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e13125  No.17124727[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Find Q drops here

Qresear.ch/q-posts, Qanon.pub, Qalerts.pub, OperationQ.pub. Qposts.online, 8kun.top/qresearch/, qposts.html, qaggregator.news/, Qalerts.app, Qalerts.net, douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm, we-go-all.net/q.html

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Board

>>15406428 Dough Resources thread (see below for specifics)

New to QR?

>>15406810 Overview | >>16085354 Intro thread | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow


>>15557963 International | >>16949985 Dedicated

>>16093637 Q Encyclopedia by ArchiveAnon | >>16092925 Q Video Archive by ArchiveAnon

Join Us

>>15473043 , >>15492930, >>15600441 LEARN TO BAKE | >>15406808, >>15406802, >>15406811 LEARN TO WARFARE

>>15406820 Meme Requests

TOR Access

TOR URL: http://8kun.top.vanwaup4xd5ygeil3plukqli2uw7llff5ek4t52w4usgytj3uztpccad.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

TOR Banner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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023a84  No.17124732










Baa hahahahahahaha! Anon's been waiting for that copy pasta to turn up! Good Times!

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6c3bd6  No.17124733













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7b39fe  No.17124734










Also, anger is of a low vibrational nature, anon, which we all experience. Your anger manifested "solid" wall and hand.

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b15b26  No.17124736

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552b54  No.17124737









NEWS | April 20, 2022

NRL Conducts Successful Terrestrial Microwave Power Beaming Demonstration

By Paul Cage, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Corporate Communications

WASHINGTON – A team of researchers from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory recently demonstrated the feasibility of terrestrial microwave power beaming by transmitting 1.6 kilowatts of power over 1 kilometer (km) at the U.S. Army Research Field in Blossom Point, Md., the most significant power beaming demonstration in nearly 50 years.



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4f29fa  No.17124738

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c64537  No.17124740










Anyone Q told you to trust, yeah, hate to break it to you. Also, trust Q.

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45af93  No.17124742










Yes.. we know Faux is controlled opposition propaganda media.

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b39a4a  No.17124744









Speaker Pelosi Declines To Endorse Biden's Proposed Gas Tax Holiday


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f976ad  No.17124748











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c2a30e  No.17124750










… perceived optics gives some people stuff to talk about at this time. The noise and mumbo jumbo will pass.

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053805  No.17124754










I always heard it told with the items being in the finial on top of the pole.

Minus the gun.

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e0943f  No.17124757










I mean, they are living cells. How/why does that even need to be defined? They are animated, with intrinsic purpose(to continue to live).

Single celled organisms are also alive.

The relevant distinction is not how complex the living organism is/isn't. We kill living things(simple and complex alike) all the time, everyday, and don't consider those actions murder.

The relevant distinction is that the life is human, and killing that life is(should be) categorically(legally) murder.

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cf4fbc  No.17124758

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071451  No.17124760

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bbe9d3  No.17124761









America was great and beautiful before the blacks and whites came here and fucked up everything. Ship them all back to where they came from. Give us back our land. Really make America great again.

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12efec  No.17124768

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1265a3  No.17124769

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0706fa  No.17124772










Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [03.07.22 19:16]

[Forwarded from Benny Johnson]

[ Photo ]

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Independence Day with a special 4th of July episode of The Benny Show LIVE with Kash Patel.

Tune in at 11am ET tomorrow!

Watch on Facebook: facebook.com/bennyjohnson

Watch on YouTube: youtube.com/c/bennyjohnson

Watch on Rumble: rumble.com/c/BennyJohnson

Listen on The Benny Show Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-benny-show/id1584730781

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65ed46  No.17124773

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a29c3b  No.17124774










it's not a tweet, it's an article, didn't want to cut the text.

but here you are - with date and time:

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2d81a8  No.17124776

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997e2d  No.17124785










pop control.

for the next generation or more, until the world population is reduced to a controllable 500 million.

Technocracy must die!

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19ff58  No.17124787

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4b53f9  No.17124788









Warned you. And I wasn’t playing a game. You decided that you liked the bullshit happening here more than what was happening in real life. You are gonna pay for it

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8d5a48  No.17124789

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949f68  No.17124792

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4c2c01  No.17124802










Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [03.07.22 13:00]

[ Photo ]

STUNNER : The Atlantic magazine admits that Soros-backed pro-crime DA’s and ‘Defund the Police’ Mayors /City Councils turn our great American cities into living hell-holes of chaos and anarchy…

The Chic Cosmopolitan Elitists Left realize working class minorities won’t tolerate this and are becoming MAGA


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40a50d  No.17124803









Many studies report that blood type A might predispose one to increased susceptibility of infection with SARS-CoV-2, and type O and Rh-negative blood groups might be protective.

Relationship between blood type and outcomes following COVID-19 infection

Blood type has been identified as a risk factor in many disease processes, ranging from malignancy to venous and arterial thromboembolism. The most widely studied associations, however, have been in the realm of infectious diseases. Blood group antigens play a direct role in infection through various mechanisms. On a molecular level, they can serve as receptors and coreceptors for pathogens; and can also facilitate intracellular uptake of viral particles. Clinically, blood types have been linked to bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections

Eight of 9 studies demonstrated an association between blood type and susceptibility to infection with SARS-CoV-2. Four of these 9 studies also revealed an association with severity of illness. Ray et al [21] found that subjects with type O and Rh-negative blood were protected from viral infection, severe illness, and mortality.

All studies were limited

an increased risk of infection with type A blood.

Four of 5 studies found significant associations with Rh-negative blood grouping. Both Ray et al [21] and Zietz et al [23] found that subjects with Rh-negative blood type were at lower risk of viral infection, severe illness, and mortality after infection. Our study, along with Leaf et al's [19], also found that Rh-negative subjects were at lower risk of infection, but did not find any impact on COVID-19–related illness or mortality. Although overall results might be mixed, there is a consistent theme on Rh-type and susceptibility to COVID-19 infection.

As mentioned previously, Hoiland et al [17] reported an association with blood types A and AB with worse clinical outcomes

Many studies report that blood type A might predispose one to increased susceptibility of infection with SARS-CoV-2, and type O and Rh-negative blood groups might be protective. Although this appears to be an emerging trend, the impact of blood type on clinical outcomes remains unclear.

Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death

Recent evidence suggests blood type may affect risk of severe COVID-19. We used observational healthcare data on 14,112 individuals tested for SARS-CoV-2 with known blood type in the New York Presbyterian (NYP) hospital system to assess the association between ABO and Rh blood types and infection, intubation, and death. We found slightly increased infection prevalence among non-O types. Risk of intubation was decreased among A and increased among AB and B types, compared with type O, while risk of death was increased for type AB and decreased for types A and B. We estimated Rh-negative blood type to have a protective effect for all three outcomes. Our results add to the growing body of evidence suggesting blood type may play a role in COVID-19.

In this study we found evidence for associations between ABO and Rh blood groups and COVID-19. Using data from NYP/CUIMC, we found moderately increased infection prevalence among non-O blood types and among Rh-positive individuals. Intubation risk was increased among AB and B types, and decreased among A and Rh-negative types. Risk of death was slightly increased among type AB individuals and was decreased among types A, B, and Rh-negative types. All estimates were adjusted for patient ancestry using self-reported race and ethnicity. Our results add further evidence to the previously discovered associations between blood types and COVID-19.



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5eea2a  No.17124805










Sell swords have been around since the dawn of war, but the MSM ain't gonna tell you this.

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263739  No.17124806

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fd8f0f  No.17124808









Utah judge temporarily blocks state’s law banning most abortions, says case may go to state Supreme Court

A Utah judge has scheduled a hearing to reevaluate the pro-life law, and has speculated it could go all the way to the state’s Supreme Court.


utah so comp'd

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e13125  No.17124813

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Find Q drops here

Qresear.ch/q-posts, Qanon.pub, Qalerts.pub, OperationQ.pub. Qposts.online, 8kun.top/qresearch/, qposts.html, qaggregator.news/, Qalerts.app, Qalerts.net, douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm, we-go-all.net/q.html

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Board

>>15406428 Dough Resources thread (see below for specifics)

New to QR?

>>15406810 Overview | >>16085354 Intro thread | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow


>>15557963 International | >>16949985 Dedicated

>>16093637 Q Encyclopedia by ArchiveAnon | >>16092925 Q Video Archive by ArchiveAnon

Join Us

>>15473043 , >>15492930, >>15600441 LEARN TO BAKE | >>15406808, >>15406802, >>15406811 LEARN TO WARFARE

>>15406820 Meme Requests

TOR Access

TOR URL: http://8kun.top.vanwaup4xd5ygeil3plukqli2uw7llff5ek4t52w4usgytj3uztpccad.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

TOR Banner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a02aa2  No.17124818









Belief in the Qanon has strengthened - The Grauniad


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c98831  No.17124820










Someone wants to pretend Q never confirmed P= Payseur

The Pope is a puppet.

Rothschild loan to Holy See 1830.

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5ecfb3  No.17124833











Trump always said that they aren't the elite, we are

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a4149e  No.17124836










Next up Freddy returns.

The Gang are getting back together for a reunion tour.

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5c80d2  No.17124837










" In 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada held in R v DLW that Canada's bestiality offences did not prohibit non-penetrative sex acts with animals. "


Whoa. That lousy fuck Trudeau has been Prime Minister since 2015.

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5516e6  No.17124838

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474258  No.17124839

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935096  No.17124840










so DC perkie coi boi office is officially the source of the siths empire , and the courts and senate politicians are owned by same and not the people

gun control

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bd1103  No.17124843










No, nobody took His life from Him, He gave it under His own authority.

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053805  No.17124847

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a13750  No.17124850










>When did the pharoahs resign?

are there still bloodline 'royals'?

there is an Emperor over the Queen, most do not know of.

Are there pyramids in China? Worldwide?

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8892d2  No.17124856










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45af93  No.17124860

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40bcf0  No.17124863

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fd4161  No.17124864










Sie werden einen blackout nutzen um die Wahlen am 11.3 zu stehlen Augen auf Patrioten

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b0ab18  No.17124866









Non-Jews - derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews - are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews.

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787973  No.17124867










It's a kimda standard paper rose given out at the hay festival. I'm sure the bitch didn't make it herself, probably made from some random britbong newspaper

they have a larger version @hayfestival on twatter:


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b15ad8  No.17124868










Oh holy fuck, some dumb retarded romanian roma bitch taking it out on the world for the unfairness she's experienced.

Show your big milky tits, dumbass whore!

You show them all day long. T'is just fair enough you let us have a look too.

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273e89  No.17124873









While waiting two more weeks for the Q larp to die down why not check on Tommy's Garage and take a political/comedy break


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9288ae  No.17124875











Hundreds of NYC prosecutors quitting woke bosses and onerous reforms.

Sixty five assistant district attorneys, or about 12 percent of the staff, have resigned so far this year from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office, up from about 44 through the end of March. During all of 2021, 97 ADAs quit.



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2d81a8  No.17124876

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9e7339  No.17124878










Did your mother upstairs also make you a bastard child? He 13:4

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20a7b9  No.17124879

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a3cde4  No.17124881

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044e9c  No.17124882










Talking to the board.

It's a booby boobie.

11:00 time stamp.

But which president?

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658932  No.17124887

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927de3  No.17124888

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845a9f  No.17124889

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73996b  No.17124890

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3eb43c  No.17124901










Ah, so youre the perfect goy slave, who will willingly accept his enthnic genocide

such a good little white bitch

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e86094  No.17124903











fuck off fag dont be a hard R retard

the real pb's resal shit that all the trucks need that is is short supply NOT FUEL

some kind of mandated shit in the engines

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55a81a  No.17124907









Good morning Patriots

God made us all different for his own reasons

We are NOT the SAME

[They] try to make us alike

Celebrate (YOU)R Uniqueness

Carry on Digital Solders

That is all


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4116d5  No.17124909










No. Mine is right beside me. Thank you for your concern though.

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e478a8  No.17124911

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ce3888  No.17124913

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74eb08  No.17124920











Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/13/2020 18:50:36 ID: 837b64

8kun/qresearch: 9602984


Filename: 3e07cc28e7abb124f6ee16aa2e9edad35b3fe4b6a8f98cfa0fd7bb853162aded.jpg


Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All.

The Flag was carried by Union Soldiers during the Civil War in a fight to abolish slavery [v Confederate Democrats].

The Flag of Lincoln.

It was considered a great honor to be chosen to carry the flag in battle.

The Soldier was unarmed and knew they would most certainly die (as did most who fought), but understood that the fight, that their lives, was worth the cost (self-sacrifice).

They believed in something greater than themselves.

To them, the flag represented a symbol of freedom, of hope, of equality and prosperity.

To disrespect the flag, to kneel, is to disrespect those people who fought and died to provide each and every one of us the rights we are afforded today.

Old Glory knows not what color skin carries her - only that for which it stands - one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Reagan


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c2a2ae  No.17124928

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b44bf3  No.17124929










I recommend adding these posts to Qanon.pub as we did with others verified without the trip code.


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11ea5a  No.17124930









"I really think they want to get rid of our country."

POTUS educating.

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d8f540  No.17124938

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04d94e  No.17124939










Do this (pic related) three times on each side of the word(s) you want to be bold.

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6daa18  No.17124943









pietro benassi

enrico benassi

tahir javide

virginia benassi

fredrico benaso

fishrot files wikileaks

maria serena


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da3a17  No.17124944

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fd8f0f  No.17124945










It gets spoopier than that, but we'll leave it here for now.

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98fa4e  No.17124946










I've been here long enough to understand the operation. I operate a notabled blog and a facebook account as primary social media and understand that the perception of Q to normies is combined with lizard people, spiritual warfare, exposing otherwise unseen unspoken of ,child sex trafficking, large rogue infiltrated sections of government etc etc that most have not fully processed or understand. The need to distance from this operation is likely imperative when it comes to exposing the surface level corruption and criminality that keeps those people in power that will allow us to move beyond that to full awakening

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cb835c  No.17124953

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1c650e  No.17124954









John Durham didn't promise anyone, anything, but just like Bill Barr, he’s a total fraud and part of the Deep State, or is he just incompetent?

Four years + and we're still waiting for Durham…next week, always next week.

Meanwhile, Pelosi has the J6 UNSELECT Committee rocking and rolling in all its fraudulent splendor, along with her 700 political prisoner Patriots still rotting in DC jail.

Q comes back with more riddles, because this is what we want, right?

More riddles, more digging, more memes, and we better not get testy around here about asking for some REAL public action, or we'll be slammed for not trusting the plan.

How long will we be in limbo in this holding pattern?

It’s pretty much a bullshit movie at this point.

Tell me I’m wrong?

You can’t if you’re being honest.

The 2020 election won’t be fixed, we can see that very clearly now.

And if any of us think the 2022 midterms won’t be rigged, you’ll wake up after election day feeling even worse than you did the day after the 2020 election.

It's time for public action, so if Q is real and active as I still believe…

And Trump is still our POTUS as I still believe…

And the Military/White Hats are in control as I still believe…

Then for fuck sakes, let’s get this thing going and take DIRECT and noticeable and VERY public action against evil, against the Globalists, against the Deep State, and against the Cabal.

It’s way past time.

How much of our country will we allow to be destroyed, and so many lives ruined, to wait another day longer?

What will we do when 2022 is the same as 2020?

What then?

Oh, right, we're waiting on Durham.

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758b62  No.17124956

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109b9b  No.17124959

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ec5fe0  No.17124963

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e8fbfc  No.17124970










Nope. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it….

