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File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 1752x942, 292:157, 3a4e4d2ff47e574bb8a285448b….jpg)

c88294  No.17572124 [Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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c88294  No.17572127


Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats - msm trying to nail "Q and anons"

BAKERS - what to do if breads go past 751: >>17500759

E-BAKERS - Clearly sign out after the bake if not continuing as baker

HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics: >>17322505

E-baking vs Baking: >>17485628 E-Bake: PLS TAG THE DOUGH

Q post formatting: >>17224834 Baker's Lite JS code: >>17224816

Format for A/B notables is -A -B #11111-A #11111-B >>17242529

Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker; Ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884

TIPS for baking in fullchan.net: DO NOT use password, select NEVER EXPIRE >>17526037 new



>>17571368, 17571405 Bidens and Elton John

>>17571389 Off-board planefagging:Two E-6 command birds up

>>17571397 Love & Light Crooked and Q

>>17571532, >>17571536, >>17571543, >>17571546 President Donald J. Trump at Wilmington Rally

>>17571559, >>17571893 8kun Chat September 23, 2022

>>17571560 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando & More 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 09/23/2022 part 2

>>17571592, >>17572115 Comms from this weirdo, Surgeon General likes ice cream cones, without ice cream

>>17571653, >>17571661, >>17571717, >>17571802, >>17571892, >>17571928, >>17571974, >>17571987, >>17571997, >>17572020 Demuren Family of Nigeria Call to Dig

>>17571659 PDJT @TS

>>17571669 Clockfag

>>17571685 MSN: "Qanon" Salute Banned At Trump Rallys

>>17571756 Biden: "She was 12, I was 30"

>>17571913 For the Keks: And the blue checks go reeeeeeeeee

>>17571934 Killary: Extreme MAGA Republican gun laws and inflammatory language have led to a spike in violent crime. When #MAGAIncitesGunViolence, we all pay the price

>>17571942 Origin of a predicted event on the date of September 24, 2022

>>17571982 The first German district blackout simulation: 400 dead in 96 hours

>>17572065 Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Become Targets For Attacks and Arson After Roe Ruling

>>17572094 Gutfeld: Hispanics support migrant flights to sanctuary cities

>>17572109 The Entire Dutch Cabinet STORMS out the Building After Having Their Egos Shattered by Thierry Baudet

>>17572123 #21543

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c88294  No.17572128


>>17571100 N108PB 45 almost back home now

>>17571143 Donald J. Trump: "You get up and KNOCK THE HELL OUT of them." (Cap 0:34)

>>17571234 Donald J. Trump: The radical Democrats don't care about prosecuting violent criminals; they only care about persecuting…conservatives." (Cap 1:26)

>>17570603 HOLD ON. I'M COMIN."

>>17570620 1 hour and 40 mins speech

>>17570765, >>17570623, >>17570628, >>17570636 Air Q's @9:16, At about 3:23:09 - on this one, although there's a cut at the first Air Q…second one is clear

>>17570624 Most beloved dancing President EVER!

>>17570627 Thanks, Donald, for such an inspiring rally speech!

>>17570635 Fathom it for a second… You can feel the good vibes here tonight. You can feel the energy here tonight.

>>17570639 Stupid and husbands mentioned a lot. 2 ident posts. 350, 354. Also Mr. President pelted out 1872. Here for your perusal. He is awesome!!! I sure love him!!

>>17570640 Right before music started, he said, “IN CONCLUSION……”

>>17570650 COINCIDENCE? @ 1:49:

>>17570656 Trump: “ We are standing up for parental rights. I can’t believe I even have to say it.”

>>17570670 Why no word on North Korea?

>>17570671 24 Attorneys General Demand Credit Card Companies Drop Plans To Track Gun Sale

>>17570689 KICKING ASS!

>>17570691, >>17570701 Watch: ‘These Guys Just Bull-Rushed Our Houses’: Texas Farmer’s Video Of Illegals Barging Into His Grandpa’s Home

>>17570703, >>17570713 🔴President Donald Trump Rally Live In Wilmington, Nc 9/23/22 With Full Notes

>>17570708 Trump Says He Has Power to Declassify Docs at Will, (TRUE) Warns Nation 'Tired' of Drama Over Feds' Probe

>>17570709 Wilmington closing with music (Cap 7:37)

>>17570727, >>17570831, >>17570733, >>17570775, >>17570831 Call sign TRIAL17 and HANDY12. A pair of USN Boeing E-6B Mercury aircraft. 162782 and 164404. TACAMO indeed

>>17570758, >>17570779, >>17570832, >>17570847 Free energy? Thus sounds like Uncle John Trump's Tesla Earth-ionophere backyard house battery with two-plates.

>>17570785 Contractor is Archer Western. Hiring undocumented workers to build your bridges and kill your police

>>17570846 Winnipeg — A Police Officer Has Died Shortly After Being Charged With Child Pornography Offences.

>>17570918 7 Weeks Away From The Biggest Election In History

>>17570932, >>17570999, >>17571010 POTUS mentioned 286 during speech tonight

>>17571056, >>17570939 "If humanity is wise, it will stop the clown show in motion, before its hindsight becomes useful again."

>>17570375 pb Rallyanon Notes 4

>>17570273 pb Rallyanon Notes 5

>>17569959 pb Rallyanon Notes 6

>>17570997 Rallyanon Notes 7

>>17570988 If they think that they could be arrested for mishandling Classified docs., all they have to do is Declassify them. It is a trap for all previous POTUSs.

>>17571046, >>17571062 Crooked Hillary Compares Trump Rallies to Hitler Rallies

>>17571053 NYC’s Largest Police Union Wins Vaccine Mandate – Judge Rules Vaccine Mandate “INVALID”

>>17571088, >>17571067, >>17570898, >>17570901, >>17570909, >>17570940 'AGAIN' SIGNS at Trump Rally

>>17571104 Did anyone catch the rally song “Can You Hear The People Sing?” from the musical Les Misérables?

>>17571139, >>17571149 Mark Finchem Surges Against Former Maricopa Elections Official Who Defended Fast & Furious Cartel Gun Runner

>>17571223, >>17571242, >>17571248 Durham's response to Danchenko's attempt to get case dismissed. (13 pages long) anon included 5.

>>17571259 Eric Adams' plan to house 1,000 illegal immigrants in TENTS close to idyllic beach and upmarket country club, Not in my back yard! Furious residents

>>17571276 #21542

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c88294  No.17572129


>>17569834 POTUS just called market bottom.

>>17569850 PF Reports Call sign HOTRD88. USAF Boeing E-4B Nightwatch 73-1676.

>>17569856 President Trump: Let's go buy an electric car that travels for one hour and forty-nine minutes, and then you can spend four hours waiting for it to recharge if you can find a charger.

>>17569859, >>17569907, >>17569931 1 HOUR 49 MINUTES (in reference to electric car range)

>>17569874 Trump just dropped another 49 Electric car runs for 1 hour and 49 minutes

>>17569875 Rally Notes: Trump takes the stage at 7:49 pm. 49 minutes late.

>>17569879 President Donald J. Trump in Wilmington, NC Links

>>17569909 U.S. Naval Institute BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP

>>17569913, >>17569941 No Iran deal, no foreign aid to Iran. No foreign aid to Iran, no Iranian economy to appease the Iranian People

>>17569917 Aluminum Air Battery in Electric Vehicles- No need to Charge your EV

>>17569935 President Trump: Among our highest priorities must be to end the nightmare that Joe Biden and congressional democrats have created at our southern border.

>>17569959 Rallyanon Notes 1

>>17570273 Rallyanon Notes 2

>>17570375 Rallyanon Notes 3

>>17570011, >>17569968 4 Year Delta post TRUST GRASSLEY

>>17570009 President Trump: When republicans take back congress, we should immediately pass the bill allowing the victims of sanctuary cities and states to sue for damages when a loved one is hurt or killed as a result of these deadly people and deadly policies.

>>17570008 Rally numbers Rally Screen shots

>>17570055, >>17570089, >>17570090, >>17570126, >>17570143 XI. Drugs. Guilty = Death Penalty.

>>17570110 DRUG DEALERS = Pharma

>>17570068 President Trump: If you do the death penalty for drug dealers, you will cut crime in this country, I think by more than eighty percent.

>>17570100 President Trump: Under a republican congress, we should also pass emergency funding to hire thousands and thousands more police officers nationwide, and to put violent criminals behind bars, and to keep them behind bars.

>>17570112 He said it back…I love you

>>17570180 "We're being run by stupid people." Only leader to ever have said that. That's how you earn trust and loyalty. By speaking the truth. And it is the truth.

>>17570201 Americans have lost an average of $4,200 in annual income since Biden took office

>>17570233 Nonprofits Violate IRS Rules to Wage a Legal War for Illegal Aliens

>>17570240 The Agency Who Calls Me Systemic Racist Is Fucking Systemic Treason

>>17570244 President Trump: You gotta Swamp 'Em.

>>17570256 COVID Update NYC: Judge rules vaccine mandate invalid for PBA members

>>17570271 DJT No matter what these left wing tyrants throw at us we keep on going, we keep on fighting & we keep pushing forward!

>>17570281, >>17570284, >>17570478 kmao is he talking about the football rig

>>17570297, >>17570330 Trump, "1 min, 37 sec" This is not a game.

>>17570334 4TH QUARTER

>>17570319, >>17570344 The strike will be fast..

>>17570350 President Trump: Our children are captives to unhinged, marxist educators, who are pushing inappropriate sexual, racial, and political material, on our children, from the youngest possible age.

>>17570384, >>17570383, >>17570426 President Trump: The radical left democrat party is not a fifty percent party within our country. They are against God, guns, oil, law enforcement, voter ID, tax cuts, regulation cuts, The Constitution, and they are against our Founding Fathers…the way they win is to cheat in elections…they cheat like hell.

>>17570384 President Trump: The radical left democrat party is not a fifty percent party within our country. They are against God, guns, oil, law enforcement, voter ID, tax cuts, regulation cuts, The Constitution, and they are against our Founding Fathers…the way they win is to cheat in elections…they cheat like hell.

>>17570410 President Trump - We Need A Landslide So Big That The Radical Left Cannot Do It, They Cannot Steal It.


>>17570441 President Trump: We will restore a thing called Law and Order in America.

>>17570467 President Trump: No matter how big or powerful the corrupt, radical-left democrats are, we are fighting like nobody's ever fought before.

>>17570474, >>17570480 This nation belongs to you.

>>17570493 President Trump: We are nation that has the highest inflation in fifty years, and where the stock market finished the worst first half of the year since 1872.

>>17570519 President Trump: China with Taiwan is next.

>>17570542 #21541

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c88294  No.17572130

Previously Collected

>>17570542 #21541, >>17571276 #21542, >>17572123 #21543

>>17568312 #21538, >>17568955 #21539, >>17569766 #21540

>>17565825 #21535, >>17566599 #21536, >>17567396 #21537

>>17563298 #21532, >>17564139 #21533, >>17564979 #21534

>>17560954 #21529, >>17562173 #21530, >>17562446 #21531

>>17474548 Q Research Notables #15: High Five

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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c88294  No.17572132

File: bb56e3aaf28f3ab⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 236x289, 236:289, bb56e3aaf28f3abd6985ff5cee….jpg)



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c88294  No.17572135

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB, 414x354, 69:59, 4e57ac4a7a29c188ee08a9431f….jpg)


this bread is GHOST

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

Apologies Anons, can't stick around tonight, stuff to do in the morning

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47baa9  No.17572141

File: a8e9be184f09bc3⋯.png (388.31 KB, 499x750, 499:750, ClipboardImage.png)


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23f0fe  No.17572156

Thank you, Baker. Oh, and if today is the day the world ends, it's been nice knowing ya. I do not think the world is ending today, however, so it will be nice knowing you and working with you moar in the future.

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6548b4  No.17572157



Just two more weeks™ for popping and booming. I'm sure of it this time. Not sure like the last time, but sure it's this time, kind of like the time before last, but more so.

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8cd66b  No.17572160

File: 0f4a4147d6e73a7⋯.jpg (150.4 KB, 750x500, 3:2, penchant_meme.jpg)

File: 491f7acb91929d0⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 750x500, 3:2, inappropriate_meme.jpg)

kek fixed the spelling errors.

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a1a8e7  No.17572167




more moarice cream conecomms

from 09/22/22

Chris Matthews: Trump's "Ice Cream Cone Is Melting," The "Little People" Were Impressed With His Wealth and Wife

Former MSNBC host Chris Matthews appeared on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Thursday and commented on former President Donald Trump's appeal to the "little people" and called on the Department of Justice to "penetrate" Trump for the actions on January 6th before they end the case.

"I think the president's ice cream cone is melting,"Matthews said. "I look all around the case in New York with [Attorney General] Letitia James. Clearly, he has got a lot of prestige from working people, regular people when they see all his wealth. They see the power of the power of owning the house, that mansion on Fifth Avenue, Mar-a-Lago. Everything is I've got the biggest audience of anybody - largest audience for an inauguration for anyone in history. …



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e725cc  No.17572168

File: e783657123b3060⋯.png (47.19 KB, 775x342, 775:342, ClipboardImage.png)


>Het is afwachten geblazen tot de grote dag aanbreekt, want het is en blijft een groot raadsel op deze manier.

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72b9ba  No.17572170

File: 2b73cb296130d65⋯.png (302.01 KB, 640x637, 640:637, ClipboardImage.png)

The juice = high fructose corn surup

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34dbe1  No.17572172

File: 0116353bc1bca25⋯.jpg (256.02 KB, 569x853, 569:853, 0116353bc1bca2553a0d72f978….jpg)

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00e86d  No.17572173

File: c45fe5f4c2dfa01⋯.jpg (113.22 KB, 720x1170, 8:13, 20220924_014714.jpg)

Posts stoke unsupported Sept. 24 disaster theory


CLAIM:Warnings for people to stay inside on Sept. 24, survival pack giveaways, a flier recruiting volunteers for a “mass casualty exercise” and an episode of “The Simpson” are evidence that a large-scale disaster will happen that day.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. This conspiracy theory isn’t supported by credible evidence. It grew online after a German lawmaker misspoke while making remarks about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February.

THE FACTS: An unfounded conspiracy theory that some sort of catastrophic event is planned for Sept. 24 has spread globally this week online, with internet users pointing to a Denver emergency bag giveaway, a Kansas firefighter training event and a German lawmaker’s slip-up as supposed evidence.

The theory emerged after the leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union party, Friedrich Merz, referred to the date Sept. 24 by mistake in a February speech.

In his remarks about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at a Feb. 27 meeting of the Bundestag, or German parliament, Merz misspoke and said Sept. 24 would be a day that people would remember.

But in the official minutes of the Bundestag meeting, Merz’s comments include the date Feb. 24, the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, not Sept. 24. Still, videos of his misstatement have rippled across social media with false claims that a major event is being planned for Sept. 24.

Some social media users went a step further to suggest Germans had been told to stay inside that day. There’s no evidence of a large-scale announcement like this though — neither German lawmakers nor Olaf Scholz, the country’s chancellor, has issued such a warning.

Following the German politician’s slip-up, internet users have grasped for other evidence that might support that something big is going to happen Sept. 24.

Some have even pointed to an episode of “The Simpsons” in which Homer joins a survivalist group preparing for the end of the world. It is the ninth episode of the show’s 24th season, which a number of posts note reflects the date Merz mistakenly said.

While some of the posts acknowledged that “The Simpsons” didn’t really make a doomsday prediction, others urged caution. “Just in case this takes place, please be prepared,” one Twitter user wrote with a clip from the episode.

Others have pointed out that Denver’s Office of Emergency Management announced that it was going to hand out what it called “bug out” bags on Sept. 24 in honor of National Preparedness Month. The city’s website advertises the emergency kit giveaway as one of a series of events in its DenverReady initiative educating residents on disaster preparedness.

