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16d5ed  No.16243192[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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16d5ed  No.16243199


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16242457 Timestamps important. Countdown?

>>16242470 Another Russian tycoon has been found dead under mysterious circumstances.

>>16242496 GROOMER ALERT: Breakfast Cereal

>>16242507 DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring High Schools to Observe ‘Victims of Communism Day’

>>16242509 Biden signs law S. 3522, the "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022"

>>16242557, >>16242577, >>16242605 Anons Notable Panic Picks

>>16242587 Abortionists attack St. James Cathedral in Seattle

>>16242596 Sussman is objecting to all the evidence that Durham and team put together

>>16242649 Donald Trump posts new video slamming Biden (MP4)

>>16242659 What is the Mossad (Wiki)

>>16242662 Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>16242681 Jews should abandon the party that’s abandoned them

>>16242689 3:30 PM EDT United States, Europe, and Japan: Trilateral Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

>>16242719 SAM846 USAF G4 west from Hickam AFB overnight-this top 3 in the 99th for VIP transport

>>16242722 Chuck Schumer Abortion #Panic

>>16242724 Target Launches ‘Gender Affirming’ Products Including Chest Binders And ‘Packing Underwear’

>>16242755 @usairforce Our leaders lead from the front. Thirteen officers got the opportunity to attend the Fire Marshal course

>>16242741 Sri Lankan prime minister resigns after weeks of protests

>>16242788 Man charged with attempting to light one-year-old on fire

>>16242793, >>16242807 Nasdaq sell-off continues: Last down 4%.

>>16242812 Will the DOJ be issuing arrest warrants for abortion protesters trying to intimidate Justices


>>16242950 PF PA dip for Groundhog's Day?

>>16242960 SAM984 USAF C-32A inbound to JBA Not

>>16243002 Lb USMC Decode See May 8th

>>16243182 #20546


>>16241719 KNOW YOUR BUNKERS: Just in case

>>16241724, >>16241745, >>16241779, >>16241780 How to -Search QR Archive

>>16241737 Hold Tesla Stock or not?

>>16241747, >>16241776 Overturning Roe v Wade would NOT legalize the federal government to 'force women to give birth'.

>>16241806 Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks on the Affordable Connectivity Program

>>16241813 Dinesh -> Tucker Called out?

>>16241830 2000 Mules is streaming for free on fbox.to (movie streaming site). *Click at own risk

>>16241866 Wisconsin Election Commission Takes Down Voter Roll List and Voting History of 7.2 Million Voters After Release of “2000 Mules” Documentary

>>16241900 @realLizUSA ICYMI: "Jews should abandon the party that’s abandoned them"

>>16241909 The most interesting thing that happened last bread

>>16241952 Trudope back from Rzesow depart

>>16242031 United States v. SUSSMANN

>>16242053 Russian AF RSD008 Special Flight Squadron IIlyushin-96-300 Lavrov likely heading to Libya

>>16242178 Defense Department Spokesman John Kirby briefs reporters at the Pentagon

>>16242180 Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-214PU RSD101

>>16242240 Queen Elizabeth won’t attend Parliament opening due to mobility issues (Kings Pawn to D5 takes Queen)

>>16242249 Police round up hundreds of Palestinians in Israel illegally after Elad attack

>>16242268 US imposes sanction on 33 Russian individuals, 22 companies (55-0)

>>16242187 REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency”

>>16242322 Anon Digg - John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Rome Connection

>>16242326 Judicial Watch: Documents Show Texas Researcher Warned Wuhan Lab of COVID Investigation by Congress

>>16242345 In Georgia governor's race, Perdue hits Kemp for $1.5 billion to Soros-linked company

>>16242436 #20545

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Post last edited at

16d5ed  No.16243201


>>16241447, >>16241603 @USMC (FLASH COMMS)

>>16240929 M 3.3 - South Carolina

>>16240934 A list of 3800 young global leaders from WEF:

>>16240996 4KEKS How to Confuse a Liberal

>>16240954, >>16241012 Mules getting revealed!

>>16241017 Ukraine's Zelensky shares image of soldier with Nazi insignia

>>16241038 SAM911USAF C-40B on ground at Shannon, Ireland

>>16241058, >>16241122 April Showers, Is it wet yet? (Have anons Dug?)

>>16241150 Coming Tomorrow! Stay tuned for the 2022 edition of the Force Design 2030 Annual Report (tomorrow)

>>16241178 @Nigel_Farage There are many reasons why I am pleased to no longer be an MEP.

>>16241192, >>16241206, >>16241331 @DineshDSouza -> @newsmax is also blocking coverage of “2000 Mules.”

>>16241233, >>16241335 32.0644° N, 34.7723° E (Saved for Last)

>>16241248, >>16241334 Sergei Lavrov en route to Istanbul #Turkey?

>>16241255 Macron booed and jeered by 80k French football supporters at the Stade De France yesterday

>>16241269 Question everything (Challenger Deception)

>>16241474 Anon prays for patriots who have put themselves into harm's way.

>>16241589 Do we have a 4321 countdown to Abrams OP? (@FORSCOM)

>>16241623 #20544

Previously Collected

>>16240857 #20543,

>>16238546 #20540, >>16239337 #20541, >>16240121 #20542

>>16236144 #20537/1, >>16236911 #20538, >>16237633 #20539

>>16234584 #20535, >>16235570 #20536, >>16236087 #20537/2

>>16234067 #20532, >>16234123 #20533, >>16234132 #20534

>>16229928 #20529, >>16230707 #20530, >>16233977 #20531

>>16227505 #20526, >>16229727 #20527, >>16230074 #20528

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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16d5ed  No.16243206

File: ddae7580ee6b5f3⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 9c3b6cc53c44ad52f920cbd1c3….jpg)


#20547 https://controlc.com/e73d1eb9

Kitchen is Open for NB


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234d36  No.16243237

File: c7051a799ece428⋯.png (293.24 KB, 975x314, 975:314, susan_rice_c19_positive.PNG)

another cabal/deep stater publicly announcing c19 positive

they are desperate to keep the scamdemic in the news…


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957535  No.16243242

File: d1d1b3cf9bac942⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1280x1543, 1280:1543, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker for the fresh bun

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957535  No.16243249

File: efb3ab8b305b22a⋯.png (355.02 KB, 980x1099, 140:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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a63ecc  No.16243255

File: a0dceff97852bc2⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1280x1239, 1280:1239, We_ll_just_make_something….jpeg)

File: 07dedbdb6573439⋯.jpeg (738.56 KB, 1280x763, 1280:763, You_re_breathing.jpeg)

File: 3ed7a49e0bb118d⋯.jpeg (589.15 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, turkey_baster.jpeg)

File: 5e5882e5385a282⋯.jpeg (530.4 KB, 807x912, 269:304, Barnes_just_dropped_the_F….jpeg)

File: 05408d4c714bfb6⋯.jpeg (416.53 KB, 919x517, 919:517, portrait_of_Joe_Biden_for….jpeg)


ty baker

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4bf96c  No.16243256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canadians talk of getting shitkicked in Ukraine


The Dive with Jackson Hinkle

75.4K subscribers


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27532d  No.16243258

File: 926454688416e8d⋯.png (30.39 KB, 1039x305, 1039:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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a63ecc  No.16243263


I stopped watching any video where the author thinks a goofy face will attract viewers.

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dc5dd9  No.16243264

>>16242131 (pb)

His face needs to be on a deck of cards ! We the People will not forget you anytime soon. Esper is a Walking Dead Man !!

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6f5e8a  No.16243265

Soon as I see “Jew” in the title I know the breads fucked, but regardless has Trump made any public comments or statements about 2000 mules yet?

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cf3b12  No.16243266

DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

WASHINGTON (DOJ) – Today, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the availability of approximately $40 million in funding in Community Policing Development (CPD) grants and roughly $5 million for the Collaborative Reform Initiative. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland first announced the expansion of technical assistance services offered to law enforcement agencies through the Collaborative Reform Initiative in March 2022.

The Community Oriented Policing Services’ (COPS Office) CPD funds are used to help law enforcement implement community policing through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities. The Collaborative Reform Initiative offers a range of intermediary and intensive forms of technical assistance, including targeted assistance following a critical incident, issue-specific reviews and analysis, and in-depth assessments on systemic issues that damage community trust and confidence. Each level of the initiative’s assistance is voluntary and provided at the request of law enforcement agencies.

“Nothing is more important than keeping our communities safe,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. “Each day, approximately half a million people throughout the United States call 911 for help and there are hundreds of thousands more daily interactions between law enforcement and members of the communities they serve. The funding we are announcing today is critical to the department’s commitment to public safety and best practices in community policing.”

Highlights of the 2022 CPD funding include:

Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT). Up to $10 million will support crisis intervention teams.

De-escalation Training. Up to $15 million will support national level de-escalation training for officers through a network of regional centers.

Accreditation. Up to $8 million to expand state accreditation programs and assist agencies with gaining accreditation will ensure compliance with state and national standards, covering all aspects of law enforcement policies, procedures and practices.

COPS Microgrants. Up to $5 million will support local agencies’ demonstration or pilot projects, known as COPS Microgrants. These projects offer creative ideas to advance crime fighting, community engagement, problem solving or organizational changes to support community policing.

Tolerance, Diversity and Anti-Bias Training. Up to $2 million will support the delivery of tolerance, diversity and anti-bias training for law enforcement officers.

The Collaborative Reform Initiative continuum includes:

The CPD solicitation will close on June 23, 2022, and the Collaborative Reform solicitation will close on July 8, 2022. Additional information can be found on the COPS website at https://cops.usdoj.gov/grants.


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269276  No.16243267

File: 57ae102befa7119⋯.png (536.84 KB, 898x602, 449:301, Screenshot_2020_12_23_0056….png)

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295026  No.16243268


Absolutely fucking correct.

They look like ass-clowns with the open-mouthed, retarded thumbnails. Wtf

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329b93  No.16243269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KOLLATERAL | The Mother (German w/ English subtitles)

Sixteen-year-old Cheyenne from Hollfeld, Bavaria, wanted to be vaccinated, but not because she feared COVID.

Cheyenne wanted to go out again, partake in sports and travel. A few days after her vaccination, the girl dies in hospital.

Her mother is a nurse. Vaccinated. She blames herself terribly.

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5d92ac  No.16243270

File: 65bb21ab7091b5a⋯.png (12.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0f482e8050604258aea98e1935….png)


>has Trump made any public comments or statements about 2000 mules yet?

Not that I'm aware of anon. Anon thinks he is wisely remaining in let that sink in mode for a bit longer.

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d82ce5  No.16243271

Perhaps —-

Minister of Truth leads Baby Killer parade in front SCOTUS tonight

someone with balls needs to do it!

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72b54f  No.16243272

File: 34a098d33585c84⋯.png (942.76 KB, 428x750, 214:375, capture_945_09052022_14011….png)

File: 6467ec6287dd4f4⋯.png (2.54 MB, 879x1007, 879:1007, capture_135_18042020_10405….png)

File: 11eac39c9190df5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, _BOOOOM_.mp4)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn44.png)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, FMP44.jpg)

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a63ecc  No.16243273


I watch a lot of computer electronic stuff-nonpolitical

as soon as they open their mouth about Ukraine-unsubscribe-downvote-negative comment-gone

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94cbe5  No.16243274

File: 8d5b326006af7e9⋯.jpg (299.05 KB, 1440x2083, 1440:2083, Screenshot_20220509_170347….jpg)

File: b07e3e84f86a0ac⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 1296x8783, 1296:8783, Screenshot_20220509_170353….jpg)



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34a772  No.16243275

File: 30afd2ece152516⋯.png (237.43 KB, 690x695, 138:139, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

The WItches Speak

Wall Street astrologer warns: ‘Sell in May and run away’

On top of war and inflation, next week’s lunar eclipse bodes ill, Henry Weingarten says

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9004e5  No.16243276

File: bb99a81d75efcbd⋯.png (586.49 KB, 735x735, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a7403b5410219d⋯.png (79.95 KB, 310x427, 310:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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43d10e  No.16243277

File: 2b484887564a0da⋯.jpg (82.13 KB, 1080x360, 3:1, 20220509_170900.jpg)

>>16242975 (lb)

Perception is 9/10ths of reality for most. This whole exercise in waking the masses for a needed Overton shift has caused some to "find God" again. Nothing wrong with that, but we all know what happens with extremes. The communists did a great job sneakily exploiting some of the more tempting aspects of human nature and sought to enslave humanity with it by way of fear and guilt. They have their religious leaders that work for that fear campaign, also. Anons should be cautious to avoid all the pitfalls in their journey to a true awakening of all the deceptions out there, lest they set humanity back 700 years. Nobody wants that shit.

It's like the sex ed discussion last bread. People need to get smarter, not try to play God in everyone else's lives. Protect kids, acknowledge there are predators out there, and keep those fuckers out of curriculum and positions of authority over children. From there, people need to get down to human solutions to the rest of the problems we all face.

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a0a9a6  No.16243278

File: 4f349dac4d73c73⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 263.29 KB, 423x420, 141:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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d436dd  No.16243279

File: c74722b9bf8d8fb⋯.png (585.87 KB, 600x638, 300:319, ClipboardImage.png)


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34a772  No.16243280


and her little dog too?

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efc28b  No.16243281

File: c627405c7ab0a13⋯.png (3.7 MB, 2396x1340, 599:335, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

File: 9f58766f4000010⋯.jpg (171.67 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, jill_biden_reptilian_eye.jpg)

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94cbe5  No.16243282

File: 97dc5902fd0f7a7⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 554x1200, 277:600, 97dc5902fd0f7a7e03c4eb1060….jpg)

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a63ecc  No.16243283


NO! it should be the kid with the boomerang that kills the BF!

or durham with the boomerang

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caf12a  No.16243284

File: e2fa21715c133d4⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 749x491, 749:491, 5q14vwplu4t5s.jpg)

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caa156  No.16243285

File: e1f8e65a955509c⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_millionaires_don_t_u….jpg)


…Reminded of this. Of course [they] would keep practicing such a science, while telling the masses that it is all fake.

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85c473  No.16243286

File: 8032142e61e4141⋯.png (119.59 KB, 1176x528, 49:22, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

witness list comes out for Sussman trial and Susan Rice gets the rona..

NEW: White House adviser Susan Rice is latest Biden administration official to test positive for COVID.

“I’m feeling fine and grateful to be vaccinated and double boosted,” Rice said.


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ab89cf  No.16243287

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2965x2409, 2965:2409, il_fullxfull_146559348_og1….jpg)


I will not support Kemp, Carr or Raffenspermer here in Georgia. All 3 of these conservative frauds sold the Georgia voter out and did absolutely nothing to investigate anything having to do with the blatant theft of the 2020 election. They wanted Trump out and were willing to do whatever they had to in accomplishing that goal.

Fuck them all.

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274df6  No.16243288


Let's get this show on the road. I am driving myself crazy with speculation.

Fooking happy, it is all I have ever wanted. If this is as happy as it gets, something is horribly wrong with the world. Now the question is, can I do something about that?

Truth, love, and trust are three things I require. Loyalty is a must as well, but that goes unsaid when the first three things are applied.

Do I have those currently?

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269276  No.16243289

File: db6ad743664fb60⋯.png (117.52 KB, 297x300, 99:100, CreepyHRCcoattailholderboy….png)


She finally fucking died!

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72b54f  No.16243290

File: 5cbdfb3f945d978⋯.png (38.47 KB, 344x38, 172:19, capture_944_09052022_13580….png)

File: af5fc703060038d⋯.png (41.26 KB, 326x43, 326:43, capture_943_09052022_13550….png)

File: 279772f1013a181⋯.png (52.31 KB, 342x52, 171:26, capture_938_09052022_13383….png)

File: 5f1076782fc7d81⋯.png (76.88 KB, 638x41, 638:41, capture_933_09052022_13284….png)

File: 12db4c89b60fab8⋯.png (44.62 KB, 337x45, 337:45, capture_931_09052022_13174….png)


Hit me up!

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34a772  No.16243291

File: e9455535ab21249⋯.png (579.7 KB, 688x708, 172:177, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

What Would Snake Pliskin Do?

Chinatown Ten Protest

Inside the fight against the Chinatown megajail project

The complex is part of the city's plan to construct four jail facilities across four boroughs at a cost of $8.3 billion

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814e16  No.16243292

File: 3c789529c8e41c7⋯.jpg (326.19 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_002….jpg)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB, 725x466, 725:466, judgement.PNG)

File: 4520196998dff18⋯.jpg (302.88 KB, 1218x1916, 609:958, diechristlicheku02deut_039….jpg)

File: 978b7f913b52a58⋯.jpg (395.01 KB, 1309x1919, 1309:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_037….jpg)





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8b3f23  No.16243293

File: a5a7c67bdcf2c7b⋯.jpg (183.34 KB, 1357x1920, 1357:1920, BT_44.jpg)





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94cbe5  No.16243294


Looks like a guy who stands 6'8, who knew that nothing could stop what was coming.

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72b54f  No.16243295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71ca15  No.16243296


"These people are SICK"

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85c473  No.16243297

File: c8a72f9353fafd6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1178x1232, 589:616, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

Kash Patel: Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy | Just the News


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62e1e7  No.16243298

File: 796504d958087ec⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1166x776, 583:388, 796504d958087ec9a17b334ea4….png)

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71ca15  No.16243299


>enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

So CONSPIRACY isn't just a theory anymore.

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5d92ac  No.16243300

File: 2b1660b5854d4f9⋯.png (907.43 KB, 1508x1007, 1508:1007, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f8107bd36e20e7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1287x747, 143:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign SCORE16. NORTHROP GRUMMAN E-2 Hawkeye 167929. East coast to west coast. Interesting since these are carrier based aircraft and usually stay in the area of the boat. Must be a reason for it. On his way down now. Possible pit stop at Holloman AFB.

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34a772  No.16243301


sounds like roll call. tweet the signal when you're ops are ready to go.

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35b2d6  No.16243302


“Obama’s hold on these people is remarkable,” our source said. “Rice wouldn’t give him up. Podesta wouldn’t give him up. The Clintons wouldn’t give him up. But that’s not stopping JAG from pursuing its case against him, and it’s only a matter of time before Obama shares a similar fate,” our source said.

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a0a9a6  No.16243303

File: 6d3daa224febd41⋯.png (207.87 KB, 598x681, 598:681, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 62ffaf9d9b3eb51⋯.png (31.27 KB, 786x340, 393:170, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia state-affiliated media

Docs Found During Spec Op Reveal Concrete Plans to Strike Russia From Ukrainian Territory: UN Envoy





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34a772  No.16243304


it's witchcraft.

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62e1e7  No.16243305

File: 679995c42630a3c⋯.jpg (90.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.jpg)

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329b93  No.16243306

File: a9e60008c7a418e⋯.jpg (185.13 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, concrete.jpg)



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9437e2  No.16243307

File: 6bf55ae4726bfc8⋯.png (134.82 KB, 1347x413, 1347:413, board_fuckery.PNG)


I wondered why you baked so early.

Moar board fuckery?

It wasn't updating so I checked to see if it was locked and then tried a hello post only to be informed there were more than 751 posts.

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a63ecc  No.16243308


conspiracy in itself is not a charge

conspiracy to commit____ is, and they curiously forgot that part

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d6b4a2  No.16243309



conspiracy no more


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c0efb6  No.16243310

File: a0a548b4b758941⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 960x596, 240:149, concreta0a548b4b758941c0b3….jpg)

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814e16  No.16243311

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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a63ecc  No.16243312

trust the science

because the great deception will be nothing but science

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d84c1d  No.16243313

>>16242788 (PB)

If convicted,



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e8c9db  No.16243314

File: 9da0f3a14cc5be5⋯.gif (8.08 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 9da0f3a14cc5be55eb339a85ae….gif)

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8b3f23  No.16243315

File: 975070bd3c8c473⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 1024x1450, 512:725, BT_04.jpg)





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85c473  No.16243316


>they curiously forgot that part

yep they never saw it coming. dumb bastards.

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caf12a  No.16243317

File: ba01958ad0da0ae⋯.jpg (31.29 KB, 474x248, 237:124, jhvfdgfchvhfsxcf.jpg)

WASHINGTON: "The District would become a sanctuary city for abortion seekers under a bill introduced to the city council Friday. It’s a response to fears that the Supreme Court may overturn its 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, the case that legalized abortion nationwide, as a draft opinion recently leaked to Politico indicates. The Human Rights Sanctuary Amendment Act of 2022 would update the Human Rights Act of 1977. The plan would ban D.C. from cooperating if a state tries to prosecute someone who comes to the nation’s capital to get an abortion. It was introduced by Ward 1 Council member Brianne Nadeau and nine of her colleagues: Chairman Phil Mendelson, Council members Charles Allen, Anita Bonds, Vincent Gray, Christina Henderson, Janeese Lewis George, Kenyan McDuffie, Elissa Silverman and Robert White.

The plan would also protect people from laws that allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps someone get an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. Texas signed a similar bill into law earlier this year."


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d86ff5  No.16243318

Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel abandons effort to obtain 14K pages of documents from Trump lawyer

May 9, 2022

The suspected fishing expedition by the “bipartisan” January 6 investigative committee will reportedly have to make do without about 14,000 pages of documents that it sought to access.

The House committee says it has decided against insisting on the release of the mostly emailed messages from legal scholar and former Chapman University professor John Eastman, who had reportedly provided advice to the Trump team about challenging the 2020 election results.


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743a02  No.16243319


May be en route to AMARC.

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3b3ce3  No.16243320


Boy, oh boy.

I can't wait till they do media.

CEO's even.

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295026  No.16243321


Conspiracy charges will open up all the emails previously closed off due to attorney-client privilege.

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40939d  No.16243322


thought the judge just barred evidence of conspiracy to be used against Sussman?

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957535  No.16243323

File: e5674572befd289⋯.png (325.64 KB, 980x1099, 140:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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35b2d6  No.16243324


Serious question, circumcisionanon, what is your stand on abortion? Babies who get aborted cannot face the knife, ya know, in this way. They get torn apart in other ways, how come you repetitively post about something that is n't life threatening, but ignore the bigger picture?

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269276  No.16243325

File: 696937666413805⋯.png (587.93 KB, 1104x908, 276:227, GabbyPetito.png)


We're the News now!

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94cbe5  No.16243326

File: 167365ad09888bc⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 474x259, 474:259, th_762075774.jpg)

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d82ce5  No.16243327


only faucki quad puscki jabs this mess

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a63ecc  No.16243328


>yep they never saw _ coming

fill in the blank

conspiracy to commit what?

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dbac03  No.16243330


































"The" vs "To"

































>FLASH ]1[#776






Q , Q+, Q++, Q+++






>For Green





>_ ]y


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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9004e5  No.16243331

File: 9c50231a5af36f4⋯.png (575.43 KB, 893x673, 893:673, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b3f23  No.16243332


You Sir….

Maketh me KEK


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85c473  No.16243333


as far as i know he only wouldn't allow a hillary tweet re: alfa bank to be used as evidence in THIS trial to show concert

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b1e700  No.16243334

File: b74992466839561⋯.jpg (399.1 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220509_133409….jpg)

File: 7821d7f36192e91⋯.jpg (39.16 KB, 513x372, 171:124, 7821d7f36192e913e6a04eb40a….jpg)

File: ea438c4b52db411⋯.jpg (285.68 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220508_235607….jpg)

File: 251e29b0923246d⋯.jpg (247.51 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220508_235520….jpg)

File: f851efbfa1846bb⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220508_234813….jpg)

>>16242925 pb

If your talking about the flash Netflix bullshit that sell out pussy said he intended on screwing you people over twi[c]e at least..

Demonrat gun grab propaganda even made [i]t into some Netflix supergirl M[a]rtian political bullshit.

The programming and mind washing is real.

You faggots are banking too much on Hollyweird.

Not enough in other cases…

Tyler Durden.

Eye of Ra, Looking Glass, Ghost Protocol, Line of Sight etc all useful but ignore most plot points following screenplays etc…

Again MILINT/MI6/FVEY can re-verifeye as needed if/when indeed time to return publicly.

(((Look like you've seen a Ghost))) 👻

Eye opened up let's just call it quantum jailbroken amazon/Netflix when "covid" started when anons kept being like (((WTF IS HAPPENING you did this bro WTAF. like really wtf did you do??)))


