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File: eb0f2e08dd6e2e4⋯.png (40.51 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0a1d6a6af18b1cab9ddea0de0a….png)

5b77e7  No.16430165[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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5b77e7  No.16430171


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT



>>16429456 California pet shop bars gun control opponents from adopting animals and threatens to sue anyone who lies about supporting the NRA

>>16429478 U.S. Naval Institute

>>16429563 Someone will get arrested for memes before the 2022 election. We will see meme charges.

>>16429580 Gen . Flynn post on Truth Social

>>16429637 DNC v. RNC Consent Decree

>>16429659 The EU has passed Article 13, but Europe's meme war is far from over

>>16429671 Ezra Miller Troubles

>>16429844, >>16429875 SADS in Australia?

>>16429899 Anon finally gets The Plan

>>16429955, >>16429864, >>16430013 Can the Presidential Seal be used at a Golf Course?

>>16430016, >>16430026 Trump TS/twat

>>16430156 #20785


>>16428645 Food Supply Destruction

>>16428756 Tesla Announces Stock Split

>>16428836 The War on Boats & The Guardians of the Pope

>>16428909 Three US Military Aircraft Crash In Southern California Within One Week

>>16428988 Now they are coming for your chickens

>>16428645 List of Manufacturers that have been burned down or destroyed beyond repair

>>16429017 A very hot 'summer of love' (Arrests!)

>>16429055 Tragic Kingdom: Disney Shares Close Under $100 for First Time in More than Two Years

>>16429214 Endorsement of Katie Britt

>>16429289 British men who fought for Ukraine sentenced to death

>>16429319 New Bridge Between Russia and China

>>16429346 B.C. money laundering inquiry

>>16430065 #20784 (posted in 20785)

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5b77e7  No.16430173


>>16427947, >>16428295, >>16428517 TRANNIES ARE #1 THREAT TO SOCIETY

>>16427897 Network locally! The fix is in!

>>16427912 @realDonaldTrump: Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results.

>>16427924 War on Boats War on Rothschild

>>16427946 Moscow strongly condemns the Israeli Air strike on Damascus International Airport.

>>16428021 One of the rioters storming the Capitol was Russian separatist Sergey Dubinin, who took part in the attack and destruction of the Donetsk Airport

>>16427927, >>16428075, >>16428080, >>16428091 Call to dig: NGO’s, non-profits and other criminal entities that are doing the bidding of the NWO.

>>16427974 Resistance Porn Ratings Fail: Jan. 6 Committee Hearing Crushed by ‘Young Sheldon’ Rerun

>>16427984 Uvalde school police chief says he didn't know that he was in charge during the child massacre

>>16428079 Paul Pelosi charges weren’t dropped. They’re just “under review”

>>16428109 Stellar alignment! 5 planets line up for a nightly show in June

>>16428138 Since 1973 Abortions have killed 20,759 times more lives than the 9-11 attack.

>>16428197 PEDO BUN 10 June 22

>>16428241 Watch and learn guise this is how you do things

>>16428399 Interesting read on Mormons and ritual abuse in the 90’s

>>16428574 #20783


>>16427072 Greyzone: Involves Bellingcat and Nina Jankowix, the DHS minister of Truth, White Helmets and other spooks (video)

>>16427087 Fresh Gonzalo: The Great Ukraine Blame Game Has Begun! (video)

>>16427096 Jimmy Kimmel asks Joe why he's not acting more like a dictator

>>16427132 ICYMI: PB >>16425669, 16426252, >>16425755 Gregg Phillips

>>16427125 Twit embed: vid: Market Report - Is this the storm?

>>16427148 Missing Florida Dog Found After 'Giant' Pet Turns Up at a Dollar General Store

>>16427152 NATO chief Stoltenberg has shingles, cancels Berlin visit

>>16427156 Libs of Tik Tok catches a groomer in the middle of a sex crime

>>16427162 Robby Starbuck: TN Supreme Court overturning prior order to keep him on the ballot

>>16427214 Martha’s Vineyard club guilty of involuntary manslaughter in boy’s drowning

>>16427216, >>16427304 Official UK website on compensation for vaccine inju

>>16427238 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of ‘Sedition’

>>16427248 Brian Cates forwards from Babylon Bee: Conservatives Call For Return To Traditional Strip Clubs With No Kids Or Drag Queens

>>16427251 The SEC is investigating Goldman Sachs over its ESG funds, say people familiar with the matter

>>16427259 Idaho stepmom gets life sentence for killing 9-year-old boy

>>16427288, >>16427735 TRUTH on gun crime statistics, SHARE IT!

>>16427304 Official UK gov't website notifiying people of vaxx damage payout

>>16427316, >>16427803 Justin Bieber suffers from facial paralysis

>>16427331 Primetime Jan. 6 hearings air to dismal ratings

>>16427348 Judge reduces bail from $5M to $100K for man that fired shots at police while on high-speed chase

>>16427326 Jeff Peterson open source guru chimes in on nanobots in the body

>>16427331 Just the news: Primetime Jan. 6 hearings air to dismal ratings

>>16427351 Mexican cartels exploiting border chaos to smuggle fentanyl into US

>>16427383 Kash Patel Live on the J6 events

>>16427388 Bannon: “I Think We’re Going to Get Criminal Charges Against Wray and Garland

>>16427401 Most Loyal Lapdog Jim Cramer Turns on Joe Biden, Calls Out His Lies and Anti-Energy Agenda

>>16427488 Germany demands Serbia impose anti-Russian sanctions

>>16427496 Reuters ignores swastika tattoo of Ukrainian ‘local’ on its own photo

>>16427542 Justice Michael Gableman Joins War Room Discusses the Zuckerbucks Infiltration of the 2020 Election

>>16427546 Compact Fusion Reactor

>>16427551 Shrinkflation: Package Sizes Are Shrinking

>>16427570, >>16427584 notepassing

>>16427700 ‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’

>>16427707 "It Was Unethical… They Doctored their Tape – They Defrauded Viewers – Trump Committed NO CRIMES!" – Attorney Dershowitz on Primetime Jan. 6 Hearing

>>16427717 Ron doesn't have the black-hearted deep state money behind him for TV commercials. But he can win if you help make this video more viral than money pox!

>>16427728 American Actor Jack Wagner’s 27-Year-Old Son Found Dead in Los Angeles Parking Lot – Cause of Death Still Under Investigation

>>16427810 #20782

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5b77e7  No.16430175

Previously Collected

>>16425433 #20779, >>16426605 #20780, >>16426995 #20781

>>16426201 #20776, >>16423601 #20777, >>16424642 #20778

>>16420864 #20773, >>16421551 #20774, >>16422301 #20775

>>16418476 #20770, >>16419275 #20771, >>16420075 #20772

>>16416112 #20767, >>16416944 #20768, >>16417702 #20769

>>16413801 #20764, >>16414643 #20765, >>16415393 #20766

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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5b77e7  No.16430180

File: 6620a94fcac01b3⋯.png (426.33 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 6620a94fcac01b347219763d04….png)



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7dda15  No.16430187


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4d4dc1  No.16430192

File: d7a5526798186b8⋯.png (311.85 KB, 444x583, 444:583, q1463_sethrichPatriot.png)



Good Morning Patriots

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3a0ef7  No.16430193

File: db278fc39e39a6e⋯.jpg (106.64 KB, 640x852, 160:213, hc09foydrx3ykmiogt25.jpg)

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f353a2  No.16430194

File: 2f36a1a3c05ea36⋯.jpeg (130.19 KB, 801x641, 801:641, 242B5A7F_F067_4ABC_A577_9….jpeg)

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dca6bb  No.16430201


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2b9c8d  No.16430205

File: 62cab097a4c9f61⋯.png (720.12 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7500ac71b758bf1⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2012x2420, 503:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eaeceddc09890d⋯.png (198.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d32273  No.16430208

File: 683a2669973c670⋯.png (369 KB, 358x602, 179:301, 683a2669973c6703b9fbbcf741….png)


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f353a2  No.16430209

File: f648f0e2ff1dd14⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, IMG_7598.MOV)

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5ec574  No.16430211

>>16430180 - TYB

Why I'm 99% certain that Justin Bieber's facial paralysis was caused by the COVID vaccine

Was it vaccine related? That's what the math says. Here's my calculation.

Steve Kirsch

12 hr ago

Executive summary

The VAERS data shows that Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) is 160 times more likely after a COVID vaccination than for all the other vaccines combined in any given year. And if you exclude the anthrax vaccine from that comparison, the likelihood is simply too high to calculate (0 cases in 32 years).

So the COVID vaccine should definitely be considered as a possible cause for this rare disease.

I show below that the estimated rate of RHS after COVID vaccination is 338 cases per 100,000. The medical literature says it occurs naturally in 5 cases per 100,000. Therefore, it is 99% likely that Justin’s RHS was caused by the vaccine, and only 1% chance that he got “unlucky.”

Sadly, it’s unlikely Bieber’s doctors will ever acknowledge that so it’s unlikely he’ll get the care he needs (treat both the RHS and the vaccine injury). He’ll simply assume he is just unlucky.

The mainstream press isn’t doing its job if they don’t report this (which they won’t).


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9b7292  No.16430214

File: c17d23f33ba632e⋯.png (370.11 KB, 623x799, 623:799, Weishaupt.png)

"I will never tell a lie."

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3bd07c  No.16430215

File: 589aa299bd22a2a⋯.png (785.11 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3b114  No.16430217

File: 945c120ddbc04ba⋯.png (301.87 KB, 855x409, 855:409, ahn9.PNG)

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099a97  No.16430218

File: 2103d82d50379d5⋯.jpeg (217.74 KB, 770x453, 770:453, 7B530704_4F6D_49FC_9536_6….jpeg)


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bcbf49  No.16430219

File: 0b5ff31b59107f5⋯.jpg (160.11 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, death_and_permanent_injury….jpg)

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01268e  No.16430220

why are they attacking chicken eggs?

Chicken shit makes great fertilizer.


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5f59e2  No.16430221

File: d50d81989553c7a⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 475x202, 475:202, zandos44.gif)





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7d6ed9  No.16430222

File: e1ee84790d10250⋯.png (916.31 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffccfc4bd31ac58⋯.png (1.26 MB, 901x1200, 901:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0524ad49c982d3d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da75f6b458bfbab⋯.png (102.69 KB, 450x193, 450:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb808994bc52d8d⋯.png (277.66 KB, 570x330, 19:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada's secret plan to invade the U.S. – in 1921

September 9, 2015

In 1921, a Canadian lieutenant by the name of Buster Brown drafted "Defence Scheme No. 1." Despite "defense" in the title, it was "a full-on invasion plan," according to Kevin Lippert, the author of "War Plan Red."…

Brown and his fellow officers, Lippert writes, "donned disguises, loaded into their Model T, and began an espionage mission along the Canada-New England border." Brown photographed bridges, highways and other sites of interest in the northeastern U.S. He also interviewed local residents to test where their allegiances lay.

In the end, he proposed a five-pronged attack. In the west, Canadian troops would take Seattle and Portland. In the east, the Quebecois would occupy Albany. Maine would be reclaimed, as would the Great Lakes. In the Midwest, Brown's plan called for "Prairie Command" to swing through Fargo and then head south to invade Minneapolis and St. Paul.

"It was a series of lightning raids into the United States, then they would withdraw, blowing up roads and bridges behind him to buy enough time for the British to sail to his rescue," Lippert said of Brown's plan.

Obviously, it never came to fruition. The tensions driving the potential invasion were actually between the U.S. and Britain. Canada was simply a proxy. After World War I, Britain owed the U.S. a tremendous amount of money — approximately $22 billion — and there were intense disagreements over the payment terms.

The disagreements were heated enough for the U.S. to draft a plan of its own in 1930, which it dubbed "War Plan Red."

"Americans at that time, everybody seemed to think it was just a matter of time before Canada would be absorbed into the U.S.," Lippert said.

The American plan was an uncanny mirror image of the Canadian plan. U.S. troops would invade from St. Paul into Winnipeg, from Albany into Quebec, from Boston into Halifax. The goal was to push Britain out of Canada and to create a "United States of North America."

The top-secret plans remained locked-up until the 1970s, except for one brief leak of the U.S. plan to the New York Times — but Canadian intelligence apparently didn't notice, Lippert said.

After World War II, the plan seemed preposterous. The two countries united behind one nuclear shield with NORAD, which today is commanded by one American general and one Canadian general. With united militaries, the country's economies are similarly linked: each is each other's largest trading partner.

These co-dependencies make an invasion unthinkable — except in comedy. The 1995 John Candy movie "Canadian Bacon" and the 1999 "South Park" movie both riffed on a potential war between the countries.


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2edf37  No.16430224

File: 88bf9979ca96427⋯.png (446.8 KB, 632x661, 632:661, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16430102 (PB)

Ramsay Hunt syndrome



Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes zoster oticus) occurs when a shingles outbreak affects the facial nerve near one of your ears. In addition to the painful shingles rash, Ramsay Hunt syndrome can cause facial paralysis and hearing loss in the affected ear.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After chickenpox clears up, the virus still lives in your nerves. Years later, it may reactivate. When it does, it can affect your facial nerves.

Prompt treatment of Ramsay Hunt syndrome can reduce the risk of complications, which can include permanent facial muscle weakness and deafness.

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5f59e2  No.16430225

File: 5908627a3ac9e39⋯.png (12.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c6f8f0bef9f1001efa3821f498….png)

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099a97  No.16430226

File: 22530d569c043ff⋯.png (3.62 MB, 1640x2360, 41:59, 25DC6B40_7767_49E4_9C05_DD….png)


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07d229  No.16430227

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2965x2409, 2965:2409, il_fullxfull_146559348_og1….jpg)


The key to bringing peace and harmony to the world is taking motherfuckers like Noel, and eradicating their evil, filthy asses from this planet.

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bdf7ae  No.16430228

File: ea16a8fc8af550a⋯.png (501 KB, 1255x603, 1255:603, DIDNNNTTTT.png)


Taxpayer-funded research projects didn’t

check for scientists taking money from

China: IG

Washington Times, by Ryan Lovelace

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/11/2022 10:23:13 AM

Federal internal investigators have uncovered alarming failures by universities to require scientists doing taxpayer-funded research to disclose when they also pocket money from China and other foreign countries. The Health and Human Services Department inspector general said the failure to enforce disclosure rules exposes critical biomedical research to theft by China. Joanna Bisgaier, deputy regional inspector general who worked on the report, said the widespread disregard for government rules was unanticipated and she did not know if it was attributable to grantees’ ignorance, recklessness or malice.(Snip)More than two-thirds of National Institutes of Health grant recipients examined by the inspector general—69%—failed to require their researchers

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5f59e2  No.16430229

File: 70995ab989b5d78⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 207x243, 23:27, 445566.jpg)

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05de23  No.16430230

File: fb1287b1dc4bb79⋯.png (268.34 KB, 612x568, 153:142, screenshot_252.png)

File: cada31419cc56ff⋯.png (927.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

A Missouri woman was awarded $5.2 million in a settlement from insurance company GEICO after contracting a sexually transmitted disease from her partner in his vehicle, which was insured by the company, court documents show.



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5e2894  No.16430231

21-year-old Norwegian Woman Contracts Enterovirus In Costa Rica. Enterovirus Mostly Affects Children

via Rico



She had lesions and outbreaks on her hands and chest. Tested for MonkeyPox, but came up negative, but positive for Enterovirus.

Eight contacts of the tourist were identified since she came in with a group of six other foreigners and had a relationship with two Costa Ricans.

She was sent to isolation in “a place that is not a medical center.” Enteroviruses mainly affect children, but this does not exclude adults.

Also known as hand-foot-and-mouth disease. This is generally caused by coxsackievirus, a type of enterovirus. Some of the viruses can spread through contact with infected feces (stool).

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bdf7ae  No.16430232

File: 68a65a81796654f⋯.png (757.61 KB, 1040x741, 80:57, drAGGGGGG.png)


Nancy Pelosi guest stars on drag queen

TV show

Washington Times, by Susan Ferrechio

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/11/2022 10:16:49 AM

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday she’ll appear on an episode of a popular drag queen show. Mrs. Pelosi, a California Democrat who represents San Francisco, will make “a special Pride Month appearance” on episode five of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7,” aides said Friday. In the episode featuring Mrs. Pelosi, she walked on stage wearing a bright yellow suit and told the contestants, “Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about. With the midterm election coming up, it’s very important people make their voices and their vote heard.” It’s Mrs. Pelosi’s second trip to the show. She also appeared in 2018.

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5f59e2  No.16430233

File: bbf2895faff4ce7⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 23ce3abd8c9873c1d81fc943f6….jpg)

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fdba44  No.16430234

File: 78e192fb9fc35c6⋯.png (251.89 KB, 1163x418, 1163:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52a098380cfc3fd⋯.png (161.88 KB, 1163x315, 1163:315, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16429549 lb

> 02:19:30

>>16429702 lb


>NB: agents glow purple this month coz it's Pride Month

pattern ^^^ recognition

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3fb100  No.16430235


Why wouldn't one royal ask another royal to pardon a royal while flower salesmen and trespassers rot in solitary?

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5f63f8  No.16430236

File: 0da75eaec6eca8d⋯.png (805.47 KB, 800x638, 400:319, ah_nonsense.png)

File: 6db5ff81d0d5012⋯.png (484.21 KB, 959x537, 959:537, align_with_God.png)

>>16430178 LB

doesnt matter. you're here and as usless as it will sound, it IS going to be alright. so long as you/we/me maintain one thing. your heart. every well on earth has been poisoned. but inside is a spring from which we can drink. dont taint/poison that fountain as well. know it, you/me/we are not alone. despite every physical sensation that tells you otherwise. every thought can be heard, every action witnessed, for all of us. hang in there. try try and then try some more. never give up. do not succumb to the darkness. its gonna be alright.

you rant quite a bit here, your frustration is… legit. annoying, but legit. and you know it is possible to expend energy in more constructive ways. that alone produces more satisfying results.

anyway…. o7

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ee4d7e  No.16430237

File: a4efb10faf85bac⋯.jpeg (124.74 KB, 900x600, 3:2, B94E299D_41F3_498B_9FCD_7….jpeg)


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5f63f8  No.16430238

File: a1c27a846fed33b⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 500x624, 125:156, pepe_in_frougue.jpg)

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2edf37  No.16430239


They are trying to starve us out

Pricing beef out of reach and then going after chickens and their eggs soon there will be nothing provided for us or anything we can afford to buy.

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2edf37  No.16430240


Remember the hillary quote:

we have to bring them to heel.

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f4d023  No.16430241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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099a97  No.16430242

File: 704f3aa727cc86d⋯.gif (10.97 KB, 387x618, 129:206, F9EEE4DE_BDE8_4653_9965_D0….gif)

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a14523  No.16430243

Prepare your soil.

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07d229  No.16430244


All tied to depopulation.

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63772c  No.16430245

Trump keeps talking about the Unselect Committee.

Are they people who thought they were one of the "Chosen Ones", chosen to be saved, but they are really just disposable puppets?

Are people who were "guaranteed" a place on the NWO ark going to find out that the NWO lied to them and is just using them?

What if the NWO puppets tuned on the NWO?

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4d4dc1  No.16430246

File: 278a9f8371f3ab6⋯.png (919.8 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, potatoEvergreen1.png)

File: 5c07a618857b459⋯.png (865.05 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, potatoEvergreen3.png)

File: 3e9dac164684d0a⋯.png (320.94 KB, 516x586, 258:293, Screenshot_from_2022_06_11….png)

>>16428689 PB

>local fake news pushing Jan 6 propaganda

>played a clip of Potatoein front of Evergreen ship and containers

>>16428758 PB

Potato Evergreen

President Biden Delivers Remarks at the Port of Los Angeles


Jun 10, 2022





The White House

2.05M subscribers

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Inflation and the Actions the Administration has Taken to Lower Prices and Address Supply Chain Challenges

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3bd07c  No.16430247

File: 729adbc3a2c13d4⋯.png (57.42 KB, 1211x615, 1211:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Lindell - Frank Speech

World Premiere: Selection Code Movie Trailer

05 June, 2022


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b3425e  No.16430248


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54512b  No.16430249

Nice banner!

Thanks to whomever.

OG is for me!

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709c95  No.16430250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kicking the skids….

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3fb100  No.16430251


Have you not solved the riddle?

They are ALL actors, acting, in a scripted reality play

Trump, Pelosi, "Biden", Schumer, Cheney, et al

It's all a show to keep YOU in suspense

None of it is real

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33ab55  No.16430252

File: 9044ecc6cd36fad⋯.png (946.25 KB, 733x772, 733:772, tolkienkissss.png)

>Tolkien kissing German woman

These AI image things are fuckin' cool!

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2edf37  No.16430253



Also, I think they will be allowing the invading army that is being and is already amassed here, to start attacking homeowners and either driving them out or killing them so they can take over the homes.

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74394b  No.16430255

File: c47d454f3e9c867⋯.jpeg (31.53 KB, 360x392, 45:49, hershalahhhhhh.jpeg)

File: 79110422a3ee16a⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 468x610, 234:305, hianon.jpg)

On Friday afternoon, Washington Commanders head coach Ron Rivera announced that defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio would be fined $100,000 for his comments about the U.S. Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021.

