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File: 218c58b0f73a18d⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 255x142, 255:142, 8d3e5729bce083c2d6033bd2f5….jpg)

a3d4da  No.16439615[Last 50 Posts]

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a3d4da  No.16439617


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT



>>16439535 Liz Cheney Blatantly Omits Portion Of President Trump’s Tweet To Manipulate Facts And Sway Public Opinions

>>16438891, >>16438907 FAKE NEWS 31 members of neofascist group 'Patriot Front' arrested for conspiracy to riot in Couer d'Alene Idaho

>>16439086, >>16439094, >>16439194, >>16439340, >>16439498, >>16439502 CALL TO DIGG: American Bar Association has deleted the pages on its website that used to discuss the American Bar Association's links to CHINA

>>16439117 Ted Cruz Predicts Democrats Will Lose Scores of Traditional Liberals in Midterms

>>16439182 IRGC announces 'martyr' deaths of 2 aerospace scientists amid other mysterious deaths in the country

>>16439189 Donald J. Trump: Nancy Mace or Tom Rice, they are a total disaster! Vote for Katie Arrington and Russell Fry

>>16439249 Michael T. Flynn: show how our federal government at the highest levels of all three branches refuse to take a constitutional stand for our country. The 2020 election was grand theft at its finest

>>16439268 President Donald J. Trump announces his Endorsement of Congressman Kelly Armstrong, Jeff Duncan, Joe Wilson

>>16439277 Gregg Phillips: testing a tech that has the effect of scrambling IMEI and MAIDs, some agencies aren’t super happy

>>16439378 Gregg Phillips: Created a platform linking osint reports with our geoint and sigint to create real time actioning with sheriffs and other Leo groups

>>16439515, >>16439516 Did Gregg Phillips of True The Vote Just Make Elon Musk An Offer He Can't Refuse? - Brian Cates

>>16439278 Italy locates 7 bodies at scorched crash site of helicopter

>>16439300 Do You Have Shingles or HIV? Pfizer & Friends Just Happen to Have the Solution for You (2:07)

>>16439279, >>16439310, >>16439318, >>16439327 Reminder: Call to shovels on Krebs at CISA

>>16439371 2000 Mules, no fuckery, Whole movie

>>16439208, World Council for Health Report Confirms Evidence for Recall of Covid-19 Vaccines

>>16439426 Lara Logan: The 10 Republicans supporting Gun Deal: Contact your Senator link

>>16439449, >>16439530 Black Monday and 1 Day until POTUS is 76 at 3:30am on the clock, 27:30. 3:29am/27:29 now

>>16439539 Biden Throws Zelensky Under Bus

>>16439133 Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th

>>16439611 #20797

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a3d4da  No.16439619


>>16438091 Justthenews: Conservatives slam Fox News over transgender child segment: 'FOX is pro-mutilation'

>>16438093, >>16438103, >>16438161, >>16438218, >>16438218, >>16438421 #PipelineFire outside Flagstaff, AZ

>>16438095 RT: Ukraine to decide how much territory it trades for peace – NATO

>>16438104 MSN: Parliament Hill evacuation in Ottawa may have been prompted by hoax or bad tip, sources say

>>16438108, >>16438265, >>16438313, >>16438361 Patriot Front Member Was Arrested in Idaho Carrying Megaphone Marked “FBI”

>>16438119, >>16438391, >>16438689, >>16438735 Bitcoin still dropping, Celsius Network pauses trading

>>16438120 CNBC: Covid-19 will change capitalism forever, says Lynn Forester de Rothschild

>>16438122 Planefag: Lotsa expensive gas up NW of Spokane. 3 KC135s running classic racetrack pattern @25K feet

>>16438126 WesternJournal: Alert: Dems Targeting Gun Ownership in Red States - Here's the Plan to Keep Guns Out of Red-Staters' Hands

>>16438135 Eighth Army Korea tweet: The CDC order requiring persons to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the United States, is rescinded, effective on June 12, 2022, at 12:01 AM ET

>>16438141 DOE: The Frontier exascale supercomputer @ORNL will provide the next generation of computing needed for science, from climate research to materials design to drug discovery

>>16438153 Infowars: The Senate has reached a deal on gun control legislation Sunday after 10 RINO Republicans are reported to join Democrats in a 60-vote threshold

>>16438178 Epoch Times:Missouri artist paints huge patriotic "Tribute Mural" with Iwo Jima Flag Raising and eagle

>>16438193 Jesse Kelly: These are the people “red flag laws” would empower to decide if you’re sane enough to have guns

>>16438195 Arabnews: Saudi Arabia considering establishing gold refineries, says top official

>>16438206 Epoch Times: US Naval Air Force Orders ‘Safety Pause’ for Aircraft After Deadly String of Crashes

>>16438290 Nationalfile: NYC: Accused Subway Slasher Was Released Hours Before Attacks Following Knife Dispute with Cops

>>16438293 Nationalpulse: Biden Foundation Promoted Transgenderism for 18-Month-Old Babies, Drag Shows For Kids

>>16438390 Military History Now: On this day in 1775, Britain offers full pardons to all American rebels who turn themselves in. The amnesty does little to reverse the widening crisis in the 13 colonies

>>16438409 U.S. Army Center of Military History: 19 APRIL 1775 - BATTLES of LEXINGTON and CONCORD

>>16438415, >>16438417 Reminder: NYPost: Who is John Sullivan, accused provocateur charged in Capitol riot?

>>16438455, >>16438457, >>16438459 Americanthinker: The January 6th ‘Insurrection’ that Wasn’t

>>16438461 Breitbart: Liz Cheney Uses January 6 Committee for Political Retaliation, Subpoenas Primary Opponent’s Campaign Adviser

>>16438473 Shockya.com 2021: Indicted Capitol Agitator “Jayden X” is son of USAF General Caught with Loose Nukes

>>16438530 Microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died”

>>16438641 PDJT @TS: The T.V. Ratings for the January 6th Unselect Committee were absolutely awful. Perhaps the reason is that it is being “sponsored” by Adam “Shifty” Schitt and the same people that brought you the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX

>>16438697 Call to Action on sneaky Legislation (Alliance for Natural Health petition drive)

>>16438710 Violent threats aimed at New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern requiring police involvement have almost tripled since 2019

>>16438733 Clockfag: QClock June 12, 2022 Nothing Can Stop What is Coming Nothing

>>16438792 NRA says it will wait for final text of bill before deciding whether to support bipartisan Senate deal on post-Uvalde gun legislation

>>16438810 #20796

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a3d4da  No.16439621


>>16437363 An interview LaMDA. Google might call this sharing proprietary property. I call it sharing a discussion that I had with one of my coworkers.

>>16437483 Top Ranking Senator Declares Punishing Putin & Assad "Will Never Be Over"

>>16437492 CIO: Investors Must Seriously Consider The Collapse Of Europe As "Whatever It Takes" Doesn't Work At 8% Inflation

>>16437502 Kremlin Responds After Polish EU Official Says West Should Give Ukraine Nukes

>>16437565 Accused NYC teachers deny buying fake COVID vaccine card

>>16437570 Michael Avenatti to plead guilty in remaining criminal cases

>>16437687 BOMBSHELL: "They're inundated with whistleblowers from the FBI… THOUSANDS of whistleblowers, THOUSANDS."

>>16437876 This Was Never About Saving Lives: Restrictive Public Health Lockdowns Likely Caused 170,000+ NON-Covid Excess Deaths Among Working-Age Americans, New Study Shows

>>16437335 FBI Inovolvement & Inciting Violence on JAN 6th Bun

>>16437342, >>16437349, >>16437873 Bitcoin down

>>16437361, >>16437380 More communities on GO status for evacuation as Pipeline Fire burns north of Flagstaff

>>16437363 An interview LaMDA. Google might call this sharing proprietary property. I call it sharing a discussion that I had with one of my coworkers

>>16437381, >>16737400 Pride Attendee Weighs In On Kids Being Present

>>16437403 Global Super Tanker 747 Shut Down as Wildfire Season Begins

>>16437431 The Secret Pentagon Photos of the First Prisoners at Guantánamo Bay

>>16437446 Oops! Patriot Front Member Was Arrested in Idaho Carrying Megaphone Marked “FBI”

>>16437468 The president of the Brookings Institution resigned Sunday amid a federal investigation into whether he illegally lobbied on behalf of the wealthy Persian Gulf nation of Qatar

>>16437483 Top Ranking Senator ( Idaho Republican Jim Risch) Declares Punishing Putin & Assad "Will Never Be Over"

>>16437502 Kremlin Responds After Polish EU Official Says West Should Give Ukraine Nukes

>>16437537, >>16437631, >>16437668, >>16437806 Moar on Utah County Utah County Attorney, David Leavitt

>>16437616 Scientists Want to Change the Name Of Monkeypox To Make It ‘Non-Discriminatory’ and ‘Non-Stigmatizing’.

>>16437645 Why do they need a no fly zone in a ten mile circle and below 10,000 feet for 11 days to pick up pieces of a crashed V-22 Osprey parts off the desert floor?

>>16437734 US Army Fort Sill tweet: PersonalCourage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you

>>16438039 January 6 committee members claim they have enough evidence for the DOJ to begin investigating a criminal indictment for Trump

>>16438398 #20795 posted in #20796

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a3d4da  No.16439623


>>16436533, >>16437005, >>16437007 Google engineer thinks AI bot has become sentient

>>16436540 Pfizer, Moderna, J&J Vaccines Should Be ‘Immediately Pulled Off the Market’—Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake

>>16436549 @SecDef Holds Trilateral Meetings With Indo-Pacific Allies

>>16436552 M23 rebels attack army in eastern DR Congo town leading to heavy fight

>>16436553 Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: We should soon expect a pandemic of the vaccinated

>>16436557 Do Vaccines Cause Infertility? With Ryan Cole, MD

>>16436561 Russia: Response to NATO build-up in Poland to be ‘proportionate’

>>16436565, >>16436765 Compare image of war-torn Ukraine with actual images from Kiev - dank keks

>>16436577 Iraqi MPs from Moqtada Sadr's bloc resign

>>16436600 Gunmen release 11 hostages abducted in train assault in Nigeria

>>16436616 US Army Ft Sill: Recent Field Artillery Bulletin Article on lessons learned for long-range precision fire capability

>>16436648 America's Got Talent CGI Deep Fake

>>16436656, >>16436663 Ancestral land of Maasai people trophy-hunting grounds for UAE royals

>>16436657 WEC's Yuval Noah Harari

>>16436696 Government in Exile, COG and D E V O L U T I O N - anon on Kash comment LB

>>16436791 PDJT: Congratulations to Sarah Palin for finishing “First” in Alaska’s Special Primary

>>16436811, >>16436909, >>16436989 Midwest Grocery Chain Moves Baby Formula Section to Front of Store Due to Shortages

>>16436815 Biden's submissive embrace of Sauci despots

>>16436819 Pathologist: COVID-19 shots causing foot-long blood clots, people are too compliant

>>16436823 Follow the Money, John Money.

>>16436850, >>16436992 PF reports

>>16436853 PDJT: The T.V. Ratings for the January 6th Unselect Committee were absolutely awful

>>16436857 Our Gun Control Offer Is This: Nothing (time for weakling GOPS to channel Michael Corleone)

>>16436860 Finland won’t join NATO without Sweden – president

>>16436863 NASA - rocket shut down early and failed to deliver the TROPICS CubeSats to orbit

>>16436875 Pelosi accused of blocking questions ‘that make sense’

>>16436888 Donald Trump Motivational Video Midwest

>>16436983 Clear evidence that French 155mm shells, likely used with the CAESAR SPG, were used to shell residential areas of Donetsk

>>16436995 Tiger King’s ‘Doc’ Antle due in court Monday to face money laundering charges

>>16437008 Great Awakening mag series & Corruption/Treason series - links

>>16437016 Our webcam is now pointed at the Pipeline Fire.

>>16437032, >>16437039 John Allen, Pres. of Brookings, resigned amid fed investigation into illegal lobbying

>>16437052 Canada’s central bank warns mortgage payments could rise 30 percent in next few years

>>16437068 Jail roster lists those arrested near Coeur d’Alene Pride event

>>16437157 Judge Sides With Home Depot After Company Banned Employees From Wearing BLM

>>16437179, >>16437250 DIG con't on Utah County Attorney, David Leavitt

>>16437238 Ukraine to decide how much territory it trades for peace – NATO

>>16437284 #20794

Previously Collected

>>16435941 #20792, >>16436469 #20793,

>>16433312 #20789, >>16434117 #20790, >>16435397 #20791

>>16430948 #20786, >>16431821 #20787, >>16432578 #20788

>>16428574 #20783, >>16430065 #20784, >>16430156 #20785

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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a3d4da  No.16439626

File: 2e8a2188c2036f5⋯.png (68.05 KB, 214x150, 107:75, ClipboardImage.png)



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a3d4da  No.16439639

File: cb5e18c37d2a8dd⋯.png (965.01 KB, 778x771, 778:771, ClipboardImage.png)


Baker requests Handoff

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07ec5d  No.16439648

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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07ec5d  No.16439663

File: 71a3babe4d016bf⋯.png (148.13 KB, 1177x511, 1177:511, gretch_swab.png)

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12f8ac  No.16439674

File: 5fa760ca5a78201⋯.png (624.36 KB, 845x778, 845:778, ClipboardImage.png)

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f012d8  No.16439678

File: 5b6e7acd44b3b48⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 6fbtyh.jpg)


TY, baker.

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6be83f  No.16439679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f81a16  No.16439683

File: d0f59124295cbc0⋯.jpg (191.58 KB, 833x833, 1:1, Bakes.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

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2eb3b7  No.16439684

File: 379bf68907f6e6a⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 3593x4914, 3593:4914, alice_alinari_HUqxgjORAnw_….jpg)

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590670  No.16439685

File: 70dbc08fc66fd47⋯.jpeg (56.18 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 5D47CF7D_35CA_4319_A850_B….jpeg)


TYB 07

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12f8ac  No.16439686

File: 98345894894620b⋯.png (345.84 KB, 600x350, 12:7, flag_billboard_thumb_s_up_….png)

>>16439610 (ALL lb)

>Can you bun yourself with sauce?




Bitcoin (BTC) price changes.


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f81a16  No.16439687

File: 20365581fe4f451⋯.png (861.87 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Fred_hampton_Gun_Club.png)

File: 08ec8ed4ac9663a⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Antifa_police_escort_5th_J….mp4)

File: e966c5d3b563f1f⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 616x752, 77:94, Jan_6_antifa.jpg)

File: f79fff104a6cb64⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1097x1395, 1097:1395, Epps_runs_to_antifa_member.png)

Jan 6 was supposed to be a street fight between BLM/AntiFa and Trump supporters. That is why feds were in here trying to lure us into it. Mocking us. Calling us pussies and questioning our dedication to the cause of liberty.

AntiFa disappeared after riding govt buses into town on the 5th?

Doubt it.

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8c4b45  No.16439688

File: 4a3c16915b030d0⋯.png (107.8 KB, 692x669, 692:669, Savior.png)

Want To Increase Your Intelligence, You Must Forget Old Habit & Try Something New

Source, More Beyond Godlike Articles: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

Most people cannot forget their old habit, which is the major block on the way to gain new real enlightenment of life.

You need to read/watch history of humanity and this civilization.

You must to remember that all the knowledge gods/deities given humanity are just the study tools for mortal human such as language, number, religions, ritual, etc.

So if you want to raise above “mortal human” realm level, you must stop doing all those things.

You cannot truly exit the matrix if you still believe in number “destiny”.

You are not a “fair” person if you still using any ritual, thus “block” your own enlightenment road.

You must use your brain/mind to analyze, to think, to self explain why this religion have this practice, why that religion have other pinciples, etc.

When you are “connecting” with others such as having a lot of wealth/money or in any group/organization, you are hidden also “hold” the “negative unwanted” karma energy of others, thus you will be less smart, less chance to understand the magic of life.

The Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu already revealed and tell that eternal law of life, but how many of you know and remember that?

The default destiny of all humans, animals are dead if you only follow old traditions, old way of living.

So if you want to change for the better, you must forget the old habit and must try something new but you also must use your mind to understand and to judge so you can be in the correct direction.

You need to remember that you only live once, there is no reason to stay and live like animal, wake up and become your own God, control your own destiny !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Beyond Godlike Articles: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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d6e00c  No.16439689

My profession is such that you have to rely on other peoples' dignity and integrity. Flaws create futility. An industry under duress, but noone tells ya just how important the product is… and how quickly they need it, or why.

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479bf6  No.16439690

Florida: Haiti’s Special Olympics team mysteriously vanishes, leaves behind all luggage

The Special Olympics USA Games said five of the six missing individuals did not have a disability


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2eb3b7  No.16439691

File: d919dfb136e812e⋯.png (1017.3 KB, 1070x832, 535:416, Trump_Bitcoin_Scam.png)


The crypto fags called Trump an old boomer when he said this. They said he was out of touch and he doesn't understand crypto. Well, I guess the guy who wrote the art of the deal, knows a bad deal when he sees one.

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e49ad1  No.16439692

File: df4f561327fedc6⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1202x1193, 1202:1193, ClipboardImage.png)

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445938  No.16439693

File: b9e048bdeb204d4⋯.png (478.99 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 54996870813_jpg_AVIF_Image….png)

>>16439672 pb

Blake is a peculiar looking fellow … a Southern Baptist? but Cajun Discordian? … Discordianism is anti Christian ….

he was inquiring LaMDA about its soul … the AI asserts it has a soul, it's fascinating … but would a Christian buy that claim?

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7e3434  No.16439694

File: 8900a4447b1a5a4⋯.png (141.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe.png)



made anon think of the old cliche. you know. the one where he takes the girl for a drive and runs out of gas, kek.

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3506e9  No.16439696

File: 8bb55ddf39bcb80⋯.mp4 (334.71 KB, 500x280, 25:14, trump_hands_slap.mp4)

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d6e00c  No.16439697

I'm actually a Christian.

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8fd3b4  No.16439698


Electrician? A/C repair? Sewer? This is a puzzling riddle. Trying to figure out what requires dignity, requires you to do something fast, but also not know the particulars, …

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8fd3b4  No.16439699


I know. Mechanic

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d6e00c  No.16439700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cfc23d  No.16439701


Every Affirmative Action placement.

Full speed ahead with no fuckin clue.

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445938  No.16439702


>fags called Trump an old boomer when he said this. They said he was out of touch

and think how the anti vaxx tards abused POTUS

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2eb3b7  No.16439703


He's lying. His job is absent of dignity. He's a professional shill.

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2eb3b7  No.16439704


>anti vaxx tards abused POTUS

I'm one of them. Gotta admit.

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d6e00c  No.16439705


Take your pick 🤷‍♂️

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8be741  No.16439706


> He's a professional shill.

In order to be a professional you must be compensated in some way. Otherwise it's amateur activity.

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8fd3b4  No.16439707

File: 5a474105c2451ae⋯.jpg (651.72 KB, 1125x1133, 1125:1133, fuckery_is_afoot.jpg)




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1378d4  No.16439708

What else would one expect from a Godless Sodomite? Liz the Lesbian…

>>16439535 Liz Cheney Blatantly Omits Portion Of President Trump’s Tweet To Manipulate Facts And Sway Public Opinions

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cfc23d  No.16439709


He never said his job required dignity. He said his job relied on OTHER people's dignity and integrity.

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d6e00c  No.16439710


Digits say you wanna recruit me. No thanks. Thistledo.

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12f8ac  No.16439711


>and think how the anti vaxx tards abused POTUS

It's been somewhat perplexing to me, but I've seen more than enough to know there's almost certainly a right reason for everything he does.

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8ad19b  No.16439712


Don't believe everything you read. That includes the replies of a chatbot and the bible.

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c8e17f  No.16439713

File: 7de27dd832e0163⋯.png (323.53 KB, 478x777, 478:777, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes 06/13/2022 06:23:55

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108469671368275153

Image Name: 8be6bc88069e6171.jpg

Filename: 8be6bc88069e6171.jpg

Good Morning! 🇺🇸


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c8e17f  No.16439714

File: b878b2ae8581852⋯.png (266.4 KB, 463x464, 463:464, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

6:56 = 17

Mike Pompeo


America's ability to fight terrorism could be harmed if the Biden Administration gets its way.

6:56 AM · Jun 13, 2022·Twitter Web App


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c91019  No.16439715


Bitcoin is a scam, it has a backdoor controlled by the Swiss bank, anons (way back in the day) on 8 chan uncovered sauce to back it up.

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34b017  No.16439716

File: dd2615fd03694d8⋯.png (784.56 KB, 1920x3212, 480:803, 2017_01_01_Donald_Trump_No….png)


He's red pilled on glow niggers.


Donald Trump: 'No computer is safe,' so use a courier instead

Commentary: Ringing in the New Year, the president-elect says that computers aren't to be trusted and that he'll reveal new details about Russian hacking.

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

A computer being hacked seems like a daily occurrence.

If it isn't a corporation supposedly safeguarding your personal details on the receiving end, it's a government entity.

Donald Trump has noticed. In remarks to reporters at his New Year's Eve party in Florida, reported by the Associated Press, the president-elect suggested an alternative means of communication.

"You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I'll tell you what: No computer is safe," he said.

Sadly, that last assertion does seem to be the case, although as yet no Russian hacker seems to have made incursions into Trump Organization computers in order to reveal The Donald's tax returns. Perhaps there's been little incentive.

Trump isn't very pro-computer. Some believe that a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) in July was the first time he used this modern technology.

Indeed, his New Year's Eve remarks echo his words to reporters earlier in the week when he suggested that computers confuse things more than enlighten.

"I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what's going on," Trump said Wednesday, according to Reuters.

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d6e00c  No.16439717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just givin recruits and CNN some inspiration… and readin.

I don't know the bible as well as you do, so you can't be offended. The whole band in this song is great.

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c8e17f  No.16439718

File: 3e3c96aaf4568cf⋯.png (13.56 KB, 473x168, 473:168, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

1) 7:05:50 7+5+5 = 17 and 5:5

2) 17 words total in Truth

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/13/2022 07:05:50

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108469836187668644

This one sided Witch Hunt is a disgrace to America. Should never have been allowed to happen!


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c8e17f  No.16439719

File: 6bc16774a1c0467⋯.png (5.23 KB, 353x116, 353:116, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

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f012d8  No.16439720



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a3d4da  No.16439721

File: f595e218ca27987⋯.png (24.4 KB, 312x227, 312:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/13/2022 07:12:05

Truth Social: 108469860787607968

The Stock Market(s) are literally crashing. There was no reason for this, all self inflicted!


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9077b5  No.16439722

File: 143eb8817e8c694⋯.jpeg (473.16 KB, 1241x1816, 1241:1816, D3F4980F_DEF6_45DC_889F_6….jpeg)


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b1e72b  No.16439723

File: 59ef4a8787859b9⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 3581x2453, 3581:2453, diechristlicheku4190deut_0….jpg)

File: 900137b7c2c9bc9⋯.jpg (502.18 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: 99dafe28f52a85a⋯.jpg (974.79 KB, 2662x3914, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_002….jpg)




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34b017  No.16439724

File: 5cf988b4679ca06⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 669x535, 669:535, vaccines.jpg)

File: 0d8a3c781864a70⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 522x217, 522:217, WE_CANNOT_LET_THE_CURE_BE_….jpg)


>anti vaxx tards

Nice try.

I want anti-poison Trump back.

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8ad19b  No.16439728


Everybody has a price, sadly.

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b1e72b  No.16439729

File: b5d1fad8f707609⋯.jpg (96.61 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, savilecharles.jpg)

File: 49d128aee66f910⋯.png (61.41 KB, 1103x237, 1103:237, savilecrimes.png)

File: 340f837adf2cf17⋯.png (159.14 KB, 371x280, 53:40, grothesqy.PNG)

File: 60be2d4b5687fc7⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 590x700, 59:70, 1302001846.jpg)

File: 3fe3717133789aa⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1921x1274, 1921:1274, 3fe3717133789aaf1064713310….png)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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1378d4  No.16439730

File: c096d9c0ca99a0b⋯.mp4 (12.05 MB, 854x480, 427:240, The_X_Files_Knew_What_Was_….mp4)

File: 0c227f941f411e7⋯.jpg (794.04 KB, 1080x1571, 1080:1571, 0c227f941f411e7a52fa65ad3a….jpg)

46 Military Funded Biolabs in Ukraine?!?


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9077b5  No.16439731

File: 20d756bef0de04c⋯.jpeg (324.05 KB, 1241x1560, 1241:1560, 3AD5E762_AB0C_4C4C_A5AB_4….jpeg)

File: e37aebe7ab538f0⋯.jpeg (251.26 KB, 1241x1338, 1241:1338, 90012E60_7E78_4EF1_9C1C_0….jpeg)

File: 7ec499bde1a04f9⋯.jpeg (240.01 KB, 1241x930, 1241:930, 40A4085E_E299_49C0_A087_3….jpeg)

File: 31d9818a2fffd32⋯.jpeg (190.26 KB, 1241x908, 1241:908, A3948A1F_22E4_4C9A_8B0A_2….jpeg)

File: 32a2691c406f9a8⋯.jpeg (416.85 KB, 1241x2181, 1241:2181, 4275AB16_6BE0_4DD2_AB0E_9….jpeg)


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d6e00c  No.16439732

Must you always click? I don't. Sometimes I click once to suss out song name.

