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File: 4c44f8214b7acbd⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d9fc4b85480fe9e186c63ed717….jpg)

ccecd2  No.16085678[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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ccecd2  No.16085696


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16085028, >>16085340, >>16085350 planefaggin

>>16085605 Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Discusses ‘Strategic Partnership’ with China’s Xi Jinping

>>16085487 @ElonMusk isn't trending anymore, to keep an African American down For The Keks!

>>16085484, >>16085541 Kim.com=HB laptop stuffs now with wikileaks

>>16085442 QClock April 15, 2022…and frogs to destroy them.

>>16085334 Future of #QuantumComputers Unlocked by Ancient Stone?

>>16085268 Union Pacific Curtails Fertilizer Shipments, Delaying Deliveries and Preventing New Rail Orders from Being Taken/nitrogen fertilizer critical to farming

>>16085044, >>16085046, >>16085068, >>16085106, >>16085108 Best Buddies International

>>16085040, >>16085043 Missile factory outside Kiev destroyed

>>16085032 Who Financed Bolshevik Revolution?/Jacob Schiff

>>16085015 Kennedy fired CIA Director and Rockefeller cousin Allen Dulles, CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell ...........


>>16085691 #20346


>>16083966 lb, >>16084011 lb, >>16084004 lb, >>16084251 I'm just going to leave this here… Nebraska/nuclear

>>16084130 Kim Dotcom: Child Abuse of ‘Worst Kind’ On Hunter Biden Laptop

>>16084144 Serbs protest Belgrade’s move against Russia

>>16084164 The UNHCR said thatsending refugees to Rwanda violates Britain’s international obligations

>>16084207 Top Ukraine negotiator emerges as biggest earner in Kremlin

>>16084224 PF updates

>>16084255, >>16084264, >>16084740 45 on Red Wave coming/games

>>16084261 Gen Flynn to Musk ie censorship

>>16084278 RudyG is live

>>16084308, >>16084317 Vanguard now owns 10.3% of Twitter, making it a bigger shareholder than Elon Musk

>>16084357, >>16084288 White House has quietly resumed its after-dark charter flights of underage migrants to a suburban airport north of New York City

>>16084479, >>16084525, >>16084545, >>16084563, >>16084571, >>16084595, >>16084609, >16084618, >>16084623 @USArmy Room Clearing 101/Q

>>16084484 The cost per positive case identified works out to about $6,400. covid19 tests

>>16084496 Elon Musk Considers Bringing in Partners on Twitter Bid After Company Adopts ‘Poison Pill’

>>16084642 Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee./credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans

>>16084720 Chinese Oil Giant To Exit US, Canada And UK Over Fears Of Western Sanctions

>>16084742 x22 stage is set, the war is no longer silent


>>16084798 Mehmet Oz’s China Ties Deepen: Financial Disclosures

>>16084828 An interstellar object exploded over Earth in 2014, declassified

>>16084868 #20345


>>16083487, >>16083535 Stupid as fuck that Eli Lake. PANIC IN DC

>>16083631 New TechnoFog

>>16083581 Memos gathered by FBI show pattern of Hunter Biden mixing business affairs with hunger charity

>>16083588, >>16083463 #poisonpill Twitter sinking their own ship

>>16083514 Congressional Republicans introduce bill to repeal federal charter for large teacher's union

>>16083445 Trump officially endorses J.D. Vance in the Ohio Senate race

>>16083380 CIA was undermining and nazifying Ukraine Since 1953

>>16083718 Sputnik: US Intelligence Cannot Support Claims Russia Committing Genocide in Ukraine

>>16083729, >>16082832 pb, >>16082888 pb, >>16083743 Operators standing by. whoa! is it suicide weekend?

>>16083341, >>16083356, >>16083364 FBI Documents Expose Bureau‘s Big Jan. 6 ‘Lie‘

>>16083788 Sri Lanka Government Suspends All External Debt Payments Signaling Bankruptcy Due to Impacts of Covid-19 Lockdowns and Ukraine War

>>16083793 Sri Lanka announces default on its entire $51bn external debt amid worst economic crisis in memory

>>16083752 ‘Nothing will dissuade’ the US from arming Ukraine – White House

>>16083532 What Can Happen When An Election Official Believes muh Big Lie

>>16083857 Ukraine Nazis. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

>>16083869, >>16083872, >>16083876 CNN Reports Biden Polling the Worst Ever Recorded in Presidential Polling History, Even Lower Than Jimmy Carter in 1978

>>16083797 @mikepompeo John 3:16.

>>16083909, >>16083888, >>16083947 @mikepompeo John 3:16. Capital S in son wrong, Capital H should be lower case = [Sh]

>>16083926 Chag sameach! Hussein

>>16083732 Russia Today: Ukraine preparing another rocket attack on civilians

>>16083838, >>16083870 what is a chag sammich?

>>16083966,>>16084011, >>16084004 I'm just going to leave this here…

>>16083994 #20344

Previously Collected

>>16083538 #20343

>>16080238 #20339, >>16081027 #23040, >>16081771 #20341

>>16077910 #20336, >>16078654 #20337, >>16079339 #20338

>>16075617 #20333, >>16076381 #20334, >>16077140 #20335

>>16073282 #20330, >>16074100 #20331, >>16074836 #20332

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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ccecd2  No.16085707

File: f78b58abfc9319a⋯.jpg (473.29 KB, 800x533, 800:533, f78b58abfc9319a77c9dc41cff….jpg)

File: d553cf6c2169c77⋯.jpeg (31.04 KB, 559x500, 559:500, d553cf6c2169c773ea93e3951….jpeg)

File: 062e591978f608f⋯.png (586.31 KB, 750x629, 750:629, 062e591978f608f4de3bd670e6….png)



Baker tappin, handoff or out @50

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ab1293  No.16085710

File: 3db2ccb603b1620⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x639, 1024:639, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you ever feel like you came in at the end? That the best is over?

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cddb42  No.16085721

File: b53a004475d5075⋯.png (279.37 KB, 847x476, 121:68, Screen_Shot_2022_04_15_at_….png)



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dff431  No.16085726

File: 0f95f8dcf8a70ab⋯.jpg (82.95 KB, 400x255, 80:51, GW.jpg)

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ab1293  No.16085731

Friday night nightshifts are absolute graveyards.

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abb297  No.16085746

File: 41e995c962ced8c⋯.png (13.42 KB, 304x165, 304:165, ClipboardImage.png)


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cddb42  No.16085747

File: c2ab6c11caf359a⋯.pdf (4.95 MB, Combine_All_Numbered.pdf)


Hunter Biden Laptop Drop

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eb928f  No.16085748

File: 20524cf28127328⋯.png (296.19 KB, 830x526, 415:263, gysr.PNG)


That's later…

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3fff11  No.16085749


naming names

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310a40  No.16085750

File: be4f77371485937⋯.png (196.39 KB, 370x431, 370:431, ClipboardImage.png)

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be58e4  No.16085751

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59974f  No.16085752

File: 03915aeca3facf3⋯.jpg (247.31 KB, 743x730, 743:730, night_shift.jpg)


shiftin' into the future….

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6b17ce  No.16085753

File: 8fa562c34182455⋯.png (850.47 KB, 429x675, 143:225, capture_1902_15042022_2242….png)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn.png)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, Fun_Meter_Patch.jpg)

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12329f  No.16085754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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2ad369  No.16085755


😂 I would much rather pass over the fake news propaganda.

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abb297  No.16085756

File: 86191abc1a9fba2⋯.jpg (80.28 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, AFJW4929.jpg)

That was Nixon's style – and if you forgot, he would kill you as a lesson to the others. Badgers don't fight fair, bubba. That's why God made dachshunds.

Nixon was a navy man, and he should have been buried at sea. Many of his friends were seagoing people: Bebe Rebozo, Robert Vesco, William F. Buckley Jr., and some of them wanted a full naval burial.

These come in at least two styles, however, and Nixon's immediate family strongly opposed both of them. In the traditionalist style, the dead president's body would be wrapped and sewn loosely in canvas sailcloth and dumped off the stern of a frigate at least 100 miles off the coast and at least 1,000 miles south of San Diego, so the corpse could never wash up on American soil in any recognizable form.

Recommended Reading

An illustration of the globe and DNA strands

How mRNA Technology Could Change the World

Derek Thompson

A pyramid balances on its point, upside down, in the desert with blue sky and 3 small figures

Human History Gets a Rewrite

William Deresiewicz

Men, standing in a circle, covering their own faces with one hand

How Psychopaths See the World

Ed Yong

The family opted for cremation until they were advised of the potentially onerous implications of a strictly private, unwitnessed burning of the body of the man who was, after all, the President of the United States. Awkward questions might be raised, dark allusions to Hitler and Rasputin. People would be filing lawsuits to get their hands on the dental charts. Long court battles would be inevitable – some with liberal cranks bitching about corpus delicti and habeas corpus and others with giant insurance companies trying not to pay off on his death benefits. Either way, an orgy of greed and duplicity was sure to follow any public hint that Nixon might have somehow faked his own death or been cryogenically transferred to fascist Chinese interests on the Central Asian Mainland.

It would also play into the hands of those millions of self-stigmatized patriots like me who believe these things already.

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c7ee0e  No.16085757

File: 48ae3520e97bbdf⋯.png (188.37 KB, 353x288, 353:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c4874  No.16085758


Wasn't always like this.

Friday Night Deep Dark Night Shifts used to be classic.

But, hey, at least the 1 newfag per month that show up these days will have a new thread to hang out and ask questions in.

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abb297  No.16085759

File: 6a9c78f6e105ca5⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CBHW7967.jpg)

The family opted for cremation until they were advised of the potentially onerous implications of a strictly private, unwitnessed burning of the body of the man who was, after all, the President of the United States. Awkward questions might be raised, dark allusions to Hitler and Rasputin. People would be filing lawsuits to get their hands on the dental charts. Long court battles would be inevitable – some with liberal cranks bitching about corpus delicti and habeas corpus and others with giant insurance companies trying not to pay off on his death benefits. Either way, an orgy of greed and duplicity was sure to follow any public hint that Nixon might have somehow faked his own death or been cryogenically transferred to fascist Chinese interests on the Central Asian Mainland.

It would also play into the hands of those millions of self-stigmatized patriots like me who believe these things already.

If the right people had been in charge of Nixon's funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.

These are harsh words for a man only recently canonized by President Clinton and my old friend George McGovern – but I have written worse things about Nixon, many times, and the record will show that I kicked him repeatedly long before he went down. I beat him like a mad dog with mange every time I got a chance, and I am proud of it. He was scum.

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59974f  No.16085760


the French killed god 200 years ago

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c7ee0e  No.16085762

File: eb8c592b9f885bd⋯.png (572.74 KB, 616x466, 308:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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abb297  No.16085763

File: ac4ebf466f90764⋯.png (308.45 KB, 1264x720, 79:45, EXRV3524.png)

Let there be no mistake in the history books about that. Richard Nixon was an evil man evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it. He was utterly without ethics or morals or any bedrock sense of decency. Nobody trusted him except maybe the Stalinist Chinese, and honest historians will remember him mainly as a rat who kept scrambling to get back on the ship.

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cc3c11  No.16085764


tyb <3

Sweet dreams, Nightshift.

Onward & upward.

Easter Rising, all over the world.

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abb297  No.16085766

File: 6aab4fc864f65a3⋯.png (130.34 KB, 632x615, 632:615, GJED4447.png)

It is fitting that Richard Nixon's final gesture to the American people was a clearly illegal series of 21 105-mm howitzer blasts that shattered the peace of a residential neighborhood and permanently disturbed many children. Neighbors also complained about another unsanctioned burial in the yard at the old Nixon place, which was brazenly illegal. "It makes the whole neighborhood like a graveyard," said one. "And it fucks up my children's sense of values."

Many were incensed about the howitzers but they knew there was nothing they could do about it not with the current president sitting about 50 yards away and laughing at the roar of the cannons. It was Nixon's last war, and he won.

The funeral was a dreary affair, finely staged for TV and shrewdly dominated by ambitious politicians and revisionist historians. The Rev. Billy Graham, still agile and eloquent at the age of 136, was billed as the main speaker, but he was quickly upstaged by two 1996 GOP presidential candidates: Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas and Gov. Pete Wilson of California, who formally hosted the event and saw his poll numbers crippled when he got blown off the stage by Dole, who somehow seized the No. 3 slot on the roster and uttered such a shameless, self-serving eulogy that even he burst into tears at the end of it.

Dole's stock went up like a rocket and cast him as the early GOP front-runner for '96. Wilson, speaking next, sounded like an Engelbert Humperdinck impersonator and probably won't even be re-elected as governor of California in November.

The historians were strongly represented by the No. 2 speaker, Henry Kissinger, Nixon's secretary of state and himself a zealous revisionist with many axes to grind. He set the tone for the day with a maudlin and spectacularly self-serving portrait of Nixon as even more saintly than his mother and as a president of many godlike accomplishments – most of them put together in secret by Kissinger, who came to California as part of a huge publicity tour for his new book on diplomacy, genius, Stalin, H. P. Lovecraft and other great minds of our time, including himself and Richard Nixon.

Kissinger was only one of the many historians who suddenly came to see Nixon as more than the sum of his many squalid parts. He seemed to be saying that History will not have to absolve Nixon, because he has already done it himself in a massive act of will and crazed arrogance that already ranks him supreme, along with other Nietzschean supermen like Hitler, Jesus, Bismarck and the Emperor Hirohito. These revisionists have catapulted Nixon to the status of an American Caesar, claiming that when the definitive history of the 20th century is written, no other president will come close to Nixon in stature. "He will dwarf FDR and Truman," according to one scholar from Duke University.

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c7ee0e  No.16085767

File: 62301bf065fbe63⋯.png (658.96 KB, 645x458, 645:458, ClipboardImage.png)


Parents, do you or do you not have a choice?

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2ad369  No.16085768

File: 748765f90e83dae⋯.jpeg (26.93 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 6A87BB13_CCEE_4C9C_B6D3_E….jpeg)


Got any more of them coverups?

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12329f  No.16085769

File: 5965d7fa9d5731e⋯.png (499.18 KB, 680x544, 5:4, Screenshot_2021_05_12_Rage….png)

File: 5ecbc9145187940⋯.png (371.24 KB, 649x499, 649:499, Screenshot_2021_01_30_Rage….png)

File: f8e24fc15e5199d⋯.png (603.9 KB, 1399x596, 1399:596, ClipboardImage.png)


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cc3c11  No.16085770


Wolf pack!


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abb297  No.16085771

File: badf47135dc5644⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ENCQ4755.jpg)

Gonzo Papers, Vol. 2: Generation of Swine: Tales of Shame and Degradation in the '80s is a book by the American writer and journalist Hunter S. Thompson, originally published in 1988. The book contains 100 of Thompson's columns that appeared from September 1985 to November 1988 in the San Francisco Examiner, which discuss the politics and culture of the 1980s, with significant coverage of the Iran-Contra Affair, and Gary Hart's run for president.

He predicts that the Democrats will self-destruct in the 1988 presidential campaign. He also makes bets about the Democratic Party candidates odds of winning their elections. People he dislikes are described as "money-sucking animals," "brainless freaks," "geeks," "greed-crazed lunatics" and so on. Thompson also quotes from the Bible's Book of Revelation in many instances.

It is the second volume of the four-volume The Gonzo Papers series. Besides the first six columns (which front-load the collection by setting up the overtly political aspect of the book's main topics), the columns are presented in chronological order.

One oft-quoted, and misquoted,[1] passage from Volume 2 is about the television broadcasting business, specifically television journalism:

The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.[2]

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12329f  No.16085773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire (Official HD Video)

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6a1986  No.16085774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abb297  No.16085775

File: a8b16e02533c7ed⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 658x642, 329:321, JDAU7989.jpg)

In any gathering of Hell's Angels, from five to a

possible hundred and fifty, there is no doubt who is running

the show: Ralph Sonny Barger, the Maximum Leader, a six-

foot, 170-pound warehouseman from East Oakland, the

coolest head in the lot, and a tough, quick-thinking dealer

when any action starts. By turns he is a fanatic, a

philosopher, a brawler, a shrewd compromiser and a final

arbitrator. To the Oakland Angels he is Ralph. Everybody

else calls him Sonny. . . although when the party gets wild

and loose he answers to names such as Prez, Papa and

Daddy. Barger's word goes unquestioned, although many

of the others could take him in two minutes if it ever came

to a fight. But it never does. He rarely raises his voice –

except in a rumble with outsiders. Any dissenters in the

ranks are handled quietly at the regular Friday-night

meetings, or they simply fade out of the picture and change

their life pattern so as never again to cross paths with any

group of Angels.