Modern day Salem/xfiles level matrix fuckery fluctuating for weeks…

2021 (((Emergency E-Bake: Is everybody dead???)))




Anons let's huddle and regroup hear:

Eye can tell you Q really is still here and really is still active.

Highest classification.

By the People backed by the Military or by the Military itself…..

One way or another vve are moving on DC and major Democrat cities seattle Chicago Detroit LA etc.


President Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election.

[Real figures not even close]


We anticipated, prepared planned & accounted for the following:

False Flags / interference directly in an election cycle. [Included in op reports was potential for attacks on stadiums, stateside or new foreign war/attacks, release of either purported alien tech, biological, rogue a.i. [Israeli embassies shutdown same week as a simulated attack on a mass casualty football stadium m.c. incident (((the goal is order from chaos)))], fuel/transport ship detonating in port of seattle [nearly touches stadiums via gate 17, amongst others, and that it would be clear it would fall under moar wargames "protections" scheduling conflicts etc…

Election Fraud.

Election Theft.

Communication Breakdown.

"Ocean's 11" style hack/masking/overlay/superimposed false presidency regardless of overall vote count in any direction.

Complete breakdown and usurpation of standard comms, intel, and/or NEWS.

Total standard protocol deviation (((This was unconventional warfare at its finest)))

Ongoing Monkey In The Middle hacks. [Defcon delta opsec dictates you & eye operate under the strict '''assumptions that the enemy surveillance is on overdrive to the point where aside from recording you may be entirely duped like a phishing website even over audiophonecards, the messages you see onscreen may be captured, altered enroute [packet injection] or simply altered again on user end screen [standard encryptions ineffective]…

We even account for the phone calls and looks around board room tables after some of these posts…


They never thought she would lose.

They never thought they would get caught [attempting] to steal it back.

Worth remembering.

Eye was boots on ground in Seattle/Kirkland/Bellevue for the "riots"/"covid".

The Military had an undisclosed number of security and op. personnel downtown pre riots, khaki & blackout humvees, suburdbans, Mil, Fed LEAs, [also warned about the "war games virus" beforehand and as "happening"] and the Democrat governor/mayor "demanded" [only under amicable terms of service, [they] cannot command the Military.] ALL Mil/Fed out of city limits 12 hours before riots begin.

Put up plywood for months bankrupting all of downtown Seattle, for said riots, that did worse damage than any financial struggles from any "Flu" while then throwing local LEAS under the bus and having daily Red v. Blue Police/Protestor skirmishes.

Anons, civilians, city officials.

Let me be clear on one thing.

The Military was boots on ground to prevent exactly what took place.

We were there to make sure neither Protestors or Police injure eachother, to prevent damage to local public/private infrastructure, and the then causation of a virtually citywide storefront/economic shutdown for months.

This was the real damage, the fear.

Plywood up for months cost incomparable losses to say a few broken windows…..

The Democrat mayors planned/promoted/encouraged/allowed/entrapped this [entire] situation.

Along with '''[Event 201: A Tabletop Pandemic Excersise]


(((This was an attack on the Election itself.)))

Rusty Shackleford

Q Clearance Patriot

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9d3c1c  No.16243335

juws leaves more cuntrys than britain

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a63ecc  No.16243336


the muse is upon me

I feel a Baphomet meme being born

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85c473  No.16243337


>conspiracy to commit what?

i was talking about durham's team. what a bunch of idiots.

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9d3c1c  No.16243338


at the rv dealer

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a0a9a6  No.16243339

File: 6911066ba57650b⋯.png (445.43 KB, 598x686, 299:343, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)



NOW - US stocks fall, Nasdaq sell-off continues: Last down 4%.

#Bitcoin down over 11%, now at $30,600.


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9d3c1c  No.16243340


juws died

left cuntry

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40939d  No.16243341


conspiracy to frame trump; for political advantage.

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9d3c1c  No.16243342


>juws died

>left cuntry

it happened again

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2a9cbf  No.16243343

File: fb83dcb5a69f0af⋯.png (603.43 KB, 684x383, 684:383, 2022_05_09_17_21_27.png)


>WASHINGTON: "The District would become a sanctuary city for abortion seekers under a bill introduced to the city council Friday.

History will repeat itself.

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d6b4a2  No.16243344


fraud on the court

pretty sure Kash has said that before

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9d3c1c  No.16243345

File: 3e1092b71e2386b⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 760x494, 20:13, MilltownMeldied.jpg)

famous lemming commits bukkake seppuku

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a0a9a6  No.16243346

File: f354379fdb471a3⋯.png (279.71 KB, 535x701, 535:701, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

The Eurasianist ☦️ Retweeted

John Doe


‼️World's largest ribbon of St. George (400 meters) was deployed today in Mariupol liberated from Bandera in honor of Victory Day‼️

But…But those people are occupied. My god. That darn Russians.

The symbolism of Mariupol: nazis in a hole like rats people liberated and relief.


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d84c1d  No.16243347

File: 3b999a66353ffb7⋯.png (185.61 KB, 423x420, 141:140, ClipboardImage.png)

Uber fat soi boi! with moobs

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3b3ce3  No.16243348

File: a0dfd3deecaae8e⋯.gif (3.16 MB, 700x718, 350:359, a0dfd3deecaae8ee6f8f047c7d….gif)


Fuck our current leadership for bringing us to this point.



My, oh my, what a terrible May.

Sinister feelings, headed his way.

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31595e  No.16243349

File: 41e1cb98130fd1e⋯.png (196.54 KB, 445x560, 89:112, downloadfile_4_prev_ui_1.png)

File: 5d7c06eeea61086⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 500x673, 500:673, 6fiqo7_1.jpg)


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1bdf37  No.16243350

File: 12c52043f13f64f⋯.png (707.77 KB, 760x446, 380:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB, 296x480, 37:60, night_shift_train.gif)

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9d3c1c  No.16243351

File: 9bd21e6e98cf36c⋯.jpg (444.49 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2tus68evsln31.jpg)

peter pan died >>16243347

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9634d6  No.16243352

File: faa21a235c2d8de⋯.png (754.38 KB, 1716x576, 143:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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71ca15  No.16243353


>conspiracy to commit what?

"Conspiracy to commit Theory!"

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dbac03  No.16243354

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62e1e7  No.16243355

File: 6895f9d1c106e5e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6895f9d1c106e5e57eb914e6dd….mp4)


>"grateful to be vaccinated and double boosted"

Would almost be worth the effort start writing a list of these people all stating exactly the same once they caught it.

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9d3c1c  No.16243356

File: fa4ed685694f476⋯.png (6.56 KB, 450x450, 1:1, FBIheshedoxxin.png)

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a63ecc  No.16243357

File: 0d9e9833ced8828⋯.jpeg (324.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, because_the_great_decepti….jpeg)

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bbc1fb  No.16243358

File: fe4bf605325831d⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 300x284, 75:71, excited.gif)

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234d36  No.16243359

File: dd4f6d2db455426⋯.png (95.89 KB, 482x503, 482:503, mtg_us_code_abortion_prote….PNG)

File: fdb9ca93f0eb80a⋯.png (331.72 KB, 999x496, 999:496, mtg_us_code_abortion_prote….PNG)

Has the FBI used geo fencing to target protestors at Supreme Court Justice’s homes over the weekend?

Will the DOJ be issuing arrest warrants for abortion protesters trying to intimidate Justices to change their minds on overturning Roe?

Do laws matter anymore or just politics?


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0c3f1c  No.16243360


Durham is in a box. he needs a way out.

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94cbe5  No.16243361

File: 9c34dd10d1293d2⋯.jpg (152 KB, 1440x1364, 360:341, Screenshot_20220509_172427….jpg)

Back up the truck anon!

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a63ecc  No.16243362


sorry. fuck you is in order then

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4a3c6b  No.16243363

File: 9aae2bed2e787d0⋯.png (407.22 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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322700  No.16243364








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d6b4a2  No.16243365


>"Conspiracy to commit Theory!"


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9d3c1c  No.16243366

File: 896e54957aa640d⋯.jpg (184.75 KB, 547x960, 547:960, 280273228_412375907399807_….jpg)

File: 10396c5f5a8bb05⋯.jpg (71.56 KB, 517x960, 517:960, 280131782_412377840732947_….jpg)

File: cc80c53d884b931⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 620x730, 62:73, 1925109762_Funny_Neil_Patr….jpg)

File: 0dc159e57bb5020⋯.jpg (134.53 KB, 562x781, 562:781, haroldkumar2_2.jpg)

absinthe and little ovens conspire against doogies turd burger sliders riding gut stabber of pale pony

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8b3f23  No.16243367


- Ethiopia… AXUM?


- $42 Million in bribes?


- Levites and a Cargo Plane?


- New Temple by 6.6.16?

To house the ARK Davey? Gotta make some space somewhere I guess huh?

The Temple – Some Israelis have wanted to build a new Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount ever since 1967. With Hamas rockets being fired from Gaza into Jerusalem as I write this, the possibility exists that one could destroy the Dome of the Rock Mosque. If it is destroyed, whether by war or a fanatic or any other cause, such destruction would remove the main obstacle to Jewish claims over the entire Temple Mount. Or perhaps the lost Ark of the Covenant is discovered, prompting the establishment of a Temple to properly house it. My research points to the reestablishment of some form of Third Temple in Jerusalem no later than June 6, 2016. This would be within a year of the tetrads of holiday blood moons in 2014 and 2015 and seems to fit the increasingly focused geographical fulfillment of prophetic events near blood moon tetrads.”



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a63ecc  No.16243368


and that's the sort of thing that is missing from Solomon's tweet, unless it's a ploy to get clicks

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35b2d6  No.16243369



provide the sauce or fuck off.

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fae79d  No.16243370

V.A. Hospital denying me service unless I wear a mask. Any advice here?

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349922  No.16243371

File: f2953b54539ce79⋯.png (377.03 KB, 683x962, 683:962, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d80da17487127b6⋯.png (515.27 KB, 860x500, 43:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Very interesting.

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a63ecc  No.16243372


the tweet doesn't say that

you're moving the goalposts

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9d3c1c  No.16243373

File: a82fb0d59e3a629⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 460x465, 92:93, vke7dbwd1wja.jpg)


> moobs

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35b2d6  No.16243374


Tell them to read out loud the disclaimer on the box where it clearly states, the mask will NOT provide protection from COVID.

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9d3c1c  No.16243375

File: fb6eb98c80b5d8b⋯.gif (373.37 KB, 320x240, 4:3, number_two_gif.gif)



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67ef70  No.16243376


Lb >>16020981

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94cbe5  No.16243377


Toss a grenade.

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a63ecc  No.16243378


looks like a job for regex

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85c473  No.16243379


>Would almost be worth the effort start writing a list of these people all stating exactly the same once they caught it.

good idea. not my strong suit but seems worthy. could make a collage of all the people all saying basically the same thing

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94e177  No.16243380


You have two options, find another medical provider or mask up. Pick one.

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f85ee4  No.16243381

Anything new from Flash today?

I thought it was F&G at first, but now that the admins get freaked out so hard over it I'm kinda dasted in it.

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d82ce5  No.16243382


dnc conspiracy gate

jilted twisted rusted maidenDNC conspiracyGATE

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489557  No.16243383


Jesus needs strong smart and healthy humans to fight (((degeneracy))) and to drown the (((inbreds))).

(((inbreds))) 'abort' their 'kid' as a 'holocaust/burnt offering' because maybe somehow the next 'kid' will be less (((inbred))).

all (((inbreds))) to be drowned.

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211a35  No.16243384


Under Golgotha.

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a63ecc  No.16243385


consult a lawyer who is very ADA savvy

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caa156  No.16243386

File: 9ebf6ae4255ca01⋯.png (65.75 KB, 266x263, 266:263, 9ebf6ae4255ca0102695d75149….png)

File: e0f90dbf3841f68⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 873x500, 873:500, NoahsArc.jpg)

…The goddamn 'arc' is a symbolic representation of the Saturn crescent.

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9004e5  No.16243387




You could ask them I guess, not sure they'd tell you.


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85c473  No.16243388


>conspiracy to commit____ is, and they curiously forgot that part

but but i thought you said "and they curiously forgot that part"

surely idiot move

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9d3c1c  No.16243389

File: cce4a8306df72d5⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

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0c3f1c  No.16243390


CDC Cunt just said yesterday that vaxed can't get or transmit covid.

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a63ecc  No.16243391


STFU, adults are talking

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9d3c1c  No.16243392



הם לא הומואים הם הוביטים

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35b2d6  No.16243393


>fight (((degeneracy))) and to drown the (((inbreds)))

WTAF does that have to do with circumcision?

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3d9e76  No.16243394

File: 50a7e767b07924d⋯.png (281.89 KB, 495x1217, 495:1217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 608e6c5488849b3⋯.png (90.77 KB, 826x351, 826:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf2b99051fc389f⋯.png (100.54 KB, 833x323, 49:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bda3ef202c55fe⋯.png (98.06 KB, 826x320, 413:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60e49bc4591024f⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1776x1538, 888:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Connecting a bunch of dots. Maybe.

Theory: Q14 refers to May 14, 1948, Truman officially recognized Israel.

>How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

>Who is helping POTUS?

We are "5-steps" ahead of the 74th anniversary of that today at 6:11pm if time zone shenanigans don't alter it.

Delta to the notorious "R-post" sure do make interdastin digits, esp since delta from R-post is Q1415 "23 P@in" drop number of days (1,415).

From Truman:

272? J+F+K 2

313? Zapruder frame

355? JFK 2

Delta from 11/22/63 sollid too.

Delta from POTUS tweet related to something that would kill the banksters just happens to be 1948. "SAD $16.50" price makes "22/9/5" date. Coincidence? I'm always wrong, so disregard, kek.

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f6e9c9  No.16243395

File: 98d6e84e41425d8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Getting close to last call?

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85c473  No.16243396

File: f26e19ee5d65639⋯.png (691.08 KB, 986x520, 493:260, Screen_Shot_2022_04_27_at_….png)

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a0a9a6  No.16243397

File: 3b9a3d6baa7e366⋯.png (528.55 KB, 652x655, 652:655, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman sent Vladimir Putin congratulations on Victory Day.


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9004e5  No.16243398



LB = last bread, PB = (A) Previous Bread

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94cbe5  No.16243399

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85c473  No.16243400


NOTABLE (although no other sauce atm)

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234d36  No.16243401

File: 17b65a927f84437⋯.png (255.51 KB, 483x478, 483:478, mollie_h_biden_must_condem….PNG)


Mollie Hemingway: Biden Must Condemn By Name The Left-Wing Groups Harassing Supreme Court Justices



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67ef70  No.16243402


At least I'm helping


Kek lez format

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c0efb6  No.16243403

File: 62e37f7f14866fd⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 320x182, 160:91, GIF66fd48f7c4923515a08aefd….gif)

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b40530  No.16243404

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e45838  No.16243405

File: cb46ff963b27d2c⋯.jpg (146.06 KB, 720x938, 360:469, 20220509_153222.jpg)

File: d59ba860b67fdc2⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ssstwitter_1652131714.mp4)


MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby."

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f85ee4  No.16243406


The one that does all the posts at the same time one.

I think I saw that's the one called Flash.

That's the one I mean in case Flash is something different.

Hard for a workfag to keep up with all those here these days.

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a63ecc  No.16243407

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489557  No.16243408


I'm not (((inbred))) so I do not know how to 'not care' because I am not a dog.

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94cbe5  No.16243409

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72b54f  No.16243410

File: 11dd48ae04f583f⋯.jpg (6.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, _Bellingcat_Who_Funds_Bell….jpg)

File: db3b9bf7c769aef⋯.mp4 (8.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Bellingcat_Who_Funds_Bell….mp4)

Who funds [bell¿ngcat]

>they in here<

<wave to [bell¿ngcat] anons>




Mapping conspiracies

>1,019 views | Apr 9, 2022

What can the spread of QAnon from the US to Europe teach us about tackling disinformation and understanding countries’ vulnerabilities to viral conspiracy theories. Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat have documented the spread of the QAnon to seven target countries in Europe, building a quantitative and qualitative understanding of the phenomenon. What can this experience tell us about the value of having an evidence base of local QAnon networks and narratives? How can data science support reporting on conspiracies and how can tools like Telegram scrapers be useful for analysis? While many analysts expected the conspiracy to end when Q went silent, the movement has remained active, compared in some quarters to a viral epidemic and in others to a religion. Europe’s experience of QAnon holds important lessons for journalists, policy-makers and anyone working to counter the effects of disinformation. Organised in association with Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat.

With: Gabriel Geiger (Lighthouse Reports), Ross Higgins (Bellingcat), Daniel Howden (managing director Lighthouse Reports), Annique Mossou (Bellingcat)

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effac7  No.16243411

File: 637af24776ed111⋯.png (698.58 KB, 967x933, 967:933, odds.png)

Anyone seen this yet?


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9004e5  No.16243412

File: 2992c1862e4bad2⋯.png (31.11 KB, 836x402, 418:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94897cf1c59c18c⋯.png (306.47 KB, 656x901, 656:901, ClipboardImage.png)





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40939d  No.16243413



if you read some detailed filings by Durham, you'll see it

They used a synonym, not "conspiracy" but it meant the same thing.

"for the client " {HRC, Democratic Committee… )opposition research, released to Press, No comments on legalities, No client / Lawyer privilege, for the purpose of damaging DJT to the benefit of competitor HRC ; election.

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f6e9c9  No.16243414

File: 969d24a9a1fc5fa⋯.png (57.1 KB, 738x670, 369:335, ClipboardImage.png)


What’s VA’s current policy on masks?

We follow CDC and local guidelines for masks. Your safety is our top priority.

Here’s our current mask policy for different VA locations:

At VA health care facilities: Everyone who enters our hospitals, clinics, and Vet Centers must wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose. If you’re fully vaccinated, our staff will tell you if it’s safe to remove your mask during your visit.

When indoors at other VA locations: Each location will adjust rules for masking as needed. For example, if your county has high levels of coronavirus transmission, everyone will need to wear a mask.

Be prepared to wear a mask at any VA location. Our staff will explain the location’s current mask rules when you arrive.

You can also choose to wear a mask at any time. And if you have COVID-19 symptoms or you’ve had a recent positive test or recent contact with someone with COVID-19, you should wear a mask.

Note: We continue to screen all visitors to our health facilities and some other locations for COVID-19 symptoms. We also continue to follow other safety guidelines.


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5d92ac  No.16243415

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB, 500x281, 500:281, NSGuardDogs.gif)

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a63ecc  No.16243416

File: 5a18aef4fd18ae4⋯.jpeg (453.18 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, I_love_myself_for_hating_….jpeg)

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67ef70  No.16243417


Gave to press for

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caa156  No.16243418

File: 51b2a1632bbe854⋯.png (346.92 KB, 926x521, 926:521, plasmasprite.png)


…Simply put, the 'Flash', is that jolt of inspiration or revelation. that 'eureka' moment.

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72b54f  No.16243419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mapping conspiracies


Mapping conspiracies

>1,019 views | Apr 9, 2022

What can the spread of QAnon from the US to Europe teach us about tackling disinformation and understanding countries’ vulnerabilities to viral conspiracy theories. Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat have documented the spread of the QAnon to seven target countries in Europe, building a quantitative and qualitative understanding of the phenomenon. What can this experience tell us about the value of having an evidence base of local QAnon networks and narratives? How can data science support reporting on conspiracies and how can tools like Telegram scrapers be useful for analysis? While many analysts expected the conspiracy to end when Q went silent, the movement has remained active, compared in some quarters to a viral epidemic and in others to a religion. Europe’s experience of QAnon holds important lessons for journalists, policy-makers and anyone working to counter the effects of disinformation. Organised in association with Lighthouse Reports and Bellingcat.

With: Gabriel Geiger (Lighthouse Reports), Ross Higgins (Bellingcat), Daniel Howden (managing director Lighthouse Reports), Annique Mossou (Bellingcat)

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310cb3  No.16243420

File: 43fc105d39a6167⋯.png (362 KB, 981x518, 981:518, 050922_Market_report_panel.PNG)

File: 1b58d81291c0a61⋯.png (249.13 KB, 933x556, 933:556, 050922_MArket_closed.PNG)

File: 45787f7031fab57⋯.png (735.1 KB, 990x671, 90:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ec019529af5cc1⋯.png (69.65 KB, 855x582, 285:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b21bfba856e4c2⋯.png (206.79 KB, 505x890, 101:178, 050922_AG_AU_closed.PNG)

Mkt Fag: Frazier stayed down and din't get up-a tale of no liquidity** with lots 'o humidity (sweat)-edition

** see article below

Keep in mind this is all very orderly-no circuit breakers because they don't want THAT-would really stand out nao. It's basically sitting here after after the open and then dumped into close on increased volume. At some point someone is gonna "flinch" and if that is allowed it all depends on the depth of the order book-which is pretty fuggen shallow so they all sit and "wait" for muh 'cavalary' that is not coming. But someone will pull a Lehman thang for sure-they can't help themselves.

Today is follow through on the first two hours from friday-it just stopped and did nothingafter that-Tiger Global was liquidating >>16223331, >>16223428, >>16223468 pb and when they shoved all the shit out they could the mkts were just flat waiting for someone else to flinch.

Same shit going on today they sold it down with a little bounce mid-day but there is some MAJOR LIQUIDATIONS going on here-they do not have enough liquidity so they are totally stuck and everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop and biting fingernails-"will they do it or do we have to first".. See here for last night's early Asian session-HK shut for holiday >>16237288 pb

B-B-But muh financial MSM sez it's all about "Fed Anguish".

Pay no attention to the liquidations going on at Tiger and also Melvin Capital is certainly in the mix that "shit" is much moar widely known-dhey quiet on Tiger Boi though-totally SILENT. Tiger had the single largest loss in hedge fund history up through April. Those big blocks observed were likely combination of them and Softbank and some other big whales either getting out or being forced. When you employ this much leverage it has to keep going"up"-sideways does not cut it at 50:1 or moar. See Archegos Capital and also one of Julian's "cubs".

Dopey filed an amended 13D-see here >>16240972 pb Done because he went from 9.1% to 14.1% so that triggers this filing and why he announced he was 'on-board' last week. The filing was made today and transaction ocurred on Weds, May 4th-"Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud has pledged 35 million in Twitter shares in support of Musk, according to the filing". I did not re-do the calcs on his threshold with TSLA as of yet-because we lacked the official docs but based on some quick back-of-envelope stuff looks it appears those will not be a problem until around $600 or a little lower. Exactly the reason he went for the additional funding-they toyed with it last week and week before and basically said "you need us".

The ded stocks today were: MELI, OKTA, OKTA, Clownstrike, SGEN,ILMN-all these down 10% or moar, AMD,TEAM, NVDA and TSLA at just under -10%. Top performers were: KHC (really nigga!?), AMGN, MRNA-..:I, PCAR up over 1% and CTSH, EBAY, CHTR, MDLZ and a few moar at just under +1%. The Nasdaq is now down over 27% from its record highs - that's a bigger drawdown than Small Caps..The S&P broke the key 4,000 level. Of course all the "most shorted stocks were shot on the side of the road-what helps you on the way "up" gets tossed quickly at any sign of weakness. Overall volume on the NAS just under daily avg, DOW over and the usual SP500 under-but the volume in the SP500 picked up the most in the last 20 minutes and that represents the "real stuff" companies-as much as a fake and manipulate market can be.


Treasury complex-see cap#310 yr acting 'normal' in a down mkt for once over a 1% drop in yield @-(0.09 ) 3.040%. 30 yr fixed @5.54% (+0.12%) so this puts additional pressure on long term home financing as the long end rises and the short end gets clubbed-no one wants long dated debt any moar-except the primary dealers who have to buy it. It has risen 10bp since 0505. The short-end massively outperformed today (2Y -14bps, 30Y -3bps), leaving 2s and 5s now significantly lower post-FOMC and 30Y notably higher.