Social media users shared videos and posts interpreting the giveaway as evidence the bags would be used for some planned doomsday event. “Yes- Denver is handing out bug out bags in the days before Sept. 24th,” one Twitter user wrote. “I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen that day.”

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a1a8e7  No.17572174

File: 575ab7099c257a7⋯.png (80.97 KB, 696x535, 696:535, Bildschirmfoto_2022_09_24_….png)

File: b3fa3d1235aa479⋯.png (33.23 KB, 697x347, 697:347, Bildschirmfoto_2022_09_24_….png)


and this one was right before the "ice cream cone day"

Press Release

Ice Cream Cones Market 2022, Risk Analysis & Macroeconomic Trends Market Research Report


Sept. 20, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. ET

…The global Ice Cream Cones market size is projected to reach multi million by 2028, in comparision to 2021, at unexpected CAGR during 2022-2028 (Ask for Sample Report)…


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c665f1  No.17572175

File: 769f7055e7039f7⋯.png (352.47 KB, 446x387, 446:387, Death_Blossom_Q.png)

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05a020  No.17572176

Western media continues to ignore how Ukraine is using NATO weapons to kill innocent civilians in the Donbass

<23 Sep, 2022 08:54


On Monday, Ukraine slaughtered 16 civilians, including two children, with 155mm NATO shells, according to the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin. The projectiles hit two adjacent neighborhoods, decimating residential and commercial areas – including a market that had previously suffered fatal attacks.

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08dfdc  No.17572177

File: d31f2d8154d98c6⋯.jpeg (185.44 KB, 750x478, 375:239, 00013FC9_B1A0_4B38_B3CD_C….jpeg)

File: f6681c13c20c22b⋯.jpeg (434.21 KB, 750x918, 125:153, 564AA656_A332_41B9_8D9D_4….jpeg)

File: 5ce2b38785c55b5⋯.jpeg (32.87 KB, 190x179, 190:179, 5E3AA8C4_C73A_4C4A_80C8_F….jpeg)

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08dfdc  No.17572178

File: 1c5a8ba622d4b10⋯.jpeg (169.67 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 443C630A_DBBF_4D5D_83D3_B….jpeg)


This is not okay.

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97ba27  No.17572179


Throwing this out there.

Many scholars believe Christ was born in Sept, not Dec.

Sept 25th?

Next new moon Sept 25th 5:54 pm EST

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e4c101  No.17572180

>>17572132 ¹⁰𝚀🍞

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e4c101  No.17572181

>>17572109 lb

Hij klinkt veel indrukwekkender

dan ons was beschreven !

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9e0bf3  No.17572182



What about one more week instead of two? I have been thinking about that for much longer than three weeks but I would be pleasantly surprised if so.

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c665f1  No.17572184

File: 568b5cba97aa981⋯.png (285.25 KB, 462x348, 77:58, Advanced_Shitposting.png)

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5c7ad1  No.17572185

(lb) >>17571653, >>17571661, >>17571717, >>17571802, >>17571892, >>17571928, >>17571974, >>17571987, >>17571997, >>17572020 (lb) Demuren Family of Nigeria Call to Dig

>What's meant by the phrase, BARBIE DOLLS IN ABUJA, next to a hashtag, SegunDemuren

>(Tunde Demuren) posing with Bill Gates


Politician Under Interpol Radar In Sh25B Money Laundering Scheme With Nigerians

Two Nigerian financial technology tycoons with a history of using tax havens to avoid taxes are at the centre of investigations by ARA and Interpol.

Boltpay founder Eghosasere Nehikhare and Multigate Limited founder [Olubukunmi Olufemi Demuren] could have started the global movement of billions from Lagos

Demuren earned a chemical engineering degree from Cooper Union University in the US.

Demuren is the board chairman of Multigate Ltd.

Mutligate and RemX are among companies registered in Kenya, Dubai and Nigeria and which are at the heart of the money transfers.

April 27, 2022


The three Nigerian nationals at the centre of investigations are close associates of Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, who has been a chief guest at functions hosted by Venture Garden Group, a firm owned by Mr Akinyeniju, Mr Demuren and Mr Nehikhare.

April 29, 2022


For Flutterwave, one of Africa’s largest Tech Unicorns, the chickens may have finally come home to roost, as a Kenyan High Court has seized Sh7 billion, about $59 million, from 56 accounts belonging to it, and for using the firm as a conduit for money laundering

Jul 7, 2022


RemX lists two other directors, Olubukunmi Olufemi Demuren and Olubunmi Akinbanjo Akinyemiju, both of whom are co-founders of Venture Garden Group, whose startup fund was an early investor in Flutterwave.

Jul 25, 2022


An American family of six were among those who died in the Nigerian plane crash which claimed 153 lives.

[Harold Demuren], the [director-general] of the [Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority], said today the pilot of the downed aircraft was an American and the co-pilot was Indian.

5 June 2012


Michael, one of the sons of [former boss] of the [Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority], [Dr Segun Demuren], and brother to Toolz' boo, [Tunde Demuren], is getting married to his lady, Samantha in Dubai this morning


>>17571802 (lb)

>"Segun has been the Managing Director/ CEO ofEvergreenApple Nigeria (EAN) Limited, the owners and operators of the first Fixed Base Operator (FBO), airstrip and aircraft maintenance facility in Ikeja, Lagos."

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5a0688  No.17572186

>>17572162, >>17572159 pb

'Corn kid' knows his vegetables but not Tom Hanks

'Corn kid' knows his vegetables but not Tom Hanks



Viral 'Corn Kid' DOESN'T KNOW Who Tom Hanks Is at Pinocchio Premiere! (Exclusive)


It's Corn - Songify This ft. Tariq and Recess Therapy


It's weird and getting weirder…

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383906  No.17572187

File: 7be44761d819139⋯.jpeg (1022.24 KB, 1170x1658, 585:829, 87ADD74D_0D92_4DB9_A34B_7….jpeg)



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368645  No.17572188

USS Tarawa


Eagle of the Sea

V1, V3

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08dfdc  No.17572189

File: 6ee49b08c47f344⋯.jpeg (141.83 KB, 1024x545, 1024:545, 4D2EBBE3_EF13_4D0F_9DEB_9….jpeg)

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b2a27b  No.17572190

Reading reports about chairman Xi under house arrest. May not be true, but why is this out there if not true?


Source Gordon Chang.

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93da2a  No.17572196


You dumbass, your projecting the same shit u say isn't gonna happen. You forgot the 300,000,000 million firearms and that industry and people just go around or kill tyrants. You dope

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08dfdc  No.17572197


If you had any level of comprehension you would understand that picrel is talking about the frog in a pot of boiling water metaphor.

PS I have no respect for you glowniggers you [Knowingly] work for a goddamn pedophile traitor. Eat shit

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368645  No.17572198


"Conservative no….. just common sense"

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a67249  No.17572199

File: 66ea5a776c88d0a⋯.jpg (112.21 KB, 1600x1155, 320:231, perplexed_carton_box_puzzl….jpg)



I have to remember and remind myself to be very careful when unboxing for review the highest ranking shit poster I have ever even heard about.

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38f10f  No.17572200



why do you fear

I must understand

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f4c8a3  No.17572201

Do you suppose daycare centers are "all in" on the gender issue???

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93da2a  No.17572202


Ok that's great, but never happening. Everyone is getting this doom and gloom from made up stories from kazars.

Some examples




Look at the main plot in any religion, all the same.

All created by man. The game is almost over. Exposure kills the beast.

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06d56b  No.17572203

File: 433d7dc5cc0cb48⋯.jpeg (60.5 KB, 460x315, 92:63, 5CE4B2A8_7CED_45F4_92DF_C….JPEG)

File: ae40a14c9e5fd18⋯.jpeg (365.9 KB, 1366x1025, 1366:1025, 57CDC58E_D7AD_4616_8950_5….JPEG)

File: 46f5ea829e65fa5⋯.jpeg (368.16 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 443BFA2D_6290_4B6B_B380_D….JPEG)

File: c57c1d64b5372cd⋯.jpeg (255.76 KB, 1366x683, 2:1, 523B692F_0C73_40A5_BF9D_E….JPEG)

File: 4c2439d712338b0⋯.jpeg (350.33 KB, 1366x1073, 1366:1073, C09BBFB0_2D54_491A_8A8F_2….JPEG)

Clown World

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f9664e  No.17572204

File: e5f2714836e03df⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 646464.jpg)


your screenshot forgets the part about eating the bugs and being happy

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38f10f  No.17572205

There is hope!

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38f10f  No.17572206


Tik tok

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06d56b  No.17572207

File: 32133336ee5f497⋯.jpeg (193.62 KB, 644x800, 161:200, Klaus_Schwab_Bugs.JPEG)

File: 0e1533d280f6e09⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 334x232, 167:116, Bear_Grylls_Eats_a_Maggot.GIF)

File: cffc1afa4374fad⋯.jpeg (96.31 KB, 800x527, 800:527, Klaus_Schwab_Eat_Zee_Bugs.JPEG)


Eatz Zee Bugz

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3c6e36  No.17572208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38f10f  No.17572209

Is, there, some, thing, i c a n help, you, with,

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f9664e  No.17572210

File: da2e3fe57983b0d⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 499x655, 499:655, 63633737.jpg)

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06d56b  No.17572211

File: b5c006a931d2055⋯.jpeg (162.33 KB, 800x730, 80:73, Abrams_Vs_Lemieux.JPEG)

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577b7b  No.17572212

File: 712c454a4f661c0⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 486x530, 243:265, lizard_clones.jpg)

Julian Assange's wife and lawyers warn the WikiLeaks founder will kill himself if extradited after CIA 'plotted to poison him' and vow to 'spend every waking hour fighting until he is free'


It's all released if so.

Himself a weapon.

IF With extradition complete and Assange arrives CONUS, the first thing they will do is book him.

will (will it?) shock the world.

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f9664e  No.17572213

File: bc33bde818cd53f⋯.jpg (245.13 KB, 2121x1414, 3:2, 46.jpg)


I like my bugs crunchy

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08dfdc  No.17572214

File: b35e0d3f612481d⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 1070x658, 535:329, FullSizeRender_24.mp4)

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06d56b  No.17572215

File: 8f41f7e43379f10⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 600x398, 300:199, Busty_McTitty_and_Busta_G….JPEG)

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38f10f  No.17572216




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f9664e  No.17572217

File: 6473a6fe390cc33⋯.gif (4 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 54533353.gif)


well…zero fucks given by me if there is a habbening or no habbening

all part of the eternal clown-show universe

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f9664e  No.17572218



Jesus just flew over my house

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f9664e  No.17572219


>Hij klinkt veel indrukwekkender

go and plant some tulips you dumb dutch motherfucker

>zuig aan mijn lul

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368645  No.17572220

File: 6fdeba03731e403⋯.png (201.4 KB, 428x489, 428:489, trump_buddhist.png)

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577b7b  No.17572221




Thinking about the future made me wuundur if cyanide capsules are still a thing for when trial rolls around.

Their only chance would be at capture.

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30237b  No.17572222

the best is yet to come


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f9664e  No.17572223

File: 56109d90c781e86⋯.jpg (126.26 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 4364634.jpg)

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38f10f  No.17572224


Is it Shinto? Or Shitno?

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137c8f  No.17572225

File: 84259265a6929f1⋯.jpeg (68.92 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 6FCD9448_BCFB_4E71_8AE4_9….jpeg)

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38f10f  No.17572226



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e725cc  No.17572227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just another day.

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f9664e  No.17572228

File: 74902d89c584ed2⋯.jpg (101.39 KB, 497x729, 497:729, 6uiwwz.jpg)


you wasted those quads

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38f10f  No.17572229

I wonder if the hay eyes ever get insecure about you know the thing

Clearly not the brightest ones

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30237b  No.17572230


quads are not wasted.

you are

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137c8f  No.17572231

File: 3e5de975a210030⋯.jpeg (32.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 11489BF9_6D89_488B_8FD8_2….jpeg)







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c94b09  No.17572232

File: 8329eaa5de1bd6b⋯.jpg (726.73 KB, 1025x1001, 1025:1001, Joe_Biden_Pedo.jpg)

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f9664e  No.17572233

File: 91404c77cd63041⋯.png (139.43 KB, 397x260, 397:260, 6464.png)


Talk to me Goose

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627379  No.17572234

File: 2d5fdc12626b646⋯.png (55.02 KB, 273x365, 273:365, AB431224_EB49_4B3F_97CB_CE….png)


>Kayla Lemieux

Le Meow

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7e7ff3  No.17572235

File: a0e3b09bea4f4d0⋯.png (579.92 KB, 688x701, 688:701, ClipboardImage.png)

It's been two years. His family life is over, kiss job goodbye, DC politics.

Just give em the death penalty. Why make him keep suffering. I Mean he had drove all the way to DC to take over the COUNTRY with a fucking POCKET KNIFE right. MERCENARY OF THE CENTURY

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577b7b  No.17572236

File: 2b46c42cfb3b361⋯.jpeg (88.03 KB, 1080x744, 45:31, EhWx4T7XgAUE4h7.jpeg)


Example of astroturfing from '13.

That was the slow drip version that Killary was to bring in.

Aaaaaaaaand Trump.

Now we have the sped up version that all can see.

Trump turned up the heat on the frogs on the boil.

Everyone's jumping out in droves.

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137c8f  No.17572237

File: bda69ad0a90dd38⋯.jpeg (78.07 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 17359B56_90B1_4992_AF15_3….jpeg)

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f9664e  No.17572238

File: 53c458a0e2c56f6⋯.png (296.96 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 4646.png)

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7e7ff3  No.17572239


Oh I forgot it's Q anon they wanted to make the example of. Remember he was wearing a Q shirt.

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c84815  No.17572240

File: 9d9e245265116b5⋯.png (93.94 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Be Best, Not Beast!


>go and plant some tulips you dumb dutch motherfucker

We did plant tulips but they rarely blossom in October so there is that.


>the best is yet to come

I really hope it is coming soon, let's have a fishy beer on that!

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7e7ff3  No.17572241

7 felonies. 2 years of gulag. HE TOPPLED America. give the death penalty.

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577b7b  No.17572242


Oops, predictive programming, not astroturfing.

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7e7ff3  No.17572243

File: 55dc247b12638f1⋯.png (69.79 KB, 673x557, 673:557, ClipboardImage.png)

41 years old and the END of that FAMILY NAME

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7e63fd  No.17572244

File: ce69c2fb3c3c5f9⋯.png (423.71 KB, 1246x1080, 623:540, ce69c2fb3c3c5f93ed06d1e01a….png)

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8dc6e2  No.17572246

File: c9eccff4a8418d5⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 500x768, 125:192, dvhg.jpg)

File: 260b2a3ed9cfd13⋯.jpg (98.76 KB, 500x742, 250:371, Point_Blank.jpg)

70% of the American people even those that don't like Trump want Joe Biden booted out of office.

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ba27f1  No.17572247

File: ed57f1c7e168e27⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB, 640x366, 320:183, Untitled.mp4)

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7e7ff3  No.17572248

File: d0e41a807ef7909⋯.png (179.58 KB, 429x758, 429:758, ClipboardImage.png)


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58142b  No.17572249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don’t know what to say

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3de2ce  No.17572250

File: 449fb9e4c0b28d9⋯.png (180.37 KB, 493x270, 493:270, Screenshot_2022_09_24_at_1….png)

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7e7ff3  No.17572251

File: 68c1722c9e541a7⋯.png (189 KB, 440x764, 110:191, ClipboardImage.png)

But wait, you thought they'd leave Q out?

