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759560  No.16665631[Last 50 Posts]

MP4 Archive and Download

Welcome, this thread is dedicated to the collection of Censored and Notable .MP4's from the Net.

All are welcomed to contribute, download and share.

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What about Youtube and other embed links and other outsourced links? There is already a video thread running for that. *See Catalog

Are webms ok? Yes, glad you asked

Are Gifs ok? Not really

Are there any vid requirements? Yes, around 15-17M seems to be the limit upload

What is approximate Video load time for 15-17M vid? 15-20 seconds

How many vids can I load at once? 1-5 videos at any one time can be posted

What is a good time limit for a vid? 2 min seems to be the average for a 15M file


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Previous Archives

>>15270651 12/28/21 - 07/02/22 https://web.archive.org/web/20220702164056/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15270651.html#bottom

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4641db  No.16672056

Navy fires five officers within six days over ‘loss of confidence’

The US Navy has dismissed five commanding officers in less than one week due to “loss of confidence,” a strikingly short timeframe for such disciplinary action.

On Tuesday, the Navy announced it was relieving Cmdr. Peter Lesaca — of the destroyer USS Preble — of his duties “due to loss of confidence in his ability to command.”

“Navy commanding officers are held to high standards of personal and professional conduct,” the Navy said in a statement. “They are expected to uphold the highest standards of responsibility, reliability and leadership, and the Navy holds them accountable when they fall short of these standards.”

The Navy did not provide additional details as to why Lesaca was fired.

Capt. Larry Repass, deputy commodore of the Destroyer Squadron 23, is set to temporarily assume Lesaca’s duties until a permanent replacement arrives.

Lesaca’s firing came only three days after Capt. Jeffry Sandin, commanding officer of the Navy’s Recruit Training Command, was fired “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command.”

The Navy again did not provide any details as to why Sandin was relieved of his duties, but said he had “been reassigned to Naval Service Training Command headquarters.” Capt. Kerteck Brooks, chief of staff of the Naval Service Training Command, assumed Sandin’s duties.

One day before, the Navy fired commanding officer Cmdr. Devine Johnson and Command Master Chief Earl Sanders of the destroyer USS Bulkeley “due to a loss of confidence in their ability to effectively function as a command leadership team.”

Both have been temporarily reassigned to the staff of Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic, the Navy said.

They have been replaced for the time being by Capt. William “Mac” Harkin, deputy commodore of Destroyer Squadron Two, and Master Chief Petty Officer Christy Reed.

“There is no impact to the command’s mission or schedule due to this relief,” the Navy said.

The first commanding officer fired in the string of five was Cmdr. Matthew McCormick, head of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 137. McCormick was relieved of his duties on June 8 “due to loss of confidence in his ability to command.”

He had been in the position since September 2021 and will be temporarily replaced by Cmdr. Scott Maynes, executive officer of VAQ-137, until a permanent replacement is found.

In the meantime, McCormick “has been temporarily reassigned to Electronic Attack Wing Pacific (VAQWINGPAC) at Naval Station Whidbey Island.”


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9642ca  No.16672063


I don't really care if he is a fag or not, he can say what he wants to say. He is criticizing the fags and pointing out their hypocrisy.

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f1a8b6  No.16672084












AllsYst3ms Go

Awaitth3 COMMAND






Fuck twitter,

fuck social media ecept Truth.

fuck fuck fuck fuck the algorhithm




THEY] have [THEIR] own language & list of words on THEIR menu's





































Soylent Green




Tin Eye




one eye





honey pot


















Deep Fake

it ain't gonna lick itself

Something's HOT and Something's NOT

snow white




















D Day





















When does a bird sing?

When it tweets


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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be75e1  No.16672095

EU better watch their ass. Keep on kicking the bear and you'll see Belarus officially become a part of Russia.

Who becomes the guardian of the gate to Estonia, Lithuania, & Latvia?

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150711  No.16672118


Some kind of endurance flight? Might be battery powered with enough solar cells to keep it flying 24/7? The location makes sense for abundant sunlight.

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3b9f39  No.16672121

“Nothing Changes Today” – Lawless NYC Mayor Eric Adams Promises to Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on Concealed Gun Laws

The Supreme Court released its ruling on Thursday against New York’s law that includes strict rules for concealed carry in the state. Prior to this ruling, the state could decide who it wanted to have this right and who it didn’t. The Gateway Pundit reported on this case moments ago:

New York requires its residents to obtain a license for lawful possession of a firearm, regardless of whether they plan to keep it at home or take it outside. To obtain a license, a licensing officer must determine whether the applicant is of good moral character, lacks a history of crime or mental illness, and that “no good cause exists for the denial of the license.”

Applicants must also have “proper cause” to lawfully conceal carry a handgun—openly carrying a handgun is entirely banned. New York law leaves “proper cause” undefined, but courts have clarified that this standard means one must “demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community or of persons engaged in the same profession.”

Merely having the “generalized desire” to conceal carry, according to the courts, “does not constitute ‘proper cause.’”

The Supreme Court disagrees with New York law and just ruled on this case this morning.

ABC 7 New York reported on the verdict:

The justices’ 6-3 decision is expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities – including New York, Los Angeles and Boston – and elsewhere. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, the high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade.

The ruling comes as Congress is actively working on gun legislation following recent mass shootings in Texas,New York and California.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

In their decision, the justices struck down a New York law requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry one in public. The justices said the requirement violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

Tyrannical and lawless New York City Mayor Eric Adams made an announcement following the release of the ruling.


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9d9c6c  No.16672199





Check "Show Post Deltas" on QAGG under Digging Options


>Sauce it and I'll note it.

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9bae28  No.16672223

It's the LIES that do it.

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e5781b  No.16672234


I don't care to wade into the real or fake Q discussion, just felt it pertinent to point out, Nunes post you dropped isn't zero in all caps per your own posting. It's lowercase…

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9642ca  No.16672249



lol …"over target"…for the past five years. Goddamn.

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83ade0  No.16672250


Like I said. Best time EVER!!

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541414  No.16672254


Had a copy, but ur mom stolt it frum me

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be75e1  No.16672302



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ad962f  No.16672328


We are going to show you a brave new world!

It had to be done this way.

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2b7563  No.16672359


Not at all

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eceb0c  No.16672386

Time for sleep. 6am comes early.

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519f11  No.16672401


try front hole

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fc9f90  No.16672432


>In the ghetto?

And his momma cried.

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b4ab37  No.16672434



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150711  No.16672448


He probably has the 40 ft view, or at least the 20 ft view on things.

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877d90  No.16672567



wish I had that much energy, some days

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89d56e  No.16672620

My girlfriend is the hardest part to believe, really?

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1bcf6f  No.16672802

Kiss albums next to the Marth Stewart Living in the TRASH BIN

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e82285  No.16672808


We should enjoy the show anons

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1f1ebb  No.16672829


That's sweet, anon.

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d4180c  No.16672832


you believe they would burn money?

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248919  No.16672869


Emphasis on theatre of battle

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ae41ca  No.16672886

Klaus Schwab Lays Out The ENTIRE Globalist Plan In Under 60 Seconds


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ef6082  No.16672889


As a Vegananon, I eat vegetables in their vegetable form. Most often…raw, but I do not practice raw veganism. I likes my chickpeas cooked and made into creamy smooth hummus!

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06a231  No.16672969


Stands for bend over for beast system vax biatches….kill for us too. Yay USA USA.

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34f195  No.16672984


The Pugs of woar

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06a231  No.16673025


We SmeltTheCoffee

My Coffee is Covfefe

I got the full exposure

Open Source Variant

Full Exposure

opengovus.com will blow it all away.

Check any company for yourself.

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2ddcd0  No.16673039

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/17/2022 11:52:40

Truth Social: 108493613343422134

Join me today in Nashville, Tennessee—LIVE at 1:00 PM EDT, where I am speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference. Will be on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @OAN, @realamericasvoice, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others!




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61b32c  No.16673048



alrite anons,

sorry about not showing up for rally duty lasting night. problems with tech again.

damn, going through so many p.c, laptops getting to be a expensive process. am on new tech at the moment so got to figure out how and where all the keys are as it is some weird keyboard with all the functions in other places.





LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Memphis, Tennessee

Donald J. Trump Published June 18, 2022


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Memphis, Tennessee, on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 6:00PM EDT.

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6ce01b  No.16673050

Wuhan o Faggin is going full out Alex Jones.

“ I talked to Qanon”

This isn’t Qanon

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420240  No.16673055


Don't make me take the Grammar Nazi after yo ASS!

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f3f928  No.16673060


of course this assumes water is available

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da8c49  No.16673102

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c55d36  No.16673107


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c24e77  No.16673131


daaaaaannnnyyy , is that jew?

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09e5eb  No.16673199

crushed from the inside out. Is any news yet? anything at all to look forward to in the next 45days? you maybe have an idea how bad this hurts, it really really hurts to the core of me, everything is here, the marks the feelings the pain, but nothing is happening except my heart being smashed into tiny bits, so any news? News please, i'm a fucking mushroom, kept in the dark and fed bullshit. When's the next ticket to the moon? that's where it gets interesting. please help. lelu Dallas multipass my ass outta here, it's time to leave. I've done my job of raising kids, now I need love.

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e8481e  No.16673201

Highly recommended to read Devolution 23.


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8d5af4  No.16673206


Bagels, Challah, what’s with the basket of jew breads?

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6ba502  No.16673219


Its not just the children who are not ready. Many many adults are nor ready. There are more stupid people out there than I ever realized. Not just ignorant, I mean idiots, total idiots. I have wondered many times how they are ever going to wake up.

It will have to be a God thing, no other way.

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5618c8  No.16673248


Too well dressed and respectable. Needs about 210 more pounds and more grease and semen stains.

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5c2400  No.16673254


>>turd goblin caught confessing to fake juw plot to worship platinum buttplugs in political seo keywords

blames GAHYnigg fo poleland fart noises after probe

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da8c49  No.16673264


>they go together

they got together

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ab7a60  No.16673297

Old Dough


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d053a6  No.16673302


o7 Baker

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412520  No.16673307






What I could grab of the clip for anyone wanting to see it.

They kept going over on price guesses. Jessica used this to claim "see, inflation isn't as bad as claimed."

What it actually demonstrated was that a bunch of millionaires don't know grocery store prices and are totally out of touch with their audience.

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9eb0de  No.16673327


poor plot twist

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dceceb  No.16673329

Updated dough and long list of notable: Q Research General #20969: first of july, independence day monday approaching

Took quite a effort to bring things back from past breads, looks like canadian baker came in last night and fucked up everything,

Baker is ready to hand off bread

right now, you can only trust in yourself, Declare your own independence day by cutting your taxes to the state, look up taxe thresholds and work below, there are ways and means, they have systems in place, use them to your own advantage, baker has not worked for nearly 3 years and still holding strong !!!

==God Speed Ahead, and God Help Us o7


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da3e09  No.16673332


>I don't think the Starship Enterprise can fly in orbit.

Tomorrow Is Yesterday


The USS Enterprise is thrown back in time to Earth during the 1960s by the effects of a high-gravity "black star". Enterprise ends up in Earth's upper atmosphere, and is picked up as a UFO on military radar.

A U.S. Air Force F-104 interceptor piloted by Captain John Christopher (Roger Perry), is scrambled to identify the craft. Fearing an attack, Captain Kirk orders a tractor beam to be used on the jet, which tears the plane apart. The pilot is transported aboard the Enterprise.


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248919  No.16673352

The Day that Ra Reeeeeeeeed.

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af1780  No.16673384


I remember vigilant citizen

A bygone age in the Truth movement.

Back when being affiliated with a political party was anathema.

Now if you don't suck Trump cock and vote Republican you're a sheep

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1f1ebb  No.16673387


Thank you for your service, patriotanon.


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e82285  No.16673389

where is the DRAMA !!!!!!!!!! a quiet picnic are you kidding me

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e8481e  No.16673408




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2ddcd0  No.16673473

>>16405323 Puppet Masters Pt 1 - 42 pages

>>16405326 Puppet Masters Pt 2 - 100 pages

>>16405328 Puppet Masters Pt 3 - 76 pages

>>16405335 Puppet Masters Pt 4 - 24 pages

Work in progress - first page from each link pictured - combined digs -

There internal links so those clowns and their I ain't clickin that shit are dumbasses

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af1780  No.16673502



"bring" him to "America"

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0ec179  No.16673519



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2e7187  No.16673552


Buddha is a false God. Deal with it. Then deal with it summoar faggot.

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b263e3  No.16673553


playing the game of poop or chocolate is worse that playing russian roulette.

Stakes are at the most high

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635c0f  No.16673565


They are breaking their oath to the Constitution

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c224fa  No.16673566


holy shit. this is steele dossier level lies

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3a8a13  No.16673612

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be928d  No.16673615


Without hesitation, Sir.

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b4db92  No.16673619


paint over it in the same color

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e8481e  No.16673628


They thought putting Wronghetti against her would be a sure thing for her. It says a lot that people would rather have a weatherman(and not even a good weatherman) than her for governor.

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4caa36  No.16673629


Dimensional boarder crisis game theory.

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10728f  No.16673642


Is Alan a highlander?

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0a1668  No.16673653


>he won't post on this board again and he did

with the old tripcode after a salt rotation

if you dont understand what that means

we cant help you

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8f5a71  No.16673682


Difficult to do if the baby is adopted.

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4ff22a  No.16673692


>who all is in here


Mar 15, 2019 2:51:17 PM EDT


Busy saving humanity


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92cc29  No.16673702


Sit in the corner and cry anon - we'll take care of it.

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ef6082  No.16673721


FYI - the QR Board Jews hate Gab because of things Torba has said regarding the JQ.

That's why you see it ragged on hard by some here.

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747df3  No.16673755


those rotary nozzles are amazing

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229157  No.16673772

This Independence Day, the U.S. is longing for a return to America First

In 2022, Americans are longing for a return to the strong policies of President Donald Trump’s administration.

Trump was a president who put Americans’ needs before the rest of the world’s.

On the other hand, Joe Biden said Thursday that Americans could expect to pay high gas prices “for as long as it takes,” to keep Russia from defeating Ukraine, according to the Washington Examiner. “This is a critical, critical position for the world,” he insisted.

Biden additionally announced this week that the U.S. would send another $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine, following a $40 billion aid package sent in May.

However, Americans are overwhelmingly uninterested in sending money and aid overseas when people here at home are being crushed under rising energy prices, record-setting gas prices, and soaring food costs.

A June poll from YouGov for Concerned Veterans for America found that 38 percent of Americans would rather see Biden focus on assuaging domestic inflationary pressure versus a slim 8 percent who thought it was important to secure Russia’s defeat in their conflict with Ukraine.

Amid rising prices, supply chain problems, an unstable stock market, a nationwide labor shortage, and the decimation of the American energy industry, many people are reflecting on better days when President Trump was in office.

Energy Independence

In a recent interview with Newsmax, President Trump pointed out that America was energy independent during his time in office. “We had more energy than anybody,” he said. “And now we’re asking Saudi Arabia to, ‘Send us oil, please.’ We’re asking Venezuela. Unthinkable…we have, I call it, liquid gold. We have it under our feet. We were energy independent.”

WATCH: Part 2 of President Trump’s @newsmax interview pic.twitter.com/XQSATrSrxc

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) June 30, 2022

President Trump’s policies fostered energy production that had never been seen before in the U.S. The White House archives noted that under Trump, the U.S. became a net energy exporter for the first time in 70 years. Trump approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines and opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska for oil and gas leasing. These policies secured America’s independence when it came to energy production, subsequently lowering energy and oil costs for the entire country.

Unlike Trump, Biden squashed American energy independence in his first 11 months in office, killing the Keystone XL pipeline, for example, on his first day on the job with an executive order. The Daily Signal reported that Keystone XL alone would have boosted the U.S. GDP by more than $3 billion and carried a daily oil production of 830,000 barrels of oil between Canada and the U.S.

Under Trump, Americans were paying an average of $2.39 per gallon of gas. In May 2022, the AAA National Average report revealed that Americans were paying an average of $4.81 per gallon under Biden.

Where Trump put America first, Biden has put America last, and taxpaying citizens are literally paying the price.

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38d8a1  No.16673773



If the earth was flat, there wouldn't be a south pole, and as we all know without south pole, there wouldn't be a north pole either.

And the elites confirm that there is a south pole, because that's where they are going all the time.

I don't want to go there, so that I don't disturb the penguinos, but the elites take good care of them and I'm glad they do.

I know that they lie about everything, EXCEPT SPACE and space technology. They don't lie about space.

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a3e2ca  No.16673782


His name was Joseph Rosenbaum.

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3aed8c  No.16673786


At ease kitty, today we celebrate and grammar poorly.

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9cda17  No.16673803


QR…Brothers in Arms.

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4caa36  No.16673842



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268237  No.16673855


You want to give me a lesson? I'm all ears. Or eyes.

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4eb7f8  No.16673864

8:08 minute video

MSNBC hit piece on JUAN O SAVIN & “Qanon”



In most of his 2022 videos 🏎 Juan is ALWAYS DRIVING

sometimes crisscrossing the country several times in a week.


He’s tirelessly working to restore the Republic of the USA

where it counts: IN THE ELECTIONS

especially the 👉 SECRETARY OF STATE position

in 18 States 👈



FAKE NEWS attacks..




VIDEO 🎥 originally posted on ULTRAMcAfee

re-posted by Q The Storm Rider

Katie Phang, MSNBC

“We used to sit there & roll our eyes

& laugh about the fact of this ‘Qanon’

& how completely FRINGE it is.

Let’s be frank — it’s now no longer fringe…

Is ‘Qanon’ actually part of the Republican Party now?”

Will Sommer, DAILY BEAST

“I think Qanon has succeeded in finding a home

within the GOP”



There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

🤠 Bravo Juan. You got em shaking in their boots 🎉


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fab162  No.16673882


It's [y]our weakness that I despise the Most

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09e5eb  No.16673891

Q’s return even made headlines on drudge..

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62379d  No.16673954


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bbcd37  No.16674422



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ad4731  No.16674423


>Just might work outdoors today, gorgeous weather here in the East.

I've been doing quite a bit of that myself too.

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25a5e7  No.16674431





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7250a8  No.16674440

Whistleblower Says With 120,000 Troops Still Unvaccinated, Army May Move June 30 Deadline Far Into Future

An active-duty senior Army official told The Defender, on condition of anonymity, the U.S. Army is strongly considering pushing the June 30 deadline for compliance with the military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate far into the future – but will not announce the date change until closer to, or even after, the upcoming deadline.

As the June 30 deadline nears for compliance with the U.S. military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, U.S. Army officials publicly claim a very small percentage of its members are unvaccinated, reporting 96% or more of its members are fully vaccinated.

However, the Army’s vaccination rate is in fact significantly lower than 96%, an active-duty senior Army official with access to senior-level information told The Defender — so low, that if the Army were to enforce the deadline, the loss of up to 120,000 service members would render it “combat-ineffective.”

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Army is strongly considering pushing the June 30 deadline much further into the future — but will not announce the date change until closer to, or even after, the upcoming deadline.

