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File: 333f7d7e24b1b38⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1309x897, 1309:897, 333f7d7e24b1b38a02ea128df6….png)

6d41cd  No.16869638[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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6d41cd  No.16869693


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045 BAKERS & ANONS – What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW


#21223 TBC


>>16847985 BO/BV SPAM RAID META LOCKED, Bunker Locked?!!

>>16847995 1 Anon took that shit down with a quickness - baker foils the attack

>>16847996 biden twat and mp4 27th july 2022 keep getting boosted

>>16848005 TikTok moms remove videos of their kids from app over fears they are being targeted by pedophiles after footage of TikTok's most popular 'three-year old' girl is saved by THOUSANDS of men - daily mail

>>16848010 UN official: Social media largely controlled by Jewish lobby, NGOs - jpost.com 26/07/22

>>16847984 17% who are they - anon mp4 vid trump compilation

>>16848097 B.O Post fu spammer , kek

>>16848182 Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him - amgreatness.com (peter navarro opine)

>>16848190 #21219 @ 200

>>16848209 JUST IN: Highland Park Fourth of July Mass Shooter Bobby Crimo Indicted on 117 Counts - gwp

>>16848235 Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Advising Hospitals To Use Term "Father's Milk - zerohedge

>>16848247 Iraqi Protesters Storm Parliament Amid Record Run Without Government - zerohedge

>>16848321 Tucker Carlson Exposes Big Pharma’s Murderous Antidepressant Scheme: Drugs For Depression Cause Birth Defects, Sexual Dysfunction And Suicide - gwp

>>16848402 Kash Patel: If AG Garland Does Job, Hunter Will Be Charged Before Midterms -rumble vid

>>16848783 Texas AG Launches Investigation Into Twitter; Alleges Company Lied About Number Of Bots - zerohedge

>>16849050 33 Members of a Violent Gang Charged With Drug Trafficking and Firearms Violations in Fajardo, Puerto Rico - justice.gov

>>16849321 Nick Sandmann's libel lawsuits against five national media companies dismissed by federal judge; Sandmann's lawyer vows appeal - the blaze

21223 no link, will be when breads are stable.

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6d41cd  No.16869717


>>16842875 Dough

>>16843356 NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me.

>>16842930 Another Michigan News Station Leaks Test GOP Primary Election Results

>>16842951 State Attorneys General Sue the Biden Administration for Tying School Lunch Funding to LGBT Policies

>>16842981 Ukraine's Timoshenko reveals ‘scam of the century’

>>16842994 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

>>16843004 Mexican Army Arrests 37 Cartel Gunmen During Coastal State Raid

>>16843024 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

>>16843030 So many people are now "dying suddenly" that "our free press" can barely hide it any more

>>16843031 Pentagon plays down fears China will SHOOT DOWN Nancy's plane if she visits Taiwan

>>16843050 “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed?

>>16843061 Everyone over 5 should get a booster shot. And if you're above 50, you should get two – I did. (Comm Chq)

>>16843072 U.S. Senate just passed the $52 billion CHIPS-plus bill - Just in time for Taiwan

>>16843074 West Virginia Committee Passes Abortion Ban Protecting Lives of Unborn Babies

>>16843055 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will not teach George Washington Law seminar after uproar

>>16843095 Pelosi's insider trading?!

>>16843076 Israel pharmaceutical firm TEVA proposes $4.35bn settlement for role in US opioid epidemic

>>16843114 Russia Fired On Israeli Jets Over Syria In "One-Off": Israel's Defense Chief

>>16843129 Big Tech’s Blueprint to Stop a Red Wave in 2022 #CallToPolls

>>16843130 Apple to open new development center in Jerusalem

>>16843152 California dusts off controversial Delta tunnel water project

>>16843179 Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng Sentenced to Prison for Depriving George Floyd of His Constitutional Rights

>>16843038 Fauci’s NIH Being Sued for Withholding Details on Cruel Animal Testing

>>16843220 ‘Top Chef’ TV Personality Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ After Heart Attack at 46 #NotTheJab

>>16843230 Press Conferences Bun

>>16843239 Meanwhile at Nato MP4

>>16843288 Jewish Groups Call on Pennsylvania GOP Candidate to Cut Ties With Far-right Platform Gab

>>16843312 DOJ Insiders Say Delaware US Attorney’s Office Too "Inadequate" To Investigate Biden Family Corruption

>>16843331 il Donaldo Trumpo Buen dia to everyone who knows the election was rigged and stolen - mOSSad

>>16843342 Fed increases key interest rate by 0.75 points again. How will it affect economy and you?

>>16843380 Anon points out, Caveman carved dinosaurs, but no Moon or astronomy?

>>16843381 Truly honored to fill in for @Kash on The @DevinNunes Podcast LIVE tomorrow night at 9pm ET

>>16843387 Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% Confirms MODERNA Created COVID-19?

>>16843420 WP - DOJ Conducting Grand Jury with Witness Testimony Targeting President Trump for Seditious Conspiracy Against Government #Panic

>>16843327 Joe Biden Claims Majority of People Dying From Covid “Are Not Up to Date on Their Shots” #Lies

>>16843551 Call to Dig - Anon wants to know where all the WW2 Nazis went to.

>>16843359, >>16843255, >>16843155, >>16843084, >>16843037, >>16842972, >>16842965, >>16842948, >>16842924, >>16842878 >>16842895 Memes of the Thread

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6d41cd  No.16869740


>>16842127 Dough

>>16842127 Oath of Enlistment

>>16842132 Baker Reqst for lb rescrape. #21219

>>16842135, >>16842150 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘America First’ Policy Speech

>>16842136 'Tater gives "proof of life" remarks

>>16842151 Former Cuomo Staffer Fatally Struck By Car After Lyft Driver Kicks Him Out In Middle Of Highway

>>16842160 USGO Back to the Oval. Thanks to Doc for the good care, and to all of you for your support.

>>16842161 Anon Maga Feed DJT - President Trump Speaks At America First Policy Institute Annual Policy Summit

>>16842182 @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘Time For A Change’: PAC Backing Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman Targets Liz Cheney In New Ad Blitz

>>16842248 Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!

>>16842266 Adopted son killed in gang shooting and Mom gives a “shout out” to Crips street gang!!

>>16842307 Trump Went 33-0 in Texas Primary

>>16842335 US military making plans in case Pelosi travels to Taiwan

>>16842395 Brittney Griner testified Wednesday at her drug trial in Russia

>>16842494 Grassley’s Whistleblower Report Vindicates Trump’s Proposal For A Swamp Purge

>>16842539 As Ukrainians Defect To Russia, We Should Ask Whether Our Billions Are Saving Democracy Or Aiding Corruption

>>16842552 @mikepompeo At times of great division and difficulty in America, the nation has always looked to Kansas for the path forward.

>>16842542 @mikepompeo Today is National Korean War Armistice Day, a reminder that the Korean War isn’t truly over.

>>16842566, >>16842664 Anon notices Kansas Korea Pompeo Twat

>>16842563 USGO Right now, we’re facing the BA.5 variant

>>16842580 @JackPosobiec Fed rates going up

>>16842637 Would you do it ?

>>16842603, >>16842619 parasites in the bug burgers

>>16842672 WHO DUG THEM? Mystery over ‘perfectly aligned’ holes punched into seafloor 1.7 MILES below the Atlantic

>>16842692 @ODNIgov Happy birthday @StateDept!

>>16842771 It's #NationalNewJerseyDay.

>>16842775 USAID chief calls on China to restructure Sri Lanka's debt

>>16842800 Fauci and WH Press Secretary Subpoenaed In Collusion Case

>>16842291 Anons Collection of Q posts

>>16842838 Warren Commission Report

>>16842793, >>16842745, >>16842730, >>16842681, >>16842709, >>16842602, >>16842585, >>16842496, >>16842410, >>16842290, >>16842275, >>16842226, >>16842178, >>16842164, >>16842189, >>16842214, >>16842228, >>16842316, >>16842451, >>16842464, >>16842475, >>16842476, >>16842816, >>16842837 Memes of the thread

>>16842849 #21220

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6d41cd  No.16869764

#21219 @200

>>16841345 A Deeper Dive Into Allegations Of Sabotage Within FBI's Hunter Biden Probe - zerohedge

>>16841357, >>16841457, >>16841517, >>16841544, russia cuts gas flows further as Europe makes savings plea - reuters (msm controlled russian propaganda feeds) rt.com

>>16841494 Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports - rt.com

>>16841370 Ex-Cuomo staffer hit and killed by car after being ordered out of a Lyft on a highway in Delaware when he and five of his friends got into an argument with the driver - who fled the scene - daily mail


>>16841387 HOW TO USE DISCERNEMENT WITH SCREENSHOT - anons post a must skill

>>16841382, >>16841388, Germans warned of toilet paper shortage - rt.com newsfeed

>>16841390 Saudi Arabia plans 100-mile-long mirrored skyscraper megacity - the guardian

>>16841393, >>16841410, How Gender Ideology Cost a Chicago Mother Custody of Her Child - dailysignal.com (pedo, groomer and commie topic)

>>16841397 perfect phone call decode and dig by anon

>>16841400 Japanese city alarmed by biting, clawing, attacking monkeys - apnews.com

>>16841404 anon opines

>>16841415 duckduckgo ceo gabriel weinberg, search engine will purge all alt media and replace with trusted msm - twat

>>16841425, >>16841432, >>16841444, >>16841447, Leading makers of vaccines collected over $1 billion in revenue in the past decade as U.S. mass vaccine adverse reactions and death surged, an Anon Research panel found. - nyt (covid topic)

>>16841489, >>16841511, NYC health officials look to rename monkeypox over stigma in communities of color - nyt and gwp

>>16841427 Joe Biden's Cybersecurity Czar Says "Systemic Racism" Is the Major Threat - And US Is Intrinsically Racist Society - gwp

>>16841526 Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, 'First Time in Over 30 Years' - rairfoundation.com

>>16841534 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda - breitbart

>>16841385, >>16841396, >>16841423, >>16841465, >>16841552, >>16841578, >>16841611, >>16841621, >>16841673, >>16841684, >>16841689, >>16841712, >>16841733, >>16841772, >>16841784, >>16841849, >>16841865, >>16841920, >>16841960, >>16841972, >>16842071 Memes of the Thread

>>16841568 #21219

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6d41cd  No.16869803

Previously Collected

>>16841263 #21218,

>>16838868 #21215, >>16839722 #21216, >>16840514 #21217

>>16838928 #21212, ########## #21213, >>16838090 #21214

>>16826636 #21209, >>16838928 #21210, ########## #21211

########## #21206, ########## #21207, >>16825841 #21208

########## #21203, ########## #21204. >>16823836 #21205

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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6d41cd  No.16869878

File: 0d75a44f3edc5fb⋯.png (458.9 KB, 993x798, 331:266, 0d75a44f3edc5fba693a4392a9….png)

Recycled Dough


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0f76dc  No.16870137


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



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7d9cd8  No.16870160

Fire engulfs major substation south of Sydney, with one transformer fully alight.


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e7affe  No.16870182


>Morning, frenz

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69574f  No.16870192


I met Rosa Parks in 1991, she freely told my elementary school auditorium that she was put up to her stunt.

She did this again and again and then her handlers had to retract it.

Life experience.

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0d0fe6  No.16870200

Interesting timing isn't it…

Pic #1: from bread #20863, was in the notables too.

Pic #2: from bread #20864, was in the notables too.

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ac3727  No.16870201


Tell them to quit being irresponsible.

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b67617  No.16870203

Didn't realize June 19 was the anniversary of the Rosenbergs getting fried.

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911f95  No.16870219


>pathetic old man bloviates on podcast #684023

Yawn. I wonder what else is on TV.

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0d0fe6  No.16870231


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541014  No.16870235


Are they all corrupt on the SC? Send it to the MI judges.

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030d6d  No.16870277

Flynn Q: "What does telling people to “act” mean?"

Anon A: "Marxist 'revolutionary' praxis, i.e. unmitigated violence, greed and hatred"

"In completely negating the personality of men, this type of communism is really nothing but the logical expression of private property. General envy, constituting itself as power, is the disguise in which greed re-establishes itself and satisfies itself, only in another way…In the approach to woman as the spoil and handmaid

of communal lust is pressed theinfinite degradationin which man exists for himself."

When that Satanic POS Renegade says 'act', he means the American public must be subjected to intimidation, harassment, violence, CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, to unleash unmitigated violence to prevent the public from 'normalizing' once again after 50 years of racist Democrat genocide against the black population.

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e93ec9  No.16870334


>Best home fireworks ever

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911f95  No.16870339

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60f9cb  No.16870358

Jim is Roseanne in drag

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d39ecc  No.16870379


1980's, perhaps, my generation carried the M4, 30 round mags. You had Safe Fire, Burst (3 rounds). Back in your day, they indeed had full flipping auto.

Now to be fair, obviously more skilled operators/specialties have full auto and are allowed to use it, just not the grunts in basic was my point.

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ae5d3e  No.16870388


Now do California!

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c5c61e  No.16870404



I'll tell you one other thing: for too long you defeated us by playing our own morals back at us. And it was clever, I'll grant you that.

"That's racist" you said, as you destroyed the hopes of black American youth and turned them into nothing but prison fodder through your social welfare policies, destroying their families, and selling them an entire genre of criminal worship for their artforms. But we recoiled, because we're not people who want to think of ourselves as judging a man on the color of his skin.

"That's sexist" you said, as you set young girls up for miserable lives of loveless sex, low-paid jobs, addiction to booze and smokes, and then sold them psych meds to patch up the leaks. So we let it all, even "sex work is work," pass us by, because we didn't want to be the ones stopping our daughters being free to act and to choose.

"That's unjust" you said, as you turned the United States into a hotbed for trafficked slave labor, and damned the citizen poor to be flooded with drug after drug, currently fentanyl but many more besides, wrecking all hopes of self-improvement and driving people to actions they'd never commit with sober minds. But we didn't want to be mean, so we doubted and worried and let you sell us short.

This "moral" shit, this "voting is beneath me" shit is more of the same old crapola, you know we care about fairness and decency and it;s the only prop you have left after everything else fell apart, you have some notion you can psych us out into "taking the high ground" and stopping us doing what is finally, visibly, tangibly kicking your asses and voting like a cohesive, motivated, social movement, not just some freaky fringe you can purity-spiral and fedtrap into oblivion.

So you lie, and you nag, and you wheedle, and you do it at the exact same time that Democrats rally the faithful, give lifts to the polls, whine and canvas, burn and riot, and frantically manufacture as many votes as you can becuse you KNOW how the system works, and that the ballot box is, still, the final arbiter of legal, social, and military might.

You wouldn't have needed postal votes at all if voting didn't matter, yet look at the screeching the moment they're put under scrutiny. Look at how you cling to your dirty voter rolls, full of dead people's names and maiden names of woman who long moved out of town.

We are taking back our country! Legally, with a steady gaze and a clear mind, and with the moral highground firmly underfoot.

Suck it up, buttercup.

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89abf9  No.16870410

Anthony Weiner I thought you was dead!! The buck stops with Trump…. WARP SPEED turn out to WARP SPEED to the graveyard….

Whoever died from the vaccine that's their problem because Trump allowed big pharma to escape any vaccines injuries or death liabilities…. Even worse is giving the vaccine to children that are immune to the CORONAVIRUS… Thanks a lot Trump.

MASS Murdering pieces of shit.

war is hell, groomer

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f2bbe7  No.16870413




Why won't Press Secretary Jen Psaki condemn protesting at a Justice's private residence? After all, it is a crime! (18 U.S.C. Section 1507, Code of Virginia Section 18.2-419) 🧵

7:12 PM · May 6, 2022·Twitter Web App

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5f5b47  No.16870419


at first glance i thought that was jared leto's house on lookout mountain which is the old air force station

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4ba561  No.16870427


the nine nozedrool


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f2bbe7  No.16870441


Trump's brother

Hermann Cain

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3ba4ba  No.16870452


>Jacob's ladder

Good movie.

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d51eaa  No.16870461


yup, my bad

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541014  No.16870472

Max Miller said ge’s giving a 1/4 of his salary and will not take a federal pension out of the fund.

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3ba4ba  No.16870506



Mewl moar.