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f4d023  No.16430256

File: cfaafddec4225dd⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 555x527, 555:527, My_foot_hanging_out_of_a_H….jpg)

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2edf37  No.16430258


Better pray that you are correct.

Because if we don't hit the precipice soon, we will begin falling over it.

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099a97  No.16430259

File: a58bdb74441cce5⋯.jpeg (65.81 KB, 700x551, 700:551, 22C0CA77_A27D_4249_921D_4….jpeg)

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4d4dc1  No.16430260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are watching a movie


The world premiere of"Between Peace and War: An Insider View of the People's Convoy".Access the watch link for the film opening June 10th, 2022.



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b3425e  No.16430261


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bdf7ae  No.16430262

File: 43a9d4e1e98420f⋯.png (156.5 KB, 418x610, 209:305, oLDDDDDD.png)


General Flynn ️️️, [11.06.22 10:19]

How is this normal and not criminal and for any parent that allowed this is as much or more to blame. This is why we MUST get involved and take back our school boards and our local elected offices in every county across the country. WDC is grossly broken! Let’s fix our local level. Why I am adamant about — LOCAL ACTION = NATIONAL IMPACT!!!

God help us 🙏🏼🇺🇸

This is back in 2019 and has been going on for longer than most are aware…


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692999  No.16430263

File: 4a3c16915b030d0⋯.png (107.8 KB, 692x669, 692:669, Savior.png)

New Real Society Blockchain Project That Help People Save Money While Having More Interesting Life

Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/11/new-real-society-blockchain-project-that-help-people-save-money-while-having-more-interesting-life/

I have great ideal about a real new blockchain project that will greatly help this society and the people.

This project can have 3 smaller project but with the same concept.


– The total coin/token will be fixed at the beginning and will be distributed to all the public people for free.

– No mining.

– People will earn the coin/token via sharing:

+ A meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner. (1 difference project)

+ A room to sleep over night. (1 difference project)

+ A seat in a car while on the same direction. (1 difference project)

– One meal 1 person will earn 1 toin/token, no matter how “good” or “bad” of the meal. Breakfast, lunch or dinner are on the same metric. 2 person 2 coin/token, etc.

– A room for 1 night for 1 or 2 person, depend on the host accept or not. 1 nigh equal 1 coin/token.

– 1 mile or 1.6 km will equal 1 coin/token. If 2 person or more, the driver will decide whether accept or not.

Overall they are similar to most daily transaction like buy/sell and the host/driver will be the final decider whether to accept the “strange” people or not.

– People can sell/buy coin/token with other people.

Because it is directly related to daily products, so the price/cost will be pretty fair.

They are 3 difference projects because the metric are not the same.

With the current world wide situation, every meal matter, every gallon of oil, gas matter !

I think this project will be more welcome in the West.

If any entities want to use my idea to do this kind of project, please contact me to request my permission. If you do not want to contact but still want to do this project, then just donate me minimum 1 million GBP/Euro/US Dollar and 20% of the coin/token total.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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709c95  No.16430264

File: 833071f53700b6c⋯.jpg (168.44 KB, 1714x1080, 857:540, ride44.jpg)

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2edf37  No.16430265


Sort of what china is doing to the uyghurs(spelling) right now.

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74394b  No.16430266

File: 9f63134bd23650b⋯.png (254.43 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, pepeblindcheckem.png)


absolutely stunning…

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093ca9  No.16430267

File: 981278d794630f1⋯.png (98.33 KB, 450x225, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Uncle Jemima does exist.

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3fb100  No.16430269


That's the problem

The masses THINK it's real and react to it

"Reports" of shortages, create shortages

"Reports" of war, create war

The Tale that wags the Dog

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b3425e  No.16430271


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bdf7ae  No.16430272

File: 9a966fc08e95185⋯.png (40.34 KB, 837x343, 837:343, PTTTTTTTT.png)


The Western Journal, [11.06.22 10:37]

After Johnny Depp Win, Brad Pitt Files Papers - Angelina's Next

READ: http://w-j.co/s/3fd5b

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12abe0  No.16430273

File: 06857e853ea5e91⋯.png (517.01 KB, 600x571, 600:571, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant


They probably shut it down before it got burned down

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093ca9  No.16430274

Red Text Homo Nigger could be Hunter Biden

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709c95  No.16430275

File: 19dd6535bd16ed5⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 375x500, 3:4, 19dd6535bd16ed5e597985f7c1….gif)

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f6923f  No.16430276


Meat-packing giant Smithfield Foods says it will close its only California plant next year, citing the escalating cost of doing business in the state

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5e2894  No.16430277


Dirty shit infested chinese pork that goes straight to Chipotle customers.

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4d4dc1  No.16430278

File: 52227a067af4dd6⋯.png (72.87 KB, 822x307, 822:307, tt_doubleTruth.png)

File: f2e4b2cc6ab15f6⋯.png (27.52 KB, 954x221, 954:221, Screenshot_from_2022_06_11….png)


Been trying to figure that out too.

Tend to lean towards

UNSelect > United Nations selected

last bread anon brought up maybe


Potus Truthed the same thing twice

>>16429994 PB


>Why Truth twice?

>19 minutes

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aad18b  No.16430279





If this is how artificial intelligence sees the world... How long before it becomes " afraid " and tries to pull the plug? What will that look like?

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f0eb83  No.16430280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind.

– Golijov

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74394b  No.16430281

File: cb1f2e02bb5b6ae⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 500x386, 250:193, old_man_admiring_major_awa….jpg)


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709c95  No.16430282

File: c4efb15a27738f0⋯.png (7.53 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 3b58592c6cdb4806b1a54ebb71….png)

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b3425e  No.16430283


>Red Text Homo Nigger could be Hunter Biden


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709c95  No.16430284

File: 6ffe2c28376e0be⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 400x287, 400:287, 3dogs44.jpg)

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63772c  No.16430285

Are anons being used as a measuring stick to see how much of The Plan is being realized?

To gauge what the People know? What they have been able to figure out?

Then once anons figure it out, they can release some moar information to the Public?

All of the information cannot be digested all at once. So we are being fed bits and pieces, slowly. A massive drop would be too much to digest all at once and our Cog Dis brains would reject it.

The slow reveal to the public.

Are anons sort of like a screening process.

Are we the lab rats to see what the public is ready to absorb next?

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3fb100  No.16430286


Fear is not logic based

AI doesn't have "emotions" like fear

Input > Output

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709c95  No.16430287

File: cd1b89803cdcbbc⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 636x259, 636:259, t100.gif)


>What will that look like?

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2edf37  No.16430288



yeah it's not real at all that china is shutting down a meat packing plant

▶Anonymous 06/11/22 (Sat) 07:53:0912abe0 (1) No.16430273 >>16430276 >>16430277

Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant


They probably shut it down before it got burned down

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709c95  No.16430289

File: 6481f1b645d418d⋯.jpeg (7.46 KB, 200x193, 200:193, dff5e99da5d836d167d8b398b….jpeg)


>Are we the lab rats

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4d4dc1  No.16430290

File: 8c3a756048bf0e8⋯.png (636.38 KB, 1174x573, 1174:573, smithfieldCHina.png)

File: 0123a4392ecd597⋯.png (148.78 KB, 654x363, 218:121, SmithfieldChina.png)

File: 0dfdd60f2d72527⋯.png (80.63 KB, 672x557, 672:557, smithfieldChinaPbs.png)


Chink invasion imminent.

They trying to shut down food supply

Smithfield = CCP

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fe6dcd  No.16430291


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099a97  No.16430292


I think so. Test group

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54512b  No.16430293


Yet you are repeatedly asked, don’t use red text” by tens of anons, but you persist. So, you are purposely disrupting this board. What do you claim is your objective again? Your girl went boy on you and now you just want the girl you thought you knew to come back. Well I’ve got news for you, IT’S taking it right now… by another “guy” !

It’s all so sickening.

Now look at what you’ve done!

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3bd07c  No.16430294

File: 89b80fe87a92ac2⋯.png (647.89 KB, 800x637, 800:637, ClipboardImage.png)

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138e9d  No.16430295

File: e3637c3ce5b2cd3⋯.png (122.85 KB, 235x300, 47:60, HalfFun.png)

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3fb100  No.16430296


There are 50K food processing facilities in the US.

Yet, one report, of one closure, puts the HERD into a panic…resulting in panic buying, creating shortages.



Just stop and use logic.

Horror vacui - nature abhors a vacuum

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102436  No.16430297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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07d229  No.16430298


Blue Areas=yes

Red Areas=Fuck around and find out.

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e468ac  No.16430299


Chinese own Smithfield

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70031d  No.16430300

File: 8a4352641509157⋯.gif (522.34 KB, 1306x1045, 1306:1045, Lizo.gif)

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fe6dcd  No.16430301


>Yet you are repeatedly asked, don’t use red text” by tens of anons, but you persist. So, you are purposely disrupting this board. What do you claim is your objective again? Your girl went boy on you and now you just want the girl you thought you knew to come back. Well I’ve got news for you, IT’S taking it right now… by another “guy” !

>It’s all so sickening.

>Now look at what you’ve done!


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5e2894  No.16430302


China can't feed itself. That's why they bought American food production companies. It's China that will starve if they fuck around.

We're being nice by just making them divest.

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2edf37  No.16430303



Could be but the majority don't know what is posted here. Also there is a whole truck load of people would not believe it even if they were exposed to it.

I think the more regular sites such as facebook, etc,. would give a better view of the normies knowledge


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102436  No.16430304


psychobabble paid idiot

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9c4e67  No.16430305

File: 0771f8a7c32abe5⋯.png (120.41 KB, 338x314, 169:157, yikes_2.png)

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3bd07c  No.16430306

File: 128fc87132f3836⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1540x800, 77:40, ClipboardImage.png)


Not-so-mystery meat

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fe6dcd  No.16430307



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63772c  No.16430308

Remember an activity in schools long ago, where they would ask:

If the world was going to end and only 10 people could be saved to repopulate the earth, who do you think should be saved?

A scientist, a doctor, etc.

Would anyone chose to save a homo?

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39c943  No.16430309

This site loads real sow and takes several attempts.

Is it being DDOS attacked 24/7 or just low bandwidth?

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3bd07c  No.16430310


>You are watching a movie

Oh yeah, I will watch ALL the movies.

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2edf37  No.16430311



The entire world is meant to starve. You are right. china buys up our meat and ships to it's country. Ukraine grain production is way down

They want the entire population reduced by billions. Each region in the world is having attacks made on it.

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f353a2  No.16430312

File: 383c1b5e3ce6999⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1209x1278, 403:426, FE730717_C934_45FC_9D05_A….jpeg)

File: 65f000da0d7cf8d⋯.jpeg (164 KB, 800x572, 200:143, E7D00F8D_E118_453C_8299_8….jpeg)

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e636be  No.16430313


No one is going to save you.

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5f63f8  No.16430314

File: 6cea580dc54af8a⋯.png (186.27 KB, 1176x642, 196:107, yikes.png)

are we there yet?

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63772c  No.16430315

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324ec3  No.16430316

File: d1ad18179b74f09⋯.jpg (148.99 KB, 720x783, 80:87, 20220611_081953.jpg)

The current President of the United States of America

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f4d023  No.16430317

File: f106e79708ce0fb⋯.jpg (93.33 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, 59608913603d0602edc056ed11….jpg)


Tip of the Spear

Edge of the knife…

^lifts up sheet to see card game

crack of my ass!

anon likes to think this is the aitodaso group

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07d229  No.16430318

File: f5b3d0915e2dc51⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 699x662, 699:662, f5b3d0915e2dc519e25fc886d2….jpg)

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4d4dc1  No.16430319

File: 2e34f5031247ea4⋯.png (31.08 KB, 443x351, 443:351, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)


>Potato Evergreen

>President Biden Delivers Remarks at the Port of Los Angeles

>Jun 10, 2022

Hey anons

One Day Off



Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/11/2018 00:16:25 ID: 205f78

8chan/qresearch: 1694734

Track ALL suicides.

Example 1:

Think Spade.

Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).

Trace to Import/Export.

Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.

Trace sale/spin off of Co.

Trace to CF.

Trace to Port(Security Clearance Profile (L5)).

Who granted?


Expect A LOT more.


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5e2894  No.16430320


An insult to hippos

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54512b  No.16430321


Are you really that stupid?


What about all of the fires and destruction at the food processing centers and farming facilities.

It looks more like strategic hits on the FOOD SUPPLY and STORAGE BUILDINGS

Seems like there’s 1 every other day reported in the local newspapers across the US

For some reason this story isn’t looked at in the FakeNews industry, we all know why.

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701749  No.16430322

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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2edf37  No.16430323


agree to a point. Only those non-jabbed red staters.

I think the jabs of poison will be doing their job.

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fe6dcd  No.16430324



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f353a2  No.16430325

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701749  No.16430326

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, HB_John_832.jpg)

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bdf7ae  No.16430327

File: 9c16347d99b720a⋯.png (147.07 KB, 330x547, 330:547, kasSHHHH.png)


@intheMatrixxx, [11.06.22 10:58]

[Forwarded from Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️]

[ Photo ]

Kash’s current winner in the meme of the year competition has Q’s Mickey Mouse clock in it 🧐

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f4d023  No.16430328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e2894  No.16430329


Maybe those 3 Mil crashes this week is also a tip. From Oxnard through Yuma and going where? North? Reservations? Vegas?

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2edf37  No.16430330


Exactly this.

Just like bill gates china has been buying up farm land for decades. also crops to feed their animals saudi arabia as well.

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aad18b  No.16430331

File: a405bd3aa1ba022⋯.png (119.63 KB, 248x241, 248:241, ClipboardImage.png)


We are talking about learning algorithms. Input / Output is the old binary. 1s and 0s . It could create its own " fear " The distortions you see are its fuzzy math filling in the gaps of the request of the user. The gaps are where the " learning " takes place. Where emotions could be created.

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152f50  No.16430332


>>>16429017 A very hot 'summer of love' (Arrests!)

The season of Summer is traditionally very HOT.

You have more than you know.

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e636be  No.16430333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boots on the Ground…June 11th…Everything is costing more from products to services.


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093ca9  No.16430334


Only a jew is this persistent and annoying.

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102436  No.16430335

File: 0dc295bed92989e⋯.jpeg (593.22 KB, 1280x1190, 128:119, Open_your_mouth_pissboy.jpeg)

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394721  No.16430336


the lion, the witch and the wardrobe ?

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e55e45  No.16430337

File: 8cdff79f733f05d⋯.jpeg (440.67 KB, 960x596, 240:149, 4tendy.jpeg)

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3fb100  No.16430338


50,000 facilities

26 reports of damage or closure

It's the same method they used to freak the herd out about COVID, the tyranny of small numbers.

Anecdote: The Chinks bought our local (closed) meat processing plant and invested $35M in upgrades. The locals refused to do business with them, so it closed. It was then bought out by some highfalutin domestic processor who makes huge profits on "grass fed" farm-to-table beef cuts, and it is doing good business because American would rather pay more for fancy marketing than do business with a dirty chink, hence inflation.

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39c943  No.16430339

File: 5ff912172922278⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 594x894, 99:149, half.JPG)

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fe6dcd  No.16430340


>Only a jew is this persistent and annoying.


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bdf7ae  No.16430341

File: 09ecfda03d4eb2b⋯.png (229.85 KB, 648x491, 648:491, miCCCCCCCCC.png)

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4fd9fe  No.16430342

File: df090a85c3acc5c⋯.jpeg (17.37 KB, 295x406, 295:406, 11d2ca76364fef0aa272f7e08….jpeg)



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e55e45  No.16430343

File: e6b7bab8a4ff345⋯.png (366.02 KB, 740x416, 185:104, Screenshot_2022_06_10_at_1….png)

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e55e45  No.16430346


Tall Girl on Netflix is about me and these boots

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fe6dcd  No.16430347


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e55e45  No.16430348

File: 97cfedab43573ab⋯.png (914.86 KB, 697x930, 697:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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12abe0  No.16430349


Huh…Back in Feb. of 2020, when the weird shit started happening in my house, one of the things that was "put in my head"(I still don't know how to explain it) was about Pork & China & not to eat Pork any more. I just assumed whoever was working that evening was Muslim or something, whoever doesn't eat pork.

I do enjoy when things from a few years ago that I could never fully explain starts to make more sense

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39c943  No.16430350

File: 1f2450ae7eca47a⋯.jpg (110.13 KB, 998x667, 998:667, kash.JPG)

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152f50  No.16430351


Suicide weekend.


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07d229  No.16430352


What's his name?

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f353a2  No.16430353

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fe6dcd  No.16430354




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152f50  No.16430355



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c66ab5  No.16430356

File: 0021de49fb7522c⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 802x506, 401:253, 5bdbf53b320352b9.jpg)

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39c943  No.16430357


Wizards and warlocks?

Kash one of the Wizards?

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4fd9fe  No.16430358

File: 4c14ff144105d23⋯.png (96.47 KB, 190x266, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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102436  No.16430359


has he been right about Durham?


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394721  No.16430360


the lion, the witch and the wardrobe ?

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39c943  No.16430361


Time will tell dickhead

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fe6dcd  No.16430362


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f4d023  No.16430363

File: 6723a263aa29993⋯.png (15.87 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 829d343e3392c6c4c9189e05c0….png)



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102436  No.16430364


free beer tomorrow

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12abe0  No.16430365


Is she in Witness Protection or something?

Did "they" put in your head that she was actually alive(if you thought she was dead)?

I'm trying to keep track of what they are doing/did to the people that are regulars here over the years

That was one of the things I experienced. They tried to put in my head that someone dear to me who died a long time ago was actually not dead. It's hard to explain. It's not that they directly said, "__ is actually not dead! You'll see soon!" It was more implied? a feeling?

People who experienced this will know what I mean

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07fb49  No.16430366

File: 847ebf063a955c6⋯.png (419.26 KB, 1228x1764, 307:441, ClipboardImage.png)

4, 6, and 8?

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c66ab5  No.16430367



According to Qdrops Sussman was the first FISA indictment and the start of public revelation of justice. Durham isn't done factually, soooooo there are more names coming indictments

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2edf37  No.16430368



I pray hope whatever you are correct.


if not, we are sitting ducks.

If you all are in a city, you are sunk.

Wa 9/11 just a psyop?

sinkiing the titanic to rid them of those who would stop the fed from being installed in the usa?

WW2 being fought for the take over of land to establish a country?

all just fun and games?

and now this… patriots are in control just sit back and we will take care of it.

I want it to be true.

The odds, the longer this goes down, seem hard to believe.

Let's get it going…right now

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da87e4  No.16430369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live The People's Movement - NC: Freedom Rally 6/11 Lincolnton, NC

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3fb100  No.16430370


The Council of Wizards and Warlocks is the National Security Council. Kash was the Chief of Staff to the SecDef, so he wasn't on the Council, but probably had good insight as to the workings.


The NSC is chaired by the President. Its regular attendees are the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Chief of Staff to the President, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the military advisor to the Council, and the Director of National Intelligence is the intelligence advisor. Counsel to the President and the Legal Advisor to the NSC are invited to attend every NSC meeting. The heads of other executive departments and agencies, as well as other senior officials, including the COVID-19 Response Coordinator and the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, are invited to attend meetings of the NSC when appropriate to address the cross-cutting nature of many critical national security issues, such as homeland security, global public health, international economics, climate, science and technology, cybersecurity, migration, and others.

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102436  No.16430371


>Durham isn't done factually, soooooo there are more names coming indictments

zero for two so far

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63772c  No.16430372


>I think the more regular sites such as facebook, etc,. would give a better view of the normies knowledge

True. But they are censored and we aren't.

If they start spreading the truth, they get suspended.

That is why I wonder if we are a gauge for what the public "knows" but is not willing to say for fear of being "punished" by the Left.

There was that vid of the HR lady saying that companies look at people's social media accounts and won't hire people who aren't "woke" enough.

So on social media a person could post a bunch of pro LGBTQ stuff, when in reality, they are really anti-LGBTQ but they fear push back from the Thought Police.

Anons don't give a fuck. But Normies do.

Anons are like the little boy who shouts out, "The Emperor has no clothes"

Anons are the ones who are willing to say what everyone else knows, but are afraid to say out loud because of fear of retribution.

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c66ab5  No.16430373


What about in a state of devolution?

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4fd9fe  No.16430374

File: 5baa64e0f566f08⋯.png (93.94 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdf7ae  No.16430375

File: 4309e48cf512db8⋯.png (426.92 KB, 517x691, 517:691, uNTTTTT.png)

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126ccc  No.16430376

File: bd2597e7b924964⋯.png (489.25 KB, 697x670, 697:670, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_0….png)


Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

A California law taking effect Jan. 1 could make pork harder to find and more expensive

ByScott Mcfetridge Associated Press

July 31, 2021, 7:26 AM


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5e2894  No.16430377



If any1 serving is involved in that shit, they don't deserve a court martial. Clean house. Cleanse the Earth.

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07d229  No.16430378


Kash is wearing a "Wizard's Hat".

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No.325580 📁

Feb 10 2018 05:46:19 (EST)

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



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bdf7ae  No.16430379


Holy smokes. Look at all the Q nods in this meme 👀 Kash is constantly confirming the plan is alive and well

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c66ab5  No.16430381


psst, RICO don't give a crap about misses as long as it's established worthy, which, it is. Just a little hint, retard.