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c94b09  No.17572252

File: 0202d8e159fdfe1⋯.png (2.96 KB, 339x23, 339:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e7ff3  No.17572253


So I HATE Q at this point, it's Government supposidly, and not it's brought the GOVERNMENT down on me, while that Mayorkas fucker keeps calling me domestic terrorist systemic racist, and that piece of shit oath breaking treaonous fucking rat lloyd austin keeps calling me


I hated Q on 4 chan and I hate Q on 8 chan, and I hate this Q shit on 8Kun too.

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7e63fd  No.17572254


Super fucking cute and pretty based but unfortunately a self avowed atheist so I quir following and supporting her.

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2ea5c3  No.17572255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It's my birfday, predicting fizzle.

Although, this is the day the Warren Commission issued their "report" on the Kennedy Assassination

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7e7ff3  No.17572256

Q is Government Leak supposidly.

Q taints people

Q this Q that.

Now Q brings Government down on me.

Even though Q was GOvernment to begin with.


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de1513  No.17572257

File: 55ce61bdad17abe⋯.png (193.96 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Screvhi_prev_ui.png)


Cool thing about Joe Biden is everyone knows he's retarded.

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06d56b  No.17572258

File: 48ffba3040788c3⋯.jpeg (579.14 KB, 1366x1227, 1366:1227, A1993037_CAC8_4239_AB75_1….jpeg)

My Pillow Sale

My Pillow “Au Naturale” 50% off for Q + Anons

My Pillow “Travel Mate” 50% off for Q + Anons

My Pillow “FBI Edition” Out of Stock

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5c7ad1  No.17572259


>I hated Q on 4 chan and I hate Q on 8 chan, and I hate this Q shit on 8Kun too.

Dangers of Enochian Magick

As a simple example, consider the demon Hate. Once you become familiar with the idea of hatred, with which the name Hate is associated, you will be capable of hatred yourself. In a sense, your mental concentration on the name and its meaning opens a subtle attraction to the emotion itself, and you open yourself up to the demon of Hate, who could possess you at almost any time.


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7e63fd  No.17572260


No one fucking cares nigger.

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ba27f1  No.17572261


And yet.. Here you are!

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9bc0b2  No.17572262

File: 03f40f173e400a3⋯.png (503.22 KB, 1078x712, 539:356, ClipboardImage.png)

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577b7b  No.17572263

File: e09ad34f34292ee⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 700x513, 700:513, IMG_20210721_205723_689.jpg)

Predictive programming fun of our own.

You know, since "The best is yet to come."

What location would be best to conduct the Nuremberg 2.0 trials?


it was expanded and wired for video recently

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7e7ff3  No.17572264

File: 6f603b033e554ad⋯.jpg (324.6 KB, 1441x807, 1441:807, abcdef_skeleton_.jpg)

Q is dangerous cult. For whatever fuking reason it don't matter anymore.

For Multiple Angles, and multiple reasons, I'll have nothing to do with Q.



Look it's Mike Rothschild Lashing out like a child.

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ba27f1  No.17572265

File: 4b976ad8763e8b4⋯.png (780.93 KB, 874x739, 874:739, ClipboardImage.png)

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06d56b  No.17572266


Titty Le Meow

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7e63fd  No.17572267

File: bc50f83b55d4e3f⋯.gif (3.52 MB, 298x224, 149:112, bc50f83b55d4e3f8ce935569f0….gif)


Damn that's a new one I'll have to add to my list. Sweet.

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7e7ff3  No.17572268


yeah total psyops, fuck this goernment, fuck this Q and fuck these retards that say "and yet here you are."

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7e7ff3  No.17572269

I heard of people being angry at Q and I never had an opinion, NOW I do.

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7e7ff3  No.17572270

Q has caused Chaos and trouble and danger for good people.

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137c8f  No.17572271

File: 882c1913865e19f⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB, 550x493, 550:493, 96B27B10_16F3_40B6_885C_A….jpeg)


This Venetian hare has dreams to sell you.

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9819b7  No.17572272

File: 4b0ad9b7f75429c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1256, 135:157, Liz_Willis.png)


RSBN Liz Willis looks awesome.

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7e7ff3  No.17572273

File: 09fa6d2bc0608dd⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 640x400, 8:5, two_moar_weeks_shitlist_17….jpg)

People who followed Q are similar to people who took the JAB

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627379  No.17572274

File: 3101ed4b08da2a3⋯.png (4.49 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 95A5D0B7_5D7E_450A_BEEA_66….png)


>I hated Q on 4 chan and I hate Q on 8 chan, and I hate this Q shit on 8Kun too.

So if you hate Q, why come to Q research, divisionfag? (Y) don’t you get a life and go somewhere else?

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ba27f1  No.17572275

File: c90f5fa15f13144⋯.png (397.21 KB, 742x745, 742:745, ClipboardImage.png)


>Look it's Mike Rothschild Lashing out like a child.

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06d56b  No.17572276

File: 32024601e4cf654⋯.jpg (326.71 KB, 1200x940, 60:47, Groundhog_Two_Weeks_01.jpg)

Date Fagging - 24th of September 2022

Will anything happen today?

Especially in Germany?

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7e7ff3  No.17572277


Why did you take the Q Jab and get listed by lloyd Austin and Mayorkas as a crazy violent terrorist, and you even defend it now.

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577b7b  No.17572278

File: 04195f9b65dff10⋯.jpeg (32.82 KB, 720x472, 90:59, EiyHgcXXsAEtJb5.jpeg)


I'm sorry for you.

Intelligence and critical thinking isn't for everyone.

How about a nice cookie?

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7e7ff3  No.17572279


That 8Kun branded everything with Q isn't my doing.

I banned from everywhere else on the web, 8Kun isn't just Q . your the whiny bitch that takes your Q jab and can't defend against what I said. Q is a dangerous cult and your fucking defending it, while the government is misguided and gona democide it.

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ba27f1  No.17572280


I hear they are giving out booster shots around the corner. You better go get in line.

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7e7ff3  No.17572281


There's no such thing as KARMA.

You defend a dangerous cult. knowingly

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c94b09  No.17572282


It could go either way.

Nuclear war, or sammiches for lunch.

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7e7ff3  No.17572283

File: d4c47acb89c4d71⋯.jpg (124.9 KB, 448x1245, 448:1245, 2022_AUG_26_crikey_com_au.jpg)

You are 100% a cult when you say you defend Q and you fight against me.

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137c8f  No.17572284

File: 63b4303eedce3fb⋯.jpeg (86.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 3701801F_A4AE_4753_B764_2….jpeg)



Apathy reigns supreme!

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7e7ff3  No.17572285

Q backstabbed you.

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ba27f1  No.17572286

File: e9c691a7189b611⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1536x1152, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


BYOB and we'll dig them out of their DUMBS.

We will make a day of it!

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7e7ff3  No.17572287

Q calls you AWOL, but Q is awol

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7e63fd  No.17572288

File: 1fce86f0b4343a1⋯.png (142.59 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 1fce86f0b4343a16503e14a66e….png)

Time to break out the Qresearch glownigger bingo I guess.

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627379  No.17572289

File: 32989934d998e0e⋯.png (4.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7C8AE538_74D8_427D_AC52_17….png)

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7e7ff3  No.17572290

q don't address the compromise of state department / us military fail to stop commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud which are current threats in the now moment that got rubber stamped for national security background checks and got on ballots and into offices.


You who mock me are AN ENEMY OF FREEDOM.

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627379  No.17572291

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f9664e  No.17572292

File: e3cd333e98a51a5⋯.png (534.46 KB, 497x746, 497:746, 74747.png)

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577b7b  No.17572293



It seems a recent Craigslist applicant.

We'll see how long it lasts.

How many replies do they need to earn enough for their next fix?

The funny ones from the past never return, almost like they od'd from all tha replies.

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06d56b  No.17572294

File: 6cdcdcdd786584e⋯.jpeg (20.65 KB, 226x254, 113:127, Release_The_Alien_Invasio….JPEG)

File: bdf81a1f4935f93⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 750x439, 750:439, Alien_Invasion_News_Cycle_….JPG)

File: d573028debe463a⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 919x646, 919:646, Release_The_Asteroid_Frau.jpg)

File: 2374c3206e071e7⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Asteroid_.JPG)


What will happen today?

1/. Alien Invasion

2/. Asteroid hits Earth

3/. Nuclear War

4/. The Second Coming of Christ

5/. Quiet Saturday with the Family

6/. Zombie Apocalypse when 5G activates the vaccinated

7/. Nothing

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7e7ff3  No.17572295

File: 0a62448563ba52a⋯.jpg (101.28 KB, 811x456, 811:456, watchme_.jpg)

I've been fucking CONSISTANT is what I've been.

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ba27f1  No.17572296

File: 143bfc9ebc552b3⋯.png (153.13 KB, 815x438, 815:438, ClipboardImage.png)

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19658b  No.17572297


>I think the president's ice cream cone is melting

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f9664e  No.17572298

File: 0143891cd855553⋯.png (118.26 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 636.png)


>Especially in Germany?

the aryan krauts are a spent race/cucked by turkroaches and sandniggers in general

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7e7ff3  No.17572299

I've been QUIET about Q since it didn't pose a threat to me personally , now that the GOVERNMENT WANTS TO ATTACK Q it's a big problem.,

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7e63fd  No.17572300

File: 0ab3fa226b8050d⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 278x537, 278:537, 15c7e91a940c701f1b3bcc6f05….jpg)


Pheeeew. I've seem some delusions of grandeur here but this motherfucker is damn near taking the cake.

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7e7ff3  No.17572301

File: 3eaf6d20cdabdea⋯.png (60.97 KB, 447x573, 149:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Go on get mad at me some more. I'm the one bringing the heat.

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3c7d3f  No.17572302


Bent u niet tevreden met

hoe uw voortuin er nu uitziet?

Oké, ik plant daar

vijfduizend zwarte tulpen!

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7e7ff3  No.17572304


by the way I note Kun isn't in there 8 chan is.

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f9664e  No.17572305


>7/. Nothing

u nailed it

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2ea5c3  No.17572306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Its the only DEA anon can support:


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06d56b  No.17572307

File: 1fce86f0b4343a1⋯.png (142.59 KB, 500x627, 500:627, BA8DDAA5_2474_4C57_B1B8_0D….png)

File: 5d09e9a74054269⋯.jpg (194.26 KB, 1001x1111, 91:101, UltraMAGA_10_Thor_Trump.jpg)

File: 19f24f1668f4abf⋯.gif (282.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Pope_John_Paul_Approves.GIF)

File: 0e943737097952a⋯.jpeg (2.91 MB, 4619x2599, 4619:2599, Maps_Terra_Infinita_1.JPEG)

File: c802573c88f79e7⋯.png (8.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 94266E55_42FB_4727_9097_28….png)

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f9664e  No.17572308


Luister naar mij jij Nederlandse. Ik zal je penis afrukken en je hem laten opeten. Ga een windmolen bouwen die je nutteloze hond hebt.

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19658b  No.17572309


Nigeria seizes donkey penises to be smuggled to Hong Kong

Nigerian officials say they have seized thousands of donkey penises that were about to be exported to Hong Kong

ABUJA, Nigeria – Nigerian officials have seized thousands of donkey penises that were about to be exported to Hong Kong, an official said on Thursday.

Sacks of the donkey male genitals were seized at the international airport in Lagos, Nigeria's largest city, Sambo Dangaladima, the Nigeria Customs Service area commander, told reporters.

The consignment was “falsely declared … as cow male genitals (but) after due examination, my export officers discovered they were donkey male genitals,” said Dangaladima. A total of 16 sacks of the genitals were seized, he said.

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6ff16f  No.17572310


I was just outside with the dogs and as I was watching the constellation orion's head fizzled away and his sword looks different.

Any other anons seeing changes in the night sky?

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3c7d3f  No.17572311

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68a26a  No.17572312


Another 41 year old ran over an 18 year old Republican killing him and is out on bond. Trump talked about it in his speech.

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ca00f4  No.17572313

File: 81156a9d1b53359⋯.png (876.58 KB, 1017x757, 1017:757, gggy.png)

America is in denial about Joe's pedophilia addiction.

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7e7ff3  No.17572314


>by the way I note 8Kun isn't in the court document 8chan is.


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19658b  No.17572315

File: edbc7767a9715e4⋯.mp4 (954.64 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Biden_STUNS_crowd_into_utt….mp4)

We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30.

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137c8f  No.17572316

File: 5f60c08338a1d4b⋯.jpeg (32.56 KB, 443x499, 443:499, 010959A1_6294_4F53_81E5_5….jpeg)


Glow-juice makes a glowie dazzle.

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1cb634  No.17572317


Yeah it's beautiful what he said there.

This confrontation did hurt the traitors a lot.

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18ebb9  No.17572318

File: b93b9e211554167⋯.jpeg (62.62 KB, 591x759, 197:253, b93b9e211554167a5a1809a4f….jpeg)



This shit is funny

Fuckin' Clowns, man. Why do they waste their time here?

I mean, this whole slide is really sad. Not even original, either. I hope this one isn't getting paid. I hope this is training or something. Because it's just… not good.

Clown - go use this shit on the Normies. They're the ones you want to talk to. Not us. You glow so bright.

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577b7b  No.17572319

File: e366d71ee7e20e9⋯.jpeg (109.73 KB, 1024x696, 128:87, Emz_l_vWEAco9By.jpeg)


Good deal.

Vote for Trump backed candidates and have your friends and family do the same.

If you live in a cucked area, get involved as well in your local government.

Even in red areas, they need GOP positions filled.

Thanks for standing up.

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ba27f1  No.17572320



If he repeats it enough it becomes true.

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19658b  No.17572321

File: e26f3c1828c6982⋯.png (1.24 MB, 930x930, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>The global Ice Cream Cones market

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7e7ff3  No.17572322



u are 97 percent tard; I can tell.

There's HOPE! with one simple trick I can change it.


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19658b  No.17572323

File: b73505e4610360a⋯.mp4 (765.25 KB, 600x338, 300:169, qanderson.mp4)

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ba27f1  No.17572324

File: 3b351a3ff009df3⋯.png (126.89 KB, 341x247, 341:247, ClipboardImage.png)

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a94d96  No.17572325


only if you are a fucking tard

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ba27f1  No.17572326



Did you not sense the sarcasm in the statement?

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7e63fd  No.17572327

File: f84f60364a6d405⋯.png (693.89 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1663888000.png)

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577b7b  No.17572328


TOP KEK for vid version

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19658b  No.17572329

File: 6c0a83ab9c40c6d⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB, 854x480, 427:240, pfizerbroughtit.mp4)

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7e7ff3  No.17572330

File: 287aa98333ec8cd⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 640x400, 8:5, CBS_and_FEDS_are_clown_sho….jpg)


Q is government leak or team. No?

Now Q is hunted by DHS and lloyd ausin. No?

laugh now, cry later.

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42dead  No.17572331


>Bent u niet tevreden met hoe uw voortuin er nu uitziet?

Nee ik ben zelfs zeer ontevreden maar er was eens een goede oude tijd.

>Oké, ik plant daar vijfduizend zwarte tulpen!

Wat een prachtig aangezicht zal het zijn! Als een zachte boezem om in te schuilen, me zus allememaggies wat een vooruitzicht om naar uit te kijken.

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18ebb9  No.17572332

File: 6fbb86fb0d66c92⋯.jpg (141.42 KB, 1278x926, 639:463, 6fbb86fb0d66c923fcbc1bb872….jpg)


It's a bot.

They unleash them here to train. This one needs an upgrade badly.

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06d56b  No.17572333

File: bfb56a94628cd3e⋯.jpg (1000.42 KB, 2520x2241, 280:249, IMG_3485.jpg)

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7e7ff3  No.17572334


it's NEWS you fucking retard. Defend Q get hunted by treason.


