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2661c5 No.19035945 [Last50 Posts]

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2661c5 No.19035946

International Q Research Threads

>>18924779 ——–——– Australia #30

>>18857974 ——–——– Canada #43

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#23374 >>19035190

>>19035224 @FLOTUS45 Today we celebrate #Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S. "All Different Now"

>>19035249 Pride month is ghetto too, as are the overwhelming majority of these holidays and celebrations that are about nothing other than dividing people.

>>19035263 President Trump on terminating the Iran Nuclear Deal: "One of the dumbest deals I've ever seen… Billions of dollars in cash was brought over to Iran in Boeing 757s."

>>19035266 Hobbs vetoes ban on ESG investments in Arizona

>>19035272 Garland made an unannounced visit to the International Criminal Court on Monday and met its top prosecutor, a sign of Washington's shifting policy???

>>19035298 Biden was supposed to be a one-term deal: a bridge to the next generation. But that bridge has blown up so he’s rolling the dice and running again.

>>19035327 The bulk of outages were in Oklahoma, where heavy storms Saturday night carried winds as strong as 80 mph around Tulsa, One person who used a respirator died because of the power outage

>>19035335 Nearly 100 dead in Indian heatwave

>>19035344 Cold Open Morning Mika Meltdown

>>19035372 Jesse Watters: “Biden strong-arms Burisma into hiring his druggie son and next month Hunter opens up an offshore account in Malta with a bank that’s so dirty, it got shut down for money laundering.”

>>19035387 Judge blocks Trump from sharing evidence relating to classified documents case

>>19035393, >>19035447 The ENTIRE Declaration of Independence with audio and visual for easy memorization

>>19035396 Hunt for the red October On the clock.

>>19035398 NATO arsenals ‘empty’ – Stoltenberg

>>19035403 US plotting to interfere in Russian elections

>>19035412 There are 4011 days in between Melania and Joe’s tweet, Q 4011 - You didn't think the statement by POTUS re: 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM' was just random did you?

>>19035442 Auto Repos Piling up striking fearin Banks! Tow Truck Drivers Overwhelmed

>>19035455 School Principal Quits Job To Homeschool Her 3 Kids On A 10-Acre Homestead: 'I Wanted To Raise Thinkers'

>>19035456 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>19035460, >>19035466 Roseanne puts it out to normies

>>19035470 Legalise Cannabis party introduces personal use bills in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia

>>19035474, >>19035480, >>19035547 The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride.

>>19035487 The 7 U.S. cities where a $250,000 salary is worth the least — New York is No. 1

>>19035500 Japan signed a critical minerals deal with the U.S. --- but it’s still losing the global EV race

>>19035504, >>19035862 Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage

>>19035604 O'Keefe teaser clip OMG tomorrow

>>19035612 Biden's Secretary of State says US is not seeking to 'economically contain' China

>>19035627 Multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick says US needs to end capitalism, partners with Marxists in new book

>>19035634 Kari Lake’s new hit single, “81 Million Votes My Ass” with The Truth Bombers and Mailman Media, is skyrocketing in sales and set to debut tomorrow on Billboard’s Hot Singles

>>19035645 Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran "jacked to the tits" and retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

>>19035678, >>19035720 U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

>>19035694 Deep Fakery: The TV Show That Is Made Entirely With Deep Fake Illusion

>>19035735 New Space companies join Copernicus

>>19035756 Euclid: ESA’s mission into the unknown

>>19035805, >>19035813, >>19035814 Metabiota

>>19035820 Coast Guard offloads more than $186 million in illegal narcotics

>>19035894 PF AF2 C-40B and SAM2A departed Los Angeles after arriving earlier

>>19035939 #23374

#23373 >>19034417

>>19034443 AI enables criminal organizations and scammers to easily create fraudulent businesses

>>19034461 Tater Today: I've committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over."

>>19034507 20 armed IRS agents raiding a small business in Montana is unacceptable. Confiscating 4473 forms with sensitive personal information to create a database on American citizens is unacceptable

>>19034514 President Trump: A lot less than used to watch it…a lot less, Bret.

>>19034520 President Trump: Wisconsin has practically admitted that is was rigged [2020].

>>19034534 President Trump: Our country is sick. It's sick. We have people that will do anything, and it's a very sad thing. Like the document hoax; that should have never been brought.

>>19034551 JPMorgan review of its ties to Jeffrey Epstein found the pedophile invited onetime executive Jes Staley to meetings with foreign government officials

>>19034560 Trump: I only select the best people.

>>19034586 Ralph Smart “Infinite Waters”


>>19034598 PF SAM227/8 C-40Bs are heading to Los Angeles to pick up kneepads (SAM228 tail# 02-0042 used to be used by Miley and has been used by Blinken recently too)

>>19034625 President Trump: [Biden] is going around scamming every country. He goes to a country, and then millions of dollars shows up into accounts.

>>19034643 RFK JR On Rising: I Will Declassify ALL ALIEN & UFO Intelligence On DAY ONE

>>19034656 First two things President Trump will do: 1) Start Drilling 2) Close the Border

>>19034662 CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech Did Canadian technology help build it?

>>19034672 Trump on documents: "Everything was declassified, because I had the right to declassify."

>>19034673 Blinken Planning America’s Bow to China Over Taiwan

>>19034682 DJT ~ I'm no great fan of FOX anymore

>>19034708, >>19034724, >>19034735, >>19034749 President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

>>19034796 PF SAM200 C-32ABlinkenlanded at Baku, Azerbaijan from a Beijing departure

>>19034826 John Durham, former Connecticut U.S. Attorney, was handpicked by both Democrat home-state senators.Same with David Weiss

>>19034848, >>19034915 DELTA'S FOR THE 20TH JUNE

>>19034876 Democrat Donor to Lincoln Project and Democrat Campaigns Arrested for Starting Massive California Fire that Destroyed 100 Homes

>>19034881 Magic' mushroom and other hallucinogen usage by young people has nearly doubled in past three years

>>19034905 Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

>>19034956, >>19035012 The RCMP is investigating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and others for obstruction of justice in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Democracy Watch reported

>>19034986 Alaska: The first U.S. deep-water port for the Arctic to host cruise ships, military

>>19035028 How Is Planned Parenthood Still a 501(c)(3)?

>>19035053 Texas Power Grid Warning: Demand Will Rise Considerably Amid Soaring Temperatures

>>19035063 House Bill Would Ban the Federal Reserve from Exploring “Digital Dollar” Creation

>>19035100 @realDonaldTrump Biden sitting outside with Lisa Monaco, second in charge of the DOJ, probably working on future Plots and Schemes against Republicans

>>19035117 Koch brothers donor network is going all out to stop Trump

>>19035146 It’s tomorrow, guys. It was great knowing you For the keks!

>>19035170 #23373


>>19033690 Declassified files expose CIA, MI6 and NATO directed army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

>>19033699, >>19034017 Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

>>19033716 New South Wales (AUS) 'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

>>19034208 The Hidden War: 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking tsoon to be released in worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson involved(?)

>>19033744, >>19033806 Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

>>19033763 Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta,Canada apologizes to unvaccinated, promises anyone fired for refusal will be reinstated.

>>19033777 J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader) is finally a FREE man!

>>19033791 Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System

>>19033820 John Durham will testify before Andy Biggs' Committee, @JudiciaryGOP THIS WEEK

>>19033827 Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

>>19033837, >>19034124 U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

>>19033880, >>19033915 Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

>>19033904 Russians use captured Ukrainian "TROJAN TANK" (filled with explosives and remote controlled) to take out UKR troops and hardware

>>19033912 Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

>>19033937 The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program. US heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel.

>>19033953 This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

>>19033989 John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

>>19034313 Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records

>>19034335 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>19034429 Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

>>19033656 Dough

>>19033690 Declassified files expose CIA, MI6 and NATO directed army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

>>19033699, >>19034017 Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

>>19033716 New South Wales (AUS) 'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

>>19034208 The Hidden War: 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking tsoon to be released in worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson involved(?)

>>19033744, >>19033806 Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

>>19033763 Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta,Canada apologizes to unvaccinated, promises anyone fired for refusal will be reinstated.

>>19033777 J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader) is finally a FREE man!

>>19033791 Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System

>>19033820 John Durham will testify before Andy Biggs' Committee, @JudiciaryGOP THIS WEEK

>>19033827 Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

>>19033837, >>19034124 U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

>>19033880, >>19033915 Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

>>19033904 Russians use captured Ukrainian "TROJAN TANK" (filled with explosives and remote controlled) to take out UKR troops and hardware

>>19033912 Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

>>19033937 The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program. US heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel.

>>19033953 This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

>>19033989 John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

>>19034313 Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records

>>19034335 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>19034429 Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

>>19036170 #23372

Previously Collected

>>19032116 #23369, >>19032894 #23370, >>19034878 #23371

>>19029682 #23366, >>19030456 #23367, >>19031561 #23368

>>19027362 #23363, >>19028130 #23364, >>19028936 #23365

>>19025264 #23360, >>19025903 #23361, >>19026552 #23362

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792

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2661c5 No.19035951

File: 34535121a91acd8⋯.jpg (91.43 KB,768x1022,384:511,Floridaguidestones.jpg)

File: fac6e51725f4558⋯.png (449.65 KB,624x624,1:1,floridaguidestones2.png)

File: 57e4a57323d7bf7⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,964x630,482:315,floridaguidestones3.jpg)

File: d9bd7bd272c4b81⋯.png (1.68 MB,1542x1154,771:577,floridaguidestones4.png)

File: f28c5da8d8f2645⋯.png (1.53 MB,1031x1031,1:1,floridaguidestones5.png)



Baker taps

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862da2 No.19035961

File: eef362b10060018⋯.jpg (274.68 KB,1593x1221,531:407,_20230619_160920.JPG)


that flag though

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3cccc1 No.19035962

File: 07c31a7d1a900d3⋯.png (1.41 MB,1061x1280,1061:1280,844ee5f821a46b174871c86f5c….png)

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5bf772 No.19035964

File: 2962b75dffb6589⋯.png (960.75 KB,1095x786,365:262,BidenBlamingPepeStreak.png)

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dc6a64 No.19035967

File: 30757eb8cce8f20⋯.jpeg (37.43 KB,400x295,80:59,2F11F31B_2CC4_470C_8A56_9….jpeg)

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12c59a No.19035968

Evenin’ Nightshift

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d21f19 No.19035969

File: b92eda4cfac42f6⋯.png (4.91 MB,2266x1255,2266:1255,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b016d No.19035970

File: 867cc6f142ef39e⋯.jpg (32.48 KB,668x330,334:165,gold_finger.jpg)

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5bf772 No.19035971

File: 581e2115ba4007b⋯.png (1.02 MB,634x624,317:312,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19034729 pb

I still do not understand what this means?

Is this why there are so many 5.0 EQs lately?

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58cd8a No.19035973

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

Hobbs vetoes ban on ESG investments in Arizona

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58cd8a No.19035974

File: f1b6d5e9d30362c⋯.mp4 (801.71 KB,848x432,53:27,happentrumpukr.mp4)

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190106 No.19035976


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2661c5 No.19035981

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,508x596,127:149,6a66fcd7fb04400f236a4a48f9….jpg)

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f13908 No.19035983

File: 1f485bbaf6b258d⋯.jpg (164.11 KB,640x728,80:91,1f485bbaf6b258d032290124d6….jpg)

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3c41ec No.19035984

File: c47184175f25410⋯.png (18 KB,780x620,39:31,00012345.png)




Apologies as anon was busy watching the last episode of "Whitehouse Plumbers", Sir!

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2b016d No.19035986

File: eb84cee128f3280⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,eb84cee128f3280a70ddad8069….mp4)



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2ea96d No.19035990

This government intelligence site doesn't smell deepstate-y…


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58cd8a No.19035993

File: b9565eaac6a1aba⋯.mp4 (11.71 MB,640x360,16:9,Vaccine_Scientist.mp4)

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025af0 No.19035994

File: 73af422410a2e7a⋯.png (751.11 KB,720x720,1:1,_41671A14_CE8D_4CCA_8D5C_0….png)

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74d22b No.19035995

File: 0a7458820a1826d⋯.jpg (176.02 KB,720x1144,90:143,Bhug3t.jpg)


yes and something something Justice Clarence


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3c41ec No.19035997


Charles Harrelson was born on July 23, 1937, in Lovelady, Texas,[3] the son of Alma Lee (née Sparks; 1907–2002) and Voyde Harrelson (1901–1976).

He was married to Nancy Hillman Harrelson, Diane Lou Oswald, Jo Ann Harrelson, and Gina Adelle Foster. Harrelson worked as an encyclopedia salesman in California, and as a professional gambler. In 1960, he was convicted of armed robbery. Harrelson later admitted that he had been involved in dozens of murders beginning in the early 1960s.[4]

Harrelson's son, Woodrow Tracy Harrelson (born July 23, 1961), is actor Woody Harrelson. According to Woody, his father disappeared from the family's home in Houston in 1968, leaving his wife Diane to raise Woody and his two brothers. Woody lost track of his father until 1981, when news broke of Harrelson's arrest for the murder of Judge Wood. During an interview in November 1988, Woody revealed that he visited his father regularly in federal prison, although he still harbored mixed feelings about him, saying:

my father is one of the most articulate, well-read, charming people I've ever known. Still, I'm just now gauging whether he merits my loyalty or friendship. I look at him as someone who could be a friend more than someone who was a father.[5]

In April 2023 actor Matthew McConaughey claimed that he and Woody Harrelson, who have been long-time friends, could potentially be brothers, implying that Charles Harrelson could also be his father. According to McConaughey, his mother claimed to have known Woody's father around the time that she bore McConaughey, and the two actors have discussed taking a DNA test to be certain.[6]

Because it would be really Qewl if you did…

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3c41ec No.19035999

File: efdd9d9637ba1aa⋯.png (624.8 KB,1730x786,865:393,000000000000000yh3.png)


Are you tryna trigger?!?!?