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4ba561  No.16870509

Consider This Your Sign To Start Homeschooling Your Kids

July 05, 2022

Part 1 of 2

I write education news for a living. My job, every day, is to report on what’s happening in education. I have great respect for teachers in all settings but have been a homeschooling mother for more than 10 years now, and what I’ve researched and written on recently is horrifying.

The public school system is a mess. Hardly anyone wants to be a teacher anymore, and with good reason. Too many educators in the system have little to no respect for parental rights and believe they are above the law.

Most recently I reported on a gym teacher who allegedly sexually abused7- and 8-year-old girls for three years. This occurred between 2015 and 2018, but he is just now finally being brought to justice. I wish this were a rarity, but unfortunately 1 in 10 schoolchildren will be subject to sexual misconduct at the hands of a teacher or school staff member.

Sexual Agendas in Government School Classrooms

As if that weren’t enough to drive parents to seek alternative options, the Biden administration is rewarding schools for pushing identity politics in the classroom. Government grants are now being offered to schools that push “equity” ideologies into classrooms.

Gone are the days when working hard made the grade. Now schools across the nation are grading students based on what they look like instead of the content of their work. In addition, some districts will offer harsher punishments for white students who break the rules than non-white students as part of “culturally responsive discipline” (one rebranded form of critical race theory), which teaches students and educators that minorities aren’t smart enough to follow the rules.

This rhetoric is not only destructive to white people, but all people. That includes Asian students, who are now being pushed out of top schools in order to admit a racially conscious student body. In addition, black students are being held down by the false idea that they cannot succeed in the current system.

This is, of course, hogwash. Black students have proved they are brilliant when given the opportunity to excel. In 2021, the Scripps National Spelling Bee was won by a black girl for the first time in its long history. She is homeschooled by her father and represents the importance of parental rights in education.

Parents know their kids’ needs. We budget and teach and offer love and wisdom, sometimes without even realizing it. While public schools spend thousands of dollars trying to educate children through an ongoing teacher shortage and culture war, homeschoolers spend hundreds and somehow produce better results.

Yes, You Can Teach Your Kids!

During the lockdowns, many were thrust into homeschooling without warning. It was wrong and jarring and detrimental to everyone involved because it was so abrupt. But many families realized just how easy it is to teach children at home, and teach them well.

This year, an Ohio high school student graduated college just weeks before she received her high school diploma. She joined a community college program that offered courses to qualifying students while remote learning. Children are smart — smarter than we give them credit for — but so are parents. If you graduated high school, you can teach it. There are more resources available for homeschoolers than there have ever been.

Instead of working around the Department of Education’s unnecessary red tape, parents can customize what their children learn and keep them engaged based on their interests. Instead of being shoved in a desk for seven or eight hours, students get up and move around and learn tangible, real-life lessons. Instead of being vilified for having energy or wishing to learn through hands-on activities, boys especially benefit from homeschooling….


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69574f  No.16870514


gates would be better.

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911f95  No.16870530

>principled patriotism

This is Biden's handlers trying to destroy Patriotism by replacing it with a dialectically inverted narrative designed to destroy Unity in the name of 'principled patriotism'.

Those 'principles' are how they're going to try to sneak in communism, woke politics, division and hatred through the back door, falsely presenting it as patriotism.

You can always tell what threatens the bastards by what words they're trying to redefine.

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69574f  No.16870544





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f2bbe7  No.16870577


"I'm pregnant, but I'm thankful for my birth control otherwise it could have been triplets."

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911f95  No.16870588

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bd7cd3  No.16870608


probably need moar coffee kek

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911f95  No.16870616


there was nothing dramatic about it. the same old phrases. no new information.

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c5e39e  No.16870627



A lot of people are still emotionally invested in the pandemic narrative.

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3ba4ba  No.16870650


Spouse-anon nurse coworker went to Poland/Ukraine to volunteer for two weeks, had to pay her own way. Got back and wanted to do it again.

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6c5a07  No.16870651



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541014  No.16870669


EXEC1F turned off its transponder about a minute after I posted the previous. Maybe they watch this board's PFs and decided it's none of our business where it's going. Been waiting for it to come back on for 15 minutes, nothing yet.

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911f95  No.16870672

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/25/2022 16:49:51

Truth Social: 108540080397963288

Heading to Illinois. Big MAGA Rally, lots of great American Patriots. Congresswoman Mary Miller, a true supporter, will be honored. On T.V. - Newsmax, OAN, and others. About 7:30 P.M., Eastern. ENJOY! P.S. Big day yesterday, and the day before. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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ae5d3e  No.16870695


Go faggot somewhere else!

I’m opposed to red text.

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0d0fe6  No.16870697

The Timeline for First Contact Has Changed

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very excited about this particular time for humanity, as we see more and more people tapping in to their potential. We see more and more people recognizing that they have something to share with this world that goes beyond their ability to perform simple tasks over and over for forty hours a week. Never before has there been a time on Earth when so many were given platforms for their voice, their perspective, their talents and gifts. You have created a whole new economy that is based on yourselves, and we see that as a very good thing.

You are accessing more of your power as you reach within yourselves for what you have to share with humanity, and then you take that power, and you create the better world that you all want to be living in with it. This is why it is a particularly exciting time there on planet Earth. You are exercising your freedom to be yourselves, and when you are yourself, you are more of who you really are as Source Energy. You allow more of that unconditional love to flow to you and through you. You are making such tremendous progress there that we feel you are getting closer and closer to full e.t. contact for all of humanity.

We are not the only ones watching, of course. There are many who are in physical bodies, who are in your dimension, and who are in spaceships all around the planet, and they observe what you are doing and what you are becoming, and they see that the power has gone back to the people in large numbers. And they see the opportunities for giving you more activations and upgrades, and you are going to see an uptick in the number of people having e.t. encounters of their own, and then they will share those stories in all of the ways that you have of sharing, and more doorways will be opened for more individual contact experiences, and this will continue until the critical mass is reached, and you hit that tipping point, and it is decided that you are ready for full open contact.

Remember, you are the ones who are making this possible, and what you are doing, what you have been doing, needs to continue so that you continue to move the needle for humankind. You are working as individuals and as a collective towards this goal of joining the galactic community once and for all, and you are doing it under very challenging times there on Earth. But those challenging times have led to more people rising up to feel their own power within them, and when that power is utilized with compassion and with a knowing that you are part of a collective, you show up on the radar of so many e.t. beings who want to help and who have been waiting for the right timing to do so.

We see that time as now, and we are very proud of those of you who are stepping up at this time, and we want you to acknowledge the difference you are making there on Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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a54ffb  No.16870725


I'd buy that for a dollar…

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78c024  No.16870745


US isn't a monarchy, it's a constitutional republic. Voting is your voice. You just want to ensure your marxist rule by getting patriots to stay home. Rot in hell communist.

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c5e39e  No.16870785


nuh uh

qanon told me to back the blue, goy

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030d6d  No.16870787

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3ba4ba  No.16870830

The Most Ancient Teachings Explained

Wise Solace


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6c5a07  No.16870859


You're so obnoxious I'm gonna do 2 things I don't normally do:

Filter you, and announce it.

Catch ya on your IP hop, you gaping anus.

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e49730  No.16870888


He knew it should have been "i'm about to break" instead of "the"….love finding little things out about Q. Good find you guys!

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0d0fe6  No.16870906


always has


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60f9cb  No.16870931


time stamp chkt


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e49730  No.16870940

>@11:20 we've learned so much from wikileaks

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69574f  No.16870944


What do you call men who are obsessed with other men's dicks?

Around here we call em Faggots & fudge packers, Andrew Dice says, "Call em what they are, cocksuckers."

Think mirror

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89abf9  No.16870953


>muh 2 hr podcast

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3ba4ba  No.16870963


I see your filter and raise you a filter.

Eye for an Eye Until Everyone is Blind!

Try Harder Rabbi McRectumShekels

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666a66  No.16870974


Might want to shoot Elon a CV anon. NASA gonna be de-funded bigly soon over Starliner, SLS, and Lunar Gateway failures.

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b67617  No.16870988

9 Apr, 2022 18:10

Ukraine preparing for ‘decisive’ battle against Russia

At the same time, Kiev is also looking for ‘certain diplomatic ways’ to end conflict with Moscow

The EU leaders must be getting tired of listening to this tool

Ukraine is gearing up for a major battle against Russia in the country’s southeast, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday during a joint press conference with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer in Kiev. At the same time, however, Ukraine is looking for “certain diplomatic ways” to end the ongoing conflict, Zelensky added.

“We see preparations for an important – and some say decisive – battle,” he claimed.

“In the east, and not only in the east, but also in the south, there is an accumulation of troops. {There is} a large number of troops, equipment, armed people who are going to occupy another part of our territories. It will be a difficult battle. We believe in our struggle, we believe in our victory,” Zelensky said.

At the same time, the Ukrainian president reiterated that the country has always been “ready for negotiations” with Moscow. While gearing up for the upcoming battle in the southeast, Kiev “looks for certain diplomatic ways that can stop this war,” he added.

Zelensky also pledged to take Nehammer to the town of Bucha, a northwestern suburb of Kiev that Ukraine claims to be the site of an alleged mass killing of civilians, which it has blamed on Russian troops. Moscow has firmly denied any involvement in the deaths, suggesting that Kiev manipulated evidence to frame the Russian military.

Nehammer, for his part, called for an investigation of the Bucha incident and urged a probe to be launched with broad international involvement.

“Bucha is a place where terrible crimes have taken place, and it is necessary that people, members of the UN study these crimes, that international justice begins to work on this, that international criminal justice should gradually fight these crimes,” Nehammer said during the press conference.

In recent days, Bucha has become a hotspot for Western media and top officials alike. On Friday, the town was toured by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell, who examined the site of the alleged atrocity.


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aa419f  No.16871002

Question: how would one obtain, what is rightfully the Will of the public, the full and notarized inventory of a sheriff’s department who is chartered as such and each Oath should be archived and weighed.

Uniform budget, uniform regulations. VIC inventory to include types and colors of “undercover” / and all unmarked vehicles used in any type of duty other than to and from post.

Weapons and current inventory of ammo and all contracts or receipts of purchase of such items in category for the past 17 years, gaps with video/audio recording explanation and records of all employees with billet descriptions related to record keeping in related departments. 3 years requiring also written and notarized explanation from current Sgt of Arms.

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541014  No.16871010

Stop Glorifying Mental Illness

Jun 4, 2022

In light of the Uvalde shooting, people have been asking how we got to this place as a country. Candace weighs in.


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d39ecc  No.16871033


Now if only they could've figured out how to assemble an offensive line that knows how to protect a fucking quarterback instead of going through 5 pros (including Brock Osweiler) that weren't quite the caliber of Manning, but capable of winning a championship ring, then they'd have a decent program again. Also, you don't get rid of the best kicker in the league because he has a drinking problem. You sit the guy down at the bar in the hotel, and stay with him until he conks out. Fuck's wrong with people these days? Gotta look out for each other and try to help folks do better.

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e7affe  No.16871042


Who would want to tell the world that?

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7d9cd8  No.16871057


Beebo got the co-ordinates.

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aa419f  No.16871058




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d39ecc  No.16871061


He’ll be super sore by the end of the day

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89abf9  No.16871064

We Can't Unsee The Frog In This Blue Bunny Ice Cream


Frog coming out of cryogenic ice cream sleep… Hmm

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aa419f  No.16871086


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9c6952  No.16871088


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7d9cd8  No.16871111

Why is space force needed?

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c5c61e  No.16871112



You Kike fake Humans I screwed up, that's right!

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aa419f  No.16871114


Who says he's retired? Maybe he's just "retired."

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89abf9  No.16871120


no one is shot random if it's pre-planned

if he planned to be on a roof shooting there is nothing random at all as to people being shot

there was no planning? he's just there, finds a gun on a roof he just happen to wander onto and it goes off somehow and it sounds aweesome so he keeps shooting?

that's random

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5f5b47  No.16871128



>Techniques and




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7d9cd8  No.16871196


>anons fact checkers on duty.

so anons watching this show?

Didn't gouveia say he was going to livestream it?

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38dead  No.16871229

The identity of one of Hitler's grandfathers is not known but there has been some speculation, never backed up by any evidence, that he might have been a Jew.

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d39ecc  No.16871233

==-=[ OJ simpson to testify at JAN 6th committee ]=-

4 cerials

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3ba4ba  No.16871242


you probably know what it tstes like, too…

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f2bbe7  No.16871243


I knoe when a genuine Q crumb falls.

Fuck off I'm busy.

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89abf9  No.16871262


In this case, the message is only worth reading, if it’s the correct messenger.

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4b173b  No.16871304


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6c5a07  No.16871308


You should really get better at interbutting before you go off all ignorant and shit.


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9c6952  No.16871309


You got sauce on them already blaming others?

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6c5a07  No.16871359


kek, o7 fren


grifters gonna grift.

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7d9cd8  No.16871365

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fcb8d6  No.16871391


seems relatively self explanatory, and anti-semitic


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4b173b  No.16871392


Trump drops a :44

Bombs Away

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89abf9  No.16871408



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9c6952  No.16871420


*nice digits*

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aa419f  No.16871437


…By not giving a fuck what others 'think' (as most do not think). Confidence with your stance and ready to back up your claims (or disprove theirs?) with truth. Some chose their ignorance, as a safety blanket.

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efc6e8  No.16871440


>This has to be comms.. No way this isn't comms.


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aa419f  No.16871475


i was making a joke, anon.

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54455a  No.16871479

Tonight Law Enforcement across the world should be ashamed of themselves. Boy, steal a car or rob a bank and they'll shoot you full of holes but they won't rush a school to save children?

Texas Department of Safety = Cowards

Sheriff = Cowards

Texas Rangers = Cowards

No backing the blue if they don't protect children. Today ALL of law enforcement disgraced themselves. If they're not there to protect children then we do need to defund the police and hire new ones.

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efc6e8  No.16871486


kekity kek

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54455a  No.16871498



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db8f79  No.16871516




Robert Wallace, a former Director of the CIA's Office of Technical Service, who said that the project was abandoned due to the difficulty of training the cat to behave as required


>abandoned due to the difficulty of training the cat to behave as required


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de9834  No.16871520


Shut up, mike

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96bcc7  No.16871530

File: 29950fe43e0b1ca⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 599x804, 599:804, 1387093262995.jpg)



<Big butted Brunettes are the only way.

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48b54b  No.16871559

Wanted to share this video with anons who are curious about the shared symbolism between the Roman Catholic church and the pagans (freemasons). Everything from halos, evil eye, Coptic shells, nimrod mitre, and the most interesting bit is the symbolism behind EVERGREEN.

>One of the common points of pagan worship is their common symbol for eternal life, the Evergreen.

Those you trust the most (the Catholic church for many) are the ones leading you directly to paganism

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a70822  No.16871565

'Uvalde' called McConaughey right away? That makes perfect sense.

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cdaa7b  No.16871574


>I learned how to use TOR ..look at me

also learned to copy-paste old Q posts

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db280c  No.16871580


KanekoaTheGreat, [23.06.22 11:54]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

We Outnumber Them: "If We Don't Submit, They Have No Chance"

Lara Logan: "If we believe that the battle is lost, and they're so overwhelming, and they're so powerful, and they're so all around us … What is that really about? It's about breaking your will to fight. They need you to surrender. They need you to give up hope because there's too many of us. We outnumber them, and if we don't give up, if we don't submit, they have no chance. They just don't want us to know it."

Podcast Host: t.me/jermwarfare

@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v19fgba-we-outnumber-them-if-we-dont-submit-they-have-no-chance.html) | Full Video (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/lara-logan-fake-news-narratives-facts-dangers-of-the-post-covid-world-with-jerm-warfare/ref/8/)

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263672  No.16871678



12 scoops donnie

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41ef75  No.16871685


Not Q. I pasted a (presumably) well known Q quote from Drop 775. Just so you know, if Q should post the Name field will display 'Q's flashing tripcode (e.g. Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6). There's no need to wonder or speculate. No harm in asking. Take care.

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e95eb0  No.16871712

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41ef75  No.16871721


Anon could see that. Especially if they stumbled on a monkeypox dance routine

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b012e6  No.16871728


We are Q now

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263672  No.16871738


They kicked us out because we were standing in the way of the Grift. When they tried with "B" I exposed it, they had to get rid of me to make this work.

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41ef75  No.16871747


got to stretch it out through October ; they will ramp up a new covid soon too, to keep them mail-in ballots going ; maybe someone will notice this time …they can't have a 2016 repeat

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41ef75  No.16871772


Perhaps re-emergence here is only to facilitate a soon transition to Truth Social.