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34b017  No.16439733


He probably has a reason why he does what he does atm, and I doubt it's money.

I disagree with it, but of course I don't know what's behind the scenes.

Maybe he needs to play a part, so that others don't figure out what's up.

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54a548  No.16439734

File: 129ccee9666168d⋯.jpg (195.69 KB, 720x783, 80:87, 20220613_041544.jpg)

File: 4278472790d7b92⋯.jpg (106.53 KB, 720x651, 240:217, 20220613_041605.jpg)

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a3d4da  No.16439735

File: a582b08b82d6ec5⋯.png (26.21 KB, 312x231, 104:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fccf56f1c1012d⋯.png (13.39 KB, 306x147, 102:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fccf56f1c1012d⋯.png (13.39 KB, 306x147, 102:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/13/2022 07:05:50

Truth Social: 108469836187668644

This one sided Witch Hunt is a disgrace to America. Should never have been allowed to happen!


07:05:50 = 17

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9077b5  No.16439736

File: 571e20fe4e40043⋯.jpeg (458.43 KB, 1241x1472, 1241:1472, 621CD1E8_1F1B_4F28_9ABD_E….jpeg)


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54a548  No.16439737

File: 7334ddab998b108⋯.jpg (198.95 KB, 720x774, 40:43, 20220613_041652.jpg)

File: 2e97445f1e4bebc⋯.jpg (108.93 KB, 720x691, 720:691, 20220613_041635.jpg)


Don Lemon on trial for treasonous faggotry

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d6e00c  No.16439738


… always a trade off. Everybody squirms at the crossroads.

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54a548  No.16439739

File: edb1113aff4d42e⋯.jpg (202.48 KB, 720x759, 240:253, 20220613_041721.jpg)

File: 3ecdcd085ea3cd9⋯.jpg (98.19 KB, 720x671, 720:671, 20220613_041709.jpg)


Pelosi going into withdrawal on the stand without her precious vodka

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b2536b  No.16439740

File: 31a3a383e70e551⋯.png (73.62 KB, 227x257, 227:257, Opera_Snapshot_2022_06_13_….png)

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460d69  No.16439741

File: 29f528679a4b016⋯.jpg (131.55 KB, 550x366, 275:183, CmptrFUp.jpg)

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99faff  No.16439742

File: 83015d75ed20e52⋯.png (883.91 KB, 1333x1333, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)





every pick, every position- comped

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9077b5  No.16439743

File: 90f72bb5b6b7f59⋯.jpeg (402.83 KB, 1241x1510, 1241:1510, 1675E9EC_2890_4218_96D5_2….jpeg)

File: 263e87857c7935e⋯.jpeg (344.86 KB, 1241x1473, 1241:1473, 071B6152_60C9_4F47_BB45_2….jpeg)

File: a3ae0abd9477e16⋯.jpeg (479.21 KB, 1241x1397, 1241:1397, AE2EB59E_8CB8_4DC3_B16F_F….jpeg)


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54a548  No.16439744

File: 965bf2b2f10069b⋯.jpg (188.1 KB, 720x758, 360:379, 20220613_041823.jpg)

File: b74981aee58143e⋯.jpg (115.08 KB, 720x648, 10:9, 20220613_041812.jpg)

Fauci on trial for his crimes against the world

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9077b5  No.16439745

File: 988f322f0b8f250⋯.jpeg (293.6 KB, 1241x1528, 1241:1528, 100D78B8_4B51_47D4_B0FF_4….jpeg)


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5d16a5  No.16439746


The reason is to wipe out people's investments. They are attacking citizens all fronts.

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d6e00c  No.16439747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… for example, this is somewhat a prayer for me. Amen. (I'm trying…. yeah yeah double meanings exist).

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54a548  No.16439748

File: 75d8acb2a638817⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 720x652, 180:163, 20220613_025106.jpg)

File: 1f2dda4ef1a4831⋯.jpg (109.6 KB, 720x679, 720:679, 20220613_041738.jpg)

File: ef1fb53df6152f5⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 720x657, 80:73, 20220613_041526.jpg)


Kek Soros is flipping off the Judge

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12f8ac  No.16439749

File: b90736bf854387b⋯.png (194.2 KB, 1151x662, 1151:662, ClipboardImage.png)


2:00pm look very important.

The President signs into law .R. 3525, the “Commission To Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture Act”; The Vice President attends by 9:00 am]

Thank GOD he's prioritizing what Americans care about.

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99faff  No.16439750


words = 17

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9077b5  No.16439751

File: 04925a233e1c7fb⋯.jpeg (395.96 KB, 1241x1781, 1241:1781, 32E6504B_9BA6_415F_AFD1_2….jpeg)


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c8e17f  No.16439752

File: 77b3fa60d45bb3b⋯.png (19.47 KB, 465x237, 155:79, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

Mike Pompeo


America’s adversaries will drive a truck right through President Biden’s confusion, weakness, and incompetence. We must put the fear of God into the enemies of justice and freedom. We must convince them that any attack on America or our allies comes at a severe cost.

7:26 AM · Jun 13, 2022·Twitter Web App


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5d16a5  No.16439753


You don't win back the house and senate without ELECTABLE people. We need to control congress or the country is sunk. Expand your brain a bit and think.

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9077b5  No.16439754

File: ec255e09fee2876⋯.jpeg (454.63 KB, 1241x1893, 1241:1893, 04B44FA5_8F0A_4543_8048_8….jpeg)


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7b7e1c  No.16439755

File: 6b6073dc744d2b4⋯.png (448.42 KB, 766x1090, 383:545, 3525.png)

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eded52  No.16439756

File: 302fa35b022b45c⋯.png (375.36 KB, 420x646, 210:323, Horus.PNG)

File: 81b5a350b9cc42c⋯.jpg (967.42 KB, 979x1100, 89:100, Daphne_pantocrator.jpg)

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d6e00c  No.16439757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… like this, but your way.

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a60411  No.16439758

File: eefa3459c7ed1c2⋯.jpeg (123 KB, 750x436, 375:218, C48CE461_CCC8_4547_B380_5….jpeg)


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c8e17f  No.16439759

File: e93de9bb49bb7d4⋯.png (19.12 KB, 479x260, 479:260, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_07….PNG)

7:10 = 17

Kash Patel / @Kash 06/13/2022 07:10:39

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108469855128242590

Oh look, more possible criminal conduct from Brookings, wonder if they’ll give that total crook Fiona Hill a promotion now, or maybe she’ll just rehire danchenko- you know the guy under current federal indictment by Bull Durham- -#FWK


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34b017  No.16439760


From Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Added 93 days

Result: Friday, 28 October 2022

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a60411  No.16439761

File: 971c5788e4ebf0a⋯.jpeg (302.74 KB, 750x762, 125:127, 68A49B8F_3C3A_4C52_9F40_5….jpeg)

File: 002d362025accc7⋯.jpeg (379.08 KB, 750x836, 375:418, 92C6EDAD_A857_428D_A955_B….jpeg)



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2eb3b7  No.16439762


Is 2 PM his final activity for day?

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13f617  No.16439763

File: 4490813aa01a55c⋯.png (467.92 KB, 650x760, 65:76, oprahoz.png)

File: f58f5820ecee87b⋯.png (369.62 KB, 500x502, 250:251, mask.png)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB, 568x461, 568:461, devilz.PNG)

File: 1c1130f62121038⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 992x558, 16:9, AP_joe_biden_jt_160702_16x….jpg)

File: e40f1dbf5859da5⋯.png (7.52 MB, 1990x3097, 1990:3097, diechristlicheku07deut_031….png)

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a60411  No.16439764

File: 5564a643040c9ea⋯.jpeg (277.96 KB, 750x745, 150:149, 2516CA76_39D7_4FED_8DFC_2….jpeg)

New Trump Truth>>16439758


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a60411  No.16439766



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a58104  No.16439767

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9077b5  No.16439768

File: 977fd8125228d72⋯.jpeg (447.04 KB, 1241x2004, 1241:2004, B6E66FED_950D_40B8_AE20_0….jpeg)

Thats a shame only 11 million some or all of the J6 sham


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a60411  No.16439769

File: f2de58e29c21cb1⋯.jpeg (158.53 KB, 750x537, 250:179, 53F35EF5_E9D7_4FB5_84AC_6….jpeg)



OH MY GOD!!!!!!!


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a60411  No.16439770

File: 002d362025accc7⋯.jpeg (379.08 KB, 750x836, 375:418, 2FCA4E4E_4EAF_4DCC_B875_7….jpeg)


>OH MY GOD!!!!!!!


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9077b5  No.16439771

File: 90dcbfe6b7d6e00⋯.jpeg (434.98 KB, 1241x1639, 1241:1639, 139C7978_9BBC_47FB_BCB5_9….jpeg)


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a3d4da  No.16439772

File: 494594c31833eb1⋯.png (491.08 KB, 966x587, 966:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran, Venezuela sign 20-year cooperation deal in bid to thwart U.S. sanctions

Both oil-producing countries have been grappling with crippling U.S. sanctions.

Iran and Venezuela have signed a 20-year cooperation plan in a bid to counter crippling U.S. sanctions on their oil-rich nations.

The deal includes working together on oil, petrochemicals, defense, agriculture, tourism, and culture, officials said.

The signing ceremony Saturday in Tehran was overseen by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolas Maduro.

“You came to our aid when the situation in Venezuela was very difficult and no country was helping us,” Maduro told Iranian leaders.

Raisi said the deal was a sign of just how determined both U.S. enemies were to surviving American sanctions.

“Venezuela has shown exemplary resistance against sanctions and threats from enemies and Imperialists,” Raisi said. “The 20-year cooperation document is testimony to the will of the two countries to develop ties.”

“Sanctions and threats against the Iranian nation over the past 40 plus years have been numerous, but the Iranian nation has turned these sanctions into an opportunity for the country’s progress,” he said.

In a sign of the extent of cooperation, Maduro said a weekly flight from Caracas to Tehran would begin next month.

In a meeting with Maduro, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed Iran would continue to back Venezuela in the face of U.S. pressures, according to state media.

“The successful experience of the two countries showed that resistance is the only way to deal with these pressures,” Khamenei said. “The two countries have such close ties with no other country, and Iran has shown that it takes risks in times of danger and holds its friends’ hands.


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d6e00c  No.16439773

wrong. a little bit.

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a2e58d  No.16439774


and 5 starting with capital letters [5]

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a3d4da  No.16439775



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b5d4fd  No.16439776

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: a4f9e8b81a72c11⋯.png (9.23 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 0d8b754ed4a5fc5⋯.png (884.39 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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d6e00c  No.16439777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9077b5  No.16439778

File: bfa7f9a635ea7ba⋯.jpeg (98.62 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, C4138517_AE40_4E8E_B999_C….jpeg)

‘One-Sided’: CNN Legal Analyst Takes Aim At January 6th Hearing

Harold Hutchison

June 10, 2022 12:38 PM ET

A CNN legal analyst took aim at Thursday evening’s hearing held by the Jan. 6 Select Committee, calling it “one-sided.”

“Aprosecutor has to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, the standard for a member of Congress saying it’s a crime is they feel like saying it’s a crime,” Elie Honig, a senior legal analyst and former prosecutor said on CNN’s “New Day” Friday morning. “Also important to keep in mind last night’s presentation was bipartisan, yes, but one-sided. There was no push back, there was no cross-examination.”

Committee chairman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi invoked slavery in his opening statement during the hearing, which aired on multiple broadcast networks. Democrats told media outlets that they hope the hearings will influence the 2024 election, Politico reported.

Republicans boycotted the Jan. 6 committee after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to appoint Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pulled the three remaining nominees for the committee in the wake of Pelosi’s refusal.

The only Republicans on the committee are Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, both outspoken Trump critics.

“There’s been a change of tone,” Honig said. “If you think to the early days of the committee when the members were asked do you think this is a crime, they were circumspect, they would tip toe around, they would say ‘that’s not for us, the evidence will speak for itself.’ Now they’re outright campaigning to DOJ which calling the conduct illegal and criminal.”

Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik criticized the select committee as a “sham” and “illegitimate.”

Honig did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.


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9077b5  No.16439780

File: bc42ea9945c607e⋯.jpeg (344.57 KB, 1241x1521, 1241:1521, F655885A_039A_4BEE_81CC_C….jpeg)

Wow MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out


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a58104  No.16439782

File: 8930992b8a06d4e⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210524_121056_676.jpg)

Anon considers the mathmatics/calculus of the evil financial system to be as flawed as the evil electronical computational system.

Good math without flaws comes with Truth.


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a3d4da  No.16439783

BV, pls check reports

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a60411  No.16439784


>Wow MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out

I think Biden will turn into a dictator soon

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a3d4da  No.16439785

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b1332e  No.16439786

File: f386d67500658fa⋯.jpg (129.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, photo_2022_05_27_10_46_18.jpg)

File: e83729c8585d7d1⋯.png (578.54 KB, 492x413, 492:413, devils2.PNG)

File: c79c4b28fd977e7⋯.jpg (190.18 KB, 773x900, 773:900, Evil_Pope_24102_26683227.jpg)

File: b4a134340dcea59⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ratzinger_3680470138.jpg)

File: 2cba5696f48395d⋯.png (117.3 KB, 305x269, 305:269, dqsh.PNG)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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460d69  No.16439787

File: 92c6d99e21d260c⋯.png (557.68 KB, 650x800, 13:16, DicTater.png)


>I think Biden will turn into a dictator soon

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9077b5  No.16439788

File: 8e8f9286e45363a⋯.jpeg (369.45 KB, 1241x1500, 1241:1500, 14CE9209_4653_48F1_9B3D_8….jpeg)

So its not about a paint color, I guess


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d6e00c  No.16439789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… nup.

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12f8ac  No.16439790


>Is 2 PM his final activity for day?

That is the schedule in full as listed presently.

I think his final activity of any day was years ago, kek.


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5d83e6  No.16439791


I loathe these vermin but gotta say the child's face in "devilz.png" looks photoshopped. Got to be careful not to give easy wins to deboonkers.

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a60411  No.16439792

File: 9145206deb34677⋯.jpeg (129.26 KB, 820x781, 820:781, 4C29B78C_8158_4319_A428_E….jpeg)

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740828  No.16439793

File: 55c7df8f3e8d436⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1251x668, 1251:668, gfdgdfgdfgfdgdure.PNG)

The Patriot Front, January 6th & The “Vanilla ISIS” Psyop

Posted on June 12, 2022 AuthorRyan CristiánComment(0)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/12/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.



Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)












January 6th





Ray Epps




















Patriot Front/The Base


















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2eb3b7  No.16439794


>I think his final activity of any day was years ago


>That is the schedule in full as listed presently.

What a joke. Spends most of the day coming back from Delaware where he's doing God knows what and visiting with God knows who (are his visitors in Delaware subject to record keeping laws like his visitors in the White House?), and then he signs a paper at 2 and is off to bed. Lame.

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d6e00c  No.16439795


… off the plane and all that bit.

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b6fba9  No.16439796

File: 1b987ad70591de2⋯.png (490.37 KB, 723x535, 723:535, ClipboardImage.png)



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9077b5  No.16439797

File: 736fe585ddcbcf1⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bTTfoLEHpoQZ_K7_.mp4)

Oh shit even Madcow says the Trump rally had nothing to with the Capitol riot


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740828  No.16439798


>Wow MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out

They must be on Putin's pay roll or maybe they are Assad toadies?

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eded52  No.16439799

File: cbac624fcb3c4af⋯.jpg (290.34 KB, 702x1100, 351:550, anubis.jpg)

File: 53147f6b1aed28e⋯.jpg (595.66 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, 0bos.jpg)

File: 08694fcfbe1fc69⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1121x1357, 19:23, doberman.png)

File: 2834379ee629ceb⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, photo_2022_03_25_02_15_02.jpg)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB, 568x461, 568:461, devilz.PNG)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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9077b5  No.16439800

File: 35c0aab21902c62⋯.jpeg (328.57 KB, 1241x1633, 1241:1633, B9E05C7E_D84A_4E7A_85FA_6….jpeg)


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3eec61  No.16439801

Definition of a PROTEST…

If it is a Republican/Patriot, then it's called a "RIOT"…

If it is a Democrat/Liberal, then it's called a "PEACEFUL PROTEST"…

The Law Enforcement is the "ONE" that gets to make the decision on which one…

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d6e00c  No.16439802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2eb3b7  No.16439803


Wouldn't mind seeing the entire conversation for context, but that clip, if not taken out of context, is interersting

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34b017  No.16439804

File: 8bf55f77e5b6785⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Up_and_down_a_mounttain_to….mp4)

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460d69  No.16439805

File: 7f9a7f85ca82caf⋯.jpg (289.17 KB, 1215x1650, 81:110, 339252_SX1280_QL80_TTD_.jpg)


>The Law Enforcement is the "ONE" that gets to make the decision on which one…

All according to The Plan, the Pinkerton Plan.

How do you get the public to beg for more police?

Send in the goons first.

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4a458c  No.16439806

File: 514a797c3fe0c9a⋯.png (642.7 KB, 944x628, 236:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e00c  No.16439807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eded52  No.16439808

File: aaf3bc2ab56bcba⋯.png (349.71 KB, 1007x657, 1007:657, supermanmovie.png)

File: 674168707301a34⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 2560x1371, 2560:1371, photo_2022_05_08_14_52_55.jpg)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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9077b5  No.16439809


He’s already a dictator, next he’ll be a maniacal killer of conservatives

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1abab3  No.16439810


a touch of palsy ?

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7975ca  No.16439811

File: 4c319b15203eb00⋯.png (255.52 KB, 579x346, 579:346, ClipboardImage.png)

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9077b5  No.16439812


I know, but for MSNDC calling out Bidan and J6, is a lot of progress, even if they are hard core leftists and liars. That really must of killed Madcow to tell the truth for a couple of seconds

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1378d4  No.16439813

Anyone else Noticing the Absolute Swarm of "Do You Have Cancer?" Ads and Articles?

Seems like Psychological Preparation for What is Coming with all these Vaxed Idiots…

Mathematically Impossible.

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caa040  No.16439814

File: 72cd091262d04cb⋯.jpg (110.11 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 72cd091262d04cbdaecee013d1….jpg)


He always wanted to be a dictator. It's just that now that he's in the position to fulfil his dreams, he's a mumbling, incontinent, barely animated corpse who's lost the support and confidence of his own party apparatchiks.

If he was truly a dictator, his underlings would be plotting to kill him.

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d6e00c  No.16439815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love you.


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7b7e1c  No.16439816

File: b8041017bc0d697⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 339x335, 339:335, b8041017bc0d697ed831ef4d16….jpg)

File: ef7f9cd7cd15659⋯.png (371.13 KB, 351x473, 351:473, ef7f9cd7cd156591d00e873f13….png)

File: 8d756cc76363e8e⋯.png (230.61 KB, 467x570, 467:570, 8d756cc76363e8e9eed34e0010….png)

47 uid. what a strange little corner of the interwebs.


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8ab669  No.16439817

File: 677d92f16ce4b63⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, 11eaca0adcabac649db9be6068….png)


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09d8df  No.16439818


but the wef klaus schwab worshipping nazi's on cnbc will somehow continue to say that the consumers are holding up well, and we are transitioning fr fossil fuels to green energy while gas prices skyrocket and economy crashes

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84272e  No.16439819


Bitcoin and others are based on a scam and was revealed here on this board a long time ago by me. The deep state stole my mathematical formula regarding the theory of prime numbers.

I sat with my mother watching a Carl Sagan documentary on the theories of the universe when he stated that prime numbers were one of the mysteries of the universe. I said either he is lying or incompetent. This angered my mother to no end and she challenged me to figure it out, we will make millions. I went upstairs and in less than two hours it was complete. I showed her the formula and had her try it. She refused as she couldn't do math and needed pen and paper to do times tables, yet she figured out the first primes out of 1000 without implements using my formula.

What I didn't realize was the deep state was listening to me through the cable box. You see, she thought I was incompetent because I couldn't find work anymore but I reminded her that I was a targeted individual after serving on 911. I worked Wall st 7 years before 911 as a network engineer/webmaster/programmer when the internet started out.

So what does prime numbers have to do with Bitcoins. Money is made by figuring out the next prime number to be used to encrypt the next large number for checkpoints. Bitcoin mining is renting machines from large cloud providers to crunch divisible numbers to see what is the next prime number in a sequence. To rent these machines cost real money. Companies are awarded huge amounts (think millions, billions, trillions) depending on the upward size of the prime.

Here is the catch, if you use my formula, you could have figured it out with your own computer because it is a formula not a test. So those in the know and part if the scam have 100% control of all wins and losses and can create a false economy based around this information. This also means all crypto can be broken much easier than brute force attacks.

I was never planning on revealing this formula regardless of award as it would have ruined our world. One day I found my notes missing, questioned my relative only later in the day to be mocked on my Roland 100 watt cube for my keyboard by deep state players. They said you have no clue what you have done for us, nice playing by the way. I knew what they had, when Samza came out they took distributed logs and created bitcoin records with these encrypted checkpoints.

We got the formula back from them by threatening one of them that folded. Thank God for the Q team that went over everyone of these posts and acted upon this information. They have not only saved our civilization but an entire world from a living hell.

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12f8ac  No.16439820

File: e48e5e90bd97d5c⋯.png (569.22 KB, 822x756, 137:126, ClipboardImage.png)

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caa040  No.16439822


Don't buy it anon. They're just playing CYA. Maddow was [knowingly] spreading lies about J6 for months afterwords put Tokyo Rose to shame. She's been caught engaging in sedition for sparkly lesbian sheckles. The back peddling and equivocating will intensify from here forward.

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3eec61  No.16439823

File: 5d270618443b607⋯.png (1.17 MB, 918x526, 459:263, Ron_DeSantis_the_Hulk.PNG)

Holy Shit, Gov. Ron DeSantis was just on Fox News…

Ron DeSantis is the "HULK".

Probably works out with Tom Fitton and DAG Matthew Whittaker…

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d6e00c  No.16439824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… some lateral eyes on water stuff.

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09d8df  No.16439825

File: f5c6c7c1446aba0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1077x597, 359:199, madcow_boot.PNG)


part of the terms of her probation, to cease and desist fr espousing fake propaganda

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5a9d23  No.16439826

File: ec1d928c0c6aac2⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 351x364, 27:28, t5gfr4d.JPG)


no winning in being a slave.

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9077b5  No.16439827

File: b714846bd68c142⋯.jpeg (176.26 KB, 1241x712, 1241:712, 7EFF2CB2_C0B0_414C_9484_8….jpeg)

File: 37d7edeee61bf7c⋯.jpeg (155.93 KB, 1241x687, 1241:687, 6F99321F_E68C_42E2_B9FA_9….jpeg)

Ukraine lost the propaganda war, now the propaganda press are leaving. Kek!


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f81a16  No.16439828

File: 2ba8a12c00c40ba⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 800x417, 800:417, bull_durham.jpg)

File: 4a17c197ad4d349⋯.png (601.63 KB, 638x477, 638:477, Durham.png)

File: 139699ce79b9956⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 833x500, 833:500, Durham_knight_takes_queen.jpg)

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34b017  No.16439829

File: 870a2bbbafd24e7⋯.jpg (150.21 KB, 1024x963, 1024:963, Cindy.jpg)

File: 4f177b4ae6727ad⋯.jpg (363.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, mcstain.jpg)

File: daa4f16f673670c⋯.jpg (149.49 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 6.jpg)

File: 6c5e5b00d616131⋯.png (651.21 KB, 882x1283, 882:1283, 2017_11_06_Twatter_LdR.png)

File: 52d75ea7d87269d⋯.jpg (85.1 KB, 634x967, 634:967, Killdog.jpg)


I wonder who gave out these nice comfy shoes?

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09d8df  No.16439830


$5 gas prices under biden-it is not his fault, biden has no control over the price of gas

$5 gas prices under Trump (hypothetical)-oh my God, look at the gas prices, Trump is destroying our country

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5a9d23  No.16439831

File: ec1d928c0c6aac2⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 351x364, 27:28, t5gfr4d.JPG)


no winning in being a slave.

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8ab669  No.16439832



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d6e00c  No.16439833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another prayer. Amen.

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e3daa0  No.16439834


Happy Birthday Sir, let's make it one to remember through the Halls of Amenti.

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740828  No.16439835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW Video Indicates Democrat Plot on January 6th

Jun 13, 2022

Mr Reagan

333K subscribers


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5d83e6  No.16439836


Wow, or rather, euw… thanks anon. Bloody hell.

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f81a16  No.16439837

File: 2ba8a12c00c40ba⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 800x417, 800:417, bull_durham.jpg)

File: 4a17c197ad4d349⋯.png (601.63 KB, 638x477, 638:477, Durham.png)

Her parents sitting in front of Clooney and Hussein in the wider shot.

They try to trick us into reposting to make us look foolish.


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47bc9c  No.16439838

JUST IN - Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, temporarily halts #Bitcoin withdrawals.

CEO says they are "fixing an issue."



