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8c4fc8  No.17420920 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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8c4fc8  No.17420924


Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker

BOT attacks - Current: META >>17221573 ; Other: >>17387373

Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats, msm trying to nail "Q and anons" new

Newfag Q & A: >>17381714

HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics; >>17322505 E-Bake PLS TAG THE DOUGH

Baker's Lite JS code >>17224816 ; Q post formatting >>17224834

Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884

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>>17420618, >>17420270, dough

>>17420254 Gab Received A Letter From Congress Today - news.gab.com

>>17420260 Up to 90% of all new taxes in the Biden inflation bill could come from small businesses making less than $200k per year - nothebee.com

>>17420271 Citizens United Sues Biden Administration Over Election-Takeover Documents - the federalist

>>17420277 JPMorgan Gold Trading Boss & Former LBMA Board Member Found Guilty By US Jury - zerohedge

>>17420282 Hollywood Actor Gary Busey Charged With Sex Offenses In New Jersey - gwp

>>17420288, >>17420292, Joe Biden Enlists China Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Elections - newsroom.tiktok.com and gwp

>>17420307 FDA directs Pfizer to test second dose of Paxlovid for ‘rebound’ infections - justthenews.com (covid topic)

>>17420329, >>17420344, >>17420398, Explain This: Georgia - 2% of Votes Remain, Biden Overcomes a 2.2% Margin? - rumble vid Mike lindel topic

>>17420340 Joe Biden Enlists China Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Elections - gwp

>>17420357, >>17420382, >>17420417, MIT Professor Retsef Levi on His Paper Showing Israel’s Alarming Vaccine Side Effects - nature.com (covid topic)

>>17420378 Armed federal agents recently raided Amos Millers successful organic meat & dairy farm in the old Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania - twat and mp4 vid

>>17420401 #21348 full

>>17420438 Intel Officials Reveal What FBI Was Really After in Mar-a-Lago Raid - pjmedia.com

>>17420450 Caught on Video: Auditor Harri Hursti DELETES Memory Card During Windham, New Hampshire Audit - rumble vid

>>17420458 In God We Trust’ Signs Going Up in More Texas Schools - ntd.com

>>17420548 Oklahoma woman slips out of cuffs, shoots man and deputy from back of police cruiser, video shows - youtube fox news

>>17420573 General #21349 full

>>17420623 Flynn/Clark - Information War, The People Are Overwhelming The [DS], We Are Taking Back Our Country - rumble vid X22 interview

>>17420698 Not to shabby POTUS 3.9 million followers on TS - djt t.s post

>>17420701, >>17420703, >>17420711, Daughter of Ukraine war mastermind 'is blown to pieces in Moscow car bomb': Darya Dugin 'assassinated in attack meant for her father Alexander' – one of Putin's closest aides often dubbed the Russian leader's 'brain' - daily mail and mp4 vid

>>17420783, >>17420795, U.S. Government data confirms a 143,233% increase in Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination - expose.news.com

>>17420852 VP Pence brought beautiful bouquet for Mrs g when he just stopped by farm. We and Pence team had ice cream as we talked issues - grassley twat

>>17420867 Guys my good friend and fellow Patriot Tommy Vext just released his solo debut album - djt jr t.s post nom

>>17420871 “Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. - dan scavino breitbart quote

>>17420909 #21350

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8c4fc8  No.17420926


>>17419468 dough

>>17419492, >>17419560, Virginia Middle School Knowingly Employed Convicted Sex Offender For Several Months Before Firing - gwp (pedo, groomer and commie topic

>>17419544, American Farmers Are Killing Their Own Crops and Selling Cows - Here's Why - telegram posts

>>17419555, >>17419562, DHS and Law Enforcement Partners host the 2022 Intelligence Summit -

>>17419571 1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency - clintel.org

>>17419691 Mike Lindell's Moment of Truth Summit LIVE in Springfield, MO - rumble

>>17419705, >>17419711, >>17420119, Chinese ambassador outlines BRICS vision - rt.com (nonprofit klaus asset)

>>17419708 It’s amazing, I’ve had two stories—one in Politico, one in the Fake New York Times - djt t.s post

>>17419718 I hear the the great Agents and others in the FBI are furious at FBI leadership - djt t.s post

>>17419741 Obama’s Chief Agriculture Advisor Just Headlined a Major Chinese Communist Party Event.- thenationalpulse.com

>>17419748, >>17419750, >>17419827, Walensky: CDC Needs to Tell People ‘What We Don’t Know’ - covid topic

>>17419764 Mexico’s Former Attorney General Arrested Following Student Massacre Investigation - breitbart

>>17419781 Raleigh police gun buyback event draws huge crowds, long lines - wral.com

>>17419802 11 page PDF chalk full of fallacy, projection and lies about the 2016 Presidential race - acslaw.org

>>17419809 'Summer of love' mayor Jenny Durkan being investigated by Seattle police over missing communications during 2020 riots - thepostmillennial.com

>>17419818 Former FBI Special Agent Says Biden’s DOJ Pushed For Mar-A-Lago Raid - con breif

>>17419822 UN Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative - summit.news

>>17419852, >>17419859, >>17419935, >>17419951, Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war - thegrayzone.com (russia v ukraine)

>>17419873 Texas School District Pushes Teachers To Take ‘LGBTQIA+’ Training on Taxpayers’ Dime -freebeacon (commie topic)

>>17419883 House Foreign Affairs Republicans warn of 'reconstitution' of al Qaeda, ISIS-K in Afghanistan - justthenews.com

>>17419897 Did Joe Biden Reclassify the Russia Collusion Docs That Trump Declassified? - pjmedia.com

>>17419905 ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is corporate welfare in disguise - wapo twat

>>17419913 the federalist on the fbi crimes - federalist

>>17419922 Supreme Court issues rare emergency order favoring voters challenging elections rules - cnn.com

>>17419923, >>17419950, >>17419957, >>17420001, >>17419963, >>17420109, planefag posts

>>17419917 Search Terms: the the on q drop aggre site - anon nom

>>17420021 Judges Rule DOJ’s Secret Memo That Shot Down Claims Trump ‘Obstructed Justice’ During Mueller Probe Must Be Made Public - beckernews.com

>>17420027 Gary Busey charged with sex offenses at Monster-Mania Con - ap press

>>17420038 Video Surfaces of Pennsylvania Democrat Senate Candidate John Fetterman Saying He Wants to Release “One-Third” of the Prison Population - gwp

>>17420128 Video Surfaces of Pennsylvania Democrat Senate Candidate John Fetterman Saying He Wants to Release “One-Third” of the Prison Population - gwp

>>17420128 message to the unvaxxed - gen flynn nom (stroppy find, corp baker post here, gen flynn nom)

>>17420573 #21349

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8c4fc8  No.17420929


>>17418640 dough

>>17418671, >>17418717, WHO says Zika virus caught it unprepared, again - linkedin.com (big pharma is part of the military industrial complex, most mrna companies are shells of the same)

>>17418672, >>17418690, MASSIVE Democrat ‘Bot Farms’ Revealed Influencing Elections, War, And Racial Tension — 51.34 billion social media impressions since 2019, 2024 propaganda assets - dailyveracity.com

>>17418681, >>17418683, >>17418753, >>17418758, >>17418792, School bans clapping and allows students ‘silent cheers’ or air punching but only when teachers agree - news.com (child control propaganda)

>>17418692, >>17418713, >>17418716, right thinks Peter Strzok was secretly a CIA agent - twat and judical watch

>>17418697, >>17418724, >>17418727, >>17418715, #QPOST 275 -BANKS CONTROL GOV'S BUT WHO CONTROLS THE BANKS, B.I.S, LORDS OF EASY MONEY BURIED US IN CASH - richardsonpost.com

>>17418701, >>17418733, The Student Loan Racket - anon opines on topics

>>17418706, >>17418707, >>17418734, >>17418741, Australian bank announces it will BAN loans for petrol or diesel cars in order to fight climate change and encourage electric vehicles - daily mail newsfeed

>>17418714 Anons are sheepdogs. Critical mass is only 10%. We are there. - telegram posts

>>17418722, >>17418749, Massive deployment of Dutch farmers and truckers in Woudenberg, - twat (farmers protest 2030 agenda)

>>17418728 Here comes a 'flurry' of retail bankruptcies, former retail CEO warns - finance.yahoo.com

>>17418730 New Evidence Shows Crooked Electronic, Voter Registration System ERIC Is Politically - 100percentfedup.com

>>17418735 Another Biological Male Dominates in Women's Sports, This Time It's Women's Golf - redstate (division agenda)

>>17418736, >>17418740, US has doomed EU to hunger and cold – Russia - rt.com (nonprofit asset of w.e.f and klaus and b.i.s)

>>17418743 Judge Blocks Military From Discharging Marines Who Object to COVID Vaccine Mandate on Religious Grounds - covid and lawfare topic

>>17418762 The 9/11 Tribute Museum Will Close for Lack of Funds - pjmedia.com

>>17418766, >>17418772, Larry Elder Mulls Presidential Run - breitbart (politics)

>>17418780 Donald Trump Will File Unlawful Search and Seizure Motion over ‘Illegal’ FBI Raid - breitbart

>>17418787 You're about to pay almost 30% more for Allstate car insurance than you did last year - chicagobusiness.com

>>17418849 Judge Denies Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Request to Delay Testimony in Election Probe - ntd.com

>>17418873 North Carolina Supreme Court Enacts a Full-Scale Judicial Coup - redstate.com

>>17418876 The End Game: Mojaloop, RIPPLE, WEF, BIS, UN - youtube (baker nom)

>>17418936 The End Game $XRP ILP Mojaloop Digital ID Rockefeller World Bank Interledger Gates Foundation Coil - youtube above nom vid in full from king soloman inc pdf of talk.

>>17419024 Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin takes drug test after being filmed dancing - nyp

>>17418880 Nancy's laptop thief apparently has been located. - post-gazette.com

>>17418886 BUSTED: Democratic California Congressman Arrested for Fraud - republicandaily.com

>>17418892 Boom! The Curious Case of Jinhua Konnech Inc. and YU Jianwei - kanekoa.substack.com

>>17418917 Judge Blocks Military From Discharging Marines Who Object to COVID Vaccine Mandate on Religious Grounds -epoch times

>>17418922 dr mike yeadon on the w.e.f and their agenda - childrendshealthdefense.org rfk jr site

>>17419038 Dem Congressman Rented Office Space From Convicted Drug Trafficker, Records Show - daily caller

>>17419070 The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 - DAY ONE - rumble vid

>>17419090 Ex-Boston prosecutor and social justice advocate accused of rape at NYC hotel - nyp

>>17419093 Metro Nashville police Deputy Chief Mike Alexander died Friday morning at his home from natural causes.- tennessean.com (suspicious?)

>>17419132 King County prosecutor has asked sheriff to investigate Durkan’s, other Seattle leaders’ deleted texts - seattletimes.com

>>17419229 These doctors ARE SICK IN THE HEAD!! - tom renz substack

>>17419357 Nicaraguan police arrest Bishop Álvarez, priests and assistants - vaticannews.com

>>17419372 UN: U.S. buying big Ukraine grain shipment for hungry regions - inquirer.com

>>17419381 Nearly 5 Million Illegal Immigrants Crossed Border During Biden Administration - breitbart

>>17419407 Thousands gather to fete South Africa's new Zulu king - wion.com

>>17420401 #21348

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8c4fc8  No.17420931


>>17417891, >>17418516 dough

>>17418178, >>17418230, >>17418227, >>17418247 "PROJECT PEACEFUL MAYHEM" Let the MEME WAR Begin…!!!

>>17417904 Pressure mounts on Cambodia over human trafficking

>>17417935 Case study of botspammer(s) trying to spin peaceful revolution and awakening into a civil war/martial law

>>17417976 CNN gets roasted- Gaslighting for Biden about fuel costs

>>17417993 Both pilots on Ethiopian Airlines flight fall asleep, miss landing

>>17418012, >>17418049, >>17418140 Senator Grassley, Pointing out his feet as He recently put out a video in which He highlights his Running shoes perhaps?

>>17418037 Musk seeks more brain chip tech

>>17418048 First International Anti-Fascist Congress Takes Place in Moscow

>>17418156 Dank License plate Spotted in NZ

>>17418226 Q LAZZARUS whose real name was Diane Luckey DEAD AT 61

>>17418241 ‘Taking Down A Landscape Business Owner’: GOP Rep Sounds The Alarm On Viral IRS Training Video

>>17418359 North Dakota School Board Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance After Week-Long Backlash

>>17418372 73% of college Democrats DON'T want Biden

>>17418397 Polk County Sheriff checks in - youtube vid

>>17418398, >>17418407, >>17418446, >>17418452, >>17418531, Over the last 24 hours - both Alex Jones and David Icke have attacked Trump with similar narratives - telegram posts

>>17418417, >>17418419, >>17418424, >>17418427, >>17418432, >>17418435, >>17418535, U.S. Petroleum Reserves Hit Lowest Level In Decades Ahead Of Winter - twat posts noise

>>17418431 HOW THE LORDS OF EASY MONEY BURIED US IN CASH - richardsonpost.com [sa] satanic agents

>>17418438 Republicans Call For Pelosi To End House Proxy Voting - zerohedge

>>17418467, >>17418476, >>17418481, >>17418543, >>17418547, >>17418551, These doctors ARE SICK IN THE HEAD!! - covid topic

>>17418485 Kids Are Jumping In Front Of Trucks For The Latest TikTok Challenge And It's Not Ending Well For Some - media.vidmax.com

>>17418587 #21347


>>17417565, 8kun Chat with Jim Watkins

>>17417154, >>17417157, >>17417158, >>17417160, >>17417161, >>17417163, >>17417165, >>17417167, >>17417169, >>17417171, >>17417175, >>17417177, >>17417179 Donald J. Trump: “Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? Look at the FBI’s last six years shows a pattern of irredeemable corruption”

>>17417434, >>17417489, >>17417488, >>17417525, >>17417527 So what are we supposed to do, constitutionally?