If the gathering at Tommy's was a little disorganized,

it was because Sonny was serving time in the Santa Rita

Rehabilitation Center, for possession of marijuana. With

Sonny in jail, the others were keeping the action to a

minimum – even though Tommy, in his quiet, disaffiliated

sort of way, was running the show pretty well. At twenty-six

he was a year younger than Barger: blond, clean-shaven,

with a wife and two children, making $180 a week as a

construction worker. He knew he was only filling in for the

Prez, but he also knew that the Oakland Angels had to

make a tough, full-strength appearance at the Labor Day

Run. Anything less would forfeit the spiritual leadership

back to southern California, to the San Bernardino (or

Berdoo) chapter the founding fathers, as it were who

started the whole thing in 1950 and issued all new charters

for nearly fifteen years. But mounting police pressure in the

south was causing many Angels to seek refuge in the Bay

Area. By 1965, Oakland was on its way to becoming the

capital of the Hell's Angels' world.

Prior to their ear-splitting departure, there was a lot

of talk about the Diablos and what manner of lunacy or

strange drug had caused them to commit such a sure-fatal

error as an attack on a lone Angel.* Yet this was a routine

beef, postponed and forgotten as they moved onto the

freeway for an easy two-hour run to Monterey. By noon it

was so hot that many of the riders had taken off their shirts

and opened their black vests, so the colors flapped out

behind them like capes and the on-coming traffic could

view their naked chests, for good or ill. The southbound

lanes were crowded with taxpayers heading out for a Labor

Day weekend that suddenly seemed tinged with horror as

the Angel band swept past. . . this animal crowd on big

wheels, going somewhere public, all noise and hair and

bust-out raping instincts. . . the temptation for many a

motorist was to swing hard left, with no warning, and crush

these arrogant scorpions.

* Within a month the Diablos had disbanded –

terrorized by a series of stompings, beatings and chain-

whippings; the Angels hunted them down one by one and

did them in. Things like that don't happen very often, Terry

explained later. Other clubs don't usually mess with us,

because when they do, that's the end of them.

At San Jose, an hour south of Oakland, the

formation was stopped by two state Highway Patrolmen,

causing a traffic jam for forty-five minutes at the junction of

17 and 101. Some people stopped their cars entirely, just

to watch. Others slowed to ten or fifteen miles an hour. As

traffic piled up, there were vapor locks, boil-overs and

minor collisions.

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abb297  No.16085777

File: 61897149799c15f⋯.jpg (178.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, MBZZ3995.jpg)

"The mayor appeared to be drunk when the others got off the plane

in Denver, so nobody paid much attention as he vomited once again and

fell over against the greasy plastic window. "

Ihat is from my notes on the night of Monday, Oct. 7. Which was

almost as bad as nights get. It was one of the worst and most hu-

mihating episodes in the history of commercial aviation, a nightmare

of failure and treachery that began as a routine 40-minute night flight

from Denver to Aspen on a jam-packed plane carrying 44 unwary pas-

sengers across the Continental Divide in weather that was rumored to

be menacing—a freakish early snowstorm was coming in from Mon-

tana, they said—but whoever was watching the weather for the airline

that night had apparently sized up the menace and found it to be ac-


We left at 6:51 p.m., just as the Monday Night Football game between

Washington and St. Louis was about to get under way. I had bet heavily

on the game, taking the Redskins and two points, at home, against the

Cardinals, who were 3-1 at the time and looking uppity. The Redskins

were 1-3 and playing like winos. There were rumors of dissension in

Washington: Quarterback Joe Theismann was said to be in the viscous

grip of Cathy Lee Crosby, and all-pro running back John Riggins was

allegedly suffering from the same drinking problem that caused him to

sleep on the floor during a black-tie George Bush speech last January

in Washington.

It was a sporting proposition, and I was not the only one on the plane

who was eager to get home and watch the game on TV. The flight was

due in at 7:30, which meant I could sprint off the plane to the ancient

red Jeep I had left in the airport parking lot a few days earUer, and

catch the last three quarters in the squalid comfort of the downvalley

tavern where I normally watch these things.

Howard Cosell is gone now, but so what? I am a gambler, and if the

games were called by Judge Crater, it would make no difference to me,

as long as I have a clear view of the action and know the score at all

times. Never mind the announcers. Somebody has to do it, and the best

we can hope for is one who won't get in the way.

That was Howard. He has no more business in the ABC press box

for Monday Night Football than I do. When you take the game seriously

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cddb42  No.16085778


In Part 2 we explore the common links between USAID, US Department of Defence, EcoHealth and Metabiota. How EcoHealth is linked to the CIA, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the development of the Covid spike protein bioweapon while Metabiota is linked to US Military biolabs in Ukraine often run by experts in biological weapons and biological terrorism.


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abb297  No.16085779

File: b4c2c7e4c292158⋯.jpg (138.71 KB, 640x640, 1:1, OWJK5850.jpg)

They wrote tickets for everybody they could, said

Terry. Things like seats too low, bars too high, no mirror, no

hand hold for the passenger – and like always they

checked us for old warrants, citations we never paid and

every other goddamn thing they could think of. But the traffic

was really piling up, with people staring at us and all, and

finally, by God, a Highway Patrol captain showed up and

chewed those bastards good for 'creating a hazard' or

whatever he called it. We had a big laugh, then we took off


We get treated good here [in Monterey]. Most other

places we get thrown out of town.

– Frenchy from Berdoo talking to a reporter not

many hours before the Angels were thrown out of town

Between San Jose and the turnoff to Monterey, 101

rolls gracefully through the rich farming foothills of the Santa

Cruz Mountains. The Hell's Angels, riding two abreast in

each lane, seemed out of place in little towns like Coyote

and Gilroy. People ran out of taverns and dry-goods stores

to stare at these fabled big-city Huns. Local cops waited

nervously at intersections, hoping the Angels would pass

quietly and not cause trouble. It was almost as if some far-

ranging band of Viet Cong guerrillas had appeared, trotting

fast in a tight formation down the middle of Main Street,

bound for some bloody rendezvous that nobody in town

even cared to know about as long as the dirty buggers kept


The Angels try to avoid trouble on the road. Even a

minor arrest in a country town at the start of the holiday

weekend can mean three days in jail, missing the party,

and a maximum fine when they finally come to court. They

know, too, that in addition to the original charge – usually a

traffic violation or disorderly conduct – they will probably be

accused of resisting arrest, which can mean thirty days, a

jail haircut and another fine of $150 or so. Now, after many

a painful lesson, they approach small towns the same way

a traveling salesman from Chicago approaches a known

speed trap in Alabama. The idea, after all, is to reach the

destination – not to lock horns with hayseed cops along the


The destination this time was a big tavern called

Nick's, a noisy place on a main drag called Del Monte, near

Cannery Row in downtown Monterey. We went right through

the middle of town, recalls Terry, through the traffic and

everything. Most of the guys knew Nick's, but not me

because I was in jail the other time. We didn't make it till

about three because we had to wait in a gas station on 101

for some of the guys running late. By the time we got there I

guess we had about forty or fifty bikes. Berdoo was already

in with about seventy-five, and people kept coming all night.

By the next morning there were about three hundred from all


The stated purpose of the gathering was the

collection of funds to send the body of a former Angel back

to his mother in North Carolina. Kenneth Country Beamer,

vice-president of the San Bernardino chapter, had been

snuffed by a truck a few days earlier in a desert hamlet

called Jacumba, near San Diego. Country had died in the

best outlaw tradition: homeless, stone broke, and owning

nothing in this world but the clothes on his back and a big

bright Harley. As the others saw it, the least they could do

was send his remains back to the Carolinas, to whatever

was send his remains back to the Carolinas, to whatever

family or memory of a home might be there. It was the thing

to do, Terry said.

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b46703  No.16085780


















God Father III

Sum of ALL Fears












>Stay Strong Patriots World Wide

>Stay Together Patriots World Wide

>Love is the Answer ❤



>Let's GO


>Do It

DO IT Q , and Q+




BBTHHBB 22 20 88 22

>We the People Command Action


>Godspeed Patriots World Wide

>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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6a1986  No.16085781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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12329f  No.16085782

File: 829f72967a42880⋯.png (13.52 KB, 535x105, 107:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 284fd15a77e9f21⋯.png (21.72 KB, 535x256, 535:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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abb297  No.16085783

File: 151e257dd6cb463⋯.jpg (79.43 KB, 960x734, 480:367, IMG_8609.JPG)

you want information, not gibberish, and the smooth gray call of a

professional football creature like Frank Gifford.

John Madden can make a dull game vaguely interesting, in the same

way he can no doubt spice up a long trip on Amtrak, as he rides the

rails from town to town like some kind of Wandering Jew witn a gold-

plated potbelly and a stolen Xerox copy of his old Raiders piaybook.

But Madden is not objective, Hke me. In his heart he is still in Oak-

land, lurking around the old practice field in the marshes of Alameda

with' the ghosts of other bedrock outlaws like Freddy Biletnikoff and

Ted Hendricks and even a past wide receiver, who was arrested almost

constantly during every season for extremely savage crimes. Rape was

the least of them, as I recall, and it was not a one-time thing. The wide

receiver had a real taste for crime, and he indulged it with an erratic

kind of vigor that made him an albatross for Madden and a natural soul-

mate for my old friend, Al Davis, who remains the ultimate Raider.

They were serious people, and John Madden was definitely one of

them, for good or ill. Living with the Oakland Raiders in those days

was not much different than living with the Hell's Angels.

I was brooding on these things when the pilot came on the squawk-box

and said we were turning back to Denver, because of either ice on the

runway or failure of the plane's de-icing equipment, or maybe fog in

the valley. The real reason was never made clear.

The mayor, meanwhile, had denounced me in public for daring to

smoke a Dunhill on the plane, and the pig-eyed stewardess was threat-

ening to have me "met," as they say, by an armed FAA inspector when

the plane touched down in Aspen … or Montrose … or maybe even

Parker, Arizona.

Madden was right about airplanes. We are all hostages once the wheels

are up … and I was trying to explain this to the mayor, who was

threatening me with jail if I smoked another cigarette. It was against

the law, he said, but I knew he was lying. . . .

By this time we had botched our second aborted landing at the Aspen

airport and we had been wallowing around in the sky for two hours.

The long tin cabin smelled of fear and confusion and vomit. The stew-

ardess had taken the names of at least six people who had tried to get

back to the lavatory in the rear, but were harshly turned away because

the "seat-belt" sign was on. The woman defended her turf hke a wol-

verine. No smoking, no drinking, no moving about the cabin. …

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2ebd0c  No.16085784

File: 5b0a108c325950e⋯.png (301.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 5b0a108c325950e8b544afdd38….png)


Gobbling bread again?

What did anons post that must be buried this time?

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cddb42  No.16085785

File: 6b9980503992e9d⋯.png (114.18 KB, 590x486, 295:243, Screen_Shot_2022_04_15_at_….png)

🚨 HUNTER BIDEN company is financially linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the origin of COVIDA-19.

A company co-founded by Joe Biden's son Hunter, it has financial ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). ⬇️


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0eca78  No.16085786

File: 42c45ef5d607466⋯.jpeg (532.59 KB, 750x1050, 5:7, EF1101F8_7DC1_4E2C_9D8D_2….jpeg)



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6a1986  No.16085787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ab1293  No.16085788


You have to sit in a chair if you choose firing squad?

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abb297  No.16085789

File: b74fecb031b44ef⋯.jpg (330.23 KB, 1200x1592, 150:199, IMG_8575.JPG)

The recent demise of a buddy lent the '64 affair a

tone of solemnity that not even the police could scoff at. It

was the sort of gesture that cops find irresistible: final

honors for a fallen comrade, with a collection for the mother

and a bit of the uniformed pageantry to make the show real.

In deference to all this, the Monterey police had let it be

known that they would receive the Angels in a spirit of

armed truce.

It was the first time in years that the outlaws had

been faced with even a semblance of civic hospitality – and

it turned out to be the last, for when the sun came up on that

bright Pacific Saturday the infamous Monterey rape was

less than twenty-four hours away from making nationwide

headlines. The Hell's Angels would soon be known and

feared throughout the land. Their blood, booze and semen-

flecked image would be familiar to readers of The New

York Times, Newsweek, The Nation, Time, True, Esquire

and the Saturday Evening Post. Within six months small

towns from coast to coast would be arming themselves at

the slightest rumor of a Hell's Angels invasion. All three

major television networks would be seeking them out with

cameras and they would be denounced in the U.S. Senate

by George Murphy, the former tap dancer. Weird as it

seems, as this gang of costumed hoodlums converged on

Monterey that morning they were on the verge of making it

big, as the showbiz people say, and they would owe most

of their success to a curious rape mania that rides on the

shoulder of American journalism like some jeering,

masturbating raven. Nothing grabs an editor's eye like a

good rape. We really blew their minds this time, as one of

the Angels explained it. According to the newspapers, at

least twenty of these dirty hopheads snatched two teen-age

girls, aged fourteen and fifteen, away from their terrified

dates, and carried them off to the sand dunes to be

repeatedly assaulted.


AGED 14 AND 15. . .


A deputy sheriff summoned by one of the erstwhile

dates said he arrived at the beach and saw a huge bonfire

surrounded by cyclists of both sexes. Then the two sobbing,

near-hysterical girls staggered out of the darkness,

begging for help. One was completely nude and the other

had on only a torn sweater.

Here, sweet Jesus, was an image flat guaranteed to

boil the public blood and foam the brain of every man with

female flesh for kin. Two innocent young girls, American

citizens, carried off to the dunes and ravaged like Arab

whores. One of the dates told police they tried to rescue the

girls but couldn't reach them in the mob scene that erupted

once the victims were stripped of their clothing. Out there in

the sand, in the blue moonlight, in a circle of leering

hoodlums. . . they were penetrated, again and again.

The next morning Terry the Tramp was one of four

Angels arrested for forcible rape, which carries a penalty of

one to fifty years in the penitentiary. He denied all

knowledge of the crime, as did Mother Miles, Mouldy

Marvin and Crazy Cross – but several hours later, with

bond set at a lowly $1,100 each, they were lodged in the

Monterey County Jail in Salinas. . . out there in Steinbeck

country, the hot lettuce valley, owned in the main by smart

second-generation hillbillies who got out of Appalachia

while the getting was good, and who now pay other, less-

smart hillbillies to supervise the work of Mexican braceros,

whose natural fitness for stoop labor has been explained by

the ubiquitous Senator Murphy: They're built low to the

ground, he said, so it's easier for them to stoop.

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6a1986  No.16085790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abb297  No.16085791

File: 105fc1859be99b0⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1356x1226, 678:613, HGYU4458.png)

security people, or maybe the real police, coming to seize me on charges

of defrauding an innkeeper. The brainless editor had once again failed

to cover my room-service bills for the week, and the desk was getting


We had been through this before, in better days, when I was keeping

a rooftop suite at the Mark Hopkins. They whined like curs every week

when the bill came in. And then they put commercial announcements

on the radio, saying I spent all the money for buUwhips.

It was nonsense, of course, but so what? Something Hke 366,000

people heard it on the radio at least once, and when I tried to cash a

check at the concierge's desk in the lobby, she laughed and called me

a pervert. "I know about you," she snapped. "You're crazy for guns

and whips."

"Never mind that," I told her. "What I need now is cash. I'm going

out to the Avenues to buy a hotel in the Yucatan."

That was a few nights ago, before the dog woman came and "CBS

News" got my number. Strangers shoved envelopes under the door, and

death threats came on the telephone. The hotel management became

edgy with my situation.

All day long strange people had been knocking and clawing on my

door … and now I had not just the Mitchell Brothers on my hands,

along with a locked-out woman who had already called in two bomb

threats the last time she clashed with the Mitchells … but I also had

Warren Hinckle, who had just covered the final rites for one-time

Supervisor Dan White, who had just committed suicide. Hinckle's

obituary was as tough and relentless as anything written about a dead

man since H.L. Mencken wrote the notice for William Jennings


We were all edgy. I had been on the road for too long, constantly

doing business for reasons that were never made clear. There were bills

for expensive motorcycle parts and an Oldsmobile windshield in Bir-

mingham. (I was frustrated by travel delays, and the University of Al-

abama—where I was supposed to lecture—had sent a car for me and I

bashed in the windshield in a frenzy, and they deducted the $290 from

my fee.)