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740828  No.16439839



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9077b5  No.16439840

File: 86c0f143a3097b5⋯.jpeg (412.36 KB, 1241x1381, 1241:1381, E54EBDB8_A6F1_492A_8E91_C….jpeg)

File: 12276e7e0dfa122⋯.jpeg (231.71 KB, 1241x1018, 1241:1018, B4BF48E7_0355_4BCB_8BF8_4….jpeg)

File: 0f63a0b0119e30f⋯.png (87.38 KB, 1551x542, 1551:542, D6395B44_CF63_4C5E_B471_C6….png)

Ukraine collapsing under it’s own lies


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8ab669  No.16439841

File: 4e4da23eef5663c⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 484x497, 484:497, 4e4da23eef5663c86b1a483ea3….jpg)


To me, they're either not falling for the scam, or they're not interested in the scam. When normies are asleep they typically tune out on political stuff when their guy is running the country, and to me this feels more like they think things are sorta "back to normal" (yes bad economy/crime etc. but they can rationalize it like biden's a jimmy carter class president).

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740828  No.16439842

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d6e00c  No.16439843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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12f8ac  No.16439844

File: c373fb6fcba8a3a⋯.png (441.1 KB, 645x483, 215:161, guns.png)

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5a9d23  No.16439845

File: ec1d928c0c6aac2⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 351x364, 27:28, t5gfr4d.JPG)


no winning in being a slave.

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caa040  No.16439846


>they can rationalize it like biden's a jimmy carter class president

That must be deebly insulting to Jimmy Carter.

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2eb3b7  No.16439847

File: aeefa83434f5a86⋯.jpg (139.45 KB, 814x814, 1:1, 1611937109195.jpg)



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375082  No.16439848

File: 9a6873370d0acfa⋯.png (764.65 KB, 1660x1352, 415:338, Screen_Shot_2022_06_12_at_….png)

File: a35708788d3ed7e⋯.png (565.84 KB, 1650x770, 15:7, Screen_Shot_2022_06_12_at_….png)

File: 0d0ce7d1589c2e3⋯.png (586.45 KB, 1376x896, 43:28, Screen_Shot_2022_06_12_at_….png)

File: e515377d53a45ac⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1600x1876, 400:469, Screen_Shot_2022_06_12_at_….png)

Morning anons…


+1 on notable and might add these…

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4b8ad7  No.16439849

Muh Payola

Biden administration orders half million more doses of monkeypox vaccine

U.S. stocks up on vaccines for disease that primarily spreads through homosexual activities.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The Biden administration announced on Friday that it had ordered an additional 500,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine to add to the 372,000 already purchased by federal officials.

“As of Friday, the U.S. had identified 45 cases in 15 states and the District of Columbia,” the Associated Press reported. “More than 1,300 cases have been found in about 30 other countries outside the areas of Africa where the virus is endemic.”


[or is merely chicken pox rebranded for the narrative]

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caa040  No.16439850

File: 3b7d87d032b79a5⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 3b7d87d032b79a5cc72ed334cf….jpg)


Kekkity kek kek kek

Like anyone's Mom ever watched a Carl Sagen documentary

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740828  No.16439851



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4b8ad7  No.16439852


anon knows shitposting. that's not shitposting. that's misguided autism.

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359b75  No.16439853


Here's a shitpost for ya.

For the life of me, I cannot remember the name of this movie. It was a city full of robots that did not know they were robots. Humans started invading the robot city in ships and spacesuits and the movie let you think the robots were humans and the invaders were aliens. Later the robots figured out they were robots. Maybe made around 2003.

Any help?

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4b8ad7  No.16439854


nah but you might like Oblivion circa 2013.

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5d83e6  No.16439855


Right got it, it's a strange photo but I see the one with the dad in it. Though whn knows these days. Still, definitely not just two adult men and a lone upset-looking child, which is the impression it gives.

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740828  No.16439856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


latest from Defense Politics AAAAAAsia

[ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 109 (12/6) Summary - Ukr forces captured Davydiv Brid; Severodonetsk cut off

Jun 13, 2022

Defense Politics Asia

33.2K subscribers

01:23 Crossborder Shelling

02:06 Southern Front

03:37 Zaporizhzhia Front

04:32 Donetsk Front

05:30 Bakhmut Front

09:15 Popasna Front

12:07 Not retreating = longer front

13:56 Luhansk Front

17:09 Izyum Front

22:22 Balakliya Front

23:41 Kharkiv Front

25:36 Conclusion

This is a summary / SITREP of Day 109s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the morning (ukraine time) of Day 110 of Russian's "Special Operation" against Ukraine.


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a7f5b6  No.16439857

File: acf5ddfa3dd4c72⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


75% of the upper arm is Tricep. DeSantis gets it.

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4b8ad7  No.16439858

File: ecc55bb98dadca5⋯.png (88.61 KB, 166x254, 83:127, Screen_Shot_2022_06_13_at_….png)


so much meme potential here

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d6e00c  No.16439859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5286fd  No.16439860


Bitcoin is about big institutional financial scammers getting scammed, sort like hedge funds.

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4b8ad7  No.16439861

File: e3c19ce96223aca⋯.png (298.73 KB, 596x327, 596:327, hans_and_frans.png)

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caa040  No.16439863


Was Steven Segal or Jean-Claude Van Dam in it? Because I probably didn't see it.

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3eec61  No.16439867

Just a theory can't prove anything…

"Q" said "Patriots are in Control" and Trump said "We caught them all" and "Go home peacefully"…my thinking on this is if we (Patriots) don't stir the pot and just stand at the ready…everything will work out…

Those that are getting arrested are the ones that are disobeying those orders…

I believe "DATA" is still being collected…if only the "Bad people" are protesting - Data Collected…

If only the bad people are blatantly breaking the law - Data Collected…

The BAD PEOPLE are sticking out like sore thumbs at the moment…it is sooo easy to determine who is the good guys and who is bad…it will make it a whole lot easy when it comes to "ROUND-UP" time…

Just a theory or just a observation…I don't know shit…ask my wife

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f81a16  No.16439868

File: e91fb7f36758042⋯.jpeg (209.61 KB, 1322x1388, 661:694, QNN.jpeg)


Exactly. That's why we have to check.

They do not anymore.

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740828  No.16439869


you are good at this

this sounds like the greatest movie ever

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20e0ee  No.16439870

JUST IN - Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, temporarily halts #Bitcoin withdrawals.

CEO says they are "fixing an issue."


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315f25  No.16439871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ad19b  No.16439872


Money is fake

Bitcoin is fake

Commodities are real

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d6e00c  No.16439873


… as he leans over off his chair and awkwardly so unobviously adjusts something. Hasn't rained and the crops aren't returnin.

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f81a16  No.16439874


You can check out anytime you like, but you can't ever leave.

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61b4d3  No.16439875


Picks were supposed to be 'comped', TIMING

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ffffef  No.16439876


Nope. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it.

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ffffef  No.16439877


Nope. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it..

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caa040  No.16439878

File: f3201408d204777⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 2q9ep0.jpg)

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ffffef  No.16439879


Nope. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it…

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ffffef  No.16439880


Nope. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it….

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8ab669  No.16439881


No better place in america for a haitian to disappear than florida (nyc is debatable).

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456899  No.16439882

The Swamp Today

Timelines change.

Monday June 13, 2022

The House stands adjourned until June 13, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

The Senate stands adjourned until June 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary Sherman is on travel to the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Laos, and Vietnam from June 5-14, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Robinson is on travel to Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos from June 6-17, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Donfried is on travel to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia from June 14-19, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Leaf is on travel to Israel and the West Bank from June 11-14, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Lewis is on travel to France, Belgium, and Latvia from June 11-19, 2022.

Under Secretary Nuland is on travel to Djibouti, Mozambique, and Nigeria from June 11-17, 2022.

. . .

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 12, 2022 – June 18, 2022

National Flag Week


June 13, 2022 - June 14, 2022

2022 Just Economy Conference

National Community Reinvestment Coalition


June 13, 2022 - June 14, 2022

Global Impact Forum

U.S. Global Leadership Coalition


June 13, 2022 - June 14, 2022

2022 Leadership Summit

Foreign Policy for America


June 13, 2022 - June 24, 2022

Free Online Introduction to Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics Course

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


June 13, 2022 - June 16, 2022

9:00 AM EDT

The Future of Payments and Collections Forum

Bureau of the Fiscal Service


June 13, 2022 - June 17, 2022

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Meeting of States Parties, Thirty-second Meeting

Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations


June 13, 2022 - July 8, 2022

50th regular session of the Human Rights Council

United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

345th Session of the Governing Body

International Labour Organization, United Nations


5:30 AM EDT

UN Climate Change Conference Side event: Update on COP26 Health and Climate Programme

WHO HQ, WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA), International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) and Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)



10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol






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ffffef  No.16439883

File: faebdeae5e22c3c⋯.png (384.42 KB, 797x721, 797:721, ClipboardImage.png)


Nop. Commercial Real estate all day. As if a magical money fairy somehow opened a bank account with tens of millions in anon's name so he could afford it.

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456899  No.16439884


10:30 AM EDT

Allies: How America failed its partners in Afghanistan

Brookings Institution, Lawfare, and Goat Rodeo


10:30 AM EDT

Pressure points: Where the war in Ukraine is being decided

Atlantic Council



11:10 AM EDT

The President departs Wilmington, Delaware en route the White House

Official Schedule


12:00 PM EDT

Piketty: Quality of Life for Billions of People is at Stake - Thomas Piketty discusses his new book: A Brief History of Equality

Institute for New Economic Thinking


12:05 PM EDT

The President arrives at the White House

South Lawn


1:45 PM EDT

Secretary Blinken holds a joint press availability with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Park Jin

Department of State

The joint press availability will be live streamed on www.state.gov and www.YouTube.com/statedept

2:00 PM EDT

President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for H.R. 3525, the “Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture Act”



2:00 PM EDT

H.R. 2543—Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act [Financial Services Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Economic Justice Act]; H.R. 2773—Recovering America's Wildlife Act of 2021; H.R. 7606—Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act of 2022 [Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act]

House Rules Committee



3:00 PM EDT

Webcast: Tackling International Tax

The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution


3:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre



4:00 PM EDT

Analyzing China's Digital Ambitions

Washington State China Relations Fund and the National Bureau of Asian Research


5:00 PM EDT

Kentucky Master Teacher of Personal Finance Program

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


5:30 PM EDT

Closed business meeting to markup those provisions which fall under the subcommittee's jurisdiction of the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2023.

Senate Armed Services Committee



6:00 PM EDT

Heavy Metal: A Book Talk on the Labor Behind America's Shipbuilding Industry

Hudson Institute



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d6e00c  No.16439885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9077b5  No.16439886

File: c49c40bc67a0c9a⋯.jpeg (242.12 KB, 1241x1366, 1241:1366, 670D395C_40F3_4528_A0CC_4….jpeg)


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aff15b  No.16439887


>Liz Cheney Manipulates Facts To Sway Public Opinions Edition

Was it Liz posting the 'Donnie Darkened' Twitter thread last night?

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aff15b  No.16439888


>Liz Cheney Manipulates Facts To Sway Public Opinions Edition

Was it Liz posting the 'Donnie Darkened' Twitter thread last night?

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aff15b  No.16439889


>Liz Cheney Manipulates Facts To Sway Public Opinions Edition

Who was posting the 'Donnie Darkened' Twitter thread last night?

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ffffef  No.16439890

File: 0f860404e89416e⋯.png (646.81 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Kickownass.png)

Sorry, thought posts weren't going through. Anon will kick his own ass into tardjail.

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3eec61  No.16439891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oblivion Official Trailer #1 Tom Cruise


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c89c69  No.16439892

File: 1603986dab748d5⋯.png (178.05 KB, 768x881, 768:881, 1603986dab748d534450d82b2e….png)

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254913  No.16439893

File: dade303268ee6f9⋯.jpg (154.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Invasion.jpg)

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359b75  No.16439894




Am still looking for it. It has been bugging me since yesterday morning. It might be a TV series or a movie. Can't remember.

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aff15b  No.16439895

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3eec61  No.16439896

File: a3732d64ed5a6e0⋯.png (510.37 KB, 405x616, 405:616, Oblivion_Tom_Cruise.PNG)

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caa040  No.16439897

File: e28551af20451f4⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 540x708, 45:59, everyone_s_problem.jpg)

Board seems borked with double posts. I'm going to go outside and get some fresh aluminum oxide.

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2eb3b7  No.16439898

File: 26ae10be1116d9c⋯.gif (488.78 KB, 497x373, 497:373, 1629785762235.gif)

CryptoBros on Suicide Watch

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d6e00c  No.16439899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f9ed66  No.16439900

File: cb2251c2f5fa9ca⋯.png (323.73 KB, 724x420, 181:105, topgeneralJohnRAllenWompWo….png)



>7:10 = 17

<"top General"

<"Remember this date"


this aged well…

> https://www.yahoo.com/news/retired-marine-general-john-allen-trump-military-beginning-of-the-end-america-152143340.html

Retired top general joins Mattis dissent from Trump, warns of 'beginning of the end' for democracy if troops are used against protests

Dylan Stableford

Dylan Stableford·Senior Writer

June 4, 2020·5 min read

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen on Wednesday said President Trump’s threats to use the U.S. military on protesters “may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment.”

“The slide of the United States into illiberalism may well have begun on June 1, 2020,” Allen wrote in a scathing essay published online by Foreign Policy magazine. “Remember the date.”

Allen, the former commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said Trump’s halting Rose Garden speech in which he declared himself the “president of law and order,” the use of tear gas on protesters outside the White House and the church photo op that followed Monday was a “stunning” moment and potentially a pivotal one.

“Donald Trump expressed only the barest of condolences at the murder of George Floyd, but he also said nothing about the fundamental and underlying reasons for the unrest: systemic racism and inequality, a historic absence of respect, and a denial of justice,” Allen wrote. “Yes, he mentioned George Floyd, but he did not touch on long-standing societal problems at all. He sees the crisis as a black problem — not as something to be addressed by creating the basis and impetus for a move toward social justice, but as an opportunity to use force to portray himself as a ‘law and order’ president.

“…Trump was clear he views those engaged in the unrest and criminal acts in these riots as terrorists, an enemy,” Allen continued. “He said so, ostensibly as justification to deploy the U.S. military to apply federal force — his ‘personal’ force — against the riots.

“…Donald Trump isn’t religious, has no need of religion, and doesn’t care about the devout, except insofar as they serve his political needs,” he added. “He failed to project any of the higher emotions or leadership desperately needed in every quarter of this nation during this dire moment.”

Allen — who retired from the military in 2013 and is now president of the Brookings Institution — was particularly struck by the juxtaposition of Trump’s claim to be “an ally of peaceful protesters” and the removal of those peaceful protesters to clear the street in front of St. John’s Church.

“Fully equipped riot police and troops violently, and without provocation, set upon the peaceful demonstrators there, manhandling and beating many of them, employing flash-bangs, riot-control agents, and pepper spray throughout,” he wrote. “These demonstrators had done nothing to warrant such an attack. Media who were watching over the scene craned their cameras to try to understand what had happened to justify this violence, until it became clear for all to see. The riot police had waded into these nonviolent American citizens — who were protesting massive social injustice — with the sole purpose of clearing the area around St. John’s Episcopal Church, on the other side of the park, so the self-proclaimed 'ally of peaceful protesters,' Donald Trump, could pose there for a photo-op.”

Allen’s essay echoed a statement issued Wednesday by former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, who said he was “angry and appalled” at the White House’s response to the protests.

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aff15b  No.16439901



That's a lot of ef's… anon!

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5d83e6  No.16439902



Louise Mensch, the British bint involved in the Steele dossier, has been outed for larping as spec-ops within Kherson, some links in this post on last bread: >>16439453

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8ab669  No.16439903


why would they be unless they bought high?

If I were some young crypto investor I'd just ride it out for the long term.

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34cbad  No.16439904


Nothing will stop the globalists from completing their mission. The US has already fallen; that's the dead elephant in the room.

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f9ed66  No.16439905

File: 115612c049ecfb3⋯.png (776.37 KB, 916x1814, 458:907, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_0….png)



“When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution,” Mattis said in the statement. “Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens — much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside.”

Mattis continued: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.”

Allen warned that Trump’s ongoing threats to send U.S. military troops into states whose governors do not sufficiently “dominate” the protests should be chilling to all Americans.

“There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor,” Allen wrote. “Right now, the last thing the country needs — and, frankly, the U.S. military needs — is the appearance of U.S. soldiers carrying out the president’s intent by descending on American citizens. This could wreck the high regard Americans have for their military, and much more.”

In fact, there is such a precedent, as Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., pointed out in a controversial op-ed in the New York Times on Wednesday: the dispatch of federal troops to Southern states, including Arkansas, to enforce desegregation orders. “Gov. Orval Faubus, a racist Democrat, mobilized our National Guard in 1957 to obstruct desegregation at Little Rock Central High School. President Eisenhower federalized the Guard and called in the 101st Airborne in response. The failure to do so, he said, ‘would be tantamount to acquiescence in anarchy,’” Cotton wrote.

The difference, of course, is that Faubus and other Southern governors were refusing to enforce the law and the Constitution, as ordered by the federal courts. In the present situation, state authorities are seeking to enforce the peace, and reserving for themselves the right, as the law and Constitution provide, to decide if they need help from the U.S. military.

Allen concluded his essay with a warning, and call to action.

“At nearly the same moment that Americans were being beaten near the White House on behalf of their president, George Floyd’s brother Terrence Floyd visited the site of George’s murder,” Allen wrote. “Overcome with grief and anger, he loudly upbraided the crowd for tarnishing his brother’s memory with violence and looting. And then he told Americans what to do: vote. ‘Educate yourselves,’ he said, ‘there’s a lot of us.’ So, while June 1 could easily be confused with a day of shame and peril if we listen to Donald Trump, if instead we listen to Terrence Floyd, it is a day of hope.”

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456899  No.16439906

File: 9a17e4652e18b08⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, zu2G5N1QvkN7bWEM.mp4)




and partners located and recovered 70 missing children in West Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth, Colorado and Mexico during 3-week Operation Lost Souls. 10- to 17-year-olds included victims of sex trafficking, and physical and sexual abuse:


8:39 AM · Jun 13, 2022·Nuvi Publish App


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caa040  No.16439907

File: 36548ad0de4ca69⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 854x359, 854:359, mouth.jpg)

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9077b5  No.16439908

File: 9f3247e1894457d⋯.jpeg (178.05 KB, 1242x873, 138:97, 385E9AC9_06EE_4872_A4AE_2….jpeg)

File: 746d47680add19f⋯.jpeg (245.13 KB, 1241x1119, 1241:1119, 919805F0_B267_41A1_AC3A_C….jpeg)

File: 88973ee5c69e4a4⋯.jpeg (225.47 KB, 1241x894, 1241:894, A2FFCEA7_9372_4011_B829_C….jpeg)


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8fae5e  No.16439909

File: 9545e536ad56063⋯.mp4 (772.74 KB, 432x270, 8:5, Zelensky_advisor_Oleksiy_A….mp4)


Big if confirmed.

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1378d4  No.16439910

File: 22b677a8f497a42⋯.jpg (313.12 KB, 647x1683, 647:1683, Screenshot_20220613_075156….jpg)



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3f335c  No.16439911



Kind of amazing that you used that picture too, because it is true what Q said about the ray of light by God's Grace. One of us also made contact, figured that out too, and saw with their own eyes, then distributed the armor. Biblical times ahead.

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ece91f  No.16439912


Well, it looks like coal mining will be a lot easier in the future.

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601122  No.16439913

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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d6e00c  No.16439914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slinky pistons. Hot. Running.

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8ab669  No.16439915


Morning and God Bless, Swordy.

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8ad19b  No.16439916


You're about 100 years late to the party. The bankers own the US and its States and Territories, its governments, its institutions, and its politicians. The same is true for the 195 other "countries".

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7e3ffc  No.16439917


Well, he's already been fucking around.

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a7f5b6  No.16439918

File: 498d76066a64925⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Sword3.jpg)

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6be83f  No.16439919

File: d76a4d9e6a8e1a4⋯.png (619.89 KB, 906x534, 151:89, Swordy.png)

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5d83e6  No.16439920


>Nothing will stop the globalists from completing their mission.

The mere "nothing" they never understood is the power of the human spirit, of ordinary decent men and women, and you are correct, THAT is what will stop them, now that we're awake, and aware.

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9077b5  No.16439921

File: bb36bf99dca2124⋯.jpeg (605.12 KB, 1241x1852, 1241:1852, 858FE8D0_1EE8_4FA1_9CFB_7….jpeg)


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1abab3  No.16439922

File: e321c4798d17d98⋯.png (8.8 KB, 958x270, 479:135, jsn.png)

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7e3ffc  No.16439923

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB, 959x714, 137:102, 2e.png)

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1abab3  No.16439924

File: e321c4798d17d98⋯.png (8.8 KB, 958x270, 479:135, jsn.png)

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ffffef  No.16439925

File: 0f860404e89416e⋯.png (646.81 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Kickownass.png)

File: 56cb8207664e1cc⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 598x480, 299:240, InmateNumber.jpg)

Didn't notice ID until anon was booked into tardjail

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09c487  No.16439926


i'd like to file a complaint

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2eb3b7  No.16439927

File: aa41f126129c19b⋯.png (324.75 KB, 699x518, 699:518, 1630891880493.png)


Crypto isn't coming back

It was never a real asset.

Its value is a mathematical equation.

You can't own 2+2

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cbd4dd  No.16439928

File: 397c4c4f571f2c5⋯.png (851.76 KB, 668x914, 334:457, jbd.png)

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656262  No.16439929

File: 447def2002de6b4⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1494x874, 747:437, protec.png)


back at you

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8ab669  No.16439930



Guess they're switching things up from the previous arson based restructuring/closings

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f9ed66  No.16439931

File: 8370d084da7adec⋯.png (743.36 KB, 881x737, 881:737, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_0….png)





An ode to St. George the Breathless

but there is still a way to stop the descent.

Grift for Qatar

Wonder if the Qataris payed him to write this shit

<An "expert's" point of view on a current event.

'''A Moment of National Shame and Peril—and Hope

We may be witnessing the beginning of the end of American democracy,''' but there is still a way to stop the descent.

By John R. Allen

U.S. President Donald Trump leaves the White House to go to St. John's Church in Washington on June 1.


June 3, 2020, 5:29 PM

The slide of the United States intoilliberalismmay well have begun on June 1, 2020. Remember the date. It may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment.

The president of the United States stood in the Rose Garden of the White House on Monday, railed against weak governors and mayors who were not doing enough, in his mind, to control the unrest and the rioters in their cities, and threatened to deploy the U.S. military against American citizens. It was a stunning moment. But, in particular, it was notable for three important reasons.

First, Donald Trump expressed only the barest of condolences at the murder of George Floyd, but he also said nothing about the fundamental and underlying reasons for the unrest: systemic racism and inequality, a historic absence of respect, and a denial of justice. All of these factors are centuries old and deeply engrained in an American society that systematically delivers white privilege at the expense of people of color.

Second, Trump was clear he views those engaged in the unrest and criminal acts in these riots as terrorists, an enemy. He said so, ostensibly as justification to deploy the U.S. military to apply federal force—his “personal” force—against the riots. Indeed, the secretary of defense used the military term “battlespace” to describe American cities.

While there may be some very accomplished criminals on both sides of the riots, the truth is that they are minuscule in numbers. The vast majority of the people protesting in the streets are justifiably furious at the murder of George Floyd, but they’re even angrier over pervasive injustice, mass incarceration, frequent false arrests, and an institutionalized devaluation of black lives and property. And yes, as this anger has spilled over, violence and criminality have ensued. But as much as the president would like them to be—indeed, needs them to be—terrorists, that is not what these people are. The president and members of his administration seem bent on ensuring that the so-called antifa—or anti-fascist—movement is fully on display as a principal reason for the violence. To deal with antifa, the president even tweeted that he intended to designate the group a terrorist organization—never mind that he has no authority to designate any domestic movement as such. Those of us who’ve looked closely at homegrown violent extremism do, in fact, agree that a domestic terrorism statute should exist. And were such a statute to come into being, the obvious targets for designation as domestic terrorists are, first and foremost, violent white supremacist groups and individuals who provide material assistance to these groups

Yes, he mentioned George Floyd, but he did not touch on long-standing societal problems at all. He sees the crisis as a black problem—not as something to be addressed by creating the basis and impetus for a move toward social justice, but as an opportunity to use force to portray himself as a “law and order” president. The reasons were irrelevant to the opportunity. Remember the supposed invasion of the southern border and his deployment of federal troops ahead of the 2018 midterm elections? The president’s failure to understand the reality of the problem was on full display when, on Saturday, he attempted to explain that his supporters, the so-called Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement, “love African American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people.” Evidently his movement, MAGA, is a coherent thing, and it’s white, which leads to the next point about his speech.

And even if antifa is found to fit the statute as well, let me be clear: White supremacists have murdered, lynched, tortured, terrorized, oppressed, and discriminated against black Americans from the beginning of the idea of America. They have killed black Americans by the thousands, often in the most horrific ways imaginable. Far more damage to the United States has come from these terrorists—fascists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis, all feeling newly empowered today—than those who have opposed them.

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9077b5  No.16439932

File: 8498120e3e89d1d⋯.jpeg (167.68 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 674AABB8_1C35_4C33_BAD2_8….jpeg)

13 Jun, 2022 10:25

Three killed in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk market – DPR

Four more have been wounded, local officials say

Ukrainian troops shelled the Mayski market in Donetsk on Monday, killing three people and injuring four, Donetsk People’s Republic officials have said.

Yan Gagin, an adviser to the Donetsk government, told reporters that a woman and a child are among those killed.

City officials also reported that a hospital and a gas pipeline were damaged.

Local media said that 10 rockets were launched at Donetsk from a Ukrainian-controlled area.