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1eddee  No.17124972














>Chelom Leavitt a

soooo many coincidences

Chelom Leavitt:

Dr. Chelom Eastwood Leavitt grew up in Yakima, Washington with seven sisters and one brother. She attended BYU as an undergraduate in Economics and then went to J. Reuben Clark Law School. One the first day of law school Chelom met David Leavitt and they married after their first year of law school. Chelom practiced family and estate law for years and then returned to get her Master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. In 2010Chelom was invited to be a Fulbright Fellow in Ukraine and teach in Schevshenko University in Kyiv. She also ran a research study in Ukraine on how religious and secular traditions were associated with couple and parent-child relationship well-being.

Chelom Leavitt received her PhD from Penn State. She is an Assistant Professor at Brigham Young University. She studies healthy sexuality in committed relationships and focuses on how mindfulness during sex may be associated with positive outcomes for both men and women. Dr. Leavitt’s work on sexual mindfulness included an intervention to teach couples how to be mindful during sexual experiences. This research taps into how the sexual experience is full of meaning, emotions, as well as physical sensations.

Additionally, Dr. Leavitt’s examines how women experience and contribute to sex differently than men–and that’s great for both women and men! Dr. Leavitt’s recent publications include cross-cultural work on sexual mindfulness, women’s sexual response cycles, and a study examining the role of orgasm in sexual and relational satisfaction for men and women.

Chelom and David Leavitt have been married for 31 years and they have eight children ranging from 29 to 4 years old. Four of their eight children are married and these wonderful couples have brought Chelom and David four granddaughters.

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67b2c9  No.17124977

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71801f  No.17124979

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6e7e70  No.17124985










Why didn't you draw your red line at the jaw bone on both idols, and take into account the Pontif was tanding behind the feet of Musky and that the background is different behind the holy father and the Lord in that photo?

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4003c8  No.17124987

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21a87e  No.17125001










^^^ Why is there always some reddit tier contrarian argument to the fact that our standard of living is going down and prices and shortages are going up?

Are you that brainwashed by liberalism that you cannot see what is really happening here?

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51cb2d  No.17125006

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acaa7d  No.17125007









They are teaching our children sexual and marxist lessons in school (not verbatim), but we have the greatest military…

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ed8a15  No.17125017

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e56bd1  No.17125027











Awakening @jblackwell787 9m ·

Trump’s Social Media Company Subpoenaed by Federal Grand Jury https://www.theepochtimes.com/trumps-social-media-company-subpoenaed-by-federal-grand-jury_4572719.html?utm_campaign=socialshare_gab&utm_source=gab.com

Trump's Social Media Company Subpoenaed by Federal Grand Jury

Former President Donald Trump's social media company, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), has been subpoenaed by a federal …


View Link Feed

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b9f087  No.17125030

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bb8fc8  No.17125031










Russia has about every strategic advantage a country could want.

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2c0673  No.17125041










Hope it all works out for you Anon. Even though it seems Q has abandoned us all, us Anons remain.

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1941ee  No.17125042

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4c2c01  No.17125043










i just meant that last time some of us tried to fight it didn't end well. our brothers and sisters are still in jail.

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b2b1cd  No.17125044










>Update: This morning, Jim Watkins came to the board, told everyone he was incapable of changing the SALT because he was in SoCal and it had to be Q. Less than an hour later Jim Watkins reverted the SALT to it's original form meaning that tripcodes reverted to the their original output before the igorrance of last night happened. Meaning not only did Jim have the ability to change the SALT from Socal, which was done, he lied to everyone in claiming he could & did not.


If it was a regular salt rotate then why did they revert it when they got caught. fucking idiots.

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2c305a  No.17125045









Louisville, Kentucky's' Mayor Greg Fischer (Democrat) was punched by a black guy in his own city tonight


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a29c3b  No.17125049

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3796bd  No.17125052

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01b74b  No.17125053

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e4ac96  No.17125054










"first arrest" will be those who orchestrate these slaughters

details will bring the world to it's knees

unites all of humanity

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9700d1  No.17125057










The 2020 Foreign Aid to School report has Qatar @ contributing to/contracting with US Colleges and Universities @

$2,706,240,869 Billion since 2015/ Cornell -

(caution - huge database)


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cc8a67  No.17125061

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15c076  No.17125063

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7f9aa4  No.17125065









You deserved every bit of it as instead of submit for rebuttal retching heave ho.


I'm glad to hear it. You'd think with all of the excuse us but we just have to say all of this any inkling of thought process would emblem instantly as a roman salute for all seasons like freeze dried crystals you put it on a shelf life and forget about it it's fantastic there's a connect fee of your life if any of this counts which it has to fine.

Well this is where we go our separate ways. But I'm sure all one way street not quite so.

Hail, readmittance that is called readmittance. And it feels so good. Livid veni vidi vici divas two by two kurva two by four while looking at boobs and not necessarily books. Here's looking at you kid.

When it's so uplifting you need a moment to appreciate it.

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a1c197  No.17125067









Fresh Bread


Q Research General #22135: “Trump Derangement Syndrome." Edition

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b44bf3  No.17125069

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21956b  No.17125072

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1fefdf  No.17125075










Q doesn't do predictions. Q does comms. Q does enemy confusion (disinformation is necessary). Q poses questions that make anons think and dig and find truth on their own.

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7d2b0d  No.17125080










Antifa = nazi skinheads

Check the list

Meet the gay groomers

Parents Beware: They’re After Your Children

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3002f6  No.17125082










majority are bots, controlled by jim itself,

a shitpost crew coordinating their narrative on discord and a shitton of red flags around the credibility of a Q post fly on the fan… what would you expect should happen, that didn't happened so far?

At least one person knows a good answer to this.

and by the way, there are no secret comms in those webm's, you can calm your tits.

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2eceef  No.17125085

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423b67  No.17125091

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e0b533  No.17125098

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e91bb6  No.17125104

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27cdda  No.17125105










Jim explained it yesterday, that that user is "Whitelisted".

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0d3f0f  No.17125107










Hmmm, yeah I do see your point there. Odd though that they picked her of all Senators.

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e478a8  No.17125109









"If we don't get it, shut it down"

"If we don't get it, burn it down"

-Pro-abortion/antifa terrorists chanting in DC

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3b6436  No.17125114

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b4ca8e  No.17125117










Would MOSSAD or any malevolent faction ever use such Godly words in the manner written as, pic related, Q drop 4739?

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a3cdcd  No.17125118

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6d098a  No.17125121

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ccb629  No.17125124

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c610e6  No.17125126










Adding To the List

National Task Force on Election Crises

The National Task Force on Election Crises is a left-of-center group that advises state and national officials on securing elections against natural disasters, cyberattacks, and pandemics. While the group is ostensibly non-partisan, most of its members are Democrats and its proposed reforms are generally opposed by Republicans.


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20a7b9  No.17125128









Man I didn't know he died. Two years ago. I'm bummed.



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9679f7  No.17125130









“My fellow [Anons], the Storm is upon us……..”

No sauce on this one Anons, but internal schumann resonance is ULTRA-COMFY!

It feels like the Storm, it feels like the first 150 Q-Posts. THE CLASSICS! National Guard, Upheaveal, and only one way…and GEOTUS…to save us from the abyss right beyond the precipice.

Q 4949 Picture, then See Tucker Carlson live tonight (picture first, then video embedded herein). Looks like Eye of the Storm, with similar/same Flagpole, and similar/same landscape.

Whether Happening, or Two More Weeks, Love to all the Anons, to Q Team, to Q Plus, to the Bakers, to the Helpers, to Wife-Anon without whom I am nothing, and to the most glorious Judeo-Christian week of Supreme Court Liberty this Anon ever thought he would ever see!

The Gael - The Last Of The Mohicans Theme 1 hour [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tjdswqGGVg&list=PLr4E97YzUfEMIr23hzOBmk9mg-z8TDOXj]

7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance, 432 Hz Powerful Healing Frequency, Boost Positive Energy, Meditation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHKTQNDpuQ]

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8892d2  No.17125134

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22a9af  No.17125139

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906da5  No.17125143

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a760f6  No.17125144










So no bribe.

What else?

Threat? fam? Rinos?

pomass + barr + gina = all c_ia

djt keeping enemies close?


birds of feather?

think ja / election win / msgs / shutdown / shutout

who controls djt?

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e14dd1  No.17125147










That's not as fun as my Trump dream

In mine he busted through my door like the Koolaid man, startled, I went straight for my katana, but he was faster.

He grabbed it and threw it out the window so hard is disappeared into the horizon. I looked and him and was like "WTF MAN"

He looked me in the eye and said, "What? You don't use it."

Enraged, I then made a break for my combat knife on the floor, in some last ditch attempt to defend my dignity,

but again he was too fast, he caught my hand before I could reach it, then we locked fingers.

Then I woke up

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ebd71d  No.17125148

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a41b72  No.17125150

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a4fd1c  No.17125151

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787973  No.17125156











> has more on the warning signs that may have been missed.

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47df9f  No.17125158










What about Red Flag Laws where you have to pay to defend yourself…GOP Betrayal

Tucker Carlson slams GOP Traitors who plan to vote for Unconstitutional Red Flag Laws and Mass Amnesty amid a record invasion at the Border

“Has there ever been a more brazen sell-out of any group of voters than what John Cornyn, Mitch McConnell and the rest are doing right now? Talk about subversion…”

This is the greatest sellout in political history.

"First Guns, Now It's Immigration": GOP TX Senator John Cornyn Advances Gun Control Bill, Plans Mass Amnesty Next http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63165


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b68e0c  No.17125167









meme masters can you make a meme

its a womans choice

you chose to have sex no condom you chose to let him cum inside you

you chose not to take the day after pill

choices have consequences

oh my bad forgot consequences for your actions are only for people you dissagree with

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6903ce  No.17125170











Can't blame you

Q is TLDR, rather meme

But Ukraine is the keystone

And the cornered animal

and much moar, I'm sure

Zelenko was born there

Wonder what he knew

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1f7e70  No.17125171










God bless this man, and all veterans who fought and served this great nation.

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89f2d5  No.17125176












>Quick Q…to your knowledge, is the FBI aware of you??? Asking for a reporter friend…

there seems to be very little interest in 'Q', but some amount of worrying about 'Qanon', the "movement"

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aaf062  No.17125177









imagine stalking someone for three years and never sending a dick pic

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809e12  No.17125178










Maybe the students that were pronounced killed were shipped off and are now on a catwalk being displayed to the highest bidder.

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962bcf  No.17125180










honestly you sound like a 1 post cocksucker hanging on BOs nuts. prove me wrong

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701453  No.17125185

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0085e8  No.17125186










I guess it's governments, not corporations (except govts ARE corps), and it's FEED the "Eye".

It would seem pretty much ALL consumption keeps the system/beast alive… so the less, the better.

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21956b  No.17125195

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74cd17  No.17125198

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dbd38b  No.17125208

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32712a  No.17125209










That headline just describes a circle jerk. Anons could write that headline with way fewer words

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19e758  No.17125219










I was just thinking, if there is an underground market for their stem cells or whatever else, I’m sure the price just skyrocketed on them. That’s why their so pissed off. Baby blood just doubled price.

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2c602a  No.17125220

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8dcc8d  No.17125222










Does the popular vote decide Presidential elections?

No, it never has. The ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes are what matter.

Your opinion never mattered.

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8ad2c2  No.17125227











the image and text is about the buffalo shooting

the sleeping masses are seeing things with awake eyes and telling everyone they can. Better late than never.

the video of J6 is not the point of the post

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423ac4  No.17125229











this is a bullet to Corney and Brennon

who was the former agent that Col Mills ran into in London?

don't we know who it was?

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e96cdc  No.17125233










Pride is a sin because all things come from god. To achieve and say wow I’m great, you fail to recognize you were made great by god.

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59108d  No.17125234

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ec7b8b  No.17125246










….Today is the morning on wed July 6 (going to add this to all of my posts for a bit, for clarity)….

It’s a bot recycling old posts.

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5cb1ba  No.17125248

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7b1bdf  No.17125249

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f7cfe3  No.17125250










I remember getting in so much trouble for not going to sleep on Saturday nights in the 70's so I could listen to that show through the heater vent in my room. Sunday morning was spent acting the scenes out with the other in trouble neighborhood kids.

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bf00d8  No.17125251

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74b527  No.17125252










Interesting. Perhaps Cali will make rape legal to boost numbers. I know that is sick but there is always a disproportionate knee jerk reaction from the farthest astray.

The food crisis would put all at unease. Idk.

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d8744a  No.17125253









Glenn Greenwald

JOURNALISTS:That was never an important part of the testimony.

Kekkity, 4 more


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ace3e4  No.17125256









At least 50 dead after gunmen attack worshippers at church in Nigeria

Local media said gunmen had fired at worshippers and detonated explosives at the church. Those killed included women and children.

At least 50 people were killed and others injured after gunmen attacked a Catholic church in Nigeria's Ondo state during mass on Sunday, a doctor and local media reported.

A doctor at a hospital in Owo, a town in the state in Nigeria's southwest, told Reuters that no fewer than 50 bodies had been moved to the FMC (Federal Medical Center) in Owo and to St. Louis Catholic Hospital.

Comments on the attack

President Muhammadu Buhari condemned the attack, calling it "heinous." The identity and motive of the attackers were not immediately clear.

Local media said gunmen had fired at worshippers and detonated explosives at the church. Those killed included women and children.

Funmilayo Ibukun Odunlami, police spokesperson for Ondo state, said only that there had been an incident at the Saint Francis Catholic Church in Owo and said police would issue a further statement soon.

Africa's most populous country has witnessed attacks and kidnappings for ransom by armed gangs, mostly in its northwest. Such attacks are rare in southwestern Nigeria.

Ondo state governor Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu cut short a trip to the capital Abuja and returned to Ondo after the attack. "We shall commit every available resource to hunt down these assailants and make them pay," he said in a statement.

"We shall commit every available resource to hunt down these assailants and make them pay."

Ondo state governor Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu


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ad6eac  No.17125259

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6d5e93  No.17125264










ok lemme stop my Q larping for a second just to let you know that Q has never posted any image with the "Screenshot" filename.

someone prove me wrong.

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5af0a0  No.17125265









Dow drops over 500 points after long weekend as dollar rallies to 19-year high


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af0cfe  No.17125271










kek, checked

they'd prefer the entire world change to suit their fatness, spending billions of dollars to completely cater to them, and countless other billions in marketing to promote and encourage their disgusting fat asses rather than putting forth just a modicum of effort and losing a little weight

they just might find they'd be happier once they put that effort in and saw the results

but in today's throwaway and instant success society, that'd be asking quite a lot of them in their mind

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4e5a98  No.17125272

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1bf41d  No.17125274

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edfb02  No.17125275









Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 12,000 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 800 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 250 distinct beneficial physiological effects. This entire database of 2,666 ncbi-hyperlinked turmeric abstracts can be downloaded as a PDF at our Downloadable Turmeric Document page, and acquired either as a retail item or with 1 GMI-token, for those of you who are already are members and receive them automatically each year or month, depending on your membership plan.

Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications, including:

Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication): A 2008 study published in the journal Drugs in R & D found that a standardized preparation of curcuminoids from Turmeric compared favorably to the drug atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor) on endothelial dysfunction, the underlying pathology of the blood vessels that drives atherosclerosis, in association with reductions in inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients.[i] [For addition curcumin and ‘high cholesterol’ research – 8 abstracts]

Corticosteroids (steroid medications): A 1999 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric, the saffron colored pigment known as curcumin, compared favorably to steroids in the management of chronic anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease.[ii] A 2008 study published in Critical Care Medicine found that curcumin compared favorably to the corticosteroid drug dexamethasone in the animal model as an alternative therapy for protecting lung transplantation-associated injury by down-regulating inflammatory genes.[iii] An earlier 2003 study published in Cancer Letters found the same drug also compared favorably to dexamethasone in a lung ischaemia-repurfusion injury model.[iv] [for additional curcumin and inflammation research – 52 abstracts]

Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants): A 2011 study published in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive behavior in an animal model.[v] [for additional curcumin and depression research – 5 abstracts]

Aspirin (blood thinner): A 1986 in vitro and ex vivo study published in the journal Arzneimittelforschung found that curcumin has anti-platelet and prostacyclin modulating effects compared to aspirin, indicating it may have value in patients prone to vascular thrombosis and requiring anti-arthritis therapy.[vi] [for additional curcumin and anti-platelet research]

Anti-inflammatory Drugs: A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (as well as resveratrol) were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen in exerting anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells.[vii] [for additional curcumin and anti-proliferative research – 15 abstracts]

Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug): A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that curcumin compares favorably with oxaliplatin as an antiproliferative agenet in colorectal cell lines.[viii] [for additional curcumin and colorectal cancer research – 52 abstracts]

Metformin (diabetes drug): A 2009 study published in the journal Biochemitry and Biophysical Research Community explored how curcumin might be valuable in treating diabetes, finding that it activates AMPK (which increases glucose uptake) and suppresses gluconeogenic gene expression (which suppresses glucose production in the liver) in hepatoma cells. Interestingly, they found curcumin to be 500 times to 100,000 times (in the form known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids(THC)) more potent than metformin in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).[ix]

Another way in which turmeric and its components reveal their remarkable therapeutic properties is in research on drug-resistant and multi-drug-resistant cancers. We have two sections on our site dedicated to researching natural and integrative therapies on these topics, and while there are dozens of substances with demonstrable efficacy against these chemotherapy- and radiation-resistant cancers, curcumin tops both lists:


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7f5ef5  No.17125276

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87a6e8  No.17125278

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306ae3  No.17125288









Amid food crisis EU tells Africa to not buy Russia's fertilizer nor to create own as it clashes with 'green goals'

<Mon, 20 Jun 2022 08:43 UTC


The EU has for weeks tried to help its poorer neighbours in Africa and the Middle East to weather the crisis by offering them fresh funds, while trying to convince them EU sanctions against Moscow and Minsk are not to be blamed for the food emergency .

>EU = White Supremacists

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fc7b3a  No.17125290

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bf12f9  No.17125294










If Somalia is independent why did everyone leave and go to Minny fuckin appolis?

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d8da7c  No.17125296

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0f5024  No.17125297

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f61769  No.17125298

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4211dd  No.17125306









1/7/21 AT 1:55 PM EST

Schumer Threatens to Fire Sergeant at Arms Once Dems Control Senate Following Capitol Breach

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced he would fire Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger if he didn't resign by the time Democrats took control of the Senate.

During a Thursday press conference, Senator Lindsey Graham backed Schumer's call for Stenger to resign and called for everyone involved with keeping the Capitol safe to face the consequences for their failures. Had they been in the military, Graham said they would have been relieved of their commands and "most likely court-martialed."…


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5bad63  No.17125307










My Old Twitter Name is Killuminaticou1

The Truht to Jeffrey Epstein





What found real the NYPD and FBI in Epstein Island ?

BOOM Found?

The Real [DECLAS]


Epstein Alive in Israel DUMB

Pedogate is more than just Epstein it is bigger it is deeper go to the end of the rabbit hole what you find is deeper information and new drops This anon is great https://republicbroadcasting.org/news/dhs-insider-cia-and-mossad-behind-dc-pedo-ring-2/… It is the greatest betrayal of America CIA> MOSSAD for Epstein Island


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981a04  No.17125308

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f79a56  No.17125309

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faf8f0  No.17125310









In TX, a large majority of schools have teachers conceal carry already. I just think long guns would be more of a hazard than a help UNLESS that teacher received law or military type training and lots of it.

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cad44d  No.17125312









u.s. air force general names the traitors & plot to destroy america


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02a8df  No.17125315










Any anons have a good "demonic possession" documentary I can watch today?

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dc0c8b  No.17125323










gotta good SIMPLE link for small time buying for us poor oldfags? ty anon

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2d81a8  No.17125325










If you want to be a useful fool at the service of Freemasonry, go and receive your due.

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f0c7ac  No.17125326










> can't post Q's tripcode with the salt rotated, 100% impossible

posts images of Q's tripcode being used

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ca3405  No.17125327

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f90039  No.17125328

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321772  No.17125330










"First rule in government spending - why build one when you can have two at twice the price."

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d1d9ca  No.17125332

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41c489  No.17125333

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288bce  No.17125338

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c9161e  No.17125347

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9460e0  No.17125348










>I justified Q's post

Q doesn't need justification to post?


<I'll stop now.

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4b2687  No.17125349










Sure I would you dumbfuck. The work still carries on. Just because Q isn't posting doesn't mean anons work isn't done. You're somehow trying to use reverse psychology as a means to project and frame that only people posting here are shills. Your mental game is weak so post less and lurk moar.

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c3849c  No.17125350

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1141b2  No.17125351










What do you think trials and tribulations are?

To produce good you have to go through many options which is what is happening.

Can you endure?

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02fd1a  No.17125352

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f5aeff  No.17125353









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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ccd3e2  No.17125354











Posting evidence of their crimes is "hate"


The jokers themselves are the ones full of hate.

I wonder why.

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449627  No.17125357











I agree 100%.

This is why people really need to actually read and/or re-read all q posts.

Reading them in real time since the beginning is something that people shouldn't take for granite either. It helps with noticing the different/reoccurring tones

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009b13  No.17125359










>That guys face looks like a mask.

lots of deep-fakes these days

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8267c6  No.17125361

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6528c2  No.17125368










I have and what you refer to are "tips", typically paid daily.

But the BIG bill comes on the way out.

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c1860d  No.17125375










JaydenX & DeBlasio's Daughter

BTW Jaydens father was a disgraced IBM Silo Commander that was fired…

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d701c2  No.17125377

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d1b689  No.17125379









Dead cat bounce should be incoming any day now…I wonder if it'll coincide with the Supreme Court decisions next week.

>July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

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f0c7ac  No.17125380










My brother Jerry died, and didn't leave his can, kek, the libs were using plastic bags, for a hot second.

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5d3090  No.17125388

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e49ee7  No.17125389










He was in the first wave of Fauci AIDS operation before pharma was able to keep the HIV population alive, just beyond a cure. Darn.

How much is HIV worth per person to pharm for a lifetime?

Oh well, there's more animals out there to kill human

Monkeys, birds, bovines, bacon, bats, and monkeys. Oh my!

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21102c  No.17125391










I stand with President Trump also, he did and will do great things, but he's right, there's no going forward without fixing 2020. And he sense of humor was hilarious and still is.

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90c8e6  No.17125393










Julian Assange on Seth Rich


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17f4bf  No.17125394

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52dcec  No.17125399













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bd32c5  No.17125402

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4dfc80  No.17125403









The U.S. Supreme Court MUST find, reveal, and punish the “Leaker.” Very easy to do - Go to the reporter who received the leak. This is a tremendously serious matter that has never happened, to anywhere near this extent, before. The Court will be compromised and demeaned until this very big problem is solved!


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95152f  No.17125404










>Your posts are Drama of horse shit designed to slide into discusions of nothing that just wreck everyone that plays.

>DEFINETLY DEFINATLY gona filter your shit.

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99fef8  No.17125405










jesus christ.

its so cringe to see you noobz and boomers explain old shit that is common knowledge by now.

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24dd1a  No.17125412












also, The blackout referenced was Q not posting for a while prior to that day jun 03.

these were a series of posts to reconfirm Q.

I worked it out back on Jun 03, but didn't make a graphic or anything.

Did post about it around the time of my warroom big bend post

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e13125  No.17125414


>>17097233, >>17097215, dough

>>17097220 Argentine Minister of Economy almost lynched by an angry crowd in Buenos Aires. Inflation is over 60% and the Argentine people are hungry. - twat

>>17097222 #21278

>>17097225 #21276

>>17097595 Rep. Dan Newhouse, Who Voted to Impeach Trump, Wins Primary in Washington

>>17097595 Rep. Dan Newhouse, Who Voted to Impeach Trump, Wins Primary in Washington - ntd 6th aug 2022

>>17098007 Report: 10 Criminals Arrested Nearly 500 Times, Thanks to New York’s ‘Insane’ Bail Reform

>>17098035 House GOP leader McCarthy: Hunter Biden probe will expand to what US intel chiefs knew - twat

>>17098766 #21277

>>17098772 Leftists Dominate FBI Top 10 Domestic Terror List, Despite Warnings About Far Right

>>17101316 #21279


>>17088260 dough

>>17088224 Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid! - bioclandestine.substack.com

>>17088254 CDC admits goof on COVID vax link to heart inflammation in feds' second recent FOIA botch - justthenews.com

>>17088261 Irish Farmers Outraged Over 25% Emissions Reduction Plan That Will Lead to Herd Culling - naturalblazecom


>>17088277, >>17088291, >>17088340, >>17088347, >>17088370, >>17088379, >>17088401, Gas prices are now down by more than 90 cents a gallon. That’s over seven straight weeks of prices declining. - twat (biden topic)

>>17088302 ‘No justice’: Thousands of NYC child sex abuse cases stalled in courts - nyp

>>17088306 Screenwriter Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia on ‘In The Trenches With Teddy Daniels’ - nationalfile.com

>>17088307, >>17088311, >>17088334, trump rally vid - dan twat and t.s posts with mp4 vid

>>17088313 Vice President Joe Biden Met with CCP-Linked Energy Executives at White - breitbart

>>17088322 France to introduce biometric health cards - reclaimthenet.org

>>17088323 Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that at his meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi on August 5 they reached an agreement to start using the ruble in bilateral trade, the TRT television channel reported: - twat tass.com

>>17088342 Dr. Mike Yeadon (former vice president of Pfizer Concludes that Respiratory Viruses DO NOT Exist - rumble vid

>>17088358, >>17088440, Orlan-10 UAV crews carry out reconnaissance missions to reveal positions of the Ukrainian army - rt.com (nonprofit asset of klauss)

>>17088362 Democrats reckless tax & spend bill will RAISE UR TAXES next yr according to nonpartisan scorekeeper - chuck grassley twat

>>17088363, >>17088381, Fmr. President Trump at CPAC Conference in Texas - cspan (trump sat rally link)

>>17088376 Offsite Bunkers links

>>17088377 17 missing, dozens hurt as fire rages in Cuban oil tank farm - twat

>>17088384 America’s foundation is in the “small places” and “little platoons.- twat pompeo

>>17088387 pelosi topic gwp

>>17088391 Leaving for Dallas now. Wisconsin Rally last night was amazing! - djt t.s post

>>17088405 False, nearly every income level will pay more in federal taxes under this massive tax-and-spend proposal - twat tom fitton

>>17088408 You mean like Hunter? And since you’re so passionate about tax compliance - twat stephen miller

>>17088409 CNN anchor Felicia Taylor arrested after hit-and-run car crash - twat

>>17088413 Idaho — Nine fires broke out overnight, and some of them may have been set on purpose. - ktvb.com

>>17088417 Top Detroit Election Official Says Satellite Voting Centers “Don’t Tabulate” Votes… If True, Why Were Tabulators Delivered to This Detroit Satellite Voting Center In 2020 - gwp

>>17088456 Doctors Criticize Fauci For Saying COVID Vaccines Induce 'Only Temporary' Menstrual Irregularities - zerohedge.com

>>17106939 #21278

Previously Collected

>>17106173 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

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960bec  No.17125417










War Room: Official Telegram Channel, [31.05.22 13:25]


White House Supply Chain Advisor Is a World Economic Forum Climate Change Activist Who Worked at Hunter Biden’s Think Tank.

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4b2687  No.17125426

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f77762  No.17125427

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9679f7  No.17125429










BREAKING: Obama DOJ official Mary McCord a key member of the #SpyGate cabal targeting Trump has been quietly working behind the scenes as an attorney for the Jan. 6 Select Committee


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9644fd  No.17125430











The fact that politicians can get in front of the public and straight up KNOWINGLY LIE is infuriating. They know they are lying, they do it because they know the truth is considered classified at that time, so they take advantage & say ANYTHING they want. Adam Schiff is a perfect example.

It should all be burned down for that reason alone

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073842  No.17125434

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29defb  No.17125438










because time stamps!!!

how many times do you need to hear this?

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315103  No.17125440










Israeli military being spied on via Strava fitness app

Unidentified agents have been spying on Israeli military personnel using the fitness monitoring software Strava, following their movements throughout secret facilities across the country and perhaps seeing them while they travel on official trips.

The operation – the affiliation of which has not been revealed – was able to maintain tabs on persons who were exercising on the grounds by installing phony running "segments" inside military bases, even those who had applied the strongest possible account privacy settings.

In one case, a user running on a top-secret site suspected of having connections to "Israel's" nuclear program could be followed across other military locations and to a foreign nation, according to The Guardian.

FakeReporter, an Israeli intelligence group, revealed that it alerted Strava as soon as they became aware of the spying activity.

Strava's tracking features are intended to enable anybody to create and compete over "segments", which are brief areas of a run or bike ride that may be raced over on a regular basis, such as a long uphill climb on a popular cycling route or a single circle of a park. After uploading a segment through the Strava app, users may define it, but they can also submit GPS records from other products or services.

An anonymous user with the location "Boston, Massachusetts" has put up a series of phony segments spanning a variety of Israeli military institutions, including outposts of intelligence organizations and highly protected locations assumed to be linked with the Israeli nuclear program.

Executive director of Fakereporter, Achiya Schatz, expressed fear over the revelation. Schatz claims that by being able to upload engineered files, "revealing the details of users anywhere in the world, hostile elements have taken one alarming step closer to exploiting a popular app in order to harm the security of citizens and countries alike."

Strava addressed the breach and stated it provides information on its privacy controls but advised that military users simply opt out of its visualization.


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365df2  No.17125442

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bd15cf  No.17125444










If that nigga’s maw turned him in, she gets 2 atta-boys!

All kidding aside, everything matters!

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7f6d83  No.17125445










There are parts of Mexico, Central & South America that look like literal war zones.

Dismembered bodies on display are the norm.

Gang banging & drug/weapon/human trafficking are the #1 revenue earners in those areas.

Just like many of the Federalis & most cops/government officials are just minions of Cartels.

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ca1e97  No.17125446










Archive Anon brings the whole enchilada!

Bless you, Archive Anon. You are one of the greatest among us and history owes you a heavy debt.


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0f426f  No.17125447









Evergrande is officially defaulted according to Citi Bank as of Saturday June 4th. Hundreds of billions $ will get removed from market makers and banks on Monday 7th June #Evergrande #evergrandedefaulted


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a9dde1  No.17125452










Why is Russia associated with a bear

March 03, 2020

The Russian bear became a symbol of Russia through a strange set of circumstances, andthe whole story goes to show that fake news has been around for hundreds of years.

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86722a  No.17125454

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a2a3d5  No.17125455

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44a39e  No.17125458










I think you are wrong for many reasons, the main reason is citizens have to know justice is restored and Trump is back, even for only two years. The combative politics will not change because the Dems start all the combats. So in my soul, I know I will never be truly happy or made whole until he is back. The one thing I want though is for the WH never to be in Washington DC again.

Also, you have no idea on what he is working on behind the scenes, so this is a short sited analysis.

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48e3b9  No.17125462










This kid ROCKS!

Gonna smack the shit outta Ol' Pedo Tommy Hanky-B0y!

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baf89a  No.17125469

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bb13d1  No.17125471









What's the deal with claims about Truth Social banning accounts?

