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File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,qr_red_fireworks_banner.png)

2661c5 No.19035945 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 postsand534 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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181fb8 No.19036713

File: e0fc268d24a9bf3⋯.jpg (129.4 KB,944x1280,59:80,M8GAHat.jpg)

We are always waiting as well.

Remember its your ball to call.

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4a94a8 No.19036714


Your arithmetic skills are equal to your comprehension.

Wouldn't 1000 Q breads equal at least 1000 Q posts?

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aae7d6 No.19036715

File: cfd6edf15957343⋯.jpg (37.46 KB,727x423,727:423,multi_D_resonance.jpg)

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3c41ec No.19036716

File: 640646e228a47f8⋯.png (144.15 KB,486x469,486:469,DOIT.png)


No its not!

Read the drops!


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e09153 No.19036717

>>19032564 lb

As a bust?

>I agree! He was going to work with him in Trump’s first term until Gates badmouthed him. I think he had to say he doesn’t like Trump or he’ll get used to him! Kek


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5081fd No.19036718


>$600 million dollars is much closer to half a BILLION.

STILL cheaper to whack all the MSM shills pushing the GW hoax

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025af0 No.19036719

File: 96839c4108ab2c3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1263x794,1263:794,_695101BF_72DC_4921_8D2B_C….png)



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307ea6 No.19036720


Hey D2L, how are you?

long time no see.

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a27cb5 No.19036721


happened to me, too. I don't even bother to go back there.

they also will pump for info (to get re–instated) then block you anyway

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aae7d6 No.19036722

djinn -> spirit -> exorcist -> psychologist -> psychiatrist -> farmaceutical

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3c41ec No.19036723



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c5b474 No.19036724

File: f2136eacf365502⋯.png (1.29 MB,1116x810,62:45,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_0….png)

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307ea6 No.19036725

baker on duty

#23375 >>19035951

>>19036021, >>19036023, >>19036088, >>19036114, >>19036533 Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

>>19036026 Midwestern Teachers Trade Tips On ‘Subversively & Quietly’ Transitioning Kids

>>19036044 Jacqui Lambie refers ADF leadership to International Criminal Court declaring the top brass 'got a free pass' from war crimes investigations

>>19036065, >>19036194, >>19036228, >>19036239 PF

>>19036092 Gavin Newsom - Welcome back to the Golden State, @POTUS!

>>19036126 Potato lies on power grid, fires, etc.

>>19036140, >>19036345, >>19036486, >>19036519, >>19036678 Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

>>19036212 ‘Acting As Police’: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese ‘Intelligence Service’ Quietly Operates In US

>>19036415 Why was brand new Boeing 747 jet owned by Saudi Royals scrapped?

>>19036455, Plane crash kills pilot from Discovery Channel show and Idaho hunting guide

updated dough



WAIT FOR IT, might be late

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60c113 No.19036726

File: d6f72d5449f3354⋯.png (1.26 MB,930x930,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c41ec No.19036727


Was that digital soldier OR keyboard warrior?

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5081fd No.19036728


>Wouldn't 1000 Q breads equal at least 1000 Q posts?

been at least 1000 breads without a Q post, in just the past 2.5 yrs

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1d8c8f No.19036729


I been in the 5th dimension since I left the bake squad. Was a really difficult transition.This board was the bridge. Holy Spirit has rewarded me with a new vision . I am completely transformed since joining and serving in the Q war. Shit was unbelievably epic. I been unwinding from that whole thing and trying to continue the fight as best as a beat down mind can do. Other bakers probably have had a similar exp .The hardcore ones like I was. ULTRA HARDCORE. Not like some of them not as badass but I did my best to be of complete and total service to the World cause of freedom. God love the pure good Anons. You will and are in the realm of Angels now. Tread carefully!!

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f55780 No.19036730


Shahzada Dawood and his son Sulaiman Dawoodwere on board

should be complete

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307ea6 No.19036731




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181fb8 No.19036732

File: 1c567cf041d351d⋯.png (11.56 KB,462x134,231:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Read the post…


You fail to understand 40+ poster.

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025af0 No.19036733

File: 3ef285af5fd40d0⋯.png (136.87 KB,1187x580,1187:580,_041ABF54_F4DF_4E6A_A153_B….png)



Interesting. Dawood is a WEF guy, and is on the board for Prince Charles charity.


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1d8c8f No.19036734


I probably baked that bread when that meme came out really. I was that } HERE.{

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025af0 No.19036735


Just can't find a picture of his son that I can confirm is him.

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a27cb5 No.19036736


how long is it slated to hold out for; if I even buy into the story?

also, how do they know they are gone? They just never came back or lost radio contact.

Do they even have radio contact from that deep?

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3c41ec No.19036738


Good, good.

It is written that Anon will be the Judge of Angels…

The Angels went to God once complaining about anon.

God told the angels that if they were anon, that they would have done far worse…

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1d8c8f No.19036740

File: ef084d4538df7e4⋯.jpg (9.54 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0133.JPG)

no more IDS from me you all knopw Im watching and here sending blessings to the good Anons and real White Hat Digital Soldiers and my Superior officer here SIR! 07 !!


