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File: 64ca40a6bc4730f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1309x897, 1309:897, 64ca40a6bc4730fa7d8166ad08….png)

113237  No.16867212[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Research


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113237  No.16867305


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045 BAKERS & ANONS – What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW


#21223 TBC


>>16847985 BO/BV SPAM RAID META LOCKED, Bunker Locked?!!

>>16847995 1 Anon took that shit down with a quickness - baker foils the attack

>>16847996 biden twat and mp4 27th july 2022 keep getting boosted

>>16848005 TikTok moms remove videos of their kids from app over fears they are being targeted by pedophiles after footage of TikTok's most popular 'three-year old' girl is saved by THOUSANDS of men - daily mail

>>16848010 UN official: Social media largely controlled by Jewish lobby, NGOs - jpost.com 26/07/22

>>16847984 17% who are they - anon mp4 vid trump compilation

>>16848097 B.O Post fu spammer , kek

>>16848182 Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him - amgreatness.com (peter navarro opine)

>>16848190 #21219 @ 200

>>16848209 JUST IN: Highland Park Fourth of July Mass Shooter Bobby Crimo Indicted on 117 Counts - gwp

>>16848235 Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Advising Hospitals To Use Term "Father's Milk - zerohedge

>>16848247 Iraqi Protesters Storm Parliament Amid Record Run Without Government - zerohedge

>>16848321 Tucker Carlson Exposes Big Pharma’s Murderous Antidepressant Scheme: Drugs For Depression Cause Birth Defects, Sexual Dysfunction And Suicide - gwp

>>16848402 Kash Patel: If AG Garland Does Job, Hunter Will Be Charged Before Midterms -rumble vid

>>16848783 Texas AG Launches Investigation Into Twitter; Alleges Company Lied About Number Of Bots - zerohedge

>>16849050 33 Members of a Violent Gang Charged With Drug Trafficking and Firearms Violations in Fajardo, Puerto Rico - justice.gov

>>16849321 Nick Sandmann's libel lawsuits against five national media companies dismissed by federal judge; Sandmann's lawyer vows appeal - the blaze

21223 no link, will be when breads are stable.

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113237  No.16867329


>>16842875 Dough

>>16843356 NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me.

>>16842930 Another Michigan News Station Leaks Test GOP Primary Election Results

>>16842951 State Attorneys General Sue the Biden Administration for Tying School Lunch Funding to LGBT Policies

>>16842981 Ukraine's Timoshenko reveals ‘scam of the century’

>>16842994 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

>>16843004 Mexican Army Arrests 37 Cartel Gunmen During Coastal State Raid

>>16843024 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

>>16843030 So many people are now "dying suddenly" that "our free press" can barely hide it any more

>>16843031 Pentagon plays down fears China will SHOOT DOWN Nancy's plane if she visits Taiwan

>>16843050 “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed?

>>16843061 Everyone over 5 should get a booster shot. And if you're above 50, you should get two – I did. (Comm Chq)

>>16843072 U.S. Senate just passed the $52 billion CHIPS-plus bill - Just in time for Taiwan

>>16843074 West Virginia Committee Passes Abortion Ban Protecting Lives of Unborn Babies

>>16843055 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will not teach George Washington Law seminar after uproar

>>16843095 Pelosi's insider trading?!

>>16843076 Israel pharmaceutical firm TEVA proposes $4.35bn settlement for role in US opioid epidemic

>>16843114 Russia Fired On Israeli Jets Over Syria In "One-Off": Israel's Defense Chief

>>16843129 Big Tech’s Blueprint to Stop a Red Wave in 2022 #CallToPolls

>>16843130 Apple to open new development center in Jerusalem

>>16843152 California dusts off controversial Delta tunnel water project

>>16843179 Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng Sentenced to Prison for Depriving George Floyd of His Constitutional Rights

>>16843038 Fauci’s NIH Being Sued for Withholding Details on Cruel Animal Testing

>>16843220 ‘Top Chef’ TV Personality Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ After Heart Attack at 46 #NotTheJab

>>16843230 Press Conferences Bun

>>16843239 Meanwhile at Nato MP4

>>16843288 Jewish Groups Call on Pennsylvania GOP Candidate to Cut Ties With Far-right Platform Gab

>>16843312 DOJ Insiders Say Delaware US Attorney’s Office Too "Inadequate" To Investigate Biden Family Corruption

>>16843331 il Donaldo Trumpo Buen dia to everyone who knows the election was rigged and stolen - mOSSad

>>16843342 Fed increases key interest rate by 0.75 points again. How will it affect economy and you?

>>16843380 Anon points out, Caveman carved dinosaurs, but no Moon or astronomy?

>>16843381 Truly honored to fill in for @Kash on The @DevinNunes Podcast LIVE tomorrow night at 9pm ET

>>16843387 Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% Confirms MODERNA Created COVID-19?

>>16843420 WP - DOJ Conducting Grand Jury with Witness Testimony Targeting President Trump for Seditious Conspiracy Against Government #Panic

>>16843327 Joe Biden Claims Majority of People Dying From Covid “Are Not Up to Date on Their Shots” #Lies

>>16843551 Call to Dig - Anon wants to know where all the WW2 Nazis went to.

>>16843359, >>16843255, >>16843155, >>16843084, >>16843037, >>16842972, >>16842965, >>16842948, >>16842924, >>16842878 >>16842895 Memes of the Thread

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113237  No.16867350


>>16842127 Dough

>>16842127 Oath of Enlistment

>>16842132 Baker Reqst for lb rescrape. #21219

>>16842135, >>16842150 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘America First’ Policy Speech

>>16842136 'Tater gives "proof of life" remarks

>>16842151 Former Cuomo Staffer Fatally Struck By Car After Lyft Driver Kicks Him Out In Middle Of Highway

>>16842160 USGO Back to the Oval. Thanks to Doc for the good care, and to all of you for your support.

>>16842161 Anon Maga Feed DJT - President Trump Speaks At America First Policy Institute Annual Policy Summit

>>16842182 @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘Time For A Change’: PAC Backing Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman Targets Liz Cheney In New Ad Blitz

>>16842248 Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!

>>16842266 Adopted son killed in gang shooting and Mom gives a “shout out” to Crips street gang!!

>>16842307 Trump Went 33-0 in Texas Primary

>>16842335 US military making plans in case Pelosi travels to Taiwan

>>16842395 Brittney Griner testified Wednesday at her drug trial in Russia

>>16842494 Grassley’s Whistleblower Report Vindicates Trump’s Proposal For A Swamp Purge

>>16842539 As Ukrainians Defect To Russia, We Should Ask Whether Our Billions Are Saving Democracy Or Aiding Corruption

>>16842552 @mikepompeo At times of great division and difficulty in America, the nation has always looked to Kansas for the path forward.

>>16842542 @mikepompeo Today is National Korean War Armistice Day, a reminder that the Korean War isn’t truly over.

>>16842566, >>16842664 Anon notices Kansas Korea Pompeo Twat

>>16842563 USGO Right now, we’re facing the BA.5 variant

>>16842580 @JackPosobiec Fed rates going up

>>16842637 Would you do it ?

>>16842603, >>16842619 parasites in the bug burgers

>>16842672 WHO DUG THEM? Mystery over ‘perfectly aligned’ holes punched into seafloor 1.7 MILES below the Atlantic

>>16842692 @ODNIgov Happy birthday @StateDept!

>>16842771 It's #NationalNewJerseyDay.

>>16842775 USAID chief calls on China to restructure Sri Lanka's debt

>>16842800 Fauci and WH Press Secretary Subpoenaed In Collusion Case

>>16842291 Anons Collection of Q posts

>>16842838 Warren Commission Report

>>16842793, >>16842745, >>16842730, >>16842681, >>16842709, >>16842602, >>16842585, >>16842496, >>16842410, >>16842290, >>16842275, >>16842226, >>16842178, >>16842164, >>16842189, >>16842214, >>16842228, >>16842316, >>16842451, >>16842464, >>16842475, >>16842476, >>16842816, >>16842837 Memes of the thread

>>16842849 #21220

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113237  No.16867378

#21219 @200

>>16841345 A Deeper Dive Into Allegations Of Sabotage Within FBI's Hunter Biden Probe - zerohedge

>>16841357, >>16841457, >>16841517, >>16841544, russia cuts gas flows further as Europe makes savings plea - reuters (msm controlled russian propaganda feeds) rt.com

>>16841494 Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports - rt.com

>>16841370 Ex-Cuomo staffer hit and killed by car after being ordered out of a Lyft on a highway in Delaware when he and five of his friends got into an argument with the driver - who fled the scene - daily mail


>>16841387 HOW TO USE DISCERNEMENT WITH SCREENSHOT - anons post a must skill

>>16841382, >>16841388, Germans warned of toilet paper shortage - rt.com newsfeed

>>16841390 Saudi Arabia plans 100-mile-long mirrored skyscraper megacity - the guardian

>>16841393, >>16841410, How Gender Ideology Cost a Chicago Mother Custody of Her Child - dailysignal.com (pedo, groomer and commie topic)

>>16841397 perfect phone call decode and dig by anon

>>16841400 Japanese city alarmed by biting, clawing, attacking monkeys - apnews.com

>>16841404 anon opines

>>16841415 duckduckgo ceo gabriel weinberg, search engine will purge all alt media and replace with trusted msm - twat

>>16841425, >>16841432, >>16841444, >>16841447, Leading makers of vaccines collected over $1 billion in revenue in the past decade as U.S. mass vaccine adverse reactions and death surged, an Anon Research panel found. - nyt (covid topic)

>>16841489, >>16841511, NYC health officials look to rename monkeypox over stigma in communities of color - nyt and gwp

>>16841427 Joe Biden's Cybersecurity Czar Says "Systemic Racism" Is the Major Threat - And US Is Intrinsically Racist Society - gwp

>>16841526 Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, 'First Time in Over 30 Years' - rairfoundation.com

>>16841534 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda - breitbart

>>16841385, >>16841396, >>16841423, >>16841465, >>16841552, >>16841578, >>16841611, >>16841621, >>16841673, >>16841684, >>16841689, >>16841712, >>16841733, >>16841772, >>16841784, >>16841849, >>16841865, >>16841920, >>16841960, >>16841972, >>16842071 Memes of the Thread

>>16841568 #21219

Previously Collected

>>16841263 #21218,

>>16838868 #21215, >>16839722 #21216, >>16840514 #21217

>>16838928 #21212, ########## #21213, >>16838090 #21214

>>16826636 #21209, >>16838928 #21210, ########## #21211

########## #21206, ########## #21207, >>16825841 #21208

########## #21203, ########## #21204. >>16823836 #21205

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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05f77d  No.16867432

anons would have to be koo-koo to start parroting q again without serious verification beforehand

many of us still have friends and relatives who think we're wacky due to the first time around

if q has such reach, it shouldn't be a problem to either VERIFY the latest drops or EXPOSE them as fakes

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67d827  No.16867437





sentenced to four years in prison for defrauding Stormy Daniels

11:55 AM · Jun 2, 2022


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113237  No.16867444

File: 72c4e53d05bffdc⋯.jpg (543.17 KB, 1600x1166, 800:583, 72c4e53d05bffdc85872618c52….jpg)

Recycled Dough


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4b112a  No.16867446

Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden business partner at the White House

Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

Visitor logs from the White House of former President Barack Obama reviewed by The Post cast further doubt over Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

Eric Schwerin met with Vice President Biden on November 17, 2010 in the West Wing, when he was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China.Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.

”Not everyone gets to meet the Vice President of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates — like Eric Schwerin — had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin). “This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed.”


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26a848  No.16867453

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827274  No.16867479


they have been watching too many jack the ripper movies


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c2c845  No.16867499


>2022 Groomer Tsunami.

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63a233  No.16867512



You mean the ones they wrote down and published in books for you to learn about?

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9d8d69  No.16867518


>I have to disagree with this strategy. If the people really knew what abortions were doing this decision would get 97% support.

>The sheep should have been shown what they were doing with the babies.


That comes after the rioting and destruction.

"Well, now that you guys have destroyed everything… he's what they were REALLY doing with abortions…"

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c2c845  No.16867528

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.












You'll soon Know why.



The Red Wave


Marker [9]


Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson















CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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05f77d  No.16867536


>'blind luck'

>a definite possibility to occur once.


see: >>16867432

>There was more than one

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1c3a56  No.16867552


thanks baker

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4b112a  No.16867556


> What's up with the character which is replaced as object?

Total TRUTH Characters: 498

Before OBJ Character: 412

Actual OBJ Character: 1

After OBJ Character: 85


White House counsel for dirt

ASCII Character:

Decimal Value:


Hex Value:


ASCII Character Decoder:


This ASCII Character 63 is also called a question mark character. Perhaps it's just a glitch (bad encoding of a stray unintended character). Also, lowercase L in counsel is present.

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6ab832  No.16867598


Hey. You too bro.

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e08573  No.16867619



>*gets shot*


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af70aa  No.16867620


Her testimony was true that is the beauty of it, someone definitely told her those things, lol. Which means nothing of course. She helped set those fuckers up or was unwittingly used by Trump's team.

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6ab832  No.16867626


Great post. Sounds Presidential.

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b7dd23  No.16867636


Well shit…

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e08573  No.16867671

Scientist who predicted Boxing Day tsunami says another disaster is coming | 60 Minutes Australia


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05f77d  No.16867673


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities that had previously been covert, including actions in Iran, Vietnam, Laos, the Congo, Cuba, and Guatemala.

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3a54fa  No.16867684


Wow. Why did Q even bother. This Anon of all anons could have done it all by himself since he's so efficient.

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500a12  No.16867687



But that would mean no Mercedes for them.

No boat either.

You can't be serious.

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f923cf  No.16867690


Near Puerto Rico Trench.

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c2c845  No.16867694


touching fo sho

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574126  No.16867695


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [04.06.22 07:00]

[ Video ]

The White House is lit “Orange” for gun violence awareness

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500a12  No.16867716


Latin- sedes.

Read a book, or go back to Twitter.

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4b112a  No.16867723

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574126  No.16867724


King of the World

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127310  No.16867739


>So, sexist and illiterate?

front-hole identified

show us your tits


>only if under 30

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63a233  No.16867768


Show them there is Nothing to Fear

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a6d6cc  No.16867786

Anon yesterday morning ZERO for 21

Potus Last Truth last night 12 & ZERO



>I think the key words PERFECT and ZERO correlate to Q Proofs, particulary Perfect Q/Potus Proofs or Zero deltas.


>I've used this theory to predict Tweets within 10 minutes four times .

06/21/22 (Tue) 09:36:15

>Also significant I think is the 21

>Jun 21


>10,000- 20,000






>ZERO For 21

<12 and ZERO


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/21/2022 22:25:46

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108518752055030138

With the great ALABAMA win by Katie Britt tonight, I am pleased to announce that WE (MAGA!) are12WINS &ZEROLOSSES in U.S. Senate Primary races this cycle. We will do REALLY WELL in the upcoming General Election, also. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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c37904  No.16867802

New York City parents demand Mayor Eric Adams end school mask mandate for toddlers

'I find it all very dystopian and depressing that as a society and as a city we have come to just accept this policy," said NYC mother Ana Jelenkovic.

mask mandate for toddlers.


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3da7ea  No.16867847

Coming up at 11 am



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ceeaf3  No.16867849

File: f9b71a4382b0bb5⋯.png (520.14 KB, 515x640, 103:128, Screenshot_2022_05_03_at_2….png)

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63a233  No.16867853

California Sets Nation’s Toughest Plastics Reduction Rules

July 1, 2022 By Associated Press

Companies selling shampoo, food and other products wrapped in plastic have a decade to cut down on their use of the polluting material if they want their wares on California store shelves.

Major legislation passed and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday aims to significantly reduce single-use plastic packaging in the state and drastically boost recycling rates for what remains. It sets the nation’s most stringent requirements for the use of plastic packaging, with lawmakers saying they hope it sets a precedent for other states to follow.


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c37904  No.16867857


Funny, considering they came straight here.

Maybe they'll rebrand as C-ANON……

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c2c845  No.16867865

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af70aa  No.16867900

Flex on them Q

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3a54fa  No.16867905


if i look at a clock it will be 9:11 or 12:34


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df2bf1  No.16867912

Any sailors?

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763320  No.16867914


Weird vibes truly. If it comes out and is true, its meant for distraction from Maxwell, pretty sure of that

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574126  No.16867918

Facebook allows 10 strikes before booting gun sellers from platform: report

Facebook is allowing marketplace buyers and sellers to violate its ban on gun purchases 10 times before they are kicked off the platform, according to a Thursday report from The Washington Post.

The Post reported that Facebook’s guidelines also include a five-strikes system for gun sellers and buyers who call for violence or voice support for a “known dangerous organization” before they lose Facebook access. Facebook reportedly banned the private sale of guns on its website more than five years ago but has not publicly explained in much detail how the company enforces the ban.


