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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

3bf06b No.20363049 [Last50 Posts]

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3bf06b No.20363051

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#24982 >>20362187

>>20362249, >>20362255 @USMC #Marines recent training exercises

>>20362285 Anon opines: there is a International Economic Form of the Americas outfit, that is same theory's as WEF, could be an affiliate, in Montreal Canada

>>20362392, >>20362466 Severe flooding with potential landslides in Hollywood Hills area and Santa Monica Mountains. Avoid travel if at all possible

>>20362404, >>20362452, >>20362510, >>20362555 PF reporting

>>20362407 Indiana - REAL News Michiana has discovered the embattled Motels4Now homeless initiative is currently housing five sex offenders well within 1,000 feet of a large daycare facility

>>20362482, >>20362502 @ShadowofEzra: Do you remember the grim reaper walking by last year when King Charles III was crowned as the King? - mp4

>>20362567 Opposition to Koch Industries Purchase of Iowa Fertilizer Plant. "Fertilizer is one of the most highly consolidated sectors in American agriculture, top four firms controlling 75% of fertilizer markets"

>>20362606 LIVE: Rules Committee Hearing on the Resolution to Impeach Secretary Mayorkas

>>20362625 PA Court System Websites go offline after DDoS attack on Sunday

>>20362648 Rep. Victoria Spartz is reversing her retirement decision, plans to seek her seat in Congress again “I will file this week. The country is too much in trouble”

>>20362747, >>20362758 More allegations against Willis, witnesses to testify

>>20362805 Georgia Seizes Ukrainian Bomb Shipment; Foils Big Attack On Russia | Key Details


>>20363023 PF reports: "No Callsign" AF1 is now up

>>20363043 #24982

#24981 >>20361326

>>20361528, >>20361573, >>20361584, >>20361610, >>20361851 PF updates

>>20361352 He teaches not what to think, but how to think critically.

>>20361357, >>20361364 Canada Forced to Stop Euthanizing Mentally Ill as Doctors Refuse to Comply

>>20361365 Pet vaccines are even worse than human vaccines

>>20361372 New Jersey Political Operative Charged with Mail Ballot fraud

>>20361379, >>20361386, >>20361399, >>20361442, >>20361749 Lankford diggz

>>20361420 A Strategic Mistake on the Part of My Party’: A Top Dem Speaks Out on the Border/blue dog rising?

>>20361421 NATO, Carlyle Group, and Taylor Swift???

>>20361438, >>20361476, >>20361817 Chuck Schumer warns that if Congress does not pass the new $118 billion bill to Israel and Ukraine, US troops will soon be fighting in the ME and against Russia

>>20361450, >>20361483 FukJoBiden-Lets Go Brandon

>>20361494 MIA recovered: Welcome back boys, it's been a while.

>>20361505 @1st_SFAB Communications are a GO ✅

>>20361509, >>20361520, >>20361615, >>20361711, >>20361856 Speaker Johnson: Border bill is ‘even worse than we expected’, How The Uniparty Plans "Statutorily Prohibit" Securing The Border, DOA in House

>>20361519 #OTD in 1998, @USNIBooks author Tom Clancy confirmed that his group had signed an agreement to buy the Minnesota Vikings for $200M

>>20361558 Bannon: We're Gonna See Either The Border Or Government Shut Down On March 1st

>>20361571 @USNavyEurope 🌅 Touched by Gold! 🌅

>>20361625 Alberta Premier Unveils New Gender Identity Policies

>>20361668, >>20361678, >>20361681, >>20361706 King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says

>>20361789 Bergquam: "More Illegals Than Citizens" Are Flying From Border Cities To The North

>>20361796 Speaker Johnson Defends Standalone Israel Bill

>>20361805, >>20361828 "Don't Be STUPID!!!": Trump Slams Senate Border Bill, Demands 'Separate' Package 'Not Tied To Foreign Aid'

>>20361842 Seven US-Trained Fighters Killed In Drone Attack On Occupied Syrian Oil Field

>>20361855 New Hampshire Town Alarmed Due to the Opening of a New “Diaper Spa”

>>20361918 UK Pastor Found Guilty of Breaking Law By Holding Sign With Bible Verse Outside Abortion Business

>>20361999 Haaretz exposes '72 Virgins Uncensored' as unauthorized Telegram channel run by IDF psychological warfare unit

>>20362051 Former Russian lawmaker Ponomarev charged with high treason — FSB

>>20362073, >>20362094 U.K. Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Sidelined, European Carriers Head for Pacific

>>20362165 #24981

#24980 >>20360387

>>20360442 Chyna just conducted a "Margin Call" on its own markets.

>>20360444, >>20360491 These are the Middlemen Trump spoke about in 8/6/20 whirlpool plant on reducing Drug Prices in America

>>20360524 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20360577 Oh look, are the NG are going to be fighting each other at the Texas border? Wonderful. The movie never ends./Alaska

>>20360627 Joe Allen, author of DARK ÆON: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity

>>20360671 They all want Trump! Trump says he’ll thinks, he’ll do rallies in the Bronx and one in Madison Square Garden too/Maria Sunday

>>20360676, >>20360673, >>20360680, >>20360681, >>20360682, >>20360683 Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter/RINOs

>>20360695, >>20360716, >>20360726, >>20360755 How To Start An OP

>>20360705 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day In the Core of the Carina Nebula

>>20360802 Michigan city ramps up security after op-ed calls it ‘America’s jihad capital’/Dearborn

>>20360792 Explosives sent from Ukraine for terrorist attacks in Russia seized

>>20360812, >>20360837 Mayorkas fail

>>20360840 Kazakhstan’s president has sacked the cabinet in a surprise move

>>20360853 All About Vyommitra: ISRO's Woman Robot Astronaut Readies for Space Mission Preceding Gaganyaan

>>20360898 Frustrated by the constraints of Earth, a team of California scientists took tumor research to space---and may have discovered a ‘kill switch’ for cancer

>>20360980 UK's first space degree apprenticeship launched

>>20361013 Protest against mass immigration in Dublin, Ireland.

>>20361040 @US_Stormwatch It is absolutely dumping snow in Lake Tahoe, with this snow stake in Tahoe City almost completely buried by snow.

>>20361084 Musk: The long-term goal of the so-called “Border Security” bill is enabling illegals to vote!

>>20361111, >>20361127, >>20361145 Indivisible, Onward Together, Leah Greenberg, Hillary Clinton and Jena Griswold

>>20361148 Weapons sent to Kiev found in possession of Mexican cartels, Hamas

>>20361159, >>20361170, >>20361177 Tucker Carlson Spotted in Moscow Amid Putin Interview Rumors

>>20361308 #24980

Previously Collected

>>20360355 #24979

>>20358121 #24976, >>20358920 #24977, >>20359504 #24978

>>20356301 #24973, >>20356443 #24974, >>20357613 #24975

>>20352926 #24970, >>20353692 #24971, >>20354466 #24972

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Q Research Notables #21: Purpose >>19961525

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3bf06b No.20363055

File: e854682f762cfdc⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x860,256:215,e854682f762cfdc35a0882d88a….png)



Handoff requested, ghost imminent

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3b9e78 No.20363063

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson’s possible Putin interview sparks anger in US



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0d6eca No.20363071

File: 65326ef5b907ee4⋯.png (131.81 KB,533x581,533:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba8e9b17308d46e⋯.png (75.85 KB,870x409,870:409,ClipboardImage.png)

First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Voter Rolls are Public Records and Election Officials Cannot Hide Them from the Public

The Public Interest Legal Foundation secured a landmark case on Monday in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Court ruled that under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) Maine’s voter roll is a public record and election officials cannot hide the information from the public.

George Behizy posted this from the ruling,

“Whether voter registration rolls are accurate and current cannot be determined without inspecting the Voter File…In other words, the evaluation of voter registration rolls would be impossible if the results of Maine’s voter list registration and maintenance activities were not subject to public disclosure. For the above reasons, Maine’s Voter File is a record concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters and is thus subject to disclosure under Section 8.”

The Public Interest Legal Foundation posted this following the ruling earlier today.

Maine’s restrictions on the use of the voter roll were enacted to keep election watchdogs, like PILF, from analyzing and speak about errors in the voter roll.

(Alexandria, VA) – February 5, 2024: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) secured a landmark ruling for transparency and clean elections. The First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in PILF’s favor that under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) Maine’s voter roll is a public record. The Court’s opinion states:

“Whether voter registration rolls are accurate and current cannot be determined without inspecting the Voter File…In other words, the evaluation of voter registration rolls would be impossible if the results of Maine’s voter list registration and maintenance activities were not subject to public disclosure. For the above reasons, Maine’s Voter File is a record concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters and is thus subject to disclosure under Section 8.”

Additionally, the Court ruled that Maine’s fines and restrictions on the use of voter file data are illegal obstacles to achieving Congress’s intent for transparency and oversight under the NVRA. The Court’s opinion states:

“[T]he restrictions imposed by the Use Ban erect an impenetrable barrier for those seeking to use the Voter File to evaluate and enforce compliance with the NVRA nationwide.”


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4805c8 No.20363073

File: 2a6daba9783129b⋯.jpg (404.26 KB,720x393,240:131,No_Keks_No_Glory_Pepe.jpg)

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debdf4 No.20363074

File: 507ef042a5ec725⋯.mp4 (299.75 KB,320x570,32:57,lwHPagbsTnvExchb.mp4)

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e6c3a6 No.20363080

File: 453d8c6401b4991⋯.gif (1.12 MB,490x377,490:377,453d8c6401b4991b614b024bd8….gif)

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2efedd No.20363082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Putin-cukk-sukker Tucker Carlson Spotted Inside KREMLIN | PUTIN Interview Is HAPPENING in Russia | Libtardz Salty MELT DOWN - YouTube

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0d6eca No.20363090

File: 40a26e5e6577102⋯.png (86.56 KB,752x584,94:73,ClipboardImage.png)

50 Lawmakers Demand AG Garland Explain Illegal CCP-Linked Marijuana Farms

A bipartisan group of 50 US lawmakers have requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland provide information on illegal marijuana grow operations in the US that are linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Led by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), Jared Golden (D-ME), David Valadao (R-CA), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME), the lawmakers penned a Friday letter to Garland expressing their concerns.

"Chinese nationals—including those with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—are reportedly operating thousands of illicit marijuana farms across the country," they wrote. "The thousands of illicit Chinese marijuana growing operations pose a direct threat to public safety, human rights, national security, and the addiction crisis gripping our nation."

According to the lawmakers, Chinese grow operations have been identified in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington.

"In some cases, the grow operators were also engaged in human trafficking, forced labor, drug trafficking, and violent crime," the letter continues. "These farms are most commonly in states with legal marijuana programs where illicit growers try to disguise their operations in communities where law-abiding Americans live and work."

The letter cites a 2023 DHS memo which said that 270 suspected China-linked illegal grow operations in Maine alone were generating more than $4.3 billion in revenue.

In Oklahoma, over 2,000 marijuana farmers "are linked to China," according to the letter. "Investigators in Oklahoma discovered illicit marijuana growers engaged in human trafficking, sex trafficking, ketamine trafficking, illegal gambling, and international money laundering."

"Experts believe there is substantial evidence implicating the CCP in directly supporting illicit marijuana grow operations across the United States," the lawmakers wrote. "Whether located in retrofitted residential homes or on farmland, state regulatory and law enforcement entities appear unable to address these potentially CCP supported grow operations despite their significant threat to local communities across the country."

As the Epoch Times notes further, in September last year, a group of Chinese immigrants filed a lawsuit alleging that they were lured to northern New Mexico under false pretenses and then forced to work 14 hours a day on an illegal marijuana farm.


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4fa5bd No.20363092


They know they're fucked.

They were warned.

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5dc684 No.20363093

File: 1772cdce83576c1⋯.jpg (83.27 KB,807x500,807:500,trump_q_righteous.jpg)

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84aa70 No.20363094

File: 9cfa5539c466e98⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,634x498,317:249,itsmaan.jpg)

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39bd5a No.20363095

File: c048836a0cf97f7⋯.jpg (31.18 KB,514x470,257:235,McGovernCriminal.jpg)

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cae321 No.20363096

File: 526ca801d60f6b2⋯.gif (3.04 MB,360x151,360:151,CS.gif)

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c9ca03 No.20363097

11.3 marker CONFIRMED.

King Charles will be stepping down, and King William incoming.





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da5cd9 No.20363098

File: 7cbbbd509d5c876⋯.jpg (79.4 KB,1200x782,600:391,7cbbbd509d5c8765afe5fa46a0….jpg)

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7f0b6a No.20363099

File: e13a7b5bd00d00e⋯.png (270.33 KB,1296x616,162:77,ClipboardImage.png)


Tyb ^^


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a38e13 No.20363100

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Benny50 Cent ENDORSES Trump, SNAPS On Biden: 'Trump Is The Answer!' Rock & Snoop DUMP Joe, Libs in PANIC🔥

This is Great, so many rappers are backing Trump. “Just wait till you see how poverty “blacks are voting for”



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7c4dbf No.20363101

File: bb7f6e7d3b7ca67⋯.png (1.18 MB,914x700,457:350,IMG_2102.png)

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39bd5a No.20363102

Chairman Green [Rules Committee]: If you take the five thousand that they want to allow to come in every day [border bill], and multiply that times three hundred and sixty-five, and multiply that times an average of fifteen thousand dollars that the drug cartels collect per person, that's how may billions of dollars we're giving to the drug cartel with this bill.


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4805c8 No.20363103

File: 08c173e36c45729⋯.png (66.46 KB,204x143,204:143,ClipboardImage.png)


Good action.

