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e13125  No.17124727[View All]

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701 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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d3ce64  No.17126502











“Who killed the electric car”

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f431a7  No.17126503










rinoJGOP rigged Louisiana's primary against Dr. David Duke.

Have you ever looked into him for yourselves anons?

Here is his podcast. Human Rights Radio. He has fans of every race all over the world. Don't believe the lies the lying press told you. He is a great guy and he preaches peace.


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ec7b8b  No.17126504










snopes debunked 'hunter laptop" last year!

go back redditt fafggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2174e7  No.17126505

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3115f6  No.17126506










LGBTQ+ is a cult,

he should write about that

LGBTQ+ try to brainwash innocent children into joining their cult. And they use our tax dollars to do it.

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40faee  No.17126509

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cf8124  No.17126510









1.7 trillion

40 billion

700 million

for Nazi Pelosi to start WW3

Hey so dos this mean it's okay to draw this shit on Synagog?

How does one wear the Star of David and the Nazi swastica. I'm glad I only I don't need to sort this logic error in my head.

Meanwhile …


you are sleeper cell domestic terrorists to me now.

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7f5aec  No.17126514

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1c5f41  No.17126515

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726a2d  No.17126516

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b15ad8  No.17126519

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037219  No.17126521









The "Unrelated" Sudden Death Syndrome


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d3722c  No.17126522










>QR 2018

Can't wait to see what Q has to say next.

1 hour long breads.

>QR 2022

Can't wait to see what Jim has to say next.

6 hour long breads.

>t. Q interest (way) > Jim interest

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08b2d3  No.17126523

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e9207d  No.17126525

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216bb1  No.17126527









GA anons its run off day, go and vote for Jake Evans and Vernon Jones. Both were endorsed by POTUS

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94a090  No.17126529










If POTUS Trump is the first arrest to shock the world… Actually it would make sense. Then evidence can be introduced. White Squall. I don't like the idea of him being temporarily incarcerated though; that angers me.

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6a0d38  No.17126532










That traitor named Krebs was on TV from his living room today. He has a framed picture on the wall of what looked like Casper the ghost with a red band around his chest and belly saying: Kracken Busters. It was the only artwork seen.

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02f100  No.17126537











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d68d87  No.17126540

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ab909c  No.17126541









I have to believe all you dumbasses talking about it being Q are just newfags Otherwise you're just shill or one of the incels posting the LARPS while you jerk yourself off.

It's not even a shimmering tripcode, FFS.

If you're gonan LARP, LARP better.

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bc2fae  No.17126543

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cd5890  No.17126546

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787c4e  No.17126548










We are going in circles. Every tongue will profess, but knowing Truth and choosing Truth are not the same thing.

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0fd033  No.17126550

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a8c954  No.17126551









Remember THIS DAY.

The calm before the storm.

Happy July 4th Patriots


Flag Day.

It's time.






We Will Never FORGET

We Will Never FORGIVE



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





Sgt Benis says…

NSA kabuki

Who's WHO?

Who is Babyfist?

What is VV?


Shawdow Govt.



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db0606  No.17126552









I think we supposed to be watching the soybeans too y’all

That equals 17 words w/o hash


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10a394  No.17126554










> if I caught something like that as a 50+ year old it would've taken me out.

momanon caught that shit mid 60's & survived thanks to steroids.

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f043ff  No.17126556

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4eed94  No.17126557










Calling you out for your attacks is truth, not crying.

Seethe moar

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60acb7  No.17126558










>They more resemble sex dolls designed by an alien species guessing at what human men would find attractive.

Funny. Other outlets and alt media have the exact same problem.

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49d957  No.17126559

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f82a5f  No.17126562

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9eceba  No.17126568










>Flood is coming.

I may pretend I am ready.Sirs, but I doubt I have seen the depravities that you have seen and have to live with.

My Life is bound to yours because I am a a survivor and I couldn't have put out humanities survival into better hands.

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d00104  No.17126572









An E-baker arriving now and taking this to the next level would be muchly appreciated because the next bread ain't gonna bake itself and this nigga note taker aint gonna be doin' it neither.

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74b99c  No.17126573










VP Nelsen Rockefeller ran the Carter administration into the ground for the first 2 years, Dexter. FDA was created in 1906 to deal with (((crooked merchants)))

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8a8ea6  No.17126574










@intheMatrixxx, [28.06.22 20:15]

Billionaire Warren Buffet's $93.4 billion estate could go to his family foundation that supports abortion rights and not to the Gates Foundation as expected after he pledged to give away 99% of his wealth after his death



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ccb629  No.17126577










No. You can opt to suck big Mikes dick instead.


Thanks. That'll give me time to recite the kalma a few more times.

La Ilah ha Il Illah..

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500c5d  No.17126578










Hispanic and Puerto Rican is not a race. So so confused. But the left eats it's own here. LOL

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3e95ec  No.17126579










just look at pictures, audio, video from before he ran for president. you can very clearly and easily both see and hear that the guy posing as joe biden the last few years is not the real joe biden. "enjoy the show" ie they keep getting replaced with lookalike actors.

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8c2bf6  No.17126580










>But not the full truth. For example, the smoking gun JFK assassination documents, etc., were never released, nor leaked, while Trump was in office.

Which is why one could conclude that Q's mission was limited in scope, had specific objectives, and has been completed.

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4d3a3c  No.17126582

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a92756  No.17126583









Lord, did anon kek.

Elon Musk


in case u need to lose a boner fast


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c0c842  No.17126585














Replying to




Maybe the best tactic would be to find some wrongfully terminated employees and filed legal action?





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Interesting, so everyone who was fired under this person can come back and say they were fired because of their political beliefs 🤔





Replying to




here for the plot twist of when she gets terminated for this


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b61f81  No.17126588










Trips confirms third time is a charm when posting Fresh bread link

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c85bf4  No.17126590










You say Trump is absolutely right.

Then you take their side saying that 2016 was not a legitimate election while holding the position if 2020 was the most secure election ever, how did Trump get another 13 more million votes? Why isn't anyone looking into this?

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4eed94  No.17126593









God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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0fd033  No.17126595

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24549d  No.17126596










>melania trump twat, (need source)

How bout we restate that. Thanks Baker

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ec533f  No.17126597










I don't know man. The holocaust has been milked for the past 70 years.

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