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e0bff3  No.16871774


As dangerous as a Baptist Church, a District Court, or a Public School, which all exist as a part of the evil system built by Satan worshipping judeo-christians.

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e95eb0  No.16871811


>Get Ryan off your Board and report the News as it should be reported…And stop taking negative ads from the perverts, and others!!!

He talking about a "board" again.

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122bbc  No.16871816


All of this was planned. And all of it only to wake up the last remaining doubters.

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e95eb0  No.16871818


Whalebacks REALLY sucked in ice. Too heavy and would roll over. "Unproductive".

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1c0258  No.16871835


please provide new proofs

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e0bff3  No.16871841

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41ef75  No.16871845

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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e95eb0  No.16871872

What a beautiful day.

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263672  No.16871873


(YOU) RETARD…. You don't get location from a MAC address…

You get DEVICE ID…

My god you are so stupid…

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e0bff3  No.16871899


Great post. Sounds Presidential.

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122bbc  No.16871904


you didn't know who controls the "corporation of the United States" ?

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41ef75  No.16871918




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1c0258  No.16871955


Well, regardless, that dood seems like a real sadist.

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122bbc  No.16871956


tight buns baker

anon approved

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41ef75  No.16871957


Has someone been inappropriately disposing of polio vaccines?

Most outbreaks are now linked to the vaccine rather than 'wild' outbreaks. picrel


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e0bff3  No.16871960


Buy an ad, Elon.

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122bbc  No.16871990


On page 67 of the bill

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1c0258  No.16871997


Filtered not for being a shill but for taking up too much space in the bread.

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5e5c38  No.16872054


end of Winter Soldier

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122bbc  No.16872083



that exactly what I am doing faggot


o sht look at that

screencaps and shit



>I said UID: 32bd48 is not Jim

>not until it posts with a flashing Admininstrator flag

holy shit

I even….


care to refute my fucking CLAIM anon?

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5e5c38  No.16872086


FBI are fuckn dumb as boards

See how these FF's are going


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b012e6  No.16872093


>useless bullshit posts

Because they are useless, bullshit posts and they piss me off. If I saw them once per bread, well, easy to ignore, but these USELESS FUCKS are relentless and I reached my boiling point. Suck it!

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b012e6  No.16872110

FBI Arrests Peter Navarro at DC-Area Airport One Day After He Vowed to Help Republicans Impeach Joe Biden


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e0bff3  No.16872116



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41ef75  No.16872146



Please tell me you faggits are joking

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b012e6  No.16872170


We don't doxx the boss.

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b40cbe  No.16872174


>clearly a whole plane made that hole

not that your sarcasm is lost on me,

but a "hole plane" (traditionally known as a missile) made the void in the wall.

[They] think we are all as stupid as [they] act.

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50d9cc  No.16872179


Enjoy the sound of the Fall of the Cabal for 30 minutes.

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9bf93a  No.16872207

File: 4b8a70e40bbe836⋯.jpg (94.18 KB, 720x843, 240:281, FN7exKkWUAIBSts.jpg)

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b012e6  No.16872212

Cannes opener renamed after Ukraine’s protest

Zombie film ‘Z’ renamed for resemblance to Russian military symbol

French film director Michel Hazanavicius announced on Monday that he had renamed his zombie comedy ‘Z’, which is set to premiere during opening night at the Cannes festival next month. This follows a letter sent earlier to the festival and filmmaker by the Ukrainian Film Institute.

The director said that the film – a remake of a Japanese zombie comedy – would be retitled ‘Coupé’ in France, while its international title, ‘Final Cut’, remains the same.

The Ukrainian Film Institute had complained about the film’s title in a letter to Cannes, quoted by Vanity Fair on Friday, arguing that the letter ‘Z’ had become a symbol of the Russian military in Ukraine. The letter, along with the letter ‘V’, is painted on tanks and other vehicles, and some European countries, such as Germany, Lithuania, and Latvia, have actually gone so far as to ban public displays of the letter.

“My film is meant to bring joy and I wouldn’t want it to be associated in any way shape or form to this war,” Hazanavicius told Variety, insisting he was “happy” to change the title and “through this modest gesture show my full support to the Ukrainian people.”

The filmmaker had initially said it was “too late” to change the title for ‘Z’s’ French release, which comes in less than two weeks, and noted the name was “all over the marketing material and also in the credits.”

Ukrainian filmmakers have also excoriated Cannes over its decision to show Russian filmmaker Kirill Serebrennikov’s film ‘Tchaikovsky’s Wife,’ lamenting that it was partially funded by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Filmmakers from Ukraine reportedly feel they have a duty to show up despite what the Ukrainian Film Institute’s Natalie Movshovych called “mixed feelings” over the festival’s refusal to prohibit Russian entries, she told Variety.

“Cannes has stated that they won’t welcome anyone linked to the Russian government,” Moshovych acknowledged before suggesting it wasn’t enough. “All we are asking for is to postpone the premieres of these [Russian] films until Russia leaves our country and finally takes responsibility for everything they have done…”

Russian art, film, and music – and the creators, both living and deceased, of this cultural heritage – have been exiled from Western showcases and competitions as countries fall in line behind an unofficial ostracization campaign in addition to official Western sanctions. Even Russian-bred cats have felt the sharp sting of Western outrage.

Nevertheless, Cannes has declined to shut out all Russian filmmakers.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.


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122bbc  No.16872234

'Night of rage' protests erupt into violence across the country: Fox News HQ targeted, fireworks shot at police, pro-life woman attacked, journalists assaulted

Protests erupted across the country following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. In major U.S. cities, pro-abortion protesters violently clashed with law enforcement on Friday.

Washington, D.C.

Antifa-linked pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge vowed to undertake a "night of rage" after the Supreme Court's ruling on allowing states to make the final call about abortion. Black bloc protesters wielding umbrellas marched through the streets of Washington, D.C.

The group chanted slogans such as, "If abortion ain’t safe, neither are you," "If we don’t get it, burn it down," "Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground," and "F* the church, f* the state, we won't let them decide our fate." The protesters burned American flags.

Footage from the protests were provided by Fox News associate producer Lisa Bennatan, Post Millennial correspondent Hannah Nighting, Washington Examiner's Matt Miller, and TPUSA contributor Drew Hernandez.



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5e5c38  No.16872243

POTUS a smooth mudda fawka! KEK

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8e5e13  No.16872262

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feebd3  No.16872278

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feebd3  No.16872305


Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



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b40cbe  No.16872307


fuck your pacifist fictional messiah

"Jesus" wasnt even the mans real name

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5e5c38  No.16872332


Yeah, gave me the giggles too.

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feebd3  No.16872343


"Joe Biden's rabbi on his connection to Jews, leadership and Israel"



"Meet Biden’s first rabbi, Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz"



"Joe Biden blessed by Delaware rabbi before White House inauguration"



In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD



"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."



Ps: Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it (legally off course, they will hang for treason). Japan got nuked for way less.

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feebd3  No.16872393





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8e5e13  No.16872407


Anon, you don't need the tracking stuff after the (and including the ?)



To get the TikTok video, you can right click and save as an .mp4 to your device when you're on the video page, which can then be posted here if you wish.

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50d9cc  No.16872439

Can you imagine being offered more money than money exists in the world?

What would you do?

The boss making the calls has no interest in money.

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8e5e13  No.16872455


>Define 'underwater dogs'

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5e5c38  No.16872457


>juw whine peanut butter larp beast of the pernicious sentury

hobosexual threesome approved

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5e5c38  No.16872466




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9dc0e9  No.16872487


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8e5e13  No.16872501

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1053e9  No.16872505



FAM = Free & Accepted Masons

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b40cbe  No.16872583


So random people on Gab are sauce now?

You crack me up

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461ddc  No.16872612

On Independence Day, NPR Ditches Reading the Declaration

‘Morning Edition,’ one of America’s highest-rated public radio shows, abandons a 34-year-long Fourth of July tradition


NPR cancels Independence Day

I see a pattern

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9dc0e9  No.16872619


i called dibs on pulling the lever in letters of gratitude way back - not just going to watch i want to be the one to usher them out

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1053e9  No.16872630


Evil is desperate

Listen to whole show

Ron and Jim explain


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8e5e13  No.16872634


Julian Assange's wife highlights the extremely serious implications for all journalists and human rights his case represents following yesterdays extradition decision and vows "We are not at the end of the road - we will fight until justice is served"



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50d9cc  No.16872644

New PNGs from earlier bread.

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9dc0e9  No.16872648


Sleep well, Anon. NCSWIC

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9dc0e9  No.16872670


>I feel old.

I hear ya, it's been a longgggg few years

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ed4a29  No.16872689

We Saved the Children Today

Cry all [y]ou want

Screaming at the sky won't stop the Rain

There is no Pain, [you] are Receding

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461ddc  No.16872692



yer a fukn idiot

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8e5e13  No.16872713


you did just fine

practice makes perfect and day shift prolly not the best time to learn

don't quit though

we all started out with rough bakes and mistakes

nothing that can't be edited and learned though


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feebd3  No.16872742


Who da fuck is the 83rd Airborne?

We have an 82nd and a 101rst.. but I never heared of no 83rd.

Been a few years and I could be wrong but I doubt it enough to not bother to look.

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ed4a29  No.16872866



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6ae50a  No.16872911


her poor feeble mind got cucked by stevil and raped in south america

was stuck in a fugue for like six years

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9dc0e9  No.16872928



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ed4a29  No.16872974

At least Anons have new material. Good job Anons. Easy to filter shills with all the new dank memes.

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41ef75  No.16872983

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720c52  No.16872995

… it's not my superannuation fund of the soul we are talking about here.

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41ef75  No.16873029


No, Satan means adversary.

A brother is born for adversity.

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461ddc  No.16873043


When will people ever realize, God is Living and among us. If you would just start taking signs.

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720c52  No.16873065


This code with the meme of POTUS showing Chuckles a sign in the Oval could be effective.

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afc07d  No.16873085




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3088a9  No.16873093


And loss of trust in the site operators is why Q left halfchan in the first place.

And it's the very reason why Q won't come back to 8kun except to maybe tell the non Jim bootlickers here what they already found out on their own.

The site is compd.

>Hurr durr then leave!

Oh, fuck no.

Gonna stay here and call it out until the plug is pulled.

So, how's that 0-delta or other no doubt verification that will never happen for Fake Q coming along?

2 moar weeks?

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720c52  No.16873097


>one race, the hooman race, goyim

not one ideology though, you khazarian kunt.

>theyre just like you and me

we are NOT alike, you are a khazarian kunt.

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42b977  No.16873118


So the future is scripted and all the world is a stage

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a0c5da  No.16873130

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720c52  No.16873167


It's really not that complicated.

They tell people to vote.

Then they rig the elections.

Then when things go sideways, they tell people that they voted for it, and if they don't like it they can vote for "Change" in the next Rigged Election.

This goes on for decades and people never catch on to the ruse.

They flip flop Dems. with RINOs to make it look like The People have spoken.

I have voted Repub. my whole life. I don't flip flop and vote Dem. one year and then Repub. the next time.

And we are supposed to believe that every 4 or 8 years that a large portion of the population flip flops?

If the Repubs. never won, then Repubs. would just stop voting. They can't have that happen, that would destroy the Illusion of Choice, so the Repubs. get thrown a bone every one in awhile and get a RINO.

So they gave us the Bush Crime Family to appease us for 12 years.

Trump threw them off of their Game.

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a0c5da  No.16873168


I should really just deal with my daily life, that's enough for me, besides the truth is somewhat of a fabrication to try and make a true story, what a fucking honor!!!

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41ef75  No.16873179




Rest in Peace

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ff3ee6  No.16873203


>After Potatoe in Chef, I'm motherfucking EF Hutton.

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41ef75  No.16873216

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720c52  No.16873232


i'll let it slide..but this is hardly "sauce", anon.

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7a8777  No.16873233


The headline should be: “doctors turn out to be mentally retarded”

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6ae50a  No.16873234

Patel Patriot Interviews Gregg Phillips - PART 2

At 59:50 Greg Phillips mentions anons.


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7a8777  No.16873252


AOC needs some melon from muh garden :)

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f9c591  No.16873271


i really should lock that board for now.

ty for the heads up, will try to keep better eye on WR too.

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d40ffe  No.16873273


cern is not your problem

your fraying reality is

you can all feel it

some of you can even

identify aspects of what

is occurring

it is not nearly over

and this is really

going to hurt

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afc07d  No.16873277


Only thing I think cern can do is calculate your dick-size, send it to ChYna, and calculate which ads to send to your phone

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bcd0b3  No.16873282


Watterson was the best thing since Charles Schulz.

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ff3ee6  No.16873286

Kavanaugh's Neighbor Claims Pro-Abortion Protesters Are Threatening Homeowners; "F*ck You, F*ck Your Children"


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3088a9  No.16873314


>Yeah but Q is a specific identifier not anonymous. There are 4,500 + Q posts, none are signed off as “Qanon”. Additionally, qanon can be found in Hillary Clinton email 29278 on Wikileaks.

This anon knows his stuff.

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80a8d2  No.16873321





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720c52  No.16873369


>Sadly, [transgender women] have some of the highest concentrated HIV epidemics in the world

Maybe because they are still taking it in the ass. Just a thought.

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80a8d2  No.16873387


Exactly. It doesn't help that there's pretty good intel that the whole board is comped. So until we get a DJT proof we get to hurry up and wait.

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afc07d  No.16873392




Do your own research if you do not believe Anons which has already been presented.

So far you have proved that yer just a big pussy queefing out yer opinion

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41ef75  No.16873393


14sec for the [Mirror]

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bcd0b3  No.16873399

FRIONA, Texas (KCBD) - A former Friona police officer who sexually assaulted at least two teenage boys was sentenced this week to 20 years in federal prison, announced U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Chad E. Meacham.

Delia Ruiz, 31, pleaded guilty to enticement of a minor in January. She was sentenced on Wednesday by U.S. District Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk.

ART S8-3WAY 8-Channel 3-Way Microphone Splitter 1U Rackmountable 8-Channel Microphone/Line-Level Splitter With 1 XLR Direct Output And 2 Transformer



ART S8-3WAY 8-Channel 3-Way Microphone Splitter 1U Rackmountable 8-Channel Microphone/Line-Level Splitter With 1 XLR Direct Output And 2 Transformer

In plea papers, Ruiz admitted she began having sexual intercourse with her 16-year-old victim, identified in court documents as John Doe 2, in fall 2020, and continued the relationship through spring 2021, when the boy turned 17.

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7a8777  No.16873409


We tried to tell them.

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6ae50a  No.16873421


I didn't even know it was going on.

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afc07d  No.16873422


>the absolute state of Canada

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41ef75  No.16873423


NATO is practically begging for a nuke up their ass

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6ae50a  No.16873435


>Best thing OSS ever did was banning him for CP for that post.

I missed the 'event'

but this is legendary level keks

>be anon

>everyone thinks you are femanon

>cant win the argument


>post your dick with post-it-note proof

>banned for CP because your dick is small

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3088a9  No.16873439



anons were questioning why i would make a 5lb meatloaf a while back

because i like it and wont have to cook again for a week

been making big batches of stuffing lately and adding cubed cooked chicken breast or pork loin

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bcd0b3  No.16873442


Do you have any idea who owns the site?

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ff3ee6  No.16873450


>Why is he hiding documents that are legally to be provided in open records requests?

Because he can and can do so with impunity. There's no one or nothing there to stop him.

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f9c591  No.16873455


That means it's working

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bcd0b3  No.16873456

CDC guidance on safe sex & Monkeypox


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80a8d2  No.16873471

The Real Toria Brooke / @wqnderwqman

06/03/2022 08:53:22

Truth Social: 108413635969208338

ICYMI — From KevinKileyCA: "[Yesterday California] Court of Appeal Justice Vance Raye was expelled for failing to do his job. Raye is the judge who reversed California’s victory over Newsom."

This is major, considering Raye was appointed to Sacramento Superior Court in 1989 and as an Associate Justice on the Third District Court of Appeal in 1991.