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bb16a6 No.20363104

File: f19ef1bb5b1ff20⋯.png (764.08 KB,738x635,738:635,ClipboardImage.png)

In order to Implement the "Solution" they want

they had to Revoke 87 of Trumps Border Polices

Let the Border become a Crisis

& Control the reaction

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0d6eca No.20363105

File: aeff990b0185e4b⋯.png (26.6 KB,989x274,989:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f4d2ba544317bb⋯.png (64.84 KB,557x592,557:592,ClipboardImage.png)

Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433-LAP)

District Court, S.D. New York




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d3bcaf No.20363106

File: 536b50a18b83c81⋯.png (101.96 KB,1080x1440,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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da87a5 No.20363107

File: dc28df98286d844⋯.jpg (34.95 KB,523x722,523:722,OIP_14_.jpg)

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2af97c No.20363108

>>20362996 lb

William wanted a divorce

Kate was living at her parents

Bleed ulcer close to an artery is prone to infections

Possibly sepsis as a complication

Also explains why she can't eat and always holds her gut

Also a good checkmate to the PR campaign to rebrand William as a single dad looking for love

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4805c8 No.20363109



>King Charles will be stepping down

Are you always this premature?

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0ca6bd No.20363110

File: 11ceda645af3abb⋯.jpg (53.58 KB,750x647,750:647,20240205_152700.jpg)

Holy shit she’s using the SNL cringe skit AS AN ADVERTISEMENT


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3a09e5 No.20363111

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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6f0e10 No.20363112

File: b55215ff7e3d523⋯.jpeg (35.06 KB,612x390,102:65,IMG_4045.jpeg)

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a38e13 No.20363113


Again, the Bronx is for Trump

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bb16a6 No.20363114

File: 7164335bcab19b5⋯.png (171.07 KB,344x350,172:175,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden is Helping the Cartels with $27B

That's not a good Deterrent

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7111e7 No.20363115

File: e3ba677c8840800⋯.png (595.34 KB,512x544,16:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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cae321 No.20363116

File: 74ac65f3541fc81⋯.png (776.1 KB,1023x532,1023:532,yellow.png)

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4805c8 No.20363117


The cringe has only just begun.

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bb16a6 No.20363118



He'll get more votes if he doesn't

I can Imagine her talking points if he did

-Trump Bad

-Orange man Bad

-MAGA Extremists

-mean tweets

She's got nothing to boast about

all she can do is attack her oppents character

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d258f6 No.20363119

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John F. Kennedy Jr.


Edward Griffin explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is:

"It's a cartel. It's not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency. Please follow the recent recommendations and make sure your family are safe.

8:03 AM · Feb 4, 2024

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b87002 No.20363120

File: fdb5bec955f5c41⋯.jpeg (111.14 KB,960x640,3:2,fdb5bec955f5c415e3c2f9b09….jpeg)

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e9f8f8 No.20363121

File: f60451dc56108c6⋯.jpeg (318.02 KB,1125x637,1125:637,IMG_9405.jpeg)

>>20362874 (lb)

2:16 was est timestamp

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2af97c No.20363122


a climate change arsonist kinda sparky sparky

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a38e13 No.20363123

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Black Chicagoans Declare The End of Democratic Rule and Pledge Support for Republican Party



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6f0e10 No.20363124

File: c17dcae0dbb4a4c⋯.png (445.52 KB,411x800,411:800,C6E878F3_D60A_4224_A2C9_41….png)

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4805c8 No.20363125

File: cba0763754c44c4⋯.jpg (596.49 KB,1500x750,2:1,Southern_Border_Protection….jpg)


That's what the USA needs to become credible again. Mech warriors all along the border. With Carriers placed every mile.

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b87002 No.20363126

File: 04ae7c5bede948e⋯.png (71.81 KB,232x225,232:225,04ae7c5bede948ed800f263d61….png)

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3a09e5 No.20363127

File: 03a4e0e7c7be737⋯.png (1.04 MB,1146x931,1146:931,ClipboardImage.png)


boo hiss

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09dbff No.20363128

File: d7f55fed06ed304⋯.jpeg (126.3 KB,500x701,500:701,IMG_4236.jpeg)


A translation into another language doesn’t explain the meaning of the text.

If I translate It’s raining cats and dogs into Spanish- Lueve a cántaros

And then tell this to people living in Mexico they won’t understand what it means because it’s a “dark saying or a riddle” from Europeans.

Proverbs 1:6

To be wise you must learn the Dark Sayings.

You fucking Christians are getting so annoying and honestly fucking stupid as you continue to be what your favorite books calls STIFF NECK and HARD HEARTED.

fuck. It’s getting old!!! It’s 2024. Ask seek and knock already.

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4805c8 No.20363129

File: 590b1ef482a0333⋯.jpg (116.38 KB,684x1012,171:253,Nikki_Haley_B_W_01.jpg)

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9c4af2 No.20363130


i'd tell her to shit in one hand and wish….but we know how indians roll

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bb16a6 No.20363131

File: bfbeb5534bcec26⋯.png (1.12 MB,1128x651,376:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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2af97c No.20363132


Where is she going to live ?

When the scam ends

Dick cheney's basement

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c6fc06 No.20363133



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cae321 No.20363134

File: c3807afd6f29c20⋯.gif (3.26 MB,640x272,40:17,NSmechs.gif)

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6f0e10 No.20363135

File: 08f272a41f4c840⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x674,600:337,83F3D1D7_97D6_48F1_B24C_BF….png)

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0d6eca No.20363136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies


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84fabb No.20363137

File: 5da57675d6a208a⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,320x694,160:347,ssstwitter_com_17071724448….mp4)



Food getting cut off at the source? Best of luck Madame Van Der Leuen!




The Dutch farmers have now BLOCKED the border crossing.

They are still protesting against the World Economic Forum agenda.

SHARE - You won't see this on the news 👇


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4805c8 No.20363138



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4fc68c No.20363139

File: 446dded4a1f5ab7⋯.png (277.8 KB,550x503,550:503,Screen_Shot_02_05_24_at_05….PNG)

File: 67f0d78788f6d50⋯.mp4 (9.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,nikkihaley24.mp4)

Nikki Haley


I passed one of the toughest immigration laws in the country when Donald Trump was still a New York City liberal donating to Kamala Harris. South Carolinians know I’ll be tough on illegal immigration as president because it’s what I did as governor.

5:24 PM · Feb 5, 2024


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4805c8 No.20363140


>SHARE - You won't see this on the news 👇

Anyone asking WHY?

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c6fc06 No.20363141


Dont say it unless you mean it. kek not kek

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9c4af2 No.20363142


right on time filtered

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aeb1b1 No.20363143


Andy Warhol use to ask what kind of losers are home watching the idiot box on Saturday night.

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bb16a6 No.20363144


Give em a small taste of what the WEF wants to be permanent

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758abc No.20363145

File: 47b8bbc91c0b570⋯.png (106.16 KB,1017x1024,1017:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


Confirm The Thing

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4805c8 No.20363146


it all depends what drugs you have on hand.

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7b5f56 No.20363147


Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will befast andmeaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

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ced2ac No.20363148

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bb16a6 No.20363149

File: 33bb38887478f51⋯.png (883.28 KB,870x664,435:332,ClipboardImage.png)

"Mayorkas has not broken the Law"

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137cbc No.20363150

File: e051cf0573086a7⋯.png (113.38 KB,766x936,383:468,524_1_.png)

File: 2f224d0d38bd708⋯.png (424.15 KB,766x2704,383:1352,1724.png)

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b87002 No.20363151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Put it to use frens,

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b97146 No.20363152

File: 693a92050a6e4d7⋯.jpg (390.52 KB,954x639,106:71,gr4t_FX2b.jpg)

File: dcf2d24efd9aee1⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_or_Die.mp4)



5:5 chkt

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4805c8 No.20363153


Are we talkin bout 'gold bar' Mayorkas? That guy?

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41594b No.20363154

File: bd4a53c8d8fa1ac⋯.png (29 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Baker

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84fabb No.20363155

File: 7b29fac07350b45⋯.png (890.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


You should take a class or two.

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7c4dbf No.20363156

File: 46651347e64a323⋯.jpeg (24.29 KB,255x169,255:169,IMG_1971.jpeg)


> WEF Klaus Schwab


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f4db5d No.20363157

File: 46c7e32c2ebc1aa⋯.jpeg (15.15 KB,255x255,1:1,1010clock.jpeg)

>>20362971 LB

10 to 2

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a5bdde No.20363158

>>20363031 PB

Bridgeview aka Little Palestine

SW Suburb of Chicago

Why so many Palestinians call the Chicago area home; Cook County has largest population in US

Stephanie Wade

Monday, December 11, 2023


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8fb0b8 No.20363159

File: 79a4dd82865cff4⋯.jpg (294.53 KB,860x1328,215:332,Screenshot_20230509_203247.jpg)

File: a1c0a46d171e553⋯.jpg (768.66 KB,1079x1093,1079:1093,Screenshot_20230309_000315….jpg)


They need you to fall…….

for the Tucker distraction

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3a09e5 No.20363160

File: 545ac9c836a0fb8⋯.png (2.95 MB,1625x1008,1625:1008,ClipboardImage.png)


no need for a video a image still would have done.

anons are all over it.

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9c4af2 No.20363161


deez nuts

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a5bdde No.20363162

>>20363031 PB

Bridgeview aka Little Palestine

SW Suburb of Chicago

Why so many Palestinians call the Chicago area home; Cook County has largest population in US

Stephanie Wade

Monday, December 11, 2023


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3bf06b No.20363163


it be firmed


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b97146 No.20363164

File: 5278f2bceb5da18⋯.jpg (224.98 KB,1374x2022,229:337,5278f2bceb5da182b43a0e1490….jpg)

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ced2ac No.20363165


Weak nuts. Not interested.

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bb16a6 No.20363166

File: b69f39a5dcebd8a⋯.png (813.36 KB,766x663,766:663,ClipboardImage.png)

If Trump broke the law when he called Z on the phone

Then Mayorkas Broke the law when he weakened the border polices to ease Drugs & Human Trafficking

Well, he's the one that set the bar below zero

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758abc No.20363167

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f4db5d No.20363168


Confirmed by whom?

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137cbc No.20363169

File: 5ad5b9b691189c8⋯.jpeg (227.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,5ad5b9b691189c8ba10c35040….jpeg)

File: 7827d7192e57f32⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,620x414,310:207,7827d7192e57f329e485ce1bb4….jpg)

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4805c8 No.20363170


It's very important that the Western populations actually listen in a reasonable way to what Putin has to say. Unfortunately due to the fucking state of things Tucker Carlson has to travel there to be the messenger and has a large enough 'brand' to weather the fallout from the demonic leftist media who will go full REEE to ensure the Western populations do not get to hear what Putin has to say.

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2efedd No.20363171


Fake and ghey

You fucking Christians are getting so annoying and honestly fucking stupid as you continue to be what your favorite books calls STIFF NECK and HARD HEARTED.

This was reserved for those who disobeyed God. Those who carried customs from other lands, worshipped stone and wood gods and lived against Gods principles.

Then God, who called himself I AM, gave Moses the Law. It wasn't Moses law, it's Gods law.

Then when Jesus spoke to the Jews who occupied Solomons Temple, he also called Himself I AM.

Verily verily I tell you, before Abraham was, I AM.

Being stiff necked and hardened of heart doesn't apply to Gods WORD.

And yes, a translation back to the original authors text, gives not only original meaning but also context of the words usage and meaning.

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bb16a6 No.20363172

File: 84e8193ffb14bd9⋯.png (928.94 KB,950x635,190:127,ClipboardImage.png)

This Memo Directs ICE to Break the Law

Mayorkas wrote it

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449c30 No.20363173

File: e63fbacde86dcd0⋯.png (909.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,ADS_B_AF1.png)

Been tracking Slo Joe in AF1 for the last 40 or 45 minutes. He's in the Kansas City ARTCC high altitude sector. I just heard, plain as fucking day, AF1 check on at FL 350 with Kansas City. Verbatim: Kansas City, AF1 checking on at FL 350. Kansas City ARTCC: AF1, Roger.

So even though Flight Aware or the ADS-B Exchange does not show a callsign for AF1, the crew and ARTCC controllers are acknowledging AF1 as AF1. So the no callsign thing proves nothing as to whether or not Slo Joe is President.

Just now gave AF1 a frequency change.

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3a09e5 No.20363174

File: 14ad0d37f5a3b08⋯.png (1.02 MB,500x963,500:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb1b1 No.20363175

File: 45f3e59f169b69d⋯.png (616.15 KB,509x499,509:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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da87a5 No.20363176

Starting to think Biden will need to steal this one to allow 4 more years of buildup to the precipice.

Many Q topic subjects have not even been discussed in the public yet.

It's going to take years before arrests at this pace.

Also, we know Trump signed up for this but I bet he didn't sign up for 20 years of this shit. There has to be a replacement in the plan at some point.


Seth Rich





Pizza Gate




Hussein AK-47

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84fabb No.20363177


Madigan's District. Dat's allllll ya need to know.

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d285f7 No.20363178


You managed to get over Santa Claus. You are capable of waking up.

Fuck. You. And. Your. Wars.

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8fb0b8 No.20363179


cleverly written [invisible ink]

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2af97c No.20363180

File: 45ebd31f6631a09⋯.jpg (73.66 KB,720x560,9:7,Lllg.jpg)

Snl cold start with ikki

Begins with further sunlight on Nanshee being the j6th Santa

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242f83 No.20363181

Hey anons. Any trick to posting a .MOV file?

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f96d20 No.20363182

File: ffac91c6bfea6bf⋯.png (256.27 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

The masturbation machines were the worst…those poor boys.