FOREX- USD-Ruble-Yen-see cap#4 Ruble down down around -1.26% @0.014286 USD 0.25 -0.24% @103.41 and had a bounce right at 8:30am est but that gone by 12:19pm est. US$ did nuffin. Muh ¥ about the same but working on it's second leg higher (increasing in value) +0.07 -0.05% @130.37

NYFRB Operations today

This is all pretty much fake but is allows the system to keep itself propped becasue all the real action in Sovereign Debt is paid off in Gold-the paper is the facade so you don't look anywhere else-but it's worth showing what they are up to.

Mortgage backed Securities (MBS)

$9.14B submitted and $3.8B accpeted in a total of 4 transactions-split bewteen two of Class A and 2 of Class B


Reverse Repos

$1.858T submitted and all of that "cash" exchanged for paper'''


Securities Lending Operations

$45.07B submitted vs. $43.13B accepted

Biggest chunk here was 10yr @$5.92B CUSIP 91282CDY4


Oil/Energy-see cap#4 WTI spiked to just over $108.xx and then dropped like a liberal's pants hearing "muh Ukraine". It is finally realizing what the definition of demand destruction really means -plus they can't really slam it cause of Muh Aramco needing it over $100. Natty Gas got smacked in the early overnight session and has grabbed a small bid-damage done to it last night. WTI finished at -7.28(-6.63%)'''see upper right of cap#2

>>16240990 pb India strives to cash in on cheap Russian crude – media


Metals-see cap#5 closed Au/Ag both up on the NYMEX open but quickly arrested-damage done in the overnight sessions dropping Ag to $21.63 (and continues to head towards it's date with sub-$20) Au dropped to $1855.50. Au has a prety well-defined intra-day dandruff problem with Ag less so as it's left shoulder is pretty undefined but can be construed as such. The both closed on the LOD. Ag is also a by-product of lead, copper and zinc mining so when you see issues with those mines it has a negative impact on Ag supply. Moar on that: https://geology.com/minerals/silver.shtml

The 'offical' #s put out by places such as the Silver Institute/Silver Users Association and the like are complete fabrications-they are there only to tell a story..and that story is that there is much moar Ag available to be mined or has been mined. This keeps up the facade-in fact something like 60% of all Ag mined is sitting in landfills in electronics and not easily recoverable. Gold/Silver ratio in nao over $85 @ 85.120+0.895 (+1.06%) because of the much bigger (as usual) smackage in Ag with Au 'only' down but it's worst close in a week-they NEVER mention Ag


This is not bad information however keep in mind that the CB's own most of the Au and they want you in it-another example that they don't talk about Ag.

>>16242561 lb SILVER: 100-200X Leverage

skip to about a minute and pay attention to what he says about derivatives and AG and overall commodity supply levels-all at record lows. Just how they are gonna fund all their Green Energy "shit" with some phantom supply that does not exist is pretty funny to watch play out.

The Gold stuff is meh-they want you in THAT cause they own it all but worth the listen

Some Headlines

Fed Warns of Worsening Financial Liquidity in Stability Report

The Federal Reserve warned of deteriorating liquidity conditions across key financial markets amid rising risks from the war in Ukraine, monetary tightening and high inflation in a semi-annual report published Monday.

“According to some measures, market liquidity has declined since late 2021 in the markets for recently-issued U.S. cash Treasury securities and for equity index futures,” the U.S. central bank said in its Financial Stability Report.

“While the recent deterioration in liquidity has not been as extreme as in some past episodes, the risk of a sudden significant deterioration appears higher than normal,” the report said. “In addition, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, liquidity has been somewhat strained at times in oil futures markets, while markets for some other affected commodities have been subject to notable dysfunction.”


and this means they are not getting enough comments that 'they' want-cause "Gary" certainly did not extend the deadline (mebby he did to make it look legit-can't remember but the outcome was certainly bullshit) for the Silver manipulation public comment period when he ran the CFTC.

SEC Extends Comment Period for Proposed Rules on Climate-Related Disclosures, Reopens Comment Periods for Proposed Rules Regarding Private Fund Advisers and Regulation ATS

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has extended the public comment period on the proposed rulemaking to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors until June 17, 2022. The SEC also announced that it will reopen the comment periods on the proposed rulemaking to enhance private fund investor protection and on the proposed rulemaking to include significant Treasury markets platforms within Regulation ATS for 30 days.


Fed Survey: Banks reported Eased Standards, Weaker Demand for Residential Real Estate Loans












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a63ecc  No.16243421


the discussion is about a Solomon tweet. I know about durham. you are missing the point.

the tweet was empty, designed to encourage and delivered nothing

conspiracy is not a crime-it's an adjective

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67ef70  No.16243422




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8b3f23  No.16243423

File: a4112384c612aa5⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 649x509, 649:509, MM.jpg)






FILL the holes in history that have been HIDDEN by (((THEM))) for centuries…






Antichrist 2016-2019

Templar Revelation

The Guardians of the TRUE Identity of Christ

You have more than you know.


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9d3c1c  No.16243424

File: d1bba6c1f8fbe32⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

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72b54f  No.16243426

File: b2dc4de116eb88a⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1170x828, 65:46, kelliwardaz.png)

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602a6d  No.16243427

>>16243101 (lb)

Might as well toss in chastity belts, insist boys are icky, and force sterilize them until the age of 26 just to be sure.

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211a35  No.16243428


Meeting the Flash isn't just "Eureka moment".

It's meeting with the source of all that is.

"The man who tapped the secrets of the Universe"

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2ef7e2  No.16243429


Marketfag could you give a little bit of graph on how palladium has been doing?

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9d3c1c  No.16243430


הבייגל שלו מריח כמו למינגים וג'ין

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310cb3  No.16243431


gibs me a minute

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94cbe5  No.16243432

File: 00283866ddcddc6⋯.jpg (813.21 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20220509_174048….jpg)

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85c473  No.16243433

File: deff077da9b7f66⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1174x1276, 587:638, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

Scott Ritter weighs in re: Russia's Victory Day via RT

An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis


On May 9, Russia will celebrate Victory Day, marking the 77th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, the struggle against Nazi ideology continues to this day and, sadly, the United States finds itself on the wrong side of history, supporting those whom we once were sworn to defeat, while fighting against those whom we once called allies.

I can’t help but think that Tom Brokow’s “Greatest Generation” would be ashamed by the actions of those for whom they sacrificed everything, and who have still proven insufficient for the task of honoring their memory in action and in deed.

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a63ecc  No.16243434

File: 7a9d7f180494f56⋯.jpeg (344.04 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, speak_a_da_Hinglish.jpeg)

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8b3f23  No.16243435





Put the Pieces Together…

FLASH post earlier today had WHAT Coordinates?

Sderot Rothschild?



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caa156  No.16243436

File: 18d626bf40e97dd⋯.png (236.29 KB, 1231x2133, 1231:2133, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 1a9d5cb1f9344b0⋯.png (57.92 KB, 1200x501, 400:167, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


…It's just a lunar calendar of events. Nothing to see, here.

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a0a9a6  No.16243437

File: d31cbb1e6298af6⋯.png (478.81 KB, 615x1103, 615:1103, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d3c1c  No.16243438


his bagel smells like lemmings and gin

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40939d  No.16243439

File: d5dfad856cf60f0⋯.jpg (495.24 KB, 1200x1318, 600:659, justice12.JPG)




madcow channel

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45092a  No.16243440

why would big name conservatives allow the news of not talking about 2000 mules go public, especially by other big name conservatives making a stink about it? Streisand effect maybe?

Umbridge banning the quibbler only got more people to read it. E.G. banning project veritas only gets Okeefe more viewers.

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8b3f23  No.16243441

File: 658e9ccc04895ff⋯.jpg (141.32 KB, 1000x963, 1000:963, BT_727.jpg)

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f85ee4  No.16243442



Ayo hol up.

Halp me out here.

The one that does all the posts at once within seconds…

Is that Flash?

Or, a different one?

It's kinda new so does that one even have a name yet if not Flash?

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9d3c1c  No.16243443

File: df40f66bb4bc922⋯.png (44.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

pony rides and chill @sacredgaschambers

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a63ecc  No.16243444


specific charges (3rd line) are what we don't have

they weren't the tweet

an adjective, conspiracy was

get it yet?

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310cb3  No.16243445

File: 9021771ce7e2ff6⋯.png (77.08 KB, 915x554, 915:554, ClipboardImage.png)




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9d3c1c  No.16243446

File: 69a451627ceb3a7⋯.png (63.14 KB, 264x191, 264:191, ClipboardImage.png)


>pony rides and chill @sacredgaschambers

arf arf arf

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602a6d  No.16243447


>conspiracy to commit____


This. Conspiracy to commit <insert criminal act>. John knows how to get clicks.

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a63ecc  No.16243448


I said as much above

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2ef7e2  No.16243449


Much appreciated!

(expecting South Africa mining & exports to increase as Russia gets sanctioned harder)

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6f4528  No.16243450


sounds like a conspiracy theory

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9d3c1c  No.16243451

File: b3727e381e5bf61⋯.png (9.13 KB, 265x190, 53:38, ClipboardImage.png)



peanut butter vietnam all over again

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85c473  No.16243452

File: b3f794cf8b33799⋯.png (960.48 KB, 1180x1140, 59:57, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

Thousands Under Evacuation Orders, 300 Buildings Burned As Wildfires Rip Through New Mexico


Some of the largest US wildfires spread across the northeastern region of New Mexico, an area that is in dire straits as hundreds of thousands of acres have been scorched.

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) has identified six wildfires burning across the state. The fires have consumed more than 280k acres as of Monday morning. Out of the six, here are the three major ones:

Hermits Peak (size 176k acres), 12 miles northwest of Las Vegas, New Mexico

Cooks Peak (size 59k acres), located north of Ocate in Mora County

Cerro Pelado (size 37.5k acres), located 7 miles east of Jemez Springs in Sandoval County

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9d3c1c  No.16243453

File: 4d3390b3fdf7247⋯.png (171.27 KB, 246x379, 246:379, 4d3390b3fdf7247a2932f815b3….png)

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11577b  No.16243454

Jake Tapper has a bad case of the anger/hate/panic emotion today. CNN went to a Doug Mastriano rally at the area around the indoor pool at a motel. CNN went to record the rally but at the check-in desk they were told: no TV news allowed. The didn't reckon of how smart cnn is. There were 2nd story rooms with balconies facing the pool area. cnn got one of those rooms and a reporter and the TV crew was on the balcony. Oh yeah, they had a reporter fake their identity and got into the area. Nobody is going to pull anything over on cnn.

Anyway, Jake is deathly afraid of Doug Mastriano for some reason. There's like 20 people running in next Tuesday's primary for the Republican side. But……. Donald J. Trump endorsed Mastriano. And Mastriano at his rally pushed the big lie that there was fraud in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania without evidence.

Cable news is in too deep. There is nothing they can do except await their fate while lying and screeching: all those telling the truth are lying.

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d84c1d  No.16243455


It is a NOUN you faggot idiot

conspiracy noun

con·​spir·​a·​cy | \ kən-ˈspir-ə-sē \

plural conspiracies

Definition of conspiracy

1: the act of conspiring together

They were accused of conspiracy to commit murder.

2a: an agreement among conspirators

uncovered a conspiracy against the government

b: a group of conspirators

a conspiracy made up of disgruntled aristocrats


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9d3c1c  No.16243456

File: 1c61d00c8411b27⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 227x255, 227:255, das_ist_ein_merkw_rdiger_O….jpg)


>peanut butter vietnam all over again

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40939d  No.16243457

File: ada8b1416f6bb9e⋯.png (16.39 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 5882636e7c063cc11c909e183c….png)


if Durham can get a conviction.

What kind of damages could every American sue for? Not to speak of what DJT would ask as a remedy?

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35b2d6  No.16243458

Anyone else have shite sleeping last night and shite, pissy mood all day today? Tried napping, but kept waking self from nightmares…I haven't checked the schuman but not feeling in right state of mind for sure!

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62e1e7  No.16243459

File: 0b71d2750258b53⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1200x1950, 8:13, ClipboardImage.jpg)




Was just being curious … Kek!

done quick & dirty

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a63ecc  No.16243460

conspiracy to commit fraud

Conspiracy to defraud the gov

the list of possibilities isn't short

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489557  No.16243461

File: aaf3bc2ab56bcba⋯.png (349.71 KB, 1007x657, 1007:657, supermanmovie.png)

File: 674168707301a34⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 2560x1371, 2560:1371, photo_2022_05_08_14_52_55.jpg)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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f85ee4  No.16243462


>FLASH post earlier today


Nigga, I'm about to lose interest in this faster than it took me to gain it.

Is Flash the multiple posts at the same time guy or a different one?

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3b3ce3  No.16243463

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94cbe5  No.16243464

It's an enhancer.

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62e1e7  No.16243465


There's way more, btw …

Had enough after some short time.

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310cb3  No.16243466



gonna see all this shit go nutz but the COMEX has a lock on the pricing structure/discovery.

>know you know that..for others who may not

good luck

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602a6d  No.16243467

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, Bill_Gates_Confused_Shrug.png)


I was agreeing with you?

God damn; QR is having a rough day, today. No real debate over current pressing issues, OSS driving anons bonkers and them falling for it, utter lack of utters, and generally more cunty than usual.

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028567  No.16243468

File: 1565e13606d8cbe⋯.png (281.51 KB, 1024x270, 512:135, ClipboardImage.png)

the 8kun logo is ugly

pass it on

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9d3c1c  No.16243469

File: d1bba6c1f8fbe32⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

יכול להומו לעוגה צהובה

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9d3c1c  No.16243470

File: 48c50e66fc64658⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

יכול להומו לעוגה צהובה>>16243469

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94cbe5  No.16243471

File: c117991330249bd⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 474x316, 3:2, th_2822741373.jpg)


What's he got to do with your sleep schedule?

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211a35  No.16243472


Don not worry yourself on identifying anons.

Always and only pursue Truth.

It's the message that matters.

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4979ef  No.16243473

File: 334e125c8b4f58a⋯.png (343.7 KB, 601x558, 601:558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b9b871f9c1680a⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, wut.mp4)

Congratulations to my amazing colleagues at ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ on winning the ⁦@PulitzerPrizes⁩ in Public Service for their account of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6.


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9d3c1c  No.16243474

File: d519b2d1a0903fb⋯.png (303.39 KB, 460x730, 46:73, d519b2d1a0903fb269f4875131….png)

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d84c1d  No.16243475


Shouldn't a "special council" know this stuff?

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fc10f8  No.16243476




>> Anons Notable Panic Picks

Who Gave the Order to Stop the Counting of Ballots that night

One huge election fraud operation, but who gave the order to stop counting ballots that night? The key to the whole election fraud cartel

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85c473  No.16243477

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40939d  No.16243478

File: 3b9614b62f43f3d⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 741x741, 1:1, 1000pieces.jpg)


yes, but if it's criminal conspiracy there has to be a crime.

Also young people whose brains have been effected by the dumbing down programs, think "conspiracy" means it wrong and never happened. It's shorthand for Bullshit.

It became that.

A dinner party is a conspiracy.

A conspiracy is not necessarily criminal and not necessarily a false "accusation"

Their vocabularies got pinched?

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9d3c1c  No.16243479

File: 8b1ca1b2c56ce74⋯.jpg (264.92 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, gwu1pp6mb1871.jpg)

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602a6d  No.16243480



Whole board's been angsty since coffee. Not sure what happened. Maybe they ran outta Dank Roast?

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a63ecc  No.16243481


I faggot to look it up

I just did

I am surprised

but I found this interesting

1863 H. Cox Inst. Eng. Govt. i. xi. 275 The crime of conspiracy consists in the agreement of two or more persons to do an illegal act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means.

conspiracy to do an illegal act ← the ____

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866359  No.16243482

File: 55b33931012e9bf⋯.jpeg (193.9 KB, 1603x796, 1603:796, Untitled.jpeg)

RED Folder in 2000 Mules. Just like Trump's red folder.

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211a35  No.16243483



Moves and counter moves.

Planned to every possibly "chance".

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9d3c1c  No.16243484

File: c0cfc954c2949eb⋯.jpg (685.17 KB, 1746x1314, 97:73, 2018_01_01_07_45_IMG_0506.JPG)

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effac7  No.16243485

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3908f0  No.16243486

File: e890d9f80c5816b⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, durham_diddley.jpg)

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a63ecc  No.16243487


sorry, lots of incoming

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66e42e  No.16243488


Just in time for the vote by mail, global warming, and food production mishap narratives. The fire is sure to be racist, gender reassigned gerrymandering, globophopitriggeredtransculturalappropiationalismist

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35b2d6  No.16243489

File: c1b9551dbbcbd80⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1332x588, 111:49, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)



Bite me, I fucking spelt it wrong: https://schumann-resonance.earth/

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fc10f8  No.16243490

File: 6d5714576dac49b⋯.png (333.64 KB, 602x490, 43:35, why_the_democrats_politici….png)

File: c1fb8fa13b1b333⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 783x790, 783:790, murder_murder_murder.jpg)

File: b7b1e6d4aa829cc⋯.jpg (44.56 KB, 427x640, 427:640, adadsfsdssss.jpg)

File: 209515ad97b0110⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 607x680, 607:680, FSHrAjSUcAAoRoH.jpg)

File: 7465e8f90998c78⋯.jpeg (193.28 KB, 700x737, 700:737, ba8dc3de371061c8.jpeg)

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e8d774  No.16243491


and Putin's

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caa156  No.16243492

File: c63f332d153d24d⋯.png (458.07 KB, 637x478, 637:478, jimissb.png)


…You need to fuckin' have some patience and lurk moar. Take some time to observe anomalies, fool.

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712109  No.16243493


>MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby."

How DARE you assume the gender of the leaker.

And what makes you think he wants your nasty gash?

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1bdf37  No.16243494

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB, 1066x600, 533:300, 8kun_free_speech.mp4)



no one cares

as long as the ride never ends

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94cbe5  No.16243495


I may have read it wrong.

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d84c1d  No.16243496

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85c473  No.16243497

File: e3159d63196f0e8⋯.png (190.58 KB, 1176x958, 588:479, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

One more time today: "Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine"


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a63ecc  No.16243498


ty, sir

you are far more eloquent than I

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866359  No.16243499


Put has one too?

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fc10f8  No.16243500

File: e532e14e2b51254⋯.jpeg (20.12 KB, 255x235, 51:47, adfadfasdsss.jpeg)

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3908f0  No.16243501

File: 65b22472047d07b⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 815x441, 815:441, FN1.jpg)

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973ed0  No.16243502

File: 94d3d85728d2be8⋯.jpeg (379.47 KB, 656x492, 4:3, E7A8CE5F_E9DB_45C6_8B95_E….jpeg)

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2ef7e2  No.16243503


What if Wall St gets bypassed and the stuff goes straight to Hang Seng or similar?

My secret ulterior motive: To watch palladium, coal and coffee start really moving out of South Africa to Europe and the ship owners & operators that do the moving from Durban most likely

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957535  No.16243504


this makes me fucking sick to my stomach

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9d3c1c  No.16243505

File: 2fbf94471d12299⋯.jpg (625.65 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 2008_10_04_05_33_IMG_4173.JPG)

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d9ec25  No.16243506


How come fires never rip through Texas as much as the east coast?

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fc10f8  No.16243507


Money laundering of our Tax payer money…kick backs to the demshits. Pay to Play scheme

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d9ec25  No.16243508


west coast - sorry

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d84c1d  No.16243509


Chump change now. On faux news they said biden is increasing the 33 billion aid bill to 40 BILLION!

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602a6d  No.16243510


Sorry, anon's not in the pipe but much appreciate those that are. Much love, and energy y'all's way!


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9d3c1c  No.16243511


150 year old soup dealer

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028567  No.16243512

File: 57db7fd75a91f6a⋯.png (393.93 KB, 1000x780, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)


i care


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c0efb6  No.16243513

File: cdbaaad9ad07eb7⋯.png (553.8 KB, 500x1567, 500:1567, ClipboardImage.png)

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a63ecc  No.16243514

File: 28aa08a29be1ce2⋯.jpg (187.29 KB, 732x1211, 732:1211, 28aa08a29be1ce20921d97264a….jpg)

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35b2d6  No.16243515

File: a011736d6d12d11⋯.png (284.42 KB, 1526x573, 1526:573, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


The Global consciousness graph doesn't show times, but me thinks it falls within when I was rudely awakened in the middle of the night, like between 2:30 and 3am…I am eastern ST.

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72b54f  No.16243516

File: 78db96581344d32⋯.png (1.77 MB, 869x710, 869:710, capture_908_09052022_11145….png)

File: 2baaf42c57b9c32⋯.png (2.34 MB, 829x986, 829:986, capture_904_09052022_10594….png)

File: 63eca64932d6122⋯.png (2.33 MB, 821x990, 821:990, capture_905_09052022_11021….png)

File: a8272eb488b417b⋯.png (2.05 MB, 819x872, 819:872, capture_906_09052022_11062….png)

File: c28ef7cbb4c8031⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x437, 500:437, Greetings_from_Washington_….jpg)



<Newsmax is compromised>


John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection

Re: Follow up to Rome


<To: ruddy@newsmax.com>

CC: Eryn_M_Sepp@who.eop.gov

<Date: 2014-05-29>

Subject: Re: Follow up to Rome

That should work. I'd like you to meetCecilia Munozwho leads our efforts on this if that's ok.


On May 29, 2014, at 3:22 PM, "Christopher Ruddy" <ruddy@newsmax.com> wrote:

John,Joe Conasonwas kind enough to share your email with me. It was very nice to see you again in Rome. The Newsmax delegation was very appreciative of the hospitality ofAmbassador Hackettand the administration’s delegation. I mentioned to you that I would be happy to help, if there was some shared ground, on the immigration issue. I recently wrote a column supporting Jeb Bush's view on some of this…This coming June 23 I will be in Washington during that week. If you are free at any point I would be glad to visit with you. Otherwise perhaps some other time I work. I get into DC every month.

Thank you.



Christopher Ruddy

CEO, Newsmax Media, Inc.


Cecilia Muñoz(born July 27, 1962) is an American political advisor who served as Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council under President Obama, a position she held for five years. Prior to that, she served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs for three years.

Before working for the White House, she was Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at theNational Council of La Raza(NCLR), the largest Latino advocacy organization in the United States. [1] At NCLR, she supervised all legislative and advocacy activities conducted by NCLR policy staff. She was also the Chair of the Board of the Center for Community Change and served on the U.S. Programs Board of theOpen Society Instituteand on the boards of directors of theAtlantic Philanthropiesand the National Immigration Forum. In 2000, she was named a MacArthur Fellow for her work on civil rights and immigration.[2]


Joe Conason(born January 25, 1954)[1] is an American journalist, author and liberal political commentator…Conason was born in New York City and grew up in White Plains, New York. The family's surname was originally "Cohen".[8] He was named after his paternal grandfather, Joseph Jacob Cohen, an organizer and journalist of the American anarchist movement during the 1920s and 1930s.[9] Conason's parents, Eleanor (née Levinson; August 20, 1917 – January 5, 2002) and Emanuel Voltaire Conason (1912–2008), co-owned Ellie Conason, a contemporary design and crafts store in White Plains.[10]

Conason earned a degree in history from Brandeis University in 1975.[11] In October 2002, he married Elizabeth Horan Wagley, then the development director of the U.S. branch of Médecins du Monde.[12] They have two children, Edward and Eleanor, and currently reside in New York City.


Kenneth Francis Hackett(born January 27, 1947) served as the United States Ambassador to the Holy See from August 2013 until January 2017.[1] He was previously president of Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

Hackett attended Boston College, graduating in 1968. He then joined the Peace Corps and served in Ghana. Afterwards, he joinedCatholic Relief Services(CRS), serving in Africa and Asia. He was named the president of CRS in 1993, retiring in 2011.[2]

He was nominated to the post as Ambassador by President Barack Obama in June 2013 and confirmed by the Senate on August 1, 2013.[3]

He presented his Letters of Credence to Pope Francis on October 21, 2013. In March 2016, he was appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, the highest Papal Award given to lay men and women. He took leave as Ambassador to the Holy See on 16 January 2017.[4]

<National Council of La Raza>

>Red flags all over this…

Previously notabled, posting for viz…

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9d3c1c  No.16243517

File: e909e634920b137⋯.jpg (222.13 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 2019_04_14_14_12_IMG_6946.JPG)

built benjamin a franklynn hotel

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4979ef  No.16243518

File: 147ce7728f35ba6⋯.png (187.47 KB, 591x684, 197:228, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69719c57e142be8⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2018.mp4)

Wonderful explanation of the real rationale for masking here from

@Laurie_Garrett to the National Academy of Medicine in 2018.