Concern about the number of unvaccinated service members was the topic of recent senior-level briefings, according to the official.

He said he’s blowing the whistle now because many service members who remain unvaccinated and/or who are “on the fence” about getting the vaccine may feel compelled to do so to meet the June 30 deadline — unaware the deadline may soon change.

He said by going public with this information now, service members who have not yet been vaccinated but who are feeling increasing pressure to get the COVID-19 vaccine may reconsider.

Real numbers of unvaccinated Army members ‘higher than anybody thought’

As far back as December 2021, an article on the U.S. Army website stated 96% of the Army’s 461,209 members were fully vaccinated.

In March 2022, as the Army began to announce the initiation of separation procedures for unvaccinated soldiers, officials again claimed 96% of its service members were fully vaccinated.

Later that month, an article on the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) website claimed “the entire force may be vaccinated for COVID-19 by early summer.”

According to the whistleblower though, the “real numbers of unvaccinated service members are way higher than anybody thought,” adding that while “everyone thought” the number of unvaccinated in the Army was approximately 8,000-10,000 members, it is actually around 120,000.

To confirm that number, the official confidentially shared an internal U.S. Army document, dated June 2022.


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f1562e  No.16674442


Tell me that thing in not in it's 40's!

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4492d7  No.16674444

President Trump: I stood up to the Military Industrial Complex and demanded we bring our troops back home.

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d3c1fa  No.16674445

YA, maybe they will learn, dont fuck with us, we have the power!


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b531c0  No.16674486

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3bfb1c  No.16674505


Ruth Christ's Steakhouse was/is his primary radio sponsor. Guess who owns a major piece of Ruth Christ's Steakhouse?

Wait for it?……..

George Soros

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667bd7  No.16674513

Joe & Congress it's time to give the American people another $1200 check for the gas and high groceries. You gave all that money to Ukraine. It's our turn.

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27b47f  No.16674519



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520361  No.16674524



>You anons are going all in on the tasteful, beautiful women tonight.

Except me, I still have to wait…

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5382f3  No.16674526



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9f3d56  No.16674528



>I am confirmed Q

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b5e65b  No.16674529


You are in the middle of something historic.







Fight. Fight. Fight.

Every [3] letter is here.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

The flood is coming.





[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Pure EVIL.





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fa0c24  No.16674533


>Rothschild's can print money off their birth certificates

I want reperations from Creepy Lizard Mike

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f8010d  No.16674548


Knew this would trigger fagnazis hiding in here


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ad186c  No.16674555




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2ee49c  No.16674557

Lebanon warns Israel

President Michel Aoun says any effort by Israelis to tap natural gas deposits in disputed waters would be an “aggressive action”

A battle over Mediterranean waters rich in natural gas deposits bubbled up on Sunday when Lebanese President Michel Aoun warned Israel that trying to tap the offshore riches without first resolving a territorial dispute would be seen as a “provocation.”

“Any action or activity in the disputed area represents a provocation and an aggressive action,” Aoun said on Sunday in a statement. He made his comments after a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel arrived in the disputed area, where London-based upstream firm Energean plans to start pumping gas from the Karish field under contract with the Israeli government later this year.

Aoun said he discussed the FPSO’s arrival with Prime Minister Najib Mikati and asked Lebanon’s Army Command to provide him “accurate and official data to build upon the matter.” Mikati called the situation “extremely dangerous,” saying Israel was trying to “create a new crisis, encroaching on Lebanon’s maritime wealth and imposing a fait accompli in a disputed area.”

Karish is located about 90km west of Haifa, close to the much larger gas fields of Leviathan and Tamar, and it holds reserves estimated at more than 300 million barrels of oil equivalent. Energean signed a contract in March to sell output from Karish to Israel Electric Co., the largest Israeli gas buyer.

Jerusalem has claimed that Karish is located in Israel’s exclusive economic zone, as recognized by the United Nations, and isn’t subject to the country’s territorial dispute with Lebanon. Aoun said negotiations to resolve the issue are continuing, and both countries have filed disputes with the UN regarding their overlapping maritime claims.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group has threatened to take action if Israel extracts fossil fuels in the disputed area without resolving the territorial impasse.


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78902b  No.16674580



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f8edb5  No.16674598





it is an issue that hopefully can be addressed with some clarity…soon

and it is indeed complicated.

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a64bc5  No.16674603

Jaws, the movie, was a metaphor.

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e9152b  No.16674610



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9c6c02  No.16674612


FFS, is was RC drone. Likely by operator in nearby chasing aircraft. You newfags are almost as bad as the shills. The White Hats needed access to Island, and the submarine pen of the former U.S.S. Richard B. Russell which was allegedly decommissioned during the late 90s. Became DS operations sub.

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1d4953  No.16674618


That's not a question. If you were a serious person, you'd realize that you have deluded yourself.

Right wingers/White people in power would look like this:

The enemies who are systematically trying to physically exterminate us are dead.



Why is Trump unable to accomplish this?

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d37411  No.16674619




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3b54e4  No.16674621


>16 to 18 hours days. It's brutal.

Total immersion brainwashing.

Just like the Military does Basic Training.

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1c3768  No.16674631


They're eating PEEEEEEEPOL!

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3725b6  No.16674639

Shall Not Be Infringed

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667bd7  No.16674668


Mr Pig lost authored by Mr Pig.

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215c6b  No.16674675

hey so realistically

how quickly can team trump get into court and start providing evidence of election fuckery

since every other line in the sand has been crossed, why not start preparing for trump's indictment

praying for a day when we are no longer dunked on by rabid cabal lemmings

and the media actually covers it

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a75786  No.16674681

It's been such a great day

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b9d3f5  No.16674691


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1a11a4  No.16674695


Hurry home, Ralph.

Your reward for a hard day of dayshifting is waiting.

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7a6d6c  No.16674712


Hear ya!

One of my repetitive lines I’ve had in life is wat I call my motto.

I try and be a fart in the wind.

Smell me lots but never seen.

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d28230  No.16674713



>His running partner will be announced on July 17th…you watch.

Another faggot like Pence…

for the faggot vote?

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81197a  No.16674727


If she had as many pricks sticking out of her as she does in - she'd be a porcupine.

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90683c  No.16674729


Interesting thought, though I think it'd be a shame to dismantle an organization where 99% are well-intentioned and probably working directly with counterparts in other areas of govt to fix the Republic. Certainly there's a way to "fix" it.

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84040b  No.16674736



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71511a  No.16674737


any doc who knowingly took the covid cash needs some due process

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8a975e  No.16674744


Game Over, They’re Pulling the Plug – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter On June 14, 2022 In Market Analysis

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said in early April that he thought we did not have much time until the financial meltdown started. He gave it 60 days. Two months later, the meltdown started in earnest right on time. The world is at debt levels never seen before, and Holter contends rising interest rates are the key driver here and now. Holter explains, “Interest rates are the key to the whole collapse. Mortgage rates, as of right now, are about 6.15%. Mortgage rates started the year just over 3%. In the fourth quarter of last year, we had mortgage rates as low as 2.75%. What that tells you is if you qualified for a $1 million mortgage at the end of last year, you only qualify for a $500,000 mortgage now. If you are a property owner, that means the pool of potential buyers is far less than 6 months ago, simply because interest rates have basically doubled. Holter also says that means property values are dramatically cut.

Interest rates have been on a more than 40-year downward trend since Fed Head Paul Volker raised a key rate to 20% in the early 1980’s. Holter points out, “We basically just went through a 40-year bull market on bonds where interest rates did nothing but go downward for 40 years . . . . That 40-year trend is now broken, and rates are headed higher. It just so happens the system is more indebted than it has ever been on any ratio or any basis you want to look at. What I am getting at is these higher interest rates are blowing up the debt bubble.”

Don’t expect the Fed to come in and save the day like it did in the last financial meltdown back in 2008 and 2009. The Fed bailed out the economy when it started printing money like crazy and never stopped. Holter says, “The bottom line is the world’s financial system and, thus, real economies have been on life support since 2008. What people should understand is when the Fed says they are going to raise interest rates and they are going to shrink their balance sheet, that says they are pulling the plug out of the wall. They are taking the system off life support. The bottom line is the system cannot live without life support. The Ponzi scheme cannot continue without new capital coming into the system. They are pulling the plug is what they are doing. . . . It’s game over.”

Holter also talks about gold and silver and why you should hold them in hand. Holter thinks a “Mad Max” scenario is a real possibility and says we have not seen the peak on inflation. There is a lot more in the 44-minute interview.


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b88286  No.16674745


Need sauce image.

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033411  No.16674752


Chelsea beats Arsenal 4 to 3

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ec90b6  No.16674755


Israel is last. Vice president Pence was in Albania. #FreeIran2022


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6b1bef  No.16674768

The World is Paying Attention

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c60dd8  No.16674774


those owls will grow up and eat your face off.

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0c252c  No.16674776


>Based momanon


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cf71fe  No.16674781



Somebody shot that Ape woman in the head.

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9ff06a  No.16674783




The probability of a faked (Q) post is improbable

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4f28a5  No.16674793


>>16437068 /lb

>Patriot Front Clown Op

>Jail roster lists those arrested near Coeur d’Alene Pride event


Well, here's some usual suspects, some previously ID'd (with photos!)

There's overlap including:

Thomas Rousseau

Kieran Patrick Morris

Graham Jones Whitson

Cameron Rathan Pruitt

Sauce: https://texasantifa.noblogs.org/list-patriot-front-members/

Archive: https://archive.ph/aHc7u

These flaming fags were just going to meet their frens… smdh. These are far from "patriot" and this is NOT "toxic masculinity" if you catch muh drift.

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8cf825  No.16674804

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades oor even longer.

Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you













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1d4953  No.16674814


Nigga, I'm sorry.

I meant punctuation.

My derp.

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3b54e4  No.16674815

So sad, but could have been worse.

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119e31  No.16674823


every single one blindly following so called masters, everyone listening to what the guy sitting in the east says is kind of the problem.

ac = masonry as a system. with all the misunderstood rules.

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07c4e6  No.16674824


There are great dangers out there.

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3725b6  No.16674834


Please don’t show us the toilet with the tard holding his turd again

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9bba2c  No.16674856

The Sun Can Kill Billions & End the Modern World


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8c14d9  No.16674862


There is only information anon.

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498f83  No.16674871


they enacted abortion after birth.

there's that.


a problem with that theory

they control the voting machines for decades

they used the SCOTUS 73 ruling as an end run around State laws.

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520361  No.16674888

Chants of support for the controversial Azov Battalion break out at a pro Ukraine rally in lower Manhattan


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27b47f  No.16674947

Twitter 'Silenced' Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

Three physicians are suing Twitter, alleging the company violated its own terms of service and community standards when it suspended their accounts for posting “truthful statements regarding COVID-19 policy, diagnosis and/or treatment.”

Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough and Bryan Tyson on Monday filed the lawsuit in Superior Court in California, San Francisco County.

The complaint alleges Twitter breached the terms of its contract when it permanently suspended the plaintiffs’ accounts, silenced their voices and failed to provide them with “verified” badges.

Plaintiffs allege Twitter’s actions were a substantial factor in causing them harm, and are asking the judge to order Twitter to reactivate their accounts.

All three doctors are represented by attorneys Bryan M. Garrie and Matthew P. Tyson (no relation to the plaintiff, Bryan Tyson).

Matthew Tyson on May 12, sent a letter to the directors and managing agents of Twitter requesting the company reinstate the accounts of five physicians, including the plaintiffs, and provide them with “verified” badges. Twitter failed to respond.

In the letter, Matthew Tyson acknowledged Twitter is a “private company” and its terms state it can “suspend user accounts for any or no reason.”

“However, Twitter also implemented specific community standards to limit COVID-19 misinformation on the platform, and Twitter was bound to follow those terms,” he added.

According to the complaint, Twitter’s content-moderation terms included removal procedures for ineffective treatments and false diagnostic criteria, and measures for “labeling” information as “misleading.”

Twitter has a “five-strike policy” as part of its COVID-19 misinformation guidelines and community standards.


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400161  No.16674948


>'it'$ UKrainin


go build taht GAHY wall @batjoto

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2b81d9  No.16674985


Q led people on to think something would happen, then fucking ghosted, and Biden took over. Nothing in the swamp was drained. Now that the Democrats are set to be wiped out in Congress in a few months, Q is back. I don't know what's funnier - that or the fact that there are still people who have deluded themselves into thinking any of this is legit.

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fbeac3  No.16675012


and of course they use their disguised asset as a visual

but big kek on making the news.

we're the big time, boys

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d41c36  No.16675080


You rock

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ad8ae9  No.16675089



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a7865b  No.16675104


how about you start actually looking at the source of all this shit

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824c41  No.16675122


…On true Potus' b-day, and something called a 'Strawberry Moon'. I love how this shit aligns.

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f262b0  No.16675145


If we vote hard enough, we can beat the machines!

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aa9594  No.16675185


Such projection.

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02e688  No.16675190


Beers and burgers.

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50aa14  No.16675191


It's gonna be hot with afternoon showers today…and tomorrow…basically through the end of November. Welcome back!

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e85454  No.16675222


ID is modulating on mine

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c19b90  No.16675253


>didn't realize it rhymed

were almost there.

I'm the Firstborn son of God

I was preparing my part in Gods plan to save the world.

It is written in Dio g n et us that He revealed His plan to no one

except the son.

Our training with Q is real. The Comms are Real.

Patriots are in Control. God Wins. But here is a


Saving Israel for Last. Biblical. Sum of All Fears.

I have the Gold. I have it All. I can count seven

who know the plan on my left hands right hand.

DEClass is D&E Class, or D&E&C&lass. Right

before DEstory. C before D. I Have the Final

Exam. The Ark of the Covenant, and the Holy

of Holies is stored up in the Earth to be kept

safe until the Last Days. The Son of Man is

the Earth, and the Crown of the Son of Man

is passed down until it reaches Him. The Son

of Man was hidden from the beginning, you should

be honored that I would even show up to this place n

'Specially in my Pastelle, on my Bape shit

Act like you can't tell who made this

New Gospel, homie, take six and take this, haters

I drew these pastelles when I was a kid, where the face

would be split down the middle, bright lively colors and

expressions on one side, dark moody on the other.

Wanted them to vibe like that.

Bape shit, He baptis. b ape, be advancedplace, bea p

dont tempt me when my tank is on empty, i can be a prick

beat hips, hip beats, beat ship and heat bs ip with the flaming

sword with hells IP for those warbent on bullshit internet protocols

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021f52  No.16675275


moments like this. makes me wish never find out this board……….you look so fucking idiot…………..

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e5abb0  No.16675276


Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt

Evil shall not prevail

Wizards & Warlocks

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c95600  No.16675364


the trip is tippy top

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70eadf  No.16675376


Old news…..

InthePaytrix and the gang are either dumb as fuck OR [inthePaytrix]…..

Get your Q related news elsewhere.

ASS/OSS loves his racist ass some P = Payseur

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7e99fb  No.16675402


> think In a million years

or.. think NOW.

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8b9249  No.16675453


Not an argument.

Anf always remember for the rest of your miserable life zionist traitor: all zionists will be deported or hanged for treason (legally off course), if the so called white hats are too cowardly or impotent to do it, then the people will. Everybody knows that if the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago. And a new Independence Day will happen, this time the enemy is not the Crown and the Red Coats, but the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) and all the zionist traitors. One way or the other, ZOG will be eradicated (legally, off course). Enjoy :)

"A Jew will never argue with you on points of fact. A perfect example would be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 99% of criticism against them looks like this:

“The Protocols are a primitive forgery concocted in Paris from an anti-Napoleon pamphlet”.

No one, and most definitely, not a single Jew will ever discuss the Protocols' contents, which at the very least make them a very peculiar piece of European antiutopia. Contents are ignored, as if they don't exist at all. “It doesn't matter that the painting is a masterpiece, what matters is that it's not Van Gogh”. Typical Jewish thinking – it's gold because it glitters."

Pic related describes Jewish sophistry (aka pilpul) and how it works:


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52772d  No.16675457


That cat paw looks like smoke pouring from his forehead. You better stop posting it.

Or else!

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806d9c  No.16675490


A toilet paper wipe song.

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421e2f  No.16675500


That's EXACTLY what happens when you feed strays. They multiply right before your eye

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b42f5d  No.16675517



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c772c8  No.16675528


exactly what a master shill would say!


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ba484b  No.16675540

Where are they now?

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70eadf  No.16675541


When I load Catalog.

I get 11 rows across and 5 down, each of the boxes say "Q Research"

I don't believe in Q either, but that's what this server HAS on it since Q was popular.

Best thing to do is let Q people do their thing. Otherwise all news comes to a grinding halt, all journalism stops as the debate revolves around this emotional Q bubble.

No longer does Neighborhood news, or RT or gonzo liro matter. . THe TOPIC is defending Q, the work is to argue against Q haters.

IT's a HUnter Thompson style jounalist argument. I was on the ground in Normandy asking why a fucking Ukranian nazi flag flies there 70 years later but now we're all got our panties in a bunch talking about Q nonsense instead. Q clocks, Q drops Q proofs, NOrmandy is out. Trying to find out what the WHO is doing that's out, Q is the bubble now, WWG1WGA nothing else matters, who cares about chem trails or nano metals in your brain, only the Q drop from 4 years ago matters.

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f262b0  No.16675553

You have to ask yourself why do they push the race mixing propaganda so hard?

They only promote it with certain races, other races they protect from it.

You have to ask yourself why.

The answer will never be what their shills push because they try to tell you what to think.

Think for yourself.

What if there is another explanation why it's done, would you even consider it?

Would you consider that there are 2 basic types on entities in the universe? Those that are positive and those that are negative,

The positive entities are at war with the negative polarized entitles. (Think in terms of energy, positive and negative like a magnet)

Each race of humans was altered from the original human form by a specific and different ET race. Some humans are descendants of positive ET's and some are descendants of negative ET's.

The negative ET's want the offspring of the positive ET's wiped out or breed out.

The offspring of the positive ET's are being targeted for elimination.

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c3de17  No.16675563

How To Correctly Post Articles

here and on Truth



Sauce - Source/page gotten

A snippet of info, detailing the subject matter.

Today there were many posts, but older anons, that did not have this, but just a pic, that turned out to be fake news.

We are all guilty, but a good reminder to each other when we see it, helps.

When someone is digging, it's crucial to time, to get the right sources, to map something out, and we do that by correctly posting with all the ingredients.

Tanks plus reposting only makes us look like dumbasses.

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09b15e  No.16675568


Tell Kash I want my Rolex

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8211d5  No.16675578


noice autism

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f0ab34  No.16675589




Let's go, Warriors! Champions on and off the court. #Dubnation

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572cab  No.16675629


That is a lot of what ifs and maybes.

If Trump has a Trump card, it would be nice to play it so we can then play round up. Long over due, we are not billionaires.

911 was 20 years ago, it now closer to 21 years ago. Some of us had friends and family members die as a result of these criminals. We deserve justice TODAY!

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7015e2  No.16675643


Track 04 "Over Me"

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38f6ff  No.16675697


I have to admit, it really does feel like nobody's driving this bus….