By the time I started having trouble with the hotel accountants I was

not in a mood to be reasonable. The government of Tanzania was

offering me $1,000 a day to go there and help exterminate a herd of

"killer crocodiles" that was threatening to turn the Ruvuma into a river

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abb297  No.16085793

File: 3cbe0fb46585e7d⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_8618.JPG)

Indeed. And since Senator Murphy has also called

the Hell's Angels the lowest form of animals, it presumably

follows that they are better constructed for the mindless

rape of any prostrate woman they might come across as

they scurry about, from one place to another, with their

dorks carried low like water wands. Which is not far from

the truth, but for different reasons than California's ex-

lightfoot senator might have us believe.

Nobody knew, of course, as they gathered that

Saturday at Nick's, that the Angels were about to make a

publicity breakthrough, by means of rape, on the scale of

the Beatles or Bob Dylan. At dusk, with an orange sun

falling fast into the ocean just a mile or so away, the main

event of the evening was so wholly unplanned that the

principal characters or victims attracted little attention

in the noisy crowd that jammed Nick's barroom and spilled

out to the darkening street. Terry says he noticed the girls

and their dates only as part of the overall scene. The main

reason I remember them is I wondered what that white

pregnant girl was doing with a bunch of suede dudes. But I

figured it was her business, and I wasn't hurtin for pussy

anyway. I had my old lady with me – we're separated now,

but then we were doin okay and she wouldn't have none of

me hustlin anything else while she was around. Besides,

hell, when you're seein old friends you haven't seen in a

year or two, you don't have time to pay much attention to


The only thing Terry and all the other Angels agree

on in relation to the victims' first appearance is that they

sure as hell didn't look no fourteen and fifteen, man; those

girls looked every bit of twenty. (Police later confirmed the

girls' ages, but all other information about them – including

their names – was withheld in accordance with California's

policy of denying press access to rape victims.)

I can't even say if those girls were pretty or not, Terry

went on. I just don't remember. All I can say for sure is that

we didn't have no trouble at Nick's. The cops were there,

but only to keep people away. It was the same old story as

every place else we go: traffic piling up on the street

outside, local bad-asses prowling around, young girls

looking for kicks, and a bunch of Nick's regular customers

just digging the party. The cops did right by staying around.

Everywhere we go there's some local hoods who want to

find out how tough we are. If the cops weren't there we'd

end up having to hurt somebody. Hell, nobody wants trouble

on a run. All we want to do is to have some fun and relax.

It is said, however, that the Hell's Angels have some

offbeat ideas about fun and relaxation. If they are, after all,

the lowest form of animals, not even Senator Murphy could

expect them to gather together in a drunken mass for any

such elevated pastimes as ping pong, shuffleboard and

whist. Their picnics have long been noted for certain

beastly forms of entertainment, and any young girl who

shows up at a Hell's Angels bonfire camp at two o'clock in

the morning is presumed, by the outlaws, to be in a

condition of heat. So it was only natural that the two girls

attracted more attention when they arrived at the beach

than they had earlier in the convivial bedlam at Nick's.

One aspect of the case overlooked in most

newspaper accounts had to do with elementary logistics.

How did these two young girls happen to be on a deserted

midnight beach with several hundred drunken motorcycle

thugs? Were they kidnapped from Nick's? And if so, what

were they doing there in the first place, aged fourteen and

fifteen, circulating all evening in a bar jammed wall to wall

with the state's most notorious gang of outlaws? Or were

they seized off the street somewhere – perhaps at a

stoplight – to be slung over the gas tank of a bored-out

Harley and carried off into the night, screaming hysterically,

while bystandersgaped in horror?

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12329f  No.16085794

File: d6c8fd21e4ff47d⋯.png (330.78 KB, 438x574, 219:287, ClipboardImage.png)

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abb297  No.16085795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a1986  No.16085796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abb297  No.16085797

File: 64c7420c588fc6a⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 640x640, 1:1, JCQX9027.jpg)

42 Generation of Swine

of bones and blood, but day after day I was forced by a strange chain

of circumstance to postpone my departure from San Francisco.

The pounding on my door on the day of the great expense account crisis

was not, in fact, the cops or some vicious collection agency—but a

blindly persistent geek from CBS-TV. He had a camera crew in tow,

he said, and he was ready to do the interview.

It had something to do with The Examiner and new adventures in

journaUsm, but I told him I wanted no part of it. I wanted no part of

the New York Times story, or the Newsweek story, or McNeil-Lehrer,

or all the other media pack rats who have been covering this newspaper

to the point that it is interfering with our work.

I could see the CBS man through the warped convex glass of the

peephole, and I yelled at him:

"Get away from here, you giddy little creep! Never bother the working

press. Spiro Agnew was right. You people should all be put in a cage

and poked with sharp bamboo sticks."

I called hotel security and complained that a drug dealer was hanging

around in the hallway outside my door. They took him away within

minutes, still jabbering about freedom of the press. I went back to bed

and smoked Indonesian cigarettes until the evening news came on.

Hinckle and his animal had arrived about sundown, traveling nervous

and semi-incognito in a white Mercedes sedan with the Mitchell Brothers

and a woman from Oakland who said she was looking for work, and

also that her husband wanted to stab me in the head if he ever got the


The woman from Oakland was not a stranger to me, or to anyone

else in the hotel. She had been prowling the hallways for days, spooking

the maids and scrawhng pentagrams on my door. A few months earlier

she had lent me her husband's motorcycle, and he went wild with rage

when he came home and found it was gone.

It was madness, but I felt I could handle it more or less by myself

until she turned up at the hotel that afternoon in the same car with

Hinckle and the infamous Mitchell Brothers. They sent her away for a

while, but soon she was pounding savagely on the door, a wronged

woman out of control.

We all cowered stupidly as the hammering on the door continued.

Hinckle feigned sleep and Jim Mitchell called his wife on the phone.

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c7ee0e  No.16085798


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12329f  No.16085799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Solo, I'm a soloist on a solo list

Al live, never on a floppy disk

Inka, inka, bottle of ink

Paintings of rebellion

Drawn up by the thoughts I think


Come on!

The militant poet in once again, check it

It's set up like a deck of cards

They're sending us to early graves

For all the diamonds

They'll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades

With poetry I paint the pictures that hit

More like the murals that fit

Don't turn away

Get in front of it

Brotha, did ya forget ya name?

Did ya lose it on the wall

Playin' tic-tac-toe?

Yo, check the diagonal

Three brothers gone

Come on

Doesn't that make it three in a row?

Anger is a gift

Come on!


Check that!


Come on



Brotha, did ya forget ya name?

Did ya lose it on the wall

Playin' tic-tac-toe?

Yo, check the diagonal

Three million gone

Come on

Cause you know they're counting backwards to zero


The environment exceeding on the level

Of our unconsciousness

For example

What does the billboard say

Come and play, come and play

Forget about the movement

Yeah! Uggh!

Bring that shit in!

Uggh! Hey!

Freedom, yeah

Freedom, yeah right

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah right!

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah right!

Freedom, yeah!

Freedom, yeah!

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3fff11  No.16085800

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interpol warrant for Hunters arrest next week?

Jack Maxey is trying.

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cddb42  No.16085801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jungle - Platoon

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abb297  No.16085802

File: 27e900d4a9f2635⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_8964.JPG)

Police strategists, thinking to isolate the Angels, had

reserved them a campsite far out of town, on an empty

stretch of dunes between Monterey Bay and Fort Ord, an

Army basic-training center. The reasoning was sound; the

beasts were put off in a place where they could whip

themselves into any kind of orgiastic frenzy without

becoming dangerous to the citizenry – and if things got out

of hand, the recruits across the road could be bugled out of

bed and issued bayonets. The police posted a guard on

the highway, in case the Angels got restless and tried to get

back to town, but there was no way to seal the camp off

entirely, nor any provision for handling local innocents who

might be drawn to the scene out of curiosity or other, darker

reasons not mentioned in police training manuals.

The victims told police they had gone to the beach

because they wanted to look at the cyclists. They were

curious – even after several hours at Nick's, which was so

crowded that evening that most of the outlaws took to

pissing in the parking lot rather than struggle inside to the


Hell, those broads didn't come out there for any

singsong, said Terry. They were loaded and they wanted to

get off some leg, but it just got to be too many guys. To start

with, it was groovy for em. Then more and more guys came

piling over the dunes. . . 'yea, pussy,' you know, that kinda

thing. . . and the broads didn't want it. The suede dudes just

split; we never saw em again. I don't know for sure how it

ended. All I knew then was that they had some mamas out

there in the dunes, but me and my old lady went and

crashed pretty early. Iwas so wasted I couldn't even make it

with her.

No family newspaper saw fit to quote the Angel

version, but six months later, playing pool in a San

Francisco bar, Frenchy remembered it this way: One girl

was white and pregnant, the other was colored, and they

were with five colored studs. They hung around Nick's

about three hours on Saturday night, drinking and talking

with our riders, then they came out to the beach with us –

them and their five boyfriends. Everybody was standing

around the fire, drinking wine, and some of the guys were

talking to them hustling em, naturally and pretty soon

somebody asked the two chicks if they wanted to be turned

on – you know, did they want to smoke some pot? They

said yeah, and then they walked off with some of the guys

to the dunes. The spade went with a few guys, and then she

wanted to quit, but the pregnant one was really hot to trot;

the first four or five guys she was really draggin into her

arms, but after that she cooled off too. By this time, though,

one of their boyfriends had got scared and gone for the

cops – and that's all it was.

The next morning, said Terry, I rode in with

somebody I forget who to some drive-in on the

highway, where we got some breakfast. When we got back

to the beach they had a roadblock set up with those two

broads sittin there in the cop car, lookin at everybody. I

didn't know what was goin on, but then a cop said, 'You're

one,' and they slapped the cuffs on me. Those goddamn

girls were gigglin, righteously laughin. . . you know, 'Ha ha,

that's one of em.' So off Iwent to the bucket, for rape.

When we got to the jail I said, 'Hey, I want to be

checked. Let's see a doctor. I ain't had no intercourse in

two days.' But they wouldn't go for it. Marvin and Miles and

Crazy Cross were already there and we figured we were

deep in the shit until they told us bail was only eleven

hundred dollars. Then we knew they didn't have much of a


Meanwhile, out on Marina Beach, the rest of the

Angels were being rounded up and driven north along

Highway 156 toward the county line. Laggards were

thumped on the shoulders with billy clubs and told to get

moving. Side roads were blocked by state troopers while

dozens of helmeted deputies – many from neighboring

counties – ran the outlaws through the gauntlet. Traffic was

disrupted for miles as the ragged horde moved slowly

along the road, gunning their engines and raining curses on

everything in sight. The noise was deafening and it is hard

to imagine what effect the spectacle must have had on the

dozens of out-of-state late-summer tourists who pulled over

to let the procession come through. Because of the

proximity of an Army base, they undoubtedly thought they

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6a1986  No.16085803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abb297  No.16085804

File: 0b54f152d1233ce⋯.jpg (71.82 KB, 888x499, 888:499, JXWM2210.jpg)

around and impossible to ignore. You can't get away from TV. It is

everywhere.The hogg is in the tunnel.

I was reminded of all these things, once again, when I finally limped

back home—after 15 days in the eerie confines of an airless cubicle in

a high-rise on Market Street—to find the TV business working overtime

in my front yard.

It was 9 o'clock at night, with a full moon, when we came up the

driveway in Weird John's cab from the airport, and I felt the chill of

winter. Daylight-savings time was over, the football season was half-

gone, and there was frost on all the windshields.

The Jeep and the Volvo were almost hidden in a maze of frozen

weeds, and a big blue peacock was squatting nervously on the trunk of

the Bavaria. There was no sign of the Range Rover, which meant that

Jay had probably gone off to Texas with the Nazis.

Years ago I made the decision to keep the whole place looking like

an abandoned sawmill—which has worked out well for the trapping and

disciplining of trespassers, but it is not a natural contexf for massive

high-tech machinery. . . .

So it was a serious shock to see THE DISH, a huge white saucer that

seemed suspended in midair and tilted up at the moon Uke a NASA

receptor on Mars. It was the tallest thing on the ranch, a 16-foot electric

white Birdview dish antenna, perched on a jagged, grassy knoll about

100 yards back from the main house and blocking my view of the mule


Motorcycle tracks led back through the snow in the direction of the

cistern, then veered off sharply toward the raw mud and concrete base

of the new installation—which was in fact the full-bore all-channels 19-

satellite Earth Station that I'd ordered from the electric people, before

I went to San Francisco.

I am, after all, the media critic; and TV falls into that category, so I

thought I should have all the channels, including Spanish Reuters and

the morning news from Bermuda, which is as far across the Earth's

curvature as our commercial satellites can see.

This had been my problem, all along. I was living too far up in the

Rockies, with atavistic technology. The local cable company had refused

to even talk about running a line up Woody Creek—as a "special favor"

they said—for me or anyone else. My two closest neighbors are Don

Henley the musician and ABC sportscaster Bob Beattie … and we

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0eca78  No.16085805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59974f  No.16085806


South Carolina Department of Defense?


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ccecd2  No.16085807


thanks for keeping the bread rolling

back tomorrow for moar abuse


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abb297  No.16085808

File: b9aaf8da7d0bfc3⋯.jpg (319.66 KB, 1235x1500, 247:300, VMEV3805.jpg)

were making way for a caravan of tanks, or at least

something impressive and military – and then to see an

army of hoodlums being driven along the road like a herd of

diseased sheep – ah, what a nightmare for the California

Chamber of Commerce.

At the county line on U.S. 101 a reporter from the

San Francisco Chronicle talked with Tommy, and with

another Angel, named Tiny, a six-foot-six, 240-pound

outlaw with a shoulder-length pigtail who later gained

nationwide fame for his attack on a Get Out of Vietnam

demonstration in Berkeley.

We're ordinary guys, said Tommy. Most of us work.

About half are married, I guess, and a few own their homes.

Just because we like to ride motorcycles, the cops give us

trouble everywhere we go. That rape charge is phony and it

won't stick. The whole thing was voluntary.

Shit, our bondsman will have those guys out in two

hours, said Tiny. Why can't people let us alone, anyway? All

we want to do is get together now and then and have some

fun – just like the Masons, or any other group.

But the presses were already rolling and the eight-

column headline said: HELL'S ANGELS GANG RAPE.

The Masons haven't had that kind of publicity since the

eighteenth century, when Casanova was climbing through

windows and giving the brotherhood a bad name. Perhaps

the Angels will one day follow the Freemasons into

bourgeois senility, but by then some other group will be

making outrage headlines: a Hovercraft gang, or maybe

some once-bland fraternal group tooling up even now for

whatever the future might force on them.

What is the trend in Kiwanis? There are rumors in

Oakland of a new militancy in that outfit, a radical ferment

that could drastically alter the club's image. In the drift and

flux of these times it is easy enough to foresee a Sunday

morning, ten or twenty years hence, when a group of

middle-aged men wearing dark blazers with Hell's Angels

crests on the pockets will be pacing their mortgaged living

rooms and muttering sadly at a headline saying: KIWANIS



And in some shocked American city a police chief will be

saying – as the Monterey chief said in 1964 of the Hell's

Angels – They will not be welcomed back, because of the

atmosphere created.

The Making of the Menace, 1965


The daily press is the evil principle of the modern

world, and time will only serve to disclose this fact with

greater and greater clearness. The capacity of the

newspaper for degeneration is sophistically without limit,

since it can always sink lower and lower in its choice of

readers. At last it will stir up all those dregs of humanity

which no state or government can control.

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77b8ad  No.16085809


I literally feel like we are on the verge of a worldwide Renaissance of humanity and that evil is steadily banishing and getting weaker as Truth shines stronger and stronger.

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23c0f2  No.16085810

Not sure if it was posted yet, but we got talk of choosing between firing squad and electric chair in SC.


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abb297  No.16085812

File: fbce0f07276dfaa⋯.jpg (443.66 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, NHXO4903.jpg)

Politicians, like editors and cops, are very keen on

outrage stories, and State Senator Fred Farr of Monterey

County is no exception. He is a leading light of the Carmel-

Pebble Beach set and no friend of hoodlums anywhere,

especially gang rapists who invade his constituency. His

reaction to the Monterey headlines was quick and loud.