Hat tip @snorman1776



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c529fe  No.16243519

To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money, but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest. It is not necessary that the Government shall be subjected to property or pecuniary loss by the fraud, but only that its legitimate official action and purpose shall be defeated by misrepresentation, chicane or the overreaching of those charged with carrying out the governmental intention.

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d84c1d  No.16243520



You don't have the trees we have out here.

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3b3ce3  No.16243521


Mentioned that yesterday, got no play.

Same shade of haze red.

Key connects contacts connection collective

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9d3c1c  No.16243522


assholes and graveyards

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a63ecc  No.16243523


may your favorite set of tits swell with anti-gravity

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94cbe5  No.16243524


Sick of theses fuckers givin and squirrelin my money away.

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c529fe  No.16243525



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9d3c1c  No.16243526

File: 51c8aa5a9052440⋯.png (1.01 MB, 769x640, 769:640, 2019_02_26_22_35_IMG_6320.PNG)


a north korean mcdonalds franchise

could've prevented a bowling alley massacre

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377966  No.16243527

File: ecf8c8eb079f165⋯.webm (5.85 MB, 720x480, 3:2, redgreenshow.webm)


>Trump's red folder.


>and Putin's

And Sunak's…no wait, it's green.

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d9ec25  No.16243528

File: c97b23a4899dc6e⋯.png (4.91 MB, 2550x2400, 17:16, ClipboardImage.png)


I see lots of green here.

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a63ecc  No.16243529


or say you are not representing a client to the FBI while you are trying to sink your client's opponent

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1bdf37  No.16243530

File: beb331b9fe8cd44⋯.png (487.26 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


pass it on to jim

but he will insist on you getting a platinum card before he takes any messages


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94cbe5  No.16243531


Wife wakes up at 3 and proceeds to wake me up just the same. For a couple years now.

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9d3c1c  No.16243532

File: 801ee9e641bca31⋯.jpg (163.92 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 2014_10_15_06_38_IMG_6968.JPG)

butt then they manufactured assholes outside the fudge packing facility

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957535  No.16243533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94cbe5  No.16243534



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a0a9a6  No.16243535

File: 7e397018cdb3098⋯.jpg (281.35 KB, 1280x961, 1280:961, FSU5zINXwAQg5id.jpg)

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0c786a  No.16243536

File: e982b1b02f9e0b5⋯.png (164.04 KB, 720x338, 360:169, Screenshot_20220419_135213….png)


Dumb bridge

Fear pR0n



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f85ee4  No.16243537


Good for Don, Engrishman.


Now I'm hoping multiple posts guy is different from Flash so I'm not in the same fan club as the rest of you tards.

Hopefully he'll post again this evening on this now snoozefest of a board that needs stuff like his to spice things up around here.

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fc10f8  No.16243538


Court Summons

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effac7  No.16243539


>but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest. It is not necessary that the Government shall be subjected to property or pecuniary loss by the fraud, but only that its legitimate official action and purpose shall be defeated by misrepresentation, chicane or the overreaching of those charged with carrying out the governmental intention.

like how every day of the Trump presidency was hindered, (by media, .gov workers & political operators), on the belief he was working for Russia?

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2ef7e2  No.16243540


Notes passing 275


>>16243266 Breaking911: DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

>>16243286 Breaking911: White House adviser Susan Rice is latest Biden administration official to test positive for COVID

>>16243297 John Soloman: Kash Patel: Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

>>16243300 Planefag: Call sign SCORE16. NORTHROP GRUMMAN E-2 Hawkeye 167929 carrier bird over land?

>>16243303 Sputnik: Docs Found During Spec Op Reveal Concrete Plans to Strike Russia From Ukrainian Territory: UN Envoy

>>16243317 Wtop.com: Bill would make DC a sanctuary city for for people seeking abortions

>>16243346 World's largest ribbon of St. George (400 meters) was deployed today in Mariupol liberated from Bandera in honor of Victory Day

>>16243359 MTG: Do laws matter anymore or just politics?

>>16243397 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman sent Vladimir Putin congratulations on Victory Day

>>16243401 Mollie Hemingway: Biden Must Condemn By Name The Left-Wing Groups Harassing Supreme Court Justices

>>16243405 MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby." (mp4)

>>16243410, >>16243419 Who funds [bell¿ngcat]?; "Mapping conspiracies" (mp4)

>>16243420, >>16243447 Mkt Fag: Frazier stayed down and din't get up-a tale of no liquidity** with lots 'o humidity (sweat)-edition

>>16243433 Scott Ritter via RT: An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis

>>16243436 NOAA Space Weather Conditions and handy Lunar Calendar for May 2022

>>16243452 ZH: Thousands Under Evacuation Orders, 300 Buildings Burned As Wildfires Rip Through New Mexico

>>16243459 So many covid-positive "grateful to be vaccinated and boosted"

>>16243473 Tracy Jan: Congratulations to my amazing colleagues at ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ on winning the ⁦@PulitzerPrizes⁩ in Public Service for their account of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6

>>16243489 Schumann Resonance

>>16243497 Glenn Greenwald: One more time today: "Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine"

>>16243516 John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection Re: Follow up to Rome

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9d3c1c  No.16243541

File: 997905bd8984e4f⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 182x230, 91:115, 2011_01_14_14_54_IMG_2171.JPG)


>old soup dealer

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973ed0  No.16243542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b0808  No.16243543

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f6e9c9  No.16243544

File: 5cc876b74653361⋯.png (170.91 KB, 300x340, 15:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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882f78  No.16243545

File: 6ba58634afad066⋯.jpg (93.78 KB, 830x564, 415:282, bluejet.jpg)


Is this another image of this?


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72b54f  No.16243546

File: b79ae22ff5c3ed3⋯.png (40.19 KB, 333x41, 333:41, capture_956_09052022_14592….png)

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB, 898x657, 898:657, GEOTUS_DD.png)

File: 11eac39c9190df5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, _BOOOOM_.mp4)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn44.png)

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 200x203, 200:203, fun_meter.jpg)

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da46e0  No.16243547


Brings memories of the evil fake traitorous press trying to force Trump of denouncing "white supremacy" and the "proud boys" and whatever else the intel c's put out there themselves. Remember?

Now it's our turn - actual demonrat operatives threatening Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court!!! And they're actually doing it right in front of our eyes, not hiding it at all, for all to see and witness. Yet, where's the evil fake news pressing the dumbass in the wh to call them out? Where?

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a63ecc  No.16243548



come the revolution, everyone will eat peaches and cream

but I don't like peaches and cream

come the revolution, YOU WILL

in a 3 pane side by side

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a08da3  No.16243549


> what DJT would ask as a remedy?

Obviously, 4 more years!

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35b2d6  No.16243550


I was so thirstly! Like, I was dying of thirst and found myself stumbling down to the kitchen to get water. It was ridiculous! Then, after satisfying said thirst with copious amounts of water, tried to go back to bed and was inundated with wakening dream after dream after dream. I finally gave up…and hung out here. kek I am starting to get my equilibrium back now, I feel. i am able to analyze and consider certain factors now that I hadn't been able to previously.

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d84c1d  No.16243551


Great dig. should be in notables

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caa156  No.16243552


…Forest underbrush acts as tinder. The corrupt governors don't properly remove this (for them, a cash grab), thus fires every season.

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9d3c1c  No.16243553

File: 3576124435bd302⋯.jpg (46.78 KB, 400x242, 200:121, 2012_02_22_20_29_IMG_0985.JPG)

File: f1d45e38e277d50⋯.jpg (323.34 KB, 1536x1023, 512:341, 2012_06_14_00_00_IMG_0727.JPG)


>2000 Mules is streaming for free


>2000 Mules is streaming for free


>2000 Mules is streaming for free


>2000 mules go public

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310cb3  No.16243554


They have been trying to do that for a long time-the ONLY thing that keeps it here is the currency-rapidly being abandoned though especially for crude payments.

Not being announced ftmp

Steady drip, drop

That is the key

Change that dynamic by about 15% or less $'s and other currencies accepted for payments and it's lights out.

Not going to happen all at once but there is certainly a threshold

They also want to digitize the derivative shit-pile

That is scary-they get that to the same threshold and we are going to have major issues removing ourselves from that.

We may be here for longer.

The supply-chain infrastructure still under 'that' control but I do agree with you on that you'll see a huge shift in stuff coming where it should be rather than where they want it to come from..iykwim.

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2ef7e2  No.16243555

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9d3c1c  No.16243556

File: d460abae703a4fd⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 227x255, 227:255, Sie_sind_nicht_schwul_sie_….jpg)

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fae79d  No.16243558

File: 6d385640bead6a9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1130, 108:113, Kyle_shots_more_effective_….png)

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9d3c1c  No.16243559


>Please see


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a0a9a6  No.16243560

File: 53ed34a5d55cf70⋯.png (472.61 KB, 652x592, 163:148, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)



Suspect in murder of Haiti's Moise appears in U.S. court



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d82ce5  No.16243561

trafficking mules

dirty thirty pence

rinosoi bois knew

cuck crows thrice

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a08da3  No.16243562


Read many twitterfags reporting that, headaches & dizziness in response to a Schumann Resonance post

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9d3c1c  No.16243563

File: 6620f814fdf7b6b⋯.jpg (271.52 KB, 960x991, 960:991, pp6p69g9fax71.jpg)

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35b2d6  No.16243564


You cannot justify anything you are advocating here, or answer simple questions to validate your ridiculous, USELESS repetitiveness. Therefore, forever filtered and erased from my timeline.

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067219  No.16243565

File: da190c8fb47a44e⋯.jpg (62.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 6fj93m.jpg)

Stolen election and a TOTAL CLOWN SHOW usurped executive branch…. Rubber Room Retards.

If Putin takes out Washington DC I won't even care.

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9d3c1c  No.16243566


forked tongue stammers

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efc3c3  No.16243567


“Psst.. are you awake?”

“No”. Kek

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9d3c1c  No.16243568

File: 4ee0d328be8d00f⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 23316826_1457693417641829_….jpg)

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d82ce5  No.16243569


P - the paymaster

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2ef7e2  No.16243570


Don't wanna hear RuPaul sing, rather watch video for "Angry Inch" again

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94cbe5  No.16243571


That's cool n all…but why here?

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d86ff5  No.16243572

LIVE:Vicky and Casey White in custody after pursuit near airport

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WEHT) — Currently, we are on scene of a heavy emergency response presence near the intersection of Baumgart Road. First responders have surrounded an over-turned vehicle. U.S. Marshalls are on scene.

Our sister station FOX59 has confirmed through multiple law enforcement sources that the search for the escapee and jailer ended in Evansville.


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973ed0  No.16243573

Show the people how it could be then remind them how it was and then make it all the way it should be.

All while catching the rotten, gotta love it.

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35b2d6  No.16243574


Headaches and dizziness! I didn't report that in my dialogue! Thank you for reminding me. Yes, all freaking day. I put it down to just the sleep disturbance, but it was so powerful.

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a63ecc  No.16243575

File: b38343fd240a584⋯.jpeg (362.6 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, Ich_kann_mein_Kondom_nich….jpeg)


I never thought I'd be memeing in german

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72b54f  No.16243576

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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9d3c1c  No.16243577



>ho m00 saz what?

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94cbe5  No.16243578


That's about it.

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c529fe  No.16243579


How about all of their money, property/ land, and holdings.

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a0a9a6  No.16243580


Just a coincidence…


She´s Haitian….

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c21277  No.16243581

File: a1150700ccfd548⋯.png (296.62 KB, 1385x899, 1385:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b09572315677bd6⋯.png (229.38 KB, 1385x757, 1385:757, ClipboardImage.png)

From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

Below is my column in the Hill on the leak and the refusal of President Joe Biden to denounce such conduct. It is a defining moment for his presidency that, even in the face of such a disgraceful and unethical act, the President cannot muster the courage to condemn it. He then magnified that failure by refusing to condemn the doxing and targeting of justices and their families at their homes.

Here is the column:

Nearly 70 years ago, a little-known lawyer named Joseph Welch famously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy (D-Wis.) in defense of a young man hounded over alleged un-American views. Welch told McCarthy that “I think I have never really gauged … your recklessness” before asking: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

It was a defining moment in American politics as Welch called out a politician who had abandoned any semblance of principle in the pursuit of political advantage. This week, the same scene played out in the White House with one striking difference: This was no Joseph Welch to be found.

After someone in the Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a virtual flash-mob formed around the court and its members demanding retributive justice. This included renewed calls for court “packing,” as well as the potential targeting of individual justices at their homes. Like the leaking of the opinion itself, the doxing of justices and their families is being treated as fair game in our age of rage.

There is more than a license to this rage; there is an addiction to it. That was evident in March 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the Supreme Court to threaten Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Schumer’s reckless rhetoric was celebrated, not condemned, by many on the left, even after he attempted to walk it back by stating that “I should not have used the words I used … they did not come out the way I intended to.”

What occurred at the White House this week is even more troubling. When asked for a response to the leaking of a justice’s draft opinion, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to condemn the leaker and said the real issue was the opinion itself. Then she was asked about the potential targeting of justices and their families at their homes, and whether that might be considered extreme. It should have been another easy question; few Americans would approve of such doxing, particularly since some of the justices have young children at home. Yet Psaki declared that “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” adding that “peaceful protest is not extreme.”

In reality, not having an official position on doxing and harassing Supreme Court justices and their families is a policy.


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5fb354  No.16243582


P before Q

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a63ecc  No.16243583


than pfizer

than moderna

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c21277  No.16243584

File: a1150700ccfd548⋯.png (296.62 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b09572315677bd6⋯.png (229.38 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

Below is my column in the Hill on the leak and the refusal of President Joe Biden to denounce such conduct. It is a defining moment for his presidency that, even in the face of such a disgraceful and unethical act, the President cannot muster the courage to condemn it. He then magnified that failure by refusing to condemn the doxing and targeting of justices and their families at their homes.

Here is the column:

Nearly 70 years ago, a little-known lawyer named Joseph Welch famously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy (D-Wis.) in defense of a young man hounded over alleged un-American views. Welch told McCarthy that “I think I have never really gauged … your recklessness” before asking: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

It was a defining moment in American politics as Welch called out a politician who had abandoned any semblance of principle in the pursuit of political advantage. This week, the same scene played out in the White House with one striking difference: This was no Joseph Welch to be found.

After someone in the Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a virtual flash-mob formed around the court and its members demanding retributive justice. This included renewed calls for court “packing,” as well as the potential targeting of individual justices at their homes. Like the leaking of the opinion itself, the doxing of justices and their families is being treated as fair game in our age of rage.

There is more than a license to this rage; there is an addiction to it. That was evident in March 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the Supreme Court to threaten Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Schumer’s reckless rhetoric was celebrated, not condemned, by many on the left, even after he attempted to walk it back by stating that “I should not have used the words I used … they did not come out the way I intended to.”

What occurred at the White House this week is even more troubling. When asked for a response to the leaking of a justice’s draft opinion, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to condemn the leaker and said the real issue was the opinion itself. Then she was asked about the potential targeting of justices and their families at their homes, and whether that might be considered extreme. It should have been another easy question; few Americans would approve of such doxing, particularly since some of the justices have young children at home. Yet Psaki declared that “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” adding that “peaceful protest is not extreme.”

In reality, not having an official position on doxing and harassing Supreme Court justices and their families is a policy.


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2ef7e2  No.16243585


I'd miss the National Air & Space Museum, the rest I could do without

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c21277  No.16243586

File: a1150700ccfd548⋯.png (296.62 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b09572315677bd6⋯.png (229.38 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

Below is my column in the Hill on the leak and the refusal of President Joe Biden to denounce such conduct. It is a defining moment for his presidency that, even in the face of such a disgraceful and unethical act, the President cannot muster the courage to condemn it. He then magnified that failure by refusing to condemn the doxing and targeting of justices and their families at their homes.

Here is the column:

Nearly 70 years ago, a little-known lawyer named Joseph Welch famously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy (D-Wis.) in defense of a young man hounded over alleged un-American views. Welch told McCarthy that “I think I have never really gauged … your recklessness” before asking: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

It was a defining moment in American politics as Welch called out a politician who had abandoned any semblance of principle in the pursuit of political advantage. This week, the same scene played out in the White House with one striking difference: This was no Joseph Welch to be found.

After someone in the Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a virtual flash-mob formed around the court and its members demanding retributive justice. This included renewed calls for court “packing,” as well as the potential targeting of individual justices at their homes. Like the leaking of the opinion itself, the doxing of justices and their families is being treated as fair game in our age of rage.

There is more than a license to this rage; there is an addiction to it. That was evident in March 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the Supreme Court to threaten Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Schumer’s reckless rhetoric was celebrated, not condemned, by many on the left, even after he attempted to walk it back by stating that “I should not have used the words I used … they did not come out the way I intended to.”

What occurred at the White House this week is even more troubling. When asked for a response to the leaking of a justice’s draft opinion, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to condemn the leaker and said the real issue was the opinion itself. Then she was asked about the potential targeting of justices and their families at their homes, and whether that might be considered extreme. It should have been another easy question; few Americans would approve of such doxing, particularly since some of the justices have young children at home. Yet Psaki declared that “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” adding that “peaceful protest is not extreme.”

In reality, not having an official position on doxing and harassing Supreme Court justices and their families is a policy.


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0c786a  No.16243587


PRedicated on pResident

False =0? Autopaybot?

Location v media ?

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a63ecc  No.16243588


brown sugar, why do you dance so good!

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c21277  No.16243589

File: 420646477333214⋯.png (216.15 KB, 603x784, 603:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c203417a8fe8d08⋯.png (163.61 KB, 599x573, 599:573, ClipboardImage.png)

What The Media Still Isn't Telling You About Russiagate

Two years ago last Saturday (May 7, 2020) Adam Schiff (D, California), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, was forced to perform what Nixon co-conspirator John Ehrlichman famously called a "modified limited hangout."

On that day, Schiff released sworn testimony that there was zero technical evidence that Russia – or anyone else – hacked those DNC emails so prejudicial to Hillary Clinton (later published by WikiLeaks).

Now, please, before you put me in Putin’s or Trump’s pocket, read on: The testifier was Shawn Henry, the head of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. For reasons former FBI Director James Comey would never really explain, he deferred to CrowdStrike to do the forensic work on the DNC computers that were supposedly "hacked." Comey told Congress that CrowdStrike "would share with us what they saw."

In June 2019, it was revealed that CrowdStrike never produced an un-redacted or final forensic report for the government because the FBI never required it to, according to the Justice Department.

Are you starting to smell a rat? What about the "modified limited hangout"?

Well, if some or all of this is news to you, it is because the NY Times and other major media have deep-sixed it for exactly two years now, and counting. It gets worse – much worse.

What Did Schiff Know and When Did He Know It?

Fasten your seatbelts: It was on December 5, 2017 that Shawn Henry gave sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee – see the official transcript. Henry testified that there was no technical evidence that Russia, or any other entity, hacked the DNC emails that were published by WikiLeaks just before the Democratic Convention in July 2016. (The emails showed how the deck had been stacked against Bernie Sanders – in the primaries, for example.)

Shawn Henry is a longtime protégé of former FBI Director Robert Mueller and headed Mueller’s FBI cyber investigation unit. After retiring from the FBI in 2012, he took a senior position at CrowdStrike. At his testimony on Dec. 5, 2017, he had Graham M. Wilson, a partner at Perkins Coie, as well as David C. Lashway of Baker & McKenzie in support.

Falling Silently in the Forest

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, relying on (1) the extensive expertise and professional experience of two members who happened to have been Technical Directors at NSA, (2) the revelations of Edward Snowden, and (3) the immutable principles of physics, had already concluded that the accusation of that Russian hack on the DNC was phony. (That Brennan’s CIA "believed" it to be credible helped not a whit.)


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c68d16  No.16243590

File: f07c0436a5e87cf⋯.png (296.07 KB, 869x844, 869:844, GUSSSSSS.png)


MSNBC Guest Wants To ‘Make Sweet Love’

And ‘Joyfully Abort’ Baby With SCOTUS Leaker

Daily Caller, by Kay Smythe

Posted By: Imright, 5/9/2022 5:19:50 PM

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c529fe  No.16243591


How about flashing lights, blind spots?

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d86ff5  No.16243592


UPDATE : Vicky White shot herself before the police could get them out of the car.

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9d3c1c  No.16243593

File: 8b07bceaf90f4d4⋯.png (16.75 KB, 227x255, 227:255, ho_m00_saz_what.png)


>>ho m00 saz what?

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2ef7e2  No.16243594


Let me guess, lag issues?

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efc3c3  No.16243595


Dem crazy eyes

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9d3c1c  No.16243596


fake temple lost corner stone in barbed wire border dispute

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6f5e8a  No.16243597


If Sussman is the bait, who’s the fish?

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c21277  No.16243598

File: 726ec5768604689⋯.png (374.31 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd70f6dc159fcdd⋯.png (280.58 KB, 554x447, 554:447, ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Chief Claims “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in the United States

Fails to quantify how or why.

During an appearance on CNN, FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf asserted that the leading cause of death in the United States is online “misinformation.”

Yes, really.

Califf spoke about his remarks during an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown, which were originally made at a health conference in Texas last month when he said online misinformation was “now our leading cause of death.”

After admitting that there was “no way to quantify this,” before mentioning heart disease and cancer (actual killers), Califf went on to bolster the claim anyway.

Claiming that there has been “an erosion of life expectancy,” Califf went on to say that Americans were living an average of 5 years shorter than people in other high income countries.

Califf said that anti-virals and vaccinations meant “almost no one in this country should be dying from COVID,” before going on to explain that there was also a “reduction in life expectancy from common diseases like heart disease.”

“But somehow … the reliable, truthful messages are not getting across,” he said, adding, “And it’s being washed down by a lot of misinformation, which is leading people to make bad choices that are unfortunate for their health.”

The FDA chief did not explain how ‘online misinformation’ was causing more deaths from heart disease, but went ahead and made the claim anyway without being challenged by the host.

As we have exhaustively highlighted, “online misinformation” is indistinguishable from information the regime doesn’t like.

As we previously noted, the woman picked to head up the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ said free speech makes her “shudder” while also promoting the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

Nina Jankowicz also ludicrously cited Christopher Steele as an expert on disinformation. Steele was the author of the infamous Clinton campaign-funded Trump ‘peegate’ dossier’ that turned out to be an actual product of disinformation.

The contrived moral panic over “misinformation” has become more pronounced following Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, with CNN guests recently complaining about how it might impact their monopoly on controlling “the channels of communications.”


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9d3c1c  No.16243599

File: 42d8ecec35eb73f⋯.jpg (210.4 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, spaminspector.jpg)

fine turkey feathers for a roast

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c68d16  No.16243600

File: 39fc7624b73fdd7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 878x888, 439:444, reDDDDDDDD.png)

File: 8fbf9ea9b9f1115⋯.png (318.31 KB, 1050x437, 1050:437, COAASAAAATTTTTT.png)

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72b54f  No.16243601

File: f3fc5fe08e7a419⋯.png (2.44 MB, 848x1005, 848:1005, capture_193_28032019_10513….png)

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0c3f1c  No.16243602


If anything he'll get the Clinesteinberg Package.

A wrist slap.

They cannot afford to rope HRC into this.

Remember Bill and Potato having lunch last week. A la Tarmac last time around.

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62e1e7  No.16243603

File: f6cd7993442c24b⋯.jpg (206.98 KB, 652x960, 163:240, f6cd7993442c24bbf775f6af07….jpg)



wtf's going on? someone gave you a totally new routine?

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7751a8  No.16243604

File: d8e80c7fd33397f⋯.jpg (358.94 KB, 1073x1152, 1073:1152, 10_2017_07_2022.jpg)


>4 more years!

11 11

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0c3f1c  No.16243605


Yes True: but from FDA and CDC

"The vaccine is safe"

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3b3ce3  No.16243606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a63ecc  No.16243607

File: a1c01d07faf38b0⋯.jpeg (530.75 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, I_support_welfare_mothers.jpeg)

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35b2d6  No.16243608


>flashing lights

THAT TOO!!! Cannot report blind spots, but for sure the flashing of imaginary lights kept interrupting my sleep and invading my dreams.