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3fb100  No.16430382


>Was 9/11 just a psyop?

Yes. It was a psyop that killed 3,500 people, conducted by the US Gov't on US soil, against, the US population, as a predicate to create DHS, the TSA, and to "take over" the Intel dept's of the NSA, so they could use the Intel to control the gov't and the people.

They used a psyop to ignite fear in the population, so the population would "demand" tyranny for the perception of safety.

The "terrorists" got exactly what they wanted.

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f4d023  No.16430383


The Krupp Gun Pavilion at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition: The largest gun, a huge scandal, historic mystery and the cooling of the White City

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102436  No.16430384


can you say statute of limitations?

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39c943  No.16430385

File: 3cd72a9d2948c4b⋯.jpeg (1015.31 KB, 1120x3976, 20:71, nwas_6_10_2022.jpeg)

Ashtar: Elections are fraudulent and only being used to forward the globalist agenda. You saw this in the last two Canadian elections. Nothing is being done to stop them. In fact an entirely new system will be put into place. It is said that 38% of the people of Ontario voted because obviously people are aware the system is rigged, so now we must put into place a voting system that is untouchable. This will be done through Starlink.

Me: In time for November's election?

Ashtar: No. After November's election. What will happen first is arrests.

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12abe0  No.16430386


That re-tweeted pic comes off as mocking.

But hey, as long as you all feel seen right?

I like Kash a lot & I hope I'm wrong but damn. A bit too on the nose

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b90e15  No.16430387

File: f85e5693d7cd237⋯.png (9.63 KB, 200x255, 40:51, f94c70f791488a540cbfb04c75….png)

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fe6dcd  No.16430388



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2d2986  No.16430389

File: ebc07399319294a⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 286x237, 286:237, TG_promo.jpg)

File: ce21efc0c318c46⋯.jpeg (32.52 KB, 720x540, 4:3, summer_teeth_some_are_her….jpeg)


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4ed871  No.16430390


>Wizards and warlocks

Space Force Guardians

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c66ab5  No.16430391


Can you say every act to cover up extends the statute?

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d96f3c  No.16430392

File: a56a17cd0043ec3⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1242, 20:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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708b04  No.16430393

File: 890a4961d2e0828⋯.png (191.32 KB, 635x569, 635:569, whTTTTTT.png)

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39c943  No.16430394

File: 8e595983491e52a⋯.jpg (195.19 KB, 929x688, 929:688, 006cdd6e1ecf5470.jpg)

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11c086  No.16430395


Interesting thought and very possible. My elderly mom recently brought up depopulation. Also, normie Memorial Day host mentioned "frightening kids" so that rich people can extract and drink their blood full of adrenaline (I didn't correct with Adrenochrome, or what they do to the kids, was a little shocked when she said it tbh).

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382e75  No.16430396

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB, 693x552, 231:184, 1d4c567838039ffe4ae03c06f2….png)

File: 1d3e455051d11ec⋯.png (95.92 KB, 1738x718, 869:359, 764.png)


>Are we the lab rats to see what the public is ready to absorb next?

Thats one way to look at it. Kek

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fe6dcd  No.16430397


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102436  No.16430398


can you say, justice is dead in the DoJ, FBI and the judiciary?

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126ccc  No.16430399

File: 4d1d4849f48b7fa⋯.png (505.33 KB, 755x761, 755:761, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_0….png)

File: 6cdfb0e0dc7b382⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1136x660, 284:165, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….png)

File: 09828003b29b651⋯.png (271.9 KB, 513x361, 27:19, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….png)


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c66ab5  No.16430400


Can you say named plaintiffs that Durham confirmed? The only way is military? Please catch up.

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da87e4  No.16430401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This channel is streamed by Polish agnes. This is her backup channel, as YT is messing with her main channel. Today, she is Worcester Massachusetts, protesting the renaming pf the integrated science complex at college of the Holy Cross

From NYT story:

"The College of the Holy Cross is renaming the science buildings on its campus in Worcester, Mass., in honor of one of its most famous graduates, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

The college announced on Monday that its science complex will be formally known as the Anthony S. Fauci Integrated Science Complex starting on June 11, a date that coincides with Dr. Fauci’s 60th class reunion weekend."


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d96f3c  No.16430403

File: 15a010f04209d8a⋯.png (84.82 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe6dcd  No.16430404


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3fb100  No.16430405


No one will agree with this, but devolution happened the second Trump declared a National Emergency over COVID. The CDC became the Head of Government, as is written in The Plan for the event of a "biological" attack on the US.

Trump never fired Fauci, because Trump made Fauci his own boss.


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54512b  No.16430406

File: 8e3e745dda22017⋯.jpeg (536.36 KB, 828x1002, 138:167, E38BD41F_FC89_4ED2_89CC_C….jpeg)



This was 1 of the examples I saw the other day and the thing is the list is really much bigger than that.

It’s all out there for people to see.

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102436  No.16430407

File: 6352d891b28946a⋯.png (304.4 KB, 555x456, 185:152, 462db9db304792071a2470a034….png)


can you say, General Mark Milley is coming to save you?

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9b7292  No.16430408

File: cde80f3aea6a853⋯.png (450.64 KB, 843x711, 281:237, Rock.png)

File: b5fd69e6be4bd3b⋯.png (361.12 KB, 857x771, 857:771, Rock2.png)

File: 20334485c51df7a⋯.png (325.76 KB, 787x457, 787:457, Rock3.png)

In 1993 Laurence Rockefeller established the UFO Disclosure Initiative, urging President Clinton to declassify all the information that the CIA and the air force had accumulated about the UFOs since the 1940s, starting with the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Due to his efforts Clinton issued an executive order in 1994 to declassify millions of documents in the national archives.



When hackers broke into Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta’s private email account, little did they know they were entering the Twilight Zone.

There, amid the grist and gossip about the inner workings of the campaign — was irrefutable proof that UFOs were on the radar of one of Washington’s best known power brokers.



n 2014, Linkin Park band member Mike Shinoda wrote a piece for Huffington Post detailing his band’s nonprofit called Music For Relief. After the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the charity started a sustainable recycling program to help the country but began running out of money. The Clinton Foundation came to the rescue, offering the foundation a grant so they could finish their work.

The same Clintons who are so close to John Podesta gave a grant to the band in which Podesta’s rumored son was a member of.

In 2008 Bennington revealed in an interview with Kerrang! that he had been sexually abused as a child. “It was by a friend who was a few years older than me,” he said. “It escalated from a touchy, curious, ‘what does this thing do’ into full-on, crazy violations.”

Rumors have circulated that Podesta is actually Bennington’s biological father. Whether you believe the rumors or not, it’s hard to deny just how strikingly similar the two men look.

Conspiracy theorists think Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell knew about the alleged governmental pedophile ring and were murdered for planning to come forward.


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39c943  No.16430410


Well shit, Ashtar mentions Truth Social

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102436  No.16430412



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cc88fe  No.16430413

File: 32c2421f418aac1⋯.png (10.82 KB, 255x180, 17:12, b7b73be17ecce3fcafcadc5412….png)

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102436  No.16430416



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c66ab5  No.16430417


Disagree. The switchover was made when the Admiralty Fringe was removed from the flag. In that moment the devolution framework was enacted. You're following a cover story.

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d96f3c  No.16430418

File: 4ba02d7de22b9a1⋯.png (69.95 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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c66ab5  No.16430419


Can you say devolution? You know, for the laggards in the class.

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102436  No.16430420


>Admiralty Fringe was removed from the flag

speaking of a "story"

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9354e4  No.16430421

File: db29973282fdc72⋯.jpg (951.44 KB, 1170x1657, 1170:1657, kash_well_be_back.jpg)

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2d2986  No.16430422


Hey Ashtar:

why is commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud on the ballot in the first place.

you must get them off the ballot by law/oath before the next election. those doing the security clearance have commit treason and are in dishonor.

you already know the elections are rigged.

It's not the voting system that matters it's the people with malicious intent being voted for.

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5f63f8  No.16430424



>Just stop and use logic.

there isnt JUST ONE. that is the point. smh. you sir are truly an idiot.

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fe6dcd  No.16430426


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c66ab5  No.16430427


Hahahahah. It did happen. What does it mean, ya think?

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102436  No.16430428


laggards? I dropped that devolution shit months ago

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9354e4  No.16430429

File: 8a9c84ee80a6755⋯.png (165.27 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Legislative.png)

File: e729b6a0ed15c39⋯.png (117.2 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Judicial.png)

File: 89caacd57c8f76a⋯.png (177.81 KB, 469x600, 469:600, Executive.png)

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708b04  No.16430430

File: 8490732a4f575c9⋯.png (399.9 KB, 412x736, 103:184, T_POLLLLLLL.png)

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4fd9fe  No.16430431

File: 6495fe6b3a9d9d6⋯.png (73.3 KB, 214x236, 107:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fb100  No.16430432


Go to your local grocery store. Look around. Tell me we are "out of food". Use your EYES.

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c66ab5  No.16430433


Because you're a progressive retard. Can't be helped.

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708b04  No.16430435

File: 0d2e3af985a51af⋯.png (695.25 KB, 598x761, 598:761, stiKKEEEEEE.png)

File: 012c401fcfb76d5⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1216x806, 608:403, REDDDDDDDD.png)


Kentucky Derby


Can Rich Strike pull off another upset in the @BelmontStakes



10:52 AM · Jun 11, 2022·Sprout Social

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e636be  No.16430436


Below average supply. It does not seem to be getting better, it seems to be getting worse. Some food is there, but look at the prices.

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3fb100  No.16430437


Panic begets shortages. Self-fulfilling prophesy.

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fe6dcd  No.16430438


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796430  No.16430439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live The People's Movement - NC: Freedom Rally 6/11 Lincolnton, NC



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12e163  No.16430440

>>16430273 Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant


Who’s behind the Chinese takeover of world’s biggest pork producer?

Sep 12, 2014 7:44 PM EDT


Questions are being raised about why China wants our pigs.


The takeover raised concerns the Chinese government was a hidden player in the deal. Some members of Congress wondered why Shuanghui group would pay more than Smithfield's market value.

SEN. DEBBIE STABENOW, (D) Michigan: The Chinese paid a 30 percent premium. Very interesting. Not exactly the best business deal, so what's really going on here? What really is it that this merger, this purchase, was all about?


Senator Debbie Stabenow heads the Senate Agriculture Committee. She says food is a strategic resource that should be as important to the U.S. government as oil.


This isn't just an acquisition of a company. It's 25 percent of the pork industry in the United States.


Stabenow worried that the Smithfield takeover could signal a long-term threat to the vital American food industry.


This is a precedent-setting case.


As the U.S. government reviewed the deal, Stabenow called a Senate hearing to take a deeper look at the first Chinese purchase of a major American food company.


This is really all about control.


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4fd9fe  No.16430441

File: 223465a9833ae47⋯.png (116.93 KB, 216x233, 216:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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102436  No.16430443


the fringe admiralty theory reminds me of the freeman movement and how that failed in the courts, here and in Canada

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e636be  No.16430444


Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason…

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708b04  No.16430445

File: b4e8cc559552e52⋯.png (309.39 KB, 624x352, 39:22, luCKKKKK.png)

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07fb49  No.16430447

File: 4b77d12fb4988cf⋯.png (609.38 KB, 1029x1093, 1029:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f63f8  No.16430448



>funny you should mention that, bc the grocery stores are and have been showing for the last 6 months or so, a decline in the variety it use to have. most recently, the choice of product is VERY slim. its a slow move but it IS happening. and i guess it was just ONE grocery store running short on baby formula. smh. and how conveniently mr bill gates himself has an alternative. smh. my eyes see much, my eyes see the shrinking of product in the packaging. smh. the list is exhaustive. smh. my eyes still see you as fool who insists on telling me things are fine when i can see they clearly are not.

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12e163  No.16430449

File: 5ed2a9b4ef468d3⋯.png (1.59 MB, 896x1352, 112:169, justinb_kek.png)

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fc0560  No.16430450

File: de2bc1657f052ab⋯.png (232.37 KB, 626x367, 626:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Wonder what the IQ's are of Trumps inner circle…

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102436  No.16430451



read the thread and look who started the name calling first

you are what the MSM has taught you to be

attack the source when the argument slips through your fingers

you can be better than this

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2d2986  No.16430452


>for the laggards in the class.

That's the way to get your audience to stick with you, treat them like shit.

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796430  No.16430454

File: 55f3b790420a437⋯.png (864.53 KB, 801x641, 801:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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39c943  No.16430455

File: b2bc8977975f7cf⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 705x673, 705:673, following_Q.JPG)

This is interesting

Devin Nunes Following the TS "Q" account

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fe6dcd  No.16430456


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c66ab5  No.16430457


Except it -happened-, from the top down, not the bottom up like the delusion of common law taking precedence over the current rule of law, now -why?-

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483982  No.16430458


dats a chick.

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796430  No.16430459


Why don't you call her?

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2d2986  No.16430460

File: b5da6e7a9218ba9⋯.jpg (210.82 KB, 700x1188, 175:297, number_86.jpg)

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959cc6  No.16430461

File: 96e2e101eaeacc5⋯.png (667.71 KB, 1265x600, 253:120, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)


A false bomb alert this morning has led to a gate closure at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam after a military working dog responded to a contractor’s vehicle entering the base at the Halawa Gate.

Multiple agencies responded to the apparent threat, but a Navy press release said that “nothing of concern was found by (explosive ordinance disposal ) personnel, and the scene was declared clear at 9 :30 a.m.”

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23a0c6  No.16430462

File: c4729597f1dab38⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2dbeb8275963d72564c91ff600….jpg)

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5b77e7  No.16430463

File: f9e4374148a6958⋯.jpg (67.91 KB, 750x747, 250:249, f9e4374148a6958f678d7d6bee….jpg)

#20786 Notes@250

>>16430211, >>16430224, Is The COVID VAX Causing Face Paralysis?

>>16430226 Hannity Suggests Trump Pardon Hunter

>>16430232 Nancy Pelosi guest stars on drag queen TV show

>>16430247 Mike Lindell - Frank Speech: World Premiere: Selection Code Movie Trailer

>>16430273 Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant

>>16430350, >>16430327, >>16430357, >>16430370, >>16430378 Kash Patel Best Meme Contest, looks like we're involved!

Check em and Call em

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7a007f  No.16430464

File: b6582726467927c⋯.jpg (30.11 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 229ba9e1743bf7b751aaf0e47c….jpg)

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102436  No.16430465


I did not make a claim whether it happened or not

my issue is: what weight does it have, what changed in my life. nothing

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c66ab5  No.16430467


Because they're -very interested- in truth, RIIIIIIIIIGHT, they deserve ridicule because they're not caught up. I give no fucks how happy you are when I'm done force feeding you truth you should have taken already by now.

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63772c  No.16430468


But if these Normies posted their suspicions on Twitter or FB, they would be censored for posting "misinformation" or they would be attacked by bots.

What people know, and what they are willing to say out loud, are two different things.

I throw crumbs to Normies sometimes, just to see how they will react. But I use caution, so that they don't think I'm too much of a kook. Once I gauge, their reaction, it dictates to me how much more I will talk about.

Your Mom and your friend seem like they are ready to absorb some more Truths.

This is a giant White Hat psyop, after all.

Using the NWO psyop agenda against them.

Fight fire with fire.

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fe6dcd  No.16430469


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138e9d  No.16430470

File: 67831aa17f62e31⋯.png (178.71 KB, 489x400, 489:400, Ukraine.png)

Biden says Zelenskyy did not listen to US warnings of impending Russian invasion"I know a lot of people thought I was maybe exaggerating," said Biden

Speaking about the war in Ukraine, US President Joe Biden said that Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not want to listen to US intelligence that claimed that Russia was preparing to invade. "I know a lot of people thought I was maybe exaggerating. But I knew we had data to sustain he meaning Russian President Vladimir Putin was going to go in, off the border. There was no doubt," Biden said. "And Zelenskyy didn't want to hear it."

In the early days before the invasion, Biden had sounded the alarm on the possibility of Russian troops launching an assault on Ukraine. The latter had then asked Washington to abstain from spreading rumours.

Now, the war has completely shifted to the nation's east. Up to 200 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed every day in Russia's military onslaught, according to an advisor to Ukraine's president and only more and more advanced Western weaponry will turn back the Russian offensive, reduce the casualties and force Moscow to the negotiating table.


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39c943  No.16430471


Minding his P's


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c66ab5  No.16430472


You expect it to now? Did we not begin the chain of reasoning in causality? Don't lose your place in the argument, lest you forget what it was for.

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2b9c8d  No.16430473

File: 4ed4b0f3a250eff⋯.png (382.34 KB, 507x720, 169:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59d3f2a257e5a1e⋯.png (754.98 KB, 1246x768, 623:384, ClipboardImage.png)


>Admiralty Fringe


>Hahahahah. It did happen. What does it mean, ya think?

Sqirrel worms out?

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478d44  No.16430474


BLENDING IN?!. He’s worried about his girl, not you! He only brought you into this because you haveIGNORED HIS CONDITION! You caused this and he’s not going to let it slide! This ends with him getting his girl.

Now apologize to Jim for disrespecting him on his own platform.

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c66ab5  No.16430475


Can't be helped that you're retarded by your actions.

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102436  No.16430477


the fringe

what weight did the change have?

it's some esoteric legal issue that doesn't, or at hasn't, affected me at all

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23a0c6  No.16430478

File: 886fac668d9e333⋯.gif (39.54 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 223344.gif)


Pootie Tang

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fe6dcd  No.16430480



>This ends with him getting his girl.


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cf62d4  No.16430482

File: c4ca1649cac7090⋯.png (945.07 KB, 1186x667, 1186:667, Screenshot_2022_06_11_0953….png)

File: c3cb3d04348dac1⋯.png (521.83 KB, 615x649, 615:649, Screenshot_2022_06_11_0953….png)


Ivanka is shot, she checked out a long time ago.

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102436  No.16430484

File: ef9d749b9419a4e⋯.jpeg (40.78 KB, 567x572, 567:572, ef9d749b9419a4e2462ad6162….jpeg)


this conversation is over

back to our regularly scheduled shit posting

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c66ab5  No.16430485


Do you not remember the point that was being made? It stands uncontested that by preceding it refutes the notion that Gen. Milley is going to be the avenue taken. If you want to talk about things that have no meaning for you, the entire IP network can be discarded. Go mow. You understand?

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478d44  No.16430486

File: 8720cb33c2ec75a⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB, 215x255, 43:51, D2C2454C_B7DC_48A3_945E_A….jpeg)

File: 79b8c12c6719221⋯.jpeg (228.28 KB, 1451x1936, 1451:1936, C78F7BFA_CC59_484D_A54F_3….jpeg)

File: d79321bc2775b18⋯.jpeg (135.43 KB, 1451x1936, 1451:1936, 10CA7D28_8A06_431F_BECB_B….jpeg)

File: fd1401cd777906f⋯.jpeg (103.8 KB, 1072x1440, 67:90, F2D80309_A658_43F4_A7DF_F….jpeg)

File: ed88a54c82e0db5⋯.jpeg (26.44 KB, 474x316, 3:2, EDAB3706_A319_4D3C_A161_F….jpeg)


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c66ab5  No.16430488


>faggot cannot debate and resorts to GTFO PREEZE OMG STOP

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9354e4  No.16430489

File: 6b8c5435508f38b⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 612x402, 102:67, gettyimages_134735759_jare….jpg)

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796430  No.16430491

File: 4949976f92e13ae⋯.png (997.67 KB, 793x947, 793:947, ClipboardImage.png)

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12abe0  No.16430493

File: 1eca2dd89de9f02⋯.png (558.37 KB, 601x905, 601:905, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

Ukraine is being outgunned and outmanned in its effort to stop Russia's takeover of the eastern Donbas region of the country—and say Putin’s forces could keep fighting for another year.


Oh look! They are prepping the retarded public to get ready for the US to send US troops into Ukraisrael.

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102436  No.16430494


I saw enough of the devolution to understand there are a couple chains of command, and Milley is in the weak one

Milley is just so useful for effect, understand??

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3bd07c  No.16430496



Seemed appropriate with all the cannon references

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fe6dcd  No.16430497







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5f63f8  No.16430499

File: 1bd229e3304930f⋯.png (69.8 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, hey_newfag_2.png)

File: bcf41feef23d6af⋯.png (94.96 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, welcome_to_q_research.png)


>I give no fucks how happy you are when I'm done force feeding you

says everything about you sweetheart. what a fool you are. smh. reconcile and then please kindly remember where you are faggot. the use of force of any kind is not needed here on Qresearch. scab

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2b9c8d  No.16430500

File: 8829443d03590a8⋯.png (415.46 KB, 662x371, 662:371, _2_Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06….png)

File: 297955f7c27a3d9⋯.png (468.13 KB, 662x359, 662:359, _2_Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06….png)

File: 8e72cc8a3d92a49⋯.png (377.69 KB, 657x372, 219:124, _2_Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_06….png)

File: 92a54c64714f3e3⋯.png (388.38 KB, 500x661, 500:661, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5579225e3f6b73⋯.png (815.23 KB, 818x856, 409:428, ClipboardImage.png)

This again

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9354e4  No.16430501

Sale of Prince Andrew’s $22M Swiss chalet stalled over a nearly $2M debt

The sale of Prince Andrew’s posh $22 million chalet in Switzerland has stalled because of the royal’s mounting debt, estimated at nearly $2 million, according to local reports.

