16f6b5 No.16643762[Last 50 Posts]
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>>16634864 Q's Latest Posts
>>16634865 Notables #96
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>>16635086 Teig: http://controlc.com/8742a45a
Brot #97 - Q Research Germany #97: Mit Vollgas an die Wand - Edition /3 wurde innerhalb 15 Minuten gespammt.
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16f6b5 No.16643961
Q's Latest Posts
Wednesday 06.29.2022
>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.
Saturday 06.25.2022
>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)
Friday 06.24.2022
>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.
>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.
>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?
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16f6b5 No.16643968
Notables #96
>>16292690 Hans-Werner Sinn: "Sorgt selber für euch. Glaubt nicht daran, dass der Staat das schafft."
>>16296574 Europäischer Automarkt bricht historisch ein
>>16296639 Onkelz canceln Konzert aus Angst vor Corona
>>16296994 20.000 Hunter-Biden-Emails mit Volltextsuche durchsuchbar
>>16302736 epochtimes.de: Ehemaliger Corona-Berater: Der „tiefe Staat“ arbeitete bei Corona gegen Trump.
>>16311215 "Wie ist Selenski zu 40 Mio. Dollar gekommen?
>>16313242 Moody's drückt Ukraine tiefer in den Ramschbereich
>>16322087 Berliner Bezirksamt ordnete Wahl mit falschen Stimmzetteln an – Strafanzeige wegen Wahlfälschung
>>16325984, >>16326113, >>16326286 "Kinderfotograf" Achim Lippoth - Ein kranker, kaputter Typ, der jahrelang unbehelligt blieb
>>16344115, >>16344153, >>16344275, >>16344346 Böhse Onkelz - Freimaurer/Illumnati Symbolik
>>16351772 2.200 Reiche und Schöne erkauften sich Covid-Impfzertifikat
>>16363510 US-Senator hält sich nicht mehr zurück: „Die Eliten wollen eine Weltregierung und das ist keine Verschwörungstheorie“.
>>16363530 rubikon: Die allseits beschworene Nahrungsmittelkrise wird künstlich herbeigeführt — die nötigen Rohstoffe sind in Fülle vorhanden
>>16370310 „Menschenverachtend“ - Kölner Polizei deckt riesiges Kindesmissbrauchs-Netz auf
>>16379026 Russland bietet verfolgten deutschen Regimekritikern Asyl an
>>16384011, >>16384085 nzz: Hunter Bidens «Laptop from Hell» – wie Leitmedien und Twitter einen unerwünschten Skandal unterdrückten
>>16385281 Interview mit Tafel-Gründerin - "Zu uns kommt mittlerweile auch die Mittelschicht"
>>16389362 USA scheitern in Genf mit ihrem Plan für eine WHO-Gesundheitsdiktatur – vorerst
>>16390926 Rumänische Ärzte bestätigen: Direkter Zusammenhang zwischen Impfstoff und plötzlichen Todesfällen
>>16395470 Landesregierung will Bodensee mit Windrädern zupflastern
>>16399488 Telegram soll Nutzerdaten an Behörden weitergegeben haben
>>16399792 Big Brother: Norwegen überwacht Lebensmitteleinkäufe der Bürger
>>16407990 Experten und Politiker fordern: Zurück zur Atomkraft >>16439313
>>16415181 Ukraine: Russland beschlagnahmt 30 Tonnen Plutonium und 40 Tonnen angereichertes Uran
>>16424910 Verfassungsschutz warnt vor "Königreich Deutschland"
>>16439779 „Wiederherstellung der DDR“: Die Ukraine sagt Deutschland eine düstere Zukunft voraus
>>16440567 Bis zu 6000 Missbrauchsopfer im Bistum Münster
>>16443240 Krankenkassen-Chef warnt vor "Beitrags-Tsunami"
>>16448579, >>16499196 Mega-Deals: Indien kauft russisches Öl und verkauft es teuer nach Europa
>>16460040 Offiziell auf CNN: Es existiert keine globale Erderwärmung
>>16467542 Was ist V-Aids nach einer Impfung? Wie wird V-Aids diagnostiziert?
>>16482690, >>16483618 Diese Waffen liefert Deutschland an die Ukraine
>>16500640, >>16503434 Ukraine bietet Deutschland Lieferung von Atomstrom an
>>16498133, >>16498356 Julian Reichelt: So stürzen Habeck und die Grünen (nicht Putin!) uns in die Katastrophe
>>16499181 Werbung für Kindestötungen jetzt ganz legal? Hier feiert die SPD die Abschaffung von § 219a
>>16534318 Lindner will Ende von Tankrabatt
>>16535819 Wir trauern um Markus Gärtner: Nachruf von Max Otte
>>16542297 Bund gibt 22 Milliarden Euro für Flüchtlinge aus
>>16594185 dwn: Setzt Putin dem Great Reset ein Ende?
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16f6b5 No.16643987
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16f6b5 No.16643995
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16f6b5 No.16644044
threads >>16620701, >>16634857, >>16640266, >>16643765 can be deleted
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5208f3 No.16644305
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d47f10 No.16644311
why would one get fucked over an century?
who is in the bed?
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8f8796 No.16644315
Makes sense, only in dere on salez days, and go to Evanston for the inventory.
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a51bbb No.16644335
Relevant to Tor users, apparently.
Might be the kind of thing you do if you don't want people to know you're posting in, say, Arizona.
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685ab7 No.16644338
All good, Anon.
Stay frosty ! :)
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9ee0eb No.16644353
*idolatry not adulatory
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07e7c0 No.16644354
Praise to the glory of glories sword anon famefaggot. Nothing more important that individual recognition and fame for anons. Identityfag namefag famefags are united! Definitely not here to piss off the few remaining anons who are actually anonymous.
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9a8c46 No.16644356
bread # should be 20890
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5208f3 No.16644360
Hitmen and assorted criminals say that too. The First one is the Worst one.
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a0dd25 No.16644371
Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day at USSC
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84e87f No.16644389
hey so when are we gonna start deporting all the niggers and spics
aka the Rothschilds shitskin army
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9ee0eb No.16644394
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8785a2 No.16644397
> one day your gona test the wrong person who don't want your test.
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642830 No.16644399
For leaf anons…
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1bf25d No.16644410
>Elon and Grimy in Venice
Sweet sweet memories, the Merchants of Venice slaughtered
"The massacre further worsened relations and increased enmity between the Western and Eastern Christian churches,[4] and a sequence of hostilities between the two followed.
1 Background
2 Death of Manuel I and massacre
3 Impact
4 See also
5 References
From the late 11th century, Western merchants, primarily from the Italian city-states of Venice, Genoa and Pisa, had started appearing in the East. The first had been the Venetians, who had secured large-scale trading concessions from Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos. Subsequent extensions of these privileges and Byzantium's own naval impotence at the time resulted in a virtual maritime monopoly and stranglehold over the Empire by the Venetians.[5]
Alexios' grandson, Manuel I Komnenos, wishing to reduce their influence, began to reduce the privileges of Venice while concluding agreements with her rivals: Pisa, Genoa and Amalfi.[6] Gradually, all four Italian cities were also allowed to establish their own quarters in the northern part of Constantinople itself, towards the Golden Horn.
The predominance of the Italian merchants caused economic and social upheaval in Byzantium: it accelerated the decline of the independent native merchants in favour of big exporters, who became tied to the landed aristocracy, who in turn increasingly amassed large estates.[1] Together with the perceived arrogance of the Italians, it fueled popular resentment amongst the middle and lower classes both in the countryside and in the cities.[1]"
The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare [the illiterate] in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599.
Although classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is most remembered for its dramatic scenes, and it is best known for Shylock and his famous demand for a "pound of flesh" in retribution, as well as its "Hath not a Jew eyes?" speech on humanity. As a result a debate exists on whether the play is anti-Semitic. Also notable is Portia's speech about "the quality of mercy".
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a51bbb No.16644412
Do You Hear the People Sing?
Brothers of France, a great day has come. DJT sent them a message of hope…
We can beat them just for one day
We can be heroes just for one day
Allez la France!
Vote Marine!
Vote Le Pen!
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94f274 No.16644421
Glad you are on God's Side
The Task is Nearly Complete
Thank you for your Service
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beb287 No.16644422
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dbe166 No.16644436
Again, why are you still here and not over there?
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59de55 No.16644437
why dontcha tell us what you REALLY think….
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84e87f No.16644443
Infinite chan gold work?
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46b8e5 No.16644445
China slams NATO's strategic blueprint and blames the United States for Russia's invasion of Ukraine
China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson has blasted NATO for its strategic blueprint claiming it wants to start a "new Cold War" as he blamed the United States for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
China has called for NATO members to drop their “Cold War mentality” after the intergovernmental military alliance declared Beijing was a “challenge” to its interests and security.
NATO’s new 10-year strategic policy called China out for its “malicious” cyber operations, strategic partnership with Russia, attempts to dominate supply chains and expansion of its nuclear arsenal.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Wednesday took aim at the intergovernmental organisation and accused member nations of repeated "forays into the Asia-Pacific region".
“NATO should stop drawing ideological lines, stoking political confrontation, or seeking to start a new Cold War,” Mr Zhao said.
“It should discard the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset and stop making enemies. NATO has already disrupted Europe. It should not seek to destabilize Asia and the world.”
Mr Zhao then turned to the nations imposing sanctions on Russia and supplying weapons to Ukraine before accusing the United States of benefiting from the conflict.
“The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken a heavy toll on Europe politically, economically and socially, while the US benefits from it, with arms dealers popping champagne and American grain and energy industries making exorbitant profits,” the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.
“As the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor fuelling it, the US needs to reflect on its disreputable role it has played in the Ukraine crisis and stop smearing China.”
NATO’s recently released strategic blueprint did not hold back in its overview of China’s activities, accusing it of “confrontation rhetoric” and distributing disinformation to target allies with the aim of harming alliance security.
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2cd354 No.16644459
New Baker Confirming
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008505 No.16644460
Q was right, their need for symbolism will expose them all.
They're pushing Satanic symbolism AND CONVENIENTLY UKRAINE SYMBOLISM?
These people are literally the dumbest people on the planet.
Advertising to the world who's involved in the crime of the century.
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c5acc7 No.16644463
my main point stands, doesn't mean Q posted to frickin hivemind
call me what you like, doesn't change the facts.
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4c4e6f No.16644478
Let the salt FLOW
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5bc2ba No.16644482
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dbe166 No.16644493
BREAKING HEADLINES, [12.06.22 15:25]
Texas Judge Blocks Transgender Child Abuse Investigations
READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/r63QE5
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657f04 No.16644503
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71aa7d No.16644507
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cddc29 No.16644513
Now we know where the trolls live.
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bd385b No.16644515
Those are delicious
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008505 No.16644523
once you are Trans
you aren't EITHER ONE
do us a favor
use the single restroom
the one with the door
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de0b6c No.16644527
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44fb99 No.16644530
TS Gen Flynn pic has lightening, storm and the US Flag.
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5bc2ba No.16644550
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47dcad No.16644557
Truth Social post
Devin Nunes (replying to Catturd) - End of may we will alunch PWA (Web Browser) this will allow access from any device. After that we will launch an Android App…pending approval from Google
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e2689e No.16644559
I'm not denying it's a QVC box, what I'm denying is that it's just a coincidence.
The QVC box just happens to be there with the big Q facing outwards behind them while Biden takes pictures with kids in Trump/Maga hats and a Trump "I'll be back" shirt.
It can't be any more obvious Kek.
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16eea1 No.16644566
"Follow The Yellow Brick Road / We're Off To See The Wizard"
Follow the yellow brick road,
Follow the yellow brick road,
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road.
Follow the rainbow over the stream,
Follow the fellow who follows a dream,
Follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow the yellow brick road.
We're off to see the Wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz if ever a Wiz there was.
If ever, oh ever a Wiz there was,
The Wizard of Oz is one becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz,
Becoz of the wonderful things he does.
We're off to see the Wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
We're off to see the Wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz if ever a Wiz there was.
If ever, oh ever a Wiz there was,
The Wizard of Oz is one becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz,
Becoz of the wonderful things he does.
We're off to see the Wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
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c418f5 No.16644570
The Xxxth Summer Olympic Games In London 2012: Opening Ceremony
The Xxxth Summer Olympic Games In London 2012: Opening Ceremony. La cérémonie d'ouverture des 30èmes Jeux olympiques d'été de LONDRES 2012 au stade de Stratford : sir Tim BERNERS-LEE, l'inventeur du premier site Web tweetant sur un clavier d'ordinateur « This is for everyone » (C'est destiné à tout le monde). (Photo by Philippe Petit/Paris Match via Getty Images)
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bd385b No.16644574
And the sheep follow their fictitious narrative, cementing the false reality as "truth". The same sheep would kill YOU to protect themselves from a non-sensical fear that was implanted in their mind by AI.
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6564d1 No.16644581
Sir! ThanQ, Sir!
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38c011 No.16644593
Shucking kids
No wonder we don't post here often anymore
Your comments are wrong
Type f'ing 2
Into Q post search
Durham is the comm
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5e2f4b No.16644598
There should be release posse's waiting for his ass.
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44fb99 No.16644604
>These people are stupid
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666beb No.16644609
Qagg should just get contract with TS to be it's official passive mirror for peeps with no phone.
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a4f612 No.16644611
better than the last one
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ea340f No.16644636
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a0a0e9 No.16644646
Your blessing to Ron Watkins will be multiplied in your life.
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7bce8f No.16644647
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3a4413 No.16644649
Please, silly anon!
Learn the difference b/w some queen & a king.
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897dc2 No.16644651
>: "As long as it takes."
for what exactly
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f8ab02 No.16644652
Tithing to the Church of England was mandatory in colonial America. The Head of The Church of England was The King…then at some point appointed somebody else for appearances, but was essentially still the head of it….
So, if you wanted to support your own church, you were obligated to two congregations:
Theirs & Yours.
"Separation" of Church & State sought to eliminate the obligatory tax to an entity that guides the soul not governs the physical.
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f81f2e No.16644657
>> seo shill
>>we can all notice
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881a77 No.16644658
F & G
On the move
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034e90 No.16644660
>He was referring to the B post on Qs board.
which got deleted as part of the babyfist Q LARP fest this weekend
the B post was deleted on Friday
same day as first babyfist Q
3 days after that post that you are saying refers to the B post
and not a "Q" drop
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1b2b6b No.16644661
devil with the blue dress on….
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5562a0 No.16644664
>looking for a handoff
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0273ca No.16644669
Try harder, assyap.
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5bc2ba No.16644698
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e92e96 No.16644699
Angels with swords
Hold the line!
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."
God bless.
>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)
The end (of Roe v. Wade) won't be for everyone.
Michael Cook
Puerto Rico
Michael aquino
Damian Echols
Aleister Crawly
Racial Slurs
Sexual Assault
Susan Collinns
Johhny Depp
Amber Heard
Matthew McConaughey
Woodward and Berenstain
'Hold On, I'm Coming'
"Let me hit the button"
DB NOW!!!!
>Bunker Apple Yellow SKY [… + 1]
General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥
You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.
John F. Kennedy Jr.
I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope
sportsball.larry bird is a faggot in…
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cce1ec No.16644708
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/13/2022 18:51:06
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108472609463155350
Former A.G. Bill Barr, a RINO if there ever was one, didn’t have the courage or stamina to go after voter fraud - Was afraid he was going to be impeached. NO GUTS, NO GLORY!!!
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6356c8 No.16644714
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de5584 No.16644718
This was just another 4-year election. It's all a lead-up to 2022 and 2024. Granted this is how America operates legally. Nevertheless this is and was the plan. Wake up as many “left or democrats” and have them vote Red. That seems to be about it. As for andrechome and child harvest and all the other things anons have proved will be hard to get on the 6 o'clock news.
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40888b No.16644719
JD Vance - not exactly the greatest introduction by POTUS, kek!
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4c4e6f No.16644725
Notice to ALL ANONS.
I worked at the Honda test track in Ohio.
It’s like a big Race Track.
I had to go a hundred miles per hour to stay up on the outside lane on the turn.
The cars spy on you. The cars film you and record you.
This is why some cases are thrown out of court.
They have audio and visual but they don’t want to submit.
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7bce8f No.16644729
Human Rights Violations by Coca Cola in Colombia
The transnational corporation Coca Cola,2 settled in Colombia in 1940, through a franchise granted to the Indega S.A. bottling company in the central area, northern coast and north-eastern area of Colombia.3 The bottling companies under Indega S.A. were bought out in 1995 by Panamco Beverages, Inc., with 25% of its shares held by Coca Cola. In May 2003, Fomento Mexicano S.A. bought Panamco through the Coca Cola Femsa S.A. franchise, with Coca Cola retaining 31,6% of the shares. This is the company that holds the franchise in Colombia, and through which it operates in most Latin American countries.
Through this off-shore legal framework, Coca Cola produces and sells its products keeping ownership of the brands, capital control and a presence on the board of directors of the local enterprises. It also controls all the processes regarding raw materials, supplies, production, distribution and labour policy, avoiding liability for the human rights violations committed.
Coca Cola’s activities in Colombia affect the environment and health, among others.4 But, above all, the history of Coca Cola in Colombia is that of a permanent attack on labor and trade-union rights, including the killing of at least ten trade unionists and links with paramilitary groups.
Working time extensions and pace-of-work increases have allowed the transnational corporation to operate with 5 Coca Cola Femsa bottling plants and close 11 in 2003, laying off hundreds of workers. Sinaltrainal members started a hunger strike in March 2004, in order to try to avoid the wide-scale lay-off of workers. In 2014, with the opening of the gigantic bottling plant that the company is building in Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, new bottling plant closings and lay-offs are planned.