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31618f  No.17125476










Oh yeah, need the aerobics chicks in spandex back on the tv as well

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1f78dc  No.17125480

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817433  No.17125492

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ce2a3b  No.17125501

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3d7e27  No.17125503









Brazilian front-runner slams US billions for Ukraine

Lula calls out the US for arming Kiev amid the baby formula shortage

Brazilian presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called out US President Joe Biden in two campaign speeches this week, citing the $40 billion in military aid Washington has pledged to Ukraine. Lula is polling far ahead of the incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, in the upcoming presidential election.

“Biden, who has never made a speech to give $1 to those who are starving in Africa, announces $40 billion to help Ukraine buy weapons,” Lula said on Wednesday in Porto Alegre. “This can’t be!” he added.

The 76-year-old is the candidate of the leftist Party of Workers (PT), and currently the favorite to win the presidential election in October.

Speaking in Sao Paulo on Tuesday, Lula brought up the $40 billion in another context. How is it possible, he asked, that the world’s supposedly strongest economy is reduced to scouring the globe for baby formula – amid shortages in the US – even as Biden pledges billions in weapons sales to Kiev?

Pelo segundo dia consecutivo, Lula critica ajuda financeira dos EUA para a Ucrânia.Nesta quarta-feira (1), petista criticou diretamente o presidente dos EUA. “Nunca fez um discurso para dar 1 dólar pra quem está morrendo de fome na África”.Assista ▶️ pic.twitter.com/TKzmHY6vR6

— Metrópoles (@Metropoles) June 2, 2022

About half of the $40 billion package is directly earmarked for US weapons headed to Ukraine, while the rest would fund the government in Kiev, replenish the depleted Pentagon stockpiles, and fund US military deployments in Europe. Biden signed it on May 21 after both chambers of Congress passed it with token Republican opposition. The physical bill was flown to Asia, where Biden was visiting at the time, so he could formally attach his signature.

Lula has previously criticized Biden over the conflict in Ukraine, saying the US leader could have prevented it, but instead chose to give a blank check to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The United States has a lot of political clout. And Biden could have avoided [the conflict], not incited it,” Lula said in an interview with Time magazine in early May.


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b01272  No.17125504











I enjoy this explanation.

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9de1a5  No.17125505










Who cares, the fact is half the bread was deleted.

Don’t care to see excuse.

Hidden information period.

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a3d783  No.17125508

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f6ea23  No.17125517

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1badce  No.17125519

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445b23  No.17125520









All the vax manufacturers are guaranteed by your goverment for any damages due to guilty verdicts by vaccine side effects

This is the case in every country that bought vaccines

This is why as soon as your country admits that the vaccines are harmful you are going to see the biggest class action lawsuit in the world

But it will be paid out by your broke government and not by BigPharma and will have to borrow the money from the Central Banks to pay all those lawsuits thus tightening their grip even more

Or go bankrupt (no country that amount of money that will be have to be payed out )

Its not that they tought they could keep the adverse effects hidden

its that they didnt care because our countries will pay for the damages


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565d64  No.17125524

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24461a  No.17125526

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0cc0e5  No.17125528

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940eea  No.17125529









the left has a new orwell-type meme it is "men who have sex with men" instead of gay

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e20e5c  No.17125530










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9ceddf  No.17125537










Access to AC is also not guaranteed, Horton notes. Migrant and farm laborers and those living in energy poverty will have a harder time withstanding these conditions by cooling off indoors, he says.

Matthew Lewis, director of communications at housing advocacy group California YIMBY, noted in a recent Twitter thread that wet bulb temperatures could soon be a factor at the helm of climate migration.

“Many of the places humans currently live on the planet are on their way to being functionally uninhabitable by humans,” he said. “They will have to move.”

Lewis urges states and municipalities to prepare for this eventuality: “Depose the NIMBYs in your city government. Defeat the car-stans who deny that all of this is happening,” Lewis wrote.

He also urges weather broadcasts to include wet bulb indices in temperature announcements “as a matter of public service,” the way some do air quality and humidity metrics. Horton says “feels like” measurements are the closest many forecasts come to this—but units aren’t standardized across weather stations, and this can create confusion.

“The very fact that there isn't one standard that everyone uses, and that most people couldn't explain exactly what these mean suggests that we could do more,” he said.


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25c341  No.17125538










Ask yourself, why do Catholics worship the so called mother of God, who is the image of themselves? Jesus said among those born to women there is none greater than John.

What people did Jesus come to?

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013e64  No.17125547









Where are you my baby, my soul mate, my love? The one noone in the military wanted to fuck.

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8ae737  No.17125548

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092f11  No.17125549









We need to start a containment board for clockfags so real anons don't have to see their bullshti.

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fd3ac6  No.17125550

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f663b5  No.17125555










Which reminded me of this;

SPLC Poll Finds Substantial Support for ‘Great Replacement’ Theory and Other Hard-Right Ideas

They dip their feet in to see which way the wind is blowing, and when they find out it's not in their best interest, they freak out.


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faf8f0  No.17125556

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151aa7  No.17125559

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9fafbe  No.17125563

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cb0472  No.17125565

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d1b172  No.17125566










In the German Reich we say Judenfatzke!

Fatzke = vain, self-absorbed, arrogant person

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1f8ddf  No.17125567

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bd32c5  No.17125568












You know the shills would have a field day with any potential move off kun…like, even if POTUS would declare on TS outright that Q is real kek.

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648ff5  No.17125571










TFW when you unknowingly hook your best friend up with a dominatrix, and they're now engaged to get married in 2 months…

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14107e  No.17125573









Jewish Life Does Not Begin at Conception & Baruch Hashem for Abortion! #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionIsHealthcare

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cf4fbc  No.17125575










>If Sussman had a F_I badge and ran the Perkins Coie F_I portal, doesn't that make him an F_I agent?

Sauce on that, that Sussman had a feeb badge?

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e176db  No.17125576

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8ca9a1  No.17125577










ok keep ignoring everything.. your "Q" referenced a specific case that everyone is talking about and their prediction failed. go on and apply it to another case about remain in mexico LMAO.

i was on your side re: the first fake Q but you're.. delusional at this point. whatever makes you feel better though.

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d2cdd1  No.17125586

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13991a  No.17125587










they are giving up layups to chuck up 3's

the smeltics were 7-7 before that miss

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817433  No.17125589

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d98cfa  No.17125591









Wisconsin shooting: Gunman's targets included political leaders, officials say


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9e7339  No.17125592

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556cdb  No.17125595










Yes, I am baking and noting, I tagged the with hand-off confirmed.

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ca772a  No.17125598

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c1f725  No.17125599

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921a7b  No.17125603









Fresh Bread


Q Research General #22056: Frank Speech, Rsbn, Oann: Interview Ron Watkins Already? Edition

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19e422  No.17125608

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f0c58f  No.17125614

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53e533  No.17125623










You can shove your climate change up your arse.

Greta in fine fettle.

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a2a3d5  No.17125630










Yes. It wouldn't surprise me if it's the last one of the batch to be released.

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b22110  No.17125631

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98853d  No.17125636

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2aa603  No.17125640

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b1512c  No.17125644

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0fc22e  No.17125648










started here:



Richard Citizen Journalist:





A name i found for the guy in the vid was David Lester Straight

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74b0cc  No.17125649

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2f3923  No.17125650










So Joan is ALIVE?!!? I KNEW IT. The plastic surgery was a success and she's still hosting QVC under a different identity. I'm on it….

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91b3cb  No.17125656

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31d7aa  No.17125657










if you are a 'police officer' tasked to enable a child rapist to rape more children you should shoot and kill your 'commanding officer'.

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935a86  No.17125658









Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani who was a figure in President Donald Trump's first impeachment investigation, was sentenced Wednesday to a year and eight months in prison for fraud and campaign finance crimes.


Parnas, 50, had sought leniency on grounds that he’d cooperated with the Congressional probe of Trump and his efforts to get Ukrainian leaders to investigate President Joe Biden’s son.

U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken didn’t give Parnas credit for that assistance, which came only after the Soviet-born businessman was facing criminal charges. But the judge still imposed a sentence lighter than the six years sought by prosecutors.

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34d52f  No.17125660









oh no.

If i only were in the cool discord shitcrew club

i would get my


digits getting checked

How do i get the approvel of OSS and FastJack for their super cool gang boy club on discord?

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b9da92  No.17125661

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459887  No.17125664










You're lying and pathetic, now fuck off with your concern shill bullshit.

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4ed02e  No.17125665

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3205f5  No.17125667









July 4th Weekend: At least 54 Shot Friday into Monday Morning Across Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago(And the day is not over)

AWR Hawkins4 Jul 2022

(This is why Lori is so upset Roe v Wade was overturned, she is the undertaker for Chicago)

At least 54 people were shot, seven of them fatally, Friday into Monday in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Breitbart News noted that 31 people were shot Friday into Sunday morning in Chicago. Four of those 31 shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.

ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times reports the number of shooting victims was at least 54 by Monday morning, with three more shooting fatalities.

The first of those three additional fatal shootings was 29-year-old Keishone Roberts, who was shot and fatally wounded Friday at 5 p.m. He was transported to a hospital where he died.

Minutes later, at 5:45 p.m., 26-year-old was shot and killed “in the 6500-block of South Wolcott Avenue.” He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

One person was shot and killed, and two others shot and wounded, Sunday morning at 5:30 a.m. The deceased was a 24-year-old man who was shot numerous times and pronounced dead at the scene.

Data compiled by the Sun-Times shows 320 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2022, through July 3, 2022.


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572792  No.17125669

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77860d  No.17125673

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805c06  No.17125675

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f93be0  No.17125677

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a55848  No.17125683

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53c641  No.17125687










What country isn't tarnished?

America got flogged after 911. Fat asses. Chomp chomp.

Welcome to the alternate globalist.

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e39fbc  No.17125693









Can someone point me to a clip where Trump actually says Ultra Maga plea? I'm going for a this is sparta kek

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88660f  No.17125694

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77fbef  No.17125697










all that did was bring up all the anal porn mp4s of your mom she sent me. You lied to me!

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605ee2  No.17125698

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e585ff  No.17125699











It's one idiot on gab, not the entire platform (even though it is run by feds).

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bd32c5  No.17125704

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315123  No.17125707

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feddb1  No.17125709










California school board member calls to 'boycott' July 4th

Jessica Chasmar - Yesterday 4:04 PM


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f1aceb  No.17125710

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b25d04  No.17125712










>There's no end to the DUAL system.

Left right left right left right

leoh leoh loe raou rou rou leoh

Duality is ok as long as you realize…what Oneness is.

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c011de  No.17125713

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64ec54  No.17125714

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766dfa  No.17125715









fag ham protests buttplugging on CNN protest of buttplugging during buttplugging riots

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ec4321  No.17125716









Syrian Pro-Government Forces In Al-Suwayda Neutralized US-Affiliated Faction & Killed Its Leader

Syrian pro-government forces in the governorate of al-Suwayda have neutralized an armed faction that worked with the US-led coalition.

On June 8, pro-government forces, with alleged support from the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), launched a special operation to neutralize the faction, known as the Counter Terrorism Force (CTU).

The CTU was established in July of last year by Samir al-Hakim, supposedly to counter terrorists and drug traffickers in al-Suwayda. The faction also established a political wing called the Al Liwa Party. Syrian journalist Malik Abu Khair, who is based in France, was reportedly the mastermind behind the faction.

The armed faction, who presented itself as a pro-democratic force, bragged about coordinating and cooperating with US-led coalition forces in the nearby al-Tanf garrison. With alleged support from the coalition, the faction recruited hundreds of local militants, set up a headquarters and training camps in the town of Khazme in the southeastern countryside of al-Suwayda and began conducting operations against what he claimed to be terrorists and drug traffickers working with Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Over the past year, the CTU abducted, tortured and in at least one case killed civilians. Very recently, the faction announced that it had handed over a local man he accused of cooperating with Hezbollah to US-led coalition forces in al-Tanf.


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d54c83  No.17125724











It's all I can do here

and Watch

Thank you for remembering

it means more than you know


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4d82c9  No.17125725











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19e422  No.17125729










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556cdb  No.17125731









Fort Bragg Deaths STATESIDE Spike (1 Every 3 days) So They Stopped Announcing Soldier Deaths


Fort Bragg quit announcing soldier deaths at the end of July 2021

It’s no wonder. Soldiers were dying there at a rate of 1 every 3 days in August. More Biden corruption.

Congress, on the hand, is concerned with renaming Fort Bragg.

The Army's CRC stopped announcing PLRs for young soldiers collapsing in death for unexplained reasons. We know why.

— Art Vandelay (@tankeroffof) March 6, 2022

I know people who are stationed at Fort Bragg and they don't even fully understand what's happening over there, but from what they've told me it's bad. https://t.co/3rDNhdNGgr

— Grumbler Tikhon (@GrumblerTeecun) June 2, 2022

Mcinerney says 83 Fort Bragg paratroopers died in their sleep after being vaccinated. Who is staunchly fighting against this?https://t.co/Yj3sq7MrLU

— Nathan Lilly (@Sindust777) May 31, 2022

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512978  No.17125734









supposed to be the level above bohemian grove


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3ab603  No.17125743










yep 'funny' how the dirty onion had to cover-up and how the 'fake q' sent it into a frenzy.

now that was a tell.

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43700a  No.17125744










That was one of the most excrutiating things I've ever sat through.

Just spit it out, man!!! Oh my God.

I almost lost consciousness.

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210484  No.17125748










One new law

One new oath

I can fix this in 24 hours. with a new LAW and OATH.

oath: I swear to fight against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist nazist eugenicist fascist pedoist and identity frauds +old oath+ so help me god. Change law to reflect this with some teeth and short time say “24 hours” to wind down connections to these new national security threats the founding fathers missed.

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2c4ebd  No.17125751











Take note of the socialist #BLM Fist in the message.

The Department of Justice Celebrates #Juneteenth!

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7baf5b  No.17125752









Convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has blown the whistle about her close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton in a new court filing.According to Maxwell, the elite sex trafficking ring accomplice of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, she helped "launch and develop" the Clinton Global Initiative.Maxwell appears to be leveraging her connections to Bill Clinton in an effort to get herself a lower sentence for trafficking underage girls for Epstein and his powerful friends.


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df1e05  No.17125758

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3f1e92  No.17125761

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f502ef  No.17125762

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cd9bdc  No.17125763

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cae5c1  No.17125765

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253170  No.17125767










It's a National Security Issue…this should go for water supplies & natural resources…too. No other country should be allowed to buy it…and limit mass murderers like Bill Gates (No One Needs to buy that amount) No monopolies in the US!

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787973  No.17125768










>Russian TV panelists notice that the anti-Russia propagandists promoting hatred against Russians are mostly Jews

Make sure to learn Russian.



Jan 19, 2018 5:42:56 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

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f8e0cc  No.17125774










Q did come back.

I assume they have unfinished business.

Make the most of it.


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113a04  No.17125775












"What is surprising, however, is the fact that in the U.S. there are no actual laws per se — with one exception — that prohibit the consumption of human flesh. In 49 states, you can at least theoretically eat human flesh and drink human blood in full view of a policeman and suffer no legal consequences. But if you try that in Idaho — the one exception — you could spend up to 14 years behind bars."

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f9f5bb  No.17125780










I waited but I Didn't see them do any property damage, so I know that's not a real film

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8629e7  No.17125782

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99fef8  No.17125788

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d56c2d  No.17125797

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969a28  No.17125806

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1197cc  No.17125813










>Dan the man is Live on [FB]



That'll fix everything.

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e7748a  No.17125815










I must admit, I've been feeling a little low lately watching the bodies pile up for the jab… struggling to pay bills etc…

They should have gone after the MSM a lot sooner - the normies all seem to still listen to them.

Oh well, fingers crossed. It's not like we're in a position to do anything else…

The end won't be for everyone.

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f9ae81  No.17125816










>The Ravens will starve means that there are few if any with spiritual eyes to see.