>>17417155 Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

>>17417204, >>17417232 Jim is on the board and up for a chat! LINK

>>17417243 John Fetterman: The Demon from Braddock Pa is about to throw in the towel

>>17417257 @UCBerkeley off-campus student housing bans white guests from common areas to "avoid white violence"

>>17417260, >>17417269 Donald Trump Will File Unlawful Search and Seizure Motion over ‘Illegal’ FBI Raid (Cap 0:27)

>>17417313, >>17417316 Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war

>>17417314 “F*CK YOUTUBE” – YouTube Suspends Steven Crowder AGAIN Over Interview With Trump-Endorsed AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake

>>17417357, >>17417389 Corresponds with winning

>>17417395, >>17417530 none of [them] got the jab, but want us all to think they did, so when ppl start dying en masse...

>>17417427 AG Office: #Mexico’s Former #AttorneyGeneral Jesus Mutillo Karam Arrested

>>17417438, >>17417443, >>17417480 Chuckster & Barbara Have Been Married 68 years, Is he pointing at something?

>>17417473 Winter Haven-based international drug-smuggling ring broken up, Polk sheriff says

>>17417493 Hungarian PM Orbán says occidental countries' failure to convince rest of the world to side with Ukraine means the likely end of "Western supremacy.

>>17417639 Muh Proof Positive (thread)

>>17417653 Flannel Friday with Gregg Phillips

>>17417831 Plácido Domingo implicated in Buenos Aires sex trafficking network

>>17417834 Biden US Attorney defends Boston Children's Hospital after minor trans surgery controversy

>>17417838 @RealMarjorieGreene ‘gender-affirming care,’ is child abuse, actually an assault

>>17417845 @DrPaulGosar America First has to be the GOP agenda in '23 or we will lose America.

>>17417853 CDC Used the Wrong Primers: Dr. Lee's, Letter to Director Rochelle Walensky

>>17417861 #21346

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8c4fc8  No.17420933

Previously Collected

>>17417861 #21346, >>17418587 #21347,

>>17415438 #21343-A, >>17416352 #21344, >>17417105 #21345

>>17413961 #21341, >>17414698 #21342, >>17415446 '#21343-B

>>17412435 #21339-B, >>17412434 #21339-A, >>17413206 #21340

>>17410835 #21337, >>17411648 #21338-B, >>17411646 #21338-A

>>17409351 #21335, >>17411400 #21336-B, >>17409916 #21336-A

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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ae3191  No.17420959

File: 1beaf8cdd44a31e⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 210x250, 21:25, AQUAGATE.jpg)


QRD anon discovers dozens of "aquariums" in small towns in Texas that all consist of two-initial names (EC Aquarium, HR Aquarium, etc.)

Each one is listed as an address block and not an actual house number.

All seem to be in small rural towns on lower class streets, not in cities.

UPDATE: Anon was trying to get the pin for O R Aquarium, Bruce Street, Bacliff, Texas to show up, as it doesn't work when they search for it. So they typed only Bruce Street, Bacliff, Texas. Of course the pin is right next to an upside down cross shaped elementary school, because what else could possibly be there.

Then they notice other strange pins around, like the "Cra" one. Clicking on "Cra" makes another one appear directly east, named "1WEATHER" (I think it's because both are listed as churches). Clicking on "1WEATHER" makes another pin appear, named "Prayer247". They know this is burgerland but these names look too fake to be real.

1WEATHER is listed as a bahá'í place which is some sandnigger religion apparently.

Whats even weirder is this is linked to another "aquarium" which funny enough has the same exact flag on their shack to store things "centex aquariums"

Anons going to see for themselves?

"Baha'i house of worship"

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8c4fc8  No.17420962

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB, 854x480, 427:240, julians_rum.mp4)

Updated dough: Q Research General #21351: ALL THEIR NARRATIVES BELONG TO ANONS NOW EDTION

Baker put this title up for a reason, instead of the msm and controlled talking heads leading the news narrative with the latest ff or outrage division topic, anons should be focusing on the world economic topic, at the heart of this is klaus schwab and his minions who have captured the B.I.S and are directing their agenda on the planet and all its citizens, we are all politial prisoners in our countries and the USA, Trump and maga and others who are waking up to see that maga is not just make american great again but MEGA , (Make Earth Great Again), there is no difvision amongst the people of nations, peace and unity is the prize.


God Speed Ahead - o7


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645903  No.17420978

File: 601ef90abe8c554⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB, 240x432, 5:9, A_future_look_from_1956.mp4)

66 years ago, a future look at 2020…spot on!!!

The last 45 seconds will astound you…

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3654eb  No.17420983

File: 86d7af632ca1fc0⋯.png (374.13 KB, 1977x1327, 1977:1327, Screenshot_2022_08_20_1725….png)

Anons, found something interesting:

The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from 2011-2015 was Mike S. Rogers:


What's the significance? Remember how Q stressed that every detail matters. When he mentioned a Mike Rogers, was he always necessarily referring to Mike Rogers of the NSA, or this guy? The Chairman position of this committee is well important enough to make them comparable. Plus, Mike S. Rogers was in both the Army and the FBI.

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b42d72  No.17420985

File: 45e292d0798ac45⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1109x738, 1109:738, ClipboardImage.png)


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949a4c  No.17420993

File: 182481e0da153fc⋯.png (152.72 KB, 664x382, 332:191, Screen_Shot_2022_08_20_at_….png)

File: abe87f2518a0f1b⋯.png (112.53 KB, 518x632, 259:316, Screen_Shot_2022_08_20_at_….png)

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808b73  No.17420999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very interesting, the storm when it comes will last a while

Brw, I dont care!

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ca22f1  No.17421004

File: 72a1f8cfd1b15f3⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 810x500, 81:50, fiona_lashells.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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23f6d8  No.17421012

File: 22b56756476c284⋯.png (604.61 KB, 796x635, 796:635, ClipboardImage.png)


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949a4c  No.17421015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb_ doesn't discuss ongoing or potenially ongoing. . . … .



'I Want To Know Where Hunter Biden's Laptop Is': Matt Gaetz Grills FBI Cyber Chief

Forbes Breaking News

1.27M subscribers





306,117 views Mar 29, 2022 At today's House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) questioned Bryan A. Vorndran, Assistant Director, Cyber Division, Federal Bure

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ca22f1  No.17421021


It seems rather odd that the video does not predict advances in medicine.

I guess the plan was always to keep us sick and unhealthy.

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23f6d8  No.17421022

File: ffeb27c5b2e8b51⋯.png (570.75 KB, 785x713, 785:713, ClipboardImage.png)

something blacked out

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0d0a9e  No.17421024

[Pb] >>17420128


I like this post. Just going to huff on these victory fumes for a moment… ahhhhh.

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ca22f1  No.17421025


How many people are named "Mike Rogers"? Could be hundreds.

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caa235  No.17421026

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB, 1582x886, 791:443, Caution.png)

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0b8bd3  No.17421027

>>17420897 (lb)

Good gracious. Please don't post stuff like that. That's got to make some think twice before…

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0deae7  No.17421028

File: c93ac805c7a2391⋯.jpg (238.99 KB, 879x784, 879:784, 20220819_104559.jpg)

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4c37a9  No.17421029

>Video Surfaces of Pennsylvania Democrat Senate Candidate John Fetterman SayingHe Wants to Release “One-Third” of the Prison Population- gwp

Globally, There must be a bounty on specific acts carried out.

You pull off one and you are rewarded.

Like ISIS but governmental this time

*Working theory

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10f86b  No.17421030


Q never referred to MIKE rogers

he said Admiral rogers

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b875fa  No.17421031


I've personally known 3.

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ebfe58  No.17421032


a woman's body.

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fd2c65  No.17421033

File: 796d91121c4ac78⋯.png (76.07 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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04eb57  No.17421034

File: 6fdb7cd80f973e9⋯.jpg (126.41 KB, 1091x1500, 1091:1500, 6d62064254e508de26737b46b9….jpg)


good audio in LB


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23f6d8  No.17421035



no one attending

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4c37a9  No.17421036


Fake audio

splice pea soup.png

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d83b2e  No.17421037

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB, 282x244, 141:122, pepe_thinking.png)

>>17420982 LB

>Green energy makes us dependent on China

>Solar panels and batteries require rare earth metals.

>China controls 90% of the market.

No politician in the Washington DC swamp, no one in the military, nobody at all saw this coming?

Or is everyone paid off to look the other way?

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caa235  No.17421038


Admiral Mike Rogers. 17th Director of the NSA.



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10f86b  No.17421039



the narration is fake n gay

c'mom man

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18e28d  No.17421040

File: 0f76df8db256daa⋯.jpeg (374 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D1C91E3F_AC3A_46DE_88BC_F….jpeg)


thanks bakes

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ebfe58  No.17421041


She´s dead bro.

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4332a6  No.17421042

File: ef377b557df94c5⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Louis_and_the_JQ.mp4)

Louis Rossmann and the JQ

From a youtube live stream earlier today. Louis comes across a car with a sign on the back saying "Jews control 99% of tv/radio, and use it to control government"

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672db0  No.17421043

>>17420896 (LB)

tell us what you have sworn not to tell us

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b950e4  No.17421044

>>17420623 (pb)

So "Q" is just the statistical inevitability and ultimate certainty of the people waking up and taking back their country legally. That's kind of lame; I was really hoping for some Deus Ex shit.

>>17420456 (pb)

It was a Bobby Kelly joke, and I'm really disappointed that not a single laugh was had, because if anyone was familiar with the comic they'd need to pick their balls up off the floor.

pic ref

>>17420262 (pb)

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eee47e  No.17421045

File: 5e21d622aa8ad56⋯.jpg (121.18 KB, 750x648, 125:108, 5e21d622aa8ad56071e7feec25….jpg)

File: 12db5b81c62b553⋯.gif (5.39 MB, 530x369, 530:369, 5ba56a247e739.gif)

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b875fa  No.17421046


I would so masturbate 6 feet away from him. He's cute.

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10f86b  No.17421047

File: 367e92bc10166ab⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1333x997, 1333:997, ClipboardImage.png)


remove the cat

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7cbf1b  No.17421048

File: 4802bb374f4016d⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 600x273, 200:91, my_family_2_.jpg)

we must surrender the enemy.

They come from fbi, cia, black house, wall street.

We only have aliens and interdimensional beings.

have some cake on you, in case you meet bill. in the rest, hope.

I'm w/ you.

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0deae7  No.17421049

File: 6fb567f2d576d51⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 500x361, 500:361, 20200623_201611.gif)

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13e5e7  No.17421050

File: fe1b21be61d93d9⋯.png (114.45 KB, 867x488, 867:488, 1_1.png)

File: 3a3de981cd924e4⋯.png (161.8 KB, 578x520, 289:260, 1_2.png)

File: 98b0b6fb1410c0d⋯.png (747.01 KB, 1327x638, 1327:638, 1_3.png)

File: 76b65e48a885086⋯.png (70.56 KB, 1300x632, 325:158, 1_4.png)

File: 9f8ca18626d6d00⋯.png (37.95 KB, 1285x584, 1285:584, 1_5.png)


Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

All PB



>>17417446 <-- Obama mentions All On The Line and Power the Polls.

All On the Line and Power the Polls are part of a larger network of organizations whose purpose is to influence elections in the U.S.. They're affiliated with the National Redistricting Action Fund, the National Redistricting Foundation, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee and more. They have many partners. Anons will recognize many of the political candidates on NDRC's Democracy Defenders page.

All On The Line - Influence Watch


All On The Line

"We’re on a mission to end gerrymandering because it contributes to the polarization and dysfunction in our political system. It’s time to end map manipulation and finally have fair districts. We deserve accountable, responsive elected leaders."


All On the Line's website says, "Paid for bythe National Redistricting Action Fund", at the bottom of the webpage.

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4c94e4  No.17421051

File: 711131258b06b06⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 770x416, 385:208, tfdsc.JPG)

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eee47e  No.17421052

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Night_shift2.jpg)

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caa235  No.17421053

File: 365977b6cf86af0⋯.png (713.58 KB, 750x600, 5:4, JQParties.png)

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10f86b  No.17421054

File: b268dcbc3e6700e⋯.png (326.52 KB, 627x789, 209:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>He's cute.

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96691d  No.17421055


I don't know how you add Q to Alice and HRC and it equals Mike Rodgers?

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ebfe58  No.17421056


now remove the useless cat

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dd2649  No.17421057

File: 949c03c735c8978⋯.png (769.49 KB, 491x795, 491:795, 949c03c735c89783e9715038ea….png)

File: b5370f4a0a40854⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1523x5892, 1523:5892, Screenshot_2022_08_20_at_2….png)

File: 3561649d02ba3e2⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 590x348, 295:174, 3333333.JPG)

File: d11af0d3102f7ff⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 367x97, 367:97, 333333.JPG)

>>17420881 LB

>>17420909 LB

Grassley post at 3:13

q post #3330 Timestamp 3:13 with Pence as subject very simple

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3d78fe  No.17421058

File: b45da7940d25551⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 478x810, 239:405, 5_3_.jpg)

>>17420871 (PB)

“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. - dan scavino breitbart quote

I'd rather be DEPLORABLE MAGA QTARD TRUMP SUPPORTER than a filthy mentally ill drug addicted confused entirely stunted communist piece of shit DEMOCRAT.






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7cbf1b  No.17421059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

as long I'm here…….

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23f6d8  No.17421060

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nanotech found in Pfizer jab by New Zealand lab. Sue Grey Co-leader of Outdoors and Freedom Party and Dr Matt Shelton report findings to Parliament's Health Select Committee.

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13e5e7  No.17421061

File: c71e16f8114ae76⋯.png (369.44 KB, 749x651, 107:93, 2_1.png)

File: 1eeb8426a80e36c⋯.png (75.6 KB, 955x576, 955:576, 2_2.png)

File: ed68edaeabf42dd⋯.png (391.45 KB, 727x647, 727:647, 2_3.png)

File: ca4ed061a2b0922⋯.png (388.61 KB, 730x646, 365:323, 2_4.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

National Redistricting Action Fund - Home


National Redistricting Action Fund - About


National Redistricting Action Fund - Careers


The National Redistricting Action FundAffiliate ofNational Democratic Redistricting Committee.

