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File: 4e4f59912578e62⋯.png (128.17 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 4e4f59912578e62d79bc3440a1….png)

2f97d2  No.15788343[View All]

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3036ce  No.15789100

>>15788349 Dough

>>15788462 Ghost

(baker change)

>>15788837 Bake Claim


Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>15788414 Sister of CNN Producer claims racism in Ukraine (mp4)

>>15788417 Peoples' Convoy 75 Miles from Captial

>>15788427 The Red Cross Cash video is making the rounds, re-labeled as Chechen

>>15788440 People's Convoy denies "false flag" allegations, Ann Vandersteel (video)

>>15788474 Fox Reporter Corners Jen Psaki on U.S. Buying Russian Oil: ‘Aren’t We Financing the War?’

>>15788483, >>15788487 UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell calls out the Federal Reserve for devaluing the dollar

>>15788536 The CDC Director admits that the vaccine is not as effective as they claimed and that they "had too little caution and too much optimism"

>>15788567 Just in case you needed a reminder of the fragility of a cashless society

>>15788588 BBC: Ukraine: Why has Russia's 64km convoy near Kyiv stopped moving?

>>15788609, >>15788617, >>15788619 Series of .pdfs from US Embassy disclose existence and details of biolabs

>>15788753 Former LA Police Officer Mike Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficking- initiating crack epidemic (video)

>>15788778 Dan Scavino tweet: Approve the Keystone Pipeline NOW!

>>15788786 People's Convoy Hagerstown, Maryland (video)

>>15788882 Only a small portion of Russian military strength is deployed

>>15788992 Zelensky virtually addressed large crowd in Wenceslas Square as Russian invasion continues.

>>15789030 Q and A- Putin meets flight crew members of Russian airlines

bring forward missed



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b27003  No.15789101

File: 0934dc988ca1c1b⋯.png (690.61 KB, 659x497, 659:497, Screenshot_2022_03_05_at_1….png)

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1cc2e2  No.15789102


the @q acct. will always gain interest, especially since the acct. was made before Trump's, Nunes.

Until Q posts here, 'no outside comms from this platform'

we will just never know.

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76f642  No.15789103


They're busy drumming up a war anon.

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31b689  No.15789104


LOL. But they're begging the NATO allies for help with full awareness of what that means.

They should look outside of NATO, I guess.

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70d654  No.15789105

File: d91c328f072c317⋯.png (569.48 KB, 694x785, 694:785, Shot_down4.png)

The servicemen of the 58th Brigade found the pilot and the SU-25 itself, which was recently shot down by the Vyhovts air defense forces.

Unfortunately, he was lucky a little less than the helmsman of the plane that shot down 1 OTBr.

Or maybe more.

After the bombing of residential areas of the city, it seems to us that this is a well-deserved reward.


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b8ed4a  No.15789106


>would guess a productive dig ;-)


>can someone look into this please?

Go at it, faggot




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8cb303  No.15789107


The Sum of All Fears

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dde670  No.15789108

File: 40acd1319074687⋯.png (26.02 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


the Welsh

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16db4a  No.15789109

File: af2026a913f76ef⋯.gif (512.11 KB, 400x217, 400:217, shillstink.gif)

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49a31b  No.15789110

File: 97fdc800a797971⋯.mp4 (315.01 KB, 360x640, 9:16, Dan_Scavino_WW_Sail_TS_KEK….mp4)

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b27003  No.15789112

File: b257d6bef26a68f⋯.png (437.11 KB, 397x497, 397:497, Screenshot_2022_03_05_at_1….png)


Russian flight suit.

Probably supplied to other nations too.

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36c051  No.15789113


Montezuma's Revenge is a biatch!

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70d654  No.15789115


you are too stupid to play this game

go back to your video games son

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b8ed4a  No.15789117


>bring forward missed


>My guess is Q won't show up until after this next election/inauguration or 2024.

I got this sinking feeling, the whole Covid chaos, the Ukraine war, and now the economic collapse were all orchestrated by the deep state to ultimately install Trump as the 'savior' of the world

As the new ruler of the world.

Of the 'New World Order'


>We were given so much information of the years, do we really need more.

I read a post some time ago making a lot of sense. A new ruler will rise, and the masses will flock to him, but he will be the devil in disguise.

Satans' new puppet??


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2e4d3e  No.15789119

File: 971437e93f0a887⋯.png (749.99 KB, 1109x761, 1109:761, ClipboardImage.png)


very good, but do not be dismayed.

all will be well. This actually follows the Protocols also. I am not a jew poster, but a long time chronicler of history

DJT was introduced as Lucifer

I guess they always have to tell

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02da03  No.15789122


wft is wrong with you fag trying to gas light i hope a nigger rapes your family. Not obsessed either. But i do hope you die in fire. Just simply stating what could be done to solve all this but ya know you do you but in all honesty i just hope you put a bullet through your skull in shame.

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f140d7  No.15789123

File: ddf822aa75bb073⋯.png (295.14 KB, 480x480, 1:1, whoaa.png)

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3a5484  No.15789124


She said to skin him alive, only a faggot wears orange to war. Kek

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426046  No.15789125


Do you know what NATO is? North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

It was created to protect Europe from Russia.

Russia has NEVER been a member, retard!

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5e2d9d  No.15789126

File: 7c0a5d0698f2547⋯.png (80.54 KB, 632x432, 79:54, back_b.png)


March 5, 2022

The Clinton Foundation gets back into business

By Monica Showalter

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5d2a6b  No.15789127


Can confirm

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49a31b  No.15789128

File: 30feef96210c027⋯.gif (692.82 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Nazis_for_Biden.gif)

File: fbee1c5914d957f⋯.gif (965.93 KB, 500x214, 250:107, They_Live_Deep_State_Fucke….gif)


0 x Anything = Zero

Only Winning Move Is Not To Play….