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ba484b  No.16675727


BBC News (World)


Fires burn through Shanghai chemical plant

Image shows fire in Shanghai


Fires burn through Shanghai chemical plant

One person dies in the blaze, which spews black smoke into the sky above China's largest city.

4:23 AM · Jun 18, 2022·SocialFlow

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d214ee  No.16675742



Thank, Barak

Say HI to Big Mike!

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aa9594  No.16675775


Ok, bye. Go clickbait argue with someone else now.

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f262b0  No.16675779


Now I'm 😕 confused

I was thoughting they wanted out of the deal

Now they are capitulating to his demands

All the while shadow banning his tweets.

Popcorning intensifying

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4a48cd  No.16675837


Tattletale for ratings

Just an excuse to talk about Q

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0e70da  No.16675871


Hips more narrow then shoulders.

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3bcbe1  No.16675884

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children. .

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

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9433c0  No.16675921


Did Someone Order the White SquallD5 Toppings?

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02e08c  No.16675990


high i.q. post

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8b3ca6  No.16675994

Q never left

>they were gone so long and we survived

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e20127  No.16675997

>>16439133 @ 0:37

"They had also recruited this other group of people…."

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4752c2  No.16676027

>>16582611 me

>in other words.

There is no need to fight, just have fun, anons.

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c6858e  No.16676041

So all these dregs of agencies and media that come here posting racial hatred are set up so they can report in the media how racists the board is. Got it “wrap up smear 101”

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83c116  No.16676048


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e20127  No.16676049

Nice vaxx photo, sick bastards

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e27fb7  No.16676066


So it was 10 days of darkness

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22ff75  No.16676073


That’s disappointing but not as much as Q disappearing when he did.

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50be98  No.16676079


this photo looks fuckin' weird

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80d8b4  No.16676106


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9433c0  No.16676116


on it.

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0145aa  No.16676122

Hillary Clinton was in France for the elections and Macron still got his ass kicked

Former US Secretary of States Hillary Clinton poses during a photo session in Paris, on June 10, 2022.


Hillary Clinton, invitée de Christine Ockrent dans Affaires étrangères samedi 11 juin à 11h sur France Culture


French President Macron rejected Prime Minister Borne's offer to resign

June 21, 2022

3:59 AM EDT

PARIS, June 21 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron rejected Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne's offer to resign in the wake of this weekend's parliament election result, said Macron's Elysee office.


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ea28ec  No.16676132


terrible photoshop job, demon.



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d5fa51  No.16676151


Is it same person?

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6a2116  No.16676160

It's Indescribably Beautiful!!!

A Perfect Match!

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cad109  No.16676225

June 24 2022

6 6 6

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e921b2  No.16676228


I am applying logic

refute the logic without the chan/msm reflex

I take your memes elsewhere and distribute. If they SUCK I can't use them.

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f151a4  No.16676262


please define "physically retarded"

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ea075f  No.16676288


dude's bots are fighting with eachother….that's funny.

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7c6370  No.16676296


They tell you in the names. They have to tell you or else they get Karma.

Fox News

Definition of fox

transitive verb

1a : to trick by ingenuity or cunning : OUTWIT

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60b7f8  No.16676300


Isn't this retard illiterate for whatever reason?

That's okay, I heard you can fuck up someone with a pencil too….which might just be more gratifying in the end.

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cf06a1  No.16676366

iPhones bro..

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ee8e9d  No.16676369

Depopulate the world…

They are after our CHILDREN!!!

Democrats…We can kill them in the womb by ABORTION!!!…

Pfizer…We will kill them in the wombs with the VAX…

Abbot/Baby formula industries…We can kill them by not supplying the much needed formula…

Deep State…Adrenochrome!!!

Deep State/FBI/CIA/DOJ…We can kill them in our SCHOOLS…

Even a CAVEMAN could figure it out!!!

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18123e  No.16676371


To bring over their plagues

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09eb37  No.16676417


Doesn't matter as long as the Pentagon is run by Zionists and Bolsheviks.

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6a2116  No.16676434


no, SC didn't ban abortion. Just said there is no constitutional right. Sent back to states. Lower court blocking Texas law

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ba484b  No.16676436


She says she “Saw documents burned”


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0145aa  No.16676448



Columbus was working for Spain,

which was working for the Papacy.

The Papacy never got over it.

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f262b0  No.16676458


Hips don’t lie

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ff2ed8  No.16676461

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7eb70e  No.16676492


Rics hair tho


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83c116  No.16676496

Rep. Elise Stefanik: GOP Ready to Provide Counter Programming to ‘Illegitimate’ January 6 Hearing

Republicans are ready to provide counterprogramming to the “illegitimate” January 6 Committee hearing, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told Breitbart News Saturday.

The committee announced it will be holding its first primetime hearing on Thursday, June 9 at 8 p.m. Eastern. The upcoming hearing gained even more attention after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro for refusing to testify before the committee.

Stefanik said the committee is about nothing more than punishing political opponents and targeting “patriotic Trump supporters.” Further, she noted that it does not even address the actual issue — to make sure the U.S. Capitol has adequate security. Meanwhile, she said Americans are dealing with rampant inflation, high gas prices, a border crisis, and baby formula crisis. It is going to be both a “circus” and “political witch hunt,” Stefanik predicted.

“[Democrats] are doubling down looking for any desperate attempt to try to change the narrative. But look, the American people are smart. They see through this, they want a Congress that’s focused on the issues that matter to them,” she said.

Further, the House Republican conference chairwoman said the GOP is ready to counter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) partisan witch hunt.


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8211d5  No.16676550



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7e0586  No.16676579


Funny thing about Starbuck's products: If you look at the sides of on the label they put weird glyphs next to the barcodes. Wonder what that's about.

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5f2727  No.16676581


>She hates your fucking whining. She left you behind because no real man whines like little girl.

And she asked (you) to speak on her behave? STFU!!!

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36d68b  No.16676616

anons have a link to the Trump rally this afternoon?

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27498f  No.16676642



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ac2df6  No.16676653


telegram ma'am

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9e8883  No.16676715


I only smoke crack with joe biden's shit kittens.

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02e08c  No.16676774


Anyone savvy in basic programming could make that screen and replicate what they showed you w/out it having any relation to this board.

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9e8883  No.16676778


I would liked to have hung out w him.

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d61bda  No.16676780



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6d90d6  No.16676791



watch it again, anon

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6f3b75  No.16676804


He's trying to motivate. You do see what he's doing, right? You see what LTG Flynn has done in the past with this, right?

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ddea64  No.16676841


>We're in the pipe

homie dont surf

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fccc7d  No.16676858


they do now

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c6858e  No.16676876


The antifa terrorists are hostile enemy combatants.

If the reds try to seize power by force these vermin will be leading the charge.

When they attack kill em all.

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a57717  No.16676877



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2d4f60  No.16676902


Q post


30-Nov-2017 12:38:37 AM EST


Focus on Hussein.

Revelations coming very very soon.

HUMA - SA - Hussein.

HLR (first).

Civil rights attorney.

13th District - Sen.


Hussein v HRC v McCain.

Why is this relevant?

Follow the money pre-pres.

Follow the connections pre-pres.

Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?

Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?

Think Asia.

Think NK.

What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?

What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?


Define hostage.

The Sum of all Fears.

Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?


What is a pill?

When is it hard to swallow?

How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?

Define stages.

Define puppets.

Define puppet handlers.

Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.

Expand your thinking.

Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?


Does POTUS control all matters classified?


Have faith.

These people are losers!


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2a580d  No.16676913



doardtards BTFO

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36d68b  No.16676933


Ukraine is the keystone…

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13b2f0  No.16676938


Who benefits from you NOT voting?

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52fafe  No.16676955


Yep…Quincy Illinois.

Isn’t it a town near the river that was considered a SWAMP when it was founded?

Metaphor: A country crossing river that needs to be drained.

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2b8ab0  No.16676962



>>16420148 This Obama-Biden advisor suggested surrendering US sovereignty to a world government

>>16420149 Vatican - Pope Q drop map active link Archive

>>16420160 Two Brits and a Morrocan captured in Ukraine are sentenced to death by Russia proxy gov

>>16420165 Biden Delivers Remarks at the IV CEO Summit of the Americas

>>16420193 5 Marines Killed in MV-22B Crash in Southern California as Recovery Continues and Investigation Begins

>>16420211 One Michigan County’s Police Dept. Has “Blown Through Their Fuel Budget” and will No Longer Respond to Every 911 Call In-Person

>>16420233 VoterGA REPORT: Evidence Shows Georgia Voting System May Have Added 15% to Raffensperger Totals


>>16420294 More Than 1,000 Monkeypox Cases Reported to WHO: Briefing

>>16420329 FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval.

>>16420373 Meta Slapped With 8 Lawsuits Over Algorithms That Hook Youth And Ruin Their Lives

>>16420220 British mercenary says he was ‘duped’ into Ukraine conflict by Western media

>>16420495 House Delays Judicial Protection Bill in order to Expand Coverage of Personal Security Details to Staffers

>>16420534 Mexican truck driver indicted for attempting to import $18M in methamphetamines

>>16420620 Judicial Watch Uncovers Dozens of Records of Illegal Molecular Research Reported to NIH

>>16420630 Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre is accused of sexually assaulting another woman at Jeffrey Epstein's direction

>>16420663 James Biden Water Island

>>16420677 DHS to go after 'conspiracy' forums in terror threat bulletin

>>16420758 JUST IN 2 people trapped in chocolate tank at Mars factory in Pennsylvani

>>16420821 Boeing B-52H Stratofortress 61-0017 (The Lone Star Lady II)


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cf06a1  No.16677014


your glow seems to be resonating at a lower frequency today?

does it hertz?

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026207  No.16677046


I've been looking at eyebrows today don't know why

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ac56c5  No.16677092


>Why didn’t the Q trip change with the other trips?

>CodemonkeyZ made a special whitelist for Q before retiring from 8kun.top.

>I don’t know how he did that

The most suspect part of all?

Yeah, don't know how that works.

But, trust me it's Q.

So, no need to do any silly verification process, Q, you're good to go now!

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6a2116  No.16677131


Because you clipped the time segment. Post whole video and it will go through.

ie - ditch this part : &t=319s

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56fc37  No.16677133


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13b2f0  No.16677145

Wohooo there was a 17 from Potus! He loves us!

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875ee0  No.16677185


yea it's the changing his mind part that's the problem. how could anyone trust FJ again after what he did? and i'm still convinced no one could be so stupid to consistently make the wrong decisions over and over again, refusing to listen to anons. for all we know, it _was_ masterfully controlled opposition.


nah they weren't in cahoots at the time. FJ just stopped giving a shit and OSS basically ran the board by himself. i don't think OSS is a bad actor (i know, controversial opinion around here). he's just passionate and lacks self awareness. i learned back in summer of 2018 that if you spam your idea/viewpoint, no one will take you seriously and you'll look like a shill, even if you're right. that's what happened to him. he went off the deep end, but he still cared about this place a hell of a lot more than FJ, maybe even 8bit the past few years. don't forget, they can't be the same people. they are all hunkered down in discord with each other. separate users, separate voices in voice chats. it's always been the private backrooms that are antithetical to everything we do here (anons are fameless, nameless, selfless etc) that led to the downfall. that's where 8bit was led astray by his BVs. that's where they started contacting and empowering OSS, that's where they are right now, coordinating hivemind activities. that entire board is just an offshoot of their server. bellalu, OSS, FJ, 8bit, kekbees and whoever else has meandered in. i brought up bellalu because she is cozying up to jim on social media and jim has recently expressed displeasure with notables here. i wouldn't be surprised if she was trying to get close to him to take over qresearch. if you dig into her leaked messages you'll find that she's had her eye on qresearch since 2018, "joking" that she is its "rightful heir". she claims to have a husband and kids in order to be let into the boys club but her intentions are clear. how did a discord attention whore wind up being co-owners of an offshoot board with the creator of qresearch? something smells.

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ac5972  No.16677239


anubis is the 'god' of the dead.

'who is in control?'

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875ee0  No.16677255


> What does that mean to the average peon who doesn't have bitcoin, stocks, bonds, Treasuries, just living from paycheck to paycheck?

Not giving advice per se

Small brokerage account with Fidelity for example.

Inverse leveraged ETFs go up when the key markets go down. SQQQ, SDOW, SRTY, SPXU, SPXS.

UVXY is general volatility ETF which goes up when markets are in volatile modes.

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c85dde  No.16677309


Hillbags will be so proud.

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9d5d57  No.16677311


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2a580d  No.16677321


It will literally gut the government.

Which is exactly what we need.

All of it needs to go except what was explicitly written in the Constitution.

They've been shitting on our rights for a hundred years.


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23f3a0  No.16677330


Prayers for all patriots and anons, family's and chilldren and ALL chilldren.

We are in this to the end. Life's not a movie, but the ending coming, shall be wonderfully phenomenal!!!

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07e303  No.16677409


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e3bb4a  No.16677453


You're the one being a puppet, you're just not smart enough to know it. Dance puppet!

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f4c0b8  No.16677458


Welcome. It's a glorious day.

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2a580d  No.16677462


Nuremberg Trials:


archive.vn/u8OjU – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”

Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.”



http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 - “One Third of the Holocaust” - documentary

www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 - “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”

https://codoh.com/ - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website


https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ - “The "Holocaust" testimonies you DIDN'T hear!”

http://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”


-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"

https://www.ancreport.com/documentary/spinning-squirrel-how-pysch-warfare-propaganda-became-the-historical-narrative/ - “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”

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c5e312  No.16677464

White sQuall

"Coming to a theater near you"

Scot Free

When does a bird sing? When it tweets.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





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d2e24b  No.16677470


they cannot act

its against their oath

like the uvalde cowards

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52fafe  No.16677535


Real Time News, [22.06.22 12:30]

[ Video ]

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is always a clown 🤡. He kicks of bulldozing of nearly 100 dirt bikes.


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c5695d  No.16677540



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2b8ab0  No.16677569


I said 0 delta were impossible?

Where did I say that?

Please point to the post where I did.

Let me check what you are going:

>Jim enables TOR posting

>Q with trip using TOR is fake

>but somehow new Que without trip is real Q, but also using TOR

Why would real Q - assuming that Jim is comp'd and posts as a LARP - post using TOR as well and not being able to deliver simply proofs like another AF1 pic?

You seem to be an expert on Que, so tell me.

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3864ec  No.16677571



Now using name pilotorb, which has also been posting for a couple weeks and shilling for the man.

Now pilotorb is red texting pretending to be other red Texter or just confirmation… there are teams of shills that interchange habits. Habits that disrupt the board on purpose!

No good motherfuckers!

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46150a  No.16677581



program aims to protect against blast- or impact-induced behavioral and cognitive injuries. Find out how Cornerstone targets the initial response, milliseconds after injury. http://spr.ly/6016zgJi6


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d55b23  No.16677618


As in Gordon Schumway

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78ac53  No.16677648

kill all child rapists.

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7fb90a  No.16677660



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4bc0aa  No.16677679


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33dc42  No.16677681


Every fucking time. This is a catholic invasion run out of the vatican. They want a world of zombie slaves.

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9eb1bf  No.16677685


Tell us another story about ECW.

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4dd7c3  No.16677689

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


























do it Q , Q+…….Just DO it !!!




















Come and Take it Faggots






































lonE skuM

zuck wife

rizvi traverse







Now Comes THEP@in ___23!!!

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥









>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

> Follow the yellow brick road!




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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3fc047  No.16677696

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211f8a  No.16677716


truth hurts.

Do you really think all the

israelites taken into captivity in the bible

could have been white in Egypt?

think again…and watch the video when time permits.

It can be hard to grasp at first, but it's true.

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45a730  No.16677763


Pretty much.

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17f302  No.16677768


The Christian Cult has made sex a holy sacrament, and worships a virgin. (Fewer mouths to feed this way)

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52fafe  No.16677779


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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19168f  No.16677810



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4c7264  No.16677820


The people are brainwashed.

There needs to be pain for the awakening.

Look around you- it’s a fucking nightmare and the fuckers are still gobbling up the narrative.

More pain is required until the entire country is screaming for it to stop.

Will it take more dead vaxxed sheeple to get the point across?

Pharma will be exposed at some point.

The truth will come out.

This needed to happen.

We all had a choice. I did not crack. I thought for myself and I don’t deserve to die from the vax- others did not and do deserve to die from the vax.

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fcc650  No.16677828

>CERN upcoming.


Move along, nothing to see here


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178940  No.16677833


Wounded, but ambulatory.

Did Dwyer stroll back to Jonestown after the airstrip assault? Was he there during the massacre? Reportedly, at one point on a tape recorded as the killings began, Jones's own voice commands, "Get Dwyer out of here!" Reiterman assumes that this was a "mistake" on Jones's part, that Dwyer was not actually there. If he was, however, the implications are chilling.

Dwyer was an agent of the CIA.

For his part, Dwyer neither confirms nor denies that he was a CIA agent, but he was identified in the 1968 edition of Who's Who in the CIA. A month after the

massacre the San Mateo Times, a Bay Area newspaper (hometown paper of Leo Ryan), reported that "State Department officials acknowledge that a CIA agent was dispatched to Jonestown within minutes of the airstrip assault." Dwyer denied to the Times that he was there at the time. According to one report, Dwyer's next stop after Guyana was Grenada.

Nor was Dwyer necessarily the only intelligence-connected character in Guyana. The U.S. ambassador himself, John Burke, later went to work for the "intelligence community staff" of the CIA. Richard McCoy, another embassy official, has acknowledged his counterintelligence work for the U.S. Air Force. The socialist government of Guyana had piqued the interest of U.S. intelligence for years. If there were covert operations going on there, no one should be surprised.

Leo Ryan's aide Joseph Holsinger feared that the CIA might have been running a covert operation there so sinister it would shock even hardened CIA-watchdogs. In 1980 Holsinger, who'd already discovered Dwyer's presence at Jonestown, received a paper from a professor at U.C. Berkeley. Called "The Penal Colony," the paper detailed how the CIA's mind-control program, code-named MK-ULTRA, was not stopped in 1973, as the CIA had told Congress. Instead, the paper reported, it had merely been transferred out of public hospitals and prisons into the more secure confines of religious cults.

Jonestown, Holsinger believed, was one of those cults.

There were large amounts of psychoactive, i.e., mind-control, drugs found on the site of the suicides. Larry Layton, the Jones lieutenant who became the only person charged in any of the killings (he was in the airstrip hit team, and somehow survived the Jonestown massacre), was described as sinking into a "posthypnotic trance" as he sunk ever deeper under Jones's spell. Layton's own father called him "a robot."

Layton's brother-in-law, the man who arranged the lease on Jonestown with the Guyanese government for Jones, was reportedly a mercenary for the CIA-backed UNITA rebels in Angola. Layton's father, according to Holsinger, was the biochemist in charge of chemical warfare for the U.S. Army at its Dugway Proving Ground in Utah.

Jones himself, the supposed Soviet sympathizer, was once a fundraiser for Richard Nixon, around the same time Jones declared himself the reincarnation of both Jesus and Lenin.

