4 (5.6 MB,720x1280,9:16,This_took_my_breath_away_H….mp4)

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d73df9 No.20854974

File: 6d07de25bfbc1e8⋯.png (66.86 KB,541x866,541:866,ClipboardImage.png)


1349 COMMS

Thanks Dan!

God speed Patriots!

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b4709b No.20854975


Well known quote in multiple publications in 2009

been sauced here lots of times

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15f3a3 No.20854976



i never said this was the "big one," elizabeth

just getting the timing straight for anyone that wants to see the aurora borealis for themselves

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18c545 No.20854977



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6e7479 No.20854978


I been here since day 2 and I've never seen it. Sauce it faggot.

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98781a No.20854979


Just having some fun anon

Clouds here or we’d see some here in SoCal


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3f7a87 No.20854980


>"The constitution is a relic that won't survive"

Protocol 10.18.

The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamor: “Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.”

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d2ef92 No.20854981

"This is the greatest thing I've ever done. I actually got you out of the way so you couldn't save I@#$%&@."

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f17316 No.20854982

These Trump trials are stupid. This entire movie at this point is cringe. When does this shit show end? I'm so tired of it.

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15f3a3 No.20854983

File: dcec360aee0f1de⋯.jpg (85.52 KB,500x500,1:1,8pl24a.jpg)

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3c5037 No.20854984

File: 537e3c742f24711⋯.webm (39.28 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe4.webm)

Looks like a shill's uncontrollable rage blew his cover trying to blend in as a planefag.

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6c3563 No.20854985

File: 932ba791e0dfce8⋯.png (283.49 KB,356x475,356:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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98fa51 No.20854986

File: 4357704e58d5bc2⋯.jpg (348.81 KB,1246x1527,1246:1527,Gay_Barry_with_Auntie_Ange….jpg)

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9f1e62 No.20854987

File: ea493ab0ac38ce4⋯.jpg (6.16 KB,200x153,200:153,images_3_.jpg)

File: 55545966fd2c60e⋯.jpg (12.87 KB,300x168,25:14,images_4_.jpg)

File: d7f55fed06ed304⋯.jpeg (126.3 KB,500x701,500:701,d7f55fed06ed304a8ce61de40….jpeg)

File: 49e1d6f8e48e85e⋯.jpg (8.58 KB,197x256,197:256,download_4_.jpg)



>BREAKING NEWS: human sacrifice cult of dick/ball slicers, sacrifices humans and slices dicks and balls.

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98781a No.20854988

File: 28f628288101c0e⋯.gif (2.22 MB,480x370,48:37,93D8D876_1514_44B3_833D_52….gif)


Good try!

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c5dea7 No.20854989

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,Screen_Shot_2024_05_11_at_….jpg)

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98fa51 No.20854990

File: 09cb21647b9bc05⋯.jpg (57.13 KB,828x619,828:619,Fake_Arm_for_Vaccination.JPG)

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3f7a87 No.20854991


>How does it feel


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98fa51 No.20854992

File: b0c08f18754ac93⋯.jpg (704.17 KB,981x936,109:104,IMG_0467.jpg)

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98781a No.20854993

File: 3d639c1a8b838c9⋯.png (203.55 KB,549x653,549:653,AEC0A40C_A7AE_40A4_9AFA_F4….png)

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97a511 No.20854994

File: 664b40ccc456622⋯.png (196.76 KB,508x462,254:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Were you or someone you love injured by the vaxxcine?

Were you coerced into take the Jab & Became disabled?

Were you Threatened with your job if you didn't comply?

You may be entitled to Compensation

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2e1fb7 No.20854995

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13fac8 No.20854996

File: 4dcaa08f3b77601⋯.png (471.29 KB,482x491,482:491,ClipboardImage.png)

Upper class, Middle Class Business class, lower class tax cuts.

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15f3a3 No.20854997

File: dcbbf72ecb95676⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,850x400,17:8,change_direction.jpg)

File: b9b92bbd514af92⋯.png (2.01 MB,1390x1200,139:120,dc5cbd1abb003cb1b0ee06b86c….png)


>This entire movie at this point is cringe. When does this shit show end? I'm so tired of it.