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c529fe  No.16243609


All other conspirators in the Russia, Russia Russia, it goes all the way to the top.

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1bdf37  No.16243610

File: 37b4f6c0c345673⋯.mp4 (70.25 KB, 360x200, 9:5, GROUND_HOG_DAY.mp4)

anon believes the great awakening happened.

but the peeps have just turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep.

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11577b  No.16243611

BREAKING! That sheriff from Florence, AL is a great officer. I don't know, but I hope he's a MAGA person. The way he handled probably the first few live press conferences in his long law enforcement career indicates he's MAGA all the way.

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d82ce5  No.16243612





reereereeee leslescoco buhbuhbrandbrandon

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957535  No.16243613


Texas is better


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e8d774  No.16243615



exact same color

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a08da3  No.16243616

File: 6ebc5a8fdf9439c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x771, 360:257, ClipboardImage.png)

Branco's cartoon on potatoe's statement that MAGA is the most extreme political group in recent American history


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0c3f1c  No.16243617

>>16243266 PB

Breaking911: DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

How about Nigger obedience training - the George Floyd Method.

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619564  No.16243618


Dubs, checked.

DoJ funding "community policing"?!?

What about "defund the police"?

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efc3c3  No.16243619


Hmm.. me too. Happens at night when my eyes are closed and spouse on phone…and am asking spouse if spouse is taking a screenshot. Spouse says no.

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d258e7  No.16243620


Texas is a huge place with large swaths of forested area although it is sometimes swampy. The dry places are to the North and West.

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72b54f  No.16243621

File: e9a613059a2b625⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 1006x284, 503:142, _Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_4….jpg)

File: 5f94b81e9097e0e⋯.jpg (155.52 KB, 972x464, 243:116, _Anonymous_Just_now_f06739….jpg)

File: d9b1f9ebdfb5a9d⋯.png (175.43 KB, 328x182, 164:91, capture_378_07052022_09594….png)

File: 0a79050c4275823⋯.png (230.52 KB, 451x174, 451:174, capture_373_07052022_09555….png)

File: 3350cbcab877959⋯.png (122.11 KB, 424x98, 212:49, capture_403_07052022_11064….png)

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35b2d6  No.16243622


kek…I have no concern about middle of the night spouse pics…spouse was snoring the whole time.

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349922  No.16243623

File: 808786ab03c3173⋯.png (398.08 KB, 592x1620, 148:405, ClipboardImage.png)

New WH Press Secretary narrative jumping the shark into insanity.

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619564  No.16243624


Dubs, checked.

God is forever. Most organized religion is a sham.

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b8fe0f  No.16243625

File: 6755aae485f4d94⋯.png (397.99 KB, 666x494, 333:247, WJCQ.PNG)


Hey idiot. what the fuck do you think this Q drop means. Does this look like the Pope is in charge, or does it look like he's bowing to the World Jewish Congress? Are you really that fucking dense?

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d86ff5  No.16243626

20 AGs Demand Biden Disband ‘Orwellian’ Disinformation Governance Board, Threaten Legal Action


In a letter last week to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, 20 state attorneys general demanded DHS immediately disband its Disinformation Governance Board and “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech.”

Attorneys general (AGs) in 20 states last week threatened legal action unless the Biden administration immediately disbands its newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which the group described as “Orwellian.”

In a May 5 letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the AGs demanded DHS “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech.”

They wrote:

“The Disinformation Governance Board, by its very existence, and almost certainly by design, threatens to ‘enforce silence’ when Americans wish to express views disfavored by the Administration.

“It is therefore already chilling free speech and impeding the political process in Virginia and every other State. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American.”

Georgia AG Chris Carr told Legal Newsline, “It is stunning that the Biden administration believes itself to be the arbiter of truth, so much so that it has devoted federal resources to the creation of this board.”

“The President does not have the authority to censor public discourse and to do so would infringe upon the First Amendment right enjoyed by all law-abiding citizens,” Carr added.

Moar: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/disband-disinformation-governance-board/

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b027c9  No.16243627

File: fd21dbb977e972f⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 6fffld.jpg)

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0c786a  No.16243628




Fedspot? Summ'it .. FDA. 🤢

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619564  No.16243629


We should be so fucking fortunate.

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0c3f1c  No.16243630


Where are the Repub's?

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b8fe0f  No.16243631

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB, 960x711, 320:237, JewDemonRats.PNG)

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a63ecc  No.16243632

File: 6e07f75e01ba975⋯.jpeg (434.08 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, inanity_and_insanity.jpeg)

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a08da3  No.16243633


Ha! I lived in TX 45 mins north of Houston and cars were covered in green pollen during Spring. We have tornados & hurricanes, not fires, too humid.

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72b54f  No.16243634

File: df96eab689c72e9⋯.png (72.54 KB, 667x37, 667:37, capture_961_09052022_15192….png)

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6f5e8a  No.16243635


Exactly, not interested in the small fry, I want catch of the day. Don’t tell me Gus Obama Frings is as high as it goes. Who was the DNI when all this went down? I want Comey and whoever was in charge of the clowns tarred and feathered too!

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443e44  No.16243636

File: e8590bce57141eb⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 6fgfo9.jpg)

File: 379277324680942⋯.jpg (85.97 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 6fge0u_1.jpg)

File: 3a7ad5ee5320304⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 6fgcih.jpg)



Go wash Joe's butt.

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c529fe  No.16243637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember BHO hired lots of attorneys, they know its coming and that nothing can stop it and that is why 'by any means necessary" is the the running "soap"


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effac7  No.16243638


please read >>16243589 thoroughly

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6f4528  No.16243639

File: b877ca81a490edc⋯.png (53.31 KB, 609x273, 29:13, susanRiceVaxHarder.png)



Looks like now you need to do double boosted

Susan Rice


This morning Itested positivefor COVID-19. I’m feeling fine and grateful to be vaccinated anddoubleboosted. I last saw the President in person on Wednesday—masked—and under CDC guidance he is not considered a close contact.

1:02 PM · May 9, 2022·TweetDeck

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a08da3  No.16243640


>east coast?

Cali says: Hold my beer!

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11577b  No.16243641



If any cartoon captured the true essence of the Biden/antifa/BLM political times in the USA, this one is it.

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c68d16  No.16243642

File: 71004ba9b5b193b⋯.png (571.06 KB, 690x938, 345:469, 1111111111.png)

File: da17516c865d109⋯.png (305.79 KB, 487x936, 487:936, 222222222.png)

File: 704705ac7cc69cc⋯.png (761.17 KB, 1054x632, 527:316, 44444444444.png)

File: 1fa8c225dac13e3⋯.png (687.95 KB, 1039x840, 1039:840, 5555555555555.png)

File: 1d7fe0d683b1859⋯.png (317.22 KB, 1018x835, 1018:835, snOOWWWWWWW.png)




For the non-mil, "POG" is a derogatory term used by combat troops to describe support troops (Person Other than Grunt = POG) <<<<<?

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted


1st Special Forces Command


We believe in ghosts…

Do you??






All the world's a stage. Join us. Text "4POG" to 462-769 or visit goarmysof.comMB01SYXEDBDOMFO

6:28 PM · May 3, 2022·Twitter for Android

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7877ab  No.16243643

File: a534de6b508436f⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 86F61A17_CC27_4748_AB5C_B….jpeg)

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35b2d6  No.16243644

Sleepless anon taking off to go make some BLT's, with all the works. If any followup on the Schumann is necessary will follow up when anon gets back. Love you all, stay safe.

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efc3c3  No.16243645


Kek. Marching orders, bots!

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94cbe5  No.16243646


Gettin pretty articulate with their muh covid.

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efc3c3  No.16243647


Hey. Us too. Enjoy. :)

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a63ecc  No.16243648

File: aee54b31cfdff24⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 618x410, 309:205, slander.jpg)

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c68d16  No.16243649

File: f4795c9077201d8⋯.png (33.66 KB, 850x213, 850:213, BANNNNDDDDDD.png)


Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel abandons effort

to obtain 14K pages of documents from

Trump lawyer

BizPac Review, by Robert Jonathan

Posted By: Imright, 5/9/2022 5:17:54 PM

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443e44  No.16243651

File: 38f8d3a602d639a⋯.jpg (107.59 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ggvh_1.jpg)



She's blacker than that ace of spades.

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2ef7e2  No.16243652


Where's the beef?

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40939d  No.16243654


they're still on 'him and Russia stole the emails?'


how far behind are they?

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0c786a  No.16243655


4pog or 4frens? 4anons .. moar 🍯 pots????!!!!

Nice people where???!!

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c68d16  No.16243657

File: 8ed6deb4e12dcae⋯.png (143.04 KB, 667x588, 667:588, desFPPPPPPP.png)


Desperate mothers are forced to buy formula

they know will make babies sick as an

'unprecedented' shortage leaves shelves

bare and prices rocket to $120-a-can due

to a national recall and supply crisis

Daily Mail (UK), by Andrea Blanco

Posted By: Ribicon, 5/9/2022 4:27:59 PM

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0c3f1c  No.16243658


CDC Cunt said this isn't possible yesterday.

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7877ab  No.16243659

File: 9fe44a1187283eb⋯.jpeg (92.97 KB, 577x432, 577:432, DD5B348C_BF1D_41B2_8DBB_F….jpeg)

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7751a8  No.16243660

File: f2d62d402927ac2⋯.jpg (334.76 KB, 822x463, 822:463, 2018_11_01_00_42_58.jpg)

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f6e9c9  No.16243661

File: 9a7c43c1b99f215⋯.png (669.83 KB, 874x546, 437:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>Who's the fish?

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619564  No.16243662


ain't nobody checked these quad digits?

Da very noive uv dis place!!

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405d41  No.16243663




>they know will make babies sick

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17b34c  No.16243664


Brown Shirts,

here they come.

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94cbe5  No.16243665

File: 4d99c23ae1960b3⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 255x191, 255:191, da190c8fb47a44e432f43eb294….jpg)

File: bd847aa6182cfb1⋯.jpg (8.84 KB, 257x196, 257:196, th_506727889.jpg)


French Fry Spy


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2ef7e2  No.16243666



Notes passing 400


>>16243266 Breaking911: DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

>>16243286, >>16243639 White House adviser Susan Rice is latest Biden administration official to test positive for COVID

>>16243297 John Soloman: Kash Patel: Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

>>16243300 Planefag: Call sign SCORE16. NORTHROP GRUMMAN E-2 Hawkeye 167929 carrier bird over land?

>>16243303 Sputnik: Docs Found During Spec Op Reveal Concrete Plans to Strike Russia From Ukrainian Territory: UN Envoy

>>16243317 Wtop.com: Bill would make DC a sanctuary city for for people seeking abortions

>>16243346 World's largest ribbon of St. George (400 meters) was deployed today in Mariupol liberated from Bandera in honor of Victory Day

>>16243359 MTG: Do laws matter anymore or just politics?

>>16243397 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman sent Vladimir Putin congratulations on Victory Day

>>16243401 Mollie Hemingway: Biden Must Condemn By Name The Left-Wing Groups Harassing Supreme Court Justices

>>16243405, >>16243590 MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby." (mp4)

>>16243410, >>16243419 Who funds [bell¿ngcat]?; "Mapping conspiracies" (mp4)

>>16243420, >>16243447 Mkt Fag: Frazier stayed down and din't get up-a tale of no liquidity** with lots 'o humidity (sweat)-edition

>>16243433 Scott Ritter via RT: An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis

>>16243436 NOAA Space Weather Conditions and handy Lunar Calendar for May 2022

>>16243452 ZH: Thousands Under Evacuation Orders, 300 Buildings Burned As Wildfires Rip Through New Mexico

>>16243459 So many covid-positive "grateful to be vaccinated and boosted"

>>16243473 Tracy Jan: Congratulations to my amazing colleagues at ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ on winning the ⁦@PulitzerPrizes⁩ in Public Service for their account of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6

>>16243489 Schumann Resonance

>>16243497 Glenn Greenwald: One more time today: "Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine"

>>16243516 John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection Re: Follow up to Rome

>>16243560 Suspect in murder of Haiti's Moise appears in U.S. court

>>16243581 Jonathanturley.org: From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

>>16243589 Antiwar.com: What The Media Still Isn't Telling You About Russiagate

>>16243598 Summit.news: FDA Chief Claims “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in the United States

>>16243616 Branco's cartoon on potatoe's statement that MAGA is the most extreme political group in recent American history

>>16243626 20 AGs Demand Biden Disband ‘Orwellian’ Disinformation Governance Board, Threaten Legal Action

>>16243657 Daily Mail: Desperate mothers are forced to buy formula they know will make babies sick as an 'unprecedented' shortage leaves shelves bare

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3b3ce3  No.16243667


No Rich Strike

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c68d16  No.16243668

File: c3bafb43c850752⋯.png (142.36 KB, 670x592, 335:296, nETTTTSSSSS.png)


Biden announces 20 internet companies

will give 'free' high-speed broadband

for almost 50 million low income families

to allow MORE people to work from home

and 'stream high-definition shows and movies'

Daily Mail (UK) & Associated Press, by Geoff Earle

Posted By: Ribicon, 5/9/2022 2:06:58 PM


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a08da3  No.16243669

File: 17087fe2a67d564⋯.png (297.91 KB, 604x650, 302:325, ClipboardImage.png)


Posted on twitter, thx anon


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948db3  No.16243670

File: d1a725273110720⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, classic_butane_pep.jpg)


>CDC guidance

oh fuck off with your bullshit ; no one would care if you told everyone you are a man, so why does anyone give a fuck you caught a cold?

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0c786a  No.16243671



Water or puree blended

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0c3f1c  No.16243672

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40939d  No.16243673




i like her better than ginger piss

couldn't they even get an American; why Haitian.

oh right Bidan is racist, against Americans.

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c529fe  No.16243674

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62e1e7  No.16243675


Kek! yup, I finished gathering after some time, and left out Susan.

Israel, btw, has triple boosted approved by now from what I read.

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72b54f  No.16243676

File: 02a2894087fb7d0⋯.png (2.1 MB, 811x904, 811:904, capture_055_29042018_10532….png)

File: 46877cf1167226d⋯.png (2.07 MB, 766x942, 383:471, capture_064_29042018_11160….png)

File: bd0ff0dd7947ec9⋯.png (2.45 MB, 914x935, 914:935, capture_062_29042018_11143….png)

File: 2137bfd3536d99b⋯.png (1.98 MB, 741x931, 39:49, capture_058_29042018_10565….png)

File: f4f8337897ee6b6⋯.png (2.15 MB, 807x928, 807:928, capture_057_29042018_10551….png)

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948db3  No.16243677


here come the covid lockdowns come autumn

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11577b  No.16243678


QUESTION. Why don't today's mothers know their bodies were made to provide food for their babies? Guess what? This anon believes this is the worst move (and that is saying a lot) the enemy ever made. They stopped the supply of baby formula.

Think about it!

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0c3f1c  No.16243679


Sussma with a wrist slap probation.

C'Mon man!

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3908f0  No.16243680

File: b5496695f47f415⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 612x408, 3:2, gettyimages_1236616406_.jpg)

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e45838  No.16243681

File: e68ad6338892f0d⋯.jpg (257.93 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, 20220509_162243.jpg)

Dr. OZ is a liberal faggot

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712109  No.16243682


Assuming anyone would want to touch you.

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f85ee4  No.16243683

Texas Climate Guide

Find Brownsville on a map.

Draw a line due north from it.

Everything to the east of the line is humid af (air from Gulf of Mexico).

Everything to the west of it is dry af (air from Mexico).

The closer one is to the line the moar things will flip flop between the two.

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d86ff5  No.16243684

>>16243572 (me)

These are the 2 escapees , one prisoner, one guard, from the prison.

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0c3f1c  No.16243685


Voter goodies.

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619564  No.16243686


CDC Cunt lied.

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948db3  No.16243687


the guy is probably a faggot, and you are a skank…so he won't be able to get it up

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6f4528  No.16243688

File: 6604b7e2ca00fe8⋯.png (149.39 KB, 620x1092, 155:273, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 13c68f38731376f⋯.png (23.96 KB, 348x158, 174:79, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)

File: 0ec745d3c0d2bfa⋯.png (150.57 KB, 1015x536, 1015:536, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)



>CDC Cunt said this isn't possible yesterday.

fact check: false

Nabilah Islam


I have tested positive for COVID and will be isolating until I test negative. I’m double vaccinated + boosted, I don’t want imagine how these symptoms would feel right now if I wasn’t vaccinated. Cases are rising, be safe out there— get your shots!

4:16 PM · May 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Nabilah Islam


Democratic Candidate for Georgia’s State Senate District 7. Bangladeshi American. Representation Matters. Fighter. Proud Gwinnetian.

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72b54f  No.16243689



>The shills back then…kek…

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3a29cb  No.16243690


What was really in the baby formula all this time?

Will they ever tell us or is that part of the 60%

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0c3f1c  No.16243691


No fucking shit.

The vaxxed do get covid and pass it.

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7141f9  No.16243692

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 428x281, 428:281, questions.jpg)


This morning I received a criminal subpoena.

I am not surprised and am grateful for the support from the cabal. Under guidance of legal counsel I am not talking.

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9d3c1c  No.16243693

File: 27d65f8f59b2735⋯.jpg (169.55 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 2018_08_12_21_39_IMG_2637.JPG)

File: 1cbfcedcabffd9f⋯.jpg (672.83 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 2018_12_20_11_59_IMG_4777.JPG)


>fake temple lost corner stone in barbed wire border dispute

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a34dd7  No.16243694

File: 0b5e735612020f2⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 1080x1213, 1080:1213, thankfulNPC.jpg)

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72b54f  No.16243695

File: d632111d63ca5f5⋯.gif (532.83 KB, 3232x195, 3232:195, coollogo_com_65431715.gif)

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5d92ac  No.16243696

File: e6fc1bfd79f1d20⋯.mp4 (15.49 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_05_09_17_31_06.mp4)


still alive but in bad shape

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0c786a  No.16243697


Hrc Haiti baby?

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d86ff5  No.16243698


My thoughts exactly! Why arent they breast feeding those babies?!?

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a63ecc  No.16243699

File: 823bd60db8a8a8e⋯.jpeg (801.34 KB, 1280x670, 128:67, and_you_still_don_t_trust….jpeg)

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40939d  No.16243700

File: ea6ab447bfdfce2⋯.jpg (184.22 KB, 1200x967, 1200:967, specialeffecttradetower911.jpg)


how come America fails to celebrate the routing of the Nazi..

Oh right, because we let them go and hired them here C [] A

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0c3f1c  No.16243701


No, this cunt Rochelle Walensky - on tv.

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e97ceb  No.16243702




Maybe if some of the shitbags died, it would be more believable. Cold-like symptoms. Oh that's right, the fake PCR test will give a positive result if you ever had a cold. Fake as fuck!

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6471c9  No.16243703

File: 1584b4391d8c448⋯.png (20.81 KB, 647x889, 647:889, f0f39c2b2cf3a34fb333e34d7e….png)


Anon woke up at 2:30 dis morning.. no sleep since..meebe tonight will be better.

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11577b  No.16243704


Don't forget it was CDC boss Redfield who, at a congressional hearing, pulled out his face mask and said: This (the face mask) is my vaccine against covid. Only ONE way CDC has only liars.

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501249  No.16243705

File: 1f9e9450b650415⋯.png (379.78 KB, 535x584, 535:584, Capture.PNG)

Night Owls

Marines with Maritime Raid Force,


, participate in a Ground Interoperability Course at Camp Pendleton. The focus of the Maritime Raid Force Interoperability Exercise is to integrate all elements of the MRF into a comprehensive and cohesive raid force.


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a34dd7  No.16243706


Studies show that children that have been breastfed have 30+ more IQ points than their formula-fed counterparts.

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4fc9d3  No.16243707

File: 8d73df224a62f4e⋯.png (291.92 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 1424230047.png)

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a63ecc  No.16243708

File: 2bb713af769de02⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1254x1254, 1:1, Operation_Paperclip.jpeg)

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9d3c1c  No.16243709

File: a069f266f620b87⋯.jpg (22.87 KB, 227x255, 227:255, jfkJESBIAN_.jpg)

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501249  No.16243710

File: 79afb2153579ec5⋯.png (385.92 KB, 541x618, 541:618, Capture.PNG)

The 1st Area Medical Laboratory "Mad Scientists" opened their headquarters on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Read full story: https://go.usa.gov/xuGCa

#1stAML #FreedomsGuardian #LibertyWeDefend


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c529fe  No.16243711

File: 92f3b055ec585f4⋯.jpg (93.41 KB, 807x570, 269:190, 2022_05_09_183551.jpg)


Breast feeding comes and goes like a fad, I think it was when they started giving away stuff for free.. "WIC'

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349922  No.16243712

File: 92ffcb6c7dd4602⋯.png (124 KB, 1269x540, 47:20, ClipboardImage.png)

Bots and scammers enroll in California colleges to steal millions in student aid

"but state officials and legislators don’t appear to be in a hurry to fix anything, said Kim Rich, who teaches at the Los Angeles Community College District."



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72b54f  No.16243713

File: 8118458fdf3811e⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 23bz7j.jpg)

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB, 775x491, 775:491, _EugenistsAll_.png)

File: ad5a918b0a6be29⋯.png (5.05 MB, 1400x1259, 1400:1259, DSC00366.png)

File: 47cbffabe7ec61a⋯.jpg (268.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_3058.JPG)

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, soonfall.gif)

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94cbe5  No.16243714


Calcify the pineal early.

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9d3c1c  No.16243715


>fake temple lost

jfkJESBIAN קיבל שינוי מין כדי לכסות את סרטן המעי הגס של בניו על רשלנות חמורה

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c21277  No.16243716

File: 3640cdc6fd22f1b⋯.png (384.3 KB, 696x364, 174:91, ClipboardImage.png)

CAUGHT: Fugitive Casey White Captured In Indiana, Vicky White Hospitalized

Fugitive Casey White is in custody and Vicky White has been taken to a hospital suffering from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, officials say. The manhunt ended after a police chase that ended in a rollover crash.

“We got a dangerous man off the streets,” said Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton. “He will never see the light of day again.”


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aed277  No.16243717

File: 672a4ef789f353d⋯.png (36.68 KB, 500x251, 500:251, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

File: 060dccca97690ca⋯.png (253.95 KB, 941x272, 941:272, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

File: 96700a2a291834a⋯.png (541.53 KB, 540x579, 180:193, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)


Sounds familiar




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3908f0  No.16243718

File: 491b938e9329be6⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 612x501, 204:167, gettyimages_105874179_tony….jpg)

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6f4528  No.16243719

File: 53ca605b6a106b1⋯.png (138.83 KB, 1005x510, 67:34, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)

File: 716d7bd5edad416⋯.png (140.71 KB, 991x519, 991:519, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)

File: 4f6405b4da6e219⋯.png (139.39 KB, 992x518, 496:259, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)


>fact check: false


>fact check: false

Jackie Speier


I have tested positive for COVID-19 and am experiencing mild, cold-like symptoms. I’m thankful to be vaccinated anddouble boosted.

5:10 PM · Apr 10, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

(((Eric Koreen)))


Bad news: I have tested positive for COVID, and won’t be going to Philly for Game 1 and probably 2.

Good news: I’mdouble vaccinated and boosted,my symptoms are mild right now, and a simple test I got for free was able to identify this quickly.

Wear your masks, y’all.

11:12 AM · Apr 12, 2022·TweetDeck

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377966  No.16243720

File: 176e90fcd696c85⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1000x1293, 1000:1293, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a9a6  No.16243721

File: 8b8db23337f382d⋯.png (428.36 KB, 598x603, 598:603, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


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aed277  No.16243722


derp ignore the post tag

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948db3  No.16243723


yup; they can fill out their mail-in ballots while having some nice cheap streaming services while they are staying home and collecting fiat currency EFTs watching movies

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b40530  No.16243724

File: 776810afc8c39c4⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Obama_White_House_Obama_Ad….jpg)


Does this look like a party that lost the election?

Or a party that (knowingly) stole the election only to have it taken from them?