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137c8f  No.17572335

File: a0a0f9b8ad50487⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 64.84 KB, 994x1200, 497:600, 169C997F_ED08_4E35_9E13_A….jpeg)


Have some art.

I think you need distraction from here.

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18ebb9  No.17572336

File: 999040b90d047f9⋯.jpeg (125.22 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, 999040b90d047f9d53a1ef852….jpeg)


Triggered much, bot?

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ba27f1  No.17572337



I'm thinking, Peanut Oil fried crispy Bluegill, steamed Broccoli, and Mac n Cheese for dinner.

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03cba2  No.17572338


>Bent u niet tevreden met hoe uw voortuin er nu uitziet?

Nee ik ben zelfs zeer ontevreden maar er was eens een goede oude tijd.

>Oké, ik plant daar vijfduizend zwarte tulpen!

Wat een prachtig aangezicht zal het zijn! Als een zachte boezem om in te schuilen, me zus allememaggies wat een vooruitzicht om naar uit te kijken.

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cb02b2  No.17572339

File: c284ee62551d491⋯.png (362.94 KB, 497x363, 497:363, hillary_guillotine.PNG)

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7e7ff3  No.17572340

File: bf2c3aebdebd42a⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 351x204, 117:68, tis.jpg)

File: d05529aa383c4a9⋯.png (31.81 KB, 308x200, 77:50, 2022_05_07_01_18_revolvern….png)

File: 32a37dbb05fb074⋯.gif (1.25 KB, 160x160, 1:1, partyhat.gif)

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d43622  No.17572341


He gets chastised for

his unpleasant words,

waits just a moment,

and then just continues on 

as though not interrupted at all . . . 




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7e7ff3  No.17572342

File: 1e3f08d1b4ac09d⋯.jpg (280.53 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, diane_HEXENstein666_s.jpg)

1 + 7 = 8 if this makes you seethe seek help.

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cb02b2  No.17572343


don't get someone trying to discredit Q and anons at wee hours of the morning

must be on crack

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18ebb9  No.17572344

File: 597975f1aef571d⋯.png (920.76 KB, 944x923, 944:923, 000.png)


That's bot talk for "Does not compute"

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7e7ff3  No.17572345

File: a60cdbf490e2e64⋯.jpg (224.8 KB, 1978x1441, 1978:1441, chicago.jpg)

File: 4e7c4d1dae9208f⋯.jpg (127.35 KB, 455x642, 455:642, Screenshot_2021_07_17_18_5….jpg)


I am not dis-crediting shit, I am DISTANCING as I always CONSISTANTLY HAVE.

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ba27f1  No.17572346


That is a good thing!

If you can think like them, there is something wrong with you.

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577b7b  No.17572347


Jiminy Cricket with a sign reading "Eat moar non-human meat."

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2ea5c3  No.17572348

File: fe9f5b6f77b30b8⋯.jpeg (635.19 KB, 1107x738, 3:2, fe9f5b6f77b30b8226c4ff717….jpeg)

File: 6608951edf00d10⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 814x723, 814:723, Jan_6_Lego.jpg)

File: 6844cc4977dab76⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Fed_patriot_NO_Pepe.png)

File: 6b1b008e19c597b⋯.jpeg (88.27 KB, 828x599, 828:599, jan_6_never_forget.jpeg)


Hung out with Angeli and still didn't make it as a Lego action figure.

What a gyp!

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18ebb9  No.17572349

File: d262c5ff5864766⋯.jpg (160.93 KB, 600x800, 3:4, economist_full_image.jpg)



On 8Kun!


Oh, this bot. It's either really young or is developing a sense of sarcasm.

I'm going with baby bot.

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7e7ff3  No.17572350


WEF has tainted DNC and RINOS who have turned this fucking 1/6 fiasco into overkill at this point.

Meanwhile the intentional disruption of the country with monetary, energy, transportation and freedom continues.

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e31dc4  No.17572351

File: 767047dab980d85⋯.gif (796.83 KB, 498x326, 249:163, cat_driving.gif)

File: b4bc9db6617a29d⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 500x243, 500:243, cats.gif)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB, 720x640, 9:8, day_shift.mp4)



Today is the march in D.c in support of the J6 prisoners. Could be two things, one to stop people from supporting the J6 by putting out threats or clowns being clowns.

seen a lot of shit about the 24 sept being some sort of day of habbenings.

eyes of swivel,

==lets be careful out there !!!


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7e7ff3  No.17572352

protip: best way to get me to stop talking shit about Q is to stop defending it.

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06d56b  No.17572353

File: 2eccdfd66851595⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 2360x1316, 590:329, A49FE5B2_D592_4973_83B9_E….jpeg)

File: c710e75d9f464b5⋯.mp4 (6.28 MB, IMG_3956.MOV)

File: 5f8aa251617e09e⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB, 2347x1316, 2347:1316, 197CED92_A70E_4EC8_A825_8….jpeg)


Yesterday’s Kayla Lemieux Protest at Halton District School, Canada.

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d43622  No.17572354


Donkey . . . or Zebra ?

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18ebb9  No.17572355

File: cfa0d0fe5f54c90⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 916x907, 916:907, mcfuck.jpg)


Best way to shut you up is to confuse you, bot.

(which, it turns out, is pretty easy to do)

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d07bd6  No.17572356


The filter is also a good thing.

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555982  No.17572357


>1 + 7 = 8 if this makes you seethe seek help.

It does make me seeth and when that 8 doubles into a 16 I just melt because it all comes down to 7 and that will settle me down someday soon I hope for the love of love itself.

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19658b  No.17572358


>The filter is also a good thing.


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18ebb9  No.17572359

File: e9ef2de30358585⋯.jpeg (15.43 KB, 255x208, 255:208, e9ef2de303585854290c849c9….jpeg)


Why would i filter? This thing is fun.

It's trying to learn to shit post.

I'm just letting it know, its got a long way to go.

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b98937  No.17572360

File: 24a6fda029cfe54⋯.jpg (145.73 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, GITMO_PEPE.jpg)

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19658b  No.17572361

File: 18a87909a6a789f⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, seventeenpercent.mp4)

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19658b  No.17572362

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)

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2ea5c3  No.17572363

File: ab578bebd7709c8⋯.jpg (575.09 KB, 1920x1059, 640:353, Biden_Hitler_Hillary_dream.jpg)


Just read in the MSM that we had a salute, pushing Hillary's Hitler comments from yesterday.

Missed the meeting where we voted on the salute thing.

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19658b  No.17572364

File: 949115223b2bc93⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 848x480, 53:30, maskdebate.mp4)

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19658b  No.17572365

File: 06fdba302088d72⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6_6_6_Joe_Biden_says_it_do….mp4)

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7e7ff3  No.17572366

It's just good to have it on the record going by that not all anon's agreed with who ever or whatever Q is or was. and just like the mRNA terrorist jab, that it was popular with many but not all.

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0574fb  No.17572367


So, Blondie, you are BAKING a Salad ?

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19658b  No.17572368

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, highest_anon.gif)

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18ebb9  No.17572369

File: c880a3e0a94cb25⋯.jpeg (399.82 KB, 3236x2121, 3236:2121, V7eKh3a6tb.jpeg)


Dubs of sick devil worshipers.

Poor bot.

Can't win now.

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cb02b2  No.17572370


please step away from the pipe

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f71ccf  No.17572371

File: 4058bdc925e6655⋯.jpg (266.76 KB, 877x500, 877:500, 4058bdc925e665572b498a093f….jpg)

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23effc  No.17572372

File: fee5c5a1e5bb631⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, toobinlube.jpg)

File: ffc7054ce3640f3⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 599x623, 599:623, toobin_2_.jpg)


don't get me started…

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06d56b  No.17572373

File: bf3ca4a91c7d3fe⋯.jpeg (145.94 KB, 1089x1265, 99:115, 836C1D3F_8B9B_4752_AFD3_6….jpeg)

File: af7eb0867171d27⋯.jpeg (188.14 KB, 1483x695, 1483:695, B50E9A2E_CC6A_4A0B_8A4F_6….jpeg)

File: 14c8fbcfc6985ac⋯.jpeg (127.05 KB, 1088x762, 544:381, 8A4C794A_54EB_41EE_B748_A….jpeg)

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9bc0b2  No.17572374

File: b754074cf636209⋯.png (280.78 KB, 538x421, 538:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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06d56b  No.17572375

File: ae2500ba1d5bd84⋯.jpeg (946.66 KB, 1270x1220, 127:122, 16E9BF90_BD95_41E3_812C_D….jpeg)

File: 52e71d84061f83c⋯.jpeg (167.2 KB, 1292x788, 323:197, 77B152EE_1B48_42C3_A92E_F….jpeg)

File: 71e011def87bad7⋯.jpeg (471.26 KB, 1402x2160, 701:1080, 8B1CFEA7_120D_4ED9_BA66_8….jpeg)

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7e7ff3  No.17572376

File: 4577ea95d168edd⋯.png (90.92 KB, 403x333, 403:333, ClipboardImage.png)

feel free to unban yourself

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19658b  No.17572377

File: 3ec2d80f7759d53⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ManufacturedSound.mp4)

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b0545a  No.17572378

File: e17025d94a1c92e⋯.jpg (126.67 KB, 747x500, 747:500, 6uj1n6.jpg)

File: 4292d22dc581cb4⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 580x430, 58:43, 6uj18s.jpg)

Getting ready for day shift.

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ba27f1  No.17572379


4am talking points for mocking America.

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18ebb9  No.17572380

File: 4165726e415361f⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, gagapres.jpg)

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7e7ff3  No.17572381

File: 9db9a7559d25075⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Hi_I_m_Scott_Pelly_a_newsg….jpg)

And now they finally nailed a 41 year old in a Q T shirt.

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f71ccf  No.17572382



is there a cure


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7e7ff3  No.17572383

File: f1f87dea7921206⋯.jpg (114.86 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, pd02.jpg)

when the Q Cornflakes are Urine soaked, and nobody speaks out, do you keep eating Urine Soaked Flakes?

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577b7b  No.17572384


One down

Four to go

'nother town

One moar show

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06d56b  No.17572385

File: 22a8de2da33ee44⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 475x475, 1:1, IMG_1990.JPG)

The two asshole to blame for all the Transgender bullshit in schools.

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06d56b  No.17572386

File: a8f9481782d164b⋯.jpeg (126.09 KB, 800x606, 400:303, 560687B2_667B_4817_A757_2….JPEG)

File: c5543d64f2de40d⋯.jpeg (149.99 KB, 614x843, 614:843, Fugly_Liberal_03_Trump.JPEG)

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18ebb9  No.17572387

File: 446d0ccf4df90d4⋯.png (39.9 KB, 529x387, 529:387, Capture.PNG)

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18ebb9  No.17572388

File: b9df2689e9ad99c⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 526x564, 263:282, b9df2689e9ad99c20eb994e721….mp4)

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7e7ff3  No.17572389

File: 1ed79a464cdfc86⋯.png (203.24 KB, 380x436, 95:109, Screenshot_2022_06_02_00_5….png)

it's also important to point out without the Smith Mundt Modernization Act None of this Q witch huntin 1/6 nonsense would be possible

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08dfdc  No.17572390

File: 7c236cce86e1bd4⋯.jpeg (458.09 KB, 682x788, 341:394, F13D369A_434B_4DFD_A1B9_2….jpeg)

y tho

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136a33  No.17572391

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 0E46D7EB_7298_4342_AEB1_9….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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2ea5c3  No.17572392

File: e797de0ca6cdcb8⋯.png (274.34 KB, 916x807, 916:807, Mike_Rothschild_now_belong….png)

Flipped & Freed?


Or just hung out here so long, he finally got it?

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19658b  No.17572393


Ukrainian authorities released nearly 100,000 children from institutional care. Now UNICEF is trying to find 26,000 of them

At the Odesa Orphanage-Boarding School four months after Russia invaded Ukraine, an air raid alarm sent nurses in white coats hurrying residents into a basement beneath the kitchen.

Among them was Tanya, a slight 12-year-old who favours a pink sun hat.

On June 15, Tanya, who has autism and is non-verbal, was moved from the institution, her home of four years, following an order from the local government in March to evacuate.

Tanya, like most children in Ukraine's vast orphanage system, has parents but they were unable to care for her properly so the state took over, the orphanage director said.

Tanya and the orphanage's remaining four children with disabilities travelled some 800km by rail to a different institution far from the fighting.

The 11-hour train journey succeeded in bringing Tanya to safety, but for 40 days she and 16 other children whom Reuters followed from Odesa institutions did not appear in Ukraine's national database. Not until July 25 did national authorities say their location was registered.

It was one example of the difficulties Ukraine has faced tracing children scattered by war.

Tanya and the others she travelled with are now fully accounted for, but UNICEF says it has yet to track some 26,000 other children who — rather than being moved within the orphanage system — were returned to families or legal guardians after Russia invaded.

Reuters spoke to more than a dozen children's rights specialists, child protection organisations and government officials in Ukraine to recount the country's effort to trace the children dismissed from orphanages.

Any attempt to track people fleeing an invasion is fraught.

But child protection workers and international organisations including the United Nations told Reuters they were concerned about the lack of information or record-keeping by Ukrainian ministries on where the children are.

United Nations officials warned that some might be exposed to violence or human trafficking, though they haven't presented specific evidence and Reuters hasn't independently established that.

Ukraine's National Social Service (NSS), tasked with overseeing children's rights, said it had done "everything possible to preserve the lives and health of children and prevent them from being left in the epicentre of hostilities."

It said that support for families is provided by specialised social services, and that it was working to resolve problems.

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48d033  No.17572394

File: c91c155473405bf⋯.png (566.33 KB, 597x938, 597:938, TIMMMMMMMM.png)

File: d40c7dec858c292⋯.png (342.22 KB, 613x785, 613:785, WWWWWWWW.png)

File: 7a25167389f5e86⋯.png (217.16 KB, 595x732, 595:732, sUPPPPPPPPPP.png)



Techno Fog


The @adamgoldmanNYT

report on Durham reviewing Clinton Foundation investigation:

1) Agents/FBI managers seek subpoena of CF

2) Top DOJ criminal division officials deny request

Did Andrew Weissmann deny the subpoena? In 2016 he led the Fraud Section.


-any idea?



3:35 PM · Sep 24, 2020

·Twitter Web App


FBI conducts search warrant on Richard Barnett's residence


KHBS Updated: 6:24 PM CST Jan 8, 2021


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2ea5c3  No.17572395


Morning, Sam.


Is that Nova Scotian storm gonna get to you?

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577b7b  No.17572396


>Run Out Of Things To Call Racist

Fucked up science again.

It will be the people screaming waycist all the time that will disappear.

Stoopid pantifa

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18ebb9  No.17572397

File: e46bd7ffccea87a⋯.jpg (274.83 KB, 1045x1085, 209:217, e46bd7ffccea87a581300898ad….jpg)

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7e7ff3  No.17572398

File: 4eb147f7394bd90⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 851x452, 851:452, Mike_Rothschild_the_clown.jpg)

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48d033  No.17572399

File: daaeca12d9f1586⋯.png (113.6 KB, 433x519, 433:519, BDDDDDDDDD.png)


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [24.09.22 00:46]

[Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Video ]

Kash breaks down the main sources for the biggest government criminal conspiracy in U.S. history (there's that word again).

He elaborates on Fiona HIll, Christopher Steele, and the FBI's paid informant Danchenko.

"The DOJ and the FBI were in on it with a political ally in the DNC… It's going to be very hard for the American public to regain any trust in the DOJ and FBI…Maybe this is step one. Maybe the world will finally pay attention."

Durham trial coming in the next few weeks. Eyes on.