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cae321 No.20363183

File: b89e08d89d8cc23⋯.jpg (74.25 KB,725x500,29:20,actors.jpg)

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4805c8 No.20363184


Well 1st of all the elections have not been fixed. So there you have it.

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85363c No.20363185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Electronics Fundamentals

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2af97c No.20363186

>>20363171 go get a booster

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4805c8 No.20363187

File: 33eca3525e84103⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,474x266,237:133,Alec_Baldwin_Shot_That_Chi….jpg)


How's jail time going?

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9c4af2 No.20363188


probably right. the biggest fuck you to patriots in all of history. should piss off quite a few more asleep

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449c30 No.20363189


He's not breaking the law. He's following the law to the letter. He said he was.

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bb16a6 No.20363191

File: 1043e8ab574264c⋯.png (827.36 KB,874x655,874:655,ClipboardImage.png)


Green has the proof

he has the evidence

& the D's got nothing but Ad Hominem attacks

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cae321 No.20363192

File: 74a078acdf1b677⋯.png (781.51 KB,641x626,641:626,gingerMounds.png)

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078ffc No.20363193

File: f29e5bfa162ccfa⋯.png (35.74 KB,422x518,211:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Nov 12, 2020 10:20:17 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 11618946

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming

Q uses square brackets [ ]

as opposed to round brackets ( )

What is the difference between square brackets and round brackets in a case citation?

Whether a case citation has square or round brackets depends on the law report series in which the case report is published. Some law report series have more than one volume per year, usually numbered 1,2 3 etc. In order to find the correct volume of the law report series, you will need the year – otherwise, how will you know which volume 1 you need? In these circumstances, the year will appear in square brackets, to indicate that it is vital in locating the report.

Example: Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] 1 AC 884

Posts in brackets could be referring to the dates of the post.

picrel(Nov 12th)

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b97146 No.20363194

File: bc7f78b0ab10a36⋯.jpg (78.46 KB,749x928,749:928,1541482548850.jpg)

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bb16a6 No.20363195

File: d2305edab6ef4cd⋯.png (656.8 KB,706x619,706:619,ClipboardImage.png)

Ahh it's a Policy issue

But when Trump does it, it Breaking the Law


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b681aa No.20363196

File: 2d2707038d5fbc6⋯.png (806.58 KB,1461x480,487:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3371e2a3828101⋯.png (603.47 KB,716x476,179:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d6eca No.20363197

File: c44bf617c1c0eb4⋯.png (17 KB,445x224,445:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb1b1 No.20363199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mayorkas Rules committee hearing live pb

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=rlVYoQYOdII

Uniparty traitors are lying as usual. They need to sample the fentanyl they are getting bribed to import.

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bec30b No.20363201

File: 64809369bc866ba⋯.jpg (109.7 KB,500x783,500:783,Maniac.jpg)

File: 01032e994028e2e⋯.jpg (64.07 KB,500x454,250:227,Ddvh.jpg)

File: abe6e9b5af3db34⋯.jpg (89.21 KB,500x602,250:301,LightSpeed.jpg)

When I see this kind of bullshit in Washington DC I am so grateful the AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is out and wants all these lunatics crushed.

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85363c No.20363202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad5708 No.20363203

File: d2da174328d29fb⋯.png (215.94 KB,552x281,552:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Are you an immigrant without a home?

We know your struggle.

All are welcomed to live in Israel

Whether you are LGBTQ or Trans or an Immigrant without a home, You are welcomed

Call your local Israel embassy and we will help to make arrangements for you and your loved ones to make the migration


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39bd5a No.20363204

Fermamdez: Ranking Member Thompson, I need to tell you that I am so grateful, so grateful, for the work that you did as chairman of the January 6th committee. Because you shown a bright light for all Americans to see, on prime time, and in detail, how close we came, how close the insurrectionists came to the members of congress…how close we came to allowing a president who had lost an election, who knew he had lost election, from, staying in power.

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da2fce No.20363205


Now this is the kind of stuff that should be taught to kids.

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8923c3 No.20363206

Does some anon have a blank of DJT holding a pic up for Schumer? maybe pic could be Heide Fliece and trump saying "Do you know heide Chuck?

I'll try to do it but it aint gonna be pretty

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bb16a6 No.20363207

File: c1e971acdb642c3⋯.png (651.77 KB,690x589,690:589,ClipboardImage.png)

We were so close to a president not giving up his power

Should record these comments

Cause it's coming

Joe's gonna lose & he's not going to Give up his power

Joe's going to say the election was stollen and Stay in the President Position

He'll even order the Troops to protect his Illegal position

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a38e13 No.20363208


She’s a witch not only a bitch

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4fc68c No.20363209


Thank you, anon!

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aeb1b1 No.20363210


Draft them, train them, equip them and send them to the front line in the Israeli genocide.

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a5bdde No.20363211

File: 1809f777f0099a9⋯.png (151.01 KB,577x500,577:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f4ee1 No.20363212

File: eacd4048113a15c⋯.png (2.26 MB,1170x1162,585:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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85363c No.20363214

On the brink of disaster: Israel threatens Lebanon with war – what could go wrong?


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bb16a6 No.20363215


That's where the

"Remember your Oath" will come into play

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85363c No.20363216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed3ec0 No.20363217

File: 76e3a16dd170d3d⋯.png (839.18 KB,960x674,480:337,ClipboardImage.png)

It means that Trump is going to fiddle while America burns but the public will perceive it to be the fault of the democrats. Meanwhile, the rebuilding has already commenced and will be ready in time to declare the old structures as collapsed.

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8fb0b8 No.20363218

File: 9d31b5daea4c4f9⋯.jpg (116.38 KB,938x800,469:400,Screenshot_20240205_165142.jpg)

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3f4ee1 No.20363219

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8c117e No.20363220

File: ed44009fa83a90b⋯.png (15.75 KB,374x272,11:8,ClipboardImage.png)


Q 32

32 <> 11.3

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d38ffc No.20363221

File: 65939ff8227323f⋯.gif (2.56 MB,620x640,31:32,wrong.gif)

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4805c8 No.20363222

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85363c No.20363223

US unleashes strikes across Middle East

Washington has launched a new bombing campaign against Iranian-backed fighters in Iraq and Syria

US unleashes strikes across Middle East


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41594b No.20363224

File: d364bff03aecc7b⋯.png (34.55 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking video shows migrant moped riders dragging woman along NYC street as they steal her phone as cops reveal Venezuelan gang is behind 62 thefts

Three Venezuelan migrants were arrested by the NYPD in an overnight stint

The suspects were allegedly stealing the iPhones to use the Apple Pay feature

The moment a migrant on a moped dragged a woman along a New York City street to steal her phone was caught in horrifying footage shared Monday by police.

Three migrants were arrested by the NYPD after they allegedly went on a crime spree that saw them stealing wallets and cellphones from at least 62 women across the city's seven boroughs.

Police say they arrested the migrants, all believed to be from Venezuela, in a safe house in the Bronx after executing a search warrant.

The suspects were allegedly stealing the iPhones to use the Apple Pay feature and use the owners' credit cards to buy items.

NYPD Assistant Commissioner Kaz Daughtry said: 'Most migrants come to NYC in search of a better life. Sadly, some come to commit crime. Today we made tremendous progress in the largest robbery pattern plaguing our city.

Monday's arrests come after another video showed about a dozen migrants assaulting two police officers in Times Square late last month.

A Manhattan judge let at least five asylum seekers go free without bail after they were charged with the assault. Only one of the suspects remains in jail.

Four of the suspects are believed to have fled the city after being charged and released after giving fake names to a charity that helps migrants get bus tickets.

According to the New York Post, the migrants charged in the assault are also part of a phone-snatching scheme.

'They’re buying cars back in Ecuador and Venezuela'a police source told the Post. 'They’re putting pools in their homes there. All this money is going back and forth. That’s why the larcenies are going out of control. It’s unbelievable what they’re doing.'

New York City is buckling under the weight of a massive influx of asylum seekers, with over 170,000 arriving since the spring of 2022.

Video in article:


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9c4af2 No.20363225

File: b9f91a5570b65ed⋯.png (16.01 KB,584x193,584:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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85363c No.20363226

File: 9462925629d4dbe⋯.png (481.25 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Seal_of_the_United_States_….png)

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ff2f87 No.20363227

File: 2a3d01fec303361⋯.jpeg (327.64 KB,750x507,250:169,IMG_1166.jpeg)

File: 7e7c4767a03f339⋯.jpeg (252.27 KB,750x700,15:14,IMG_1163.jpeg)

A top-down processing thingy.

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85363c No.20363228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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803b9a No.20363229

File: 838510d2f156622⋯.jpg (94.66 KB,500x703,500:703,Cchi.jpg)

File: 6578fb9713d0603⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,500x744,125:186,8dtqst.jpg)

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6f78c0 No.20363230


>Round brackets in a citation, indicates that the volume number is the primary source of structure for the law report series. Square brackets in a citation, indicates that the law report series is structured by year.

Based on your theory, it lines up with wind the clock where Square Brackets are events by year; Parenthesis are events by topic. Clock Fags were going by date/time; Perhaps it is Event Topic, Year, Time

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4805c8 No.20363231


This will add fuel to ze fire

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39bd5a No.20363232

Thompson: The Select Committee [January 6th] uncovered actual crimes committed by the former president. In fact, he's facing trial for some of them in federal court, and in Georgia right now. Those are clearly impeachable offenses. Republicans can not allege Secretary has committed any particular crime, let alone a high-crime or misdemeanor.

[Mayorkas has repeatedly violated at least seven federal immigration laws]


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42d5ac No.20363233


Dancing Israeli's? FF?

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85363c No.20363234

Trump facing ‘long’ prison sentence – attorney

The former US president’s trial over classified documents is set to begin on May 20


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4805c8 No.20363235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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137cbc No.20363236

File: 71b72ee2cf4b35a⋯.jpeg (138.58 KB,720x900,4:5,GFmHI7bW4AIqGHd.jpeg)

File: 0fc7d8016335ab2⋯.png (60.79 KB,766x672,383:336,105_4_.png)

File: c9c0993df8f819e⋯.png (53.75 KB,766x628,383:314,673.png)

File: e626d8790f7961c⋯.png (972.74 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240206_175110.png)

File: 1c3345906b1a88f⋯.png (2.09 MB,766x6592,383:3296,1409.png)



Q post 105


dated February 05

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9c4af2 No.20363237


no clue

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b87002 No.20363238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fall In Fuck-Sticks!

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908017 No.20363239

All the bad stuff on DS has to come out when Trump is out of office.

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ff2f87 No.20363240


Looks like we’re goin back to the Wild West days, boys.



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8cd407 No.20363241

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85363c No.20363242

File: 7844ee6dcadb77d⋯.jpg (90.45 KB,1000x500,2:1,2kpfuq_3017997663.jpg)

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bb16a6 No.20363243

File: e2472932261c00a⋯.png (66 KB,255x141,85:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Everything they accused Trump of Doing on Jan 6th

Joe is actually going to do

Trump Followed the Rule of Law and Transferred Power

Joe is not going to

-Joe's going to Incite a Insurrection-

-Kamala will Overturn the Election results-

-Joe's not going to peacefully transfer-

-Joe's going to say it was rigged and stolen-

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908017 No.20363244


Some good men better step up

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3b9e78 No.20363245

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Farmers are our future’ | EU farmer protests pick up in Germany



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758abc No.20363246

File: 1b363b21e403da1⋯.png (13.72 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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abb00f No.20363247

File: 3f83c183d708b43⋯.png (357.83 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2024_02_05_17_57_4….png)



Petro bucks. Losing steam

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85bc33 No.20363248

File: 9b49d955ba0dfb4⋯.jpg (178.76 KB,1440x1439,1440:1439,9b49d955ba0dfb492e1e4d91c6….jpg)

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803b9a No.20363249

File: 8ca7870cdc95e99⋯.jpg (120.6 KB,500x554,250:277,IMG_20231119_132845.jpg)

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades.jpg)



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85363c No.20363250

File: 8f8502d9c5c9e0e⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,3200x2400,4:3,titanic_graves_1527500557.jpg)

File: 0c91f0f6a4e9f52⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,1000x1503,1000:1503,TitanticTombstone1a.jpg)

File: 04a8f73c46f8e5a⋯.jpg (256.27 KB,1000x745,200:149,xTitanicCemetery2a_jpg_pag….jpg)

File: 5961b67f4bfff13⋯.jpg (572.42 KB,1000x979,1000:979,TitanicUnknownChild_2.jpg)

File: f7c1bc31820d9d1⋯.jpg (18.31 KB,400x250,8:5,one.jpg)

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758abc No.20363251


link to wat u watching?

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7111e7 No.20363252

File: 65653c4b11e307b⋯.png (965.31 KB,940x528,235:132,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ad5862ba21df16⋯.png (370.14 KB,800x651,800:651,ClipboardImage.png)


Canceling apocalypses, and shit

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4805c8 No.20363253

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB,217x272,217:272,Hillary_Clinton_Head_Bang.gif)


He's right you know.

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7e90db No.20363254


Moses was up on the top of the mountain in the desert 40 days and 40 nights with "God", came down speaking for God, giving rules and killing people while leading them to the land "God" swore on oath. Moses according to scripture sinned but blamed everyone else for his own sin.

Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, taken to the top of a mountain and told "all this will be yours if you bow down and worship me". Jesus refused so satan fled. Jesus fulfilled that law that leads to death and set us free from our sin, taking all blame on Himself. As He said, the one who handed Him over committed the greater sin, no one took His life HE GAVE IT.

