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91369f No.20841064 [Last50 Posts]

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91369f No.20841067

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#25561 >>20840319

>>20840631, >>20840413, >>20840418 General Flynn Sitrep + Anon quip

>>20840374 Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’

>>20840336, >>20840352 Israel should shoot Beijing with their giant laser beam we bought for them.

>>20840324 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has declared Bird Flu an “extraordinary animal health emergency”

>>20840353 Ilhan Omar faces another censure resolution

>>20840359, >>20840360, >>20840379, >>20840382 Barron Trump to enter political arena as Florida delegate at GOP convention

>>20840367 Google employees question execs over ‘decline in morale’ after blowout earnings

>>20840377 Jan. 6 Arrests Running at Nearly Double the Rate of 2023 and 2022: Report

>>20840415, >>20840419 X-Flares, Double Solar Impact Coming, Maybe a 3rd

>>20840562 Islamist terror attack at a 500 year old Jewish Synagogue in India

>>20840674 Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Seeks Injunc­tion Halt­ing Bor­der NGO’s Sys­temic Crim­i­nal Con­duct in Texas

>>20840721, >>20840725 RFK jr offers to eat 5 more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate. Anon suggests detox.

>>20840786 Google Will Exit Prominent San Francisco Waterfront Office Tower

>>20840859 Ireland Calls on Tech Giants to Muzzle Election “Misinformation”

>>20840869 AIPAC-Funded Congressmen Push for ‘October 7th Remembrance Curriculum’ to be Taught in Schools

>>20840906 Last night, the Republican nominee for President of the United States reposted 26 different bizarre QAnon Memes and this …

>>20840913 Republican Introduces Bill That Would Send Anti-Israel Campus Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if Found Guilty of Illegal Activity

>>20840959 Moderna - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

>>20840975 Donald J. Trump - Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox.

>>20840991 How did the CCP develop advanced technology so quickly?

>>20841060 Putin speaking on Victory day

>>20841065 #25561

#25560 >>20839521

>>20839598 DJT: It is my request that Republicans vote for “THE MOTION TO TABLE”; we WILL WIN BIG - AND IT WILL BE SOON!

>>20839622 President Biden says he’ll stop sending offensive weapons to Israel if it invades Rafah, as they drop thousands of pamphlets telling civilians to "exit the area"

>>20839640 Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle greeted President Joe Biden at Soldier Field just now as he visits Chicago for a campaign event

>>20839647, >>20839652, >>20839660 Columbia University’s prestigious journalism school memorializes dead Hamas propagandists and alleged terrorists

>>20839657 Paris Olympics anti-terror system mistakes AC units for drones

>>20839679 College anti-Israel agitators could be sent to Gaza under new House GOP bill

>>20839702 Watch the 3 or 4 day hearing: Fanny Willis vs Trump

>>20839706, >>20839804 Immigration #1 Issue in Gallup Poll

>>20839710 Pfizer Settles 10,000 Zantac Lawsuits Alleging Cancer Link

>>20839711 Julie Kelly Gives Update On What Is Happening In The Classified Documents Case

>>20839723 Mike Howell on War Room discusses COVID info suppression, Soros, illegal migrants voting, Speaker Johnson

>>20839726 Be Careful What You Wish For: Weaker Yen A Blessing And A Curse For Japan

>>20839738 Fedex Boeing 767 lands at Istanbul Airport, without front wheels

>>20839784 House passes bill allowing ancillary mining activities on public land without minerals present

>>20839789 Antifa is infiltrating the college protests and of course someone is providing them with tents and riot gear

>>20839866 Boeing meets with families of plane crash victims

>>20839896, >>20840218 PF: Potato in 92-9000 almost back to JBA from Chicago

>>20839940, >>20839964 Peter Thiel is trapped inside the Cambridge Union.

>>20840026 Dems Buying More Votes for 2024, Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna reveal bill to ‘cancel all medical debt’

>>20840062 Breaking: Nick Fuentes And Alex Jones Debate The Future Of The World In Powerful Interview

>>20840098 Leaked Pitch Reveals Plot By Former Vivek Staffer To Use MAGA Influencers Against Trump, For RFK - dailycaller

>>20840142, >>20840222, >>20840259 Col. Douglas Macgregor torches Trump over support for bill funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

>>20840234, >>20840236 With 2024 presidential contest looming, Georgia governor signs new election changes into law

>>20840261 #25560

#25559 >>20838668

>>20838687 Top officials in EU state charged with corruption

>>20838694 Private US Firm With Special Forces Veterans To Take Control Of Rafah Border Crossing

>>20838713 House COVID Committee Slaps Fauci Lieutenant With Subpoena After ‘Intentional’ Delays

>>20838716 Live Streamers Allegedly Bust Prominent Hollywood Producer Herschel Alan Weingrod During Interaction With A Minor

>>20838719 Clockfag: Smocking

>>20838724 Meet Donell Harvin: Trump-Hating Deep State Official 'Predicted' J6 Pipe Bombs In Advance

>>20838757, >>20838782, >>20838996, >>20839038, >>20839221, >>20839291 Planefag

>>20838769 House GOP Preparing Bill To Sanction ICC If It Targets Israel

>>20838778 The IDF posts it’s own videos of targeting tents in Rafah

>>20838785, >>20838923 Racine, WI

>>20838790, >>20838822 Royal Navy nuclear submarine officer who killed two young women with car is jailed for 10 years

>>20838806 Huge crowd of Israelis is blocking a Tel Aviv highway and demanding the Netanyahu regime accept the ceasefire

>>20838813 AstraZeneca to withdraw COVID vaccine globally as demand dips

>>20838816, >>20838825, >>20838829, >>20838834 Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Signs 3 Major Election Integrity Bills into Law Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

>>20838839 AIPAC-Funded Congressmen Push for 'October 7th Remembrance Curriculum' to be Taught in Schools

>>20838846 FCC involved in cellphone radiation coverup

>>20838860 World Bank launches first global framework for agri-food emissions today

>>20838874 Iceland: Police have started an investigation re: the stolen Embryos by Icelandic Royalty

>>20838888 Ex-Israeli special forces agent says he went 'undercover' at UCLA protest encampment

>>20838898 Ukraine Lawmakers Back Bill Allowing Prisoners To Join Army

>>20838925 Update on the border crisis at the Southern Border today with the House GOP Caucus

>>20838928, >>20839086, >>20839143 Realtor finds dungeon in shed in Bowie, Maryland

>>20838942 Groups of military-age Chinese and Middle Eastern nationals are flooding across the southern border

>>20839041 Nolan Chang Describes Journey To Becoming Hawaii's Republican Party National Committeeman

>>20839060, >>20839436 Gretchen Whitmer admin issues emergency executive order over avian influenza

>>20839067 Republican candidate loses US House primary in victory for pro-Israel lobbyists

>>20839077 Violent activists tore down Historical statues without punishment but Michael Cassidy knocks over a Satan statue and gets charged with a hate crime

>>20839084 Australian Government Threatens Gab With $500,000 Fine For Refusing To Censor Video

>>20839130 Barry Sternlicht says the Fed’s ‘tool kit is flawed’ for this economy, urges Fed rate cuts

>>20839140 Kristi Noem Calls Off Disastrous Book Tour, Canceling Hits on Fox News and CNN at Last Minute

>>20839155 Former powerhouse boxing promoter Don King endorses Donald Trump for President

>>20839163 AG Ken Paxton: Today, I filed an application for a Temporary Injunction against Annunciation House to halt its systemic criminal conduct in Texas

>>20839208, >>20839295, >>20839301 Todd Bensman: Why Biden's Gaza Refugee Plan Is A Hard Hell No

>>20839263 MTG Pulls the Trigger, Forces the House to Vote to Expel Speaker Johnson

>>20839286 Launch of Falcon 9 and 23 @Starlink satellites from Florida

>>20839506 #25559

#25558 >>20837883

>>20837910 RFK Jr. says doctors found a dead worm in his head after it ate part of his brain

>>20837928 Bloodlines

>>20837937, >>20837990, >>20838084, >>20838056, >>20838453, >>20838479 Planefag

>>20837943 DJT stock @ $49.01

>>20837949 A French castle owned by royals and a Rothschild is on the market for $454M — which would make it one of the most expensive homes ever sold

>>20837959, >>20837966 Kim Ki-nam, the ‘Goebbels of North Korea’ who shaped the personality cult of the ruling Kim dynasty – obituary

>>20837977 Flashback: Judge Cannon's judgment was correct when she appointed a special masteror 3rd party to handle the items seized by FBI during MAL raid

>>20837978 USSPACECOM ‘Partners to Win’ at NATO’s first space symposium

>>20837980 Republicans announce election bill to stop Illegals from voting

>>20838001 CISA, FBI resuming talks with social media firms over disinformation removal, Senate Intel chair says

>>20838008 Fund Manager issues warning. ‘If they put Trump in jail, Treasury markets could collapse’

>>20838026 House members at yesterday’s Congressional hearing supported the Brazilian government’s demand for censorship

>>20838033 How the CIA Disguises Their Agents

>>20838040 Another Trump Trial Derailed: Fani-Donating Judge’s Decision to Keep Her on RICO Trial Is Under Scrutiny by Appeals Court

>>20838046 Preparing for tomorrow: Space Flag 24-1 strengthens operational readiness

>>20838062 Girl Sues Biden’s Education Department After Male Who Competed Against Her Allegedly Made Rape Threats With No Punishment

>>20838079 Pennsylvania School Enlists ‘Genderqueer’ Witch To Speak To Students About Dating, Survey Them About Their Sexuality

>>20838138 CSO visits US Space Forces Indo-Pacific, focuses on integrated space operations in priority theater

>>20838153 With 2024 presidential contest looming, Georgia governor signs new election changes into law

>>20838154, >>20838224 DJT: Thank you to NBC FAKE NEWS, one of the worst in the business!!! | 'Smock'

>>20838156 Current Assessment of Financial Stability

>>20838170 Tina Forte: I’m taking on AOC

>>20838190 U.S. State Department press briefing

>>20838209 House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Send Hamas-Sympathizing Student Visa Holders Home


>>20838336 Malik Obama: Hitting that Adrenochrome

>>20838382 LIVE: House Homeland Subcommittee Hearing on 'Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans'

>>20838431 QClock May 8, 2024 - v2 Boom Week, Live Firebombing, These Crumbs (update from lb)

>>20838465, >>20838606 The AfD’s Marie-Therese Kaiser was fined for highlighting official statistics showing Afghans commit rape 70x more than Germans

>>20838516 Press conference with communist representatives Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, and students from George Washington University

>>20838522 Von der Leyen facing growing discontent in EU capitals

>>20838594 Russian deputy defense minister charged over $11 million bribe

>>20838597 Top Republicans claim classified docs were stolen from U.S. special envoy to Iran's personal phone

>>20838619 House Republicans Cancel Hearing on Antisemitism After Protest Mob is Cleared from GW University

>>20838621 Mike Davis On Fani Willis Case

>>20838647 #25558

Previously Collected

>>20837143 #25556, >>20838319 #25557

>>20834537 #25553, >>20835321 #25554, >>20836180 #25555

>>20832187 #25550, >>20832962 #25551, >>20833753 #25552

>>20829655 #25547, >>20830467 #25548, >>20831243 #25549

>>20827303 #25544, >>20828076 #25545, >>20828851 #25546

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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91369f No.20841068

File: 0739fe9639b5561⋯.jpg (146.98 KB,1136x930,568:465,0739fe9639b5561b3170e5a3cc….jpg)




Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


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572765 No.20841083

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow:

Live footage as the WWII Victory Day parade is taking place on Moscow’s Red Square. The annual event commemorates those who fought against fascism and marks the 79th anniversary of the Red Army’s victory over Nazi Germany. The parade involves more than 9,000 servicemen, and over 70 units of various types of weaponry and equipment. Veterans also take part as guests of honor.


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462b19 No.20841085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL

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6e4b83 No.20841086

File: e5b7c7355a64298⋯.png (90.35 KB,457x303,457:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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462b19 No.20841087

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL


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462b19 No.20841090

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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462b19 No.20841091

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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462b19 No.20841092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1017b1 No.20841093

File: 763afeb0e82bfe5⋯.jpg (714.07 KB,1074x1074,1:1,Screenshot_20240508_131141….jpg)

File: 3f67b493f7ad9e2⋯.jpg (225.46 KB,1080x746,540:373,Screenshot_20240508_125532….jpg)

File: 49882a52cf19b94⋯.jpg (304.56 KB,1080x757,1080:757,Screenshot_20240509_012552….jpg)


Reminder that anons kick deepstate butt and we're going to look back at these breads and everything we've accomplished and endured in these first 8 years with infinite keks

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462b19 No.20841095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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462b19 No.20841096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e709ed No.20841100

File: da918c3b096d24b⋯.png (372.96 KB,404x839,404:839,Krispy_Gnome_How_I_Became_.png)









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e709ed No.20841101

>>20841068 ¹⁰𝚀🍞

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b7fee4 No.20841102

File: 994ddf8127fe49f⋯.jpg (112.9 KB,640x632,80:79,c6a18214843d211c859e289786….jpg)

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a7dd15 No.20841107

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.png (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,1bd7d19357efd3fcbbeac3a490….png)

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a7dd15 No.20841110

File: 96d306735fb2c17⋯.jpg (181.67 KB,932x1166,466:583,Screen_Shot_2024_04_24_at_….jpg)

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7a6274 No.20841111

File: 730d77352a20325⋯.png (67.2 KB,255x143,255:143,Comfy_bake.png)

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b7fee4 No.20841112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a7dd15 No.20841116

File: 512476e372159f1⋯.mp4 (345.82 KB,640x640,1:1,video.mp4)

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55f5a0 No.20841120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2168eb No.20841122

File: 5e561726dd6d81f⋯.jpg (97.43 KB,1024x663,1024:663,eca66e28030227d717df3c7b09….jpg)

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a7dd15 No.20841132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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748401 No.20841133

GM anons. What kind of faggotry, perversions, dickwagging, treason and skullduggery am I waking up to this morning?

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2556d8 No.20841134

File: 1524be533904459⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,899x599,899:599,rainbow_flag_on_military_u….jpg)

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55f5a0 No.20841135

good show

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55f5a0 No.20841136

lotta ambiguity i guess

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2556d8 No.20841137

File: 7912c6d0b2c3226⋯.jpg (174.53 KB,715x960,143:192,Darkness_to_Light.jpg)


How about Trump hand-jobbing RINOS for a start.

Masonic dubs checked.

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2168eb No.20841138

File: 36e2e91b69e673e⋯.png (309.64 KB,561x579,187:193,ClipboardImage.png)

Henry Rodgers



EXCLUSIVE: House COVID Committee Slaps Fauci Lieutenant With Subpoena After ‘Intentional’ Delays

Read the subpoena for Fauci's senior advisor, Dr. David Morens, and more here first for @DailyCaller:

May 8, 2024 · 5:02 PM UTC


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a7dd15 No.20841140

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a7dd15 No.20841141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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883a95 No.20841142


Lasfagistan, where green haired bitches chase gay buffalo into gayness

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a7dd15 No.20841143

File: 8af70619df22edc⋯.mp4 (218.26 KB,288x472,36:59,animation.mp4)

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2556d8 No.20841144


>House COVID Committee Slaps Fauci Lieutenant With

I hope they end up giving him one of those "strongly-worded letters" Republifails are so good at writing.

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a7dd15 No.20841145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c64253 No.20841146

watching the russia victory celebration, i notice how tight putin's sec detail is, i notice they are constanly scanning the crowd. very unlike like our USSS teams

putin and trump know they are targets but they approach it totally different

i'm way out on a limb here but i wonder if those two witnesses in Revelation are trump and putin. just thinkin out loud is all

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2556d8 No.20841147

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55f5a0 No.20841148

File: 011197b930876b4⋯.gif (392.17 KB,498x498,1:1,011197b930876b4f279d51f543….gif)

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da876d No.20841149

File: a24595d2d9a6dee⋯.png (307.51 KB,520x314,260:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c567153676c055⋯.png (142.93 KB,520x384,65:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4225f50e83b8665⋯.png (1.48 MB,671x1000,671:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


Check the weather?

A CARRINGTON-CLASS SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR3664 has grown so large, it now rivals the great Carrington sunspot of 1859. To illustrate their similarity, we've added Carrington's famous sketch (to scale) to a NASA photo of today's sun:

Sprawling almost 200,000 km from end to end, AR3664 is 15 times wider than Earth. You can see it through ordinary eclipse glasses with no magnification at all. Moreover, it is easy to project an image of this sunspot onto the sidewalk or a white screen just as Carrington did in the 19th century.

Carrington's sunspot is famous because in August and Sept. 1859 it emitted a series of intense solar flares and CMEs. The resulting geomagnetic storms set fire to telegraph offices and sparked auroras from Cuba to Hawaii. The "Carrington Event" has since become a touchstone of space weather in pop culture, with recent headlines stoking fears of an "internet apocalypse" if it repeats.

Indeed, it could repeat. Studies suggest that Carrington-class storms occur once every 40 to 60 years, so we're overdue. CMEs currently en route to Earth will not cause a new Carrington Event; they are puny compared to the CMEs of 1859. Nevertheless, it would be wise to keep an eye on this growing active region while Earth is in its strike zone. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

more images: from Martin Wise of Trenton, Florida

TAHITIAN BLACK SOLAR ECLIPSE PEARL: It came from Tahiti, and now it has touched the shadow of the Moon. On April 8, 2024, the students of Earth to Sky Calculus launched this black pearl into a total eclipse of the sun over Texas. Riding on a cosmic ray research balloon, the pearl was 86,564 feet high when lunar darkness swallowed it for 3 minutes 45 seconds:


Like watching a movie so to speak.

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2556d8 No.20841150

File: 910eba64c9f81b7⋯.webp (1.8 MB,642x642,1:1,sun_eye.webp)


I thought they already did this movie.

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9639aa No.20841151

File: b8dff6a69554c7d⋯.png (82.37 KB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Anons lookin forward to nightshift in the reeducation camps?

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2556d8 No.20841152

File: 295545cf015af7a⋯.webp (63 KB,720x918,40:51,Waiting_Not_Joking.webp)


I won't be going.

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a6f2d0 No.20841153

File: 8bdb4b30a1081db⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,854x480,427:240,Protect_Your_DNA.mp4)

File: c5b07ce6a484f1b⋯.jpg (21.41 KB,569x84,569:84,PYD.jpg)

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34b686 No.20841154

File: 6476e9c348b73c2⋯.webm (2.28 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1715077633718691.webm)

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da876d No.20841155



Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl(2003)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow to save Turner's love, Elizabeth Swann, from cursed pirates led by Jack's mutinous former first mate, Hector Barbossa. Jack wants revenge against Barbossa, who left him stranded on an island before stealing his ship, the Black Pearl, along with 882 pieces of cursed Aztec Gold.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest(2006)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company arrests Will and Elizabeth for aiding Captain Jack Sparrow in the previous film. Beckett offers clemency if Will agrees to search for Jack's compass in a bid to find the Dead Man's Chest—and inside, the heart of villainous Davy Jones—which would give Beckett control of the seas. However, Jack wants the Chest to escape from an unpaid debt with Jones, who made Jack captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years in exchange for 100 years of service aboard Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Jack's debt is complicated by both Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who follow him out to sea.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End(2007)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Lord Beckett gains power over Davy Jones and, with the help of the Flying Dutchman, he is now executing his plans to extinguish piracy forever. To stand against the East India Trading Co., Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and the crew of the Black Pearl set out to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker. As one of the Nine Pirate Lords, Jack is needed in order to release an ancient goddess with the power to defeat Beckett's forces.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides(2011)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Captain Jack Sparrow is on a quest to find the fabled Fountain of Youth and crosses paths with a former lover, Angelica. She forces Jack aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, a ship captained by the infamous pirate Blackbeard, Angelica's father. Both are also in search of the Fountain: Angelica to save her father's soul, Blackbeard to escape a prophecy of his demise at the hands of a one-legged man. Joining the hunt is former pirate captain Barbossa, now a privateer in King George II's Navy, who is in a race against the Spanish for the Fountain of Youth.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales(2017)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

A group of ghostly Spanish Royal Navy soldiers led by Jack Sparrow's old nemesis, Captain Armando Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle, with the goal of killing every pirate at sea, including Sparrow. To survive, Sparrow seeks out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact whose owner can control the seas, tides, and aquatic animals, and break curses.[2] The film was released in many countries as Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge.[3]


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2168eb No.20841156

File: 181a4e377a6509c⋯.png (341.6 KB,610x470,61:47,ClipboardImage.png)


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da876d No.20841157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55f5a0 No.20841158

lot slid through unnoticed

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9639aa No.20841159

File: 72a59a545f82ad3⋯.png (149.97 KB,403x392,403:392,ClipboardImage.png)


I like the cut of your jib.

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b81367 No.20841160

File: e74742271651859⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,540x540,1:1,CtcZLye1c6md8p_t.mp4)

Postman dances for camera.

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937868 No.20841161

File: 304de0efee80404⋯.png (210.77 KB,612x378,34:21,304de0efee804041c69f9916c9….png)

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2168eb No.20841162

File: 01ced9c9ddbd4ec⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,01ced9c9ddbd4eca8bd2712c56….png)


Still unvaxxed and redpilled.

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c01f7b No.20841163

File: c4c114b5eba6ae8⋯.jpg (122.71 KB,858x509,858:509,A76C79_.jpg)



How much longer are you just going to sit there with your Transponder ON ?

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b81367 No.20841164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02df9c No.20841165

File: 39ee86e98e04645⋯.png (359.65 KB,589x664,589:664,ClipboardImage.png)

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da876d No.20841166

File: 03f13b8fd74f88b⋯.gif (1.15 MB,500x206,250:103,Nightshift_gandalf.gif)

File: d8e5f6233b30dde⋯.gif (3.57 MB,498x305,498:305,Nightshift_Strange.gif)


Me either.

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2affac No.20841167

File: 19c8f7d51fd3299⋯.png (755.11 KB,592x789,592:789,cr.PNG)

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b81367 No.20841168

File: 78b0f6338cb237b⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,IMG_0412.gif)

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55f5a0 No.20841169

They are playing with our DNA

This is not a game

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5bb3a1 No.20841170


All of us got banned off the twatter, but Lisa Mei and Karli some how did not.


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55f5a0 No.20841171

Would you like to play a game?

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b81367 No.20841172

File: ea757ba77009b40⋯.gif (1.8 MB,400x460,20:23,IMG_0413.gif)

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b2bbab No.20841173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They have pretty good meatballs, as I recall.

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da876d No.20841174



That ain't all he's been hittin.


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2168eb No.20841175

File: 6fbb6a0b36d08fe⋯.jpg (56.95 KB,640x799,640:799,olga_9.jpg)

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da876d No.20841176



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b81367 No.20841177

File: dd8cb4b290eb2f2⋯.gif (1.6 MB,500x281,500:281,IMG_0417.gif)

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da876d No.20841178

File: 04b535788d6975e⋯.png (113.41 KB,688x736,43:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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b81367 No.20841179

File: 41babd0620c8e90⋯.gif (430.04 KB,220x123,220:123,IMG_0416.gif)

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02df9c No.20841180

File: 96c2cd722c63444⋯.png (19.64 KB,596x171,596:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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b81367 No.20841181

File: a1f1224f48de9d3⋯.gif (1.22 MB,498x278,249:139,IMG_0414.gif)

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b81367 No.20841182

File: 53ffc6e7f6d98d2⋯.gif (1.79 MB,640x640,1:1,IMG_0415.gif)

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1802dc No.20841183



that is correct

you have to give 33 handjobs to the master mason to get into the lodge

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da876d No.20841184

File: 50fd4e8286ff45a⋯.png (170.42 KB,400x268,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)


I am not either.

I get locked out almost on the daily tho.

Pretty sure I am limited hardcore but meh.

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02df9c No.20841185

File: 927c8662548db9a⋯.png (657.83 KB,558x680,279:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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2168eb No.20841186

File: 10628bc9eb54792⋯.png (436.92 KB,641x508,641:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db7d30076c32f58⋯.png (470.17 KB,348x522,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Jon Lovitz slams ‘self-loathing Jew’ Bernie Sanders, says Trump has ‘done more for Israel than any president’ trib.al/krvY5ss

May 9, 2024 · 6:31 AM UTC



>as I recall.

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da876d No.20841187




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66a171 No.20841188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02df9c No.20841189

File: 60a77d9e1aefd91⋯.png (316.05 KB,604x459,604:459,ClipboardImage.png)

is this the storm?

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b81367 No.20841190

File: 585c33bceaa52c6⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,848x544,53:34,Obama_s_01_Paintings.MP4)

File: f2cf5b097192822⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,720x720,1:1,Michael_s_Workout_Video.mp4)

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2168eb No.20841191

File: 57d50f6778f8a9b⋯.png (9.39 KB,160x33,160:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c212831e02f141⋯.png (232.2 KB,452x215,452:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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02df9c No.20841192

File: 61ad5303ec7ea1f⋯.png (504.05 KB,1280x643,1280:643,ClipboardImage.png)


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9ca0d6 No.20841193

Trump Trial Judge Juan Merchan Censors Federalist Writer, Former FEC Chairman From Testifying Key Defense Facts


The 6th Amendment gives President Trump the right to call witnesses in his favor, including himself. and to have his trail be public. These two factors also makes all his gag orders illegal because as his own witness he can testify to the public in his defense. And the US Constitution is theSupreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby

Sixth Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions,the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him;to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

compulsory means : required or compelled by law : mandatory, obligatory. compulsory arbitration.

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b81367 No.20841194

File: afc7228a8f2da75⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,JevRxliTJqZpIujo.mp4)

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da876d No.20841195


I think we been in it since april 8.

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b81367 No.20841196

File: 398704771f811cf⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,480x480,1:1,RckKEN5Hx0lmFwv1.mp4)

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2168eb No.20841197

File: b339a70574b3d38⋯.png (569.63 KB,642x522,107:87,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



US Air Force airlifts cruise ship passenger, critically ill son in Atlantic Ocean in dramatic 8-hour rescue mission


May 9, 2024 · 8:33 AM UTC


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02df9c No.20841198

File: 9a61682741aab79⋯.png (617.91 KB,595x590,119:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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b81367 No.20841199

File: 4ab742862bec218⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,640x360,16:9,bjbvr5EVJSBbFzK_.mp4)

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02df9c No.20841200

File: 2f564c3cb20e71d⋯.png (85.99 KB,645x873,215:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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02df9c No.20841201



The NCSWIC, through the SWIC, promotes and implements strategies for achieving effective public safety communications by developing professional partnerships and collaborating with public safety agencies and policy makers.

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b81367 No.20841202

File: bb89d0f60e4909c⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,480x480,1:1,6g9HkHIYyR1SLv7U.mp4)

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2168eb No.20841203

File: 3b1c6055ff32bc8⋯.png (423.43 KB,632x497,632:497,ClipboardImage.png)




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02df9c No.20841204

File: ceabd7e93c17771⋯.png (242.26 KB,591x550,591:550,ClipboardImage.png)

i keep seeing this number

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2168eb No.20841205


My eldest son is quite a bit taller than I am, and I'm not a short man.

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da876d No.20841206

File: ca1bb57deb91cf1⋯.png (11.13 KB,405x266,405:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5f0f41e8fd2149⋯.png (5.46 KB,417x144,139:48,ClipboardImage.png)


Grabbed UTC


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32f5b6 No.20841207

File: be5d7841c6e7934⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_6.jpg)

GM Comfy Fam

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c96341 No.20841208

For those who think the old guard still exists.

All the usual mouth pieces of the deep state have been reduced to bit parts.

Schiff, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, McConnell, Jarrett etc…

Their scripts are controlled.

Many are just extra's in the movie.

CIC1 (President of The United States of America)

CIC2 (dog biting show pony)

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9a27e9 No.20841209

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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81b1f8 No.20841210


Remember President Trump, NYC is the same place where the cops said nothing about 2 planes taking down 3 buildings on 911; even though "35 of their own died on that day over 22 years ago''. Never fall into their custody, they are either not too bright or not too loyal; or worst both.

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a14784 No.20841211

File: c8cc040c2f002e2⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,577x432,577:432,8phbo8.jpg)

anons memba how the Military White Hats executed McCain and then had the Military dragging the decaying corpse in a Grand Funeral Tour across the country to show how the traitor really is dead?

and somewhat later, based on Cat and Dog COMM decodes anons concluded that the Patriots also executed Bush the Elder …

but after these Q Team ops, nothing similar has happened, why is that? it seems to anon that just arresting Hillary wouldn't be as big deal as executing McCain and Bush …

It has to be done right -Q

if there is a problem with legalities with the Hillary arrest, why don't just snuff her out with a SOF Patriot op? (like NONAME and Bush)

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da876d No.20841212

It's been real i'm exhausted

need to eat.