According to company documents known to Sinaltrainal union leaders, such as “Dia D”, “Plan Pandrino” and “el Corrientazo”, Sinaltrainal is considered as an obstacle to reducing labour costs, since it opposes subcontracting, which accounts for some 70% of the over 7,000 workers involved in the company’s production. Such subcontracting is carried out through front companies, many of which belong to the transnational corporation itself, among which: Atencom S.A.S., Imbera, OXXON, FL Colombia S.A.S. They simulate direct working contracts, thus preventing the paying of benefits provided for under the collective labor contract. Sinaltrainal is opposed to the so-called positive human resources plan, which is how the company weakens the trade union (that at present has only 287 affiliated workers), in order to eliminate the collective labor contract and to put illegal pressure on the workers so as to make them give up their work contracts.
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e3bb82 No.16644734
But yet you are still paid to be here.
Isn't that something….
Rent free have a nice day.
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94735a No.16644742
Be that as it may
Why u no lb/pb
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cddc29 No.16644743
I don't think Barbara would be today's democrat?
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102aac No.16644752
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55c018 No.16644760
'suicide month'
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3a340b No.16644761
I'm not a bot, moran.
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1f50b7 No.16644762
…Shepherds lead sheep around. Let that sink in.
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5150cf No.16644767
Do it now, b/c today it is a special day.
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6564d1 No.16644768
The great deceivers are 100% out of ammo
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5e2f4b No.16644778
Ia Q at Truth Social?
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0fbc92 No.16644781
BREAKING!! There is no doubt that Pres. Trump was angry, he wanted to go to the capitol. So what if he did or didn't get his hand on the steering wheel or if he went for the other agent's throat. So what if it wasn't a plate he threw against the wall. No! The only important thing is that President Trump has a TEMPER. Oh yeah, Cassidy was a loyal Trump follower, she's getting death threats, she only wants to tell the truth. AND…..she's the only one under OATH! That means SOMETHING!
Love it when a plan comes together. Wolf is back and he has one of the greatest Lawfare liars ever, Larry Tribe on.
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de0b6c No.16644786
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a4f612 No.16644799
NEW Q DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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3c7b8f No.16644805
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946242 No.16644822
>>16582766, >>16583349, >>16583437 It’s All Going Woke As The National Archives Says The U.S. Constitution Has ‘Harmful Language’
>>16582784 @JudiciaryGOP IWO Gif on Twitter o7
>>16582788 Vernon Coleman: ‘The Biggest and Most Powerful Lie Doctors Tell’: the absurd myth that drug companies and doctors have prolonged life expectancy
>>16582792, >>16583387, >>16583403 Chief Pete Arredondo resigns from Uvalde City Council amid criticism of police response to shooting at Robb Elementary/diggz
>>16582797 Johnson government could break up UK: Irish Deputy PM
>>16582806 COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? READ IT, share it.
>>16582858 Algeria preparing for massive 60-year independence celebrations
>>16582862 Several NYC Election Sites Had 'No Republican Ballots' During Last Week's Primary
>>16582927 Mali summons Spanish ambassador over FM statements
>>16582947 @OfficialFtSill Waiting for a fire mission is just the calm before the STORM!
>>16583003 State of Emergency declared in Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan province
>>16583214, >>16583219, >>16583266 10-year-old girl denied abortion in Ohio (heart beat law?)
>>16583253 DubYa Fantasy Golf for the keks
>>16583310 Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition –The Outcome Would be Global Energy and Economic Cleaving
>>16583371 A reminder RE: Kash and The National Archives. DeClas coming
>>16583503 #20982
>>16581998, >>16582053 PRINCE Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell had an "intimate relationship" which gave the socialite "unrestricted access" to Buckingham Palace - thesun.uk
>>16582052 Nearly 8,000 Flights Delayed On Friday As July 4th Weekend To Be Hell
>>16582127 If you don't know how to add filters, see here
>>16582157 Protests in Spain and Morocco over migrant deaths
>>16582188 Mike Pompeo - When I went to West Point as an 18-year-old kid, I did so because I believed in America and wanted to see her flourish. I believe that today more than ever
>>16582291 State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for Information on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections’
>>16582307 Syrian President hosts Iran FM in Damascus
>>16582319 Excluding Russia from the United Nations Security Council is possible only if the entire organization is disbanded and created anew, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said
>>16582350 Georgia Appeals Court Throws Out VoterGA Case on July 4th Weekend
>>16582365, >>16582453, >>16582533 LIVESTREAM: World’s largest medical conference skeptical of Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma. A cura está em cada um de nós. #Brazil
>>16582378 DPR forces have charged two other British mercenaries who refuse to cooperate with officials.
>>16582407 Over 400,000 High-Priority Incidents In Chicago In 2021 Had 'No Police Available To Send', New Data Shows
>>16582404 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel voted 19 to 2 on Tuesday to add an Omicron component to COVID-19 boosters this fall, over objections by panel members and despite a lack of data.
>>16582460 Ukraine Successfully Hitting Russian Command Posts With New Rocket System, according to Pentagon
>>16582471, >>16582528 Cause of Death Revealed for Sergeant-at-Arms in Charge of Capitol Security on Jan. 6 ("natural causes")
>>16582477 Waiting for a fire mission is just thecalm before the STORM! ️ #FiresStrong #TeamSill @USArmy
>>16582534 Lukashenko accuses Ukraine of firing missiles at Belarus
>>16582561, >>16582595, >>16582597 Trump ReTruthed that weird account that has the "Confirmed" post on it's timeline at exactly 00:38:02
>>16582582, >>16582589 Cassidy Hutchinson >>pic related
>>16582672 Nina Janco the Wicked Witch from the West gets caught spreading disinfo for spreading lies from Politico on Justice Thomas
>>16582728 #20981
Previously Collected
>>16581102 #20979, >>16581893 #20980
>>16578864 #20976, >>16580261 #20977, >>16580309 #20978
>>16576945 #20973, >>16577262 #20974, >>16578024 #20975
>>16575876 #20970, >>16574958 #20971, >>16576151 #20972
>>16572118 #20967, >>16572565 #20968, >>16573349 #20969
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up
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74c849 No.16644832
Zero delta or zero bubble?
Decide for yourself.
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7bce8f No.16644839
Notes @550
>>16433352 A stampede almost broke out at the pro-gun control March for Our Lives rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. after attendees thought there was a shooter.
>>16433412 Washington Developed A System To Lie To You About Inflation, The Real Inflation Rate Is Much, Much Higher
>>16433475, >>16433736 Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group
>>16433512 Fox News Falls Into the Pride Month Trap
>>16433526 Not a bad educational quickie on Religious Exemption
>>16433721, >>16433708, >>16433707, >>16433704, >>16433700 If you were on TS, you would see all of this and moar!
>>16433885 The Show Trials Begin (long but good new perspective, you can read it in-bread!)
>>16433946 Maricopa County Spokesperson Admits 20,000 'Late' Ballots Were Scanned Before Verification; Expert Says Likely a Crime - The Arizona…
Heating the Oven
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a0a0e9 No.16644841
Muh Black African Negroid nigga all them white women needed to paid first you dumbass idiot….. lmao
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fd11c1 No.16644847
I Like the way you cut this shit in half makes it tolerable dick head
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cddc29 No.16644855
>>16543764 National Science Foundation in USAspending.gov
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2f67d8 No.16644872
she will be pardoned and it won't even be reported
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1f50b7 No.16644873
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6356c8 No.16644902
Large number of Akron Riot Police just came out from police station.
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3a4413 No.16644903
Disturbed - Land Of Confusion
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13b71f No.16644906
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6f52b5 No.16644913
I think every knows this fact, so maybe it's time to take the potato out of the microwave?
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beb287 No.16644924
That is…… graphic.
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7bce8f No.16644925
The gland in the center of the brain is as valuable and hard to come by as truffles
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c3b7f7 No.16644930
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ea340f No.16644931
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de5584 No.16644932
Years of evil racist propaganda the msm has been spewing as not only tolerable, not only encouraged, but needed to save humanity from itself, has been adversely impacting trusting viewers into ingesting the racist code such that their bodily actions follow suit.
Fuck the racist msm
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3a5703 No.16644936
Yeah if your house was in Minecraft
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53cb0e No.16644945
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881a77 No.16644954
“Not only is Cheney getting creamed in the ballot, but Wyoming [Republican primary voters] are clear that there is no room for her to get back into this race,” Fabrizio wrote in a memo obtained by NBC News. “A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against. With only 26% saying they will definitely or probably vote for Cheney, she has hit her ceiling on the ballot.”
The survey did not directly measure attitudes about the Capitol riot, nor did a survey released late last month that was conducted by the Club for Growth and yielded similar numbers to Fabrizio’s survey.
Club for Growth spokesman Joe Kildea said Cheney’s role on the Jan. 6 committee and her strident opposition to Trump — who remains a popular figure in the GOP — is too damaging for her candidacy in a primary like Wyoming’s.
“She's definitely on the wrong side of the party,” Kildea said.
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bd385b No.16644957
Q proof required.
Prove you're not a larper on Jim's corrupted site PLAYING A GAME with minds.
It's not enough to ask us to trust Jim because the people he surrounds himself with are shady as fuck.
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102aac No.16644958
Very nice. Go continue to cry for the retard Ashli.
>She was a good girl that was shot by police
Fucking leftist argument.
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99a304 No.16644966
I never evaluated that
stick to the topic
he tried to join our side and ruined himself by doing so
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2f67d8 No.16644967
Patrick Howley (born 1989) is an American reporter. As of 2020, he was writing for National File.[1] He is the former editor-in-chief of Big League Politics,[2] In 2019, he worked as a freelancer for the Epoch Times.[2]
Howley has been a reporter for the Breitbart News Network in Washington, D.C.,[3][4] The Washington Free Beacon, and The Daily Caller.[5] He previously served as an assistant editor for The American Spectator.[6] His work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal,[7] National Review,[8] and Sean Hannity.[9]
In January 2017, Howley left Breitbart to start the far-right website Big League Politics.[4] He has been criticized for his style of journalism and satire.[10][11][12][13] Right Wing Watch has described Howley as a "racist, antisemitic, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist."[14]
In 2019, Howley broke the story of a blackface and KKK costume photograph in Virginia governor Ralph Northam's medical school yearbook after receiving a tip from a "concerned citizen".[15] Howley's website also broke the news of sexual assault allegations against Virginia lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax.[16][17]
In 2020, writing for National File, Howley broke the story of then-Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham exchanging sexually suggestive texts with a woman who was not his wife.[1]
As of 2022, Howley was hosting a program on Patriots' Soapbox, a QAnon-aligned streaming network.[14]
On April 13th, 2022, Howley went on an on-air racist rant regarding Anthony Mackie, a Black man hosting the CMT Music Awards: "I don’t know who this Black guy is who’s hosting it. It’s supposed to be country music. No offense. Y'all have hip-hop, basketball. Just fly with your flock, bro."[18][19]
Looks good from here, Man
Whew, I bet pushing that Enter button was hard as hell!
Check Insurance policy, preps, alt fren locations, etc etc GO NOW!
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8785a2 No.16644987
shill detected.
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0273ca No.16644989
>New US sanctions on Russian oligarchs include VP of World Jewish Congress
Putin keks in russian.
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70d84a No.16644996
Would like a big trial with tons of evidence and then let him sit in a tiny cell.
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522025 No.16645007
>Will that last person leaving LA please flush the toilets? We want to leave it clean for the cartels.
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6f52b5 No.16645013
You know what would convince me someone in government was on our side.
Put a little green gif up on defense.gov/
a red one
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b584a5 No.16645014
maybe potus can mention what a great movie White Squall is…
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3a4413 No.16645029
Buddy, you ain't know shit.
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008505 No.16645039
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55c018 No.16645040
Puerto Rican JFK on his way to us!!
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666beb No.16645044
>>16588078 pb
>How many years do we have to hear about prince pedo doing illegal evil shit and nothing being done about it?
probably not as long as the shit has been going on…How did the Queen manage to stay so yootful for so long?
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5150cf No.16645051
Nice sgt b drop. civanon? or just a cronie
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881a77 No.16645053
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1a41c7 No.16645055
it is a freaky one, indeed
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c203fb No.16645058
thank you anon
I am smiling ear to ear
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685ab7 No.16645065
UngaTheGreat, [24.06.22 21:54]
[Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News]
[ Video ]
Chants of “every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground” as Antifa clowns march around DC.
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e92e96 No.16645066
If I could make some money with this place I would. It's (too) important to turn it off these days.
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102aac No.16645068
in case anons miss the reference, much of the planning for the attack was done by Carlyle Group.
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1ed040 No.16645088
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c12e38 No.16645089
Polish Nobel author [Olga Tokarczuk] says Russia threat to ‘free world’
Olga book with Baphomet on the cover? [2018]
Olga book with Ritual Sacrifice on the cover?
Another of Olga’s books with antlers on the cover [Y head]
Another type of Y head on a cover?
In any case, [Tokarczuk] is unquestionably an icon of the left-wingers. Poland's leading leftist newspaper, the George Soros funded Gazeta Wyborcza, made a miserable martyr out of her just because some Polish patriots had dared to disagree with her.
May 4, 2021
MDIF, which is funded among others by Soros’s Open Society Foundations, has also invested in Poland’s Radio Zet and Agora. The latter owns Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s leading non-tabloid daily and a strong critic of the current national-conservative government.
Tokarczuk is a leftist, an atheist, and a feminist.
Her father was a member of the [Polish United Workers' Party].
In 2020, she was one of the signatories alongside other prominent writers such as Margaret Atwood, John Banville and John Maxwell Coetzee of an open letter addressed to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, urging the European Union to "to take immediate steps to defend core European values – equality, non-discrimination, respect for minorities – which are being blatantly violated in Poland" and appealing to the Polish government to stop targeting sexual minorities and to withdraw support from organizations promoting homophobia
The [Polish United Workers' Party], commonly abbreviated to PZPR, was the communist party which ruled the Polish People's Republic as a one-party state from 1948 to 1990.
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203adf No.16645090
>>16465408 bc anons like me question why the hell Trump didn’t do something. Like round up the NWO. Or use the insurrection act to stop antifa in the summer of 2020. Or prove voter fraud shortly after the election. OR SOMETHING AT ALL. ANYTHING
Instead all I get is “well patriots are in control” and we’re watching a movie and this is just to wake people up and the military will pull the trigger and save us and I’m sure all the other shit you’ve all heard or thought a million times. Some of those stupid reasons may work for some things, but starving it won’t. Space force should be able to take out the DEWs burning down factories. Why isn’t it?
And as a side note, last time I checked you don’t get a blood clot and drop dead at the movies. This movie fucking sucks. I’ve lost real family members to this shit and I blame Trump because he said he was proud of the vaccine and it’s saving lives and that’s why my relative went and got it and died a month later. What a stupid chess move that was, Trump.
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4e5764 No.16645092
Naftali Bennett
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7bdce7 No.16645093
Does anybody know if the message board software still barfs on jpeg vs jpg file extensions. Checking before I preemptively rename my meme ammo stockpile.
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492f50 No.16645097
They did a cat? FFS, add beastiality to their list of crimes. Chk'd.
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3c7b8f No.16645098
Firm Grip. Home Depot $20
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c5cc11 No.16645120
>>16395116 find them. I am tired of listening to the cowshit. Abuse, and abusive, plain and simple. John 8:32.
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865c4d No.16645124
really noice
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55c018 No.16645141
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c8b134 No.16645145
Remember when Trump warned us about $7.00 gas if Biden got in?
Well here we are.
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577c38 No.16645153
>i mean if WE knew something was going to come from that group, i'm sure they did too..
new Q aint shit until confirmed via delta with DJT/ Scavino
and now Dan truths a fucking babyfist?
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2cc19c No.16645161
Jesus Christ these people are fucking SICK!
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6356c8 No.16645162
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8b64a5 No.16645165
hahah it's terible yep
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b584a5 No.16645170
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0fbc92 No.16645178
AOC Brags about Blocking SCOTUS Security Bill after Kavanaugh Assassination Plot
By Brittany Bernstein
June 11, 2022 11:37 AM
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3a4413 No.16645182
Indeed. I hope he’s doing great!
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46b8e5 No.16645185
Quick skim of headlines…didnt read yet.
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74c849 No.16645186
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11032a No.16645196
>Posting no longer gives an error message.
>The logical explanation is they broke something else fixing it
that is actually very logical
>check out alacrity daemon
5:5 anon
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3d5234 No.16645210
Cassidy Hutchinson LinkedIn profile for anyone interested…
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704329 No.16645211
kek, my only (you) from Q
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a51bbb No.16645232
Q doesn't do predictions. Q does comms. Q does enemy confusion (disinformation is necessary). Q poses questions that make anons think and dig and find truth on their own.
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881a77 No.16645240
>The military if they were gona put a stop to this DNC russia narrative would have done it.
lucid. OUR military is now the enforcement arm of the Democrat party. Nations' own militaries never save their nations from their own government .
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008505 No.16645241
this picture looks like clooney is trying to reassure obama about something but obama ain't buying it
in the middle of a lake no less
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241853 No.16645244
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e09c0d No.16645245
In future, would be good if anons posted actual state level detail, the national maps are incredibly misleading.
Take state of Louisiana for example.
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a9781d No.16645252
Snails love quick oblivion.
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6f7113 No.16645254
Best bread title EVER
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6d504d No.16645264
Trigger flavored Snowflakes
sing with Karan the Climate Clown
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94735a No.16645265
It's not the way he talks; and for good reason.
