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593560  No.17126600[View All]

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f71c91  No.17130014










It's LG…………

And one day you'll find out who insulted…………..

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4b3f7b  No.17130018









AMC / GME / DWAC APES aren't going away. Nobody is selling their stock. APES are buying MORE stock. Wall Street is a war zone until the Hedge Funds are defeated.

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bee697  No.17130037









So just like that, red text shill just disappeared huh?

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330d88  No.17130047

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e0e458  No.17130053









Let's talk about the CHATTER. The pic related is old. In one case it's telling insiders to sell. In another instance on CNBC today, it's telling insiders to buy.

Maxar is the keyhole Sat imagery that sucks balls and put animated tanks in Ukraine.

New Zealand's, Rocket Lab, is another sat components/aerospace company. They have a -188% net profit margin. topkek

Dig on RocketLab, ticker RKLB

It's all coming from the SEO company LANEX


Wells Fargo: Buy space stocks Maxar and Rocket Lab.


Same pic over a year ago.



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7ec0ae  No.17130063

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b75246  No.17130071

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3b2d1a  No.17130078










>DeSantis will be next pres

Just another cog to churn the Hegelian dialectic and get everyone stirred up in the feels

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15fe8c  No.17130098

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1cf26b  No.17130108










At least Hershel "Woody" Williams got to salute a great president who respected our country who did do the right thing for our nation at all costs.


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685ca2  No.17130109

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97a878  No.17130114

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1e0a23  No.17130129










Heroes in New York begging parents not to condemn their precious babies to an early death, but the parents don‘t listen.

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2fc592  No.17130132










With the known corruption levels at Chi FBI, he's probably the coffee boy.

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399041  No.17130135

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388a58  No.17130155










Which social media? The liberal echo chambers?

Textbooks? What textbooks? Written by whom?

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8e6c24  No.17130157

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44909d  No.17130163

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a8a5f0  No.17130165

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eb495a  No.17130189










If it wasn't real the pedokike would sue for defamation.

Since it is real he doesn't want discovery.

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84f592  No.17130191










>Doubt it

they can roll around in their own shit all they want

that's not enough, gotta drag everyone else in

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89b6a1  No.17130193










Military is woke, comped, infiltrated and inadequate at fulfilling their duties of protecting this once great nation. Tyranny will only end with a revolution.

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400d5f  No.17130196











start from your own sorroundings

you will notice effects globally

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1af4b6  No.17130197










i confused her with someone else

could not recognize the photo

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18b88e  No.17130198









Sheriff Judd: Disney is run by pedophiles, ‘arrests are being made’


Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk Country, Florida warned parents that Walt Disney World is run by pedophiles and predators during an interview with WKMG-TV on Sunday, while announcing the results of Operation Child Predator II, which was conducted by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Auburndale Police Department and Winter Haven Police Department.

“What would an operation be — either a pornography investigation or predator operation or human trafficking operation — without a Disney employee? We always have a Disney employee,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WKMG-TV while announcing that Walt Disney World is an active crime scene and arrests are being made.

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daf2e7  No.17130201











>Why IP hop to avoid filters then?

I am being followed everywhere I go now so I think Q is onto me already for shilling his board so I keep hopping IP's like the bunny that I am well I am more like a Kangaroo but the point is I hop and they cannot get me, ssst don't tell anyone!

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74f013  No.17130203










Public Schools are ridiculous.

Start homeschooling.


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83a6aa  No.17130206












>(from lb Notables, #21685)


>I have a couple more graphics on those digits, 4:44:28; 44428 was a pill's digits as well, let me dig that up…

>It's a red pill, kek!

Oops sorry posted too soon, here's the other one! It also links to Merck's new COVID pill, and also guaifenesin, which helps clear phlegm from the airways – meaning, it probably does a MUCH better job than the ventilators do at helping people recover.


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dbc0db  No.17130216

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c15879  No.17130218

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6c26d3  No.17130219

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8dd43a  No.17130220










i love the shitposting. its all i do. its the disrespect. its not that fucking hard to wait a few fucking minutes or seconds ffs. but when one is here to just …..smh, waste time i guess, demoralize, and talk shit, then, protocols mean shit. shrugs. it is the same as it ever was.