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1ae497 No.19036000

File: 04996027abd252a⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,625x454,625:454,jyhubcasdca.jpg)

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58cd8a No.19036003

File: fe0f0f1426cb2d4⋯.mp4 (962.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,you_are_so_lucky.mp4)


>Matthew McConaughey claimed that he and Woody Harrelson, who have been long-time friends, could potentially be brothers, implying that Charles Harrelson could also be his father

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e75adf No.19036005

File: fe028e63437a6a3⋯.png (315.52 KB,800x410,80:41,gunstarUSA44.png)

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1f53e1 No.19036007

File: de01d95524018cd⋯.mp4 (370.9 KB,256x352,8:11,6_19_2023_4CHAN_TRICKED_RA….mp4)



4chan tricked Rachel Dolezal into reading a Cameo script they wrote

The sauce (er… this tool posted it)


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48556d No.19036008

File: 0caa9f3cc3aa078⋯.png (518.7 KB,551x456,29:24,0caa9f3cc3aa078d2da40da08c….png)

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2b016d No.19036009

File: 0e77465530aa615⋯.jpg (107.44 KB,979x654,979:654,0c752cf1d660259d.jpg)

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cd269c No.19036010


Where is Horambe?🌽🥃

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e75adf No.19036012

File: cbc5baa25d8566f⋯.gif (4.73 MB,750x336,125:56,IddiskNS4.gif)

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b8a1a0 No.19036014


Who is that in transgression?!

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d3568e No.19036018


>something something Justice Clarence

something can't move a petition to conference alone:

"The “rule of four” is the Supreme Court’s practice of granting a petition for review only if there are at least four votes to do so. The rule is an unwritten internal one; it is not dictated by any law or the Constitution."


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dc052b No.19036019

File: b4887706aae106d⋯.png (149.96 KB,547x406,547:406,godzilla_gold_trans.png)

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74d22b No.19036020

>>19035995 me

Correcting the link

>>19035957 lb

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9ea37e No.19036021

File: 46d5d52221757af⋯.png (956.83 KB,1215x1336,1215:1336,46d5d52221757af1042ef47494….png)

>>19035252 LB

A fellow Anon mentioned that the photo from the Trump Truth post is from a Times article from 2013. This is obviously a COMM. What is Trump hinting at???


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dc052b No.19036022

File: f73abc2ab2c7b0c⋯.png (451.71 KB,552x511,552:511,ClipboardImage.png)


good evening

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58cd8a No.19036023

File: 13954f0777d3b19⋯.png (539.78 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)


Vice President Joe Biden and Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, talk on the steps from the Colonnade to the Rose Garden at the White House following the Presidential Daily Briefing, on May 1, 2013.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

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cd269c No.19036024

File: bc7f5c157f5144a⋯.jpg (66.9 KB,720x1520,9:19,Screenshot_20210315_110047….jpg)

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a70018 No.19036025

There's nothing left to save. America is overrun with niggers and other non-whites. Feminism and gayness raped what's left.

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e0dc85 No.19036026

Midwestern Teachers Trade Tips On ‘Subversively & Quietly’ Transitioning Kids

Several dozen Midwestern teachers discussed ways to transition their students’ gender without alerting parents in an online chatroom this week.

Roughly 30 teachers and administrators from various states including Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio met in an online chatroom hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), an organization that has received millions of dollars in federal funding. The Daily Mail gained access to the four-hour workshop, which was centered on reviewing various new educational statutes to “remedy the marginalizing effects and disrupt problematic policies.”

Kimberly Martin, DEI coordinator for Royal Oaks Schools in Michigan, described her efforts to hide elements of social transition, such as changing a student’s name, from their parents.

“We’re working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents … if there’s a nickname in there we’re trying to hide,” Martin said.

Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools in Iowa, condemned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for signing a law in March barring males from competing on female sports teams, and bragged about her personal activism for LGBTQ causes.

“I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn’t always go along with the law,” Haglund said.

“The stakes are very high for trans youth,” Shea Martin, an Ohio-based teacher and contributor to far-Left blog Radical Teacher, said. “I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.”

Martin also said she had worked against “laws that prohibit or restrict trans advocacy.” Martin also said that in discussion with elementary aged students, teachers should avoid treating “reinforced heterosexuality as the norm.”

Gender ideology has become an increasingly controversial issue in the United States — a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 65% of Americans say that there are only two genders, up from 59% in 2021, with support for the gender binary increasing in virtually all demographic cohorts. Furthermore, a plurality of those polled, 36%, opposed teaching transgenderism at any level in K-12 education.

Hundreds of laws have been introduced in red and purple states to limit sexually explicit drag performances in public, ban books with explicit sexual content from school libraries, prevent males from competing in girls and women’s sports, and prevent minors from being given cross-sex hormones or body modification surgeries, among other things. These laws have been decried as “anti-LGBTQ” by activist groups such as the ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign, and the Biden White House, fueling intense national debate.

MAP is part of the Great Lakes Equity Center and operates in 13 different states: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. It covers over 7,000 school districts and more than 11 million students. The states and localities under its jurisdiction have a wide range of stances on issues surrounding sex and gender.

According to the Daily Mail, MAP receives federal funding under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and last November it received more than $8 million from the Department of Education.


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58cd8a No.19036027

File: 643292306b4fed2⋯.png (230.83 KB,368x448,23:28,ClipboardImage.png)

Presidential Daily Briefing

May 1, 2013

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55f0c0 No.19036028

File: 539950d36ab592a⋯.png (71.04 KB,344x208,43:26,ClipboardImage.png)


never trusted the shoulder pads thing

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b8a1a0 No.19036029

Heard some stuff about Clarennce Thomas and some Slave Owner named Harlan Crow… dunno

Who is Harlan Crow?


1949 (age 73–74) Dallas, Texas, U.S. Education Emory University University of Texas, Austin (BA) Occupation Real estate developer Political party Republican

Spouse(s) Mollie Allen Katherine Raymond Children 3 Parent Trammell Crow (father) Relatives Stuart Crow (brother)

Harlan Rogers Crow (born 1949) is an American real estate developer. Born in Dallas, Texas, he is the chairman (and former CEO) of Crow Holdings, which was founded by his father, Trammell Crow. He is a leading donor to Republican and conservative causes.Crow became the subject of controversy in 2023 relating to his gifts to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Early life Harlan Crow was born in Dallas, the third son of Margaret Doggett Crow and real estate developer Trammell Crow. He has four brothers and one sister. He attended high school at the Randolph-Macon Academy in Front Royal, Virginia.[1] He later attended Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, before he transferred to the University of Texas where he received a BBA.

Career He worked as a leasing agent for Trammell Crow Houston Industrial from 1974 to 1978 and managed the Dallas Office Building development operations of Trammell Crow Company from 1978 to 1986. He then served as President of the Wyndham Hotel Company from 1986 to 1988. He assumed responsibility for Crow Holdings in 1988,[2] doing so during a downturn in the company's finances. Crow diversified the company and took on more property management business, revitalizing the company.[3] He currently serves as chairman[2] and was formerly its chief executive officer.[4]

Political activities He is a member of the founding committee of the 501(c)4 organization Club for Growth, and has served on the board of the American Enterprise Institute since 1996.[5][6][7] He has donated almost $5 million to Republican campaigns and conservative groups. Crow is a member of the all-male Bohemian Club, and as early as 1997 he had hosted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as a guest at the group's annual Bohemian Grove summer gathering,[8][9] having met Thomas in the mid-1990s.[3] He is also a friend and former business partner of the publisher Wick Allison.[10]

Crow donated $500,000 toward publicity campaigns for President George W. Bush's nominees for the Supreme Court.[3] In 2009, Crow mounted an unsuccessful multimillion-dollar campaign to block the establishment of a publicly owned convention hotel in Dallas.[11] According to Politico, that same year, he provided $500,000 to Liberty Central, which was established by Virginia Thomas, the wife of Justice Thomas.[12] Crow declined to comment on whether he was the anonymous donor in question, telling The New York Times, "I don't disclose what I'm not required to disclose."[13]

Undisclosed gifts allegations

Art and memorabilia collections'Crow's Dallas residence is home to an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.[20][21][22]

Crow's backyard garden is home to at least 20 statues of authoritarian leaders and Communist icons, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Hosni Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito, Nicolae Ceausescu, Walter Ulbricht, Gavrilo Princip, Bela Kun, and Che Guevara.[23][24][25] Crow acquired these former public monuments after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.[26] According to Crow, he collects such memorabilia because he "hates communism and fascism".

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a70018 No.19036030


he's probably hinting that you're gay

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a6919a No.19036031


In 2023, ProPublica reported that Crow has given several gifts to Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, including a $19,000 Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass. Crow gave Thomas a portrait of the justice and his wife, according to the painter, Sharif Tarabay. Tax filings show that Crow's foundation also gave $105,000 to the Yale Law School, Thomas's alma mater, for the "Justice Thomas Portrait Fund". Justice Thomas has accepted numerous week-long luxury trips, including island-hopping on Crow's superyacht, international and domestic private jet travel, and private resort stays.[14]

Under rules that went into effect on March 14, 2023, justices must disclose many forms of gifts they receive; but exceptions exist if a gift of food, lodging, or entertainment is deemed "personal in nature" and the hospitality has been directly offered by an individual who has a personal relationship to the government official in question.[15] The new rules do however require disclosure of stays at commercial properties as well as private jet travel.[16]

Legal experts cited by ProPublica say that Thomas did not disclose the gifts, violating a financial disclosure law and ethical norms for judges.[14][17] According to Crow, he has "never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue".[3] Democratic lawmakers reacted to the revelations by demanding Thomas' resignation and calling for an investigation.[16]On April 13, 2023, ProPublica reported that Crow had quietly paid Thomas for property occupied by Thomas's mother's home, despite law requiring disclosure of property sales by public officials.[18]Crow said he bought the property with the intent of later turning the home into a public museum dedicated to Thomas. Allegations have risen that Crow has been "subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife" as Thomas continued to support conservative causes on the Supreme Court.[19]

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7fff20 No.19036032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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82e890 No.19036033

File: 514fd51953c0af9⋯.jpeg (144.2 KB,707x538,707:538,B39B4C53_24E7_476B_A494_C….jpeg)

File: 40e1c1788e23709⋯.jpeg (880.24 KB,1268x1019,1268:1019,D8B3EB22_0464_4D6C_B672_3….jpeg)

File: 4d7260838822bd5⋯.jpeg (151.4 KB,800x549,800:549,8EF7E60C_552C_485B_A622_A….jpeg)

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cb6b78 No.19036034

File: 2f4940357d09f20⋯.png (1.17 MB,1192x1106,596:553,HCa.png)

File: 95d731e743596fa⋯.png (686.19 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCb.png)

File: 1c26d4fcb533aef⋯.png (678.6 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCc.png)

File: 44d0561a47e6a4e⋯.png (758.67 KB,1192x1816,149:227,HCd.png)

File: 04a8ed9f7176db2⋯.png (322.52 KB,494x397,494:397,JUSTSTOPITKEK.png)



Found these memes on pinterest

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83bd2a No.19036035

File: b3e6f1416517683⋯.jpg (2.67 MB,4032x1960,72:35,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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c64972 No.19036036

File: ab1d0d60e7fa1cc⋯.png (81.77 KB,242x186,121:93,maxresdefault_4_3.png)

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8c1fe3 No.19036037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is this where the aylmaonons snort the q crumbs?

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795ccc No.19036038

File: d8fd85bbe5004cd⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,612x455,612:455,night_shift_cycle.jpg)



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3e2974 No.19036039

File: 0999e85d8ca1c37⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,1080x1750,108:175,_20230619_223234.JPG)

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83bd2a No.19036040

File: 4a715fc7eeb4414⋯.png (1.56 MB,613x887,613:887,capture_628_19062023_18311….png)

File: 84d87794961f85a⋯.png (1.53 MB,645x829,645:829,capture_629_19062023_18312….png)

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2effcb No.19036041

File: 04b96db4aca4d2f⋯.png (253.21 KB,435x458,435:458,killerofevils.png)



the springmeier shill owl?!

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720b45 No.19036042

File: 1f3a667f4c131dd⋯.png (401.34 KB,1021x674,1021:674,Screenshot_2023_06_19_20_2….png)

File: 25c6eff9511f48b⋯.png (309.44 KB,1018x603,1018:603,Screenshot_2023_06_19_20_2….png)

File: 52ff90429e6df65⋯.png (418.66 KB,937x543,937:543,Screenshot_2023_06_19_20_1….png)

File: 164cdf2ad4b90e5⋯.png (426.02 KB,953x546,953:546,Screenshot_2023_06_19_20_1….png)

File: 479f8951ed75d0f⋯.png (359.05 KB,899x523,899:523,Screenshot_2023_06_19_20_1….png)

So what you are saying is RENEWING Section 702 with "three strikes" will only be 126,000 violations of rights instead of 378,000 violations of innocent American Rights to protect nazis starting WW3.

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cd269c No.19036043


>Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP)

*MAP(minor attracted person)now I believe are also called YAP

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e0dc85 No.19036044

File: 94fa28dffe1893b⋯.png (113.62 KB,721x652,721:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 522253132f67672⋯.png (100.51 KB,724x580,181:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Jacqui Lambie refers ADF leadership to International Criminal Court declaring the top brass 'got a free pass' from war crimes investigations

Senator Jacqui Lambie has revealed in an emotional statement she has referred Australia’s top military brass to the International Criminal Court to investigate their “criminal liability” in alleged war crimes.