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1a41c7 No.16645266
>"if they were wearing maga hats instead of pink, that would be an insurrection"
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2f67d8 No.16645268
He must be deaf, dumb and blind. Utterly biased if he never reported Truth on Billy C.
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699cd7 No.16645276
"By hook or by crook"
The Fed wasn't the only big news in 1912/1913
That's when Senators became "for hire" and the money train took off at breakneck speed. Clearly the 17th Amendment didn't stop "lifetime" appointments. Look at those fossils in the Senate. Just like the House.
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6356c8 No.16645278
KEK wills it
Will post graphic separately
Last Parade Attack marker
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c203fb No.16645279
Also the FCC isn't bothering to run a spectrum analyzer in areas of cities where outbreaks of covid happen. How do we know the hoax lockdowns aren't from 5G and radiation effects. It's time to remove the authority of hospitals since they are not electronic techs adept in targeted microwave weaponry.
The FCC is so inept they can't show logs that it DIDN'T Happen.
Also with Smith Mundt FCC can't be TRUSTED. there's that problem look man 5G already fucked with instruments in bad weather. It's no good for nothing this shit.
We had clean FIBER.. what the fucke happened.
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423835 No.16645280
>>16499143 LB
STFU inferior Kike bratling!
>>16499150 LB
Kek, oy vey!
>>16499154 LB
>I won't be poor anyway
You fucking Kikes will all be dead soon!
Incomming! Kek
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99a304 No.16645281
Haven't seen this guy's mug around in a minute
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aa5cdb No.16645282
>Seriously weak bait
Exactly what/who am I baiting other than (you) who reacted? AssHats need to stay in their lanes…
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53cb0e No.16645286
They just found another guys price to turn traitor to false claim Trump did something we all know he didn't to label Trump unable to run for office in 2024 or return if they are caught for the 2020 election.
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0fbc92 No.16645288
This is not
>questioning the integrity of the US election system" to be crime of treason/domestic terrorism
Nice try, though
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0ff73d No.16645292
I wonder what evil McCain must have done. Because Q team will NOT say his name. They'll say Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Mike Pence, James Comey, etc; but they will NOT utter the name of John McCain. Why? We know how unspeakably evil HRC and Hussein is. So what did McCain that made him unnameable?
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897dc2 No.16645295
And REMEMBER. Merrick Garland today said: I will tell you this: '''All of (my?) prosecutors are watching every one of the Jan 6 hearings. Crazy as a bedbug Merrick has his band or federal prosecutors getting to indict Donald J. Trump. What a fucken SHIT SHOW.
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f54303 No.16645297
I think any Cali voter can file a complaint about commie marixist globalist euginicists being a passing national security background check to get on the ballot. HOW do the get on the ballot arguing how to dismantle America without conspiring malicious neglegence
voted already?
so what
You don't even need to use my whole dramatic list.
The failure of the State Departement (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!
that could be your WHOLE complaint all by itself. or take PART of it.
did pollworker look like bunch of jackals hissing at you?
I don't know if it works.
I don't know if it don't works.
I don't really even know how government itself works anymore.
Maybe the MAIL-IN thing has been confusing you for SEVERAL YEARS?
Maybe you noticed COLOR OF LAW election changes
even if you lose
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fd6c83 No.16645307
still postin bitches
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699cd7 No.16645323
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423835 No.16645339
frannel fliday?
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c203fb No.16645347
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038fe3 No.16645359
It's cold up here in Iceland…poppies are blooming tho'. I'll have a mulled wine with Szeksardi iffin ya got it.
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dc86cf No.16645374
Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.
it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.
drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated
Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.
sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.
those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.
those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.
those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate
West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)
Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)
Kentucky (85.00%)
Nebraska (84.00%)
Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)
Indiana (83.00%)
Iowa (82.00%)
Wisconsin (82.00%)
South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)
Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)
https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
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8785a2 No.16645379
not sure if he's around, but here ya go
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454a2b No.16645391
>>16533267, >>16533575, dough baker id: a30bc3, new baker id: eb5c09
>>16533382 Legal experts are waiting to see if the ruling in West Virginia v. EPA begins to chip away at the ability of federal agencies — all of them, not just EPA — to write and enforce regulations - pb notable and anon summary.
>>16533398 Jewish lobbyists and assets bun
>>16533408 The Pentagon has released a former Afghan militiaman from Guantánamo Bay. Assadullah Haroon Gul, in his 40s, was held for 15 years at the military prison and was ordered released by a federal judge. Qatar assisted in the repatriation. - twat (confirmation needed, better source)
>>16533437 [India] Big Pharma Corruption: “tip of the iceberg” - biocon.com (bio con, kek)
>>16533495 qanon media blitz bun no sources just headlines.
>>16533507, >>16533536, The man who bought London’: Qatar billionaire behind Prince Charles scandal - the guardian (al-thani, the name to research)
>>16533525 gen flynn pro abortion sbaprolife.org (nothing wrong with that, we anons are not Mormons), terms are important.
>>16533540 Monday June 27, 2022 the swamp congress and senate hearings bun
>>16533543 The United States will supply Ukraine with medium— and long-range missile defense systems - twat russia v ukraine
>>16533553 oldie satanic ritual inside abortion clinic - archive.ph
God speed ahead o7
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28e237 No.16645395
A lot of guys love your girlfriend.
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1b2b6b No.16645397
And are you going to tell us WTF?
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f4901c No.16645400
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3d5234 No.16645406
The Rise Above Movement (RAM) is a white supremacist militant organization based in southern California. The group was founded in 2016 as the DIY Division – a reference to the commonly used acronym for “do it yourself.” With ties to the U.S. skinhead movement, RAM operates essentially as a street-fighting club. Members train in mixed martial arts in order to physically assault their opponents at events such as political rallies, protests, and demonstrations. RAM members have been arrested by U.S. federal law enforcement for their use of violence at political rallies in the United States, though charges against some of these members have been dismissed. The group has sought to cultivate transnational links, most notably with the Azov Battalion in Ukraine. RAM considers itself a part of the alt-right and promotes white supremacism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia.
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241853 No.16645411
>What if proof come out
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9ee0eb No.16645413
16 views & 2 likes capped
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94735a No.16645424
Pope terrible May…
Limburg priest instructor found dead
The head of the Catholic seminary in Limburg is dead. Immediately before, accusations against him had become loud. The bishop had released Christof May from all offices.
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5d0f32 No.16645432
should we hang metal coat hangers on the outside of our door, or does that give the opposite meaning?
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2d9b39 No.16645456
she not only lurks, she memes
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f4901c No.16645459
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1f50b7 No.16645479
Is this you? Saint Germain?
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6a45a4 No.16645488
Ergo the SC is illegitimate, 3state Western Coalition all scripted.
We're gonna need moar popcorn.
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eae90f No.16645501
Have there been any sightings of the "approved" vaxx? Cominarity or whatever?
Have any other vaxxes been approved without the "Emergency Use"?
Still a scam.
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7993d9 No.16645510
StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel, [26.06.22 20:18]
[ Album ]
Dan on Truth n Twitter
There’s a Red Wave delta tomorrow
My take has been that the Mid Term Q drops were always for 2022
Let’s Go!!!
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808d64 No.16645516
KMAO all the RINOs are going to be running!
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f4b2d6 No.16645519
The J6 Show Trial Is Lying About Election ‘Fraud’
The purpose of the January 6 committee is to further the lie that there was nothing seriously wrong with the 2020 election and to criminalize any questioning of the election. The January 6 riot gives the committee a nice hook, but that’s not what they really care about.
They want to prevent you from admitting the election was irregular, faulty, or anything less than the most perfect election in the history of mankind, and from supporting people who fought against those irregularities. In service of this goal, the January 6 committee repeatedly lied about the actual claims Donald Trump supporters have made about the flaws in the election.
The January 6 Committee is conducting a show trial, not a criminal one. Show trials, common in authoritarian regimes, are held for propaganda purposes, to punish political opponents, and to cover up the truth of what the regime has done.
Democrats’ show trial is completely one-sided. The members on the committee were appointed exclusively by Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. There are zero Republican-appointed members. In fact, Pelosi refused to allow the top Republicans Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy picked for the committee — an unprecedented violation of House rules and norms.
No one represents the accused or advocates for their rights. No cross-examination or presentation of a defense has been allowed from the targets of the trial. The committee does not follow House rules on evidence or witness depositions. The so-called investigation has declared off-limits any good-faith inquiry into issues that contradict their persecution, whether a look at what led to the lack of security by Capitol police forces or a look at the legitimate concerns about the unique and novel way the 2020 election was conducted.
The show trial is deeply and profoundly un-American. This week’s “surprise” hearing has already imploded under the weight of the inaccurate testimony given by young staff assistant Cassandra Hutchinson. But last Thursday’s episode also deserves scrutiny for the lies it contained.
That hearing was focused on Jeffrey Clark, a Department of Justice (DOJ) official during the Trump administration who had proposed more aggressive investigative and legal efforts in the controversial aftermath of the 2020 election than many of his peers. Incidentally, among the growing concerns about a ream of false statements given is a report that Hutchinson also lied about Clark.
The Misdirection On ‘Fraud’
The “storyline” for the committee’s June 23 televised spectacle revolved around a letter that Clark drafted and wanted other DOJ officials to sign and send to the leadership of the Georgia state legislature. Here’s a portion of Rep. Liz Cheney’s loaded remarks about this. Before reading them, it should be noted that it has already been shown that Cheney repeatedly lied about DOJ lawyer Ken Klukowski throughout the hearing:
Neither Mr. Clark nor Mr. Klukowski had any evidence of widespread election fraud, but they were quite aware of what Mr. Trump wanted the department to do. Jeff Clark met privately with President Trump and others in the White House and agreed to assist the president without telling the senior leadership of the department who oversaw him.
As you will see, this letter claims that the US Department of Justice’s investigations have ‘Identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple states, including the state of Georgia.’ In fact, Donald Trump knew this was a lie. The Department of Justice had already informed the president of the United States repeatedly that its investigations had found no fraud sufficient to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
The words fraud or fraudulent were used some 50 times in Thursday’s hearing, typically in the way they’re used in the excerpt above. The Democrat-appointed members would claim that Clark was alleging election fraud and, further, that everything about the election had been fully investigated and there was no evidence of problems with the election.
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5408c7 No.16645526
The only conserving Barr is doing is trying to keep the Old Guard from toppling over at best,
being exposed at worst.
And he was a huge part of it for decades.
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0273ca No.16645532
you tryin to get that movie cancelled, because that's how you'll get that movie cancelled these days.
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3c6b8b No.16645538
I agree, Gmax and Epstein himself are not people
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808d64 No.16645551
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a51bbb No.16645583
Good Morning and Thank You to all Bakers and Note Takers! Mighty Warririos one and All! Prayers and Faith that God Wins!
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38c011 No.16645589
We'll tell you if and when CA decides to play that card. Many frens in CA are Redder than TX and see that place as the French Underground against marxists.They take personal pride in not being part of the "escape CA" crowd that pussied out.
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038fe3 No.16645590
hoping for clips like this surface to msm soon
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0273ca No.16645592
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834fce No.16645606
So does post numbering begin at 1 now or resume where it left off. I think it should resume where it left off because this is a really really long game.
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241853 No.16645607
10,00 years without niggers would be bliss
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b584a5 No.16645611
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1a5e2c No.16645612
All they need to do is fuck around and find out. I am a peaceful man until they force my hand.
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21c325 No.16645613
Donald J. Trump
/ @realDonaldTrump
05/01/2022 21:21:01
Truth Social: 108229719600732174
% buffered
Image Name: 8c49d6e0c2dc8825.mp4
Filename: 8c49d6e0c2dc8825.mp4
Great evening in NEBRASKA, thank you!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/09/2018 14:51:28 ID: ff4ecd
8chan/qresearch: 2947825
Anonymous 09/09/2018 14:41:59 ID:7778e7
8chan/qresearch: 2947705
New shill tactic is to smear Sean Hannity
Just so everyone understands, Q has directly told us to watch Hannity. Q also links us to Sara Carter, who is literally on Hannity every single night.
Hannity is a patriot.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/10/2018 14:21:27 ID: 5b7643
8chan/qresearch: 614360
Future proves past.
Revealed Sessions has appointed someone outside of DC (long ago).
What are sealed?
Re_read drops re: Podesta / Huma.
You have more than you know.
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e185e7 No.16645614
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f5d363 No.16645618
>Only Q could show up on Q.pub.
They're on qagg too now
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3d7ed5 No.16645625
What is at stake?
Who has control?
Who was surprised?
>the media was surprised that sservice were willing to testify that cassidy was lying?
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308047 No.16645627
Rules for shitposting -
Don't shit the bread
Don't shitpost when Q is posting
Don't shitpost when shit is habbening and bread is flying.
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8a621a No.16645638
you must love trannies you bigots!
Come Through for Pride on YouTube Shorts
Jun 15, 2022
33.1M subscribers
This Pride, let’s ALL come through for LGBTQ+ youth and The Trevor Project.
Join the #YouTubePrideChallenge on Shorts.
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bef3c8 No.16645642
Elementary my dear…
Your tone and delivery along with your narrative and language…
Go back and redo 5th grade, Cupcake
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d2fc24 No.16645645
glad to see she's still posting! forgot all about her from the early twitter days.
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8ebbba No.16645647
Azov Battalion is Israel founded and financed.
Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.
Russian TV panelists notice that the anti-Russia propagandists promoting hatred against Russians are mostly Jews:
"Russian forces opened fire on Israeli jets with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at the end of an alleged IAF attack on targets in north-western Syria last week, Channel 13 news reported Monday, in what could signal a significant shift in Moscow’s attitude to Israel."
"The report noted that Syria’s S-300 batteries are operated by the Russian military and cannot be fired without their approval."
The connection between Syria, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Genie Energy (big oil) and Epstein:
"Israel outrage at Russia 'Hitler was Jewish' claim"
"No Putin 'apology' to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript"
"Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had 'Jewish blood'"
Russian anon on what Jews say in Russia:
Russia and Iran closer than ever:
Israel provokes Russia:
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2f3c13 No.16645655
Wow… This is kind of like hell freezing over.
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1efaf4 No.16645658
Excellent question. It's far simpler to sit on the sideline then actually do anything.
I only "trust the plan" when it doesn't involve me. Too much work, you know?
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e7d264 No.16645659
No shit, the babyfist garbage is just fucking laughable and non-reproducible (hint: Google gives everyone custom results)
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0cf61f No.16645662
Thanks Baker
For the 'stock experts'.
AMC / GME / DWAC will be saved. Freedom of speech is a bitch, isn't it?
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7993d9 No.16645663
you are one of one`s favourītes.
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0273ca No.16645665
there are 2 breads…the other is about to finish
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546af5 No.16645666
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5408c7 No.16645667
>"In 2017, he presided over a case in which a Lyndon Station village president had been convicted of 22 counts of sexual assault. Roemer ruled that a juror was not credible and granted Donald Coughlin a new trial, in which he was convicted again."
>In 2009, he sentenced a former Necedah religious leader for hiding the corpse of a follower who died from natural causes on her toilet.
Why is this relevant to the militia member?
Is that the reason he did it?
Seems like an implied fallacy, probably has to do with elections and betrayal.
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f343c0 No.16645671
>anons won't vote in rigged elections, we will sit it out.
You're right…some won't. A lot more than what people want to admit it seems. Talking about election fraud while trying to tell people to go vote is laughably stupid.
Thinking you can vote your way out of communism is also laughably stupid.
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6aada6 No.16645672
Old :44
Was a big marker.
Red Carpet Event.
The first RED PILL.
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e8d0f9 No.16645680
3 way Promise's made Promise's Kept confirmation..
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03a7ab No.16645684
>They're red pilling many and galvanizing the already red pilled
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f1ab63 No.16645686
joe meier for clASS president
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d32232 No.16645689
I'm convinced this little bugger was the inspiration for the predator
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b8df98 No.16645692
Nuremburg trials were neither lawfull or legitimate.
They tortured all of the witnesses. They admitted to things that supposedly happened after they were captured.
The holocaust theory is black propaganda.
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666beb No.16645703
Can you please male the "What is the truth? (Russell L. Blaylock)" a separate entry? It's not fear porn and not some virus update.
It deconstructs the deadly virus narrative, and also the safe+effective vaccine narrative, all with sauces. It's very long.
I think it's very important. The only thing missing is it wondering why the flu disappeared.
for example:
It should be noted that no studies were ever done on several critical aspects of this type of vaccine.
They have never been tested for long term effects
They have never been tested for induction of autoimmunity
They have never been properly tested for safety during any stage of pregnancy
No follow-up studies have been done on the babies of vaccinated women
There are no long-term studies on the children of vaccinated pregnant women after their birth (Especially as neurodevelopmental milestone occur).
It has never been tested for effects on a long list of medical conditions:
Heart disease
Neurodegenerative diseases
Neuropsychiatric effects
Induction of autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia
Long term immune function
Vertical transmission of defects and disorders
Autoimmune disorders
Previous experience with the flu vaccines clearly demonstrates that the safety studies done by researchers and clinical doctors with ties to pharmaceutical companies were essentially all either poorly done or purposefully designed to falsely show safety and coverup side effects and complications. This was dramatically demonstrated with the previously mentioned phony studies designed to indicate that hydroxy Chloroquine and Ivermectin were ineffective and too dangerous to use.[34,36,37] These fake studies resulted in millions of deaths and severe health disasters worldwide. As stated, 80% of all deaths were unnecessary and could have been prevented with inexpensive, safe repurposed medications with a very long safety history among millions who have taken them for decades or even a lifetime.[43,44]
It is beyond ironic that those claiming that they are responsible for protecting our health approved a poorly tested set of vaccines that has resulted in more deaths in less than a year of use than all the other vaccines combined given over the past 30 years. Their excuse when confronted was—“we had to overlook some safety measures because this was a deadly pandemic”.[28,46]
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546af5 No.16645706
Worst week for Ds is going to get WAY worse.
