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6d41cd  No.16869638[View All]

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3088a9  No.16877031

250 CEO's Send Letter to Senate Demand Gun Control Now



In the wake of the recent rash of mass shootings and amidst the rising toll of tragedies that

often don’t make the headlines. America’s business leaders have come together to say the

epidemic of gun violence in the United States is intolerable, and inaction is unacceptable.

While U.S. Senators are engaged in bipartisan discussions, more than 336 CEOs and leaders have

signed a letter to the U.S. Senate demanding that they pass strong and meaningful measures to

prevent gun violence and make our communities safer.


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3b64e9  No.16877040





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0d56f9  No.16877042

Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Be Sworn into the Supreme Court Today


With Jackson's appointment, the liberal minority is now exclusively made up of women. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the fourth woman on the Court, leans conservative, and voted in favor of abolishing the constitutional protection of a woman's right to choose.

Though her addition to the Court will not move the idealogical balance, her presence is seen by many as a symbol of hope.

**their hope meaning: hell on planet earth

** Wont be happening kek

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3088a9  No.16877043


currencies matter


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16971e  No.16877045

Thank you, Baker!

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3b64e9  No.16877051





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0d56f9  No.16877053



yes….they would not talk about the rigged 2020 election….they said to move ono

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59d4d0  No.16877057


The edition title and past proving present.




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c9f5d6  No.16877058


Disclose.tv, [03.06.22 11:48]

NEW - Corporations studiously avoid any mention of Pride in countries where they might lose customers or get on the wrong side of the government.

"The Pride flag is no longer inclusive. It’s a gay symbol, after all, and gay men and lesbians rank just below white people and non-graduates in The Current Ideology’s hierarchy of villainy."



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b74fab  No.16877062


It's him.

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3b64e9  No.16877063


Body condoms it is… I can't wait to go fly during that pandemic. LMAO. *sarcasm*

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0d56f9  No.16877065

England and Wales population has grown by 6.3% in the last decade, of which 57.5% is due to net migration, census data shows.


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b74fab  No.16877075



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c9f5d6  No.16877084


outsources gaylord juw asshole factory

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b74fab  No.16877088


The Coeur d'Alene Police said they received some kind of assistance from the FBI. It's as if there are different factions; maybe certain field offices are controlled by white hats, some black.

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276930  No.16877093


"don't have to worry about signals sent down from the sky."

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4e457c  No.16877096


>missing [i]

Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?

Does the C_A protect those who protect them?

Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?

How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?

Hello, [AS].

Once an agent, always an agent.



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bcf45b  No.16877098


chek't ifnotable


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276930  No.16877101


What did they do that was against the law?

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c9f5d6  No.16877102

So it's a rainbow-colored bike and he fell of his bike in the most uber-gay town on the east coast (Fire Island and Provincetown possible exceptions). It happened 6/18, same as 6:18:55 timestamp on Q1500, first drop where bike appeared.

>2.5 hours

Happened "2 days ahead of schedule" of Week 25 of the year.

2.5 days after it happened will be sometime in the early hours of the morning of "Dark to Light" day (Summer Solstice, longest daylight hours of the year), which is also "Q+" day, 172nd day of the year. It's also WORLD MUSIC DAY. Is the music about to stop? Access Kills.

Just some observations.

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4e457c  No.16877103



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b74fab  No.16877105

Joe Biden wraps up G7 summit early, abandoning plans for a speech as thunderstorms close in on German mountain resort and heads to Madrid where the first lady is waiting

President Joe Biden left the G7 early on Tuesday to avoid approaching thunderstorms, appearing only briefly in front of reporters for a couple of photo opportunities and abandoning a planned speech.

The White House blamed 'weather' for the early exit.


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3088a9  No.16877109


>just another ghost..

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aa28d3  No.16877116

Back alley abortions are back!

Wooo Hooo!!!!

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b74fab  No.16877117


what are you really trying to say here

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59d4d0  No.16877124

New York Post


Hollywood producer accused of murdering two women hit with more charges

A Hollywood producer charged with the murder of a model and her friend who overdosed on drugs was slapped with additional sexual assault charges for unrelated cases — and there could be more victims, LA County District Attorney George Gascón said.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Gascón formally announced David Pearce was charged with the deaths of model Christy Giles and her friend Hilda Marcela Cabrales-Arzola, whose bodies were dumped at two separate hospitals on Nov. 13, 2021.

Pearce, 37, was initially arrested the following month and charged for allegedly raping and sexually assaulting four women.

On Tuesday, Gascón said investigators found enough evidence to also link Pearce with the deaths of the Giles and Cabrales-Arzola, and the rape and sexual assault of three additional victims.

“We knew that this was going to be a lengthy investigation, and we started with the charges we knew that we could prove,” Gascón said at the press conference. “Most had to do with the using and the administration of drugs.



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3088a9  No.16877133


>Chances are she's been adopted and pity's you. Where's ya dignity bot?


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59d4d0  No.16877136


Gawd this is funny

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c9f5d6  No.16877139




>clown in amerika

Vannity =>Fag

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4e457c  No.16877140

Its raining down in Texas…

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b74fab  No.16877141

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aa28d3  No.16877142


Aoc intentionally showcases her boobs as shown because she has no hips and a flat ass.


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bcf45b  No.16877143


What kind of psychedelic drugs are you on?

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0d56f9  No.16877145


>can we start building the new foundation

Yes, we can, but (you) gotta go

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3088a9  No.16877147



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16971e  No.16877148


How about the 700 orphanages?

Why were there so many?

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720c52  No.16877150

This board is COMPROMISED.

Cannot enter trip code to verify auth.

Trip code on 8 has also been modified.

God bless,


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aa28d3  No.16877155


there are limits, you fucking hear me??????????????????


I will blow your head in a second!!!!!!!!!

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bcf45b  No.16877156


good times

anon members

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276930  No.16877159


Just Wait…

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16971e  No.16877160


trips confirm!

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ce916e  No.16877163


тнеу do not fight


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97487f  No.16877165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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657729  No.16877168

So was John Roberts a sleeper as well, pretending to be compromised?

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0d56f9  No.16877171



Yeah he was explicit about trust my endorsements.

>Hangs head

Which makes what Grenell did distilled genius. Smart people, they all are.

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3088a9  No.16877175


I think it's two more years.

Trump is playing the long game.

that's my datefagging for today.

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ce916e  No.16877177


yeah. people who post grotesquely distorted images of humans are grotesquely distorted and immediately filtered.

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b74fab  No.16877180


Mornin' Sam

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59d4d0  No.16877184


Are you aware that the entire gov't and judicial system is controlled, corrupt, and operates for the benefit of the oligarchs?

Knowing this information, do you expect the oligarch to arrest each other and distribute each other's wealth to the poor or something?

Is that logical?

The Great Awakening is realizing that "the law" was made by the elite to control the masses, so they would not live as free people, but as whiny little complainers demanding punishment for every little perceived infraction of a fictitious code. A punishment based society is not a free society.

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720c52  No.16877189


kindee looks like a flying Cuisinart

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