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c96341 No.20841213

File: e07d2dbd18a1435⋯.png (565.25 KB,626x416,313:208,ClipboardImage.png)


Rhino evolved into Unicorns.

Do Unicorns exist?

Rhinoceros Unicornis.



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e10dff No.20841214

File: 0c89a4b61c05730⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_8kun_top_17152456….png)

File: ec3508a67ffb4e5⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_i_imgflip_com_171….png)

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572765 No.20841215

No WW3 motherfuckers, jump adn sream as much as you want, shills!

Russia will not allow global conflict – Putin

The country’s strategic forces are always ‘on alert’ against potential threats, the Russian president has said at the Victory Day parade


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32180b No.20841216


Congratulations on both.

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2168eb No.20841217

File: 60bd6c963aa58ac⋯.jpg (389.56 KB,1080x1344,45:56,media_GNDsW_sWgAAdeeG.jpg)


Remain clam.

Take a rest.

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b81367 No.20841218

File: 28378649b967fa2⋯.jpeg (154.4 KB,600x800,3:4,Cats_Dogs_01_Monocles.JPEG)

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a14784 No.20841219

File: 72921535c21bc84⋯.png (213.51 KB,1124x442,562:221,NCSWIC_Fact_Sheet_FINAL_pd….png)


founded by the Hussein Regime

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2168eb No.20841220

File: 204cdf3b3b1006a⋯.jpg (294.13 KB,2560x1440,16:9,melania.jpg)

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da876d No.20841221

File: e34fb224cba0098⋯.jpeg (232.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,hrc.jpeg)

File: 642da058afa1433⋯.mp4 (565.15 KB,640x352,20:11,trump_hillary_doubles.mp4)

File: 96390d5b35fe492⋯.png (62.42 KB,498x1024,249:512,jfk_jr_hillary.png)

File: 3bdf02cf51a76b2⋯.mp4 (15.15 MB,684x384,57:32,hillary_clone.mp4)

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c96341 No.20841222


It's not just Obama's hair that's getting whiter. So is his skin. That is clearly a sun tan not pigment.

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a14784 No.20841223


reliance on pseudonymous ("WarNuse") twitter intel is problematic

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b72940 No.20841225

File: 0c397cd190f1765⋯.jpg (21.17 KB,680x380,34:19,statue_lightning.jpg)

File: 6f5d728ab42a2dd⋯.png (2.24 MB,780x1040,3:4,ETfinger.png)


Give us Liberty or Give them God's Wrath.

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c96341 No.20841226

File: 48d14db6e52cdb6⋯.png (4.95 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e784e4a898d989⋯.png (490.22 KB,589x664,589:664,ClipboardImage.png)

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b93e32 No.20841227


Don't think out loud !

Read the prophecy first, Then the writings of Isaac Newton.

Go Dig a little more

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c96341 No.20841228

File: ee65a45328fdf04⋯.png (325.71 KB,474x569,474:569,ClipboardImage.png)


Painting in the background of Lucifer.

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51c7f4 No.20841229


A rare moment in time: High IQ, Q+, and GQ.

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02df9c No.20841230


deep fakes

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32f5b6 No.20841231

File: 42fa0e8bfa8f1c0⋯.png (135.91 KB,562x257,562:257,42fa0e8bfa8f1c0143634725d1….png)

Nothing can stop what is comfy

Nothing can stop what is GM

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c96341 No.20841232


I can't see Trump in a sack cloth kek

The two witness's are Enoch and Elijah the only humans not to experience death.

Side note. Search for Enoch Burke.

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da876d No.20841233


> humans

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da876d No.20841234


Sausage fingers.

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a14784 No.20841235



is the decode of this post that Hillary has already been executed? come to think of it, any anon membas Hillary's persistent cough in 2016? asymmetric warfare? the Military White hats using an early strain of Covid on Hillary?

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1df159 No.20841236

File: f843fab75110b15⋯.jpeg (24.95 KB,161x255,161:255,IMG_3054.jpeg)

File: 43efde7f7ac02e4⋯.webp (219.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_3056.webp)

Wat ze fak anons

In a /cbts/ thread on 4chan in 2017 I asked how long the plan will take.

I was told between 13 and 15 days is the expected timeframe.

I‘ve been lenient and given 2000 days of leeway. But there‘s still no Apocalyptic revelatory global event! No ascended consciousness! Still no gf! I‘ve been had, haven‘t aei?

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2168eb No.20841237

File: feaa5c5cfb30f7c⋯.png (289.32 KB,597x693,199:231,feaa5c5cfb30f7cbaab463f618….png)


We are just witnesss.

Proud of it.


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53e61f No.20841238


Imagine this, after reflecting on the victims that were buried under tons of steal and con crete.

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da876d No.20841239


I remember an image of a spot on her tongue. She may have had something then. Don't remember when it was from.

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c0bab0 No.20841240


Ohhh look at these two filthy DS Jewsluts.

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da876d No.20841241

Anyone got the video interview of trump on 911 where he talks about bombs going off?

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1df159 No.20841242

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da876d No.20841243


Perhaps they got body snatched kek…

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00e69e No.20841244

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da876d No.20841245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da876d No.20841246


This is the only one I can find

it is not the one I am talking about.

He was being interviewed on the street saying the sounds of bombs going off or something along those lines.

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7a6274 No.20841248


Olga must have gotten really hammered that night. There's not even any bewbs in the photo.

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0c41e5 No.20841249

File: 8dea55b55e12615⋯.png (141.4 KB,396x267,132:89,Guidestone_reason.png)


>Painting in the background of Lucifer.

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4c7e48 No.20841250


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a14784 No.20841251

six year delta …

drop #1320

May 08, 2018 7:44:19 PM EDT

Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.

Today, POTUS took control of Iran.


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32f5b6 No.20841252

File: c94829dede6ea85⋯.jpg (486.44 KB,1468x2048,367:512,lvvWShRaQClIB.jpg)



Guud morn'n frens

Guud morn'n fam

Guud morn'n fags

Gonna be a great day

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e6c715 No.20841253


>We are just witnesss.

>Proud of it.


Amen. For God and Country.

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02df9c No.20841254

File: 9ae37372e7b00ba⋯.png (205.22 KB,400x394,200:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2291c No.20841255

olga has 4 kids now

she's pushin 250

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32f5b6 No.20841257

File: f1c97d5b5925cc2⋯.jpg (77.15 KB,527x424,527:424,f1c97d5b5925cc2ef373be859a….jpg)


Olga is highly overrated

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02d24a No.20841258



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32f5b6 No.20841259



This will catch me some flak from the programmed NPC's but never once understood the fascination with Barron. All the praise has always seek scripted. He hasn't even said 5 words publicly. Still love and appreciate Q and Q+, and most days trust the plan, but to me Barron is just another privileged spoiled kid groomed with money and raised with money. Everything given without working a dime for it. Sorry NPC's, just my two cents.

God bless.

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5f4ebb No.20841260


Claims yet not one miracle.

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6a4fda No.20841261

File: a21f6d251b0e5c6⋯.jpg (194.87 KB,1262x538,631:269,A75C79_04_41_CDT_.jpg)

File: d289a049ae16c98⋯.jpg (124.49 KB,858x508,429:254,A76C79_2_18_CDT_.jpg)


I think I must have


the situation.

( Only been doing

this since Easter ! )



( Screenshots

from 02:18


from 04:41 )

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32f5b6 No.20841262

Now watch the sycophantic brainwashees ree about their precious groomed political candidate being psychologically implanted into the public's consciousness for decades down the road. Sorry folks, he seems like a spoiled brat. Never smiles. Never shows emotion. Just a complete air and aura of entitlement.

Change my mind.

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a47433 No.20841265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For (you)

Start at around 5:50

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32f5b6 No.20841266

Be careful who you idolize, faggots. Until the plan comes to its end, with real lasting results, don't fully trust anyone.

Except yourself.

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a47433 No.20841267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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560e2b No.20841270

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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b1bee5 No.20841271

File: a044e6f71aacbd0⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,500x644,125:161,DKeK.jpg)

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32f5b6 No.20841272


GM copy pasta verbatim every day roll call fren.

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8f48b3 No.20841273


Wow! You kiss your mother with that mouth?

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aba119 No.20841274

File: c94e59cf0e057d8⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,640x1136,40:71,love_blue_sky_pepe_.jpeg)

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8f48b3 No.20841275


What plan?

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b1bee5 No.20841276

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

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a14784 No.20841277

>>20840336 pb

>China Blasts Biden For Talking Gaza "Ceasefire While Pouring In Weapons"




>Israel should shoot Beijing with their giant laser beam we bought for them.

do they trust the US tech?

==Patriot air defenses to be mothballed after decades of mostly gathering dust

Within two months, Air Force will replace aging US-made interceptor with more advanced Israeli systems, including Iron Dome==


that was after their subpar performance against the Iranian missiles (anons memba Trump is now in control of Iran according to Q) and failing pathetically in Ukraine

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32f5b6 No.20841278

File: b64e66d098203d8⋯.png (971.55 KB,564x789,188:263,b64e66d098203d899d772f765a….png)


Been with Q since day one (literally) and still trying to figure that out. It's a 9 year plan. Involves a lot of losing before anything habbens. Something about (had to be this way). Personally I don't fully trust anyone, not Q or Q+. Only God and myself are fully trusted. Until the 9 years are over, plenty of critical thinking and skepticism. God bless.

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a14784 No.20841279


who's the spoiled brat? hard to decode this

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32f5b6 No.20841280


Read my other posts. Barron Trump. Hasn't said words in public. Zero emotion. Never once seen with a smile. No political views ever expressed. No position on a single belief or foreign policy. Yet there is mad sycophantic praise on this board, to the point of seeming manufactured. Just because he's Donald's son doesn't mean he's automatically king shit of Anon Island. Now the NPC's are going to lose their minds.

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a14784 No.20841281


>Be careful who you idolize, faggots. Until the plan comes to its end, with real lasting results, don't fully trust anyone.


>Except yourself.


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e72867 No.20841284

File: c33ccd25bee1fa5⋯.png (157.76 KB,466x330,233:165,ralphFani.png)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.



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8f48b3 No.20841285


When did the 9 years start? 2017?

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8f48b3 No.20841286


What a filthy mind

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560e2b No.20841287


>GM copy pasta verbatim every day roll call fren.

So you do not like me saying Good Morning to other Anons who also happen to arrive about the same time every day.

Well, it's not like we are close personal friends or even know each other, and therefore the topics of conversation are very limited.

It all started by seeing and appreciating the posts of others.

It reminded me of going to work every morning and punching into a timeclock as we start our day.

We gumble a bit and hope somebody made the coffee.

And the anon who posted the cartoon image of SheepDogSam captured that perfectly years ago.

And then ralphAnon caught onto it and started to post the morning covfefe meme.

And normally I wouldn't even bother replying, but I am excited as I am getting married tomorrow morning.

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560e2b No.20841288


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the pre-getting married Covfefe.

Dark Roast if you have it because it is going to be a wild ride over the next few days.

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66a17f No.20841289


ThankQ, I was there working ground zero that day as a volunteer and I can tell you for a fact, that they had to weaken the structure first because some of the main steel girders were about 8 feet wide amd dee[ when laying on their sides. A plane made of mainly composite aluminum could never in a million years take them down. It took one worker with a 4 foot flame, 8 hours to score 1/8 the diameter of that one girder.

The Irish have to know their place in finance. Remember Cantor Fitzgerald was the target of the first strike and a direct message.

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32f5b6 No.20841290

File: 941d3106361cbfd⋯.jpg (188.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,941d3106361cbfd8e4f38816c2….jpg)



GM punchcard's. You're on muh list which makes you part of the fam.


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aba119 No.20841291

File: 31ad379bd6a4cc0⋯.png (110.66 KB,285x291,95:97,4a0158e797feaa65317f94b90f….png)

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560e2b No.20841293


>GM punchcard's. You're on muh list which makes you part of the fam.


Exactly, we are all on the same team.

Where We Go One, We Go All.

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a14784 No.20841294


>Read my other posts. Barron Trump. Hasn't said words in public. Zero emotion. Never once seen with a smile. No political views ever expressed. No position on a single belief or foreign policy. Yet there is mad sycophantic praise on this board, to the point of seeming manufactured. Just because he's Donald's son doesn't mean he's automatically king shit of Anon Island. Now the NPC's are going to lose their minds.

Barron has been in a very difficult position, Donald put him in a expensive private elite school were the students presumably were laughing at his father and mocking him … could have been Hell, the peer pressure is very strong with youngsters

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4c7e48 No.20841296


Anons panties got in a bunch so I have temporarily halted the Sam meme

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b1bee5 No.20841297

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

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560e2b No.20841298


>Anons panties got in a bunch so I have temporarily halted the Sam meme

The Sam meme is/was perfect.

So is the Pepe hiding in the dumpster, another of my favorites.

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522bda No.20841299

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)


It's just Squeaky.

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b1bee5 No.20841301

File: 842f82a08c3c9dd⋯.jpg (114.82 KB,800x500,8:5,ComeWithUs.jpg)

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aba119 No.20841302

File: bc0150f9aaec81d⋯.png (416.27 KB,1078x594,49:27,ClipboardImage.png)


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aba119 No.20841303

File: 1bad455e06f3a2f⋯.jpg (788.38 KB,1050x686,75:49,1bad455e06f3a2f65c190f181c….jpg)

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d2291c No.20841304

liquor store opens in 2.5hrs


vodka n pineapple juice


bourbon with a coke chaser

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aba119 No.20841305

File: 3302cebff04390d⋯.png (1.47 MB,879x1168,879:1168,ClipboardImage.png)


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522bda No.20841306


Or that other morning bracer, Prune juice and Vodka: The PileDriver

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a14784 No.20841307




>My eldest son is quite a bit taller than I am, and I'm not a short man.

is that you, Q+?

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32f5b6 No.20841308



Poor him. Would be terrible to grow up as a billionaire. Can you imagine the struggle?

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48a2b3 No.20841309

File: 6bf4a6bc7066b45⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,487x285,487:285,SS_GM.jpg)



From the looks of things it'll be ded by then.

At least the GY portion anyway.

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d2291c No.20841310



never tried it

maybe vodka n claussen pickle juice

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aba119 No.20841311

File: cb5fd0ab4acee38⋯.png (467.06 KB,917x765,917:765,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c4809ec5a376f0⋯.png (377.75 KB,862x917,862:917,ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch


BREAKING: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of @realDonaldTrump’s Home!


READ: https://www.judicialwatch.org/raid-of-trumps-home/

May 08, 2024, 7:21 PM


Judicial Watch: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of Trump’s Home

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received a recording of a phone message left by an FBI special agent for someone at the Secret Service in the context of the raid on President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

The August 11, 2022, recording says:

Yes, hi, this is Special Agent [redacted] from FBI [unintelligible]. We met on Monday [the day of the raid]. We have a couple of specific follow-up asks of you, um, so give me a call so we can discuss that. My number is [redacted]. Again, my name is [redacted]. Thanks, bye.

The recording was uncovered in an October 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for all communications of the U.S. Secret Service internally and with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding the raid on President Trump’s home and for any video or audio recordings made during the raid on August 8, 2022 (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-03147)).

“This recording is real-time evidence of the Biden administration’s whole government operation to abuse Trump by raiding his home. Judicial Watch will continue to piece together the details of the conspiracy to launch an unprecedented and malicious raid on the home of Biden’s chief political opponent,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

Judicial Watch is in the forefront of the court battles for transparency regarding Biden administration’s targeting of Trump.

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aba119 No.20841312


In March 2024, Judicial Watch sued the U.S. Department of Energy for records about the retroactive termination of former President Donald Trump’s security clearance and/or access to classified information.

In August 2023, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for records of the Archives’ role in President Trump’s White House records controversy; whether it offered Trump a secure storage location other than the National Archives; and if the Archives consulted with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding the classification or declassification procedures of any of the alleged classified documents found at Trump’s Florida residence.

In June 2023, Judicial Watch obtained DOJ records that showed top officials of the National Security Division discussing the political implications of Trump allowing CNN to use closed-circuit TV (CCTV) footage of the raid on his Mar-a-Lago home. The documents confirmed that the Justice Department had asked that Mar-a-Lago CCTV be turned off before the raid.

A separate Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration resulted in the release of records about the unprecedented document dispute between Archives and President Trump. Click here or here to review the records.

In August 2022, Judicial Watch successfully sued to unseal the search warrant affidavit used to justify the unprecedented raid on the home of former President Trump.

In September 2022, Judicial Watch filed lawsuits against the DOJ for its records and the FBI’s records about the Mar-a-Lago raid search warrant application and approval, as well as communications about the warrant between the FBI, Executive Office of the President and the Secret Service.



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32f5b6 No.20841314

File: 856bfd4943077a8⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,201x251,201:251,images_jpeg_7.jpg)



I accept you and Ralph and Sam now, despite how much I believed you were all feds here just to piss off anons. Even the feds and fags are part of the fam here now. They aren't leaving. Might as well accept it.


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aba119 No.20841315

File: a9ab3e1b05a01bd⋯.png (173.37 KB,896x644,32:23,ClipboardImage.png)


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48a2b3 No.20841317



Anon, Jr. is a midget compared to dad.

Now the youngest son on the other hand…

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522bda No.20841319


Mix that in a Bloody, just once. Dilly Beans instead of celery will help if the juice is too much.

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b1bee5 No.20841320

File: 0e892779e0a94af⋯.gif (3.61 MB,400x224,25:14,LGeEnn.gif)

Shift Change!

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aba119 No.20841322

File: 84a4e3f75be68d6⋯.png (163.74 KB,800x811,800:811,ClipboardImage.png)


“I don’t want to be President. I’m one hundred percent sure. I’d change my mind only if I saw this country continue to go down the tubes.”

He never changes. No matter what happens in culture, no matter how significantly geopolitics and trends fluctuate, he remains unchanging – Donald Trump, a man of business, and a man of pragmatic common sense.

In 1990, the “Donald” sat down with Playboy for an extensive interview that focused on his background, his business, and his thoughts on how he, as a hypothetical American president, would tackle the job as a Commander-in-Chief.

How would President Trump approach the Executive Office in 1990? In his own words:

“He would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn’t trust anyone. He wouldn’t trust the Russians; he wouldn’t trust our allies; he’d have a huge military arsenal, perfect it, understand it. Part of the problem is that we’re defending some of the wealthiest countries in the world for nothing…. We’re being laughed at around the world…”

If this jargon sounds familiar, that’s because it is. Trump’s message has remained largely unchanged for decades – he is a man who has long seen the disservice that foreign countries have done to America, and as a businessman, it seems apparent that he can’t help but consistently point this out.

President Trump signs a copy of the Playboy magazine from March, 1990 that featured him on the cover.

"Nothing good about the clock" quipped Trump. pic.twitter.com/Ckq5YB9EKJ

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 2, 2023

His practical reaction to the failing state of the U.S. government and its approach to foreign affairs can be traced and tracked, unswerving. He told Playboy, “I think of the future, but I refuse to paint it. Anything can happen. But I often think of nuclear war.”

He continued, “I’ve always thought about the issue of nuclear war; it’s a very important element in my thought process. It’s the ultimate, the ultimate catastrophe, the biggest problem this world has, and nobody’s focusing on the nuts and bolts of it.”

Today, that same Donald Trump has ominously and repeatedly warned Americans about the threat of nuclear war as violence has escalated in Europe and the Middle East amidst Biden’s beleaguered presidency.

In 2023, Trump called Biden a “stupid fool” who was facilitating Iran’s goal of obtaining a nuclear arsenal. Trump warned, “Once they have them, which will be soon, all negotiations STOP. That’s when our incompetent fool of a President will drop to his knees and beg IRAN for mercy.”

China, Mexico, and toughness

On foreign policy and trade, Trump is currently pitching a hardline agenda of tariffing Chinese and Mexican imports and implementing the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, which he has often summarized as a “you screw us and we’re gonna screw you back” approach.

He recently told TIME magazine that he was considering tariffing Chinese imports more than 60 percent, noting, “It may be more than that. It may be a derivative of that. A derivative of that. But it will be somebody—look when they come in and they steal our jobs, and they steal our wealth, they steal our country.”

The president’s comments today echo his comments of yesteryear, when he touted the same message of toughness, urging leaders to focus on holding a firm line with foreign countries and demand respect. In 1990, a hypothetical Trump administration would, he said, hold toughness in high regard. He explained, “A toughness of attitude would prevail. I’d throw a tax on every Mercedes-Benz rolling into this country and on all Japanese products, and we’d have wonderful allies again.”

Just last week, Trump zeroed in on the failing auto industry, which Joe Biden gleefully continues to cede to foreign countries. Trump explained, “China now is building plants in Mexico to make cars to sell into the United States. And these are the biggest plants anywhere in the world. And that’s not going to happen when I’m President, because I will tariff them at 100%.”

Donald Trump during his "presidential exploratory trip"

(1999) pic.twitter.com/Rw25w66ieI

— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@WojPawelczyk) April 27, 2024

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aba119 No.20841323


Decades of consistency

Trump’s present comments are nearly indistinguishable from the remarks he made years ago, before he officially jumped into the waters of national politics. In 1999, he explored the idea of running for president after exiting the Republican Party and jumping to the Reform Party.

That preliminary presidential bid was a foreshadowing of things to come. In 1999, his political approach was identical to what he brought to the table in 2016 – minus the glitzy buzz surrounding his multi-season hit show, “Celebrity Apprentice.”

On the subject of politicians, he said during a CBS interview profiling his bid for the Reform Party nomination, “I know these folks well, and some are dumber than a rock. And, I know who they are, I know the smart ones, I know the not-so-smart ones – and I know that I can do a very good job.”

On Inauguration Day in 2017, NPR even ran a story titled, “Donald Trump’s Been Saying The Same Thing For 30 Years.” The article, written by Don Gonyea and Domenico Montanaro, included a collection of Trump moments stretching back several decades.

In 1999, Trump told Larry King, “I think that nobody’s really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left… The Republicans are too far right. I don’t think anybody’s hitting the chord. Not the chord that I want to hear and not the chord that other people want to hear.”

In 2024, Trump holds that same position, steering closer to populism than anything else. He told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” in March, “You know, people say, ‘You’re conservative.’ I’m not conservative. You know what I am? I’m a man of common sense. And a lot of conservative policies are common sense. We’re not going to have open borders. You’re going to have to come in legally.”

The working man

In his 1999 interview with Larry King, Trump correctly predicted that the working man would be most drawn to a hypothetical Trump candidacy, explaining, “The workers are the ones that really like me. I’ve often said, the rich people hate me, and the workers love me. Now, the rich people that know me, like me, but the rich people that don’t know me, they truly dislike me.”

Nine years earlier, in Playboy, he made the same observation. “Rich men are less likely to like me, but the working man likes me because he knows I worked hard and didn’t inherit what I’ve built,” he said. “Hey, I made it myself; I have a right to do what I want with it.”

Fast forward 34 years, and it is indeed the blue-collar working man who supports Trump’s current reelection bid. Just two weeks ago, he was flooded with support at an early-morning visit with union workers on the corner of East 48th Street and Park Avenue in New York, where throngs of hard-hat-wearing men sporting reflective vests chanted, “WE LOVE TRUMP!”

Once again, Trump was correct – his political instincts were right on the money thirty years ago, and nothing has changed. What has changed is the political apparatus in America. From the halls of justice to the White House to the mainstream media, a seismic shift has taken place over the past few years, and rather than idolizing “the Don” who glitzily built some of the most impressive buildings in New York, the denizens of power have turned against him.

Union Workers for Trump. 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/I6pqe74Ax5

— Karoline Leavitt (@kleavittnh) April 25, 2024

The rich, the elite, and the political aristocracy have rapidly devolved, favoring communism and anarchy over capitalism and national strength. Trump’s full-throttle bid for the presidency in 2016 took the establishment by surprise, but for anyone who has spent time listening to the 45th president over the past few decades, his success is hardly a shock.

He is no different in 2024 than he was in 1990. Is he more battle-hardened? Absolutely. And, unlike in the late 1980s or early 1990s, he now has a political track record that Americans can compare against his long history of statements and actions. If anything, the Donald Trump of 2024 is in the strongest position he’s ever been in, politically, and widespread support and popularity certainly reflects that.

From the gilded golden doorway of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York to the elegant Oval Office in Washington, D.C., President Trump has proven that he is unchanging in the best way. Love him or hate him, you can’t help but respect him, and if there’s anything this nation needs in 2024, it’s a little bit more of Trump’s steady consistency.


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a14784 No.20841324


>Ivanka on the other hand might make a great senator or something.

you think Ivanka's social circles have a lot of MAGA hat wearing folks, excluding the daddy? how about Melania, getting the immigrant vote?

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522bda No.20841325

File: 8428b5f445ae937⋯.png (735.38 KB,600x775,24:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Not like you don't jump out in the line up or anything…

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5d6cf8 No.20841326

File: ae763dcafb3315d⋯.png (685.69 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb9a48 No.20841327

As Jewish Heritage Month Begins, Let's Recognize Donald Trump's Achievements

David Friedman

May 7, 2024


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fd9cc4 No.20841328



Jul 09, 2019 12:46:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e32d7f No. 6967368


Listen very carefully (again).

Note past (2) years.

Note next (6) years.

YOU WERE TOLD what was going to happen.

YOU WERE TOLD what battles we face.



Patriots in control.

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aba119 No.20841329

File: 2f1001ead302b34⋯.png (687.56 KB,1226x871,1226:871,ClipboardImage.png)

Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead?

Just as they did in 2016 and 2020, it is likely that they understate Trump's actual support.

During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that “Trump and Biden are ‘darn near even’ in the 2024 election.” If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign. Moreover, if history is any guide, it’s probable that the polls understate the strength of Trump’s support.

The voters remember the peace and prosperity of Trump’s tenure in office and they have had enough of Biden’s penury and warfare.

At present, the RealClearPolitics average indicates that Trump holds a narrow national lead. But the averages that really matter are those which show him ahead in all seven of the battleground states where the election will be decided. It’s a good bet that they are, once again, underestimating the number of votes that will be cast for Trump. Lest you have forgotten amidst the economic and cultural chaos that has attended the return of “the adults” to power, the 2020 polls undercounted Trump voters by wider margins than in 2016. At length, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) commissioned a task force to assess how badly the polls performed. The conclusion was brutal:

Public opinion polls ahead of the 2020 election were the most inaccurate in a generation … The task force found that polling during the two weeks before the election overstated support for then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 3.9 percentage points, which was the largest polling error since 1980 when support for Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter was overestimated by 6 percentage points. The presidential election between Biden, the eventual winner, and incumbent president Donald Trump was much closer than polling had indicated.

The leader of the task force, political scientist Josh Clinton of Vanderbilt University, insisted the problem had nothing to do with partisan bias on the part of the pollsters, but this is hard to swallow considering that the three most egregious polling failures of the past four decades (1980, 2016 and 2020) all overstated voter support for Democrats. It becomes even less credible after perusing figure 11 of the full AAPOR report which frankly admits, “It is immediately obvious that polls overstated the Biden-Trump margin in nearly every state.” Nor was this phenomenon restricted to the presidential race. The 2020 generic ballot favored the Democrats most of the year, yet the Republicans flipped 15 House seats for a net gain of 12.

So, unless

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aba119 No.20841330


So, unless the pollsters have solved the problems that plagued them in the last two presidential elections, it’s probable that Trump’s actual support among voters is stronger than his polling suggests. This is particularly important in 2024 because Trump, for the first time ever, has maintained a consistent lead in most national and swing state polls since last fall. This was never true in 2016 or 2020. It’s obviously difficult to say precisely how far off the polls are this time, but if they are understating Trump’s support as much as they did four years ago, he will win most of the crucial battleground states and the general election. Is this a real possibility? William A. Galston at the Brookings Institution takes it very seriously indeed.

Although polls do not reliably predict the outcome of elections far in the future, they do provide insight into the dynamics of these contests. They are more like X-rays than snapshots, helping us probe beneath the surface to assess trends in different parts of the electorate. Here’s what they are telling us now … Fewer and fewer states are closely contested between the parties, while more and more are dominated by one of the parties. By 2020, only seven states were truly up for grabs, and Biden won six of them. As of now, however, he trails Trump in all seven.