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3a2194 No.16645707
anon cannot post images
but the bottle of sauce has p3 on the label
if you check for p3 it comes up with this website, follow link below
Driven by people, with passion and purpose—That’s the power of P3.
P3 is a leader in population health management because we embrace a care model and patient support team that is effective in:
Empowering our patients to improve their own health by providing the necessary tools and resources to prevent, manage and navigate illness
Freeing doctors from time-consuming administrative processes and paper-pushing so they can focus on our patients
Fostering patients that are informed, conscientious, manage their own long-term health and are less likely to utilize high-cost services
Fighting disease before it starts with a healthier patient that, if they face a health issue, is better suited to achieve their own best outcome
Building stronger communities with education, events, sponsorships, and media outreach to increase awareness of P3 as a valuable community
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8ebbba No.16645711
Must be a money laundering show. Or something that is filled with MKULTRA future assassins being trained by his music. I listened to some of his music. Boring as hell. And his voice is very blah.
I just don't get it. Maybe some leftists look up to this guy on how to get out of trouble for trying to kill a President?
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94735a No.16645718
>The Democrats had something they wanted.
The Little Black Book of Blackmail, that Hillery later got her hands on and has used since then to Blackmail everyone in it.
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e22d0d No.16645720
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6aada6 No.16645721
Flight Delay Chaos Begins As Delta Pilots Warn Of "Perfect Storm"
The busiest travel period of the year is underway as hundreds of flights are already delayed setting up for what could be a "perfect storm" of disruptions over the Independence Day holiday weekend.
As of 1440 ET, FlightAware, a flight tracking company, reports 680 flights are delayed and 28 canceled. The number has been steadily increasing Friday as air travel demand soars amid pilot and crew shortages causing flight disruptions. Most of the delays are at airports across the Northeast, including New York City and Washington–Baltimore metropolitan regions.
"We're now going into the Independence Day Holiday weekend and are concerned that our customers' plans will be disrupted once again," Captain Jason Ambrosi, Chairman of the Delta Master Executive Council (MEC), a unit of the Air Line Pilots Association, said in a statement.
Ambrosi continued: "The perfect storm is occurring. Demand is back, and pilots are flying record amounts of overtime but are still seeing our customers being stranded and their holiday plans ruined."
Hundreds of off-duty pilots picketed Delta Airlines at airports this week. Pilots are stressed as flight delays and cancelations result in record amounts of overtime this year.
Earlier this week, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told NBC Nightly News's Lester Holt, "there are going to be challenges" this holiday weekend.
"There's no quick fix" to the mess in the air, United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby recently said, adding the industry is short 12,000 pilots.
Besides labor shortage, airline industry group Airlines for America, which represents the country's largest airlines (American Airlines, Delta, United, Southwest, JetBlue, and Alaska Airlines, as well as shippers FedEx and UPS), blamed the Federal Aviation Administration's own understaffing for "crippling" East Coast air traffic. This looks like finger-pointing to us.
Buttigieg warned last month that airlines face federal government action— presumably fines — over mounting flight cancellations and delays.
This weekend will be nothing short of a disaster if the trend of delays and cancelations continues.
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da5a04 No.16645727
He did, it was in there
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d32232 No.16645731
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18395b No.16645734
Dub 6's showing potato saying trip 6's…
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fa06a1 No.16645744
frickin' funny!
Put him on that lesbian list
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2f3c13 No.16645751
Australian bank collapses with thousands of customers told to withdraw funds IMMEDIATELY before it closes all accounts on Tuesday
Volt Bank announced it was closing its deposit taking business on Wednesday
The 140 staff will be left without a job once business shuts next Tuesday
Customers of the neobank have been urged to transfer their funds by July 5
Neobanks operate exclusively online without in-person branches
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06e4fc No.16645752
You did it. Have a dickfish for your efforts.
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e8b9fa No.16645761
from this day forward democrat must always be followed by authoritarian
thus endeth the lesson
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0314bc No.16645765
>Q lied.
>Kiss your guns goodbye.
Hello! Wake up Mr. Sleeping Giant! Hellooo! Wakey-wakey!
[Stirring behind every blade of grass in these United States.]
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117072 No.16645767
>I'm here for a reason.
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c6e0a7 No.16645770
Not during a salt rotation he didnt.
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92bc00 No.16645771
Captured foreign 'mercenaries' sentenced to death in Russia-controlled Donetsk
A hasty trial was held largely behind closed doors with information on proceedings handed to select state-owned Russian media agencies
Author of the article:
Publishing date:
Jun 09, 2022 • 1 day ago
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25b0d1 No.16645775
>…Star War fans. I love seeing all the References.
Tripcodes mean nothing.
All that ever mattered were undeniable mathematical probability factors for those with eyes that could read between the lines.
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0a0cf5 No.16645789
That is definitely a Red Square, in which the White Kremlin sits.
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808d64 No.16645794
thanks baker 07
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fa06a1 No.16645801
Election Wizard, [03.06.22 22:28]
Highly Anticipated CISA Report on Dominion Voting Machines Proves ‘Most Secure Election in History’ Was a Lie
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3c7b8f No.16645802
Mitt Romney is a Rhinovirus
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177039 No.16645805
Two lesbians, who are a couple, at work both dress like men. To top it off one is 40 the other is early 20's.
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276f55 No.16645806
that is a lot of words to say nothing true
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0314bc No.16645808
NC-4 8
:No-Contract-Pronoun in the Past-Tense Word.
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241423 No.16645815
Awake the Rapper - Dumb Diddy Dumb
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18395b No.16645816
>This bitch is clout chasing
Anyone can get mad, scream and curse into a camera. Nothing special going on here but this place makes it a BFD when it's a blonde who ain't even cute.
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e22d0d No.16645826
Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with Hades, and agreements with death; if the rushing storm should pass, it shall not come upon us: we have made falsehood our hope, and by falsehood shall we be protected: >>16557904
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0a0cf5 No.16645827
>You are rude
Cry moar faggot.
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a5e25c No.16645830
>old school shills
getting nostalgic?
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3c7b8f No.16645833
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1efaf4 No.16645835
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08fab3 No.16645839
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3a2194 No.16645850
can we get a boob bot in here?
asking for some frens
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c6e0a7 No.16645852
chkt! Double dubs! He's a patriot!
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0a0cf5 No.16645857
I miss Trump.. This bidan scumbag just doesn't foment the same media shit storm… Kinda makes you wonder..lol
Who is the more stable president now..
The one that just sent billions to fund a useless war, trash the economy and talks aboit ww3 as if it"s a picnic in the park.
Where is the media outrage now? Do thry silupport a world war of total annihilation of nations and peoples? Sure seems that way…
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527e21 No.16645863
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7235c9 No.16645866
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c9034d No.16645869
One of these things is not like the others.
No, actually they're all the same. Sry.
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e764b4 No.16645886
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bd9bf6 No.16645887
Wtf is Trump doing endorsing RINOs? Fucking bullshit.
He failed to stop the election fraud but will run in 2024? How will it be any different? It doesn’t even make sense but we’re supposed to go “rah rah” and pretend it all is copesetic.
I don’t like this game.
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41143e No.16645889
Notes for Bread Q Research General #20989: Lyin’ Cassidy Hutchinson, another real loser Edition
>>16588227 POTUS Truth > Arkansas "Rino Stiff" Asa Hutchinson any relationship to Lyin' Cassidy Hutchinson, another real loser?
>>16588259 Recap of Trump Truths so far today 7/3/22
>>16588262, >>16588533 Cassidy Hutchinson Father: Who Is Richard Hutchinson?
>>16588264 Vatican > London Property Scandal > Bain Capital skull diggery
>>16588269 Rep. Ilhan Omar gets booed onstage at a concert featuring Somali sanger Soldaan Seraar in Minnesota last night
>>16588298 Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,'
>>16588312, >>16588402 TICK TOCK for TIK TOK? Are (you) using tiktok?
>>16588372 Archivefag be archivin'
>>16588498, >>16588510 Vatican - Pope Q drop map active link Archive UPDATED as of 07/02/2022 Back in Black Edition
>>16588532 William Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (Full Video)
>>16588565 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s chief medical officer, Mitchell Wolfe, is leaving the agency after 21 years
>>16588699 Vatican suffers £100mn-plus loss on Knightsbridge office sale > Bain Capital > Prostitutes and other ravings of lunatics
>>16588727 The University of Pennsylvania mRNA NFT: Vaccines for a New Era
>>16588753 CDC hiding their Data?
>>16588772 Robert David Steele, Former CIA employee and Chief Counsel of the Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
>>16588779 70,000 truck owner-operators in California may be forced to stop driving in one week due to new state law
>>16588808 Clockfags must clockfag > QClock July 3, 2022 > TREASON
>>16588962, >>16588978 5:5?
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03a7ab No.16645890
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3c6b8b No.16645891
but members of any other religion is fine.
your own stupidity negates your assertions
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117072 No.16645894
>>16510731 Q absence: 561 days, 17 X 11 X 3
>>16510736 Rally Today in Mendon, IL 7:00 pm (CDT)
>>16510746 This Planetary Alignment won't happen again until 2040
<keep kvetching and exposing your little LARP
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23e85d No.16645896
I'm sure they're counting on it.
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89b593 No.16645897
Probably muh fault.
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241423 No.16645899
she was so hot back in the day
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08fab3 No.16645907
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7993d9 No.16645910
True is where the Earth spins, Mag is where a compass points. Mag for all intents and purposes moves around the North pole but has never really been at true. Last time I looked {years ago) it was wandering around just south of the west horn of Greenland.
I need to dig out my old survey equipment and maps.
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459d82 No.16645913
Trips confirm "Perfect Record"
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7e259d No.16645920
the corporation
210 bagatelle rd, MELVILLE, NY, 11747
pamela reinstein
210 bagatelle rd, MELVILLE, NY, 11747
Principal Address:
101 N Brand Blvd
11th Floor
Glendale, CA 91203
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e8d0f9 No.16645921
yes, goyim, never fight back
just lie down and die like a good bitch
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1903c9 No.16645923
>So I was looking at post 2347 and noticed that the link to the Anon with Baby is dead…
>Which leads to.,..
>1. does anyone else have the photo that is supposed to be here?
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2f3c13 No.16645924
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28e680 No.16645927
the good old days when you could offend everyone equally and instead of cancelling people's lives over it….get this….people actually fucking laughed
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1f50b7 No.16645949
Anons, what are those amazon/abortion signs in the background? Can you see what they say?
Pulled this off of Drudge
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f1ab63 No.16645954
Remember when 45 wished us a Merry Christmas on TV … AFTER Christmas? I keep thinking similar OR we see another Delaware-Crossing moment.
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a5e25c No.16645955
idgaf. that cunt was never about fair when it had control. that cunt can dish it out but can't take it.
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177039 No.16645962
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23f260 No.16645963
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3e1cd3 No.16645970
They had (have?) a plan.
Patriots know the playbook after studying/verifying their comms.
Patriots took their plan, and used it to their advantage; most key was cranking up the speed dial, and setting legal traps all along the way.
Either some, half, or all of the DS knows they are walking into it but have no choice.
Billy wasn't a prophet, ya know. Billy did his part in putting his theories and ideas out there, and also predicting his own death to the detail. Logic says Billy was one of them. Hey, you want to look into something spoopy, though? Go on TS and look at how many Freemasons (openly, like, in their profiles) are there following people.
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26a417 No.16645971
God bless free chink pokies in da system
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0a0cf5 No.16645972
>What do you harvest with?
The Reaver 3000
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7e17f3 No.16646651
codemonkey sold us out and is now a famefag. easy to explain.
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67d3e7 No.16646656
>>>>10 YEARS OF VOLCANO MILKINGS ARE NEW RECORD REPEATING https://www.businessinsider.com/difference-between-cnn-fox-msnbc-how-americans-get-news-2018-9
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c1c460 No.16646661
all COWARDS who drag God's innocent creatures into their banker wars need to burn in Hell for all eternity, and then some.
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d5757e No.16646674
Exactly. His claims of manipulating a salt to produce Q's trip makes zero sense….it's BS
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9648ed No.16646680
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4167d1 No.16646688
>first arrest
The first arrest was G. Maxwell (and Q never posted that an arrest would shock anyone):
Jul 02, 2020 5:18:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3bbfe0 No. 9829982
Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]
Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.
Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].
Have faith in Humanity.
Jul 02, 2020 1:53:00 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e67d38 No. 9827385
Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.
2. Feed an addiction [controllable]
Maxwell family background?
Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?
Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.
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409f3a No.16646693
Q has a different tripcode. You can have one too. IF board allows it any board can have trip.
Just trust the oldfag anons, if oldfags validate Q it's him. If not then we know the board fuckery- been there done that.
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bb8ce1 No.16646698
It looks like a picture of someone' looking out from another skyscraper, at the horror that was 911.
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a54817 No.16646705
People need to see the evidence and will work to save their own fat asses.
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b3f96c No.16646715
talk to me goose?
what are you doing, finishing this bread?
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5a18b5 No.16646720
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3e1cd3 No.16646726
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b08539 No.16646728
Are you aware the photos used for monkey pox are images of shingles, which was caused by a vaccine…meaning the fake covid vaccine caused this? It's all a lie- all of it!
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0be747 No.16646731
BREAKING: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul charged with DUI after May crash in California
A press release from the district attorney's office states that Paul Pelosi had a blood alcohol content level of .082% after the crash, and said the blood sample was taken at 12:32 a.m., which was two hours after the collision occurred at 10:17 p.m.
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09f6c2 No.16646736
I happened to have picked it up one Night Shift maybe three/four months ago. Mighty creative and talented Anons around 8kun
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1994b2 No.16646741
>Sorry anon…I am not good with the clock. Both truths I do see he is 1 min off from a 17 timestamp. Is that what you are saying?
I'm saying I clockfagged Potus' first truth this morning, which included him saying "one minute".
and then after the clock was posted, all of the rest Potus Truths today lined up with the clock within One Minute. including the most recent one.
I believe the entire series of Truths are a reference to "T Minus " Q drop which also lined up on the clock along with a completely separate T minus clock created last year.
Clock version .9 and 1.0 pic related
breakdown here >>16419532 Qlocking in Overdrive
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a54817 No.16646744
I can see Q using this word, not a fake Q.
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ac8198 No.16646745
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762c37 No.16646753
Like this?
Why back that direction?
<sorry, I derped
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f6f762 No.16646756
I don’t know what’s next, but bummed about the vid.
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5376b3 No.16646759
FED shills are seething.
their days are numbered, once they realize they are on the wrong side.
Bye, bye!
How many more coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible.
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dbf7c9 No.16646767
Local Sheriffs need to deputize a bunch of Vets and do the govt and States job for them.
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7e17f3 No.16646769
This game the jews are playing doesn't make sense. Why are they all standing on every ICBM target?
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3f791c No.16646772
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9648ed No.16646773
>Truth Social is the only platform with the proper opsec security to meet Q's needs.
It's not just opsec. Worldwide dissemination of information requires a more robust and accessible platform than 8kun. 4chan/8chan/8kun provided plausible deniability and anonymity. The information dissemination phase will be public and require far greater resources than available at 8kun.
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1865c6 No.16646776
Don't take everything so literally..just like "watch the water" which anon personally thinks is disinfo. "Watching a movie" means they are all faking everything, playing a part like actors in a movie… fake love for this country, fake concern, fake outrage, fake tears..all lies. Anything to get what they want.
Actors gonna act
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e334ca No.16646781
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline
>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)
>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q posting, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes
>>16559261 OP formatting now that Q is posting
#21020to be collected
#21019 board attacked by spammers
#21018 board attacked by spammers
#21017 board attacked by spammers
#21016 board attacked by spammers
#21015 board attacked by spammers
#21014 board attacked by spammers
#21013 board attacked by spammers
>>16606011 Former NAACP East president charged, suspected of stealing close to $194K
>>16606022, >>16606125, >>16606117, >>16606126, >>16606134, >>16606494 Ignoring this very real declaration won't stop it from happening. This is HUGE Kinney Texas Border Invasion Press Conference
>>16606025 Trump Sends Cease And Desist Demand To GOP Candidate
>>16606042, >>16606150 @airandspace #OTD in 1944, the first U.S. rocket-powered experimental military aircraft, MX-324
>>16606044, >>16606158 Q 2347
>>16606053 Bill Gates just won legal approval to buy 2,100 acres of North Dakota farmland
>>16606103, >>16606272, >>16606291, >>16606296, >>16606380 moar Highland Park
>>16606143 Cuccinelli discussion on declaration of invasion
>>16606208 @18airbornecorps Our Screaming Eagles continue to flow into Europe in support of our @NATO
>>16606213 Did you know the NHS was born in Manchester 74 years ago today?
>>16606217, >>16606298 Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman accuses the Supreme Court of 'brazenly violating the Constitution
>>16606359 @SNMilitary Iran, Russia and China are preparing to hold a series of major military exercises in Latin America.
>>16606453 Gregg Phillips Announces Investigative Team Has Identified Unique Devices on Interest in Location of TCF Center Election Night Ballot Dump
>>16606467, >>16606482 An Irreversible Decision: Once You've Been Vaccinated, You Cannot Become Unvaccinated
>>16606594, >>16606600 Follow-up on the Bhavarian Illuminatti and the G7 [EAGLE'S NEST] Meeting
>>16606599 Qlock 44 On here
>>16606630 Jim Watkins enforces the deletion of /Hivemind/ posts [EMBRACE THE SUCK FAGGITS]
>>16606701 Data shows that number of solved murders across the nation is at its lowest in the last 50 years
>>16606737 #21012
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d5757e No.16646783
Wholly shit, Nancy just delivered the $33 billion gift to Zelensky from Joe in polished platinum!!!