The Duke of York was ordered to pay up and hand over the large sum of cash to a Swiss couple who froze the sale of his Verbier property, local newspaper Le Temps reports.

The scandal-scarred UK royal and his ex-wife


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5f63f8  No.16430502




and im stuck on 4

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54512b  No.16430503


Stop that shit now!

Nobody wants that stuff here. I think there are specific forums for that crap.

Or You’re a clown trying to get/acquire your next victim.

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102436  No.16430504

in summation:

anons still believe the military is coming to save them and their country.

Let's not forget that since Q, the biggest event that ever happened transpired - massive election fraud in plain sight.

question: did your military save you from that?

you have been frozen into inaction

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c66ab5  No.16430505


You're literally more worried about your feels than the truth. What a loser. This board is compromised by political commisars HR faggots. Your newfaggotry knows no bounds. You're so fucking new that you would rather a clueless ip switch than a straight talking oldfag tell you how it is actually. What happened to iron forging iron becoming steel? FEEEEEEEELS.

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483982  No.16430506

File: 2134780cfd67a19⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 300x341, 300:341, Stupid_idiot_burns.jpg)


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9354e4  No.16430507

Fashion designer Prathyusha Garimella found dead at her Banjara residence

As per news reports, Hyderabad-based fashion designer Prathyusha Garimella was found dead at her residence in Banjara Hills, Telangana. The police has reportedly found a carbon monoxide cylinder from her bedroom. Circle inspector told ANI that a case is being registered under the section of suspicious death.

It is being suspected that the Tollywood designer consumed Carbon Monoxide with steam, which led to her demise.

Prathyusha studied fashion designing from the States and came back to India to start her career in Telangana. She began her label Prathyusha Garimella in the year 2013. She is known to work for many popular Tollywood celebrities and some Bollywood celebs too.


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12abe0  No.16430509



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fe6dcd  No.16430510


>Why don't you call her?


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09aad3  No.16430511

File: e46b4a9cd0b9f64⋯.jpg (13.01 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 7f3e84d66f580ac02ad7e58c47….jpg)

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54512b  No.16430512


6 is Everyone, notable is 8

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12abe0  No.16430513


Are you sure she will feel the same? You are coming on kinda strong. Hopefully she doesn't read this place

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64d288  No.16430514

Anon has pretty much ignored the Jan6 circus, like the rest of the Country, apparently, but just saw cnn and some other fake news sites running as their 4 main AM talking point that

"According to General Milley, it was Vice President Pence, and not President Trump, who contacted the Pentagon asking for help to defend the Capitol"

However, as I write this I'm seeing the misinformation/disinformation that I missed earlier. I believe that Milley testified that V.P. contacted the Pentagon WHILE HE WAS HUNKERED DOWN in the bowels of the Capitol on January 6.

CNN, et al, are deliberately conflating calls Pence may have placed to the Pentagon with the number of attempts which President Trump made to provide NG troops to the Capitol IN THE DAYS BEFORE January 6th. In doing so, Trump used the correct protocol by repeatedly contacting Pelosi (Schumer, Bowser?) asking her TO REQUEST NG TROOPS. In fact, Gorka is saying that any contact or order by Pence directly to the Pentagon (apparently, a stupid move to defend against the record of Trump being the proactive one) would have been an act of Treason without first contacting Trump who was the LAST person Pence wanted to talk to on Jan 6.

Has there been any published rebuttal to the CNN story on Milley's testimony?

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07fb49  No.16430515



Ty anon. cant believe i didn't get those. hive mind. ty

you prolly know this: re 4, it's the tweet/post Q and scavino did and it was 3 seconds off.


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54512b  No.16430517


Time stamp should be 4

6 is actually 17

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12e163  No.16430518

File: 0c1ad1fcdeffbae⋯.png (461.32 KB, 1016x382, 508:191, bieber_kek.png)

File: b99991bc4535a96⋯.png (1014.42 KB, 906x1262, 453:631, men_in_black_kek.png)

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12abe0  No.16430520

File: 37e97c14555e179⋯.png (508.81 KB, 602x892, 301:446, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

The USS Richard M. McCool Jr. will be the @USNavy

’s 13th San Antonio-class ship, designed to embark and transport 650 Marines, bringing them ashore with landing craft, air-cushion vehicles and aircraft. #BlueGreenTeam


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63772c  No.16430521


So they are going to stereo-type all non-Jewish Whites as evil and exterminate them?

Isn't that what the Jews have accused Hitler of doing to them? Stereotyping & Exterminating.

Projection 101

When history is really just Creative Writing.

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85ade1  No.16430522


In case you're getting weary or worried that the plan is taking too long:

"The Lord Speaks

38 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:

2 “Who is this that obscures my plans

with words without knowledge?

3 Brace yourself like a man;

I will question you,

and you shall answer me.

4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

Tell me, if you understand.

5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!

Who stretched a measuring line across it?

6 On what were its footings set,

or who laid its cornerstone—

7 while the morning stars sang together

and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?

8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors

when it burst forth from the womb,

9 when I made the clouds its garment

and wrapped it in thick darkness,

10 when I fixed limits for it

and set its doors and bars in place,

11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;

here is where your proud waves halt’?

12 “Have you ever given orders to the morning,

or shown the dawn its place,

13 that it might take the earth by the edges

and shake the wicked out of it?

14 The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;

its features stand out like those of a garment.

15 The wicked are denied their light,

and their upraised arm is broken.

16 “Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea

or walked in the recesses of the deep?

17 Have the gates of death been shown to you?

Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness?

18 Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth?

Tell me, if you know all this.

19 “What is the way to the abode of light?

And where does darkness reside?

20 Can you take them to their places?

Do you know the paths to their dwellings?

21 Surely you know, for you were already born!

You have lived so many years!

22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow

or seen the storehouses of the hail,

23 which I reserve for times of trouble,

for days of war and battle?

24 What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed,

or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?

25 Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,

and a path for the thunderstorm,

26 to water a land where no one lives,

an uninhabited desert,

27 to satisfy a desolate wasteland

and make it sprout with grass?

28 Does the rain have a father?

Who fathers the drops of dew?

29 From whose womb comes the ice?

Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens

30 when the waters become hard as stone,

when the surface of the deep is frozen?

31 “Can you bind the chains[b] of the Pleiades?

Can you loosen Orion’s belt?

32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons[c]

or lead out the Bear[d] with its cubs?

33 Do you know the laws of the heavens?

Can you set up God’s[e] dominion over the earth?

34 “Can you raise your voice to the clouds

and cover yourself with a flood of water?

35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?

Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?

36 Who gives the ibis wisdom[f]

or gives the rooster understanding?[g]

37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?

Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens

38 when the dust becomes hard

and the clods of earth stick together?

39 “Do you hunt the prey for the lioness

and satisfy the hunger of the lions

40 when they crouch in their dens

or lie in wait in a thicket?

41 Who provides food for the raven

when its young cry out to God

and wander about for lack of food?"

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3fb100  No.16430523


If there was "election fraud" in the US Presidential Election, conducted by the Political Parties, why didn't Trump sue the Republican Party? Did the Republican Party and the Democrat Party send fraudulent electors to the Electoral College? Did the Electoral College cast fraudulent ballots? The Popular vote count doesn't mean shit.

Remember that, Hillary?

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52821c  No.16430524

File: b831a2208a65b04⋯.png (912.79 KB, 717x785, 717:785, Biden_Fake_President_2.png)

File: 0ea112c85a3ecb6⋯.png (95.47 KB, 1044x741, 348:247, 53_47.png)

File: 26d8a9cc3405ea7⋯.png (169.35 KB, 848x549, 848:549, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's not forget that since Q, the biggest event that ever happened transpired - massive election fraud in plain sight.

You sure? You sure the 3 branches didn't become one? Enjoy the SHOW.

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2d2986  No.16430526

File: 82b64e1746a2316⋯.png (188.56 KB, 749x661, 749:661, ClipboardImage.png)



>Ivanka is shot, she checked out a long time ago.

except a quick search says your a shill.

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0d79e5  No.16430527


4 could be timestamp

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c66ab5  No.16430528

The state of this place to get shouted down about feels when arguing a pro-Q stance. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF THIS BULLSHIT.

You fucking moron staff are fucking shit. You deserve getting this place burned to the ground with your retarded choices. I'm going on Truth Social because this place is fucking compromised. Have fun managing this flotsam. The ship is sunk. You killed it.

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483982  No.16430529



She needs some Sun.

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f353a2  No.16430530

File: 8449e18818c8fd5⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB, 780x653, 780:653, 2EB5C469_EE9E_4571_9A60_0….jpeg)

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102436  No.16430531


YOUhave been frozen into inaction


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09aad3  No.16430532

File: d6b21598393881d⋯.gif (787.87 KB, 500x278, 250:139, tanned444.gif)

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fdb34c  No.16430533

File: 378b8894f9ff2f8⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 651x369, 217:123, erfdghbwm.jpg)

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64d288  No.16430534


5 years of anon psychological abuse as cannon fodder in the Great Information War. Some wounds don't heal.

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11c086  No.16430535

File: 99885832b236869⋯.jpg (95.4 KB, 828x1052, 207:263, IMG_20201102_002316.jpg)


Had to step away for minute.

I take the same approach and almost never mention Q. Biden is too easy to expand upon, lots of people open to his crooked life and child abuse. I find most difficult getting people to see how everything is connected. Although, I'm starting to make some in-roads due to no arrests of Maxwell clients. O7, kepp up the good fight!

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fe6dcd  No.16430536


>Are you sure she will feel the same? You are coming on kinda strong. Hopefully she doesn't read this place

==She has the power to comfort me, which is something this place lacks very much and no surprise it's just a website, but the story of my life both beautiful and painful and I am having a lot on my mind right now but I am not out to harm other than with words because I am still enjoying my personal March Madness and she is the one I am crazy in love with and it's just not too confusing so I am going to be alright with her!!!

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5f63f8  No.16430537


ty, i knew it was in reference to dan's tweet, i just cant figure out the one word is i've only known, "3 second dan" and that didnt fit. kek


kek… of course. i knew id wanna kick myself for not knowing. ty


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3fb100  No.16430538


Naa, I just went outside and pissed off my porch,. nobody stopped me. The Uniparty has been in control of the Federal Gov't since the says of the Whigs. Nothing new.

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733026  No.16430539


When was the first time you remember that you were eating human flesh?

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fe6dcd  No.16430540

She has the power to comfort me, which is something this place lacks very much and no surprise it's just a website, but the story of my life both beautiful and painful and I am having a lot on my mind right now but I am not out to harm other than with words because I am still enjoying my personal March Madness and she is the one I am crazy in love with and it's just not too confusing so I am going to be alright with her!!!

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52821c  No.16430541


She's married.

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5e2894  No.16430542


Truth is the key to enlighten humanity.

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02c23e  No.16430544


>Some wounds don't heal.


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07fb49  No.16430545



just when you think you have half a brain you are shown you dont. kek


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382e75  No.16430546

File: d3e599dc6d90c5d⋯.png (120.17 KB, 500x596, 125:149, 098252325981uh1394501g10.png)


>YOU have been frozen into inaction

This line is getting a bit stale tbh. Should try coming up with some new ones.

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9354e4  No.16430547

The new DHS Intel App: Modernizing the way DHS facilitates information sharing across the country

Release Date: June 8, 2022

Co-Authored by Senior Official Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Melissa Smislova and Chief Information Officer & Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Under Secretary for Management Eric Hysen

DHS recently launched a new mobile application—DHS Intel—designed to deliver and share timely intelligence information with law enforcement and first responders across the country. Today, many of us consume information from news feeds, blogs, social media, podcasts and a variety of other sources on our mobile phones; however, until last month, most intelligence information was either sent via e-mail distro lists or viewed on sites optimized for desktops and laptops. Now, this information is available on-the-go for state, local, territorial, tribal (SLTT), campus, and federal partners who rely on intelligence to keep the country safe.



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102436  No.16430549


I was calling for nationwide labor walkouts before the Canadian trucker thing. It fell on deaf ears.

we all could have partook in that, but they took the means of coordination away via big tech censorship and cancel culture

we must do more than make memes is my point

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f353a2  No.16430550

File: 9cb95952b88b8c5⋯.jpeg (74.88 KB, 800x267, 800:267, F88E1A04_65D7_4869_AE31_D….jpeg)

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2d2986  No.16430551

File: 969a71d0f869b7c⋯.png (629.75 KB, 656x667, 656:667, Screenshot_2022_06_11_09_1….png)

he's had a long career. There's 320 Million of us.


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fe6dcd  No.16430552


>She's married.


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2d2986  No.16430553


>Oh look! They are prepping the retarded public to get ready for the US to send US troops into Ukraisrael.

I am not even kidding when I say file a complaint at the FCC.

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9354e4  No.16430554

File: 4834a579fd0f4a5⋯.png (303.89 KB, 911x1585, 911:1585, DHS_App.png)


DHS Intel Mobile Application



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3bd07c  No.16430556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Ron DeSantis ‘Flotilla’, A Historic Boat Parade On The St. John’s River. 6/11/22

The Florida GOP and DuvalGOP wrap up their week of meetings with an amazing patriotic boat parade along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, FL. Join us as we celebrate freedom in the sunshine state.


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52821c  No.16430557


No she's married.

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981255  No.16430558

File: 8389bc6580481d1⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 640x605, 128:121, abercrombieandsnitch.jpeg)

>>16426076 pb

>>16426084 pb

>>16425805 pb


Other Platforms just put up shill to try to sink Truth Social

Won't happen.

Everyone is posting about Jan 6th

r u kidding.

They have to lie to win.

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fe6dcd  No.16430559



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07fb49  No.16430560

File: 98c8fec4c4b0430⋯.png (687.7 KB, 1228x1764, 307:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6bfcbf6a089b47⋯.png (692.6 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, ClipboardImage.png)



frens halping frens. TY.

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7468bc  No.16430561


You aren't required to be here, bub.

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2d2986  No.16430562


I forgot, can you remind me what the excuse why we can't SEE devolution actually happen again, I forgot what it was.

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fe6dcd  No.16430563



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3fb100  No.16430564


People who participate in "boat flotillas" don't participate in organized labor movements. See the disconnect?

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02c23e  No.16430565

File: a3cf95e21f88782⋯.jpg (293.4 KB, 2048x1154, 1024:577, desantis3.jpg)

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102436  No.16430566

File: f65d77b6ad4b63d⋯.jpg (137.48 KB, 833x500, 833:500, Nursing_Home_Killer_Eludes….jpg)

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70de9c  No.16430567

File: e06ca7cd6643b05⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1210x1412, 605:706, ClipboardImage.png)

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d76c17  No.16430568


>5 years of anon psychological abuse as cannon fodder in the Great Information War. Some wounds don't heal.

As long as THEY have THEIR money and THEIR lawyers. It's all good.

I don't take barking orders from abusers.

Remember that.

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52821c  No.16430569


She also has a bigger penis than you do.

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d9b41c  No.16430570


Time diff. 18:82

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2d2986  No.16430571


The only thing that I don't understand is why ESSAYONS isn't next to SEMPER FIDELIS and VINCIT OMNIA VERITAS.

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fe6dcd  No.16430572



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733026  No.16430573


Tell us more about your pantifa sex orgies with piss and shit flying everywhere.

I always liked hearing those stories from you in the past.

Made me kek lots.

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102436  No.16430574


I don't see it unfolding

I see no one to take command of it

I see too few Americans who care about how things are really meant to be run, by our founders, under their constitution, so that if devolution did unfold, they would resist it and call it the enemy

brainwashing works

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5f63f8  No.16430575


the truth is the truth cant be forced. so? you are becoming what you hate/despise/in revolt of and you dont even realize it? while you're at it be sure to keep making vast assumptions about who and what.

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52821c  No.16430577


No she has her own penis, that's why she doesn't want yours.

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fe6dcd  No.16430578


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64d288  No.16430579


Anon would janitor at any White Hat deployment for no pay just to enjoy the camaraderie which they all get during and after work day. This out in the cold, lone wolf existence is worse than the deprivations at Valley Forge. Don't you get THAT White Hats??

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7468bc  No.16430580


>It fell on deaf ears.

For good reason.

Commie thug union rhetoric is ghey.

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fe6dcd  No.16430581


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d9b41c  No.16430582

File: 91674133690d3e1⋯.png (73.15 KB, 472x642, 236:321, NBC.png)

File: 53a32c43c8451bf⋯.png (447.05 KB, 947x942, 947:942, Q1882_US_Election_2016.png)


Q1882 Link


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5f63f8  No.16430583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


my Latin is really rusty. so???? maybe monty can help.

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d76c17  No.16430584


Yeah, this shit really made me sick the last couple of years. So many people suffering while rinos had their boat parties and selfies every weekend. Fucking puke already.

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102436  No.16430585


the best way to fuck rich people is to take their money

the best way to fuck this presidency and show he has no mandate by bringing this country to a halt ON OUR TERMS, eat the pain, and gain our country back!

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478d44  No.16430586


All of them? Even the ones who were born there but have since then moved to other states or even other countries?

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382e75  No.16430587

File: 021d2339ed26226⋯.jpeg (121.54 KB, 1080x1048, 135:131, 021d2339ed262260f2be6e5c4….jpeg)


I'd go with memes. Memes are the key.


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c66ab5  No.16430588


>can't be forced

>but disinfo and misinfo can

>that's how inversion gets started

>"mind your manners anon" matched with nothing on the misinfo side

>that's how I know you retards are compromised and aiming for the destruction of this board. You included.

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4ee385  No.16430589

Can anyone tell me if the U.S. is using a different PCR test for COVID this year than what was used in 2021? Or is it the same test?

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12abe0  No.16430590


March Madness

Holy shit. I just realized why there was a Q post saying that.

Fuck. I can't believe I forgot about that one. When things happened to me, it always started at the end of Feb, like they expected me to go "Mad" in March because of it. Why would they want that?

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63772c  No.16430591

File: 14eb4f71a5b465f⋯.png (22.76 KB, 488x327, 488:327, ClipboardImage.png)


Election fraud has been going on for decades.

Nothing new, RINOs benefit from it too.

Been going on in Chicago for at least the last 100 years. No one does anything about it. It has always been a standing joke in Chicago that dead people vote Dem., Vote Early and Vote Often, etc.

Why do people think that election fraud only happened in 2020? It's been going on for a long time. And no one ever does anything about it. Because the people who are able to do anything about it are the ones who have their puppets fraudulently elected. The puppets aren't going to defy their puppet Masters or they will pay the penalty.

What did Q say "they" fear?

People waking up to the truth.

But what are we going to do once we are awake?

People in Chicago have been awake to election fraud for a long time. No one does anything about it. Some people just stop voting because they know that their vote doesn't count anyways. Illinois is the Big Blue Blob of the Midwest. Corrupt to the core.

Knowing that there is a problem and being able to do something about it are two different things.

If I have a diagnosis for a disease, but there is no remedy, what good is the diagnosis?

So people waking up and knowing can only be "part" of The Plan.

The rest of The Plan will be revealed after enough people wake up.

Never let you enemy know what you have planned.

If we knew what was planned, then so would the Enemy.

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7468bc  No.16430593

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fe6dcd  No.16430594


>Why would they want that?

I guess I needed to know since I did not figure it out yet organically myself but I am not sure if that's the reason, meanwhile it's June and I am not done yet to be honest I guess I am taking a bit long.

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4ee385  No.16430595

Well; it is discouraging to see how SCOTUS voted in the PA mail in ballot case. Looks like the only true Constitutionalist is Thomas. It looks more and more like Q was correct…the military is the only way.

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12e163  No.16430596

File: 93b3b67e0aa70a8⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 255x206, 255:206, pepehmm.jpg)

Is Ukraine's Zelenskyy playing his part in a giant sting operation to take down the NWO?

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f232fe  No.16430597


They are all fake.

Just like the voting machines.

It not the vote or test itself, it’s who’s counting and a desired result for some purpose or another.

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64d288  No.16430598



No shit sherlock. Been raging since lobbying Congress to pass the the HSCA in 1975. Meanwhile, the traitors and their spawn have taken over the Government AND the Military. Those who aren't traitors KNOW that they are complicit in taking taxpayer dole and living the good life. Fukk all those in uniform who sat back and watched TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans get maimed by the VAXX.