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afc07d  No.16873476


Wonder if she's in any way related to

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80a8d2  No.16873483


the rigging was in 2018 but the woman just pled last week

because of 200 Mules

Gregg putting out a lot of info in the replies that you're missing if you just read qagg

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80a8d2  No.16873498

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bcd0b3  No.16873499


SEETHE and COPE moloch worshipper

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6ae50a  No.16873504



Kevin the Teenager say 'Urrrrghhh)

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3088a9  No.16873509


I don't 'value' child rapists or (((inbreds))) as 'worthy of life'.

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6ae50a  No.16873516


It's not my problem that Zelenskyy put the Swastica on, then put the star of david on.

If Adm Rogers is pro Ukraine then he is PRO NAZI.

And I don't respect him no more.

I don't give a fuck about OTHER LOGIC.

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3088a9  No.16873522


Got a few more weeks and we will see. I'm not quite able to financially at this point.

Gotta have a home to homeschool in.

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7a8777  No.16873532


Just tell me she is fking dead so I can move on at least a little bit. I want legit.

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bcd0b3  No.16873539

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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afc07d  No.16873542



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5e6fcd  No.16873543

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80a8d2  No.16873552


Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox and can stay dormant in your body for years, decades even. Look it up.

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afc07d  No.16873555


a few classics

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ff3ee6  No.16873560


stop projecting your mental disorder onto me, homo. Faggots don't go to Heaven.

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bcd0b3  No.16873564


> it was a role she was playing.

digits confirm

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afc07d  No.16873567


cancel that

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ff3ee6  No.16873572


the ghost with the most

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5e6fcd  No.16873581





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7a8777  No.16873582

For 2024 presidential campaign

we need to see

"Donald Take The Wheel"

Tee's and Hats

Jesus in passenger seat

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80a8d2  No.16873601


saving just in case.

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3088a9  No.16873608


They only show fake footage.

Hollywood production stuff.

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80a8d2  No.16873650


Right? Can't argue with "it's not real, it's meaningless and therefore can be twisted however I want because YAY APOLOGETICS!!!".

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80a8d2  No.16873661


its a side pony trick

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3088a9  No.16873680

Russia not to blame for global food crisis – Putin

Russia is ready to aid in transporting Ukrainian grain but the western sanctions make it impossible, the Russian president has said

Restrictions imposed by the US and its allies against Russia and Belarus will only exacerbate the looming global food crisis by affecting fertilizer trade and sending the food prices further up, Russian President Vladimir Putin says.

In a special TV interview on Friday evening, following a meeting with African leaders in Sochi, Putin accused Western leaders of trying "to shift the responsibility for what is happening in the world food market."

The root causes of the crisis lie with the US financial policies during the Covid-19 pandemic and Europe's over-reliance on renewables and short-term gas contracts, which have led to price hikes and rising inflation, Putin has said.

The unfavorable situation on the world's food market did not begin to take shape yesterday, or even from the moment Russia launched the special military operation in the Donbass and Ukraine.

"It began to take shape as early as February 2020 in the process of combating the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic," he added.

High gas prices, which came as a result of under-investment in the traditional energy sector, have forced many fertilizer producers to shut down their businesses because of unprofitability, the Russian president has argued. Such developments have shrunk the fertilizer supply, which, in turn, has sent the food prices up, he added.

Yet, instead of making some real steps to remedy the situation, the western nations just pin the blame on Moscow, Putin has said. The Russian president has dismissed all claims that Moscow is preventing the Ukrainian grain from being exported to other nations as a “bluff.” He has also said that Russia is ready to increase its own grain export up to 50 million tons.

Putin has pointed to the fact that there are several ways to safely transport the grain from the Ukrainian territory, including through Poland and Hungary. He has also said that the Russian forces are about to finish demining the areas of the Black Sea it controls to facilitate safe transfer of goods through the Azov and Black Seas.

The Russian leader has also called the Belarus transport route “the cheapest way” of making the Ukrainian grain reach the customers around the world. Yet, using it would require western nations to lift sanctions they imposed against Minsk, he has added.

Earlier on Friday, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has told the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres that Belarus is ready to transport the Ukrainian grain to the European ports by rail but it would require those ports to be able to accept wares from Belarus, which is currently impossible because of sanctions.

“To create the conditions for the transit of the Ukrainian grain, the ports that would serve as shipping points should be able to load and unload Belarusian goods,” Lukashenko has said.

Guterres, in turn, has said that he would discuss the issue with the leaders of the relevant nations in the coming days.


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80a8d2  No.16873683



Should have been 88

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bcd0b3  No.16873697

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f137a3  No.16873703


there is absolutely nothing that bidan can say that is of value to anyone in private other than to 'confirm (((blackmail))) status'.

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bcd0b3  No.16873708


You are correct but there is a few differences between what the Democratic voters were doing in Congress compared to the Trump supporters.

At most there were what? A few hundred of those people crying?

The amount of Trump supporters (also a lot of plants too) made every other Protest in before Congress insignificant.

All you need is a few dozen plants to start causing trouble and you now have the starting of a riot (even though it wasn't caused Trump supporters, who the fuck knows at the time it's happening.)

Massive difference between having 12 people enter that building and breaking shit compared to 100's of people entering and 12 people breaking shit.

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7a8777  No.16873724

Where did T Gowdy go?

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5e6fcd  No.16873744


oh look, hope the "what if it was a 12 year old boy"-idiot from yesterday sees this!

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d40ffe  No.16873759


> there is a standoff underway between law enforcement officers and the suspect.

Who brings a knife to a gunfight?

The fuckin cops have tasers and guns, the suspect has a knife. What kinda cop is afraid of a nutjob with a knife?

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ff3ee6  No.16873766


Creative Writing 101

Pretend that you were a young Jewish girl in the 1940s writing in her diary. Write about your experiences.

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3088a9  No.16873768

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5b0526  No.16873776


You guys silly? I'm still gonna send it.

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ff3ee6  No.16873780


> They were after a specific response on said form.

That is unethical.

It is supposed to be a decision made without coercion.

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afc07d  No.16873790


<When Night Shift clocks in.

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3088a9  No.16873796


> if I caught something like that as a 50+ year old it would've taken me out.

momanon caught that shit mid 60's & survived thanks to steroids.

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7a8777  No.16873806


they'll pay for that one….

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7a8777  No.16873818


tell Trump

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bcd0b3  No.16873823


And also people who don't have any money taken out by the IRS have to file 4 times a year because the IRS doesn't want to wait for a whole year to get their money.

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d40ffe  No.16873840

Today is :37


Here is a version without the anonymous replier.


:07 marker

Q was spoon feeding us back then.

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5b0526  No.16873841



obvious AF shill

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ff3ee6  No.16873854


>Which new Q? The one with the tripcode? Or the one simply posting with the Q name instead of anonymous?

It really doesn't matter what Q posts may appear if they completely lack substance.

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35c795  No.16873903


>This is because that's the last place in the USA where cellphone coverage is still spotty.

horseshit. there vast area with zero cell service all over the north east. any mountainous or even slightly hilly terrain blocks microwaves. they are line-of-sight ONLY.

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7a8777  No.16873911


> shill adding to the shill slide


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ff3ee6  No.16873934


This is not a game

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ff3ee6  No.16873958

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ee2c51  No.16873959


why does he pronounce it like that

Ann Non

isn't it A-non

like anonymous

ann - on

that's crazy

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5e6fcd  No.16873967

Next 5 months gonna be CRAAAZY

Hold on to your butts.

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7a8777  No.16873995


Interwebz´s forever.


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35c795  No.16873998


too late nigger

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53c3f1  No.16874001



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5b0526  No.16874004


>That witch needs to face her crimes.

trips of justice confirm

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ee2c51  No.16874008


Lithuanians are of Greek descent.

That’s why many Lithuanian names end is ‘s’

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bcd0b3  No.16874014

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5e6fcd  No.16874016


confirmation dubs, chores spelling corrected.

singing is not outlawed btw.

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9b9a0b  No.16874025

dehumanize and demonize the non-inferior*

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35c795  No.16874034


They had the FBI fake protestors is a Uhaul with their hands up like little children….kek

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9b9a0b  No.16874051


>ALL leftists are radical commies.

well-meaning liberal friends as Reagen once called them

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5b0526  No.16874065


this anon gets it

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9b9a0b  No.16874075


See my report showing proof of Dominion cooking the vote in Mesa County Colorado. http://magaraccoon.com/docs/MesaCountyReport3.pdf



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53c3f1  No.16874106


take your word salad and shove it. filtered.

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53c3f1  No.16874132

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a74b64  No.16874165


and shitting the bread. So uncouth! KEK!

Some people's kids.

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d40ffe  No.16874169

Evergrande is officially defaulted according to Citi Bank as of Saturday June 4th. Hundreds of billions $ will get removed from market makers and banks on Monday 7th June #Evergrande #evergrandedefaulted


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3dc8a9  No.16874175

Potential duplicate, if anon missed it, sorry:

Crimo video, much of the same images, creepy music. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" audio. "American History X" scene.

They went all out for this one. Not well, but E for effort..

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f137a3  No.16874177


ok cool

so i am very comfy

I would say 11/10

how about u anon

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5b0526  No.16874180


face looks fully cgi deepfake shittery

bewbs look genuine though

meh, so she was just calling out the fake jews, that's it

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b5f304  No.16874183

First Preliminary Injunction Filed in AZ, PDF

Mike Lindell

By Lindell-TV, 28 June, 2022



Kari Lake and Mark Finchem,



Kathleen Hobbs, as Arizona Secretary of State;

Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers,

Thomas Galvin, and Steve Gallardo, in their

capacity as members of the Maricopa County

Board of Supervisors; Rex Scott, Matt Heinz,

Sharon Bronson, Steve Christy, Adelita

Grijalva, in their capacity as members of the

Pima County Board of Supervisors,


No. ____


(Jury Trial Demanded)

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dfce47  No.16874184


Biden admits Dems don't have the votes to ax Senate filibuster

Democrats currently control the 50-50 Senate with Vice President Kamala Harris acting as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber


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5102aa  No.16874199

I am leading in every poll, by a lot, and the Democrats are doing everything they can to change that, even if it’s another Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, Mueller Scam, Impeachment waste of time, or whatever. The same lying people saying the same kind of thing. I only want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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dfce47  No.16874212


Yes, fake news is brainwashed, not ready for truth.

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35c795  No.16874221

sum of all fears

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a74b64  No.16874235

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ee2c51  No.16874239


Death by battery explosion.

Not cool.

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15820a  No.16874294


>I will change my tune once Q isn't F&G.

Astute and same here.

If Q+ / Q really did turn the drop process back on then they would certainly want to have ironclad verification that they did.

Otherwise, why go to the trouble to verify before and setup multiple ways to avoid a compd situation developing later?

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aa28d3  No.16874311

Just another Brandon day

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ee2c51  No.16874338

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5b0526  No.16874370







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a74b64  No.16874381


Acorn- what anon thought too

What does that mean to them I don't remember.

Halp pls

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b5f304  No.16874382


Posted above the notables under "Qs latest posts"

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53c3f1  No.16874390


No-the cat pig is a black smear on the board.

Everyone knows it.

It’s time it goes away.

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b5f304  No.16874395


she have downs syndrome?

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35c795  No.16874399












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5102aa  No.16874403


oh shit i wish i had not read that

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9b9a0b  No.16874412


Relief !!!

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b40b16  No.16874423


seathe moar

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5102aa  No.16874430


Senator Grassley Exposes Hillary Clinton (Cap 11:24)

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a74b64  No.16874437



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35c795  No.16874442


I missed, too many morans to read.

I apologies.

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a74b64  No.16874452

“It is not the descent toward the shadow nor the rise toward the light that makes us superior. It is the endless struggle between the two that greatness of character lies. We are tested, and we do not break. We will never fall!”

― Sanguinius

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9b9a0b  No.16874468

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35c795  No.16874470

Iowa Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Abortion Waiting Period Law

A highly anticipated abortion ruling came down on Friday from the Iowa Supreme Court, which involves a law requiring women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion.

The Iowa Supreme Court has overruled a 2018 decision and held that abortion is not protected by the state’s constitution.

“In a fractured decision that reverses a lower court’s decision to block a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion, the court said the previous ruling that established a constitutional right to an abortion insufficiently recognizes that future human lives are at stake,” USA Today reported.

“The ruling sends a case challenging a 2020 law that put in place a 24-hour waiting period for an abortion back to a lower court to reevaluate. It also suggested that a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, which is expected soon, would further decide the landscape of abortion in Iowa and across the U.S.,” the report added.

“Although we overrule (the 2018 decision), and thus reject the proposition that there is a fundamental right to an abortion in Iowa’s Constitution subjecting abortion regulation to strict scrutiny, we do not at this time decide what constitutional standard should replace it,” wrote Justice Edward Mansfield, who penned the majority opinion.

Iowa GOP Gov. Kim Reynolds celebrated the Iowa Supreme Court decision in a statement.

“Today’s ruling is a significant victory in our fight to protect the unborn. The Iowa Supreme Court reversed its earlier 2018 decision, which made Iowa the most abortion-friendly state in the country,” Reynolds said. “Every life is sacred and should be protected, and as long as I’m governor that is exactly what I will do.”

With the Iowa constitutional right removed, and if the Roe precedent is overturned, Iowa lawmakers would have significantly more freedom to pass and enforce restrictive abortion laws.

House Speaker Pat Grassley, R-New Hartford, said the decision “is a positive step in our fight to protect the unborn.”

Democrats decried the ruling, with House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst calling it a “step backward for Iowa families.”

“Iowans should always have the final say in making their own healthcare decisions, including abortion, without interference from politicians,” Konfrst said in a statement.

The ruling out of Iowa comes as the U.S. Supreme Court will soon deliver the official ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the highly anticipated abortion case that could overrule Roe v. Wade.

A draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to Politico in early May and it set off a firestorm on social media.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

“We, therefore, hold the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives,” Alito writes in the document, labeled the “Opinion of the Court.”

Soon after Alito’s draft majority opinion leaked, it’s assumed there were at least 5 votes in favor of overturning Roe v Wade, leaving state legislators to weigh their own abortion policies.

However, the investigation has not identified any suspects and the court’s integrity is growing weaker by the day, according to NPR.

One source told the outlet that “the place sounds like it’s imploding.”

Another said, “I don’t know how on earth the court is going to finish up its work this term.”

The nation’s highest court has taken a slew of actions since the leak, including requiring law clerks to provide cell phone records and sign affidavits, according to CNN.

A draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to Politico earlier this month and it set off a firestorm on social media.

“Some clerks are apparently so alarmed over the moves, particularly the sudden requests for private cell data, that they have begun exploring whether to hire outside counsel. The court’s moves are unprecedented and the most striking development to date in the investigation into who might have provided Politico with the draft opinion it published on May 2,” CNN reported.

“The probe has intensified the already high tensions at the Supreme Court, where the conservative majority is poised to roll back a half-century of abortion rights and privacy protections. Chief Justice John Roberts met with law clerks as a group after the breach, CNN has learned, but it is not known whether any systematic individual interviews have occurred,” the report added.


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a74b64  No.16874479


Nothing but fake news.

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b40b16  No.16874490


>Argentina sub

>Marker and death toll.

Sure about that death toll? 44 on board? What did POTUS know that the media ignored?

I have long given the order to help Argentina with the Search and Rescue mission of their missing submarine. 45 people aboard and not much time left. May God be with them and the people of Argentina!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2017

Anons know.

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5b0526  No.16874508

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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b40b16  No.16874519


Love JP!

right on again

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ee2c51  No.16874532


Google Image Seach "Self Suck" Konrad…

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53c3f1  No.16874535

In Jan. 6 cases, 1 judge stands out as the toughest punisher

An Ohio couple climbed through a broken window of the U.S. Capitol and livestreamed a video of themselves inside. A Texas mortgage broker posed for a selfie in front of rioters breaching the building. An Indiana hair salon owner celebrated on Facebook a day after she joined the pro-Donald Trump mob.

Federal prosecutors did not seek prison time for any of them after they pleaded guilty to petty offenses for their actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

The judge had other ideas.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan put them all behind bars, describing it as the appropriate punishment for their participation.

Chutkan, a former assistant public defender who was nominated to the bench by President Barack Obama, has consistently taken the hardest line against Jan. 6 defendants of any judge serving on Washington’s federal trial court.


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b5f304  No.16874536

>What happened to the 20 min breads?

have >>16871392

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35c795  No.16874542


It’s like you guys can’t help but reveal your shill status.

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9b9a0b  No.16874543

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b5f304  No.16874565


>would be my greatest nightmare!