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3c5037 No.20854998

File: b3e3bd9332afd5b⋯.png (484.66 KB,569x482,569:482,b3e3bd9332afd5b2b996b07057….png)


Wasn't talking about you. But good to see you're paying attention.

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98fa51 No.20854999

File: 1c914b112ff1110⋯.png (402 KB,526x480,263:240,5DEE8D33_290F_407E_BDB3_56….PNG)

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98781a No.20855000


Always do


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44a274 No.20855001

File: c743a439a69df88⋯.png (396.93 KB,644x513,644:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,680x546,340:273,5a851c2cb04e528a761f54479b….jpg)




Jack Poso 🇺🇸




Trump War Room



"If my plane flies over a blue state, the following day I get subpoenaed."


May 12, 2024 · 3:04 AM UTC


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98fa51 No.20855002

File: 81abfd2d069e6ce⋯.jpg (220.64 KB,682x950,341:475,DJT_Saturday_Night_Fever.jpg)

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15f3a3 No.20855003


>Clouds here or we’d see some here in SoCal

clouds here in PA/WV/OH, too

never fucking fails

clouds for the eclipse, too

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a19ff5 No.20855004


how about those orange and blue flags the congress people were waving after they gave their cabal relatives 60 billion dollars.

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98fa51 No.20855005

File: 774077f694a56c0⋯.jpg (542.43 KB,971x720,971:720,Quantum_Leap_Kate.jpg)

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4e4982 No.20855006



Anon didn't know they got The View over there

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3c5037 No.20855007

File: b64869990aecc24⋯.webm (1.67 MB,480x240,2:1,digits.webm)

22 seems like a nice even number to stop on and wait for the next bread.

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046620 No.20855008


I will never say kek again.

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98fa51 No.20855009

File: ce613f015225c07⋯.jpg (129.5 KB,647x709,647:709,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_05.jpg)

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98781a No.20855010


We had 50% coverage and clear so it was noticeable (eclipse) but had to laugh as many had no idea.

Feel for people who traveled great distances and got skunked

That’s life though

Have a good rest of your evening anon

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98fa51 No.20855011

File: 51f5585b0fe49fc⋯.jpeg (109.39 KB,800x678,400:339,A54A27B6_12D5_4557_B3C0_1….JPEG)

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6e48bf No.20855012

The cry of the Land


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bb02c0 No.20855013

File: 5ce4bb291f30112⋯.png (239.84 KB,581x734,581:734,PAIN.png)


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aba531 No.20855014

File: f3d389ed5ae3c59⋯.jpg (113.02 KB,640x1238,320:619,DALI_SG_.jpg)

File: 1d09ca033565c22⋯.jpg (82.07 KB,654x1264,327:632,Track_of_DALI_SG_11_May_20….jpg)

File: 748246a6df31cef⋯.jpg (152.36 KB,720x1300,36:65,Tugging_DALI_.jpg)

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98fa51 No.20855015

File: 31e46e0b779d91b⋯.jpg (61.03 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_0453.JPG)

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97a511 No.20855016

File: 7925e4f820adccc⋯.png (501.34 KB,535x466,535:466,ClipboardImage.png)

We were Right about Everything else

The chances are Slim to None that were wrong about this

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3f7a87 No.20855017


>Trump trials

pretty sure they have to set a precedent. Trial runs on Trump, work out the kinks, then go after Barry-O and Biden (if he still exists)

Or they don't. Either way, fun times ahead.

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b4709b No.20855018

File: 44da314cb6648be⋯.png (110.11 KB,822x554,411:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25724ba8d3d6a1f⋯.png (120.84 KB,846x585,94:65,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f41898361870c4c⋯.png (109.65 KB,843x546,281:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad76d773112ea7b⋯.png (111.71 KB,833x544,49:32,ClipboardImage.png)


I've seen it. I'll dig for on my other rig this laptop is too restricted. It's in documents like these, not sure if WHO docs or cfr or trilateral

Bragging about selling out the country


KISSINGER: Well, we are living—the pandemic is imposing on us a universal world order. It has never happened before that every part of the world was affected in a parallel way by events outside their direct control. And also, that the leaders of countries and the peoples of countries have to deal with issues of preserving themselves, but at the same time they can’t preserve themselves in this area without a solution that affects everybody. That is an absolutely unique problem. But it’s now being dealt with on a purely national basis. But we’ll be forced to look at the broader view by its internal dynamic.