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4a94a8 No.19036741








They know who everyone is and 'Trust the Plan' it is for the betterment of all



Mar 09, 2018 6:16:07 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec No. 599607

Mar 09, 2018 6:01:54 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 4125ff No. 599581

Every user on TWITTER will soon be able to apply for a coveted blue tick verification mark, the company’s CEO Jack Dorsey said in a live stream on Thursday.

Using Periscope from the firm’s San Francisco headquarters, TWITTER executives revealed the process was being reworked from the ground up. They said the current system creates confusion and can imply credibility, but stressed that it will still be important to let users have a way to evaluate if profiles are legitimate.

http:// www



Hidden message.


POTUS delete/install.

Coded message (accept) by LdR/HRC/others.

Allowing @Snowden access/censorship/tracking.

[+sharing groups C-9/all]

[+trace upload that tone recognizes other devices w/ active geo [all sig devices].

Don’t drop the soap.



Apr 09, 2018 1:09:25 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 28003e No. 967331

Apr 09, 2018 1:02:45 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: db2d29 No. 967224


YOU are being TRACKED.

NO FB account required. WTF? Is it embedded in Android OS?

==This is BIGGER than you think.

Agencies attached.



Think 'Bridge'.





'Central' algorithm.

The stage had to be set.


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5081fd No.19036743


>how long is it slated to hold out for; if I even buy into the story?

96 hrs

sauced elsewhere in this bread

>Do they even have radio contact from that deep?

mil black ops? or just ordinary billionaires?

IDK… aksing the wrong anon

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3c41ec No.19036744


and your baker name/handle was?

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f55780 No.19036745


ah, forgive me

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4a94a8 No.19036747


What are 1000 Q breads?

You could have just said baked 1000 breads.

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4a94a8 No.19036748


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1d8c8f No.19036749

File: 46b28550f07ac8d⋯.jpg (9.72 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0246.JPG)


Dark to light baker .and years before that with no gifted name * just an addendum to the posts to clarify one of my later bakes when i was fighting the shill tactics. Bakers were on their own to decipher all this crazy ass shit . Total mind war for sure im still fucked up

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02c4c0 No.19036750

“We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence” – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan (VIDEO)


fuck you, criminal.

I do not support your right to live. so, dear family, end this mother fucker!

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307ea6 No.19036751

File: b4e4d11c2e3eaf6⋯.jpg (4.97 KB,275x183,275:183,plane.jpg)

File: 891ed2f9e092e4e⋯.png (106.74 KB,505x476,505:476,midnight_rider_5.png)







always looking for good bakers, baker


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3a66d4 No.19036755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This time will be different. Have some new fake revisionist history

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1d8c8f No.19036756


I will return to the kitchen I promise.

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a27cb5 No.19036757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



just seen it now, soory

a few days away

so we've got a "nellie on the railroad tracks" kind of narrative.

perils of pauline


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5081fd No.19036760


>You could have just said baked 1000 breads.

me not OP

me haz different ID

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1d8c8f No.19036762

File: 58f95b00adbef53⋯.jpg (97.72 KB,945x662,945:662,58f95b00adbef53af12d1c926a….jpg)

God loves you Q and the Angel Anons. YOU DO THE HOLY SPIRITS WORK

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a27cb5 No.19036763


good job. am impressed.

was "there" then too

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1d8c8f No.19036765

File: d026266e9376de2⋯.jpg (22.05 KB,255x204,5:4,_AcQ9wYg_jpg_large.jpg)



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1d8c8f No.19036767

File: 26b0e5ffb104b22⋯.png (48.67 KB,446x290,223:145,26b0e5ffb104b2218bd971cc65….png)


I just meant Q research bread MUH BAD !!!

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c5b474 No.19036769

File: d560c02c781a27c⋯.png (2.36 MB,2072x1196,518:299,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_0….png)

File: 2b86cc4533e6b8e⋯.png (1.53 MB,938x1216,469:608,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_0….png)

File: 51a6937b899a64d⋯.png (708.83 KB,1024x1246,512:623,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_0….png)


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3a66d4 No.19036771

File: a41515a7a796cae⋯.png (303.04 KB,553x500,553:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 432722ad8ab3ce3⋯.png (313.2 KB,553x500,553:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a66d4 No.19036772

File: b804a5494f19f21⋯.png (305.08 KB,553x500,553:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d8c8f No.19036773

File: 3536e97f27a5aa1⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,480x480,1:1,video_2022_04_15_17_14_54.mp4)

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4a94a8 No.19036779

File: f411f1fd78cf1ce⋯.jpg (93.15 KB,960x921,320:307,f411f1fd78cf1ce513255141f3….jpg)

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de34fc No.19036782

File: 5d422423e994180⋯.gif (184.54 KB,939x916,939:916,_.gif)

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294f46 No.19036803


They scrub the co2 and convert to oxygen but it's limited.

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