If they do not truly believe in democracy why not steal it back?

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b001ea  No.16243725

File: 13e57341a7cd163⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AlfaBank_1_.mp4)


>hillary tweet re: alfa bank

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6471c9  No.16243726



Anon thinks it's code for [them]. Just don't know what [they're] communicating by claiming [they] have the Coof.

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effac7  No.16243727


Canned milk ~ 4 parts water to 1 part PET or Carnation milk.

Regular milk ~ 2 parts water 1 part milk

This is really old school "formula" for infants

Also parents can add tsp of rice cereal per 12 ozs for older babies 3-6 months.

Spread the word.

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9d3c1c  No.16243728

File: 6ac2be299cb4331⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 227x255, 227:255, jfk_LESBIAN_.jpg)

auto heeb fucked it too

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f6e9c9  No.16243729

File: bf0cc6ba067dd17⋯.png (500.3 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Highways 41 and 57

4 + 1 = 5 and

5 + 7 = 12

= 17

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0c3f1c  No.16243730


Ok Picklesmoocher here you go……..

>>16236845 PB

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3a29cb  No.16243731

If our food supply and baby formula were tainted and slowly poisoning us would that come out or quietly be shut down?

If they were feeing us human remains, would it come out or would it be quietly shut down?

Do you think we are going to be told everything?

Do you think everything will be made public?

I would burn down the food processing facilities that were feeding us human remains,

They would never ever open again.

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6471c9  No.16243732

File: e58ea71c88f9a4c⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 720x720, 1:1, e58ea71c88f9a4c91215bf777b….jpg)

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9d3c1c  No.16243733

File: b58e1dde83d4caf⋯.png (236.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b58e1dde83d4caf5eb259d1370….png)

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40939d  No.16243734

File: 489e5f0ea9b535c⋯.pdf (779.43 KB, FULL_Transcript_of_Whistle….pdf)


shawn henry is mentioned by the infomant Lin W deposed.

If the informatnt is solid, and I think he is, then this Shawn Henry is one of the inner circle, "Dirty Tricks Gang" something like that.

have to re read it to remember exactly

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2a9cbf  No.16243735

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB, 375x372, 125:124, sheesh_2.png)


>CAUGHT: Fugitive Casey White Captured In Indiana, Vicky White Hospitalized

Why didn't they go to a sanctuary city?

The Dems would have protected them like they do the illegals.

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4fc9d3  No.16243736

File: d8c89c6b39468ce⋯.jpg (80.9 KB, 315x415, 63:83, sub_buzz_21934_1507651313_….jpg)


Fuck these 17's already

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0c3f1c  No.16243737

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62e1e7  No.16243738

File: 105f4340c1122f5⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Why does that remind me of (pic related) ?

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5d92ac  No.16243739

File: a42fdc32690fd48⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 255x241, 255:241, a42fdc32690fd48030199efa38….jpg)


>mild, cold-like symptoms. I’m thankful to be vaccinated and double boosted

They all say it like one has anything to do with the other.

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2a9cbf  No.16243740

File: 7ebdcd1fc6eb7d7⋯.png (172.6 KB, 475x473, 475:473, bidan_I_did_that.png)


>Desperate mothers are forced to buy formula

>they know will make babies sick as an

>'unprecedented' shortage leaves shelves

>bare and prices rocket to $120-a-can due

>to a national recall and supply crisis

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4f44ae  No.16243741

File: b24bf85d04bb114⋯.jpeg (445.06 KB, 1241x1743, 1241:1743, 3DF7DD5A_0261_4634_8F33_3….jpeg)

File: c2153ce27e7f54d⋯.jpeg (228.5 KB, 1241x947, 1241:947, AA1986C4_E663_46F7_9468_E….jpeg)

File: d5803a6ef66a167⋯.jpeg (232.32 KB, 1241x1014, 1241:1014, 6C7CCE05_6912_4B22_96FA_C….jpeg)

File: 1cef5af33899fc7⋯.jpeg (423.43 KB, 1241x1519, 1241:1519, CC3A330D_A5D5_49E0_BA1D_6….jpeg)

Your day is coming demon Strzok


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9d3c1c  No.16243742

File: 1f00e3a87446343⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 2020_08_15_17_47_IMG_0249.PNG)

vanilla paste

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7877ab  No.16243743

File: 34c0608a921bb84⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 360x201, 120:67, 58A4DC73_FE49_43E2_B66B_C3….gif)

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979591  No.16243744

Y’all still trusting Kansas? Tell me again why he’s traveling and doing “diplomacy”.

Laugh able.

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948db3  No.16243745


Haiti's 400 Mawozo gang abducts 17 people from tourist bus


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211a35  No.16243746


Extremely Notable Video.

ECW "Finishing the dream of JFK…. Special Ops"

Many comms in video.

Vampire teeth

Dancing clown turned to ghost using a MIRROR.

Song says "Last Goodbye" at the same moment.

Ghosted clown shown to be on burning TV.

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fd7419  No.16243747

File: 89dda8a574b3472⋯.png (87.69 KB, 287x381, 287:381, untitled.png)

File: 147162fefbcd160⋯.png (1.24 MB, 946x768, 473:384, HouseofGermanArt.PNG)

File: 6ae0b0a81695577⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB, 700x891, 700:891, a1ba757605cc764e.jpeg)

File: 311d6e9532de679⋯.png (627.86 KB, 527x757, 527:757, Christianart2.png)



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6471c9  No.16243748

File: fd65510f4d5d1c5⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 253x255, 253:255, fd65510f4d5d1c5967891e70a7….jpg)

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62e1e7  No.16243749

File: d98700d2ceafaa1⋯.png (308.87 KB, 794x1164, 397:582, d98700d2ceafaa1e89767ed5d5….png)


Done quick & dirty – very possible to extend it

… but thanks very much for distributing it! I ain't got no twatter …


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7877ab  No.16243750

File: e248c96779ccb2e⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 360x201, 120:67, AACD4F63_4937_45E8_B310_55….gif)

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6f4528  No.16243751

File: 450d0cc16e6be2e⋯.png (450.5 KB, 998x683, 998:683, Screenshot_from_2022_05_09….png)



Double Vaccinated

Boosted AND

N-95 at all times wearer

Chris Grabenstein


2022 is stinking so far. First, on Jan 1, this double vaccinated, boosted, N-95 at all times wearer gets a positive Covid test. We think it’s Omicron. Very mild symptoms. And then…


8:38 AM · Jan 2, 2022·TweetDeck

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4f44ae  No.16243752

File: 8e682d101c8a01e⋯.jpeg (453.7 KB, 1241x1507, 1241:1507, D10186B9_7C9A_411F_B58F_6….jpeg)


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35b2d6  No.16243753


STOP relying on and buying their processed foods! Make and grow your own, join a community garden if you don't have land or learn vertical gardening…We, the People, have so many options.

Source private meat sources, even if you have to drive miles to get it! Mennonites here in Canada free range all of their livestock. Get to know them, they are a valuable resource.

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efc3c3  No.16243754


Agree..today’s moms have choices but yes, breast is best. Hope the silver lining is that more moms realize they don’t need enfamil and give it a shot. LaLeche league is there to help.

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72b54f  No.16243755

File: 357abec55d9d386⋯.png (914.13 KB, 706x441, 706:441, capture_974_09052022_15444….png)

File: 0db1b84315dd1e4⋯.png (1.18 MB, 946x434, 473:217, capture_973_09052022_15440….png)

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d784ff  No.16243756

File: 28ac48a893b27b4⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 707x704, 707:704, Pope_Roth.jpg)

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0c786a  No.16243757

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5dd16d  No.16243758


it is all bullshit to start getting the lockdowns and mail-in ballots ready for november

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c68d16  No.16243759

File: 0ee9f010de3da6b⋯.png (199.93 KB, 565x335, 113:67, moBBBBBB.png)

File: 0df31aae3d58ee0⋯.png (154.47 KB, 665x617, 665:617, BOOOOPPPP.png)

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c68d16  No.16243760

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377966  No.16243761


Because he only kisses his ass in private?

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72b54f  No.16243762

File: c08b92c04911241⋯.png (1.69 MB, 677x870, 677:870, _CryinShill_.png)

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35b2d6  No.16243763


I knew a french woman who breast fed her babies for a minimum of two years, also supplementing with organics food as the need arose, but her babies were fat and happy and THRIVED for the rest of their lives.

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d82ce5  No.16243764


so, the fbi is caught yet again doing one of their khaki false flags. circle back: why is anything coming from these liars privileged, besides the fact they're liberal grifters democrat slavers groomers and traffickers?

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b8fe0f  No.16243765

File: 3b9c6fef5a99657⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 700x467, 700:467, KushnerTraitor.jpg)

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2a9cbf  No.16243766

File: 5d6f080bc587cb0⋯.png (70.5 KB, 236x220, 59:55, pondering.png)


Wasn't GHWB a CIA Chowder Hound?

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4f44ae  No.16243767

File: 9bbc8ca9c27f2ce⋯.jpeg (342.57 KB, 1241x1410, 1241:1410, 4CF78E09_DDF1_4647_B1F8_1….jpeg)

Satan has gotten a hold of a lot more for the death cult and they are exposing themselves daily


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7877ab  No.16243768

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a34dd7  No.16243769


>grow your own

Neighbor hordes seeds like he has 60 acres! The dude has 1/10th of an acre, but seeds enough for everyone on the block. Maybe he's waiting to become a feudal lord.

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5dd16d  No.16243770

File: 763d5a44c9c0b21⋯.png (669.6 KB, 741x522, 247:174, Hankie.png)

good one, good one


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579403  No.16243771



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973ed0  No.16243772

File: bbb54f430fb3d7f⋯.png (3.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 52D6EFD6_673E_4780_856C_CB….png)

File: da2274365a14e00⋯.jpeg (25.13 KB, 170x198, 85:99, 2CCFFA1D_6E7C_4744_83C0_2….jpeg)

File: 2eb34368695abe3⋯.jpeg (444.45 KB, 975x1314, 325:438, 79547C87_CE44_42E2_8124_7….jpeg)

File: 25e553950da0f69⋯.jpeg (35.44 KB, 440x250, 44:25, 970BDD86_CDB4_4B90_979C_6….jpeg)

Money means nothing to these people, time, more time is EVERYTHING.

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94cbe5  No.16243773

File: f6a612802e5acd5⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 474x268, 237:134, th_2764890906.jpg)

File: cbe418c9a2a75f1⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 474x592, 237:296, th_741671698.jpg)

There fear of taggy sitties slowed breasticle lunches.

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542f83  No.16243774


Chlorine Dioxide enema.

What’s living inside your intestines is unholy.


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6f4528  No.16243775

File: a6dd32241bcb03f⋯.gif (464.89 KB, 790x837, 790:837, pepe_fren_fire_autism.gif)


easy nigga

was fact checking that cunt not you

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5d92ac  No.16243776

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


>Wasn't GHWB a CIA Chowder Hound?

If by Chowder Hound you mean DCI, then yes.

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4fc9d3  No.16243777

File: f9b2542cdf687bd⋯.png (199.03 KB, 1000x577, 1000:577, 1627306904597.png)

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c03d91  No.16243778

Tidy up the ship!!!

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a0c7d6  No.16243779

File: 13b17eebad456eb⋯.jpg (169.33 KB, 677x871, 677:871, Formula6.JPG)

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44ae0a  No.16243780

File: 39602429e70382a⋯.png (141.53 KB, 1431x269, 1431:269, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

File: d475f4e7233f997⋯.png (205.51 KB, 974x603, 974:603, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

Love this place.

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a0a9a6  No.16243781

File: 0e5b6b4c35587ea⋯.png (238.73 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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72b54f  No.16243782

File: e0b1a8245c34629⋯.png (48.73 KB, 338x49, 338:49, capture_977_09052022_15501….png)

File: b3fe0dedfb88bc5⋯.jpg (592.94 KB, 1064x950, 28:25, _Shilltz_.jpg)





Have a great time with your shilly ba'al mfkrs!

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b001ea  No.16243783

File: e786f9de81dd8c6⋯.mp4 (13.44 MB, 568x320, 71:40, President_Zelensky_This_is….mp4)

President Zelensky: “This is not a war of two armies. This is a war of two worldviews.”

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10cb41  No.16243784


They are all brain dead

really dumb

at what point do even anons think we should at least be separated from them for our safety,

1) who Gives a fuck you got Covid

2) Who gives a fuck if you got boosted

3) who gives a fuck if you got Vaxed ?

4) ZERO unvaxanated People have told us they got Covid

They need to be Victims or they are outside of there comfort zone

I watched an Entire Car Dealership, A bunch of full grown Men, Acting like Covid is real

THEY LET ME KNOW DUDE WAS COVID POSITIVE so he is gone till next week


to far gone they dont even fucking shave anymore

I went to 5 stores before I could find a Dress tie

2 chicks did not know what a tie was

I seen Onesies for sale in man size and a guy wearing one

they have to be fucking with us

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7141f9  No.16243785

File: d87e484764ef97f⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 320x215, 64:43, pj.jpg)

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35b2d6  No.16243786


>Neighbor hordes seeds like he has 60 acres

That is sad and if we are truly going to be deprived of our basic necessities, those who haven't developed self sustainability will be targetting this asshole first.

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b001ea  No.16243787

File: eb6ac3837830724⋯.mp4 (13.43 MB, 192x144, 4:3, 9convertcom_Dr_Oz_promotes….mp4)

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6f4528  No.16243788


Ok Picklesmoocher here YOU go…….. >>16243775

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3a29cb  No.16243789

File: d8234495dc0ba44⋯.jpeg (183.66 KB, 431x1071, 431:1071, food1.jpeg)


>I would burn down the food processing facilities that were feeding us human remains,

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fe6046  No.16243790


They are all brain dead

really dumb

at what point do even anons think we should at least be separated from them for our safety,

1) who Gives a fuck you got Covid

2) Who gives a fuck if you got boosted

3) who gives a fuck if you got Vaxed ?

4) ZERO unvaxanated People have told us they got Covid

They need to be Victims or they are outside of there comfort zone

I watched an Entire Car Dealership, A bunch of full grown Men, Acting like Covid is real

THEY LET ME KNOW DUDE WAS COVID POSITIVE so he is gone till next week


to far gone they dont even fucking shave anymore

I went to 5 stores before I could find a Dress tie

2 chicks did not know what a tie was

I seen Onesies for sale in man size and a guy wearing one

they have to be fucking with us

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b850d6  No.16243791

File: 2dcf80021f6c2d9⋯.png (144.85 KB, 318x421, 318:421, Broken.png)

File: bed8c94f0eeb9cb⋯.png (375.37 KB, 640x407, 640:407, FlintOSS.png)

So I see the broke-dick mofo has the bake again.

Sad state of affairs. Jew Research should be a thing. A different thing. A thing that isn't here.

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5baf2f  No.16243792


But if the recalls were bogus will it really make the babies sick?

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943bca  No.16243793

File: ff92eddb19baa5d⋯.png (61.82 KB, 250x241, 250:241, eyeroll.png)


Use more red text for effect.

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d94241  No.16243794


Who was the last republican to test positive for covid?

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4f44ae  No.16243795

File: 8e2e953ce656711⋯.jpeg (295.1 KB, 1144x1401, 1144:1401, B0C801FC_D0B9_43B8_BB94_1….jpeg)

GOP primary voters overwhelmingly want Congress to crack down on Big Tech, survey finds

A high percentage of the GOP base agrees firms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are monopolies and should be broken up

Breck DumasPublished 2 hours ago

An overwhelming majority of likely Republican primary voters say Congress has not done enough to regulate Big Tech companies, and the GOP base largely wants federal lawmakers to rein in tech giants and even break them up, a new poll found.

In a survey conducted by OnMessage Public Strategies for America Next and first obtained by FOX News Digital, 79% of GOP primary voters responded that they either strongly or somewhat disapprove of the job Congress has done in regulating Big Tech firms, with 73% saying the industry's major players are not regulated enough.

Wholly 85% of the voters polled agreed with the statement that "Big Tech companies, like Google, [Meta-owned] Facebook and Amazon, have become too powerful and are now monopolies that are destroying competition and abusing consumers."

Respondents also agreed by a large margin that several companies should be split up. Seventy-nine percent of those polled agreed either strongly or somewhat that "many Big Tech companies have become too big, too powerful and too abusive, and for these reasons we should use our antitrust laws to break them up like we have done in the past with oil, steel and telephone companies."

On that front, 58% of the GOP voters told OnMessage that they would be much more likely to vote for a candidate that favors breaking up big tech firms than one who doesn't. Only 24% responded that they would favor a candidate that "believes that government should not intervene in the free market and leave Big Tech companies alone as long as they are not breaking the law."

GOP voters also expressed overwhelming support for two bipartisan bills currently being discussed in Congress that aim to crack down on dominant tech firms.

Eighty-one percent of the Republican voters polled said they are in favor of the American Innovation and Choice Online Act that would prohibit certain major online platforms from giving preference to their own products or unfairly limiting products from competitors. When asked about the Open App Markets Act that would establish tighter rules for mobile phone giants Apple and Google-owned Android's operation of their respective app stores, 85% of GOP voters said they support the legislation…


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377966  No.16243796


Couldn't find a pic of his grandfather laughing…Bush Snr was a Nazi too

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a34dd7  No.16243797


R vs. D is the longest running psyop

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c68d16  No.16243798

File: f41da4733a7044c⋯.png (145.74 KB, 426x379, 426:379, NAAAAAAAA.png)


Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [09.05.22 17:59]

[Forwarded from WION]

[ Video ]

#Gravitas | China is replacing all foreign computers in government with ones made in China. Is the world's largest surveillance state scared of foreign surveillance? Palki S Upadhyay tells you.

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b001ea  No.16243799

Based on the information available to me, the situation with respect to the Zmeiny Island is as follows:

1—After the Ukrainian forces demonstrated their anti-ship defence capabilities (consisting of anti-ship missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/drones), and strike and recon air force, all coordinated by NATO aerial and satellite intelligence operations), continuing to hold the island in the absence of active offensive operations in the area of Odessa-Izmail lost all operational purpose.

2—Conducting purely defensive operations at the island raised the spectre of complete isolation of the island’s garrison and its subsequent elimination, just as the Ukrainian garrison was originally taken prisoner by the Russian forces. In addition, the proximity of the island to established anti-ship systems on the shores controlled by the Ukrainian army inevitably would have led to further losses among the naval and air force units of the Russian army (for instance, the Admiral Makarov frigate recently faced—albeit without any consequence—an Bayraktar TB2 attack). As a result, a decision was made to evacuate the garrison, which, unfortunately, was not accomplished without losses—of a Mi-8 helicopter and two amphibious landing launches.

3—At the same time, the Black Sea Fleet command and the Russian troops were able to catch the Ukrainian units in a trap during their own attempt at an amphibious landing on the island, which landing was important almost solely as a propaganda victory. According to a number of sources, in the course of the landing, the Ukrainian forces lost:

— one Su-27 aircraft;

— up to three Su-24 fighter jets;

— up to three Mi-24 attack helicopters;

— between two and four Bayraktar TB2 UAVs; and,

— several amphibious assault craft.

4—In the course of the battle, several air defence batteries of the Ukrainian forces were also struck, with one battery completely destroyed and up to 8 Pechora air defence systems damaged and put out of commission.

5—The losses of the Ukrainian forces totalled 78 people killed in action and several dozens more missing in action (presumed dead). Unconfirmed reports suggest that a significant number of the dead and missing (i.e. drowned) fighters were members of an as yet unidentified PMC (private military company).

6—At the time, Zmeiny island remains unoccupied by either of the warring parties

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72b54f  No.16243800

File: d6d315416fec9cc⋯.jpg (161.44 KB, 679x911, 679:911, _.jpg)

File: 2e858c3ed18430c⋯.jpg (204 KB, 561x923, 561:923, capture_1887_02032022_0114….jpg)

File: c2398b4c87ebcda⋯.png (595.16 KB, 517x392, 517:392, capture_1925_02032022_0403….png)

File: 5ab40c6c7ea67eb⋯.png (614.34 KB, 738x1442, 369:721, The_Devil_s_trident.png)

File: 8020d28c659b4d4⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 546x414, 91:69, UpIsDown.jpg)

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d94241  No.16243801



I didn’t ask you that.

Answer the question or suck your own brain out through your dick.

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2ef7e2  No.16243802


Bread ghosted atm

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eb7b71  No.16243803

File: 268ebecb9ae9257⋯.png (73.18 KB, 255x180, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)


There are so Few Men Left in this World

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3d9e76  No.16243804

File: 9062b325da9e436⋯.png (71.05 KB, 501x462, 167:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b9ed3fbea01875⋯.png (47.39 KB, 498x416, 249:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dbebc93c733996⋯.png (1020.03 KB, 1262x701, 1262:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 884c1aaef25dbb2⋯.png (97.65 KB, 799x596, 799:596, May_National_Days_2022_Nat….png)


26:54 on the clock today

54 is 3rd letter b, or "32" and 32 is 2nd F, so "26"

Might be a stretch of a reduction, BUT…

Q2626 contains 53-47

74th anniversary of Truman-Israel in 5 days on 14th. Q14 "How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?" Truman deal was at 6:11pm. Q2626 at 6:11pm. Q626 fulfilled Greensburg rally when POTUS came out at "20/20" time with [-4][-5] "countdown in progress"? Q626 was PF69, 69 is 3rd letter Q or "3 17" or "21 5" or "9th of May."

>Public to awaken [mass-start].

>Sleeping pill reject."

National Sleepover Day today

Back to 53-47

5/3+4+7=14,, 5/14 is 74th anniversary

Again, today "5-steps ahead." -Q14

and "There is no step 5"?????

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0c786a  No.16243805


R v D


Media stirred

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b850d6  No.16243806

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MedMatt2.png)

File: 87f49f078cc8623⋯.png (100.71 KB, 1466x462, 733:231, MediaMattersMusk.png)

Nuff said.

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fd7419  No.16243807

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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4f44ae  No.16243808

File: 713879cdc6a990f⋯.jpeg (250.83 KB, 1242x851, 54:37, 7FA06628_3B23_487B_B73E_8….jpeg)

File: ba7ba0ade2e2106⋯.jpeg (310.78 KB, 1165x1524, 1165:1524, 19602A1E_8A4D_4BBE_B717_8….jpeg)



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72b54f  No.16243809

File: f3d20dcb0638b46⋯.png (92.53 KB, 670x47, 670:47, capture_980_09052022_15561….png)





17 minutes ago…

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d892b3  No.16243810

File: 98f5b4495d0e4e2⋯.png (816.8 KB, 989x556, 989:556, ClipboardImage.png)

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c68d16  No.16243811

File: f11afa3d35a579a⋯.png (103.77 KB, 248x591, 248:591, RETTTTTTT.png)


SSGQ Channel ★★★, [09.05.22 16:47]

[Forwarded from The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️)]

[ Photo ]

Soccer Star dead at 29.

It’s no secret what these Soccer players are dying from..

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94cbe5  No.16243812

File: 2d0dc46c71ba085⋯.jpg (43.95 KB, 474x632, 3:4, th_1357270944.jpg)

File: 8e2c6713c363bb2⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 474x656, 237:328, th_2008364100.jpg)

File: 708a4933b2f9bd7⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 474x882, 79:147, th_2483080664.jpg)

File: f2aef9fdd845dda⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 474x468, 79:78, th_2805190852.jpg)

File: c7a81b9b70e01b1⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 474x710, 237:355, th_510516192.jpg)

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6471c9  No.16243813

File: 8f5a9aaa95d4456⋯.gif (577.64 KB, 104x268, 26:67, 8f5a9aaa95d4456364e7e02b3b….gif)

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c68d16  No.16243814

File: fdc216bf767f137⋯.png (156.46 KB, 428x604, 107:151, RANNNNNNNN.png)


SSGQ Channel ★★★, [09.05.22 16:48]

[Forwarded from The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️)]

Iran readies for grid blackout war with US

“Iran’s intentions to exploit HEMP offensively may be reflected in their efforts to protect at least some of their critical infrastructures from HEMP attack,” the new report said. “IRAN: EMP THREAT The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Military Doctrine, Plans, and Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack.”