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f353a2  No.16430599

File: c7b4a3ae1223e46⋯.jpeg (44.19 KB, 241x384, 241:384, 4D3C7C12_7264_495B_851A_7….jpeg)

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5f63f8  No.16430600


smh. im not the one making the rules. and if you need to shed more innocent blood in the name of your truth then its all on you. it doesnt matter how weak you want to see me. the deal was and the deal is…. free will can not be forced. it must be a fully free acquiesce. anyway…. doesnt matter what you think, doesnt matter what i think…. its the law of Godly creations. you twit

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f4d023  No.16430601

File: 3ca8ad7e0ad2de8⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 51388681049_4bd8be51a9_o_0.jpg)

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102436  No.16430602


I have been here since Nov '17

don't preach Q to me

it was a great story

it might make a great movie

I learned things and was stimulated to learn more

but my country is more fucked than ever


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12abe0  No.16430603


It's all good! I do that all the time. That's why we need places like this. To give each other help with a little spark

That's a big reason I would be fine with the shills in here getting lined up right along with the people who are Destroying America. Because they constantly ruin anything & everything that entails people helping others & being happy

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63772c  No.16430604

File: d94cd69136e19c5⋯.png (147.25 KB, 312x262, 156:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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14a38a  No.16430605

File: 9aabe3ff0e34c54⋯.jpg (282.14 KB, 894x494, 447:247, Screenshot_20220611_123044….jpg)

File: f317b4aa8e60b01⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2000x942, 1000:471, Screenshot_20220611_123228….jpg)

File: 4517490f74040d1⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1993x939, 1993:939, Screenshot_20220611_123420….jpg)

Around 1834, the Anti-Masonic Party began a rapid disintegration with some of its members helping to establish the new Whig Party and others migrating to the Democratic Party.


The Anti-Masonic Party was the original third party to be active on the national scene. Popular opinion in America generally opposed secret organizations, but Freemasonry largely escaped this scrutiny because so many prominent citizens were members. Exemption from criticism ended for the Masons in 1826. In that year a bricklayer from Batavia, New York, William Morgan, disappeared. He had formerly been a Mason and was on the verge of publishing an exposé of Masonic secrets.


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102436  No.16430607


OMG! A contrary opinion on the internet!

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91d56b  No.16430608

Follow @intheMatrixxx on truth social since you all lub him so much.

I just did. Thenks for the attacks here on the board I am a new follower.


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54512b  No.16430609


Which is why Trump had to lose!

To show those who don’t already know that it is and has been going on for a long time.

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863122  No.16430610

who cut the cheese?

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4ee385  No.16430611


The test is real but the results are more or less fake or inaccurate. Was sick 3 weeks ago and saw Doc for sinus infection a few days ago. Nurse could not answer if COVID PCR was the same as last years test. I explained that CDC / FDA had declared the 2021 test a no-go. Her eyes glazed over.

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63772c  No.16430612



Are you sitting down while you are typing this?

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f4d023  No.16430613


and a little bit of this too…


The Chicago World's Fair also known as the World's Columbian Exposition had been coveted by both Westinghouse with Tesla's AC system and Thomas Edison with his DC system. Hard work, perseverence and extreme confidence from both parties turned the competition into quite a blazing fire of the minds. But it was Nikola Tesla with his novel AC Current Distribution that won over Edison's. Westinghouse and Tesla got the contract to light up the fair… which put an end to "The War of the Currents" between Tesla and Edison. DT

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12e163  No.16430614



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3fb100  No.16430615


The "GOP" is the party of Big Business, and they don't try very hard to hide it.

The "Dems" pretend to be the party of "the little guy" who would be in a labor movement, but they are owned by Big Business too.

That's where the commies get there power, neither party truly represents "labor" so the commies fill the void.

Trump played the conservative and evangelical "little guys" to avoid "the labor movement" because of "the commies", but his best political allies all came from Wharton and Big Business.

There is too much well crafted division to keep "the little people" from abandoning both parties and forming a true alternative to the Uniparty con. The Mises Caucus of the Libertarians is trying, but they have very little access to the people who might support them.

The Mises Caucus claims in their platform that they:

support private property rights and reject socialism.

support the Austrian School of economics.

reject mainstream monetary policies, such as central banking and state-issued currency.

support decentralization, including secession and localism, "all the way down to the individual".

support non-interventionist foreign policy and opposition to war.

reject identity politics as "weaponized tribal collectivism that is antithetical to individualism".


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b2e703  No.16430616


that would have been me

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863122  No.16430617

האם הבייגל שלו הריח כמו ג'ין ולמינג?

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478d44  No.16430618


We stand up for the Constitution, not the illegitimate Biden administration. We refuse to comply with their unconstitutional ideas and policies. Anons never complied with COVID lockdowns, masks, or vaccines. We won’t comply with their unconstitutional Gun control, LGBTQ++ mania, or any other radical nonsense they drag up from the bowels of hell itself. Anons are self-sufficient in that we do not need big government to micromanage our daily lives. We’rerealpatriots who are willing to work hard and play fair to have our preferred slice of the American dream.

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c66ab5  No.16430619


Don't talk to me about shedding blood, idiot. For such an outraged by talk of force feeding you certainly are quick to talk of violent acts yourself, aren't you. Imagine if I were as easily offended, I could say you're words are violence! Waahhhh! It hurt me! You're twisting words and attempting thought control. You belong here as this board dies riding feels in a dust field.

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863122  No.16430620


David Elliot wants your vote

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102436  No.16430621


I took on the courts, kinda proud of that


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23a0c6  No.16430622

File: b411bad1c8a08b1⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 23a34f1a991767995f0a913fa9….jpg)

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9354e4  No.16430623

File: d9bc308410db1da⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 666x500, 333:250, benedict_farthold.jpg)

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63772c  No.16430624

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b2e703  No.16430625


i don't even know who the fuck that is

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f4d023  No.16430626


gin and lemming?

or hamster and elberberry?

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5f63f8  No.16430627



>Don't talk to me

sounds like a plan

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102436  No.16430628


You described me. And I hope you too.

I fear we are not coming back if we don't do something. We have the brains. Let's work it out.

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23a0c6  No.16430629

File: 080f71b2f5d16df⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 255x168, 85:56, b916f6bc2c87fe92e2d542a111….jpg)

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863122  No.16430630


useless twat

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9b7292  No.16430631

File: 7c0addd0f4b8ceb⋯.png (20.27 KB, 1933x1933, 1:1, admiralty_and_maritime_law….png)

File: 53646d24bf25fbb⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, F2523F908DEFAF01A5BA14E089….jpg)

File: ba95da7bd9b29cf⋯.jpg (191.31 KB, 1059x1497, 353:499, page_1.jpg)

File: 53ab3a6ac4f6c6a⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 450x600, 3:4, R_4.jpg)

The War on Boats and a Word on Words

For Example, why do they call it the "Holy See"?

'See' as a noun means "the seat or office of a bishop (Latin: Sancta Sedes, "holy seat"). 'Holy See' means the see of the bishop of Rome. Therefore, the term refers to the city-state of Vatican because it happens to be the territory in which the Pope resides. The term as used by the United Nations refers not to the city of the Vatican but to the government of the Roman Catholic Church. But does it more than that? What if it is also a sly refernce to the "Holy Sea"? By the way, what is the Law of the Sea? And what is the Law of the Land? What is Admiltry Law/Maritime Law?

Watching the Water

Have you noticed how many Maritime words are commonly used today? Maritime words relate to nautical, sea/ocean, shipping, and navigation.

The term ‘Nautical’ originates from the Greek word ‘nauti'[c] Greek nautikos, and nautic from Middle French nautique, from Latin nauticus ” – meaning ship or sailor

When you place your home on the real estate market, you put it up for sale/sail. When we are born, we are issued a birth/berth certificate, and the Dock/Doctor signs your birth/berth certificate and your death certificate.

In nautical terms, a berth is a space where a vehicle can be parked/docked for loading or unloading. When a ship berths in a port or dock, the captain has to produce a berth certificate.

When you are born, you come through your Mother’s birth/berth canal through the water.

When a product leaves a warehouse, it is “shipped” from the warehouse to the destination. Why would you use the word “ship” or “shipped” when transported in an automobile or by air?

You connect a device such as a printer or a USB cable to a port opening on your computer. A Port Hole on a ship is used to describe the windows or openings on a vessel. The word originates from the French word port, which means door.

When you have to clean and organize a space to get it into “Ship Shape.” This expression arose from the inspections during the 1800s to ensure the ships were clean enough not to bring disease into a port. When inspected and accepted for port entry, they were said to be in “ship-shape.”

In nautical terms, a dock is a structure extending alongshore or out from the shore into a body of water, to which boats may be moored. (Moored means to anchor, chain, or tie-down.) In a courtroom setting, the dock is an enclosed space where the defendant stands or sits in a court of law.

When you go to court, your case is placed in a Docket. A Docket is an abridged entry of a judgment or proceeding in an action or register of such entries; a book of original, kept by clerks of courts, containing a formal list of the names of parties, and minutes of the proceedings, in each case in court.

Jury Rig is a nautical term describing something assembled in a makeshift manner offering nothing more than a temporary solution. It originates from the nautical word “jury-mast,” a temporary mast made from any available pole when the mast has become damaged or lost overboard.

This term gave rise to the word ‘jury-rigging’ to describe an attempt to place certain persons as jurors in a court proceeding to assure a particular legal decision.

If you take a look at an “old school” courthouse, the railings that you pass through if you are a Plaintiff or Defendant looks exactly like the railings on large sailing ships. The ‘accused’ was placed in a ‘dock’ during court proceedings during some serious trials.

The word “captain” comes from the word capital = money = water.

Money is Water

Question: Where do you find a bank?

Answer: On both sides of the river.

o River Banks (banks) control the current (currency/current/sea) or flow of water (money).

o If you are losing your house, they say your home is underwater.

o When you have a lot of debts, they say you’re drowning in debt.

o If you get in trouble and go to jail, someone has to bail you out.

The verb "bail" also means to scoop water out of a boat. We say to someone, “money goes through your hands like water.” Many terms have the word ship (a vessel of considerable size for deep-water navigation) in them.

Ownership, Citizenship, Leadership, Rulership, Lordship, Relationship, Partnership, Scholarship, Apprenticeship, Dealership, Fellowship, Friendship, Censorship, Township, Worship, Courtship…

Follow the Money = Watch the Water

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5f63f8  No.16430634

File: 18dbe05aac233ba⋯.png (391.12 KB, 568x592, 71:74, gun_safety.png)

File: e6edb5674174f61⋯.jpeg (126.94 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, our_beautiful_flag.jpeg)


here, here!

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d76c17  No.16430635


>support the Austrian School of economics.

Absolutely will NOT support!

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f4d023  No.16430636

File: dfba174673b26ec⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 500x751, 500:751, general_milley_vanilli.jpg)


providing music for the "tiny dancer" in the back…

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863122  No.16430637


what mexico needs is another jack in the box taco factory

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12e163  No.16430638

File: f3568022d43e055⋯.png (113.24 KB, 842x592, 421:296, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….png)



Imagine all the information gathered during the latest operation, tracking the money, public outrage when made public

Hard to imagine NWO even allowing a US election this November.

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63772c  No.16430640


>I took on the courts, kinda proud of that


elaborate please

I homeschooled my own kid from 4th grade thru high school and now he has a B.S. degree in Computer Programming.

kinda proud of that

If you took on the courts to advocate for the rights of homeschoolers, I would say that you did good and I would thank you.

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2edf37  No.16430641


I am not sure.

Why don't you go on your search engine and ask

how many PCR tests are out there? You can then tell us.

I know one fact however. I know soros and gates went together and bought a company that manufactures test kits. They wasn to be able to make their own kits for the new pandemics they release.

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bd99b9  No.16430642

File: 5c28c3e31805d6e⋯.png (181.66 KB, 322x570, 161:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3581949c45cc926⋯.png (181.57 KB, 322x570, 161:285, ClipboardImage.png)

Can anyone enhance this snapshot I have of this Tik Tok video. Something appeared to come out of the sun at 1:36. Is it a spaceship?


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b2e703  No.16430643

fucking hell, i got stealth botted

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3fb100  No.16430645


Hello Central Bank shill.

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2d2986  No.16430646


He grabbed the Iron while it was Hot.


>anons still believe the military is coming to save them and their country.

That's not me. I've been calling for the Sheriff to make a possy. (I've been consistant on this. You choose to ignore it.)

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64d288  No.16430647


The White Hats are running a nonstop cost-benefit analysis in gaming on how many innocent Americans will be allowed to be ground up in this Information War, either driven mad with destroyed families, ostracism, substance abuse, or worse, or just put in the Vaxx meat grinder and driven mad watching their children abused before their very eyes by brainwashing and forced vaxxinations to attend college and sit in a fukking classroom! Ever think that we've been at the Precipice too fukking long to salvage anything worth saving? Or is it that "you've got yours" protected in your secret little military cocoon of anonymity with friends and families all cared for with your own bug-out fortunes and safe places and support for when the Shit REALLY hits the fan??

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fe6dcd  No.16430648


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2d2986  No.16430649

File: aad24f14960ec96⋯.jpg (96.52 KB, 724x479, 724:479, mileys_actions_are_a_coup.jpg)

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512572  No.16430650

File: 29268cf4317f33a⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 255x207, 85:69, e2e53e0bbcee10ed2c2c3990fc….jpg)




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3db3c7  No.16430651

File: fcd2d5ac7965293⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB, 460x460, 1:1, amgKb1y_460sv.mp4)

Just found this little guy great add for a

Meme Movie Maker

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9b7292  No.16430652

File: 91f9e408e051900⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 926x590, 463:295, R_3_.jpg)


United States flags in every federal building, court, school, or wherever are framed with gold/yellow fringe because of the meaning in maritime law.

Whenever the president makes an address on television or speaks in a Federal setting, you will see the “American Flag” behind him with gold/yellow fringe.

Once again, this is Maritime/Admiralty Law. Under the International Law of the Flags, the type of flag displayed by a ship decrees the law that applies aboard that vessel.

By going aboard, you are accepting the jurisdiction of the law that applies to that flag. The same happens with foreign embassies. The flag they fly ensures that the country’s law they represent applies within the embassy’s confines.

An article at usa-the-republic.com put it this way: When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time.

The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the “captain” or the “master” of that ship or enclave, and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes.

The gold or yellow fringe flag is your warning that you are leaving your constitutionally secured rights on the floor outside the door to that courtroom.

A flag with a gold fringe indicates Admiralty Law. When you appear in a court displaying a flag of that nature, you are agreeing to be tried under Statute Law, the law of the sea that applies to a legal fiction and not to you, the living, breathing human being with a soul.

What we are finding out is that Governments are indeed corporations and act as such. They operate on behalf of the corporation and not the people, and they answer to their shareholders’ s/investors/money lenders, commonly as businesses do.


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863122  No.16430653


it's not fair to call it a twat

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1735f7  No.16430654

File: 2e2ea0993f562ed⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 720x703, 720:703, 2e2ea0993f562ed647b98b19ac….jpg)


>With the midterm election coming up, it’s very important people make their voices and their vote heard.

She's inciting an insurrection!!!! OMG!!!! Make your voices HEARD!!!!! The same thing that Trump said in his speach on Jan6.

Pelosi inciting and insurrection!!!!!!! Quick, we need a Select Committee to investigate!!!!

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863122  No.16430655


calling it a twat infers some sort sensibility

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512572  No.16430656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d2986  No.16430657

File: 1b3615fe99e9b3a⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 818x458, 409:229, laser_cat_2022_06_11_08_3….webm)

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863122  No.16430658


i think he calls it a twat cause the surgeon told him it was a twat

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478d44  No.16430659


I was all in for Trump, but the vaccine shilling made me lose a lot of trust in him. I would still vote for him over Biden (no-brainer), but I really wish he’d announce whether or not he’s going to run in 2024 and quit baiting us along. I would actually prefer DeSantis to run. He’s much younger and has the true conservative intuition and political gamesmanship intuition that Trump lacks. I know we like to say Trump plays muh 4D chess and all, but he made some horrific choices while he was President, specifically pertaining to the people he chose for various roles.

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2d2986  No.16430660

File: 4e7c4d1dae9208f⋯.jpg (127.35 KB, 455x642, 455:642, Screenshot_2021_07_17_18_5….jpg)

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f4d023  No.16430661





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6118d4  No.16430662


At this point, anon halfway gives a fuck anymore.

Just get the martial law over with ffs

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863122  No.16430663


ted calls it a 'prison pcoket'

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2edf37  No.16430664


My dog. He very old now and it's pretty bad.

But he is aVERY GOOD BOYso I put up with it

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102436  No.16430665


>>I took on the courts, kinda proud of that




>elaborate please

It was just getting out of jury duty, but from a circuit court! I got to go full mask nazi on them. I told them they have no standing if they cower to the CDC instead of err'ing on the side of my rights, or words to that effect

I told them that if I or anyone is forced to wear a mask, the defendant would be found innocent….yadda yadda yadda

I have the text saved somewhere.

The point is, you pick your fights, but you dosomething, you push back and don't obey and throw their own BS back in their face! I hate that made-up standing doctrine BS! Totally misused.

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3fb100  No.16430666


Are you so convinced that the winner will be either a Republican or a Democrat that you're willing to cast a ballot for the "lessor evil"?

If so, then they own you.

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512572  No.16430667

File: 8dfb483eba6a899⋯.jpg (305.93 KB, 1536x911, 1536:911, surfside2.jpg)


maybe DeSantis will sail by Surfside today…

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12abe0  No.16430668

File: fa119a0fd032fa5⋯.png (631.44 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 4071a0272b44f1bb71e7460de6….png)

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80ac4f  No.16430669


Freedom to express anything BUT a conservative view

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e73355  No.16430670


Looks like she's stepping off. Leaving the slavery of Egypt? Starting the journey to the return of freedom?

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102436  No.16430671


>That's not me. I've been calling for the Sheriff to make a possy.

great idea

I love sherrif Joe arpaio

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9354e4  No.16430672

UK’s largest lenders no longer ‘too big to fail’, says Bank of England

Assessment finds customers could access accounts despite any collapse but three banks have shortcomings

The UK’s largest banks are no longer “too big to fail” and could foot the bill for their own failures, the Bank of England has said, but it found shortcomings at three banks including HSBC and Lloyds.


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977258  No.16430673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LAST-FLAG-STANDING: Russell-Jay: Gould.


Premiered Aug 21, 2020

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6118d4  No.16430674


That was my guess at the beginning of the Russian operation. Not sure what to think which side he’s on these days.

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512572  No.16430675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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102436  No.16430676


stay true to God to the end

that's what really matters, no matter what transpires

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3db3c7  No.16430677

File: f61c71b66ad866e⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, video_2022_06_11_12_53_09.mp4)

For the Meme Movie Makers

Maybe add Pepe heads, and eating Karens

call it, Noise Pollution Reduction.

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0707fd  No.16430678

File: ddae139995eae13⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 500x517, 500:517, ggvu.jpg)

File: 5fccc3b73c2f73f⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 6jcht5_1.jpg)

File: 692a163a18e1951⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 500x466, 250:233, 6jckdv_1.jpg)

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478d44  No.16430679


>her eyes glazed over

That makes sense. My wife is an ER Nurse and, I can tell you, nurses may administer tests but they are not given a bulletin or a memo or anything like that with information regarding changes that have been made to the tests. The nurses know where the test kits are located and how to use them. That’s it. If the hospital or clinic brings new testing kits in, the nurses may notice that they look different (e.g. packaging, vendor, etc), but they wouldn’t know if the mechanisms of the tests themselves are/were different.

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f4d023  No.16430680



in a manner of speaking

lifted it from an unsuspecting normie elsewhere


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2d2986  No.16430682

File: 8e8bd7fdec11b51⋯.png (349.31 KB, 452x866, 226:433, Screenshot_2022_06_10_19_0….png)


If I spent so much time on these Q puzzles and questions without answers, all from two to four years ago how would I have time

* to research actual news

* to filter out that charlie ward jfk Jr shit

* keep drawing memes

* keep writing shitty code

* garden

* make coffee

* keep up blacklists

* music

* stay on top of actual narrative change

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3fb100  No.16430683


Satan's servants really know how to remind niggers they are slaves.

Fuck Sheriff Joe.

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977258  No.16430684

File: b77d4daa74474c5⋯.jpg (50.53 KB, 597x393, 199:131, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….jpg)




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fe6dcd  No.16430685


Say something

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d76c17  No.16430686


Mostly true. The dream is over though. It's over for me and many others like me. WE have tried everything and just keep getting slammed into brick walls from every direction. We have no more money, resources or recourse. I'm sorry that people with money and lawyers cannot see that. Things will remain the same because those who CAN do something, never will!

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14a38a  No.16430687

File: e0cf522aa92f26e⋯.jpg (23.43 KB, 386x231, 386:231, 30top.jpg)

File: c2e329a11eda994⋯.jpg (211.98 KB, 921x388, 921:388, Screenshot_20220611_125736….jpg)


WE often profit more by our enemies than by our friends. “We support ourselves only on that which resists,” and owe our success to opposition. The best friends of Masonry in America were the Anti-Masons of 1826, and at the same time they were its worst enemies. Men are but the automata of Providence, and it uses the demagogue, the fanatic, and the knave, a common trinity in Republics, as its tools and instruments to effect that of which they do not dream, and which they imagine themselves commissioned to prevent.


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512572  No.16430688

File: f6536633f3bc5bd⋯.png (101.71 KB, 436x316, 109:79, f6536633f3bc5bde08b901acea….png)



added to the collection


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6118d4  No.16430689


Moloch is nothing compared to the one true God, but outside that, he must be pretty hot shit in this world.

A lot of brilliant minds in this world submit to him so there must be gains made in exchange, most likely given via inspiration.

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e73355  No.16430690


Only one race, it's called HUMAN.