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19658b  No.17572400


One per cent of the child population

When Russia invaded on February 24, there were more than 105,000 children in Ukraine's network of more than 700 institutions – known as orphanages or 'internats' – either full-time or part-time.

That's just over 1 per cent of the child population – the highest rate of institutionalisation in Europe, according to data from the European Union and UNICEF.

Around half the children in Ukraine's orphanages had disabilities, according to UNICEF.

But Ukraine's state record-keeping system, known as UIAS "Children," was not capable of tracking or tracing children sent home from institutions, according to the Government Reform Support project in Ukraine (SURGe), a Canadian government-funded agency contracted by the NSS to help support it.

Instead, the database held general information about children such as whether they had siblings or disabilities, or were eligible for adoption.

The team at SURGe began to collect data on the status of children from orphanages manually, using Google forms and Google sheets.

The task was complicated by the fact that the internats come under three different ministries, with responsibility spread across 24 regions, a SURGe spokesperson said.

By late June, SURGe said it had received data from 750 out of751 orphanages in Ukraineon numbers of children sent home, evacuated and remaining.

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18ebb9  No.17572401

File: ade9958eb762039⋯.gif (27.24 KB, 231x470, 231:470, 0take_a_hunter_leave_a_hun….GIF)

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19658b  No.17572402

File: ccf782e7acaee8d⋯.gif (7.75 MB, 480x407, 480:407, ezgif_3_b4eb4535cc.gif)


Hunter rocks

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26c1b1  No.17572403


Le Mieux == The Best


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19658b  No.17572404

File: bd1f95a9643ef6f⋯.mp4 (11.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, idontknowhowtoprotectthemi….mp4)

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48d033  No.17572405

File: e3b2aedceffb387⋯.png (188.22 KB, 426x600, 71:100, PUNNNNNNN.png)


The Washington Pundit, [24.09.22 03:41]

(Citizen Free Press) Rumors of Military Coup in China Claim Xi Under House Arrest

Rumors are swirling across the internet of a military coup in China and that Xi Jinping is under arrest after CCP seniors removed him as head of the PLA. Is the massive cancellation of flights in China just a military exercise, or is there something more to it?


@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power

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19658b  No.17572406


96,000 children returned

By July 29, more than 96,000 children had been dismissed from institutions – sent back to parents or guardians – SURGe's data showed. A further 1,900 children – with parents, like Tanya – had been evacuated to other orphanages within Ukraine.

Of 48,000 children who were full-time residents, some 38,800 were returned to parents or guardians, according to NSS and UNICEF statistics. The government and UNICEF are now working to visit those children.

UNICEF and its local partners say that means locating and visiting each child, including in places where there is fighting.

"Unless you visit every location," said Aaron Greenberg, UNICEF's Senior Regional Advisor for Europe and Central Asia, Child Protection, "it's hard to determine whether there are children missing".

By the end of July, UNICEF and its partners had prioritised 13,047 of the children returned to families from 24-hour care as the most vulnerable and in need of support. They said they would continue to monitor those children and were working to reach others.

On August 11, the UN Human Rights Commission expressed alarm about the wellbeing of children with disabilities from Ukraine's internats. Besides "known problems" within the system, the Commission's experts said, "there is now a lack of information regarding the children's whereabouts".

The known problems it mentioned included neglect, abuse and physical restrictions.

Information and coordination both lacking

Daria Herasymchuk, who works in president Volodymyr Zelenskyy's office as Ukraine's Commissioner for Children's Rights, told Reuters the government had asked ministries with children under their care to monitor their wellbeing and their parents' capacity to provide them with care at home.

But asked about children from institutions who were not tracked, she said coordination needed to be improved.

Specifically, she said there were issues with children evacuated by foster families or guardians and those who left Ukraine in the first 10 days of fighting. But she added that not all the children need intense oversight.

Ms Herasymchuk's office also said it has no information on the condition of 4,777 children sent home from orphanages under Russian occupation in Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson since the war began.

A government website launched in August said Ukraine has collected reports that more than 7,000 children had been taken to Russia.

Reuters could not confirm that.

Social orphans

Tanya, like nine in 10 of the children in Ukraine's orphanage system, is a "social orphan" – children whose parents are unable to care for them or denied parental rights under Ukrainian law.

The laws specify that children may be taken from parents who have chronic addictions or criminal records, for example, or who do not educate their children.

Some parents leave children in institutions while working abroad, child protection workers told Reuters. Asked to comment on the numbers involved, Ms Herasymchuk, the Children's Rights Commissioner, did not respond.

Tanya's parents could not stop working to care for her, orphanage staff said. They signed away their parental rights, the director said. As Tanya's legal guardian, he declined to make them available for interview and it was not possible for reporters to locate them independently.

This was not the first time Ukraine dismissed institutionalised children en masse. Despite that, child protection workers say the country was poorly prepared.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, UNICEF said, 42,000 children, including those with disabilities, were discharged from care without checking their family conditions.

UNICEF's Mr Greenberg said it had unsuccessfully urged Kyiv to adopt software that it and governments use around the world to produce a digital trail following children. Such software allows for children's medical records and health needs to be recorded.

President Zelenskyy's office and the NSS did not respond to a request for comment on that.

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136a33  No.17572407


No, we are further south

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2ea5c3  No.17572408

File: b5cb39abeb78038⋯.mp4 (427.04 KB, 188x104, 47:26, WTF_did_you_say_SEALS.mp4)


You sound like one of those nuts that posts here and does violence.

Here's for your manifesto since all you guys copy and paste it in.

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b4f5ca  No.17572409


Dangerous to whom?

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19658b  No.17572410


Convention on the rights of the child

Ukraine ratified the Right to Family, part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1991.

That right is part of the European Union's charter and other states in eastern Europe such as Romania and Slovakia have received EU funding to close institutions that house children, said Peter McDermott, the CEO of Lumos, a UK-based charity working to end systemic institutionalisation.

Ukraine, recently admitted as a candidate to join the EU, did not receive EU funds to close institutions and has bucked that trend. Since 1990, its rate of children in institutions has increased almost fourfold, the most recent comparable data shows. In nearby EU countries, it was flat or fell.

Poverty is the main reason children are sent into institutions – 80 per cent of families fall below the poverty line after the birth of their second child, according to a 2021 study on child protection systems by Ukraine's former Commissioner for Children's Rights, Mykola Kuleba, who was in office from 2014 to 2021.

Institutional issues

Some childcare professionals say that the longer a child stays in an institution, the more likely they are to suffer developmental damage.

"Children need to be able to form an attachment to at least a single adult," said John Williamson, an American social worker who worked for more than 40 years on programmes for children outside family care and was a consultant for organisations including the UN.

With that in mind, in 2017, Ukraine drew up legislation to reduce children in its institutions. The Odesa boarding school where Tanya lived was meant to be part of that effort, its director said.

Visitors in June caught the fragrance of roses lining the path to squat buildings. In the garden, residents tended tomatoes, lettuce and eggplants. Overhead, rooftops were painted with white squares and red crosses.

Orphanage director Andriy Pechenyi said it housed about 110 people before the war, a mix of disabled children and adults. A former comedian, he said he and President Zelenskyy had been part of the same comedy troupe, although at different times. He took up this role in 2021 to help with reforms.

"We all understand that there won't be children in orphanage boarding schools in Ukraine soon," Mr Pechenyi said. "We are heading in the European direction."

Children with disabilities are evaluated before being placed in internats.

Irina Nikolaeva Ogurtsova, who worked with Tanya, said children in Odesa attended three 35-minute classes a week, mostly speech therapy and communication. The rest of the time they joined in other activities – gardening, sewing, drawing and painting, staff said.

In Odesa when reporters visited, residents flocked around the director, hugging him spontaneously or seeking to show him craft work. Some also clung to reporters, asking for hugs.

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966f6f  No.17572411


Guessing, the latter.

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19658b  No.17572412


Government reverses reforms

In June 2021, Mr Zelenskyy's government backtracked on some of the 2017 reforms, approved under a previous administration.

It decided to exclude some kinds of institutions and keep around 50,000 children in care – including those with disabilities and children under the age of three.

Mr Zelenskyy did not respond to a request for comment on the decision. Ms Herasymchuk, Ukraine's Commissioner for Children's Rights, said Ukraine wanted to reform the system, but the government first needed to provide support to families to allow them to care for their children independently.

Closing schools is a politically sensitive endeavour in Ukraine since the orphanages represent one of the few reliable providers of jobs and also bring in cash to local communities, child protection experts say, though Ukraine's government does not publish aggregated data on their budgets.

In a 2021 report, the former Commissioner for Children's Rights Mr Kuleba, said maintaining one child in them costs more than UAH 200,000 ($7,900) a year on average. For comparison, Ukraine's GDP per capita last year was $7,046, according to the World Bank.

Orphanage director Mr Pechenyi declined to specify financial details and the NSS did not respond to a request for comment on that.

Tanya first entered the Odesa orphanage in 2018 at age 8, after her parents divorced and her mother had a second child, staff said.

In June, as the war pushed closer to Odesa, orphanage staff said they phoned Tanya's mother to ask if she could collect her.

She still didn't have the resources, so the state took responsibility for moving Tanya to another institution, Mr Pechenyi said.

Reuters could not independently confirm this account.

Lelechenya: Little Stork

In June, nurses accompanied Tanya on the 11-hour train ride west. Her carers told Reuters during a visit to the orphanage they were worried – a gesture as slight as the turn of a page in a book can distress a child with autism.

Together with children from nearby institutions, loaded in six ambulances, they were brought to the station, where police prevented filming. Tanya was moved to a former hospital in the village of Dzhuriv in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

When Tanya arrived at the Lelechenya (Little Stork) rehabilitation centre, she was tearful and agitated, according to a Reuters reporter who visited a few days later.

The centre's director, Lilia Ambrozivna, said the home was not designed for residential use, and she was used to children with "simpler conditions."

The new arrivals were unpredictable, frantic, Ms Ambrozivna said.

However, by August, Tanya was "settling well," according to the director.

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1105e4  No.17572413

File: 4aaa764c3c865eb⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 426x586, 213:293, Ron_Still_Winning.jpg)

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53e1bb  No.17572414

File: 41d2345155ef5d3⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 580x430, 58:43, 6uj2no.jpg)

America is going through a tectonic shift.

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577b7b  No.17572415





I'm on the losing side, kind of change?

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966f6f  No.17572416





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7e7ff3  No.17572417

File: 939919bc02268ee⋯.png (46.57 KB, 800x141, 800:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7deeccf6d86b2b0⋯.png (19.6 KB, 536x117, 536:117, ClipboardImage.png)

lashing out again you projecting piece of shit.

My banhammer says fuck your opinion.

you don't even try to address what I said.

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18ebb9  No.17572418


I guess we'll see soon enough.

ButNOTABLEuntil proven false.

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48d033  No.17572419

File: 3514ab855aa846f⋯.png (173.06 KB, 424x542, 212:271, REVVVVVV.png)


The Epoch Times, [23.09.22 23:03]

[Forwarded from US China Watch]

Loudoun County Reviews New Policy on Parental Notice of Sexually Explicit Content READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/loudoun-county-reviews-new-policy-on-parental-notice-of-sexually-explicit-content_4749790.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram&utm_campaign=USChinaWatch

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06d56b  No.17572420

File: 54b193fc52b552a⋯.jpeg (277.11 KB, 941x636, 941:636, EEB1E378_D909_4C25_A693_4….jpeg)

Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming!

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1105e4  No.17572421

File: 7f86589ad2f4cbf⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 555x366, 185:122, Voting_Effectiveness_Trump.jpg)

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06d56b  No.17572422

File: d488b762531baa9⋯.jpeg (183.59 KB, 768x726, 128:121, 17_01_Pregnant.JPEG)

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53e1bb  No.17572423

File: e26b7dd6a70dd84⋯.jpeg (88.38 KB, 640x496, 40:31, e26b7dd6a70dd8435dab84738….jpeg)




Honestly Mike Rothschild doesn't know anything about Q Research he is just using MSM talking points that's all he knows about us anons.

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18ebb9  No.17572424


>Or just hung out here so long, he finally got it?

That would be epic!

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f71ccf  No.17572426

File: 01144644db45e61⋯.png (601.24 KB, 757x415, 757:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 738054116762f5a⋯.png (159.4 KB, 745x417, 745:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c6c852f8146ee⋯.png (93.57 KB, 1218x549, 406:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a50f06eeb066dbb⋯.png (141.27 KB, 1186x484, 593:242, ClipboardImage.png)



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966f6f  No.17572427


Has it been established Xi is the bad guy? kek

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7e7ff3  No.17572428

File: 159ba853f64e670⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 638x355, 638:355, pete_the_malta_clown.jpg)

at least 10 of 71 UIDs are scum in this thread.

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b4f5ca  No.17572429


Yeah, that's not how it works.

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f71ccf  No.17572430

File: 2e3cd28ae3727bb⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1200x1099, 1200:1099, ClipboardImage.png)

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9906a5  No.17572431

Morning anons…

noice Nigerian dig! Kudos to the latenight crew!

It is all coming out now…will it be RUSSIA for the #declass? Sure looking like THEY WILL DROP THE KHAZARIAN BOMB soon.

The pedo/ritual/sacrifice stuff BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN and won't matter what there other crimes are…

Might be TODAY even…

Q has always said the end will be like a Godfather movie. Godfather moves are 2 hours of abject boredom followed by 5 minutes of ACTION that makes the entire boring 2 hours worth it.

As anons we are READY! Hell we were ready in Oct 2017! However, we have to wait through the BORING setups until the very end.

I am think we are about 1:59 in at this point anons…

Get ready cause "oct surprise" is gonna have a whole new meaning…

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48d033  No.17572432

File: df40da535b94239⋯.png (100.02 KB, 423x598, 423:598, SIKKKKKKKK.png)


Gail Golec Official Channel, [21.09.22 17:05]

This is sick! And this woman Kathy Hofmann is running to be School Superintendent again.

We must save our children!


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19658b  No.17572433

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PaulPelosi.mp4)

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d1c117  No.17572434


Sam ! ! !

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18ebb9  No.17572435


Yes. It is.

It's being reported, it's fuckin'NOTABLE

If it's not true, we're big boys,. We can adapt.

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f71ccf  No.17572436

File: 30b136ae820f369⋯.png (56.42 KB, 394x344, 197:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1f65d9632c94e1⋯.png (146.44 KB, 1088x672, 34:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a58370fded8a8a3⋯.png (88.1 KB, 934x312, 467:156, ClipboardImage.png)



discrepancy between 1970 and 2006

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966f6f  No.17572437


true news if big!

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0988df  No.17572438

File: 417ef9dda78057e⋯.png (53 KB, 702x497, 702:497, cult.png)



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7e7ff3  No.17572439



* failed to stop commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud from getting on American ballot, passing national security background check, still protects such people even NOW.

* mRNA bioweapons fingerpainted with NAZIS in ukraine for two+ decades.

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08dfdc  No.17572440

File: 24b015b18a932be⋯.jpeg (295.77 KB, 677x785, 677:785, B9091ACB_EA8F_4948_AA5B_5….jpeg)

y tho

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48d033  No.17572441

File: 6452dc305abb3c9⋯.png (587.1 KB, 712x730, 356:365, IMPPPPPP.png)


Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals

to US Border: House Republicans

Epoch Times, by Peter Fang

Posted By: GustoGrabber, 9/24/2022 6:20:59 AM

Venezuela is deliberately releasing prisoners, among them violent criminals, and has them travel to the U.S. southern border, a development that prompted 14 House Republicans to write to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who is leading the Republican effort to have Mayorkas answer questions, said in the Sept. 22 letter that the decision by the Nicolas Maduro regime has put the United States “in grave danger.”