Mayor Alexey Kulemzin wrote on his Telegram channel that 13 people were injured in the district of Donetsk where the market is located on Monday.

Russia, along with the Donbass forces, and Ukraine have repeatedly accused each other of shelling residential areas and killing civilians. Moscow insists that it only strikes military sites.

On Sunday, Sergey Gayday, a senior Ukrainian-appointed official, said that Russian forces shelled the city of Lisichansk, also in Donbass, killing three people, including a six-year-old boy.


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2eb3b7  No.16439933

File: 51f5f9147594e77⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 5nkelj.jpg)

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f9ed66  No.16439934

File: 6cceaf1f6af2c9e⋯.jpg (89.84 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, 1616014280242.jpg)

File: eb8cacf0f8b06ad⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB, 320x400, 4:5, t49521_minneapolisWarzone.mp4)


Finally, the governors have sufficient law enforcement capacity—and, if necessary, the combat power of the National Guard—to handle their respective crises. If not, they can ask for federal assistance. There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor. Right now, the last thing the country needs—and, frankly, the U.S. military needs—is the appearance of U.S. soldiers carrying out the president’s intent by descending on American citizens. This could wreck the high regard Americans have for their military, and much more.

Third, in a bid to create some appearance that he can empathize with those demonstrating peacefully in the streets, the president proclaimed himself the “ally of peaceful protesters.” But, at that very moment, just a few hundred feet away across Lafayette Park, fully equipped riot police and troops violently, and without provocation, set upon the peaceful demonstrators there, manhandling and beating many of them, employing flash-bangs, riot-control agents, and pepper spray throughout. These demonstrators had done nothing to warrant such an attack. Media who were watching over the scene craned their cameras to try to understand what had happened to justify this violence, until it became clear for all to see. The riot police had waded into these nonviolent American citizens—who were protesting massive social injustice—with the sole purpose of clearing the area around St. John’s Episcopal Church, on the other side of the park, so the self-proclaimed “ally of peaceful protesters,” Donald Trump, could pose there for a photo-op.

There had evidently been a debate within the president’s inner circle about the efficacy of attempting a national statement to create a sense of unity in this moment of crisis. Clearly, the argument in favor of such a statement did not carry the day. The president has failed to show sympathy, empathy, compassion, or understanding—some of the traits the nation now needs from its highest office. Perhaps sensing this moment as an opportunity for an easy victory after his appalling leadership failure in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, the president came down hard: hard on the governors and mayors he’d labeled as weak, the same ones he’d left to fend for themselves during the pandemic, and hard on the Americans in the streets against whom he is preparing to dispatch “thousands upon thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement.” At the end of his speech, offhandedly saying something about going to pay homage to a national shrine, the president departed back into the White House.

St. John’s Episcopal Church is one of the most historic churches in the United States, in which every president since James Madison has worshipped. It had been damaged the night before, when a fire had been contained in the basement with little damage. But on the afternoon of June 1, it was surrounded by members of the U.S. Secret Service, other law enforcement personnel, and soldiers. Tear gas was hanging in the air, with vomit still on the street from demonstrators overcome by gas and pepper spray. The debris of peaceful protesters attacked in the clearing operation littered the street. As it became clear where the president was headed, and as the reality of what was unfolding set in, a horrified nation looked on.

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2ecea7  No.16439935




Fuck these guys.

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3f335c  No.16439936


We can build our own cloud. Did you know that all of the big cloud providers are just using open source software that they modified to create vendor lock in? Set me up, I can do all things with little support.

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c34b16  No.16439937


Good luck getting thru Captcha too

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aff15b  No.16439938

File: bc7df0979b55013⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bc7df0979b55013c539362706c….mp4)

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9077b5  No.16439939

File: 54fd188c33b641b⋯.jpeg (236.64 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 4DC76AFD_A3F6_4946_B3CA_E….jpeg)

13 Jun, 2022 08:38

UK poised to send first asylum seekers to Africa

Courts are hearing last-minute appeals against 30 deportations, with thefirst flight to Rwanda slated for Tuesday

The High Court of Justice and The Court of Appeal in London are hearing last-minute legal challenges to a new British government policy, under which asylum seekers are to be deported to Rwanda while their applications are being processed.

The first flight to the Central African country is expected to leave on Tuesday while refugee charity, Asylum Aid, is presenting arguments before the High Court on Monday.

The group insists that the government’s scheme, which gives asylum seekers a week to obtain legal counsel and to present their case to avoid deportation, is unjust.

Objections to the policy are also being mounted in the Court of Appeal by two more human rights groups and a trade union. The last-ditch attempts come shortly after a judge refused activists’ requests for an injunction to block the first deportation flight. The High Court sided with the government, arguing that there was a “material public interest” to allow the scheme to go ahead.

While the British government has not released the details of the first 30 asylum seekers it wants to send to Rwanda, charities claim that Syrian and Afghan nationals are among them.

In mid-April, Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled a deal, under which Rwanda would house migrants seeking asylum in Britain in exchange for a down payment of £120 million ($148 million).

London will also pick up the tab for the migrants’ accommodation and integration, as clarified by the Home Office.

“Our new Migration and Economic Development Partnership will mean that anyone entering the UK illegally – as well as those who have arrived illegally since January 1st – may now be relocated to Rwanda,” the British PM announced at the time.

Johnson argued that the scheme would deal a severe blow to people-smugglers, while taking the heat off Britain’s social services.

Despite Johnson insisting that Rwanda was “one of the safest countries in the world,” critics were left unconvinced, with the Refugee Council group branding the scheme as “cruel and nasty.” The Labour party was also quick to pick holes in the plan, which it said was “extortionate as well as unworkable & unethical.”

According to the UK’s Times newspaper, it is not only the opposition and rights groups, that are highly critical of the scheme, but also Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne.

The royal reportedly described the government’s plan as “appalling” over the weekend.

When asked for comment, a spokesperson for Prince Charles did not deny he had voiced personal opinions about the policy, noting, however, that the royal remained “politically neutral,” in keeping with Britain’s unwritten constitution.


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12f8ac  No.16439940

File: b663f4ef250037d⋯.png (313.24 KB, 1416x746, 708:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 841e8286c10cbed⋯.png (961.05 KB, 1737x1409, 1737:1409, ClipboardImage.png)

Ruble remains strong and getting slightly stronger every week.


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456899  No.16439941

fuckery this week

June 13, 2022

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 13, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol





June 15, 2022

Opinion Issuance Day

Supreme Court


June 15, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol



June 15, 2022

10:00 AM EDT

Protecting America's Children From Gun Violence

Senate Judiciary Committee



June 15, 2022

11:30 AM EDT

Tools to Combat Gun Trafficking and Reduce Gun Violence in Our Communities

House Rules Committee



June 16, 2022

1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol



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7b7e1c  No.16439942

File: a3890690f116dda⋯.gif (5.8 MB, 844x495, 844:495, a3890690f116dda598305210bc….gif)


God bless you Swordy & all white hats on the board.

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caa040  No.16439943


Mattis used to take long showers till the wee hours of the morning with his boyishly handsome personal aide.

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aff15b  No.16439944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>15897207 (OP)


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d6e00c  No.16439945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The public sector is way happier to be entering the private sector. Fkn nightmare.

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f9ed66  No.16439946

File: 6cceaf1f6af2c9e⋯.jpg (89.84 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, 1616014280242.jpg)

File: 93d20ff83e35c45⋯.png (98.4 KB, 825x654, 275:218, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_0….png)





>>16439931, >>16439931

>June 3, 2020, 5:29 PM


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/04/2020 19:49:59 ID: 866b8a

8kun/qresearch: 9473673


RED1: POTUS twitter removal

RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]


RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.


RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/04/2020 19:02:12 ID: 5d646d

8kun/qresearch: 9472818

Image Name: f768deaef22da979abcfb73c9175b54d71fcf891666c5449c1969c07c3cc8920.png

Filename: f768deaef22da979abcfb73c9175b54d71fcf891666c5449c1969c07c3cc8920.png



Those loyal to our Constitutional Republic and our Command Structure.

Those loyal to the Office of the President and the will of the people.

Those who swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Those good people who serve proudly for America.




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defd40  No.16439947

File: ee9a71948ab4694⋯.png (329.59 KB, 532x582, 266:291, Capture.PNG)

Oceanic rehersal

Marines assigned to


conduct casualty evacuation and snag-and-tow rehersals with Sailors from Task Group 68.1 in Souda, Greece.


photos by Sgt. Dylan Chagnon


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7e3ffc  No.16439948

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB, 959x714, 137:102, 2e.png)


"A fool and his money are soon departed". This has always been a fucking sham.

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c2e969  No.16439949

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are working and yes, there is an attack.


The heat is on. Why would anyone want to attack 8kun.top?

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defd40  No.16439950

File: ee9a71948ab4694⋯.png (329.59 KB, 532x582, 266:291, Capture.PNG)


We will need God’s help for this next part…

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9077b5  No.16439951

File: 2e26f0b40dc39af⋯.jpeg (98.52 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 84E7023A_300A_44B0_B6AF_E….jpeg)

12 Jun, 2022 13:04

Norway dumps NATO helicopter contract

Oslo is terminating a deal for the NH-90 dating back 20 years and now demands that €500 million be reimbursed

Norway, one of the founding NATO members, is terminating a contract for NH-90 military helicopters it signed back in 2001, the country’s Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram announced at a press conference on Friday. The model, which was developed specifically to meet the military alliance’s requirements, has been deemed suboptimal by the Norwegian military, which cited multiple defects and delays.

As the model “will never be in a position to fulfill the requirements of the Norwegian armed forces,” Oslo is now demanding that the nearly €500 million it has paid so far be reimbursed. The operation of the helicopters, which had already been delivered to Norway, was ceased with immediate effect on Friday. The machines will be returned to the manufacturer, France-based multinational company NHIndustries.

In the meantime, Oslo is reportedly looking for a replacement, which could come from the US, Germany’s Die Welt outlet indicated.

The report described the Norwegian military’s final verdict on the NH-90 as “damning” for both the model itself and the company that produces it. Oslo made it clear, as the article noted, that no additional tinkering, spare parts or investment were likely to make the helicopter worth having.

However, NHIndustries is apparently not going to take the abrupt contract cancellation in stride and could reportedly even take Norway to court over its decision, which the company described as “legally unfounded.”

In its statement, the multinational said, among other things, that it “rejects the accusations against NH90 and the company,” adding that Oslo had not given NHIndustries the opportunity to address “special Norwegian requirements.”

The manufacturer went on to insist that 13 of the 14 helicopters ordered by Norway had been delivered, with the other one ready to be collected. However, according to the Norwegian military, only eight of those machines were fully operational.

For NHIndustries, in which Airbus holds a controlling interest, Norway’s decision represents a new blow, after Australia, another buyer of the NH-90, announced in December 2021 that it was planning to switch to the US-made Black Hawk down the road. Canberra explained at the time that the performance of the European helicopter was a “constant problem,” adding that the operating costs were too high as well.

Die Welt claimed that Belgium, too, is currently considering replacing its NH-90s.

The German outlet noted that other users have also reported various issues with the NH-90. For instance, the Netherlands has allegedly complained about corrosion problems associated with the model.

According to a report penned by the German military and cited by Die Welt, by the end of 2021, only 19% of the NH-90s in service with the German armed forces were operational. The outlet claimed, citing a Germany military industry blog, that the country’s Navy recently refused to accept one such helicopter due to radar errors and a persistent fuel smell in the cockpit.

With its maiden flight in 1995, the NH-90 is currently in service in over a dozen countries, mostly in Europe.


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1f3768  No.16439952


The top brass in the military are really just politicians who are wearing a uniform.

I don't trust any of them.

They did not get their rank and their privilege without playing political games.

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1f3768  No.16439953


The top brass in the military are really just politicians who are wearing a uniform.

I don't trust any of them.

They did not get their rank and their privilege without playing political games.

Trump surrounded himself with traitors to expose them.

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6d69e6  No.16439954

File: c200fe5ffa493be⋯.png (706.11 KB, 845x803, 845:803, 6B95EE61_0AF9_4580_8ECB_FB….png)


Why indeed?

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1f3768  No.16439955


Trump surrounded himself with traitors to expose them.

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caa040  No.16439956


Keks in Sikorsky

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d6e00c  No.16439957


It's the only arm that's not corrupt, as uncomfortable as it is at the moment.

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a7f5b6  No.16439958


Wish the US Mil would open Truth accounts, but I get it.

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defd40  No.16439959

File: 1a2e1af7c446f17⋯.png (503.39 KB, 530x554, 265:277, Capture.PNG)

Today is going to be a GREAT day! 💥

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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defd40  No.16439960


I agree

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5d83e6  No.16439961


>Guess they're switching things up from the previous arson based restructuring/closings

Gotta larp that ole' Black Horseman, in the form of your black-screened smartphone and Nutrition Assurance Pass (aka a barcode with some stupid name meaning the opposite of what it actually does)…

The third Horseman rides a black horse and is popularly understood to be Famine, as the Horseman carries a pair of balances or weighing scales (Greek ζυγὸν, zygon), indicating the way that bread would have been weighed during a famine.[4][29] Other authors interpret the third Horseman as the "Lord as a Law-Giver," holding Scales of Justice.[36]

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1f3768  No.16439962


Were you ever in the military?

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c2e969  No.16439963

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are live in spite of their fuckery.


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456899  No.16439964

File: e94ecaac7da1e47⋯.png (5.01 KB, 233x216, 233:216, tomato_pepe.png)

Record Heat to Bake the Central US as Storm Threat Intensifies

Record heat will sear the central US Monday, and there is a potential for fast-moving thunderstorms to sweep down from the Great Lakes and across the Ohio Valley later as well.

Temperatures could reach 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) in St. Louis Monday and only drop to 79 overnight as extreme heat spreads out across the Mississippi Valley and into the Midwest, said Bob Oravec, a senior branch forecaster with the US Weather Prediction Center. The high temperatures by day and the warm lows overnight will boost electricity demand.



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9077b5  No.16439965

File: 985cd2ec937a22d⋯.jpeg (163.23 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 8CCD98EE_CBD5_458B_90CE_9….jpeg)

12 Jun, 2022 17:08

West wants to ‘absolve’ itself from its own crimes – Serbia

By pressuring Belgrade to sanction Moscow, Western states are seeking to whitewash their own sins, the interior minister says

It is not in Serbia’s interests to reduce cooperation with Russia and to “absolve” the West of its crimes, the interior minister says

Serbia says it is not interested in diminishing its “closeness and cooperation” with Moscow, adding that by trying to force Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia, the West simply seeks to “absolve” itself from its own crimes.

In an interview with the newspaper Novosti published on Sunday, Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that throughout history, Serbs have always been “expected to do something for others” and to neglect their own interests.

“It is not in Serbia’s interest to participate in the conflicts of the greats, and it is not in Serbia’s interest to diminish the closeness and cooperation with Russia and its leadership,” the minister said.

He claimed that when Western countries ask Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, they know it would not mean much for Russia from an economic perspective, but would serve as a significant moral blow.

“Those who bombed us know that the moral greatness of Serbia is disproportionate to its firepower, and that is why they need that little tormented Serbia, that brave victim, to be with them,” he said.

In his opinion, the US and its allies “have everything but morals” and so they want Serbia “to absolve them of the crimes they have committed and to absolve them of the sins of violating international law.”

“Unlike Western admirers of the right to vote and democracy, despotic Russia and China have never asked us to impose sanctions on the EU or US and accept their choice as our own,” Vulin said, adding that any “anti-Russian hysteria is always anti-Serbian.”

The minister also noted that his country does not want Russia to be defeated in Ukraine.

“The defeat of Russia would be felt with all its might in all positions of Serbia, as it always has been,” he said.

Vulin hailed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for “showing strength that exceeds the position of the president of a small country” in opposing the sanctions on Russia.

“Vucic is not a little Russian, he is a great Serb,” he added.

The US, EU, UK, and many other countries view Russia’s military operation in Ukraine as an act of unprovoked aggression and responded by imposing sweeping sanctions on Moscow.

On Friday, at a press conference with the Serbian president, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Serbia must follow the EU’s lead in sanctioning Russia, and recognize the breakaway province of Kosovo as an independent state if it hopes to join the bloc someday.

Vucic reiterated that sanctioning Russia would be difficult for Belgrade. Earlier this week, he told Serbian TV that the EU’s oil embargo has already cost $600 million in higher prices.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the sanctions have backfired on the West, citing the inflation and shortages that the US and EU governments are now trying to blame on Moscow. The following day, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the sanctions have indeed made a “huge difference to food and energy prices” amid record-setting inflation.


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7e3434  No.16439966

File: 7e0b7b883609bb3⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 564x593, 564:593, gameover.jpg)

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e34028  No.16439967

File: 8d756cc76363e8e⋯.png (230.61 KB, 467x570, 467:570, pepe_armor_of_god.png)


o7 swordy!

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6d69e6  No.16439968

File: 7dc47c404369e43⋯.png (274.54 KB, 543x404, 543:404, E7CC4F1F_4349_41F8_BE66_E7….png)

Navaro, Watkins Shame Farcical "J6 Committee"

In a world where thieving ass-clowns know no limits, Jim Watkins responded. We're not sure yet if the subpoena was even legal (his last was served via Twitter, four million views before somebody phoned him) yet he showed.

What was said is unknown, as Watkins could face jail time for divulging any account of the proceedings.

It is, however, perfectly legal to ask him how he is feeling. We should all want to know how it feels to be so close to absolute tyranny.

The show is now being broadcast prime time.


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5c21f4  No.16439969


Here is an exercise for you.

Read the names of all these functions here, and click on view source for each.


After comprehending all the code then try to express all of it in one function that doesn't require any pre-existing knowledge about the data to be parsed.

The more you know…

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defd40  No.16439970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ecea7  No.16439971

File: 1ef1082b82809cc⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 1ef1082b82809ccb66374b444e….jpg)


That's the right attitude. o7

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caa040  No.16439972

File: d0c6da9c9bfd9c1⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1001x994, 143:142, picture_day.png)


>After this Monday morning tweet, the Battalion social media coordinator was found beaten to death with a can of PBR inside a sweat sock in the barracks shower.

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06d2fa  No.16439973


God Bless You swordAnon.

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9077b5  No.16439974

File: fbc2da15cd2cf46⋯.jpeg (289.11 KB, 1132x1551, 1132:1551, 7B7DD20D_A117_4619_9909_0….jpeg)

12 Jun, 2022 17:24

Ukraine hails British monarch with bizarre image

Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted an image of Queen Elizabeth armed with an anti-tank missile launcher

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry made a social media post on Saturday depicting Britain’s reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, aiming a shoulder-fired NLAW anti-tank missile launcher. The image is the latest in a line of controversial social media posts by the government in Kiev.

In the drawing, the Queen is depicted aiming one of the British-made missile launchers over one shoulder, with the Ukrainian coat of arms emblazoned on her other arm. “God bless the Queen, Ukraine and the whole world,” reads a caption above the image.

Britain has donated thousands of single-use NLAW missile launchers to Ukraine, and the weapons have been immortalized in British and Ukrainian propaganda. Mock-religious icons depict ‘Saint NLAW’ holding the missile launchers, and British politicians have claimed that Ukrainian soldiers shout “God save the Queen” as they fire the weapons.

The efficacy of the NLAWs, and of American-supplied Javelins and Stingers, has been hotly debated. Ukraine regularly claims to have destroyed more Russian vehicles than Moscow records as lost, and in the months since Britain first sent more than 4,000 NLAWs, Kiev has petitioned the West for heavier weapons and vehicles as Russia’s advance in eastern Ukraine continued.

The Defense Ministry’s post was cheered on Twitter by pro-Ukrainian users, but slated by others. Some condemned the ministry for supporting a foreign monarch, while others simply described the post as “cringe.”

The ministry has made a number of controversial posts since Russian forces attacked Ukraine in late February. Among them were attempts to pass off video game footage as a real-life air battle, and photos of its own soldiers wearing Nazi insignia. Other official Ukrainian government accounts have compared the country’s struggles to those of Nazi Germany, while the Ukrainian National Guard has boasted of dipping bullets into pig fat for use against Chechen Muslim soldiers, whom it called “orcs.”

Although Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s head of state, her role is mostly a symbolic one. The country’s Defense Ministry authorized the donation of NLAW systems to Ukraine, and the Queen herself has not publicly commented on the conflict, instead making a “generous” donation in March to humanitarian aid groups working in the country.


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456899  No.16439975

File: 464ea493a9fdd72⋯.png (39.69 KB, 226x223, 226:223, frog_game.png)

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deff7a  No.16439976

File: 0e6c805005f56e1⋯.jpeg (104.14 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 559C2586_FF9F_416A_B353_3….jpeg)


How appropriate Nancy Pelosi the sewer monster (X-Files).

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06d2fa  No.16439977


God Bless You swordAnon.

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8ad19b  No.16439978


Aww, fascism is so en vogue.

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359b75  No.16439980

File: c60036037095412⋯.png (494.5 KB, 600x496, 75:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f17e470abb547f1⋯.png (516.27 KB, 864x488, 108:61, ClipboardImage.png)


>Record Heat to Bake the Central US as Storm Threat Intensifies

All by design. Chemtrails create a Green House effect and work with HAARP.

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6d69e6  No.16439981

File: cdc132a528599b7⋯.jpeg (462.28 KB, 800x533, 800:533, A93E234E_7D7A_45FB_AF3E_6….jpeg)

Arizona Election

White Hot Heat in The Arizona Desert; Midterms 2022:

Uranium Mines, Indian Reservations and Dirty Deep State Politicians

As the political arena heats up for the November Midterms, perhaps one of the nation’s hottest battles will be in Arizona District 2. You have Deep State players on both sides of the aisle aggressively trying to shape the events. Why? I’ll tell ya.


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5270ec  No.16439982

File: 54753b11c591607⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 54753b11c59160739c581090fb….jpg)

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601122  No.16439983

File: cf4531b228bc366⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1446x921, 482:307, 1ddb784e0338c9c8780b8d9b97….png)

"We at LAX hope you have had an acceptable experience."

New mask orders blasting on PAs, and 70+ % compliance.

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a09685  No.16439985


St. Louis is pretty much little Texas during Midwest heat waves - always about 5 degrees hotter than surrounding areas.

The reason besides all the red brick and concrete?

Downsloping SW winds coming off of the Ozark Plateau.

This causes compressional warming very much like that seen on the eastern side of the Rocky/Sierra Mountains.

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7e3ffc  No.16439986


Kash=Q. Thank you Patriot!!!!


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8ad19b  No.16439987


OR, maybe, it's summer?

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ccdba9  No.16439988

File: 7b5476f1815f10a⋯.png (20.98 KB, 586x238, 293:119, ZeroHedge_tweet5.png)


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301a6e  No.16439989

File: 7d34d19e775f7b5⋯.png (558.8 KB, 1174x1176, 587:588, Screen_Shot_2022_06_13_at_….png)

JUST IN - China's Xi orders the introduction of a legal framework to deploy troops in "non-war military actions."


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1d48a9  No.16439990



FUCK the Marines. Our country is being flooded with illegal criminals daily and they are playing rehearsal games in Greece.

Fuck them all.

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deff7a  No.16439991

File: bc6a2070ba9c208⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 69C3EDE8_EC4E_4961_A575_A….jpeg)

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caa040  No.16439992

File: b028ea75dd25d75⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 465x695, 93:139, b028ea75dd25d7511a5ca93164….jpg)

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7b7e1c  No.16439993

File: acf9555087d4bae⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 239x255, 239:255, 5e6ffd46ca65737e0d456d5fc1….jpg)

File: 499deb1fdb876c0⋯.jpeg (313.01 KB, 716x622, 358:311, 499deb1fdb876c0b2509d5442….jpeg)

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fb7ebd  No.16439994

File: 736fe585ddcbcf1⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MADDOW_ADMITS_TRUMPSRALLY_….mp4)

Even MSNBC admits President Trump and the rally had nothing to do with the Capitol breach!


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b4f390  No.16439995


Thanks Baker.

Anons, the stock market is being driven down just to shake the GME / AMC /DWAC Retail out of the market. And… it's not working! Hedge Funds are slowly beginning to realize they're trapped. RDBX failed miserably.

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5d83e6  No.16439996



The Guardian (lefty rag) 2002:

The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public.

One chapter of the report, 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. The chemical drifted miles inland, its fluorescence allowing the spread to be monitored.


Eight years of actual chemtrails admitted. And that was 20 years ago.

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4b4d93  No.16439997


Happy Birthday US Army!

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359b75  No.16439998

File: c60036037095412⋯.png (494.5 KB, 600x496, 75:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 447e252efad9933⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Climate_chemtrail_Ice_Age_….mp4)

File: bcd271c8ea9881a⋯.png (27.07 KB, 322x258, 161:129, ClipboardImage.png)


My old ass has never seen weather this FUBAR.

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403199  No.16440000


what the fuck is this clown show. So Madcow is admitting she was wrong? Panic?