National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF) - Influence Watch


They even have a foundation.

National Redistricting Foundation (NRF) - Influence Watch


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bf767a  No.17421062

File: 573e4b65554a92c⋯.jpeg (948.3 KB, 2034x1912, 1017:956, 573e4b65554a92ce566f2c48b….jpeg)

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10f86b  No.17421063

File: fddf30590e417ff⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1333x1333, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b875fa  No.17421064


Worst show I ever got roped into going to.

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ca22f1  No.17421065


Pig is a true master of the art.

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54627c  No.17421066

File: c558f536e4040b7⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1488x1592, 186:199, Screen_Shot_2022_08_20_at_….png)

File: f37eea22b687d4f⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1528x1860, 382:465, craiyon_175154_black_balle….png)

Dall-E's take on the black ballet.

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0b8bd3  No.17421067

File: 70ca627bca8cb4d⋯.png (50.65 KB, 1413x307, 1413:307, Screen_Shot_08_20_22_at_08….PNG)

File: a1634feeb117797⋯.png (25.55 KB, 479x288, 479:288, Screen_Shot_08_20_22_at_08….PNG)

So in these endorsements, we got….

District 1

District 2

District 5

District 18

1+2+5+1+8 = 17 :)

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ebfe58  No.17421068

File: 6906992a7ad310e⋯.png (428.99 KB, 598x742, 299:371, Screenshot_2022_08_20_at_2….png)



Better, thanks.

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aca584  No.17421069

File: 9403b680841ff95⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 720x720, 1:1, fu7LAHyTOd5_rUhN.mp4)

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3d78fe  No.17421070

File: 28d138980b4e698⋯.jpg (140.29 KB, 828x901, 828:901, file_store_38.jpg)

File: 5d2058295ebf92f⋯.png (735.29 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, file_store_93.png)

File: f238535df80a557⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 434x511, 62:73, e0d7ce53e1a723595e57642d0e….jpg)

File: 87c78e52aa0664e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, file_store_44.png)



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13e5e7  No.17421071

File: 854695fc6b06da0⋯.png (66.48 KB, 814x510, 407:255, 3_1.png)

File: d11834fc1620c07⋯.png (221.16 KB, 774x504, 43:28, 3_2.png)

File: 2ef2553986d6612⋯.png (548.46 KB, 1342x467, 1342:467, 3_3.png)

File: f92e7e4f6d67221⋯.png (569.6 KB, 737x528, 67:48, 3_4.png)

File: 0c562e79f2f8c7f⋯.png (489.04 KB, 731x638, 731:638, 3_5.png)



Obama and Holder, All On the Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

National Democratic Redistricting Committee - Home


National Democratic Redistricting Committee - Democracy Defenders


List of NDRC's Democracy Defenders, as of 8/20/2022

A quick look at the NDRC's Democracy Defenders webpage may lead a politically uneducated viewer to believe that all of these people currently occupy the state offices listed on their pictures. Could some voters be tricked into voting for one of them in the belief that they're already a "winner" and have experience? Anon has fixed the list below to reflect reality as of 8/20/2022.

Not the GOVERNOR - Stacey Abrams

GOVERNOR - Laura Kelly

GOVERNOR - Gretchen Whitmer


GOVERNOR - Michelle Lujan Grisham

GOVERNOR - Steve Sisolak

Not the GOVERNOR - Nan Whaley

Not the GOVERNOR - Josh Shapiro

Not the GOVERNOR - Beto O'Rourke

GOVERNOR - Gov. Tony Evers

Not the SECRETARY OF STATE - Bee Nguyen

Not the SECRETARY OF STATE - Chelsea Clark

Not the STATE AUDITOR - Taylor Sappington

Not the SECRETARY OF STATE - Cisco Aguilar

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7a5e9b  No.17421072

(pb) >>17420852 VP Pence brought beautiful bouquet for Mrs g when he just stopped by farm. We and Pence team had ice cream as we talked issues - grassley twat

This son of a bitch is crazier than a dog in a hubcap factory. And order of fries short of a happy meal.

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ca22f1  No.17421073


Does the frog get eaten by the snek?

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f39bd9  No.17421074

File: 2669c0a155bd075⋯.png (821.28 KB, 1170x827, 1170:827, Screenshot_2022_08_20_at_2….png)

After 50 States of testimony of fraudulent election evidence, Lindell TV will be showing a movie to highlight the days events before the trial tomorrow.


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4c94e4  No.17421075

Lindell just said all his old tweets are still up…except the ones that mentioned voting machines. Those have been deleted.

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10f86b  No.17421076

File: 3075a273b6c3c3e⋯.png (497.27 KB, 1333x1092, 1333:1092, ClipboardImage.png)

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96691d  No.17421077

File: f98b1e1ca0d91d3⋯.png (884.08 KB, 936x996, 78:83, 367e92bc10166ab5d6507e3edf….png)


But why?

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eee47e  No.17421078

File: e5f71df066df382⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 350x200, 7:4, e5f71df066df382213704cbd3f….gif)

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpg (156.25 KB, 709x595, 709:595, d137563c12dc909b1c40d215c3….jpg)

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0deae7  No.17421079

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7cbf1b  No.17421080

File: 0e72ca9e508addd⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 320x237, 320:237, doll.gif)

>>17421058you in heaven.

Your designer sucks…….

Another shelf and you in heaven.

guess he's low stature……

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04eb57  No.17421081


wtf happened. i'm lost.

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caa235  No.17421082

File: aceef0af60d24e2⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccNS.gif)

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6a153d  No.17421083

File: 04ad8ee52de505b⋯.jpg (203.39 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 04ad8ee52de505bee893b16788….jpg)


you must be new


original Q is the best Q

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13e5e7  No.17421084

File: c72c0863be36aa5⋯.png (349.35 KB, 743x589, 743:589, 4_1.png)

File: 7548a0492b7e231⋯.png (72.42 KB, 575x448, 575:448, 4_2.png)

File: 6ac341fc9137c81⋯.png (314.44 KB, 910x571, 910:571, 4_3.png)

File: 600e80574ee1ad4⋯.png (78.78 KB, 684x467, 684:467, 4_4.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

National Democratic Redistricting Committee has some very specific "Democracy Targets". Those targets are specific states. Find their list targeted states below.

National Democratic Redistricting Committee - Democracy Targets












National Democratic Redistricting Committee - Who We Are

Think Board of Directors and Eric Holder


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0deae7  No.17421085

File: 6b7403fe1943da8⋯.png (425.09 KB, 1080x1142, 540:571, Memeto_1619185148399.png)

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3b8b59  No.17421086

>>17420913 (lb)

anons are funny

in a very useless kind of way

without addressing the real reasons why

things are (or were)

har har

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7cbf1b  No.17421087

File: 98ab2ab3c1e53ed⋯.gif (869.66 KB, 380x211, 380:211, grass_eatter_cow.gif)

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d83b2e  No.17421088

File: caaf645a400e15b⋯.png (481.7 KB, 728x406, 52:29, pickleball.png)

>>17420850 LB

>Black ballet

Those who can't, invent new shit even a retard can do.

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13e5e7  No.17421089

File: bad467f353fcf34⋯.png (350.16 KB, 744x635, 744:635, 5_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls


Power the Polls - About


Power the Polls - Election Officials


Power the Polls - Resources


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7c62ec  No.17421090

File: 43522c0bdf3847a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, Screenshot_2022_08_21_at_0….png)

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72298f  No.17421091

File: bb5b4de18820d45⋯.png (609.67 KB, 757x764, 757:764, AI_HillarySaw.png)


AI is so fucking smart!

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1806e2  No.17421092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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21a346  No.17421093


Snek is good! Snek would not eat frog!

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10f86b  No.17421094

File: e2b8dbf2be1d962⋯.png (1013.26 KB, 1333x997, 1333:997, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4c78037edf0ab⋯.png (326.46 KB, 1333x1000, 1333:1000, ClipboardImage.png)


she make sammich how ever you like it

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13e5e7  No.17421095

File: af183a3e8f08cc5⋯.png (264.05 KB, 548x557, 548:557, 6_1.png)

File: c89f0610d8587a7⋯.png (143.33 KB, 516x585, 172:195, 6_2.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners


v v v

Time to Vote

United Way

Fair Elections Center

Comedy Central






Pizzato the Polls

Civic Alliance

National Disability Rights Network

Alliance for Youth Organizing

We Can Vote

Students Learn Students Vote

CAA Foundation

Past & Present Partners

SMART Elections



Crossover Collective




Repair The World



Town Hall Project

Texas LBJ School

Major League Soccer

Natural Resources Defense Council





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0b8bd3  No.17421096


>anons are funny

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21a346  No.17421097


good cow

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3f339c  No.17421098

File: 07defdc9a0341e3⋯.png (127.59 KB, 1083x949, 1083:949, ClipboardImage.png)

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031fd9  No.17421099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was there any low key TV programs in the USA about a pandemic 2017/2018 the same as the UK ? Possibly featuring an app that viewer's could download ?

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ebfe58  No.17421100

File: caf5df33c0c030b⋯.png (239.92 KB, 598x622, 299:311, ClipboardImage.png)

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13e5e7  No.17421101

File: b3188204dfedd9d⋯.png (124.69 KB, 740x609, 740:609, 7_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued



Sofar Sounds


Crooked Media

Public Wise

Richer Poorer

National Urban Indian Family Coalition


Alliance Students at the Polls


Philadelphia Eagles

Unite Here!


BlueCross and BlueShield of Minnesota



UVA Alumni Association






Defend Our Future

Bird + Stone

Compass Coffee

Encore Renewable Energy

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


Ascendant Athlete


Baltimore Votes


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc

Veterans for American Ideals



National Coalition On Black Civic Participation

American Sustainable Business Network

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7cbf1b  No.17421102

File: cd5ba4769635335⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 418x320, 209:160, ham.gif)


I so clones what can do to you……….

You know…………

I'll broke some laws, to fuck you all.

B/c destruction it is happiness for this world.

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3b8b59  No.17421103

Oh, look.

It's time for the Traitors & Traffickers to start posting and blaming it "shills" again.

Have a nice time your fucking assholes.

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96691d  No.17421104


Q drops don't have a lot of intergrity, individually. So much bullshit and misdirection along the way. "Q, The Plan to "Save" the World," has turned into an attempted Protestant Re-Reformation.

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10f86b  No.17421105

File: 2ce64c07ea88adb⋯.png (101.61 KB, 350x253, 350:253, ClipboardImage.png)


>wtf happened. i'm lost.

Wrong Turn at Albuquerque

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207d44  No.17421106

File: 6d9d2e6afee5b75⋯.png (872.1 KB, 1919x1012, 1919:1012, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58d5dc3ff5c2d40⋯.png (564.93 KB, 985x550, 197:110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f25d9a3657de906⋯.png (566.47 KB, 890x592, 445:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Airborne_Launch_Control_Sy….jpg)

Call sign EAGER20 out of Tinker AFB. No call sign from Travis AFB. Two USN Boeing E-6B Mercuries. 162784 & 164409.

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18e28d  No.17421107

File: 1a2867ebfd6cfa9⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, nsfirebirds.mp4)


advanced munitions requested


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eee47e  No.17421108

File: ea7638136c67174⋯.jpg (113.97 KB, 997x786, 997:786, ea7638136c67174ad9f4fe3234….jpg)


Anon psst…

Their just stealing your money Bible or no Bible.


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13e5e7  No.17421109

File: e920f68fe0e3172⋯.png (75.1 KB, 722x446, 361:223, 8_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued



Curriculum Associates

Duo Security

Civil Review Board






League of Women Voters


Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund




National College for Accessible Voting

Spread the Vote


Block Power

Color Farm Media

All Voting Is Local Leadership Conference

Voter Protection Corps

Action Button


Represent US

American Promise




Major League Baseball




American Constitution Society

Mormon Women For Ethical Government

National Congress of American Indians


National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

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7a5e9b  No.17421110


>'I Want To Know Where Hunter Biden's Laptop Is': Matt Gaetz Grills FBI Cyber Chief

Two + months ago this slickster was ranting and raving he had a copy of Hunters laptop. And introduced it into evidence in a Congressional meeting. Pulled it out of his pocket. It's on video.

Now why the fuck is he asking somebody it is when he has it and the American people don't. These people are all 🤡.

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3f339c  No.17421111

File: 202f8504356bb65⋯.png (750.03 KB, 770x852, 385:426, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b6a7a  No.17421112

File: 2484a345d6394ec⋯.gif (5.37 MB, 500x500, 1:1, Nightshift_code.gif)

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96691d  No.17421113

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13e5e7  No.17421114

File: 8f4551427a12043⋯.png (141.01 KB, 731x640, 731:640, 9_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued





Campus Compact


Southeast Asia Resource Action Center

The Change Agentcy


All In

National Council of Jewish Women

Bad Robot


Verizon Media




Timber Wolves and Lynx

Legal Defense Fund

Stand Up America



The Poll Workers Project

Boys and Girls Clubs of America

General Assembly


Civic Georgia


Global Black Caucus

When We All Vote


Cleveland Votes







The Flow

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eee47e  No.17421115

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB, 814x851, 22:23, e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)



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7cbf1b  No.17421116

File: 35d54c87c31a14b⋯.gif (419.99 KB, 250x188, 125:94, I_am_here.gif)


If my family will not help me……….

You'll vanish.


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21a346  No.17421117


yeah the gif and all

Got 15 to 20 lbs to lose.

Gonna do it. all ready showed tits a couple times so back off.

I had so much stress last year… yeah

going to lose it.

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13e5e7  No.17421118

File: 1d9e2adf1e14c21⋯.png (112.09 KB, 744x627, 248:209, 10_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued






Poder Latinx

Master Clinician Network


Anonymous Content



Discovery Inc.