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ff2f87 No.20363255


I done did heard that it’s going to keep getting worse til some do. supposedly it’ll be obvious by then n patriots will have to step in bc LEOs outnumbered n then military moves in but idk.



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bb16a6 No.20363256

File: 79bcaf6353b5759⋯.png (349.18 KB,398x480,199:240,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks Good

Nail it

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85363c No.20363257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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137cbc No.20363258

File: 71b72ee2cf4b35a⋯.jpeg (138.58 KB,720x900,4:5,GFmHI7bW4AIqGHd.jpeg)

File: e7a9f852b729f06⋯.png (52.47 KB,766x672,383:336,1077.png)

File: e7d977731689dd7⋯.png (171.14 KB,766x1690,383:845,737_2_.png)


the choice of shipping container digits..KEK.

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3b9e78 No.20363259


[He did not depart on his own terms]

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4805c8 No.20363260


How many 'MAGA Patriots' you got?

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39bd5a No.20363261

Fernandez: Republicans seem to run on chaos.

[chaos created by democrat criminals]

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8fb0b8 No.20363262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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078ffc No.20363263

File: 6ba2ed21152ae3d⋯.png (595.79 KB,810x539,810:539,ClipboardImage.png)


I actually saw this… woman, IRL and nearly crashed my car. She's a local "celebrity" Fucking Mental.


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ff2f87 No.20363264


William supposed to b throned in Israel in the name of world peace.



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85363c No.20363265


king charles is dead

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4805c8 No.20363266


Republicans consistently trying to put Humpty back together again.

Never win on defence.

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bbc8b6 No.20363267


Since they are plotting out loud how they're going to disrupt the process post election ..its fair to assume their losing is confirmed.

Someone left the potato salad out in the rain 🎶

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85363c No.20363268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f78c0 No.20363269



We Have Him Now

He had Q classification far beyond the FBI raid, He filmed everything they did. Wait till this comes out in court.

predecessor event is indictment of a president, if the SC idiots allow it, every living ex president can be indicted for violations and crimes.

REEEing will be heard, trying to run and get to NZ. They forget the Maori are gonna go apeshit. Australian mandated vax harm case is the case heard around the world.

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078ffc No.20363270


I trust the clock, but my brain is to small understand it.

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bb16a6 No.20363271

File: 97971197a69d0d4⋯.png (542.84 KB,591x646,591:646,ClipboardImage.png)

She repeating the Debunked lies

They're Debunked because evidence has debunked them

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803b9a No.20363272

File: 60ec794ca829bef⋯.jpg (62.96 KB,500x517,500:517,859grj_1.jpg)

File: f5162a356b562ae⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,500x621,500:621,85vh.jpg)

America is a gun country and patriots love Gun's it's been that way for hundreds of years.

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4805c8 No.20363273

File: 60562a729a5a23b⋯.jpg (201.5 KB,699x687,233:229,Browse.jpg)


they appear to be well attached at least.

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39bd5a No.20363274

Fernandez: That violent attack [January 6th] on our democracy, led to the death of five law enforcement officers, and seriously injured a hundred and forty more officers. That's what an impeachable offense looks like. That's what high-crimes and misdemeanors look like.

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ff2f87 No.20363275

File: b26fa4bafc65bd8⋯.jpeg (19.12 KB,224x225,224:225,IMG_1164.jpeg)


Can a memefag make cap MAGA, please?

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4805c8 No.20363276


King Charles caught the Lloyd Austin.

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a2e21e No.20363277


>Everything they accused Trump of Doing on Jan 6th

>Joe is actually going to do

That's the Q playbook.

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bb16a6 No.20363278


All proven to be lies

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bbc8b6 No.20363279

File: 956192b602c011d⋯.jpg (113.66 KB,666x838,333:419,20240202_212344.jpg)

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6f78c0 No.20363280


I am proposing the clocks may be calibrated incorrectly based upon your observation.

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aeb1b1 No.20363281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cabal propaganda for criminal gain


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f4db5d No.20363282


I don't read this Qdrop as Biden being in office during all this time.

I read it as this is how long it will take to complete the removal, trials, etc of all the black hats, deep state, cabal, illuminati, etc.

Trump stated "by the end of my next term, we will have removed all the bad actors from heads of organizations in our country" (Not verbatim, but you get what I'm saying)

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4805c8 No.20363283


> death of five law enforcement officers, and seriously injured a hundred and forty more officers.


Is that perjury?

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e19d63 No.20363284

File: 24ccf6cc4fbb6b0⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,613x407,613:407,ClockTickingShills.jpg)

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85363c No.20363285

File: 2793a7b879fa1c4⋯.jpg (153.8 KB,866x949,866:949,goldiceburg.jpg)

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f4bb5c No.20363286

File: 4dc665af04e087d⋯.png (422.71 KB,1024x465,1024:465,4dc665af04e087d6b99752d768….png)



It will be alright anon. Promise.

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39bd5a No.20363287


I think they are free to lie in these committees and hearings.

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bb16a6 No.20363289

File: f53168679d46775⋯.png (764.42 KB,746x649,746:649,ClipboardImage.png)


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9aba02 No.20363290


Every asset deployed.

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ff2f87 No.20363291


White hats in control of the system.

Jessie Czebotar says the light side of the system pretty much already gutted the dark side but then they will turn on Christianity.

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4805c8 No.20363292

File: 6f184df82968414⋯.png (3.17 MB,2160x2700,4:5,Fucking_Clockfags_Pepe.png)


pretty much

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078ffc No.20363293


Interesting hypothesis.

Needs eyes on

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fe19eb No.20363294

File: ef8bdd1aa14ab05⋯.png (5.04 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

This is it, 2024.. it's gonna be a thrill of a year and then disappointment.. Trump loses, disappointment, Trump wins, bullish phase followed by disappointment.. nothing ever fucking happens. System was designed to break when corrupted, but the comfy is too strong, founding fathers underestimated the power of comfy.

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1629ec No.20363295


her speech impediment sounds like gilda radner on crack

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ad5708 No.20363296

02/05/2024 NOTABLES

>>20362249 @USMC #Marines recent training exercises

>>20362285 Anon opines: there is a International Economic Form of the Americas outfit, that is same theory's as WEF, could be an affiliate

>>20362392 Severe flooding with potential landslides in Hollywood Hills area and Santa Monica Mountains. Avoid travel if at all possible

>>20362404 PF reporting

>>20362407 Indiana - REAL News Michiana Motels4Now homeless initiative is currently housing five sex offenders well within 1,000 feet of a daycare

>>20362482 @ShadowofEzra: Do you remember the grim reaper walking by last year when King Charles III was crowned as the King? - mp4

>>20362567 "Fertilizer is one of the most highly consolidated sectors in American agriculture, top four firms controlling 75% of fertilizer markets"

>>20362606 LIVE: Rules Committee Hearing on the Resolution to Impeach Secretary Mayorkas

>>20362625 PA Court System Websites go offline after DDoS attack on Sunday

>>20362648 Rep. Victoria Spartz is reversing her retirement decision, plans to seek her seat in Congress again “I will file this week.

>>20362747 More allegations against Willis, witnesses to testify

>>20362805 Georgia Seizes Ukrainian Bomb Shipment; Foils Big Attack On Russia | Key Details

>>20362855 PDJT - "WE ALL PRAY (King Charles) HAS A FAST AND FULL RECOVERY!"

>>20363023 PF reports: "No Callsign" AF1 is now up

>>20361528 PF updates

>>20361352 He teaches not what to think, but how to think critically.

>>20361357 Canada Forced to Stop Euthanizing Mentally Ill as Doctors Refuse to Comply

>>20361365 Pet vaccines are even worse than human vaccines

>>20361372 New Jersey Political Operative Charged with Mail Ballot fraud

>>20361379 Lankford diggz

>>20361420 A Strategic Mistake on the Part of My Party’: A Top Dem Speaks Out on the Border/blue dog rising?

>>20361421 NATO, Carlyle Group, and Taylor Swift???

>>20361438 Schumer warns that if Congress does not pass $118 billion bill to Israel and Ukraine, US troops will soon be fighting Russia

>>20361450 FukJoBiden-Lets Go Brandon

>>20361494 MIA recovered: Welcome back boys, it's been a while.

>>20361505 @1st_SFAB Communications are a GO ✅

>>20361509 Speaker Johnson: Border bill is ‘even worse than we expected’, How The Uniparty Plans "Statutorily Prohibit" Securing The Border DOA

>>20361519 #OTD in 1998, @USNIBooks author Tom Clancy confirmed that his group had signed an agreement to buy the Minnesota Vikings for $200M

>>20361558 Bannon: We're Gonna See Either The Border Or Government Shut Down On March 1st

>>20361571 @USNavyEurope 🌅 Touched by Gold! 🌅

>>20361625 Alberta Premier Unveils New Gender Identity Policies

>>20361668 King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says

>>20361789 Bergquam: "More Illegals Than Citizens" Are Flying From Border Cities To The North

>>20361796 Speaker Johnson Defends Standalone Israel Bill

>>20361805 "Don't Be STUPID!!!": Trump Slams Senate Border Bill, Demands 'Separate' Package 'Not Tied To Foreign Aid'

>>20361842 Seven US-Trained Fighters Killed In Drone Attack On Occupied Syrian Oil Field

>>20361855 New Hampshire Town Alarmed Due to the Opening of a New “Diaper Spa”

>>20361918 UK Pastor Found Guilty of Breaking Law By Holding Sign With Bible Verse Outside Abortion Business

>>20361999 Haaretz exposes '72 Virgins Uncensored' as unauthorized Telegram channel run by IDF psychological warfare unit

>>20362051 Former Russian lawmaker Ponomarev charged with high treason — FSB

>>20362073 U.K. Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Sidelined, European Carriers Head for Pacific

>>20360442 Chyna just conducted a "Margin Call" on its own markets.

>>20360444 These are the Middlemen Trump spoke about in 8/6/20 whirlpool plant on reducing Drug Prices in America

>>20360524 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20360577 Oh look, are the NG are going to be fighting each other at the Texas border? Wonderful. The movie never ends./Alaska

>>20360627 Joe Allen, author of DARK ÆON: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity

>>20360671 They all want Trump! Trump says he’ll thinks, he’ll do rallies in the Bronx and one in Madison Square Garden too/Maria Sunday

>>20360676 Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter/RINOs

>>20360695 How To Start An OP

>>20360705 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day In the Core of the Carina Nebula

>>20360802 Michigan city ramps up security after op-ed calls it ‘America’s jihad capital’/Dearborn

>>20360792 Explosives sent from Ukraine for terrorist attacks in Russia seized

>>20360812 Mayorkas fail

>>20360840 Kazakhstan’s president has sacked the cabinet in a surprise move

>>20360853 All About Vyommitra: ISRO's Woman Robot Astronaut Readies for Space Mission Preceding Gaganyaan

>>20360898 Ateam of California scientists took tumor research to space—and may have discovered a ‘kill switch’ for cancer

>>20360980 UK's first space degree apprenticeship launched

>>20361013 Protest against mass immigration in Dublin, Ireland.

>>20361040 @US_Stormwatch It is absolutely dumping snow in Lake Tahoe, with this snow stake in Tahoe City almost completely buried by snow.

>>20361084 Musk: The long-term goal of the so-called “Border Security” bill is enabling illegals to vote!

>>20361111 Indivisible, Onward Together, Leah Greenberg, Hillary Clinton and Jena Griswold

>>20361148 Weapons sent to Kiev found in possession of Mexican cartels, Hamas

>>20361159 Tucker Carlson Spotted in Moscow Amid Putin Interview Rumors

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7e90db No.20363297


>Cabal propaganda for criminal gain

I credit you for telling the truth about the video you posted.

“You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

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5c22ee No.20363298


>So the no callsign thing proves nothing as to whether or not Slo Joe is President.

Interestingly, it's not in a vacuum, we know it's Joe and AF1, it's just choosing specifically to not update its callsign, except for today when it specificallyswitched from No Callsign to Empty Callsignwhile we all watched.

The consensus so far as I can garner from my fellow 'anons' here in 'conspiracy' land is that Joe Biden is President so far as he needs to be as outlined in Presidential Emergency Action Documents that went into effect after Trump declared a national emergency for election interference. It's interesting to those of us who subscribe to Q being a military operation to save the world from deeply embedded domestic terrorists.

So far as it comes to civilian ATC communication it's very interesting because it has to call this plane something, I'm going to try and listen to Andrews at some point and grab an audio grab.

Again, not a vacuum we have to add this to the funeral salutes missing, 21-gun salutes missing among other pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden isn't Commander-in-Chief of the US military, no football, etc…

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242f83 No.20363299

Radar and wind this morning to now off coast of California. Watch the thin bands of rain come down, meet the northerly winds and then head straight into LA. Weird area 100 miles west of LA that doesn't seem normal. I guess more abnormal than the rest of it.


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4805c8 No.20363300


You had me at "speech impediment."

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abb00f No.20363301


Historic times

Biden will be the only pres that's had 2 lobotomies…and well….

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242f83 No.20363302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's try this again

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6f78c0 No.20363303


So Four Years to flush them out, Four years out of office setting traps and legal precedence, four years of cleanout; The Four years after that the first female president to heal the rifts and refocus on family.

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0d6eca No.20363304

Trump facing ‘long’ prison sentence – attorney

The former US president’s trial over classified documents is set to begin on May 20

Former US President Donald Trump could be sent to prison “for a long time” when a verdict is delivered in his upcoming trial over alleged mishandling of sensitive government documents, an attorney linked to the US Democrats has warned.

Last June, Trump was charged with 37 felony counts amid claims that he illegally retained highly sensitive national security information at his South Florida residence. These included top-secret details of Washington’s nuclear capabilities and its strategies in the event of an attack on the US or its allies.