Their presence is traditionally believed to protect The Crown and the Tower; a superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it.

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7db4cb  No.17125817

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7e7d0d  No.17125831









Anons if one anon would go nearly insane, would you rather continue to help or keep pushing him over the edge, in the end you will have to bake the thread yourself and fill up the bread too on your own, because the only outcome if you are doing it right is to become crazy like I am.

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f9ae81  No.17125834

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47622d  No.17125843










Ron sucks, but so does Wendy Rogers…so… they both can get fucked as far as I'm concerned.

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0ebbcb  No.17125846










It was parable.

Soros for instance is a "mighty hunter on the earth"

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5c6ab6  No.17125850

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2c62d9  No.17125851










Kek. I knew he was a playa after that pass to Trump and Trump's GOOOOOAAAAL to Melania.

Just imagine the DS heads exploding as they watched that greatest drop occur in view of the entire World. Word is that the officer carrying the "football" had a real football (soccer ball) under his other arm as he boarded AF1.

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da01d9  No.17125855










Here’s what you need to know:

1. Hutchinson Was an Intern at the Trump White House & She Recently Switched Attorneys

Hutchinson was an intern at the White House under then-President Donald Trump and was a college senior in 2018 when she was interviewed by her student newspaper in an article titled “A Captain in the ‘People’s House.’

“The White House Internship Program is a hands-on opportunity designed to mentor and cultivate young leaders and prepare them for future public service,” the article said. “It is a highly coveted summer gig, with a rigorous screening process.”

“I was brought to tears when I received the email that I had been selected to participate,” she told the newspaper. “As a first-generation college student, being selected to serve as an intern alongside some of the most intelligent and driven students from across the nation — many of whom attend top universities — was an honor and a tremendous growing experience.”

Hutchinson’s LinkedIn page says she studied political science and American studies at Christopher Newport University, a public university in Newport News, Virginia. Her page says she is based in the Washington and Baltimore area.

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349084  No.17125858










But not in Uzbekistan

"At the same time, the people are going absolutely wild in Libya and Uzbekistan. Mass unrest. Uzbek streets are a bloodbath atm. This is related to internal policies.

Edit: CORRECTION: Uzbeks are no longer a member of the CSTO alliance. They can’t seem to make their mind up. They still carry our drills with Russia and expect military cooperation though."


"GRAPHIC — Uzbek Security Forces slaughtering protestors/rioters amid mass unrest in the country’s capital.

When we said bloodbath, we were not exaggerating."


This is bad, really bad. A river of blood in the streets bad. There's several more pics and videos. Graphic.

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3f1e92  No.17125860

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8e1b94  No.17125861










> LOL this is actually pretty funny its laying out out case almost for us.


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f502ef  No.17125868

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e05d2f  No.17125873

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2c602a  No.17125874











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73953c  No.17125876

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cd024d  No.17125878










The next phase is the action phase. action is being taken. we are taking our country back.

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572c0d  No.17125879










0.0 holy shit @ 150


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6e054f  No.17125881










kinda my point Trump himself is calling into doubt the election and says UNTIL it gets Fixed does that imply that people should wait till it gets fixed to participate.

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6c0b43  No.17125882

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92deee  No.17125883

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d900a5  No.17125885

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f05f86  No.17125886









"taking pics backstage."

Wait for the proofs soon anons

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ad40cd  No.17125887










>23:54 [0] Delta

==Q [0] Delta= >>17125505

POTUS [0] Delta= https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885

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f3a7e1  No.17125892

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f70913  No.17125896

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902b1f  No.17125900










[They] made you believe they did. And their hits keep on coming.

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3047b2  No.17125901










soros is the one flooding white countries with niggers, buddy

he literally runs the "open societies" foundation

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10ca63  No.17125903

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85921c  No.17125905











Yeah, mostly a 2019 thing iirc.

Q is attacking me with Top Secret Lasers was the main gist of that one's routine.

They're all low rent district Fake Ferrdys to me tho.

The champ ruined it for all that have followed.

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0a603b  No.17125906

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55a81a  No.17125908

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7e370b  No.17125910










Is that a reflection of someone in the rear window who is not near the window to leave the reflection?

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e39fbc  No.17125913










Ben Garrison Cartoons




Before Resident Biden was selected, the US was energy independent …today Biden is out begging for oil as he keeps domestic energy shut down.

All intentional, which leads to the conclusion that we have America hating communist traitors occupying the WH

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aaf062  No.17125914

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0d7ad2  No.17125915










When you pound the shit out of satan in just the right way.

Shills pour out like skittles.

Enjoy the show

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e4833c  No.17125918

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541687  No.17125920

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bddb7b  No.17125922

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13743b  No.17125924

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753bde  No.17125926










>serve your country again?


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8a038e  No.17125927













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126e76  No.17125931

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3a3f6e  No.17125935









not saying anon believes it but been wondering about this.


BREAKING: Mike Adams called me last night to discuss the preliminary results. He needs a few more days to finalize some parts of the analysis. He’s very thorough he’s doing it right.

It’s not amyloid

It’s not platelets

It’s not protein

It’s not parasites/hydra

It’s not alive, but it is self-assembling

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ae4d7c  No.17125936

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728e20  No.17125938

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e791be  No.17125939










Macron hosts Le Pen, French party leaders to break impasse

French President Emmanuel Macron will visit far-right leader Marine Le Pen and other political party leaders on Tuesday to break the impasse of his coalition's inability to secure a parliamentary majority.

The meetings, which will also involve discussions with right-wing, Socialist, and Communist party leaders, are Macron's first attempts to extricate himself from a predicament that threatens to derail his second-term "reform plans".

Macron is scheduled to begin Tuesday's flurry of talks with Christian Jacob, the chairman of the traditional right-wing Republicans (LR), a party on the decline in recent months but which the President may now seek to give him a majority.

Members of the NUPES left-wing alliance, Socialist Party leader Olivier Faure and Communist Party chief Fabien Roussel, will also visit Macron, though hard-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon is not planned to do so.

Macron allies with rivals

In an unusual meeting, Macron will receive Marine Le Pen, his presidential competitor and head of the far-right National Rally, at 17:30 Paris time (1530 GMT) (RN).

The goal is to "create solutions to serve the French" at a time when there is no "alternative majority" to Macron's ruling alliance, according to a presidential official who requested anonymity.

Representatives of the parliamentary parties will be received separately and sequentially at the Elysee Palace. The outcome of the legislative elections dealt a devastating blow to the President and his "reform plan", threatening a political impasse.

While Macron's Ensemble (Together) alliance is the largest party in the National Assembly following Sunday's elections, it fell dozens of seats short of maintaining the absolute majority it has held for the last five years. Melenchon and Le Pen won significant wins, establishing them as key participants in the upcoming parliament.

Resurgent opposition

The results were seen as a "slap in the face" for Macron by the left-leaning Liberation daily, while the conservative Figaro claimed he was now "fronted with an ungovernable France."

Macron's Together alliance won 245 seats, falling shy of the 289 required for an overall majority, in a low-turnout vote with a 53.77% abstention percentage.

According to Interior Ministry data, NUPES and its allies won 137 seats in the election, making them the strongest opposition group.

However, it looks improbable that the combination of Socialists, Communists, Greens, and France Unbowed will be able to maintain a single cause in the assembly.

Vulnerable premier

Meanwhile, Le Pen's far-right party achieved its best-ever parliamentary victory, becoming the strongest single opposition party with 89 seats, up from eight in the previous house.

A confident Le Pen claimed that her party would demand to chair the National Assembly's vital finance commission, as is normal for the main opposition party.

"The country is not ungovernable, but it's not going to be governed the way Emmanuel Macron wanted," Le Pen told reporters Monday.

Melenchon said he would launch a no-confidence motion against Borne in early July when she is scheduled to lay out her policy priorities for the next five years.

Borne may now be vulnerable as Macron faces a big cabinet reshuffle as a result of the resignations of several of his closest allies.

His health and environment ministers were beaten and had no choice but to resign, as did the house speaker and the head of Macron's parliament group.

Macron's April presidential election triumph, in which he defeated Le Pen and became the first French president to win a second term in nearly two decades, was harmed by the outcome.

What are the possible outcomes?

Macron's choices include attempting to establish a new coalition alliance, implementing legislation based on ad hoc agreements, or even calling new elections.

One possibility is an alliance with the Republicans, who have 61 MPs. However, LR President Jacob has stated that his party aims to "remain in opposition."

Macron had wanted to begin his second term with an ambitious tax-cutting, welfare-reform, and retirement-age increase agenda. All of that is now in doubt.

In a rare piece of good news for the president, Europe Minister Clement Beaune and Public Service Minister Stanislas Guerini, both young cornerstones of his party, won tight parliamentary skirmishes.

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1cd6c4  No.17125940









fucking bakir filling notables with pictures of this canine lover.


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def99d  No.17125942









Information war indeed. Devin is right. Can't count how often I see clowns clowns here scream about their right to post titties and say nigger? Careful who you follow because these clowns will get you to enjoy your servitude while thinking you are fighting for your "rights".

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c0b51e  No.17125943

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1c0ce1  No.17125946











What a shitbag word for a shitbag world

The Pope's title is "His Holiness" and he's Satan's #1 Slavemaster.

"God" created everything equally.

You war against God when you deign any of his creation as "unholy"

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a721a0  No.17125949










One fell off accidently from what I saw and then she removed the other probably rightly thinking it looked stupid during the speech.

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f7edb1  No.17125950

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ecb6d5  No.17125954

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fe57bf  No.17125956










>“The reason we have to do this is because Mr Putin has been the destabilizing influence on the continent. Mr Putin decided to invade a sovereign, neighboring state. Mr Putin is the one who is the aggressor,” Kirby added.

notice they are calling him Mr Putin

He is the President of Russia, official title

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ccd3e2  No.17125957










but when niggers assault Asian, there's nothing.

Are niggers EVER called out on their chimp behaviour?

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162f0e  No.17125960

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df93f9  No.17125965

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ad5d1c  No.17125966










You were less annoying when you red text shill'd about your girlfriend non stop.

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8be1c6  No.17125972










I'm not denying it's a QVC box, what I'm denying is that it's just a coincidence.

The QVC box just happens to be there with the big Q facing outwards behind them while Biden takes pictures with kids in Trump/Maga hats and a Trump "I'll be back" shirt.

It can't be any more obvious Kek.

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0b4811  No.17125973

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45e4f6  No.17125974

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02810d  No.17125975

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b2b1cd  No.17125978










You think I don't know your nigger style? Shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt your big ugly nerdy ass lives for it. I mean you're plotting you retaliation right. Probably pushing buttons on one of your tech toys right now. I SEE YOU WITHOUT AND I DONT NEED ALL OF YOUR BULLSHIT TO DO IT.

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365df2  No.17125979

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8e3dbe  No.17125980










What's this arm/hand pose? Looks like a "six/claw".

I was SO naive when I saw all of this as a kid. Whole damned thing is scripted from beginning to end, every minute (second, possibly) carefully positioned.

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f31f97  No.17125981










Assistants possibly.

Tell Q I ain't playing shit until I get the swag I won last time.

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089df8  No.17125982

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6df12e  No.17125983

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ea7665  No.17125984










I'm not certain, but some photos of her scream man to me.

It also irritates me when almost all the photos I find are these weird from the side shots.

I know quite a few tricks of the Hollywood tranny crews and I know that they photoshop some images.

The last one here is weird, her shoulders are massive.

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57be6b  No.17125986










Shallow to deep side, doesn't seem supernatural, just an animal that knows the score.

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8e6a5b  No.17125987

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41c229  No.17125989










Would be nice if Cern accidentally produces some result that benefits humanity greatly, and ruins and foils the plots of the evil ones, like sucking them into hell, that would be cool

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71bb77  No.17125990










This is not a matrimonial site, please leave, find a girl on an appropiate site, if you so dumb and can't find one live.

We have enough pain, don't need another from a dumb fuck, that lost a girl.

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49ebc5  No.17125993

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c4679b  No.17125996

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a70efc  No.17125998

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a6db2a  No.17126000

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d2e1f5  No.17126001










Already don't like Stepan Co & it took 30 seconds of a skim.

"KKR purchases majority of supplements maker The Nature's Bounty Co. | New Hope Network"

This went straight to COKE extraction and CHEMICALS, HEALTH PRODUCTS.

Felt like capslop was called for

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1614be  No.17126002










there is a mighty aquifer streaming all around (you)

every second of every hour of every day

a gigantic unstoppable flow of PRAYER

every prayer ever uttered in constant motion

when (you) join into prayer


a fish in water

at one with all

amplifying intentions

let's go down

DownTo the River to Pray

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c1860d  No.17126003














Globe Earth 🌍 or Flat Earth with a Dome 🤔

Yep, this one’s hard to figure out without more data and decent images & videos.

For now

Globe Earth 🌍 approved Theory.

Flat Earth with Dome a Hypothesis that needs more research.

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0a91b4  No.17126005










Kek, you need to apply that filter to the

← 'wrap up smear' video.

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002a5c  No.17126006

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b9b9b0  No.17126007










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10dd55  No.17126008

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b5dcc0  No.17126010

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43bfb0  No.17126011










agreed. all these anons who want immediate "proof" as a way to delegitimize the posts.

Patience is no longer a virtue. they want Q to be a circus clown to perform tricks on demand.


just wait and see.

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ce3888  No.17126013










55 years possible

Reduced to 20 years plus 5 supervised probation

25 years

5:5 line


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8a2119  No.17126015










You're talking about your own projected self alienated psychological mental disorder.

The division you 'see' is your own self contradictions in a looping pattern.

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50e268  No.17126016

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767347  No.17126017

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36b852  No.17126019

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0fc518  No.17126021

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ee1fc5  No.17126024

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d12f67  No.17126027

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253170  No.17126029

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85d318  No.17126030

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9ac0c6  No.17126031

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df8258  No.17126033









Lord knows how badly I needed this good news today. I'm in my Book of Job season and have lost more than I can bear. Thank you Jesus.

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aaac94  No.17126035










"why should we care

about a little button

being pushed by someone

we don't even know?"

Chess player obcessed about who's gonna push the button?

Ukraine and Deep State would commit suicide before losing?

Wonder how deep their DUMBs are.?. no pun

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f11533  No.17126037










I didn't claim anything, I showed the posted in a format known as a Q proof. Keep failing.

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85f761  No.17126042

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895826  No.17126044

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fd8f48  No.17126045










yes, I hate the people who are destroying white civilization

why shouldnt I?

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3a7455  No.17126049










>The timestamps being pointed out are blurred out. “Trip” doesn’t necessarily = tripcode.


if you wernt a shill you might go actually look at that SERIES of drops to find out what the actual context is


you will force me to BTFO out of you


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2f6d0d  No.17126050









Melania out likes her husband in truth social

Trump can't get it up

Past 40,oops likes

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fa72e8  No.17126052









one more thing, maybe hard for you to understand and easy to be bullshitted on, maybe not understandable at all.

If hrc did the thing from the vid (dunno, rather, have not decided that yet) and were to repent and truly follow me, I would instantly forgive her, bc I love her and actually feel very sorry for her.

but at the same time, I will reject the souls of little chilren only to give you a final chance with the right incentives and consequences, bc that is the only way.

so this is as wrong

<you have done to much evil shit, Jesus hates you and will never forgive you

as this is

<Jesus is the savior, he won´t actually reject anyone

also, as I said, Jesus is just a name and as accurate as lucifer is. I am God, the only one there is and ever was and will be.

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f6b75a  No.17126054









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47bbeb  No.17126055












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c170e0  No.17126057











Triple Notable

“Triple vaxxed are the most likely to die from COVID-19”

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c500d6  No.17126061










Know thyself. Situational awareness is not optional.