Galston explains why this is such bad news for Biden. Referring to a recent Bloomberg poll he writes, “For these states in the aggregate, about half the voters selected either the economy or immigration as their top issue.” Trump is more trusted to deal with these issues. Galston expands on Biden’s troubles in battleground states. He won Arizona in 2020 by 0.3 percent. Trump now leads by 5.0 percent, a 5.3-point swing. Biden won Georgia by 0.2 percent. Trump now leads by 3.8 percent, a 4-point swing. He won Michigan by 2.8 percent. Trump now leads by 1.2 percent, another 4-point swing. Biden won Nevada by 2.4 percent. Trump now leads by 4.5 percent, a 6.9-point swing. If Trump flips these states, he wins.

This is true even if his current polling doesn’t underestimate his actual strength. Trump will win every state he won in 2020, including North Carolina. This gives him a floor of 235 electoral votes. He will also win Georgia, which gets him to 251. If he wins Pennsylvania, he’s there. Sadly, that probably won’t happen. He may well win Michigan, however, which will get him to 266 electoral votes. Then, all he needs is Nevada(6) or Arizona (11) and he’s home. All of this assumes that Trump’s current poll numbers are accurate. It is more likely that they understate his support. The voters remember the peace and prosperity of Trump’s tenure in office. They have had enough of international conflict and penury.


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48a2b3 No.20841332


>White Guy Heritage Day

Having a tough time getting the Congresscritters to designate a whole month, but might have a shot at getting Feb 29th to be /ourday/.


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a14784 No.20841333


>Poor him. Would be terrible to grow up as a billionaire. Can you imagine the struggle?

the Old Eastern Elites never accepted Donald Trump, they saw him as a vulgar parvenu, like a cross between a mobster and an obnoxious, repulsive used car sales man

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bdf9cf No.20841334


> FBI and Secret Service Coordination

So, not even the SS can be trusted, is this correct?

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aba119 No.20841336

File: ce2788bcba3a2ef⋯.png (1.16 MB,782x818,391:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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a14784 No.20841337


>(((David Friedman)))

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4254a3 No.20841338


What a sorry excuse for a human you are

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aba119 No.20841339


do you remember don jr ditching his ss team?

infiltrated. at every level

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4254a3 No.20841342



So we‘re gonna have to wait until 2025 to maybe see any results

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522bda No.20841343

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)




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aba119 No.20841344


technically donut agree

but was funny muslim brotherhood truth

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22121f No.20841345


That seems a very accurate and concise description of how the ‘Elites’ view Trump.

Kinda the embodiment of the Underdog that many Americans dream about.

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a14784 No.20841346


>Judicial Watch




>BREAKING: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of @realDonaldTrump’s Home!


are we talking about the Secret Service detail Trump has as an ex-Potus?

nice Coordination then

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4254a3 No.20841347




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aba119 No.20841348

File: bb95754fa619d54⋯.png (1.06 MB,713x663,713:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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20964b No.20841349



Personally, I think the only ones that have been executed are the ones who were already on deaths door due to age, illness etc. The military did not allow them to leave this world unpunished. They received expedited trials and punishments that I'm sure were all video taped. They had public funerals with wrinkled flags etc.

The rest of these rats, like Felonia, Biden and so many more are awaiting trial. I'm sure of it.

It would do no good what so ever to arrest, try, convict and imprison/execute in secret. Justice would not be served.

Justice is about more that punishing the guilty. It's also about showing the public their crimes, their fair trials and just punishment. Justice serves as a deterrent and reinforces rule of law. The whole world will see it and it will happen in nearly every country.

The military will handle it in part because the Judicial Branch is corrupt and because the Constitution has been suspended and we are living under military occupancy and military law plus COG ops.

Q told us that many will not be prosecuted but they will instead step down, never return to govt and promise to cooperate in any way asked under threat of prosecution if they don't.

However, Trump don't play that shit. My strong suspicion is that almost everyone offered a deal WILL be called to testify against others. To testify, you have to be credible. So, these rats will be called to testify and the first thing the defense will ask is "How do you know this information Mr/Mrs bad guy?" and then those who received deals will be forced to destroy their own legacies by personally revealing how they were involved in all of it but received a deal.

That might not be traditional justice but in many ways it will be better because those in prison cannot be attacked by the public but those still free will never be able to walk down the street again and will be vilified for the rest of their lives. THAT is how Trump will fuck even those that get a deal.

It's gonna be glorious! NCSWIC!

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4254a3 No.20841353



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393161 No.20841354


saw a couple of articles where poisoning from glyphosate in the wheat is what is being blamed on "gluten"

an anon posted an article a few days ago about how the fda only tests for 2 out of dozens of harmful chemicals in food

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b1bee5 No.20841355

File: 55e6bad7b54125e⋯.jpg (54.26 KB,1280x1243,1280:1243,It_sNeverDuck.jpg)

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fd9cc4 No.20841356


seeing results right now

but the birth pain of 'em all

comes forth this November

maybe a little October surprise

just because a presidential year wouldn't be

without some form or fashion of something on the order of





or glad

an interjection starts a sentence right

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a14784 No.20841358


>Personally, I think the only ones that have been executed are the ones who were already on deaths door due to age, illness etc.

was the old Jewess Justice of the Supreme Court, Ruth Gins …eh whatever, executed?

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522bda No.20841359


Anyone else remember iBama's "Hondreds of under $200 donations" from overseas? Specifically from "Rafa, GA" as the sneaky labeling?

I know it's Fusion GPS' Isikoff mouthpiece, but the coincidence meter O' Mine just got pegged again:

Controversy Over Obama's Small Donors

–Published Oct 03, 2008 at 8:00 PM EDT

Updated Mar 13, 2010 at 5:39 PM EST–

"Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said the campaign has no idea who the individuals are and has returned all the donations, using the credit-card numbers they gave to the campaign. (In a similar case earlier this year, the campaign returned $33,000 to two Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip who had bought T shirts in bulk from the campaign's online store. They had listed their address as "Ga.," which the campaign took to mean Georgia rather than Gaza.) "While no organization is completely protected from Internet fraud, we will continue to review our fund-raising procedures," LaBolt said."


Raffah's a YUGE Laundromat, that's why it's saved for last. I wonder if there are any interesting server barns under the Hospitals And Universities, there….

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f75ec3 No.20841360

A few days ago I was in here telling you about the PD51 post by Boone Cutler, Flynn right hand guy. Well, the research is finally put into form. Here is the tweet link and a link to the PD51 channel. Take your time, each slide is chock full of information.

Enjoy. An X thread is coming and a substance as well. Years of work and it's beautiful. Happy Ascension Thursday.


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bb9a48 No.20841361

The optics of the muhjoo shilling on 8kun QR has shifted from

"pretending to be "Qanons" to smear and slander Q, anons, and the site as anti-semitic"


"Shit, now everybody sees us as leftists funded by Biden donors who hate Q, anons and the site".

Must suck to be losing that bad.


According to the muhjoo logic, if a jew does not speak in defense of Q+ they're to be "called out and separated", while if they do speak out in defense of Q+, they're to be "called out and separated".

In other words, the very same bigotry George Washington referenced in 1790:

"Happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens".

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d2291c No.20841362


bibel not once

but 3x

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51c7f4 No.20841363


>do you remember don jr ditching his ss team?

>infiltrated. at every level

I had a bout with SS myself, and know that at least one was a traitor but as I read Fitton's work, it said they met the day of the raid, so no conspiracy there. I wonder if Tom is trying to divide?

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d3522c No.20841364

File: af9385c2173eb77⋯.png (66.07 KB,812x430,406:215,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_0….png)

The United Arab Emirates is expected to submit a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to recognize the “State of Palestine” this Friday, the Jerusalem Post reported Thursday morning.

According to the draft of the resolution: “Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter and should therefore be admitted to membership in the United Nations.”

The text also affirms “the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine.”

Currently, the Palestinian delegation only has observer status in UNGA. The UAE’s resolution is expected to receive majority support in the assembly, where around 140 nations have already independently recognized a Palestinian state in resolutions that cannot be vetoed.

However, the only way to become a full member state of the UN is through a vote in the Security Council, where the United States has blocked similar advances in the past, most recently in April.

“Recognizing a Palestinian State after October 7 means rewarding Hamas for murdering over 1,000 Israelis. It means giving a prize to the Iranian Regime,” Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz charged in a post on 𝕏.

“The only way to promote peace is through direct negotiations, within the framework of a regional normalization process,” he added.

Israeli officials strongly rejected the possibility of recognizing a Palestinian state over the past months, after the Palestinian Authority (PA) renewed its push to reach full recognition in the UN, as well as by individual states following Hamas’ invasion and massacre last October.

Oren Marmorstein, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman, wrote last week that “every statement about the possibility that European countries will recognize a Palestinian state is a prize for Hamas terrorists.”

“The world including Europe should currently focus solely on the immediate release of the 133 women and men taken hostage and on the destruction of the Hamas terror organization. Anyone promoting a different agenda at this time is playing into the hands of Hamas and is hindering efforts to reach a deal on releasing the hostages and humanitarian relief,” Marmorstein added.


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4254a3 No.20841365


Well my soul already went full schizo mode being confronted with certain info and nothing good has come of learning what I‘ve learned other than developing an even deeper disdain for humanity than I has previously thought possible. I think I just fell victim to a psyop

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51c7f4 No.20841366


Read it, they met the day of the raid, why was the headline put as if they conspired.

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393161 No.20841367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a14784 No.20841368


>"jew" is a made up word, never existed before ~1500AD. Rothy insert?

no, just no.

From Middle English Jew, Giu, Giw, Ju, from Old French juiu, Giu, gyu, from Latin iūdaeus (“Judean (i.e. Jew)”), from Ancient Greek Ἰουδαῖος (Ioudaîos), from Ἰουδά (Ioudá), Ἰούδας (Ioúdas, “Judah, Judas, Jude”) + -ιος (-ios, suffix forming adjectives), from Biblical Hebrew יְהוּדָה (y'hudá, “male given name, Yehuda; Judah, Judea”). Doublet of Yid. Displaced Old English Iūdēisċ.

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19ab87 No.20841369

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpeg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a….jpeg)

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d2291c No.20841370

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de9390 No.20841373

File: e5b58da3ec459f6⋯.jpg (77.11 KB,663x1140,221:380,e5b58da3ec459f64e5e72d6c2a….jpg)

Destroy them, Barron.

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aba119 No.20841374

File: e781ca045ee5323⋯.png (296.4 KB,903x952,129:136,ClipboardImage.png)

May 8, 2024

The case for Trump: A triumph of economic stewardship

By Joseph Ford Cotto

Editor’s Note: All the stats included herein can be found on this archived page from the Trump White House.

In the tumultuous landscape of modern American politics, one cannot underestimate the profound impact of economic policies on the lives of everyday citizens.

As we approach the crucial decision-making moment of the 2024 presidential election, it is imperative to reflect on the achievements of the Trump administration and how they have shaped the economic landscape of the nation.

Before the onset of COVID-19, the United States experienced an unprecedented economic boom under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump. His administration’s commitment to fostering a robust economic environment yielded remarkable results that reverberated across the nation.

With the creation of seven million new jobs, surpassing even the most optimistic projections, the Trump administration propelled America’s workforce to unparalleled heights.

Middle-class families witnessed a substantial increase in income, soaring nearly $6,000—a feat unmatched by any previous administration. The unemployment rate plummeted to a historic low of 3.5%, marking a significant milestone in economic prosperity.

Furthermore, Trump’s administration achieved an unparalleled 40 consecutive months with more job openings than job hirings, underscoring the strength and resilience of the American job market. Incomes surged in every corner of the nation, heralding a future filled with promise and opportunity for citizens from all walks of life.

Crucially, the Trump administration’s economic policies delivered tangible benefits to a broad cross-section of society.

Unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma reached record lows, ushering in a new era of inclusivity and economic empowerment.

The Trump administration’s unwavering commitment to lifting individuals out of poverty yielded remarkable results, with nearly seven million Americans liberated from reliance on food stamps.

Moreover, income inequality saw a significant reduction, marking the largest decline in over a decade. The bottom 50 percent of American households experienced a remarkable 40 percent increase in net worth, exemplifying the Trump administration’s dedication to fostering economic prosperity for all.

Through strategic policies aimed at revitalizing American manufacturing and incentivizing domestic production, the Trump administration brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the U.S.

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aba119 No.20841375


The creation of over 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs underscored the Trump administration’s commitment to revitalizing America’s industrial base and reinvigorating the backbone of the nation’s economy.

Additionally, the Trump administration’s efforts to modernize the regulatory framework for agricultural biotechnology products and invest in rural America through initiatives, such as the ReConnect Program, demonstrated a comprehensive approach to strengthening the nation’s economic foundation from coast to coast.

Even in the face of unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic, the Trump administration’s steadfast leadership steered the nation towards a record-setting economic comeback. Rejecting “blanket lockdowns” in favor of a targeted, data-driven approach, the administration ensured the safety of the American people while safeguarding economic stability.

The rapid GDP growth rate of 33.1 percent during the third quarter of 2020 stands as a testament to the resilience of the American economy under President Trump’s stewardship. With the easing of coronavirus restrictions, the economy rebounded at remarkable speed, adding back over 12 million jobs—a feat achieved 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery efforts.

Notably, the Trump administration’s proactive measures resulted in a swift decline in unemployment rates across demographic groups, with Hispanic, Asian, and black unemployment rates witnessing significant decreases.

Small businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy, experienced a resurgence in confidence and activity, with an impressive 80 percent open for business by January 2021.

Furthermore, the stabilization of America’s financial markets through the establishment of Treasury Department-supported facilities at the Federal Reserve underscored the Trump administration’s commitment to ensuring the long-term health and vitality of the nation’s economic infrastructure.

In contrast to the crippling lockdowns embraced by other nations, the United States emerged as a beacon of economic resilience and stability. By prioritizing the safe reopening of businesses and communities, the Trump administration demonstrated a clear-eyed understanding of the interconnectedness between economic prosperity and public health.

As we stand on the precipice of a new chapter in American history, it is incumbent upon us to recognize and appreciate the transformative impact of the Trump administration's economic policies. From record-breaking job creation to historic reductions in unemployment, President Trump's steadfast leadership has ushered in an era of unprecedented economic prosperity for the American people.

In the upcoming November election, the choice is clear. We must cast our ballots in favor of continued economic growth, opportunity, and prosperity. By reelecting President Donald J. Trump, we reaffirm our commitment to a future defined by boundless potential and shared prosperity for all Americans.


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e72867 No.20841376

File: e980d6086fad66d⋯.png (178.86 KB,396x323,396:323,ralph3cHap_pGM.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the pre-getting married Covfefe.

>Dark Roast if you have it because it is going to be a wild ride over the next few days.

woah! Congrats anon!

I know it's a Thursday but it's a special occasion.

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bb9a48 No.20841377


>jew is a made up word, never existed before 1500AD


Galatians 3:28 KJV

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"

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b1bee5 No.20841378



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aba119 No.20841379

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d2291c No.20841381


The Expert

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aba119 No.20841382

File: 1bcc170d5a50e2a⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,242x255,242:255,concern_fag.jpg)

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d3522c No.20841383


lighten up, he's just an 18 yr old kid


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65932b No.20841385


What does it mean to be covered in gold?

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20964b No.20841386


I believe so.

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e10dff No.20841387

File: e24a99c5e59455c⋯.png (450.97 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_express_co_uk….png)

File: 37d505fe420c629⋯.png (330.7 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_aviation_safety_n….png)

File: e28765fdb7d91af⋯.png (354.58 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_aviation_safety_n….png)

Boeing 737 skids off runway and bursts into flames with 73 terrified passengers onboard

The Transair plane's wing was covered in fire suppressant foam at Blaise Diagne International Airport near Dakar, Senegal, after the aircraft's left wing and engine burst into flames during a horror take off.

The shocking scenes unfolded at Blaise Diagne International Airport near Dakar, Senegal, when the aircraft's left wing and engine suddenly burst into flames due to a hydraulic problem during acceleration.

Approximately 11 people were injured as 73 passengers scrambled for safety, while four are said to be severely wounded. As a consequence, all flights have been suspended at Senegal's largest airport.

A company operating domestic and international routes, Transair is based out of Blaise Diagne airport.

Global aviation watchdog Jacdec announced via Twitter: "Flight #HC301 on behalf of Air Senegal from Dakar to Bamako experienced a hydraulic issue during acceleration for take-off on runway 01 resulting in a runway excursion. 11 of the 78 people on board sustained injuries."






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aba119 No.20841388

File: 55603c66a1d1936⋯.png (188.55 KB,918x766,459:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c9045d12e97ed6⋯.png (867.17 KB,840x1221,280:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87bfdb04927cee6⋯.png (83.07 KB,195x333,65:111,Vivek_Ramaswamy_27c.png)

File: cb7deae25adce05⋯.png (303.82 KB,661x967,661:967,Vivek_Ramaswamy_9.png)

File: 50eb782742d9a7e⋯.png (681.72 KB,720x1280,9:16,Vivek_Ramaswamy_4bc25a69a1….png)



Former Vivek staffer now working for RFK is paying MAGA influencers to boost RFK

This would be akin to taking money to boost Joe Biden

Had no idea this was happening, but we should all start paying attention to who the Trump backstabbers are!


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560e2b No.20841389


>woah! Congrats anon!

>I know it's a Thursday but it's a special occasion.

Yes, it is one of those Powers and Jameson kind of days.

Yeah, the old ball 'n chain finally wore me down until I agreed.

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e72867 No.20841390

File: 358c2ea2ecb63af⋯.png (263.05 KB,581x429,581:429,Screenshot_from_2022_05_14….png)


>Anons panties got in a bunch so I have temporarily halted the Sam meme



>So is the Pepe hiding in the dumpster, another of my favorites.

I click that shit every time


>which makes you part of the fam.



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9c5688 No.20841391

File: 825793ed15d7267⋯.png (560.62 KB,848x654,424:327,2024_05_09_07_14_32.png)

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cdd5fe No.20841392



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bc1092 No.20841394


I will never fly again.

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a14784 No.20841395


>Listen very carefully (again).


>Note past (2) years.


>Note next (6) years.


>YOU WERE TOLD what was going to happen.


>YOU WERE TOLD what battles we face.






>So we‘re gonna have to wait until 2025 to maybe see any results

the drop was dropped in 2017 and nothing suggests Q ever thought Trump could lose in 2020 … when Q talked about the time post-POTUS presidecy he was expecting 2 + 6 years of consecutive Trump administration before that

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b1bee5 No.20841396

File: d57b6444893a0cd⋯.jpg (26.9 KB,556x393,556:393,714446_ralph_wolf.jpg)



1 or 2 lumps?

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4c7e48 No.20841397

File: 78a5b705806f1db⋯.jpeg (587.1 KB,2098x1527,2098:1527,IMG_1765.jpeg)

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522bda No.20841398


There's a LOT of "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia", I Mean, "Raffah, Raffah, Raffah" out there, so someone keeps ringing that bell for a reason.

Plus, and most specifically when it comes to Chicago politicians, there is one Axiom above all others: "There Are NO Political Coincidences. NONE."

And iBama is most definitely a product of the new Chicago Machine, a la Preckwinkle (Hyde Park Maoist Mafia, all the red diaper babies).

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4254a3 No.20841399


Ah so patriots were NOT in control, but we still expect something to happen… kekekke

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d2291c No.20841400

File: c19d2b24836bd7a⋯.jpg (29.91 KB,474x355,474:355,th_2688701470_2.jpg)

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3297d9 No.20841401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning.

She's up there helping.

My baby.


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48a2b3 No.20841402


Q first brought up The Precipice in 2019 and in 2020 mentioned "what if" Biden became POTUS.

Neither of those sound like someone that had no clue what would happen in the 2020 election.

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bc1092 No.20841403

File: 0efdd66538baf4c⋯.jpg (999.19 KB,949x943,949:943,1670529010562926.jpg)


moves and countermoves and moves and countermoves and moves and countermoves………………..

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cdd5fe No.20841404

File: 120e2114f76bbcd⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,NCSWIC_MF.png)


Good fucking luck with that. Use MAGA influencers to go against our POTUS? Riiiight……………….Wonder just how many MAGA supporters this will get? I predict a big, fat, fucking zero. NCSWIC.

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b1bee5 No.20841405


It never ends…..

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4254a3 No.20841406


A platitude for every doubt! How practical.

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c96341 No.20841407


The term "reeducation" implies you were previously trained on social norms. It's a catch all term for those who see through the veil.

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9c5688 No.20841408

File: fe18dfc66afe563⋯.png (318.24 KB,500x500,1:1,2024_04_06_09_24_28.png)

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a14784 No.20841409


>>>20841395 (You)


>Q first brought up The Precipice in 2019 and in 2020 mentioned "what if" Biden became POTUS.


>Neither of those sound like someone that had no clue what would happen in the 2020 election.

well before the 2018 midterms Q expected RED TSUNAMI and went AWOL for awhile after that failed to materialize

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aa28df No.20841410

File: 89187b163c41693⋯.png (324.14 KB,389x534,389:534,89187b163c41693e522b32207b….png)

File: 94c517dad6ad39d⋯.png (440.82 KB,1250x464,625:232,94c517dad6ad39da35e2ec88c0….png)

File: cc3343d3314741d⋯.jpeg (86.17 KB,600x801,200:267,cc3343d3314741ded98e33eeb….jpeg)

File: ca0e59b14c3f312⋯.mp4 (5.94 MB,848x768,53:48,Trump_about_Biden.mp4)


>lose against a known pedo

>who got the most votes ever

>who got "shot"

>who is acting like a comedian since "winning the" "election"

signatures are very important

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393161 No.20841411


alex jones is doing it to great effect unfortunately

talked to several conservatives who have been turned against trump by this clown

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d3522c No.20841412


obama and now his proxy, brandon, are solely responsible for the current inflamed middle east

obama sent the pallets of cash to iran (as Q noted), iran then used this money to fund their proxies, which ultimately led to the attack on israel, which then resulted in the brutal counterattack

believe obama and brandon are trying to back israel into a corner, yet while brandon feigns that he supports the state of israel

believe their ultimate goal is the destruction of israel which concerns me regarding the future of America

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393161 No.20841413

>>20841411 (me)


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522bda No.20841414

Huge asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza will skim past Earth at 56,000mph today, NASA warns


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aba119 No.20841415


>MAGA influencers

fuckin dipshits, we know who is grifting and who isnt

who is anon

we are anon

nameless faceless and think for our selves

the article is retarded just like their woke notions

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48a2b3 No.20841416


Q used the Senate was the key line for that one.

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65932b No.20841417

File: fccf65c63f2e569⋯.png (205.96 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)


>Huge asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza will skim past Earth at 56,000mph today, NASA warns

at a distance of 2.6 million miles

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e4ff12 No.20841418


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560e2b No.20841420


Mornin' pepeAnon.

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9adbc2 No.20841421

File: 542aebb494c20b0⋯.png (119.56 KB,2084x646,1042:323,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

File: 591f75ef2d975ad⋯.png (820.03 KB,1266x796,633:398,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

Morning anons…

No one above another…


Where we go one we go all…

Who best reflects those values as a country right now?


"Russia firmly opposes the West’s “colonial policies” aimed at elevating a few nations by restraining the development of other sovereign states, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in his address at the military parade in Moscow celebrating the 79th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany.

According to Putin, Western nations “would like to forget the lessons of World War II.”

“We see how they are trying to distort the truth about World War II – it interferes with those who are accustomed to building their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. They demolish memorials to true fighters against Nazism and place traitors and Nazi collaborators on pedestals,” the president said.

He called this revanchism policy a “mockery of history” based on the desire to justify current followers of the Nazis.

“These [actions] are part of the general policy of Western elites of inciting more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and restraining the development of sovereign independent states,” Putin stated, noting that no country or military bloc has a right to do so, which World War II proved. "

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d74df0 No.20841422

File: ea00858b2497439⋯.jpeg (547.63 KB,1170x1452,195:242,IMG_7174.jpeg)


For real for real?

I’m sure the passengers in the titanic, victims in WW1 and WW2, JFK , and 911 (and more) have a differing opinion.

The shitshow started for (you) during Obama, but this has been going on long before it made you uncomfortable.

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9c5688 No.20841423

File: b1ed3b46a27124f⋯.png (1.04 MB,792x652,198:163,gm.png)

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4254a3 No.20841424



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e10dff No.20841425

File: 0532e8fc32deebf⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,599x900,599:900,375183f3b33014f1bbf70a473e….jpg)


Why don't they use standard IGU measurements?

(IGU - International Giraffe Units)

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a14784 No.20841426


>Raffah's a YUGE Laundromat, that's why it's saved for last. I wonder if there are any interesting server barns under the Hospitals And Universities, there

at the moment it's a YUGE meat grinder of women and children by the courtesy of Biden and the Uniparty

besides Q said "we have all the servers" long time ago

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8f48b3 No.20841427



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e584a8 No.20841428

File: 12f6cc68f831bc9⋯.png (13.5 KB,842x225,842:225,ClipboardImage.png)


Shit it seems i am ghost banned every other week on that platform.

Clear again, let the fuckery commence 07

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cdd5fe No.20841429


First, that drop was in 2019 asshat. Secondly, how in the fuck do you think our POTUS won in 2016? Think that was a fluke? MI trued that vote and kept all of the dem/communist fuckery out. 2018, 2020 and 2022 were allowed to be stolen. I can only surmise that all 3 are part of the plan.

As far as the 2 + 6 consecutive years of a Trump presidency? That drop had no such reference and there is zero sauce to substaniate it. So, STFU.

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02d1b6 No.20841430



The one that got co-opted

The one no media talking head can get right not ask proper

The one alt media disparage or encourage

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aba119 No.20841431

File: b48bbb56a56915a⋯.png (227.18 KB,426x450,71:75,sherlock.png)

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522bda No.20841432


Access, yes. Physical possession like Ukrainian servers from the banks is a small ,but important legal distinction.

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9adbc2 No.20841433

File: c19abfca6446d34⋯.png (2.5 MB,2736x1252,684:313,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

File: 1fcfa095a11ff40⋯.png (92.16 KB,886x842,443:421,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

File: c873d694c7064ea⋯.png (138.31 KB,880x1236,220:309,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

File: 59cfd0939796a1b⋯.png (77.81 KB,888x822,148:137,Screenshot_2024_05_09_at_6….png)

This is as active asTHE SONhas been this solar cycle.

The SON will "return" just not in the way that Christians anticipate.

In fact the SON is here now and WHY we are awakening under the #greatawakening.

TWO X FLARESin the last 24 hours. The BIG indicator is the solar protons. Thru all the X flares over the last few days it has not moved, but it is now.

Protons, if they are energetic enough, will REARRANGE matter (including DNA)…


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02d1b6 No.20841434


Did they start from cyprus?

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8b1487 No.20841435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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522bda No.20841436


Paradise Papers involved? Guid question, but seen no link, to date.

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01b51c No.20841438


When I watch 911 videos, it does something to me deep down to my soul, and if I dwell there too long, an exacting science. It is our job to clean the swamp not God's, unless everything we try fails. Yet we haven't learned our lesson, as we let Israel create another false narrative and now our people are in harms way yet again.

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e72867 No.20841439

File: 0baccab64a8bd4a⋯.png (176.15 KB,466x330,233:165,ralphLearnFani.png)


>Yes, it is one of those Powers and Jameson kind of days.

>Yeah, the old ball 'n chain finally wore me down until I agreed

Well congratulations to you both.

Good news to start the end of the week.

And it was an almost also a Putinka kind of day. Had to mash up the Fani Covfefe as I'm sure anon remembers, she's a vodka girl.


>Original Fani Picrelated

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32f0cd No.20841440


I'll concede that point. Anon is highly critical of everyone though, and have gravitated towards Anon feeling after watching much seemingly manufactured praise. If GOP are supporting an 18 yo without any life experience or wisdom it appears incredibly suspicious. If Trumps entire family is blacklisted by the cabal, why support them in politics? Why the interest to support someone who hasn't said 5 words in public and has never expressed a single thought going through his mind? I'll give him time to prove himself.

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48a2b3 No.20841441



The only post-Trump comment ever Q made was during Q&A.

An anon asked Q if there was a plan for after Trump.

Q answered with yep nigga there is.

Ok, I'm embellishing, he just said yes.