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075d3d  No.16243815


nothing burger


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efc3c3  No.16243816


I think they mean babies with sensitive stomachs and ones who cannot tolerate milk (need soy, etc).

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c03d91  No.16243817


i use to hate red text… wtf?

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72b54f  No.16243818

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

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c68d16  No.16243819

File: 9c7caefd3da719c⋯.png (139.57 KB, 424x522, 212:261, LOSTTTTTT.png)


SSGQ Channel ★★★, [09.05.22 16:51]

[Forwarded from The Exposé News]

[ Photo ]

Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”

We either have a serious issue here or a bucket load of terrible coincidences…


Follow The Expose (https://t.me/dailyexpose)

Join The Exposé Chat Group (https://t.me/dailyexposenews)

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2ef7e2  No.16243820


Is the automated navigation beacon on the island still functioning?

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377966  No.16243821


>“This is not a war of two armies. This is a war of two worldviews.”

Good vs Evil

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c3aa89  No.16243822

File: 7771a9599f4bc2a⋯.png (175.3 KB, 509x317, 509:317, Anon_Warrior.png)

See you in spirit, all together as one. The mighty, on behalf of the weak.

It's time.

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a0a9a6  No.16243823

File: 99a511ccac41f66⋯.png (1.11 MB, 891x738, 99:82, ClipboardImage.png)

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b850d6  No.16243824


that's his thing. Get a bake, pollute the bread, then fuck off and wait for someone else to clean up the mess. Rinse, repeat.

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73dab3  No.16243825

File: bc609ada5bc6a29⋯.png (713.29 KB, 596x910, 298:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d55a0bbf5a64037⋯.png (34.61 KB, 542x96, 271:48, ClipboardImage.png)

Chelsea Handler: Vaccinated and Horny Tour

More Info

Thu • May 12 • 8:00 PM

Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, LA

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e6f2bc  No.16243826

File: c2a3fe2d4b5e269⋯.jpg (207.98 KB, 1346x1537, 1346:1537, _20220509_185402.JPG)

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bfda22  No.16243827

File: a616030f496003c⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x246, 85:82, fuck_you_pepe_.jpg)

so, whatever happened to fucking retarded Biden's pandemic of the unvaccinated?….the winter of death?

and a hardy "fuck you" to all you health "professionals" who played along


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6f4528  No.16243828



comms maybe?

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3908f0  No.16243829

File: 3f23d141b6c74f7⋯.jpg (309.91 KB, 1700x1063, 1700:1063, 6a744bd6af6f33555276546733….jpg)

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effac7  No.16243830


this is what green screen + a treadmill looks like, maybe he really isn't there?

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11577b  No.16243831


>how come America fails to celebrate the routing of the Nazi..

Good question. Another is: why did our ally Russia become our enemy overnight? Maybe those 2 questions are 1. Oldanon has spent a lifetime questioning it. My theory, developed in the mid 1980's: World War II was staged to take Russia out. It almost succeeded. The Wehrmacht got within 30km of Moscow city center. Then things went south for the Wehrmacht. Russia and their allies in eastern Europe who were attacked by the Wehrmacht had over 23 millions killed. 80% of the killed in action by the German army in WWII was on the Eastern Front.

Russia fought alone on the ground for over 4 years. The U.S. gave Russia the Lend Lease. Russia could not have beat the Wehrmacht without American help. We have been fed this propaganda all of our lives.

Here's anon's theory. The globalists have to take out 2 countries to make their evil dreams come true. They own the media. The sooner the USA and Russia make an Agreement saying: We are together, anyone who attacks one of us attacks us both. And by the way, NATO, you can go fuck yourselves.

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72b54f  No.16243832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Set CC to auto-translate English


Иллюзионисты в масках играют в жмурки

>4,852 views | May 8, 2022 | НАШЕ ЗАВТРА | 171K subscribers | 20 minutes

Что такое QAnon: рогатый шаман в Капитолии, квазирелигиозный культ, изощренная психологическая операция спецслужб или попытка правого переворота. Только ли политические интересы преследуются членами тайного общества или это рыцари борющиеся с дьяволопоклонниками и педофилами глубинного государства. Рассказывает Дмитрий Зеленцов.


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bfda22  No.16243833


that's edgy…wonder how long it would last over on normie ,media

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c03d91  No.16243834

File: 8de91d4833c3308⋯.png (103.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


nights of the round table?

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5baf2f  No.16243835


Read it again. I don’t think they’re talking milk

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72b54f  No.16243836

File: 069aa50731887e0⋯.gif (10.85 MB, 477x640, 477:640, Q_PLUS_ANON.gif)

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6471c9  No.16243837

File: d14e6ebfdaa1a58⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 238x255, 14:15, e7c7a1933573760a177314c511….jpg)


that's what I've thought all along

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d82ce5  No.16243838


ministry zealots in baby killer fervor

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c68d16  No.16243839

File: f0a9d86fee887a5⋯.png (124.24 KB, 427x612, 427:612, GEOOOOOO.png)


Robert W Malone, MD, [09.05.22 13:07]

[ Video ]

National Geographic (https://t.me/+gq420_hBmHAzZGJi) is now on Telegram!

Only here you will be able to see the rarest natural phenomena, observe the amazing moments of life, see the most unimaginable facts in the world.

Warning! After subscribing, you can get stuck 👇🏻 @national_geographic (https://t.me/+gq420_hBmHAzZGJi)

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bfda22  No.16243840


because it is all bullshit to ramp up the lockdowns and mail-in balloting for november; they are already bringing back the masks

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943bca  No.16243841


zomg…. turn up the bread and circuses! They will probably add a tax to my $120 internet bill to pay for it.

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efc3c3  No.16243842


I meant milk in formula.

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c68d16  No.16243843

File: 3d8d37c9ba82d37⋯.png (161.18 KB, 423x370, 423:370, doWNNNNNN.png)


Disclose.tv, [09.05.22 15:31]

[ Photo ]

NOW - US stocks fall, Nasdaq sell-off continues: Last down 4%.

#Bitcoin down over 11%, now at $30,600.


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72b54f  No.16243844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35b2d6  No.16243845

File: b196a97585ac174⋯.png (31.04 KB, 1920x420, 32:7, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: d9ec2253b3886ca⋯.png (511.83 KB, 865x648, 865:648, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 3681fdd6807ad73⋯.png (824.53 KB, 865x726, 865:726, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 82cf3cc6af7ecd0⋯.png (707.94 KB, 865x713, 865:713, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: be2f37a6137f8cf⋯.png (798.99 KB, 865x709, 865:709, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


Betty White (January 17, 1922-December 31, 2021)

Nevada Democrat Harry Reid (December 2, 1939-December 28, 2021), a lion of the Senate

Hall of Fame NFL coach, John Madden (April 10, 1936-December 28, 2021)

Sandra Jaffe (March 10, 1938- December 27, 2021)

South Africa's first Black Archbishop, Anglican theologian Desmond Tutu (October 7, 1931-December 26, 2021)

Sarah Weddington (February 5, 1945-December 26, 2021)

"the father of sociobiology" and "the new Darwin," and most of it comes down to ants. Biologist and naturalist Edward Osborne Wilson (June 10, 1929-December 26, 2021)

Joan Didion (December 5, 1934-December 23, 2021)

Eve Babitz (May 13, 1943-December 17, 2021)

Gloria Jean Watkins, feminist author, professor and activist bell hooks (September 25, 1952-December 15, 2021)

Damn, this goes on and on and on…More here: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/notable-deaths-in-2021/10/

Some of these people I do not even know, but they all died in December, 2021???

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943bca  No.16243846

File: 614406f84b75468⋯.png (602.69 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, pointing.png)

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bfda22  No.16243847


~some are latent~

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1ee954  No.16243848

File: e3175860921fe1f⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 570x574, 285:287, SPRING_WIN.jpg)

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40939d  No.16243849

File: 20106206555038f⋯.jpg (229.6 KB, 1200x1553, 1200:1553, shawnhenry10.jpg)

File: 40805886238c8c4⋯.jpg (223.18 KB, 1200x1553, 1200:1553, shawnhenry1812.jpg)

File: 00cffab9789d246⋯.jpg (275.65 KB, 1200x1553, 1200:1553, shawnhenry3112.jpg)


There's more

Here's the pages which mention Shawn Henry.

(what a great name for a criminal; "John Henry")

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71ca15  No.16243850




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2ef7e2  No.16243851


All started last night, I saw the tells and knew that crew was around. Wonder what issue brought them in (so many goodies posted last 48 hours)

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d94241  No.16243852

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5baf2f  No.16243853


Well they were pretty fucking old. Old people did. Sometimes lots in the same month.

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5baf2f  No.16243854


*die not did

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6f4528  No.16243855



>comms maybe?


>that's what I've thought all along

yes, something like this >>16243692

>This morning I received a criminal subpoena.

>I am not surprised and am grateful for the support from the cabal. Under guidance of legal counsel I am not talking.

Or some alternative where they are being forced to say it by white hats

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72b54f  No.16243856

File: 4e95eecbca87f92⋯.png (992.26 KB, 596x567, 596:567, capture_027_14022019_03030….png)

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377966  No.16243857

File: 88383bea9b08a3b⋯.png (267.7 KB, 478x479, 478:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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d86ff5  No.16243858


Global reported POS

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3908f0  No.16243859

File: 2b7c39696498ac1⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB, 480x360, 4:3, LBJ_Vietnam_J_krQH_zZqE.mp4)

Bill Frederick - Hey, Hey, LBJ

"Hey, Hey LBJ how many kids have you killed today?"


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e285c0  No.16243860


Psaki: "I Don't Think Anyone Could Have Predicted A Year Ago" How Much Inflation We'd See


Jen Psaki: stated on November 15, 2021 in a White House press briefing: “No economist out there is projecting that (the Build Back Better bill) will have a negative impact on inflation.”

Jen Psaki incorrect in saying no economist thinks Biden bill will boost inflation


White House Claims Inflation Spike Is ‘Temporary,’ Will Be Gone ‘Next Year’

White House press secretary Jen Psaki made the announcement at a briefing with reporters on Thursday, pushing back on J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon prediction that inflation is here to stay.


Jamie Dimon says JPMorgan is hoarding cash because ‘very good chance’ inflation is here to stay


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f8e472  No.16243861

File: 66f8200a447eedc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1178x1060, 589:530, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

JUST IN: Husband and wife who conspired with Jared Fogle to create child porn are sentenced -


NDIANAPOLIS (DOJ) – Russell Taylor, 50, Indianapolis, and his ex-wife, Angela Taylor (now known as Angela Baldwin), 40, Connersville, were sentenced today, ending a years-long child exploitation investigation into a conspiracy that involved Taylor, Baldwin, and Jared Fogle. Taylor was sentenced to 27 years in prison and Baldwin was sentenced to over 33 years in prison.

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fe7426  No.16243862

File: 804b50e9288c45b⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6fjfnu.jpg)

File: 446b23280760131⋯.jpg (103.08 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 6fjg11.jpg)

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94cbe5  No.16243863


Golden Shower imminent.

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6471c9  No.16243864

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


dubs! and the great SRV! Anon needs a pepe with a bic lighter for visual..

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f85ee4  No.16243865


>A thing that isn't here

Like Q and 90% of the autists/oldfags.

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c68d16  No.16243866

File: 878fd2111b7d5d8⋯.png (266.29 KB, 423x455, 423:455, lNDDDDDDD.png)


MistyG ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [09.05.22 15:18]

[Forwarded from Disclose.tv]

[ Photo ]

JUST IN - Biden has signed the Lend-Lease Act to get even more weapons to Ukraine faster.


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7877ab  No.16243867


These people are sick

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9b059a  No.16243868

File: 79ab429de5347e5⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 697749fe4d150bfdd98db6875….jpeg)


you have nice tittys

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a0c7d6  No.16243869

File: b34c00f8a657931⋯.jpg (596.98 KB, 1050x645, 70:43, CatGrass2.jpg)

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d94241  No.16243870

File: 9ae9dd5fb7ffab3⋯.jpeg (91.44 KB, 828x698, 414:349, F3D6DED5_BADB_45A1_BEB6_A….jpeg)

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0c786a  No.16243871


Qrimes against humanity

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943bca  No.16243872


It is not fad. It is the correct thing to do. The babies early immune system among other things is largely from mom's milk. Nature isn't stupid, but corporations are greedy.

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40939d  No.16243873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I got it wrong.

John Henry was a famous worker laying Railroad Lines..

thats' a good song

but "John Hardy" was the immortalized criminal.


" Johnny come and go with me"

John Hardy he was a desperate little man

He carried two guns every day

He shot a man on the West virginia line

Might have seen John Hardy getting away poor boy

Might have seen John Hardy getting away

John Hardy went up upon that freestone bridge

There he thought he would be free

Up stepped a deputy and he caught him by the arm

Saying Johnny come and go with me poor boy

Johnny come and go with me

Johnny come and go with me poor boy

Johnny come and go with me

John Hardy had a mother and a father too

He sent for them to come and go his bail

There was not no bail out for a murdering man

They shaved John Hardy back in jail poor boy

And they shaved John Hardy back in jail

And they shaved John Hardy back in jail poor boy

They shaved John Hardy back in jail

John Hardy had a purdy little wife

That Mrs oh she wore what blew

She came to the jailhouse with a loud shout

She saying Johnny I've been true to you poor boy

Johnny I've been true to you

Johnny I've been true to you poor boy

Johnny I've been true to you

John Hardy was standing in his cell

With tears a rolling down his eye

Ive been the death of a many poor boy

And now I am ready to die lord lord

Now I am ready to die

And now I am ready to die lord lord

And now I am ready to die

Go ahead and die

Uh huh

I've been to the east I've been to the west

I've been this whole wide world round

I've been to the east river and I've been baptized

Now take me to my hanging ground lord now

Take me to my hanging ground

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eb7b71  No.16243875

File: 6ee33dc0b9edd1c⋯.png (535.12 KB, 1012x919, 1012:919, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f4528  No.16243876

File: b98f6859df3a0d8⋯.png (562.48 KB, 708x708, 1:1, b98f6859df3a0d8cda0fad4d3c….png)


>that's what I've thought all along

really started leaning that way when picrel homo went into hiding

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9d3c1c  No.16243877

File: d530622388cd3cb⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 227x255, 227:255, Affen_k_nnten_aus_seinem_A….jpg)

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7141f9  No.16243878

File: 37f812692361e38⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 670x525, 134:105, 37f812692361e38529ba506c8f….jpg)

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1ee954  No.16243879

File: 62aceebb7e02ec7⋯.jpg (148 KB, 587x583, 587:583, GREEN_LIGHT.jpg)

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efc3c3  No.16243880



Not sure if it’s still done but you used to get a free swag bag w formula and coupons, at the hospital. And nurses were quick to take baby to the nursery (so mom could rest.. and give them a bottle). It’s horrible and sad.

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9d3c1c  No.16243881

File: 8b07bceaf90f4d4⋯.png (16.75 KB, 227x255, 227:255, ho_m00_saz_what.png)

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94cbe5  No.16243883


Crazy that the cunt got six more years.

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d82ce5  No.16243884

former AG Brr ses Biden directing the domestic terrorism

nice KEK

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caa156  No.16243885

File: f7c57d7c955c34f⋯.png (430.11 KB, 764x998, 382:499, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


…Seems legit.

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c68d16  No.16243886

File: 4c077f47972e50e⋯.png (313.77 KB, 343x561, 343:561, aNIIIIIII.png)

File: 0633b61da382587⋯.png (430.18 KB, 502x527, 502:527, pure_heart.png)


Michael Flynn Jr, [09.05.22 10:35]

[ Photo ]

Today is my parents @RealGenFlynn and my mother Lori Flynn 41st anniversary!

High school sweethearts who’ve been incredible role models in my life.

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f65f51  No.16243887


Wait is that the Subway guy?

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40939d  No.16243888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's John Henry, who is more famous than the criminal, John Hardy.

Because of his amazing physical prowess, stamina and dedication.,


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9d3c1c  No.16243889

File: 48c50e66fc64658⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

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72b54f  No.16243890

File: 5be30d6a6cb6ffd⋯.png (491.75 KB, 469x357, 67:51, capture_985_09052022_16145….png)

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efc3c3  No.16243891

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5baf2f  No.16243892


Yep. Well, used to be until he got busted

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c68d16  No.16243893

File: f9fae3f0e152275⋯.png (187.35 KB, 428x443, 428:443, UPPPPPPP.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [09.05.22 07:36]


[ Album ]

Stacey Abrams better lawyer up!

#2000Mules #PullTheRipcord


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7b82fe  No.16243894

File: e474151c4135365⋯.png (737.17 KB, 976x532, 244:133, killbab.png)

anyone have video of liberal meltdowns over abortion? weirdly haven't seen that

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35b2d6  No.16243895

File: 67c93e0cec35909⋯.png (659.6 KB, 865x821, 865:821, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 099340ea8442130⋯.png (875.26 KB, 1034x770, 47:35, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 5997d682d66816e⋯.png (546.09 KB, 996x751, 996:751, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 815c6478f1dc4a6⋯.png (801.09 KB, 909x765, 101:85, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: ad1b45e63154c84⋯.png (995.67 KB, 960x733, 960:733, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


Part 2/

ALL died in or around December 2021…Interdasting?

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40939d  No.16243896


John Henry was a li'l baby, uh-huh

Sittin' on his mama's knee, oh, yeah,

Said: "De Big Bend Tunnel on de C & O road

Gonna cause de death of me

Lawd, Lawd. Gonna cause de death of me

John Henry, he had a woman

Her name was Mary Magdalene

She would go to de tunnel and sing for John

Jes' to hear John Henry's hammer ring, Lawd, Lawd

Jes' to hear John Henry's hammer ring

John Henry had a li'l woman

Her name was Lucy Ann

John Henry took sick an' had to go to bed

Lucy Ann drove steel like a man

Lawd, Lawd, Lucy Ann drove steel like a man

Cap'n says to John Henry

Gonna bring me a steam drill 'round

Gonna take dat steam drill out on de job

Gonna whop dat steel on down, Lawd, Lawd

Gonna whop dat steel on down

John Henry tol' his cap'n

Lightnin' was in his eye

Cap'n, bet yo' las' red cent on me

Fo' I'll beat it to de bottom or I'll die, Lawd, Law

I'll beat it to de bottom or I'll die

Sun shine hot an' burnin'

Wer'n't no breeze a-tall

Sweat ran down like water down a hill

Dat day John Henry let his hammer fall

Lawd, Lawd, dat day John Henry let his hammer fall

John Henry went to de tunnel

An' dey put him in de lead to drive

De rock so tall an' John Henry so small

Dat he lied down his hammer an' he cried

Lawd, Lawd, dat he lied down his hammer an' he cried

John Henry started out on de right hand

De steam drill started on de lef

"Before I 'd let dis steam drill beat me down

I'd hammer my fool self to death

Lawd, Lawd, I'd hammer my fool self to death"

White man tol' John Henry

"N*gger, damn yo' soul

You might beat dis steam an' dr;ll of mine

When de rocks in dis mountain turn to gol'

Lawd, Lawd, when de rocks in dis mountain turn to gol'

John Henry said to his shaker

"N*gger, why don' you sing?

I'm throwin' twelve poun's from my hips on down

Jes' listen to de col' steel ring

Lawd, Lawd, Jes' listen to de col' steel ring"

Oh, de captain said to John Henry

"I b'lieve this mountain's sinkin' in

John Henry said to his captain, oh my!

"Ain' nothin' but my hammer suckin' win'

Lawd, Lawd, ain' nothln' but my hammer suckin' win"

John Henry tol' his shaker

Shaker, you better pray

For if I miss dis six-foot steel

Tomorrow'll be yo' buryin' day

Lawd, Lawd, tomorrow'll be yo' buryin' day"

John Henry tol' his captain

"Looka yonder what l see

Yo' drill's done broke an' yo' hole's done choke

An' you cain' drive steel like me

Lawd, Lawd, an' you cain' drive steel like me"

De man dat invented de steam drill

Thought he was mighty fine

John Henry drove his fifteen feet

An' de steam drill only made nine

Lawd, Lawd, an' de steam drill only made nine

De hammer dat John Henry swung'

It weighed over nine pound

He broke a rib in his lef'-han' side

An' his intrels fell on de groun'

Lawd, Lawd, an' his intrels fell on de groun'

John Henry was hammerin' on de mountain

An' his hammer was strikin' fire

He drove so hard till he broke his pore heart

An' he lied down his hammer an' he died

Lawd, Lawd, he lied down his hammer an' he died

All de womens in de wes'

When dey heared of John Henry's death

Stood in de rain, flagged de eas'-boun' train

Goin' where John Henry fell dead

Lawd, Lawd, goin' where John Henry fell dead

John Henry's lil mother

She was all dressed in red

She jumped in bed, covered up her head

Said she didn' know her son was dead

Lawd, Lawd, didn' know her son was dead

John Henry had a pretty lil woman

An' de dress she wo' was blue

An' de las' wards she said to him

"John Henry, I've been true to you

Lawd, Lawd, John Henry I've been true to you"

"Oh, who's gonna shoe yo' lil feetses

An' who's gonna glub yo' han's

An' who'g gonna kiss yo' rosy, rosy lips

An' who's gonna be yo' man

Lawd, Lawd, an' who's gonna be yo' man?"

Dey took John Henry to de graveyard

An' dey buried him in de san'

An' every locomotive come roarin' by

Says, "Dere lays a steel-drivin' man

Lawd, Lawd, dere lays a steel-drivin' man"

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eb7b71  No.16243897

File: 646175b5d6bfc04⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1067x1241, 1067:1241, ClipboardImage.png)

Sides Created

Lines Drawn

Colors Revealed

Ride the Waves

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72b54f  No.16243898

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening43.jpg)

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c68d16  No.16243899

File: a73d5de382dac3a⋯.png (145.72 KB, 283x752, 283:752, suNNNNNNN.png)


mRNA Death Toll, [09.05.22 12:08]

[Forwarded from Covid BC (Vax Reactions) 💉]

[ Photo ]

The New Normal: 13-Year-Old Schoolboy Drops Dead From Cardiac Arrest 💉

Healthy kids are dropping dead everyday all over the world. This phenomenon only appeared after the COVID shots were rolled out.

These people need to hang for what they have done to the human race.

Click here (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18500506/teen-footballer-dies-medical-emergency/) to read article.


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7b82fe  No.16243900

File: 3e702186e4b004b⋯.png (1.5 MB, 980x1070, 98:107, judges.png)

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7877ab  No.16243901


Knights of shame?

AWOL nation.

(Lyrics suddenly seeming even more prescient, ackshully…)


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377966  No.16243902

File: 995d57441b13de6⋯.png (498.55 KB, 629x706, 629:706, pepe_ride_the_wave.png)


>Ride the Waves

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8a79b8  No.16243903


just an anon solving problems…

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35b2d6  No.16243904

File: d4c2e4550ec3e31⋯.png (343.5 KB, 907x604, 907:604, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 4450fb6088f52d4⋯.png (809.21 KB, 774x793, 774:793, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: cea7d73b0580bb2⋯.png (810.06 KB, 818x784, 409:392, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 4ca47172f9e6450⋯.png (176.09 KB, 980x749, 140:107, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: f200b881d139f3a⋯.png (621.04 KB, 1031x752, 1031:752, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


Part 3/

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1ee954  No.16243905

File: f532a77f1cf1a2d⋯.jpg (214.16 KB, 892x614, 446:307, SURF_N_TURF.jpg)

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caa156  No.16243906

File: f507f0cd734412b⋯.png (26.97 KB, 328x330, 164:165, 420.png)

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d82ce5  No.16243907

democrats led by biden are fomenting civil war

up to states to protect their residents ???

some attorney general

absolute due process for traitors the ministry subjects tyranny on the freedom seeking masses

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9d3c1c  No.16243908

File: 239fefd07af670a⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 227x255, 227:255, karma_k_sahtekarl_k_i_in_s….jpg)

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72b54f  No.16243909

File: b5118f3b05ed060⋯.png (492.22 KB, 420x399, 20:19, _751_4_.png)

File: 4040bee6a200ae8⋯.png (573 KB, 469x416, 469:416, _751_.png)

File: 985a72979605c96⋯.png (581.4 KB, 468x423, 52:47, _751_3_.png)

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ba648e  No.16243910

File: 9ffbe8d932aa4dd⋯.jpg (187.95 KB, 954x520, 477:260, foot_kisser.jpg)

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2ef7e2  No.16243911



Notes passing 650


>>16243266 Breaking911: DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

>>16243286, >>16243639 White House adviser Susan Rice is latest Biden administration official to test positive for COVID

>>16243297 John Soloman: Kash Patel: Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

>>16243300 Planefag: Call sign SCORE16. NORTHROP GRUMMAN E-2 Hawkeye 167929 carrier bird over land?