Then there was the problem of the bodies. The Jonestown body count jumped by about four hundred within two days after the suicides, leading to speculation that escapees may have been hunted down and killed. In any case, Guyanese coroner Leslie Mootoo testified that as many as seven hundred of the dead appeared to have been forcibly killed, not "suicides" at all.

"I believe that it is possible that Jonestown may have been a mind-control experiment," Holsinger said in a 1980 lecture, "that Leo Ryan's congressional visit pierced that veil and would have resulted in its exposure, and that our government, or its agent the CIA, deemed it necessary to wipe out over nine hundred American citizens to protect the secrecy of the operation. "

The "operation," if there was one, may have continued after the suicides. There have been attempts to repopulate Jonestown with Dominican and Indochinese refugees, backed by the Billy Graham organization. There was a Jonestown doppelganger in Guyana even while Jones was still in business. Self-styled "Rabbi" David Hill, with his eight thousand-member Nation of Israel cult, was powerful enough to earn the nickname "vice prime minister" in his travels through the country.


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b55dea  No.16677868

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cb7523  No.16677874


No worries anon. We’ve talked before. I’m never up as early as you though! But my key is to go to bed and wake around the same time each morning. No alarm as I rely on the seasons and sun.

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65ce4d  No.16677883


What does winning sound like?

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6a8223  No.16677884


Something's more wrong than usual then.

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45161c  No.16677889

Operation #PRIDEFALL

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33dc42  No.16677916


Remember when Hillary Russia hoax was a "conspiracy"?

Remember when FBI coup was a "conspiracy"?

Remember when the border crisis was a "conspiracy"?

Remember when voter fraud was a "conspiracy"?

Remember when the Hunter Biden laptop was a "conspiracy"?

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ca3598  No.16677920


More Clowns.

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6d8b8a  No.16677930


US, Taliban to discuss releasing frozen Afghan funds after earthquake

Officials say the US and the Taliban will hold discussions in Qatar on Thursday about unfreezing part of Afghanistan's reserves in the aftermath of a deadly earthquake, especially after Washington allocated half of the frozen sum to 9/11 victims' families, which Taliban at the time slammed as theft and moral decline of the US.

According to The New York Times, the intricate strategy is intended to address a slew of legal blockages originating from the September 11 attacks and the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The White House claimed it is working "urgently" on the endeavor, but an Afghan central bank board member indicated it could take some time to complete.

The Taliban's Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, has arrived in the Qatari capital of Doha for talks, according to Taliban Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hafiz Zia Ahmed.

The State Department said its ambassador to Afghanistan, Tom West, would participate, and said the US was interested in a variety of issues, including human rights and opening schools for girls.

Frozen funds

At the time, Washington froze $7 billion in reserves, while the international community suspended billions in direct help that Afghanistan and its 40 million people had relied on.

Although some help has been restored, the currency has fallen and the country has descended into a catastrophic economic catastrophe.

The 5.9-magnitude earthquake that struck eastern Afghanistan last week, killing over 1,500 people and displacing tens of thousands, adds urgency to the funding argument.

"Negotiations are underway and it is our expectation that a final proposal under discussion will be finalized," said Shah Mehrabi, member of the Supreme Council of the Central Bank of Afghanistan.

However, details on "the mechanism to transfer the reserves to the Central Bank has not been finalized," he told AFP. "It is going to take a while. These things do not happen overnight."

'Get these funds moving'

On her part, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that steps were ongoing "to get these cash moving" from the frozen reserves.

"We are urgently working to address complicated questions about the use of these funds to ensure they benefit the people of Afghanistan and not the Taliban," she told reporters traveling with President Joe Biden to Europe.

The frozen deposits amount to $3.5 billion, which is half of the total amount banned by the US government, with the other half being stolen by the US as described by The Guardian, which reported that taking Afghan money to pay grieving Americans in order to punish the Taliban is nothing less than larceny as collective punishment.

"I have argued that these reserves should be released to the Central Bank," said Shah Mehrabi, member of the Supreme Council of the Central Bank of Afghanistan.

He proposed a "limited, monitored release of reserves" of about $150 million each month to pay for imports. That would help "stabilize prices and help meet the needs of ordinary Afghans so that they can afford to buy bread, cooking oil, sugar, and fuel," alleviating the misery of families facing high inflation, he said.

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915386  No.16677959



Same old playbook, [they] are doing the same thing to Jim and Ron

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fbb4a9  No.16677966


hasn't Turkey been a candidate status for 20 years?

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468c98  No.16677968


>They call us "tall whites"

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07e303  No.16677972


But you gotta go in

Now you gotta go


You Gotta Trust God

Yeah You Gotta Go In

All you do is Trust God

Now that you know this

You ain’t gotta bust off

But you gotta go in

Ain’t Gotta Dust Off

Put Your Faith In Him

Homie Aint gotta go off

you Just gotta go in

Yeah you Gotta know this

Because you were chosen

All you do is Trust God

Cus Hes your Rock

He’ll make a way

Make sure he goes in it

Gotta do

What you gotta do

You Got This Dude

Go Save The World

And Your Girlfriend too

Ain’t Gotta Bust Off

You Just Gotta Bust In

All you do is Trust God

Put your Faith In Him

For your Girlfriend too

Yeah you gotta do

What you gotta do

When you gotta go

you got that Move

Now you got that Flow

Now you got that Grove

Now you got that Rope

Now your girls back too

Know you got this bro

Yeah you got this dude

Now you got the show

Your the Captain too

And you gotta know

That you got the crew

Yeah you gotta bust in

You aint gotta bust off

You gotta go in

Save your girlfriend dude

And your real friends too

Cus you got a family that

Understands you and loves

You too so let all men be liars

So that God be True you

Gotta stay you and you gotta stay true

And you gotta move

And you gotta move

Gotta stay dope

Now you gotta prove

And you gotta save A

Know you got this doh

Cus your the dude

The star of the show

All the things I do

I Do for you and your girlfriend too

Cus I Knew it was you

And your the First One In

Your the Captain Now

Know that you’ve got the Crew

Don’t Let Us Down

Just Get Us Through

Now that you know

Where your girls been too

Know you Love her bro

And She Loves you too

But shes been a hoe

Hasn’t been with you

And you can’t let go

And you can’t sit still

And you can’t say no

All you do is stay Dill

Thats your girlfriend though

Make this whole thing real

Homie Don’t Take The Ring off

Just take the Wheel

Yeah You Gotta Dust Off

Its a package deal

Yeah you Got to know

That You Got To Go

Get your girl back bro

Yeah You Gotta Know

Already got that dope

Put Your Faith In Him

Now you got to go

Now that you got the wheel

And you don’t let go

Now you gotta go

And you gotta move

And you gotta move

Gotta stay dope

Now you gotta prove

And you gotta save A

I know you got this dude

You got to show you got to prove

Know you got this doh

Cus your the dude

The star of the show

All the things I do

I Do for you and your girlfriend too

Cus I Knew it was you

And your the First One In

Your the Captain Now

Know that you’ve got the Crew

Don’t Let Us Down

Just Get Us Through

All You DO Is Trust God

Just Gotta Stay Real

Its a Package Deal

Know You Got This Dude

Yeah You Got To Win

You Can Not Lose

With No Cap Or Lid

Cus your the dude

Save your Girlfriend bro

And your real friends too

Ain’t Gotta Bust Off

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2b42c5  No.16677982


you watching table of titans too? kek

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17f302  No.16678013




Not very "Christian" of you.

Why so glum chum?

Visions of meteorites keeping you from living your best life? I liked it better when we stood a chance against the Nephelim.

God doesn't love us enough to squash them?

Did we fail to turn towards Him?

How are you so sure of your perspective?

If if you are, so sure, why are you fucking around online?

Here to Help?

Here to warn?

Here to scoff?

I would that you would enjoy something….more.

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7bd521  No.16678019


child rapists are also only to be killed.

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93d523  No.16678025

Squad up. Take your pick.

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56d030  No.16678030

SCOTUS rulings for June 29, 2022


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4086ee  No.16678031



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72cfbc  No.16678043


>We got to overwhelm their fake votes with real votes

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46150a  No.16678047

Pelosi: Inside maneuvering can only take you so far. Outside mobilization makes all the difference in the world.

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0d9db8  No.16678057


If you don't think there isn't always going to be a backchannel to most everything that will eventually become a public utility, then I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't think things will ever go back to what they once were, and thank God for that.

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d1a627  No.16678059

'I think you're clear': VOICEMAIL from Joe Biden to Hunter about NY Times report on his Chinese business dealings proves he DID speak to his son about his relationship with criminal dubbed the 'spy chief of China'

Joe Biden called Hunter in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter's dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC

Files on Hunter's abandoned laptop previously disclosed by DailyMail.com show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars

The Times' 2018 story pointed out CEFC's chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted of bribery

Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the 'spy chief of China'

After seeing the story online, Joe called Hunter and left a voicemail

'I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear,' Joe said in the voicemail

The message flies in the face of the president's repeated denials that he ever discussed Hunter's overseas business dealings with his son

President Joe Biden spoke with Hunter about his business dealings with a Chinese criminal his son dubbed the 'spy chief of China,' a voicemail to his son reveals.

The president has repeatedly denied personally and through his press secretary that he ever talked about Hunter's foreign business with his Hunter – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Now, in a voicemail left on Hunter's iPhone, the evidence has come from POTUS' own mouth.

Joe called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying that he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter's dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC.

Files on Hunter's abandoned laptop previously disclosed by DailyMail.com show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars after touting his family connections.

The Times' 2018 story pointed out CEFC's chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions.

It revealed that Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss 'a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.'


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09a29d  No.16678072


that's why the gov persecutes him so


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eb7689  No.16678109


>Hard Glaring Questions

obviously you don't if you're still a Christian. Everything Jewish is pure evil.

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019130  No.16678115

i love about all this stuff i will be hearing in this sham hearing but i hear more fagtalk than anything.

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112f06  No.16678123

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811af7  No.16678126




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45161c  No.16678136


Q said to read the Bible, maybe you should do that

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7f2afb  No.16678151

{PINO} bidAn day 499

Good afternoon anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7

🔥 4E

@ The BLIND sQuirrel on Telegram for the entire series thanks to ya'll here for inspiration, contributions, occasional re-appropriation after adding linguistic clarity and context.

It's hard to believe d5oo is tomorrow. 😏🤔

Come take a view.


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7758dc  No.16678176


>Focus On the Getting anons in office

I rather focus getting in my girlfriend

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9fd032  No.16678189


>We are willing to pay up to $1,000 for pictures of Michelle Obama pregnant

Good luck with that!

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965ecc  No.16678191

The Real Toria Brooke / @wqnderwqman

06/19/2022 19:09:04

Truth Social: 108506653920433623

NEW —Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff says this week the Jan. 6 committee will show evidence of @realDonaldTrump involvement in the fake elector plot. (NBC News)

What about Schiff illegally letting Stephen Colbert employees into the Capitol on Thursday, June 16, 2022?


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17803c  No.16678193


>Normies can't tell it is a mish mash of Garbage all out of context.

That's what I am thinking too. They won't research. I think this probably looks bad to them.

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881f4f  No.16678196

cracks in the wall,

crevice's opening,

Light is penetrating,

Evil will be shone upon,

we are guided to this truth

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65ce4d  No.16678203

Bill & Dopey's Big Adventure…

Big ego, big palazzo: Critics bash bachelor Bill Gates’ Roman real estate conquest

June 30, 2022

"Bill Gates is saying buongiorno, Roma!

The billionaire — who is the brand-new owner of more than 2,000 acres of prime farmland in northeastern North Dakota — is adding something more luxe to his burgeoning real estate portfolio: the Palazzo Marini in Rome. Reports say Gates plans to convert the 17th-century structure, located near the fabled Spanish Steps, into a six-star hotel.

The building is very close to the Trevi Fountain, Piazza di Spagna and Via Condotti, and not far from the Piazza Navona and Via Veneto.

Gates, 66, the former CEO of Microsoft and its largest shareholder, and his frequent investment partner, Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, 67, are paying about $170 million for the property, Corriere della Sera reported.

The palazzo is reportedly a “real fixer upper” that’s been used as a pop-up Ikea shop selling kitchenware and as a canteen for legislators in the country’s lower house of Parliament in recent years.

Gates and the prince likely will shell out big bucks to turn the building, which spans four city blocks in the heart of Rome, into a luxury hotel that reportedly will include about 100 rooms and possibly space for a conference center, gym and spa.

It’s planned as a “six star” hotel, even though such a ranking doesn’t officially exist. According to at least one travel writer, other extremely high-end hotels worthy of six stars include the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the Baur au Lac in Zurich, Le Bristol in Paris, the Mandarin Oriental in Thailand and the Taj Falaknuma Palace in south India.

A spokesperson for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts disputed the characterization of Palazzo Marini being purchased by Gates and the prince. He said it was more accurate to say the Rome property was bought by Fort Partners, a Puerto Rican company, and will be managed by the Four Seasons.

Gates and Prince Alwaweed were stymied in their efforts to buy the venerable Danieli Hotel on Venice’s Grand Canal earlier this year because Venetians didn’t want foreign investors taking control of the property."

Sauce/moar: https://nypost.com/2022/06/30/critics-bash-bill-gates-real-estate-conquests-in-rome-nd/

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ea1575  No.16678251


>AYP production

ATP dummy.

holy fucking shit.

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4c7264  No.16678259

IT BEGINS: Leftist Group Announce Mass Protest Outside Justice Clarence Thomas’s Home Tonight


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965ecc  No.16678274



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b95f59  No.16678290

But muh Salt

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cb9965  No.16678299

this anon has an urge to hear or see

something beatifull

here is one for you

now kick back the ball

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fbb4a9  No.16678305


isn't this a "manifesto"?

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211f8a  No.16678314


feels good, but transfers no knowledge

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112f06  No.16678317


go fuck yourself.

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cc454c  No.16678321

Is the "Truth about January 6th" documentary worth watching?

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8d0284  No.16678334


>God bless

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6ebd71  No.16678339


Thank u new baker.

Meat in 30 so u can suck Biden’s saggy ball sack.

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858166  No.16678340

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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02a984  No.16678384


>You constantly post but don't speak openly. Tell them who the girl is coward.

No because like I said I will prefer to live a private life with my future wife, end of story.

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1a1116  No.16678389


Donald J. Trump

/ @realDonaldTrump

05/01/2022 21:21:01

Truth Social: 108229719600732174

% buffered





Image Name: 8c49d6e0c2dc8825.mp4

Filename: 8c49d6e0c2dc8825.mp4

Great evening in NEBRASKA, thank you!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/09/2018 14:51:28 ID: ff4ecd

8chan/qresearch: 2947825

Anonymous 09/09/2018 14:41:59 ID:7778e7

8chan/qresearch: 2947705

New shill tactic is to smear Sean Hannity

Just so everyone understands, Q has directly told us to watch Hannity. Q also links us to Sara Carter, who is literally on Hannity every single night.

Hannity is a patriot.



Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/10/2018 14:21:27 ID: 5b7643

8chan/qresearch: 614360

Future proves past.

Revealed Sessions has appointed someone outside of DC (long ago).

What are sealed?

Re_read drops re: Podesta / Huma.

You have more than you know.


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4c7264  No.16678404


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bc3bbe  No.16678413


Jerome powell mumbling about what power he has over banks, none, they are all criminal organisations !!

WATCH LIVE: Federal Reserve Chair Powell testifies before Senate as interest rates, inflation rise

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fbb4a9  No.16678421


Ah yes. Everyone that disagrees with you is Jewish. Same ol' circle jerk slide from a retarded agent. I'll bet you wish this board was still under your control and you could ban at whim. Fuck off, absolute retard.

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f2929b  No.16678429



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1fd191  No.16678433

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/04/2022 21:21:38

Truth Social: 108422240572837812

Senator @chuckgrassley is doing a tremendous job representing the Great State of Iowa!

During my Administration, Chuck worked closely with me to Appoint and Confirm Judges who Uphold the Rule of Law and Interpret the Constitution as our Founders Intended.

A Courageous Patriot, Chuck fights to Support our Farmers, Empower Ethanol Producers, Restore American Energy Independence, and Protect Life.

Please Get Out and Vote for Chuck Grassley on June 7th – he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


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3a81d1  No.16678438


>you in Ottawa still?

Not even close, tard.

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17f302  No.16678450


What did you think the P_ele was really about?

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3b5e08  No.16678462


Beer and parade. Promises were made.

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f4d3f1  No.16678463


"biden commits $200 billion"

he is the broke guy that is always going to buy a round at the bar

if you will give him the money

how soon until countries won't take his checks and ask for gold

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93d523  No.16678466


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72cfbc  No.16678470


nice digits.

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3767d7  No.16678476


>Could have fed the world 5 times over..for this stupid shit

The European Union loves to waste money on nothing so long as they get to pay themselves a lot in the process. Much like they love to throw away perfectly good food because it isn't the right shape.

So as a result of their fancy graphics does that mean my electricity bill is now free?

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2625f9  No.16678477


He has to be a bot.

Bots are getting more clever. The Google one from last month is 1/500th the database of the one OpenAI will release later this summer.

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be4d1b  No.16678479


you are a good barker,

just easily distracted

seen glimpsles of someone who needed some mentoring.

baker had nephews like you, loads of potential but easily distracted.

glad to see you stuck in there

now get back to work faggot



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cb7523  No.16678483



100% legit I seen that live on CNN.

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72bbf2  No.16678487


And yes…someone knew…

There is unusual activity via tor in the last couple of days

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f0cb0c  No.16678488


First line looks like blah blah blah

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ea1575  No.16678492


Lost me. If there is a odd pattern, I'm not seeing it. ID's, even for the same IP change every bread… so it's not that…

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1f623c  No.16678513


terminal NY-VA

I ain't hoppin to Italy nigga.

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f02624  No.16678514


was thinking about a project of making memes

or at least a file or website

of the suspected crimes of these people

or even just their stories, family histories etc

even "body count" lists

there's so much to track

where's the files???

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d1a627  No.16678522


The best is yet to come, or so I've heard, you decide.

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9e7a0c  No.16678534


If you wanted to crash the markets and do a financial reset, which [they] do, not a lot of better options than to get her elevated to the presidency and tank it then. Doesn't matter if a no-confidence market sell-off/devastating crash would be the organic reaction to her ascendency or not. It would be plausible as all hell.

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3767d7  No.16678539


Keep posting you are almost halfway there.

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28152b  No.16678549


>took the easy way out

>doesn't realize hell awaits him upon death

Comfy. Now I am just waiting for the public declassification board headed by ECW to have people publicly hanged for their traitorous acts against the US. [F] and [D].

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2345a0  No.16678551



>I'm not seeing the deeper meaning here, or a connection to some dick named 'Babyfist'. Babyfist replied to Dan, Dan did not reply to Babyfist. I could call myself MAGALION17, Dan could post a picture of an angry MAGA lion, I could reply to him and it would be the same deal.