Senator Jacqui Lambie has sensationally referred Australia’s Defence Force leadership to the International Criminal Court.

In an emotionally charged statement to the Senate, the former military officer condemned the “culture of coverup at the highest levels” of the country’s military.

Senator Lambie blasted the decision by Major General Paul Brereton to exempt senior defence commanders from his war crimes investigation.

She said as a result, Australia’s military leaders “got a free pass while our diggers were thrown under the bus”.

As she denounced the previous government for not taking action, Senator Lambie revealed she had referred the matter to the International Criminal Court war crimes prosecutor in The Hague under Article 15.

“This asked him to look at Australia’s higher commanders through the lens of command responsibility,” Senator Lambie said on Tuesday.

“The law of command responsibility is a method of criminal liability where commanders have failed to do their duty.

“The International Criminal Court is a court of last resort… they can only do this if the state party, in this case Australia, has failed to investigate higher command for their breach of duty.

“Australia has in fact set up two systems of criminality, one for Australia’s top military commanders and another for commanders from the rest of the world.

“Quite frankly I feel embarrassed that Australia’s in this situation.”

During her impassioned plea for the new Labor government to take action, Senator Lambie cited evidence from “multiple sources” outside of the Brereton inquiry including from the recent defamation case of Ben Roberts-Smith in which these sources claimed “the leadership knew”.


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47027b No.19036045


The thread on that new meme on halfchan is fucking GOLD lololol

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9ea37e No.19036046


How funny, your mom said I was the best fag to lay her in years. Guess that gay-dar runs in the family.

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c17214 No.19036047


Wasted effort.

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2effcb No.19036048

File: 9ba938032370443⋯.gif (4.14 MB,446x512,223:256,meowow.gif)

Just call this anon Savior or messiah, whatev!


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df8360 No.19036049

File: e32ece8abcc096f⋯.png (1.54 KB,400x400,1:1,T01.png)

File: 649c7eee10e9546⋯.png (2.65 KB,400x400,1:1,T02b.png)

File: 7d8b7e47bafb076⋯.png (2.3 KB,400x400,1:1,T03.png)

File: bea8fc377cd6972⋯.png (2.44 KB,419x419,1:1,T04b.png)

File: 41c7a6f7bd18117⋯.png (2.18 KB,400x400,1:1,T05.png)

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257c2b No.19036050

File: 4bd3104874101ab⋯.jpg (49.93 KB,750x598,375:299,pepe_what_you_say.jpg)


Probably how to criminalize wrong think.

"disinformation deemed dangerous to national security"

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e75adf No.19036051

File: 6329407e286545e⋯.jpg (135.97 KB,677x499,677:499,luggagestodlt.jpg)

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df8360 No.19036052

File: 62e0c566c7c53be⋯.png (1.54 KB,400x400,1:1,T01b.png)

File: 05b69962cb66c91⋯.png (2.67 KB,400x400,1:1,T02.png)

File: 69284eff1149641⋯.png (2.29 KB,400x400,1:1,T03b.png)

File: fdaac09a549e36a⋯.png (2.45 KB,419x419,1:1,T04.png)

File: f6b7f67bb0d1427⋯.png (2.17 KB,400x400,1:1,T05b.png)

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22a56d No.19036054

hunt€r i$ j€nkum j€bu$

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dd1f59 No.19036055

File: c426fd492ff34a1⋯.png (12.5 KB,756x506,378:253,FM2024.png)

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)

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e0dc85 No.19036056

File: c4dd61a87c2b656⋯.png (420.19 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Hollywood actress Amanda Bynes, 37, placed on psychiatric hold for second time in 2023 after being detained by police in LA

A former Nickelodeon star has been placed on psychiatric hold for the second time this year, three months after she was found wandering the streets of Los Angeles without any clothes on.

Hollywood actress Amanda Bynes has been placed on psychiatric hold for the second time this year.

The news comes three months after the 37-year-old was hospitalised in March after she was found roaming the streets of Los Angeles naked.

On Monday (local time), American tabloid TMZ reported Bynes had been placed back on "5150" psychiatric hold after being detained by police over the weekend.

A source with law enforcement knowledge told the publication that Bynes called Los Angeles Police Department herself on Saturday to report a person in distress.

She was then taken to a police station to undergo a medical evaluation, which determined she had to be placed on a mandatory psychiatric hold.

Photos shared by TMZ show the former Nickelodeon star in handcuffs being escorted by two officers into a police car.

A 5150 psychiatric hold is an involuntary, legally mandated stay at a psychiatric hospital or facility for up to 72 hours.

While the hold typically lasts three days, it can be extended under some circumstances based on the patient's needs.

In March this year, Bynes was hospitalised after she was found walking near downtown LA without any clothes on.

At the time, she hailed a car and told the driver she was coming down from a psychotic episode. She then reportedly called 911 herself.

Bynes was released from a mental health facility about two months after the incident, with sources telling TMZ she was not doing well and felt isolated.

Bynes first rose to stardom when she appeared on Nickelodeon programs "All That" and "The Amanda Show" from the mid 90s to early 2000s.

The 37-year-old has since has starred in many popular Hollywood films, including 2006 romantic comedy "She's The Man".

However, the troubled actress has struggled with mental health and substance abuse over the years, formally announcing she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2014.

Following a public breakdown in 2013, Bynes was admitted to hospital and placed on her first psychiatric hold, sparking her mother to be granted a conservatorship over the actress.

In February last year, Bynes filed a petition to end her nine-year conservatorship, which ended about a month later in March following a court ruling.


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83bd2a No.19036057


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58cd8a No.19036058

File: 6d40c09b30ae08d⋯.png (146.88 KB,679x485,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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df8360 No.19036059

File: 8fb6282b33d888f⋯.jpg (203.78 KB,906x1133,906:1133,Trump_2024_.jpg)

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a70018 No.19036060

can anyone recommend a good ufo/alien documentary?

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62feb2 No.19036061

File: f6c1d6827d00df6⋯.jpeg (11.51 KB,255x241,255:241,889fe0c368f19777088b31b52….jpeg)


pics or didnt habben!

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74d22b No.19036062

File: b18556cb53cff1c⋯.jpg (53.16 KB,546x363,182:121,bu7tf.jpg)

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58cd8a No.19036063

The United States, with the support of its allies, are conducting large-scale military-biological research aimed at finding effective methods of using infectious disease agents.

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62feb2 No.19036064


Ancient Sumeria

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dc052b No.19036065

File: cf35c1931e46889⋯.png (184.95 KB,693x411,231:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 522f38d985a5942⋯.png (730.28 KB,674x537,674:537,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ada6623ec70b93⋯.png (698.33 KB,754x555,754:555,ClipboardImage.png)

SWATH20 KC-135 Stratotanker over Potato as the mobile filling station while he collects munee from stoopid democrats in the SF Bay Area

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c64972 No.19036066

File: ed9e25905c2a5b8⋯.png (146.25 KB,494x249,494:249,23bf857202642e651b0586dac6….png)

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257c2b No.19036067

File: f10f438ae55cc3a⋯.png (546.19 KB,1200x800,3:2,ns_kekfighter.png)

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62feb2 No.19036068

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)


You ain't trusting no plans!

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22a56d No.19036069



j€nkum pray

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83bd2a No.19036070



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58cd8a No.19036071


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29db9e No.19036072

File: 340904f4534de9e⋯.png (633.32 KB,1436x604,359:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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74d22b No.19036073


Could be worse

She could on a chartered submarine with the billionaire and his wife (presumable)

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e75adf No.19036074

File: b0a78b1d193e16c⋯.jpg (19.3 KB,191x255,191:255,thelastkekfighter.jpg)

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62feb2 No.19036075

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Just stay on your side of the room… you dont hafta get hurt…

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58cd8a No.19036076

File: b7997f291083bcc⋯.png (229.02 KB,598x496,299:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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22a56d No.19036077


holy turd

tank juw fo all taht larp

nood juw nood

juw juw juw


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2b016d No.19036078

File: 77fb9a35f0bf6c8⋯.gif (1.37 MB,328x328,1:1,77fb9a35f0bf6c800507d88e90….gif)

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29db9e No.19036079

File: 19667070bae9111⋯.png (828.79 KB,1763x815,1763:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f23ef No.19036080

File: d1cad2b37985568⋯.gif (1.68 MB,393x167,393:167,AGNY777.gif)

we can be Civil about this!

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9f23ef No.19036081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29db9e No.19036082

File: b0ff9a610e9bf6e⋯.png (673.37 KB,1438x612,719:306,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3568e No.19036083

File: a7b2d9a8d48b376⋯.png (74.44 KB,840x718,420:359,ClipboardImage.png)


>actress Amanda Bynes, 37, placed on psychiatric hold

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


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22a56d No.19036084

far out turds frum out€r spac€s invad€ pap€r bag

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83bd2a No.19036085




such fun

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29db9e No.19036086

File: 1ffe44100ac5ce5⋯.png (802.49 KB,1763x815,1763:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f23ef No.19036087

File: f6c1d6827d00df6⋯.jpeg (11.51 KB,255x241,255:241,889fe0c368f19777088b31b52….jpeg)

File: 804af6d7abc653a⋯.jpeg (18.21 KB,255x255,1:1,804af6d7abc653a662a95d94e….jpeg)

File: 23e4db82d4b6491⋯.jpg (28.16 KB,400x300,4:3,726df5ae_5e7f_4c71_b26e_a2….jpg)




Jump up and get down!

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f5a52d No.19036088


Lisa Monaco as deputy attorney general, making the former federal prosecutor and counter-terrorism advisor to former President Barack Obama the second-highest ranking official at the Department of Justice.


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e75adf No.19036089

File: 4b682a4d8114b25⋯.png (1.23 MB,1149x640,1149:640,19JUN23_BF.PNG)


"Big Freedia"

related to Big Mike?

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22a56d No.19036090

poooo in t€h sackkk

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74d22b No.19036091

File: d09cddd9118a843⋯.jpg (68.89 KB,500x589,500:589,3rfy7.jpg)

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101318 No.19036092

File: f987db38b02ecf3⋯.png (522.73 KB,750x685,150:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5fe0b28f91454b⋯.png (4.83 MB,2400x1600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f32b6d26138c671⋯.png (1.11 MB,620x1287,620:1287,Biden_Newsom.png)

Gavin Newsom

Welcome back to the Golden State, @POTUS!

7:18 PM · Jun 19, 2023·475.5K Views


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081310 No.19036093

File: 0f598c5c361e89c⋯.jpg (15.51 KB,480x360,4:3,29212724faefa8aa8a7068dcb3….jpg)

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a43a01 No.19036094

File: 90dc259fd3ebaac⋯.png (100.17 KB,351x470,351:470,0000000000000000shift.png)


Prolly yer moms!

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74d22b No.19036095

File: 001c3ad3a1040a0⋯.jpg (93.82 KB,500x771,500:771,mnnb.jpg)

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22a56d No.19036096

rushin gas crack juwin pip€s

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a43a01 No.19036097

File: 1b22e6da6f9d09f⋯.png (458.38 KB,1908x1072,477:268,000NSQ4za.png)


had to lose to win

always with the losing to winning

oy vey!

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a43a01 No.19036098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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22a56d No.19036099


vintage nostalgic pooo lam€nting

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a8a4ab No.19036100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


little twelve toes


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720b45 No.19036101



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83bd2a No.19036102

File: 2e71f07891dfc0f⋯.png (248.33 KB,395x214,395:214,capture_686_19062023_20354….png)

File: e894efc21a38404⋯.png (877.75 KB,486x615,162:205,Mayor_44.png)

File: e26d872cfd80107⋯.png (257.41 KB,1080x681,360:227,_Anonymous_Just_now_077de7….png)


>bb chum

<best chum



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c6c769 No.19036103

File: 4311193f78ae2d2⋯.png (280.43 KB,919x464,919:464,jiune.png)

Here is the Google doodle today. Remember on Easter when it was nothing??? Just the generic Google page. Yeah

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c6dcf6 No.19036104


I can't tell if Rachel Dolezal is mentally ill or just the greatest troll of all time

>For her part, Diallo is doubling down on her insistence that she is "transracial" — a woman who is the product of two white parents but identifies mentally, emotionally, physically and culturally as black. "I feel that I was born with the essential essence of who I am, whether it matches my anatomy and complexion or not," Dolezal told The Guardian earlier this week. "I've never questioned being a girl or woman, for example, but whiteness has always felt foreign to me, for as long as I can remember. I didn't choose to feel this way or be this way, I just am. What other choice is there than to be exactly who we are?"


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a43a01 No.19036105

File: 31037ca6bcee9c1⋯.png (24.7 KB,101x92,101:92,shithatgizzzz.png)

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df8360 No.19036106

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,854x640,427:320,11fa21e8006e16db8ae7de880a….mp4)

Anyone else get a Trump rally mood all of a sudden? :)

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257c2b No.19036107

File: 6ca81f4d57f61da⋯.png (509.54 KB,679x660,679:660,ns_science.png)



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081310 No.19036108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a70018 No.19036109


niggers>easter worshippers i guess

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e75adf No.19036110

File: 25f03d35e54deb5⋯.png (812.74 KB,1010x594,505:297,BF1.PNG)

File: e9301ccc72f0944⋯.png (631.43 KB,783x492,261:164,BF2.PNG)


he looks natural

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dd211d No.19036111

File: 65fcad829842b89⋯.png (36.86 KB,528x558,88:93,traitorsgetthebatt.png)



Buncha faggots!

Cant even wear t shirts!

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22a56d No.19036112

vaxx€d wavv€d r€ady to crack gas pip€

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c6c769 No.19036113

People are getting excited about all this weird military activity around the country like we havent been doing this shit for 5+ years….and getting excited about it every time and every time its nothing

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b519e2 No.19036114



May 1, 2013…?