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9c2d55  No.16867926




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05f77d  No.16867931


Best punishment ever

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6ab832  No.16867937


Sounds like a threat

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caba85  No.16867946

I think there will be a market rally the next few weeks where indexes will go up 10-15% then afterwards the shit hits the fan and the recession begins. So basically a dead cat bounce. Good luck all.

*not financial advice

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827274  No.16867951






The United Launch Alliance launched the Atlas V rocket which carried the Wide Field Of View experimental missile warning satellite. The goal: Identify early-warning missile detection. Wow, we really do rocket everything, get it?


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af70aa  No.16867957


Yeah it's over.

Tell his handlers and writers they are absolutely fucked.

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574126  No.16868002

… the technological laggards get so much ridicule. Douche bag nerds I tells ya.

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574126  No.16868060




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df2bf1  No.16868112


Pasta 8 looting

Israel and the treasonous zionist infiltrators are looting the US:

https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"


https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"


https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"


https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"


https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"


https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"


https://archive.vn/0U2HQ - "Billions more of Americans’ tax money to go to Israel"




"The surplus of government budget in Israel increased to 8000 ILS Million (2.381 B USD) in April 2022."



"U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defense Grant in 2012"



"'This Bill Promoted Internet Censorship And Violations of The 1st Amendment': Rep. Massie Lone Vote Against 'Anti-Semitism' Bill"



"The Audacity of Chutzpah"

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel."

One big zionist club:




Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


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c37904  No.16868120

New York City prosecutors resign by the hundred as soft-on-crime policies are pushed by DAs | Just The News

Manhattan and Brooklyn have each lost about one-eight of their staff in the last year.

By Sophie Mann

Updated: June 27, 2022 - 12:19pm

New York City is losing hundreds of prosecutors, quitting amid reforms taking place at the district attorneys' offices.

Alvin Bragg, the district attorney of Manhattan, has seen his office lose 65 assistant district attorneys – about one-eight of his staff – this year.

During his first week in office, Bragg released a memo that ordered prosecutors not to seek prison sentences for an increased number of crimes and to lessen charges against some offenses, including robberies ad commercial burglaries, crimes that have skyrocketed since the summer of 2020.

In Brooklyn, 67 prosecutors – about 13% of the office – have resigned from District Attorney Eric Gonzalez's office. In 2020, 84 resigned, and 94 left in 2021. In the Bronx, 59 prosecutors have quit during the first half of the year.

Former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi-Orbon, also the trial division chief who prosecuted Harvey Weinstein, and others told the New York Post that some of the intense regulations that New York adopted in 2019 are "crippling our lawyers."

Some of the recently adopted requirements order lawyers to turn over significant amounts of material to the defense in a short period of time.

"You become a file clerk rather than a trial lawyer," lluzzi-Orbon said. "Most of it is completely irrelevant and not germane in any way to the issues of the case."



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1c3a56  No.16868131



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c37904  No.16868145


meme from Quantum of Conscience video today.


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500a12  No.16868147





I had a thought but I couldn't hold it.

the stag horns are the Y head; symbol of the cult

diana moon goddess , Huntress.


trident at dealey plaza where they executed JfK

so the symbol of Ukraine is the trident.

we went over this before.

i just feel like there's something more.

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af70aa  No.16868151



A while back, some Anon posted some dates and FF predicted events. Again, they are not mine, and are predictions (not verified in any way.) I didn't save the post, but I wrote them down on my calendar as they were written:

7/11 Major False Flag

7/21 Maor False Flag

7/24 World War III starts

9/11 Mid terms halted.

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f923cf  No.16868158


Wasted on you, perhaps.

A Dieu

Fare thee well.

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9d8d69  No.16868168


>I’m part of it.

and i am tsar of all the russias.

ps - music does not neatly fit into arbitrary decades defined by digits.

POP music became great around 1966, and turned to shit around 1979.

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caba85  No.16868225

Israel raises Istanbul threat level to highest level, tells nationals to leave now

Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau has raised its alert level for Istanbul to the highest possible level, calling on any Israelis in the city to leave immediately or risk their lives.

The announcement comes hours after Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced the travel warning at a faction meeting, saying there was a “real and immediate” threat of an Iranian kidnap/murder plot targeting Israelis, and calling on Israelis to avoid any unnecessary travel to Istanbul or Turkey in general.

“Two weeks ago a travel warning to Turkey was raised, after defense officials raised fears of Iranian attempts to harm Israeli targets around the world, especially in Turkey,” reads a position paper from the National Security Council backing the decision.

The move means Turkey now has an alert rating of 4, putting it on par with Iran, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso and other dangerous corners of the globe.

The National Security Council says it raised the alert “given the continued threat and Iranian intentions to hurt Israelis in Turkey, especially Istanbul, cranking up a notch.”

The announcement also raises the warning level for the rest of Turkey to level 3, meaning Israelis should avoid non essential travel.

Iranian officials have vowed to exact revenge on Israel for the assassination of a senior Revolutionary Guard officer it blames on the Jewish state.


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9c2d55  No.16868232

we planned for that faggot

Nice try

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4b112a  No.16868236


Of course, you understand that we have to ‘lower our frequency’ somewhat, in order to connect with you, Blossom. It is not possible from where ‘you’ sit, for us to directly engage from our position. The Energy would be too Strong, too High and it simply wouldn’t work.

Yet, we will add, that in all the years we have been ‘known’ to you …

17 now.

… we have increased our level of Energy Light whilst ‘Visiting’ … as you and those who ‘visit here’ have increased YOUR level of awareness and Light.

This is how it works, Blossom. The more you BECOME THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE … THE MORE YOUR VIBRATION RISES in frequency and therefore, one’s communication barriers become less and less and that which comes through, does so on a much Higher Level and therefore, is able to increase the Soul’s individual Vibrational Energy … which in turn ‘takes one’s Being’ into a more compatible measure to receive that which we share and be accepted from within a Higher place of resonance and acknowledgement.

Struth Ruth … That’s a bit of a mouthful! (Get your chops around that one, Joe!)

Yet, understood?


Dearest Souls, Dearest friends … BE OF HOPE. We once said it is better to use the word KNOWING, rather than Hope. Yet, if one cannot fully KNOW at this stage … that which is required to KNOW … then indeed … ‘HOPE’… that the heartbeat within your Being, that you are allowing to dictate your days and your ways, is one that shall lead you Gallantly forth into the NEW WORLD.

We ask that you do not beat yourselves up for not always Being the Radiant Light that you Desire to BE.

Yet, KNOW … that just by Being upon Planet Earth you are making a HUGE difference.

Yet, when we are fed up and resonating on a lower frequency, I don’t see how we are contributing to the Greater Good?






Remembering too, of dualities … of opposites. Of … as low as you can feel … the Higher you can rise.

So much to be offered to the self in ways of THE GOOD ONE IS DOING.

Allow despondency to be removed and when ready … move on once again, into the LIGHT WARRIOR … IN FULL THROTTLE.



The Mantra!













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a6d6cc  No.16868237

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af70aa  No.16868238

Remember when shills would run and hide as soon as Q posted. Fun times

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3c8788  No.16868241

Meeting Materials, Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee




There are more of these financial disclosures. Anon hasn't gone through them yet.

Prior to 2009 > https://archive.ph/CqrS2

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3da7ea  No.16868248



They will never comply - wonder if they will be indicted

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df2bf1  No.16868252

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574126  No.16868255


RRN during light hours

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4b112a  No.16868266


HRC is royal. The top of the Illuminati. Alice means "of nobility" and recently, there are a lot of hints that she is queen. This is why I think she is the top of the Illuminati. Makes sense why it's rumored that Chelsea married the nephew of Soros.

Purple color of royals.

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3c8788  No.16868269


Second cap says "RV".

Perhaps "RESERVED" seat?

It ain't a crown, though.

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df2bf1  No.16868282




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827274  No.16868284


James Dean is dead.

For real this time.

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500a12  No.16868291



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a6d6cc  No.16868293


well someone obviously financed them

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3da7ea  No.16868304

State-backed Science and Technology Daily in China reported that scientists found possible signals from aliens but deleted the reporting of the discovery soon after.

According to Chinese scientists, the country's "Sky Eye" telescope detected what could be evidence of an alien civilization. The large telescope is in China's southwestern Guizhou province and has a diameter of 1,640 feet.

The now-deleted report said that the scientists found "several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth."


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63a233  No.16868318

So Biden has tired to molesting little boys?

Why the hell do we care about the Korean Beatles?

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67d827  No.16868327


I have a better idea.

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b14fd3  No.16868339


filtered them, on sight

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574126  No.16868343


AB1993requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination for all employees and independent contractors to work in California. And AB1797 creates an immunization tracking system giving all government agencies access to vaccination records for all persons.

SB871 adds COVID-19 injection to the list of immunizations for pubic/private school, regardless of FDA approval, with no personal belief exemptions and very rare medical exemptions.

SB866 lowers the age of consent for vaccination to 12 without parental consent or knowledge.

SB1464 requires law enforcement to enforce public health guidelines or lose their funding.

Quite frankly, this is madness. But here’s the kicker…

If you voice a contrary opinion – like saying the risk of COVID-19 shots for healthy children far outweigh the actual risk of COVID-19 – you will be breaking the law, and subject to civil penalties…


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63a233  No.16868345


Thank you.

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6ab832  No.16868360


You have a pure and sincere heart.

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574126  No.16868398


Peace Out!

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a6d6cc  No.16868402

.Dave, we're meeting at marty's after this. D&D

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67d827  No.16868407


> a teacher with a rifle


why would a teacher have a rifle in school?

would it stand in the corner, be locked in a closet?

makes no sense.

a teacher would be conceal carry and no student would know

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67d827  No.16868408


Show us your dick to prove you aren't Hunter Biden…

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c683a4  No.16868429

In the end

It doesn't even matter

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e08573  No.16868430

Dam lots of misspelled words and typos

It's pretty bad when I notice it

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3a54fa  No.16868434

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b14fd3  No.16868440


it's like the word fuck.

Many uses, many meanings.

Context is key.

Good luck.

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caba85  No.16868441



hard for people to understand if their gray matter has been inundated with "muh Russia" hysteria

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a6d6cc  No.16868449


Confession's of the hair and leather.

I had to change topic w/ this Pic. I wonder if anyone's who these lady are?


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26a848  No.16868452


>re phil turd, fagGOT!

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a6d6cc  No.16868475


What did You buy…

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e70a93  No.16868482

23 Jun, 2022 12:08

Germany makes major announcement on NATO

Chancellor Scholz has promised to make the Bundeswehr the “biggest conventional army” among European NATO member states

(Should have done it years ago. Trump is akways right)

The German military will contribute considerably to the strengthening of NATO’s east flank, the country’s Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has announced. He also promised major investment that would turn the Bundeswehr into the largest military force among European members of the US-led military bloc.

Speaking before the German parliament on Wednesday, Scholz assured fellow lawmakers that Berlin would “defend every square meter” of NATO territory, if necessary. The chancellor added that the alliance’s members in Eastern Europe could count on Germany. The country would increase its military presence in the region, including in and around the Baltic Sea, Scholz revealed.

Among the countries where the Bundeswehr will be permanently stationed as part of NATO forces is Lithuania. The Baltic state’s already strained relations with Moscow further escalated last week when Vilnius decided to block the transit of sanctioned goods to Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave. The Kremlin warned it would retaliate severely.

Commenting on Germany’s and NATO’s relations with Russia, Scholz pointed out that a partnership with the eastern neighbor is “unimaginable in the foreseeable future” now that an “imperialist Russia” has attacked Ukraine.

The German head of government warned, however, against terminating any of the fundamental agreements currently existing between the military alliance and Russia.

“We will campaign more than ever for the preservation of an international order that is based on law rather than force,” the German chancellor clarified.

Scholz also said that the sight of destruction in the towns of Irpin and Bucha outside of Kiev, which he had recently visited, reminded him of pictures of destroyed German cities after WWII.

“And just like the war-ravaged Europe then, today Ukraine needs a Marshall Plan for [its] reconstruction,” the chancellor argued, referring to the famous US-sponsored program for European post-war recovery.

The chancellor called it Europe’s “duty” to provide Ukraine with assistance.

To this end, Berlin has invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to join via video link the upcoming meeting of G7 leaders, which will take place in Bavaria from June 26 until June 28.

Scholz also said that he intended to hold a special conference of international experts, aimed at raising additional aid for Ukraine.

Speaking in the Bundestag, the chancellor revealed that German self-propelled howitzers had already been supplied to Kiev, with Ukrainian troops also currently undergoing training in the use of self-propelled anti-aircraft Gepard guns, and will start getting acquainted with US-designed M270 multiple launch rocket systems and the German-made IRIS-T air defense system. All of these weapons systems will be provided to Ukraine by Germany.

Later in the day, Chancellor Scholz was quoted by several media outlets as promising to make the German military the “biggest conventional army” among European NATO member states. According to the chancellor, this would have a positive effect not only on Germany’s security but also on that of its allies.

To this end, a special fund to the tune of €100 billion has been earmarked, which will help to considerably upgrade the German military’s capabilities, he reportedly also noted.

After weeks of talks, the ruling traffic-light coalition and the conservative opposition agreed in late May to allocate the money.


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357364  No.16868488


oyvey a test

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b14fd3  No.16868489

China mocks G7

With the eyes of the world on the G7, Beijing reminded the West that it’s outnumbered by its competitors

Amid high-profile meetings of the G7 and NATO leaders, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian posted an image on Tuesday pointing out that despite being referred to as “international society,” the G7 countries actually account for a small percentage of the world’s population.

Depicting the leaders of the G7 countries alongside the leaders of the BRICS nations,the image noted that the population of the former amounts to 777 million, while the BRICS countries are home to 3.2 billion people.

“So next time when they talk about ‘international society,’ you know what they mean…” Zhao wrote.

So next time when they talk about "international society", you know what they mean… pic.twitter.com/3sV23dxLCp

— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) June 28, 2022

After the summit in Germany over the weekend, the G7 leaders departed for Madrid, where the US-led NATO alliance is meeting to draft its new Strategic Concept – a document that outlines its mission and stance toward non-members. In its first update since 2010, the document will address China as a “challenge,” and according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, “will make clear that allies consider Russia as the most significant and direct threat to our security.”

Just days before the G7 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the leaders of Brazil, India, and South Africa, met virtually for the less-reported summit of the BRICS nations. The group, denoted by an acronym composed from the first letter of its member nations’ names, includes four of the world’s top ten economies and represents more than 40% of the planet’s population and 30% of its GDP.

While the BRICS group is not a formal alliance in a military or economic sense, its members are often united in opposition to the Western consensus. Save for Brazil, none of the BRICS nations voted with the US and its allies to condemn Russia’s military operation in Ukraine at the UN General Assembly in March, for example, and China and India have stepped up their trade links with Russia since then.

The bloc may soon expand too.Argentina and Iran applied last week for membership, with the Iranian Foreign Ministry describing BRICS as a “very creative mechanism with broad aspects,” and Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez said that the platform could “implement an agenda for the future that will lead to a better and fairer time.”

During the BRICS summit last Wednesday, Putin said that the five-member group was working on setting up a new global reserve currency “based on a basket of currencies of our countries.”


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df2bf1  No.16868490


He has no real true chance. Paul is loved throughout KY.

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05f77d  No.16868491


>Today, the Supreme Court upheld the Second Amendment Right of all Americans.

hopefully they stand up for the unborn tomorrow

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1c3a56  No.16868511


Ends with a tilde every damn post.

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b14fd3  No.16868579



I dont know how he has any fans

hes a fucking asshole

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e70a93  No.16868595


There are also no wolves on Fenris.

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c2c845  No.16868607


repost with the same misspelling as the first

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67d827  No.16868620


these always sound like shots over a PA.

sounds like standing in the back of a living room while someone plays a FPS on the television.

theres really nothin worse than a damn glownigger

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9c2d55  No.16868629


I can't be in TruthSocial right now

catch you later

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c83c60  No.16868639


is the coca cola seekrit flavor really dead babies like senomyx?

who fills the bottles in those seekrit kinesthetic memory locations in the labs and what do they fill them with?

it wasn't cell lines in the mid 1800s. Or was it? Only certain babies? Drink the cells of my progeny and be my slave?

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92b407  No.16868649

File: 5ac8797147bd970⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 500x410, 50:41, taking_flak.jpg)

File: fc82d5d54a5321d⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 478x429, 478:429, adfadfasdfasdf.jpg)

The shills and bots are only shit posting this bad because they are shitting in their shorts…enjoy the meltdown WEF, libatard world order, deepshit state

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3a54fa  No.16868672


2 tiered Justice system.

Why is that so hard to understand.

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682286  No.16868673


Rule 1: TGTFO

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9c2d55  No.16868680


These people make me sick.