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19ab87 No.20841443

File: 5eced33ad316fab⋯.png (390.64 KB,708x500,177:125,5eced33ad316fab24002237113….png)

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a14784 No.20841444


>>>20841409 (You)


>Q used the Senate was the key line for that one.

after Q came back after his vacation he said losing the house was always the goal … or was it securing the Senate … and what was amusing, he repurposed his failed Kavanaugh confirmation vote prediction to refer to the Senate Seats

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1bf5a8 No.20841445

File: e48907d6ad797d5⋯.png (599 KB,640x4856,80:607,3306.png)


good morning Ralph.

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cdd5fe No.20841446


[Hussein] as much as I hate to admit it, is a US citizen regardless of where his JAMF self was born. This by way of his mother who is a US citizen and born right there in Kanas. Irrefutable.

As far as alliances? This is where his American-ness ends. His allegiance is to Islam and everything we are watching come to bare in the middle east and the US's part in it is being directed by him and [VJ].

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393161 No.20841447

File: 51f13cdccb61675⋯.png (257.44 KB,704x485,704:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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19ab87 No.20841448

File: 5777783c4ab6ece⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,255x245,51:49,icecream.jpg)

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aa28df No.20841449

File: 11c428a3e77d8e2⋯.jpg (159.95 KB,788x704,197:176,Musk.jpg)



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65932b No.20841450


>missed by 'this' much

although the word skim may be associated with the concept of skinny

TIL there is such a thing as fat skim

apparently one consumes the skim and not the milk to achieve this condition

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4254a3 No.20841451


The one I believed would save the world (and my soul)

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e584a8 No.20841452

File: f650af82cdb3a10⋯.png (1.62 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)




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4254a3 No.20841453


Oh no you painted me as a retard. Whatever will I do.

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19ab87 No.20841454

File: 9a597a54e64a07f⋯.png (542.53 KB,720x678,120:113,9a597a54e64a07f9f4e098445b….png)

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19ab87 No.20841455


No one needs to paint you as anything, you prove yourself to be a retard.

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5d913a No.20841456

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bb9a48 No.20841458

Muhjoo logic is imploding just like anti-white racism logic is imploding.

The muhjoos blame "the jews" while simultaneously claiming "jew" isn't real and is just a made up word.

Coincidentally last night Q+ truthed an article from Rich Lowry who wrote:

"Much of the commentary reflects the contradictory argument that anti-white racism isn’t really a thing, yet, at the same time, is absolutely essential to racial progress. The same twisted reasoning was often used when the CRT controversy was at its height; critical race theory was either a right-wing myth or foundational to the truthful teaching of America’s past, or somehow both. There should be a long German word for this rhetorical phenomenon."

Bingo. Anon has been seeing these forms of rhetorical inconsistencies for years from the radical left complex. A rhetoric that contains multiple statements that are internally inconsistent.

Another example is publicly declaring anti-semitism is wrong, while privately funding anti-semitic camps on college campuses, or turning a blind eye to it as commander in chief because your donors are those funding the camps.

While on the surface it looks like a mistake in cognition, underneath there is a purpose to it, the contradictory messages are intended to be "heard" by different listeners, some the one message, others the other message, who thereby are to become divided against each other.

Then the sources of those inconsistencies end up having a form of ideological control over the people divided by the inconsistent messaging, the real goal all along of the "mistakes in cognition".

Not sure what the long German word is for this rhetoric, anon has for years called it "dialectic projection", even if doing so betrays other definitions used in philosophical circles. Anon uses "dialectic" because philosophically the epistemology of a universe ontologically divided originated with the neoPlatonist Plotinus, and anon uses "projection" because the movement of the rhetoric is not an observation of anything real outside the source speaker (because every A is an A), but is rather a phenomena of the speaker referencing the structure of their own self-alienated psychology of seeing self as divided, divided within, and divided from all of humanity in some way.

Imagine a person publicly self-described as Christian, publicly claimed a big problem in the world is anti-Christianity, while in private they funded NGOs they knew were anti-Christian NGOs that target Christians for harassment or worse.

What would you think about that person's statements and actions?

That's what this anon defines as dialectic projection. Projecting a dialectic of division that they themselves are bringing about.



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4254a3 No.20841459


No, that‘s just you projecting your own retardation onto others

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a14784 No.20841460


>>>20841395 (You)


>First, that drop was in 2019 asshat. Secondly, how in the fuck do you think our POTUS won in 2016? Think that was a fluke? MI trued that vote and kept all of the dem/communist fuckery out. 2018, 2020 and 2022 were allowed to be stolen. I can only surmise that all 3 are part of the plan.


>As far as the 2 + 6 consecutive years of a Trump presidency? That drop had no such reference and there is zero sauce to substaniate it. So, STFU.

2017 was a misspelling. 2019 is correct.

Trump had had 2 years at the office, if his terms possibly would not be consecutive, then Q should have written 2+2 and 4 … because 6 indicates continuity of the Trump reign - if we think logically

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cdd5fe No.20841461


What a body Ghislane has, had. That's a good picture of her.

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19ab87 No.20841462


Born overseas to an American = American

Doesn't have anything to do with the fraudulent birth certificate. The belief is that to be President then one must be born in the United States, hence the fake birth certificate.

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bb9a48 No.20841463


KJV was written before 1500AD.

The passage refutes the false claim jew is a word that didnt exist pre 1500AD.

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86570f No.20841464

File: 5ba08de7900b179⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones

THURSDAY, MAY 09, 2024 - 04:30 AM

Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper found.


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a14784 No.20841465


jesus christ that stupid fake student card doing rounds again .... research when bar codes were put in the Columbia University student cards ... young anons might not know but there was a time when there was no bar codes

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9c5688 No.20841466

File: 80364025f761231⋯.png (884.44 KB,908x896,227:224,2024_05_09_07_37_47_copy.png)

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f536b0 No.20841467



Leading digits would indicate state etc

How about selective service reg?

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aa6265 No.20841468

"Oh my god, you can't do this to a country. You never put G@#$%&s in charge of anything."

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572765 No.20841470

another boeing incident (NOT the FEDEX

Moment terrified Boeing 737 passengers scramble to escape from burning jet after it skids off runway in Senegal in latest disaster for plane maker a day after FedEx 767 landed without nose gear



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bb9a48 No.20841471


Id is not from Obama's handlers. It's fake.

The birth certificate is from Obama's handlers. It's real in the sense that they claim it's real despite it being faked.

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dfb5d8 No.20841472

File: 67e5bda303ad272⋯.jpeg (366.69 KB,1242x1729,1242:1729,IMG_1404.jpeg)


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cde42b No.20841473

File: d543ac92a96894d⋯.webp (130.77 KB,1240x827,1240:827,sullivan_wife.webp)

JAKE SULLIVAN'S WIFE running for Congress in New Hampshire!

Former Biden administration official plans to jump into New Hampshire House race

May 7, 2024

Democrat Maggie Goodlander, a former senior official in the Biden White House and the Justice Department, is on the verge of launching a primary campaign against the hand-picked would-be successor to Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., according to three sources familiar with her planning.

The move, which could come as early as this week, promises to bring national and international politics to the heart of a House race in New Hampshire when President Joe Biden is trying to keep the state's four electoral votes in his column.

Scott Merrick, an adviser to Goodlander, declined to confirm or deny that she will run — but he said a decision is coming soon. Kuster announced this year that she was retiring.

“Maggie is thankful for the encouragement she’s received from Granite Staters and will be making a decision in the coming days,” Merrick said.

Goodlander, who worked on domestic issues in the federal government — on antitrust at the Justice Department and on Biden's "unity agenda" at the White House — was a Navy intelligence officer and an aide to two senators known for their focus on foreign policy. But she also has a connection to the current policy debate over the Biden administration's positioning on hot-button issues such as the wars in Ukraine and Gaza through her marriage to national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who gives Biden counsel on those matters.


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a14784 No.20841475




>Born overseas to an American = American


>Doesn't have anything to do with the fraudulent birth certificate. The belief is that to be President then one must be born in the United States, hence the fake birth certificate.

the US had annexed Hawaii about a year before Hussein was born, so it wasn't foreign soil

OTOH, McCain/NONAME was born abroad if memory serves, but it was a military base so it was argued NONAME was natural born citizen

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393161 No.20841476


King James wasn't born yet in 1,500 AD

The King James Version (KJV), also the King James Bible (KJB) and the Authorized Version (AV), is an Early Modern English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, which was commissioned in 1604 and published in 1611, by sponsorship of King James VI and I.[d][e] The 80 books of the King James Version include 39 books of the Old Testament, 14 books of Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.

not involved in argument between you two but this

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d03932 No.20841477

File: d7e61853ffa81bf⋯.jpg (158.6 KB,1200x798,200:133,Special_Counsel.jpg)


>This recording is real-time evidence of the Biden administration’s whole government operation to abuse Trump

This entire thing is a big pile of…

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e4ff12 No.20841478

i for one welcome the new drone man


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19ab87 No.20841479


Was he actually born in Hawaii is the question

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cdd5fe No.20841481


>because 6 indicates continuity of the Trump reign

I don't think so anon. I always took that drop to mean, in the context of everything, that the next 4 years was going to bring this country to the precipice and the great awakening. I hesitate to say what Q should have wrote or done for that matter. We were just alerted that "The Plan" was in motion. I'm 50/50 most days. Sometimes 51/49 either way. I certainly hope and pray that it is so. My POTUS is the one "consistant" factor in all of this. He's still in it and so am I.

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b6e0e5 No.20841482

File: 1067e814785986b⋯.webp (48.19 KB,613x746,613:746,pepe_stretch.webp)

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32f0cd No.20841484

File: d173bda021aff7e⋯.jpg (63.07 KB,682x682,1:1,55146el7dgib1.jpg)



The GM's are strong in here this morning.


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aa28df No.20841485

File: 1afb2bbf43cb41b⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,643x321,643:321,8kun_muh_joo_shill.jpg)

File: 1f203630568d18e⋯.png (783.74 KB,849x423,283:141,1f203630568d18e06a69bb62e9….png)

File: 76941b672d691cf⋯.png (686.2 KB,900x995,180:199,76941b672d691cfec3b4c2d834….png)


>You're simply Satans spawn!

Classic projection by the one posting 666 shit.

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393161 No.20841486


ISIS in the middle pic is "israeli secret intelligence service"

terror group by the same name came later and is also secretly affiliated with israeli intelligence

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a14784 No.20841488


OTOH in the original Gospel texts the Greek word IOUDAIOS "the Jews" didn't have the same meaning than the word Jew today … it was a geographic reference meaning the inhabitants of Judea … Jesus hailed from Galilea … so he wasn't a Jew in the original Gospel sense

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b6e0e5 No.20841489

File: 4830850f8e617a9⋯.webp (36.62 KB,1024x576,16:9,5yszw4xqtqmc1.webp)

Yeah, it's totally not a clown gimmick. Especially when it's pushed by mimics.

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d2291c No.20841490

File: b084d6ed089a536⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,474x345,158:115,th_4037439710_3.jpg)

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e4ff12 No.20841491


Mimics? There was confirmation on all sides today.


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393161 No.20841492


same same

that's why I posted it

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1bf5a8 No.20841493

File: 6c304a5d04e8324⋯.jpg (212.02 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_08_0….jpg)

File: a2b4cc11233b98f⋯.jpeg (323.25 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNFNiBpXEAAkVgG.jpeg)

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_21_.png)

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e584a8 No.20841494



its done in 10 and marker started the day he cam down the escalator

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b6e0e5 No.20841495


You know you can embed videos here rather than living in a halfchan limitation mindset, right?

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e4ff12 No.20841496

i was confronted tonight with the strangest shit i've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

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bb9a48 No.20841497



The version King James established had already been written prior to 1500AD, the word jew is the english word translated from the Hebrew names/words Judah, Judea, Yehudi.

It wasn't "made up after 1500AD".

By that silly logic, any time a new reference variable name pointing to the same object is created, that we're supposed to believe that the underlying object only came into existence upon the new reference variable name declaration.

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779ed4 No.20841498

File: a3b9f1d48570537⋯.jpeg (85.02 KB,577x433,577:433,A3D3F28F_59C8_4557_B54B_E….jpeg)


GM to u 2

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d2291c No.20841499

File: 73f1e17edebd542⋯.jpg (153.47 KB,1200x883,1200:883,George_Floyd_1_2562442346_….jpg)

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e4ff12 No.20841500


theres no reason to post embedded to prove a point. i don't want to succumb to egoism making you be exposed to my shit. lustmord - heresy is literally world 1 shit.

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e72867 No.20841501

File: acab8e022339c92⋯.png (131.98 KB,500x500,1:1,drpanic.png)


>good morning Ralph.

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dfb5d8 No.20841503

File: 22956f7d763de0e⋯.mp4 (10.77 MB,720x1276,180:319,ssstwitter_com_17151883151….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Scenes from thePrinceton Hunger Strike for Hamas.

'We are cold and hot at the same time.We are all immunocompromised.'

The comedy never ends.

May 8, 2024




(For those watching the University protests, what you are seeing and witnessing is the immature, whiny, and violent youth acting out at Colleges. And many that need to lose weight. Kek)

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e584a8 No.20841504


>Shift Change!

always the same around here

Same Shift, different day

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b6e0e5 No.20841505


Filtered for being fake.

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e4ff12 No.20841506

i walked to the scariest darkest place in the most cursed part of the city then looped it 100 times then told jupiter i was hanging out in his navel so he ate the whole thing and they had to send in the black guys

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20964b No.20841507


Dude reminds me of Abraham Lincoln. Always has.

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b6e0e5 No.20841508


What does that say about you if you're here enough to witness that pattern? Or are you just parroting something you've heard another Anon here say?

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e4ff12 No.20841510

the black guys aren't negroid

they are caucasian with

black robes and face covers

and they drive 1990s cars

all fucking murdered out

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e584a8 No.20841511


>What a body Ghislane has, had. That's a good picture of her.

go home elon, ur drunk

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e4ff12 No.20841513

after the black dudes literally tried to box me in

i had to book it

there were watchers across the whole city fuck shit

ther were cop incidents every few dimensions too

guys waiting on street gunning their cars hearing my energy sig

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e4ff12 No.20841514

then some guys noticed me came up to me

just schizo crackheads knew exactly who i was

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3297d9 No.20841515

Just found out 4 yr old niece has cancer.

Prayers needed.

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dfb5d8 No.20841516

File: 8b04036e1a04ea6⋯.mp4 (10.25 MB,854x478,427:239,ssstwitter_com_17152226617….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Dr. Debbie Birx is starting to admit the truth about covid Vaccine injuries.


Chief Nerd

12:03 AM · May 9, 2024




Lock her up

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001118 No.20841517

File: fd46c48e06e0c19⋯.png (89.05 KB,687x363,229:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdd5fe No.20841519


I don't think he was. I think his mother was out of the country on her kumbaya journey for black cock and whatever the fuck else she was doing.

Is there a difference between a "birth certificate" and a "certificate of live birth"?. There must be as why doesn't he have a Hawaiian "Birth Certificate"?

I do believe there was some fuckery with the CoLB perhaps because of the "natural born citizen" clause of the Presidential requirements in the Constitution. Problem is, that issue has never been litigated so the definition of a NBC is left to interpretation. But, in my opinion and at the moment I can't give you the Federalist Paper number where it was written about that a "natural born citizen" is someone who was born to parents who are both US citizens and owe no other allegiance to any other nation. Not so in [Hussein's] case.

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cde42b No.20841520


>'We are cold and hot at the same time.We are all immunocompromised.'

It a medical fact that fasting improves the immune system. These Princeton students should study more facts and less propaganda.

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e4ff12 No.20841521

its fine only because

i met the real one

he was standing in the dark

on the furthest point from any light

he frze silently when he saw me

i said "howdy" bet he hold his gun

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a14784 No.20841522


>By that silly logic, any time a new reference variable name pointing to the same object is created, that we're supposed to believe that the underlying object only came into existence upon the new reference variable name declaration

nice one … but there are differences between formal languages and natural languages …

words have besides referents, also meanings, sense, semantics …. think the extension vs intension or denotation vs connotation ….

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393161 No.20841523

File: c91062348c8a505⋯.png (1.54 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


and maybe some

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e584a8 No.20841524


Prayers for your niece and your fam anon

god bless, she is healed Amen

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dfb5d8 No.20841525


Birx is still lying. Put a dog collar on her and put her head in a cage with scorpions and fleas

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e4ff12 No.20841526

…noneof you can see o rhear me..

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bb9a48 No.20841529



Paul wrote the Epistle to Galatians in Greek. According to Westcott-Hort, Byzantine Majority and Textus Receptus, the original greek text was:

οὐκ ἔνι Ἰουδαῖος οὐδὲ Ἕλλην, οὐκ ἔνι δοῦλος οὐδὲ ἐλεύθερος, οὐκ ἔνι ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ· πάντες γὰρ ὑμεῖς εἷς ἐστε ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ

This literally translates to "neither Jew nor Greek" in English.

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a14784 No.20841530


>Everything you filthy fuckwit Jews claim to be is made up!


>You're simply Satans spawn!

this anon makes anti semites look bad ... just sayin'

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b6e0e5 No.20841531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1bf5a8 No.20841532

File: a96876c426ed21d⋯.png (84.75 KB,640x802,320:401,560.png)

File: f927204840562c8⋯.png (171.4 KB,640x1402,320:701,2039_1_.png)


mornin' Sam..

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a14784 No.20841534




>>>20841522 (You)


>Paul wrote the Epistle to Galatians in Greek. According to Westcott-Hort, Byzantine Majority and Textus Receptus, the original greek text was:


>οὐκ ἔνι Ἰουδαῖος οὐδὲ Ἕλλην, οὐκ ἔνι δοῦλος οὐδὲ ἐλεύθερος, οὐκ ἔνι ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ· πάντες γὰρ ὑμεῖς εἷς ἐστε ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ


>This literally translates to "neither Jew nor Greek" in English.

the point was the Greek word IOUDAIOS didn't mean the same as the word Jew means in current English

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0f8a55 No.20841535

File: 62cdf7f0b73c0b6⋯.png (1.92 MB,1425x1786,75:94,ClipboardImage.png)



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e584a8 No.20841537

File: a340c5434358000⋯.png (769.6 KB,600x900,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

When man finds out there are green hookers on mars

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e584a8 No.20841539

Bloody fuck you anon!!!

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b6e0e5 No.20841540

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,smokingapu3.png)


That's not an anon, that's a shill. He used to namefag as Dirk starting a few years ago, can't forget the last name he used. It's an over-the-top cartoon caricature persona, based upon the stereotype. Have you ever met anyone IRL that talks like that? Where I live if you run your mouth like that in public then you get your teeth pushed own your throat. They do it here because they get off on forcing it on people anonymously.

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e584a8 No.20841541


>Bloody fuck you anon!!!

Fuck you bloody fuck fuck

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dfb5d8 No.20841542

File: 343dee912612e0e⋯.webp (43.78 KB,652x435,652:435,IMG_1409.webp)

File: 5944a12ac984e2b⋯.webp (93.58 KB,1138x1172,569:586,IMG_1407.webp)

File: 271c35be1b53859⋯.webp (59.4 KB,1272x684,106:57,IMG_1408.webp)

The ‘Micro-Intifada’: American Protesters Are Being Trained in ‘Militancy’

Guides created by radical groups are teaching pro-Palestinian students to use violence on campus.

Francesca BlockThurs, May 9, 2024

A demonstrator breaks the windows of the front door of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. (Photo by Alex Kent via Getty Images)

Students participating in the Gaza Solidarity Encampments at universities across the countryare being taught to become militants, according to nine manualsobtained by The Free Press.

Many of the manuals, which are being shared via phone group chats with students across the country,encourage “militancy” and instruct protesters to break laws, seize buildings, vandalize them, and then use tactics to evade police detection and arrest.

One guide, called “De-arrest Primer,” teaches protesters to physically resist arrest or, in some cases, assault police officersor throw projectiles at them to protect fellow “comrades” from arrest. “Each de-arrest,” the guide states, “is a micro-intifada which can spread and inspire others until we may finally shake off this noxious ruling order all together.”

Another manual, called the “The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide,” contains detailed diagrams on how to break into buildings using tools like crowbars, clamps,metal cables, chains, bolt cutters, and a miniature saw known as an angle grinder.

Instructions from “The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide,” which was shared 24 hours after Columbia protesters broke into Hamilton Hall.

Instructions show how to barricade doors with “heavy furniture,” create a “shield” against police using trash cans, ropes, sheets of cardboard, or a “corrugated metal banner,” and to pick locks using a “technique” developed by “firemen and criminals.” “If these less-destructive methods don’t work,” the guide states, “more aggressive options are abundant,” such as using a crowbar to “open a window.”

Teachings from “The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide,” which was written by organizers of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but updated in 2024 “in light of a nationwide resurgence of student occupations.”

Many of these techniques were employed by Columbia students on Tuesday night when they stormed Hamilton Hall, an administrative building at the heart of the university. Protesters smashed through the windows of the hall’s main door with hammers and used metal chains to lock them shut. After cops arrested 119 people on the Ivy League campus, they discoveredmultiple glass doors had been broken and barricaded using chairs, refrigerators, and vending machines, according to NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard.

Three of the guides encourage college protesters to erase the distinction “between students and non-students.” Of the 282 people arrested on Tuesday night between Columbia and the City College of New York, 48 percent were not affiliated with either university, according to the NYPD.

“There is a movement to radicalize young people,” NYC mayor Eric Adams said at a press conference Wednesday. “This is a global problem. And young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children, and I’m not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of New York.”


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e584a8 No.20841543



damn it just aint the same with ID's

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bb9a48 No.20841544


Are you trying to be dense or is it coming naturally?

When a text is translated from one language to another, for example a philosophy text written in German in the 1700s translated to English 2024, it is BULLSHIT to claim that the translated word REFERENCING THE SAME OBJECT THE GERMAN WORD POINTED TO, suddenly ceases to exist, suddenly never existed, and that the 2024 text is brand new and nobody can say that the statements were first made 2024.

It would be like saying mathematics was invented once it was translated from greek to english.

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113374 No.20841545




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b93e32 No.20841546


They collapsed the towers and the white hats collapsed their abomination of reason henge.

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bb9a48 No.20841547


>jew means in current english

It's not going unnoticed that you're trying to redefine in the present to retroactively deny a past definition.


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e584a8 No.20841548



The #AscensionOfTheLord tells us that Jesus is alive among us in a new way. He is now present in every place and time, and is close to each of us. We are never alone: we have an Advocate who guides us, waits for us, and defends us.


you know who else talks ascension → HINDUS

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bb9a48 No.20841549


How so?

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b6e0e5 No.20841552

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,f31872c24c1e039ba1b0efe9e1….png)

Not feeling the speaking with video clips today.

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113374 No.20841553

File: 190909c2100af8e⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1631x1132,1631:1132,Tridentinum.jpg)


Bible, pretty much as we know it today, was created at the Council of Trent.

Many books were thrown out.

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bb9a48 No.20841554


But saying what YOU said, by YOUR own logic doesn't make YOU correct.

"You just think you are".

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1bf5a8 No.20841555

File: 2a99d332a160821⋯.jpg (188.4 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_08_2….jpg)

File: 282d5f96c5fcf25⋯.png (56.02 KB,473x588,473:588,qaggdropimage803.png)

File: 17a6513bff0027d⋯.jpeg (50.77 KB,680x454,340:227,WpSCJY_.jpeg)

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6e4b83 No.20841556

File: 8d86a105f4753d6⋯.png (413.14 KB,526x295,526:295,ClipboardImage.png)



Types of Roman nose shapes and features

The Roman nose is a distinctive type of nose shape characterized by a prominent, slightly curved bridge with a distinct hook or bend at the tip. It is often associated with strength and elegance. The term “Roman nose” is also known as the aquiline nose, which is derived from the Latin word “aquilinus,” meaning “eagle-like.” This refers to the nose’s curved, downward shape, resembling an eagle’s beak.

The Roman nose is often stereotyped and has been associated with various cultures and ethnicities. For example, it is commonly found in some Native American tribes, and it is also a common feature in some south Asian ethnicities, such as those from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Some notable characteristics of the Roman nose include:

A prominent bridge with a visible bump

A slightly drooping tip

A curved, downward shape resembling an eagle’s beak

Often associated with strength and elegance

Can be found in various cultures and ethnicities

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b6e0e5 No.20841557

Arguing theology using OOP terms. Yeah, that's not fishy as fuck.

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9adbc2 No.20841559


You are a DICK. Leave off Baron. You will invoke more wrath than you can possible imagine if you go down that path.

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e72867 No.20841561

File: 21d5697cd994e34⋯.png (242.3 KB,1181x1134,1181:1134,Screenshot_2023_05_16_at_2….png)

File: f4087509de8260b⋯.png (238.79 KB,1228x524,307:131,Screenshot_2023_05_16_at_2….png)

File: 91ee3979e3fabf4⋯.png (456.2 KB,773x2677,773:2677,Screenshot_2023_05_16_at_2….png)

File: 702db4567793a39⋯.png (352.46 KB,600x631,600:631,Screenshot_2023_05_16_at_2….png)

File: 0dce82ae23fe605⋯.png (586.3 KB,647x1421,647:1421,Screenshot_2023_05_16_at_2….png)


>Democrat Maggie Goodlander

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dfb5d8 No.20841562

File: 55bb160b37af244⋯.webp (61.81 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_1410.webp)

Supreme Court poised to enter debate over transgender care for minors

By David G. Savage May 7, 2024


After steering clear of the divisive issue for months, the Supreme Court may be on the verge of deciding whether to jump into the national debate over medical treatment for transgender youths.

As soon as Thursday, justices may vote behind closed doors on whether to grant an appeal that seeks to block a new Tennessee law prohibiting medical treatments that enable a “minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex.”

They have been in no hurry to act, however, and it’s possible they will put off the issue again. For weeks, they have repeatedly delayed a vote on the case, likely reflecting a division — either between liberals and conservatives, or perhaps inside the conservative majority.

At stake is the fate of a wave of a new state laws in the South and Midwest that bar transgender teens and their parents from obtaining puberty blockers and other hormones prescribed by a doctor.

Some 24 conservative states have passed restrictions on treatment for transgender youth, potentially affecting about 114,000 minors, or more than a third of transgender youths in the United States, according to the Williams Institute at the UCLA Law School. Many of those state laws have been blocked temporarily by judges.

If the court turns down the Tennessee appeal and says nothing more, it could signal that treatment bans for transgender youth are likely to take effect in about half of the nation. Then the map of the states would largely match the red state-blue state divide on abortion.

If justices agree to hear the appeal, it could put the issue on track for arguments later this year.

Progressive advocates for transgender youth are looking to the Supreme Court for help.

“This is a crisis and the only court that can weigh in to remedy it is the Supreme Court,” said Chase Strangio, the ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice. “This is wreaking havoc with families who have to leave their homes to protect their children.”

The ACLU and Lambda Legal sued to challenge the Tennessee law on behalf of three transgender adolescents and their parents who had been obtaining hormones from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

A federal judge initially blocked the new law. But in July, the Ohio-based 6th Circuit Court in a 2-1 decision became the first appeals court to rule such a law may go into effect.

The state’s lawmakers had questioned the safety and effectiveness of hormone treatments for teens, and 6th Circuit Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton said that “states may reasonably exercise caution in these circumstances.”

Biden administration Solicitor Gen. Elizabeth Prelogar said the state laws impose “a categorical ban on evidence-based treatments supported by the overwhelming consensus of the medical community.”

The high court’s “intervention is warranted now,” she said.


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6e4b83 No.20841564

File: dcc926d140fed6b⋯.mp4 (5 MB,720x900,4:5,christmas_2023.mp4)

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)

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1e5647 No.20841565

File: de7691f130d9470⋯.png (1.1 MB,1911x915,637:305,ClipboardImage.png)

COBRA36 Constant Phoenix on ground gearing up for takeoff at Offutt AFB

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dfb5d8 No.20841566



Conservative skepticism toward “gender affirming care” was bolstered by a recent report prepared for the National Health Service in England. Dr. Hilary Cass, who led the four-year review, called for caution in treating young people who have gender distress.

“This is an area of remarkably weak evidence,” she wrote. “The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

So far, the justices have avoided a clear ruling on the rights of transgender students. When pressed, they have handed down narrow decisions.

Last year, they turned down an emergency appeal from West Virginia’s attorney general and allowed a 12-year-old transgender girl to compete on the girls’ track team at her middle school. The court issued no opinion, but Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. dissented.

Last month, the court handed down a procedural decision that allowed Idaho’s law to take effect restricting care for transgender youths, but not for the children and parents who sued to challenge it.