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3036ce  No.15789129






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65c4c0  No.15789130

File: 855c51d7179cf82⋯.jpg (55.82 KB, 496x611, 496:611, 91624922_621217848611094_4….jpg)


The news media all knows I have everything. I downloaded the declassified documents and all the files from q-research. I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms and the names in the flight log. The media knows many are getting arrested for crimes on Epstein Island. You are watching the biggest coverup in US history.. They don't want to acknowledge I exposed everything. I was told to trust the plan and justice was coming. There are no coincidences. Q=Alice in wonderland

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4dd053  No.15789131

File: 2b6fdc8f48d88ba⋯.jpeg (35.47 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 557AD2EC_6145_469C_9DB3_D….jpeg)

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dde670  No.15789132

File: e1c947730e20fa8⋯.png (401.31 KB, 602x629, 602:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9496a24950702ac⋯.png (2.23 KB, 290x174, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


and the explanation forthwith

06 06



30 or so

Later Anon

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3036ce  No.15789133


There is a certain format we follow to notable things anon.

Respectfully, this isn't it.

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9ce1de  No.15789134


>i went to a church that said abortions might be okay b/c there are so many foster children and not enough people to care for them

that's so sad

We each have to find our own personal relationship with God and not rely on churches.

Churches are just a tool that can be used for good or for bad. Calls for common sense, reasoning & logic. I believe in prayer and asking for God to lead us in the right direction.

I've been to many different Churches, but now I don't go any more. Maybe someday I will find a church that I want to go to again. Seems most are run by 5 "mafia" families who insist and buy their own way of doing things.

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17c739  No.15789135

Seems like Gab is down.

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e6cf7b  No.15789136


The "Truth" about DJT is hidden behind a mile-high pile of NDAs which would be financially devastating for any "truthtellers" to violate. Trump has to keep the corrupt gov't and Judiciary functioning to be able to enforce those NDAs.

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8cb303  No.15789137

File: 6556ba7b4b2782a⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 496x611, 496:611, 6556ba7b4b2782a2e5b39625a2….jpg)


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b27003  No.15789138


Dank you.

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02da03  No.15789139


and that is fine but until we know for sure it is a curiosity, which is fine as well. But until there are orders to move this is the line. If the line changes and there are blunt and direct methods of contact NO.

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300c5a  No.15789141


Look out

It's the NO everything shill

Type: low 3

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dde670  No.15789142


06 06



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36c051  No.15789143

File: a53a8534314d92c⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, a53a8534314d92c7f0b0be973b….mp4)

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3036ce  No.15789144


maybe give it some candy or tell it a joke?

That usually lifts me up

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4dd053  No.15789145

File: 267f762a53bf32c⋯.jpeg (44.68 KB, 1200x341, 1200:341, 2C2AB3C3_CEAF_4307_ADB5_4….jpeg)

File: e41b7e5e4d1fc5c⋯.jpeg (290.16 KB, 1789x794, 1789:794, DC3B3594_111B_4F21_A198_1….jpeg)

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9ce8d3  No.15789147


and the voice of reason shall rise to the top. thank you. it seemed so simple. but for too many its just not. shrugs

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5e2d9d  No.15789148

File: 2f36694a1eb91ef⋯.png (57.11 KB, 867x263, 867:263, meta.png)


Demons at Meta-Facebook Whine About Russia Restricting Their Reach After They Eliminated 90% of Conservative Content on Their Platform Since 2017 and Banned the US President

By Jim Hoft

Published March 5, 2022 at 7:30am

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b83d00  No.15789149


doubt it

you have 29 posts spamming Ukraine propaganda

I live in the West. fight your own war

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2a4e3f  No.15789150

File: c312b99593c9ffa⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 600x335, 120:67, c312b99593c9ffaada46d48f8f….jpg)

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316ab7  No.15789151

File: 7ca3405a5a16bdc⋯.jpeg (173.96 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, trumpputin.jpeg)


possible keep an open mind

however, for Trump to be an imitation / simulation of something, that something has to exist.

Also, what good is Trump to their plans; would've been so much easier without

ALSO, why fight him so desperately, pay loads of $$$$$ to hire shills and Finkle AI if everybody's on the same team.

Why give the world the Qdrops and this board?

Their plan would've been easier without that.

Trust, but verify.

also, why would shills be on here 24 / 7 for years on end trying to convince us that what we do is wrong.


They wouldn't

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36c051  No.15789153

File: c741596eaee15ba⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 320x320, 1:1, c741596eaee15ba4199253ff09….mp4)

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b8ed4a  No.15789154


>DJT was introduced as Lucifer

>I guess they always have to tell


>all will be well.

I want to believe, but it's quite a challenge


>This actually follows the Protocols also

Please elaborate

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f90eb5  No.15789156


now you are just spewing bullshit

filtered faggot

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4dd053  No.15789157

File: 9c79c691b18debc⋯.jpeg (886.01 KB, 1996x543, 1996:543, 158D52E3_40D3_4713_B3A5_D….jpeg)

File: 141642073bf3a72⋯.jpeg (175.2 KB, 480x533, 480:533, 5B114602_DD79_4FC9_AC50_D….jpeg)

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3036ce  No.15789158

File: 66b748f15003ddd⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 751x500, 751:500, fresh_bread.jpg)









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097b08  No.15789159


Looks like they are not too worried about Durham… not good.

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