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9c3075 No.20855019

File: 8f190bc8d9a1490⋯.png (2.53 MB,1023x7679,1023:7679,250smokinggun.png)



the final word from the government was that the aircraft buried itself in soft sand.



all the sauce on that is in vid taken down.

Won't be lost.

But for now 250 smoking guns around MSM coverage of 9/11 attack

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44a274 No.20855020

File: 9cae019b9c1e23d⋯.png (194.33 KB,622x472,311:236,ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Godzilla has emerged and he’s voting Trump!




Ladies and gentlemen we're getting some confusing reports coming in from the Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ

May 12, 2024 · 3:11 AM UTC




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bc5528 No.20855021

File: 867ab43d232fc16⋯.png (65.16 KB,1200x559,1200:559,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

~@700Last call


#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637, >>20854692 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

>>20854738 @DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

>>20854794 Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York. Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points

>>20855014 BF Report


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c5dea7 No.20855022

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

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98781a No.20855023

File: 0069ec48687810d⋯.jpeg (382.01 KB,1276x617,1276:617,79A0AAE0_E1FE_47EF_AB86_B….jpeg)

>>20854674, >>20854693

N757AF 757 on final approach for Palm Beach Intl from Atlantic City Intl depart

>night all

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2b7026 No.20855024


Clean and swift.

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497ff5 No.20855025


Are you aware of a ufo incident off the coast of

mauritius involving uk navy?

Years ago

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4e4982 No.20855026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Shapiro PREACHES JESUS on His Show & Leaves Everyone Speechless

171K views · 3 days ago…more

Ben says he has read the New Testament and defends it against claims it is antisemitic

Starts about midway

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97a511 No.20855027

File: 334f2e2fab189ba⋯.png (351.05 KB,502x480,251:240,ClipboardImage.png)

Law Suits

So many Lawsuits

That the Entire System will be Swamped with them

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0a8573 No.20855028

File: 7f4aa4dc4be9825⋯.png (222.38 KB,340x293,340:293,house_of_cards.png)

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ed834f No.20855029

File: 2be8ef7aea9d51d⋯.png (11.41 KB,213x236,213:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed834f No.20855030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4df51a No.20855031

File: e2e875795665280⋯.jpg (38.24 KB,600x300,2:1,ytg.jpg)

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475406 No.20855032


don't get too cozy. the Federal government employs 3 million Americans. State government employees in blue states will also vote for who butters their bread.

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2b7026 No.20855033

File: 5779bc4264bcbc0⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,If_my_plane_flies_over_a_b….mp4)




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0e3fd8 No.20855034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed834f No.20855035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9c3075 No.20855036

File: 951d380ec903ef8⋯.gif (3.65 MB,400x266,200:133,tvfakeryone.gif)


"pretty easy to figure out the farce in shanksville wasn't gonna stand up to scrutiny"

but people still can't see it?

Supposedly "easy" but no one saw it, and still fail to see it.

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bc5528 No.20855037

File: 20465eae3ae2195⋯.png (1.09 MB,1066x819,82:63,Screenshot_2023_01_06_at_0….png)


…Now baking


#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637, >>20854692 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693, >>20855023 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

>>20854738 @DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

>>20854794 Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York. Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points

>>20855014 BF Report


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15f3a3 No.20855038

>>20854637, >>20854692

>“Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

MEANWHILE… brandon can't fill a phone booth

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0a8573 No.20855041

File: c6f980460ea802f⋯.png (1.03 MB,1028x783,1028:783,Original.png)

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ed834f No.20855043

File: 3f4488d7dea8de5⋯.png (8.28 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)




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13fac8 No.20855044

He's a MORON, said Trump re; Biden. KEK

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ed834f No.20855046

File: 0d6e1c0e831a16b⋯.png (6.87 KB,227x222,227:222,ClipboardImage.png)