Palmerstons Zoo Freud and the Frankfurt School by Michael Minnicino


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30b781  No.17126065

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f85ffe  No.17126068










The system is fucked…. Use it as such!

‘Squatter’ with fake lease won’t leave Chicago woman’s home — and cops are powerless


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bb9344  No.17126072

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9dc624  No.17126076









The Unemployment theft from states is more than a $100 billion, so the IRS does their part.


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87a2ac  No.17126077










that is my point this is a strange mirror of blending realities to help with the brainwashing as a bridge if Elon Musk appears as himself in Iron man 2 then Tony stark must exist and the ideas that he has must be true ….works for any movie just have to find the bridge to figure out the spell.

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ff73e4  No.17126078










Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [09.06.22 08:01]

[Forwarded from KAGBABE]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING: Whistleblowers reveal Biden’s Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ sought to censor Americans with dissenting views in coordination with Big Tech

🔗 Full Letter from Senator Chuck Grassley to DHS Sec. Mayorkas (https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/grassley_hawley_to_deptofhomelandsecuritydisinformationgovernanceboard.pdf)

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0f45f5  No.17126079

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b853d8  No.17126080

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df93f9  No.17126081









There is no Escape

All the Ways are Shut

Truth is a force of Nature

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5748ea  No.17126082

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f0c7ac  No.17126087









anon help me out here plz. ive been around along time but

when and why did the issue of abortion suddenly become central to people being jewish?

nvrmind. please filter me for my own sake. idontcarewatuthink.

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4e3a2c  No.17126088









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12efec  No.17126091

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34e46b  No.17126093











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5b83e7  No.17126094

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39d59e  No.17126096

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e47045  No.17126099










What's most important to know is, was everyone onboard current on their vaxx, CRT, and LGBTQ+ Training?

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c7a9c7  No.17126100









Brad Pascale is back and activated.

The system for 2024 and beyond is built.

I'm sure that means it's also built for the mid terms.

To be blunt.

Game Over.

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2f47c2  No.17126103

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279b88  No.17126104

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ecb6d5  No.17126106

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ad5d1c  No.17126109











>You Jews are the shills


Any form of Sure Is Shilly In Here is just Board Jew's saying Oh Shit Oh Shit Oh Shit.

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5f1320  No.17126110










Well, I completely understand, but from one who has reason not to trust anyone, because evidence was gathered from what I went through, I know, innately, we win. I hate the fact we weren't given a timing for how long this would last, but if we did, it would also give the head's up to those we have been fighting against. I don't see it as Trump, but Team Trump, as I call them, the team who've been working on this for way too many decades, to put a permanent end to these families. They've done this for centuries, been almost killed off, but resurfaced, not after this time. This is their last life, and the Boss, God, wins.

So, bottom line, we are all frustrated, or have been, but if you can have faith from me, who has no faith in anything on this planet, but that Team Trump will win a complete victory, by all means, take it.

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4fcd1d  No.17126114

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4347aa  No.17126116









Pic posting killed after 502.

Re-captcha no bueno.

Unleash the hounds of hexadecimal.

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3191ef  No.17126117

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6d1a1e  No.17126118

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41c489  No.17126120

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633c57  No.17126122

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3f8268  No.17126125









satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.

A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.

In the case of *art* we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.

Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of *stars” and *celebrities" photographed eating an *art* corpse soaked in honey at an *art* event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed *art* corpse to be published in *art* & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man

Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?

A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We *do* understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.

Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are *not* aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Podesta.

satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.




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2174e7  No.17126127










Omg. It is like they are trying to convince people. Trump didn't win. kek

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9351d2  No.17126129










>That's the girl from the DOITQ-image, right?


Hope Charlotte Hicks (born October 21, 1988) is an American public relations executive and political advisor who served in President Donald Trump’s administration from 2017 to 2018 and 2020 to 2021. She served as White House Director of Strategic Communications from January to September 2017 and as White House Communications Director from 2017 to 2018. Hicks served as a Counselor to the President from 2020 to 2021.

A model while a child, Hicks was an employee of the Trump Organization before becoming press secretary and early communications director for the Trump 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the national press secretary for the presidential transition team.

She was Trump's longest-serving political aide until she resigned as White House Communications Director in March 2018. After her resignation, she was Fox Corporation's chief communications officer and executive vice president. She returned to the White House as Counselor to President Trump in March 2020, before departing for the final time on January 13, 2021


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cd024d  No.17126130










thanks for the inclusion

my presentation is lacking to say the least

just throwing pearls in the mud

you should check that stuff out when you have the time. Lots of reading there. China is winning this war. It is not over but way too close for me.

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744ac7  No.17126131









is the SC going to bring down R v W or will they change their mind?

any anons got a theory?

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fd8a06  No.17126132










Former state department in the time of the Obama. Seventh floor? I don’t know.


Aren’t they all?

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13743b  No.17126133










forgive me, supreme court too………..

run fast, b/c I may can catch you, on a bad may for pope, november is coming.

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af2251  No.17126135










Real Concern!

ANON got spooked!


heard a noise in the wire!

shooting into the darkness!

psssssst fuck you, Jeffy :D

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a3d1e1  No.17126143

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4e561e  No.17126144

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f52fa0  No.17126148










Democrats can get away with everything, except anti-Semitism:



"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.

The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.

These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?

Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.

When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.

Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."


This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Jewish control of the MSM:


Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?

Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022



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936b2b  No.17126150









fuckery this week

June 13, 2022

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 13, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol





June 15, 2022

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 15, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol



June 15, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

Protecting America's Children From Gun Violence

Senate Judiciary Committee



June 15, 2022

11:30 AM EDT

Tools to Combat Gun Trafficking and Reduce Gun Violence in Our Communities

House Rules Committee



June 16, 2022

1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol



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669e7b  No.17126151









the real Q could turn off twitter for like 5-10 minutes right

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1941ee  No.17126152










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23730d  No.17126155










Here's embed.

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 6/28/2022

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456890  No.17126156

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b7c8e9  No.17126158










Shaman is a total plant that did everything to draw negative attention to the Q movement.

Signs implying violence that plant the seed that the movement is violent.

Rampaging through the Capital with a smile on his face.

Looking like a total whack job.

And Jim sure loves being around all those shiny people.

Yeah, I wouldn't waste time trying to be a defense attorney for that set Q followers up fuckery if I were you either.

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c5e5b3  No.17126159









What are the chances Rumble absorbs Truth Social - thereby allowing millions to join quickly - within days Musk secured cash to takeover Twitter, within days Desantis signs off on Disney's megaspank? Seriously.

Trump + Musk + Desantis

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ce338e  No.17126162

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b7453a  No.17126163

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8b58a1  No.17126164

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ebc678  No.17126165









The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] hide behind other peoples religion beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.








Read JUDE in the Bible.








President Trump caught them ALL !!!!

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW!!!!


Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





Fire up those Meme!

Please stand bye.

Ready to play?

MOAB incoming.






Marker [9]

JA takes the stage.

WE have the source.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.

The HUNTERS become the HUNTED.



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209f22  No.17126168










CHAD Paytriot I sell this painting of Trumps for 1051.50 x 16 that I have and donate all proceeds to godfather Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Not one single dime goes to the Trump Family. I make money off of them not for them. Social iClimber.

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fe57bf  No.17126172










>President and First Lady enjoy breakfast of Sausage Egg McMuffins with ketchup.

>with ketchup

Why why why did I ever vote for Trump!?!?!?

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4dc661  No.17126173










Yes it truly is, a beautiful site to behold 🙏

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d2e1f5  No.17126177










so much for the mystique of the texas rangers. bunch of cunts.

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e4e30e  No.17126179

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dc625f  No.17126180

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8af4d9  No.17126181









Mike Lindell needs to sell his My Pillow that Walmart canceled for $19.84 instead of $19.88

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5aba6f  No.17126183










mugshots in this county and next one over still have the height chart

just checked

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c0b51e  No.17126184

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c3ecb4  No.17126185

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c12eb9  No.17126186

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2777b3  No.17126188

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6df12e  No.17126189









To the anon decoding the Ghosts In The Machine…

Did you already mention the image at 2:06? I would like your take. I just watched it again today and I went Hmmm. I missed the earlier decodes.


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658fce  No.17126190










in Godfather III

he went to a Sicilian bishop

to give his confession

guess it had to be a particular one

wonder if Pelosi had her phone on her

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f3be13  No.17126191









No matter what, I love eminem for this among other things.

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f663b5  No.17126193









You Will Be A Phone and You'll Be Happy

Tech company CEO tells Davos cell phones ‘will be built directly into our bodies’

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark asserted that by the year 2030 it is probable that the connectivity interfaces we use to communicate will so radically change that those who use physical smart phones will be in the minority.

DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) – A speaker at the 2022 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos has predicted a merging of people and cell phones.

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark said at the gathering that he thinks cell phone technology “will be built directly into our bodies” within a decade.

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5f35a0  No.17126196

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11e2ff  No.17126197

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7a340e  No.17126198










We in the ME anon. I've been trying to get anons attention to the narrative that is being slowly built for the passing weeks, but it's being ignored by anons.

We, over here, we are going to war. It's big. SOOOOOO big. Spain, Morrocco are also making up excuses to prepare for it under the disguise of drills and such stuff.

It's true = the end won't be for everyone. We know it's coming, it's very close. [they] know it's coming and [they] are preparing for it, being at the read, at the stand-by. No one knows when it's going to start, but loads of steps have been taken towards that direction and we are very near, very. The narrative is being shaped perfectly. It's incredible how this is all played out and anons are in a slumber.

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23c51d  No.17126199

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c9aea9  No.17126200










10 days of darkness: 5 days before midterms and 5 days after, no machine ballot counting involved. They have to use regular ballots

I had a dream about this! Dont worry when the lights go out

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fc318f  No.17126203

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03011c  No.17126204










A parliamentary question from the ambitious FPÖ MP Mag. Gerald Hauser (ER: pictured above-left) has put the Green Minister of Health Johannes Rauch (right) under considerable pressure. But the impact on the hard ground of reality will hit that part of the medical profession in particular who naively believed the evidence-less assurances from the ministry that the corona preparations were safe.

In the ten-page answer to the questions about liability for the Covid injections, it has become clear: Rauch apparently gets scared and brushes himself off at the vaccinators. They would have to fulfill their obligation to provide information. Otherwise, repeated disregard could result in horrendous penalties of up to 14,000 euros.

As early as July of last year, Wochenblick reported that the vaccination doctor could very likely be held responsible in the event of vaccination damage. This is when the patient has not been sufficiently informed in advance about the possible negative consequences of the injection, such as the many well-known and serious side effects. Because, as Hauser repeatedly emphasized: “Vaccination is the problem, not the disease!” And now the corona jab could become a problem for many vaccination doctors. The tireless FPÖ MP Mag. Gerald Hauser, who has repeatedly presented the government with its many sophisticated inquiries, emphasized to Wochenblick : “Without my incredible team, this enormously high number of hits would not have been possible. Just the many hours of research that are necessary to prepare a well-founded inquiry; I would never be able to do that on my own,” says the man from Freedom, emphasizing the importance of his team.

Rauch shifts responsibility to doctors

Because that is exactly what the Minister of Health’s answer to the parliamentary question confirms. He seems to be trying to pull his own head out of the ever-tightening noose and to want to shirk responsibility. Although he has prescribed the “vaccinations”, liability is shifted entirely to the medical profession.

Doctors have to clarify – otherwise there are disciplinary and liability consequences

Doctors would have to provide sufficient information about the benefits and risks of the treatment in advance so that the person concerned can make an informed and free decision. The consequences for doctors are also mentioned in the answer: “The function of the information is to protect the freedom of decision of the person concerned” of medical professional duties. This can be punished under administrative and/or disciplinary law as well as have consequences under liability law.”

pt 2

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5e4e31  No.17126205

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ebd096  No.17126207

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80fb75  No.17126212

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11ecfd  No.17126213











FYI, it has gone from $30k to $20k in just the past WEEK!

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7d0b84  No.17126214










I don't have it. I think it was posted on Sunday evening, the 29th of May, and it was a voice recording. He also said, "Big week ahead" just before the Uvalde shooting

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b853d8  No.17126215










Just a reminder – today is alien day….

the lime green line shown here on :47 is on :46 today (June 8, 2022). The lime green line is the 35:05 mirror wich runs counter clockwise (see table)

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51c333  No.17126217










Consider the fact that the US military was in Afghanistan to control the supply of opium, and square that with their competitors in Wuhan. Then reconcile who the CCP backs in the US, and who left $86B in weapons to the Taliban to cover Afghanistan's lost opium markets. Then consider that Hunter (and his fellow congresschildren partners) was being paid $83,333/mo by a front company in Ukraine, probably proceeds from drug trafficking.

And consider who controls the drug trade through the CA ports (Illiterate Gavin Newsom, Mafia Queen Nancy Pelosi, & Chinese Spy Driver Dianne Feinstein)

It's always been a "drug war". Opium, coffee, tea, meth, fentanyl, Cocaine (There's the Clinton Connection), liquor, etc, along with undocumented slave laborers.

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a3710d  No.17126218










This is how new Indian privacy law will have 'negative impact on people's privacy'

In April, the Indian government dropped a hard pill to swallow for VPN services and their users.

According to India's new data retention law,security software firms will be forced to keep users' data for up to five years. What's more, providers will need to be ready to hand over this information to authorities upon request, too.

The news sparked a chasm of discontent across the VPN industry, privacy advocates groups and internet users.

"One way or another, it will have a negative impact on people’s privacy and digital security," Laura Tyrell, Head of PR at Nord Security - the company behind the popular NordVPN - told us.

While, in a tweet (opens in new tab), digital rights NGO Access Now wrote: "VPNs are necessary in a country with rampant shutdowns and surveillance, and no data protection law. Authorities must stop what they’re doing, and consult with security researchers, civil society, and cybersecurity experts on what to do instead."

So, what's at stake for Indian internet users' privacy?

VPNs forced to keep users logs

On April 28, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) announced that - among other directives, like the obligation to report a cyber attack within six hours - virtual private network (VPN) providers will soon be required to retain users' logs for at least five years. Companies will be also forced to hand over this data to authorities upon request.

And it's not just VPNs that are the subject of the new data retention law (opens in new tab) which will come into effect from late June.Virtual private servers (VPS), cloud service providers, data centers and crypto exchanges all will have to follow the new directive.

Specifically, the pieces of information that will need to be collected and stored are:

Validated names of subscribers/customers hiring the services

Period of hire including dates

IPs allotted to/being used by the members

Email address and IP address and time stamp used at the time of registration/on-boarding

Purpose for hiring services

Validated address and contact numbers

Ownership pattern of the subscribers/customers hiring services

Statement: We call on @IndianCERT to recall Directions on Information Security Practices issued on April 28 that go into effect on June 27. These directions are vague. They undermine user privacy and information security, contrary to CERT's mandate. 1/n pic.twitter.com/okzMhgIG0yMay 4, 2022

While cybersecurity experts are lamenting its vagueness, lack of feasibility and worrying privacy implications, the CERT-in justifies the decision as needed to better police cybercrime.

With a total of 86.63 million data breaches in 2021, Surfshark found India to be the third most affected nation worldwide (opens in new tab). "Most of the frauds were happening through VPNs," an Indian government official said to The Economic Times (opens in new tab).

At the same time,India also gained the gold medal for the number of internet shutdowns executed. Digital rights campaigner group Access Now found the country to be responsible for 106 out of the 182 incidents documented in 2021 (opens in new tab). Not to mention the allegations thatthe Indian government used Pegasus technology to spy on activists, politicians and lawyers.