Farr demanded an immediate investigation of the Hell's

Angels and all others of that breed, whose lack of status

caused them to be lumped together as other disreputables.

In the cut-off world of big bikes, long runs and classy

rumbles, this new, state-sanctioned stratification made the

Hell's Angels very big. They were, after all, Number One –

like John Dillinger.

Attorney General Thomas C. Lynch, then new in his

job, moved quickly to mount an investigation of sorts. He

sent questionnaires to more than a hundred sheriffs, district

attorneys and police chiefs, asking for information on the

Hell's Angels and other disreputables. He also asked for

suggestions as to how the law might deal with them.

Six months went by before all the replies were

condensed into a fifteen-page report that read like a plot

synopsis of Mickey Spillane's worst dreams. But in the

matter of solutions it was vague. The state was going to

centralize information on these thugs, urge more vigorous

prosecution, put them all under surveillance whenever

possible, etc.

A careful reader got the impression that even if the

Angels were the monsters they seemed to be, there was

not much the cops could do – and that indeed Mr. Lynch

was well aware he'd been put, for political reasons, on a

pretty weak scent.

The report was colorful, interesting, heavily biased

and consistently alarming – just the sort of thing to make a

clanging good item for the national press. There was plenty

of mad action, senseless destruction, orgies, brawls,

perversions and a strange parade of innocent victims that,

even on paper and in careful police language, was enough

to tax the credulity of the dullest police reporter. The

demand was so heavy in newspaper and magazine circles

that the Attorney General's office had to order a second

printing. Even the Hell's Angels got a copy; one of them

stole mine. The heart of the report was a section titled

Hoodlum Activities, a brief account of outlaw activities

dating back for almost a decade. To wit:

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12329f  No.16085813

File: 426144970f23db9⋯.png (235.62 KB, 535x418, 535:418, ClipboardImage.png)


Here we go!


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c7ee0e  No.16085814

File: f9a982aa9cf7f37⋯.mp4 (144.3 KB, 426x240, 71:40, JM_FEEDBACK.mp4)

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abb297  No.16085815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ea2f9b  No.16085816


I’d pick firing squad if i had to pick one.

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abb297  No.16085817

File: 5b128e495bade63⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 169.6 KB, 351x347, 351:347, IMG_8022.GIF)

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c7ee0e  No.16085818


Demonic possession?

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d5d38f  No.16085819

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.







First published at 05:13 UTC on April 16th, 2022.

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12329f  No.16085820

File: 0c54ba7cd2ded71⋯.png (393.63 KB, 572x656, 143:164, 7a087c438f5745cee433204de9….png)

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cddb42  No.16085821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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97a5cb  No.16085822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A 10 year-old autistic and blind boy singing. His voice shocked everyone.

This little dude kills it.

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12329f  No.16085823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abb297  No.16085825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

40 year old g.i.joe handjobs clASS action stuff

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abb297  No.16085828

File: 5f70aac97d89937⋯.png (50.44 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)


> old g.i.joe handjobs ASS action

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b46703  No.16085829

e[Y]e of Horus

PBB / Project Blue Beam

PLG / Project Looking Glass

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Ye of Ra


















God Father III

Sum of ALL Fears



STARFIGHTER DB_READY_set_3_2_1…….'go'










>Stay Strong Patriots World Wide

>Stay Together Patriots World Wide

>Love is the Answer ❤



>Let's GO


>Do It

DO IT Q , and Q+




BBTHHBB 22 20 88 22

>We the People Command Action


>Godspeed Patriots World Wide

>larry bird is a faggot

>when does a bird sing, when it is caged


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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abb297  No.16085831


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cddb42  No.16085832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a5c540  No.16085833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We there?

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0eca78  No.16085834

File: 0f8a5ef8da2448e⋯.jpeg (69.11 KB, 425x472, 425:472, 9B1F8229_368A_4382_A83C_A….jpeg)



They put a target patch over the heart and 5 rifleman (one shoots a blank) fire at the target patch on heart of the death row inmate from 25 feet away.

Pretty based.

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2a5481  No.16085836

File: 3386c6b46ecdbbe⋯.jpg (230.93 KB, 1073x1451, 1073:1451, Screenshot_20220416_181848….jpg)


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12329f  No.16085839

File: 481fd827045ee31⋯.png (1.36 MB, 768x764, 192:191, ClipboardImage.png)


>Pretty based.

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2a5481  No.16085840

Could trump go in with musk on twitter

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b46703  No.16085841

e[Y]e of Horus

PBB / Project Blue Beam

PLG / Project Looking Glass

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Ye of Ra


















God Father III

Sum of ALL Fears



==STARFIGHTER DB_READY_set_3_2_1…….'go'










>Stay Strong Patriots World Wide

>Stay Together Patriots World Wide

>Love is the Answer ❤



>Let's GO


>Do It

DO IT Q , and Q+




BBTHHBB 22 20 88 22

>We the People Command Action


>Godspeed Patriots World Wide

>larry bird is a faggot

>when does a bird sing, when it is caged


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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02a4c7  No.16085843

File: 5d75e1bd0b7f748⋯.jpg (226.65 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, CGLQ3998.jpg)

latex utters causing hate crimes

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5cb18c  No.16085844



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3f6683  No.16085846


Should just finish out Truth Social and give a Google Play app and website access. Anyone know when that's coming (more detail than "coming soon" on the truthsocial dot com)?

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a5c540  No.16085848


Being a USAF you should've knew by now that is swamp gas!

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02a4c7  No.16085849

File: fb9fd40f8408c3b⋯.jpg (450.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EBAR8053.jpg)

File: ac46964b6d8d07f⋯.jpg (284.97 KB, 934x1400, 467:700, GWYW8835.jpg)

dickle attempts to fight off latex utters hate crimes

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5cb18c  No.16085850


they can't execute you before you're fully vaxxed, i read

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23c0f2  No.16085851


can't watch all the way through cause I'll cry like a bitch but that's a noice lil vid there mate.

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2a5481  No.16085852

File: 538a6e6a1ea79e0⋯.jpg (298.5 KB, 1080x1096, 135:137, Screenshot_20220416_182439….jpg)

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a5c540  No.16085853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7ee0e  No.16085854

File: 4d3390b3fdf7247⋯.png (171.27 KB, 246x379, 246:379, ClipboardImage.png)

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5cb18c  No.16085855


no love for gas, or injection?

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12329f  No.16085856

File: 37818b11eef7b40⋯.gif (130.32 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 37818b11eef7b40e1709c3bd7f….gif)

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02a4c7  No.16085857

File: 89316732f04f157⋯.jpg (104.88 KB, 852x1200, 71:100, CGLI3710.jpg)

File: 5d75e1bd0b7f748⋯.jpg (226.65 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, CGLQ3998.jpg)

latex utters hate crimes charged with whoppee cushion propoganda

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02a4c7  No.16085860

File: 522519ccf8d32db⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1068x1600, 267:400, ARAR1741.jpg)

File: dc27080a1a9b2b8⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 353x500, 353:500, ASNQ4166.jpg)

latex utters hate crimes publishes new antisemitic israeli propoganda for tards incanada

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3fff11  No.16085861

any anons have that email thread with Tucker and Hunter handy?

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97a5cb  No.16085863

File: 0b0607c42401ae3⋯.png (26.49 KB, 598x235, 598:235, ClipboardImage.png)



Comment by Roses 4 Mamma for the win!

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02a4c7  No.16085864

File: 105fc1859be99b0⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1356x1226, 678:613, HGYU4458.png)

File: 770c4942eaf7902⋯.jpg (327.92 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, HHEB0731.jpg)

File: 977730f208158c3⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2447x2447, 1:1, HHWG6755.jpg)

File: 5f70aac97d89937⋯.png (50.44 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)

latex utters hate crimes wins exclusive covenant with baphomet for gaylord hogg sandwich rights

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5cb18c  No.16085865


would Trump sell TS if Elon offers, say, 20 billion? if donations start to dry up?

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0eca78  No.16085866


> they can't execute you before you're fully vaxxed, i read

But then you come back as a zombie

I saw stuff online about the vax zombies

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02a4c7  No.16085867

File: c66b5d18cc194ae⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 475x562, 475:562, IMG_8628.JPG)

"miracle whip is gaycist thauce "~ sez tard

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97a5cb  No.16085868


He's singing to be heard man. Give him a listen.

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02a4c7  No.16085869

File: c928ca8dd745753⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 412x399, 412:399, GSPE6052.jpg)

nogoathomo learns to pole dance

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cddb42  No.16085870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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96deb0  No.16085871

File: bf3756f9ba4ddb5⋯.png (426.34 KB, 606x410, 303:205, bnbtkn.png)

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b46703  No.16085872

e[Y]e of Horus

PBB / Project Blue Beam

PLG / Project Looking Glass

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Ye of Ra


















God Father III

Sum of ALL Fears



Red October

>STARFIGHTER DB_READY_set_3_2_1…….'go'

















dark to LIGHT

>Stay Strong Patriots World Wide

>Stay Together Patriots World Wide

>Love is the Answer ❤





>Let's GO


>Do It

DO IT Q , and Q+




BBTHHBB 22 20 88 22

>We the People Command Action


>Godspeed Patriots World Wide

>larry bird is a faggot

>when does a bird sing, when it is caged

>FLASH ] 1 [#776


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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12329f  No.16085873

File: 3edcff38340bb95⋯.png (173.21 KB, 535x418, 535:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2220ec247d7265⋯.png (281.16 KB, 535x456, 535:456, ClipboardImage.png)



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02a4c7  No.16085874

File: 0c3e7c3d2ca75dd⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 556x930, 278:465, IMG_8726.JPG)

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0e5d8c  No.16085875

File: d8ff1fab764a019⋯.png (12.64 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5cb18c  No.16085877

File: 9bee2e90b717f77⋯.jpg (62.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, vaxx.jpg)

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cddb42  No.16085878

File: 351de453633aa3c⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 634x383, 634:383, 51310323_10272869_image_m_….jpg)

File: d9f22b00d282e67⋯.jpg (105 KB, 634x650, 317:325, 51310743_10272869_image_a_….jpg)

File: 9d576e6035efeaa⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 634x497, 634:497, 51317507_10272869_In_Augus….jpg)

File: 7fd291761619783⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 634x658, 317:329, 51317511_10272869_image_a_….jpg)

File: c62d9090c40dbbf⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 634x647, 634:647, 51317513_10272869_image_a_….jpg)



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5cb18c  No.16085879


think mirror … what if your heart is on the right side?

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02a4c7  No.16085881

File: 141c138029629a5⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 243x206, 243:206, IMG_8994.JPG)

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f9d09c  No.16085882


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a5c540  No.16085883

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Lets_go_Brandon.mp4)


You just don't know yet…..

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02a4c7  No.16085884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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12329f  No.16085885

File: 81ffe06287778aa⋯.png (267.82 KB, 535x473, 535:473, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c70eb  No.16085887

File: 73bdacccca4b273⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 829x500, 829:500, rough_ride_meme.jpg)


Either Twatter is destroyed in this epic trolling from Elon…. Then Truth Social would be invaluable - and the only real option for lefties because this is where the mass majority will flock to - so they can either go somewhere else and have no access to spread their shit.


If twatter accepts Elons offer then Twatter is saved…? (maybe),

and Truth Social will lose value and have no way to gather people..

Either way it is a gamble, but it looks like Trump and Elon have "hedged their bets".

Epic 5D chess move. Truth is coming back either way, and the left will implode under their own weight..

Normies better get ready for it to come hard and fast…..

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2ad369  No.16085888


Y’all would laugh because you’ve been talking to Putin here.

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02a4c7  No.16085890

File: 473f58e28fd0472⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 480x663, 160:221, IMG_9026.JPG)

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59974f  No.16085891


>you’ve been talking to Putin here

czek'd commrade

infiniti trips never lie

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12329f  No.16085892

File: 9c7cb8d5f7a486d⋯.png (210.58 KB, 535x634, 535:634, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia state-affiliated media

North Korea marks 110th anniversary of Kim Il-sung’s birth. In North Korea, Kim Il-sung is revered as "the great leader of the Korean people" and "the Sun of the nation":



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f9d09c  No.16085893


When do they fig out Satan works for God?

what is a good man but a bad mans teacher

what is a bad man but a good mans job?

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b46703  No.16085894

e[Y]e of Horus

PBB / Project Blue Beam

PLG / Project Looking Glass

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Ye of Ra


















God Father III

Sum of ALL Fears



Red October

>STARFIGHTER DB_READY_set_3_2_1…….'go'

















dark to LIGHT




Zero Day

>Stay Strong Patriots World Wide

>Stay Together Patriots World Wide

>Love is the Answer ❤











>Let's GO


>Do It

DO IT Q , and Q+




>BBTHHBB / 22 20 88 22 / 06. 12. 06.

>We the People Command Action


>Godspeed Patriots World Wide

>larry bird is a faggot

>when does a bird sing, when it is caged

>FLASH ] 1 [#776


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope


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5cb18c  No.16085896

File: 52a158f03c595ad⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3429x2544, 1143:848, NCSWIC.jpg)

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02a4c7  No.16085897

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2a5481  No.16085898

File: d562bf83ce71f6a⋯.png (363.17 KB, 544x680, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e7250ed2d64387⋯.png (544.36 KB, 600x837, 200:279, ClipboardImage.png)

No reason

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a5c540  No.16085899

File: f8ad63d70bdafd5⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 386x281, 386:281, be_quiet_moran.gif)


fuck your 502

bag poola-n server-ul ma-tii, si-n neamul tau cel adormit!

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12329f  No.16085900


I believe that we all have the opportunity to redeem ourselves from our sins. But that decision is yours alone.

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2ebd0c  No.16085901

I wonder which of these needs buried the most?

Bread gobblers is the only trick they have that works, good stuff gets buried as the breads move on.

General Research #20346

>>16085044, >>16085046, >>16085068, >>16085106, >>16085108 Best Buddies International

General Research #20345

>>16084357, >>16084288 White House has quietly resumed its after-dark charter flights of underage migrants to a suburban airport north of New York City

>>16084642 Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee./credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans

>>16084720 Chinese Oil Giant To Exit US, Canada And UK Over Fears Of Western Sanctions

General Research #20344

>>16083718 Sputnik: US Intelligence Cannot Support Claims Russia Committing Genocide in Ukraine

General Research #20342

>>16082285 “They Could Have Stopped This.” #ElectionFraud

>>16082323 Top 5 Twitter Shareholders

>>16082351 Twitter Board of directors

>>16082370 Pope Francis accused the West of racism Friday

General Research #20340

>>16080333 Biden ‘offers handshake to imaginary friend’. After delivering a speech in North Carolina, he appeared to offer a handshake with no one there to receive it.

>>16080749 This Year’s TED Conference Will Be a Mini Epstein Reunion

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02a4c7  No.16085902

File: 47cdd251c9402a0⋯.gif (570.82 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, CYEY7249.gif)

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fec07f  No.16085904

File: f1fc1df6871b3e6⋯.jpeg (479.05 KB, 2336x1700, 584:425, 15B6E9FA_2D08_428B_B793_3….jpeg)

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02a4c7  No.16085906

File: 72fba6fe7e025c6⋯.png (144.1 KB, 583x616, 53:56, DSUZ1792.png)

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12329f  No.16085909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02a4c7  No.16085910

File: 9b9fb21eaf1697e⋯.jpg (102.83 KB, 794x945, 794:945, IMG_9137.JPG)

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ddc4a5  No.16085913

File: 0a8e9089961376b⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1500x859, 1500:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8370a763b9a54ec⋯.png (347.76 KB, 1196x672, 299:168, Doors_Five_to_One_Cover.png)





>They put a target patch over the heart and 5 rifleman (one shoots a blank) fire at the target patch on heart of the death row inmate from 25 feet away.

>Pretty based.

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02a4c7  No.16085916

File: 02cbb351dab2f56⋯.jpg (169.01 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, IMG_9385.JPG)

know your goathomo swhine

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2c70eb  No.16085917


I bet she smelt like a big fish…

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6b17ce  No.16085918

File: 137ac534e332ebb⋯.png (1.99 MB, 678x1024, 339:512, capture_1804_15042022_1744….png)

File: 17e12d644a298db⋯.png (1.96 MB, 666x1025, 666:1025, capture_1805_15042022_1745….png)

File: f85dc7bd98a155f⋯.jpg (167.57 KB, 706x919, 706:919, capture_1491_14042022_2201….jpg)

File: 82508f60852ba9d⋯.jpg (174.78 KB, 741x941, 741:941, capture_1493_14042022_2201….jpg)

File: 931282d8fa1f23b⋯.png (639.78 KB, 560x643, 560:643, 5_x_5_2.png)


You’ve Been Misinformed

>April 15, 2022

Half the nation doesn’t believe anything it is told by those in authority and the other half revels in its reckless abuse of authority….