Their evil has no bounds.

They set up a violent situation, just so they could blame it on Trump and his supporters.

How long have they been pulling stunts like this?

How many wars have been fought because innocent people have been falsely accused of the crimes committed by their accusers?

Guess they forgot to read the 10 Commandments. What happened to all of their talk about Judeo-Christian ethics?

They can't even keep the Judeo part.

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682286  No.16868700


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ba581f  No.16868752

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05f77d  No.16868762

Yeah I hear QAnon.

But, What can We actually DO Anon!?


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445a1f  No.16868787


Stanley Steamers that burn yard waste?

They will have cup holders this time, right?

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9c2d55  No.16868789

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a6d6cc  No.16868799

A Brief History of How They Control Your Mind | VSOF Sat night C&S class 6-25-2022

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e08573  No.16868802

First they come for your biolabs.

Then they come for your nukes.

And finally they come to take your pedophile elite.

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67d827  No.16868803

I am old enough to remember a huge effort to count ballots in Arizona. Of course, just like everything else. *red text (Nothing came of it) red text*

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3a54fa  No.16868804

Kyle from Eldorado Illinois is Q.

The Sheriff and others are involved.

They murder people, frame, and steal.

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e08573  No.16868832


Scav one was dug earlier today; Eric Prince went to that school, as I recall. should be in notables

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6b0347  No.16868833

File: cc566a2d3bded5d⋯.png (645.29 KB, 970x554, 485:277, whitera.png)

File: 8f07a58a59427a8⋯.png (804.35 KB, 978x650, 489:325, welc.png)

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ba581f  No.16868839


and do no forget a bunch of the instigators at 1/6 had orange on. We still do not fully even know about the orange comms except for a while back there a bunch of people started putting oranges on twitter. Made some memes about that too a few months back, it tied into pelosi also if i recall.

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df2bf1  No.16868845


>PDJT should say if recent Q is F&G

That's like me making something up and then telling you that it's true unless you can prove it isn't.

What Q did in the past was the inverse - using PDJT to confirm he was legit.

That's what should have happened again this time but didn't.

And prolly won't happen because it's not the real Q.

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c683a4  No.16868850


Knee-high by July!!!

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ba581f  No.16868868

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445a1f  No.16868872


Nancy Pelosi disdainfully elbows Rep.

Mayra Flores's pinnafore-clad Mexican-American daughter

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: PageTurner, 6/26/2022 7:32:05 AM

Democrats for years have been promoting the notion that Republicans are congenitally racist, regulur Bull Connors. It's the old Norman Rockwell painting of a little black girl clad in a white dress, being escorted by lawmen into a desegregating school in Mississippi, with foul racist graffiti and tomato stains on the wall behind her, that serves as their template for Republicans – despite the fact that the people who opposed desegregation in the Deep South were Democrats. The stereotype they pin on Republicans does not stop. It's that of the jewel-bedecked rich lady sniffing up her nose, looking down at, and brushing aside the dreaded hoi polloi

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bc40b3  No.16868874

This is Globohomo.

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9c2d55  No.16868901
































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574126  No.16868909

Am I the only one that thinks this entire thing [both sides] are an enormous distraction? All that corruption on one side, but the justice taking forever on the other side, meant to keep us waiting for what… the point of no return? When it's too late for us to act? I've never liked that Trump's plan is "let's see what happens" meaning "just keep waiting a little longer" or "soon"… Hell, there's countless memes here about "SOON" on pictures of Barr and Durham, etc. This goes on and on and we just keep sitting around and waiting.

J6 is a distraction, like everything else on the media is a distraction. You could make an argument that the Sussman trial was a distraction, and how little they cover certain stories could also be a distraction. In the grand scheme of things, does Durham matter? Yes, we all want to see indictments, arrests, and convictions, but the topics NO ONE, not even Trump, are discussing:

Food shortages,


Smart meters,

GMO mosquitos released by Bill Gates,

Vaccine injuries (only being covered by the alt media like X22, AWK, etc)

Yes, election fraud is a big issue and secure elections matter, but isn't food shortages and starving more important? We need a solid solution to the food shortages being created or people are going to starve, and no one is covering it. Where's the safety data on 5G? No one is covering that either. And am I really supposed to believe that the Deep State stole the office of the President of the United States of America through fraud, such as machine tabulation fraud and mail in ballot fraud, TWO YEARS AGO, and the military has just been letting him run with the country and destroying it? Maybe my IQ isn't high enough to see this chess move, but it looks pretty grim when you get an illegitimate president for two years and the military does nothing, then purges patriots that don't want to take the vaxx.

Movie or no movie, this entire thing fucking stinks. It makes me feel hopeless. The more research I do the more it points me towards being screwed than it does some miraculous last minute world saving event by good guy military. Last minute good guy save sounds more like fiction at this point than most of the stuff I considered conspiracy theories a few years ago.

Has anyone else's critical thinking landed them where I am? Q, if you're still around, I'd really like to see you stop fucking around on truth social with memes and shit and actually do something to save this nation. 5 years and I've had enough of the riddles and the "let's see what happens", because there hasn't been many results. Lining up deltas and playing with random numbers in Trump truths isn't doing it for me anymore. Especially since I can barely put gas in my car to get my ass to work and support my family now.

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e70a93  No.16868911


not even "her"

how creepy

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9c2d55  No.16868929


another one

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379cf5  No.16868942


oh you can fuck right off too faggot.

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e08573  No.16868943

What would Col. Jarod do?

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26a848  No.16868945

It would be weirder to wait and post until your little digits got off sixes.

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c2c845  No.16868964


no consent.

Dod/dtra needs to be rendered for treason.

US government needs de-nazification.

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379cf5  No.16868970


Wow, big storm on the way.

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67d827  No.16868977


Agreed anon it's plasma. I'll link u the documentary.

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827274  No.16868989

God I love this country so much.

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ddd84c  No.16868991

so, what about magnets sticking to porterhouse steaks? I did this myself, I know it's real.

what is in the meat that allows a magnet to stick to it?

maybe it's a multifold attack - we refused the jab, but still have to eat…..so we get our dr death dose that way?

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574126  No.16868995


1st Boom

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c683a4  No.16869012


The sun rotates around an axis. The earth rotates around an axis AND it rotates around the sun.

Someone explain how a sun spot could - for any length of time - be "pointed at the earth"

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9c2d55  No.16869013


Nobody gets hurt.

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a6d6cc  No.16869024

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ba581f  No.16869030

Stephen Miller on Sean, atm


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b14fd3  No.16869038

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827274  No.16869044

We thpugh racist invaders were bad here, liook what goes on allowed by twiiterall those qanon chasing asshole should start chasing death threats on twitter


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ddd84c  No.16869045


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445a1f  No.16869061

Our tax dollars here in Shasta County (Commiefornia)will no longer promote these sexual freaks!!!

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574126  No.16869077


luls, i love it. i dont get it but there it is. it clearly doesnt matter if i/or anyone else gets it (the QClock) or not. there it is. a string of alignments pertinent to today. kek. ty

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3a54fa  No.16869087


Well here is the thing. Its either him or its not. Now, either waste our time telling us its not or waste our time telling us what we already know. At the end of the day, your opinion on the matter is just as valuable as a pile of dog shit. Have a great rest of the weekend!

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827274  No.16869099

i meant to poast this last night but got distracted kek


another work Night ]Shift[

i feelz you

along w this important job/research be sure to find joy 2 share joy, SEE?

Bible versus bless and/or curse depending

what i once thought was a curseful verse was a gift ]ALL[ along

ironies can be GOOD signs

feel the cool relief of Faith when it's hot out

work together; re-learn the game (that is not a game)

Newbies, Normies, Anons together is the KEY, no?

idk but it sounds GOOD and sometimes it is correct

Please God, let this be 1 of those Times

thank you ALL who share info during information war

information = decisions

correct information SHOWs what about dem leaders?

lies say what about elections in 2020?

ignorance is bliss but it affects USALL so wake the silly sheep sleeping in the land/age of tyrants

what would the Founders say about us if they could haunt us tonight?

ds swamp dreams about the night they can hunt US openly, no?

keep dreaming ds, you already lost all your chips except that pathetic stack

now sit there and hope for luck during this END

People, the game is yours if you CHOOSE to take it; please stop giving to swamp [nancy obama hillary hunter jim soros etc]

>thank you ALL who share info during information war

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b14fd3  No.16869117


checked and ID √√

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379cf5  No.16869129


They want to fake the output of their solar farms to keep selling panels, meanwhile the actual energy has another source?

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e08573  No.16869132

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283505  No.16869139


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b14fd3  No.16869143


46 BIO labs found in Ukraine

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67d827  No.16869144



Her and Pelosi in a scissor match.

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827274  No.16869148

somebody acks Q if we still need exter dog food.

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b14fd3  No.16869191


For not much longer will this treasonous and blasphemous behavior be tolerated. And [they] know it.

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ba581f  No.16869223


I guess if you now follow me you will experience some sort of pain bc other masons will come at you.

but hey, if you don´t, I burn your souls eternally, so there´s that.

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bc40b3  No.16869245



Operation Underground Railroad

We offer freedom and healing to survivors of human trafficking and exploitation through direct intervention and aftercare.

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763320  No.16869249


>radiofags, is there an electrical storm over Netherlands?

This time of year….usually

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e70a93  No.16869259


so much text so much feelz

muh doctor is out

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c03361  No.16869263

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c683a4  No.16869291



I pray hope whatever you are correct.


if not, we are sitting ducks.

If you all are in a city, you are sunk.

Wa 9/11 just a psyop?

sinkiing the titanic to rid them of those who would stop the fed from being installed in the usa?

WW2 being fought for the take over of land to establish a country?

all just fun and games?

and now this… patriots are in control just sit back and we will take care of it.

I want it to be true.

The odds, the longer this goes down, seem hard to believe.

Let's get it going…right now

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9f2163  No.16869308


The opposite happened. Dan posted a babyfist.

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283505  No.16869319

File: 907e0d77455977d⋯.png (76.54 KB, 1892x305, 1892:305, Screen_Shot_07_27_22_at_08….PNG)

File: 243b671160b7a09⋯.png (16.04 KB, 491x205, 491:205, Screen_Shot_07_27_22_at_08….PNG)

Roundup of Trump Truths for 7/27/22 if some want to review for comms….


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682286  No.16869332






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3a54fa  No.16869333


Starts in 14 hrs @ 7:00 PM CDT, 8:00 PM EST.






Real America's Voice






Donald J. Trump


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b14fd3  No.16869361


Is that you Hannidy?

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e70a93  No.16869365


Stick to the matter at hand.

A pursuit does not end when the fleeing felon enters a different jurisdiction. It's not "home base", ffs.

You've no idea how things work. The sheriff is an egotistical twat.

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3a54fa  No.16869373


>You got this, anon! Keep love in your heart!

Thanks I got this, is this like heavy lifting? My heart is full of love, it's just so much to look at and think about but I am going to be a good boy!

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e70a93  No.16869409

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c83c60  No.16869411

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3a54fa  No.16869416



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6b0347  No.16869427

File: 61b7b64f746839b⋯.png (916.16 KB, 1114x676, 557:338, ban.png)

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b14fd3  No.16869433


Def a signal of who is in control.

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9f2163  No.16869439


>or am i mistaken?

you're mistaken

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c56066  No.16869444

Commies riot live

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445a1f  No.16869445


your gun is backwards gamergirl

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360506  No.16869447


'Israel' says building regional alliance under US

The Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz claimed on Monday that "Israel" is constructing a regional "air defense alliance" funded by the United States, claiming that the system has previously prevented attempted "Iranian attacks" and might be bolstered by President Joe Biden's visit next month.

After announcing this month that he will visit Saudi Arabia, Biden said this visit is primarily to address "Israel's security issues."

Gantz called the alliance in a briefing the "Middle East Air Defense Alliance" to Israeli lawmakers, claiming that cooperation has already been initiated.

According to the official transcript, "Over the past year, I have been leading an extensive programme, together with my partners at the Pentagon and in the US administration that will strengthen the cooperation between "Israel" and countries in the region."

Gantz highlighted that the program was already "operative" and claimed it already intercepted Iranian attempts to "attack Israel and other countries."

Gantz failed to mention what countries he was referring to or give any details about the alleged attacks.

While accusing Iran of carrying out attacks against "Israel" as per Israeli claims, the occupation Air Force conducted a simulation of a widescale strike on Iran in May, during the "Chariots of Fire" drills.

The Minister expressed hope that Biden's visit will enable the occupation to take one step closer toward cooperation.

Biden is expected to visit "Israel" on July 14-15 and Saudi Arabia on July 15-16. His visit to the latter will include a meeting with the Kingdom's de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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c83c60  No.16869462


Bake my Breath Away


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63193a  No.16869473


nearly all of them now

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c683a4  No.16869475


If "they" are targeting the board, then who is the board targeting?

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b14fd3  No.16869486


same here. Strange feeling somedays.

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360506  No.16869520


Ben Stiller sporting the vaxx smile?

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445a1f  No.16869523


>this US anon cannot, and will not, take a side in the Ukraine conflict.

it's a family matter that has been going on for a millennia

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9091ba  No.16869538


Preliminary to the potential mind altering effects of vaccines 5g and haarp, the propaganda alone has a hypnotic and behavioural component especially to emotionally based decision makers. Ie uppity cunts.

The propaganda itself is designed to remove one’s sense of probity and reason. The more degraded and the more nonsensical the better. Once you accept any of it you are on a slippery slope to degenerate imbecilic nature.

Even the test up the nostril was unneeded, any swab of the mouth would be enough, but not they made it unnecessary invasive painful and potentially dangerous. Doctors didn’t stop or scratch the8r heads there so it continued unabated. Now everyone is retarded. And wicked. And their cognitive dissonance causes the, emotions.

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763320  No.16869552


Election Wizard, [16.06.22 08:17]

DETROIT (WXYZ) — Flooding has caused the Abbott #BabyFormula Plant in Sturgis, Michigan to shut down…In February, the plant stopped production over contaminated formula. They restarted production on June 4 and made it less than two weeks before a second shut down.


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9091ba  No.16869564

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b14fd3  No.16869566


Nevermind CHICONGO though.

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a49d3e  No.16869572

NASA Martin WB57/G Canberra N926NA now circling at 47,000 feet off the Space Coast.

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92b407  No.16869574

File: 9f8fec9559952c1⋯.jpg (168.04 KB, 875x851, 875:851, 9f8.jpg)

File: 6da0666fe924cdc⋯.png (588.81 KB, 1053x1522, 1053:1522, bioweapons_production_with….png)

File: f8e3a4c02a30b40⋯.png (504.32 KB, 786x875, 786:875, Screenshot_2022_06_02_Fauc….png)

File: cda8247d7fe6ae7⋯.png (97.48 KB, 617x717, 617:717, cda843d.png)

File: 95651f2365475fd⋯.jpeg (274.21 KB, 1241x1344, 1241:1344, darpaechohealth6.jpeg)

“Every single fraud technique being used today to ‘sell’ COVID hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.”

Fauci-Backed Wuhan Lab Did Gene-Editing Monkeypox Research in 2021~~

May 27, 2022

Remarkable Parallels Between the AIDS and COVID Scare~~!11/26/20

“A deadly new virus is discovered… There’s no treatment or cure… It’s highly contagious… Everyone is a potential victim… The world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders… New clusters of cases reported daily…

“Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable… Positive antibody tests are called ‘infections’ and ‘cases’ even when the patient has no symptoms… Every politician gets involved… Media hysteria in high gear… Activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma…

“Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research… Simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed……Presumptive diagnoses… Exaggerated death statistics… Falsified death certificates…”





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63193a  No.16869576


Now quote the Bible

And then praise Israel

We owe our prison society to them

And for our enslavement, we must be forever grateful

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763320  No.16869579


Someone took the whole "You can be whatever you want" advice too seriously as a kid…..

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2dc844  No.16869587


>How many militaries do we have? Is there a secret doppelganger military, two million strong, that hasn't been infiltrated by communists and death-jabbed?

Militia: A [MILITARY] force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.


The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.


To be eligible for original enlistment in the National Guard, a person must be at least 17 years of age and under 45, or under 64 years of age and a former member of the Regular Army, Regular Navy, Regular Air Force, or Regular Marine Corps. To be eligible for reenlistment, a person must be under 64 years of age.


Age limitations when it’s GO time?


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26a848  No.16869592


Antifa terrorists and other commies are just going to report them all.

They are going to get a lot of cops killed, and a lot of gun owners who trust cops too much shot.

The people to scared and cowardly to save school children from a single shooter are always going to be quick on the trigger when put into a scarier situation that they can't run away from. Anyone who would follow unconstitutional orders to disarm a law abiding citizen deserves what's coming.

Good hunting Cali anons i pray you win your quickdraw. Have an exfil plan and a wish list for after, unless you really want to rot in a corrupt govts. jail.