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f087ba  No.17572442


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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48d033  No.17572443

File: ad2a7ea5400d70e⋯.png (505.17 KB, 666x706, 333:353, ICCCCCCCCCCC.png)


New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern at the U.N.:

‘Disinformation’ Should Be Controlled

Like Guns, Bombs, and Nukes

Breitbart, by John Hayward

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/24/2022 12:37:46 AM

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern called for more “collective” action in her address to the U.N. General Assembly on Friday, especially on the issues of climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, pandemic response, and opposing wars of aggression such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Ardern’s authoritarian impulses were on display in her call for tighter regulations on Internet speech, although she insisted she values free speech and merely wishes to cleanse “disinformation” from international discourse. Ardern portrayed the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, which New Zealand addressed with some of the heaviest lockdowns to be found outside of communist China

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19658b  No.17572444

File: ba017740856c4b8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, China_s_Xi_Jinping_is_the_….mp4)


>Has it been established Xi is the bad guy?

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48d033  No.17572445

File: 3142df102671994⋯.png (40.34 KB, 789x245, 789:245, TROOOOOOOO.png)


Judge orders NYPD union members fired

over vax mandate reinstated

New York Post, by Craig McCarthy *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/24/2022 12:30:22 AM

In a major victory for members of the NYPD’s largest police union, a judge ruled Friday cops who were fired for not getting vaccinated against the coronavirus have to be reinstated. In the stunning decision, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lyle Frank wrote that the city’s vaccine mandate on the Police Benevolent Association was invalid “to the extent it has been used to impose a new condition of employment” on the union. The mandate was also invalid because it issued enforcement beyond “monetary sanctions” prescribed in the law, Frank wrote — ordering that all PBA members put on leave or canned be reinstated.

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2ea5c3  No.17572446


Anon, did you put 11.3 and 11.5 arrows next to Alice, or is that how it really looked?

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48d033  No.17572447

File: 8b70917037aafab⋯.png (325.33 KB, 1363x717, 1363:717, LARGGGGGGG.png)


Phoenix police arrest two in 'largest'

fentanyl seizure in department history

Fox News, by Louis Casiano

Posted By: Imright, 9/23/2022 10:07:59 PM

Two men have been arrested in the largest single fentanyl bust in the history of the Phoenix Police Department with the seizure of more than one million pills, authorities said Friday. Officials said the seizure occurred on Wednesday. The suspects were identified as Francisco Delgado, 26, and Jose Molina, 21, according to Fox Phoenix. Officers with the department's Special Assignments Unit were in the middle of a drug investigation when they searched a home in Avondale, as well as a car belonging to one of the suspects.

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18ebb9  No.17572448


I'm pretty sure I took it right off the web from the archives - but it was a while back. (I did not put those numbers in there though)

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19658b  No.17572449

>Francisco Delgado, 26, and Jose Molina, 21


>largest single fentanyl bust in the history of the Phoenix Police Department with the seizure of more than one million pills

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966f6f  No.17572450


Whoa! First time watching that.

Then let us hope Xi actually went into hiding/protection. Notice Soros mirrors everything like Democrats with Trump.

He Blames Xi for what he is doing. "Total Control".

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0988df  No.17572451


she should be dragged to a window and thrown out of it just for uttering such things.


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48d033  No.17572452

File: 836df3ccbb34feb⋯.png (271.09 KB, 597x604, 597:604, ZZZZZZZZ.png)


John Solomon


Joe Rogan weighs in on new Illinois cashless bail law: ‘It’s crazy’ | Just The News

oe Rogan reacts during UFC 249 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena | (Douglas P. DeFelice / Getty Images)


Joe Rogan weighs in on new Illinois cashless bail law: ‘It’s crazy'

“They're essentially eliminating cash bail for almost everything dangerous … I mean everyone's freaking out,” podcast star says.

6:40 AM · Sep 24, 2022

·Hootsuite Inc.

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c665f1  No.17572453


Thats how it really looked. Anons pointed this out a while back

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48d033  No.17572454

Right now, NYS and CA govs are holding back the release of your children’s standardized test scores until after the election because they’re that bad. Let all of that sink in.

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136a33  No.17572455


At this early hour the next door neighbor has a cement truck at their house since 0630

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0988df  No.17572456


that's how it really looked, newfag

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8e4972  No.17572457

File: 5e3906d342330ea⋯.png (526.04 KB, 720x818, 360:409, ClipboardImage.png)


keep moving forward

let those who are injured be picked up by those behind.

The tip of the spear is not a good place to be, and being at the precipice and waiting for other to catch up may never happen.

The right time is always now, move forward with purpose, in god we trust

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48d033  No.17572458

File: 97f13e811f27ae5⋯.png (17.84 KB, 649x147, 649:147, HOMMMMMM.png)


US home sales record 7th straight monthly drop

Dated: September 23, 2022 by Sharyl Attkisson

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18ebb9  No.17572459



This was discussed back when Nancy bitch-face was running her mouth about "arrows in the quiver" if I'm not mistaken. Whenever that was.

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1b19e2  No.17572460

>>17572132 Dough

>>17572135 Ghost

Notes @ 290ish for Incoming Baker

Collextor OUT!

Help the Eventual Baker! Call out Notables!!



>>17572167, >>17572174, Moar Ice Cream Cone comms

>>17572173 APNews fact checks Sept. 24 disaster theory.

>>17572176 Western media continues to ignore how Ukraine is using NATO weapons to Donbass citizens

>>17572185 Continued Demuren Family Diggz from PB

>>17572187 West Valley police arrest 21 in child sex trafficking operation

>>17572235, >>17572322 Iowa man found guilty on all charges related to J6

>>17572309 Nigeria seizes donkey penises to be smuggled to Hong Kong

>>17572393, >>17572400, >>17572410, >>17572412 ICYMI: Ukraine released nearly 100,000 children from institutions - UNICEF now trying to find 26,000 of them

>>17572394 Technofog on CF, DOJ and Andrew Weissmann

>>17572399 Kash breaks down the main sources for the biggest government criminal conspiracy in U.S. history (WTM)

>>17572405 Rumors of Military Coup in China Claim Xi Under House Arrest (9/22/2022)

>>17572419 Loudoun County School Board reviews parental notice of sexually explicit instructional materials

>>17572432 Incumbent School Superintendent Kathy Hofmann exposed: Secure Chat room grooming students

>>17572443 Ardern at the U.N.: ‘Disinformation’ Should Be Controlled Like Guns, Bombs, and Nukes

>>17572445 Judge orders reinstatement of NYPD union members fired over vax mandate

>>17572452 Joe Rogan weighs in on new Illinois cashless bail law

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7e7ff3  No.17572461

The problem with Q is it TAINTS what it touches. it allows for Smith mundt modernization Act media to start their sentence with QAnon this or QAnon that. If it's truth or not matters not.

Want proof?

Take George Webb, Journalist, he don't have Q's fucking baggage. He ain't having to explain why somone in a Q shirt is bla bla bla. MSNBC don't get to suck up the entire video segment with zero knowledge questions and reactions about Q drama 24/7/365, George doesn't have "Q baggage" to disrupt his message. It don't matter if he's found the person that signs off on all the BIO, he won't be asked about his Q t-shirt that he doesn't have.

This is another reason Q is tainted goods at this point.

When do you rebrand to MAGA research?

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8ff1f0  No.17572462

Everyones a Sanctuary City until the Bus Arrives


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577b7b  No.17572463



CCP, (You) no come QR no moar.

(You) stay home, no shill. No shill.


Why you no speak?

Hmmm, the line's dead.

90m commies 'bout to find out

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b4f5ca  No.17572464


It's also being reported that COVID booster shots prevent COVID.

Should we notable that?

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ba6dce  No.17572465


>Get ready cause "oct surprise" is gonna have a whole new meaning…



>Anon, did you put 11.3 and 11.5 arrows next to Alice, or is that how it really looked?

Was there originally and Alice has been staring at Spiderman for a while ever since.

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48d033  No.17572466

File: f45ed6853ad6e1f⋯.png (118.59 KB, 423x267, 141:89, WTFFFFFFF.png)


Gail Golec Official Channel, [24.09.22 06:57]

[ Video ]

It boggles the mind that this Democrat shill can get away with blatantly lying like this.

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966f6f  No.17572467


Are you on George's payroll?

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18ebb9  No.17572468



Nancy Pelosi: 'We Have Arrows In Our Quiver That I’m Not About To Discuss Right Now'


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781919  No.17572469

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)

Xi Jinping still dead?

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f087ba  No.17572470


>At this early hour the next door neighbor has a cement truck at their house since 0630

That wouldn't bother me personally, as I get up early.

But that would send my better half into a frenzy.

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18ebb9  No.17572471


You are free to call it out if you feel it's worth the mention anon.

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966f6f  No.17572472


Still a toss up.

This was enlightening for me. If Soros hates Xi, he must be doing something right.


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48d033  No.17572473

File: 62c9636b93647ea⋯.png (148.12 KB, 423x537, 141:179, XXXXXXXX.png)


@intheMatrixxx, [23.09.22 21:53]

[Forwarded from 🄰🅉_🄴🄻🄴🄼🄴🄽🅃🅂]

Not xi jingping but china's ex justice minister….

Fu pleaded guilty in July to accepting 117 million yuan ($14.7m; $16.5m) in gifts and money for personal gain…

117 million 🤔


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7e7ff3  No.17572474

File: f8bf11db45792d0⋯.jpeg (435.36 KB, 1760x1468, 440:367, kolomoisky_the_clown.jpeg)

Imagine talking shit to me and still expecting a reply.. lol

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3de2ce  No.17572475

File: 8a8c58f73c843e2⋯.png (280.06 KB, 643x352, 643:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9f3f1  No.17572476


Not to be trusted. Ever.


If false,

Then NOTABLE attempt at pandering to a frog . . . 

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966f6f  No.17572477


>It's also being reported that COVID booster shots prevent COVID.

Did you learn that tactic in Antifa School?

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19658b  No.17572478

File: b05b57e07f6f166⋯.mp4 (546.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, reboot.mp4)

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b4f5ca  No.17572479


'QAnon' is only tainted in the eyes of sleeping normies.

Anyone awake can see everything Q has told us, in the pop-culture and establishment every day.

The longer they sleep the more jarring will be their awakening.

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48d033  No.17572480

File: bd846abf2710e97⋯.png (358.67 KB, 1023x579, 341:193, HOWWWWWWW.png)


How a Trump soundtrack became a QAnon phenomenon

A song’s journey from a Trump video to online forums and back to Trump rallies shows the melding of the MAGA and QAnon movements.

By Isaac Arnsdorf


Josh Dawsey


Michael Scherer

Updated September 23, 2022 at 9:34 p.m. EDT|Published September 23, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

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653cc0  No.17572481


^ Lack of Adrenochrome will do that to someone

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7e7ff3  No.17572482


you seem so sure of yourself, what makes you so sure, where's your evidence?

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577b7b  No.17572483

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966f6f  No.17572484



Like, reading the book before it is written.

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b4f5ca  No.17572485

File: 90094ec12b05d74⋯.png (33.06 KB, 562x352, 281:176, ClipboardImage.png)


We were cautioned.

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48d033  No.17572486

File: 8ed8b5c149f992e⋯.png (58.02 KB, 427x404, 427:404, FASCCCCCCCC.png)


@intheMatrixxx, [23.09.22 22:48]

[Forwarded from SevereAnon's Official Videos]

[ Video ]

Song: Warface

Artist: Severe

Video: Elizabeth Dove

Website: https://www.TheRealSevere.com

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f71ccf  No.17572487

File: 875a29bb23dfab4⋯.png (148.77 KB, 283x634, 283:634, ClipboardImage.png)


Shouldn't he be in a retirement village, knocking on deaths door?


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ea8b21  No.17572488


[You] r the evidence

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1c47ed  No.17572489

>>17570303 lb

That’s Flip Wilson

His drag character is Geraldine

He was pretty funny

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f71ccf  No.17572490

Anon having trouble loading actvidmovies phonefaggin?

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8ff1f0  No.17572491

File: 7d60f1831cafdee⋯.jpg (152.43 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, 7d60f1831cafdeed1f7422432c….jpg)

File: 291097d905e8328⋯.jpeg (797.1 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, floyd_mural_lightning.jpeg)

File: 9abdd070385a2c7⋯.png (373.42 KB, 944x657, 944:657, 9abdd070385a2c7c976afec30d….png)

File: c6f655580a26c75⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x719, 960:719, 7b27619b602a13426c97d2c4e9….png)

File: dd79b179107e94c⋯.jpg (12.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dd79b179107e94cf7d13748da0….jpg)


>where's your evidence?

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ba2af1  No.17572492




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b4f5ca  No.17572493


Your tactics are old stale and predictable.

So you suddenly want evidence do you?

Do you have the net up for your opponent and down for you when you play tennis?

You are a demoralization shill it would appear.

It's happening.

The world is changing and the Soros/Schwab/Gates/Zuckerberg's and the entire global puss bubble are going down. Hard.

If you choose to deny that. Your landing will be hard. Keep posting shill-anon, who knows, maybe that will stop what is coming.

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58142b  No.17572494

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48d033  No.17572495

File: fc9d9755b82b266⋯.png (84.08 KB, 684x500, 171:125, lARMMMMM.png)


CNN’s Wallace: Alarmed By ‘Weird’

Trump Rally – He’s Going ‘Darker

And More Extreme’

Breitbart Clips, by Pam Key

Posted By: Imright, 9/23/2022 8:40:18 PM

CNN anchor Chris Wallace said on this week’s edition of “The Axe Files” that Donald Trump’s “weird” rally last weekend in Ohio shows the former president is “going in a darker and more extreme direction.” The discussion begins at the 12:55 timestamp. Partial transcript as follows: DAVID AXELROD: What worries me is that the more he’s held accountable for acts of corruption, the more he is insists on the, that the system is corrupt. And that becomes more and more central to what he is saying. And he’s been heading in this direction for a long time.

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ba2af1  No.17572496


The Devil made me do it !

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966f6f  No.17572497

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f71ccf  No.17572498

File: c165be804a0f18c⋯.png (621.72 KB, 775x781, 775:781, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Staff To Fit Joe Biden With A Jingle Bell Collar So They Can Find Him When He Wanders Off

WASHINGTON, DC — In an ingenious move commonly used by pet owners, White House staff members have announced that they will be fitting Joe Biden with a custom-made jingle bell collar that will make it easier for them to locate the wayward President when he wanders off aimlessly.

"I did the same thing with my dog Ringworm when he would just disappear sometimes," said Rebecca Gaffney, a special aide to the President who previously worked as a special needs nanny. "With how frequently the President absent-mindedly wanders away through the White House halls, having a way to find him quickly will make things easier for all of us."

Members of the President's elite Secret Service detail have been frustrated since Biden took office and have tried various methods of restraint and containment to no avail. "We used baby gates at the beginning, but he still managed to step over them despite his lack of physical coordination," said Chris Wilson, the Secret Service agent tasked with keeping tabs on the President. "After that, we tried using a leash, but we had to take it off for photo ops and press conferences and he would find a way to roam off every time."

At publishing time, White House staff were awaiting the arrival of the special collar while attempting to keep the President corralled in the West Wing. "If this doesn't work, who knows what we'll have to try next," Wilson said. "I'd hate to have to resort to using a shock collar with an invisible fence on someone in the President's condition."


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58142b  No.17572499


Be glad you don’t live next to me.

I start at 4 and 5am improving property values.

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f71ccf  No.17572500

File: aac4e72ee4c475e⋯.png (538.69 KB, 738x787, 738:787, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Promises To Walk Back Biden Statement Once Their Codebreakers Decipher It

WASHINGTON, DC — The expert codebreaking team at the NSA is working to decipher all the statements Biden made in his speech today, which the White House has promised to walk back as soon as they figure out what on earth he was saying.