Prosecutors, led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, claim that Trump rejected requests by federal officials to return the documents – some of which were stored in publicly accessible locations in Mar-a-Lago, including in an unsecured bathroom. Trump has denied all allegations of wrongdoing and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

“People forget how damaging the evidence is in that Florida case,” Marc Elias, who represented the Democratic National Committee (DNC) between 2009 and 2023, said on MSNBC’s The Weekend on Sunday.

It is literally about a former president of the United States stealing highly classified sensitive documents from the United States government, treating them cavalierly, showing them to people, storing them willy-nilly.”

Elias said that the evidence, when it is delivered in the trial in over three months’ time, could be “devastating to him politically, adding that “it puts him in real prospect of going to prison for a long time.”

The indictment marked the first time that a former US president faced criminal charges from a federal government he once led. Trump received another federal indictment in August 2023 over his alleged attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 US presidential election.

He also faces separate charges over allegations of falsifying business records in New York, and for a conspiracy to undermine election results in the US state of Georgia.

Trump, who is the clear frontrunner to claim the Republican nomination to challenge likely Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November’s election. In a head-to-head poll published by NBC News on Sunday, Trump beat Biden by five points, 47%-42%.

However, the same poll found that in the event that Trump is convicted of a felony Biden would lead by 45%-43%.


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977e15 No.20363305


yes,your puny intellect is unable to grasp the most simple concepts

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bb16a6 No.20363306

File: cb00076c996f9a8⋯.png (1.02 MB,1001x643,1001:643,ClipboardImage.png)

When DHS deleted Secret Service Messages on Jan 6th

Who was in Charge of DHS?

ummm… errr… ughhh

Mayorkas was

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999ae0 No.20363307

File: 003ee1d1363a3be⋯.png (179.98 KB,426x328,213:164,IMG_4009.png)

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4805c8 No.20363308


>attorney linked to the US Democrats has warned.

Psy Op BS

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75f9d3 No.20363309

File: 87bd7c39952dfd6⋯.png (12.35 KB,249x203,249:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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078ffc No.20363310


Charles goes in.

Kate comes out.

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e19d63 No.20363311

File: 8e69d54c1cbf1ae⋯.png (2.13 MB,1576x1051,1576:1051,ShillCentral.png)

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1629ec No.20363312

File: ce516744b7114dd⋯.png (44.28 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


sounds just like it. I swear. Dawno Twum iza twaita

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95aede No.20363313

File: 41b57e921396021⋯.png (238.44 KB,1597x1068,1597:1068,barred_owl.png)

Hey, all you Hollywood "elites" that lurk this board all the time stuck in your house because you can't walk the streets. Give us an update on the rains in your area.

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b87002 No.20363314

File: 6f5e2ec045cc1b1⋯.jpg (515.95 KB,1247x1663,1247:1663,d09b21fb2e8ec625.jpg)

File: 3ffe6f4215d7823⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,294x166,147:83,d09b21fb2e8ec6252.jpg)

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a2e21e No.20363315

File: 7904e3118984f75⋯.gif (1.63 MB,3288x3300,274:275,ClockColor91721.gif)

File: cc07b2d167ce0ff⋯.png (8.4 MB,5000x5000,1:1,clock.png)


It just keeps building out like the colors suggest.

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4805c8 No.20363316

File: 13524a9afd32ce6⋯.jpg (68.82 KB,462x421,462:421,James_Hewitt_Prince_Willia….jpg)


Maybe a death bed confession or 2.

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078ffc No.20363317


your post


mt post.

now fuck off boy.

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4fc68c No.20363318

File: 01c99cce93a17bc⋯.png (380.83 KB,550x440,5:4,Screen_Shot_02_05_24_at_06….PNG)

File: 15f44e58c0d9bda⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,nikkihaley25.mp4)

File: 83fd776ba515a65⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,720x960,3:4,nikkihaley22.mp4)

File: f3c1f27d2e1bc29⋯.png (2.73 MB,2048x727,2048:727,ClipboardImage.png)

Nikki's second event today……and as a bonus I have included a vid and picture of her first event today just ICYMI

Justin Dougherty


Nikki Haley about to take the stage here in Spartanburg @IndigoHallSC

6:02 PM · Feb 5, 2024




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e6c3a6 No.20363319

File: 9adf39b2b4888db⋯.gif (3.63 MB,600x446,300:223,9adf39b2b4888db87b0dae9124….gif)

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75f9d3 No.20363320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


blame yonderhey hobosexuals

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0d6eca No.20363321

File: a694ace0a863b0f⋯.png (339.73 KB,557x518,557:518,ClipboardImage.png)

As NFC won their second straight Pro Bowl games Peyton Manning son Marshall Manning to uncle Eli Manning

"You know the refs won the game… it’s scripted." 🤣🤣🤣


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95aede No.20363322


Looks like a bottomless pit.

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08dba3 No.20363323

File: 03f48ec3b123f16⋯.png (17.4 KB,218x210,109:105,1692928060933038.png)

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9c4af2 No.20363324

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b2ec84 No.20363325

If you need a little nudge to do the right thing, it's coming.

Hopefully you don't though.


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bbc8b6 No.20363326



Maybe admit to both murders

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85bc33 No.20363327

File: 0fa2448c30e53a1⋯.png (1.52 MB,1429x1890,1429:1890,ClipboardImage.png)

TAKE IT from the United Nations

>Young people are the driving force of connectivity globally, with 79% of 15 to 24-year-olds online in 2023, compared with 65% for the rest of the world’s population. Children are also spending more time online than ever before. And they’re getting there sooner. Around the world, a child goes online for the first time every half second!

>This has created unprecedented opportunities for children and young people to communicate, learn, socialize, and play, exposing them to new ideas and more diverse sources of information.


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f82fd1 No.20363328

File: 930901146d92ce3⋯.gif (961.07 KB,500x281,500:281,popcorn930901146d92ce3ecff….gif)

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75f9d3 No.20363329

File: 29f874028cd32c9⋯.png (108.17 KB,280x180,14:9,ClipboardImage.png)

and Joshua falls on his face to the earth

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cae321 No.20363330

File: ecbb2a4efbb9262⋯.jpg (72.85 KB,526x474,263:237,KP44.jpg)

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08dba3 No.20363331

File: 3334588133cba87⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB,640x360,16:9,dontsayjew.mp4)

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bbc8b6 No.20363332


Trump warned about worshipping the NFL

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a773c8 No.20363333

"ANONS are nameless, faceless, fameless." - Q

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3f4ee1 No.20363334

File: 67415dfa666ecae⋯.png (649.63 KB,1080x1057,1080:1057,ClipboardImage.png)

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977e15 No.20363335


Puerile oaf,you are a simpleton with a lesser IQ than a gibbon who swings from the trees in Bangladesh

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0ca79f No.20363336


exactly what is the right thing?

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803b9a No.20363337

File: d292aaddbde83c3⋯.jpg (129.19 KB,500x806,250:403,d292aaddbde83c3b8a7ec67fbc….jpg)

File: f699336af15c9fc⋯.jpg (61.08 KB,500x583,500:583,8c97df_1_.jpg)

The sooner you understand this meme the more you will understand what's really going on in Washington DC.

All that money sent to the Ukraine…

All the illegals here just to vote….

American government is basically a money laundering cartel.

All their debts are paid for by the American people.

AI said the war with Russia is front for money laundering and Ukraine knew from the beginning they couldn't beat Russia but that money came flowing in to be laundered by the boat Loads.

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5c22ee No.20363338

File: b065d40c103cd16⋯.png (470.04 KB,1250x503,1250:503,nocallsign.png)


No Callsign

It's flipping, it's callsign, just not toAF1

They can hear us breathe…

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73d176 No.20363339

File: 3374e239b3dce63⋯.png (625.06 KB,492x823,492:823,mesecon.png)

File: d2fb37f74f7ec14⋯.jpg (85.57 KB,634x513,634:513,2D35DD2D00000578_0_image_m….jpg)

File: 4d9bf561816a94a⋯.jpg (85.95 KB,546x457,546:457,2y2p11.jpg)

Muh Cancer

Mese Karma is a Bitch! Kek

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5c22ee No.20363340


Empty over Kansas

No over Indiana

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4805c8 No.20363341

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bb16a6 No.20363342

File: b8f68cba9fa3c12⋯.png (787.41 KB,742x670,371:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792ce881a2977d5⋯.png (729.8 KB,710x648,355:324,ClipboardImage.png)

Putting his feet to the fire

He's all over the target

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a2e21e No.20363343


Change it to PEPE17.

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75f9d3 No.20363344

File: 226f192a8eacf8c⋯.png (181.47 KB,474x394,237:197,226f192a8eacf8cdf1e7e6025b….png)


פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה,

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e6c3a6 No.20363346

File: f216aa8dd360a92⋯.png (770.23 KB,527x937,527:937,f216aa8dd360a92dad5fb423cf….png)

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4805c8 No.20363347

File: adc2a2a5df14c20⋯.jpg (139.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Nancy_Pelosi_Check_Em.jpg)

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078ffc No.20363348


Looking at this objectively, most Biden voters (the real ones) are once bitten twice shy. A good percentage of them are "never Trumpers" so count them out. Who else is their for this, lets be honest a minority support going to join. Haley clearly lacks the ability to lead and shouting slogans only gets you so far. I'm looking at you Hillary.

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b2ec84 No.20363349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You think we'd be clear by now.

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0df5d2 No.20363350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



it is identical


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fd3d1b No.20363351

File: eeeb30bc69574f6⋯.png (114.63 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


Muh Cancer

Mese Karma is a Bitch! Kek

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078ffc No.20363352


Jog on pleb

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000000 No.20363354

>>20362482 (lb), >>20362502 (lb), @ShadowofEzra: Do you remember the grim reaper walking by last year when King Charles III was crowned as the King? - mp4

oddly enough, pedoking was most likely told Jan 29th

>Charles III's coronation is to be held on Saturday 6 May,  2023

268 days from coronation to diagnosis

>Charles III departs after receiving treatment for an enlarged prostate at The London Clinic on Jan. 29. LONDON

275 days until public notified


>King Charles is being treated for cancer 

q crumbs #268


q crumb #275


Banks control Gov'ts

Gov'ts control people

SA controls elected people.

SOROS controls organizations of people.

Ready to play?


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75f9d3 No.20363355

File: f1acef2171de23c⋯.png (470.23 KB,634x456,317:228,ClipboardImage.png)


>פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה

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08dba3 No.20363356


what is this goy circus, whose feet are on the fire

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0ca79f No.20363357


i never held anyone back.

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449c30 No.20363358


kek'n………..why not?

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85bc33 No.20363359

File: 3c800231b51bbbe⋯.jpg (208.01 KB,1024x762,512:381,elrphants_at_a_waterhole.jpg)

In Texas a faggot is someone who like girls more than sportstball. Get it?

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41594b No.20363360

File: f3ecc7c2e6becab⋯.png (27.08 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)

Iraq BANS U.S. Dollar Transactions at Eight Banks!

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) banned eight local banks from making US dollar transactions on 4 February, in an attempt to avoid sanctions and US financial restrictions.

A CBI document lists the banned banks as Ahsur International Bank for Investment, Investment Bank of Iraq, Union Bank of Iraq, Kurdistan International Islamic Bank for Investment and Development, Al-Huda Bank, Al-Janoob Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance, Arabia Islamic Bank, and Hammurabi Commercial Bank.

"We commend the continued steps taken by the Central Bank of Iraq to protect the Iraqi financial system from abuse, which has led to legitimate Iraqi banks achieving international connectivity through correspondent banking relationships,” a US Treasury Department spokesman said on Sunday.

The measures come after Iraqi officials met with the US Treasury Department’s top sanctions official Brian Nelson last week.

The Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament made a statement on 31 January calling for the sale of oil in currencies other than the US dollar, aiming to counter US sanctions on the Iraqi banking system.

Sauce: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/iraq-bans-u-s-dollar-transactions-at-eight-banks

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a6bb09 No.20363361

File: ac3246a161f80b8⋯.png (296.59 KB,443x563,443:563,Screenshot_20240205_150310….png)

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4805c8 No.20363362


was she Jewish? That honker says yes.

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a38e13 No.20363363

File: 5b87363dcc23c3b⋯.jpeg (49.55 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_6861.jpeg)

5 Feb, 2024 17:44

Zelensky to fire more top military brass – media

Together with General Valery Zaluzhny, the Ukrainian leader allegedly plans to let go of Chief of the General Staff Sergey Shaptala

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is reportedly considering letting go not only of Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny, but also of theChief of the General Staff, according to the news outlet Ukrainskaya Pravda.

The report comes after Zelensky admitted last week that he intends to fire the top commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The two have had a major falling out following Kiev’s failed summer counteroffensive. Zaluzhny has described the battlefield situation as a “stalemate,” while Zelensky has vehemently rejected this assessment, especially in light of waning support from Kiev’s Western backers.

In an interview with Italy’s RAI TG1 news channel on Sunday, Zelensky announced that he is planning a “serious” overhaul of the country’s leadership, noting that these changes will not be “about a single person.”He did not, however, list any specific names.

Citing sources within the Ukrainian government, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported on Monday that Zaluzhny may indeed not be the only one getting canned amid Zelensky’s purge and suggested that Sergey Shaptala, who currently serves as the Chief of the General Staff, will also be leaving his position as early as this week.

“[The fate of] everyone else has not yet been decided,” the source told the outlet.

Rumors of Shapatala’s resignation appear to be partially confirmed by a post from Zaluzhny, who posted a picture with his colleague on Monday, wishing him a happy birthday and writing: “It will still be difficult for us, but we will never be ashamed.”