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9f2163  No.16869597


>Anons are friggin awesome


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ba581f  No.16869603


ThankQ, but I can't take credit for the child & kitten Q one…another anon made that one..and is soooo good!

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28a8a5  No.16869621





Unlimited meme material until the kids come out of her closet tho

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63193a  No.16869632


Close enough to be DC types and most folks in WVa cant afford chopper rides. Figured they were not locals.

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763320  No.16869637



Indeed it will. The data is right in their wiki pages- none of them are anything but "Because I said so" agencies.

Then we need to address the SES. Talk about an I said so situation, holy sheet!

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a49d3e  No.16869685


You fuck w/ the wrong people…….

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492b7b  No.16869710



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360506  No.16869722

Back up for 8kun if jews close it down?

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076f9b  No.16869727

Good-B[y]e to the Old Guard

The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.


Putin saved 10's of thousands of Children & destroyed Bio-Labs
















Everything we have been taught is pretty much BULLSHIT

President Donald J. Trump has caught [THEM] ALL RED_HANDED

Our Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW

John F. Kennedy, & John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald J. Trump have dedicated their lives to seek out, document, and expose the EVIL

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED

Difficult Truths are about to come to LIGHT

Everything will be okay

The Military is the only way.




The Storm has arrived.


President Trump & Vice President Kennedy are working with GOD OUR ETERNAL HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST



Decertify the FRAUD




Marker [9]











e[Y]e of Horus

[P]riory of Sion



The ravens will starve.









Trust the Plan.

Everything is on Federal TAPE


Government TAPE

It's on Government TAPE

It's all on Government TAPE











Watch the WATER







Thors Hammer








God Father III


Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM)



Yellow Brick Road

Snow White

Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit







President Trump and Vice President Kennedy have rescued 100's of Thousands of ChildrenUnderground, and being trafficed, while President Trump was in office , and are still rescuing more everyday while the Special Forces are also removing the evil wicked ones, NAZIS



ACT OF 1871












Sky Event

Sky Fortress Engaged





We Have it ALL.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

"NG Activated"

Done in 30







06. 12. 06.















General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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26a848  No.16869734

So easy to defeat you are

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c683a4  No.16869759

Evil's being brought down.

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0ede27  No.16869760

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c03361  No.16869761


expanded your thinking huh


light bulb went off

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c56066  No.16869775



Everything Muh Dick predicted on 8Chan came true.

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ddd84c  No.16869804


control of the game

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ef6f8c  No.16869809

File: d5b46fb84fc99f2⋯.png (380.39 KB, 474x631, 474:631, FB1CA6D2_015F_453F_91A4_D9….png)

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445a1f  No.16869812


Stay off the porn. This is what happens.

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492b7b  No.16869828


Just for the vatican shill

Anon has followed most of viganio broadcasts and interviews,

==Highest respect for Archbishop Viganio, the shill are who keep spamming are automatically filtered - discernment does not come easy, anon has done his own research and follows his own path while being aware of the spiritual battles we face, there is a lot f wisdom in old texts books, not online copy and pastes which is why you have so many radicals who are turned cos they have twisted the words to incite violience. they did it to the muslims radicals and now china is doing it to the bible.

Always take what you need from a physical book and leave what is toxic.

you need two things.

Patience and not looking for validation from anyone.

Learn and grow. and above all be accountable for your own actions !!!



Beautifully written for newbies by an anon !!!


To the newbies and young people here with so many questions. You will face many truths and lies here. Many have died to bring this information to you. For centuries good people have given their lives so that this would be known to you now.

You will go through many emotions and heartache to know this truth. You would not be here were you not a truth seeker, bless you all.

First will be denial. The horrors will rock you to the core. To think that anyone could do these things will seem impossible.

Then will be anger. A fury and rage will rise in you so overwhelming it will threaten your sanity. Do not lash out. Do not become what you hate.

Next you wil ask perhaps if we ask them to stop they will. No they won't they are lost and only they can turn to the light. Some will but the worst will not.

Then it will weigh on your heart, the darkness will attempt to keep you in sadness and despair. Move past this.

Lastly you will know that each must find their own way and that by looking inside yourself, you will find a divine, magnificent, eternal soul who will be the future of humanity.

Do not darken your soul with vengeance, hatred or fear. You are the light you are seeking. You are a beautiful shining beacon that one day will know a world without war.

All paths lead to God. May yours be a joyous and kind one. That is why anons are here now. So that you and your children may live on a peaceful and beautiful earth.



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bc40b3  No.16869836


300 posts later, but he gets it

Every man sticks his dick in crazy, or we all die out. The vax just makes sure the stupid don't reproduce.

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0ede27  No.16869838


You might say I'm a fisher of men.

Before Bidan it was less receptive.

After Potatoe in Chef, I'm motherfucking EF Hutton.

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0ede27  No.16869862


Interwebz´s forever.


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2dc844  No.16869867


Jamie Dimon lashes out at ‘childish behavior’ from Congress amid deadlock over coronavirus relief

Published Wed, Nov 18 202010:35 AM ESTUpdated Wed, Nov 18 20201:48 PM EST


Hugh Son


JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon criticized lawmakers for a monthslong deadlock over a second round of coronavirus relief to help unemployed Americans and struggling businesses as the pandemic deepens.

“I know now we have this big debate. Is it $2.2 trillion, $1.5 trillion?” Dimon said Wednesday, referring to competing visions for a relief bill from Democrats and Republicans, at The New York Times’ DealBook conference.

“You gotta be kidding me,” Dimon told Andrew Ross Sorkin, who is a co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “I mean just split the baby and move on. This is childish behavior on the part of our politicians.” Sorkin is also a financial columnist for the Times and the editor-at-large of DealBook.

Congress has so far failed to pass a second relief bill after key parts of the first law, the CARES Act, expired in July. While financial pain for the unemployed and small businesses is set to grow as Covid-19 infections surge to records across the country, top leaders from both parties haven’t met since the Nov. 3 presidential election.


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26a848  No.16869869

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/29/2022 22:14:14

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108564005137799265

Q Clock [ Min: 45 | :25/:55 Mir: 5 | 180 Mir: 15 | :35/:05 Mir: 25 ]

Now that fake storyteller Cassidy Hutchinson has been totally discredited and marginalized for making up the most ridiculous ever story that I tried to commandeer control of a moving White House Limo, and even went for a choke hold on the other very strong Secret Service Agent sitting in the front seat, in addition to her other lies, the Unselect Committee is asking to interview the former White House counsel for dirt, even though that would set a terrible precedent for future Presidents. NO!

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445a1f  No.16869920

human conveyor belt

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c56066  No.16869930

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bc40b3  No.16869948


shits from 2009. Still relevant?

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8cf88d  No.16869958



saved and shared


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c83c60  No.16869962


>Makes me ill.

that means they're workng

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87cc77  No.16869971


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08470b  No.16869979


CA really??? Wow

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87cc77  No.16869998


Maybe, maybe not.

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076f9b  No.16870000




Research Links:

Lord's Prayer - Our Father - Pater Noster "What Version?"







C EYE A - Catholics - Vatican - "What can be connected?"





https://www.ucanews.com/news/former-cia-director-recalls-how-catholic-upbringing-influenced-career/91665 < altar boy John Brennan

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/1983/07/their-will-be-done/ < liberal site but this article was well researched

Pope Francis changes Lord's Prayer - "News unlocks map - Future proves past"







Q Drops used in this research:

Drops #154, 306, 714, 783 + anything C EYE A, CLOWNS, LORDS PRAYER, POPE, VATICAN et al. was reviewed.

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08470b  No.16870006


We willNever FORGET!

We willNever FORGIVE





James Comey ==TREASON

John Brennan ==TREASON




















45's [76th] BIRTHDAY




































"sky= is falling"







John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



DO IT Q!!!!

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a49d3e  No.16870013

I had crumbed garlic and parmesan steak, onion mushrooms, chips, eggs, and gravy.

… or was that the night before..

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492b7b  No.16870017

Schiff: The president 'whipped up the crowd' in front of the Ellispe, once again promoting the allegation that [what] Secretary Raffensperger, [and] the president's own attorney general, had told him was false.

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28a8a5  No.16870039

Rodney Alcala

>studied film under Roman Polanski at New York University.[9]


David Berkowitz

>Berkowitz began to claim that he had joined a Satanic cult in the spring of 1975.[103]

>he added that a Yonkers police officer, also a cult member, was involved in this crime.[32]


Ted Bundy

>Bundy joined Governor Daniel J. Evans' re-election campaign.[49] Posing as a college student, he shadowed Evans' opponent, former governor Albert Rosellini, and recorded his stump speeches for analysis by Evans' team.[50][51] After Evans was re-elected, Bundy was hired as an assistant to Ross Davis, Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party. Davis thought well of Bundy and described him as "smart, aggressive … and a believer in the system".[52]


Dean Corll

>the statements Corll had given to both Henley and Brooks prior to his murder that he was associated with an organization based in Dallas that "bought and sold boys"[205] may indeed have held a degree of truth.


Andrew Cunanan

>Father, Modesto, worked for such elite firms as Merrill Lynch and Prudential Bache and was a follower of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, of the Montana-based Church Universal and Triumphant



Albert Fish

>Father was buried at the Congressional Cemetery

>The letter was delivered in an envelope that had a small hexagonal emblem with the letters "N.Y.P.C.B.A." representing "New York Private Chauffeur's Benevolent Association".


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379cf5  No.16870045



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e70a93  No.16870047


>At least they pretend to have principles

At least they allow their employees to live their principles

there, fixed it

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076f9b  No.16870059

Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws

In its attempt to blame former President Donald Trump for the crimes committed on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, House Democrats have spent the week focused on Trump’s unsupported claims of widespread election fraud. The Jan. 6 select committee and the legacy media outlets promoting the show trial completely ignore, however, the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the constitutionally deficient execution of the November 2020 election—including issues Trump challenged following the election.

Georgia provides a peach of an example. President Biden won Georgia and the state’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779 individual votes, but before the state certified the results of the November 2020 election, Trump challenged the outcome, raising several issues both in and out of court. Trump hammered accusations of fraud in Fulton County, claiming counterfeit ballots secreted in suitcases and vote-flipping by Dominion Voting Systems gave Biden the victory. But Trump also contested the Georgia results based on evidence indicating that tens of thousands of illegal votes were improperly counted.

While Trump’s legal team argued illegal votes in some 30-plus categories were improperly included in the final election tally, violations of Section 21-2-218 of the Georgia election code alone closed the gap between the two presidential candidates. That section provides that state “residents must vote in the county in which they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of the election” and “outside of the 30-day grace period, if people vote in a county in which they no longer reside, ‘their vote in that county would be illegal.’”

Shortly after the November general election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, compared voting records obtained from the Georgia secretary of state’s office with the National Change of Address (NCOA) database. After excluding individuals who moved within 30 days of the general election, Davis “identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.”

Trump highlighted this evidence during a telephone conversation with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. His election lawyers, he said, noted from that data they “have actually hard numbers” of tens of thousands of votes that were counted illegally, and that with the margin of victory less than 12,000, “that in and of itself is sufficient to change the results or place the outcome in doubt.”


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c683a4  No.16870066


Is that his son? He had twins with his horse face wife. Dayum.

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379cf5  No.16870075

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07c350  No.16870082

This disgusting thing

thinks she is the only one who can play this game

she is talking about people like anons

she seems to want to be

really famous

right diggers

won't be able to walk down the street

is not just for politicians and Holloywood?

She is VILE

her words and intent

sickening shit right here

THIS IS EVERYWHERE in the workplaces

Apparently she is a member of HRPA

and she is very brave to post this video HERSELF

maybe her cats will protect her or her scissor friend


Luke 🇨🇦🍁





Jun 4

Replying to


Three things for sure:

1) She’s single.

2) She votes


3) She has a cat

And these people think they’re on the right side of history?

8:04 PM · Jun 4, 2022 Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets




Cernovich Retweeted

Dr. Benjamin Braddock


It’s not the “elites” that run the system, it’s apparatchiks and volunteer commissars like this. There are billionaires who fear these types of people because they can cook up all sorts of headaches and trouble. This is the real enemy.

7:54 AM · Jun 6, 2022·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



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076f9b  No.16870119



or in the Dawn (in nature)

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c683a4  No.16870125


this function is not

and has never been

a threat to your masters

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a49d3e  No.16870134



5702 Conzelman Rd

Mill Valley, California

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26a848  No.16870158


The Big Show?

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c03361  No.16870162


It could be going anywhere - CIA-organized militants anywhere in the world, Middle East, Africa, South America, etc.

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368ced  No.16870165

Is someone going to help her?

Cabal, can’t you help her?

Listen closely for the comms in the song

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e70a93  No.16870167

CNN Enters the Post-Jeff Zucker Era. Bye-Bye ‘Breaking News’ Banners.

Chris Licht, the new CNN chairman, is encouraging a more nuanced approach to coverage. Some at the network are skeptical.



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a817b8  No.16870183

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26a848  No.16870189


Head of Lancet Covid-19 board: Coronavirus might have come from US lab

Economist and author Jeffrey Sachs, speaking at a conference hosted by Spanish think tank GATE center, divulged that COVID-19 did not come from a natural reservoir, but rather "out of US lab biotechnology" by accident.

Sachs, who also chairs the COVID-19 commission at a renowned medical journal, The Lancet, said that he was in the loop: "It’s a blunder, in my view, of biotech, not an accident of a natural spillover.”

He said that while he does not know for sure if this was the case, there is "enough evidence" that could make this conclusion, which "should be looked into."

The renowned economist expressed disappointment that the narrative is not being looked into, "not in the United States, not anywhere."

Neil Harrison, a Columbia University professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics, along with Sachs, wrote an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where they suggested that COVID-19 originated in a laboratory. The two academics demanded greater transparency from US federal agencies and research facilities, including universities, as a lot of evidence was not provided.

The origin of the pandemic can be traced through Virus databases, biological samples, viral sequences, email communications, and laboratory notebooks - however, all of these sources have been subjected to “independent, transparent, and scientific scrutiny."

According to the authors, a sequence of eight amino acids on the virus' spike protein is similar to an amino acid sequence found in cells that line human airways.

US biolabs, very recently, have been exposed to be spread throughout the world, with Ukraine being a hotspot for over 30 US-funded biological weapon laboratories, which have been working on deadly specimens of African swine fever and anthrax.

In March, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, "Documentation was received from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases on February 24. The emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens on February 24 was required to prevent the disclosure of facts of violations by Ukraine and the United States of Article I of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)."

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28a8a5  No.16870195


They supposedly had great pest control programs in place.

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445a1f  No.16870216


That's the truth Ruth.

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2dc844  No.16870241

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a817b8  No.16870245

Peachy grab ass tropical paradise what a scorcher.


Kill 'em all.

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c83c60  No.16870259

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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368ced  No.16870261

yea, all races are the same, bros


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ba581f  No.16870270

We have about a 20 month lull.

Should heat up around May 2024 before the November 2024 Presidential election.

Intermission time right now

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076f9b  No.16870272


planned coercion of travel

the reset is occurring

one doubts many in conus


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63193a  No.16870300


HA. Googleplex just admitted the guilt of collecting everyone's data.

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26a848  No.16870315


Even if he sells 8kun cult robes?

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360506  No.16870332

“More than 1,238 lives have been lost during migration in the [north, central and south] Americas in 2021, among them at least 51 children,” said the group’s July 1 report.

“At least 728 of these deaths occurred on the United States-Mexico border crossing, making this the deadliest land crossing in the world,” said the IOM statement, which added:

“The number of deaths on the United States-Mexico border last year is significantly higher than in any year prior, even before COVID-19,” said Edwin Viales, author of the new IOM report on migrants in the Americas in 2021. “Yet, this number remains an undercount.”

The record number of deaths reflects the mass migration up to the border — where Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, is dangling work permits and jobs to more than a million foreigners.

In 2020, one-third fewer people died throughout North, Central, and South America when President Donald Trump rejected illegal migration, according to the report’s data.

Yet during that low-migration and low-death year, many liberal and business-aligned pro-migration groups loudly protested Trump’s life-saving opposition to illegal migration. These groups also complained that Trump was temporarily separating children from their families, unlike the 51 recorded permanent separations in 2021.

The IOM is a pro-migration group complete with the motto, “Making Migration Work for All.” So the IOM is using the June 27 death of 53 migrants in a San Antonio truck to demand that the U.S. government welcome yet more economic migrants with no regard for the huge cost imposed on Americans and people in migrant-sending countries.

The 53 victims were killed while they were using the government-protected, coyote-managed “illegal migration” track to U.S. jobs. Under Biden’s watch, the coyote-run migration track has successfully delivered roughly 2 million migrants, even as a similar number of legal immigrants and visa workers arrived via the official, government-run legal migration track.