Isn’t it obvious by now that pervasive dishonesty is the foremost crisis of many crises in Western Civ generally and American life in particular? All our authorities have made themselves false, lying their way into the broad collapse of confidence that drives the nation toward some culminating horror show of strife and loss.

The go-to lever of concerted mind-fuckery has been the term-of-art misinformation, applied especially to things and propositions that are truthful — thereby confounding the public’s ability to discern truth in anything, or to discover how they are being misled in matters of life and death. We’ve allowed the worst in human nature to disgrace ourselves. Satan, Father of Lies, is Western Civ’s paragon of disgrace, and so American life appears more and more Satanic and disgraceful.

And so, it’s refreshing to see one Elon Musk act to seize control of this Satanic vector of disgrace. Mr. Musk appears motivated to defeat the culture of lying by restoring open debate in the ubiquitous online public arena. It’s a heroic deed. But, you see, it’s not merely Twitter’s management or its biggest shareholders that Mr. Musk is messing with, but malign forces in the US government, which have surreptitiously taken control of Twitter and other social media to work its will on events. If you don’t know that Twitter, Facebook, and Google are proxies serving the US Intel Community, then you have not been paying attention.

Using Twitter to impose that culture of pervasive dishonesty in public chatter is what gave permission for all others to follow the script. Medicine has succeeded completely in disgracing and destroying itself by lying about everything connected to Covid-19, from its origins, to the insanely outlawed treatments for it, to the harmful actions of the vaccines, to the hidden data that might tell us the results of all that lying. Twitter set the tone for that with its censorship policies. Anyone who suggested that lockdowns, masking, remdesivir protocols, and vaccine mandates violated common decency was tossed out of the arena, often with added punishment of losing a career, a professional license, a livelihood, and having to endure the betrayal of colleagues cowed into silence.

Twitter also enabled the suicide of higher education, which has succumbed to a plague of Jacobin craziness that would embarrass the inmates of an old-time locked ward. The failure of authority on campus is cosmic. Can you name a single college president who has raised a voice against such manifest idiocy as men competing in women’s sports, the invention of ersatz fields of study, the re-segregation of dormitories and graduation ceremonies, the shouting down of invited lecturers, the persecution of free-thinking faculty, the kangaroo courts for sex disputes, and a hundred other violations of intellect and decency?

All this coerced insanity has been nurtured by social media’s sly mechanisms for bending narrative into propaganda: their beloved algorithms, all fine-tuned to destroy anything that touches on truth. The result is a country so marinated in falsehood that it can’t construct a coherent consensus of reality, and can’t take coherent actions to avert its own collapse.

Mighty forces are marshalling to prevent Elon Musk from buying up Twitter stock and taking the company private. BlackRock, Vanguard, the prince regent of Saudi Arabia are all principal stockholders in Twitter, with gazillions in capital to theoretically match and overcome Mr. Musk’s moves. Meanwhile, the Tesla boss maintains a prankish self-confidence in this exploit, offering cryptically comic gibes to a news media that is openly vested in opposing him. You have to suppose that he’s gamed out the gamble. He’s looking like someone who has dealt out a hand of cards aiming to shoot-the-moon.

The prospect of an open public arena for ideas is exhilarating all of a sudden, considering how the information-stream got hijacked in service to the wicked. It’s fun to see their tortured casuistry as they plead for “content moderation” — the phrase du jour for censorship, as if it were a good thing rather than the opposite of anything good. This feels like the beginning of something positive after a long siege of political degeneracy. Let the sunshine in to disinfect the arena. Cast the Demons back into darkness.You go, Elon!

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fec07f  No.16085919

File: 4f1e5f3f79d1275⋯.png (91.76 KB, 246x255, 82:85, C083CCA2_9025_4CE9_8E53_F1….png)

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02a4c7  No.16085921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59fc89  No.16085922


It's called a clown show.

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3fff11  No.16085923

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02a4c7  No.16085925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5885eb  No.16085926

File: a1a4a2db5b8deb1⋯.png (632.93 KB, 966x514, 483:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0531267cd17a54⋯.png (33.83 KB, 494x306, 247:153, ClipboardImage.png)




today=44 and 47

and 404?


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2ebd0c  No.16085927

File: 6f5d0465ad64c09⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 6f5d0465ad64c09e7827d23788….jpg)

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2ebd0c  No.16085928


Notes passing 150


>>16085785 Hunter Biden company is financially linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the origin of COVID-19

>>16085892 North Korea marks 110th anniversary of Kim Il-sung’s birth

>>16085918 kunstler.com: You’ve Been Misinformed

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2a5481  No.16085929

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02a4c7  No.16085930

File: 7fd32fd06280fe9⋯.png (10.03 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085931

File: aef9faafabfd622⋯.png (9.47 KB, 182x277, 182:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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12329f  No.16085932

File: 45227bccaf76436⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1146x764, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085933

File: 80f2da11d678f4c⋯.png (9.58 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccf8cc  No.16085934


it just flew over my house

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02a4c7  No.16085935

File: dc2790fa3fa59e9⋯.png (14.27 KB, 204x247, 204:247, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085936

File: 9e8f392eef503af⋯.png (11.7 KB, 234x215, 234:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f6165  No.16085937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Technology for All?!


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02a4c7  No.16085938

File: 844ff2e72ee7151⋯.png (17.66 KB, 167x302, 167:302, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c70eb  No.16085939


Who's the really creepy dude who looks like he is stroking Melania's hair…

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fec07f  No.16085940

File: e3dd8f4c3d42df7⋯.jpeg (255.72 KB, 1080x1273, 1080:1273, 9F9570CB_FF72_4964_B921_9….jpeg)

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02a4c7  No.16085941

File: 0b207761cc2f674⋯.png (12.22 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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5cb18c  No.16085942

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02a4c7  No.16085943

File: 7555857a85b6073⋯.png (6.78 KB, 344x146, 172:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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fec07f  No.16085945

File: 2da7b7295342470⋯.jpeg (26.91 KB, 197x255, 197:255, 30AA5B21_CDAB_44BA_ABD4_2….jpeg)


dindu nuffin

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5909f7  No.16085946

File: d7605f403a065ce⋯.jpg (149.62 KB, 571x500, 571:500, 6crgzl.jpg)

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5909f7  No.16085948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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12329f  No.16085949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ted Neeley - Gethsemane (Farewell tour, New York, 2006)

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02a4c7  No.16085950

File: 505fb8713f4477c⋯.png (34.58 KB, 327x154, 327:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085951

File: 64192a2d973ae3c⋯.png (69.71 KB, 233x216, 233:216, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085952

File: b9ce3c88dfc156d⋯.png (7.36 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ebd0c  No.16085954


Thankee Klaus, but I don't have time to go fishin, will have to wait and dig up some fresh bait when I'm ready

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2c70eb  No.16085955


Maybe a Biden of some sort….

His name is: Peter Terry Simon Derrington Biden,


PTSD Biden for short

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02a4c7  No.16085957

File: 55f0ace4a9a02b7⋯.png (95.69 KB, 187x269, 187:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085958

File: 1fda8a04dcd10e5⋯.png (11.99 KB, 327x154, 327:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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5885eb  No.16085959

File: c3a3202844e7faf⋯.png (630.71 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ea2f50acc2703f⋯.png (642.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I'd be orced to assume dem cats wuz pickup-drivin, country-music-playin white dewds.

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808d3a  No.16085960

night 8 +++

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02a4c7  No.16085961

File: 282524728bdf4a9⋯.png (113.54 KB, 640x788, 160:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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5909f7  No.16085962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5cb18c  No.16085963


who are the guys with fishing rods …

watch the water

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6b17ce  No.16085964

File: bb4761164915bde⋯.png (22.48 KB, 246x31, 246:31, capture_1869_15042022_1929….png)

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 200x203, 200:203, fun_meter.jpg)

>7th one past 24<


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02a4c7  No.16085965

File: a982f72b843927f⋯.png (8.26 KB, 216x233, 216:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a4c7  No.16085966

File: 990aa871595a09c⋯.png (7.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b17ce  No.16085967

File: b37812e3e9bd32e⋯.jpg (388.6 KB, 1152x844, 288:211, capture_1797_15042022_1554….jpg)

File: f9e38ef72be58a5⋯.jpg (230.36 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, capture_1793_15042022_1546….jpg)

File: e32ed0f724a5673⋯.jpg (523.95 KB, 1000x829, 1000:829, capture_1799_15042022_1615….jpg)

File: 0059cd99b97664e⋯.jpg (251.85 KB, 1029x628, 1029:628, capture_1798_15042022_1613….jpg)

File: 0d40a92673b6b12⋯.jpg (120.58 KB, 409x879, 409:879, a1a37a7437d1c509b6757ab421….jpg)

[ˌrēz ˌipsə ˈläkwitər]

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524048  No.16085968


peace to all long hair fags

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5cb18c  No.16085969


the guy looks like Dalai Lama

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02a4c7  No.16085970

File: 27280f003b75384⋯.png (6.85 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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5909f7  No.16085971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a5c540  No.16085972


soooooooooooooooooooooogi poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooola!

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fec07f  No.16085973

File: eb9d0c67d5cdba0⋯.jpeg (59.14 KB, 544x604, 136:151, C23F4208_1378_414B_9471_7….jpeg)

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5cb18c  No.16085974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2c70eb  No.16085975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epoch times

Exclusive: Election Watchdog Exposes BALLOT HARVESTING Scheme in 6 States, Totaling 4.8M Votes

Do the maths:

If 6 states did almost 5 million votes….

If this equation was applied too every state there would be around 43 million votes illegally cast through drop boxes.

This is more than half of the total votes for Biden….. I do understand that they only really targeted "swing states"…. Or did they?

This is Yuge!

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5909f7  No.16085976


… bit rookie but welcome

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12329f  No.16085977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Live! China's Shenzhou 13 crew returns to Earth


Streamed live 7 hours ago

Action after 01:00:00

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02a4c7  No.16085978

File: 603986db616764b⋯.png (2.36 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c540  No.16085979


is this a quote from hunter's laptop?

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02a4c7  No.16085980

File: ced8d7c313029aa⋯.png (10.65 KB, 313x161, 313:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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fec07f  No.16085981

File: 9834a70ae810f7f⋯.jpeg (2.14 MB, 2127x1413, 709:471, 1CB7C8BB_B539_45E6_BDC7_E….jpeg)

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6b17ce  No.16085982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5c540  No.16085983


fuck your china!

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02a4c7  No.16085984

File: 84f8be366081a8a⋯.png (7.3 KB, 289x175, 289:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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fec07f  No.16085985


President Xi just flew over my house

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12329f  No.16085986

File: aea1a82d891036e⋯.png (208 KB, 1058x595, 1058:595, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c70eb  No.16085987


>Election Watchdog Exposes BALLOT HARVESTING Scheme in 6 States, Totaling 4.8M Votes

I'm also VERY interested in who funded the "ballot mules" through these NGO's…..

is the hammer coming for Soros and Fuckerberg?

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5909f7  No.16085988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5c540  No.16085989

File: 10a52b3639bcda3⋯.png (46.97 KB, 576x480, 6:5, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png)

seriously, who this is?

aliens or 'merica?

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550d1d  No.16085990

File: 58b919266df4a38⋯.png (989.32 KB, 1128x1013, 1128:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 318e06bde732ac7⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1057x794, 1057:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa97f88662c8feb⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

Shake hands with hypocrisy.


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fec07f  No.16085991

File: 209219acc41290f⋯.jpeg (31.72 KB, 474x319, 474:319, 5CE363A9_82E1_4AF5_9520_2….jpeg)


ching chong bing bong

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8f5c22  No.16085993

File: 5524819564be678⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1536x2016, 16:21, 7BCF6559_1A5B_4E68_B850_D….jpeg)

PHarry Douche of Sucks It, dumbest mother fucker to ever grow a beard.

Wrists 15 & 16. Keep you eyes on the bright lights Douche of Sucks It’s Happening!

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235052  No.16085994

File: bfef32855af6c1a⋯.png (17.93 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c540  No.16085996



Are you doing this to me, ETs?

You want paedos in charge?

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5cb18c  No.16085997


that's not a spitting image

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235052  No.16085998

File: 3a688120e66c0a7⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Quotefancy_6556280_3840x21….jpg)

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5cb18c  No.16085999




>seriously, who this is?


>aliens or 'merica?


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550d1d  No.16086000

File: ab537eb5b9241f5⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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235052  No.16086001


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fec07f  No.16086002

File: b4f01b9b6af965e⋯.jpeg (572.78 KB, 977x768, 977:768, C266244B_D22E_41BC_9904_8….jpeg)

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77b8ad  No.16086003


An image is worth more than a thousand words.

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bcb620  No.16086004


Yea they used to be hoppin…

Now that's just the shills and their ip's

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a5c540  No.16086005


And if it is not you, for sure it is your tech, why you give criminals such high tech?

You fucking fuck!

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6b17ce  No.16086006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5909f7  No.16086007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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235052  No.16086008

File: 24908de34c3a054⋯.png (6.94 KB, 200x202, 100:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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5cb18c  No.16086009


Q warned about sniffers when everybody else had already forgotten Biden

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235052  No.16086010


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a5c540  No.16086012


I thought about that.

And I think it is real.

They made a deal.

Admiral Byrd.

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5909f7  No.16086013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ebd0c  No.16086014


A pic of a ship in haze, but it's aliens?

Where and when was the pic taken?

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5909f7  No.16086015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2a5481  No.16086016

[WHO] did the money go to?


Did Rouhani keep 'unknown' comms as insurance?

What agency collects ALL FORMS OF DATA?

What agency did @Snowden work for orig?

Did he train on THE FARM?

When did @Snowden join No Such Agency?

Define 'Contractor'.

Define the 'PRISM' program.

What year did @Snowden release spec-details of PRISM?

Mid 2013?

IMPACT-LIMIT NSA's ability to utilize/collect?

FAKE NEWS push for Congressional restrictions?




When was the Joint Plan of Action (IRAN DEAL) executed?

Late 2013?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Nothing to See Here.



World Health Org?

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fec07f  No.16086017

File: c84dc582dbc8bd9⋯.jpeg (115.29 KB, 1024x836, 256:209, 6A320ADF_3082_4093_BC9D_6….jpeg)

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12329f  No.16086018

File: 138e99eaf75dea5⋯.png (231.03 KB, 398x674, 199:337, ClipboardImage.png)


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550d1d  No.16086019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A lot of kids want to talk to someone who allegedly knows something… I'm almost finished. kek

20 years ago.

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7a954e  No.16086020


i'm so old i remember a time when we only had moon

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5cb18c  No.16086022


what letter follows C?

Anons already know.

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5909f7  No.16086023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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550d1d  No.16086025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden Interviewed On 9/11/2001

But if, in fact, in order to respond to that reality. We have to alter our civil liberties. Change the way we function. Then we have truly lost the war.

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45a007  No.16086026

Any medfags available?

Questions, although there may not be enough data to form a reasonable hypothesis:

IF snake venom were to be aerosolized,

Could it be sprayed from aircraft and have a deleterious effect on a population?

Or would some natural processes negate it?

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a5c540  No.16086027


That's my pic, idiot, frame, from the clip.

Learn to identify.

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6b17ce  No.16086028

File: b3fe0dedfb88bc5⋯.jpg (592.94 KB, 1064x950, 28:25, _Shilltz_.jpg)

File: 979de4613e9acdd⋯.gif (689.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, anxiety_dot_org.gif)

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 15266ae677baa252574679e65f….gif)

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6b17ce  No.16086029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ebd0c  No.16086030


Old sailor knows a bit about ships, but your pic is too fuzzy to tell what type that is.

You are therefore invited to eat shit and live, oh slider of the "here come the ayyys"

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ada41e  No.16086031

File: d106e9c6c85746e⋯.png (23.52 KB, 249x255, 83:85, cat_calls_it_a_night.png)


pretty sure there are almost no organic anon posts so far in this loaf, charlie is under the wire…. gnight other anon that is here kek


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5cb18c  No.16086032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2ebd0c  No.16086033


Rest Well Fren!