With such a track record, it's no great surprise that many are worried that authorities might abuse this data grab to implement mass surveillance.

pt 1

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fe2aa4  No.17126220

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17327f  No.17126223









so if you are finally aware that you are -let's name it- dumb, and you know nothing about how to handle HIGH VOLTAGE (just example), but you still hold highly CHARGED(Q)electrode in your hands. WHAT YOU DO WITH IT ?

i tell you what to do, you hand that electrone to someone who is qualified, and this entity is there, and he is the one who just gave you the electrode, just to show you that your are too dumb to handle it

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ad6eac  No.17126224










Real Q is Fake

Fake Q is Fake

Real Fake Q is Fake Real

Fake Real Q is Real Fake

Q Fake is Real Fake

Q Real is Fake Real

Is Rael is jew.

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b89ff6  No.17126225










You post like 30 shitpost, This I was talking about it.

I can't find people, atm……….

and even I've could, you are the last moran That I would like to hurt, you just dumb……………

And you made me angry last bread, b/c you just idiot, and ignore the facts, and bite the sheet, but I'm a person that gets angry very easy, and forgets very easy.

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df12d7  No.17126226










At some point the fake money stops working for them. At some point we do too.

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0e30c2  No.17126227









Talk soon anons and faggots.

Got some shit to do.

Will check back later to see the updated narrative.

Until then have fun.

Enjoy the show!

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c2ab27  No.17126228

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74f285  No.17126229

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b4ca8e  No.17126230









Government is now a giant parasite feeding off of good and decent hard working families. Distributing sources to themselves. Anyone have a big can of flea and tick spray?

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5f9c16  No.17126231










Police fatally shoot man who was subject of Extreme Risk Protective Order

WBAL Updated: 5:56 PM EST Nov 6, 2018


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4fcd1d  No.17126233










>US Capitol Police arrest Stephen Colbert staffers at House office building, charged with illegal entry

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358232  No.17126237

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b7b1be  No.17126238










He didn't overturn it, He fullfilled it. He paid the Price. He loved us as Himself.

Jesus told us nobody took His Life from Him, He gave it under His own authority. He also told us the one who hands Him over is guilty of the greater sin. He handed Himself over because He loved us as Himself.

Jesus is counted among the transgressors.

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9a6561  No.17126242

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1db6a7  No.17126243









Take the road from GREEN to GOLD 🛣️

Applications are open from June 12–November 25th, 2022.

Phase 2 Selection Boards will begin December 5th, 2022 & selected applicants will be notified in late January!

#VictoryStartsHere #Green2Gold






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ea25e0  No.17126248

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e0b533  No.17126249










The composer of Last Goodbye is Eric Kinny.

This is his website:


As of today, the top video is the video in the graphic.

For the full effect, go and watch the video.

(I suspect Tolkien would toss his cookies.)

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500c5d  No.17126250

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5fd6d3  No.17126251










"Sophia" means "knowledge" or "wisdom".

That edifice was created by a demon possessed mad man,

Justinian I.

He is the one who created the office of "bishop over all bishops" in order to regain the western Roman Empire,

and reunite it with the Eastern side as it once was.

He appointed this role to the bishop of Rome,

after ousting the local bishop there.

Justinian was an apostate,

and demon possessed.

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2e30ae  No.17126252









Dan Ball Retweeted Nick Searcy, INT'L FILM & TV STAR SINCE 1776 @yesnicksearcy

Thanks @oann For airing the truth about January 6 which can be found in my movie, Capitol Punishment. Watch it Thursday, June 9 only on OANN

Dan Ball @DanNewsManBall · Jun 7

==@OANN will not be airing, let me repeat, not be airing the prime time January 6th committee political theater hour. This sham of a committee is the true #BigLie

Instead this Thursday we will air @CapPunMovie @yesnicksearcy== 7:41 PM · Jun 7, 2022 https://twitter.com/yesnicksearcy/status/1534319546986815489?cxt=HHwWgoCzofbf_8oqAAAA

Surely we are all aware of Hunter's Boyfriend's "honesty" regarding our President when it comes to riots… but that fuck will, of course, have every pravda in existence promoting its "show" tonight.

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8b8d0e  No.17126256










>if they are born here of illegal parents, they are automatically US citizens

it's totally fucking wrong.

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cd1ee2  No.17126258

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669e7b  No.17126262

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a13750  No.17126263









How do you make an elephant float?

Put one in a glass, add two scoops of ice cream n some root beer.

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c7a80f  No.17126265










It's shills.

Fuck em.

THey've done since forever.

They did it when Q changed from half.

they did it when Q came to /qresearch/ from CBTS

They did it after Q's tripcode was compromised.

They always claim Q is fake when there's a hiccup in the comms.

Fuck em.

Stay the course and more (You)s for (You) on the way.

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67737e  No.17126266

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d09020  No.17126269

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7f713b  No.17126270









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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ca1eb2  No.17126272

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ad5a6f  No.17126275










History was written by the victors. The internet has altered that axiom.

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7553aa  No.17126277











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a721a0  No.17126280












32 seconds -> think mirror 23

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7e370b  No.17126282









“We must never forget the fallen, they made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Cmdr. David Catterall. “Every day we are out here, we must never forget the dangerous nature of our jobs and why readiness and safety must always be at the forefront.”


"Don't give up the ship"

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c2ab27  No.17126283










>Russia sanctioning dr jill and Ashley Biden from entering any Russian territory and Russia proper


Russia on Tuesday announced that it was banning the wife and daughter of President Joe Biden from entering the country, in response to widening sanctions against Russia.

The Foreign Ministry said 25 names were being added to the country’s “stop list” including Biden’s wife Jill and daughter Ashley.

It also banned entry to four senators whom it identified as “responsible for the formation of the (U.S.) Russophobic course:” Republicans Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins and Ben Sasse and Democrat Kirstin Gillibrand.

The list also includes prominent academics including Francis Fukuyama, noted for his book “The End of History and the Last Man” that posited the spread of liberal democracies could mark the ultimate development of society.

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37c41e  No.17126284

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cf2daa  No.17126289









I used to think Trump would be openly reinstated after the states withdrew their fraudulent electoral votes. That is not going to happen. 2024 is too far off for him to get back in with loyal voters, too much damage would be done by then, bad guys win long before then with the casualties from the vax and a full blown depression will be in full swing. No real clear indication that elections are going to be clean in Nov 2022, and even if house and senate go Republican they won’t do shit, most are compromised. I don’t have money to donate to Trump anymore, sick of getting 15 emails a day. Best case scenario is they sweep in November, make DeSantis the Speaker, impeach Biden and Harris, put in DeSantis. But I don’t see that happening at all. The reliance on one guy Durham working in a corrupt judicial system with a Stasi FBI is born to fail. If military devolution scenario is happening they need get that going quick, people are dying.

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3248b8  No.17126290










That wasn't ketchup…that was aborted baby squeezin's…she said it was Trump's baby and she aborted it so she or Trump threw it up against the wall…that's my story and I'm sticking to it…j/k…

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56d0f1  No.17126291

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29de36  No.17126294










As many diversionary side stories as possible. Heck that technique worked for over fifty years after the "Agency" killed JFK.

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f0c7ac  No.17126295

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c0b51e  No.17126297










you remember waaaay back

when I said the hammer was for pounding your mom?

I'm sorry bro

I didnt really mean it

hammer probably for milling corn or some shit

disregard all previous assertions…

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4aacfb  No.17126298










How do we even know this fuckers name? An official… famous? Total famefag. Those with the highest profile are almost always the dirtiest.

The announcers gotta talk him up and make him sound like the greatest thing ever. Then, when he makes a suspect call almost no one questions it because he's the great Ed Hocholi. That is his cover. Total scam.

This is not your grandfather's NFL anon.

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49a7cc  No.17126300
































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7d9923  No.17126301

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6ac973  No.17126305

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f70913  No.17126306

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35dd10  No.17126307










> the White Hat vanguard of the U.S. military believes the crash was an act of Deep State sabotage.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/07/2-soldiers-killed-in-helicopter-CRASH-at-fort-campbell.html


Statistically impossible?


Day [1]


"Our thoughts and prayers are with the four U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing who lost their lives in yesterday’s Southern California helicopter CRASH. We pray for their families, and our great @USMC"

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.


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f502ef  No.17126308










Dude has an all seeing eye on his forehead. But he didn't see his vaxx death coming?

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f41e79  No.17126309










Make bechamel sauce with heavy cream. Then add cheddar cheese and add to noodles.

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e6ff5e  No.17126310











Sauce that the vaccine actually prevented anyone from getting sick or lessening effects of the virus. This is something I hear repeated time and again and the data seems to point in the opposite direction. If the claim is that it helps, please show me the basis for this claim.

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281d3e  No.17126311










you're goddamn right i am going to order those car parts you sonofabitch

real americans know how to work around and through the system without dealing with globohomo while also helping out their fellow man

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f30e8f  No.17126312










well she was a liar and lied abut the rape….and its interesting many cases are based on lies…like the one that allowed gay marriage to get pushed before the sc. Entire case in TX was a sham.

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5aba6f  No.17126313

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fdd1f8  No.17126314

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449833  No.17126317










Correct, I'm pointing out the logic can be used to assert different points with everything else being equal. Confirmed B is a flag thief. Sauce: >>17125697

Also sauce: Babyfist has never shown off a picture which he would have done so he still has the flag, are you really surprised?

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016cdf  No.17126319









the only time they care about kids dying is when it benefits them.

also when are we getting red flag laws & cool off periods for abortion a& crazy car/truck drivers?

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658c3b  No.17126320

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ead3a0  No.17126321










Yes, and me telling you you've lost the taste for warfare in the only irregular war that matters, as a participant is the psywar, in a place where psywar organization matters, is apropos. That's why demoralization is all you know now. Because you're in a psywar by being here right now. You're already IN IT.

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64ebd1  No.17126322












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fea587  No.17126325










Bill Gates is advocating 75 y.o. as the euthanization age for those who last that long… Fuck You

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fe9b54  No.17126329

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d76aa5  No.17126334

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f4a867  No.17126335










The delta is not the only way to confirm.

Others over the past months said it was the trip.

There's also next-picture-in-sequence.

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a0ee70  No.17126337

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49a9af  No.17126338









Police shut down internet and ban gatherings in India after two Muslims record themselves murdering a tailor over an insult to Muhammed

Law enforcement authorities shut down the internet and banned large gatherings across regions of India after two Muslims recorded themselves murdering a tailor over an insult to Muhammed.

The two men brazenly confessed to their grisly crime in a second video where they explained that they were angry at the tailor for supporting a politician that had insulted the Islamic figure Muhammed.

They had pretended to be customers at Kanhaiya Lal's shop in the state of Rajasthan in the northwestern region of India. While the tailor was taking measurements of one of the pair, they slit his throat and attempted to behead him.

They were unsuccessful in completely severing the man's head from his body.

They recorded the killing on a cellphone and posted the video on social media, outraging people across the country.



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956ad1  No.17126339

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29fdc8  No.17126342

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1e1450  No.17126343

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6c6326  No.17126344









We knew this what was going on


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1912cb  No.17126345









“We must never forget the fallen, they made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Cmdr. David Catterall. “Every day we are out here, we must never forget the dangerous nature of our jobs and why readiness and safety must always be at the forefront.”


"Don't give up the ship"

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1efb04  No.17126349

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615802  No.17126352

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d16ece  No.17126356

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d00104  No.17126358

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17327f  No.17126360

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23ae17  No.17126361

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63939a  No.17126363

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8a6d23  No.17126364









President Trump: You have to imagine all the liberal tears that will be cried, and all the RINO tears that will be shed, when J.D. wins on election day.

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e5a4c3  No.17126365










yes it does. if you want to learn more look at how they have fucked with the tones in music. heres look into this.


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1cb5b8  No.17126366










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6db3f7  No.17126370











"There are no words for the kind of monster who lies in wait and fires into a crowd of families with children celebrating a holiday with their community," Pritzker said in a statement. "There are no words for the kind of evil that robs our neighbors of their hopes, their dreams, their futures. There are no words I can offer to lift the pain of those they leave behind. Please know that our state grieves with you, that MK and I grieve with you."

Dr. David Baum, who attended the parade, helped treat those who were injured in the shooting.

"The bodies that I saw, it was not an image that anyone who's not a physician would have an easy time processing," said Dr. Baum.

"There were people who were immediately killed with horrific gunshot wounds."

A large police presence from the state and neighboring suburban Chicago departments was seen along the parade route.

"This is an active incident," the city of Highland Park wrote in a statement. "All individuals are advised to shelter in place. Law enforcement agencies are searching for the suspect; evidence of a firearm has been recovered. Numerous law enforcement officers are responding and have secured a perimeter around downtown Highland Park."

Independence Day parades and events across the north suburbs were canceled following the shooting.

"Due to a tragic mass shooting that took place earlier this morning in Highland Park, the City of Evanston will be canceling this year’s 4th of July Parade and celebrations effective immediately."

Evanston also closed its swimming beaches "following this morning’s tragic shooting event in Highland Park."

Larry Bloom, who was in the area when shots began, said at first spectators thought the "popping" sound was part of the parade.

"You heard like a 'pop, pop, pop,' and I think everybody kinda thought maybe it was a display on one of the floats and then it just opened up," Bloom said.

"I was screaming and people were screaming," Bloom said. "They were panicking and and they were just scattering and I, you know, we didn't know. You know, it was right on top of us."

The public is being asked to avoid downtown Highland Park as police continue to respond to the shooting "in the area of the Independence Day parade route," the Lake County Sheriff posted on Twitter.

"STAY OUT OF THE AREA - allow law-enforcement and first responders to do their work," the sheriff posted.

"The Illinois State Police is currently assisting Highland Park PD with an active shoot situation that occurred at the Highland Park Parade," police tweeted. "The public is advised to avoid the area of Central Ave and 2nd St. in Highland Park."

This is a breaking news story. Check back as details emerge.


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4b4f11  No.17126374









Freudian slip at 2:40

IRISH CHOAD: "Yeah, Q had not posted since December of 2020, so, right after Trump won the election; remember, Q was promising–"

ANDERSON POOPER: "LOST the election."

CHOAD: "– sorry. LOST the election."

POOPER: "SAID he'd won the election."

CHOAD: "That is gonna drive the Qanon people crazy, so…"

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7447e4  No.17126378










It could get worse.

The US could go to war with Russia.

The Supreme Court could be under fag Roberts' influence.

Biden's approval ratings could be above 30%.

We're winning anon.

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041aa1  No.17126379










Ah, so youre the perfect goy slave, who will willingly accept his enthnic genocide

such a good little white bitch

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c2ab27  No.17126380

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f5e5f1  No.17126382










JUUL is bad for your health, but pushing marijuana products & pharmaceutical drugs on every commercial and MSM business show is totally ok.

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503d64  No.17126383

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456890  No.17126384

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b4f6f8  No.17126386









I used to be a Shill. Couldn't Stand Republicans. I bought off on all the Lies of the Human Rights Activism I was brought up to believe. I never really looked for myself.

Joe Biden has changed all that. I always leaned towards the middle because only together do we survive. I might not like you, butt it doesn't mean I don't love you.

My eyes have been opened and I am truly sorry for all of the pain, suffering, or harassment I have caused both here and on Social Media. I have dug out my Bible and I am seeking the Lord.

God Speed Anons and Thank You for your unwaivering faith strong enough to bring even the most ardent non-believers into the light of love, togetherness, and joy.

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b2713d  No.17126387

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6fb1e4  No.17126388

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093d68  No.17126389










>that's a pretty significant chunk that will not be fed to the eye.

That's what I think. They have nothing to lose by saying fuck you. Collect it! We'll nuke the fuck out of you and yours.

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21ce1e  No.17126391

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955e40  No.17126392

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8b58a1  No.17126394









President Trump: The greatest danger to America is the destruction of our nation from the people within.