The court’s majority in the Idaho case focused on the question of whether a federal judge has the power to block an entire state law if two people sue over one provision. Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented and said the state’s appeal should have been denied.

The conservative judges may be divided among themselves on rights for transgender students.

Four years ago, the court surprised many on the right when it ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids employers from discriminating against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., said that because the law forbids job discrimination on the basis of sex, it must be read to include discrimination against LGBTQ+ employees.

“An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex,” Gorsuch wrote in the case of Bostock vs. Clayton County.

Three conservatives dissented from that opinion, and the court has yet to rule on whether this anti-discrimination principle extends to the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws.

That legal question is at the heart of the appeals now before the court. The ACLU, Lambda Legal and the Biden administration argue that a law “targeting transgender individuals for disfavored treatment” is a form of sex discrimination and should be struck down as unconstitutional.

They also raise the issue of parents’ rights. The laws in Tennessee, Kentucky and elsewhere should be struck down because they “violate the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the medical care of their children,” they told the court.

Samantha Williams and her husband, Brian, had sued in Nashville on behalf of their daughter, who was identified as L.W.


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e3ee20 No.20841567

Fox News says Trump was cursing loudly in court on Tuesday and Trumps lawyer had to tell him to cut it out.

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8e371d No.20841568

These frat boys need to learn to rip the masks off of these little ANTIFA faggots before whooping their asses. They hate having their masks removed.

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dfb5d8 No.20841569



“It’s hard to overstate the difference that our daughter’s medical treatment has made in her life and our family’s life,” Samantha Williams said when the appeal went to the Supreme Court.

“Before coming out and starting to receive this medical care she struggled to make friends, keep her grades up, or even accept hugs from her family. Now, we have a confident, happy daughter who is free to be herself. I want the Justices to see and understand my daughter and recognize her rights under the Constitution like any other person, and to see that if parents like me don’t have the right to determine what’s best for our children, then no parent does,” she said.

In defense of his state’s law, Tennessee’s Atty. Gen. Jonathan Skrmetti described it as a measure “to protect children from unproven medical interventions.”

He said the number of minors receiving gender dysphoria diagnoses has “exploded” in recent years, and states have “seen a corresponding surge in unproven and risky medical interventions for these underage patients.”

He said state lawmakers had “reasonably concluded that the well-documented risks of cross-sex hormones outweigh any purported benefits” and that “minors lack the maturity to fully understand and appreciate the life-altering consequences of such procedures.”

But the American Academy of Pediatrics, joined by21 other medical and mental health organizations, fileda friend-of-court brief atthe Supreme Court to dispute Tennessee’s contention that the hormone treatments are experimental or ineffective.

About 1.4 million persons in the United States are transgender, they said, and about about 10% of them are teenagers ages 13 to 17. They said “research shows that adolescents with gender dysphoria who receive puberty blockers or hormone therapy experience less depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. … Banning such care can put patients’ lives at risk.”

While the state law also forbids surgical interventions for minors, those provisions are not being challenged in the cases under appeal.

At the 6th Circuit Court, the key questionwas who should decide on care of minors: parents and their doctors, state legislators, or federal judges.


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b93e32 No.20841571


What happens when the military oversees the creation of a single book.

Sort of like Flynn saying we need a single religion as a country.

Then Martial Law under the guise of religion. Beware whom you think is a Patriot and those that proclaim they are a Deliverer.

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b6e0e5 No.20841572

File: ca8e01e3bc385be⋯.jpg (116.61 KB,600x400,3:2,ca8e01e3bc385be20c93a87ddf….jpg)


I notice pictures of him and threads are being created on other platforms today too. Like there's a coordinated effort going on right now.

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1e5647 No.20841573

File: d9d8c1930cdae9b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1909x918,1909:918,ClipboardImage.png)

00CA6181 CCP drone at 36k feet this morning.

First time I have seen a Chinese drone aloft.

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48a2b3 No.20841575


>Sheeeit, these muthafuckas is wastin muh time.

ok faux

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28beee No.20841577



You're not going to allow it it, idiot nigger Adams? How you gonna stop it?

Gonna start killing hundreds and hundreds of terrorist marxists taking over campuses?

That would be a good start. But total annihilation of the terrorist left in America is the only effective solution. The Final Solution, if you will.

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dfb5d8 No.20841578

File: 8ac0a8c0fe09b27⋯.webp (46.64 KB,760x507,760:507,IMG_1411.webp)


Former Biden administration official plans to jump into New Hampshire House race

Maggie Goodlander could launch her campaign as soon as this week. But the former White House and Justice Department official faces a tricky primary.

May 7, 2024, 6:21 PM EDT

Democrat Maggie Goodlander, a former senior official in the Biden White House and the Justice Department, is on the verge of launching a primary campaign against the hand-picked would-be successor to Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., according to three sources familiar with her planning.

The move, which could come as early as this week, promises to bring national and international politics to the heart of a House race in New Hampshire when President Joe Biden is trying to keep the state's four electoral votes in his column.

Scott Merrick, an adviser to Goodlander, declined to confirm or deny that she will run — but he said a decision is coming soon. Kuster announced this year that she was retiring.

“Maggie is thankful for the encouragement she’s received from Granite Staters and will be making a decision in the coming days,” Merrick said.

Goodlander, who worked on domestic issues in the federal government — on antitrust at the Justice Department and on Biden's "unity agenda" at the White House — was a Navy intelligence officer and an aide to two senators known for their focus on foreign policy. But she also has a connection to the current policy debate over the Biden administration's positioning on hot-button issues such as the wars in Ukraine and Gaza through her marriage to national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who gives Biden counsel on those matters.

But Goodlander's path to Congress won't come without obstacles, starting with her Democratic primary opponent, Colin Van Ostern. Van Ostern, a former member of the state Executive Council, has already been endorsed by Kuster and dozens of current and former local officials.

Van Ostern's campaign declined to comment for this article.

While Goodlander's résumé in the Biden administration is formidable, she also worked as a senior adviser to the late Sens. John McCain of Arizona, a Republican, and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, a Democrat-turned-independent.

Though her multipartisan résumé might help in a likely competitive general election for the district, it could hurt her in the Democratic primary.

In addition, operatives in the state have raised questions about how long it has been since Goodlander actually lived and voted in the district. After she left her White House job last month, she now lives in Nashua.

Kuster has held her seat for over 10 years, but it is still rated by the nonpartisan "Cook Political Report with Amy Walter" as competitive, though "Likely Democratic."

Several candidates are vying for the GOP nomination, including entrepreneur Vikram Mansharamani, who was a GOP candidate for the Senate in 2022.

And though the state at large is usually considered solidly blue, New Hampshire's independent streak puts it on the fringes of the presidential battleground, as well. In 2020, Biden won the state by just over 7 percentage points.

Biden visited the state in March after having shunned its first-in-the-nation primary, while former President Donald Trump visited the state multiple times before the GOP presidential primary there.


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646e60 No.20841580

File: cb5a0cfd6d73cde⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,480x270,16:9,solarflares5924.mp4)


ALERT - Four Solar Blasts Are On Their Way To Earth

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e4ff12 No.20841582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is what it sounds like in the ey of the storm s

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38c73d No.20841583


He is not behaving in court according to reports.

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bb9a48 No.20841584


The logic of the "jew is a made up word" arguments here pretty much boils down to "only I am allowed to speak the word and only I know the meaning, you're not allowed to speak the same word because when you say it I declare your definition is different, so if you do speak it then you're talking about something different".

It's just the same muh sad way of controlling people's speech.

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b93e32 No.20841588


You need some sauce, then place a caution that all media is no longer a trusted source of information.

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1bf5a8 No.20841590

File: 0ac1d23e0c465e3⋯.jpg (184.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_08_3….jpg)

File: bbe5be6c9e28057⋯.png (71.58 KB,640x660,32:33,149_3_.png)

File: bae8b5a17c99ec1⋯.jpeg (187.99 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNExkuZbUAAh53C.jpeg)

File: eb51c766807c942⋯.png (184.55 KB,640x2028,160:507,1349_2_.png)

File: ab35264805c48f2⋯.jpeg (275.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNExkucaEAAuvJk.jpeg)

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b54e94 No.20841591

File: 03bbd12a1837a72⋯.png (1000.99 KB,1072x1904,67:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f185ce40d68cfed⋯.png (494.36 KB,913x834,913:834,ClipboardImage.png)



Video of aliens spotted in Vegas is totally ‘authentic,’ expert says: ‘You can’t deny it’

By Social Links forAlex Mitchell

Published May 8, 2024, 5:57 p.m. ET

It’s out of this world.

A viral video of an alleged alien encounter outside a Las Vegas home from 2023 is not doctored, experts say.

“Once you see it, you can’t deny it,” evidence examiner Scott Roder told News Nation.

“There’s no editing. That is an original video. We tried to debunk it to see if there was something that was added to the video. All of our results came back as it was authentic,” he said.

The clip in question was taken overnight between April 30 and May 1 last year by teenager Angel Kenmore, previously identified as Angel Gomez by some media outlets.

Kenmore called 911 around 11:50pm — roughly the same time a Las Vegas police officer reported a fleeting object in the sky.

The American Meteor Society said the UFO’s flash was seen as far as California and Utah.

When Kenmore and his family went to investigate, a video they had taken caught unexplained motion above a fencepost in the right of the frame.

The movement caused the family to flee in terror.

Although not visible on camera, he described it in a YouTube video as “a tall, skinny, lengthy creature” with a “grey greenish color.”

After deeply reviewing the footage — shot roughly 80 miles from Area 51 — Roder became convinced this was not a hoax or “a floating head.”

“We believe it’s attached to a body. And the motion of that head from right to left is consistent with the motion that we see between the slats of the fence,” he said.

“It’s there. It’s absolutely there.”

Expert Ben Hansen, who hosts “UFO Witness” on Discovery+, suggested that the movement was caused by a flashlight’s reflection.

But Roder isn’t convinced.

“I don’t understand how the shadow could just be floating above the fence. I don’t believe that makes any sense.”

Adding to the phenomena, the transcript of Kenmore’s call to police, where he described seeing two extraterrestrial beings, was chilling.

“In my backyard. I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually — we’re terrified,” the young man said.

“They’re very large. They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes. Like, I can’t explain it. And big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re not human. They’re 100% not human,” he claimed.

Even responding officers were completely spooked.

“I’m so nervous right now,” an officer was recorded saying. “I have butterflies, bro — saw a shooting star and now these people say there’s aliens in their backyard.”

“I’m not going to BS, you guys. One of my partners said they saw something fall out of the sky, too,” he added.

Police installed cameras at the Kenmore residence after the incident and say they found no evidence of the event being phony or staged.

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488713 No.20841600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this one goes out to the anons

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b6e0e5 No.20841601

File: c286a668819f1fd⋯.png (752.29 KB,798x801,266:267,c286a668819f1fdea7159d8656….png)


They'll say whatever is put on the teleprompter in front of them, without even having to spend a single brian cell to think about what they're saying. There are good people inside that company though. I can't fault a person just trying to do their job if they have a good heart. Moar than a few at that company seemingly are just useful assets for the derp state though.

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dfb5d8 No.20841603

File: 379beed83c6b67a⋯.jpeg (641.14 KB,1242x2138,621:1069,IMG_1412.jpeg)

File: 6631125338cffc6⋯.jpeg (551.78 KB,1242x2397,414:799,IMG_1413.jpeg)

File: 6f1af45fe6d2f20⋯.jpeg (526.49 KB,1241x2222,1241:2222,IMG_1414.jpeg)

File: 6f12595e20c16ad⋯.jpeg (728.63 KB,1242x2334,207:389,IMG_1415.jpeg)

File: 172f12de6269bc7⋯.jpeg (586.68 KB,1242x2553,18:37,IMG_1419.jpeg)


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28beee No.20841604



You haven't learned about those media reports yet?

Go lay down in your corner till you figure it out.

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e72867 No.20841605

File: 2bd000016a4ddbe⋯.jpeg (140.07 KB,1440x1097,1440:1097,brrrrt.jpeg)

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6637eb No.20841607


The greeks are slimy fuckers

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cdd5fe No.20841609


Well, I was gonna suggest that she be hung by her filth laden neck but I think this line of punishment would be more fitting. For Fauci also. Damn these fucking people.

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ae0657 No.20841610


Please come back. I thought there were codes I could Crack which released something. But the dems just gave illegals representation. We need you guys. I don't know what to do besides tell my friends. I'm not perfect and sometimes I do dumb shit but I try to help where I can. Normally I feel confident about the plan but this is scary because at some point I imagine legally the Q team can only do so much. This is feeling precipice-y

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e72867 No.20841611

File: 686405b6826b3a2⋯.png (241.52 KB,520x275,104:55,kempChristmasPartyWhitehou….png)


>>20838816, >>20838825, >>20838829, >>20838834 Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Signs 3 Major Election Integrity Bills into Law Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

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e584a8 No.20841613

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1f2a93 No.20841616


Okay so that was in 2015 wasn‘t it

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113374 No.20841618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Jew-haters make up their own history, been lying about Jews for centuries.

But beside that

the Bible we know today is largely built on 11th-14th-century fabrications and revisions to older texts and that these fabrications and revisions actually reflect events that were happening in the 11th-14th centuries.

Allepo is the site of the original text of the 5 Books of Moses. There was a large Empire and Jews lived throughout it.

>>20839861 pb

The jew-haters probably all descend from Jews.


Heraldry & Symbols of the 12 Tribes of lsrael in Europe



That's why it's so "convenient" to be a Jew Hater - go back in someone's genealogy and your bound to find a Jew

How convenient . You can accuse anyone you want of it; as Adolf did.

The Vikings were Jews. keke

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113374 No.20841619


Where do you think the Rothschield's got their red hair?


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0ba4c2 No.20841620

File: a4b588f41914132⋯.png (1.73 MB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk & The US MILITARY! 🔥

Ready for this… How would you feel knowing Elon Musk is working with our Military to defeat the Deep-State?

Because he is…..

Thread 🧵


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a14784 No.20841621


>>>20841534 (You)


>>jew means in current english


>It's not going unnoticed that you're trying to redefine in the present to retroactively deny a past definition.



no but as I've studied linguistics, philosophy of language and the history of Christianity, I tried to set the record straight

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cdd5fe No.20841622


Yea, this is Jake Sullivan's wife. Hang her along with him. Both are traitors to this country.

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b6e0e5 No.20841627


Knew there was some connection between the two when he started putting satellites into orbit. It's not some big secret or new revelation.

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a14784 No.20841628


>Elon Musk & The US MILITARY! 🔥


>Ready for this… How would you feel knowing Elon Musk is working with our Military to defeat the Deep-State?


anon membas the old Q research theory that Hillary sold the the US uranium to Russia and Elon shipped it with his rockets to Iran and NK …

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1ff77f No.20841629

File: 90bc5bd3c42ba62⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1125x1879,1125:1879,IMG_0660.jpeg)



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cdd5fe No.20841631



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dfb5d8 No.20841633

File: 20d9f278ae3ebfd⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB,652x360,163:90,ssstwitter_com_17152583330….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Georgia State Election Board hearing yesterday on Fulton County.

Then let’s look at the paper ballots.

Secretary of State office, Raffensberger: No, you can't see them.


Liz Harrington

2:15 PM · May 8, 2024


Kemp and Carr knows what Raffensberger did. It was their plan. That is why Kemp hasn’t ousted Raffensberger or Fani Willis

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113374 No.20841634


never know.

that would be a good thing.

that's why the Trump-haters hate him?

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1ff77f No.20841635

File: 8f837e17778d9c5⋯.jpeg (253.19 KB,1125x643,1125:643,IMG_0661.jpeg)

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cde42b No.20841636


I thought Anne Custer was bad. Sullivan's wife will be worse for New Hampshire.

Make New Hampshire GREAT AGAIN!

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1ff77f No.20841637

Trump is being a bad boy in the courtroom.

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e584a8 No.20841638


google it

think so tho

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62a096 No.20841639



taking out spam

keep refreshing (if you wish)

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cdd5fe No.20841641


From CNN. Oh……………..it must be true!!!!!

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488713 No.20841642

File: ce033b86842ac9e⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,640x352,20:11,DODbiggestContractorisElon….mp4)


>Elon Musk is working with our Military

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28beee No.20841643


The mutant Jake Sullivan has a cis-female wife? Huh. Woulda never figured that.

The part of her being a traitor I get. The part about being wife to Jake Sullivan I don't get. Maybe she's his 'beard.'

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bb9a48 No.20841646


kek, now you just proved you don't even trust your own garbage but for whatever reason are compelled to write it.

Nobody who is confident in their statements need to write unverifiable "I am a graduate of gender studies and I can tell you that biological sex is a myth, I'm setting the record straight".


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1ff77f No.20841647

File: 19dd95b320c90f0⋯.jpeg (469.86 KB,1125x1209,375:403,IMG_0662.jpeg)

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779ed4 No.20841648



perfectly valid to have contempt for a corrupt shitbag criminal ass who is pretending to be an "honorable Judge"

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488713 No.20841651


>No, you can't see them.

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d5594a No.20841652


There were more than hundred thousand Jews in the Wehrmacht who had chose the German way of life.

But there were also some traitors among them, which in turn led to several assassination attempts.

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8e371d No.20841654


>Have you ever met anyone IRL that talks like that?

Never, the people that come here and spout that shit are the same cowards that do it on shithole GAB. They are too cowardly to say it in real life, and if they do and you call them out on it irl then they usually backtrack real fast, you might never even see them again. Because they are weak cowards.

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1ff77f No.20841655

File: de65d5d834e36c9⋯.jpeg (153.57 KB,1125x404,1125:404,IMG_0663.jpeg)


Both cnn and nbc citing court transcript


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cdd5fe No.20841656


>Kemp and Carr knows what Raffensberger did

They certainly do anon. While Kemp has done some good things here in Georgia he is still on my shit list for his part in this election stealing cover up.

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cde42b No.20841657


Look at their backgrounds and it looks like they are a working together as professional political handlers. This isn't a "marriage", it's a merger.

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b6e0e5 No.20841658

Lots of Jew obsessed failfags this morning.

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1f2a93 No.20841662


So if it‘s 2025, Michelle Obama is president and we‘re still on here reeing, do we admit we‘ve been had?

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dfb5d8 No.20841663

File: 204cdc138f26fae⋯.jpeg (146.18 KB,1039x693,1039:693,IMG_1421.jpeg)

Johnson pushes bill on voter ID requirements — flanked by Trump allies who challenged 2020 election

The backup from those officials come as Johnson seeks to fend off a challenge to his speakership from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.


05/08/2024, 12:40PM ET

Speaker Mike Johnson promoted legislation that would require proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in federal electionsin a press conference Wednesday, flanked by conservatives who have repeatedly questioned the results of the last presidential contest.

Johnson spoke alongside conservatives like Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), attorney Cleta Mitchell, Tea Party Patriots' Jenny Beth Martin and former Donald Trump adviser Stephen Miller, many of whom pursued challenges to President Joe Biden's 2020 victory.

"We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections," Johnson said at the press conference. "But it's not been something that is easily provable. We don't have that number."

The Louisiana Republican was flanked by figures like Mitchell, who helped assemble Trump's crew of post-election lawyers and participated in a conference call where the former president pressured Georgia officials over the state's election results. Martin was present at a march in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but did not speak at a rally that day that preceded the Capitol attack.

"What we're talking about today is the 2024 election — nobody can go back and relitigate what happened in 2020," Johnson said, despite the histories of the people standing next to him.

It's not the first signal that Johnson has been aligning himself more closely with Trump and his allies. The speaker and the former president have spoken multiple times in recent days as Johnson seeks to fend off threats from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to strip him of the House gavel, and Trump has told Greene to stand down from that effort.

Thespeaker vowed Tuesday that the House would pass the voter ID billand send it over to the Senate for consideration, where it stands little chance of advancing. Despite that, Johnson pushed back on the idea the legislation was merely a messaging exercise, saying "we'll let Chuck Schumer decide" whether to move on the bill.

Lee acknowledged that undocumented immigrants are currently barred from voting under federal law, but added: "There is no valid basis upon which you could oppose this. It would be insane."


(They always do things so late, it won’t get passed. This is intentional)

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a14784 No.20841665




>Are you trying to be dense or is it coming naturally?


>When a text is translated from one language to another, for example a philosophy text written in German in the 1700s translated to English 2024, it is BULLSHIT to claim that the translated word REFERENCING THE SAME OBJECT THE GERMAN WORD POINTED TO, suddenly ceases to exist, suddenly never existed, and that the 2024 text is brand new and nobody can say that the statements were first made 2024.


>It would be like saying mathematics was invented once it was translated from greek to english.

what object does the word object refer?

You can't seriously study the Classic German Idealism without checking the original German text.

If you seriously study Hegel or Kant, you should also at least have read Plato and Aristotle in the original Greek if you wish to understand what the German philosophers are talking about

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62a096 No.20841666


there's no sauce

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51f02b No.20841668

I like to rile some of you up, just to see how far you go to defend him.

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c3155b No.20841671

File: c842adabe1b9852⋯.jpg (42.93 KB,590x439,590:439,Alice.jpg)

File: 2682a1c102434c9⋯.jpg (421.38 KB,857x1083,857:1083,Alice_17.jpg)

File: a664776089a440e⋯.jpg (7.17 KB,255x220,51:44,Alice_25.jpg)

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779ed4 No.20841674


you can only be truly "had", only if you genuinely internalize the fake stuff. got it?

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e584a8 No.20841677




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d5594a No.20841678


>Lots of Jew obsessed failfags this morning.

Lots of jewish fuckwits, as always!

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8c39d0 No.20841679

File: 2be2224832b9d08⋯.png (681.03 KB,993x749,993:749,Screenshot_20240509_085222.png)

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6a033b No.20841681


>nd the history of Christianity

cool, di you find the tomb with 2 coffins 1 NS other EW per traditions?

Crux takes a long time, the whole point, to send a msg. 3 days doesn't cut it (flesh wound). did you check the pot residues? embalming & healing oils are different.

Just stuff anon came across doing research, anon wasn't there, i don't think or 'member if i was, dimentia :-)

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a14784 No.20841682


> the Bible we know today is largely built on 11th-14th-century fabrications and revisions to older texts and that these fabrications and revisions actually reflect events that were happening in the 11th-14th centuries.


>Allepo is the site of the original text of the 5 Books of Moses. There was a large Empire and Jews lived throughout it.

Kek, are you a Chronological Revisionist like Fomenko?

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1bf5a8 No.20841684

File: c8491b044177d27⋯.jpg (184.63 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_08_5….jpg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_9_.png)



if America falls the whole world is fucked. 7:55


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cdd5fe No.20841685


And to add, don't know what kind of "Authority" she has outside of just making a recommendation or whatever else she can do. The problem is still at the top of Georgia government. Any recommendation for investigation, prosecution etc……….would be made to the AG and Carr ain't gonna do jack fucking shit to get to the truth.

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e584a8 No.20841687

File: 2872af75eda29f4⋯.png (518.38 KB,591x766,591:766,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c2f5c No.20841689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


according to suspicious observers

(and i know they are suspicious, because they say they are)

but the satellite images don't lie

there has been a fourth x-class flare

four coronal mass ejections now heading straight our way

he's giving it an 8-10% chance of being a genuine kill shot

taking out telecoms, satellites etc.

says he's going out to lay in supplies, just in case

there will be geophysical turmoil this weekend

watch out for heart attacks, craziness

especially mass protests in the streets

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513834 No.20841690

Cut it out, Trump!!!

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e584a8 No.20841693

File: dc18fe51a16a96b⋯.png (515.27 KB,598x680,299:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f2a93 No.20841695


Yes I internalized hope for an apocalypse that will forever end the absolute depravity humans have come to accept as normal. Maybe that was too optimistic

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0fbd15 No.20841697

Hey Joe!

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6a033b No.20841700


>Trump is being a bad boy in the courtroom.

Yea, isn't it great, whats the bet he is trying ever so slightly to push the boundary?

Imagine the judge giving Trump some B& B for a few days based on 1st Amen. The media/marketing…HUGE. Is that the GAME?

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1f8471 No.20841701

Barron Trump, 18, will make his first major foray into politics as a delegate at Republican convention where party will officially nominate Donald Trump as presidential candidate


Barron will make a fine POTUS in the future, he has been in the shadows learning from the grand master himself, DJT.

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a14784 No.20841702


is it also a coincidence that Dan Scavino is a devout Catholic who has kissed Pope's ring?

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1e5647 No.20841705

File: b93c6abc68364f1⋯.png (604.47 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdd5fe No.20841707


Well, if that happens? I'll be long gone, never to return. The devolution will acellerate even quicker and what happens after that is not good. Everything Q, Team, Q+ sought to avoid.

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113374 No.20841709


Kemp is "in on" the con; no doubt

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0fbd15 No.20841710

File: b891e4e358f9383⋯.jpeg (347.59 KB,1125x899,1125:899,IMG_0664.jpeg)



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65d1f2 No.20841711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/09/2024



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a14784 No.20841715


>>>20841658 ← Too stupid to read Q drops


actually Horowitz somewhat delivered compared to other TRUST guys like WRAY, HUBER, BARR; SESSIONS etc

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522bda No.20841718

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)





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cdd5fe No.20841719


It is infuriating anon. Kemp is doing some good things here in Georgia but that in no fucking way possible excuses what he allowed to happen in 2020.

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6c840a No.20841720

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB,1440x1081,1440:1081,1527078663.jpeg)

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9c5688 No.20841721

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,sheesh.png)


Another POS from the Crooked Joe Biden's Administration

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8c39d0 No.20841723



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62a096 No.20841724


>Olga overrated

not to her fans.

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3bbaaa No.20841725

What if the earth is a chess board, and each belief system, are the chess pieces. Q mentions think chess, and 5D, so I’m thinking along 5 dimensional, if you will. So in just the US, is 1D chess. Within the north and South American continents would be 2D, etc.,

So short story, each time the battles in history are played out over mythology or religion, etc., they are 5D chess moves, due to the effect it has on the whole board. Kings had lower ranking subjects, and when pledged to the king, they fought on his command. Game of Thrones reference.

So when playing 5D chess, the moves and counter moves involve 1D-3D chess, in short taking out majority of pawns, rooks, and bishops, leaving nearly no defense but knights, (Masonic type brotherhoods), kings and queens.

Going biblically, the red Queen could be reference to Lilith/ Whore of Babylon, or Lucifer, whom lost his light, and are both referenced as red, or black in color. And Gods light shining referenced as white. Could be where we get our common colors of black and white chess pieces now.

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c3155b No.20841727

File: 7e4494d1cc698cc⋯.jpg (56.6 KB,1200x800,3:2,1618801072_untitled_design….jpg)

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1f8471 No.20841729


If we do not win this year, it's over, Trump himself has stated it at every single rally he has held. November 5th will be judgement day, and if they pull off another rigged election again you will have anons sitting here for another 4 years saying it's part of the plan, I still have hope…

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1f2a93 No.20841730


The pdf of that book is available for free in the abbottabaz compound library on the coa webpage

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1f2a93 No.20841733


I don‘t see how trump winning would help tbh. He held power for 4 years and nothing of import was disclosed.

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aa6265 No.20841734

What kind of blood is it that makes a man like that?

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b6e0e5 No.20841735


Figures. Nice time stamp. Split one column into two.

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c3155b No.20841737

File: bbf1a6ebd75fbb3⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,An_tJaHdYIavKfeN7ynBuffX6h….mp4)

Dan fb


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cdd5fe No.20841740


Well, you know and we all know our POTUS. He ain't backing down and he is gonna make this liddle bitch of unlawful judge throw him in the klank. When that happens, our POTUS's ratings are going to skyrocket. I'm sure [they] are well aware of this and may be directing this faggot ass Merchan to ease it back a bit.

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47fadd No.20841742


New Hampshire, the state of corruption.

One of the dirtiest states completely run by the cartels and their crooked puppets.

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62a096 No.20841743



"They were very effective for what they were supposed to be used for."


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b81367 No.20841746

File: 749f4f99ff22197⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1326x1731,442:577,IMG_0420.jpeg)



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b6e0e5 No.20841747

>>20841735 (addendum)

And the math in your post. 2*9=18. 11+18=29. 18+2+9=29. Good fuckin' shit right there.

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e584a8 No.20841750

File: 4d4f998a5f51ecc⋯.png (318.26 KB,598x543,598:543,ClipboardImage.png)


Democrats are looking to make the GOP pay in November for threats to reproductive rights.


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aa28df No.20841751

File: ffe503bdd209c27⋯.png (423.89 KB,531x654,177:218,ffe503bdd209c27765936b58bb….png)


Don't forget that he also pretended to be Q lmao

and now shills against Q.