Let me ask you this: Why is babyfist pretending to be the audience of the NAME the PICTURE in DANs POST is referencing? Activate almongs and think about it. The picture is named Baby Fist. 1st result when searching on google images. Instead of Q verifying himself we got a picture from Dan saying Babyfist. THEN babyfist does narrative control but WE ALREADY 5:5.

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e1fa4d  No.16678560


>Qclock tying news to drops every day

Thank you clockfag.

Warroom opening this morning

"All 13 clocks must strike at the same second" - John Adams


"the Gathering Storm"


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2c73ce  No.16678563

This may be the first time in the history of the Republic that we have a lame duck president in the White House before the first half of his first term. And in the middle of a self-induced national recession.

His own party is done with him already.


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3b5e08  No.16678565

Devin just did a 17 re truth storm started 10:52 and ended 11:38

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89c5a0  No.16678571



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915386  No.16678576


>Fredrick Brennan


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2df1b3  No.16678581


i dunno if it was a twenty year old carb or a filter but i am pretty sure the magneto went , so when i got the whole kit , i did everything but the lines, cause mine were great

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fc03a3  No.16678592


Q is allowing it to trend. Controlled demolition for all to see.

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891734  No.16678594



As legit as the potato salad left out in the rain

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442253  No.16678598

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0a46a4  No.16678602


Anon wannabe nothing you said is holding water here and your analysis is dead wrong.

We took what Q left us and made it better.

Q is not back but when Q comes back it's going to be with a big bang he is going to post the arrest's are happening right now.

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fcc650  No.16678608


That's why she's a fren. She cucked the committee.

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2fdaf4  No.16679383




makes sense, considering "live" events…


AKRON Streaming cont…

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ff915f  No.16679415

the sliver screen….

when keepin it real goes rong

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ccf2a2  No.16679420


That should do it.. thanks anon.

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1156fd  No.16679426


That just hit me, its funny and true

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1a6fef  No.16679429


How did St Paul knew the Q meme? a miracle? Project Looking Glass? Tesla Time Machine?

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b235c1  No.16679434


>This won't work

says the highest ranking asshat.

the real issue is that there is a better way to do it. cold FISSION in an electrolytic cell was invented 30 yrs ago.

easy and dirt cheap, it has been ruthlessly suppressed by the gov't and the mil/industrial complex who want to keep all their dangerous toys.

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39a73c  No.16679441


Be proud…….

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cb7689  No.16679442


It's funny how after years none of them still know the basic idea of how any of this basically works, hell they call Q , Qanon kek

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713abe  No.16679455


so u better prepare because im getting emotional

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2961bf  No.16679461




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93ac4c  No.16679470

Hillary Clinton's Black Accent "I don't feel no ways tired" - 2007 Selma, AL

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88f5d6  No.16679471

Philly Man Sentenced For Sex Trafficking Minor


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2fdaf4  No.16679475


I'll be praying for Wizards then.

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3a9e34  No.16679476

After the Storm is over, we should use all the gold in Israel to build a giant Trump statue where Abe Lincoln's statue is.

The Lincoln statue needs to be destroyed since he freed the slaves.

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e27a1a  No.16679477

https://www.thedailybeast.com/conspiracy-theorists-are-already-freaking-out-about-the-next-pandemic-as-part-of-the-so-called-great-reset?ref=home As the coronavirus crisis shows (some) signs of waning, the people who tried to argue it was all part of a sinister government plot are pivoting to a new boogeyman.

Mark Hay

Updated May. 01, 2022 2:13AM ET

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3e28be  No.16679482


Makes Anon wonder how much money PP has shoveled towards UN over the years.

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ccf2a2  No.16679488


arrrrrrgh captain

is yee recommending a book read?


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f2eb6d  No.16679489


7000 breads later

I missed this place

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c714ca  No.16679492


uh…I don't want to sound ungrateful in any way shape or form…but could you possibly enlighten us when the [END] is?

Most of us are running out of…well….everything.

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7139d6  No.16679495


1000 Azov fighters hiding

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162e8e  No.16679500


they look cool

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14ad59  No.16679507

MR. Ching Chong with Mr. Ching Chong behind him says FBI says all good

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52044c  No.16679508


remember they wouldn't let Trump fill it up?

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482337  No.16679517

1. Modify site settings to adjust the SECURE TRIPCODE SALT, allowing you, a site admin, to knowingly enter ANY SECURE TRIPCODE at your desire.

2. Using the now known tripcode, LARP as Q for some time. Do more site admin/BO work such as removal of previous obvious "B" LARPs on /projectdcomms/.

3. Now that the grift is done, return salt to pre-rotation (or don't, who's gonna notice).


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11dd55  No.16679518

"Maybe later this summer with John Durham"

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931faf  No.16679519


Well…..here, start with this.

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86fbab  No.16679527



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3e28be  No.16679532


Don't flush those Stem Cells before someone can capture them

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f9d46f  No.16679534


>Walmart just did it to me on a filing cabinet I bought.

Shut up! I bought a forklift last week and it is being delivered Tuesday.

Idiot Walfart shopper. You should fire yourself.

Going to Walfart for a fucking filing cabinet? You are doomed to fail.

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08adeb  No.16679537


You have life lessons to lean during this incarnation. If you don’t learn it, it will come back and happen again WORSE.

You failed this lesson and now it’s likely to happen again.

What were you trying to be taught with this lesson anon?

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1a6fef  No.16679542


digits confirm

Lake City Quiet Pills

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7139d6  No.16679547


I respect all till they disrespect me.

You get zero respect from me.

Your games might work on others, but I laugh at them.

You will believe one day.

I will wait for your apology.

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b199a4  No.16679549


Forgot how…you do it.

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8c32cf  No.16679555


found the redditor.

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096e50  No.16679557




[M]ultiple [M]eanings exist

MM = Mary Magdalene

This fight goes DEEP…

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713abe  No.16679562


I bet he can still suck dicks, though.

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7b8226  No.16679565


Do you sell prints. That eye would be awesome to hang on my wall.

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ff915f  No.16679566

Sidney Powell


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c8c423  No.16679570


Obviously it depends what processing power you have got to do, but with the complexity of the salts used, I call bullshit on it being possible in anywhere near that timeframe.

The cost in equpment and electricity would be insane, far outweighing the tiny amount of revenue to be made by increasing traffic to the site.

I'm not saying we should blindy trust the new posts. In fact quite the opposite, i'm skeptical but i just don't see that part of your argument making sense

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c52cde  No.16679575

Roberts is corrupt to the core


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931faf  No.16679576

Everyone knows that isn't Q, you simp.

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11dd55  No.16679583



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ad7b50  No.16679585


Donald said a 6, not a 10

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3e28be  No.16679588


BREAKING HEADLINES, [09.06.22 17:01]

A Call to Arms: Teachers in Conservative States Are Volunteering to Carry Guns

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/0M23fh


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903469  No.16679593



He didn't get where he is by talent. They're trying like hell to make him a Politician. Seems likely.

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f9d46f  No.16679596


When a meme you made gets handed back you:


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cb7689  No.16679603

>>16561098 (Not this bread)

Hmm. Care to explain the No (You) then suddenly, (You)'s on the Q "Proof deltas?"

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b4b7ab  No.16679610


Fuck off, Jew! Go suck some baby dick!

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d986af  No.16679615

You mean, you didn't figure it out?

Oh, you're really not as smart

as I thought you were.

I guess I gave you too much credit.

What have you done?

What's black and blue and dead all over?


If you think you can stop

what's coming…

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ab0f22  No.16679616


You're trash.

Get fucked.

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1f8d65  No.16679619


ᖇ. ᔕᑕOTT ᔕIᑕᗩᖇIO 2.0


Happy Friday July 1st 2022 🇺🇸

7:56 AM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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8ce614  No.16679623


The problem with the plan, is that I don't trust humans.

They're all fucking corrupt, all, around the world.

So that plan will not work, untill ETs will land.

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15f905  No.16679633


I don't know about the security status of the Q account or projectcomms board. It's interesting to hear all the theories though.

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715ee1  No.16679640



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ec525a  No.16679646



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80386e  No.16679661


Not gonna lie, that looks pretty good. I know nothing about Black Adam, so that usually helps

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b199a4  No.16679663


He's not having fun any more.

Destroying the Constitution was way more fun for him than watching it make an epic comeback.

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8e9749  No.16679667


>Where the post rate is even slower and the quality as absolute state as it can get.

That means it's working!

>t. Jim Watkins

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839045  No.16679671


There is no such immunity.

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162e8e  No.16679684


Why does his cake look like Santa? Is it almost Christmas for Anons?

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a70043  No.16679688



Thanks, anon.


note her hair style,

the way HRC wore it in her pic.

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37d835  No.16679703





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daffe4  No.16679706


>Oh so now it's Sgt. B. It was babyfist until he came here and BTFO'd your shilly ass.

Kek, yea that's exactly what just happened.

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6534b7  No.16679709


Write in “Royal Rumble Cage Match” so that we know it is you.

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ec9de3  No.16679710


The “Lesson Learned” that those controlling government assholes attempt to teach is, “The world is one connected people”. They use suffering and death as teaching tools.

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c52cde  No.16679711


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485770  No.16679714


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:






Zionist political privilege:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Democrats can get away with everything, except anti-Semitism:



"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.

The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.

These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?

Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.

When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.

Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."


This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Jewish control of the MSM:


Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?

Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022



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76b455  No.16679725


Get well soon note takers and tanks for the list. !!!



Tucker Carlson: Why are they so angry?

405,277 views Premiered 14 hours ago Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on the Biden administration's response to China's 'colonial interests' and his administration's 'criminalizing of American politics' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'


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ad7b50  No.16679731


>It's not "gay". It's "homosexual".

I prefer to call them rope suckers.

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587355  No.16679740

>>16588619 .>>16588587

Not starving at all. How could you tell by just a head shot? KEK

and it is a Russian Wolfhound

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f2eb6d  No.16679746


nice catch

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4f13e0  No.16679750


This is the news now. Plenty of people talking. You waiting for David Muir to tell you?

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b235c1  No.16679753


Face it

Confront it

Fight, Fight, Fight!

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839045  No.16679755


Forbes is Red China, anons.

They made their fortune peddling opium there. Sold it off in 2014.

It would be great if PDJT was mocking them.

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39a73c  No.16679760

Where have all the tough guys gone?

Who fight to win…

Where have all the tough guys gone?

Some need to grow…

Where have all the tough guys gone?

Lost to wokeness, now they glow…

Oh when will they ever learn?

Oh when will they ever learn?

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Our real strong men…

Where have all the cowboys gone?

We need to know…

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Being clowns in rodeo…

Oh when will they ever learn?

Oh when will they ever learn?

Where have all the heroes gone?

Now we need them…

Where have all the heroes gone?

Why did they go?

Where have all the heroes gone?

Blackmailed, or lost to ego…

Oh when will they ever learn?

Oh when will they ever learn?

Where has all the Q team gone?

Worlds a-savin’…

Where has all the Q team gone?

Enjoy the show…

Where has all the Q team gone?

Lurking nightshift don’t you know…

Oh when will we ever know?

Oh when will we ever know?

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1156fd  No.16679771


Trump is just coming for payback and bringing as many grifters as he can.

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12ce0e  No.16679772


Out of curiosity, what does this mean?

>Because when I ask for discovery, and show that the FOIA laws were not followed, the judge favors my requests most of the time.

What advantages do you gain when you show the government didn't follow a public records demand?

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769f06  No.16679774


>"Police shoot Jay Walker."


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87a492  No.16679781



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ec525a  No.16679782

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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8ce614  No.16679786


I bet the lady that made that cake was pissed when she saw her son licking his finger!

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6534b7  No.16679787

it's not whoreing

when its christmas

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c52cde  No.16679793


Developing: Three Democrat St. Louis City

Leaders Indicted by Federal Grand Jury

For Taking Cash Bribes

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2022 6:58:27 PM

Three top Democrat St. Louis city leaders were indicted by a federal grand jury for taking cash bribes.Lewis Reed, Alderman President, John Collins-Muhammad, recently resigned 21st Ward Alderman and Jeffrey Boyd, 22nd Ward Alderman, were all accused of taking cash in exchange for political favors and land deals, KMOV reported. The crimes happened from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. KMOV reported: Three people, including the St. Louis Board of Alderman President, have been indicted by a federal grand jury on corruption charges. The indictment was unsealed Thursday against Board of Alderman President Lewis Reed, 22nd Ward Alderman Jeffrey Boyd and recently resigned 21st Ward Alderman John Collins-Muhammad.

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1f0758  No.16679802

Nigerian senator and wife 'plotted to traffic homeless 15-year-old boy to the UK and harvest his organs to give to their daughter who has kidney failure before being arrested at Heathrow with £20,000 in cash,' court hears

A Nigerian senator and his wife have today appeared in court accused of plotting to traffic a homeless child into the UK in order to harvest his organs.

Ike Ekweremadu, a People's Democratic Party politician for 19 years who was once Deputy President of the nation's senate, and Beatrice Nwanneka Ekweremadu are accused of trying to traffic the 15-year-old to the UK from Lagos.

The court heard the couple, who have four children and a house in Willesden, North London, hoped to transplant the boy's organs to their daughter who suffers from kidney failure.

Police were alerted to potential offences under modern slavery laws last month.

They arrested the couple two days ago at Heathrow Airport as they attempted to board a plane to Turkey - where it was suggested that the procedure could take place - the court heard.

Ekweremadu, 60, is said to have had £20,000 on him on at the time of his arrest, according to prosecutors.

The child is now under the care of safeguarding authorities and the Metropolitan Police, officials say.

Ekweremadu and accountant wife Beatrice, 55, are charged with conspiracy to arrange or facilitate travel of another person with a view to exploitation, namely organ harvesting.

The senator was wearing a grey sweater while his wife was wearing a black and white knitted cardigan at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court today.

Prosecutor Damla Ayas said: ‘It is conspiracy in relation to human trafficking offences for the purposes of organ harvesting. The victim in this case is 15 years old

‘They the couple were interviewed at the police station. Both of the defendants have provided a prepared statement.

‘Mr Ekweremadu in his prepared statement denied allegations of human trafficking.

‘He said at no stage has he arranged transport for anyone with intention to exploit them.’

His wife similarly denied the allegations in her prepared statement, the court heard.

Gavin Irwin, representing Ekweremadu, said: ‘There is no question this is a serious allegation. Mr Ekweremadu is a member of the senate in Nigeria.

‘He has previously held an even more senior role as deputy president of the senate.

‘He is a member of the bar in Nigeria. He is a principal in a law firm that bears his name.

‘Those issues taken together go way beyond him being a person of good character…rather that he has led a blameless life as a public servant.’

Mr Irwin added that the allegations were ‘nothing short of preposterous’.


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cb7689  No.16679813


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the KAF Academy and I have over 6 gorillion confirmed planefag notables. I am trained in several types of surveillance and intel gathering tactics and I'm the top radar operator this side of CENTCOM. You are nothing to me but just another soy boy glider pilot . I will track you and your family's every move with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Capt Sully. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of KAF Alumnae across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, . The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing called your brian. You're fucking dead. I can be anywhere, anytime and I've flown in and out of 'Nam, Laos and the Golden triangle so many times you've no idea of the resources I can tap to track you and the waste of what you call your life . If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you faggot glider pilot-how does that feel?. My pilots will drop a fury of ordinance all over the pathetic place you call your home. You're fucking dead kiddo.

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426e7a  No.16679815

Why is the FDA telling farmers that the beef they raise will no longer be accepted. WHY

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3a9e34  No.16679826



The dumfu** learned the hard way, you never take a knife (or ax) to a gunfight.

To the officer concernedo7

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322f32  No.16679830




Here’s a smattering of ‘choice’ keywords in q posts

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7139d6  No.16679846


EU Collapse-O-Rama, coming to a theater near you.

Not even the Great ReShit, can deliver gov'ts out of their massive debt default!

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1156fd  No.16679847

Shills comes screaming out of the word work when anons get too close to the truth.

Thank you shills, for letting us anons know that we are on the right tract.

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8c32cf  No.16679860


same reason they're legalizing & enabling hard drug users/pushers?

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81c573  No.16679871



We'll all be dead ffs.

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6534b7  No.16679872



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0c7632  No.16679878

Perseverance Mars rover spots weird snake-head rock and balancing boulder

Jun 14 2020

This is a truly otherworldly landscape.

NASA's Perseverance rover has rolled up to some odd and intriguing Martian terrain.

On Sunday (June 12), the car-sized Perseverance snapped a photo that could be mistaken for a still from an "Indiana Jones" movie. At the left of the tableau, a boulder perches precariously atop a slab of gray rock. And at right-center, a formation that looks very much like an open-mouthed snake head juts from a layered reddish butte.

If this were an "Indiana Jones" movie, that butte would house the lair of an evil snake-worshipping cult that Indy would have to take on, shuddering all the while. (Indy hates snakes, presumably regardless of which planet they happen to inhabit.)

The Perseverance team is doubtless excited about this Mars landscape, and for far less fanciful reasons. The layered butte looks like it's part of the ancient river delta that once existed inside the 28-mile-wide (45 kilometers) Jezero Crater, where the six-wheeled robot and its tiny companion, the Ingenuity helicopter, landed in February 2021.


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713abe  No.16679882


Shit, I see Joe did it too.


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c52cde  No.16679885


Why are the IDs different?

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2fdaf4  No.16679887

medical shotguns gay marriage free marijuana unfenced border needs you iOs updated

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b199a4  No.16679904


Local hospital is back to severely limiting visitors because of muh COVID…that was gonna magically disappear according to Jesus Trump.

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322f32  No.16679911


I think we all did at least once throughout these 5+ years. Or however long. My years have somewhat combined a bit. I had to actually take a hot minute the other day to remember how old I was. I kept losing a year

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f9d46f  No.16679914



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4e2679 No.5551524

Mar 7 2019 00:34:41 (EST)

















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ab0f22  No.16679916


Nah, now this is a MILF. A MILFITB, to be specific.

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f3063b  No.16679918


The Military is the only way.

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96d787  No.16679926


>Jim was NOT in dc

Jims likeness was beamed into DC over the qauntum ether


I stand corrected

main point still stands

Jim private comms with congress

no read-out

just have to "trust Jim" about what happened

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ec9de3  No.16679937


Biden administration proposes plan to

have all Americans pay $350 to upgrade

their furnaces so they are 'energy efficient'

by 2029

Daily Mail (UK), by Morgan Phillips

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/15/2022 5:03:51 PM

President Biden's Energy Department has proposed a new rule that would require homeowners looking to buy a new furnace to install a 95 percent energy-efficient one within the next seven years. The new rule would require that gas-burning residential furnaces be condensing gas furnaces, which reuse gas and water vapor that normal noncondensing furnaces vent into the atmosphere. It would require that all gas-burning furnaces on the market to be switched over by 2029.(Snip)The Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that the new furnaces will save households about $60 per year, a number that totals $30.3 billion over the next 30 years.

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8c32cf  No.16679940


damn transparency fail

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715ee1  No.16679944

Updated dough: Fauci and co asking for moar money for covid from 2023 budget

Today is also the Thursday J6 committee meeting where they will discuss the threats to Mike Pence and his safety !!