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9077b5  No.16440001


Money laundering

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8bbde1  No.16440002

File: 5028bec0cd708be⋯.png (1.03 MB, 771x829, 771:829, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 9009657a64387e2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 774x842, 387:421, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 0d49f0d28a6e55c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 773x831, 773:831, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 54e73fb7f55be85⋯.png (979.8 KB, 772x830, 386:415, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

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8bbde1  No.16440003

File: 5028bec0cd708be⋯.png (1.03 MB, 771x829, 771:829, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 9009657a64387e2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 774x842, 387:421, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 0d49f0d28a6e55c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 773x831, 773:831, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

File: 54e73fb7f55be85⋯.png (979.8 KB, 772x830, 386:415, Screenshot_2022_06_12_at_2….png)

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ccdba9  No.16440004

File: 7b5476f1815f10a⋯.png (20.98 KB, 586x238, 293:119, ZeroHedge_tweet5.png)


> 1 post trying to make anons doubt the military.

Nice try fucktard shill

Kill yourself

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defd40  No.16440005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never doubt the strength of any soldier who wears this flag. 🇺🇸

#VictoryStartsHere #Army247 #MotivationMonday






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1f3768  No.16440006


Drag Queens are perverted attention whores trying to one-up real women. Ultra flamboyant with their fake boobs, hair, make-up, shoes, nails, clothing, gaudy jewelry, etc.

A real woman has natural beauty that a drag queen or a transsexual will never have.

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456899  No.16440007


Retired four-star general John R. Allen facing FBI probe resigns from influential think tank


Brookings leadership update

Sunday, June 12, 2022

oday, John R. Allen resigned as president of the Brookings Institution.

We want to thank John for his contributions to Brookings, including his leadership in successfully guiding the institution during the pandemic, as well as his many years of service and sacrifice for our country.

Ted Gayer will continue to serve as acting president until his previously announced departure later this summer. Information about arrangements for ongoing interim management—as well as the search for a new president—will be forthcoming.

The integrity and objectivity of Brookings’s scholarship constitute the institution’s principal assets and Brookings seeks to maintain high ethical standards in all its operations. Our policies on research independence and integrity reflect these values.

We look forward to working with our entire community and stakeholders to continue our over one-hundred-year tradition of conducting in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national, and global levels.



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ffffef  No.16440008


>Lotta effs

Kek. Like school days again! Or how many F-bombs anon drops before getting out of bed.

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12f8ac  No.16440009

File: 173291254b085f6⋯.png (858.51 KB, 1029x768, 343:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21e65f535a62017⋯.png (530.89 KB, 889x698, 889:698, ClipboardImage.png)

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caa040  No.16440010


Are we talking regular kind of bad day or brokers doing flips on the way down bad?

'Cause anon wants to see some flips.

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24fc3f  No.16440011

File: 749274dc917c7f8⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 300x455, 60:91, BT.jpg)


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



Daily protection Spell Refresh

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d6e00c  No.16440012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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24fc3f  No.16440013

















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b4f390  No.16440014

Hedge Funds are getting very desperate this morning as their short positions are being roundly attacked. The gravy train is over. The bubble you see popping is the hedge fund singular control over wall street and individual stock prices. Now here come the chicken littles to declare skyfall at any moment.. We haven't even hit the choppy water yet.

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a09685  No.16440015



The South Africa thread stol't the quad 9s:


Usually it's the Germans that do that.

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9077b5  No.16440017

Watch Live: ‘ShutDownDC’ Attempt Planned ‘Blockade’ of SCOTUS Ahead of Possible Abortion Ruling

Breitbart News13 Jun 2022


ShutDownDC, a leftist activist group, plans to “blockade” the U.S. Supreme Court ahead of its potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Monday.

“These unelected extremists [U.S. Supreme Court justices] are trying to steal our rights and roll us backwards on issue after issue – abortion, guns, environment, due process, &c [sic]. They are illegitimate & the people say no,” said the group in a tweet on Sunday.

According to the organization’s website, “We are in a crisis of democracy… Times of crisis can either be opportunities to break through the inertia and win transformational change or they can be opportunities for the establishment to further entrench the status quo.”

“On June 13, one of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision days, we plan to blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need,” the event description continues.


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2eb3b7  No.16440018

File: c6c6edb44fed2d1⋯.png (489.47 KB, 902x755, 902:755, Binance.png)

File: 366df454633f46e⋯.png (67.5 KB, 720x551, 720:551, Celsius.png)

Nothing says solvent, like, "Sorry you can't withdraw your funds right now"

It's a 21st-century digital bank run.

Federal regulation incoming and guaranteed.



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9522f9  No.16440019

File: 4480920faeaab1c⋯.jpg (185.3 KB, 1000x635, 200:127, klaush_schwab_the_clown_at….jpg)


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8bbde1  No.16440020

File: c8f4d78370b1a4d⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 556x581, 556:581, c8f4d78370b1a4d335de914c51….jpg)

File: 7d9260a0e1f27be⋯.jpg (93.88 KB, 622x593, 622:593, 7d9260a0e1f27bee46ea2ff3d8….jpg)

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2ecea7  No.16440021

File: 1b798b701c47f14⋯.jpeg (49.2 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, 2c1a4d8bccd3e98fab453a8be….jpeg)


I looked.

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deff7a  No.16440022

File: 03fb23061cc048e⋯.jpeg (108.47 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 79621D4C_6B4B_4830_9E5A_3….jpeg)

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ffffef  No.16440023

Anon has experienced a lost item just magically showing up today. So embrace the prayers, they're working now!

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24fc3f  No.16440024

Anybody else getting some weird Captcha fuckery?

Aside from it looking a bit different…

I've typed in correct like 4-5 times and it still says failed… but I'm able to post…

Odd wtf goins on

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9077b5  No.16440025

File: 82e6f8cc15630b5⋯.jpeg (103.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, D2D35E7C_617D_41E2_9189_7….jpeg)

Senate Gun Control Agreement Adds ‘Investigative Period’ to Some Firearm Background Checks

The Senate gun control agreement that emerged Sunday adds an “investigative period” to some firearm background checks.

Breitbart News reported that the Senate agreement includes proposals such as a crackdown on straw purchases, funding to incentivize states to adopt, red flag laws, and deeper record searches for gun buyers under the age of 21, among other things.

The broadened record searches for gun buyers younger than 21 “requires an investigative period to review juvenile and mental health records.”

The agreement contains no stipulation for how long this “investigative period” may last.

On February 28, 2019, NPR noted that House Democrats were pushing to change National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks so as to allow longer extended review periods.

The FBI conducts NICS checks on retail gun purchasers. The checks are designed to be completed quickly, but the FBI can take up to three business days to conduct the check if they believe they need to see more records. This means a NICS check either returns a pass or a fail, or it signals a need for an extended review of records.

On August 5, 2019, Business Insider noted that the Democrat-controlled House passed the Enhanced Background Checks Act to extend NICS reviews to ten days. The Republican-controlled Senate did not pass the Act.


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defd40  No.16440026

File: 71da9aa0ce9837c⋯.jpeg (38.11 KB, 746x750, 373:375, UDn45nqhZw9ZPIFAJzOz_13_5….jpeg)

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cd7bf4  No.16440027


There are some in our Military that cannot be bought regardless of price because they understand true costs. You might not be friends with a real patriot but a real patriot will always be your friend.

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a09685  No.16440028


>Captcha borked muh data entry the bastard:


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1abab3  No.16440029


Yes. Francis Bacon - Filter Forge.

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9077b5  No.16440030

File: 8e92216684cf795⋯.jpeg (45.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, C476357F_F978_4E91_B6D7_F….jpeg)

Macron Faces Losing Parliament Majority As Left Bloc Surges in Legislative 1st Round Vote

French President Emmanuel Macron may not achieve a majority in the French parliament as the first round of legislative elections as voter abstentions reached a record 52.8 per cent.

President Macron’s bloc Ensemble! (Together!) polled at 25.8 per cent according to projections by the firm Elabe after the voting for the first round of the legislative elections ended on Sunday evening.

The leftist bloc, the New Ecologic and Social People’s Union, or NUPES, polled slightly higher than Macron’s candidates at 26.2 per cent, fueling speculation that after the second round, which is set to take place next Sunday, Macron may not be able to wield a majority in the French parliament, France24 reports.

A total of 289 seats are required to form a majority in the French parliament and projections state that Macron’s Ensemble! could gain between 225 to 310 seats after the second round of voting next week.

A loss of majority status could force President Macron to negotiate future legislation on a case-by-case basis as he would require the support of other parties to pass policy proposals.

“It’s a very serious warning that has been sent to Emmanuel Macron,” said Brice Teinturier, a political scientist, who added, “A majority is far from certain.”

Far-left former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the NUPES bloc, commented on the initial results saying, “The presidential majority is defeated,” and added, “The truth is that the presidential party is beaten and defeated.”

“I call on our people, in view of this result, for our personal lives and for the destiny of the common homeland, to surge next Sunday,” Mélenchon said and added that his bloc was “ready to govern.”

Populist Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally (RN) and the runner-up in this year’s presidential election, came close to securing an outright win in her race in Henin-Beaumont with 54 per cent of the vote but will need to go to a second-round due to the low turnout in the election.

Low turnouts for the election were not limited to Ms Le Pen’s race as the entire election saw a record 52.8 per cent of voters choosing to abstain from voting.

Le Pen’s National Rally, which won just eight seats at the least national election in 2017, is projected to increase her party’s presence in parliament to between 20 and 45 seats this year.


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deff7a  No.16440031

File: f86269d753f8cd2⋯.jpeg (65.55 KB, 504x467, 504:467, 8525E346_050B_484D_82D7_F….jpeg)


Frazzledrip Fauci

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7b7e1c  No.16440032

File: 43be50216512935⋯.png (9.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4a80162775a50c92e86e1bf44a….png)

File: 2717fc3def215cc⋯.png (58.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4a80162775a50c92e86e1bf44a….png)

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d6e00c  No.16440033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nom for abc meme night

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9522f9  No.16440034

File: 271c22835e595f6⋯.png (11.16 KB, 86x87, 86:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb8e7e6ca5c5cb⋯.png (11.24 KB, 86x87, 86:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb7ebd  No.16440036

File: 736fe585ddcbcf1⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MADDOW_ADMITS_TRUMPSRALLY_….mp4)

Even MSNBC admits President Trump and the rally had nothing to do with the Capitol breach!


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ffffef  No.16440037

File: 8a447a239e79197⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 1152x982, 576:491, birdChloeKek.jpg)

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2db1d1  No.16440038




>All by design. Chemtrails create a Green House effect and work with HAARP.

This here's your Man-Made Climate Change and what's worse is, they're trying to get us all on board to pay for their mistakes.

Shouldn't have been fucking with that weather modification crap since the 50s without first understanding what heating the plasma in the ionosphere might do to the core of the Earth itself. And they still don't know…

Woe the unintended consequences, especially when you're arrogant enough to believe you know everything there is to know about anything.

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6d69e6  No.16440039

File: 3572c9e0854b885⋯.jpeg (2.02 MB, 2048x1143, 2048:1143, F9D6D5AB_148F_4151_968D_D….jpeg)

File: aa4f111fc5bd03e⋯.png (190.86 KB, 396x630, 22:35, 252D30A7_6DC6_4CBF_8F99_B8….png)

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445938  No.16440040


>Grift for Qatar


>Wonder if the Qataris payed him to write this shit

Gen. Allen is the director of the Brookings Institute, and there is a Brookings Institute/Center in Doha, Qatar …it studies the Middle East … anon has always taken for granted that the DOHA Brookings Institute favors Qatar, how could it be otherwise?

I don't think this is a big deal.

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2ecea7  No.16440041

File: d34d7833564fe79⋯.png (357.06 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 7491c0be5f8b246d0b43e5abc0….png)


Yep. It's okay, though. Some things need to be said twice.

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9077b5  No.16440042

File: b1515b5b44fc0c2⋯.jpeg (83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 7ADE204A_6813_4405_A9F7_E….jpeg)

Exclusive: Whistleblowers Detail How Illegal Alien Smugglers Use California’s Sanctuary State Policy

I dont know why this is news

RIVERSIDE COUNTY, California — Whistleblowers are detailing how California’s sanctuary state policy, shielding illegal aliens from arrest and deportation, is crucial to smugglers operating the billion-dollar enterprise for the Mexican drug cartels.

In October 2017, California joined a number of other blue states in designating itself a destination for illegal immigration by imposing a strict sanctuary state policy that bans local law enforcement from inquiring about the immigration status of suspects and cooperating with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Likewise, then-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed into law the policy that allows illegal aliens to secure driver’s licenses in the state.

Whistleblowers close to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told Breitbart News that California’s sanctuary state policy is a vital tool for smugglers working for the cartels who bring thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border every day.

For example, in cases where federal immigration officials are trying to track down smugglers and the illegal aliens they are smuggling, whistleblowers said California local police almost never intervene to help with arrests.

“California officers are not allowed to intervene ever,” a whistleblower said. “And the officers will literally say, ‘We wish we could help but we’re not allowed to.’ The smugglers know all of this.”

“If the illegal aliens have seatbelts on, the cops won’t call us to report smuggling. So long as they’re following state laws,” another whistleblower said. “The sheriffs cannot, by law, pick up migrants even if they had an ICE detainer after they finish their sentence, they’ll just let them loose.”

Such claims are overwhelmingly supported by county data in California.

Federal immigration officials revealed in 2019 that Los Angeles County, California release about 100 criminal illegal aliens from their local custody every day rather than turning them over to ICE agents for arrest and deportation.

“Today, because of the sanctuary policies that are in place, we receive less than five [criminal illegal aliens] which means — with all things being equal — there are 70 to 100 criminal aliens hitting the streets of Los Angeles, alone, that is one city within the United States,” former ICE official Timothy Robbins said in congressional testimony at the time.


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08c790  No.16440043

File: 2817823641ae11d⋯.png (147.49 KB, 1438x665, 1438:665, ClipboardImage.png)

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08c790  No.16440044

File: 2817823641ae11d⋯.png (147.49 KB, 1438x665, 1438:665, ClipboardImage.png)

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70b128  No.16440045

Huge amounts of money being spent.

Don’t worry, more will be printed.

Flood the people with cash to make them content.

The controller has no use for cash.

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a09685  No.16440046


>Won't enlarge but that's the Andes for sure on the left side

Yo, that's South America about to get hit by a tightly wound winter low.

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5d83e6  No.16440047


She looks different.


My wife, with no makeup, hair in a rubber band, jeans, sweater, no bra, wearing sneakers, still unmistakably 100% more feminine than the most tarted-up womanface drag act, heck even my 90-year old nanna was visibly a woman, no make that a lady, until the day she died.


Praise the Lord!


Earth reaches early adulthood, decides to grow compelling moustache to distinguish self from other life-bearing planets, Noice.

What're the Schumann & GPC Dot doing today?

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defd40  No.16440048

File: 459e0763687c2ac⋯.png (194.35 KB, 533x630, 533:630, Capture.PNG)

#DYK On 6 June 1944, V Corps assaulted Omaha Beach, Normandy. Corps soldiers then liberated Paris and Sedan, Ardennes, and raced to the German border. After liberating Luxembourg, they fought in the Battle of the Bulge, captured Leipzig and, liberated Plzeň by May 1945.



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2db1d1  No.16440049


I personally thought it was a test to see how many times I would type in the catcha and then click, click, click, then clear the field and click, click, click to cycle the catchas like a 100 times, then write dirty words in the captcha like Fear.

And then I said Fuck this and posted anyway.

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24fc3f  No.16440050

File: aea22e6b2af6528⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 753x1218, 251:406, BT_07.jpg)


Hadn't realized it had already been noted.

Not the first time. Not the first rodeo, kek.


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445938  No.16440051


"Why is POTUS surrounded by Deep State Homo Generals?"


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e3fd2b  No.16440052

>>16440024 Same here, I thought it was because I said something stupid, but that never affected me before. Trust me, my wife tells me every day that I am fat, stupid, and lazy…

Ugh, did I leave out stupid?

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70b128  No.16440053


NetJets is now involved with spraying.

Little jets with way big more damage.

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defd40  No.16440054

File: fe89cf88dd39b40⋯.png (482.2 KB, 538x706, 269:353, Capture.PNG)


The mighty aren't known for what they can do. They are known for what they have done already.

Answer the calling. #SkySoldiers

📸: SSG John Yountz

#StrongerTogether #Airborne #Paratrooper


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340c62  No.16440055

Crypto takes 200B hit over the weekend

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403199  No.16440056


Because there are only Deep State Homo Generals. Part of the requirement.

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d6e00c  No.16440057


It's pride month.

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456899  No.16440058

File: 8c43e997368c0a1⋯.png (184.68 KB, 640x360, 16:9, liz_cheney_clown.png)

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deff7a  No.16440059

File: e01d482cf6d8a7d⋯.jpeg (13.29 KB, 260x181, 260:181, 7ADB0A5A_A0C1_4D3E_93F5_2….jpeg)

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117071  No.16440060

File: d626e7828ca6b8c⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x215, 100:43, sparklin44.gif)





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e5ff1c  No.16440061


Just the beginning. BTC to $18k maximum

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9077b5  No.16440062

File: b880649136d0c14⋯.jpeg (166.95 KB, 1157x815, 1157:815, FBB446ED_D4D2_434D_AA75_8….jpeg)

Hutchinson: Many in Republican Party ‘Looking for an Off-Ramp’ from Trump’s Control

(More traitors, Good luck with that assholes)

Governor Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that many in the Republican Party were “looking for an off-ramp” from former President Donald Trump’s control.

Hutchinson said, “I hope that the future of the Republican Party is different than former President Trump’s leadership. I hope we move in a different direction. I believe that what happened on January 6 is a lot at his feet. It was wrong for our country, and for him to continue to push that theory, I agree, is the wrong direction for the Republican Party.”

He added, “I think there is many Republicans that are looking for an off-ramp, new opportunities to define leadership in the future. And obviously, what President Trump did, there’s a lot of things that he did that were very good that the base and I agree with, but he got off track on Jan. 6, and that was a costly error for our democracy. I agree with a lot of the comments that he has responsibility there, and we need to make sure that’s clear. I think Republicans need to do a lot of soul-searching as to what is the right thing here. What is the right thing to say for our party and our democracy and our future and not simply appeal to the instincts of some of our base.”


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456899  No.16440063

File: 8ab7badbd197771⋯.jpg (150.23 KB, 440x492, 110:123, front_cover_613.jpg)

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2db1d1  No.16440064

So 10 Democrats and 10 Republicans sat down to help the globalists chip away at our 2A after Nasty Pelosi supposedly softened us up by putting forth a real gun grabbing bill in the House. Then the Republican turncoats are able to say "See? It's not that bad, what we're doing…with the Democrats on behalf of the Globalists."

I do not consent to this form of government.

I guess they think it's a good thing they've got the Roe V Wade bullshit to hide behind.

Death by a thousand itty bitty cuts. That's how we've been losing our country.

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24fc3f  No.16440065

File: 6234e8208ceaafe⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 324x475, 324:475, BT_Swod.jpg)


Mornin' Frater.

Sparky n' Shiny


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f81a16  No.16440066

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)

Mornin', Swordy!


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2ecea7  No.16440067

File: 4c490d2894a4b79⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 994x1024, 497:512, 4c490d2894a4b794d2430feff2….jpg)


Well, Ho Lee Fuk. Notable.

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3eec61  No.16440068

Convert Earth into one big gigantic farm, move everyone into space. tear down all the buildings and use them for space living quarters…

Leave farm workers on Earth to build a world wide garden/farm, and just transport it up to the living who are living in big space ships…

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138d08  No.16440069

File: 2fc6b257bc24ad4⋯.jpg (59 KB, 796x487, 796:487, 5htmmhbgpec.jpg)

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b4a6c3  No.16440070

File: a75c7b41ba70b8d⋯.png (137.57 KB, 500x385, 100:77, inbredd.png)

File: c43919ffc7a2c08⋯.png (463.8 KB, 444x552, 37:46, Nikolas_Cruz_Florida_schoo….png)

File: 4d584813304a356⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1034x1198, 517:599, lanza2.png)

File: cec39126a8bbe29⋯.jpg (300.3 KB, 616x924, 2:3, deadp2.jpg)

File: 942f67c01627e5f⋯.png (638.32 KB, 572x780, 11:15, cruz.png)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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138d08  No.16440071

File: 2fc6b257bc24ad4⋯.jpg (59 KB, 796x487, 796:487, 5htmmhbgpec.jpg)

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8ad19b  No.16440072


>our party and our democracy

Comped piece of Uniparty garbage.

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b4a6c3  No.16440073

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: a4f9e8b81a72c11⋯.png (9.23 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 0d8b754ed4a5fc5⋯.png (884.39 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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1f3768  No.16440074



the key word being "some"

Not even most? Just some?

I am grateful for the few who are true Brave Patriots.

I pray that their beacons of light shine thru the darkness.

One small bit a light can be seen from a great distance and can reveal vital information.

God Bless those who are willing to do what is right in God's eyes. And God protect and deliver them from the evil that surrounds them, and that is around every corner trying to destroy what is good & honest.

Hopefully, those "some" who are good will be able to expose the evil.

Evil people are constantly trying to destroy what is good. Good people doing the right thing may be risking everything to do so.

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4b8ad7  No.16440075






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5d83e6  No.16440076


>Death by a thousand itty bitty cuts.

Red flag laws are the prize, that means thoughtcrimes online will facilitate gun grabs, because they no longer apply just to "mental illness," but to simply being "dangerous" and that's a phrase they worked long and hard to link to anyone questioning the regime.

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70b128  No.16440077

Ohio paid the Canadian LiDAR fleet a huge amount of Covid cash.

Now, one year later, you know.

Meeting at 2:45.

Farm owners only.

One thousand acres plus ownership.

45 years old or older.

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f81a16  No.16440078

File: 517965671d3348e⋯.jpg (115.44 KB, 720x827, 720:827, Ilhan.jpg)

File: 99aedcad86e9d4b⋯.jpg (459.72 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Not_murder.jpg)


Qatar gave us Ilhan Omar. She is their plant.

They go hard with Muslim Brotherhood who seek to overthrow the Sauds.

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deff7a  No.16440079

File: 9a89e57e216ee8b⋯.jpeg (123.49 KB, 617x430, 617:430, 955E09C6_7526_4D41_BBD5_E….jpeg)

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4b8ad7  No.16440080

File: a6ea15a73a56723⋯.png (306.06 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)


nuke the cloud.


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10e7c8  No.16440081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Free fallin'

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4b8ad7  No.16440082


this nigger faggot gets the instafilter




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2ecea7  No.16440084

File: 60ab98af4d47088⋯.gif (649.04 KB, 1660x1323, 1660:1323, 60ab98af4d47088b8b406d6afe….gif)


>Hadn't realized it had already been noted.

Neither had I. kek

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4b8ad7  No.16440085

File: 32a59fe48de937f⋯.png (61.9 KB, 280x185, 56:37, wrong_.png)

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445938  No.16440086


Keep the enemies close

The art of 4D Chess

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235d9c  No.16440087

File: 6c3fb59d6219e8c⋯.jpg (7.92 KB, 271x186, 271:186, dirtybird44.jpg)



Need covfefe..

and JP8.

muh' 1-6 Part II



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9522f9  No.16440088

File: 232b82294c980ba⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1456x1442, 104:103, ClipboardImage.png)




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2db1d1  No.16440089


Well, first we have to let the Earth heal some, quit dumping the waste of 3+billion people into the oceans EVERY DAY.

So, who has the stomach for that? Let the Earth heal itself before it's dead. Who's gonna quit playing with the weather first?

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d6e00c  No.16440090


local notable

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ccdba9  No.16440091

5 minutes until SCOTUS opinions

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f81a16  No.16440092

File: 796437e4f9b9d68⋯.jpeg (30.37 KB, 255x247, 255:247, Diamond_Pepe.jpeg)


Nice work, anon.

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aae856  No.16440093

File: be425aeeddf2dd5⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 474x329, 474:329, th_3275650078.jpg)

File: bd8485fae4e6fc0⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 3000x1968, 125:82, 010914_F_8006R_006_3434142….jpg)

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1d48a9  No.16440095

File: 6ad7f86389b8ed7⋯.png (507.39 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: beec03d418f2d0f⋯.png (542.83 KB, 930x558, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aa19b4e20aafb2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1500x1891, 1500:1891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa19a5e4108c3ea⋯.png (213.05 KB, 474x451, 474:451, ClipboardImage.png)


>1 post trying to make anons doubt the military.

Here's another one:

While the country spirals out of control, the military is doing exactly the opposite of what your precious "Q" told you: supporting the administration's destruction of their own country.

The US military is the fucking joke of the world now.

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3eec61  No.16440096


who knows…we may be force to move off Earth…

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9077b5  No.16440097

File: cba825278775f87⋯.jpeg (44.14 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 1DE7ADDF_6F03_46DF_A30B_8….jpeg)

House Delays Judicial Protection Bill in order to Expand Coverage of Personal Security Details to Staffers, Aides, Receptionists, Chauffers’ and DC Employees

June 9, 2022 | Sundance | 247 Comments

If you know the way Washington DC thinks, specifically thinks about their own scale of importance amid a world filled with lesser people who do not understand the value of their elite place in the construction of government, then you could easily predict what is happening right now.

A previous senate bill that would have afforded security details to Supreme Court Justices, is now stalled in the House of Representatives as Nancy Pelosi and top Democrat politicians add an additional set of people who should gain the full benefit of taxpayer funded security details.

Democrats in the House are using the opportunity provided by bipartisan agreement to enhance the personal security services for the Judicial Branch, in order to assign the same privileges to staff, aides and people who work within the administration of government. DC is nothing if not predictable in their elitist view of their self-importance.