You must be a Jew and a coward!

I would be happy about some uninvited visitors! There I could wield the hammer without going to jail for it!

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a74b64  No.16874581

fucking charlatan piece of shit

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9b9a0b  No.16874586

When AOC sees this she'll have an orgasm.

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3dc8a9  No.16874592


nice post except for the word


Be an adult and say fuck. It won't hurt you.

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3dc8a9  No.16874607


Movie theaters. So hard to escape.

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a74b64  No.16874613







Seriously….WTF is going on?

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b40b16  No.16874618


Member when men were men and women were women?

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b40b16  No.16874631

Joe Biden is the President of the United States.

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9a8497  No.16874638



The desperation for ANYTHING that they can spin to false-verify the Fake Q posts is palpable.

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3dc8a9  No.16874645


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35c795  No.16874680


Normies are nincompoops.

Just plant seeds (crumbs) of truth, they aren't worth arguing with, because they won't understand what you're talking about. They have to figure it out for themselves the hard way.

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b40b16  No.16874684

ABC chicago: talked to aide of state rep there. She used the phone interview to call for "the need for sensible gun laws" already as it is still going on.

White male it's said. Rifle, recovered from rooftop. But stoll considered armed. 18-20 yo. Small build, whitr tshirt.. still out there.

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15820a  No.16874692


Which one?

And what Q post here told us to follow that account there?

Without Q's direction here to go there… isn't that just outside comms?

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91ddc6  No.16874693

Gillum and Hunter two different tales.

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3dc8a9  No.16874698



KEK Muslims blast the loud speaker in the community to announce prayer. That, dear Sara is performance.

Intimidation, too

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ee2c51  No.16874699


With soooo many waking up now, makes sense to me the return timing is good. 2A being upheld on top of Roe were BIG wins last week, and we can all feel the tide turning. But anons are scattered and many have gotten lazy - those potential Q drops snapped anons back to that mode of thinking and communicating.

The lack of viewership for the J6 circus and same for the pResident admin on TV or online says a lot about folks waking up. An increasing numbers of normies may be looking to their anon freiends and family to fill in gaps.


This shit was blasted across TS yesterday and convinced many it's all new faquery.

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5102aa  No.16874700

These are the monsters who run the country



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9a8497  No.16874701


burnin' down the house

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35c795  No.16874707




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53c3f1  No.16874728

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53c3f1  No.16874758


no trip

fuck off shill


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15820a  No.16874774


They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain.

Fight the good fight.


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b40b16  No.16874779


Exactly this!

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9a8497  No.16874796



You called?

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53c3f1  No.16874799


Are you reposting your/anons notables to other networks?

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b5f304  No.16874800

what a mystery it's like they are in a pool or something

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15820a  No.16874801

This may be the first time in the history of the Republic that we have a lame duck president in the White House before the first half of his first term. And in the middle of a self-induced national recession.

His own party is done with him already.


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dfce47  No.16874804


in the old days a first lady could sit on the sidelines at times and not be criticized for it, after all her husband is the president, not her

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9b9a0b  No.16874805

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5102aa  No.16874809


>need a good background to meme this!!!

Imma co-sign on this for

\/ That


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b5f304  No.16874813

A dozen fake shootings a day will make the retards obey

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15820a  No.16874814

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a74b64  No.16874815

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9b9a0b  No.16874820

Are absolute retards on the menu for breakfast this morning? I'm hungry, but not for baby shit.

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15820a  No.16874829

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b40b16  No.16874835


Just like I said, same ID

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15820a  No.16874841


Double kek. Nah, triple kek. Kek. Kek. Kek.

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dfce47  No.16874845


Thank Q Baker

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9b9a0b  No.16874846


Spreading their love with bricks and firebombs.

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b40b16  No.16874847


Beautiful notable

Prayer works

Never let up.

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9a8497  No.16874853


Did Tucker really apply to the CIA like his Wikipedia claims?

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5102aa  No.16874867


>Paul Pelosi

He had an accident in which killed his brother what?

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b5f304  No.16874868

Report: ‘Record Number’ of LGBTQ Candidates Running for Congress this Year

God, I pray fervently, please stop this evil!

A “record number” of LGBTQ candidates are running for Congress, “motivated in part” by laws in GOP states shoring up parental rights and protecting women and girls’ sports, Axios Congressional reporter Sophia Cai reported Tuesday.

Approximately 104 LGBTQ candidates are running for House or Senate seats in the 2022 midterm elections — a nearly 20 percent increase compared to 2020, when 87 LGBTQ candidates campaigned, Cai wrote.

“Some of those campaigns have already ended, but as of last week, 57 candidates are still actively running, according to data,” the report reads.

Cai wrote that candidates at the state level “say discriminatory laws have motivated them to seek a seat in their legislatures.” These supposed “discriminatory laws,” however, are put forth by Republicans to keep radical gender ideology from infiltrating schools and creating a divide between parents and their children.

A prime example is Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which expands parents’ oversight of their children’s education and prohibits the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation from kindergarten through third grade. Democrats and corporate media allies quickly dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and claim it targets vulnerable gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex children. In reality, the legislation does not mention any particular sexuality.

The Biden administration, Democrats, and pro-transgender clinical organizations have also been pushing sex change surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones — labeled “gender-affirming care” — for minors who believe they are a different sex. Additionally, Democrats have pushed to allow males identifying as females to play women and girls’ sports and share female spaces, despite well-documented biological advantages and overall safety concerns.

Democrats have gone so far as to promote letting children attend drag shows ( see here, here, here, here, and here). In response, Republicans in several states have already begun crafting laws to criminalize exposing children to drag shows. GOP lawmakers have also created and passed laws in many states criminalizing “gender- affirming care” for minors and banning males from female sports.

This is what a “family-friendly drag show” in a bar looks like pic.twitter.com/oTnLmdEkaZ

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 16, 2022

According to the Axios report, LGBTQ voters “are among the fastest-growing parts of the electorate” and have high election turnout, though there are only 11 “out” LGTBQ Congress members.

Indeed, recent Gallup polling suggests the number of people who self-identify” as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), or “something other than heterosexual,” has increased to 7.1 percent of the 329 million population in the United States. A Pew Research Center Survey published in June found that five percent of Americans from 18 to 30-years-old identify as “transgender” or “nonbinary.”


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3dc8a9  No.16874877

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5102aa  No.16874881

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91ddc6  No.16874893

"Q" next post(to verify for those non-believers) is going to be just:…

"I AM That I AM"…


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9a8497  No.16874894


So you say FUBAR is the norm.

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3dc8a9  No.16874943


Do you think you give up free will in Heaven? If that were true there would never had been a

This might interest you, it might not. I think this channel has outstanding in depth videos, not terribly long. The playlist Gen1-11 is really excellent.

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2c5929  No.16874948

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/30/2022 12:35:52

Truth Social: 108567393253869871


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9b9a0b  No.16874997




anons are nowhere near that

please prove me wrong

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91ddc6  No.16875000


>Huh? Decompiling executables

above my paygrade, but ghidra / nsa decidedly connects to 8kun…otherwise, why post and choose that logo…right?

And if NSA is up in our shit in this corner of the internet in one way, why not another way…? admittedly, I can't pretend to understand all the dots, but I can connect 'em if it makes sense in some way.

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15820a  No.16875008

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.








No war.

No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.






EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]



These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

They shouldn't have touched the children.





























17 items





Valhalla Calling


Fantasy Land








we 'default' on the $32 trillon.

The Cold War was fake.

a quanon screen

The Washington Post





The Gaurdian


Sectec Astronomy

7th floor is no more.



Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit




Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Submarine


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9a8497  No.16875017


hid that too, ty

keep them coming so i can fuck them off

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3636fb  No.16875032


(((mass media))) is run by godless (((inbreds))) that will do 'anything and everything' to distract from that Jesus is God because Jesus as God only had hanging for the (((inbred))) judas.

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3636fb  No.16875042

June 30, 2022

6:30 PM EDT

Trust Us?

National Press Club


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85c7d4  No.16875053


This is an INSCOM op, soeveryone?

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2c5929  No.16875055


No such thing is allowed.

Why would a normal anon say that?

I suspect there is faggotry at play!


Sounds like you are calling in re-enforcements!

Clown who’s calling all clowns? Priceless

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50a724  No.16875056


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b5f304  No.16875089

SCOTUS Order List 6/27/2022


First 4 pages capped… 13 pages in total

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91ddc6  No.16875092



six 4s! noice!!

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b40b16  No.16875110



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9a8497  No.16875127


Must have come to their senses on that one. kek

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3636fb  No.16875130

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15820a  No.16875131


Just noticed even the AA "Big Book" is Ukraine colors.

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50a724  No.16875156

Dough (twice baked)


Ebaker out

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5102aa  No.16875164


but at least we arent speaking German, right anons?!?

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85c7d4  No.16875167

New election integrity group launches ahead of the November midterms

As Americans prepare to head to the polls and vote in the midterm elections, a new election integrity group is equipped to ensure “transparent, accurate, and fair elections.”

Voter Reference Foundation, which operates under “Restoration of America,” was formed to ensure “transparent, accurate and fair elections in the United States of America,” according to a press release.

The foundation is operated by former election officials “who understand the data and process” and aims to provide voters with public access to government data on elections and increase voter turnout in all 50 states.

Along with the new election integrity group, the VoteRef.com website also launched as “the first large-scale effort in U.S. history to publish public voter rolls for all 50 states.”

“Our country is headed down a dark path and we need to stand in the breach and fight back,” founder Doug Truax said via a June press release. “Organizing our groups ahead of the November midterms is part of that strategy.”

For Immediate Release: Top conservative groups refresh under "Restoration of America" pic.twitter.com/74Q2U6B7p6

— Restoration of America (@Restoration_roa) June 13, 2022

As the midterm elections continue, states have increased voter security measures to minimize election fraud.

Missouri Republican Gov. Mike Parson recently signed House Bill 1878 requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls, as previously reported. Failure to provide proper proof of identification will cause voters to cast a provisional ballot under certain conditions.

Other states have enacted similar provisions to tighten up election security.


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15820a  No.16875174

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5102aa  No.16875176

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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2c5929  No.16875185

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15820a  No.16875187

Fucking pussies

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616cf3  No.16875190

A rare parade of planets is coming into better view in the second half of June, and even the moon will join the show.

The current early-evening sky is completely devoid of any of the five bright planets you can see with the naked eye (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). You have to wait until the second half of the night to see any of them, and then they will slowly come into view, one by one, and just before sunrise, all five will be stretched out across the southern and eastern sky.

Certainly, it is not unusual to see two or three bright planets in a single glance, but to have five in view simultaneously is something quite special. This week's alignment will be quite "tight," with the five worlds appearing to stretch across an arc only about halfway across the sky from east-northeast to almost due south roughly about a half hour before sunrise.



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91ddc6  No.16875193



anons know what to do…

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15820a  No.16875220


Dats fuct up, anon…..

Do moar!


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85c7d4  No.16875224


So to defeat evil you join it, is that it, projectionbot?

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50a724  No.16875230



Christians can see Jesus so they know that he is real.

those that only see darkness are inside the (((inbred))) anubis.

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616cf3  No.16875238

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b40b16  No.16875245


Definitely out of mana.

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3636fb  No.16875249


Me no like hurt Kat

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5102aa  No.16875255


Now do Congress (Pelosi)

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50a724  No.16875258


Timestamp chek'd. The 17 comms tonight are off the charts! They love us so much!

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15820a  No.16875265


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5102aa  No.16875270

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15820a  No.16875279


Mornin' Frater


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50a724  No.16875284

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9a8497  No.16875290


>But it makes you gay

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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2c5929  No.16875291


i'm sure the cabal is shaking in their boots…

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85c7d4  No.16875295


Yes, please, tell us more about what you like & what you don't

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5102aa  No.16875300


Modus operandi (often used in the abbreviated forms M.O. or simply Method) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "method of operating" The term is used in English to describe someone's habits or manner of working, the method of operating or functioning. It is often used in a criminal sense, to profile the methods employed by individuals during the execution of a crime

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2c5929  No.16875331

The Order of the Sword was established to honor senior military officers & civilians, with origins dating back to the Middle Ages.



Everyone is tracked.

Rus military is the only way…

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0e15db  No.16875346

Gawd are my quads sore. Is it possible to flex too much?

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5102aa  No.16875355

Nothing confirmed Q posts like shill team, 5 days in, still going bananas

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3636fb  No.16875358


Damn it must suck to be so clueless to what's happening.

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5102aa  No.16875368

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616cf3  No.16875387



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50a724  No.16875388

If we were doing a bad job waking people up and exposing the slime, would these shills need to be here ($$$) damn near 2 years after Q's last post?

Just know shills, your presence here has the opposite effect on the Patriots here

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657729  No.16875391

Split bread to top off the weekend

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5102aa  No.16875394


Have you found a new job yet? If not you better get looking!

Oh yeah, is it Stelter, Lemon or Acosta the first to get kicked out of the prime time lineup and sent on their way?

I think its Stelter, Lemon has actually toned down his racism a bit. Not sure about Acosta, he’s either really stupid or playing a game.

Yeah its Stelter, mostly because no one can tolerate his voice and his googly eyes! Is he gay? I always thought he was gay, not that theres anything wrong with that!

Tell us an inside joke about Stelter and the others, otherwise youre just another shill. Make it good!

Oh please, please tell us the truth, is it Chris Wallace thats out first, that would Christmas in June.

Anyway nothing else to share,now go make up a story of something you never heard hereas usual.

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2c5929  No.16875402

I'm so bored.

Does anyone want to see my ballz? (you have to show proof that you are mentally over 18)

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5102aa  No.16875417

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0e15db  No.16875419



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2c5929  No.16875429


One more fuzzy navel

And then I'll go

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616cf3  No.16875437


better ways to spend your time

you're not gonna learn who to trust from this stuff

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1dac68  No.16875438


>The People are Ready to Ride the Waves

>Water flows wherever it goes.

>The current ebbs, and the energy flows.

>Ride the Wave, my fren.


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50a724  No.16875439

sudden spike in traffic, what dropped?

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657729  No.16875440


i can't hear you anymore 'cause you got filtered.

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2c5929  No.16875443


that's meme material anon


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616cf3  No.16875452

chickkken riots flare with direct deposit face at $5.00/gallon

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50a724  No.16875454


fixed. refresh.

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657729  No.16875456


Attention anons

This poster wants you to ignore the Zero Delta Q stated specifically "Watkins locked them out"

This poster wants you to ignore the Zero Delta poster specifically said any future drops will be confirmed with a Zero Delta

This poster wants you to believe that 40 minutes after Zero Delta posted they were locked out/trip comp'd they would re-use the same trip.

Use your own judgement.

Trust yourself, not some bold shill telling you what to think.

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9a8497  No.16875457

can anons help a brother out

Looking for a clip where Zelensky is being interviewed and talks about the Azov nazis are an important part of his fighting force.

Thank you ahead of time I love you all

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6917ee  No.16875476


Yes we shall!

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59d4d0  No.16875477

surrounded by weak ass mofos…..

@HarrisTeeter @kroger

I am disappointed these coozies are being sold in an NC store. 110 Americans die every day from gun violence and most recently children, educators, health care providers, and family members were killed in mass shootings. Please remove them.



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3636fb  No.16875481


Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark (kissy face)

Does she mean MR. Meadows?

Mark… so familiar.. too familiar…

Buy The Book…

Searched to see if she's got one, first headline I see:

"Cassidy Hutchinson Held Their Manhoods Cheap"

June 28, 2022

That's one helluva title…


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2c5929  No.16875489


DAMN! I'm guessing land is too much to ask for, but at the same time… 10 bedrooms and "farmhouse-looking" kinda suggests it?

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0e15db  No.16875492


Now do stars for Microbiologists killed on bicycles or out joggin.

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59d4d0  No.16875504


Yup. To be honest, after all this is said and done, I'd love to start my own shave soap business. Small batch, hand made shave soaps and aftershaves.

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b5f304  No.16875505


>Here in the DEN OF THE DEVIL

where is tubbaks with the satania keks when you need them?

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57341f  No.16875513

More on Donald Trump SteeringWheelGate

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59d4d0  No.16875517


It’s Official! Zelenzkyy Signs Law This Weekend Banning Opposition Parties and Seizing Their Property

By Jim Hoft

Published May 15, 2022 at 6:40pm

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b5f304  No.16875518


My girlfriend ain't here, no point thinking about her, besides it could be another damn year whatever smoke and drink I need to forget must be good for something beyond my understanding but I just wait in and get wicked here until she actually manifests, NEVER MIND!!!