The outsourced, coyote-run truck and the resulting deaths continue because “our [U.S.] leadership class doesn’t believe in the legitimacy of immigration law,” explained Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

They “tolerate mass illegality as a way of getting around the [annual] immigration limits set by Congress,” he told Breitbart News.


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076f9b  No.16870366


they do not perceive the reality that surrounds them


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9f2163  No.16870444


Wow. DC is certainly getting a global name for itself.

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87cc77  No.16870453


The shill is using circular logic.

Invoking fake Q posts referencing other fake Q posts to 'prove' the first fake Q post is a 'validating reply' to the other fake Q posts thus allegedly proving them all true.

The shill is muddle headed.

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445a1f  No.16870455


And I guess they just told everyone that got an abortion that their visit wasn't as private as they thought.

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379cf5  No.16870471

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #20986: Liz Cheney ‘Obsessed’ with January 6, Ignoring Wyoming Edition

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076f9b  No.16870479



gotta filter you for that

LOL I see it at work

fucking faggot piece of communist shit

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87cc77  No.16870481


I did not know that.

Interesting. Why do you know this?

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c03361  No.16870485

Has anyone done much research into LHOHQ? Seems spoopy, but likely F&G.

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492b7b  No.16870552


here is your shiny sheckle.

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379cf5  No.16870558

i don't get it, if you can "time travel" and see into the future in any direction you want and then you optimize your route based on what you find

then what is the point of anything if a few people get to "build" the road for everyone. like i have never had so much existential dread until i found out about this bullshit

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63193a  No.16870562

Where's the Jubilee Year faggot at?

The 21st should tell us all we need to know about how the future will unfold for us.

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ba581f  No.16870590

(YOU) = Q[i]

It's all about Energy; Yours

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ddd84c  No.16870607




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e913ce  No.16870668


Buddy the rich want to control and enslave and murder the population nothing is being done about it. Idk what you mean over.

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c56066  No.16870671



Something that mirrors itself or a word, number, or sequence that is the same whether read forward or backwards.





Your reflection in the water or a mirror.

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08470b  No.16870676

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2dc844  No.16870733


My anus is nowhere near Venus.

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07c350  No.16870736


Banned- Reddit project

Anon got curious, alas too late. I slept thru the whole shebang, catching up on No Tables and such.

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87cc77  No.16870760

Funny how if you apply this to present day, it fits. Internet killed the Video star

it gets creepy

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0ede27  No.16870777


Niggers dig. Anons shit post. And cry. And bitch. And piss a fit when Anons break the lingo code. And lick cop boots too. Really any tyrant in uniform. So long as they're wearing boots. And the Jolly Roger flag of 120,000,000 million dead American babies. Faggots.

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63193a  No.16870780

This girl I follow on instagram says she woke up yesterday and half her face is paralyzed.

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9f2163  No.16870798


Remember when Q told you about them flipping before it happened?

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8cf88d  No.16870814

i survived pride month

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283505  No.16870848

Are these spam old posts about Recent Q or are anons really discussing it? If so, did so happen?

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25185b  No.16870873


casino slut wants inclusion ambivalence

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6e844f  No.16870874



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28a8a5  No.16870875




>Jesus was a Jew.


>They are the chosen people.

is that why POTUS is the Chosen One?

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0ede27  No.16870880


>Can I be tired, and fuck you

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076f9b  No.16870885


Give them a taste of their own medicine!

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2dc844  No.16870910



Jennifer Connelly - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (Dark City OST)

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87cc77  No.16870913


[They] dotcommed the dotcoms and hijacked Microsoft.

[They] stole the iphone then murdered Apple.

Now [they] want SpaceX, Clarice.

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283505  No.16870916


If so, did something happen? I've been working.

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2faba4  No.16870929




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14895d  No.16870941



It looks like we are owed one more BOOM!

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1b224f  No.16870943


>Peter Arredondo is a Biden Donor

The more I learn the more I wonder if the kids were killed.

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0ede27  No.16870957


anyone on Fox is paid by those who poisoned your families, Kayleigh and Tucker et al

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07c350  No.16870962


Diversity yes.

Adversity no.

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87cc77  No.16870966

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a49d3e  No.16870977


It wasn’t deleted. I found it. Just tired I guess. Sorry for the misinformation.

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28a8a5  No.16871009


Public Schools are ridiculous.

Start homeschooling.


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07c350  No.16871045

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076f9b  No.16871049


>Mornin, frenz

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c03361  No.16871056

Brave right now.

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63193a  No.16871071


just run down the leg at most unfortunate timings

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07c350  No.16871073




FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q

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1b224f  No.16871082


white priveledge will be the cry soon ( elite priveledge as well)

>R. Kelly, Ghislaine Maxwell Prison

Sentence Disparity

Cited by Twitter Users


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503a0a  No.16871115


>Beware of the doubtfag shills trying to sow doubt in the rank-and-file of the FBI


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0ede27  No.16871124

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e5a2d4  No.16871126


Probably took place under

The White House

Whilst the Nation


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07c350  No.16871130


yes and that is my entire point does he want us to vote or not Trump that is. You dont talk about voter reform with out the implication that the vote was fraudulent last time which we know. I just want to know and its a personal decision for each person as well. But saying you cant bitch if you dont vote is weak…what if i voted previously ….seriously hate the weak minds in here sometimes.

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e913ce  No.16871145


do we have link?

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283505  No.16871170

Caturd live with Steve Inman in just a few min 9pm est

Link: https://rumble.com/v1dst9r-brandon-falls-devin-catturd-and-steveinman-on-the-biden-catastrophe.html

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2faba4  No.16871178

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87cc77  No.16871188


WTF kind of place is this?

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28a8a5  No.16871204

Do you understand what P2 means?

Are you ready?

You point. We act.

Games are over this is life or death for America.

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076f9b  No.16871217


…Oh yeah. The 'church' has a history of oppressing any groups not in line with the doctrine. Inquisitions and the like. It's fucked.

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c56066  No.16871240



>still nothing about it on local news. I'm waiting for it to confirm.

heard the other day, cant remember where, that the lebanon central bank failed.

maybe local news fag can chime in


UN rep slams Lebanon central bank chief over economic crisis

A UN expert blasted the country’s banking sector for failing to recognize its role in the country’s crippling economic crisis.

By Kareem Chehayeb

Published On 12 Nov 202112 Nov 2021

Beirut, Lebanon – United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Olivier De Schutter on Friday blasted Lebanese Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh for not recognizing the bank’s role in the country’s crippling economic crisis.

“The role of commercial banks and the Central Bank [BDL] has been very problematic,” De Schutter told Al Jazeera.

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8cf88d  No.16871254



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2faba4  No.16871319


rum sodomy and the lash

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26a848  No.16871338


Jesus Christ your patter is pathetic.

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417d73  No.16871353


anon saw post re cattle.

FDA refused to let farmer sell cattle (reasons)


FDA paid farmer 2300 per head to shoot in paddock.

another "food factory" "fire" ?

some anon was tracking these "fires" I think

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7cf044  No.16871398


dance party

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076f9b  No.16871421


14 posts? You are The Corporation marketing screw de jour.

I am your pimp's nightmare. You are not worthy of being Jim Traficant's toupee.

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2dc844  No.16871444


Israel and the treasonous zionist infiltrators are looting the US:

https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"


https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"


https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"


https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"


https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"


https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"


https://archive.vn/0U2HQ - "Billions more of Americans’ tax money to go to Israel"




"The surplus of government budget in Israel increased to 8000 ILS Million (2.381 B USD) in April 2022."



"U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defense Grant in 2012"



"'This Bill Promoted Internet Censorship And Violations of The 1st Amendment': Rep. Massie Lone Vote Against 'Anti-Semitism' Bill"



"The Audacity of Chutzpah"

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel."

One big zionist club:




Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:






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90ef4a  No.16871460














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26a848  No.16871464

WATCH LIVE: Senate expected to debate new gun bill in wake of mass shootings


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417d73  No.16871478


that kid don't look like hard core trump supporter he look like he stole a trump flag and a pepe meme for a photoshoot.


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0ede27  No.16871512


It might take several more stolen elections for Normies to catch on that their vote doesn't count.

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40ffe5  No.16871539


>Morning, frenz

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16c0ee  No.16871550


Terrorism: The use of violence and fear to achieve an ideological aim.

Leftists want gun control and are willing to kill masses of innocent people to drive political change.

The media is their partner, and so is any government agency that aids in the carnage.

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ad58fe  No.16871557



'and this is pretty funny as far as irony goes

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40ffe5  No.16871558


"they" are the Jews who are White but say that they are not White.

"they" want to eliminate all non-Jewish Whites and establish themselves as the supreme beings, Lords & Masters over all POC.

"they" are the real White Supremacists.

"they" will also sic the ADL on you if you dare to suggest any of this

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ad58fe  No.16871573


I see Hunter….

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6f03ac  No.16871623


TY anon. This was interesting and helpful.

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6ab832  No.16871628

kill all child rapists.

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6ab832  No.16871651


different man, eye set is completely different

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6ab832  No.16871694


life at all scales is the same. neurons/atoms to galaxies.

…quarks exist atoms exist within molecules exist within cells exist within organisms exist within solar systems (you) exist within galaxies exist within universes…

all is one is all. Life at every scale mirrors every other in both directions of scale.

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660912  No.16871699



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421620  No.16871739


you'll be banned in 3…2…

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c8fe04  No.16871767


No riots will ensue..Justices will be swept away to be kept safe. I think it's pretty obvious how it's gonna go..Riots and destruction all weekend

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cd8cec  No.16871821


Not sure about the gay thing. Wasn't he banging his underaged cousin?

Very Biden-like.

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421620  No.16871844


"Trust and never verify"

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660912  No.16871850



what's smudged out tho?

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660912  No.16871857


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c8fe04  No.16871862


Someone get the nazi cat

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660912  No.16871864


>Judge Luttig reveals why he -spoke-LIEDso slowly at Jan. 6 hearing

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6f03ac  No.16871885

Jd Vance's dumb boring dumbest should have apologized.

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6ab832  No.16871887

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660912  No.16871893



all Are

yet many will be stillborn

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421620  No.16871909


I can't stop kekking about this headline, does anyone believe this shit, besides the braindead?

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b1b235  No.16871911


The jew is heavily invested in the abortion of goyim babies.

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cd8cec  No.16871912


>watch what happens next

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6f03ac  No.16871913


Kek. Especially when the entire fake news borg is acting like "all is normal nothing to see here….move along".

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421620  No.16871916


use yer logic!

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6f03ac  No.16871928


How much for you to go back to /biz/?

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c8fe04  No.16871932






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6f03ac  No.16871951


The Twitter algorithms are set up to weed out Conservatives.

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660912  No.16871971


Tyb. Happy Independence Day you Glorious Bastards.

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6ab832  No.16872030


Sodomy IS an abnormal sexuality. Fuckin faggots and trannies should consider themselves lucky they aren't swinging from cranes!!

Just keep on bitchin, freaks! Please keep on!

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6f03ac  No.16872037

For only $19.99, Praying Medic can teach you how to talk to God!

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cd8cec  No.16872079


Not even close.

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421620  No.16872095

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421620  No.16872111

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/02/2022 23:30:56

Truth Social: 108411424389030812

Two great Endorsements today, one in Arizona, the other in Wisconsin. Both are winners, both will be great. Who are they? Check it out! ( Blake & Tim ).


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421620  No.16872140


her book should be coming out soon….

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cd8cec  No.16872156

ABC Poll: “Biden is a Serious Drag on Democrat Candidates Nationwide” – Badly Underwater on All Key Issues


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cd8cec  No.16872161


Retards are fucking strong.

Don’t mess wit ‘em.

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c8fe04  No.16872208


Anon from many youve received advice and from others that you received advice you dont want advice, you reject it.

Unless you are sincere you will not hear it. What do we do in this scenario? I’ve only seen you take the Mercy and explain why your life is in pain.

What is it you want us to do? We cant carry your pain, thats yours to carry? -We can listen and sometimes respond, but we cannot solve it for you

What do you want?

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a4999d  No.16872216



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a4999d  No.16872294


as you can see:

love won


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993acb  No.16872308


8kun Q posts posted with TS @Q on https://qagg.news/

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fde6be  No.16872323


Truly. Go for it Baker !!! U got this !!!

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4a8ccf  No.16872324


No way. Joe's been number 1 all his life. He's been mean all his life. Nope, he's going to seek revenge. Note: not saying he's going to get it, but he's going to give it a go. If I had to guess, his handlers are in for quite the surprise.

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1d060b  No.16872344



(Anons feel free to double check, Two things were a bit garbled, "a thing of a dream" and "leadership team", heavy accent. )

"I think that, uhh, it's really a thing of a dream that we had together with my leadership team when we start in '19. Uhh, the first week we met in January of '19 in California and set up the goals for the next five years. And one of them was by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world by 50%. I think today this dream is becoming reality." <applause>

Hope the video uploads works. First time I've tried uploading one.

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a4999d  No.16872390


I bet he can get all the menthols he wants.

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a4999d  No.16872416


Ah right because the onset of puberty is why pedophilia exists.

Maybe for sniffers like Joes who can smell the adrenochrome coming? But nah…

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be7190  No.16872446


Are you Khazarian Mafia?

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655aef  No.16872468


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [15.06.22 07:55]

[ Photo ]

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4a8ccf  No.16872483

kill all child rapists.

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655aef  No.16872504


Porphyria in the Royal Family - https://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/hanover_15.html

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1d060b  No.16872570

I wonder what they are up to



Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022

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655aef  No.16872587

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993acb  No.16872590




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be7190  No.16872615


Were they live streaming to somewhere?

How far did they get?

Does any of them know what is up with that weird Clobert guys almost an ear thing on his head?

I want fucking answers!!!

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b6c750  No.16872616


>one race, the hooman race, goyim

>theyre just like you and me

Why so bi-polar picklesmoocher?

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be7190  No.16872655


Yes, all zionists will be deported or hung for treason. Now, why did Trump put such a spot light in Israel and all the subversion they are doing against America?

Also, is the cabal wants us divided, why did Kushner refused to marry Ivanka until she accepted to convert to Judaism?

Interesting how Trump did everything he could for Bibi and Israel, and Bibi still stabbed him in the back when zionist Biden stole the election. It's almost like Trump is showing everyone that Israel and zionists are the biggest enemies of the Western people.

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



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b6c750  No.16872741

first donald talks about socks

tehn elon does a sock posting

why the socks

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993acb  No.16872743


Doges in there

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655aef  No.16872761


There you go. Just like they were evaluating the ice buildup on the Challenger. They will say it's fine and it will blow up with the people on it. Put me in the screenshot.

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547ee9  No.16872776


> And RRN is a little more complex than simply 'satire'.


Babylon Bee is said to be satire. Retrospective analysis indicates they are best damned investigative journalists around.

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655aef  No.16872810

Ocasio Cortex

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655aef  No.16872840


It's faked!!!! Fake & gay!!!

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547ee9  No.16872880

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bf57cb  No.16872903

Biden is a cuck

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b6c750  No.16872925


Thank you. I mainly use their app which doesn’t use a time timestamp. I just logged in via browser and see it shows actual time. Your link even better since I has seconds. Thanks again.

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c72453  No.16872947


Committed to enforcing and defending federal firearm laws? Good. Go fix Chicago. The Justice Department is a Just-us joke.

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a9196d  No.16872968


They were always corrupt

The power of life and death is the power of God

That power was first granted communally by The Church, to the Priests and Nuns.

The Church first built the Colleges, and awarded "The Degrees" that gave them a license to kill.

Consider this, Abraham Lincoln was not killed by the shot to the head, but by The Eldest Doctor who decided to probe the wound repeatedly with a metal rod to "fish out" the bullet. The young doctor, who had most recently finished training cautioned him not to, because of the potential for brain damage and death, but deference to "age" and the invalid perception of "wisdom" overruled the person with better training.

Makes sense that the Vatican is fully behind vaxx and mask mandates.

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985db9  No.16872986


>capt greene kills rothschild(s) in epic pelican faggot suicide


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c72453  No.16873022


Absolute Retards call me Willow

Anons call me Anon or Cardigan

Get your shit straight, son.

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6c0f63  No.16873032


quad ducks

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a9196d  No.16873046


Just do the easy thing. Hold a lighter next to your asshole when you fart and it goes poof.

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bf57cb  No.16873058


What do the different colors denote, anon?

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bf57cb  No.16873081


I second it

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985db9  No.16873115



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cbff05  No.16873124

Dog Loves you all

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b1b235  No.16873132


#20891 Notable Formatting Corrected Dough


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985db9  No.16873135


Planefag doingnotableplanefagging.

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6c0f63  No.16873158


I that "My Body, My Choice" results a 50 year deferment.

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cbff05  No.16873178

Back the Blue flag on fire in DC street. Set by black block antifa terrorist.