"We have all our top minds and most powerful AI working around the clock to determine what Biden meant when he said 'The Republicans are taking credit for the budsdacunclapsn.'" said Special Agent Buggs Derpflibbit. "Whatever he meant, I think we are confident in saying the official White House position is exactly the opposite."

"Lebbinkrurumplit!" said Biden in response to the news. "Gargbargentwaddle iddit blargh simlaqupple!"

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed to reporters that Biden really meant to remind the American people that the economy is doing great, democracy is at stake in November, and climate change will kill everyone in 2 weeks. "Those are the official positions of the White House, and you should just assume that's what Biden is saying if you don't understand him," said Jean-Pierre.

NSA codebreakers got stuck, however, after attempting to decipher Biden's disturbing story about "having a history" with a female friend going back to when she was 12 and he was 30. "I'm not sure what to make of that," said Special Agent Derpflibbit. "It's possible he's just a major weirdo."


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8ff1f0  No.17572501

File: 048706afdb83f18⋯.png (422.29 KB, 694x599, 694:599, nostars_butstripes.png)


>I start at 4 and 5am improving MAGA

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f71ccf  No.17572502

File: a53cc630dec4ef2⋯.png (543.65 KB, 798x792, 133:132, ClipboardImage.png)

Matt Walsh Accused Of Endangering Nazis By Sharing Pictures Of Auschwitz

NASHVILLE, TN — Matt Walsh is once again stirring up controversy after he shared pictures of Nazi death camps on his Twitter account with the words "We must never let this kind of evil happen ever again." Critics have called his social media posts a clear incitement to violence against Nazi people.

"This kind of irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric from Matt Walsh could lead to real-world violence against Nazi loyalists who put Jews in concentration camps," said US Rep Rashida Tlaib. "It's important to remember that concentration camps were run by medical professionals and that no one was sent there until they turned 18. Jews have the right to live in concentration camps, which the Nazi PR reps told me they agreed to voluntarily. Matt Walsh is a hateful bigot who wants to incite terroristic violence against the proud German people."

Representatives from Twitter and Facebook released statements acknowledging the danger Matt Walsh poses to the public safety and mental health of mass-murdering antisemites, and confirmed they are deliberating internally about how to address it. "We are troubled by what we've seen from this account," said Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal. "This kind of violent conservative rhetoric should have no place on our platform."

At publishing time, Matt Walsh was finally suspended from Twitter for inciting violence against Al-Qaeda after he shared photos of 9/11.


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18ebb9  No.17572503


this isNOTABLE



Where are New York state test results? Here’s what we know

City officials refused to release the results of their own assessments of student performance last year. And while the state education department sent standardized test results in reading and math to local school districts — which distributed them to schools and families — officials instructed districts not to release the scores to the general public.

But on Thursday, state officialsreversed course after facing pressurefrom some district leaders, giving districts the green light to release the data if they choose. Nathaniel Styer, a spokesperson for the city’s education department, said the city plans to release scores on Sept. 28.

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f71ccf  No.17572504

File: c27c07adcdf79e2⋯.png (468.78 KB, 794x797, 794:797, ClipboardImage.png)

In Continued Push For Gender Neutrality, Air Force Removes All Flight Sticks From Planes

EL PASO, CO — The U.S. Air Force has continued its initiative for a more inclusive, and gender-neutral military by removing all flight sticks from their planes — effective immediately.

"The flight control stick is yet another oppressive symbol of the Patriarchy and its incessant will to dominate and control others. And it's shaped like a phallus. That's why we are happy to announce that this outdated, bigoted relic is being removed from all aircraft today," said General Pat Leslie (they/them) while ripping out another flight stick and stomping it to dust. "We believe in an equitable, gender-neutral environment. An environment where hate has no place in our cockpits — our erm personpits!"

This move by the Air Force has been praised by democrats and the media for making such a bold, powerful, and progressive statement with this change. Many stated that they hope to see other divisions of the U.S. military follow suit and remove gear shifters from all military ground vehicles.

According to sources, implementing the "no flight control sticks in planes" rule has not been without its challenges. Reports indicate birthing persons and prostate owners have been wrecking the planes before takeoff at twice their normal rate.

At publishing time, the U.S. Air Force received intel that they needed to scramble planes to intercept incoming hostile aircraft, but they were having trouble getting their planes to lift off while being controlled by a steering wheel instead.


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201696  No.17572505


What do you do at night?

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19658b  No.17572506

File: a1158054c08ac69⋯.png (340.43 KB, 533x459, 533:459, ClipboardImage.png)

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136a33  No.17572507


They’re nice people, I just need a heads up, this is a quiet neighborhood

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f71ccf  No.17572508


Sound like santa's bells are jingling.

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b4f5ca  No.17572509

File: cdb202db9484d7c⋯.png (85.05 KB, 474x248, 237:124, NS2.png)

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7e7ff3  No.17572510

File: bd4c660405262de⋯.jpg (104.59 KB, 591x653, 591:653, clownworld_nokia.jpg)

I been told a lot of things I been told someone changed their life-long party of democrat to another party only a year or so ago.

"Q said" isn't evidence of a thing.

"Q told us" isn't evidence of a thing.

it also won't hold up in court.

Where's Q's evidence.

Where's Your Evidence. where is evidence a thing you say isn't agitation.

in 2022 NOW, I just show you a 41 year old in Q shirt gettin 7 felonies. Nonstop defence of sciso. Get help. 1 + 7 = 8


13 of 85 UIDS are scum

1 + 7 = 8

The reason I have to block you is because I could not get any other work done if all I did was react to your Q horse shit.

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18ebb9  No.17572511


sauce for CA


State delays public release of English, math and science test score results to later this year

in a significant departure, the California Department of Education is withholding the release of the results of the Smarter Balanced tests that students took last spring until an undetermined date later this year. The result will be a monthslong delay before the public can view results in English language arts, math and science for the state, districts, schools and charter schools.


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48d033  No.17572512

File: cc9fa4fe65aa44d⋯.png (190.14 KB, 907x803, 907:803, USSSSSSSSS.png)

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b4f5ca  No.17572513


46 posts.

Looks legit.

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c9ce46  No.17572514

took 8 attempts just to get to catalog page.

someone doesn't want us having a free exchange of ideas here.

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f71ccf  No.17572515


any Anons having trouble loading actvid movies phonefaggin?

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b4f5ca  No.17572516


Post the sauce link or it never happened.

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7e7ff3  No.17572517

half way thru the thread any more Q defenders want on my ban hammer speak up now.

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a619a8  No.17572518


>46 posts.


>Looks legit.


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f71ccf  No.17572519



never happened

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a94d96  No.17572520


>The reason I have to block you is because I could not get any other work done if all I did was react to your Q horse shit.

And here you are on "QResearch" you shilling cunt. Just sayin

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83d485  No.17572521

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7e7ff3  No.17572522

File: 425a2d4fd5a8685⋯.png (175.02 KB, 629x532, 629:532, Screenshot_2022_09_23_16_1….png)

All you focus on is Q or personal attack? Your on my Ban hammer, Zero tolerance for your sucky whiny ass.

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8658c6  No.17572523

File: 4adb8a74f572899⋯.png (375.42 KB, 724x724, 1:1, OpDarkStar.png)

good morning anons

walking wounded reporting for duty

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e7d774  No.17572524


Even he questioned Him when suffering most.

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18ebb9  No.17572525

File: 40d145409a241ef⋯.jpg (244.57 KB, 747x860, 747:860, 40d145409a241ef59145b8f617….jpg)

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075886  No.17572526

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 4f7ed0bfaf65a2515e81756ce….jpeg)





Babylon Bee on a roll notables

The Bee just has too easy a job nowadays

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8658c6  No.17572527

File: fcee266e2eedd35⋯.png (268.36 KB, 480x394, 240:197, fcee266e2eedd35275e3eab14f….png)


bet you hate yourself even more

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7e7ff3  No.17572528

that it or any more of ya…

You can't handle the truth.

The truth is Smith Mundt weaponized the media to let Government Attack Q.

You defend Q thus you are now on Government Radar, so when you try to taint me with your Q shit you try to bring me in to the Q radar. but I was NEVER on board from day 1. I simply didn't speak out about Q since Q wasn't perceived as a threat to me. But NOW THAT IT IS WEAPONIZED Q IS A THREAT TO ME. because it brings unwanted Smith Mundt and shit government.

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8ff1f0  No.17572529

File: 9c01e273f8642ca⋯.png (798.61 KB, 1154x691, 1154:691, red0white_blue_blackstripe.png)

In case you did not notice

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b4f5ca  No.17572530


49 posts right now.

That's over 10% of the bread.

You made your point you can fuck off now.

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48d033  No.17572531

File: c20752a2c700e68⋯.png (216.88 KB, 428x615, 428:615, DOCCCCCC.png)


Zeee Media 🎙, [19.09.22 01:01]

“Doctors not sure why more are dying but are concerned it mirrors the UK

Possible factor is that people have avoided going to the doctor for check-ups”


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zeeemedia/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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b4f5ca  No.17572532


So what?

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8ff1f0  No.17572533


found the low level

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18ebb9  No.17572534

File: d72f3b778ebd441⋯.png (378.69 KB, 358x572, 179:286, 4c7a8e02d98639744b4c0e47e3….png)


This is a bot, anons.

It's training on us.

Like "where's my girlfriend"

Also bot.

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48d033  No.17572535

File: 5b42644fae9d1f6⋯.png (152.34 KB, 428x536, 107:134, FULLLLLLL.png)


Zeee Media 🎙, [19.09.22 07:25]

[ Video ]

If you missed it👇

Last week we spoke with Tiago from ‘Died Suddenly News’ - the fastest growing social media group in the world - to report on what he is witnessing from real peoples’ personal stories.

Watch here:


Follow @zeeemedia

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68a26a  No.17572536


I think it was in 2015 when virtually all exemptions from vaccine "requirements" were ended in California. Adding that to the insanity of all the "COVID" measures, grooming and pandering to the "left" and I can't imagine a student in a California school has much chance of learning. This old story says one in 8 California students needs special education services: https://thevaccinereaction.org/2019/11/california-spending-on-special-education-up-20-percent/

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7e7ff3  No.17572537

File: b0b442a0f978135⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 647x469, 647:469, Screenshot_2022_09_22_16_5….jpg)

the IRIS which protects against Q taint is closed as they say in Stargate. Tink I can hear the pings. Why don't you send the fucking signal to open the IRIS if you are a friend?

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b4f5ca  No.17572538


What could possibly cause that?

Maybe they didn't get their boosters.

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19658b  No.17572539

File: 94949fdfb209c87⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 848x464, 53:29, truthsource.mp4)


>‘Disinformation’ Should Be Controlled

>Like Guns, Bombs, and Nukes

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136a33  No.17572540

File: f1344bc4be10bfc⋯.jpeg (53.43 KB, 697x318, 697:318, 30CBFE3A_C502_4CF3_BAD9_3….jpeg)

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7071f5  No.17572541

>>17571685 (lb)

That's good because we have no salute.

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48d033  No.17572542

File: 0b0d27e6e84ed41⋯.png (100.49 KB, 660x584, 165:146, TIIIIIIIIIII.png)


Pfizer accidentally proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab

By The Exposé on September 19, 2022

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8ff1f0  No.17572543

File: f2e423b3071c497⋯.png (856.29 KB, 1200x858, 200:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ce52962060ee9⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1076x813, 1076:813, ClipboardImage.png)

The Iris of the Eye is a Black Hole

>Prove me wrong anons

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58142b  No.17572544

File: bf8400b9d93c1d0⋯.jpeg (259.79 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, AFBE1124_D5BE_4390_A0EF_C….jpeg)

File: 7352ab9340f14d3⋯.jpeg (134.64 KB, 729x547, 729:547, A0C83855_15C3_4A93_92FF_5….jpeg)

File: 10d166dbb2b0771⋯.jpeg (309.7 KB, 940x588, 235:147, 719CD800_1C09_4E6E_9FEC_D….jpeg)

File: b10bbe5da87714f⋯.jpeg (117.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8B799106_5A4C_4668_B82E_8….jpeg)

File: 591171b6e86965a⋯.jpeg (245.32 KB, 1500x610, 150:61, 3CD7BA45_D6E5_463D_9271_7….jpeg)




The question of what i do all night?

I’m often wide awake thinking about the different caloric consumption vs. lifestyle.

The years ahead will have lots of these questions. Mixing cement can be done in one large batch and placed in one day… or one quiet little bucket at a time… taking weeks and months to lay the same thing. I grabbed pictures of rock breaking here, but cement or roofing or timbers have the same questions.

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b4f5ca  No.17572545


Err, because it doesn't spaghettify your dumb fukkn head?

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68a26a  No.17572546


The eye is the window of the soul.

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18ebb9  No.17572547


I went to a few CA schools back in my day (after growing up in real state with real public education) I was two years ahead when I got to Cali. kek

I wasn't actually, they were just two years behind. It was a trip.

But I assure you, even the school back then are a 1000% better than they are right now in CA.

This entire education system is fucked.

Homeschool is the only way forward.

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19658b  No.17572548

File: e69397f9457c5d0⋯.jpg (111.26 KB, 692x1200, 173:300, Look_at_the_yellow_note_on….jpg)


that's pretty cool

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b4f5ca  No.17572549


Fire educators.

Hire teachers.

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51effc  No.17572550

File: 1365a3c30b03c65⋯.png (977.58 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)


>if you are a friend?

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eb7c22  No.17572551

File: 700e879be1fddb6⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 245x256, 245:256, indeed44.gif)

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8e4972  No.17572552

does any anon have the video of the moon is the reflection of the earth set in the 300 sparta context.


Corp baker?

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58142b  No.17572553

File: 22212d1d33d89e0⋯.jpeg (175.79 KB, 1140x1520, 3:4, 3A0470E3_7591_45EC_863F_6….jpeg)


Will you show us on the doll where Q touched you?

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68a26a  No.17572555


Yes. Homeschooling seems the best way right now. I knew people who were of the opinion that the godly child could positively influence the school and students. Sorry, throwing a precious child to the wolves is not an option. I do think God Himself will intervene, but at that point it is Divine Intervention not some pathetic attempt by people to justify their laziness or fearfulness that they can't teach their own children.

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7e7ff3  No.17572556


nothing to say about the 41 year old? just lumping on with your shitpost?

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7e7ff3  No.17572557


You too have zero value add. remember it's I who fucking told YOU the man got 7 felonies for 1/6. All you do is continue the NOISE and drama and hate.

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f28060  No.17572558

File: 34ad862a601dfe3⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 300x176, 75:44, Aussie_Cossack_Remains_Unv….jpg)


You watching the Cossack LIVE mate? It's been a good one.

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653cc0  No.17572559

File: ea0640010a67044⋯.png (319.3 KB, 480x308, 120:77, go_be_glow_nigger.png)


>just lumping on with your shitpost?

It's what I do.

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eb7c22  No.17572560

File: f2c62340b02144f⋯.png (324.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, f2c62340b02144ff6a8eec139d….png)

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18ebb9  No.17572561


Trips of truth

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b4f5ca  No.17572562


I homeschooled mine.

I have fine human beings for children.

Taught to be leaders. Not sheep.

Public school is designed to train children into obedience and never to question authority. Recently (last 20 yrs) it has also taught them to ignore logic, be unable to reason, and to obey even the most insane concepts.

Podesta, Paraphrased - We have gone to great lengths to create a compliant population….

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075886  No.17572563

File: 4e3022bf1fc4b01⋯.png (1.51 MB, 673x1687, 673:1687, 03601a81f0e95337b5ca58271d….png)


>being at the precipice and waiting for other to catch up may never happen.