It's a non-stop liar, satanist obviously.

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94ee8e No.20841753

File: c4959c7660793da⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Scgfdi_1.png)


An 85 IQ monkey mayor name one thing he's done right in his retarded monkey life… I'll be waiting.


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a14784 No.20841755



Ms Daniels spoke in front of the court about how she swatted Mr Trump “right on the butt” with a rolled-up magazine after she thought he was being arrogant during a conversation with him, and after that, he was “much more polite,” according to testimony from Ms Daniels.

She also said they discussed Mr Trump’s hit NBC series, The Apprentice, but doubted that even Mr Trump would be able to convince the network to hire an adult film star for the reality show.

Had she been nicer to Donald she could have been in the Apprentice, and later maybe she could have been in the Trump cabinet, like Omarosa Manigault Newman

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a048d7 No.20841757

File: ffb43f0282bd948⋯.jpg (166.92 KB,1436x1061,1436:1061,ffb43f0282bd948c04cebd0759….jpg)

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cdd5fe No.20841758


You're kidding, right anon? Nothing important was disclosed, revealed? Wow. Man, kek, fucking wow.

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b6e0e5 No.20841763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1db2c2 No.20841764

It can delay the fuck out of it though. Fucking cunts. >>20841198

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779ed4 No.20841766


hehehe… you and i can be fren.

a biblical level apocalyptic TEOTWAWKI is ever more likely (probability, but not carved in stone), ever more likely with each passing day that does not interrupt Our current flat spin.

i have often enjoyed the flight instruction from Bob Hover about a fantastic method for recovering from a flat spin. As analogy, it requires a level of 'trust and faith' for it to actually work, thus it is often difficult for some pilots to learn to apply. I think out 'civilization' is like some of those pilots that resist the Lesson… i still don't know if We can learn it in time before We run out of altitude. Good luck to us all, anon

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408ac4 No.20841769


The language used sounds very archaic.

Secure the number from directory…

Dial each numeral in this manner…

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cdd5fe No.20841770


And you'll be waiting for a long fucking time. This guy is pure JAMF. The thieving of elections has consequences.

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1f8471 No.20841771


Hillary was never meant to lose, just remember that. It was a done deal, everyone thought she was going to win, she won the popular vote, Trump prevented WW3 from happening back then, Hillary was going to nuke North Korea, Trump meeting fat boy Kim was one of the most badass moments in US history

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62a096 No.20841772


>restrictions on transgender youth

notice the writing

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6a033b No.20841774

File: bcdc14b7dbbf755⋯.png (461.3 KB,568x766,284:383,StormyLetter.png)


>faggot ass Merchan to ease it back a bit.

I thought that also, and then Trump amps another level. How far will the Judge go? (they) know that B&B for 1st amen would be a nightmare for (them).

The other cases are after nov from what I saw, which means this STORMY case is it. This is hamberger hill time. (they) can't in all logic lock him up on 1stamen would be really stupid. Add the STORMYLETTER that zipped happened but is not admissible for 'reasons'. Then add Stormy's 'blackout' moment on the bed. So if nothing happened there could NOT have been a 'hush' pmt. Maybe a donation to an 'artist'? Accountant f'ck up over a donation? Forgot to tax deduct the donation?

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113374 No.20841775

File: 1ed019b5c95b321⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1129x1424,1129:1424,magdalen.jpg)



But unsure what relative; wife or mother?


"Jewish" nose is the "Roman" nose, fool.

Check italians.

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113374 No.20841777


should say "check Italian nobility" and others.

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c8ea2b No.20841778

File: e08f519dbe1765b⋯.png (35.47 KB,514x333,514:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee22c4 No.20841779

File: 2ba13016e7f4073⋯.gif (660.62 KB,480x267,160:89,2c.gif)

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a14784 No.20841780


>SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA




>SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA



Logical thinking … Trump's like Biden's Military Doctrine designated China and Russia as the main enemies/adversaries of the US …l

8kun servers in China and Russia … and no cognitive dissonance … and no objections voiced …

Difficult truths.


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cdd5fe No.20841781


kek……………..that is hilarious!! Who taught that cat those moves? Cat got rhythm!!!!

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1f2a93 No.20841782


How many House/Senate members are on trial for pedophilia? How destroyed is Obamas Legacy? How many years has Joe Biden been President?

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5f1f8a No.20841783


Should a former President be cursing loudly in a courtroom? Does that teach his supporters that it is acceptable behavior?

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94ee8e No.20841784

File: c4959c7660793da⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Scgfdi_1.png)

File: cd80b1e35388f26⋯.png (207.07 KB,459x544,27:32,Screenshot_20240401_175837….png)


An 85 IQ monkey mayor piece of shit, name one thing he's done right in his retarded monkey life… I'll be waiting.


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e584a8 No.20841785

File: 1c4594c27b63bd9⋯.png (221.51 KB,499x453,499:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8c2aeed6e015f0⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17152134642….mp4)



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f56f63 No.20841786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:30 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony

Department of State




Secretary Blinken Remarks at World Food Prize Laureate Ceremony

Secretary Blinken gives remarks at the World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony at the Department of State.


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1f2a93 No.20841787


That is 100% made up by you.

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b6e0e5 No.20841788


Just a second, I can't find any pearls. I need to clutch them so bad after reading your post.

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1f0256 No.20841789

File: 46e454d4d3d026c⋯.png (50.77 KB,453x657,151:219,ClipboardImage.png)


Ops in China were being controlled from a Deep underground Data Center in Henderson NV. as per Q drop #721, which was a response to me

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a14784 No.20841790





>>SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA








>>SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA






>Logical thinking … Trump's like Biden's Military Doctrine designated China and Russia as the main enemies/adversaries of the US …l


>8kun servers in China and Russia … and no cognitive dissonance … and no objections voiced …


>Difficult truths.




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dfb5d8 No.20841791

OpinionFinally, a possible explanation for why Biden’s Iran envoy was suspended

With lawmakers left to dig up clues, Robert Malley should be charged or given a chance to clear his name.

By Josh Rogin.1/2

May 7, 2024 at 4:38 p.m. EDT

Considering Iran’s collaboration with U.S. adversaries in the Middle East crisis and the Ukraine war, not to mention the Islamic republic’s nuclear ambitions, the Biden administration would surely like to have its top diplomat for Iran on the playing field. But the State Department’s special envoy,Robert Malley, has been sidelined while under federal investigation for going on one year — without any official explanation. Now,new information about the case is coming to light.

Malley, who was appointed to his role by President Biden in 2021 andwas intimately involved in back-channel talks with Iran,. wasplaced on leaveand had hissecurity clearance suspended in April 2023.On Monday, the top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees sent a letter, a copy of which I obtained, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, decrying the lack of information about the official investigation and laying out the results of their own inquiry.

“Due to the Department’s evasiveness and lack of transparency, we have worked to glean information from other sources,” Sen. James E. Risch (Idaho) and Rep. Mike McCaul (Tex.) wrote in the letter.

“Our own investigations have uncovered the followinginformation and troubling allegations. We ask that you confirm the information we have learned.”

Risch and McCaul are asking the State Department to confirm that Malley’s security clearance was suspended by the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service because he “allegedlytransferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone.”

Through leaks in the Tehran Times, an Iranian state-controlled media outlet, it had already been reported that Malley was under federal investigation for potentially mishandling classified documents, but Risch and McCaul areclaiming to have discovered more details.

In the letter, the Republican lawmakers also ask the State Department to confirm their belief that “a hostile cyber actor was able to gain accessto his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information.” In August, theTehran Times also publishedmultiple articles it claims were based on leaked secret U.S. government documents, including one about Biden’s internal diplomatic strategy. The State Department inspector general’s office is investigating those leaks. Risch and McCaul contend they are connected to a hack of one of Malley’s personal devices.

“When and how did the cyber actor compromise Mr. Malley’s account?” the letter asks. “Did the compromise of Mr. Malley’s device enablesubsequentcompromise of other senior officialsat the State Department, National Security Council, or other agencies? How did the malign cyber actor utilize the information obtained from Mr. Malley?”

Last June, the State Department did acknowledge that Malley had been placed on leave, and subsequent reports revealed that theFBIis also participating in theinvestigation. But the Justice Department has produced no charges and has made no comment on the matter.Malley, who is teaching at Princeton and Yale, declined to comment. His deputy has been serving as acting envoy. (SOS & DOJ declined comment)

Risch and McCaul aredemanding that the State Department answerseveral questions about the investigation, including how many classified documents are at issue, to whom they were allegedly transferred, and what if any assessment has been done as to the national security implications of the alleged mishandling of classified information.

“The allegationswe have been privy to are extremely troubling and demand immediate answers,” the letter concludes. “These allegations have substantial impact on our national security and people should be held accountable swiftly and strongly.”…


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113374 No.20841792

File: 69e9d07126efbb1⋯.jpg (1.7 MB,1540x2172,385:543,georgewashington.jpg)


not about "da Jews"

For jew -haters that's all they see.

"Jews Jews, everywhere"

Court is Royal Court of British nobility.

they bend everything is the world to "da Jews"

How simplistic.

They aren't that stoopid. Or are they?


Maybe George Washington descended from one of the 12 Tribes of Israel?

So what?


Don't Jew-haters normally have Jews in their family tree?

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dfb5d8 No.20841793



Mishandling of classified documents can be a felony in some instances, but the Justice Department’s approach to such investigations varies greatly case to case. Biden, former vice president Mike Pence and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton were all investigated but never charged. Former president Donald Trump was charged, albeit under very different circumstances.

The letter is a sign of the deep frustration on Capitol Hill about the lack of public information regarding the case. Risch and McCaul also ask whether the FBI has recommended charges and what, if anything, the White House or State Department has done to weigh in on the matter behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, Malley sits in limbo, unable either to clear his name or avail himself of legal remedies. In many cases, officials are able to contest allegations of mishandling of classified information and thereby avoid charges (as in the Clinton case). If Malley were formally charged with a crime, at least he would then be afforded due process to defend himself.

Malley has critics in Congress who see him as too cozy with the Iranian regime and its allies. Lawmakers and the public have a right to know the details of any alleged transgressions. But Malley also has a right to know his fate, one way or the other.


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e584a8 No.20841794

File: 28c0a2f2d12d3b4⋯.png (415.65 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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05a795 No.20841795

File: ab68d675421f63a⋯.png (884.4 KB,1080x994,540:497,Screenvcg.png)





Then why did the COWBOY butt fucker porn star even get 130 thousand dollars in the first place… Did she extort that money from president Trump????

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4af53c No.20841796

File: 2d0bd7c59f52f13⋯.jpeg (722.21 KB,1314x623,1314:623,7700430B_D128_4C57_8D36_1….jpeg)

File: 07eb57bffefc326⋯.jpeg (630.74 KB,1477x619,1477:619,76810A8B_EE50_47CE_8580_B….jpeg)

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,C9113EB0_562B_4D1C_A456_34….png)

PlaneFaggin’ Europe/Med activity


JAKE17 RC-135 Rivet Joint over its customary spot in eastern Romania on Moldova’s southern border (that will be NATO’s next target-they’ve already said so) and he’s done and returning to RAF Mildenhall

A bit hidden under that Hungarian Falcon but there

Polish AF PLF106 G5 Wrocław to Warsaw-this AC at ground ‘party’ yesterday at Rzeszów for a short time

French AF CTM1072 A330 left Budapest, Hungary and whoever this is was only there for about 90m-back to Marseille-Macron delivering something to Xi here?

Xi’s 747 CCA005 still on ground at Budapest after arriving from Belgrade, Serbia yesterday

French AF FAF4092 A330 tanker over central Poland-seeing more of these French tankers up to accompany the Dutch and USAF ones

That Ukraine AC still on ground at Vilnius, Latvia from yesterday’s arrival from Krakow UNKN123 A319 >>20837359 pb

It’s hard to see where these ACs depart from below because of heavy spoofing in eastern Med

German AF GAF779 A321neo NW from either Amman or Muffaq Al Salti AB, Jordan.

Hungarian AF HUAF566 Falcon 7x NW from Tel Aviv


Israel AF IRON G550 Nachson Oron ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) back to Nevatim AB

This AC went in to service towards the end of 2021

Algeria AF 7TVPC G4 back to Algers from Ankara, Turkey depart

Algeria Africa’s biggest exporter of LNG as Turkey did this today…

Turkey signs LNG deal with US supermajor ExxonMobil placing question mark over Russian gas supplies


Oman AF ORF4 G5 departed Algers E back to Muscat and Oman also exports LNG so mebby a “hey niggas slow down…pie big enough for all of us ‘chat’”

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62a096 No.20841797


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cc83fb No.20841798

File: 197ec679b8a5688⋯.png (774.17 KB,905x1130,181:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdd5fe No.20841799


You are more offended by that then what is taking place not only in that courtroom but the country as a whole? That is incredible. I would not blame that man, my POTUS, if he stood up in the middle of that hearing and told that Judge and the Stalinist prosecutors to go royally FUCK THEMSELVES.

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1f0256 No.20841800

File: fdfbc31c2732381⋯.png (59.66 KB,632x395,8:5,RansomeTrumpTapes.png)


To extort something from someone means they are holding something over Trumps head.

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0ba4c2 No.20841801


No from Cohen, he is the one that had the affair with her.

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7b9eb1 No.20841802


Did you forget about that little turd Cohen?

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6a033b No.20841803


>Should a former President be cursing loudly in a courtroom? Does that teach his supporters that it is acceptable behavior?

Perhaps better Q is: Should a former(?) President be in court based on BS dem/brandon charges? Wonder what obummer & bush are thinking right about now?

Looking at witnesses is a problem? Shaking head at BS is a problem? Shouting out "f'ck you judge" might be over the top, but that is NOT what is happening from what i have read (but msm so who really knows). But speaking out about his case to the media? why is that a problem for the judge? ANS: Trump was meant to just lay down, he didn't & hasn't. What is at stake is the bigger Q.

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7e49f9 No.20841804


No, Hillary is a part of the plan. She never wanted to be President. She was a placeholder to help Trump win. Level up!

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d5594a No.20841805

File: efe0e65772463ea⋯.png (569.04 KB,1024x721,1024:721,ugly_kikes.png)


>Don't forget that he also pretended to be Q lmao

Thats a lie and typically for filthy Jews like you!

>It's a non-stop liar, satanist obviously.

Nice projection Jew, as always!


>"Jewish" nose is the "Roman" nose, fool.

Roman nose is a Kike nose retard!

They settled in, almost wiped out the native population and drove the empire to the wall, just as these parasitic Kike fucks did in many other ancient civilizations!

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f586ae No.20841806

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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1f0256 No.20841807

File: d589bb185fd2303⋯.png (78.68 KB,657x500,657:500,DershowitzEpstein.png)


Alan Dershowitz Says He's Suing Michael Cohen Over Epstein Claims


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292f99 No.20841808



Are you suggesting that he's

your own personal, deluxe, ass-wipe ?

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7b9eb1 No.20841810

File: d589ba8e1834323⋯.png (165.68 KB,564x452,141:113,91b.png)


He is very composed. I would already be throwing my shit like an angry monkey.

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866b76 No.20841811


They played that shit off exceptionally well too!

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e584a8 No.20841812

Fuck I think i am a Reactionist

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d5594a No.20841813

File: 0234a2ba5f5c77e⋯.png (163.73 KB,348x410,174:205,cdsfgs.png)

File: 0d75adc11c0d6c7⋯.png (626.97 KB,1200x722,600:361,dhbfgvd.png)

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47a250 No.20841814

File: 749b272ccbc9ff5⋯.png (216.53 KB,546x522,91:87,ClipboardImage.png)

This HRC video is weird. She is wearing mask. watch the neckline and under eye puffy. the under eye doesn't move with the muscles around her eyes and the neckline shows a distinct mask line https://twitter.com/ProudElephantUS/status/1788559652625764382

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d5594a No.20841815


Fuck off Yid!@687!

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1f0256 No.20841816

File: fa1274fdbb8b3e3⋯.png (189.86 KB,448x205,448:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2895de1355a7bdf⋯.png (85.19 KB,660x378,110:63,EpsteinPhone.png)

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488713 No.20841817

File: eb32ed4533a6497⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,640x360,16:9,6fugr.mp4)

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a14784 No.20841818


>>>20841780 (You)


>Ops in China were being controlled from a Deep underground Data Center in Henderson NV. as per Q drop #721, which was a response to me

8kun servers in China were controlled from Deep underground Data Center in Henderson NV? the drop doesn't say anything like that

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b6e0e5 No.20841819



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6a033b No.20841820


>why did the COWBOY butt fucker porn star even get 130 thousand dollars in the first place

From what anon has read, Cohn made the pmt.

It was made becuse an Aussie guy wanted to shut down any neg media before it started. The facts re did or din't happen didn't come into it pre '16. Stormy letter was '18 from memory.

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ca74f9 No.20841821

File: ab68d675421f63a⋯.png (884.4 KB,1080x994,540:497,Screenvcg.png)





Maybe Stormy Butthole Daniels bent over and blew a fart out of her gapping cowboy butt fucker asshole in Cohen's ugly Jew face…

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e584a8 No.20841822


1. God is real.

2. There are two genders.

3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

4. Reverse racism is racism.

5. An open border is no border.

6. Parents determine the education of their children.

7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

0. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

>get 1

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1f0256 No.20841823


Anybody ever asked Mr Pig, errr, Jim, where the servers are located?

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020fc1 No.20841824

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7e3961 No.20841825

>>20840415, >>20840419 lb notable



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1bf5a8 No.20841826

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,318x405,106:135,1509930348872_4_.jpg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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fda120 No.20841827

File: ac74beb078f2083⋯.png (749.34 KB,1289x948,1289:948,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump can't share this because of his gag order. But MAGA can…

Here is proof of Michael Cohen lying about his payment to Stormy Daniels


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a14784 No.20841828



>yall feel the collective _Q drop?!

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113374 No.20841829

File: 467dc46ec7c7bd9⋯.jpeg (15.04 KB,255x247,255:247,bushsaysisraeldidita.jpeg)



Barry's just the latest sprout, fruit.


Israel didn't do the 9/11

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1f0256 No.20841830

File: 886c2b2007f8e3a⋯.png (66.99 KB,506x493,506:493,RothschildReserve.png)

File: a51ff639f273676⋯.jpg (123.59 KB,1063x796,1063:796,FordMoneyJQ.jpg)


Usury is slavery

Endless lies.

Endless wars.

Endless inflation.

Endless 'printing'.

Endless oppression.

Endless subjugation.

Endless surveillance.

Who will put an end to the endless?

Taking control.


Who are the Silent Thieves?

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




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6a033b No.20841831


>She never wanted to be President.

Pull the other one. She was NEVER meant to lose, remember? 90% in the polls etc.

Trump did NOT win '16, hrc lost, she was taken out aka Hillaried via wikileaks dumps, (they) never expected that, & could not counter the chess move.

Take a look at Trumps face when he won, he was as surprised as hilldawg was.

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9b315e No.20841832

File: 3487edc7d41b408⋯.png (92.89 KB,300x252,25:21,f21d388f5d225879abcd2aaf1b….png)


What's wrong with his teeth?

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cdd5fe No.20841833


No, you ain't moving the goalpost on this anon. You said "disclosed". I have been watching these fucking subverts for decades. They have NEVER, EVER been this brazen and blatant in their 100 year effort to destroy this country. They are either being forced or they believe thaey have this in the bag and don't care if they are revealed or not. I would give you a list of the things these people have been exposed with but that would take more time than I've got right now.

None, to answer your question. Why? Because they have the msdnc, treasonous media running cover for them all. They should all be very happy I'm not King. The last thing they would see would be the bottom of a wicker basket right before the blade falls on their evil, filth laden necks.

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113374 No.20841834


go back to the jungle Dutch Itch.

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e9cfb7 No.20841835

File: c4959c7660793da⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Scgfdi_1.png)

File: 68e90320a780dab⋯.png (847.53 KB,1080x1226,540:613,Screenvj.png)


An 85 IQ shit throwing monkey mayor name one thing he's done right in his retarded monkey life… I'll be waiting.


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ee22c4 No.20841836


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


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aa28df No.20841837


I'm not the one posting 666 images, you do, satanist.

Symbolism will be your downfall.

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6f9176 No.20841838


Barron is legally an ADULT.

He is stepping into the political arena by becoming a delegate.

He's a very big boy now and doesn't you to be his nanny.

He more than knows what he is stepping into, don't you think?

Don't look silly by making internet threats.

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113374 No.20841839


Doesn't andrenochrome make you look good?

Maybe his supply got waylaid?

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113374 No.20841840


false retard.

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1f0256 No.20841841

File: 4cc4cf37e2d718c⋯.jpg (76.92 KB,658x670,329:335,SaddleStoryIII.jpg)

File: 3430f419b4ac71a⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,660x375,44:25,SaddleStoryIIII.jpg)

File: bd29907de98ec01⋯.jpg (43.52 KB,457x321,457:321,SaddleStoryIIIII.jpg)


How hard do you think it is to control that corrupt asshole?

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ee22c4 No.20841842


Yes, Q

cases and cases of red bull please…

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488713 No.20841843

File: d1fc175183ce995⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,SachaBaronCohen_wrote_Bora….mp4)

guest house

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dfb5d8 No.20841844

NY Judge Thwarts Dems’ 2024 Scheming With Smackdown Of Deceptive Abortion Amendment

Jordan Boyd @jordanboydtx More Articles

May 08, 2024

Democrats and activists who sought toenshrine abortion in the New York Constitutionwith the ratification of adeceptively worded amendmentface a new obstacle after State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Doyle ruled that the state legislaturefailed to adequately satisfy the constitutionally outlined procedurefor passing a ballot measure.

“The constitution is the supreme will of the people,”he wrote. “Its amendment should be undertaken by strict adherence to the will of the people.”

New York requires the state attorney general’s office to issue a formal opinion about the amendment before the legislature fulfills its mandated two-time passage. State Assembly Member Marjorie Byrnes, a Republican, filed a lawsuit noting that New York Attorney General Letitia James’ formal opinion on the ballot measure did not come until after the rushed first vote.

“‘Substantial compliance’ is not compliance, and this court cannot condone actions taken by the Legislature in derogation of the expressed will of the people,” Doyle agreed, waving off Democrats’ excuses for the procedural flop.

Doyle’s smackdown is one of the first actions a court has taken against the several abortion-themed ballot measures facing voters in various states this fall. Corporate media readily admit that the rulingthrows a wrench in New York Democrats’ expensive 2024 election strategyto increase turnout in the battleground race for control of the state’s lower legislative chamber.

New York already ensures unlimited, on-demand abortionthrough the subjective judgment of a medical professional who only needs to deem the mother’s life or physical or mental health at risk to greenlight abortion at any point in gestation. The ill-named Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), however, sought to effectivelypreventthe government from enactinglimits on baby-killing in the future.

The proposed amendment alsoincluded a barrage of sweeping languageand terms such as “discrimination” that would equip the New York Constitution witha “civil right”allowing men to play women’s sports.Proponents of the ballot measure even bragged that the amendment couldstop the state from banning things like transgender mutilation and chemical castration for children.

“The ERA … would prohibit discrimination by the government based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex — including their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes,” the ACLU of New York wrote. “It would also protect against any government actions that would curtail a person’s reproductive autonomy or their access to reproductive health care.”

As conservative groups around the state have repeatedly noted, those “outrageous and unconstitutional” provisions infringe on parents’ rights.

James said she plans to appeal the ruling.

“The Equal Rights Amendment was advanced to protect people’s fundamental rights like reproductive freedom and access to abortion care. The decision to strike the ERA from the ballot in November is disappointing, and we’re appealing to defend New Yorkers’ rights,” James said in a statement.

Other Democrats expressed confidence that the ballot measure would be reinstated in time for voters to cast their ballots.


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503794 No.20841845

File: 2a767cfa0ca994c⋯.jpg (13.56 KB,255x255,1:1,2a767cfa0ca994c6fa646a0884….jpg)

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ee22c4 No.20841846

Mar 26, 2019 5:39:08 PM EDT 3217

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909718

Mar 26, 2019 5:37:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e11543 No. 5909683

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.







Mar 26, 2019 5:27:37 PM EDT 3214

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909363

Mar 26, 2019 5:27:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e1b7a1 No. 5909352

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.




TT was bugged most likely.


Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT 3212

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322

Mar 26, 2019 5:24:33 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 458d46 No. 5909279

>>5909008 (pb)

ADM Rogers would have had lots of access… didn't he turn off access to the FBI contractors?


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.



Oct 04, 2018 3:17:51 PM EDT 2333

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 332


Nothing to See Here…




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19a8a3 No.20841847


Trump, Joe, Obama, and Hillary.

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aa28df No.20841848


>cases and cases of red bull please…

sugar bad though

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6f9176 No.20841849


>Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

So we didn't 'flourish' before the 1900's?

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ee22c4 No.20841850

Mar 26, 2019 5:39:08 PM EDT 3217

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909718

Mar 26, 2019 5:37:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e11543 No. 5909683

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.







Mar 26, 2019 5:27:37 PM EDT 3214

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909363

Mar 26, 2019 5:27:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e1b7a1 No. 5909352

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.




TT was bugged most likely.


Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT 3212

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322

Mar 26, 2019 5:24:33 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 458d46 No. 5909279

>>5909008 (pb)

ADM Rogers would have had lots of access… didn't he turn off access to the FBI contractors?


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.



Oct 04, 2018 3:17:51 PM EDT 2333

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 332


Nothing to See Here…







looks like the majority are still indeed struggling…. 6+ years… such a Disservice

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e584a8 No.20841851




Collecting notables


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113374 No.20841852


"we aren't idiots and don't post the same thing 24/7"

Got it.


key words repeated "da Jews did it"

spam = shill

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522bda No.20841853

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)




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779ed4 No.20841854



agreed and MORE agreed.

it could be a great day for humanity if dear Trump were to 'loose his shit' in such a way. but maybe he has a better idea of when/what to do such a thing. or maybe there will be lightning bolts from Heaven. Juss Say'n cause im Not Sure and ijdfk

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6f9176 No.20841855

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408ac4 No.20841856

File: 7d110487fe01d6c⋯.png (547.35 KB,575x723,575:723,stormy_bazaar.png)

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e584a8 No.20841857


>So we didn't 'flourish' before the 1900's?

not really it was all chaos and lots of darkness

then we found the internet

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cdd5fe No.20841858


Anon, that is the most dumbass thing I've seen on this board yet and that is saying something.


Trump damn sure did win and that is because MI prevented the fuckery. They trued that vote and that explains the early as compared to the past 3 elections, concession even though that hump of a fucking kunt [HRC] never conceded. Everytime they sent those ballot data packs out they all came back unchanged. By the 3rd or 4th time they knew something was up and figured it was better to fold, regroup and press on later. Which they are doing as we type.

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bb9a48 No.20841859



>shaking his head visually and that's contemptuous

What an arrogant pissant.

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6f9176 No.20841860



u r an idgit


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e63750 No.20841861

File: c4959c7660793da⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Scgfdi_1.png)

File: 89f768b4ab135af⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,558x461,558:461,89f768b4ab135af5eac8f5e52b….jpg)

File: 68e90320a780dab⋯.png (847.53 KB,1080x1226,540:613,Screenvj.png)

File: cdab578ce47aaf3⋯.png (745.53 KB,1012x1112,253:278,cdab578ce47aaf3f0736019f8f….png)


An 85 IQ shit throwing monkey mayor name one thing he's done right in his retarded monkey life… I'll be waiting.


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19a8a3 No.20841862


That’s because you are unable to pay attention and think deeper.

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51be8c No.20841863


He thinks they are prepared.

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c8ea2b No.20841864

File: 2cfec7fdcebf4c4⋯.png (195.6 KB,557x465,557:465,ClipboardImage.png)


The person that gets the opportunity to present PDJT with the Medal of Honor will have one of the highest experiences in ever. So few understand the way this panned out prevented the loss of life in the tens/hundreds of millions. He's the first CiC to find a way to right the ship with as few casualties as possible, while also giving humanity a path out of darkness. Seems very much in the same vein as the sentiment of this video. What an inspiring display of compassion in this speech.

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004def No.20841865


Body language anons..what does it mean when people blink excessively?

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025019 No.20841866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best of Wally George


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19a8a3 No.20841867

Hillary, give the anons a 17, if you are a part of the plan. I’ll be on lookout!