Maybe something about the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Boston scare for Obama aide’s family


“Glad your days of lining marathon route are over,” Lisa Monaco wrote back at 1 a.m., according to Bloomberg. “It’s awful.”

Monaco, who took over the counterterrorism job from new CIA Director John Brennan earlier this year, was raised in Newton, a Boston suburb on the marathon route. She had attended the marathon as a spectator with her her parents and two brothers when a third brother, Peter, ran the race. Her mother said Monaco was also a runner herself.

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a8a4ab No.19036115


she makes more sense than anyone who would consider cutting off her bewbs.

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df8360 No.19036116

File: 0880756716c5532⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,360x360,1:1,pepe_filter.jpg)

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dd211d No.19036117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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db6562 No.19036118

File: d1e4836a5d5a047⋯.mp4 (530.34 KB,880x480,11:6,45wPlastic.mp4)

File: b5a1312f2522d2a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1581x968,1581:968,fauxyearsold.png)

File: e21f3b401ee655f⋯.png (964.62 KB,1400x952,25:17,stillkeptwatc.png)

POTUS vs. faux Plastic Thing With Ded Rodent (?) On Its Head ThugLife clip from here https://twitter.com/TAftermath2020/status/1670935923205484544?s=20

Trump deserving a THUG LIFE for this moment Meme by:

@drefanzor https://twitter.com/drefanzor

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22a56d No.19036119

fr€€ ba$€ j€nkum

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dd211d No.19036120

File: e8bc261a8c37e97⋯.png (1.17 MB,1132x948,283:237,andReleaseleafyy.png)






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1f53e1 No.19036121

File: c5951d6329b1469⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,480x852,40:71,6_19_2023_National_Parks_u….mp4)


Well, I sure hope THIS is a troll. I don't see them lasting that long in the great outdoors, they can't get that Jeffreee Starrrrrrr perfect pout, the lighting is terrible, every 5 o'clock shadow will show!

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74d22b No.19036122

File: 6ed021ae2e751f7⋯.jpg (21.25 KB,500x578,250:289,DqcBFP1WsAIjzd9.jpg)

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720b45 No.19036123

File: c4ceef055fc4035⋯.png (384.9 KB,750x616,375:308,water_mach.png)


Agree it's nothing, but still pay attention.

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22a56d No.19036124

File: 42d0eb43620066c⋯.png (141.97 KB,443x510,443:510,42d0eb43620066ce3bf711c936….png)


>fr€€ ba$€ j€nkum

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76711d No.19036125

File: 907ba0deec58258⋯.png (346.71 KB,555x491,555:491,OBGAT3.png)



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b709a5 No.19036126

File: 58b4e68d64ff0da⋯.png (19.1 KB,557x244,557:244,Screen_Shot_06_19_23_at_11….PNG)

President Biden


Our Administration is investing billions to modernize our power grid, respond to wildfires and drought, restore coastlines, and build stronger infrastructure that can withstand climate change and extreme weather.

Critical investments in a stronger, more resilient climate future.

11:20 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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76711d No.19036127

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)


feelz guh uhd

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c64972 No.19036128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That was tripindicular

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1efca0 No.19036130

This is not the First time this Cult has made it's rounds

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dc6a64 No.19036131

File: f57686aea7615db⋯.jpeg (684.41 KB,2048x2560,4:5,9F78CE7B_B0BD_4986_84A7_C….jpeg)


>More resilient climate future?

The fuck does that even mean?

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f7ae77 No.19036132


and hurricanes?

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865324 No.19036133


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c11524 No.19036135

File: 02c0ce36619b691⋯.png (506.64 KB,1000x668,250:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Can some kind anon explain to this oldfag wtf a brett baier is?

Sounds like a sicker variation of a dirty sanchez and self imposed.

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1efca0 No.19036136

This Cult requires Sacrifice & Mutilation to get in

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720b45 No.19036137

File: 378d64f77e7fd60⋯.jpeg (144.84 KB,1200x630,40:21,su7yycxjh5ayryvybcxw_2312….jpeg)


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74d22b No.19036138


First public hanging

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76711d No.19036139

File: fcd4e392da87f7b⋯.png (68 KB,244x189,244:189,ao2.png)

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b709a5 No.19036140

File: 38cf926470ebfa3⋯.png (12.91 KB,557x161,557:161,Screen_Shot_06_19_23_at_11….PNG)

Well 14:30 is an interesting time.

BNO News


Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

9:02 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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865324 No.19036141


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76711d No.19036142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3a93d6 No.19036143


Moment of Contact

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8df498 No.19036145


the brain is weird

get a head injury and speak a different language kinda weird

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dc6a64 No.19036146

File: a44156530e9cbc6⋯.jpeg (85.81 KB,735x500,147:100,43D32980_5523_4E62_AC9E_3….jpeg)

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720b45 No.19036147

File: 5e2da02b9268b8f⋯.png (27.25 KB,239x409,239:409,ClipboardImage.png)


It's new Linguistics Obama has been busy

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9741d0 No.19036148

File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

The End Of USA, China, EU Are Very Near Because They Do Not Respect Me The Savior

Original Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/06/2023/the-end-of-usa-china-eu-are-very-near-because-they-do-not-respect-me-the-savior/

I can tell you that the official end of many big nations such as USA, China, EU are very near (from few weeks to less than 12 months from now).


Because they do not respect me the real Savior Messiah Buddha.

They are still living with animal mindset, they do not understand basic law of karma, basic law of life !

I as the real Savior was calling and seeking for support but get total ignored.

All those stupid leaders only believe in shamans, ritual performers or magic. They do not know how to use mindset to judge messages, words.

Even then a decent normal people understand that it is better to try everything rather than put all eggs in one basket but many if not all leaders simply do not understand that safety rules.

It took me so much time just to have a full picture of this mortal humans life affair due to many reasons especially lack of support from others.

Now after found all the puzzles to end all world conflicts, I no longer have desire to do anything anymore.

I am giving last chance, last opportunity to all beings, entities, nations to save themselves.

But most likely, they will ignore my warning and they won’t even just to give it a try.

As the result, many nations will official publicly gone very soon (from few weeks to maximum less than 12 months from now).

So you better prepare for the total collapse of many big nations such as the United States of Americas, China, European Union, etc.

I am writing this message to give them both hope and warning.

Whether they (big entities, groups, national GOV) and you the readers believe or not, it is a totally new different story.

Best Regard,

The Savior Ascension Joy

Original Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/06/2023/the-end-of-usa-china-eu-are-very-near-because-they-do-not-respect-me-the-savior/

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1efca0 No.19036151

The Same Cult the Mayan's has to Face

is the Same Cult we're facing today

It ended with the people fleeing the cities that took up the cult

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a117df No.19036152

File: 997b787fca06240⋯.png (674.81 KB,1017x1233,113:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 305e6fd88705c3f⋯.png (324.32 KB,651x383,651:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Just in: The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride. Yesterday was Autism pride day and to commentate that Autism was officially added to Pride.

With the new update, the Pride flag now adds another community of children who are now automatically a part of pride.

When will this madness end? H/T @OliLondonTV


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27aa5a No.19036153

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal, expensive gifts, vacations from GOP mega donor HARLAN CROW

>>18699775 Who is HARLAN CROW? Bohemian Grove member and Clarence Thomas GOP Mega Donor Catholic Crusader HARLAN CROW has an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

>>18722940, >>18722967 Billionaire linked to Sarah Ferguson accused of financing sex trafficking ring, Trammel Crow Jr.

>>18722949 Who is Trammel Crow? Trammel Crow Company?

>>18722930 Who is Harlan Crow?

>>18722931 More on Harlan Crow. What does Hitler, Mein Kampf, Mao, Stalin, Bohemian Grove and Clarence Thomas all have in common? Harlan Crow!

>>18722937 Big Supreme Court Burrito Beat Down 40K VIEW

found this


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2b016d No.19036154



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cd269c No.19036155

File: 6eba37d1813cd3b⋯.jpg (54.26 KB,720x1520,9:19,Screenshot_20210416_131836….jpg)

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dc6a64 No.19036156

File: 38b903e734e14ac⋯.jpeg (92.91 KB,490x448,35:32,10A46FD6_AF80_4E54_B117_1….jpeg)

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74d22b No.19036157

File: 9a36808050424c0⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,500x471,500:471,6erks7.jpg)


Trump sitting down with him blows muh mind

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21df81 No.19036158

File: b87ee98fa207c65⋯.png (1.03 MB,975x650,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b709a5 No.19036159


Titanic Tourist Sub = 17

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58cd8a No.19036160

File: 81a07cab2990af1⋯.png (180.57 KB,417x291,139:97,BostonWen.png)

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e75adf No.19036161

File: 4f226cd559297fa⋯.jpg (46.37 KB,500x592,125:148,gangtaBabu44.jpg)

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8af279 No.19036162


Wow. This guy is a workaholic.

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dc6a64 No.19036163

File: b6f4f4497019848⋯.jpeg (56.16 KB,625x499,625:499,D2228767_189A_4693_AF76_B….jpeg)

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27aa5a No.19036164

File: 89b85a2b4787ec7⋯.jpg (112.31 KB,960x1374,160:229,960x0.jpg)



May 03, 2020 4:32:28 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 492c49 No. 9014861


People [an informed free-thinking pubic] awake is their greatest FEAR.

United we stand.


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b519e2 No.19036165

File: 892e7d5c8df86e6⋯.jpg (43.51 KB,846x366,141:61,R.jpg)

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c84f7a No.19036166

File: 9a8e0417ab004c0⋯.png (631.58 KB,501x651,167:217,super_m.png)

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e75adf No.19036167

File: f7c8cb85f294e02⋯.png (13.19 KB,255x220,51:44,wendigodemon.png)

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a70018 No.19036168



niccccce. mother lode. thanks.

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35e83e No.19036170


Anon collected notes:


>>19033656 Dough

>>19033690 Declassified files expose CIA, MI6 and NATO directed army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

>>19033699, >>19034017 Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

>>19033716 New South Wales (AUS) 'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

>>19034208 The Hidden War: 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking tsoon to be released in worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson involved(?)

>>19033744, >>19033806 Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

>>19033763 Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta,Canada apologizes to unvaccinated, promises anyone fired for refusal will be reinstated.

>>19033777 J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader) is finally a FREE man!

>>19033791 Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System

>>19033820 John Durham will testify before Andy Biggs' Committee, @JudiciaryGOP THIS WEEK

>>19033827 Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

>>19033837, >>19034124 U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

>>19033880, >>19033915 Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

>>19033904 Russians use captured Ukrainian "TROJAN TANK" (filled with explosives and remote controlled) to take out UKR troops and hardware

>>19033912 Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

>>19033937 The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program. US heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel.

>>19033953 This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

>>19033989 John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

>>19034313 Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records

>>19034335 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>19034429 Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

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22a56d No.19036171

File: 11f701ab1242516⋯.png (238.61 KB,460x522,230:261,11f701ab12425165f618c574ee….png)

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dc6a64 No.19036172

File: b681a027c45afa3⋯.jpeg (44.84 KB,499x332,499:332,B35A2A9E_D49B_4A0F_ACD7_3….jpeg)

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c84f7a No.19036173

What about Roswell?

Weather balloon?

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b519e2 No.19036174


The vaccine mandate lady


her and monaco, who was a potential select to be FBI head…

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4106f9 No.19036175

Board seems glitchy.

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27aa5a No.19036176

File: f78bc294494df0e⋯.png (665.52 KB,940x604,235:151,shithatgizzzzz.png)



Anyanon seen an informed free thinking pubic anywhere?

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c64972 No.19036177

File: 905d0daa901e072⋯.png (836.02 KB,890x976,445:488,Screenshot_20230619_235637….png)


Are you threatening Hot Karl?

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27aa5a No.19036178

sorry boss

that shit was KEKAF!

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2b016d No.19036179

File: b006dd5f286586a⋯.png (2.4 MB,1189x1383,1189:1383,Alien_pick.png)


Your welcome anon

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1efca0 No.19036180

Mel Gibson made a Movie about the Cult we're facing today

Mel knows the demons we face

He knows more than he's letting on

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27aa5a No.19036183

File: 71f8d1ff774fdea⋯.png (352.21 KB,622x485,622:485,3quotestwa.png)


Thats why he will skirt around the issue like a good lil… uhm boy?

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b519e2 No.19036184




if the cleveland steamer makes a showing

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21df81 No.19036185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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059372 No.19036186


>He knows more than he's letting on

All actors do if they want to make it in Pedowood.

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27aa5a No.19036187

File: 7eadc850aa51f66⋯.jpg (339.85 KB,983x886,983:886,7eadc850aa51f66f7ec7ec984f….jpg)


broke character and then they lose [their] fucking minds!

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27aa5a No.19036188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bf072 No.19036189

File: 060b655d51502d3⋯.png (240.43 KB,723x740,723:740,1687231020056341.png)

File: 477364a155380d3⋯.jpg (241.28 KB,820x1600,41:80,1687230987569890.jpg)

File: af01340d1f362a0⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,692x960,173:240,1687230868707335.jpg)

File: 68c9fcdb7ef59ec⋯.png (217.22 KB,881x862,881:862,1687230785137789.png)

File: 6389c1d9429233b⋯.jpg (114.87 KB,800x460,40:23,1687230725712467.jpg)

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2ea96d No.19036190


It was up yesterday too.