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b1b235  No.16873186

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668e07  No.16873202


What if when Chris Miller thanked Pence for the greatest operation in his speech,

he was talking about how they set up DS with getting rid of R v. W?

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66b537  No.16873222


You can find Q posts on qanon.pub

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bf57cb  No.16873223


I never said anything about Katherine or Gregg. I just prefer not to speak to anyone on social media, after what I've experienced lately. That's my God given right to choose my friends follows and right now, it's not very many. idgaf Fix yourself.

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b6c750  No.16873241

AMTRAK JOE crashed today

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bf57cb  No.16873274

Q. Listen to me. I am going on a hunger strike until you post again. If I die it's on you.

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6c0f63  No.16873281

Watch Live: Joe Biden Delivers Prime Time Address on Gun Control

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bf57cb  No.16873284


I know who the awans are, have a rudimentary grasp of how the CIA operates, etc.

and I'm still not getting the jump to Afghanistan being intentionally left for the CIA to run weapons, whatever.

You totally left Hezb. out of the equation.

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668e07  No.16873292


Quit yer crying FFS!

Got to web browser on your phone and sign in on Truth Social OR start your new account. Depending on which browser you use, they all have a link to add it to your home screen on your phone. When you open it on the new button on your home screen, it opens and performs EXACTLY like the app does.

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985db9  No.16873300


muh lawmakers

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1deae7  No.16873319

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985db9  No.16873335



like clockwork KEK burn it all down and rebuild. this is good. the cull will certainly be a massive red pill

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1e5e4a  No.16873341




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668e07  No.16873360


a block by block forensic copy, which is often the only kind admissible in court? yes.

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1deae7  No.16873371


She deserves prison and a lengthy stay. We'll see what she gets.

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452fc0  No.16873383


Not Fraud hard element to meet

They made it legal to dump ballots

bad optics but not illeagal

Now if they drop the dominion evidence that is something else But do we want to do that if we have control?

think war




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cfe7de  No.16873397


plumb island moved to kansas a coupla years ago. after unidentifiable carcasses began washing up on LI beaches, iarc.

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e0062b  No.16873401




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668e07  No.16873404

Holy Father, so many times we fall short from your will, through our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. We ask for your forgiveness and for strength to fight evil in the coming days.

So many are lost in the world during this time of division, war, and peacelessness. They need to hear the Good News that comes from your sacrifice, we pray that they will be blessed.

Fill us with your love Lord, so that we may shine your Light in this otherwise dark world. Asking for this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen

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bf57cb  No.16873406

Blessed night, y'all.

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53abb3  No.16873410


They stole that flag from hippies, who stole it from Lifesavers, who got the idea from Cray-ola, who were adapting art to a new medium that was suitable for children.


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53abb3  No.16873425


this poster is one of 3 things:

1) queer as shit;

2) shill as fuck; or

3) a JIDF motherfucker (literally)

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452fc0  No.16873428


A little bummed that the abortion ruling isn’t out today; anons are also a lil busy hoarding rice and beans for the great clusterfuck of 2022

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cbff05  No.16873434

Morning, frenz

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cfe7de  No.16873440


>A mess? Did it get all over you?

A dirty joke comes to mind but I don't do dirty jokes.

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668e07  No.16873469

Sky event doesn't mean people get off the hook.

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1deae7  No.16873474


it is a huge deal because child sacrafice is the major tenet of the 12000 yr old death cult religion

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985db9  No.16873491



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e0062b  No.16873501


well that is just strange…

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66b537  No.16873506



10 YEARS later and still waiting. It's unreal how slow and idiotic this whole thing is. It's like the plan was put together by autists. An actual apocalypse would have been WAY faster.

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b1b235  No.16873521

These stupid faggot mods banned me again just after I finished another ban lmao. Fucking tranny faggots go fuck yourselves.

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bf57cb  No.16873529


so if I am like shit, and you have a president like this, and your country does like this, who is the fucking shit???????????????????



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668e07  No.16873533


Football FIELD sized.

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53abb3  No.16873535


half his age as well

not going to fall into the false trap of supporting degeneracy no matter how many talking points they push one side or the other

it's all about filling a vacuum of least resistance for them while collecting a paycheck for doing so

>hey, anon, this guy says all the things the so-called right says

>surely you'll support him right

>well he's also a literal faggot

>so that means you support faggots too then, right

it's pluralism

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1deae7  No.16873553


it is alleged.

Mine is yet to arrive

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bf57cb  No.16873554


So, "no outside comms" now includes HM? Ain't buying it neither anon.

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e0062b  No.16873573


Why isnt the last known true Q post in this dough either?

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452fc0  No.16873575


Texas AG launches investigation against

Twitter for allegedly misreporting fake

bot accounts

Fox News, by Bradford Betz

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/6/2022 6:32:45 PM

First on Fox: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday launched an investigation against Twitter, claiming that the company has underreported its fake bot accounts and those numbers have negatively impacted consumers and businesses. Paxton’s office said "bots," or spam accounts, "inflate followers and reach, and often push deceptive and annoying activity." "A large number of bot accounts not reduces users’ experience on the platform, but may also inflate the value of the company and the costs of doing business with it, thus directly harming consumers and businesses – specifically, Texas consumers and businesses," Paxton’s office said in a statement shared with FOX Business.

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668e07  No.16873591


This also means that public money can be used for islamic schools

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985db9  No.16873593

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53abb3  No.16873597

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b1b235  No.16873598

> qresear.ch/


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452fc0  No.16873602



Batter up? Why not… he is not running things… change the batter for illusion of change when things, like ratings and polls show loosing impact. But they have to drag it out further to have more cover for the destruction and questionable arrests.

So this was probably just CYOA and new management trying to change the view of CNN for the money and ratings.

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cbff05  No.16873609


I used to wonder about that, but not anymore. Is there a shitty bank in that shitty town by any chance? A shitty bank founded by a shitty name?

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668e07  No.16873636


U mad?

yah. you mad.

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66b537  No.16873655


Damascus International Airport halts flights over Israeli attack

The Syrian Ministry of Transport announces suspending incoming and outgoing flights through Damascus International Airport.

Citing sources, Al Mayadeen correspondent said Friday that the Damascus International Airport is expected to resume its operations within 48 hours, after ensuring the safety of the technical equipment and operational movement.

Our correspondent added that communication equipment and towers at the Damascus International Airport were damaged as a result of repeated Israeli aggression, the latest of which was this morning in the vicinity of the airport.

Earlier, Syrian state media reported the Israeli strikes on southern Damascus, adding that a barrage of missiles was launched from the occupied Golan Heights at around 4:20 a.m. (0120 GMT).

It is worth mentioning that Syrian air defenses intercepted the majority of the missiles, but those that did reach their target injured at least one civilian and caused material damage, according to the official news agency SANA.

This was the second Israeli air raid this week. Syrian state media reported late Monday night that Israeli missiles hit Syrian army positions south of Damascus, causing damage but no casualties.

It is noteworthy that on June 6, the Syrian air defenses confronted Israeli aggression over the southern area of ​​Damascus.

In May, "Israel" bombed the Masyaf area, killing five Syrians in an unjustified and unlawful attack that comes in violation of the country's sovereignty.

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e0062b  No.16873660

One America News Network

Double-registered voters found on N.J. rolls

June 7, 2022


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e0062b  No.16873671

"The Spirit of God Says, Roe v Wade Will Be Overturned" Mark Taylor Feb. 2017

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452fc0  No.16873676


>and I do realize not everyone here is racist and/or homophobic


He's right. The racist /homophobia is generally bots. Although, if I were going to use a broad brush, I'd say we're all pretty much transphobic as that is just pure mental fucking illness.

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985db9  No.16873690




Mornin', Swordy!

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e0062b  No.16873693


Maybe the elites get adrenochrome,, sheep get experiment vaxx

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e0062b  No.16873730

United States Army National Guardsman and Former Rockville, Maryland Police Officer Admits to Possessing Over 12,000 Depictions of Child Pornography

Defendant Discarded Computer and Factory Reset Smartphone in Anticipation of an Interview with Federal Law Enforcement


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53abb3  No.16873754


Bitchute version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jkswr41ieFKI/

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e0062b  No.16873769


Let's put Kay for governor she will win

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985db9  No.16873775

fuck arrest


it needs droned

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66b537  No.16873777



Dat $$$ rollin' into Texas.

It was at 40K per family a few weeks back.

Sacrificed those kids. Bet that police chief is compromised by MS13. They work for the DNC. Purpose- to take the guns.

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53abb3  No.16873782


That's the thing that makes me suspicious that this whole Q thing is a psyop. This drop means that Sorors takes orders from the Pope. But the vatican doesn't run things. Jews do. It's the fuckin' Jews. Always has been.

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a27de8  No.16873804


The only reason people would shit on you for asking is they want the board to lose a baker. Aaand the only reason they want the board to lose a baker is to infiltrate, shoving authentic bakers out, or just burn the place down.

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669510  No.16873807


The Epoch Times, [12.06.22 08:37]

Government Will Cover ‘100 Percent’ of Recovery Costs for New Mexico Wildfires: Biden

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-says-federal-govt-will-cover-100-percent-of-recovery-costs-for-wildfires-in-new-mexico_4527825.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)


May 27, 20226:18 PM EDTLast Updated 14 days ago

Forest Service says it started all of New Mexico's largest wildfire

By Andrew Hay

The federal government causes more problems than it solves problems.

And the people pay for it all.



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1deae7  No.16873814

Nice halfchan file naming.

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a27de8  No.16873815


Please go do a backflip off a bridge.

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669510  No.16873832


Ty baker

Noice bread edition : Friday Finally Arriving Edition

Fridays are important days.

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e0062b  No.16873834

Decision 1


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452fc0  No.16873836


>some say ignorance is bliss.

Oh it is my friend. It is. I wouldn't go back, but FFS. When I was a innocent child I had no idea what a paradise I was born into.

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cfe7de  No.16873837


Gets me every time, actually. And as always, I think of this skit:

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668e07  No.16873838


So you want to delete posts from Q's board, because you assume that Q wants it gone.

Why not simply wait for Q to return and decide him or herself or itself.

You want to fuck with Q's board to solve something you assume Q wants to be handled like you want it to.

It seems you think very highly of yourself. I don't.

Did you post it and want the evidence of that gone?

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668e07  No.16873849

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1deae7  No.16873850


>turned they backs

turned their backs

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4a12cd  No.16873863


Be sure to give the Government your firearms too. You might be tempted to shoot people who are only looking at for your best interests… …even if you don't know it.

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669510  No.16873874


Preliminary calculations by BEA suggest that illegal imports account for 82 percent of the

domestic wholesale value for illegal drugs. Roughly $29.9 billion in illegal drugs entered the United States in 2017. If these illegal imports were included in the U.S. International Transactions Accounts (balance of payments accounts), these transactions would raise imports of goods by 1.3 percent


Legal leaf imports


Street Prices worthless crap from a 2012 Obongo WH Report:


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cfe7de  No.16873876


Library of Congress posted this today

Fifty Years of Watergate

June 17, 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of Watergate – a scandal that, to this day, remains a central aspect of American life and continues to define modern-day political controversy. Margaret Sullivan will moderate a discussion with Dwight Chapin, Leonard Downie Jr., Rick Perlstein, and Leah Wright Rigueur on the influence and importance of Watergate over these past five decades.


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1deae7  No.16873878

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66b537  No.16873881

Wonder if Joy is going to pull the rest of her hair out now that Q is posting again?

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53fe48  No.16873898



You should a little book titled "Outrageous Grace"

Love is a consuming fire.

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1deae7  No.16873910


you know where i am and keep spying on me


i cant take it anymore

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452fc0  No.16873927


book and chapter please?

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cfe7de  No.16873941


PeePee tapes = DNC oppo

Frazzledrip = RNC oppo

Divided by lies

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66b537  No.16873944


Nigger, don't try to correct me with your incorrect, bullshit. I'm here to teach retards, not learn from them.

The Amalakites, led by AMALEK, are sworn enemies of the Jews. Nice try though…

It was Amalek and his men who slaughtered a bunch of them after the were booted from Egypt, as they were leaving. The kikes swore eternal revenge on them… EVERYONE the hate is Amalakite. (They claimed the Germans were 'Amalakites", also)

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a27de8  No.16873953



Gannett is just jealous because the best digs on them were done years ago. They want to date us

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cbff05  No.16873972

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452fc0  No.16873976

Looking mighty handsome, Sir. o7

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1deae7  No.16873994


* goes to look for 'Seasons in the Bisque' album

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af2e95  No.16874010


go back to pornhub with that thing

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669510  No.16874017

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a27de8  No.16874027

Cheney: The president understood, even before the election, that many more Biden voters had voted by mail…[he] knew that the counting of those mail-in ballots in several states would not begin until late in the day, and would not be complete for multiple days.

[contrary to numerous laws in place]

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cfe7de  No.16874028


Albert Pike is not amused

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669510  No.16874058


i agree

he turned the economy around quicker than hitler

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f18281  No.16874062


I'm not taking a position on this yet, but there is a cultish belief system out there about bloodlines, the "mark" of Cain, Annunaki, etc.

The whole bloodline thing might have been the result of Haemolytic disease–is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Good breeding, inbreeding, etc…


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53fe48  No.16874064


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452fc0  No.16874068

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af2e95  No.16874072


doesn't say much about FUTURE oaths that will override this one

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aad8df  No.16874083

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452fc0  No.16874084



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bc6e10  No.16874105


anything from the 50's to 90's where all the white people are played by blacks and browns

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bc6e10  No.16874117


Anon is also chosen by God to tell you right now that HE LOVES YOU

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e0062b  No.16874129

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a27de8  No.16874134


I've said it many times. The democrats will win the senate, and gain seats in the house, in the 2022 midterms.

Sometimes you have to show them

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df63a5  No.16874135


"stole", like you stole the presidency, VOTE THE TRAITORS OUT

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df63a5  No.16874150


>Isn’t GWP fake?

Not at all.

And RRN is a little more complex than simply 'satire'.

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aad8df  No.16874151

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af2e95  No.16874152


Meanwhile, the cocksucker down the road is flying 4x6 flags of 🇮🇱, 🇺🇦, and 🇺🇸…in that order.

Oh and that bastardized rainbow flag.

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df63a5  No.16874195




40,000 National Guard Troops Face Unemployment As Vaccine Deadline Imminent


40,000 National Guard Troops Face Unemployment As Vaccine Deadline Imminent

My body, my choice?

6:00 PM · Jun 26, 2022·Zero Hedge Publisher II

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452fc0  No.16874200


you in CO?

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669510  No.16874218


just noticed your id

>fed beb


did you mean to reply to me? what's the connection between musk/twitter and Palin becoming speaker of the house?

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790337  No.16874238


Pure essence

then you can name your price!

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4a12cd  No.16874279


ignorance shill

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f18281  No.16874285



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53fe48  No.16874287


Penis Consumer?

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790337  No.16874288


It's an effective way of going about doing both, yes.

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af2e95  No.16874291


Fuck Around…

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aad8df  No.16874315


Thank you, Pompeo!

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f18281  No.16874317



We are the news

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4a12cd  No.16874346


Heartbreaking. He saved so many lives with therapeutic education during this plandemic.

Would like to see DJT honor the good doc once back in WH.

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53fe48  No.16874349

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669510  No.16874350


Dr Q only makes house calls on suicide weekends

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aad8df  No.16874352

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df63a5  No.16874356


> “lawful DOD COVID-19 vaccination order”

didn't this already get overruled once?

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39e67f  No.16874363


What law?

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aad8df  No.16874366


>Together WE made it Anons.


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bc6e10  No.16874380


But your the memes are going there

Wake the fnnn up!

Join the battle or be left behind

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d438b8  No.16874387

Time to wake them up Q

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a27de8  No.16874396


Good times.

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4a12cd  No.16874413

Dis bitch…


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39e67f  No.16874416

For those who do not understand

The NWO is the noahide world order. To achieve this

the cabals plan is to expose all governments as corrupt

bring down the financial system, kill millions and blame it on

those in government not the old families. They use

puppets like Pulitzer and Zev Zelenko to play the saviors

then they will tell us we need to be under the 7 noahide laws

following Yeshua will be regarded as adulatory and if caught

praising Yeshua the penalty is beheading. This is why Israel is last

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bc6e10  No.16874419

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86c611  No.16874429

File: d91dee557ad955e⋯.jpg (146.17 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, proxy_image.jpg)

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53fe48  No.16874431



Every now and then, I'll read posts like this and "let" myself beleive it for a sec just to get that little feeling in your stomach like rollercoasters. That's about all the thrill seeking I need these days.

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4a12cd  No.16874483


That is good news anon. Continued prayers. Get her out of there as soon as you can.

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aad8df  No.16874487



>Malley is considered, by some, to be an expert on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and has written extensively on this subject advocating rapprochement with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.