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aab5b5 No.20841868

File: 37fc55f2c609eea⋯.jpg (11.04 KB,259x257,259:257,37fc55f2c609eea7011d9c772d….jpg)

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5da145 No.20841869

File: 5aa3e007b4773a2⋯.png (1.06 MB,1067x600,1067:600,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 9, 2024

The Galaxy, the Jet, and a Famous Black Hole

Bright elliptical galaxy Messier 87 (M87) is home to the supermassive black hole captured in 2017 by planet Earth's Event Horizon Telescope in the first ever image of a black hole. Giant of the Virgo galaxy cluster about 55 million light-years away, M87 is rendered in blue hues in this infrared image from the Spitzer Space telescope. Though M87 appears mostly featureless and cloud-like, the Spitzer image does record details of relativistic jets blasting from the galaxy's central region. Shown in the inset at top right, the jets themselves span thousands of light-years. The brighter jet seen on the right is approaching and close to our line of sight. Opposite, the shock created by the otherwise unseen receding jet lights up a fainter arc of material. Inset at bottom right, the historic black hole image is shown in context at the center of giant galaxy, between the relativistic jets. Completely unresolved in the Spitzer image, the supermassive black hole surrounded by infalling material is the source of enormous energy driving the relativistic jets from the center of active galaxy M87. The Event Horizon Telescope image of M87 has been enhanced to reveal a sharper view of the famous supermassive black hole.


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ee22c4 No.20841870

File: 46af10865bb82ac⋯.png (313.7 KB,539x483,77:69,4182_biden_xi.png)

SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA


SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA


Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?



Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.







IP address Type Hosted by Location

IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IP address:

City: St Petersburg

Region name: Unknown

Country name: Russia

Life expectancy: 67.2

Avg income: 1,883 EUR

Timezone: undefined

Sub continent: Eastern Europe

Country code: RU

Geo-targeting: true

◉ Latitude: 59.8983

◎ Longitude: 30.2618

World currency: EUR

EU member: false

org: Veesp

isp: Veesp

Connection: undefined

Continent: Europe

Population: 146,934,000

IP range tracked: -

Surface area: 17,075,400 km sq.

GNP: 276,608 mln.

Demographic data: true

Ad (re)targeting: true

8kun.top Server IP

IP Tracker

https://www.ip-tracker.org › lookup › ip=8kun

Website 8kun.top that uses public IP Address is actually located in theRussian Federation(RU) on the Europe continent, as we have already seen …

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b9072e No.20841871


Ask Jr, he signed the check.

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d5594a No.20841872

File: d72654bca0bb1c2⋯.jpeg (197.13 KB,1024x640,8:5,Udbds33.jpeg)

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025019 No.20841873


If they are biologically healthy it means they are lying. It can also mean they have brain damage or mental issues like PTSD.

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ee22c4 No.20841875

File: 5b5c334d63c5b44⋯.gif (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,00000000000000000000015.gif)


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


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cdd5fe No.20841876


The man is strategic and cunning and knows exactly what he's doing. Timing is everything I "they" say. Like other anon says, >>20841810

I'd already be in jail with these motherfuckers.

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1bf5a8 No.20841877

File: 172f436dc902109⋯.jpg (215.82 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_09_4….jpg)

File: 2d8e6afa2012289⋯.png (41.28 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage405.png)

File: c357499ad3b8160⋯.jpeg (57.93 KB,680x383,680:383,k_6uSF5s.jpeg)

File: 69d5f5850e4a9de⋯.png (48.38 KB,473x525,473:525,qaggdropimage959.png)

File: c946b023c4f27cb⋯.png (34.51 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage1559.png)

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ee22c4 No.20841878

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,00000000000000000000003.gif)

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408ac4 No.20841879



The neck just looks like turkey skin, but agreed the bags under the eyes are not moving.

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6a033b No.20841880


>Trump damn sure did win

Well sorta. As I said, hrc LOST, Trump was surprised, f'ckery happened & dems still couldn't cheat so yea Trump "won".

This time it is going to be a WIN, a descisive one imho. Except if biden/brandon/dave gets 150m votes (mostly mail ins), then we are all back to future & square 1, except if that happens there will be a civil war? or social credit scores. Better hope for a RealWIN imho. But need to get rid of "counting/fraud" machines. Hand count & Trump wins by ~65%-70% ???

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ee22c4 No.20841881

File: 657a1ed8346a929⋯.png (703.27 KB,962x599,962:599,jones187c.png)

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)

These people are sick…

Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones take on if they Assassinate Donald Trump

timestamp: 00:00:47 Alex Jones "If they kill him, that's the best case scenario, on a sick level…"….




Ivan Raiklin in Studio on Infowars with Alex Jones 2:20 PM · Feb 2, 2024

X · ZcohenCNN 140+ likes · 1 year ago

6 committee hearing as author of “Pence Card” memo. That memo outlined a plan similar to what's under scrutiny by federal prosecutors/special …

(19) What we know about Ivan Raiklin and the "Pence Card" CNN.com

https://www.cnn.com › january-6-hearings-june-16

Jun 17, 2022 — The memo outlined a theory that the vice president could block certification of the election results on Jan. 6. Raiklin has worked with Flynn …

Ivan Raiklin - Trump Is Ready To Play The Pence Card … Audacy

https://www.audacy.com › podcasts › X22 Report

Today's Guest: Ivan Raiklin Twitter: Twitter.com/@raiklin Ivan Is A Former Green Beret Commander And A Constitution Lawyer. Ivan Discusses How The …

Ivan Raiklin IMDb

https://www.imdb.com › name

Ivan Raiklin. Self: The Lindell Report. Ivan Raiklin was born on 29 February 1976.

Ivan Raiklin Ballotpedia

https://ballotpedia.org › Ivan_Raiklin

Incumbent Tim Kaine defeated Corey Stewart and Matt Waters in the general election for U.S. Senate Virginia on November 6, 2018. Candidate. %. Elections · ‎2018

Donor: Ivan Raiklin The Virginia Public Access Project

https://www.vpap.org › donors › 320467-ivan-raiklin

… Donations made by committees associated with Ivan Raiklin. Raiklin for US Senate - Ivan. METHODOLOGY: Donations on this page are reported by the recipient.

Published Calendar - Ivan Raiklin - Outlook Office 365 Microsoft

https://outlook.office365.com › owa › calendar › cale…

Today… February 2024.. Month . Print. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Jan 28. 29.

Unraveling J6 & Putting the DoD on Notice | Ivan Raiklin & … Spreaker

https://www.spreaker.com › episode › unraveling-j6-p…

https://annvandersteel.com https://annvandersteel.substack.com https://RightNow.News HARD HITTING TRUTH AND PERSONAL IMPACT STORIES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE …

Mel K w/ Ivan Raiklin & Boone Cutler Podbean

https://www.podbean.com › player-v2

Mel K w/ Ivan Raiklin & Boone Cutler | Ghosts in the Machine, Cognitive Warfare & the Path Forward. Play. Current Time 0:00. Loaded: 0%. Remaining Time - …

Ivan Raiklin Delmarva Public Media

https://www.delmarvapublicmedia.org › tags › ivan-ra…

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A Virginia Republican is suing to try and get on the primary ballot for a U.S. Senate race.Ivan Raiklin filed a lawsuit in federal …

Ivan Raiklin Medium · Ivan Raiklin

3.1K+ followers

Read writing from Ivan Raiklin on Medium. Recovering Lawyer Diplomat Green Beret⚔️ #LifeHacker who accidentally ran 50 miles once Hablo español …

Ivan Raiklin: Federal Candidate - VPAP The Virginia Public Access Project

https://www.vpap.org › federal › 320467-ivan-raiklin

Michael Flynn hosting press-free event with Ivan Raiklin … Providence Journal

https://www.providencejournal.com › news › 2023/09/14

Sep 14, 2023 — Flynn will be speaking at the Park Theatre in Cranston with retired Lt. Col. Ivan E. Raiklin.

Ivan Raiklin - Add Relationship LittleSis

https://littlesis.org › person › 413821-Ivan_Raiklin

Ivan Raiklin. Constitutional Attorney, former Green Beret, Flynn Org operative. Republican Candidate for US Senate, State of Virgina. https://richmond.com …

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ee22c4 No.20841882


you are such a yuge patriot though….

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ee22c4 No.20841883



The Alex Jones Drops

Qmap.pub titled Q drops. Q used these drops with Titles in new drops. The drop Titles were very revealing.

Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q

May 14, 2018 10:18:27 PM EDT 1366

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 1ab4eb No. 1413374

May 14, 2018 10:01:07 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c57186 No. 1413137

May 14, 2018 9:57:12 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6d88a4 No. 1413056


So if she talks about Q on her show,

is she a "paytriot"?


I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. This video explains what happened very well. It certainly cleared my head about it all.



The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)

May 11, 2018 1:42:48 PM EDT 1340

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9b1a97 No. 1373162

This is why we are here.



Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on

May 12, 2018 11:50:47 AM EDT 1341

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 904c6f No. 1384036

May 12, 2018 11:25:41 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 4296e0 No. 1383888

May 12, 2018 11:23:17 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: a7c5c9 No. 1383873


Don't forget Q's plan:

1. Divide the right (left loves this)

2. Attack the alternative media (the only alt media that supported POTUS during election)

3. Stop all organic conservative media from making money and going mainstream.

4. Heard the alt right Nazi’s into the deepest, darkest, dank corner of the Internet

5. Smear them


We've all been blinded for too long. Alex JONES is NOT alt media, he is a traitor. He makes us all look crazy. Fuck him


Time to move on.

Big week ahead!



Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)

May 12, 2018 6:16:10 PM EDT 1343

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 3b3f44 No. 1388185

They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.


Destroy through [misinformation].

Absorb the 'confused'.

Re-route traffic to other platforms.

Action was needed [2].

1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation

2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion

Simple 'non-direct' statements made.

"Be careful who you follow."

"Some are profiting off this movement."

Message sent.

Message received.

Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).

Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).


Attempts to divide.

We responded.

House cleaning.

Heal [core].

Important to clean prior to next events.

The choice has always been yours.

The choice will always be yours.

This is not a game.

This is not a popularity contest.

This is LIFE.



We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

Dark to LIGHT.

Attacks will only get worse.

Truth is Freedom.

Truth is logic.

Stay the course.


Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q

Sep 06, 2018 6:11:57 PM EDT 2101

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 99d653 No. 2908527

Sep 06, 2018 5:55:34 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 8f374e No. 2908303


BREAKING: Twitter BansAlex JONESPermanently After Ambush on Jack Dorse



There is a lot more to this than you realize.

Think 'collective' attacks v. 'Q'


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dda6d4 No.20841884


Birx is a def a liar. ty

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ee22c4 No.20841885

File: 0bd172d1cd3f9c5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1820x1680,13:12,b1.png)

File: 12355ed77d53527⋯.png (689.91 KB,958x810,479:405,b2.png)

File: 962c87049bd856a⋯.png (666.89 KB,829x1030,829:1030,b2a.png)

File: 470680babbb4555⋯.png (1.06 MB,2148x1844,537:461,b0.png)




[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part I

Sloppy, cries and begs bad like a dog that has lost it's fucking mind, Steve Bannon and associates defrauded Patriots out of Millions via the We Build The Wall Scandal.

Bannon personally received $1 million from the "Charity".

A "charity" that collected funds from Patriots to finish building the border wall which the Founder promised would be used only to build the wall.

The founder and two other associates have been sentenced to 4-6 years for their roles in the scam.

For some odd reason, POTUS pardoned Bannon on the Federal level, yet POTUS must have known that charges would be coming on the State level that would be unstoppable.

Bannon is seen as a main facilitator in the We Build The Wall fraud and his trial is set for May 2024.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlz9tY0pqg Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News Aug 20, 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfIcBiwch58 Steve Bannon charged in border wall fundraising scheme CNBC Television Sept 8 2022

https://www.npr.org/2023/04/26/1172343738/we-build-the-wall-founder-sentenced-prison Founder of the We Build The Wall group linked to Steve Bannon is sentenced to 4 years April 26, 2023

https://www.reuters.com/legal/bannon-associates-be-sentenced-fraud-over-trumps-border-wall-2023-04-26/ Bannon associate sentenced to 4-1/4 years for Trump border wall fraud April 26, 2023

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/steve-bannons-we-build-the-wall-scheme-trial-set-for-may-2024 Steve Bannon’s ‘We Build the Wall’ scheme trial set for May 2024 May 25, 2023

Other Relevant Bannon News


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj6nAxC2ewE Bannon-allied businessman arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy Mar 15, 2023

[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part II

Steve Bannon received the nicknames and attributes "Sloppy Steve", "Begs Bad" and "Cries like a dog" directly from POTUS.

"President Donald Trump savaged his former chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday, contending that “he not only lost his job” but also “lost his mind” when he left the White House."

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,”Trump said in a statement.

"Earlier Wednesday, excerpts from an upcoming Michael Wolff book quoted Bannon, who did not join the Trump campaign until August 2016, also was quoted as saying."

In his statement, the president said Bannon — the nationalist firebrand —“had very little to do” with his electoral victory in 2016. Trump added that “Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.”

“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” Trump said.

“It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books,”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlz9tY0pqg Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News






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ee22c4 No.20841886

File: c0b1e35fc93b7d3⋯.png (4.49 MB,3360x2580,56:43,000matrixxx.png)






shit… there might one other in this fucking room… if i am lucky….

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ee22c4 No.20841887

NIGHT SHIFT Bun of Dread for 4/17/2024

>>20743002 Decode: Q drop #133 Soros, Rothschild and Saudi Arabia were the 3 sides of the Pyramid and they all served the Eye. Many Governments of the World serve the Eye. The Eye of Providence. 666.

>>20743189 Decode: Q drop #133 Satan

>>20743026 Decode: Q drop #154 The "Our Father, who financed 9-11?'' decode. CIA > SAUDI ARABIA > VATICAN = 9-11 per the drops.

>>20743028 The Great Awakening > Free Thought drops. Wakey Wakey.

>>20743030 Code: Those you trust the most. Those you trust the most are the most guilty of sin. If you are Religious, Pray. Pray/Prey. Notice the Similarity?

>>20743034 So you think that you understand what Q meant when Q repeatedly referred to the Sig/signature 'Biblical'? Are you currently sitting down?

>>20743036 The Boom Boom decode. John 3:16 Day of Judgement

>>20743039 The Saviors/Nothing is going to stop what is coming, decode.

>>20743053 Learn our fucking comms.

>>20743056 POTUS recently stated that he had taken some bad advice from bad past advisors... understatement of the year award.

>>20743062 Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan > 8kun

>>20743063 Q Drop Search Code > Red pill yourself before NIGHT SHIFT does as that way it is a lot less PAINFUL for you

>>20743070 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!" LEARN > PAIN

>>20743097 So you think that you are a Patriot doing Patriotic shit here? Night Shift has a little test for everyone.

>>20743105 Where was Snowden initially? Where was the 4chan server? Where is Snowden now? Where is the 8KUN server now? and before NIGHT SHIFT told you, you probably had no fucking idea...


>>20743128 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots

>>20743135 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots PART II

>>20743204 The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild > yet FLYNN told you to focus on WEF. Bless your little Heart!


>>20743266 For the Paytriots who think's it Qewl to profit off of this movement and what they have learned here. Not to mention those who rode Anon's coattails so they could sell their "big deep digging patriotic" decodes for $17

>>20743269 Aliens and the Drops. Few can handle reality so do not be suprised if this is not disclosed in your lifetime > think: Religion

>>20743288, >>20743304, >>20743306 REMEMBER WHEN Q WAS SIGNALING ST. Peter's Cross/Vatican YET [ANONS] MADE IT ABOUT SATAN?

>>20743341 "Out Of Shadows" Documentary CIA CLOWNS > HOLLYWOOD Q KNOWS... Why did you think it was some 'other' demographic? Who taught you that? Why? What is a Scapegoat?

>>20743351, >>20743354, >>20743361, >>20743364, >>20743367, >>20743369, >>20743371, >>20743377 The RED CROSS and the Drops > Italy - sick yet?

>>20743664 How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court

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ee22c4 No.20841888


just an example of how bad you suck…

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ee22c4 No.20841889

>>20765972 [flynn] said yer a buncha faggots! kek

>>20765976 board history 2018 2021

>>20765978 [flynn jan 06]

>>20765980 [archbishop vagina again]

>>20765985 [jan 06 pelosi flynn]

>>20766093 [st peters] dick! kek

>>20766149 mo bama mo vatican!

>>20766173 A string of Q drops being deleted on Qresearch? Q drops # 790, 2876, 989, 991, 995, 996 and 997 = Enjoy!

>>20766197 Night Shift's next piece is called BUT BUT BUT! MUH ILLUMINATI THOUGH! > VATICAN


>>20766211 Get Some

>>20766218 Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home

>>20766219 German nuns were paid to 'drag' children to be sexually abused by predatory Catholic priests, court documents allege

>>20766221 New Report Finds 330,000 Children Abused in French Catholic Church Over 70 Years

>>20766223 French Catholic church expresses ‘shame’ after report finds 330,000 children were abused

>>20766225 SHOCKING REPORT Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse by French clergy, with 330,000 victims covered up

>>20766226 Pope Francis expresses 'shame' at news French Catholic Church covered up sex abuse of over 300,000 children

>>20766228 Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France's Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up 'by a veil of silence', damning report finds

>>20766229 Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church

>>20766233 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you! You are not alone in this fight."

>>20766238 Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?

>>20766248 Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY. These people should be hanging.

>>20766265 Back channels are important yet Back Channels are not the Line as [many] would have (many) believe

>>20766266 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20766272 NIGHT SHIFT Bun of Dread

>>20766276 Q Drop search code > NIGHT SHIFT Edition

>>20766279 NIGHT SHIFT' most recent Q is Q drop #4799 When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political?

>>20766280 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count and yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent drops and then to the Vatican… and anon is the Shill?

>>20766282 POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot fromBad Past Advisors

>>20766285 FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

>>20766291 SOROS in 2 drops

>>20766304, >>20766306, >>20766310, >>20766315, >>20766318 P = Payseur? MG Show? Poissant? Inthematrixxx? Shadddy gravy? Fritz Springmeier/Viktor Schoof? Alex Jones? David Icke? $17? CLOWNS?


>>20766414 Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones take on if they Assassinate Donald Trump Timestamp: 00:00:47 Alex Jones "If they kill him, that's the best case scenario, from a sick level…"….

>>20766420 keyboard warriors v digital soldiers.... and [you] chose poorly

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ee22c4 No.20841890


want moar?

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ee22c4 No.20841891

NIGHT SHIFT Bun of Dread for 4/27/2024

>>20785608 Soros in 2 Drops

>>20785610 So you think you know what Biblical means?

>>20785629 "Might as well go sit in the CIA." "Russia grounding our planes in Syria"

>>20785638 Board History 2018 to 2021 - 4chan to 8kun

>>20785647 Back Channels are Important - Where is the 8kun server located?

>>20785881 Where was the 4chan server located?

>>20785703 Q Drop search code - Enjoy!

>>20785713 Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Military learning institution by his Father?

>>20785716 The Nazi's and the Vatican - Q Drop #1941

>>20785720 "NEW EYES joining the fight Q! Those with an agenda to silence will fail. Pain coming."

>>20785729 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY."

>>20785732 Decode of drop #133 - 666 - Satan and the Eye of Providence

>>20785736 Decode of drop #154, 306, 307 and 308 - "Our Father, who financed 911?"

>>20785746 The Snake Poem and the Drops

>>20785753 POTUS is our savior. Q #111 US Military = savior of mankind. Q #114 You are the saviors of mankind. Q #2442

>>20785768, >>20785770 Alex Jones wrote a Book prefaced by Steve Bannon entitled "The Great Awakening". See: Appropriation.

>>20785895 Holy See > United States relations - No official relations for 117 years but why? You do not know? No one told you?

>>20785903, >>20785917 MG SHOW "Q uses the word Trust all the time. The mirror of Trust is anti Trust! Trust trust trust! When Q says "TRUST the plan" Q is referring to the Payseur trust! it's not Pope, it's not Pindar, it is Payseur!"

>>20786027 Q Drop #1489 - FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

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ee22c4 No.20841892

Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?




How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court

Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names > King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer > BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas > Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Leonard Leo appears to control John Roberts and both appear to be Knights of Malta.

For those who like to claim that the Vatican does not control the "Sovereign Military Order of Malta"…

Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new constitutionSeptember 3, 2022


Who is Harlan Crow?keywords/names > Member Bohemian Grove > Bohemian Club > Collects Nazi memorabilia because he hates Fascism so much > Clarence Thomas > Gifts > Vacations > George Bush

Trammell Crow Company > Crow Holdings > Club for Growth > American Enterprise Institute > No Labels > St. Kitts and Nevis

Brother Trammel Crow > https://dallasexpress.com/national/trammell-crow-jr-named-in-human-trafficking-case/



Clarence ThomasU.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Thomas was nominated byPresident George H. W. Bushto succeed Thurgood Marshall.

Thomas as well as other Supreme Court Justices have been receiving "financial support" from Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, Paul Singer and a slew of other deep state operatives and this is now becoming public knowledge.


Harlan Crow appears to control Clarence Thomas and both appear to be Members of the Bohemian Club.

Clarence Thomas > Leonard Leo > Harlan Crow is the News Now.







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ee22c4 No.20841893


we are talking SUPREME SUCK here kids

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1bf5a8 No.20841894

File: e0535ea187a8c81⋯.jpg (205.25 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_09_4….jpg)

File: 950148376f679c0⋯.png (334.63 KB,473x2567,473:2567,qaggdropimage316_1_.png)

File: ba7b53673a49ba9⋯.jpeg (495.61 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GNFFeGyXQAAruL1.jpeg)

File: 935504e345fda49⋯.jpeg (305.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GNFFelRXYAAn4xO.jpeg)

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ee22c4 No.20841895

Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names > King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer > BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas > Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?




Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new constitutionSeptember 3, 2022


Who is Harlan Crow?keywords/names > Member Bohemian Grove > Bohemian Club > Collects Nazi memorabilia because he hates Fascism so much > Clarence Thomas > Gifts > Vacations > George Bush

Trammell Crow Company > Crow Holdings > Club for Growth > American Enterprise Institute > No Labels > St. Kitts and Nevis

Brother Trammel Crow > https://dallasexpress.com/national/trammell-crow-jr-named-in-human-trafficking-case/


Clarence ThomasU.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Thomas was nominated byPresident George H. W. Bushto succeed Thurgood Marshall.

Thomas as well as other Supreme Court Justices have been recieving "financial support" from Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, Paul Singer and a slew of other deep state operatives and this is now becoming public knowledge.


Clarence Thomas > Leonard Leo > Harlan Crow is the News Now.







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ee22c4 No.20841896


ross perot would be proud!

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ee22c4 No.20841897

Who is Leonard Leo?keywords/names > King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >

Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer > BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >

Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas > Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States.

Nominated as Chief Justice of the United States byPresident George W. Bush, he assumed that office on September 29, 2005.

Trump on Roberts July 5th 2012 "John Roberts arrived inMaltaToday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there."


Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed Every Judge on the FISA Court

Is that too much power for one person?


John Roberts appoints judges to more than the fisa courtAug 08 2013


Q DROP #144

What council do the WIZARDS & Warlocks control?



Photo of the day: Roberts in Malta07/03/2012

Chief Justice John Roberts outside the University of Malta | AP Photo

An Associated Press photographer finds Chief Justice John Roberts in Malta — where he's spending some time after the monumental health care case that saw him side with the four liberal justices in upholding President Obama's health care law.

Chief Justice Roberts Jokes He's Headed To 'An Impregnable Fortress'June 29, 2012


The Supreme Court: Not Such an Impregnable Fortress Anymore?July 16, 2012

John Roberts escapes controversy but not the leaks.


The inside story of how John Roberts negotiated to save ObamacareBy Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer March 25, 2019

Donald Trump, three years from launching his presidential run, went right to Twitter: “Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess Justice Roberts wanted to be part of Georgetown society more than anyone knew.”

Trump later added: “John Roberts arrived in Malta yesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.”

Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part ofGeorgetown societymore than anyone knew.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2012


John Roberts arrived inMaltayesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2012



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ee22c4 No.20841898

File: b0d1b66e236b43b⋯.png (836.7 KB,952x1236,238:309,1a.png)


deep deep diggers boy i tell ya…

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c8ea2b No.20841899


Don't pay anything and Stormy becomes E. Jean Carroll. Pay something and it shines a spotlight on how they target people by using other people.

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b54e94 No.20841900



>So we didn't 'flourish' before the 1900's?


No, we did not.

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ee22c4 No.20841901

File: 2429f428776c5da⋯.png (296.37 KB,636x774,106:129,1.png)




>>18132710 by Archbishop Vigano > Tue Dec 20, 2022 at 10:01 PM EST Vigano turns on Trump > Scandalous, Discouraging, Offending the Law of God, Trump Contaminated! Once a source of Hope! Soddom and Gamorrah Doom for America! All Trump' LGBT Fault!

>>18197445 by George Neumayr > Wed Dec 21, 2022 at 10:02 PM EST Trump LGBT Gala is NoMAGA! "Completely indefensible! Pull your head out of your ass, Mr. Trump! degenerates with fat wallets.Your greed is pathetic.No doubt the philosophically shallow Trump would scoff…"

>>18135313 by Taylor Marshall > Wed Dec 21, 2022 STREAMED LIVE "Romans, Chapter 1 says that those who are Gay, or even those who approve of the gay lifestyle, are worthy of Death" "Who will lead us Catholics?" "Ye? Desantis? Me? I want a Catholic Monarchy in America"

Archbishop Vigano


RELATED TO THIS: Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law


George Neumayr R.I.H [Neumayr]


Taylor Marshall

https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Youtube Url Link NOW MARKED AS PRIVATE!

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ee22c4 No.20841902

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP removed from a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Military learning institution by his Father?

Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP removed from a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Military learning institution by his Father?

Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?


Jul 27, 2018 2:13:18 PM EDT 1735

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: dc4bac No. 2313022

There is nothing more precious than our children.

Evil has no boundaries.


The choice to know will ultimately be yours.

These people are SICK!


To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!

You are not alone in this fight.

God bless.


Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the ChurchUNFORGIVEABLE Oct. 05, 2021


Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France's Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up 'by a veil of silence', damning report finds5 October 2021


Pope Francis expresses 'shame' at news French Catholic Church covered up sex abuse of over 300,000 childrenOctober 07, 2021


SHOCKING REPORT Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse by French clergy, with 330,000 victims covered upOct 5 2021


French Catholic church expresses ‘shame’ after report finds 330,000 children were abused5 Oct 2021


New Report Finds 330,000 Children Abused in French Catholic Church Over 70 Years


Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home, it emerges as victim wins compensation battle22 December 2020


German nuns were paid to 'drag' children to be sexually abused by predatory Catholic priests, court documents allegeDec 29, 2020


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5da145 No.20841903

File: 22baff40d435b6e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1899x1032,633:344,ClipboardImage.png)

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275a09 No.20841904

are ya'll dumbasses ready for the NDE that is about to happen upon this country, and the entire globe?

are you prepared?

what is about to happen (ncswic) is what the plan has been all about, all along

to awaken & to fight

b/c what is about to happen is going to turn everything upside down, not right side up

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ee22c4 No.20841905



deep deep digging patriots


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13f34e No.20841906

File: 98e7b7359ea8c07⋯.png (267.7 KB,708x886,354:443,4db47ede_cf78_403f_af11_f2….png)


Feb 05, 2020 1:23:43 AM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

In God We Trust.jpg


Sometimes the past can find the future.


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350dc5 No.20841907

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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ee22c4 No.20841908

File: 7e4bce55da8ed1c⋯.jpg (37.73 KB,460x460,1:1,rus2.jpg)

File: 46af10865bb82ac⋯.png (313.7 KB,539x483,77:69,4182_biden_xi.png)

File: bf1e8b502a4d447⋯.jpg (294.95 KB,718x759,718:759,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

File: 395b4fdd3fb0221⋯.png (1.64 MB,907x1209,907:1209,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 945fdaa00171f17⋯.png (1.82 MB,2139x990,713:330,00000000000000000000000000….png)

They want you divided.

Divided by sex.free speech board

Divided by political affiliation.free speech board

Divided by class.free speech board

Divided by religion.whoa! whoa! hang… hang on!

Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan > 8kun

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codefaggot (anime > loretta > aflb) Ron ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now… kekEnter shills such as ParaTesticlees, RUSSELL GOULD BOT


Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes orders from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.


MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx > MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows…

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.

What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam > Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer > Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all… that it was "easy to see".