Baker looking for hand off,

New baker please claim bread

note takers step up.

Baker will tap out soon, will be back later tonight.

In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7

Endless Insurrection Ep. 3: January 6th Select Committee on Pence and Eastman | Lawyer Reacts

21 waitingScheduled for 16 Jun 2022



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81c573  No.16679948



he fought his Calling

The Father reeled him in


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21bca8  No.16679950


This is also the child that says the shooter started playing "sad music" all of a sudden while shooting.

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ed1218  No.16679956


Hory chit.

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2fdaf4  No.16679959



>>16501930 Meme of the Thread

>>16501509 Pelosi Holds Press Event on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

>>16501528 Texas Man Dies Weeks After Being Attacked by 3 Dogs While Walking from Home to Store

>>16501531 DOW is up 666 points

>>16501537 @JustinTrudeau The news coming out of the United States is horrific.

>>16501545 @JMichaelWaller Police intelligence apparently detects insurrection against the Supreme Court.

>>16501628 Kelley Calls for Churches to be on alert

>>16501638 MO bans Abortion

>>16501659 Six Oklahomans have filed two federal lawsuits that challenge a state law intended to crack down on protestors a

>>16501669 Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks Plainfield, IL

>>16501679 Biden claims the US Supreme Court "took away a constitutional right" today.

>>16501741 PDJT - Statement - Win for Life

>>16501746 Galand Has DOJ on Abortion Standby

>>16501781 AOC just launched an insurrection?

>>16501786 @DanScavino “Momentous Supreme Court rulings on guns, abortion cement Trump’s impact on U.S. policy and culture”

>>16501787 EXEC1F C-32A 98-0002 departed Miami Fl heading N. EXEC1F is callsign used by the first family.

>>16501789 House Sends First Major Gun Safety Bill in Decades to Biden, Who Intends to Sign it

>>16501777 Leftist Group Announce Mass Protest Outside Justice Clarence Thomas’s Home Tonight

>>16501803 The Pro-Abortion Left Comes Unglued As Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

>>16501814 “To Hell with the Supreme Court. We Will Defy Them.” – Insurrectionist Maxine Waters on the Roe v. Wade Decision

>>16501841 US Long-Range Rocket Systems Used For First Time In Ukraine

>>16501915 Jim Jordan — ‘God Bless President Trump’ - YT

>>16501927 Clarence Thomas: Court ‘should reconsider’ gay marriage, birth control

>>16501937 Pennsylvania principal faces 30 felony sex charges for relationship with student

>>16501941 ‘Time To Fire Pelosi’: Jordan Demands An Investigation Into Nancy Pelosi

>>16501951 We Got Trends = THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP

>>16501956 Father Of Brutally Murdered Child Beats The Hell Out Of Accused Murderer In Court Room

>>16501966 WATCH: Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that the portion of Collins Avenue in Surfside where Champlain Towers South stood will now be known at 98 Points of Light Road.

>>16501971 MTG was attacked outside SCOTUS by abortionists

>>16501864 Congress floating Limited Nuke war?


>>16501994 Clarence Thomas now says rulings on contraception, gay rights should be reconsidered

>>16502100 FBI raids Georgia churches near military bases; sources say church was targeting soldiers

>>16502143 U.S. Jewish leaders decry Supreme Court's nixing of abortion rights as 'moral failure'

>>16502153 Wisconsin election investigator says he deleted records

>>16502157 6 people dead after Vietnam War-era helicopter crashes in West Virginia

>>16502161 Schumman reaction to Roe…EVIL RULE HAS ENDED

>>16502178 Congress in retaliation passes Compromised Gun Bill

>>16502192 Roe vs Wade overturned June 24 2022 Sky event , 5 planets align June 24


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ed378a  No.16679960


going to be a rough night shift everything is fucked here

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1f0758  No.16679961


The bible warns about end-times deception.

Don't fall for this.

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93ac4c  No.16679965


I seen't it…….ThankQ

lurking is a good thing

Hello Watchers !!!!

I am watching too.

study study study

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3e28be  No.16679978


Based level 17

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f2eb6d  No.16679980


dafuq you babbling about

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58fdf5  No.16679983



Thanks anon

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c714ca  No.16679987


Sorry I need to post side by side to review better.

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b4b7ab  No.16680005


Muh HiveMi…

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7139d6  No.16680011

Trump endorsed the couch guy.

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841759  No.16680014


Timeline of interesting events in the year 1997


1997 - January, 27, 2007: Lord Malloch-Brown was a tenant of George Soros of his upstate New York estate, paying over $10,000 per month. In 1997, Malloch-Brown was chairman of the UN Secretary-General Task Forceon Reform of UN Communications.

1997: Hillary Clinton, developed her Adoption and Safe Families Act requiring states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months, with funding to encourage adoption for children up through age 18. Bill Clinton expanded the Adoption and Safe Families Act, providing states cash bonuses for every child adopted out of foster care, handled by Child Protective Services. The bill was passed by the Republican controlled House and Senate under Speaker Newt Gingrich. It expanded the 1974 act introduced by Walter Mondale. Being monetarily incentivized to keep children in foster homes or to adopt them out, but not paid to unite them with their family, CPS became corrupt, and some of the individuals who got too close to exposing their legal kidnapping, child abuse, and trafficking, ended up killed, usually blamed on unrelated murder or murder/suicide (see Sen. Nancy Schaefer of Georgia, 2010, murder/suicide by husband; one-time Sen. Linda Colins-Smith of Arkansas, 2019, murdered). Caseworkers and social workers often commit fraud, withhold exculpatory evidence, and fabricate evidence. This information was researched by Nancy Shaefer, who ended up being murdered, purportedly by her husband who then committed suicide. She had made several recommendations, including independent audits (in her state of Georgia) to investigate the corruption, to reform the system, to end the financial incentive, to give other family relatives the opportunity to take the children, to make use of trial by jury to present all evidence before a child is removed, to prosecute fabricated or withheld evidence.

At the same time, Hillary Clinton, pushed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases, and organized a child care conference and also early childhood development and learning conferences at the White House. Rockefeller IV had co-authored the program. In the State of the Union address, Bill Clinton proposed a new initiative to provide health coverage to up to five million children.

Along with senators Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch, Hillary Clinton was the force behind the passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. This legislation did what the first one, disguised as general health care, was intended to do. This federal bill gave state support to children whose parents could not provide them health coverage. Anthony Fauci headed the NIH. She successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at HIH. She worked to investigate reports of an illness affecting veterans of the Gulf War, Gulf War syndrome. She also returned to Northern Ireland to deliver the inaugural Joyce McCartan lecture at the University of Ulster in honor of the community campaigner she had met during her visit in Belfast in 1995.

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975d73  No.16680019


No. That is not the definition. That is only one aspect of it all.

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096e50  No.16680024



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bc8cbc  No.16680025



meant to add this

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001bf0  No.16680026

>>16492265 lb


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8c32cf  No.16680030


Yesterday was 27 +[40] loops since Q1.

30 loops would be 1,800 days.

Clock started at [00] 12/7/17 and yesterday was 27:40, or 3:40am.

As has been much-posted, 30 loops will be 11/11/22.

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bace2d  No.16680032


Il l'a toujours été, French Speaking

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0c7632  No.16680034


He's a goddamn retard.

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81c573  No.16680036

Remember Her Video saying good bye

Ya Well THIS

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37d835  No.16680038


>>16571121 dough #20967

>>16571203 FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination - pjmedia.com

>>16571275, >>16571280, dan scavino - t.s post

>>16571290, >>16571310, feras antoon mindgeek and pornhub 20m mansion burned and he will be replaced, CDAN 6-29-2022 - enty post

>>16571365, >>16571519, note taker notes

>>16571377 A QUARTER of Americans say they are ready to take up arms against the government - daily mail twat

>>16571428 cal-fire-makes-major-illegal-fireworks-bust-in-mojave - kget.com

>>16571431 New rumble channel by Liz Harrington

>>16571432 Tucker: "Dems Are Round Up the Political Dissidents" - rumble vid

>>16571458 FDA equals terrorism: when will Homeland Security inform us - canadafreepress.com

>>16571503, >>16571505, >>16571532, Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination–Jun 30, 2022 - pjmedia.com

>>16571609 Russel Brand video about the Roe v. Wade decision intended to galvanize voter interest going into the election. - youtube

>>16571638 planefag posts china

>>16571685 Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes all - youtube

>>16571740, >>16571747, Biden calls for Switzerland to join NATO - nyp (the real swamp and always neutral, bankster backyard).

>>16572118 #20967


>>16570423 17 Pharma Henchmen Who Voted to Experiment on Your Kids — and How to Shun Them

>>16570507, >>16570545, >>16570584, >>16570570 What an ASSHOLE: Fauci says herd immunity is 'unattainable' for COVID-19

>>16570546 Stacey Abrams is selling a gun control plan that Georgia’s not buying

>>16570550 Jody Hunt, worked under Sessions and Barr… Why did he really resign?

>>16570628 Supreme Court Delivers Massive 5-4 Ruling Involving Veterans–June 30, 2022


>>16570401 A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against gov't, poll says

>>16570435 For KEKS: CNN in the house, anything you want to say to us?

>>16570519 BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm."

>>16570667 CNN asks WH's Brian Deese what he'd tell Americans who can't afford to pay high gas prices for months/years if military analysts project the Russia-Ukraine war to go so long


>>16570642 Elon Musk doesn’t exist (Yahoo finance)

>>16570644 Scavino RIP Hershel "Woody" Williams

>>16570718 Ted Turner apologizes for saying soldier suicides are good

>>16570777 EXCLUSIVE: FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination

>>16570808 Marc-Andre Argentino opining on Q return

>>16570842 Liz Cheney so hated that her debate is closed to the public

>>16570858 Anon bun on qproofs

>>16570864 PDJT @TS: If you lie to help the radical left Democrats, you get on TV and (wait for it) get book deals making millions, whereas if you tell the truth of radical left Democrat lies, you get arrested and thrown in prison

>>16570920 Anyone else seeing the commies canceling fireworks for Independence Day? (what's their excuse this year?)

>>16570932 Ovomit & Big Mike special privileges on their Hawaiian ocean front home???

>>16570935 Canada Day protests: Man arrested on Parliament Hill, Poilievre briefly joins Topp march; bylaw officers start towing

>>16571004, >>16571072 Bill Gates has secured approval for the purchase of thousands of acres of prime North Dakota farmland

>>16571097 #20966

Previously Collected

>>16569495 #20964, >>16570293 #20965, >>16571097 #20966

>>16567196 #20961, >>16568354 #20962, >>16568689 #20963

>>16564839 #20958, >>16565671 #20959, >>16566448 #20960

>>16562577 #20955, >>16563337 #20956, >>16563606 #20957

>>16560274 #20952, >>16561015 #20953, >>16561782 #20954

>>16557155 #20948, >>16558676 #20950, >>16559447 #20951

>>16555308 #20945, >>16555607 #20946, >>16556300 #20947

>>16554063 #20944, >>16553290 #20943, >>16552523 #20942

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Proofs: https://qproofs.com/

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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1950cc  No.16680039



No, no it isn’t.

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2e2952  No.16680042


Just yesterday

I was thoughting

Supertramp needs to be in my life moar.


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daffe4  No.16680043




You're a giant faggot. We know the latest Q drops were faked. Get with the program and quit being an obnoxious twat.

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5eb32e  No.16680049

Dr. Fauci 1999 re: HIV/AIDS-vaccine

Narrator: "many scientists are beginning to believe that a vaccine against AIDS may be impossible to make and too dangerous to test"

Dr. Fauci: "If you take it and then a year goes by and everybody's fine then you say okay that's good now

let's give it to 500 people and then a year goes by and everything's fine i say well now let's give it to thousands of people

and then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done."

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67a414  No.16680050

The Holy Spirit is the captain of this ship

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88f5d6  No.16680054

Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Be Sworn into the Supreme Court Today


With Jackson's appointment, the liberal minority is now exclusively made up of women. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the fourth woman on the Court, leans conservative, and voted in favor of abolishing the constitutional protection of a woman's right to choose.

Though her addition to the Court will not move the idealogical balance, her presence is seen by many as a symbol of hope.

**their hope meaning: hell on planet earth

** Wont be happening kek

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271986  No.16680055





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0b7c17  No.16680065



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9494b1  No.16680071


*Fucking rookies*


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ab0f22  No.16680077

Just How Many Asshole Shills are there on the board Today;… Surrounded

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8b25a6  No.16680078

LIBOR rates send fresh 'RAPE josh in the tabernacle'

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769f06  No.16680084

First black guys with white girls and small cocks, now we got just gay ass niggers, Fuck it put a MHU jew shill Rabi post in there tell us Q is fake and you got em all

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1fb13a  No.16680087


>The witches are melting. Today is glorious

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ec9de3  No.16680094


Did schiff order a FF because they have nothing to show for all this.

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f72a30  No.16680096


>hope you are all free in Deutschland soon

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d5d588  No.16680099


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7687f2  No.16680104



…and when viewing fireworks, where are you looking?

So really… it is a sky event.

I knew it was fireworks, I was being a smart ass.

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e7f62b  No.16680114


Donald J. Trump




A perfect night of Endorsements, 16-0, and some of them tough races!


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7139d6  No.16680117











Have a safe a blessed weekend!!!


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1a6fef  No.16680120


… this can work also.

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482337  No.16680127


Russia's Lavrov due in Tehran to discuss JCPOA

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated on Wednesday that the country's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, will go to Tehran today to discuss Tehran-Moscow ties as well as several international concerns, including the nuclear deal.

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov will visit Tehran on June 22-23 for a working visit, the ministry's spokeswoman confirmed during a news conference on Wednesday, according to TASS.

"On June 22-23, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will pay a working visit to Tehran on invitation from the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister," Maria Zakharova said.

The Russian diplomat stated that they will discuss a number of pressing international issues, including the situation surrounding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) - Iran's nuclear deal - as well as developments in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Transcaucasus, Yemen, and the Caspian Sea region.

"Discussions are planned around bilateral agenda, primarily those aspects of it that relate to ties in trade and economy in the context of the implementation of key joint projects in energy and transport and prospects of enhancing cultural and humanitarian contacts," Zakharova added.

Last month, Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian arrived in Moscow to discuss bilateral cooperation and the Vienna Talks to revive the nuclear deal with Russian officials.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said that the talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) are being carried out as usual and that there are no "artificial delays" in the process.

"Work on some aspects of a future agreement to restore the nuclear deal continues. The text is still being amended on the remaining issues between the US and Iran. A number of negotiators will also have to make political decisions regarding the approval of the final text of the agreement. Negotiations are moving forward as usual, and there is no talk of any artificial delay in the process," the ministry said in a statement.

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ad7b50  No.16680140



link for video

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c714ca  No.16680143


it does not matter

there is no there there

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555f0b  No.16680146


AshkeNazi facial proportions.

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ee125c  No.16680147

Demented degenerates of the left…


Fox News: Far-left Climate ‘activists’ slash dozens of SUV tires in NYC, say 'major cities' across US to be hit next

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2e2952  No.16680148


Yo put this on with headphone loud….it’s time.

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ed1218  No.16680150


Silly question.


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6534b7  No.16680155



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cb7689  No.16680156


What happened to all of the ones who got killed?

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80386e  No.16680162


Bidens set to be in town June 2-5


32 Far View Road

North Shores, DE 19971

Similar to last year, President Joe Biden and wife Dr. Jill Biden will be enjoying the first lady’s 71st birthday at their beach house north of Rehoboth Beach. Her birthday is Friday, June 3.

Last year’s birthday beach visit was the first for Biden as president to their house in North Shores, which they purchased in 2017.

The White House announced the visit in a Daily Guidance and Press Schedule notice June 2. The notice says Biden “will join a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and National Security Advisory Jake Sullivan to discuss preparations for the NATO Summit in Madrid at the end of June and the strength of our transatlantic Alliance. In the evening, the President will travel to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where they will remain over the weekend.” According to the notice, the Bidens are expected to leave Washington, D.C. at 5:30 p.m. and then be in Rehoboth by 6:30 p.m.

Prior to the release of the daily guidance, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction notice May 31. The FAA noticed restrictions beginning Thursday, June 2, and running through to 9:45 a.m., Sunday, June 5.

A reminder of security measures taken when the president is in town:

Gordons Pond users should expect restrictions. The park’s parking lot is just around the corner from Biden’s home and is used as a landing site for Marine One

The FAA’s temporary flight restrictions limit use of the airspace from Dover south to Ocean City, Md., and west to the Maryland border

The Coast Guard establishes security zones in the ocean area immediately in front of North Shores beach and in the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal.

Since Joe was elected president, the Bidens have attended church, walked on the beach and gone for a few bike rides while in Rehoboth Beach. However, they have not gone out to eat or shopped downtown. If they do, send photos to reporter Chris Flood at cflood@capegazette.com.

Editor’s note: This story was updated June 2 to reflect more current information.

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99a385  No.16680164




Brain-dead Jewdys!

Shut your grub and don't talk about things that are too high for you underexposed!

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839045  No.16680166

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640a91  No.16680169


Groumd "ZERO"

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9494b1  No.16680171


JA is Private Ryan.

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f3063b  No.16680174

Massive rescue operation as ship breaks in TWO in South China Sea - two dozen feared dead

A SHIP has broken in two in the South China

Sea during a storm, with emergency services scrambling to save those on board.


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96d787  No.16680180


Amen, bro. I did same.

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58fdf5  No.16680183



My scars tell a long tale of pain…

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556283  No.16680184

Panic is Good

Pain is Good

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c52cde  No.16680185

HONKwhere you areHONKwhere you are goingHONKwhen you get there.HONKto bid defiance to the cultHONKfor HOLINESSHONKfor lost homes and farmsHONKfor ULRA MEGA EXTREME DARK MAGAHONKto restore the sacredHONKFor the hornlessHONKfor the childrenHONKfor the wounded, the junkies and elderlyHONKfor GenerosityHONKfor kindnessHONKfor unrigged electionsHONKFor slack-jawed shills at the end of timeHONKfor the curesHONKfor no mo' pedovoresHONKfor plain truthHONKbecause right now it means more than votingHONKfor the frightened, the lost, the lonely, confused and betrayedHONKTo Make America Great AgainHONKbecause anything can happenHONKBecause anyone canHONKSunday, the seventh day of creation.HONKfor squirmin' larvae in hexagonal cubicles.HONKfor a fake UKE war, dawg.HONKfor pedovore smackdownHONKfor ELE number #23HONKfor NPC AwakeningHONKfor 5 Peso gal gasolineHONKfor 12 discrete magnetic polesHONKfor the hornlessHONKFor the hard of horn-ingHONKfor fake celebrities'HONKto infuriate pedovoresHONKto restore meaningHONKfor RevelationsHONKDestruction to the Underground EmpireHONKto chasten the masonHONKfor moreHONKing

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1f8d65  No.16680191



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9eb298  No.16680192


not believing. Q is gone. if it had to be this way then why and "not to show" but the other whys.

chop chop

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9211c8  No.16680197


Your Country Needs You.

Your Vote Matters!

We, the People.