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c64972 No.19036192


I love it when Night Shift goes to shit

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2b016d No.19036193


Global sent

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e75adf No.19036194

File: c61ac1df0f570c1⋯.png (610.75 KB,969x934,969:934,AF2a.PNG)

File: 1176bc0da8b404b⋯.jpg (131.72 KB,1020x763,1020:763,DRADIS4.jpg)

"AF2" and SAM2A

Flight of 2 eastbound out of Los Angeles International Airport

Descending through FL340 into DFW Area

Squawking 7306


Squawking 7640


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8e6cab No.19036195

File: 47ae1d9e35f657f⋯.jpg (76.53 KB,634x793,634:793,47ae1d9e35f657f687d0b4975a….jpg)

ok… is that a threat?!

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cd269c No.19036196

File: e68d70afb6845bd⋯.jpg (127.98 KB,1062x1109,1062:1109,IMG_20210325_142438_044.jpg)

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dc6a64 No.19036197

File: d4d6fb4e38ffa76⋯.jpeg (238.81 KB,800x771,800:771,0FE2625E_21D1_405C_97D5_0….jpeg)

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4106f9 No.19036198

File: 3cb7b2886722740⋯.gif (2.77 MB,485x689,485:689,3cb7b2886722740b91d496a964….gif)

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5b9483 No.19036199

The vaxcidents getting worse everywhere or just near me?

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753a24 No.19036200

File: 850840eba886614⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,780x437,780:437,850840eba886614f148411ffba….jpg)

You wanna pray play?

Notice the similarity!

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e0e2fd No.19036201


is this a troll

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e75adf No.19036202

File: c823d67dab64b7b⋯.jpg (96.43 KB,500x592,125:148,probeJob.jpg)

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d8a408 No.19036203

The vaxcidents getting worse everywhere or just near me?

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d3568e No.19036204


>I love it when Night Shift goes to shit

My very first spoiler so long ago. I clicked that shit.

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f13908 No.19036205

File: 835d104cf9b0c74⋯.jpg (149.69 KB,900x473,900:473,835d104cf9b0c74c62b94e2deb….jpg)


>free thinking pubic anywhere?

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29a257 No.19036206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Many have came through brooklyn

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c64972 No.19036208


My buddy is going down with turbo cancer, fucking sucks

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eaacce No.19036209

File: 16dc2eef4bec0c7⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,2048x1026,1024:513,IMG_2120.jpeg)

File: 95a780560944f91⋯.jpeg (417.56 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_2077.jpeg)

File: 0139948c93fba4c⋯.jpeg (366.41 KB,1574x802,787:401,IMG_2033.jpeg)

File: 1f70f99dae44122⋯.jpeg (467.87 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_2065.jpeg)

File: 73d9cbe857b63f9⋯.jpeg (400.45 KB,1536x1029,512:343,IMG_2064.jpeg)

Ice up, Dan ‘the Micra dolt’ Scavino Jr.

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2b016d No.19036210

File: c0de6b2cc3deffd⋯.gif (279.66 KB,300x200,3:2,c0de6b2cc3deffd6b80dcd37bd….gif)

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753a24 No.19036211

File: 211a6ceeb1e7dc8⋯.png (454.76 KB,504x646,252:323,0000000000000000th.png)


OMFG you ruined the mons forever!

these motherfuckers wanna play!

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e0dc85 No.19036212

‘Acting As Police’: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese ‘Intelligence Service’ Quietly Operates In US

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter described Monday how a key Chinese intelligence service quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities.

Philip Lenczycki told WMAL talk show host Vince Coglianese, who also serves as editorial director of the Daily Caller, the Overseas Chinese Service Centers (OCSCs) are located in San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; St. Paul, Minnesota; Salt Lake City, Utah; St. Louis, Missouri and Charlotte, North Carolina. The centers, which were ostensibly created to assist Chinese citizens living abroad, are housed within various nonprofits based in the U.S.


“What we found was that there’s a Chinese Communist Party intelligence service called the United Front Work Department and it turns out that they are operating 60… so-called overseas Chinese service centers around the world and seven of those are in the United States,” Lenczycki told Coglianese.

Lenczycki noted that individuals involved with the OCSCs met with officials of China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS), which detailed how they could aid efforts by Chinese law enforcement. The Justice Department accused China’s MPS of engaging in extortion and other efforts in a 2022 indictment and a 2020 complaint.

“What we found is that some of these overseas Chinese service stations in other countries, for instance, in Ireland and whatnot, actually are a part of the alleged same program that the New York station was in,” Lenczycki said. “So this is really concerning, because the Chinese government has said that all of these, you know, entities in this program are required to perform quote-unquote ‘consular protection’ and that ranges from as we’ve seen in cases in United States, helping consulates process visas. In other countries, for instance, in South Africa and elsewhere. We’ve seen it actually, sort of evolving, to ‘form patrols’ where, where they really are going around with weapons and are acting as police.”

The Justice Department indicted two individuals on multiple charges in April, alleging that they helped China harass citizens who were overseas. The presence of such centers has been a concern after the FBI raided a similar station in New York.


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059372 No.19036213

File: 559ea21a8a1f38a⋯.png (8.96 KB,220x145,44:29,ClipboardImage.png)


That's either a troll or a direct attack on the kun. KEK!

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dc6a64 No.19036214

File: 51ce48abb81f1e4⋯.jpeg (180.18 KB,1500x1403,1500:1403,08138350_E1F7_4E94_949B_3….jpeg)

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e75adf No.19036215

File: e335271f9bbf5c7⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,240x255,16:17,gingerbrett.jpg)

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e0e2fd No.19036216

File: 2e66d7be87df3f6⋯.png (425.35 KB,1196x1072,299:268,ClipboardImage.png)


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58cd8a No.19036217

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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8f8321 No.19036218


Yup. Thats what they smell like. And the smell getting worse.

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dc6a64 No.19036219

File: d06093d184c70ab⋯.jpeg (718.04 KB,3024x4032,3:4,0515457F_7FF5_4225_ADA1_4….jpeg)

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cd269c No.19036220

File: 15e975fd425d51a⋯.png (294.24 KB,720x1640,18:41,Screenshot_20230619_230402.png)

File: 70c0ba0e5f47474⋯.png (114.9 KB,720x1640,18:41,Screenshot_20230619_230415.png)

And filtered fucking sick demon possessed faggot!

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aae7d6 No.19036221

File: 5c2f872546efa83⋯.gif (237.72 KB,320x240,4:3,5c2f872546efa832a4d5684891….gif)

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720b45 No.19036222


He's gona start a nuclear and civil war.

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2b016d No.19036223

File: c4bd44e70fb5884⋯.png (314.13 KB,600x534,100:89,98567e00e8bc94eaa87b8c3f9a….png)

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8af279 No.19036224

Barry is on Hotez's payroll.

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753a24 No.19036225

File: 118e2a3e9981575⋯.png (186.09 KB,600x401,600:401,123KEK.png)

in the year 2525

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8af279 No.19036226

File: 98bf26ef150aac3⋯.png (342.77 KB,513x513,1:1,Get_in_losers.png)

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09f48e No.19036227


>explain to this oldfag wtf a brett baier is

a brett baier - a person who sits there and eats his and the other person shit.

a person who goes on FOX news without brushing their teeth an spews shit all over the airwaves.

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2ea96d No.19036228

File: 31d1ccd5b87c193⋯.png (2.26 MB,1612x1022,806:511,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know why Jamaican-me-cum is going to Dallas?

This is AF2, followed by SAM2A descending into Dallas. That plane up front is a Wolfhound, a tactical transport used by USAF Special Forces. I'll be keeping an eye on the Wolfhound…


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dc6a64 No.19036229

File: 1b444c4b17063d8⋯.jpeg (116.66 KB,985x698,985:698,54F29EC4_148E_4471_9862_D….jpeg)

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059372 No.19036230

File: 439749f70efb562⋯.png (313.43 KB,466x432,233:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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753a24 No.19036231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stinky pinky!

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2ea96d No.19036233


May be giving this woman a nice ride home…


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753a24 No.19036235

File: 2330b73435fa8cc⋯.png (437.1 KB,600x688,75:86,0000002a.png)

Well! anon don't think your Q Plan is ready for Anons lyrical wordsmithery!

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dc6a64 No.19036236

File: ce3b9c59053065b⋯.jpeg (180.64 KB,883x1085,883:1085,67642A58_434A_457E_B7E1_1….jpeg)

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1efca0 No.19036237

An Ancient Cult

That Requires Willing Human Sacrifice & Self Mutilation to get in

An ancient cult that wants their god to return to earth

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df8360 No.19036238

How do you get Truth Social to show search results in chronological order instead of this random Google timeframe junk?

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dc052b No.19036239

File: 4c0a3f51ff9ba43⋯.png (457.46 KB,774x389,774:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea0b999038917b1⋯.png (236.73 KB,582x383,582:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89d484a2fd9ff35⋯.png (230.23 KB,799x419,799:419,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19034796 pb

SAM200 C-32ABlinkendeparted Baku, Azerbaijan and is heading to London continuing on the "ohhh Fuq" tour

>In London, the Secretary will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference to help mobilize international support from the public and private sector to help Ukraine recover from Russia’s brutal and ongoing attacks. While there, he will also meet with counterparts from the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and other partners and allies.


I wonder if Z will make a 'surprise' visit…..

On 21-22 June 2023, the UK jointly with Ukraine will host the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023) in London

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, to be held jointly by the UK and Ukraine in London in June, is a continuation of the cycle of annual events with the last one conducted jointly with Switzerland in Lugano. The previous edition of the conference, held for the first time during the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, launched the Lugano Principles, which laid the foundation for the reconstruction process of Ukraine and united the world in its efforts. Since Lugano, the international community has pledged significant emergency assistance, but a broader mobilisation of public and private sectors is needed to meet the scale of stabilisation and recovery needs Ukraine requires following russian attacks. Ukraine has already undertaken initiatives to move forward with reconstruction in line with these principles and commitments, despite the circumstances of war. The Ukraine Recovery Conference is dedicated to Ukraine's transformation and was symbolically launched in London in 2017 as the Ukraine Reform Conference.


JAKE17RC-135 Rivet Joint switched on at RAF Mildenhall and should be taking off shortly for it's normal flight pattern over northern Norway, and NW Russia (usually just off shore of Murmamsk was the last flight for this AC in the Barents Sea)


>>19035894 lb

AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs are on descent for Dallas from Los Angeles Int'l departure

95-3058 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound continues back to Eglin AFB from it's Durango, CO stop and Reno Int'l departure earlier-started in Seattle at Boeing Field earlier today and went to Eugene, OR

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c11524 No.19036240


Ah, thank you kind anon.

Figured it was something like that, just needed a hint.


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753a24 No.19036241

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,fren.gif)

its after midnight

are we all adults here?


the second gheyest thing anon has ever seent

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2b016d No.19036242

File: 54feb3fa976d761⋯.png (400.15 KB,800x771,800:771,54feb3fa976d76168096b2eb7a….png)


Looks a bit like a Polish bike ride.

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2ea96d No.19036244


Wait though -if she was in DC at a Juneteenth concert with a woman from DFW, why is she flying into DFW right now from Los Angeles on AF2?

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753a24 No.19036245

File: 2ba13016e7f4073⋯.gif (660.62 KB,480x267,160:89,satanme.gif)

We can have our God return to earth though?

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aae7d6 No.19036246

lol, home again home again

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dc6a64 No.19036247

File: c7ac21e8cbe0317⋯.jpeg (22.59 KB,474x341,474:341,50E083F9_2C11_4DA7_818F_9….jpeg)

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6aab44 No.19036249


all clips of biden or fetterman should be watched with closed captions

try it for the keks

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db471e No.19036250

File: 03b666fea7efef9⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB,320x240,4:3,Fux_news_disgusting_corpor….mp4)

>>19034560 pb

>Trump: I only select the best people.

>muh 15 names not supporting him

politics is a dangerous game

And what Trump is trying to do has never been tried.

They are demonizing him like know others.

You list some weak names

This is to be expected.

This is a "let's see what happens" moment.

Bret Gaier is a gotcha artist. Always

No way would trump give this cunt an interview. CGI

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b709a5 No.19036251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live chase

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47027b No.19036252

File: 13ecbc9378a17f0⋯.png (30.53 KB,343x494,343:494,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_0….png)

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58cd8a No.19036253

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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29a257 No.19036254

File: 36cc8d90b652f7d⋯.jpg (105.56 KB,700x400,7:4,36cc8d90b652f7d94e3853c385….jpg)


So ancient..


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db471e No.19036255

File: a8df00777b33cda⋯.png (162.55 KB,563x533,563:533,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19035317 pb

>Tim Ballard

>produced by tony robbins

"imma help 10000 kids out of ukraine"

This doesn't feel right at all.

This reminds me of a Duggan character - this will be a 5th column and they will eventually get busted for human trafficking themselves

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8af279 No.19036257


That seems gross. I wonder how much they have to pay to be in it?

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dc6a64 No.19036258

File: 73db9fe892e8e5b⋯.jpeg (25.14 KB,480x360,4:3,0A409DB2_8AD1_4FA6_BBE8_5….jpeg)

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d3568e No.19036259


> I wonder how much they have to pay to be in it?

A child.

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c84f7a No.19036260

File: c22880dca193be8⋯.png (46.32 KB,244x189,244:189,back_the_biblical.png)

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b709a5 No.19036261


Get another news chopper up please…..cbs will be out of fuel soon

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c64972 No.19036263

File: ef89afe621deb4c⋯.png (1.14 MB,960x774,160:129,Screenshot_20230620_001856….png)






Dat look when you know a Dutch Rudder is in your future

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753a24 No.19036264





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101318 No.19036265

File: 9bb724662235845⋯.png (936.8 KB,1977x1810,1977:1810,ClipboardImage.png)

I have an IRL named TRUTH account. And occasionally, I post graphics with few words. I just did that. Then get two emails, that I'm banned. And, sure enough my account doesn't exist anymore. I post pro-Trump, MAGA and GOP only. It's stuff that could have got me banned on Twitter back in the day. But it's all 100% Truth and in no way violation of community guidelines.