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d490fe  No.17130221












absolute morans

If the Earth doesn't connect the "opposite" sides, how would Santa have time to traverse the whole surface in one day?

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b5c008  No.17130225










I saw this meme, but didn't steal it, so I had to draw it from memory.

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390b9d  No.17130233

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83cc69  No.17130243










(/pb) that link anon

I just had all kinds of fun filling in that form on the NYT which asks readers to dox their 'conspiracy theorist' friends…just too much fun.

You can find those forms here if you too want to go play: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/01/technology/disinformation-conspiracy-theories.html

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44da8d  No.17130247










Cut him some slack. He is a homogenized human from the future. Probably stuck here now.

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6e18ff  No.17130248

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8dc2e2  No.17130257

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7fedec  No.17130261










>That's why they demand the right to chop the babies.


All that shit you said before that means to me you don't know a lot of women.

There is one reason they demand the right to dismember their own children. They have turned their back and their hearts and their faces away from GOD.

In this state they are nothing more than animals, and it is only God that can redeem them. There is NO political solution to their problem.

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d13ca9  No.17130266









chris keefer


"Palisades Power Plant was shut down on the same day that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation issued a report saying the U.S. electric grid doesn’t have enough generation capacity & blackouts are almost certain to occur across the country this summer." @pwrhungry


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6ddf50  No.17130267









@ CM / Ron (cc: Jim)

I don’t know what you are planning with this LARP but a few things that you may wish to consider:

Please remember that ‘Q’ cannot endorse any candidate for partisan political office: doing so would be a violation of the Hatch Act:


Q hinted in the past that the swamp had explored the Hatch Act as a potential line of attack (https://qagg.news/?q=hatch+act). However, given the care taken by Q to avoid encouraging readers to vote for a particular candidate, the swamp has not been provided with any ammunition.

It has also not been necessary for Q to encourage Americans to vote in election primaries. It would make no sense whatsoever for Q to return now and make such a request when voter turnout in the 2022 primaries is already at record high levels.

You think a 'Q' endorsement will save your pathetic campaign? You think Trump will endorse you in the general after you compromise their backchannel?

These new drops are pathetic, but it is the message conveyed in this drop is what I find most disturbing:

"Remember your oath" directed @Anons.

Ron, perhaps you should ask your dad on how many occasions during his years of service his commanding officer told him to "remember your oath". No military leader would ever insult their subordinates in this way by calling into question their loyalty to the constitution.

When Q used this expression in the past it was directed at specific people within government who they knew to have been witness to or complicit in traitorous activity. This was Q's way of encouraging them to cooperate/testify in order to redeem themselves and their agency.

The way in which this expression has been used in a recent 'Q' drop is incredibly ignorant and a terrible insult to the patriots who dedicate their time to The Great Awakening. For shame!

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c4bf6f  No.17130271

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72c80e  No.17130275

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200a68  No.17130277









Anybody who has been this big a part of your studies could be a beneficial part of your organization. I don't care who you are.

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f28a6e  No.17130279









corp baker update

Sorry anons, have not been around for nearly a week, getting attacked from all directions, health, finance, family, homelife, tech and even my living space, trying hard to bring things back under control, things are difficult but not impossible.

sent prayers, hard to do this job whilst remaining anonymous without reward. never asked for it, never wanted it,

All anon needs is prayers to help anon to control things spiralling out into chaos.

Send prayer, please!!! In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7

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0aaaae  No.17130282










Dear Q,

Tits or get the fuck out.

Anons infighting has increased exponentially since your post.

You made the mess, so come clean it up.

Tidy the fuckin' ship, asshole.

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5035fa  No.17130285

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200a68  No.17130289

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88b9cf  No.17130295











I used to work in Special Education.

Many Special Needs kids have more than one diagnosis. But Autism is where the money is at, so parents want the doctors to diagnose their kids with Autism.

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