The Time is Now.

Patriots Fight!

Declaration of Independence

We Will Do Our Job to Protect the Vote.

Will You Do Yours?

Will You Answer the Call?

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13156b  No.16680204


I have a pee, holding myself for 3hours, I'm a sniper for soros………can I release it?

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4151df  No.16680206


Is he selling others' memes?

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00592a  No.16680213



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e7f62b  No.16680214



Krk!!! Hive mind still alive at 3am pst!!

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713abe  No.16680219


You don’t have a girlfriend and you never will.

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88f5d6  No.16680221


Because the case popularity was not about Depp.

Where are the big picture viewers? ffs

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7139d6  No.16680235



What kind of idiot faggots are putting you down? she isn't showing anything bad. She isn't giving her identity away. She isn't nude. The fuck is wrong with you idiots. seriously.

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ad7b50  No.16680239


>They haven't seen anything yet.

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58fdf5  No.16680250


POC have been told that they are victims of White Supremacy.

POCs are really victims of Jew Supremacy.

POC are decent people trying to survive but the Jews have weaponized them against non-Jewish Whites.

Get your head on straight and identify the real enemy.

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f3063b  No.16680252



<Preceded by Mercedes Schlapp


That is a great name.

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8ce614  No.16680253


thunder thighs chkt

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a70043  No.16680254


We shall see

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9494b1  No.16680255



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88c50e  No.16680256


Where are these QAnan's based?

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0b7c17  No.16680293






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ecb0a6  No.16680294




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a70043  No.16680302


I don’t think so. He was extremely unhealthy

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8e9749  No.16680303


Martyrs win.

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0e1dce  No.16680317





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a7b655  No.16680318


Ukraine must find a diplomatic solution: US officials

High-ranking White House officials argued that the conflict in Ukraine must have a diplomatic solution, following increasing concerns about Ukraine's deteriorating situation on the battlefield.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Thursday, in a speech at the Center for New American Security (CNAS), a Washington, DC-based lobby group close to the Democratic Party, that the US will continue to help Ukraine “to the maximum extent possible.” Sullivan, also stated that the help his government offered has not only been on the ground but also “ultimately at the negotiating table” adding that the US believed that “this has to end with diplomacy.”

CNAS is a center that is funded by the likes of military-industrial complex giants Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin, meaning all military investment in Ukrainian is profitable for these companies and is equally profitable for the center.

The center also received at least $500,000 from the US Department of Defense. Colin Kahl announced, earlier this week from CNAS that the US decided to send Ukraine guided missiles for the HIMARS rocket launchers. The US has sent more than $5 billion in military supplies to Ukraine since Biden took office in 2021, according to a senior administration official.

The Pentagon also decided Tuesday to provide $1 billion worth of Harpoon missile launchers, howitzers, and ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine due to the nature of the conflict changing to an "artillery duel", Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl told a press briefing on Wednesday.

A senior administration official told reporters that the US would send M142 HIMARS, which have a range of approximately 77 km.

An NBC News report claimed earlier that some US and European officials were “increasingly concerned that the trajectory of the war in Ukraine is untenable” and were “quietly discussing” asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “temper his hard-line public position” that no territory will ever be ceded to Russia.

To that report, Sullivan said at CNAS that “we are not going to be pressing them to make territorial concessions. We think that’s frankly wrong.”

Furthermore and according to the report, John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, insisted that Biden’s view on the matter has not changed. He reiterated that “President Zelensky is the democratically elected leader of that country, and he gets to determine how this war ends,” and added that “He gets to determine how he defines victory and how he gets at that outcome.”

Contrary to that, NBC News cited seven current and former US and European officials who would argue otherwise. One US official said that his government is not actively pressuring Kiev to make concessions in the same way some Europeans are but rather the US was “planning for a long war.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that Biden was “not happy” when Austin stated that “They believe that we can win; we believe that they – we can win – they can win if they have the right equipment, the right support,” adding that the US wanted to “see Russia weakened.”

While the two officials remarked that Biden was not happy with their comments, there is no indication that he in fact did tell them to “tone it down.”

In parallel, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov said on Thursday, while speaking to CNN, that Kiev will “liberate all our territories, all of it, including Crimea,” with the support of NATO-supplied weapons. Ukrainian Major-General Dmitry Marchenko said on Wednesday that one of the goals for Ukraine is to target the Kerch Bridge, connecting Crimea to the Russian mainland.

Previously in May, the US president first demanded $33 billion in aid, before Congress later upped the amount to about $40 billion, according to US media reports. Additional funding was recommended in particular for the procurement of fighting vehicles and food supplies.

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975d73  No.16680320

Try to not forget how evil these people are.


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d5d588  No.16680323

Faggots were posting earlier today that we’ll never get another post from Q.


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cecb29  No.16680326


Habby birthday Mr Trump

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ad7b50  No.16680348

Even CNN says it's gonna be bad.

"It's more likely than not we'll have a recession within the next two years."


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ea3680  No.16680368


The material in the Donald Trump dossier that emerged this week has been described as unsubstantiated, and the president-elect himself derided the report as “fake news.” However, at least some in the U.S. intelligence community believed that the source of the report was credible, and with the recent unmasking of that source’s identity has come a basis for that credibility.

The man behind the dossier is a former British spy, Christopher Steele, who is now a corporate intelligence consultant. In 2010, Steele helped deliver information about FIFA to the FBI that eventually led to indictments of many current and former officials of the soccer governing body, as well as the ouster of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter.

The World Cup appears likely to get a whole lot bigger next week

Reuters reported Thursday that it had viewed emails showing that Steele met with members of the FBI’s “Eurasian Organized Crime” squad. The ex-spy’s London-based consulting firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, had been hired in 2009 by England’s Football Association to investigate allegations of corruption by FIFA.

England had been hoping to host either the 2018 or 2022 World Cup, but FIFA awarded those tournaments to Russia and Qatar, respectively, amid accusations of bribery and other corrupt dealings. With FIFA based in Zurich, the U.S. worked with Swiss authorities to investigate the body, and has brought indictments against more than 30 people in an ongoing probe.


why was the US intelligence community interested in soccer to that extent? it most probably had more to do with Russia than Qatar ( Russia had the Football World Cup in 2018) the spooks were looking for chances of sanctions and sabotage

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5eb32e  No.16680369


gimme a few minutes…

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caffbd  No.16680370


tina Peters lost

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f2eb6d  No.16680371

>>16565949 Excellent meme anon!

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f9d46f  No.16680372


Without checking, it loox like LAX.

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80386e  No.16680379


Is this the faggot that created the Qanon horseshit?

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2abe86  No.16680393


That is yet to be determined!

Shills gonna shill though!

Hillary for Prison!

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76b455  No.16680395


Pro-abortion commercials were everywherebeforethe Alito ruling was leaked.

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f78fc4  No.16680397



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f3063b  No.16680400



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bc8cbc  No.16680401

Q, are you on Truth Social?

Do you have an account there?

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ec9de3  No.16680406

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261a11  No.16680424


the unmerciful satanic cruelty displayed from the baby killer far left and their cohorts to their fellow Americans is appalling and completely anti-humanity.

a clear bifurcation of equity by those consumed by the dark side - unnatural black magic witch faucksters

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8e9749  No.16680425


>>16427927, >>16428075, >>16428080, >>16428091 Call to dig: NGO’s, non-profits and other criminal entities that are doing the bidding of the NWO.

let me know if theres anything to add to your bun

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7b8226  No.16680426


The horn symbol as everyone calls it is actually a symbol to ward of evil.

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b225d9  No.16680429

OMG 😱😱😱



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931faf  No.16680430








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ecb0a6  No.16680434

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c52cde  No.16680437



worst notes ever


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7687f2  No.16680447

Maybe he can do what they can't do

The problem is

we people It is easy for them to play us

because we are good with no luck

Guess who will say


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37d835  No.16680452


These boots are made for walkin

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f72a30  No.16680453



Of course it’s only funny to me coz I’m from the UK bread. Cheers.

I posted a different version when TRUMP went to the UK.

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ed378a  No.16680459


>AP admits dem cheating

Wow, they never admit, usually backtrack or change stories all-together. Milestoner

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14ad59  No.16680466


Try owning your mistakes, Jimmy Boy.

60 UID's?

Who is attacking and why?

Post the IP's.

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caffbd  No.16680469


so linear.

you only see in such

limited wavelengths

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0c8a3e  No.16680480

REMINDER: Trump in Delaware, Ohio today. Scheduled to speak at 7PM EST

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ee125c  No.16680487


Was Maslow a Christian?

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0e1dce  No.16680490



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83a570  No.16680492


Imagine the Florida Aquifer drained dry, sinkholes everywhere

Keep the swamps and the gators, leave the developers to go somewhere else

There's already abandoned developments, have those

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839045  No.16680500


I gave you facts and you give me interpretations.

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a7b655  No.16680517


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c9cfaa  No.16680519


we all know Kash is now part of the Q team.

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975d73  No.16680526


to be consumed regularly and in the most natural way possible:

1. Ginger: regularly chewing a piece of ginger can alleviate this problem.

2. Ginkgo biloba: increases blood flow to the brain, reducing ringing sound and vertigo.

3. Coriander seeds, cardamom, basil

Just give it a try..

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555f0b  No.16680528


i like

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841759  No.16680532

jfkLESBIAN's twat felt like JACK's twat

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d54539  No.16680533


((('disregard that inbreeding is eternal')))

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485770  No.16680537


>She was the hot favorite for the long jump and javelin.

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daffe4  No.16680542


Justin will start "the 28 Club"

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29a0dc  No.16680547

She was either severely threatened or a traitor/coward or both.


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b4b7ab  No.16680550



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e86aee  No.16680555

MLB players called ‘bigots’ by ESPN for peeling LGBT ‘pride’ logos off their uniforms  

‘Now they’re trying to cancel people for not wearing a gay pride patch. Learn to say no to these people or it will never end.’

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c6ab40  No.16680564


No, some might be revealed but not all… especially the ones who are embedded into the Antifa power structure gathering information.

Remember, Q said that Antifa was infiltrated long ago.

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00592a  No.16680567


BREAKING: Military Aircraft Crashes Near California-Arizona Border

By B911 -June 9, 2022

UMA, Ariz. — Police and other first responders were the scene of yet another military aircraft crash near the California-Arizona border Thursday evening.

“We have received reports that a military aircraft has crashed about 35 miles north of Yuma, AZ,” Naval Air Facility El Centro wrote on their Facebook page. “Federal Fire and other local first responders including Reach are headed to the scene. We have no other information at this time. As we are able to confirm information we will release it here. Please be patient as we work through this incident.”

It was unclear how many people were onboard the unidentified aircraft.

The news of the crash comes just one day after a military plane crashed in near the same area, killing 5 people. The cause of both crashes are under investigation

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a70043  No.16680569


>still you shouldn't have a google account anyways,

how do you get rid of one?

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14ad59  No.16680570


Pretty evil directed at someone having a rough time. Who empowered you?

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b4b7ab  No.16680574



>I see some "Smoke on the Water"…


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6534b7  No.16680584

FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots

Questioning the FBI's role in 1/6 was maligned by corporate media as deranged. But only ignorance about the FBI or a desire to deceive could produce such a reaction.

Really long article with lots of examples of others by Glenn Greenwald

One of the most egregious cases I covered was the 2011 arrest of James Cromitie, an African-American convert to Islam who the FBI attempted to convince — over the course of eight months — to join a terror plot, only for him to adamantly refuse over and over. Only once they dangled a payment of $250,000 in front of his nose right after the impoverished American had lost his job did he agree to join, and then the FBI swooped in, arrested him, and touted their heroic efforts in stopping a terrorist plot.

The U.S. federal judge who sentenced Cromitie to decades in prison, Colleen McMahon, said she did so only because the law of “entrapment” is so narrow that it is virtually impossible for a defendant to win, but in doing so, she repeatedly condemned the FBI in the harshest terms for single-handedly converting Cromitie from a helpless but resentful anti-government fanatic into a criminal. The defendant “was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own,” she said, adding: “only the government could have made a terrorist out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.” She added: “There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that James Cromitie could never have dreamed up the scenario in which he actually became involved.”

Her written ruling is worth quoting at length because of how relevant it is to current FBI activities. The judge began by noting that Cromitie “had successfully resisted going too far for eight months,” and agreed only after “the Government dangled what had to be almost irresistible temptation in front of an impoverished man from what I have come (after literally dozens of cases) to view as the saddest and most dysfunctional community in the Southern District of New York.” It was the FBI’s own informant, she wrote, who “was the prime mover and instigator of all the criminal activity that occurred.” She then wrote (emphasis added):

The Government indisputably “manufactured” the crimes of which defendants stand convicted. The Government invented all of the details of the scheme – many of them, such as the trip to Connecticut and the inclusion of Stewart AFB as a target, for specific legal purposes of which the defendants could not possibly have been aware (the former gave rise to federal jurisdiction and the latter mandated a twenty-five year minimum sentence). The Government selected the targets. The Government designed and built the phony ordnance that the defendants planted (or planned to plant) at Government-selected targets. The Government provided every item used in the plot: cameras, cell phones, cars, maps and even a gun. The Government did all the driving (as none of the defendants had a car or a driver’s license). The Government funded the entire project. And the Government, through its agent, offered the defendants large sums of money, contingent on their participation in the heinous scheme.

Additionally, before deciding that the defendants (particularly Cromitie, who was in their sights for nine months) presented any real danger, the Government appears to have done minimal due diligence, relying instead on reports from its Confidential Informant, who passed on information about Cromitie information that could easily have been verified (or not verified, since much of it was untrue), but that no one thought it necessary to check before offering a jihadist opportunity to a man who had no contact with any extremist groups and no history of anything other than drug crimes.

One of the reporters who has most extensively covered the FBI's role in manufacturing terrorism cases it then proceeds to "break up” is Trevor Aaronson. In 2011, he documented, working with the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkeley, that of 508 post-9/11 terrorism defendants, “nearly half the prosecutions involved the use of informants, many of them incentivized by money.” After 9/11, the FBI's budget-increasing, power-enhancing strategy was to target “tens of thousands of law-abiding people, seeking to identify those disgruntled few who might participate in a plot given the means and the opportunity” by monitoring their social media postings, and “then, in case after case, the government provides the plot, the means, and the opportunity.” Of the terrorism arrests from sting operations, almost 1/3 were ones in which “defendants participated in plots led by an agent provocateur—an FBI operative instigating terrorist action.”


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1668aa  No.16680587



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0c4f67  No.16680589


>Mr pig memes on truth

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41dffb  No.16680597


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5e07a0  No.16680607


But then again, Musk also has a flying dragon.

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640a91  No.16680608

True The Vote’s Catherine Englebrecht & Gregg Phillips and MORE| The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 05.31.22

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994ae8  No.16680613


Thanks, Baker.

Lurking and Filtering.

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d39b95  No.16680614

The Hedge Funds are out of short ammo for AMC / GMC / DWAC / HYMC / RDBX . Now they're having to bring the whole market down to keep their shorts in place. Endgame for APES.


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21bca8  No.16680622




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a70043  No.16680631


the same PB's who's "leader" was not only a Fed asset, but conflabbed/coordinated w/ his handlers the morning he arrived in DC via his "arrest"?

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03a287  No.16680637

Thanks to the Anons who did these digs.

Anonymous 06/10/22 (Fri) 17:41:13fb4999 (13) No.16427917 (PB)

was in Notables

Anonymous 06/10/22 (Fri) 17:42:48f8c259 (1) No.16427924 (PB)

was in Notables

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713abe  No.16680640


Thank you. Not sure this applies to colleges though.

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a7b655  No.16680641


Everything is off with it, but you already know.

Here is someting for your discord club.

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c9cfaa  No.16680642


JF Sebastian CHESS GAME ?


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87a492  No.16680644


pedophilia, along with infanticide, child transgenderism, etc, is part of cabal/deep state religion (baal/moloch worship)

they are now out in the open about it, and the mockingbird media is promoting their degenerate religious practices

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1fb13a  No.16680654

June 3 Four Year Delta

Two Year Delta

Worth the read.

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485770  No.16680668


Adam and Eve are parable. Jesus said ALL THESE THINGS happen in parable. He taught in parables and asked "If you do not understand this parable how will you understand any of the parables?" because scripture is in parables.

"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them." - Mark 4:11-12

Jesus also said "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” - Matthew 15:11

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37d835  No.16680678



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0c7632  No.16680683


>Red text is used only for real anons

And also to say 'Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit, before posting a gateway pundit link.

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14077e  No.16680694


If they think they will stop what's coming by putting the non-biologist in, they are in for more screaming tantrums

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261a11  No.16680695


cp freak

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8adfe2  No.16680696


>Kaballah is the path to enlightenment.


Lucifer is the 'Enlightened one'

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bc8cbc  No.16680701


Never did see a coroner's report or a death certificate, meh, maybe she's amongst the living, just got wrote out in the script.

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d30773  No.16680706


corporations must file a "charter"

and operate in the public interest

or hey

they get their charter took away

ya know

just like that


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daffe4  No.16680710


and all US taxpayer built.

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3b5e08  No.16680713



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555f0b  No.16680719


> not for the January 6 detainees

1/6 detainees are the ones on the hook.

Was 1/6 full of counter offensive tactics used to create a false narrative?

Who were the ones really causing trouble?

Who were the real killers?

Those 1/6 detainees on the hook will be in there until more retards bite and storm in to break them out because they are trying to cause war.

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b0c1bf  No.16680720


I have never been a part of the everyone.

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aa410f  No.16680728


Ya mean like Kenya?

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ddd45d  No.16680729


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c6ab40  No.16680732


CIA founded in '47

HRC born in '47

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23f345  No.16680735


He who controls the memes, controls reality. simple as


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33549c  No.16680737


>Some of y’all need to take the rose colored glasses off frfr on god


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51c941  No.16680748


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555f0b  No.16680749


>>strike colors


>>strike colors

Strike Colors

Rich Strike

Long Shot

Potus Long shot Truth decode from Wednesday

>>16453352 PB

>>16453533 PB

>>16453367 PB

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d30773  No.16680751



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1daab1  No.16680759


>Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White, anti-Christianity Jew agenda.


The organization most easily known as theC_Ahas been using the same playbook for almost a century, possibly longer, and they still think it works!


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b4c06e  No.16680760


Disney promotes Drag Queen special for children…

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1ddd9a  No.16680766


>'trip code compromised'


but that has always been a canary for Q that confirms board security hasnt been comp'd yet

if Q ever enters their password and a different tripcode pops out, then the canary has died

this has happened MANY times over the drops

the tripcode isnt for us to confirm Q

its for Q to verify site security has not been breached

zero delta's and 'next image in the series' posts between Q and POTUS are how we have -always- verified Q

there is no other way to verify Q

anytime a tripcode gets burned (and there have been almost 10 different tripcodes over the drops now) Q will re-verify the new trip with proof of being "in the same room" as POTUS (DJT)

in the beginning there were no tripcodes

and anons had to scrape breads for what they "thought" were Q posts

many of the first drops are Q replying to anon CAP's

telling anons which posts are Q team, and which posts are just anon

the two posts WITH NO TRIPCODE that the tripcode Q on /hivemind/ screenshoted, showing the (You)'s confirms the connetion between those posters (hivemind tripcode Q and non-tripcode 0 delta Q)

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717b26  No.16680768


The Night of the Comet and Maximum Overdrive come to mind.

