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593560  No.17126600[Last 50 Posts]

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>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

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b313a3  No.17126602










Not all here spread lies

Think for yourself and discern

Trust the still small voice


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27b338  No.17126609

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f4df82  No.17126610

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1b3677  No.17126611

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7a0b67  No.17126613









A Song To Save Abortions [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]


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d48678  No.17126624

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4df22f  No.17126625









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have 'sex with a child' are a child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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14cc96  No.17126626

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219319  No.17126627

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da3a84  No.17126632










He's a wanna be bad ass, based on the fact that he's in service to satanic faggots.

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e39f40  No.17126634

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d6fc3d  No.17126636

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3bbc28  No.17126647

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0c32ed  No.17126650

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a67756  No.17126657

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de9b90  No.17126662










Devolved 5

Dauntless Dialogue’s video series highlights the conclusions made by Patel Patriot from his Devolution series of articles based on crumbs of Q brought into focus by Anon Research.

Truly this episode by far is the best of the series.

Recommended viewing to all Humans of planet Earth. Especially those highly advanced. You know who you are.

The best is,

Yet to come.

WE shall enjoy,

The Showing


These following comments were post from that rumble page. Seemed a few were in recognition of anons contribution but may not have the technical wherewithal to come and express those sentiments here.

ChrisErickson, 2 days ago

I'll be 66 this fall. To put all this information together the last couple of years…. God's Prophets, Sean Stone's Best Kept Secret series, this series here, (excellent series, hats off to you Patel Patriot and team) the Re-Awaken America tours and many other things, is extremely sobering. I now can see all this evidence through-out my entire life right under my nose. I'm awake although many I know around me, family and friends think I'm just plain crazy. I am grateful to my God and to each of you Patriots here.

I may not personally know each of you, but I feel a kinship that give me great comfort. God Bless each and every one of you. God's Speed!

sangel, 1 day ago

Yep 56 here & I agree with you. Started waking up 15 yrs ago slowly. 2016 heard Mark Taylor's prophesy about DJT it lined up with what God was showing me. Kicked into full gear Nov 1 2017 with Q. It been a very exciting ride. I know 1000 % this is all God Almighty & DJT, Q, anon's, military are all His boots on the ground hand's & feet. Soon all will see & know that it is God. So grateful for the opportunity to be alive & see that we are living out the pages of the Bible in real time! Grateful for DJT, Anon's, Patriots, our military, and every person fighting for freedom!

Walt614, 1 day ago

67 yr old Cold War Vet here.We were placed here for exactly this time and purpose. I too am familiar with the false sense of alienation that comes from being surrounded by the gaslighted & brainwashed masses.

But THIS is why YOU were chosen.Stand your ground & be vigilant. It is in our hands now, as it should be, because as you know, We are facing a losing Satanic force and God WINS.

Mattie3, 1 day ago

72 yrs old here; retired elected public servant from one of the most corrupt blue states among Obama's 57 states!!!

I am not shocked by what is happening; because I've lived through it for most of my life. Donald J. Trump was working his way to this presidency long before he took that great ride down the escalator with Melania.

What I believe is that President Donald J. Trump continues to walk amongst us, continues to work with the military, continues to work with and speak regularly with other foreign leaders, (including Putin and Bin Salmon and BeBe Netanyahu, etc., etc., ) and is completely aware of what is really happening daily.

We are living in a Devolved State of our Government to protect our Constitutional Republic, thanks to President Donald J. Trump.

The Best is Yet to Come.

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8a0a5e  No.17126663










The disclaimer also mentions humor. Anon has found zero keks there. If there is no humor, why should there be satire?

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020a20  No.17126664

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0ee8c3  No.17126665










John Solomon


Russia collusion. Lafayette Park. Troop bounties. Is Jan. 6 probe of Trump doomed to become latest debunked elite narrative? | Just The News

House committee investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Oct. 19, Washington, D.C. | (Alex Wong/Getty Images)


Jan. 6 panel's case against Trump: Doomed to become the latest debunked elite narrative?

A string of recent revelations has raised questions about security posture of Capitol under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prior to breach.

3:34 PM · Jun 11, 2022·Hootsuite Inc.

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5c4ce0  No.17126676










um, pentagon… that's… not how it works?


isn't this flat-out sedition/civil war/etc?

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433021  No.17126684

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d21f7f  No.17126687









I've never in my life wanted anybody to die, even though I know we are eternal, but holy fuck.ALLthese mother fuckers in the notables need to be hanged or shot. (Lawfully.) They ackchyually need to be dragged out onto the street and let we the people handle them. A new law needs to be passed just for these times. Oh my giot. Military needs to scoop them all up after voter fraud is acknowledge by our military and they recognize Trump as CiC, then for years to come, each and every day there needs to be public executions of all responsible for this shit.

I haven't taken the pot today. I should prolly go do that now.

/end rant/

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6960ae  No.17126688










probably everyone ….they call it their residence and avoid state income tax ; like how all their corporations are in Delaware

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b32dda  No.17126690









>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

>Hahaha ha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

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89ae38  No.17126694









Ignored - covered up

Victim of Australian VIP pedophile ring that engulfs the institutions of Australia spoke out.


Child protection failed to act after alleged abuser found living in caravan on same property with kids, mother says


Oldham child sex abuse victims failed by police and council, report says


Rotherham Abuse Scandal: how one of the UK’s largest child protection failures unfolded


Police and councils failed to protect some children from grooming in Oldham, report says


The Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA) harboured a now-notorious paedophile in its ranks for 29 years between 1979 and 2007, the organisation has confirmed.


Media Accused of Hollywood Sex Ring Cover-up


Did Disney Cruise Lines Cover Up Sexual Molestation of 11 Year Old Girl on Disney Dream?


NBC News Report: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Elite Pedophile Ring At State Department


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fc2778  No.17126699

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f37641  No.17126703










Trunews with Rick Wiles exposed flynn and the satanic prayer he tried to passoff as Catholic prayer

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3b1342  No.17126704









Lloyd Boyd was conspiranoid

Barking chemtrails in the skies

Claiming Bill Gates had put microchips

In all the chicken pot pies

Launching himself in his lawn chair

Proving the earth was flat

Microwaving his burritos

Now he only wears his tinfoil hat




Marion Barrion contrarian

Felt Doctor Tony was selling her lies

So to keep from getting the big bad flu

She sprinkled cat urine into her eyes

With garlic cloves in her nostrils

And dryer sheets taped to her head

Marion Barrion contrarian

Is now stinking up a hospital bed




Can lead a horse to water

But you cannot make him drink

You can guide a fool towards logic

But you'll rarely make him think

Be wary of conspiranoia

As purveyors abound

For an open mind too open

Spills it's contents on the ground







Let me tell you something about Betty White

That the lamestream media won't report

She died of a COVID booster shot

She was also, Barbara Bush's secret sister

Cow dung will protect everyone

It's scientifically proven, that cow dung is anti-radiation

This is a chip that can be used in mobile phones to reduce radiation

That'll safeguard people against diseases

Which leads us to chemtrails

Scientists and governments are seeding the atmosphere

Implementing biological warfare and population control

And geoengineering a race of superhuman Jews

The Anunnaki were a race of extraterrestrial beings

Came to earth around five-hundred thousand years ago, in order to mine gold

They are a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting alien reptiles

And have infiltrated the Bush family, Margaret Thatcher

Bob Hope, and the British royals, among others

==JFK Jr. is alive and well

He did not die in a plane crash off the coast Martha's Vineyard in '99

He's gonna reappear in Dealey Plaza fifty-eight years

After his father's assassination

To announce that he'll be Donald Trump's running mate in 2024==

The earth is not a sphere

And evidence has been faked or suppressed

To hide the fact that it is instead a disc

Or a single infinite plane

GPS devices are rigged to make aircraft pilots wrongly believe

That they are flying around the globe

The campfire in California

Destroyed over a hundred and fifty-three thousand acres

Eighteen thousand structures, is that really possible? (conspiranoia)

If it was caused by a downed power line

Why did numerous witnesses (conspiranoia)

Do you really believe it's coincidence that the fires also burned (conspiranoia)

The areas of Jerry Brown's projected seventy-seven million-dollar (conspiranoia)

And then the Rothchild's (conspiranoia)

'Cause I don't

Not when the evidence is right in front of our faces

Jewish space lasers

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9538dd  No.17126705










Multiple routes of escape from HP and that particular intersection.

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35f835  No.17126712

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58b7ff  No.17126713

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1870d3  No.17126720

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93a842  No.17126721

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d93fed  No.17126729

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45d9d5  No.17126737

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ad59a3  No.17126739










We had a good run, but in the end, Trump made one too many mistakes. I still think he’s top 3 POTUS of all time tho.

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b1e69a  No.17126742

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3fdbdb  No.17126756











apparently, Omnishifters are tall Huhwhites

the moar you know the moar you grow

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9b49ce  No.17126761

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c3d2dd  No.17126762

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fb6400  No.17126765

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f5c8e3  No.17126766

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bbed98  No.17126770

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f2e514  No.17126775










Texas is like the rebelious kid who threatens to leave if he/she doesn't get his way. Just tell them, "Ok, go." and they'll get scared and go back to eating hot pockets.

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88f758  No.17126776










I know girls who have done this.

No guy available so girl suffices, but once they get around guys, they turn into sluts, banging every guy they meet.

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85fdce  No.17126777

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8b1b68  No.17126778










There are Q superstars saying the latest Q drops are fake.

'Superstars' that have made A LOT of cheddar $$$$ since Q silence.

Interestingly, some who hang out with Flynn are saying THERE is no Q.

I have proof the latest Q is real



Where do you begin?

Good luck.

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5728ca  No.17126785

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de9b90  No.17126789









Everywhere I go

the people they all know

I'm a foster child molesting pedovore.

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791986  No.17126791

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a4e82b  No.17126794










Thanks anon! Any clockfags seeing a line up with these posts and current news? idk but seems highly relevant especially with the current news story of Prince Charles refusing to take phone calls from Harry because he keeps asking for cash. Enough is Enough they keep saying.

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cd17d0  No.17126801

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1d4620  No.17126804










81 days out is 9 squared. Might be significant. Where do we have an 11 hidden in all of this?

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3e88c3  No.17126807










All good

I gratefully handed of to b6bfa3, with a note about checking dough

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603647  No.17126811

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9de50f  No.17126813

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b2e116  No.17126814

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f9262c  No.17126822

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a697ca  No.17126826









I got chills this morning seeing that Q mentioned the oath I am not going to post my (You) but I posted the oath that alot of anons made videos of themselves reciting ….where is General Flynn

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4e88e8  No.17126831

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2e966c  No.17126843









if PP is as bad as Q says this win today is massive beyond what most imagine

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174c10  No.17126844











before you go off the hinge, off the reservation, please, just keep this in mind:

no one ever liked you, not in your entire life.

not one single one of your coworkers would have ever defended you.

you're perhaps one of; not only the most useless group of persons to have ever in the history of humanity to exist..

but you probably kept even your loved ones from achieving anything of note.

You are the worst amongst the worst, the coward amongst the finks.


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91e449  No.17126847

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c3d2dd  No.17126850

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adfeb4  No.17126855










Third world countries..open borders..globalists in control.

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526628  No.17126856










A thief comes into your house and steals your TV. You have security cameras that show his face. You bring the vid. to the police, they do nothing. You go out and buy a new TV.

The next day, a thief comes into your house and steals your TV . . .

How many TVs are you going to keep buying for the thief to keep stealing and the police to keep doing nothing about it?

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cd1216  No.17126857










>So then Q's trip code is not valid any longer. Q has to re-authenticate all over again and the old tripcode is worthless

5:5 anon

you got it

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ac20f9  No.17126858










if one heeds socrates

duality is the mark of

true sentience…

but you reckon as you need.

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6d2776  No.17126860










You’re welcome, was excited to find that, now food processing plants in US and world can be tracked.

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e14b90  No.17126867

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93a842  No.17126868









those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children. .

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

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d2dca8  No.17126869

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c52e65  No.17126871

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b366f7  No.17126873

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5015de  No.17126874

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623873  No.17126875










>did not know we were adverb


Reminder that SOON™ is a trademark and is powered by ®eee, just wait and see

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86f0ee  No.17126878

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2aa339  No.17126879










"Six members of Haitian Special Olympics soccer team are reported MISSING in Florida: Cops don't suspect foul play but launch urgent search while asking public for information

Six members of a Haitian soccer team are missing in Florida

Foul play is not suspected but an urgent search is underway

The players were in the area to compete in the Special Olympics USA Games

They had turned in their hotel room keys and had left their belongings behind

The Osceola County Sheriff's Office urged anyone with info to call authorities"

June 7, 2022


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139590  No.17126881










Another idiot from NY imported a generation ago, Is part of the socialist machine in Yonkers that spawned AOC.

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9298fe  No.17126893

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43f5f0  No.17126899

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d6fc3d  No.17126901












D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.


Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?

Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation?

What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install Hollywood/media assets?

Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird?

What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative?

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party.

Follow the money.

Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm.

How is that possible? One example.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

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880927  No.17126903

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c83969  No.17126911

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6c8f9f  No.17126912










>The crazies in the Dutch government plan to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% – 95% by 2030, which basically means farming will be banned.

Human civilization began with the creation of agriculture. Fitting that it should eventually end with banning agriculture.

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83ca9f  No.17126920









arcturians are getting shit done, too.. that i can tell you.

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a99048  No.17126926









Any other anons notice themselves getting dubs, trips, and repeaters more than usual lately? By repeaters, I mean like 3434, 0707 sort of thing. I've been getting a stupid amount of repeaters in mm:ss of timestamps lately. I have three theories as two why. 1) Q did something serverside that slots our posts into nice numbers. 2) Merely coincidence. 3) *looks up to the sky and points*

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c5752c  No.17126931

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b84eb0  No.17126932

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d60a40  No.17126936

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9e94a4  No.17126939

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27b338  No.17126940

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034816  No.17126941

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3d6ebe  No.17126952

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515634  No.17126954











fascist fascist

so many people here get the neo-bolsheviks in power wrong i wonder if it is a boomer thing and they were just conditioned to call everything evil fascist. or if it is commie shills trying to push that one false message.

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905121  No.17126955










Most honest answer I can give is that I just don't care anymore. I will enjoy the lulz, as I always have, as I did before Q and has I did when Q disappeared.

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437018  No.17126956

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e5b21d  No.17126959

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eda841  No.17126960










It gets NPC's mind into a critical situation:

- Nazi shooter bad

- Ukrainian Nazis good

- media tells me that shooter bad, that is killing people and uses Nazi symbolism, evil right-wing Nazi!!!

- media tells me that there are no Ukrainian Nazis, despite Nazi symbolism and killing people

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762f46  No.17126962

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5a0bac  No.17126965









TEA requiring schools to comply with new school safety rules by Sept. 1

By KCBD Staff Published: Jun. 30, 2022 at 3:29 PM CDT Updated: 22 hours ago

LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released a list of school safety requirements on Thursday, requiring Texas districts to secure doors, train staff, and review threat response plans by Sept. 1.

This is in response to Governor Greg Abbott’s directives on public school safety measures, issued June 1 and 2.

The TEA released a list of requirements for schools, including exterior door safety audits and mandatory drills.

The TEA will be collecting data from schools about changes that need to be made to facilities using money from school safety grants recently released under SB500. Funds can be used to install things like silent panic alert systems, vehicle barriers, metal detectors, security systems and fencing.

“TEA, TxSSC, and other state agency partners are working on additional actions to provide more support to improve school safety. This includes efforts to expand technical assistance for emergency operations plan development, conducting threat assessment protocols, expanding availability of school-based law enforcement, improving the efficacy of drills and incident preparedness exercises, and supporting LEA efforts in implementing multi-tiered system of supports.”

