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113237  No.16867212[View All]

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>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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51d16e  No.16875853

Trump talking about Lincoln.

8 drops ago, Q posted about Lincoln, and talked about this nation.

Q drop 4949

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993acb  No.16875859

I cannot explain, you cannot understand. I need my girlfriend right now!!!

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d99a64  No.16875861


Free speech area here. Perhaps you would be happier elsewhere.

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f2983a  No.16875865

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790337  No.16875883


No thats not it, they know he will hold certain principles of the constitution that he will not compromise on. Think of Grahams questions by Anericans violating the constitution and being enemy combatants

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d99a64  No.16875889



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868348  No.16875901


> Prosecutors asked judge to sentence Ghislaine Maxwell to 30-55 years in prison for helping Jeffrey Epstein abuse girls

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5ba904  No.16875923

Fuck theses Jeew hating, confused catholic, Jesuit loving bastids

I want penguins in lingerie kek

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5531af  No.16875935

From the Beginning

Thanks Q Team/QPlusUltra

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d99a64  No.16875941

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3c9075  No.16875946



can't you fit a conductive shim in there?

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790337  No.16875951

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993acb  No.16875952



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59b14b  No.16875954


>Every time I take a break, bread gets a lot slower


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d99a64  No.16875955


I didn't know they had ab implants until this chick cut her tits off and had abs installed.

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d8f7c5  No.16875956


agustin keks in fat controller

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f519e4  No.16875959

File: 081f0e8322eedcd⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 480x270, 16:9, triggered2.gif)

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3c9075  No.16875961


>not negate

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5531af  No.16875965

CNN drops the bass

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868348  No.16875971


Dude you ain't fooling me but good try…

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d8f7c5  No.16875972

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d99a64  No.16875973

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c1fec8  No.16875975



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5531af  No.16875979

It's legal cuz the Talmud says so!

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993acb  No.16875984


>should be removed

says who?

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d8f7c5  No.16875986


Yet you are here.

Why are you not time traveling etc?

It's all a bullshit slide!

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d99a64  No.16875989

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993acb  No.16875998



A salt rotation did happen. Cease your faggotry immediately.

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59b14b  No.16875999


famine acceleration

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f2983a  No.16876006


The rally is going to be lit.

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ffbeee  No.16876010

Bless our wounded shills.

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d99a64  No.16876017

At some point, you've got to either swear me in or kill me if you don't want a relationship to turn sour.

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868348  No.16876027


8Kun Honey is a REAL product.

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5ba904  No.16876033


I can't prove it, but I saw it from like 20 different camera angles.

May have been staged, but I'm not trained to recognize that kinda stuff.

If I was trained to recognize faked video I'd expose it as fake and describe why it was produced.

If I was trained to recognize fake video, and I determined it was real video, I'd expose it also describing why.

Either way, the fact that nothing has been done about it is hella weird.

Are We at War and don't even realize it yet?

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e89a20  No.16876041

Tear gas or pepper spray used at nightclub when teens died, eyewitness says

First, then they said it was crushing from a stampede, then they said they didn't know what happened, then they said it might be carbon monoxide poisoning, now teens are saying it was something else:

Sibongile Mtsewu, 22, said he was ordering drinks at the crowded Enyobeni Tavern near the South African city of East London over the weekend, when suddenly the doors were closed and some type of chemical agent was released into the air.

"There was no way out," Mtsewu, who lives nearby, told ABC News in a telephone interview Thursday. "There was no chance to breathe."

Mtsewu said he passed out after inhaling the substance. He recalled being surrounded by bodies when his brother woke him up some time later.

"The tear gas suffocated many people," he told ABC News. "That's why people died."


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3c9075  No.16876044


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993acb  No.16876050



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d8f7c5  No.16876073

From Notables a coupla breads back…

Biblefags, please weigh in.


Isn’t this in Revelation and precedes some major event/s?

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d99a64  No.16876080

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993acb  No.16876100


"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies

is to create a one-world government

combining super-capitalism and Communism

under the same tent

all under their control.

Do I mean conspiracy?

Yes I do.

I am convinced there is such a plot,

international in scope,

generations old in planning,

and incredibly evil in intent."

Congressman Larry McDonald, 1976

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ffbeee  No.16876106


is there a reason you left this post up? it has a cp link in it

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d8f7c5  No.16876107


fucking normies on instagram are under the impression that trump said he would VP for desantis

I know that's impossible. Why do normie instafags think that?

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d99a64  No.16876113



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ffbeee  No.16876115





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Davit Harutyunyan

Minister of Justice


In office


Deputy minister of justice

In office


Personal details

Born March 5, 1963 (age 59)

Yerevan, Armenia

Nationality Armenian

Davit Harutyunyan (also transliterated as David) (Armenian: Դավիթ Էդոնիսի Հարությունյան; born March 5, 1963 in Yerevan)[1] is an Armenian politician who served as the deputy Minister of Justice from 1997 to 1998, and as Minister of Justice from 1998 to 2007.[1] He was first elected to the Armenian parliament in 1995.

In 2006, Forbes magazine listed him as the 10th-richest person in Armenia. [1]

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ffbeee  No.16876125


She probably wouldn't look like on the left if she stopped looking like on the right.

Also food intake.

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e89a20  No.16876128


Shut up I am talking to the other you

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ffbeee  No.16876133

Futures are up..

Do you think it will hold?

Nigger holiday on Monday so markets closed

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59b14b  No.16876136


"She served as a Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise intern from 2015 to 2018."


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868348  No.16876146


>I'd be impressed if you could be less whiny and less annoying


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59b14b  No.16876160


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