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a5c540  No.16086034


1st, ayys are here before you.

'member thattheycreated you.

2nd pic it is fuzzy b/c of the speed.

3rdMy grandma and her sister eat it shit on the road to siberia, so no reason to love russia, but I'm a rational person, and Putin is the best ATM. And fuck your trump, go get the vaxx.

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6b17ce  No.16086035


>almost no


>7th one past 24

8th coming up soon…panic

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5cb18c  No.16086036


SerialBrain2's decodes claimed that Maestro's Wall protected not only against wetbacks but also against 5g, DEWs and Chemtrails … "the Wall is much more than you know"

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35bdea  No.16086037

Zona Crum-Tesfa is related to the Bush family and her father filmed war videos in the Middle East.

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35bdea  No.16086038


*Zoma Crum-Tesfa

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2ebd0c  No.16086039

File: 4a131222654100c⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 4a131222654100c8f8aa9d6581….jpg)


Keep gobbling that bread, only thin your side has left

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35bdea  No.16086040

Daniel P. Davidson is a pedophile who sex-trafficked underaged boys to Bryan Singer.

He currently works in HIV/AIDS at Yale.

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550d1d  No.16086041

File: bba0e72228c1923⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 750x750, 1:1, tootsmatchesorder.jpg)

File: 45bf97301273097⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 422x750, 211:375, tootsrules.jpg)

File: 898b54a0fcfdaa8⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 422x750, 211:375, TootsMatches.jpg)

File: 34b181cf99be21d⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 422x750, 211:375, TootsBasket.jpg)

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2ebd0c  No.16086042


>Could it be sprayed from aircraft and have a deleterious effect on a population?

It would take years to collect enough venom for one little crop duster plane

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2ebd0c  No.16086043

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a5c540  No.16086044


Do you have any proof that will say that you're not a shill?

But I'm a shill, b/c I'm thinking truth, that hurts you, or eating sheet, but not the way you like.

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5cb18c  No.16086045


>But IF, in fact, in order to respond to that reality we have to alter our civil liberties, change the way we function, THEN we have truly lost the war.

what part of that you don't understand, it's quite clear

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5885eb  No.16086046

File: 426481cafa28993⋯.png (211.83 KB, 695x637, 695:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05603d8344ee812⋯.png (275.04 KB, 656x376, 82:47, _3_Joe_Biden_Shares_a_Powe….png)

File: 6ce1e220aa99b1e⋯.png (215.39 KB, 663x387, 221:129, _3_Joe_Biden_Shares_a_Powe….png)


>someone who allegedly knows something

kek… there were a few interdasting turns of phrase.

worth listening to very closely.

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2ebd0c  No.16086047


What truth are you talking?

I see you trying an alien slide

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f58cf8  No.16086048

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77b8ad  No.16086049

Excellent weekend night, anons. Peace be within you.

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5cb18c  No.16086050


Think HUnter Biden's biolabs in Wuhan and Ukraine …

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35bdea  No.16086051


Me. I know him and he introduced me to Bryan Singer himself.

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2ebd0c  No.16086052

File: 2e70ff4b0a0e582⋯.jpg (184.56 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 2988500096_f9abbd1120_b.jpg)


Such Language!

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a5c540  No.16086053




I fucking live w/ walk in, you fucking fuck, stoopid sheep, what side you want me to be????????????????????????



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2ebd0c  No.16086054


Whatever dude

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35bdea  No.16086056


It's the truth. Instead of focusing on fake things that don't matter, you might as well believe me.

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5cb18c  No.16086057


are you saying you were a sex worker?

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2ebd0c  No.16086058


I guess you are attempting to provoke an emotional response from me. Fine, mild amusement as that playbook of yours is really old

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491b67  No.16086059

File: 48573104e4a8dc3⋯.jpg (137.03 KB, 500x666, 250:333, SmokesUpMese.jpg)


UK wake and bake fag on duty

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5885eb  No.16086060

File: 9569d7821f4fc24⋯.png (212.17 KB, 313x500, 313:500, ClipboardImage.png)


but I bees real too!

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a5c540  No.16086061


Trust me………..

I don't want anything from you.

Unless you're Elon, in this case I want you to give me 200k till nxt life.

In rest….nothing, Or maybe your yacht for a month, b/c after 5 years in here, dealing w/ stoopid I need a vacation.

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35bdea  No.16086062


No, but this former friend of mine tried to sex-traffick me to Bryan Singer.

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d9efd0  No.16086063

File: 8d4c6390842b61a⋯.png (150.81 KB, 812x770, 58:55, Century_link.PNG)

File: 2be9281ca6e6a65⋯.png (95.96 KB, 890x729, 890:729, Century_link_2.PNG)

Century Link having Problems.


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9fa9d7  No.16086064

File: f63c0624b525205⋯.png (615.29 KB, 715x818, 715:818, 0b18eab456bb5860733607d216….png)

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2a5481  No.16086065

If Musk got Twitter e would see all the servers

And all the CP

and all the people involved?

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491b67  No.16086066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good vibes for any pianofags out there, Happy 420 saturday frens.

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e3d60d  No.16086067

File: 0c2d6035e4838fa⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 500x310, 50:31, 0c2d6035e4838fa30008b3cfc7….jpg)


no problems here?

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550d1d  No.16086068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Biden interviewed on 9/11

"I would be dumbfounded"


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6b17ce  No.16086069

File: 82fb33d3f784953⋯.jpg (388.08 KB, 968x647, 968:647, capture_1275_21082021_2058….jpg)



Welcome aboard.

Hellava time-line, eh?

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35bdea  No.16086070

Zoma Crum-Tesfa scrubbed and deleted the truth about her connections to her father Hugh Bush Crum and how she's related to George Bush, however, she's part of the criminal cabal that went to war in the Middle East. She's also friends with Rachel Chandler.

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108c2f  No.16086071

File: 4e147562f6e6116⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1775x998, 1775:998, bidenukraine.png)

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2a5481  No.16086072

File: e67b14ba903bc47⋯.png (254.02 KB, 551x396, 551:396, ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the money

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b101a0  No.16086073

File: ebc1eb674013c7a⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, twitter_20220416_101133.mp4)

The Biden administration just admitted that the vaccine is killing black and brown Americans at a disproportionately higher rate.

This was in yesterday's equity rollout presentation around 45:49: https://t.co/DBk1NKuRkc https://t.co/0KRw2cGOpM

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a5c540  No.16086074


in this case, he will be 187s…..

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9fa9d7  No.16086075

File: 265cb66cf4f4a70⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 506x680, 253:340, LMTP1.jpg)

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35bdea  No.16086076

Dannielynn Birkhead is actually Howard K Stern's biological child.

Madeleine McCann is living under the name Maribel Rouse in California.

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35bdea  No.16086078


Your point?

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b101a0  No.16086079

File: 9c4ee5d37ba4361⋯.jpg (590.24 KB, 1080x1590, 36:53, Screenshot_20220416_101149….jpg)


The Biden administration just admitted that the vaccine is killing black and brown Americans at a disproportionately higher rate.

This was in yesterday's equity rollout presentation around 45:49:


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6b17ce  No.16086080

File: 505818d84003661⋯.jpg (318.45 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, capture_1489_14042022_2159….jpg)

File: f85dc7bd98a155f⋯.jpg (167.57 KB, 706x919, 706:919, capture_1491_14042022_2201….jpg)

File: 82508f60852ba9d⋯.jpg (174.78 KB, 741x941, 741:941, capture_1493_14042022_2201….jpg)

File: 137ac534e332ebb⋯.png (1.99 MB, 678x1024, 339:512, capture_1804_15042022_1744….png)

File: 17e12d644a298db⋯.png (1.96 MB, 666x1025, 666:1025, capture_1805_15042022_1745….png)


You’ve Been Misinformed

>April 15, 2022

Half the nation doesn’t believe anything it is told by those in authority and the other half revels in its reckless abuse of authority….

Isn’t it obvious by now that pervasive dishonesty is the foremost crisis of many crises in Western Civ generally and American life in particular? All our authorities have made themselves false, lying their way into the broad collapse of confidence that drives the nation toward some culminating horror show of strife and loss.

The go-to lever of concerted mind-fuckery has been the term-of-art misinformation, applied especially to things and propositions that are truthful — thereby confounding the public’s ability to discern truth in anything, or to discover how they are being misled in matters of life and death. We’ve allowed the worst in human nature to disgrace ourselves. Satan, Father of Lies, is Western Civ’s paragon of disgrace, and so American life appears more and more Satanic and disgraceful.

All this was epitomized in the operation of Twitter, the cheerful little bluebird of social messaging which evolved in a very few years into an instrument of coercion, punishment, deception, and lying, until it became clear that Twitter’s misinformation was misinformation itself. Half the nation doesn’t believe anything it is told by those in authority and the other half revels in its reckless abuse of authority.

And so, it’s refreshing to see one Elon Musk act to seize control of this Satanic vector of disgrace. Mr. Musk appears motivated to defeat the culture of lying by restoring open debate in the ubiquitous online public arena. It’s a heroic deed. But, you see, it’s not merely Twitter’s management or its biggest shareholders that Mr. Musk is messing with, but malign forces in the US government, which have surreptitiously taken control of Twitter and other social media to work its will on events. If you don’t know that Twitter, Facebook, and Google are proxies serving the US Intel Community, then you have not been paying attention.

Using Twitter to impose that culture of pervasive dishonesty in public chatter is what gave permission for all others to follow the script. Medicine has succeeded completely in disgracing and destroying itself by lying about everything connected to Covid-19, from its origins, to the insanely outlawed treatments for it, to the harmful actions of the vaccines, to the hidden data that might tell us the results of all that lying. Twitter set the tone for that with its censorship policies. Anyone who suggested that lockdowns, masking, remdesivir protocols, and vaccine mandates violated common decency was tossed out of the arena, often with added punishment of losing a career, a professional license, a livelihood, and having to endure the betrayal of colleagues cowed into silence.

Twitter also enabled the suicide of higher education, which has succumbed to a plague of Jacobin craziness that would embarrass the inmates of an old-time locked ward. The failure of authority on campus is cosmic. Can you name a single college president who has raised a voice against such manifest idiocy as men competing in women’s sports, the invention of ersatz fields of study, the re-segregation of dormitories and graduation ceremonies, the shouting down of invited lecturers, the persecution of free-thinking faculty, the kangaroo courts for sex disputes, and a hundred other violations of intellect and decency?

Mighty forces are marshalling to prevent Elon Musk from buying up Twitter stock and taking the company private. BlackRock, Vanguard, the prince regent of Saudi Arabia are all principal stockholders in Twitter, with gazillions in capital to theoretically match and overcome Mr. Musk’s moves. Meanwhile, the Tesla boss maintains a prankish self-confidence in this exploit, offering cryptically comic gibes to a news media that is openly vested in opposing him. You have to suppose that he’s gamed out the gamble. He’s looking like someone who has dealt out a hand of cards aiming to shoot-the-moon.

The prospect of an open public arena for ideas is exhilarating all of a sudden, considering how the information-stream got hijacked in service to the wicked. It’s fun to see their tortured casuistry as they plead for “content moderation” — the phrase du jour for censorship, as if it were a good thing rather than the opposite of anything good. This feels like the beginning of something positive after a long siege of political degeneracy. Let the sunshine in to disinfect the arena. Cast the Demons back into darkness. You go, Elon!

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491b67  No.16086081

File: fa932e38c1733cf⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 600x264, 25:11, oW42yI7.jpg)

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9fa9d7  No.16086082

File: 115800dd501d192⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 750x716, 375:358, LMTP2.jpg)

File: 680d93ac3774b13⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 750x788, 375:394, LMTP3.jpg)

File: 56943b5f2bf66b0⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 750x771, 250:257, LMTP4.jpg)

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491b67  No.16086083

File: 149ef634a452cc7⋯.gif (2 MB, 400x500, 4:5, cartoon_jiving_jew.gif)

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35bdea  No.16086084



Oh yeah, that's right. You have no point: you're just another worthless NPC.

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a5c540  No.16086086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elon, 200k and protection for life?!?!


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9fa9d7  No.16086088

File: d97d61ae8449a47⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 395x428, 395:428, Barbara_B.jpg)

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35bdea  No.16086090


Oh, is this supposed to be some weird joke at my expense yet again??

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2ebd0c  No.16086091


"Advancing Equity Through The Federal Government" right there in the top middle


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18c0ec  No.16086093


you truly suck at this.

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1b2a6b  No.16086094

File: 8f1bce89f4bf1fd⋯.jpg (195.47 KB, 593x1305, 593:1305, 689e92c4fbcb7e1a.jpg)

File: d8c480a1d14885c⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 890x283, 890:283, 838f9289_8283_40df_983d_4c….jpg)

File: f3f50ff35458268⋯.jpeg (35.79 KB, 400x400, 1:1, c1754e6ee7293ef8.jpeg)

Important info dropped tonight:

Special Counsel Durham files CIA notes from Michael Sussmann's February 2017 meeting with the CIA.

"In December 2016, the [Russian] Yota-phone was seen connecting to WIFI from the Executive Office of the President (the White House)."

This is confirmation that they spied on President-Elect Trump in December 2016.


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ff0ee2  No.16086095

File: dfc9a72269472be⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, This_is_how_Jews_really_th….mp4)


This is how Jews really think about Donbass, Russia and the Ukrainian conflict, you won't hear these voices on CNN or BCC, heck not even the Haretz would publish this 👇

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ff0ee2  No.16086096

File: 1dc9750a4c89e71⋯.png (923.28 KB, 526x930, 263:465, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff0ee2  No.16086097

File: 05628f2cf204954⋯.png (299.65 KB, 598x534, 299:267, ClipboardImage.png)


#Azov #36th

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550d1d  No.16086098

File: fbd4f85559a64a8⋯.png (242.57 KB, 603x400, 603:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2194e962dafa382⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1198x673, 1198:673, ClipboardImage.png)

I can only say what I believe, not what I know.


United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade


Hainan Island incident


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d72238  No.16086099

File: 5ee104887b0c3d5⋯.pdf (76.32 KB, global_takeover_pdf.pdf)

Global takeover by Dr Macola…Eric Schmitt

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2ebd0c  No.16086100



Notes passing 315


>>16085785 Hunter Biden company is financially linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the origin of COVID-19

>>16085892 North Korea marks 110th anniversary of Kim Il-sung’s birth

>>16085918 Kunstler.com: You’ve Been Misinformed

>>16085975 Election Watchdog Exposes BALLOT HARVESTING Scheme in 6 States, Totaling 4.8M Votes (vieo)

>>16085977 China's Shenzhou 13 crew returns to Earth (video)

>>16086063 Downdetector.com: Century Link having Problems

>>16086075, >>16086082 Lower Moreland Township High School, black hat spawning grounds? (2019)

>>16086094 Techno_Fog: Special Counsel Durham files CIA notes from Michael Sussmann's February 2017 meeting with the CIA

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0eca78  No.16086101

File: 0a941be4623936e⋯.jpeg (511.37 KB, 750x938, 375:469, CB3F331E_6541_457D_80CD_0….jpeg)


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5885eb  No.16086102

File: b44e742429894ca⋯.png (298.5 KB, 669x335, 669:335, ClipboardImage.png)


>"I would be dumbfounded"


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a8453a  No.16086103


I will not trust the polls no matter how satisfyingly low they make his appear to be at any given time.

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e3d60d  No.16086104

File: a040b30e8d17d6f⋯.png (889.1 KB, 552x751, 552:751, 4d93a1c367ef073f987ac0f4cc….png)


= = notable = =

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6b17ce  No.16086105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BTS - "Permission to Dance" performed at the United Nations General Assembly | SDGs | Official Video

>62,742,986 views | Sep 20, 2021 | 87,414 Comments

K-Pop sensations BTS perform their hit song Permission to Dance in a video produced at the United Nations. The video accompanies the bands remarks at the SDG Moment and is meant to draw their audiences attention to the importance of Keeping the Promise of the Sustainable Development Goals and to inspire action.

What is your promise? - https://un.cheerity.com/


The SDG Moment serves to place an annual spotlight on the Sustainable Development

Goals (SDGs) and will be held at the beginning of the United Nation’s General Assembly’s High-Level Week. It takes place as the world experiences a deeply uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which risks creating a two-tier recovery with significant implications for the advancement of the SDGs, especially in developing countries.