All Texas LEAs must take the following actions prior to the start of the new school year:

= Conduct a Summer Targeted Partial Safety Audit

= Conduct an Exterior Door Safety Audit

= Convene the LEA’s Safety and Security Committee to review: the multi-hazard emergency operations plan (EOP) and, as a component of the EOP, the LEA’s active threat plan

= Ensure all campus staff (including substitutes) are trained on their specific LEA and campus safety procedures

= Schedule all mandatory drills for the school year

= Ensure all threat assessment team members are trained

= Review and, if necessary, update access control procedures

= For the new school year, access control procedures must include exterior door sweeps (ensuring doors are closed and locked) at every instructional facility at least once each week while instruction is being conducted.


(fencing contractors please consider this opportunity, lol)

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18e92c  No.17126969










yep. If they didn't plan on overturning it, would probably have been one of the first decisions put out. so the lefties would know they had no reason to riot. saving it for last pretty much guarantees it will be overturned, and they can get the hell outta dodge when the chimp outs start

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946920  No.17126971

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47743b  No.17126981










dammit, the full transcript just dropped at JGMInternation website.


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d5bcbb  No.17126987










He's out of the country during one of the most disruptive times.

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a3fdc1  No.17126995

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26b6fa  No.17127010










And baker or note-taker since it seems to be a slow news day Im nomming my opinion as NOTABLE because I never saw this mentioned in the flurry of opinions and claims so far.

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6fbd8e  No.17127012










I'm sure the plan takes your feels into account so you can rest assured that he will never be indicted.

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4333f4  No.17127013









China declared war when Trump imposed the tariffs

Many Americans are bought or threatened into submission

Some are banking on China winning this war

Hence the treason

China declares a ‘people’s war’ after Trump’s latest tariff hikes

Foreign Affairs

Jeremy Goldkorn Published May 15, 2019


belt and road initiative


steve mosher bully of Asia

committee on the present danger of china


unrestricted warfare


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e2ab37  No.17127020























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99af82  No.17127023











Can you morons get any more cringe?

Anon is amazed how every day the fringe from the shills is getting worse and worse everyday.


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8cd164  No.17127024

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9037dd  No.17127026

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0c2b9a  No.17127027











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c5ed58  No.17127035










Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has just published a stunning preliminary report on magnification of Mr. Hirschman’s White fibrous clots!

While the chemical analysis will take more time, his initial microscopy found the following:

“… Extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots “

“fibrous strands show repeating patterns of scale like engineering as if the body has been programmed to build another life form inside the blood vessels“

“… Appears to be a biocircuitry wire which clearly shows repeating patterns and nanoscale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose”


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487e76  No.17127036










Note Collector:

The four part series of notables:


has doubled part 3. Here is part 4:


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a99048  No.17127037

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611b0a  No.17127042










maverick (n.)

1867, "calf or yearling found without an owner's brand," a word from the great cattle ranches of the American West, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803-1870), Texas cattle owner who was notoriously negligent in branding his calves.

All neat stock found running at large in this State, without a mother, and upon which there is neither mark nor brand, shall be deemed a maverick, and shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash, at such time and place, and under such rules and regulations, as the round-up commissioners of the district shall prescribe. [act to amend the General Statutes of the State of Colorado, approved April 8, 1885]

The family name is an old one in Boston, and a different Samuel Maverick was killed in the Boston Massacre.


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94f724  No.17127047










>He said he could feel the angels

of ffs, gimme a break, what bullshit masturbation

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30a848  No.17127054

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464f78  No.17127055

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b32dda  No.17127064









All call sign DOVE.

EFFECTIVE: 06/03/22












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886e8b  No.17127067

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d26339  No.17127070










I would be okay just leaving the child's face the way it is, as strange as it sounds.

But, I would think about the kid's future, and would want the child to have as much as a normal life that we could provide for him.

Super cutes!

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b5c053  No.17127074









The Democraps and Rinos are anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Bill of Rights and should be viewed as traitors to the United States of America. Period.

Twitter account frozen because I made Demshit Jeff Brand (former douchebag Rep of Minnesota 19A voted out) cry like a little girl.

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327b8e  No.17127075

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730435  No.17127080











I posted screenshots of the "Your Banned" screens

I posted links that are green now to the deleted posts

and I even red-boxed the post number in the your banned CAP to proove that it was deleted

but go ahead and keep calling me a liar



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6c043b  No.17127082










Uri: "This is not a controlled condition!"

Translation: "I'm not in control of these conditions!"

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0e7502  No.17127087












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9e94a4  No.17127092









Usually shill activity dies down during night shift, but Q's return has triggered them.

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210603  No.17127094

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6eddc9  No.17127095










Also today.



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86f847  No.17127096

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86e602  No.17127098










>it was implied

it wasn't implied, that's a lie.

Justified Anger (TM) isn't a mental problem

it's time for you to STFU stupid.

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8e9184  No.17127100









the swamp tomorrow morning

3:30 AM EDT

360/Open Summit: Contested Realities | Connected Futures

The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab)



9:00 AM EDT

Policy Brief Launch: Solving Food Insecurity Among U.S. Veterans and Military Families

Center for Strategic & International Studies



9:00 AM EDT

Frontiers: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) Ten Years Later

U.S. Agency for International Development and New America



9:00 AM EDT

The U.S.-Philippines Alliance Under Marcos

Center for Strategic & International Studies


9:00 AM EDT


Implementing the EU's Strategic Compass - The View from Washington and London

This event has been postponed until further notice.

Center for Strategic & International Studies



9:30 AM EDT

Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) June 7-8, 2022 Public Meeting

Department of Health & Human Services


9:30 AM EDT

Webcast: DOD LGBT Pride Ceremony 2022


10:00 AM EDT

The Link Between Instability and Violent Extremism in West Africa

The Foreign Policy Research Institute


10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2023

Senate Finance Committee



10:00 AM EDT

The Western Water Crisis: Confronting Persistent Drought and Building Resilience on Our Forests and Farmland

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Deposition of David Pauken

House Oversight and Reform Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Examining the 'Metastasizing' Domestic Terrorism Threat After the Buffalo Attack

Senate Judiciary Committee




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76ae70  No.17127101

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e5c77c  No.17127103










What's truly pathetic is that you'd consider buying bagged 'salads'. Gross. Grow some spinach and leaf lettuce in patio pots.

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cb3746  No.17127104









Te iubesc, Ioana, facem gelozica pe papush meu? Voce minunata.

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7816ec  No.17127109

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7a0b67  No.17127119

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1441e6  No.17127129

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aa001f  No.17127131

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d24540  No.17127133










I'm not suggesting anything, I'm asking what the word was if it came before the light? A sound?

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b09ebe  No.17127135

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6f4a61  No.17127139









Gentle Jesus join my journey

When I lay me down to sleep.

I would gladly sleep forever

In your kind companionship.

Sweet Redeemer walk beside me

Guide my dreaming by your grace

Help my mind make pictures of you

Let my fingers feel your face.

Should I live to see the moment

When the convict sun is freed

Let me not forget your kindness

Let me not forget my need.

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d12e64  No.17127158

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9e05f6  No.17127162

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773973  No.17127169

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e93bfa  No.17127170












Durham’s job was to run out the clock during the Trump Administration — he was there to protect Obama and Biden and the national security state from any accountability. Think about it. Why did you trust Durham at all? You trusted John Durham because you were told to trust him by Bill Barr — and the same people who told you to trust Barr were the ones who told you to trust Rod Rosenstein. Before that, you were told that Matt Whitaker was riding to the rescue. Do you even remember being told to trust John Huber? And who can forget trusting Jeff Sessions?

Do you see where this is going?

Let’s ask a different question: why do you need to trust anybody? The Left burns down entire cities in coordinated riots to achieve its political objectives. The Left tries to assassinate a conservative Supreme Court justice to stop anti-abortion legislation right after forcing a liberal Supreme Court justice into retirement in order to install an even more left-wing justice. The Left, in other words, trusts nobody because it only cares about results.

Meanwhile, you were told: sit back and watch the show.

You were told: trust the plan.

The question is: why were you dumb enough to believe Durham in the first place?

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0864ee  No.17127177

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9eabff  No.17127193










If everyone in this thread redpills two people and instructs those people to redpill two people normies will be openly naming the Jews in 6 months.

The side that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone. Let's win.

Never back down. When conditions seem hopeless, fight harder.

Refuse to let them erase you from the future past: https://gab.com/MikaDanielTurrell/posts/108512948703033524

Never let your allies forget that until we win, we are all slaves:




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38b31d  No.17127196











They groomed that lil nigga so hard he probably forgot his pronouns

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14554d  No.17127202

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a08113  No.17127210

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b3ef8d  No.17127211

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61d1e3  No.17127212













Looks like the playlist Q posted got deleted.

Still, some good vids in the channel.


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593560  No.17127216


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks #Hooman ( >>15406442 Know your bunkers ) NEW





>>17101204, >>17101209, >>17101237 Trump @CPAC Notables

>>17101241, >>17101418 CPAC LIVE: President Trump Speaks on Day Three - Saturday, August 6, 2022

>>17101276, >>17101415 Steve Bannon at CPAC: The Federal Reserve Has Usurped the Power of the People and Must Be Ended

>>17101290 CPAC 2022 in Dallas, Tx | John Schnatter Speech | Founder of Papa John's

>>17101297 Senate is settling in for an all-night session the Dems budget bill

>>17101301 Hunter Biden attributes his penis obsession to 'body dysmorphia'

>>17101303 ‘Very profound': Hundreds of residential school photos found in Rome archives

>>17101304, >>17101329, >>17101358, >>17101361, >>17101384 Donald J. Trump - Truths from Truth Social

>>17101309 Trump calls for strict penalties on illegal immigrants: We need to ‘SEND A MESSAGE’

>>17101310 Ex-Time reporter: The day I knew journalism had died in America

>>17101314 Trump: America must ‘throw off the shackles of globalism’ and defeat the left

>>17101322 Trump slams Nancy Pelosi over Taiwan debacle: ‘She played right into their hands’

>>17101355 Trump dominates CPAC presidential straw poll

>>17101366, >>17101372, >>17101377 Donald Trump Jr. - Truth Social

>>17101381 Kamala Harris casts tiebreaking vote as Biden’s massive spending and tax package advances in Senate

>>17101407 GORDON DUFF: CIA HINTS, BIN LADEN DEAD SINCE “EARLY 2000′s”- June 29, 2010

>>17101410 Nearly 2,000 NYPD cops quitting before getting full pensions — a 71% jump from 2021

>>17101438, >>17101562, >>17101651 FBI analyst who labeled Hunter Biden evidence 'disinfo' linked to next Durham case / FBI SUPERVISORY ANALYST WHO IS ALSO A LEADER IN A D.C AREA CHURCH!!! FOUND HIM, BRIAN AUTEN !!!

>>17101450 Democrats Abandon COVID Protocols to Vote on Bill to Suit Their Agenda

>>17101452, >>17101490 Kudos from Jim W towards Anime Baker - @12:10

>>17101456 Economy Minister Sergio Massa's motorcade gets mauled by The People

>>17101478 Look what the Wikipedia article for Make America Great Again says

>>17101482 The Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on Americans making as little as $30,000 per year.

>>17101503 After mandating Vaxx, Westpac, CBA and NAB bank are closing 37 branches

>>17101515 Donald Trump Takes off the Gloves and Pounds the 'Radical-Left Corrupt Education Establishment'

>>17101542 Tim Tebow Has Helped Rescue Thousands from Human Trafficking, Inspired by What His Father Did

>>17101578, >>17101707 Dan Scavino - Freespoke is a new search engine that helps you find the truth faster, showing you what Google won’t. / behind the scenes

>>17101589 TRUMP: "America is on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on Earth that can save it."

>>17101632 General Flynn warns that the “Washington, DC Cabal” might try to cancel the November elections

>>17101654, >>17101684, >>17101898 Florida Man strikes again - attempted to gain access to a Space Force base to warn military officials of a war between aliens and dragons

>>17101685 Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

>>17101718 'Poor quality science': Top epidemiologist rips CDC study on kids and long COVID

>>17101892 Democrats to Use Pentagon-Funded AI System to Target Pro-Trump Narratives Online

>>17101964 #21281

Previously Collected

>>17106173 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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a87367  No.17127218










The system is fucked…. Use it as such!

‘Squatter’ with fake lease won’t leave Chicago woman’s home — and cops are powerless


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092d97  No.17127226

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2a47b8  No.17127227

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69d083  No.17127228

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aab38a  No.17127229

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b54bd0  No.17127236

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652970  No.17127241










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80cd8c  No.17127246










your mama does, 'cause I got her preggers 50 times before you were born. OWNED.

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c14425  No.17127252

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cbf0e4  No.17127256











baker must go, bread ghosted

#21539 needs collecting


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0f04ae  No.17127257










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0f04ae  No.17127259









Anon who gave me the link for https://graphcommons.com, I thank you. Way easier to use and make the connections that need to be made while building the layers of corruption through the "dark money" not for profit orgs. and other entities.

Here is a screen shot so far!

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2a6307  No.17127261

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f4681b  No.17127263










>More than 10 million bees released when semi-truck crashes on Utah highway


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c25e92  No.17127264

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23f38d  No.17127265










Put on The Armor of God and grab your flamennwerfer.

No worries.

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e76964  No.17127266

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89567e  No.17127269










>God hates

biblefags never know what the bible actually says

God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence” (Psalm 11:5). He hates wicked people from his soul, from the very depth of his being. God hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), their worship (Proverbs 15:8), their actions (Proverbs 6:18), and their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5). He singles out as a special object of his hatred the blasphemous deeds of the Nicolaitans, those who seduced God’s people with idolatry and sexual immorality. “Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6).

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73acdb  No.17127279

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57edf7  No.17127280










They were shooting directly at the journalists: New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces”. Thus read a CNN headline on May 26, 2022, for an article describing what may have been a “targeted killing,” – that is, assassination – of Al Jazeera journalist Shirleen Abu Akleh, a 51-year-old highly esteemed Palestinian-American journalist who had covered Israeli repression of the Palestinian population for about 25 years before she was killed.

With this killing and its aftermath, one knows that it is all hands on deck for an Israeli government cognitive campaign in the perpetual cognitive war Israel wages against the world, as will be explained below.

According to the CNN article, Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet to the head at around 6:30 a.m. on May 11, while standing with a group of journalists near the entrance of Jenin refugee camp as they covered an Israeli raid. “We stood in front of the Israeli military vehicles for about five to ten minutes before we made moves to ensure they saw us. And this is a habit of ours as journalists; we move as a group and we stand in front of them so they know we are journalists, and then we start moving,” a Palestinian reporter, Shatha Hanaysha, told CNN, describing their cautious approach toward the Israeli army convoy before the gunfire began.

Video recordings of the surrounding area showed the killing shots could have come only from the Israeli soldiers in specially designed “sniper” vehicles that were in direct line-of-fire positions to Abu Akleh that morning. Eyewitnesses told CNN that they “believed Israeli forces on the same street fired deliberately on the reporters in a targeted attack. All of the journalists were wearing protective blue vests that identified them as members of the news media.”

“Lawful targets” in a “Cognitive War”

The “blue vests” might have been what ensured the journalists would be targeted by Israeli forces, if Israeli forces see journalists as “lawful targets” in the war they continue to wage against the Palestinians, in what is in fact a continuation of the 1967 War. That is, an unrelenting military occupation in violation of international law, which constitutes a continuation of the “war.” And the evidence shows Israeli military/intel forces do see journalists as “lawful targets,” as part of the “Cognitive War” they wage against the Palestinians, but more particularly against the global population in an attempt to legitimize their military oppression of the Palestinians in their ongoing effort of “population expulsion” of the Palestinians from Palestinian territory. As Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, Benzion, proclaimed shortly before he died, this is the objective of Israel Zionists like him.