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8de861 No.16646796
War it is.
See you all in Valhalla.
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e15001 No.16646800
>it's all fake
believing everything is fake is as naive and delusional as believing everything is real.
i can tell you for absolute fact that we have rocks from the moon. i cannot "prove" how we got them, but somehow we did.
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b89e8b No.16646809
OK - one with a date…
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c11263 No.16647042
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c62f24 No.16647076
obvious imposter q isn't helped by any type of delta
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24a503 No.16647091
Evenin' Night Shifters !
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25f9a3 No.16647094
I remember reading something a long time ago about a doctor with Cancer who used Pharma Grade Baking Soda instead of radiation directly onto the Cancer and cured himself.
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d4eab2 No.16647109
Right. Take domestic abuse. Usually, the cops are called and only seperate the couple for a few monutes while asking the victim if they want to press charges (knowing full well that most of them won't). Then they allow them the perp to get back to the victim. In many cases, they get a bonus collar and a murder charge to spread the wealth around.
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81865e No.16647113
It has a man's hands and it's way over 25. Who is it? There was a Cassidy Hutchinson from Jersey who should be around 25 today. There's also another Cassidy Hutchinson who at the age of 14 was with her boyfriend from High Point when the ran his ski boat into a pier and it killed him, about took his head off. So, who was this thing before it took over Cassidy Hutchinson's identity? And where is the real Cassidy?
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90b60f No.16647118
Oh shit nine nine nine said Trump. Also, right side is mirrored. Hmmm…
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c5b484 No.16647136
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16d0aa No.16647146
>he's not sending out mean tweets, am i right?
That's the important thing. The guy can start World War 3 as long as there's no mean tweets.
Words are weapons worse than atomic bombs (which don't work, by the way).
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91d974 No.16647147
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e34665 No.16647151
52 here. Trump was rite about it getting kewler
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c62f24 No.16647154
I think we all know the clear answer to this.
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8546cb No.16647170
Trump's endorsement of Mccarthy
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73633f No.16647181
Indeed whoever that alleged Q was, got the shills all stirred up.
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5807da No.16647185
How can quantum AI take over the world?
How can they live outside of the metaverse?
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6a55da No.16647195
He truly is of the Aryan race then.
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c11263 No.16647206
Violent Bolsheviks are running the united states. Not a single arrest and prosecution. Elections still not safe. What a joke.
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56e082 No.16647223
Seriously, whatever happened to the Night of Rage?
Or are they just going to attack people at July 4th gatherings?
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87597f No.16647227
I can't tell who I hate more. Niggers or people with peanut allergies.
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ac8198 No.16647235
mall cop fake milf peanut butter and cabbage slider brawndo #electrolytes
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356232 No.16647244
Someone said it's Gonna be Biblical
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5789ca No.16647245
… sales… it's a numbers game.
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6a55da No.16647250
More Proof of the Texas Drill H0AX
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9a4899 No.16647255
Red flag laws already ruled unconstitutional.
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c11263 No.16647257
Follow CLUB222. He is above all these FF’s today.
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4ebaec No.16647261
Texas Man's Invention Creates Drinking Water from Air
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67d3e7 No.16647262
Updated dough: D.O.J three stooges testimony back fires and memes deployed
Baker is ready to hand off to new baker, please claim bread.
Bakers I.D: bc2127
baker will collect notes and hand off to new baker !!!
In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead - o7
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9fd61a No.16647267
expanded your thinking huh
light bulb went off
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1cb503 No.16647269
watch the water
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ecbeb1 No.16647279
Her/his 'models' were street kids.. throw aways.
Nobody was looking for them so they were perfect for the job.
Anons never found Ray Chandler. It's like she fell off the face of the earth.
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8b3221 No.16647282
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6a55da No.16647285
Let's set the narritive straight. Shall we?
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3d2fee No.16647290
all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.
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96500d No.16647292
Just a coincidence…
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762c37 No.16647308
well that's false.
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d4eab2 No.16647309
I bet the lady that made that cake was pissed when she saw her son licking his finger!
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c62f24 No.16647331
Border states must declare an invasion
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b3f96c No.16647357
Centerville is a long way from Uvalde but who knows?
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8d4ce2 No.16647359
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ac27e7 No.16647360
And what of all the reports about athletes dying suddenly, getting sick after an even, etc?
It has long been known that athletes training in high altitudes are experiencing a change developing a faster way to transport oxygen through their red blood cells.
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e8ab1c No.16647363
>you will always be alone
>for you are completely without worth
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81865e No.16647370
ya can't escape it.
NONE of this shit call AI is anything more than a fancy schmancy expert system.
what the unwashed masses think of when they hear the term AI is a sentient machine.
thank God we are far away from achieving that.
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87597f No.16647372
You bake it, if you're so concerned.
What have you contributed to this bread?
Concern shillFILTERED
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5789ca No.16647379
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a34bf6 No.16647384
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ae5ed9 No.16647394
MK Ultra smiley face Alter.
Dressed in black like Antifa.
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356232 No.16647404
They didn't have a/c during The Great Depression either. You should embrace this as a period of acclimatization. You won't miss it as much when you're hungry.
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6a55da No.16647407
"Radical Left Democrats & Democrats"
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c11263 No.16647413
>>16596694 LB
>clearly a whole plane made that hole
not that your sarcasm is lost on me,
but a "hole plane" (traditionally known as a missile) made the void in the wall.
[They] think we are all as stupid as [they] act.
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e1ad3f No.16647448
fuck you AND your crew
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6bff3f No.16647452
>>16043307, >>16043279
Buzzfeed needs another story.
Pedos grooming at their finest.
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d5bdc7 No.16647460
trips chkd
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547ab2 No.16647474
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1758bf No.16647477
No Flashing Administrator Flag
-this is NOT JIM until proven otherwise
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de4c19 No.16647483
Previously Collected
>>16402121 #20749,
>>16399783 #20746, >>16401703 #20747, >>16401364 #20748
>>16398330 #20743, >>16398257 #20744, >>16398986 #20745
>>16395105 #20740, >>16396015 #20741, >>16396696 #20742
>>16392964 #20737, >>16393534 #20738, >>16394318 #20739
>>16390277 #20734, >>16391141 #20735, >>16392860 #20736
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
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97fa79 No.16647485
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5e0aee No.16647507
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8e372a No.16647514
You need to isolate one of the server's on the Tor network to capture an IP address.
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92478f No.16647515
And you'll get the same traction today as you did yesterday. No one here wants to hear we are setting up ourselves. They only want to hear Its the Jews or Its the Deep State.
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caaa9c No.16647528
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
06/21/2022 08:06:36
Truth Social: 108515373672998100
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
06/14/2022 00:21:57
Truth Social: 108473910378632815
The Unselect Committee refuse to debate the Election results, the reason for the massive crowd on January 6th, because they can’t!
Donald J. Trump reTruthed…
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fdbd88 No.16647542
pretty wild
I've seen a couple of em over the years
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81865e No.16647550
…When was the last time, the Queen wore her crown?
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e34665 No.16647557
So many issues over those Trump hats led to the Grand Finale on J6 where Antifa could dress up to pretend to be Trump supporters?
All part of The Plan from the beginning?
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8b3221 No.16647563
>Did you come here to be taunted
I came here to offer you information that your have been deprived of. Follow the link, read and then research your heart out. You deserve to be informed.
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f92bba No.16647578
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78c402 No.16647580
Ukrainian official reveals 10,000 soldiers lost since February
Alexey Arestovich, Ukrainian presidential aide, indicated, on Friday, that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost 10,000 personnel since the beginning of the Russian military operation in February, claiming at the same time that Kiev’s losses remain significantly lower than Moscow’s.
Without providing any evidence, the Ukrainian presidential aide revealed, in an interview with activist and YouTuber Mark Feygin, that at least 200 to 300 Russian soldiers die on a daily basis. During the interview, Arestovich claimed that “at the beginning of the conflict, 100 people [Ukrainians] died per day on average. But in the Russian army, 1,000 per day died in the first 20-30 days. Now 200-300 die, no less.” The Ukrainian official also stated that Friday was unusual for the Ukrainian Army as “600 people [died] in one day, no less.”
When asked by Feygin that if, based on the calculations, it is fair to assume that the total number of deaths added up to approximately 10,000 soldiers, the official responded with “yes, something like that.”
Read more: 300+ Ukrainian troops blocked at Azot Plant in Severodonetsk
For the first time since the beginning of the special operation, the Ukrainian aide admitted to a cumulative number of deaths. On the other hand, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports on the Ukrainian Army’s losses are much higher – 23,367, as of April 18.
Moscow has not revealed total numbers on its end as of yet. However, earlier this month, Andrey Kartapolov, the head of the Russian Duma’s Defense Committee claimed that given the change in the military strategy, the Russian Army “practically ceased to lose people,” noting that the numbers and information regarding lost military personnel have been unchanged at 1,351 soldiers since last March.
Earlier in May, the Russian Ministry of Defense highlighted that in total, some 183 Ukrainian aircraft and 128 helicopters, 1,049 unmanned aerial vehicles, 325 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,309 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 447 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,722 field artillery and mortars, and 3,270 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed during the war in Ukraine.
It is noteworthy that on May 28, Russia's Defense Ministry said that Russian and DPR forces seized the strategic town of Krasny Liman in the Donetsk People's Republic, on the road to two key cities still under Kiev's control.
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0b4b7f No.16647581
It doesn't sound like this.
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542df4 No.16647600
Easier for Mossad to control the narrative. No one died, it's all bullshit, false flag
Show me a picture of one injure person. This was a parade with hundreds of cellphones out, no one got a video of people getting shot?
It's all Jewish bullshit people.
Guess what ↓
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73633f No.16647601
Parkland school shooter defense team asks judge to withdraw from case – (VIDEO)
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90b60f No.16647605
Cheating in TX on Bond Matters
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4fe1ea No.16647606
they are being home schooled. not sending them to a prison to be raised by the state.
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21ff45 No.16647620
House Judiciary Democrats Vote To Advance Expansive Gun Control Bill
The House Judiciary Committee voted this week to advance a gun control bill in the wake of a deadly shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
The final vote fell along party lines, with every committee Republican voting against the legislation and every committee Democrat voting to advance it.
In a statement, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that the House would vote on the legislation next week.
Though the legislation is likely to pass the lower chamber, it has little to no chance of passing in the Senate, where it would need the support of at least 10 Republicans to overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold.
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c11263 No.16647621
98$=17 lol$
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446c5d No.16647633
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603fab No.16647645
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eeb3ab No.16647651
Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the CEO Summit
Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the CEO Summit to Discuss Progress Made Addressing the Root Causes of Migration, with Particular Focus on the Call to Action for Northern Central America, the Innovative Public-Private Partnership She Launched in May 2021. She will Discuss how the Public and Private Sectors can Further Work Together to Build a Prosperous and Inclusive Future for the People of the Western Hemisphere.
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78c402 No.16647667
Trust the plan or don't. It's up to you.
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1cb503 No.16647688
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6bff3f No.16647689
The 13th Space Warning Squadron, Clear SFS, Alaska, provides strategic missile warning and space domain awareness by operating and maintaining the Upgraded Early Warning Radar. Even in austere environments they excel. Get an inside look into their mission.
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8cec46 No.16647714
Pyramid used true north.
So they would have pointed to one point, and "named it true north" even though the real true north (which is really a LIE north or a Lying North) is trying to visit tahiti for a vacation. Magnetic north is however close the first magnet is
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72c67d No.16647717
The best is when anons try to advocate for bringing things into the public outside world and organize and three glow fags come out of the woodwork to say to call you fed.
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d0159b No.16647718
>awan/U1 dasting to this anon
"Axis of Evil" right?
Russia - Nuclear Tech
Pakistan - Missile Tech
selling to evil proxies:
Iran & North Korea
Pakistan & Saudi Arabia tied tightly:
Since the 1970s, Saudi Arabia has exercised enormous influence on Pakistan behind the scenes through its funding of Ahl-e-Hadith and Deobandi madrassas (religious seminaries), which teach a more puritanical version of Islam than had traditionally been practiced in Pakistan. While the funding is not directly traceable, scholars and analysts report that much of this funding to madrassas comes from private sources in Saudi Arabia. Central to this is the flow of Saudi money to madrassas that trained the Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s, but the funding both predated and outlasted the Afghan jihad.
The Saudi funding of Pakistan’s madrassas derives from Saudi Arabia’s anti-Iran ambitions and its bid to control the version of Islam, and specifically Sunni Islam, taught and practiced in Pakistan.
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e34665 No.16647723
interesting listen
got anon to considering "FED" in the drops
Most often this one
Q: Do we have the gold?
Gold shall destroy FED.
hold that thought for just a minute and look up at the web address for the X22 report.
Remember when Trump spoke of the renovations in the White House and what was found behind the walls?
Then this excerpt
What happens if FED [criminal] indictments are brought forth to a corrupt FBI / DOJ / FED Judge?
FBI / DOJ - 1st.
CIA) Central Intelligence Agency">C_A / State - next?
Now comes the pain.
Brennan and the McKinsey Bros haven't been rickrolled into this….yet
Last one that caught anon eye was
NAT_SEC_A,H,H, L, B, E, classified Cdg-23k
JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate
and the mention of Maverick
Was that drop a marker for the period of time when Top Gun Maverick would be in the theaters?
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9ec583 No.16647729
Defeated House Democrat from Oregon warns about rise of party's 'socialist wing'
After redistricting carved up the House seat in Oregon that centrist Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader has represented for nearly 14 years, he is refusing to line up behind a more liberal party member who beat him in the primary.
On May 17, Schrader fell victim to a redrawn map that chopped up the 5th Congressional District that he currently represents, which includes parts of Oregon's central coast. Oregon gained a House seat due to strong population growth in the decade before the 2020 census, giving it six. But the newly configured district Schrader ran in proved less hospitable than his current one to the 70-year-old's brand of business-friendly centrism, which has included opposition to proposed hikes of the federal minimum wage and corporate regulations.
Schrader recently gave his first interview since his primary loss to Jamie McLeod-Skinner, an attorney who had the backing of several liberal Democrats and organizations. Schrader made it clear he doesn’t think voters chose the right candidate in a year in which it appears Republicans are going to surge back to win the House and Senate.
“I think red wave begins in Oregon — Oregon’s 5th District,” Schrader told a local news outlet last month. “That’s unfortunate.”
Despite the convincing win for McLeod-Skinner — she bested Schrader 56.9% to 42.7% — the departing incumbent said he doesn’t think his opponent is going to fare well in November’s general election, and polling from McLeod-Skinner’s allies in early June agree with Schrader’s assessment of a candidate who ran to his left….
Schrader said he isn’t getting ready to change his party affiliation or even endorse a Republican, but he said he doesn’t feel like he fits in with what today’s Democratic Party looks like.
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c63b11 No.16647754
Border security
Under Biden, the security of the U.S. border has been decimated. According to a recent review of information of the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS), the foreign-born population has ballooned to a total of 47 million. The Center for Immigration Studies found that the foreign-born population in America (both legal and illegal) had skyrocketed by two million between January 2021 and April 2022, which was twice as fast as the U.S.-born population.
When Trump was in office, illegal border crossings declined by 90 percent, largely due to his “Remain in Mexico” policy, also known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP).
MPP swiftly expelled illegal immigrants back to their country of origin. Further, the southern border wall was quickly being built when Trump was in office (there were 650 miles of wall built by the time he left office, according to Trump’s “Year in Review” from 2021). However, the Supreme Court this week sided with the Biden administration on MPP, ruling that it has the authority to strike the policy down.
Additionally, Trump’s administration deported almost 20,000 gang members, including thousands of members of MS-13.
By contrast, Biden has allowed millions of unvetted illegal migrants to enter the country and released them into American cities and communities.
Trump protected the security and interests of Americans by buttoning up the border and empowering law enforcement to protect U.S. sovereignty.
A return to America First
Under President Trump, the needs of American citizens were valued, respected, and met with both compassion and understanding. Production boomed, the military was stronger, the border was secure, and the world was a safer place.
President Trump simply and powerfully put America First.
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37fafa No.16647766
No it's a screen capture from a music video of Tool's Vicarius. Vidya embedded
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c11263 No.16647768
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900585 No.16647779
Tally ho, bitches
We ride at dawn
Heeeeey Rayray…we didn't forget abouchoo
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930cea No.16647798
>>16385880 pb
>>16386012 pb
To Anon that wanted sauce.
Official White House Archive photos on flickr.
You will be able to zoom in very close.
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b6e508 No.16647800
Q proof required.
Prove you're not a larper on Jim's corrupted site PLAYING A GAME with minds.
It's not enough to ask us to trust Jim because the people he surrounds himself with are shady as fuck.
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ac27e7 No.16647803
The common link between the Bronfman Mafia and Perkins Cole: the Brookings Institution.
This is a financial connection.
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c6c5c6 No.16647816
>>16580424 pb
Kash Patel, I love this fucking guy. I am no homo. If I had to bet on who, out of all of the people in and around our POTUS who could possibly be "Boss" it would be him. This guy is a Major Patriot and I am positive that he will be front and center in a major fucking way when our POTUS returns. At the 9:54 mark he states why there cannot be a "Transition of Power" and a military "Coup d'etat" ordered by the Commander in Chief, at the same, fucking time.