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0e15db  No.16875533


Ok, I'll bite….let's say someone hacked it…now what…do we shut down the board???…do we keep going???

And at this point…who the hell cares…except you of course…oh, btw…how's the girlfriend???

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9a8497  No.16875540

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1dac68  No.16875549

New Name, New Address, New Street Name, thanks, send the bill to Rob.

I told you the US Military commit treason give these satanic fucks a security clearance

That AG deserves death penalty for treason

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616cf3  No.16875553

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57341f  No.16875555


Stand up to the cancel culture and celebrate America.

(and some drops on the clock today)

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657729  No.16875560


Counter-rotation FTW

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616cf3  No.16875564

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616cf3  No.16875576


For your ignorance you get a slap with filter. Learn what a GenX is moron

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59d4d0  No.16875578



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1dac68  No.16875584

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


























>Question everything


>Brave New World

Q, / Q+, / Q++, / Q+++







There is Q

There are Anon's

But there is no QANON'S














Godfather III

Sum of All Fears












Pink Panther























RED RED 9/11



[D] Day



7th floor is no more





7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills





Yellow Submarine

DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





Larry Fink


Get me a bun, senpai








fang fang




Deep Dream



Horus e[Y]e of Ra

[P]riory of Sion























<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











For God and Country

When does a bird sing?

when it tweets

Fourth Wall?

(You) are watching a movie



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥



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3636fb  No.16875585


open tour legs

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2c5929  No.16875590


I write for the little green men fund.

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0e15db  No.16875592


Addendum edit:

It's not stolen by an election criminal if you don't let them steal it in the first place.

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50a724  No.16875598


That beast looks famiglia.

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616cf3  No.16875601



>the 2 from the pic plus islam are in favor of murdering babies.

Wrong, what is your source regarding Judaism and Islam?

Sarah Seltzer doesn't speak for Judaism.


These people are not Jewish anon

BANNED History of Sabbatai Zevi and 1666


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3636fb  No.16875610


You know it, she seems to be moar afraid of man than God.

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3636fb  No.16875622

2 Jul, 2022 14:39

China may be plotting moon takeover – NASA

(This headline is the best)

Chinese astronauts are busy learning how to destroy other nations’ satellites, agency chief Bill Nelson claimed

China might be contemplating a “takeover” of the Moon as part of its military space program, NASA’s administrator Bill Nelson has told newspaper Bild.

In an interview published on Saturday, Nelson claimed that the United States is now involved in a new race to space, with China this time. He emphasized that in 2035 Beijing might finish construction of its own Moon station and start experiments a year later.

79-year-old Nelson claimed that we must be very concerned about China landing on the Moon and saying that it now belongs to the Peoples’ Republic and everyone else should stay out.

Claiming that China’s space program is a “military” space program, Nelson explained that the competition for the south pole of the moon is especially intense: potential water deposits there could be used in the future for rocket-fuel production.

When asked by Bild what military purposes could China be pursuing in space, Nelson claimed that Chinese astronauts are busy learning how to destroy other countries’ satellites.

Despite Beijing’s assurances that its ambitious space program has purely peaceful purposes, Nelson has long been a tough critic of China’s policy in space.

In April he accused Chinese officials of refusing to work with the US on its operations and of concealing important data. Earlier, however, he acknowledged that NASA abides by a 2011 law that prohibits the agency from engaging in direct collaboration with the Chinese government or any China-affiliated organizations without explicit approval from Congress and federal law enforcement authorities. Chinese officials have pointed to that ban, called the Wolf Amendment, as “unfortunate” and an impediment to direct cooperation with NASA.

Recent sanctions imposed by the West on Moscow over its military offensive in Ukraine prompted Russia to seek even deeper cooperation with China in space. In the end of February, just two days after the launch of Moscow’s ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, the head of the Russian space agency Dmitry Rogozin announced that Roscosmos would cease work on joint space projects with Europe and the United States and would start negotiations with China on coordination and mutual technical support of all deep-space missions.

Meanwhile, in January this year, NASA’s Office ofInspector General warned that the size of the agency’s astronaut corps might be too small to meet its future needs. The corps, which listed 44 astronauts, was named “one of the smallest cadres of astronauts in the past 20 years,” and that’s while NASA is preparing for its Artemis moon exploration missions.


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57341f  No.16875635


>90% of the politicians in Arizona are heavily corrupted from the governor on down.

Here I fixed it for you anon:

90% of the politicians in the USA inc from the president down to the states governers, legislatures and local mayors, councilmen and county executives are corrupt.


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b5f304  No.16875639

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9cea04  No.16875640

File: b0567647a1dee6d⋯.jpg (114.97 KB, 828x1097, 828:1097, FB_IMG_1654971329049.jpg)

glancing around other breds it appears to anon spam is ongoing but has slowed down rate of posting to a crawl.

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50a724  No.16875642


join TS faggots

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657729  No.16875646

Some Anon finished the Q book today…lol. Q fucked that dude up

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1dac68  No.16875671

Let's change the world

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616cf3  No.16875690


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2c5929  No.16875709


It's cool you can be wrong as long as you like I'll still be right

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66bf69  No.16875717





Thanks Baker. Awesome bake.

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b5f304  No.16875725


Which one of you men showing off prompted this warning?

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657729  No.16875729

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1dac68  No.16875753


Online archive version: https://archive.ph/AeRK7

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3636fb  No.16875761

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50aae0  No.16875762


Much better than Sting. (also a playtime of 4:44).

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57341f  No.16875771


you beat me to it.


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59d4d0  No.16875772



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616cf3  No.16875782


Uh. Ok. Sure. Then take the L-Citrulline and boost your N.O when the 5g frequency fucks you up, and the N.O will immediately help make you better.

Cause it does.

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b5f304  No.16875788


careful anon

they will ban you for referencing it

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657729  No.16875793


I think Fake Maga Is our biggest threat,

I noticed Trump Endorses people at different times,based on how close the race is.

I am Running against Fake Maga in an upcoming primary

But This Makes Her look like she is not fake,

10-12 years ago if you ordered impersonators, Like marlyn monroe you would not even think about who they would send, I would not imagine they would send a man but hey once they arrived I mean are you going to ask lol

2011 was a different time

This is Dasting, I watch obviously to who they highlight [follow the money I know] But I have noticed people like Ron, or Lawson, or Perkins, they cant buy media attention, But instead like Lawson, Patty Murrey spends millions to make sure if you dont like her you should vote for this rhino [because this is the republican threat]

I do not think its going to work anymore

IMHO this is a good sign for Kari Lake

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66bf69  No.16875794


>You constantly post but don't speak openly. Tell them who the girl is coward.

No because like I said I will prefer to live a private life with my future wife, end of story.

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657729  No.16875818


>Merica was awesome before globohomo showed up

Yeah 1811 was good times

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50aae0  No.16875824


Fake like wink wink it’s fake

Or fake like it’s fake and you’re gatekeeping?

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3636fb  No.16875826


New York Post


'Sex work is not a bad term,' says book for high schoolers https://trib.al/7XqrrRH


9:34 AM · Jun 18, 2022·SocialFlow

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57341f  No.16875848

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657729  No.16875858


Duper spread um

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0e15db  No.16875867

msm msdntransitioners

are the worlds largest group of

SEX WORKERSdegenerates

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616cf3  No.16875878

BIDEN: "The idea we're going to be able to click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline, is not likely in the near term. Nor is it with regard to food."


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50aae0  No.16875890


Garland = Obama

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657729  No.16875900


the lion returns, not the lamb

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0e15db  No.16875908


> just a ruse to allow him to drop this into the official record under oath?

kinda like it was injected as evidence


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:54:59 ID: d24602

8chan/qresearch: 1105115


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:50:50 ID:d24602

8chan/qresearch: 1105041



Relationships High.

“Insurance File.”

Quiet until now.

Join POTUS’ legal team.

Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.

Enjoy the show.

They never thought she would lose.




We have everything.

How can we use what we know?

How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?

What are you witnessing unfold?

Trust the plan.


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50aae0  No.16875917


>We did our part.

what do you mean by this exactly?

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65a191  No.16875918

Did not make the meme only updated it.

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b5f304  No.16875924


>one, big, mutual fart-smelling handjob circle of people all congratulating each other for sharing "the message" without doing a fucking thing about it.

Yeah yeah.

And that description could cynically be a perfect fit for QR as well.

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50aae0  No.16875930

i love the smell of dank anons in the nightshift >>16873744

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59d4d0  No.16875932


yeah but the AI is fake and gay

it's just going to say whatever the (((globalists))) want.

retards will think it's super smart because they will get some new tech and distracting luxuries.

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50aae0  No.16875960


This is not for you.

Alberto Ángel Fernández (Spanish pronunciation: [alˈβeɾto ferˈnandes]; born 2 April 1959) is an Argentine politician, lawyer and professor, serving as president of Argentina since 2019.

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800518  No.16875968


any theory of the DS that doesnt include Gobekli Tepe, monoliths and pyramids is void

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1053e9  No.16875969

Dall-E 2


This should be fun.

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657729  No.16875970

hard to out-thinktank Divine Inspiration

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50a724  No.16875980

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b5f304  No.16875996


was it a high horse?

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800518  No.16875997


>private investigator

Somebody was paying the private investigator. There is moar to the story here. But we may never know.

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b5f304  No.16876022


Qanons give me that info

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800518  No.16876023


excellent timing, ty

looking for that earlier


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657729  No.16876026

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b5f304  No.16876034


That is full gay

Consensus on a theory doesn't proof anything in science, and their claimed consensus is fake

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65a191  No.16876037

GOP Rep. Kinzinger receives chilling threat against him, wife and 5-month-old son

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, shared a frightening letter that threatened to “execute” his family, including his 5-month-old baby.

“Here is the letter. Addressed to my wife, sent to my home, threatening the life of my family,” the Illinois congressman posted Sunday on his Twitter account.

The unhinged note, addressed to Kinzinger’s wife, Sofia, begins: “That pimp you married not only broke his oath, he sold his soul.”

The letter then goes on to chillingly warn her husband would be “executed.”

“Therefore, although it might take time, he will be executed.

“But don’t worry! You and Christian [the couple’s infant son] will be joining Adam in hell too!”

In an appearance earlier on ABC News’ “This Week,” the congressman said his wife received the letter a few days ago.

He was asked by host George Stephanopoulos if he fears for his and his family’s safety.


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65a191  No.16876049


Trips confirm.

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657729  No.16876051


better question, how many more will suicide with access to quantities of pain pills?

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b5f304  No.16876071



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800518  No.16876072

Body double?


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1053e9  No.16876076



Christians can see Jesus so they know that he is real.

those that only see darkness are inside the (((inbred))) anubis.

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3858e6  No.16876092


in switzerland

as ever


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2ca9ff  No.16876094


'lord of HOSTS'

define host?

possessed? yes.

parasitically infested? yes.




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59d4d0  No.16876111


> each time I feel like throwing up

KEK. Quit ogling her then.

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59d4d0  No.16876121


i clicked

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9cea04  No.16876124

File: 36b438605a2551e⋯.png (81.11 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 36b438605a2551e606950e078d….png)


>Somebody was paying the private investigator. There is moar to the story here. But we may never know.

that one was mine, spam bot copy poached my post from several weeks ago, kek.

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3858e6  No.16876138

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1053e9  No.16876158


>Jews posting anti-Jew memes to portray Jews as victims

happens all the time, anon

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1053e9  No.16876171


Bots post and reply

to posts bots post

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1053e9  No.16876182


Maka-me hungry.

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3858e6  No.16876183


if he just could have controlled himself until june

he could have walked naked down mainstreet masturbating

and just called it a pride parade

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2ca9ff  No.16876188


Knesset dissolved.

Netanyahu looking to form a new government?


Let's see what happens.

But of course that is Israel which is what Q is saving for last.

Not "Jews" collectively.

I'm sure you knew that and weren't trying to twist the facts to suit your personal bigot narrative.

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800518  No.16876193


These political hacks should be parachuted into the front line fighting.

Going forward same with Congress. Lead by example.

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1053e9  No.16876194


It's late on a Friday Night. Not the time for triple espressos

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657729  No.16876197


all expense paid trip to

deepstate newhome Gardens


One My Pillow to boot

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59d4d0  No.16876199

All of these quakes in this image are 10 km depth.



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3b64e9  No.16876202




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65a191  No.16876203





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3b64e9  No.16876213

Tucker Carlson explains how nine of Stephen Colbert's producerswere able to gain access to government buildings after hours.

Members of the group were subsequently arrested by US Capitol Police and charged with illegal entry to House office buildings.


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66bf69  No.16876219


what did an (((inbred))) 'learn' if they still haven't killed themselves as the (((inbred))) judas?

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657729  No.16876220



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2ca9ff  No.16876222

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657729  No.16876232


BOOM - 2A ruling

BOOM - Roe v Rade abolished

BOOM - Return of 17

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3858e6  No.16876241

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b5f304  No.16876245

Anons when was the past time Feinstein said anything publically?

Was it when they published her corpse

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1053e9  No.16876251


I don't know Jacob Chansley (Angeli)

He asked me a question at the Qcon during the question-and-answer period. I remember it was about child trafficking and he was a good speaker.

There were about three million people in Washington DC on January 6 attending President Trump's speech, and marching to the Capital.

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50aae0  No.16876253

8 Founders on the Evils of Paper Money

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59d4d0  No.16876256


In hoc signo vinces

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3858e6  No.16876263

her socks give away the ending

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b5f304  No.16876268


Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not anti-Semitic. Try harder.

Speaking of shilling:

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White, anti-Christianity Jew agenda.





>ACT.IL shill recruitment video


>jew shill operation center









>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content


>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations

>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.


>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign


>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"


>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"


>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video


>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

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1053e9  No.16876329


The riots have already happened. started when trump won in 2016. The world was sleeping…

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3b64e9  No.16876340


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800518  No.16876341


God Bless everyone of these young manipulated victims.

What a horror show to actually feel this confusion (hello food science soisoisoi) and be persuaded by those responsible for it in the first place to mutilate yourself.

This needs to happen and be read and understood.

These are the people needed to be able to explain the devastation of this to their own piers. will take a generation but it will be the best way to stop this shit

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65a191  No.16876342


These kids and shills, who usually have not read the drops, need something moar current (you) know?

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ce916e  No.16876345


What hearing?

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3858e6  No.16876357

Fill 'er up Anons!

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2ca9ff  No.16876364


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4e457c  No.16876366


And now a story with, anon…

The first concert for anon was Black Sabbath with Ozzy when I was 13.

This has been stories with, anon.

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50aae0  No.16876373

Muhammad Declares: “Christians Still Have the Gospel!”

In Jami at-Tirmidhi 2653, Muhammad tells his companions that Jews and Christians have the Torah and the Gospel (Injil) in the same way that Muslims have the Quran. How can Muslims claim that the Bible has been corrupted when their god and their prophet say otherwise? David Wood discusses the issue.


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59d4d0  No.16876376


"just an international laundering site"

Nope its way more than that

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4e457c  No.16876378

did you abducted me last night?

I have blood in my nose…..

only in the left one…..

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65a191  No.16876381


>Fired a communist employee today

dubs chek'd

pride month turning out more comfy than expected

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50aae0  No.16876386


>So is this something you configured anon or is this from the inards here?

its from the public repo on github for the 8kun source code

there is no proof that it currently exists in the live instance of 8kun running right now

but itISin the source codee this website was built from

the retarded cripple freddy benson posted it

I mean, I call him a cripple

but 8chan worked so much better than this mess of a website

cripple code is something I currently miss

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aa28d3  No.16876388


good fucking riddance, hated that worm

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800518  No.16876392

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3858e6  No.16876407


Are you a scared clown, I never said anything like that.

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aa28d3  No.16876420


Layers and *** Flynn

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65a191  No.16876426


They had to make sure.

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2ca9ff  No.16876458

WWG1WGA! Except for jail. Especially in DC. America ain't worth it. Plus I support the police. I lick their boots every chance I get. I am in awe of the uniform. Even if they throw me in a gulag. I will lick their boots and thank them for their service. Like a true patriot.