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ed834f No.20855047

File: 9bf28c27f95a902⋯.png (11.52 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)




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ed834f No.20855048

File: c189d0eba0653f6⋯.png (8.19 KB,208x243,208:243,ClipboardImage.png)




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3f7a87 No.20855050

File: 5c7c9af3b49cfbf⋯.png (444.17 KB,804x785,804:785,billionaires_stars.png)

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bc5528 No.20855051

File: e939ab337517f56⋯.jpg (25.35 KB,281x281,1:1,1776_Logo.jpg)

Fresh bread




This way

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0e3fd8 No.20855052

File: 5c036bf0fabd02c⋯.jpeg (183.55 KB,630x434,45:31,2556D42A_7A39_4E2B_88C7_6….jpeg)

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5868dc No.20855053

File: 0e77465530aa615⋯.jpg (107.44 KB,979x654,979:654,0c752cf1d660259d.jpg)


Oh there is something he can fill though…

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e9a9e3 No.20855056

File: acdbd1763ee7f3b⋯.jpg (198.7 KB,753x497,753:497,PIG_WAR_COLLEGE.jpg)

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0a8573 No.20855057

File: 7be2c1f77db7495⋯.png (348.67 KB,694x811,694:811,origin2.png)



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13fac8 No.20855060

File: d39e8caf5cfe53b⋯.png (592.18 KB,535x494,535:494,ClipboardImage.png)

I love you people

We are the same.

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b4709b No.20855062

File: c9ceb63f83ad042⋯.png (149.29 KB,300x232,75:58,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b9fe7ee6c5a072⋯.png (82.07 KB,325x244,325:244,ClipboardImage.png)

Whitham Reeve, a part-time space weather advisor for the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and a member of the HAARP Advisory Committee, disclosed that HAARP had been conducting a research campaign from May 8-10 that coincides with a solar storm.

According to University of Alaska Fairbanks website, “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at understanding the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, which forms the boundary between Earth’s lower atmosphere and the vacuum of space.”


Opportunities for High-Power, High-Frequency Transmitters to Advance Ionospheric/Thermospheric Research: Report of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


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aba531 No.20855064

File: e1a2ac0e3b494f4⋯.jpg (104.98 KB,552x534,92:89,20240511_222813.jpg)



Just look at Bridget.

Such a slim, trim,

sexy little lady to be

wrestling with DALI !

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cfa32c No.20855065

File: 64bfe6cdf95e9df⋯.jpg (135.63 KB,600x286,300:143,64bfe6cdf95e9dfc7dd19e9b88….jpg)

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ed834f No.20855066

File: 97fa600ed52d6c6⋯.png (6.96 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)




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1c523a No.20855067

is Trump still shilling for Israel?

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6dccd9 No.20855068


Name one single thing you brought to the table?

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b4709b No.20855069

File: f87966a95b42380⋯.png (3.95 MB,1536x1152,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0205d No.20855071


no. an anon would not do that.

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903639 No.20855075


>>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

workers comp insurance about to go through the roof(ers)

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ed834f No.20855076

File: b750eaa7f902895⋯.png (7.38 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)




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15f3a3 No.20855077


LOTS of bible fairy tales came from the sumerian tablets

read moar

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15f3a3 No.20855081


>is Trump still shilling for Israel?

can't be worried about the jew vote….

they're only 1.3% of the population

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0d3659 No.20855082


Just one?

You can't because you haven't.

And yes, a real patriot would.

Trump does for whole rallies, how come you do not complain?

Because you want something from him when the time comes and you want to say, blah, blah, blag, we were with you all the time sir.

But he knows all you did was attack real patriots for defending this country.

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f0205d No.20855083


you're an idiot. trump is not anon. anon is not trump. if trump did anon, he would be anon.

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6ac24c No.20855084

File: cac8d14dcf99dc8⋯.png (108.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,alexflys.png)


Sauce? Or just Soused?

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15f3a3 No.20855087


what they gonna do?

DRAFT young women and FORCE them to become carpenters and bricklayers, just so some faggots kindergarded bookkeeper idea of "equality" is satisfied?

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