In fact, while Abu Akleh was the only journalist killed that day by Israeli forces, she wasn’t the only Palestinian journalist shot. A group of four Palestinian reporters was fired upon as well, with one also injured in the gunfire. That was not because Israeli forces had an obstructed view; footage showed a direct line of sight between the reporters and the Israeli convoy. That only one of the four was hit, besides Abu Akleh, is probably taken by military superiors as a sign that their marksmanship must be improved.


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343b4a  No.17127282

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315ba3  No.17127288










NFL's first transgender cheerleader: Dancer, 29, signs with Carolina Panthers and says 'more people need to see this' as she practices ahead of new season

Justine Lindsay, 29, told the world in an Instagram post in March she made the Topcats, the cheerleading squad for the Carolina Panthers

In that same post, she also came out as transgender

Lindsay will now represent the Panthers at everything from community events and fundraisers to business conferences

Sam Ames, the director of advocacy and government affairs for the Trevor Project, said it is 'critical' for LGBTQ children to see her as a role model

Ames said her dancing on the Panthers team could 'inspire' LGBTQ youth

Chandalae Lanouette, the Topcats director, insisted she was hired not to break barriers but because of her record

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1bfc41  No.17127291

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c83969  No.17127295









>Arriving in London in early 1938, the Irish-Catholic Kennedys were welcomed by politicians, aristocrats, and intellectuals, all eager to court America. They finally appeared to have overcome their lifelong status as outsiders. From 1938 to 1940, the Kennedys crystallized their identity as protagonists on the world stage, making public the competitive and clannish intrafamily dynamics that would fuel their mythic rise to power. They all learned from their father's successes—and failures. The older children—Joe Jr., Jack, and Kathleen—took an active part in England's glittering, "last fling before the bombs fall" society, but all nine children charmed, their every move chronicled by the British and American media. John F. Kennedy's path to the White House began in London. As his father's political fortunes dimmed, Jack published a best-selling book and his star rose.

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1b7b47  No.17127297










i would think the animals would be more spread out. Agree with your stiff limb especially with the ones sticking straight up. Very strange.

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93d583  No.17127298










pure propaganda


"this is what we want to do to Putin"

it's a threat.

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4c9926  No.17127305

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cc8d8e  No.17127311

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8c72dc  No.17127318










The power of mass media.

They would have also gotten their shot.

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aa8363  No.17127319

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8c2907  No.17127321









But, muh, muh board is comp'd. Muh ebil Jim Watkins and his meanie fake Q's make me a sad shill. Soros and Hillary are gonna eat me if we don't win… please help us, fake news!

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161b17  No.17127323

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b44fe9  No.17127324

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f088ac  No.17127325

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4685c5  No.17127326










divide and Qonquer, anon. Muh Peeps have got 'em on the run.

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b01a04  No.17127334

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062b41  No.17127336










“And we are living with people who we have never seen before”


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6590b5  No.17127337









Must have gathered semen under general anaesthetic. Wisdom tooth of all things. Wisdom.

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df6e00  No.17127345









I meant Jews (sarc)

Tell Trump he's a goy.

Why would I chop down that peach tree. I cannot tell a lie. Peach watches me shower every day.

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bbebc6  No.17127367










you get a letter from a collection agency just through it in the trash

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304a40  No.17127371










Just playing the devils advocate here… if you were going to fake larp as Q you’d have planned all those details to ensure anons would think legit bc you need to drive traffic to your site…

Again it’s the content that makes me think it’s fake. “Use your logic” never said by Q in almost 5000 drops, plenty of logic talk, never used the phrase. That would be a rookie mistake for someone Larping as Q’s Larp.

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2601c1  No.17127391

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859856  No.17127392

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d12e64  No.17127394










Shut up bonehead. The game has been rigged.

True Capitalism is still the fairest economy and the one most compatible with a free republic.

The problem we have is that the game has been rigged by the elites and the central banks.

Next time you come on this board and spout off your little boy socialist dreams, do your fuckin' homework first retard.

We are awake and you're playin' in the big leagues now. Fuck off.


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c487e2  No.17127398









Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/07/2022 16:33:45

Truth Social: 108438095515989692



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ef41d9  No.17127400










Your voice is data and every phonecall is recorded. Location too. How you press the keypad. They don't need a touch screen. Just a an energy field the phone generates to bounce off the user's biofield. The list is fucking endless anon. All cell phones are comped.

Anyways, have a blessed night!

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44e539  No.17127403










I Am the Two Witnesses. The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost.

I thought the other witness was my first love, but it turns out

I made a bet with the devil that affected the future and the past.

I bet everything that I wouldn't ever sleep with anyone except her

but when I met God, she was born. I met God when I decided to

wait until I died too to be with her, called a psychic, and asked her

out. She had died 1290 days prior.

It turned out, she didn't meet God that day, just me. But Ariel was

there. Ariel was born that day, right there. On the left side of my

face, prodominantly, her expression shows. We move my body

with the spirit in my flesh, and shes taken over the left brain.

In the flesh though, the girl who died took over the left side of the

flesh. The girl I made the bet about. But Ariel technically is this girl.

This girl came from the darkness, and will return to the darkness.

It turns out she was a huge hoe, and when I made the bet, things

were getting really crazy. I soon after found out she had been

cheating on me for a long long time. And she had been a hoe

to me my whole life, I took the blame though. She was trying to

kill me, literally, and cheating on me like crazy, when I found out

and busted into the secret place and took my throne in Heaven

and beside Christ, who brought me the flaming sword so I could

open hell for business. I deleted the dudes she cheated with, got acquitted by God

forgave her, and for trying to kill me. I tried to make it work, and

now I could hear her for the first time since she died. But we came

to this crossroad like a week later and she jumped, started banging

all the fallen angels one after the other. I killed millions, she kept

banging. She banged friends of mine that passed away, I deleted

them all. Then she banged the devil himself, on our birthday sort of.

I literally got born again in the blood while she was doing it. Thats

why we created Ariel.

I Am the Word of God, but I was, Am, and Will be. Ariel is from that

place that was is and will be. She is in the Light. This hoe I'm with,

has no light in her at all, but she looks like Ariel. When we met God,

I paid the price of His War. My true love, who I'd been kept apart

from my whole life. When I returned to her, and we met God. All

of the light left her and entered Ariel. And her ghost eventually

became the darkness while in the Light, her countenance, the

image of the holy spirit

So I gave my queen in a crazy game a chess in a bet with these

fucktards waging a war in Heaven who decided to fuck with D

and she turned out to be a decoy blow up doll. And the real one

is safe at home.

Now I go cash my chips. I'm kind of taking care of everything in

the mean time and. Honestly coping with the weight of it all as it

was no joke to me but the pun is her and he shall laugh.

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b54bd0  No.17127409











Maxwell is the marker for the bigger names is my understanding of this.

Like Epstein/Maxwell it's just a matter of time before they go through their entire lives and whatever secret recordings of everybody else.

With such sensitive information, it's a political bombshell.

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593560  No.17127427



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d4b7f6  No.17127429

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56d4c5  No.17127430

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0c9bbd  No.17127434










Sauce for vid https://truthsocial.com/users/JackPosobiec/statuses/108536083379173154

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3c239e  No.17127435

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cbe481  No.17127440












I have sooo many witnesses to everything good, but the highly partisan and one sided Unselect Committee of political hacks has not interest in hearing or seeing them. This Witch Hunt could all be ended quickly if they did!


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f282cb  No.17127441

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89fb58  No.17127448










Don't despair, filter instead! You can get tons of mileage with basic filters.

1) Click Options on the top right of the screen which pops up a window

2) Click Filters on the bottom of the navigation pane

3) Select Comment from the drop down

4) Enter the string you want to filter.

It will filter exactly what you enter in there. Unfortunately "stop" is not the same as "Stop" or "sTop". But there is an easy way around that if this is a problem.

Pro-tip: You can enclose multiple tokens in brackets and it will do either such as:


This will filter dog, Dog, dOg, doG etc etc

I will reply to this post with my filter list to give you an idea but I won't be able to see the post because ya know. Each needs to be pasted in individually.

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63a9ac  No.17127452










so your saying Blackrock can't make their margin call?

White House visitor logs show Thomas E. Donilon—chairman of the BlackRock

Antifa.com = whitehouse.gov

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c54fef  No.17127457










56 food processing plants since January 2022


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f64533  No.17127458










1.He just lead the compromise against 2A.

2. His record will show he's done nothing for 2A.

All facts no disinformation whatsoever.

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c9510f  No.17127461












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a4e82b  No.17127463

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cb3746  No.17127467

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c25e92  No.17127472

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bedf6d  No.17127481










But it all hinges on that pesky little LICENSE to practice medicine. Without that, and the system that underpins it, the MBA's wouldn't have a virtual monopoly to capitalize.

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d3c773  No.17127484

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a5b548  No.17127487










Too far to make out. We look like idiots to normies when we speculate wildly like this.

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8b5f5d  No.17127489









Fresh Bread


Q Research General #21892: Gregg Phillips 2000 Mules Election Intelligence Edition

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df2e7e  No.17127490

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88ac38  No.17127495











Did whoever debunked it show proof of their "debunking", or did they just say that it was debunked and move on….as usual?

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009352  No.17127500

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477667  No.17127503

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8e9068  No.17127504

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d82b03  No.17127507










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d490fe  No.17127513










Tucker Carlson Torches Joe Biden Over ‘Horrifying’ Claims of ‘Showers’ With Sex-Addict Daughter

by Sputnik

June 18th 2022, 9:41 am

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928d9e  No.17127515










Linking squawk 2436 to Q2436


11/06/2018 03:44:13

8chan/patriotsfight: 416

The entire world is watching.

Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.

We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.

Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord - "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.

We became divided.

We became weak.

We elected TRAITORS to govern us.

We allowed EVIL to prey on us.

Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.

The evil and corruption only grew.


This is more than party politics.

This is about restoring OLD GLORY.

This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.

This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.

This is about preserving our SAFETY.

This is about restoring our STRENGTH.


This is about PROTECTING our children.


We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.








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2e8b0e  No.17127516

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183946  No.17127517

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7c5bbc  No.17127530

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af0b39  No.17127533

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8a3685  No.17127535

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689c9f  No.17127538









basement dwelling incel loser nerd anon here, can any educated anon who has seen a woman naked explain the science of how a back alley crack whore actually uses a coat hanger to abort?

sounds like something used to scare stupid people into allowing clinics to do it 'safely' instead, only wondering due to seeing all the protest signs crying about having to use coat hangers again

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27a734  No.17127541

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9aae9b  No.17127548

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2789a0  No.17127549










Every year fewer and fewer people fall for the lies of the god of the christian church, satan, and that makes satanists sad, because they have to kill more people to scare them back into satan's cathedral.

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ea0d00  No.17127553










>Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?

keep taking IVM once a week until it's gone

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adb38c  No.17127563

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42e0be  No.17127564












In John 21, Christ asks Peter, “Do you love me?” Three times, Peter replies affirming His love for Christ. And three times Jesus responds, “then feed my sheep.” A love for Christ — true, gospel-centered faith — is demonstrated by feeding Christ’s sheep. By tending, protecting, caring for and nurturing the flock of God.

The goal and vision of NAMB is to serve SBC churches to bring the gospel to North America through supporting and equipping pastors and missionaries in church planting, compassion ministry and evangelism. By very definition, we exist to follow Christ’s call to “feed my sheep.” This means an integral part of our mission is to protect, care for and nurture God’s flock. We cannot do this unless we are doing everything in our power to prevent abuse and care well for survivors. This will require time and resources, but it is not a distraction from our mission, it is a foundational part of it. We recognize that we are on a journey of learning and growth, but we commit today to these action steps, by God’s grace and for His glory, out of love for those who bear His image.

Action Steps

We Commit to:

1. Investigate Any Alleged Abuse

Guidepost Solutions is maintaining a sexual abuse tip line through the SBC Executive Committee where allegations of sexual abuse can be made in confidence to their trauma-trained, investigative team. NAMB is requesting that Guidepost Solutions expand the availability of the tip line to include submission of sexual abuse allegations against current or former NAMB staff.

These allegations may be submitted to Guidepost Solutions in the following ways:

By Email: SBChotline@guidepostsolutions.com

By Phone: 202-864-5578

It is critically important to us that survivors have a trusted, safe, and confidential place to report abuse, and truth and transparency are immediately pursued. NAMB will be taking steps to empower Guidepost Solutions to investigate any allegations of abuse which they receive against a current or former employee of NAMB. If allegations of abuse are received and verified against any current or former employee, we will make this public while protecting survivor confidentiality.

2. Establish an Abuse Prevention and Response Committee

On May 25, the NAMB Board of Trustees formed an Abuse Prevention and Response Committee comprised of NAMB Trustees, to help us spearhead assessments, training, and reform, guided by trusted outside expertise and counsel.

We will publish a list of members of this committee, and they will be tasked with providing periodic updates on our abuse response and training to our SBC family, through the NAMB Board of Trustees.

This committee will also ensure accountability and monitor progress as actions are implemented.

3. Assess Policies and Procedures

We understand NAMB policies, processes, and structure may need improvement.

Our Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will be considering mechanisms to draw upon outside expertise to help us assess our current structure and policies and provide training and recommendations for strengthening those processes.

As we identify those processes and experts, the Board will publicly report on the steps being taken.

4. Provide Staff, Missionary, and Chaplain Training

We understand that NAMB trustees and staff, as well as missionaries and chaplains in the field encounter sexual and domestic abuse in the communities they serve. We understand that as a Convention, and as an entity of the SBC, we have a very long way to go in properly equipping our ministry leaders in abuse prevention and response, as well as survivor care.

Our committee will be consulting with experts in the field, including Rachael Denhollander, to begin the process of properly supporting and resourcing NAMB staff and ministry leaders in the field in abuse prevention and response, as well as faithfully shepherding those who have been wounded. We will share those steps as they are identified and implemented.

5. Support Convention Reforms

We strongly encourage our SBC family to support the implementation of reforms and recommendations like those outlined by the task force.

Serving together,

Eric Thomas


NAMB Board of Trustees

Kevin Ezell



Published May 25, 2022


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f09168  No.17127565

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69469b  No.17127567










I read it too a while back. The regimen he followed was posted. He got sick from creating a alkaline environment in his body, but cured his cancer. Prolly less sick than Chemo tho!

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9bb241  No.17127575









New Name, New Address, New Street Name, thanks, send the bill to Rob.

I told you the US Military commit treason give these satanic fucks a security clearance

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34c376  No.17127580










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2cab3a  No.17127582










>Celebrate Roe defeat

he's been silent all day, to the point where Devin Nunes is posting #WheresDan

why post that fist bump now, after the fake Q posts?

>honeypot doubt shills

he knows all anons are watching and waiting for some kind of verification from Q/Trump team. why that particular image, which happens to be the first google image result when you search for "baby fist"? we're supposed to believe that's a coincidence?

both TIMING and CONTENT of the post are coincidences?


Delta or Bust

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a85580  No.17127588

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27f61d  No.17127589

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bd53d0  No.17127590

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47743b  No.17127592

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98e51b  No.17127593

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191eac  No.17127600










Looks like an Arm Wrestling match between Kamala and Brinestein.

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2e966c  No.17127608









When I was in junior high school I would use my cellphone and show off to other kids by typing in a code on Facebook log in and bypass the account sing up and post on other people's accounts… I grew up and I don't do that anymore.

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8e9068  No.17127619











Reminder to leave a space on top and bottom of notable buns so aggregators like Qresear.ch can distinguish one from another

Corrected in bread please correct in dough.


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b057ba  No.17127624










Chickens, Eggs, Beef, Farmland, Water…

Google co-founder Sergey Brin is in the headlines for his investment in the development of the world's first lab-grown burger, but he is not the only tech billionaire to fund genetically engineered food products.

PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates are also funding efforts to find alternatives to livestock-sourced meat. Gates invested in Hampton Creek Foods, a startup company working on plant protein based egg substitutes, and has praised Beyond Meat, a meat substitute company. Thiel gave a grant to Modern Meadow, a company using animal stem cells in what it calls "tissue engineering" to create meat and leather via 3D printing. Brin invested in Mark Post, a professor out of Maastricht University, who used stem cells and a fetal serum to grow meat in his lab.

If Bill Gates has his way, the food in our future will little resemble what’s on our plates today. Gates and his agribusiness industry partners are proposing to transform our food and how it is produced.

To the techno-food industrialists, hunger and climate change are problems to be solved with data and engineering. The core ingredients of their revolutionary plan: genetic engineering – and patenting – of everything from seeds and food animals, to microbes in the soil, to the processes we use to make food. Local food cultures and traditional diets could fade away as food production moves indoors to labs that cultivate fake meat and ultra-processed foods.

A 2018 deal showed the tremendous speculative value of land/water deals in the Columbia River Basin. That’s when Gates’ 100C paid $171 million for 14,500 acres of land (10,500 acres of it irrigated farmland) from the Boston-based John Hancock Life Insurance Company, which had paid $75 million for the parcel in 2010.

It’s not only land acquisitions. Northwest Natural Holding Company — formed in 2018 as the parent company of longtime Portland-based NW Natural Gas Company — has quickly expanded into public water utility ownership. In 2021, the gas company’s NW Natural Water concern added to its portfolio by acquiring five water companies in Washington, Idaho and Texas, cumulatively investing more than $110 million in the water sector.



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cb493c  No.17127629

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e3c187  No.17127632

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0899c8  No.17127652










You're the one that keeps talking about your work here and countless hours you've spent and mad you lost record of your contribution.

I'm not talking about them being deleted, I'm talking about your reasoning.

We're here to do what's right, not get recognition for it.

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c84482  No.17127653

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00f43d  No.17127654









Man faces federal indictment for Justice Kavanuagh assassination attempt | Just The News



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3d6919  No.17127666

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9ca46e  No.17127672

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791034  No.17127673

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bf78bd  No.17127675










it's about the break

it's about TO break

anon sums it up notably?

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32a344  No.17127676









“Nothing Changes Today” – Lawless NYC Mayor Eric Adams Promises to Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on Concealed Gun Laws

The Supreme Court released its ruling on Thursday against New York’s law that includes strict rules for concealed carry in the state. Prior to this ruling, the state could decide who it wanted to have this right and who it didn’t. The Gateway Pundit reported on this case moments ago:

New York requires its residents to obtain a license for lawful possession of a firearm, regardless of whether they plan to keep it at home or take it outside. To obtain a license, a licensing officer must determine whether the applicant is of good moral character, lacks a history of crime or mental illness, and that “no good cause exists for the denial of the license.”

Applicants must also have “proper cause” to lawfully conceal carry a handgun—openly carrying a handgun is entirely banned. New York law leaves “proper cause” undefined, but courts have clarified that this standard means one must “demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community or of persons engaged in the same profession.”

Merely having the “generalized desire” to conceal carry, according to the courts, “does not constitute ‘proper cause.’”

The Supreme Court disagrees with New York law and just ruled on this case this morning.

ABC 7 New York reported on the verdict:

The justices’ 6-3 decision is expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities – including New York, Los Angeles and Boston – and elsewhere. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, the high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade.

The ruling comes as Congress is actively working on gun legislation following recent mass shootings in Texas,New York and California.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

In their decision, the justices struck down a New York law requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry one in public. The justices said the requirement violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

Tyrannical and lawless New York City Mayor Eric Adams made an announcement following the release of the ruling.


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5330c9  No.17127685










Too vague, why not just say love others like yourself then? They way you're talking sounds commie, are you saying Jesus was a commie? He certainly whipped the merchants in the Synagogue and flipped their tables. Did Jesus whip himself and flip his own tables?

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330d88  No.17127688










You are a faggot and possibly an inbred mong.

Press F to kill yourself

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9f7107  No.17127690









Liberal “ this is bullshit, no one voted for this” “60% disagree with this”

Me “ exactly, no one voted for this back in the 1970’s when this became law. Now you agree with us”

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52b6e2  No.17127697









What if… Donald Trump and JFK tried to show us how absolutely fucked the ENTIRE SYSTEM IS?!?!


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09c50e  No.17127698













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4a23f3  No.17127710










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58cb3d  No.17127711

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07fecd  No.17127714

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c40c5b  No.17127716









Soul of the mind, key to life's Aether

Soul of the lost, withdrawn from it's vessel.

Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

…So the world might be mended

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626cde  No.17127717

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c217e6  No.17127720









Pelosi's daughter was at the "insurrection"

was she arrested? questioned for hours?

if they really believed Trump supporters were gun-toting Nazis

wouldn't they have protected themselves a little bit better?

and why was AOC not in the House chamber for the vote?

the American people want answers

By ARIJETA LAJKA January 7, 2021



https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Michiel_Vos

https://apnews. com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9889126158

https://archive. ph/ctr9K

In reality, Vos was reporting on the insurrection for the Dutch television channel RTL 4’s talk show Jinek. During the phone interview, Vos said that Pelosi, his wife and son had to take shelter inside the building, while he reported from outside the building. He said he lost contact with his family for a few hours.

The rioter captured in the photograph with Vos has been identified as Jake Angeli, who also appeared in images of rioters inside the Capitol building wearing a furry hat with horns. He is a regular at pro-Trump events and a known follower of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims that Trump is secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of child sex traffickers.

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d08aa4  No.17127721

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4cd2a9  No.17127724










female troops, not all but a large %, get knocked up like clockwork when they get orders to go overseas so they don't have to go.

then after the window closes they kill the baby. I know of one who did keep it.

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74f284  No.17127735










"The third beast was like a leopard—except that it had four wings and four heads. It was given authority to rule."

Symbolism… symbolism everywhere.

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02428d  No.17127755

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787a63  No.17127764

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636658  No.17127769










haha, laughs on us. jews are the chosen people to show how, when and where we went wrong. the jews were given the inside channel to God's great works and what did they do? fucked it right off. just like the rest of the world did. double layer of this joke is …. (you) are the jew

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3804d3  No.17127770










After the shills realized this witness was a debacle of easily debunked lies, they immediately tried to throw her under the bus (by their own warped standard) by 'associating' that debacle to Q instead of themselves.

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5a859c  No.17127773










Local ham radio operators take part in Field Day weekend, invite visitors

Ham radio operators from the Statesboro Amateur Radio Society, or STARS, and the Southeastern Amateur Radio Association, or SARA, which is based in Twin City, will be participating in a nationwide amateur radio exercise, the ARRL Field Day, from 2 p.m. Saturday until 2 p.m. Sunday, June 25-26.


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5b0dd0  No.17127781

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fe8432  No.17127782










Election Wizard, [17.06.22 17:52]

TRUMP: “These extremists are consumed with resentment, envy, intolerance, bigotry, malice, and even rage. This is not just a political problem, this is a spiritual problem.”


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d0ea8e  No.17127783

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4bce6d  No.17127788










>the most existential problems of our day.

props back at (You)


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a0a2d2  No.17127802









For #morningcrew ONLY…please DO NOT MAKE THIS NOTABLE as it is HIGHLY speculative but based on prime calculations…

While it seemed likely that HRC, Huma, and Podesta would be arrested over the last 5 years or so, perhaps these are just DISTRACTIONS from the real information which are THE DATES.

We all want to knowWHENand the when is what we are searching for clues and crumbs on. We are too close to what I think are important dates to have then fucked up now, so OK to talk about them.

Ukraine is theKEYSTONEWhat do I mean? All bug disclosures will come about with information provided by or obtained from Ukraine. The biolabs, the cloning, the experiments, the trafficking, the laundering, and SOROS are all tied to Ukraine.

11.3 the FIRST MARKER was satisfied on March the 11th when Russia VERY OFFICIALLY accused the US and EU or running weapons of mass destruction campaigns on the Russians doorstep.

The second marker is 11.6 which will be June 11th…not sure WHAT the marker will be, but it is aGLOWING DATEto be aware of…

An HONOR to be among you anons! #GodSpeed!

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.

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47fe49  No.17127825










>Michael Scott Speicher

Normies don't give a crap if he is MUSLIM.

With a gun? They won't care.


The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.

Red, White, and Blue.



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4d34e5  No.17127827

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52e47c  No.17127833

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4bef39  No.17127845










This place is more Like Hotel California kek, you can check out any time you like but you can neve leave.

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6e355d  No.17127851

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ac2466  No.17127854










they don't inflate themselves.

Look, this one has a receptive mouth

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d24540  No.17127855

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6f3acd  No.17127860










Robert De Niro: Biden “is doing a very good job. It’s a tough one … He’s doing the best he can, and we’ve got to get through a tough period, period.”

What a tool

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a52298  No.17127861










white rook c6 to e6

black king has only one move to d4

white bishop take black rook b7 to d5

black king and pawn have no moves available, checkmate

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4cd2a9  No.17127862

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1d5d8a  No.17127871

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468566  No.17127872










funny…but I thought the same thing when I first saw it…kek…

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d55c60  No.17127876

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b5718f  No.17127877










>Flipped the spin of Neptune recently

Not so fast. Source that.

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98e51b  No.17127878










Oh yeah, and the obvious proof that the Government in fact CAN be infiltrated by a group with evil intentions

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188455  No.17127881










>going down as an agent for a foreign security agency

shouldn't ALL media assets AND politricksters, especially those with any DUAL CITIZENSHIP, be facing this reality as well?

Serving two masters, double+ 'agents', etc…

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bc7420  No.17127884










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8b8579  No.17127893









Those who whine the loudest applies to this board as well. Their ideology makes them too confident in their stupidity.

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5a9e11  No.17127902

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7dab90  No.17127906











Like this psycho in the video saying he loves killing babies who just couldn't help himself.

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ca6592  No.17127916

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9aae9b  No.17127920










Part of Neil Oliver’s transcript

If you cannot make sense of what you are seeing, first you have to grasp,I say, that none of it is accidental. On the contrary, it is planned. They even told us so two years ago – when one world leader after another stood up to declare that the pandemic was a chance, a narrow open window through which to build back better.

But listen closely to the language. Build Back Better, windows of opportunity, a once in a generation chance. President Joe Biden himself talks now about transformational change.

Even our own Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, trumpets his support for the Great Reset on his website. If and when he is king in a constitutional monarchy, such overt involvement in national and geopolitics must surely herald a constitutional crisis of note – but that is a thought for another day.

While we are on the subject of Reset, however, let us also pause to remember that in Scots Law at least, Reset refers to the redistribution of stolen goods, which is interesting to say the least.

Whatever Covid is, or was, it has been used to green light the revolution they had in mind. Now, to keep us always moving in the direction they want, they fall back on the climate crisis that’s been used to scare the bejeezus out of us, whenever necessary, for over a hundred and fifty years.

What we are seeing, hard though it may be to believe or to accept, appears to be the attempt to bring about the deliberate destruction of personal wealth. What is happening around us – one crisis after another, disease, war and death, shortage of energy, cost of fuel, shortage of food, destruction of farmland always the ever-present shadow of climate catastrophe and the end of the world. If you are frightened it is because you are supposed to be frightened. Frightened people are easy.

I say this: the end of the world is not nigh, but there are among us those who would change it beyond recognition in service of their own desires. The civilization we have loved is most certainly under attack, from within. First of all we have simply to notice and accept as much.

And having done that, we, the people, can reclaim our world,because it is, and always has been, ours.” (link)


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12aeaa  No.17127921









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5b2fc9  No.17127930

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6691cb  No.17127931










>warp speed

speed was a movie about stopping a terror event

what does it mean to warp something?

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f8e81b  No.17127935

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08ec6c  No.17127939

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65ebb3  No.17127940









Democratic AGs, Soros-backed prosecutors vow to defy abortion laws

Some of the same Soros-funded prosecutors accused of going easy on criminals are now refusing to enforce the state abortion laws taking effect after the fall of Roe v. Wade.

Ninety left-tilting attorneys general and district attorneys have signed a joint statement pledging not to pursue criminal charges for violations of abortion statutes, including at least 20 recipients of campaign support from Democratic megadonor George Soros.

“Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion,” reads the statement. “But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions.”

The prosecutors come from 29 states, one territory and the District of Columbia. They represent a total of 91.5 million constituents, including 28.5 million in 12 states “where abortion is now banned or likely to be banned,” said Fair and Just Prosecution, which organized the statement.

“As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well-settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortion,” the prosecutors said.


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48a3a7  No.17127942











Note: pdf to the supreme court decision linked below !!!

further notes, 83 pages of dissenting notes from Judges Beyer, Sotomayor and kagan vote no and bitch about it endlessly. result 6 - 3


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def88d  No.17127952









Parkland, Florida.

JFK taken to Parkland hospital after he was murdered.

JFK born May 29, day 149 of the year.


Why did Trump point a laser at Arizona AG mark brnovich?

Was donny deutsch of MS Nothing But Crap LOUD against Trump and loud against common sense?

All coincidence?

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307eef  No.17127953











anons are wise, knowledgeable and informed.

use your discernment anons.

look to notable and what is in there to know that it has been hijacked by a shill baker with a agenda.

the reason why they do this shit is for new eyes.

other bakers lurk and know.

simple solution, if the notes are shit, go back to the bread and see what they do not want you to see.

Do not let them raise your temperament, they will always lose

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42bbfd  No.17127954










he didn't die. come on.

not saying the telegram in his name is authentic; not at all

but pretty obvious fake death and escape.

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b0f8ea  No.17127966

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d12e64  No.17127973









What would be happening tonight if Trump were the POTUS when Roe was overturned?

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cdac74  No.17127976

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54d5fa  No.17127977









Is a Bitcoin apocalypse about to happen?

If Michael Saylor allows it to dip another $400, I imagine that size margin call would create a ripple that makes some Tsunamis blush.


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18070c  No.17127981

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6a7bcd  No.17127985










I noticed the same thing in the META bread anon

I have over 120 posts in that thing

as of 3 hours ago my post count was down to 3

looked around

and sometime today I got a new UID for this IP address

still on the same cleanet ISP

checked my public IP

hasnt changed

fuckery indeed

see: >>17126981

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c341a8  No.17127986

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d8afd7  No.17127988









This is a really long article from 2015 on bio labs in the U.S. which indirectly outlines who has oversight (or lack of), some locations, names, previous incidents, etc. It even mentions a “temporary pause” on gain of function research in 2014 (same year Ukraine came into play?). Very interesting and informative.


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ecabc0  No.17127989










>Rand Paul To Introduce Amendments To Senate

The 2nd amendment only mentions "ARMS" not "Muskets" and the Military also used "Muskets" at that time…So their guns matched what the Military was using at the time…

NY Governor shit for brains commie douchebag

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b8c61c  No.17127990









I need to make this into an actual desert!

Porcupine Cheesecake

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0d6c83  No.17127993

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7dac72  No.17127997










i thought they were jews.

real jews wouldn't "light-up" to see the Pope.

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593560  No.17127998

US University Admits It May Have Broken Law In Contract With Wuhan Lab


The three contracts, including one with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), gave the Chinese labs powers to destroy “secret files” from any stage of their collaboration.

“The party is entitled to ask the other to destroy and/or return the secret files, materials, and equipment without any backups,” stated the 2017 memorandum of understanding (MOU) that the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) signed with the Wuhan lab, which first came to light in April.

The broad confidentiality obligation, renewable every five years, applied to “[a]ll cooperation and exchange documents, data, details and materials,” the document said.