Convened by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Moment will provide world

leaders with a platform to showcase the bold plans, actions and solutions that are needed to end the COVID-19 pandemic and set the world on course towards achieving the SDGs. Held in advance of major meetings on food systems, climate, energy, jobs and social protection, the SDG Moment event is expected to build the momentum needed to deliver on the Decade of Action and Keep the Promise of the SDGs.

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2ebd0c  No.16086106


C'mon Man, need the beef

Pollster: Biden’s Approval Rating Could Potentially Drop Into The 20s Before The Midterms

By Mike LaChance Published April 16, 2022 at 12:17am

Joe Biden’s approval numbers have evaporated in the course of just a year.

Yet as low as he is in the polls now, he could still drop lower.

If inflation keeps rising and the situation at the border continues to worsen, so will Biden’s polls.

Byron York of the Washington Examiner spoke to some seasoned pollsters and they offered no good news for Biden.

TRENDING: Here's What Happened Yesterday When J6 Defendant Dustin Thompson Was Found Guilty in a DC Court

From the Washington Examiner:

I asked three sharp Republican pollsters and political consultants: David Winston, Curt Anderson, and Dave Carney. The takeaway from all three is that it appears the majority coalition that elected Biden has fallen apart. And that is terrible news for both the president and his party.

“While there are a lot of groups that have become more disapproving of Biden’s job performance, Independents are at a remarkable level of disapproval,” Winston said in an email exchange. “In The Economist/YouGov survey (April 9-12), Independents disapproved by a 30-60 margin; the Politico/Morning Consult survey (April 8-11) was a similar 30-62; and the Quinnipiac survey (April 7-011) was 26-56. So among a group Biden won by 13 points in 2020, after Clinton lost them by four in 2016, his disapproval is 30 points or more higher than his approval. This means the majority coalition that elected him is now not in place. Regaining it will be difficult, given his current poor job approval performances on the economy and other issues.”

Carney and Anderson had different thoughts on whether Biden has hit the bottom, or nearly so, or can plunge further. “There is no limit or floor to a president’s approval rating, but historically, Nixon’s 24 percent in January 1974 seems like the practical floor for a modern-day president,” Carney said in another email exchange. “Biden has the potential to sink into the high 20s before the midterm elections, considering inflation will be raging by then.

If Biden leads his party into the midterms with an approval rating in the 20s, there’s no telling how bad the outcome could be for Democrats.

In terms of modern political analysis, we would be in uncharted waters.

Cross posted from American Lookout.


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6505cb  No.16086107

File: 31fb638827696bc⋯.png (126 KB, 686x457, 686:457, taboo.png)

Dastin article by Steve Sailer here:


Seems to me he's mostly right.

The DS is NOT pushing to legitimize pedophilia.

The real play is transgenderism.

Normal people quite simply find sex with children abhorent.

Even IMMORAL people.

It's not something you even want.

But transgenderism (in the broad sense especially) is what really F*ck's up society.

Make men stop being men and women stop being women.

No love and no families… we're all just a bundle of desires and can be controlled by badly written AI.

Probably Q had to push the "pedo" angle because it works with the normies.

It gets em riled up and they are pretty much on the side of right.

Yes there are some actual "pedos" and sex trafficking is totally real (but that mostly isn't pre-pubsescent children).

All of that is still very very VERY wrong, and they must pay the price.

But in the end getting hysterical about muh pedos diverts attention from the real battle, which is transgenderism.

(Isn't it curious how every so often the government "catches" a low-level "pedo" downloading a file they had already identified?)

(Some rando pedo gets taken down and everyone cheers but nobody ever catches any pervs molesting kids…)

(How convenient…)

Also… trannyism can "catch" because actually living up to your role as a man or woman can be, like, HARD.


Like holy shit this FUCKING SUCKS BALLS hard.

And you want an easy escape that makes you feel good.

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6b17ce  No.16086108

File: fa46363aa9da792⋯.png (693.06 KB, 500x472, 125:118, DSTS.png)


>Old sailor knows a bit about ships

Good times, good times…

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ab940d  No.16086109

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: e75795c9ab3b30e⋯.png (9.25 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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1b2a6b  No.16086110

File: 5237429571cf636⋯.jpg (12.4 KB, 348x374, 174:187, 241504100_369967131417059_….jpg)


How long till it gets edited out…

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ff0ee2  No.16086111

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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0e4717  No.16086112


Nibiru’s butthole.

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d72238  No.16086113


Trump was elected in 2016; Obama was still in the Whitehouse in Dec 2016.

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2ebd0c  No.16086114

File: a7c661c2415675c⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 841x540, 841:540, tr533219a8.jpg)


There you are! My POSCOR is stuck and my trackball won't go sideways and I need another bucket of ball tabs dumped in the back

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0079e8  No.16086115

File: 07204e02a9f32c9⋯.png (279.84 KB, 1194x389, 1194:389, muellercabel.png)

>>16085057 pb

sheesh.. As long as the same clique of perps who killed JFK are still active and teaching false history how could issue around his murder fail to be Notable

One day, after the real story surfaces and displaces the lies for good, even then would it be irrelevant to teach others?


'Kennedy fired CIA Director and Rockefeller cousin Allen Dulles, CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell (whose brother was the mayor of Dallas) and CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Bissell. Richard Helms was Bissell’s successor at the Company’s dirty tricks bureau, as the Plans section was known. Helms was tight with James “Jesus” Angleton, who ran the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program for years, utilizing techniques Dulles obtained in Switzerland from the House of Saud Muslim Brotherhood."

Cabel brothers are uncles to Mueller's wife.

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2a5481  No.16086116

File: c367af4b81581b4⋯.png (669.18 KB, 1211x695, 1211:695, ClipboardImage.png)


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5909f7  No.16086117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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265771  No.16086118

File: d2d61cb62c30939⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 360x504, 5:7, it_s_a_conspiracy.jpg)

In the race for the dumbest slide of the day, we have Musk 'takeover' of twatter (who gives a fuck) with the 'poison pill' response …. makes for great headlines, don't it… interdasting how the fakest false flag in recent memory has already been memory holed… someone at the effbeeeye or clowns in america must have gotten a demotion because that shit was weak as fuck…. all the cameras in the most surveilled city in the world 'failed' (ala Epstein, Macafee, the French pedo dude etc etc) and the pics are laughable… might as well have found homeboy's passport in the subway … . if you don't think Ghiz n Jeff aren't making fresh adrenochrome martinis in Tel Aviv, South America or Dubai, you might not be paying attention…. clown world we are living in…..oh, let's go to Mars… kek….c'est la vie, que sera sera …

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2c70eb  No.16086119


I bet that Russian Intel are getting his meta data and about to destroy that location KEK

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1b2a6b  No.16086120


We need a liberty port right about now.

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2ebd0c  No.16086121


We straight up earned Benadorm

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a5c540  No.16086122


go back to reddit.

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a8453a  No.16086123



That's fairly believable. But he would also likely have been more involved in gov than "just being some antivirus guy"

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2a5481  No.16086124


Back doors?

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a8453a  No.16086125

I hope everyone here understands that if there is any effort to flip things around, we must be willing to fight to the death to support those doing the flipping.

If we cannot do that, we cannot morally expect anyone else to risk anything for us either.

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1b2a6b  No.16086126

File: da243a22d571ba2⋯.png (247.96 KB, 407x392, 407:392, da243a22d571ba2b2c1de6a5b3….png)


Spent many years standing watch in CIC as a 0318. (24 years in the USN)

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ff0ee2  No.16086127

File: 3ccc05834d4c77b⋯.png (141.25 KB, 598x737, 598:737, ClipboardImage.png)


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a8453a  No.16086128


>Back doors?

That is true. Probably also something like Snowden if not actually part of the government but working in private sector as a cover.

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2a5481  No.16086129

File: f3bc7f86b46e18c⋯.png (411.08 KB, 556x680, 139:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ebd0c  No.16086130


Track Sup knows what you mean

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ff0ee2  No.16086131


Yesterday was a flagship day in corporate media. It was the day they were forced to explicitly state what has long been clear: they not only favor censorship but desperately crave and depend on it.

Even if Musk doesn't buy Twitter, never forget what yesterday revealed.

In US culture, we're inculcated from childhood that censorship is bad. So of course nobody especially journalists wants to say: "I favor censorship."

That's why they need euphemisms like "content moderation": to pretend it's about bots, abuse, etc. rather than ideology.

Everyone knows they are lying. Nobody cares about Twitter censoring bots or spam. That's not what this is about.

The social media censorship people care about is 100% ideological: banning dissent on COVID, the Biden emails, culture war debates, etc. That's what's at stake.

Let's put it this way:

On Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, you are free to say the 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen and fraudulent. You can't say that about 2020.

Before the 2020 election, you weren't allowed to post reporting on the Biden emails.

It's all ideological.

Throughout the COVID pandemic, you weren't allowed to question the efficacy of cloth masks. You weren't allowed to interrogate the origins of the virus. You weren't allowed to debate vaccines or lockdowns. No dissent from Fauci/WHO was allowed.

The censorship is 100% political.

You're allowed to spread any lies, propaganda and disinformation you want if it advances the Ukrainian cause (i.e., the US/NATO cause), but will be instantly banned if you say anything that challenges that on the ground of "Russia disinformation." This is all explicit.

Censorship of conservatives gets most attention because it's so common, but censorship of anti-establishment leftists is also frequent: any dissident can be banned.

Pretending this is about bots or spam is fraudulent. This censorship is about control of political information.

Social media was heralded as an innovation that would liberate individuals from centralized control by the state and oligarchical power over their speech.

It has become the exact opposite: the most powerful tool of information control and speech constraints ever devised.

How dumb do you have to be to believe that journalists - who work at Bloomberg and the Bezos-owned WPost or Comcast or CNN - are worried about billionaires controlling media (🤣).

They're only petrified that the *wrong* billionaire, one who may not censor for them, might reign.

There are many reasons to be skeptical of Musk's motives and, even if pure, his ability to restore free speech to Twitter. Way too many powerful interests need this censorship. But the panic reveals so much.

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1b2a6b  No.16086132


"Candidate Trump"

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ff0ee2  No.16086133

Yandex CEO fled to Israel.

“I will not return: I cannot work in a country that is at war with its neighbors,” said Elena Bunina.

Israel, apparently, is not at war with its neighbors

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ff0ee2  No.16086134

File: 8b0441b2afc71f9⋯.png (449.05 KB, 845x475, 169:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Arkady Volozh: Founder of Yandex's legacy is at threat due to Ukraine war

Arkady Volozh has been hailed as a visionary leader in the tech industry and spent 20 years building Russia’s tech giant, Yandex. The Ukraine war threatens his achievement. Jane Lewis reports.

It took Arkady Volozh 20 years to build Yandex into Russia’s Google, Uber, Spotify and Amazon combined, says Wired – and just 20 days for “everything to crumble”. The country’s preeminent tech giant has been so stricken by the Ukraine war that there are doubts about its survival – at least in its current form.

Western sanctions have led to Yandex’s shares being frozen on US stock exchanges, which in turn has led shareholders to seek repayment on convertible note guarantees, reports Radio Free Europe. The company says it doesn’t have the $1.25bn to cover the sum. The now untradable stock is down nearly 80% since November, wiping off more than $20bn in market value. Big-name Western partners are deserting in droves.

A Russian miracle

Founded as a search engine in 1997, Yandex has spent years cultivating an image that it was far enough removed from the Kremlin to be considered a secure investment, says the Financial Times. It succeeded well enough to be viewed as “a Russian miracle” in Western tech circles.

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2a5481  No.16086135


Kyle Becker




Elon Musk has done a great service in the last 24 hours by introducing Americans to the twin corporate menaces of Vanguard and Black Rock.

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ff0ee2  No.16086136

File: f05a01372d92059⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1280x881, 1280:881, ClipboardImage.png)


Situation in Mariupol 15. April 2022

AFU attempted to break through with a group of about 200 people in armored vehicles from a boiler in the Primorsky district along Italianskaya street to connect with the Azov national battalion at the Azovstal plant. Attempt was thwarted.

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2e503d  No.16086137

File: a70eb09325aef60⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 976x550, 488:275, 2Ms_uOKb9ZZgt68j.mp4)

File: d547e820000257c⋯.png (977.9 KB, 965x1220, 193:244, 1649734141032.png)

Get your Ghost Gun now!

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7a954e  No.16086138


used to smoke pots in CV63 CIC inport 1980.

very secure space

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2ebd0c  No.16086139

File: 73f412f6f9b1a6b⋯.jpg (204.04 KB, 720x576, 5:4, 73f412f6f9b1a6bd36a12b7023….jpg)

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7a954e  No.16086140


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2a5481  No.16086141

File: c2e8ec1351caca8⋯.png (363.98 KB, 871x540, 871:540, ClipboardImage.png)


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a8453a  No.16086142



It's interesting that 9/11 also involved a big insurance payoff.

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2e503d  No.16086143

File: fd8ccd9466b95c3⋯.png (957.2 KB, 965x1220, 193:244, 1649733488062.png)


Oops this is the non fucked up version

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2a5481  No.16086144

File: 8e53fa8fbe8a233⋯.png (652.34 KB, 870x679, 870:679, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a5481  No.16086145

File: dabf385814d165c⋯.png (538.59 KB, 901x520, 901:520, ClipboardImage.png)

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d59ff5  No.16086146



Also Q alluded to involvement by outside spooks when he started posting about John Perry Barlow just a few weeks before his death. IMO then McAfee, Snowden, Musk, are all potential spooks.

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ff0ee2  No.16086147

File: ff12a7e5038f396⋯.png (82.99 KB, 862x457, 862:457, ClipboardImage.png)


That data Michael Sussmann passed to the CIA in 2017?

The CIA concluded it was not "technically plausible" and was "user created and not machine/tool generated"

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550d1d  No.16086148

File: b3ff2626d6f0a56⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1050, 64:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48c5f9c626bbe4a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1200x766, 600:383, ClipboardImage.png)

747s not seen much anymore as a passenger carrier. But the air cargo 747 is still very much around.

Silkway? Silk road? kek

Azerbaijan Cargo

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2ebd0c  No.16086149


I'd hear of a few airliners that were converted to freighters. Even saw a youtube one night about a 747 freighter that was sitting in a boneyard for a few years getting returned to service

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550d1d  No.16086150

File: 986fe4fbe8254ef⋯.png (5.41 MB, 2602x1608, 1301:804, 911worstcase.png)

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85376d  No.16086151

File: afc9a6d2b8d7d0c⋯.png (101.14 KB, 330x225, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)


Jack Maxey II

Bullshit Boogaloo

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2ebd0c  No.16086152


And just like that where my rig is sitting is well-organized and sparkly clean

Absolutely stealing that

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a5c540  No.16086153

Did any of you killed gates?

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2ebd0c  No.16086154


dindu nuffin

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c2f312  No.16086155

File: 6b91f137905ad31⋯.png (315.17 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 18EEB351_7673_47FC_AAC1_FC….png)

Elon offered to buy Twitter at 54.20. Not a fan of gematria but I guess there is something to it

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fec07f  No.16086156

File: 925a38014afd971⋯.jpeg (72.56 KB, 1077x610, 1077:610, B3B2949F_A35C_4584_A5EE_A….jpeg)


>back doors

did someone mention anal?

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a5c540  No.16086157


Old news, you need to go back.

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5885eb  No.16086158

File: d3c6044eaf81fd0⋯.png (509.37 KB, 570x489, 190:163, ClipboardImage.png)


>Probably Q had to push the "pedo" angle because it works with the normies.

confirms the RED OCTOBER strategy all the more to anon. It's no doubt something [they] eventually wanted to normalize, but can't imagine they would have made this gay-marriage → chopping off children's developing breasts, dicks and balls and adults having sex with them is a natural inclination "slippery slope" so fast and steep and sloppy. Turn into it and speed it up, no finesse, no subtlety, no slow-boiling frog who can't tell he's being boiled.

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a8453a  No.16086159

When you realize this is the end game, and that you have no future on the current course. When you really understand it, and they've tried really hard to prevent us from understanding that, you can start improving dramatically, but that improvement still involves a lot of time and thought and rest.

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c2f312  No.16086160


Figured but which bread should I go back too

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2a5481  No.16086161

File: a8b6688ee8b9ad2⋯.png (231.88 KB, 524x456, 131:114, ClipboardImage.png)


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a8453a  No.16086162


>When you realize this is the end game, … you can start improving dramatically

Partly this is because you can drop a lot of selfish games, because there's no gaurantees that life is going to be the same.