>Malley attended Yale University, and was a 1984 Rhodes Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford. After his Supreme Court clerkship, Malley became a Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.


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bc6e10  No.16874489


>40,000 National Guard Troops Face Unemployment As Vaccine Deadline Imminent

They don't have real jobs?

I'd bet 39,999 of them just want out.

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790337  No.16874492



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df63a5  No.16874493


you have it by chance?

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53fe48  No.16874504


"Boris Johnson's new Chancellor was hit with news of another resignation live on air today as the PM desperately tries to clings on.

Nadhim Zahawi was in the middle of an interview on the BBC's flagship Today programme when he was informed that Children's minister Will Quince had joined the exodus, slamming No10's 'inaccurate' claims about the Chris Pincher allegations.

Asked whether it meant Mr Johnson is 'over', a sombre-looking Mr Zahawi responded: 'I am deeply sorry to see colleagues leave government.'

Schools minister Robin Walker has now joined his former colleague in walking out, saying the government was being 'overshadowed by mistakes and questions about integrity'.

More junior aides have also been voting with their feet as the PM faces another brutal 24 hours, running the gauntlet of PMQs at noon before a three-hour grilling from the powerful Liaison Committee - including some of his fiercest critics. "

KEK- and the walls, come tumblin down, the walls..


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790337  No.16874506



>if you need to

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af2e95  No.16874515


Three on the tree?

My fav in old trucks.

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aad8df  No.16874517


It has turned into a money making racket like everything else.

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d438b8  No.16874526


Steph Haberman


The anti-vaxx crowd's favorite talking point these days, "Why are vaxxed and boosted people getting Covid multiple times?!" is such a spectacular self-own.

They're getting it multiple times because they're not dying the first time, my dudes.

That means it's working.

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4a12cd  No.16874527


Kash Patel: Durham Filings on Clinton Campaign Texts

by: Kash Patel and John Soloman 04/05/2022

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the Secretary of Defense, discusses the recent revelations filed by John Durham, confirming longstanding allegations that Democrats and the Clinton campaign knew that the Russian collusion charges that they were propagating were false and were used as an intentional smear campaign, in a “conspiracy” to undermine Donald Trump.

Patel comments that, “the Democrats and Hillary Clinton campaign have shown finally, or have been finally shown, that they believe in politics over our freedom and our security.” Saying, “and now they got caught, and they're gonna get they got indicted, and now they're going to go to prison.”

Looks like Kash Patel is either stupid, or a liar.


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39e67f  No.16874531


>Google/youtube know that you play that embedded video from 8kun.top.

>Try it out! You might learn something.

Actually not true for some browsers, because not all browsers leak.

In fact I just checked and youtube isn't told that it's embedded on 8kun in my case.

A problem are of course rare videos that aren't watched by many, because that way you can in theory identify people, still you shouldn't have a google account anyways, plus in my opinion youtube is controlled by Q at least in some way or another.

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2efabc  No.16874534

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a27de8  No.16874537


Yeah, fucker, I hear you. So what? Proves nothing except some people have a keen sense of speaking and some have a keen sense of listening. Blame Feminism and the media. Chess is played on a timer for a reason. To run out the clock. The quickening is occurring. Feminism has to face up to its damage, and those into it are the cure. Arms crossed. Fuck off.

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669510  No.16874539


>Why didn’t the Q trip change with the other trips?


>CodemonkeyZ made a special whitelist for Q before retiring from 8kun.top.


>I don’t know how he did that, but even though neither CodemonkeyZ nor myself are Q.


>We both understand the importance of Q communications to the world. CodemonkeyZ did


>his best before he left to ensure this communication could not be screwed up by any error that I make or my employees.

This explanation by Jim has already been destroyed. Lie #25467 by Mr. Watkins, but we should all trust him according to the Tripcode is all that matters shills.

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d438b8  No.16874541


looks like some roman greetings or just SIEG HEIL

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af2e95  No.16874544


some good memes on this bread.


oh I'm so scared to be ridiculed by the Mass Electronic Media

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39e67f  No.16874545


Molested bY mother ?

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aad8df  No.16874546

Spoopy post from 4chan predicts the Matthew McConaughey psyop?

Or is it just a coincidence?


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39e67f  No.16874559

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aad8df  No.16874560


>Excuse the faggotry for a second

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2efabc  No.16874561


>Q Research General #20292: Rally Rev Up, No Way to Keep a Lid on The Truth Now! Edition Anonymous 2 months ago 0e31f4 No.16043180


>thanks o7

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4a12cd  No.16874570


I'm not tying him to US… big difference… but these evil fucks wanted to HURT US and our cause and effort to Awaken the PEOPLE.

THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE CONSPIRACY and attack. To point a finger at US and the idiots may have been talking to us here and laughing at US knowing what they were planning to do…. make us look like the bad guys.


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39e67f  No.16874573


When I scroll over the TRIP is flashing


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2efabc  No.16874574





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790337  No.16874578


My parents were not wealthy, they pinched every penny. Yet they sent 5 kids to a private religious school all the way thru High School. They paid their taxes to send other people's kids to public school, but paid for their own kids' education out of their own pocket. They did not get any vouchers or tax deductions for doing so.

Any time the government is involved in education, there will be strings attached.

Be careful what you wish for.

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a27de8  No.16874579


I prefer to be called a Conspiracy Therapist

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01cf12  No.16874582

The powers that be on Wall Street are starting to figure out that Retail Customers are a much better and more stable partner than the Hedge Funds. This is the way we'll rebuild and reinvent America. We'll find and expose corruption as necessary. The Health Care Industry should be very afraid. After anons put the Hedge Funds out of business, Health Care Industry will see a lot of the harsh light of multiple digs. America for Sale signs are being taken down by We, the People. America is no longer for sale.

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a27de8  No.16874596

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53fe48  No.16874609


Were the elections rigged? It might not matter.

American Thinker, by Robert Arvay

Posted By: DW626, 6/22/2022 7:03:14 AM

Elections will not legitimize any government if they are rigged. We must end the absurdity whereby a private corporation can be hired to count our votes and then refuse to prove to us exactly how it got the final numbers. If the system is not completely transparent and auditable, you can never be confident in it. You can be completely justified in suspecting that it is fraudulent. When the public no longer trusts those who count the votes, then the outcome will be chaos. The 2020 election was rigged, but it is not up to us to prove that.

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01cf12  No.16874625


>the Daily Beast is on to "Q"

it supports boebert though.

chides left against attacking her.

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df63a5  No.16874626



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/26/2019 17:26:03 ID: 6855c3

8chan/qresearch: 5909322

Anonymous 03/26/2019 17:24:33 ID:458d46

8chan/qresearch: 5909279


ADM Rogers would have had lots of access… didn't he turn off access to the FBI contractors?


Think Rogers T-Tower meeting (right after SCIF set up in Tower).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-Tower (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.



=2998 ==

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/07/2019 22:59:58 ID: f9e971

8chan/qresearch: 5568629

Anonymous 03/07/2019 19:31:08 ID:9a6a8f

8chan/qresearch: 5565314

Keking out right now. Pretty sure I found something. Rip me apart if I’m wrong though. So many shills on here. You’re missing crumbs. Look here, not [here]. Responding to post 2996 Q says, “how is that possible for a ‘supposed’ non_gov entity?”

How is it possible that FB tracks data even when the app is deleted? In post 2993 (3/7/109) Q is calling out @Snowden. So I used the filter to find posts relating to WikiLeaks. Q’s post from July 31, 2018 is a screenshot of the Wikileaks Vault 7… released MARCH 7. Sounds confusing just trying to show you my thought process, stay with me, it makes sense.

“Unlike bullets, bombs or missiles, most CIA malware is designed to live for days or even years after it has reached its 'target'. CIA malware does not "explode on impact" but rather permanently infests its target. In order to infect target's device, copies of the malware must be placed on the target's devices, giving physical possession of the malware to the target. To exfiltrate data back to the CIA or to await further instructions the malware must communicate with CIA Command & Control (C2) systems placed on internet connected servers. But such servers are typically not approved to hold classified information, so CIA command and control systems are also made unclassified.” FROM VAULT 7

Links below that direct you to user forums on how to not leave a digital fingerprint that can be associated with the CIA, and how to construct an imitation fingerprint. Using Facebook as their ‘fingerprint’ they are able to install malware on peoples’ phones, tablets, and computers which relay all data back to a central server using HIVE.

I suggest all anons who have given up life to research this shit like me should read this document to completion.

I noticed the enormous amount of comparisons between “packets of data” and “bombs”, dunno why probably just autistic. I looked back in the Qmap and on March 5, 2019 an anon posted how London Police “called them bombs not suspicious packages” Q responds in 2974 with “Fire”.

I went into Vault 7 Projects, search for “fire”….

“Angelfire is an implant comprised of five components: Solartime, Wolfcreek, Keystone (previously MagicWand), BadMFS, and the Windows Transitory File system”


“Keystone is part of the Wolfcreek implant and responsible for starting malicious user applications. Loaded implants never touch the file system, so there is very little forensic evidence that the process was ever ran.” This makes post Q 381 much easier to understand

“We Won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.”


Q is saying that they are using the Anglefire to predict the Deep State’s moves without being detected. In the user files it says a key must be used to open magicwand (keystone). In Q post 270 he says that ADM R/NSA (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL = Apply the Keystone. Paint the Picture. In post 167 Q says POTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thinking. What is the keystone? Now this could be confirmation bias but based off of what we just read we can now infer that Q was saying trump gave Admiral Rogers permission to use Keystone and Activate malware in order to collect data on DS. Furthermore who uses a magicwand? A wizard. (W&W)


Something you should explore further.

Impressive, most impressive.


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39e67f  No.16874632

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a27de8  No.16874637



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af2e95  No.16874643


It IS the first Graduation Night in two years, so he may have been at a party….No clue.

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df63a5  No.16874652


>Umm, can someone tell me what's going on?


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4a12cd  No.16874654

Lots of losers judging by the color of skin rather than content of character. I pity them.

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2efabc  No.16874657


New Q


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53fe48  No.16874689

GOP member of Jan. 6 committee warns that more violence is coming

One of two Republican members of the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, starkly warned Sunday that his own party’s lies could feed additional violence.

“There is violence in the future, I’m going to tell you,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), on ABC’s “This Week.” “And until we get a grip on telling people the truth, we can’t expect any differently.”



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4a12cd  No.16874694

Priests join in mocking Megyn Kelly over her ‘scoop’ that the pope may resign

Former Fox News host posted video from Vatican, which she visited on vacation

Graeme Massie

Los Angeles

4 hours ago

Megyn Kelly has been mocked for her seemingly unfounded Twitter report that Pope Francis was about to resign, with priests even having fun at her expense.


Pope Francis plans to remain pope ‘for as long as God allows it,’ bishops say

Despite health challenges, resignation ‘does not cross his mind,’ said Brazilian Archbishop Roque Paloschi.

June 21, 2022

By Claire Giangravé

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — While concerns regarding Pope Francis’ health have fueled rumors he might soon resign, Brazilian bishops told Vatican media outlets on Monday (June 20) that the pope intends to continue in his role as head of the Catholic Church “for as long as God allows it.”

Archbishop Roque Paloschi of Porto Velho said the pope reassured him during a visit at the Vatican on Monday that despite the many challenges the pope faces, resigning “does not cross his mind,” according to an article published by Vatican News.

Seventeen bishops from Brazil will meet with the pope this month for traditional “ad limina” visits, obligatory consultations that bishops from around the world make on a rotating five-year schedule.


Tippy Top and 17 bishops, you don't say?


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df63a5  No.16874704


>Missing A in meme

>Not sure if anyone noticed/commented


didn't notice. nice catch anon

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bc6e10  No.16874710



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2efabc  No.16874711


>two un married


>need time together

>outside the shire


you should get a date wiff jfkLESBIAN jr

for teh hobit wedding

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af2e95  No.16874721


are they saying nukes aren't real at this point?

no one seems to care about provoking a nuclear power.

unless the real goal is to murder as many White soldiers as possible on both sides.

Like WW1 and the Eastern front of WW2

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2efabc  No.16874724


Really good article, thx for posting all of it

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bc6e10  No.16874738


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aad8df  No.16874741


Brian Cates, [11.06.22 13:29]

[Forwarded from Lori]

[ Video ]

Classic 🤣🤣🇺🇸

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2efabc  No.16874766


AND who the fuck is sexually attracted to someone with fucking sores all over them?

Let alone "multiple partners"…

These people are VERY sick.

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39e67f  No.16874769


Jul 25, 2018 2:08:27 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1dc9cb No. 2282049

— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —


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bc6e10  No.16874780


mike rothschild

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aad8df  No.16874781


my point exactly

Q always has a way out rather than providing outcomes.

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df63a5  No.16874788


a lot of words

do you know what they say the higgs boson is?

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f18281  No.16874791


2 different red lines one on the poop's head, the other way above. This proves nothing more than Anon is dumbfuck.

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2efabc  No.16874792


mustard gas!

it's ww1 all over again!

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34b9fc  No.16874871

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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5dfea8  No.16874879


So he's captured by his enemies.

He's now a POW.

If his friends try to free him, they get arrested too.

Think any RNC politician would protect you if you tried to break him out?

45 was right.

Most media is not on the people's side… you can tell by the words they use to describe what's happening.

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16d367  No.16874882


153 a :37 today is :38

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d438b8  No.16874883


Define crime and we are united. All that remains is to sort out how to kill the cancer.

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34b9fc  No.16874886


static abated

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2efabc  No.16874904




Is that where the bodies go?

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5dfea8  No.16874907


I attend our local SB meetings and the kids have regressed both behavior and academic-wise. Hope it all will smooth out.

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df63a5  No.16874914


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af2e95  No.16874915


Perhaps Ted was onto something.


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f18281  No.16874916

I'm gonna make a techno song out of this I swear.

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16d367  No.16874922


>got solid irrefutable proof?

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01cf12  No.16874968

StrangeStarquakesdiscovered by galaxy survey

A space probe observes tsunami-like waves on thousands of stars


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16d367  No.16874969


this ^^^


ty naker!!!

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01cf12  No.16874979



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5dfea8  No.16874988


Also, some of them actually wanna fight

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34b9fc  No.16874992


i think it's called, in the parlance of our times.. a stretch.

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39e67f  No.16874996


Kinda interesting that hillbags said women will die, the same day Maxwell gets sentenced.

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2efabc  No.16875025


Yeah, you pasted over my Luftwaffe hat. But that was before I figured you were American.

Some other anon said you were German - thus the hat.

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51d16e  No.16875026



very nice

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2efabc  No.16875037


And not even 500 posts yet

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790337  No.16875045


so know we know you are a leftist scumbag trying to shut down someone's free speech

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bc6e10  No.16875052


Thabks Banks!

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01cf12  No.16875054


>My backup, emergency "Q" piss bottle

That's hardcore, anon. o7

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51d16e  No.16875060

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c1fec8  No.16875065


actually i misread what you said.. n/m

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c1fec8  No.16875078


Yeah, thats true.


they are inspiring. like fresh air to hear him saying such clearly obvious things to anyone with a brain.

>Enemy is not foreign its domestic (corrupt pols/media)

>Men can not be women

>Biden is a train wreck


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34b9fc  No.16875085





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c1fec8  No.16875093




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2efabc  No.16875094

Board under attack… All for a LARP?

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5ba904  No.16875099


I wonder if he's referring to the post on projectdcomms as the 4954?, not the posts here on Fri and Sat?

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51d16e  No.16875119

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2efabc  No.16875125


ty doctor

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790337  No.16875132



you sure are one dumb nigger


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f519e4  No.16875138


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39e67f  No.16875149

Did the Kushner boys eat anything but soy growing up?


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39e67f  No.16875150


At least it ain't Daniel.

Daniel was a huge faggot.

You are not Daniel.

For I am Daniel.


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16d367  No.16875154


>what you don't know is that Ghilaine Maxwell is an Mossad agent like her father Robert Maxwell

I don't?

That's really weird I thought I did.

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2efabc  No.16875155


Yes, Anon. Yet one more would have been 17!


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f2983a  No.16875159


Wrongly replied in vain

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51d16e  No.16875162


New York attorney John Klotz, tasked with investigating Cohn for a case well after Kaufman’s testimony, also found evidence of the “blue suite” at the Plaza Hotel and its role in a sex extortion ring after combing through local government documents and information gathered by private detectives. Klotz later told journalist and author Burton Hersh what he had learned:

"Roy Cohn was providing protection. There were a bunch of pedophiles involved. That’s where Cohn got his power from — blackmail.”