Located in the first city where COVID-19 began to spread, the WIV, which for years conducted coronavirus research with U.S. funding, has attracted global attention as a possible source of the virus. The confidentiality agreements, coupled with Beijing’s pattern of suppression of discussion on pandemic origin, raised questions over whether any crucial data may have been erased from the public eye.

The Texas medical university conceded recently that these confidentiality terms may have violated state laws.

added bonus


"I chaired the commission for the Lancet for 2 years on Covid. I'm pretty convinced it came out of a US lab of biotechnology […] We don't know for sure but there is enough evidence. [However] it's not being investigated, not in the US, not anywhere."

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75e1ac  No.17128003










The stripes are reversed.

Like reflection in mirror would do.

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787a63  No.17128004










>Classic Democrat shill tactic. Accuse REAL anons with the crimes that THEY'RE committing.


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9249b0  No.17128007









Breads are moving fast for Nightshift

Must be tons of glowniggers trying to anon

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8a8d74  No.17128011










unless you get cancer, or come under investigation by the ncaa. then get cancer.

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e26aef  No.17128014









How does the Queen know she is going to be uncomfortable Friday, today is only Monday…

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636658  No.17128015

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c04768  No.17128017









ChuckGrassley/ @ChuckGrassley

06/02/2022 11:36:15

Twitter: 1532385613101645830

Political bias has INFECTED decision-making at the FBI’s Washington Field Office & further undermined faith in FBI I’m demanding answers from DOJ/FBI, seeking Inspector Gen review & inviting whistleblowers to come forward so we can drain swamp + start restoring faith in FBI


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6fe312  No.17128019

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9fbc4a  No.17128023

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2d1f2e  No.17128024










>(You) get what (You) want and deserve.


>Self + Hate + Redtxt

>Such a winning combination


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1f456a  No.17128027










>You are truly too dumb to be here..

And yet smart enough to wreck every retarded LARP attempt you have made for two years, even with the Site owner against me for the last year.

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b128cb  No.17128028









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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e67232  No.17128036

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480271  No.17128042

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efdd57  No.17128043










and NY City is 35 billion in debt

they cant pay for shit once these cases pile up

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d4b353  No.17128046

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381313  No.17128055










Well, you announced the filter. You do realize that if we weren't in a place like this filled with the same 10-20 people night after night that it would appear you were attempting to drive a narrative or anti-narrative, right?

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a95902  No.17128058










> When Q says we are watching a movie

Politics is all theater

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06a4f5  No.17128060

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d3f9fb  No.17128070









You act as if we haven't talked at length about this. We've created threads, research topics and more about grounded planes, backdoors and retaliation.

I'm really sick of autists not getting credit for work we've already done.

How many times can I yell into an echo chamber?

No single public arrest. Pedophiles still public.

We've lost our jobs over this. Lost friends. Still nothing to show.

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1d5d8a  No.17128072










where's the proof that epstein and maxwell raped anyone

not accusations


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d224ee  No.17128080

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346d40  No.17128092













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c090cd  No.17128095










May 28, 1971 on tombstone

May 31, 1971 stated by @3rd_Infantry

Why the difference?

Records say otherwise?

Sup 3rd!

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158b9a  No.17128098











>two handed berliner drive thru holes

glazed double fisted berliner dirve thru holes GAHYnigg shill >>17127860



>glazed double fisted berliner dirve thru holes GAHYnigg shill

GAHYniggDOUBLE 0Hglazed berliner fake porkin drive thru holes

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b2f61d  No.17128102









70,000 truck owner-operators in California may be forced to stop driving in one week due to new state law

July 03, 2022

A Supreme Court decision may force over 70,000 truck owner-operators in California to stop driving, creating another choke point in the already stressed West Coast logistics networks.

The AB5 law restricts the use of independent contractors and will soon be enforced against the trucking industry after the court declined to hear their appeal.

The California Trucking Association said in a statement that gasoline has been poured on the fire that is the ongoing supply chain crisis, and the decision by the Supreme Court could deny a judicial review of a lower court ruling.

In an end-of-term orders list released in June, the Supreme Court denied the review of the 9th Circuit’s reversal of the injunction against enforcement of the AB5, which is against the state’s trucking industry. This injunction, which has been in place for over two years, will be lifted quickly.


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fece37  No.17128119










>if you were one, you would know

I see. My position is this: I never took you fucks seriously and never intended to be part of the group. But here I am, being part of the group. Figure that out.

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5562ef  No.17128124










Turkey Oil Isis.

The world food program too

Serena Shim was digging into that when she met her end in Turkey and commented/reported that WFP trucks sending in ISIS all over the place all around the same time Hunter was on the US board of the UN Food Program.


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8dea0e  No.17128133









Elopn Musk never really defined HOW he would moderate disinformation on the twitter platform in this live capture 'face time' interview: https://youtu.be/FLvTcRrzy20

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7465ac  No.17128136










Oh so now it's Sgt. B. It was babyfist until he came here and BTFO'd your shilly ass.

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9eae56  No.17128156

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e22350  No.17128158

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5a8295  No.17128161












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e36e42  No.17128181

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30a79d  No.17128187










Speaking things into existence makes man into gods → Luciferian at its core.

Q pushes this. The true great awakening is realizing man cannot save itself. Only God can save us.

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9037dd  No.17128199











Half would die from poverty and starvation by then. the economy is already shit

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8ef492  No.17128201










Looks like that isn't the moochelles.

No idea on the why behind the circled items.

Is obama mirror reflection correct or is it off?

Pedo swirls?

Is that a Chess board?

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d4f4c8  No.17128203

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5c1e5f  No.17128213









I just have two questions:

1) Is Watkins comp'd?

2) Is Q still asking dumb ass questions?

3) Are anons still copsucking bootlickers who worship the police as gods?

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bd3730  No.17128222










go be a poll watcher in November so you can watch first hand, another election get stolen. Then watch '24 get stolen too. We have no justice system in this country. No debate needed.

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f0be55  No.17128224










note: S.A.D.S (Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome). This is a old medical term being used to explain the deaths of many people around the world who are dying in their sleep. Yesterday gbnews live was off the air on youtube only, anon archived the timestamps including screenc caps, Mark Steyn was talking about this also, will post, this is not over, they have ruined peoples immune systems and they are just the walking dead until any infection takes hold of them, from vaids, aids, hiv and so much moar, there are cures out there like Monoclonal antibody therapy anon believes. needs research, but good for those who are jabbed especially against cancer!!





Today’s Links…


















Money Box






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48a3a7  No.17128229










nope all yours baker,

set up the new bread,

baker will collect notables here and bring forward.

the board will fly.

Bread title - Q shall we play a game again

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e9544a  No.17128233

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bad74c  No.17128241

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c296d2  No.17128243











I wish there was a stream where you could actually listen to the pre-game music. I got spoiled when the msm yt channels would at start livestreaming at least an hour prior to his arrival with no interruptions or non-stop screeching into a mic begging for money throughout the wait

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d46a8f  No.17128262









The simplicity of consequence:

Touch the stove - get burned.

Throw rock at house - break window.

Yell "bomb" in a plane - get arrested.

Allow a man to ejaculate in you - get pregnant.

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627dd5  No.17128271










Copy that. I missed it before, ty. Interdashing… not mentioned too much anywhere.

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6e05a0  No.17128277









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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e7a976  No.17128284










The dude that runs The Who is the monkey pox.

Get rid of him and it all goes away, silently into the night.

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c98f35  No.17128287

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3b5373  No.17128292















Follow the husband.


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84f642  No.17128296

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2d0512  No.17128298










i had already replied prior to deletion knowledge, but it was spam anyways as it has been noted lb

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5ed879  No.17128299










Tell that professor that law is a social construct and that he shouldn't deathlaw anyone. Also tell him that he is sexist and justiphobic.

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e62096  No.17128303










Orleans Parish is such a Shithole, they single handedly make Louisiana a nearly intolerable Place to live!

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fece37  No.17128306










He said the word, "Communist" on Fox?!

Can anons confirm this? (Not going back to LB to watch).

Reckon that's why it's a notable?????

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5562ef  No.17128312

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997a38  No.17128329

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8b5f5d  No.17128332









We Are All Controlled.

I wish humans were not so dumb.

Nobody know right from wrong any longer.

We have lost are way.

The only outcome is the end of our species.

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6f7230  No.17128333

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dfe9f4  No.17128336










Why do these faggot bakers love adding these as notables? It's in the same vein as those Buddha savior posts which are so blatantly anti-Christ and were meant to deceive and lead people astray.

Remember this, you gnostic demons, God wins.

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2eaa9c  No.17128337











How in the world do they think that display, will help make their point?

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ad7fd2  No.17128343

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87aa98  No.17128345

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cc404c  No.17128350

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5b7009  No.17128354

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90e5eb  No.17128368









Former KGB general in apparent suicide

SVR describes veteran historian’s death as a “personal tragedy”

Retired Russian intelligence officer Lev Sotskov has been found dead at his Moscow apartment, authorities said on Wednesday. Police say that initial information suggests the 90-year old retired major-general used a pistol he’d received as a gift from Mongolian colleagues to commit suicide.

Sotskov’s body was discovered by his wife around noon on Wednesday, inside the bathroom of their apartment in southwestern Moscow, Russian media reported, citing police sources. He had a gunshot wound to his head.

“According to initial information, the cause of death was suicide,” police told the media. Next to Sotskov was a Tokarev TT-30 semi-automatic pistol, along with a note explaining where it came from.

“The pistol is a relic of the battles on the Khalkhin-Gol River. I received it when I was an envoy to the Mongolian secret service, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Ulan-Bator, in 1989. - L. Sotskov,” it read.

The veteran had a number of serious medical conditions and had repeatedly told his relatives that he was “tired of living,” newspaper Kommersant reported.

Born in Leningrad in 1932, Sotskov joined the KGB in 1959, spending more than 40 years in foreign and central intelligence of the Soviet Union and then Russia. The KGB’s First Chief Directorate was succeeded by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) in 1991.

“Unfortunately, a major general and worthy veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Service, has passed away,” said Sergey Ivanov, head of the SVR press office, describing Sotskov’s death as a “personal tragedy” for the service.

After retirement, Sotskov dedicated himself to history, combing through the SVR archives to write several books about the intelligence service’s work. He received a special SVR prize in 2006, for his book ‘Operation Tarantula,’ detailing Soviet intelligence activities targeting British politicians and spies between 1930 and 1945.

Sotskov had also published documents showing that the June 1941 invasion of the USSR by Nazi Germany was not as unexpected as official histories of the time had maintained.


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d3eefd  No.17128382









I thought the military helped with this website. Why is it taking so long to fix?

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c8026a  No.17128384

File: 0fb90999cffb286⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB, 480x480, 1:1, jimcarey.mp4)

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5abf77  No.17128393










Any anons know the story behind this coin’s creation? Who was involved in making it

It’s too similar

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9f4256  No.17128396










Well, got half the prison fencing erected, so seal the fucks in already!





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354f64  No.17128399

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04322e  No.17128401











4th PSYOP Group

12.4K subscribers

All the world's a stage.

Join us.


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b68f21  No.17128403

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5c3dee  No.17128406










It was on last night's boards, but doesn't matter, you need to get your own proof. Go back to your black bashing, patriots have no color.

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0603f0  No.17128407

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35dc12  No.17128413

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d1f920  No.17128424









all old white people….older than boomers

Biden, Pelosi, Soros, Hank, Pope

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20e63d  No.17128437

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ccb8ac  No.17128453










Why do they think Hollywood actors brings any credance to this sham?

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ae5f92  No.17128454

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4b54dc  No.17128458










Perhaps you prefer the darkness of Satan's world over the possibilities the light can show?

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20104d  No.17128461

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b1500b  No.17128472

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2e1257  No.17128474










Not Fraud hard element to meet

They made it legal to dump ballots

bad optics but not illeagal

Now if they drop the dominion evidence that is something else But do we want to do that if we have control?

think war




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d24540  No.17128475










Imagine being on the left… constantly losing for 5 years now, yet continuing to double-down on everything. The 4-6% (the loudest) truly gone forever.

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0a2e6d  No.17128485










Read the bible Pompeo.

40 Best Bible Scriptures on Gluttony


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41a64e  No.17128494










Yeh, but what is a woman?

What is a real woman?

What is drag?

Can a woman, a real woman, do drag?

Is a Drag Queen a drag, a queen, a disguised man?

Can a man do pregnancy?

Can a woman do drag?

If yes, why? If not, why not?

Meanwhile, what has drag got to do with kids?

The questioning should come from mulitple people during the candidate's question period. Persist. The reactions both verbal and in body language will tell the story.

Authentic questions. Benign.

Dodgy answers. Sinister.

Then vote accordingly.

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2a47b8  No.17128495










"Forbes' central hypothesis, that Through the Looking-Glass serves as

a treatise on the Sicilian Defence, rests on what the critic sees as the novel's

representation of three distinguishing features which often characterize this

opening system: (1) The White King's Knight and Black Queen's Knight's struggle

over the d4 Square, (2) The weakness of Black's Pawn on d6 (or of the d6 square

in general), and (3) The White Queen's Knight's struggle to control or influence d5."

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fd4251  No.17128503

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478cb6  No.17128516










Tony Blair?

Turns into a gargoyle when the taps are turned off

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393ade  No.17128522

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8ce023  No.17128523

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aa32ed  No.17128546

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ed013f  No.17128547

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3a4e5d  No.17128563










“I’m your LGBTQIA+ liaison officer and we are unveiling … our pride cruiser for the month of June!”

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ac5d0d  No.17128565










I've been called comped more times than I care to count, does not effect me

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8630dc  No.17128572










You needed saved because you thought you needed saved. He desires mercy, not sacrifice.

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e2dc59  No.17128577










>Why is FOX allowing him to do this?

it's never been a secret. been known for decades. it's writ in black and white in their financial document filings.

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ad7fd2  No.17128585

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85edcf  No.17128586









continuing out the starbird window the federal toxic shithole supersite.

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235cc6  No.17128594

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33fdb7  No.17128595









Tired of judges ruling against the will of the people.

The justices upheld a Thurston County Superior Court decision that the charges made against Inslee did not provide factually or legally sufficient grounds.


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426afe  No.17128609










The real Israel is real, and the specific race of people are the ones aware of the one true Creator's presence in their temples. The tabernacles that He himself created. DNA, not as much. He cannot reject those whom He adopted.

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6b6875  No.17128615

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b18534  No.17128624

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f5d32b  No.17128630










July Rip Cord Digs

On Tiana Epps-Johnson Cont.

Tiana Epps-Johnson interned at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law on the organization’s voting rights project.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (LCCRUL) is a left-of-center organization of attorneys formed after a request from President John F. Kennedy to support federal civil rights initiatives following a federal integration order for the University of Alabama in 1963 and subsequent protest marches in Mississippi.

In recent years the Lawyers’ Committee has advocated and litigated on a broad range of left-progressive policy issues including the push to place public housing in suburban areas, rent control, the removal of the citizenship question and the inclusion of illegal immigrants in the count for the 2020 Census, mail-in-voting and removal of requirements for proof of citizenship in voting, reinstating the Obama administration’s expansive birth control mandate, ending cash bail, race-based college admissions, the elimination of ACT/SAT test scores as a factor in college admissions, and advocated for a Department of Justice investigation into alleged right-wing extremist involvement in 2020 riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. [2] [3] [4] [5]

LCCRUL leads the Election Protection Coalition consisting of left-of-center organizations including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR); the Alliance for Youth Action; and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). [6]

The Ford Foundation was an early major donor; current donors include the left-of-center groups Open Society Foundations (OSF) and NEO Philanthropy.