WTF Devin?

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db471e No.19036266

File: eb96fede74538f0⋯.png (582.07 KB,887x499,887:499,ClipboardImage.png)



stop repeating this disgusting ebonic word

What a joke. Nogs get another federal holiday but this time it's literally ebonics

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22a56d No.19036267

hory $chiff

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753a24 No.19036268


Nov 05, 2018 7:22:10 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 412


MEMES now front & center.

Attack on 'Q' movement?




The media?

The Operation paperclip babies babies?


Hell no!


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1f53e1 No.19036269

File: 91506758d8f5c15⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,4176x5000,522:625,HARLEY_PASTERNAK_KANYE.jpg)


Never fear, they know JUST the guy! Ask Kanye

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58cd8a No.19036270

File: b99235f28f76428⋯.png (563.43 KB,711x894,237:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a4ab No.19036271


a lot of shots of Biden before he was replaced by Bidan. good shots of his teeth.

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753a24 No.19036272

File: 11a97defa45823e⋯.gif (516.52 KB,220x343,220:343,whatupwitthat4.gif)


something big!

on [your] traitor head!


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dc6a64 No.19036273

File: 3ec7562d91436a5⋯.jpeg (149.93 KB,610x326,305:163,890E1799_22B1_48D8_8058_0….jpeg)

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8af279 No.19036274


Glad someone else saw that.

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8f8321 No.19036275


I know quite a few sites have a autoban for vpns.

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753a24 No.19036276

File: 870b39668963d65⋯.gif (2.32 MB,498x496,249:248,satanmee.gif)


All that shit but "SURROUNDED BY EVIL" and "TRAITORS EVERYWHERE" was just too hard to comprehend?

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58cd8a No.19036277

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x360,4:3,zionistbiden.mp4)

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101318 No.19036278

File: 8061dd0299dcef9⋯.png (7.56 MB,2572x2051,2572:2051,ClipboardImage.png)


This is what I posted, with "The people have the power."

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3a66d4 No.19036279

File: cec5e8bedf01e4f⋯.png (266.6 KB,507x666,169:222,ClipboardImage.png)


That wasn't Hell. That was just Bolshievision.


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dc6a64 No.19036280


You may be suffering from implicit bias.

That’s ok. They have a vaccine that may help..

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b709a5 No.19036281


Need fuel in 10 min-may try to land palm springs airport to fuel up cbs helicopter

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a772d5 No.19036282

File: e09c7c30aecede9⋯.png (148.37 KB,712x436,178:109,ironeagle2.png)


Aug 28, 2018 4:43:19 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f2dcba No. 2770117

Aug 28, 2018 4:41:01 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 822c66 No. 2770076

Aug 28, 2018 4:40:01 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 5a101c No. 2770052

>>2769783 (lb)

All movie references made by Q should be mandatory viewing for all Anons.

Including, but not limited to:

White Squall

Godfather III

The Hunt for Red October

The Sum of All FEARs


…and Iron Eagle??????



Double meanings exist.


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1f53e1 No.19036283

File: d8a79d27ff9aac2⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,464x848,29:53,cat_gets_down.mp4)


unrelated vidya

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df8360 No.19036284

Nevermind I figured something out.

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8f27d1 No.19036285

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,3c521014d98a81a505654b8cc4….gif)

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08db1b No.19036286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4106f9 No.19036287

We're looking for total anhilation of evil.

Cannot let even one demon slip away.

So we'll hold the line until the work is finished.

Grit - anons have it.

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8f27d1 No.19036288

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)


who is a good lil nazi?



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a8a4ab No.19036289


He does look like could be a member of the proboscis tribe

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48556d No.19036290

File: 2e7e1b6a8bb8eaa⋯.png (878.82 KB,1125x2436,375:812,movies.png)

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db6562 No.19036291

File: d16a6c5c6fce8ef⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,632x360,79:45,IgnoreRonPaul.mp4)


Fake, dumbing-down, sludge, same as it ever was.

faux should have been CNN'd LONG ago.

Vid, even Jon Stewart called out the scripted sewage when Ron Paul was sabotaged.

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60d724 No.19036292


Its also interesting that IRON EAGLE anagrams to EAGER LION and there were military training excercises named Eager Lion.

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8f27d1 No.19036293

File: 86d5c6ba80b42bd⋯.png (786.77 KB,810x816,135:136,psye.png)


these motherfuckers knew that "DWARFES" shit would drive anon cray cray!

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3a66d4 No.19036294

File: ca73773bbb36574⋯.png (580.36 KB,501x671,501:671,ClipboardImage.png)


Step 1: Admit you have a problem.

Step 2: Cut it out.


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22a56d No.19036295

boof€r$ r€joic€

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8f27d1 No.19036296


Eager Lion is a two-week multinational military exercise held annually in Jordan since 2010. Organized by the U.S. Department of Defense,[1] the exercise revolves around troop deployments, chemical warfare, border security, command and control, cyber defense and battlespace management.[2] According to one source, the exercise "amounts to an outgrowth of the annual bilateral 'Infinite Moonlight' US-Jordan exercise that stretches back to the 1990s."[3]

18 countries participated in the exercise in 2015: Jordan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Pakistan, the United States, Canada, Belgium, Poland, Australia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen.[4] Eager Lion is now the largest U.S. military exercise in the Middle East, having surpassed Bright Star.[5]

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025af0 No.19036297

File: a0c3850e9a63633⋯.png (51.69 KB,496x364,124:91,_3C6147A6_4624_46CD_A0FE_1….png)

digging on the ceo of oceangate, the company that operates the lost sub. his profile seems to have dissapeared from the oceans gate website.

interesting military connections.


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d2d12b No.19036298


Come on, man. Really? After I just spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure it out for you?

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c64972 No.19036299

File: 05f80dfebc507d1⋯.png (185.25 KB,507x380,507:380,5_12_1990_0_27_45_00.png)

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226d69 No.19036300


T he idea for this adventure was born about five years before the mission, when Hamish Harding met a few of the Apollo astronauts and they came up with the crazy idea of flying these heroes on “one more orbit,” a global circumnavigation flight.

Hamish is an experienced jet pilot and aircraft broker, as chairman of his company Action Aviation. He was quite familiar with the capabilities of various aircraft types and had set several aviation speed records a few years prior to OMO.

He realized that the polar circumnavigation record was one that could potentially be taken, and that the G650ER was the perfect aircraft to do it because of its combination of long range and high speed. The idea for One More Orbit was born, combining a world-record attempt with promoting space exploration. After Qatar Executive joined the team bringing both their aircraft and logistical support, Hamish’s dream began to take shape.

When he’s not flying jets, he lives with his family and two golden retrievers in the United Arab Emirates, a central location for his global aircraft business. Hamish’s wife Linda and step-daughter Lauren were at our launch and landing at the Kennedy Space Center, as was his youngest son Giles. Unfortunately, his oldest son Rory was not able to make it because of school exams in the UK. He was able to join the celebration of the world record at the Living Legends of Aviation gala in Austria.

Hamish’s many accomplishments include several aviation world records as well as travelling to the South Pole twice (first with Buzz Aldrin, and later with his son Giles, respectively the oldest and youngest persons ever to reach the South Pole). He has a seat reserved with Virgin Galactic for a sub-orbital space flight, and also a dive with Eyos Expeditions to the Challenger Deep, the deepest place on Earth at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

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8f27d1 No.19036301

File: db2c06b55aef03d⋯.jpg (33.77 KB,620x330,62:33,CN1.jpg)


Yet try not to get distracted…

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08db1b No.19036302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Door to Heaven - Taking Jesus as One's Savior

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60d724 No.19036303


After we've delivered as many as we can to be saved through Jesus Christ. Those that remain with evil will be cleary doing so out of their own choice.

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025af0 No.19036304


found current link


seems to be working

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22a56d No.19036305

poo sav€

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8f27d1 No.19036306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Sep 08, 2020 1:46:22 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19abcb No. 10566765


History repeats itself (today).



Compare & Contrast

Then v Now


Then: methods of violent intimidation deployed by SA

Now: methods of violent intimidation deployed by ANTIFA?

Then: battles raged in the streets [book burning, flag burning, destruction, hate, anti-police, etc]

Now: battles raging in the streets controlled by [D] party sympathizers [anti-republic]?

Then: physical assaults of political opponents

Now: physical assaults of political opponents?

Then: voter intimidation in National and local elections

Now: voter intimidation in National and local elections [coming 11.3]?

Then: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views

Now: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views?

Then: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism)

Now: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism) push?

Then: force economic destruction as recruiting [division] tactic to drive enlistment rate

Now: [D] party gov/mayor(s) close state(s) force economic hardships [C19]?

Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents

Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of ANTIFA rioters arrested [street violence – block-by-block takeover(s)]?

[D] gov/mayor(s) release of violent criminals [many thousands] from prison(s) under guise of C19?


Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany

Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative – terminate opposing message (censorship-kill))

Soros history

Assault on America.

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?


Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?


Background of Soros?


Dresslers Speech from The Sum Of All Fears 2002


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0a5e32 No.19036307

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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e56637 No.19036308

File: 4304f0c6dec1a89⋯.png (365.99 KB,750x527,750:527,ClipboardImage.png)




Anon wonders, might they be given a choice with zero options?topkek, made this button meme. :)

Trump/RFK Jr for Repubs

RFK Jr/Trump for Dems

Are there any legalities preventing this liberal-head meltdown?

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226d69 No.19036309

File: de2beff6a1af519⋯.png (552.18 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_4573.png)

File: 88b6ab673d0533e⋯.png (4.07 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_4572.png)

File: 3c9073f9095b339⋯.png (2.56 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_4574.png)


This guy has connections to South Pole, Virgin Air travel..,,

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e0e2fd No.19036310

File: 226b9597863129b⋯.png (383.27 KB,1974x654,329:109,ClipboardImage.png)


part of the tribe

>Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz

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08db1b No.19036311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Understanding The Transgender Society

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22a56d No.19036312

fart j€w$ bagg€d vapor

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8f27d1 No.19036313

File: 5b0deb49745cc1d⋯.png (349.91 KB,960x704,15:11,comfy22.png)


yer just evil, anon

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db471e No.19036314

File: fbb0b104a261298⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30b3a5a0d86a3f9⋯.png (169.51 KB,300x200,3:2,oprah_john_of_god.png)

File: 9fdd92b3a667c9f⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,OprahSoup.mp4)

File: 09919ddd3c1a2a5⋯.jpg (246.77 KB,713x917,713:917,Oprah_and_John_of_God.jpg)

File: 8ad8baabdecaa5e⋯.jpg (220.8 KB,1080x1744,135:218,oprah_ankle_another_view.jpg)


>>produced by tony robbins


In April 2012,Robbins began cohosting Oprah's Lifeclasson the OWN Network

"Tony Robbins' True Love".Oprah.com. Archived from the original on August 4, 2017. Retrieved July 3, 2017.

"Tony Robbins, Parts 1 and 2".Oprah.com. February 19, 2012.

"First Look: Breakthrough with Tony Robbins".Oprah.com. Retrieved July 10, 2017.


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8f27d1 No.19036315

File: 571ac295083faca⋯.png (544.39 KB,2476x1192,619:298,H1c.png)

found this meme on pinterest


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db471e No.19036316

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8f27d1 No.19036317

File: 868d859a0e6b7a9⋯.png (576.52 KB,2476x1192,619:298,H0.png)

pinterest not bad after all

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08db1b No.19036318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We’ll Never Turn Back - Black Voter Suppression

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8f27d1 No.19036319

File: 531a3ea88bc33b7⋯.png (295.88 KB,804x1622,402:811,Q_936_NAZI_WORLD_ORDER.png)

wow even a q drop!

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3a66d4 No.19036320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Plan


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8f27d1 No.19036321

File: 26b6f79902d19df⋯.png (522.32 KB,2476x1190,1238:595,H2.png)


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08db1b No.19036322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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226d69 No.19036323

File: 8b3452b064852f6⋯.png (623.68 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_4575.png)




One of Harding’s most notable achievements took place on 5 March 2021 when he, alongside Victor Vescovo, descended to the deepest point of the Mariana Trench, known as the Challenger Deep, in a two-man submarine. This daring expedition set two Guinness World Records for the greatest length covered at full ocean depth and the greatest time spent at full ocean depth, reaching an astonishing depth of 36,000 feet.

Harding’s passion for pushing boundaries and exploring the unknown has earned him a reputation as a visionary adventurer. His notable accomplishments and relentless pursuit of new records have cemented his place in the annals of aviation and exploration.

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8f27d1 No.19036324

File: 3bf1548ff474d75⋯.png (461.95 KB,1880x1818,940:909,Q_936b.png)

ok guise WTF?!

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720bec No.19036325

File: 1beec9fec5ac39d⋯.jpg (171.91 KB,712x815,712:815,JeepWave.JPG)


Republicrats are still more ethical than Demoblicans, by 1/1000th of a hair-breadth on the Goat Head of Mendes.

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6bf072 No.19036326

File: 9ed033881fe7f54⋯.gif (1.98 MB,332x244,83:61,1687229917895251.gif)

File: 2d8e203b5a8348a⋯.webm (281 KB,202x360,101:180,1687229752164981.webm)

File: 8ed74d80e94b927⋯.webm (998.24 KB,480x640,3:4,1687220195784863.webm)

File: 3244ccd97d04f46⋯.png (122.84 KB,241x301,241:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41210b26a01133e⋯.jpg (110.57 KB,1024x512,2:1,1687227931989966.jpg)

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294f46 No.19036327


I watched The Day the Earth Stood Still recently.