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102436  No.16430691

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5903b6  No.16430692

File: a2b4fffa909198a⋯.png (96.9 KB, 1356x625, 1356:625, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)

File: e8d4baf71618c4f⋯.png (111.24 KB, 792x539, 72:49, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 642503c6546257f⋯.png (300.21 KB, 1209x672, 403:224, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 8923aa71c32fe1a⋯.png (26.11 KB, 375x506, 375:506, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 964648fcb254359⋯.png (499.98 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, Screenshot_2022_06_11_at_1….png)

Dig on Rip Cord

These organizations and all their connections and all the money is positively criminal!

Skoll Foundation is pretty much connected to everything, and way higher up than the little ones which directly impact our lives.

The Skoll Foundation was founded by billionaire philanthropist Jeffrey Skoll. Mr. "Skoll is also the founder of Participant, a firm that produces films such as An Inconvenient Truth, the 2006 documentary featuring former Vice President Al Gore in which Gore presents what he believes to be the inevitable consequences of climate change."

Their assets were $586,996,315 in 2015, and they only spent $39,781,944, and raised $43,445,395… so they not hurting.

Requires a shit load more digging, I am trying to figure out how to use MindMap, I think this would be very helpful showing the levels of connections between all these, money launderer criminal scum.

Participant (formerly known as Participant Media) is a film production company founded by Jeffrey Skoll, a left-leaning billionaire who was formerly the president of eBay. Participant is for profit, so no financial details are shown. This is an old-school propagandist, "Skoll “produces blockbusters, five per year, that feature political or social messages,” and that his overall mission in films and elsewhere was investing in “progressive causes” and “galvanizing world opinion” " For example, An Inconvenient Truth documentary on Al Gore's Climate Change…

Participant is also proud to have supported and provided promotional portrayals in Participant films including Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was a protest demonstration that took place in lower Manhattan, from September 17 through November 15, 2011.






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12abe0  No.16430693


That's the name of their Company

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f9e1c6  No.16430694



(Am I doing it right ?)

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102436  No.16430695


that's what Obama said

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478d44  No.16430696


Empires rise and fall, but the spirit of freedom never wanes. God built us that way.

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512572  No.16430697

File: 825bd490b177dba⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 711x460, 711:460, CVS_SLC_Mtns.jpg)


Are you operating without a HUD?

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9b7292  No.16430698

File: 6b723a0f3defed2⋯.png (682.84 KB, 993x569, 993:569, 4.png)

File: a5e9b1723f1e55e⋯.png (31.08 KB, 717x431, 717:431, 5.png)

File: 11ccbd470ec5876⋯.png (790.61 KB, 1055x713, 1055:713, StPetersBasilica.png)

From back in the Roman Empire, there are two things on earth, Land and water. Subsequently, we have the law of the land and the law of the water.

The Law of the land is the law of the people in the nation in which they live. However, the laws of the sea/water are International. They are the Banking laws.

What is on the ship is on its manifest. Humans are Maritime Admiralty products; they also have a Certificate of manifest =“Birth Certificate.”

At the bottom of the Birth Certificate, it shows our “Informants” are our Parents. We are the property of the Department of Commerce. All humans are “Stock.” As soon as people are born, they are the property of the government in which they live.

See US Vs. USA.

United States is different than the United States of America. The Constitution of the U.S.A. was formed in 1776, and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871.

U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871.

All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. Hence, U.S.A. Inc formed in the Act of 1871. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc.

Rome once ruled the world. Cesar once ruled from “the hill.” Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire.

Take a look at a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square. It looks just like our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C.

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159fac  No.16430699


Barber Road, Nest and Creative Minister offer value to try and outperform the three chalk colts

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6118d4  No.16430700

File: 354759afd7628f3⋯.jpeg (127.33 KB, 700x868, 25:31, D97C49FA_8B49_4A43_95F9_8….jpeg)


you are familiar with the origin of the name, yes?

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b2e703  No.16430701


imagine if russian forces came to u.s clay to lend a helping hand to any rooskies who needed it

imagine if chinese forces came over every time some chinks were having a hard time

imagine if japanese forces came over every time some nips were in trouble

ad infinitum

they get a pass because they are the chosen ones, didn't ya know?

but hey, at least he waits until 4th grade to teach kids about "gender identity"

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c56b3f  No.16430702

File: 4f51fa10d8aa321⋯.png (716.92 KB, 768x601, 768:601, ClipboardImage.png)

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102436  No.16430703

File: c81c95f40fdb2fb⋯.jpg (167.18 KB, 888x500, 222:125, who_dare_threaten_the_chil….jpg)

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512572  No.16430704

File: d150d5ba77415f4⋯.jpg (17.38 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 2db13283bfcb48cc7464d16142….jpg)

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fe6dcd  No.16430705

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159fac  No.16430706


very good ; do you have a gun control one?

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64d288  No.16430707


>he must be pretty hot shit in this world

That you, skippy?

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2d2986  No.16430708

File: e6e7f63aa67bdf4⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 640x400, 8:5, EMERGENCY_2020.jpg)


The fraud is by the state department and the US Military for letting the Candidates who mean actual unrestricted warfare HARM to America being put on the ballot in the first place.

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512572  No.16430710

File: 83dfc131b269039⋯.png (12.33 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 342260013598516515d2258225….png)


>but hey, at least he waits until 4th grade to teach kids about "gender identity"

Illusion of choice


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fd4ba0  No.16430711


Fuck Trump and Jared

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f4d023  No.16430712

File: f4567a7335f2228⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, R_6_.jpg)

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6118d4  No.16430713


Kek. No was just pondering. It’s wicked shit but it’s obvious they’re getting returns on their investment in this world, it they’re proper fooked in the next.

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512572  No.16430714

File: 7c47ff02424ef38⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 500x527, 500:527, oldschool44.jpg)

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53975d  No.16430715

File: 62c0987e6237a7e⋯.png (12.88 KB, 479x160, 479:160, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 06/11/2022 10:02:37

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108459206756761900

SIGN 45’s BIRTHDAY CARD: https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/trump-birthday-card-c-rd-pro-0622?utm_source=exc_OT&utm_campaign=97ca3131 (had to use link from website bc the one can't use shortened links on here)

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7468bc  No.16430716



We're a pretty good spread of personalities, interests, abilities, etc. It also would make sense if a number of places used this board to test any number of things.

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5181b5  No.16430717

File: ddae139995eae13⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 500x517, 500:517, ggvu.jpg)

File: e78b38c402d6767⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 500x552, 125:138, CMZ_1_.jpg)

File: b6e565213c92b43⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 6j4hgf.jpg)

File: ddae139995eae13⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 500x517, 500:517, ggvu.jpg)

File: c1ea66021f4f7ef⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 500x468, 125:117, vgbi.jpg)

The US SUPREME COURT is no longer able to interpret the law as written.

All publicly available election data clearly shows Trump but no court's will look at the evidence not even the FAILED MISERABLY US SUPREME COURT.

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512572  No.16430718


It's not necessary, but it helps.

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863122  No.16430719

spam window makes corny fart jokes

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63772c  No.16430720


The Elections are rigged. It doesn't matter.

Until 2020 is fixed, the elections will continue to be rigged.

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fe6dcd  No.16430721


>Are you operating without a HUD?


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c7725e  No.16430722

File: 63ed418d04c6b3a⋯.jpg (214.13 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, doge.jpg)


>Q Research General #20786: Stand in Line for the Dough Edition



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bd99b9  No.16430723

File: da0a1e7a42f1d29⋯.png (30.31 KB, 318x463, 318:463, ClipboardImage.png)


Apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation

The present invention relates to apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation at levels of awareness below that ability of an observer to report the stimulus verbally. More particularly, the present invention relates to apparatus for imparting useful information to an observer by subconscious stimulation and subsequently resulting in conscious purposive behavior of said observer without his awareness of the basis for such behavior, comprising means Vstimulating said observer below his conscious recognition level without said observer being consciously aware `of any change in his environmental and physical status to impart information to said observer at said subconscious recognition level and said observer subsequently -untilizing said information at the conscious recognition level.


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512572  No.16430724

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 480x244, 120:61, chkt.gif)


>It also would make sense if a number of places used this board to test any number of things.


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f4d023  No.16430725



You sure you're okay with this?

'Just ring the bell you pansy'

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863122  No.16430726


>spam window makes corny fart jokes



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0d79e5  No.16430727


Similar spotted 20 mins ago. Disappeared in cloudbank. Other witness who pointed out craft described torroid shape, not witnessed by anon.

Southern, Ontario

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512572  No.16430728

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 255x219, 85:73, chucklesinOG44.jpg)



Been married almost 2 decades now..

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64d288  No.16430729


You mean that they WERE getting returns on their investments.

How do you think those A-listers in Pedowood who are on the PAIN list have been doing the last 5 years?

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2edf37  No.16430730


ok pet peeve, karen rant


why do some of you love to have President Trump with a beard, moustache or bald?

He would not do any of those things.

Get real.

Portray him as He wants to be seen. Honor the Man. Do not change him.

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863122  No.16430731


funniest protein source ever

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fe6dcd  No.16430732


>It's not necessary, but it helps.


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152f50  No.16430733

File: 38d35c8ca507272⋯.png (519.4 KB, 753x652, 753:652, Ivanka_Trump_Hasn_t_Been_S….png)

Donald Trump’s daughter and former White House adviser Ivanka Trump told the congressional panel investigating the protests at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021, that she does not believe her father’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him because of voting fraud.

Ivanka Trump was seen in a video deposition, shown to the public for the first time during the first hearing of the House panel.

She said her perspective changed after hearing that Bill Barr, who was Trump’s attorney general for most of 2020, until he resigned that December, had explained to her father repeatedly that he had lost the election.

“I respect Attorney General Barr. So I accepted what he was saying,” Ivanka Trump told congressional investigators.

This drew a stinging rebuke from her dad, who went on his own social media platform Truth Social and derided his eldest daughter: “Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).”

The last time Ivanka was seen with her father Donald was at a rally in Georgia on January 4 of last year during the president’s last days in office — just forty-eight hours BEFORE the January 6 insurrection.

“There is monumental rift inside the Trump family,” a source told Radar. “Ivanka and Jared no longer want to be associated with Donald, and they’ve made that very clear behind-the-scenes.”

She hasn’t seen her father in 522 DAYS

However, it seems there is more to the story!

Former first lady Melania Trump is the underlying reason behind Ivanka and Donald’s legendary daddy-daughter feud according to the news website Radar.

Melania Trump’s former closest friend, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, claims the feud stretches back to the Trump administration’s early days.

Melania and Ivanka not only dislike one other, with Ivanka’s mother-in-law referring to Ivanka as a “snake.”

“Even before the hearing, Ivanka had been iced by Melania, despite living almost around the corner from each other in Florida,” an insider revealed to Radar. “Both (Melania and Ivanka) were respectful of one another’s turf” when the Trumps moved into the White House. It was alleged that they couldn’t endure the sight of one other. “As First Lady, Melania felt Ivanka was trying to take her place,” a source told Radar during the administration. Melania believed her step-daughter would do “what it takes” to accomplish what she desired, including undermining the first lady by “poaching” staff members and rendering her “irrelevant.” According to Wolkoff, Melania was so enraged that she referred to Ivanka and her supporters as “snakes.”


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fc0560  No.16430734


crop-in the popcorn

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12abe0  No.16430735


Well fuck…It just clicked with me what that actually means. That is Satanic WTF

Well now I finally understand why certain people are so hell bent on keeping abortions plentiful.

If only there was a way to 100% prove this is the case because it would mean that they are FULLY AWARE that a fetus is alive & separate from the mother because they need that little tiny body to use as human sacrifice!

They made that topic so cartoonish that no normie would EVER believe something like that. Fuck

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733026  No.16430736


You been here almost 2 weeks now with your new shill persona.

This one seems to be paying dividends.

You say all sorts of bullshit with no sauce.

This isn't a board to fix you.

Go find a doctor.

You need serious help.

You seek to only disrupt and waste time.

I'm bored, let's go.

Exactly when did you have your balls and dick cut off?


Troll de Troll pa Trol

Everyone else ignores you for what you are.

You be better off seeking help from the bum on the street.

Yet you choose to come here to be abused.

Welcome to free speech.

So with the piss and shit flying, you beat the liddle boy up to near death.

Continue with your story from there.

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863122  No.16430737


canadian tards

still appealing

to a queer lie

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478d44  No.16430738


I am registered as unaffiliated now. No one “owns” me except Jesus Christ. If you stop and consider it, with man being the fallen creatures we all are, the lessor of 2 evils is all the choices we ever have an any election. With that said, I think Trump and DeSantis are the 2 leaders most aligned with my personal ideas and our Constitution. If that’s “voting for the lessor of 2 evils” and equates to them “owning” me, then so be it. The only other option is to not participate in the election process, which I have strongly considered, but there’s still strong conviction in my heart that I should participate. Nevertheless, I remind myself of one of my favorite scriptures when I catch myself stressing about my beloved USA and what has befallen her in my lifetime: Hebrews 13:14: For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.

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512572  No.16430739

File: b8380db7585647f⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 198x255, 66:85, fc4821358b19860aa5e86da2b6….jpg)

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f4d023  No.16430740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6118d4  No.16430741


That’s anotable point of discussion and you’re probably right; we are some sort of measuring stick for disclosure.

I disagree on the point of us anons not being able to handle the truth. After all the horseshit we’ve been through, I have no doubt there is nothing you can tell us that’s gonna make us lose our shit.

So quit holding out patriots, spill the fucking Beans

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63772c  No.16430742


>they get a pass because they are the chosen ones, didn't ya know?

They came to try to buy evidence of how they were trying to assassinate Ivanka?

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f221d0  No.16430743

I nominate Kash Patel for VP running mate. He is freakin smart. He has a great way of connecting with people by simplifying complex information into common language.

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5181b5  No.16430744

File: ddae139995eae13⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 500x517, 500:517, ggvu.jpg)

File: 2f8549d9fa18feb⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 500x552, 125:138, 2f8549d9fa18feb5de9658dd39….jpg)

File: 799c87a0f3470e3⋯.jpg (73.08 KB, 500x523, 500:523, 799c87a0f3470e370cd2447978….jpg)

File: 1d10f863c5d73fd⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 500x490, 50:49, 6vghi.jpg)

File: fa6c9ee2793c6e7⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 500x472, 125:118, fgvu.jpg)

The US SUPREME COURT is no longer able to interpret the law as written.

All publicly available election data clearly shows Trump won by a landslide but no court's will look at the evidence not even the FAILED MISERABLY US SUPREME COURT.

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3dff0a  No.16430745

File: b4e2026876d82df⋯.jpeg (87.17 KB, 544x570, 272:285, pepe_not_gonna_take_it.jpeg)

Shills are desperate to convince us to not vote.

We know better.

Learn to play the game!

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ce167d  No.16430746

DAVID HOGG has become a superstar. msnbc is showing him speaking to a March For Our Lives event. He's become a leader of boys & girls. He's speaking now.

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fc0560  No.16430747

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c56b3f  No.16430748

File: 6226ea8ea1d5039⋯.png (635.19 KB, 949x679, 949:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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102436  No.16430749


doing great predicting Durham so far


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446ba2  No.16430750


Can somebody get this fucking idiot a girlfriend already

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3db3c7  No.16430751

File: 79cb81b4faba3b9⋯.png (870.08 KB, 722x495, 722:495, Screenshot_4_.png)


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, don't get it either.

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6118d4  No.16430752



They’re definitely getting something out of this and moloch is gonna start screening calls if [they] aren’t sending him his ‘deliverables’

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159fac  No.16430753

File: 49b36c1a894dc79⋯.gif (52.48 KB, 375x386, 375:386, 49b36c1a894dc79cb37817da15….gif)


the only thing of note in that story might be Q post 522….otherwise, who cares?

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449eec  No.16430754

File: ab51ec34d5714be⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 780x439, 780:439, russians44.jpg)

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d564dc  No.16430755

File: f8918778caed7d7⋯.png (1.11 MB, 862x1096, 431:548, itcouldbe.png)


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fe6dcd  No.16430756



I have not been married with her for over 30 years but I will merry her sometime later this year I believe and I just can't wait to go back to the island with just me and her, paradise!!!

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bd99b9  No.16430757

File: 700228f67869c4c⋯.png (35.97 KB, 318x525, 106:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.


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14a38a  No.16430758

File: 7e0c9c1bde2ac12⋯.jpg (372.42 KB, 593x780, 593:780, Screenshot_20220611_131308….jpg)

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12e163  No.16430759

File: e91e61f04bdbbde⋯.png (870.09 KB, 916x652, 229:163, united.png)

File: 24f9cf96c664c07⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1278x888, 213:148, united_together.png)

File: cbd4628de1d6e9f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1282x898, 641:449, united_patriots.png)

File: 064ffbf1b531303⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x892, 320:223, unite.png)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58ea93 No.5629243 📁

Mar 11 2019 17:33:31 (EST)


Memes, Memes, and more Memes.







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6118d4  No.16430760

File: dc93cf13fe105f8⋯.jpeg (164.68 KB, 720x480, 3:2, DE33CFED_1979_445C_A658_F….jpeg)

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3feb9b  No.16430761

File: 261d9749836feba⋯.png (19.55 KB, 335x290, 67:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/11/2022 13:08:32

Truth Social: 108459937799991625

Really BAD T.V. Ratings for the Unselect Committee. Only 19,000,000 for at least 12 Networks, far lower than anticipated. I guess the American People don’t want to see one sided Witch Hunts. Besides, they know what happened with the Election!


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63772c  No.16430762




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159fac  No.16430763


david hogg is nasim

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7fffde  No.16430764

File: 84d63eadac11182⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 1064x810, 532:405, photo_2021_05_19_17_10_10.jpg)

File: afb210faeffd8d9⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 766x720, 383:360, photo_2021_05_19_17_10_06.jpg)

File: fbb5380d6328be3⋯.jpg (110.93 KB, 718x794, 359:397, photo_2021_05_19_17_10_12.jpg)

File: 37b7e85e5710574⋯.jpg (63.58 KB, 1280x615, 256:123, photo_2021_05_19_17_10_09.jpg)


>U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871.

corporation is dissolved…

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449eec  No.16430765

File: db6b6d5b8b73598⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 42289ddc423a0041a9c38c62a4….jpg)

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2edf37  No.16430766


it's a bot

it is trying to manipulate us all.

filter it


tempt it with a thought, that causes it's wires to flame up


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bd99b9  No.16430767


spam window corny fart jokes - WTF shill

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d564dc  No.16430768

File: 1f9987c501b9ff8⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1320x1356, 110:113, qanonshamanonbeach.png)

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d564dc  No.16430769

File: caf9ba473566c08⋯.png (712.81 KB, 862x648, 431:324, banwait.png)

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159fac  No.16430770

File: 5f5520d8421a041⋯.jpeg (10.98 KB, 255x163, 255:163, clintons_on_the_island.jpeg)


>I just can't wait to go back to the island with just me and her,

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6d561e  No.16430771

File: f13716777ba7cc2⋯.png (623.78 KB, 780x585, 4:3, David_Hogg_highest_ranking.png)


>DAVID HOGG has become a

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863122  No.16430772


Frudeau only calls it a twat cause the surgeon told him it was a twat

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52821c  No.16430773



He's talking in code mocking.

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fe6dcd  No.16430774



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449eec  No.16430775

File: 6a748907ed82fc6⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, woooooooo44.jpg)


Sounds awesome

I hope to retire to Pirate Island myself one day.

Maybe be a Pirate King….

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d564dc  No.16430776

File: ce787a0c8ca3688⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1070x770, 107:77, americahas.png)

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6118d4  No.16430777


Audibly kekk’d

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2edf37  No.16430778


Of course he isn't you flaming faggot.

She was a decent and honest person.

he obviously isn't. He is a liar.

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e73355  No.16430779


You know, it's kinda funny, years ago you heard quite a bit about fuzzy logic and how useful it is, but then…silence, no products or anything really touting the fuzzy logic thing. Hmm, I wonder if it got put in Pandora's black box.

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102436  No.16430780


he ded?

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449eec  No.16430781

File: c924372da01a629⋯.jpeg (18.44 KB, 255x143, 255:143, stealin44.jpeg)

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bd99b9  No.16430782


Thanks Anon. We know they are being spotted more and more. Soft disclosure imo

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39c943  No.16430783

File: 054c49918501df0⋯.jpg (60 KB, 613x678, 613:678, treason.JPG)

eyes on

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64d288  No.16430784


Agreed anon. Miss all those disclosures which convinced us that the entire last Century was nothing but a Rich Man's [CB] Trick. Don't understand why they can't drop us a few behind the scenes proofs that the Plan is progressing. Shut off cold turkey since August 2020 has been rough. Too rough.

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53975d  No.16430785

File: 0e4b1ce9583262f⋯.png (17.5 KB, 479x200, 479:200, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

New So Shiny Alert!

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/11/2022 13:08:32

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108459937799991625

Really BAD T.V. Ratings for the Unselect Committee. Only 19,000,000 for at least 12 Networks, far lower than anticipated. I guess the American People don’t want to see one sided Witch Hunts. Besides, they know what happened with the Election!