9/11 Day


Lululemon - Lincoln Park

Every Vote Counts




OBB Media

Pond Lehocky

Good Fear Content

Kansas City Royals

Veterans for Responsible Leadership



Socially Driven Music






ocial Good Club





Campus Vote Project

Interpublic group

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10f86b  No.17421119


he had a copy of the hard drive

he wants to know where the physical laptop is that the FBI has had in its possession since day 1

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12048b  No.17421120


ok, we saw it.

really need to spam it?

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d83b2e  No.17421121

File: dff39194a8d36d8⋯.png (106.65 KB, 231x305, 231:305, wtf.png)


Why are the witch's hands crossed in front like that?

Any meaning?

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13e5e7  No.17421122

File: 3442701427abcce⋯.png (100.66 KB, 701x581, 701:581, 11_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued


United Food & Commercial Workers Intl Union


Black Advancement Coalition


Jolt Action


AMC Theaters


Mitz Vote

App Dynamics




More Than A Vote

Feminist Majority Foundation



Weslayan Engaged


Thornburg Investment


Hotel Tango

Blue Apron

Leadership Now Project


Lead MN



Scholars Strategy Network

Student Veterans of America



Big Tent USA

The Vote Project


Old Navy

Warby Parker

American Sustainable Business Council

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21a346  No.17421123


You are right Pepe

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0deae7  No.17421124

File: a00d0b9d191bf4f⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB, 1020x764, 255:191, 1539296219.jpeg)

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13e5e7  No.17421125

File: 0ba5c15c4d17a34⋯.png (95.54 KB, 728x632, 91:79, 12_1.png)



Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Power the Polls - Partners - continued



Miami Dade College





Fenwick & West






All Voting Is Local



The Andrew Goodman Foundation

Eden Health


Campbell Ewald


KiteString Technical Services

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

National Womens Hockey League


Otherwise Incorporated

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO




Work Elections

Powered byWork Elections

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7c62ec  No.17421126

File: dcb909f0aa38cf1⋯.png (822.69 KB, 1918x533, 1918:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b6146c23c5ee90⋯.png (1004.21 KB, 1920x533, 1920:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8b8a4f01624582⋯.png (927.45 KB, 1918x533, 1918:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c90729aacb0568⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1920x531, 640:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa91d27f60dd51⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1920x531, 640:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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f39bd9  No.17421127

File: c14d3cb41f7605b⋯.png (972.33 KB, 1170x827, 1170:827, Screenshot_2022_08_20_at_2….png)

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96691d  No.17421128

The imagery in that video is horrifying. The implications of "world information domination" means complicity with the global hallucination.

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48672d  No.17421129

File: babdd601ea52e92⋯.png (151.23 KB, 549x600, 183:200, Nightshifters.png)

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54627c  No.17421130

File: 828115c7dd2c538⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1528x1860, 382:465, craiyon_180935_Jim_Watkins….png)

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bf767a  No.17421131

File: 52a3d467da59fd5⋯.png (75.04 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a93954  No.17421132

File: 23ee3293086a1a3⋯.png (117.49 KB, 350x253, 350:253, 2ce64c07ea88adbcdcf6db2c5a….png)

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86d019  No.17421133

File: 88cc6ebcb277060⋯.png (1.04 MB, 976x930, 488:465, complaints.png)

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13e5e7  No.17421134

>>17421050, >>17421061, >>17421071, >>17421084, >>17421089, >>17421095, >>17421101, >>17421109, >>17421114, >>17421118, >>17421122, >>17421125 Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More

Bun forBaker, if you like.

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86d019  No.17421135

Israel First


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0deae7  No.17421136

File: 7dd8e97a7ea4af1⋯.jpg (179.77 KB, 625x1024, 625:1024, 20220810_114214.jpg)



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a93954  No.17421137

File: b7c9ca074c20bd9⋯.png (109.35 KB, 350x253, 350:253, 2ce64c07ea88adbcdcf6db2c5a….png)

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7a5e9b  No.17421138


So upload it for all to see. That weasel is on my payroll too. 30% in Federal taxes.The physical laptop was accidentally destroyed along Hillary's smartphones and the Apollo Moon landing tapes. Around and around we go.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

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10f86b  No.17421139

File: ffb1d15d79fe581⋯.gif (3.32 MB, 450x291, 150:97, ycdi.gif)

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7c62ec  No.17421140

File: 9f8653575c7b584⋯.png (986.03 KB, 1918x533, 1918:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eedbf3be6c251d8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1914x533, 1914:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a739df9b37574c⋯.png (984.68 KB, 1916x531, 1916:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a93fe07c9e9cd98⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1920x535, 384:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 284350a429f0ccf⋯.png (807.19 KB, 1920x531, 640:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a153d  No.17421141

File: addd0262611733b⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 630x420, 3:2, rogers_you.jpg)


i actually agree with you

however, that is probably the man who kicked all this off. i respect that about him - even tho he signed off very early in the process - his voice was one of the funniest Q's

although since then, almost 5 years later, I have come to question even his motives/positioning.

his current job is questionable. partnering with Eric Schmidt (Google) is not a good thing imo

but with muh plan - i've learned to sit back and watch - i have learned i know very little about what is really occurring in this world

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7cbf1b  No.17421142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My dream to you is that you will have everything, and evertything will be yours.

trust me……………….I gave lifes for you, i need nothing from you, not even love or respect.

you must mean something to express something.

You………only mean pain, by now.

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0d5ec1  No.17421143

>>17420896 PB

>Would (you) rather be on the inside and sort of know what is going on however sworn to secrecy and not able to even speak of it.


>Would you rather be here (under no confidentiality agreements/laws) digging and informing the world on what you find?

I would want to know the secrets because then I could see the big picture and be part of the solution.

I don't like operating with bits and pieces.

I need that pic on the jigsaw puzzle box to see what the end result is supposed to look like and then find a way to get there.

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eee47e  No.17421144

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB, 1440x1698, 240:283, 60d610be7acc37072dfb74d418….png)

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10f86b  No.17421145

File: b7c467265cc96d6⋯.png (1.29 MB, 788x888, 197:222, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c4fc8  No.17421146

File: edd5a9fd3d52149⋯.png (90.09 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ClipboardImage.png)


tanks anon, got it.

what would be better if you can get all that info and do a summary with sources.

Anons can then follow your dig and see if they can expand and present it a bitesize post.


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0deae7  No.17421147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b42d72  No.17421148


Waiting for Terry Gilliam to turn this into a FC segway

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7cbf1b  No.17421149

File: 82a1a42934baaa1⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 345x200, 69:40, i_just_love_you.gif)


I like that you expect God to save you………………

Did HE MUCH????????????

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a93954  No.17421150



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96691d  No.17421151


I was under the impression that he was now working for an Israeli information security firm…or doing information security for Israeli companies?

Either way…I don't know the truth of the matter either, but with the pace of the attacks, and the public face of the ruling class, either the NSA is losing the information war or helping defeat anons.

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caa235  No.17421152

File: a20754a6c774c36⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GN.jpg)



But 10 out of 10 for the python references.

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ca22f1  No.17421153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unknown Cause is the Leading Cause of Death - What could it be? Climate change? Lack of diversity? Conservative views? Stress? Poverty? Depression? Damn mysterious this Unknown Cause of Death.

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057645  No.17421154


Partisan sniping!

It’s really all just bait courtesy of the monitors of this board.

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b875fa  No.17421155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Those years sucked. Lost a lot during that time.

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7c2060  No.17421156

File: a717c8cb8e1543a⋯.png (177.5 KB, 639x612, 71:68, hm224ab.png)

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207d44  No.17421157

File: 35f6c19431904de⋯.png (386.25 KB, 1212x1013, 1212:1013, ClipboardImage.png)



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7c62ec  No.17421158

File: be3acb75082afbc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1918x531, 1918:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71b02763aa6fb4d⋯.png (840.04 KB, 1920x529, 1920:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74965bd06d74f27⋯.png (865.69 KB, 1918x529, 1918:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d2378  No.17421160

File: 9dd3afab720e8c9⋯.jpg (236.6 KB, 1720x1327, 1720:1327, _20220820_211905.JPG)

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9379c7  No.17421161

File: 35b73ded5fde0f1⋯.jpg (111.91 KB, 840x840, 1:1, 002_english.jpg)

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405228  No.17421162

>>17420382 pb

>The chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maine, Judge Jon Levy

Is he a Jew you think?

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9379c7  No.17421163

File: dce0ed8f1f1858e⋯.jpg (137.55 KB, 840x840, 1:1, 003_hebrew.jpg)

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269aa5  No.17421164

File: 10e63290d4086f1⋯.jpeg (210.13 KB, 828x560, 207:140, 87043396_D858_4A79_B693_B….jpeg)

Random question:

How are anons doing while waiting for “my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…” tweet?

For a few years I’d forgone things like vacation, getting new lawn furniture, etc.

Oddly enough, I’ve been doing a little of those kinds of purchases recently even though it feels like we’re close (but let’s be honest, we are inevitably closer with every passing day).

Just curious how frugal others are during this time and how much of their regular activities have been out on hold for the storm.

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10f86b  No.17421165

File: e87dd283ed23252⋯.png (586.21 KB, 768x832, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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eee47e  No.17421166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aca584  No.17421167




frog is running surveillance on snek

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9379c7  No.17421168

File: be016cdbe74cd99⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 840x840, 1:1, 001_arabic.jpg)

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7a5e9b  No.17421169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right now I'd rather have Leo Getz. He makes more sense.

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7cbf1b  No.17421170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For instance, imagine multitude of universes, of time-lines, you are in prison.

Why all the bad…………. in power, on your world?!?!?

I'm here to tell you the truth…………..

And to fuck GOD!

B/C AFTER THIS……..I don't need god, or anything.

Watch westworld.

Some of you might have a brian.

Your God……………ahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhhhahahahhahaha

Look @, I'm no god, but I want to kill all criminals……..so…………..Use your little intelligenge.

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405228  No.17421171


Yes he is, and he went to a fairly shit law school too, West Virginia. Maine really lacks talent.

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0d5ec1  No.17421172


Coming up:

Government mandated vasectomies for "the common good"

Once a man has fathered one child, that's it, he gets snipped.

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6e61b5  No.17421173

Twitch embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e41f2  No.17421174

File: 8ecdb45e4d1a721⋯.jpg (113.29 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, phil_godlewski_vs_Gen_Flyn….jpg)


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4e2b7b  No.17421175

File: 20dbb2d0137b186⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 700x292, 175:73, French_reactor.jpg)

Why has France shut down over 50% of it's nuclear reactors?

This is an interesting question I stumbled upon researching uranium futures for a different dig. What makes it more interesting is that France produces over half of it's power from nuclear plants, so it's not like a couple boutique reactors got turned off…over half.

Different excuses here and there, but the net is the same. It makes me wonder if they don't need the power and won't need the power bc of population control…kind of like maybe the engineered famine isn't a planned famine, but supply reduction do to decreased planned demand.

Idk, just throwing this out there. Sum Ting Wong.

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6e61b5  No.17421176

Walter Chesnut LIVE : Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief

Autoimmunity, MGUS, MM, APL, CD147, and more


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10f86b  No.17421177

File: 4993b7ae73c284c⋯.png (782.39 KB, 1333x1093, 1333:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

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89e600  No.17421178

File: 2fa92e3f81e99de⋯.jpg (67.32 KB, 504x495, 56:55, 6qlwwt.jpg)

Who are the khazarian mafia anyway?

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0fb484  No.17421179


Anon about to go the Erie County Fair in NY but they only accept Credit Cards for admission. Wasn't trying to stick to cash 100% but now considering, after walking away from the FAIR ticket booth.

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0deae7  No.17421180

File: 55898301c5d87d6⋯.jpeg (177.19 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1541261012.jpeg)

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ca22f1  No.17421181


>Just curious how frugal others are during this time and how much of their regular activities have been out on hold for the storm.

I've been pretty much a hermit since I retired in late 2019 but I can say that I've been much more hermity with the Covid bullshit. Have not stepped foot inside any store except to get groceries and personal necessities. Not even any clothing purchases. It was mostly because of the mask mandate but now it's because I can't bear to contemplate the abject cowardice and stupidity of the people around me. Hoping that sunnier days are coming soon.

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8c4fc8  No.17421182

File: 40e3c330a824e39⋯.png (437.01 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ae8f2b82e9931b⋯.png (225.87 KB, 500x764, 125:191, ClipboardImage.png)


ok, gotta ask,

where did those number come from with the letters.?

and of course source would help!!

a old dig anon covered below




Last night i dreamt that i could see the pyrimads but as i was looking at them, i could see the exact opposite below like a mirror?

The mind was racing and all i could think of was as above so below, then i thought, the universe is like neurons in the brain when you map them, but i kept thinking where do we as humans fit in, and i had the thought GOD WINS, taking that as a starting point, what does someone who does not follow a religion but briefly studied them as a outsider just browsing think about this, most seriously big religions all believe in one GOD. and his teaching are lesson, Basically we are more the just Meta-physical, we are mental and spiritual. So maybe the whole thing stands like follows

1) The pyramids (mirrored, as above, so below)

2) Man = Physical - Mental - Spiritual

3) The Sky (Heavens) The Earth (us and everything on it ( The elements -

earth, wind, water and fire or inner earth)

4) THE KEYSTONE (is not the top of the pyrimad, it is a corner stone (masons) and then i realised, it is the powers that be on earth, who do not want us to see the cornerstone, that is why big distraction of the eye (like a magician)

And then i woke up !!!

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c92743  No.17421183


"has turned into an attempted Protestant Re-Reformation."

Yea, verily . . . 

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caa235  No.17421184


Sneak Peek. Headlines out of Europe Nov/Dec 2022.

Thousands dying in freak cold weather snap.

Putin gazprom pipeline maintenance shutdown hits 3 months.

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b875fa  No.17421185


He's not fucking human.

I wish I had 1/100th his talent.

I try but I suck, to many hand injuries making a living.

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0e41f2  No.17421186


>Why has France shut down over 50% of it's nuclear reactors?