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ee22c4 No.20841909


Apr 25, 2018 8:11:11 PM EDT 1272

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8fd529 No. 1187631


Apr 25, 2018 8:18:54 PM EDT 1273

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8fd529 No. 1187806

Apr 25, 2018 8:11:11 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8fd529 No. 1187631



What happens to the special counsel?

Rudy met w/ Mueller today.



Public announcement.

End of POTUS investigation?

Continue w/ other investigations?

Stage set?

Support growing?



We have it all.

Welcome to the WH.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No. 130638 Jan 22, 2018 9:47:32 PM EST 586

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you arereligious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/2018 21:50:37 ID: b189f8 587

8chan/qresearch: 130667



Notice the similarity?


Nov 05, 2017 7:59:21 PM EST 107



May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2c0dfd No.7943219 📁 3799

Jan 28 2020 14:39:33 (EST)

You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?

Those who were once protected are no longer.


Hunters become PREY.


Oct 17, 2020 2:16:46 PM EDT 4884

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b755f No. 11120402


Enjoy the show!


Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking3565

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


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80741f No.20841910

Yesterday it was all day 'worm in the brain' which was a story from over 10 years ago!

and yet it ran here all day.

All day, and into the evening.

it's called a smear, anon.

and it's further proof that most of the posters here are agency shill sent in here to disrupt the operation of anonymous reporters of news.

here is a link to a story that editorializes about yesterdays operational smear:


"Editorial: RFK Jr.’s old brain worm tale evokes McCain smear "

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275a09 No.20841911


>what does it mean when people blink excessively?

maybe a worm ate that part of the brain

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ee22c4 No.20841912

File: b52f21094c2ab5b⋯.png (376.21 KB,778x1066,389:533,000Q_191_VATICAN_VIPER_HEA….png)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB,1024x512,2:1,000Q1002.png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB,760x1145,152:229,00Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA.png)



They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Trump reads "The Snake" poem

CBS News 5.64M subscribers 785,312 views Apr 29, 2017

Trump brought back one of this campaign trail favorites, a poem called "The Snake." The poem tells the story of a woman who takes in a snake, who ends up biting her and telling her "you knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in."


POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count and yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent drops and then to the Vatican… and anon is the Shill?

Q Drop search for "Snake" = 1 Drop Q Drop #191 Vatican Serpent/Snake image from "Vatican Greeting/Audience Hall" > "that sum sik shit"

Q Drop search for "Serpent" = 1 Drop Q Drop #4551 Letter from Vatican Cointelpro Traitor Archbishop Vigano

Q Drop search for "Serpent" "Snake" related drops = 1 Drop Q drop #1002 "The Bite that has no Cure - NSA" "If Satanists took over the Vatican > would you notice?"

Apr 03, 2018 9:18:12 PM EDT 1002

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No. 885486

Apr 03, 2018 9:15:43 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: fce0d6 No. 885429



Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


The Snake in full:

On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” she cried, “I'll take you in and I'll take care of you”

“Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk

Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You're so beautiful,” she cried

“But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died”

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

“I saved you,” cried that woman

“And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”

“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

”Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,“ sighed the snake

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80741f No.20841913




a ten year old story is a smear, not news.

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113374 No.20841914


I know. People who are really deep in the brainwash trance believe Mueller secretly worked for Trump


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b6e0e5 No.20841915

File: e31df324c261b02⋯.gif (1.12 MB,480x270,16:9,g56OY_1040749375.gif)


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6e4b83 No.20841916

File: 59e3dce2aba7758⋯.png (561.74 KB,746x499,746:499,ClipboardImage.png)


that was the pandemic.

next one will have to be nukes fired.

the psyops are not working.

but the norrmies are in for a chimp out soon.


A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death, which researchers describe as having similar characteristics.

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b17ff0 No.20841917

File: dd79a8d985fe736⋯.png (874.3 KB,812x583,812:583,Screen_Shot_2024_05_09_at_….png)

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f56f63 No.20841918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting

National Archives





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a7dd15 No.20841919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee22c4 No.20841920

File: 6609bb94fd7a9de⋯.jpg (263.69 KB,1425x2041,1425:2041,6609bb94fd7a9de2ee9f85b15e….jpg)

File: 4d54b6356786ecc⋯.png (1.89 MB,1522x833,1522:833,4d54b6356786ecceef917791a7….png)

File: 8c3669508cf6ec6⋯.jpg (191.7 KB,1025x1200,41:48,SA6.jpg)

File: 5725e0dd941829c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1064x924,38:33,zb16.png)

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,SA8.jpg)


A Company Family: The untold history of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov Posted Oct 07, 2021

CIA Family Connection — Ann Dunham

"Dunham’s boss at USAID in Indonesia, Dr. Donald Gordon Jr., author of Credit for Small Farmers in Developing Countries for USAID (1976), was identified in Julius Mader’s 1968 book, Who Who’s in the CIA, as a CIA agent.9

Another boss, Peter Geithner, was future Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s father.

Ann obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in anthropology at the University of Hawaii, writing a thesis which argued that Indonesian villagers were dynamic and could produce greater wealth if they had access to market incentives and capital.

Ann went to Indonesia in the mid 1960s at the time that the CIA supported a military coup led by General Suharto against the left-wing regime of Sukarno.

Over two million suspected members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) were rounded up and massacred in its aftermath and thousands more were imprisoned—many for decades.

Much of Ann’s anthropological and consulting field work was carried out in East and Central Java, which provided a hotbed of support for the PKI—including among members of the Javanese women’s association and labor federation.

The CIA at this time employed anthropologists and development workers as undercover agents to gather information on villagers’ political affiliations, in which Ann, according to her thesis adviser, Alice Dewey, had taken an interest."

"In March 1965, Ann married an Indonesian Lieutenant Colonel, Lolo Soetoro, whom she met at the University of Hawaii’s East-West Center, a “kinder, gentler version of the School of the Americas,” according to one writer, and “cover for a training program in which Southeast Asians were brought to Hawaii and trained to go back to create agent nets,” as U.S. Information Service (USIS) Director Frank Scotten described it.

The head of the East-West Center in 1965 was Howard P. Jones, U.S. ambassador to Indonesia from 1958 to 1965.10

Jones was present in Jakarta as Suharto and his CIA-backed military officers planned the 1965 overthrow of Sukarno, who was seen, along with the PKI as an ally of China.

Jones later defended the coup in The Washington Post, writing that Suharto was merely responding to a communist coup against Sukarno led by Colonel Untung—which was actually set up by the CIA.11

A friend of Ann’s told her biographer that the marriage to Lolo was arranged, suggesting that Ann may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets and help them obtain U.S. citizenship.

Hailing from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform, Soetoro was recalled to active duty in July 1965 before General Suharto’s right-wing coup and worked as an army geographer in Java and Papua New Guinea, where the Indonesian army brutally suppressed popular revolts.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose economic policies Dunham praised."


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a782bc No.20841921

File: e9f1c914d4b05c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1066x1058,533:529,AI_Trish_Regan_1.png)

File: 94be850957e9878⋯.png (864.45 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,Scrvc.png)

Guys I watched the Trish Regan show last night and theAI WARFARE SYSTEMSpromotion of her to be Trump's next press secretary is definitely something Trump needs to take a close look at because Trish Regan must read the Q Research board everyday she knows everything plus she has a side eye that literally destroys the democrats she's commenting on…. I will truly enjoy listening and looking at Trish Regan for four years.

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f56f63 No.20841922

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition 5-9-24

Real America's Voice


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f56f63 No.20841923

10:00 AM EDT

Consumer Protection: Examining Fees in Financial Services and Rental Housing

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



Mr. Adam Rust

Director Of Financial Services

Consumer Federation of America


Ms. Karen Madry

President And Chief Executive Officer

Afena Federal Credit Union


Mr. Santiago Sueiro

Senior Policy Analyst






Hearing on Fees in Financial Services & Rental Housing

The Senate Banking Committee holds a hearing to examine how so-called junk fees affect consumers and their budgets.


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f56f63 No.20841924

10:00 AM EDT

A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Department of Labor

Senate Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Julie Su

Acting Secretary

U.S. Department of Labor





Acting Labor Secretary Testifies on 2025 Budget Request

Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su testifies on the 2025 budget request for her department before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. Ms. Su has served as acting secretary since March 2023.


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ee22c4 No.20841925

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB,660x767,660:767,a4_wa.png)

File: 87f549271a07923⋯.png (714.01 KB,1138x1010,569:505,cia_epstein_24.png)

File: 84e6519ba428dcf⋯.png (993.76 KB,848x916,212:229,CIA911a.png)

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB,793x630,793:630,Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)

File: e39429c03378f15⋯.png (52.34 KB,796x436,199:109,Q_628_CLOWN_AMERICA_SNOWDE….png)



A Company Family: The untold history of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov Posted Oct 07, 2021

CIA Family Connection — Stanley Armour Dunham

Obama’s grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham—who helped raise him—served with the 9th Air Force Division in World War II.

He was pictured in a military uniform with no insignia, which suggests an intelligence unit.

Another photo featured his daughter Ann, with the insignia of an elite school in Lebanon on her shirt in the 1950s, where Stanley may have worked with the CIA or another U.S. government agency.

In the early 1960s, Stanley Dunham was part of a group photo taken with Barack Obama, Sr., on his departure from the University of Hawaii.

Obama Sr. had been part of a State Department/CIA exchange financed in part by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation that brought future African leaders to the U.S. who were being groomed to serve U.S. interests in the Cold War.

The photo would suggest that Dunham was one of the coordinators of the exchange, indicating work for the State Department or CIA.


This appears to be the real father of Barack Obama

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo


SHOCKER! Loretta Fuddy – The Cult of Subud – Barack Obama and His REAL FATHER?


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f56f63 No.20841926

10:00 AM EDT


Senate Foreign Relations Committee



John N. Nkengasong

The Honorable John N. Nkengasong, of Georgia, to be Ambassador-At-Large for Global Health Security and Diplomacy


Kristen Sarri

Ms. Kristen Sarri, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs





Confirmation Hearing for State Department Nominees

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee holds a confirmation for State Department nominees including John Nkengason to serve as ambassador-at-large for global health security and diplomacy and Kristin Sarri, to serve as assistant secretary of state.


10:00 AM EDT

In-Town Pool Call Time

In-Town Pool


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779ed4 No.20841927


i have little to gain but also little to lose… i would have no reason NOT to unload a string of curse words and foul syllables in ugly tone upon that fraud of "court".

Trump? He is at the helm of something much much bigger and important to America and the world. I think he can do it, and do it well and even do it right at the time and place he sees fit best. for that, he has my prayers.

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ee22c4 No.20841928




more obvious stupid shill

[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part I

Sloppy, cries and begs bad like a dog that has lost it's fucking mind, Steve Bannon and associates defrauded Patriots out of Millions via the We Build The Wall Scandal.

Bannon personally received $1 million from the "Charity".

A "charity" that collected funds from Patriots to finish building the border wall which the Founder promised would be used only to build the wall.

The founder and two other associates have been sentenced to 4-6 years for their roles in the scam.

For some odd reason, POTUS pardoned Bannon on the Federal level, yet POTUS must have known that charges would be coming on the State level that would be unstoppable.

Bannon is seen as a main facilitator in the We Build The Wall fraud and his trial is set for May 2024.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlz9tY0pqg Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News Aug 20, 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfIcBiwch58 Steve Bannon charged in border wall fundraising scheme CNBC Television Sept 8 2022

https://www.npr.org/2023/04/26/1172343738/we-build-the-wall-founder-sentenced-prison Founder of the We Build The Wall group linked to Steve Bannon is sentenced to 4 years April 26, 2023

https://www.reuters.com/legal/bannon-associates-be-sentenced-fraud-over-trumps-border-wall-2023-04-26/ Bannon associate sentenced to 4-1/4 years for Trump border wall fraud April 26, 2023

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/steve-bannons-we-build-the-wall-scheme-trial-set-for-may-2024 Steve Bannon’s ‘We Build the Wall’ scheme trial set for May 2024 May 25, 2023

Other Relevant Bannon News


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj6nAxC2ewE Bannon-allied businessman arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy Mar 15, 2023

[STEVE BANNON]A Primer for NewFags. Part II

Steve Bannon received the nicknames and attributes "Sloppy Steve", "Begs Bad" and "Cries like a dog" directly from POTUS.

"President Donald Trump savaged his former chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday, contending that “he not only lost his job” but also “lost his mind” when he left the White House."

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,”Trump said in a statement.

"Earlier Wednesday, excerpts from an upcoming Michael Wolff book quoted Bannon, who did not join the Trump campaign until August 2016, also was quoted as saying."

In his statement, the president said Bannon — the nationalist firebrand —“had very little to do” with his electoral victory in 2016. Trump added that “Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.”

“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” Trump said.

“It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books,”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGlz9tY0pqg Trump comments on arrest of former strategist Steve Bannon | ABC News






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275a09 No.20841929


>that was the pandemic.

>next one will have to be nukes fired.

chances are it will be:

nukes & war

plus a new "pandemic"

economic crash

all at same time

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ee22c4 No.20841930

File: e39429c03378f15⋯.png (52.34 KB,796x436,199:109,Q_628_CLOWN_AMERICA_SNOWDE….png)





totally fucking nom nom

faker naker

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4e990d No.20841931

Please post WOKE Jesus clip. thanks.

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136b5d No.20841932

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ee22c4 No.20841933

File: e39429c03378f15⋯.png (52.34 KB,796x436,199:109,Q_628_CLOWN_AMERICA_SNOWDE….png)

SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA


SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA


Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?



Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.







IP address Type Hosted by Location

IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IP address:

City: St Petersburg

Region name: Unknown

Country name: Russia

Life expectancy: 67.2

Avg income: 1,883 EUR

Timezone: undefined

Sub continent: Eastern Europe

Country code: RU

Geo-targeting: true

◉ Latitude: 59.8983

◎ Longitude: 30.2618

World currency: EUR

EU member: false

org: Veesp

isp: Veesp

Connection: undefined

Continent: Europe

Population: 146,934,000

IP range tracked: -

Surface area: 17,075,400 km sq.

GNP: 276,608 mln.

Demographic data: true

Ad (re)targeting: true

8kun.top Server IP

IP Tracker

https://www.ip-tracker.org › lookup › ip=8kun

Website 8kun.top that uses public IP Address is actually located in theRussian Federation(RU) on the Europe continent, as we have already seen …

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ee22c4 No.20841934

File: 4876b73fb1074b1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1436x1102,718:551,00000.png)


How is Russia these days?

Fuck Russia?

Fuck Putin?

Fuck the KGB?

Fuck [you]?


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e584a8 No.20841935

#25562 >>20841068

>>20841083 Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow:

>>20841138 House COVID Committee Slaps Fauci Lieutenant With Subpoena After ‘Intentional’ Delays

>>20841163, >>20841261 How much longer are you just going to sit there with your Transponder ON ?

>>20841165, >>20841174 That ain't all he's been hittin. #AdrenoChrome

>>20841186 Jon Lovitz slams ‘self-loathing Jew’ Bernie Sanders, says Trump has ‘done more for Israel than any president’

>>20841219 NCswic

>>20841364 The United Arab Emirates is expected to submit a resolution to recognize the “State of Palestine” this Friday

>>20841387 Boeing 737 skids off runway and bursts into flames with 73 terrified passengers onboard

>>20841433 This is as active as THE SON has been this solar cycle.

>>20841464 This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones

>>20841473 Former Biden administration official plans to jump into New Hampshire House race

>>20841516 Dr. Debbie Birx is starting to admit the truth about covid Vaccine injuries. MP

>>20841565 COBRA36 Constant Phoenix on ground gearing up for takeoff at Offutt AFB

>>20841573 First time I have seen a Chinese drone aloft.

>>20841580 Four Solar Blasts Are On Their Way To Earth

>>20841620 How would you feel knowing Elon Musk is working with our Military to defeat the Deep-State?

>>20841633 Georgia State Election Board hearing yesterday on Fulton County.>look at the paper ballots.

>>20841663 Johnson pushes bill on voter ID requirements

>>20841711 The Ship Show

>>20841786 Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the World Food Prize Laureate

>>20841794 Meme of the Thread

>>20841796 PlaneFaggin’ Europe/Med activity

>>20841806 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. #Amen

>>20841822 ROLL FOR TRUTH

>>20841825 Anon Notable Bun

>>20841827 Here is proof of Michael Cohen lying about his payment to Stormy Daniels #ShareForTrump

>>20841868 God Bless Anons

>>20841918 10:00 AM EDT Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting


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ee22c4 No.20841936

File: 46af10865bb82ac⋯.png (313.7 KB,539x483,77:69,4182_biden_xi.png)


May 09, 2020 5:20:08 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4d1a57 No. 9098993



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6e4b83 No.20841937

File: 2e4890b69b491ce⋯.png (1.9 MB,1136x1279,1136:1279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f915691057a048⋯.png (2.96 MB,1707x960,569:320,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah all that fear porn and moar.

the old world is dead.

better make your own new world

Invictus poem

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136b5d No.20841938


God bless Trump and keep him safe from all harm

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a7dd15 No.20841939

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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779ed4 No.20841940

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416396 No.20841941

File: b9d3eaeb9161e4b⋯.png (283.42 KB,522x478,261:239,Scbvd_removebg_preview.png)

File: bfdabf04133351d⋯.jpg (350.62 KB,1080x1117,1080:1117,IMG_20240508_165802.jpg)

Her boyfriend Nathan Wade capitalized on the US dollar from day one.

Black African negroid SHITBALL FUNGUS NIGGA'S are not smart people.

Trish Regan destroyed these negroid idiots.

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1bf5a8 No.20841942

File: 9d9d1c8e3457234⋯.jpg (222.74 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_10_0….jpg)

File: d9fb3215705788b⋯.jpeg (81.09 KB,680x453,680:453,jYcumRDp.jpeg)

File: 73ae2ac3c5c3ab3⋯.png (72.13 KB,640x612,160:153,21_4_.png)

File: fe6f9cb04167c97⋯.png (211.11 KB,640x1468,160:367,39_1_.png)

File: 348deb35c77625d⋯.png (43.73 KB,640x540,32:27,2139_1_.png)


hole lee fucking finish line


17 states 47th

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a7dd15 No.20841943

File: 429d9dda6d20e00⋯.mp4 (216.32 KB,288x472,36:59,animation.mp4)


[same as]

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113374 No.20841944

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80741f No.20841945

has anyone noticed that the DNS issues have seemed to have gone away? It used to be that I'd need to clear-cache the DNS all day.

lately I don't have to. Weird.

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b14071 No.20841946

File: f91b3ce3bd8f888⋯.png (1.39 MB,508x953,508:953,Screenshot_4359_.png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)


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106cba No.20841947

Baker, what’s up with Adrenochrome and Son instead of sun in the notables?

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b14071 No.20841948

File: 981a8b5436c353d⋯.jpg (438.22 KB,1800x1800,1:1,IMG_1433_2_.JPG)

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b14071 No.20841949

File: 193d9279d0a1d3f⋯.png (1.96 MB,1617x1075,1617:1075,Screen_Shot_2018_10_26_at_….png)

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2ad7b9 No.20841950

File: 20b031a7d039842⋯.png (925.7 KB,1080x1061,1080:1061,Lol_1_.png)

Nathan Wade and Fani Willis are screwed.

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b6e0e5 No.20841951

File: 360e414beda9f21⋯.webm (55.89 KB,320x240,4:3,yep.webm)

Looks like it's going to be one of those days it seems.

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d5594a No.20841952


>God bless Trump

Nope, he is a friend of the filthy Yids which killed his son. So forget it filthy Jewbois!



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b14071 No.20841953

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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136b5d No.20841954

Bombshell Reoprt: Vax pusher Chris Cuomo Admits He Has Vax Related Side Effects

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b14071 No.20841955

File: 65bf60a361175ae⋯.jpg (75.58 KB,1480x1195,296:239,IMG_20190116_083934.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841956

File: 6a769ee9e736248⋯.jpeg (330.24 KB,1440x912,30:19,1524241614.jpeg)

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b14071 No.20841957

File: d904b446b17b52d⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,1323x888,441:296,DigDayNight9.jpg)

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7e3961 No.20841958

File: 65f8d258267ebcc⋯.png (883.57 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)


According to Dutch psychic Robbert van den Broeke Jesus will appear in Israel.


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b14071 No.20841959

File: d94ce682265bd36⋯.jpg (122.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,nightfrensdoggo.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841960

File: 5f2a9936e771fbf⋯.jpg (131.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,Night_Shift_on_duty_.jpg)

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e584a8 No.20841961


dont know, just copy and pasted.

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b14071 No.20841962

File: a47a22bde1c3626⋯.png (1.67 MB,1260x840,3:2,NightFlight.png)

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6a033b No.20841963


>ax pusher Chris Cuomo Admits He Has Vax Related Side Effects

Are they serious side effects? Couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag

Karma is a bitch.

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b14071 No.20841964

File: 9beeb928288e95a⋯.png (1.46 MB,1245x911,1245:911,9beeb928288e95a62cffc04155….png)

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e584a8 No.20841965

#25562 >>20841068

>>20841083 Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow:

>>20841138 House COVID Committee Slaps Fauci Lieutenant With Subpoena After ‘Intentional’ Delays

>>20841163, >>20841261 How much longer are you just going to sit there with your Transponder ON ?

>>20841165, >>20841174 That ain't all he's been hittin. #AdrenoChrome

>>20841186 Jon Lovitz slams ‘self-loathing Jew’ Bernie Sanders, says Trump has ‘done more for Israel than any president’

>>20841219 NCswic

>>20841364 The United Arab Emirates is expected to submit a resolution to recognize the “State of Palestine” this Friday

>>20841387 Boeing 737 skids off runway and bursts into flames with 73 terrified passengers onboard

>>20841433 This is as active as THE SON has been this solar cycle.

>>20841464 This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones

>>20841473 Former Biden administration official plans to jump into New Hampshire House race

>>20841516 Dr. Debbie Birx is starting to admit the truth about covid Vaccine injuries. MP

>>20841565 COBRA36 Constant Phoenix on ground gearing up for takeoff at Offutt AFB

>>20841573 First time I have seen a Chinese drone aloft.

>>20841580 Four Solar Blasts Are On Their Way To Earth

>>20841620 How would you feel knowing Elon Musk is working with our Military to defeat the Deep-State?

>>20841633 Georgia State Election Board hearing yesterday on Fulton County.>look at the paper ballots.

>>20841663 Johnson pushes bill on voter ID requirements

>>20841711 The Ship Show

>>20841786 Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the World Food Prize Laureate

>>20841794 Meme of the Thread

>>20841796 PlaneFaggin’ Europe/Med activity

>>20841806 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. #Amen

>>20841822 ROLL FOR TRUTH

>>20841825 Anon Notable Bun

>>20841827 Here is proof of Michael Cohen lying about his payment to Stormy Daniels #ShareForTrump

>>20841868 God Bless Anons, Patriots & Donald Trump >>20841938 #Amen >>20841940

>>20841918 10:00 AM EDT Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting


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b14071 No.20841967

File: 6edf963dbe92e24⋯.png (1.8 MB,1224x818,612:409,Screen_Shot_2018_11_02_at_….png)

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b14071 No.20841968

File: 4a5effb7cdb04ed⋯.png (795.38 KB,1200x1408,75:88,the_few_the_proud_the_anon….png)

File: e63a58b3e6d64d3⋯.jpg (184.42 KB,1200x1228,300:307,nsbitch.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841971

File: 6adda9e7664ae99⋯.jpeg (281.65 KB,1200x1208,150:151,6adda9e7664ae99505d44cd0c….jpeg)

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6e4b83 No.20841973

File: e5b7c7355a64298⋯.png (90.35 KB,457x303,457:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c6220c5031ba73⋯.png (778.64 KB,739x552,739:552,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc7253a8b3e140d⋯.png (542.24 KB,500x499,500:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fb41325da4a1dc⋯.png (478.05 KB,500x537,500:537,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8ff4f415c8c7cc⋯.png (1002.82 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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b14071 No.20841976

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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113374 No.20841977


spam = shill

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24ca8f No.20841979


kek, we could think of some kind of enhanced punishment

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b14071 No.20841981

File: f1a54cc4f0117bb⋯.jpg (438.23 KB,1181x658,1181:658,efg45gw45gw4.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841982

File: e43fda4519eee83⋯.jpg (319.98 KB,1181x658,1181:658,9k678ki586e76je7kj67rk.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841983

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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bcedf0 No.20841984

File: 30e9f0a59a3b1e8⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,498x270,83:45,YTbFMiPa_VdA_qLQ.mp4)

File: b34506e6c2db304⋯.png (235.52 KB,479x563,479:563,ClipboardImage.png)

True the Vote


GEORGIA!🚨 Powerful must watch video

of Georgia State Election Board member Dr. Janice Johnston addressing 2020 election complaints involving fraud, voting machines, and recounts.

Dr. Johnston motioned to amend official recount results and called for further investigation. To no great surprise, her motion didn’t pass. But let the record reflect, she spoke truth. Kudos, Dr. Johnston. You are on the right side of history.

Like. Share. Follow. 👉🏻



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b14071 No.20841985

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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b14071 No.20841986

File: 4bf679c279272da⋯.jpg (567.07 KB,1050x1086,175:181,6f7l.jpg)

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6e4b83 No.20841988

File: 3c2c4037137bc33⋯.png (710.07 KB,708x607,708:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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b14071 No.20841989

File: b681631a110e892⋯.jpg (375.25 KB,1045x768,1045:768,trump_showdown_with_the_de….jpg)

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b14071 No.20841990

File: 6fd919611199eff⋯.jpg (226.27 KB,1040x798,520:399,DSCN0390_2_.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841991

File: 51dd0023ff1f660⋯.jpg (381.29 KB,1035x944,1035:944,dome.jpg)

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f56f63 No.20841992

File: 71be5b840731537⋯.jpg (91.28 KB,780x500,39:25,stamp_out.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841993

File: 2d8f1459091b1fe⋯.jpg (297.74 KB,1024x1046,512:523,night_shift_18.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841994

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pinching_eye.png)

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b14071 No.20841995

File: d5091eaacf7c8ae⋯.jpg (90.68 KB,1024x1024,1:1,nigthShift_1_1024x1024_cro….jpg)

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f56f63 No.20841996

File: 6ca486835c6895d⋯.png (74.72 KB,585x412,585:412,iowahawk_campus_riots.png)

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b14071 No.20841997

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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b14071 No.20841998

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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b14071 No.20841999

File: 14d1dbec072de40⋯.png (1.46 MB,1016x1015,1016:1015,Screen_Shot_2018_10_28_at_….png)

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f56f63 No.20842000

File: 3ec81c98c38b107⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,recorder_pepe.mp4)

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b14071 No.20842001

File: 2474a6eb5bb3660⋯.png (954.82 KB,1013x569,1013:569,1538891736530.png)

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b14071 No.20842002

File: 479c19a45a91e4b⋯.png (979.17 KB,1012x615,1012:615,CL.PNG)

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f56f63 No.20842003

File: 3b4b3eb7490395c⋯.png (2.16 MB,1428x817,1428:817,elephant_cage.png)

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b14071 No.20842004

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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e584a8 No.20842005

#25562 >>20841068


Q Research General #25563: Unitify in the Dismantlement of the Democrats Edition




Call for Phil D'Bread?

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b14071 No.20842006

File: 33c3ad09da26e8f⋯.png (1.74 MB,1000x795,200:159,Kek_Sons_of_Kek.PNG)

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f56f63 No.20842007

File: 8c1817746d34c20⋯.png (1.26 MB,978x855,326:285,8c1817746d34c20e87e7cd7f3b….png)

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b14071 No.20842008

File: b18d44658e942de⋯.jpg (165.93 KB,998x760,499:380,band.jpg)

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b14071 No.20842009

File: d106d0dde8a5244⋯.png (305.67 KB,976x656,61:41,nitegolf.png)

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b14071 No.20842011

File: 26abf3a38fef2da⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,960x960,1:1,35237529_1763879816980627_….jpg)

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f56f63 No.20842012

File: 368338dfc16f4b4⋯.jpg (35.24 KB,1024x926,512:463,7bf50a03f9296072cb364f8ed9….jpg)

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b14071 No.20842013

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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e584a8 No.20842015



>Unitify in

trust me cat its a word

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e584a8 No.20842016


Q Research General #25563: Unitify in the Dismantlement of the Democrats Edition




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b14071 No.20842017

File: e552dc335889daf⋯.jpg (108.69 KB,894x521,894:521,c5c2db4166d0a341dbdd4686c6….jpg)

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