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863122  No.16430786

File: 84628bb61c6f9bd⋯.jpg (837.66 KB, 2488x2576, 311:322, 2008_05_14_09_51_IMG_6991.JPG)

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fe6dcd  No.16430787


>Sounds awesome

>I hope to retire to Pirate Island myself one day.

>Maybe be a Pirate King….

Being there with the love of your life makes any man a king!!!

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63772c  No.16430788



The Elections are Rigged!

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b56ab4  No.16430789

File: 878a0f429c2582d⋯.jpeg (244.45 KB, 1178x1713, 1178:1713, 3DA4DA4B_6F1A_47A0_B181_7….jpeg)

File: dee3a75f2578df8⋯.jpeg (311.58 KB, 1241x2009, 1241:2009, 3821C008_0625_4810_B255_0….jpeg)

File: ede6b04315929af⋯.jpeg (370.85 KB, 1241x1921, 73:113, 3FE64A14_5B38_478C_961C_F….jpeg)

File: 19dd350893148b9⋯.jpeg (305.86 KB, 1241x2008, 1241:2008, DB22D40E_8644_40E9_A038_C….jpeg)

File: f645754852ea723⋯.jpeg (335.57 KB, 1241x2058, 1241:2058, 4C4D3AFB_92F7_457F_98A7_1….jpeg)

I was listening to Bannons war room with Darren Beatie and he recommended highly to check the 2nd article from Revolver on Ray Epps. Darren says hes the key to J6 riots

“Then, six months later on June 30, 2021, both Revolver News and The New York Times published inconvenient stories that encouraged a more aggressive interrogation of the “Ray Epps third rail,” leading reasonable people to wonder why this publicly identified man on the Most Wanted List still had no charges filed against him.

The FBI responded to these important media stories the very next day. But their response was to quietly purge all online Ray Epps files from their website, then switch to a posture of “What? Who? Ray Epps? Never heard of him.”

Agents of the FBI Field Office in Phoenix (where Epps lives) have gone so far as to explicitly deny knowledge that Ray Epps even exists. Instead of pursuing Epps, FBI agents have instead pursued journalists who had the temerity to ask Epps in person if he was a government operative. “I understand that, but I can’t say anything,” is all Epps would tell them”.


His legal name I found James Ray Epps, but he can use James or Ray (he used Ray on AZ SOS) did research on him including business records and him and his wife Robin own Quick Tube Systems, Inc. Incorporated in multiple states snd canada. Mylife did not education and work history (its been scrubbed by him or FBI). He’s only listed as owning a ranch but Quick Tube Systems makes $1.06 million a year. Him and his wife were removed as prinicpals of corporation on 5/8/21.

I tried to find military service, not allowed without Foia, my brother told me he can check any veteran name on navy so if anons are part of any military service please see if he was in any service. His dob is 5/28/61. Need some help as his history thats publicly available is scrubbed to some degree. My Life would absolution have education and work history. He’s involved in two lawsuits or criminal matters out of Smith, CA, its blanked out on the report i paid for. “They” are going to every degree to erase the guy. I found the corp filing on AZ SOS website

Ray (1st name James Epps & wife Robyn removed as officers from Quick Tube System, Inc 5/8/2021

All websites I checked





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863122  No.16430790

File: 4b6fcceefbd7c53⋯.png (574.28 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2019_07_13_17_11_IMG_8665.PNG)

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449eec  No.16430791

File: 7a8319e6231a511⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 585033d2a6174b4cd3d4bf9760….jpg)


the cross-shaped one is pretty cool

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977258  No.16430792

File: e31898842e750b5⋯.jpg (139.28 KB, 600x495, 40:33, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….jpg)

File: 1a3382ad48783bb⋯.jpg (157.37 KB, 1194x762, 199:127, Screen_Shot_2022_06_11_at_….jpg)

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3feb9b  No.16430793

File: 1254e6c10009c90⋯.png (15.83 KB, 332x222, 166:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/11/2022 13:12:33

Truth Social: 108459953565703073

Hopefully Alaska will get out today and VOTE for Sarah Palin in the Special Primary. She is a GREAT person who will NEVER LET YOU DOWN!


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102436  No.16430794

File: 2cdbbf070ed140b⋯.jpeg (923.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bosnian_airport.jpeg)

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13fbda  No.16430795

File: 5328ca80c488b5d⋯.jpg (172.24 KB, 790x432, 395:216, David_Hogg_Bitch_on_TV.jpg)


stolen kek

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12abe0  No.16430796

File: 499deb1fdb876c0⋯.jpeg (313.01 KB, 716x622, 358:311, CreepyBiden.jpeg)

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b56ab4  No.16430797

File: d9210cd19deef98⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 7E7257AA_9A21_4FBF_B070_99….png)

File: d7369970301630f⋯.jpeg (344.06 KB, 1241x1641, 1241:1641, 4D24364C_C49E_4225_AFAB_9….jpeg)

File: 1429d6f5f45b269⋯.png (1005.63 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 3609FB36_E794_49EB_9E45_35….png)

File: 0fa5b24d00037f5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 2EAF7CB9_8DF6_4070_B0D4_ED….png)

File: 9a26f32505bc97e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, D5E8BFB2_2412_41B6_98E8_E2….png)


More Ray Epps research

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863122  No.16430798

File: 38eb5dc8f9ddcde⋯.jpeg (17.81 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 2019_04_14_15_18_IMG_7318.JPEG)

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53975d  No.16430799

File: b8df331c953b580⋯.png (15.94 KB, 480x194, 240:97, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

Another One!

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/11/2022 13:12:33

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108459953565703073

Hopefully Alaska will get out today and VOTE for Sarah Palin in the Special Primary. She is a GREAT person who will NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

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d76c17  No.16430801


get rekt

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7f23d5  No.16430802

File: 05efc6286d1f9bc⋯.png (241.19 KB, 765x648, 85:72, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28e467e158bacf7⋯.png (126.5 KB, 752x723, 752:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edca9312eeb1d4c⋯.png (119.25 KB, 707x723, 707:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8b36298fcaa86f⋯.png (29.74 KB, 444x400, 111:100, ClipboardImage.png)

>ABC journalist Melanie Lawson

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2edf37  No.16430803



You found him!

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9354e4  No.16430804

Nancy Pelosi's husband gets DUI court date

A court date for Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), has been set related to his arrest for allegedly driving under the influence in California last month.

Paul Pelosi, 82, is slotted to appear in Napa County Superior Court at 8:30 a.m. PST on Aug. 3, the Napa County District Attorney's Office said Thursday.


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f4d023  No.16430805


electronic cheating / voting fraud bypasses the definition of voter fraud by manipulating the electronic data that is tabulated as opposed to the physical counting of the ballots as defined.

will have to come up with a different way to define traitors and other acts before long

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190181  No.16430806


Will be attempt to stop, The SC will soon allow anyone in any state to have a defensive capability. Remember Korean town during the L.A. Riots! Counter move!

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12e163  No.16430807



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fe6dcd  No.16430808



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9354e4  No.16430809

File: f96434a7aae984b⋯.png (619.1 KB, 800x537, 800:537, 02c49938f504569f3343c69c72….png)

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4d4dc1  No.16430810

File: f8bfbf0372c95c4⋯.png (939.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_06_11….png)

File: 94110bb2580c9a8⋯.png (173.85 KB, 725x363, 725:363, Screenshot_from_2022_06_11….png)






Just happens to steam by in the background

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3451d6  No.16430811

File: e1e905c4c358080⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 6jgyu.jpg)

If the US government doesn't want to get a FISA warrant on a US citizen then they can avoid American court's all together by having a 5Eyes country spy on that individual.

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102436  No.16430812


ray cysts I love it

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f4d023  No.16430814




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449eec  No.16430815

File: 659ad6f471b62f7⋯.png (18.18 KB, 242x255, 242:255, salty444.png)


yer an alright guy, crazy dude.

just don't let it go to yer head.


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2d2986  No.16430816


this Q stuf vs a Journalist.

disclosure: I never followed Q. ever. I tried to filter around it the first time I heard it. I know people that DON'T LIKE Q and I respect thos people so I made EARLY decision not to follow any of this Q stuff.

So…. I don't know if any Q stuff was right or not back in the day. All I see now is old Q stuff rehashing and not actually doing anything but wasting time.

To me the MODERN Q has devolved into just arguing and puting out this weird religious sounding puzzles, meanwhile not solving a thing except puzzles that don't actually do anything, and string you along so you don't pay attention to actual news.

Compare to Journalist who actually has some meat to chew on each day.


The answer for me is SIMPLE when it comes to the Q stuff. I bypass it.

You got the right to believe what you want. Never since I came here did I say you don't have right to believe in Q.

But you don't have a right to assume I follow Q. As long as we play by that rule, I get along fine with ya. As soon as a troll comes up and says Faggot, there's that confirmation why I don't follow it and it's drama and Go elsewhere to other sources which are actually getting results.

I tried while typing this, not to be an Ego Jerk and not to treat the reader like shit.

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ddaffd  No.16430817


it's a fuckign bird……

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54512b  No.16430818


I have a feeling that’s what they do with the illegals, they are feeding the beast that lives under the sw portion of the United States.

Remember the truth would put 90% away!

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863122  No.16430819

File: 8da2b41e2f59c87⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.53 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, 2018_08_17_16_38_IMG_2683.JPG)


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449eec  No.16430820

File: 0fb01212c3f4095⋯.gif (14.31 KB, 220x196, 55:49, 38dafe7c755a9b99af7674f74d….gif)

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7f23d5  No.16430821

File: b878478bf1d3911⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1179x752, 1179:752, ClipboardImage.png)

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382e75  No.16430822

File: cca1eb5783deb1c⋯.gif (2.47 MB, 498x493, 498:493, cca1eb5783deb1ce5e66bc87d2….gif)

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9b7292  No.16430823

File: 2122f773a978aa0⋯.png (73.07 KB, 955x633, 955:633, Jurisdiction.png)

File: 7cd29781e4de52a⋯.png (22.67 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, east.png)

International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day.

US Code, Title 18 B 7. It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In other words, mainland America.


“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a 'Federal Government' when, after the manufactured 'victory' in the American War of 'Independence', the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since. In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the 'former' colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms. These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and 'Feds'.

[Above, see Flag of British East India Company NAVAL FLAG It's the same 13 stripes on the US Flag, and represented the original 13 British Colonies in the US]

British East India Company (1600 -1873)


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863122  No.16430824

File: 65d129b4bd29f71⋯.jpg (14.97 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 2019_04_14_15_18_IMG_7324.JPG)

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449eec  No.16430825

File: 80bc8ab30b35d62⋯.jpeg (679.54 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, beencaught4.jpeg)

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12e163  No.16430826

>>16430785 Really BAD T.V. Ratings for the Unselect Committee (show trial)


You are the MAJORITY - by far - and GROWING.

FAKE NEWS' purpose is to project FALSE NARRATIVES.


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f6923f  No.16430827

File: bea7c8d3708854b⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Glow_Nigger.mp4)

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9354e4  No.16430828

File: 68d481eff38527d⋯.png (149.96 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0000.png)

File: dc5d43732d56d86⋯.png (163.82 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0001.png)

File: f55ed9d48e204f8⋯.png (169.89 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0002.png)


>The US SUPREME COURT is no longer able to interpret the law as written.



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3451d6  No.16430829

File: 3a7ad5ee5320304⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 6fgcih.jpg)

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478d44  No.16430830


Step by step guide on how to get a girlfriend:

1) Get off of this board,NOW

2) Don’t get back on this board or even speak of this board for at least 6 months

3) Take a shower

4) Apply deodorant liberally

5) Put on some decent clothes, clean ones

6) Comb your hair (if you have any)

7) Brush your teeth

8) Floss thoroughly , even if your gums bleed like you just severed your Carotid artery

9) Use breath mints if steps 8 & 9 still didn’t fix the halitosis

10) Leave the house and go somewhere nearby where single ladies frequent

11) Don’t be a creeper

12) Engage single lady in conversation but don’t make it weird; for crying out loud please don’t mention this board

13) Please avoid talking about yourself unless she asks you something specifically about you and try not to drone on and on about it even then

14) Brace yourself for rejection; don’t be a stalker and move on to someone else if/when you get rejected

15) Get a real job; shilling on 8Kun doesn’t count

That’s a start. I’m sure some other anons can add to and/or modify things in this list, but it’s a start. Maybe the order of the list could be shuffled a bit too.

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3feb9b  No.16430831

File: 904f072fcc4a4d4⋯.png (15.55 KB, 327x222, 109:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/11/2022 13:19:40

Truth Social: 108459981551571911

Wow! CNN Ratings have absolutely cratered, while MSNBC is doing VERY BADLY! Not enough positive Trump stories, I guess!!!


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4d4dc1  No.16430832

File: 60a3502d57d4463⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1280x858, 640:429, queenRedGreen1.png)

File: 9b71ff7e829b2e9⋯.png (616.37 KB, 752x1036, 188:259, smollettMuhChucks.png)

File: e8db237920f9178⋯.png (970.28 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, mcconMuhChucks2.png)

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863122  No.16430833



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9354e4  No.16430834

File: aaaaf2e6b2ef8b0⋯.png (185.14 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0003.png)

File: 67029dac78ddc08⋯.png (175.07 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0004.png)

File: bba4f7b457fa641⋯.png (49.43 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 21a772_h3dj_0005.png)


The US SUPREME COURT is no longer able to interpret the law as written.


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102436  No.16430835


punchline: …in America, we have so many Mexicans, we never drink with the same one twice

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53975d  No.16430836

File: aea1d3f2446b6e7⋯.png (15.81 KB, 480x190, 48:19, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/11/2022 13:19:40

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108459981551571911

Wow! CNN Ratings have absolutely cratered, while MSNBC is doing VERY BADLY! Not enough positive Trump stories, I guess!!!

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733026  No.16430837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fcc75a  No.16430838


So you're saying the expression Christian Judeo Values is really an Oxymoron

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bd99b9  No.16430839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

23 Mind Control US Patents 1956- 2003


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3fb100  No.16430840

File: 9caf756638cb9ba⋯.jpg (123.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 41.jpg)

File: 9ef7ce3a39e7a1b⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 526x292, 263:146, lord_trump.jpg)

Jesus would voat moar harder for the Uniparty huckster and the RINOs he endorses.

Stay on the Uniparty plantation

Never unite and vote 3rd party.

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863122  No.16430841

File: 2c438d076857ca3⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 728x500, 182:125, 2019_04_14_15_57_IMG_7745.JPG)

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12e163  No.16430842

File: bc111ea9927c9d7⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1217x2021, 1217:2021, RoofKoreans.png)

File: be44ee47883661c⋯.jpeg (19.59 KB, 255x245, 51:49, pepe_roofkorean.jpeg)


>Remember Korean town during the L.A. Riots! Counter move!

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53975d  No.16430843


Sorry anon, just seeing you got his Truths under control. All yours! Thank you for posting!

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102436  No.16430844


and tired

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863122  No.16430845

File: f667c6619500b9e⋯.jpg (146.65 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 2019_09_29_21_04_IMG_9200.JPG)



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b56ab4  No.16430846


Anon it would be good if you could heal, many anons have given input, I hope you find your way out soon

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02c23e  No.16430847

File: 75f1daa3491b9bb⋯.png (1.02 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 75f1daa3491b9bb1743f1445ca….png)


it's subtle, but non-nefarious overall

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3feb9b  No.16430848


It's not a problem anon, nor a competition, carry on!

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042e25  No.16430849

File: 32aa208208895fc⋯.jpeg (109.25 KB, 693x666, 77:74, 2F082DF8_F70A_49D6_B346_2….jpeg)

File: 0b9d962553738d3⋯.jpeg (98.88 KB, 828x552, 3:2, 5C2D76E2_D90A_4FA0_9538_5….jpeg)

File: 6b7e4b0d7239118⋯.jpeg (186.42 KB, 828x680, 207:170, 4CAAB85E_8A4E_4C10_BFC8_C….jpeg)

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863122  No.16430850



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02c23e  No.16430851

File: 9b5cd1603295eb6⋯.jpeg (10.47 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 62f607f5b5e636b3ccfe1d946….jpeg)


wide screen version

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68c767  No.16430852

File: b575b71e3d9a6a2⋯.png (424.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 00754578865a37fa647f30c130….png)

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63772c  No.16430853


Every Patriot in this Information War does what he is capable of doing.

Knowing our strengths & weaknesses is always good.

Choose your battles wisely.

Every little bit helps.

Glad things worked out for you in your latest skirmish.

>you have been frozen into inaction

But we need to be careful that the battle is ours, not one that the Enemy is trying to coerce us into.

Carry on, anon fren.

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ae27a6  No.16430854

File: 6060cf28cc1fb22⋯.jpeg (196.29 KB, 828x851, 36:37, badendingtruthtoshrink5.jpeg)


AI only can do what it is programmed to do.

don't go crazy.

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12abe0  No.16430855


Phoenix FBI office is GROUND ZERO for all shitton of bullshit the past few years. The fake FBI field report that was "leaked" to Yahoo news, them.

I think the kneeling fatties was that office as well.

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4d4dc1  No.16430856

File: bf22759366eee95⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1568x1596, 56:57, evergreenTeigen.png)

File: 4fde8cf23bb7b31⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 360x276, 30:23, pepeEvergreen.gif)

File: 1828b2cf2766201⋯.png (973.64 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, mcconMuhChucks.png)

File: e877118ee1a0fef⋯.png (39.35 KB, 561x240, 187:80, tt403_con.png)

File: 8f3da3986b5e1be⋯.png (31.34 KB, 564x198, 94:33, q4447_dpartycon.png)


Follow the stars

Mathew McCONaughey

welcome to the D partyCON

Potus: Pro andCON

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fe6dcd  No.16430857


I am just crazy in love and I am good at heart but it's so much to take in.

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2d2986  No.16430858

Every single person here knows elections are RIGGED and not fixed yet. That's a recipe for fail.

Every single person here could go to their Secretary of State and file a complaint.

do it now. BEFORE another election.

Someone keeps posting that stupid shit "stop voting for pedofiles" well stop putting them on the BALLOT!

State Department, US Military, Secretary Of State and co-conspiritors a proxy of Smith Mundt Modernization Act.

"Background Security Clearance Evaluators"

Alejandro Mayorkas

Lloyd Austin

Shirley N. Weber

U.S. Department of State

2201 C St., NW

Washington, DC 20520

OPM's Federal Investigative Services

United States Military

The Pentagon Washington, DC 20310

why is commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud on the ballot in the first place.

They have stated they want you to eat bugs and own nothing (your gona have to kill me for that) and change your body(bioweapons terrorism.) That's a globalist terrorist threat. Every person and agency tied to them is tainted with this terrorist threat. XI->WEF->Bill Gates->WHO/CDC/NIH/HHS/DOD/DTRA all agencies down stream that rely on WHO/CDC or WEF.

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102436  No.16430859


I asked you what you have done (aside from your puter)?

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fa698b  No.16430860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IOG SABBATH DAY - 6/11/2022 - "From Babel To Babylon To The Millennium" 2022

Live KJV only


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863122  No.16430861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d4dc1  No.16430862

File: 29f86202eeff686⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1135x2269, 1135:2269, qpotus_dpartyCon.png)


>welcome to the D partyCON

>Potus: Pro andCON

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565156  No.16430863

File: 7a4d81abcda330c⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 6iztqe_1.jpg)

File: 6740183c08f02c1⋯.jpg (68.99 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 6iozvs_1.jpg)

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c86a8d  No.16430864



You still feel love.

That is an excellent sign.

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fe6dcd  No.16430865


>Anon it would be good if you could heal, many anons have given input, I hope you find your way out soon

I am so close to a solution but it takes some time and work to get there, so there is hope and there is going to be a girl too.

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733026  No.16430866


Stating you have a reason is not a reason.

State your reason or you're just a larp.

Yes, anyone can post here except children under 18.


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ce167d  No.16430867


Miss Milley was lying.

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2d2986  No.16430868


> tracking the money

I don't see evidence of this.

I been following CAFR1.COM for years

show some people auditing CAFR in 2022

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63772c  No.16430869


And I told you, I spent 8 years homeschooling my own son.

Now I am an advocate for homeschooling.

I encourage people to get their kids out of the Socialist Public Schools that are brainwashing them.

I have a B.A. degree in elementary educ. and I worked with spec. needs kids. I can tell you that it is complete bullshit.

God sent me in a different direction than I had planned for myself.

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138e9d  No.16430870

File: ea3031a50b14b99⋯.jpg (419.17 KB, 1920x876, 160:73, 4YearElection.jpg)


I agree with you, that everyone should go out and vote. But if this election matters this big and important, then I have to ask myself "what am I doing here for more than 4 years", outside the US?

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fe6dcd  No.16430871


>State your reason or you're just a larp.


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9354e4  No.16430872

File: ceb503023e7ebec⋯.jpg (87.83 KB, 736x736, 1:1, doggles.jpg)

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5b77e7  No.16430873

File: 6f4cbabf2007385⋯.png (757.75 KB, 960x568, 120:71, 624ff138b5f7ce5140595e9542….png)

#20786 Notes@650

>>16430211, >>16430224, Is The COVID VAX Causing Face Paralysis?