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5dfea8  No.16875166



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16d367  No.16875168


dust off the Chandler digs anons

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2efabc  No.16875182

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01cf12  No.16875184


fuck you, flynn, trump, cia, pompeo, barr, wray of light, durham, fuck you all

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16d367  No.16875195

Telemarketer Crime Scene Prank - Tom Mabe

comedy break

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f519e4  No.16875198

File: 79f05826db96ecc⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 605x604, 605:604, 60362036_216637642625258_9….jpg)

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2efabc  No.16875213


>David Wilcock imploded in 2001.

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c1fec8  No.16875223


It’s the hypocrites. Those who say they are Jews but are not, those who say they are Christian but are not, those who say they are Muslim but are not.

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39e67f  No.16875226


What is Clinton selling now? When she was SoS she sold access and influence.

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5dfea8  No.16875240

Newsmax: Former President Donald Trump interview with Rob Finnerty | Wake Up America |

Trump talks about the election fraud and mocks Fox and Newsmax for not covering it. Takes a shot at Ruddy.

Link: https://rumble.com/v1ak9z5-former-president-donald-trump-interview-with-rob-finnerty-wake-up-america.html

Shit rip attached.

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39e67f  No.16875241

The Medal of Honor is the highest award for bravery that can be given to any individual in the United States.

In judging men for receipt of the medal, each service has established its own regulations. The deed must be proved by incontestable evidence of at least two eyewitnesses; it must be so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes the recipient's gallantry beyond the call of duty from lesser forms of bravery; it must involve the risk of his life; and it must be the type of deed which, if he had not done it, would not subject him to any justified criticism.


Born: 2 October 1864 in Huntley, Scotland

Enlisted: 30 October 1896 in Brooklyn, New York

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d99a64  No.16875247


>'That’s why my plan is not finished '

((('roth flag laws')))

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c1fec8  No.16875252


Anyone follow Mcaffe on TG





















Si Si Si;



Ai & AE if You Love Your Sanity;










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16d367  No.16875257


I'll take this as acknowledgement


habby bakes

IRL cray

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16d367  No.16875301



61722 subscribers

June 4 2022

The Prime Minister has escaped. Took a crap all over his people and left. Some elites and politicians have not escaped and are being dealt with. The people are down to one meal a day if they are lucky.


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01cf12  No.16875304

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f2983a  No.16875306


>What if Fixed Math is governed by a Living Math that no AI will ever recognize, let alone attain?

Our conceptualization of mathematics is insufficient to describe the universe. Reality is beyond math. Unless we can find a better way.

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c1fec8  No.16875309

Two judges step down from New York COVID vaccine mandates lawsuit over owning Pfizer stock

A judge assigned to hear two consolidated lawsuits challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates in New York City Wednesday said she would not step down from the case as requested by the plaintiffs. Two other judges did recuse themselves this week after financial disclosures revealed they had investments in Pfizer and other vaccine makers.

A judge assigned to hear two consolidated lawsuits challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates in New York City Wednesday said she would not step down from the case as requested by the plaintiffs.

Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald denied the plaintiffs’ motion to disqualify her from the case. Plaintiffs filed the motion Tuesday after financial disclosures revealed the judge owned $250,000 in Pfizer stock and $100,000 in Johnson & Johnson.

In her denial, Judge Buchwald said the plaintiffs’ motion was based on “outdated information.”

Although plaintiffs do not have access to current financial disclosures, Sujata Gibson, attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Defender she is “hopeful” Judge Buchwald’s ruling means that any financial interest in the case “has been resolved and that any future potential conflicts by any presiding judges on the case are promptly disclosed going forward.”

Federal law prohibits federal judges from taking part in a case in which they have any financial interest, “no matter how small,” Gibson said.

Judge Buchwald’s decision came after two other judges assigned to the case, who also were asked by plaintiffs to disqualify themselves because of financial conflicts of interest, earlier this week recused themselves.

Judge Valerie E. Caproni, whose most recent financial disclosures revealed ownership of between $50,000 and $100,000 of Pfizer stock, was the first to recuse herself after plaintiffs on June 9 filed a joint motion seeking to disqualify her.

After the court appointed Judge Edgardo Ramos to replace Judge Caproni, the plaintiffs on June 13 filed a joint motion to disqualify him, also citing financial investments in COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.

Judge Ramos recused himself Tuesday and was replaced by Judge Buchwald.


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39e67f  No.16875314

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59b14b  No.16875341



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51d16e  No.16875359


=Weird, it's like she read my posts about what a Fake Q could do and posted a thread on Twitter.==

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39e67f  No.16875367


No Cannibalism Period, even though it looks like a pig. I heard Muslims and Jews dont eat Pork was because they were made with human DNA, and we are called Long Pig

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d99a64  No.16875378


>Train Wreck

Too soon, Anon, too soon.

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51d16e  No.16875433


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01cf12  No.16875441

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39e67f  No.16875462


So back to the question is Masons a dangerous cult

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51d16e  No.16875464


The Pharisees are the Catholics.

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c1fec8  No.16875468

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59b14b  No.16875486


There is only one God…

I care more than anyone.

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c1fec8  No.16875498


That is a cool image. I think Redeye made it.

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5ba904  No.16875508


So boredom not on the list.

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16d367  No.16875509


Q - I need to protect my family from all of this… let's do this!

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f519e4  No.16875531

File: 79f05826db96ecc⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 605x604, 605:604, 60362036_216637642625258_9….jpg)








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34b9fc  No.16875543


Fuck off nigger.

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59b14b  No.16875548


When does she get parolled?

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5dfea8  No.16875551


what truly matters is not which party

controls our government

but whether our government is controlled

by the people

for too long a small group in our

nation's capital

has reaped the rewards of government

while the people

have borne the cost

the establishment protected itself

but not the citizens of our country

that all changes starting right here

and right now

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34b9fc  No.16875556


>Thanks for being wherever you are and doing what you do.

Being massive faggots hyping everyone with hopium and literally delivering zero aside from sending billions to Israel with zero signs of that ever changing and passifying you to the point you'll never do anything about it?

Trust the plan.

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51d16e  No.16875559



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f2983a  No.16875562

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16d367  No.16875573


>Does anyone know when that “B” post disappeared from the projectdcomms board?

Last night. By request. An anon challenged 'new Q' to do so. Shortly after it was gone.

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d99a64  No.16875577


they sell the babies

there was a dig looking at how close abortion clinics were

to Federal Express or, was it UPS ?

seems an attendant found out he was shipping fetuses

and reported it

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790337  No.16875580


Those who believe absurdity will be willing to commit atrocity.

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5dfea8  No.16875583


He reminds ne of the “Deep Thoughts” character on SNL. Pompeo says nothing and considers it wisdom

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3c9075  No.16875589

The IPs tell it all:

The shills who continually try to push false NON-Q posts as those of Q, and vice-versa just so happen to be posting from the same block of IPs which belong to the very same VPN used by other known shills.


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16d367  No.16875595



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51d16e  No.16875606

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16d367  No.16875628



get an approved baqker in there before revolution is incited

you'll probably do a pathetic job and drop it for the notetaker though.

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59b14b  No.16875632


She meant her legs!

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c1fec8  No.16875634


He's a fag. I remember him from a few years ago, dude had to put his own face on everything. Nerd. I dislike the people that make it about them, putting their faces and names on all their memes. Its corny.

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868348  No.16875662


>What if

most likely.

IBM Q, Blackrock Aladdin, D Wave, Palantir, Google Sentient AI, Microsoft AI, Amazon AI, Oracle AI, and their publicly unknown counterparts, etc etc.

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34b9fc  No.16875679


All I did was google his name, Jim. You spoke to him for over an hour. How do you know him? Why did you interview him?

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5ba904  No.16875682


Softball question. Reminds me of MSM ass kissing Biden.

>Why have you done such a good job Jim?

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d99a64  No.16875689


Completely Legit sexual preference.

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f519e4  No.16875692

File: f870e7bbef23967⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 300x300, 1:1, triggered.gif)

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f2983a  No.16875706


>The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in southeastern Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the 10 largest in the world. It was built by the Soviet Union near the city of Enerhodar, on the southern shore of the Kakhovka Reservoir on the Dnieper river. It is operated by Energoatom, who also operate Ukraine's other three nuclear power stations.


>At Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Russians are planning to drain the cooling pools.

>The purpose is to accuse the workers of the plant of storing weapons on the premises.

>National Atomic Energy Generating Company Energoatom


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51d16e  No.16875726


the dots are too complicated for me lol

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5531af  No.16875733

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5ba904  No.16875754

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5ba904  No.16875766

Recent Q unable to validate?

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e89a20  No.16875787

Fauci Says Biden DOJ Asked Federal Appeals Court to Reverse Order Lifting Airplane Mask Mandate to Preserve Power

“One of the issues, Neil, that I have articulated in the past and I will in the future – it’s less about mandates on the plane than it is about who has the right and the authority and the capability of making public health decisions,” Fauci said. “And I believe that the Department of Justice is operating on the principle that decisions that are public health decisions belong with the public health agency, in this case, the CDC.”

“So it’s more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is about whether or not there’s gonna be a mandate on a plane or not,” Fauci added.


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16d367  No.16875789

NY Times - A President Untethered

“When Trump descended into rage, his staff resorted to summoning an aide, nicknamed the Music Man, to play favorite show tunes they knew would soothe him, including ‘Memory’ from the Broadway musical ‘Cats.’”


Fucking kek.

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5ba904  No.16875791



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5531af  No.16875804

Confirmed: Trust but Verify






Baker: Suggest as Notable

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993acb  No.16875808


ahahahahahaa! I see you understand how your kind of business works! Kek!

Encourage youselves, dumbfucks!

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c1fec8  No.16875809

I Think it is funny how all Q posts when proven to be authentic can be, have been and are currently [Harmonious] Numbers,Dates,Happenings all seemingly woven together.. If this trend and this trend alone is seen in the multitude of connections

[Puzzle pieces] that fit without force Then one should look here as well as Technical processes.. A suggestion.

It's not like Q is a Vehicle.

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16d367  No.16875814


To help redpill normies:

Paul Rassinier, a commie French anti-Nazi was in a Nazi camp and he wrote about how the Jewish made up story about the holocaust is a fraud. Ron Unz and David Cole, 2 Jews also brought to light verifiable facts that destroy the fraudulent official version regarding that event.

And Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter was one of the first people to deny the current official version of the event.

Oh and Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman (Orthodox Jewish rabbi) also has some very interesting opinions on Israel and the holocaust, apparently he called the holocaust "a successful historical fiction".








News in 2016:



"There Are Just 100,000 Holocaust Survivors Alive Today" - By Melissa Chan,July 3, 2016 4:43 PM EDT

News in 2020:



"There are 192,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel" - By DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS JANUARY 16, 2020 20:48



"Archivists are racing to identify every Jewish Holocaust victim - On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just 400,000 Holocaust survivors are still alive" - The Economist, Jan 25th 2020 edition











"Donald Trump is featured in the Berlin Jewish Museum's special exhibition on Golem's"

High resolution archive of picture:



Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust (it's big business):


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5531af  No.16875817

First to fight 'Them'

You must understand who and what they worship


The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

The Earth Started as a Moon of Saturn.

What is P

What is Rho

Why cant you answer Q's Questions?

Because you did not know about Saturn Worship

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c1fec8  No.16875823


Sour diesel mixed with skunk piss and "other natural flavors"

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790337  No.16875829


But the only way to win is to not play at all, kek

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59b14b  No.16875832

A “child friendly” drag show is being hosted today in Dallas, TX at a gay bar.

Here are two of the signs on display.


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e89a20  No.16875837


>Order Restoration in progress

What sort order are you using?

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51d16e  No.16875853

Trump talking about Lincoln.

8 drops ago, Q posted about Lincoln, and talked about this nation.

Q drop 4949

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993acb  No.16875859

I cannot explain, you cannot understand. I need my girlfriend right now!!!

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d99a64  No.16875861


Free speech area here. Perhaps you would be happier elsewhere.

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f2983a  No.16875865

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790337  No.16875883


No thats not it, they know he will hold certain principles of the constitution that he will not compromise on. Think of Grahams questions by Anericans violating the constitution and being enemy combatants

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d99a64  No.16875889



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868348  No.16875901


> Prosecutors asked judge to sentence Ghislaine Maxwell to 30-55 years in prison for helping Jeffrey Epstein abuse girls

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5ba904  No.16875923

Fuck theses Jeew hating, confused catholic, Jesuit loving bastids

I want penguins in lingerie kek

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5531af  No.16875935

From the Beginning

Thanks Q Team/QPlusUltra

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d99a64  No.16875941

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3c9075  No.16875946



can't you fit a conductive shim in there?

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790337  No.16875951

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993acb  No.16875952



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59b14b  No.16875954


>Every time I take a break, bread gets a lot slower


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d99a64  No.16875955


I didn't know they had ab implants until this chick cut her tits off and had abs installed.

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d8f7c5  No.16875956


agustin keks in fat controller

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f519e4  No.16875959

File: 081f0e8322eedcd⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 480x270, 16:9, triggered2.gif)

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3c9075  No.16875961


>not negate

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5531af  No.16875965

CNN drops the bass

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868348  No.16875971


Dude you ain't fooling me but good try…

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d8f7c5  No.16875972

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d99a64  No.16875973

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c1fec8  No.16875975



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5531af  No.16875979

It's legal cuz the Talmud says so!

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993acb  No.16875984


>should be removed

says who?

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d8f7c5  No.16875986


Yet you are here.

Why are you not time traveling etc?

It's all a bullshit slide!

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d99a64  No.16875989

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993acb  No.16875998



A salt rotation did happen. Cease your faggotry immediately.

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59b14b  No.16875999


famine acceleration

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f2983a  No.16876006


The rally is going to be lit.

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ffbeee  No.16876010

Bless our wounded shills.

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d99a64  No.16876017

At some point, you've got to either swear me in or kill me if you don't want a relationship to turn sour.

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868348  No.16876027


8Kun Honey is a REAL product.

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5ba904  No.16876033


I can't prove it, but I saw it from like 20 different camera angles.

May have been staged, but I'm not trained to recognize that kinda stuff.

If I was trained to recognize faked video I'd expose it as fake and describe why it was produced.

If I was trained to recognize fake video, and I determined it was real video, I'd expose it also describing why.

Either way, the fact that nothing has been done about it is hella weird.

Are We at War and don't even realize it yet?

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e89a20  No.16876041

Tear gas or pepper spray used at nightclub when teens died, eyewitness says

First, then they said it was crushing from a stampede, then they said they didn't know what happened, then they said it might be carbon monoxide poisoning, now teens are saying it was something else:

Sibongile Mtsewu, 22, said he was ordering drinks at the crowded Enyobeni Tavern near the South African city of East London over the weekend, when suddenly the doors were closed and some type of chemical agent was released into the air.

"There was no way out," Mtsewu, who lives nearby, told ABC News in a telephone interview Thursday. "There was no chance to breathe."

Mtsewu said he passed out after inhaling the substance. He recalled being surrounded by bodies when his brother woke him up some time later.

"The tear gas suffocated many people," he told ABC News. "That's why people died."


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3c9075  No.16876044


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993acb  No.16876050



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d8f7c5  No.16876073

From Notables a coupla breads back…

Biblefags, please weigh in.


Isn’t this in Revelation and precedes some major event/s?

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d99a64  No.16876080

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993acb  No.16876100


"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies

is to create a one-world government

combining super-capitalism and Communism

under the same tent

all under their control.

Do I mean conspiracy?

Yes I do.

I am convinced there is such a plot,

international in scope,

generations old in planning,

and incredibly evil in intent."

Congressman Larry McDonald, 1976

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ffbeee  No.16876106


is there a reason you left this post up? it has a cp link in it

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d8f7c5  No.16876107


fucking normies on instagram are under the impression that trump said he would VP for desantis

I know that's impossible. Why do normie instafags think that?

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d99a64  No.16876113



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ffbeee  No.16876115





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Davit Harutyunyan

Minister of Justice


In office


Deputy minister of justice

In office


Personal details

Born March 5, 1963 (age 59)

Yerevan, Armenia

Nationality Armenian

Davit Harutyunyan (also transliterated as David) (Armenian: Դավիթ Էդոնիսի Հարությունյան; born March 5, 1963 in Yerevan)[1] is an Armenian politician who served as the deputy Minister of Justice from 1997 to 1998, and as Minister of Justice from 1998 to 2007.[1] He was first elected to the Armenian parliament in 1995.

In 2006, Forbes magazine listed him as the 10th-richest person in Armenia. [1]

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ffbeee  No.16876125


She probably wouldn't look like on the left if she stopped looking like on the right.

Also food intake.

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e89a20  No.16876128


Shut up I am talking to the other you

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ffbeee  No.16876133

Futures are up..

Do you think it will hold?

Nigger holiday on Monday so markets closed

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59b14b  No.16876136


"She served as a Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise intern from 2015 to 2018."


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868348  No.16876146


>I'd be impressed if you could be less whiny and less annoying


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59b14b  No.16876160


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