At the beginning of a great national change, the patriotanon is a scarce man: scorned, ridiculed and forgotten. When his cause succeeds, however, all men will join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriotanon.

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7e7ff3  No.17572564

File: a151f033b4bc063⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 315x245, 9:7, buy_an_electric_car_from_j….jpg)

>it's what I do.

Do as you must.

it's not gona be with me.

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8ff1f0  No.17572565


I have a shit ton of vids anon, but dont think i have seen that one.

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c9ce46  No.17572566

You will reach a point when who loves you or who does not love you is no longer important. At that time you can say, “I am love, therefore, it is enough”. ~ Creator

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48d033  No.17572567

File: 73777af24f9ba27⋯.png (187.82 KB, 427x472, 427:472, EVENNNNNNNNN.png)


BrittRepublican, [24.09.22 01:42]

[Forwarded from UngaTheGreat]

[ Video ]

Watters: 'Fauci's Tunnel Vision Wreaked Havoc on Our Kids'

“…the collateral damage was astronomical. He hurt our kids so older libs could feel safe from a virus that had a high 90% survival rate.”



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eb7c22  No.17572569

File: 460f2a2b4b6231a⋯.png (21.72 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 40a51bddb04259c88bea9acc30….png)

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c2879b  No.17572570

File: 0c7876af7a4c8fa⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 240x240, 1:1, AEDCDF4B_2111_488A_9091_32….gif)

If you get a boner whenever you poop does that mean you’re gay?

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7e7ff3  No.17572571

File: d41d27e7d793cfa⋯.png (420.05 KB, 582x514, 291:257, Screenshot_2022_09_21_23_2….png)

It's funny like smokers in high school.

I tell you the man got 7 felonies here comes the heat put your cigarettes out, and instead you attack me.

Go on then, get busted smoking.

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48d033  No.17572573

File: 78aa78fea456862⋯.png (162.36 KB, 428x429, 428:429, CUTTTTTT.png)


Chief Nerd, [23.09.22 11:53]

[ Video ]

Jim Jordan Gets Abruptly Cut Off When He Mentions the FBI is Pulling Agents Off Child Trafficking Cases to Focus on Political Attacks



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7071f5  No.17572574

File: 9c90356dfec552a⋯.png (100.3 KB, 471x495, 157:165, Screen_Shot_09_24_22_at_07….PNG)

>>17571472 (lb)

>Is Q running Hilldawg's account?

I've gone back and forth on that in the past. I've watched her account for a while now, and Q wouldn't waste his time posting some of the shit she posts. I have come to the conclusion it is her posting, and she is a part of the plan. Obama too. Time will tell if correct.

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fd36a3  No.17572575

File: 4abe5d781ac106a⋯.png (40.76 KB, 473x350, 473:350, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df2d6bf2edf16b0⋯.png (172.83 KB, 473x589, 473:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44e3ec81d8fa2b7⋯.png (384.04 KB, 473x747, 473:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4dc5eaf6fde55f⋯.png (19.75 KB, 473x168, 473:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfadbbe135618d4⋯.png (22.72 KB, 473x168, 473:168, ClipboardImage.png)


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dd98d0  No.17572576

File: 2dcff794a6232e7⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB, 640x350, 64:35, Q_reflection.mp4)

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b1c4a0  No.17572577

File: 59a65e393fa5972⋯.png (933.03 KB, 680x693, 680:693, 1571485933295.png)


I don't need your participation.

In fact I would prefer that you didn't.

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43e304  No.17572578



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48d033  No.17572579

File: 71dc8bbba7d1740⋯.png (150.04 KB, 429x843, 143:281, MILLLLLLLL.png)


Gov Track, [23.09.22 21:29]

President Biden Announces Twenty-Fifth Operation Fly Formula Mission (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/23/president-biden-announces-twenty-fifth-operation-fly-formula-mission/)

Biden Administration will facilitate air shipment of approximately 2,500,000 8-ounce bottle equivalents of Nutricia/Danone Aptamil Gold Plus formula on September 23

Today, President Biden is announcing that his Administration is sourcing a flight, facilitated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), for Operation Fly Formula to transport Nutricia/Danone Aptamil Gold Plus formula from New Zealand to Chicago, IL via a flight on September 23. This delivery will include in total approximately 167,000 pounds of Nutricia/Danone formula, the equivalent of approximately 2,500,000 8-ounce bottles. The products will be distributed primarily to retailers.

Beginning in May, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the agency is exercising enforcement discretion so that Danone can export additional infant formula, including Neocate Infant DHA/ARA and Aptamil First Infant Milk Stage 1. Danone plans to export approximately 39 million 8-ounce bottle equivalents […]

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68a26a  No.17572580


>Public school is designed to train children into obedience and never to question authority. Recently (last 20 yrs) it has also taught them to ignore logic, be unable to reason, and to obey even the most insane concepts.

How correct you are. I find it so interesting that Del Bigtree was not vaccinated and his mom pulled him out of school when a peer started to influence him. He's now doing medical journalism and challenging the vaccine narrative. This is why they want us injected and ignorant: We become dependent and controllable.

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8ff1f0  No.17572581

File: 0b4ced345d5c7ea⋯.mp4 (13.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4394.mp4)


but wait i do have this one

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1a6608  No.17572582


"pudding people"

wut dis

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8e4972  No.17572583


damn had it saved, it was only around 1 minute 40 seconds long, really well done, it had the fight of 300 sparta fighting and Q drops showing the mirror qdrop then a lake with a image of the moon in the water which was a map of the earth in reflection.

in fact it was called something like reflections in the mirror

am watching a fantastic video completely sober without pots that is really good.

would like to put that video belore anon posts the video found which is about 1 hour and 40 minutes long

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a8449d  No.17572584


Update 9.24.22–A more detailed story of President Xi Jinping's arrest has emerged. Translated from Mandarin: "Shocking Beijing story: Xi visited Central Asia on Sept. 14th. Hu and Wen successfully persuaded Song Ping, a former member of the Standing Committee, to take control of the military that afternoon. Song took control of the Central Guard Bureau that night. Jiang Zeng and the members of the Central Committee in Beijing were informed on a single phone line. The original Standing Committee members removed Xi's military power by a show of hands. When Xi found out, he returned to Beijing on the evening of Sept. 16th. Xi was arrested at the airport. He is now under house arrest at Zhongnanhai's home. The change in leadership will be announced at the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee. Unable to verify. New Highland News Agency."


After Mao’s death Hua Guofeng was party chairman until 1981, when Deng’s protege Hu Yaobang took over the post. Hu was replaced as the party general secretary (the post of chairman was abolished in 1982) by another Deng protégé, Zhao Ziyang, in 1987. Zhao was succeeded by Jiang Zemin in 1989, and Hu Jintao was elected general secretary in 2002. Hu was then followed as general secretary by Xi Jinping, who was elected to the post in 2012.


Zhongnanhai (Central and Southern Seas) located in central Beijing, a royal garden complex since ancient times, is now the headquarters of the State Council of PRC, the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the General Office of CPC.


OCT 9, 2022. 7th PLENARY SESSION of 19th CPC Central Committee


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8ff1f0  No.17572585




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7e7ff3  No.17572586

File: caa85ce63f258c6⋯.png (35.11 KB, 326x116, 163:58, ClipboardImage.png)

ISO and ANSI the standards people are behind the Credit Cards…


– dang boy you in the mud again.

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68a26a  No.17572587


Good reason for human children to be fed human milk.

Isn't it interesting that COVID injections often make a mother's milk toxic or else dry it up and we never had a "formula shortage" before the jabs?

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eb7c22  No.17572588

File: fb595872e6cf1c9⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 474x239, 474:239, medic444.jpg)


good to go

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8ff1f0  No.17572590

>>17572583 i think anon got what you are looking for vvvvv


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c9ce46  No.17572592

Ashtar: Sign of the Changing Times

I am Ashtar. I am here to be with you in these times of immense change that is taking place now, that is moving more and more into your understanding, into your vision, into your perspective.

For it is the change that has been long-awaited and long-coming. And everywhere around you, if you look, you can see the signs of these changes that are coming to your world. But not to your third-dimensional world.

For even those that still slumber away in their misunderstandings and their inability to let go and understand and find the true meaning in life, what all of you have realized for yourselves is that you are all here for a reason. You are all here to grow within your soul, within your soul understanding. Even those that do not yet know of this, even they are beginning to question, question the old ways, question the old understandings. And as you know, when you begin to question, then you’ve also begun to look for the answers. And when you look, when you seek, you shall find. And that is the way. That is the way it has always been, and the way it always will be.

It only takes a few, a few of you, relatively speaking, to bring about immense change to the planet, immense change to the collective consciousness here. And you, as that relative few, are doing exactly that.

When you just did this meditation that we did here with you, you affected great change across the planet. Great change that, of course, you will not see directly where you had that result. But you will in the times ahead begin to see more and more how your manifestations are becoming more and more real, again, to the collective consciousness. A simple thought, a simple vision, a simple intention to bring about great change brings that change about. That is how it works.

And all around you now, you can see the signs. For anyone that looks for those signs will see them. Even if they are, what you call, behind the scenes yet, they are available. You can see them. You can experience them. They are the changes, or the signs of the changing times. So as you have heard many times, ‘trust the plan.’

The plan is fully in motion and gaining more and more momentum as the light continues to pour forth into this planet. The light which then brings higher vibrational frequency and the higher consciousness, which then allows you to manifest more freely, more fully. And as you continue to manifest within yourself, within your own personal lives, you are manifesting for the many as well. So know that you, each one of you, can bring about great change, and you are all doing so in your own personal way.

So let yourselves be who you came here to be. Do not shy away from who you are. Pronounce, not so much your knowledge, but pronounce your understanding, your knowing of things whenever you have the opportunity.

Because there are those out there that are waiting. They are waiting for the light to come to them so they can begin to see that light, just as you have.

If you were to shine a light on all of those lost souls deep down in what you would call ‘hell,’ and that light shown to them there in the darkness, many, many millions and billions would reach for that light if they were given the opportunity. You, my friends, are that light. You are that opportunity. Do not shy away from it, for it is your destiny. It is your mission.

I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to shine forth your light, your love everywhere, as that is the way it works.

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8658c6  No.17572593

File: 65bb21ab7091b5a⋯.png (12.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0f482e8050604258aea98e1935….png)

Time is limited and lets face facts anons. some things merit zero time invested. So if I see a post count at or above ten percent of the bread that one automatically gets the filter. example: bread is at 150 posts then a 14 post anon stays and 15 or above gets the hook. I could argue the reasons but it is moastly about what kind of character drives a glutton poster and ease of board viewing. I might agree with what you are saying. but if you have bad manners then I don't want to see what you are posting. It's a fact of life. People don't like to be around around selfish people. And board gluttony is unpleasant and difficult to watch. Especially so considering how much time and effort has been and is being put into this board.

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fd5a27  No.17572594


How is that filter working out for you?

Kek. Ain't that easy.

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cd20cc  No.17572595

File: 1de14f4df5dbefb⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_9751.MP4)

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2ea5c3  No.17572596

File: a9b5c7e5cfa70a3⋯.png (713.18 KB, 942x849, 314:283, Pelosi_quiver.png)



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48d033  No.17572597

File: 9f990a163e9fd62⋯.png (500.22 KB, 560x648, 70:81, shoPPPPP.png)


hop on Anon

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8ff1f0  No.17572598

File: 2c3ddbb1d19d791⋯.png (120.57 KB, 776x305, 776:305, ClipboardImage.png)




now we have 3 synced postings this month

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58142b  No.17572599


I think that is something like “pron”, a way to buy time from the algos, until a real person has to step in to shut down her context (contents).

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eb7c22  No.17572600

File: 59c2b5d2c479905⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 1058x595, 1058:595, 59c2b5d2c4799056b57297a26e….jpg)

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8ff1f0  No.17572601

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cd20cc  No.17572602

File: fbcb8b0bf00c46a⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 695x664, 695:664, photo_2022_09_19_12_48_36.jpg)

File: a93dd54f923431b⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 360x454, 180:227, photo_2022_08_20_09_43_18.jpg)

File: 24df6eca8874b12⋯.jpg (211.12 KB, 1066x964, 533:482, photo_2022_09_03_07_48_27.jpg)

File: ccaee77d3103009⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 909x1280, 909:1280, photo_2022_09_20_22_54_18.jpg)

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2ea5c3  No.17572603


He did spend a lot of time here, wrote a lot of articles bashing us, who doesn't?

Have considered he did finally wake up.

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966f6f  No.17572604



I remember when that was first posted and it did have the sauce. Anons were in shock then as well.

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c55450  No.17572605

File: aa429594475cfaa⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1328x1562, 664:781, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4f5ca  No.17572606

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7071f5  No.17572607

File: 070529f523ff05f⋯.png (73.21 KB, 417x429, 139:143, crooked3.PNG)

File: 45f9643be468249⋯.png (1.48 KB, 165x51, 55:17, Screen_Shot_09_19_22_at_10….PNG)

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966f6f  No.17572608


95% sure, that is.

Getting old and memory not what it used to be.

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dd98d0  No.17572609

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7071f5  No.17572610


Crooked, give us a 17 and a Q if you are a part of the plan.

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48d033  No.17572611

File: b7e0b923428bb1c⋯.png (115.49 KB, 424x310, 212:155, UPPSSSSSS.png)


Enoch's News Blast 🍊💥🍊, [23.09.22 21:40]

[ Photo ]

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b4f5ca  No.17572612


But still no sauce.

OK. I understand.

Never happened.

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02bd1a  No.17572613

File: 5243ba255f91795⋯.png (159.67 KB, 560x599, 560:599, Stzrrrrokvampdemonic.png)


It's THEIR delusional patriotic-duty to hurt and kill Republicans now.

Thanks, JOE!

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966f6f  No.17572614

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23effc  No.17572615


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8e4972  No.17572616

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>17572576 ← saved


thank you anon. that is it.

right anons is not a flat earther but watch this video and the one below !!!

note: video embedded is well worth watching, this section is around 27 minutes timestamp, but worth watching. you do not have to believe what you see, anons can hold multiple views in their minds without it effecting them, knowledge is power as they say !!!




Question Everything & Come To Your Own Conclusions!


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c9ce46  No.17572617


> So as you have heard many times, ‘trust the plan.’


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7e7ff3  No.17572619

File: 2260e03dbce58f8⋯.jpg (16.56 KB, 238x272, 7:8, h_clowned_in_gitmo.jpg)

The truth is you do get under my skin and piss me off.

But here's the thing, it's only because of a lingering Ghost echo of the old meaning which now fades.

Take LEVIS. LEVIS are now on the WOKE list of shit companies to BOYCOTT.

Proofs: https://www.cancelthiscompany.com/index.html

So this shit company LEVIS leaves a ghost in my mind of good times. Of a GOOD product back in Good days, before all the woke shit happpened. It's a Product Ghost, it catches me off guard and I FORGIVE Myself, and my family who might also make the same Error in the past present and future.. Thus, its true I get pissed when I hear LEVIS sucks, when I had family in early years of that company work there. Those memories are tainted, and it leave a shit load of subliminal resentments that must be cleared out.

By setting a set of rules just like blocking Q cool aid drinkers. I don't always get mr RED TEXT but I keep trying and self correct and everyone in my Family alive understants and everyone in my family not here a. didn't experience the problem and thus had good memory, or b. would have been on the same page after it was explained.

Boom your shit is loosened. Let it fly.

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19658b  No.17572620


Extreme MAGA Republican gun laws and inflammatory language have led to a spike in violent crime. When #MAGAIncitesGunViolence, we all pay the price.

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48d033  No.17572621