>>16430226 Hannity Suggests Trump Pardon Hunter

>>16430232 Nancy Pelosi guest stars on drag queen TV show

>>16430247 Mike Lindell - Frank Speech: World Premiere: Selection Code Movie Trailer

>>16430273 Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant

>>16430350, >>16430327, >>16430357, >>16430370, >>16430378 Kash Patel Best Meme Contest, looks like we're involved!

>>16430547, >>16430554 new mobile application—DHS Intel—designed to deliver and share timely intelligence information

>>16430556 RSBN LIVE: Ron DeSantis ‘Flotilla’, A Historic Boat Parade On The St. John’s River.

>>16430672 UK’s largest lenders no longer ‘too big to fail’, says Bank of England

>>16430692 Dig on Rip Cord

>>16430757 Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

>>16430761, >>16430793, >>16430799, >>16430831 Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump Really Bad TV/Alaska/etc.

>>16430789, >>16430797, >>16430814 “What? Who? Ray Epps? Never heard of him.”

>>16430804 Nancy Pelosi's husband gets DUI court date

Post em or Toast em

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701749  No.16430874

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12e163  No.16430876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> tracking the money

>I don't see evidence of this.

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f232fe  No.16430877

MF’n Clown World

Gene Pool Decay

Goin’ the wrong way folks

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b56ab4  No.16430878


Anons I’m sure there’s a lot more info out there, i’m hoing to check contracts with different agencies and see what I find,anyone want to join on this call to dig on Epps or his company, if anyone can find military service that would really help

There are veteran social sites for every service out there and they can find buddies they’ve known. Cant get military records as a civie without FOIA

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cd077e  No.16430879

File: b72e895f0fe9986⋯.jpg (167.81 KB, 1080x1160, 27:29, Screenshot_20220611_123608….jpg)

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12abe0  No.16430880

File: cdc541b1c722e0f⋯.png (259.85 KB, 600x607, 600:607, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

Resistance had been active since the very beginning of the war, but British Intelligence was concerned over the relative calm within Czechoslovakia and the fact that the region was used to continue producing war materiel for the Nazis.



The Brits were pissed that the Czech Citizens were not throwing a fit because of being occupied by the Nazis, so the brits pressured the Czech exiled Government to rile up their base by assassinating a big wig Nazi, which in retaliation got that whole town literally wiped off the face of the Earth?

That whole tweet string is pretty interesting if you replace names & locations people & places of today

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863122  No.16430882



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324ec3  No.16430883

File: b5a2d24090d8042⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 550x524, 275:262, 20220610_162549.jpg)

Ukrainian woman trained to kill by woke transgender US Battalion commanders

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733026  No.16430884


>Yes, anyone can post here except children under 18.YOU MUST LEAVE NOW

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102436  No.16430886


ten four

sorry, easily distracted

we are the clay He is the Potter

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bd99b9  No.16430887

File: 2e3cedcfeefee56⋯.png (179.29 KB, 325x566, 325:566, ClipboardImage.png)

Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems


In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.



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c66ab5  No.16430888


Find his early videos. He deleted them for a reason. I love Webb PRE Jason Badman'd. Dave Acton from the AJ crew is fucked up too.

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324ec3  No.16430889

File: 68b994ceb6a16a3⋯.png (899.53 KB, 929x1067, 929:1067, 68b994ceb6a16a3d6c833775b4….png)

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14a38a  No.16430890

File: 3c8b79f73f2dc8a⋯.jpg (326.17 KB, 908x560, 227:140, Screenshot_20220611_133853….jpg)

Symbology will be their downfall?

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63772c  No.16430891

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12e163  No.16430892


What is the normal legal process for DUI involving accident?

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102436  No.16430893


the perfect storm

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fe6dcd  No.16430894


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6118d4  No.16430895


One telescope operator, coming up!

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733026  No.16430896



How deep will the penetration be

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2d2986  No.16430897


it's CSoPA or something in Cali but each state has own sheriffs right?

Anyway meet with sheriff and ask what he things about what kind of bugs he wanna eat and how soon to give up his family home and own nothing be happy and get your body modfied with bioweapons.

That's a Great starter.. It can merge into a discussion about Security Clearances State Dept/ and US Military next. why are they rubber stamping commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud for clearance to work in Government when clearly they intend harm.

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7d4827  No.16430898

File: 983a95511196758⋯.png (43.22 KB, 300x250, 6:5, cLRstsBMwr_4.png)

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102436  No.16430899


eye damage, aisle 5

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64d288  No.16430900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Jimmy Dore Show

Ukraine Should Admit Defeat NOW! Says Top U.S Military Leader

5,069 views · 34 minutes ago

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152f50  No.16430901



abortion ban would be good or bad if we think about "the decay" only?

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0d5ab2  No.16430902


whew. major comfy.

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c86a8d  No.16430903

File: 41a1a12552d41dd⋯.png (13.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bb1d977d1093f04455ff543215….png)

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14a38a  No.16430904

File: 1f1029321c534ca⋯.jpg (137.29 KB, 895x266, 895:266, Screenshot_20220611_134214….jpg)


Who determines the check?

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3feb9b  No.16430905

File: 298c9ec520d8f82⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1061x597, 1061:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8787aecaac874c8⋯.png (953.69 KB, 1051x672, 1051:672, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 879f6dc6d9aed23⋯.png (432.58 KB, 648x364, 162:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e703  No.16430906

>don't say we

>except for when we say we

fucking faggots are so obvious these days

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06e182  No.16430908

File: 088da85912818e8⋯.png (206.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, chidlren.png)


>Some wounds don't heal.

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d76c17  No.16430909


Most of us aren't feeling the freedom.

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12abe0  No.16430911

File: 727cb6825831600⋯.png (260.77 KB, 603x690, 201:230, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

Hitler had given specifications that all involved in the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich had to be arrested by 18 June 1942, so even with the destruction of Lidice there was still an investigation and a manhunt going on.


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7666af  No.16430912

File: 0172e748cb62304⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 720x454, 360:227, 1567548910259.jpg)

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733026  No.16430913


Oh look, there she goes.

Awww, you just missed her. Mebe next time. She on a loop here.

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7666af  No.16430914

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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102436  No.16430916


I live 50 miles from the border. I'd bring up the 100 mile constitution-free zone

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863122  No.16430917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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12e163  No.16430918


ty anon

repost future bread(s) for moar traction

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c951c5  No.16430920

File: 7518d7b167f8f68⋯.jpg (113.21 KB, 500x666, 250:333, duh.jpg)

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12abe0  No.16430922

File: e8d0537cfe70f38⋯.png (27.84 KB, 601x241, 601:241, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)


In 1942, Edna St. Vincent Millay published the poem “The Murder of Lidice” which had beencommissioned by the US Writer’s War Board.


Nevermind. The story was probably embellished beyond recognition. They for sure have been manipulating wars for a long ass time

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102436  No.16430923


so much sauce is needed for this bullshit

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fe6dcd  No.16430924



>Oh look, there she goes.

>Awww, you just missed her. Mebe next time. She on a loop here.


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81b439  No.16430926


More than a few anons are here because not able-bodied - fighting the information war on a computer is the best way we can help.

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c951c5  No.16430928

File: ef1db7b52562125⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 597x476, 597:476, 777.jpg)

File: 8a90139f9b20ed2⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 577x433, 577:433, kali_yuga_humans.jpg)

File: c5728d4c4016c7b⋯.jpg (6.21 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, digital_modified_1st_draft.jpg)

File: 8ee4672ddfa5dad⋯.jpg (56.39 KB, 617x405, 617:405, 3_6_9.jpg)

File: 1f1a8b3c5840b63⋯.jpg (193.45 KB, 500x739, 500:739, hymans.jpg)

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54512b  No.16430929


That explains it… the looks on their faces!

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2d2986  No.16430930


I like this idea.

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12abe0  No.16430931

File: a2789f3b200354f⋯.png (393.93 KB, 601x726, 601:726, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

Kim Foxx's husband called police to their home last weekend after she allegedly struck him during a domestic incident. We've posted the police report.

Also: the chief of investigations at the state's attorney's office has abruptly resigned.


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733026  No.16430932


Bad photoshop nose job.

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53975d  No.16430933

File: a6d75e6fdda8e5a⋯.png (13.78 KB, 465x177, 155:59, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

Mike Pompeo


Today gas hit $5 a gallon, on average. Many Americans are paying a lot more. Biden’s answer? MORE GOVT. Stop Joe, just stop.

12:45 PM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter Web App


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86c0c8  No.16430935

File: 59ef4a8787859b9⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 3581x2453, 3581:2453, diechristlicheku4190deut_0….jpg)

File: 900137b7c2c9bc9⋯.jpg (502.18 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: 99dafe28f52a85a⋯.jpg (974.79 KB, 2662x3914, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_002….jpg)




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53975d  No.16430936

File: ad69b31702fd771⋯.png (16.45 KB, 465x194, 465:194, Screen_Shot_06_11_22_at_01….PNG)

Mike Pompeo


America continues to struggle with runaway inflation. And all we hear from Washington DC is shifting the blame. How about focusing on the problem and offering real solutions that work?

9:12 AM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter Web App


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23a0c6  No.16430937

File: 4ffcbdc1f519e12⋯.jpeg (23.22 KB, 476x216, 119:54, combined44.jpeg)


many don't understand the broad spectrum of differing "entities" found here

combined arms team


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3eb920  No.16430938


how masonic of your digits, Kansas…#1 at West Point, CIA and State Department ; what do you know about fixed elections?

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74785c  No.16430939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Alan Pearce


Brandy Vaughan, a former sales rep for Big Pharma company Merck, who quit her job and built a website to inform people of the risks of vazzines, was found dead in 2021 by her 9 year old son just months after warning that if anything happened to her “it’s foul play.“ She was 44.

Mario Argenta @MarioArgenta


Replying to @PearceAlan1962 @respect65

Highly recommend. Here is a good interview with her.

(Interviewer uses French, Brandy answers in English)

Scandale chez Merck, une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout


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81b439  No.16430942


>Most of us aren't feeling the freedom.

You mean where you live?

True for me too.

Challenge is to hold the line despite the surroundings. It is a real service in this spiritual war. Just not easy.

Shadilay frens.


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733026  No.16430943


And down she goes

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2d2986  No.16430944


I like this idea.


it was color of law and you fought that shit

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3feb9b  No.16430945

File: 75ed7d73b6937a4⋯.png (545.02 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll never be yours, just stop already

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74785c  No.16430946


Cue up the Toni Preckwinkle Watch!

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3fb100  No.16430947


Poor woman was murdered for exposing Big Pharma. Good think Trump saved them with his kill shot.

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5b77e7  No.16430948

File: f840f330429d0e1⋯.jpg (987.21 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, f840f330429d0e162ab8b145d4….jpg)

#20786 Notes Final

>>16430211, >>16430224, Is The COVID VAX Causing Face Paralysis?

>>16430226 Hannity Suggests Trump Pardon Hunter

>>16430232 Nancy Pelosi guest stars on drag queen TV show

>>16430247 Mike Lindell - Frank Speech: World Premiere: Selection Code Movie Trailer

>>16430273 Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant

>>16430350, >>16430327, >>16430357, >>16430370, >>16430378 Kash Patel Best Meme Contest, looks like we're involved!

>>16430547, >>16430554 new mobile application—DHS Intel—designed to deliver and share timely intelligence information

>>16430556 RSBN LIVE: Ron DeSantis ‘Flotilla’, A Historic Boat Parade On The St. John’s River.

>>16430672 UK’s largest lenders no longer ‘too big to fail’, says Bank of England

>>16430692 Dig on Rip Cord

>>16430757 Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

>>16430761, >>16430793, >>16430799, >>16430831 Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump Really Bad TV/Alaska/etc.

>>16430789, >>16430797, >>16430814 “What? Who? Ray Epps? Never heard of him.”

>>16430804 Nancy Pelosi's husband gets DUI court date

Save em for next bread

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6118d4  No.16430950




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74785c  No.16430951


We're a loooooonnnngggg way from that habbening in Cook County, IL. (Not Cook County, MN, which is beautiful and nearly no one lives because freezing in Winter).

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12abe0  No.16430952


The comments on that tweet are funny. She is not liked very much

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4d1b46  No.16430954

File: 5b5c820fa5e9b3b⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB, 576x1056, 6:11, landing.mp4)


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2edf37  No.16430955





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b2e703  No.16430958

the main difference between actual anons vs shills on the left and shills on the right is that actual anons want the corruption, party politics, the entire establishment to fuck off

shills on the right and left don't really give a fuck as long as their side is the winner as long as the beast is still fed

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c951c5  No.16430959

File: 3906e1bc4191f74⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 680x438, 340:219, muh_gurl.jpg)

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3eb920  No.16430960

File: e319bfbeb44745b⋯.gif (3.5 MB, 600x409, 600:409, 3b1fe42f0f0a0e7f5987257d87….gif)


Jussie has an appeal coming up….maybe some new evidence is introduced

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6118d4  No.16430962


Fuck hannity.

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23a0c6  No.16430963

File: aa230bb2b791dd8⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 720x460, 36:23, shadilay44.gif)

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81b439  No.16430966


Always think of Josh with the Dirty Truth. "I watch the news so you don't have to." Somebody has to do that, too.

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3fb100  No.16430967


Very few of us standing in the middle pointing out the hypocrisy and corruption on BOTH "sides" of the fake Uniparty.

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23a0c6  No.16430968

File: 10d2525f22fe72b⋯.jpg (115.05 KB, 900x635, 180:127, celtic44.jpg)

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6118d4  No.16430969


She is a bit of a linebacker isn’t she

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74785c  No.16430970


Judge shopping required for dat. Toni might have the pull to get that done, but not with Burke & Madigan under the heat lamps.

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23a0c6  No.16430971

File: 718d69466f6a8ad⋯.png (111.16 KB, 256x256, 1:1, red5.png)

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5b77e7  No.16430972

Fresh Bread




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4d1b46  No.16430973


why someone will lose time to make a gif for this piece of shit?????????

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2d2986  No.16430974


Im convinced the actual PROBLEM lay in putting a commie marxist socialst globalist terrorist pedoist nazi fasicst or identity fraud on the ballot in the first place.

The Background checks are not catching Terrorist Threats!? Like from WEF.

WEF sleeper cell candidates.

I still dont' like doctor Oz, there's 320 million of us we can pick someone better.

If I was doing background checks, I would remove him for WEF affiliation and saying he like sthe shanghi lockdown model where peopld jump from windows

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733026  No.16430975



She kicked your ass to the curb after learning the truth here.

We stuck with you forever and ever.

We think you fun to play with anyway.

Don't ever leave us.

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fe6dcd  No.16430976



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94f9bb  No.16430977

File: b5d1fad8f707609⋯.jpg (96.61 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, savilecharles.jpg)

File: 49d128aee66f910⋯.png (61.41 KB, 1103x237, 1103:237, savilecrimes.png)

File: 340f837adf2cf17⋯.png (159.14 KB, 371x280, 53:40, grothesqy.PNG)

File: 60be2d4b5687fc7⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 590x700, 59:70, 1302001846.jpg)

File: 3fe3717133789aa⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1921x1274, 1921:1274, 3fe3717133789aaf1064713310….png)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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81b439  No.16430978



>shills on the right who only care that their side wins

shrewd observation.

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8640ce  No.16430979

File: 2b85c5d9c72fc7b⋯.png (321.81 KB, 1380x1334, 30:29, Q_4631_NOT_R_V_D.png)

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23a0c6  No.16430980

File: f1a48705f05d94a⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1d4fcec0de2683ba39c93032c6….jpg)


>"I watch the news so you don't have to." >Somebody has to do that, too.

unfortunately, yes….


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4d1b46  No.16430981


Your tits will be at your knee soon.

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346069  No.16430984


it is old….when he was first questioned ; and he only spent a week in the clink….so far, anyway

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3fb100  No.16430985


Killing kids with vaccines is "Good"


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5b77e7  No.16430986

Fresh Bread




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3feb9b  No.16430987

File: eb000a1c266ffae⋯.png (222.99 KB, 511x489, 511:489, ClipboardImage.png)

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12e163  No.16430988


Califag born and raised here feeling the pain along with you.

The difference between free states and DS corrupt and controlled state governments will continue to become moar and moar obvious to 94-96% of the population.

It sucks.

Understand why people leaving but personally am staying to fight behind enemy lines.


Prayers appreciated.

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863122  No.16430989



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346069  No.16430990



they still around out there? Ryan, Blaggo, and all those other got the orange jumpsuit, but Daleys and Madigans always skate

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2d2986  No.16430991


okay. and sancturary city, and people at airports with no ID saying they are DHS flying illegals "somewhere" from state to state.

DHS has authority under 10th amendment how?

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b2e703  No.16430992


>they never want to stop fighting

djt when asked about the military industrial complex

and in order to justify billions upon billions in budget grants, they need to create the conflict to fight

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23a0c6  No.16430994

File: d05be2ab52900fa⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 236x391, 236:391, michaelssword44.jpg)


>Understand why people leaving but personally am staying to fight behind enemy lines.

Prayers Sent



>Prayers appreciated.

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138e9d  No.16431043

File: 3e76676c816fa06⋯.jpg (248.38 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, You_are_a_joke.jpg)

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733026  No.16431047


I wonder what the deaf communities take is on the last 5 or so years.

<for keks


Biden shortened sign name looks like a gang sign.

Quite fitting I would say.

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14a38a  No.16431059

File: b217d9c996d0a4d⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1536x1087, 1536:1087, Screenshot_20220611_141427….jpg)

I find this interesting as it was Ham that stole Adam's mantle aka the mantle of Shinar, which was given to Noah by Methuselah and he by Enoch.

Ham then gave it Kush who hid it then gave it to Nimrod.

Nimrod set his symbol as the dragon, built Shinar and with Abraham's grandfather, Serug and his companions (mason?) under Nimrod entered into the "secret combination"…



Where's the gematriafag? do these numbers make sense to you?

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c24de0  No.16431096


Ivana Trump was from Czechoslavakia.

Her father was involved with Czech Intelligence.

She had been passing information to him.

Did FBI Director Webster,

under Reagan,

with GHW Bush as VP,

inform Trump of this when Trump became an FBI informant?

Why did FBI brass hate the new Director,


under GHW Bush/then Clinton,

when Webster moved over to CIA as Director there?

Did Sessions tell Trump about Ivana and her father?

AG William P. Barr,

under GHW Bush,

tried to make a case against Sessions for petty stuff.

AG Reno,

under Clinton,

did the FF Ruby Ridge and Waco,

to try to force Sessions out.

He refused,

and Clinton fired him.

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733026  No.16431113


You just proved this meme is effective universally

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5f63f8  No.16431273

File: fae71c02a65cd40⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1024x914, 512:457, beautiful_pair_of_male_lio….png)

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833fb9  No.16431276

File: 5a8efd9cfddece6⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 1595991287.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431284

File: 21bbd441fe54542⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 1596920946.mp4)

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5f63f8  No.16431288

File: 9a412b29f30f79b⋯.jpg (500.27 KB, 964x640, 241:160, cures_why.jpg)

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5f63f8  No.16431295

File: fad4e32695e213e⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2500x1666, 1250:833, best_president_ever.png)

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833fb9  No.16431298

File: 77f1dd00396e2f1⋯.jpeg (255.76 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1596986954.jpeg)

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5f63f8  No.16431300

File: 8b4c091708a7140⋯.jpg (20.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, if_then_why.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431312

File: ba545e512d89c73⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 540x700, 27:35, 1603801682_4.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431324

File: a0b63cb089c35b8⋯.png (904.72 KB, 738x688, 369:344, 1600375361.png)

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833fb9  No.16431333

File: 1dbc94783473f8b⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 1602028545.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431342

File: d150666ff3bef16⋯.jpeg (27.12 KB, 480x431, 480:431, 1605343250.jpeg)

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833fb9  No.16431358

File: 700945257e8a464⋯.jpg (143.96 KB, 720x369, 80:41, 1609355332.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431367

File: e5672dd2e7e8c57⋯.png (139.17 KB, 374x209, 34:19, 1610306506.png)

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833fb9  No.16431378

File: 5e8a8f8c96f1abd⋯.jpg (192.5 KB, 1024x987, 1024:987, 1611947740.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431387

File: 4cffd8da327007d⋯.jpg (90.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1611951506.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431400

File: 614b78d11fe3dcc⋯.jpg (94.85 KB, 639x473, 639:473, 1612723038_2.jpg)

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833fb9  No.16431405

File: 0a6e5f2a09d6fd0⋯.png (353.94 KB, 384x464, 24:29, 1612820244.png)

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eccc91  No.16431406

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_4.png)

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340.png)

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_1.png)

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_2.png)

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_3.png)

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dbe60d  No.16431410

File: 1821af66f28439e⋯.jpg (287.13 KB, 960x640, 3:2, nana_plotting.jpg)

File: 9331fbe86493186⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 361x326, 361:326, QANOND.jpg)

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eccc91  No.16431412

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_4.png)

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360.png)

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_1.png)

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_2.png)

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_3.png)

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eccc91  No.16431414

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB, 775x491, 775:491, _Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….png)

File: f3cd923ac4eb390⋯.gif (976.8 KB, 500x381, 500:381, noose.gif)

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591ed7  No.16431415


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eccc91  No.16431416

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 624x576, 13:12, _Anonymous_You_3_hours_ago….jpg)

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