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66bf69  No.16876460



Russia state-affiliated media

#USAirForce Member Arrested in Connection With April Attack on #Syria Base


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2ca9ff  No.16876472




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3858e6  No.16876481


Mmmmmmm…….soy chicken

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2ca9ff  No.16876484


Kind of remember there was a dad who built a magnet in the front and somehow got another magnet in the starting gate. The came out of the gate like the others were standing still. A big todo resulted.

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1053e9  No.16876501

John Eastman DOJ atty is being railroaded


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66bf69  No.16876509


shabbos goy

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50aae0  No.16876518


Hi code talker

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65a191  No.16876524


Fuck you. I've been here since 4chan.

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3858e6  No.16876526


OMG. Faked or not, anons would still be here doing exactly the same thing you stupid motherfucker. Get some help.

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3858e6  No.16876538


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1053e9  No.16876546

9 minutes until today's SCOTUS decisions start rolling out

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ce916e  No.16876548


Some type of hypnosis where they create a new personality and the other crap will never be remembered by them or something. IDK. Fuuuuck. They have moon children too, etc. I mean, they kill their firstborns and sacrifice family members and all that, but man.

>but at some point can't be having revenge on the good people of the world

They need their memory wiped or something and need to be told they come from somewhere different. IDK. I wonder about this part a lot. They have tons of them too.

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3858e6  No.16876550


>Trash man comes twice a day,

>Postman comes three times a day.

>UPS and Amazon, lost count.

Dude, you need to get a different girlfriend.

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3b64e9  No.16876564

KINDA stupid-ass flight path is this DAL22110 CALLSIGN Delta Flight making from COLUMBUS to ???

No altitude dip or anything suggesting it was going to descend into Nashville. Weird.

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2ca9ff  No.16876567


"Biolabs" check out the into to this research


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ce916e  No.16876574


> jews and muslims

and niggers. Nigger deportation is a MUST.

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50aae0  No.16876579

Texas AG Launches Investigation Into Twitter; Alleges Company Lied About Number Of Bots

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday announced an investigation against Twitter to determine whether they're lying about the number of fake bot accounts on the platform.


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2ca9ff  No.16876580


Part 2

The Wall Street Journal posted the rescue video with a story about Johnson on Jan. 15, 2021. The Journal referred to the Oath Keepers as an “anti-government militia group,” a term the group flatly rejects.

“We were there as a force of good,” Oath Keepers member Roberto Minuta, who was also part of the rescue operation, told The Epoch Times. “I was with the Oath Keepers, and we’ve always done positive work, disaster relief, protecting businesses, aiding people that need help.

“We have no history of violence and no intention of violence,” said Minuta, one of nine Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy on January 6. “We are strictly there to protect the First Amendment because we can’t have one side that’s permitted to have free speech and the other that’s not. That’s not America. That’s not what this country was founded on and when that’s gone, my children’s future looks grim.”

Oath Keepers founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III told The Epoch Times his group is hated because it reminds those who took an oath of their duty to disobey unlawful orders.

“And so, out of the gate, the left just hated us because of that,” Rhodes said. “Of course, the big smear is that we’re somehow anti-government, even though we’re defending the Constitution. We’re all about defending the Constitution, which established the federal government.”

Geyer said the rescue of the Capitol Police officers was no surprise to him.

A woman hugs each of the 17 U.S. Capitol police officers rescued from the Capitol by the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6, 2021. (Rico La Starza, Archive.org/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

“The Oath Keepers have been working as a volunteer auxiliary police force around the country now for well over a decade,” Geyer said. “It’s what one might expect that the police would seek Oath Keepers assistance if there’s a crowd-control issue or an issue related to police movements, or if the police needed assistance for whatever reason.

“They were there to support law enforcement,” Geyer said. “And so when their assistance is requested by law enforcement, just like every other time, they’re happy to respond. It’s what they view their role to be.”

In another Jan. 6 incident, a group of Oath Keepers reported that they intervened in a potential conflict between an angry crowd of protesters and Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn.

Read More From The PatriotAmerican

Dunn “was armed with an M4/AR-15 and was very agitated, scared-looking and was surrounded by a bunch of yelling Trump supporters,” Rhodes said. “The Oath Keepers jumped in between and dialed it all back, calmed him down, calmed the Trump supporters down, and escorted that black police officer to other Capitol police officers and hooked him up with his buddies. So that he wasn’t by himself.”

Rhodes said he mentioned the race of the officer because his group is often falsely maligned as racist and composed of white supremacists.


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1053e9  No.16876585


Is the poor little goy angry about his country and wont do anything about it?

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3b64e9  No.16876603


so you are trying to lose weight? good for you, otherwise I don't understand what you said.

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aa28d3  No.16876605


reminds me of the word C H I N A


god speed

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1053e9  No.16876607

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1da130  No.16876612


He will get much more than the boot*

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ce916e  No.16876618

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720c52  No.16876623


Sturdy hands heh

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ce916e  No.16876632

Tom Hanks, 65, in health concern after weight loss and shaking hand at Elvis premiere


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800518  No.16876636


Well now.

What have we here?

It's Christmas in July

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1053e9  No.16876650




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1da130  No.16876654


Life came from God.

The creators, created the rest, w/ genetic manipulation.

Those that way ahead from us.


And we the fauci's pupies…….

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ce916e  No.16876656

When I've sayed this in here………………You called me stoopid…………………….

Aliens are your only saviors.

and I am here to help.

I will not hurt any good.

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4e457c  No.16876678


If you don't remember that you either got kicked in the head by a mule or your short term memory is gone from shrooms.

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720c52  No.16876684

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800518  No.16876685


That will do the trick.


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1053e9  No.16876688

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4e457c  No.16876691


Kuntzinger dialing up "False Flags R US" and placing a special order to blame on Russians this week.

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3088a9  No.16876697


Babylonian Money Magic

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3858e6  No.16876707


Anon you left out the key Democrats legislation and that's where can support anything.

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800518  No.16876712

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aa28d3  No.16876713

Just about everything we were taught is a lie.

I want ALL of (You) to soak on that one thought for awhile.

What if every sci-fy movie that [THEY] made was based in reality?

(You) have more than (YOU) know.

(You) know more than (YOU) know.

I was sent to Earth to help (You) realize, and know the TRUTHS

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others document everything

Jesus Christ came here to teach, and tell us the Truths who is who

I am just a small voice in a Grand Eternal Adventure we all call life

Many of us were chosen by Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, along with President Kennedy, President Trump, and Vice President Kennedy Jr. along with 10's of thousands more around the world.

President John F. Kennedy, President Donald J. Trump, (Yes) Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. have ALL given their whole lifes existence to investigate , document, track, find, and prosecute those that committed crimes against children, and humanity, and to secure evidence of who is who, and the Crimes against Humanity, and Our Beautiful Children that [THEY] committed EVIL SICK SATANIC SACRIFICING With. Also with those that are Luciferian Satanic Jesuit Nazi Traitors that committed Subversive Treasonous Sick Wicked Acts against Humanity, and Countries Worldwide.

(You) are about to learn Truths that will shock your current reality

Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are in full control.

Lucifer, and his minions days are short.

[THEY] have nowhere to run or hide

Stock up on the basics, please know utilities will be operating

(You) are Free Sovereign Beautiful Children of God Our Father

A Beautiful New Heaven & Earth is under reconstruction right now

Pray, and Love Thy Neighbors as thyself

This is the calm before the storm.

The Truth Storm

[THEY] never thought she would lose.

President John F. Kennedy warned us about secret societies.

President Donald J. Trump took control during his Presidency, and found out everything, and caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. together decades ago with Trump , and their Special Forces Q Team put theirs lives at risk so all of U.S. can have our Children & Countries back, and live a life of Love, Truth, Light, Liberty, and Happiness for this upcoming next Thousand Years


Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

I will add more Truths, and Information as times passes

Everything has meaning

Do not panic

Everything will be okay

Remember these days

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


Love is the Answer

[THEY] LIE_STEAL_CHEAT & have done this THOUSANDS of Years

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3b64e9  No.16876714


T=20 + 11 “trillion lost”

2+0+1+1= 4

Independence Day is July 4

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800518  No.16876724



The fuck is this shit?

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3b64e9  No.16876727


cheney started speaking

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3088a9  No.16876733



Does Satan exist?

Does the "thought" of Satan exist?

Q is a genius…..

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aa28d3  No.16876740

Follow this court case

Follow that court case

What is a case

How is a case conducted

What is a plant?

What is photosynthesis


you have more than you know

trust muh plan

chat again in 17 months

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65a191  No.16876741


What would this mean exactly?

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0d56f9  No.16876742

For anons viewing and archiving pleasure.

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1da130  No.16876744




Why won't Press Secretary Jen Psaki condemn protesting at a Justice's private residence? After all, it is a crime! (18 U.S.C. Section 1507, Code of Virginia Section 18.2-419) 🧵

7:12 PM · May 6, 2022·Twitter Web App

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cece86  No.16876746


It is actually much, much lower. They are avoiding the true numbers to minimize their own embarrassment.

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720c52  No.16876748


I mean it a motherfucking namefag whose calling himself messiah buddha FFS.

Fuck you baker

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0d56f9  No.16876755

Are you a High Net Worth Pedovore?

Have you sold, leased, mortgaged or hypothecated your soul?

Anon Legal Services Can:

* Stop Demons harassing you at work.

* Stop menacing anonymous phone calls and texts

* Stop your soul being sold at auction

* Stop Chupacabras feeding on your pets

Most cultists think "I sold my soul to the devil, that's it.."

That's not always the case. Even documents signed in blood and witnessed by 13 33'd degree masons may be found defective upon careful examination and deep textual analysis.

Anon Legal Service partners and associates specialize in unwritten laws, common succubae entrapment, ancestral curses, bloodline renunciation, unauthorized and authorized demonic possession and diabolic tenantry disputes.

ALS extensive database of 1'st and 2'nd century religious manuscripts, hermetic literature, Greek demotic magic papyri, bloodline family grimoires, Tibetan sorcery and Babylonian contract law is of inestimable value to spellbound or soul pledged pedovores.

When You're Prepared to Give All You Own to Save Your Soul

Anon Legal Services


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ce916e  No.16876762

Texas GOP approves measure declaring Biden ‘was not legitimately elected’

<06/20/22 9:02 AM ET


The Texas Republican Party adopted a new platform declaring that the 2020 election violated the Constitution and President Biden “was not legitimately elected.”

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ce916e  No.16876776





wonder what they do to fill their profit margins when they run out of donors…

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65a191  No.16876779


Love always wins

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0d56f9  No.16876781


part 2 continued

Stigma of Masculinity

In the midst of these societal changes, masculinity has gained a stigma. In the process of society accepting sharing and exchanging roles, they have demonized traditional masculine traits. Traits like protectiveness, competitiveness, assertiveness, deference to truth over feeling, and more are now considered toxic. Men expressing these traits now get pushback from society.

Men are pushed more and more to discard traditional masculinity and adopted a redefined version of it. Young men can’t escape this as it has bled into every aspect of their lives. TV shows, video games, and even their activities. Mentors are one of the best ways to help young men with their own identities. Most of these mentors come from

The Disappearance of Boys Clubs

For a long time, youth clubs have been supporting young children and their growth. These clubs provide mentorship that help guide children in life. Amongst these youth clubs, some are exclusive to boys or girls. However, many are changing. One of the biggest losses was the Boy Scouts of America. Since 1910, the Boy Scouts mentored young men to “help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

However, the Boy Scouts were hit with controversy after controversy in the 2010s. The scouts, which were exclusive to boys and young men, were no longer allowed to be for just boys. By 2017, the Boy Scouts for America no longer existed. Instead, they were just scouts as girls were now accepted into the club. There is nothing wrong with co-ed organizations. Yet, these co-ed organizations are being created at the expense of removing boy-oriented clubs; A place where boys can explore and figure out their place and role in society.

Again, something had to be done in the case of the Boy Scouts with its rampant abuse. Now, we don’t know enough to debate its current curriculum, but there still is a Girls Scouts that is exclusive to girls. So, isn’t it fair to wonder what is being lost in the transition?

In society’s misguided attempt at one-size-fits-all equality, many boys are left with no mentorship about what it means to be a good man. With the combination of society demonizing masculinity and the removal of male-oriented organizations and mentorship, young men are becoming disaffected and the consequences of this are horrifying.

The Disaffected Youth

The alienation of young men is having a catastrophic effect. In the United States, this is leading young men towards “deaths from despair.” Drug overdoses, alcoholism, and suicides are at an all-time high among men. Suicides rates for men are 3x higher than for women, noting loneliness and a sense of alienation. Young men are feeling no longer welcomed as they are.

The number of murders and crime rates is also rising. It has gotten to the point that the demographic profile for mass shooters and terrorists is men between the ages of 20-30. Social isolation is fueling youth crime rates, especially among young men.

In addition, 2 to 4x the number of trans-women (MTF) than trans-men (FTM). In our research, comments on transitioning trends were highly censored according to other comments. However, we think it's fair to ask if some of the growth and disparity might be related to them being disaffected youth.

Helping Young Men

Something has to change. There needs to be a correction to these notions of masculinity being toxic. Although people argue otherwise, it is important to allow children to socialize with their own sex and gender. Teaching traditional roles to young men like being a good father and husband needs to be encouraged. They need better mentorship and role models to help them establish their place in this world.

Society (and common sense) tells us that young women should learn to be strong and independent. In the same vein, we shouldn’t assume young men are born that way. Too many appear lost and left to their own devices.>>16873234


testing the rumble embed

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1da130  No.16876782


>can't wait till you're all dead finally

lern eengrish sentence structure then ask for a raise

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4e457c  No.16876784


Guess I need to update the list

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aa28d3  No.16876794


That's an interesting phenomenon - first women, who for millennia, were doing all the hard work of raising children, keepiing families together, providing a home for their husbands, are written out of existence by the feminist movement. And now those same feminists who tried to destroy their sisters who continue to do the hard work in traditional culture are being written out of existence, turned into fake men. Seems like karma.

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1da130  No.16876795


Are we the baddies?

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3858e6  No.16876811


I'm a liberal because they are worthless cunts? Seems legit. Go back to WWE broham.

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800518  No.16876816


who's stupid? I'm not saying the post # on Qs board is 4954, I'm saying if that was a q post it would be the #4954? capiche?

he didn't predict anything 3 days ahead. He was referring to the B post on Qs board.

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3b64e9  No.16876821

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3858e6  No.16876832

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ce916e  No.16876840




BV, please lock and delete this drup bread, ty baker

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1da130  No.16876843


Her nomination has been super effective at exposing the monsters that pretend to represent us.

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aa28d3  No.16876844



Just a terrorist cavorting with dem congress fags

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3858e6  No.16876845


She's got a mouth and an ass, and assumable, doable tits as well. Would a large cunt really stop you??

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3b64e9  No.16876846


The government didn't vaxx your child.

You did.

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cece86  No.16876847


[you] scared, Boy?

yeah [you] scared!


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3088a9  No.16876848

my screen is too smol

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0d56f9  No.16876852

What is

SPLASHalso used for

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bcf45b  No.16876853


>And I thought he threw a couple people out of his garden for 'stealing' the knowledge.

I would be more careful accusing someone of 'stealing' if it's not about a heart…

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4e457c  No.16876854

To those who kept getting weary throughout the storm, we were told to sit back and enjoy the show.

You are watching a movie.

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3858e6  No.16876856



if I had any of their shit I would burn it

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aa28d3  No.16876857


Second. Mexican justice does not sound fun.

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16971e  No.16876862

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0d56f9  No.16876863



It's one idiot on gab, not the entire platform (even though it is run by feds).

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97487f  No.16876865

File: 40280633bb958c6⋯.gif (47.4 KB, 250x194, 125:97, _D_D_D.gif)


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bcf45b  No.16876866


I love women, I hate abortion and I've never locked lips with a rabbi's daughter. Wanna go now?

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4e457c  No.16876868

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3858e6  No.16876869


>fuckery is fuckery


>Yes anon, that's the picture I got banned for with the added scarf Hunte

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1da130  No.16876870


What is your problem with that notable?

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aa28d3  No.16876871


>Americans want…

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3088a9  No.16876872

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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1da130  No.16876883



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aa28d3  No.16876885



What about Lisa?

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cece86  No.16876886

Geneva Conventions

The Geneva Conventions are four treaties, and three additional protocols, that establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war.