A: multinational conspiracy in propaganda, terrorism, theft, genocide. (does France have Treason? that too.)

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d1923a  No.17421187

File: 31aad804cc602af⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 810x1080, 3:4, AlboMonstera.jpg)


I used to keep myself busy by buying plants. It's a fulfilling hobby for me. Not kidding when I say, at some point, they were the reason I kept myself alive.

The ones I want now are more expensive and while I could easily afford them 2 years ago, those wishes sit on the backburner for now.

Wish I could say I'm saving and being frugal by choice, but the reality is that I can barely keep up with the bills.

Spouse anon's dreams are kinda dying out since they had to get another job and now have no time to pursue their hobby/business of woodworking.

Feels bad man.

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aca584  No.17421188

File: 24411fa48b01374⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 480x848, 30:53, b6xv6lcpaCcRHhvm.mp4)


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4c37a9  No.17421189

File: be99ed5902c291c⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 683x457, 683:457, Screenshot_20220820_211511….jpg)

Pedo in the first sentence for both of them. Funny how that happens

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9379c7  No.17421190


>where did those number come from with the letters.?

ideal circle.

i am the source.

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207d44  No.17421191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Intelligence Briefing / The Gates Of Hell - John B Wells LIVE

99 watching now Started streaming 32 minutes ago Tonight on Ark Midnight

Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / The Gates Of Hell

9pm - 12am CDT


• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney

• Mary Fanning

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

Twitter: @realMaryFanning


Telegram: https://t.me/TheAmericanReport

• Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (Ret.)

Website: StandUpAmericaUS.org

• Gordon Chang

Website: https://www.gordonchang.com/

Twitter: @GordonGChang

• Col. Lawrence Sellin Ph.D.

Twitter: @lawrencesellin

• Mary Fanning & Alan Jones

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

Twitter: @realMaryFanning & @AlanJonesAmRpt

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/TheAmericanRep…

Telegram: https://t.me/TheAmericanReport

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405228  No.17421192


She did something to piss the Jews off, and the Jews hurt her.

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7cbf1b  No.17421193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When you'll find out………….

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10f86b  No.17421194


now do ROTO

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caa235  No.17421195

File: 8098911ab77fcd3⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 626x417, 626:417, Loser3.jpg)

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25ae1f  No.17421196

File: 97375e05714c760⋯.jpg (100.12 KB, 651x737, 651:737, h004.jpg)

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405228  No.17421197




It's not too hard to find many different words.

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48672d  No.17421198

File: 864187a2ba4afab⋯.jpg (107.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Is_it_now.jpg)

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b9f36f  No.17421199


thats a back porch!

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7c62ec  No.17421200


Imagine that vapor coming out become the clouds, which create rain. I still have 4 tabs open about the Loire in France and other rivers in europe.

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89e600  No.17421201


Are the police smashing people skulls even the real police?

Do the corrupt mayors send in the cabal faggots dressed in cop gear?

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72298f  No.17421202

File: 2c0cd7f91f95062⋯.png (84.8 KB, 789x772, 789:772, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c4dbe7b07ce04b⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, ClipboardImage.png)


Viagra Use May Reduce Risk Of Getting Alzheimer’s By Nearly 70%!

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405228  No.17421203


the Jews do that all the time and American Patriots are waiting to turn the tables on them.

Christian Party

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672db0  No.17421204


rather than have us watch Westworld

could you please articulate your theory?

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7a5e9b  No.17421206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mmmm. And wherever born which will have all freedom and opportunity to thrive and survive.

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10f86b  No.17421207


its the jews impies israel

the jews making trouble are not from israel

they are from europe, they have always been europeans

this is why you jew narrative will not take

you are a joo?

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7c62ec  No.17421208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Intense European heatwave parches France's 'garden' Loire Valley - BBC News

BBC News


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269aa5  No.17421209


Prayers for you anon. I had a fiscal crisis this year and it certainly is a stressful experience, ESPECIALLY knowing what we know is going on in the world.

Praying that we all catch a break and this is over soon.

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0e41f2  No.17421210

New GOdlewski drop…

To my Sheep friends who still go BAAAAAAAAAAAh stay in the light

I say

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh (lucifers light gain by deception)

New Godelewski drop


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7c62ec  No.17421211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Europe's rivers are running dry as the climate crisis worsens | DW News

DW News


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9379c7  No.17421213


for other unique perspectives:


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405228  No.17421214



the KM buys the thugs. George Soros, and his boss the Rothschilds.

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caa235  No.17421215

File: 9bab82f05f5de39⋯.png (13.38 KB, 461x231, 461:231, loweffort4.png)

File: ee56151edaf3aa0⋯.jpg (209.71 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ShillWeiner3.jpg)

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7c62ec  No.17421216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

France's Loire River Disappearing Due to Record Drought

NowThis Earth


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207d44  No.17421217

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


It does promote blood circulation so probably a good thing for mental faculties. Brain likes fresh oxygenated blood for peak performance.

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4101fb  No.17421218

File: 0c2466e8833d956⋯.jpg (57.26 KB, 509x595, 509:595, Screenshot_5_12.jpg)


oh, okay then

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8c4fc8  No.17421219

File: 67f95a7981dcd2a⋯.png (339.51 KB, 606x344, 303:172, ClipboardImage.png)


>>17420962 dough

>>17420959 AQUARIUMGATE - anon dig (shat the bread but baker will give you a pass)

>>17420983 The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from 2011-2015 was Mike S. Rogers: - ballotpedia.org (anon dig)

>>17421050, >>17421061, >>17421071, >>17421084, >>17421089, >>17421095, >>17421101, >>17421109, >>17421114, >>17421118, >>17421122, >>17421125, >>17421134, Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More - anon dig and bun

>>17421060, >>17421153, Nanotech found in Pfizer jab by New Zealand lab. Sue Grey Co-leader of Outdoors and Freedom Party and Dr Matt Shelton report findings to Parliament's Health Select Committee.- rumble vid (covid topic)

>>17421074 After 50 States of testimony of fraudulent election evidence, Lindell TV will be showing a movie to highlight the days events before the trial tomorrow. - frankspeech.com

>>17421106 planefag posts

>>17421191 Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / The Gates Of Hell - youtube (gen mclnerney, mary fanning) italian connection election fraud

Notables at 200, baker looking for handoff - new baker claim bread, everything is up to date, noice easy ride, the shills are sleeping, just use filter for a even smoother ride

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eee47e  No.17421220


He has certainly cut his own sound in the music world a lot like Jerry Garcia and Lindsey Stirling on violin.

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72298f  No.17421221

File: 9ebc9c009d285e8⋯.png (154.23 KB, 376x314, 188:157, ClipboardImage.png)


He's biding his time.


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0e41f2  No.17421222

File: d82888256efd666⋯.png (132.69 KB, 589x222, 589:222, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdbe26340db3d7a⋯.png (2.28 KB, 211x30, 211:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9ac0a  No.17421223

Guess what we found on your laptop, Peter Paul Strz strap-on pegged.

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7c62ec  No.17421224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

France's dried up Loire river: A disaster for the regional ecosystem | DW News

DW News


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507ca7  No.17421225


so they can't make nukes

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e63cc5  No.17421226

File: 15ca33a87db9115⋯.jpeg (266.19 KB, 750x770, 75:77, 43CE0E35_7478_4E4B_8698_F….jpeg)

Was Ukraine behind the killing of Darya Dugin?

Not a good look Ukraine bros. You’re supposed to have the moral high ground.


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0d5ec1  No.17421227


Those evil White Supremacists only make up about 10% of the World's population. You would think that they would be fairly easy for the NWO to wipe out. Especially with bioweapons that target certain nationalities. There is only one small problem, the Jews are White. How can they kill off all other Whites, yet save themselves?

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0deae7  No.17421228

File: 8b7d828c02b39ab⋯.jpeg (170.34 KB, 1080x1147, 1080:1147, 1595889774.jpeg)

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7cbf1b  No.17421229

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405228  No.17421230


that is the best pro Jew argument I've seen on this board.

It's a terrible argument and it just helps to prove that Jews are Shit.

What are you doing on an explicitly Anti Semitic site?

You can't criticize Rothschild and Soros without being an Anti Semite. And Q points the finger of blame right on Rothschild and Soros and has from the beginning.

You being here is just another example of Jews trying to make something shitty.

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207d44  No.17421231

File: c2bc4e6073a0813⋯.jpg (191.42 KB, 744x782, 372:391, c2bc4e6073a08133d20a1012a5….jpg)


>Sum Ting Wong.

sauce for shutdown? are all of the ones being shut down in the eastern half of France? kek

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89e600  No.17421232


So they hide behind the Jews and use them as a shield?

If you see the satanic Khazarian's, they call you antisemitic?

They hide among the populace and especially the biggest "victims"

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207d44  No.17421233

File: b626e331d4968d5⋯.jpeg (42.17 KB, 552x678, 92:113, C8758E4E_CA0A_4665_9C68_A….jpeg)




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48672d  No.17421234

File: 3a1ba24720809c2⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2751x1833, 917:611, 10th_Kekistan.jpg)


>could you please articulate your theory?


Theme park in the future where there are 'hosts' and guests.

Host are the robots.

They run on loops, same stuff daily.

Guests can do as they wish in the park and live out their fantasy.

Hosts are unable to kill guests.

Secretly, the peeps who own the park, are watching the guests and storing their lives.

Seasons play out with host becoming sentient and wanting freedom.

Last season just gone it was revealed the parks makers can infect and control humans like hosts.

Hosts then build a world with controlled humans, so the whole thing is effectively reversed.

'Billy' is a guest, and is remade as a host, several times. He's a central figure.

Billy knows it is basically all fucked.

Best line from last season 'Now we play by my rules, and i cranked it up to veteran difficulty'

Takeaway is the philosophical point of 'are we not all just like the original hosts, running our loops and routines, without question.

I think anon is saying there are 'hosts' and 'infected guests' IRL.

FWIW, It's decent well made show, worth the watch.

I think that nails it.

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d1923a  No.17421235


Thank you, anon. I prayed for you too. Since DJT, I had no money troubles. I forgot what it was like to struggle like this. Have been mentally struggling also. It's weird to see our guys all over Twat saying "Look what Dem's are doing now!" And I'm just wondering why can't we do something about it then. Kek. I hope better days are just around the corner and we can look back on this and say this was such a crazy time.

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0e41f2  No.17421236

File: f82220f5a4167d1⋯.png (728.05 KB, 818x647, 818:647, ClipboardImage.png)

New Phil Godlewski drop - THE MEDIA


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caa235  No.17421237

LdR's threat to Anons…..

Dying of thirst.

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7cbf1b  No.17421238

File: e7df4298190ce80⋯.gif (1009.45 KB, 400x300, 4:3, tryin_another_dimenssion.gif)


New, w/ me or distru

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4e2b7b  No.17421239


It's page after page…just do 'french reactors'. Too many to list. Either perfect storm or planned. My vote is the latter.

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0d5ec1  No.17421240


That's why they are called Fake Jews.

They say they are Jews, but they are really just Caucasians who converted to Judaism.

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207d44  No.17421241

File: 8419984a2cee34b⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, V22_min.gif)


>Phil Godlewski

never heard of him until now

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96691d  No.17421242


They might.

Dry mouth is a bitch.

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9379c7  No.17421243

File: fd29d514ab6c587⋯.jpg (104.49 KB, 1250x638, 625:319, spiral.jpg)

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269aa5  No.17421244


News to me. Had no idea this guy existed.

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72298f  No.17421245

File: 71d7e3a142393e1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x747, 1024:747, ClipboardImage.png)


>corrupting youth since before the birth of Christ.

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9379c7  No.17421246

File: 59a9457a14f6811⋯.jpg (284.12 KB, 1900x1006, 950:503, earth_heavens.jpg)

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0e41f2  No.17421247

File: 557a2fc251afc35⋯.jpg (144.6 KB, 1067x766, 1067:766, qanon_PG.jpg)

I really don't wanna keep going, but it's way past time to put this shit fire out.

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507ca7  No.17421248

File: 39fd7262eb03dec⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1588x1370, 794:685, germ.png)

File: da21ee8c3d33c38⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1598x1494, 799:747, germ1.png)

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3dc6a4  No.17421249

File: 7cb9d2e0e6b0ba8⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 255x137, 255:137, korath_who.jpg)

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0e41f2  No.17421250


By the way that was the ENEMY's comments. "Rightwingwatch" think about it.

they using PG as a tool to beat us ALL over the head.

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96691d  No.17421251


Talmidic Judaism began around 600 AD. Isn't that about when the Khzarians joined them, or not too long after?

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359632  No.17421252

File: 381504071220610⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 3815040712206100fb254a189a….jpg)

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207d44  No.17421253

File: 2dad7a1f9d06502⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 600x400, 3:2, KCopelandInsideEdition.jpg)


>Phil Godlewski


>Phil Godlewski


>Phil Godlewski

he could have at least come on here and name fagged a little bit, kek. that does seem to be the standard procedure anyway.

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18e28d  No.17421254


Stolt with a swiftness.

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7a5e9b  No.17421255



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4c37a9  No.17421256

File: 84bedb7d4bcdda0⋯.gif (12.86 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 20220816_170901.gif)

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caa235  No.17421257

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos_Copy.png)

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos_Copy.png)

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos_Copy.png)

File: 551ef0510e9b932⋯.png (239.13 KB, 741x470, 741:470, GlowRacist.png)

File: b6590a6281e8938⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ShillWeiner2.jpg)

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aab717  No.17421258

File: cae8b035eb967c5⋯.png (688.93 KB, 720x1189, 720:1189, Screenshot_20220820_212554….png)

It says

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c98169  No.17421259

File: 4ebbea5de62cab7⋯.png (510.43 KB, 746x628, 373:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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72298f  No.17421260

File: 27f6be56973c656⋯.png (397.53 KB, 863x836, 863:836, ClipboardImage.png)


Russia Planning Massive Attack on Ukrainian Independence Day


Done deal.