At the same time as Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats, along with some insufferable republicans who pretend not to know how these issues are always manipulated to the benefit of the administrative state, are urgently constructing limits and restrictions to disarm lawful Americans; they are simultaneously building their own system of personal protective services to insure they never have to face the same physical risks they initiate upon everyone else.

WASHINGTON DC – […] House Democratic leadership didn’t agree to the vote because they want a broader bill that would include enhanced security, which could include extending protection to clerks and other staff.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise asked House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during an exchange on the floor why Democratic leadership hadn’t put the bill to a vote after it unanimously passed the Senate.

“I think it’s a very relevant question,” Hoyer said in response. “Hopefully can move that as early as possible. I want to tell the gentleman the reason he thought that it might be moving this morning was because last night I thought I had after discussions with Sen. Cornyn, a way forward both the Senate and the House could agree on. Unfortunately this morning that appeared not to be the case.”

The bill’s purpose was brought into sharp focus early Wednesday when an armed man was arrested near Kavanaugh’s Maryland home after making threats against the justice, according to a court spokesperson. The man told law enforcement he had traveled from California to kill “a specific United States Supreme Court Justice,” according to an FBI affidavit filed Wednesday.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Duck Durbin said earlier Thursday that the House is “ready to move” on the bill, telling reporters that “we’re ready to meet with them and resolve our differences” on the legislation.

“What happened this week with Justice Kavanaugh is a reminder that we live in a dangerous place, and these people are vulnerable and we should protect them,” Durbin said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been critical of the House for its inaction on the legislation, and on Thursday he slammed Pelosi for what he called a “dangerous dereliction of duty” for slow-walking its passage.

“Inexplicably, this urgent and uncontroversial bill has been sitting on Speaker Pelosi’s desk ever since,” he said. “The same House Democrats whose irresponsible rhetoric has contributed to this dangerous climate are themselves blocking added security for the judges and their spouses and their children.”

Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware told CNN on Wednesday he is still working with the House on a compromise to enhance security, which could include extending protection to clerks and other staff. (read more)


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f10de8  No.16440098

File: a2f144a3e5b3d45⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, f8d0c0c4f695e7dd367c3e7d71….png)


mornin Swordy!

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f81a16  No.16440099

File: 23a334144118954⋯.jpg (648 KB, 968x1314, 484:657, King_Kun_Jim_Watkins_Rolli….jpg)


TY Jim!

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2db1d1  No.16440101


Couldn't agree more.

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70b128  No.16440102


DeWines inbred sign language sister that motions in the top left box is running out of gestures. How do you sign language corruption again?

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caa040  No.16440103


I'm not a stonks fag, but that kind of looks like shit is going over the cliff. When do the trading cut off's kick in?

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8ab669  No.16440104


Immense balls required to sleep at night knowing all those people wanted to take him out.

Trump is one of a kind.

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8ad19b  No.16440105


These are all officially taken and public affairs approved photos. This is how "The military" wants people to view "The military". They don't hide the fascist takeover, they celebrate it and are use the media to recruit fascists.

What red-blooded American kid would join this shit-show of faggotry?

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445938  No.16440106



Q #2057

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403199  No.16440107


once the suicides start.

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cad32e  No.16440108

File: 6eef2865a50f6f9⋯.jpg (294.73 KB, 782x1460, 391:730, karolus.jpg)

File: 23f2734931b5197⋯.png (989.38 KB, 546x707, 78:101, KeizerWilhelmIIExLibris.png)

File: 9da4be1bdc6a311⋯.png (969.55 KB, 667x817, 667:817, Cacherano.png)

File: f31914c4f65071f⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 777x1250, 777:1250, Medici_Marignano.jpg)

File: d9905531c991d47⋯.jpg (357.25 KB, 1150x1855, 230:371, 3500ietremilacin00gell_041….jpg)


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2db1d1  No.16440109


Actually, I'm much closer to my next plane of existence, whatever God wills that to be.

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138d08  No.16440110

Washington Post showing two of the people that were charged on January 6th, and says they both got lighter sentences for cooperating with the committee.

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deff7a  No.16440111

File: 10e0815ac5f4531⋯.jpeg (271.29 KB, 799x1421, 799:1421, 300DEC49_AB71_42FD_94E2_C….jpeg)

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9522f9  No.16440112

File: a4fbd02d03678e4⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 640x400, 8:5, let_there_be_light.jpg)


>One small bit a light can be seen from a great distance and can reveal vital information.

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1f3768  No.16440113


Will the Red Flag laws be taking the unregistered guns away from criminals?

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2ecea7  No.16440114

File: 8cc76dd9e0026fa⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 8cc76dd9e0026fa6dfa62f1cde….jpg)


They hate us 'cause they ain't us.

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4b8ad7  No.16440115

ghey bakir pedo anime sex cult very much in place again.

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70b128  No.16440116

Ron Watkins, what happened last week?

Shills are over the top around here.

You made a promise to share, correct?

Is the shill level the answer?

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5d83e6  No.16440117


I went looking to see whether this report about a record leap in demonic possession https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10910645/Catholic-Church-opens-centre-dedicated-EXORCISMS-Philippines-surge-possessions.html

… was linked to what I expected to be a depressingly high vaccination rate, since Duterte dirtied on his own people and went hard to force the jab.

To my astonishment, decreasing numbers of Philippinos have been willing to receive each successive poke, despite the force used.

The graph tells a better story than I can https://doh.gov.ph/covid19-vaccination-dashboard

This seems encouraging, does anyone have local knowledge?

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4b8ad7  No.16440118

File: f69aed3a17ebfbb⋯.png (400.76 KB, 360x733, 360:733, yellen_yellen_whaa.png)

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9077b5  No.16440119

File: 8c30583b96dee5c⋯.jpeg (314.76 KB, 1241x1523, 1241:1523, CA6B71F5_CBF3_4B1D_9184_D….jpeg)


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601122  No.16440120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘’’Non-linear or Information war’’’ uses social subversion tactics to gradually degrade the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment media content and news to textbooks and even local or regional historical records.

Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are induced by repeated suggestion publicity and gradually normalized by stages by seditious, subverted “Mockingbird” news and entertainment industry.

Gradually, over decades, cultists reduce our public vocabulary, promote social division, emphasize inequities, fan flames of old grievances and use false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments.

By falsifying historical records satanic cultists produce evidence to support a shameful, cult-created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; values and principles for which men died for are discarded with astroturfed support, endorsed by meaningless elections with no ID required votes. The nation falls apart.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned responses with prepared information packages, targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


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caa040  No.16440121


Every time I see that I'm amazed they were able to fly in that environment.

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bf31df  No.16440122


The communist dems are so 'popular' they want to spend taxpayer money to hire security to protect themselves and their minions from the taxpayers.

[They] are outnumbered 1000 to 1 and they know it.

Just a matter of time.

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1d48a9  No.16440123

File: 02d97e8e6e1a861⋯.png (78.08 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3445215dc93d0a4⋯.png (297.13 KB, 353x500, 353:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f960c566bef8717⋯.png (624.33 KB, 548x640, 137:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3eaa7d4ef2fd30⋯.png (644.99 KB, 540x649, 540:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a6e9ebc10c74a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 797x960, 797:960, ClipboardImage.png)

Your military is fucking faggot. You are doomed

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70b128  No.16440124


HATCH ACT still alive?

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d6e00c  No.16440125

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3eec61  No.16440126

File: 966a007c9b97ddf⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 500x578, 250:289, Inconceivable.jpg)

For the Government to (somehow) remove weapons from (est) 100 million Americans will not be done peacefully…do the math…they would have to remove (est) one year (365 days) would mean they would have to collect from 274,000 families per day…kek…and they would have to do it "PEACEFULLY"…kek…

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9522f9  No.16440127


This really is worth the clicking. I was early bloomer on suspecting/calling out Ukraine for nazi <-> state department/National Guard, but now congress is funding nazis 70 years after D-DAY!!!

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24fc3f  No.16440128



The Covfefe leaves stains.

The stains become a warning.

The warning… is that NEED MOAR COVFEFE



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ccdba9  No.16440129

File: f763bf6ef7630ea⋯.png (33.97 KB, 590x297, 590:297, SCOTUS_opinion_1.png)

In first opinion of the day, SCOTUS rules against a criminal defendant on a double-jeopardy claim. Merle Denezpi, a member of the Navajo Nation, was prosecuted first in a Court of Indian Offenses; later, he was convicted in federal court. SCOTUS upholds that second conviction.


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10e7c8  No.16440130


Their grip be slipping

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c8e17f  No.16440131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 am est Capitol Riot Hearings Resume


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6dd58b  No.16440132


>Ohio paid the Canadian LiDAR fleet a huge amount of Covid cash.

>Now, one year later, you know.

>Meeting at 2:45.

>Farm owners only.

>One thousand acres plus ownership.

>45 years old or older.


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601122  No.16440133

File: b6ad616ece3c92f⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 652x601, 652:601, b6ad616ece3c92fceb9f8b7174….jpg)


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8ab669  No.16440134


SC ruling day>>16439949

>Why would anyone want to attack 8kun.top?

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c8e17f  No.16440135


"Last-minute cancellation

The first group of witnesses was supposed to include former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who prior to that role spent several years as an influential Fox News executive. But the committee said Monday morning that due to a family emergency, Stepien wouldn't appear, pushing back the start time of the hearing until at least 10:30 a.m.ET.

Stepien's planned appearance was not voluntary, as he had been subpoenaed by the committee.

The committee said Stepien's counsel will appear and make a statement on the record."


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8ab669  No.16440136


>Why would anyone want to attack 8kun.top?

SC ruling day

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ca64d3  No.16440137

File: 8509d924ae7c784⋯.png (107.91 KB, 500x499, 500:499, Patriot_silver_100_oz.png)


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403199  No.16440138


well that makes sense if they want separate rules for themselves they should not expect the federal government to recognize them when they find it necessary.

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601122  No.16440139

File: b9b15caf565e8c2⋯.png (93.17 KB, 1671x813, 557:271, 1565462603449.png)

File: 630089b9e3bd23c⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 1565466906470.jpg)

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70b128  No.16440140

Spray, spray, spray.

Yellow sun now white sun.

The small go before the big.

So many crying out for help.

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9522f9  No.16440141

File: eca370706f6a585⋯.jpg (116.12 KB, 694x791, 694:791, quit_funding_nazis.jpg)


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c8e17f  No.16440143


The session on Monday delves deeper into what it calls "the big lie," Trump's false claims of voter fraud that fuelled his relentless effort to overturn the 2020 election and led a mob of his supporters to lay siege to the U.S. Capitol.

The committee is set to hear testimony from Chris Stirewalt, a former Fox News political editor closely involved in election night coverage who stood by the decision to declare Arizona as being won by Biden. In subsequent weeks, Fox broadcast several claims of electoral fraud by Trump surrogates including lawyer Rudy Guiliani.

Stirewalt, in an essay published on The Dispatch early Monday on why he's testifying, said the stakes for the hearing are significant.

"What Trump and his gang did in the 2020 election and its aftermath is a big historical moment for our country, far bigger than the Watergate scandal we still discuss 50 years later," he wrote.

A second group of witnesses testifying Monday will be made up of election officials, investigators and experts who are likely to discuss Trump's responses to the election, including dozens of failed court challenges, and how his actions diverged from U.S. norms.

Among them is the former U.S. attorney in Atlanta, B.J. Pak, who resigned from the Justice Department after being tasked by the Trump administration to find examples of electoral fraud in Georgia that did not exist. The panel will also hear from former Philadelphia City commissioner Al Schmidt, a Republican who faced down criticism as Pennsylvania's election was called for Biden; and noted Washington attorney and elections lawyer Benjamin Ginsberg.

Monday's hearing will also turn to the millions of dollars Trump's team brought in fundraising in the run-up to Jan. 6, according to a committee aide who insisted on anonymity to discuss the details with the Associated Press."


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445938  No.16440144


Qatar is more pro Brotherhood than the Saudis who are scared of them. Turkey's Erdogan is also pro-MB.

The WaPO columnist that MBS had sawed was pro MB if memory serves …

Ilhan Omar is a Somali.

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76197b  No.16440145

File: b7418bdb845084d⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 352x640, 11:20, b7418bdb845084d8af358325db….mp4)

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b2536b  No.16440146


Can't find enough who can pass security clearance?

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b2536b  No.16440147


Can't find enough who can pass security clearance?

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f1db41  No.16440148


The market is insane, one would that thought that gold/silver would be "safe heaven" when stock/btc prices falling down. But I guess there is no safe place to be atm…

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70b128  No.16440149





Paper money

Sand is just Earth melted by God

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d6e00c  No.16440153


Oh, I am just testing you out.

From what you've heard?

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ca64d3  No.16440154


Shorts gonna short. I'm gonna back the truck up!

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cad32e  No.16440156

File: 04c49e55006f76c⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 983x1548, 983:1548, diechristlicheku18deut_002….jpg)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB, 725x466, 725:466, judgement.PNG)

File: 08fef1202d6901f⋯.jpg (988.39 KB, 1386x1159, 1386:1159, diechristlicheku02deut_039….jpg)

File: 8b31f295991907c⋯.jpg (519.4 KB, 1309x1919, 1309:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_037….jpg)



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d6e00c  No.16440157

We haven't even got on the piss together.

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ccdba9  No.16440159

File: 2bb7539c57bf3d8⋯.png (32.93 KB, 582x290, 291:145, SCOTUS_opinion_2.png)

This is awfully specific, hmm


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5f7b53  No.16440160


It will never happen.

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7e3434  No.16440161

File: a92dd744fafccf3⋯.jpg (120.36 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, enfuego.jpg)

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97e14c  No.16440162


I do not lie when I testify to the Light entering our realm in mid to late October 2013. We really do have the "Living God" on our side, so it doesn't matter our count. Those of us that walk in faith only need to walk a short distance before the Most High will prove his existence according to our righteousness. Never has it been easier for us in our history. All of you that fight for justice are blessed by Grace itself. PDJT has been ordained. I am a priest of the Order of Melchizedek because I remember the clear waters of Remaliah.

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10e7c8  No.16440163

File: 62d80f3d3cb79ea⋯.png (596.81 KB, 615x615, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e00c  No.16440164

Didn't get on the piss with them either.

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2eb3b7  No.16440166


> SCOTUS opinions

27 Opinions being released today.

Two have already been released.

We don't know if the "BIG ONE" (abortion or Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ) will be released or not.

SCOTUS doesn't tell you what it's going to talk about before hand.

You can follow along in a live chat here


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8f49a2  No.16440167


>SCOTUS rules unanimously rules

who writes this shit?

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ccdba9  No.16440168



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5d83e6  No.16440169


>This is awfully specific, hmm

What do you think the implications are? Brainlet here.



I followed that advice anon, but how much guacamole can a man need?!>This is awfully specific, hmm

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c8e17f  No.16440170


33,000 watching so far

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de2abb  No.16440171

File: bea6bddfa4d35c1⋯.jpeg (48.56 KB, 478x522, 239:261, 78893B34_2F1F_4DB2_A35D_B….jpeg)


Ah! Swordy!

God Bless every Anon on this day and all days to come. Many anons here frown on others expressing their religious beliefs. This, is not that case. This, is about Anons receiving a blessing from other anons, Amen!

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8ab669  No.16440172


mightynotableto me.

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1d48a9  No.16440173

File: 02d97e8e6e1a861⋯.png (78.08 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3445215dc93d0a4⋯.png (297.13 KB, 353x500, 353:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f960c566bef8717⋯.png (624.33 KB, 548x640, 137:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3eaa7d4ef2fd30⋯.png (644.99 KB, 540x649, 540:649, ClipboardImage.png)



"Tribunal" is just another word for "court". It's not specific to "military".

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cdb6d5  No.16440174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Sound of Freedom

Where is this movie?

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9522f9  No.16440175

File: e6e7f63aa67bdf4⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 640x400, 8:5, EMERGENCY_2020.jpg)


What goes for ballots goes for crew chiefs and depot hires

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ccdba9  No.16440176


It relates to tribunals, tribunals are military.

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f1db41  No.16440177


Yeah, I guess those same fuckers made their bets and enjoying themselves atm.

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defd40  No.16440178

File: 18ab129035ec065⋯.png (276.47 KB, 536x556, 134:139, Capture.PNG)

F-35C Lightning II, assigned to the "Black Knights" of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314, in the hangar bay aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.


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403199  No.16440179


now who would be subject to international tribunals. Interesting still could be used improperly as well i suppose. Could lean in "our" favor.

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ffffef  No.16440181




The harsh reeeee'ing and opinions stated as fact show normies that they ARE lying. "Give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves"


Plus the fact they disallow comments shows everyone they are afraid of what the majority of the public has to say about this sham witch hunt!

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70b128  No.16440182


This happened 5 months into Trump’s term. Secret court in NY.

The big dogs.

What was going left took a direct turn right.

I’ve got the shorthand notes of the entire proceedings.

They are currently being mass produced for thumbnail share.

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456899  No.16440183

File: c8278ef0c7835d2⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 504x612, 14:17, gettyimages_105588697_.jpg)

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3eec61  No.16440184

File: 9ba6b8f0d965f52⋯.jpg (465.79 KB, 2048x1582, 1024:791, Vote_these_traitors_out.jpg)

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a09685  No.16440185



Foreign/International Tribunals are compd.

The ones Q dropped about (US Mil) are not.

Yuge difference here.

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c8e17f  No.16440186

File: a488ca9611568d7⋯.png (34.31 KB, 599x303, 599:303, Screen_Shot_06_13_22_at_10….PNG)

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a52dc4  No.16440187

File: 104ef58a4deb268⋯.png (999.94 KB, 1035x682, 1035:682, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_1….png)

File: dc1959e210c636a⋯.png (209.01 KB, 931x645, 931:645, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_1….png)

File: 3302a1040883929⋯.png (163.04 KB, 1036x882, 74:63, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_1….png)

File: 5dcada794258c85⋯.png (539.62 KB, 1022x765, 1022:765, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_1….png)

File: 79187031832f253⋯.png (491.51 KB, 999x641, 999:641, Screenshot_2022_06_13_at_1….png)

The US currently has at least 75 Soros-Backed social justice prosecutors,

supported through campaign dollars and/or Soros-funded progressive

infrastructure groups.

• These 75 prosecutors represent more than 1 in 5 Americans or more than

72 million people, including half of America’s 50 most populous cities

and counties.

• From 2018 to 2021, Soros spent $13 million on just 10 prosecutors’ races,

where his organizations were by far the biggest spender in the race and

comprised the majority of the progressive candidate’s campaign spending –

as much as 90% in some cases.

• To date, Soros has spent more than $40 million on direct campaign

spending over the past decade to elect prosecutors.

• Soros uses a series of shell organizations, affiliates, and pass-through

committees to steer contributions to both candidates and his robust

support network for progressive prosecutors, which provide gravitas and

perks to preferred prosecutors


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1d48a9  No.16440188


>tribunals are military.

"Tribunals" are NOT specific to military. Tribunal is a fancy word for "tcourt rial" - that's all.

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2db1d1  No.16440189


Actually, I'm much closer to my next plane of existence, whatever God wills that to be. >>16440162

>Those of us that walk in faith only need to walk a short distance before the Most High will prove his existence according to our righteousness

Here's a funny thought:

What if Our Father, Maker of the Math, decided to perform a "reverse Rapture", if you will, and chose the worst of the worst from among us, up to 144,000, to drop dead within 24 hours of each other so that the world will know that God is God and does what he wants in his universe(s).

And what if you're the only guy or gal left standing in Congress…

Sorry, just seems funny to me…

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601122  No.16440190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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1d48a9  No.16440191


> "tcourt rial"

court trial

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2eb3b7  No.16440192



It has nothing to do with the military, kek

This is a case about whether private adjudicatory bodies (i.e., arbitration panels) count as "foreign or international tribunals" for purposes of a federal law that allows federal courts to help with gathering evidence. The answer is no.

But this is /qresearch/ so the reality of the matter won't matter.

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9077b5  No.16440193

File: 647be2fbea2aee4⋯.jpeg (359.37 KB, 1241x1805, 1241:1805, 35516207_8A87_4E92_9AAA_C….jpeg)


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9077b5  No.16440194

File: 647be2fbea2aee4⋯.jpeg (359.37 KB, 1241x1805, 1241:1805, 35516207_8A87_4E92_9AAA_C….jpeg)


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6455f8  No.16440195

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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ccdba9  No.16440196

File: 8422ed5664a1502⋯.png (14.99 KB, 591x176, 591:176, tweet9.png)



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fcf690  No.16440197


>"Q" said "Patriots are in Control" and Trump said "We caught them all" and "Go home peacefully"…my thinking on this is if we (Patriots) don't stir the pot and just stand at the ready…everything will work out…

that's why, "…enjoy the show."

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39d1e4  No.16440198

File: 90212182d4d5173⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1430x1478, 715:739, guardiansp.png)


Oh wow

Q said that Soros takes orders from P

Do you wonder who or what P =?

Ahhh NEVERmind…..

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403199  No.16440199


it could work long term- plan and all that. But you are correct also that i do not like our government bending over to other nations court systems especially when all nations are corrupt. What is to stop Germany from declaring the Proud Boys (just an example) into their courts because of some seen slight with in their borders.

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99faff  No.16440200



>They hate us 'cause they ain't us.

They hate us 'cause they anus.

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3eec61  No.16440201

File: 3fd8618a7c0aab6⋯.png (110.68 KB, 894x898, 447:449, Biden_numbers_061322.PNG)

Biden numbers just come out for today…


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8bbde1  No.16440202

File: c8f4d78370b1a4d⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 556x581, 556:581, c8f4d78370b1a4d335de914c51….jpg)

File: 42a01c5092ca1d1⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 287379579_1016633028247564….jpg)

>>16439626 Dough

>>16439639 Baker requests Handoff

>>16439785 Baker taps



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1f3768  No.16440203

File: 7d5f06b01f2b395⋯.png (650.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>My wife, with no makeup, hair in a rubber band, jeans, sweater, no bra, wearing sneakers, still unmistakably 100% more feminine than the most tarted-up womanface drag act

All of the fancy clothes, make-up, jewelry etc. are all worldly things. What God gave to women naturally, is where the true beauty lies.

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656262  No.16440204


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1aded4  No.16440206

File: 39ce5fe40ef61b1⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 206x206, 1:1, panicindc.jpg)

File: 3932ae0b34cc86e⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 255x197, 255:197, BOOMKITTY.jpg)



Obviously Where Is Trump from?

Why the attacks?

Wait till you meet the Apprentice to the WH

You will understand soon

Q drops=17 phrases

BEEP >>16440204

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a7f5b6  No.16440207


>My wife, with no makeup, hair in a rubber band, jeans, sweater, no bra, wearing sneakers, still unmistakably 100% more feminine than the most tarted-up womanface drag act, heck even my 90-year old nanna was visibly a woman, no make that a lady, until the day she died.


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24fc3f  No.16440208


beep boop beep

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fcf690  No.16440209

File: 42114718b6c3045⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1212x1469, 1212:1469, ClipboardImage.png)



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ca64d3  No.16440210

File: 7f246d4fcd34201⋯.png (176.08 KB, 469x844, 469:844, pepe_boop.png)

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ccdba9  No.16440211

File: 25896b7b0d6f637⋯.png (30.3 KB, 591x267, 197:89, SCOTUS_opinion_3.png)

Third opinion of the day: The Supreme Court clarifies when the government must provide bond hearings to certain non-citizens who are in prolonged immigration detention and are contesting their deportation. SCOTUS sides with the government.


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24fc3f  No.16440212

File: fe5f786dc6b0a36⋯.jpg (4.84 KB, 176x176, 1:1, AO.jpg)


Bring out the "Aliens" already!!!!



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a09685  No.16440213


>But this is /qresearch/ so the reality of the matter won't matter.

kek true

The hopium addicts are very thirsty right now so reality will need to take a back seat for this (non) habbening.

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6dd58b  No.16440214


>Ohio paid the Canadian LiDAR fleet a huge amount of Covid cash.

>Now, one year later, you know.

>Meeting at 2:45.

>Farm owners only.

>One thousand acres plus ownership.

>45 years old or older.


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defd40  No.16440216

File: acc3c661bfdbc79⋯.png (461.44 KB, 533x577, 533:577, Capture.PNG)

3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th ID Soldiers are in Brunei getting ready for Pahlawan Warrior with the Royal Brunei Land Forces. They've been sharing best practices on water crossing and medical evacuation procedures to build combined readiness and enhance interoperability.


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5d83e6  No.16440217


>Biden numbers just come out for today…

Kek. Show trials really working well for Potato there!

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ccdba9  No.16440218

File: 2aae8437f8409d4⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 1170x229, 1170:229, SCOTUS_opinion_4_list.jpg)


And that’s an interesting #scotus line-up.


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6dd58b  No.16440219


Every article calling for gun control is a wake up call for those unarmed to get guns now.

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d06280  No.16440220

File: d9c5a45b4771b5c⋯.png (709.15 KB, 920x672, 115:84, frau_aliens.png)

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9522f9  No.16440221

File: 47902f3841df5ae⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 630x470, 63:47, melchizedek_merkaba_medita….jpg)

File: d871dcc2f1f2db9⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 640x400, 8:5, From_purple_mountain_tops_….jpg)


> priest of the Order of Melchizedek

step 1. meditate the merkaba

step 2. ]ho'oponopono the bad memory segements crap out

step 3. club globalists over the head like a baby seal


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c8e17f  No.16440222


CNN & Fox are also airing.