As for Zaluzhny himself, it is currently unclear when he will leave his post and what position he may take in the future. According to multiple media reports, he was set to be dismissed last week. However, after the information about his firing was leaked to the press, Zelensky appeared to have postponed the decision.

According to Rada MP Evgeny Shevchenko, Zaluzhny could nevertheless potentially vacate his position within the next few days. That’s after hereportedly agreed to become the country’s ambassador to the UK. Shevchenko noted that such a position is essentially a “political pension.”

It is unclear who could potentially replace Ukraine’s top military commander, but, according to the Washington Post, Zaluzhny believesno change in leadership would result in any rapid improvements on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Defense Ministry has stated that its forces currently hold the “strategic initiative along the entire line of contact.” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu says Kiev lost more than 23,000 troops last month. In December, the ministry estimated that since the start of the conflict, over 383,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded.

(When is the Coup happening, or did Nuland preventher corrupt to be couped.)


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af94d6 No.20363364

File: 9179735d1392fa2⋯.gif (5.95 MB,662x827,662:827,9179735d1392fa210e77528f02….gif)

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bbc8b6 No.20363365

File: 358c7ba23c5592a⋯.jpg (152.38 KB,720x1061,720:1061,Urr2.jpg)

Prince Edward was rumored to be looking to announce his divorce

(Also that he's gay)

Guess that gets put on hold

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137cbc No.20363366

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078ffc No.20363367

File: 8f9d1dc795fa879⋯.png (618.19 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19d63 No.20363368

File: ff3f2396d3796bb⋯.jpg (85.17 KB,613x407,613:407,Shills_Are_Now.jpg)

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4805c8 No.20363369


> in an attempt to avoid sanctions and US financial restrictions.


Fucktards at The Treasury working hard for you.

The US is finished.

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75f9d3 No.20363370

File: de7d42bdf56b17c⋯.png (95.62 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>>פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה

no yoke

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39bd5a No.20363371

Massie: Where was she [Kamala Harris, [incoming vice president] on January 6th, while all of this was going on at the Capital?

Thompson: I don't know.

Massie: Do you know there were pipe bombs allegedly present on January 6th?

Thompson: I know there were two pipe bombs, one at the democratic headquarters, and one at the republican.

Massie: So you're in charge of the entire investigation of what happened on January 6th, what led up to January 6th, and you don't know that the incoming vice president was in the DNC when that pipe bomb was sitting there?

Thompson: I, I, I don't, you know, we did not, our investigation was looking at the facts and circumstances. We knew that there were pipe bombs, we just; I'm sure the evidence will say she was wherever she is.

Massie: So you guys, your committee did investigate the pipe bomb, or did not investigate the pipe bomb?

Thompson: We, uh, uh, I'm trying to figure out; we're not a criminal investigation…we, we were an oversight body looking at the facts and circumstances. We were not a criminal body to see who laid the bomb or anything like that.

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803b9a No.20363372

File: 6e09908e25d2fba⋯.jpg (64.63 KB,500x561,500:561,Vvdu.jpg)

File: 98e3fdb0c49ae20⋯.png (1.19 MB,1014x1066,39:41,Sccvi.png)

File: e6cdf59be5774d5⋯.png (1.19 MB,1016x1043,1016:1043,Clown_Show.png)

File: f7d324099ea2936⋯.jpg (84.98 KB,500x646,250:323,Ggu.jpg)



Charge Trump with a bunch of bogus charges and let a Republican do all the trashing…. F-Off ikki Haley.

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4805c8 No.20363373


Z will be Pink Mist. Soon.

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b2ec84 No.20363374


And who are you?

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08dba3 No.20363375


anon at the point where anything about Ukraine makes me fall asleep on the spot

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

I don't care

>I dont care

the psyop is taking too long

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078ffc No.20363376

File: ba9685439f7d440⋯.png (286.93 KB,590x464,295:232,ClipboardImage.png)


>Prince Edward was rumored to be looking to announce his divorce


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e19d63 No.20363377

File: de895d9dc5c84fd⋯.png (116.96 KB,1200x591,400:197,Shills_excommunicado.png)

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0ca79f No.20363378

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b92df4 No.20363379

File: e0c7e65789d8b5c⋯.mp4 (471.43 KB,640x342,320:171,ndgrjykyrdfd.mp4)



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bbc8b6 No.20363380

Solar system billards

That was fun

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75f9d3 No.20363381

File: f8e816a374208c2⋯.png (120.29 KB,193x261,193:261,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה


>no yoke

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a5bdde No.20363382

File: 4c9de78c2967d20⋯.png (102.33 KB,512x500,128:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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803b9a No.20363383

File: 7262ac9856c1d24⋯.jpg (198.67 KB,500x690,50:69,IMG_20240202_183633.jpg)

File: 9f13a1cd0c76126⋯.jpg (82.88 KB,500x664,125:166,8eabty.jpg)

Imagine the smell.

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6f78c0 No.20363384

File: b86a12609104c28⋯.jpeg (135.82 KB,900x802,450:401,IMG_0315.jpeg)


Perhaps instead of an ever increasing repetition, The interlock should literally be a clockwork, where the different gears represent different constituents(topics) and the progression is different based on occurrence frequencies with the big countdown markers popping

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bbc8b6 No.20363385


Never knew taylor was bullied

Explains a lot

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078ffc No.20363386


I get it. 5 ugly chicks with cats and dogs. Chk't

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ff2f87 No.20363387


I’m Alice.

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b2ec84 No.20363388


You wreak like hell

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b681aa No.20363389

File: 547202c34de66ce⋯.png (181.82 KB,330x327,110:109,ClipboardImage.png)


>allow massive illegal invaders in from shit holes

>are criminals, rapists, murders, and thieves

>being told all this several times for years

>including by trump himself on the biggest stage of them all


>It’s unbelievable what they’re doing.'

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758abc No.20363390



#24983 >>20363055

>>20363191 LIVE: House Rules Committee Debates Secretary Mayorkas Impeachment Resolution

>>20363102, >>20363204, >>20363232, >>20363261, >>20363274, >>20363371 Quotes from Impeachment thing

>>20363071 First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Voter Rolls are Public Records and Election Officials Cannot Hide Them from the Public

>>20363090 50 Lawmakers Demand AG Garland Explain Illegal CCP-Linked Marijuana Farms

>>20363097 11.3 = KC = King Charles?

>>20363105 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433-LAP) Last Updated Feb. 5, 2024, 6:09 a.m.

>>20363119 Edward Griffin explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is: A Banking Cartel

>>20363123 Black Chicagoans Declare The End of Democratic Rule and Pledge Support for Republican Party

>>20363137, >>20363245 The Dutch farmers have now blocked the border crossing

>>20363173, >>20363298, >>20363338, >>20363340 PFs Report

>>20363193, >>20363230 [ ] vs ( )

>>20363214 On the brink of disaster: Israel threatens Lebanon with war

>>20363223 Washington has launched a new bombing campaign against Iranian-backed fighters in Iraq and Syria

>>20363224 Shocking video shows migrant moped riders dragging woman along NYC street as they steal her phone

>>20363247, >>20363360 Iraqi Parliament Calling To Ditch US Dollar For Oil Trade

>>20363304 Trump's trial over classified documents is set to begin on May 20


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0ca79f No.20363391


putting up with you for so long who wouldn't.

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85363c No.20363392

File: 4e6c052e4dea1ec⋯.jpg (184.08 KB,750x1069,750:1069,Mapa_Rockefeller_Center_Mo….jpg)


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5c22ee No.20363393

File: a4b6ae71a1aab1a⋯.png (450.87 KB,1255x490,251:98,empty.png)




It's back to Empty…

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1629ec No.20363394


well that is just strange.

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85363c No.20363395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goldberg tell The Rock Who is next

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6f78c0 No.20363396

File: 2a084d9625fdbcf⋯.jpeg (93.78 KB,500x527,500:527,IMG_0316.jpeg)

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75f9d3 No.20363398

File: b5e1376dfb5d215⋯.png (123.33 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

hobama gasket tested

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71355e No.20363399

File: 7a36ee85b3c19a6⋯.png (65.97 KB,1335x815,267:163,1707045125902252.png)

File: c70144c6e2d1d3a⋯.png (125.42 KB,1054x507,1054:507,1707088357766987.png)

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73d176 No.20363400

File: 87369e81e14ee3e⋯.png (497.63 KB,480x480,1:1,jillDando.png)


This woman is often forgotten. She was about to blow the lid on a VIP pedo ring when she got her brains blown out in a professional hit.


Jill Dando was a television journalist and presenter who, on 26 April 1999, was shot in the head at point blank range at her front door in Fulham, west London, by an assailant who has never been identified. Everything about it was almost impossible. Shootings outside violent gangs (or those caught between them) are vanishingly rare in the UK. Murders of women by strangers are rare. Crime of any kind is low in the affluent environs of Fulham. The killing of an unprovocative, beloved celebrity in broad daylight for no apparent reason completely beggared belief.

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da87a5 No.20363401

File: 32af8afcfb9acc8⋯.png (132.9 KB,1066x1116,533:558,749.png)

Anons, If I asked you to design a global Earthling farm that maximizes suffering, without making it obvious to the Earthlings that you are controlling and farming them, could you design a more effective system than what currently exists?

Q, does this about sum up our situation?

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f82fd1 No.20363402

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6_2.png)

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75f9d3 No.20363403

File: 74c6b6e8917bd15⋯.png (121.48 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>DUBA hobama gasket tested

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e6c3a6 No.20363404

File: ac4afbbc6f21ed0⋯.jpeg (41.98 KB,174x251,174:251,9a76a442e4573337520840b76….jpeg)

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803b9a No.20363405

File: ae85181ada7cd81⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenscx.png)

File: 7ab6bdce0bb0df7⋯.png (64.08 KB,988x835,988:835,Screenshot_.png)

File: 67e54aabad1b0c7⋯.jpg (65.82 KB,500x654,250:327,Anonymous_1_.jpg)

File: d79b9081c906616⋯.png (780.63 KB,1080x680,27:17,Scrcdfu.png)

Beware of Nikki Haley she's not who you think she is.

More endless wars guaranteed.

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f4bb5c No.20363406


quads confirm

this is not facebook

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65c71b No.20363407

>>20361620 pb

worshipping senile sock puppet ronnie raygun

who's first act was to repeal the windfall profits tax on big oil passed by jimmy carter

second act was to fire 14,000 union federal air traffic controllers, and give the green light to wholesale union busting by big corps

who handed the FDA over to big pharma, 'cuz we can trust them to police themselves

who handed the prison system over to private business, 'cuz they're incentivized to lower crime and reduce reciditivism, right?

fucking dumbass contards licking RINO boots

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39bd5a No.20363408

Massie: Here we had on January 6th, what we are being told by the FBI and ATF, viable bombs within just feet of the incoming vice president…a viable bomb for over an hour, the Secret Service takes forever to respond to it, and here we have Secretary Mayorkas who was over all of this, not on that day, but I am not as concerned about that day, as I am now about the information we can't get, and the information that he hasn't tried to get as far as I can tell…apparently it's still the word of the Secret Service that this stuff is deleted, and it ain't never coming back. Because they didn't just delete the electronics, they destroyed the phones…I am concerned that Secretary Mayorkas is, either through acts of commission or omission, involved in this obstruction of congress.

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75f9d3 No.20363409

File: 45ac25f0ad1fc57⋯.png (124.06 KB,310x163,310:163,ClipboardImage.png)


<an tahn tested dat hobama gasket sum moar

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449c30 No.20363410


All valid points anon. I thought it might be a security thing for not ID'ing but the aircraft plainly shows up as AF1 not to mention the registration number.

I tracked it out of Denver ARTCC but on the live atc site I could only here the crews, not ATC. As the aircraft got closer to Kansas City ARTCC I pulled up that freq not knowing whether AF1 had already checked on. Just a few minutes later AF1 checked on. Probably in Indy's airspace by now maybe Cleveland's.

>Again, not a vacuum we have to add this to the funeral salutes missing, 21-gun salutes missing among other pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden isn't Commander-in-Chief of the US military, no football, etc…

I know, all that checks out. If you watch as Pedo Joe gets off AF1, the guards hold their salute, same for Marine 1. So, I don't know WTF at this point. So much lines up and so much doesn't.

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ff2f87 No.20363411

File: a91038a2b5174fa⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_0937.jpeg)

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bbc8b6 No.20363412


Would have to have the lizard queen's seal of approval.

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b2ec84 No.20363413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0% chance of a 2023 repeat.

100% chance of ascension and full weather control.


You probably don't want that nudge though trust me.



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6f78c0 No.20363414


The State no longer represents we the people until we take every state house back and completely safeguard elections and establish public anti corruption audits of all politicians and inter connected family and friends.

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75f9d3 No.20363415

File: 369bcad2f1f0be7⋯.png (109.78 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)

<an tahn duh incest happened

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078ffc No.20363416


It got nommed. You are an autist anon.

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8b9fae No.20363418


how did it go with your parents?

did you tell then you love them very much and appreciate all that they do for you?

I'm sure that they think you are awesome, cause you are.

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08dba3 No.20363419

File: ce903da6831b3eb⋯.jpg (80.47 KB,618x618,1:1,grimace.jpg)

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75f9d3 No.20363420

File: 042177ed6206c02⋯.png (126.38 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)

rental kardashian knuw twas all hobama

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a38e13 No.20363421

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5c9143 No.20363422

File: fbbc4984073a501⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,384x384,1:1,brazilian_street_justice.mp4)


We need some Brazilian street justice. It's now legal in Brazil.