Just spit balling here. Our POTUS gets indicted by the same jury pool that makes up a Grand Jury in the territory known as Washington DC. He is arrested at Mara Lago, don't think the FBI fucks will be able to knock his fucking door down and take him out in his pajamas in handcuffs like we've seen them do to so many others. POTUS's lawyers will make a motion that will have to be heard by the judge this whole shit show winds up in front of, the evidence will be presented of exactly what Kash is talking about in this video and the judge will have no other option than to declare the Grand Jury indictment, the arrest warrant and all charges against our POTUS dismissed with prejudice: "Mr. President, you have the Court's profound and sincere apology for this travesty of justice that has been knowingly and willfully perpetrated on you by this DOJ and FBI and you Sir, are free to go. I want to see the Government's counsel in my Chambers and Mr. Garland? I want to see you as well.
What a fucking show that would be!!!!
What cha think Anons?
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cdc2bc No.16647837
If biden is illegitimate and the military knows it, why allow him to pick a seat? Why allow breyer to leave?
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c8762e No.16647864
Posture is key to this.
Walk like a slave, live like a slave
Don‘t be sick&tired
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6bff3f No.16647866
how do rednecks preserve the bloodline for a hundred, alex
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9a4899 No.16647869
Red Text shill = ID+ every single time…
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89b8cc No.16647894
Just waiting for the "go" message
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1758bf No.16647900
His speech in Casper, WY, was consequential to say the least.
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0516b3 No.16647902
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90a7f8 No.16647904
kek. Look at her face. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing.
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de4c19 No.16647915
>Indeed whoever that alleged Q was, got the shills all stirred up.
=I have never seen a TOR poster get banned. How does dart KNOW that was not the real Q? According to them that was the real Q posting from TOR last week without a tripcode?
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d0159b No.16647917
what is
fart larpin ponzi scheme
for a gorillion
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cfca49 No.16647920
Justice Department Retweeted
National Security Division, U.S. Dept of Justice
U.S. Citizen Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Electronic Equipment and Technology to the Government of Iran
Defendant Conspired to Illegally Export U.S. Goods and Technology Without Required Export Licenses
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f270f1 No.16647923
So much projection from you kek.
Why do you feel lost and clueless? Do you wish to die, but death wont come?
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8cec46 No.16647946
> owners
They are the cause.
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25f9a3 No.16647960
Oh, I know why!
For me Zelensky wins this one. Slava Ukraina!
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90bda4 No.16647970
Filtered, whinningfaggot
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78c402 No.16647993
You’re welcome, was excited to find that, now food processing plants in US and world can be tracked.
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50997d No.16647994
Some strangeness here from a NYPost story.
Headline says17deaths at a tavern in East London (South Africa), article says 22.
Drop 1722 shows pictures of Lisa Page in London.
Truly a weird coincidence or more?
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c6a9f6 No.16647999
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c63b11 No.16648000
as soon as you hear that "my truth" bullshit you know they are batshit crazy.
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9a4899 No.16648019
Unable to escape terror
Her children had waited three years to visit and take part in the American Independence Day parade. Instead of enjoying the carnival, they were hiding from gunfire.
Deborah recalled how not long before the parade, her daughter had heard fire works and told her mother that she thought she heard Iron Dome, the Israeli anti-rocket defense system, activating. Deborah told her daughter that they didn't have to worry about things like that in America.
"They just can't get away from terror," said Deborah. "We live on the Gaza border and we came here for a peaceful vacation."
Residents of the Gaza periphery often face the danger of rocket and mortar strikes, among other terrorist threats. Deborah noted that at least there its known were the danger is coming from, the Israel Defense Forces are present, and there is warning before the explosive projectiles fall.
"I knew this happened in America, but you don't think it's going to happen in Highland Park," said Deborah.
Possible Jewish connection
The US had recently been rocked by deadly mass shootings, such as the Uvalde school shooting that left 19 young students and two teachers dead.
Deborah had wondered about the shooter's motives, "Is he antisemitic, is he anti-American?"
She described the Highland Park neighborhood as "pretty Jewish." Deborah added: "Something happens like this in an upper to middle class, half Jewish area you have to wonder."
At least two of the dead were reported to be Jewish, and ZAKA reported that some of the injured were Jewish as well. Among the dead was an elderly Jewish man, the emergency rescue organization said. The Israeli Midwest Consulate was reportedly in touch with the community and authorities.
The shooting happened four blocks away from a Chabad center, Chabad news reported on Monday night. In a video of the incident, it appears that a klezmer band was playing when the shooter attacked. According to Chabad, the Jewish community is often quite involved with the parade, usually having a menorah float.
The shooter was arrested later that evening — To her shock, the son of a man that Deborah had known her whole life.
Feeling "safer on the Gaza border"
"Devastated to hear the news from Highland Park, where a day of celebration became a day of tragedy," said Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid late Monday night. "My thoughts are with the families of the victims and all the American people. Today as always, Israel stands with our American friends."
"I am following the horrible news from Highland Park," said Yinam Cohen, Israeli consul general to the US Midwest. "Our hearts and prayers are with the members of the community. We thank the local authorities for their immediate response."
Deborah and her family are still emotionally recovering from the fresh trauma of the incident.
"I feel safer in Zikim on the Gaza border," Deborah told The Post. "No one is safe in America now."
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f08173 No.16648020
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547ab2 No.16648023
To date, Durham hasn't accomplished squat.
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6a55da No.16648024
if you мusт asк…
you would not grasp
the answer.
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97fa79 No.16648026
Is the Pope a Pedo?
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744d70 No.16648027
>do not make eye contact with it
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9ec583 No.16648037
Other Vatican News and Digs
>>16307468, >>16311412 Vatican’s big financial fraud trial
>>16312911 Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy: An interview with Milton P. Siegel - YT Video
>>16333050 Pope Francis appoints pro-LGBT cardinal praised by top Freemason as president of Italian bishops’ conference
>>16337255 HK cardinal Zen criticizes Vatican-China Accord/Deal
>>16338977 Vigano - Freed or Flipped? Did Anons even dig into the Vig? Vigano is a swamp creature who was Flipped
>>16345974, >>16364258, >>16364261, >>16364287 Pope Francis and a Chicago cardinal say it's time for the U.S. to act on guns
>>16352505 Deep in Vatican Archives, Scholar Discovers ‘Flabbergasting’ Secrets - hint hint Nazi stuff
>>16357550, >>16357853 Cardinal Angelo Sodano, aka "THE GODFATHER" a once-powerful Italian prelate who long served as the Vatican's No. 2 official, has died at 94
>>16403249 Religious Composition of the US Supreme Court - 77% Catholic and 22% Jewish Vs. The Religious Composition of the U.S. 42% Protestant, 21% Catholic 1% Jewish
>>16406828, >>16406852 Pillaging the Monasteries: The Vatican’s Hidden Financial Scandal
>>16411106, >>16411108, >>16411111, >>16411115, >>16411119, >>16411124, >>16411126 FRANCIS, A POPE OF THE POOR? THE ENVIRONMENT? OR THE GLOBAL ELITE?
>>16416936 Order of Malta Bishop dies unexpectedly
>>16426380 Did Catholicism Create Islam? The True Origins of Islam Revealed | The Islamic Connection - YT Video
>>16428918 Was Abraham Lincoln assassinated by the Vatican? Catholics are very proactive/defensive concerning this sensitive subject
>>16439046, >>16439049, >>16439053, >>16439065, >>16444936 Was Abraham Lincoln assassinated by the Vatican?
Books that expose the evil within the Vatican - hint: It's always been there…..
>>16419352, >>16426562 Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, and The Mafia
>>16427285 Rulers of Evil - History of the District of Columbia - Hint: What a Coincidence!
>>16461543 Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000 Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse
>>16477876 The Secret History of the Jesuits - by Edmond Paris
Meme/Graphix archive that explains "The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican" - members are called "Guardians" and the Pope is [their] Spiritual Leader - see Q drop #1413 - Guardian_P
>>16430907, >>16430919, >>16430921, >>16430925, >>16430927, >>16430934, >>16430941 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican
Masons, Illuminati and the Jesuit connection explored
>>16442834, >>16442930, >>16443079, >>16444561, >>16450214, >>16453925, >>16477319 Masons, Illuminati and the Jesuits
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8e372a No.16648042
How much you charging us for that link, Ashtar?
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3a6eb1 No.16648044
>what style is this
same kind this is…made up crap by no talent asshats.
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47918c No.16648048
been there, anon. Godspeed.
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1e8310 No.16648049
TRUTH wins, fear is the enemy, and (they) sell it all day long in MSM
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666725 No.16648053
Anons are starting to come into their own. Anons are an elite tribe, very small numbers that hold all the cards and are using their cards for the good of humanity.
Anons very important. The ones that stuck it out and hung on through all the pitfalls.
History books.
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5e0aee No.16648057
right anon is off.
done a all nighter
take care frens.
god speed ahead.
tomorrow watch the French election.
should be fun, does not matter who wins should be a hell of panic all round.
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6c5909 No.16648061
>we're told not to put anything hunter biden laptop related on here, right
Who the fuck said that? Because , no. That's not a thing. Biden lover.
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6bff3f No.16648070
Fulton grand jury subpoenas Giuliani, Graham, Trump campaign lawyersAJC is far left
The Fulton County special grand jury investigating potential criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020 elections has subpoenaed key members of former President Donald Trump’s legal team, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to copies obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
In addition toGiuliani, among those being summoned are John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis, all of whom advised the Trump campaign on strategies for overturning Democrat Joe Biden’s wins in Georgia and other swing states.
The grand jury alsosubpoenaed South Carolina U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Trump’s top allies in the U.S. Senate, and attorney and podcast host Jacki Pick Deason.
The subpoenas were filed July 5 and signed off by Fulton Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney(today), who is overseeing the special grand jury. They noted that all seven people were “a necessary and material witness” to the investigation.
Unlike subpoenas issued to Georgians, the summons were required to receive McBurney’s blessing since they are for people who reside outside the state.
The 23-person special grand juryhas heard testimony in recent weeks from a parade of witnesses, including some who had direct contact with Trump and his associates in late 2020 and early 2021. But Tuesday’s subpoenas are the closest jurors have gotten to the Trump campaign or inner circle of the former president.
Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, testified before Georgia legislators in late 2020, showing edited surveillance video of ballots being tabulated at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena. The former New York City Mayor said the tape was a “powerful smoking gun” of election workers pulling out “suitcases” of ballots to count after sending Republican poll watchers home.
Eastman, a former law professor, was a key architect of the plan to press Vice President Mike Pence to reject the official Democratic electors in Georgia and other swing states and opt for an alternative slate of GOP electors. A federal judge in March argued that “it is more likely than not that President Trump and Dr. Eastman dishonestly conspired to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.”
Eastman testified at the same Georgia hearing as Giuliani, during which he argued that there was “more than enough” evidence of fraud and improper conduct to warrant Georgia lawmakers picking an alternative slate of presidential electors.
“I don’t think it’s just your authority to do that,” Eastman said, “but, quite frankly, I think you have a duty to do that to protect the integrity of the election here in Georgia.”
Deason and Ellis also spoke at the same hearing.
Cheseboro worked with the leadership of the Georgia GOP to coordinate a slate of alternate Republican electors, according to his subpoena. The DA’s office said Cheseboro drafted at least two memos in support of the plan and provided a template of documents to the party for its sham ceremony at the Georgia Capitol on Dec. 14, 2020.
Mitchell, a conservative lawyer based in Washington, D.C., advised Trump on the infamous Jan. 2, 2021, call that the Republican placed to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. During that conversation, in which Trump asked Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes, Mitchell aided Trump as he made unsubstantiated claims about Georgia’s elections.
Graham separately called Raffensperger and his staff twice in the weeks following the November 2020 elections “about reexamining certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome for former President Donald Trump,” his subpoena alleges. Graham previously denied wrongdoing.
It may be difficult for Fulton prosecutors to secure testimony from Giuliani, Eastman, Mitchell, Chesebro, Deason and Ellis, since they could argue attorney-client privilege. Eastman sought out the exemption as he sought to block the handover of evidence to the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, though he was largely shot down by a federal judge.
Bob Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, declined to comment and said his client had not been served any subpoena. A spokesman for Graham did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Fulton County DA Fani Willis launched the criminal probe into Georgia’s elections in February 2021, weeks after a recording of the Trump-Raffensperger phone call leaked. She’s since expanded the investigation to include the fake GOP electors, Giuliani’s testimony to state legislators and other efforts to pressure Georgia officials to act in Trump’s favor.
PS never trust a DA with the first name Fani!
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90b60f No.16648074
indians (711 variety) are really nasty people. I wish theyd all go back….. they took all of our it jobs. they overstate their intelligence by 1000.
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80a0e7 No.16648090
>You realize you just responded to yourself, right?
give the shill a break. it's his first day on the job
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a64bb8 No.16648091
good catch. glad they at least kinda sorta covered it.
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a6f63f No.16648097
i just meant that last time some of us tried to fight it didn't end well. our brothers and sisters are still in jail.
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3e9a01 No.16648099
Sometimes you can get to know too much about people you really didn't want to know at all.
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0b4b7f No.16648100
Hussein sent anthrax to Vanessa Trump and nearly killed her. This was a direct attack against the Trump family. Treason. Hussein must be arrested, tried, and executed.
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17fd94 No.16648107
Groomer awareness month continues.
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743942 No.16648108
He's probably hiding in Israel.
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b2a18c No.16648121
Ivy league has been gay a long time…more catchers than pitchers
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8e372a No.16648126
I thought it was Pindar myself, guess I was wrong ?
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50997d No.16648128
If true…
She made a deal…
Thats good…
Plan goes forward!
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b2dc3e No.16648139
Poles, shackles, and pissed off Anons with bullwhips would be a great start. The devil has some nice rooms waiting for them no doubt. There are no princes in hell.
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6a55da No.16648140
created by the Feds
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c62f24 No.16648144
Shills are freaking out.
Everything has meaning.
This is not a game.
Learn to play the game.
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d48fa5 No.16648159
Filtered for being a shill. Owned.
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a47899 No.16648169
>Stop kneeling for the national anthem.
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743942 No.16648180
Will take notes regardless.
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4da1b6 No.16648185
shit i thought this was just red text oh shit oh shit. Guess it is something.
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0b9228 No.16648195
I love you, please forgive us.
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a18647 No.16648209
Amen to that brother.
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b3846a No.16648220
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c8c487 No.16648225
After being gang stalking cocksuckers affiliated with tax paid alphabet agencies conveniently circumventing law….you tell me to “tread carefully” again I am gonna fucking snap and make damn sure your bloodline does not see the fucking light of day again. You hear me little pussy fuck?
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f82951 No.16648231
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19bb4f No.16648234
>now it all gets undone.
she replaced a different lib judge. and they aren't back in session until october.
but yeah, i hear ya
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92478f No.16648238
any booms of note today? or just a big phat shit sandwich of blame for anons
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bc8fb7 No.16648247
Wealth? What wealth?
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26f562 No.16648249
>I believe you. Now what can I do to start gaining your trust back?
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c00279 No.16648259
Damn, Q. I hate saying I'm 8' tall on other platforms when I'm only 6'2" irl. Felt it had to be done that way today though.
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47918c No.16648262
9:17 pm 9+1+7 = 17
Elon Musk
If chess was released as a video game
9:17 PM · Jun 5, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
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e25a3c No.16648265
"Those you Trust the most" is literally the Medical Profession.
"The Great Awakening" isn't even close to getting started.
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e4910d No.16648283
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265a0e No.16648288
Anons are stoked, hopefully real Q
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a4e9de No.16648294
The Biden family…
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6c3ce9 No.16648295
Q drops specifically state Q can not first verify with TRIP, against National Security Charter.
Nov 21, 2019 10:18:33 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 7359408
/pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].
NAT SEC [charter] prevents use of 'keys' to establish IDEN via public utility/domain - non_reg.
Formation of 'clean' board possible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards.
Q posted on /QR/ and got the 0 Delta, they then waited for anons, who used to watch all of PDJT's social media to catch it. They didn't, so Q nudged anons with WATCH POTUS. They still didn't, so Q directly pointed at the DROP that had the 0 delta. Once anons (Possibly Dan Scavino himself) pointed out the 0 delta and confirmed it, Q posted on /hivemind/ because /hivemind/ has TRIPCODES enabled, and /QR/ has tripcodes blocked. Q couldn't set a new TRIPCODE for initial verification, it is against NAT SEC charter. It says it in drop 3619, check for yourself
The clean board, /projectDcomms/, meant to use to establish a new trip is no longer in Q's control, as soon as Babyfist posted there it was no longer in Q's control. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BABYFIST DROP. THE MOMENT THAT HAPPENED, Q COULD NOT USE THAT BOARD FOR VERIFICATION BECAUSE A CIVILIAN HAD POSTED ON IT. AND IT IS THE REASON THAT BARON OF ARIZONA IS GOING AROUND SAYING HE IS THE NEW BOARD OWNER OF /DCOMMS/AGAIN Q DROP 3619
Whitelists only allow you to post a "whitelisted" trip on said board. There is no such as excluding a trip from the SALT rotation. The fact Jim lied about this is the second biggest red flag next to the secret SALT rotation to begin with.
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a47899 No.16648309
looks like the human rights act will not come into play as the 2003 act was changed in 2013, thus priti patel cannot stop the extradition to the usa once all appeals have taken place
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202ee1 No.16648313
Don't have to be born in the USA to be elected President of a corporation. Do you?
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16f899 No.16648318
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1495fd No.16648322
Wait, what the fuck?!
The fucking van disappeared!
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2878e0 No.16648334
>Here we go with the "mutations" again.
I'm a scientist-anon.
It's actually called "muhtations".
That's very important.