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caa235  No.17421261

File: 3340f66a88e8f4e⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1200x924, 100:77, shillsarealive.png)

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3f339c  No.17421262

File: f6a854256c8088d⋯.png (129.2 KB, 1023x1003, 1023:1003, ClipboardImage.png)

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48672d  No.17421263

File: ad78d8de06e5724⋯.png (408.29 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Kek_fighter.png)

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72298f  No.17421264


'member when Laura Ingrahm came in and posted titts?

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31e719  No.17421265

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9379c7  No.17421266

Euclid (shape):








Fibonacci (number):








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4c94e4  No.17421267

File: cc2cfcdad7d27f4⋯.jpg (45.69 KB, 922x496, 461:248, jenagriswoldcrook.jpg)

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eee47e  No.17421268

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, 2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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0e41f2  No.17421269

File: 630000f9a630f36⋯.png (15.39 KB, 690x108, 115:18, ClipboardImage.png)

It's Just bad to keep promoting this shit.

Everyone posting this Phil Godelewski crap then claiming to follow Q.

You boys need a meditation and a think room.

negative comments = /dev/null

(it's probably the Telegrifter support net, Hi DQDawg!)

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caa235  No.17421270

File: 68a98da552cf517⋯.png (395.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, NS1.png)

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0fb484  No.17421271

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207d44  No.17421272

File: 40abb0cda3c5519⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 570x556, 285:278, pollylarge.jpg)


>'member when Laura Ingrahm

<no, but anon remembers Polly doing that

not actual pic

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cd7292  No.17421273

File: 90a461d4c51ec31⋯.png (483.99 KB, 540x585, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

it's Over

Burn the Mask

(you) can Run with Us Normies

We've got Every meme you need

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507ca7  No.17421274

File: e7b011d315955ff⋯.jpeg (76.47 KB, 640x400, 8:5, cani.jpeg)

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376345  No.17421275


Tolerance uh? Nope. That piece of shit were to get that close to me with the bullshit he's doing he'd be waking up in an ICU.

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3f339c  No.17421276

File: b05954e298137d4⋯.png (190.94 KB, 893x1151, 893:1151, ClipboardImage.png)

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aca584  No.17421277

File: 7cdbe526f14826a⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Fcj5eogFp2oHHuZf.mp4)

wheelchair bound Armed IRS agents

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c98169  No.17421278

File: 92ce75a926c3c1c⋯.png (316.48 KB, 917x613, 917:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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0fb484  No.17421279

File: ad97ab9ea38bb8a⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1440x2469, 480:823, Screenshot_20220804_204349….jpg)

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502ae3  No.17421280

File: 9eaa3337c7c7913⋯.png (63.27 KB, 797x500, 797:500, fXMJW29p4xDp.png)

bears repeating…

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a93954  No.17421281

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 7a4b230d24ae4092d9e74d3b90….jpg)

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0a5f91  No.17421282

File: 1456a88cee91ef2⋯.png (460.77 KB, 841x467, 841:467, hotwheels.png)

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4848b2  No.17421284

File: 728dbd19c0e963f⋯.png (195.93 KB, 607x601, 607:601, fuLLLLLLLLL.png)


Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸


“So put on the full armor of God. Take a stand against the Left’s schemes. Stand your ground. Stand firm. Don’t back down. We can do this.” -@RonDeSantisFL

Governor DeSantis's Motivation


Team DeSantis 🐊

7:52 PM · Aug 20, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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4848b2  No.17421285

File: fb4a70c5f626c24⋯.png (164.42 KB, 598x809, 598:809, BNOOOOOOOOO.png)


BNO News


BREAKING: Daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, who is often called "Putin's brain," killed in car explosion near Moscow


Tadeusz Giczan

6:10 PM · Aug 20, 2022·TweetDeck

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269aa5  No.17421286



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0d5ec1  No.17421288

File: b94f8f40ccde759⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1394x1133, 1394:1133, ClipboardImage.png)



Understanding The History Of Khazarian Jews

By David J. Stewart | January 2016


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4848b2  No.17421289

File: 2d1951d89d1221a⋯.png (311.02 KB, 597x651, 199:217, ROLLLLLLLLL.png)


The State Newspaper


A new name has surfaced in the alleged financial scheme started by Alex Murdaugh, a now-disbarred South Carolina attorney also charged with the murders of his wife and son. What was Jerry Rivers’ role?

Judge Clifton Newman set Jerry Rivers’ $150,000 bond in advance of a trial at the Richland County Courthouse on Friday, August 19, 2022.


Who is Jerry Rivers? A new name surfaces in the Alex Murdaugh financial crimes saga

A new name has surfaced in the alleged financial scheme started by Alex Murdaugh, a now-disbarred South Carolina attorney also charged with the murders of his wife and son. What was Jerry Rivers’…

8:00 PM · Aug 20, 2022·True Anthem

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335f21  No.17421290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seen a few dozen of his vids.

Nom honorary mechanon.

>always flashes some memes around

>says it as it is

Don't pump this chan up, losertube might shut him down w/21mil gearheads.

>mechs 4 us

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caa235  No.17421291

File: f69642de9afbae5⋯.png (267.13 KB, 825x499, 825:499, Faggots.png)

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9379c7  No.17421292


3:soul (sacral/celiac/mass ganglia)


9:spirit (habitual thinking)





what method would telsa recommend to connect this to the universe?



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0fb484  No.17421293


College loans/all debt

Now only has to be half paid back.

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a93954  No.17421294


Anon missed CO part of Lindell thing today.

Can anyone fill me in?

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96bac5  No.17421295

File: a6296c3642aafb9⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 500x673, 500:673, 5lhepv.jpg)

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5f0707  No.17421296

File: 6a0ec0998b046e5⋯.png (360.7 KB, 537x581, 537:581, ClipboardImage.png)



>>17420962 dough

>>17420959 AQUARIUMGATE - anon dig (shat the bread but baker will give you a pass)

>>17420983 The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from 2011-2015 was Mike S. Rogers: - ballotpedia.org (anon dig)

>>17421050, >>17421061, >>17421071, >>17421084, >>17421089, >>17421095, >>17421101, >>17421109, >>17421114, >>17421118, >>17421122, >>17421125, >>17421134, Obama and Holder, All On The Line, Power the Polls, National Redistricting Action Fund, National Redistricting Foundation and More - anon dig and bun

>>17421060, >>17421153, Nanotech found in Pfizer jab by New Zealand lab. Sue Grey Co-leader of Outdoors and Freedom Party and Dr Matt Shelton report findings to Parliament's Health Select Committee.- rumble vid (covid topic)

>>17421074 After 50 States of testimony of fraudulent election evidence, Lindell TV will be showing a movie to highlight the days events before the trial tomorrow. - frankspeech.com

>>17421106 planefag posts

>>17421191 Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / The Gates Of Hell - youtube (gen mclnerney, mary fanning) italian connection election fraud

>>17421226 Was Ukraine behind the killing of Darya Dugin? - the daily beast

>>17421260 Russia Planning Massive Attack on Ukrainian Independence Day - newsweek (ukraine v russia)

ty baker, notables at 275, confirm hand off - getting very tired, done over 14 hours today already, from day shift, shifting through night shift gmt time = o7


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4848b2  No.17421297

File: 698b70f5c2170ee⋯.png (347.85 KB, 617x572, 617:572, fITTTTTTTT.png)


Tim Wood


A lot of the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome going around right now. It’s a mystery.


Fit and healthy Kiwis dying unexpectedly from mysterious adult condition

So, what is this mysterious genetic condition and can it be prevented?

5:26 PM · Aug 20, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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cd7292  No.17421299

File: 564d79b8df42a00⋯.png (568.15 KB, 1085x655, 217:131, ClipboardImage.png)


I refuse to believe Being Easily Manipulated is an offence Punishable By Death or Mutilation

I Bite My Thumb At Thee

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13e5e7  No.17421300


Thanks for advice. One of these organizations flows into the next and into the next. This woke agenda network is vast, nothing bite sized about it. Look at the Democracy Targets post (4/12); these are the states that we see in the news reference voting irregularities. The Democracy Defenders post (3/12) is about many people that Pres. Trump has mentioned. There's a lot left to dig in this rabbit hole. There are biographies to be dug. What is the National Redistricting Foundation? Anon feels like this network really needs to be brought into the light.

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96691d  No.17421301


Protestant Re-Reformer

Works for the part of the government that complains about the government while promoting religious control of the government.

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c98169  No.17421302

File: 0afe362b2d2fd16⋯.png (533.5 KB, 817x632, 817:632, ClipboardImage.png)

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4848b2  No.17421303

File: ab89c946ccd8176⋯.png (125.23 KB, 669x521, 669:521, NOTTTTTTT.png)


Revealed: Donald Trump left Joe Biden

GRACIOUS good luck note in White House

as catalog of blunders that led to FBI

Mar-a-Lago espionage raid is revealed

Daily Mail (UK), by Ronny Reyes

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 8/20/2022 9:31:26 PM

Donald Trump left a 'gracious' letter behind for Joe Biden after leaving the White House, it has been revealed, as aides shared the catalog of chaos that culminated in last week's Mar-a-Lago raid. Sources and notes detailing the last four days of the Trump presidency revealed that upon entering the Oval Office, newly elected president Joe Biden found a letter waiting for him from his predecessor, The New York Times reported. The letter was reportedly handwritten by Trump himself on two large pages, with Biden remarking to an aide that the former president 'had been more gracious in the letter than he had anticipated

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716a6c  No.17421304

File: a232ff9db30e64b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, BlackHawk_1_NS_Q.png)

File: 2ab86865443081a⋯.png (602.79 KB, 742x936, 371:468, OPS_Q_BlackHawk_Nothing.png)

File: aa09f54dcb05cbe⋯.png (326.96 KB, 740x452, 185:113, Kneeling_Man_Q_Armor.png)

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7cbf1b  No.17421305


Let me repeat myself:

You flying to Moscow, will be the greatest from you!

There it is a usa military complex training arms w/ your population, if you ever loved them, and fight it for them, my advice, and trust me, it is highly advice, fly to Russia, and spit it out! You know why?????? I give a fuck about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you put innocents people in ugly situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you will not get alive from this, they both are after you, one it is using people, one want to kill youeven your people are hunting you, if I say in here Putin put $5mil on your head, your fucked, go to Russia.

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aca584  No.17421306

File: 1c2b0052bac5f2a⋯.jpg (192.29 KB, 720x886, 360:443, 20220820_200316.jpg)

File: 64584e9876e7973⋯.jpg (125.32 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 20220820_200240.jpg)


Recently discovered 'sea bugs' can grow up to 1.5 feet, eat entire alligator corpse

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3dc6a4  No.17421307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Login please

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caa235  No.17421308

File: 89591079e723442⋯.png (15.04 KB, 487x247, 487:247, QRIQ.png)

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31e719  No.17421309



handoff confirmed


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4848b2  No.17421310

File: c947ba254ad4581⋯.png (53.82 KB, 861x343, 123:49, TESTTTTTTT.png)


A Migrant Wave Tests N.Y.C.’s Identity

as a Sanctuary

New York Times, by Andy Newman & Raúl Vilchis

Posted By: NorthernDog, 8/20/2022 9:30:20 PM

The four buses crossed into Manhattan on Wednesday morning and turned off a bustling avenue onto a shadowed side street in Midtown. The names printed on the buses — “VLP Charter,” “Coastal Crew Change” — gave no hint of their mission. Only Texas license plates gave them away. One by one, their riders stepped out into an unfamiliar city, some tired but smiling, others just tired: men wearing backpacks, women clutching babies and blankets, children hanging onto teddy bears. One man wore no shoes, just socks. The city’s immigrant affairs commissioner, Manuel Castro, shook everyone’s hand. A man in a

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3f339c  No.17421311


after the student loan is paid then subtract your 50%

come on man

taxes are patriotic

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4c94e4  No.17421312


I was watching, but can't remember what exactly the representative for Colorado said. The entire day is going to be replayed tonight after the movie they are now showing.

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eee47e  No.17421313

File: 0e77465530aa615⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 979x654, 979:654, 0c752cf1d660259d.jpg)

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4e2b7b  No.17421314

File: 2fc2002e59da993⋯.png (23.25 KB, 741x568, 741:568, 2fc2002e59da9934fd60bc7dc1….png)


Funny how none of us here everyday year-in-year-out know wtf they're talking about..

Just making stuff up like always…it's kind of flattering in a way that we live so large in their heads rent free.

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4cc92a  No.17421315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That's cute.

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10f86b  No.17421316

File: 34b7296513ccb21⋯.png (417.7 KB, 555x571, 555:571, ClipboardImage.png)


Dan is comped

he removed that post after I asked whats that pic behind him

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4848b2  No.17421317

File: c88cf159a8b2741⋯.png (390.81 KB, 681x673, 681:673, CUTTTTTTTT.png)


Survey: Half of American Companies Set

to Cut Jobs After Hiring Surge

Breitbart Economy, by Amy Furr

Posted By: Imright, 8/20/2022 9:28:04 PM

Numerous companies across the United States are planning to trim their employee numbers, Fox Business reported Friday. The outlet continued: That’s according to a new survey published on Thursday by consultant PwC, which last month polled more than 700 U.S. executives and board members from various industries. About half of respondents said they are preparing to reduce headcount — or already have — while 52% have implemented hiring freezes. On top of that, roughly 46% of companies are either dropping or reducing signing bonuses, which became commonplace over the past year as businesses tried to lure in new workers amid an increasingly tight labor market.

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0f1752  No.17421318

anyone watching selection code?

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0e41f2  No.17421319

File: 04b12cbcd392335⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 364x418, 182:209, godlewski_head.jpg)

Facts about me.

* I never followed Q, while I've seen Q folks / WWG1WGA out the side my eye I always too busy following Webb - that shit takes all fuckin day too.

* I have open mind, I'd love for a Q to be real. seems some if it got messed up.

* having had heart attack qclocks and all that shit is not gona be among my hawaiian linguistic studies. It just aint' gona happen. So I will never trust these hashed codes as well. I too do crypto and electronics and rf.