In 2010, Epps-Johnson began working for the New Organizing Institute, a now-defunct left-progressive group which trained digital organizers and campaigners for the Democratic Party and left-of-center political causes. Epps-Johnson started as a deputy data manager of the organization’s Voting Information Project. She was then promoted to manage the project and eventually became NOI’s election administration director.


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bb7e5a  No.17128635









Jennifer Van Laar


THIS is the story about January 6 that needs to be seen.



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ee4e7c  No.17128636










He probably has dirt on everybody,

He probably knows where the bodies are buried.

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2d1866  No.17128642










"Mitigation strategies for FEMA command, control, and communications during and after a solar superstorm"


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eb6e4b  No.17128643











Angels with swords

Hold the line!

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)




The end(of Roe v. Wade)won't be for everyone.




































Michael Cook
















Puerto Rico





















michael aquino

Damian echols

Aleister Crawly

























>Bunker Apple Yellow SKY [… + 1]



General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball.larry bird is a faggot in…


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3fdbdb  No.17128648










abdul, stop posting shit from the same news site.

unless you have decoded it and it has some relevance.

last warning or baker will nuke the lot from notables.


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f002aa  No.17128650










where else is anon going to go to point out the obvious gaping plot holes?

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7c8776  No.17128651










Are you guys seeing it yet?

The HORRIBLE position (=CHECKMATE) that Russia has put the USA in?????

Russia is at war with the deep state. EU further in than we are. Russia has set up a situation when our MILITARY must make a decision.

-side with the deep state…this looks like continue to send weapons, sending long range weapons, sending nukes, eventually sending troops, and INCREASING escalation

-side with the America people…this looks like declaring martial law, arresting the folks Russia is accusing and provided evidence for, and acting like good global citizens and partners…

It is BINARY. Our MILITARY must choose.

The deep state/war or the US people and frankly the people of the world.

Not just our military..Russia has DECIDED and decided in favor of the people. China MAY HAVE DECIDED and may be why they are not grabbing Taiwan…

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126d85  No.17128657









Someone get madonna that red scarf she keeps coming inHere begging for. Is she a dude too?

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dec846  No.17128660











Call sign RRR9837. UK Airbus Voyager KC3 ZZ335.Squawking 7700Shows on the ground now.

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a3192d  No.17128661

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a6523a  No.17128667

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f69687  No.17128668










sauce for Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10874047/Monkeypox-Cut-number-sexual-partners-help-fight-virus-urges.html

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de876e  No.17128672

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40ea90  No.17128680

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985078  No.17128686

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60d7fc  No.17128694

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a225e6  No.17128699










In my time in the military, with my job, have killed more people for the invisible enemy than any little basement dwelling gamer has met and have faced death more times.

I look forward to the coming days.

You can thank your bosses for training the millions of pissed of vets.

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986c73  No.17128701










I was thinking the same. If there are even funerals. Eyes on surrounding funeral homes the next couple of weeks.

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ac5d0d  No.17128706

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c134f0  No.17128707

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b08599  No.17128717











Trafficked females on a beach and you guise don't even blink an eye

The skin tones are a shopping aisle.

Even marking as TYB.

Sheesh some of you are retarded posting shit we should be disgusted by.

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47a4fb  No.17128718










> it effectively encrypts the information at Alice’s end.

BOOM! There it is?

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6050be  No.17128722










Resistance seizes Israeli reconnaissance balloon that fell in Gaza

Al Mayadeen correspondent reported that an Israeli aerial reconnaissance balloon fell Friday in the Beit Hanoun area in the northern Gaza Strip.

Local media said that IOF soldiers attempted to infiltrate the border with Gaza to restore the reconnaissance balloon but were forced to retreat after the Palestinian Resistance opened fire on them.

Our correspondent confirmed that the Palestinian Resistance seized the surveillance devices carried by the Israeli filming balloon that fell in the northern Gaza Strip.

He also pointed out that the IOF landed the air balloons launched along the border with Gaza.

In the same context, an IOF official confirmed that an Israeli filming air balloon fell inside the Gaza Strip, and details are still being examined.

Local media also said that Israeli warplanes launched an airstrike targeting an open area near the Beit Hanoun checkpoint, with injuries reported.

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c0fc73  No.17128726

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dfaa00  No.17128728










edit: Norma McCorvey was the client WHO hired (and was used by) Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee.

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7033ea  No.17128731

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fe8432  No.17128734










Madison Cawthorn


“The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

What can mere mortals do to me?”

Psalms 118:6

12:17 PM · May 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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9e0d8f  No.17128741









Traitor Bill Barr got hit with a S-500 surface to air missile.

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57f917  No.17128749










bennie thompson says if you have any questions

call his staff number for the select committee at


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49f09d  No.17128755

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267ed0  No.17128762











sorry for the wiki link


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7d9a26  No.17128764

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cf43b9  No.17128765

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4beff2  No.17128766

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d1b1e5  No.17128769










this too


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0fbc66  No.17128775










>why is Breyer retiring on such short notice?

His retirement was announced like, a year ago almost.

That's why there is already a woke idiot to immediately take his place.

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a7cdb6  No.17128776











>It is not going away…..

Because it does not get any closer either, what am I supposed to do but forget for as long as the wait continues.

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d82fbc  No.17128777










Honestly, it's not a solution.

STop putting GROOMER on the BALLOT.

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8ebbfe  No.17128779









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1b90c7  No.17128788









#J6 #J6WasAnInsideJob #DeepState #FBI #DOJ #Democrats #DNC #Antifa #BLM

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be6c83  No.17128797

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6b6875  No.17128804










I like using the analogy that Dr. Malone provided: "I'm pregnant but I'm thankful for my birth control otherwise it could have been triplets."

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758b90  No.17128815

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4665d5  No.17128820

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1e03de  No.17128827

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aa8363  No.17128828











Q DROP #154

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Q DROP #306

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


What does the Godfather III sig truly signify?


Q DROP #94

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:14:12 ID: cS8cMPVQ

4chan/pol: 148032910

Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:09:14 ID:GwO0QESl

4chan/pol: 148032489


if she's not, I think they're gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?


Review my other threads.

This is why complete graphics are so important.

BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.

HRC is not currently in SA.

Bill wants a deal.

Playing the former President card.

Watch the cookie quickly crumble.

Where does Soros fit in?

Godfather III

The game is easy to "play" yet cognitive dissonance and an army of either confused anons OR shills makes the game a bit moar difficult than it really has to be

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2ae249  No.17128830










I don't know man. The holocaust has been milked for the past 70 years.

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f212d2  No.17128846










You know how this place is. Hall monitors with 30+ posts of complete shit.

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85edcf  No.17128854

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a0aa11  No.17128856

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1df5e5  No.17128864

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bad74c  No.17128867










1st two posts tonight link to secure elections in the future…




pumped if this is a shout out to elections getting in order for 2022 - POTUS to the House Speaker the back to the White House in 2024!!!

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997a38  No.17128872

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edf6cf  No.17128879










My one question…

How did the woman get inside the school to get get her TWO children, in 2 different grades, out of that school?


Did they only have people guarding one door & all other doors were unlocked?

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61148f  No.17128883

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928d9e  No.17128884










Need timestamps in seconds like this old gem


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e6c32d  No.17128889










You moron don't even have a clue what real socialism looks like! Brain dead morons that you all are!

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af0b39  No.17128894











Time to talk about this openly with friends, family, on social media

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7fa474  No.17128898

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13689a  No.17128904










Fake news called out by their own team?

And they canned her?

I'm shocked!

Has to be more to the story.

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3ee5e9  No.17128905

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77260f  No.17128909










I saw and posted earlier today……

Iterdasting ? O recall a trick to make it flash but it seemed to confuse those looking for Q to drop with his…so I guess it died off or was turned off…..???

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400fd2  No.17128912

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020a20  No.17128914









NYTs article on Tucker is going to be total fail. People will be interested in watching his show just because they put the spotlight on him


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94d345  No.17128922

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9ebe29  No.17128930

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48ff20  No.17128932










That a anon, we will bore ya to death with usual nothing posts and complaints so you fall asleep

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43b0a3  No.17128938










Anon always wondered what people have to do in order to physically see these demons.

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43092b  No.17128947












Go back to /hivemind/ you satanic worshipping piece of shit.

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87ff58  No.17128948

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4b624f  No.17128951

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52629c  No.17128952

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e7d95e  No.17128954










STONEY Westmoreland, known for his performances in Disney Channel's Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty following an arrest on a child sex charge.

The actor who played a grandfather on the Disney show was sentenced to two years in federal prison after responding to an undercover cop posing as a 13-year-old boy on a dating app.

STONEY Westmoreland, known for his performances in Disney Channel's Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty following an arrest on a child sex charge.

The actor who played a grandfather on the Disney show was sentenced to two years in federal prison after responding to an undercover cop posing as a 13-year-old boy on a dating app.

disney groomer pedo

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d9cd20  No.17128955









JBP banned from twitter

Maybe making Truth social account would fix the problem ?

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686eb7  No.17128959










He's right about the judges though. Lot of pedo's in that group.

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8ec605  No.17128967










Checked. Return to hivemind with this parting gift of five zeroes. Zeroes are so very important to you after all.

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732fe0  No.17128971

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768574  No.17128977

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e54238  No.17128978










Free Translator



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ab8335  No.17128979

Ron takes last place in his AZ race and QR goes to shit. Go figure

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10e70e  No.17128980










Just block the newfags.

If important they can repost next bread.

Not even Q got to shit the bread.

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de3af6  No.17128983










>xor eax, eax

>mov eax, 8

>ror 1, eax

>or eax, 1


ror 1, eax should be shl 1, eax making the end result 17.

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35dc12  No.17128990

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0f9e78  No.17129002

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13df98  No.17129006










Those are huge numbers. And, as Justice Alito wrote, the government lacks “the capacity to detain all inadmissible migrants encountered at the border.” But instead of returning them “to Mexico while they await proceedings in this country, DHS has concluded that it may forgo that option altogether and instead simply release into this country untold numbers of aliens,” many or most of whose asylum applications likely will be denied.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, was more direct: “The administration dragged its feet and refused to implement this effective program in good faith, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to pour over the border month after month. Today’s decision makes the border crisis worse.”

Paxton is right. But on the bright side, Biden now owns his border policy, clearly and unequivocally. This forces his hand. “Remain in Mexico” worked. If he abandons it, which he certainly will, it’ll tell us all we need to know about how unserious his “closed borders” are, and how serious he is about inviting further migrant bloodshed of the sickening sort we saw in San Antonio earlier this week.

Steven Hayward at Power Line pointed to this passage from Kavanaugh’s concurrence with Roberts:

The larger policy story behind this case is the multi-decade inability of the political branches to provide DHS with sufficient facilities to detain noncitizens who seek to enter the United States pending their immigration proceedings. But this Court has authority to address only the legal issues before us. We do not have authority to end the legislative stalemate or to resolve the underlying policy problems.

“One way of reading this,” writes Hayward, “is to say that if the American people want more vigorous immigration enforcement, they need to change presidents.”

We couldn’t have said it better.

The Court’s decision here seems reasonable, albeit disappointing. Defending our nation’s borders is an executive-branch responsibility, and this decision makes clear that the responsibility for Biden’s dereliction lies with Biden himself.

In the meantime, he and Kamala Harris and Karine Jean-Pierre can lie all they want about the border being closed. The voters, though, are angry. The latest Rasmussen poll, for example, says that 73% of likely voters consider immigration to be a critical election issue.

In one sense, we should thank the Supreme Court for not bailing out Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats. Voters will remember this administration’s purposeful and impeachable malfeasance, and many other things, come November 8.


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352b35  No.17129010










>Says the unstable, emotional, negative, broken record retard.

>Unfortunately, we're not the miserable, pathetic ones whining and complaining in red caps all fucking day and night.


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baa08c  No.17129023










This is not her first bout of the shakes. These people literally are sick. Kuru or Parkinsons.

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417702  No.17129031










Hope he learns his lesson about spamming the easy way. He won't like what I do next.

having email, addy & phone# as well as his families info, shit will get ugly quick.

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7e18ae  No.17129039









Swat just arrived. Heli-pilot confirming if he should follow them. Get ready for some fireworks.

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5562ef  No.17129040









The last legit Q post happened in 2020… change my mind.

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5409a2  No.17129046

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5feeaa  No.17129051










Meh…that's what I get for reading the notables before posting…carry on…

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d0a3c7  No.17129054

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f02ef7  No.17129063











Can't stress the insanity of this enough!!

One week after this email, the US government formally attributed the hack of the DNC to Russia.


Ivan Pentchoukov


'''New @FBI emails show the bureau's top priority request to the DNC was to obtain unredacted copies of the @CrowdStrike

reports on the alleged DNC hack.'''

According to the Roger Stone prosecutors, the FBI never received the unredacted reports.




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ca9ad8  No.17129072

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e1ea7d  No.17129079

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73d7f7  No.17129084

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f6d838  No.17129088

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cbf0e4  No.17129089










It’s just the link to the telegram group - t.me/PrincessDiana_Q

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ded027  No.17129093










Munchousen by proxy. this woman wanted her child to die for attention. They all do at this point.

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4ce7f9  No.17129097

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2b3a75  No.17129099

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600cbb  No.17129104










That premise is unbelievable. If anything happens in a small town the first thing that happens is the school locks down. A 12 minute gun fight in the school yard (following a shooting a few blocks away and possible police chase) and the Principal/custodian/teacher/EA doesn't take the time to lock the outside doors on the school? Not buying what they are selling.

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6ad7c4  No.17129107

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dd9474  No.17129108











i don't know anyone watching Lez, so there are no opinions being changed out this way ; anyone that still watches cabal TV is an idiot and a lost cause

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a47d7c  No.17129112

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c1cab7  No.17129118

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6ebc06  No.17129119

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db1ae6  No.17129120










cuck yo family firechat tales of pedo and incest long ago - its sickening

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60d029  No.17129125









China Faces Power Shortage As Heatwave Pushes Demand To Record

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said this week that China should increase its coal production capacity in order to prevent power outages, as the northern and central parts of the country are baking in a heatwave that is driving power consumption to record levels.

China needs to “resolutely prevent power outages,” the premier was quoted as saying on Tuesday while a heatwave sweeps through northern and central China, while heavy rain in the southern provinces is flooding cities, including in the most populous province, Guangdong.

Consumers are cranking up air conditioning in the north, driving power demand in China to records, and threatening to overwhelm the Chinese power grid again.

China has significantly boosted its coal production in recent months, following government orders for more coal supply. Faced with power shortages last autumn, Chinese authorities ordered an increase in domestic coal production as global coal prices soared.

In March, China’s daily coal production hit a record high as it jumped by 15 percent compared to March 2021.

However, Chinese miners are looking to meet the required quantity regardless of the quality, which is often low and less efficient when burnt at coal-fired power stations.

So, despite a boom in coal production in recent months, China could experience another power crunch this summer as miners race to meet government targets with lower-quality coal, analysts and traders told Reuters earlier this week.

China has put more emphasis on energy security in recent months. Earlier this year, China said it would continue to maximize the use of coal in the coming years as it caters to its energy security, despite pledges to contribute to global efforts to reduce emissions.

China is concerned about its energy security after the autumn 2021 power crisis and, most recently, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which pushed energy commodity prices sky-high.


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366b56  No.17129131











To make our communities safer.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


4 (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the

5 ‘‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act’’


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232fdb  No.17129145










Anons its been pointed out by an astute anons that Cuck Todd invited a dead man, he didn’t interview him unless he’s psychic but that wouldnt be televised. It was fun while it lasted thinking Cuck interviewed a dead man.

Carry on, but still have fun with it that Cuck’s staff didnt check or know he was dead!

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0d857e  No.17129147











I meant he said " Vice making ME Blush" Talking about QAnon. Maybe he is QAnon because There is Q and Anons but not…

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e3d10e  No.17129157

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d4739d  No.17129165










It's the 'JEWS!'