Warning: video is somewhat graphic

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9f8ba7 No.20363423

File: 8108d68e59afc6d⋯.png (21.61 KB,436x286,218:143,02B6F5AF_C8A8_4185_9487_48….png)


Quads of truth

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85bc33 No.20363424

File: 080202b61777927⋯.jpg (37.84 KB,483x597,161:199,Sanela_Diana_Jenkins_Sanel….jpg)

File: 64f6cb99ac489ee⋯.jpg (87.31 KB,850x565,170:113,Sanela_Jenkins_Elton_John_….jpg)

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75f9d3 No.20363425

File: 346f18c1cdb47df⋯.png (113.89 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>rental kardashian knuw twas all hobama

rental kardashian wuz faykin duh peurto rican cuz gma ate baby suicide stuff

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449c30 No.20363426


Hello beautiful!!

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f82fd1 No.20363427

File: 49fa16fa8063a24⋯.gif (3.41 MB,360x271,360:271,49fa16fa8063a24546ed7172cd….gif)


Actually no, I'm not, but you are without a doubt an imbecilic moran. Congratulations. Your prize awaits in the filter.

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0ca79f No.20363428

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a38e13 No.20363430


Why, it’s just getting good? Coup incoming. Perhaps Joe, Blinken and Nuland get exposed for starting the war and blowing up Nord Stream 2

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08dba3 No.20363431




Trump speaks in opposites about pedophils

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71355e No.20363432

File: d24f5a418d1fe8a⋯.jpg (53.53 KB,800x450,16:9,d24f5a418d1fe8a4c60b04ce3d….jpg)

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5c22ee No.20363433

File: a4b6ae71a1aab1a⋯.png (450.87 KB,1255x490,251:98,empty.png)




It's back to Empty…

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b681aa No.20363434

File: 769ef4f702da402⋯.png (503.27 KB,564x605,564:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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437ab1 No.20363435

File: 3c8ecc9a8a70ae0⋯.png (619.16 KB,1080x595,216:119,Borderlands.png)

File: abd12e7c18e7d59⋯.png (620.27 KB,1080x1178,540:589,Svcj.png)

File: b0afd6f60188dd3⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1435,216:287,Criminal.png)



Trump has a big surprise for BATHHOUSE BARRY

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b29b51 No.20363436

File: 736632ff4a2381f⋯.png (269.15 KB,420x568,105:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c3a6 No.20363437

File: e261cc19babaa83⋯.png (137.08 KB,512x383,512:383,e261cc19babaa834bea51da114….png)

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078ffc No.20363438

File: 944b426b0bbfd31⋯.png (688.13 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d225f No.20363439


Shriveled monkey brain and finger tendies

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a5bdde No.20363440


And the Jews, for the most part, live on the North Side.

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75f9d3 No.20363441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an tahn tucker almost fucker tom hanks fault in duh hobidet hohuntur crach

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734222 No.20363442

Regarding the IRD, you faggots are late.

Coulda made a killing if you bought Dinars

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a38e13 No.20363443

5 Feb, 2024 20:54

Zelensky jeopardizing Ukraine’s interests – Kiev mayor

Vitaly Klitschko has urged the Ukrainian president to exercise caution with his plan to dismiss top general Valery Zaluzhny

The mayor of Kiev, heavyweight boxing star-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko, has argued against Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s plan to fire military commander General Valery Zaluzhny, warning the move might have heavy implications for the whole country.

Klitschko shared his opinion on the matter in a Telegram post on Monday, stating that Ukrainian society has been “discussing and anxiously waiting for the outcome of the situation” regarding Zaluzhny.

“In many ways, it was thanks to Zaluzhny that Ukrainians truly believed in our Armed Forces, which enjoy the greatest trust today,” Klitschko asserted, warning about the potential consequences of Zaluzhny’s dismissal.

Unfortunately, today is the moment when politics can prevail over common sense and the interests of the state. And this moment does not depend on Zaluzhny.

Klitschko expressed hope that=Ukraine’s leadership actually “understands the seriousness of the stepsit is taking now and the full extent of its responsibility.” Kiev must maintain “combat readiness and coherence of the army” as well as the “unity of society,” the mayor argued, expressing doubts that the potential move would actually contribute to these goals.

The purported conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny has been rumored for months already, with various sources offering differing explanations for its true nature, ranging from the alleged political ambitions of the top general to differences in approach to handling the ongoing conflict with Russia.

On Sunday, Zelensky implicitly confirmed in an interview that he has indeed considered dismissing the top general. Asked about the reported plans, the president revealed that he was actually planning a “serious” overhaul of his team, which did not boil down to a single figure.

“When we talk about this, I mean a replacement of a series of state leaders, not just in a single sector like the military. I’m thinking about this replacement, but you can’t say ‘here we replaced a single person’,”Zelensky explained.

(If this is not a coup on this midget, Nuland told they can’t, or they can do the coup later when he’s not looking.)


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aeb1b1 No.20363444

File: 1b006e519271026⋯.png (652.8 KB,500x731,500:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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08dba3 No.20363445


the normies are so far behind

blinkin and nuland is the right direction at least, but how long did it take to get them here

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73d176 No.20363446


>Would have to have the lizard queen's seal of approval.

For sure, Charles too.

Forgot to add that the UK police also framed an autistic guy for her murder, and he served years in prison before being freed on appeal. Whole thing was an establishment assasination


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ff2f87 No.20363447

File: 73b01114e5e3de7⋯.jpeg (18.97 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_0950.jpeg)

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85bc33 No.20363448

File: 296f91a2fc50a8e⋯.png (731.32 KB,600x794,300:397,a1.png)


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cae321 No.20363449

File: db91132dd11fe86⋯.jpg (185.09 KB,600x450,4:3,db91132dd11fe865d659f28d04….jpg)

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f4bb5c No.20363450


>I trust the clock, but my brain is to small understand it.

Anon doesn't even know where to begin with a statement like this. Go play in the freeway.

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75f9d3 No.20363451


[ ]ederally

[ ]ssured

[ ]uaranteed

[ ]udent loans

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a31484 No.20363452

File: 6f12602c299cbc6⋯.jpg (75.21 KB,706x909,706:909,Worldbank1.jpg)

File: 6b06ff885063fee⋯.jpg (85.42 KB,722x812,361:406,Worldbank2.jpg)



>Note next (6) years

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71355e No.20363453

File: 6d45173ac05d79e⋯.jpeg (53.48 KB,653x665,653:665,6d45173ac05d79e22b5d8a828….jpeg)

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1d1a96 No.20363455


Buy n’ Large

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ad5708 No.20363456

File: 965417699395e80⋯.png (401.16 KB,964x994,482:497,ZLsXqON.png)




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8fb0b8 No.20363457

File: 5ea8128794c92fc⋯.jpg (144.8 KB,1078x808,539:404,Screenshot_20240126_204708.jpg)

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85bc33 No.20363458

File: cc1617e45111307⋯.png (191.85 KB,388x416,97:104,11a1.png)

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e6c3a6 No.20363459

File: b990c256679f501⋯.png (724.85 KB,800x800,1:1,b990c256679f50137c8112f608….png)

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388a9f No.20363460

File: 7cdcdd4cc6b1c16⋯.webp (613.38 KB,500x748,125:187,uno_legendary_reverse_car….webp)

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449c30 No.20363461


WOW!!! That does need to start happening here. Problem, you will be tracked down and charged with Murder. I would give two fucks. Push come to shove, I'll take being judged by 12 instead of carried by 6. Where I live, I wouldn't even be charged.

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6775f2 No.20363462

File: 708e1b987d3dbb1⋯.jpeg (3.17 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1796.jpeg)

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75f9d3 No.20363464

File: d93adad9dc188d5⋯.jpg (52.26 KB,612x612,1:1,123955979_2301474813331926….jpg)


[ ]y

[ ]ss

[ ]ides

[ ]n

[ ]any

[ ]quipment

[ ]ir

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f4bb5c No.20363465

File: 0eca14d70d686c6⋯.png (473.63 KB,693x966,33:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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faa358 No.20363466


The clock works by drawing several arrows to different Q postings. Use of red, green and blue arrows is advised.

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75f9d3 No.20363467

File: 229e6f63fe0603c⋯.png (16.11 KB,176x220,4:5,229e6f63fe0603c6438d924301….png)

buwbs fo bakes

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65c71b No.20363468


>That honker says yes.

your post says retard

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4805c8 No.20363469

File: bed02eb78d35397⋯.png (302.34 KB,590x464,295:232,ClipboardImage.png)


Where's that lovely ginger hair? Oh there it is!

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078ffc No.20363470



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e29eec No.20363471



then filtered

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aa2311 No.20363472

File: 15d641c00f151a5⋯.png (726.99 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Notables_01092024_Night_Sh….png)




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a38e13 No.20363473

>>20362648 Rep. Victoria Spartz is reversing her retirement decision, plans to seek her seat in Congress again “I will file this week. The country is too much in trouble” (PN)

I get the sense Zelensky needs her to spy on the House more. She is not trustworthy

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f82fd1 No.20363474

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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449c30 No.20363475


And implement severe criminal penalties for violating the Constitution, someone's rights under color of law and other fuckery these asshats engage in.

25 years in Federal prison, all benefits stripped, assets forfeited.

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85bc33 No.20363476

File: e626251250c1472⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,600x794,300:397,illshill.jpg)

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ff2f87 No.20363477

File: 55f9aaf23d5a278⋯.webp (26.62 KB,600x500,6:5,IMG_1177.webp)


Leave dogs out of it, witch.

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c01f29 No.20363478

File: e75fd60bc8bbb4e⋯.jpg (130.93 KB,748x500,187:125,8dgxxb_1.jpg)

File: 28ca6efaec1f8fd⋯.png (762.87 KB,1080x810,4:3,Border_Bandits.png)

File: e963d5eaabd8c90⋯.jpg (136.91 KB,500x785,100:157,8dgw4m_1.jpg)

File: c16e10f60afaeeb⋯.jpg (65.66 KB,500x555,100:111,81bukd.jpg)

File: f6682b61b877ce0⋯.jpg (62.79 KB,500x518,250:259,85l7js.jpg)

AI has access to phone records and says all the people trying to destroy Trump are all connected.

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84fabb No.20363479


Squeaky, you can't eben spell yer stupid chit games, you dumbfuk..

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faa358 No.20363480


I love her voice.

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449c30 No.20363481


KMFAO!!! Real good.

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4805c8 No.20363482


yeah but now it's a Netflix thing?

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71355e No.20363483

File: df1d9a431d9e4bb⋯.gif (1.94 MB,500x388,125:97,df1d9a431d9e4bbfd3789ee5c5….gif)

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75f9d3 No.20363484

File: 49d8cc47e8886b2⋯.png (131.79 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


frens of gravity

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85363c No.20363485

File: f5b9df65ffcf124⋯.png (1.42 MB,855x1603,855:1603,hourglass_PNG15.png)

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4805c8 No.20363486


WE know exactly who she is

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388a9f No.20363487

File: 9a16e5371e345b6⋯.jpg (57.69 KB,499x499,1:1,flat_1000x1000_075_f_u1.jpg)

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bb16a6 No.20363488

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ff2f87 No.20363489

File: e85df0af5ddd554⋯.png (1.59 MB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_1178.png)



Dayum.. even white garment w spots on it.

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1d1a96 No.20363490


Spyder Web.

Ancient algorithm these days.

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7111e7 No.20363491

File: d8bf8ed4dba8008⋯.png (181.88 KB,581x780,581:780,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8aecc1df93ed529⋯.png (428.49 KB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Andy Biggs


Joe Biden says he has no authority to end the border crisis.

Fact Check: The President of the United States has the power to suspend all immigration into the country.

Feb 05, 2024, 12:46 PM


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938f2a No.20363492

Africans are a sub-race.

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d29475 No.20363494

File: 43f63ad985561de⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,472x270,236:135,Swatt.mp4)

I have no idea if this is really for real. But it´s 2024!


Chile decided to highlight an all women’s SWAT team for international competition in the UAE

And it went just like you thought it would, and no this is not satire!!!

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ff2f87 No.20363496

File: a29044878cdea59⋯.jpeg (285.21 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_0948.jpeg)

File: 548334172834870⋯.webp (94.63 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,IMG_0947.webp)

File: f7a73fc4ec8b794⋯.jpeg (154.77 KB,1500x1000,3:2,IMG_0946.jpeg)

File: a6a1988e9269d4f⋯.webp (50.71 KB,760x380,2:1,IMG_0945.webp)

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faa358 No.20363497



Joe’s right.

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d1b8b5 No.20363498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We’ve only just begun….


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388a9f No.20363499


What about African faggots?

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bbc8b6 No.20363500

File: cede9d577d3c43b⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,500x700,5:7,86hdd.jpg)

Where's Kate?

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4805c8 No.20363501

File: 6ec960d7c52ba4f⋯.png (46.82 KB,367x76,367:76,ClipboardImage.png)


You fucked that up.

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e6c3a6 No.20363502

File: 9690733f93c26dd⋯.jpg (231.63 KB,568x391,568:391,f5e23070d21bb0f862cc62fb6c….jpg)

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71355e No.20363503

File: 9476b41c02867eb⋯.jpg (18.17 KB,480x360,4:3,0k3htdob5ca51.jpg)

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f667aa No.20363504

File: f21dbe0266dc869⋯.png (102.3 KB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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75f9d3 No.20363505

File: 6a79a40b515db92⋯.png (44.8 KB,1080x1198,540:599,6a79a40b515db9204cde41e6bd….png)

church on the rock died

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938f2a No.20363506

Is there another vote tomorrow in Nevada?