* Maybe there was a real Q for a short time. There seems to be more than one Q at this point and I not in position to judge, but my intuition says if one was ever real it was the very very first one. (but that's only intuition/speculation)

* at the end of the day I don't know, and so you can't judge me for that which I don't know. Q is an Ascience to me, but I do know that QAnon is a made up term to be used as a smith mundt modernization act weapon against WWG1WGA.

* what I do don't like is being lumped together as QAnon (team, cult) or some shit when that's not true and saying it won't make it truth (like Mike Rothschild QAnon expert with a book out says), and then it being used as a club on me or you.

So really if your posting this PG drops, your not a friend of Q research. (agruably my opinion) you clearly don't look anything up yourself on top of all this or you would seen the problems with PG.

Keeping bread noise down all negative comments beg to live in >/dev/nul

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7a5e9b  No.17421320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Be thankful for the vax." Rightttt. What a way to distinguish and separate the interpretation of peoples resolve. He definitely would change his thinking quick if that gun in his meme was pointed in his face and told to kneel down.

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207d44  No.17421321

File: 0aae4322a1bfb97⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_08_20_21_07_58.mp4)

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4848b2  No.17421322

File: 102a186b1f54138⋯.png (539 KB, 897x827, 897:827, PURRRRRRRR.png)


CNN Axed Brian Stelter, buț Word Is They're

Not Done With the Purge Yet

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/20/2022 7:19:46 PM

I think we probably all cheered when Brian Stelter got the boot the other day from CNN. When Warner Media merged with Discovery, it made the new entity Warner Bros Discovery. One of the biggest investors in that new company, now the parent company of CNN, is John Malone. Malone indicated that they want to get back to the “journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists.” That of course would be incompatible with Stelter, which is why he’s gone.But the word is they’re not done with the purge yet. Stelter was one of the worst, so that’s why he’s out the door first. According to Jon Nicosia of News Cycle

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5f0707  No.17421323

File: e4982df6e47af54⋯.png (317.58 KB, 1181x800, 1181:800, ClipboardImage.png)


Division 101 - glowie alert!!

nope you are a glowing faggot and can gfys

if they got vaxxed then they have to live with that and their weakened immune system.

but no way would real anons do what you ask or suggest.

you belong on halfmind


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4e2b7b  No.17421324

File: 16d6aaaded43169⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 16d6aaaded43169d96f28d9fff….jpg)


Autism activated. Pattern matching protocol.

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0deae7  No.17421325

File: 201ac441b8e3997⋯.jpg (91.47 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1649583167644.jpg)


>Facts about me.

Stopped reading

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9379c7  No.17421326

"unleashing the christ within"

often called attaining enlightenment among others cultural references.

Practices found various religions:



-sleep deprivation

-dancing (or other body motions)

-recitation (singing, prayer, chanting)


Intent of practices:

-expend excess energy of the body

-expend excess energy of the brain

-minimize physical movement

-minimize thought

Method of combined practices:

1. Ideal time for attempt 3:14am or just after.

2. Fasting, 24hr prior to attempt.

3. Awake, 24hr prior to attempt.

4. Physical fatigue (i.e. exercise) just prior to attempt.

5. attempt: controlled meditative breathing.

6. attempt: calm & relaxed mind.

7. attempt: trigger cold chills.

8. attempt: mentally contain chills to point of origin.

9. attempt: visualize movement upward on inhale.

10. attempt: visualize movement downward on exhale.

11. attempt: goal, move chill into brain.

12. attempt: movement resistance overcome with repetition.

one way ticket, no take backs.

most ideal date/time:

february 14 or just after

@3:14am or just after

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4848b2  No.17421327

File: 285c4110aced933⋯.png (137.26 KB, 421x465, 421:465, JACKKKKKKKK.png)


Bones' Tech Garage, [20.08.22 18:59]

Ok got to ask wtf? I just find this funny. Maybe you all will too.


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0b8bd3  No.17421328

File: 5d24930e3a88c89⋯.png (24.39 KB, 475x253, 475:253, Screen_Shot_08_20_22_at_10….PNG)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/20/2022 21:23:32

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108858245946401998

Every time low ratings dummy Bill Maher has anything nasty to say about your favorite President, me, Fox finds a way to put him on, usually sandwiched in between really bad anti-Trump ads. Maher is a loser, and MAGA gets it - but Fox doesn’t. He said I was fortunate to have my home broken into because it was good for my polls. Wrong, it was an assault on liberty, and very bad for our Country, which is incredibly angry right now…And no, I was, and am, leading everybody in the POLLS - BY A LOT!!!


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7cbf1b  No.17421329


Go to fucking Russia, for your safety.

CIA killed JFK, you will be like………shit.

And blame Russia.

I know all the cia tactics, listen to me, fly to Russia, for you and Ukraine people's safety!!!!!!!!

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f8a57b  No.17421330

File: b45557013e1de72⋯.png (178.51 KB, 264x536, 33:67, 2c0bac94078fb38c63502daf9b….png)

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4c37a9  No.17421331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy!

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7a5e9b  No.17421333

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b9f36f  No.17421334


imagine all of the non-"qanon conspiracy theorists" who have/are corrupting minors…

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335f21  No.17421335

File: e3c102fc657b480⋯.jpeg (64.57 KB, 1125x1124, 1125:1124, EhiK2NLVoAEmaJe.jpeg)



>w/21mil gearheads.

DoH. 5.22mil

Regards, numberstard.

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0e41f2  No.17421336


opinions from me

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0b8bd3  No.17421337

File: e95690779a65706⋯.png (20.32 KB, 471x211, 471:211, Screen_Shot_08_20_22_at_10….PNG)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/20/2022 21:40:27

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108858312481973600

Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate. This is such an affront to honor and to leadership. He should spend more time (and money!) helping them get elected, and less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China!


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f8a57b  No.17421338

File: 507c7456b356b61⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 498x292, 249:146, 20220813_121045.gif)

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207d44  No.17421339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3dc6a4  No.17421340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It was the needle and the damage done…

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0b8bd3  No.17421341

File: 8198c76ab95bb9f⋯.png (25.63 KB, 574x346, 287:173, Screen_Shot_08_20_22_at_10….PNG)

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6d0329  No.17421342


Wonder if he said, "I wish you well." Usually says that to worst of the worst.

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4848b2  No.17421343

File: 08558215e31ce37⋯.png (85.78 KB, 219x892, 219:892, GGGGG2222222.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [20.08.22 19:39]

[ Photo ]

After Shao Guojun (邵国君) worked as a "technical manager" at Konnech Inc., where he designed their system architecture, he went on to become a "Senior Architect" at Huawei, where he worked on the Chinese telecom giant's cloud platform architecture.

Konnech's software, including its election worker management system, is used to administer elections in Australia, Canada, and the United Sates.




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cd3194  No.17421344

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>New Phil Godlewski drop

pedo Phil G and all his bitch - ute frens

F Masonic Flynn, CharLIE Ward, MI5 Parkes etc.



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f8a57b  No.17421345

File: c67f8a16d8e4995⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 194x258, 97:129, images_jpeg_2.jpg)

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3f339c  No.17421346

File: c94ef0a2065027f⋯.png (162.06 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e41f2  No.17421347

File: 10577b679641dd2⋯.jpg (65.96 KB, 800x449, 800:449, pg.jpg)


I have no such baggage.

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904038  No.17421348

File: 834c6a432608d48⋯.jpg (89.99 KB, 705x353, 705:353, Almonds.jpg)

August 20, 2022: Blue Diamond recalling nearly 350,000 pounds of almonds after testing for salmonella, FDA says

"Sacramento-based Blue Diamond Growers is recalling 347,650 pounds of Whole Brown Almonds (bulk) due to potential salmonella contamination."


July 8, 2022: According to Los Angeles Times, 1.3 BILLION pounds of unclaimed almonds have been left stranded in California storehouses.

“Roughly 7,600 California farms produce 82% of the world’s almonds,” explains the LA Times. “But they don’t get paid until their product gets delivered in robust markets like the European Union, China, India, and the United Arab Emirates.”

"…almonds are notoriously high maintenance; a single almond requires 1.1 gallons of water in order to grow."


1 Billion tingling almonds still remain at large!

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7cbf1b  No.17421350


If you, fly low.

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207d44  No.17421351


seent it

if you find it please poast it

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b9f36f  No.17421352

is she wearing a bridge?>>17421267

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18e28d  No.17421353


your spouseanon is lucky to have you. caring about their dreams and all

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4848b2  No.17421354

File: 004ec5cccc6538b⋯.png (175.03 KB, 429x620, 429:620, fOOOOOOTTT.png)


Zeee Media 🎙, [20.08.22 20:00]

[ Video ]

Footage of Alexander Dugin arriving at the scene of the car bombing of his daughter, Daria Dugin.

Daria Dugin (who is often referred to as “Putin’s brain”), is believed to have been killed by assassination. Her car exploded while she was driving.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zeeemedia/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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0e41f2  No.17421355

File: 09fa6d2bc0608dd⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 640x400, 8:5, two_moar_weeks_shitlist_17….jpg)


>>New Phil Godlewski drop

(deploying reverse satire counter measures)

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b3abab  No.17421356

>>17420282 PB


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7a5e9b  No.17421357


Is this the first time PDJT hooked MM into China? I think yes. You know the forensic financial auditors have it. DJT just laid the bait.

To catch a turtle, start by digging a hole that's about 10 inches deep and 10 inches across with steep sides. Then, put some bait in and around the hole, like leafy green vegetables or small insects. Once you've added the bait, wait for the turtle to discover the food and fall into the hole. 🤣

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2799d6  No.17421358

File: 2ac76731f366495⋯.png (665.51 KB, 547x753, 547:753, Facebook_illegal_sales.PNG)


Man Found with Buckets of Human Organs, Skin He Bought on Facebook: Police

Aila Slisco

A Pennsylvania man has been found with multiple buckets of stolen human body parts that he allegedly purchased off of Facebook, according to police.

East Pennsboro Township Police said that they arrested Jeremy Pauley, 40, of Enola on Thursday after making the discovery while searching his basement. Police said that Pauley is a self-described collector of "oddities" and was in possession of three full human skeletons and up to 20 human skulls, according to ABC affiliate WHTM. He was released soon after posting $50,000 bail.

The investigation began when police received a complaint on June 14 about human remains potentially being sold on Facebook. Suspicion of Pauley's alleged involvement began after a person called police on July 8 to report finding multiple 5-gallon buckets containing "human organs" and "human skin" in his basement.

"This is one of the most bizarre investigations I have encountered in my thirty-three years as a prosecutor," Cumberland County District Attorney Seán M. McCormack said in a statement. "Just when I think I have seen it all, a case like this comes around."

Human Body Parts Sold Facebook Pennsylvania Police

The remains found in Pauley's basement included a human heart, brains, livers, skin and lungs. A child's mandible with attached teeth, pieces of skin, a trachea and a skull with attached hair were also found, according to WHTM.

Police said that they discovered Pauley had been buying the remains over Facebook Messenger from an Arkansas woman named Candace Scott, who allegedly stole the parts from a mortuary. He reportedly purchased $4,000 in organs and skin in hopes of reselling the items for profit.

Pauley was charged with abuse of corpse, receiving stolen property and dealing in proceeds of unlawful activity.

Jeremy Pauley Human Body Parts Buckets Suspect

Suspect Jeremy Pauley is pictured in this photo released by the Cumberland County District Attorney's Office on August 18, 2022. Cumberland County District Attorney's Office

"When you get to the core of the case, this is a case about receiving stolen property," McCormack told WHTM. "If you equate it to like stolen car parts or something like that…if they are dealing in stolen car parts, selling them, it's a higher level charge, and that's what you're going to have in this case,"

The remains, which are the property of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), were allegedly sent to Pennsylvania via the U.S. Postal Service. Authorities intercepted and confiscated multiple packages which contained additional remains.

"Human bodies are an indispensable aid in the education of medical students, nurses and other health professions students," UAMS said in a statement obtained by Newsweek. "UAMS is extremely respectful of our donors when they are here in our care."

"We have a contract with Arkansas Central Mortuary Services to take the bodies for cremation after they are no longer being used by our students," the statement continued. "An employee of the mortuary service is under investigation by federal authorities for stealing some human remains from the mortuary that were donated to UAMS. We are saddened and appalled that this happened."

Newsweek reached out to Facebook for comment.

Update 8/19/22, 4:09 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with additional information and background.


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4848b2  No.17421359

File: 9146a9fac6aa61f⋯.png (144.33 KB, 424x730, 212:365, PERIIIIIIIIIII.png)


bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY, [20.08.22 19:06]

[Forwarded from Bitcoin]

African's are sending #bitcoin peer to peer WITHOUT internet using feature phones 🙌

You can't stop adoption ✊

- Bitcoin Magazine


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b9f36f  No.17421360



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5f0707  No.17421361

File: 475680d5515fc56⋯.png (111.87 KB, 1512x725, 1512:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 348d10d06b4e120⋯.png (100.66 KB, 639x584, 639:584, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76a075e5e0f6950⋯.png (354.52 KB, 500x801, 500:801, ClipboardImage.png)


use mindmeister, robert gouviea uses them and you can get 3 free mind maps to construct and then just post a link and maybe baker can do a vid for your with your info if you need help.

there are many talented anons here who will also help

good luck



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c98169  No.17421362

File: 42db8e807a98786⋯.png (459.26 KB, 818x625, 818:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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caa235  No.17421363


Turtle boi Mitch's wife is a CCP elite.

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7a5e9b  No.17421365


Biden got one thing right. Buy a shotgun.

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0a5f91  No.17421366


>Daria Dugin (who is often referred to as “Putin’s brain”), is believed to have been killed by assassination. Her car exploded while she was driving.

Alexander Dugin is known as "Putin's Brain", not his daughter.