The Synagogue of Satan

Mr Bond got 10 years jail (((from the Synagogue))) for a song… how is that right?

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f95bf8  No.17129168

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d3eefd  No.17129169










>I don't think I'm going to make it through this day.

Pray that you don't, kek.

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c3d2dd  No.17129174

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18e92c  No.17129175

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58cb3d  No.17129181









never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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53fa59  No.17129187

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e979ef  No.17129200










You gotta just check this sh*t out…its unreal.

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44909d  No.17129209

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a21edf  No.17129210










I was seriously hoping the DJT image would smack the shit out of it.

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75ed01  No.17129211

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e30794  No.17129212










>“I’m a Very Catholic Person” and I Believe in a Woman’s Right to Choose

non answers & wrap up smears are all she knows.

While all answers are replies, not all replies are answers.

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64f61c  No.17129216

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cae6ef  No.17129218










Kek, can't claim credit for the leaf.. just snipin frog art online and kekifying

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092d97  No.17129226

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4a23f3  No.17129228









Baltimore mayor pledges to make city abortion ‘haven’ with the help of George Soros

Democrats want to compensate for the loss of Roe by subsidizing travel from pro-life states to pro-abortion ones.

…One such state is Maryland, where the Baltimore Sun reports that Baltimore’s Democrat Mayor Brandon Scott and the Baltimore chapter of Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI) have pledged $300,000 and $250,000, respectively, to the Baltimore Civic Fund, which will provide grants to abortion organizations preparing for an influx of out-of-state abortion seekers.


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cc404c  No.17129236

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1f26ff  No.17129240

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90f8f5  No.17129242

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477667  No.17129248










>Just like the Military does Basic Training.

The military plans to build "Safe Spaces" for new recruits. Babylonbee could have fun with that one.

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92e17d  No.17129250











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85edcf  No.17129253










>you need two to dance, and for now the United States is engaged in break dancing

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8b2b60  No.17129259

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8c1a07  No.17129262










>But it is all part of the process of "showing them"

People that use that as part of their reasoning are a total clown show. Gluttons for punishment. Once I know something is a fraud, I'm not going to participate unless I know the fraudulent aspects have been corrected…whether it's voting, or anything else for that matter.

>When will people finally say, enough is enough, the System is rotten to the core?

They won't. It's that whole "gluttons for punishment" thing I mentioned.

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6f5e70  No.17129264

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2229b6  No.17129274

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edec41  No.17129275

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258b1e  No.17129282

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af4d30  No.17129286

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29b535  No.17129291

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fc0fc2  No.17129293

File: 1feefd252cf9158⋯.png (109.99 KB, 530x460, 53:46, pepe_ponder.png)


So… we are in the most important war in humanity ever and you didn't expect something like this could be possible?

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e6bdc6  No.17129294









You’ve to read this 23 post thread by Dr. Margot Cleveland on Durham revelations, too much to post but fascinating.

Dear Dr. Cleveland, I love your articles and tweets, they are chock full of insights, but would ypu break it down in separate articles and posts, they are too long for short attention spans. Kekkity


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8b5dd5  No.17129299

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1d548a  No.17129305










Larp or not.

If it raises an awakening to to down n out the ds.

Realist f7cking larp I eva played.


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258b1e  No.17129306










It was "I" not we, and;

your asshole is faggot



>pic rel


welcome to the last 72 hours

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329ca3  No.17129313

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e04c14  No.17129314










CNN suffers biggest ratings dip in SEVEN YEARS: Viewers plummet 13% in June in largest freefall since 2015 despite new CEO Chris Licht vowing to turn the network away from 'extremes'

The network, promised by Licht to 'go a different way' during a time 'where extremes are dominating cable news' appear to still be in the tank

Despite the hearings, which drew tens of millions of viewers across multiple networks, CNN actually had fewer viewers in June than it did in May

CNN drew an average of just 654,000 viewers in primetime in June and 487,000 for the entire newsday, down one and three percent respectively

During the committee hearings week of June 13-19, the network averaged just 480,000 viewers, the network's worst ratings week since November 2015

Overall, June 2022 was the lowest-rated month for 24-hour viewership on CNN since July 2015

By contrast, MSNBC - which had the highest ratings for the hearings on cable - averaged 1.28million viewers in primetime, up 26 percent from May

Fox News also had a better second quarter than they did in 2021

By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com

Published: 14:11 EDT, 1 July 2022 | Updated: 14:41 EDT, 1 July 2022

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c3fb2b  No.17129321

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ae9dd3  No.17129322










interesting. Is that the same post office Trump bought and just recently sold i think it was the Hotel right?

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f6336a  No.17129324










Russia is now weakened from battling the mighty Ukraine army.


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564fac  No.17129333

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4685c5  No.17129338










is there anything he can run for for those two years prior to 2024?

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2d3ea9  No.17129339










a small logic question for you.

If Q posted that in 2020. and according to you Q is back in 2022, then why are you posting from 2020 still since this is 2022.

with 1pbtid I think I know the answer.

I'm gona be right about this.

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290b39  No.17129349












"Formation of'clean' boardpossible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards."

'clean' board

violated by rouge BV post is not 'clean'


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790920  No.17129355

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4ba325  No.17129356

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9e05f6  No.17129361

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02c827  No.17129365

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776c96  No.17129369

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01de6b  No.17129378

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ffa7ba  No.17129380










you're getting angry at the symptom, corrupt corporations, not the cause.

These corporations didn't corrupt themselves.

Disney for instance was a great company until jewish pedos took it over. Walt Disney said specifically he didn't want jews in charge of his company. When that switch over happened the movies started getting corrupted over time even now where Disney is explicitly pro pedo and child grooming. It won't be long until they are just making gay child porn.

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0c9990  No.17129386

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d47cae  No.17129390

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c1ba88  No.17129397











(from pb Notables, #22029)


>California gun owners have been put at risk by the Attorney General’s office after a new dashboard leaked their personal information.


Headline seems backwards!

If the homes which are guarded by weaponry are pointed out to those who want easy money…

Doesn't it seem like the homes WITHOUT guns will be the ones broken into?

Leaking this list does seem like bad news for some, agreed.

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2489aa  No.17129398

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3bc280  No.17129399










>Remembered their oaths

Didn't I just give a discourse on Tzabaoth?

>That includes these words that come out of our fingertips. God bless in Jesus name.

Didn't I just give proofs about my fingertips?

Does anyone have the picture of the Statue of Liberty with the Lightning strike from a previous board today that says the words "Biblical" ? Can you do a comparison to this pic. Does anyone see the finger in the cloudy part adjacent to the finger on the left?

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3fe372  No.17129411










That drop is one of a few where Q essentially states be out on the battlefield and not solely on QR.

Being exclusively on this platform in 2022 and preaching SSDD to the choir is no longer as important as that is at this stage in The Plan.

Of course, the JimWorship crew considers that to be shilling when it's stated.

Which clearly shows where their priorities are.

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ead7cc  No.17129412

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1e18c6  No.17129416









Outlaw in America from being on Ballot for election or listening to their horse shit arguments. the following….

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist nazist eugenicist fascist psychiatrist psychologist pedoist and identity frauds

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6ed1e0  No.17129423

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4074c2  No.17129427









Trump just endorsed Kevin McCarthy America is better…. lmao.

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8b9e43  No.17129431










I'll still call her Karen!

She's so enganged trying to compare a uterus to a gun – even the attempt is retarded.

If it's sarcasm, she doesn't do well.

She tries to make a good point, but it's still silly.

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ffae1a  No.17129436










Oil Man =>George Bush<=ClA klown


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a08113  No.17129439









>pic related

May God bless you and filter too.

Jesus loves you.

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eb495a  No.17129443

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56ee93  No.17129448

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0c9990  No.17129449










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aec234  No.17129450










What is the vaxx produced under Trump is different than what the Biden regime is pumping out?

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f53aee  No.17129459

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dfd07d  No.17129461

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18da2a  No.17129465









When everything else is batshit crazy people need a place that just keeps rolling and is not disrupted by the batshit crazy.

Q Research is such a place.

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a5cbe4  No.17129467











Their precious Anti Q Op has imploded and they don't know how to cope.

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3b83cb  No.17129477










Treat them any way you desire. I'm pissing myself laughing a the freak-outs over them

Egads! I may have to tune in to Mad Cow to see if she says anything about the "Great QAnon Terror is BAAAAAAACK!"

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2b993e  No.17129478










identity theft in memes are belong to us

Genesis 25:25-26 KJV

25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.


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b42c10  No.17129479









The Great Conjunction Parade is Upon us

Watch for the Sign

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abe1f8  No.17129481

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de07e0  No.17129490

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c317f3  No.17129494










don't worry. its all fake based off debt. class action fraud case.

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5f757d  No.17129496










These notables are fucking disgraceful.

If the same Baker is still baking, STOP right this instant and give the bread to another, more qualified Baker. One who won’t throw together notables into a bun and just name it whatever lazy shit they want.

Man, I am fucking PISSED OFF rn.

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049f4f  No.17129505










The spooky bit?

In USA RED = right Blue is Left.

Exact opposite here.

We even call our "right wing" party "liberal"

And I think out toilets flush / swirl the other direction also.

It's all just sh!t

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a3b9b2  No.17129507

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7ba9d1  No.17129508

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75a0cc  No.17129512











it's Putin VS NWO

This is round #2 (djt was round #1) imho

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745c6c  No.17129527










the bolsheviks were the most evil rats of the last century.

They were the ones who built the chimney at auswitz, it isn't even connected to anything. They wrote the story of the holocaust after the war was over.

You know how many times it's mentioned in churchills 20 volume history of WW2? not fucking once.

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a6ee4e  No.17129554

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dab8a0  No.17129555

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3170bb  No.17129568









2 New World Orders, both bad → The Great Reset NWO and The Great Awakening NWO, both lead to Luciferian Authoritarianism

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6f07cb  No.17129570










No known original biblical texts exist.

Only copies of copies of heresy exist.

And they are not written in a language that you understand.

Therefor you will have to trust in the accuracy of memory and interpretation skills of men who's names you do not even know.

Proud Christians also have PAIN coming.

God wins.

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aa8363  No.17129577










You may have to lessen the scale, others idea of good, is your idea of poor, we can all be number minds, ya know. My brother was, stats galore, bookies hated him, but cha ching, he cleaned house, and also hated when no one lived up to his views. Cool kid, he was.

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5d69ed  No.17129589

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6e4713  No.17129595

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4befac  No.17129599














How does this information relate to R v W?

How does this all link into the conflict in Ukraine?

Reread old Q posts.

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776c96  No.17129604

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520eef  No.17129610











it's hard to imagine what that even looks like.

The landscape, world wide, will be unrecognizable.

All we have known are lies and corruption and fear.

Hard to grasp, trying to picture it for some hopium but having a difficult time. Thanks for the responses.

Tough day at the office over here, fren.

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79a0f4  No.17129616










>He Will Spurn you in That Day


>and you shall remember

Cultist doompiller runs out of ideas, threatens on behalf of 'He.' Cute. Watch for your feet though, you're beginning to sumble.

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d26339  No.17129621

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d15437  No.17129624

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b7251c  No.17129626

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9be178  No.17129647










>There are problems with capitalism ungoverned.

^^^ this


fuck libertarians who just don’t get it

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e15760  No.17129658










What did Betsy DeVos even do for 4 years?

The Department of Education needs to just go away.

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a251f4  No.17129688

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6256ae  No.17129693










So it’s ok to now discriminate against other human beings… as long as it’s unvaccinated peeps and naysayers of the State.

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dc85d4  No.17129697

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cc0596  No.17129701

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9e65cd  No.17129709










#USAF F-35s 🇺🇸 joined their Dutch 🇳🇱 colleagues to conduct air operations in the Black Sea region recently.

The F-35 fighters flew within the Bulgarian airspace, conducting routine operations and securing




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cd89ba  No.17129736










>the ufo stole its cornerstone before the university got built

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82e7a8  No.17129737











Fauci killed Matthew McConaughey in this movie.

Normies have forgotten and forgiven

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ed9f29  No.17129738










UID changes do not happen when you delete cookies. It happens when IP changes.

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af63cc  No.17129752










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0f644a  No.17129762

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f7c1a5  No.17129764

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9de8e9  No.17129767









David Wilcock once claimed "the cabal has to disclose what they are doing according to their spiritual law and the people do not do anything about it, they are complicit"

I believe him. They are absolutely showing their hand and we are complicit.

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7e2acf  No.17129786

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bd9f2f  No.17129790

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388a58  No.17129794










Hezbollah: Ready if gov. says "Israel" violated maritime borders

Sheikh Naim Qassem, the Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah said on Monday that the Lebanese Resistance is prepared to take appropriate measures against "Israel's" attempts at gas exploration in disputed maritime zones.

In an interview with Reuters, Qassem said that Hezbollah is prepared to take such measures, "including force", as soon as the Lebanese government announces "Israel's" violation of Lebanon's maritime borders.

He further added that "the issue requires a decisive decision from the Lebanese state", saying that Hezbollah "urged the government to hurry up, to set a deadline for itself", and to answer the following questions: Is the ship in question operating in a disputed region or not? Has the Lebanese government resolved the matter of the borders and the negotiation line or not?

Sheikh Naim Qassem's statement came a day after a vessel operated by the London-based Energean arrived to develop a gas field known as Karish. Lebanon says the Karish gas field lies within a disputed area.

The head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Hashem Safi Al-Din, had said on Sunday that Lebanon has the ability and effectiveness to extract its gas and oil, away from all means of pressure that some Lebanese fear.

During a religious ceremony held in South Lebanon, Safi Al-Din pointed out that the United States is the main player against Lebanon extracting its oil wealth.

The Hezbollah official stressed that the Lebanese state should officially and clearly point to its borders and mark the disputed areas, because only then can the Lebanese come together with their resistance, army, and people to claim their rights, whether the US likes it or not.

"Israel" fears Hezbollah response to Karish gas extraction attempts

Israeli media reported Monday that the IOF is anticipating Hezbollah’s possible response to the placement of the new Energean platform in the Karish field, a contested maritime zone, to extract gas. On Sunday, the new platform was installed, at a distance of 80km away from Haifa, by the British-Greek exploration company Energen.

Israeli government-funded Kan TV channel said that these preparations come in light of the Lebanese warnings against any Israeli "aggressive action" in the disputed waters.

The Israeli channel stated that the occupation security services conducted a session to assess the situation after the Energean platform left the port of Singapore, heading to occupied Palestine last May.

Furthermore, media sources reported that agreements signed between "Israel" and Energean stipulate that the security measures of the platform fall within the company's responsibilities, while the maritime security of the Karish field falls on the shoulders of the IOF.

Additionally, the Israeli occupation navy is preparing to secure the area by means of naval vessels situated both above and below the surface of the sea, including submarines. The IOF also pointed out that they are "working to transfer the Iron Dome system in its naval version to the region."

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46d01f  No.17129805

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688641  No.17129812

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fe8432  No.17129819

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054178  No.17129843

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13689a  No.17129858









Do You Feel Useless? Do Something Useful.

Do You Feel Worthless? " " Worthwhile.

Do You Feel Upset? Become Balanced.

You see… we only get through this life TOGETHER. The only way to break the chains of evil is to tell it to get the fuck behind thee!

Otherwise it is an endless game of gotcha, trivia, academia, which through the catalyst of division and hate evolve into theft, rape, and murder.

The Devil doesn't want you to live, he wants you to die. Now or Later using his tools of guilt, shame, malice, projection, or sin, and the wages of Sin is Death.

I buried a lot of good friends over the years and fell into the trap of PTSD and Survivor's Guilt. I wondered why God would allow me to live through all of the worst of Humanity's capacity for evil. Now I know. JESUS SAVED ME.