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d38ffc No.20363507




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abb00f No.20363508



MUCAS and that snot funny

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a38e13 No.20363509

>>20362747, >>20362758 More allegations against Willis, witnesses to testify (PN)

This will not end well with Willis and Wade, they lied straight face to the judge. Wade said their sexual relationship did not start until 2022. She said they did not violate legal rules.They are super fuckedif this is true.

Kemp and Carr sent the whistleblowers out is my guess

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388a9f No.20363510


Kate got a peepee

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e6c3a6 No.20363511

File: 83f70a8a21d57fa⋯.png (239.22 KB,528x331,528:331,fe6a9f8899e70235806d38015e….png)

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7c4dbf No.20363512

File: 2f6a1ae64a1cc41⋯.png (872.48 KB,938x856,469:428,2024_02_05_18_36_33.png)


>Trump has a big surprise for BATHHOUSE BARRY

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cae321 No.20363513

File: 531a089a3a718f7⋯.jpg (66.79 KB,500x500,1:1,iseeya.jpg)

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b559de No.20363514

File: 03130e1fc3770ac⋯.png (624.52 KB,1080x706,540:353,Screefdu.png)



Soros and other BILLIONAIRES tell Obama what they want done and Obama tells hunter and Hunter tells Joe.

One big clown show.

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84fabb No.20363515

Quantum Talent: An American Civil-Military Fusion

"There is a small but growing movement of reservists behind the deployment of new capabilities in support of national security. Think of these reservists as “quantum talent,” occupying a role in both the military and commercial worlds. These tech-savvy reservists bring an enormous amount of critical experience to the table, whether they’re working with cutting-edge companies or running their own startups."


(Pssst, Dis might be a late turn in for the assignment.)

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faa358 No.20363516


I suspect this image to be altered/modified?

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4805c8 No.20363517

File: 49b37cedbd56eb8⋯.png (350.82 KB,800x765,160:153,Super_Retarded_Pepe.png)


the links don't click.

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ff2f87 No.20363518


There is no try, only do or do not.

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078ffc No.20363519


I thought my mouse was broken

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e6c3a6 No.20363520

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e39eee823c0db072d8f2dc560….png)

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26c17e No.20363521


that is such a retarded thing

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1d1a96 No.20363522


Oh, they ckeeeek.

They cleeeeek real good.

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f82fd1 No.20363523

File: 5f0a098077dfe8d⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,570x985,114:197,comfefe2.jpg)

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4805c8 No.20363524


>Joe Biden says he has no authority to end the border crisis.

>Fact Check: The President of the United States has the power to suspend all immigration into the country.



>Joe’s right.

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faa358 No.20363525

My mouse is stiff.

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71355e No.20363526

File: d9bf5a6d66bf855⋯.png (689.02 KB,819x720,91:80,7407957a791bbef36221671523….png)

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a31484 No.20363527

File: f8a57bbcf885ce5⋯.jpg (85.14 KB,466x615,466:615,Tritium_pepe.jpg)

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08dba3 No.20363528

File: 30033c5320d5380⋯.png (670.98 KB,597x615,199:205,fedberg.png)


kek. the real smoking peepee.

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4242a9 No.20363529

File: dbeef46079a7a57⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB,1080x1085,216:217,magapeter.jpeg)

File: 6c927ebc9c5a0a7⋯.jpeg (76.9 KB,1080x1085,216:217,kek.jpeg)

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cae321 No.20363530

File: f302a80c169f7b5⋯.jpg (97.54 KB,602x414,301:207,m88.jpg)

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75f9d3 No.20363531

File: 5aca33ed0badadd⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,_ARMAGEDDON_Radio_announce….mp4)

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ff2f87 No.20363532


Stfu, napoleon.

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bbc8b6 No.20363533


Just another get'er done monday

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3b9e78 No.20363534

File: b6d8df10aa8998a⋯.png (952.99 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9e78 No.20363535

File: d5184168cd89135⋯.png (1.04 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb16a6 No.20363536

File: 878bb5fe5a98c38⋯.png (770.52 KB,697x655,697:655,ClipboardImage.png)

The Same people that Indicted Trump for a Phone call

Says 300 Pages of Mayorkas of telling DHS Agents to ignore the law isn't evidence

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1ba239 No.20363537

File: 572de71f4e7482d⋯.jpg (149.54 KB,658x439,658:439,TYB.jpg)


TYB 5:5

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ff2f87 No.20363538

File: 4bf0a0c05f28d94⋯.jpeg (15.9 KB,240x210,8:7,IMG_0896.jpeg)

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f91496 No.20363539

are there any gentiles who went to elite schools? how did you do post graduation?

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a5bdde No.20363540


40 years ago, a Palestinian girl told me how her family moved to the Chicago area after the Jews in Israel swindled her family out of their house and land by using a 3rd party to buy it. She said that they would never have sold it to the Jews if they had known. But they were tricked into it.

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84fabb No.20363541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because Scientism!

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75f9d3 No.20363542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4805c8 No.20363543


If the answer is "hanging out on 8kun" then we know the answer.

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cae321 No.20363544

File: 1af6a80835f8964⋯.jpg (41.73 KB,616x405,616:405,sabotchkM1.jpg)

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abb00f No.20363545


Know educated people ….who see what we have…banks…medical…etc …

Turn right back around and go ….even after.

Looking and some even trying things

Can't save all of them …having a game of attrition…trying to save any….

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e6c3a6 No.20363546

File: c16d78bf55e29cf⋯.jpeg (109.85 KB,823x610,823:610,c16d78bf55e29cfacd67c54db….jpeg)


gotcha, thxu

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8a06b8 No.20363547

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,318x405,106:135,flaming_sword.jpg)


Revelation 2:16

Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.

Revelation 1:12-16

Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. And having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was One like the Son of Man, dressed in a long robe, with a golden sash around His chest. The hair of His head was white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were like a blazing fire. His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the roar of many waters. He held in His right hand seven stars, and a sharp double-edged sword came from His mouth. His face was like the sun shining at its brightest.

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bbc8b6 No.20363548

File: 3a9b22e87019d2a⋯.jpg (74.65 KB,698x498,349:249,12q.jpg)


He no prez.

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908017 No.20363549


The bad stuff on Ds, RINOs and DS players can only come out while Biden is in office, so it doesn’t look political.

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b559de No.20363550

File: 7d63207a65087ce⋯.jpg (55.66 KB,514x486,257:243,8etbow.jpg)

If you are smart from now to the election keep at least a 1-3 month food supply stashed away because stolen power is never returned peacefully.

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4805c8 No.20363551


Same reason Trump cannot attend the debates.

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5f3a73 No.20363552


Why didn't Trump suspend all immigration ?

More importantly, all he had to do is send his Military down to the border and have the Sheriff of each county deputize them.

This is why I don't have faith that Q was on our side. Also I believe the Military lied to him.

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b7d639 No.20363553

File: 67c871ac3de48de⋯.jpg (148.48 KB,759x1025,759:1025,67c871ac3de48deea193ba6df9….jpg)

File: ac94a30bdbce41b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x604,160:151,ac94a30bdbce41b4261541cbca….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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08dba3 No.20363554


I'd trade my kike neighbors for palestiniansany day of the week

together we'll build a goyim lobby

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aeb1b1 No.20363555

File: aa1bdd29bf41cae⋯.png (728.02 KB,500x597,500:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c3a6 No.20363556

night time.

frequency of distraction lowers.

frequencies of the mind also lower.

opening the door to the possibility of

resonance, entanglement with equal and greater.

resonance with many paint brushes.

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41594b No.20363557

File: 31dea558a04b6ba⋯.png (17.33 KB,474x197,474:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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f91496 No.20363558

File: f6f58160c4f54f4⋯.png (948.27 KB,978x656,489:328,thatsakek.png)

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bbffb8 No.20363559


No amount of alcohol in the world would make that attractive.

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4805c8 No.20363560


there may be a tunnel under your house/neighbourhood.

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a38e13 No.20363561

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brian Costello: "What You're Seeing Is Tik Tok Being Used As A Weapon In Different Ways" Tik Tok has been given Chinese illegals on how to bypass the Border Patrol to get in US



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08dba3 No.20363562


the "educated" people are the furthest behind

they still trust their doctor and their tv after everything

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ff2f87 No.20363563

File: ea4c872b9f3aeed⋯.jpeg (18.45 KB,255x225,17:15,IMG_0618.jpeg)


The father of the chosen antichrist

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bbc8b6 No.20363564


Awesome day Jesus

Keep'em coming

God bless Trump

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4fc68c No.20363565

File: 148447ebe0e354e⋯.png (362.03 KB,550x519,550:519,Screen_Shot_02_05_24_at_06….PNG)

File: d1a6a931ee68c2c⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,nikkihaley26.mp4)

Listen very carefully to a person that lost to Nikki in the governor's race in the past….

Justin Dougherty


Former SC congressman Gresham Barrett introducing


here in Spartanburg.

At one time, he lost to Haley in the governors race. Now he’s endorsing her for president.

6:18 PM · Feb 5, 2024


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7111e7 No.20363566

File: 0c1564094c89cbb⋯.png (55.21 KB,722x344,361:172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52f1bae15e7d24b⋯.png (798.61 KB,634x795,634:795,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dad5a30227b11d5⋯.png (351.98 KB,634x538,317:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Real estate brokerage to pay $70 MILLION to settle nationwide lawsuits over grossly inflated broker's fees - has the bubble burst for greedy realtors?

17:11 EST, 5 February 2024

One of the nation's biggest real estate brokerages has agreed to pay $70 million to resolve a lawsuit over inflated agent commissions.

Keller Williams Realty will pay the sum and also take several steps to provide homebuyers and sellers with more transparency over real estate commissions.

The Austin-based agency will add the money to a settlement fund which will be distributed by the courts. Home sellers who sold a property from a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) between 2015 and 2019 may be eligible for a slice of the fund.

The bumper settlement resolves more than a dozen lawsuits across the country over commissions that US real estate agents charge.

In some cases, they can be as high as 6 percent - around double the global average.

Attorney Michael Ketchmark, who is representing the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, hailed the development as a 'tremendous victory for homeowners and homebuyers across the country.'

The central claim put forth in the litigation is that the country´s biggest real estate brokerages engage in practices that unfairly force homeowners to pay artificially inflated agent commissions when they sell their home.

In October, a federal jury in Missouri found that trade body National Association of Realtors and several large real estate brokerages, including Keller Williams, conspired to require that home sellers pay homebuyers' agent commission in violation of federal antitrust law.

The jury ordered the defendants to pay almost $1.8 billion in damages. If treble damages - which allows plaintiffs to potentially receive up to three times actual or compensatory damages - are awarded, then the defendants may have to pay more than $5 billion.

More than a dozen similar lawsuits are pending against the real estate brokerage industry.

The suit has provoked controversy from the industry, with one report estimating up to 80 percent of realtors would lose their jobs.

Real estate agent Desirae Wykoff, 36, told DailyMail.com last year: 'I feel like realtors are getting an unfair reputation from this.

'I could see a lot of these people hanging up their license.'

Keller Williams' executive chairman Gary Keller said the firm had 'full confidence in the strength of an appeal' but that a settlement would remove extended uncertainty for its agents and franchisees. The ruling also means the firm cannot be roped into copycat lawsuits.

'We came to the decision to settle with careful consideration for the immediate and long-term well-being of our agents, our franchisees and the business models they depend on,' Keller said in a company-wide email.

'It was a decision to bring stability, relief and the freedom for us all to focus on our mission without distractions.'

The company based operates more than 1,100 offices with some 180,000 agents.

Among the terms of its proposed settlement, Keller Williams agreed to make clear that its agents let clients know that commissions are negotiable, and that there isn´t a set minimum that clients are required to pay, nor one set by law.

The company also agreed to make certain that agents who work with prospective homebuyers disclose their compensation structure, including any "cooperative compensation,' which is when a seller´s agent offers to compensate the agent that represents a buyer for their services.

As part of the settlement, which must be approved by the court, Keller Williams agents will no longer be required to be members of the National Association of Realtors or follow the trade association´s guidelines.

Two other large real estate brokerages agreed to similar settlement terms last year. In their respective pacts, Anywhere Real Estate Inc. agreed to pay $83.5 million, while Re/Max agreed to pay $55 million.

In recent years, acquiring a real estate license has become a popular side hustle for Americans. In 2020 and 2021 - when the pandemic forced many out of work - a record 156,000 people became Realtors, according to the NAR.


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f4bb5c No.20363567

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpeg (24.14 KB,255x210,17:14,looking.jpeg)

File: eea9f718401eb40⋯.png (490.76 KB,742x705,742:705,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91c4d5ab1ad9dff⋯.png (399.06 KB,678x760,339:380,ClipboardImage.png)

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f91496 No.20363568

how are the Brown students who are on hunger strike doing?

Is Brown going to divest from Israel companies?

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ad5708 No.20363569



































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84fabb No.20363570


That's why there's Viagra, for when it no longer matters.

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533454 No.20363571

File: 91126ad7ab180ae⋯.png (9.79 KB,255x206,255:206,03c5626148d5bea3c9df7545ef….png)


Who, where, what???

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79a32a No.20363572


>"ANONS are nameless, faceless, fameless." - Q

Not all 'ANONS' are authentic


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f91496 No.20363573

which do you prefer DEI or BDS?

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71355e No.20363574

File: 9898902d5aff9cf⋯.png (267.32 KB,700x400,7:4,1659344170144038.png)

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078ffc No.20363575


President of the Corporation of America

President of the United States

Big difference.

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992c26 No.20363576

File: f1d52d76fc6d10c⋯.jpg (88.84 KB,500x702,250:351,Fchu.jpg)

File: ae54bea69634a4c⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,500x564,125:141,8ccg.jpg)