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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

2a2045  No.15786659[View All]

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4f91d7  No.15787521

File: 5692371392a56ca⋯.jpg (148.16 KB, 300x442, 150:221, Seize_the_Time.jpg)

File: 21e6f0a2e6dd991⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 326x482, 163:241, Solidarity.jpg)

…Smells like weed, in here.

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1613c5  No.15787522

File: 5a8b1b0b36c56cc⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 20220305_010016.gif)

>didn't realize

those whom taught you were

more ignorant

(and less truthful with themselves)

that you.

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7573d8  No.15787523


Noting and baking General, I'm usually doing Internationals, General goes much much faster

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3a31af  No.15787524


Ughhh…third time is a charm.

>Got on TS a few days ago. Good place to feed normies some truth (and thankful to Team Trump for it), but anon still likes the feelz of this place. Twat / TS = popularity contest.

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c20a86  No.15787525


Indeed. Was just thinking Putin is doing what Q's been leading to - cleansing the swamp. Need the US version asap

Need some global warming tho, cold up in those parts.

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2a2045  No.15787526

File: 50363852f61e077⋯.jpg (214.74 KB, 928x956, 232:239, 4f5b5bd80140be0044d44bbe6f….jpg)


Handoff confirmed


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d08092  No.15787527


Ukraine vill be republic of the Russian Federation like always, comrade.

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50119c  No.15787528

File: 70b996b609d8595⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3e20zm.jpg)

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fc0845  No.15787529


yep, sure does

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d08092  No.15787530


He'll wait until it's a proactive move.

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288a08  No.15787531


Yep, it was always divide and conquer between the networks. I fell for it for years. Then, the way Fox handled the election did it for me. I figured it out them. Only one I didn't get yet was Hannity. Maria and Laura broke my heart when I figured them out.

Freemasons and fake j's use the same tactics by the way, as I'm sure you know.

Talking with same guy BTW with Hannity memes, I just turned on virtual shield.


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8b6abe  No.15787532


child porn

Constitutional rights

Biden got 81 million votes

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dd54eb  No.15787533

File: 8652e2ff43fb986⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 8652e2ff43fb986a8203205742….jpg)


>Got on TS a few days ago, but anon still likes the feelz of this place.

Anons will always be anons.

Normies will always need famefag influencers.

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337a3f  No.15787535

File: 4eb91da67eb1a19⋯.png (563.79 KB, 771x683, 771:683, powell_consciously_deceive….png)


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03aabb  No.15787536

File: 17165d99736330e⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 67hghk.jpg)

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7573d8  No.15787537



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c0956a  No.15787538

File: 3824dfde60d43cb⋯.png (333.1 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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288a08  No.15787540

File: 809506f678fb2ca⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, alltalk.jpg)

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2f0ffa  No.15787541


:) He is lovely, but he will take him away, does , has

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7573d8  No.15787542




>>15786737 US Embassy in Ukraine, Biological Threat Reduction Program

>>15786746, >>15787434 Elon Musk refuses demands to block Russina news sources on Starlink

>>15786766 Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’

>>15786775 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) tweet recruiting for Psyops

>>15786808 US using mercenaries to stoke war in Ukraine

>>15786876 As far back as 2018, Russia was mysteriously dumping U.S. dollar assets

>>15786982 Reuters tweet: N.Korea conducts ninth missile test of the year ahead of S.Korea election

>>15786984 Former Vice President Mike Pence urged fellow Republicans to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine

>>15787050 Sputnik: Patricia Arquette gets schooled for demanding Russia's removal from NATO

>>15787111 Spike in undocumented immigrants falling from border wall takes toll on border communities (ktsm.com)

>>15787158 Posobiec tweet: Bill Clinton announced Clinton Global Initiative is coming back, confirms Hillary is running

>>15787168 Michael Madigan, a close friend and personal confidante of Barack Obama, has been indicted on 22 charges

>>15787201 FDA Approves Kaléo’s 10 mg Naloxone Auto-Injector for the Treatment of Known or Potential Exposure to Ultra-Potent Weaponized Opioids

>>15787218, >>15787297, >>15787500 Russia declares ceasefire in Ukraine so civilians can evacuate Mariupol and Volnovkha

>>15787320 Sputnik: Russian Forces Destroy Ammo Depot in Zhitomir Hosting Javelins & NLAWs in High-Precision Strike

>>15787326 Hundreds of child rapists have been arrested around the world in one of the biggest international pedophile ring raids in history

>>15787496 RT: NATO will pay for its weakness, Kiev says

>>15787501 RT: Netflix battles ‘child porn’ charges

>>15787535 The Intercept: lie after lie, what colin powell knew about Iraq fifteen years ago and what he told the UN

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d08092  No.15787543


Why? Did Putin certify a fraudulent US election?