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3a4f05  No.16680771


Slightly more I think, my phone browser hasn't ever crashed before. Until the last 2 hours, 3 times.

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9bb1ce  No.16680777


>They mattered so much that Biden is President.

Wait…I thought you fucking retards thought Trump was the president still - working behind the scenes to order the military around. so funny.

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f10a28  No.16680783


Lobsters are genetically related to mosquitos not roaches. Based on the following study:


In 1999, West Nile virus arrived in the New York area, and two pesticides and one solid chemical were used to kill mosquitoes near Long Island Sound. Scientists do not know the concentration of those pesticides in the Sound just after they were applied. But they are beginning to know what two of those pesticides do to lobsters in a laboratory.

One of the many studies of pesticides and lobsters is headed by Sylvain De Guise, an assistant professor in the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science at the University of Connecticut. He said that he and colleagues have found that malathion - the pesticide sprayed in New York - kills at least half of the lobsters in a test group at a concentration of 38 parts per billion.He did his study because he suspected a connection between mosquito spraying and lobster deaths.

If you put enough malathion in the water, it's going to kill lobsters, he said. The study suggests that because malathion breaks down within a few days, both in the water and in lobster tissue, only lobsters in the vicinity of the spraying would have been harmed.


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dbd8a2  No.16680786


what do you want to research?

a lot of what we found out no one wants to hear

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a676ec  No.16680787


You think it will be with a satellite death ray style?

Now you see'em now you don't kind of thingy?

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f940f4  No.16680788

Kirby touts the effectiveness of small arms and ammunition being shipped to Ukraine while the Biden administration works overtime to disarm law abiding American citizens.


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20e06d  No.16680789


This is what happens.

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994ae8  No.16680790



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29a704  No.16680794


Amen to that! They've been wanting us to go to the metric system as part of the globalization plan. Same with changing our Financial system from GAAP to the European system, what was it called, it escapes me now.

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3b5e08  No.16680796


tippy top!

damn girl, you foine!

hey! wait a minute!

why are you trying to distract anon?!

*paranoia sets in*

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91cb61  No.16680800



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c6ab40  No.16680801

True The Vote’s Catherine Englebrecht & Gregg Phillips and MORE| The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 05.31.22

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af3961  No.16680807




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948401  No.16680809


when the internet dies

so shall you

a shameTHIS

is the sum of

your existence

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495d7b  No.16680816


Anyone know why there is an Alabama flag included in Trump's backdrop?

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82208f  No.16680825

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20751: House Judiciary Democrats To Advance Expansive Gun Control Bill Edition

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51c941  No.16680826

Gregg Phillips - How Do You Catch A Criminal? Build The Pattern Of Life, Map The Cheaters


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13a824  No.16680827

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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fc3dd2  No.16680830


Close enough for a Primus slide???

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f940f4  No.16680843


Shit if I know. I don't read Vice; lol.

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495d7b  No.16680846


spamming the bread with shit posting

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717b26  No.16680847

Note shopping cart in upper rh corner of main page, kek.



After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.

Daniel would sign his name here.

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499e80  No.16680848


One of its names is 'The School' run through the business faculty


5 weeks a year for three years

16 to 18 hours days. It's brutal.

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7c9e93  No.16680856


Theyll fight wars on drugs, terror, trumo supporters, but no war on child trafficking.

The children are a food supply?

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09ed8b  No.16680860

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Faces 25 Child Pornography Charges

The arrested drag queen counseled children at a "safe haven" for LBGT youth

A drag queen who counseled children at a “safe haven” for LBGTQ youth has been arrested charged with 25 counts of child pornography, according to a report from Penn Live.

Brice Williams, who worked at the “safe haven” in Harrisburg, PA, is charged with 25 counts of child pornography for at least 49 photos and 25 videos of naked, prepubescent boys. According to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office, Williams, a Chambersburg native, downloaded the photos between May and December 2020.

According to reports, some of the extremely graphic images depicted adults performing sexual acts on minors. Authorities said the victims were under the age of 18, but did not provide more details.

The affidavit said the photo and video downloads were linked to Williams’ email and home addresses.

The child pornography was downloaded under the name “Ana D,” the affidavit further said. The arrested drag queen reportedly performs under an “Anastasia Diamond” stage name.

In July 2021, Williams sat down for an interview with Penn Live to discuss the “safe haven” for LBGTQ youth. GLO Harrisburg offers a “safe space” for “LBGTQ youth of color to do HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness work.”

“I feel as though this is so important because I know there are little kids like me who are queer who are Black who are still not able to look up to anyone,” Williams told PennLive. “So that’s the reason why I got into this line of work. I wanted to make … a big impact for folks in my community.”

In 2020, the LGBT Center of Central PA gave Williams the 2020 Rising Star Award.

Williams is currently being held on $100,000 bail, though he has reportedly been unable to pay. He will be held at the Franklin County Correctional Center, officials said.


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5be29e  No.16680862

Those posts were not Q

salt and sugar and this and that

look at the content

not Q

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1ff992  No.16680866


You can't reason with retarted hall monitors

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9a897d  No.16680869


He is just copying Obama now

If I had to pick ONE thing to make 100% public, at this moment, it would be Sandy Hook. Because that whole thing would shake the normies to the core. & would show them so many different levels of the evil & lies they have forced on us.


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afdc5a  No.16680873

In Judaism, life begins at birth, not conception. Prior to birth, a fetus is considered "mere water". Also, not only is abortion permitted, it is mandatory if the life of the mother is in danger.

Banning abortion is a direct attack on Jewish religious liberty.

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f5c5e6  No.16680875


screw earrings

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d30773  No.16680877

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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252a86  No.16680884


>Thank you God, For one more day on this Earth

>Grateful am I to be here

Well, we got stuff to do haven't we? He won't let us leave just yet but we are ready because we were prepared!

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23c7da  No.16680886


ever since the deep state drum signal corp in Nigeria

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b3b533  No.16680892


Fuck off

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c4971c  No.16680895

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1ddd9a  No.16680899


Take them where? I’m old enough to remember taking pop bottles back to the store for money. But it has to be a network of stores collecting, distributors or whoever gathering from stores etc etc. that only happen in a couple of states these days

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dbd8a2  No.16680900



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b4c06e  No.16680905


they already call you "racist", faggot

get over it

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aa5a72  No.16680907

What can this committee actually do to POTUS?

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ad186c  No.16680909



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948401  No.16680912



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137a92  No.16680913


This may all be hearsay, need a lawfag on that.

Close to hearsay is slander.

MTG just claimed the Jan 6th hearing is a defamation issue. Again, need a lawfag on this.

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9a897d  No.16680919


Lurch had lip filler the day before the pic was taken, so, there's that.

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7c9e93  No.16680920



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09ed8b  No.16680921

The 1/6 charade is trending behind a hidden camera at a week long chili cook off in a fiberglass shit house.

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c6858e  No.16680922



>probably closer to 565 years.

That's Brute forcing the Trip, not gaming the SALT, stop conflating.

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4a1e8b  No.16680923



Get a load of this shit!

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f5c5e6  No.16680930


Give them all black eyes and send it back out.

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e85917  No.16680936


>Sorry, was not meant for you.

first, i was confused.

then i didn't care.

all good, anon.

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0e70da  No.16680939


>fig face

<asshole face. original one too.

There. Fixed it for you.

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85e1c5  No.16680943


WTF is that?

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2f37f4  No.16680947


He's pretty

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b3b533  No.16680949


'things that cause people to stumble' = ((('judeos'))) = godless creatures that Jesus can not help because Jesus is not in hell with those that have raped their children and forced them to create (((inbreds))).

Jesus can only help others by having humans understand to have (((inbreds))) kill themselves or get killed before they rape someone as the (((inbreds))) (((epstein and maxwell))).

even if you 'exclude' Jesus from your 'universe' there is absolutely nothing you 'gain' from someone raping and killing you or children because nothing can be 'undone' ever.

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c182f7  No.16680955


The need to be acknowledge intensifies…

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0baf76  No.16680957


Send this tank to Ukraine.

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8eda04  No.16680958

I know how to filter ID+. I meant, going into the Options, and creating filters there, so shills are filtered every bread, without having to re-filter every bread.

How do I filter that guy who writes "Anonymous" in the email field and makes the name field blank. I can't seem to figure out how to create a filter for him.

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a676ec  No.16680960

The walking dead are the easiest zombies ever. That whole series sucks so bad at zombie consistency. (It's actually a drama show) When the agents developed in Biolabs in Ukraine finally turn the Chinese/Russians into zombies and put their bioterror reaction system to the test, we're infinitely fucked because we in USA are nowhere near prepared and they would love just infecting Olympians for example and send them back and watch us fuck up because our shit is so subverted that our citizenry literally go get their immune system destroyed on a fucking lark.

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b81d2d  No.16680963


Posting verifiable facts about the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not the same as saying that only Jews are criminals.

Btw, the Jewish law of Mesirah obliges Jews to NEVER deliver a criminal Jew to the authorities, under penalty of becoming a Rodef that can be killed by any member the Jewish community without punishment. Basically a mafia law that obligates all Jews (criminal or not) to run cover for criminal Jews if they don't want to be murdered by their own fellow Jews.

Here is a Rabbi telling a man who was raped as a child by a fellow Jew that he should NOT get the police involved because of that Jewish law of Mesirah (mafia style law that applies to all religious Jews):


"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"




Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]


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ad186c  No.16680965


Y you here?

No reason for u to be hear if u thonk dis place is comp.


U IP hopping.


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b4c06e  No.16680966


and this is the best place to be…from a cyber point of view…barely even need a search engine anymore, and was banned from everything even before FB or Twat existed ; this is muh touch with the outside world as don't get off the farm much but as of just now…the hay for winter is officially in the barn (the sense of relief is indescribable)

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1ddd9a  No.16680968

Just about everything we were taught is a lie.

I want ALL of (You) to soak on that one thought for awhile.

What if every sci-fy movie that [THEY] made was based in reality?

(You) have more than (YOU) know.

(You) know more than (YOU) know.

I was sent to Earth to help (You) realize, and know the TRUTHS

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others document everything

Jesus Christ came here to teach, and tell us the Truths who is who

I am just a small voice in a Grand Eternal Adventure we all call life

Many of us were chosen by Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, along with President Kennedy, President Trump, and Vice President Kennedy Jr. along with 10's of thousands more around the world.

President John F. Kennedy, President Donald J. Trump, (Yes) Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. have ALL given their whole lifes existence to investigate , document, track, find, and prosecute those that committed crimes against children, and humanity, and to secure evidence of who is who, and the Crimes against Humanity, and Our Beautiful Children that [THEY] committed EVIL SICK SATANIC SACRIFICING With. Also with those that are Luciferian Satanic Jesuit Nazi Traitors that committed Subversive Treasonous Sick Wicked Acts against Humanity, and Countries Worldwide.

(You) are about to learn Truths that will shock your current reality

Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are in full control.

Lucifer, and his minions days are short.

[THEY] have nowhere to run or hide

Stock up on the basics, please know utilities will be operating

(You) are Free Sovereign Beautiful Children of God Our Father

A Beautiful New Heaven & Earth is under reconstruction right now

Pray, and Love Thy Neighbors as thyself

This is the calm before the storm.

The Truth Storm

[THEY] never thought she would lose.

President John F. Kennedy warned us about secret societies.

President Donald J. Trump took control during his Presidency, and found out everything, and caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. together decades ago with Trump , and their Special Forces Q Team put theirs lives at risk so all of U.S. can have our Children & Countries back, and live a life of Love, Truth, Light, Liberty, and Happiness for this upcoming next Thousand Years


Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

I will add more Truths, and Information as times passes

Everything has meaning

Do not panic

Everything will be okay

Remember these days

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


Love is the Answer

[THEY] LIE_STEAL_CHEAT & have done this THOUSANDS of Years



e[Y]e of Horus

Horus [P]riory of Sion


PBB = Project Blue Beam

PLG = Project Looking Glass

e[Y]e of Ra








Clowns in America








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555f0b  No.16680969

Hey Q I noticed a pretty obvious move by Barry with the propane. Or was that forced.

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36cc4c  No.16680985


>going to the moon,

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583a9f  No.16680989


NO. TANAP WAS IT'S NAME. SA -> EU thru Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy. Turkey got 51% proceeds, and Turkey is a deep state controlled nation via the CIA (derin devlet), and Rothschild controlled BP. It was going to be an alternative pipeline to Russian controlled pipeline routes and IF IT HAD SUCCEEDED we could NOT HAVE FORCED THE FED TO GOLD BACKED CURRENCIES NOW. It was intended to help GLOBALIST MAFIA types alone. Trump said NO, pentagon said YES, Trump BOMBED THE SIT OUT OF INFRASTRUCTURE MEDIA LABS and said there go your ISIS paved pathway plans for pipeline, Obama HRC, fuck you for fucking with me.

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85164f  No.16680990

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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967e6d  No.16680991


We stand.

We fight.



Trust yourself.

Public awakening.




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17b24d  No.16680994


could be one round left, could be a full mag, can't tell from the picture

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683aad  No.16680997


Bottom line, when false flags come out, all of us need to speak up, and say, give us actual proof or stfu.

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51c941  No.16680998

"Modern man has so long preached a doctrine of false tolerance, he has so long believed that right and wrong were only differences in a point of view, that now when evil works itself out in practice he is paralyzed to do anything against it." - Fulton J. Sheen

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761583  No.16681000

Stick leg Joe found himself a beefy gal on the beach


🚨BREAKING: Joe Biden says he's considering a federal holiday on the gasoline tax, possibly saving Americans as much as 18.4 cents a gallon. Biden says he hopes to make a decision by the end of the week.

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82208f  No.16681002


Hurry, get that abortion

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17340a  No.16681005

Sweet Loretta fat

She thought she was a woman but she was another man

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23c7da  No.16681009


“I know what you mean,” he said. “But that don’t make any difference. You just have to keep on giving, that’s all, see? Not all of ’em turn back. It helps a lot. Money is the only dangerous thing to give—but I never give money—not very often. I give myself, rather, as much as possible. I give food and clothing, too, but I try to show ’em a new way—that’s not money, you know. So many people need a new way. They’re looking for it often, only they don’t seem to know how. But God, dear brother, however poor or mean they are—He knows. You’ve got to reach the heart, you know, and I let Him help me. You’ve got to make a man over in his soul, if you want to help him, and money won’t help you to do that, you know. No, it won’t.”

He looked up at me in clear-eyed faith. It was remarkable.

“Make them over?” I queried, still curious, for it was all like a romance, and rather fantastic to me. “What do you mean? How do you make them over?”

“Oh, in their attitude, that’s how. You’ve got to change a man and bring him out of self-seeking if you really want to make him good. Most men are so tangled up in their own errors and bad ways, and so worried over their seekings, that unless you can set them to giving it’s no use. They’re always seeking, and they don’t know what they want half the time. Money isn’t the thing. Why, half of them wouldn’t understand how to use it if they had it. Their minds are not bright enough. Their perceptions are not clear enough. All you can do is to make them content with themselves. And that, giving to others will do. I never saw the man or the woman yet who couldn’t be happy if you could make them feel the need of living for others, of doing something for somebody besides themselves. It’s a fact. Selfish people are never happy.”


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2f37f4  No.16681012


the day when your ancestors fried kids.

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1ddd9a  No.16681014


and this cunt to boot

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c182f7  No.16681016

Jeff Halperin is her husband.


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91cb61  No.16681023



Memeanon wins meme of the month qresearch award.

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af3961  No.16681026


Election Wizard, [15.06.22 10:38]

Washington Post poll finds most Americans oppose biological men competing in women's sports


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da2409  No.16681032



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29a704  No.16681037


habsburg jaw & dumbo ears

whos his real dad?

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c78715  No.16681038

need to clean up this board, it is a shitshow right now…tooo many sleepers on this board…get a life…lurk more…

there is a right way and a wrong way to run this board… and oh look…you found the wrong….straighten this shit out…we are getting down to the wire…we will be needing this board when the SHTF…


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2b2af8  No.16681039


This one here. This is great. It's even the same reporter.

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3a4f05  No.16681040


No need to try & use dry humor or whatever to talk it away & reminding everyone it's not your problem.

That's been a HUGE issue for so many of us when you really think about it.

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f5c5e6  No.16681041



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9a897d  No.16681044


>CNN commentator uses her disabled brother & step granddaughter who has Down syndrome as examples of why we need abortion

keke cnn is based

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5be29e  No.16681045


Orange Crush

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3e23a7  No.16681052


The equivalent of a dog humping her leg…..

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aa5a72  No.16681055

Mason Aid looks for a Starbucks coffee shop on every road trip.

It's not for the coffee.

"I schedule bathroom breaks around Starbucks locations because I know that they have gender-neutral bathrooms," said Aid, who is nonbinary transmasculine. "That makes a big difference."

They've already started planning where they'll stop and how they'll present at rest stops on their 13-hour drive to Rocky Mountain National Park this summer.


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7396b8  No.16681062


how did she get where she is?

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23c7da  No.16681063

i came back to thank anon that posted this tune


i was just blasting it on full force in my car

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46144c  No.16681065


>!!Hs1Jq13jV6 whitelisted, comped,

Comp'd and whitelisted on /QR/. meaning the only trip that works here is that one. All trips are enabled on /hivemind/

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1ff992  No.16681068


NATO is practically begging for a nuke up their ass

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849cda  No.16681069


"spread love, it's the brooklyn way"

copywritten lyrics from Biggie on 'Juicy"…

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c4971c  No.16681070

Potato Live and Slurring

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5366b6  No.16681071

“experience is an expensive school but fools will learn in no other.”


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f9f8a5  No.16681072

Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips

06/28/2022 22:06:02

Truth Social: 108558310636355131

The Positive Patriot / @ThePositivePatriot

06/28/2022 13:45:36

Truth Social: 108556342832742082

What really happened Jan 6?

Lets take a closer look.

mssarah / @mssarah

06/28/2022 14:43:06

Truth Social: 108556568918288438

I watched on OAN guys move barricades out of the way. There was a guy in regular clothes, plus a few guys dressed as what looked like police officers run forward and the guy in street clothes turned around and was running backwards like he was directing a movie waving the crowd in. You could tell the people were unsure what to do, the guy kept waving them to come to him, like a movie. Only saw it once, then could never find that again.

The Positive Patriot / @ThePositivePatriot

06/28/2022 20:37:21

Truth Social: 108557961896813160

How was gray hoody guy already past the barricades?

Gregg Phillips reTruthed…


Compressed to fit on 8kun

Go to post, to see full version

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af3961  No.16681073


Looks like it was shooting approaches at Piedmont-Triad airport.

VENUS callsign is used by VIP planes without a VIP on board.

Most likely crew training sortie.

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c6ab40  No.16681076


Feelin' guilty

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631f52  No.16681077


Everything has meaning.


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