Forgiveness is the Lesser Redemption. Eternal Life is the Greatest Redemption of Resurrection.




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2fddef  No.17129859

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842ec2  No.17129865











Q posted on December 8 2020 and June 24 2022, those aren't dark days. He was dark exactly 562 days. Now slap yourself.

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cf8bcb  No.17129868

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e8899f  No.17129875

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415034  No.17129876

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90e0fd  No.17129884

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7a10c2  No.17129887












on petition for writ of certiorari to the supreme judicial court of massachusetts

No. 14–10078. Decided March 21, 2016

 Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins, concurring in the judgment.

 After a “bad altercation” with an abusive boyfriend put her in the hospital, Jaime Caetano found herself homeless and “in fear for [her] life.” Tr. 31, 38 (July 10, 2013). She obtained multiple restraining orders against her abuser, but they proved futile. So when a friend offered her a stun gun “for self-defense against [her] former boy friend,” 470 Mass. 774, 776, 26 N. E. 3d 688, 690 (2015), Caetano accepted the weapon.

 It is a good thing she did. One night after leaving work, Caetano found her ex-boyfriend “waiting for [her] outside.” Tr. 35. He “started screaming” that she was “not gonna [expletive deleted] work at this place” any more because she “should be home with the kids” they had together. Ibid. Caetano’s abuser towered over her by nearly a foot and outweighed her by close to 100 pounds. But she didn’t need physical strength to protect herself. She stood her ground, displayed the stun gun, and announced: “I’m not gonna take this anymore. . . . I don’t wanna have to [use the stun gun on] you, but if you don’t leave me alone, I’m gonna have to.” Id., at 35–36. The gambit worked. The ex-boyfriend “got scared and he left [her] alone.” Id., at 36.

 It is settled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms that applies against both the Federal Government and the States. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570 (2008); McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010). That right vindicates the “basic right” of “individual self-defense.” Id., at 767; see Heller, supra, at 599, 628. Caetano’s encounter with her violent ex-boyfriend illustrates the connection between those fundamental rights: By arming herself, Caetano was able to protect against a physical threat that restraining orders had proved useless to prevent. And, commendably, she did so by using a weapon that posed little, if any, danger of permanently harming either herself or the father of her children.

 Under Massachusetts law, however, Caetano’s mere possession of the stun gun that may have saved her life made her a criminal. See Mass. Gen. Laws, ch. 140, §131J (2014). When police later discovered the weapon, she was arrested, tried, and convicted. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court affirmed the conviction, holding that a stun gun “is not the type of weapon that is eligible for Second Amendment protection” because it was “not in common use at the time of [the Second Amendment’s] enactment.” 470 Mass., at 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 693.

 This reasoning defies our decision in Heller, which rejected as “bordering on the frivolous” the argument “that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.” 554 U. S., at 582. The decision below also does a grave disservice to vulnerable individuals like Caetano who must defend themselves because the State will not.

 The events leading to Caetano’s prosecution occurred sometime after the confrontation between her

 A subsequent bench trial established the following undisputed facts. The parties stipulated that Caetano possessed the stun gun and that the weapon fell within the statute’s prohibition.2 The Commonwealth also did not challenge Caetano’s testimony that she possessed the weapon to defend herself against the violent ex-boyfriend. Indeed, the prosecutor urged the court “to believe the defendant.” Tr. 40. The trial court nonetheless found Caetano guilty, and she appealed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

 TheSupreme Judicial Court rejected Caetano’s Second Amendment claim, holding that “a stun gun is not the type of weapon that is eligible for Second Amendment protection.”

 Although the Supreme Judicial Court professed to apply Heller, each step of its analysis defied Heller’s reasoning.

 The state court repeatedly framed the question before it as whether a particular weapon was “ ‘in common use at the time’ of enactment of the Second Amendment.” 470 Mass., at 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 693; see also id., at 779, 780, 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 692, 693, 694. In Heller, we emphatically rejected such a formulation. We found the argument “that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment” not merely wrong, but “bordering on the frivolous.” 554 U. S., at 582. Instead, we held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.” Ibid.


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d89375  No.17129891










I hear the fake news media and human traffickers throwing mf tantrum.

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c4bf6f  No.17129896

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f0a50e  No.17129899











March 26, 2014 in Brussels to EU and NATO. (see screenshot)


It was clipped to make it sound differently than what he said and spread across facebook.

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feb0a0  No.17129910

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445b30  No.17129916










Damn it Richard

Stop with this nonsense, go make a meme or post a cat video


I’ve been nice but fuck youPilotorb

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2876d6  No.17129926

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f2ce08  No.17129951









Richard Russell Steals a Horizon Air Q400 (Exclusive New Footage)

What You Haven't Seen

169K subscribers

<exclusive new footage

Is there something here anons have not seen before?

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dfe08f  No.17129954









observed tornado

NWS Tornado


Tornado Warning continues for Troy OH, Tipp City OH and West Milton OH until 6:15 PM EDT

6:04 PM · Jun 8, 2022 from Ohio, USA·NWS Tornado Warnings


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4f050d  No.17129960









Does he know Q is the majority of his audience paying attention to his evidence?

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676035  No.17129967









UK National Incident Declared: Vaccinations Urged as Polio Virus Detected in London Sewage

Parents living in London have been told to ensure their children are fully immunised against polio after traces of the disease were found in the capital’s sewage system.

The news comes just two weeks after the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) observed coronavirus vaccination infrastructure should stay in place to ensure other diseases such as polio can be countered in the future.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says it was probably imported to London by someone who was recently vaccinated overseas with a live form of the virus, the BBC reports.

It says the risk is low, but parents should still check the immunisation status of children to ensure they are fully up-to-date.

“Most of the UK population will be protected from vaccination in childhood, but in some communities with low vaccine coverage, individuals may remain at risk,” said Dr Vanessa Saliba, consultant epidemiologist at UKHSA.

Over the past four months, the UKHSA has found the polio virus in samples collected from the Beckton sewage works, which serves a population of four million in north and east London.


Any BS will do to get a needle in your arm

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6b7f56  No.17129978









all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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c16133  No.17129982

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a32e6e  No.17129984









Germany lets trans footballers choose men’s or women’s teams

German football authorities will allow trans players to decide which teams they qualify for

A new declaration from the German football federation (DFB) has stated that transgender, intersex and non-binary players will be given the option of playing for men's or women's teams. It is a move which has come in contrast to various rules in numerous other sports in what is an increasingly hot topic in global sport.

The regulation, which will come into action in the 2022-23 season, was passed on Thursday and will apply to all levels of German football, including youth, futsal and amateur levels to players whose civil status is described as 'diverse' or 'unspecified'.

“It applies to transgender players who can now switch at a self-determined time or remain initially in the team in which they’d been playing previously,” the DFB said in its statement.

“As long as the sporting activity does not affect the health of the person while they are taking medication, the person can take part in the game, which is why the new regulation excludes doping relevance.”


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6ea1ab  No.17129985

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19799c  No.17129996

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cdc329  No.17130004









Utah GOP Rep. Curtis’s Field Director Submits Resignation Following Project Veritas Investigation

Utah GOP Rep. John Curtis’s Field Director Daniel Stephens submitted his resignation following Project Veritas’ investigation.

“I would like to give you my resignation,” Stephens said in a phone call on Wednesday.

Project Veritas on Tuesday evening released shocking undercover footage from inside Utah GOP Congressman John Curtis’s re-election campaign.

According to Curtis’s Campaign Field Director Daniel Stephens, the RINO Rep. hides his views on abortion from voters.

If Roe v Wade is overturned, Utah’s “trigger law” will effectively ban abortion.

Rep. Curtis’s campaign director said the GOP Congressman does not like the trigger laws.

“He has not come out and stated it – that’s the problem when it comes to the Republican primary,” Curtis’s campaign director said. “He Won’t win.”

Stephens said Curtis only ran as a Republican because he believed it would be ineffective to run as a Democrat: “They just won’t vote for you.”

“So it’s voter ignorance?” the PV journalist asked Stephens.

“Yeah,” he said confirming the Congressman uses “voter ignorance to win.”


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f71c91  No.17130014










It's LG…………

And one day you'll find out who insulted…………..

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4b3f7b  No.17130018









AMC / GME / DWAC APES aren't going away. Nobody is selling their stock. APES are buying MORE stock. Wall Street is a war zone until the Hedge Funds are defeated.

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bee697  No.17130037









So just like that, red text shill just disappeared huh?

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330d88  No.17130047

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e0e458  No.17130053









Let's talk about the CHATTER. The pic related is old. In one case it's telling insiders to sell. In another instance on CNBC today, it's telling insiders to buy.

Maxar is the keyhole Sat imagery that sucks balls and put animated tanks in Ukraine.

New Zealand's, Rocket Lab, is another sat components/aerospace company. They have a -188% net profit margin. topkek

Dig on RocketLab, ticker RKLB

It's all coming from the SEO company LANEX


Wells Fargo: Buy space stocks Maxar and Rocket Lab.


Same pic over a year ago.



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7ec0ae  No.17130063

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b75246  No.17130071

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3b2d1a  No.17130078










>DeSantis will be next pres

Just another cog to churn the Hegelian dialectic and get everyone stirred up in the feels

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15fe8c  No.17130098

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1cf26b  No.17130108










At least Hershel "Woody" Williams got to salute a great president who respected our country who did do the right thing for our nation at all costs.


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685ca2  No.17130109

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97a878  No.17130114

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1e0a23  No.17130129










Heroes in New York begging parents not to condemn their precious babies to an early death, but the parents don‘t listen.

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2fc592  No.17130132










With the known corruption levels at Chi FBI, he's probably the coffee boy.

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399041  No.17130135

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388a58  No.17130155










Which social media? The liberal echo chambers?

Textbooks? What textbooks? Written by whom?

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8e6c24  No.17130157

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44909d  No.17130163

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a8a5f0  No.17130165

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eb495a  No.17130189










If it wasn't real the pedokike would sue for defamation.

Since it is real he doesn't want discovery.

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84f592  No.17130191










>Doubt it

they can roll around in their own shit all they want

that's not enough, gotta drag everyone else in

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89b6a1  No.17130193










Military is woke, comped, infiltrated and inadequate at fulfilling their duties of protecting this once great nation. Tyranny will only end with a revolution.

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400d5f  No.17130196











start from your own sorroundings

you will notice effects globally

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1af4b6  No.17130197










i confused her with someone else

could not recognize the photo

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18b88e  No.17130198









Sheriff Judd: Disney is run by pedophiles, ‘arrests are being made’


Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk Country, Florida warned parents that Walt Disney World is run by pedophiles and predators during an interview with WKMG-TV on Sunday, while announcing the results of Operation Child Predator II, which was conducted by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Auburndale Police Department and Winter Haven Police Department.

“What would an operation be — either a pornography investigation or predator operation or human trafficking operation — without a Disney employee? We always have a Disney employee,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WKMG-TV while announcing that Walt Disney World is an active crime scene and arrests are being made.

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daf2e7  No.17130201











>Why IP hop to avoid filters then?

I am being followed everywhere I go now so I think Q is onto me already for shilling his board so I keep hopping IP's like the bunny that I am well I am more like a Kangaroo but the point is I hop and they cannot get me, ssst don't tell anyone!

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74f013  No.17130203










Public Schools are ridiculous.

Start homeschooling.


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83a6aa  No.17130206












>(from lb Notables, #21685)


>I have a couple more graphics on those digits, 4:44:28; 44428 was a pill's digits as well, let me dig that up…

>It's a red pill, kek!

Oops sorry posted too soon, here's the other one! It also links to Merck's new COVID pill, and also guaifenesin, which helps clear phlegm from the airways – meaning, it probably does a MUCH better job than the ventilators do at helping people recover.


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dbc0db  No.17130216

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c15879  No.17130218

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6c26d3  No.17130219

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8dd43a  No.17130220










i love the shitposting. its all i do. its the disrespect. its not that fucking hard to wait a few fucking minutes or seconds ffs. but when one is here to just …..smh, waste time i guess, demoralize, and talk shit, then, protocols mean shit. shrugs. it is the same as it ever was.

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d490fe  No.17130221












absolute morans

If the Earth doesn't connect the "opposite" sides, how would Santa have time to traverse the whole surface in one day?

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b5c008  No.17130225










I saw this meme, but didn't steal it, so I had to draw it from memory.

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390b9d  No.17130233

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83cc69  No.17130243










(/pb) that link anon

I just had all kinds of fun filling in that form on the NYT which asks readers to dox their 'conspiracy theorist' friends…just too much fun.

You can find those forms here if you too want to go play: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/01/technology/disinformation-conspiracy-theories.html

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44da8d  No.17130247










Cut him some slack. He is a homogenized human from the future. Probably stuck here now.

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6e18ff  No.17130248

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8dc2e2  No.17130257

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7fedec  No.17130261










>That's why they demand the right to chop the babies.


All that shit you said before that means to me you don't know a lot of women.

There is one reason they demand the right to dismember their own children. They have turned their back and their hearts and their faces away from GOD.

In this state they are nothing more than animals, and it is only God that can redeem them. There is NO political solution to their problem.

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d13ca9  No.17130266









chris keefer


"Palisades Power Plant was shut down on the same day that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation issued a report saying the U.S. electric grid doesn’t have enough generation capacity & blackouts are almost certain to occur across the country this summer." @pwrhungry


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6ddf50  No.17130267









@ CM / Ron (cc: Jim)

I don’t know what you are planning with this LARP but a few things that you may wish to consider:

Please remember that ‘Q’ cannot endorse any candidate for partisan political office: doing so would be a violation of the Hatch Act:


Q hinted in the past that the swamp had explored the Hatch Act as a potential line of attack (https://qagg.news/?q=hatch+act). However, given the care taken by Q to avoid encouraging readers to vote for a particular candidate, the swamp has not been provided with any ammunition.

It has also not been necessary for Q to encourage Americans to vote in election primaries. It would make no sense whatsoever for Q to return now and make such a request when voter turnout in the 2022 primaries is already at record high levels.

You think a 'Q' endorsement will save your pathetic campaign? You think Trump will endorse you in the general after you compromise their backchannel?

These new drops are pathetic, but it is the message conveyed in this drop is what I find most disturbing:

"Remember your oath" directed @Anons.

Ron, perhaps you should ask your dad on how many occasions during his years of service his commanding officer told him to "remember your oath". No military leader would ever insult their subordinates in this way by calling into question their loyalty to the constitution.

When Q used this expression in the past it was directed at specific people within government who they knew to have been witness to or complicit in traitorous activity. This was Q's way of encouraging them to cooperate/testify in order to redeem themselves and their agency.

The way in which this expression has been used in a recent 'Q' drop is incredibly ignorant and a terrible insult to the patriots who dedicate their time to The Great Awakening. For shame!

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c4bf6f  No.17130271

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72c80e  No.17130275

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200a68  No.17130277









Anybody who has been this big a part of your studies could be a beneficial part of your organization. I don't care who you are.

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f28a6e  No.17130279









corp baker update

Sorry anons, have not been around for nearly a week, getting attacked from all directions, health, finance, family, homelife, tech and even my living space, trying hard to bring things back under control, things are difficult but not impossible.

sent prayers, hard to do this job whilst remaining anonymous without reward. never asked for it, never wanted it,

All anon needs is prayers to help anon to control things spiralling out into chaos.

Send prayer, please!!! In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7

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0aaaae  No.17130282










Dear Q,

Tits or get the fuck out.

Anons infighting has increased exponentially since your post.

You made the mess, so come clean it up.

Tidy the fuckin' ship, asshole.

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5035fa  No.17130285

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200a68  No.17130289

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88b9cf  No.17130295











I used to work in Special Education.

Many Special Needs kids have more than one diagnosis. But Autism is where the money is at, so parents want the doctors to diagnose their kids with Autism.

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