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a5c540  No.16086163



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2ebd0c  No.16086164

File: 0328c44bb835fd6⋯.jpeg (44.61 KB, 679x489, 679:489, 0328c44bb835fd6d6825fae2e….jpeg)


What is this "rest" of which you speak?

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c2f312  No.16086165


Not a fan of that sites propaganda thanks though

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a5c540  No.16086166


tell them that I sent you.

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2a5481  No.16086167



sorry anons

looks close

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ff0ee2  No.16086168


To compensate for the lack of soldiers, the Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary militias. In 2020, they constituted about 40 percent of the Ukrainian forces and numbered about 102,000 men, according to Reuters. They were armed, financed and trained by the United States, Great Britain, Canada and France. There were more than 19 nationalities.

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2ebd0c  No.16086169



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a5c540  No.16086170


use promo code: ilike2suck for a discount.

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a8453a  No.16086171


>What is this "rest" of which you speak?

Definitely sleep when you can use it, bro. Or taking a break to do other things.

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ff0ee2  No.16086172

File: 7719e5c93edb8ab⋯.png (141.74 KB, 500x206, 250:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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fec07f  No.16086173

File: 93cd6150ef10846⋯.jpeg (172.89 KB, 976x500, 244:125, E98F429A_2FB8_4F39_A7FB_B….jpeg)

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a5c540  No.16086174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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524048  No.16086175


has anybody ever seen a pic when Klaus Schwab was young?

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5896b1  No.16086176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Snordster

Always liked his voice and videos.

Is Musk Working For Trump?


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a00869  No.16086177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Love ALL of (You)


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ff0ee2  No.16086178


In the future, the appeal of Ukraine as a destination for foreign white supremacists will depend on the success of the National Corps and its militant street presence. Should the government of President Volodymyr Zelensky, which is inexperienced and struggling to deal with Ukraine’s multi-layered economic and social problems, falter, there may yet be an opening for the National Corps. The National Corps has been vocal in opposing ideas floated by Ukraine’s President for deescalating the tension in Donbas, seeing them as concessions to the Kremlin. The National Corps is well-organized, appears to be well-funded, and actively solicits international connections. Olena Semenyaka said in 2018: “If crises like Brexit and the refugee problem continue, in this case, partnerships with nationalist groups in Europe can be a kind of platform for our entry into the European Union.”

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a5c540  No.16086179

File: 5e865346685d3aa⋯.jpg (9.19 KB, 474x354, 79:59, santa_klaus.jpg)

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ff0ee2  No.16086180

File: 489d2a6148542de⋯.png (914.13 KB, 1200x867, 400:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e503d  No.16086181

File: e7657a5af8b9e3b⋯.jpg (76.22 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 1650100882465.jpg)

The left are so clean and pure

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5885eb  No.16086182

File: b67d4a1ea4bc796⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tucker_carlson_did_not_mis….mp4)

Intentionally speaking truth under the guise of a slip of the tongue.

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ff0ee2  No.16086183

File: d0d97ae41d104e2⋯.png (882.2 KB, 690x930, 23:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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524048  No.16086184




that's the only one I found too, if it's him

but I mean really young.. it seems it doesn't exist on the internet

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6b17ce  No.16086185

File: fab687aa20f7cf3⋯.jpg (186.69 KB, 964x448, 241:112, capture_495_20082021_09414….jpg)


>we must be willing to fight

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550d1d  No.16086186

File: aafd5941ba0b632⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1919x1013, 1919:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fc2e28f31a9892⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1919x1012, 1919:1012, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ab863a09a167a4⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1600x919, 1600:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b0fefc13d88993⋯.png (955.79 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8278c  No.16086187

File: 68fbdf67df86a28⋯.jpeg (319.6 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 472853CD_445F_4404_A53F_7….jpeg)

Top 10 checking in:

We are the news

Tomorrow never dies

I have the islands:

You shall not pass: remember what I did to you German cars?

Anytime Anywhere


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a5c540  No.16086188


imagine no toilet paper……

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a00869  No.16086189

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0079e8  No.16086190

File: bb537dc69049084⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 639x457, 639:457, bourdainepstein.jpg)

File: f319891dc6d2140⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 420x338, 210:169, epsteinandersoncooper.jpg)



anon thinks he's still alive.

he had a big grudge against killary.

could've escaped, like Epstein

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f58cf8  No.16086191

Bagels are in the break room.

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a8453a  No.16086192


>>we must be willing to fight


>anon thinks he's still alive.

>he had a big grudge against killary.

>could've escaped, like Epstein

Yeah, anyone claimed to be dead by the government might still be alive, either those who oppose it's interests (so they can be interrogated longer), or those who support it (so they can be protected to encourage others to support it)

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0079e8  No.16086193


wuts shcdm?

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a00869  No.16086194

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a5c540  No.16086195


'member that post on po//?

He's alive.

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a5c540  No.16086196



not 4 u, just random.

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6b17ce  No.16086197

File: a17d0b607ec1ab0⋯.jpg (417.06 KB, 694x1012, 347:506, capture_1957_16042022_0221….jpg)

File: e98526134f10084⋯.jpg (40.95 KB, 288x273, 96:91, Phoenix_Program.jpg)

File: 9cdc6109d023454⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, R_2_.jpg)

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, soonfall.gif)

We in here, soon.

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ff0ee2  No.16086198


>sex trafficking pre-pubsescent children

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0079e8  No.16086199


interesting he appear with charlie

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ff0ee2  No.16086200

File: b5220a507bfa3d5⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Libertarian_2020_President….mp4)

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524048  No.16086201


where is this one from?

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d59ff5  No.16086202

File: d8bba7e0a01e580⋯.jpg (52.16 KB, 985x503, 985:503, trump_musk.jpg)

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ff0ee2  No.16086203


>Bagels are in the break room.

That's the most appropriate bread for Easter.

I gotta hand it to you, you really nailed it.

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553beb  No.16086204

File: 8702a0800a94f2c⋯.jpeg (296.27 KB, 736x985, 736:985, 8B619D31_E3A8_43EB_B185_E….jpeg)

I have you

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a00869  No.16086205


I want to operate a millstone machine , and the blade , thank(You) please Q , and Q+

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d1f53b  No.16086206

File: db1e2f8ce331b4d⋯.jpg (7.26 KB, 194x259, 194:259, deepercaraenaquinn.jpg)

File: 25b8c6ae5c78b63⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 1614709674_4681_pornelk_or….jpg)

File: b257a522260337c⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 299x168, 299:168, letmerockyourworld4etErnit….jpg)

File: 940f5c1f15dd3d3⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 300x450, 2:3, 3812178.jpg)

Ex washout Marine "Blair Young" had indictments served today. Ineffect was a retroactive full dishonorable discharge for passing dirty with cocaine related to illicit Thailand activities, in Hawaii, conduct unbecoming an officer, attempted framing of me (self), along with recall notices saying eye can charge him with fed & UCMJ violations before and after termination of service, interfering with a federal investigation:coercion of civilians to alter/doctor/fabricate evidence, along with notice that the Marine Corp can even still recall him under oath if any solider needs a mouth to piss in or grave to remove.

Arrest & Execution orders to be filled on either my GO or any local Hawaiian that wants to Kill a framing abusive drunk attempted Hawaiian born woman beater or MPs or REICH members that want to rip him literally limb from limb like warm bread.

Tied to Rusty Shackleford stringer drops and /pol/ /8kun drops right before I went to jail in the summer.

Eye also personally killed his wife & kid he might not even know he had yet.

Probably just had who he thought was his "girlfriend" slap him in the face with a fistful of my cum.

After fucking my wife right in front of his bitch ass.

Rusty Shackleford

Q clearance Patriot

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ff0ee2  No.16086208


You ever seen a hippo rip one?

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2ebd0c  No.16086209



Notes passing 420


>>16085785 Hunter Biden company is financially linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the origin of COVID-19

>>16085892 North Korea marks 110th anniversary of Kim Il-sung’s birth

>>16085918 Kunstler.com: You’ve Been Misinformed

>>16085975 Election Watchdog Exposes BALLOT HARVESTING Scheme in 6 States, Totaling 4.8M Votes (vieo)

>>16085977 China's Shenzhou 13 crew returns to Earth (video)

>>16086063 Downdetector.com: Century Link having Problems

>>16086073, >>16086079 Biden administration just admitted that vaccine is killing black and brown Americans at a disproportionately higher rate (mp4)

>>16086075, >>16086082 Lower Moreland Township High School, black hat spawning grounds? (2019)

>>16086094, >>16086147 Techno_Fog: Special Counsel Durham files CIA notes from Michael Sussmann's February 2017 meeting with the CIA

>>16086101, >>16086106 TGP: Pollster: Biden’s Approval Rating Could Potentially Drop Into The 20s Before The Midterms

>>16086127 KimDotCom: Wikileaks now has the Hunter Biden laptop data

>>16086131 Threadreaderapp.com: corporate media forced to admit not only favors censorship but desperately craves and depends on it

>>16086134 Moneyweek.com: Arkady Volozh: Founder of Yandex's legacy is at threat due to Ukraine war

>>16086186 Planefag: E-3A Sentry and a RC-135W Rivet Joint over Romania

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095e58  No.16086210



Anons keep using that word.

I do not think it means what they think it means.

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c66707  No.16086211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yes keep using it.

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ff0ee2  No.16086212

File: a3fabf83967615b⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 204x255, 4:5, bluntpepe.jpg)


>Notes passing 420

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5cb18c  No.16086214


99% of the C_A are Patriots who serve with distinction

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2ebd0c  No.16086215

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 96f6f10140e44a55041a22fcd2….jpg)


Thought you'd like that

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5cb18c  No.16086216


using the enhance button I can read the QAnon membership ad on the laptop screen

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446ca4  No.16086217

Ex washout Marine "Blair Young" had indictments served today. Ineffect was a retroactive full dishonorable discharge for passing dirty with cocaine related to illicit Thailand activities, in Hawaii, conduct unbecoming an officer, attempted framing of me (self), along with recall notices saying eye can charge him with fed & UCMJ violations before and after termination of service, interfering with a federal investigation:coercion of civilians to alter/doctor/fabricate evidence, along with notice that the Marine Corp can even still recall him under oath if any solider needs a mouth to piss in or grave to remove.

Arrest & Execution orders to be filled on either my GO or any local Hawaiian that wants to Kill a framing abusive drunk attempted Hawaiian born woman beater or MPs or REICH members that want to rip him literally limb from limb like warm bread.

Tied to Rusty Shackleford stringer drops and /pol/ /8kun drops right before I went to jail in the summer.

Eye also personally killed his wife & kid he might not even know he had yet.

Probably just had who he thought was his "girlfriend" slap him in the face with a fistful of my cum.

After fucking my wife right in front of his bitch ass.

Rusty Shackleford

Q clearance Patriot

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5b774a  No.16086218


Saved the date…

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c66707  No.16086219

File: b545ccdb07ba25c⋯.jpeg (188.36 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 2F7B0BCB_813A_412B_B095_9….jpeg)

Top 10

Security is beefed up.

There is a division in the Family.

The hunted will become the hunters.

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0079e8  No.16086220

File: 687aa385a823c3f⋯.png (1.18 MB, 690x930, 23:31, schwabquestion97.png)


can't say that looks exactly like him…?

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5b774a  No.16086224


This is why the left can't meme…

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fc8aad  No.16086225

I see you Mr. Green

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5896b1  No.16086226

File: 536fb25f781183b⋯.png (435.98 KB, 626x876, 313:438, ClipboardImage.png)

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96deb0  No.16086227

File: 4af9b5c376743df⋯.png (537.88 KB, 548x406, 274:203, takethepot_.png)

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a5c540  No.16086228


If I'll need any porn, I'll call your mom.

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a00869  No.16086229


morning Boss , I can't sleep

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2ebd0c  No.16086230

File: 7c51cd696c948b5⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7c51cd696c948b5204d41be996….jpg)

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e1edda  No.16086231

Tropical Oasis

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4039bd  No.16086232

File: 7b056bfbfa997d4⋯.jpeg (44.17 KB, 535x535, 1:1, 9B17CA83_7E70_41FC_B3EC_A….jpeg)


Your life sounds painful. Find God, faggot.


Eat a dick up til u hiccup n STFU.

How do either of u even look at yourselves every morning? Y’alls souls are completely disgusting.

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85376d  No.16086233

File: 7a4042248308489⋯.png (518.9 KB, 742x576, 371:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c540  No.16086234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b774a  No.16086237


Faster Pussycat!

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b6ed6f  No.16086238

never call me that

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095e58  No.16086239

>>16086075, >>16086082

>Lower Moreland Township High School, black hat spawning grounds? (2019)

Lower Moreland?

Sounds like a day for hoagies, cheesesteaks, and digging.

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a8453a  No.16086240


>How do either of u even look at yourselves every morning? Y’alls souls are completely disgusting.

But you suppot child castration? ("Trans kids")

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a5c540  No.16086241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ff0ee2  No.16086242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a dark, dark time.

So where do you turn?


Faith sees best in the dark.

I believe that to be true.

- Joe Biden

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f58cf8  No.16086243

You guys do know Twitter names the image files on Twitter, right?

Do it Q.

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99b323  No.16086244

File: 48b8f2d6f9faef5⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1614x1824, 269:304, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

File: 1228d110e2abb95⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2538x1484, 1269:742, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

Morning anons…

Anyone following KimDotCom? I got PURGED from twat long ago, but apparently Kim is dropping some bombs being pointed out by TracyB.

Kim is an OLD anon (maybe like some of the rest of us…). Kim was a part of GNU. Kim was a part of mega which did do some porn dirty. Anons built the internet, anons also built the porn industry…

Kim KNOWS SHIT as he was part of wiki as well. We know the laptop is coming. BUT Kim using for REVENGE will get top kek interesting,

Moar posts than this…just shining a light…

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96aa15  No.16086245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f58cf8  No.16086246


Mostly kidding.

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79eb9d  No.16086247

Anons E posted this telegram, I’ve linked the whole NATO report 2020 in pdf for digging, below



6.1 MB

If you are ever going to read a fiscal annual report, I would start here, with the most recently available breakdown of the nternational intelligence conglomerate NATO SCCE, to see how your tax dollars end up funding expansionist efforts and brainwashing programs the world over.

If you are tocombat the beast, it is best to know its spending habits.

11.1K viewsedited

Apr 9 at 23:52

The link is too big to attach here, 146 pages, use this link


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99b323  No.16086248

File: 09beec060301c90⋯.png (40.12 KB, 596x138, 298:69, Screen_Shot_2022_04_16_at_….png)

What do anons think of this source?

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4039bd  No.16086249

File: 79b5f75aa124b32⋯.jpeg (60.01 KB, 944x1364, 236:341, 997169E9_F1A2_4C72_A075_F….jpeg)

File: 6b3815da769a296⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 95FC91BD_0A2F_4DBA_A05F_B….jpeg)

Told them hunter laptop was about to break before it blew up. I’m training them, kmao. They’re Biden voters. They’ll see I AM the news now.

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2ebd0c  No.16086250



>>16086127 KimDotCom: Wikileaks now has the Hunter Biden laptop data

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f58cf8  No.16086251


If you knew the real story, you'd understand why hunter isn't worried about it.

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2ebd0c  No.16086253


I can't recall seeing anything from them

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ea9620  No.16086254

File: c6d6a6748bb52cd⋯.png (85.94 KB, 551x413, 551:413, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons know where this is going.

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5896b1  No.16086255

File: 4306e6bc1df2643⋯.png (183.89 KB, 1078x674, 539:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Russia's 'broken arrow': Fears that NUCLEAR MISSILES sank with Putin's flagship Moskva amid claims that 452 of the 510 crew have drowned and top admiral has been arrested after cruiser was 'hit by Ukrainian missile'

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ff0ee2  No.16086256

File: 7af3b0b8d57b916⋯.png (616.09 KB, 505x930, 101:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94ff354cc88076f⋯.png (635.33 KB, 434x930, 7:15, ClipboardImage.png)


As a result of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, Russia found documents that shed light on the bio-military program implemented by the US Defence Department in Ukraine – strongly supported by German political leadership.

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99b323  No.16086257


ty anon…missed it up there…

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a5c540  No.16086258


No, he hasn't.

The same reason that I don't save that kind of shee' on my devices.

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ff0ee2  No.16086259

File: 574cadacc61aaba⋯.png (217.95 KB, 441x740, 441:740, ClipboardImage.png)