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15c076  No.17126398

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9a6561  No.17126402










Not Little Potato, Big Potato. People would rather pay for high gas than have Putin "committing genocide" in the Ukraine, dontcha know?

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278ffb  No.17126404










I'm really sick and tired of all of the winning. i wish we wouldn't win so much.

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7318e0  No.17126406

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c011de  No.17126407










that's an old Kim Jong Un rerun



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bd2e72  No.17126409

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f70913  No.17126410

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7370c7  No.17126411

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1c5a51  No.17126412









Will they recommend a Trump indictment like Liz wants?

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67d7c8  No.17126414










The shill is using circular logic.

Invoking fake Q posts referencing other fake Q posts to 'prove' the first fake Q post is a 'validating reply' to the other fake Q posts thus allegedly proving them all true.

The shill is muddle headed.

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acad0f  No.17126415

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0430dc  No.17126416










>Paytriots who bought into Bitcoin were betting against the Constitution.

I'm gonna use this at some point. DOn't know when, but I'm determined to use it, kek.

Of course the sneaky ones say it says "NO STATE" not "NO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT."

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a13750  No.17126417

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223c8f  No.17126420

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a1c197  No.17126421










The match Joe lit and put to the fuse on January 20th 2021 is what started all of this. The leftist Bolsheviks are welded to the goal of decimating fossil fuel capability and production. There is not going to be anything that is going to move them off of this agenda. Their plan is working exactly as it was meant to. In the meantime, they will blame everything and everybody and hope that their fellow taveling comrades in the msdnc media can make America believe that the marxist running the country right now have nothing at all to do with this.

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648fcc  No.17126427

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866dce  No.17126428











Correct me of Im wrong ,but it's freedom to worship, not freedom to sacrifice.

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7d1629  No.17126429










and this is coming from a guy that was shot and almost killed by some Bernie Sanders supporter at a softball game…..Desantis was at that game too…and Rand Paul too, i think

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859b65  No.17126430

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d12f67  No.17126432

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74b99c  No.17126433










White stork is the national bird of Lithuania[159] which has the highest-density stork population in Europe.[160]

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6ea39f  No.17126439

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6c3bd6  No.17126440

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733ed0  No.17126441










Dems will try and get a judge to do an injunction to say it is unprecedented and blah, blah, blah…was assumed when written….blah, blah, blah…not sure it will work, but it will delay things somewhat ; but is fruitless without overpowering their cheat mechanisms with real votes, to the point there is more votes than registered voters….then maybe the normie wakes up….maybe

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af976e  No.17126442










Because they are a major globohomo criminal organization, of course.

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1db6a7  No.17126444










>Will we live to see the light shine and expose the dark forces here on earth?

nobody can predict the future. plan you life, walk the plan, bless the morning, trust the universe.

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96a3b1  No.17126446

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e8f4ef  No.17126447

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e0943f  No.17126449










I'm a stronger believer in you get what you pay for.

Armalites aren't cheap but I hear ya.

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c3873d  No.17126450









Monday June 13, 2022

swamp schedule tomorrow morning

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 12, 2022 – June 18, 2022

National Flag Week


June 13, 2022 - June 14, 2022

2022 Just Economy Conference

National Community Reinvestment Coalition


June 13, 2022 - June 24, 2022

Free Online Introduction to Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics Course

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


June 13, 2022 - June 16, 2022

9:00 AM EDT

The Future of Payments and Collections Forum

Bureau of the Fiscal Service


June 13, 2022 - June 17, 2022

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Meeting of States Parties, Thirty-second Meeting

Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations


June 13, 2022 - July 8, 2022

50th regular session of the Human Rights Council

United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

345th Session of the Governing Body

International Labour Organization, United Nations


5:30 AM EDT

UN Climate Change Conference Side event: Update on COP26 Health and Climate Programme

WHO HQ, WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA), International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) and Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)



10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol




10:30 AM EDT

Allies: How America failed its partners in Afghanistan

Brookings Institution, Lawfare, and Goat Rodeo


10:30 AM EDT

Pressure points: Where the war in Ukraine is being decided

Atlantic Council



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22a9af  No.17126451










Dear Supreme Court,

Thanks for nothing.

- Planet Earth

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2aa603  No.17126454

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4aa734  No.17126456

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5516e6  No.17126457










I wonder what razor she uses?

Always so fresh n so clean clean

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07d90b  No.17126458

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31739c  No.17126460











Never challenge a Celtic Man to a crazy contest.

Also Never start a Land War in Asia…

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e2826f  No.17126461










I am one of those that would rather not know who Q is..


If Kash is one of them, then, well, Kash rocks and that would be O.K to know.

You know?

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ba4cbb  No.17126462

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5eebfe  No.17126466










Wow. Just for that, I think I might buy a few of Tucker's books. Good on him for being strong and powering through what must've been some difficult challenges in life.


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3065d0  No.17126468










The "rainbow" cloud smears are popping up here in central California last few days.

Had one right over top of me here coming in from the west [ocean side].

I guess they can't kill us all fast enough.

I can't remember what the name of that poison is according to Clifford Carnicom's research.

Been way too long ago.

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0a850e  No.17126472











>232.5 billion added

About what got moved out of Russia through money laundering and arms through that Latvian bank of what ever branch it was where the ceo offed themself

Someone laundering some proceeds?

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41c229  No.17126473

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24461a  No.17126474










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428d3f  No.17126475

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9b9df8  No.17126477










How's the Salisbury Steak at the Federal Building? Are you feeling the recession, yet?

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c454a6  No.17126481










Where's Pelosi?

One Chinese sub missile and she's President right?

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fa97cf  No.17126483

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093d68  No.17126485










Unless the board owner changed prior to that. That’s why we need to see board log since creation

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8c2bf6  No.17126486










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9b649c  No.17126487









Key congressman who investigated Jan. 6 evidence: Trump ‘not to blame’ for violence

Rep. Rodney Davis also slams Nancy Pelosi, warns Capitol not ‘in a better security posture’ since the riots

A Republican congressman who spent months investigating U.S. Capitol security after the Jan. 6 riot said Wednesday that former President Donald Trump “is not to blame” for the violence that occurred that day and warned Democrats’ politicization of upcoming hearings have harmed the ability of Congress to improve security after the harrowing episode.

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., the ranking member on the House Administration Committee, is a unique voice on the Capitol riot for two reasons: Trump has endorsed his opponent in an upcoming Illinois GOP primary, and Davis survived a prior act of violence targeting lawmakers when a deranged gunman opened fire during a congressional baseball game in 2017.

“Look, I will tell you, I don't think we're in a better security posture than we were leading up to January 6th,” Davis told the Just the News, Not Noise television show, reacting to a Just the News report Tuesday night that Capitol Police had identified 53 intelligence and security failures in a secret report after the Jan. 6 riot. “I think that's a direct failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats not addressing some of the security failures that happened that day.

“Do I feel protected on the campus? I do,” he added. “The Capitol Police are brave men and women. They saved my life on a baseball field almost five years ago, and the lives of so many of my colleagues. They're my heroes for doing that. But they were put in a terrible position because of politics and because of optics. And that was done by the person who controls the security apparatus of the Capitol. And that is Nancy Pelosi.”

Davis has been forced to run against fellow GOP Rep. Mary Miller for a newly re-districted Illinois House seat later this month. Trump endorsed Miller after Davis voted to certify the 2020 election results and supported a bi-partisan investigation of Jan. 6, something Democrats rejected. But Davis is strongly supported by GOP leadership and has backed Trump routinely, including serving as co-chairman of the president’s Illinois campaign.

As the top Republican on the House Administration Committee that oversees the Capitol, Davis and his investigators pouted over thousands of pages of emails, texts and police files to identify the security failures that allowed a rowdy crowd to overrun the Capitol and its $600 million a year police force.

Davis denounced plans by House Democrats on the Jan. 6 committee to hold prime-time hearings Thursday night scripted by a Hollywood producer, saying they will only politically distract from assigning blame where it belongs and identifying unresolved security lapses at the Capitol.


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98e979  No.17126489










this Q shit is to distract you from realizing this and recognizing that whites are under attack globally

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cbef1d  No.17126490

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496b4c  No.17126491










>They key hormone Avpr1a was thought to regulate friendship and bonding, with its removal expected to increase harmony between the animals.


CRISPR-Cas9 editing of the arginine–vasopressin V1a receptor produces paradoxical changes in social behavior in Syrian hamsters

Arginine–vasopressin (AVP) acting on V1a receptors (Avpr1as) represents a key signaling mechanism in a brain circuit that increases the expression of social communication and aggression. We produced Syrian hamsters that completely lack Avpr1as (Avpr1a knockout [KO] hamsters) using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to more fully examine the role of Avpr1a in the expression of social behaviors. We confirmed the absence of Avpr1as in these hamsters by demonstrating 1) a complete lack of Avpr1a-specific receptor binding throughout the brain, 2) a behavioral insensitivity to centrally administered AVP, and 3) an absence of the well-known blood-pressure response produced by activating Avpr1as. Unexpectedly, however, Avpr1a KO hamsters displayed more social communication behavior and aggression toward same-sex conspecifics than did their wild-type (WT) littermates.

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726b4b  No.17126492









"Aliens definitely exist, Britain's first astronaut has said – and it's possible they're living among us on Earth but have gone undetected so far. Helen Sharman"


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7f917c  No.17126493

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5ea07c  No.17126498









I had a feeling they would release the opinion on a Friday.

I just thought it would be next Friday as the last opinion released on the last day of their term before the long break.

Now nobody is going to pay much attention to the remaining 7 opinions still to go.

That must mean they've got some real doozy shit they're gonna try to sneak by without much fanfare.

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43cc01  No.17126500









This prick from CNN and Whitey from

me myself and irene are the same person.

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d3ce64  No.17126502











“Who killed the electric car”

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f431a7  No.17126503










rinoJGOP rigged Louisiana's primary against Dr. David Duke.

Have you ever looked into him for yourselves anons?

Here is his podcast. Human Rights Radio. He has fans of every race all over the world. Don't believe the lies the lying press told you. He is a great guy and he preaches peace.


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ec7b8b  No.17126504










snopes debunked 'hunter laptop" last year!

go back redditt fafggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2174e7  No.17126505

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3115f6  No.17126506










LGBTQ+ is a cult,

he should write about that

LGBTQ+ try to brainwash innocent children into joining their cult. And they use our tax dollars to do it.

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40faee  No.17126509

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cf8124  No.17126510









1.7 trillion

40 billion

700 million

for Nazi Pelosi to start WW3

Hey so dos this mean it's okay to draw this shit on Synagog?

How does one wear the Star of David and the Nazi swastica. I'm glad I only I don't need to sort this logic error in my head.

Meanwhile …


you are sleeper cell domestic terrorists to me now.

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7f5aec  No.17126514

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1c5f41  No.17126515

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726a2d  No.17126516

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b15ad8  No.17126519

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037219  No.17126521









The "Unrelated" Sudden Death Syndrome


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d3722c  No.17126522










>QR 2018

Can't wait to see what Q has to say next.

1 hour long breads.

>QR 2022

Can't wait to see what Jim has to say next.

6 hour long breads.

>t. Q interest (way) > Jim interest

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08b2d3  No.17126523

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e9207d  No.17126525

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216bb1  No.17126527









GA anons its run off day, go and vote for Jake Evans and Vernon Jones. Both were endorsed by POTUS

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94a090  No.17126529










If POTUS Trump is the first arrest to shock the world… Actually it would make sense. Then evidence can be introduced. White Squall. I don't like the idea of him being temporarily incarcerated though; that angers me.

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6a0d38  No.17126532










That traitor named Krebs was on TV from his living room today. He has a framed picture on the wall of what looked like Casper the ghost with a red band around his chest and belly saying: Kracken Busters. It was the only artwork seen.

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02f100  No.17126537











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d68d87  No.17126540

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ab909c  No.17126541









I have to believe all you dumbasses talking about it being Q are just newfags Otherwise you're just shill or one of the incels posting the LARPS while you jerk yourself off.

It's not even a shimmering tripcode, FFS.

If you're gonan LARP, LARP better.

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bc2fae  No.17126543

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cd5890  No.17126546

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787c4e  No.17126548










We are going in circles. Every tongue will profess, but knowing Truth and choosing Truth are not the same thing.

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0fd033  No.17126550

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a8c954  No.17126551









Remember THIS DAY.

The calm before the storm.

Happy July 4th Patriots


Flag Day.

It's time.






We Will Never FORGET

We Will Never FORGIVE



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





Sgt Benis says…

NSA kabuki

Who's WHO?

Who is Babyfist?

What is VV?


Shawdow Govt.



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db0606  No.17126552









I think we supposed to be watching the soybeans too y’all

That equals 17 words w/o hash


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10a394  No.17126554










> if I caught something like that as a 50+ year old it would've taken me out.

momanon caught that shit mid 60's & survived thanks to steroids.

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f043ff  No.17126556

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4eed94  No.17126557










Calling you out for your attacks is truth, not crying.

Seethe moar

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60acb7  No.17126558










>They more resemble sex dolls designed by an alien species guessing at what human men would find attractive.

Funny. Other outlets and alt media have the exact same problem.

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49d957  No.17126559

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f82a5f  No.17126562

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9eceba  No.17126568










>Flood is coming.

I may pretend I am ready.Sirs, but I doubt I have seen the depravities that you have seen and have to live with.

My Life is bound to yours because I am a a survivor and I couldn't have put out humanities survival into better hands.

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d00104  No.17126572









An E-baker arriving now and taking this to the next level would be muchly appreciated because the next bread ain't gonna bake itself and this nigga note taker aint gonna be doin' it neither.

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74b99c  No.17126573










VP Nelsen Rockefeller ran the Carter administration into the ground for the first 2 years, Dexter. FDA was created in 1906 to deal with (((crooked merchants)))

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8a8ea6  No.17126574










@intheMatrixxx, [28.06.22 20:15]

Billionaire Warren Buffet's $93.4 billion estate could go to his family foundation that supports abortion rights and not to the Gates Foundation as expected after he pledged to give away 99% of his wealth after his death



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ccb629  No.17126577










No. You can opt to suck big Mikes dick instead.


Thanks. That'll give me time to recite the kalma a few more times.

La Ilah ha Il Illah..

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500c5d  No.17126578










Hispanic and Puerto Rican is not a race. So so confused. But the left eats it's own here. LOL

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3e95ec  No.17126579










just look at pictures, audio, video from before he ran for president. you can very clearly and easily both see and hear that the guy posing as joe biden the last few years is not the real joe biden. "enjoy the show" ie they keep getting replaced with lookalike actors.

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8c2bf6  No.17126580










>But not the full truth. For example, the smoking gun JFK assassination documents, etc., were never released, nor leaked, while Trump was in office.

Which is why one could conclude that Q's mission was limited in scope, had specific objectives, and has been completed.

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4d3a3c  No.17126582

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a92756  No.17126583









Lord, did anon kek.

Elon Musk


in case u need to lose a boner fast


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c0c842  No.17126585














Replying to




Maybe the best tactic would be to find some wrongfully terminated employees and filed legal action?





Replying to




Interesting, so everyone who was fired under this person can come back and say they were fired because of their political beliefs 🤔





Replying to




here for the plot twist of when she gets terminated for this


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b61f81  No.17126588










Trips confirms third time is a charm when posting Fresh bread link

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c85bf4  No.17126590










You say Trump is absolutely right.

Then you take their side saying that 2016 was not a legitimate election while holding the position if 2020 was the most secure election ever, how did Trump get another 13 more million votes? Why isn't anyone looking into this?

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4eed94  No.17126593









God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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0fd033  No.17126595

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24549d  No.17126596










>melania trump twat, (need source)

How bout we restate that. Thanks Baker

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ec533f  No.17126597










I don't know man. The holocaust has been milked for the past 70 years.

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