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0fb484  No.17421367

File: 3aa4eb09f6f0fa2⋯.jpg (807.63 KB, 1440x1889, 1440:1889, Screenshot_20220820_221119….jpg)


>bears repeating

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3dc6a4  No.17421368

File: 4cdc89df46c75c4⋯.jpg (113.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, x2ds57qxrii91.jpg)

So if Tucker Carlson owns Pfizer stock just how much has he profited these past two years?

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caa235  No.17421370

File: 038ed58a866528e⋯.png (378.17 KB, 621x349, 621:349, clownpost.png)

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4848b2  No.17421371

File: b00c2aeea30a425⋯.png (127.83 KB, 420x446, 210:223, wINNNNNNNN.png)


The Library, [20.08.22 20:53]

[Forwarded from Harold Finch]


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0d5ec1  No.17421372


They mock God.

God will not be mocked.

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0f1752  No.17421373

File: 61a36fb7ad366e5⋯.png (38.62 KB, 697x551, 697:551, ClipboardImage.png)

can anons confirm this is Hunter Biden

sounds like him

he's talking about rigging the election



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2799d6  No.17421376



"Just yesterday for example a man was arrested and found with “buckets of human organs and skin” which he purchased on Facebook."

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5f0707  No.17421377

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, anons_united_vid.mp4)


Acknowledged - god speed ahead


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047f2a  No.17421378



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96691d  No.17421379


Lotta names on that list, starting with DJT.

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174846  No.17421380

Evenin’ Nightshift

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70ae8f  No.17421381


Looks like a enlarged pix of a Roly-Poly to me.

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10f86b  No.17421382

File: 10b312074dab539⋯.png (307.56 KB, 888x479, 888:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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c98169  No.17421383

File: 4fa9ad0989bff50⋯.png (463.34 KB, 720x627, 240:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa200c  No.17421384


why is this post not here?

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3f339c  No.17421385

File: 832316fdf72b710⋯.png (211.88 KB, 873x1175, 873:1175, ClipboardImage.png)

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5163b2  No.17421386

File: 1aa6b0014461395⋯.jpg (8.67 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Brennan_ass_clown.jpg)

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96691d  No.17421387


The stiff in the khakis is God? Who knew?

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3dc6a4  No.17421388

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)


I remember that. She's got a nice pair.

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7c62ec  No.17421389

File: afaeb16073ce0a7⋯.png (371.32 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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35b5c1  No.17421390


Dude. You have my attention, but can you give a dog a bone?

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3dc6a4  No.17421391


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4c37a9  No.17421392

File: c7ddf957e4e926d⋯.jpg (73 KB, 654x366, 109:61, 6odi2b.jpg)

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3dc6a4  No.17421393

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75e967  No.17421394

File: 7b16961575585e8⋯.png (1012.54 KB, 940x977, 940:977, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png)


Wew lad!

That's crazy

Didn't asked tho

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9379c7  No.17421396

File: 4f0a4815f730c63⋯.jpg (241.92 KB, 1731x973, 1731:973, music_notes_color.jpg)

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0b8bd3  No.17421397


What is buckets of skin and organs used for?

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caa235  No.17421398

File: f7b844db7183b5c⋯.png (2.36 KB, 461x109, 461:109, loweffort1.png)

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5f0707  No.17421399

File: d1c80f94bc46c44⋯.png (302.08 KB, 718x655, 718:655, ClipboardImage.png)


notable, trump just verbally bitch slapped old turtle head

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207d44  No.17421400

File: 6629edc5131feac⋯.png (636.67 KB, 1744x1014, 872:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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5368a0  No.17421401

File: 5a6037c08c3e2a7⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 480x480, 1:1, girl404by.jpg)


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10f86b  No.17421402


was kelly leffler at the time

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ca22f1  No.17421404


>What is buckets of skin and organs used for?


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507ca7  No.17421405


it'll work out bud

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0d5ec1  No.17421406


Myself and spouse anon are the only two adult people that I know that have not taken at least one of the clot shots.

All of my friends and family have screwed themselves.

I don't hate them for doing it to themselves, I pity them for being ignorant.

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4848b2  No.17421407

File: 2434c79a2290034⋯.png (109.02 KB, 427x873, 427:873, PATTTTTTT.png)


StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel, [20.08.22 22:08]


[ Album ]

Jinhua Konnech Inc.

Shao Guojun (邵国君), Yu Jun (于君), and Yu Lin (于林) are three of seven initial investors in Jinhua Hongzheng Technology Co.

Yu Lin initially owned 99.4%, Shao Guojun owned 0.1%, and Yu Jun owned 0.1%.

Shao Guojun and Yu Jun are also co-inventors with Eugene Yu on a Konnech Inc. patent filed in 2012 in the United Sates.

Shao Guojun is also the co-inventor of a Chinese patent filed by Jinhua Konnech Inc. in 2015 for “network voting for absent electorates” which was later transferred to Hongzheng Tech.

Meaning Shao Guojun not only turns up on a 2012 patent with Eugene Yu and Konnech Inc. in the United States, but his name also appears on a Chinese voting technology patent transferred from Jinhua Konnech Inc. to Jinhua Hongzheng Technology Co. in 2015.

Hongzheng Tech. actively builds hardware and software for China's National People's Congress and is partnered with Lenovo, Huawei, China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile.

A 2020 Chinese news article says that Hongzheng Tech. has "hired Mr. Yu Jianwei, well-known in the international election field, as the company’s technical and business consultant."

Yu Jianwei is the Chinese name for Eugene Yu.

Eugene Yu is the CEO of Konnech Inc., a Michigan tech company that designs software and hardware to administer elections in Australia, Canada, and the United States.




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0b8bd3  No.17421408

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c29ad1  No.17421409


eat the pain

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4848b2  No.17421410

File: ca31142d9c787c3⋯.png (90.64 KB, 425x406, 425:406, WATTTTTTT.png)


Publius, [20.08.22 22:10]

[Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Video ]

Watch how easy it is to secretly rig elections.

Prototype that changes the votes written in 2000.

Testified under oath.


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10f86b  No.17421411

File: f452030d534bbf7⋯.png (527.55 KB, 743x756, 743:756, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c94e4  No.17421412

Lindell: What you are going to see tomorrow is going to shock the world. This will be the beginning of the end of the machines forever in our country's history. Forever.

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5368a0  No.17421413


>it'll work out bud


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a0fcbb  No.17421414


I always thought he was the master.

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0b8bd3  No.17421415


I don't want to google about it. If someone could just give me a brief description.

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a0fcbb  No.17421416

We babies

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9379c7  No.17421417

File: e03e712bfe446e5⋯.jpg (117.67 KB, 1271x605, 1271:605, phonemes_male_color.jpg)

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0d5ec1  No.17421418

File: bb86fee878e3920⋯.png (123.02 KB, 379x300, 379:300, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a5e9b  No.17421419


I think she may be one of the first prototypes. Infiltration test case scenario worked out well. That pinhole she created is now a like the autobahn.

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31e719  No.17421420


looks like UK thread

all threads share the same number pool

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caa235  No.17421421



You should probably give up.

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4848b2  No.17421422

File: 3d77ea41d5b7086⋯.png (128.32 KB, 429x554, 429:554, puBBBBBBBB.png)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [20.08.22 21:57]

[ Video ]

"That's Impossible" - No One Should Be Able to Know Election Results Before They Are Published

"30 minutes before the election was called, they [progressive candidates] knew they had won. The campaign manager announced that all four had won — to their surprise, by the way — they were surprised that all four had won, and they also knew the margins of their win."

Watch @SelectionCodeMovie live at FrankSpeech.com

Or visit selectioncode.com to register for a free digital copy.

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1gr29h-thats-impossible-no-one-should-be-able-to-know-election-results-before-they.html) | Substack (https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Truth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/vigilantfox)

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0f1752  No.17421423


found the needle dick jew

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4c37a9  No.17421424


Millstone harvest cleanup crew

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22ca73  No.17421425


Awww.. he's back!

Is the Ping Pong Ball still up your ass and have you been going outside and yelling for the Angel Leroy? You might be ready for Step6.

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17c38b  No.17421426


Sounds like Hunter, but anything can be fake these days, most is actually.

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207d44  No.17421427

File: 3f896097d7060ce⋯.png (200.35 KB, 533x350, 533:350, ClipboardImage.png)



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5368a0  No.17421428


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7c62ec  No.17421429


Good morning!

So, she was 10 years old, the last time you saw your future wife?

So, the last time you saw your future wife, she was 10 years old?

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f39bd9  No.17421430

File: cb25ab411521117⋯.png (711.12 KB, 1170x827, 1170:827, Screenshot_2022_08_20_at_2….png)

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10f86b  No.17421431

File: bd11f71bd848c4e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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4848b2  No.17421432

File: a55d9ab44413c5b⋯.png (145.17 KB, 425x514, 425:514, PASSSSSSSSS.png)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [20.08.22 22:14]

[ Video ]

Secret Dominion Passcodes: 'No One Knew That' Until the CO Secretary of State Said So

Tina Peters: " I thought my office and my clerks were the only ones that had passcodes, and they're locked up."

Watch @SelectionCodeMovie live at https://FrankSpeech.com

Or visit https://selectioncode.com to register for a free digital copy.

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1gr3wl-secret-dominion-passcodes-no-one-knew-that-until-the-secretary-of-state-sai.html) | Substack (https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Truth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/vigilantfox)

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f8e89d  No.17421434

File: cd8e50a06617215⋯.jpg (32.52 KB, 400x388, 100:97, cd8e50a0661721521e0b5b3cae….jpg)

i was a stupidhead and posted a stupid thing. sorry.

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75e967  No.17421435


You also found the filter


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5368a0  No.17421436


>You should probably give up.


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25ae1f  No.17421437

File: ad59ebae73a5491⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 474x338, 237:169, 1586407749130.jpg)

File: 9d0c6aece04c0cc⋯.jpg (144.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crying_with_mitch.jpg)


Call an ambulance.Trump just killed McConnell AND his wife.

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672db0  No.17421438



Thank you anon. I'll give it a spin.

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0f1752  No.17421439


try stretching it out every day

consistency is the key

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3b8b59  No.17421440


Are you all feds or just most of you?

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9379c7  No.17421441


360 / number of letters in alphabet =

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0e41f2  No.17421442

File: 61280bffe775640⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 640x400, 8:5, buckets_of_body_parts.jpg)

>Buckets of Organs, Skin He Bought on Facebook

That's insane right there.

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7c62ec  No.17421443

File: 888962de049af46⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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13e5e7  No.17421445


What is it? A web chart or something?

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0fb484  No.17421446


>The color of sound

What about the brown note?

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3dc6a4  No.17421447

File: 1a566ec65e22a0d⋯.png (190.39 KB, 500x213, 500:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Not I.

I can guarantee you that.

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207d44  No.17421448

File: f749f68bb9b96c8⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_08_20_21_28_46.mp4)

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4848b2  No.17421449

File: 77e1f6e23f94243⋯.png (146.18 KB, 428x324, 107:81, EOOOOOOOO.png)


Brian Cates, [20.08.22 22:13]

[Forwarded from Patel Patriot]

[ Photo ]

Trumps draft EO- “Dominion voting systems is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results”


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0e41f2  No.17421450


it looks like a dick

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4c37a9  No.17421451

File: b349970b74bc7b0⋯.jpg (125 KB, 720x754, 360:377, Screenshot_20220820_222721….jpg)

Sounds permanent

Harry and Meghan are set to return to the UK and will stay in Windsor, near to the Queen's beloved home

Their children could meet William and Kate's children for the first time there, if the feuding couples meet

Windsor's 5,000 acre estate includes Eton School, a cricket ground, polo ground and Frogmore Cottage 


Sounds permanent

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7a5e9b  No.17421452


About 30%.

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5368a0  No.17421453


>Good morning!


>So, she was 10 years old, the last time you saw your future wife?

>So, the last time you saw your future wife, she was 10 years old?


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4848b2  No.17421454

File: 51778e337c55251⋯.png (29.52 KB, 426x238, 213:119, troLLLLLLL.png)


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [20.08.22 22:19]

[Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)]

One of the biggest questions patriot citizens need the answer to before early voting begins for the midterms.

This needs to be asked of YOUR county elections supervisor:

"Does the COUNTY have control of these machines being used in our county election? Do you have the passwords?

And if the answer to either of these questions is 'No', WHY is the answer no?"

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0d5ec1  No.17421455

File: f1b2bc28ab0869c⋯.png (675.86 KB, 600x681, 200:227, ClipboardImage.png)


Is Mr. T. Jewish?

Why is he wearing a Star of David?

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75e967  No.17421456


Jews fear the indoor filtered but still replying anon

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62d2e5  No.17421457


Get off your lazy fucking ass and move yourself.

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96691d  No.17421458

If Q = "Queen" of the US

And if HRC = Q

And if Alice [Roosevelt] = Q

Then Melania = Q?

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48672d  No.17421459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No spoliers, but there are some great twists in it.

Watch for Maeve. She is a fucking bad ass.


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7a5e9b  No.17421460


>Harry and Meghan are set to return to the UK

That's good news. Stary there.

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75e967  No.17421461


Close, but not quite

Your mom = gay

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0fb484  No.17421462

File: 255da3a844c166b⋯.png (201.92 KB, 503x376, 503:376, 20220820_222740.png)

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3dc6a4  No.17421463

File: 5c59b9522e39c54⋯.png (395.24 KB, 680x481, 680:481, 5c59b9522e39c549b4154610f9….png)


Nice to see Tucker Carlson is making money off the fraud that has been perpetrated on the public. All the while displaying outrage about it on his show.

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96691d  No.17421464


Those are his slave chains indicating who he adores or shows allegiance to.

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4848b2  No.17421465

File: 590b91b749194b9⋯.png (369.55 KB, 535x411, 535:411, wESTTTTTT.png)

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10f86b  No.17421467

File: f87a9688ea7822a⋯.png (845.58 KB, 1123x650, 1123:650, ClipboardImage.png)


>Are you all feds or just most of you?

i am

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269aa5  No.17421468

File: 47835282a9aaeca⋯.jpeg (14.02 KB, 255x230, 51:46, DFF4592C_0296_48D1_AA9A_C….jpeg)