The democrats have intentionally not honored theMAGA POWsGeneva conventions rights in the Washington Post Gulag.

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3b64e9  No.16876887

Syria grants amnesty for ‘terrorist crimes’

President Bashar Assad’s decree does not, however, pardon anyone involved in killings

Syrian President Bashar Assad issued a decree on Saturday granting amnesty to Syrians for terrorist crimes up to the end of April, except those leading to death. Assad has extended similar olive branches to deserters, criminals and opposition fighters before, often to the displeasure of the US.

Assad’s decree, first reported by Syrian state media on Saturday, “grants a general amnesty for terrorist crimes committed by Syrians before [Saturday], except for those that led to the death of a person.”

While the pardon frees terrorists from criminal prosecution, it does not exempt them from civil lawsuits brought by those they may have harmed.

Those pardoned would have been prosecuted under a 2012 anti-terrorism law and a 1949 provision of Syria’s legal code, and as such will affect the various terrorist groups fighting in Syria’s civil war, which began in 2011. Assad, with the help of Russian forces, has broadly succeeded in maintaining control of Syria against a collection of opposition militias and terrorist groups like Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and Al-Nusra Front.

Throughout more than a decade of war, Assad has periodically offered pardons to his opponents. Military deserters who didn’t take up arms with terrorists were given amnesty in 2018 and allowed to return to Syria, while a general amnesty for misdemeanors and juvenile crimes was granted in 2021.

However, at the outset of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, Assad attempted to offer opposition fighters amnesty in exchange for surrender. This offer was rejected by the United States, with State Department official Victoria Nuland advising the opposition to ignore Assad’s offer and continue fighting.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry at the time accused Washington of “inciting sedition” with this advice and “supporting acts of killing and terrorism.” The war would continue, and Nuland would go on to oversee the violent overthrow of democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine in 2014, and is currently shaping US policy on Ukraine as President Biden’s under secretary of state for political affairs.


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4e457c  No.16876893


Saw them a couple of months ago. Awesome show.

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3858e6  No.16876894


Yep a mild flu, that 30% of the world is afraid of

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3088a9  No.16876895


shuddup stoopid.

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1da130  No.16876896






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3b64e9  No.16876899


Checked and berenSTAINd

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720c52  No.16876901


your only purpose here is to piss people off.

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0d56f9  No.16876903


Great ringtone

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4e457c  No.16876905

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3858e6  No.16876906


Those you trust the most…

I think the most difficult hurdle wakening normies is the vaxx.

How do you convince them that Marcus Welby, MD, with a reassuring smile on his face gave them a potentially lethal injection?

I've tried, with subtle questions, no flat out assertions, lest they think I'm insane, but haven't got anywhere with any of my friends and relatives.

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bcf45b  No.16876915


I like it here. It’s informative on many levels.

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4e457c  No.16876916


I rem a bunch of cats in the 70s say, I hope I don't make it to 40. Lot of em did not make fourty

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3858e6  No.16876917


Command received

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aa28d3  No.16876920


Like Jim said. They are going to claim WE are the bad guys. They will go after US Anons.

Fuck them.

Bring it bitches, let the war begin.

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16971e  No.16876921


Maybe you're triggered by TRUTH.

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3b64e9  No.16876922


Watch The W…

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0d56f9  No.16876925

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3088a9  No.16876928


Why not learn pleasantly?

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cece86  No.16876929

Q's private board


violated by global volunteer over a year ago

and the post still stands


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16971e  No.16876931


I have yet to hear about any bug plant shutting down yet.

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bcf45b  No.16876934



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0d56f9  No.16876935


>the boardwalk girl "You wrote so much text".

the boardwalk girl.

Boardwalk Empire is closer to truth than fiction

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720c52  No.16876939


Go Get them Q, enough said 🙏

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16971e  No.16876941


Poor bastard was cucked by a blue chicken. They say.

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bcf45b  No.16876942



It Happened in July;(2000 Mules Gregg Phillips: "We have something 10 times bigger than Mules coming out in July"?

A Number Between 1 & 100; ==(17)=

Animal Sounds?;(sheep, cattle 'awakening')

A Novel Death;('suicides')

The III;(Godfather 3)

Stuck in the Middle with “Q”;(Oh come on)

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0d56f9  No.16876943

Old rancid Douchebag Liz Cheney has nothing to do with MAGA and MAGA is the future of the Republicans party.


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3b64e9  No.16876944


First gonna need some salt bro

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ce916e  No.16876945


In it till the end.

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3088a9  No.16876948


That's funny, because Hitler was self-admitted left-wing and thus his mass media was also left-wing.

>the mass media is lying all the time

>but the TV controlled by Hitler was totally truthful, and not used to brainwash anyone

>Germans just acted like borg, that's just what happened because they felt like doing that

That's (you). Acting like a brain washed fool.

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bcf45b  No.16876950


Just a few bad apples……


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3088a9  No.16876959

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bcf45b  No.16876960


notable AF

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aa28d3  No.16876964


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c9f5d6  No.16876967


❤ ❤ ❤



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f1dc08  No.16876970



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bcf45b  No.16876972



She's pretty; yes. And if she's doing what I think she's doing, then God bless her.

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aa28d3  No.16876976


demon possessed

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ce916e  No.16876978


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c9f5d6  No.16876980


it's so annoying that anons post deaths and blame it on the vaccine. If anyone anywhere dies for any reason, then it's the vaccine? Fuckin' echo chamber bullshit. This is Q research, not an anti-vax echo chamber.

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bcf45b  No.16876985

Good Morning, Sweet Froggies!!!

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720c52  No.16876986


>they could come up with a script to change the salt rapidly and rapidly back, just for Q posts, for like 5 seconds while the Q post is being made


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59d4d0  No.16876993




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bcf45b  No.16876997

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aa28d3  No.16877001


your opinion

you know what its worth

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c9f5d6  No.16877003


Digital Soldier, Anonymous poster

There was a Digital Soldier, in the heart of Kekistan

Stolen from the Kekistan, brought back to Normiestan

Memeing on arrival, they was digging for survival

I mean it, when I analyze the stench

The drops they make a lot of sense

How the Shitpost A-non, was a Digital Soldier

And he was taken from Kekistan, brought on to Normiestan

Memeing on arrival, Digging for survival

Said it was a Digital Soldier, Shitposting A-non

Digital Soldier, in the heart of the Normiestan

If you know your history

Then you would know where you're coming from

Then those shills wouldn't have to ask me

Just Who the heck do I think I am

I'm just a Digital Soldier in the heart of Normiestan

Stolen from Kekistan, brought back to Normiestan

Said he was Memeing on arrival, Digging for survival

Said he was a Digital Soldier win the war for Kekistan

Said he, Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

Digital Soldier troddin' through the Net, wo-ho-ooh!

Said he wanna ping, then you gonna sing,

Troddin' through the Net, yea-hea, yea-ea

Said he was a Digital Soldier win the war for Normiestan

Digital Soldier, Shitposting A-non

Memeing on arrival, Digging for survival

Driven from the Homeland to the heart of the Normistan

Singing, Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

Troddin' through shitposts, in the arms of the 8 kun

Troddin' through spam post, a Digital Soldier

Memeing on arrival, Digging for survival

Digital Soldier, Shitposing A-non

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee, ree ree-eee

Ree ree ree, ree ree-eee

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59d4d0  No.16877004


maybe it's some kind of AI they are trying on us

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0d56f9  No.16877008




Dutch Masters is an American brand of natural wrapped cigars that has been sold since 1912. Its distinctive packaging features Rembrandt's 1662 painting Syndics of the Drapers' Guild. Dutch Masters cigars are currently manufactured and sold by Imperial Brands. They are machine-rolled cigars and come in two varieties: standard cigars and smaller cigarillos.

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aa28d3  No.16877012


WTF, U think twat/fb/ig etc posts get one arrested? let alone charged with a crime?

na, mate, the good oil is the emails…

f'n damning evidence, admissible in court.

and the "older gen" thoughT (their) info was safe. HaHa

"Pick 'em off, one at a TIME"

TRUTH beats fear, Q-uestion EVERYTHING else"

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59d4d0  No.16877014


here's to hoping you are correct

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bcf45b  No.16877018


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3088a9  No.16877019


God divided us by race, nigger lover

we were never "united" to begin with

but im sure youre aware of that you filthy kike

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720c52  No.16877021

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aa28d3  No.16877023



She said not to worry if she’s late tonight, we just had some business to attend to. I’m finished

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4e457c  No.16877027

what do you SEE?

sometimes i have long waking dreams of what might happen

troubled times = troubled minds

lashing out but trying not to isolate

psychological warfare is cold and dark?

ds spending ammo like Rambo's ammo belt

'Shields up!'; Anons cover each other

we hold the line while heavy hitters face each other in a realm we know little of

Faith = Strength = Hold the Line!

final moves b4 elections leaves a short list of priorities starting w 'secure elections', no?

borders open like a Country wound; witness the strange that chase the Children

nah, drag queen; thas not cool

nah, transman; thas cheating

work together to remove swamp; i can't say it enough like i'm stuck on repeat

can't sleep until i post it once; idk why

podcasts for Normies?

Newbies, double time?

during [their] death blossom [final moves] it is wise to find cover, Newbies

Anons Shields/Faith so strong they can continue on; whoa

Godspeed ALL

>thank you Anons

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3b64e9  No.16877028


hopefully all of those shits who fled NY and cali in order to ruin red states go back home.

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0d56f9  No.16877030


Assassin's Creed Much?

Is it Khan or Kun?

The Assassin's got their Dagger Skills from the Essense Sicarii… Zealots

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3088a9  No.16877031

250 CEO's Send Letter to Senate Demand Gun Control Now



In the wake of the recent rash of mass shootings and amidst the rising toll of tragedies that

often don’t make the headlines. America’s business leaders have come together to say the

epidemic of gun violence in the United States is intolerable, and inaction is unacceptable.

While U.S. Senators are engaged in bipartisan discussions, more than 336 CEOs and leaders have

signed a letter to the U.S. Senate demanding that they pass strong and meaningful measures to

prevent gun violence and make our communities safer.


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3b64e9  No.16877040





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0d56f9  No.16877042

Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Be Sworn into the Supreme Court Today


With Jackson's appointment, the liberal minority is now exclusively made up of women. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the fourth woman on the Court, leans conservative, and voted in favor of abolishing the constitutional protection of a woman's right to choose.

Though her addition to the Court will not move the idealogical balance, her presence is seen by many as a symbol of hope.

**their hope meaning: hell on planet earth

** Wont be happening kek

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3088a9  No.16877043


currencies matter


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16971e  No.16877045

Thank you, Baker!

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3b64e9  No.16877051





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0d56f9  No.16877053



yes….they would not talk about the rigged 2020 election….they said to move ono

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59d4d0  No.16877057


The edition title and past proving present.




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c9f5d6  No.16877058


Disclose.tv, [03.06.22 11:48]

NEW - Corporations studiously avoid any mention of Pride in countries where they might lose customers or get on the wrong side of the government.

"The Pride flag is no longer inclusive. It’s a gay symbol, after all, and gay men and lesbians rank just below white people and non-graduates in The Current Ideology’s hierarchy of villainy."



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b74fab  No.16877062


It's him.

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3b64e9  No.16877063


Body condoms it is… I can't wait to go fly during that pandemic. LMAO. *sarcasm*

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0d56f9  No.16877065

England and Wales population has grown by 6.3% in the last decade, of which 57.5% is due to net migration, census data shows.


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b74fab  No.16877075



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c9f5d6  No.16877084


outsources gaylord juw asshole factory

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b74fab  No.16877088


The Coeur d'Alene Police said they received some kind of assistance from the FBI. It's as if there are different factions; maybe certain field offices are controlled by white hats, some black.

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276930  No.16877093


"don't have to worry about signals sent down from the sky."

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4e457c  No.16877096


>missing [i]

Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?

Does the C_A protect those who protect them?

Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?

How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?

Hello, [AS].

Once an agent, always an agent.



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bcf45b  No.16877098


chek't ifnotable


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276930  No.16877101


What did they do that was against the law?

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c9f5d6  No.16877102

So it's a rainbow-colored bike and he fell of his bike in the most uber-gay town on the east coast (Fire Island and Provincetown possible exceptions). It happened 6/18, same as 6:18:55 timestamp on Q1500, first drop where bike appeared.

>2.5 hours

Happened "2 days ahead of schedule" of Week 25 of the year.

2.5 days after it happened will be sometime in the early hours of the morning of "Dark to Light" day (Summer Solstice, longest daylight hours of the year), which is also "Q+" day, 172nd day of the year. It's also WORLD MUSIC DAY. Is the music about to stop? Access Kills.

Just some observations.

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4e457c  No.16877103



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b74fab  No.16877105

Joe Biden wraps up G7 summit early, abandoning plans for a speech as thunderstorms close in on German mountain resort and heads to Madrid where the first lady is waiting

President Joe Biden left the G7 early on Tuesday to avoid approaching thunderstorms, appearing only briefly in front of reporters for a couple of photo opportunities and abandoning a planned speech.

The White House blamed 'weather' for the early exit.


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3088a9  No.16877109


>just another ghost..

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aa28d3  No.16877116

Back alley abortions are back!

Wooo Hooo!!!!

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b74fab  No.16877117


what are you really trying to say here

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59d4d0  No.16877124

New York Post


Hollywood producer accused of murdering two women hit with more charges

A Hollywood producer charged with the murder of a model and her friend who overdosed on drugs was slapped with additional sexual assault charges for unrelated cases — and there could be more victims, LA County District Attorney George Gascón said.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Gascón formally announced David Pearce was charged with the deaths of model Christy Giles and her friend Hilda Marcela Cabrales-Arzola, whose bodies were dumped at two separate hospitals on Nov. 13, 2021.

Pearce, 37, was initially arrested the following month and charged for allegedly raping and sexually assaulting four women.

On Tuesday, Gascón said investigators found enough evidence to also link Pearce with the deaths of the Giles and Cabrales-Arzola, and the rape and sexual assault of three additional victims.

“We knew that this was going to be a lengthy investigation, and we started with the charges we knew that we could prove,” Gascón said at the press conference. “Most had to do with the using and the administration of drugs.



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3088a9  No.16877133


>Chances are she's been adopted and pity's you. Where's ya dignity bot?


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59d4d0  No.16877136


Gawd this is funny

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c9f5d6  No.16877139




>clown in amerika

Vannity =>Fag

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4e457c  No.16877140

Its raining down in Texas…

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b74fab  No.16877141

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aa28d3  No.16877142


Aoc intentionally showcases her boobs as shown because she has no hips and a flat ass.


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bcf45b  No.16877143


What kind of psychedelic drugs are you on?

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0d56f9  No.16877145


>can we start building the new foundation

Yes, we can, but (you) gotta go

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3088a9  No.16877147



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16971e  No.16877148


How about the 700 orphanages?

Why were there so many?

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720c52  No.16877150

This board is COMPROMISED.

Cannot enter trip code to verify auth.

Trip code on 8 has also been modified.

God bless,


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aa28d3  No.16877155


there are limits, you fucking hear me??????????????????


I will blow your head in a second!!!!!!!!!

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bcf45b  No.16877156


good times

anon members

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276930  No.16877159


Just Wait…

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16971e  No.16877160


trips confirm!

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ce916e  No.16877163


тнеу do not fight


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97487f  No.16877165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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657729  No.16877168

So was John Roberts a sleeper as well, pretending to be compromised?

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0d56f9  No.16877171



Yeah he was explicit about trust my endorsements.

>Hangs head

Which makes what Grenell did distilled genius. Smart people, they all are.

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3088a9  No.16877175


I think it's two more years.

Trump is playing the long game.

that's my datefagging for today.

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ce916e  No.16877177


yeah. people who post grotesquely distorted images of humans are grotesquely distorted and immediately filtered.

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b74fab  No.16877180


Mornin' Sam

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59d4d0  No.16877184


Are you aware that the entire gov't and judicial system is controlled, corrupt, and operates for the benefit of the oligarchs?

Knowing this information, do you expect the oligarch to arrest each other and distribute each other's wealth to the poor or something?

Is that logical?

The Great Awakening is realizing that "the law" was made by the elite to control the masses, so they would not live as free people, but as whiny little complainers demanding punishment for every little perceived infraction of a fictitious code. A punishment based society is not a free society.

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720c52  No.16877189


kindee looks like a flying Cuisinart

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