>>16243303 Sputnik: Docs Found During Spec Op Reveal Concrete Plans to Strike Russia From Ukrainian Territory: UN Envoy

>>16243317 Wtop.com: Bill would make DC a sanctuary city for for people seeking abortions

>>16243359 MTG: Do laws matter anymore or just politics?

>>16243397 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman sent Vladimir Putin congratulations on Victory Day

>>16243401 Mollie Hemingway: Biden Must Condemn By Name The Left-Wing Groups Harassing Supreme Court Justices

>>16243405, >>16243590 MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby." (mp4)

>>16243410, >>16243419 Who funds [bell¿ngcat]?; "Mapping conspiracies" (mp4)

>>16243420, >>16243447 Mkt Fag: Frazier stayed down and din't get up-a tale of no liquidity** with lots 'o humidity (sweat)-edition

>>16243433 Scott Ritter via RT: An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis

>>16243436 NOAA Space Weather Conditions and handy Lunar Calendar for May 2022

>>16243452 ZH: Thousands Under Evacuation Orders, 300 Buildings Burned As Wildfires Rip Through New Mexico

>>16243459, >>16243669, >>16243688, >>16243719, >>16243751 So many covid-positive "grateful to be vaccinated and boosted"

>>16243473 Tracy Jan: Congratulations to my amazing colleagues at ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ on winning the ⁦@PulitzerPrizes⁩ in Public Service for their account of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6

>>16243489 Schumann Resonance

>>16243497, >>16243866 Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine

>>16243516 John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection Re: Follow up to Rome

>>16243560 Suspect in murder of Haiti's Moise appears in U.S. court

>>16243581 Jonathanturley.org: From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

>>16243589 Antiwar.com: What The Media Still Isn't Telling You About Russiagate

>>16243598 Summit.news: FDA Chief Claims “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in the United States

>>16243616 Branco's cartoon on potatoe's statement that MAGA is the most extreme political group in recent American history

>>16243626 20 AGs Demand Biden Disband ‘Orwellian’ Disinformation Governance Board, Threaten Legal Action

>>16243657 Daily Mail: Desperate mothers are forced to buy formula they know will make babies sick as an 'unprecedented' shortage leaves shelves bare

>>16243668 Daily Mail: Biden announces 20 internet companies will give 'free' high-speed broadband for almost 50 million low income families and 'stream high-definition shows and movies'

>>16243705 USMC Camp Pendleton: Night Owls

>>16243710 20thCBRNE: 1st Area Medical Laboratory "Mad Scientists" opened their headquarters on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland

>>16243712 Washington Examiner: Bots and scammers enroll in California colleges to steal millions in student aid

>>16243741 Stzrok tie to Sussmann?

>>16243752 Abortion activists have firebombed anothr pro-life group's office in Oregon

>>16243795 Foxbusiness: GOP primary voters overwhelmingly want Congress to crack down on Big Tech, survey finds

>>16243808, >>16243860 Inflation issue coming back to bite

>>16243814 Iran readies for grid blackout war with US

>>16243819 Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”

>>16243861 Braking911: Husband and wife who conspired with Jared Fogle to create child porn are sentenced

>>16243899 The New Normal: 13-Year-Old Schoolboy Drops Dead From Cardiac Arrest

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6932d2  No.16243912

File: 2e1db49825045f9⋯.pdf (218.57 KB, _Forever_chemicals_may_hav….pdf)

anons, PFAS has been discussed here before (forever chemicals).

Read the pdf and consider the implications through time…

About 20m acres of cropland in the United States may be contaminated

from PFAS-tainted sewage sludge that has been used as fertilizer, a new

report estimates.

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of about 9,000

compounds used to make products heat-, water- or stain-resistant. Known

as “forever chemicals” because they donʼt naturally break down, they have

been linked to cancer, thyroid disruption, liver problems, birth defects,

immunosuppression and more…

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62e1e7  No.16243913

File: e66701f79677f0b⋯.png (333.3 KB, 960x450, 32:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b82fe  No.16243914

File: 15ac60971d69f11⋯.png (374.12 KB, 882x500, 441:250, faceyoumake.png)

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11577b  No.16243915



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35b2d6  No.16243916

File: 168fc99f512a4da⋯.png (694.18 KB, 974x691, 974:691, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: f41160db8cfa543⋯.png (1005.14 KB, 982x740, 491:370, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 578c5cca9a8cf35⋯.png (618.37 KB, 1010x603, 1010:603, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: f53a9837047eefd⋯.png (910.43 KB, 1051x755, 1051:755, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: da6436929c70b41⋯.png (507.12 KB, 1017x736, 1017:736, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


Part 4/

Real Raw News appeals to our sense of Justice, but behind the scenes me thinks there was a whole hell of a lot more going on!

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9d3c1c  No.16243917

shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babiesdrugsshoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babiesvoteshoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babiespaul ryanshoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babies shoot babiescarl's jr.

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7b82fe  No.16243918

File: 617d20e94d6f484⋯.png (599.65 KB, 972x654, 162:109, banab.png)

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3908f0  No.16243919

File: 3c3d9f49ce994aa⋯.gif (9.8 MB, 718x404, 359:202, Winning_bigly.gif)

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caa156  No.16243920

File: 559a4f4402a5d46⋯.png (666.54 KB, 1615x729, 1615:729, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

…Random shitpost. Caught the time (UTC)

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9d3c1c  No.16243921

File: d1bba6c1f8fbe32⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

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f8e472  No.16243922

File: a814ab10bbd68cd⋯.png (120.57 KB, 1176x466, 588:233, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)

By unanimous consent, Senate ok’s bill to beef up security at the Supreme Court. Grants the Supreme Court security related authorities equivalent to the legislative and executive branch.


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acb452  No.16243923

File: 6cb840ce8576ec1⋯.jpg (355.29 KB, 960x1434, 160:239, Owl_Nina_Jankowicz.jpg)

File: 45f40b9ff3bd423⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 672x603, 224:201, Twitter_Nina_Jankovitz.jpg)

OWL symbolism identified?

breitbart. com/tech/2022/05/09/minister-of-truth-nina-jankowicz-liberals-censored-on-social-media-more-often-than-conservatives/

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7b82fe  No.16243924

File: eff3cb733fdbfe8⋯.png (554.75 KB, 998x638, 499:319, covinthem.png)

some reality covid is not fake

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377966  No.16243925

File: 31c995fe3567087⋯.png (703.4 KB, 889x612, 889:612, ClipboardImage.png)

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35b2d6  No.16243926

File: e0e11e8801a4c79⋯.png (700.68 KB, 1028x757, 1028:757, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 377509043b3343c⋯.png (449.05 KB, 1013x736, 1013:736, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: f729d80d9bfb913⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1019x747, 1019:747, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: d13e3072d2ff8a1⋯.png (792.02 KB, 1028x757, 1028:757, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)

File: 3c7dbc60a7ead91⋯.png (540.92 KB, 1058x772, 529:386, Screenshot_2022_05_09_at_1….png)


Part 5/ FINAL…There are too many to keep poosting.

Please check out for yourself: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/notable-deaths-in-2021/36/

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c529fe  No.16243927

I agree with you. I was just showing you the history.

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1ee954  No.16243928

File: 8607d639ba43b7e⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 471x548, 471:548, o7_2U.jpg)

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8ab58d  No.16243929


Most of the losses are of PMC-private military company?

Foreign troops? NATO/US troops?

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2ef7e2  No.16243930






>>16243266 Breaking911: DOJ announces $40 million to fund ‘community policing’

>>16243286, >>16243639 White House adviser Susan Rice is latest Biden administration official to test positive for COVID

>>16243297 John Soloman: Kash Patel: Judge ‘hinting’ to Durham that he has enough evidence to charge Sussman with conspiracy

>>16243300 Planefag: Call sign SCORE16. NORTHROP GRUMMAN E-2 Hawkeye 167929 carrier bird over land?

>>16243303 Sputnik: Docs Found During Spec Op Reveal Concrete Plans to Strike Russia From Ukrainian Territory: UN Envoy

>>16243317 Wtop.com: Bill would make DC a sanctuary city for for people seeking abortions

>>16243359 MTG: Do laws matter anymore or just politics?

>>16243397 Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman sent Vladimir Putin congratulations on Victory Day

>>16243401 Mollie Hemingway: Biden Must Condemn By Name The Left-Wing Groups Harassing Supreme Court Justices

>>16243405, >>16243590 MSNBC guest says she wants to make sweet love to the SCOTUS leaker, then “joyfully abort the baby." (mp4)

>>16243410, >>16243419 Who funds [bell¿ngcat]?; "Mapping conspiracies" (mp4)

>>16243420, >>16243447 Mkt Fag: Frazier stayed down and din't get up-a tale of no liquidity** with lots 'o humidity (sweat)-edition

>>16243433 Scott Ritter via RT: An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis

>>16243436 NOAA Space Weather Conditions and handy Lunar Calendar for May 2022

>>16243452 ZH: Thousands Under Evacuation Orders, 300 Buildings Burned As Wildfires Rip Through New Mexico

>>16243459, >>16243669, >>16243688, >>16243719, >>16243751 So many covid-positive "grateful to be vaccinated and boosted"

>>16243473 Tracy Jan: Congratulations to my amazing colleagues at ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ on winning the ⁦@PulitzerPrizes⁩ in Public Service for their account of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6

>>16243489 Schumann Resonance

>>16243497, >>16243866 Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine

>>16243516 John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection Re: Follow up to Rome

>>16243560 Suspect in murder of Haiti's Moise appears in U.S. court

>>16243581 Jonathanturley.org: From Court Packing to Leaking to Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction

>>16243589 Antiwar.com: What The Media Still Isn't Telling You About Russiagate

>>16243598 Summit.news: FDA Chief Claims “Misinformation” is Leading Cause of Death in the United States

>>16243616 Branco's cartoon on potatoe's statement that MAGA is the most extreme political group in recent American history

>>16243626 20 AGs Demand Biden Disband ‘Orwellian’ Disinformation Governance Board, Threaten Legal Action

>>16243657 Daily Mail: Desperate mothers are forced to buy formula they know will make babies sick as an 'unprecedented' shortage leaves shelves bare

>>16243668 Daily Mail: Biden announces 20 internet companies will give 'free' high-speed broadband for almost 50 million low income families and 'stream high-definition shows and movies'

>>16243705 USMC Camp Pendleton: Night Owls

>>16243710 20thCBRNE: 1st Area Medical Laboratory "Mad Scientists" opened their headquarters on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland

>>16243712 Washington Examiner: Bots and scammers enroll in California colleges to steal millions in student aid

>>16243741 Stzrok tie to Sussmann?

>>16243752 Abortion activists have firebombed anothr pro-life group's office in Oregon

>>16243795 Foxbusiness: GOP primary voters overwhelmingly want Congress to crack down on Big Tech, survey finds

>>16243808, >>16243860 Inflation issue coming back to bite

>>16243814 Iran readies for grid blackout war with US

>>16243819 Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”

>>16243861 Braking911: Husband and wife who conspired with Jared Fogle to create child porn are sentenced

>>16243899 The New Normal: 13-Year-Old Schoolboy Drops Dead From Cardiac Arrest

>>16243922 Cha Pergram: By unanimous consent, Senate ok’s bill to beef up security at the Supreme Court. Grants the Supreme Court security related authorities equivalent to the legislative and executive branch

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please, I'm expecting a lag

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9d3c1c  No.16243931

File: e0b9ea2f1dc1501⋯.jpg (526.62 KB, 1317x988, 1317:988, 2017_12_31_18_24_IMG_0505.JPG)

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b850d6  No.16243932


200 Mules is the big one. They really don't want anyone paying attention to the biggest lie.

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6f6d56  No.16243933

File: 49e45c9a17a660d⋯.jpg (249.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 2_Fire_Surfing.jpg)


Seems like a significant post.

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72b54f  No.16243934

File: 29fe147d6950169⋯.png (67.03 KB, 393x58, 393:58, capture_990_09052022_16241….png)




Skippy's bois are ALWAYS here, deflecting, kek…


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c68d16  No.16243935

File: a650b7c1d750c5b⋯.png (115.3 KB, 248x794, 124:397, miTTTSSSSSSS.png)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★, [09.05.22 07:29]

[Forwarded from The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️)]

[ Photo ]

Is it possible the USPS collected ballots or delivered ballots to these Non Profit Organizations for the mules to illegally deposit?

I wonder if these non profits sifted through ballots and decided which ones would be deposited into a ballot box.

I wonder if the USPS helped discard the rest.

Would be interested to see the Pattern of Life here..

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08b7fa  No.16243937

File: da16fe2c34e1df9⋯.jpg (117.78 KB, 834x393, 278:131, long_periods.jpg)

File: bf3ccedc4382de3⋯.jpg (159.82 KB, 704x396, 16:9, kLAUGH.jpg)

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f7ff07  No.16243938

File: 0c73883f92e1a51⋯.png (46.34 KB, 612x476, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)



The Binance crypto exchange has frozen withdrawals of UST.

No selling is allowed.


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b001ea  No.16243940


that's heavy metal as fuck

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f7ff07  No.16243943


Each one would've been scanned by USPS in process. Every single one.

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59daa9  No.16243944

File: c6d4b5c160886f7⋯.png (107.07 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 2021_03_19_22_34_IMG_0995.PNG)

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eb7b71  No.16243947

Everything we have set into motion

Is Meow Bubbling to the Surface

The Pond is Resonating

The Public has heard our call

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59daa9  No.16243948


now take your oath

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c31f43  No.16243949

File: 8da14ac6bdcfd02⋯.png (704.83 KB, 900x506, 450:253, D9200D12_2594_432B_89F9_A3….png)

How do you diversify if everything is going down?

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2ef7e2  No.16243950

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #20548: Former NYT reporter Eric Lichtblau for Sussmann defense? Edition

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eb7b71  No.16243951

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72b54f  No.16243952

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening49.jpg)

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59daa9  No.16243953

File: 7da54ef6cafa18b⋯.jpg (133.59 KB, 825x800, 33:32, 2019_12_10_02_36_IMG_9362.JPG)

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e8c9db  No.16243955


>the United States

Lost Authorization and ceased to exist in 1999 &: Presidency= Office for the TRUSTEE on the BANKRUPTCY which ended in 1999 >>15813628

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5d92ac  No.16243956

File: 912a759934f0411⋯.png (139.98 KB, 998x644, 499:322, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc10f8  No.16243957

Wisconsin Election Commission Takes Down Voter Roll List and Voting History of 7.2 Million Voters After Release of “2000 Mules” Documentary

And why isn't Newsmax covering "2000 Mules"? Guess they want to go down faster than Kamala Harris & CNN+


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f7ff07  No.16243958


It's a deleveraging liquidation, seemingly mostly out of Europe.

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712109  No.16243959


Nina Skanky-witch

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35abf2  No.16243960

File: d1bd86c4d4e40cc⋯.png (67.96 KB, 1178x468, 589:234, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d55038c3ec0d4ad⋯.png (3.82 MB, 2466x4122, 137:229, stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)

stock market TSX today

Inverted 666

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b001ea  No.16243961

comfy is as comfy does

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72b54f  No.16243962

File: fc8d15fff068495⋯.png (304.88 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340.png)

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72b54f  No.16243963

File: 2354f23d14e781a⋯.png (410.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_1.png)

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2ef7e2  No.16243964

File: 6d0117e23e8e77f⋯.jpg (458.02 KB, 1688x1125, 1688:1125, application_baked_goods_02.jpg)

Expected big problems, so of course bke went smooth

fill this bread please'

Shitposting time!

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72b54f  No.16243966

File: 075048eeaddb561⋯.png (383.4 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_2.png)

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c31f43  No.16243967


Dems just stole 4 trillion that’s why inflation so high

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72b54f  No.16243968

File: 67e3a4b763b8eb9⋯.png (482.73 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_3.png)

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62e1e7  No.16243969

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, 143d92ceadc3dcf68b1807dec2….jpg)


>UST withdrawal

something's carshing, I suppose?

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5d92ac  No.16243970

File: abcc7099801c93d⋯.png (72.26 KB, 971x641, 971:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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82734e  No.16243973

File: 03bc7b6b077e9bd⋯.png (129.44 KB, 1129x826, 1129:826, Orpheus.png)



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72b54f  No.16243974

File: 67d900b8371ce0b⋯.png (494.22 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_4.png)

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f7ff07  No.16243975


Moar dan dat, and it ain't just Dems. Uniparty, Baby!

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72b54f  No.16243976

File: b90312b215a366a⋯.png (252.41 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360.png)

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72b54f  No.16243977

File: 071e495921aed3b⋯.png (435.08 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_1.png)

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d82ce5  No.16243978


attorney client privilege

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72b54f  No.16243979

File: 71f0fdcad3b7615⋯.png (403.56 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_2.png)

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6a7d93  No.16243980

File: 5b6e8fb964910cc⋯.png (196.23 KB, 540x473, 540:473, 5b6e8fb964910cc30604bd746a….png)

File: 9632cc20d2678d1⋯.png (369.21 KB, 492x572, 123:143, Gorilla_Knights_DC_Comics_….png)

File: 54c3811afa530a5⋯.jpg (200.05 KB, 1080x999, 40:37, 0840c8438f840f3eea3500b0b5….jpg)

File: c58ec3bacf96305⋯.jpg (159.78 KB, 814x1199, 74:109, 2000_mules_poster.jpg)

[In reply to X22 Report Official ⭐️⭐️⭐️]




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72b54f  No.16243981

File: 57e0a64484518f5⋯.png (352.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_3.png)

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f7ff07  No.16243982


Unregulated leverage in Da Coin.

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f85ee4  No.16243983


If Phil gets his ass in gear this won't be another 3 hour bread.

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72b54f  No.16243984

File: 50f9461d9252664⋯.png (268.16 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_4.png)

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2ef7e2  No.16243985


Been there, Done That. Three DD-214s to show for it

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72b54f  No.16243986

File: 24e25e3a5893bc0⋯.png (401.9 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374.png)

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caa156  No.16243987

File: 6e639b52882e26e⋯.jpg (510.98 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, slpstkcmc.jpg)


…Assuming I'm in any club? Anon has never belonged to any social circles and has gone beyond figureheads. It's the 'blessing' of being a goddamn freethinker. Keep lurking.

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72b54f  No.16243988

File: cec9cff35206b93⋯.png (411.57 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_1.png)

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dcdb31  No.16243990

File: 00370271d986c66⋯.png (499.61 KB, 540x544, 135:136, ClipboardImage.png)

bidan giving the cia a "talking to" about helping sink the Mosvka

this is the most dangerous part of the story so far

It's the part that shows to many that the U.S is in fact stillplaying good cop bad copas it always has before

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72b54f  No.16243991

File: a55b2e9e249271d⋯.png (310.17 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_2.png)

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72b54f  No.16243992

File: 10d174ccb0c2f81⋯.png (291.12 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_3.png)

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72b54f  No.16243993

File: 9db15bcd380380b⋯.png (387.5 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_4.png)

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2ef7e2  No.16243994


How do you steal what does not really exist?

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72b54f  No.16243995

File: 1b4b2fb0bd877d4⋯.png (262.88 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388.png)

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94cbe5  No.16243996

File: ed62953f9c8e476⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 474x354, 79:59, th_3003840080_2.jpg)

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72b54f  No.16243997

File: f85c1e68e40af2f⋯.png (452.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_1.png)

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72b54f  No.16243999

File: 6d016eb52e126a4⋯.png (438.75 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_2.png)

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957535  No.16244000

File: ba0738c4f526876⋯.png (332.58 KB, 980x1099, 140:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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72b54f  No.16244002

File: 2846f0118425888⋯.png (80.11 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_3.png)

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f7ff07  No.16244003


Almost hivey, one could say….

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f8e472  No.16244004

File: f5924626c76fe47⋯.png (909.84 KB, 1180x1118, 590:559, Screen_Shot_2022_05_09_at_….png)


Over 100 NYC Orthodox Jews get kicked off German flight over mask dispute


The group embarked from JFK Airport in Queens to begin a religious pilgrimage to Budapest, Hungary. They had a stopover in Frankfurt on Wednesday — but when they tried to board their next plane out of Germany for Hungary, they were not allowed to get on it.

The group said they were all barred from the Lufthansa jet because a handful of them hadn’t worn masks on their inbound trip from New York.

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72b54f  No.16244005

File: 06ac3472f3b1a4f⋯.png (351.65 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_4.png)

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72b54f  No.16244006

File: 11c2e98b3093e04⋯.png (282.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403.png)

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72b54f  No.16244007

File: f00e5cafcad2392⋯.png (210.87 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_1.png)

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6aa36d  No.16244008


By this logic, it would be unlawful to jail pregnant women because the fetus inside them doesn't get Due Process.

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1ee954  No.16244009

File: 56debb6caad1c5a⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 556x770, 278:385, THE_OTHER_PIG_CARD.jpg)

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b001ea  No.16244010

File: b876603e4d5fcbb⋯.png (304.08 KB, 434x439, 434:439, notputin.png)


>Shitposting time!

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effac7  No.16244011


>MSNBC Guest Wants To ‘Make Sweet Love’

>And ‘Joyfully Abort’ Baby With SCOTUS Leaker


>Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”

It's almost as if there's some kind of agenda for population control

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6a7d93  No.16244012

File: 9267e4ac206844a⋯.jpg (266.96 KB, 1280x1123, 1280:1123, IMG_20210211_033607_684.jpg)

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11577b  No.16244014

May 9th Holiday day in Russia. They been celebrating that day since the end of WWII. It's a huge display in Red Square. The parade goes on like forever. At the end are high school kids marching and giggling, having a good time. You can liken it to our 4th of July and tie it in with Trump wanting to have the military march in D.C. (Trump was right).

The globalist enemy, with their propaganda media machine, has finally, after all these centuries, found out they are up against something they thought they killed centuries ago. TRUTH. Pray for them. They, for the first time, are in a bad place.

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2ef7e2  No.16244015


Ivan will not forget, or forgive. Clown operatives world-wide are in trouble

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72b54f  No.16244017

File: c6aa7639e90e787⋯.png (253.23 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_2.png)

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40939d  No.16244018

File: f86d2a13b887255⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 220px_Silver_gigliato_of_R….jpg)



defraud is one thing

but framing a political opponent to take away his rightful power to administer his office or to communicate with the public

(Propaganda drown out his voice.. Do you remember how many times he was speaking and they over-talked over his speech'; cut away from it, spun what he was saying with their own negative opinion?

THAT'S TREASON in common understanding.

If they find notes where they plotted DJT's death; that is definitely Treason.

Capitol punishment.

Hanging. Firing Squad, Poison shot. Electric Chair?

Maybe they get their choice?

Treason in the past was only against a King.

And you can bet they'll argue plotting to kill a President isn't the same.

However, stealing the election, then emptying the coffers, illegal war, destroying the economy to game the election, mandating clot shot… All that adds up to TREASON

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72b54f  No.16244019

File: 9fae07305fdc257⋯.png (336.12 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_3.png)

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72b54f  No.16244020

File: 26d2ef3bbc7145c⋯.png (203.17 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_4.png)

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2ef7e2  No.16244021



I admire your spirit anon!

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72b54f  No.16244022

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening52.jpg)

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6471c9  No.16244023

File: ebf64ae8e1dd9e1⋯.png (632.15 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, ebf64ae8e1dd9e1a60a338001c….png)

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72b54f  No.16244024

File: 7acdaffb61edd1a⋯.jpg (600.45 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening53.jpg)

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72b54f  No.16244025

File: 905c7275ffce5ff⋯.jpg (681.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening56.jpg)

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ef0aac  No.16244027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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72b54f  No.16244028

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening58.jpg)

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d84c1d  No.16244258



He will survive. Those ridicule him, will not.

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