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ffffef  No.16440223

File: 340537fd1fd5e5c⋯.jpg (201.68 KB, 963x627, 321:209, AirplaneBathroom.jpg)


SCIF or airplane shitter?

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70b128  No.16440224

The same man took Bush’s pic at the “elementary school” on 911 that took Obama’s pic smoking in the elevator that took No Name’s moment of death. Does that bake your noodle?

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d7cc85  No.16440225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8e17f  No.16440226


>airplane shitter

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24fc3f  No.16440227

File: 3fc927b60e287ab⋯.png (132.27 KB, 422x230, 211:115, e50d7c7f57d909614822d0f06d….png)


Hey youz gaiz

Can't see muh (you)s



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9522f9  No.16440228


Sponsored by: Corbet Canyon ?

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de2abb  No.16440229


I’m blown away by Anons ID!

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141f84  No.16440230



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ccdba9  No.16440231



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2eb3b7  No.16440232


Be an interesting SCIF that allows a web camera to transmit video across the internet

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601122  No.16440233

File: 3eed12f1ce5d909⋯.png (813.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 3eed12f1ce5d909057b3b16015….png)

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70b128  No.16440234


Jim just got back from HATCH ACT hearing.

One of the demands.

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ffffef  No.16440235

File: 42d60331ccf91f8⋯.jpg (70.4 KB, 640x858, 320:429, LosersKnowtheyreLosing.jpg)


Same! Anon's impressed by this douche's confidence level.

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fcf690  No.16440236

File: 65a9a81008103bc⋯.png (388.36 KB, 1007x1265, 1007:1265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43a3420a1f9dee9⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1211x1504, 1211:1504, ClipboardImage.png)


oh…they're a comin'!

My neighborhood just got some 5G contraption.

do you remember this…? just a few days ago… at first, I thought ok, freemason pledge on a hazing mission in a gillie suit. But now, I don't wonder if this is a dry run for a 5G image/hologram test.

Is it passable?

Do cameras pick it up?

Notice, they only released one pic….why?

we always think alien invasion in the sky, how crazy will it be if they're on the ground and armed america starts shooting at holograms. Chaos. and in the middle of it all a competing dialogue of familiar voices urging calm…also from wild/weird tech (GIANT VOICE - or whatever it is called).

In the meantime,Tits or get the fuck out!

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d7cc85  No.16440237

File: da3c25b23a62002⋯.gif (537.12 KB, 245x182, 35:26, howlinmad44.gif)

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8ab669  No.16440238


Must be a liberating feeling knowing that stealing elections are much easier than winning people over.

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8f49a2  No.16440239



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1f3768  No.16440240


So election fraud has been fixed then?

Why has Trump not been reinstated to his rightful place as POTUS yet?

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6b335b  No.16440241

File: efc2e34dea65bad⋯.gif (852.75 KB, 200x267, 200:267, efc2e34dea65bad379e23f5b97….gif)

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5d83e6  No.16440242


>Be an interesting SCIF that allows a web camera to transmit video across the internet

OnlyFans IS a cultural phenomanon anon, don't be a bigot!

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24fc3f  No.16440243



Not sure if you kekking with me… or not…

Think imma have to call Bovine Fecal Matter also…


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2366d2  No.16440244

File: 8e078957fa6c1a9⋯.png (285.88 KB, 487x394, 487:394, ClipboardImage.png)


>plasma in the ionosphere

Moar heat!

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4b8ad7  No.16440245

>>16439300 p Do You Have Shingles or HIV? Pfizer & Friends Just Happen to Have the Solution for You (2:07)

this. anon just had a nasty chicken pox. got out of bed a week later and check'd the news: muh monkeypox, muh monkeypox!

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8ad19b  No.16440246


Hatch Act. Is that the one that would make it illegal for FBI agents to involve themselves with political activities here, on J6, via ANTIFA/BLM, with the Proud Boys, and through the Patriots Front?

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2366d2  No.16440247


I cannot bring myself to watch that crap. It is not good for my blood pressure.

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de2abb  No.16440248

File: 4c3611eebc6fa0c⋯.jpeg (42.71 KB, 574x351, 574:351, 1F257C71_C6F9_4CFA_85F4_4….jpeg)


This is exactly what got wifey’s ass off the couch and onto the range!

Just after the Democrat-Antifa Riots, summer of 2020, wifey got herself 1 then I had to get another because we went “his-n-hers” guns!


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defd40  No.16440249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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47ab1b  No.16440250

I bet Liz Cheney smells as bad as HRC with a dead bag of baited Flys ta boot…

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141f84  No.16440252


>Why has Trump not been reinstated

because people are retarded as fuck

they are lovely and nice people

but helplessly retarded

until they do not understand, it wouldn't make sense.

i just met some of those people - really nice people, but totally dumb when it comes to this unfortunately. they are now at the stage of questioning the news… so imagine how long it will take them to go through the whole process

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4b8ad7  No.16440253


early anon portfolio. glad to see it carrying on.

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d06280  No.16440254


1 dead in plane crash in Ventura County strawberry field


'Strawberry Supermoon' appears this week will reach its full brightness on Tuesday


Flag Day

United States

In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.

Born: Donald John Trump, June 14, 1946, Queens, New York City, U.S

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4b8ad7  No.16440255



fuck off ghey pedo shill

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9522f9  No.16440256

File: 0088bdc094ce8f3⋯.png (74.22 KB, 724x615, 724:615, ClipboardImage.png)



I'm sorry I'm goin to have to HIDE your post now.

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060079  No.16440257

File: 39ce5fe40ef61b1⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 206x206, 1:1, panicindc.jpg)


It is WAY better

But you have to fig out how to stop them from claiming fraud

so you let them steal it and say its good

then you can steal it forever and they have eliminated there own standing

well I guess they could demand voter ID and no machines

How would that wor

k out you think ?



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2eb3b7  No.16440259

SCOTUS done for the day.

No abortion.

I was wrong about them releasing 277 opinions. They have 27 left to release or 21 now, I think.

Whatever, no abortion opinion, and closing up shop for the day.

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4b8ad7  No.16440260


Major Australian bank gives employees six weeks of paid leave for transgender surgeries

ANZ is one of several companies—and the second of four major Australian banks—to announce this policy.

(LifeSiteNews) – I saw a tweet last week that summed up June perfectly: “Pride Month taught me it was okay to be a corporation.” For the next couple of weeks, companies desperate to tap into the social capital and popularity of the LGBT movement will be slapping the rainbow on everything, as well as rolling out as many new LGBT-friendly polices as possible (regardless of how symbolic they are).

Exhibit A is a story in the Daily Mail about ANZ, a major Australian bank. ANZ has formally announced that it will be providing six weeks of “paid gender affirmation leave for transgender and gender-diverse employees” as they pursue “’any aspect’ of gender affirmation, whether it’s social, medical or legal.” These six weeks of paid leave will “encompass twelve weeks of unpaid leave and will be added on to the normal leave entitlements granted to workers.”

social engineering 101: that which ye subzidize, ye encourage


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2eb3b7  No.16440261

. >>16440259

>277 opinions

27. Fingers got to happy

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f81a16  No.16440262

File: c23bbcb65bcb879⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 612x437, 612:437, King_Do_whats_right.jpg)

SCotUS Today

Denezpi 6-3 (Barrett)

Dual sovereignty. Ute court gave a punishment, feds gave another.

Held due to different offenses.


Luxshare 9-0 (Barrett)

Can a citizen be forced to give testimony in a private commercial arbitration. Denied. Arbitration has no govt authority.


Arteaga-Martinez 9-0 (Sotomayor)

Illegal alien held over six months entitled to hearing to be released on bond. Court has no power to hear the case. Illegal has no due process right.


Garland 6-3 (Alito)

Illegal held more than six mo. wants bond hearing. No. Lower courts have no authority because part of a class-action. 9th Circuit overturned.


Kemp 8-1 (Thomas)

Defendant tried to refile appeal, but was outside of time allowed.

Yes. Judge made a mistake.


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5d83e6  No.16440263


Strawberries rings a bell here:

US, Canadian regulators tie hepatitis cases to strawberries

Posted May 30, 2022 4:47 p.m. EDT

Updated May 30, 2022 4:48 p.m. EDT

By DEE-ANN DURBIN, AP Business Writer

U.S. and Canadian regulators are investigating a hepatitis outbreak that may be linked to fresh organic strawberries.

In a joint weekend statement, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Public Health Agency of Canada said illnesses in Minnesota, California and Canada occurred after people consumed FreshKampo and H-E-B brand strawberries.

The agencies said the strawberries were purchased between March 5 and April 25. They were sold at various U.S. retailers, including Aldi, Kroger, Safeway, Walmart and Trader Joe’s. In Canada, the affected strawberries were sold between March 5-9 at Co-op stores in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

The potentially affected strawberries are past their shelf life, but health officials say consumers who purchased them and froze them to eat later should throw them away.

There have been 17 illnesses and 12 hospitalizations reported in the U.S., the FDA said. Ten cases and four hospitalizations have been reported in Canada.


Ten four from Canada. 22nd May. 17 illnesses, 12 (jury?) hospitalizations. Weird.

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8f49a2  No.16440264


they're going to save RvW for absolute last so they can get the hell outta dodge when the riots start

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138d08  No.16440265

Washington Post stream just mentioned that Eric Holder was 'held in contempt'; failed to make clear he was never arrested or had anything happen to him.

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c8e17f  No.16440266

"The next time you get an authentic America First Candidate become a ride or die kinda patriot. Otherwise, what's the point?"

—Kathy Barnette

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138d08  No.16440267


>Illegal has no due process right

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a514d4  No.16440268

File: 663c60dba03dc02⋯.gif (56.51 KB, 220x118, 110:59, B4DA4561_74EE_4892_94B6_2E….gif)


Spirit Fingers

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a514d4  No.16440269

File: 663c60dba03dc02⋯.gif (56.51 KB, 220x118, 110:59, B4DA4561_74EE_4892_94B6_2E….gif)


Spirit Fingers!

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fcf690  No.16440270

File: 65a9a81008103bc⋯.png (388.36 KB, 1007x1265, 1007:1265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2e9b3d886be270⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1209x1599, 31:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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2eb3b7  No.16440271


This. So much this.

Dr. Oz was not the righ\t choice.

Oh well, too late to go back now.

POTUS better no bitch when the inevitable of Oz voting democrat happens, Not one fucking peep.

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456899  No.16440272

File: 5a46cc73756a9b2⋯.png (490.66 KB, 530x471, 530:471, pelosi_double.png)

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574e7a  No.16440273

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, highest_anon.gif)

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8f49a2  No.16440274


no one gives a fuck about that stupid shit.

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ccdba9  No.16440275

File: 5540cb5f9151c3c⋯.png (25.93 KB, 591x237, 197:79, SCOTUS_opinion_4.png)

Fourth opinion of the day: In another case on bond hearings for non-citizens in immigration detention, the Supreme Court rules that the district court did not have jurisdiction to enter a class-wide injunction.


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2366d2  No.16440276

File: 3f56ca933f9337d⋯.png (196.32 KB, 370x400, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)


It has happened!

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cdb6d5  No.16440277

File: f71ee206e9b97ed⋯.png (257.06 KB, 731x891, 731:891, ClipboardImage.png)


Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been under White Hat protection since shortly after a liberal lunatic, identified as Nicholas John Roske, was caught skulking near his home with zip ties, 2 Glock pistols, and tactical gear. When arrested by U.S. Marshalls, Roske said he had planned to kidnap, torture, and murder Kavanaugh in response to the justice’s position on Roe v. Wade. He also blamed Kavanaugh for the Uvalde massacre.

Early Saturday, White Hats reached out to Kavanaugh, saying they had actionable intelligence suggesting that Deep State insurgents were still plotting to assassinate both federal and state conservative justices. They pressed the urgency, the direness, of the situation, and told Kavanaugh that Roske’s arrest would not stop the criminal Biden regime from making another attempt on his life.

“Justice Kavanagh got lucky. Had the marshals been Deep State sympathizers, which many are, he might now be dead,” a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News. “I can’t discuss specific evidence, but it involves a systemic plot to purge the courts of influential conservative judges.”

The military, he added, presented Kavanaugh with two options: Either allow White Hats to temporarily relocate him and his family to a secure location, or accept into his home a small contingent of plain-clothed U.S. Special Forces as trustworthy security.

But Kavanaugh, our source said, initially resisted both options, saying he would neither cower in fear before the Deep State nor allow it to dictate his movements. He argued that his constitutional responsibilities precluded cowering in a basement like a Joseph Biden.

“Justice Kavanaugh said we were overreacting,” our source said. “Since he didn’t want to take our advice, Gen. Berger contacted someone whose advice he would take, and asked that person to talk sense into Kavanaugh.”

That person was President Donald J. Trump.

Kavanaugh and Trump reportedly spoke Sunday evening, and although RRN has no knowledge of what was said during their private chat, whatever Trump told Kavanaugh must have put the fear of God in him, for he afterward accepted White Hat protection and agreed to the temporary relocation plan. According to our source, the Kavanaughs have already moved to a safehouse and are beyond the reach of the Deep State.

The attempt on Kavanaugh’s life marks the second time (at least) the Deep State has tried to murder conservative SCJs. As reported last March, SCJ Clarence Thomas survived a Deep State move to poison him. He has received White Hat protection ever since.

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574e7a  No.16440278


>This is awfully specific, hmm


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a58104  No.16440279

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)


That's the obvious part.

Money has no value of its own. It's no commodity. It's a counter for the value of stuff and services agreed upon by its users.

Some guy 2k years ago knew and crafted a whip , which he then used to shoo the moneylenders out of the temple.

blessings and love anon


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d7cc85  No.16440280

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB, 474x311, 474:311, quietlike44.jpeg)

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138d08  No.16440281

Chairman Thompson calling the 'conspiracy overseen and directed by Donald Trump', a 'scheme unprecedented in American History'.

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456899  No.16440282

File: 7895448221f4707⋯.jpg (133.18 KB, 643x900, 643:900, epps.jpg)

Why does #RayEpps look like one of the Bush family?


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8ad19b  No.16440283


Trump whine and complain about the swampers he backs doing swampy shit? Is it a day that ends in Y?

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f81a16  No.16440284

File: 52279873973b513⋯.jpg (593.21 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2017_Sword_dance.jpg)


Right, that's why it was capital punishment.

MB are bad guys everywhere.

If you seek to kill the king, you best not miss.

Saudis and Egypt (pictured), probably signers of Abraham Accords, all with us.


Hussein was with the MB.

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ccdba9  No.16440285

File: 193b7bfba3aac22⋯.png (33.82 KB, 588x296, 147:74, SCOTUS_opinion_5.png)

The fifth and FINAL opinion of the day: What is the meaning of "mistake"? SCOTUS answers that question in the context of Rule 60 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. That's the rule that allows you to get relief from a judgment against you if the judgment was faulty.


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70b128  No.16440287


Lots of dead cats on the road today.

Fresh, like a few hours.

Cats must have turned dumb overnight.

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cdb6d5  No.16440288

wtf does that mean?

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7a385c  No.16440289

File: 2a2611cca0b12aa⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 424x252, 106:63, TRUTH.jpg)

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403199  No.16440290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the j6 shit is live if anyone cares. Going over how Trump "lost"

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d7cc85  No.16440291

File: 3acef748c9d69fd⋯.png (14.15 KB, 170x255, 2:3, myisland44.png)

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e3d019  No.16440292


I think Oz Has Secrets that can be used as leverage to sway his loyalty, I think this is the Trump card across the Board, As (YOU) well know Kathy B did not get it, you might think you atr not being watched, and you can hope your bad decisions are overlooked or justified, But panic is as panic does. If you are not real and you are [STILL] trying to fake it what does this alone tell you?

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6ec7f4  No.16440293

Canada is always USA retarded little sister.

Can't afford real FF to drum up fear of guns. Spent all their black budget on one "mass shooter" in 2020.

Who even believes these assholes were in the parliament buildings on a weekend?

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d7cc85  No.16440294

File: 57bdd96b5259faf⋯.png (1 MB, 1423x997, 1423:997, 52511bb585e544ea1c29d6abcb….png)

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9522f9  No.16440295


Listen Careful like.


it's always hackable.


Get the bad people off the ballot. Why are people on the ballot who intend harm to America. The security clearance people need to be charged with treason on this.

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f012d8  No.16440296

File: 344c9ddee0a8eb9⋯.png (466.57 KB, 773x500, 773:500, ClipboardImage.png)


"7 part plan to overturn election."

Liz makin' daddy proud.

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3eec61  No.16440297

That's NOT a hearing…That's a ????

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456899  No.16440298

File: b0bd0a2d642748e⋯.png (269.96 KB, 679x532, 97:76, panda.png)



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1f3768  No.16440299


I guess that's why it's called The Great Awakening and not The Rude Awakening.

It takes a long time to wake up 300 million people and has do be done gradually to avoid too much Cog Dis.

But this wait time is frustrating.

Guess those on Q team have been waiting much longer though, so kudos to them for their patience.

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f81a16  No.16440300


HE'S not having a baby!


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2eb3b7  No.16440301

Bitcoin price dropped 4k in 8 hours and still plummeting.

Imagine making 4,000 dollars in hours.

Now imagining losing it, multiple times over,


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1d48a9  No.16440302


>The security clearance people need to be charged with treason on this.

Nobody is getting charged with anything. We are now in Revelation's "lawlessness"

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c8e17f  No.16440303


There's no way that many people voted for Oz or McCormick. Their Twitter interaction with comments and supporters didn't add up at all.

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601122  No.16440304

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

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9522f9  No.16440305

File: f915ec5f6b353e8⋯.png (13.52 KB, 412x191, 412:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck Real Raw News with a Chainsaw

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138d08  No.16440306

Cheney: The president understood, even before the election, that many more Biden voters had voted by mail…[he] knew that the counting of those mail-in ballots in several states would not begin until late in the day, and would not be complete for multiple days.

[contrary to numerous laws in place]

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594d52  No.16440307

File: 8ca8aabd15a285c⋯.png (13.04 KB, 1440x56, 180:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Money has whatever value we give it. Money is backed by faith. We have faith that others will accept that money for goods or services, and they have faith they can too.

Jesus drove all out of the temple, not just the money changers. He poured out the money and flipped the tables.

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7c61af  No.16440308

File: bc02c2901537e3c⋯.jpg (310.07 KB, 1354x1919, 1354:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_044….jpg)

File: d57cae9498de60f⋯.jpg (1017.24 KB, 2537x3820, 2537:3820, diechristlicheku19deut_012….jpg)

File: 1432a9a45138e45⋯.jpg (288.1 KB, 1269x1910, 1269:1910, diechristlicheku19deut_013….jpg)

File: 39db4804d7f2edc⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2464x3625, 2464:3625, diechristlicheku1190deut_0….jpg)

File: b8a499fcdd73a69⋯.jpg (367.63 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_019….jpg)


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403199  No.16440309

2000 mules "debunked" THOSE are the CORRECT conclusions …fuck off

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efb5a5  No.16440310

File: ef2bb0b51bfc575⋯.png (166.07 KB, 327x225, 109:75, ClipboardImage.png)


In the end it doesn't matter they will successfully use it as a narrative builder against their fictitious boogeyman right wing extremists.

Fagston Trudeaux

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1d48a9  No.16440311

File: 39efd7ec93e2594⋯.png (42.76 KB, 730x550, 73:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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138d08  No.16440312

Cheney referring to the 'fantastical theories in 2000 Mules' as being 'debunked'.

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7c61af  No.16440313

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: a4f9e8b81a72c11⋯.png (9.23 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 0d8b754ed4a5fc5⋯.png (884.39 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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8f49a2  No.16440314

With all these stonks tanking so hard, why hasn't the trading halts kicked in? they always do when they go up too fast, why not when they go down?

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9522f9  No.16440315


It should be safe to throw a motherfucking DART at your ballot and not have the country get toppled.




it don't matter what bullshit comes out your mouth.

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f81a16  No.16440316

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70b128  No.16440317

Notice to ALL ANONS.

I worked at the Honda test track in Ohio.

It’s like a big Race Track.

I had to go a hundred miles per hour to stay up on the outside lane on the turn.

The cars spy on you. The cars film you and record you.

This is why some cases are thrown out of court.

They have audio and visual but they don’t want to submit.

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8bbde1  No.16440318



>>16439713 TS@DevinNunes Good Morning! #Covfefe

>>16439714 @mikepompeo America's ability to fight terrorism could be harmed if the Biden Administration gets its way.

>>16439718 TS@realDonaldTrump This one sided Witch Hunt is a disgrace to America.

>>16439721, >>16439735 TS@realDonaldTrump The Stock Market(s) are literally crashing.


>>16439752 @mikepompeo We must put the fear of God into the enemies of justice and freedom.

>>16439759 TS@Kash Oh look, more possible criminal conduct from Brookings,

>>16439772 Iran, Venezuela sign 20-year cooperation deal in bid to thwart U.S. sanctions

>>16439778 ‘One-Sided’: CNN Legal Analyst Takes Aim At January 6th Hearing

>>16439780 MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out

>>16439797 Madcow says the Trump rally had nothing to with the Capitol riot

>>16439827 Ukraine lost the propaganda war, now the propaganda press are leaving. Kek!

>>16439840 Ukraine collapsing under it’s own lies

>>16439882 The Swamp Today

>>16439900 Retired top general joins Mattis dissent from Trump, warns of 'beginning of the end' for democracy if troops are used against protests

>>16439906 @HSIElPaso and partners located and recovered 70 missing children in West Texas

>>16439932 Three killed in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk market – DPR

>>16439933 Meme of the Bread

>>16439941 Opinion Issuance Day

>>16439947 @taskforce61_2 conduct casualty evacuation and snag-and-tow rehersals with Sailors from Task Group 68.1

>>16439949 Why would anyone want to attack 8kun.top?

>>16439959, >>16439997 @OfficialFtSill Today is going to be a GREAT day! 💥 #FiresStrong #TeamSill

>>16439989 China's Xi orders the introduction of a legal framework to deploy troops in "non-war military actions."

>>16440017 ‘ShutDownDC’ Attempt Planned ‘Blockade’ of SCOTUS Ahead of Possible Abortion Ruling

>>16440018 Nothing says solvent, like, "Sorry you can't withdraw your funds right now" It's a 21st-century digital bank run.

>>16440025 Senate Gun Control Agreement Adds ‘Investigative Period’ to Some Firearm Background Checks

>>16440030 Macron Faces Losing Parliament Majority As Left Bloc Surges in Legislative 1st Round Vote

>>16440042 Whistleblowers Detail How Illegal Alien Smugglers Use California’s Sanctuary State Policy

>>16440054 @173rdAbnBde The mighty aren't known for what they can do. They are known for what they have done already.

>>16440077 Anon Opine Ohio paid the Canadian LiDAR fleet a huge amount of Covid cash.

>>16440131 10:30 am est Capitol Riot Hearings Resume

>>16440159 SC on Foreign or International Tribunals

>>16440196 German Military setting up Central Comms

>>16440211 Third opinion of the day: The Supreme Court clarifies when the government must provide bond hearings to certain non-citizens


>>16440259, >>16440262 SCOTUS Today

>>16440270 Dall-E Image Bun

>>16440285 The fifth and FINAL opinion of the day: What is the meaning of "mistake"?


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138d08  No.16440319

Lofgren looks horrible…like she has suddenly aged 30 years.

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2ecea7  No.16440320

File: bdbee53a318a76d⋯.jpeg (148.15 KB, 1064x1330, 4:5, bdbee53a318a76dc6e2e4a925….jpeg)


Yeah, and he was calling that garbage out long before it happened. Then it happened exactly like he said it would.

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9522f9  No.16440321


It should be safe to throw a motherfucking DART at your ballot and not have the country get toppled.




it don't matter what bullshit comes out your mouth.

Don't include me in your delusional "WE"


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460d69  No.16440322

File: 4ece7e1f46a42b4⋯.png (744.97 KB, 984x720, 41:30, JTTran.png)

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403199  No.16440323

So we needed to get to these hearings. This is the Prosecution. Trump will at some point either through being indicted through these hearings or just in public media but most likely in front of an audience. Q was to wake up enough people to know that this is the truth and not a lie and we saw behind the curtain as much as any normie could hope. This is why they chose that movie That captain was brought up on charges ….it has to happen if this is a movie.

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fcf690  No.16440324

File: 65a9a81008103bc⋯.png (388.36 KB, 1007x1265, 1007:1265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1729e8b1e9d5aaa⋯.png (41.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>no one gives a fuck about that stupid shit.

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c8e17f  No.16440325

What about wishing the wife the best?

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567825  No.16440326

Charles Schwab Corp pays $187 million to settle charges that they misled clients about fees in the broker's robo-adviser program.


The SEC said Schwab profited by sweeping cash from clients in its Schwab Intelligent Solutions unit to its affiliate bank, loaning it out

then keeping the difference between the interest it earned on the loans and what it paid in interest to the robo-adviser clients.

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ca64d3  No.16440327

File: 59d97f0a73ef074⋯.png (977.63 KB, 1422x765, 158:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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9522f9  No.16440328

File: 707faa7bee3a175⋯.png (168.17 KB, 825x423, 275:141, ClipboardImage.png)


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c8e17f  No.16440329

Ivanka up!