Laymen make the common mistake writing mutations, but that's scientifically incorrect.
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f08173 No.16648361
Hot summer months are close…
Do not forget this!
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fce9ff No.16648372
UNFORTUNATELY - it will be the last event before conservatives are prosecuted en-masse and all weapons confiscated. This is the event they need to trigger a civil upheaval and will be the last excuse they need for martial law to round up the examples needed to defeat the right.
It WILL happen. Trump WILL be indicted.
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50f50a No.16648377
Posting it over and over won't ever make it true… KEK, so lame.
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b2a18c No.16648399
Some of them have never looked moar pathetic than they do right now.
And that's saying something.
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baa7f4 No.16648400
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743942 No.16648414
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314d3e No.16648418
what do you want
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a4a4d2 No.16648422
>anon shall rise
Chkd & confirmed anons shall rise.
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0b9228 No.16648425
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1b3082 No.16648429
This from a well known LIAR.
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a510ab No.16648432
They've had to accelerate their 16 yr plan to destroy the USA
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ec9de8 No.16648440
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8b08af No.16648442
just a tip, put all those posts under middle east news or add to russia v ukraine to keep from wall of text. they are notable but one narrative from middle east news netword.
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d97575 No.16648457
>>16473527 Uganda Claims Exploration Surveys Discovered 31 Million Metric Tons of Gold
>>16473625 Six in 10 Americans believe Trump should be charged in J6 (abcnews)
>>16473607 CA Dept of Children & Families accused of wrongfully taking kids
>>16473727 Alexander Soros, "Happy Father’s Day to the one and only, the GOAT!"
>>16473743 Transgender Org Lowers Recommended Age For Starting Children on GenderHormones and Mutilating Their Breasts
>>16473784 Hundreds of people speak out against child protection system
>>16473785 NATO to proclaim Russia a 'threat to peace' at Madrid Summit
>>16473787 Power outages and brownouts a growing concern
>>16473810 Illegal immigrant who'd been deported 7+times fired at police
>>16473823 Boris Johnson affair and past job offer to lover now roiling his government
>>16473964 Rep. Adam Schiff tells Dana Bash that he "has evidence" of Trump's involvement on January 6th
>>16473974 (You) Clock June 19, 2022: Father's Day / Emancipation / WWG1WGA
>>16473983 Director Paul Haggis, who was arrested today in Italy on sexual assault and other charges
>>16474032 Google Worker Fired For Blowing The Whistle on ‘Spiritual Organization’ Within Company That’s Been Accused of Sex Trafficking
>>16474035 Russian Ministry of Defense Release on US Biological Activity in Ukraine 06/16/22
>>16474157 A ‘millirobot’ smaller than a fingertip, which is able to enter the human body and have a look around, identifying and treating complex diseases.
>>16474158 (You) 'Abortion on Demand' protesters march to Amy Coney Barrett's home with bloody pants and baby dolls
>>16474181 Macron on Sunday lost his parliamentary majority
>>16474269 Pfizer's primary mRNA injections "temporarily" impair semen concentration
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e8ab1c No.16648460
>>16602151 The Swamp Today Tuesday July 5, 2022
>>16602162 Austrian Minister of Health Confirms – Doctors Are Responsible for Vaccine Damage
>>16602183 Undercover police tried to infiltrate the Dutch farmers protest but they got caught MP4
>>16602260 Good talk on Cern, Jim Crenshaw's channel has good content.
>>16602314 Finance Fag clocks up
>>16602329 Bezos $500M Yacht is on shore leave
>>16602376 Secret Service ready to prove that Jan. 6 protest star witness lied under oath
>>16602379 Trump’s Social Media Company Subpoenaed by Federal Grand Jury
>>16602481 Missouri will now require photo ID in the upcoming November election
>>16602478 Spokane County GOP requests AUDIT of 2020 election
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23f6b5 No.16648461
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b2dc3e No.16648467
Use it or lose it.
The thinker that GOD gave us all is being replaced.
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5732de No.16648472
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2878e0 No.16648473
WWG1WGA News Service Report just
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375c68 No.16648481
Wait til the Cicadas have Faces of Men with Metal Helmets and Scorpions Tails with a sting that never ebbs
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6bff3f No.16648490
Green usually indicates a noob, I.e. green horn.
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4dbac5 No.16648494
Did you notice that George Stephanopoulos either sits on a booster chair or he has a custom built chair with longer legs. It's for sure, what he's sitting during his program that his feet doesn't touch the floor.
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b020fe No.16648499
You didn’t hear it, it seemed to get us to watch it. And it was interesting
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5b21c3 No.16648503
Youtube famefag talking and laying out redpills like an anon.
>they want us divided
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a263eb No.16648541
>The time is now
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f3c78a No.16648552
Yeah right! I believe it when I have moved on and can do things again!
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f20792 No.16648567
>Anons are the BEST SHITPOSTERS! Edition
ce88cd ← wigger
d802ee ← nigger
44a77e ← pedophile
a2a0a3 ← pedophile
825566 ← pedophile
8c9d78 ← jewish
40840d ← faggot, but the cool kind, like Freddie Mercury
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4c5a2d No.16648570
I read it as bull shit.
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7cfe2f No.16648575
>kek, does this bitch not have a job or life?
Waiting on a feature is not an active behavior. Like …. that's incomprehesibly dumb.
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a6f63f No.16648578
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90b60f No.16648581
>Dual citizenship is bullshit. Every country should revoke traitor citizenship.
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008c0b No.16648583
Civil Affairs (CA) is a term used by both the United Nations and by military institutions (such as the US military), but for different purposes in each case.
Watch CA?
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3ee8e9 No.16648585
Kettle on the boil
Shit hitting fan
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d48fa5 No.16648586
His Birthday is the anniversary of Jim Morrison's Death. & the Navy were the ones who tweeted out JA's name…That's amusing
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8b08af No.16648629
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fa5344 No.16648631
Check out these recent Anubis channeling sessions.
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1495fd No.16648638
coke money destroys lifes wiff banks
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0f4a01 No.16648641
newb baker is best baker!
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faadc6 No.16648644
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6ddf6a No.16648646
> bible prophecy
Man-made announcements of the cult's plans for the future are not "prophesy".
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325906 No.16648683
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3ee8c4 No.16648688
EMP from attacks against assets in orbit could need a cover story.
ditto the "Great Reset" acid wipe of all the covid fraud on the web to let them drug crims get off free to Tahiti beaches etc, as billionaires.
What would norms do w/o the web and ipads and other niceties like phones… and refridgeration… and A/C and electric powered fuel bowsers and hookups to recharge their Teslas??
(But CNN would still be viewed by default at airport TVs, CNN is just like post-MAD cockroaches.)
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19bc7c No.16648695
>from please
leme see how I can get it to ya.
hang for moment…
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b2dc3e No.16648711
Holly Bock
Look at this video of the #PipelineFire now burning 1,000 acres about six miles north of #Flagstaff.
The wind (around 20 mph right now) is pushing the smoke through Schultz Pass toward Doney Park.
Evacuations are underway. More info ➡️ http://azfamily.com/2022/06/12/pipeline-fire-burning-six-miles-north-flagstaff/
📸 Brandon Neuman
6:19 PM · Jun 12, 2022·Twitter Web App
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c60fbc No.16648713
Former state department in the time of the Obama. Seventh floor? I don’t know.
Aren’t they all?
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d48fa5 No.16648719
minds are fragile in your world
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ce72c8 No.16648731
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1a64d5 No.16648736
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread
>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, please tag the dough
>>16362680 Please use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT
>>16466521 hunter biden, burisma, and corruption - hsgac.senate.gov pdf.
>>16466522, >>16466583, >>16466599, forces twats
>>16466468, >>16466538, Sergey Brin — the Google co-founder who is one of the top 10 richest persons in the world with a net worth of $93 billion — has filed to divorce his wife: Court docs - truthsocial.com
>>16466557 Do you recognize irregular warfare - trump 12 page statement against the j6 committee
>>16466573 Uvalde police claim they don't need to release records about shooting - twat
>>16466580 An Irish politician has been arrested after trying to board British naval vessel HMS Enterprise, a survey ship, in Cork Harbour. Here's a clip of the incident.- twat
>>16466582 planefag mcfly85 call sign (back to the future comms).
>>16466587 DJT: "I watched this owlife Raskin making things and statements up, from out of nowhere. Pure fiction!"- djt truthsocial.com
>>16466597, >>16466605 Controlled demolition of America
>>16466644 State of emergency declared in Ecuador - entornointeligente.com
>>16466601, >>16466609, >>16466656 Call to Digg, Omaha children’s hospital money laundering - twat robert gage
>>16466657, >>16466715, 'I literally lost organs:' Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders - groomer, pedo and commie topic
>>16466663, >>16466671 julian assange wife, we are going to fight this - twat
>>16466686 The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here's What Happens Next - zerohedge and bun
>>16466696 FOUND IT, FROM CHUCKY OWN CROOKED MOUTH, FEDERALIZE THE ELECTIONS COS IT IS IN THE CONSTITUATION - youtube chuck schumer speech - youtube with timestamp.
>>16466720 Governor To Oppose COVID Vaccines For Kids, desantis - daily caller.
>>16466725 Electric rates in Texas have surged over 70% as summer - election wizard twat
>>16466731 The Clintons claim America is on the edge of losing democracy - hillary
baker change
>>16466772 Clockfag Report
>>16466777, >>16466800, >>16466831, >>16466892, >>16466802, >>16467127 Call to Digg, Omaha children’s hospital money laundering continued
>>16466805 Odd sculpture in New Orleans/Mayor Cantrell twat: As Juneteenth approaches, we celebrated with an unveiling in Lafayette Sq
>>16466866, >>16466891, >>16466917, >>16467002, >>16467011 Biden, 79, FALLS OFF his bike during ride near his Rehoboth Beach home
>>16466879 SpaceX is targeting Sat. June 18 for a Falcon 9 launch of SARah-1 mission from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in CA
>>16466888 Uvalde officials are using a legal loophole to block the release of shooting records
>>16467033 Federal Court Holds Glyphosate Registration Unlawful
>>16467071 Some of UK's asylum claimants to be electronically tagged – BBC News
>>16467256 #20832
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0c4646 No.16648773
Why can’t Saran be forgiven?
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202ee1 No.16648788
Soros is like a rapist.
Probably thinks the woman should be grateful.
Thinks force is the only way to mount a woman.
Fuks one. Gets em pregnant. Marries 'em.
Doesn't have any idea how to be a real man.
But, wow , he figured out HOW TO FUK
and thinks he is anyway
Sociopaths should leave good society alone.
Good society should turn their backs on sociopaths.
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ab3fcf No.16648792
all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.
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ab34f4 No.16648793
Everyone needs to keep the pressure up as much as possible against zionists (Jew and Gentile) and Israel until the general public demands they all get deported or hanged for treason (legally off course). The politicians say some based things about Israel once in a while with no action behind their words as a gambit to try to release pressure from the general public, we can use it against them by pressuring them by asking what actionable steps are being taken to cut all aid to Israel and end all zionist subversion. Do it all the time, every day, 24/7, non-stop.
Keep the pressure up. And increase it as much as possible.
They are scared:
And their controlled opposition operations need to be exposed:
Ps: always follow the law.
This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:
Psss: the side that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone. Let's win.
Pssss: see this thread that Jew OP made and deleted once people started posting verifiable facts about Israel and Jewish collective power:
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a5fde6 No.16648823
> if they had genealogy records to keep track of that stuff.
Korea has kept genealogical records since the Chosun dynasty (1392-1910) to prevent inbreeding
still practiced to this day.
if you get married in Korea, the government ensures you are not within so many degrees of blood relation (3rd cousin if I can recall correctly)
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c62f24 No.16648829
Maria Bartiromo
Ok so we are most likely in a recession right now. So now what? Ken Langone told me Friday - tighten the belt, watch your spending, do not take on any more debt & hopefully you are exposed to a dividend paying situation. Here is more info to protect yourself - rumble.com/v1919tv-hoenig-nile
Hoenig, Niles respond to Fed rate hikes: 'Only time will tell' if decision was right
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ce72c8 No.16648831
I hate a two timing fence sitter
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4251fb No.16648838
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1fed6d No.16648841
Freedom Warriors, [16.06.22 09:31]
[ Video ]
Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) is required by all recently built diesel engines. No DEF and trucks don’t move and goods can't get through.
And there is a huge shortage of DEF happening. This is being done DELIBERATELY and not by accident!
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02232d No.16648845
cnn posts funny business article about…q-tips.
kek o lek
"How we got addicted to using Q-tips the wrong way"
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3726a9 No.16648850
Dear Yellowstone Montana Citizens,
Be mindful of any Redcross creeps like Norman Wade Gayler! Old wad is married to child Trafficking cunt Laura Silsby-Gayler and he's the regional director for Montana/Idaho Redcross!
He's not innocent. This is his second rodeo with Laura. The pair were kicked out of Nevada years and years ago for trying to exploit the Trafficking of Native and Hispanic, Mexican children. They founded this scheme wayyyy back with their church shit.
NW Gayler has an interesting arrest record our of SLC, UT. DUDE IS A CREEP.
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f2c25a No.16648851
You don't speak for what Q will or will not do. Q can simply delete the post before returning.
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af2a9b No.16655811
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dcc6c5 No.16657542
Am I on the trail?
Seems to be a crumb anons.
Most of the victims were computer scientists working for Marconi Electronic Systems and related companies on top-secret defence projects, including the US Strategic Defence Initiative.
Due to the nature of their work and the oddness of their deaths, by 1987 the national and international press had latched onto the story. Were the deaths sabotage by a foreign government or some kind of Cold War plot?
( https://theunredacted.com/dead-scientists-the-marconi-murders/ )
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249c37 No.16657561
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025c8e No.16657570
Muh Black African Negroid nigga all them white women needed to paid first you dumbass idiot….. lmao
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f4014c No.16657573
Faceless politicians and media personalities are being erased.
Gender pride now, personality is next.
One track thought.
Two locomotives on the same track.
Full speed.
Only issue is they are racing towards each other, head on.
Don’t end a sentence with a preparation.
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3dff34 No.16657613
Good-B[y]e to the Old Guard
The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.
Putin saved 10's of thousands of Children & destroyed Bio-Labs
Everything we have been taught is pretty much BULLSHIT
President Donald J. Trump has caught [THEM] ALL RED_HANDED
Our Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW
John F. Kennedy, & John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald J. Trump have dedicated their lives to seek out, document, and expose the EVIL
The World is WATCHING
The World is CONNECTED
Difficult Truths are about to come to LIGHT
Everything will be okay
The Military is the only way.
The Storm has arrived.
President Trump & Vice President Kennedy are working with GOD OUR ETERNAL HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST
Decertify the FRAUD
Marker [9]
e[Y]e of Horus
[P]riory of Sion
The ravens will starve.
Trust the Plan.
Everything is on Federal TAPE
Government TAPE
It's on Government TAPE
It's all on Government TAPE
Watch the WATER
Thors Hammer
God Father III
Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM)
Yellow Brick Road
Snow White
Alice in Wonderland
White Rabbit
Fishing is fun
President Trump and Vice President Kennedy have rescued 100's of Thousands of ChildrenUnderground, and being trafficed, while President Trump was in office , and are still rescuing more everyday while the Special Forces are also removing the evil wicked ones, NAZIS
ACT OF 1871
Sky Event
Sky Fortress Engaged
We Have it ALL.
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."
God bless.
"NG Activated"
Done in 30
06. 12. 06.
General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥
You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.
John F. Kennedy Jr.
I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'
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095608 No.16657635
glowniggers in full gaslight mode
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f8a109 No.16657675
Alright fk ya's I'll end the fed then. I've been trying to do that the whole time while you were finger bangin each other in ya matrix.
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8e2f16 No.16657762
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1f4009 No.16657778
Hmm, what year wasISRAELfounded?
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f4e9fc No.16657796
Not really. There are photo paths and spheres also. For places that cars can't get to.
This a Google sphere. They are cool.
Like this one near Chengdu China. Only one around the area.
Found it looking for silhouettes on the military runway there.
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fa8456 No.16657818
The money system is satanic.
You go into debt. You NEED to fuck over other people to pay back including interest.
It's as simple as that, because the interest doesn't exist. Some other poor schmuck has to get it and give it to you.
See doctors:
- get paid top dollar for vaccinations
- not get paid for reporting vaxx injuries
- even get into trouble when going against vaccines
So the HONEST doctors either are way worse off, or even lose their jobs, meanwhile the satanic doctors that go along, don't question anything, get top dollars and can afford their next boat or house.
Literally satanic system.
Of course you are not really forced to participate.
And in fact the Amish in their wisdom are doing exactly what you have to do to fully defeat such a system. They do it legally, even pay a small amount of taxes, but that's it. And they keep themselves out of the tech network, which is also smart, which is quite ironic.
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50661a No.16657845
Sauceless shill speculation is totally notable.
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5a04bb No.16657848
>Apparently Anon
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7cf4ba No.16657883
>Biden’s Commerce Secretary Throws in the Towel on Gas Prices
[Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo]
Baron Raimondo Franchetti has been the name of more than one Italian Baron, of the noble Franchetti family. The Franchettis were an Italian Jewish family who, from the 18th century onwards, were one of the wealthiest families in the Mediterranean.
His grandfather, also Baron Raimondo Franchetti, married Louise Sarah Rothschild into the Rothschild banking family.
Sara Louise von Rothschild, daughter of Anselm and Charlotte, was born in Vienna on 8 December 1834, and was known to her family as Louise. She married Raimondo Franchetti on 17 November 1858. Louise de Rothschild Franchetti, as she styled herself, shared characteristics of industriousness and strength of personality with her husband.