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8b6abe  No.15787544


>about the “hypersexualization of young girls”

It's not "about," itIS.

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8cc5c4  No.15787545


Everyone I got off CNN is confused now when I tell them FOX is now BS too. "Putin is draining Ukraine," I say.. Don't believe anything you hear on FOX about it.

Heavy sigh.. monotonous!

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d08092  No.15787546


$DWAC Interesting angle on Russia-Ukraine in recent years. Wikipedia

Under Patriarch Kirill, the ROC continued to maintain close ties with the Kremlin enjoying the patronage of president Vladimir Putin, who has sought to mobilize Russian Orthodoxy both inside and outside Russia. Patriarch Kirill endorsed Putin's election in 2012, referring in February to Putin's tenure in the 2000s as "God's miracle." Putin's relationship with Patriarch Kirill has been deteriorating since 2014 due to the fact that the presidential administration had been misled by the Moscow Patriarchate as to the extent of support for pro-Russian uprising in eastern Ukraine.

In 2018, the Moscow Patriarchate's traditional rivalry with the Patriarchate of Constantinople—and Moscow's anger over the Constantinople patriarch's moves to grant independence to the Ukrainian church—led to the ROC's non-attendance of the Holy Great Council that had been prepared by all the Orthodox Churches for decades.

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85be53  No.15787548

That Nancy Pelosi rubbing hand wetworks comm wasn’t about taking out Putin.

The Bidan ‘go get him’ and the Lindsay Graham ‘assassinate him’ wasn’t about taking out Putin

They are wanting to take our Zelinsky

He refused their ride

He’s hiding in bunkers from Them

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881172  No.15787549




>no FB

>no McDonald's

>no Globalism

>Russia is the place to be now



>Indeed. Was just thinking Putin is doing what Q's been leading to - cleansing the swamp. Need the US version asap

No biolabs

Lts pray th deep state's plan to unleash the next round of plandemic has also been subverted by Putin (it straight)

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927819  No.15787551

File: 5c3717061f4c0e7⋯.png (872.15 KB, 889x500, 889:500, ITSMEDICINAL.png)

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8b6abe  No.15787553


There will come a day when the money runs dry and the other half of shills will be arrested.

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2f0ffa  No.15787554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


is it wrong to admit some of that sounds interdastin ' ?

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8cc5c4  No.15787555



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dd54eb  No.15787558

File: 39b48898f4d3453⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 480x618, 80:103, IMG_5359.jpg)


>Everyone I got off CNN is confused now when I tell them FOX is now BS too.

They're addicted to being told what to think.

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dc3291  No.15787559


Red Wave

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86038f  No.15787560


forgot most important - and Putin's going against child molesters, too

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7573d8  No.15787561

Fresh Bread


>>15787556 (dough)

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8b6abe  No.15787562


Newsmax and OANN, till they get comped

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e4354a  No.15787563

File: 35ba1f1ceda6540⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 35ba1f1ceda654055aa71aaff7….gif)

Love Wins

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8cc5c4  No.15787564


KEK @image


Remove shirt before ironing

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2a2045  No.15787569

File: 2454896513c236a⋯.png (583.85 KB, 640x586, 320:293, 71281ebdce3e07a57ce10600e1….png)


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8b6abe  No.15787570


Sounds about right

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2a2045  No.15787571

File: 17a81b09987d5b4⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 376x293, 376:293, 17a81b09987d5b4edf0d4e0e50….jpg)


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d30a7d  No.15787572


One of his best pieces. So, fuckin’ good! Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for the gif, fren!

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2a2045  No.15787573

File: f09ae684a32f83f⋯.gif (208.77 KB, 660x780, 11:13, 258940011_428250458992498_….gif)


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7573d8  No.15787574

alright you Narrative Destroyers

Fill this bread up please

Commence shitposting

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4f91d7  No.15787575

File: 5fffc81bb6c2d50⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 474x234, 79:39, lbnsclp.jpg)

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2f0ffa  No.15787576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3851aa  No.15787577


KS has the $$$$ to pay for a no fly zone. If his wef / nwo is all that surely that douche can provide the nfs.

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2a2045  No.15787578

File: eb19784ae081968⋯.png (12.77 KB, 255x245, 51:49, c4dafeb7a0d98648f9ac242b17….png)


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e4354a  No.15787580

File: cfbbe87a376a123⋯.jpg (597.71 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, 20200629_183243.jpg)

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2a2045  No.15787581

File: 568621a6bd429a4⋯.jpg (106.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, AMERICA.jpg)


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1613c5  No.15787582

life is in the edits.


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