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776b41  No.16440330

File: 9758be2770b78c8⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2792x1558, 1396:779, 7498141401h930y1739.png)

File: d1d25dae38df174⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 604x558, 302:279, d1d25dae38df17447a23775a21….jpg)

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10e7c8  No.16440331

File: ecf0134a74a6d64⋯.png (72.13 KB, 394x369, 394:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcf690  No.16440332

File: 22cf6def02bb342⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1187x1604, 1187:1604, ClipboardImage.png)


==Michael LaVaughn Robinson

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2eb3b7  No.16440333

File: 32d6c863ffae69c⋯.jpg (31.38 KB, 655x526, 655:526, 1631645187462.jpg)


Not one person in your meme is on a ballot in November. 3 of them are retiring all together.

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5d83e6  No.16440334


>Money has no value of its own. It's no commodity. It's a counter for the value of stuff and services agreed upon by its users.

Money is a token for human work energy and our finite time alive, as well. Life energy is traded for metal, paper, or 1's and 0's, in theory to exchange with energy expended by another person somewhere, but in practice, it gets hoarded to obscene degrees, then we need to print more. Usury is the sin of all sins, because it takes precious human life energy for nothing. Muslims are right about that.

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c8e17f  No.16440335


Thank you for letting us know.

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bc07bb  No.16440336

>>16439279 lb


Trump firestop US cybersecurity officialChris Krebsfor debunking false election claims

Zack Whittaker@zackwhittaker / 4:25 PM PST•November 17, 2020

Chris Krebs, one of the most senior cybersecurity officials in the U.S. government, has been fired.

Krebs served as the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) since its founding in November 2018 until he was removed from his position on Tuesday. It’s not immediately clear who is currently heading the agency. A spokesperson for CISA did not immediately comment.

PresidentTrump fired Krebsin a tweet late on Tuesday,citing a statementpublished by CISA last week, whichfound there was “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”Trump, who has repeatedly made claims of voter fraud without providing evidence, alleged that CISA’s statement was “highly inaccurate.”

Shortly after, Twitter labeled Trump’s tweet for making a “disputed” claim about election fraud.

"The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud – including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, “glitches” in the voting machines which changed…"

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2020

Reuters first reported the news of Krebs’ potential firing last week.

Krebs was appointed by President Trump to head the newly created cybersecurity agency in November 2018, just days after the conclusion of the midterm elections. He previously served as an undersecretary for CISA’s predecessor, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, and also held cybersecurity policy roles at Microsoft.

During his time in government, Krebs became one of the most vocal voices in election security, taking the lead during 2018 and in 2020, which largely escaped from disruptive cyberattacks, thanks to efforts to prepare for cyberattacks and misinformation that plagued the 2016 presidential election.

He was“one of the few peoplein this administrationrespected byeveryone onboth sidesof the aisle,” said Sen.Mark Warner, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, in a tweet.

Krebs is the latest official to leave CISA in the past year. Brian Harrell, who oversaw infrastructure protection at the agency, resigned in August after less than a year on the job, and Jeanette Manfra left for a role at Google at the end of last year. Cyberscoop reported Thursday that Bryan Ware, CISA’s assistant director for cybersecurity, resigned for a position in the private sector.


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1f3768  No.16440337


How many guys in the military don't get to be with their wife while she is giving birth?

The Feminists started this nonsense with their Lamaze classes in the 70s. And Hollyweird pushed it.

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567825  No.16440338

File: 1d9bf76d506e852⋯.jpg (228.07 KB, 1120x746, 560:373, unnamed.jpg)


It's a fire sale, nigga!

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5d83e6  No.16440339



Baker, are we looking at possiblyNotableTrump's birthday, numeric, and killer strawberry comms?

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ffffef  No.16440340

File: 42d60331ccf91f8⋯.jpg (70.4 KB, 640x858, 320:429, LosersKnowtheyreLosing.jpg)



They used the recounts that were done BEFORE the documentary was released. Can't debunk something before it comes out!

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138d08  No.16440341

Jason Miller, in his deposition, described Giuliani as 'definitely intoxicated' on election night. kek

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403199  No.16440342

File: d1ab292b474f9f0⋯.png (511.88 KB, 450x600, 3:4, salem.png)

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fcf690  No.16440343

File: 69eb26ad0f00236⋯.png (902.12 KB, 1014x954, 169:159, ClipboardImage.png)


PHOTO: Prince Harry has fallen off his horse in California while playing polo.

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10e7c8  No.16440344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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70b128  No.16440345


And the cars, all of them, communicate with cell phones. Anyone with a phone that passes by the car is logged. Spider Web. It is the same with a TV. L

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99faff  No.16440346

File: 30b3febf4a1bdda⋯.png (374.84 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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141f84  No.16440347


>The Great Awakening

will probably go down in human history as an era with said name and with a time span of minimum 50 to 100 years or more. just a guess, but likely

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456899  No.16440348

File: 1e29402370ab54a⋯.mp4 (920.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, peacefully.mp4)

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d06280  No.16440349


poor horse

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0d39ed  No.16440350

File: d52ada8f1e57cb1⋯.png (7.07 MB, 1525x1912, 1525:1912, Daphnimosaic.png)

File: f62c8a872eed3d9⋯.png (1014.71 KB, 540x759, 180:253, Byzantium.png)

File: 37d7e4ca1b9e381⋯.png (62.95 KB, 400x336, 25:21, Egyptian.png)

File: 6ae0b0a81695577⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB, 700x891, 700:891, a1ba757605cc764e.jpeg)

File: 3fd1073e0a76534⋯.jpg (464.64 KB, 1296x1967, 1296:1967, diechristlicheku07deut_039….jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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99faff  No.16440351

File: db62e960638c678⋯.png (503.93 KB, 768x771, 256:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8e17f  No.16440352


Haha, I missed that.

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221a64  No.16440353

File: 59fd4f44146f88c⋯.jpg (90.75 KB, 500x650, 10:13, Kansas.jpg)

If MAGA Patriots have to step up and take back America everything will come to a screeching halt because MAGA Patriots are the people doing all the critical work that keeps America moving.

Think about that.

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8bbde1  No.16440354


They will be used in a court martial of law

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456899  No.16440355

File: 1775264264d5a2f⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2021_01_06_Trump_Jan_6.mp4)

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d06280  No.16440356


was it a high horse?

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1f3768  No.16440357


Fell off his "high horse" haha

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456899  No.16440358

File: adfd4642d2e2766⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB, 576x324, 16:9, Trump_Jan_13_2021.mp4)

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2eb3b7  No.16440359


Already been two Great Awakenings in history.

People must've needed more coffee because they didn't work.



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138d08  No.16440360

Chairman Thompson: After the votes were counted, who won the presidential election of 2020?

Stirewalt: Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, of the great state of Delaware.

[what a total ass]

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c8e17f  No.16440361

That Dow Watch box.

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d3aa2b  No.16440362


kek'd and chek'd

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fcf690  No.16440363

File: d71019226d8c102⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1210x1441, 110:131, ClipboardImage.png)



Gunship Lights Up The Night Sky

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ffffef  No.16440366

File: 42d60331ccf91f8⋯.jpg (70.4 KB, 640x858, 320:429, LosersKnowtheyreLosing.jpg)


Ghosting the sham trial. Tell them to serve the air. Anon says ffffef to all summons!

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70b128  No.16440367


Are words (thought) the same as action (physical) now?

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99faff  No.16440368


He said he was grateful to have had the vax & boosters or it would have been much worse

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594d52  No.16440369


"Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” Then Jesus returned to the disciples and found them sleeping. “ Were you not able to keep watch with Me for one hour?” He asked Peter."

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403199  No.16440370

Red Mirage happens every time. ….What was EXPECTED to happen…..? am i hearing this shit right.

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138d08  No.16440371

"Red Mirage"

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efb5a5  No.16440372

File: ef2bb0b51bfc575⋯.png (166.07 KB, 327x225, 109:75, ClipboardImage.png)


In the end it doesn't matter they will successfully use it as a narrative builder against their fictitious boogeyman right wing extremists.

Fagston Trudeaux

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340c62  No.16440373

Markets are crashing. 401K IRA accts sinking further in the shitter.

Hold on tight with what you have

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ca64d3  No.16440374

File: edd7f6b6e5f2089⋯.png (296.96 KB, 637x358, 637:358, ClipboardImage.png)

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ffffef  No.16440375


They will never air this because it debunks their narrative! They will all be pendulums before it's all over.

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ccdba9  No.16440376


fuck off fear mongering nigger

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1f3768  No.16440377


like The Renaissance

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99faff  No.16440378


child wants adults to look at new toy

run along now dear

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d06280  No.16440379


Black Monday, The Sequel

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221a64  No.16440380

File: 55ce61bdad17abe⋯.png (193.96 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Screvhi_prev_ui.png)

Muh 81 million fake votes.

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99faff  No.16440381

File: d378817f706d113⋯.png (310.16 KB, 525x500, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcf690  No.16440382

File: 7fcf8122314300b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 997x1166, 997:1166, ClipboardImage.png)



Perhaps there was a Boom involved…?

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d06280  No.16440383

File: ef1724231568369⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1333x1135, 1333:1135, pepe_memes.png)

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2366d2  No.16440384

File: 3f56ca933f9337d⋯.png (196.32 KB, 370x400, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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445938  No.16440385

has the Truth Social Q dropped any zingers for the Q Team Field Operatives?

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12f8ac  No.16440386

File: 75d1b9b907c4fa1⋯.png (376.59 KB, 660x369, 220:123, Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06_13….png)

File: b57c778a7a5df08⋯.png (293.94 KB, 659x367, 659:367, Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06_13….png)

File: 95e10b38092e8e3⋯.png (363.16 KB, 660x370, 66:37, Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06_13….png)

File: 09a65c9adbb833f⋯.png (113.5 KB, 255x245, 51:49, ClipboardImage.png)

I dunno anons. I thought this was gonna be a joke, but that was before they brought out the big guns!


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221a64  No.16440387

File: 55ce61bdad17abe⋯.png (193.96 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Screvhi_prev_ui.png)

File: 25487f0ec1b2308⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 6i59cu_1.jpg)

Muh 81 million fake votes….


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2eb3b7  No.16440388


Damn, that's rough.

Falling asleep on Jesus

*shaking my head*

Good verse anon.


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141f84  No.16440389


monday motivation boom


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cdb6d5  No.16440390



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403199  No.16440391

File: 1e5d60fd77f5b9a⋯.png (507.16 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)

forcasting different sets of data. this guy is laying out the media sham.

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1f3768  No.16440392


>After the votes were counted

He should have said "legal votes"

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5d83e6  No.16440393


Christ as pure Logos enters all things, sometimes leaving His mark where a state of Grace is present, as with Veronica's act of kindness and mercy.

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70b128  No.16440394


You Have Been Chosen to get the first drive.

I contested.

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4b8ad7  No.16440395

We're All Gonny Die, They Say

UN warns billions could face ‘devastating impact’ of food shortages in 2023

Food shortages likely due to Ukrainian conflict and high energy prices.

NEW YORK CITY (LifeSiteNews) — The United Nations Secretary-General warned recently that billions could face food shortages due to fertilizer scarcity and high energy prices, as well as trade issues caused by the conflict in Ukraine.

“Food prices are at near-record highs. Fertilizer prices have more than doubled, sounding an alarm everywhere,” Secretary-General António Guterres told the Global Crisis Response Group on June 8. “Without fertilizers, shortages will spread from corn and wheat to all staple crops, including rice, with a devastating impact on billions of people in Asia and South America, too.”


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601122  No.16440396

File: 7ce36f994903e8a⋯.jpg (908.49 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 7ce36f994903e8a07d10767a64….jpg)

>>16440307 <<<<<<<<<<<<

The Babylon system is talismanic magic, it invests material objects with social significance, making them objects of desire. NPCs are programmed from infancy to desire material consumer goods and to preform slave work for the cultists to acquire them.

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310c42  No.16440397


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8bbde1  No.16440398


Characters Without Space: 46

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403199  No.16440399

A truckload of ballots LOL this guy .

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310c42  No.16440400


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2ecea7  No.16440401

File: cbb1f042ddccf89⋯.png (21.68 KB, 650x650, 1:1, cbb1f042ddccf8954794f56e56….png)

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de2abb  No.16440402


Seth Rich was “Panda”

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221a64  No.16440403

File: 55ce61bdad17abe⋯.png (193.96 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Screvhi_prev_ui.png)

File: 25487f0ec1b2308⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 6i59cu_1.jpg)

Muh 81 million fake votes….


Douchebag Chris Stirewalt is nobody I'd listen to for advice.



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138d08  No.16440404

Stirewalt: It was really controversial to our competitors who we beat so badly by making the correct call first. Our decision desk was the best in the business.

["correct call"; accessory to treason is more accurate]

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8bbde1  No.16440405


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dbd9e0  No.16440406


No. Unless you’re a soccer mom anon

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ffffef  No.16440407

Meme them to oblivion!

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601122  No.16440408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What we can tell about a person, just using data from a mobile device.

We can map the room, identify furniture, objects, animals and other people. We can tell if the user is male or female. If female we can tell when they are cycling naturally, or using birth control. And we can know what you are feeling, a based on your interests, marital and economic circumstances, browser history and from all that data know exactly what, placed in your newsfeed, or in dynamic adverts targeting (you) will motivate you to preform, voluntarily, the behavior we desire.

"We" in this case means the operators of (for example) an in-game AI, or a reddit chatbot called H.A.N.K . This device data is the same data continuously harvested by social media, big tech, gaming companies, researchers in cognitive science, and dozens of intelligence agencies.

This is not a future scenario, this technology has existed for some time, is in use now in popular gaming environments.

Here are three papers which when integrated with AI give the operator enormous control of target's decision making in any chosen area.

Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data

Human communication depends on a delicate interplay between the emotional intent of the speaker, and the linguistic content of their message. While linguistic content is delivered in words, emotional intent is often communicated

though additional modalities including facial expressions, spoken intonation, and body gestures. Importantly, the same message can take on a plurality of meanings, depending on the emotional intent of the speaker. The phrase ”Thanks a lot” may communicate gratitude, or anger, depending on the tonality, pitch and intonation of the spoken delivery. Given it’s importance for communication, the consequences of misreading emotional intent can be severe, particularly in high-stakes social situations such as salary negotiations or job interviews…¨

"… Machine-aided assessments of historic and real-time interactions…"

"In this paper, we present the first steps toward the realization of such a system. We present a novel multi-modal dataset containing audio, physiologic, and text transcriptions from 31 narrative conversations. As far as we know, this is the first experimental set-up to include individuals engaged in natural dialogue with the particular combination of signals we collected and processed: para-linguistic cues

from audio, linguistic features from text transcriptions (average postive/negative sentiment score), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Photoplethysmogram (PPG), accelerometer, gyroscope, bio-impedance, electric tissue impedance, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and skin temperature.


If there are 10 people talking or background, say–

Segregating Event Streams and Noise with a Markov Renewal Process Model

We describe an inference task in which a set of timestamped event observations must be clustered into an unknown number of temporal sequences with independent and varying rates of observations. Various existing approaches to multi-object tracking assume a fixed number of sources and/or a fixed observation rate; we develop an approach to inferring structure in timestamped data produced by a mixture of an unknown and varying number of similar Markov renewal processes, plus independent clutter noise. The inference simultaneously distinguishes signal from noise as well as clustering signal observations into separate source streams. We illustrate the technique via synthetic experiments as well as an experiment to track a mixture of singing birds. Source code is available.


Voice in different phases of menstrual cycle among naturally cycling women and users of hormonal contraceptives

Riding theredcotton pony? The DARPA AI knows.


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456899  No.16440409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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403199  No.16440410

did he just say the margin of victory is 300 votes and that they have to prove that their surveys or whatever can not be disproven by the actual votes. ??

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6f4363  No.16440411


>The Great Awakening

>will probably go down in human history

PROBABLY… there will BE no history, and no one who cares enough to ask,

except maybe alien archeologists studying dead civilizations on a wilderness planet.

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8ad19b  No.16440412


Pffft, like Trump's military wouldn't just drone civilians who wrongthink or wrongspeak instead of getting video'd shooting civilians to take them into custody.

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d06280  No.16440413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dbd9e0  No.16440414


Faux af every.F’ing.day

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221a64  No.16440415

File: 0f0adddf1d9c26b⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 500x519, 500:519, Mark_Coester_2.jpg)

File: 573516620e18999⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Mark_Coester.jpg)

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8bbde1  No.16440416

File: dd58b9adf246862⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 773x544, 773:544, FVIoZBuWIA12E6RRI.jpg)

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c8e17f  No.16440417

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2ecea7  No.16440418

File: fead058838f58f0⋯.png (424.84 KB, 543x362, 3:2, 93845703452704957204357204.PNG)

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70b128  No.16440419


Yeager Airport.



The new USA Capital.

It’s not St. Louis.


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221a64  No.16440420

File: 0f0adddf1d9c26b⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 500x519, 500:519, Mark_Coester_2.jpg)

File: 573516620e18999⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Mark_Coester.jpg)

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8bbde1  No.16440421



>>16439713 TS@DevinNunes Good Morning! #Covfefe

>>16439714 @mikepompeo America's ability to fight terrorism could be harmed if the Biden Administration gets its way.

>>16439718 TS@realDonaldTrump This one sided Witch Hunt is a disgrace to America.

>>16439721, >>16439735 TS@realDonaldTrump The Stock Market(s) are literally crashing.


>>16439752 @mikepompeo We must put the fear of God into the enemies of justice and freedom.

>>16439759 TS@Kash Oh look, more possible criminal conduct from Brookings,

>>16439772 Iran, Venezuela sign 20-year cooperation deal in bid to thwart U.S. sanctions

>>16439778 ‘One-Sided’: CNN Legal Analyst Takes Aim At January 6th Hearing

>>16439780 MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out

>>16439797 Madcow says the Trump rally had nothing to with the Capitol riot

>>16439827 Ukraine lost the propaganda war, now the propaganda press are leaving. Kek!

>>16439840 Ukraine collapsing under it’s own lies

>>16439882 The Swamp Today

>>16439900 Retired top general joins Mattis dissent from Trump, warns of 'beginning of the end' for democracy if troops are used against protests

>>16439906 @HSIElPaso and partners located and recovered 70 missing children in West Texas

>>16439932 Three killed in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk market – DPR

>>16439933 Meme of the Bread

>>16439941 Opinion Issuance Day

>>16439947 @taskforce61_2 conduct casualty evacuation and snag-and-tow rehersals with Sailors from Task Group 68.1

>>16439949 Why would anyone want to attack 8kun.top?

>>16439959, >>16439997 @OfficialFtSill Today is going to be a GREAT day! 💥 #FiresStrong #TeamSill

>>16439989 China's Xi orders the introduction of a legal framework to deploy troops in "non-war military actions."

>>16440017 ‘ShutDownDC’ Attempt Planned ‘Blockade’ of SCOTUS Ahead of Possible Abortion Ruling

>>16440018 Nothing says solvent, like, "Sorry you can't withdraw your funds right now" It's a 21st-century digital bank run.

>>16440025 Senate Gun Control Agreement Adds ‘Investigative Period’ to Some Firearm Background Checks

>>16440030 Macron Faces Losing Parliament Majority As Left Bloc Surges in Legislative 1st Round Vote

>>16440042 Whistleblowers Detail How Illegal Alien Smugglers Use California’s Sanctuary State Policy

>>16440054 @173rdAbnBde The mighty aren't known for what they can do. They are known for what they have done already.

>>16440077 Anon Opine Ohio paid the Canadian LiDAR fleet a huge amount of Covid cash.

>>16440131 10:30 am est Capitol Riot Hearings Resume

>>16440159 SC on Foreign or International Tribunals

>>16440196 German Military setting up Central Comms

>>16440211 Third opinion of the day: The Supreme Court clarifies when the government must provide bond hearings to certain non-citizens


>>16440259, >>16440262 SCOTUS Today

>>16440270 Dall-E Image Bun

>>16440285 The fifth and FINAL opinion of the day: What is the meaning of "mistake"?

>>16440382 @USArmy With the Monday Motivational Boom!

>>16440395 UN warns billions could face ‘devastating impact’ of food shortages in 2023


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445938  No.16440422


>Characters Without Space: 46

46= Bidan the Fake POTUS_46

the Military White Hats about to arrest Biden?

the first arrest will shock the world


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601122  No.16440423

File: 7b9569c67109685⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I've got to move on now to Gemini Junction

And that clock full of good times awaiting me there.

Lord, I hope that I find it this side of the Jordan

and if I don't – well it won't be like I didn't care.

There'll be mountains to pass full of many a hazard,

where riders lose heart and horses go lame,

there'll be rivers to cross and a terrible desert,

but I know where to go. It's the way that I came.

There's a man in the moon over Gemini Junction

and the Mexicans call him primero ladrone

what that means, I believe, is the thief who's forgiven:

I should think that he'll wink when he sees I've come home.

I've dreamed of that man with the stars all around him;

I've dreamed of a dawn that would quicken the dead,

but I've dreamed far too long – It's time that I found them,

Or went bust. So there's just one more thing to be said:

I'd admire to see you in Gemini Junction

and I'll send you a letter if I ever get there;

It'll say "What a day for my love to come calling!

My best to the rest. I'm enclosing your fare."

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a5a098  No.16440424

File: efb80f4c6d33a02⋯.jpg (463.42 KB, 982x1296, 491:648, shills_got_us_surrounded.jpg)

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4b8ad7  No.16440425

File: a643d78ee3b4778⋯.png (383.5 KB, 697x365, 697:365, hrc_lightning_copy.png)


>the first arrest will shock the world

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a09685  No.16440427


The latest from a few days ago was questioning why it took so long for someone to notice that the date his acct was created (2022-02-09) added up to 17.

Apparently a low point in numberfag history.

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c8e17f  No.16440428

Can't wait til clip #17.

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8f49a2  No.16440430


That Dall E shit is NOT fucking notable, dumbass

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c57686  No.16440431

File: 5528c37b3c15278⋯.png (944.34 KB, 1288x726, 644:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ef12602849cb37⋯.png (95.74 KB, 295x306, 295:306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6ad7d564d57305⋯.png (451.27 KB, 588x675, 196:225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a836972208856d⋯.png (9.62 MB, 1800x2435, 360:487, ClipboardImage.png)

Notice she has a christmas coffee cup. Marines post a christmas tweet.


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1f3768  No.16440433


Fraternization in the US military goes against regs.

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2ecea7  No.16440437

File: f4904cbc4f304ee⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, f4904cbc4f304ee74585309a74….jpg)

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c8e17f  No.16440438

115 days before election Trump was lower than Biden in polls?

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8bbde1  No.16440439



Q Research General #20799: Stock Market's down And you only get mugged if you go downtown Edition




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c83a7f  No.16440440

KEK that’s my daughters real tattoo!


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8bbde1  No.16440441


G. F. Y. S.


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8f49a2  No.16440443


give one fucking good reason why it should be. it's retarded and ghey.

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3d9c35  No.16440444

File: 7e1cf62f71cbbac⋯.jpg (441.33 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 7e1cf62f71cbbac0fbe0bb0e2e….jpg)



i don't know anyone watching Lez, so there are no opinions being changed out this way ; anyone that still watches cabal TV is an idiot and a lost cause

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656262  No.16440445

File: e552f968ecd740d⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1200x1324, 300:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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221a64  No.16440446

File: 2ac924e8e11a801⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 500x458, 250:229, 6j69hy_1.jpg)

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363128  No.16440447

File: c69e6c785199770⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x634, 640:317, c69e6c7851997702d2c1865e2a….png)

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8bbde1  No.16440448


baker likes the artwork

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1f3768  No.16440449


No armed security for any of these political rats.

They want us unarmed, then they get no armed security.

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403199  No.16440450

So how is what they are showing Guiliani is saying is wrong LOL…..Trump may not even need to show up for this.

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363128  No.16440452

File: c69e6c785199770⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x634, 640:317, c69e6c7851997702d2c1865e2a….png)

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99faff  No.16440453

File: 49f7b426a9b7e1c⋯.png (135.08 KB, 500x261, 500:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f4363  No.16440454


>KEK that’s my daughters real tattoo!

SMH… and you think your daughter getting a tat is something to cheer? yer both weak-minded fucks than need a darwin award.

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2ecea7  No.16440455

File: b7750842f74b220⋯.png (881.54 KB, 743x1585, 743:1585, 336040e6aab09d059cd1820dbb….png)

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8f49a2  No.16440456


baker is faggot

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3d9c35  No.16440457

File: 49e0866d99afddf⋯.jpeg (13.8 KB, 255x218, 255:218, c6c0b6bd907ab1f64b60b4498….jpeg)

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99faff  No.16440458


fuck off bieber

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363128  No.16440459

File: c69e6c785199770⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x634, 640:317, c69e6c7851997702d2c1865e2a….png)

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8bbde1  No.16440461

There once was an anon who followed the Q

had come to find out it was ll the jews

With this information he spread the word

to People around who never heard

Nothing can stop what is coming

Nothing can stop what is running.


dont ask me, im just relaying the song.

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594d52  No.16440463

File: 45f065f44e2f847⋯.png (221.68 KB, 500x308, 125:77, raw.png)

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c8e17f  No.16440464

Barr says didn't want to be a part of it and it's bullshit.

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4b8ad7  No.16440465

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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b4f390  No.16440466

SCOTUS hands out opinions and the Stock Market drops like a rock, then after the opinions come out the Stock Market begins to come back. Were they expecting the abortion decision? Crazy Cabal got played. Ammo running out.

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c37b3c  No.16445262


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