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dcc6c5 No.16657885
>The ticket is never free.
Voting is free you dumbfuck.
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87454a No.16657886
Queen wearing out of place black sphere on hat on Buckingham Palace balcony appearance (Sunday June 5 2022).
Is she 'Blackballing' tomorrow's rumored vote on Boris Johnson's tenure in No. 10? Telling his enemies she does not support their vote against him?
White cotton gloves reminiscent of billiard/snooker/pool referees gloves used for placing the balls on the table. Stitching on glove follows 'life' line in palm reading. Is she throwing him a lifeline?
Pray for Boris.
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918f51 No.16657936
So as long as Satan's slaves act nice and are obedient, they're "good people"?
I might be an asshole, but I'm not a brainwashed dumbfuck.
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e8bfb2 No.16657945
That's why Trump said appointing Jeff Sessions was his biggest mistake.
Anon get your facts straight.
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c56ff2 No.16657966
Another night, another fight!
Good evening, Night Shifters! (Fighters!)
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e69d09 No.16657993
Gay community seems like their latest target
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0749ad No.16658045
“It’s kind of the culture,” said Dan Grazier, a former Marine and now a fellow at the nonprofit Project on Government Oversight, investigating military waste and abuse. “The Pentagon always wants to find a technological solution, particularly one that can generate contracts and subcontracts spread all over the country.”
“A lot of these fancy electronic systems end up being more of a distraction than they are actually useful in helping soldiers do their jobs,” added Grazier.
EIGHT YEARS AGO, the 2014 edition of IQT Quarterly, the publication of In-Q-Tel, notes that we are still “far away from a true Star Trek Holodeck experience,” yet:
A perfect simulated reality that is indistinguishable from real life will ultimately take one of two forms: it will either manipulate real light and real matter, like the Star Trek Holodeck, or it will remove the “middleman” of wearable VR inputs and instead directly manipulate our perceptions through a machine-brain interface, like that envisioned in The Matrix. Between those perfect simulations and the current state of the art, we envision the emergence of hybrids, such as the manipulation of real light (holograms) combined with haptic gloves, or the direct manipulation of the brain’s sense of touch combined with VR/AR contact lenses, or many other such combinations involving other senses. Given where VR is now compared to just 10 years ago, and the historical pace of technological change since the Industrial Revolution, it’s astounding to consider how VR might continue to evolve. We think these “perfect systems” may emerge within the next two centuries, and that the current state of the art provides a strong foundation to build upon.
The rapid investments from government sources in augmented and virtual reality reflect the vision laid out eight years ago. Mojo Vision, a startup based in Saratoga, California, is developing an augmented reality contact lens using “tiny microLED” displays the size of a grain of sand to project images directly onto the retina. The company is backed financially by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, a research and development arm of the Pentagon.
In 2018, In-Q-Tel backed a startup called Immersive Wisdom that provides communication and data sharing interfaces. “Allowing multiple users to be anywhere in the world, while still being connected via the same virtual space containing shared maps, video feeds, and real-time data, offers a significant new edge,” In-Q-Tel said in a statement at the time.
In-Q-Tel also invested in DigiLens, the producers of a low-cost holographic lens used for augmented and virtual reality glasses. Last year, the Air Force awarded $1.2 million in contracts to the company.
pt 2
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3ccd92 No.16658099
I bet you are demoncraps.
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3df7e3 No.16658101
Once her beer goggles wore off, she was disgusted at her choices, so claimed rape…
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fe4dbf No.16658113
Some Jews call themselves Jews, and some don't.
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1c66b5 No.16658117
Ain't nobody clickin' that shit!
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178149 No.16658119
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9a0f71 No.16658144
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08bf28 No.16658161
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35cb1a No.16658191
I think this is all meant to trigger asking the Q
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ddea07 No.16658200
>Former Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts CEO Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Export United States Defense Articles including to The People’s Republic of China
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385b92 No.16658213
An ape in high heels, organ grinder.
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c3714b No.16658266
Arts and entertainment[edit]
Craig Bolotin, screenwriter, film director
Alex Borstein, actress
Paul Brickman, film director[citation needed]
Rachel Brosnahan, actress
Patrick Burns, reality TV star (Haunting Evidence)
Jacqueline Carey, fantasy fiction novelist
Mickie Caspi, artist
Billy Corgan, lead singer and founder of the band Smashing Pumpkins
Blag Dahlia, singer in The Dwarves
Eric Engberg, broadcast journalist
Brenda Ferber, author
Jennie Fields, writer, author of Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Lily Beach, and The Middle Ages
Brett Gelman, actor
Michael Gelman, producer, Live With Regis and Kelly
Stephen Glass, discredited magazine journalist[2]
James Goldman, screenwriter and playwright, author of The Lion in Winter
William Goldman, Academy Award-winning screenwriter, author of The Princess Bride
F. Gary Gray, film director
Chief Keef, rapper and producer
Brian Levant, film director
Donald Lipski, artist
Sebastian Maniscalco, comedian[citation needed]
Richard Marx, singer-songwriter, producer
Jeff Melvin, television writer and producer
Ken Olin, actor, director, producer
Peter Orner, author[citation needed]
Jeff Perry, actor
Cory Provus, baseball broadcaster
Robert Reed, actor
Ben Savage, actor
Fred Savage, actor and director
Kala Savage, actress and singer
Josh Server, actor
Robert Seyfarth, architect
Gary Sinise, actor
Grace Slick, of the band Jefferson Airplane, born in Highland Park
Harold Ramis, actor and director[citation needed]
Brandon Ratcliff, actor
Brian Ross, broadcast journalist[citation needed]
David Seltzer, screenwriter, producer, and director
Gene Siskel, film critic[citation needed]
George Kirke Spoor, film pioneer
Lauren Tom, actress
D.B. Weiss, co-creator of Game of Thrones TV series[3]
Orson Welles, actor and director
Edward Weston, photographer[4]
Dan Witz, artist
Dean Zelinsky, founder of Dean Guitars
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a5ea9b No.16658289
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0e3767 No.16658290
This works pretty good.
Common words I see the bots using between all of them.
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c56ff2 No.16658304
A Time for Choosing with Congresswoman Liz Cheney.
MAGA is so dangerous…
This Cabal mouthpiece deserves a Stalin medal.
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eb544d No.16658312
I love how butthurt anons get when corrected by the helpful Grammar kitty. Kek
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0749ad No.16658318
NO a child is born either male or female, keep your trans humanism in the satanic world where it belongs!
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8ff293 No.16658347
>If i was an alien, i would avoid this planet at any cost. When you go for a long trip, do you choose the local ghetto, or a lush beach?
Yeah that's what I always thought, until I did a fly over and now I see things different. 40k
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375a5c No.16658350
that looks like an uncontrollable anxiety, a panic attack that cannot be hidden from someone who wants to hide it
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3c34cb No.16658390
kek, she is super cool though
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ee8f23 No.16658401
oops, not The New Yorker
New York, never heard if it
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080ba0 No.16658418
here is some of it
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08bf28 No.16658426
This is the case the court declined to take, sole dissenter was Thomasso libel is ok with 8 of them:
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964)
By Stephen Wermiel
Related cases in Libel and Slander
The landmark New York Times v. Sullivan case led to new protections against publishers who, in their criticism of government, are sued by government officials for libel. The New York Times was sued by the Montgomery, Alabama, city commissioner for errors in a civil rights advertisement. The ad got some facts wrong, including the number of times Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested. The Supreme Court established that public officials must meet a higher standard for libel judgments and show that the publisher acted with knowledge that something was false.. In this photo, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., accompanied by Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, center, is booked by city police Lt. D.H. Lackey in Montgomery, 1956. (AP Photo/Gene Herrick, used with permission from The Associated Press)
In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), the Supreme Court reversed a libel damages judgment against the New York Times. The decision established the important principle that the First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press may protect libelous words about a public official in order to foster vigorous debate about government and public affairs.
This landmark decision constitutionalized libel law and arguably saved the civil rights movement.
Sullivan sued paper for mistakes in civil rights advertisement
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan began as a lawsuit against the newspaper for mistakes in a full-page civil rights fundraising editorial advertisement in 1960 entitled “Heed Their Rising Voices.”
The advertisement, protesting the treatment of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. by Alabama law enforcement, carried the names of prominent civil rights activists, including actors, writers, ministers, and other prominent Americans. The lawsuit was filed by L. B. Sullivan, an elected city commissioner in Montgomery, Alabama, whose duties included supervision of the local police. Under Alabama law, Sullivan only needed to prove that there were mistakes and that they likely harmed his reputation. A jury awarded him $500,000 in damages, an enormous sum at the time.
Court dismissed damage award, adopted actual malice standard
The Supreme Court unanimously reversed and dismissed the damage award. Writing for the majority, Justice William J. Brennan Jr. opined that “debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust and wide-open” and said that vehement criticism and even mistakes were part of the price a democratic society must pay for freedom. (The advertisement had gotten wrong the number of times Martin Luther King Jr. had been arrested in Alabama, four times instead of seven, and details of police actions at Alabama State College.)…
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c62597 No.16658427
>>Project Dunbar
Multi-CBDC Platform Could be the New International Settlement Standard
An multi-CBDC platform could offer faster, cheaper, and more secure international settlements according to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
Project Dunbar, an international settlement scheme led by the BIS Innovation Hub, has successfully developed working prototypes to prove the viability of the multi-CBDCs concept. It is still early to speculate what this could mean for international settlements. However, if launched successfully, it could significantly challenge the current international transaction providers like SWIFT.
Experiment Proves Multi-CBDCs Could Enable International Settlements
Project Dunbar, a technical experiment that involved the Reserve Bank of Australia, Central Bank of Malaysia, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and South African Reserve Bank, has turned out to be a success, proving that financial institutions can use CBDCs to transact on a shared platform.
The joint effort initially started in 2021. According to a report by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the project developed two prototypes for a shared platform that could enable international settlements using CBDCs issued by different central banks, which was the project’s first phase. The BIS said:
“This initial phase of the project successfully developed working prototypes and demonstrated practicable solutions, achieving its aim of proving that the concept of multi-CBDCs was technically viable.”
The BIS argued that the need for such a system arises since cross-border payments are currently very inefficient. For instance, to complete a single cross-border transfer, a number of banks may be involved. Each of these banks would need to record transactions on multiple ledgers on multiple systems built using different technologies, all of which contribute to making transactions slower and more expensive.
Moreover, the bank claimed that cross-border payments currently fail to meet user expectations of cheaper, faster, and more transparent cross-border payments. This describes why the G20, an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union, pledged in 2020 to enhance cross-border payments around the world.
Project Dunbar Developed Using DLT Platforms Corda and Quorum
In terms of design, the project faced challenges related to governance, process, and technology.
For a multi-CBDC platform shared by different central banks, governance is a key consideration to properly assign each participant the right amount of privileges and modes of access. In the first place, participants will gain access to the platform through the nodes they host or the nodes hosted by others. Also, each participant would have a different level of access.
Technologically, the project’s technical prototypes were developed on two different DLT platforms—Corda and Quorum. The Corda platform development was led by the technology provider R3 while the Quorum platform development was led by Partior, an open industry platform.
Moreover, R3’s prototype deployed on the Azure cloud infrastructure while Partior has deployed its prototype on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
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Multi-CBDC Payments to Challenge Traditional Settlement Methods like SWIFT
Unlike traditional payment settlement methods, which rely on intermediaries and correspondent banks, a multi-CBDC platform would enable participants to transact directly with each other using different CBDCs. This would significantly decrease the time required for a settlement, thus increasing speed.
Moreover, currently, a single cross-border transfer requires multiple ledgers to be updated on different systems, making the process time-consuming. However, since transfers are recorded on a single ledger on a multi-CBDC platform, the settlement process is simplified and costs are reduced.
It is also worth noting that a multi-CBDC platform would reduce duplicative processes and automate operations through smart contracts. Furthermore, using smart contracts, banks can also offer conditional payments, enabling customers to receive payment upon the fulfillment of predefined conditions.
In a nutshell, a multi-CBDC platform could be a game-changer for international settlements considering that it could significantly cut costs and increase speed. Therefore, it can significantly challenge traditional financial transaction providers like SWIFT.
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178149 No.16658450
Minneapolis was probably one of the Whitest cities in the US. A perfect place for African refugees, in the minds of TPTB.
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aba169 No.16658483
Yes, I am seeing if there is a lag betweeon clearnet and onion
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6458f0 No.16658486
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b88f47 No.16658489
nice meme
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d51acd No.16658512
>That's fucking disgusting.
Do you understand that we were talking about John the Baptist? Instead of making vulgar statements why not ask questions first? My knowledge does not end in your understanding.
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385b92 No.16658552
That's interesting too, modern scene of trafficking made to look like an ancient/religious event.
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2ebf5b No.16658574
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e12ffb No.16658586
Is that (You) Vic?
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5a04bb No.16658587
There is video of Jayden running around saying "Someone is shot, We got someone shot" in a fairly nonchalant kinda way, like bad, really bad acting.
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38d369 No.16658590
>>16410663 lb
>>16410683 lb
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300f25 No.16658591
Patriots, we are on the battlefield.
Do not forget why God brought you here.
Unite, no anon above another.
One nation
Of Great Americans, our Brothers and Sisters
Lifting the the TRUTH up in the LIGHT
With Honor and Grace.
God Wins
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c143a8 No.16658595
>There's the problem right there. It's clearly NOT a solution. Software dont stop kinetic attacks. It also ignores ANTIFA BLM still to this day.
understand that it was deliberate ClA/FBl/MKU
it worked perfectly
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54d3d4 No.16658658
Who is SJM?
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91eabf No.16658663
It cannot be a coincidence that a philosophy (code) which 'notions' that the one source of it all is internally divided, will be if trusted IMPLEMENTED as humanity divided against itself in TOTALITY.
Adults will become 'economic' consumers at the expense of children.
One 'race' will consume at the expense of another 'race'.
One 'sex' will consume at the expense of THE other.
New sex DIVISIONS will be 'notioned'…and more consumption at the expense of humanity occurs.
And over and over.
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d53abe No.16658720
looks like they are standing on a giant "yardstick"
…measured and found wanting
mene, mene, tekel, parsin
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3ccd92 No.16658733
When post WW2 everyone in the developed world developed the internet and muhjoo shilling, autoimmune diseases skyrocketed in some kinda linear correlation with funding for Israel.
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6a5c4d No.16658744
Clarence Thomas: Court ‘should reconsider’ gay marriage, birth control
Justice Clarence Thomas called for potentially overturning Supreme Court rulings that protect gay marriage and access to birth control in an opinion concurrent to Friday’s landmark decision ending federal abortion rights.
The conservative judge wrote that the court should “reconsider” other cases that fall under the court’s previous “due process” precedents, which include rulings that establish LGBTQ and contraceptive rights.
“In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,” he wrote.
The 74-year-old justice was referring to a 1965 ruling, Griswold v. Connecticut, that allows married couples to access birth control. He’s also referencing a 2003 ruling, Lawrence v. Texas, that forbids states from outlawing consensual gay sex, and Obergefell v. Hodges, a 2015 decision that established the right to same-sex marriage.
Substantive due process refers to the notion that people have fundamental rights that aren’t specifically established in the constitution.
The same legal argument was also used in Roe v. Wade and its sister case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which in 1992 upheld the right to abortion.
In the opinion Friday, Thomas acknowledged that the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision does not directly affect any rights aside from federal abortion access.
But he urged the court to apply the same “Due Process Clause” logic to other substantive landmark cases.
“Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous,’ we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents,” he wrote.
On Friday, the Supreme Court ended nearly 50 years of federal abortion rights, with Justice Samuel Alito writing an opinion in favor of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health.
In his opinion, Alito stressed that the ruling not be used to roll back any other constitutional right besides abortion.
“To ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,
Justice Brett Kavanaugh added,” Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”
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38a119 No.16658767
CIA Drug Trafficking Allegations Hearing (1998) | w/ Maxine Waters Gary Webb
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00181a No.16658781
>whats 8?
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9a0f71 No.16658787
Q, you've said previously that you've had the ball the entire time. Where are we on the field? Still 1st and 10 on the 50?
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e7a8f1 No.16658859
Deep Dive Bill Barr
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39cc45 No.16658865
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7e3616 No.16658867
Texas Attorney General launches investigation against Twitter for potentially deceiving the public over fake bot accounts.
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6131fd No.16658887
Q → POTUS zero delta proof
23:54 [0] Delta
screencap timestamps all EST
/qresearch/ bread 20941
>>>/qresearch/16551514 1 sec test
>>>/qresearch/16551531 2 failed
>>>/qresearch/16551546 3
>>>/qresearch/16551558 4
>>>/qresearch/16551590 5
>>>/qresearch/16551632 6
>>>/qresearch/16551639 7
>>>/qresearch/16551674 8
>>>/qresearch/16551708 9 [0] Delta with - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885
>>>/qresearch/16551765 10
/qresearch/ bread 20942
>>>/qresearch/16551922 11 TRIP comp'd on/qr/
>>>/qresearch/16551927 12
>>>/qresearch/16551945 13
>>>/qresearch/16551956 14
>>>/qresearch/16552035 15
>>>/qresearch/16552143 16 [0] Delta proofs confirmed
/hivemind/ bread 35
>>>/hivemind/22376 17 tripcode
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1f4150 No.16658914
Gary transitioned to Sarah…
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209ae3 No.16658919
'No you got a new fake Q drop made out of desperation when Q that got a 0 Delta with POTUS called Watkins comp'd
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35cb1a No.16658935
May our Father bless you and your family with many more grandchildren-Anons to play with this one. Congratulations.
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6131fd No.16658945
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