Interesting dialog.

Professor Barnhardt : Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer.

At the end, just before Klaatu saves Earth is this heard again. Klaatu: Only at the precipice can we change.

He very distinctly said 'we' not you. I got the impression that the whole exercise was about Klaatu and his evolution, perhaps as well as ours. Rather than destroy Earth he found what was needed to evolve beyond a heartless decision.

It was an interesting inner dialog if nothing else.

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8f27d1 No.19036328

File: 12d1fed74b2cea6⋯.png (307.16 KB,1296x942,216:157,reichkk.png)



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08db1b No.19036329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c64972 No.19036330

File: 861c39ffeafaeb9⋯.png (564.61 KB,759x717,253:239,Screenshot_20230620_003921….png)

We'll somebody's shift just started with all of this gay-ass post recycling

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8f27d1 No.19036331

File: ad38b1fb01aca67⋯.jpg (260.27 KB,857x482,857:482,ad38b1fb01aca6718fc61ee18b….jpg)


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226d69 No.19036332


According to Sky News, Brian Szaz, Harding’s stepson, posted on Facebook: “My stepdad Hamish Harding has gone missing on a submarine pray for a successful recovery.”

Sky News wrote that Szaz also posted, “Thoughts and prayers for my stepfather Hamish Harding as his Submarine has gone missing exploring Titanic. Search and rescue mission is underway.”

Szaz, a recording/mixing engineer, later wrote on Facebook, “For privacy my mom asked me to delete all related posts thanks for the support.”

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed in a press release, “The Coast Guard is searching for five persons after the Canadian research vessel Polar Prince lost contact with their submersible during a dive, approximately 900 miles east of Cape Cod, Sunday morning.”

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8f27d1 No.19036333

File: 751197984a6c5b5⋯.png (163.46 KB,500x500,1:1,751197984a6c5b533ec16fa5b8….png)


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8af279 No.19036334


why would hitler have him murdered?

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3dfaee No.19036335


The SS Oath was word-for-word identical with the Jesuit Oath.

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8f27d1 No.19036336


Yeah… Hitler did that…

couldnt write his own book but Hitler did that!


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eda062 No.19036337

File: f19f11e3d0cfa61⋯.png (896.11 KB,888x499,888:499,PANIC.PNG)

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aae7d6 No.19036338

File: a4a4978cdd37e6c⋯.png (49.92 KB,1280x960,4:3,q_factor.png)

asked the universe once, "where does the heart beat come from?"…

it first showed me the heart beat of a tree,

then it showed me the marianas trench and the himilayas,

then an ekg.

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8f27d1 No.19036339

File: 392af83a43f3a53⋯.png (751.12 KB,1482x894,247:149,jesuitschool1.png)

File: 7cb8c681034c33c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1616x976,101:61,jesuitschool2.png)

File: dd1986d48d996bd⋯.png (325.96 KB,680x878,340:439,jesuitschool3.png)


Anon does not need the "OATH"…

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48556d No.19036340

File: 66f26af33e60eff⋯.jpg (985.9 KB,3147x2097,1049:699,66f26af33e60eff477b4807014….jpg)

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3a66d4 No.19036341

File: 955539220c5db6d⋯.png (410 KB,768x455,768:455,ClipboardImage.png)


We already know.

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68217d No.19036342

File: 0f2c539af7f8641⋯.png (1.45 MB,1216x1172,304:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc6a64 No.19036343

File: 34ea540b65d27ed⋯.gif (7.78 MB,640x360,16:9,3D13BF57_338E_4F43_8D38_26….gif)

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8f27d1 No.19036344

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,tuck_huntera.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,tuck_hunter.png)

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,TUCK_HUNTER_GEORGETOWN_JES….png)

File: 91f5a4dd3cc640f⋯.png (582.59 KB,1458x940,729:470,tukfukkek33.png)


Who needs Oaths when you got em by the balls?

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025af0 No.19036345

File: 3cce2960465acb6⋯.jpg (112.59 KB,1200x837,400:279,_854D00D9_C736_45EA_9882_7….jpg)

File: cf86dc989c5a0f8⋯.png (11.57 KB,568x119,568:119,_A2C05F07_193C_42B4_97F3_6….png)

File: 69916c91784206f⋯.png (27.77 KB,1058x209,1058:209,_D7A5B895_5BB2_4ABC_A67E_E….png)

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, the company responsible for the operation of the lost sub, was involved in Anti-Satellite Missile testing. Interesting.



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ad9a3e No.19036346


Two go in - One come out

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c5b474 No.19036347

File: 0c70567ebe9478f⋯.png (2.58 MB,2280x1018,1140:509,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

File: b4d3f7cafae66d1⋯.png (2.95 MB,2288x1250,1144:625,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

File: 61b907a1ee0908a⋯.png (3.77 MB,1834x1214,917:607,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

File: e28df8e877f1e9a⋯.png (4.95 MB,2280x1244,570:311,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

yarrbook photos are fun

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8f27d1 No.19036348

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)


When anon was given EVERYTHING?!

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b709a5 No.19036349

Haha Smoke n Scan says he got kicked of Twitter for talking shit to Biden.

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8f27d1 No.19036350

File: f848e865943aca2⋯.png (1.45 MB,2908x2192,727:548,ZZZ.png)




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8f27d1 No.19036351

File: b5cbdf3ffd2e4e7⋯.png (95.75 KB,1180x1444,295:361,potucksnuts.png)

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aae7d6 No.19036352

File: 604082c2f77b31d⋯.jpeg (33.62 KB,500x282,250:141,158b0bee732c244f46b02eebf….jpeg)

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c5b474 No.19036353

File: 230fb1e139c3a49⋯.png (1.52 MB,994x1078,71:77,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

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923104 No.19036354

File: f6292b5f6f32974⋯.jpg (138.42 KB,766x1156,383:578,OprahHillary.JPG)

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68217d No.19036355

File: 8b0f0bf1c5dfe75⋯.png (1.35 KB,125x125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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226d69 No.19036356

File: 6870ea507220951⋯.png (356.16 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_4576.png)


Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

By Ron Unz and Mike Whitney

The Unz Review

June 13, 2023

Worth the lengthy read

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c64972 No.19036357

File: 06c870a8feb8013⋯.png (427.88 KB,936x603,104:67,Screenshot_20230620_004713….png)


Trips don't lie


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226d69 No.19036358


Question 1: Hitler

Let’s start with Hitler. In the West it is universally accepted that:

Hitler started WW2

Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the first step in a broader campaign aimed at world domination

Is this interpretation of WW2 true or false? And, if it is false, then—in your opinion—what was Hitler trying to achieve in Poland and could WW2 have been avoided?

Ron Unz—Until the last dozen years or so, my views on historical events had always been fairly conventional, formed from the classes I’d taken in college and the uniform media narrative I’d absorbed over the decades. This included my understanding of World War II, the greatest military conflict in human history, whose outcome had shaped our modern world.

But in the years after the 9/11 Attacks and the Iraq War, I’d grown more and more suspicious of the honesty of our mainstream media, and begun to recognize that history books often merely represent a congealed version of such past media distortions. The growth of the Internet has unleashed a vast quantity of unorthodox ideas of all possible flavors and since 2000 I’d been working on a project to digitize the archives of our leading publications of the last 150 years, which gave me convenient access to information not easily available to anyone else. So as I later wrote:

Aside from the evidence of our own senses, almost everything we know about the past or the news of today comes from bits of ink on paper or colored pixels on a screen, and fortunately over the last decade or two the growth of the Internet has vastly widened the range of information available to us in that latter category. Even if the overwhelming majority of the unorthodox claims provided by such non-traditional web-based sources is incorrect, at least there now exists the possibility of extracting vital nuggets of truth from vast mountains of falsehood. Certainly the events of the past dozen years have forced me to completely recalibrate my own reality-detection apparatus.

As a consequence of all these developments, I published my original American Pravda article a decade ago, which contained that passage. In that article I emphasized that what our history books and media told us about the world and its past might often be just as dishonest and distorted as the notorious Pravda of the vanished USSR.

Our American Pravda

Ron Unz • The American Conservative • April 29, 2013 • 4,500 Words

At first, my focus had been on more recent historical events, but I soon began doing a great deal of reading and investigation into the history of World War II as well, gradually realizing that a large fraction of everything I’d always accepted about that war was completely incorrect.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have been too surprised to discover this. After all, if our media could lie so blatantly about events in the here and now, why should we trust it on matters that had happened long ago and far away?

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059372 No.19036359

File: 186d93c24378fe1⋯.png (72.37 KB,245x250,49:50,ClipboardImage.png)


>Worth the lengthy read

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8f27d1 No.19036360

File: 944bac495245c25⋯.png (1.86 MB,1896x1008,79:42,lnaz.png)

File: 70d7a02f03f2490⋯.png (995.06 KB,1360x854,680:427,murdoch_follow_wives.png)

File: 150c8e36d7d6038⋯.png (1.1 MB,1358x948,679:474,murdoch_follow_wivesb.png)

File: f1101c85fac5d20⋯.png (960.45 KB,1374x904,687:452,murdoch_follow_wivesc.png)

File: f3260c8263562e7⋯.png (456.42 KB,1140x936,95:78,rupertmurdochpapalknight2.png)


In the early modern period, a court Jew, or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor; Yiddish: היף איד, romanized: Hoyf Id, קאַורט פאַקטאַר, Kourt Faktor), was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European,

mainly German, royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including, in some cases, being granted noble status.

Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages[a] when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers or employed them as financiers.

Among the most notable of these were Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg.

Jewish financiers could use their family connections to provide their sponsors with finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.[citation needed]

The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought many Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts.

They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church.

Due to the precarious position of Jews, some nobles could ignore their debts. If the sponsoring noble died, his Jewish financier could face exile or execution.

The most famous example of this occurred in Württemberg when, after the death of his sponsor Charles Alexander in 1737, Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was put on trial and finally executed.[1]

In an effort to avoid such fate, some court bankers in the late 18th century—such as Samuel Bleichröder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, or Aron Elias Seligmann—successfully detached their businesses from these courts

and established what eventually developed into full-fledged banks.[2]

Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans,

since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations,

and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents,

causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5]

By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6]

However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions,

Culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.


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21e344 No.19036361


platitudinous tripe holding no meaning other than a half remembered lie.

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aae7d6 No.19036363

In relation to existence.

3: Soul

6: Body

9: Spirit

Location of their Biological Seats.

3: sacral, celiac, mass ganglia (between intestines and spine, inline with navel)

6: spine

9: brain

Primary Influences:

3: diet

6: exercise

9: sleep

As a golem / homunculus (local, country, global).

3: Religion

6: Corporation

9: Government

Each of the positions can exist (direct effort/intention towards) in support of one of the other two.

333 or 666 or 999

The positions defined for 333 (the soul(ar) life):

-position one: soul exists for soul

-position two: body exists for soul

-position three: spirit exists for soul

The positions defined for 666 (the animal life):

-position one: soul exists for body

-position two: body exists for body

-position three: spirit exists for body

The positions defined for 999 (the spiritual life):

-position one: soul exists for spirit

-position two: body exists for spirit

-position three: spirit exists for spirit

369 is each of the three integrated toward a greater existence.

Recall what Tesla stated about the wheel-work of the universe.

Breath regulates all.

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a8a4ab No.19036364

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of worth it and lengthy…

the first ten minutes are essential watching if that's all the time you got


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8f27d1 No.19036365

File: 49d99e23e1717b2⋯.png (1.06 MB,1304x1680,163:210,b4a.png)



Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders

who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility.

Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain,

who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8]

Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9]

By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts.

Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs,

but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.

At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]

They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges.

They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge.

They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.

Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians.

Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors.


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3a66d4 No.19036366

File: 1a2788a67b310f7⋯.png (301.34 KB,520x378,260:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f27d1 No.19036367

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)



the missing piece that you needed, padiwon?

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226d69 No.19036368


By the late 1930s Hitler had resurrected Germany, which had become newly prosperous under his rule, and he had also managed to reunite it with several separated German populations. As a result, he was widely recognized as one of the most successful and popular leaders in the world, and he hoped to finally settle the Polish border dispute, offering concessions far more generous than any of his democratically-elected Weimar predecessors had ever considered. But Poland’s dictatorship instead spent months rejecting his attempts at negotiations and also began brutal mistreatment of its German minority, finally forcing Hitler into declaring war. And as I discussed in 2019, provoking that war may have been the deliberate goal of certain powerful figures.

Perhaps the most obvious of these is the question of the true origins of the war, which laid waste to much of Europe, killed perhaps fifty or sixty million, and gave rise to the subsequent Cold War era in which Communist regimes controlled half of the entire Eurasian world-continent. Taylor, Irving, and numerous others have thoroughly debunked the ridiculous mythology that the cause lay in Hitler’s mad desire for world conquest, but if the German dictator clearly bore only minor responsibility, was there indeed any true culprit? Or did this massively-destructive world war come about in somewhat similar fashion to its predecessor, which our conventional histories treat as mostly due to a collection of blunders, misunderstandings, and thoughtless escalations?

During the 1930s, John T. Flynn was one of America’s most influential progressive journalists, and although he had begun as a strong supporter of Roosevelt and his New Deal, he gradually became a sharp critic, concluding that FDR’s various governmental schemes had failed to revive the American economy. Then in 1937 a new economic collapse spiked unemployment back to the same levels as when the president had first entered office, confirming Flynn in his harsh verdict. And as I wrote last year:

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3a66d4 No.19036369

File: bab9e70fcdb1353⋯.png (1.23 MB,1536x1107,512:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5b474 No.19036371

File: 6269cd21f8d29d6⋯.png (1.14 MB,1010x1136,505:568,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

File: e571a1b4d725ef4⋯.png (2 MB,1406x1050,703:525,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)

"we are united"

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c64972 No.19036372


(PB/LB) faggot

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21e344 No.19036373

>>19036303 ← clueless lying nigger

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c69667 No.19036374


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8f27d1 No.19036375

File: 2dd1315c79980aa⋯.png (22.91 KB,640x334,320:167,Y_3595.png)


Today many people wish to believe that WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS built the Nazi regime out of pure Greed yet the Truth is far more horrifying.

As if WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS have no Higher Lo[Y]alty…

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c5b474 No.19036376



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21e344 No.19036377

File: 13120739003d425⋯.gif (483.31 KB,613x613,1:1,20230531_091603.gif)




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2b016d No.19036378

File: f09b5559559a89f⋯.jpg (55.44 KB,888x499,888:499,soon.jpg)

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aae7d6 No.19036379

File: 59ed00b8b5cdde6⋯.jpg (34.18 KB,359x471,359:471,baroon_kzk.jpg)

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8f27d1 No.19036380


maybe just maybe

if you read the drops?


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c5b474 No.19036381




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dc6a64 No.19036382

File: 2a20594daa9a19d⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,166.75 KB,1080x573,360:191,001DFFB9_FD3F_4B70_8166_B….jpeg)

God reveals by serendipity, order and divine plan from the chaos.

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21e344 No.19036383

>>19036287 ← another lying nigger

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08db1b No.19036384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Taraweeh in Mecca Saudi Arabia, 1427 - Night 01

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aae7d6 No.19036385

File: 8516ec91c9a117c⋯.jpg (91.93 KB,528x331,528:331,1a36d9e36b0bef55ac20fddfdf….jpg)

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21e344 No.19036386


you will pay for your lies.

you will remember.

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aae7d6 No.19036387

soul dominant country: india

body dominant country: china

spirit dominant country: america

equilibrium dominant countries: middle east

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21e344 No.19036388


douchecanoe is better

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83bd2a No.19036389


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dc6a64 No.19036390


Love one another?

A pipe for peace throughout ALL the land?

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aae7d6 No.19036391

shhh, communicating with the a.lmost i.nteresting

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3a66d4 No.19036392

File: 167faa732d07ba0⋯.png (324.04 KB,500x710,50:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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21e344 No.19036393


your father should be flayed for begotten such moranery.

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8f27d1 No.19036394

File: 0a5caf122332f53⋯.png (55.65 KB,638x354,319:177,Y_3562.png)


pewm pewm

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21e344 No.19036395

File: da274eb9afce94c⋯.gif (3.02 MB,588x442,294:221,20230615_224308.gif)


ing even

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aae7d6 No.19036396

File: 9b82b9a3c28b4f3⋯.png (298.6 KB,546x499,546:499,9b82b9a3c28b4f3c83f55d4b9e….png)

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db471e No.19036397


that third video. fuck. never relax

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8f27d1 No.19036398

File: a22d9e0c582e269⋯.png (399.97 KB,598x500,299:250,yy2av.png)

*shoves almost interesting foot up your almost interesting assah!*

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8f27d1 No.19036399

File: 5a85ed1cc3e6373⋯.png (66.58 KB,908x944,227:236,Q_1584_new_eyes.png)

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB,630x631,630:631,Q_1384_new_eyes_joining.jpg)

and down ya go!

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c5b474 No.19036400

File: 6a0d1085f781f4c⋯.png (2.33 MB,1570x1260,157:126,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)


the doe NOT buck




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58cd8a No.19036401

File: 4b348de323dd0cb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>involved in Anti-Satellite Missile testing

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8f27d1 No.19036402

File: d46210441cd1b5c⋯.png (123.59 KB,1058x850,529:425,Shille.png)

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7e547c No.19036403

File: 76caba143828c15⋯.png (51.51 KB,564x688,141:172,trayseur.png)

[PAIN] coming


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f55780 No.19036404




who were the divers?

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7e547c No.19036405

File: fe74ba473a2ab39⋯.png (487.24 KB,810x626,405:313,P_ZELENSKYB.png)

File: ce1bbbb8f649f64⋯.png (588.41 KB,1148x684,287:171,P_ZELENSKYC.png)

File: 359e9838a919b03⋯.png (546.39 KB,756x506,378:253,BRETH2.png)

would be nervous if was you though!

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3a66d4 No.19036406

File: fb061578fbd9d21⋯.png (168.64 KB,328x453,328:453,ClipboardImage.png)


That's nothing. They gave Brock K-12 curriculum + 1 month a year to corrupt youth and max out their suicide rate.

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a8a4ab No.19036407

File: 1e2ff1f2abc200b⋯.jpeg (51.88 KB,649x462,59:42,image.jpeg)

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e0e2fd No.19036408


Carter has been on ice for a hot minute now

They must be holding his death back for a major distraction

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d3568e No.19036409

File: 8b088c352e467ab⋯.png (34.7 KB,640x334,320:167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6f630922f22d0b⋯.png (62.01 KB,638x354,319:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9374efbf0a792bd⋯.png (546.37 KB,1684x2560,421:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e547c No.19036410

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICALv.png)

File: 9dcceff98147e64⋯.png (36.2 KB,1188x528,9:4,Q_3565av.png)

File: 1055ac4c92d71a0⋯.png (447.66 KB,788x447,788:447,Q_3565b_2_.png)

File: 054b43471e4dab2⋯.png (275.08 KB,2888x2416,361:302,bib1.png)


If hunting the Great White Whale is not entertaining… maybe you are the Whale?

Just a thought!

Its the THOUGHT that counts!

Trust your Mother!

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226d69 No.19036411


What were that collection of people doing together looking at the titanic?

Trying to prove it did not hit an iceberg?

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025af0 No.19036412


Only confirmed I can track down so far are the CEO Stockton Rush and Hamish Harding (59 year old British billionaire). That's 2 out of the 5 total crew aboard.

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7e547c No.19036413

File: 7c08265a0c874f7⋯.jpg (308.2 KB,1553x903,1553:903,12.jpg)


its ok!

in this version

anons fuck that whale up!

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aae7d6 No.19036414


pope telling us who the "Lord" is?

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c5b474 No.19036415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2 hrs tour

Why was Boeing 747 jet owned by Saudi Royals scrapped?

Kaumudy Global

43K subscribers

1,113 views May 2, 2022 #Boeing747 #SaudiaArabia

#Boeing747-8N458BJ #SultanBinAbdulAzizAlSaud #SaudiaArabia

The world’s least-flown Boeing 747-8 (N458BJ), is potentially to be scrapped for parts, according to a report by Simple Flying. The majestic aircraft is one of the very few privately-owned Boeing 747s in the world that was delivered 10 years ago and was destined for the Saudi Arabian Royal Flight group. Reportedly, the all-white 747-8 was ordered by Saudi crown prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud for more than 300 million dollars and was intended to serve as his private jet. However, the crown prince died one year before the plane was delivered in 2012. The aircraft was in Basel, Switzerland where it was being kitted out with an uber-luxurious VIP interior custom made for the crown prince.

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7e547c No.19036416

File: 2ade0772fbff6da⋯.gif (3.22 MB,512x512,1:1,lovestofishe.gif)


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b709a5 No.19036417

File: 1a9760e22609ea7⋯.png (63.31 KB,557x730,557:730,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5422213e91c4b52⋯.png (45.58 KB,557x456,557:456,Screen_Shot_06_20_23_at_01….PNG)


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a8a4ab No.19036418


They'll make a Yuge deal about how he didn't start any wars and prolly say he was the ONLY president who didn't and fuck anyone who says Trump didn't also because everyone knows Trump is Putins cock holster and started the Ukraine war. At the state funeral.

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226d69 No.19036419


God save the Queen… why did Biden say that?

Does a queen need saving?

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025af0 No.19036420

File: 6324600c951a5cd⋯.png (80.06 KB,871x620,871:620,_D9BBEF93_4FCA_4F6D_B9F4_A….png)

File: cea62d189d18fab⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,493x495,493:495,_6864BF1C_F3BB_427A_8524_0….jpg)



Also looks like Paul-Henry Nargeolet was onboard as well. Another with military connections it seems.



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aae7d6 No.19036421

L = a square, tool for building creating

ord = ordinate, position in a sequence

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3a66d4 No.19036422

File: 1ffd3215408bcb2⋯.png (320.68 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You mean Permawar part 2. [They] pulled the same trick on Saddam Hussien and it worked.

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dc6a64 No.19036423

File: 848e58f9669b4fc⋯.jpeg (108.98 KB,799x788,799:788,EC9255AC_97D2_4584_AECF_1….jpeg)


Be kind to our aquatic relatives.

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c5b474 No.19036424

File: b625f5796a56415⋯.png (118.47 KB,1890x584,945:292,Screenshot_2023_06_19_at_2….png)


12-Feb-2018 8:35:37 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch

Archived links:


Flowers & Gardens.

Learn the hidden symbolism.http://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/slave-gardens

What does a 'Flower' represent?

What does 'Deflower' represent?


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226d69 No.19036425


Is Pelosi considered to be Queen of House?

Or Feinstein?

Who needs saving?

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aae7d6 No.19036426

untether thy mind from pebbles pretending to be boat anchors.

-or such

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a8a4ab No.19036427


Mr Michelle O'bummer

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7e547c No.19036428


anon will smack you!

oh alright… via gnosticism… the dark variety… yes… the light variety is missing from most texts… Satan is the King of this world… well Yaldaboath… these "negative gnostics" if you will, do not seem to grasp the full concept…

Yalda is the fatherless son of a goddess.

Kept in his own little world unaware of even his mothers existence as in that he might question "where is the other half of me"?

This is the primitive understanding, the negative variety, of a primitive people grasping with shit like coincidences and why did GOD take my MOM!? type of religious enquiries which were otherwise unexplainable etc etc blah blah…

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d3568e No.19036429

File: 75f9099528dd8e8⋯.png (51.39 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)


>Carter has been on ice for a hot minute now

>They must be holding his death back for a major distraction

[They] don't have a D5 clue this time. Perhaps we could start a decode rumor around a future date and make [them] waste the ammunition?

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9829e3 No.19036430

File: a8f08e44a26dc96⋯.jpeg (224.15 KB,1200x664,150:83,IMG_0994.jpeg)

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7e547c No.19036431

File: 375d77121682cb3⋯.gif (4.34 MB,512x512,1:1,lovestofish.gif)



kill all whale and dolphin!

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226d69 No.19036432


Maybe LDR is thirsty

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3a66d4 No.19036433

File: c8b32e57b01e175⋯.png (541.46 KB,952x500,238:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Take 6-19 to reflect on who ran all the plantations in Texas when it was part of Mexico, before 1845.

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9829e3 No.19036434

File: 1633f4905beb3d5⋯.jpeg (266.03 KB,1200x664,150:83,IMG_0993.jpeg)

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f55780 No.19036435

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dc6a64 No.19036436

File: f2df7522bc88281⋯.jpeg (14.99 KB,460x242,230:121,ADFDD694_B89E_46DC_B913_1….jpeg)


Got any a them Burmese pufferfish?

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38e5f5 No.19036437

File: 4f6b317ac7a2a91⋯.png (604.32 KB,2696x2352,337:294,z1.png)

File: 0b3cb9f7737fe13⋯.png (1.15 MB,2696x2352,337:294,z2.png)

File: 1ccbb7e916ec97b⋯.png (1.12 MB,2672x2328,334:291,z3.png)

File: ff8389a5ede8df5⋯.png (983.14 KB,2668x2340,667:585,z4.png)

File: 114e561efb996ae⋯.png (2.09 MB,2178x2356,1089:1178,cc1zd.png)



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a8a4ab No.19036438


digits indicate f'ingmasons?

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38e5f5 No.19036439

File: 36f08fb85e12474⋯.gif (2.53 MB,441x512,441:512,YESSO.gif)



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a9dd9c No.19036440

File: 51a37ea7f1f0e5d⋯.jpeg (14.1 KB,375x543,125:181,IMG_0996.jpeg)


your memes are so gay

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d3568e No.19036441


>God save the Queen… why did Biden say that?

>Does a queen need saving?

How about a nice game of chess.


Objective [end]: checkmate king

Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

Do you attack and remove pawns first?

Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?

Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?

Is the game being played public or private?

Do emotions affect critical thinking?

Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?

Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?

“At this time.”



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3a66d4 No.19036442

File: 225f4bca98aad64⋯.png (284.08 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


I do not consent.

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eaacce No.19036443

File: 822279d369b2964⋯.jpeg (926.98 KB,2048x696,256:87,IMG_2138.jpeg)

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c5b474 No.19036444

File: 12a7cb50038bbb6⋯.png (1.04 MB,1236x1152,103:96,Screenshot_2023_06_10_at_0….png)



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aae7d6 No.19036445

'you' are the vitamin A and the omegas.

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a9dd9c No.19036446

File: 2e32c890ce509ff⋯.jpeg (175.44 KB,875x1173,875:1173,IMG_0782.jpeg)


His name is Michael

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38e5f5 No.19036447

File: 2403feb5c28ab65⋯.png (1.42 MB,744x988,186:247,fearinnoculum.png)



One time

anon was listening to them breathe and they were all like "It must a team of master meme makers!" and "Something must be done!"

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a8a4ab No.19036448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38e5f5 No.19036449


those eyes though!

prolly some WITCH HUNT…

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9a8c97 No.19036450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f83995 No.19036451

File: ab38293b68c4c41⋯.jpeg (75.78 KB,510x480,17:16,IMG_0964.jpeg)

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dc6a64 No.19036452

File: 182d10a7c7d050e⋯.png (129.83 KB,750x422,375:211,DF6179C3_6CA4_4124_B165_97….png)